#wednesday mural
cleosven · 2 years
Regarding this whole thing with Laurel trying to keep Xavier and Wednesday apart, I'm starting to wonder if Xavier was always intended to be the scapegoat for the Hyde attacks and if there might be another reason she made the remark about not being impressed with his powers and the spider animation and even assigning Xavier to work with Tyler because she would have known what Tyler did to him and deliberately set him up to have to work with his attacker.
Also, could she have been responsible or even partly responsible for the actual attack on Xavier?
I'm reading to much into this probably but there are certainly things here that make it look personal in my opinion.
What do you think?
So Laurel probably found out about Xavier liking Wednesday that time at the harvest fest. I personally think that Tyler gave Wednesday the file about her dad as an incentive to stay in Jericho, so that means Laurel was getting all the feedback from their interactions from that point on. So I think it's fairly plausible that Xavier was meant to be a scapegoat/red herring of some sort since that night.
And I'm not 100% sure if Laurel is responsible for Tyler ruining the mural.
(I added the break cuz this got pretty long haha)
We really know nothing about the mural's content, or why it was made. It could have been made for that Out reach day, and it was just destroyed immediately. A working theory of mine is that the mural was maybe a memorial for Xavier's mom (who was poignantly never mentioned), and Tyler had to see that mural every day working at the Weathervane and he just got sick of it, and all his friends hated Nevermore and were like "we should do something to them for outreach day" and he was like "I got an idea to get them back." But it's just a pile of hc's atm.
If the mural was designed to connect Nevermore and the town, either for outreach day or just in general, it would make sense that Laurel would want it destroyed. If she was in control of him at this time, it could have been a test to see how well controlling Tyler worked. However, maybe the test went badly because it kind of became a big thing in Tyler's life. He got sent away to a boot camp, and maybe he detoxed from Laurel a bit while he was gone. That could have messed up her plans a lot.
However, I think it's just as likely, that he was just a 15-year-old who had no one to talk to about the loss of his mother, and the only people who acted like they cared about him hated Nevermore, so he acted like he did too. And he had so much grief built up that it came out as anger.
We don't know how Tyler got his court-ordered therapy, but it could have been from this incident. Tyler said Xavier "could have made it much worse" for him, which means Xavier likely did turn him in, but just didn't tell the whole story. This leads me to believe that what happened during the assault was really really bad. Especially if it takes Xavier weeks to build up to telling Wednesday about it in the first place. It must be really painful to talk about.
I have more to say if you want, but that already seems like more than you were asking for lol
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eiochevart · 1 year
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Happy WIP Wednesday everyone! Because it’s so late when I’m posting this, I’m giving y’all two wips to make up for the wait :D
First pic is one of my Princess Hilda redesign drafts, I’m still testing out different outfits for her!
Second is Link (Mural) braiding Ravio’s hair!! Some of you were very enthusiastic about my Ravio content and I remember someone mentioning they like the braid I gave him, so,,,, here, come get y’all’s juice
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ghostoffuturespast · 7 months
WIP Whenever
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Tagged by @merge-conflict! Thank you 🧡
I just posted the most recent update for the long fic last week and only have 3/4 of a page for the next chapter... So, have a frog glow up instead 🐸
I've been painting a mural for the day job lol. (I blame my coworker for this.) It's been a weird experiment since I've never done a mural before and interior house paint is very different from actual art paints... Also, I struggle with the process of painting in general. Trying to construct something out of an amorphous blob makes my brain hurt, but it's been good practice. I've learned a lot and gave myself permission to just jump in the pond.
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umbersketches · 1 month
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Getting very close to finishing my mural! I probably have one good day left before it's all finished - and I can't wait to see it all done. I'm pretty stoked with how it's turning out :D
Final piece will be showcased on Sept. 7th as a part of the Subspace Collective First Saturday Artwalk in downtown Tucson. If you happen to be in the area then - I'll be in my studio to visit with people so drop by and take a look!
check me out elsewhere!
Cara // Linktree // Ko-fi
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Hii blog squad im back ...... just spent 10+ consecutive hours doing nothing but painting one of my walls also i just realized how many walls i have in my room like thats 18 flat planes altogether (not including floor) which is kind of crazy. Anyways my wrist hurts but surprisingly my knees hurt worse which i wasnt expecting considering the wall i was painting was the ???ceiling above my bed and so i was just like kneeling on my mattress the entire time. Thats all i have for Catch Up Post since aside from eating sleeping and watching expansive amounts of dugout building/chateau renovation youtube videos literally all i have been doing is painting
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lilitblaukatz · 2 years
Tyler, Lucas and their friends vandalized Xavier's mural and assaulted him at the same time. It means they made him watch.
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uncannilyaverage · 1 year
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'Tis the Season of the Witch
IG: ivanstanleylopez
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bigilante · 2 years
how do you guys remember details from series to write fics lmao i forget everything within the hour of watching the episode skjdk
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bound4travel81 · 2 years
After running around the streets of Wynwood and trying to see all that I could, my last stop was at Wynwood Walls. An open-air museum featuring incredible artists from all over the world. They also throw events and have guided tours available, plus they have an awesome gift shop.
* I'm also loving that The Cramps are trending right now too! 💀
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hs-is-loml · 2 years
Don't Make Me Say It Again. (x.t)
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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Fem!Addams!Reader
Summary: blurb! xavier is close to snapping when you don't realize what he has been hinting.
Warnings: mutual pining, fluff
a/n: okay, another one before i go torture myself in actually reading my textbook that i haven't picked up in weeks.
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“Shouldn’t you be with your sister?” Xavier questioned as you tied on your apron.
“No, she wanted to work at pilgrim world for some odd reason. I would rather die than dress up as a colonist,” you informed the boy.
“That doesn’t surprise me.”
“Hey, Y/N! Need a hand?” Tyler called out from behind the counter as you and Xavier cleaned the tables.
“Already got one,” you replied back pointing to Thing wiping the table.
“I thought I told you and your sister that he was bad news,” Xavier whispered to you as he reached over to grab a mug on your side of the table.
“Twice actually, but I couldn’t care less about him. Wait. Enlighten me,” you turned to face him.
That was when you noticed how close you two actually were. Though you were standing around a foot away from each other, it was concerning how he seemed to step closer to talk.
“It happened last Outreach Day. I was working on a mural for the town then he and his friends come up and start attacking me. They destroyed the mural and left me with bruised ribs. People like him don’t like people like us,” he explained.
“It’s not like you would care anyways, right?” Xavier scoffed walking off to the next table.
“It seems like he’s changed, quiter softer now, which is disappointing,” you admitted as you followed Xavier. “Why do you care so much if I talk to him though?”
