#weiner soliders
libraford · 4 months
Park Cleanup Pet Peeves
I'll be starting my seasonal gig at Parks and Rec in a couple months and I've got a couple things I wanna say. I know that this will probably not reach the people who need to hear it, but if ONE LESS person leaves the parks a mess, I will be That Much Happier.
-You're not supposed to smoke, drink, or have sex in public parks but I know that people will anyway. But if you are going to do those things, please dispose of the evidence in the trash cans. A human has to pick these things up.
-Dog poop goes in a bag. Bag goes in the trash can.
-The little wax paper liners in the women's room? See you're supposed to put your pad/tampon in that wax paper bag, take the bag out of the bin, and then dispose of it in the actual trash can. Don't feel bad, no one told me either. Also no one told the dudes I work with. But this reduces direct exposure to bodily fluids, especially as the summer gets on and it gets hot in those bathrooms.
-On that subject! The little bins that they go in next to the toilet? Don't stick trash in there. Don't put diapers in there. Also don't put beer cans crushed in such a specific way that I slice my hand on them as I try to jimmy it out of there. Literally, that bin is too small for most things. They are meant specifically for those brown bags. Please for the love of god, throw things in the trash can.
-As for the urinals, please no solids. Most commonly gum and chewed tobacco, but you can use your imagination.
-If you're doing a photo shoot or an event with confetti, please use a paper confetti instead of a plastic one- its easier to get rid of.
-If you're doing a pizza party, we'd rather you stack the pizza boxes in a pile next to the trash can instead of trying to fit them in the trash. Because then we can just throw the trash bag over the top and tie it instead of trying to fish it out. This kind of goes for any big trash- if it won't fit in the trash can easily, don't try.
-Please don't call cops on people sleeping in the parks if they're not bothering anyone. Even if they've been sleeping there all day. Dude's just trying to chill.
-Destruction of the toilets will result in the indefinite locking of the restrooms. You ruined them and now everyone at the softball tournament can blame you for it.
-Parks people are not the police. We are maintenance workers who are not trained to handle most emergencies and the most we can do in any situation is report to the proper department. Please don't look to us for answers if someone is starting a fight.
-Also please don't spit on us for driving on the path. We're permitted to. Its essential for us to drive on the path to do our job.
-please don't abandon animals at the park. Rehome them properly. I spent a whole week trying to catch a rooster last summer.
-look, I get it- 'oh no, your pretty building has writing on it!' Grafitti is so edgy. We get it. But it means Jacob has to sand it off now so that the kids at the birthday party don't see a giant drawing of a weiner. Acts of rebellion that create more work for the working class are not revolutionary.
-please do not set fire to the Tiny Free Library. Why did you do that? That's mean.
-please do not feed bread to ducks and geese. Corn, birdseed, lettuce- those are better for them. If you want to reduce tge amount of goose poop in the parks, shop feeding them bread.
-also do not anger tge geese. They remember what its like to be dinosaurs.
I'll have more later, probably, once the season wears on.
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goodmorningdove · 3 months
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so it turns out that this was a magzine ad (the magazine was called weiner chic) but for a solid minute i was like "haha a hotdog ad that looks like it's an ad for E that's hilarious" but then i noticed the subscription price and was like "wait. what the hell is this for if not E?"
anyway transfems what do you think of this <3 i love u all btw
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zachsmilk · 6 months
Ren and Grian mayhaps? Breeding kink ofc
yeah sure here you go, weiners below
the doodles the text one the finish
was unsure who you want to be the bottom, but i hope this is okay. i procrastinated on this so sorry, believe it or not i get quite flustered drawing porn and avoid it until i feel like getting it over with.
i never thought about ren and grian as a ship or anything, this is really interesting, so thank you anon
(also sorry, i dont have a solid grian design yet, so sorry if its not great)
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transmutationisms · 1 year
what things do you like besides succession? that is to say if we like your thoughts on the themes slash general makeup of succession would you have any further recommendations.
ok i had to think about this wjdkdjwk honestly if anything scratched the exact same itch as succession i wouldn't be so bonkers about it. but. so the thing people will always tell you to watch is 'arrested development,' which is a good sitcom but is not really all that much like succ except superficially. there's also 'the thick of it,' which is more similar, and 'veep' (less similar, american, not really psychological in the same way; the early seasons are solid for what they are). i have some major gripes with 'mr robot,' but when it's good it's good, so throw that on the list i guess. for books i would say 'cat on a hot tin roof,' and 'king lear' and 'crime and punishment' are sort of obvious references here. 'every body' by olivia laing is kind of annoying but it's about wilhelm reich, so it feels wrong not to shout it out here. 'choke' by chuck palahniuk and 'the four humors' by mina seçkin both do different neat things with bodily fluids and functions. 'uncanny valley' by anna weiner is funny if you want to shit on startup culture for a couple hours. also i think zola's 'germinal' is actually kind of an intertext via discourses of lamarckism lol
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insult-2-injury · 1 year
A Corndog Catastrophe
This is a very important fic I wrote for @chickenparm months ago that I think deserves to finally see god's light.
Tags: 682 wc, Jimmy Dean corndog, tragedy
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Truth is fickle. Someone like Zhongli would tell you that the truth is a simple thing, a plain thing; concrete and unmoving. But the truth isn’t so unshakeable, you think. In fact, there are only a few solid truths that have withstood the test of time. 
One: a hungry Paimon is a dangerous Paimon.  
And two: Scaramouche is a petty little twat.
He’s late getting back to camp again, and you know exactly why. One silly little comment about the bell on his hat and he’s withholding your dinner. A real sourpuss. “It’s just nice that I can hear you coming from down the road,” you’d reasoned, but it seemed being compared to a kitten with a bell around its neck was a most insulting thing to your new traveling companion.
So when the crown of that very hat peeks over the horizon, you immediately leap up from beside your dwindling campfire.
“You’re late!” you shout and then pause to furrow your brows, “did you really walk all the way back from the city?”
“You think I’d be caught dead flying across the foothills with this foul waste you call food?” he spits, aggravated.
You grin at the image of him hauling ass across Sumeru with a baguette poking out of his satchel and your anger at him subsides momentarily. Scaramouche sets a single bag in front of you. 
“Not even double bagged?” you ask, “feeling dangerous?” You shoot him a cheeky smile and his eyes narrow. 
“It’s what you asked for.”  
“Tsk tsk. It’s like you’ve never been to market before.”
He leans down until his face is terribly close to yours, his voice cool. “I’m a puppet, remember?  I don’t need to eat. Or are you just trying to get on my last nerve?”
You used to not be able to read his little micro-expressions, but you know him well enough by now to know that he’s been struck with a sudden bout of self-consciousness.
“No, no. I’m just hungry, really. Wish my dinner hadn’t taken so long to arrive.”
There’s humor in the tiny quirk of his lips as he stands up straight again. “Serves you right.”
Ass. You frown. “What’s in those other three bags?”
His eye twitches and he begins to walk away, feigning nonchalance. “Supplies. Nothing to worry your little head over.”
Odd, you can’t recall needing, let alone asking for any further supplies. But just as you’re about to shrug it off, all three bags break at once, sending a shower of unpackaged Jimmy Dean corn dogs onto the ground by his feet.
There’s a long pause where nothing is heard but the breeze whistling gently about the shells of your ears. And you wonder whether this is it; whether this is the moment that he cuts his losses and kills you. Tosses away the burgeoning relationship the two of you were building whilst your heart breaks through your chest like some single-bagged weiner delicacy.
All the things you’ve seen… the collapse of a nation. The downfall of a god. And yet there is nothing, you know now, more devastating than a man standing amidst the broken bodies of his Jimmy Dean blueberry pancake corn dogs.
“Can we ever come back from this?” you ask.
“They’re not mine,” he says stiffly. 
“I thought you said you didn’t eat.”
He swings around. “They’re not mine. I must have grabbed someone else’s–”
“Is this why I keep smelling sour blueberries?”
“You have no idea what you’re talking–”
“Why I keep finding wooden sticks lying around the garden?”
You flinch as his hands fly out and vicious blades of air scatter the Jimmy Dean blueberry pancake corndogs to the wind. “THEY’RE COMPOSTABLE.”
You raise your hands up. “I’m not making fun, Scaramouche. I’m just really confused why you felt the need to hide this from me.”
“I had a bad childhood. And you’ll never understand.”
He swings around and marches back into the tent. His arm goes to slam the door but it’s a fucking tent so he has to sort of just aggressively pull the flaps together.
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sebsxphia · 2 years
I thought of more marvel quotes:
1. Chris Evan’s is an ass man (said in interview)
2. Since a when? (also said in interview)
3. Hi my name is Korg, I’m kind of the leader here.
4. That’s 18% your baby
5. They ask me tony, how do you pee in the suit, and I say… (peez in suit to demonstrate) just like that!
6. Get that man a shield!
7. Like a deer caught in headlights!
8. M’baku can blow my m’back out (said in interview)
9. Well, I gotta get in there! (Interview)
10. Weiner solider ! (Interview)
11. I got HuNgRy EyEs! (I think this is from a Facebook or insta live)
12. Dance battle! You and me right now!
I hope these made u laugh! And if u would like, I’ll try n find the interviews where these were found!
hehehe these made me laugh so much my love!! thank you so much for these 🥹💌
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
Top 27 Weird Al Songs
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Hello all you happy weirdos and I hope you have your bologona, your mediums sized root beer with free refills and your twinkie weiner sandwitches ready because this post is going to be long. It's also a break from format: I usually review movies, tv shows, comics. In fact I reviewed Weird Al's first movie UHF earlier this year. It was awesome. I usually don't dip into music itself but with the momentous arrival of Weird Al's wonderfully insane parody of biopics Weird: The Al Yankovic Story, I just had to do something for the occasion. And while Al's done ton of voice work so I had plenty of options from the beautifully meta choice to cast him as Wreck-Gar in transformers animated, to his ponytastic turn as Pinky Pie's future husband Cheese Sandwitch whose basically Weird Al but younger and a horse, and of course his starring roll in the criminally short lived Milo Murphy's law among MANY others I intend to cover at some point. (especially since I just realized while writing this next year is his 40th anniversary) , I decided to focus on the man himself.
