#week 42 2022
karin1027 · 2 years
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Inside soap week 42 2022
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bobbie-robron · 2 years
A short preview of next week’s Classic ED schedule (yeah, it’s gonna be a long post). Because of the evening airings, the format is a little different just for that week. Once the airings for the evening episodes are more firmed up, the schedule may be posted earlier than Friday.
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dalloneveryday · 1 year
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good MORNING tumblr our random photo today is #41.
also its day 6.
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happywebdesign · 2 years
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weeklydrarryficrecs · 2 years
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How to Overcome Pride and Prejudice in Eight Weeks by gglow
After four years of working together as rookie Aurors, a major case falls onto the desk of Harry and Draco’s cubicle. When they end up in a Pride and Prejudice book club on the tail of their suspect, both men get more than they bargained for: The legendary Jane Austen’s depiction of character draws out an awkward secret Draco’s been nursing for the past four years, and forces Harry to face the realities of his failing relationship with someone else. Will they manage to navigate their first-ever high-stakes case while preserving their gentlemanlike manner? And most important of all… will they be able to overcome their pride and prejudice in eight short weeks and learn from one of the greatest Muggle authors that ever lived?
Link to Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41442678/chapters/103930215
My Thoughts: This was such a fun fic to read, especially as a fan of Pride and Predudice book and 2005 adaptation. Harry and Draco’s mutual pining fuels me!!! It was both sweet and savory and all together wonderful.
Header Art generated by Wombo Dream.      
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rentheartdragon · 2 years
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I posted 72 times in 2022
That's 25 more posts than 2021!
46 posts created (64%)
26 posts reblogged (36%)
I tagged 57 of my posts in 2022
Only 21% of my posts had no tags
#art - 14 posts
#amphibia - 12 posts
#drawing - 11 posts
#amphibia spoilers - 9 posts
#the owl house - 8 posts
#digital art - 7 posts
#ryders art - 7 posts
#toh - 6 posts
#personal art - 5 posts
#rens doddles - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 91 characters
#i havent named them or given any features to them i just wanted to draw something different
My Top Posts in 2022:
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This doddle bad but gay ass newt
25 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
Finally joined the bandwagon
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31 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
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Cuz your my Frankenstein And I’m your monster🎶
Still image version (better quality) (((now you can see all my mistakes/lh)
See the full post
32 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
The end Is here
See you on the other side old friend
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59 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Luz drawing bc Toh is taking over my life
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60 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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average United States contains 1000s of pet tigers in backyards" factoid actualy [sic] just statistical error. average person has 0 tigers on property. Activist Georg, who lives the U.S. Capitol & makes up over 10,000 each day, has purposefully been spreading disinformation adn [sic] should not have been counted
I have a big mad today, folks. It's a really frustrating one, because years worth of work has been validated... but the reason for that fucking sucks.
For almost a decade, I've been trying to fact-check the claim that there "are 10,000 to 20,000 pet tigers/big cats in backyards in the United States." I talked to zoo, sanctuary, and private cat people; I looked at legislation, regulation, attack/death/escape incident rates; I read everything I could get my hands on. None of it made sense. None of it lined up. I couldn't find data supporting anything like the population of pet cats being alleged to exist. Some of you might remember the series I published on those findings from 2018 or so under the hashtag #CrouchingTigerHiddenData. I've continued to work on it in the six years since, including publishing a peer reviewed study that counted all the non-pet big cats in the US (because even though they're regulated, apparently nobody bothered to keep track of those either).
I spent years of my life obsessing over that statistic because it was being used to push for new federal legislation that, while well intentioned, contained language that would, and has, created real problems for ethical facilities that have big cats. I wrote a comprehensive - 35 page! - analysis of the issues with the then-current version of the Big Cat Public Safety Act in 2020. When the bill was first introduced to Congress in 2013, a lot of groups promoted it by fear mongering: there's so many pet tigers! they could be hidden around every corner! they could escape and attack you! they could come out of nowhere and eat your children!! Tiger King exposed the masses to the idea of "thousands of abused backyard big cats": as a result the messaging around the bill shifted to being welfare-focused, and the law passed in 2022.
The Big Cat Public Safety Act created a registry, and anyone who owned a private cat and wanted to keep it had to join. If they did, they could keep the animal until it passed, as long as they followed certain strictures (no getting more, no public contact, etc). Don’t register and get caught? Cat is seized and major punishment for you. Registering is therefore highly incentivized. That registry closed in June of 2023, and you can now get that registration data via a Freedom of Information Act request.
Guess how many pet big cats were registered in the whole country?
Not tens of thousands. Not thousands. Not even triple digits. 97.
And that isn't even the right number! Ten USDA licensed facilities registered erroneously. That accounts for 55 of 97 animals. Which leaves us with 42 pet big cats, of all species, in the entire country.
Now, I know that not everyone may have registered. There's probably someone living deep in the woods somewhere with their illegal pet cougar, and there's been at least one random person in Texas arrested for trying to sell a cub since the law passed. But - and here's the big thing - even if there are ten times as many hidden cats than people who registered them - that's nowhere near ten thousand animals. Obviously, I had some questions.
Guess what? Turns out, this is because it was never real. That huge number never had data behind it, wasn't likely to be accurate, and the advocacy groups using that statistic to fearmonger and drive their agenda knew it... and didn't see a problem with that.
Allow me to introduce you to an article published last week.
This article is good. (Full disclose, I'm quoted in it). It's comprehensive and fairly written, and they did their due diligence reporting and fact-checking the piece. They talked to a lot of people on all sides of the story.
But thing that really gets me?
Multiple representatives from major advocacy organizations who worked on the Big Cat Publix Safety Act told the reporter that they knew the statistics they were quoting weren't real. And that they don't care. The end justifies the means, the good guys won over the bad guys, that's just how lobbying works after all. They're so blase about it, it makes my stomach hurt. Let me pull some excerpts from the quotes.
"Whatever the true number, nearly everyone in the debate acknowledges a disparity between the actual census and the figures cited by lawmakers. “The 20,000 number is not real,” said Bill Nimmo, founder of Tigers in America. (...) For his part, Nimmo at Tigers in America sees the exaggerated figure as part of the political process. Prior to the passage of the bill, he said, businesses that exhibited and bred big cats juiced the numbers, too. (...) “I’m not justifying the hyperbolic 20,000,” Nimmo said. “In the world of comparing hyperbole, the good guys won this one.”
