#website wasnt changed just because of them
thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year
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@staff da actual fuck is this shit?! Whose bright idea was it to make tumblr into twitter with this layout?! Because holy shit, you should have not listened to them!
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jesterwaves · 1 year
the other day i was thinking about a mlp pc game i grew up with and i'd tried to find it but my memories were just too vague
and today a streamer i watch sometimes mentioned old pc games and mlp and you'll never guess what game they were playing
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sillyjpeg · 1 month
this contains MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE WEBSITE CHANGE. if you want to find shit urself, dont read this!!!
also this is part one of probably many bc i cant fit everything in here. curse you image limit
i wont be going over alot of the not as important stuff, but still go explore the website for it because i got alot of good laughs!
RIGHT OFF THE BAT. In the top right corner of the screen when the lightning flashes, there are words revealed carved in the wall. it reads: VALLIS CINERIS. when this is typed into the computer it gives this video:
haunting. really giving me analog horror vibes. wasnt sure what else to do with this though.
I also noticed that on the candle in the right side of the desk, there is a code
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this is decoded used the rune code, and translates into CURSED. when put into the computer, this is what is given back:
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One of the first things me and my friends did was go through the main characters names. the most interesting one of these for me is definitely Stanley, but i want to go over Pacifica first because Stanleys is LONG.
When you type in Pacifica you get this:
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I love her signature btw. BUT if you type in Platinum Paz, you get somethin very, very interesting.
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This may not be in the right order so forgive me, but at the end of that code, if you use a shift decoder (im so smart sue me)
pacificas character development has always been special to me, and this was honestly chilling. in the book of bill we see that she has nightmares about the lumberjack, and this shows how much guilt she carries. her finally finding her peace with what happened made me smile :)
but as nice and heartwarming as this is, were moving on to STANLEY PINES! and oh BOY are the stanley lovers having a field day. so first of all, if you type in Stanley, it will take you to a few different links. including gold chains, brass knuckles, an 8 ball cane, a fez, and a colonel neck tie. funny right? if you keep entering his name, this pops up:
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Below this is a bunch of things with the label of being shameful. one of them is very interesting but im gonna put some lighter stuff first for the sillies.
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i need alex to show us the photos from the hunky drifters catalogue alex can you hear me please i mean WHO SAID THATTTT WHO SAID THATTTTTT
ALSO NO ONE COMING TO HIS FAKE FUNERAL EXCEPT HIS MOM :( she loved her little free spirit stanley
ALSO- him stripping for flour in Tijuana, again, i need photographic evidence.
his ex wives list also made me giggle. he was MARRIED TO OLD GOLDIE????? also Marilyn being Eda made me giggle, i love the fact that they got married at some point. get them back together please. also stan having smaller hands than ford and being self-conscious about it stan i love you mwah mwah mwah
anyways now onto the section at the bottom of the Wheel of Shame page!
Its titled : HOW HE BEAT ME. im not adding a photo bc ur guy is running out of room :(
you have to click on this repeatedly to get anything good out of it, so i took the liberty of milking it for all it had!!! i didnt take screenshots of everything because some of it was redundant, but here are the interesting and or funny bits:
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just reiterating, this is not all thats in there, im just putting parts that stood out to me. please take the time to go through all this urself bc its a TREAT.
now into the crazier stuff
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hes obviously having some sort of breakdown, just like we see at the end of the book of bill. the last page i decoded myself, and i got this using all the different decoders:
for "LQS SFSE CN" i used the original bill cipher code, and im not sure why it gave me this. a smarter, better decoder probably has the answer.
i can theorize a few different things on what this could possibly mean even with it not being all decoded. the one that comes to mind is "I can still see through everyone ive ever met" maybe knowing too much? but without the middle part decoded i cant say much. if you have the solution for this please leave a comment as any help would be greatly appreciated. this all did drop a few hours ago so i doubt many people are working on decoding all this.
this makes alot more sense. bill can see through others eyes so it most likely is refering too how he possesses people and sees through their eyes. In the book of bill he shows how angry he is having to watch the Pines family be happy.
It says that when he closes his eye, he can still see through the eyes of everyone hes ever…possesed? probably. So can Bill still see through Ford, or maybe Dipper, and he cant turn it off. Whenever he closes his eyes he is haunted by the happy life he failed to destroy. To see through their eyes.
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This poem using gambling as a way to describe Stan's life choices really struck me. the more i thought on it the more it made sense. he gambled that Ford's project would probably still work, gambled with all of his sham products. His entire life has been a betting game. The most interesting thing about all this is the end of the poem. It reads
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this has been a theory for awhile in the gravity falls community that if stan got back all his memories, including ones about bill, wouldnt bill come back? for me this confirms the theory, and opens up a whole new can of worms which i will talk about later.
I have reached my image and video limit, but expect more posts!
stay weird yall :)
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thurio-edau · 5 months
to be honest even tho i wasnt here during the canvas, i read the changes like last month (big thanks to @mishoarts here!! thank u for that post<3) and i'm really glad that Red did it. prime two best changes being
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i think there is only Arabic version in a random website- thanks to leah for using google lens translate for the second pic lol
it's that Red changed Aiden's personality from a psychotic character to a slightly unstable but still loving character who just doesn't know how to communicate properly. it's fit far more than a psycho in the situation because he's grown really caring towards the group being like found family
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he really cares about his friends at the point unlike a psycho would (psycho characters lack empathy and the feeling of caring/loving), why people mix him up with one is because the media influence of psychopathic characters. they think mentally unstable or insane equals psychopath but it doesn't, so from the canvas to the original Red changed that factor and instead made him the Aiden we know and love. and second
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pixiecaps · 6 months
psst hey do u have any sdv mod reccs/any tips on how to use them 👀
yeah! so for stardew mods to work you need to first install the smapi api.
you can either do that through their main website or nexus
neither option has any cons theyre just based on preference on how you wanna install it but theyre both completely safe websites.
after you properly install smapi you’ll have to go to nexus which is the main website for all stardew valley mods. you’ll need to make an account to install stuff i believe. you can find a wide range of mods here that serve a lot of different purposes.
if you haven’t used nexus to mod before then as i mentioned before first make an account then once you are looking at a mod make sure to check the requirements first. sometimes mods need other mods to work and you need to install those first. after you checked the requirements you head to the files section and click manual download. after that select slow download then wait for it to install into your files. then you move those files into the stardew mod folder. if thats not clear enough you can find a bunch of tutorial videos on youtube with visuals:)
since you asked for my recs i’ll give you the list of which i actually use all the time.