“You’re kidding.”
“Why would I kid?” you blanked.
“Open your eyes, Y/N! I have been here on your side this entire time, and you still don’t get it?” Xavier snapped banging the table with the tub full of plates and mugs taking a step closer to you. “Sometimes it’s unbelievable how little empathy you have for others.”
“Xavier,” you breathed out taking a step back.
“I like you, Y/n. What do I have to do for you to see that?” he followed in taking a step closer.
“You know I don’t actually like Tyler, right? You might be an imbecile and infuriating but-” you hinted.
“Really know how to make a guy blush,” he let out a small laugh.
“It’s the attributes I like about you though,” you muttered under your breath.
“What was that?” he mocked.
“Don’t make me say it again,” you deadpanned looking down on the floor avoiding his gaze.
“No, I don’t think I heard you the first time,” he joked he lifted your chin with his hand. “What did you say?”
“I’m not saying it again.”
“You gonna let me kiss you?”
“Depends,” you answered.
He moved his hand from your chin to the back of your neck pulling you into a kiss. You found yourself kissing him back wrapping your arms around his neck. You could feel him smile into the kiss. You didn’t kow how long you to stayed there for until you heard a cough behind you.
“Seems like you’ve had fun working,” Wednesday said unimpressed as she pulled you away from Xavier. In which he just laughed as you tried to get your arm out of Wednesday’s grip.
"Wednesday, why do you always have to grab the same arm," you whined as she dragged you out.
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cleosven · 2 years
Re: having more to say.
Yes please. Continue. I would love to hear it :)
And I agree. I think whatever Tyler and his friends did to Xavier was really, really bad but that he withheld a lot of the details so it seems like it was just vandalizing the mural and beating him up. Which makes you wonder exactly what they did to him which I do hope they take the time to explore or touch on in season 2.
Lol, ok! Continuing! Remember, you asked for it, and you can take a water break at any time!
Way Too Many Theories Loosely Related to the Mural: In 6 Random Parts
So if I haven't mentioned this already, I'm pretty sure that Laurel didn't fake her own death at the age of 9. I think she had help from a big-bag-3rd-party group. So I don't think she was working alone in her plan to take down Nevermore, and I think the greater goal of this group is to take down (or use) all outcasts.
She bought the gates house before she became a teacher at Nevermore (which of course was probably funded by this secret evil group). Laurel said she'd been working at Nevermore for a year and a half when she met Wednesday in the library, so she was there at least from the start of the beginning of the previous year, which would have been Tyler's 10th-grade year.
So she had at least two months of that year to get close to Tyler. But again, that is a very short time period to come up with a whole plan, seek out Tyler's history, make the chemicals, use the chemicals, and then control him to destroy the mural. ESPECIALLY if she didn't have any other hyde information before she found out he was a hyde.
Why would she even be looking into using Tyler, or using a Hyde in the first place??
So again, I think she had help planning this. Help from someone who knew about Hydes.
My current theory is that the WillowHill mental health facility is a cover for normies to experiment on outcasts, or at least Hydes in particular. And I think that they aren't the only places that does this. I think they are part of a larger group of anti-outcast normies that use a combination of science and the "supernatural" arts Laurel mentioned. This is who helped her fake her death, and who helped her plan to take down Nevermore, and it was the plan all along to use Tyler, because they knew about his mother, because she was one of the hydes (or maybe even the only one, we don't know) who was experimented on, and gave them all their knowledge about how to train Hydes.
But again, she was just the middleman to take down one piece of the puzzle. She was in charge of taking down Nevermore on her own time, and I bet there are others out there who were being manipulated to take down other outcast groups. Like the Morningsong group, perhaps. But I'll get more into that later.
If this idea about Willowhill is true, then Tyler's mother could still be out there, under their control. They faked Laurel's death, why not Fran's? They had some control over the coroner it seemed, and they took him out as well. They don't seem to care much about the lives of these lower-level people. So they probably won't try to save Laurel if they have a choice, because she's been exposed. It depends a bit on if they think Tyler is a huge threat to their group. If he is, then they might want to keep her around to control him.
Bad Guy's Plans:
However, I don't think they particularly need Tyler. If he's not a danger to them, he's also useless. And if he's running around, making normies hate outcasts (even if he's killing normies) then they will probably just leave him be, and let the fear in the town build.
I also think they have a lot of backup plans to take down Nevermore. I think that it's also possible that there are many secret types of outcasts living amongst the normies that they plan to use. Nevermore apparently has a strict policy of what types of outcasts are allowed (ex: banned hydes) and also doesn't let everyone in (ex: Bianca had to siren her way in).
So where do all these other outcasts go? My theory again is that there has to be other outcast schools. There could be a hyde specific school, or they could also be regional, or maybe good/bad moral philosophy based.
But, if you can't get there, or don't get in, or don't have the money, etc. I think a lot of outcasts would just pretend to be normies. As shown, some parents even lie to their kids about who they are, making them even easier to use.
Back to the mural again:
So maybe Tyler just destroyed the mural himself, with no manipulation. But Laurel was just on the hunt for one of the many people in town (who had some secret power) to give her a hint that they hated Nevermore too. And then she pounced.
She was able to use him more easily because that hate already had a seed. I think if Tyler absolutely loved outcasts and had no trauma whatsoever, it would have been maybe too difficult to use him against Nevermore. They'd try using someone else. But they didn't. So he had to have some initial dislike for outcasts, in my opinion.
The next middle man bad guy:
But now that Laurel is 'gone' or at least exposed, the Willowhill group will need another middleman, and they might not go after Tyler now that he's escaped. Maybe they'd want to kill him to get him out of the way, but they might not bother putting in the effort to try to use him again. They might just take someone else in the town and use them instead. Either a single person or a set, or even a whole group (hive mind, gang, group sirening, or mob style maybe).
I think that at least one of the people they are going to use is likely already in town and that they are the stalker. Laurel's music box had hidden pictures in it, that seemed just like the stalker images she got. I'm guessing that they've been helping Laurel all along, maybe as another barrier between Laurel and the real people in charge.
This is another person who could have manipulated Tyler, or any of his friends into destroying the mural. Maybe they're a siren or another mind-controlling outcast, or maybe hydes can have multiple masters, or maybe it's Tyler's mom and Hyde parents have a bond over their children automatically, or she built up a bond before he 'died'. So many possibilities.
And this stalker person who may have the ability to control others seems at least a bit tech-savvy. They got Wednesday's phone number somehow and used a bit-moji type thing. Getting the number was either hacking or maybe they are just a student who's sneaky. Or a student who can control Xaiver, and wouldn't look suspicious talking to Xaiver. Such as Bianca.