Weird Al is one of my faviorite musicians and I say that without a tinge of irony and with all the pride I can muster in my spleen: Weird Al has lasted this long for damn good reason, being able to deftly copy the sounds of a day and parody or homage them with expert skill, while also able to make his own unique compositions from stylistic parodies to just plain original ten minute epics and fun polka mashups of the last few years of music. He's also one of the genuinely sweetest and nicest guys in the music buisness: he's kind, respectful of the artists he parodies (asking permission after the whole Coolio thing but their Coolio now so it's Coolio), and just one of the coolest dudes around. He's done everything with 14 albums, countless singles for other projects, 2 films, 2 tv series (he didn't write milo but he did STAR in it and was in almost every episode so I count it), voice work and more. He's my hero is what i'm saying so join me under the cut for this ill advized self indulgent mega list honoring the man's career
A few things off the bat: This list is my opinon. I shoudln't have to say that but it's the internet equilvent of that warning thing from the start of Jackass: no one whose going to get frothingly upset at this list is going to listen to it but I have to put it in there. These are the songs I consider the best of the best. This also means some cuts got made, and as such two albums aren't represented here: His self Titled Debut and Even Worse. BOth aren't bad albums and it killed me to have to cut "Such a Groovy Guy and "I Think I"m a Clone Now" respectively, but even with 27 slots this was a VERY hard list. So with that said
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27. Like a Surgeon (Dare to Be Stupid)
Starting us off we have one of the classics. This one's simple, silly and hilariously dark as our narrating character is apparently so horrible at his job a lot of people have implicitly died. It's a shock Dr. Nick hasn't recrecorded this with his good friend mr. mccraig
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26. Cavity Search (Bad Hair Day) Bad Hair Day is one of Al's best albums, a nice bit of mid 90's greatness and the start of the growth that would lead to his monumental later albums. It's the most represented on this list with FOUR songs, the most of any (though many have three so don't worry), and each one deserved. This one made me check out the original song and while a mostly goofy little bit about dentistry parodying U2's Batman Forever theme.... a sentence that reminds me why I do this job, somehow, it's still solid with Al nicely mimicking Bono.... though how he surivived the amount of smug he'd have to injest to do that is beyond me. 25. Attack of the Radioactive Hamsters From A Planet Near Mars (UHF) UHF was a great film and naturally had a great if very loose soundtrack. Only three songs actually show up in the movie: the title track, "Let Me Be Your Hog", and "Money For Nothin (Beverly Hillbillies) and a few sound clips. That didn't stop the album from being as good as the film though and this song is proof.
This song is classic al sillyness, being all in the title which we hear plenty. It's every bit as glorious and stupid as it sounds, in particular them coming in ships "shaped just like cuban cigars". Sure they destroyed the world and are are going to turn us all to goop but you have to admit their pretty cute. The guitar for this flim is impressive. It's a 50's b-movie al style and I badly hope he makes it into a real one some day. Speaking of which...
24. Nature Trail to Hell in 3-D (In 3D) In 3D was Al's breakout album and for good reason: while he'd make far better albums as his career went on, In 3D is where he starts to have the polish we've come to know after the rough but charming first album. It only has one entry on this list but said entry is a doozy. I already loved Nature Trail to Hell when I first heard it but becoming a horror fan makes me love it all the more as Al lovingly spoofs the 80's slasher boom with a fake trailer, with Al talking about all the gory things that are going to happen in such an over the top way you can't help but burst a spleen laughing, and the angelic chorus of NATURE TRAIL TO HELL IN 3D! just clinches it for me. Another one that really could be a film. Given the reception Weird's getting it's not out of the question.
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23. Handy (Mandatory Fun)
Mandatory Fun was sadly Al's last studio album, with Al moving onto singles. We did get a soundtrack Album for Weird, but from the looks of it it's mostly the score, a few updated versions of old classics for Daniel Radcliff to lipsynch to. I can't blame him, the album format simply dosen't work as well for Parody these days and he's clearly found other stuff to do, but I do miss getting a guaranteed bit of al weirdness every three years and only got to enjoy an album coming out twice. Thankfully Mandatory Fun is a great note to go out on and showed he still got it. Case in point we've all long since forgotten Iggy Izalea.. but his parody of her breakout and only hit "Fancy", Handy, is still a banger, with Al having terrific flow and a wonderfully stupid premise of rapping about plumming. The speed he ratttles things off at sometimes is insane.. though FAR from the fastest he'll rattle off about handy man stuff. We'll get to that.
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22. UHF (Straight Out of Lynwood UHF)
UHF was a film that deserved a catchy theme and damn if it didn't get it. It's a simple "watch the station" type anthem that dosen't make complete sense as that's not the stations name, but dosen't have to as it's well done, hilarous, original and will NEVER leave your head. Belivie me i've had 20 doctors try.
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21. Amish Paradise (Bad Hair Day) I might get some flak for this one. Not for putting it on the list, but for putting it so low. While I feel there's 20 songs better than this one it dosen't make Amish Paradise any less awesome. Taking a serious rap number about gang violence and a good song in it's own right and making it into an Amish Brag Rap that lightly pokes fun at the Amish while not really bashing them takes the kind of mad genius Al is to put together. His suprisingly impressive flow at rap also shows again during the section at the end "Raised a bar on sunday, then i'll raise another!'. IT's once again Al taking an utterly stupid idea and not only making it work but making it a stone cold classic.
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20. Do I Creep You Out? (Straight Outta Lynwood) And not one entry later i'm going to say something that's going to annoy a LOT of you: White and Nerdy isn't on this list. It's excellent and al once again shows off his impressive flow and ablitlty to talk let alone rap at a speed few can match, but ultimately I just found other songs were better. That said it's album, Straight Outta Lynwood is well represented here and is one of Al's best if not THE best. Relistneting to it for this album I forgot just how solid it is and how many classics it has. This one I admit is partly for personal reasons: see the song being parodied, the THANKFULLY forgotten "Do I Make You Proud?" was EVERYWHERE and played CONSTANTLY on radio stations, at weddings, funerals, public bathrooms. You could not escape this incredibly schmaltzy, incredibly stupid song. It was long, droning and it was terrible. So it's no shock that not only did Al do it better, but made it hilarious. Do I Creep You Out? isn't Al's first stalker song, the other being Melanie, but this one is less creepy by being more over the top. The stuff the narrator does is IMMENSELY creepy, but the shchmaltzy tone makes it still work today despite stalking being taken as seriously as it should and to Al's credit it's clear he takes the creepy shit his character is doing seriously... he just makes it funny by putting it in the context of a schmaltzy love ballad. It's what he does.
Oh and if your wondering about the image Al did the video with Jib Jab, who you also rightfully forgot and who i'm not bothering to research as the quality for the video is low, but it still works for the image of Al dressed as Aaron Hicks.
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19. Foil (Mandatory Fun) Another great song from the final stretch for Al, Foil works entirely thanks to it's bait and switch. The first half is about foil, seeming to be another of Al's food based parodies.. until he starts rattling off about conspiracies. The abrupt shift combined with the contrast with the nice light tones borrowed from Royals makes this a modern classic. The video dosen't hurt either, with Al going nuts on air, Patton Oswalt playing a lizard man and catchy backup singers. Good stuff.
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18. Captain Underpants Theme (Captain Underpants: The Epic First Movie Soundtrack) The only song not from one of Al's Al-Bums on the list is this banger of a theme song for a mediocre film based on a classic book series. Given Al was brought up in the first book, it's only fitting George and Harold's patron saint did the theme song. Naturally Al tackles it with all his enthusiasm and ham, perfectly matching the property. Summing it up as a "freaky bald dude in his underwear" is fitting. It's cheesy, it's smooth as hell, and it's perfect. It's a shame the cartoon that followed didn't use this awesome as hell theme and hopefully if there's ever another film they don't repeat the same mistake.
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17. Ringtone (Alpocalypse)
Alpocalypse was the first Al-Bum I got to listen to after it came out and it was a great one to start on, with tons of all timers, parodies of stuff I knew at the time, and general fun. The cover of Al as a horseman of the apocalypse just clinches it. Ringtone was always going to be a faviorite of mine as it parodies one of my faviorite bands: Queen gets the Al treatment for the third time, but unlike his previous parody and tribute, this one just uses the style to create the tale of a man who picked a really rotten ringtone. Al once again talks really fast and it works, and combined with his deft and smooth as hell Piano work makes for a breezy, rediculous rock opera sounding track.
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16. I"ll Sue Ya (Straight out of Lynnwood) I don't really know Rage Against the Machine well, but I absolutely Love al's parody which itakes angry white boy rock and puts it to frivolous lawsuits. if that sentence dosen't make you laugh I question how you got this far itno the article. The increasingly stupid lawsuits (my faviorite being "I swallowed a nerf ball and nearly choked to death), combined with the angry tone just make this majestic to hear.