NPC Map Locations
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- very basic mod. majority of mod users will have this installed and it just shows you on the map where each npc is at at all times.
CJB Cheats Menu & CJB Item Spawner
- these two sorta go hand in hand for me but of course you don’t need to have both installed. this is definitely a play style preference thing but i personally like having these cheats installed for any type of situation that might happen in game that i can’t undo otherwise without them.
- the cheats menu adds a lot more flexibility and well cheats to the game so for instance: infinite health, infinite stamina, give yourself money, instantly increase hearts with whichever npc, always catch every fish, warp locations, change weather, change time, freeze time, and a lot more. this uses the P key to open in game but you can configure that to another bind if you’d like.
- the item spawner is a lot more simple. does what it says and spawns whichever item you want. so basically you can press the i key and it’ll open up a menu with every item in the game and you can spawn in the specific amount you want of something and so forth. simple concept. i mainly use this for when i accidentally sell or gift an item i wasnt intending to and then simply spawn it back in. i also use it for decorating my house:3
Look Up Anything
- this is literally like having the wiki at your disposal at all times in game. extremely helpful for so many reasons especially as i personally always had the wiki open to check for information on items and npcs so having this mod made it a lot quicker of a process. how it works is you simply hover your mouse over whatever you want information on and click f1 and it’ll display all the information about that thing to you! so if you hover over lets say harvey and press f1 it’ll show you a menu with his birthday, his love & like gifts, your hearts with them and how many points till the next heart, etc.
Seasonal Outfits
- this mod puts all the npcs in different outfits for the seasons. its just cute
Elle’s Seasonal Buildings & DaisyNiko’s Earthy Recolor
- the seasonal building allows a lot more variety in structures like farm building and adding holiday decor to npc buildings. simple stuff that can make the game more customized
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- with seasonal buildings you can also install compatible recolors which is what the DaisyNiko’s link is. it’s the recolor i personally use for my main farm when i play. this is because the vanilla game is very saturated and does hurt my eyes so having more chilled out tones helps. you dont need to install the recolor i use or any in fact if you like the natural look of the game but just know the option is there and there’s a multitude of recolors you can use to make the game look different:3
Friends Forever
- no friendship decay because itsa pain in the ass and i have no time to talk to the npcs all day. this is very play style based some people enjoy having to go and ensure they speak to npcs daily im just not the type.
Part of The Community
- creates different ways for you to gain hearts easier and passively
Mailbox Menu & Zilch’s Envelopes
- i really like the letters and the fact you can only read them once bummed me out until i found this mod which adds a whole menu for your mail where you can go back and see all the letters you’ve received. feel like it adds that additional touch and care to the whole mail system in the game.
- then to go along with that menu theres the envelopes mod that customizes it even further and makes all the envelopes of the letters have cute appearances and designs. look at this and tell me that isn’t the best thing you’ve ever seen.
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Honorable Mentions
- Chests Anywhere
- CJB Show Item Sell Price
in conclusion…
I really suggest just taking the time and scrolling through the nexus mods website on your own. they have a specific category for stardew and you can filter it by most popular and see what you find yourself. since everyone plays differently you might find you enjoy the more technical code side and want to change something to do with that or you might just simply wanna change the npc portraits and make them look nicer. theres so many options on how to mod this game and i honestly could go on forever with mod suggestions but at the end of the day its up to you! so hope this helps and i hope you have a fun time modding.
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officialbillhader · 5 months
i dont watch watcher, i havent watched ryan and shane since buzzfeed unsolved, but ive been reading abt this situation and i saw someone compare it to roosterteeth and what they completely missed is how slowly roosterteeth moved content behind paywalls. and the only reason they moved more and more is because warner bros was trying to milk them for more money before ultimately shutting them down.
when i first got into roosterteeth around 2013, they had their website, but most of their content was still on youtube and the paid service for the website was youd get episodes of things a week early and a discount in merch. that was about all i could remember. then, after they fixed their website up (and the app) they started to add *new* things to the website that were behind the paywall, while still giving other episodes a week early for subscription vs non subscription. the past few years they did start making new shows that were website exclusive (not necessarily subsciption exclusive) and a few of the very lucrative shows subscription only, but it wasnt everything, and they did still upload to youtube. it was a very, if you dont pay, thats alright, but itll still be best if you use our website bc youll get content not censored by youtube and it supports us better, plus a few things not on youtube. if you want to subscribe, you get no ads, better produced shows, things early, etc, etc. but it never forced you to subscribe. never even forced you off youtube.
so the issue with watcher is theyre trying to cold turkey force people off youtube and onto their own paid website. its an extremely sudden and drastic change that involves money, all things that will piss people off. all they really needed to do was make a website, HAVE ADS ON THEIR WEBSITE (if they have their own ads they control sponsors and arent limited to youtube's tos), tell people they can get rid of ads and get exclusive videos if they pay a subscription, but keep the classics free and still upload on youtube. it needs to be a very slow rollout to work. they need to bide their time and get people on a website before even attempting what they want to do (which will never fully work anyway), this way they can start earning more money for the higher produced shows they want to do (which can then be behind the paywall)
its just a dumb business decision no matter how you look at it to put everything behind a paywall that has been free with ads for years.
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kookblurx · 11 months
1920 - jjk [chpt 7. ]
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→ SUMMARY: a photo of a beautiful smiling boy; an old tree in your grandparents garden ... and a feeling of sadness. all those things are connected to each other ...
→ GENRE: time travel au; changing fate au; rencarnation au; university au; death; sickness; historical setting; trigger topics; smut; dirty talk; switching between present and the past.
→ chapt. 6 / chapt. 8
→ RATING: 18+
→ NOTE: HUGE DISCLAIMER, this story plays in a fantasy setting. the world YN lives in doesnt exist, neither jungkooks. so please dont mention anything just because its not historically correct. this is piece of art. so yes, jungkook wears armor like a knight and no there are no guns in his time period. thanks.
