#weems imagine
Hello!! ☺️
I saw your post for Larissa prompts. Well, we're getting near Valentines Day and I'd like to request a holiday fanfic. In a staff outing Larissa finds out that Reader never received a Valentine's card for whatever reason (maybe no one ever gave them one or for cultural reasons, in Brazil for example, only established couples exchange cards). So Valentine's Day arrives and Reader starts receiving many cards from students and from the staff (platonic love), she ends up finding out that Larissa gave the idea for everyone and wanted Reader to feel loved. Maybe she even ends up asking Reader for an actual date? (Super corny but it is what it is 🤣)
Sorry this is so late, not proof read <3 words: 943
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“You’ve never been given a Valentines card? You’re joking!” Larissa had responded in disbelief, alongside your coworkers. You couldn’t help but chuckle at their reactions,” Pffft, no! It just wasn’t something that we did, unfortunately. If you weren’t in a romantic relationship, then you didn’t get things like valentines cards, or those cute little bears.”
Someone could’ve assumed that you had just insulted each of their mothers individually, with the way they stared at you, mouth agape. “Close your mouths, we’ll all have to be back at the school soon. Finish your food,” you laughed, shaking your head, and each began to shovel their meals in, in an attempt to complete them before you had to drive back to Nevermore.
“Alright, Class!” smacking your pages upon the desk in an attempt to get them to line up, “I’m proud of you all for doing your best on your tests this week. I figured maybe you’d all enjoy an early dismissal.”
Smiles spread from one side of the room to the other, each student offering a “Thank you,” and giving their praises to you as a teacher. You propped open the classroom door, prepared to greet each student on their way out. Glancing over in their direction, they were all hovering with small colored envelopes held in their hands. Curious, you inquired, “Are you all alright? What…what’s this?” extending your hand towards the pink sheet of paper that your eldest student had pushed out in your direction.
Flipping over the card and tilting your head, you gently dragged your fingertips across the letters. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Miss Y/N!” Followed by words of the students admiration for their favorite teacher. You. Each of your students had signed and left their own little note on their envelopes. Trying your best to not make the tears welling in your eyes noticeable, “Why, thank you. You’re all so sweet!”
Collecting another card each time a student left the classroom.
Taking the stack of cards to your desk, you sat and carefully read each one. Chuckling at each silly joke, sniffling at the heartfelt words, and growing ever so grateful for your home at Nevermore. You carefully placed them all in your bag and set off to join your coworkers for lunch, you couldn’t wait to show them your very first valentines cards. How truly lucky you felt.
“Miss! Woah-“ you spun around to see who was calling for you, catching Enid on her way towards the floor. “Oh goodness, where’s the fire, Miss Sinclair?” helping her stand up straight, she straightened out her uniform and grinned. “Sorry! I was just so excited to run into you in the hall so I could give you- oh wait where’s..” patting around her blazer in search of something. “Oh, no no no. I’m sorry, Miss Y/N. I must’ve left my card for you back in my dorm. I-“
“Here.” There’s that unmistakable monotone voice of the lovely, Miss Addams.
“Oh, Wednesday! Thank you thank you!!” Buzzing with excitement, Enid handed you the rainbow envelope. You were about to thank her, before you noticed that Miss Addams was also shoving an envelope in your direction. Matching her signature black attire, it was adorned with a wax seal. “You too, Wednesday? Goodness. What did I do to get so lucky to have students like you all,” you opened your cards and listened to Enids bubbly chatter. “Well, when Principal Weems had mentioned her idea of everyone chipping in to give you your first real Valentine’s Day we all-“
“Weems? She put you all up to this?” You instantly felt the butterflies that fluttered in your tummy and prickled your cheeks pink.
Thanking the girls for their cards, you practically ran to Larissa’s office.
Without knocking on the door, you waltzed into the office. You smirked, “Principal Weems? The craziest thing happened today,” leaning over the edge of her desk, pulling out the cards from your bag.
“Oh? And what’s that, Miss Y/N?”
Handing her the envelopes, you went over how each student and colleague had gifted you your very first valentines cards. Searching for something within her gaze, “Any clue on how they might have gotten the idea?”
Fiddling with her fingers, Larissa had bashfully confessed, “Well, I- you’ve just been such a lovely addition to our family here at Nevermore and to know that you’ve never received a valentines card? Oh, we simply couldn’t have that, now could we?”
Smiling as thanks and grabbing your things to go, you laughed and headed for the door.
“Oh, Miss Y/N! I nearly forgot. Here, I got one for you as well,” Larissa spoke with a smile. Yet, her voice seemed a little shaky. “Larissa! You didn’t have to, really, you’re so sweet- you…” blinking a few times, trying to make sure you were reading her beautiful handwriting correctly. Looking up at her through furrowed brows, you wouldn’t have been able to stop the smile that grew on your face if you had tried. “Are you asking me out on a date, Principal?”
“I- I understand if you would rather not, you’re my employee after all, but…but you know-“
“I’d love to, Larissa,” cutting her anxious rant short. You bit your lip and stood upon your tippy toes, leaving a small kiss on her cheek.
Watching her fumble her words and blush like crazy was the simply a joy to witness. You danced out of the room and leaned against the hall wall, clutching the card from Larissa to your chest. You’ve been pinning over this woman since you started working here, God.. how worth the wait it was.
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iamnotoriginalphil · 16 days
Story Book Romance (Larissa Weems x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: As the owner of a bookstore in Jericho, you've gotten rather good at giving recommendations to your customers. There's only one woman you desperately want to give one to.
Words: 5.7k
Warnings: discussions of discrimination, like one swear word
AN: It's been a hot minute since I've written for Larissa so please be kind. I'm a bit rusty. I hope it's still good.
The first time you’d walked into your shop, you’d fallen in love. It had been an empty space, but you had been able to see exactly what it would become. Inch by inch you built it up into your dream.
All these years later, your bookshop was thriving.
You hadn’t been sure about settling down in Jericho. The town was picturesque and it had a deep sense of history, but you weren’t sure if there was a market for a bookshop. You’d only meant to be passing through. Still, the space had called to you so you’d created a safe haven for yourself.
The large window at the front let in sunlight to warm the room, catching the motes of dust as they spun in the air. Shelves pushed against the walls and freestanding, creating mazes of books for customers to get lost in. Potted and hanging plants bringing some life to the space. The air smelt of ink and paper and stories, the scent you’d grown up with, comforting you even on the darkest of nights.
You hadn’t expected to be so embraced by the community. Perhaps you should have. The quaint town ran at a more leisurely pace than the city, giving the time for browsing stacks upon stacks of books, taking time to read a book on a warm summer afternoon. You’d grown to have the reputation to be able to recommend the perfect book to anyone.
The first time she’d walked into your shop, you hadn’t thought much of it. The bell had rang out, sweet in the quiet atmosphere of the shop. One more customer, one more story, the joy of helping someone discover something they might love. You’re turned the corner and immediately been struck dumb.
She was glorious. It was the first word that had come to your mind when you’d laid eyes on her. Tall, statuesque, elegant. Incredibly beautiful. Red lips had pulled up into a pleasant smile upon seeing you, blue eyes sweeping over your shop with a twinkle lighting her up from the inside out. Silver hair swept up, showing the long line of her neck only made you want to feel her pulse under your lips. The body hugging dress was unfair, leaving you feeling frumpy in your jeans and cardigan.
“Do you need any help?” you’d managed to stutter out, pushing past the sheer awe you felt looking at her.
She hadn’t, her voice smooth and lovely when she’d answered. Her accent made your mouth grow dry and your knees turn to jelly. So you’d turned on your heels and disappeared back into the safety of your stacks. You were lost, and it wasn’t to your own imagination this time.
Despite not being very helpful, she’d continued to come back, slowly exploring your store with each visit.
One such day in early fall, you could be found reshelving in the lull between customers. It had been a busy morning, a group of tourists having swept through for you to clean up after. You were humming to yourself, lingering over each book, doing your best not to let your thoughts linger on the beautiful woman that kept visiting your shop.
Over the last few months she’d come in at least once a week. You’d felt her presence like electricity on the air each time. She’d linger, browsing longer and longer before picking a book and bringing it to the counter to be rung up. Each time she’d offered you a smile, a comment, the brush of her gloved fingers in the exchange. It set your heart racing.
But she’d never asked for a recommendation before. You longed to give her one, to see if the woman you’d built in your head was anything like reality.
The bell above the door rang out. You ignored it, knowing you’d be found eventually if you were needed. Stretching up onto your tiptoes, you pushed a book back into place. Unlike the shelves along the walls, this one didn’t have a rolling ladder for you. Instead, stepstools were scattered throughout, waiting to be of some use to the poor person wanting to reach the top shelf.
A small meow caught your attention.
“I know, Moppet. It is a travesty.”
Your kitten, a calico you’d rescued off the street, had taken to shouting her opinion at you whenever the chance presented itself. In true bookshop fashion, you’d thought a cat would only add to the atmosphere. Unfortunately, yours just seemed to want to complain to anyone that would listen.
Another meow.
“Have you considered using your words?” you asked, scooping her up, “you’re always so quiet, Moppet.”
Her claws sunk in as she clambered onto your shoulder, balancing precariously. You bent your head towards her, letting her bump her own head against your cheek. She rubbed against you, her little purring making you smile.
“Is that the newest employee?”
You startled, your hand coming up to keep from jostling Moppet as you turned. She was standing at the end of the stack, those blue eyes sparkling as they peered at you. Your cheeks heated and you felt frozen on the spot. Approaching, a smile stretched over her red painted lips as she looked at your little kitten.
“This is Moppet,” you said as if that was the obvious answer to the question.
She held her finger out and the little traitor rubbed against it, her purring increasing. She gave her a gentle scratch behind the ear. Those blue eyes met yours and you flushed, entranced under her gaze. The scent of her perfume, something floral and expensive, wrapped around you, turning your head hazy.
“Moppet?” she asked.
“I spent my childhood lost in Beatrix Potter,” you replied.
“And you dismissed Mittens and Tom as names?” she asked.
“She’s much more a Moppet,” you said.
Her tiny paw came out, swiping at her hand, batting her finger away.
“No, Moppet,” you scolded, “we treat people with respect.”
“It’s alright,” she said, taking a reserved stepped back.
“If I don’t teach her now, she’ll be uncontrollable in her adolescence,” you said.
“Yes, teenagers can be difficult,” she agreed.
Moppet gently nudged at your cheek again, stealing your attention. You manoeuvred her from your shoulder, back into your arms. She meowed loudly, her claws digging into your cardigan, getting caught as she struggled. You were patient as you untangled her, listening to her ongoing commentary.
“Can I help you with something today?” you asked the woman when you finally got Moppet free.
You popped her down on the floor. She turned, looking up at you with a grumpy noise, before sauntering off into a more interesting part of the bookshop. Straightening, you forced a smile on your face as you looked up into the face of the towering woman.
“I’ve heard you’re rather good at giving recommendations,” she said into your expectant silence, “I find myself in need of something new. Ideally not about teenagers.”
You considered her a moment, eyes sweeping over her form. It would be so easy to assume she would want something along the lines of a classic, or perhaps poetry. You tilted your head, considering what she’d bought before, where she sometimes lingered in the shop, the references she sometimes dropped.
“I have just the thing,” you said.
You walked off, glancing over your shoulder to find her following you on silent feet. No wonder she kept managing to sneak up on you. She was like a ghost. You thought it wouldn’t be such a horrifying thing to be haunted by her.
Stopping in front of a packed shelf, your eyes roamed over it, searching out the title you wanted. Pushing up onto tiptoes, you tugged one down. You held it for a moment before passing it over to her. Her eyes stayed on you for a moment before they dragged down to the book now in her hands.
“Rebecca?” she asked.
“If you haven’t already read it,” you replied, “I think you’ll quite like it.”
“I’m sure I’ll find it wonderful,” she said with a smile for you.
She returned about a week after, finding you staring up at a tall shelf, hands on your hips, less than pleased. A small face was peeking over the edge, green eyes and whiskers looking surprisingly smug for a feline face.
“No, you can’t stay up there,” you said.
A small disinterested meow.
“I know you like it up there, Moppet, but it’s not safe,” you said in reply.
A long yawn showed you the contempt she felt towards you. You sighed, doing your best not to get frustrated. You could go and find a ladder, but then you might lose her again. She’d wander off and enjoy the game of hide and seek she was forcing you into you.
“You appear to be in a bit of a predicament.”
“She’s playing with me, the little troublemaker,” you said, not bothering to turn around. The bell had been warning enough.
“Do you want some help?” your mystery woman asked.
“Would you mind? You might have an actual chance of reaching her,” you said.
She stepped up to your shoulder, waiting for you to get off the step stool. You watched her ascend, trying not to ogle her like a creep but not quite managing it. Shapely calves led up to the curve of her hips, making your mouth grow dry as you gazed upon her.
“Come on, little one,” she murmured.
A small yowl came from the shadows atop the shelf. She muttered under her breath and then a displease face was dragged over the edge. In gentle arms, she carried your troublemaker back down to you. Her bare fingers were gently stroking along her spine, her gloves not present for the first time since you’d seen her.
“Safe and sound,” she said, looking to you with a wide smile.
“Thanks,” you said.
You took the kitten back from her, ignoring the grumpy look she gave you as you took her from her comfortable lounging position in the woman’s arms. Your hand brushed over hers, soft skin warm against yours. Your heart flipped over itself at the feeling.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you said to Moppet, “I warned you.”
Her claws dug in to your forearm as she tried to rearrange herself into a more comfortable position. She rolled until her stomach was facing you, green eyes staring at you unblinking. You scratched her tummy, waiting for her to clamp onto your skin.
“She does seem to enjoy getting into trouble, doesn’t she,” the woman said, snatching your attention back.
“You should have seen her last night. She got into the bath after I’d drained it, then shouted until I came to investigate and made me think she was stuck, then just calmly hopped out and wandered off like I was being ridiculous,” you said, “she likes making me worry.”
“But she’s rather sweet,” she said, stepping into your personal space to offer more pats to your cat.
“Oh, the sweetest. She can get away with anything,” you agreed.
The two of you took a moment to stare into the yawning face of Moppet. She really had stolen your heart. When you looked back to her, she was smiling down at your cat, eyes sparkling, looking just as under her spell as you were.
“Sorry to hijack your browsing,” you said, that sense of shame from taking her attention for yourself burning in your bloodstream.
“I was actually looking for you,” she said, not realising the pulse of pleasure that gave you, “I’m in need of another recommendation. You did so wonderfully last time.”
You’d never thought of yourself as someone who enjoyed being praised but on her lips it sounded so good. You wanted to keep giving her reason to bestow more upon you.
“I know just the thing.”
You didn’t have to go far to get the book you were thinking of. Juggling the cat in your arms with the book you crouched to find, you managed to drop a kiss on the top of her head before releasing her to find more trouble to get in. Standing, you passed the book over to her, purposefully brushing your fingers against hers.
“I know it’s been made into a movie, but the book offers up something more,” you said.
“I’m unfamiliar with the movie,” she said.
“Not a fan of Tom Hiddleston?”
She raised an eyebrow at you and you tried your best not to read too much into it. It would be so easy to read too much into it. Maybe it wouldn’t be too much, if the way she was looking at you spoke to something more.
“Well, anyway,” you said, turning away from her to keep from doing something silly, “I hope it pleases you.”
“I’m sure it will,” she said.
When she turned away from the counter a few minutes later, a couple of your regulars stepped past her, giving her a wide berth. Trying not to show how strange you found their behaviour, you busied yourself straightening the display next to the counter.
“They shouldn’t let them around the rest of us,” one of the women said, uncaring of you listening in.
“They should be left up in that school to rot,” the other said, “they’re a danger to us all.”
“Outcasts have no business bringing their trouble to us,” the first said, before turning to you, “don’t you agree?”
You realised they were talking about your favourite customer. Who must be a teacher from Nevermore. Making her an outcast.
“I’ve never had any issue with them,” you replied evenly.
They both sniffed, turning away from you. You weren’t about to openly insult a portion of your customer base. That would clear out your shop quick smart.
You hadn’t realised she’s still been there to hear your response until the next week when she returned. Moppet was curled up in her basket by the window and you were going around watering the plants while you had a moment of peace. It was quiet in the shop, nothing but the soft sounds of music playing over the speakers and you moving through the stacks.
The bell above the front door rang and you smiled to yourself. You waited a few moments before turning, finding her watching you with an unreadable expression on her face at the end of the stack. You placed the watering can down, turning an expectant look on her. Only then the silence continued to stretch.
“You’ve returned,” you said when it became clear she wasn’t going to say anything.
“I have,” she said.
“Did you enjoy Crimson Peak?” you asked.
“It was certainly atmospheric,” she replied.
“I suppose you’re looking for another recommendation?” you asked.
“I am,” she said.
“Nothing set in a boarding school right?”
You laughed. She didn’t. The moment stretched on and on, settling into an uncomfortable silence.
“Sorry,” you muttered.
“I’m unused to people choosing to side with us in this town,” she said, her expression still unreadable to you.
“You heard that conversation,” you said. It wasn’t a question. You didn’t need to ask. It was obvious she had.
“If you’d rather, I can return to buying my books online,” she said.
“Why?” you asked, so taken aback by the turn the conversation had taken.
“I understand that normies are wary around outcasts,” she said, “this town has been… there have been issues between the school and the town.”
“I don’t want you to stop shopping here,” you said.
“You don’t care I’m from Nevermore?” she asked.
“Even teachers have to buy books. Why would your place of work matter?” you replied, shooting her a smile to let her know that of course it didn’t matter to you.
“I suppose it doesn’t,” she replied slowly, “although, in the name of honesty, I’m the principal, not a teacher.”
So this was Larissa Weems. You’d heard whispers of her around town, but hadn’t thought you’d met the woman yourself. Keeping away from some of the larger town gatherings had left her more of a machiavellian figure looming over the town from her place in the school.
Turns out, the rumours were completely overblown and they’d hidden the goddess you’d been finding yourself enchanted by more and more with ever encounter.
“Even better,” you said, “so, a new book recommendation?”
“If you wouldn’t mind.”
You graced her with a wide smile. You’d been thinking about it all week, the next book you’d recommend her. It was a bit of a risk, but you wanted to gauge her reaction to it.
“How familiar are you with early vampire fiction?” you asked, leading her off to your classics section.
“I’ve dabbled in Dracula,” she replied evenly.
“Anything else?”
“I’m afraid not,” she said and you found yourself pressing your lips together to keep from smiling too widely.
“I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts on this one,” you said, “especially since I’ve never met a vampire before. It’s probably completely inaccurate but writers take all kinds of liberties.”
She hummed but didn’t give you much more than that. You paused in front of the right shelf, a shiver of apprehension going through you. It might be a bad idea, giving her the book you were thinking of.
You reached up on tip toes, your fingers just brushing the spine of the book you wanted. You glanced to the side, looking for one of your trust step stools. A warm presence stepped up to your shoulder and you felt your cheeks heat as she reached up, over your head, pulling down the book you’d tried to grasp. She was so close, practically caging you against the shelves. She paused a moment, that intense gaze sweeping down to you. The moment spun out like sugar, delicate and sweet, leaving you breathless.