The sirens:
This is another, very out-there idea, but maybe Bianca sirened Tyler into destroying Xavier's mural. Maybe they were in a fight and she wanted to get back at him, or maybe she hates Nevermore for not accepting her (and 'forcing' her to use her siren powers to get in) or maybe her mother blackmailed her and said if she didn't, she'd expose Bianca to Nevermore.
Or maybe Bianca's mother sirened Bianca to siren Tyler. We don't know the extent of Siren's powers, but if one can siren another, that would make them infinitely more powerful. Just like how the Siren's at the end of s1 sirened the teachers to tell the kids what to do (which would be lovely foreshadowing). But maybe that kind of power takes more effort, and maybe that's why her mom's power is running out.
Summary of who could be 'behind' him destroying the mural: Laurel, Tyler's grief, Tyler's friends, Tyler's mom, Bianca, Bianca's mom, the stalker, the big bag 3rd party group, or maybe a rival outcast school that is all hydes, sirens, from another region of the US or another country
Closing statements:
So yeahhhhh, I've got endless ideas at all times about all things. And I love rambling on. I'm a ramblin' man-child-boy-girl-person. This had been said before
And this is just me building up into talking about and around the mural lol.
If you got this far, I apologize, and I thank you for your time <3
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eiochevart · 6 months
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Wip Wednesday😐
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Can You Come Around
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
pairing: modern!steve harrington x modern!fem!reader
wc: 2629
cw: mad flirting, swearing, alcohol, drinking, weed, smoking, mentions of cheating, men being weird, smut, 18+ mdni, fingering, teasing
a/n: set in modern times with the reader as the front woman of a new band in NYC. hope you guys like it!!
steve masterlist
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“Goddamn”  Eddie whispered as they all stared up at the stage. 
It was Robin’s twenty-first birthday, causing everyone to meet up in New York City. Since Robin was the last of the eldest teens to turn of legal drinking age, the group decided to go on a small trip in honor of the momentous occasion. 
A four day trip with four of Steve’s closest friends—what could possibly go wrong. 
Originally? Nothing.
Wednesday and Thursday went off without a hitch. Seeing as her birthday was Wednesday, they spent the night bar hopping, snagging free drinks from those who were feeling generous enough to donate to their celebration, and snagging as many free desserts from as many restaurants as possible.
Then Friday night hit. Abandoning their original plan to try this bar near NYU that Nancy had been raving about, they found themselves in some other part of Greenwich, at this random bar that Eddie just had to go to. 
You see, the group had run into one of Eddie’s old friends on Thursday, and he wouldn’t stop raving about this random band that only Eddie seemed to have heard about. And that’s when Eddie turned to look at the group. 
“I said no Eddie, this was the plan–”
At one point he even got on his knees and pleaded with Nancy. 
She eventually caved when Eddie offered to sponsor her drinks for the rest of her trip.
Which is how they found themselves packed in the back corner of this surprising large space. It had to have spanned across two buildings since it was just this giant, underground hall that was covered in drawings, in stickers, in posters, in murals, in graffiti—dark, but not dingy, which Nancy and Robin greatly appreciated. Once the group had managed to snag a table in the back, and gotten their drinks, they all started talking to one another. 
It was loud, but since there was no music playing, they could still hear one another pretty well. 
That was until your band walked on stage the crowd of college kids roared. 
To say that Steve was completely and utterly entranced by you was an understatement. The roaming lights around the audience would catch his eyes every now and again, but it didn’t matter if he was being blinded since he could only see you anyways. 
As you greeted the audience, Eddie elbowed Steve slightly in an ‘I told you so’ manner. “You’re going to fucking love them man.” 
Steve only nodded in response, watching your smile broaden with each roar of applause from the crowd. 
The night went on like this, Steve being completely despondent from all conversations happening at the table, and the group making fun of his infatuation. He barely even finished the beer in his hand, only able to focus on the sound of your voice filling up every available inch of room. It was hard to not breathe you in with every single inhale he took. 
As the night was winding down, the crowd only grew. But as all good things, your performance had to come to an end. Your voice rang out. 
“New York!” 
They roared in response to you. 
“I just want to thank you all for coming out tonight to support me and my friends. At the end of the day we’re just a bunch of idiot twenty-two years old that fucking love music, and we’re so grateful you guys decided to come out and support us tonight.”
Steve heard Eddie scream over his shoulder with the rest of the crowd.
“Now, we only have one song left in our set–I know I know it’s devastating but some of us wanna get fucked up too.”
The opening chords of the song rang out and Steve swore he was going to go deaf. He had never actually felt sound before, but there was a first time for everything. 
Nancy whacked Eddie’s shoulder. “I fucking love this song, why didn’t you lead with that?” 
Eddie’s eyes grew wide as your voice floated over. 
Can you come around? Fuck me nice. 
“You know—you LIKE–this song?”
Pull my hair. Sing me lullabies. 
“Eddie, we listened to it in the van on the way here..”
And we can pretend that we're in love. 
Steve blocked out the rest of their conversations and zeroed in on the thrumming of his pulse as you continued to sing. 
“When you come around, I’ll wear red. And I’ll forget all the awful things you’ve ever said. And we can pretend that we're in love.” 
Singing has been a passion of yours from a very young age. You were in vocal lessons the second you turned four, and dance lessons by five. Your parents were certain you were going to be the next broadway triple threat. You had even picked up the guitar and piano by age seven. But by the time you hit middle school, you had become more interested in writing, in poetry. You dropped the dance lessons and picked up drum lessons instead, much to the chagrin of your father. Writing poetry turned into writing music, and suddenly you were sneaking off to go to concerts every night, finding ways to get into bars to see local singers and bands. It was exhilarating watching people pursue their passion.
You found your bandmates in your first semester at Columbia. You had been in the wrong place at the right time, finding out that one of your lab partners could also play the guitar and the bass. And then you found out she knew someone who played the drums who was looking for a few people to hangout with. Then you found out that the drummer's sister was a keyboardist who was over at NYU. And NYU’s roommate? Well she just so happened to be one of the greatest guitar players you had ever heard.
That’s when you guys started playing and writing music together. 
“Until I throw a punch and you call me a cunt and that tips me over the edge. Ah, you throw my phone out the window. The next thing the neighbor says she’s calling’ the feds, and I wish you were dead. For a sec. I wish you dead. “
You couldn’t help but feel as though someone had shot electricity through your veins. Any time you stepped out on that stage, it was as if the world shifted under your feet and suddenly you could feel every single pulse of every single person in the audience. 
