#welcome home Mob! Rose
ari-jay · 9 months
A Mysterious Tip(Prologue)
Soft jazz music played through the orphanage walls. Most of the kids were asleep, tucked in their beds, while Rose and Clover were busy prepping for the funeral. They were trying to figure out how they would get the funds to do the public funeral. They didn't really have much funds to being with. As they were discussing the budget, the doorbell began to ring.
"Who could that be at this hour?" Rose said.
She went up to the door and was greeted by a mysterious man with a brief case.
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"Uh... Can I help you?" Rose said.
"The Lady of the Woods sends her condolences..." They said as he held out a briefcase to Rose.
Rose looked at the brief case, then back at the man.
"Don't worry, it's nothing dangerous..." He said he handed her the briefcase.
"Wait, who-!" Before she could say another word, the person had disappeared into the night.
She closed the door behind her and went down to the maintenance tunnel where Clover and the rest of the gang were.
"Who was at the door, Rose?" Clover said.
"Some guy who delivered this briefcase. Idk. It seems pretty weird and shady if ya ask me." She said.
Rose placed the case on the table as they looked at it for a moment. Wondering if it was sent by someone from the Darling family or the Silver Fang Gang. Either way, the only way they would find out is to open it. Using caution, Clover unclasped the case and slowly opened it.
Inside of it was nothing but clover shaped black and gold Confetti.
"What the glittery goofs is this? A prank? A trick?" Nellie said as she stared at the case.
Clover took a closer look at the confetti and moved it around to revealing the bottom of the case.
"So, it's just a dumb briefcase that was filled with confetti?" Rose said, sounding annoyed and confused.
"No... look closer, Rose." She said as she pointed to a button hidden inside the case.
"This briefcase has more than meets the eye." She pressed the button, and the wood covering the second layer popped open. She lifted the wood to reveal a layer of stacks of cash and a black envelope.
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The whole gang was shocked by the amount that was there.
"Holy Golden Nuggets! It's a money bag!" Nelie said as her eyes shined by the amount of money that was there.
Clover looked at the envelope. It had a red heart on it, but over it was a white x. She opened the envelope and read the letter.
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"Dear Miss Clover,
How did you like my gift? My condolences to you, but I always saw death as more of a celebration of life than one that's about grief and sorrow. A real shame me and my family won't be able to hear or see any of your performances for a while. I'm a huge fan, you could even say I'm an admirer of both your performances on stage and backstage if you know what I'm saying.
I hope this will cover all the funds needed to execute a lovely funeral for a heart of gold like yours. Hopefully in your next life, I will be able to meet you in person and share a duet or two with you. Don't worry about your secret too. I cross my heart that I won't tell anyone about your plan. Just know... you have someone who's got their eyes, ears, and voice around this town. You know how the saying goes...
Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer..."
-Lady of the Woods
Clover had so many questions going through her head, but one thing she knew she was certain of...
There was another Family out there, but one important question stuck out above the rest of them swirling in her head...
Are they friend or foe?
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Wooooo! Done and done! A Welcome Home Mob! AU Comic.
These wonderful characters do not belong to me. They belong to the wonderful and talented artist below.
Mob! Red Rose: @maddiethehatter2192
Mob! Clover: @chimeracarnival
Mob! Sheriff Nellie: @sheriffopossum
Please go take a look at their blogs, or give them a follow!
Also, thank you for sticking around to the end and taking the time to read up until this point. I have a lot of plans for this fandom, so I appreciate your patience and support!
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evillillad · 11 months
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(terrin aka ninas lil meow meow belongs to @theknifeclown)
ok shes officially gone soft asdgag
i cant say what she had to do to get the keys but someone is probably dead lmao
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theknifeclown · 11 months
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Seeing Terrin like this breaks my heart and I just couldn't draw what happened to him just know he's mind broken like Howdy, a husky of his former self, mindlessly follows orders
And yes Wally does call him pumpkin as a sick little joke to himself in reference to Gordy and how hes..... gone
And yes he fought with EVERYTHING in him and so he has a lot of stitches all over himself and I MIGHT draw them all... it broke my heart just drawing these
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ok-i-draw · 11 months
Just two spider men, casually hanging out with each other, nothing more.
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( How it usually goes for the pair of arachnids. )
Mob!Terrin by: @theknifeclown
Reference below 👇
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shawarrose · 11 months
nothing better that painting mob!wally while looking at the website!
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I didn't finish it... but hey! i'm having fun!
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i can't put my eyes off this silly guy i guess!
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maysrinn · 3 months
I'm assuming in both AUs that Coryo and Lucy Gray are still around by the time of the 74th hunger games and all of that. So how does all that play out in each AU? In the district AU do they have any connection to Katniss at all? In the capitol one does Coryo still have a weird grudge against Katniss or does Lucy Gray talk him into being more sympathetic toward her? What happens to the families of both AUs when the revolution comes?
Good question,
Just as a fact in both AUs, katniss and Lucy gray are blood related. Katniss is Lucy Grays first cousin twice removed
………………………… ✨
Capitol AU
Lucy Gray indeed watched Katniss's games with her grandkids after she and Peeta captured the attention of the First Lady during the interviews, particularly impressed by Peeta's bold declaration of love. Despite her reluctance to admit it, Lucy Gray, like many in the Capitol, found herself captivated by their performance. However, she stopped watching after Rue's death and Katniss's emotional rendition of "Deep in the Meadow," which hit too close to home.
Lucy Gray was surprised to learn that Katniss and Peeta emerged as victors, knowing her husband's inner fury over the outcome. She had to work to calm him down, fearing a repeat of what happened 24 years prior with Mr. Abernathy. Though Lucy Gray managed to exert some influence over Coriolanus and his malicious tendencies, it wasn't substantial. She appeared as a graceful, weary figure, exuding the scent of roses, when she met Katniss in person during the end of the victor tour, engaging in a genuine conversation unlike many others in the Capitol. Neither of them knew about their familial connection, a fact that would remain unknown for quite some time.
In the rebellion, Lucy Gray plays a minor role that ultimately safeguards her and her children from facing execution at the end. However, tension arises when Katniss negotiated grant immunity to all victors comes in the way with Coins plan to include Coriolanus's grandchildren in her symbolic Hunger Games, an idea that Lucy Gray finds outrageous.
Lucy Gray decides not to witness her husband's execution. Instead, she stays with Rosalyn and her family, fearing the temptation to do something reckless or foolish. Coriolanus meets his end as he did in the original story, facing the wrath of an angry mob who beat him to death.
District AU
District AU during the 74 hg its not really well thought out and through yet. Coriolanus, portrayed as an emotionless commander of District 12, appears to the public as someone who casually sends people to the Hanging Tree every Tuesday, almost as if it's routine. The identity of the president in this AU is still uncertain (suggestions are welcome), but the Games remain unchanged and continue to operate without necessarily requiring a figure like Coriolanus Snow to oversee them.
Lucy Gray would know Katniss and her family as now being actually involved with the covey in this AU, She might have even cradled Katniss as a baby, echoing her interactions with her father. When Maude Ivory gives birth to her son, Lucy Gray bursts through the door, urgently making her way past Colton with a casual “MOVE BITCH!” to attend to the newest Covey member. Despite Coriolanus holding a secure and influential position in the district, both he and Lucy Gray chose not to reside in the wealthier part of District 12. They prioritize the safety of the kids and Lucy Gray her connection to the Covey, especially Lucy Gray, who dislikes being viewed with disdain. While it's unclear if they later live together, it's imaginable that Lucy Gray steps in to help raise Primrose and Katniss, with Coriolanus maintaining a distant or dismissive presence at best.