“Was the the one you were looking for?” she asked, voice soft, almost intimate.
“Yeah.” You nodded your head, “that’s the one.”
She took a step back, the book clutched in her hand. Glancing down, her eyebrows drew together and you wanted to know what she was thinking so desperately it was like a physical weight sitting on your chest.
“Carmilla?” she asked, looking back to you.
“One of the original vampire stories,” you said, “I know it’s not the longest but-“
“No, that will do nicely. I have a rather busy week coming up,” she said.
“I’m glad to help,” you said.
She lingered another moment and you weren’t sure what to say to her. The shop was quiet and it felt as if you were inhabiting a bubble of time with her that was seperate from the rest of reality.
“I’m unused to being shown such kindness from people like you,” she said.
“Bookshop owners?” you asked, “cat moms?”
Her smile was indulgent. It made your heart do a backflip and you realised maybe you could spend forever in that aisle with her.
“You can’t help how you’re born,” you said.
“Not everyone is as kind as you,” she said, looking down, refusing to meet your eye.
“They’re idiots,” you said, “your teenagers are no more a danger to us than Derrick who keeps setting fires.”
“I don’t scare you?” she asked, looking at you from under lowered lashes.
She did, but not in the way she was thinking. Just in the normal way that a beautiful woman giving you the time of day scared you. But you figured saying that out loud would be more embarrassing than you could handle at that time.
“No,” you said.
“Not even a little bit?” she asked.
“You’ve been nothing but pleasant to me so unless you’re about to threaten me, I think we’re good,” you said.
She took a step towards you and without thought you took one back. Your spine hit the shelves behind you and your mouth fell open as she crowded you against it. Her perfume surrounded you, her warmth curling around you, leaving you a mess as you stared up into her face. Her lips pulled up into a smirk, temptation never looking better.
“You don’t feel the least bit intimidated?” she whispered.
Her hand rested on the shelf by your head, effectively keeping you caged. Your heart beat hard in your chest and you were sure she could hear it. Her smirk deepened and you found yourself without words. You shook your head. There was no feeling of intimidation, but by god was there something. Something hot and throbbing and desperate.
Cold air hit you and it took a moment for you to realise she’d backed off, leaving you leaning on the shelves while you tried to get your knees to work again. Her face had returned to the unreadable expression and you weren’t quite sure what to do with yourself. You tugged on your cardigan, wrapping it around your body like armour to save your vulnerable heart. You were worried it was on display for her, easy to see exactly how you were feeling.
“Did you want anything else?” you asked, not realising how it might sound until her eyebrow rose. Your cheeks heated and you looked down at your feet, your weight shifting from foot to foot.
“I think that’s all for today,” she answered, kindly not mentioning any of your odd behaviour from the last few minutes.
“I’ll just, uh, ring you up then,” you said, cheeks aflame, not able to look at her.
If you did, you might get lost in the thought of how close she’d been, the brush of her body so close, the feeling of her surrounding you. It would be too much for your poor heart, leaving it to beat right out of your chest. You did your best to ignore it as she paid and left your store for the overcast sky outside.
You didn’t see her again for a few weeks after that. The unhelpful voice in the back your head told you it was because she was completely disgusted by you. Between your behaviour and the recommendation you’d given, it wouldn’t have shocked you if you’d driven her from your store entirely. It left you in a funk, one deep enough for your usual customers to take note.
The free teas and baked goods from the Weathervane were appreciated throughout the days as you waited with bated breath to see if she’d come back.
It was on a day, weeks later, the night closing in on you as Halloween approached, once you’d given up all hope on seeing her again that the bell above your door jingled, a cold wind nipping at the heels of your customer. The lamps had been lit, a soft glow giving life to your store against the encroaching darkness. You sighed to yourself, wanting to lock up and wander upstairs, curling under a blanket with a book in hand to forget how quickly you ruined something that had been filled with such hope.
“I was worried you would be closed already.”
That voice, familiar, haunting your dreams, sweet enough to make your heart trip over itself. You spun, almost stumbling over your own feet, desperate to lay eyes on her and make sure it wasn’t an awful hallucination sent to torture you. Larissa stood in front of the counter, her smile slipping as your wide eyes met hers.
“I didn’t think you were coming back,” you said.
“I’ve been… busy,” she replied.
There was a weariness to her you hadn’t seen before, like a weight had settled on her shoulders and she hadn’t yet grown accustomed to it. Your hands pressed into the cool wood of the counter, fingers splayed as you tried to remain cool. And yet your heart was racing.
“Is everything okay?” you asked.
“Yes,” she replied, “just the usual difficulties of being responsible for a school full of teenagers.”
“I don’t know how you do it,” you said.
“With an iron fist.”
Her weary smile lit you up from the inside out. You circled the counter, placing yourself firmly on the same side as her, wanting to be closer. Her eyes followed every step, brightening the closer you drew.
“I was just about to close up,” you said.
She wilted before your very eyes.
“My apologies. I’ll leave,” she said.
“No!” Your voice came out too loud, “I just meant, I could lock up and I could make you some tea. If you wanted. Not that I’m suggesting that that is something you want. But in case it is, I could.”
She chuckled, throaty and low, and a shiver went through your body. Your rambling was hardly the cool suave exterior you’d wanted her to see but you couldn’t help yourself. Around her you seemed to lose all sense of chill and instead turned into a mess of a person.
“I’d love that,” she said.
“Oh.” You perked up, “uh, wait here. I’ll go… close up shop.”
You left her there as you made your way to the front door. Flipping the sign and turning the lock, you looked out on the darkened street. The weather had turned, dark clouds rolling in, covering the moon until there was nothing but darkness pressing in against the window. You shivered, glad you weren’t out in the weather.
She was where you’d left her, inspecting the display of bookmarks you had on the counter. A woman in town made them, beautiful beaded monstrosities to keep your page. Her fingers idly played with one, purple beads contrasting with her pale skin.
“I’ll throw that in for free with your next purchase,” you said, “I have to reward my loyal customers.”
She offered you a small smile, letting the bookmark go.
“That’s very kind of you,” she said.
“Shall we have that tea?”
You led her over to the two armchairs set up for customers to sit in. The antique lamp was on, giving a warm circle of light.
“Um, I’m just going to go boil the water. Do you have a preference on tea type? Peppermint?” you asked.
“Peppermint sounds lovely,” she said.
You took the time for the water to boil in the backroom to try and calm down. It was normal. It was a cup of tea. Nothing to get worked up over. Just the woman you’d been enamoured with taking time out of her day to share a cup of tea with you. There was no need to make it into any more than it was.
You could be cool.
She was sitting in one of the armchairs, elegant in a way you’d never managed. You tried to keep the tremor from your hand as you passed over the cup. Her fingers brushed yours, gloveless again despite the chill of outside. Not that it was cold in your shop. You always made sure it was comfortable inside your four walls.
“What did you think of the book?” you asked as you settled in your own chair, legs curling up underneath you.
“It was certainly an interested read,” she said.
“Did you not like it?” you asked.
She looked at you a moment, those eyes seeing more than you wanted them to. You looked down into your cup, not wanting her to see how much the answer meant to you.
“I did. I found the relationship written between an outcast and a normie fascinating,” she said, slow, careful, as if putting a lot of thought into each word, “but then, I suppose given the time period, a relationship between two women could have been just as shocking.”
“I think it was ahead of its time,” you said.
“What makes you say that?” she asked.
“Because neither of those things matter.”
The way she was looking at you had any more words dying on your lips. It wasn’t that you’d surprised her, more that you’d confirmed something for her. Like you’d shown her a piece of the puzzle she knew you held. Like you were exactly who she thought you were.
“You really believe that, don’t you?” she asked, but you weren’t sure it was actually a question.
“Of course,” you replied.
She nodded, taking a sip from her cup. You followed suit, not sure what to fill the silence with.
“I was curious about your reasoning for suggesting this book to me,” she said when it became clear you had nothing else to say.
“I suppose… I wanted to see your reaction to it,” you admitted.
You looked up at her from under your lowered lashes, hoping to be able to read her expression this time. A look passed over her face, one that spoke of surprise mixed with smugness, not something you were used to seeing.
“I see,” she said.
“Do you?” you asked.
“I think I do,” she replied, “you wanted to see how I’d respond to a sapphic love story between an outcast and a normie.”
A spike of hope went through your heart.
“And how do you respond?” you asked.
“Rather favourably.”
Your fingers convulsively curled around the mug in your hand, the warmth from the ceramic seeping into your bones. Something in her gaze sparked fire in your veins and you felt breathless. She placed her cup down, the noise louder than it shouldn’t have been in the space.
“The first time I walked into this quaint little store, I thought you were the most precious thing in here,” she said, “it’s what kept me coming back. Although, I must say, there is something in the atmosphere of this place that evokes comfort.”
“I thought you were glorious,” you said, not considering the words before they left your lips.
“You did?” Her entire face lit up.
You nodded, teeth sinking into your bottom lip.
Just as she opened her mouth to say something else, a loud bang came from the front of your shop. You jumped, hot liquid spilling over the skin of your hand. You hissed, placing the mug down before you could properly burn yourself.
She was there in an instant, reaching out for your hand, her fingers soft as they brushed over your skin. You tried to suppress a shiver. She tugged on your hand until you’d risen to your feet, hand closer to her face as she bent over it.
“I’m okay,” you said, “it was more the shock than anything else.”
“You’re not hurt?” Those blue eyes were so close.
“No.” You shook your head.
Her hand didn’t leave yours, the feel of her skin against yours making your head hazy. Even from so close up, she was still easily the most beautiful woman you’d seen and you yearned to close the small distance. Your teeth sunk into your lower lip again and you saw her gaze drag down to it. Your breath caught, the moment suspended in time as you waited to see what she would do.
“May I…”
The rest of her question never materialised. She was still watching your mouth and so you made the decision for her. Pushing up onto your tiptoes, your fingers tightening around hers, you pressed your lips to hers. She made a small noise and before you could pull away her other arm had curled around your waist, keeping you close to her.
You moaned into her mouth as she kissed you back more insistently. You curled your arms around her neck, your body flush with hers. The fire in your veins was igniting, lighting you up from the inside, threatening to burn you up. Her tongue swept into your mouth, her hands on your body leaving you a trembling mess.
Her hands found their way under your cardigan, palms warm through the thin material of your shirt. You couldn’t get close enough, wanting to feel every inch of her. She groaned into your mouth when you nipped at her lower lip.
A displease meow broke through the haze as something soft brushed against your ankle. You jerked back before chuckling at the indignant face glaring up at you. Moppet was making her feelings known in the only way she knew how.
“Sorry,” you said to her, “it’s getting close to someone’s dinner time.”
She chuckled and there was a sense of fondness in it that had your heart tripping over itself. Her fingers came up, brushing over the apple of your cheek before giving a soft tug on the end of your hair.
“I think your chaperone has the right idea. It’s gotten later than I intended and I’m sure I’m needed back at Nevermore,” she said.
You didn’t bother to hide your disappointment. She chuckled again, leaning forward to press her lips to yours in a chaste kiss. Her thumb ran along your lower lip, coming away stained red from where her lipstick had smudged against your skin. You nipped at the pad of her thumb as she drew it back, earning another smile from her.
“I’ll walk you out,” you said.
“Such chivalry,” she said and you were beginning to recognise when she was teasing.
You led her mack to the front door, flicking the lock to release her into the wind and the darkness. You wrinkled your nose at the large tree branch that had landed outside your door. She lingered, right on the threshold, and you found yourself gazing upon her.
“Tonight has been lovely,” she said.
“It has,” you agreed.
Her fingers under your chin, lifting for just a moment before she stepped out into the street. Your fingers clutched at the doorframe, knuckles aching with the cold and the tension.
“Wait.” She paused, turning to look at you over her shoulder, “you didn’t get a new book.”
“I suppose I’ll just have to come back tomorrow, then,” she said before striding away into the night.
Moppet meowed by your feet again. You sighed, closing the door and locking it against the encroaching night. Crouching, you lifted her into your arms, giving her a scratch behind the ear.
“I know, Moppet,” you said when she gave another little meow, “I’m so fucked.”
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billiedeansbitch · 8 months
𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐞 (𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰)
(𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
Summary: The one where in Larissa sex life is no longer boring or Larissa took chance on a young shapeshifter who had a massive crush on her.
(Ao3 link)
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Her thighs trembled, threatening to close around your head and her breath shook with every movement of your tongue against her hot, wet cunt, so soaked with her own arousal and your spit making it so easy for you to penetrate her hole.
“Darling, please.” She pleaded, her voice barely a whisper and her breath stuttered, her back arching off of her seat. “Please.” She repeated. The bucking her hips to receive more of that pleasure betrayed the hand that was pushing your head off from her cunt. She was overly stimulated, her pussy clenching tight around you as you fuck those fingers deep and hard into her, paying no mind to her pleas as your focus was zeroed on giving her the best pleasure you could give.
“One more, Larissa. Come for me one more time.” She shook her head, mouth falling open to protest but before she could get the words out, her own moans interrupted her, spilling out much louder this time. It was like throwing a tank of gasoline to an already blazing pit of fire. The way she breathlessly called for your name on repeat, her fingernails digging to your scalp and fisting your hair in a tight firm grip, oh, it fucking did it for you.
She watched you,  though she was struggling to keep her eyes open, as you finger her until she had tears rolling down her cheeks, “Darling, please, no more.” and the heel of her foot dug on your back, “No more? Oh, baby, but look at you. You really don’t want me to stop, do you?” It was easy to manipulate her body into coming for you for the fourth time. You almost groaned, feeling her body tensed beneath your fingertips. 
When you pulled, Weems could barely form a cognitive thought let alone move a muscle. Her legs, shaky.
Right there, still half naked with her thighs smeared with the proof of your worship, Larissa felt nothing but a limp doll: overused and overfucked.
It wasn’t like she was going to complain but she knew her body would give her hell the next day for all the stunts you both did in her office before moving back to her quarters and though there was one spacious bed, you insisted to fuck her on the couch with her back turned, kneeling, and holding for dear life on backrest while you took her from behind. You had one hand guiding her hip as they slammed right back to you and the other fisting her silver tresses.
She came faster in that position, and yours came mere seconds after, filling her pussy with so much cum it dripped down the insides of her thighs and onto the premium leather. 
Larissa’s knees were still flaming red after bearing her weight for the longest time you’ve fucked her but she was keen to ignore the pain and the visible bruising when she buried your face in her pussy to lap the juices that still leaked from her in retaliation of what you did to her. It was only right to clean up the mess you made and that was how you ended up where you were right now: in between her legs, grinning like cheshire cat with a cum-smeared face.
“Are you hungry? I’m hungry,” you stood up with a popping sound from both knees, “Jesus, how old does my body think I am?” 
Larissa kept her eyes fixated on your physique; shamelessly bare and sweaty, setting her on the edge of yet another urge to pounce on you like a woman starved. Whatever you were muttering went past her ears, her eyes lingered on your breasts down your soft belly before it dipped to the appendage hanging in between your legs. So fucking irresistible. To be honest, you could just stand there and do nothing and Larissa might just have her fifth. Good Lord, what are you turning her into? Some sex-crazed bitch.
She’d been thinking less with her head and more with her cunt and honestly she couldn’t blame herself if you looked like that.
Larissa bit her lip, unable to resist the tempting visual before her. 
From the floor, you picked up your shirt and slid it over your head and straightened it out around the torso. “I’m gonna go out and get us somethin’ to eat.”  next were the pair of sweats, drawing the strings tight before you made a knot to secure it in place. 
“Hmm?” she mindlessly hummed, watching you tuck the strings inside the waistband.
“Food. I’m gonna go get us some food, you craving something in particular?”
“No...” Her mind still clouded with post-sex haze that much was clear.
“How about fish and chips? I heard lots of good things about the newly opened business just ‘round the corner.”
“Sounds good.”
“Okay, I’ll be back in… say half an hour?”
When Larissa snapped from whatever incantation you put her, you were already grabbing your keys and a couple of bills to shove them right in your pocket.
She smiled when you walked up to her and kissed her cheek, “I’ll be as fast as I can. Go shower while I’m gone and then maybe we can watch a movie while we eat, yeah?”
“Sounds like a plan, sweetheart.”
You were about to pull but she was quick enough to catch the neckline of your shirt and drew you closer, pecking your lips one more time. “What if we both shower together? it will be quick I promise.”
“As tempting as you may be, I need to feed my woman, she gets grumpy and blames me when she’s hungry.”
With one last peck, you were out of the door, grinning and humming to the last song that was stuck in your head.
The mirror reflected a blurred image of her, right where she stood in front of the sink wrapped in her robe ready to pick up her toothbrush when suddenly Larissa took notice of how there were two in the holder: one for her and one for you. She took hers, put some toothpaste and started brushing her teeth.
Larissa leaned her lower back on the sink, and took her time to look around her. Two claw clips, two robes, two towels, two different mouthwash (you claim hers was too minty for you so you brought your own) there were always sets of two anywhere she looked around not that she mind that. 
She spit the foam and rinsed her mouth. When she walked in her bedroom, she saw the little trinkets you left on the left bedside table, more hair clips, elastic ponytail, your little lighter, the keys to your apartment, even your phone was there. Your side of the bed was unmade and she could see fallen hair strands on the pillow case where it was still dented in the middle from the last time you laid there. 
You had made your mark everywhere and she could feel her heart leapt to her throat.
Tomorrow would mark six months of your ongoing little arrangement with her and yes sex was good—well, actually, it was the best. Larissa had never felt the real pleasure of fingers and mouth until you came alone and shattered her years of boring sex life. She no longer needed to make a trip to the store in the middle of the night to buy batteries because her vibrator died in the middle of chasing her orgasm.
Fuck, you were too good for your own good sometimes and after making her come in the first five minutes of touching the first night, she knew she needed to keep your around.
She was still dressed in her robe and drying her hair when you came back. 
“Oh God, I’m starving. I need my calories now.”
While you put the take outs on the coffee table she went to grab a bottle red and two mugs. 
From the kitchen she still had a nice view of the living room, and she watched you with a starved look as you removed your hoodie, your shirt lifting up in the process. Oh, yes, she’d have her dessert later.
“If you were to undress me at least do it with your hands and not your eyes.” Larissa’s face visibly turned red, “And let me eat first then I’ll let you pounce on me.” You chuckled, shoving fries into your mouth.
On Monday morning, the woman was greeted with a massive file of work she had to go through, she meant to bring these home for the weekend but her plans went in a different direction when you called asking her if you could steal her for some late lunch at the restaurant nearby the campus.
When you both returned though Larissa wasn’t ready to let you go, she pulled you and locked her office before crashing your lips together, your hands bunching the skirt up around her waist and slipping your hand inside her underwear. You ended up pressing her on the wall, too impatient to even wait to settle down somewhere comfortable. With her legs spread and facing the wall, your hips pressing to her backside and her lustful eyes only intensified when she felt the growing bulge until it was hard and poking, begging to feel the softness of her cunt, to be swallowed deep and to cum inside.
