#week was amaaazing !!!
tfshouldidohere · 9 months
Ok yay !!! I'm finally back in the city 🏙🚗💨
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johnwickb1tsch · 1 month
Excessive Force : a Tom Ludlow x Fem Nurse Reader (COLLAB W/ THE AMAAAZING @treedaddymcpuffpuff 😘😘😘) - Chapter FOURTEEN ---> (all chapters)
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trigger warnings: mention of police shooting, child trafficking, past childhood trauma, abuse, etc. plz take care!
“Are you serious?!” You have to move the phone away from your ear to avoid a blown drum from Sheila’s screech. 
“Okay, why don’t you sound as excited as me?” 
“I’m nervous. He’s really forward. And, I haven’t been on a date in forever.” That didn’t end horribly… You’ve decided not to count the fiasco with Julian. You’re in your room, fingering through the limited collection of nice clothes in your closet. You briefly debate wearing a turtleneck and thick linen pants just to piss him off. But, also, there’s that little sundress you bought at the mall that you’ve never gotten a chance to wear… The pretty, soft color would pair very nicely with your silky cream bra and panty set—that you also have never worn. You’re starting to re-think the whole not being a prude thing. 
Plus, it’s hot outside.
Sheila pulls you from your search. “Listen, if he tries anything, just kick him in the dick. Works every time.”
“He’s like eight feet tall. I don’t know if I can reach his dick… with my feet.” 
You both giggle. 
“That’s why they make step stools.” 
“Like, for that exact reason?” 
Sheila’s one of those people that has proven to be supportive. You met her on a bus tour your first week in LA and have been buddies ever since. It works perfectly since you both have hectic work schedules and don’t really expect anything from the other one. She calls you for drinks, you call her for lunch. Sympatico. 
“Obviously. So, he’s tall. Is he hot?” 
You tug your bottom lip between your teeth when you think back to his bare, bruised body on your exam table, those mile long, strong thighs that caged you in and felt more like they belonged to an Amazon Boa rather than a man. 
“Okay, that silence either means hell yes or hell no, so which is it?” You hear the grin in Sheila’s voice.
“First one.” 
You end up telling her about his persistent hospital visits, him pulling you over, maybe omitting some—okay, no, a lot of the details just so she doesn’t want to kill him just yet. You also haven’t told her about the Julian debacle–or that Tom basically rescued you. 
You also leave out that he just happens to be the new superhero on every news channel right now. You’re still processing that yourself, and it’s not boding well for you keeping your cool with this man. 
As it turned out, it was the news that informed you of Officer Tom Ludlow’s whereabouts those lonely night’s you’d missed him harassing you on that lonely stretch of highway. He wasn’t ignoring you. He was rescuing two teenage girls who had been kidnapped and trafficked by a gang. According to the report, Ludlow had entered the house after hearing a cry for help, alone, and gunned down every single one of the gangbangers before setting the girls free.  
Parts of this story should have alarmed you, but there had been a time in your past when you would have given anything for a person of authority to ride to your rescue, red tape be damned. How many times had the cops come to your house for a domestic disturbance between your parents, and left you in a bad situation because of some legal technicality or another? How had they seen you, scared and dirty, cowering in the doorway, and left you behind? The horrors you could have told them, if only they’d cared to ask without your parents there to overhear and threaten you, but every time until the last time, they’d just left you in the hellhole that had been your childhood home.   
How different your life—your sister’s lives—would have been if you had a Thomas Ludlow back then.
The twin girls’ MISSING posters and billboards were all over the city. Most anyone with the power to do something had given up on them as a lost cause, just another sad story, written them off as tragically probably dead in a gutter, but not Ludlow. Ludlow had risked his neck (and possibly his badge, because you’d heard of the old “I heard a cry for help” trick to gain entry, and it was almost always code for “I didn’t have a warrant, what are you going to do about it?”, to get them out, and goddammit if that didn’t just warm you to your toes and soften your heart.
Worse yet, you feel like the biggest asshole for calling him a fraud, to his face, the night after it all went down. He’d just taken it on the chin, and he still asked you out. 
Ok, he technically extorted you, but it just doesn’t feel as sinister now as it had last night. He’d been bold, and borderline needy for some human tenderness, and fuck if you didn’t understand all too well why now. 
Now, rather than having to keep yourself from tearing him a new one, you were afraid you were going to have to restrain yourself from crawling into his lap at the first opportunity, and fucking his brains out for being such a goddamed hero. 
“Oh, he’s a freak!” Despite saying this, she sounds like she’s twirling her hair and kicking her feet. 
You snort. “He’s got..uh…nice hands.” 
You decide on the sundress and the bra-panty set, but you don’t bother laying them out in preparation, because you’re still telling yourself that this isn’t that big of a deal and you’re not that invested and that if Tom Ludlow kisses you, you won’t burst into flames.
You want to take a bath, leave some scent of those seldom used lavender lemon oils lingering on your skin, but decide against it. 