Tonight was no exception. You had officially released two EPs with collections of songs on them over the past few years, but a few weeks ago, your band had signed with an agent, who was able to get you more gigs, better gigs. She was incredible. 
Exactly a week ago, you had released your first ever single with a label. Your EPs were listened to, and you were an up-and-coming group to look out for, for sure, but you had never had a single before. 
It blew up.
“But you come around. At ten pm. We watch tv. We break the bed.” 
Tonight was the first time you were singing the single live, and hearing the entire audience screaming the words back to you took your breath away. You almost forgot the next words since you were so baffled at just how many people knew your songs, how many people knew the words. 
 And we can pretend that we're in love. We can pretend that we’re in love.” 
You couldn’t help as your eyes roamed the entire audience the whole night, but during this final song, you locked eyes with someone in the back. 
He had these gorgeous eyes that only showed for a brief second as the light that had roamed over him, before it moved on and he was gone again. 
Your heart almost jumped into your throat and your stomach flipped. Who the fuck was this man, and how did you find him once you finished singing this song? 
“Until I throw a punch and you call me a cunt and that tips me over the edge. Ah, you throw my phone out the window. The next thing the neighbor says she’s calling’ the feds, and I wish you were dead.”
This song was written over the course of twenty-seven minutes. 
About four months ago, your relationship of three years had decided that you weren’t enough. And instead of ending it all proper-like, he decided to go and fuck some random girl in his ethics class. 
The irony was not lost on you. 
For a sec. I wish you dead. I wish you were dead.
After you had finished performing, you went backstage, congratulating your bandmates, but your mind was somewhere else. It was in the back of the venue with one of the most gorgeous men you had ever seen in your life. 
At the same time, Steve Harrington was running through all of the ways he would be able to find you in this crowd. He wasn’t about to tell his friends he was running off to find you, since it was Robin’s birthday night after all, but he wasn’t about to not take the chance. 
“They’re fucking amazing…” Robin slurred out a little bit, having had six shots in the past ten minutes. Wearing a “It’s my birthday” sash in a bar is all fun and games until you receive your tenth tequila shot and eighth free margarita from kind strangers. 
“Alright…maybe we should…”
Steve and Eddie chuckled at the sound that emanated from Robin’s mouth. He was sure if he put in the effort, he could translate it to a negative response to Nancy’s suggestion. 
“I’ll be right back Eds, while Nance and Johnny take Robin back. I know you wanted to stay out a little longer.” He muttered to Eddie before heading off, towards the hallway near the side of the venue. 
Steve found a bouncer near the end of the hallway who was smoking a cigarette and nodded outside. “Do you mind if I…?” 
The guy shook his head. “Knock twice to be let back in, yeah?” 
Steve nodded and headed outside, reaching into his pocket to pull out a joint from the small container in his pocket. 
Just as he did so, he heard a cough from beside him. “You don’t happen to have a…”
As Steve looked up, your voice trailed off. The rest of your sentence didn’t matter since you were face to face with the mystery man from the back of the room. 
“Hey you’re–” Steve pointed at you before realzing how fucking dumb he must sound. But you just shrugged and nodded. 
“Yeah. How’d you like the show?” 
Steve held the lighter up and lit the joint that was in your hand. “Loved it.”
All you could notice was how gorgeous his eyes were again, stunned into a moment of hesitation with words since you were absolutely too mesmerized by him. 
“Great fucking show.” 
That and his hands. You would let those fucking hands do anything to you. 
“Think so?”
Steve nodded, and bit his lip as he looked you up and down shamelessly.
You come around. Fuck me nice. Pull my hair. Sing me lullabies.
You shoved Steve up against a wall, lips against his. He tasted like weed and whatever beer he had been drinking earlier. 
His hands cupped your ass as the two of you began to make out in the dimly lit alley behind the venue. 
No other words needed. 
Your body rolled reflexively against his, causing him to moan softly into your mouth. 
“Just gonna kiss me pretty boy or…” You muttered as you kissed across his jaw, sucking and leaving marks all across his neck. 
Steve took the opportunity to roll the both of you against the wall so now his body pressed yours up against it. 
His hands had moved from your back to your hips, squeezing them ever so slightly as to get more of a rise out of you. 
It was working. 
He slipped one of his hands down the curve of your hip and to the front of your jeans, unzipping them as you moaned into his mouth. The fingers that had previously been on his neck were now twisted in his hair. 
Steve’s pointer finger slid up your panties, causing your whole body to jolt at the touch of him between your thighs. 
His lips trailed down your cheek and towards your neck. 
The feeling of his hand so close to your pussy and the fanning of his breath over your neck was enough to almost send you over the edge right then and there. 
Steve knew better than to keep you waiting. Brushing aside your underwear with his thumb, he pressed a finger up into your core. 
Steve’s eye’s grew darker at the feeling of how completely soaked you were, just for him. 
Your hips rocked back and forth slightly, trying to get him to move, trying to get the friction. 
Steve took the hint and dug his finger in further, getting up to his knuckle in pussy. 
Once Steve had thouroughly fucked you with just one finger, he decided to add another. And then another, causing you to tug even more on his hair. 
Steve decided right then and there, he loved the feeling of your squirming on his hand while you yanked the shit out of his hair. 
“F-fuck–shit I’m…I’m so..” 
Steve started rapidly curling his fingers inside of you, over and over and over again, brushing against your g-spot over and over and over again. 
His other hand came up to your mouth and he slowly pushed his two middle fingers inside, causing you to slightly choke on them, and then moan. 
It was muffled by the digits in your mouth, but it was the final straw that caused your orgasm to snap your body in half. Choking slightly on one hand, and your pussy convulsing on his other, you had ascended to heaven. 
A man had never made you cum just by fingering you before. 
In the midst of your orgasm, body spasming at Steve’s fingers contined to fuck your insides, that Steve was probably just a god—a sex god really. No man could be this handsome and fuckable, while also being phenomenal at sex. 
Eventually as your body calmed down, and Steve removed his hand from your mouth, you felt his lips on yours. Your hand instantly shoved him hard against your lips, feeling the need to feel something of his skin on yours. 
He slowly circled his fingers causing your body to let out another moan, sending a shiver up your spine. 
After a few moments Steve pulled away, and you opened your eyes to take another look at the man standing with you. As you did so, he very gently pulled his hand out, looking you in the eyes the whole time. 
You might as well had cum a second time right then and there as he slowly slipped his fingers, covered in your orgasm, into his mouth. If you thought about it too much, you were sure you basically drooled right then and there for this man. 
Steve raised his eyebrows at the fact that the woman he had just heard singing her heart out was now speechless at him. 
“You’re coming back to my apartment.” 