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The Present:
"wait hold on ... what do you mean with Jimin?" your voice sounded confused and your eyes searched for an answer in the fairies face.
at the same time the fairy snapped with her fingers which caused jungkook to freeze on the spot. this whole situation was more than strange. after she was more than sure that jungkook was really frozen in time, the fairy finally started to speak as she flew over to the documents.
"listen carefully. jimin isnt such a nice guy as jungkook might had thought ..."
"what do you mean?" slowly you followed her as she hovered over a specific document.
"you probably wondered why there is no valid information about jungkook in your time ... i might know the reason"
with one of her bare feet she landed on the family tree document. it wasnt jungkook's, it was jimin's. her little fingers traced the letters of Jimin's family name before she looked back up at you again.
"after we took jungkook with us .. i went back to the exact moment. then i saw it ... the man let go of jimin but not to take him with them. they looked confused ... and mentioned how they should kill him now"
with a confused look on your face you reached down, picking up the paper carefully "... dont tell me ... Jimin's ancestor was the one who betrayed Jungkook in the past."
"exactly ... and this name proves it" light like a feather the fairy landed on your shoulder, pointing to a name in the family tree "he married a woman with the surname Min ... and the Min clan were the ones attacking the village"
if that was true everything started to make sense. the reason why jungkook's name was erase from every single historian website, why jimin's family hid those documents on their attic. they made sure that nothing of that would see the light of day. but another question remained; was Jimin the one who killed Jungkook underneath that tree? was he really able to murder his best friend?
"what can we do ...?"
for a short moment the fairy started to think "keep him here. at least for now. they already think he got taken away by a witch. they are all searching for him. its safer here"
"but what about-!" the moment you turned your head, she was gone.
instead of her face you saw jimin's confused expression as you were standing there, clutching the paper with both of your hands. suddenly you couldnt look him in the eyes anymore. that was stupid. this jimin doesnt know what his family did. at least you hoped so. from behind someone placed a hand on your shoulder, it was jungkook. he looked worried as he gently took the paper out of your hands.
"everything okay? you ... look hurt"
his voice was gentle and something deep inside of you really kept hurting. as you looked him in the face another faint voice was heard in the back of your head. it was the same woman you heard the last time:
"say, promise me that we will always be together. that nothing will ever tear us apart. pinky promise!"
for the first time you thought about whether this was your voice that you kept hearing. maybe that secret woman jungkook was seeing, was actually you. the fairy mentioned something that your life is connected to his. did this happen before? did you fail to protect him the last time?
"i need a moment ... okay?" with those words you rushed out of the library, through the backdoor and into the garden.
at the same moment your head began to hurt as the realisation hit you slowly and creepily. voices started to grow louder and louder as you stumbled into the direction of the big tree.
"did you saw that?! i never saw a firefly before!" "what ... but ... you promised you wouldnt go! you said you would be careful" "... i hate you! I fucking hate you!" " no ... please ... dont leave me ... please come back home"
as soon as you reached the tree and your hand touched the stump something flashed before your eyes. it was only for a short moment but you could see it too clearly. it was jungkook laying in bed, facing you. someone placed their hand on his cheek as you heard a faint "i love you"
the throbbing in your head slowly faded away with the image you just saw. was this woman really you or were you reliving the memories of someone else? maybe your own ancestor? no this couldnt be possible. you knew that your ancestors came from a completely different country before they moved over the ocean. at least, that's what your mom always had told you. some strands of brown hair fell onto you face, as you leaned your forehead against the stump. it was cold. not too cold for you to shiver but still cold. it was in the middle of summer and yet the cold crept underneath your clothes.
Time didn't seem to matter anymore as you just continued to stand in this place. maybe 5 minutes had passed, maybe it was an hour, you didnt knew that. the only thing which brought you back from your trance was jungkook's voice, as he walked up the hill.
"hey, jimin took some documents with him. he went home and said he would look into something so we can send me back... are you ... okay?"
again, he placed his hand on your shoulder, turning your body into his direction. somehow you werent able to face him. the only thing you could do was grabbing his arms.
" ... can you stay here? Just a bit longer? i know its selfish of me but ... please?" jungkook noticed how your hands were shaking as he gently removed them.
at the same time he wrapped both of his arms around your body, trying to calm you down a bit. the sensation of his body against your own felt so comfortable. its like you felt something like this before, sometime in a past life of yours. with still shaking hands you hugged him back. first carefully just to tighten your hold a bit. jungkook didnt said a word as he kept holding you ... he only let go of you after you heard the car of your grandparents in the driveway.
Some time later:
you never knew it would be this difficult to sneak dinner into your room without running into your grandma. after she arrived back at the mansion, she decided to clean the whole place. which meant she was everywhere. literally everywhere. you didnt even had the time to properly explain how a toilet works, as you had sent jungkook into the bathroom. with crossed fingers you waited in front of it, hoping that he will manage somehow.
after that katastrophe was solved you sneaked past your grandma up the stairs. you only started to breathe again after reaching your room and closing the door behind you. jungkook was sitting on the bed, like a puppy as he waited for you. while you were downstairs in the kitchen another thought crossed your mind; what did jungkook ate in his time? does he even like sandwiches with tuna?
"Hm smells good, what is this?" to your suprise, jungkook snatched the plate out of your hand.
without any complaints he started eating both slices as his life would depend on it. this gave you some time to check your messages on your laptop. of course there was one from jimin, claiming that he would help sending Jungkook back into his time. not answering you closed the chatroom with him. what the fairy said earlier still laid heavily in your stomach. jungkook didnt deserved that, to be betrayed by his best friend. the exact same friend who told him to come to the battlefield with him. beside jimins message there wasnt much so you closed the chatrooms. as you wanted to close your laptop, jungkook appeared behind you, pointing at the screen.
