#wednesday willowhill
cleosven · 2 years
Did Tyler escape the van?
Post inspired by @achilles-s-gay-tantrum’s  post
We know that he started to transform into the hyde. But the he wasn’t shown escaping the Willowhill van. 
About Willowhill
We also know that Willowhill was where Tyler’s mom was being ‘treated’ for being a hyde. Other than that, we don’t know much about them. Depending on how capable we think they are, he could have easily escaped, or he may never escape.
(read more below. yes, I am all about the essays now, sorry)
Who are they:
They could be run by outcasts or normies, and they could specialize in ‘treatment’ via be magic, scientific, or supernatural methods. They could be a large group spanning states or countries or just a small group run by one rich person. They could have affiliations with any number of groups, including the Crackstone Cult:tm:, Nevermore, the town of Jericho, Morning Song, other outcasts schools, or other outcasts groups
Why are they doing this:
They could be doing this because they hate outcasts, or maybe they don’t care about outcasts and they just want the power they have. They could even care about outcasts, but maybe they just don’t know the first thing about how to actually show caring and love. But they don’t seem to want to kill all outcasts on sight, or they would have just killed Tyler, instead of trying to capture him
What we do know:
We know they have long term goals that involve keeping outcasts alive, and that has the capacity to be much scarier than just Laurels goal of “kill them all with fire” (I’ll probs do another post about the fire metaphor eventually) 
We know they have heavy duty metal vans and branded clothing and medical equipment. So we know they have resources. 
Did he get out of the van
If these people have treated a hyde before, they likely planned for this. 
So the van could be magical. The restraints or the drugs could be too. Or maybe they drugged him at the last second and he never got out of the van. Or maybe they have a hyde-strength tranquilizer gun, taser, or other immobilizing weapon. Or maybe they just straight up shot him with bullets if he got out of the van. There are so many ways they could have planed to stop him from getting away.
So why did he even get to the point of being able to transform? 
Did they not measure out the drugs correctly? Maybe they’ve only ever treated his mom, and it takes less of the drugs to control her. Or maybe she escaped, and they were never able to control her. 
Or maybe something unexpected called him out of it. Like maybe Laurel woke up in a hospital somewhere and he could feel it. Or maybe his mom or other hydes connected with him, or just any outcast that can talk into your mind.
Or maybe it wasn’t an accident.
Maybe there is a mole in the Willowhill group. They could be someone who wants to save all outcasts, a family member or specifically Tyler from Willowhill. Maybe Tyler’s mom bribed the guards or nurses to switch out the meds with saline. Or maybe one of them gave him a shot of adrenaline to wake him up and get him out of there
I have more thoughts about Willowhill that I’ll post in a bit, but I think that’s it’s quite possible that Tyler didn’t escape, even though he started to transform. 
But I think it would be a better story if he did escape. 
I love seeing the bad guys underestimate people they are trying to hurt or use. 
It just emphasizes the fact that if you don’t treat people like they are human, they are going to surprise you, and win, because people are smart, loving, powerful, and complex.
The bad guys don’t plan for all that because they don’t believe it to be true
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samtallchester · 11 months
I am really motivated for the mystery of willowhill again
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altf4d3lete · 5 days
So I have some thoughts about the teaser that I want to post here.
First off, it looks like Tyler is going to be in what looks to be Willowhill for at least part of the season
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You’ll notice the same CGI suit, and the same crutch-like contraption to make the arms longer. The reason why I think they’re in Willowhill is because of the bright red light around them. Seems to me like an alarm of some sort. That and the metal door behind Tim that is reminiscent of a prison door. So we know Tyler is most likely in Willowhill Psychiatric Hospital for at least part of the season.
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Enid looks great. I love the new hair and the black polish on the ring nail is beyond adorable. I do wonder about this werewolf statue. My first thought was that it was a tribute to Enid for defeating the Hyde, but someone mentioned it looked too weathered. I still don’t want to put that theory to rest though, just because I don’t know of any other locations where there would be a werewolf statue. Plus I like the thought of Enid being commemorated for what she did.
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I have some theories about this shot, but most of them rely on the Reddit leaker being correct so I won’t voice them right now. However, I do want to say that I don’t believe it’s the stalker that she is torturing in this moment.