You nodded and slid one of your hands down to zip up your jeans and fix your shirt.  Not that it mattered since you looked like you had just been fucked to heaven and back in an alley. 
Not even a moment later, just as Eddie was leaving the club he received a text from Steve: 
Dont wait up
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achromatophoric · 2 months
Wednesday: Enid, I require a pedantic criticism concerning Thorpe.
Enid: Uhhh, maybe his mural in the Quad? It has three flying ravens, but don’t they normally travel in like, mated pairs?
Wednesday: Correct, though juvenile ravens may gather to form a conspiracy. Regardless, that is suitably trivial. Thank you, mi corazón. I will return shortly.
Enid: Hang on. Is that a pillowcase filled with door knobs?
Wednesday: Bars of soap. Xavier invited me to his room for “nitpicks and kill.”
Wednesday: Did… I misunderstand his intentions? Shall I reject his offer?
Enid: Nope! Babycakes, you have fun. And don’t forget, it’s “Hulu and bang” tonight! 😘
— — —
Thanks to @caitlynskitten for suggesting that the nitpick be related to Xavier’s art.
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priniya · 2 years
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when the addams twins arrive at the castle, xavier thorpe doesn’t expect to be interested in one of them.
notes: its been two weeks and im still not over xavier thorpe. xavier thorpe x addams!reader. reader is kinda more open and more emotional than wednesday. mentions of death, teenagers making out, hydes. also unedited, so don’t mind the mistakes pls <3 SPOILERS for the show!!!
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wednesday and you weren’t exactly identical in personality, some would even dare to say you two were polar opposite, but it wasn’t the full truth. you were… similar, however throughout the entirety of your lives, you seemed to be the more open one, the one who wouldn’t mind physical touch with family, and the closest friends. yet, despite things that defined the differences between you, you were still closed off, a facade built around, so hurting you would be harder.
when you arrived at the castle, the principal decided to split you, giving each of you a little space to breathe, after sixteen years of living together, and being attached by a hip. then, you were told by your parents that you’d be the one living alone, which made your heart clutch.
“tragic events occur, when twins are being separated.” you uttered, arms crossed at the chest as you walked down the hallway, looking for a room that was assigned to you. “don’t say i haven’t warned you.”
the room wasn’t like your sisters, you hadn’t had an eccentric, colorful roommate that was willing to become friends with you – for the first time in your life, you were all alone, not sharing anything with anyone.
later, you’ve learnt that mrs. weems assigned a boy to show you around the school, to provide you a, as she stated, fresh start with friends made, because of you, and not your sister. you were fast to notice that xavier thorpe was quite popular amongst the students, and when you walked around the castle with him, rumors were starting to spread like fire.
well, at least he decided to stick up with your throughout the breaks, so you weren’t bothered by people trying to get the reason of your arrival mid-semester. and after a few weeks, you grew to tolerate his presence, some would say you grew to like him.
when you were assigned to help at the weathervane, and found out it was xavier’s doing (he switched his assignment card with yours, and then switched his with someone else), you even smiled a little to yourself.
“wednesday’s friend works here.” you uttered, standing in front of the coffee shop with a still face. you averted your eyes to xavier as he scoffed, brows knitted at your words. “i suppose you know him?” a sigh slipped through his lips as you cound sense that he was bothered by the mention of your sister’s friend.
“it’s the guy i’ve told you about.” he began, and you understood. xavier talked about a lot of things, and if he started to rant, you’d listen to every single word that left his mouth. “the asshole.” you chimed in, making him smile. so you were listening (he had doubts).
you pressed your lips into a thin line, stepping inside the shop with thorpe right behind you, hand somewhere on your lower back, a gesture he would repeat, whenever you had a walk. “wednesday?” you heard an unfamiliar voice spoke out with shock, walking up to you. his eyes followed your partner’s arm, causing him a lot of… unnecessary stress.
“a sister.” you replied. his body relaxed, the same second a relieved sigh left his mouth. nonetheless, you could feel your friend’s muscles stiff by being around the boy who ruined his mural.
before you could even refuse, you were having an orange apron wrapped around your chest, being told to at least have a little smile on your face prior, which lead to the blonde boy laughing at your reaction, and then at the reaction of the owner, when you cursed under your breath.
“colors suit you.” xavier commented, hand running through his hair, trying to get the annoying strands of the face. not even knowing why, you were observing each of his moves. “what?” he asked, a little flustered, which was a rare thing.
without uttering a word, you grabbed a tie from your wrist, pulling him closer, so tying his hair would be easier. when you processed the situation, you blinked twice, heat unwillingly coming to your cheeks, giving them a chance to tint pinkish. “it was annoying.” you whispered, his face right in front of yours.
at the end of the outreach day, you got exhausted, fingertips burnt by accidentally touching the hot surface of the coffee machine, heart pounding by consuming an insane amount of caffeine. you were sitting at your desk, finishing an assignment for ms. thornhill’s classes, a large essay about a certain species, when your hand started to draw all across the page, a scene that you guess would happen in future.
you got your visions randomly, whether you had something to sketch on, or not, it wasn’t as intense as your sister’s ability, but was definitely more trustworthy than hers. a wave of dread washed over you as you realized the picture showed your body, with a monster that killed rowan on top of you, its hand in the air as if it wanted to take a swing at you.
you didn’t even know where you were heading, legs taking the absolute control over you as you entered one of the boys’ wings, finding yourself at the door of xavier’s thorpe, tears threatening to spill.
“he- what are you doing here, what happened?” he let out, pulling you into his room, a worried grimace spreading over his face as he watched you breaking down. tears ruining your makeup, breath so short that you couldn’t catch it a few times, your whole body shaking, scaring the shit out of your friend. “y/n, what is-” words died in his throat as soon as you threw your arms around his neck.
it was a sign for him to shut up, and embrace you in a tight hug. nevertheless, hearing you crying, or just seeing you so vulnerable made his heart itch, a jolt of pain hitting him so suddenly. he let his head rest on yours as his hands caressed your back up, and down slowly.
you pulled away fifteen minutes later, his white t-shirt stained black, because of your smudged mascara and eyeliner, your eyes red, swallowed, and puffy. “i apologize, don’t know what lead me here.” you sniffed as his palm cupped the side of your face as the thumb wiped away your tears.
“shhh, don’t say that.” xavier shushed, his eyes looking directly into yours, the worry on his face never gone. “just tell me what happened, okay? i’m worried.” he whispered, stroking you cheek gently.
“i’m going to die.” your words made the boy tense up, eyebrows knitted together as he tilted his head to the side. “the monster will kill me, i saw it xavier. it-it’s going to rip me apart.” you cracked a humorless laugh. “i overreacted, death will come to all of us, right?”
