cooper-h-igb220 · 2 years
Submission and GG
Having finally finished what has felt like a very long semester and getting the chance to look back at the unit as a whole I have some departing thoughts. At the first introduction of this assignment (assignment 1 blog posts), I was not thrilled as I do not like the process of blogging nor had much experience with it as a result. However, looking back on all three assignments now it wasn’t as dreadful of an assignment as I thought it would be. I found the task of blogging my thoughts and progress on the different milestones throughout the unit gave me a good chance to reflect and helped me further my understanding of what I had previously learnt allowing me to better apply the teachings for future works.
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teslafactory · 7 months
i do wish that instead of over-analysing a piece of media which was ‘just okay’, people would work on their own screenplays or story pitches instead
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butterflyslinky · 2 years
WEDON: Duck Hunt
Per the prompts from @i-am-sleepless-chaos, a short piece for "Duck Hunt."
"Dammit!" Beau threw down the controller in frustration. "How is this so fucking hard?"
Jenny giggled. "It's just a game, Beau."
"Yeah, but I was good at it! And it's just shooting, we do that every day!"
"Sorry to break it to you, hon, but Duck Hunt isn't the same thing as a live situation. Besides, this thing is like, 30 years old, it's bound to be a little buggy."
Beau kept pouting, which only made Jenny laugh harder. He couldn't keep it up for long, and he soon started laughing with her.
"Come on, cowboy," she said. "Let's get another drink and try a different game. Maybe you're better at driving than shooting."
"Oh, you bet I am," Beau said. As they walked away, he glared back at the machine. The stupid dog was still laughing at him. "Next time, though."
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anutheauthor · 1 month
How to experience life mysteries instead of understanding them?
“There is no explaining this simple truth about life: you will forget much of it. The painful things you were certain you’d never be able to let go? Now, you’re not entirely sure when they happened, while the thrilling parts, the heart-stopping joys, splintered and scattered and became something else. Memories are then replaced by different joys and larger sorrows, and unbelievably, those things…
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junk-rite · 2 years
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The holidays are right around the corner, don't forget...we donate all items possible to local charities!
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ishaslife · 10 months
Unbroken Oaths: Chapter 1
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I have started a new fanfic with an OC and Hebaron Nirta from the webnovel and manhwa, "Under the Oak Tree" called "Unbroken Oaths."
If this is something that interests you, do give it a read. I'm gonna go really deep in the lore, perhaps even make up my own to better serve the story. The story will include characters from the novels as well as original characters.
The first chapter is now up to read on my Ao3, linked here.
Summary: Set in a flashback, six years before the events in "Under the Oak Tree," a mysterious noblewoman named Isolde assumes the guise of a hired hand and is recruited at a tavern by royal knights and a band of mercenaries who are low on men. The mission holds immense importance for the Wedon crown, but the path ahead is fraught with peril. Amidst the men gathered from across the continent, Isolde finds herself drawn to one in particular— Ser Hebaron Nirta and he turn, is drawn to her. Yet, her mysterious past and internal quandaries complicate her relationships.
No disrespect intended to the creator of major characters and lore in this work: Kim Soo-ji/Suji. I simply love the novels and wanted to make an OC to romance Hebaron.
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therese-lokidottir · 9 months
There's one thing that literally wromg on screen and it's very obvious, like there's no justifying at all but of course they trying justify it and it make showrunner look stupid and cruel
It's even mobius and loki first time in theater room and well it's lead mobius saying na d blame loki for frigga dead and say loki existence is nothing but for step stone
That is literally cruel and torture and showrunner specially Waldron had nerve calling it 'therapy ' and make loki 'look into mirrors' to realize his sins and mistake (loki literally know and understand his sins and mistake, he no need anyone and everyone rubbing it on his face). Seriously season 1 scenes it's filled with stupid and cruel scenes
Seriously what the f&*- wrong with Waldron, I know he didn't watching previous films but seriously? Every single his 'writing ' literally bad, boring and stupid. Waldron make joss wedon and Russo brothers look like the best writers and prosucers in world
Loki literally know and understand his sins and mistake
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And the thing Loki does understand he did wrong. You see it on his face when the reality of the situation hits him.
So, here's the problem with Waldron entire premise. Everything about the show says he has no choice that he'll be killed along with his entire timeline if he choses to do good but then still places all the blame on him for doing wrong.