With her underwear pulled down around her gorgeous claves, you took her with long deep strokes, face buried on the crook of her neck.
Her face went red recalling what happened that whole afternoon, how you both couldn’t keep your hands off of each other. She hadn’t been with anyone in a long time and it embarrassed her how the briefest touch of your hands to her thighs, or the whispers on her ears calling her pretty or hot had her panties always in twist…and on the floor.
She sighed, sitting down on the fine leather seat and started working. 
Maybe if she got it done early she’d call you. 
Larissa, however, was consumed by her work, forgetting other things that didn’t exist within the walls of her office. By the time she had a moment to herself after signing and writing corresponding emails and polishing her report for the upcoming board meeting, it was already four in the afternoon, her lunch was barely touched sitting in the corner of her desk.
The woman sighed, pushing her seat a little away from her desk and reached for her phone. She raised a brow seeing there were no text messages or even a single missed call from you. 
Usually there was at least one message waiting for her but today, there was none. She felt a pinch in her heart. No, no, she shouldn’t, she was not entitled to be upset, you weren’t her girlfriend. You two were just fucking around and maybe lately you had became a little too affectionate, blurring whatever rules you both had agreed on. Larissa felt like it was her fault, she let herself be enamoured, let herself to be too vulnerable for you. She let herself be comfortable. 
Rule number one: Never be too comfortable.
Well fuck.
It was another two hours more of work when eventually her body screamed for comfort and some proper meal. She switched the lights off and locked her office, calling it a day. 
When she arrived and put her car into park, her heart dropped. The lights were on and her front door was unlocked. It would have been wise to call the authorities immediately but she felt like this wasn’t an attempt to rob her. She slowly and gently pushed the door open, tiptoeing past the threshold but then the floorboards creaked.
“‘Rissa, is that you?” It was you. She knew your voice from every pitch no matter the distance. It was also impossible that she might be dreaming about this.
And before she had time to pinch herself, she heard the unmistakable padding of your feet across the floor as you approached her, and then there you were, in the flesh, right before her eyes. “Baby, hi…” all the anger and stress she felt within the day all subsided as a tender, sweet smile welcomed her. 
You had a spatula in one hand, and you were wearing one of her old Nevermore shirts. Her brow raised at the lack of underpants but that wasn’t her main concern at the moment so she willed herself to look up.
You then stepped closer to kiss her cheek, your freehand grasping on her arm as you stood on your toes trying to reach for her. 
“Okay lady you gotta bend down so I can reach you and don’t tease me about shifting. I'm too lazy and tired to do that.” 
Her body listened, bending down she felt your lips. “I hope you don’t mind, I used the spare key you gave me. I know I should at least let you know but I have a problem…”
“You’re here.” she mumbled, still in a state of shock.
“I am. I wanted to see you and I’m sorry I know, like I said I should have texted you first but my phone fell in the bath yesterday. I was taking some nasty shots for you but it slipped. I put in a bowl of rice in an attempt to salvage it but it was helpless. I hope you didn’t think I was ignoring you.”
“N-no, no, of course not.” You almost broke my heart.
“Good because I would never do that. Ever.” You kissed her light on the lips, merely brushing your lips together with no indicated force. Larissa felt herself quickly melting away in your touch. 
“I was going to call you at work but I don’t remember your number. Sorry.”
“And you drove all the way from the city just to tell me this?”
“Yes and I’d have to drive back again in the morning because I obviously have work but…yeah, I drove all the way just to tell you this and I cooked dinner and cleaned your house.”
Larissa felt like you were rambling too much so to cut you out of your own misery, she pulled you into a kiss, a long deep one with both hands cupping your face making you gasp before you were able to reciprocate.
Larissa could still feel the ache in between her thighs as she sat in the toilet. It was eleven in the evening and you were currently passed out in her bed, audibly snoring. She might have fucked you too hard, all of the frustrations were channeled in the way she took you and rode your lap resulting on multiple orgasms and it wasn’t like you were stopping her.
When she finished cleaning her hands and was ready to go to bed, something struck her in the midst of exiting the bathroom…her period two was weeks delayed. 
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caitlynscat · 1 year
Esther: Larissa, who is that girl walking with Enid?
Weems: Oh that’s Wednesday.
Esther: Addams?! Why is she walking with her? Why are they talking? And why are they holding hands?
Weems: You’re not gonna believe this.
Esther: What?
Weems: They’re roommates.
Esther: Oh! They’re roommates. Of course. For a second there, I thought my daughter was dating an Addams.
Weems: You’re not gonna believe this.
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crienneoftarth · 6 months
people who draw rissa with a flat tummy… cowards
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maddyromanoff · 1 year
Larissa: *on the phone with you* so what are you wearing?
Y/n: do you want me to tell you or do want to find out yourself?
— a few minutes later—-
*larissa runs into the room out of breath*
Larissa: Y/n what is the meaning of this!?
Y/n: *in a dinosaur costume* why are you upset? i could’ve told you but you chose to hang up and run over here
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milfsloverblog · 1 year
Friday Nights (NSFW)
Miranda Hilmarson x fem!reader
A/N: Nobody requested this fic, I just woke up this morning with the visceral need to write it. And so I did. Enjoy this smutty domestic fluff <3
AO3 link in title
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Miranda loved the routine that had set itself up between the two of you on Friday nights. 
She’d come home around 5 pm, 6 if Robin held her back a little longer, and you’d be in the kitchen busying yourself with making dinner. 
“It smells absolutely delicious in here.” Miranda wrapped her arms around your body from behind, placing a soft kiss on the crook of your neck. “Sorry I’m late, babe. Robin’s been stressing the whole station with this new case.” 
“You’re not late, you’re just in time.” You smiled and pecked her lips. “Have a quick shower, I’ll set the table and get everything ready.” 
“Mhm.” Miranda agreed and reluctantly let go of you to walk to the bathroom. 
You couldn’t help but steal a glimpse as she walked away, how you loved the way she looked in her uniform. You bit your lip and shook the dirty thoughts away. 
“You look good in that apron,” Miranda said when she walked out of the bathroom a moment later. She crossed the kitchen and pulled you in for a soft kiss. “Let me take it off of you later?” She purred against your lips, earning herself a gentle swat on the arm. 
“Sit down.” You said, nodding towards the table where dinner was waiting. 
“Yes, ma’am.” Miranda grinned and settled at her spot at the table. 
She watched as you moved around the kitchen, her eyes never leaving your back. You heard her breath hitch when you opened the fridge and bent down to grab a bottle of white wine, no doubt that her gaze had fallen on your ass. 
“How was work?” You asked, pouring two glasses before settling down in front of your lover. 
“You know I don’t like bringing work at home, even less over dinner. But if you really want to know-“ The blonde started. 
A woman, a magician’s assistant, had been found dead in her hotel room, tied to a chair and with a bullet in her skull. She was still wearing her sequinned costume when they found her, a deck of cards had been scattered on the floor around the chair and the ace of hearts had been shoved inside her mouth. 
Robin and Miranda had been working on the case for a few weeks but didn’t seem to make much progress which made Detective Griffin easily irritable. More than she usually was. 
You didn’t particularly enjoy hearing about the gory details of Miranda’s work, but you knew she needed to get it off her chest from time to time, no matter how much she tried to deny it. 
Your lover’s shoulders looked visibly more relaxed when she finished telling you about her day. She had finally told Robin to stop texting her about work when she was at home. 
“When I’m home, I’m with you. Not with Robin, not with any work matter.” Miranda had told you when her phone had buzzed for the third time in less than fifteen minutes the previous Friday. 
“Have you picked a movie for tonight?” Miranda snapped you out of your thoughts, taking a mouthful of salad and happily munching on it. 
“Mm? Oh, yes, yes I have.” You gave a nod and placed your cutlery down on your plate before pushing it away. “Since you picked Imagine Me & You last time, I thought we could watch Carol tonight?” 
“Yeah, sure!” Miranda said excitedly and you wondered how long it’d take until you’d both run out of sapphic movies to watch. 
When she was done eating, Miranda squeezed your hand and suggested you go change into your pyjamas while she cleared the table, which you happily agreed to. Filling the dishwasher was one of your least favourite thing to do, emptying it was a very close second. 
“Everything’s ready,” Miranda called from where she was sitting on the couch. “Just need you laying in my arms.” 
You chuckled softly and finished buttoning your silk pyjamas before joining your girlfriend in the living room. You made yourself comfortable, lying between Miranda’s legs with your back pressed to her chest. 
You pressed play on the movie and Miranda wrapped her arms around you, holding you close against her body. 
You’d seen the movie half a dozen times already, but it was Miranda’s first time and you loved listening to her commentary. 
“Do you think it’s possible to fall in love at first sight?” She whispered in your ear when Therese and Carol locked eyes. 
“What? Are you saying you didn’t fall in love with me the very second we looked at each other?” You tutted, feigning to be offended. 
“I spilled my frappuccino on your shirt at Starbucks, falling in love was the last thing I had in mind, not when the look you gave me scared me shitless.” Miranda laughed and you joined her, loving the way you could feel her chest moving up and down as she giggled behind you. 
“Fair enough,” you admitted. “Fair enough.” 
The two of you fell quiet again, except for Miranda’s occasional comment on how good Cate Blanchett looked, and her excited shriek when Sarah Paulson appeared on your screen. 
You absentmindedly brushed your fingers on the expanse of Miranda’s leg, unaware of the fire it ignited in your lover’s belly. Miranda knew there was no ulterior motive to your fingertips drawing patterns on her skin but, no matter how hard she tried to focus on the movie, all she could think about were the shivers your touch sent down her spine. 
Your eyes were locked on the tv screen, knowing Carol and Therese would soon share their first kiss, when you suddenly felt Miranda’s hand moving down your front only to stop on the elastic band of your trousers. 
You looked from the corner of your eye as your girlfriend’s slender fingers played with the drawstring until she gave it a gentle tug, silently requesting permission. 
“Yes.” You breathed out, laying your head back on Miranda’s shoulder. 
Miranda didn’t waste any more time, immediately slipping her hand inside your pants between silk fabric and silkier skin. She skillfully parted your lower lips and sank two fingers inside you with no preamble, relishing in the gasp it pulled from your lips. 
“Mira-“ You whined when she dragged her fingers out of you only the push them back inside deeper, making you clench around her knuckles. 
“I know, babe.” She purred in your ear as she started pumping her fingers in and out of you, the soft, slick sounds of the movement echoing in your living room and drowning out the distant movie dialogue. 
Pressed into Miranda’s front, you blushed a deep red as your skin grew hot. You easily opened up for your lover, your hips rocking onto her hand to invite her always deeper. Miranda felt like she could do this forever, holding you close as you fell apart in her arms. 
Suddenly she shifted you, keeping her fingers buried inside you as she helped you lie down until she was on top of you. She leaned forward, smiling at how your lips immediately parted, and flicked her tongue over them. With her free hand, she lifted your silk shirt, her mouth watering at the sight of your breasts. 
“You’re beautiful.” She whispered, keeping her eyes on you as she lowered herself to take one of your nipples in her mouth. She sucked for a moment before gently sinking her teeth in it and soothing the sting with her tongue, grinning when your hand flew into her hair to tug at it. 
Miranda trailed down your body, leaving wet, open-mouthed kisses on your chest and the skin of your stomach. Her free hand swiftly removed your trousers before she settled between your spread thighs and lightly blew on your clit, making your thighs shudder on either side of her head. 
You nearly saw stars when Miranda finally wrapped her lips around your clit and sucked harshly, her fingers curling deep inside you. She licked and sucked, teasing the nub with the tip of her tongue and relishing in the way you struggled to keep your legs open around her head. 
When she felt you clench dangerously around her fingers, Miranda doubled her efforts, picking up the pace and sucking hard at your clit, determined to bring you to an earth-shattering release. 
It only took a few more pumps for the coil behind your navel to snap, Miranda’s name coming out of your lips again and again as you pushed her face deeper into your cunt, refusing to let go of her short blonde hair. 
“I love you.” Miranda sighed happily as she pulled her fingers out and kissed your clit. 
She sat up, stretched her back, and pecked your lips before getting on her feet and disappearing into the bathroom, coming out a few seconds later with a wet cloth. 
“You simply couldn’t resist, mm?” You smiled lazily, looking down as Miranda cleaned you up. 
“Who could blame me?” Miranda chuckled softly, dropping the cloth on the coffee table and helping you put your trousers back on. 
You settled back down into your original position between your lover’s legs and rewound the movie up until Therese and Carol’s first kiss. You smirked as you thought of the upcoming sex scene, knowing Miranda wouldn’t get to the end of the movie without moaning your name out and coming on your tongue. 
Miranda loved the routine that had set itself up between the two of you on Friday nights. And so did you.
tag list: @weemssapphic @larissaoftarthweems @principal-weems09 @pro-weems-places @readingtheentrails @catechristiesstuff @kimiinou
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Are we soulmates?
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Reader
Warnings: angst, toxic!Larissa, pregnancy
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“Do you think we’re soulmates in every universe?” You asked Larissa as she sat in your living room “are we even soulmates in this one?” She responded with your daughter on her lap.
It crushed you
You had given everything up for the woman across from you, your daughter had been born during your time at Nevermore. Larissa said shifting was safe and didn’t require protection who knew the teachers pet could be such a liar.
So you dropped out letting Larissa live her life while you raised her baby, taking up a second job so she could continue her studies. Larissa had big dreams to become the principal of Nevermore and you lost the motivation to have any.
You had been dating the blonde since your first year of Nevermore, things had been perfect until that stupid girl came- no it wasn’t her fault.
Morticia had become of the object of Larissa’s desires causing visits to become scarce, you knew she wasn’t attracted to you anymore. Not since you had given birth to Delilah, your body had changed it was only natural it would’ve.
Your little Delilah Brienne Weems meant the world to you
“I love you” she smiled but didn’t take her eyes off the girl playing with her rings, you nodded of course she said that. You wanted a family it didn’t need the white picket fence as long as you had Larissa and your daughter. Unfortunately Larissa didn’t want that just yet.
It wasn’t until Delilah turned three, you sat at the dinner table in the middle of the night Larissa still hadn’t returned. Your head in your hands as you sobbed, who had you become? A shell of a woman begging to be loved.
Larissa had woken you up when she finally got home, liquor on her breath and lipstick smudged she looked cocky. You were tired not sure if it was only physically anymore as you followed her up the stairs watching her get ready for bed.
You laid down facing away from her as she slipped in next to you “I don’t love you anymore” she whispered as she wrapped her arms around your waist. She was only drunk you told yourself as you fell asleep, when you got woken up the next morning Larissa was gone Delilah now on her side of the bed.
She was too young to understand where her mama had gone too little to just see mommy everywhere but you hoped it didn’t last. That Larissa would change her mind but she didn’t and things flushed themselves down the drain.
You loved Larissa violently
Losing yourself
Larissa had gotten her way, she had broken you
It had been thirteen years since Larissa had left never looking back she often wondered how you had been, how Delilah was. But now as she waits for her next interview she knows she no longer needs to wonder about her family the one she left behind.
You walked in behind two children a hand on each of their shoulders, your eyes blank as you stared at her she now wondered had you been married. “M-mom?” Delilah whispered her voice cracking as tears welled in her blue eyes it broke Larissa’s heart she had caused that.
The boy only looked confused as he watched his older sister “my little flower” Larissa smiled sadly “Don’t” Delilah stunned the older woman. “You don’t get to call me that” she sneered as she turned to hid in your side “who’s this?” Larissa asked “Theo” he whispered.
She looked up at you with a silent question but you shook your head no as you took a seat in-front of her desk. “You know Delilah, your mama and I used to attend this school” Larissa spoke gently only to receive a lashing from her daughter.
“I apologise Delilah for leaving” she sighed making matters worse as the girl got up quickly leaving, Theo chasing after her.
You sighed sadly “I do apologise for leaving I wasn’t in the right headspace Y/n” she pleaded almost, you looked away not wanting to give her a reaction. “I found I regretted it, I got the job but nobody to go home to, nobody to hold, I have everything but at what cost?”.
“Well who’s fault is that Larissa?” I asked sitting up straighter in my seat “mine” she whispered staring at her hands. “I was pregnant and I planned to tell you but you left… you just left” you shrugged biting your lip still not facing her.
“I’m sorry”
“Sometimes sorry isn’t enough”
“I know”
“You know?”
Finally your eyes met now staring into the eyes your children shared “I loved you Larissa” you laughed “I love you in every universe” she whispered. “Do you take it back in every universe?” You scoffed shaking your head “we’re here for our daughter’s enrolment”.
You might be single but you had moved on no longer begging to be loved by someone who’s love had terms and conditions.
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wasjustred · 2 years
ahhh iloveyourworkssomuch!! 💖 i'd like to request something along the lines of sugar mommy!larissa (maybe with smut, who knows *wink*) 'cause she's all i can think about these days... anyways, happy early new years!!!
Easy Does It - NSFW Larissa Weems x f!Reader
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Summary: Larissa spoils you beyond comprehension. Pairing(s): Larissa Weems x f!Reader Warnings: Smut. A lot of it. (Cunnilingus, fingering, strap-on — all Reader receiving) Word Count: ~4.7k
Author’s Note: I hope this meets your expectations, anon! I originally intended to make Larissa way more domineering, but once I began writing it just didn’t feel like her——I tried to stay true to her character where I could. As always, feedback is welcome ﹠. appreciated! ♡ (un-beta-ed as per usual!) ╱ AO3
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The arrangement you and Larissa have has been smoothly gliding along for about six months now: you meet for dinner every weekend, in a town about half an hour outside of Jericho. You wear an outfit she’s picked out for you, she pulls your seat out, you share conversation and good - expensive - food and drinks, and you end on the stoop of your apartment, leaning into the kiss she places on your cheek, with a weekly allowance in cash in your purse. It’s the perfect set-up, nothing you’d dare protest, but sometimes you honest to god wish she’d just break her own rules and rail you ‘till the bed breaks.
Tonight you meet her at The Aviary, draped in a black satin dress with a deep slit up the leg––one of her favorites. Larissa helps you into your seat as she usually does, but before she takes her own, she places a long velvet box on your empty appetizer plate.
“Ooh, what’s this?”
“Open it and see.” A small, proud smirk turns her lips, eyes sparkling. You run your fingers over the velvet and lift at the seam, features going slack with surprise when you realize what’s hidden inside: a collar necklace, glittering diamond-cut, softening into a single falling arc of gems which ebbs, finally, into a small, shining teardrop. Light from the restaurant’s fixtures seem drawn to it, gleaming to and fro in a scattered stream of reflection. Your gaze snaps back to hers almost immediately, heart pounding.
“Larissa, I–”
“Do you like it?”
“I– Of course I do, it’s– it’s so beautiful..” Your voice softens and tapers off as you return your attention to the box before you. It’s probably the most beautiful thing anyone’s ever given to you, but you stop short of admitting this. “Help me put it on?” 
