#weird angst from chloe ?
yondiii · 2 months
i’ll sort them by category but prepare yourself this is gonna be a long ass list
im gonna keep updating with new fics regularly so stay tuned
thank you to all these authors for supplying these amazing fics and for feeding my fixation
ly all bbys tysm
pls like and reblog xxx
out of convenience 2 - @qlossytbh
she blinded me with science - @whiskeyghoul
my mind turns you into folklore - @samuel-de-champagne-problems
right kind of wrong - @incognit0slut
longing glances masterlist - @radioactiveinvisible
the great gig in the sky - @mcntsee
chloe or sam or maria or marcus - @mariasont
don’t walk out - @railingsofsorrow
false god - @clementinegreye
doubt comes in - @/street-smarts00
isn’t she pretty daddy - @reiderwriter
take my breath away - @atlabeth
spencer babying reader - @/reiderwriter
nicknames - @pathologicalreid
sunflowers - @baubarbz
after getting hurt on a case - @womanmanipulator
strange perfections - @nereidprinc3ss
SMUT 18+
beyond the limit 2 - @incognit0slut
decoy (16+) - @violetrainbow412-blog
in the dead of night - @/nereidprinc3ss
whiny and spoiled - @/nereidprinc3ss
little angel - @/reiderwriter
clingy - @street-smarts00
growing pains - @killerlookz
from now on - @aperrywilliams
shouldn’t i want you? - @weird-is-life
stalker - @miley1442111
spencer comforts you (badass reader) - @luveline
don’t think i don’t like you - @/luveline
baby reid! baby reid! - @cowboyspence
so high school 2 - @bellasprettywords
curtain call - @rainydayathogwarts
pretty boy - @/atlabeth
the way i love you - @thegettingbyp2
more coming soon…..
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weebiewrites · 11 months
Things in the Miraculous movie that were way better than the show
Ok but actually, adjustments made in the movie that vastly improved the show’s canon:
Marinette’s awkwardness being equally applied to everyone she interacts with. Having her reputation be that she is a walking disaster makes Adrien’s (and Alya’s) kindness to her more impactful. Also makes Chloe’s bullying more believable. IN GENERAL makes Marinette’s character more believable.
In the same realm, the entire school and world not revolving around how perfect and cool Adrien is fixes SO. MANY. THINGS. The only person at school who seems to care about his status is Chloe, which not only makes his overall character less annoying, but also adds to Chloe’s characterization.
Speaking of Chloe, making her an actual character and not a bitch who torments her classmates relentlessly for no reason? Like yeah she’s still a bitch and a bully but she has sense of decorum and won’t take it too far if her reputation is on the line.
Sabrina having agency? Hello??
The subtilization of Marinette’s crush on Adrien. Like, hello, she has a lot of shit going on! She doesn’t have time to be swooning over her classmate all day! Yet another thing that makes her more believable.
TIKKI AND PLAGG CHOOSING THEIR OWN HOLDERS. Fuck Fu. Kwamis are literal eldritch gods, why wouldn’t they have a bit of agency?
The entire sequence of Marinette saving Fu. A clever way to have Fu meet the holder while still having Tikki be the one who chooses. Also way better storytelling for him to not intentionally put himself in danger to find a holder, makes the whole thing more organic.
The addition of the rule that the Tikki and Plagg only awaken when there’s a miraculous-level threat. Gives actual purpose to the role of the Guardian, imo.
Unpopular opinion but Tikki’s personality change was great. Once again, literal eldritch God!
Not to harp on this, but once again, the kwamis still having some level of control and AGENCY even when their holders are transformed. Tikki being in Ladybug’s yo-yo and actually guiding her was cool af and WHY WOULDN’T SHE BE ABLE TO DO THAT???
Ladybug and Chat having more general abilities BUT not having their special abilities right away. The sequence where Chat caught the invisible bullet? Cool af. And Ladybug NOT having the reset button right away really raised the stakes and honestly just felt right. It was really rewarding and triumphant when she used it towards the end.
The earrings/ring glowing as a way to communicate when one of them is not transformed. Such a good and cool idea.
Adrien and Marinette frequently hanging out together in a group with Alya and Nino without it being weird!!! Jesus!! Let the kids be kids!!!!!
Gabriel Agreste being less of a piece of shit.
Chat Noir’s “You’re my sidekick!” To, “I’m your sidekick!” progression. Followed by Ladybug’s, “we’re partners!” Immaculate.
Marinette gaining confidence as Marinette from being Ladybug AND ALSO SPECIFICALLY from her partnership with Chat Noir. LET THE SUPERHERO CHILDREN HAVE A MEANINGFUL AND UPLIFTING PARTNERSHIP FFS
Ladybug liking Chat romantically maybe before the 5th fucking season? Making Chat’s first confession less cringey bc she actually really likes him back and totally wants to kiss him? Being internally conflicted ab it?
Marinette confessing right after she gently lets Chat down for the first time, literally perfect angst set up
Gabriel being capable of feeling human emotions
Identity reveal
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sunshine-theseus · 6 months
Photo Roulette | Chloe Kelly x Reader
Words: 1.6k Summary: Media day has Chloe finally revealing her relationship. Warnings: Angst, fluff, suggestive themes (I know degrees like PhDs take super long but for the sake of this story please either pretend they don’t, or that she is super smart and managed to cut the time in like half.) Requested by - @charligrantismygirlfriend
After graduating from Oxford with a bachelor’s degree and PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biochemistry, I made the move to Manchester as a clinical biochemist. Falling in love with a professional footballer was not on my list of things to do when I moved, but when a new work colleague insisted I take their extra ticket to a “derby match” as they called it, I took the chance to broaden my non-existent Manchester social circle.
And somehow, I caught the eye of the blonde forward. The number 9 jersey found it’s way into my hand with a signature and phone number and by 7pm that night, I had a date set up.
We went on a few before Chloe and I made anything official. And with making it official, came a set list of rules regarding our relationship and her work, number one was that it didn’t exist to fans. Well, it did, but no one would know who the mystery girl was. It was a tough rule to follow, it meant whenever we hung out, we had to be hyperaware of our levels of affection and what we discussed. Dates had to be at home or in a very secluded corner of a high-end restaurant with a name no one knows how to pronounce, because that means no one there would care who we are.
I was, and forever will be grateful that those places weren’t an issue for us. Both with rather lucrative professions, my starting salary slowly increasing the longer I stay, and her’s naturally growing with the popularity of the game. It also meant it was easier for us to find a more private area to buy a house, 1 ½ years without a single issue of fans knocking on the door or press waiting for some big news story to break. The perfect paradise.
No one knew who the famous Chloe Kelly is dating and had no way of finding out. Until media day.
“Have fun! I won’t be finished at the lab until late, so maybe we’ll get takeaway for dinner?” I kiss Chloe goodbye as I pick up my keys and bag from beside the door.
“For sure! Have a good day staring at cells. At least it’s not jail cells.” I chuckle and make my way out.
My day is in fact consumed with studying pathogens within blood and other bodily fluid. It’s nearly 6pm when Filipa taps me on the shoulder, breaking my concentration and reintroducing me to my surroundings. She helps me pack everything away, we say our farewells and I head home, picking up a vegetarian pizza on the way.
“How was media day?” I ask, plopping down on the couch next to Chloe, who rests her arm around my shoulders.
“Bloody weird as usual. I did this “go through your phone” thing, but it was all good fun. I did some mini games with Yui as well. She wants us to come over for dinner again sometime.”
“Absolutely. I miss her oh my god.” I take a bite of the pizza and rest my head on her shoulder, images on the telly flashing in front of us, neither one paying attention.
“How was your day at the lab Dr Spencer Reid?”
“You’ve been watching Criminal Minds again?”
“Spencer and I are two different types of doctors.”
“I mean we both have the honorifics but his is like, not the same. Well it is but… never mind.” I can see Chloe’s lip twitch upward as I try to explain and lightly nudge her.
“I love listening to you get defensive about your title. You deserve it more than anyone in the world.” Her lips press gently to my hairline, then to my cheek, and finally land on my own lips.
“Plus, I love calling you doctor, it’s kind of hot.” My face flushes and I smack her arm.
“Sorry… doctor.” To make it brief, the night didn’t end there. It ended much, much later, with both of us panting, the cotton sheets covering her soft skin while I splash my face with water in the ensuite.
I don’t give the results of Chloe’s media day another thought for a very long time. Until a month later when Fillipa, in similar fashion to the day of filming said content, breaks me from my work and places her phone on the desk in front of me.
I give her a rather confused look, but she just points to the screen and presses play.
“Well, the next part of Unlocked is one of my favourite bits; Photo Roulette.” The guy who sits next to Chloe explains the rules.
“Fillipa what is this?”
“Just keep watching.” I watch as Chloe scrolls through the thousands of photos stored on her phone, until he tells her to stop.
Her finger lands on a photo, one that no one can see yet, and she lets out a hearty laugh.
“’S it a good one?” he claps his hands together and waits to see the results. There are a few moments of silence before Chloe explains the picture, showing it to the host.
“It’s a picture of my girlfriend, Y/n. I was trying to teach her football and she comes out in this goofy old kit of mine that’s like 4 sizes too big for either of us, socks rolled all the way up with a huge grin on her face.” The smile that shines on Chloe’s face as she recounts that day makes it hard for me to feel the anger boiling in the pit of my stomach. The picture shows up on screen, taking up the whole space, and now the secret is revealed to everyone who we worked so hard to hide it from.
“Is this the secret girlfriend you’ve been hiding the identity of for over 2 years? You finally decided it’s time.” He lets out a laugh after the comment, but I can see the recognition in her eyes and the smile fades from her face. She doesn’t say anything.
It takes me 32 minutes on average, to drive home. On any other day. But when I get into the car, I have to decide whether I should take significantly longer, or cut the time in half, to confront my girlfriend with my findings.
I arrive home at 5:21. With the combination of leaving work a few minutes early, and the somehow blessed lack of traffic, it’s nearly 15 minutes earlier than usual.
“You’re home early!” a cheerful shout echoes down the hall, blissfully unaware of the rage bubbling beneath my skin.
“Just thought I’d get home before the fans tracked me down and swarmed me.” I seethe through my teeth as I kick off my shoes and make my way toward our bedroom.
“What d’you mean?” it’s almost precious, the confused look and the head tilt that greets me.
“Well now that everyone knows who I am, I didn’t want to risk being seen.” I see the moment of realisation.
“Oh fuck I completely forgot! I didn’t mean to I swear. I’m so sorry it just slipped out.”
“How do you slip up like that Chlo? That was our one agreement, our one rule. Fans would not know. God I’ve seen how cruel people are to player’s partners, I’ve seen couples break up because of fans. Chloe what the fuck!” I fall forward onto the bed and scream into the pillows.
“Well you never asked how I feel about having to hide my girlfriend from everyone! I get you want privacy and security of fans not knowing but I want to be able to celebrate with you after wins, or just rest in your arms after a loss, without worrying if someone will see. I want to be able to take you to big games and pull you onto the pitch and kiss you in front of everyone and show them how much I love you. It’s not fair that I have to pretend you mean nothing!” A tear leaks from my eye, and I soon start to sob. My shoulders shake and I can feel the puddle of tears get soaked up by the pillow.
I feel the dip of the bed beside me and Chloe’s arm wraps around me while her lips press light kisses against my back.
“I’m sorry. I want to be there for you too. Show the world I love you. I’m just scared. I’ve never really been seen by people outside of academics. I’m scared to just… be seen.” I roll over and pull Chloe down to rest her head against my chest, running my hands through her hair, untangling the small knots.
“I will love you no matter what. If you decide to continue keeping it private or if you, break up with me.”
“Chloe I will not fucking break up with you. I think- I think I want people to know. I want to love you properly.” Her head tilts up and I lean down, pressing a kiss to her lips.
“Chloe Kelly takes a shot… AND IT GOES IN. SHE SCORES THE WINNER IN THE 92ND MINUTE!!” I yell from the friends and family section as Chloe practices shots in front of me.
She turns dramatically toward me with a glare on her face, but I poke out my tongue and she breaks out into a smile. She makes the short jog over to me and pulls me into a kiss. A rather passionate one if you want to be specific. I grab her by the shirt and pull her close, kissing her harder as people around us jokingly cheer.
“See you after the game baby.” she pecks my lips once more before running back to her teammates who clap her on the back and tease her.
“That’s my girlfriend!” I scream and point, and the same people laugh along with me.
Thank god for media day.
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hotxcheeto · 1 year
hi nevy! could u do a chloe X fem!reader but they have a secret relationship? the reader’s friends (victoria, nathan, basically the whole vortex) don’t like chloe at all. meaning the reader would have to sneak out at night to go see chloe. & if ur willing, could u add some angsty smut since chloe really doesn’t wanna be kept a secret anymore? thank u in advance
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Chloe Price x Fem!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, angst, smut, fluff sprinkled throughout, teasing, v fingering ( r! receiving ), kissing, talk of cheating ( no actual cheating ), mean names ( nate and chloe don't like each other )
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - Damn this sucks
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Your dorm room was almost silent, almost.
"I just don't get why you hang out with that weirdo." Victoria said, fixing her eye makeup while sitting at the vanity you had in your room. "Because she's my friend, Vic, just like you are."
Victoria huffed, but nodded nonetheless, looking at you in the reflection as you laid staring at your ceiling. Your mouth picking up where it had first left off,
"And she's not weird. A handful? Yes. Weird? She leaves that part to me." Victoria chuckled at your joke, standing up and walking over to your bed, crossing her arms as she glanced down at you.
"Whatever, I'm just glad you didn't fall for that puppy love crush she had on you. What a lame gimmick." You hummed, feeling the bed dip as she sat down, your door opening at almost the exact same time.
"I thought it was cute." You muttered, messing with a ring on your finger that the topic of conversation herself had gifted you. "What's cute?" Nathan's voice interrupted, the door then shutting.
"Nothing." Victoria stared at you for a moment as you spoke, her eyes then turning to Nathan. "Where the fuck have you been?" He scoffed, sitting beside your head. "What are you? My dad?"
He pulled out something from his pocket that you couldn't see, instead you focused on the way he smelled like old cologne and weed. Victoria's nails tickling your calf as she waited for him to light the joint.
"She's just worried, Nate." He grunted inaudible in response, taking a hit of the blunt before passing it to Victoria. "She should be worried about you. I seen you hanging with that punk ass blue haired bitch, again."
He dragged out his last word, glancing down at you while you only rolled your eyes. Looking away and towards your photo wall, which include said punk ass in a selfie you had made her take with you just a few days before.
"You don't know her." He grabbed the joint from Victoria's perfectly manicured fingers, "You'd be fucking surprised, Y/n/n." "She's done nothing you haven't"
Victoria watched you both go back and forth for a moment, leaning against your headboard. Smoke slowly swirling from her lips
"Whatever, don't come crying to me when she fucks you over." Giggling, you finally sat up, gesturing for the joint. "Sure Natie."
"Aw, Natie, we both know you're soft and squishy inside." Victoria commented, the boy glaring you both down as laughter filled the dorm. "Shut the fuck up, for the love of God."
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"Why can't you hang out Saturday again?"
"I have a-"
"Vortex club party, right."
Letting out a sigh, your head teetered to the left to look at her in the driver's side seat. Hand gripping her steering wheel while the other rested on your thigh, tapping along to the beat on the radio.
"Chlo, we can hang out Friday and Sunday. Promise." Your blue haired girlfriend turned her head, taking her eyes off the road to give you a glare. "Why can't I come?"
Taking a deep inhale, Chloe liked watching you squirm at the question. Laying your cheek against your knuckles while watching the trees pass by.
"You know they don't like you, I'm still warming them up. Doesn't help you bought drugs off Nate and then threatened him-" She laughed which cut you off, her grip becoming tighter. "Right, my fault he's a pretentious, rich, dickhead."
"Chloe, he is not that bad once you realize why he acts how he is." The truck then whipped into the driveway of your house, coming to a stop as she turned to look at you. "Right."
"I didn't judge you based on how you acted. I knew there was a reason you did." With that you opened the door and got out, leaving her sitting there in silence while trying to come up with a response.
Though you thought she was going to leave, like planned, the sound of the driver side door opening and closing said otherwise.
"Damn, don't let the door hit me." She smiled only when you did, following after you and into your house. Close behind while observing you set down your belongings on your kitchen counter.
"I promise Chlo, I will tell them about you when the time is right." The inside of her cheek sucked in, and you could tell she was frustrated. But she didn't stop listening.
"I just want a better relationship between you and them before I tell them about us. They worry about me." She hummed but didn't say anything, the wordlessness overly abnormal.
"I worry about you too, but sure, Victoria's probably single I mean I'm sure she'd love to-" "Chloe Elizabeth Price, that is not what I mean and you know it."
Her mouth shut as she stared, her head cocked to the side while that stupid expression pointed at you.
"Max worries about you. I'm not accusing you of wanting her or vice versa, am I?" With her head thrown back, she groaned, following you to your room. "Babe, I'm sorry." You opened your door, walking towards your bed. "I know. I am too, I'm just trying to keep the peace between people I really care about."
Chloe watched as you began to change into your loungewear, talking as you tossed your shirt away.
"Nate and Vic are coming around. I just need a little more time."
You turned around at her unresponsiveness, noticing her leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed.
"What?" She shook her head, "Nothing. Just admiring the view. You're hot when you're worked up." You stood now in only your bra and whatever bottoms you chose that morning, placing your hands on your hips.
"Is that so?" "Yeah, actually." Humming and nodding your head, you turned away from her. Unclipping the garment and tossing it away with the rest of your clothes from the day.
"You can't distract me by flirting Chloe."
Quickly you stripped yourself of your lower clothing, stepping out at the same time two cold hands landed on your belly.
"Chloe!" Her laughter was audible from her place in the crook of your neck, "You should just tell them already, no matter what they're gonna be mad." "You know why I can't do that. Nate would flip his shit, since y'know, you threatened him."
"Who cares what that asshole thinks about me." You pulled away from her, putting a shirt over your head and turning around. "I do, because he's one of my best friends."
She could tell that once again, she'd upset you. Rolling her eyes and falling onto your bed while watching you search for a pair of shorts.
"And I'm your secret hookup, color me stoked, hotstuff." You turned, practically fuming at this point, slamming your drawer shut in the process. Balling up your shorts in your hand just out of frustration.
"Fuck you, Chloe."
Her stare wasn't on your pissed off face, though, when you walked over to her. She was watching how your hips swayed instead, your bare skin being kissed by the yellow glow of your lamp.
"You know that's not true." She let out a strained laugh, snatching the shorts from your hold. "Do I?" Chloe asked.
"Don't start with that." Chloe smiled at that, or smirked, you didn't notice either because you were trying to get your bottoms back.
"I think I will."
Her cold hand landed on thigh, pushing you forward and tumbling into her lap. Her shoulders became a support beam as you tried not to fall against her.
"We're like Romeo and Juliet." You stated, trying to lighten the mood and pretend you didn't want to pluck her eyes from her head.
"Only Juliet won't tell her evil fucked up family because they don't like that Romeo doesn't suck the Vortex Club's dick." Chloe replied, her fingers slipping between your thighs making you shiver.
And as she inched closer, the more and more you wanted to press your lower half downward to meet her touch. A light throbbing pain beginning to envelop the area between your legs.
"Chloe-" "I want you to tell them." The pad of her finger brushed over your clit, a tiny little gasp escaping your lips. "I can't yet..." She laughed. "Who the fuck said that?"
You opened your mouth to reply but nothing came out. Her hand gathered your wetness while slowly beginning to circle your little bundle of nerves.
"That's what I thought." You glanced down, gripping her forearm as she played with you. Toying with your needy entrance while enjoying the tiny twitches your face made.
Her tattooed arm moving back and forth just enough to make you want more.
"You're such a dick." You mumbled, "Says the one keeping me a secret." You wanted to complain, you really did, but not a word came out. "I don't give a shit whether or not I meet Nathan Bitchscott's standards. But apparently you do."
"No- no I don't Chloe-"
It wasn't just you she was working up now, it was herself as well. Chloe's jaw clenching in aggravation at her own thoughts, but that stupid smile stuck.
And soon it grew wider when two of her fingers plunged inside of your cunt, a much louder sound admitting into the air. You thanked everything that no one was home. Helplessly listening to the wet sounds of her moving in and out at an agonizingly moderate pace.
"Then tell them, because I'm sick of waiting." Her other hand snaked up towards the back of your head. Pushing you towards her mouth to catch you in a kiss. Her lips tasted like cigarettes and the soda you'd given her earlier in the day.
"Unless you're embarrassed? You embarrassed of me, hotstuff?"
She chuckled as you shook your head, a pout on your lips as she kissed you again. Her long fingers reached each and every little spot that made you hum against her open mouth.
"Faster, please.." And like you commanded, her hand sped up. Your body practically locking up against hers, your thighs shaking to hold the rest of you from toppling your girlfriend.
And closer and closer you inched towards your high. Beginning to sweat and pant, holding her, pleading silently, asking for release.
"Come on..." You kissed her once more, your legs giving out as your weight fell against Chloe. Her fingers still moving in and out, your hips humping against her hand which soon allowed a third finger inside.
Her mouth then got close to your ear. Her warm breath tickling your skin as she fucked into you. The pads of her fingers running up and down your walls.
"You tell them, or I take my hand away. How's that fucking idea?"
The noise you made sounded unholy, thighs clamping around her hand.
"I will, I will I promise, please Chloe- fuck." You whined the last word, her digits running along your special spot again and again as you stared into her eyes. "I will please, please let me cum."
Her other hand gripped the inside of your thigh, pulling them apart once again.
"Promise?" She watched your head move up and down quickly as you agreed, "I promise, Chlo, I promise." You whimpered, riding her hand as you tried your hardest to keep yourself close, despite her slowing.
Always the tease.
"Yeah?" Again you nodded over and over until she finally sped up, fucking into you at an unruly pace. Her palm hitting against your clit just right to the point of you crying out into the crook of her neck.
"M'close Chlo- please..."
"Fuck just- let go babe."
And you did, as the coil grew tighter and tighter, her neck vibrated as you moaned. Shaking as your hips sputtered against her knuckles. Pulling away just to kiss her lips, her throat swallowing up your sounds.
"M'sorry.." You muttered against her lips as you pulled back, your hand still holding her wrist that was between your thighs.
"You're gonna tell them, right?"
"Mhm." You nod, earning a sweet smile from your girlfriend.
"Thanks hot stuff."