No. Actually. You’re doing it. Taking a nice,  warm, spiced soak, rubbing lotion over every piece of you except the very sensitive bits, shimmying into the undergarments. The panties end up being cheekier than you like, but your butt looks cute, and the dress covers everything pretty good, anyway—well, everything that matters. 
After putting your hair up in a messy bun and throwing some mascara on, you’re ready for—actually, who the fuck are you kidding, you are the opposite of ready. Borderline panicking at the thought of this man coming to pick you up and taking you out and putting on his lewd charm and ruining this cute underwear. 
By the time he buzzes downstairs, it’s too late to decide on another pair of shoes. You have to live with sandals—with the fact that he might just look down and get a full, unfiltered view of your toes curling when he opens his pretty mouth. 
You’re totally fucked, here. 
You think it again when you open the door, finding his lean form all in black, leaning on the wall with his hands in his pockets and his full bottom lip between his teeth, like he’s already thinking about eating you up. You literally feel it as his eyes look you up and down, from your messy bun to your pink painted toes. It’s been two seconds, and already you are soaked between your thighs. 
Doomed. You are just fucking doomed, and a part of you is just ready to surrender, because it takes so much goddamn energy to fight your attraction to this man. You can feel it like live electricity crackling over your skin. 
Of course, there’s that other part of you that wants to run right back up those stairs and lock yourself away from this gorgeous devil.
“Hey, beautiful.”
Your mouth opens to reply, but your brain takes a few seconds to catch up, utterly short circuited by how ridiculously handsome he is in his black button down, his dark pants belted low on his hips, those big feet in black boots. It’s a little strange, seeing him without his badge or his gun on his hip–but you can work with this. 
“Hi,” you answer, scathingly clever as ever. 
“Ready to go?” 
You’d brought down your purse, to avoid inviting him into the private sanctuary that is your little shoebox of an apartment, but now you almost regret it. 
“Yeah. Where are we going?” You step out the door, but he doesn’t move back, relishing your close proximity with a smirk. But there is a new softness in his brown eyes as he looks down at you that makes you a little weak in your knees. He reaches up to touch your cheek, feather light, and it boggles your mind how this man can be such a beast, and yet so gentle when he wants to be. 
“You’ll see.” You narrow your eyes at him, but for once, it’s more playful than fueled by annoyance. “Relax,” he says, his shapely mouth dancing as he suppresses a smile. “You’re in good hands, honey.” 
You don’t even flinch, as he drives this final nail into your coffin, the wave of desire inspired by the thought of those oh-so-capable hands and what they just might do to you tonight buzzing down your spine. This is how you die–you are strangely, almost, ok with it. 
When he has you safely ensconced in the passenger seat of his sleek black Charger you look over at him, his long arm draped over the wheel as he navigates the hostile environment of LA traffic like a shark patrolling a reef. “So…I saw you on the news last night.”
He lifts one of those dark brows, though his expression remains otherwise unreadable. “Haven’t really looked at what they’re saying,” he admits, like he’s used to the media getting the details wrong towards their own ends. 
“They said that you saved two underaged girls that were being traffiked?”
His mouth turns down, and you wonder if you’ve killed the happy vibe of the evening so soon with your nosy questions. But then again–you need to know. It’s a gnawing curiosity in your gut not just for the events that transpired, but the man who orchestrated them. Who you are currently alone in a car with, so you reason you have a right to know.
“Yeah,” he simply answers, not keen to crow his own praises. 
“And you…killed all those guys?”
He gives a sigh that seems to come from the bottom of his soul. You sense a weariness in him that he’s never shown on the outside before. 
“Yeah.” A long silence draws out between you, before he adds, “They were very bad dudes, y/n. Please don’t be afraid of me.”
You can’t exactly say that you’re not–but ironically, the news of him shooting down those gangsters really has nothing to do with it.   
“I’m not. I mean–if they were abusing those girls, then they deserved it.”
He looks you over then, an appraising look as though you’ve given him some new information about your character. Maybe information you didn’t exactly mean to give away, but it’s out there now. He’s going think you’re a kindred spirit–or a blood thirsty gremlin. 
Either way, you don’t really want to discuss why you sympathize with those girls, and with him. 
“Are you okay?”
This question seems to take him aback, like he truly wasn’t expecting it. He’s surely used to being a pillar of stoic manhood, but you know this shit takes its toll. “Yeah. I’m fine, sweetheart. Thanks.”
You eye his hand resting on the center console, and a part of you very badly wants to reach out to him and take it. Almost as though he can sense it, or maybe because he wants it as badly as you do, he holds out his hand palm up in invitation. It’s possible you stare at that hand for a beat too long, his wide calloused palm and long blunt fingers. Long enough that he tries to play it off, starting to take it back, before you quickly lace your fingers with his. The way he smiles to himself sends warmth blooming all the way to your toes, and you’re glad he’s driving because they do, indeed, curl in your sandals. 
You give him a little squeeze, relishing the way your hand feels so tiny and protected in his own, and say, genuinely, “I’m sorry. For calling you a fake cop.” 