“yeah, but it won’t take you away from me, okay? i’ll promise.”
you stayed overnight, because xavier said he’d like to have an eye on you, in case something happens (which you thought was an absurd, because what would happen at the castle, but you let down without a fight). at first, you were supposed to sleep on his bed, while he occupied the empty one, but somehow, the two of you ended up in one bed, staying up almost all night to talk.
since that evening, the form of your relationship has shifted. he was the only person to see you without the facade, you’ve built to protect you. and… you’ve got close, extremely close. xavier wanted to protect you, so he offered to spend time with him at the shed. you didn’t even hesitate.
his presence was soothing — for the first time in your life, you liked to have someone next to you, to give you the sense of comfort, and protection, something you’d hardly ever experienced. at the same time, you could witness how the walls around him fell down with each hangout, showing you the real him.
you remember sitting in the yard, on a bench next to wednesday and enid, who couldn’t stop talking about how well did ajax look at the poe cup with his makeup (you wouldn’t admit it, but the only one you looked at that day was xavier, could anybody blame you though?).
“hey.” a familiar male approached the three of you, a shadow of smile hovering over his lips as you turned yourself to him, matching the smile immediately. “could we talk, for a minute?” he asked, eyes focused on you.
“she stays here. we’re going to be witnesses.” wednesday blurted out before you were even able to open your mouth. a sigh, full of misery, left your mouth, but you just nodded, making enid giggle.
“yeah, sure.” he shrugged, not minding their presences. “would you… go to the raven’s with me?” he cracked a smile, his words making your stomach clutch, planting there a warm, unknown feeling.
“i’d love to.” the corners of your lips went a little upward. a scene of you, and xavier both clothed in white, slowly dancing at the dance floor with his hands on your waist. god, just a thought of what may happen at the raven’s made you smile.
“god, i thought you wouldn’t agree.” he chuckled, eyes flew to your friends. “okay, i won’t interrupt anymore. catch you later, right?” you nodded. as soon as xavier left, you were burried in questions by sinclar, who suddenly got so interested in how did you bond with thorpe so fast.
however, your sister didn’t share the enthusiasm with enid as she watched xavier leave with narrowed eyes. “you should be careful.” she muttered, sparing you a glance. “he acts suspicious, you should spend less time with him, in case something happens.”
“don’t worry. i can keep myself safe, wednesday.”
for the next few days you were mostly hanging out with your sister, and her crew, spending a lot of time at the weathervane, keeping an eye on tyler, who wasn’t the most innocent in your eyes, especially when he pinned over your sister.
it was easy to assume that as a child, you weren’t really enthusiastically participating in such trivial activities as school dances, trips, school clubs until you came to nevermore. sometimes, at night, you’d wonder what has gotten into you, making you change so suddenly. then, when you woke to a message from xavier, you always understood where did it come from.
you expected the things between you to end a few days after he showed you around, being left alone with your own thoughts, which could result in running away with wednesday as soon as possible or in going against anything that mrs. weems had planned for you.
but fortunately for you, your friend decided to stick around, making sure you will accommodate yourself at the school, somehow he found protecting you as his mission after getting interested in you. sometimes, you thought that xavier thorpe was like an angel sent from heaven just for you, to be honest — he felt the same way with you.
seeing you, dressed up in the prettiest dress you’ve found in jericho, waiting on him at the entrance of the ophelia hall with a shadow of smile hovering over your lips as you noticed him, wearing a perfectly fitted, white suit, hair tied in a bun. too handsome to keep your eyes off him.
“didn’t expect to see an addams in a white dress.” he let out a laugh, taking your arm gently as you walked down the way to the hall. “you look gorgeous, though. it suits you.”
“enid made me choose it.” you rolled your eyes, earning a small chuckle from your partner. “don’t laugh at me, asshole! it was so hard to convince her to let me pick one on my own.” you punched his arm playfully, stepping into the room.
“it must be weird seeing her around wednesday so much.” you nodded. “it’s so… mind-blowing how different the two of you are. you begin to grow to become grumpy and sunshine, funny.” his laughter rang in your mind, the meaning of his words hitting you after a second.
“did you just call me a sunshine? do i look like a sunshine to you?” you scoffed, turning your head to him with a scowl. “it’s like an insult in my family to be called a sunshine.” you added, getting another chuckle in response.
“if you were dressed in a yellow dress, then you’d be cosplaying the sun.” you could feel his breath on your ear as he laughed, nudging you lightly. “god, i start to regret i agreed on going with you, asshole.”
the rest of the dance was truly wonderful. for the first time, you’ve had as much fun, doing a thing you thought was reserved for someone who came from a normal family, and your family wasn’t exactly the most normal one. most of the time, you spent with your body glued to your partner’s as you danced, barely paying attention to people surrounding you, almost as if there was no one around you. it was also the day, when xavier heard your laugh for the first time, the second you noticed people tripping over the red paint that covered the whole hall (including your dress, and thorpe’s suit).
you didn’t know about the vision your sister had, since you barely have spoken a word to each other as your dates didn’t really get along. you arrived at the door of your room shortly after the dance was cut off. “i have to admit, i had fun.” you cracked a smile at him, hands wrapped around his chest as you slowly pulled him inside.
“see? you’re the sunshine.” he laughed, reciprocating your smile. “sure, does that make you the grumpy, then?” you tilted your head to the side, feeling his hands on your waist. “do you want me to be the grumpy?” a whisper left his mouch, your lips inches away from each other.
“what if i do?” you let out.
before you could add anything else, xavier pressed his lips against yours, closing the gap between you. your hands immediately flew to the collar of his shirt, pulling him even closer as a soft sigh escaped from between your lips. you closed your eyes, the warm feeling appeared in your abdomen once again.
the impact xavier thorpe had on you, made your legs wobbly, unable to stand still as you had to tighten your grip on his shirt to keep you steady. everything felt like a dream, his lips moving against yours, hands tracing around your body, before your back hit the sheets on the bed, not really minding that you’d have to change them later.
then, when you woke up, still in the now-red dress, your friend sleeping next to you, his arm threw over your waist, you felt million things at the time. heart’s pounding in your chest in the moment, when you brushed the hair off his face. a soft smile spread over your lips. then, one significant thing popped up in your mind.
the parents’ visits weekend.
“hey, xav.” you mumbled, shaking his arm gently. “wake up, your dad’s probably waiting for you downstairs, right now.” you didn’t even realize he was up until he groaned at the mention of his dad.
“he’s not.” he replied, fingertips caressing geometrical shapes on your waist. “he texted me, he’s not showing up.” the boy shrugged, showing you the notification on his screen. “excited about having a weekend with your parents, though? missed them?”