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15. Living With a Hernia (Polka Party) Living in America was an instant classic, as was it's rediuclous and entirley out of left field performance during Rocky IV. So having already parodied Rocky himself, the song was a great fit. Once again it's al taking a direction in making fun of the song you wouldn't think, using Brown's deep voice and cries as signs of a medical condition. Making this joyous song about Hernias was a bold strategy but it paid out. What really sells this one for me is that Al does one hell of a james brown, perfectly capturing the legendary singers shouty voice. The best Al Parodies are where he really sounds like the artist (while still having his own distinct voice as part of it) and this is one of his finest examples.
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14. Party in the Cia (Alpocalypse)
Another one that shows the simple formula al uses: Take a popular song, find something totally batshit that contrasts with the beat. The fact he uses this formula a LOT but it hasn't gotten that old speaks to his creatvity and borderline insanity: anyone could parody Party in the USA, it was everywhere, Miley Cirus was an easy target at the time, and it was annoying. But making it about the CIA and having cheerful lyrics about "tourturing the folks we don't like" and "hand me that microfilm buddy will you, i'd tell you why but i'd have to kill you. Al just has this weird brand of humor that's unique, can get suprisingly dark but is also fairly wholesome. He'll sing about waterboarding sure but in a goofy cheerful way that makes it go down easy. He did the same with the end of all of humanity. It's just who he is and why I loves him so much.
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13. eBay (Poodle Hat)
Another easy target as Ebay had become a big deal by 2003 and the Backstreet Boys had just finished being one (As a young me can attest). Ebay comes from Poodle Hat, easily one of Al's most underated albums. It probably dosen't help Eminem blocked the album because he didn't like Couch Potato making fun of me. While I do like some of Em's music come on man.... you dressed up like robin the year before this. Which was objectively funny (and I say that as a fan of all 5 of them)
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But you can't wear this and then get mad when someone pokes fun at you for something different. He didn't block the parody but like.. blocking the video didn't do good for the album and is still one of the few dick moves i've seen directed Al's way.
Anyways Ebay is great, perfectly summing up how it feels to shop ebay and spoofing joes like me who buy "useless crap" off there all the time. We salute you for giving us a theme al. Granted I have no real desire for a Dukes of Hazzard Ash Tray but given in the past few months i've bought several books, a deck of yugioh cards, and more I'm not exactly that much higher up.
12. Waffle King (Alapalooza) Alapalooza has a great cover, name and Freddy Mercury Tribute Polka.. and not much else. It very narrowly made the cut, as it'sone of al's weaker albums.. but it did manage to give us one glorious banger. In the style of Peter Gabriel, Al embodies a weirdo who fines the perfect waffle recipie and then goes mad with power as everyone marvels over it and bows to the waffle king. Al really gets to ham it up here and the fun chords and wonderful chorus really sell this one. Plus as the late great Richard Thompson once said Waffles are just comedic gold and given Weird Al was able to make an entire song about it without coming off obnoxious, he was right god rest him.
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11. Everything You Know Is Wrong (Bad Hair Day) A simple one: this one's just Al getting every bit as weird as he can while breaking reality over his knee to a catchy upbeat tune. If this dose'nt sum up his whole career I don't know what does.
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10. Smells Like Nirvana (Off the Deep End) Off the Deep End came while Al was in a bit of a slump. As detailed in his autobiography, Al was having a bit of trouble getting his mojo back and was desperate for a number one to go with his latest album. After being gently rebuffed by Micheal Jackson, who didn't want to ruin the message of his song black or white (especailly when he could do it just dandy himself), Al thankfully caught a break that revivied his spark when he heard one of the defining songs of the ninties.. and coudln't make a single word out.
Smells Like Nirvana is more about how Kurt Cobain was not the easiest speaker to understand, something we all can relate to. From talking about "Marbles in his mouth" to making a few jabs at the band themselves, the song is a faviorite of us weird al fans for a reason, and the video only helps. Putting Al in a Kurt Cobain outfit was never not going to be pure comedy gold. Add in weird sound effects and Al perfectly matching the beat and tone of the original despite not remotely using Cobain's mumbly and you have a classic that the late great mr. cobain himself UTTERLY loved and rightfully felt was his we made it moment.
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9. The Saga Begins (Running With Scissors) Another one and done album, I still love Running with Scissors (Jerry Springer ONLY didn't make it because some of the outdated language used to imitate Jerry can be hard to listen to), and it still got in with one of Al's crowning achievments. It would be enough to set the plot of the Phantom Menace to American Pie, turning one of the worst movies ever and one of the longest most boring songs ever (don't @ me, it's way too damn long and should know it), into one of Al's best. Like most Al Stuff something that probably shouldn't work works perfectly. The chorus of "My my this here anikin guy maybe vader someday later but he's just a small fry" works so well. It somehow tops his already brilliant parody of Lola , Yoda. (which BARELY didn't make the list)
What's most impressive though is HOW the song came about: through what he could dig up through fansites and only went to the pre screening. And George Lucas , famously not someone to listen to critics... smiled and loved it while Al himself cheered as "i'm going to be a jedi" happened to be a line in the film. PUtting in this much work to perfectly get a song down about a movie before it actually HAPPENED and getting it right is just one of manyr easons this man fucking rocks.
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8. This is The Life (Dare To Be Stupid)
Dare To Be Stupid had more to offer than just the title track and while I already shared one great song from it earlier, it still has two more in the tank. And while you can probably guess the next one This is The Life is a criminally underated song, the tale of a smug man bragging about how rich he is. Al's fast upbeat tone, the fun lyrics and just general goofiness make this one of my faviorites and always a joy to listen to while mocking the hell out of the one percent.. which Al probably is at this point but that's okay man we love ya anyway.
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7. Dog Eat Dog (Polka Party Polka Party is a decent Al-Bum, but it's easy standout is this stylistic parody of one of my faviorite bands: The Talking Heads. Like my hatred of "Do I Make You Proud?", i'm not hiding my bias here: while I always liked this song even before being a Talking Heads Head, just how spot on it is and how Al somehow mimicks Dave Byrne's hammy yet entirely calm style of singing. Even for him mimicking Byrne is an Achivement
Dog Eat Dog, while hilariously spoofing office life, really feels like a lost Talking Heads song. Singing about how much you love the office and jelly donuts and need your liquid paper, where's your liquid paper sounds exactly like something David Byrne would do and thus it's only inches into parody.. but in a way that works. David Byrne would do this and that's why it's so damn funny.
6. I Was Only Kidding (Off the Deep End)
Off the Deep End was pretty great, but it's triumph was not mocking Nirvana (though it was still awesome), but an original number by Al where one supreme dick tells his girlfriend his deep declrations of love were one joke. The sheer manic Al's character takes in this incredibly cruel act combined with the implication he gets shot for his bullshit makes this great enough.. but once again adding in a choir elevates an al song from good to
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5. The Night Santa Went Crazy (Bad Hair Day) Bad Hair Day ends it's reign on this list with a classic. Do I really have to explain why this one is so fun? Dark? yes. Violent? Yes. Utterly hilarious yes. While Santa is evil is an easy take and santa going serial killer has been the subject of several films jollily tlaking about how he murders everyone in sight and his wife's selling the movie rights just works for me. It's right up there with other christmas classics for me.
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4. Dare To Be Stupid (.... guess) A supreme ode to idiocy with a catchy beat, nice squeaky and hammy vocals alternating when needing, and a manic pace that never lets up it's no wonder that this is one of the best tracks in the already all timer Transformers the Movie Soundtrack and still went on to headline it's own album. IT's fast paced, non stop hilarious, and throughly stupid. It's the best. Well not really we have three more to go but it's one of them.
3. Genius in France (Poodle Hat
Al wrote a few epics in his later career, Starting with Albequrque (which isn't on the list, dont' throw things please and thank you) But while all four are great, again please don't throw things, I gave it to my faviorite. Al has managed to make one joke premises into 80 joke songs, it's most of this list in fact but making a 13 minute epic with switching song types about french sterotypes and idiocy jokes that never lets up and I can never not nlisten to the whole thing. That's a true genius, even if it likely wasn't recorded in france. Every time I get bored, the song switches up to keep my attention, and comes up with some new and clever way to make fun of the singers intellgence or french sterotypes. It never stops. If you listen closely you'll still hear it playing on the ends. A true masterpiece that al rightfully still plays in concert that I don't feel nearly gets the love it deserves.
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2. Close But No Cigar (Straight Outta Lynwood)
Yet another style parody of a band I like. What a shocker. I don't have the devotion to Cake I do to Queen or The Talking Heads, but their still neat and Al for the 90th time this list perfectly apes their style. It's stuff we've seen if good stuff
What elevates this one is the subject, being about a guy who keeps seeming to find his dream girl only to get hung up on some very stupid flaw like using infer instead of imply or one earlobe being too big. TH ebuild up to WHAT he's going to have his problem, the kicking chorus nad the cool as hell breakdown all make this one that's close to number one.. but no cigar. Also yes the video is good if sadly made by a pedophile.