Side note: despite Coriolanus's influential position, he is unable to prevent Primrose from being reaped due to unforeseen circumstances or obstacles. Consequently, the Hunger Games proceed as planned with Katniss who volunteers for prim and Peeta as tributes. Haymitch and Lucy Gray would be their mentors.
He did tho went through Katniss names quite some time for getting tesserae for her family, being told each time not to do that. Each year being “this is the last time Everdeen-“, until next year “12, 13, 14…15?!”.
What happens during the revolution I’m not sure but I’m sure not the bombing of 12 that sounds like a 100% snow move (and if none of my babies is going to the heavens above-)
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averagenpc31 · 1 year
Vriska universe cast list
Steven - vriska
Peral - onceler from lorax
Amethyst - Osaka from eva
garnet - dirk strider from homestuck
Connie - miku
Rose - nagito from danganronpa
Pink diamond - kaworu from eva (the orgin post 's comments)
Greg - sans
Peridot - zim from invader zim (debatable)/spamton
Lapis - alastor ( debatable)
White diamond - bill cipher ( not widely spread)
Blue diamond - megamind (not yet confirmed)
Yellow diamond - reigen from mob 100
Lars - mordecai
Sadie - twilight sparkle ( not widely spread )
Onion - cartman
Spinel - no particular character
The two lawyers - saul Goodman and miles edgeworth ( personal headcannon
Ruby - rainbow dash / keith
Sapphire - zacharie / Lance
Rainbow quartz 2.0 - Wally from welcome home
Update :
Jasper - catra
Garnet- also as hobie from spiderverse
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ninchen1909 · 1 year
The Teacher and the Mob Boss
-Chapter 2-
Warnings: talk about women’s shelter
Word count: ~1900
 After my conversation with Wanda I run towards my car as fast as I could, I just want to go home, lock myself up in my apartment and never leave it again.
My workbag long forgotten in my classroom, I start the engine, and immediately head out of the parking space.
The whole drive home I tried to stay calm, to not get lost in my thoughts, which seem to suffocate me, and I fail miserably at it. The last words Wanda spoke to me before I ran away, live in my head rent free:” The way you just spoke to him (y/n)…he killed people for way less.” I shake my head, trying to get rid of the dark and all consuming words, even though I know Wanda was just stating the truth.
A million thoughts running through my mind: “what should I do now?, Do I have to transfer to a different school? Does he know where I live, he already knows where I work so it’s pretty easy for a man like him to find out, where I live. What does this encounter mean? Does it mean anything at all?
It feels like I’m breaking down under these thoughts. I could still feel his intense stare in the depths of my soul. I had the feeling like he wanted to find out my biggest insecurities and crush me with them.
After what felt like the longest car ride of my life, I finally arrive at my destination. I kill of the engine and don’t waste any time to get inside.
As soon as I close the apartment door behind me I lock it, before leaning my back on it, letting out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I don’t really know how long I’m standing there like this, just breathing and trying to organize my messy thoughts. And surprisingly it’s working, as soon as the secure feeling, of being in my own home, the place where I always feel safe, hits me, I’m feeling better. Slowly but surely I start to calm down, my heart rate going back to normal. I can feel my muscles relax, and my clouded mind starts to get clear again.
Maybe I’m just overreacting, maybe he has already forgotten about me and he just wanted to stop by the school to meet the teacher who just can’t seem to shut their mouth. I mean the interaction with Barnes was intense, yet very short, would he really care so much about a random teacher who doesn’t fully agree with his way of parenting? I don’t think so. Sure a man like him has other things on his mind and a lot of things to handle.
I push myself away from the door, and start to head towards my living room, after kicking my shoes of.
As I enter said room, my eyes found my laptop, which still lies on my couch, abandoned after yesterday’s online shopping spree. Should I really do it? Do I really want to waste even more time on this guy? Especially after finally calming down?
With a deep sigh, I grab my laptop and open it, just to type the name “James Barnes” in the search bar of my internet browser. Immediately hundreds of articles are showing up. Apparently he’s the owner of one of the biggest Inport and Export companies in the world, which he inherited from his father, James Barnes Senior after he died 5 years ago. His mother’s name is Winnifred Barnes and he has a younger sister named Rose.
Most of the other articles showing him with various different women on his arm, one more beautiful than the last. I roll my eyes at the pictures, of course he’s not only a mob boss but also seemingly the biggest player in our whole country.
Just as I’m about to close my laptop my eyes stop on another article with the headline:”James Barnes builds and finances women’s shelter “I click onto the article and start to read: “Businessman James Barnes, owner and CEO of Barnes Enterprises, builds a shelter for women in need.
Mr. Barnes is quoted as followed: “Every woman who’s suffering from physical, mental or sexual violence through her partner or other members of her family is more than welcomed here. I guarantee you you’re safe here, my excellent team is specially trained to help you through this traumatic phase in your life. We will work together, so you can start your future with strength and without any fear. No woman or child should ever have to endure violence, no matter in which form.”
I don’t really care about the rest of the article anymore, as I’m way too concentrated on Barnes interview. His words make me wonder, if he ever had to endure this kind of violence, something about this interview makes me believe, that this project is personally important for him and not just a way to make him seem like a decent human being to the public. Maybe there’s more to him than he lets people know. After reading the article I don’t know what to think anymore, actually I don’t want to think about him at all. But somehow my thoughts are always going back to him, one side of me wants to get to know the person behind the ruthless mobster reputation, the other side of me however wants to book a one-way ticket to Finland, so I never have to meet him ever again. After my mind starts to go crazy again, I decide to call it a day, and after a really quick nighttime routine. After snuggling up in my purple fuzzy blanket, I try to push all the thoughts aside, by focusing on the bright glow of the moon shining through the windows right into my bedroom.
  The next day begins in a rush, falling asleep in the early morning hours, after tossing and turning around the whole night, wasting my thoughts and my sleep on a curtain blue-eyed mob boss really took a toll on me. I nearly missed the ringing of my alarm, three times in a row, only to immediately jump out of my bed, after checking the time. I rush to get ready for the day, before heading out the front straight towards my car.
Just like yesterday I take the direct way to my classroom, just in time to greet my students, with a fast beating heart I wait for Charlotte to arrive, anxiously looking forward to find out if he will be with her. After about five more minutes I see Charlotte running down the hall towards the classroom: “Good Morning Mrs. (y/l/n) she gives me the same beaming smile like she did yesterday. “Good Morning Charlotte, you are coming alone today?” “yes, Uncle Stevie brought me to the main entrance, but he and my Papa have to talk to a lot of people today, so he didn’t have the time to bring me all the way down here to the classroom.” My stomach drops after hearing her words, still I give her a smile in return “That’s alright, I’m happy you’re here, please take your seat, I’m just going to greet the rest of your classmates, then we going to start with the lessons.” She nods at me and heads into the classroom, why does it bother me, that he’s not here, it’s not like I want to see him right? I mean I’m glad, that I don’t have to face him today. So why is my body reacting like that. I shake my head to get rid of this thoughts. After I welcomed my last students, I close the door to start the lesson.