He clicks his tongue. “I’ve heard worse from people that aren’t half as pretty as you.” 
You want to fight with him on that—scoff, roll your eyes—but you just can’t, because as much as that small, whiny part of your brain tells you he’s lying, the bigger, rational part absolutely knows just by the sincerity in his tone that he thinks you really are a pretty, sublime creature. 
“But I still kinda think you’re a jerk,” you half tease. 
“Mmmm, what happened to that feisty little thing I know? She change into a cute sundress and suddenly become sweet?” 
You are loathe to admit the real reason for your change of heart. 
“You wish.” 
He chuckles. “Bet I can make you sweet.” 
You’re a total idiot for what comes out of your mouth, and your underwear is the one that will more than likely end up paying for this mindless insolence. “How?”
He brings your hand up to his mouth, lips brushing over the thin skin of your knuckles, sending a spear of desire through your arm and into the rest of your body. You make a tiny choked noise when his tongue peeks a taste of your skin, going unfocused and fuzzy, radio static and full throttle cavewoman. 
He kisses the center of your hand, then murmurs, “With sugar, silly girl.” 
It's not only the panties that pay a high price, but also your throbbing heart, pleasantly tense and hot and full of desire. 
He must find your slack jaw and blank stare immensely entertaining, because he’s laughing low and soft, rumbling in delight. 
“Are you okay?” He asks. 
“I’m fine.” There has never been a more heinous lie uttered in this entire state. 
You’re fairly new to LA, but you soon realize from your surroundings that he’s taking you to the Santa Monica Pier. 
You are thanking the universe and the gods when you arrive at your destination. Five more minutes—hell, seconds—trapped in that car with him and you would have climbed into his lap and started barking. 
When he swings into a parking space designated just for Law Enforcement you turn to him with a lifted brow, as though to say, Abuse your authority much? 
But you already know the answer to that. This date is a product of it. And so far…it’s not so bad. 
“Do you like fish tacos?” He asks, keeping your hand and massaging that bulky thumb over your wrist.
“Shouldn’t you have asked that before you made a reservation?” you taunt him. 
“No reservation,” he informs you with a quirk of his mouth. “But the manager owes me a favor.” 
He waves around the busy avenue and beach walk bustling with people, peppered with colorful shops and restaurants of every kind. “Pretty sure we can find you something you like, if Mexican food with an ocean view isn’t your thing…” He says it with a smirk, and you’re seriously not sure if you want to kiss this man or smack him. Maybe both, but save it for later, sings out the little devil on your shoulder before you can tell it to shut the fuck up. 
Good lord. 
You’ve heard of the restaurant–and that it’s famously hard to get into. You wonder if his connection is a product of a favor for a good deed, or a bit of blackmail. Maybe a little bit of both. You’re finding more and more that it’s hard to put this man in a single box. 
“Honestly…?” You make him wait for it, and you can tell your effort to put this confident man on the spot only half succeeds, his dark eyes sparkling with mirth. “That sounds pretty amazing.”
This evil, evil gentleman. He opens your door for you, helps you out of the car, stands patiently while you fix your dress, only half looks at your exposed thighs before you pull the hem down and cover them up again. 
Then, he threads his arm with yours and leads you onto the pier. You can’t believe you’ve never taken the initiative to come here before. It’s beautiful, lit up like a modern carnival of neon lights. 
“Oh, can we go on the Ferris wheel?” You ask, looking up at him. 
“Let’s get some food in you, and then we can do whatever you want.” He really needs to stop being so…caring. It’s seriously starting to mess up your insides. 
You turn into a fascinated kid as you walk down the salt coated slice of wood built out over the ocean, looking this and that way, pointing things out, mentioning possible after-dinner activities. You feel like you’re getting annoying, but Tom just seems amused by your sunburned tourist behavior. 
You pass by a little shooting booth with huge stuffed bunnies hanging from the rack, and he must see the way you’re ogling them, so he leans down close to your ear. “I could win you one of those?”
You grin back up at him. “I can win you one.” 
“Oh? Little sharpshooter?” 
It sounds like he doesn’t believe you, so you stick your tongue out at him between smiling lips. 
He pokes your forehead in retaliation. “Anybody ever tell you how fucking cute you are?” 
The restaurant lives up to its popularity and then some. It takes a while to get here, but you just know it’s worth every foot blister when they sit you down and immediately serve a popped bottle of iced sparkling water and delicious, warm salsa and chips. 
You made it just in time to catch the purple orange sun sinking below ocean level, and the front row seats really just make the view that much more spectacular. At this point, you wouldn’t be surprised if a dolphin jumped from the water, illuminated by the dying sun, just like in the movies.  
“This is… amazing.” You grab some tortilla chips to munch on while he pours you both glasses of the fancy water. “Have you ever been here before?” 
“Once.” He doesn’t elaborate, so you don’t want to push the issue, but you can tell there’s some kind of ache behind that simple word. 