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Hardware Store (Poodle Hat)
Number one goes to a true classic. one every al fan knows by heart.. well at least up to the part where he fucking explodes, rattling off about 80 diffrent objects in the span of two minutes to the point even HE can't do it live. Before that it's the simple but charming tale of a guy whose excited his town's getting a hardware store. The dorky midwest charm of just being excited something new is opening is something I relate to and this song captures that beautifully. Granted i'm not a tool guy but whatever you like you can relate to seeing "all this stuff " and rattling off a list in your head, and the sheer joy, infectious chorus and of course that fucking bridge make this number one eaisly. It's goofy, it's simple yet complex.. it's weird al. The once and future polka king. Thanks for reading, you can find this whole list on spotify HERE
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callunavulgari · 2 years
This was unfortunately the second year in a row that I’ve actually had to decrease my goal on goodreads to actually meet the goal. I decreased it once in August when I realized that I wasn’t going to get anywhere near 80 books by the end of the year, then I had to decrease a second time at the end of November. Very sad.
Nevertheless, I did churn through a total of 54 books, on track for my goal of at least 55 by the end of December. I think that next year I will be setting my sights low, just so I can pleasantly surprise myself if I exceed rather than have to decrease.
1. a book you loved?
I think that my all time favorite book this year was A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers. Now, Becky writes some solid literature. I have never once been disappointed by one of her works. But the Monk and Robot series seized onto this soft human part of me and just twisted until I leaked. They’re gorgeous little books that make you feel things about your place in the world, make you feel things about the nature of being human. If I could only recommend one author for the rest of time, it would be her. 
“You don’t have to have a reason to be tired. You don’t have to earn rest or comfort. You’re allowed to just be.” < This quote, from Prayer goes hand in hand with the quote from her previous book in the series that I waffled on about last year. The foundation of this entire premise is laid on these quotes, that you don’t need to do anything special to be human. You’re allowed to just be you. Be at peace. That’s enough. And I just really needed to hear that these last two years.
2. a book you hated?
Probably The Summer Place by Jennifer Weiner. I’d been hyped up for it, which was probably the first problem. The main character was so astoundingly selfish that I closed the book after the first 40 or so pages and never picked it back up again. It doesn’t help that they brought the pandemic into it and like? I’m sorry, but too soon. I don’t want to read about the effing pandemic when I’m still being forced to live in it. It’s ongoing and the last two years were effing traumatic. Don’t make it a plot point.
3. a book that made you cry?
I mean, obviously I got super weepy over A Prayer for the Crown-Shy, but I just talked about that, so the one that made me weepiest after that was Peter Darling by Austin Chant. 
”This book is for every villain who ever inspired a queer awakening, and for every queer child who ever saw a piece of themself in the enemy.”
Someone posted the above words on twitter earlier this year, which turned out to be the dedication page for Peter Darling. I loved it enough that I went looking for the book and managed to get a hold of it after being on the hold list for my library’s single copy of it for... months? Suffice to say, the book gutted me over and over again. It is absolutely perfect and definitely in my top five this year.
4. a book that made you happy?
Okay, so the Watcher Boys put out a book - Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural: 101 True Tales of Hauntings, Demons, and the Paranormal. It would be a great book even if I’d read the physical copy, HOWEVER, I made the glorious decision to purchase the audiobook, and sure enough, Shane Madej and Ryan Bergara narrate. It cracked me up over and over again, and just generally made a shitty week better.
5. the best sequel?
Hmm, I only read a few prequel and morequels this year, but I think of those my two favorites were Nona and The Golden Enclaves. They were both great follow-ups to their previous books and in the case of The Golden Enclaves, an all-together (or mostly) fantastic end to the series. I did love Nona despite thinking I wouldn’t. I loved her so completely that the ending of the book left me legitimately grieving a bit. And my only complaint about The Golden Enclaves is that I think it would have been more satisfying if certain people had stayed dead.
6. most anticipated release for the new year?
Honestly? For the first year I genuinely can’t think of anything coming out next year? I think a whole lot of them have been delayed. But if they are coming out next year, I’m looking forward to the sequel to Dark Rise and the final Locked Tomb novel. I feel like they both may have been delayed until 2024, though?
7. favorite new author?
I finally bit the bullet and took on Samantha Shannon’s incredibly long but equally epic novel The Priory of the Orange Tree. Shannon may not be a debut author, but she is new to me, so it counts. The book exceeded even my wildest expectations. The world-building was fantastic and the characters were fully realized and I absolutely got attached.
Also, Lee Mandelo introduced me to Summer Boys, a book of horror and love and toxicity and it was so perfectly my vibe.
8. favorite book to film adaptation?
I loved the adaptations of Sandman and Paper Girls. Both were fantastic.
9. the most surprising book?
I downloaded the audiobook for The Rise of Kyoshi mostly on a whim, but it was so good. It really delved deep into the existing Avatar worldbuilding and then proceeded to expand on it in all kinds of delightfully grimdark ways that the show never would have been allowed to show off.
10. the most interesting villain?
I mean, obviously Peter Darling is the clear answer here. BUT! The Traitor Baru Cormorant also sort of counts, right? Since she’s basically making herself the villain of her own series to crush an empire?
11. the best makeouts?
Honestly, probably The Love Hypothesis. I ALMOST answered with Ice Planet Barbarians, but that’s not really best executed makeouts, just the horniest. Love Hypothesis is basically a Reylo modern-day AU where they’re both chemists, and you know? It just really worked for me.
12. a book that was super frustrating?
If it wasn’t The Summer Place, it was Dial A For Aunties, which was the only other book that I did not finish. I wanted to like it so, so bad, but I just couldn’t suspend my disbelief long enough to keep up with the pretense of her dumb decisions. I know it’s a staple of romcoms, but it hurt too much for this one. 
13. a book you texted about, and the text was IN CAPSLOCK?
I think I ranted to Nick about a couple of them, but I don’t have enough book friends.
14. a book for the small children in your life?
I don’t think I read any books appropriate for small children this year. Actually, I lied. There was this really sweet one that our local park told in small increments as you go along the trail - Over and Under the Pond.
15. a book you learned from?
I literally only read fiction this year.
16. a book you wouldn’t normally try?
I don’t know. I think all of the books that I read this year were pretty on brand, to be honest.
17. a book with something magical in it?
A Lesson in Vengeance was very spooky and witchy with a generous helping of dark academia. I believe it was the first book I truly loved this year.
18. the best clothes?
Definitely either The Priory of the Orange Tree or The Jasmine Throne.
19. the most well-rounded characters?
Either Siren Queen by Nghi Vo, or The Traitor Baru Cormorant. Every single one of those characters - but especially the main ones - know exactly who they are.
20. the best world-building?
The Priory of the Orange Tree. 100%. That book was a masterpiece.
21. the worst world-building?
Eh, the world building I feel like was okay in most of them. The ones that I didn’t like I generally hated because of the characters.
22. a book with a good sidekick?
Casey Mcquiston has a talent for writing compelling side-characters, and spoilers, she’s still great at it. I Kissed Shara Wheeler had several really well-built side characters that I genuinely gave a shit about.
23. the most insufferable narrator?
I made the mistake of getting The Lost Metal in audiobook form, and it’s the same narrator who did The Stand. He is very, very dry.
24. a book you were excited to read for months beforehand?
I’ve been really looking forward to reading A Restless Truth, but I’ve been too effing busy. Other than that, your usual suspects. Maggie’s third and final Dreamer novel, the third and final Scholomance novel. A Prayer for the Crown-shy.
25. a book you picked up on a whim?
Hmm, I think maybe Notorious Sorcerer? His red coat reminded me of Kell from A Darker Shade of Magic. It was a great book.
26. a book that should be read in a foreign country?
All of them? Book Lovers was a good summer/beach read.
27. your favorite cover art?
I actually really loved the cover art for The Ones We Burn.
28. a book you read in translation?
I don’t think any were.
29. a book from another century?
I don’t think any of them were written in another century, but a couple of them took place in another century. Does that count?
30. a book you reread?
Wow, I don’t think I reread ANY this year. Maybe I should remedy that and go reread The Captive Prince series for the fifth time.
31. a book you’re dying to talk about, and why?
I feel like this question should be further up the list. I thought for sure that I’d touched on them all, but turns out I was wrong! Nettle and Bone was a lovely little dark fairytale. From the ingredients in the spells to the depth of all the characters, I genuinely enjoyed this book, far far more than the last Kingfisher novel I’d read.
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thatyamiguy-blog · 2 years
Fluffy as a Cloud (Final fantasy)
Cloud had been a member of SOLDIER. Cloud had fought against giant monsters. Cloud had seen and done it all..but even he wasn’t sure he could handle this. The only way he was getting into the don’s mansion where Tifa was being kept was to be able to pull off a girly look, He knew that. The only way to save his childhood friend was to swallow his pride. He knew that too. But did Aeris have to be..so..Eager to doll him up? Aeris knocked on the door breaking Cloud out of his semi tranced mindset. “Cloud~ Are you done yet?” She asked with a giggle. Cloud looked at himself in the mirror, and cursed his twinkish body. Instead of the tough ex SOLDIER that he knew he was, looking back at him was a cute girl with pigtails and wearing a light purple and SHORT party dress, with puffed out shoulders and layers of petticoats to poof out the skirt part. Long silk nylons came up and over his knees, with lttle pruple bows  on them and Cloud felt more like a little girl then anything else. “I-I think so.” he said finally. “but I don’t think this will work Aeris.” “You hush and let me worry about that, and just come out.” Aeris giggled.