"Michelle Sinnott, director and counsel for captive animal law enforcement at the PETA Foundation, emphasized that the law accomplished what it was set out to do. (...) Specific numbers are not what really matter, she said: “Whether there’s one big cat in a private home or whether there’s 10,000 big cats in a private home, the underlying problem of industry is still there.”"
I have no problem with a law ending the private ownership of big cats, and with ending cub petting practices. What I do have a problem with is that these organizations purposefully spread disinformation for years in order to push for it. By their own admission, they repeatedly and intentionally promoted false statistics within Congress. For a decade.
No wonder it never made sense. No wonder no matter where I looked, I couldn't figure out how any of these groups got those numbers, why there was never any data to back any of the claims up, why everything I learned seemed to actively contradict it. It was never real. These people decided the truth didn't matter. They knew they had no proof, couldn't verify their shocking numbers... and they decided that was fine, if it achieved the end they wanted.
So members of the public - probably like you, reading this - and legislators who care about big cats and want to see legislation exist to protect them? They got played, got fed false information through a TV show designed to tug at heartstrings, and it got a law through Congress that's causing real problems for ethical captive big cat management. The 20,000 pet cat number was too sexy - too much of a crisis - for anyone to want to look past it and check that the language of the law wouldn't mess things up up for good zoos and sanctuaries. Whoops! At least the "bad guys" lost, right? (The problems are covered somewhat in the article linked, and I'll go into more details in a future post. You can also read my analysis from 2020, linked up top.)
Now, I know. Something something something facts don't matter this much in our post-truth era, stop caring so much, that's just how politics work, etc. I’m sorry, but no. Absolutely not.
Laws that will impact the welfare of living animals must be crafted carefully, thoughtfully, and precisely in order to ensure they achieve their goals without accidental negative impacts. We have a duty of care to ensure that. And in this case, the law also impacts reservoir populations for critically endangered species! We can't get those back if we mess them up. So maybe, just maybe, if legislators hadn't been so focused on all those alleged pet cats, the bill could have been written narrowly and precisely.
But the minutiae of regulatory impacts aren't sexy, and tiger abuse and TV shows about terrible people are. We all got misled, and now we're here, and the animals in good facilities are already paying for it.
I don't have a conclusion. I'm just mad. The public deserves to know the truth about animal legislation they're voting for, and I hope we all call on our legislators in the future to be far more critical of the data they get fed.
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
"A 1-megawatt sand battery that can store up to 100 megawatt hours of thermal energy will be 10 times larger than a prototype already in use.
The new sand battery will eliminate the need for oil-based energy consumption for the entire town of town of Pornainen, Finland.
Sand gets charged with clean electricity and stored for use within a local grid.
Finland is doing sand batteries big. Polar Night Energy already showed off an early commercialized version of a sand battery in Kankaanpää in 2022, but a new sand battery 10 times that size is about to fully rid the town of Pornainen, Finland of its need for oil-based energy.
In cooperation with the local Finnish district heating company Loviisan Lämpö, Polar Night Energy will develop a 1-megawatt sand battery capable of storing up to 100 megawatt hours of thermal energy.
“With the sand battery,” Mikko Paajanen, CEO of Loviisan Lämpö, said in a statement, “we can significantly reduce energy produced by combustion and completely eliminate the use of oil.”
Polar Night Energy introduced the first commercial sand battery in 2022, with local energy utility Vatajankoski. “Its main purpose is to work as a high-power and high-capacity reservoir for excess wind and solar energy,” Markku Ylönen, Polar Nigh Energy’s co-founder and CTO, said in a statement at the time. “The energy is stored as heat, which can be used to heat homes, or to provide hot steam and high temperature process heat to industries that are often fossil-fuel dependent.” ...
Sand—a high-density, low-cost material that the construction industry discards [Note: 6/13/24: Turns out that's not true! See note at the bottom for more info.] —is a solid material that can heat to well above the boiling point of water and can store several times the amount of energy of a water tank. While sand doesn’t store electricity, it stores energy in the form of heat. To mine the heat, cool air blows through pipes, heating up as it passes through the unit. It can then be used to convert water into steam or heat water in an air-to-water heat exchanger. The heat can also be converted back to electricity, albeit with electricity losses, through the use of a turbine.
In Pornainen, Paajanen believes that—just by switching to a sand battery—the town can achieve a nearly 70 percent reduction in emissions from the district heating network and keep about 160 tons of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere annually. In addition to eliminating the usage of oil, they expect to decrease woodchip combustion by about 60 percent.
The sand battery will arrive ready for use, about 42 feet tall and 49 feet wide. The new project’s thermal storage medium is largely comprised of soapstone, a byproduct of Tulikivi’s production of heat-retaining fireplaces. It should take about 13 months to get the new project online, but once it’s up and running, the Pornainen battery will provide thermal energy storage capacity capable of meeting almost one month of summer heat demand and one week of winter heat demand without recharging.
“We want to enable the growth of renewable energy,” Paajanen said. “The sand battery is designed to participate in all Fingrid’s reserve and balancing power markets. It helps to keep the electricity grid balanced as the share of wind and solar energy in the grid increases.”"
-via Popular Mechanics, March 13, 2024
Note: I've been keeping an eye on sand batteries for a while, and this is really exciting to see. We need alternatives to lithium batteries ASAP, due to the grave human rights abuses and environmental damage caused by lithium mining, and sand batteries look like a really good solution for grid-scale energy storage.