Mobius judgment and shaming is really twisted when you think about it because from Mobius perspective, what he fully and unquestionably believes is Loki is just acting out what is written for him. It's not his fault it's the timekeepers intent for things to happen that way. Either Loki has free will and could have choice differently or he has no free will and no one has the right to judge him.
Loki didn't kill Frigga, not just in the way others have explain there is no way take the stairs to the left where enough to lead the monster to the room place and Malakath already was there. But in the way this Loki never got to the point and with the tesseract, that moment probably never would have happened. The TVA killed Frigga, this version of Loki who onscreen family and home is gone because of the TVA.
Loki doesn't admit wrong because he doesn't want to buckle to Odin, someone who has done worse and refuses to admit wrong himself. It is a personal conflict at that point and Loki has never been confronted by someone he has wrong in a significant way.
Thor, Volstagg and Sif threaten to kill him, he doesn't object or defend himself. He gets it. Jane punches him, he's more amused. Again, no excuse to people he's wrong in some way, Loki accepts that hate. The family stuff is a conflict because his family also screwed up and he refuse to be the only one who admit wrong.
Peter lost his uncle because of his inaction. Tony suffered torture and say his own weapons used against the US and civilians. These are both inciting moments for them to be heroes, but it's not therapy and the people doing these things are the villains.
Again, what sense does it really make? Mobius: Hey, you're an evil loser only good for causing harm. Now help up catch a someone so we can go on unimpeded annihilating universes and killing people. It's not therapy it is in every way cult indoctrination because all it does is tear Loki down and say the only path forward is obeying the system that isolated him.
Like, Raganrok wasn't a particular good redemption arc either but what it shows is Loki doesn't need this. He doesn't have to have his mother death shown to him and collared and beaten to change. There can be other paths for him to be a hero. True, either is through torture and shame but TR at least it was about saving live and that was it. He saved Asgard he accepted Thor as king no objection. So, yeah, wasn't necessary for Loki to change he was always capable of saving lives and giving his to protect his loved ones
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phantasm-masquerade · 10 months
defending yandev? whats next,defending justin roland,ted kakscinki,ted bundy,JOSH WEDON?
this is the funniest ask i've ever seen,,
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randomnameless · 9 months
Re: Almyra, yes! YES! After Nopes especially, I'm so baffled that Claude (and I guess his fiercest stans?) wants to change FODLAN so they welcome Almyra. Like, he really is looking at Fódlan's Locket, its history (all three nations coming together to build it), the very real situation of Almyra constantly attacking and trying to invade Fódlan, as well as (once he meets Cyril) the reality of the Almyran army leaving kids to fend off for themselves on the battlefield/after a loss
And he just shrugs and says it's the Church's fault?
If he ever wanted peace between the two, he'd need to work on Almyra's favorite pastime first. Which I suppose he can only do once he's king, which doesn't seem like a soon-to-come opportunity. Not that he looks interested in changing Almyra, anyway. I don't think he ever mentions changing the Almyrans' mentalities?
It's always "Fódlan needs to open its borders, Fódlan needs to keep an open mind, Fódlan needs, Fódlan needs". We know Fódlan HAS open borders with others, at least enough so that have actual regular trade. (I could buy the Alliance not knowing too much about Brigid, Dagda and all because they're at the other side of the map, but the Empire trades with countries on the east, too. How is Claude not aware of that? It has to leak into the Alliance too.)
Sorry, I have a lot feelings about Claude's obsession with opening up Fódlan to people who regularly attacks it. (Considering he uses Sreng in GW to attack the Kingdom, it looks like a pattern lmao.)
No worries anon, you can rant away!
If it's any indication, after playing two games and looking at the script with more hindsight/in a more neutral way, some other players also noticed how this obsession - even in FE16 lol - was ridiculous lol
Correct me if I'm wrong friends, but iirc, Claude in FE16 isn't the first in line for the throne, or something like this? And it's only after helping Fodlan, and then returning to Almyra, that he can become king?
So much like Dimitri, I'd understand if, during the course of the game, as a random who has no real power in Almyra, he cannot do a lot of things to change their mindsets - even if he is still able to ask for Nader's help, who's far from being a random nobody in Almyra!