Aeris could barley believe how easy it was to trick the lil cutie into all of this. Sure, it was annoying that he was doing this to save that big tittied cow tifa, But putting up with that meanie was going to be worth it. It had been FAR too long since she last tricked a man into becoming a whimpering sissy, Her last attempt had been twarted by Cloud actually when he had chased Reno off. Now Aeris stood there, a hand on her hip and waited. Out came cloud and she giggled in delight with just childish and sissish he looked and clapped her hands. “Very nice Cloud! now give me a little twirl.” she said. “D-Do I have to?” Cloud whimpered, poking his fingers together and looking down. “yes. now do it.” Aeris said, a slight edge to her voice. Cloud bit his lip then did as quick twirl, making the skirt and petticoats flare up and there was Cloud little sword (And boy, was it mircosized) in the light pink panties and Aeris forced herself to frown. “Hmm..Nope, this is no good cloud.” She said and put a hand on er chin. “S-See I told you..this outfit-” Cloud mewed. “Oh the outfit  works. but it’s your ‘sword’ Aeris said. “It’s just too big to hide with panties.” Lord knows THAT was a lie, but aeris knew she had to boost his ego before she could suggest this next part.
Cloud was blushing but beamed as aeris mentioned how big his dick was. He knew those other guys in solider had been lying then they called him micro dick and accused him of being a woman.. they were all just gentriic freaks to have weiners as big as theirs had been. He was all smiles till Aeris snapped her fingers. “I got just the thing to hide your huggge sword.” Aeris said and walked over to where she had hidden a package she had picked up. “huh? what is it?” cloud asked..then froze as she held up a package of diapers. “No! No way, not happening!” Cloud yelled and waved his hands in front of him.
Aeris smirked, loving the look on clouds face and then moved on with the next part of her planed speech. “Cloud listen to me.” She said in a stern tone and almost gushed when he instantly stopped. “You wanna rescue Tifa right?” “Well..yeah.” “your already in drag too right?” “Well, of course.” “Then what does it matter if I put you in a diaper.” She asked, mentally adding ‘or two or three or-’ “But..but..” Cloud whined and for a second aeris swore he was about to suck his thumb. “no buts mister. you’ve come this far..and with the wig in place no will will be able to figure out that Cloud the handsome and awesome warrior is dressed like a sissy baby.” Aeris said, do a bit of ego stroke. and lying, it was soooo clear it was just cloud in drag. “...O-Only till we rescue Tifa right?” Cloud asked in a little voice. “Of course.” Aeris lied. “Now lay down.”
Cloud covered his face, unable to watch as Aeris too out one of the thck diapers and unfolded it. Tifa had better worship the god damn ground he walked on after this! “Butt up cutie.” Aeris coo’ed. Cloud did so and then put it back down, groaning at how thick the padding felt.
Aeris smirked, glad that cloud had covered his eyes. It made putting multiple diapers on him easier. sure one of these was thick enough but she wanted cloud to have a super cute waddle in his steps, and to make sure the diaper peeked out of his dress. the plastic diapers had a moggle and chocobo print on them and as Aeris finished tapping the last one on, she leaned down and kissed the front of the diaper. “And sealed with a kiss~ Come on my little princess, let’s get you on your feet.” Aeris said and got up and held out a hand to cloud.
Cloud was utterly humiliated but feeling all squirmy inside, even though he couldn’t feel the kiss the fact that a hot big girl like aeris had kissed the front of his diapies.. Cloud blinked raipdly, wondering where the hell THAT mind set had come from and ignored Aeris hand, and went to get up on his own. only to wobble and plop down on his butt. “I Uh..” “hey, you got a lot of padding between you’re legs, let me help you up.” Aeris said with a smile and held out her hands again.
To anyone watching what happened next looked like a mom trying to teach her little girl how to walk. Cloud just couldn’t get the hang of waddling it seemed like, till aeris took his hand to help him keep his balance and they walked/waddled around the shop for a few minutes before Cloud finally got his diaper legs so to speak.
Aeris smiled as she looked at Cloud, clinging to her arm and suckling softly on the pacifier she had gotten him. It' was just part of his disguise is what she told him, but truthfully she was getting tired of hearing his whimpering. Now as they made their way though the streets, heading to the Don's House Aeris had a feeling that word had gotten out about her little cutie. Because Damn, it seemed like everyone had found a excuse to come out and watch as they walked/waddled past. Sadly for Aeris's amusement no one was bold enough to just come over and pat the sissy's butt.. though she was positive she saw a picture or two being taken. 'Hope you get used to this my little fluffy Cloud.. I'm going to make sure you can NEVER go back to being a boring old big boy~' Aeris thought and giggled out loud, planting a kiss on the Sissys forehead.
Cloud was in hell. total and compete unflinching no mercy hell. For some reason ALL these people had come out to watch him and he found himself shutting his eyes tight, fighting back tears and clinging to mo- er... Aeris. He heard a couple of taunts, and one boy asking what was the big girl wearing diapers... but thankfully Aeris didn't make him answer. The paci Aeris had got him felt ...nice in his mouth. sucking on the fat nipple was keeping him from full on freaking out though he'd had to wipe his chin a few times, some drool was coming out. 'Just doing this till we can save Tifa. Just doing this till we can save Tifa..' Cloud thought and looked at the -BLUSH- diaper bag she had packed. Cloud wasn;t sure how she was going to fit his boy clothes in there but she had promised him she would, then given him a rattle to play with. "You need too look convincing if they want you to play the baby role out to the fullest." she had said.. though.. Reaching up he tugged the paci out of his mouth and spoke in his soft sissy voice. "Aeris.. where's my sword? I'll need it if we hafa fight!"
Aeris frowned as cloud spoke. he was still calling her Aeris most of the time.. 'Maybe I should of worked on him longer.. I just love it when he calls me mommy.' She thought then turned her attention to cloud's question. "I used Mini magic on it and put it in the bag." She lied Truthfully she had pawned the ungodly thing to help pay for some of Cloud's new wardore. "Oh.. Otay...I mean..Ok.." Cloud said and turned crimson and Aeris gushed. Cloud was going to be the perfect 24/7 diaper loading little princess! Though as they finally closed into the don's mashin she knew she had the hardest test yet. "Ok Cloud, remenebr to follow my lead.. It's important that you do EXACTLY like I say if you wanna rescue Tifa." she said and waited for him to nod.. then they moved towards the guards who were already smirking.
Cloud gulped, his tummy was all butterflies and he started to feel the need to tinkle.. but he knew he had to trust Aeris on this, so he waited for her to start the plan. "And what do we have here?" Asked a tall tanned skinned guard. he had short black hair and wore a pair of sunglasses and cameo pants and a white t-shirt. He was also grinning at Cloud in a way that made the sissy instantly clinging to mommy. 'Ok.. Aeris is gonna tell them I'm a girl and were here for the party and-' Cloud thought. "Well I'm a mistress ommy and this here is my little Sissy babykins Cloud. He just Looooves being a red faced sissy as well as cuddling REAL men." Aeris said. Cloud blinked, and opened his mouth, his paci dropping out and he looked at mommy. "T-That's not-" "Hush Sissy! you were never going to fool them all the way. now be good or I'll have to tug your diapers down and spank you right here!" Aeris scolded him and then stern tone had a side effect. "HISSSSSSSSSS" Cloud shut his eyes tight, the hissing as he wet his diaper like a gushing waterfall to him, and the other guard came over now, looking alot like the first one and laughed. "Awww you scared the piss out of him!"
Aeris honestly couldn't of been more pleased with how this was going.. She was making cloud soak his huggies with just her voice and a look to the crotches of the guards show that they were LOVING the show. "So gentlemen.. do you think me and my little sissy can come in for the party? Cloud needs to get lots of 'ba-bas' in him if you know what I mean." aeris said and patted clouds butt. "W-Whats that Mean Ae-" Stern look "Er..Mommy?" "What that means my diaper soaking tiny dick baby bitch.. is your gonna go down on your knees.. like this." Aeris started and then pushed gently on clouds shoulders. "then your gonna look up at a MAN.. and in a cute voice..Beg him for a cock ba-ba." Aeris said with a grin. the look on clouds face and the tears that welled up in his eyes Made aeris almost wish she had a diaper on she was getting so wet!
Cloud shook his head no and whimpered, pleading with his eyes.. scared to open his mouth. "Hey, if this little fairy doesn't suck dick then he can't fucking come in." guard opne said. "Jeez, don't be a jerk.. it's clearly his first time..Come on princess, I won't even make you ask." Guard two said and unleashed a at least 8 Inch cock, making Clouds jaw drop. Which, was unfortunate because the guard took this as a invitation. the thick cock was instantly thrust in and as it turned out Cloud didn't have a gag reflex.. taking the cock all the way to the balls without a single gag. 'oh my god oh my god oh my god..I...I have a cock..in my mouth.. ' Cloud thought frantically and then the guard started to thrust slowly. in the corner of his eye Cloud could see Aeris reaching in and stroking the other guard. 'Oh..god...i'm..I'm in a WET diaper..dressed like a little girl.. one f the tweo girls i wanna do is seducing anther man in front of me.. and I have a cock fucking my mouth.. so...so...Why am I so hard?'
Tifa couldn't believe her eyes as she looked at the sight in front of her. There was that weird elf girl she had seen earlier with Cloud, her name if she had bothered to learn it, escaped her at the moment. But the bigger attention grabber... Cloud.... Mr.Macho man himself.... In diapers and drag!! She looked down at the drink in her hand, (it was her third one actually) and wondered if it had been spiked with something. She took a step or two closer and winced as Cloud started to whimper and try and explain himself. OH MY GOD!.... He had cum breath! "T-Tifa fank gawd ou are awright!" Cloud lisped then caught himself and blushed. "Jesus. Effing. Christ. The HELL happened while I was gone?" Tifa asked.