Note 6/13/24: Unfortunately, turns out there are substantial issues with sand batteries as well, due to sand scarcity. More details from a lovely asker here, sources on sand scarcity being a thing at the links: x, x, x, x, x
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typhlonectes · 2 months
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Damon McCormick Common Coast Research & Conservation
Fe, the oldest documented Common Loon, hatched two chicks last week with her unbanded I Pool mate; the young were, at minimum, Fe’s 41st and 42nd offspring, extending her record for the species. Most of her prior chicks were begot with her long-term consort, ABJ, during their quarter-century partnership, but since their split in spring 2022, Fe has produced young in two of three breeding seasons. Prior to first coupling with ABJ in 1997, she hatched at least seven chicks with a color-marked male known as Dewlap. The qualifiers attending Fe’s age and lifetime productivity are necessitated by her initial banding in 1990 as a successful mother, when she was at least four years old, the threshold for Common Loon reproduction. As her earlier life history in the 1980s is a mystery, Fe could well be older than 38, and with more than 42 progeny to her credit. One of Fe’s 2024 young perished, from an unknown cause, within days of hatching. Although Refuge loon chicks collectively fare far better in terms of survivorship than their cygnet, gosling and duckling counterparts, of the roughly one in five who do not live to fledge from Seney in the fall, most disappear early, when as downy buoyant corks they are most vulnerable to predators and other antagonists. While not quite the endlessly doting parent that ABJ was, across 35 years of monitoring Fe has – assuming her second chick makes it to autumn – fledged 86% of her offspring. ABJ’s parenting is referenced in the past tense owing to a lack of reproduction since 2020. After a failed nesting attempt on E West last summer with a female two decades his junior, ABJ was evicted from that territory this spring, and again found himself on H Pool, which has served as his bachelor pad of sorts in both recent and distant years. Although this season he did attract a female known as Aye-Aye, there was no evidence of nest initiation by the pair. Historically H Pool has provided poor habitat for Common Loons, with only four fledged chicks since 1987, and if ABJ is to successfully breed again at Seney, it is likely that he will do so on a different Refuge territory. Thanks to Dani Fegan, Teresa McGill and Jen Wycoff for their ongoing observations of the Seney loon population. Picture courtesy of Dani Fegan.
via: Seney National Wildlife Refuge (MI, ISA)
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batboyblog · 4 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #21
May 31-June 7 2024
As part of President Biden's goal to bring the number of traffic deaths to zero, the Department of Transportation has sent $480 million in safety grants to all 50 states, DC, and all the US territories. The grants will focus on trucks, buses and other large vehicles. Thanks to DoT safety actions deaths involving heavy vehicles dropped by 8% from 2022 to 2023 and the department wants to keep pushing till the number is 0.
The Departments of Interior and Agriculture announced $2.8 billion plan to protect public land and support local government Conservation Efforts. $1.9 billion will be used to repair and restore national parks and public land, restoring historic sites, as well as Bureau of Indian Education-funded schools. $900 million will go to conservation funding, allowing the government to buy land to protect it. Half the funds will go to the federal government half to state and local governments and for the first time ever a tribal Conservation Land Acquisition program has been set up to allow tribal governments to buy land to protect nature.
The Department of Transportation announced that it had managed to get customers nearly $1 Billion dollars worth of flight reimbursements. The DoT reached an agreement with 3 airlines, Lufthansa, KLM, and South African Airways to pay between them $900 million to passengers effected by Covid related cancellations and delays. This adds to the $4 billion dollars of refunds and reimbursements to airline passengers under the Biden Administration.
The Department of Interior announced $725 million to clean up legacy coal pollution. This is the 3rd pay out from the $11.3 billion dollars President Biden signed into law in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to clean up coal pollution and invest in communities that used to rely on the coal industry. The money will be spent across 22 states and the Navajo Nation. Closing dangerous mine shafts, reclaim unstable slopes, improve water quality by treating acid mine drainage, and restore water supplies damaged by mining.
HUD launches the first of its kind investment program in manufactured homes. Manufactured homes represent a major market for affordable housing and the Biden Administration is the first to offer support to people trying to buy. HUD hopes the program will help 5,000 families and individuals buy their own home over the next 5 years.
The Department of the Interior announced $700 million for long-term water conservation projects across the Lower Colorado River Basin. The Colorado River Basin provides water for more than 40 million people, electric power to 7 US States and is a critical crucial resource for 30 Tribal nations and two Mexican states. The project hopes to save more than 700,000 acre-feet of water in Lake Mead. In the face of climate change causing a historic 23-year drought, there is record low water levels at Lake Powell and Lake Mead. The Biden Administration has moved aggressively to try to protect the Colorado River and make sure there's enough water in the West.
HUD makes $123 million for fighting Youth Homelessness available. This represents the 8th round of investment in Youth Homelessness since 2021 for a total of $440 million so far. The Biden Administration is focusing on innovative answers, like host homes, and kinship care models, with emphasis on creating equitable strategies to assist youth who are most vulnerable, including BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and youth with disabilities. This is part of the Biden Administration goal of cutting homelessness by 25% by the end of 2025
The Department of Agriculture announced a series of actions to strength Tribal food sovereignty. The USDA will grant tribes in Maine, Alaska, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oregon and Washington $42 million through the Indigenous Animals Harvesting and Meat Processing Grants to support native animal harvesting. $18 million for projects under the Tribal Forest Protection Act. As well as $2.3 million to support the service of Indigenous foods in school meal programs. The USDA also plans its first ever class of interns specifically focused on Tribal agriculture and food sovereignty. The USDA also plans to host a first ever international trade mission focused on Tribal Nation and Native Hawaiian Community businesses.
Bonus: President Biden, First Lady Jill Biden, and Secretaries of Defense Lloyd Austin and State Antony Blinken traveled to Normandy France to mark the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. They were joined by a handful of surviving veterans of the landings many over 100 years old.
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amisonist · 7 months
fuck it transition timeline
I was originally gonna wait until July to do this because that'll mark 3 years on E but I feel like now's a good time all things considered
With that out of the way lets start from the beginning AKA freshman year (AKA 2018)
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This was on my way to band camp which is why you can see my trombone in the background (random fact: that was the only year I got to do marching band and our show was "the music of harry potter". yeah irony's a bitch ain't she?)
Graduation picture featuring the bestest boi Jinn :3
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This pic is from 2020 because I switched to online and finished high school early out of spite (I was 16 here if you were wondering)
Now then this is from 2021 and was taken only about a week before I started hrt when I was 17
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The lake in the background is Lake Superior in case you were wondering. Me and my mother were all the way up on the Keweenaw Peninsula for my family's 4th of July party held at the family farm
Moving on from that I started HRT on July 22 2021 (the appointment was at 9:30 am and I took my first dose at 7:42 pm yes I kept track)
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This was taken like a half hour after my first dose (I actually don't really like this pic that much but I'm including it because it is important)
Fast forward from that a year to 2022 when I was 18 and here are a few pics of me around then one of which again featuring best boi Jinn
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(it was windy out that day and he tried to bite me immediately after this lmao)
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I've never been particularly good at taking selfies lmao
That brings us to now. I've been on hrt for about 2.5 years now if my math is correct. I'm pretty much living full time as a woman, started laser hair removal a couple months ago (next apt is actually tomorrow lol), and I'm working on getting my legal name and gender changed. It's been a long ride thus far and I don't really plan on stopping anytime soon so yeah here ya go
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So that's it! At least thus far lol
also fuck photomatt 🚗🔨💥
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karin1027 · 2 years
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Inside soap week 42 2022
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bobbie-robron · 2 years
Classic ED schedule week 42 (2022)
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16-Oct-2002 (Sunday):
6:00pm: ED: 50 Unforgettable Years - 1 hour
17-Oct-2022 (Monday):
1:40pm: 26-Sep-2002 (3274) Viv gives Katie a job at the cafe. Zoe offers Chris support with riding
2:15pm: 27-Sep-2002 (3275) Glynis lures Eric to hotel and he succumbs to her; Mack & Syd bet on who will bed Angie!
