#weekly task: all
mckinleyhq · 3 months
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it's close to midnight, and something evil's lurking in the dark under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart you try to scream, but terror takes the sound before you make it you start to freeze, as horror looks you right between the eyes you're paralyzed
now that the election is over and new leadership has taken it's place, it's time for things around mckinley to get spooky. halloween is coming up fast and the school is hosting a halloweenfest carnival, it's time to face your fears and get spooky.
character development tasks.
option one.  create a character aesthetic showcasing things your muse is scared of about - this can range from the fears of their childhood to horror movies that left a mark - feel free to get creative with this !!
option two. write a headcanon talking about your muses phobias or fears, feel free to elaborate on this however fist your muse !!
option three. create an aesthetic showcasing your muses costumes of halloweens past- this could be jus last year's costume or it could chronical their costumes from their childhood !!
to count towards task fills, these must be original content uploaded and posted by you - reblogs of gif sets, photosets, etc will not count or be reposted onto the inspiration account.
this are just a few options for you that you can choose to participate in for this week’s theme - you are welcome to fulfill the task using all of these methods, some of them, or even by making up your own. as always these tasks are optional, but encouraged. you can post your results in the task channel and utilize the following tumblr tags: mckinleyhq:task & mhqinspo !! happy development !!
glee club task.
it’s time to perform another song during glee club practice - you can do this in the form of a youtube video, a spotify link, a headcanon drabble, or even an aesthetic post/edit - the only thing you need to include is the title of the song they will be performing. your song of choice should be a song that invokes feelings of fear in your muse - this can be interpreted at the whim of your muse - whatever you think fits. be sure to post a link to your post in the glee weekly task channel in the discord server !!
be creative as you’d like with this week’s theme !! we’d love to see all forms of content relating to this theme of : halloween / fear !!
note. there will be a separate task for this year's halloween costume showcases, as well as a plot drop !!
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iridescentis · 10 months
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puppiedogs · 5 months
i called the ssa office to ask something and in the pre-recorded message they say, like it’s not fucking Insane, “if you’re calling with regards to a disability claim, due to a staffing shortage, current processing times for disability claims are between 250 and 300 days, after which it will take three to four weeks for you to receive your decision by mail” as though that’s just something that happens whoopsie sorry about that like die actually. how do these people sleep at night
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sabraeal · 9 months
1000 Followers Update!
Due to some super fun chronic health shenanigans, the posting for the 1000 Followers Celebration is being postponed a month! Posting will start on 2/2 with to all the ghost still standing in this room, and continue as previously planned from there. Thank you guys for bearing with me-- I struggled with the idea of even postponing for a week, but it became very clear on Monday that I would not be able to catch up with the schedule unless I took an extended break to recover. Can't wait to show you guys what I've got up my sleeve!
#1000 followers#i don't talk much about my illness struggles on here because without a word count limit#i would absolutely write myself into a terrible spiral talking about some of the very recent setbacks#but I do weekly goals up on twitter and I often talk about what's going on there#so it's only fair that i explain a bit in some tag chatter where i have to stay on task#to start: i'm fine and I'm going to be quick to recover now that i've gotten my meds#but due to all sorts of insurance bullshittery that has occurred since september/october#my last three infusions have been over a week late. two of them have been nearly two weeks or over#and coupled with a particularly nasty stomach bug + christmas stress#i ended up with extremely bad exhaustion and brain fog#and on monday finally flared#thankfully i was able to move my infusion up a day so I only had to wait until wednesday#and me and my husband had planned that I would be out of commission for the 10 days my meds were overdue#so I just had to triage my commitments and lay low until they could get me what i needed#it's been two days and i'm doing much much better. back to a place where I can actually write#probably at a better place than i have been since the beginning of December since today I nearly blew through 1K without even trying#but it's been 2-3 weeks of barely being able to scratch out what i consider my minimum#and then a week and change of not being able to even READ without it overwhelming me#so i finally had to face the music of: not only can I NOT do this on time but I need fully shift it#so that I can work without stressing myself or my limits#i am a rat gnawing at the bars of my little rat cage over it but it is what it is#tldr; i'm here i'm fine i just have to accept my human limitations and i don't like it
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theleanbean · 6 days
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My Beloved Neopets
TheSilverCord - TheNamelessEden - TheLastArchivist - TheWearyTraveler - TheLeanGreenBean - TheGilaMonster
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supercantaloupe · 8 months
aw. my boss emailed me tonight to tell me what a great job she thought i did at work this week...
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sysig · 1 month
I sure do fill my cup of coffee like I don’t need to descend a flight of stairs without a lid on it
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coloursofaparadox · 3 months
i finally got my adhd med dosage worked out and also for like the first time since upping the dosage actually managed to take it consistently long enough for it to actually kick in over the last few weeks and god damn. that shit is magic.
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tiredflowercrown · 4 months
I wanna scream. How can a restaurant be this fucking filthy and the manager ENABLE AND ENCOURAGE IT
I shouldnt have to come in after days that I don't close and winder what I'm gonna have to clean. I shouldn't have to wipe down dirty tables from the night before. I shouldn't have to spend TWENTY MINUTES sweeping up shit from the day before.