"hey, thats me, right?"
right in front of you was the forum you searched earlier. it showed a picture of jungkook in his armor on a black horse. slowly jungkook leaned forward to get a better look, this caused his chest to press against your shoulder. this damn tight shirt. you could literally feel everything through the thin fabric of your own shirt. this man will surely be the death of you in no time. not only did you thought that he looks really good but also your heart started to beat like crazy. every time he came close to you. deep inside you already cursed your past self for falling in love with him.
"uh yes it is. this is some kind of ... black board? were people can share their opinions with each other" it was hard to find the right words to explain things to him.
with a nod jungkook just kept reading through all the messages people left underneath his picture. apperantly someone found this pic in an old box in their grandmas closet. which made you wonder if this woman was also somehow related to this incident in some kind of way. slowly you scrolled through the messages, asking how his grandma got hold of the pic but no one answered them. maybe it was just an attention seeker who bought this pic from a shady website or something.
"say jungkook, is this picture valid?"
"hm ... i own a black horse and thats definetely my armor im wearing ... so i would say, yes its me"
a sigh escaped escaped from your lips as you closed the laptop with one hand. tiredness came over you as you stood up from the blue computer chair. jungkook stumbled a bit back as he watched how you retreated into your bed. he looked a bit lost which why you raised an eyebrow
"whats wrong?"
suddenly he started to play with his fingers "... this is your bed ... i know how i acted in the morning but .. its not really gentleman like to sleep in the same bed as a woman .. at least not if im not married to you"
of course this topic was bound to come up. jungkook came from a time were man only shared a bed with their wife or a woman they hired for sex. there was only one bed in your room so he needed to bear with it somehow. not listening to his complaints you lifted the blanket up as you nodded with your head into the direction. nervously jungkook took off his shirt but as soon as his hands wander down to his pants you immediately stopped him
"wait! shirtless is fine but ... dont sleep naked for gods sake! if you feel uncomfy in the jeans .. at least keep the shorts on, got it?!" you were flustered as jungkook nodded and took off his jeans.
even a simple boxer made you already nervous. so as soon as jungkoo got under the blanket you moved a bit to the edge of the bed. not to give him more space, more so you wont touch him. the images of the morning were still prominent in your head, so touching hin was a big no go. while you closed your eyes, you hoped that he wouldnt try to do something funny.
but as you drifted off to sleep you didnt noticed how he slowly wrapped one of his arms around your hip ....
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@junecat18 @hellbornsworld @stupendouscookiehumanmug @taiwan0618
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charmanderxerneas · 3 months
there has to be under 100 dungeon meshi characters on artfight because when i search the dungeon meshi tag the same 40 of them show up every time to the point where: I thought the websites search function was glitched and that “oh no it’s not refreshing the results because it’s literally the exact same characters in the exact same spots every time!”
I figured out it wasnt glitched because the characters Do change positions ever so slightly. there’s just so few of them that I thought it was broken.
what a crime. yall need to put more dungeon meshi ocs on there /lh
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pettyrevenge-base · 4 months
Turned the tables on my ex-wife’s attempt to make me back out last minute from coaching children’s T-ball.
About a year out from divorce. Ex-wife has been acting petty and childish to say the least. Tries to make me look bad any attempt she gets.
My young son played T-ball last year and I volunteered to be the coach. Really enjoyed it, but my work responsibilities/schedule changed before this season and I simply could not commit to do it again. I became good friends with the guy running the league and let him know before the sign ups even started as a heads up. Was disappointed, but not much to do. What I was able to do, was volunteer to get to the fields super early Saturday before the games started to set them up (chalk line the batters boxes, foul lines, put out bases,etc. Three fields total) which he was extremely grateful for.
A few weeks before the season was supposed to start they were unfortunately short a couple coaches and were sending out some desperation emails to all of the parents. My ex knew my situation, and apparently thought going onto the website and basically ‘fraudulently’ volunteering me to coach would be a great way to inconvenience me, make me look bad by having to back out, etc. so she did just that.
Buddy running the league called me, very confused. In order to register, you have to make a username/password. Username is just your email, so after a few minutes of looking through the registration we worked what happened as her email was in the account name. Ultimately, he decided to put his kid on my sons team and be the coach on top of everything else he was doing. He was pissed at my ex himself though, because this stunt could have set them back finding a legit coach if they needed to, possibly delaying the league.
Here is where I come up with the petty revenge. He sends out the official email out to all of the parents of the league with the rosters and coaches for all 10 teams. Except for our kids’ team instead of listing himself, I tell him to list my ex. Puts her name/contact info, etc and says to expect further info from each coach individually.
She emails him back once she notices to point out the ‘mistake’ saying it should have been me instead but he ignores it. He sends her all of the clearances coaches need to pass, asks for times she can come pick up equipment, the whole 9 yards. After a couple of days parents of the team apparently start emailing her asking for info on when the seasons starts and when practice will be and all that.
Eventually he does reply back, playing dumb, telling her she is the one who volunteered, as it was her username that registered, and knew it wasnt supposed to be me as he had spoken to me months earlier and knew I wasn’t able to do it this year. Put her in an awkward spot, because she either had to admit what she did, or feign some BS ignorance and claim a ‘miscommunication’ which everyone knew was nonsense as we were divorced.
After she flat out says she can’t coach and ‘she isn’t sure what to tell him’, he sends out another email to the entire league, which says ‘due to the coach of (our kids team name) backing out at the very last minute, I have no choice but to take on coaching the team myself, on top of the rest of the responsibilities. Moving forward we ask that coaches do not volunteer unless they plan on fulfilling that commitment’. He didn’t mention her by name, but everyone saw the rosters and knew he was talking about her.
She texted me a few weeks later once the season started about how ‘my buddy is an a-hole for doing that to her due to a glitch in the registration software as multiple people have approached and asked her not so nicely what happened and she knows she is getting looks from people during the games’. What a satisfying text it was to receive.