“well, kinda.” a sigh left your mouth as you turn your head to him. “it’s good to see them, but not too exciting.” you sent him half a smile, and brought your feet to the cold flooring.
you wished you could say that the parents weekend gave you a great time to bond with your parents, and siblings, but all you got was the vision coming true. you were coming back from xavier’s shed, wanting to have a word with your relatives, when something threw you on the tree with its full strength.
death fascinated you as a child, you wondered what would it be, nonetheless, you’ve always wanted to be in control of your last seconds. maybe killing yourself with a gun by playing the russian roulette, or by jumping off a plane without a parachute, but definitely not by being torn apart by a monster who injured wednesday’s friend, and killed xavier’s roommate.
you didn’t even fight, accepting whatever would happen next, not contemplating whether you’d end up in heaven or hell. limbs cut to flesh, leaving you with scars that would take a whole lifetime to heal. it took you long enough to pass out or die, you weren’t certainly sure.
to your dispair, you were alive, in a coma, but still alive. it was probably the tragic outcome you’d talked about the day you arrived at the school. unconscious, surrounded by your friends, and family at the hospital in jericho.
you regained consciousness late at night with the head pounding like a drum. then, you realized that maybe, xavier thorpe was an angel sent to you from heaven, when you catch a glimpse of him, his head leaned against the white sheets of the hospital bed, your hand intertwined with his. it seemed like he could feel you switching on the bed.
“y/n? oh my god.” he whispered, tightening the grip on your hand. “you’re alive, fuck me, they said there was a slight chance that you’d wake up.” it was all unbelievable for him to see you awaken.
you cracked a soft smile at him in response, head tilted to the side as you murmured. “my death would be more phenomenal that this, since when do you think so lowly of me?” a low chuckled escaped from between your lips. “how long have i been… half-dead?”
“a while, you missed your birthday.” he sighed. “and you also missed, when your sister accused me of being the monster that attacked you, which is funny, you know, because even though her evidences lead to me, i was the one who found you, and took you to mrs. weems, i was the one who sit here most of my free time.”
a week later, a few days before wednesday’s date with her boyfriend, you got out of the hospital, although still weak, so xavier was always somewhere near you to scare off people who was a possible bother.
you were sitting in his room, revising the notes yoko has given you when you left the hospital, and you decided on continuing the semester. a playlist, you’ve made a few hours earlier, was playing in the background as the two of you were minding your things. the first peaceful evening in a while.
“hey, uh. i need to tell you something.” he caught your attention. “i know that it’s partially my fault for your accident, because i should go with you to the castle that day but-”
“xavier-” you started, but he immediately cut you off.
“let me finish, okay?” you nodded. “uh, where was i? the feeling that you’ve might not wake up was destructive, the awareness that i won’t be able to hear you laugh, see you smile or kiss you made me realize how much i don’t want to lose you, and that i love you. love you from the bottom of my heart.” now, he was sitting right in front of you, his hands holding yours gently.
“and i know that everything’s so confusing for you right now, but i’d like to be more than friends.” he mumbled, keeping eye contact with you. “you don’t have to tell me you like me, or love me, you don’t even have to agree i just–”
kissing xavier was the only thing that popped up in your mind, when you thought about cutting him off, one of your hand placed on the back of his neck, the second one patting his cheek. the kiss didn’t last long, because you pulled away after a few seconds. “will you listen to me now?”
“i like you, xavier thorpe. it’s hard to say, but i wouldn’t let someone do anything to you, you know? that kind of like.” a grin appeared on your lips, being quickly matched by the boy. “i’d really like to be your… girlfriend, but you’ll have to give me some time, before i drop the l-bomb, okay?” your boyfriend nodded, closing the gap between you.
happiness wasn’t really made for you. the rumor about xavier being taken away by the sheriff galpin spread around the school quickly enough for you to catch your sister before she left. “what did you do? did you lost your mind?” you grabbed her by the shoulders, fury flickering in your eyes as her face stayed still.
“i told you to be careful with him, he’s the monster that attacked you, eugene, rowan, and the therapist. you’re just dumbfounded now.” she explained.
“you’re wrong.” you sighed. “xavier didn’t do it. he wasn’t able to attack eugene, because we were… making out in my dorm for half the night, he was with me most of the time, so maybe i’m the hyde and his my master, huh?” you let out a scoff, a scowl painted all over your face as you pushed her lightly. “try looking around your boyfriend, and leave mine out of it.”
“emotions took over you, sister. that’s quite unlike you.”
but you couldn’t hear that — you were already on your way to the nightshade’s library, trying to look for something that could free thorpe before it was too late.
unfortunately, you couldn’t find anything until your sister had seen through everything, coming to the conclusion that xavier was far from being a hyde, but it was too late anyway. mrs. weems was dead, and thornhill revived crackstone, trying to put an end to the outcast with tyler as the hyde (quite ironic, though).
you were outside the castle with ajax and enid, looking after the students to stay in a safe distance from the school in case something happens. the gorgon nudged your side lightly, making you look in the same direction as him. xavier, standing without cuffs on his wrists, his eyes focused on you as you swiftly made your way to him.
“i’m sorry i couldn’t get you out earlier, i was thinking about breaking the laws, but then wednesday promised—” you rambled, embracing him in the tightest hug you only could. “sorry, uh… i’m really happy to have you back.”
when everything had come to an end, you were standing at the entrance of the school, your things somewhere next to you as you’ve waited for your boyfriend, who talked to wednesday upstairs. he finally made his way downstairs, noticing you with a smirk, all he could do was to roll his eyes in a playful manner.
“i need to tell you something.” you began, tugging a strand of his hair behind his ear, accidentally brushing his cheek. “i love you. like i’d die knowing i won’t see you again, type of love.”
“god, you really drop the L-bomb right before we have to split up?” he laughed, kissing your forehead lightly. “take it as an invitation to visit me over the summer break, alright?”
“maybe you could visit me, lover boy?”
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lorelaiblair · 11 months
The first time Enid Sinclair ever visited the Weathervane it was on a “double date” from hell.
Bianca’s relationship with Xavier was hanging on by a thread, she thought that maybe hanging out in a group setting would help mend some of the cracks in their relationship.
It didn’t really make sense to Enid, if a relationship was in trouble shouldn’t it be a conversation between the people in said relationship?
Anyways, Enid didn’t blame Bianca, she was scared and becoming desperate. Enid was going to be there to support her no matter what happened.
Even if that meant going on a double date with her ex, one of her best friends, and her friend’s boyfriend who she really disliked.
They walked into the small coffee shop, Ajax holding the door open for the rest of them.