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With this one, it looks to me like she is either in or just came out of a vision. I’m not entirely sure though. That’s just judging by the messy hair and flustered look.
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Pugsley enrolled in Nevermore :) super excited for this.
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My best guess with these shots is that Wednesday, Bianca, Eugene, and Enid are being heralded as heroes of Nevermore. If you look closely you can see four figures on the poster behind Wednesday. One of them is clearly Wednesday herself, with the other clearly being Bianca. I think Eugene and Enid are featured on there as well.
I’m pretty stoked for season 2. It looks really cool so far and I can’t wait for when they release actual trailers. Anyway, those are most of my important thoughts about the teaser. Just thought I’d point some things out.
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claimedcrossbows · 7 days
Wednesday s2 time jump??? How this HUGELY impacts the story.
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So I heard there might be a time skip in Season 2 of Wednesday and honestly that just opened the door to all kinds of story lines because that would mean most of my weyler theories and individual tyler theories are more than plausible at this point.
For 1.
With a 2 year time skip, it's a high probability that Wednesday and Tyler haven't seen each other in 2 years. So there eventual reunion is gonna be wild.
2. With a two year time skip, Sheriff Galpin could very well (I hope not) be deceased which might contribute to my theory that maybe someone ends up going after him and wednesday might have to help tyler investigate.
3. With a 2 year time skip, Tyler has either been in Willowhill for 2 whole years getting therapy OR he's been on the run hiding out in that cabin we saw before. 👀
4.) With a 2 year time skip Enid and Ajax could very well be broken up which would make that new character (I forgot his name) her new love interests instead of Wednesdays new love interest.
5.) Finally with a 2 year time skip, Somebody has been stalking wednesday for 2 whole years and idk about yall but this just seems like something a secret cult would do and biancas mom and morning song seem like the perfect candidates on this one, except in a previous theory of mine I told yall that I personally think Tyler's mom could still be a live and be part of this morning song and could be the one stalking wednesday after she dated her son.
Look all I'm saying is a 2 year time skip is kinda wild but a lot of theories could tie into it.
What yall think? 🤔
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weylersource · 11 months
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SEASON TWO AU: When proof of Laurel's abuse gets out, Tyler is released from the Willowhill Hospital and is more-or-less back to his normal life. But despite his best efforts to explain himself, Wednesday is ignoring his existence completely. Soon, things become even worse for him when an 'old friend' of Wednesday's enrolls to Nevermore. He is forced to watch from afar as Joel and Wednesday become closer. At first, he tries to respectfully keep his distance, but it's not long before he starts trying to insert himself back into Wednesday's life.
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averyaddamsromance · 8 months
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Prompt + Cover for Wyler Valentine's Day Event DAY 2 (9th of February): Letter
Wednesday Addams is 10 years old when she sends her first letter to 15 years old Tyler Galpin, the young Hyde detained in Willowhill, calling him "a masterpiece". It's for the school assignment "letter to my hero". Teachers are horrified, the Addams family ecstatic.
Tyler responds to her and for 8 years they keep writing to each other every week.
Wednesday goes to study at Nevermore to be closer to him so she can visit him at the hospital.
Tyler and Wednesday find themselves overwhelmed by a passion they didn't believe possible, realizing they were never just friends, but soulmates.
One day, uncle Fester helps Wednesday to make him escape so the two of them can have their happy ending...
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remusjohnslupin · 1 year
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Wyler AU: Without Goody to guide her through her visions, Wednesday is struggling to distinguish between what is real and what is a vision. As she is not deemed a danger to herself or others, she is not institutionalized. However, it is known that without proper training, a Raven's visions can lead to madness. Therefore, the new principal of Nevermore has her driven to a specialist every Saturday to attend sessions in order to help her control her gifts.
This renowned specialist, who is also a psychic, works at the Willowhill Psychiatric Hospital. So Wednesday has to visit the facility every week, unaware (at first) that a certain someone watches her coming and going from his cell.