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egcdeath · 1 year
facing the music
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pairing: joel miller x reader (pairing from the soccer parents au, but can be read as a stand-alone)
summary: joel’s got a secret. you’re determined to figure it out. 
word count: 4.4k
warnings: mentions of cheating and insecurities around cheating (but no actual cheating), joel is being a little suspicious, joel in his musician era, a bit of arguing, angst, fluffy at the end, au: no apocalypse, very lightly edited
author’s note: thank you all so much for 2k followers!! i hope you enjoy this fic! comments and feedback are always appreciated :)
It started when you noticed that Joel was becoming a little more distant than what was normal for him. Sometimes, you’d ask what his plans for the day were over breakfast, and you’d receive an oddly short and stuttered out response, as if he had to think of a quick lie on the spot. Others, you’d ask if you and Chloe could stay the night—something that was typically a yes without hesitation and was asked as more of a courtesy than anything else—but the amount of days he wanted you over was beginning to dwindle more and more, making it obvious to you that he did not want you over for some reason.  
Which was fine. Maybe Joel just wanted some space from you. Except, then the amount of doubles he needed to work suspiciously began to grow exponentially. Now, you may not have been super familiar with contracting, but some extensive Reddit research had told you that it wasn’t exactly peak contracting season. Besides, there were only so many homes in the surrounding area, and only so many pools that needed to be dug, or decks that needed to be built. 
But the final nail in the coffin were the suspiciously late hours that Joel began to come home on the rare occasion that he actually allowed you to stay. In the past, even when he’d worked long shifts, he was typically back before ten in the evening. You could probably count the days on one hand that he’d been home before that time within the past month.
Despite how hard you tried to convince yourself otherwise, his behavior was clearly a little odd and unsettling. You had been trying your best to let go of some of your past relationship hang ups, and you’d said it a thousand times to your friends, your parents, or really whoever would listen—Joel was nothing like Nathan. You really had nothing to worry about. He would never purposefully deceive you. 
Except with every passing day, it was becoming more and more obvious that Joel was definitely keeping something from you. The new and odd behaviors, the weird change in work schedule, and the late hours all told you that much. As much as you tried to fight it, you’d be a fool not to even question what exactly it was that was causing this rather suspicious behavior.
Obviously, you needed to investigate Joel and his whereabouts somehow. If he wouldn’t be direct about what he was doing, you would simply figure it out yourself. You could always call off sick and follow him around for the day to see if he really was just going through an odd period, or if he actually had something to hide. 
But before you began your investigation, you wanted to give your partner a proper chance to be honest; to let him get anything he needed to get off his chest to you. That reasoning was how you ended up alone in Joel’s bed, binge watching a shitty reality TV show to keep you awake until his door finally cracked open at a staggering three o’clock in the morning. How you even managed to stay awake this late was somewhat of a miracle, but you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and prepared yourself for the interrogation you’d been rehearsing in your head all night.
Joel jumped with a start as he stumbled across you, wide awake in his bed with your laptop on your lap. He was quite obviously not expecting you to be in his room at this hour, let alone awake and seemingly waiting for him. 
“Shit,” he gasped out, clearly more than a little startled by your presence. “I thought you were coming over tomorrow. How’d you get in the house?”
“You gave me a copy of your house keys, remember?” you closed your laptop and set it on your bedside table, reminding yourself to stay cool and calculated in this interaction. “Tommy called to see if I could pick Sarah up, so I spent the evening here.”
“Right. Sorry, I forgot. It’s late. I’m just tired,” he explained, closing the door behind him and beginning to shed some of his clothing. You found the flannel and jeans to be an interesting choice— too uncomfortable for work, just casual enough for a date. Suspicious. “Why are you still up?” 
“Couldn’t sleep,” you replied, fighting away a yawn that would show just how tired you really were as you laid back onto your pillows. “What are you doing back here so late?”
Joel shrugged, looking off to the side as if he didn’t want to make eye contact with you. He had never been a particularly good liar, and it was becoming clear to you that he hadn’t thought through what he would tell you in the event that he was caught coming home so late. 
Probably because he’d gotten away with it so many times before, a thought you hadn’t had since Nathan remarked. You had willingly stayed in the dark for far too long with him. You wouldn’t make that same mistake in this relationship, too. 
“Some of the guys wanted to go get drinks after work,” he explained, busying himself with bringing his clothes to the hamper and searching for pajamas rather than looking at you. 
“Wow. You guys were out for a while then,” you smiled despite not really believing the explanation. Not yet wanting to give away how little you believed him, you lifted the duvet up and gestured at it once he finally turned back to look at you. “You coming to bed?”
“Yeah, just give me one sec,” he said, hurrying off to the bathroom and doing god-knows-what in there. The insecure, angry part of yourself that you’d repressed since your divorce wondered if he was attempting to rinse off the smell of another woman, but the logical side of you reasoned that he was probably just freshening up before getting into bed. 
You couldn’t exactly place how you felt. Obviously, Joel had lied to you about his whereabouts, and you certainly were uncomfortable because of that, but you weren’t quite sure that it was time for you to start feeling betrayed just yet. 
You tried not to stew in your feelings for too long, as Joel still had time to tell you the truth. Maybe he’d had a change of heart in the bathroom, and he would step out of that shower as a new man. You certainly hoped so as he came back out from his en-suite, hitting the lamp on his bedside table before getting into bed next to you. 
Joel was quick to wrap you in an embrace, clearly eager for a bit of cuddling before the two of you went to sleep. He buried his nose into your shoulder, letting out a soft sigh as he melted into you like so many times before. Even when you were feeling suspicious of him, you couldn’t deny how feeling him slot against you like a puzzle piece always made your heart flutter.
But you couldn’t get distracted now. Based on how Joel’s breaths were beginning to slow down next to you, your window of time for getting an answer about his late-night whereabouts was quickly shrinking. 
“Honey?” you began, reaching up to thread your fingers through the hand he was currently laying on you. 
“Mhm,” he replied groggily, clearly quite sleepy after being up this late, doing whatever it was that he was doing. 
“Is there anything you wanna tell me?” you asked deceptively softly, rubbing your thumb on the back of his hand.
“No,” there was an alertness in his tone as he responded far too quickly for your liking. Your question clearly caught him off guard and pulled him away from a sleep that had been rapidly grasping at him.
You were no idiot. Joel obviously knew what you were onto, but wanted to play dumb. Fine. That was totally fine. You could give him a hint, and maybe, just maybe, he would be honest with you. 
“Not even why you were really out this late?” you pressed, your voice artificially sweet. 
Unlike your previous question, this one gave him a bit of pause. You and Joel both knew he needed to consider his next words very carefully. 
“No,” he said once more after he seemed to have collected his thoughts.
“Okay,” you simply acknowledged, allowing Joel to snuggle back into your back as if he hadn’t said anything wrong at all. After a beat, you dropped his hand, then you shifted away from Joel just the slightest bit. He readjusted himself, inching himself closer to you to compensate for the loss of skin-on-skin contact between the two of you. You moved yourself away once more, and Joel once again followed, seemingly not getting the message in his half-asleep state. 
As you scooted away, the soft simmer of your frustration began to turn into what was more of a rolling boil of anger. Joel had the audacity to lie to you after you had given him not one, but two opportunities to tell you the truth, then proceed to cuddle up to you like nothing happened after you repeatedly moved away. That anger led you to abruptly pop out of bed, your breathing picking up as your body and mind prepared you for the argument that was sure to ensue. 
“What’re you doing?” Joel asked groggily, clearly half-asleep once again. 
“Leaving,” you replied brusquely, grabbing two pillows from your side of the bed and beginning to tug away the blanket folded up at the foot of Joel’s bed. 
“What?” he questioned, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he watched a very angry you snatch away the blanket at his feet. 
“Goodnight, Joel. Let me know if you’re ready to be honest in the morning,” you huffed, not even letting him get a word in as you left the room. 
You spent the night curled up in Joel’s living room loveseat, grateful that both of your children were leaving for the weekend in the morning and wouldn’t have to face the fallout of whatever the fuck was going on between the two of you. 
It was almost jarring how much this night was reminding you of how you felt in your previous relationship, so much so that when you dreamt of the chaos that was your past, you weren’t too surprised. Although, you were quite drained. 
In the morning, your back was killing you almost as much as your brain was. You hated being mad at Joel, but you put on a brave face as you got both Sarah and Chloe out the door, playing off your rough night on the couch as a mild bout of insomnia. 
By the time that it was just you and Joel alone, you had already proven by your cold shoulder and silent treatment that you were completely uninterested in interacting with your partner at the moment. You were rightfully pissed. You were pissed as you scrambled eggs (making sure to get a bit of eggshell in Joel’s batch), and you were pissed as you sat down at the table with a warm mug of coffee in hand. 
Joel called your name, catching your attention, but not urging you to look up or even really acknowledge his existence in any meaningful way. “I don’t want to fight,” he pleaded with you. 
“Good thing we’re not fighting,” you replied, looking back down at your phone as you sipped your coffee—a drink that tasted as bitter as you were feeling. 
“But you’re angry at me,” he reasoned, making a beeline from the kitchen to the table. 
“Mmm,” you hummed neutrally, not explicitly agreeing or disagreeing, but acknowledging that he spoke. 
“How can I fix this?” he asked, settling down in the seat next to you and attempting to lower the device in his hands so you could focus on him. He said your name softly then repeated, “How can I fix this?” with a sense of genuineness that made you want to forget you were ever mad in the first place. 
“You can tell me what you’ve been doing that makes you come back home at four in the morning,” you parroted his tone in an almost mocking way. Sure, it was a little mean, but you were beyond frustrated. Joel had accidentally played into one of your biggest insecurities in a relationship, and he didn’t even get why you were so upset. 
Joel sighed and looked away, shaking his head just the slightest bit to himself. He hesitated before beginning again, almost as if he wanted to explain himself but couldn’t. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m leaving,” you announced, standing up. “Thanks for the coffee.”
“Hey, don’t go,” he practically begged. “Please.”
The desperation in his voice nearly made you reconsider putting your foot down. Knowing how he was sensitive around people leaving and hearing his plea for you to stay almost had you turning around and pulling him into a tight embrace. One that would tell him I promise not going anywhere. But you needed to be strong. You couldn’t just let yourself be mistreated because you loved someone. 
“I’ll come back when you’re ready to be honest with me,” you explained, striking a balance between affirming that you would be back, but being clear that you would only do so under the conditions of trust. “I don’t really think that’s much to ask for.”
“I love you,” he attempted, grabbing the tips of your fingers as you walked away from the kitchen table. 
As much as you wanted to be petty in the moment and not say anything in response, you understood that Joel had some pretty deep seeded issues with abandonment, and that usurped any petty bone in your body. Maybe you’d feel good from the power trip of making him feel exactly what you’d been feeling—and even then, you’d probably feel guilty immediately after—but at the end of the day, he was still your boyfriend, and his only real crime was telling a little white lie. 
“I love you too,” you said earnestly, truly meaning it regardless of how upset you were. “I’ll see you soon.”
You could practically feel the big brown puppy dog eyes boring into your back as you walked off, but you willed yourself to leave anyway. 
“Wait,” he called out the moment your hand met the doorknob. “I’ll tell you what I’ve been doing. But I’d rather show you than tell you.”
Your interest was thoroughly piqued, and you turned around to look at the man who—like you predicted—directed his mournful puppy dog eyes at you. 
“You’re well within your right to leave. In fact, it’s probably for the best for both of us that you go. Just… Just meet me at the Tipsy Bison tonight at ten, and I swear I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”
Well, you weren’t going to say no to that, but you did put on a bit of a show as you contemplated telling him if you would or not. “Okay,” you simply agreed, leaving the door swinging behind you. 
Although you played coy before, you were anxious with anticipation of what it was Joel had kept such a secret as the day passed you by. You also found your home to be extremely boring without your child’s endless commentary to keep you occupied or without having Joel by your side to spice up even the most mundane tasks. 
It felt like the span of the day was lasting years as you waited for the clock to approach ten. And as you got ready to head out to the bar, you felt that time somehow found a way to become even slower. 
Regardless of the timeframe Joel gave you and the fact that time seemed to be moving extra slow, you made it a point to arrive at the quaint bar just fashionably late, showing yourself into the bustling building and somehow managing to find an unoccupied booth. 
As expected, it didn’t take you too long to find Joel, his silhouette and body language easy for you to pick out even in the crowded sea of people. Your lips involuntarily quirked up into a smile as you watched Joel grab a drink from the bartender, and your eyes followed the man as he walked away.
Just as quick as your smile came, it dropped, bringing your stomach right along with it as Joel approached a woman. Joel smiled nervously at this mystery woman and she flipped her hair before setting a hand on his back and seemingly ushering him somewhere else. You swore that your heart skipped a beat in the worst way possible. 
There it was. Just like you feared.
So that’s what Joel invited you to see. He wanted to get you right up and personal to watch him have an affair. 
That angry, insecure part of yourself reared its head once more, as you were briefly overcome with a perverse pride that you’d at least correctly guessed that the deception was occurring. But more than anything, you just felt empty inside. Maybe this whole relationship thing just wasn’t for you. 
You needed a drink. 
Once he was gone, you sighed aloud. Was there something fundamentally wrong with you that made every single significant other in your life unsatisfied with you? You looked down at the sticky wood table as you pondered this question, with nothing more than people talking as background noise to your inner turmoil. 
Wait, what kind of bar had no music? You were starting to become more than a little agitated with your whole situation. You were sure your frustration with the bar was more of misplaced anger than anything else, but it felt good to scoff at this stupid little establishment where you found out that your stupid little relationship was ruined. 
Just as you began to pull yourself out of your pity party, and thus out of the booth, you were approached by a mildly frazzled-looking bartender. 
“Excuse me, ma’am, that man over there sent you a drink,” they informed you, gesturing over to a stage (since when did that exist?!) where Joel was setting up a microphone(?!) with the help of that woman from before. Now that you were getting a better look at her, her name tag and lanyard clearly indicated that she was nothing more than staff. 
“Oh, uh, thank you,” you were caught a little off guard by it all; by Joel sending you a drink, by him looking like he was getting ready to perform something for this crowded bar, and by your insecurity ever letting you believe that your Joel, who begged and gave you puppy eyes for you not to leave that very morning, would ever cheat on you. 
Despite your eyes never leaving that stage, the sound of light microphone feedback made you focus a little more on your boyfriend as Joel got settled into an uncomfortable looking stool and began to balance the base of his guitar on his thigh. 
“How’s everyone doing tonight?” he asked as he adjusted the microphone, getting a sort of flat cheer, but a solid whoop from you. No matter how confused you were, you could always be counted on to be a supportive partner. “Good to see some old faces, and some new ones,” you could’ve sworn he looked in your direction when he said that. 
Is this what he’s been up to this entire time? Obviously, he’d been at this bar before, but you wondered if there were others. 
“My name’s Joel, and I’ll be playing some tunes for you tonight. I’ll be taking requests all night—except for requests to get off the stage,” he joked, receiving a little chuckle from the crowd who were clearly just ready to start having music playing again. Getting the memo, Joel began to strum his instrument before heading straight into a song. 
You were pleasantly surprised; you didn’t really know what you expected coming into the bar tonight, but you certainly hadn’t expected to hear Joel performing live in front of a somewhat substantial audience. 
You polished off your drink before moving a little closer to the stage. Based on the way Joel acted when you, Chloe, or Sarah even suggested that he play something for you, you knew that it was taking a lot for him to be up on that stage. You weren’t going to let him stay up there without seeing how great of a job he was doing. 
People swayed and danced along to his covers—the songs just happening to be music you were familiar with through your duets (and occasionally quartets) in the car, or through karaoke nights—but you wormed your way up to the front and grinned at Joel as he sang, his eyes occasionally meeting yours and brightening up with every glance. 
Finally, it seemed like his set was beginning to wrap up. In your opinion, his little concert could have gone on far longer, but you understood that all good things had to come to an end.
“This last song is dedicated to my lovely partner and our amazing kids,” a soft aww could be heard in the bar as he delved right into the next and final song, a song that the two of you were quite familiar with. You had great memories of that song coming on your record player while you washed the dishes, making you drop whatever it was you were doing and dance in the kitchen, a slow but soft sway. More recently, you had convinced Joel to take a bath with you, during which this song played, and he confessed how it always made him think of you. 
Now that you really thought about it, it really was your song, and you felt like your heart was alight as you watched Joel play it, as he looked right at you, an unconcealable smile plastered on his face.
With the song finally wrapped up, and a solid roar of applause once Joel was done, you made it your first priority to find your partner once he finished tearing down his set. 
Joel wasn’t very difficult to locate—he stood back at the bar as a few people came up to him to tell him how great of a job he’d done. You patiently waited for Joel to receive all of his rightfully earned praise before you finally sent him a drink of your own, winking at him once the bartender passed on the message. 
He was quick to come over to you, taking a seat right next to you and smiling at you fondly, still so sickeningly in love despite the argument you’d had with him earlier in the day. 
“Hi, handsome,” you greeted, setting a palm on his thigh. “You were great up there,” you gushed, genuinely very impressed with how great his performance was. You knew he was good, but he had clearly become more confident playing in front of others, and it showed in the amazing show he put on that night. 
“Really? You liked it?” Joel practically lit up, seemingly not expecting you to have enjoyed the show that much. 
“Of course I liked it, you dork. Do you not hear me when I tell you how good you are?” by now your negative feelings had mostly dissipated, leaving you comfortable enough to laugh a little as you spoke.
“Well, you’re required to tell me that I’m good. And you’re biased,” he argued. 
“Whatever,” you giggled, stealing a sip of the drink you’d ordered for Joel. “So is this what you’ve been acting all suspicious over?” The question was more rhetorical than anything else, but it would be nice to hear his actual confession. 
“Yeah, I’ve been going to a few open mics around the city for the past month or so” he confessed, looking mildly uncomfortable. “I should’ve just told you. It wasn’t worth nearly sabotaging our entire relationship because I was a little embarrassed.”
“No, it wasn’t,” you agreed, bumping your knee against his. “You know, I was starting to think you were having an affair or something-“
“Christ, I would never- Should I be offended? Do you not trust me?” Joel interrupted, clearly a little distressed by you thinking that he would ever put you through something like that. 
“I do trust you, but you would start feeling a little suspicious too if I randomly started acting the way you’ve been acting… Coming home late, making weird excuses that are obviously lies, refusing to be straightforward…” you trailed off, hoping Joel would get the idea. 
“Fine, you’re right,” he conceded. “I’m sorry I acted like that. I should’ve known better after everything you’ve been through,” he apologized, setting a hand on your arm. His apology was clearly accepted by you. If anything, you were more relieved that your relationship was preserved than you were annoyed by his little secret. 
“It’s alright. You just have to promise me that you’ll invite me to every show you have from now on. And maybe occasionally practice in front of our kids and I too,” you suggested, happy to throw in your own little terms and conditions. 
“You know, a few weeks ago, I probably would’ve said no to both of those things,” he began, looking off a little wistfully. 
“But open mics have changed you for the better?” you finished his sentence, knowing him well enough to figure you knew the direction of his sentence.
“I guess so,” he agreed with a hum. 
“That’s cute,” you commented, being completely truthful with your words. You were glad that Joel had been able to discover a hobby that he enjoyed, and one that had seemingly been helping out with his confidence. 
“You’re cute,” Joel countered, reaching up to cup your cheek in his hand as if he were demonstrating his point.
“You know what’s cuter?” you proposed.
“That face you make when you get really focused on hitting the right note,” you replied with a smirk, knowing that regardless of how confident his new hobby was making him, he still squirmed when being complimented.
“Oh, please stop,” he blushed, covering his face in embarrassment as you praised him. 
“Oh no, get used to it. From here on out, I’m gonna be sitting at the front row of every single one of your shows, and giving you play-by-plays of when you look cutest during your sets,” you teased.
“You know what? That might be something I can get used to.”
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lambertdiary · 10 months
Sorry Won't Fix This
"Sorry Won't Fix This" Masterlist
A/N: I decided to join @omgrachwrites 's 2K followers celebration! Congrats friend on this amazing milestone, I hope you like this! I went for the angst prompt "sorry won't fix this" since I don't think I've posted enough angst. I'm sorry if this is confusing and messy, I don't know what happened. also I was heavily inspired by this gif and that whole scene.
Word Count: 2.2k+
Warnings: angst, alcohol consumption, language, lots of dialogue
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It was New Year’s Eve and the three friends were making their way through the crowded hallways. They had just arrived at the party and the big mansion looked like it couldn’t hold one more person. It was a big deal apparently, one of the rich families in town were the hosts of the celebration, they were famous for their incredible parties and it seemed like they went bigger every year, so being invited was a ‘once in a lifetime opportunity’, as some would call it.
Chloe, the youngest daughter of the family, went to the same school as them. She was beautiful, cool, interesting and had a lot of friends who constantly got invited to her parents’ home. Chris and Y/N didn’t know the girl but Dalton did, and she asked him to bring his friends. They were of course very excited to be there but the hundreds of drunk people bumping into them made it a little overwhelming. 
“I don’t wanna get drunk tonight” Y/N said as soon as they found the alcohol.
“It’s New Year’s Eve, why do you care?” Chris asked, raising her voice so that her friends could hear her.
“I don’t know, there’s too many people here and I basically know no one” Y/N was looking around trying to find a familiar face “Plus, someone should stay sober”
“If that’s what you want” Chris replied, shrugging her shoulders “Dalton, take a shot with me”
“Uh-” He hesitated “Maybe I should be the sober one tonight”
“No, drunk Dalton is more helpful than sober Dalton for some reason” He rolled his eyes and took the tiny glass from Chris “You were the one who got invited to this party anyway, it would be rude if you didn’t get wasted tonight”
Dalton nodded. Maybe Chris had a point, he wouldn’t wanna appear rude in front of everyone, especially not in front of Chloe. He took that first sip like he has never had alcohol before, making a disgusted face and a weird noise. 
“Don’t be dramatic” Chris said, rolling her eyes and handing him another shot. 
“I’m gonna find food” Y/N said as she saw her friends determined to get plastered before midnight. The second shot went down a lot easier for both of them, and eventually, after many many weird combinations, any drink tasted like water. They swore they were fine, that they were not drunk at all, even though Y/N spotted them dancing. It was like they didn’t have a care in the world and their only purpose was to get lost in the beat, which wasn’t hard to believe for someone like Chris, but Dalton? He would never do something like that, especially not in front of hundreds of people. 
Y/N was holding a soda while she kept an eye on her friends, talking to a lot of people and occasionally joining them on their dancing. The whole party was really impressive, there were waiters everywhere, unlimited food and drinks, a massive pool and even some entertainment every now and then. She has never been to a party like that and she was curious to meet the person that invited them there in the first place. 