10:00pm: 16-Oct-1972 (0001) Meet the ORIGINAL LEGACY FAMILY - the Sugdens. There’s also the Skilbecks along with Amos & Mr. Wilks!
10:30pm: 13-Jan-1972 (0288) At the Woolpack, news of a train accident is announced!
11:00pm: 16-Mar-1978 (0434) As Ruth Helton & Joe Sugden walk towards the mine, an explosion ensues!
11:30pm: 21-Mar-1978 (0435) Rescue efforts at the mine.
18-Oct-2022 (Tuesday):
1:40pm: 30-Sep-2002 (3276) Laurel agrees to continue staying (and pay her way) with Betty & Seth; the results of the nude calendar are in
2:15pm: 01-Oct-2002 (3277) Announcing he’s pulling out of the campaign, Pollard comes clean to Gloria about his affair with Glynis and gets hit (rightly so)
10:00pm: 26-Aug-1986 (1078) Robert’s birth mum, Pat, dies in a auto accident swerving to miss a flock of sheep
10:30pm: 18-May-1988 (1249) Crossgill Farm (home of Matt Skilbeck) goes aflame due to a rag on the stove
11:00pm: 19-May-1988 (1250) The Crossgill fire continues as Annie is saved by Phil Pearce
11:30pm: 28-Dec-1993 (1828a) Christmas 1993 with the Sugdens, Tates & McAllisters
19-Oct-2022 (Wednesday):
1:40pm: 02-Oct-2002 (3278) Gloria tells Eric to continue his affair with Glynis. Zoe is feeling under the weather/dizzy
2:15pm: 03-Oct-2002 (3279) Brian and Andy worry about Katie suggesting counseling which she refuses. Dizziness persists with Zoe
10:00pm: 30-Dec-1993 (1829) A plane crashes into the village; final appearances for Elizabeth Pollard and Archie Brooks
10:30pm: 24-Dec-1996 (2144) Biff & Linda’s wedding; Home Farm in flames; final appearance for Tina Dingle - 1 hour episode
11:30pm: 26-Dec-1996 (2145) Dave Glover’s final appearance; the Sugdens officially can foster Andy
20-Oct-2022 (Thursday):
1:40pm: 04-Oct-2002 (3280) Zoe collapses and Edna and Betty bicker whether she’s fit to be in the community
2:15pm: 07-Oct-2002** (3281) Katie finally breaks down over the miscarriage. Charity’s proud of Zoe taught Chris to ride
10:00pm: 01-Jan-2004 (3623/3624) A storm devastates the village; Tricia is critically injured (dying on 08-Jan-2004) - 1 hour episode
11:00pm: 22-Sep-2005 (4159/4160) Zoe Tate’s exit (along with her daughter Jean, Joseph Tate and Callum Rennie) - 1 hour episode
21-Oct-2022 (Friday):
1:40pm: 08-Oct-2002 (3282) Andy proposes to Katie. Zoe fears she’s having a relapse. Louise has a secret admirer
2:15pm: 09-Oct-2002 (3283) Zoe getting impossible news - she’s pregnant! Brian & Jack give their blessing to the teens
10:00pm: 17-Oct-2012 (6371/6372) Live 40th Anniversary - Katie & Declan’s wedding; the death of Carl King (with Cameron & CHEATER Chas) - 1 hour episode
11:00pm: 04-Aug-2015 (7252/7253) Debbie & Pete’s wedding; Chrissie’s revenge at Robert leads to the devastating helicopter crash - 1 hour episode
12:00am: 05-Aug-2015 (7254) The aftermath of the helicopter crash; final appearance for Ruby Haswell
12:30am: 06-Aug-2015 (7255) The final appearance (and wrongly killed off) of Val Pollard
**Robert appears in the episode (excludes evening airings); note, for Oct-2002, wiki shows only (4) appearances on the 7th, 11 & 28th and 29th
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fayevalcntine · 1 year
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Claudia Appreciation Week: “I have no human nature”
"In a teenager's handwriting. The final words of her victims. There are 42 pages, if I remember correctly." Interview with the Vampire (2022) | Interview with the Vampire, Anne Rice
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happywebdesign · 2 years
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egcdeath · 3 months
making a racket
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pairing: patrick zweig x reader
warnings: social media au, dates aren’t really relevant but are there for formatting purposes, mentions of a sex tape but nothing explicit, drama, no use of y/n, usernames are random, grammar isn’t the best because it’s social media, angst, fluff, more drama, twitter, gossip websites, reddit, text messages, emails, deuxmoi, so many headlines.
summary: as a celebrity, you often can’t control the narrative. you find that out the hard way when you enter a relationship with an infamous retired tennis player.
word count: 5k
author’s note: this fic was inspired by this request and was so fun to write! also, i apologize in advance if i somehow tagged you because of your username!!!
key: DM = deuxmoi (a celebrity gossip account on instagram)
CDAN = crazy days and nights (a website with blind items)
blind items = basically a riddle for celebrity gossip
EGOT = Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony Awards
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
UPDATE: today thee tennis princess herself followed retired tennis player patrick zweig. he has not yet followed her back.
[alt text: screenshot of mother following patrick zweig on instagram]
6:07 PM 8/12/22 From Earth
cleo - @filmsn0b
@popculturelvr9 could it be for that new biopic abt the tennis player?
6:08 PM 8/12/22 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates  - @popculturelvr9
@filmsn0b god i hope so. it’s about time she brought home an oscar. 
6:08 PM 8/12/22 From Earth
🎬🎾 - @lalalanding
@popculturelvr9 @filmsn0b it’s not a biopic fyi but that makes sense. they just started production a few days ago so he’s prob helping her learn how to play
6:10 PM 8/12/22 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9 
@lalalanding @filmsn0b like i said….. the Oscars are not ready for her. 