(dedicated to @nonamemanga ❤)
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Au where Ajax is the one who visits Tyler at Willowhill because Wednesday refuses to aknowledge she wants to know what was real, Enid wants to go behind Wednesday's back but is too blinded by girl code enforced rage, so Ajax is ultimately sent to talk to him.
Tyler barely knows Ajax's name when he sees who is visiting him. He's been "Xavier's friend" or "that gorgon who seems chill" or "specific coffee order he often gets at the weathervane" or maybe "Enid's crush".
Ajax ends up starting a chain event that leads to him rooming with Tyler next semester and being bros. Wednesday is not thrilled initially. Enid is mad at first because: "i told you to get answers. Not become bffs with a serial killer!"
Ajax: I hear you and the murder was bad, but hear me out: he's a really cool guy if you get to know him. Also if you're allowed to be friends with a serial killer then so am i!
Enid: Wednesday is not a serial killer. She's an attempted mass murderer
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iamfandomcrazy · 1 year
3 Wyler fake dating ideas
Xavier is becoming more bothersome each passing day. Wednesday has had it up to here with him, especially with his ridiculous idea of wanting to make her jealous. So she decided to do the one thing that would hurt him the most: pretend to date the person he hated the most
Wednesday doesn't want to live off her family's money. She's an adult and more than capable of providing for herself. Tyler has to find a cheaper place live, so he and Wednesday (reluctantly on her end) decide to live together. They're friends so it isn't like they don't know each other. Well, when they move into the house/apartment/whatever, they realize that they're going to need furniture and other necessities. Tyler's previous place didn't have a ton of space so he didn't need that much. And with her lack of money and his limited funds, it won't be easy. They meet one of the neighbors who is more than happy to give something to the sweet couple. Wednesday almost said something but then has an idea. Much as she didn't like the thought of dating, they can easily pretend to be in a relationship in order to get the things they need
Hyde!Tyler. Tyler is discharged from Willowhill and is back in Jericho. He has to deal with a lot of hate from practically everyone. They either avoid him or actively try to hurt him. He just wants to live in peace, truly remorseful for what happened so he turns to Wednesday for help. She's still a bit peeved at him for tricking her, not so much for the murders though. She couldn't care less about that. But amazingly, she agrees. Somehow, people get the message that they're dating. Definitely not what Tyler had in mind, even though he couldn't say he hated the thought. His feelings for Wednesday were real. Things started to get better after that. After all, no one wants to mess with Tyler when he has a scary gf who will kill you and make it look like an accident
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onlyelaine · 8 months
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"Following Tyler’s admission into Willowhill, he and Wednesday grapple with their unresolved feelings for each other, over the span of 15 years." The lovely and talented @nonamemanga made this for my story, 'Closure' for my birthday and I am STILL bawling😭😭❤️❤️ The vibes are palpable in this one; I was NOT at all expecting to receive something like this but it was so kind and thoughtful and well made. You are too sweet to me, and I love this so much!!! Thank you my wonderful friend!😭❤️
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raven-delamuerte · 1 year
Morticia: WillowHill just released a formal statement about one of their patients having escaped.
Wednesday: You suspect I had something to do with it?
Morticia: I'm not a fool, darling. I noticed the carcass left in our yard. A mating gift, perhaps?
Wednesday: I've gathered many beasts in my menagerie, mother. Leaving their kill around is not unusual behavior.
Morticia: Oh, and since when do they make you quads?
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cleosven · 2 years
Re: having more to say.
Yes please. Continue. I would love to hear it :)
And I agree. I think whatever Tyler and his friends did to Xavier was really, really bad but that he withheld a lot of the details so it seems like it was just vandalizing the mural and beating him up. Which makes you wonder exactly what they did to him which I do hope they take the time to explore or touch on in season 2.
Lol, ok! Continuing! Remember, you asked for it, and you can take a water break at any time!
Way Too Many Theories Loosely Related to the Mural: In 6 Random Parts
So if I haven't mentioned this already, I'm pretty sure that Laurel didn't fake her own death at the age of 9. I think she had help from a big-bag-3rd-party group. So I don't think she was working alone in her plan to take down Nevermore, and I think the greater goal of this group is to take down (or use) all outcasts.