“Okay, so you’re obviously not from LA—where are you from?” He leans over the table a bit, curious. 
He opens his mouth, but you stop him because you already know what he’s going to say. 
“Don’t do it.” You point a warning finger at him, giggling like an idiot. 
“God, but I really want to,” he groans. 
“So,” you say, taking another bite of chip. “Why did you become a cop?”
“You start with the heavy questions, huh?” he teases you. “Thought I was the one who was trained in interrogation?”
You suppose he’s right, considering your earlier line of inquiry in the car. But you shrug in response. Considering how you ended up here, you see no reason to tiptoe around things. “Just curious.”
He offers up an easy smile, letting you know you didn’t offend him. “Well, I actually always wanted to be a dentist.”
You snort with disbelief, trying to imagine this man’s bedside manner. But then, dentists do get to cause people a lot of pain… “Ok. Maybe that tracks.”
“I’m fucking with you,” he informs you with a smirk. 
You do your best to appear annoyed, and fear you fail at it badly. “Guess it’s not hard to imagine you pulling teeth, is all.”
He huffs at that. “I always wanted to be a cop, since I was a kid. My old man was a detective. Killed in the line of duty. I guess I felt like I needed to pick up his unfinished business.”
You blink at that. You and your big fucking mouth. “I’m sorry,” you say, reaching for his hand across the table. He curls his fingers with yours, playing with your aqua painted fingernails with his thumb.
“It’s alright. Happened a long time ago.”
“How old were you?”
You squeeze his hand in yours, saying nothing. 
“What about you? What made you want to be a nurse?” 
You don’t really feel comfortable enough to tell him your whole coming-of-nurse story, so you give him the cut version: “when I was young and felt like I had no one, a nurse comforted me.”
“How young?”
He winces. “Maybe I’ll get the full version of that story one day?”
There’s an epiphany, here, in this little restaurant with the comfy blue chairs, and it’s that Tom Ludlow scares you because he makes you feel something deep, deep inside your chest that you can’t even remember being there before he came along. Julian was easy, child’s play; although it stings, you’re writing him down as just another failed fling. You know if Ludlow gets his hands on your little sensitive heart, it will be a very different story. 
You take a big drink of water to wash down the salty crunch. “Sorry.”
“Being so…cold.”
He chuckles. “Oh, you are so cold. Gonna have to make it up to me.”
Warmth floods the top layers of your skin. “I already said I’d win you the bunny.”
You’re amazed at how easily he can transition back into a smooth, carnal beast. “I don’t know if that’s enough for me to forgive you.” The fake hurt in his tone should not make you squirm in your seat. 
You bite like a dumb, good little fish should: “okay, then, how do I make it up to you, Officer Ludlow?” 
You’re hoping to faze him with the sultry innocence of your tone, but it just fuels his devilish aura instead. “We can start with me turning you over my knee.”
You don’t have a retort, but your vagina absolutely does, and she gets you squirming in your seat. 
He leans forward, knowing smile sure to be your undoing one way or another. “Would you like that?” 
“Thought you didn’t want to hurt me?” You challenge, trying to keep cool despite the blazing Ludlow heat. 
“Who says spanking has to hurt? Dr. Bitch?”
You can’t help the giggle that rolls out of you, and he seems to find it entertaining that you have to cover your mouth to hide it. “No, Tom, believe it or not, I am a grown woman who has lived an experienced life.” 
“And how was it?”
You tilt your head. “What?”
“You know, when you asked one of your vanilla boyfriends to swat that gorgeous, plump ass a little bit? Just to see how it would feel.” He leans his chin on his palm, listening intently for your answer, and you think you might be on your way to spontaneous combustion. 
How in the fuck can he just hit the nail right on the head like that? Know about parts of your life that you haven’t shared with anyone—not that there were many to share with. Are you really this readable? 
Once again, he has your sharp tongue dulled with arousal and embarrassment, and you shift in the chair. “He did it, like, once and then stopped.” 
“And did you like it?” He presses. 
He takes a little sip of his water, raising both dark brows over the glass at you. “Good to know.” 
Tom recommends the margaritas and fish tacos, so you let him order for the both of you while admiring the view. You can’t decide which one you like better, his handsome face or the ocean scape.
As you are finishing your delicious dinner the last rays of the sunset are putting on a five star show for you, the sky painted that impossible deep blue and purple, the water shimmering like color-changing opals.
“It’s so beautiful here,” you sigh, and you catch him looking at you out of the corner of your eye with a softness you haven’t seen from him before. You get up the courage to meet his eyes, and he smiles at you, but for once not like he intends to eat you.
“You’re not in Kansas anymore, sweetheart.”
He laughs at that, a real belly laugh that makes you warm all over even without the aid of your two nursed margaritas. “Ready to go?”
“Yeah. I’ve got to out shoot you for that little bunny now.” 
This wins you more genuine laughter. “Alright, Annie Oakley. Lead the way.” 