Hours went by and Y/N looked at the time. 11 PM. One more hour until midnight. Everyone around her was having a great time, she was too but she was starting to regret her decision of not drinking anything. Waiting for the new year to come with her closest friends at a party like this called for a drink, even if it was just one. She wanted to tell Chris about her one drink but as soon as she found her, she grabbed her hand and started guiding her through the people 
“I need to find a bathroom” Chris said. They walked through the many hallways until they finally found a bathroom.
Chris went in but kept the conversation going “Where’s Dalton” Y/N yelled.
“I don’t know, with Chloe and her friends I think”
“Oh, did you meet them?”
“I did, I’m sure they’re nice but it’s hard to understand what they’re saying with so much alcohol in their systems”
“You’re one to talk” Y/N joked, and Chris opened the door dramatically.
“I’m not drunk, and even if I was, I think I’m really good at hiding it” Chris started walking back to the party, Y/N following her. 
“I would like to disagree”
“You’re not allowed to”
They went back to the dance floor, finding a lonely Dalton dancing with passion, stumbling as he tried to stop himself from falling. They danced with him for a while and then tried to convince him to go wash his face before midnight, but he refused. Y/N decided to get him some water, that would definitely help her drunk friend. She went to find some water for Dalton and an alcoholic drink for herself, and after a moment she made her way back. It was nearly midnight and she wanted to be with Chris and Dalton when the clock hit 12 AM. Unfortunately, with everyone at the party gathering outside getting ready for the count down, Y/N lost sight of them, they weren’t on the dance floor where she left them. She assumed they were in the garden, where the big screen with the time was, so she walked around for a while to look for them but gave up when she noticed how hard it would be to spot them in the massive crowd. 
She did see a familiar face though, Chloe “Hey” She approached her with a friendly smile. 
Chole looked a little drunk, just like anyone else there, but she returned the smile  “Hi! I’m Chloe” She said, hugging Y/N. 
“I know, I’m Y/N” She replied, hugging her back and breaking it after a moment. 
“Pretty! I love your name”
“Thanks” Y/N smiled at her, happy that she finally met the famous Chloe  “I’m here with Dalton”
“Oh yeah, Dalton, I was just with him. He looks like he’s having a really good time. Are you enjoying the party?”
“Yeah, I am. This place is amazing” She looked around and admired the expensive art on the wall “Anyway, how do you know Dalton?”
“He painted me once” Oh. 
“Oh, cute” She forced a smile. 
“Yeah, he’s so talented” Chloe smiled again, and her smile made Y/N realize why they were invited to the party “Don’t you think?”
“He is, definitely” Y/N wasn’t being mean, but she felt guilty for reacting this way, Chloe was really nice and it wasn’t at all her fault, Dalton could so whatever he wanted anyway “Listen, I’m gonna go find my friends but thank you”
“Any time!” She left and Y/N chugged the drink she was holding. Looking at the time again she realized there were five minutes left of the current year. She had to be quick if she wanted to find them before midnight.
Was she jealous? Maybe. Y/N and Dalton had a rather complicated history. They have known each other for a couple of years now and are definitely good friends. It wasn’t always like that, though. The first year of their ‘friendship’ consisted of hooking up and regretting it, they tried to be something more but it always ended badly. Whether it involved trust issues, constant jealousy, lack of effort or even meaningless arguments, they never found a way to work through their problems. 
Y/N still had feelings for him, they never went away but she didn’t wanna keep trying, not when Dalton didn't feel the same way. Truth is, he did feel like that, he constantly thought about her but whenever he tried something it went nowhere, so he just gave up on her. They were so oblivious of each other’s feelings. 
“Chris, have you seen Dalton?” Y/N asked when she finally found her. 
“Uhh-” Chris scanned the people around her and was about to say no, but then she saw him. 
Her reaction was really obvious, making Y/N immediately direct her attention to where she was looking. 
Dalton and Chloe were together, really close to each other. She had her arms around his neck and he was holding her waist. Looking down at her with those eyes.
“I’m sorry Y/N” Chris whispered before hugging her.
She wanted to look away, but just couldn’t for some reason. Why would she want to hurt her own feelings like that?
“Happy new year!” Everyone yelled at the same time.
Y/N closed her eyes and held Chris tighter, whispering “Happy new year”
She dared to look back at Dalton and Chloe, wanting to confirm her suspicions. And they were right. They were kissing deeply, and a few of Chloe’s friends were hyping them up.
She wanted to cry but that is not how she wanted to start the new year, and she was mad at herself for not trying to fix things with him before it was too late “I’m gonna go find more alcohol” She told Chris.
“Y/N come on, don’t let Dalton ruin tonight”
“He didn’t, I just want another drink” Y/N said before leaving, Chris wanted to follow her but she felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Happy new year!” Dalton said, leaning in for a hug.
“What the hell, Dalton?” Chris took a step back “Why did you abandon us? I thought we agreed to be together for the countdown” She was mad.
“Sorry, I was just with-”
“Good job, now we’re gonna leave. You should stay, though”
“What? Why?”
“I’m gonna go find Y/N” Chris rolled her eyes and went back into the mansion.
Dalton followed her. He was a little confused, why was she mad? Were they both mad? He was about to ask her but he saw Y/N going back to the garden “Y/N!” He yelled, but the music was too loud. He walked behind her and touched her back when he was close enough.
“Happy new year” Dalton smiled, but it quickly faded when he saw her eyes “Everything okay?”
Y/N looked at him with storms in her eyes “Is that why we came here?” 
Dalton stayed silent for a moment “I don’t know what you’re talking about”
Y/N didn’t know if she should tell him, they weren’t together so why should she care? He for sure didn’t so maybe it was time she let him go “It doesn’t matter, I’m leaving” She started walking but Dalton stopped her.
“Please tell me what happened”
“I shouldn’t-” She said, walking again “Just forget it, okay?” 
Dalton finally understood why she was acting like that “Is this about Chloe?”
“I said forget it”
“Why do you always do this?” That made her stop on her tracks and turn around to face Dalton.
“Do what?”
“Come to me yelling about us when you have made it clear you want nothing with me”
“I never said that”
“But that’s what you always imply, I make moves and you push me away. You say you’re not ready for a relationship but-”
“But what?”
“You- I’m the only one you reject, every time. And now this is my fault somehow?”
Y/N scoffed “You know damn well how I feel”
“No I don’t, Y/N, and that’s the problem”
“Well, that’s your problem. You never listen to me, not then and not now”
“I did- I do” He stammered, running a hand through his hair, unsure of what to say “I just wanna understand”
“Understand what?”
“What happened to us” He got closer to her and tried to hold her hand, but Y/N didn’t allow it.
“You know what happened, you and your million reasons to simply not care about me, about us, or our relationship. Dalton, you made it so fucking hard”
“So you’re just tossing out blame and washing your hands”
“You have no idea how hard I tried to save us”
“Did you really? Then why did you insist on picking every little detail to fight with me?”
“Because I cared”
“Cared? So you don’t anymore?” Y/N didn’t say anything, scared to make things worse between them “Then why are you so mad that I kissed Chloe?”
“Because I love you”
“Stop lying to me” Dalton was loud this time, too loud.
She stared at him and Dalton didn’t say anything. She couldn’t believe he just raised his voice at her. He quickly realized and was about to apologize but Y/N interrupted him “Don’t even bother, happy new year” Y/N started walking again, repeating in her mind that she needed to find Chris.
“Y/N, I’m sorry”
“Sorry won’t fix this, it won’t fix any of this”
“Then I don’t know how to fix it”
She turned around again “Maybe you can’t, not this time” 
There was an awkward silence, both of them trying to think of something to say “You said we’re not good for each other and maybe you were right” Dalton finally muttered.
Y/N didn’t know how to respond to that. It broke her heart to hear him say those words but she knew it was true. Being together and hating him seemed worse than not being with him and wondering what could’ve been. 
“I guess I was. Have fun”
She walked away for the last time, knowing things would never be the same.
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lonelywhalien22 · 1 year
trust me
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pairing: bang chan x reader
rating/genre: comfort, fluff, sprinkle of angst
summary: you're having a bad day and your boyfriend chan is there to try and make you feel better.
warnings: reader is low key hella sad in this (take care of yourselves yall <3) + a steamy kiss (very self indulgent ik i'm sorry)
word count: 2.7k
song(s) to listen to while reading: steamroller by phoebe bridgers (reader is hella sad so are we surprised lol), renee's song by bazzi, fall by chloe x halle
note: while i try to tame some bigger fic ideas into submission i'll occasionally polish up + share some of my more decent smaller pieces from years past. pretty sure i wrote this one in the throws of the p*ndemic while struggling with college and feeling hella touch starved...so yeah...enjoy lol <3
It was one of those days - one where that funny feeling had bubbled up inside of you, seemingly out of nowhere. You knew it all too well by now, knew its signs and its symptoms. One moment you’d be fine, and then it would happen - a dreaded phone call for an appointment that you could no longer put off, a tedious task at work, a much needed item that you’d misplaced and couldn’t find - sometimes it was all of these things in one day and more, and suddenly you weren’t ok. And as much as you’d try to not let all the frustrations of life get to you, as much as you’d try to hold on to the good, to the light, sometimes bit by bit it would still slip from your grasp until you were tired of trying and there was nothing left inside of you but a dull gray.
You hated when you got in these sorts of moods - used to think there'd be some stage in life, some milestone you could reach, thing you could achieve that would make them go away forever, but you’d survived enough of them by now to know that it was a lifelong battle. There were highs and lows, and today just happened to be one of the lows.
Today also just happened to be one where your boyfriend Bang Chan was supposed to be coming over. His presence was one that so often brought light into your life - fun and laughter and a smile to every situation, but despite having accepted that you were in a sour mood, the thought of him seeing you this way made you feel worse instead of better - like a recluse undeserving of such sweet affection. As if he could hear your thoughts from afar, your cellphone began ringing on the kitchen table, temporarily snapping you right out of your self pity.
“Am I still good to stop by in an hour?" You could practically hear the excitement in his voice, imagining his charming smile immediately, but the warmth in your chest only lasted for a second before you just felt even more upset with yourself. You didn’t wanna burden him with your feelings - tramp all over his joy with your frustration.
"Hey Chan. I'm sorry, but I'm kind of feeling like trash right now." You thought maybe that would be the end of it, hoped that he would read between the lines, but he was completely oblivious, a caring tone seeping into his words as he tried to help you instead.
"Are you sick? I can pick up something for you and bring it by if you want.”
"No, that's not exactly it," you began, struggling to find the words. There was a long pause on the line, and you could hear Chan shifting, as if he was sitting up. You cursed in your head. There was no way he was gonna let this go now - not when you were being so distant. 
“Babe, you know you can tell me anything right?” His use of the nickname made your heart flutter again, gently coaxing you to open up to him - to be honest.
“I know.” 
“Then talk to me.”
“I just…I don’t know, it’s stupid.”
“Nothing you say is stupid,” Chan said immediately. “Tell me what’s going on.”
You let out a sigh before nervously continuing. “It’s just…sometimes I’ll get in this really weird headspace and it makes me feel like crap and...I'm just annoyed with myself. I'm sorry if that doesn't make any sense...I think maybe I just need to be alone right now," you tried to get the last words out but began to break down a little as you really thought about what you’d said. Something about hearing it out loud made it feel all the more real, your eyes beginning to water and throat beginning to dry up.
“It sounds like you're upset. You sure you don't want me to come over?” 
You took a big breath, trying to calm yourself before speaking again, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t find it in you to say anything else. It felt paralyzing - being stuck between the part of you that just wanted him to be with you and the part that was afraid you’d scare him away forever with your feelings. The more you thought about it the more emotional you got, and you felt a tear run down your cheek before you started to sob silently into the phone.
"Babe? Y/n?” Chan asked, voice becoming laced with concern. 
"Yeah?" It was all you could manage to sob out.
"I'm coming over right now," he said quickly, making the decision for you. You could already hear shuffling sounds in the background as he presumably scrambled to grab his things.
"Give me like twenty minutes ok? And just stay on the line with me please? Can you do that for me?" 
"Yeah. I'm sorry." 
“There's nothing to be sorry for," Chan said softly.
In less than twenty minutes you heard a hurried knock on your door. Hanging up on your phone, you pulled yourself off of the couch and shuffled over to the entrance of your apartment, unlocking and pulling open the door to reveal your boyfriend's slightly panicked face.
“Hey…” he whispered gently when he saw you. You moved out of the way and he quickly stepped inside, setting down a bunch of bags before he turned back around and immediately enveloped you in his arms. The warmth of his body pressed against yours easily disarmed you, walls falling down so that all you could think about was his sturdy embrace. 
"I'm sorry,” you mumbled into his chest, trying to look at him. “I didn't mean to worry y-" 
"Hmm. Shush. No apologizing. Just let me hold you for a minute, yeah?" 
You nodded your head against him, silent as you slowly relaxed all the muscles in your body and let yourself really feel his warmth, feel all of the love radiating from his body into yours. He smelled like his shower gel, a hint of spearmint seeping into your lungs as your breathing began to slow and your eyes closed, whizzing thoughts in your head beginning to dissipate one by one. Your fingers curled into the fabric of his black sweater, holding on as if you never wanted to let go, and he let you - staying wrapped around you for an entire minute, just like he said. One of his hands stayed firmly wrapped around your waist while the other went up to start rubbing all the way from your head to the middle of your back, repeating the motion leisurely. You released a sigh of content as he did this, feeling yourself start to calm down, heart rate beginning to slow. Eventually he loosened his arms just enough to pull back a little and look at your tear-stained face.
"Let's sit down and I'll get you some food to eat hmm?" he said quietly, thumb wiping across your wet cheeks. You nodded, feeling a bit like a child as he lead you to your couch and wrapped a blanket around you before getting you some food from one of the bags he brought. When he came back you noticed his hair was a bit wet, presumably still drying from a shower he must have taken right before calling you, strands curling from the dampness. And as you looked down at the container of food he’d placed in your hands you realized it was your favorite meal from your favorite place. He even remembered how you always asked for extra sauce. 
Chan stayed silent as you slowly picked up your fork and began to eat, still sniffling a little. He easily found the remote to your tv, switching it on in a practiced familiarity, and put on one of your favorite movies, letting it play softly in the background before digging in to his own food.
When you’d both finished eating, he silently patted his lap, and you knew without any explanation that he was asking you to lean yourself back into his embrace. You did so shyly, Chan grabbing the blanket and draping it around the two of you before he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you even closer. Finally you relaxed, leaning your head into the crook of his neck and turning slightly so that you could shamelessly wrap your arms around his middle, no longer even focusing on the tv at all. It felt so comforting to be in his arms that your eyes immediately began to close, his embrace luring you to sleep.
When you woke up it was dark outside. You blinked a couple times, shifting slightly before realizing that you were still completely wrapped up in Chan’s arms. To your embarrassment, you caught him peeking at you with the softest look on his face, your heart beating a little faster because you’d never been this close to him for so long before. 
“Better?” he asked you simply, thumb moving to rub against your elbow gently.
You opened your eyes a bit wider, immediately beginning to shift up on the couch.
“I’m sorry, I didn't realize how late it was," you said quickly instead of answering his question, feeling guilty as you shifted a little from his embrace. You’d essentially used him as your own personal pillow for who knows how many hours. “I didn’t mean to keep you here like that for so long,” you continued to ramble, but Chan only shook his head in response.
“Y/n. Hey - look at me,” Chan said with a soothing tone. You stopped your shuffling and did as he asked.
“Do you feel better?” he repeated his question from earlier, and you finally nodded a little before picking at the blanket on your lap.
“Yeah. I’m just sorry I wasted your time because of some dumb mood I was in," you responded, annoyed with yourself as you pushed your hair out of your face roughly.
“You know it’s not a crime to feel sad, right?” Chan started gently after a couple beats of silence, clearly trying to find the right words as his thumb continued to lightly rub against your skin. “Even if there isn’t a clear reason - that doesn’t make how you’re feeling any less real.”
“I guess.” You dismissed his words easily, clearly not taking them to heart.
"Why do you always do that?" he asked lightly.
"What do you mean?”
"Talk yourself down. Dismiss how you're feeling,” he elaborated, a little concern in his voice once again. “It makes me worry about you.” 
Your eyes widened in surprise before you looked off to the side. 
“I don’t know, I guess it’s just out of habit.”
Chan tapped your elbow, silently asking you to look at him again. 
"Can I tell you something?” he whispered into the quiet. You nodded curiously.
"I care about you - so much that it scares me sometimes,” he said earnestly, raking a hand through his hair. "You're so thoughtful, so kind, such an amazing listener - you make it so easy for me to be honest about how I'm feeling, and I've never felt more comfortable talking to anyone else,” he continued, looking down a little as he said that last part.
His words made you feel shy all over again, not expecting him to be so open with you. You willed yourself to keep looking at him.
"I guess what I'm trying to say is that…I wanna make you feel safe too - safe to share how you’re feeling with me, the good and the bad. Because that’s how you make me feel.” 
“Chan…” you said, lightly smacking his arm in jest as you looked away from him, tears flooding your eyes for a different reason. But he just leaned forward and kissed your temple, pulling you back into his arms gently before continuing.
“Trust me, ok?” Chan asked as you nodded into his chest. “I want you to know that you can always share how you’re feeling with me - even if it’s sad or you don’t think it makes any sense - even if I can’t fix it for you - I’ll always at least be here to listen, I promise. Just don’t hide from me, yeah?”
Tears were falling from your eyes now - not because you were sad, but because Chan’s care for you felt so unconditional, so devoid of judgement - and you’d never known care like that from a partner before. You didn’t have any words to respond in that moment - all you knew was that you wished the two of you could stay on your couch, just like this, forever. 
"I didn't mean to make you cry again," Chan said, a little worried as he saw your expression. "Let me get you some t -”
But you leaned up and kissed him gently, cutting off his words. This wasn't your first kiss, but it was definitely the first that you had initiated. Usually you would just stare at his lips longingly or give the tiniest of hints until he finally caught on to what you wanted, but this time you couldn't hold yourself back. You just felt this boost of confidence, an unrelenting need to express a feeling that words couldn't define. 
Chan was shocked at first, but he quickly fell into it, closing his eyes and immediately wrapping his hands around your waist oh so gently as his lips began to move against yours slowly, lightly, with the utmost care. You each tilted your heads instinctively to opposite sides, still not coming up for any air as you maneuvered yourself back into his lap and brought a hand up to caress the side of his face before combing your fingers through his hair instead, a tiny noise of contentment leaving you in that moment. 
“Y/n…” he groaned softly against your smiling lips. 
"Hmmm?" you responded, still in a feeling of utter bliss. Your other hand was rubbing across his upper chest and shoulder soothingly, and you leaned in and kissed him again before he could even muster enough sense to respond, unable to stop yourself. Chan’s lips began moving against yours again, and he started to lean forward until your back was against a pillow on the couch and he was hovering over you completely. It felt as if he was trying to reach your heart with just the movements his warm, pillowy lips made against yours.
His thumbs started rubbing soothing circles into your waist and you felt like you were floating on a cloud, mind becoming hazy as your head became filled with thoughts of him and only him. He left three final pecks on your lips, finally mustering enough self control to pull back before things got even more heated. His hands slid from your waist all the way up to your cheeks, caressing them softly. 
You were smiling softly but genuinely, in complete bliss as he leaned in and kissed your forehead sweetly before finally saying, “I love you, you know?"
“I love you too,” you whispered quietly, just enough for him to hear. 
He rubbed his thumb near the corner of your lips, eyes crawling all over your face before he said a little regretfully, "I hate for this to end but I don't wanna keep you up any later than it already is."
“Then just stay over for the night. Please?" you begged a little bit and put a pout on your face. He immediately kissed it off of you and you couldn’t help but laugh a little.
"Are you sure?"
Neither of you had ever spent the night at each other's place, so it was completely new territory and you could tell he didn’t want to seem like he was taking advantage of the entire situation. You shifted up a little to kiss his forehead back.
“Chan, I want you to. I promise. Please?”
You meant every word. You wanted nothing more than to hold him all night long.
"Ok," he said quietly, grin growing on his face until you saw that cheeky smile you loved so dearly.
That night was one of the most peaceful you’d ever had in recent memory. Buried deep under your sheets, nestled under the stars, you curled yourself into his arms - so close that you could feel his heartbeat against your cheek, slow and steady. And you fell asleep just like that - sweet dreams eventually melting away into the morning sun.
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
Bets - E.M
angst, angst, angst. fluff throughout though. lots of mistakes (i’m sorry). enjoy loves <3
also new format for my imagines, who’s excited tehe
-month 1-
never in his entire life did Eddie Munson think he would be speaking to Jason Carver civilly. "so, do we have a deal Munson?" Jason said, his hand out so Eddie could shake on it, sealing the bet completely. Eddie sighed but nevertheless shook Jason's hand. he knew. he knew it was wrong, he knew he shouldn't be doing bets on people but money was tight. he needed the money desperately and if that meant making bets with Jason Carver he would do it.
everyone in Hawkins High knew about your little crush on Eddie Munson and that was because you were very open about it. you didn't care about peoples status in school, or how wealthy they were or where they came from. if you liked that person you liked them for them. you were the head cheerleader and many of your teammates thought it was weird that you liked the 'freak' but you didn't care. you'd never really been able to hold a conversation with Eddie, he always thought it was either a massive prank that you had a crush on him, or he was in a rush, not having any time to speak to you.
many boys in Hawkins had a crush on you, and who wouldn't, you were beautiful. you had the perfect smile, the perfect face, the perfect body and you were always so kind to everyone, even if they weren't nice to you. it was a Thursday morning when the bet was sealed and from that point forward Eddie had three months to make you his 'girlfriend'. he knew from when he shook Jason's hand that this would be the easiest $300 he ever made.
he left Jason standing in the car park of Hawkins High and walked in, seeing you standing at your locker with a few of your cheer friends surrounding you. he doesn't know why but he felt nervous. Eddie Munson never felt nervous. of course you were beautiful and smart and caring but no, he shouldn't feel nervous for just talking to you. your friend Chloe saw Eddie approaching you and gave you a subtle nod toward him, making you instantly blush once you turned around.
"hey y/n" he watch your friends one by one leave you so you and him could be alone. "hey Ed's. you okay?" you asked, taking your English book out of your locker.  he nodded and smiled at you, you felt like at any minute you could collapse just from that beautiful smile he pulled. "i'm okay sweetheart. listen, there's a drive in on Saturday and i was wondering if you wanted to come with me? we can also go for food if you want" never in your life did you ever think Eddie Munson would be asking you out.
the redness quickly covered your face as you stuttered out a small 'yes' and with that he sent you a small smirk and walked away. you couldn't believe it. you quickly closed your locker to try find your friends and when you did they all started squealing. they asked so many questions all at once that you hardly heard them. "what did he say y/n? he looked pleased with himself" Kathrine said, everyone had huge smiles on their faces as they listened to you tell them that you had a date with Eddie after months of you spilling your 'love' for him to them.