Aeris was frowning a little. Not only was this big titted cow showing up MUCH too soon for her liking (she had planned to milk this out MUCH longer!) but she was making her darling sissy baby feel ashamed and not in a fun and kinky way! "Cloud did what he had to do to come in here and rescue you... Though why I'm starting to wonder." Aeris said with heat in her voice. "Look, uh.." Tifa started and paused, a slight slur to her voice. "Aeris." "Air tits. Got it. Look around you, there are twinks in here NOT dressed like... Like... THAT... So Cloud never had to dress up!" Tifa said. "WHAT!?" Cloud squeaked and then another hiss was heard. "Damn it..." aeries muttered.
Cloud couldn't believe it. Mommy had lied to him?! Made him do those... Icky things, Dress like this and he could of just been in boy clothes!? "N-No! Mo-Aeris said I hada dwess like this to get in ta save you!" Cloud whined and looked back and forth from the two women. His pampers drenched and sagging BIG time now. "Pffft yeah right! And you really thought that sucking dick was the only way to get in?" Tifa asked, she then stuck her finger and thumb in her mouth and whistled. "HEY! Did anyone else have to chug a couple loads of man milk to get in t'night?" She called out. The no far outweighed the yes's and all of the yes's were from some meek looking girls. Clouds face was burning red now as he plopped on his squishy diaper, a hand came to his eyes as he started to sob and wail, even as his diaper leaked and a puddle formed around him.
Tifa couldn't help herself, seeing Cloud as such a total baby BITCH she started to roar with laughter, hunching over and slapping a leg. "Oh my god! You're SUCH a sissy baby Cloud! I can't WAIT to tell Barret about this later!" She giggled. "Maybe he'll give you a job at the bar. You can be a baby barmaid wiggling your pretty pampers for the customers and putting that slutty mouth to use!" Just thinking about cloud sobbing as he sucked on a dick was making Tifa laugh and oddly get a little aroused. (and oddly, her mental image of it kept switching from Cloud in a baby maid outfit to HER!)
Aeris meanwhile, had had enough as Tifa kept taunting her poor widdle Cloudly She flipped up Tifas short dress and grabbed her by her thong. "You're being a brat." she said and then lifted Tifa up and started to smack Tifa's cheeks. Aeris didn't know that normally this would of ended with a one sided beat down. All she knew was that as she smacked Tifa's cheeks over and over again the brunette shrieked and flailed around, begging to be put down then.. Psssssst! Aeris laughed. "Whats this? The so called big girl will make fun of a cute little baby, but then she goes and makes a puddle of her own?" Aeris asked in a loud voice. "Who here thinks that maybe this so called big girl deserves to be in diapers just as much as my sweet lil sissy?"
Cloud's bawling stopped and even as he felt icky in his leaking diaper he giggled a little seeing Tifa getting punished. Mommy wouldn't do something like THAT to him, cuz he was a good sissy. If Cloud had been able to think rationally (Well, if he'd had that ability he'd of never started any of this) then he would of realized that what little part of being a big boy he was holding onto had vanished and he was really just mommy's big baby now. But it looked like he was going to have a sister now.
Tifa's face was red and tears flowed down her face, this couldn't be happening to her! But air tits or Aeris... Whatever the hell her name was was now taking advantage of the very strong elastic in her thong, bouncing her almost like a basketball and getting every last drop of piss out of her. The crowd was on Aeris's side now, chanting for Tifa to join Cloud in diaper dorkdom and she was shaking her head no. But even as she did her body betrayed just how much she liked the idea. A few more bounces and any fight that might have been in Tifa was gone. Tifa and Cloud were sat in a dry area while their respective puddles were cleaned up. Clouds diaper and dress had been removed and Tifas thong and dress were thrown in the trash. Though unlike cloud who laid on his back and suckled on a pacifier and was SMILING behind the damn thing Tifa was trying to cover herself up.
"Looks like both my babies were looking forward to this~" Aeris giggled. Looking at Tifa's snatch it was damp and clouds little sword was leaking. She regreted she couldn't of drawn out breaking cloud in a little longer, but hey, she was about to get two babies for the price of one so who could complain? She took out two of the diapers from the diaper bag and used a spell to dispel the mini magic she had used to fit in lots of diapers in it... Then had a rather mean idea. "I bet you're VERY proud of those hooters aren't you Tifa?" She asked, and setting aside the diapers for the moment she took one in each hand, fondling them. "Y-Yes... Mo-Mommy?..." Tifa said, looking scared. 'I wonder if she's figured out what I'm about to do.' Aeris wondered with a smirk, then she started to cast mini. The once large wonderful globes of flesh shrank and soon Tifa was at best an A cup now. Tifa sobbed the whole time and was shaking her head and saying no over and over till someone grabbed a pacifier from Aeris bag and popped it in Tifas mouth. Now with itty bitty titties and nursing on a pacifier, the former big titted cow was ready for her first (of many) diaper changes.
Cloud looked over at his new sister and smiled. He took her hand and tried to assure her it was going to be alright. The crowd gave an 'awwww' at this and Cloud giggled. Tifa oddly didn't seem to take much comfort in it till seconds later her legs were up in the air and she was sitting on a diaper. She closed her eyes in shame and so she didn't see Aeris take out some weird thing from the bag and insert it in her pussy, but from the way the sissies eyes flew open she knew it was there. She was squeezing Clouds hand like crazy and squirming as her new mommy taped her diaper up. "Your turn sweetie." Mommy said. Cloud smiled and lifted up his bum as best he could, but Aeris simply shook her head. "Can you roll onto your side for mommy?" she asked. Cloud did so and was looking at Tifa sucking hard on her pacifier now, rubbing the front of her diaper and giggling. Then he felt something greasy being poured onto his butt. Curious, he looked over his shoulder. Mommy was greasing up his butt with something. He suckled nervously, hoping she wasn't gonna give him poopie pills or something. "It's ok Cloud, I just want both my babies to feel good." Mommy said as she got out the same kind of thing she put in Tifa... Then it finally slid inside him and he gasped, then let out a girly moan. His thing was throbbing like crazy and mommy had him roll back onto the diaper and taped him up, kissing his forehead as he suckled just like a sissy. He wiggled a little making the thing in his butt move around a little. He rolled over on his side as Tifa did the same, the big babies locking eyes. Tifa made the first move and pressed her pacifier to his as the crowd cooed. Tifa was rubbing the front of her diaper again and patting Cloud's behind! Cloud reached around and embraced her... It was funny but, a few days ago when you had asked him what he pictured his first time with Tifa would be like this would not of been the answer! But now they were nursing and nuzzling and about to... About to...
Cloud sat up panting and gasping. His bed was soaked... AGAIN. He was going to have to tell Aeris' mother sorry for the third time since the rescue from The Don's. His seven-inch cock was tenting out his blanket, which by now was stained with a mixture of cum and piss. He fell back in bed groaning. "Why the hell do I keep dreaming about that?" he whined to himself. "And making it worse then it already was? Hadn't wearing that wig and the dress been bad enough?" God, maybe he was just fucked up. Well, he knew from experince there wasn't a extra bed or sheets so he laid back in the pissy mattress and, with a blush, reached down to take care of his cock. "My fucking subconscious is a A-hole.." he moaned.
The End
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billk128 · 22 days
Jesse Malin Finds the Light (+ sidelong musings)
Greener pastures always wait for you You can make it tonight
So ends the Jesse Malin song Greener Pastures, here the final track on his "Chasing the Light (Live)" CD released this past spring (the package also comes with a Blu-Ray disc of performances with an alternate slate of songs). The lines close the book on a record themed with overcoming obstacles to live one's life, while looking both forward and back on what life has delivered.
What life has delivered to Malin - a vibrant indie rock/club figure in New York City, 57 years of age with 4 decades in the business - was a rare spinal cord stroke late spring of 2023, that left him paralyzed from the waist down. This is a performer who works a room old school and interactively, traversing crowds for a deeper connection, leaving the stage breathless like the best performers often do.
The album's songs and their sequence feel purposefully rueful and ultimately hopeful (Malin remains unfailingly positive), and are punctuated with the joyful kind of playing that Malin pulls from his band. Recorded live, albeit sans actual crowds - the sleeve cites "no overdubs" but there were more than one takes. Regardless, the sound is crisp and the vibe is fluid, highlighting the capabilities of the players and the subtle musical depth to the songs themselves.
A trio of tunes that open and close the record tightrope across its themes as well, with the excellent opener State of the Art setting the tone (and aided by Tommy Stinson's garage-raw rhythm guitar contribution); later Malin gets Stonesy with Meet Me At the End of the World, and then finishes with the folkier, poignant Greener Pastures.
Jesse may indeed be chasing the light given the physical hit he took, but this record is another example of him bringing the light to us. And this was just a beginning - in late June, a show (including multiple guests) at the Beacon Theater in NYC on 12/1 was announced, which sold out, and 2nd show on 12/2 was added. I don't know if the extensive physical therapy Malin has been undergoing in Argentina has changed much, but I will be at that 12/1 show to see for myself. Info on the shows and their varied artists, plus on a tribute album coming out in September appear here.
Pearl Jam's Grab Bag
For any believer still paying attention, Pearl Jam has released 5 solid records starting with 2006's eponymously named pseudo-return to form, with the recent "Dark Matter" rounding out the set. I occasionally find myself thinking that Eddie Vedder's powerful baritone can leaden their sound at times, but the band is skin tight and Mike McCready's guitar leads are nimble and reliable, and all of that continues on the latest offering.