  The whole day passes by pretty smoothly, and before I know it, the children are on their way home now I just have to pack my workbag, so I can head home too. I’m already walking down the floor towards the main door, when I hear the squeaking of shoes behind me which is soon followed by a “(y/n) wait….” I halt to a stop and turn around: “Seriously Wanda, what is it with running through the school building nowadays?” she just gives me a cheeky grin, but due to the look she gives me, I can, that she’s worried about me:” How are you? I mean after all what happened yesterday… I tried to call you, to check in on you but you never answered you’re phone so I guessed, you didn’t want to talk” She looks at me with an intense stare, looking for any sign of discomfort in my face. “Thank you for trying to check in Wan, but I’m fine, I just needed some time to calm down, but I’m good now. And sorry for not calling you back, I left my phone in my bag, and after running of so quickly yesterday I left my stuff in my classroom.” she gives me a quick nod “no worries, I’m just glad you’re Ok. Stark asked me to find you, he waits for you in his office.” She notices the slight flicker of panic washing over my face, so she quickly continues “he wants to speak to you about the school’s fall festival.”
“Alright, thank you for letting me know: Have a good afternoon.” I give her hand a quick, gentle, squeeze before turning on my heel to head to the headmaster’s office. The door is already wide open, before I can even reach the door, Mr. Stark already tells me to come in.
“Good afternoon Mrs. (y/l/n) please take a seat, he points towards the chairs in front of his desk.
“Hello Mr. Stark, Wanda told me, you want to talk to me about our fall festival.” He gives me a nod: “that’s correct, I think you’re happy to hear, that you don’t have to plan the whole festival on your own. We found a volunteer, well better said he found us, he explicit asked to help you. He also offered to finance everything so you don’t have to worry about the budget. He made it very clear, that you can have everything you want for the festivities.”
I look at him in astonishment, a smile forming on my lips, as I raise from my seat.
“That are really good news. Can I ask who this generous volunteer is, so I can thank him?.
Mr. Starks eyes shift to something behind me, and just as I’m about to turn around, I hear his voice, I immediately froze in my movement. My heart skips a beat only to continue beating twice as fast.
“That would be me, princess, but there is no need to thank me, spending a lot of time with you in the next few weeks, is thank enough.” I take a deep breath, before turning around, and there he is, standing arrogantly in the doorframe, both hands buried in the pockets of his pants. For a brief moment, I thought I saw a glimmer of nervousness in his eyes.
His eyes find mine and “Mr. Barnes.”  his name leaves my lips in a whisper. “Yeah, that’s my name, princess, but I think you should start calling me Bucky, after all we are going to spend a lot of time together.
And right in this moment I realize: I’m screwed
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AU Idea
What my friend and I are calling Mob-verse
Based on Adrien’s fangirls in Gorizilla
The first few weeks of Adrien attending school go mostly ok (bar the Akuma attacks). He’s starting to settle in, get to know people. Sure, he’s still not super close to anyone - apart from Chloe - but Nino is already shaping up to be one of his best friends, and everyone else has been very welcoming.
Then his fangirls catch wind that he’s attending school, and where it is.
During final period, everyone can hear the clamour of the crowd outside, and a quick scope out of the situation reveals that a full on MOB of Adrien’s fans have gathered outside the school. They have homemade tee-shirts, signs, and are in a few cases blocking traffic. Adrien takes one look out the window, and they all start screeching like seagulls. A few even make for the doors, clearly intent on storming the building, and Mme. Bustier has to go help the other teachers keep them from getting in. Adrien ends up hiding under the sill, dreading trying to go home and knowing that his father will try to spin this to get him to stay home.
The rest of the class is various levels of confused, bewildered, sympathetic, and annoyed on his behalf. I mean, they don’t know him all that well yet, but they like him well enough, and they can see how this is effecting him. Chloe, however, is livid. She’s having very similar thoughts to Adrien about how Gabriel will react and is determined to not have that happen. She spent weeks, MONTHS, working to get Adrien into school. She is NOT going to let these- these OBSESSED PEONS ruin it.
She grabs Adrien and calls for Sabrina, already planning. They’ll go out the back, call her driver to bring the car-
Kim stops her. Before she can snap at him, he tells her there’s sports practice today, loads of people by the back entrance. They’ll be seen for sure. Chloe falters, when Alix mentions she knows how to open the side entrance. Then Marinette pipes up that Adrien and [insert a few classmates here] are roughly the same clothing size. 
Without really discussing it, the whole class kind of nods and starts working together. Adrien and [classmates] change clothes so Adrien is wearing completely new outfit. Juleka digs out her makeup to give Adrien a makeover. Nino gives Adrien his hat. Rose gives him a scarf, and Kim donates his hoodie. A few classmates even help Chloe get covered up, on the chance a fangirl recognizes her and deduces she’s with Adrien. In the end, Adrien is basically unrecognizable, and he, Chloe, Sabrina, Nino and Alix sneak out the side entrance, while the rest of the class heads out the front. When confronted by the crowd, they all play dumb, pretending they have no idea what these people are talking about. By the time they all fight their way through the crowd to go home, the police have started showing up, and Nino has texted everyone that they’ve successfully gotten away.
Everyone’s feeling pretty good about themselves, until they show up for school the next day, and most of the mob is either back or STILL THERE. There’s no way to warn Adrien, and he has to sprint for the doors while his bodyguard holds back the mob. When they get to class, Adrien looks utterly miserable, and says that if this keeps up, his dad is definitely going to pull him from school.
At that, all of them are pissed. Oh hell no. They’re all involved now - it’s PERSONAL. Those nutcases aren’t getting anywhere NEAR Adrien.
What follows is basically the whole class working together to get Adrien too and from school without being mobbed. They get most of the other classes in on it, or at least to promise to stay out of their way and keep their mouths shut. Mostly it’s just comedy, but there are some sweet moments. People bonding and having fun coming up with increasingly silly ways to get Adrien out without being spotted. Some rough ideas:
Chloe and Marinette are at the forefront with ideas and determination - several classmates note that this is probably the first thing they’ve ever (publicly) agreed on, and it’s kind of terrifying. This is the start of Chloe becoming a better person, as she beings to bond properly with her class.
The whole class now has a group chat dedicated to planning how to get Adrien into and out of school. The Gorilla is part of it. He doesn’t talk much, usually just sending emojis. (None of them know his real name, he won’t tell them. This has not stopped most of them from guessing)
Early on, someone at their school tried to sell out Adrien. This person ended up staying home for two weeks and then transferring to a different school. No one has exact details, but they know it involved Chloe, Marinette, Nino, Alya, one of the storage closets on the second floor, a macaron box, and the rolling chair from the nurse’s office. The only response they got from any of them was from Alya - “Oh, we didn’t threaten anyone. Just made some … promises.” This reassures no one.
Alya and Max become their people monitoring social media. They each have several fake accounts they use to “catfish” Adrien’s fans on his whereabouts.
The best plan they have, that usually works, is the first one they tried - dress Adrien up and sneak him out whichever entrance has the least people. As an odd result, most of the class have started bringing changes of clothes - nothing new or brand name - purely so that they can disguise Adrien. There’s now a box in the back of the room, basically just filled with spare clothes.
Mylene, after the class discussed wigs, came in with an entire array of hair extensions in really bright colours. There’s a set of green ones that Adrien adores.
Marinette becomes the person in charge of dressing Adrien for his disguises. If she isn’t available, it’s Sabrina or Rose.
Juleka and Rose are the best at getting Adrien into school without getting caught. Nino and Marinette are the best at getting him out.