She bought the gates house before she became a teacher at Nevermore (which of course was probably funded by this secret evil group). Laurel said she'd been working at Nevermore for a year and a half when she met Wednesday in the library, so she was there at least from the start of the beginning of the previous year, which would have been Tyler's 10th-grade year.
So she had at least two months of that year to get close to Tyler. But again, that is a very short time period to come up with a whole plan, seek out Tyler's history, make the chemicals, use the chemicals, and then control him to destroy the mural. ESPECIALLY if she didn't have any other hyde information before she found out he was a hyde.
Why would she even be looking into using Tyler, or using a Hyde in the first place??
So again, I think she had help planning this. Help from someone who knew about Hydes.
My current theory is that the WillowHill mental health facility is a cover for normies to experiment on outcasts, or at least Hydes in particular. And I think that they aren't the only places that does this. I think they are part of a larger group of anti-outcast normies that use a combination of science and the "supernatural" arts Laurel mentioned. This is who helped her fake her death, and who helped her plan to take down Nevermore, and it was the plan all along to use Tyler, because they knew about his mother, because she was one of the hydes (or maybe even the only one, we don't know) who was experimented on, and gave them all their knowledge about how to train Hydes.
But again, she was just the middleman to take down one piece of the puzzle. She was in charge of taking down Nevermore on her own time, and I bet there are others out there who were being manipulated to take down other outcast groups. Like the Morningsong group, perhaps. But I'll get more into that later.
If this idea about Willowhill is true, then Tyler's mother could still be out there, under their control. They faked Laurel's death, why not Fran's? They had some control over the coroner it seemed, and they took him out as well. They don't seem to care much about the lives of these lower-level people. So they probably won't try to save Laurel if they have a choice, because she's been exposed. It depends a bit on if they think Tyler is a huge threat to their group. If he is, then they might want to keep her around to control him.
Bad Guy's Plans:
However, I don't think they particularly need Tyler. If he's not a danger to them, he's also useless. And if he's running around, making normies hate outcasts (even if he's killing normies) then they will probably just leave him be, and let the fear in the town build.
I also think they have a lot of backup plans to take down Nevermore. I think that it's also possible that there are many secret types of outcasts living amongst the normies that they plan to use. Nevermore apparently has a strict policy of what types of outcasts are allowed (ex: banned hydes) and also doesn't let everyone in (ex: Bianca had to siren her way in).
So where do all these other outcasts go? My theory again is that there has to be other outcast schools. There could be a hyde specific school, or they could also be regional, or maybe good/bad moral philosophy based.
But, if you can't get there, or don't get in, or don't have the money, etc. I think a lot of outcasts would just pretend to be normies. As shown, some parents even lie to their kids about who they are, making them even easier to use.
Back to the mural again:
So maybe Tyler just destroyed the mural himself, with no manipulation. But Laurel was just on the hunt for one of the many people in town (who had some secret power) to give her a hint that they hated Nevermore too. And then she pounced.
She was able to use him more easily because that hate already had a seed. I think if Tyler absolutely loved outcasts and had no trauma whatsoever, it would have been maybe too difficult to use him against Nevermore. They'd try using someone else. But they didn't. So he had to have some initial dislike for outcasts, in my opinion.
The next middle man bad guy:
But now that Laurel is 'gone' or at least exposed, the Willowhill group will need another middleman, and they might not go after Tyler now that he's escaped. Maybe they'd want to kill him to get him out of the way, but they might not bother putting in the effort to try to use him again. They might just take someone else in the town and use them instead. Either a single person or a set, or even a whole group (hive mind, gang, group sirening, or mob style maybe).
I think that at least one of the people they are going to use is likely already in town and that they are the stalker. Laurel's music box had hidden pictures in it, that seemed just like the stalker images she got. I'm guessing that they've been helping Laurel all along, maybe as another barrier between Laurel and the real people in charge.
This is another person who could have manipulated Tyler, or any of his friends into destroying the mural. Maybe they're a siren or another mind-controlling outcast, or maybe hydes can have multiple masters, or maybe it's Tyler's mom and Hyde parents have a bond over their children automatically, or she built up a bond before he 'died'. So many possibilities.