I also felt they might have been dabbling and/or having fun with both contemporary and influential artist sounds within their own battle-tested framework on this record. There are several examples, so choosing one, the radio released Wreckage, and its Tom Petty samplings.
The song in general espouses the chiming timbres of Petty's signature work, along with backing vocals echoing both Heartbreakers and solo Petty recordings, perhaps leaning towards the Jeff Lynne-produced choral flavors of the solo albums. More specifically, starting at 2:20, the guitar break hints at what later culminates with a riff from Petty's Learning to Fly (after a series of Vedder's signature emoting) from 3:55-4:05, and echoed in the ending notes of the song. Otherwise, the backing chorals adroitly bring stylings of both Petty and Guided by Voices' lead man Robert Pollard together, Pollard having spent a period opening for Pearl Jam some 15+ years ago that retains its impact.
And finally...
Low Cut Connie is a Philadelphia-based band fronted and driven by Adam Weiner, and 2020's Private Lives was an unexpected career milestone that merits discovery and multiple listens. So I found myself surprised to have missed the 2023 follow up "Art Dealers."
And if not as memorable as "Private Lives" the record achieves as an encouraging follow up and reimagining of the previous record's sweet spots. While the results lean a little more Elton John than Jerry Lee Lewis, the passion remains and the sonic palette expanded. Two samples:
The Motown-flecked leadoff track, Tell Me Something I Don't Know;
and King of the Jews, which doubles down on both ethnic roots and this local bar band's Philly soul genesis...
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AD anon
No worries. Thankfully I didn’t delete the list of episodes.
Minstrel Krampus
Roy Rogers McFreely
Weiner of our Discontent
Return of the Bling
Rapture’s Delight
Great Space Roaster
Stan’s Night Out
Ricky Spanish
The Two Hundred
Family Affair
Minstrel Krampus is objectively the best musical episode and Christmas special the show would put on. The moving parts are intricate but never forced, the comedy is in top form, the songs are all memorable and either funny or just solid bangers, and I like the minor status quo change of Jack becoming Krampus even if it's never truly capitalized on later.
Roy Rogers M freely is fun but after so many better Roger and Stan but heads episode I think it gets lost in the early season shuffle
Weiner of Our Discontent is the same as the previous entry but slightly lamer because I really don't care for the Steve and Toshi subplot. It's not awful it's just kinda boring.
Return of the Bling has some really solid gags. Specifically the Reagan bits and the first half before Stan finds out Roger cheated. But I do find the LOTR parody elements to feel weak and tacked on.
Rapture's Delight is an episode that I think is universally deemed absolutely peak and I have little to add to it! It's big, it's bold, it's cinematic with some fine art direction. It's great.
Great Space Roaster is probably in my top 10 tbh I just think it's top notch jokes from minute one to minute done and it's the best way this show tackles Roger's relationship to the family if you ask me.
Stan's Night Out is really fun. Not one I think about super often but I like the CIA guys and am always glad to see them show up.
Ricky Spanish is an episode that has a fantastic persona and a weirdly artistic ending but one I otherwise tend to find myself not returning to often. Its third act drags.
The Two Hundred may not be as grandiose as Rapture's Delight but I do think it's funnier. Probably the only time I've thought Greg really worked as a funny character without Terry backing him up.
Chimdale is an episode I always forget about I just don't care for it. It's not that it's bad it's just not as fun as it could be I think.
Family Affair (man you are a hella Roger fan respect) is an episode I think is funnier every time I watch it. Steve is my favorite part-him getting so pissed at Roger's cheating cracks me up every time Scott Grimes vocal performance is hysterical.
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ledenews · 4 months
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weinerlaw1 · 6 months
The Vital Work of a San Diego Probate Attorney
The legal process associated with the passing of a loved one can be complex, causing an additional emotional burden during an already challenging period. For those located in Southern California, assistance from a trained San Diego probate attorney can provide the necessary support to guide individuals through this process.
Understanding Probate Law
Probate is the legal process that deals with administering someone's property and affairs after their death. A San Diego probate attorney is a law specialist who helps administer these assets in accordance with the decedent's Will or local laws when no Will exists. They are well-versed in San Diego's specific rules and regulations surrounding probate law and thus play a vital role in ensuring a smooth transition of property.
Duties of A Probate Attorney
A probate attorney assists executors (or administrators, if there's no Will)of the decedent's estate with numerous tasks. One central aspect includes securing all the deceased individual’s assets.
They carefully catalogue all properties and valuables before paying any outstanding debts or taxes. Next, they assist with distributing these according to the deceased person’s instructions detailed in their Last Will and Testament or by local law if no such instructions exist.
This lawyer also aids in obtaining appraisals for the decedent's properties as required for proper distribution among heirs.
Resolving Disputes
One difficult situation often faced involves potential disputes among family members related to asset allocation—roiling emotions triggered by grief can exacerbate disagreements making them hard to resolve amicably. In such cases, experienced assistance from a San Diego probates attorney will prove invaluable.
By serving as an objective party aware of specific Southern Californian laws tied to these disputes, they reduce the strain on family relationships while ensuring compliance with both legal obligations and the decedent’s last wishes.
Court Representation
A significant aspect of probate law involves presenting information in court about the deceased’s estate. The San Diego Probate Attorney offers representation during these necessary and complex legal proceedings, ensuring local laws are complied with and making certain that everything process-wise goes smoothly.
Estate Planning
While mainly tasked with handling matters after death, a San Diego Probate Attorney also plays a role in preventing probate issues from arising altogether. They can help individuals create solid estate plans to ensure property is transferred to intended heirs promptly and efficiently, reducing the possibility of family disputes or protracted legal processes post-death.
In Conclusion:
Retaining the services of a qualified San Diego probate attorney affords peace of mind during an emotionally turmoil-laden period—the bereavement phase following a loved one's death. These attorneys' expertise in interpreting complex jurisdiction-specific laws eases the navigation path through distributing assets as per instruction or law should there be no instructions. Their ability to deftly handle potential familial disputes, their court representation skills, and their proactive advisory role make them an indispensable ally for anyone needing to negotiate San Diego’s specific probate laws.
Weiner Law
12707 High Bluff Drive Ste. 125, San Diego , California, 92130
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weinerlaw11 · 7 months
Finding The Most Trusted Legal Partner: Weiner Law
Finding the right attorney is crucial when it comes to legal matters. You need someone who understands the law's intricacies and cares about your situation. That's where Daniel R. Weiner at Weiner Law comes into play. In this article, you'll delve into why this law firm, led by attorney Weiner, is your ideal choice for legal assistance. Follow this link to learn more.
What Makes Weiner Law Stand Out?
Personalized Attention: Daniel and the team recognize that every case is unique. When you choose their probate lawyers, you can expect personalized attention tailored to your specific legal needs. This tailored approach ensures that your concerns are heard and your legal strategy is crafted with your unique circumstances in mind.
Experience In Various Legal Areas: Attorney Weiner and the team possess skills in various legal areas. Whether you're dealing with estate planning, probate, or business law, they have the knowledge and experience to guide you. Their extensive experience ensures that you receive comprehensive and informed legal counsel.
Proven Track Record: With years of experience and a history of successful outcomes, their law office has built a solid reputation in the legal community. Clients trust Weiner and their lawyers for their commitment to their cases and impressive track record. You can have confidence in their ability to achieve favorable results for your legal matters.
Compassion And Understanding: Legal matters can be stressful, but Weiner provides a supportive environment where clients feel heard and understood. Their attorneys are dedicated to helping you achieve the most appropriate results while minimizing the emotional burden. They offer not just legal guidance but also emotional support during challenging times.
Transparent Communication: Attorney Weiner’s law office believes in transparent and open communication with clients. You'll always be kept informed about the progress of your case, ensuring peace of mind throughout the legal process. Their commitment to clear and consistent communication means you're never left in the dark regarding your legal matters.
Your Trusted Legal Advisor
Attorney Daniel Weiner and the team are your go-to legal partners. With a deep understanding of the law and a commitment to serving the needs of their clients, they are the attorneys you can rely on. The attorney himself is known for:
Knowledge In Multiple Practice Areas
Daniel’s extensive knowledge spans various legal areas, including estate planning, probate, and business law. Whatever concerns about the law, he has the skills to provide effective solutions. His comprehensive experience ensures that you have a well-rounded and knowledgeable legal advisor.
Dedication To Client Success
When you choose attorney Weiner, you're not just getting an attorney – you're getting a dedicated advocate who will fight for your interests every step. Daniel’s unwavering commitment to your success means that the attorney will go the extra mile to ensure a positive outcome for your case.
A Strong Legal Team
Their law firm boasts a team of skilled legal professionals who work collaboratively to ensure your case receives the attention it deserves. With a team approach, you benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of dedicated lawyers, providing you with comprehensive legal support.
Client-Centric Approach
Attorney Weiner and the team understand the importance of putting clients first. They take the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and develop a legal strategy tailored to your unique situation. Their client-centric approach means that your needs and goals are always at the forefront of the legal process.
When you need legal representation, attorney Daniel Weiner and their law office should be your first choice. With a commitment to personalized attention, a broad range of legal knowledge, and a track record of success, they are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of the law.
Don't hesitate to reach out to attorney Weiner and their lawyers. Your legal journey starts here, and they are ready to guide you every step of the way. Remember, choose Weiner for all your legal needs and experience the difference that dedication and experience can make.