"oh god i'm so happy for you" Daisy said, pulling your into a hug. one thing you loved about your friends was they were always supportive. whatever you did they congratulated you and vice versa. the friendship you all had was 100% not toxic and you loved that you could go to any one of them at any time. "after school we have to help you pick out an outfit. you need to look extra pretty since this is what you've been wanting for ages" Daisy carried on, wrapping her arms fully around your shoulders as she guided you to your English class which you all shared, thankfully.
the school day finished as quickly as it started and you and your friends all met up at the car park so you could go back to your house to pick out an outfit for your date which was two days away. the all got into your car, Daisy in the front, Chloe, Samantha and Tori in the back. you all listened to the ABBA cassette tape, all singing along to each song. "y/n you've wanted to be with Eddie for months, do you think he will be a good boyfriend if you guys go out?" Tori asked as she lent forward in her seat. "i have no idea but i'm just happy he's finally noticing me" you squealed, excitement filling your body.
you finally arrived at your house and all of you made your way to your bedroom to pick out the perfect outfit for the drive in. it took you about half an hour to pick out an outfit, it was a dungarees and a shirt underneath paired with some black converse. it was pretty but also comfortable. "Eddie is gonna think you look so pretty y/n. you look beautiful" Samantha said, all the girls squealed. this was the perfect outfit for the date and you couldn't be more excited to go to a drive in with Eddie.
Saturday rolled around a lot quicker than you anticipated and you were nervous. really, really nervous. Eddie was picking you up at 2 so you could get food at Benny's Diner. you had gotten ready in record time, your makeup was very minimal with you wearing a little bit of eyeliner and mascara and your hair was blown out and suited your face perfectly. you heard your doorbell ring and you quickly put on your converse and grabbed your bag before heading downstairs. you opened the door and saw Eddie standing there with baby pink tulips in his hands.
"afternoon sweetheart, these are for you" you blushed brightly and took the flowers out of his hands. "thank you, they're beautiful. come in, i need to put these in a vase" you moved to the side so he could come in. he walked inside and followed you to the kitchen and watched intently as you put the flowers into the vase. "how did you sleep?" Eddie said, making small talk as you concentrated on placing the flowers in the perfect position in the kitchen. "i slept okay, excited for today so it took me a while but i slept fine. what about you?" you finished, finally seeing the vase was the the perfect position on the kitchen counter.
"i slept well love. you ready to go?" he asked, putting his hand out so you could take it. you smiled softly and walked hand in hand to his van. he opened the van door for you and once you had gotten in the van he closed the door and jogged around to the drivers side. the drive was filled with you and Eddie laughing about different things that had happened in your lessons that past week. as he drove, Eddie would sneak glances at you as you spoke, you always looked so focused when you were telling him different stories about school.
as Eddie listened intently, he realised what he was doing and he hated himself for it. you were the kindest, most beautiful girl in the entire world and here he was betting with your feelings. if it was anyone else he wouldn't care. but because it was you, he hated himself more and more for even taking the stupid bet on.
you guys arrived at the diner and Eddie got out of the van quickly so he could come round and open the door for you. you blushed and got out of the van and saw Eddie's hand stuck out so you could lace your fingers together yet again. you walked to the diner, Eddie's thumb stroking the back of your hand gingerly as he spoke about his band and how they had a show coming up on Tuesday, at the Hideout like always, so they were preparing for that. "could i maybe come to a show? i've never seen you guys preform" you asked, honestly a bit anxious for his answer.
this was your first date and he probably didn't want you at his show, you barely knew him. he turned his head and smiled at you "sure, you can bring your friends if you like". he opened the door to the diner and stepped to the side so you could walk into the diner. "thank you" you said as you walked into the diner, the air conditioning blowing across your face as soon as you walked into the door.
you and Eddie walked to an empty table and sat down opposite each other. you guys ordered your food and started talking about Eddie and his band again. "the hideout is a bit sketchy, a lot of drunks there but other then that it's not bad, it's good that we are performing you know? we gotta start somewhere" he said, every time he spoke about his band he always spoke with such passion and love for it. "is that what you wanna do for your career?" you asked, curious to see if he wanted to play in his band and one day become as famous as Metallica.
"oh, yeah. that's what i've always wanted to do honestly. be on a stage with millions of people enjoying the music that we make. it's always been my dream i guess" he said as a small red blush covered his cheeks. Eddie had no idea what you were thinking. were you going to make fun of him? were you gonna tell the whole school so everyone would make fun of him more than they already do? but you did neither of those things. you smiled brightly at him and took his hand into yours.
"i can see you being one of the biggest bands in the entire world" you said as your food finally arrived. you and Eddie joked with one another as you were eating, but you were also getting to know each other more. Eddie told you about his living situation and how he lived with his Uncle Wayne on the trailer park. you loved hearing Eddie talk about his Uncle. he spoke about him like he was his father, which he practically was, and it was so lovely to hear about him. Eddie listened to you talk about your home life and about your friends. you were very close with your girl friends and you loved them like they were your sisters and Eddie could see the love you had for them as you spoke.
after you finished your food you paid and got up to go to the drive in. Eddie opened the van door for you yet again and then drove to the drive in. it took about 20 minutes for you to get to the 'venue' where the movie was being held and in the 20 minutes Eddie let you listen to a cassette tape the band had made and it shocked you a little but nevertheless the music was good. really, really good. it wasn't the usual type of music that you would listen to, you love ABBA and Blondie and Queen, but Corroded Coffins music was amazing.
you arrived at the drive in and saw at least 20 cars already there, ready for the movie to start. Eddie told you that you were watching Grease which was your absolute favourite film. you loved Danny and Sandy's love story and the music that fit with practically every scene. as the movie started Eddie watched as your eyes lit up when the beach scene started, he could see you getting excited as the film progressed. Eddies feelings throughout that day progressed more and more and he realised he was falling for you. very quickly. a lot quicker then he expected to and he knew sooner or later he needed to end this bet.
-month 2-
after the drive in you and Eddie spend practically every minute with each other. even if you had cheer practice he would pick you up after and you would go back to his trailer until you had to be home, on weekends you would wake up, get ready and Eddie would be at your door before you know it with flowers and different plans that you wouldn't be able to know until you got there.
every single day your feelings for Eddie grew and you didn't think they would be able to but they had. Eddie was practically in love. he was waiting for the perfect moment to ask you to be his girlfriend but tonight he was 100% doing it. to be honest Eddie had forgotten about the bet because he was spending so much time with you. he hadn't spoken to Jason, hadn't really seen him except from school so the bet for him was long forgotten.
today was the day where Eddie was finally gonna ask you to be his girlfriend. it wasn't gonna be the big, extravagant way like every girl dreamed of, it was gonna be small and subtile because Eddie was shitting himself. he knew you wouldn't say no but he'd never done this before. he'd been with girls but not one of them were his girlfriend and he wanted you to be his girlfriend since the date at the diner.
it was 5pm and Eddie was on his way to pick you up. every time you saw Eddie he had a new bouquet of flowers for you and you were surprised you weren't a florist by now. your kitchen and bedroom was filled with different variations of flowers like sunflowers to tulips to peonys. every time it was a different bouquet and you loved it. Eddie wasn't the first boy to get you flowers but he was the most consistent and remembered which flowers he did and didn't get you. he also always left a little note in the bouquet whether it was a small 'you're so beautiful' or 'you make me the happiest i've ever been'
the little notes always made your heart flutter. this time Eddie had left the flowers at his trailer with a note, a note which he knew would change everything. you were sat in your living room waiting for Eddie to come knock on your door like he usually would but today he didn't. he just beeped his horn and waited for you to come to the van. you furrowed your eyebrows and quickly grabbed your bag which was next to you and walked out the door. he was looking at the door waiting for you with a huge smile on his face.
you got into the car and Eddie immediately lent in for a kiss. this wasn't your first kiss with Eddie but each time you kissed him your legs felt like jelly and your heart fluttered. "hi sweetheart" Eddie said as he pulled away from the kiss. you nodded your head and smiled taking ahold of his right hand as he began to drive. you let your other hand also go to his right hand, both your hands now holding his one free hand. "i feel like i haven't seen you in ages. i missed you" Eddie said as he turned a right corner.
"i saw you yesterday Ed's. that's not to long ago" you laughed, looking over at him as he concentrated on driving. he let a small smile form on his face as he listened to you reply back to him. "i know but am i still not allowed to miss you? is it a crime?" he joked, making you laugh out loud and squeeze his hand gently. "i really did miss you though. and because i missed you so much i have a surprise for you back at mine. i think you're really gonna like it" he carried on, glancing at you briefly before he turned into the trailer park.
"you've not given me any time to prepare myself because we are here now. what if i cry?" you replied, anxiety filling your body. you didn't wanna cry in front of him. he wasn't even your boyfriend yet and he's already getting you surprises. "you won't cry jesus. it's not bad. seriously" he reassured, bringing your hand up to his mouth so he could kiss it softly. after he said that he pulled up to his trailer and unbuckled his seatbelt, getting out of the van and waiting for you to follow him into his trailer.
you sighed shakily and got out, putting your bag over your shoulder before catching up to Eddie who's hand was outstretched for you to grab. you walked hand in hand into his trailer before Eddie led you to his bedroom. Eddie opened the door and walked in before moving out of the way so you could look in the room. it was a lot tidier then before but yet again you didn't care about what his room looked like, your room became messy the day after you cleaned it so you definitely couldn't and wouldn't judge him.
you saw a huge bouquet of flowers on his bed with a note on the front. the bouquet was filled with Pink hydrangeas, baby's breath, tulips and lilac roses. the arrangement was beautiful and it made your breathing stutter. these flowers were the most beautiful things you'd ever seen. "there's a card there, you have to read it" Eddie encouraged you, making you walked towards his bed. you sat down, him sitting down next to you and you read the card.
"Dear y/n. you are the most beautiful, perfect, smart, caring girl i've ever met. every moment i spend with you makes me fall for you more and more. every time i'm away from you my mind always goes to you, wondering what you're doing, when i'm next gonna see you, when i'm next gonna be able to hold your hand even though i know it'll probably be the next day. the reason i've been putting in so much effort is because i'm in love with you. i'm so in love with you my heart swells every time i hear someone say your name. i want to be able to call you my girlfriend and i would be so lucky if i could be with the most beautiful girl in Hawkins. so, y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"
you finished reading the note, a bright red blush covering your face. your heart was beating so fast as you kept re-reading the last part 'will you be my girlfriend?' and you'd never felt so happy. you turned to Eddie and brought him in for a kiss. he let his arms wrap around your waist so he could pull you closer to him. he kissed you back and smiled through the kiss. he had you, he was your boyfriend, you were his girlfriend and he couldn't be happier. "of course i'll be your girlfriend" you laughed as you pulled away from the kiss. your smile was huge. you wanted this for ages and it was finally happening. Eddie Munson was your boyfriend.
-month 3-
after Eddie became your boyfriend everything changed. he would walk to class with you and carry your books, he would pick you up for school every morning and you would walk through the corridors hand in hand, you would sit with him and his friends for lunch (obviously your friends were there too) and you were just so much happier.
it was a Saturday morning when Eddie was woken up to a knock on the trailers door. he wasn't expecting anyone to come over so this was confusing to him. he got up out of bed and walked to the door, thinking about who could be at his door at 9:30 in the morning. he opened the door and was shocked to see Jason standing there, a wide smile on his face. "Munson" Jason said, acknowledging that this was in fact Eddie's trailer. "Carver, what are you doing here?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.
"well, it's been more than three months now freak and you've officially made $300. congratulations. i didn't actually think you would do it" Jason said, laughing whilst taking the $300 dollars out of his jacket. Eddie took the $300 and internally punched himself for forgetting why he spoke to you in the first place. "i have another preposition for you Munson. keep this act up for another month and i'll give you an extra $400 dollars." Jason said, a huge smirk on his face. something about this felt wrong to Eddie but with him being half asleep he just nodded his head and closed the door in Jason's face so he could go back to sleep.
you and Eddie were meeting so you could go watch the new film out 'Three Men and a Baby' which you begged Eddie to watch with you. Eddie forgot that he even agreed to the new bet that he and Jason had set in place but the bet didn't matter to him anymore. the money didn't matter to him because he had you. he fell for you a lot harder then he thought he would and he regretted ever agreeing to the bet.
it was 6pm when Eddie realised you were coming over to his, ready for the cinema date you had. he got into his signature Eddie Munson outfit and was waiting for you to knock on his trailer door. you finally arrived at Eddie's trailer at 6:15 and when you knocked on the door Eddie immediately answered, pulling you in for a kiss when he saw your smiling face. "you ready to watch the film sweetheart?" he asked, closing the trailer door behind him as you both made your way to the van.
"i'm so excited, i've been wanting to watch this for ages" you replied, your smile widening more as you spoke about this film. the whole drive to the cinema was filled with you both listening to Eddie's cassette tape which he loved tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. you arrived at the cinema and noticed Jason and all his friends standing there, Eddie also noticed this which made him anxious. very anxious. Eddie parked the van and you both walked hand in hand to the front of the cinema.
"hey y/n, Munson" Jason said, nodding his head at Eddie, giving him a knowing look. "oh hey Jason" you said, sending him a soft smile. you didn't really like Jason but because you were on the cheer team you had to be civil with him. "y/n, sweetheart why don't you go inside quickly and find which room we are watching the movie in. i just need to speak to Jason quickly"
you looked at Eddie confused but nevertheless nodded your head. you stood on your tippy toes and left a small kiss on Eddie cheek which made him smile. they all watched you walk off into the cinema and once Eddie knew you were out of ears reach he walked up to Jason. "i don't think i can do this bet anymore. if you want your money back fine but i can't do this to her. i love her and making this bet was wrong. i'm not continuing this anymore" Jason looked at Eddie in shock.
"wow. the Eddie Munson, the freak, is in love with the head cheerleader. i've gotta hand it to you Munson you really know how to make a girl fall in love with you. was $300 all she was worth?" Eddie was pissed. you were worth more than any amount of money in the world, Eddie was lucky to have you because you were practically a supermodel and he was nothing. "you know that's not why i took the bet. i love y/n. yes, at the start i didn't really like her like that but i do now. i really do. she's the best thing that ever happened to me and i'm sorry Jason but i'm not continuing this bet whether you like it or not" Eddie walked away from Jason to find you.
you were inside the cinema, you were playing with the acrylics on your hands out of boredom. you looked up from your hands when you heard the cinema door open to see Eddie walking in with an angry expression on his face "what happened Ed's?" you asked as you walked towards him, a curious but loving look on your face. "nothing sweetheart, cmon let's go watch the movie" he replied, leaning in to kiss your forehead. you and Eddie walked to the cinema room which was playing 'Three Men and a Baby" and quickly found your seats as the movie started playing.
throughout the whole movie Eddie was worried. he was worried that Jason was gonna tell you about the bet which he regretted so much. he knew that he shouldn't of done it and he knew that it was wrong but Jason Carver could be so convincing and Eddie, at the time, thought that the money would help him.
the movie ended, Eddie hardly paid attention to it which upset you a little but you knew that he really didn't care for the movie. he preferred horror and you definitely did not so you would have the exact same reaction if he made you sit through a two hour horror film. as you and Eddie walked out of the cinema you saw Jason and all his friends still outside the cinema. what were they still doing here?
you and Eddie walked past the group without them saying a word until Jason shouted something out to you. "hey Eddie do you think we should let y/n know about our little bet?" you furrowed your brows in confusion and looked at Eddie, hoping he would be just as confused as you were but he was looking down at the ground, looking as pale as a ghost. "what bet?" you asked, turning around to Jason as you hoped to find out what the hell he was talking about.
"oh. Munson here hasn't told you?" you looked between the two boys as Jason approached you with his hands in his pockets. "jesus Munson, didn't even have the decency to tell her?" Jason egged on, making Eddie shift uncomfortably, his hands began to sweat as anxiety filled his body. "okay i'm really really confused can someone tell me what bet we are talking about here?" you asked as you adjusted your bag strap on your shoulder.
"three months ago me and Eddie here made a bet. a bet that he would be able to make you his girlfriend in three months in exchange for $300. it's been a bit over three months right Eddie?" hearing Jason say this made your heart ache. "wait Eddie, you bet on me?" Eddie wanted the earth to swallow him up and take away this pain that he was feeling. hearing you say that made him feel worse. your voice was quivering, your eyes were filling with tears and Eddie knew it. he slowly nodded his head, his eyes never leaving the ground.
he heard your breathing stutter as you let go of his hand. never in your entire life had you ever felt so embarrassed, hurt, ashamed, disgusted. the list of words go on. you had no idea that this was even going on behind your back and there was nothing you could do. "ahh jeez i'm sorry you had to find out this way y/n. i thought Munson would have told you. sorry you had to get your feelings hurt sweetheart. i guess that $300 dollars wasn't worth it" Jason said, leaving you and Eddie alone in the cinema car park.
Jason and his friends were laughing as they walked away. you sniffled as your heart began breaking. Eddie knew once heard your shoes on the pavement that you were walking away from him and he couldn't let that happen. he needed to explain himself to you before you ran off and never spoke to him again. "y/n, sweetheart, please wait a second" Eddie said as he followed closely behind you. you ignored him completely as you let your tears fall out of your eyes, soaking your cheeks completely.
you felt him grab ahold of your forearm gently and turned you around. "y/n you have to understand i completely forgot about the bet. i didn't remember until this morning when Jason came to give me the $300 dollars but it wasn't worth it" Eddie said, his heart breaking even more as he looked at the pained expression that was displayed on your face. "did you bet on me because you knew i had feelings for you?" you didn't want it to be true. you didn't want your feelings to be the reason you were used but deep down you knew.
you watched as Eddie sighed, his chin quivering slightly as his own tears built up. "yes but you have to understand i comply forgot about the bet. i did truly fall in love with you and i promise you that i didn't meant to hurt you love. i really didn't and if i could go back in time and change it i would. i love you y/n" Eddie tried to explain but it was all to much. he used you because you were an easy target for him and it was an easy way to make money.
"i'll see you around Ed's" you said, giving him a sad smile before turning away from him as you started walking toward your own house. you felt broken. how could someone as sweet as Eddie bet on your feelings? that entire walk home you had salty tears streaming down your face. you were in shock. before this you saw a future with Eddie, you saw yourself growing a family with him but not now. he used you for money. used your feelings to benefit himself.
Eddie walked back to his van in pure disappointment. he was disappointed in himself for hurting you so badly because he loved you. he loved you so much and he knew that if he spoke to you about it you would of let it go but because he left it so long. he was certain that you would never even look his way again. he knew he had to make it up to you because he needed you. he needed you in his life and he couldn't let you go.
he drove home teary eyed as he remembered the look on your face when he admitted to you that it was true. Eddie was one of those people who acted before he thought about the consequences the action could have. he had no idea how he was going to solve this situation but he had to and he would do anything to get you back.
once you arrived back home to your house you ran straight past your parents and went up to your room. you didn't really wanna see or speak to anyone because of how hurt you were. betting on your feelings was unacceptable and the fact that Eddie knew about your crush and still went ahead with the bet destroyed you, you hated that this happened now. you and Eddie were in an amazing place in your relationship and now that was out the window. you loved Eddie so much and you needed him. after making your relationship official you spent every moment with Eddie and now you didn't want anything to do with him.
Eddie got back at his trailer and went straight inside, seeing Wayne sitting on the couch watching some random show which is on the TV. "hey Eddie. how's your night been son?" Wayne said, sipping the coffee he had in his hands. Wayne finally looked up from the TV after not hearing a response from Eddie. he saw him with his chin quivering and his chocolate button eyes filled with tears which were about to spill any second. "oh Ed what's happened?" he asked as he got up from the sofa so he could walk toward Eddie.
"i fucked up Wayne. i really did" Eddie cried, leaning into Wayne's hug. Wayne was confused. Eddie hardly ever cried and he if he did he did it in his room, alone. before Wayne could reply Eddie spoke up from Wayne's shoulder. "i fucked up so badly. i made a bet that i would be able to date y/n for three months and she's found out but i swear Wayne i completely forgot. now that i know her and i've fallen in love with her i've realised how badly i've fucked up. i've hurt her, i've embarrassed her and she's never gonna wanna speak to me again"
Wayne had never ever heard Eddie cry like this. Wayne could hear the disappointment and sadness in Eddie's voice and he couldn't feel anything but sympathy for him. but he also felt so sorry for you. Wayne heard you and Eddie speak to each other when you would be over at the trailer and he could tell that the two of were in love. really in love. Wayne knew Eddie acted before he thought and this time he let his thoughts get the best of him and now he's ruined a perfect relationship.
"oh Eddie. i'm so sorry. i know how much you loved her. i really think you should give her a bit of space before speaking to her again. i think you must of really hurt her Eddie" obviously this wasn't what Eddie wanted to hear but he knew Wayne was right. you definitely needed time before you saw and spoke to Eddie again. as he listened to Wayne, Eddie was thinking about how he could get you back.
he wanted to do something sentimental to the two of you and the only thing he could think of was flowers. flowers was the first 'gift' Eddie had got you and it always brought a smile to your face, it brought a smile to Eddie's face seeing you smile and when flowers were involved everyone was happy. he knew bringing you flowers would never ever make you for the fact that he bet on your feelings but he knew who he wanted and he wanted you.
"give her a bit of time Ed's and do what's right" Wayne looked at him dead in the eye so Eddie knew he was serious. Eddie nodded his head and sighed, rubbing his left eye aggressively as he tried his best to get rid of his tears. Wayne let go of Eddie, allowing him to go to his room to undoubtedly sulk.
you were doing the same, in your room your whole body got from embarrassment. you were so embarrassed that Jason brought the bet up in front of all of his basketball team friends who were also sort of your friends. everyone now probably knew about the bet Eddie and Jason made about you and you couldn't help but be anxious for school on Monday. you know you shouldn't miss Eddie at all and you were deeply hurt by what he had done but you did miss him. so so so much. and you couldn't control your feelings.
you wanted Eddie to explain himself and you wanted to see him so he could do so. it was crazy. this whole situation was crazy and you hated how this has unfolded. if Eddie told you at the start of the relationship maybe you would be feeling different but you couldn't say because you were never put in that situation. you decided a shower was the best thing for you right now, showers always made your stress and anxiety's practically vanish.