Maybe we could have had some scenes where he asks Nader what he thinks of Fodlan, and if he doesn't think it'd be nice if they stop raiding and start to interact and trade under more amiable terms, with Nader accepting after some persuasion (idk, witnessing how the so called Fodlan cowards are brave enough to fight 1 to 10 against an Empire who could fold them in two and uses mutated humans) even if that'd include retconning the Nader the devs had in mind that was revealed in Nopes lol
And when Nader's finally on his side, he can try to convince the GD - maybe some members would straight out refuse to help or ditch him, and have to be recruited later on (or persuaded if they got an A support at least with Claude thus no ditch him), with a special subplot regarding Hilda because she's a member of House Goneril and her House has bled for many decades to fend off against "invasions for funsies" - ultimately bringing more to his friendship speech against Nemesis than, this speech just being a Wedon speech thought in the spur of the moment that sounds cool (Nemesis symbolising, after the infodump, the culmination of Fodlan's rejection of "others", in this case, Nabateans, who weren't considered sentient beings but just "things" to be looted").
But no, instead we have church BaD, Rhea BaD, then Church not so BaD but Rhea's doctrine BaD, to Rhea's not so BaD but she still dies conveniently offscreen, and Church was still kind of BaD since it's ultimately reformed (how?) by King/Queen Billy.
In a way, I'm wondering that even if the devs said they re-wrote Claude to fit Nopes, if FE16!Claude's mindset wasn't already that closer to Supreme Leader's than we first thought, especially if they're both wondering, basically "why are those people unhappy that I/we are invading them and fighting to prevent us from getting in?".
Supreme Leader does it when she invades and laments the "useless" deaths from people who die defending their lands, and Claude basically does it when he wants to "open" Fodlan to people who want to invade them (but ultimately manages to convinced them to sign a treaty at the end of his route, off-screen).
Also, anon, acknowledging the Empire, the Kingdom and FFS the Alliance trades with other countries in this verse would remove a part of the Church BaD/Rhea BaD spiel - and we can't have that :(
idk if it was on purpose, and we still don't know what Varley is preaching in Nopes, but I love how Gilbert is the first one who says Varley's teachings are full of shit and is basically the one who tells the cast that Varley's words are nonsense, because if they are close to what Claude is telling us about "uwu isolationism uwu", Dominic, in Nopes, is revealed to trade a lot with Albinea lol
Of course Gustave can't say this loud, otherwise no Church BaD and characters who are supposed to be loved looking like asses wouldn't look that rad (even if Claude already has a moment like this with Barney lol) - but imagine Claude saying "uwu church enforces isolationism and forbids foreign trade" and Annette shuts him up "what are you talking about? We've been trading with Albinea since the days of Loog, and the Central Church never asked us to stop?".
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dutchessofcaladan · 9 months
The reason I will always answer Marvel to the question: Which is the better film company? Marvel or WB?
Got rid of Joss Wedon
Dealt with problematic actors
Waited to officially fire JM until the guilty verdict was served
Kept Ezra Miller and Johnny Depp's ex wife despite the mountain of reasons to fire them
Fired Johnny Depp from FB3 as soon as the allegations hit and didn't even wait for the trial
Silenced Ray Fisher (Cyborg in 2017 Justice League) when he tried to speak out about Joss Wedon's horrid behavior
You guys can let me know if I missed anything for either side cause I probably did
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nordleuchten · 2 years
24 Days of La Fayette: December 15 - William Langborn
(If you do research on this fellow, especially in papers related to La Fayette, look out for different spellings, such as Longborn, Lang Born, Langbourne, Langborne, Langhorn, etc.)
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Curtis Carroll Davis, The Curious Colonel Langborn: Wanderer and Enigma from the Revolutionary Period in The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Oct., 1956, Vol. 64, No. 4 (Oct., 1956), pp. 402-432.
If there is one thing to know about William Langborn than that he liked to walk – I will elaborate in a moment. Let us first lay the base.
William Langborn was born in 1756 in King William County in Virginia. He was a cousin of Martha Washington. Her father John Dandridge had an older sister, Mary Dandridge. Mary married Robert Langborn and together they had several children, among them a son named William Langborn. William in his turn had a son by the name of William as well. This William is “our” William.
Langborn was an Ensign in the 6th Virginia Regiment. Said Regiment was part of the division that La Fayette took command of after the Battle of Brandywine and after recovering from the wounds he had sustained during said battle. Langborn joined the staff of the Marquis in 1780 and stayed until (early) 1782. During his service he was promoted to Captain and later to Major and Colonel.