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ectonurites · 4 months
BTW—if anyone on here is interested, I have two tickets for Chappell Roan's sold out show on April 3 at College Street Music Hall in New Haven, Connecticut for sale!!
I had bought them right at presale and then like a week later won the raffle for seeing her in Boston back in October, the show was absolutely AMAAAZING and as much as I'd love to see her again I def don't have the budget to figure out accommodations/travel for a second show this soon, so yeah, trying to sell them!
EDIT: the tickets have now sold!
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teddybeartoji · 1 month
Mickey!! hello 💓 for the ask game you posted, I am asking youuu 20, 35 and 41 :)
20. how tall are you?
SHORTTT😭😭😭5'3/163cm... i hate it sm. i would kill for a few inches. (i think satoru should give some. smhh greedy man)
35. who is your celebrity crush?
JOSH O'CONNOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAHHHHHH i've loved him for a while but now i'm feeling it even harder bc i saw the film "challengers" in the cinemas a week or so back!!!!!!!! he's super fucking charming and sweet, and he's an amaaazing actor!!!!! i definitely recommend checking out his works hehe:3
41. top 10 favourite songs?
OMFGGGGGGG THIS IS SUCH A HARD ONE LMAO these are not necessarily ranked though i don't think i could ever do that that's way too difficult
careless whisper by george michael
in the light by led zeppelin
my own summer by deftones
positif by mr. oizo
forever by majid jordan
my kind of woman by mac demarco
i bet on losing dogs by mitski
deli by ice spice
custer by slipknot
act a fool by ludacris
interview the mayor
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broadway-aradia · 5 months
I think I have been following you since 2014 or 2015 maybe and I felt like taking a trip down the memory lane.
Could you talk about why you joined tumblr in the first place? What was your first fandom vs what is the most recent one? How your life changed since you've joined vs how is it going now?
Have a wonderful day or night!
HEY! thank you for following me for so long! that is such a big chonk of time. i love that you’re still here!
i have a really hazy memory from my ADHD sadly and rely a ton on my brother and one of my besties whose memory is damn near perfect to keep my own story straight. but i definitely joined tumblr because of nerd word of mouth—i believe it was back in 2010 when i was working under the table at a local comic book store as a young teen!
i guess you could say my first fandom experience was with DC comics, pre-new 52 reboot. i was really into it on my own before joining tumblr so it was amaaazing to explore all of the fan content and finally connect with other people about an interest that was pretty solitary for me before that. the series “young justice” airing on cartoon network around that time helped expose a lot of new fans to the DC universe too! that was such a fun show. and i’m realizing now that the anon i replied to before this one asked about PAST fictional crushes of mine, and i totally fumbled on answering—i would have taken a god damn bullet for wally west during this era. i probably still would!
DC rebooted their entire comics lineup and retconned and fucked up everything i loved in 2011 and then young justice was cancelled not long after so that was kind of that for me. i became a generic superwholock shitposter for a while, then the homestuck era began :)
these days i still get hyperfixated on media but i feel like fandom has diminished a bit in that there aren’t tons and tons of people online with the same brainrot who want to gnash teeth and howl at the moon with me. maybe i’m missing out because i didn’t join twitter? but getting into gideon the ninth/the locked tomb has been really fun for me the last few weeks because there’s so much good art, fic, and engagement on here for it :)
as far as how life has changed—basically i just, grew up! i finished school, went to college in vermont. my mom passed away. came home and have been working random jobs. i live with my partner in a very small studio and really miss having a piano. but i still practice singing and mess around on my baritone uke. i’m 26 now, very much feeling like i’m in a waiting period before my real life starts. i wonder what will happen! :)
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theunstuffedpepper · 1 year
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These photos have been sitting in my drafts for a week, maybe more. I feel like I have so much to say and then when I have time to post it, I don’t. And then I forget. Really need to work on that!
We’ve been spending our weekends balancing family time and finishing up home renovations. My home office is officially DONE, and it looks amaaazing! 🤩 I definitely wasn’t as grateful as I should have been while B was building my new home office, but seeing it done and working in there, it clicked and I was like.. holy shit. This is awesome. HE is awesome. Super grateful to have this space to myself. I’m also grateful that the renovations here at home are winding down for now.. we need to wrap up the projects that are ongoing now and shift focus to bringing this new babe into the world.
I’m in month 8 now.. ultrasound a few days ago was great — the baby is healthy as can be, I’m healthy and my blood pressure is staying nice and low. The babe is 5lb 7oz now! He’s regularly kicking the crap out of my insides but I love feeling it. I can’t wait to meet him. I went to a hospital tour of our new hospital last week which definitely made it REAL. He’s gonna be here soon. It’s gonna bring with it so much fear and anxiety and I’m sure it’ll bring up some emotions that I’ve been letting simmer under the surface. I’m starting therapy with a new therapist Monday, though, so that’s giving me a direction on how to deal with everything that’s gonna come up.