Eddie, in his bedroom, immediately started planning what he was going to do to get you back. he was going to buy a huge bouquet of flowers and apologise with the best apology he could. yes, it wasn't going to excuse the fact that he bet on you, nothing could excuse that. but, if he could do something sentimental for you he was going to do it. whatever you wanted him to do so he could get you back he would do it.
that Sunday morning Eddie woke up early to go straight to the florist. he got there earlier then the florist, Danielle, who was surprised to see Eddie standing there waiting for her to open the shop. Eddie followed Danielle into the florist and immediately looked around the shop for the most perfect bouquet for you. something that would fit your character but nothing around the shop caught his eye. he needed the perfect flowers in the bouquet for you, he wanted everything perfect.
Danielle saw Eddie struggling as he wandered around the shop, she could see he obviously panicking. "do you want me to help you? you seem a little stressed" Danielle said, making Eddie's head snap toward her. he sighed in relief before making his way over to her. "let's just say i fuck- messed up a relationship and i need to get my girl back. i need something perfect for her" he said, stuttering over his words as he spoke.
Danielle nodded her head and smiled softly at him. "i can make you a bouquet, is there any particular flowers that you remember her saying she loved? every girl has at least two favourite flowers" she replied, getting her equipment ready to make the bouquet for him. Eddie thought for a minute before remembering you specifically saying you loved tulips. tulips and sunflowers were your favourite flowers. "she loves tulips and sunflowers, they are the main ones i remember" Eddie replied, remembering your face lighting up when he asked what your favourite flowers were.
after Danielle heard this she got to work almost instantly seeing Eddie was in a hurry. she made the bouquet in 20 minutes and when she returned it looked perfect. the most perfect bouquet he had ever seen, better then the flowers he got you when he asked you to be his girlfriend. "is this okay?" Danielle said as she watched Eddie's eyes moved over the bouquet in her hands. he sent her his signature Eddie Munson smile and nodded his head. "they're perfect."
the whole way to your house Eddie was rehearsing what he was gonna say. he knew he should probably stay away from you but he could, he missed you too much and it hadn’t even been a day since he last saw you. once Eddie was outside your doorstep he almost got cold feet. to be honest Eddie was shitting himself. the practice he did for the speech had completely left his mind as soon as he turned up at your front door but it was now or never and Eddie just wanted you back.
he got out of his van and picked up the flowers carefully before walking towards your front door. he saw that neither of your parents cars were in the driveway so they definitely were not home making this slightly easier knowing it would be you opening the door and not your dad. he took a deep breath before knocking on the door. he waited and waited for you to open the door but he got no response.
he’d hoped that you’d just not heard the knock do he did it again and this time he heard footsteps approaching. his heart started beating and he felt a little faint as he waited for the door to open so he could see your beautiful face. you opened the door and Eddie thought you’d never looked more beautiful. your hair was in a messy bun, you had no trace of any make up on your skin and you were wearing a tracksuit which fit your body perfectly. Eddie noticed the slight bags under your eyes which was 100% from all the crying you must of done the night before making Eddie’s heart break more.
“Eddie what are you doing here?” you asked, your voice wasn’t filled with any anger, it was calm and kind and that was one thing Eddie loved about you. even when you were angry at someone you were always still so nice to them. Eddie took a deep breath before speaking “y/n, i’ve come here because i know i’ve fucked up. i know i’ve ruined everything we had and i hate myself for it. you were always so nice to me even though everyone else thought i was a freak but you didn’t care. you liked me for me and that’s why i fell for you in the first place. i know that you don’t want to see me and that’s fine, i want you to take all the time you need because what i did was disgusting and no one should ever have their feelings played with. i knew it was wrong and i still went ahead with that stupid bet and sweetheart i am so sorry, i truly am. if i could go back and change it i promise you i would because you deserve so much more than some stupid freak who bet on you”
as you listened to Eddie talk you could hear the sadness and sympathy laced in his tone. he obviously knew what he did was wrong and you couldn’t help but tear up as you listened to his apology. “there was one thing from this bet which i am actually proud of which is i got to fall in love with you. being with you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me y/n and i’m so grateful every day that you chose me. i understand that i’ve hurt you and i just want you to know that that was never my intention. never in my life would i ever want to hurt someone as kind, smart and beautiful as you. i am so so sorry y/n. i really am and i will do anything you want for you to forgive me. i need you in my life because waking up without your face this morning broke me and i will never forgive myself for hurting you”
after he finished his speech Eddie took a deep breath, holding the flowers out to you. he didn’t realise how tightly he had been holding them until you took the bouquet from his hand. he saw the paper at the bottom of the bouquet was wrinkled from his grip, it was obvious that he was nervous. you looked at Eddie in his eyes before walking into his body and wrapping your arms around him. he immediately melted into you, missing the feeling of you in his arms so deeply that he never wanted to let you go. his cheek rested on top of your head as he squeezed you gently.
“i really am sorry y/n” he said as you looked up at him. your eyes were bloodshot and looked a little sore but again, he still thought you looked beautiful. “i’m not gonna say it’s okay because it’s not. but, i love you Eddie and i accept your apology” you said, sending him a shy smiled. he lent down and kissed you, his arms around you loosened as he finally felt his nerves leave his body. “you have to work for at a bit still” you said, making him smile brightly at you. “i can live with that” he said, leaning down to kiss you again. even after everything he did Eddie knew in his heart that you were the one for him and he was going to do whatever it took for you to get back to how you were before you found out about the stupid bet he made. “i love you so much” he whispered as he left small kisses all over your face, he had finally (kind of) gotten you back and he couldn’t be more grateful for you.
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taybee613 · 2 years
That was (not) Unexpected
Summery: Why is he being so distant from you? You find out why.
Pairing: Jungkook x f!reader | friends to lovers(?) | And they were roommates. Oh my God, they were roommates.
Warnings: Smut, angst, language, masturbation (m), Jungkook gets frustrated at the reader once (you'll understand), voyeurism, (If you squint real hard) mension of alcohol use.
Author's note: Hello! So, this is my first ever fanfiction. Really my first ever piece of writing besides from high school. So I would say I'm not really good, yet. Wasn't good in high school. Lol. I guess a little tidbit of information about me is that I make up little fanfictions in my head. Who doesn't, right? As I was making up a scenario this morning I was itching to write this down for some reason. As I was writing, I got really excited and wanted to share.
Feedback and tips are appreciated but please go easy on me. 😅 (There might be spelling mistakes, I know there has to be run on sentences.) Repeating of a lot of words. My vocabulary isn't very big.
Okay, I'm done. Enjoy! 💜
"Hey, whatcha making?" You quickly pop up from behind Jungkook, while he's making something on the stove. "Oh! Um, Gochujang Noodles." He says clearing his throat with a hit of nervousness in his voice.
Werid but you must have scared him good you thought. You giggle to yourself while walking over to the kitchen island, taking a seat on one of the stools.
"Sounds yummy. Safe some for me, m'kay?" With your stomach already rumbling from the smell of the food. "Okay." The small kitchen goes silent, minus the noodles that are boiling and vegetables being chopped. So you try to make small talk. Which is a strange feeling being that you two always talk about anything and everything when possible.
Before you start talking though, you look over and notice he's fidgeting a little. Is he nervous about something? Is something on his mind? You want to bring it up but decide not to.
Not being able to take the silence anymore. You ask "So, what are you doing after you're done making the food?" Stupid question but you know, to fill the void. Jungkook suddenly stops preparing the ingredients and thinks for a moment. Turning his head to look over his shoulder, not really making eye contact. "Maybe watch some TV. I don't know."
The tone in his voice is off. What is up with all these mundane answers? Is he okay? He must be having a bad day or something you thought. That's strange because you guys talk to each other about how you're feeling all the time. Maybe you should wait for him to bring it up.
It's been five days and he's still acting weird and distant. It's starting to worry you. He barely greets you when he comes home from being out with his friends. Not stopping in the kitchen to have your usual little chats throughout the day. Eating on the couch and watching TV together are eerily silent now, even with the TV on. This is getting awkward and scary at this point. Too awkward to the point where even you don't want to bring it up. So you decide to get some advice from one of your friends.
Relaxed on your friend Chloe's couch with a glass in hand. Sharing a bottle of wine that sits on the coffee table in front of you. Chatting, laughing and catching up with each other. Enjoying each other's company.
Though after some time you finally decide to bring up Jungkook but for some reason it makes you nervous about what she might say. You open your mouth but close it immediately, not knowing how to start. She notices this and raises an eyebrow in curiosity. Sitting her drink down on the table.
In a serious tone, "What's up? Talk to me." Closing your eyes with a deep inhale and a shaky exhale. Focusing on the words you want to say. "I don't know what's wrong with Jungkook. He's acting very strange and distant lately. I'm afraid I did something wrong and I don't know what. It's been five days and he's barely talked to me. I don't know if our friendship is drifting apart. I'm afraid to talk to him about it. But I'm also afraid to lose him. Am I going to have to move out? Can I move in with you? What do I do? I don't know!"
Her eyes close and she starts shaking her head side to side, trying to keep up. "Whoa whoa whoa, hold on. Pause. What?" You sit back, noticing you got too riled up. "Did you get all that?"  you laugh nervously.
"Yeah, I think so." Her giving you a sympathy laugh.
Waiting a moment, looking at you with fond eyes and taking your hands into hers. "How about you wait a couple more days and if he doesn't bring up anything about it. You do. Okay?"
You took her advice and waited. Those two days seem to go by painfully slow. It almost seemed like it got worse. Like he was barely even there at the apartment but he was. A ghost.
In your room you were pacing back and forth, so nervous. Rethinking over and over again about what you might say. What he might say. Overthinking.
You look yourself in the mirror that's hung on your wall and tell yourself that it was time and that this shouldn't be a big deal.
You walk out of your bedroom and find him standing in the kitchen, snacking on something. Making eye contact, he's the first to look away. Also looking away you thought Is this a good idea? Are you even ready for this? Looking back up. No, you are ready. There's unknown tension in the air. You break it by asking "Can I talk to you for a moment?" There's a pause. He sits the bag of chips down on the counter, brushing his hands together getting rid of the crumbs. "Um, sure."
You gesture to sit down at the island. He slumps down in the chair, seeming disinterested. Another pause but knowing that he's not going to talk first. You try to look him in the eyes but he looks at everything but you. Internally sighing to yourself, you finally ask. "Is everything okay with you?" Pause. Jungkook stares at you, no expression on his face. You can't read him. "Yeah, why?" A two-way conversation. You mentally sigh, this is a good start but just the beginning.
"It's just that you seem very distant lately and we don't talk much anymore. Did I do something wrong?" Pause. You peer down and notice he's shaking his leg pretty fast. For the four years you've known him, you've picked up on his little habits. He only does that when he's very nervous. You look back up and he's looking at you. A feeling you didn't know you missed. Fixing his posture and clearing his throat. Voice sounding horse. "No, of course not."
There's worry on his face this time. Actually looking at you with feeling. Your heart melts. Is he finally back? Can you guys finally talk like normal?
"Then I would like to know why you've been so distant with me." This time his face looked of pure concern. You got scared but instantly ensured him. Grabbing his hand.
He looks down at your hands touching. Slightly biting his lip. "Kook, you can come to me for anything. I'm always here if you need to talk. You know that."
He pulls away his hand from yours. You didn't notice but as he looked away, he looked flustered. Back to square one. What did you need to do? What did you need to say? Nothing? You couldn't do that. A dark frog would fall over you. You don't think that you could live here, if you couldn't talk to him like you used to.
"Please." Tears started welling up in your eyes threatening to fall. "Talk to me." Looking down. You felt defeated. Pause.
"Okay." Looking up with eyes slightly wide. Wiping away the tears that had fallen. You listen intently, waiting. What could he possibly say that would keep him from avoiding you for so long?
He takes a deep breath in, staring into your eyes. Afraid but ready.
*I-... I heard you.*
Confused was an understatement. You don't even know what your faced looked like trying to understand what that means. He could read that loud and clear.
He took the deepest sign you think you've ever heard someone make and continued. "The reason why I've been so awkward around you is because..." Pause.
"I heard you masturbating"
Your eyes got slightly wider than before. Trying to process what he just said. Then click. It all made sense. This? This is why he didn't talk to you?!
A hugest sigh of relief washed over you like a tidal wave but then the slightest heat to your cheeks brought you back. Looking at Jungkook now, the look of embarrassment and shame was painted on his face like a big old canvas.
You laughed, you don't know why you laughed. Maybe it was just because all of this was just so funny to you now. Even he started to laugh a little. More like a hesitant laugh though.
You finally calm down and and speak.
"Kook, that's okay. I mean we've lived here for three years and these walls aren't exactly that thick. It was bound to happen." You chuckle while waving your hand towards him.
Even though you found the root of the problem, silence still fell between you two. Oh no. Looking at him, he looked like he wanted to say something else. You grew curious and had to push. "Is that all?"
A slight pink tint rose to his cheeks. Is he still embarrassed about hearing me?
"Yes." He says while rubbing his earlobe. Another nervous habit he does. Now you were really curious. "Well according to the blush on your cheeks says otherwise, Kookie." With the most smug and playful smile you could muster. You wait for his response.
With a sudden bolt out of his chair you're taken back by his sudden movement. He is now standing, leaning against the fridge with one arm up. Facing away from you. Did you say something you shouldn't have? Fuck. You guys always joke around, even when it's about something sexual. It's just two adult friends joking around. Right?
He suddenly speaks but you can barely hear him. "What?"
"I liked it."
"You liked what?"
"God! You are so clueless sometimes!" He turns around and snaps at you. You're taken back again. Like really taken back. He's never yelled at you like that before. Ever. Maybe just playfully but never this serious in hindsight. Looking down at you, seeing the startled look on your face. His features soften and he sits back down, staring down at his lap.
"I'm so sorry. I- I'm just so frustrated right now." He looks up at you, staring into your eyes intently. "You really want to know why I was avoiding you?
1:00 a.m., seven nights ago.
Jungkook walks into your shared apartment after a night out with friends. He calls out for you but doesn't get a response. Wanting to tell you all about his night out. He walks into the living room and sees you're not there. So assumes you're in your bedroom. Walking towards the hallway, about to knock on your door when he hears something. It sounds like a cry. Worried he's about to reach for the door handle but stops when he hears another noise. A different noise. A moan? His eyes go wide, wanting to step back but can't. Intrusive actions take over and he leans closer to the door. Hearing you, listening. And the more he listens, the more he likes. Pause. Wait. Nononono. He finally takes a step back. No. This shouldn't be happening, he shouldn't be liking this. You're roommates, you guys are friends. He looks down and see a noticeable bulge in his pants. "Fuck" he whispered. Looking at your door one last time, then rushing to his room. Looking around frantically like something in there will help his little situation. But nothing.
As the night went on, he lays there in his bed staring up at the ceiling. Noticeable bulge still there. Case of blue balls over here am I right? He's aching. Yeah, he could just rub one out, but this was different. The blue balls were caused by you. You. Now you may be thinking has he ever thought about you? The answer is no. He knows it's normal for even the best of friends to think about each other at least once. Not him. Yeah does he think you're beautiful. Of course. Too beautiful in fact. Ahhh! Fuck. But he's kept this kind of reputation of "not thinking like every man ape" going. Up until now that is.
He looks at the clock. 2:37 a.m.
It's starting to get agonizingly painful. All he's been thinking about is you. After this is all over he's going straight to horny jail. Wait, why didn't he think of this before. Porn. Of course! Pulling out his phone and headphones. He heads to any porn site he can think of.
He literally clicks on the first video he sees. Shoving his hand down his pj pants. "God, I'm so fucking hard ah~" he hisses as he stares at the screen. He spits into his hand. Taking his cock fully, gritting his teeth. Making long tight strokes. Spreading the precum that's already been sitting there, waiting to be used. His head shoots back in pleasure, dropping the phone to the side of him on the bed. Whining and whimpering. He's so sensitive. Breath catching in his throat. Picking the phone back up, he stares at it closely. At the women. Loving how she moaned. Seeing how her tits bounced. The way that pussy wrapped around the guys dick. Wishing that was his. "Fuuuuckk"
Wishing that was your pretty little moans he was hearing. PAUSE. "Ahhhhahaha shit" he nervously laughs in frustration.
"Fuck fuck fuck" he was getting angry with himself. But he just couldn't help it. He ripped the headphones out of his ears and shuts the phone off. He couldn't stop hearing your moans in his head. It's like they were put into a perfect little filing cabinet labeled "sounds you can't get out of your head" in his mind. Looking down, he noticed his cock wasn't even out yet. So he pulled it out of his pants and saw how red the tip was. He almost started crying with how much he's neglected it thus far. Laying his head back down onto the pillow, he turned his head to the side. Facing the one wall that connected your two rooms. He thought you have to be sleeping by now. But what does that do for him? Nothing. Not like you could help in the situation anyway. But...
"Fine!" He says through gritted teeth. Spitting on his hand again. Hovering it over his huge cock. Watching the sinful liquid fall as it hits the tip of his cock. He moans imagining it was your spit. Starting with the tip, massaging it with his fingers. Already feeling so close. A low moan rips through his chest and lands in his throat. You're on top of him in his mind. Riding him. Your tits bouncing side to side, up and down in front of his face, just the way he likes it.  His hips buck up into the air. " Yeah... That's it baby, fuuck"
The grip on his shaft tightens. Feeling it pulse hurts so good. He's actually crying now. He wants to hear you, he wants to feel you.
You're literally in the next room. The thought of you touching yourself right now to the sound of him almost pushes him over the edge. Just to hear your sweet moans ring in his ears one more time. They sounded like beautiful music. Wanting to replay it over and over again.
"Please. Please. Pleasebabypleasepleaseplease"
Head hitting hard against the pillow, back arched off the bed. Left hand gripping the sheets, right milking him for everything he's got. Eyes screwed shut. Seeing Stars behind his eyelids. Breathing rapidly going in and out. Feeling slightly light-headed "Ahhhhhh~ fuuuuuuuck~"
Head is spinning, he's still seeing stars as he opens his eyes. Looking down. He thinks to himself he's never seen that much from masturbating before. "Holy shit' this is a problem" swallowing hard, mouth dry. Still trying to catch his breath. He removes his hand from his softening dick. Soothing himself now. Lifting up his shirt as he runs his hands up and down his torso. Feeling the high finally coming down.
Staring up at the ceiling again, not moving. He thinks yep, this is a problem.
~End of Flashback~
He didn't go into that much detail. Probably not wanting to scar me for life.
"So, that's it. That's why. Happy?"
You take a moment to answer but yes you are happy. Just getting to talk to him again, even if it was for something like this. Made you happy. "Yes." Shaking your head with understanding eyes towards his confession and frustration.
And you do understand, completely. So much so, that you've masturbated to the thought of him a handful of times... But he doesn't know that. Until now.
"Don't worry, okay? That doesn't bother me because, I have a confession to make too. I've masturbated to the thought of you countless times."
"What? You think with you being as attractive as you are. See you walk around here without a shirt on. Seeing those beautiful tattoos. Oh, I've thought. I've thought big time."
You chuckle but merely to yourself. But when you look up at him he's not laughing. No, no at all. His eyes are on you. Hooded and dark. Piercing through you, gazing you up and down. "And when did you think you were going to tell me this?" Standing up slowly, he shadows over you. You gulp.
"I- um, maybe when we are both drunk and saying the shit that pops into our heads. I don't know." His eyes grow darker, if that was even possible. You're scared but not the kind of scary when you want to run away. The kind of scared of what is to happen next.
Without another word, within a heart beat he picks you up out of your seat with both hands around your waist. Lifting you up onto the kitchen counter. Moving the chairs out of the way as you watch with anticipation. Rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, he walks over to you. Suddenly seeing his forearms covered in those tattoos you mentioned. You feel a sudden jolt to your core. As he reaches you, you're in utter shock. Shocked that you don't even notice he's spreading your legs open until he's in between them. Putting both hands on either side of you onto the counter. Trapping you. Looking down at his lips, you see his tongue gliding between them. You glare back up into his "fuck me" eyes and he says.
"Now. Let me pull those beautiful moans out of you myself this time hm?"
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lanitalay · 30 days
Supernatural 2
in which you encounter a couple of hunters on a case
Azriel x reader
a/n: babes I'm alive. I have been traveling for a while and have not had the mental capacity to write anything but here is a lil fic to remind you I'm still here lol
warnings: angst, canon typical violence
Part 1
When three loud knocks rattle the dingy motel room door, Azriel rolls his eyes. He noticed you left your keys behind and when you did not come back he assumed you had gone to Dean. The night was spent in itchy sheets, tossing and turning to the thought of you in another’s bed. Before he opened the door, he steeled his face, wiping away any semblance of care or concern. 
“Open up, pretty boy!” 
Weird. “Dean?” 
“Is y/n with you?” The eldest Winchester barges in. “Y/n!”
“I thought she was with you.” Guilt bites Azriel’s mouth as Dean shows him the cracked screen of a phone. Your phone. “Where did you find that?” Your partner snatches it out of the practical stranger’s hands. 
“Sammy and I went to the lobby to ask for more shampoo because someone refuses to get a haircut.” Sam huffs and finishes the explanation “there was nobody there, but we found her phone. It looked like it had been thrown against the wall or something.” 
Azriel couldn’t understand. Had you gotten that fed up with him? Had last night been the last straw for you? Had you broken your phone, the only thing keeping you on the grid, to spite him? He could almost hear you say “have it your way.” 
“Azriel?” Sam’s voice shakes him. 
“She left.”
“What?” It was Dean this time, bewildered. “Listen, we looked around the desk and found the ledger. Take a look.” Azriel’s mind was reeling and this guy wanted him to look at a ledger? He strained his eyes to focus on the wonky lettering. Amelia Johnson, Benjamin Parker, Chloe Thompson, Dominic Rodriguez, Emma Smith, Finnegan O'Connor…
“Why are you showing me this?” His world had just fallen apart and these guys wanted to work a case? 
Dean groans.“Clearly Y/n is the brains in your operation, take a closer look.”
Azriel rereads: Room 9, Amelia Johnson, Benjamin Parker, Chloe Thompson, Dominic Rodriguez, Emma Smith, Finnegan O'Connor, Azriel Singer, Y/n Y/l/n.
“Crap, crap, crap.” You take in the gray bodies of people you had been trying to save for a week. Your arm hurt, a lot. Because of how you were tied you couldn’t look to see what had been done to it. But based on how your vision blurred at the edges, you deduced that blood had been drawn and based on how difficult it was to breathe, it had been a lot. 