While Langborn at first seemed to the tasked with a lot of copying and writing. In particular, he copied/ wrote almost all the letters that La Fayette exchanged with William Phillips. But La Fayette also entrusted him with a few more delicate missions.
Firstly, he was sent to Timothy Pickering. La Fayette wrote from Philadelphia on February 27, 1781:
I Would Be truly Unhappy, My dear Sir, Should I think You Can in the Least Question My Confidence in Your Exertions, and the Gratitude I Feel for the Services You Have Already Rendered to the Expedition. I Had Requested Mr. Lang Born to tell You that I was Uneasy Least the Vessels Should Not Be Early Enough at Trenton and this Was occasioned By What You Said to me last Night that Perhaps they Could not get up Untill to morrow Night. (…) My desire of Seeing You Was Relating to the Embarkation of the troops to morrow. I Have proposed By Mr. Lang Born to walt on you at your quarters or that we would Meet at the Minister’s.  But I think it Better You Should devote your time to the forwarding of every article, and if You are at Home to morrow in the Morning Will do Myself the Honor of Calling upon You.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 3, April 27, 1780–March 29, 1781, Cornell University Press, 1980, p. 349-350.
In May of 1781, La Fayette had sent Langborn to meet with Thomas Jefferson but when the Major arrived at Tuckahoe on May 11, Thomas Jefferson hat already departed. Langborn wrote a letter the next day, detail the requests and questions that La Fayette had to Jefferson.
I arrived here last evening in hopes of having the honor of seeing your Excellency. The reinforcements that you expected we should receive from Fredericksburg, and the Counties adjacent, have not arrived, nor have we reason to expect but a very small part of them shortly, from Genl. Wedons letter, which I inclose. The Marquis requests that you would please inform him of the number called in, the rifle men, the deficiency of Arms, when you think they may arrive, what number of mounted militia, all the Reinforce[ment] the General requests may be immediately ordered by your Excellency to rendezvous at Richmond. I think it necessary to forward a letter which was yesterday received from Genl. Nelson. In consequence of it the Marquis would beg leave to suggest to your Excellency the propriety and necessity there is for having immediately brought in, all horses that can possibly fall into the Enemies hands, he is informed that the Country exposed to the Enemy on the south side of appamattox abounds in the best horses of this Country. Should all those fall into their hands they will have Cavalry almost equal to our little Army. I have directed Majr. Claiborne to hold in readiness four Quarter masters who will be furnished with a small force of Cavalry, and proceed on that business as soon as they can obtain your Excellencys Warrant.
“To Thomas Jefferson from William Langborn, 12 May 1781,” Founders Online, National Archives, . [Original source: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 5, 25 February 1781 – 20 May 1781, ed. Julian P. Boyd. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1952, pp. 637–638.] (12/15/2022)
Jefferson replied on May 14, 1781:
I was sorry that the Situation of my family had occasioned my absence from this place when you were pleased to send Captn. Langhorne to me. I inclose you a State of the Counties who have been called on to come into the Field, some of them to perform a full Tour of Duty and others to make a present Opposition to the Junction of the two hostile Armies (…) I have the pleasure to inclose to you the four Impress Warrants desired by Captn. Langborn.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 4, April 1, 1781–December 23, 1781, Cornell University Press, 1981, p. 98-101.
The warrant mentioned in the last two letters, refers to the wish of La Fayette’s that his four Quarter Masters may be enabled to press horses into service, least they would fall into the hands of the enemy. While we are at the topic of Quarter Masters, if you have read more than one entry so far, you might have realized that there was often a shortage of Quarter Masters and that nobody really liked to do the job. La Fayette had a tendency to make his aide-de-camp work as Quarter Masters in some capacity and Langborn was no exception. The Marquis wrote to the Baron von Steuben on May 17, 1781:
In order to Arrange Matters to the General Satisfaction I Have appointed Captain Lang Borne to Act as field Quarter Master. His Honesty and His Activity Have Been known to me these Many Years.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 4, April 1, 1781–December 23, 1781, Cornell University Press, 1981, p. 106-108.
