#welcome to fictober day 15
baronessblixen · 8 months
Fictober 2023
All the stories in one place. A huge thank you to everyone for their support this month.
Day 1: Secret Spots - This is cotton candy-flavored fluff set after "Millennium": Mulder and Scully go to Mrs. Scully's house and find themselves all alone for a moment...
Day 2: Just in Case - This is angst/hurt/comfort with a dash of hopeful cheesiness. Starts off in Dod Kalm (yes, you read that right). Mulder decides to be brave in what he believes to be his last moments on earth.
Day 3: The Deepest Cut - Diana/IVF angst (with a soft ending): Scully is already upset about a colleague's pregnancy and then Diana shows up and makes things worse.
Day 4: Always Expect The Unexpected - Some soft, fluffy silliness today: Scully and Mulder see her mother out on a date with... A.D. Skinner?
Day 5: If I Were The King of The World - Fluffy-fluff set in Detour: We get to see a bit more of Scully singing to Mulder...
Day 6: In The Blink Of An Eye - Angst/Mulder in peril: Mulder happens to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time...
Day 7: Glimpses of October - Post-IWTB/Pre-Revival vignette: Mulder watches his son play in the fallen leaves. Or is he?
Day 8: A Very Queequeg Morning - Hurt/comfort AND humor after "Pusher": Mulder doesn't mind Scully showing up at his apartment after the case at all. Only problem: she's not alone.
Day 9: Talk Vanilla to Me - Rated M/banter/humor(?): Mulder can't sleep, but luckily, Scully is there to listen… and maybe more.
Day 10: Wishes - Fluff(?) post "Je Souhaite": Mulder wants to know what Scully's wishes would have been.
Day 11: Always Partners - Set in season 6, hurt/comfort, some angst: Kersh puts Scully on another case without Mulder and once again she gets hurt.
Day 12: The Easiest Choice - Fluff, rewrite of the last scene in "Existence": Mulder asks Scully what she's going to name the baby.
Day 13: Don't Forget The Cake - Fluff-ish, season 6: Diana throws Mulder a surprise birthday party. Chaos ensues.
Day 14: Preparation is Everything - Fluff, set after "Alone": With Mulder being unemployed, and Scully on maternity leave, they spend their time thinking about furniture, baby names, and all the ways their lives will change.
Day 15: Temporary Insanity - Angsty first kiss fill-in for "Paper Clip": What happened on that elevator ride?
Day 16: Mothers Always Know - Post-ep (sort of) for "Chimera", fluff: It's the Sunday morning after Mulder stayed over at Scully's and he has a somewhat awkward run-in with her mother.
Day 17: In Sickness And in Health - Hurt/comfort post-"Arcadia": They're on their way back home from The Falls at Arcadia when Scully gets sick.
Day 18: Beautiful In My Eyes - UST-filled post-ep fic: Mulder thinks Scully is the most beautiful person wherever she goes. She doesn't believe him so he tries to make her see it his way.
Day 19: It's Us Against The World - Angst, canon divergence for "Nothing Important Happened Today": No matter what Kersh said, Scully doesn't want Mulder to leave her and the baby. But what choice do they have?
Day 20: Shooting Stars - Mulder and Scully sharing a bed during two nights in The Rain King. After a first awkard night, what happens during the second one after the party ?
Day 21: No Longer Stuck In The Past - A different kind of post-episode fic for "The Unnatural": After his and Scully's baseball date, Mulder runs into Diana.
Day 22: Cookie Theft and Other Crimes - How the Ghosts Stole Christmas post-ep, hurt/comfort, angst, fluff - all the fixings: Bill Jr. runs into Mulder in the middle of the night and it goes as well as you might expect.
Day 23: You're Not Welcome Here - AU in which Diana didn't die and Mulder didn't leave after "Existence": Scully and William are waiting for Mulder when no other than Diana Fowley walks into the basement office.
Day 24: Rules Are Rules - Set in season 7, fluff: They're not supposed to share a room while on assignment. But aren't rules meant to be broken anyway?
Day 25: Another Banner Year - Set after "Our Town", before "Anasazi": Melissa shows up at her sister's apartment, demanding a few answers.
Day 26: I Saw Your Face In A Dream - AU where Mulder and Scully meet on karaoke night at a bar.
Day 27: Christmas With You By My Side - Sequel to day 22 "Cookie Theft And Other Crimes" but can be read as a stand-alone: What happens when Mulder wakes up with Scully in his arms?
Day 28: The Truth Is (Not) Found In A Glass of Whiskey - All Mulder wanted to do was drop off a report. Now he has to deal with a drunk Skinner.
Day 29: Glass Half Full - Sequel to "The Truth Is (Not) Found In A Glass of Whiskey": It's the morning after and Skinner wakes up with a hangover - and remembers way too much from the previous night.
Day 30: Feelings You Can't Hide - A post-ep for "Bad Blood" obviously. A jealous Mulder, an attempt at humor and the hint of angst may be found here.
Day 31: Trick or Treat - IVF arc, angsty fluff: They're supposed to go to the Gunmen's Halloween party, but there's something they need to make sure of first.
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atths--twice · 8 months
Lost and Found
A lost and needed report leads to remembrance of where it is and what was happening to lose it in the first place.
Fictober Day 15
Prompt: You lost it. Well, we both lost it.
Hope you all enjoy this one. ❤️
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March 2000
“It’s not here,” Scully called from the annex of the office. 
“And I don’t see it on the desk here either,” Mulder called back, shaking his head. 
“It was there last night before we left. I know that I saw it,” she said, walking back into his view. 
“I did too.” 
“I don’t know,” he said, sighing loudly. 
“Well, Skinner’s not going to be happy.” 
“If you tell him, he’ll take it better,” he said, raising his eyebrows at her. 
“What? Why would you say that? Because I’m a woman? That’s very sexist of you.” She crossed her arms and frowned at him. 
“What? No. That’s not how I meant it.” 
“Explain what you meant then.” 
“Well… I just meant that he likes you. He cares about you.” She narrowed her eyebrows, her expression hardening and he shook his head. “Not… not like that. Not in any way that’s inappropriate. Just… he respects and admires you. That’s all.” 
“And you don’t think he feels the same for you? That he doesn’t admire you? Doesn’t appreciate and respect your tenacity?” 
“My stubborn bullheadedness you mean?” he asked with a grin and he watched her fighting back a smile of her own. “I cause him stress and anxiety. Hell, I’d add hair loss to the list if he wasn’t nearly bald when we first met.” 
“Mulder,” she said with a quiet laugh, shaking her head. 
“It’s true and you know it.” 
“You could try to have that not be the way he sees you.” 
“I don’t think it would matter at this point,” he said, looking on the desk again for the folder they needed. “I think when he sees my name on his calendar, his blood pressure increases.” 
“Well, that I don’t doubt,” she agreed and he looked up at her, sticking out his lower lip in a mock pout. “Aw, poor baby.” She walked across the room, stopping just in front of him and smiling. “Would a kiss make you feel better?” 
“I thought you were very firm in your belief that we refrain from that while at work?” he asked and she licked her lips, biting down gently on the bottom one. 
“I am. But…” She fiddled with his tie, the backs of her fingers trailing down his chest and bumping against each button. “You’re so adorable when you pout.”
“Am I?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her. 
“Yeah. And I think you know it.” 
“How to get to you?” he asked, one hand moving to the back of her neck and he watched as her eyes slid shut and her mouth opened slightly. “Of that I am very aware.” 
He bent his head and kissed her, a soft moan escaping her throat as he did. She grabbed handfuls of his shirt, pressing as close to him as she could, as their kiss deepened. He gripped her hair and tugged it gently, eliciting another moan from her. 
The desk phone rang and she pushed against his chest to make him move, their kiss halting. 