6:10 PM 8/12/22 From Earth
tara 🦋🐬 - @profhater
GUYS you will never guess who i just met
10:30 PM 8/22/22 From Earth
🎬🎾 - @lalalanding
@profhater who?
10:32 PM 8/22/22 From Earth
tara 🦋🐬 - @profhater
see for yourself
[alt text: me with the queen herself AHHHH]
10:32 PM 8/22/22 From Earth
🎬🎾 - @lalalanding
@profhater @popculturelvr9 LOOK
10:34 PM 8/22/22 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9 
@lalalanding @profhater OMG
10:42 PM 8/22/22 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9 
@lalalanding @profhater what did she say to you?
10:42 PM 8/22/22 From Earth
tara 🦋🐬 - @profhater
@popculturelvr9 @lalalanding i told her i loved her work then made some random guy she was with take the picture lol 
10:55 PM 8/22/22 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9 
@profhater @lalalanding ugh i wish i was you
10:42 PM 8/22/22 From Earth
@deuxmoi - 9/13/22
let’s see what your favorite celebs have been up to since last week
hi! i served (no pun intended) that former tennis player patrick zweig and that one actress from that one dramedy show that swept the award circuit last year at the country club i work at this weekend. they were super nice and tipped very generously! idk if they’re dating but they were definitely wearing matching outfits. 
not the first time we’ve 
heard she’s a good tipper
@deuxmoi - 9/25/22
Sent via form submission from Deuxmoi
Pseudonyms, please: COURTING her
Subject: award darling and no one’s darling
Message: i work on the set of the production for a very highly anticipated movie for next summer and a leading actress and her “personal trainer” have been getting awfully cozy. we’ve caught him leaving her trailer a number of times. he definitely doesn’t fit her sweet girl persona. 
Blind Item #13 
This newly critically acclaimed TV actress has had her head in the clouds lately. After various reports of spotting her making quite a Racket with a consulting crew member, her publicist has been scrambling to put out fires and advising her to move on, but she insists on seeing him. 
Someone call HR.
October 3, 2022
I know it’s not from DM but does anyone know who this might be?
[alt text: Screenshot of Oct. 3, 2022’s Blind Item #13 from CDAN]
⬆3 ⬇
Racket makes me think of tennis, tennis makes me think of that one upcoming movie, so I’m gonna guess Patrick Zweig is involved somehow. 
⬆15 ⬇
No wayyy is he with the lead actress then?
⬆5 ⬇
I doubt it. Their vibes seem totally mismatched lmao. Besides, she’s in too good of a place in her career to be with a guy whose dick pics are one Google search away.
⬆8 ⬇
did anyone else see that submission to DM a few weeks ago about the production for that movie? it basically said the same thing
⬆3 ⬇
I forgot about that. It’s probably just speculation then.
⬆6 ⬇
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
UPDATE: it looks like the tennis movie has wrapped! this is queen leaving the set today
[alt text: paparazzi picture of a beautiful gorgeous radiant woman getting into her ride tonight]
9:45 PM 10/15/22 From Earth
🌸💐🌺 - @floraflorals
@popculturelvr she looks so sad omg who hurt her 😭
9:46 PM 10/15/22 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
@floraflorals idk who did but i need to fight them
9:47 PM 10/15/22 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanding
@popculturelvr9 @floraflorals girl probably patrick zweig
9:47 PM 10/15/22 From Earth
🌸💐🌺 - @floraflorals
@lalalanding ew
9:51 PM 10/15/22 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
@floraflorals @lalalanding she’s probably just sad to be wrapping honestly 
9:52 PM 10/15/22 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanding
@popculturelvr9 @floraflorals i still blame That Man
9:53 PM 10/15/22 From Earth
Blind Item #7
This highly anticipated movie featuring a highly in-demand prestige actress had a particular crew consultant stay far longer than what was necessary. From consultant, to trainer, to fuckbuddy? With production wrapping, these coworkers are not so sure where they stand. 
Someone should’ve intervened months ago. 
November 16, 2022
Blind Item #4
The holidays are coming around, and this couple who are more like a double still don’t know where they stand. Maybe asking someone allergic to commitment to come to Thanksgiving was a mistake. 
November 24, 2022
@finstalice: holiday photodump!
1 hour ago
@spammmacy: i’m dead why was that tennis guy at your thanksgiving 💀
45 minutes ago
@finstalice: @spammmacy lololol a friend brought him over for friendsgiving
40 minutes ago
@spammmacy: did he do any tennis tricks for yall
37 minutes ago
@finstalice: @spammmacy ik ur joking but after a few drinks he literally did. u should’ve seen the girl who brought him 😭 she was so embarrassed but went right back to smooching him after
33 minutes ago
@spammmacy: how did she not get the ick
31 minutes ago
@finstalice: @spammmacy love is a mysterious thing
22 minutes ago
The Independent 
December 13, 2022
Former tennis star Patrick Zweig and up-and-coming actress cozy up at intimate dinner
On Friday, the pair grabbed Italian at a notoriously hard-to-get-into restaurant. The couple shared dishes and drinks and seemed to be enjoying each other’s company. 
Zweig, 29, recently retired after a season that ended in injury. His retirement came after a series of scandals, most notably being a risqué leak of his camera roll. 
At 29 herself, she is coming off the heels of a very busy award season. Taking home her first Best Actress Emmy and BAFTA awards, she also recently received her second ensemble cast award.
The two seem to be an interesting pair, having finished wrapping a movie they were both working on in late October. The unlikely friendship comes on the heels of murmurs about a potential relationship.
“They’ve been enjoying their newfound friendship. It's rare for her to find someone with similar life experiences that she can genuinely bond with,” an insider told us. 
We have to wonder what they discussed over dinner. 
January 1, 2023
Cheers to the New Year! 5 Celebrity NYE Parties You Wish You Attended. 
1.Forget Kim Kardashian—If you weren’t at this rising star’s NYE party, you weren’t living!
Attendees included fellow co-stars from her critically acclaimed show, cast and crew from her recently wrapped tennis-themed film, and Patrick Zweig, who she’s been spotted with a number of times. Are they our newest OTP? Vote for your favorite speculated couple in this poll here. 
Daily Mail
January 14, 2023
Method Acting? Two-time Emmy winner laughs with friends at Australian Open.
