#welcome to the AR timeline
kabii-kins · 2 years
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The plaza thing didn't happen but HOLY SHIT I WISH IT DID.
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quixoticanarchy · 14 days
Ok I read a book on degrowth by jason hickel (Less is More) and I still need to read more but. preliminary thoughts:
I appreciate the quantification of by how much current resource and energy consumption overshoots sustainable limits, and the excoriation of the absurd demand for compound growth on a finite planet; and the book has a decent history of capitalism and the violence and dispossession it rests upon. There is some similar quantification for how proposed degrowth measures would affect resource consumption, though (understandably) piecemeal, so it’s unclear what the full impact of these measures would be vis-à-vis climate meltdown and ecological tipping points, or on what timeline the degrowth transition would have to occur.
Degrowth measures - resource use caps, a shorter work week, basic income, healthcare, income caps, re-localizing supply chains, killing planned obsolescence, moving to a shared rather than personal ownership model for things like vehicles, etc. - are broadly “good” and have been promoted and supported outside of a specifically degrowth context already, which speaks to their appeal but also their pitfalls. Implementing all these measures and more has to carry the explicit intention of improving human and ecological welfare, GDP be damned, and has to be tied explicitly to a commitment to reducing growth and capping profits; otherwise, the trap I see is attempting to enact some of these measures while keeping the capitalist edifice intact - which, as Hickel acknowledges, would spur a new ‘fix’ in which some other domain or market is forced open for exploitation so that growth can continue.
This is obviously at odds with degrowth and it isn’t anything degrowth advocates don’t know, but it seems naïve to envision states whose existence and operation are so inextricable from capitalism being capable of doing such reforms to the degree and with the ideological shift necessary. It would be suicide. Which I’d welcome, but just saying we need to tackle corruption and have more real democracy so that governments can serve people’s actual needs does not convince me that these policies could be sincerely and radically adopted by any state that exists today.
The book seems to walk a line between “degrowth is very radical since it would require ditching the demand for economic growth and probably most of the profit motive itself, which is a huge mindset and ideological shift - if not to socialism per se then to post-capitalism” and also “degrowth isn’t that radical/outlandish since what it takes is all these commonsense reforms that people already want anyway”. Sometimes the degrowth policy package sounds a lot like just welfare-state capitalism, except with resource and energy consumption dramatically scaled back, and without the economic growth imperative. So… no longer capitalism as such, but still using many of the master’s tools to retrofit the master’s house.
In principle, a world exists in which wealthy countries consume far less and the rest of the world is freer and not (or at least less) exploited. In principle, degrowth measures could help us realize that world. Saying it’s not a revolutionary process might keep some readers from being scared off, etc, but I’m left wondering then: where does the force come from to make these changes happen? Are wealthy countries and individuals and corporations going to just agree to resource caps and wealth caps and redistribution? The argument that degrowth is a kind of decolonization and requires the demise of the colonial and capitalist view of people and nature is compelling to me, but that seems to conflict with the idea that degrowth can be implemented as a set of reforms to the systems that exist now, without the messiness of revolution and without somehow being co-opted by capitalism or packaged as ‘green growth’ (which Hickel makes clear would be bad and is bullshit). The ideological shift and end to growth is the big ask here - without that, the reforms are just rearranging deck chairs on the titanic, or maybe on the lawn of the master’s house, if you will.
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thisdayinredrising · 2 months
Welcome Howlers!
This blog is basically going to be a space where I can count off the days throughout the years where things happen in the Red Rising universe, whether offscreen, pre-saga, or during the novels themselves.
All dates are compiled from the most recent version of my timeline notes over on AO3, and contain spoilers for all 6 currently released novels of the Red Rising saga and all 3 volumes of the Sons of Ares prequel comics.
Hope you all enjoy!
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tarasmithshifts · 7 months
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𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐑. 2 years😭 𝐀𝐆𝐄. 16-17 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐏: sirius, remus, james, lily, peter, dorcas, marlene, mainly people from gryffindor and ravenclaw
𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒. single (5th to the end of 5th year) TAKEN BAHSDHABHAHDB (summer after 5th year - ongoing)
「 ✦ 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼 ✦ 」
helloooooooooooooooooooo welcome back (i started like a freaking youtuber LOL) part 1 was emmm, it was a rollercoaster. A BIG ONE
— ୨୧₊˚ click here to read part 1 :)
im super super super excited for this part 'cause finally something cute is happening, literally those things that happened in part 1... WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT IT. WE WENT THROUGH IT, AND WE ARE BACK. part 2. let's do it
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「 ✦ 6th year ✦ 」
𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮 - 6𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓮𝓪𝓻
summer 1976 - I left grimmuald place 12 and ran away to remus. sirius did the same some weeks before me, and we were both burn out of the "Black Family Tree"
July/August - James Potter and Lily are named Head Boy and Head Girl.