Pip’s 1st birthday was a few weeks ago. It was a quiet day, mostly business as usual on the surface with a mostly unspoken sadness surrounding us. People who did reach out were very brief and quiet about it, not poking or prodding too much, which I appreciate. Thankfully nothing got posted to social media. I honestly wouldn’t put it past my MIL, but she somehow resisted. It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since he was born, and it’s harder to think about everything that’s happened since. I try not to be angry about what life looks like now; it’s not what I imagined, but in a weird way, it’s the only way I could imagine it being currently. I try to stay focused on the good and let the bad visit from time to time, but not let it stay for too long.
Always looking forward. Good things are happening and more is to come.
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birthing-hipss · 7 months
Would you rather give birth to twins at your due date or give birth to one 5 weeks overdue?
omg great question! i think twins (at the due date would still be amaaazing 🤰🏻)
ideally, one comes easily through an orgasmic and romantic labor, while the other is more tricky and requires some…intervention 😈
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cr0g-0 · 1 year
well you've managed to spark up THREE of my old interests which i am sooo grateful cause it's good to have a selection of media to choose from :D
and your ideas are so fun!! ANDDDD seeing you in my askbox is always a treat :3c
you like AUTOHEART too how cooler can you get ????
anddd your writing and ideas are AMAAAZING !! <3
working on/discussing au's with you is the BEST we come up with the best ideas together >;3333
Eats your ask with tears fr fr
In all seriousness thank you Brick for being one of the few people I look forward to seeing in either my notifications, dash, ask box or anything else really-
Been having the roughest week ever not gonna lie so this is making me feel better even if by a little bit. I want to make some people content soon but honestly a small break mught be an order? I’m not sure I really want to get yall something you’ll enjoy readjng :(
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animarune · 1 year
Hi how have you been?
I am still alive! Just turned 29 too!
I just saw a trans health care person to talk about my desire for top surgery. I have an appointment in two weeks to start going over paperwork for an application!
I just started my 6th season working in landscaping, after finishing block 1 of a horticultural apprenticeship. After block 2 next year I will write the Red Seal test and I will be certified to work anywhere in Canada.
I firgured out several years ago that I'm aromantic and bisexual, and polyamorous. I have a girlfriend and a boyfriend. I've been involved in the kink community in my city for almost a year. My friend just got me a Violet Wand for my birthday which is super fun~⚡ It's a neat zappy toy and I brought it home to show my family because I knew they'd all think it's cool too and I was right! (I knew, because when I was like 17 we had this electric fly swatter with which they all took turns hitting each other 😆)
I can't remember when we last spoke, but I was diagnosed with ADHD sometime when I was 21 or so, and last year I figured out that I'm autistic as well.
I moved out to go to college in 2016 and my cat Shadow died in January 2017 and it broke my heart and I dropped out. Completed the horticulture diploma program 2017-2019. In 2018 I got my cat Harley. She is the most precious purrtato.
I've been living with my friend and work partner for four years. We live in a small apartment with my cat, and her cat and three rabbits, and a brown anole who came from a house plant and hatched in our bathtub. Also, at least 200 isopods.
I'm still friends with Shika! We don't talk as often but that's okay. I took her to the MCR concert in Toronto in September and it was amaaazing!
I'm still into writing fanfiction but I still haven't finished anything lmao Currently (for like 8 years now) I'm writing a Dragon Age: Inquisition fic. I keep changing my Inquisitor's backstory lol
Oh! And I am beyond hyped for Tears of the Kingdom!!! It looks so freaking fun oh my gosh!!!
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caraalee · 1 year
Peaks and Greens: Pico Island
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After three years without any two-week, multi-stop #CarubinTrips, we’re back with snaps of views, food, and musings from Portugal! To celebrate our nuptials and make up for lost travel time, we landed on a four-stop honeymoon extravaganza based on our priorities of rolling green hills, ocean views, a variety of wine, seafood, and egg custard pastries. Our first stop: Pico Island!
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To kick off our trip, we flew from New York to São Miguel Island, which only took about five hours. From there, we flew straight to Pico Island. Unintentionally, we ordered the trip starting with the least populated place (Pico) and gradually made our way back to being around too many people (São Miguel →  Porto → Lisbon). We started in Pico solely because those were the only dates available for a hidden gem of an Airbnb recommended by a colleague. This place was very worth shuffling our itinerary around. 
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Those views! The house was on the highest point in São Roque, in the central north side of the island, which was incredible. We rented a car—pretty much a must-do in the Azores. And after a long time Googling at the Pico airport discovered that you do not need an international driver’s license in Portugal! It took us a bit to find the house, gather our bearings, and figure out where the grocery stores were. Luckily, our host stocked the kitchen for us, which was a huge lifesaver, and the island was so small and fairly easy to navigate.
After staying in to cook on night one, we ventured out on our own on day two. The tour we booked ended up getting canceled, so we set out to visit some of the stops that would have been included. The first stop was Gruta das Torres, a lava cave located in Madalena, which was on the west side of the island. Driving there was a bit rough and bumpy. The roads around the house were unpaved, and we stumbled upon wild cows while trying to get to the main road. Crazy! 