Larissa’s smile grows as she gathers the box in her hands, lifting the necklace from its cushion. She moves to stand behind you and tenderly brushes your hair aside; her hands are as soft as anything, so gentle in the way they handle you, securing the piece around your neck. Your own hand raises to rest atop the new weight at your clavicle, and when she sets her palms along your shoulders and squeezes, you shift your hand up to capture hers.
“What’s the occasion?”
“Do I need one?” Larissa presses her lips to your cheek from behind before she retakes her seat, arching a brow in challenge. The answer is no, of course; this is how you work, special occasion or not. She always manages to keep you on your toes, though, far more thoughtful and intimate than any other ‘financeur’ you’ve ever humored in the past: Tennis bracelets set with gemstones which perfectly match your eyes, a new coffee bar set-up when you mentioned off-hand that Starbucks had discontinued your favorite drink, a signed first edition copy of your favorite book she ‘just so happened to come across’ while out of state. Much more than the simple, routine bank deposits and luxury brand pieces that were never quite you which you received from others. Larissa’s gifts have always been astoundingly personal.
You’ve never told her this, but you stopped dating altogether once your little dynamic began. How could anyone else compare? She makes you feel important without ever having to work for it ––– like you’re lovable, worthy, because you exist, and nothing more. You’re breaking  your own rules, being so enamored with her, but you refuse to dwell on it.
“No, you don’t…” You trail off as your food arrives, ducking your head in thanks as the waiter sets everything out before you. Any discussion of her gift to you ends there on Larissa’s own accord, swiftly and advantageously moving on to a new topic as soon as the waiter has left you. The rest of the night is spent sipping expensive wine and musing instead on all of the high-culture goings-on you never get to discuss with anyone else: Art, ballet, classical music. Larissa’s a delicious trove of knowledge and opinions and she impresses you with each turn of a new topic. You often find yourself wondering - not just tonight, but many nights whilst basking in her presence - why she’s chosen you. You can hold good conversation, of course, and have an appreciation for the finer things in life usually reserved for those older and/or wealthier than you, but what’s always been curious, what’s always given you pause, is that she never asks for anything else in return. You have no choice but to ask yourself what it is you possibly have to offer to a woman like her––but you almost always fall short of a satisfying answer.
She’s talking you both through an analysis of the most recent play she brought you to when you take one of her hands in your own, tracing the lines of her palm as you listen. Larissa stumbles over her words at first contact, a rare occurrence for her, and blushes pink at the sensation. When you glance up at her in question she quickly averts her gaze and carries on, moving to smooth her thumb over yours as you continue. You love her fingers: they’re long, delicate, awfully reminiscent of the Greek statues she enjoys waxing poetic about. It’s an instance in which you’re reminded art, very often, echoes us in a continuous cycle of give and take.
You don’t say a word when you notice her face darken another shade as you press a kiss to the inside of her wrist before moving on to dote upon her other hand.
She’s not once explicitly told you, but Larissa’s never expected you to take a physical liking to her. She set the rules she did early on for a reason, knowing she could live with looking and not touching, taking care of you and watching your face turn alight with each gift or special night out without ever ending the evening by your side. No sex necessary, no physical affection expected. But here you are, fawning over her, and she’s never been more conflicted.
To assuage the feeling, she convinces herself it’s the wine that’s made you this way––a good bottle will go a long way, thus your touch must be the product of inebriation, not genuine affection. You’ve both long since finished off your meals when Larissa pays the bill and drives you home as she normally does, to an apartment she partly finances (not fully, at your own insistence that there are some things you should take care of yourself) and walks you to your door, stooping to kiss your cheek. Routine. 
She is right about one thing, however, and that’s the potency of the house wine tonight. Not on your reasoning, but your self-control. You spent the car ride home admiring her profile in the passing streetlamps and traffic lights, studying the way each red light cast itself across her, how the passing headlights of opposing traffic bathed her in a cinematic glow you associated only, appropriately, with Vivien Leigh in A Streetcar Named Desire. Ghostlike, almost. Ethereal. And at that same wine’s behest, you lean further now into her goodnight kiss than you’d normally allow yourself.
It’s as she prepares to leave that you decide - anchored by the weight of the diamonds around your neck - that this is the night you’ll throw caution to the wind, fervently hoping it won’t backfire and end with her rejection and a ruined arrangement that you’d both worked to preserve over the past six months.
“Do you want to join me for a nightcap? I know we don’t usually, but.. I’d like you to. If you’d like to, of course. If you don’t that’s–––”
“Y/N,” she interrupts. You can hardly tell but her heart’s just about burst out of her chest. There’s an inner battle waging right on the precipice of her ribcage and your bright, hopeful eyes staring up at her aren’t making it any easier to parse out. Do you feel obligated somehow to pay her back for the necklace? She knows you know she’d never ask that of you, that your arrangement is not a traditional one, but has she unknowingly pushed the bounds all the same? Did you simply imbibe too much and don’t really have a clue what it is you’re saying?
Or, perhaps.. Most dangerously: Do you mean it?
“I don’t want you to feel as though you have to… ‘pay me back’ for tonight. That was never my intention.”
She volleys her own inner turmoil dead straight in your direction and stares down at you with what might be, if you squint hard enough, a nervous expression.
You lean sideways against the door and cross your arms over yourself, appraising her. Does she really not want you? What the hell does she get out of this if she doesn’t? You just can’t wrap your head around it, and while you insisted to yourself you’d never outwardly question the bounds of your relationship and why they’ve settled where they are, you’ve put yourself at a crossroads.
“Do you think I’m pretty?”
She balks.
“What? Of course I do. What does that have to do with anything?” Larissa’s expression is a mixture of incredulity and apprehension. You decide to bite the bullet then as she lingers uncertainly beneath the moonlight.
“I don’t understand what you get out of this. Am I not–– you think I’m pretty but you don’t want to touch me? You pay for my livelihood but you don’t want anything tangible in return?” You both purse your lips simultaneously and you’d laugh if the situation weren’t so dire all of a sudden. “You confuse me, Larissa.”
She shifts her weight from one foot to the other, a small cloud bursting forth as she sighs.
You fucked it, didn’t you? Fucked it right to hell, and now she’s never going to speak to you again.
“You’re an idiot, do you know that?” The air goes still.
It’s news to you. 
Larissa suddenly pushes forward and traps you against the front of your door, hands leveled at your waist. “I’ve always wanted you,” she grits out, her arms tensing at your sides. “I just didn’t want you to feel as though you had to. Return the sentiment, that is. You’re too precious for that.” Her voice is low and rough in your ear, strangled. You grab hold of her forearms to keep yourself upright when her tone shoots right through you, breathing heavily. You gradually lift your gaze, poring over every curve of hers as you do, and meet her eyes. They’ve nearly gone black with lust, and a subtle quiver in her lip tells you everything you need to know.
“Kiss me.”
Larissa groans, which is admittedly not the reaction you’d expected, and presses further into you, her nose brushing against your cheek.  You can feel the heat of her grow, ensnaring you in perfect contrast to the cool night air.
“You have to tell me you want it, darling. I need you to say it.” … Oh. A new wave of arousal surges through you as you turn your head ever so slightly, her lips hovering just out of reach. The shared breath between you has become fraught with possibility, with the overwhelming, unspent energy that’s been collecting over the last six months without either of you quite noticing. Of course this is what she needs: confirmation, not that you’re hers but that she’s yours, by choice and choice alone.
“I want you, Larissa. Please,” you whisper, squeezing her arms in an attempt to ground yourself. She says nothing in return, instead immediately closing the distance and engulfing you in a desperate, searing kiss. Your cheeks burn and it’s all you can do not to melt into her fully, sucking in a sharp breath as her tongue slides against your bottom lip. This, this, you realize, is exactly what you’d imagined: Feeling her against you, wrapped up tightly in her arms, being drawn in and freed all at once, struggling to contain the desire you feel pulsing within yourself. It’s like Larissa’s split open your mind and picked through every thought there, coming away with only the most indecent imaginings and putting them to use as her hips pitch forward and her hands grasp achingly at the roundness of your thighs.
“Open the door,” she husks, suddenly ripping herself away and turning you at the waist to face the door. You fumble for your keys as she scores your neck and shoulders with hot, open-mouth kisses, running the tip of her tongue along the muscle that pulls taut there.
“F-fuck.” The chuckle she gives in response to your whimpering, shaking when you can’t fit the key into its slot, only weakens you further. Larissa must know her effect well as she wraps an arm around you to hold you upright, the other grabbing the key from you and swiftly unlocking the door in one go.
“Trust me, I’m trying.”
Laughter follows you both as you take the stairs one at a time, pausing every few to take her tongue in your mouth and run your hands along her front. You bypass the living room once you reach the landing - a feat in itself - and lead Larissa straight to your bedroom, kicking one heel off in the hall and the other at the threshold of your room. 
She stops you just before you reach the bed and holds you steady for a moment: “Hold on, I want to look at you..” You hair is mussed, curls losing their hold in the heat of your entanglement, chest heaving and red. Larissa steps forward to brush her thumb over your lips, searching your face for any sign of hesitation or doubt.
She doesn’t find any.
“Christ, you’re a pretty thing,” she hums. The pad of her thumb pulls at your bottom lip and you acquiesce, tilting your chin up before taking her finger into your mouth, rolling your tongue against its tip, watching her with wide eyes that imply an innocence you don’t possess. A hiss escapes her when your teeth come down around her knuckle and she scowls, gripping your jaw with an intensity that rivets the surrounding atmosphere as she rips her hand away, smashing your lips together once more.
In the next second the backs of your knees are buckling against the edge of the mattress and you squeak; Larissa had slipped a hand over your sternum and shoved, launching you down hard into the bed. Wet heat urges your hips forward as she crawls over you, but her hands swiftly come down to force them back into the mattress, trapping you there.
“Patience, darling.” You scoff as she begins the journey down your body, placing lazy kisses to your lips, cheek, jaw, chest while her fingers deftly work to pull your dress from you. You lift your back so she can snake a hand around and drag the zipper down to its end at the top of your hips, wriggling free and moving to pull at her own dress–––but she grabs your wrists, pinning them above you with a devious smirk. 
“Ah, ah. Let me spoil you,” she murmurs into the crook of your neck, one hand traveling to cup the dampness between your legs. Electricity cracks against your spine at her touch; you’re sweltering and freezing all at once, watching her eyes rake over you with a hunger you’ve never seen on her before. Her fingers draw idle circles around your clit as she works her way down your body, leaving a trail of wetness in her wake where tongue meets flesh, nipping at the precipice of your hip bones, glancing up at you before she licks you through your panties. There’s no helping the whine you turn free when she all but purrs at the taste she gets of you from the soaked fabric.
“Larissa, please,” you huff, lifting your hips up to meet her mouth. She takes three steps then in quick succession: chuckles into the skin of your inner thigh; pulls your panties down and off of you; and presses a series of messy, teasing kisses to your bare sex. Your fingers clutch at the top of your duvet as she finally begins to devour you, breath hitching as her tongue circles your entrance and delves into you. In a moment of white hot desperation, you hook your legs around her, calves flexing against her back as you shudder into her touch. She’s ravenous, consuming you with long, uninterrupted strokes that ride on the flat of her tongue, lapping your slickness up and winding into you all at once. The coil is tight within you already, pulsing with every movement of her mouth. You’re almost worried it’ll be over before it scarcely has had the chance to start, but a quiet, bemused voice in the back of your mind ridicules you: Larissa is nothing if not generous.
“You taste divine,” she breathes, before returning her ministrations to your clit, sucking and popping with the filthiest fucking moan you’ve ever heard. The feeling of her tongue against that tight bundle of nerves prompts your eyes to roll back, eyelids fluttering, and imbues your hands with a mind of their own, working them swiftly into her hair and pulling her as close to your cunt as you can get her, hips lurching in an unsteady rhythm. You can feel her amusement at your desperation as distinctly as you feel her mouth, but it’s quickly forgotten when she slides two fingers into you with an ease that makes you lightheaded. The sound of your wetness is sinful, and you have to admit it only spurs you on.
“Fuck me, fuck me, pleasefuckme––” Larissa’s grinning against you as she pumps her fingers, curling into you with a startling accuracy that leaves you breathless and aching. You press your cheek to your shoulder in a feeble attempt to keep yourself above the threshold dividing pleasure and bliss, useless as she slips another finger into you and flicks her tongue against you, quickening her pace as she follows the mounting tone of your pleas. Every touch spreads a warmth through you impossible to ignore, stirring a frantic need beneath the surface of your skin.
“Cum for me, darling, cum for me, that’s right.” Larissa presses the heel of her hand into the space just below the swell of your stomach and the coil snaps suddenly, sharply, sucking all of the air out of you at the same time that you yelp and tense with equal force, clamping around her face as your orgasm tears through you. She continues to lap at you even as your hands push at her, holding fast to your thighs to keep her place. Your legs shake as she builds you up in the same breath that you’re coming down, a second orgasm already rearing its head.
“I can’t,” you keen, but Larissa shakes her head and unlatches briefly to disagree.
“Yes you can, Y/N––be a good girl for me.” It washes over you when she lowers her face again and wraps her lips around your clit, sucking with an unfazed firmness that shocks you to your center. You’re tingling over every limb, pacing your breaths to ride you through this second crest. “That’s it..” Larissa coos, running her hand over your leg comfortingly. You can hardly breathe as the shockwaves roll through you one after the other, and the darkness of the ceiling above you seems to double in size as you stare in a daze.
Your muscles melt into the mattress one by one, sinking deep as Larissa finally pulls her head away and crawls forward to kiss you; you can taste your slickness on her tongue, familiar and tangy. When you part, gasping for air, you wrap a hand around the back of her neck and press your foreheads together, gazing up into her eyes with the softest look you can muster after so thoroughly falling apart in her hands.
“My turn?” She laughs loud and heartily at your doe-eyed demeanor. You’re itching to touch her, to taste her, and she knows it.
“Mmm, maybe.” Larissa shrugs and rises up from her position over you, sliding off to the side of the bed where you can’t reach her––and not for lack of trying. A whine catches in your throat when she shoots a withering look over her shoulder, patting the space beside her. “Help me with my dress, darling.”
You waste no time in flipping over onto your knees, shuffling over to her and grappling with the zipper of her dress. You flush when she laughs both at your inability to get it down in one swift motion and the frustrated little growl that bubbles up from your chest.
“Not funny,” you complain, gritting your teeth as she shifts and the zipper gives, revealing the smooth, snowy expanse of her back. Instilled with a renewed sense of hunger, you push the fabric away from both of her shoulders and continue the journey down and around to her breasts, thrilled she’s forgone a bra tonight as you palm the supple flesh there and roll her nipples between your fingers. The sigh she expels is a ragged one, her hands dwarfing yours whilst her head falls back against your shoulder. You revel in the sight of her lip caught between her teeth.
“I want to fuck you.” You just barely catch it in between her labored breaths and your own thunderous heartbeat, but you do, and you turn to glance at her curiously before her meaning hits you square in the face.
She cuts you off. “I want to destroy you, Y/N. You can taste me later,” Larissa mutters, pivoting without another warning and capturing your lips again. You wouldn’t complain if it weren’t for the utter distress you felt to get your hands on her. She doesn’t give you a chance to rebut, however, as she slips out of her dress and climbs over you, guiding your hands to grip her ass. “Later, I promise.” She pulls back to appraise you, taking a rigorous inventory that she’ll commit to memory if it’s the last thing she does: Your flushed skin, the way you can’t keep still under her touch, the unmistakable shine of desire in your eyes.
“In th-the nightstand,” you stammer. Suddenly the realization that Larissa is here, in your bed, and you, at her mercy, is too much at once. You’re trembling with need and anticipation. She tilts her head at you, one second, two passing before she follows your guidance and pulls the drawer open, grinning wickedly at what she finds there.
You nod vigorously, propping yourself up on your elbows and directing her through another drawer of your dresser. The slow, methodical way in which she fastens the leather around herself surely burns itself into your brain, and you can’t help the shameless moan that seeps out when she smooths an indulgent layer of lubricant along the silicone from base to tip, a delicious sight between her legs.
Larissa approaches with an emphasized swing to her hips, bending at the waist to press a chaste kiss to your lips before she nudges you to scoot back into the middle of the bed, positioning herself above you with a hand on either side of your head. She dips her face down into the hollow of your throat. 
Her voice vibrates against you despite her hushed tone. “Are you ready for me, darling?”
Your brain short-circuits at her words, imperfect timing. God, she’s fucking hot.
She lifts her head again to catch your gaze and smirks, nibbling on the tip of your chin. “Use your words.”
“Yes, yes, I’m ready,” you rasp, drawing your nails down the broad expanse of her back in anticipation.
The moment she slides into you is pure ecstasy: your toes curl and you haphazardly clamber for purchase upon her skin as she buries herself deep within you, stalling for a few moments to give you time to adjust. The way Larissa groans into the motion draws out an amusing - filthy - rumination about her being able to feel every stroke as with her own body, delighting in your wetness. She fills you seamlessly, snapping her hips against you before slowly drawing herself back, only to repeat the pattern and plunge into you as deeply as she’s able. It’s bruising and pleasurable all at once, how she brushes up against your walls and the ridges of the toy hit what your mind insists is every nerve-ending within you.
You rock together desperately, bodies moving as one as if you’d been doing this for centuries, mapping each other out and bringing each other to your peak. You savor the novel, tangled scent of sweat and arousal, a newly formed association with the sound of Larissa’s broken whimpers now frozen in your psyche.
A startled breath leaves you as Larissa abruptly anchors her weight to one side and pulls you on top of her, flipping your positions. Her arms wrap tight around you, looped at your back and around your shoulder as she fucks up into you at a crushing pace. You whine into the crook of her neck and realize you’re on the verge of tears, an overwhelming wave of pleasure and desperation wracking your body. Quiet grunts accompany her each thrust, slowing just so until it’s a steady pattern you can count to like clockwork, brutal and sharp at every buck of her hips. Your knees are aching, folded as they are, but the tight, coiling sensation within you overrides any and all discomfort, merely a quiet nagging in your brain; your focus is settled precisely on the angle of her cock and how her nails dig into your skin as you grind against each other. She’s close, too. You can feel it. It’s there in the shallowness of her breaths, in the urgency of her pelvis against yours, in the subtle arch of her back. You try to meet her where she’s at in your muddled state, pitching your hips backwards and down when she thrusts upwards––and you know it’s worked when she gasps and her hands scramble to lock together at the small of your back.
“Yes, that’s it darling. Just like that,” Larissa pants, using the leverage of her hold on you to help you fuck yourself. The only sounds permeating the room are that of your mingled breaths and her cock driving into you with a consistent, almost unforgiving rhythm. 
“Pleasepleaseplease, ohfuck––” 
She tenses with you and cries out as your orgasms hit you both at once, ravaging you beyond reason. You’re hyper-aware of the way her breasts feel pressed against you, the way one of her hands flies up to bury itself in your hair as you ride her through your climax. Larissa’s hips stutter as she whines into your shoulder, sinking her teeth into you, and you marvel at the feeling of her muscles clenching around you, from the sinewy stretch of her arms to her thighs rested between your own.