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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jennilah · 1 year
me sometimes: i dont think my autism symptoms manifest that often anymore
me at work: we dont have our own desks at work. you can sort of make a desk your own by making sure you "book" the same desk every day but you can only book it 2 months in advance. when i work from home on mondays and tuesdays, someone is probably sitting at my desk at work, if they booked it for those days. at any moment if im not paying attention and constantly re-booking my desk when i can, someone else can swoop in and "take" my desk. in fact, i took someone else's desk without knowing, because how COULD you know? everyone else has been working here for years when i just showed up, i dont know what desks are "taken" already! and it certainly wasnt "taken" in the seat-booking website! I am UNBELIEVABLY stressed out about all of this desk shenanigans especially. its the ONLY desk thats available wednesday, thursday, AND fridays (my ideal work-in-studio days,) so I "took" it. I CANNOT bounce around DIFFERENT desks each day or I will be UNREAL stressed out about it. My notebooks, my hoodie on the back of my chair, my pens, moving around EVERY DAY? kill me, actually. and the guy whose desk I stole- what if he cares about the desk the same way I do? well now I feel guilty every day when Im in office and hes sitting somewhere else. He SEEMS fine. he SEEMED lighthearted when he said its no issue. but what if it bothers him deep down like me? well, im not giving up the desk. its mine now. i NEED a home for my things and peace of mind or its hard to focus. when my desk constantly changes it takes weeks for my brain to settle into the spot it occupies in a room which is why in school i always hated when it was desk-changing-day. the one year in elementary school where our desks changed every week was actually so agonizing to me i still remember it like 20 years later. or in high school when part of my 504 plan was for me to take BIG TESTS in a DIFFERENT ROOM than my normal classroom. it was ABSURDLY STRESSFUL having to change my ROUTINE for tests. i feel so crazy that this is affecting me so much. i just wish we all had enough seats to fit everyone and i can have my OWn desk and i can put MY things and some more of MY comfort items and not worry about them being touched or moved-
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sapphic-lottienat · 11 months
happy tara maclay day !!!!!
hii so i just suddenly remembered that today is october 16th aka tara maclay's birthday!! so happy birthday to my favourite fictional character ever, here's a little very rushed and very unofficial essay for you <3
so i already knew about her and her unfortunate fate since way back in season 3; i looked at a website about willow's best fashion looks, and her second from the top (before vampire willow ofc) was her and tara's look in once more with feeling. it said in the description, "lets just ignore what happened in seeing red" and ofc my curiosity took me to the buffy wikipedia synopsis, telling me all about her death. so that wasnt the best start.
but i fell in love with her just like willow did. i squealed during new moon rising when she confessed and blew the candle out. i melted during family when they danced together (on her birthday just like today!!). i cried at their first fight in tough love. i sobbed at the end of tabula rasa when tara left. i was so so hopeful at the end of entropy (i even wrote a fanfic on it that yall should defs check out). and i sobbed for hours. hours. after seeing red.
i loved her little friendship with dawn, with anya, with buffy, with everyone.
the way her character has changed me and made me realise things about myself is something that no other character has done.
her and willow made me realise that i was in fact NOT bi and actually lesbian. her sweet demeanour made me into a kinder person, although a bit more of a pushover. i loved her so much that i began to almost love myself. because i realised that there were parts of me that i had in common with tara. and i began to love them.
i became so so so in love with her. i watched every amber benson interview. i bought every piece of buffy merch because she made me love buffy. i bought the buffy tarot deck because i thought maybe she would be proud of me if i tried witchcraft.
she became a part of me. profile pictures, tumblr urls. i cant even explain how much i love her.
and then with the new audiobook im falling back in love with evil tara… her little evil laugh and her low voice is so aaahhhhhh. and her and drusilla make the cutest power couple.
she deserved more than to be shot dead by warren mears. she deserved the world. she deserved better than how willow treated her in early season 6. she deserved everything sweet and kind and beautiful in the world.
basically in conclusion she is a perfect angel who can do no wrong and if you say one bad thing about her i will come for you grr
no but all jokes aside, she means so much to me. truly. i havent finished the audiobook yet but i hope tara and willow are living in a mystical house in the woods into their old age with lots of cats.
i love her.
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cmyknoise · 2 years
"Not entitled to URLs" I've never anyone say that before but you are right
i'm not the only one saying it but yeah.
like. i get it sucks, especially for cc's that have a "brand" right. like of course phil is gonna want the philza/ph1lza url
and anyone would. i would of course, but here's like, the thing right.
these cc's have known about tumblr for years. some have even voiced that they're 'scared' of it.
but twitter is going down a shitty road, and i don't blame them for wanting to jump ship
but now they want their usernames that they've built their brand around. and i get it, but here's the thing.
tumblr isn't like any other platform, and it is almost entirely fandom based
having "canon" urls of characters or fandoms or people is a commodity.
some people hoard urls (which is against tos to an extent, although tumblr does allow you to have some spares, if you have too many they can be taken from you if they've been unused. to my knowledge if you post on said accounts or use them in any way or switch between urls this tos doesnt usually apply, but some people do get terminated for having like 20+ urls saved)
but others genuinely will wait until they see a url deactivate or change and snatch it up
urls are traded around. fuck if i recall a few years back some bigger companies offered money to users to buy certain urls because they wanted them.
but like, these are rightfully obtained urls by fans. they've waited and snatched them up, it's been a race. i got ones like ghostburboo because i made it within a minute of ghostbur's last name being dropped. my best friend has a fundylive account. i know people who have canon urls, they're not impersonating cc's. they enjoy them or their content and post like normal, but those urls are apart of their tumblr space/identity.
and if a cc asked someone for a url and they said 'sure man here you go' then awesome! but they're not doing that, or they've not yet done anything like that. they just go straight to tumblr or they're vocally complaining on twitter about being unable to get urls they want.
i know for phil tumblr responded to him, and i hope to fucking *everything* he does not get those urls by tumblr taking them from someone. that's bullshit and i'm sorry like- i love phil but that's some bullshit. no one should be allowed to just say "hey tumblr i want my url" and tumblr can go "okay king!" and do it, when someone else got it first. thats how all websites work, if someone got that url first they get it. you cant throw a fit if you didnt catch the worm man.
tommy made up a funny url, sneegsnag did, so have others who've joined and couldnt get their classic usernames, why anyone feels entitled to these usernames is crazy to me.
because yeah you've built your brand around it, but you're entering into a fan space.
and these people have, on twitter, admitted to "i might not use this often lol" but they still want the urls, which is once again bullshit.