I get it, you switch jobs to somewhere that doesn't have as many cleaning requirements so you lax a little. I do. Hell I've laxed a lil from the standards of one store I've worked at. But there's a difference in not scrubbing the ice bin everyday and not FUCKING SWEEPING OR TAKING OUT THE TRASH.
This is just one shitty thing about this place. I'm not talking about the improper food storage, or the lack of expiration dates, or the lack of food handlers licenses, or food not being kept to correct temperatures or the fact that are cleaning rags aren't being washed. That's a completely different set of issues. I'm talking about the absolute bare minimum in terms of cleaning. Because I know that this place has mopped front of house maybe twice since it opened 2 months ago and both of those were within the first 2 weeks of opening.
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ghostzzy · 4 months
where’s that post about half the point of leaving the house is so you can experience the relief of going home
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arcaneyouth · 5 months
it is So Weird how working on my comic makes me feel like i have more free time. and gives me more free time. logically, working on 3 comic pages a week would mean i have Less Time. but no. despite everything, i'm getting more done and able to use my time better now that i'm working on comic pages again. what the hell is up with that.
#it's probably the structure and routine tbh i've been doing this for 6 years#i feel way less stressed about all the stuff i have to do than the 2 months i wasn't working on the comic#and arguably i have more to do now!!!!!#there's just so many little things that working on my comic helps me with. vital part of my daily and weekly structure#1) gives me a Main Goal to focus on every week and it's a goal that i know is achievable#2) gives me things to do almost every day that i am able to get started on right away and then will have free time later when i'm done#3) on days i'm not working on it i feel more comfortable doing things for fun or completing smaller tasks#4) because it's a weekly schedule i actually know what day it is now. completely lost track of the days before. made me really scared tbh#5) actually allows me to relax. the way i make pages means it's a lil bit mindless half the time. which is nice#i spent most of the last 2 months when i wasn't making comic in bed. because i had nothing else to do#now i am not doing that! because even when i'm not working on pages i have the motivation to do things!#this is an ironic post to make when i've spent like 6-7 hours today just playing fathomverse#but that's the thing!!!! instead of hating myself for doing that i still feel like i can get shit done!#also i already knew all this about making comics and how i function but. man idk how to put this#i spent the last 2 months struggling to do fucking Anything#and it was after i was so sure i could handle taking a break from the comic#and it was after lots of people have told me i need to put the comic down and get a job#or do anything that isn't making a comic#i have been working on the comic again for 9 days. and already everything feels more manageable#i literally Need to have projects like this. if i dont i will lose my mind. nobody tell me i need to do other things with my life ever agai
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mckinleyhq · 3 months
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i wanna be defined by the things that i love not the things I hate, not the things that i'm afraid of, not the things that haunt me in the middle of the night i just think that, you are what you love
the presidential race is heating up, and the halls of william mckinley high school are about to be divided, tensions will run high and a spirit debate will likely break out, and mr. schuester wants to focus on the things that make your heart race - things you're passionate about.
character development tasks.
option one.  create a character aesthetic showcasing things your muse is passionate about - this can range from the people in their lives, to hobbies, music, future plans - feel free to include anything your muse is passionate about !!
option two. create a playlist featuring at least five songs, this playlist should represent passion to your muse, these can be songs they are passionate about or songs that make them feel a certain way !!
option three. create an aesthetic or power point (google slides) presentation from your character's perspective on something they are passionate about, convince the rest of us why this should matter to us - use these tiktoks for inspiration ( one / two / three ) !!
option four. create a headcanon talking about something or multiple things your muse is passionate about - this can range from the people in their lives, to hobbies, music, future plans !!
to count towards task fills, these must be original content uploaded and posted by you - reblogs of gif sets, photosets, etc will not count or be reposted onto the inspiration account.
this are just a few options for you that you can choose to participate in for this week’s theme - you are welcome to fulfill the task using all of these methods, some of them, or even by making up your own. as always these tasks are optional, but encouraged. you can post your results in the task channel and utilize the following tumblr tags: mckinleyhq:task & mhqinspo !! happy development !!
glee club task.
it’s time to perform another song during glee club practice - you can do this in the form of a youtube video, a spotify link, a headcanon drabble, or even an aesthetic post/edit - the only thing you need to include is the title of the song they will be performing. your song of choice should be a song that gives your muse a feeling of passion - tthis can be interpreted at the whim of your muse - whatever you think fits. be sure to post a link to your post in the glee weekly task channel in the discord server !!
be creative as you’d like with this week’s theme !! we’d love to see all forms of content relating to this theme of : passion !!
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brain is screaming and running around like a toddler this week bc of all the changes happening
If I can make it through the end of exams without crying it will be a miracle
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good morning~ <3
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jesterguy · 1 year
How can my job be so awful and yet still the best choice for me
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oldbeecharmer · 7 months
I fucking hate my job
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