The motel attendant walks in. With all the strength you can muster you spit at it. For what it did to those people, for what this would do to Azriel. He flashes his fangs. A warning.
“I must say, your blood is particularly delectable.” He rips your sore arm from its binding and jams a needle in it. Blinding pain shoots to your neck, up to your throat and a meek whimper escapes you. It was like he pierced your soul. For a second you think he’s draining more than just blood. Before a coherent thought can form your consciousness gives way to darkness. 
“She’s gotta be here. There must be a basement or cellar or backroom or-” Azriel is rambling, scouring through files and cursing himself for not having the blueprints to the motel. He had spent so much time in the archives and didn’t even think to get them. 
“Azriel, she’ll be ok. We will search this place up and down until we find her. But right now we have to sharpen our machetes and come up with a plan.” Sam said while Dean had already begun working on his weapon. 
An hour later they had set out to the lobby.
No one was at the front desk. The hunters quickly made their way to the back room. It was set up as an office. Papers piled sky high, most of them blank. Sam opened a door labeled “storage” and cursed when he shone a flashlight down a steep set of stairs. “Guys, over here.” He whispered. Vampires are heavy sleepers, especially after a meal but they needed to be careful. Azriel tightens his grip on his machete and follows Sam down, Dean watching his back. 
When they reach the landing, distant snoring lets them know they are not alone. There are two doors. Sam presses his ear against one and nods to the others, confirming that it's clear. He opens it, cringing at the squeak. Every damn hinge in this place is rusty. Azriel walks in, flashlight landing on a limp figure. A silhouette he could recognize anywhere, even as it was awkwardly hunched forward. He goes to check your pulse and sighs when he finds it. Weak, but there. 
“Hey, y/n, it's me. We’re gonna get you out of here.” Azriel whispers to your unconscious form while he tears through the ropes that secure you to the chair. Sam and Dean at your flank. He cuts through the bindings of your right arm, cursing to see it discolored, practically  mauled. When he moves it from your back to your front you shriek. Even with the gentleness of his touch your limb felt like it was on fire. The shriek turned into muffled moaning as Azriel covered your mouth with his hand. “Shhh, shhh, we have to be quiet.” 
But the warning was issued in vain. The motel attendant and the janitor were in the room in a matter of seconds. Engaging both winchesters in combat. “Get her out, Az!” Dean shouted through the slashing of machetes against the metal chair the vampire was using as a weapon. 
“I’m sorry if this hurts.” Azriel apologizes as he cuts through the last of the rope and picks you up, aiming to lunge up the stairs. Before he can begin the climb though, the janitor throws Sam across the room and into the pair of you. Azriel does his best to shield your head from the blow. In the beat that it takes Sam to recover the janitor is on you, yanking you away from Azriel and piercing the delicate flesh of your neck with its fangs. 
It's all Azriel sees as he storms forward, swinging his machete like a Tasmanian devil. The janitor is so enthralled by your blood he reacts too late to the blow that severs his head from his body. Your legs give out and Azriel lurches forward to catch you, looking back to Sam who says “go, I’ll finish the job with Dean.”
You woke up in pain. But you woke up in a bed to worried hazel eyes. “Az? Az! The manager and the janitor-”
“I know, Sam and Dean are dealing with them now.” 
“And the people..?”
He shook his head. It was a confirmation of what you had already known, but it did not hurt any less.
Azriel laid down next to you, offering his shoulder for you to lean on. Quiet tears streamed down your face. It was long before he broke the silence “we need to get you to a hospital.” 
Just then, Sam and Dean walked back, covered in blood and clothes tattered to bits. 
“That last sucker put up one hell of a fight.” 
“I’m gonna take y/n to the hospital, thank you for every-”
Dean waved his hands “no no, we got a guy for that. Let me call Cas.”
Azriel and you share a look before you ask. “You know Cass?” 
Sam and Dean share a look. “You know Cas?” 
“We know Cass, but you wouldn’t actually call him for medical attention.”
“Then it’s not the same Cas. Give me a minute.” He never takes out his phone but before you can remark on the effectiveness of his call a flash of light blinds you and at the foot of the bed stands a stoic man in a trench coat.
“What the hell…” 
“Castiel this is Azriel and Y/n. Guys this is Cas, he’s an angel.” Dean’s shit eating grin makes you want to slap him. 
“Dean said that you needed healing?”
You look at your bloodied body and nod.
“This will hurt, but it will be over quickly.” He places a hand on your head and molten energy courses through your veins. It feels like your body will combust from it. In a second it's over though and you are left in a panting mess, no gashes anywhere on your body. 
You pack up quickly after that. Promising the boys you will stay in touch and reach out if you ever need help. 
Soon enough you and Azriel are back in the front seat on his truck. 
“About last night-”
“I know.”  You lean into him, placing a kiss on his cheek. “I think there's a case in Florida, I was just reading an article about…” 
You knew the conversation had to happen at some point. Someone was bound to give in or to give up. But there were monsters out there and also, apparently, angels.
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chaoscriess · 2 years
hey sorry to disturb but can you maybe do a one-shot of maddyxreader where she doesn't like not eeceiving attention from -reader-? Thanks and have a great morning,after noon or night!
absolutely! I love this idea! sorry it took so long! not exactly what you asked, but I tried! got a bit carried away though. I've recently changed my preferences on writing gn reader for the girls, and I've decided that I'll only write wlw/gxg fics for female characters. thank you for understanding.
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒! arguing, angst, maddy and reader being dumb and not communicating, some infidelity? maddy is kinda
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒! on mobile, format might be weird. lowercase intended, unedited, double periods intended. mentions of the song michelle by sir chloe!!! love that song.
maddy x fem!reader
you and maddy had been together for a while.
9 months, one week, and 5 days, to be exact.
you knew she was yours, you knew she would never do anything to hurt you
maddy was the same, as far as you knew
but one day, when you two were at the mall near your house, you ran into an old friend
"oh my god, y/n?! is that you?" you looked around, initially not seeing anyone you knew, but stopping when you saw a taller man that you recognized. his name was caleb, and you knew him for 7 years before he moved away. you smiled brightly before quickly walking towards him and embracing him in a tight hug. "oh my god, I never thought I'd see you again, caleb!" he smiled at you and hugged you tightly, rubbing your back slightly. "yeah well," he paused, pulling away and shifting his feet, looking to the ground sadly, "my mom got sick and my dad got into a pretty mad accident at work so now I'm here. I have to take care of both of them for a while before I can get out of here again."
you smile at him before laughing softly and shaking your head. "yeah, hopefully I'll be out of here too, pretty soon." he smiled at you and placed his hand on your shoulder. "maybe we can go together!" you chuckled at his words and muttered a 'yeah yeah', dismissing his flirty behavior. "well, I have to go, my girlfriend's waiting for me". you watched his face drop slightly as you turned around and made your way to maddy, laughing at the man.
you saw the look on maddy's unhappy face, and your smile turned into a concerned frown. "what's wrong, babe?" she rolled her eyes and turned around, leaving you standing there confused as she walked away.
maddy was super clingy for a couple days. holding onto you wherever you went, whining when you pulled away from her, and yelling at you when you called her clingy. "well If it weren't for you eye fucking that caleb guy!"
you got into a fight about it, you told her you were laughing at him for flirting with you, and she told you that she wouldn't doubt it if you had been in love with him when you were younger and still loved him.
you definitely didnt, he wasnt your type.. like, at all.
you tried to tell her that you only loved her, that you were head over heels for her and you'd never leave her, but she didnt believe you.
she stopped begging you for affection and attention, instead showing up at all the parties you went to and getting affection and attention by dancing with other people. you were upset, obviously, you two never broke up, you weren't even on a break.
you ignored her attempts to make you jealous, sitting on the couch with fezco, high as heaven, instead of giving her the attention she wanted.
you could tell she was upset, but you did nothing wrong.
it was midnight. you watched maddy dance with a girl named michelle. that girl was a monster from hell, she'd hated you since you got with maddy, you always knew she liked her. you were the first girl maddy had been with, and the one that made her realize she liked girls. it broke your heart to see her dance with michelle. you sighed and looked down at the joint in your hand before taking one last hit and handing it to fezco, standing up and walking to maddy. you smiled when you saw maddy look at you with a smile on her face, but your bright smile was replaced with a look of anger and hurt when you saw her grab michelle's hand and lead her to an empty room.
"are you fucking kidding me?" you quickly walked towards maddy and grabbed her arm, pulling her away from an angry michelle. "y/n, what the hell?! what are you doing?" you scoffed at the dark haired girl and dragged her out of the house, into your car. "what the fuck maddy? what was that?" she looked at you weird, like you were speaking a foreign language. "what was what? I was just dancing." you scoffed, chuckling lightly, you were really getting pissed off.
"maddy, that wasnt dancing, she was all over you. why were you even going into that room?" maddy sighed and looked down before speaking. "I asked her for help.. we were trying to make you jealous. youve been ignoring me, so.. I thought it would be a good idea." you frowned at her and shook your head. "maddy, why the hell would that be a good idea?!" you looked at her and you immediately felt bad for yelling at her.
"I dont know! I just.. missed you, I guess. I felt like you didnt care about me anymore.." you felt tears well up in your eyes, why the hell were you crying? wait, was maddy crying too? shit. "maddy, of course I still care about you! I'm fucking in love with you, for christ's sake!" your eyes widened, you had never said that out loud before. she looked up at you with wide eyes, they were red from crying. "oh, maddy.." you put your hands on her cheeks and kissed her gently, swiping away her tears with your thumbs, before pulling away and leaning your forehead against hers.
"I'm sorry... I should have talked to you about it instead of going to michelle." you pulled away, shook your head and let out a quiet 'no'. you couldn't stay mad at her. "it's fine, I'm not mad anymore. are you alright? I didnt mean to yell at you.." she sniffled and nodded. "and.. y/n?" you looked up at her in anticipation before she continued speaking. "I love you too."
in the end, you and maddy got over it.
this actually helped the two of you, in a way
you were more trusting, more honest
and you didnt get jealous every time one of you talked to someone.
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Actually, you know what? I’m not done being salty about this and the ask has a character limit.
I LOVE “character finds out they were X, but become their own person”. I ADORE it. Hunter from Owl House was already one of my favourites, but the moment we found out about Grimwalkers, he shot straight to the top of my list. I LIVE for that shit. Give me the struggle. Give me the angst. Give me the rock bottom moment of thinking they’re “nothing”, and their friends rallying around them. Give me the shock from the creators - “It isn’t possible!”, “You’re just a puppet!”, “I made you!” - as they break out their programming/abuse/misconceptions and become their own person. Give me the sweet triumph of flipping their tormentors the middle finger, surrounded by their found family, confident in the knowledge that they are alive and real. Adrien as a Sentimonster, even if they only thought of it Season 3, could have been SO GOOD, and they SCREWED IT UP! You know how you could have made it good?? You know how you could have kept it going??
We only meet Adrien after he’s already begun to change.
Make the implication that going to school, forging his father’s signature, all of that, wasn’t Adrien’s idea, but Chloe’s. Sure, Adrien wanted to go, but make Chloe the brains behind getting him in school. Chloe is the one who figures it all out, plans the whole thing, and gets Adrien to agree. Sure, it doesn’t work. Sure, Adrien gets caught. He’s ordered back home, and he goes, like an obedient little drone. But then you know what happens?
He gets Plagg. He gets the Black Cat Miraculous. He becomes Chat Noir.
Right away, Adrien is gung-ho about being a superhero. He doesn’t even let Plagg finish EXPLAINING before jumping right into running around in a leather cat suit. And isn’t that weird, if Adrien is a Sentimonster? If he’s supposed to follow orders? Like, I’m not saying Gabriel ever gave him the specific instruction of “If you find magic jewelry, do not use it to become a costumed superhero”, but given how restricted Adrien is, I imagine there were some … strongly worded … advice, that Adrien has been given. “Don’t go out alone”. “Tell me what you’re doing”. “Stay safe”. And Adrien, raised (made) the way he is, such a people pleaser, unaware that he could (and should) be looking for loopholes, probably tries to follow those pleas(orders) to the letter and spirit. Like, he probably still feels stifled. He probably longs for freedom. But he stills obeys (it’s what he was made to do). But the moment, the second, he gets the Black Cat Miraculous, he’s leaping at the chance to do something he wants, something he’s longed for … and something he probably has orders against doing.
At first, this seems like bad writing, if Adrien is supposed to be a Sentimonster the whole time. But. What do we later find out the Black Cat’s power, Cataclysm - what does it do, to Sentimonsters? It cause them to go berserk. To lose coherency. To lash out. 
It destabilizes them. They stop obeying and start rampaging, because they are beings of pure emotion. They stop responding to orders, and start responding to the emotions they were made with.
Normally, most Sentimonsters just go nuts, because they are simple beings made from one emotion. Anger, fear, rage, joy, curiosity. They don’t have a lot of depth, so they respond to the one thing they do have, which often results in a single minded pursuit, and often destruction. But Adrien is different. Adrien isn’t just a Sentimonster. Adrien is a mix, Sentimonster and human. His parents used a Sentimonster to get Emilie pregnant, but they didn’t just have the baby pop out of nowhere. Emilie had a pregnancy. She went through the whole process, from conception to birth. Adrien wasn’t sprung up fully formed, he developed. He was born. He grew up. Yes, he’s a Sentimonster. Yes, he can be controlled. But whatever his emotional core was, that was used to make him, Adrien himself has developed, grown. He has far more emotions than another Sentimonster, because he’s had time to grow.
But he is still a Sentimonster. And that means he can be effected like one.
The moment Adrien is given the power of the Black Cat, immediately, his first act, is responding to his own strongest emotion - his desire for freedom. He becomes Chat Noir - submerging himself further in the Power of Destruction - and he takes off. And all throughout Origins, you see Adrien responding to situations emotionally. He rushes into fights, he jumps first, thinks later. He has one big moment of admiration for Ladybug, and decides then and there that whoever is behind the mask, he loves them. Heck, throughout the series, at least the very early stuff, Adrien is very emotionally driven. He does things, not because he thinks it’s a good idea, but because he feels it is. Best example is the Bubbler. Logically, it is a terrible idea for Adrien to let Nino stay Akumafied just so he can have a party. He should have ditched immediately to change into Chat Noir. But he doesn’t, because in his head it’s his first birthday party. Nino threw him a party. His friends are there. He’s going to have fun. Adrien feels happy. Appreciated. Loved. So he stays. He parties with the Bubbler. But then he sees others aren’t having fun. That they were forced there. Trapped. When Adrien finds out exactly what’s going on, he feels awful, and realizes how it’s effecting everyone else, and that’s when he ditches to become Chat Noir.
But Rachel, I hear some people thinking, you’re saying that despite all this, Adrien is still a Sentimonster. He can still be controlled. The Amok still affects him. Even if the Cat’s Power is effecting him, Eventually, wouldn’t Adrien become more unstable? Wouldn’t he go nuts?
Maybe, if he had the Black Cat and that was it. If all of this was taking place in a vacuum. But it’s not, is it? Because Chat Noir is fighting alongside Ladybug. The Creation to his Destruction. The strategist, the one who pulls him back, who balances him. Whose power fixes what his destroys. Who was there from day one, when he first put on the ring.
Because again, watching the first few seasons, that’s their whole dynamic. Chat is emotionally driven, Ladybug is the thinker, the strategist. When Chat wants to dive forward claws first, Ladybug hauls him back by the tail. Chat wants to confront the threat (the emotion) head on, but Ladybug makes him stop and think. And it even works in reverse! When Ladybug is overthinking, when she’s stuck in her head, Chat is there to pull her out of it - to destroy her doubts and get her to think clearly. The balance each other, change each other, and for Adrien in particular, the effect is more than just strategic thinking. It’s helping him grow past his programmed purpose.
It isn’t obvious, not at first, but Adrien becomes more thoughtful, less emotionally driven. He learns. He grows. He changes. Each Cataclysm and Miraculous Ladybug help it along, make it brighter, stronger. Adrien thinks. He plans. He finds loopholes. Hell, give me tha tiny shit! He slouches more. His hair isn’t as perfect. He gets freckles because he’s in the sun more. He stutters. He lies. He acts exactly like a sheltered rich kid breaking out for freedom, not an automaton meant to be perfect.
Make it gradual. Make it subtle. Give me Gabriel not noticing at first. Give me Nathalie not even thinking about it. Give me arguments with Chloe, because “You never used to act like this, Adri-kins!”. Give me flashbacks. Show Adrien as a strict rule follower. As a kid who wouldn’t dare think about sneaking out. Show how he’s changed, and in some cases more tellingly, how he hasn’t. Give me tiny, quiet moments where Gabe is reflecting on this. Give me the realization that Adrien is changing. He isn’t acting like a Sentimonster anymore. He’s acting like a person.
Give me the day he tries to command Adrien with the Amok … and Adrien refuses. Adrien says “No”. It isn’t easy. It’s the hardest thing Adrien has ever done. But he does it. He plants his feet, squares his shoulders, and defies the thing he was made to do. He makes his choice, his own choice, asserts himself as his own being. He is real. He is alive. He is a person.
Give me the Amok Fucking Shattering because the Sentimonster it was made to control is gone. Adrien Agreste is real, and nothing will control him anymore.
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garbinge · 7 days
Charming Life (7/?)
Opie Winston x Teller!SisterOC Joanne ‘Jo’ Teller Jax Teller & OC Joanne Teller 30 Day Fic Challenge (18/30)
Chapter Index 
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Siblings fighting again, light angst, but other than that mostly fluffy.
Charming Life Taglist: @drabbles-mc​ @livingdeadblondequeen​ @justreblogginfics @chloe-skywalker @kmc1989
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“Hey.” Opie’s voice caused Jo to turn around, almost knocking over her salon chair. 
“Hey.” She laughed and steadied herself. 
“You alright?” He frowned, taking a step closer to her. “Yea, sorry just a weird day.” 
“Micky?” Opie frowned and asked. 
“No, why? What do you know?” The girl got nervous, quick. 
“Nothin’, no. Just see you get like this when it’s gotta do with that piece of shit.” 
“For once my problems have nothing to do with him.” She laughed and ran her hands through her hair again. 
Opie frowned looking for an answer from her and she just shook her head. “Jax and I got into it, feel like we haven’t fought like that since we were teenagers and I was yelling at him to turn his music down or he was pushing me down the stairs to get the passenger seat the rare times Gemma took us to school. This was bad, Ope. He said some awful shit.” 
“I remember way worse fights than that.” Opie laughed and wrapped his arm around Jo as he recalled the fight he witnessed first hand. “Think he asked you what it’s like to be so perfect and it snowballed from there.” 
“I pushed him in Gemma’s azaleas, she still hasn’t forgiven me for that.” Her head was pressed against Opie’s chest. 
“He’ll come around.” He was now rubbing her back with his arm. “How you holding up about Luanne?” 
“I’m fine, more worried about my mom. She asked to watch Dil today, think she’s trying to break the cloud around her.” Jo spoke still soaking in every minute of this embrace with Opie. 
“You off work?” Opie asked, hoping it meant he could spend some time with Jo. 
“No, I have a 4:30 client. Who always shows up late and wants a full head of highlights, shit take’s forever.” She sighed. “What’re you doing tonight?” She peeled away from his chest to look up at him. “Want to hang then? I can pick the kids up and have ‘em sleep at my place. We could watch a movie.” She shrugged. 
Opie sighed and dipped his head. “I’ve got club shit tonight. Don’t worry about the kids, Bobby’s sister is watching them.” 
Jo looked up and raised her eyebrows. “You’d be better having Bobby himself watch them.” She teased. “I’ll pick them up, they can stay at my place. Dil loves having them around, I think she breaks them out of their shell.” 
“She does, Ellie was mumbling that song Dillon is always singing around the club the other day. I’m lucky to get her to say more than 5 words a day.” Opie laughed. 
“See. I’ll pick ‘em up after this client. I’ll see you in the morning.” Jo leaned up and placed a quick kiss to Opie’s lips. It was still an unsure thing, the two hadn’t really discussed anything, which was typical, but one thing that was certain without words was something shifted with them. 
“Everything’s going to be okay.” Opie caught Jo’s head before she pulled away too far. 
“I really hope that’s true.” She closed her eyes and before another word could come from her mouth, another kiss was being placed on her lips, this one more passionate than the one she left on Opie, this one he was holding her close like taking any time away from doing exactly this would paralyze him, but his touch was light and tender on her so as not to make her uncomfortable. The kiss was long, and Jo practically melted into him again. She felt the butterflies in her stomach full force, still almost a dream to her that this was her reality. 
As Jo pulled into TM the next morning, she saw Gemma walking from the office to her car. 
“Hey!” She called to her mother before stepping out of the car. Gemma turned and frowned. 
“What’re you doing here so early?” 
“Wanted to check in on you, plus I’m meeting Opie, going to grab breakfast with everyone.” She pointed to her backseat which had all 3 kids. 
Gemma smirked and thought to ask more questions but held off. “I’m headed to give Wayne a ride. Just needed to drop off some paperwork I brought home last night.” 
“How you holding up?” Jo genuinely asked her mother. 
“I’m fine.” She answered quickly and clearly lying straight through her teeth. 
“Here if you need anything.” Joanne spoke just as the rumbles of motorcycles began to sound from down the street. 
“Looks like your breakfast date awaits you.” Gemma’s eyebrows raised and she smiled again before peering into the car to see the kids. 
Jax and Opie pulled up. Opie offered a quick wave as he moved to debrief with the rest of the guys, leaving Jax by himself. Jo would have easily ignored her younger brother if it wasn’t for Dillon undoing her belt and opening the car door to run towards him. 
“Uncle Jax!” She called out as she ran faster than Jo’s head could wrap around what she was doing. 
Without a second guess, Jax was kneeling to the ground to pick the girl up, all smiles on his face. “What’s up Dillybear.” She was now settled in his arms. “Going to breakfast, I’m going to get waffles, french toast, bacon, sausage, maybe hashbrowns,” she started listing off every breakfast food there was before catching her mother’s eyes and frowned. “and a cup of fruit yogurt because mom makes me.” 
“Yea mom can be annoying, can’t she.” Jax said knowing Jo was in full earshot to hear it. 
“So annoying, I hate the yogurt cup.” She crossed her arms and pouted. 
“Dillon, c’mon get back in the car, we’re gonna head out soon.” Jo’s voice was stern. 
“Do I have to eat the yogurt cup.” She tried to negotiate, a tactic she probably picked up from Gemma. 
“Yes, but if you eat the yogurt cup you’ll get chocolate chips in your pancakes.” 
“Deal.” The little girl was squirming out of Jax’s arms and running back to the car. 
“I don’t appreciate you negating me to my kid.” 