Juleka and Chloe quickly become the makeup masters. Ten minutes, and they can have Adrien looking like an almost completely different person. Nathaniel also becomes pretty good.
The class has a list of dedicated names they can call Adrien when he’s disguised. Adrien came up with the first half of the list, but once Chloe realized it was all puns and anime references, the class got Mylene to do it.
If he ever gets caught, they have a whole list of places he can hide. At one point, when Adrien couldn’t get away, an Akuma showed up. (Surely this in unrelated)
Ivan’s pretty ideal if they want Adrien to go out an entrance that has a few people around. He’s big, has an unfortunate case of “resting bitch face”, and wears a lot of dark clothing. The Gorilla has been giving him pointers on how to appear stoically intimidating.
Most of the class has used their own homes as temporary “safe houses” for Adrien to hide from his fans. The various parents are a little bemused, but completely willing to let Adrien hide out. 
The best place for Adrien to hide is usually with the Couffaines on the Liberty, mostly because Anarka will move the ship.
You know that scene, “Is (X) here?”, *person dives out window*, “You just missed him.”? That has absolutely happened.
At least one plan has involved exiting via the roof. Alix was particularly proud of that one.
Adrien’s favourite places to hide out are Marinette’s, Juleka’s and Nino’s.
When Felix comes visit, while he’s pissed on Adrien’s behalf, he refuses to be involved with anything that could put him directly in front of Adrien’s fans. He does, however, dress up as his cousin and hang out on the opposite side of town just long enough to be photographed to confuse others.
Gabriel eventually, when someone tries to bring the whole thing up in an interview, says that he has no clue what these people are talking about. His son is homeschooled. This sends loads of rumours around, and does kill most of the mob that hangs around, but some of them can be pretty stubborn, so the class keeps it up. (Plus, at this point, it’s just fun).
Feel free to add your own!
This? This is fucking beautiful.
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sunflowersoldat · 2 years
All is Fair~ In Consequences & Cavalier
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Chapter 10: All is Fair in Consequences & Cavalier
Previous Chapter
Main Master List
Series Master List
Series Summary: Family is important, but so is the Family business. Everyone has secrets, some are deadly. Your the best in the business, but no one knows who you are. Tensions are high, will you raise the stakes or fold under pressure?
Series Warnings: 18+! Mentions of blood and violence, bad language words, smut, manipulation, gaslighting, death, trauma, please follow the warnings for each chapter.
Chapter warnings: 18+ Only! violence and threats. SMUT! Emotional trauma, hate fucking? choking kink, Steve's kinda rough. Bad language words, plans of assassination.
Pairing: Mob!Steve x Assassin!Stark!reader
Word count: approx. 3.7K
A/N: Things are heating up! I am really excited for this chapter! let me know what yall think. I really hope y'all enjoy it! feedback is always welcome, let me know your favorite part.
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Tonight was the night Steve Rogers died.
Your phone chimed as the elevator opened,
Sharon: New assignment. Keep him alive a little longer. 
Sharon: Intel retrieval
Your phone chimed again with instructions and an address, it was another warehouse; Steve’s warehouse. You ingrained the address into your memory and deleted the messages. You closed your eyes, taking a deep calming breath, before turning away from the elevator. The stairs would give you enough time to settle your thoughts and emotions, to get back into character.
You didn't care if they wanted him alive. 
The bell had tolled for Steve Rogers.
And Death waited on no man.
Zemo sat quietly in his office, his hands steepled as he rested his elbows on his desk. He stared at the photo of his family across his desk, their happy faces staring right back at him. It had been too long without them, his heart sank at the thought of never seeing them again. Enough was enough, he was always ten steps ahead of him, Zemo couldn’t understand how, but he was tired of the games.
It was time.
His trusted Aces were the only chance they stood against him and his men.
“I know that look…” Loki’s voice rose from across the desk, Zemo’s gaze flicked to his. “It's risky to bring them into this, Zemo.”
It was a risk, but one he was willing to take to save his family: his whole world.
You stood staring out the penthouse window at the rain drenched city from Steve’s tower. Rage still simmered in your veins, you had done everything but kick and scream when he commanded you to come home with him. In truth, you didn't want to be near him, hatred had sunk its claws into your heart now, it took a lot of your willpower not to kill him and crash the bike on the way here. He kept telling you staying in the tower was for your own safety, you internally scoffed each time, safety, how safe could you be with the man who ordered the murder of your parents?
The penthouse elevator chimed signaling its arrival, you didn't bother turning to see who it was, you already knew it was Steve.
He had dropped you off while he parked his bike, no doubt taking the chance to speak with his men while he was at it; probably planning your demise. You shrugged, you had not been very nice to him on the way here, when you weren’t giving him the silent treatment, you were snapping at him angrily,insisting he take you home. 
To your home.
You heard him set his keys on the counter behind you, sighing, “I take it, the conversation with your brother went badly?”
You wanted to confront him, to give him the proper tongue lashing he deserved, maybe rough him up a bit. Instead you ignored him, keeping your gaze out the window.
“Look, I’m not sure what happened, you are obviously upset. If I did something, I would like to know what it was…”
You scoffed quietly, but still didn’t respond.
That made his blood boil.
He was already on edge with this damn Ace running around, threatening everything he loved, and now here you were, acting like an absolute brat. Giving him the cold shoulder like he had done something wrong. He shouldn’t take his anger out on you, he shouldn’t let the beast come out to play, but…
Almost instantly, you were spun around, your back hitting the glass, his hand grasping your face with more force than he had ever used on you before. His chest rising and falling heavily, his usually bright eyes dark, a dangerous glint rising to the surface. 
“The least you could do is acknowledge me.” he growled, through grit teeth. Tone laced with warning, muscles tight beneath his suit.
In all the time you had known Steve, you had yet to see him raise a hand let alone his voice to you. You had wanted to see him lose control in the past, and now a glimmer of it presented itself, a shimmering thread in the darkness. Your stomach flipped, heat pooling in your core, you knew you shouldn't, but you wanted to pull the thread, see where it led, to feel something, anything. Because right now all you felt was rage, but beneath that mask of rage was fear and heartbreak; agonizing, paralyzing heartbreak. Because that's all your rage really was, a mask, protecting you from those emotions. 
You felt empty and numb.
The glass floor that was your world shattering beneath your feet sending you plummeting down, down, down. The ground becomes closer by the second, nothing for you to hold onto as you fall. 
His grip on your face softened, he sighed softly, bringing you back into the present, the dangerous glint in his eye dissapereing as he placed a kiss to your forehead. “Angel…” 
You could hear the apology on the tip of his tongue. You didn't want it, all you wanted to do was feel, you wanted him angry, to see what beast lurked beneath his porcelain surface; you wanted to break it, to watch his ivory shell shatter.
“Whatever I have done to upset you—”
The slap rang in your ears before you registered what you had done, his head snapping harshly to the side, your palm stinging from the force. 
Rolling his tongue over his teeth, his lips curled in a wicked smile, an eerie calm washed over him. Slowly he turned his gaze back on you, the once dangerous glint now consumed his beautiful eyes. 
This was the reason everyone was so afraid of him, the vicious mob boss that stood before you, you could feel the power radiate off him in waves, heating your body in ways it shouldn't have. You had him though, his mask broken, but not shattered. You should have felt fear, if you were smart you would have been terrified. 
In that moment, the two of you were locked in a dangerous dance on the precipice of something more, dancing on the point of no return, all it would take is one misstep.
Just on one little…push.