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It was so scenic along the way, so we had to stop to take photos. It helped that there were barely any other cars, so it really felt like we were in our own dreamland. 
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Gorg! Unfortunately, when we got to Gruta das Torres, there were no tours available. That was a bummer, but we had plenty more to see. Vinha de Criação Velha was close by, so we headed there. The vineyard is a UNESCO World Heritage Site made up black basalt stone walls (we learned so much about basalt in the Azores). It was really cool, and we got some good views of Mt. Pico from there.
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By the time we finished exploring the vineyard, we were ready for lunch. The first two locations we looked up were hosting parties, so we wound up at Cella Bar, which was pretty good and had more great views. We took advantage of their wine selection and tried a 2011 czar wine—fancy! We shared a cheese appetizer starring three Pico cheeses. I got the squid salad, and Roobz got sausage. 
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Delish! Afterward, we checked out one of the natural pools by our Airbnb, Piscina Naturais São Roque. It was very rocky and fishy, so we didn’t fully submerge but enjoyed the scenery and sun (and we could see the Airbnb in the far distance!).
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For dinner we went to Casa Ancora and were met with a line full of tourists waiting for the restaurant to open. Classic. The food was pretty good—not bad but not amaaazing. The popularity probably stems from the modern vibe both food-wise and within the restaurant. We shared the “low-temperature” (cold?) shrimps. Really good! I had the barracuda, and Roobz got the filet mignon, which included a delicious potato puree. We also shared a bottle of local rosé!
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On day three, we headed to Lagoa do Capitão and thought it was just a lake we could relax at and have a snack. We were wrong...in a good way! There was a lake that was pretty meh, but it was surrounded by the most beautifully sprawling green hills I’ve ever seen in my life! With cows grazing nearby and into the distance. And, of course, a view of Mt. Pico! LOVELY. A highlight of my life!
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For lunch, we went to Aço, a snack bar with authentic food. We sat outside in the back patio, which was cute. In touristy fashion, we accidentally ordered two bottles of wine instead of two glasses—whoops! But finally got to try green wine and loved it. Not too sweet and not too dry. We shared garlic shrimp, and I got a creamy seafood and mushroom dish. Roobz got the local beef with shrimp. The squid was good. 
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After lunch, we went to Lajes on a whim so we could say we saw the three big towns on the island. Very cute and picturesque! We checked out the natural pool there to dip our legs and lie out in the sun before getting some light bites and heading back to the house.
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On our last full day in Pico, we wanted to try some pastries—you gotta in Portugal. We went to Pastelaria Machedo, and our overeager selves ordered three huge pastries. After the cashier told us the price, and we realized we didn’t have enough cash, Roobz went to find an ATM. Could we have gotten only two pastries. Sure. But then who would we really be in life? It was worth it because they were GOOD. (Pro tip: get some cash early on if you are staying in São Roque because there weren’t any ATMs in that town!).
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After getting our sweets on, we headed to Museo do Vinho da Ilha do Pico for some history! It was only 4 euros and very cool to see the old wine presses and learn about the history of winemaking in Pico. We saw even more cool views and very cool flora. Cool all around! 
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By the time we returned to the Airbnb, it was raining, and we had to deal with wet laundry, so we stayed in and enjoyed the rain and clouds, which produced a beautiful rainbow we saw at eye level!
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Pico was dreamy, isolated in the best way, and a lovely way to kick off our honeymoon. It was probably my favorite out of all the places, and they were all great, so that’s saying something. Next stop: São Miguel Island!
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disco-cola · 1 year
also a friend of mine whos also into thin lizzy came over last week and we wanted to watch a movie while eating dinner but then decided to rent "songs for while im away" which is fairly new and honestly we both didnt like it this is why im not into modern documentaries usually i mean they had some amaaazing footage in there from concerts they restored so nicely it was like watching them with your own eyes but they only showed such short snippets that should have been wayyy longer and i was actually hoping to see more video material i've never seen before and the majority of the running time was just random footage of cars and birds (like so many birds?? we were like dude did we accidentally rent a nature documentary about irelands fauna) it didnt make sense the interview part of the bandmates and other contemporaries reminiscing and talking about their life with phil was interesting but with the mostly random footage hard to concentrate on they should have put a lot more original 70s and 80s footage and pictures of him and the band and not just random almost awkwardly closeup endlessly long shots of guitars or records or said cars and birds like its fine to fill up a few minutes and show how things look like now but this was totally over the top i really do not recommend it
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Mayaaaaa! *tackles you* You're on your flight and you won't see this until you're back home, but I want to tell you how much I've missed you all week and how glad I am that you're back so I can constantly bother you. I hope you had a wonderful time and I can't wait to see all your photos! ☀️🏔
The most important thing I'm glad about is that Seb and Chris clearly got the memo you'd have limited wifi because they didn't do anything this week. It's like they decided "Maya is too busy so let's stay home" and tbh that's good because the best thing about new Seb/Chris content is reading your tags and screaming over them together!