“It wasn’t a big deal, relax.” Jax laughed it off, annoyed himself. 
“Nothing’s a big deal to you because you don’t have to deal with it, it’s Jax’s world and we’re all just living in it.” 
“You really want to start this right now?” Jax looked like he was eager to fight with her. 
“I didn’t start shit, Jax. You started this by keeping that shit to yourself.” She pointed at him, it took everything in her not to step up and let her finger lay into him. 
“Can you just trust that I’m going to fix shit?” 
“You can’t seem to trust me, why should I trust you?” She pinned it back on him. 
“Call me when you grow up.” Jax was walking past the girl, shaking his head. 
“Jax!” Jo turned and it caught everyone’s attention but that didn’t bother her at all. “Call me when you actually want to be a brother!” 
It wasn’t a monumental diss, but it sure did get her point across. 
Breakfast was silent besides the kids murmuring and giggling to each other. It really was true, the three of them really brought out each other's personalities. While Kenny and Ellie became more vocal and out of their shell, they showed Dillon that she didn’t always have to be into the adult conversations. It was something that came with being an only child, she’d find herself in the mix of the adults, but now she had kids around her age more frequently to keep her occupied from that. 
“You wanna talk about it?” Opie casually brought up the tension as he picked at his plate. 
“No.” Jo was aggressively stabbing her pancakes. 
“Can I have your bacon?” Dillon was peering over at Opie’s plate. He let out a chuckle and looked to Jo for her permission to which she nodded. 
“Here, each of you get a piece.” He handed each kid one. 
“See you just have to ask, they normally say yes.” Dillon thought she was whispering perfectly but it just earned her another chuckle from Opie. 
“I’m so full.” He leaned back in his chair and looked at the kids. Dillon was so quick to copy him by leaning back as well and rubbing her belly.
“Ahhh, me too.” 
“You’re a funny kid, you know that, Dill.” Opie was smiling looking down at her. 
“Can we get pancakes every Sunday.” Kenny was leaning forward on the table, while his feet dangled. 
“If the schedule allows it, I don’t see why not.” Opie said with a shrug. 
“No, like all of us.” Ellie spoke up, still a shy voice, but learning to break out of it. 
This made Jo look up and she saw that the girl was looking between her and Dillon. 
“Yea, Ellie girl, I’d like that a lot.”
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lunasky2491 · 1 month
About me ✮⋆⁺₊
ok is it just me or is putting the ‘about me’ in giving “tell me a secret, a nice one” vibes
Hi i’m Harriet, I usually just go as luna on here as it’s easier but feel free to use either
I’m 15 (so pls don’t be weird) that’s also the age when regulus’ name was first called in the reaping
I go by she/her
I’m not entirely sure of my sexuality at the moment, right now i am just going as being bi but i am questioning if I am finsexual or lesbian and grey-ace
I am a Slytherin
And also a massive marauders fan “a great big tragedy” i’m telling you, that’s that it feels like being here
along with being a Regulus kinnie (sad boy poetry for the win)
Right now i am writing my first fic No Different Than You which is a wolfstar and Jegulus fic which is centred around platonic moonwater making a third side of the war. the link is below so feel free to check it out
wait you’re still reading, i’m surprised tbh
As you can see I love the marauders era and surprisingly find it comforting despite the amount of angst
how the hell did i get here, you’d think that reading choices as your first ever marauders fic would draw you away because of how heartbreaking it is “please don’t start your war yet, i’m not being done loved by him” but nope it brought me right in,when i then had to undergo reading the chapter copenhagen “I just got him back” in ahb in the middle of english class (that’s where i read reg’s death in choices too) oh how that hurt
“don’t go to troy” guys
I’m telling you ‘Somewhere is the west country of england’ not only did James potter stop breathing but a 14 year old girl at the time called Harriet did as well
well apart from this I absolutely adore reading books and fics (mostly just been fics recently……. ok i like haven’t sat down and read a full paper book for probably nearly a year, but i know i have read over 4 million words of fanfiction in the past 10 months so yeah I got that down for me, also along with that I am constantly listening to music, i can probably never be found without my airpod’s in
my favourite ships: jegulus, wolfstar, marylily or pandalily, rosekiller, dorlene also drarry
my favourite platonic ships: prongsfoot, moonwater and sirius’s and lily’s friendship
with music though I love so much but my current top artists I listen to are Hozier, David Bowie,Taylor Swift, Conan Grey, Cavetown also a little bit of Chloe Ament
Well I think that’s about it here
please feel free to Ask
anything at all really, this is a free space for anyone
oh and jk rowlbitch can go fuck herself
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hotxcheeto · 10 months
Ok requests are open (at least I think I could be wrong) but could you do vampire reader and Chloe as a mythical creature couple of can be fic or headcannon of your choosing
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Chloe Price x G/N!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing?, mentions of blood/consuming it (obvi), compliments towards you, very light angst, lots of fluff
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - ilyyyyy
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i believe that as a vampire, there is a certain level of confidence you just unintentionally gain
you become a badass essentially
and so the years pass after your initial turning and you end up wandering through a tiny town called Arcadia Bay that just screams 'i'm a mystery' in a very coming of age book esc way
you sit down at a nice diner only to end up into a very obnoxious yet amusing nineteen year old nightmare that somehow reminds you of an old friend
so you get to talking
and it doesn't take chloe long to realize there's just something a bit off about you
maybe it's the way you pick up on the smallest of sounds
or how often you won't answer her messages until well into the night because sometimes you just 'don't wanna fight the sun'
and then there's the rings you claim as magic for a 'nice tan' ?
oh and your strange longing stare at blood
okay that one was only once when accidentally cut herself opening her amazon package and she just thought you were really weird with blood cause that's natural for people but... then chloe pulled a bella swan
yep she whipped out google and boom, the vampire diaries answered everything for her
and also why she avoided that series like the plague
jokes about it to see your reaction and you just give her the most obvious side eye while doing that fake laugh moms do when they're toddler does a spin as a trick
but of course that's crazy chloe and it becomes like an inside joke between you two until she caught you sucking on a bag that was suspiciously hospital like
yeah, you had to fess up then
she's got a lot of questions so you better prepare yourself to answer them all
do you actually sleep in a coffin? do you drink blood strictly cause she seen you eating fries at her moms diner, is that for show?
why do you not burn in the sun? do you live forever? are you secretly edward cullen???????????
you of course answer them to the best of your abilities while trying not to laugh at her because you understand the curiosity
and it makes chloe want to jump your bones even more than she already had before because you were sexy
and now she finds out your a sexy vampire?!?!?!?!
time goes on and she really tries catering to you and your needs with your diet and the sometimes just wanting to avoid the sun even with your ability to protect yourself from it
and chloe LOVES hearing your traveling stories and your stories of others like you and even more supernatural types out there
not only are you hot - you're also fascinating
her mind starts to wander though, and she has a lot going on with her life y'know and she starts wondering if life would better as what you were
you notice Chloe's sudden shift in her feelings and her demeanor and you feel like it's your fault but it's not, truly
then she confesses it to you, she wants to be turned
at first you deny it, you don't want her subjected to the a lot of the hell you'd gone through with your transformation and newly born lifestyle until you realize how much you'll actually hurt when you leave her
you'd never loved someone so deeply before and seeing her so in pain with her life and so in love with you as well
she didn't hate you for saying no, she understood but totally had a teenage emo phase once more and got pouty for a while, even begged you a bit
you caved, you def caved i mean who wouldn't
but you reminded her and gave her weeks to contemplate everything she could gain but also lose
she loved her mom still and she'd adore her forever, because now she was forever as were you
and she's fun, oh yeah, she can party all night and sleep and cuddle all day with you
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do you
do you have more leo angst fic reccs? /nf
preferably rise or 2012! but idm others!
Okay, so there’s a whole fucking bunch of these, including some of my own shit (although I removed some of my own Leo-angst fics because the post was just too dang long). You can also find the full list of recs on my AO3.
Everything that We Are by fireworksinthenight - Leo and his family deal with the fallout of the Kraang invasion as best they can (tw trauma, guilt)
Withstanding all the Time, Changes and Seasons by guide_to_the_galaxy - Leo struggles to keep his family together during the apocalypse (tw body horror, mild gore, trauma, doomed timelines)
Of Late Nights and French Movies by pleasantnonsense - Leo tries to comfort Donnie after his brother has a bad dream (tw trauma)
cracked windows, falling by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo comes to terms with his multiversal legacy (tw trauma, nightmares, unreality, violence)
“say sorry to the lions, right now” from covered with dead flowers / it was cold it was cold yes it was / cold by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo confronts Donnie after discovering one of his brothers’s darkest secrets (tw past mind control, betrayal, trauma, implied ableism)
You can find a whole lot more of recs from an earlier collection here.
TMNT 2012
and I shall name you.. "Karai you lil shit" by @gekroent - A great piece of art about Leorai gone wrong (tw implied mind control, blood)
let's see just how far you'll go by leones @leonsi - Leo is determined to do whatever it takes to keep his family safe and Mikey stumbles upon the downsides (tw blood, self-harm, past child abuse)
evil is a relay sport by leones @leonsi - Leo doesn’t have the strength to hold Donnie back anymore (tw blood, speceism, violence)
Don't Judge Me by DarkxKitsune - Mikey is more accepting of Leo’s desire than Leo himself is (tw tcest, explicit, internalized kink shaming)
you're faking all your pain, you're bleeding on a stage by leones @leonsi - Leo struggles with accepting a mobility (tw trauma, internalized ableism)
i want to break you in pieces, fight me by Anonymous - An alternate reality where Leo is chased out of the sewers by his father and into the perhaps-overly-loving arms of Tiger Claw (tw csa, codependency, blood, violence, rape/noncon, underage sex, PTSD, past child abuse, self-esteem issues, unhealthy relationships, mental health issues, intense age gap)
some sunday in autumn by guide_to_the_galaxy- Leo and his family real from a horrifying loss (tw grief, guilt, trauma, injuries, torture, child abuse)
RL,Hot & Cold by @ringingt - Raph and Leo struggle to survive in the dark together (tw torture, possible tcest)
a quick something my sick depressed mind produced to carry on. by @arishynya - Leo and Karai deal with the return of the space turtles, and the fallout is ugly (tw a form of self-harm, injuries, scars, trauma, mental instability)
This art by @arishynya- Art of a 2012 Foot Leo au (tw implied mind control)
Leorai week day 1 - Injured by @arishynya - Karai struggles to keep Leo safe at a time of crisis (tw blood, injuries)
Something weird by @arishynya - Leo and Karai’s relationship enters a painful stage (tw implied breakup)
This art by !youngtitan213 - Leo deals with the fallout of Karai’s mutation (tw vaguely suggestive?)
The Salamandria Saga - Leo and Donnie try to survive the end of the world together (tw PTSD, turtlecest, explicit, apocalyptic imagery, family imagery)
it's not revolutionary by leones @leonsi - Raph tries to help Leo work out some of his darker feelings (tw implied self-harm, internalized ableism)
Leo, you fierce precious baby by @lornaka - Leo fights for his life during the invasion (tw implied violence)
urges burning through your skin by leones @leonsi - Leo does his best to keep his shit together while having tea with Chloe (tw self-harm, self-hatred, self-esteem issues)
(Tmnt , Au of Vengeance is Mine) by @sabindark - Leo is the one that gets mutated following vengeance is mind (tw identity issues)
save him by haru-kaze - Usagi finds out the reason for Leo’s maturity (tw trauma)
We Captured A Moment by Crowdog @50-shades-of-cloaca - Leo wakes up in the wrong timeline and stumbles into an unusual relationship (tw Splintercest, time travel sexual weirdness, homelessness, violence, injury, speciesm)
ghosts (old conversations) by notebookpapers - Leo has been bearing a lot of weight from a young age (tw child-as-parent, trauma)
Cliché (it was too late for me) by leones @leonsi - Leo stumbles into a relationship with a redhead in the coffee shop (tw trauma, anxiety, background tcest, speciesm, eating disorders)
Leonardo Hamato, The Righteous Hand of (God) Splinter by @floozdooz - Leo’s relationships with his father manifested as worship (tw daddy issues, religious imagery)
My Life Was Ended By Your Hand, the Kind of Murder Where Nobody Dies by PrincessGemma12 @princessgemma12 - Leo and Raph have some ugly shared childhood memories (tw child rape, csa, emotional manipulation, forced incest, future child loss)
There's Nothing More Than Empty Sheets Between Our Love” from I Keep Telling Myself This Might Be Nothing by PrincessGemma12 @princessgemma12 - Leo wrestles with loneliness on his first night awake at the farmhouse (tw implied underage sex, implied tcest)
We're still here, Fearless, don't worry. by @uggables - Leo’s family helps him keep it together after Fungus Humungous (tw trauma)
h, but I'm not bitter. i'm just tired. by leones @leonsi - Leo’s brothers help him sort through the remains of his relationship with Karai (tw break-up, past relationship dysfunction)
please don't tell me we share the same name (i don't want to be associated with that kind of pain) by leones @leonsi - Raph encourages Leo to push his limits, and Leo finds himself stumbling down a dark path (tw past csa, past child abuse, alcohol abuse, PTSD, nausea, unreliable narrator)
clinging to hope (what else is there to live for?) by leones @leonsi - Usagi offers a strange revelation while trying to help Leo pull himself together (tw implied suicide, suicidal thoughts, mental health issues, PTSD, past violence)
Aggressive Empathy in the Abyss (AEITA) by Gemma Winchester (PrincessGemma12), PrincessGemma12@princessgemma12 - Leo and Raph try to wrestle with the past together (tw tcest, explicit, trauma, past rape, past underage rape, PTSD)
ride it out by leones @leonsi - Raph helps Leo deal with a rough patch (tw dissociation, trauma, PTSD, possible tcest)
Both Leos lost someone importante at the end of their stories so I wanted them to meet again even if they are not the same people... by @lyse-474 - Two versions of Leonardo try to work out past losses in alternate realities (tw grief, trauma)
eating disorder fics by leones @leonsi - A primarily Leo-centric collection of stories about his struggle with his body and mind (tw neglect, vomit, unhealthy coping mechanisms, denial, unreliable narrator)
Curled In by Luescris - Raph tries to help Leo literally come out of his shell at the farmhouse (tw panic attacks, trauma, injury)
Don't Get Too Close by runawaydirtbag - A brilliant and terrifying collection of Leo-centric Angstpril stories (tw mental health issues, underage drug use, trauma, child abuse, self-hatred)
To the Victor by squishyturtlefuckfics for Melodistic - Shredder savors his new control over Leo (tw rape, implied torture, mindbreak, bad ending, explicit)
maybe that's the point by leones @leonsi - Donnie helps Leo work out some dark thoughts (tw PTSD, suicidal thoughts, flashbacks)
"i am so sick of being so scared all the time." by @leonsi - Leo is overwhelmed by his PTSD (tw trauma)
memory is the foulest gift by leones @leonsi - Mikey and Leo comes to terms with a long-buried secret (tw child rape, rape, past csa, trauma, family dysfunction, self-hatred, internalized victim blaming, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt)
This art by @nei-ning - Leo receives horrible news (tw grief, tcest)
i can feel your eyes stare (and i'm not gonna lie, i get a little bit scared) by leones - Leo tries to work out his feelings regarding Usagi (tw past rape/noncon, hurt/comfort)
Monster by CityFallArc (orphan_account) - Leo wakes up in time to be left with nothing (tw mind control, past violence)
“Colors (Leonardo) ” from Visions: One Word Prompts by Gemma Winchester (PrincessGemma12) @princessgemma12 - 10 sentences of Leo across the universes (tw trauma, blood and gore, tcest, animal cruelty)
Deepest Darkest by FormlessVoid , with this art by 10yrsy - Leo struggles with the fallout of Fungus Humungous, but at least he’s got Raph on his side (tw trauma, loneliness, nightmares)
“You don’t have to face this alone.” by leos-wormstache - Raph and Splinter both help Leo deal with his fears (tw nightmares)
Hostage by ringingt - Leo struggles to survive Tiger Claw’s captivity (tw forced feeding, blood, injury, torture, sickness)
Inward by Captain_Jade - Leo and his family find themselves caught up in a web of dreams and nightmares (tw unreality, trauma, gore, grief)
Father vs. Sensei by SleepingSeeker - Splinter’s latest training regime takes more out of Leo than usual (tw child abuse, poisoning)
Do you feel it? by Riu_wiu - Raph tries to help Leo with his guilt over their relationship (tw turtlecest, family dysfunction)
Return of Honor by Firebird Scratches - Leo discovers what his newly recovered father can and cannot do for the family (tw violence, injury)
Captain Ryan Wouldn't by Flynne - Leo is growing beyond his childhood heroes (tw violence, fire, pain)
These Scars Remind Me The Past Is Real by xXNerdFighterXx - Leo tries to figure out Raph’s coddling new attitude after he wakes up at the farmhouse (tw family dysfunction, injury, trauma)
The Devil In I by Kareh - Leo is taken from his family and returned as something nearly unrecognizable (tw brainwashing, torture, abuse, trauma, violence)
Sacrifice by Silvermoon27 - Leo sacrificed himself for his family and takes the long road coming home (tw deception, grief, violence, family dysfunction, injury)
If it makes you happy by samstoleaburger - Mikey comforts Leo after a bad day (tw bullying mention, light family dysfunction, self-doubt)
10 ways to say i love you by orphan_account - Leo connects with Casey in ways both beautiful and painful (tw injury, fear)
Hanging By A Moment. by Chandrakantya - A collection of Leo and Casey's first kisses and everything they meant (tw trauma, self-doubt)
I'll Remember You by MusicRocks807 - Leo tries to find Karai, but it’s hard when she’s forgotten almost everything (tw identity issues)
the more things change by breeisonfire - Leo and his family try to put themselves together after coming home from space (tw past grief, trauma)
These nightmares always hang on past the dream. by Werepirechick - Leo and his clan try to keep together in space (tw nightmares, PTSD)
“ One Double-Drabble ” from The Secret Anthology by Amitica Revenant - Leo deals with his impending sacrifice in the Techndrome (tw near-death experiences, drowning)
Coping by FishiesGoneFiction @fishiesgonefiction - Leo does what he can for Karai (tw trauma, dysfunctional relationships)
Dark side of the Sun and Shattered Spirit, Conquered Soul by Shanalaa - A series where Leo pays the price for his family’s inner darkness (tw rape, tcest, forced tcest, sexual abuse, past underage, trauma, victim blaming, internalized victim blaming)
“ xli-l ” of Diffraction by AngelDormais - Leo and his family fight for Leo’s life after fleeing New York (tw injury, trauma)
Unseen by Pheonix500 - Leorai with undertones of fantasy and mind control (tw violence, brainwashing, dubious consent)
Okay by MoTexas55 (CupNoodles55) - Leo deals with a dream of what he can’t have (tw separation, unreality)
You Have Always Wanted This by Adoradork - There is something very wrong with Karai–if only Leo could figure out what (tw implied sexual coercion, mind control)
“You came back. (Splinter&Leo)” from Drabble Collection by starsofyoursoul (Apothecary_Rose) - Splinter comforts Leo after a hard fight (tw injury, guilt, self-doubt, implied trauma, past violence)
can't let a cold heart be free. by Chandrakantya - Karai and Leo’s relationship is always shifting, often painfully (tw implied sexual content, unhealthy relationships, past violence) it's only love, not a timebomb (there's no way out of this) by authenticaussie - Leo can’t help being worried for Casey (tw injury, past violence)
“Used to Know (Mikey & Leo)” from The Shinobi's Garden by taizi @taizi - There’s something wrong with Mikey; Leo helps as best he can (tw violence, nonconsensual drug use, mind control)
“Incompetent (Leo - Problem Child AU)” from The Shinobi's Garden by taizi - Human AU where Leo still has so many fears to wrestle with (tw past homelessness, trauma)
someone will come running by taizi - Leo has to leave to come back (tw family separation, trauma, grief)
in the bitter watches by impossiblewanderings - Raph watches over his sleeping brother (tw trauma, injury, family separation)
My Cub by squishyturtlefuckfics - Tiger Claw carefully breaks down Leo’s walls (tw dubcon/noncon, possible underage, imprisonment, explicit)
Know my name (as it's called again) by moogsthewriter - ATLA AU where Leo, Donnie, and Raph seek out a missing brother (tw family separation)
The Need to Escape by orphan_account - Leo and his family try to find a world outside the shadow of their master, the Shredder (tw trauma, violence, child abuse, implied unhealthy relationships/csa, child abuse, family dysfunction, speciesm, tcest, dehumanization)
Haunted by Kiraynn - Raph helps Leo from a traumatizing attack (tw past rape/noncon, trauma, explicit, tcest)
Broken Brother by Koalagriton - Bringing Raph back isn’t easy, but Leo won’t get up (tw alcohol, tcest, mind control)
On Beautiful Nights and Their Consequences by Anonymous for Crowdog - Karai gives Leo a very strange gift (tw post breakup, surprise parenting)
Stealth and Sacrifice by GoblinCatKC - Leo undoes himself for his brothers in more ways than one (tw violence, blood, self-harm, identity issues)
Sleeping Beauty by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo suffers a devastating betrayal without even realizing it (tw rape/noncon, explicit, betrayal, tcest, abuse, sexism, homophobia, guilt)
Strange Little Shadows by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - 50 sentences about Leo, Raph and Karai (tw trauma, tcest, major character death, brainwashing, violence)
I See Things That Nobody Else Sees by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo tries to protect his memories of his relationships with his father and brother in the face of harsh reality (tw sexual abuse, rape/noncoon, parent/child incest, tcest, emotional manipulation, unreliable narrator, physical abuse, emotional/psychological abuse, gaslighting)
No Safe Place by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Karai discovers one of Leo’s ugliest secrets (tw csa, underage rape/noncon, past manipulation, past violence, explicit, parent/child incest, identity issues)
“Quick” from TMNT ABC III: Lives And Times Of The Turtles by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo, Mikey, and the nature of monsters (tw violence, attempted rape, vomit, gore)
“Gone” from TMNT ABC IV: Turtles Forever And Ever And Ever by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo tries to keep his brothers alive when their father disappears (tw childhood trauma, speciesm, self-harm, hunger)
“They don't give a fuck about you, like I do” from Red-Light District by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Tiger Claw takes Leo apart after an escape attempt (tw child abuse, csa, rape/noncon, imprisonment, implied violence, injury, torture, unreliable narrator)
“Stop Worrying And Love (The Bomb)” from Midnight Whispers by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo and his family do what they need to survive (tw sort-of-abortion, cannibalism, tcest, apocalypse, implied character death)
and if you have nightmares, we'll dance on the bed by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Shini and Karai have to rescue Leo from an ugly situation (tw gore, captivity, torture, mentioned sexism, mentioned sexual assault, dissociation, trauma, past underage rape/noncon, fire)
feeling like a boulder hurtling by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo is particularly frustrated by two of his new enemies (tw brainwashing, underage rape/noncon, mind control, violence, emotional manipulation, abuse, unreliable narrator)
sew this hole up that you ripped in my head by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Inspired by @leones’s magnificent relax. by leones (which I’ve recced elsewhere); an accidental trip through the multiverse forces Leo to confront the past (tw past csa, past underage rape/noncon, trauma)
“constellation” from with friends like these, who needs by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Chloe loves Mr. Turtle, even when she doesn’t always understand him (tw trauma, implied injury)
“cursed” from with friends like these, who needs by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo has a question that only the forest can answer (tw grief, implied ableism, mentioned eating disorders, trauma, family dysfunction)
You can find a whole lot more of recs from an earlier collection here .