La Fayette also wrote to Nathanael Greene on the matter on May 18, 1781 and this letter also gives us insight into William Langborn’s opinion on his new position:
Every departement in this State Was in Such a Confusion that it takes great deal of My time to Arrange them. Clayburne Was not SatisfiedWith Mr. Elliot whom the Baron Had Appointed. As there Cannot Be Any Good done where there is no Harmony I Have to the Great Satisfaction of Clayburne appointed as field Quarter Master Mjor. Langburne My aid de Camp and Captain Jones for His assistant. Langburn's disinterestness is as clear to me as Could Be My own, and I Have in Concert With Clayburne fixed the plan of Conduct in that departement.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 4, April 1, 1781–December 23, 1781, Cornell University Press, 1981, p. 110-114.
Langborn was not pleased at all and in case you were asking if La Fayette ever learned to spell is aides last name – he did not.
The position as Field Quarter Master was no smooth sailing for Major Langborn. He got into an, apparently very heated argument, with the Director Quarter Master, Richard Claiborne. Claiborne had promised wagons for La Fayette’s detachment and Langborn told Claiborne that he was to blame if these wagons would not appear on time. The issue was eventually resolved.
William Langborn also experienced imprisonment during the war. La Fayette wrote to Nathanael Greene on June 12, 1781:
Give me leave to observe, My dear Sir, that upon Every principle which Makes Mr. McHenry Useful to you, He Must in My Circumstances Be Still more useful to me. I May add that Clel. Nevill and Mr. Langhorne Being prisoners, I Have No aid de Camp But McHenry and Washington, But I am willing to give up My interest to your wishes, and McHenry's Remaining Some time with me is owing to an other Circumstance.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 4, April 1, 1781–December 23, 1781, Cornell University Press, 1981, p. 318-320.
La Fayette also wrote to Washington on June 28, 1781:
Lang Born’s zeal and activity during this Campaign Have unfortunately put Him in the ennemy’s Hands while he was Reconnoitring.
“To George Washington from Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette, 28 June 1781,” Founders Online, National Archives, [This is an Early Access document from The Papers of George Washington. It is not an authoritative final version.] (12/15/2022)
La Fayette was facing quite an alarming shortage of aide-de-camps at that point.
I said at the start that William Langborn liked to walk, and I will now elaborate on that statement. Here is an excerpt from the diary of John Adams from July 16, 1786:
Mr. Langbourne of Virginia, who dined with Us on Fryday at Col. Smiths, dined here Yesterday. This Gentleman who is rich, has taken the Whim of walking all over Europe, after having walked over most of America. His Observations are sensible and judicious. He walks forty five or fifty miles a day. He says he has seen nothing superiour to the Country from N. York to Boston. He is in Love with N. England, admires the Country and its Inhabitants. He kept Company with the King of Frances Retinue, in his late Journey to Cherbourg. He says the Virginians have learned much in Agriculture as well as in Humanity to their Slaves, in the late War.
“London July 16, 1786. Sunday.,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Adams Papers, Diary and Autobiography of John Adams, vol. 3, Diary, 1782–1804; Autobiography, Part One to October 1776, ed. L. H. Butterfield. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1961, p. 194.] (12/15/2022)
Adams wrote again on June 21, 1786:
Maj. Langbourne dined with Us again. He was lamenting the difference of Character between Virginia and N. England. I offered to give him a Receipt for making a New England in Virginia. He desired it and I recommended to him Town meetings, Training Days, Town Schools, and Ministers, giving him a short Explanation of each Article. The Meeting house, and Schoolhouse and Training Field are the Scaenes where New England men were formed. Col. Trumbul, who was present agreed, that these are the Ingredients.
“London July 21. Fryday.,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Adams Papers, Diary and Autobiography of John Adams, vol. 3, Diary, 1782–1804; Autobiography, Part One to October 1776, ed. L. H. Butterfield. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1961, pp. 195–196.] (12/15/2022)
Founders Online has a transcript/summary of the passport that was issued to Langborn in Paris on June 15, 1786 by Thomas Jefferson. While in France, Langborn certainly did not miss the opportunity to visit La Fayette as well. The Marquis wrote to George Washington on February 6, 1786:
Humphreys is Now in England—LangBourne is Arrived in Paris these two weecks—But the same queer fellow you know Him to Be, and you will Hardly Believe that I could not as yet prevail on Him to Come and see me.