I can't wait to hear more about your vacation and I love you more than 10,000 camels' worth🐪
TEJODOREEE 💛💛💛 thank you for this lovely message 🥺💖💖💖 and I missed you sooo much too!!! Although I’m sure you’re happy that you finally got to be productive for a couple of days without me bothering you all the time, I will be checking with Navya and HR to see if they took good care of you and made sure you had all your meals in my absence 😂
I did have an amaaazing time, as you could probably tell from the photos and the messages I sent you when I had a couple of minutes with wifi lmao
Also yes, very important that the boys listened and didn’t do anything while I was away, I couldn’t have handled missing out on the fun, I missed the craziness enough as it was! It was good to have a little break, but I’m also happy to be back. And with perfect timing, right before the new chapter of Treading Water drops 😍😍
Lololol, I’m definitely glad my friend didn’t take up the guy at one of the little markets on the offer to trade me for 10.000 camels. I think I’m probably worth a little more than that 😤 And so are youuuu, I love you so so much 💖💖💖💖
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henfox · 2 years
Hey my lovely, hope you're having an AMAAAZING week already. Question: what is the ship name for Charlie and Nick? I know I could probably find out, but it will take me a while and I've had too much cake to function, so thought I'd cheat and ask my own personal awesome oracle 💜💜💜
heyyy!!!! ooo you caught me before bed haha <3
pretty sure it’s ‘narlie’, which is super cute but usually i see it tagged as nick x charlie and vice-versa so :) hope that helps! enjoy the cake and have a brilliant week too sis 🥰💙🎂🥰
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finnoahsource · 23 days
"there really aren't any projects to compare to except the tutor" and we can't even judge his acting based on the tutor because it was clearly just a quick project for him before he went to college. like the whole movie was filmed in 3 or 4 weeks (and the material wasn't even good, imo). but noah did great with what he had. some critics even said that he was the best part of that movie (which I agree!)
personally, I want to see noah in something more fun and light-hearted. maybe some comedy, or romantic comedy. I think he'll suit this genre very well.
quick filming project and still the best part of it... his power.
lighthearted would be amaaazing, gives his brain a rest lmfao. I'd be curious to see how he goes with comedy since there's some extra skill and quick thinking needed there - that's part of his acting range we haven't seen exercised really that much!
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kananjarus · 7 months
It's been a loooong time since I read station 11 (but I loved it when I did) and I just stumbled upon your au which is amaaazing! The cliffhanger on the last chapter is just l;askdfl;asjfl;sakjf!!!!
eeeeee I love when fans of the book come fangirl with me!! thank you!!! also I swear I’m still working on the rest of it, I’ve just been caught up with a busy past several weeks
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singsweetmelodies · 10 months
Oh my Goddd Katie !!! I read the new chapter 🤩 i saw the email that you updated while I was in the bus.. read it as soon as I got home and it was *chef’s kiss* 🤌🏻
Every single line in that chapter was ✨perfect ✨
Few things that I wanted to say about the chapter;
About Charles being an idiot, i wanted to hold him by his shoulders n shake him.. like wth sharl…“friends first” my ass..🫢 i was like ‘boy you’re completely gone for him stop denying it, anyone can see that from a mile away’
And that part where he labelled their thing as “hooking up with the best friend” i felt for my baby pierre 🥲 why you gotta hurt him like that Charlo!
I mean I can see him being clueless like this irl too.. but yeah I’ll forgive him, only bcos he’s too pretty👀
Again, this was an amaaazing chapter .. loved it.. loved itt…. God you never disappoint ❤️
Take care
All the love
PS: you can have this pic of Charles leclerc bedsheet that I found on twt🫢 maybe pierre will convince charles to use it while they **** and Charles would act all shy n embarrassed but will end up agreeing
PPS: just remembered that I can’t share media if I’m sending this as anon😂 so yeah you can have the link.
this ask made me smile so much, omg!! the charles bedspread, first and foremost 😭 why is this EXACTLY the kind of thing pierre would do just to make charles blush?? LMFAO. love that. low-key want that just to make my girlfriend say the words "we are not fucking on the charles leclerc bedspread" 😆
secondly!! awwww, i'm so glad you liked the chapter <3333 you are too kind! and yes AGREED - charles is being massively oblivious and i'm sure EVERYONE can see that he's completely gone for pierre (except for pierre himself, and also charles himself. naturally.) but you're so right, lmfao, we have to forgive him because he's pretty <333 and also because, like i hinted here, there IS actually a genuine characterisation reason for why charles is being this oblivious (other than just the "he's a bit of a beautiful idiot sometimes, y'know" reason, that is.) sorry-not-sorry to keep dropping hints about that, lmaooo. it's just that i've had this characterisation point plotted out for WEEKS now but i have to wait THREE MORE CHAPTERS till i can share it, and... i'm not a very patient person xD
but yeah!! thank you very much indeed for this ask, T, love <333 i was "😂❤️"-ing all the way through it - always so so nice to hear from you!!
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