And this stalker person who may have the ability to control others seems at least a bit tech-savvy. They got Wednesday's phone number somehow and used a bit-moji type thing. Getting the number was either hacking or maybe they are just a student who's sneaky. Or a student who can control Xaiver, and wouldn't look suspicious talking to Xaiver. Such as Bianca.
The sirens:
This is another, very out-there idea, but maybe Bianca sirened Tyler into destroying Xavier's mural. Maybe they were in a fight and she wanted to get back at him, or maybe she hates Nevermore for not accepting her (and 'forcing' her to use her siren powers to get in) or maybe her mother blackmailed her and said if she didn't, she'd expose Bianca to Nevermore.
Or maybe Bianca's mother sirened Bianca to siren Tyler. We don't know the extent of Siren's powers, but if one can siren another, that would make them infinitely more powerful. Just like how the Siren's at the end of s1 sirened the teachers to tell the kids what to do (which would be lovely foreshadowing). But maybe that kind of power takes more effort, and maybe that's why her mom's power is running out.
Summary of who could be 'behind' him destroying the mural: Laurel, Tyler's grief, Tyler's friends, Tyler's mom, Bianca, Bianca's mom, the stalker, the big bag 3rd party group, or maybe a rival outcast school that is all hydes, sirens, from another region of the US or another country
Closing statements:
So yeahhhhh, I've got endless ideas at all times about all things. And I love rambling on. I'm a ramblin' man-child-boy-girl-person. This had been said before
And this is just me building up into talking about and around the mural lol.
If you got this far, I apologize, and I thank you for your time <3
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samtallchester · 11 months
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Hopefully canon reliant to an extent, gonna try working on it sunday
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sapphire600 · 1 year
Just imagine in WillowHill, Tyler is with the other Inmates retelling what happened with him and Wednesday.
Inmate: Wait, I thought you liked her?
Tyler: Yeah, I do.
Inmate: But you still try to kill her?
Tyler: Yeah.
Inmate: (Pause) …Okay.
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ourdramaqueen · 8 months
WIP tag game
I was tagged by @realmermaid333
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Here are my WIPs, in various stages from outlined to being actively written (including several which I've hit a block on, but I still want to complete them):
The Lord of the Rings
Frodo/Éomer Arranged marriage AU
Sughaim Sine/Frodo sex slave AU
Frodo meets prostitute!Eomer AU
Sauron wins, Éomer becomes Frodo's sex slave AU
Éomer/Lothíriel outdoor sex
The Boys
Rough Sex: What I Know
Hughie catches Butcher with a prostitute who looks like he could be his brother (i.e. like Hunter Doohan) AU
Butcher/Hughie Master/Slave story AU
Hughie needle fetish
A Very Addams Spring Break (The Sexual Education of Wednesday Addams)
Kidnapping Story (The Sexual Education of Wednesday Addams)
Hyde Sex God/Priestess Wednesday AU
Kraken!Wednesday/cabin boy!Tyler AU
doll/statue!Wednesday AU
BDSM Club AU from prompts
Tyler is at Willowhill, and the psychiatrists and other staff all tell him that him being a Hyde is all in his head
His Dark Materials Fusion
That's a total of 18! (And yes, I mostly used to write slash or the occasional M/M/F threesome, as you can see when you scroll back through my AO3 works.) I'm not tagging anyone because a) I'd need to look for 18 authors/artists to tag who haven't been included by @realmermaid333, and b) I rarely actually read Tumblr so I have no idea who's been tagged/has posted this already. If you see this and want to play, consider yourself tagged!
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averyaddamsromance · 1 year
A very Addams romance's bingo card
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A big shout out to the organizers of Wyler Kink Bingo @weylerwritingevents !! Has been so much fun!
Here the recap of prompts - and fanfics inspired by them:
FACE RIDING - fanfic Bite my tongue available on ao3 written together with the amazing, beautiful, incredible @nonamemanga and @suchaladyy
SHOTGUNNING - prompt available
DUCT TAPE - prompt available
SENSORY DEPRIVATION - prompt available
OBJECTIFICATION - check the superb fanfic La Scelta written by the one and only @nonamemanga
MEDICAL KINK - prompt available
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