More Info Weiner Law in EZlocal Driving Directions
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Weiner Law 12707 High Bluff Drive Ste. 125 San Diego CA, 92130 858-333-8844
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weiner-law · 10 months
Weiner Law Office Delivers Quality Legal Services
Weiner Law Office is a prominent firm located in the vibrant city of San Diego, California. With a rich history of providing competent services, it has become a trusted name in the legal community. It is led by experienced attorneys and supported by a dedicated team. They are committed to serving the diverse needs of its clients in a wide range of practice areas. 
This article will highlight the key features of Weiner Law and how it consistently delivers quality service to its clients in San Diego. 
Your Legal Representation From Weiner Law Office
The law office has built a solid reputation for its commitment to serving with compassion. The firm's attorneys bring a wealth of knowledge and skills, ensuring clients receive top-notch legal representation. You need them for a complex litigation case or a delicate family law matter. 
The law firm has the skills and experience to navigate any legal challenges. It offers several services, including trust administration, estate planning, and tax minimization. Also, they are skilled and experienced in special needs planning and Medi-Cal asset protection planning for families and individuals.
Services Offered By The Firm
The law firm takes pride in its comprehensive range of practice areas, allowing clients to find all the legal services they need under one roof. The firm focuses on various fields of estate planning, including wills and trusts, and power of attorney. It also practices estate tax protection, probate administration, trust administration, elder law, and planning for minor children. 
These diverse skills enable the firm to provide holistic solutions to its clients, addressing their legal concerns from different angles. 
Here are some of their services offered to clients:
Estate Planning
An estate is anything you have worked hard for and accumulated in your lifetime. These properties are from vast farmland, commercial land, and residential houses. They also include commercial structures, machinery, cars, and personal belongings. The distribution of your assets to your heirs at the time of your passing is crucial. However, quality planning on your estate ensures a smooth and hustle-free distribution among beneficiaries.
Estate planning is putting all your wishes into clear and lawful instructions on what will happen to your estate in times of passing or incapacitation. Also, it caters to medical preferences, custody, and care for minor children at times of incapacitation. With your chosen trusted person to implement your wishes or your trustee, Weiner Law guides them for your best interest.
Wills And Trusts
Wills and trusts play an important role in estate planning. A will is a legal document that outlines how to distribute an individual's assets and property upon death. It allows individuals to name beneficiaries and appoint an executor to manage the estate. On the other hand, trusts offer more flexibility and control over the distribution of assets. It allows individuals to protect their wealth, minimize estate taxes, and provide for their loved ones. 
Power Of Attorney
A power of attorney is a document granting another person the authority to act on behalf of the principal. This agent, known also as the attorney-in-fact, does legal, financial, or healthcare matters. Power of attorney enables individuals to designate someone they trust to make decisions on their behalf when they cannot do it for themselves. 
This document is crucial for estate planning, medical emergencies, or situations where the principal is unavailable or incapacitated. It gives the agent the legal power to manage the principal's affairs according to their wishes and best interests.
The Weiner Law Office provides proficient services with confidence to deliver satisfying results to its clients. Its holistic effort of skills and experiences pave the way for its success in providing legal services to clients. The firm is committed to providing top-notch representation, along with its skilled probate attorneys and dedicated support team. With these, the firm sets itself apart in the legal landscape.
Read More Weiner Law on Manta Driving Directions
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Weiner Law 12707 High Bluff Drive Ste. 125 San Diego CA, 92130 858-333-8844
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wiener-soldiers · 5 years
tipsy (i) - peter parker
summary: you lost five years of your life to the blip. five years without your family, your friends, and without really being alive. your dad’s solution? send you and your friends on a fully-paid vacation to spain. no superheroes stuff, no villains; just pure, teenage fun. how eventful could one week be?
words: 1.1k
pairing: peter parker x stark! reader
warnings: drinking (not really underage if they’re legal in that country), typical teenage stuff, young love and pining
parts: part one, part two, part three
a/n: ooey gooey teenage fluff
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Basic-(Y/N) did not come out often.
She was often reserved for the two months of the year where you aren’t worried about grades and school and being stuck in an Infinity stone or whatever happened; summer.
And when summer rolled around, the VSCO-loving, Instagram-whore, Basic-(Y/N) made herself known.
You weren’t really one to try to keep up with ever-changing Instagram trends (not that you are a “not-like-the-other-girls’ trope, you just had more important things to worry about), but during the summer, everyone, most especially your dad and your best friend, encouraged you to let loose a little bit more.
So, you stood in front of your bathroom mirror, fiddling with the friendship bracelet that Morgan, your stepsister, had made for you a few days prior, and readjusting your incognito airport outfit.
“You’re overthinking this,” your Dad says as he leans on the door frame to your bathroom, sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose as he watches you decide whether or not you will be joining your friends on a trip to Barcelona, Spain.
You sigh and run a hand through your hair, “Yeah well, I don’t know why you’re letting me go to Spain with my friends. You’re planning something, aren’t you.”
“I am not!” he defends himself.
“Dad, you wouldn’t be paying for this trip unless you had some kind of motive,” you scoff, “Flying a bunch of teenagers to a country where we are legal? You are definitely up to something.”
Your Dad sighs before pushing himself off the threshold and walking towards you, arms open in an embrace. You quickly step into chest and breath the scent of whatever new cologne he’s wearing as he straps his arms tightly around you. You both stay in that position for a while before your Dad pulls away, ducking his head to look at your face. You stare back up at him.
“Look, kid,” he starts, “I know the Blip was hard for this family. You disappeared and came back with a new baby sister and a family who still mourned but tried to still carry on.”
Your eyes water at the thought of Morgan, the sister you cared about so deeply despite not being there for a lot of her ‘firsts.’
Your Dad smiles softly at you as you bury your head into the t-shirt he wore underneath his blazer. He rubs your back and continues, “But sweetheart, you gotta be a kid again. That grape took so much of your teenage years away and as a Father, isn’t it my job to bring it back?”
“But the drinking—”
“All of you would technically be legal if you hadn’t Blipped, except for that Brad kid. Wasn’t he like, two feet tall before?”
You laugh at him and shake your head, “I don’t know, he was really nice to me after I came back. Super understanding—I guess the trip felt like it’d be more fun with him?”
Your Dad gives his signature Tony Stark eye-roll, “Whatever, better be a good kid if I’m paying for him to go to Europe.”
The two Starks laugh in the bathroom in each other’s embrace when a buzz from your back pocket prompts you to pull away.
“Lemme guess, it’s Parker?”
You roll your eyes at the mention of your best-friend, “It is not—”
You cut yourself off at the sight of the text:
pete :)  may says u should be at the airport like 4 hrs before the flight? u still coming to pick me up or what?
“It was him wasn’t it?”
You collect your stuff and playful shove past your Dad, “He was just complaining that you take too long.”
Peter Parker had a long couple of months.
In an attempt to regain some of his teenage years back, he had agreed to go to Europe with his class to try to live a normal life—or some semblance of normality.
Instead, he spent his time fighting Mysterio and whatever Inception-shit that guy pulled off.
You had not been on the Europe trip as you and the rest of the Starks spent several months off-the-grid in their Upstate cabin, learning to be a family again. Peter understood the situation just fine: you had been Blipped and came back with a kid-sister. He was glad that you go to spend time with your family and adjusting to life again.
He still missed you though.
However mere weeks after the original Europe trip, Peter couldn’t say that he was expecting the text message from a group chat that he got.
(y/n)     im not in hiding any more yall. lets go on a trip
ned      the last time i was on a trip i literally almost died
betty    a trip? to where? we could come visit you upstate!!
(y/n)     don’t bother im moving back to the city with the fam. and i was thinking something…farther?
ned      florida?
mj        who in their right mind you want to go to florida?
flash    me
mj        my point still stands
brad    canada?
(y/n)     beautiful country but i can only take trees for so long. dad’s thinking spain? barcelona has sick beaches
ned      not all of us can afford spain…
betty    and ned’s original point? last time we were in europe we almost died
(y/n)     first off! a few things are gonna be different! one, ill be there. two, the avengers have resettled, my dad’s moving back into the city so threats can be handled by them. and three, dad’s paying for the whole thing. says we need a PROPER vacation. not like your europe trip that sounded like hell
peter    cmon guys i think it’ll be a good idea. we could all use a hard reset before school starts up again.
That’s where Peter found himself; sitting on the couch playing iMessage games with you as an episode of Law and Order played aimlessly in the background. His suitcase lied on his lap to make sure that May couldn’t sneak the suit in there when he wasn’t looking. Everyone needed a real vacation; he was just happy Mr. Stark felt the same way.
“No suit this time?” May asks from in front of him. He looks up and finds her holding the suit with eyebrows raised.
He shakes his head, “Mr. Stark said he’s got all threats under control and that we should just be kids and enjoy our trip.”
She nods understandingly and presses a kiss to Peter’s head, “That I can agree with. But if anything goes wrong, you call Happy okay? He’ll come get you.”
Peter shudders, “I can’t believe you’re dating him.”
“I wouldn’t call it dating per se…”
A loud honk from the open window separates the two of them. Peter winces slightly before looking at his phone, only to see a text from you from a couple of minutes ago.
(y/n) <3    expect a honk! warned you lol
“That’s my ride,” Peter says before embracing May.
“Be good,” she says affectionately.
Peter nods against her, “Aren’t I always?”
taglist:  @sebastianstanfoundmymixtape @httpmcrvel @lionheo04
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