“Thank you” Enid smiled
“All in a gentleman’s work” He grinned
Xavier settled into a booth in the corner and Bianca slid in beside him. It was almost awkward how they sat, everything about their body language tense and awkward.
Enid and Ajax mirrored them, but it was much more natural and relaxed. They were always better as friends, supporting and loving each other in a way that they could never seem to get right when they were trying to force a relationship.
Enid’s knee knocked against his and he grinned at her.
“How is rave’n planning going?” He asked her
“Stressful” Enid laughed, burying her face in her hands on the table. “There’s so much we still need to get done and so little time to do it”
“Did I tell you that the DJ finally got back to me?” Bianca asked
“Yeah?” Enid grinned, looking back up at her.
“Yeah” Bianca nodded with a teasing smile.
“And? What did he say?”
“Yes, he’s going to be there”
“Oh my god” Enid grabbed Bianca’s hand and squeezed in excitement “Why didn’t you tell me sooner!”
“I wanted to see your face” She smiled
“I am so excited” Enid said as she bounced in her seat
“Is he a big deal?” Ajax asked
“The biggest. He’s hoste-“ Enid stopped as a young woman began walking toward their table. She was dressed in all black and her dark hair tied in twin braids. She stopped to stand in front of their table and on her face was a look that said she couldn’t be more disinterested.
She was the most beautiful person Enid had ever seen. Her words were caught in her throat and her breath in her lungs.
“What are your orders?” The girl asked, her tone flat but her voice sounding like the sweetest honey.
“We haven’t had a chance to look at the menu yet” Bianca said kindly. The girl, Wednesday, said the name tag pinned to her dress, turned and walked away without another word. Bianca made a face, as if asking ‘can you believe that’?
Enid became painfully aware of herself. Staring at their waitress like a crazy person. She looked away quickly, grabbing her menu as a way to busy herself and not look as awkward as she felt.
Xavier didn’t have the same decency. Bianca scoffed and scooted even further away from him.
“Are you serious” She asked
“What?” Xavier asked, the first words he had said since they walked into the diner and it was to pretend as if he hadn’t been blatantly checking out their waitress while he was on a date.
“Oh my god, Xavier” Bianca scoffed, picking up her own menu, an attempt to hide just like Enid’s had been.
The silence was awkward, other customers around the room chatted and there was a sound of the coffee machines humming but everyone at this table with Enid promptly avoided speaking more. Xavier had taken his phone back out, at least he wasn’t staring anymore.
Enid had a hard time deciding what she wanted, they had so many things to choose from and Enid had always been bad at making choices. She sat the menu down and looked out the window, the sky was painted in a mural of pinks and purples and the moon was starting to peak over the horizon.
She took out her own phone to quickly snap a picture. It was beautiful, nowhere near as beautiful as the waitress.
Enid cursed herself. She felt like she was no better than Xavier, and since when had Enid even been attracted to girls?
Her eyes caught black hair again, the waitress, Wednesday if the name tag was anything to go by, was at a small table across the diner talking to the people who sat there. The unimpressed look never left her face, and honestly she was starting to look annoyed at the old woman who was speaking to her.
Enid looked down at the table, the wooden pattern of it suddenly incredibly interesting.
She realized that it made sense, being attracted to girls. It made more sense than Enid even wanted to think about right now.
The realization felt kind of freeing though. It was terrifying, but a piece of herself clicked into place.
Someone cleared their throat and Enid’s gaze snapped back up, right to Wednesday’s face. She had the darkest brown eyes rimmed with black eyeliner.
“Are we good?” Ajax asked
“Yeah” Bianca said, Enid nodded her head not trusting her voice to work and Xavier hummed.
“Okay. Ready?” Ajax asked, Wednesday blinked and he took that as an answer “I’ll take an americano and an breakfast sandwich on an english muffin”
“A cappuccino and a croissant” Bianca asked
“Another americano and a panini” Xavier said, which left it to be Enid’s turn. Wednesday hadn’t really looked at any of them, instead sort of looking into space as they spoke, but then Enid felt the girl’s eyes on her.
“Uhh” Enid smiled softly “An iced caramel latte with extra caramel and a blueberry muffin”
Wednesday didn’t respond verbally, but when Enid asked for extra caramel her eye’s crinkled slightly. That was the only sign that the girl had even been listening. She walked off again without a word, going behind the counter to probably get started on their things.
“She’s kind of scary, right?” Ajax asked with a quiet voice.
“I think it’s rude” Bianca said, was it bad that Enid found her endearing?
“She looks like the type of person who would enjoy witnessing a murder” He said
“Or committing one” Bianca added
“I’m sure she’s nice” Xavier said, Enid couldn’t help but glare. She hated he had been the one to say it. Bianca was quiet but Enid could tell she was furious.
“What were you saying earlier, about the DJ, Enid?” Ajax asked, his attempt to change the conversation was obvious.
“He’s just really popular” Enid said “And hard to book, we asked him like forever ago”
“Two months” Bianca clarified
“A long time to not be texted back” Enid argued, Ajax shook his head fondly.
“You’re crazy” He smiled
“I’m just really excited for this dance. It’s our first rave’n as senior’s and being in charge is so stressful. Figuring out the music and stuff took a lot off of my shoulders though, Bianca, thank you again”
“You’ve already thanked me countless times”
“Which is why I said again” Enid told her
“Well, you’re welcome” Bianca smiled “But really it wasn’t a big deal, if you need anymore help with anything just let me know”
“Okay. Are you going shopping with Yoko, Divina, and I next weekend?” Enid grinned
“I wouldn't miss it for anything” She nodded
“I have no idea what i’m going to wear yet” Ajax said
“A hoodie and pants that slightly match the theme?” Xavier asked, Ajax smiled and nodded.
“Like last year” He said
“And the year before that” Enid added, as she spoke Wednesday joined them again. A black tray in her hand, using the other hands to set things down.
“It’s hot” She said as she sat the muffin in front of Enid, even though she was holding it with her bare hand.
“Why are you touching it then?” Enid couldn’t help but ask.
“I’m not affected by such things” Wednesday said, her dark eyes meeting Enid’s, a spark in them that Enid hadn’t seen before. Was it mischief? Intrigue?
Enid wanted to know. She wanted to know everything about this strange girl.
Wednesday sat the last drink down and spun the tray around in her hands to hold it at her side. She went to walk away again, Bianca didn’t let her go very far.
“Are you not even going to ask if you got the order right, if we need anything else?” She asked
“I always get it right” Wednesday said, not even turning back to face them as she kept walking.
Bianca scoffed again, lifting her cup and blowing at the steam.
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