October/November - Lily finally agreeded and started to go out with James for some dates
this are basics from og timeline because i don't want to spoil anything
— ୨୧₊˚ a little reminder about what happened in last part - me and remus got together, and basically we are girlfriend and boyfriend, we spent time with each other more, trying to get ourselves more into this change yk 🥹
after last day of school me and remus promised ourselves that we will write to each other as much as possible. boys did not know about ‘us’ because we didn’t know if this whole relationship will work 😭 so it was our little secret, but not for long tho
in july, when me and sirius were back at grimmuald place, sirius got himself into a HUGE fight with our father, and said to me “idk what you gonna do, but i will not stay here any longer”. he did not tell me where would he go, some days after this fight he left in a middle of the night. he just left me a note to do the same, and that in some weeks he will let me know where he is. i kept that ‘letter’ to myself.
when i tell you that walburga was PISSED. P I S S E D . as well as our father. they would fight over it, and finally, when it was clear that sirius is not coming back, they burned sirius face out of this family tree.
ar least they are proud of regulus 👍 good job mate. you will die. soon. like girllllll
especially that i’m super attached to him. he is my little brother and i knooooow that when i will shift again his death is gonna hit me like a train, BUT WE DONT TALK ABOUT THIS RN LETS GET BACK
when sirius left walburga was super suspicious about me and always was looking at me, controlled everything etc. i knew that if she would find out about remus, she would probably punish me for it or smth, so i sent last letter to remus that he should not write to me because my parents went WILD over this whole situation.
in august i felt empty??? i could not get any letters from remus, i missed him, i missed sirius. he did not sent me any letter after he left, but i knew that it’s probably because he knew what the hell is going on in the house rn. also, regulus started to ignore me, like walburga and orion did. annnnnnnndddddd that’s when i didn’t back off, and started shouting at him (reggie) and when walburga heard it, she wasn’t happy 💀💀 so she decided to fucking punish me, but this time i was like “hell no, fuck off” and the same night i left grimmuald place 12 behind me, in my past. i took everything i could with me, some clothes, books, and it was whole huge operation, because walburga and orion are those kind of people that when something moves behind some walls, they wake up. so what i did, was that i added sleep potion that i made in my room to their drinks that they were having before going to sleep. well, it worked HA.
but when i left this house, i was like “bombastic, but what am i going to do now 😭😭😭😭😭 i was literally without any house, i did not want to bother anybody, especially that it was 2am in the morning 💀 andromeda did not tell us where she lived so i had no idea where i should go, and the only person that i could think of then was remus. i knew where he lived, he wrote me his address in one of letters i got from him.
so i went there. by foot. call me crazy but i did that. i took some muggle bus and was on his street around 4am. i knew it was very early but i hoped that he will not be mad about it, or his father. they were living at the edge of london, it was quiet and lovely place to live. when i was looking round for his house, as there were only few of them, i looked up and i saw that it was full moon 😭 and i didn’t realise that before. so i was still looking for around like 25 minutes, and i finally found it. AND YOU SHOULD’VE SEEN MY FACE WHEN I SAW THAT LIGHT IN THE HOUSE WERE TURNED ON
so i went to the door and knocked. i saw some movement in the window and was like “yuppp this man will think that i’m a freak. good job to me i guess” i waited a few minutes and he finally opened the door. i started apologising to him that i’m sorry that i’m here at 4 in the morning, that i know his son etc. then he fully opened the door and it wasn’t lyall lupin IT WAS REMUS 😭😭😭😭 i literally was so so so happy, i mean, he was shocked, i was shocked too because i thought that it was a full moon that night, i hugged him and he hugged me back IT WAS SO CUTE IM ABOUT TO CRY I WANNA GO BACK THERE SO BADLY
so we stayed in this position for some minutes and he finally made a step back, looked at me and said “what are you doing here?” so i started to tell him what happened few hours before, that sirius is somewhere god knows where, that he should write to me but i know why he didn’t, i was talking really fast and finally he was like “yo chill out, just come in and we will talk about it later, you need to sleep” (yup i’m living my y/n life LMAO) so basically he took my things upstairs and told me to sleep in his bedroom, and that he will figure out what to do later. so i went to sleep
— ୨୧₊˚ lupin’s house
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it was like 11 am when i woke up, so i just went down the stairs to find remus, but he wasn’t there, so i just looked around and guess who i met in the kitchen 😭😭😭 lyall lupin ladies and gentlemen 😭😭😭 he was like “emmm you are tara right?” and i was like “yessss that’s me 💀” he was just walking around the kitchen, but he was nice to me tho. he said that remus went to james to tell him that i’m here. i was like “oh yup okay” so later i found out that sirius was living at james house the whole time 😭
so i wrote a letter to him telling him that i am at remus now, but i said that i don’t want to bother his family, so probably i will leave in a few days (i didn’t LMAO, remus stopped me) so that’s how i was living for next month, until school started. i got along with remus father, he is a nice guy, also he has good sense of humour, thank GOD 😭 idk finally i felt loved and as i was at my own home. thanks to the lupins 🫶
— ୨୧₊˚ 1st day
lyall left few days before school started, he said that if i would need anything, he can buy me some things on street, but i was fine, as walburga buys everything that is needed already in june, so yup, i was stated for new school year 🫡
on a 1st day i finally saw sirius again, gosh i never thought that i would be happy only by seeing him in a crowd. remus told me what happened after sirius left grimmuald place 12, at least the part that he knew about. by this i also mean that he forgave him about what happened, so we were all good 🫶
on a train i found out that james and lily were chosen to become next head boy and head girl, which is the reason why they got onto each other.