“Чудовище— (chudovishche-beast)”
Recognition flitted across his features, his eyes darkening, that got his attention.
He crashed his mouth to yours, it was nothing like before, this was full of ire and animalistic need, all teeth and tongue. His hand slid up your side to rest against your throat, squeezing just enough to restrict your breathing and send jolts of electricity rolling through your body. His body pressed tightly to yours, you could feel his erection pressing deliciously against your core. That was a start, but you needed more, if you were going to be dragged into the depths of hell, he would go with you.
You were frenzied now, clawing at his clothes, but his other hand wrapped around your wrists, pinning them to the window, with a growl. The cool glass sends goosebumps dancing across your skin, pulling something between a whine and moan from your lips. You hated the way your body reacted to him, the deep need for him to touch you to make you feel.
Breaking the kiss he trailed his lips down your neck, teeth scraping and nipping your skin as his hand released your throat, ripping your clothes from your body, before releasing your wrists and leading you to the sofa, tossing you over the armrest.
“Not a beast Angel…” you could feel the strain in his movements, he was holding the crumbling pieces of his mask together, the beast still effectively collared— 
Stinging pain radiates across your ass, pleasure pooling at your entrance, you hear the shuffle of his pants, followed by his thick head running though your slick folds, you jolt, your breath hitching in your throat. He lined himself up, slamming home. The air knocked from your lungs as he started a brutal pace, one hand digging into your hip the other fisted in your hair. He punched into you, his cock kissing your cervix almost every time he bottomed out. 
“Not to you, Angel… Never to you.”
You needed it, to see him. You ground back against him, teasing, wanting to push him to his absolute limits.
He moaned, his hand releasing your hair, snaking around your throat to pull you back against him, the new angle allowing him to slip deeper and hit that spot, the spot reserved for steve. The spot that only he could reach. Not only because of his size but also cause fuck anyone else who tried to get that far. Breathy praises left his lips as he slammed into you repeatedly, your head fell back against his shoulder, eyes fluttering shut. The hand around your waist slipped lower, finding your clit, expertly tracing circles over the sensitive bud. Obscene moans fell from your lips, as you teetered on the edge, so very close to release. 
He nuzzled the shell of your ear, the dark spade tattoo catching his eye, until you turned your head, your lips devoured his, the thought leaving his mind as you ground down on him, moaning into his mouth. He knew you were close, when your legs began to shake, breaking the kiss he squeezed your neck tighter, doubling down on your bundle of nerves, “Come for me Angel.”
His words washed over you like a magic spell, your orgasm crashing through you like a hurricane, he fucked you through your high, only flipping you onto your back when you came down and he began to chase his own high.
Your eyes locked on his, the soft caring man you came to know was nowhere to be seen. You could feel him getting close, you reached up caressing his face, “Let go Steve… Show me who you really are.”
It was like you flipped a switch, what little restraint he had vanished. Both hands found your hips, their grip causing pain and pleasure to shoot up your body as he frantically plunged into you, his rhythm from before lost to the primal need to release. His lips, teeth and tongue blazing a trail down your body.
***He basked in the moment with you. You were so beautiful, taking him; this unchained beast. His heart swelled, all he felt was love, the anger, the stress and fear melted away at his fingertips as they bruised your hips, through his teeth and tongue as he left lasting marks on your skin from tasting you, feeling you, needing you.
***One hand scraped down his back, leaving angry red welts, the other leaving crescent shaped marks that seeped blood across his shoulder. Your marks on him would last a lifetime. As you careened towards your climax, the hate and the pain evaporated from your body, and all that was left was love. Hopeless, dangerous, intoxicating: love.  
***At least he thought, if he died tonight his last happy memory would be with you.
***It was twisted really, you thought, a devilish smile pulling your lips, at least as you burned down his empire his final happy memories would be of you.
He pulled you into his arms, placing a gentle kiss to your lips. The sudden change in demeanor giving you whiplash. “I’m sorry.” His voice is soft, tentative.
“I tried to keep that part of me buried… You didn't deserve that…”
Normally you would have comforted him, told him it was alright, that he needed to release the stress, and you were willing to be that release. But that was before. Now you sat quietly in his arms, you didn't really care if he took your silence for fear, compliance, or understanding, it wouldn't matter in a few hours anyway. 
You had both used each other. The guilt you had expected to consume you, didn’t.
He kissed your forehead, “I have a loose end to tie up. Please stay here.”
It didn't matter if you agreed or not, he wouldn't make it to dawn, but you merely nodded in response as he walked into the other room.
When he returned, he didn't wear his normal suit, instead he came out in a black button-down, he was rolling to his elbows and a pair of dark wash jeans, like he wore on your dates. A leather weapon holster adorned his shoulders, he looked like one of his own thugs. 
Your gaze followed him to the elevator, watching each movement he made, “What kind of loose end?” 
He stopped, turning to you as he rolled his sleeve, “I’ve got a rat problem, gonna fix it, personally.”
“When will you be back?”
“Before dawn.” 
You nodded as he walked toward you, lifting your chin, his lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss, resting his forehead against yours after breaking it. He took a steadying breath. “I just need you to know that I love you.” he pecked your forehead before turning and stepping into the elevator. 
“I love you too…” the words left your lips instinctively…
You just wished it was a lie.
Rain pelted down on you as you pulled your bike into an alley in the dead of night, about a block away from the warehouse you were supposed to infiltrate. Slipping your mask onto your face, you forwent your contacts, with the raging storm they would only hinder you as you made your way to your assignment.
As you neared the warehouse, lightning cracked across the sky casting the warehouse in spectral shadows. You felt like you were walking to the gallows, unease lodging its way into your stomach, you shoved it down.
Death was not afraid. 
Death did not cower.
The warehouse was quiet, a single vehicle sat in the parking area, probably belonging to security, a single light shone in the upper windows, before flicking off. 
You made your way to the roof, slipping in through one of the sky lights, almost complete darkness filled the warehouse, crates upon crates were stacked below. Full of weapons and drugs for Steve’s business you assumed. There were two doors on the upper level, slowly making your way to the first one, your hand turned the handle, the door creaking open. 
You furrowed your brows, empty?
You moved to the next room, repeating the actions, again the room was empty. Your stomach flipped again, why were the offices empty? Sharon said there would be an office filled with computers… you shook your head, drawing your pistol you shoved the unease down again. 
You descended the stairs quietly, not risking your flashlight, the only light came from the storm raging outside. The white flashes illuminating the maze of crates before you, the other offices on the opposite side. 
You weaved your way through the towers of crates, checking your corners and behind you periodically, ensuring you hadn't missed the guard. At the last row of crates, a large area of open floor stood between you and two doors, one was flanked by windows filled with monitors and desks; bingo. 
You advanced on the door slowly opening it, your eyes were met with more darkness, feeling along the wall you searched for the lightswitch—
You were flying across the floor, your pistol knocked from your hand while the other hand reached out to steady yourself. You hunkered down into a defensive stance, your eyes glued to the door you were just standing in. A rather large masculine figure emerged from the doorway, well, you found the security guard. Standing you rolled your shoulders as the guard raised their weapon, tossing it to the side, it clattered on the floor. You cocked your head, damn Steve’s men were fucking idiots. 
You barreled towards them, striking with enough force that would floor a normal person, you growled, trying to get a look at your challenger, but without lighting, they remained shrouded in darkness, irritation blinded you. Your attacks became sloppy, but that's all it took.