Everything you’d hoped for. Fantasized about. Greedily deliberated again and again whilst watching her across the table in another fancy restaurant in another unfamiliar town.
Larissa is careful as she pulls out of you, slow and deliberate so as not to disturb the tenderness there. You remain curled on top of her but she doesn’t complain, rather rubbing your back in long, languid movements and whispering affirmations in you ear, a sweet mixture of ‘breathe darling, I’ve got you’ and more headily, ‘you did so well for me, you’re so good, you took me so well’. When you allow yourself to fall to the side of her, she shimmies out of the harness and tosses it somewhere off the edge of the bed, ignoring its clatter as she wraps you up in her arms. You burrow yourself further into her warmth and sigh at the feeling, content.
“Now is it my turn?” you ask, voice low and raked over with exhaustion. The belly laugh she gives is worth all the weariness in the world. “You’re incorrigible!”
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milfswriter · 2 years
I LOVED your last Larissa fic 😩. Can I request Larissa's (vampire) wife coming to visit her in her office after she told her she's been stressed lately? Reader doesn't live on campus so the students are like ooh new student? but then they find out she's their principal's wife and they're like oop.
thank you! Ofc!
The Principal’s Wife
Larissa Weems x Vampire!Reader
Summary: You pay your wife a visit to Nevermore.
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You got a call from your wife earlier that day, asking for you to come have lunch with her in her office since she wasn’t able to meet you at your favorite diner just like every Friday. She sounded exhausted so you agreed and got takeout before heading for the infamous school, black shades covering your eyes.
You noticed their looks as you walked past the gates, black heels clicking against the cobblestone, ignoring any whispers or gossip. 
You stopped by an unusual-looking girl, her hair in pigtails and uniform dyed black. “Who are you?” She asked, her voice emotionless. 
You grinned, “Direct, I love it” You took off your glasses since you two were inside and grinned at her. “You must be Wednesday. Your mother and I were great friends”. 
She looked at you for a few seconds, head tilting before she raised an eyebrow, “you’re Y/N? My mother never shuts up about you” she looked you up and down in a judgmental stare.
You chuckled, “It’s been a long time, indeed” you put your glasses back on as one of the students opened the door, letting some sunlight creep in. 
“Damn it! Anyways it was nice meeting you, Wednesday. I wanted to know where I could find the principal’s office, it's been so long I'm sure I forgot my way around here” she pointed behind you and you nodded at her, walking in that direction before a blonde girl stopped in front of you, jumping up and down.
“Hi!! I’m Enid! You must be new here” she grinned at you, clapping her hands excitedly.
“Oh, god no!” You scoffed, “I’m not a student, I’m here to see the principal” you stated before Larissa's assistant, who you've met a couple of times was aware of your arrival.
"Mrs Weems!, right this way!" you followed her before hearing the continuous gossip behind you. "Did she just say...MRS Weems?".
You walked with her assistant as you stared at the improvements that occurred under your wife's regime, it was incredible how hard Larissa worked to turn this place from a medieval tavern to a modern, technology-filled school to embrace outcasts from around the world
"Principal Weems, your wife just arrived!" her assistant announced as you got in with the plastic bag of takeout. You gave her a fangy grin, taking off your shades and hanging them on your blazer. She thanked the woman before the door was closed and your grin turned into a sympathetic smile.
“Hey, darling” she smiled weakly, leaning her head back on her chair. You placed the bag of food on her desk.
“Oh, draga” you frowned, walking behind the desk and cupping her face, leaning down to kiss her red lips softly.
You had missed her terribly. She stays on campus a few days a week, the others she stays in your shared house just a little outside Jericho, though she hasn’t done so in a while. 
She hummed, leaning her head down to rest against your stomach, Your thumbs rubbing her shoulders. “What happened?” you asked when she got off of you, standing up to sit in front of her desk. 
“the mayor is furious” she started, fingers on her temple as you took the food out the bag and placing it in front of her, urging her to eat. “I thought the outreach day had gone well, but of course the Addams need to leave their stamp everywhere”  she unwrapped the burger angrily.
 You took a blood bag out, stabbing it with a straw and shrugging as you said “it was an ugly statue anyway” she squinted her eyes at you. The only reason you even went to that stupid unveiling was that you swore on your undead heart that you’d be there for her. 
“I’m sorry, it just is!” you slurped on the blood, a little trickling out of your lips. “you know you won’t kiss me after drinking that, right?” she asked rhetorically. 
“I was thirsty!” You groaned, causing her to smirk. Larissa loved you endlessly, but there’s no way she’d be kissing you with fresh blood in your mouth. 
After she finished eating, you requested a ‘tour’ around Nevermore, considering it’s been decades since you’ve been here. She reluctantly agreed and linked her arm with yours before opening the door, seeing students crowding outside the office. 
“What are you all doing here?” She said, a hand on her hip. They all stared at you in surprise. “We wanted to meet your wife, of course” a bald, black girl stated with a smirk causing Larissa to roll her eyes.
“Everyone to class, now!” she roared and they dispersed. You let out a chuckle before the tour started.
Half an hour later, you were almost done with the tour when she took you to the greenhouse to see a red-haired woman watering plants.
“Principal Weems! Who’s this lovely lady?” She grinned, you just knew she was bad news at the way she looked at you.
“This is Y/n Weems, my wife….y/n/n, this is Marilyn Thornhill, nevermore’s first normie teacher!” Larissa proudly introduced and you shook hands with the woman, you said nothing as you saw her eye your wife with a weird expression but you stopped yourself from draining her blood right then and there.
you gave her a fake smile before Larissa sensed the tension in the air and excused the both of you.
She walked you to the gates with a frown. “What happened in there?” Her hands cupped your pale face before you squinted at her.
“Wh..what? You don’t see it? She’s weird as hell!” She shook her head.
“Never mind” You kissed her hand, “I’ll see you at home, yeah?”
She shrugged “I’ll see if I finish all the paperwork tonight”, leaning down to kiss your lips slightly, sighing in relief when she didn’t feel the aftertaste of blood before hearing cheers behind her.
She turned to look at the students with crossed arms. “You guys are so cute!!” Enid squealed before they were shooed again and you kissed her one more time before driving home.
She won’t admit it, but she’s glad her students actually cared to get to know the love of her life.
A/N: I got goosebumps when writing "Mrs Weems" please don't tell me I'm alone in this 😵‍💫
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sammyloomis · 9 months
DEEPEST larissa weems lore
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lowkeyerror · 2 years
Falling Fast pt 2
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Word Count: 4.7k
Notes: Hellhound reader, angst, spoilers for the show, good ending, there will be a part 3 but I wouldn't say this ends on a cliffhanger, Italics are Wednesday's vision
Summary: The vision that Wednesday had in the woods with Y/n stirs an unfamiliar feeling inside of her. It changes their relationship perhaps for the better. Y/n thinks she wants to ask Wednesday to the Rave'N
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Masterlist
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Y/n was exhausted from her transformation and the battle she had with the monster. Her body was quick to lull to sleep, even in that of the uncomfortable beds in the nurse's quarters.
Wednesday, however, wasn't afforded the same luxury. Her mind raced with not only pictures of the monster, but images of Y/n from her vision.
What she witnessed made her heart ache for the girl. It felt like an invasion of privacy, something that Y/n should've been allowed to share on her own accord.
Wednesday had gotten the answer to the question she had asked Y/n before the monster interrupted them.
First, she saw the girl at an age much younger than she was now. A mere child, with a loving family. She looked like her mother, but the curse came from her father.
"The Hound is dangerous Y/n, you must learn to control it before it controls you"
" Dad, I'm scared," Y/n's voice trembled.
" You should be," her father's voice was stern. There was a small whimper from the child's lips.
It seemed to take Y/n a long time before she finally turned, she was years older in the next part in the vision. When she did, chaos had broken loose. She had been fighting with her parents.
" I wish I was never born. This stupid curse controls every ounce of my life, and I haven't even turned! I just want to be normal."
Her mother went to speak, but her father took over," You'll never be normal. You'll never be anything but a monster, just like me and my father before me. It's a curse Y/n, it doesn't fucking go away."
" Honey!"
" Curses can be broken. You just have to try," Y/n has tears streaming down her face.
" Not this one," her father says before he shifts into a hellhound.
His form charges Y/n and pins her to the ground. His teeth snap in his child's face as she screams and cries for help.
Y/n's mother tries to get involved, but the hellhound growls at her before smacking her away with his tail. Her mother crashes against the china cabinet and falls to the floor. Y/n's focus is on the slight burn mark on her mother's arm.
It's then that her eyes flash with embers behind them. She lets out a cry that can only be compared to being stabbed by a thousand knives. Then Y/n is gone, and a hellhound is in her place.
Y/n flips the other hound over and starts aggressively biting at it. Her mother screams. The beasts brawl with each other. They demolish the inside of the house. Each attack is a strike to kill.
It's when the older hound turns it’s attention to Y/n's mother that things quickly escalate. Her father stalks her mother, after knocking Y/n to the side. Her mother cowers in his presence, afraid of what he is capable of. Blood drips from his mouth, his daughter's blood. He lunges at the woman.
Before he can get to her, Y/n has sprung back up. Though she is wounded, she makes no mistake in going for the jugular. Her sharp canines dig into her father's throat. The hound shakes her head from left to right, jaws locked on her father's neck.
She doesn't stop until the hound is no longer a hound. The body of her human father hangs from her teeth. She drops him instantly. Her consciousness awakens from the mind of the hound. The dog whimpers before cowering away from the mangled man.
" I tol-d you, you're a monster," were her father's last words as his hands wrapped around his throat. A sick smile on his face as he took his last breath.
Y/n ran away after that. Her mother spent hours searching before she found her daughter unconscious. Y/n was unclothed, her body littered with cuts and burns from her father. The girl was barely breathing.
Her mother held her close. She wept for the girl. She wouldn't know how to fix this, how to make this right, how to take this pain away from her daughter?
That's when Wednesday awoke with the hound standing protectively over her. After witnessing that, Wednesday feelings for the girl changed. Wednesday's heart ached to protect Y/n. To make sure she'd never have to feel like that again.
When she saw the girl cringe after her transformation, it made her uncomfortable. Not because it was hard to watch, but because there was nothing she could do to alleviate the pain. Wednesday felt helpless, the feeling was foreign to her and wished to never feel it again.
The way that the girl could not stand after, made Wednesday shake to her core in anger. The monster would pay for this. She already knew that it was part human, and that gave her hope.
It gave her hope that she'd be able to wrap her hands around their throat while Thing stabbed their eyes out.
Wednesday meant what she said, Y/n would be safe, and no harm would come to her. For if it did, Wednesday did not know if she could forgive herself.
Her eyes softened as they trailed over the sleeping girl. It was hard for Wednesday to be vulnerable even when no one was watching, but she was convinced that Y/n deserved tenderness.
" Cara mia," it left her lips as a whisper. Her cold hand gently squeezed the sleeping girl's. Wednesday didn't say anything else, she simply sighed as she allowed herself to slouch back into the uncomfortable chair the nurse provided her with.
Things were different when Y/n was let out of the nurse's quarters. For one, some students began to speculate that she was the monster in the woods. Everyone was seemingly reintroduced to the fact that Y/n was a hellhound. There was no point in trying to clear her name once the gossip spread.
The second thing that changed was her relationship with Wednesday. The girl with the black school uniform refused to let Y/n out of her sight. If Wednesday couldn't be there, she'd substitute herself for Thing, Enid, or Eugene, but she never left the girl unsupervised.
It was her way of showing that she cared. Wednesday also requested that Y/n practice her violin during the hour that she had dedicated to writing her novel. She said it gave her the perfect ambiance to inspire her writing.
Y/n loved the attention she received from Wednesday. She was scared that her feelings for the girl were in vain, but the more time they spent together, the more she changed her mind.
There were still three things that had Y/n worried. Wednesday's obsession with the monster (that they found out was a hyde), Xavier, and Tyler.
The problem with the hyde was the biggest issue. Y/n didn't want Wednesday to be in harm's way, but she said she would stand by her side. She refused to let the Addams get hurt. Y/n had faith in Wednesday, but she was also terrified at the possibility of losing the girl.
Xavier and Tyler were minor threats to her. She didn't fear that Wednesday liked them. It was quite clear to her that Wednesday was not interested in either boy. To say Wednesday was using them sounded harsh, because the term "using" usually implied manipulation.
However, Wednesday never manipulated these boys. She was always straightforward with her intent. Never doing anything that suggested that she wanted to pursue either boy romantically.
Yet both had thought that they had some claim on Wednesday. Which in turn meant neither of them liked Y/n much.
Xavier tried to get Wednesday to consider the rumors that were going around. That plan backfired quickly when she simply stated that she was there and saw what happened.
Tyler just kept insisting there was something off about Y/n. That there was something about her that wasn't right. Wednesday refuted his claim by stating that she and Y/n were alike in that way.
Amongst all the murders, rumors, and treachery was the Rave'N dance. Y/n did not like participating in school activities. She had skipped the dance before, but this time she was hesitant.
" You should ask Wednesday to the dance," Enid spoke as she walked across campus with Y/n.
" Wednesday would never go to the dance," the hellhound dismissed her immediately.
" … unless you were the one to ask her. She can't say no to you," Enid argued.
Y/n didn't miss a beat in responding," She can, and she has."
" This will be different, trust me. Plus, be real, you totally want to go with her," Enid's teasing earned her a soft glare from Y/n.
" I don't want to go to the Rave'N but if I had to go, like life or death, I would go with Wednesday."
Enid squeals at the admission," This is fantastic, we have to get you an outfit. A dress… or suit, you're definitely more on the suit side of things."
" Hey! I could pull off a dress."
Enid nodded" A dress it is."
" On second thought- wait Enid, I am not going to the dance."
" Whatever you say."
Enid lets it go after that, but now all Y/n can think about is what Wednesday would wear if they went together. The thought played around her mind for days. The courage to ask the girl out, not willing itself to Y/n.
It's not until the night of the dance, when Thing knocks on her door with both a suit and a dress, encouraging the girl to ask Wednesday, that a fire is lit under the girl.
The dress is undoubtedly for Wednesday. It's easy to tell from its all black coloring and the unique style of the dress. The suit is a deep maroon color, almost like old blood. The trim is black with patterns similar to the one's on Wednesday's dress. It fits Y/n perfectly, Thing gives the girl thumbs up.
She didn't have time to do anything special to her hair as Thing rushed her out of her room and to Wednesday's.
" Why are we going so fast?"
Thing knocked on the door before Y/n got the chance. Wednesday opened the door looking as if she was on a mission.
" Y/n."
Her tone was mostly normal, but there is a tinge of surprise to it.
" I don't know what I'm doing here, if I'm being honest. Thing showed up in my room with this suit, and then I kept hearing Enid's persistent voice in my head. And I know this really last minute, but I'd really like to go to the dance with you Wednesday."
" Y/n I- I don't have anything to wear on such short notice. Otherwise, I would-"
Y/n shoved the dress in Wednesday's hands. The girl stopped speaking immediately. She kept her eyes locked on the dress," How did you get this?"
Y/n pointed down to the hand on the floor, who was trying it's best to look inconspicuous. Wednesday's eyes shifted from Y/n to Thing a few times before a sigh escaped her lips.
" Give me 15 minutes," she grumbled. She motioned for Thing to follow her into the room, then slammed the door in Y/n's face.
The hound could hear the dark haired girl scolding the hand as she waited for Wednesday to re-emerge.
She was ready in less than 15 minutes. She took extra time to get her nerves in check. This was new to her and she hated that. Yet her hatred felt dull compared to the unruly pounding of her chest.
When Y/n caught her first glimpse of Wednesday, she felt time stand still.
" I've never seen the darkness shine so brightly."
" Don't ever say anything that cheesy again," Wednesday commented, averting her gaze from Y/n.
" You look amazing, Wednesday."
Her eyes unintentionally rake up Y/n's body," I could say the same about you."
" Wednesday? What's going on, what happened to staking out the cave," Eugene had appeared in front of the pair, a look of confusion crossing his features.
" Eugene I-"
" It's my fault, Eugene. I asked Wednesday to the dance about 15 minutes ago, I didn't mean to ruin your steak out," Y/n apologized to the boy.
" I understand, there's no hard feelings. I could always go check it out by myself."
" Don't go alone. It's too dangerous. We'll go together tomorrow night, understood ?"
The boy nodded, the dejection was clear on his face. Y/n felt bad for ruining whatever plans the two had. She was going to apologize to Wednesday as well, but the girl was already headed into the dance.
Y/n trailed behind her. Suddenly not in the mood for the dance anymore. She cringed when she saw the intense white theme that the dance had taken on.
" I'm going to go get us some drinks," Wednesday walked over to the punch bowl while Y/n stood in place.
The hellhound watched as Wednesday was approached by Enid and her date, followed by Xavier. Little did she know that Xavier was talking about her.
" Y/n is dangerous. You don't know what she did to her father."
That line got Wednesday's attention. Her glare increased tenfold, as did her grip on the drinks.
" I suggest, you don't talk about things that you don't know shit about. If you bring that up again or if I hear whispers of it down the hall, I will not hesitate to drain all the blood in your body. Do I make myself clear?"
" Is there a problem over here?" Y/n couldn't stand on the sidelines any longer. Not with the harsh look Wednesday was giving the boy.
Xavier clenched his jaw, eyes focused on Wednesday," Crystal."
He stormed away after that, leaving the two alone. Wednesday was feeling a tremendous amount of guilt for knowing Y/n's secret. She wanted to tell her, but she didn't know how.
" What was that about?"
" I need to talk to you. In a less crowded area," Wednesday avoided eye contact, it made Y/n nervous.
The taller girl led Wednesday to a semi-secluded area outside the dance. They both sat and Y/n patiently waited for the girl to speak.
" When we were in the forest, I had a vision. It was about you and your family. I saw… something that I wasn't supposed to see."
Y/n became stiff, her body was rigid. Her mind folded with images of the only thing that the girl could be speaking about.
" I didn't know how to tell you what I had seen. I knew that was extremely private and I-"
" How much did you see?" Y/n couldn't bring herself to look at the girl.
" The last thing I saw was your mother finding you unconscious."
Y/n's hands were folded together tightly as her knee bounced. The grip was deathly, Wednesday could see that. She wanted to hold Y/n's hand, to give her a little comfort, but she didn't know how to initiate anything like that.
Luckily for her, Y/n needed the comfort for what she was about to say. The girl doesn't hesitate to reach for Wednesday's hand. The Addams girl doesn't hesitate to interlock their hands, either.
" I was in pretty bad shape after… that. Physically and emotionally. My mom did everything she could do, but that didn't change the way I felt. Eventually the news got out, and everywhere I went I was a monster. They didn't know about the hound, but a girl who murdered her father was monster enough."
"You're not a monster. He was going to kill you and your mother. You were protecting yourself and her."
Y/n let out a forced chuckle," You sound like the therapist. My mom and I couldn't stay in that town any longer. She packed us up and we moved. I was still struggling with fitting in after everything. She heard about Nevermore, and the rest is history."
" Is it different here?"