Dawn Into the Dark by Cass_Phoenix- Leo relapses after escaping from Shredder (tw violence, mind control)
This coincidence has been carefully planned - Lavinia/Shredder by Ibenholt
@Ibenholt - Genderbent AU where Saki claws his way into Lavinia’s life, over and over again (tw rape/noncon, mutilation, violence, trauma, mind control)
some Dark Leo doodles just for fun by @mooncalfe - Reflections on a different Foot Leo costume (tw implied mind control)
some doodles by @mooncalfe - Leo tries to deal with the City Fall fallout (tw trauma, past mind control, creepiness, identity issues, past abuse, past manipulation)
This art by @ringingt - Leonardo has an ugly confrontation with his Foot self (tw violence, self-harm/suicide undertones, major character death imagery, identity issues, implied mind control)
CITY FALL by @puna-nezuki - Raph encounters Foot Leonardo in the rain (tw implied mind control)
This art by @robinsondraws1 - Leo is fracturing, just a little bit (tw mental health issues, identity issues)
Blue and Red to Black by dearjoanwallace - A poem about Foot Leonardo (tw violence, mind control, major character death)
“(Shredder/Leo) Accidental” by Sink Deeper (Hypnovember 2021) by squishyturtlefuckfics - An unexpected memory drags Leo down (tw explicit, sexual assault, underage rape/noncon, mind control)
This art by @72stars - Leo’s family do their best to comfort him after City Fall (tw past mind control, trauma)
Tamashi No Tatakai by dearjoanwallace - Leo’s dreams are not his own (tw violence, unreality, emotion manipulation, mind control)
Leo - Foot slave by teddyparty - Leo finds himself caught in an ugly trap (tw slavery, imprisonment, implied mind control)
come back for us by blackdragon-sama - Raph tries to pull Leo back from the Foot (tw incest, mpreg, implied mind control)
[TMNT IDW] City Fall Leo EDIT -Here- by Pizzainator - Leo’s part of the Foot Clan now, but he doesn’t belong (tw flashing lights/colors, violence, manipulation, grief, blood)
Glued Leaves by Pebr - Leo’s perspective as he decides whether to spare Koya’s life (tw violence, blood, trauma)
For doing what I could not. by leospigtails - Leo tries to comfort both Mikey and himself (tw past child abuse, explicit, tcest)
The Games We Play by orphan_account - Karai and Leo are caught up in a dangerous game (tw implied brainwashing, consent issues, explicit, identity issues)
Dark Leo by dearjoanwallace - Leo’s plans for the future are dark, determined, and not his own design (tw violent thoughts, discussions of character death, unreliable narrator)
Goodbye For Now by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo and Karai try to figure things out before her departure (tw grief, trauma, past manipulation, past abuse)
Darkness Eating Me Alive by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph gives Leo a shoulder to lean on in the aftermath of City Fall (tw past mind control, past abuse, violence, gore, simulated character death, trauma, guilt, nightmares, unreality)
Screaming Into The Void by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo receives solace from an unusual source (tw eating disorders, self-harm, trauma, grief, abandonment, past mind control, violence, fire)
“Zombies” from ABC TMNT by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo’s reality is less stable than he’d like (tw past mind control, csa, trauma, hallucinations, gore, horror, rot, internalized ableism)
“Confrontation” from ABC TMNT II: Out Of The Ooze by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo tries to come to terms with what Kitsune did to him (tw past mind control, emotional manipulation; still relatively tame compared to my other City Fall stuff)
“You” from ABC TMNT II: Out Of The Ooze by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo and Jenny try to reckon with the weight of their new bodies (tw past character death, body image issues)
“Kindling” from TMNT ABC III: Lives And Times Of The Turtles by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo’s father is slipping into a dark place and Leo can’t save him, only stop him (tw violence, imprisonment, child abuse, mental health issues, child death, fire)
give my regards from the underground by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters, inspired by @ibenholt‘s writing - Rule 63 City Fall AU where Hamato Lavinia does her best to put herself back together (tw past underage rape/noncon, past mind control, past csa, blood and gore, nightmares, unreality, trauma)
TMNT 2003
Silk and Steel by katanashipping (stopbeingbored)- Leo is fracturing at the edges, even with Usagi’s help (tw mental health issues, trauma, implied violence)
spectrum by m00nie - Leo is autistic and struggling to keep it together (tw meltdowns, internalized ableism)
martyrs and holy men by comatoseroses- Leo tries to figure Raph, and himself, out (tw family dysfunction, blood, injury, trauma)
Solitude's Price by Skywinder - Leo’s role in the family cuts him off from the rest (tw family dysfunction, self-isolation)
Heights by ASWF - A character study told in leaps and falls (tw trauma, mental health issues, implied violence)
Compassion Is Not Optional by Crowdog @50-shades-of-cloaca - Leo’s family is determined to take care of him, despite the Ninja Tribunal’s attempts to stand in their way (tw injury, trauma, ableism)
You Build A Wall by HamsterMasterSamster - Leo and April bond in the aftermath of Shredder’s attack (tw trauma, past destruction, injury recovery)
Blindspot by Valpoet - Leo tries to figure out survival in a SAINW universe (tw mentioned depression, past self-harm, PTSD)
Words Best On Paper by TheAngelofFate for BrightLotusMoon - Mikey uses his journal to cope with Leo’s escalating issues (tw trauma, family dysfunction)
The Katana Chronicles by Windify - A collection of Leo-centric stories (tw violence, child abuse, self-harm, drug use, trauma, violence, injury)
Soft by Koalagriton - Usagi struggles to keep Leo alive after a dangerous encounter on his world (tw poison, near-death experiences, brief suicidal ideations)
Love Endures All by SleepingSeeker - Leo tries not to be destroyed by Karai’s fractured edges (tw abuse, dysfunctional relationships, torture, self-esteem issues)
With a Touch of Blue by Windify - The Hamato family is abruptly reunited with a missing sibling (tw trauma, torture, amnesia, forced cannibalism, mind control)
Avocado by Capricornicis - Leo tries and fails to have some “normal” playtime with Casey (tw explicit)
Vanishing by governmentcontractor - Leo and Mikey deal with the edge Leo is approaching (tw family dysfunction, elements of abuse, trauma)
“In The Hands Of The Enemy,” “I've Got You,” “I Think I've Broken Something,” “Panic! At The Disco + What's a Whumpee Gotta Do To Get Some Sleep Around Here?,” “I Think We Need A Doctor ” and “Today's Special: Torture ” from Whumptober 2020 by ceraxxxx - Leo-centric stories from Whumptober (tw major character death, guns, injury, family dysfunction, guilt, grief, trauma, paranoia, exhaustion)
Them by SeaThreePeeO - Leo can’t get the blood off his hands (tw violence, gore, guilt)
Whispered by Pebr - A demon finds its way into the sewers, setting its sights on Leo and his brothers (tw violence, self-harm, MCD imagery, possession, manipulation, amnesia, trauma, self-esteem issues, identity issues)
“Leader: Splinter,” “Emotion: Leonardo,” and “Rectitude: Splinter” from Drabbles Forever by Mikell - A collection of Leo-centric stories (tw emotional issues, childhood trauma)
Point of View by MissMoMo1990 - Alternating POV during one of Leo and Raph’s more destructive squabbles (tw violence, family dysfunction, unhealthy relationships)
Paperthin by stopbeingbored - Leo and Usagi’s relationship comes under Casey’s scrutiny, and Leo doesn’t know how to deal with that (tw violence, homophobia)
Strategy by Meg720 - Leo finds his own way to comfort Donnie (tw trauma, past character death)
Maybe Just the End by nightwalker for amaronith - Day of Tomorrow AU where Leo and Donnie fight for their lives in a stalled elevator (tw apocalypse, minor character death)
Chronic by suitboxers (orphan_account) - Leo’s struggle to cope spins out of control (tw drug addiction, ableism)
Whumptober 2020: Leaving Tonight by Pebr - Leo-centric whump drabbles (tw injury, torture, blood and injury, starvation, imprisonment, unreliable narrator)
My soul is bigger than my body (I don’t know myself at all) by GreenGoddessSmoothie - Leo has had so much to bear over his short life (tw trauma, unhealthy relationships)
It Always Comes Back to You by zangetsugirl - 50 sentences about Leo, some happy and some not (tw implied violence, past destruction, trauma, guilt)
I Call The Shots by ClothesBeam - Leo finds himself caught in Karai’s web (tw slavery, abuse, torture, rape, tcest, explicit)
The Legacy by Nekotsuki - Leo discovers that some threats aren’t as dead as he’d hoped (tw nonconsensual drug use, blood, violence, forced transformation)
Not Enough by Starkangejr - Leo can only be so close to what Raph wants (tw dubcon, noncon, tcest, explicit, unhealthy relationships)
Release From Guilt by babygirl127 - Donnie tries to help Leo work out his emotions after Raph gets hurt (tw possible self-harm, complicated BDSM etiquette, consent issues, trauma, guilt, tcesty undertones, non-erotic spanking, past violence, injury)
Deterioration by hummerhouse @hummerhouse - Leo and his brothers get caught up in Bishop’s latest scheme and discover they have more to lose than they ever considered possible (tw violence, tcest, possession, nonconsensual-touching, manipulation, violence)
Underdark by Nekotsuki - Leo and MIkey fight to survive a cave-in together (tw injury, near-death experiences, sensory loss, blood)
Past to Present by crabapplered- Leo leads his brothers once more by giving Donnie a very special welcome home (tw past violence, family dysfunction, internalized ableism, trauma, tcest, explicit)
i promise that you'll breathe again by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo and his surviving brothers mourn their dead (tw grief, alcohol, past alcoholism, trauma, tcest)
All Media Types
you make holes in me and little slits (you use as mouths for you to kiss) by Anonymous for This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Raph has some really bad ideas about how to handle Leo’s self-harm (tw torture, rape, underage, gore, implied self-harm, abuse)
A Choice by Deliciousdame - An imprisoned Leo faces a decision (tw captivity, manipulation, discussions of betrayal)
A Petal Falling by FoxTheWriter - Leo deals with the sometimes ugly side of duty (tw anxiety, panic attacks, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts)
Tonight by cndrow - Leo and Raph deal with bumps in the road of their relationship (tw tcest, dysfunctional relationships)
Lure Rebound by Various - A collection of Leoraph art, including heavy angst (tw blood, explicit, turtlecest)
"This isn't just about you..." from Chapter 2 of Quotes by what_should_i_post_here - Leo and Raph struggle to overcome Leo’s inhibitions (tw tcest, implied family dysfunction)
A Different Path by VenusTheMarvelTurtle - A darkly brilliant Foot!Leo AU centered around toxic Leoraph (tw abuse, torture, rape/noncon, underage rape, csa, manipulation, drug use, violence, gore, explicit, tcest, unhealthy relationships, self-loathing)
Problem Solving by Goblin Cat KC - The loss of Donnie’s mathbooks leads into a much bigger mystery, with Leo at the center (tw learning issues, self-esteem issues)
Insanity Disguised by NRATQH - Leo comes to terms with the steps he must take to protect his brothers (tw self-harm, neglect, family dysfunction, self-loathing, guns, violence, speciesm)
Quiet by Fight_As_One - Leo and his family fight for their lives at the end of the world (tw violence, major character death, guilt, trauma)
Pet Turtle by GoblinCatKC - Leo gets tangled up with two unsavory customers (tw explicit, rape, gore, violent death)
“Chapter 26” through “Chapter 29” from Of Flowers and Things by Mystic Medjai - Mikey gets hurt and Leo struggles with the aftermath (tw violence, injury, guilt)
“S2 Chapter 74 ” from Of Flowers and Things by Mystic Medjai - Leo tries to work out his feelings for Karai (tw unhealthy relationships)
Never Never by crazycatlady713 - Leo comes to terms with his father’s vulnerability and the burden of growing up
“Inside - Part 1” and “Inside - Part 2” from The Secret Anthology by Amitica Revenant - Leo watches helpless as Donnie disappears into his own mind
Ignore the Ghosts by Bunny MacCool - Leo is beyond repair when he comes home (tw mental break, images of gore and character death, implied torture, unreality)
Three Sheets to the Wind by Bunny MacCool - Leo’s brothers’ attempt at family bonding leads to some painful revelations (tw underage drinking, implied forced alcohol consumption, trauma, self-doubt, self-esteem issues)
Eldest by Ironi Numair - Leo’s very personal version of the turtles origin story (tw animal death)
If You Had To Choose by DarkestSight (Daylight) - Leo and Raph try to decide who they’d save (tw self-sacrificial/suicidal undertones, implied violence)
The Only Thing Left by Connie Nervegas - Raph and Leo are the only ones left, and they might not be enough (tw gore, smoking, alcohol, suicide attempt, major character death, family dysfunction)
A Paper Trail by sleepyxcoffee - Leo’s attempt to find his father lead to some ugly places, and his brothers must race to save them both (tw violence, gore, torture, misogyny, racism, speciesm)
Waking Up by fren - Leo has spent a lifetime in a world that didn’t exist, and wakes off not sure which reality he prefers (tw heartbreak, implied sexual content, implied suicidality, imaginary major character death)
xxxiii. ink from “ xxxi-xl ” of Diffraction by AngelDormais - From a young age, Leo has trouble taking things for himself
More than a sword. by leospigtails - Leo and his brothers find themselves in a dimension-spanning adventure with terrifying implications (tw turtlecest, violence, major character death, manipulation, selfcest, trauma)
Other by VenusTheMarvelTurtle - Leo’s mind is under attack and splintering from within (tw rape, tcest, explicit, underage rape, implied casa, blood and gore, mind break, humiliation, psychological torture)
Between the Lines , What Doesn't Hurt , and From the Depths of Dreams by jusXtrust - Karai is determined to have Leo one way or another (tw torture, rape, imprisonment, trauma, sexual coercion, explicit, humiliation)
“Remembered” from The 100 by Alessa_D - Leo tries to deal with his father’s approaching end
Icosahedron by AngelDormais - Leo’s family refuses to let him die for them (tw self-sacrifice/suicidal behavior, destruction)
“Fear” from Turtles by Neko_HaniChan - Leo deals with a devastating loss (tw major character death, violence, suicidal thoughts)
“If ” from 100 Challange - TMNT by Kamefootninja (Kame630) - Leo is paralyzed by possibilities (tw implied character death)
“Work ” 100 Challange - TMNT by Kamefootninja (Kame630) - Leo does his best to keep his emotions under control
All by sleepingseeker - Karai takes a captive Leo apart (tw imprisonment, implied torture, dubcon, explicit, threats of mutilation)
Silenced by DreamerofCurses - Leo has a permanent injury, a new perspective on life, and nowhere to hide from his father (tw child abuse, past violence)
Purgatory by GoneBunny Leo wrestles with some particularly painful desires (tw explicit, violence, blood) Redux by vacant houses (the_lost_robot) - Leo’s reality is being stolen out from under him (tw major character death, unreality, torture, violence, horror)
Where Do I Even Start (It's All Falling Apart) by Kareh - Leo does something terrible and Leo doesn’t know how to cope (tw suicidal impulses, rape/noncon, trauma, victim blaming, nonconsensual drug use)
Give me a reason by GoneBunny, Watchword - Karai helps Leo learn not to die (tw suicide attempt, past child abuse, implied violence, sexual content)
bloodlines from Kay the Cricketed - Star Wars AU where Leo does not forget his brothers (tw family separation, identity issues)
Lockdown from Kay the Cricketed - Leo keeps a secret and accidentally sucks his family into a frightening new battle (tw injury, hiding injury, poisoning, drug mention)
The Teapot Dilemma from Kay the Cricketed - Raph helps Leo deal with all the little ways loss creeps up on you (tw grief, past character death)
Careful Where You Go from Kay the Cricketed - Leo says goodbye to Donnie (tw violence, blood, injury, major character death)
A Beautiful Moment and Paper Thin Wishes from Kay the Cricketed - Leo has so much to say and not enough time to say it (tw major character death)
Flicker from Kay the Cricketed - Leo follows Raph into danger and matters split out of control (tw blood, major character death in one version, violence, grief, trauma, guilt)
Clarity, Her Tomb from Kay the Cricketed - Leo tries to make his way out of a fracturing reality, with only warped versions of his brothers to guide him (tw blood and gore, violence, unreality, manipulation)
Wallower from Kay the Cricketed - The darker parts of Leo’s mind come crawling out during a fever (tw sickness, implied injury, unreality, possible body horror, self-esteem issues, mentions of self-harm)
The Lake from Kay the Cricketed - Leo tries to deal with the fact that Donnie isn’t coming back (tw grief, trauma, past major character death)
Footsteps that Follow from Kay the Cricketed - Leo is forced to confront the stranger parts of psyche (tw mental attacks, unreality, manipulation, implied violence)
The Bartering Room by kay_cricketed - A magical-realism AU where the tools for Leo’s family’s survival lie in his own undoing (tw memory loss, self-sacrificial/suicidal behavior, major character death, self-destruction)
inside the telescope by guide_to_the_galaxy - Leo tries to cope with the steady, relentless loss of his sight (tw bad parenting, ableism, trauma, manipulation, unreality)
sub!Leo prompts by GoblinCatKC - A collection of sexy Leo stories dealing around various levels of consent (tw rape/noncon, sexual abuse, torture, panic attacks, anxiety, explicit, objectification, nonconsensual issues, mind break, nonconsensual body modification)
Tsunami Dream by GoblinCatKC - Leo and Mikey try to survive a radically changed New York (tw unreality, apocalypse, destruction)
Candles Drowning by GoblinCatKC - Leo experiences a frightening transformation with ugly ramification for his family (tw noncon/dubcon, mind control, violence, gore, identity issues, unreliable narrator, captivity, torture, tcest, explicit, family dysfunction)
Routine by Ibenholt @ibenholt - Leo struggles to keep himself and his brothers alive under Shredder’s thumb (tw sexual slavery, rape/noncon, hostage situations, implied control, nonconsensual bodily modification, emotional/psychological abuse, violence)
Not Our Problem by Kyn - Leo takes a child from a dumpster and sends the remains of his clan spiraling (tw violence, poverty, attempted child murder, suicide attempts, family separation, past torture, past captivity, dystopia, guns, attempted rape, explicit, identity issues)
Casting Stones at the River by GoblinCatKC - Leo and his brothers wield the double-edged sword of immortality (tw violence, character death, tcest, explicit, consent issues, family dysfunction, possible abuse, imprisonment, explosions, apocalypse)
Lio by GoblinCatKC - Leo faces a choice only he can make (tw fears of misgendering and misogyny, implied abortion)
Stumbling in Fog by GoblinCatKC - Silent Hill crossover where Leo searches for his brothers in a disorienting hellscape (tw violence, suspect, horror)
Bad Places by GoblinCatKC - Leo comes back from a bad palace with a heart full of secrets (tw gore, blood, violence, mental health issues, identity issues)
Mirage Comics
Something About Ajax and the Inevitable from Kay the Cricketed - Leo loses everything bit by bit (tw family separation, grief, trauma)
The Greatest Enemy from Kay the Cricketed - Leo contemplates the burning body of the Shredder (tw past violence, very roundabout references to rape)
Ten Minutes by kay_cricketed - Leo pushes himself dangerously far in his struggle for perfection (tw insecurity, anxiety, self-harm)
TMNT 2007
Reflection by KameTerra- Leo tries not to go to pieces in the jungle (tw loneliness, family separation)
Scars by KameTerra - Leo’s reflections on the past are interrupted by a hope for the future (tw grief, major character death, past violence)
Jungle Fever by Elphaba-Rose - Leo and Raph get sent to the jungle together (tw injury, tcest, explicit, brief references to sexual assault not involving main characters)
Never Again by Winnychan - Leo shares a dark story with Karai (tw implied child trafficking, past violence, past manipulation, trauma, guilt)
“His Own Grave ” from The Secret Anthology by Amitica Revenant - Leo comes home far too late to prevent a permanent sundering (tw family dysfunction, separation, heartbreak)
Send Your Lifeboats Out For Me by Crowdog @50-shades-of-cloaca - Leo comes home from Central America with a secret he took to the jungle with him and his brothers try to put the pieces together (tw rape, graphic depictions of violence, bathroom issues, violence, gore, torture, sexual torture, tcest, explicit, genital mutilation, child abuse, victim blaming, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts)
“xxiii. vapor” from xxi-xxx of Diffraction by AngelDormais - Neither Donnie nor Leo know what to deal with Leo’s impending departure
Countdown to Clarity by LittleKy - The crumbling of Leo and Raph’s relationship in reverse (tw violence, family dysfunction)
“Moon” from 100 Challange - TMNT by Kamefootninja (Kame630) - The moon hasn’t changed, but Leo and his family have (tw family separation)
Homecoming Child - Leo comes home too late (tw major character death, implied character death, family separation)
The Lost World from Kay the Cricketed - Leo tries to figure out who he is in the wild heart of the jungle (tw family separation, identity issues, past violence)
TMNT Bayverse
The guilt you dont deserve [comic] by Traitmill - Leo and his family deal with the fallout from their latest trauma (tw turtlecest, blood and gore, gore, trauma)
Lean Into the Hard Left by bright_roaring_blue - Leo struggles to cope with his father’s unveiled secret (tw implied sexual content, family issues)
The gift horse's mouth. by leospigtails - Leo experiences a transformation with painful implication for the whole family (tw nonconsensual drug use, tcest, bad parenting)
Home by Ponaco - Leo learns to step up at a young age (tw violence, childhood trauma, speciesm)
Out of the Shadows by cptsuke - Leo struggle to take care of his brothers, even when they don’t really understand his methods (tw implied violence, family dysfunction, speciesm)
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