The television star, who hasn’t shown interest in the sport prior to her casting in her upcoming film, appeared to be relaxed and laid back with friends. Former tennis professional and new tennis consultant, Patrick Zweig, appeared to explain the ins and outs to her. The pair seemed particularly close as they shared concessions and laughter. 
Her team declined to comment. 
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
UPDATE: mother was spotted looking absolutely splendiferous at the Australian Open today. 
[alt text: queen with some of her friends and that tennis guy]
10:45 AM 1/14/23 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanding
@popculturelvr9 awww she’s so cute
10:47 AM 1/14/23 From Earth
sage ❄️ - @sagingthetl
@lalalanding @popculturelvr9 and of course he’s just there
10:48 AM 1/14/23 From Earth
💐 - @zweignatorrr
@sagingthetl @lalalanding @popculturelvr9 can we please just be honest with ourselves and acknowledge that they’re together lol
10:51 AM 1/14/23 From Earth
sage ❄️ - @sagingthetl
@zweignatorrr @lalalanding @popculturelvr9 i mean yeah obviously they are but i don’t like him
10:55 AM 1/14/23 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
@sagingthetl fair but you have to admit they’re a cute couple 
10:55 AM 1/14/23 From Earth
sage ❄️ - @sagingthetl
@popculturelvr9 no i don’t
10:56 AM 1/14/23 From Earth
AITA for shipping Patrick Zweig and that actress???
I just saw a very convincing timeline on Tumblr. They’ve been distracting me at the Open. Kinda cute if they’re actually dating. Really weird if they’re just friends.
⬆-45 ⬇
YTA for not posting about the actual Aus Open during the Aus Open.
⬆48 ⬇
January 15, 2023
Looks like today's Australian Open winners weren’t the only ones who got lucky. 
TMZ obtained an exclusive photo of retired tennis player Patrick Zweig getting hot and bothered in Australia. Though we haven’t identified his mystery woman, there’s speculation around the woman being former fling and fellow retired player Tashi Duncan, who was also spotted at the Open, or a new coworker, who Zweig was spotted sitting next to yesterday.
Zweig’s team declined to comment. 
Professional Mess Cleaner: Hello?
Professional Mess Maker: hi what’s up??
Professional Mess Cleaner: Don’t even what’s up me right now.
Professional Mess Cleaner: Are you serious?
Professional Mess Maker: yes lol what’s wrong
Professional Mess Cleaner: tmz.com/patrick-zweig-and-mystery-girl-spotted-getting-frisky-in-alleyway/02948289339
Professional Mess Cleaner: THIS IS WHAT’S WRONG!!!!!
Professional Mess Maker: shittttt
Professional Mess Cleaner: Is that all you have to say for yourself!!!??? 
Professional Mess Cleaner: I hope for both of our sakes that your stupid boyfriend is cheating on you.
Professional Mess Maker: rude
Professional Mess Cleaner: I’m going to fistfight you.
Professional Mess Cleaner: You’re lucky none of these pictures show your face because it definitely shows his hand up your skirt. 
Professional Mess Cleaner: You couldn’t wait a few hours to go somewhere private?????
Professional Mess Maker: i told him we should wait.
Professional Mess Cleaner: TELL HIM HARDER NEXT TIME
Professional Mess Maker: sorry :,(
Professional Mess Maker: patrick says he’s sorry too
Professional Mess Cleaner: Apology not accepted. Especially not his.
Professional Mess Cleaner: What happened to being an easy client??? Are you getting your rebellious phase now??? Are you gonna be doing drugs on the front page of TMZ next week???
Professional Mess Maker: obviously not???? 
Professional Mess Cleaner: This week then??
Professional Mess Maker: i am not on drugs!!!!!
Professional Mess Cleaner: I wouldn’t know by the way you’ve been acting lately!!!
Professional Mess Maker: you can’t even tell who he’s making out with pls unclench
Professional Mess Cleaner: Please share who else it would be. So someone else’s publicist can deal with it. 
Professional Mess Cleaner: And if you tell me to unclench again I will quit right this minute and let you deal with this yourself. 
Professional Mess Maker: the article does mention tashi duncan by name but not me
Professional Mess Maker: but you’re so right i’m so sorry we will do better next time 😇
Professional Mess Cleaner: You better, or there won’t be a next time.
Professional Mess Cleaner: I’m serious.
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
UNOFFICIAL UPDATE: this is definitely them making out lol
[alt text: patrick zweig making out with we know who]
10:51 AM 1/15/23 From Earth
ZWEIGNATORS - @zweignationupdates
@popculturelvr9 how romantic
10:53 AM 1/15/23 From Earth
💐 - @zweignatorrr
@popculturelvr that’s so invasive pls delete
10:58 AM 1/15/23 From Earth
@deuxmoi - 1/28/23
Sent via form submission from Deuxmoi
Pseudonyms, please: ace
Subject: DEUCE
Message: this athlete and actress have been giving it their all to stay away from each other. they’re both pap magnets which is a nightmare for people trying to keep their relationship secret! we’ll see if they make it to valentine’s day.
@deuxmoi - 2/14/23
let’s see what your favorite celebs have been up to since last week
i saw patrick zweig in trader joe’s buying a bunch of flowers and chocolates.
anon pls
chivalry is not dead
Blind Item #9
This newly critically acclaimed actress has run into some conflict with her otherwise smooth sailing secret relationship. He’s tired of staying quiet and she’s not ready to come forward. She really believes that bringing him as her plus-one to this major award show will heal all wounds. Only time will tell.
March 13, 2023
March 21, 2023
Our Top 20 Best and Worst Dressed at the 2023 Oscars
Not everyone can be a winner in this prestigious award show. Not everyone can be a winner when it comes to outfits, either. 
9. This beautiful gown, which was worn by the talented Emmy winner, was only made better by the help of friend Patrick Zweig, who helped fix the train a number of times on the red carpet. 
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
[alt text: mother looking resplendent while getting out of a car]
10:51 AM 5/15/23 From Earth
tara 🦋🐬 - @profhater
@popculturelvr9 she’s glowing!!!!!