" It was, but now everyone thinks I'm the murderer. They think I'm a monster, just like he said they would."
" Look at me, Y/n. I'm getting tired of saying this, so this will be the last time. You are not a monster. You have never been nor will you ever be a monster. You have too much kindness in your heart, too much compassion, to even be considered for that role. There's only one person who can tell you what you are."
" Me?"
Wednesday slightly shakes her head," Me."
" And what do you think I am, Wednesday?"
Wednesday eyes shift so subtly that it's barely noticeable. Her ice-like hand squeezed Y/n's warm one.
" You are cara mia," Wednesday doesn't say another word, abruptly standing, pulling Y/n's hand with her," Let's dance."
Y/n doesn't know what the phrase means, but for some reason it makes her heart swell.
Dancing with Wednesday was more like watching Wednesday dance. Her moves were eccentric, just like everything else about her. Her moves seemed to inspire more people to join the dance floor, it was impressive.
" Do you not dance at all?" Wednesday asked as she noticed Y/n's lack of movement.
" I tango, but that's all I've got," Y/n responded.
" Show me," Wednesday extended her hand and Y/n took it, pulling the girl into her with slight force.
Their faces were centimeters away from each other. Wednesday's breath hitched, which made Y/n smile a bit. The taller girl led them in a tango.
" Why only tango?"
Y/n spun the girl outward, then back with a slight turn, and ended on a dip. As she brought the girl back up, she answered," My mother told me the tango was the only dance I needed to know to make anyone swoon for me. It's a dance of precision, the movements are sharp yet fluid. It's a dance of passion."
" My mother and father say similar things. They call it the dance of devoted lovers," Wednesday's gaze is sharp on Y/n.
The song ends, and they finish with a brilliant stomp of their feet. They were out of breath, but neither girl moved to break apart.
That's when Y/n felt something drip on her. She looked up just in time to see the red liquid spring out from the sprinkler system. Her attention turned back to her date, who was smiling as it rained on her.
Y/n had already been wearing red, so the blood didn't bother her too much. It was just a prank, she felt the panic was unnecessary.
" They couldn't even spring for real pig's blood. It's paint."
Things break down even further from there as students start to scatter. People are bumping into the pair left and right. Someone bumps into Wednesday and Y/n can immediately tell she's having a vision.
" Eugene is in the woods. He's in danger."
She takes off sprinting and Y/n isn't far behind her.
" Wednesday! Wednesday, wait."
" We haven't got the time."
Y/n placed her hand on the girl's shoulder," The hound can sniff him out."
Wednesday adamantly disagreed," No."
" Wednes-"
" I said no. No one else needs to get hurt."
Y/n stared at the girl briefly before making the executive decision to turn anyway. Wednesday was seething, but as the dog bowed to her, she climbed on its back.
" Find him, so you can shift back, and I can scold you properly."
The hound was off after her command. Y/n already knew Eugene's scent. It was all over the woods, there were many turns and twists, like he had been in distress.
" Eugene!" Wednesday called out for him as Y/n followed the boy's confusing trail.
Then her ears perked up. She could hear him running. Y/n started running at an alarm speed. Wednesday had to grip the hound's hair just to stay on. Y/n could also hear the hyde, it was far closer than she was.
Y/n could hear him fall.
" Wednesday, over here."
Then he screamed. He was in their line of sight. Wednesday hopped off of the hound and ran to him. The hound stayed where it was, preparing to strike in case the hyde returned.
Eugene wasn't moving. His abdomen was gushing blood.
" We have to get him to a hospital."
The hound wasted little time, gently scooping both teens onto it's back. It ran quickly but carefully out the woods and into Jericho.
The city was awake and afraid as they saw a beast barreling towards them. They called the police to report it. Soon sirens were chasing after the hellhound, spiking it's already fragile nerves.
When it stopped in front of the hospital. It kneeled so Wednesday could get off, and she screamed for help.
The police heard her screams and held their guns at the hellhound. Y/n cowered in fear. She watched from the corner of her eyes as Eugene was wheeled away by the professionals
Wednesday stood boldly in front of the hellhound," Don't shoot her." Her tiny frame didn't cover Y/n much, but the sheriff signaled the men to hold their fire.
" Put the guns away," Wednesday didn't move from her spot. The officers didn't waiver waiting for a command from the sheriff.
" Listen, Addams-"
" No, you listen. I will not let you make her out to be some monster because she isn't. She just helped me save Eugene's life, and you're all out here pointing guns at her. Now put the fucking guns away, or you'll have a real monster to deal with, and that monster is me," Wednesday no longer had her usual composure. She was angry, frightened, and panicked.
The sheriff commanded the other officers to put their weapons away. Once Wednesday saw that they had all implied, she turned to face the hound.
The hound was still in a bowed position, afraid to move. Wednesday rested her hand on it's head," It's safe, cara mia. Come back to me."
The hellhound hesitated for a moment, but with another gentle caress from Wednesday, Y/n shifted back into her human form.
" Hand me a jacket," Wednesday commanded, and the sheriff complied. She draped it over the hellhound.
" What is going on here?" The sheriff asked, but Wednesday didn't answer him.
" Are you hurt?" Wednesday was focused on Y/n. Her hand lay flat against Y/n's cheek. She searched the girl for injuries.
Y/n grabbed her wrist," I'm ok, a little sore, but fine. What about Eugene?"
" I don't know, they took him."
" Can someone explain to me what's going on right now?" Sheriff Galpin said sternly.
Wednesday turns to the man in frustration," What's going on is that your incompetent staff has yet to catch the hyde wrecking havoc across this town. It's almost killed me, Y/n, and Eugene yet Jericho's finest hasn't done anything about it. "
" Listen here, little girl, the only reason you and your friends keep getting hurt is because you keep poking your nose where it doesn't belong," he shouted back at her.
Y/n stood on wobbly legs in front of Wednesday. A dim fire roared behind her eyes.
" You don't talk to her like that," there was a low growl in her throat.
" Don't get fresh with me, doggo," the sheriff shot back. Y/n was ready to strike the man, but then Principal Weems appeared.
" Enough! Stop antagonizing my students," Weems towered over the man, still stained from the paint at the dance.
Her head snapped back to the kids," And you two, go back to school grounds. This matter will be dealt with between the sheriff and myself."
" And what about Eugene? He could be dead." Wednesday pressed on.
" I will alert you of Mr. Ottinger's condition as soon as I am made aware. But now I'm telling you both to go back to the school," Weems stares down Wednesday before her eyes shift to Y/n.
Wednesday took a glance at the girl and her demeanor softened. The hellhound said she was well, but she didn't look like it. Her eyes were still fiery, her glare fixed on the sheriff, but her body shook like a leaf. The condensation on her face was a true sign that she was unwell.
Wednesday knew what Weems was implying. As much as it frustrated her, she relented for Y/n's sake.
" Miss Thornhill will escort you back to Nevermore," Weems spoke with no room for argument.
Wednesday clenched her teeth, but pulled Y/n along with her as they silently climbed into Miss Thornhill's car.
The orange haired teacher tried to make small talk, but neither girl spoke. As soon as the car stopped, Wednesday was dragging Y/n out of the car. Instead of leading them to her shared room with Enid, Wednesday led the pair to Y/n's room.
When they got into the room, Y/n sat on the bed wordlessly. Her bones burned from the transformation and her muscles ached from the running. She was trying to process all that had happened.
" I told you not to transform."
Y/n's head snapped to the girl," If we were any slower, Eugene could've died. Hell, he could still be dead, Wednesday."
" They were ready to shoot you out there. You could've been killed. What good would it be if both of you were dead, Y/n, tell me."
" Wednesday-"
" Don't 'Wednesday' me. How am I supposed to live with myself knowing that this is the second time you've almost died because of me?"
Y/n cut her off," I'm a big girl, Wednesday. I can take care of myself."
" You think I don't know that? I just- you don't understand."
Y/n got off the bed to come face to face with Wednesday. She was careful not to touch the girl. Her eyes were desperate as they locked with Wednesday's," Then help me understand."
Wednesday's eyes were wild when they searched Y/n's face. Her face was still covered in the paint. Her dress clung to her skin with the mixture of paint and real blood. Her heart was pounding harder than she ever thought possible.
Her mind was racing with thoughts, but then they stopped all at once. Her body took over and in one jagged movement she placed her lips on Y/n's.
Her hands shot up, holding the girl's face. Y/n's hands were trying to bring Wednesday as close to her as possible. The girls were in a frenzy. Both inexperienced, but both having such a deep craving for one another that it didn't matter.
Wednesday broke the kiss by placing a trail of kisses down the side of Y/n's neck and shoulder all the way to her hand, and back up again to her lips.
" Cara mia, I can't lose you," Wednesday said breathlessly, her gaze full of worry as the truth left her lips.
Y/n smiled," I still don't know what that means, but I promise you won't lose me."
" It means my beloved."
" Oh."
Wednesday looked away from her. Y/n was gentle as she turned Wednesday's face back to her.
" I like it."
Wednesday tried to return to her normal unbothered facade," One usually responds with mon cher. It means, my darling."
" Say it again," Y/n encouraged the girl.
Wednesday was slightly surprised, but she didn't let it show," Cara mia, your pain is my pain. I need to know you're safe."
" Your battles are my battles. I cannot let you face them alone, mon cher."
They were in a staring contest. Both stubborn with hearts that were full. Y/n was the one to stick her hand first. Wednesday put her in Y/n's.
" Together?" The hellhound questioned hopefully.
Wednesday nodded curtly, hiding the smile tugging at the edge of her lips.
" Together."
That night Wednesday stayed in Y/n's room. She even borrowed a pair of clothes from the girl. They slept in the same bed, but left ample space between each other. That didn't matter though, because they drifted closer to each other as the night progressed.
It seemed like a wanting at first, but upon deeper inspection it was clear that they needed each other. Their masterpiece was forming, but it wasn't a predictable exhibit. Their masterpiece was covered in blood and burned by ash. It was both of them and it was beautiful.
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Pt 2 Taglist ( I thought I'd tag you guys since you asked for a part 2): @namesduntmatter @anticr @screechcat @cantbecreative
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iamnotoriginalphil · 11 months
Accidents Happen (Larissa Weems x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: When you accidentally send the wrong person a text, you didn't expect something so good to come from it.
Words: 3.2k
Warnings: smut, face sitting, alcohol, masturbation, swearing
Sitting in the staff meeting was turning into torture. When you weren’t staring down at the smooth surface of the table you were doing your best not to stare at your boss. Larissa Weems; the woman of your dreams. Sometimes literally.
Her voice was washing over you and the words meant little but the cadence, the pitch, the tone, it was all making you melt. When your eyes darted up towards her, her red lips were pursed and you thought you should tune back in. She wasn’t hiding how perturbed she was.
But the way her blue eyes flashed and her body tensed only made heat flow over your skin.
Your eyes met hers, just for a moment, and you bit down on your bottom lip to keep from moaning audibly. They passed over you and it was like you could breath again. But then you were left staring at her.
Her figure hugging dress had your mouth turning dry. Her hair begged to have your fingers buried in it, messing it up. Her lipstick deserved to be smudged by your lips.
You wanted to taste every inch of her and hear her moan in your ear and make her tremble from your touch.
She dismissed you all, the rest of the staff going their own seperate ways as you fumbled with your phone. Only one person could understand your thoughts and your feelings and would listen to your rambling text message.
She looked so fucking hot today. Seriously. She has a face that was made to sit on. And that voice. It should be illegal to sound that good. I just want to hear her moan my name. Is it bad to say that when she��s angry all I can think about is sinking to my knees and submitting to her? Yeah there’s definitely something wrong with me. But today in the staff meeting she was clearly upset and all I was thinking about was helping her work out that anger. In any way she wanted. Ideally with my body. I didn’t even know what she was upset about. I can’t focus when she looks like that. I need to go have a cold shower.
You ran headlong into a warm body, hand clenching around your phone. You stumbled back, a hand grasping your arm above the elbow to keep you from falling on your ass. You looked up, finding blue eyes sparkling down at you, lips curling up into a smile.
“Sorry,” you muttered, immediately looking away from Larissa, stepping back, “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
The phone in her hand dinged. You took another step back from her.
“Great meeting,” you said, “really… informative.”
“I’m glad you thought so,” she said, smiling at you.
“Anyway, I should go… do some work,” you said, “that’s what you pay me for, after all.”
She chuckled. You flushed at the sound, not quite meeting her eye. You shuffled around her, continuing your journey down the hallway. You looked down at the phone clutched in your hand. Text sent. Probably for the best. It would stop you rambling on and on about Larissa and everything you wanted to do with her. You locked the phone, cursing yourself for that fumbled conversation and your inability to think straight around her.
And missed the way she stopped in the hallway, looking down at her phone before shooting an interested look at you over her shoulder.
There was nothing like stressed students to knock Larissa from your mind. It was hard to think all the dirty thoughts you loved to indulge in when teenagers were demanding your attention. Reading half written essays and answering questions about the exam was almost as good as a cold shower.
You locked your classroom at the end of the day, desperate for a long hot bath and a good bottle of wine. The morning felt as if it happened about a million years ago rather than just a few short hours. You didn’t even care about food, happy to make do with the slightly old bag of Doritos and the block of chocolate you’d been trying really hard not to devour in one sitting.
Shutting yourself into your quarters you let out a long breath. A long day and a lot of students and you were ready to indulge in something a lot more interesting than thinking about how the quadratic equation would influence the future of a bunch of teenagers.
You sunk into the warm water of your clawfoot tub, leaning back with a soft sigh, wine bottle dangling from your fingers. Closing your eyes, you brought to mind the staff meeting earlier. Larissa, eyes flashing, lips forming words you couldn’t quite hear, long fingers gesturing as she spoke. You shifted, knees falling apart as the fingertips of your free hand began to trail over your skin.
Cupping one breast, you arched up into your own touch, imagining those painted nails on your skin. You took another swig of your wine, head tipping back. Pinching at your hardening nipple, heat began to gather between your thighs. You slowly rolled it, picturing the look on Larissa’s face if it was her touching you. Those blue eyes watching you as you arched up, lips falling open, her name a whisper on your tongue.
You took your time before you let your hand slip further down. Sliding a finger through your folds, you gathered your wetness on your fingertip before you began to circle your clit. It was so easy to imagine her, hovering above you, those perceptive eyes taking in every single stutter in your breathing. You moaned, finger pressing to your entrance.
A loud knocking rung through your quarters. The bottle of wine in your fingers slipped, barely able to catch it before it smashed against white the bathroom tiles. You sat up so suddenly some of the water sloshed over the side. You waited a moment.
The knock came again.
You sighed, standing from the bath, the throbbing between your legs growing duller but no more insistent. You slung your robe on, checking in the mirror to make sure you weren’t showing anything you shouldn’t to a visitor. Happy everything was covered, the bottle of wine still dangling between fingers, you pulled open your door.
Larissa was standing on the other side of the door, an odd look in her eye. The smile was gone, and you had to fight against the impulse to step further away from her.
“You weren’t at dinner,” she said, forgoing a proper greeting.
“I wasn’t,” you agreed, “was I meant to be?”
“I was hoping to talk to you,” she said.
“Oh.” You didn’t have an appropriate answer, “about what?”
“About how I have a face that was made to be sat on.”
You froze, ice filling your veins and your blood draining from your face.
“What?” Your voice didn’t sound like your own, like it was coming from miles away.
“Also about how you plan on having me moan your name,” she said.
“I don’t…”
“And given you’ve made me think about this all day, I think it’s more than fair that you let me take this frustration out on you,” she said, “with your body.”
All you could do was stare at her. Her eye flicked down your body then back up to your face. There was a very intense throb between your legs at the look she was giving you.
“Or was this text not meant for my eyes?”
She held up her phone, showing you the long rambling text you thought you’d sent to your friend after the meeting. The ice melted into flames on your cheeks and your eyes widened.
“You weren’t meant to see that,” you said, fingers pressing to your lips.
“Perhaps I should come in,” she suggested, voice softening.
“You really don’t have to. In fact, why don’t you forget about it? Just delete the message and pretend this never happened,” you said, tripping over your words.
“I’d much rather talk about it.”
“Of course you would,” you muttered, holding the door open wider.
She stepped past you, brushing against your arm. You shivered, taking a deep breath before turning into the room. She was looking at one of the framed pictures you had on display, something from your time at college.
“You haven’t changed at all,” she said, flashing a smile over her shoulder at you.
“I’ve changed a bit,” you said, doing your best to keep calm. Even if your shame was plastered all over her phone.
She placed it down, turning with her hands clasped in front of her body. You weren’t sure how to talk about the text. The mix up. The way you’d tear her clothes off immediately if she just asked you to.
“I must say, that text was rather a surprise,” she said.
“I’m sorry,” you said, “it was completely unprofessional and I should never have sent it. Even if it wasn’t meant for you. And I totally understand if you need to take disciplinary actions. It’s sexual harassment at the least.”
“Do you want me to take disciplinary action?” she asked, eyebrows drawing together.
“I don’t want to do that either,” she said, face relaxing once again.
“Oh. Well. Good,” you said, not sure what to do with your hands, “and I’m sorry again.”
“It does place me in an odd position,” she said, “after all, when I thought this attraction was one sided I never thought I’d have to have this discussion.”
“What?” Her words weren’t making sense.
“Well, a one sided infatuation between a boss and their employee is only an issue if I try to coerce you into something you don’t want and doesn’t need anything done about it. But now we need to figure out what we’re going to do,” she said, eyes wandering down your body, “because I’ve spent all day picturing you sitting on my face and I’m determined to make that happen.”
You exhaled, a curse passing over your lips. Her eyes darkened.
“So what are we going to do?” she asked, voice turning husky.
“I’m going to sit on your face,” you replied, breathless and yearning for her touch.
“I was hoping you were going to say that.”
Her fingers found yours, plucking the bottle of wine from you, placing it down on your sideboard. She was close enough for you to smell her perfume, clinging to her like you hoped it would cling to you. You tilted your head up, watching her as she let herself gaze at you, lingering where your robe was tied closed.
Her hands cupped your cheeks, skin warm against yours. She hovered, just a moment longer, stretching out your anticipation. The first press of her lips was like heaven. The second was transcendent. The third had you gasping, burning for more.
Her hands trailed down your body as her tongue licked into your mouth. You made a keening noise, your own hands finally finding a place on her body, grasping her hips as if they were your lifeline. She wrapped you in her arms, body pressing to yours, making your head spin. She kissed you deeper, mapping your mouth as your muffled moans filled the room.
Her fingers found the tie of your robe, slowly tugging on it until it came free. She stepped back from you, lipstick smudged and eyes dark. They swept down your body, parting your robe, gently pushing it from your shoulders.
An impulse to cover your body with your arms sprung up, standing there under her wandering gaze. She caught your arms, fingers curling around your wrists as her eyes swept over you.
“You’re so beautiful,” she murmured, “entirely too delectable.”
You felt your cheeks heat as she continued to stare at you.
“Let me taste you, darling.”