they're jumping ship from twitter for very good reason, but it's not fair to the users who have been here for years using their urls and usernames to be pressured or at risk of them being taken, especially if the cc isn't even going to be using tumblr all that much.
its tumblr and it's 2022. if you can't get some canon url you mix the letters up. why do you think i have an x in my name? chekhovsgun is taken and has been for ages, so i replaced the o with an x myspace style
use numbers, do something funny. i think tommy's is very funny (and he wasnt upset about not getting tommyinnit, he seemed more sad about not getting wifehaver) sneegsnag's is very funny
these ppl are entering in an enclosed terrarium and then wanting to take the sticks and leaves from bug houses to make their own house and like, bruh you can't just do that.
besides they're not even like, they have so many options. tumblr does custom domains, so they can still have their names they'd just have to get a custom domain for it instead of it being name.tumblr
they can straight up go onto twitter or twitch or youtube and say "hey chat my tumblr is minecraftblockman69 follow me there lmao"
and then there's proof! then people know "hey that's my streamer's tumblr" and the whole risk of impersonation doesnt even matter
like. i dunno man. its extremely upsetting to see people jump ship and want things they feel entitled to have because of their brand, disrespecting that this is a fandom space, when chances are they may not even post here or stay here long.
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once-vel · 2 months
i know absolutely nothing about blaseball but you have no idea how desperately i want to know everything about blaseball
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[ID: An ask from @/celestinecerasus, reading: "all i know about blaseball is it's like evil 17776 (not about football) (not about satellites) (evil things happen)". /End ID]
(context, for anyone confused)
hehe... excellent... the short answer is it was an absurdist horror baseball simulator which ran near constantly during the onseason. i cannot summon a coherent explanation of it for the life of me so i'll put some assorted fun facts under the cut. i also tried to explain what my last post involving my ocs meant down at the bottom !
if you want an actual decent explanation of what it actually was, i recommend this post here. it is not mine! but it is good
umpires can go rogue and incinerate players, but only during solar eclipses
names are completely randomly generated based on a pool of names. so while there were characters with very normal names there were also characters named like... jaylen hotdogfingers. boyfriend monreal. freemium seraph. you get the point
there were an assortment of fun weather games could be played in, such as birds, peanuts, solar eclipse, feedback, salmon, sun 2, and three separate coffee weathers. this is not all of them i just cannot be bothered to pull up a list
said weathers had unique effects. my personal favorite is salmon weather which made everyone time travel
none of the players had a shred of canon lore so a lot of the fun was coming together as a community to make shit up for them. a whole lot of this has been recorded on the wiki if that interests you!
there WAS a story going on, separated into two eras, discipline and expansion. i cant tell you much about discipline because i wasnt there but expansion featured a god named The Boss buying the league and destroying it in pursuit of making it marketable. it ended with everyone killing her. as she was represented by a png of a coin, when we killed her, all of the ingame currency was completely removed from the website. after that the league was slowly destroyed by a black hole (games continued during this)
one time los angeles got split into infinite separate versions of los angeles. i am not sure how it worked because this concerned a team that was not mine. they called these the infinite los angeli
during. i think it was that same event? every player on the los angeles team got renamed to wyatt mason. there was a whole thing trying to get everyones names changed back. several players names were never fully corrected. this was named the wyatt masoning
then there was the time multiple teams across the leaves got their own little clones of wyatt mason. there wereee 14 i think? this was named the second wyatt masoning. i personally like the seventh mason a lot
there was one time a team got reduced to one(1) active batter and the game continued like normal. that one active batter was just. in several places at once. ze hit a triple at one point. all by hirself
necromancy was a thing. oh necromancy was very much so a thing. the first time we necromancied someone she came back with a debt to fill and killed many people
then you had the time someone necromancied themself with zero consequences. they got incinerated but they had a modification (attribute) that gave them a chance to change teams at the end of every season and fucking apparently dying didn't turn this off? so they just walked out of the hall of flame (the afterlife) and onto a random team. they proceeded to die again that season (i believe), and then they walked out of hall again
there was lore about the Before Times. in these Before Times, a guy was given a modification called firewalker that was essentially Super Debt. he left a team? whole team became unstable. he got many players killed. there's a song about this!
speaking of music! a lot of fans came together to write blaseball themed music. if music about this game interests you, check out the garages (the band)! they have a LOT of music. some songs i recommend are bones to ohio, fight gods, ur too slow, free space, mike townsend (knows what he's gotta do), and dead ringer. i also like your favorite one to break a lot. zakri song.
ok thats enough fun facts for now this is a c.ob blog not a blaseball blog. BUT i will now explain what my post from earlier means!!
kelzil is an alternate. getting alt'd in the actual sim essentially just means your stats get rerolled, but a very common interpretation of getting alt'd is outright getting swapped out for an alternate universe version of yourself. this is the interpretation i like! getting alt'd early specifically means they've had time to get used to it, so they're mostly just hanging out.
zakri's deal is like... i already explained the incineration thing in the post so i don't think i need to say more on that. flickering means he's more succeptible to the effect of feedback weather, which is two players on opposing teams getting swapped mid-game. this usually results in getting moved around from team to team a lot. he then gets shadowed, which pretty much just means he's taken out of active play. i don't have a solid interpretation of what the shadows Are so i don't have much to say on that.