“Scully,” she said, baring her neck to him as she answered it, letting her desires be known. He grinned and began to lavish her neck with soft, silent kisses. “Mmm… No, I’m sorry, sir. I was just… reading the results of a blood test.” She pushed at him again and shook her head. “Yes, we’ll be right up.” 
Sighing, she hung up the phone and looked at him. 
“Time to face the music,” she said, raising on tiptoes to kiss him once more. 
“You mean to lay on that Scully charm,” he corrected her as he took his suit jacket from the coat rack and they walked out the door. 
“He did sound extra perturbed given the early hour,” she admitted, closing and locking the office door as he struggled with the sleeve of his jacket. “Oh, for god's sake, Mulder. You’re a menace to yourself.” She helped him with his jacket, smoothing the lapels and brushing at nonexistent pieces of lint. 
“Thanks,” he said, staring at her lips, desperately wanting to kiss her again. 
“You’re welcome,” she said, shaking her head and walking to the elevator.
He followed her, smiling as he watched the sway of her hips. Not for the first time of course, but now with the knowledge of what those hips, and the rest of her, looked like naked. 
Leaving his bed, or even better yet, walking towards it, those hips were mesmerizing. 
She pushed the button to call the elevator as he caught up to her. Smiling at her, his hand at the small of her back as though it was a magnet calling for its mate, they stepped inside as the doors opened. 
“He’s gonna be so pissed,” she said and he hummed, his fingers scratching her back in gentle reassurance. 
The elevator stopped and his hand dropped as they exited. 
In the waiting area of Skinner’s office, instead of his assistant, they found him. He sighed as he looked down at their empty hands. 
“Did you forget that we needed to have your report for the meeting currently taking place? Did something happen to it between the time I called you mere minutes ago and right this moment?” he asked, his voice low but firm, staring at each of them. 
“Sir,” Scully began, but he put up a hand to stop her. 
“This is an important meeting,” he said and Mulder shifted slightly. “I know they can be tedious, but they are necessary.”
“And I agree,” Scully stated. “We had the report in the office yesterday, but-”
“But what? You lost it? It grew legs and walked away? What?” 
“Well, I didn’t lose it. We lost it,” she admitted, glancing quickly at Mulder. “I don’t know how we could have, but it’s-”
“Coffee table,” Mulder interrupted, his fingers tapping repeatedly against Scully’s hip. 
“Excuse me, Agent Mulder,” Skinner said, his eyes narrowing. “How is what you just said helpful?” 
“It’s on your coffee table,” Mulder said, looking at Scully and ignoring Skinner. “I must have grabbed it with the other files when we left here last night. I remember now that I saw it. It’s with the Beckman case notes.” 
She stared at him in confusion, then her eyes widened. 
“It’s there,” he repeated with a nod. 
“Sir,” she said, looking at Skinner. “Agent Mulder is correct. It is there. I remember seeing it now as well. If I could have… an hour, I can have that report here. It’s-”
“Go,” Skinner said, shaking his head. They both began to leave and he stopped them. “Not you, Mulder. It’s a task that only requires one person. You can join us in the meeting now and Agent Scully will do the same in an hour. One hour, Scully.” He held her gaze and she nodded, her eyes flicking to Mulder’s before she left the room. 
Mulder sighed and turned his attention to Skinner who was looking at him questioningly. 
“You saw it on her coffee table last night,” Skinner said in a quiet voice. 
“When we were reviewing the Beckman case, yeah,” Mulder replied with a nod. “We brought food back to her apartment and went over that case and did paperwork for a couple of others as we ate. The report for the meeting was on my desk, but I must have picked it up by mistake when I grabbed the other files.” 
“Must have,” Skinner said, his expression unreadable, though Mulder suspected he was thinking that their evening had been more than dinner and work discussions. 
Of which he would be absolutely correct, Mulder thought, remembering kissing Scully as she had sat astride his lap, moaning into his mouth as he had unhooked her bra. 
“Yeah, it was just a mix up,” Mulder said, clearing his throat. “We’d better join that meeting, huh? Or we’ll be here all day. After you.” Mulder smiled and gestured towards the office and Skinner scoffed as he led the way. 
Please hurry, Scully, he thought, as he took a seat at the world's most boring meeting, his eyes constantly flicking to the door, awaiting her arrival. 
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reluctant-mandalore · 10 months
🍂 Cy’s Fictober 2023🍂
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Hi! Welcome to Cy’s Fictober 🎃. I wasn’t feeling any of the prompt lists last year and so I had come up with my own fictober list. I ended up not doing it last year due to personal reasons and it being last minute, so I decided to do it this year instead! I'm very excited to show y'all the fics I've planned out for this!
( I will update the list with links or any changes that happen as I post fics throughout the month of october )
Day 1: Cold Weather - Din Djarin x gn!Reader
During the chilly fall season on a new planet, you go on an afternoon outing with the Mandalorian and his son. Though of course you forgot your coat.
Day 2: Dancing - Boba Fett x oc!Ann
After a job Boba and Ann go to a cantina to relax. Ann enjoys dancing, Boba enjoys watching.
Day 3: First Kiss - Din Djarin x gn!Reader
Day 4: Hand Holding - Din Djarin x gn!Reader
Day 5: Leaves - Wolffe x gn!Reader
Day 6: Cuddling - Fennec Shand x gn!Reader
Day 7: Picnic - General Fic (No Pairings)
Day 8: Love Confession - Rex x gn!Reader 
Day 9: Singing - Boba Fett x oc!Ann
Day 10: Candy - Fennec Shand x gn!Reader
Day 11: Nicknames - Din Djarin x gn!Reader
Day 12: Moonlit Walks - Echo x gn!Reader
Day 13: Comfort - Din Djarin x gn!Reader 
Day 14:  Smile - Din Djarin x gn!Reader
Day 15: Baking - General Fic (No Pairings) 
Day 16: Stargazing - Din Djarin x gn!Reader
Day 17: Flirting - Obi Wan Kenobi x gn!Reader 
Day 18: Only One Bed - Din Djarin x gn!Reader
Day 19: Promise - Rex x gn!Reader
Day 20: Rainy Days - Din Djarin x gn!Reader
Day 21: Candlelight - Boba Fett x oc!Ann
Day 22: Touch Starved - Din Djarin x gn!Reader
Day 23: Proposal - Wolffe x gn!Reader 
Day 24: Date Night - Fennec Shand x gn!Reader
Day 25: Bonfire - Obi Wan Kenobi x gn!Reader
Day 26: Mornings Together - Boba Fett x oc!Ann
Day 27: Crush - Boba Fett x gn!Reader 
Day 28: Flowers - Boba Fett x oc!Ann
Day 29: Secret - Wolffe x gn!Reader 
Day 30: Cozy Embrace - Din Djarin x gn!Reader
Day 31: Pumpkin - ??
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melusine0811 · 2 years
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It's Fangirlia's Doctor Who Ficvember 2022!
Hello Whovians! Unfortunately Fictober couldn't happen this year, but we've decided to reinvent it and turn it into "Ficvember" to coincide with NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writers' Month). This is a writing event that will go on officially from November 1-30, just like NaNoWriMo. Anyone can participate, even if you haven’t written for the Doctor Who fandom before. This event is based on the Fictober event we've had in previous years, still using some of the autumn prompts– even the scary ones since Doctor Who pretty much always applies. 
However this year, since Thirteen is regenerating, we thought we'd add in some themes from the show as well.
To participate: 
Your work can be as long as you want. You can even connect a multichapter WIP or a chapter of it, if it applies. We also love when people add stories that they've written in the past. Really, the more the merrier.
For each day, there will be a prompt, and also a regeneration/specific Doctor/ villain theme. You can do one, or both, or think of your own! 
Late submissions are fine, we know that wrangling the muse can be tricky! 
Any ship within the DW fandom universe is great, and poly parties are welcome. And you don't need to include a ship at all if you don't want to.