You weren’t going to deny that request. She lifted you, so easily, in her arms, encouraging you to wrap your legs around her waist. You kissed her that time, needing to feel more, to taste her yourself. Her hands were on your skin and she was kissing you deeply and all you wanted was to give her anything she asked for.
She lowered you onto your bed, slow and careful, crawling over your body. Her lips trailed down your throat, teeth scraping against skin. You arched up and she chuckled, low in her throat and muffled against your body.
“Don’t worry, darling,” she said, those blue eyes finding yours again, “I’ll take care of you.”
Her lips wrapped around one nipple and it was so much better than your imagination had been able to come up with. The throbbing between your legs, not having quite dimmed since she’d interrupted your night, was becoming more insistent. The way she sucked had you gasping her name, fingers burying in her hair, uncaring of the pins within it. Her tongue flicked over the hard bud.
“Fuck,” you groaned, tightening your hold on her.
Her fingers skimming over your stomach, your muscles tightening beneath her touch. She kissed across your chest, giving the same attention to the other breast as her finger dipped into your heat. It ran through your folds, making your hips buck up, seeking out her touch. She sat back, looking down at you as she did it again, lips curling up in a smile. Your hands had fallen to her thighs, fingers digging in as you held on, her skirt rucked up.
“All this for me?” she asked.
She withdrew her finger, looking down at the wetness gathered on her fingertip. After considering it a moment, she drew it into her mouth. Your mouth fell open, watching her suck on her finger, tasting your arousal, eyes falling shut.
“You taste so good, my darling,” she purred, blinking her eyes open.
She climbed off you, ignoring your small whine. She repositioned herself on the bed, her head resting on your pillow. Crooking a finger at you, she lay back, waiting for you to join her. You straddled her waist, looking down on her.
You lent down, kissing her, hoping to convey exactly how much you wanted her. How much you’d always wanted her. She hummed into your mouth, hands running down your back until they landed on your hips.
“I want to keep tasting you,” she murmured against your lips, tugging on your hips.
You allowed her to guide you up her body but hesitated as you reached her face.
“Please, darling.”
You looked down into her blue eyes, finding them blown wide as she stared up your body.
“I don’t want to smother you,” you said, voice quiet.
“You won’t,” she replied instantly, “and if it feels like you might I’ll tap your leg three times, just like this.”
She tapped your thigh with her fingers. You nodded, slowly lowering yourself onto her face. Her hands wrapped around your thighs, pulling you down more firmly. You settled, hands finding purchase on your headboard.
Her tongue ran through your folds and your head fell back, a moan falling from your lips. She did it again, this time humming as she did so. The vibration wracked through your body, your hips rutting against her. Her fingers dug in, nose nudging against your clit.
“Fuck, Rissa,” you groaned, fingers tightening on the headboard.
You’d already been worked up before she’d interrupted, your own hand doing a good enough job. This was so much better. It paled in comparison. Fire was licking through your veins, and she was feasting on you like you were feeding a starving woman. Your hips were rocking against her as her tongue dove into you, driving you higher and higher.
You were beyond caring if you were too heavy or were suffocating her. She was moaning into your cunt, clit between her lips, tongue running over you. Her name was a prayer on your lips and desperation was your closest companion. She was so good at it. A master of your body.
The coil within you was tightening, the wave threatening to crest over you. But she was taking her time, exploring every inch of you. You looked down, finding her eyes trained on you. She gave a sharp suck to your bundle of nerves, eyes smouldering at your breathless curse. Hazily, you thought maybe she was paying close attention to every single response you had to her.
She loosened her hold on your hips, allowing you to begin to rock against her face again. But by that point she’d turned teasing, slowing down, never quite touching you how you wanted. You groaned her name, looking down at her, trying to seem scolding. Just as you did, her tongue thrust into you, fucking you like you’d been hoping she would.
You moaned, rocking your hips faster as her tongue drove into you. Her fingers were digging into your thighs hard enough to leave bruises and you were beginning to feel light headed. You ground down, almost chanting her name, doing anything you could to chase your pleasure. She moaned again and your orgasm crashed over you. Tensing above her, fingers aching from how tightly you were holding onto the headboard, a soundless scream came from between parted lips.
Her hold on you softened, kitten licks cleaning you up. You shuddered, oversensitive and still twitching. You pried your fingers from the headboard, looking down at her. She was watching you, eyes crinkled from smiling. You lifted yourself from her face, heating from the glistening arousal on her skin.
You fell to the bed beside her, boneless and satisfied. Her arm curled around your waist, pulling you to her body. The other hand came up, wiping at her face, seemingly amused at what she found. Reaching up, you turned her face towards you, kissing her until you could taste yourself on her tongue.
“Well, darling?” she asked.
“Well what?” you asked.
“Was my face made to be sat on?” she asked.
“Definitely,” you hummed, kissing her again.
She was slow to pull back, indulging in the kiss for a long minutes. When she did, you whimpered, trying to kiss her again. She chuckled, ducking past your lips, standing from the bed.
“Where are you going?” you asked, watching her walk towards your bathroom, still fully clothed, hair rumpled and makeup smeared.
“Did I interrupt your bath?” She turned in the doorway to look at you.
“Yeah,” you replied.
“The water’s cold now but we could finish that bottle of wine in a new one,” she suggested.
You climbed off the bed, rushing over to her on shaking legs. She caught you, looking down at you with such fondness. She tucked your hair behind your ear, bending down to kiss you again. You sighed into her mouth, pressing against her as the chill of the air began to pluck at your skin.
“Bath time,” she muttered against your mouth, pulling back.
“Bath time,” you agreed.
You definitely got to hear her moan your name.
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billiedeansbitch · 5 months
𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐞 (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑)
(𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
Summary: The one where in Larissa sex life is no longer boring or Larissa took chance on a young shapeshifter who had a massive crush on her.
(AO3 link in the title)
A/n: after what it feels like a year of depression (lol) part three is finally done. (It's the longest chapter by far so buckle up)
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It had been two weeks since she found out that she might be, as ridiculous as it sounded, carrying your child in her womb though she was still in the shadows of disbelief and that the results were something of an error because how? Just how…could this all make sense? Even with the results she paid hefty for wasn’t at all convincing. Were there some lessons she missed in the anatomy class that could somehow explain this phenomenon? 
It felt cruel and sad, being played like this, it was her body yet it felt like it wasn’t her own. She was supposed to feel it, right? She should know like all the women who were able to predict their pregnancy by trusting their instinct—maybe her instinct wasn’t that strong enough to feel the changes going on or if there were any to begin with but her period was late. She missed it and that was enough for her to worry.
But alas, Larissa gave her mind a rest, choosing to not dwell on the matter; her days went as normal, nobody suspected anything, not even you. The sex continued, and it was great. She was living her best life…supposedly.
When morning came and the sunlight swept across the walls through the gaps of the curtains at seven in the morning on a wednesday, Larissa was up and about managing through her routine that she had so religiously been doing ever since she could remember.
The coffee was left brewing in the kitchen for later while she took her time in the bedroom, picking her clothes, the accessories she’d wear for the day, her perfume, what kind of wrist watch she was in the mood for and so on. Again, everything was normal like it should be.
Sated with the outcome of her makeup, she gave herself a once over through the mirror. She then slipped her kitten heels over her stocking clad feet, feeling them in since they were new and fresh out of the box.
Looking past her shoulders, she couldn’t help but let her eyes wander to her already made bed. Only three days ago you were lying there on your stomach, clad in nothing but her shirt that was obviously too big, swallowing your form until the tops of your thighs as you “innocently” read a book from her shelf.
It could have fooled her by the way the space between your brows creased but upon seeing the cover was turned upside down she knew you were only doing it for show or maybe you were bored out of your mind that your last resort to ease yourself was by doing something remotely childish.
Larissa made it a point to tell you that you were “reading” it wrong as she crossed her bedroom to grab a set of underwear from her drawer to which you told her that it was on purpose, that you were testing out how far you could read them upside down. She hummed, a smile unfurling on her lips. The woman was inexplicably drawn to you that even this did nothing to change her mind about you.
She let you be, hearing your soft murmurs in the background as she slid some clothes on. It was funny to think that only half an hour ago you were rearranging her insides and whispering filthy things into her ear making her own cum spill down the bedsheets. God, she was missing you already and there was no way she was able to deny it by the way she felt her chest squeezed.
The kitchen smelled like coffee when she entered the space, its aroma was so rich it nearly made her salivate. She needed it to start with her day knowing well that her body required it to function and stay alert, yet in the midst of pouring herself a cup, Larissa halted feeling a strange turn in her stomach and put the pot down. What little she had poured was wasted away in the sink.
Instead, she grabbed something to snack on: a mix of nuts that she had been liking as of late. She then left the house early and opted for a concoction of fresh blended fruit juice as well as two medium sized blueberry muffins from the roadside cafe on her way to Nevermore, she also ordered a loaf of their special banana bread with the intention to share it with the Nevermore staff and a slice for her, too, just incase she got hungry in the middle of work which she often did these past few days.
“Good morning, Principal Weems.” Enid, ever the sweet girl she was, greeted Larissa in the hallway on her way to the teacher’s lounge holding the goodies in one hand as the other held her drink.
The bounce in Enid’s step was enough for the woman to feel sort of amused. She reciprocated the smile and she greeted her, too.
“You look glowing, Principal Weems.” The younger woman chirped, still smiling. Larissa felt blush creeped to her cheeks. It wasn’t odd for Enid to rain people with compliments, it was actually her brand, and Larissa wasn’t a stranger to it as she, herself, had received it plenty of times yet she found herself dumbfounded particularly by this one. Her, glowing? Of course, she kept her appearance as sophisticated as one could muster while running an entire school of outcasts but glowing? No amount of makeup or creams or moisturisers she lathered her skin with could make her glow unless Enid was lying. Or buttering her up for something she wanted to ask as a favour from her later.
Before the woman could react, Enid was saying goodbye and breezed past her to catch up with her friends in the end of the hallway.
She brushed it off and headed to the teacher’s lounge.
This time it was the new professor who complimented her whilst taking a slice of banana bread for herself. Larissa could only stand right there and smile.
One by one they all had their piece, the last one to grab was Professor Vladimir, moaning when he took a bite. Larissa felt pleased by everyone's reactions, it was as if she baked it herself.
The little nudge on her arm pried her mind off of her thoughts, it was Professor Vladimir eyeing her, it was something that let Larissa know that she should leave now or she’d have to put up with his teasing.
“What’s the special occasion?” He had this irritating habit of wiggling his eyebrows up and down while he gave her smile that was just as ridiculous. “Had a good lay, Rissy?” She knew that nickname was coming and yet she had the audacity to be shocked and eyed him dirty.
“Do me a favour and shut your mouth, Vlad.” It was spoken discreetly low that only he could hear it. Looking around, Larissa felt eased seeing everyone was busy conversing amongst themselves.
Alexander Vladimir was her friend, a gay guy that had this exceptionally good facial harmony even with the moustache that made Larissa want to shave it off herself. They had been friends since their own time at Nevermore, and now, here they were, still friends though Larissa doubted it wouldn’t be for long if he kept pestering her with his comments about you. (Oh yes, he knew about you.)
It all started when he caught you one afternoon creeping out in the hallway, Larissa’s lipstick smeared on your skin and hair was a little bit tousled. It wasn’t rocket science to figure that you were both fucking, he could never judge one’s happiness. He had taken so much pride knowing something else not many were privy to. It made him lose his goddamn mind and since then he never stopped harassing her with questions and teasing.
And although Larissa wasn’t ready to spill her secrets out, it oddly felt good to finally talk about you, to have someone listen to her as she gushed over and over how amazing you were as a person but of course it didn’t all happen in one seating during tea time. He coaxed her out of it and in return, he divulged his recent rendezvous with the groundskeeper. To this day, Larissa felt traumatized from all the information her friend should have kept all to himself.
“Tell me, love, have you done anal? Or sixty-nine ‘cause girl, you are fucking glowing. You aren’t keeping her hostage under your desk or tied to your bed posts, are you?”
Larissa nearly did a spit take, though she quickly recovered and schooled her expression. She did a quick sweep around before jabbing her elbow to his side earning her a yelp.
“Girl, you can deny it in ten different ways and I ain’t gonna believe you. Who cares if you do? I don’t. You can keep her all year long over or under any surface of your office and I wouldn’t dare say a thing.”
Okay, that was it. Larissa’s nostrils flared, eyeing down the man. If he could casually talk like that with all these people in the room, no doubt Larissa could casually wring his neck as well but the thought soon vanished when another teacher joined their space leaving Larissa fuming underneath a calm expression.
She put a practiced smile on her, looking sweet and all as if in her mind she wasn’t thinking about murdering her friend.
It was Mrs Bowen, the music teacher, rubbing her very swollen pregnant belly in front of Larissa. A belly that Larissa could swear wasn’t as prominent as it was now when she last saw the woman, she couldn’t even recall if she sent a congratulatory note or anything.
Subconsciously, she placed a hand flat on her stomach, mimicking the other woman.
“Mrs Bowen! It feels like I haven’t seen you in ages. How far along are you again? It looks like you’re ready to pop!” It was Vlad who broke the ice first. Larissa stayed silent, pensively rubbing her thumb on the soft spot of her belly.
“Almost eight months. I’m carrying triplets.” She made a show by pushing her belly outward.
“Damn that’s a horde! How many positions did you do with your husband to conceive not just one but three?”
The high pitch chuckle broke Larissa out of her trance, removing her hand and letting it fall on her side to appear as if she was smoothing her dress. Thankfully everyone was well occupied to notice the gesture.
“Just one. It runs in the family you know. My husband is a quadruplet.”
“Wow…okay, wow. Really wow.”
“Congratulations on the babies again, Mrs Bowen. ” Larissa said finally.
“Thank you, Principal Weems. I kinda want to ask you, well, I was gonna drop an invitation at your office but I can’t climb two flights of stairs like I used to anymore so I’m just gonna say it. It’s my baby shower this upcoming holiday break. I know it’s quite early but my husband and I decided it’s for the best.”
It was plain as day that the impromptu invitation had caught her off guard, she blinked a few times, she didn’t even realize her jaw was clenched and her brows were raised, as her breath was suspended.
She looked at Mrs Bowen’s face, then down her engorged belly, then back up to her face again. She had no qualms with the pregnant woman, hell, Mrs Bowen was the sweetest, most down to earth living person she encountered in this godforsaken town, but she couldn’t find it in herself to be in a…celebratory mood?
“That’s—” it felt like her voice was caught up in her throat “—that’s wonderful. I, um, I have to check if my schedule is clear but I’ll keep it in mind.” she said, putting a practiced smile on her face. She wanted to leave.
“Excuse me, I have to go. Have a lovely day for both of you and see you around.”
Larissa sat in front of her desk, the drink she had was forgotten on the table letting the condensation from the melted ice drip.
Seeing Mrs Bowen in her state made Larissa think about herself. It made her heart beat faster, the image of herself with a big protruding belly was unnerving enough as it was and it was made worse by the thought of how, just fucking how, was she going to go through all stages of pregnancy. Not that anything was confirmed yet, but she just couldn’t help herself.
And it terrified her. The future terrified her. If only she could just pull out the test kits she had hiding in her drawer and piss on it, wait for some goddamn five minutes, and be done. She would at least get a grip of what was really going on, though it felt like it wasn’t that easy.
Maybe a part of her was already hoping no matter how much she denied it while the rest was just scared of the disappointing truth but wouldn’t it be better? You were young, free spirited, you often gush about how you’d want to travel the world and explore. You had a full life right ahead of you and she was not selfish to ask anything of you but she knew you were not a terrible person, you wouldn’t just leave.
Thinking about it made me nauseous. It wasn’t supposed to get this serious. None of these were supposed to happen.
She was fucking turning forty-four in a few months, and this kind of dilema was absolutely not she was expecting at this age.
That day she decided she was too overwhelmed and unwell to properly function so she gave into her whims and she went home and spent the rest of the day in her bed wishing you were there to hold her.
Eventually it was the end of the week with a long weekend ahead, Professors were gathering their belongings to spend weekends with their families for those who live far away, and students were getting ready for whatever plans they had for the weekend.
She watched from the balcony how the thick crowd dispersed until few of the staff were left roaming the grounds, only then did she summon herself to collect her things, deeming herself ready to go home.
In the middle of applying a fresh coat of lipstick, she couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by the silence, the hollowed feeling that lingered in her chest. She didn't know how the thought got to her but she imagined a gummy smile welcoming her home with a tiny pair of hands opening and closing, too eager to grab a fistful of her clothes. The smell of baby powder and cologne as she buries her face on the crook of a little one’s neck and then you…
She thought about you kissing her and helping take her coat off. She thought about spending her Saturdays in her backyard, lounging on a massive picnic blanket under the tree, indulging the day with books and some wine, and then you’d be both surprised because your daughter just took her first step, and her heart was clenching, a proud smile displayed on her face while you were absolutely freaking out because what if she fell flat on her face?
(Okay. Fuck. Goddamnit)
The sound of the drawer slamming closed harder than it was necessary reverberated in the room. She was hot on her heels, ushering herself into the bathroom, leaving the door open, she held two pregnancy tests with a firm grip.
With bated breath, she sat on the toilet and used the first stick.
When you arrived on a Saturday morning, Larissa had just come out of her bedroom. You were still in the hallway, your overnight bag hanging on your shoulder, two paper bags occupying your arms. On your way, you took it upon yourself to buy groceries not wanting Larissa to think you were freeloading off of her or abusing her kindness, plus you thought about cooking for her instead of feeding her take outs.
Your eyes lingered to the way the flimsy straps of her baby blue nightgown that hung loosely on her shoulders, it made you feel things, and when they went south noticing how it was cut mid her thighs, giving you enough skin to ogle at. You couldn’t possibly contain your hunger for her. Her skin looked supple, rosy around the cheeks and freckles around her shoulders going down the length of her arms.
Her nipples peaked from the chill of the morning, and the sunlight casted on her skin gave an ethereal kind of glow. You couldn’t ponder how this was real. How she was real.
Before taking the groceries to the kitchen, you dropped the bag in the hallway, mentally noting to pick it up for later, ��I let myself in again thinking you were still probably asleep.”
You walked up to her and she met you halfway. There were bags under her eyes denoting the lack of sleep, and her eyes, they look tired and conflicted.
The groceries almost fell when she surged forward, hands cupping your face, pressing a kiss on your lips and knocking out your breath. You wanted to grab the back of her neck, pull her deeper and kiss her harder. You wanted to reciprocate her obvious longing but you couldn’t unless you wanted spilt milk and raw eggs all over the floor.
“Mhmm, later. I need to put this away first.” So with that, you reluctantly pulled away, sauntering over to the kitchen to put the bags on the counter where she followed you, not letting herself be away from you and it made your heart clench.
Larissa kept the distance between you within an arm’s length, leaning her back on the counter behind you, watching you take the fresh produce out of the bag one by one but there was a lot packed in one bag and you didn’t think you had the patience to put them away, not if she was looking at you like that, not when something felt wrong.
The eggs were the last thing you pulled out and set on the counter. When you faced her, she had her lower lip worried in between her teeth, “Baby, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
She shook her head, stepping closer. The instant you opened your arms, your bodies collided. She rested her forehead against yours, “Sorry.”