sooooo me and remus relationship was still a secret, but i think that boys could feel the change between us, especially sirius, i mean it was kinda obvious 😭 we did not “hide” it, we just did not tell them 💀 there were signs, like sometimes remus put his arm around my back and hold me like this, or during the day when i tried to keep contact with him. basically only lily knew about me and remus. i told her right after everything happened in june, sooooo yup she knew since the very beginning.
whole September we were all excited to start new school year, but something started to feel different ??? but that was because of war.
but let’s concentrate on hogwarts rn 😭
so me and boys still took turns to stay with remus during full moons, remus wanted to complain about it because of what happened few months before, but he finally said yes.
— ୨୧₊˚ boys find out about me and remus
soooo everything was fine at hogwarts, we were doing great, james and lily started to talk to each other, she would tell me about the conversations they had, but when i asked her “do you like him” she acted like she was angry and ignored the question or answered me with “don’t be ridiculous” soooo yk something was going on between them (finally) also sirius and remus told me that james is talking about her ALL THE TIME and that they are super tired of it. about peter,well, he was quiet as always 😭 so nothing changed.
me and remus were even more opened about our relationship, we were more confident about it? we were showing it ig 😭 and on one day in the middle of october, sirius, james and peter caught us in a common room and told us to sit down, their face went literally 🤨🤨🤨 and james started talking “okay what the HELL is going on here” so i looked at remus, remus looked at me, and i finally said “oh yeah we re together” and sirius went WILDDDD he literally looked at remus and went “THATS MY SISTER YOU MANIAC” and started chasing remus across the common room 😭 it was SO FUNNY 😭😭 after they were done (about 10 minutes later lmao💀) we just sat down in their dormitory and they were doing this police kind of thing where they are asking questions and shit 💀 pretty crazy but yup they knew since then
and because of that we could be more open about us and be ourselves bc of that. sirius was sometimes overdramatic about it but he got used to it i guess LMAO
also sirius got himself into detention 😭😭😭 AGAIN i’m super sick of this at some point 💀💀 he started to bully severus again, so i get it, but now lily did not react (he called mudblood as yk)
but james was a little bit out of business, because he wanted to impress lily, and you could see that. literally he was not helping sirius and peter with their pranks for a while, so he could convince lily to him, which was so cute ☹️
— ୨୧₊˚ 17 birthdayyy
in the beginning of november me and sirius got letter from andromeda, that she heard about our escape from grimmuald place 12 and that she is super proud of us 😭😭😭 she asked if we have some place to stay and etc. to be honest, i didn’t think about it 💀 i didn’t want to bother remus but still i was too young to bus myself a house from money that i saved. sirius told me in the beginning of school year that he will stay at james during next summer, so he could later buy a house from money that he got from ⭐️
i just wrote back to andromeda that i’m okay, and i just did not think about it. it was not time for that too.
also, from weird things that happened in november is that on random day, when i was leaving great hall with remus after lunch, regulus wanted to talk to me??? like excuse you i guess? but yup he’s my little brother, i was worrying about him the whole time tbh 😭 so remus did not want to go away, he checked if i’m okay with him leaving, i just nodded, so he hugged me and just left 😭
he did not even say “hi” or shit, he just went
“oh so you are with H I M”
and i was like bro what? since when we are talking to each other like this??? what happened to hello? how was your day???
also he was nervously checking if the hall that we were standing in was clear. which was pretty mad, but i figured it out after i shifted back that he just wanted to check if any slytherins saw us 💀 he looked a little bit scared too. OKAY ANYWAY
so i went “why do you care”
AND HE RESPONDED “you are a blood traitor”
“that’s the reason why you stopped me?”