Any rating is welcome, but we also ask your discretion concerning big triggers- use common sense, please. We reserve the right to refuse anyone's work that could potentially be upsetting.
You can use any characters from the show, the Big Finish audios, comics, and any of the spinoffs, including Torchwood and the Sarah Jane Adventures. It can be in-universe or AU, totally your choice
Tag your work 'Fangirlia Doctor Who Ficvember 2022' on AO3, and add it to the collection of the same name.
Message either @melusine0811 or @elialys to join the Fangirlia Discord server. We're an 18+ server of women and non-binary people who love a variety of Fandoms but we have a strong emphasis on Doctor Who Fanfiction. Many of us have been writing for the fandom for more than a decade and love to talk writing fic and even writing original projects. We're a pretty close-knit group and are always looking for like-minded people to add to the Fan Family!
November 1: Leaf pile. What is more autumn than jumping in a pile of leaves?  / Regeneration Theme: First Doctor
November 2: A maze. Involves a corn maze, a mirror maze, any maze at all / Regeneration theme: Second Doctor
November 3: Kiss of Death/Life. Regeneration Theme: Third Doctor
November 4: Running from Zombies/Graveyard. Regeneration Theme: Fourth Doctor
November 5: Walk in the cold November forest. Regeneration Theme: Fifth Doctor
November 6: One person is trapped. Regeneration Theme: Sixth Doctor
November 7: November rain/storm. Regeneration Theme: Seventh Doctor
November 8: Apple/Pumpkin picking. Regeneration Theme: Eighth or War Doctor
November 9: Warm sweater/hoodie/blanket. Regeneration Theme: Ninth Doctor
November 10-First frost. Regeneration Theme: Tenth Doctor
November 11-Aliens! Regeneration Theme: Eleventh Doctor
November 12- Full moon/werewolves/Bad Wolf. Regeneration Theme: Twelfth Doctor
November 13- Telling scary stories/watching scary movies. Regeneration Theme: Thirteenth Doctor
November 14- Telepathic being. Regeneration Theme: Fourteenth Doctor
November 15- Near-death. Regeneration Theme: The Master/Missy
November 16- Making fall treats such as candy/caramel apples or apple/pumpkin pie, etc. Regeneration Theme: The Daleks
November 17- A bonfire. Regeneration Theme: Weeping Angels
November 18- Forest of trees that are alive. Regeneration Theme: Cybermen
November 19- Witchcraft/pagan tradition/sorcery. Regeneration Theme: Time Lord Victorious
November 20- Hayride. Regeneration Theme: Lady Cassandra O'Brien
November 21- Scream. Regeneration Theme: Family of Blood
November 22- Haunted house/place. Regeneration Theme: The Carrionites
November 23- Omens/Ouija board/Fortune teller. Regeneration Theme: Celestial Toymaker
November 24- Coffee/hot chocolate/spiced cider. Regeneration Theme: Pting!
November 25- Mind control/possession. Regeneration Theme: The Snowmen
November 26- Parallel world/wormhole. Regeneration Theme: Nestene Consciousness
November 27- Mythical beings. Regeneration Theme: Vashta Nerada
November 28- A warm fireplace. Regeneration Theme: The Valeyard
November 29- First snow. Regeneration Theme: Tzim-Sha (Tim Shaw!)
November 30- Preparing for Christmas. Regeneration Theme: The Zygons
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asgardwinter · 2 years
Fictober 2022 | masterlist
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So, I know I've been quite absent from tumblr and I plan on changing that :) I hope you enjoy all the blurbs I'm able to deliver (I have no idea if I'll be able to do it all, I hope so)
Since I want to keep it organized, so here are all the fictober blurbs (there will be fluff, angst, hurt/comfort,...). And yeah, this is again an excuse to expand the fandoms I write for...
Comments and reblogs are very much welcomed as always!! :)
🍂 Main Masterlist 🍂 Taglist 🍂
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Day 01 - "I chose you" with Robin Buckley
Day 02 - "Nobody warned you about me?" with Joaquín Torres
Day 03 - "That was not my intention" with Din Djarin
Day 04 - "How would that even work?" with Kate Bishop
Day 05 - "No, anything but that" with Steve Harrington
Day 06 - "Adaptable, I like that" with Loki Laufeyson
Day 07 - "Check that again, are you sure?" with Darcy Lewis
Day 08 - "Do you remember?" with Cal Kestis
Day 09 - "Sounds like a you problem" with surprise character :)
Day 10 - "It's my name on the line" with Obi-Wan Kenobi
Day 11 - "Think! For once!" with Steve Harrington
Day 12 - "You're making my head hurt" with Matt Murdock
Day 13 - "I don't want you to do that" with Loki Laufeyson
Day 14 - "Yes. No. I don't know" with tasm!Peter Parker
Day 15 - "What are you doing?" with Steve Harrington
Day 16 - "You're looking, but you don't see" with Joaquín Torres
Day 18 - "I don't think this is your problem" with Eddie Munson
Day 17 - "Are you serious?" with surprise character :)
Day 19 - "Do we have a deal?" with Loki Laufeyson
Day 20 - "There's only us" with surprise character :)
Day 21 - "I never said that" with surprise character :)
Day 22 - "Who said this is a good idea?" with Kate Bishop
Day 23 - "Not on my watch!" with Steve Harrington
Day 24 - "Is this safe?" with Robin Buckley
Day 25 - "You know I'd do anything" with Loki Laufeyson
Day 26 - "I'm doing it, shut up" with Din Djarin
Day 27 - "That's not why we're doing this" with with surprise character :)
Day 28 - "We all have our reasons" with Sam Wilson
Day 29 - "You love this, don't you?" with Darcy Lewis
Day 30 - "I know what this looks like" with Bucky Barnes
Day 31 - "I'm not alone and neither are you" with Wanda Maximoff
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PS: yes, "surprise character" means I haven't decided who I'll write for, so you can leave a suggestion if you want :)
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capriciouswrites · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Otabek Altin & Yuri Plisetsky Characters: Otabek Altin, Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov Additional Tags: Slice of Life, Sex Talk, No Sex, Pining, Misunderstandings Series: Part 15 of ain't no grave can hold my body down Summary:
They’re sitting inside a cafe, drinking peach tea, before the next competition and Otabek is trying to memorialize the moment in his mind. This is what he misses the most in the off season — the thrill of competition is a very close second, but these quiet moments with Yuri…if he could have them all the time he would be completely happy.
Not that Yuri is every quiet for an extended period of time. Even now, without him speaking he’s near shouting with the bright colors and patterns he’s wearing.
Otabek finds it charming, despite himself sometimes.
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rathernotmyname · 3 years
Fictober! 2020 Masterlist
Here we are!
Potentional content and trigger warnings for each fic are in the beginning of each post and its tags.
Have fun and enjoy reading! ♥♥♥
Day 1 - “Pointy” (Mr. Robot) Weed and Star Trek TOS make for the perfect evening entertainment.
Day 2 - “Sunday Morning” (Blackout) Simon Itani hates waffles. Simon Itani stands up at 7am every Sunday to bake waffles. That sounds like a contradiction, but it's perfectly justified, actually.
Day 3 - “Motionless” (Mr. Robot); Qwerty Lives Because I Said So AU The aftermath of S04E11, from an outsider's perspective. 
Day 4 - “Winner” (Night at the Museum) A new game is invented in the museum, and Nicky would really like to just do his homework for once. 
Day 5 - “Silence” (The Pacific); Bunny!Verse Part 1 One thing Snafu would have never anticipated when returning home was learning to detest silence. Luckily, a temporary cure for his loneliness hops into his life, unexpected but very welcome.
Day 6 - “Spicy” (The War at Home) Kenny cooks, and Dylan eats. All is good? Well, kind of. 
Day 7 - “Hope” (The Pacific); Bunny!Verse Part 2 Eugene receives mail, Snafu hopes for more than a punch to the face, and local bunnies Maelys and Bazil need to share more than usual.