You brush a strand away from her face, letting your fingertips linger around her jawbone, “It’s okay. I missed this, too.” you told her, getting a sense that it was the reason that made Larissa emotional, and to think that missing you had this effect on her made you want to wrap her in your arms more; to never let her go.
You offered her a wink, hoping to enlighten her and kissed the tip of her nose, it usually earned you a chuckle or a kiss in response but right now, Larissa only sighed.
Your mind circled back to how you thought her eyes looked very tired, and they still were, missing its shine. You could barely see yourself reflecting in them.
“How about you steal a couple more hours of sleep, hm? As soon as I’m finished putting the groceries away, I will lie with you and then after you have your rest we’ll have breakfast. I’ll make waffles, you like that, right?”
It took her a moment to reply, her eyes watching you closely like she had many times before after sharing an intimate moment that left you both emotionally vulnerable.
“I missed you.” she said, cupping your face. The pad of her left thumb grazed the corner of your lips, stroking the skin tenderly.
“And I missed you a whole lot more. So, so much. I have been thinking about you day and night. Most of my dreams were about you which is embarrassing because even in my sleep, I was obsessed about you.” That, thankfully, made her smile even just a tiny bit, barely perceptible if you hadn’t been this close to see it.
“Do you mean it?” She asked and you gave her a reassuring nod.
“Yes, I do. Now, let’s get you in bed.”
In between the conversation, you felt yourself closer to slipping from what you really wanted to tell her, though you held back and managed. It still felt early to say it and you were afraid of how she’d react. There were too many what ifs and none of them were doing you good. So, as long as you didn’t say it, you still had a chance of still being with her and protecting both of your peace.
Looking away, to shake the thoughts off, something caught your attention interestingly enough. On the bench at the end of the bed, you recognized the neatly folded clothes. They were your pyjamas. She must have been expecting you last night, you knew she had this habit of preparing both of your clothes whenever you were staying so it wasn’t completely random to find them there.
In that moment, from where you stood, you were struck with just how much Larissa deeply cared for you. It was palpable from the things she did for you, for what she had sacrificed by far. Because you knew a woman in her twenties being seen in public with another woman twice her age would have had people to turn their heads, and it was sad because it would only take a second for them to judge you, but mostly her. In their eyes she was a predator that preyed on the young. It would do less damage on you even if you were the one who pushed yourself to be with her.
She had a reputable image that she was putting at risk for you so if that didn’t speak volume of how much she was willing to do to be with you, you would be a goddamn idiot to still think that this woman didn’t feel the same way as you do if not more.
“Darling?” Her voice reeled you back at the present moment, she was already in bed, laying on her side with her head propped on her hand.
If your heart could grow every time you think you love her, it would have been massive, uncontainable even. Yes, yes you love her.
“Just give me a second,” You shed your pants, followed by the shirt you have on, then you reached behind you to unclasped your bra which soon fell on top of the messy pile. At this point, your body was on autopilot, acting according to what felt necessary.
You needed her to know that her effort hadn’t gone to waste. You took the simple white tee from the bench, sniffing it briefly. It smelled like her. In fact, the whole room smelled just like her, and you basked in its scent, in its comfort that it gave you knowing that as long as you were in this room you were hers and she was yours, the rest of the world didn’t matter.
You joined her after, sliding into the warm soft sheets and into her awaiting arms. You throbbed to be this close to her all week long, nothing could make up for it, not the facetime calls or the voice messages, or pictures. They all did manage to fill in at least an inch of your longing but nothing could quite beat having her next to you and breathing onto her skin, feeling her pulse beneath your touch and her lips against yours.
She was the pleasure you couldn’t deny yourself from. Every single bit of you was latching like vines around her unwilling to release itself. You craved for the sweet taste of the mornings where her smile ended up on your lips, before you were lapping up the coats of her essence around your fingers and swallowing it.
The silence stretched for a while, the words you wanted to relieve your chest from stayed caged; guarded within your ribs. You wanted her so much you wanted to do this right and you would…just not right now.
Everything was in motion when you blinked, your breath coming in deep, expanding your lungs with the sickening burn. Her scent filled your brain with a high level of dopamine making you feel fuzzy all over.
“What happened to putting away the groceries first?” She asked, a mild tone of amusement apparent in her voice, shifting herself so you could lay your head on her arm.
You snuggled forward, hiding your face on the crook of her neck, “Change of plans.” You breathed out. You then sling an arm around her waist, bridging whatever gap was left until you were all flushed against her with your legs slotted in between her thighs. “Would you rather I do them now?”
“No. I want you exactly where you are right now.” And to prove her words, Larissa wrapped her other arm around you, trapping you into her hold then she hummed, threading her fingers along your hair.
You smirked against her skin, feeling the light satisfaction her answer gave. “That’s what I thought.” And for sure she must have felt it or something because she playfully pinched your arm.
Repeating the process of combing through your hair, you grew silent, your breaths were evened and relaxed, even the tension she noticed the moment she held you disappeared. For a second there she thought you had fallen asleep, which made it kind of funny because you were the one who insisted she was the one who needed some sleep, but she wasn’t going to tease you now. Perhaps, you were just as tired as her, she couldn’t ponder how you could get up at the ungodly hours of the morning and drive two hours to get here.
That was until her skin was met with the warm wet feeling of your mouth. The sensations she adored had rendered her eyes closed. “Darling,” Her hips bucked in the slightest way. It felt like encouragement on your part, as well as the way her back arched causing her breasts to thrust forward. And you couldn’t keep it in yourself anymore, you detached your mouth from her clavicle, continuing your exploration to her mouth and kissed her while you palmed her breast over the silk.
She paused in the middle of the kiss, brows knitting together. You felt her hand cupped the back of yours stilling your movement, “Be gentle,”
“But I’m being gentle?”
“Extra gentle, honey.” You nodded, leaning forward to kiss her again, and your hand resumed working on her breast, “This okay?”
It took her a minute to answer a simple “yes...” it was breathy, almost sounding unsure, but she pushed herself, nibbling on your lip before you had the chance to overthink her tone and you kissed her back with feral need.
The pleasure was slowly building instead of pain, and it went on, until eventually you were yearning to have it in your mouth. With a simple yank on the neckline of her nightgown, her breasts were freed and exposed.
The sight of her nipples hard and rosy sent blush all over your face, it was like seeing them the first time again. But what really tipped you over the edge was the way they looked fuller, more supple and round with new veins visibly showing.
Her fingers in your hair grew slack before they found purchase on your shoulder when your lips suddenly took one nipple in, and it was chased by a muffled cry.
Pushing your shoulder back, she looked down, surprised by just how sensitive and sore she was and it hadn’t been a minute since having them in your mouth.
Wide eyed, you asked, “Sorry, did I hurt you again?”
“No, they’re just quite sensitive.” she was rubbing the nipple with her thumb to alleviate the tingling.
“I’m really sorry.” The fear of hurting her again extinguished your desire, even if it was unintentional you couldn’t erase the pained expression she had.
“I told you it’s okay.”
“Maybe we should stop? Or are you hungry? I can–” Larissa grabbed your wrist before you could get out of bed.
“No, no, not hungry, though a few hours of sleep sounds appealing now.”
You returned back to your previous position, “I’m sorry to cut your fun, sweetheart.” She dropped a kiss on your forehead, her thumb rubbing your brow to soothe the frown on your face, “I’ll make it up to you later, is that alright?”
“We don’t have to do anything later if that’s what you’re hinting at. I’m content to just lay here with you and spend the rest of the day rotting in this bed.”
“Oh, is that right?” Larissa chuckled at your choice of words, pressing a kiss onto your hairline.
“Ahuh, I’m okay. Now, will you turn your back on me please, and let me spoon you?” your voice was muffled by the soft skin of her chest when you murmured.
“Did I hear you right? My baby wants to spoon me?”
My baby. Your chest tightened at that. “Please?”
You both exchanged a look with smiles invading both your lips. Without another word Larissa turned her back on you and you gladly offered your arm for her to rest her head, while the other hugged her waist from behind.
Quickly, you were both engulfed by the blissful comfort of silence, hushing the pestering thoughts that loomed. It settled your heart at the right pace. You ever wondered if it ever felt the same way for her.
And as if she could read your mind, she held your hand and brought it to her chest letting you feel her heart thudding softly on your palm. You took that as the answer and smiled.
“Good night, my love.” You nuzzled your nose on the side of her neck like a cat, smelling traces of her body wash and perfume, some of her shampoo as well. Your brain was so fuzzy it didn’t question the last two words.
Meanwhile, Larissa’s heart leapt to her throat.
The last time Larissa had locked herself in her office’s private restroom, pacing back and forth with her head pulsing, was outreach day. She was barefooted, she had an unlit cigarette in between her fingers thumbing the filter, too tempted to lit the stick.
And yesterday, she found herself in the same situation. She paced along the black and white tiles with her arms hugging her middle. She had an impending headache so she stopped and pressed her back against the wall. She closed her eyes for a minute, feeling the coolness seeping to her back. She would probably regret this right after but she was far too emotionally stressed to care. She then dramatically slid down until she was sitting, the length of her legs stretched out, one ankle over the other.
The beating of her heart was too damn fast, her tears welling up the corners of her eyes until her vision was a blur and it all came leaking down her face.
On the counter, near the sink, two white test kits laid parallel to one another showing identical results.
Larissa laughed when she picked it up again, staring at the two visible pink lines.
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caitlynscat · 1 year
Weems: Miss Sinclair, your girlfriend better have a good reason as to why she’s not here today.
Enid internally: Oh god make up and excuse! Any excuse!
Enid: She’s pregnant!
Weems: I’m sorry, come again?
Enid internally: You idiot! What kind of an excuse is that?!
Enid: Sorry I meant to say I’m pregnant Miss Weems.
Enid internally: What the hell is wrong with you?!
Enid internally: Fix this NOW
Enid: We’re pregnant!
Weems: *about to pass out* I don’t understand-
Enid: IM SORRY THATS NOT TRUE! NONE OF THAT IS TRUE! I’m really sorry, Miss Weems.
Enid internally: For the love of god Enid, just tell her the truth that she went to continue her investigation!
Enid: She’s dead actually.
Weems faints.
Enid: She’ll be back tomorrow though.
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wifeofwandamaximoff · 4 months
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A/N: Sorry it took so long to update I just didn't really have the motivation also I usually don't proofread my work so I do apologize. Also I wanted to update as quick as I can while making this so its a bit smaller then I would've preferred but ill try to make a longer part next time! Also thank you Max for the tips!
"Come in." Weems said from the other side of the doors. Oh how her voice was so raspy and soft. It's like whenever she talks her words are coated in love spider webs.
I step into her office, mentally preparing myself to see her. Once i'm in her office I instantly see her red plump lips that look so inviting. I quickly shake my head slightly to get out of my trance.
"Im here for our art lesson." I said with my stoic expression, my voice sounding like a hundred freshly made blades.
"Ah yes Miss Addams, I apologize I lost track of time." She said apologetically. Which I stared at her. The air in the room wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable either. She then decided to interrupt the silence.
"Follow me to the art studio then, this is where we will meet up instead of you coming to my office just like today." She smiled while standing up and walking around her desk.
She opened the door for me, I then step out of her office and wait for her to lead the way. When she was walking on her way to walk in front of me our hand's gently grazed each other. Making me feel spiders crawl in my stomach.
"Here we go Miss Addams." She smiled sweetly while opening a door. Inside there were a bunch of blank canvases, art supplies, etc. Basically any art supplies that some artist wished to have is right here in this very room.
I scan the room to see two canvases set up for the both of us and two stools. I look back at her to see her smiling at me with that soft smile that could make even an Addams's heart melt.
"Lets begin Miss Addams." She smiled, gesturing towards the stools. I stay quiet and go sit on one of the stools. She then goes to occupy the other one.
"Now Miss Addams what do you already know about art?" She asks me. I look at her, thinking if I should answer her or not. Eventually I decided to.
"About how to make art or what is art?" I asked in my icy cold tone. I see her a shiver a bit from that tone making my lips twitch in a small smirk. I quickly turn away, hoping she didn't see it.
"Well I suppose I should be more specific, what is art Miss Addams?" She said while clearing her throat. I see her starting to take off her gloves to reveal her soft porcelain skin.
Seeing her pale skin makes me shiver, but of course my skin was paler. "Art is a way of communicating with your thoughts and feelings, but thats the deeper meaning. Art is an object that is expressed with skill and imagination." I said while getting some acrylic paint out.
Weems just looks at me with a soft smile. "You think outside the box Miss Addams." She compliments. "Your first assignment is to paint what you have on your mind right now. Now this may take a couple of sessions to complete but do not rush."
I then think for a moment, I then look around the room. My eyes then look at her. In that moment I then decided what I was gonna paint.
The next day I was roaming the halls when Enid came up to me.
"Bell! The Poe Cup is soon and I was wondering if you could join us? Wednesday said she'll go if you go so please say yes!" Enid squealed. Shaking my shoulders making my tempted to cut off her fingers and stack them right in front of her.
"Ill think about it now please don't ever touch me again." I said before pushing her away. Not too hard but not to soft either.
I then walk to the quad, up from above I see Weems with her binoculars looking down at all the students. Our eyes then lock making her put her binoculars down and smile at me. Making a bowl of spiders crawl in my stomach. Which was definitely a feeling I was unaware of. I then turn away, walking to the art room since it was my free period and deciding to work on my painting for a while.
I peeked back a bit to see Weems with a sad expression before going back into her office.
I walked into the art room and looked over at Weems's painting. It seemed like a painting of black rose. My favorite rose...
"Lets play 21 questions hm? I think its only right since we will be giving these paintings to each other." Weems smiled at me. I just nodded.
"You will got first Weems." I said flatly while giving her my usual glare. She just nodded before thinking for a bit.
"Why did you decide to come to Nevermore?" She asked me after a few minutes. I think about my answer for a bit.
"Because I was in a boarding school in France before. I was there for a few years and I decided I wanted a change of scenery and Wednesday has expressed how much she wanted me to come back through our letters to each other." I said while starting to paint the background. Some clouds with hues of pale yellow.
"A boarding school in France? Wednesday told you she missed you?" Weems said, firing questions at me.
"Wednesday and I are very close. We always did everything with each other and for the question about me going to France for school. I needed to get away from mother and father. They were too affectionate and over-protective." I said while creating soft stroked on my canvas. I look over to see Weems with a bit of a sad look.
"Too affectionate?" She said in a bit of a sad tone which she tried to hide but I caught on right away.
"Yes too affectionate, they would smother me in hugs and kisses and always made sure to know where I was going." I said a bit softer then usual.
She just nodded which I thought was a bit strange but I brushed it off. I then started to think of what I should ask her.
"Do you think angels are good?" I asked. She looked at me perplexed since this was a strange question for me to ask her. She then thought for a bit.
"I do believe angels are good Miss Addams. They are supernatural beings that have many tales about their good deeds and what they have done for humans in the past." She said. I then see her finally starting to pain.
"Yes but only of their good deeds, they must have committed something down right sinful at least once." I said while starting to paint some golden gates. The gate ways to heaven hell. As I believed she was sent from heaven hell.
"What's your favorite flower Miss Addams?" She asked with a smile.
"A black rose." I said with ease. One of the easiest questions that could she could ask from me.
"It represents elegance and mystery." I said while glancing over at her. I see her get out black, grey, and white paint. I then quickly assume she will be painting my flower which made the corner of my lips turn up a bit before I shook that odd pleasant feeling down.
I then quickly return back to the present. Though I felt a strange feeling when I realized she was painting my favorite flower.Even though I already knew that it still made spiders crawl in my stomach. Basking myself in joy despair.
I then hear Enid calling my name which me roll my eyes. I then hear her open the door to the art room to see me which made her grin widely.
"Bella! Can you participate in the Poe Cup this year please?" Enid asked with puppy eyes which didn't prove effective on me.
"No." I stated plainly before going back to painting.
"Please Bella? I know I already asked today but please??" She pouted which made me roll my eyes before sighing.
"Fine." I said, finally relenting to join this silly event.
"Really?" Enid said happily, about to go in for a hug before I glared at her. Signaling to not do that.
"Oh Principal Weems will be so happy that you'll join! I told her how I wanted you to join the team today and she hoped that you would join and you did! I have to go thank her!" Enid smiled excitedly.
"Oh and we'll build the boat this week!" Enid smiled before walking out.
I sighed, already regretting my decision to join the Poe Cup. But I then thought about how Weems would be happy to see me play which made it kind of worth it.
I snap out of my daze, looking back at my painting of an angel. As I saw Larissa Weems as an angel. I mentally conflicted with myself if I should use Weems's face but decided against it since it would seem weird. I decided to put a mask on the angel. The identity hidden.
I then feel something crawl on my shoulder to see Thing. I glare at Thing, mentally saying to get off my shoulder.
Thing decided to stay on my shoulder which irritates me.
"What do you need Thing?" I asked while starting to paint the mask of the angel. Thing quickly starts doing signals which makes me look at him.
"You want me to help Enid build the boat?" I said asking him. Which makes him sign a yes. I sigh, looking back at my painting before starting to clean up.
"I suppose." I said setting Thing down on the floor. Thing then starts to lead the way to where our team was building the boat.
In the distance I see the blonde werewolf and my sister. I get closer and seem them both trying to paint a black cat which makes me sigh. I then decide to paint the other side.
"Leave the painting to me you fools." I said starting to paint. Enid looks surprised that I was helping out since Wednesday probably told her I wouldn't. It seems that Wednesday was surprised to. I just glare at them making them both quickly go back to painting the other side.
"Thing tie my hair up." I ordered which makes him do so obediently. He ties my hair making my raven hair into a ponytail. My hair shining a deep purple in the sun.
After about an hour of painting I am halfway done with my side. I look over to see the two gone. I then feel three sets of eyes looking at me. I turn around to see Enid and Wednesday looking at me paint. But there were only two people behind me. I drag my eyes around my vicinity to see no one us but us three. Weird...
I decide to ignore it and go back to painting my cat for our team.
After about another hour I finish my painting, going back a few steps to marvel at my work. I see Enid come closer, inspecting it before turning to me and smiling.
"Oh Bella it looks amazing! Thank you!" She said happily, about to go in for a hug which makes me step back immediately. Like second nature.
I see Wednesday right next to me, shoulder to shoulder. I see Enid looking at us excitedly before pulling out her brain sucking device.
"We should take a picture and make memories!" She said excitedly before snapping a picture of me and Wednesday making me a bit mad but I suppose it was okay. Just one photo...
After Enid took our photo I demanded to see it. Conflicting with myself if I could delete it or not. I take the phone and look at the picture. Me and Wednesday standing shoulder to shoulder, Enid in the corner of the picture. A failed part on hers of trying to include herself in the selfie. I then examine the photo.
But in the background I see a shadow...A shadow of a large figure. The tree right next to the shadow has three claw marks...
I then look back to see the shadow gone but the marks still there...
@poorwritingandstalecoffee  @maxfanartfan @a-goblin-named-cherry
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