crackaddict55 · 1 year
Just got the most random burst of energy and creativity to do some world building for my little cyberpunk universe in my head, I have art and story ideas but I have no time RAAAAAA
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do you have a wip or weiteblr intro anywhere ?
No, but here's what you need to know:
--I have two novels in the works: Out There (on its seventh and final draft, hopefully), and Iodine (on its second draft). The former is a young adult fantasy novel, the latter is a murder mystery in the future. ----I have plots for two other novels, The Sorceress and The Beautiful and the Toxic. Though it will be a long time before I start writing any of them. --I also write a bunch of poetry, both in English and in Chinese. --Plus I work on short stories and flash fiction, mostly for Flash Fiction Friday.
What tropes do you see from my works?
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oliviagordonwrites · 3 years
Back at it again at master's school! For this semester's workshop, we're doing weekly writing exercises - does anyone want to join me?
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deadby420 · 4 years
“What was it? We all made one fatal choice that got us here.“ You looked at me, genuinely curious. You know everyone here did someone dirty. Made some massive mistake. “I made a pair of gorgeous golden brown eyes and a brilliant smirk my home.… I wasn’t ready for an eviction notice .” Was all I could say, even after all this time. I light another cigarette and thing of you.
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month late writeblr intro
howdy y’all i’m dorian and you’re watching the disney channel i made this account so that I’d be less distracted by memes when I’m trying to write, but then i got some of those meme posters back in my follow list so honestly idek what the point of this account transfer was
my main account will be undisclosed indefinitely because it is trash, much like its author
i am: taurus sun/aquarius moon and ascendant, infp, slytherin, 26, male ish, homoflexible, california born but trapped in arizona, a bartender, a budtender, and probably high at this v moment
i mostly write about: angst, superpowers, mythology, and things from various cultures that fascinate me. My writing style is probably somewhere between young adult and new adult.
i have little to no drive and will probably take long hiatuses at random unless someone yells at me to write
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Not long after they set out, they saw something black and agile darting around the trees in the distance.  The small winged creature soon made its way closer to Vivian.  It circled him a few times before landing on the dirt at his feet.  He knelt down to see that it was a peculiar pitch black butterfly, with no markings, and with wings that did not seem to reflect any sunlight, but rather radiate such a blackness that could not gleam.  Vivian felt an inexplicable connection to this little beast.  He couldn't describe it, and he certainly couldn't rationalize it.  It's not like he was fond of insects, quite the contrary, he was annoyed by their very presence, but this six-legged pest seemed... different to him.  
He reached out his hand and allowed the to black butterfly climb on. Once making contact with the bug he felt it was even more significant.  Something about it seemed to radiate power, as though even in its small size... it could slaughter men and topple empires. Vivian liked this butterfly, yes indeed.  Then, suddenly, it stung him.  There was a dull pain that ran up Vivian's arm and through the rest of his body, it built up particular density in his skull. Still, the butterfly didn't pose a threat to Vivian.   Even though it was hurting him, he felt no malice, no hatred from the creature.  It was benevolent energy running through Vivian's veins.  He still felt that they were connected.  Suddenly, his vision faded.
For a split second, blackness, just blackness and nothing more.  It felt like what death must feel like, a consciousness lacking a body, forever alone in a thousand mile void.  Soon the blackness dissipated into pale pink light.  Vivian found himself standing somewhere else, on a road that wound up a mountain of sharp rocks, with more mountains on the other ridge.  His arms were raised ritualistically to a sky dominated by a pink sunset.   A giant white hand motionlessly clawed at the mountains on the horizon.
Vivian couldn't move any of his limbs but somehow his vision shifted down onto his own body.  His clothes were soaked in blood.  He could feel it now too, warm and wet, and dripping down his body like it was crawling and alive.  He had a feeling this blood was not his own.  He had the strange sensation, it was what he could only imagine it must feel like to kill someone.  He loved it.
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sleepy-and-anxious · 6 years
Happy Weiteblr Valentines! I will admit I had not heard of your blog before I got your url, so I went sleuthing, so I could at least write you something meaningful, haha :) And I have to say you're one of the most friendly, kind, and a genuinely happy person when you interact with your followers, that I've seen on here, writeblr or not. Your funny, share good advice, and you answer asks with a sincerity that's rare, even if you don't know the answer. Thanks for being such a kind person :)
Ohmygosh 😭😭💖💖💖💖💖 this is the sweetest!! Thank you so much!!! This is so lovely and thoughtful asdfghjk thank you for coming to my blog (for the first time!) to give me such a lovely message ✨💗
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A word on Nano
Nanowrimo starts next week and I know many of us are prepping. We’re outlining and setting goals and doing all the things we do to prepare ourselves.
But a reminder not to put too much pressure on yourself to complete 50k words. Do you know how hard that is to do? I remember last year during Nano @brynwrites and I encouraged each other but also reminded each other that our personal health comes first. And I needed that I needed swomone to remind me not to take everything so god damned seriously.
Nanowriomo is a writing exercise it’s a great challenge and can help you set goals for yourself, but I’ve seen it and done it myself we all get so caught up in “oh my god I have to hit 50k or I’ve failed” you haven’t failed even if you only write 100 words even if you only write one word you are that much closer to a completed work and come December 1st that work will still be sitting there waiting for you.
Enjoy Nano for what it is! Have fun! Reach out to other writers get to know them!
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