Day 8 - “Tired” (Need for Speed) A long day of work at the garage promises a long night of fun for Finn and Joe.
Day 9 - “Wings” (Papillon) Louis muses about freedom while in prison. One thought stays until the end. 
Day 10 - “Unchanged” (Mr. Robot) Angela likes to think of herself as a self-improving person. 
Day 11 - “Immerse” (Charami) Rami needs to shave and Charlie needs a new Amazon password. 
Day 12 - “Agreeable” (Papillon); Childhood Friends AU Part 1 When a nine-year-old Henri Charrière meets a eight-year-old Louis Dega, a friendship is built while their shared fate remains unknown. 
Day 13 - “Reunion” (Papillon); Childhood Friends AU Part 2 Papillon meets Louis Dega in captivity. As they exchange hesitant loyalty, Papi thinks back on someone who would have needed it much sooner.
Day 14 - “Stream” (Papillon); Childhood Friends AU Part 3 After five years of solitary, Papillon and Louis reunite on Devil's Island. There will be no more reunions after. 
Day 15 - “Director” (Until Dawn) "It's all fun and games until somebody dies" and other things that Josh philosophizes about while working on his masterpiece on Mount Washington. 
Day 16 - “Rush E” (Mr. Robot) Mr. Robot introduces Darlene to the monstrosity of a song called "Rush E".
Day 17 - “Appreciation” (Mazlek); Cirque du Soleil!AU Joe and Rami share some quality time at dinner. (Joe wants some love - Rami wants a steak.) 
Day 18 - “Torch” (Busters Mal Heart) He imagines himself taking a flaming stick and running through the forest with it, spreading enlightenment wherever he goes.
Day 19 - “Escape” (Blackout) How Simon got to the hospital after being shot at the end of the first episode.
Day 20 - “Witness” (Mr. Robot); Qwerty Lives Because I Said So AU Darlene and Dom have a totally unnecessary fallout.
Day 21 - “Crtl+Y” (Mr. Robot); Qwerty Lives Because I Said So AU How Qwerty returned to the Aldersons. 
Day 22 - “Warm” (Mr. Robot) Elliot and Flipper go on a walk. 
Day 23 - “Sentimentality” (Charami) Rami takes Charlie out for an unconventional date. It's too hot to be horny, unfortunately. 
Day 24 - “Hyphen” (Until Dawn) Josh thinks about names. Sam has the questionable honor to listen and roll her eyes. 
Day 25 - “Implicit” (Mr. Robot) Dom and Darlene carve some pumpkins. (Elliot has the only brain cell, but he forgot it at home.)
Day 26 - “Sawdust” (The Pacific); Bunny!Verse Part 3 Snafu loses his hammer. Eugene loses his shit.
Day 27 - “Worth it” (Short Term 12) Nate is certain that he has the best job in the world.
Day 28 - “Silver Lining” (The Pacific) When it comes to candy, Snafu is like an overgrown kid. Jay can't relate. 
Day 29 - “Trust” (Mr. Robot) After everything is said and done, the Host wants to tell Darlene. Mr. Robot has something to say to that. 
Day 30 - “The Hoodie” (Mr. Robot) Months of rest and good food result in an ill-fitting Hoodie. Mastermind won't see reason - Mr. Robot has to intervene.
Day 31 - “Family” (Papillon) Papi and Louis escaped, they have chickens, a kitten and a garden, they are in love, everything couldn't be better.
Read it all on AO3!
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warlock-enthusiast · 4 years
“not interested, thank you”
Fictober day 15
Prompt number: 15
Fandom: Dungeons&Dragons OCs (urban fantasy AU idea belongs to @feylen as does Arc)
Rating: T
Warnings/Summary: A thank you cupcake
Veldarin sighed and stretched. His back reacted with a popping sound. He’d been awake for too long and disliked the notion of wearing his appearance spell inside his own house, but nothing to do about that now. Not with too many people unaware about the supernatural underbelly of Ebrus. 
He carried his tea cup around his home and at least enjoyed the early morning sun caressing his face.
Someone rang the bell on his front door. Veldarin didn’t want anyone coming in this early and his mood spoke of short hours and too many failed potions. Probably a bad cutting of herbs and other ingredients.  
Veldarin put his cup down and opened the door. Two overdressed young men, book in hand, smile too fake and bright. 
“Good morning, can we interest you in the teachings of Bahamut?”
“Not interested, thank you.” Veldarin quickly shut the door and heard their voices behind it. Stupid Bahamut clerics and their teachings about love and equality, while opressing most of the city with religious doctrine. 
Veldarin sat down with his tea and some light breakfast. They shouldn’t occupy too much of his headspace. 
It knocked again.
Driven by righteous furry, he opened his door again. “I said that I’m not interested…” “Ah, sorry. I can leave that here.” Arcelm put a basket on the ground. His cheeks reddened and he looked like a deer in the headlights. “And go away.”
Veldarin grabbed him by the shoulder. “No, wasn’t meant for you. Come in.”
“My mother wanted you to have this. As a little thank you, for you know, picking me up from the streets”
“How sweet of Taliyah.” He smiled and his stomach growled. She’d baked a bunch of cupcakes, red velvet. Veldarin raised a brow and imagined her smirking about the choice of pastry. 
He guided Arcelm towards his dining area on the second floor. “Want tea, coffee? Water?” “No, I’m okay.” Arcelm seemed shy and innocent compared to his mother and totally out of wits right now. Veldarin felt his protective senses tingling. A newborn vampire was nothing more than a small kitten out on the prowl and so easy to hurt and manipulate and he hoped that no dangerous entity would take notice of his friend’s son. 
Veldarin brewed another tea with a side of bach flowers. “Here, drink it. It’ll calm your nerves.”
“Thank you.” He took a small sip, cheeks still red and the rest of his skin pale and freckled. 
“You’re welcome.” Veldarin grabbed a cupcake, leaning back on his chair, legs stretched out beneath the table and watched Arcelm. He took a bite and his taste senses applauded Taliyah for another delicacy. 
His eyes tried to met Arcelm’s, though the younger men wouldn’t dare to look at him. “So, I guess Taliyah and you had a good talk about your family and its secrets?” “Yes, though it’s a lot to take in.” Arcelm’s chuckle sounded fake and a bit panicked. “I mean vampires, werewolves and warlocks? What else is out there?”
“I bet it is.” Veldarin put his free hand on Arcelm’s. “If you have any questions, you can also come and talk to me. I won’t judge you and I offer a vast library of books concerning our non human existence.”
“A library?” Finally Arcelm dared to look at him and his eyes were so bright it almost hurt. Deep and blue and like an entire ocean. 
Veldarin took a deep breath, putting any forbidden mental images aside. “Yes, I happen to own one.” “Can…” He chewed on his lip. “See it?” “Of course, but please finish your tea first.” “Of course!” It brought some color to his skin and flattened the edges of Arcelm’s anxiety. Watching him made Veldarin aware that he shouldn’t get too close or too involved in this vampire’s life. 
But damnation that smile could melt even the most bitter warlock. 
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aditublog · 3 years
writing - fictober 2020 - day 15
"Not interested, thank you." The Troll Warlord turned away, dismissing the Vengeful Spirit behind him. That really made her mad. She had once been a princess, and one thing she couldn't abide was being dismissed or treated as if she wasn't important.
"I got you a fucking healing potion, now you'll take it!" She didn't shout, but her voice was loud enough to carry even over the sounds of the fighting near them. "I don't care if you want to or not, I spent my money for it, so you won't run around half dead, and now you'll take it!" The Vengeful Spirit narrowed her eyes, staring daggers at the Troll "Otherwise, I'll throw it at your stupid head and see if it heals you that way, too, or if the damage of the hit and the healing cancel each other out so you'll be as wounded as now."