THEN he gets elsewhere'd, which entails getting swept [vague gestures] elsewhere by flooding. this also takes you out of active play but this time it's for a random amount of time - a player might be gone for a day, a player might be gone for multiple seasons. zakri is gone for multiple seasons. i personally think of elsewhere as very foggy and very wet and very lonely, especially when you're there for a while. zakri will not be having a very good time !
now, for unnamed kiv. so the rising stars are a team that were introduced at the end of expansion. long story short, there was a big special game between two teams made specifically for the game - the good team (the rising stars) and the evil team (the vault legends). the vault legends were, specifically, the boss' team. we didn't really get to pick who got put on what team, players were drafted through a specific process. if you got too popular you got put on the legends and if you were popular but not too popular you got put on the stars, iirc. so because i imagine unnamed kiv to be a generally good player, they get forced onto the stars. after this is when the sun exploded and the league was destroyed by a black hole btw. so like. unnamed kiv is having a great time i'm sure
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terraliensvent · 2 months
civ and coy's (hopefully) last hurrah (alternate title: whiteknights eat your heart out)
so! *cracks knuckles* first off, celebratory jig once again
now for the dissection.
document link
archived copy in case the OG is deleted (doubt it would happen but just in case
First ill give a TL,DR for major points in the doc (if you want the evidence, sorry bucko but youre gonna have to click in and read)
the initial message sent to civ notifying them of the adopt schedule change was fully approved by all members of staff. the convo didnt involve civ and coy because a. they arent staff, and b. the decision wasnt up for debate. civ didnt like the desicion so a gc was made with the following people: (Tycho/Calhoun), comforthour (Florian), Coy, Civet, parzival (Decaf), keldeosknight (Mark), & morguenest (Morgue) (not all were present in the convo but spectated), and all messages sent were discussed among staff and agreed upon before sending
BIG DEVELOPMENT! JINGLE JINGLE LOOK AT THE KEYS as it turns out, coy's account didnt have the power to make site changes. coy's account role "creator" only had the power to edit the masterlist and user inventories. it did NOT have the power to change site data. howeverrrrr, you know whos account did have that power? IF YOU GUESSED CIV YOURE FUCKING RIGHT! civ had the "site developer" role, the highest role available on the site. now, upon further inspection, staff looked at the "creator" role and saw it had a ton of new perms that werent there before (this was proven by looking at a developer copy of the site from 3 weeks ago, crazy!). since civ was the only person outside of staff to have the "developer" role, and obviously none of the staff team gave coy the edit power, CIV IS ALSO GUILTY OF TAMPERING WITH THE SITE. this means they were misconstruing the picture and completely lying out of their fucking ass when they tried to paint the "poor me" defense and say they "didnt support coy removing the pets from the site"
with regards to the adopt agreement, i feel like the doc just speaks for itself here: (sorry for mucho texto, were all just gonna have to suck it up)
"Our updated terms would more fairly match the compensation Coy and Civ would receive as creators to what our staff receive, which we believed was beyond fair especially given their lack of involvement in the species since leaving and the substantial workload they left behind for us to fix. We were and are stuck with a barely functioning website that has many holes to patch in the code, broken discord bots, no trait guides, inflation issues, etc., and have been actively working to rectify this. While some of these issues were caused by the events of April 13th, 2024, where a majority of staff left & took their assets with them— most of these, such as the broken code, were issues pertaining long before April. While all of this is going on, Coy and Civ were making roughly what most staff members make a year off of Terraliens in a single month, despite not being active members of the team. Even with our changed rules, they would still be making money off the species every month, which is twice as often as current staff who are, again, working to fix issues created by Civ and Coy." Needless to say, there was a unanimous agreement amongst staff that it is unfair to allow Coy and Civ to be making so many designs per month despite them no longer contributing anything towards the species’ development. The way our compensation works is to prioritize more active staff members and incentivize all moderators to put their best foot forward when it comes to cultivating this species. To have some of our most hardworking staff members be overshadowed by a sudden adopt by Civ or Coy is insulting, and the fact that they are offended by our decision to treat them as more equal to staff is unacceptable to us.
next point: site and money issues! as it turns out, the site NEVER changed ownership to even temul. this is because civ and their dad are fucking dumb and somehow (APPARENTLY) linked a ton of their personal info to the site because it was running off of databases hosted by civ's dad, and civ didnt really wanna give that type of info over. civs acc is now banned, so a new site is gonna have to get made. whoopee!
IN ADDITION! despite not actually owning the site, temul was paying site fees, with payments reacing up to a whopping $175. because, as it turns out: temul was NOT ONLY paying fees for the hosting of terras, but also was lied to into paying the fees for CIV'S FAMILY'S PERSONAL DATABASES! (which terrasite is linked to because of civ’s shitty job setting up the site) and they still have not received a refund for this!!!
there are more screenshots of coy being a complete fucking dipshit when it comes to the adopt schedule (dating back from april 08, 2024, before the Reckoning). HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING THESE, they show more of coys mindset in wanting to just be a fucking dictator over terras
critiques of civ's fuckass bulletin where they let people run wild with accusations, (they also included jesses dumbass comment in there lmao) the doc speaks for itself yet again:
"Aside from the fact we’ve already shown we never called them “greedy and disgusting”, the statement that most of Terra staff are “adults with real jobs and a steady source of income” is unequivocally false. Most of us are the same age or younger than them, are unemployed, working full time, rely on art as our primary source of income, or are also going to school. Additionally, not a single staff member on our team is neurotypical, with several of us suffering from multiple disabilities. Almost all of us struggle with similar issues Civet is facing in one way or another, and allowing your fanbase to speculate we acted on ableism is not only insulting, but harmful. Many of us, including former staff, are unable to work physical jobs due to our disabilities and are extremely lucky to have the opportunity to support ourselves off of our artwork. Many of us do not have a following outside of Terraliens, and struggle to sell non-Terralien adopts, something Civet can and does do. All in all, the issue was not that we thought Civet was making too much money, or weren’t spending said money on living expenses, it was the fact they were taking away opportunities from other disabled people in situations similar to themselves, who also needed income from Terras — and instead of stepping back and reflecting on how fair it was for them to take all of the oxygen in the room for themselves, they decided their struggles were more important than everyone else’s."