They caught your wrist, spinning you against them, hand wrapping around your throat aggressively, cutting off your airflow, you pulled and clawed at their hand, but failed to make any leeway. Reaching down you pulled the knife from its holster, you reached around dragging it across their cheek. Grunting they shoved you down, “Bringing a knife to a gunfight? This is the feared Ace of Spades?” a dark chuckle filled the air.
Scrambling to your feet your blood ran cold as you sank back into a defensive position, that voice…
The warehouse flooded with florecent light as thunder crashed around you. Your eyes strained to adjust to the sudden change, you blinked, eyes meeting those familiar ocean pools mere feet away. A deep cut adorned his chiseled cheek, blood running down his face and neck. 
Your knees buckled, but you forced yourself to remain standing, you flipped the knife in your hand, wiping it on the leg of your pants, before holstering it. Instead you unholster your other pistol aiming it as his heart.
***A smirk lifted Steve’s lips, the Ace was sloppy, he wasn't sure this was the one he wanted, but she would have to do.
 “Not as dumb as you look…” he removed his other pistol from his harness, aiming it toward them. 
“Do I get the pleasure of seeing your face before I put an end to your vexing games.”
They stood straighter, the gun slightly trembling in her hand.
A sense of familiarity washed over him, but he couldn't place why, something about the way this Ace fought felt personal.
***The tremor in your hand subsided, as that darkness settled into your mind and body, you were ready. You released the safety, your finger tightening on the trigger, before dropping to your side. You shook your head growling, you had come this far, you would finish your assignment, you would get vengeance for your parents’ death.
Tears stung at your eyes, you willed them to subside. A sob threatened to wrack through you, you couldn’t do it, no matter how angry you were. No, he deserved this. You lifted your gun again—
“Ah ah ah. Drop it.” a dark voice called from your right, followed by the cold metal of a barrel touching your temple. Your shoulders sagged, defeat filled your body, but you complied, the metal clattering at your feet. You dared a glance at the gunman, Bucky stood next to you, his icy eyes filled with fury; finger resting on the trigger. You debated making him pull it, but were cut short when your knees were taken out from behind. 
“Hands where we can see them bitch.” the disembodied voice called from behind you. 
In front of you Steve holstered his weapon, “Not so scary now are you?” he stepped closer, taking in your appearance. 
Glancing around you, the rest of his men emerged from the shadows, weapons drawn on you. There was no way out.
You lifted your chin, you would not back down, you have never backed down. Your hands raised to your shoulders where they could be seen, Steve’s head tilted, “Remove your mask.”
You glared at him standing your ground.
“I said remove your mask.”
Again you refused, he jerked his head towards your left—
The butt of a rifle met your jaw, ripping the mask from your face, your head downcast, you watched blood dribble onto the floor next to your mask, a fist wrapped in your hair, your eyes squeezing shut as pain seared your scalp as your head was yanked backwards.
A thud echoed in the warehouse, next to you Bucky cursed under his breath, the hand gripping your hair fell away. “No fucking way.” came from the man at your left.
***The butt of Clint’s rifle met with her face, the skeletal mask she wore rattling on the concrete, Steve motioned for Clint to lift her head.
The face he was met with was yours, his heart slammed painfully into his ribcage, the very oxygen in his lungs threatening to suffocate him. 
This couldn't be right, this had to be some awful nightmare. He felt the pressure build behind his eyes, his head spinning as his knees gave out, he hit the concrete with a solid thud. All he wanted was to protect you. 
To love you.
His eyes locked on yours when they finally opened, those beautiful eyes that only ever showed him kindness and love, now held a dark fire he had never seen before. 
The Ace of Spades was you.
You, who told him you loved him. 
you, who he spilled his heart and soul to. He had let you meet the family, taken you to his home, let you into his bed. 
It was all a ploy to get close to him, to kill him.
He had told you he loved you, you said it back.
You lied to him, every night, every single night.
The worst part of it all… 
He still wanted you.
Still needed you.
Loved you.
***Your eyes opened on Steve in front of you, his face completely white, he had fallen to his knees, his eyes empty as he stared at you.
That wasn't what you had expected. You expected the beast to break from beneath his porcelain surface.
“Take her.” his voice rising from his throat, broken and gruff.
Bucky’s eyes tore from you beneath him to look at Steve, “But Steve–”
“Take her.” rage flared in his eyes now, as he stood from the floor. “Get her out of my fucking sight!”
Now he understood how you felt when you learned of your parents’ death.
A malicious smile began to split your lips—
A headache radiated from the back of your head, your vision went black as your body limply hit the floor.
*** This wasn’t how tonight was supposed to go, he was supposed to tie up this loose end then come home to you. 
You weren't supposed to be the loose end.
He had felt many things in his life, heartbreak, betrayal, rage, love, happiness.
But tonight, as the men took you away, they took away his heart and soul.
Tonight was the night Steve Rogers died.
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@dontbescaredtosingalong @texan-tazzy @tianamontag @daiseychaindisaster @silently-killing-you @buckyfan12 @leyannrae @justlovelifeblog @austynparksandpizza @captainson-of-coul @betareader7 @vicmc624
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theknifeclown · 11 months
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He picked her up and put eepy baby on a cot
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hopepetal · 1 year
Hi I do not know what this is. Anyway, enjoy!
There once was a world that was full of life, laughter, and people.
The people called themselves the hermits, and they built architectural wonders all over the world. From the fields, to the forests, to the snowy mountains, everything was filled with beautifully designed structures, each serving a different purpose. Some of these builds were shops; others were homes, decorations, or simply fun projects taken on in a spur of the moment decision.
The hermits were a kind people. Always willing to lend a hand whenever another called for aid and fiercely loyal, they were less of friends and more of a family. Many thought of the other hermits as such- as their chosen family, the ones who loved and accepted them for who they were.
Of course, they weren't perfect. No one is, after all. There were fights, misunderstandings, and miscommunications. But those moments were rare in their occurrence, and whenever something like that happened, it would be resolved after a long talk or a short break. They loved, they fought, they forgave, and then they loved some more.
The hermits all loved each other in different ways. For some hermits, they were closer two a specific few than they were to the rest of the group. For others, they were close with everyone, spending equal amounts of time with all of their friends. They all showed their love differently as well. For one hermit, their way of showing love may have been collecting resources for another. For a different hermit, their way of showing love could've been pranking another, or spending time around them.
The hermits never really had any kind of hierarchy, either. While most admins are quick to place themselves in a higher position than their players, their admin preferred to be more down to earth. The hermits looked up to him, of course, but he was one of them rather than some distant leader they all had to follow. They were all equal in status, no matter who or what they were.
Yes, the hermits were comprised of many different kinds of people. There were vexes, avians, voidwalkers, netherborn, player mobs, and even one or two humans. There was no discrimination among species, as it was a safe space for everyone. Every hermit did their part to keep Hermitcraft an open, welcoming place, because it was their home.
The hermits deeply loved their home just as much as they loved each other. That's why they graced their world with such beautiful builds- it was their way of giving thanks to the land that nurtured them from the very start. Some hermits would replant the trees they cut down as well, to lessen the impact of their resource gathering on the world.
But, as they say, all good things must come to an end.
There was a strange glitch in their world. The hermits didn't notice it at first, but soon it became clear that something was wrong. The moon was much larger than normal, and every night it rose as full as it was the night before. It began to mess with the world, gravity becoming less strict as hermits often awoke to find themselves or the blocks around them floating. The hermits quickly discovered that the moon was not just getting bigger- it was getting closer.