Maybe it was her tone, or maybe it was the way her eyes almost glowed, giving her an eerie appearance with her white hair and blue skin. Anyway, the Troll hesitated, suddenly appearing unsure. He towered over the Spirit at least a head, his bulky frame double of her mass. Combined with his long teeth and fierce expression it made him a frightening appearance.
But the Vengeful Spirit stood her ground. She wasn't afraid, of nothing, ever. And when she was angry she didn't care about much at all. This stupid Troll should be grateful for her support instead of treating her like nothing. He was nothing without her and if he didn't see it on his own she'd make him see it. She bared her teeth at him and the huge creature looked even more unsettled.
"Okay, I'll take the fucking potion."
"And you'll thank me for providing it." Fury radiated from the small and beautiful yet deadly creature.
The Troll Warlord would've liked to sigh and roll his eyes but he didn't dare. "Thank you for the healing potion. I'll gladly take it."
"You are welcome." She thrust the potion at him and turned away, dismissing him.
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siverwrites · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Jowd (Ghost Trick) Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, FFVI GT AU, Final Fantasy VI AU Series: Part 15 of Final Fantasy VI/Ghost Trick Summary: He wanders until an encounter almost gives him what he wants. If only he were so lucky
Jowd sighed when he heard the scream. He looked up from the dusty path he followed at a slow and steady pace. There’d been a welcome silence all day, but unfortunately it seemed that wasn’t to last. A man ran toward him stumbling as he went. Behind, charged some kind of beast, claws ripping into the dirt and the light glinting off the carapace over its back.
“Help!” the man yelled.
Jowd stepped to the side as the man hurtled by and stepped back onto the path in front of the incoming monster. He jumped back from the creature’s swipe, claws whistling by and narrowly avoided the following head-butt. He slammed a fist into whatever he could reach. They exchanged blows. He was faintly aware of a sharp pain under the surge of energy he built into an aura bolt. The monster reeled back. Jowd slammed into it, knocking them both to the ground. The monster teetered and fell, landing partially on Jowd.
He lay staring at the sky as the world swam back into focus. He’d laugh if he could find the breath through the growing pain and that damp warmth that told him he bled. Ah, to escape the remnants of the Ladybird to be half-crushed by a monster instead. Fitting.
“Oh no, oh no. Are you alive?”
Jowd squinted his eyes open to see the man standing over him. Unfortunately yes. Fortunately it seemed it was a situation that would rectify itself soon enough. The man was saved and could carry on for what it was worth. He closed his eyes again.
“No! No, you can’t be dead. Oh, I don’t have any potions on me. I already used what I have. I’m just a merchant! Please I need your help. Maybe… maybe there’s something I can do?”
Unlikely. But, Jowd sighed and through that tempting and comforting haze he reached for the magic. He heard the man gasp as the world came back into sharper focus while the cure magic did its work. Then he pushed and heaved the monster off himself and stood up.
“Y-y-you’re like him,” the man hissed. Wide frightened eyes stared up at Jowd.
“No,” Jowd said shortly and started to turn away. “If you don’t need anything I’ll be on my way.”
“Wait!” The man looked anxiously up and down the path. “I’m sorry. I’ve just never seen m-magic before. But I—I can’t do this. That’s the second monster I’ve seen. I’ll never make it to town on my own. Please.”
Jowd eyed him. He’d be going back the way he came, but it wasn’t as if he had anywhere to be anyway and maybe he couldn’t really call this a life saved until this merchant was safely back in civilization. He shrugged.
“Lead on then.”
The man practically wilted with relief. “Oh thank you. Thank you. I don’t know much I can repay you. Times are so hard now and—.”
“It’s not necessary,” Jowd cut him off. “Are you coming?”
The man hoisted his pack more securely and hurried after him. Jowd stared at the flat lands stretched out before them. This was one goal to carry over the next day or two. After that, well, he might as well come back and follow this path to wherever it might lead. What else was there do?
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starwarned · 4 years
Fictober Day 22
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fictober day 22! 
Bringer of Good Fortune on AO3 
prompt: black cats from this list! 
Bringer of Good Fortune 
Dragon Boy: (img attached)
Edward Cullen: I have no idea where you got that but you may not keep it.
Dragon Boy: watch me
Edward Cullen: These war wounds are fully your fault.
Edward Cullen: (img attached)
Edward Cullen: Get rid of it.
Dragon Boy: that means he likes u!
Dragon Boy: (img attached)
Dragon Boy: at least sOmEoNe likes the matching hats i bought u 2
Edward Cullen: He hates it just as much as I do and you know it.
Dragon Boy: i have a surprise 4 u
Edward Cullen: Is it that you’re going to finally start texting like an adult?
Dragon Boy: fuk u
Dragon Boy: no
Dragon Boy: I got him a collar!
Dragon Boy: (img attached)
Edward Cullen: I absolutely did not give you permission to put my name as a contact for that demon.
Dragon Boy: too late! his precious life is in ur hands!
Edward Cullen: Just don’t lose him or let him jump out the window and I won’t have to deal with it.
Edward Cullen: I hope you’re having a good weekend with Penelope. The demon and I are faring just fine. He even let me hold him for three seconds before he tried to scratch my cornea.
Edward Cullen: (img attached)
Dragon Boy: awwww! my two fav boys!
Edward Cullen: Never call us that ever again.
Dragon Boy: have u fed him today?
Edward Cullen: Yes, Simon, I’m not an idiot.
Dragon Boy: have u fed u today?
Edward Cullen: Yes. Thank you for going to the butcher before you left.
Dragon Boy: ur welcome. got it so u wouldnt drain the poor beast that i left you to take care of
Edward Cullen: He will be spared. This time.
Edward Cullen: You were supposed to be home an hour ago. Where are you? I cannot last here much longer. There is not an inch of my skin that is not covered in scratches.
Edward Cullen: Simon. Please.
Edward Cullen: You will return to a very full vampire and very dead cat if you don’t walk through the door within the next ten minutes.
Edward Cullen: You may think I’m taking the piss. I assure you I am not. Here is photo proof that I am at my wit’s end and will be hiding in your bedroom to stay away from the walking blood bag.
Edward Cullen: (img attached)
Dragon Boy: u r the most dramatic wanker i have ever had the displeasure of interacting with. i will b home in 15 min
Edward Cullen: Tell Bunce to drive faster or she’ll be my next snack.
Dragon Boy: she said that just wants to make her go slower
Edward Cullen: She is far too contrary for her own good.
Dragon Boy: coming from u?
Edward Cullen: I’m going to eat your cat.
Dragon Boy: (img attached)
Dragon Boy: he’s been crying at my door all night. i think he misses u
Edward Cullen: Tell that to the one scratch on my arm that was so deep it still hasn’t healed.
Dragon Boy: why do u insist on hating my cat?
Edward Cullen: He hated me first.
Dragon Boy: in my past experience, ur the one who typically initiates hatred against the perfectly innocent
Edward Cullen: Only for you, darling.
Edward Cullen: Do you need me to pick up cat food on my way over?
Dragon Boy: sure!
Edward Cullen: Good, because I already got some. And I got him a new mouse toy. I know he loves them.
Dragon Boy: is daddy baz finally accepting his role as our cat’s father??
Edward Cullen: Never call me that again.
Dragon Boy: too late. changing your contact.
Daddy Baz: I despise you. I’m bringing this toy over and then leaving immediately.
Dragon Boy: thank u for staying the night. sorry I didn’t wake up before u left
Daddy Baz: You’re alright. I’ll see you tonight?
Dragon Boy: please!
Dragon Boy: (img attached)
Dragon Boy: he loves his new toy
Daddy Baz: Good. Perhaps he’ll stop biting my feet now.
Dragon Boy: doubt it
Daddy Baz: I love that stupid cat
Dragon Boy: alright who tf stole ur phone
Dragon Boy: is this niall?