11:00 AM 5/15/23 From Earth
🎬🎾 - @lalalanding
@popculturelvr9 i can’t wait for the first reviews of her movie
11:00 AM 5/15/23 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
@lalalanding they’re saying this is gonna get her the oscar and i’m not even being delusional
[alt text: a review posted on instagram that says “she’s a powerhouse in this film and is arguably the emotional core of it. her performance is subtle, but moving. her physicality and delivery is like nothing i’ve ever seen before. definitely a contender for next year’s oscars.” the post was liked by her mom, her stylist, that tennis player, and thousands of others. ]
9:05 PM 5/15/23 From Earth
💐 - @zweignatorrr
@popculturelvr awww patrick is so cute for liking! such a supportive bf 🥹
9:38 PM 5/15/23 From Earth
🎬🎾 - @lalalanding
@popculturelvr9 @zweignatorrr we don’t care about that man
9:44 PM 5/15/23 From Earth
@deuxmoi - 7/19/23
Sent via form submission from Deuxmoi
Pseudonyms, please: double fault
Subject: pen pals
Message: this athlete-actress couple whose relationship is an open secret are very sad to be parting ways. she’s going on a month long press tour and he’s staying behind. they have plans to meet up at a few locations, but she’d rather be with him than promoting her movie that’s getting SERIOUS oscar buzz.
From: Gone Fishing ([email protected])             June 22
To: FishersPrice ([email protected])
CC: BaitnSwitch ([email protected]
Subject: How many strokes?
Price & Bait, 
Remember how we logged into that tennis guy Patrick Zweig’s iCloud? More specifically, how he wasn’t able to fully kick us out??
You’d never guess what we just found.
From: FishersPrice ([email protected])         June 22
To: GoneFishing ([email protected]), BaitnSwitch ([email protected]
Subject: RE: How many strokes?
Please share.
From: Gone Fishing ([email protected])               June 22
To: FishersPrice ([email protected]), BaitnSwitch ([email protected]
Subject: RE: How many strokes?
See attached. 
From: FishersPrice ([email protected])           June 22
To: GoneFishing ([email protected]), BaitnSwitch ([email protected]
Subject: RE: How many strokes?
Fuck. We’re gonna be millionaires. 
June 23, 2023
Someone hasn’t learned his lesson.
The lengthy video also features a two-time Emmy award winning actress, although it didn’t seem like she was doing much acting (unless she’s better than we thought.)
The pair briefly talk and giggle before getting straight to business. The video is as sweet as it is hot— and though they’ve insisted they’re just friends, their breathy love confessions say otherwise. 
Both parties declined to comment. 
ZWEIGNATORS - @zweignationupdates
was not expecting to see patrick’s racket on my tl first thing in the morning but ok. good morning i guess. 
9:34 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
nasty girl - @matchmyfreqk
@zweignationupdates sorry but like…... link 
9:36 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
ZWEIGNATORS - @zweignationupdates
@matchmyfreqk check dms
9:40 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
nasty girl - @matchmyfreqk
@zweignationupdates why was that kinda beautiful 
10:25 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
ZWEIGNATORS - @zweignationupdates
@matchmyfreqk that’s what i said! like the hand holding?? the love yous?? when he said he was gonna miss her?? i didn’t realize it was like that for them
10:36 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
CLOSED - @popculturelvr9
not an update but please don’t send us or ask us to talk about the tape. it’s a gross violation of privacy and it is honestly none of our business. 
11:23 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
CLOSED - @popculturelvr9
@popculturelvr9 if you bring it up you will be blocked btw! 
11:23 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanded
@popculturelvr9 i swear it’s my whole timeline rn. i feel so bad for her
11:26 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
CLOSED -  @popculturelvr9
@lalalanded for it to happen right before the press tour is so bad. sending so many good vibes her way
11:26 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanded
@popculturelvr9 i’m sure it’ll blow over soon
11:28 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
The tape. Let’s talk about it.
Is it really any of our business? Stuff like this happens all the time and as far as sex scandals go this one’s quite tame
⬆-2 ⬇
Upvote if that was one of the hottest things you’ve ever watched. Downvote if you’re a liar. 
if this showbiz thing doesn’t work out i think they have a solid backup plan 👀
Your Fav Femininity Coach - @putmeincoach
This tape is a perfect example of why I always tell my clients not to mess with men who are above them. Super promising career down the drain over some guy.
12:02 PM 6/24/23 From Earth
User 16363627919 - @user16363627919
@putmeincoach Obviously you don’t know what you’re talking about Patrick Zweig is a fucking tennis legend and that girl is nothing.
12:34 PM 6/24/23 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanded
@putmeincoach @user16363627919 NOTHING???? how many prestigious awards do YOU have, User 16363627919?? i don’t think they give awards out for being a misogynistic loser
12:44 PM 6/24/23 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanded
@putmeincoach this is such a dramatic take lol everyone’s gonna forget about this in a week when something else happens 
12:44 PM 6/24/23 From Earth
Your Fav Femininity Coach - @putmeincoach
@lalalanded We’ll have to see. Still, you shouldn’t settle for someone who makes you act out of character like this
1:08 PM 6/24/23 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanded
@putmeincoach do you know her personally? not everything is so black and white and obviously they both consented and thought this would be private. 
1:41 PM 6/24/23 From Earth
@deuxmoi - 6/25/23
Sent via form submission from Deuxmoi
Pseudonyms, please: breakup
Subject: Cumming and Going 
Message: Apparently, this former tennis star and actress are going their separate ways after an intimate video leaked. She’s worried about the damage it might do to her career and her ability to be taken seriously. He just wants her to be happy. Her publicist has been letting interviewers know that there will be no questions answered about the tape, but this will not be a fun press tour for her.
Blind Item #2
The damage has already been done for this athlete-actress pair. Still, she insists on suffering through a break up on top of this scandal. 
June 28, 2023
Blind Item #8
This retired athlete has received countless offers from the adult film industry in the last week. This scandal is somehow even more humiliating than his last five. He says he doesn’t care, but he does. A lot. 
June 28, 2023
Blind Item #11
She’s losing brand deals and partnerships left and right. If she makes it through the next week alive, let alone through her press tour, it’ll be a major miracle. 
June 28, 2023
June 30, 2023
Full of Regret: Actress spotted leaving her apartment with red-rimmed eyes
Just days after a scandalous tape was leaked, we’re receiving our first sign of life from the actress. 
According to insider DoorDash drivers, she has been a very frequent customer as of late, ordering comfort food and pints of ice cream and leaving very generous tips. 
She seemed to be waiting for the storm to blow over before reentering the public, but with her and her partner’s name trending on Twitter for the past several days, it seems unlikely that it’ll happen any time soon. 