They all tried to deal with this in their own way. Some started to worship the moon. Others stopped sleeping and tried to force others to do the same. One hermit was so drawn to the moon that she tried to fly up and touch it, much to the chagrin of her friends. Meanwhile, their admin was very worried. He had done everything he could to try and fix the glitch, but it wasn't working. Fearing for the safety of his hermits, he crafted a plan of escape.
The moon kept approaching, and the world kept glitching. The hermits still built as they always had, but now with more worried glances toward the sky. They were afraid not only for themselves but for their home. This was their world, after all, and they loved it dearly. There was one question on every hermit's mind- 'What's going to happen?'
Eventually, the moon got too close, and the admin rounded up the hermits. With a combination of magic, hacking, and redstone technology, they opened an exit into the void and escaped through it just as the moon crashed into their world. They had to leave everything behind but each other, and that deeply pained the hermits. Remember, their love for their world ran as deep as their love for their fellow hermits.
No one knows what happened to the hermits after their escape. It is assumed they perished in the void, despite everything they did to survive. The only thing left of them are the recordings found by researchers investigating the glitch that supposedly killed an entire server.
Some people like to think the hermits are still alive, protected and floating through the void, waiting for their chance to escape the endless darkness. Others have gone so far as to attempt opening a way into the void to look for the hermits, but none have succeeded.
Maybe someday, in the future, we'll find the answers as to where the hermits are now.
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shawarrose · 11 months
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it was quite funny when i saw lovelie mob, anne was also a spy who had a flower in her eye (though anne's is a mask!) so it was quite funny, don't know if lovelie would hate or get along with them but it would be an interesting duo if they worked together i think! such cute beetle!
lovelie is from (@clownsuu)!
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chaoticpiglinwitch · 1 year
Crow Father
Pronouns: He/They
Domains: God of Death, Travel, Fatherhood, Masculine Energy, Wisdom, Respect, Familial Love, Looming Protection, Construction, Communication, Hospitality
Epithets: “Father of Blossoms” would be called that in relation to being the father of Syren (God of the Seasons) or in spring time. They would spend time together during the spring and you can hear their laughter in fields of flowers.
“Man of Men” + “Angel of Death” was called this when talking about him with his wife, Kristen. While Kristen is the afterlife, Crow will guild the souls or the living ones that are close to death. Believed to give them comfort or justice in their last moments.
“Whisper of Crows”, “One of Watcher” + “Soldier of Death” These names were associated with him when he was with Blade and how they would assist soldiers in battle. Either by watching over them while they are unguarded, guilding the souls from battle, helping them gather supplies or guilding civilians to safety.
“Kind feathered Traveller” Would help others find their way if asked for help. He would help make compasses, maps and provide protection for wanderers and refugees. It was also a title used when he was paired with Blade
“Everlasting Resourceful Builder” He helped teach others how to build houses and communities, helping stand tall and strong. Not stopping to help all around with building big shrines and other mythical sites in the mythology. Builders and carpenters often would ask for his blessings when making things.
"Looming Welcome" In many towns and homes, townsfolk would have bird statues or decor around their living areas to both invite travellers and Crowfather's protection in. Guarding against harmful entities and welcoming all that needed or wanted shelter. They believed that shooing away or being outwardly rude to wanderers, strangers or birds was seen as a quick way to get CF's wrath and loss of his divine protection; and depending on how far it went it could cause loss of protection to the whole town.
Symbols/Mobs: Crows, Parrots, bird skulls, black feathers, black vail/cloaks, Short haired and/or black cats
Chosen family (ppl who you choose to have in ur life) are what's important
Formality isn't a big thing unless your asking a favour of him (also depends on how close u are as well, the more time you spend with him, the more he will see u as family/protected one)
Respect is given not forced. In all relationships, he will help pick out the ones that can and will be trust worthy but also teach you the signs of it and test your skills.
Myths/Stories: Crow Father was worshipped as an all ever looming protector, believed that all crows were connected to him. He could be summoned quickly, (+ more to add)
Colors: Crow Father would wear items/colors that would remind him of his loved ones and would have a ever changing colorful wardrobe. When he would visit different places/seasons, he would dress for the time there. So he likes any color but his favourite colors are Green (likes darker tones), White, Gold, Black, Pink (Blossom specifically)
Crystals: Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Red jasper,
Incense: Lavender, Rose, Cederwood
Plants/Herbs: Alvo, Daisy, chrysanthemums
Offerings: Any shiny things, Black tea w/sugar, any herbal tea, tea cakes, sweets, arts and craft, crow themed things, items that remind of his loved ones, anything you have made, bones, travel guides,
Vailing in honour of him,
Looking after nature,
Learn the importantance of travel safety,
Get a bird bath
Learn about children and advocation for them
Read a book/listen to audio book
Learn about something you know nothing about
Speck your truth and strive for equal respect
Listen to bird song
Wearing bird skulls (ethically)
Learn first aid and keep a kit in your car/home/bag
Meditate with him,
Sit outside and drink english breakfast tea with him
learn about masculine energy and practising it/learning balance
advocate for male victims and support groups,
Learn about crows, Crow merch hehe
go food shopping or donate to a food bank
Learn about construction and it’s safety,
Watching documentaries or mcyt
Going to school and asking him for safe travels
Do a diy project or watch building videos
Inviting him to your dreams
Journal about ur life, ur troubles, he loves to be a shoulder to lean on
Attendants: Kristen (Wife), Prime, Syren, Blade, Most folk in the pantheon
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eggsbenedictinurmom · 6 months
Recently I had a thought.
I love the Minecraft Warden, my overhated baby. And I love Wally, my most likely traumatized baby. And so, by all known laws of my brain, they are now required to fuse like gems from Steven Universe.
Ok so hear me out rq. Welcome Home used to be a normal kid's show, right? Everything's probably the same as the start of the OG timeline, really. The puppets also interact with the Playfellow Workshop employees MFN-style, as in: nobody fucking cares about the fact their sentient there and it's treated like it's completely normal.
But then, an accident happened in 1974. Pretty vague about what actually happened, because nobody ever documented it (or rather, the documentation never left the workshop, so nobody knew about it), but the only apparent thing is that there was death involved. A LOT of death. Like, almost the entire team of the Playfellow Workshop died, probably.
The immense soul power of the murdered managed to crack into the puppet world thanks to Home, who in this case is sorta headcannoned(?) to be a gateway between the two worlds. They fused with the void (the thing many people call "So Below") under it, creating a hivemind of sorts, y'know, like sculk from Minecraft, and immediately grew all over Home. it also ripped the fabric of the universe causing the world of minecraft to merge with the neighborhood but pretend not to know that so that you can act surprised later-
The sculk only has one goal: protect Home so that nothing can pass through into the muppets x minecraft crossover world, because we all know that if the millionaires find out about a dimension that stretches into infinity and where you can literally duplicate resources, they're gonna colonize the everloving disc 5 fuck-ment out of it, and that's obviously bad.
But Home wasn't a good enough host. It needed a more mobile catalyst to ensure the world's safety. And since Wally was sticking to Home like slime to my mother's beloved silver blanket thanks to his empathy for it, the sculk "decided" to infect him, unintentionally breaking the structure of his eyes and permanently blinding him in the process.