Daddy Baz: No, it’s me. I’m piss drunk but tell him I love him
Dragon Boy: tell him urself
Daddy Baz: I will never show weakness in front of him. He’ll sneak up on me in the middle of the night and slash out my throat.
Daddy Baz: Just tell him I love him please
Daddy Baz: He has to know.
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(this is a photo of my sweet demon cat who was my inspiration for this fic! I love him!)
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ibovaryyou · 4 years
Fictober 2020 - Day 15
Prompt number: 15 - not interested, thank you
Fandom: yuri on ice
Rating: G
Warnings/Tags: non-skater Victor
It had been a while since Victor had had a photoshoot and part of him had already forgotten how exhausting they were. In a good way. He always enjoyed seeing the final product, how the photographer's vision and the designer's clothes and the team's effort came together to be presented to the world. The ten minutes he was granted while the staff readjusted the lights were very welcome.
He took the chance to check his messages and take some water. It wouldn't do get dehydrated when they still had half a way to go. He had no messages but took a quick selfie to send to Yuuri. "Miss you". He got back a picture of Yuuri and Makka, lying on the couch together. "We miss you more." Victor smiled at the two loves of his life. How had ge gotten so lucky? A tap on his shoulder brought him back to his surroundings. He turned back to the man next to him. "Sorry, I'll be right there," he said sending a quick string of emojis to Yuuri before locking his phone once again. "Mr. Nikiforov, my name is Marco Caruso," he said extending his hand. Victor shook it, a bit weary. "I work with Elite Models Agency, we want to make you an offer." Victor put his best professional smile before answering. "That is very kind of you, but I prefer that any and all offers go through my agent. Otherwise I loose track of them." He started walking back to the photographer despite the fact that his ten minutes weren't over yet. "Please, Mr. Nikiforov, hear me out," Marco said placing himself in front of Victor. "My company would like to take you in an international photoshoot..." Thankfully, the photographer's PA saw his predicament and went to get him. "Mr. Nikiforov, Mr. Carver needs you." Victor nodded grateful. "I'm sorry, Mr. Caruso, I'm needed, but please talk to my agent about this."
He had really hoped that would be the end of that. He must have been new to approach him in such a way. He put it out of his mind and got back to work. Unfortunately, Marco proved to be too stubborn for his own benefit. As soon as Victor came out of getting changed for the last time that day, tired and looking forward to getting back home, he was approached one more time. "Mr. Nikiforov!" Marco called from the door, approaching to cut him off. Victor sighed. "Mr. Caruso, you're still here!" he said plastering on a polite smile. "Yes, sir. I didn't want you to miss this opportunity," he said trying to hand him a piece of paper. "And I didn't want you to stay for nothing. It would have been easier for you to call my agent. I never sign anything he hasn't read first. Please, Mr. Caruso, call him and I promise I'll think about it." "It you could just take a quick look," he insisted. "You'll see it's a really good offer." Victor sighed again and reached for the paper. Marco beamed and started talking again. Victor tuned him out to skim the document properly. The agency wanted to travel to nine different countries in a matter of weeks and it was all Victor needed to know to decide it wasn't for him. Even if he managed to move his schedule around, there was no way he was leaving Yuuri for so long." He handed it back to Marco. "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested, thank you for thinking of me. I'm sorry you had to stay so late. Next time, please call before." He looked crestfallen. "But..." "Have a good evening, Mr. Caruso," Victor said picking up his back. "Maybe next time. Good luck finding someone that fits the project." "But you are missing a great opportunity." Victor smiled and turned to look at him. "I would be missing an even bigger opportunity if I were to accept." He walked away before Marco could say another word. There was a time when he would have jumped at the offer, not liking to be too idle, but now he had a home to go back to, one that he wouldn't change for the world.
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lyrishadow · 4 years
Fictober 28: Noveria on a Monday
Prompt28: “Do I have to do everything around here”| Fandom: Mass Effect Title: Noveria on a Monday Pair: Malcolm / Ashley Rating: T
It was definitely a Monday, it had to be. The simple tasks were turning  into drama no matter how Malcolm Shepard planned everything out. The sense of irritation  seemed to be flowing down to his crew. Especially right now as they landed in Noveria and had to prove who they were, jump through a dozen hoops, and hand in forms in triplicate. So it was almost no surprise when the guards on the door pulled their weapons and demanded to know who they were.
“I’m a Spectre, name's Commander Shepard.” “Horse crap, Maám.” the elegant comment by the guard next to what appeared to be the one in charge pretty much summed up this entire exchange. “Please surrender your weapons..” the one in charge requested at least she seemed polite. “Back off,” Ash demanded, her eyes going to that one guard particularly.  Well, it was going so well and all. Malcolm drew his weapon, Ash and Liara followed suit and soon they had a standoff. Malcolm was confident his crew were up for the task, taking out a few guards would hardly bother them "I will keep my gun, thank you." "You have until the count of three. One,"  Malcolm saw Ash check for cover out of the corner of his eye. "Two…"  Liara prepared her biotics, glowing blue against the cold Noveria morning. "Thr…" "Stand down Ms Matsuo. Their identity is verified, and spectres are permitted to carry weapons"  In the nick of time they were granted entry. "Well, i hope your business here is less confrontational." Malcolm shrugged and headed upstairs, setting off the scanners as they went. "Don't worry, they are weapon scanners. Welcome to Port Hanshan, my name is Gianna Parasini, do you have any questions?  "Yeah, any unusual visitors lately?" "Only Lady Benezia, she arrived and passed through some days ago." "Passed through? Where is she now?" "At our peak 15 research station, but the weather has made it difficult to travel.” "Then that’s where we are going." "You will need to see administrator Analois for a pass." "Ok, can we go in now?" Monday all day apparently. "Yes of course."
"She's here, she's actually here…" Liara had gone a slightly lighter blue but was still with Shepard. "Liara? You ok?" "I imagine you want to talk to me Shepard…" she asked her eyes wide and blue. Shepard imagined she was aware of the effect even on people, men particularly even though she had spent ages at dig sites. "Are you still sure about this? Things can look different when you are up against it."  He could see Ash roll her eyes a little then composed herself. It was no small task to face off against your mother or any family. "If it came down to it, who would you shoot?" "I meant what I said  I am with you all, the way Shepard." Liara replied with the same shocked expression on her face " I understand if you have doubts, I can return to wait on the Normandy, but, "  she drew in a deep breath "I would like a chance to talk to her, maybe I can get her to change her mind?"  |"Alright. I trust you." Malcolm hoped that trust was not misplaced, "Let’s see if we can get out of here first."
The first stop was a vendor, in hopes of selling whatever it was that weighed so much in his kitbag that he carried with him... Naturally, that vendor, the only one available was a Hanar. "Oh lordy." Ash murmured eyeing Malcolm, she knew that out of all the races he had met Hanar was his least favorite to deal with. For Malcolm, it was just another sign it was Monday. It was worse when the Hanar greeted him as a spectre then in the next few seconds proceeded to get some delivery or other.  "Why exactly would I break  the law for you?"  "This one can pay you to retrieve the item." " and who is this special customer?" "This one prefers you not to know, that one has a temper." "Krogan then" Ash muttered "I am the one running a risk here…" Malcolm was about done with the jellyfish talking in circles. "This one’s customer is a Krogan bounty hunter of some repute. Please do not hold this one in bad esteem. This one requires your assistance to prevent this one’s demise." "Fine." Malcolm grimaced  " Now let me shop."  "This one would be glad to show you their wares."  Malcolm emptied his bag feeling lighter as they turned and walked out, back towards the Normandy to retrieved the item. 