“To George Washington from Lafayette, 6 February 1786,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Confederation Series, vol. 3, 19 May 1785 – 31 March 1786, ed. W. W. Abbot. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1994, pp. 538–547.] (12/15/2022)
Langborn had come from America to France (La Fayette and Jefferson) and from there to England (Adams). He proceeded to Copenhagen in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, from Lapland to Archangel and Jukasjeroi within the Arctic Circle. His Walking Tour took him twelve years and ended in 1796. In 1786 he was in his second years. He apparently kept a diary, but this diary had never been found. There are however two short passages that Richard Rush copied in a letter to John Adams from May 2, 1818:
An old Scotch woman, in North-Shields, signing herself Ann Hewison, has sent me a manuscript Quarto of what she calls extracts from the diary of William Langborn, an American officer, kept during his travels through several parts of Europe. I copy, word for word, the following passages.
London July 18. 1786.
“Saturday—Did myself the pleasure, agreeably to yesterdays invitation, of dining with Mr Adams and his family. We had but one stranger, he remarkable for his American attachments. Our dinner was plain, neat, and good. Mrs Adams’s accomplishments and agreeableness would have apologized for any thing otherwise; after dinner took an airing in the park.”
“Thursday the 23. Dined again with Mr Adams. Mr Trumbull, a student of Mr Wests was there. The English custom although bad still exists; we set to our bottle; I not for wine, but for the conversation of the Minister, which was very interesting, honest and instructive. He informed us that the Portuguese Minister had by order of his Queen a pleasing piece of intelligence, which was, that her fleet in the Mediterranean had her orders to give the same protection to all American vessels as to her own. I must not forget Mr Adams’s requisites to make citizens like those republicans of New England; they were, that we should form ourselves into townships, encourage instruction by establishing in each public schools, and thirdly to elevate as much the common people by example and advice to a principle of virtue and religion.”
These sentiments will bear reviewing after a lapse of thirty years. If they serve to excite one agreeable recollection, I shall be amply compensated for transcribing them.
“To John Adams from Richard Rush, 2 May 1818,” Founders Online, National Archives, [This is an Early Access document from The Adams Papers. It is not an authoritative final version.] (12/15/2022)
Major William Langborn died in 1814.
I highly recommend the paper The Curious Colonel Langborn: Wanderer and Enigma from the Revolutionary Period by Curtis Carroll Davis.
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something i find interesting now that i look at this page again. is that barry himself is blue and the inside of the shit doctors office is blue. but everything else outside of it is pink except him, and his trail of blue.
but the second he considers sparklecare instead, he turns pink.
i don’t know if this was a conscious decision or just “well the palettes already pink, it’s simpler if we make him pink, too” but i think it’s a really neat detail. intentional or not.
he’s so effected and brought down by the shit doctors office that the effect is quite clear in the color palette sense. i also like to think this makes it similar to the sparklecare hospital, too. pink on the outside but shit on the inside. wedon care just doesn’t hide it. which is why it’s all sad blue colors, while sparklecare keeps up its appearance however possible, so it’s all brightly colored on the inside with lots of pink in the beginning.
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wolfstrong · 1 year
7 12 🤭 13
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
tbh i dont really even interact with the buffy fandom that much so I cant even answer this.. i can already see myself becoming annoyed with spike for this reason but so far that hasn't happened so we are good. instead ill answer for star trek. KIRK!!!!! i used to love him now I lowkey kind of hate him just cuz fanon is literally so bad. maybe data too since data fans are annoying. actually lots of star trek characters.
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
sigh. Xander. yeah we all knew i was gonna say this and I made one million posts about this but I think everyone needs to get over him being a Joss Wedon self insert that's a dumb reason not to like him and also stop acting like he was the worst thing in the show when the show itself was to blame you feel? if you really cant get over him being annoying just hallucinate him being gay and it all comes into perspective. also he's cute
worst blorboficiation
defs spike in fandoms eyes he can literally do no wrong when really we should all be going EWWWWWW SPIKE whenever he comes on screen and throwing things and hitting our tv. NOT IN A HATEFUL WAY. its just what god intended okay
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the Internet Archive thing isn't why people should be wary of making Neil Gaiman into their hero. they should beware of him because he's a scientologist who abused his wife, abandoned his son and broke lockdown to fly around the world (when there was no covid vaccine.) the police in Scotland paid him a visit. he may be goth and "woke" in his writings, but in real life? he's a bad person. (see: Joss Whedon for ref.) Still like NG's books and comics and screen adaptations? Great. But don't confuse fiction with reality.