Wally, however, was not worried about this. With his naive nature, he simply saw the sculk as a new neighbor, albeit a bit peculiar one. This made him very cooperative, which, I gotta agree, was a great "choice" for the sculk in the end, as he, too, wanted to protect Home after what happened.
Through time, the sculk managed to crack through Home into the human world workshop, setting up something in the sort of shriekers to alert it of oncoming danger to Home. But it had no interest in leaving the vicinity of the building, of course, so it still stays inside, the people outside being completely unaware of what's going on in the workshop and simply taking it as abandoned and occasionally making creepypastas about it on the internet. Some stupid teenagers sometimes go inside thanks to a dare and obviously end up dying, which kinds sucks, but hey, they sorta deserve it.
You see what I'm getting at? Insanely OP creature, protecting a maybe-portal with the help of the tortured souls of the dead??
Reference picture that I'll probably remake + some fun facties:
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(If a single person "exploits" the fact most of his clothes are torn off him on despite the fact he's a literal semi-corpse puppet that is only strung together by the power of the undead and gets constantly sunk in and out of a state of disassemblence I will gulp down a comically large canister of gasoline in one go on a tiktok stream while my friend makes dangitgrandpa cosplay poses in the background every time someone gives me a rose)
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I will 100% make the rest of the neighbors other Minecraft mobs btw if you couldn't tell
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voidsentprinces · 2 years
Modern AU 4? 5? I lost count
“ALL HANDS TO PORT! NOW ARRIVING! VESPER BAY!” Called the ticket man. Loud enough that it could easily ring clearly down below deck to say nothing of the upper part. An impressive feat considering a heavy, sullen rain had whipped up a storm upon the harbor. The journey from the Limsan sector to their called at the Bay was as rocky and ill eased as always. The rocking of the waves would turn a travel’s stomach over. But, to them, it was like being brought home. They had traveled this same way when first arriving in Eorzea.
How many months had it been? Since stepping foot on those marble stone piers. The smell of gunpowder, vomit, and cigar smoke filling the air. Loud jeers and chatter echoing throughout the Lominsan decks from aetheryte plaza to fisherman’s guild. Fair few cities were as boisterous and cacophounous as Limsa Lominsa. Of course they had not realized this when they had arrived by air to deliver word to Gridania and Ul’dah’s sectors. The markets of Ul’dah in particular was always bustling and shouting, yet it felt like a tender massage compared to the rambuckous nature of Limsa. Gridania was silent as a grave. But the air felt fresher there than ever in the oasis.
They had ample time to adjust to each sector. Initially picking up odd jobs which eventually lead them to handling bigger disasters. Then suddenly they were with Thancred investigating kidnappings in Drybone Oasis. Eventually facing off against the great beast Ifrit in the deepest dungeons of the Bowl of Embers. Then what was it? A meeting with the Sylph gang, descending into a haunted cave then an abandoned mansion? Then gathering all sorts of objects of interests, auctions, and high priced cheeses for the Company of Heroes. To find the secret path into the Navel and going toe to toe with Mob Boss Titan. Their bones ached.
They needed a stiff drink, a long rest, and hours of silence.
Vesper Bay had all but provided that in spades for the last bit, the rain had merchants closing shop early. Guards men taking shelter in the nearby inns to get a bite at the bars no less. But not them, no. As a member of the Scions they had their own place to shelter. With each laborous step, bones still aching, they stepped off the ship from Limsa. Found their sea legs to land and steadied themselves to come upon the night club they sought. How odd though, its usual neon sign had not been lit. Leaving an omnious stout shadow in the harbor. No sound but the rain in means of sound about it. They hastened their steps.
The doors to the Waking Sands opened far heavier than before. The clouds over the Bay district did nothing to ease their heart. The night had began approaching and yet Tataru had failed to light the lanterns. Neon signs and “open” markers was one thing. But she had never been so lax as to forget the indoor requirements. The lobby was darkened and not a sight or sound to be heard. Looking around expectantly, the secretary was absent from the welcome desk. They were rather looking forward to their face. Tataru had ever been a sight for sore eyes in spite of always dressing in the most pastel and vibrant of pinks and rose.
So use were they to a raising of mug and cheer from her, that the room felt...emptier than usual. Not a good sign, they sped over to the club’s underway.
Passing the desk under a curtain of beige. The cloth once ever welcoming now felt like shroud of death. Moving through the arcway to the stairs, each step a steady thump. Echoing through the silence like a sledge hammer to stone. Their hand wrapping around the door handle. Shifting of their weight, shoulder to the wood. The metal reinforcements grinding against the stone.
Breath failed to escape. Heart faltered. Lungs stilled. Eyes taking in the sights.
Where once there was a room filled with laughter, joy and cheer. Now stood a club of once joyous gatherers, collaborators, and colleagues replaced by the floor strewn with bodies. All sharing the same pallid complexion. Waxy and still. A few they remembered passing. Clive, A’aba, Una, Satzfloh, Percevains, and many more. Joyous bunch making their way the world and now...all snuffled out.
How many moments did they spend? Turning over those bodies. Nothing but the dark, the silence, and the pattering of rain on stone? Each face witnessed being a face they had seen among the other Scions. Except you. Who are you?
This singular body, that of a man of youth. His face covered in a fresh paint of gunpowder. New to the battlefield but young enough to die in a siege. They patted down this one’s body. Opening their vest to find a familiar marker. Garlemald.
Suddenly, a noise echoed through the room. Shuffling, labored breathing. It was coming from the Solar. Quietly, they grabbed hold of a knife and left the dead soldier to lay among their friends. Side stepping as to not make a noise. Despite the boots, soft soled like. Climbing up the stairs, a curtain of purple drifting over them as they inched their way up to Minfilia’s office. Pausing and putting an ear to the door. Something was crawling around inside. They brought themselves low and slowly jostled the door to open. A figure on the ground, they were alone.
They pushed their way into the room, blade drawn. Finding not an intruder, but the face another friend. One of the Sylph gang members. Dress of leafy green, face still covered in an autumn tide’s leaving. Two holes for the eyes, stout in stature, having trouble breathing. A bullet wound to the chest, but they still managed to find the strength to crawl on the ground. Quickly to their side and flipping them on their back. A hand to their wound. The red...it was everywhere.
Suddenly, their struggle eased as a friend face finally came to their side. They reached up and grasped the others hands, their lively voice now a shriveling shade of itself. Difficulty breathing, difficulty speaking, but they made the effort all the same.
“This one is glad...walking...one is safe.” The short being trembled to catch another gasp of life. Just then a terrible migraine invaded their minds. Everything went white, a flash of images. A woman clad in white trench coat breaking through the door. Opening fire on the other occupants, a mad glint in her eyes. Demanding others submit to her Gaius’s will. Flanked by fresh and veteran thugs a like. The Waking Sands went to war in that moment. Minfilia was dragged away into the night. Noraxia leapt to ambush the woman but was shot down like the rest. A burning ember in their chest as their vision cleared and head ache ceased.
“W-walking one...Minfilia...asked this one,” The stout being groaned, the gripping of their hand tightened, “In...case...walking one return...this one...was to say...to...” The grip grew weaker as did the breathing, “Church...in...eastern...Ul’dah sector...claim...sanctuary,” They breathed out in a raspy, whisper. “This one...tried to pro-...protect walking one Minfilia...but...” Tears came to their eyes as they listened on shaking their head, the Sylph looked into their eyes, “Forgive...this one..Walking one must...save...must...” A single gasp and then Noraxia was gone. The Warrior of Light was alone again in the Solar.
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