"I can’t stand Hanar!"  "Did you know they train Drell to be their assassins?"Liara offered. "Figures. Those giant jellyfish would make poor soldiers." "What..is a jellyfish?"  "Here Liara" Ash pulled up the extranet in her omnitool, grabbing the image of a large jellyfish and displaying it in its holographic glory. "Oh." Liara nodded, "they were apparently up-lifted by the Protheans.." "So… you are saying they are actually stupid jellyfish?", the two women were giggling when Shepard returned. Of all the aliens on the Normandy, Liara was one of his favorites so seeing Ash losing some of her hard edges was refreshing to him. It might even save the day.
That was until they returned to the Hanar salesman with hi aa crate. "This one is pleased."  Truly Malcolm felt something was missing from the transaction. " Don’t you think I deserve a little extra?"  "This one can see you speak wisdom"  The Hanar doubled the amount. 
Having made it in the door, they went to report to Anoleis the Administrator. This was apparently not a thing that most people had success with because the Salarian kept comparing each comment to time and value. Finally frustrated Malcolm walked out half ready to yell at someone. 
“Administrator Anoleis is not the only one with access to a pass.” Parasini the person who had made sure they could get in said her tone conspiratory “Speak to Lorik Qui’in in the bar.’” 
“Do I have to do everything around here?” Malcolm fumed as they headed for the bar. “Look it’s just a Monday on Noveria “ Ash pointed out as they got into the lift. “The work pay ratio is not worth it,” Malcolm muttered as they arrived at the top floor. “Oh excuse me Spectre…”  Malcolm turned around and glared at the Asari who dared to step on his toes. 
“Let’s just get some coffee, Commander.” Ash pulled him physically over to a table to calm down. “No good doing Monday without a large coffee.” “Let me go get that order.” Liara volunteered she was gone for a short duration before returning with three cups of strong black coffee. Monday on Noveria was cold and irritating, the work would wait at least until they had recovered themselves.
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asgardwinter · 3 years
Fictober 2021 | masterlist
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I want to keep it organized, so here are all my fictober blurbs (they're almost all fluffy, funny and silly - almost -)... hope y'all enjoy them!! I also used fictober as an excuse to write for some other characters, so don't be surprised :)
Sorry I wasn't able to write all 31 blurbs (we got to 24, it's a victory 🎉)
comments and reblogs are very much welcomed 🙃
🍁 main masterlist 🍁
dividers by @firefly-graphics 💕
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taglist | ❅ - personal favorites
- Day 01 - Stay Here With Me | Loki Laufeyson
- Day 02 - The Investigation | Bucky Barnes ❅
- Day 03 - Forever Starts Now | 40s!Bucky Barnes ❅
- Day 04 - Just Drive | Darcy Lewis
- Day 05 - Lemon Pie | Loki Laufeyson
- Day 06 - Talkative | 40s!Bucky Barnes
- Day 07 - Cohersion | Sam Wilson ❅
- Day 08 - See You Soon | Carol Danvers
Day 09 - "There's no right side to this."
- Day 10 - Restless | college!Loki
- Day 11 - Abominable Thing | Bucky Barnes ❅
- Day 12 - Beginning | Loki Laufeyson ❅
- Day 13 - Sure Thing, James | Bucky Barnes
- Day 14 - Ambient Analysis | Loki Laufeyson ❅
- Day 15 - Plastic Ring | Darcy Lewis ❅
- Day 16 - Not The Alcohol | Loki Laufeyson
- Day 17 - Unkind | Loki Laufeyson ❅
Day 18 - "This was not part of the plan."
Day 19 - "I feel strange."
- Day 20 - Honestly Mischievous | Loki Laufeyson
- Day 21 - New Resident | Bucky Barnes ❅
- Day 22 - Take Care | Bucky Barnes
Day 23 - "This time, do what I say."
- Day 24 - Everything | Loki Laufeyson ❅
- Day 25 - Sleep Rescue | Joaquín Torres
- Day 26 - First Missions and Confident Plans | Loki
Day 27 - "You could have died!"
- Day 28 - Under The Moonlight | Loki
- Day 29 - Secret Mission | Darcy Lewis
Day 30 - "Don't ruin this."
- Day 31 - Tough Human | Loki Laufeyson
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ps: all these blurbs are also in the character's masterlists 🙃
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melodylnoelle · 4 years
The Writing Rolodex
So I used to think it was too soon for a masterlist (maybe it still is), but I get a liiiiiiittle overzealous with spamming the reblog button and making my writing disappear admist all the Tom Hiddleston/Loki, Stargate, funny posts, and all the other random bullstuffs... So here we are.
Anyways, welcome to my Masterlist! There are some pieces on here that are NSFW and will be tagged in the masterlist and on the post as such. Please read all warnings before reading my work. Most of it, though, is safe for anyone to read. Much more to come in the future since I can never shut my brain up. I hope you enjoy!
Any questions/comments/concerns/technical issues/prompt ideas... you get the point, feel free to send me a DM or an ask. However, please do not repost any of my work without tagging me in it. Reblogs are fine though! Happy reading!
For Flex Your Writing Muscles Challenge by captain-rodgers-beard
Bioshock Characters
Booker DeWitt - Dance With Me, Mr. DeWitt (Day 7) Elizabeth - A Vision of Paris (Day 10)
Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters
Steve Rogers - Comforted (Day 14) Thor - The Stories of Ragnarok, Part 1 (Day 16) Clint Barton - Click (Day 3) Loki      Colorful Memories (Day 4)      Norway (Day 8)      Comic Con (Day 11)      The Stories of Ragnarok, Part 2 (Day 16)      Temporary Freedom (Day 25)
Stargate Characters
SG1      Fishing (Day 5)      Impulsive (Day 6)      Memories of Jolinar (Day 30)
Atlantis      Teyla Emmagan - Ferris Wheel (Day 20)
Twilight Characters
Alice and Jasper - Something Borrowed (Day 9) Carlisle x Esme - Sunflowers and Sunlight (Day 1) Edward Cullen - Her Final Letter (Day 12)
Witches of East End (TV Show) Characters
Freya Beauchamp      Seaside (Day 2)      Fortuna (Day 13)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Original Character, Jack Sparrow, Joshamee Gibbs      A Mermaid’s Tear (Day 27)      Arrival (Day 21)      The Wishing Tree (Day 15)
Crossover: Harry Potter x Marvel Cinematic Universe - The Match (Day 19) Harry Potter: Birthday Surprise (Day 26)
  Natasha Romanoff, PI for Val’s 500 Writing Challenge by marvelgirlonamarvelworld More Coming Soon
Chapters: 1; 2, 3, 4...
For Fictober Writing Challenge by paradoxical-scribbler
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Trick or Treat (Day 1) Challenge Accepted (Day 6)
Stargate SG-1
What’s Halloween? (Day 4)
Original Characters
Just This Once (Day 2) Bonfire Stories (Day 3) Be Careful What You Ask For (Day 5) - Continued from Bonfire Stories. Please read the warnings before continuing.
The Cards Have Spoken! With brightsun-and-darkmidnight Where we both pull cards for characters in the MCU, a type of story, and various other elements and have a few days to create a story out of them. Usually, we will post these on Wednesdays and Fridays. See here to see the possible cards for me to pull each week. And please check out brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s The Cards Have Spoken! Masterlist for her amazing work with these! She is a creative powerhouse.