Professional Mess Cleaner: Just checking in. How are you feeling today?
Professional Mess Maker: even worse than yesterday
Professional Mess Maker: i want to say something but i don’t know what
Professional Mess Cleaner: The gossip cycle has already started to move on, but if you really want to say something, I can draft up a response. 
Professional Mess Cleaner: The ball’s in your court ❤️
Professional Mess Maker: no more mention of balls please 
Professional Mess Cleaner: Sorry. Got it.
Professional Mess Maker: maybe you can just say something about not letting my own decisions impact the cast and crew who worked really hard to make the film happen
Professional Mess Maker: speaking of which, have you heard from patrick?
Professional Mess Cleaner: Do you want the truth or to protect your peace?
Professional Mess Maker: things can’t get any worse just give it to me straight 
Professional Mess Cleaner: I hear from him every few hours. He wants to know how you’re feeling. 
Professional Mess Cleaner: And if you’ll take him back. 
Professional Mess Maker: ugh
Professional Mess Cleaner: You know you don’t have to be separated if you don’t want to. The cat’s already out of the bag. A united front might be better for this kind of thing anyway. 
Professional Mess Cleaner: I know how much you care about him. You don’t have to go through this alone.
Professional Mess Maker: i’m not alone though <3
Professional Mess Cleaner: You know that isn’t what I mean.
Professional Mess Cleaner: He loves you. You should reach out to him.
Professional Mess Maker: i will
Professional Mess Maker: eventually 
Blind Item #6
Rumor has it that this pair, who were previously attached at the hip, haven’t said more than a few words to each other in months. That doesn’t mean the feelings stopped being there. 
September 15, 2023
September 27, 2023
Tension at the world premiere?
This weekend marked the world premiere of a film that has been generating a lot of Oscar buzz. The first reviews have been mostly positive, despite the very large elephant in the room.
The average onlooker couldn’t help but notice the physical distance between Zweig and the principal actress in the film during the premiere. Despite both being there, neither were photographed together throughout the entire event. The distance feels particularly charged, considering the pair made a movie of their own not too long ago. 
October 10, 2023
Late this Thursday, Patrick Zweig was spotted leaving an intimate dinner with a female friend. This is the first time he’s been spotted since the leak of his now notorious sex tape. We would be remiss if we didn’t mention that the woman he was spotted having a romantic dinner with was not the same woman from the tape.
At least she knows what she’s in for.
October 12, 2023
Actress spotted on a date with ex-boyfriend
On Wednesday, the pair were seen holding hands as they walked through the park. 
She has not been spotted with her ex-boyfriend, who she starred in her prestige dramedy television with, for almost two years. Are these two getting back together? Or simply making amends?
@deuxmoi - 10/15/23
Sent via form submission from Deuxmoi
Pseudonyms, please: rebounder
Subject: kiss and make up already!
Message: this broken-up couple, who have been making headlines for the most innocuous things following a rather romantic scandal, very obviously miss each other. their friends know it, their coworkers know it, even their ‘rebounds’ know it. they think the other person is better off without them in their life, but that’s simply not true. 
@deuxmoi - 11/8/23
Sent via form submission from Deuxmoi
Pseudonyms, please: love
Subject: podcast
Message: i’m friends with a friend who knows the editor of a certain podcast that’s having a very highly anticipated guest do a tell-all about a scandal very soon. here are some of the things she addresses:
there’s nothing wrong with consenting adults doing consenting adult things—but you still need to be cautious
it’s nice to have some things for yourself but when you’re a public figure you don’t always get that
and finally…. she regrets how things played out in her relationship.
this should be a good episode. 
Blind Item #17
This DIY Filmmaker couple are FINALLY reconciling. They won’t be making any more home movies together anytime soon, but it seems like they’re picking right up where they left off. 
November 16, 2023
December 5, 2023
Top 5 Dates to go on in New York City, According to our Favorite Celebs
3. The Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Following a major scandal and radio silence on the status of their relationship, these two were finally seen together in public at this garden. They both looked genuinely happy for the first time in months. If these two can make their rocky relationship work during a date like this, you can too. 
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
6:35 PM 12/22/23 From Earth 
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
UPDATE: the happy couple were spotted wearing matching ugly christmas sweaters today! i suspect they’re going to the annual christmas party she mentioned on Fallon. i hope they party hard and celebrate her making the shortlist!
8:21 PM 12/22/23 From Earth 
sage ❄️ - @sagingthetl
@popculturelvr9 ngl he’s growing on me!
8:25 PM 12/22/23 From Earth
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
@sagingthetl i agree!
8: PM 12/22/23 From Earth
Blind Item #4
This athlete-actress couple have had quite the year. It’s only fitting that he proposed to her at the end of it. Expect to see more pictures of her hiding her hand in her pocket.
January 1, 2024
@deuxmoi - 1/2/24
let’s see what your favorite celebs have been up to since last week
I served Patrick Zweig and his actress girlfriend at the diner I work at yesterday. They both looked very hungover and I’m 97% sure I saw her wearing an engagement ring. They were very sweet and left us a really big tip. 
Has anyone checked up on Patrick Zweig and his girlfriend? I haven’t heard anything about them in kinda a while 
⬆13 ⬇
It’s so funny you say this. I have a friend who works for the production side of one of those really big entertainment magazines who does those roundtable for actors who are in talks for receiving awards. His girlfriend was just in one, and my friend told me that he was there and super supportive the whole time. Like, bringing her coffee the way she likes it, hyping her up during the photoshoot, and everything in between. Obviously we saw the worst of them a few months back, but they’re a pretty cute couple. I also heard somewhere that they’re engaged? But I don’t know if I believe it. 
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
i’m shaking in my boots for the best actress announcement.
10:45 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanded
@popculturelvr idk i feel it in my bones she’s gonna win.
10:45 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
10:55 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanded
10:55 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
cleo - @filmsn0b
10:55 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
sage ❄️ - @sagingthetl
10:55 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
tara 🦋🐬 - @profhater
10:55 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
10:55 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
sage ❄️ - @sagingthetl
10:56 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
i’m sorry i literally cannot process anything rn did she just say thank you to her FIANCÉ
10:57 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
guys this is way too much. 2 awards left for her EGOT AND she’s engaged??2?3):7.8 i’m malfunctioning
10:58 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
who would’ve thought that a random instagram mutual follow would get us here. omfg. i love love. 
10:59 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
312 notes · View notes