You know, this is the second anon i've gotten about this, the first one was a lot more hateful, but had some similar claims. I won't simply dismiss this one with a "👍" but i will still not believe a single word of it.
I don't trust anyone who would send me things like this anonimously, if you don't want to be public just send me a dm and i'll most likely not reveal your identity to others. Though i do believe you should be able to stand behind your ideas if you're confident enough in them to send to people. And for all i know you're the exact same anon weirdo from earlier, pretending to be nicer than you actual are to make your claims seem more reasonable by contrast of earlier.
That said, a quick google search proved at least 1 thing demonstrably false.
Neil was born into scientology but has long since left the 'religion'. Or maybe you want me to believe people are guilty because of the religion of their parents?
Now, 'call-out' posts will never work on me unless you can provide me with solid, reliable EVIDENCE. If you want me to believe your random ass libel you'll have to be the one to do the legwork and find and link me the proof because i'm not gonna go look for the facts of *your libel* for you.
But because i am oh so generous and have nothing else to do i googled the wife thing. Turns out they had a kind of messy open relationship and a seemingly ammicable divorse, with him moving in a house near his previous one in order to stay close the son he apparently abandoned. Oh the absolute horror of it all.
Comparing that to Josh Wedon is absolutely wild to me.
Though seeing that the very first claim you made about him turned out to be ever so false, I ain't all that confident that the any of rest is based in reality. You know, that thing you accused me of confusing with fiction for some reason.
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silvestromedia · 8 months
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Bl. John Nelson, 1578 A.D. Jesuit martyr of England, a native of Skelton, near York. He was ordained at Douai at the age of forty. Sent to London in 1576, he was arrested in London and martyred at Tyburn by being hanged, drawn, and quartered. John became a Jesuit just before his death.
ST. BLAISE, BISHOP OF SEBASTE AND MARTYR-A physician in Armenia who was made a bishop, he is attributed with many miracles. One of these involved the miraculous removal of a fish bone from a young boy’s throat – which is why he is considered protector from throat diseases. After refusing to deny the Faith, he was beheaded in 316.
St. Margaret of England. Cistercian nun. She was born in Hungary, to an English mother who was related to St. Thomas of Canterbury, England. She went with her mother on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and lived a life of austerity and penance in Bethlehem. Her mother died there, and Margaret made pilgrimages to Montserrat, in Spain, and to Puy, France. There she entered the Cistercian convent at Suave-Benite. When she died, her tomb became a pilgrimage shrine.
St. Werburga, 699 A.D. Benedictine nun and patroness of Chester, England. The daughter of King Wulfhere of Mercia and St. Ermenilda, she was born in Staffordshire. Werburga resolutely refused to marry, insisting instead that she become a nun at Ely. After studying under St. Etheldreda, she departed the convent of Ely in 675 and assisted her uncle Ethelred, who was now king, in reforming the convents of the realm. She also founded communities at Hanbury, Trentham, and in Wedon, in Northamptonshire. Her remains were transferred from Trentham to Chester, where she became venerated as the patron saint of the city. She was reputed to have the ability to read the minds of others and was revered in her lifetime for miracles.
St. Werburg, 785 A.D. Widow and abbess. A woman from Mercia, England, she became a nun after her husband died. Werburg entered a convent, possibly Bardney, where she became abbess.
St. Caellainn, 6th century. Irish saint also called Caoilfionn. She is listed in the Martymlogy of Donegal, and a church in Roscommon is named in her honor.
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therese-lokidottir · 10 months
You know I miss wedon and the brothers (I forget they names) as producers and writers, they probably have problem with things (mostly bias things) but at least they know they characters and make it characters and stories are interesting
I really miss mcu when it's about showing and not telling and giving dignity to characters rather make them be joke and be punching bag. Where that time go?
Putting aside the person Whedon turned out to be aside for the discussion hit and miss creator for personally. And for the Russo brothers I have to say yeah, I like Winter Solider but I honesty I really don't like a lot of the decision they made. I will say they can make a very well-organized coherent story, which might sound like an odd complement, but it is something the MCU desperately needs.
For the first few phase mcu writers had more experience in writing screenplay and were more likely to have history in the genre of scifi or comics books. Feige both obsessions with hiding scripts and hiring R&M writers has really hurt marvel because as much ire as people have given whedon-esque dialogue it feels so much worse because now it feels so directionless. Because instead of any kind of plan you have a bunch of writers shrugging having no idea what will end up happening next
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