this is very well put imo, its great that they included it to finally fucking silence all the people making dumbass claims and even civ trying to say that terra staff was "jealous of them" (which, get a fucking grip and grow up oh my god)
my final opinion on this? fucking HOO-RAH. hopefully THIS will now be what dismantles the circles of whiteknights that shield criticism from civ and coy because jesus christ has it been a long time coming. i highly commend cal and the staff for not backing down and shying away from giving all the gorey details, now people can see what type of people coy and civ truly are
terravent fans fucking rejoice, TWO big topics in two days. enjoy your christmas feast everyone
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luetta · 2 months
i'm going back to what 16 year old me used to do in full swing i think. type to myself on dead forums. wanna know a story about me? i used to post on that nazi reddit alternative website voat. for years. not anything political, i just made a subreddit that was my username and made posts everyday about how obsessed i was about a girl called rebekah in the grade above me. i never talked to her a single time in my life. she was just pretty. hundreds of posts. eventually randoms on the website found my posts through the new section and started commenting how creepy i was. and then i guess i referred to myself as a waitress and they started thinking i was a girl who had a lesbian crush. of course i did nothing to disavow that notion. and then when i was with my friend finlay in class, i was on a school provided laptop, seeing what the suggested autocomplete web searches for a, b, c, etc were. and when i looked up 'v' it came up with 'voat [my username]. i guess on this laptop sometime before i had searched it up. i begged him not to look it up and deleted it all the moment i got home but he just went on internet archive and essentially held this blackmail over my head for about 3 months. at the end of high school finlay wasnt popualr in our group (there was always someone who was the cyberbullied person of the day in our group.) and i honestly did a fucking asshole thing. i always say that i was nice and just a victim of this mean group but i did this thing, which completely undoes all that. there was a barbeque for the entire grade on a saturday, school organised but essentually our own thing. in the discord finlay was wondering whether to come, lots of us were there already. i said that there was barely anyone here lol. and that was a complete lie. i lied and made him miss this event for no reason other than to dogpile on him. that night everyone was fighting and i chimed in and he told everyone about my voat account and also about how we had accidentally discovered each other in a league of legends erotic roleplay discord server. so yeah that was fun. i refused to talk to him for like 2 years lol. anyways. the point of this is to say. that im gonna start doing that again i think. post a bunch of stream of consciousness text posts of angst and self loathing and envy and hatred. cus i feel like shit and that's my self harm. im too much of a pussy to do anything else when i feel like shit. i just sit on the computer and make myself feel worse. this can be my self therapy. getting my thoughts out instead of letting them fester inside my brain forever. i can't be fucked going to therapy properly. it doesnt help cus idk how to articulate anything properly. ill get asked whats wrong and ill be like. i dont know. and honestly thats barely a lie. i dont fucking know whats wrong with me. i know that there is something wrong with me, but i dont know the reason why ive turned out like this. im just a fucking weirdo i think. i literally thought that i wasnt a creep anymore after transitioning, that i figured it out. but nope. im still a fucking creep, thinking about girls that i know, obsessing about them. urgh. i feel like. i've fucked my transition up. i fucked up the choices that i didn't know were choices and now im someone i don't want to be. i just want to be someone else but thats not possible because the person that i am, currently, isn't someone that can be someone else. i know that you can just change who you are ! you can do new things and stop doing old things. you can be someone else. but i just cant. i try but i just always circle back to this. uninteresting blob of a person. who does nothing except sit in their room and wish they were someone else. an uninteresting blob of envy. that's all i am and will ever be, i feel. and that sucks. i dont want to be that, but there's nothing else i can do about that. im too uninteresting and unadventurous and afraid to reach out and form connections to people that i wanna. cus thats how you change as a person. by being with other people. you slowly give each other parts of yourself
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frostythefrostedfox · 6 months
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First image drawn by: @kittydoremi
Second and third images drawn by: Mike/Bones
I don't think I ever introduced this scrunkly fella to this website, apart from my pfp, now y'all have the displeasure of see me ramble about this OC for an unnecesaryly long ammout of time.
This fella got two versions because I am that void of imagination, he exists as a Sonic OC and my personal OC, but today I will just ramble about his Sonic side of things
His name is Dereck, yes, with a C before the K, why? I don't really have an answer, it has always been his name, I probably had a reason for it when I made him back in 2006.
So his name, Dereck.
Last name, Frost.
Species, Fox
Born a couple years after his sister, his parents worked for G.U.N, his mom as a researcher, his dad as a mechanic.
Most of his childhood was spent on the GUN research camps set all around the southern islands, moving so much was not a problem for him, as usually the researchers would stay together as some sort of extended family, so whenever their job was done, most of them would transfer to the next assigment, like most kids raised in these camps, his formal education was very rough, often taking month long breaks and having to fulfill his assigments and classes remotely, but he learnt a whole lot of things that cannot be taught in a school, how to find his way using the stars, how to eat about everything and more importantly, how to truly appreciate his freedom, being critical and creative were far more important skills than remembering everything on a book.
By the age of 12 most kids move out of the camp and go back to their other parent or relatives, having had enough of being a jungle kid and all, but not him, he had gone to visit his father and sister in East City before, but he never really decided on staying with them, always coming back to his mom, his camp and his 'freedom'. Over time the fox grew more and more curious, who said that penguins are birds? Who decided that tomatoes were a fruit? Eventually these questions grew more and more abstract, and unable to find someone to answer them, he decided to find answers for himself. Why should anyone tell him what to do? Why does he has to obey a 'boss' or a 'teacher' if he doesnt wants to? If he wants something, why can't he just have it? That is how things worked in the jungle in the south islands, that is what he grew up in, and he decided nobody was going to change things.
He "moved" from his mom's tent by age 15, and by moving it means he would look for wood and build himself a treehouse in the vicinity of the camp, eventually after moving so much, he ended up with a whole system of treehouses to hide in or sleep in.
He loved nature and the jungle, and the staff at GUN quickly noticed that, with a few months worth of training in how to use a gun he was more than ready to fulfill a role as 'protector' of the researchers and scientists. Ammo was sparse and there was a couple month delay everytime they submited a requissition until supplies came. Over time he learned to pick his shots very carefully, accurate as he could be, specially when it came to hunting, as if he could predict where his targets were moving, and his resourcefulness was invaluable when it came to trading and maintaining good relationships and trading with the locals, who not always spoke the same language as the GUN operatives.
Eventually he had to go back to East City with his mom after she decided to retire, not wanting to stay behind and making her worry about him, instead he could take care of her his own way, right next to her.
His relationship with his sister was always on good terms, but given how distsnt it was, it wasnt until now that they could finally start bonding as siblings, given all his time away he rarely refers to his dad as that, instead using his first name, as that is usually what he saw in the call identifyer, and what people usually called him.
He and his sister were more than happy of continuing their parents' work with GUN when given the chance, and this time nothing would keep them apart, working as a team as much a they could.
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