Jones (Week 1, my cards)      Sam Wilson; Angst - Character Death Here We Are Again (Week 1, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards)      Thor x Jane Foster; Angst - Break-Up; Mafia AU Aftermath (Week 2, my cards)      Maria Hill and Tony Stark; Wild Card A Night At Home (Week 2, brightsun-and-darkmidnights’s cards)      Loki x OC; Fluff - Movie Night at Home; Coffee Shop AU Apartment 302 (Week 3, my cards) - NSFW!!      Steve Rogers x OC; Smut - Pregnancy/Breeding Kink A Complicated Matter (Week 3, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards)      Thor x fem!reader; Fluff - Falling asleep on the other; Werewolf AU Here I Am (Week 4, my cards)      Steve Rogers x OC; Relationship-Driven Plot I’m With You (Week 4, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards)      Bucky Barnes x gn!reader; Fluff - Comfort from a bad dream;      Cannon - Post AOU Running From Fate (Week 5, my cards)      1940s!Bucky Barnes; On the Run AU Past and Presents (Week 5, brightsun-and-darkimidnight’s cards)      Loki x OC; Fluff - Giving/receiving gifts; Reincarnation AU Knight Captain (Week 6, my cards)      Steve Rogers; Royalty AU Intermission (Week 6, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards) - NSFW!!      Tony Stark x Pepper Potts; Smut - Exhibitionism - Band AU What Happened on Midgard? (Week 7, my cards)      Thor; Wild Card Change of Arrangements (Week 7, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards)      Loki x reader; Fluff - Proposal; Mafia AU Opposite Sides (Week 8, my cards)      Natasha Romanov x Loki; Enemies to Lovers Nothing New (Week 8, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards)      1940s!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader; Angst - Amnesia; On the Run AU Companions (Week 9, my cards)      Maria Hill; Fluff - Getting a pet Kiss It Away (Week 9, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards)      Steve Rogers x reader; Angst - Hospital - Soulmate AU Paprikash (Week 10, my cards)      Wanda Maximoff x Vision; Fluff - Getting the other food The Cabin (Week 10, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards)      Loki x OC; Fluff - Snowball fight/building a snowman/snow activities;      A/B/O AU Wakanda Sunset (Week 11, my cards)      Shuri; Fluff- Picnic in the park Drunken Sentiments (Week 11, brightsun-and--darkmidnight’s cards)      Tony Stark; Fluff - talking lovingly about their partner with others Music is the Best Medicine (Week 12, Free Write)      Bucky Barnes x Reader; Fluff; Dealer’s Choice all around Unresolved (Week 13, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards)      Thor x Asgardian!reader (past); Angst - Self-Sacrifice; A/B/O
Misc Fanfiction
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Apache Tear Their Normal Friend Surprise! It’s Fire, Isn’t It?
Loki      Writer’s Block - Loki x Reader      Thunder - Loki x OC      Snowfall - For lokisgoodgirl’s Winter Warmers Collection
Bucky Barnes      Ice Cave - NSFW!!
Don’’t Let Go - Loki - helping out @brightsun-and-darkmidnight on this one - Be sure to check out all her work!!
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jolinar · 4 years
A Very Star Wars Fictober (Days 14&15!)
Prompt number: #14 “you better leave now” and #15 “not interested, thank you” 
Fandom: Star Wars 
Rating: Teen and up
Warnings/Tags: Reylo referenced, Rose and Rey are best friends, physical violence
Word Count: 1045
Summary: Rey asks for help from Rose to keep Ben safe while she is away (or, I wanted an excuse to have Rose punch Kylo Ren). This is sort of a follow-up and takes place in the same headcanon as Day 8’s prompt. 
Read it on Ao3:
“No. No way. My workshop is not gonna be a place for you to stash Kylo Ren! Not interested, thank you!”
Rey followed Rose down the hallway against the flow of traffic, dodging other workers and staff. The sun had just risen and everyone was hurrying to their morning assignments. Several people in the crowd perked up and swiveled their heads at the name Kylo Ren. They stared in open fascination at the Jedi and their Chief Engineer.
Rose glared testily at the rubberneckers. “Haven’t you got somewhere to be?” They scatted quickly. Grabbing a protesting Rose by the wrist, Rey pulled them into a side corridor. 
“Rose, I told you, he’s changed. He’s not Kylo Ren anymore. Now he’s just Ben." 
Rose watched her friend pacing the corridor with pity in her eyes. “I told you yesterday: I want to believe you. But –”
“How is this different from when we brought those ex-Imperials into the Resistance back on Ryloth.” Rey had started pacing back and forth along the width of the corridor, a mess of frenetic motion. 
“You mean that time a shooting war almost broke out in the hanger?” 
“Almost broke out, okay. But then Poe gave a speech about unity and forgiveness and atoning for the past by making better choices for the future, and everyone fell together, all forgiveness. But when I ask…” she rounded on Rose, eyes over-bright. "When I ask for something similar for Ben, you don’t believe me, Poe won’t stop shouting, and Finn…”
Rey sat down heavily on a crate. Rose could tell that she was trying to calm herself, to force herself to stillness. Rose could also see that it wasn’t working. 
“It’s not that I don’t believe you. If you thought that you were just going to bring him in and then everything would be okay…” Rose let out a sigh and dropped down next to her on the crate. She scooped up Rey’s hands into her own, patting them gently. “It’s not that simple. I don’t think you understand how difficult this is for people. How difficult it is for me. You see Ben Solo, okay. But we see Kylo Ren, the man responsible for so much suffering.”
“I’ve seen his soul and he’s good, I know it,” Rey protested. “And now, after what I – well, of the two of us, he’s the cleaner, now.”
Rose’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean? Rey. Look at me. You’ve never done anything like him.”
“He died to save me, Rose. He gave me his life. We were finally together and everything felt right. And then the bubble popped. To lose that oneness, to feel him falling out of my arms as he faded away– he gave me his life,” she repeated. “I should have been grateful just for that. But when he was gone, it was like a part of me died again, too. I had to bring him back, it didn’t matter what it took. I still had all the power of all the Jedi, fading, but there. There were…sacrifices. You can’t just create like. I had to make choices. But it was worth it, I told myself it was worth it. I thought that bringing him back was the hardest part. I thought that was the worst it could ever be. I got through it, and I thought, now we can live. This isn’t the way it was supposed to be,” she paused, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “You know Finn won’t even talk to me.”
“He still won’t budge, huh?” 
Rey shook her head. “No. That’s why I have to go on this mission today. Finn will be there, and we’ll have to talk. I can make this right, he just has to understand that I…” she trailed off.
“that you love Ben Solo,” Rose finished for her, eyes wide, the pieces falling into place. Rey looked into Rose’s face and then, finally, nodded. Rose let out a long, long breath. She couldn’t comprehend what her friend had gone through, the powers of a Jedi were beyond her. But Rey had risked everything to save what she loved. That, Rose could understand.  
“Okay, he can join my crew while you’re gone – but he’ll work directly with me. I don’t want him in with the rest of my crew, not yet. If anyone asks, I’ll…I’ll say he’s the General’s long lost son Ben.”
“Which is who he is anyway,” Rey said excitedly, throwing her arms around Rose, who hugged her back. “That’s exactly who he is. Thank you, Rose. Thank you.”
Half an hour later there was a slight knock at the door. Rose looked up to see Rey and Kylo Ren – Ben standing in the doorway of her workshop. Rey looked hopeful, he looked neutral. Rose wondered, not for the last time, if she was making a mistake in letting him work here. Finn would certainly think so. But she’d come too far now. 
Rey was saying something, but Rose wasn’t listening. Before this went any further, there was one thing she had to do first. She put her tools down neatly on a nearby towel on the bench in front of her. She stood up and strode over to Ben, face set. She took a deep breath and smiled up at him. 
Then she punched him square in the jaw. 
The surprise of the blow sent his head backward, but he stayed firmly rooted to the spot. Rose studied his face. She could see a flash of surprise and then rage pass over his features. But then he glanced sideways at Rey and the fire was quenched. He rubbed the spot she had hit, an angry red mark bloomed, looking quizzically down at Rose. 
“I suppose I deserved that,” he said quietly.  
“Hmm.” Rose shook out her hand and nodded. "You know anything about fixing hyperdrives?" 
Ben smiled, shrugged. "I grew up on the Millennium Falcon.”
“And anyone who can keep that boat going is always welcome on my team. But you take orders from me, understood?”
“Understood,” he said. 
His earnestness surprised Rose. She had expected…she didn’t know what she had expected. “Okay, come over here and make yourself useful. Rey, you better leave now before I change my mind.”
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