“no.” he made a dramatic pause here lol??? “you know you can both still fix this”
MY JAW WAS ON A FLOOR I SWEAR, BECAUSE THEN HE SAID SOMETHING LIKE “you need to choose the right side. like mother said”
“reggie” “do not bother me again, please”
that’s all i said. the silence was LOUD, it was SCREAMING i think it was this moment that i knew that even if i tried, i would never convince reggie that lord voldemort and death eaters are not a good way to go to (if yk what i mean 😭) so i just walked away. and when i tell you i CRIED. i did not talk to sirius about it, i did not talk to remus about it, even tho both of them were trying to get out the convo between me and regulus of me LMAO, i knew that i would hurt sirius so i kept it to myself
happy birthday to me and sirius i guess 😭😭😭
i am officially 17 in this dr 🤭
sirius ofc threw the whole party, but i passed. i wanted peace lmao. remus sat with me in his dormitory and we played some games, then dorcas and lily joined us, then james and peter. we had so much fun, it’s such a core memory 🫶🥹 I MISS THEM SO MUCH i’m sooooo homesick but yup i just gotta make my way back there (somehow)(even tho i know next shifts are gonna be awfully full of angst, i’m not ready tbh)
during the full moon this month me and james took care of remus ❤️‍🩹
— ୨୧₊˚ christmas
basically james asked her out for a date and she said YES
WE WERE CELEBRATING and lily finally told me she likes him a lot and that if he would not be such a dumb-ass sometimes she would talk to him earlier 😭😭😭 i’m super happy for them literally waited for that moment for SO LONG. and sirius threw a little party in their dormitory so everyone were happy ❤️‍🩹
on christmas ofc we gave each other presents, but sirius went CRAZY this time.
1. he started dating a girl called daisy from ravenclaw (which was pretty crazy cause he didn’t pull up any girl for like a year or something?) this time he said that he really like her and will try to keep this relationship for longer than 3 weeks (they lasted like 3 months maybe 💀 james even made bets at this point 😭)
2. sirius and james were running around common room with a mistletoe to force people to kiss including me and remus 😭😭 pls guys i love them so much but WHAT
james and lily went out few times during december, and when lily was coming back to our dorm she was super happy and even tho she still had her opinion “but he is a dumb-ass sometimes🙄🙄🙄” she seemed to really like him???
sooooo also james invited sirius, remus, peter, lily, dorcas (and more actually it was a full-ass list with names of like 15 people and i’m too lazy to name all of them sorry 😭😭 maybe during editing i will do it) for new year’s eve, so we all needed to left hogwarts for christmas 😭 like girl i DONT HAVE A PLACE TO LIVE RN 💀 sirius stayed with james at his house, and remus told me that lyall is not coming back for christmas so we can go and live at his house for those 2 weeks, and we decided to do so ❤️‍🩹🥺 GUYS YOU DONT GET IT LIKE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AHHHHHHH PLS BRING ME BACK OMG
i spent whole 2 weeks only with remus, it was super cute and cozyyy we decorated his house and baked (at least i did bc i was 17 and i could use magic legally outside hogwarts 💀) we had fun. truly these 2 weeks refreshed me soooo much, ALSO
LYALL LUPIN GOT ME A CHRISTMAS PRESENT 😭😭😭😭 it was little bracelet that remus told him i would like, pls lyall is such a nice guy 😭
and also i think the most memorable moment from these 2 weeks is remus christmas present, and by that i mean, he bought two tickets to “muggle” opera, and it was AMAZING. later the same night he told me the story how his parents met, and we played his mother records (i scripted that she was an opera singer!!!)
— ୨୧₊˚ new year’s eve
so me and remus needed to take a ride with this crazy wizard bus 😭😭😭 but we made it and spent THE BEST NEW YEAR’s EVE EVER. we had so much fun 😭 also i found out how many things in common me and dorcas have, which is funny because we were “friends” literally we live in one dorm 💀 but that night i got to know her more which is great bc we became closer as roommates. okay so basically during the midnight, when clock hit 12pm, there is this tradition that you have to kiss somebody for luck. so yup me and remus kissed (my cutie patootie ☹️) BUT ALSO WHEN I WAS GOING OUTSIDE WITH SIRIUS, REMUS, DORCAS AND OTHERS I SAW JAMES KISSING LILY???? I WAS SO HAPPY likeeeeee pls 😭
i wil speed up those few months because nothing really happened except for some birthdays, and that was all because our exams, I WAS SO STRESSED IDK WHY i know that i will pass them perfectly (duhh) but i was stressed anyway. crazy time tbh lmao, everybody were busy.
about james and lily - they started to ‘officially date’ each other, which made me super happy, they are so cute 😭😭😭
also sirius broke up with this girl from ravenclaw, so it did not last long LMAO
and peter and sirius got themselves into a HUGE detention from mcgonagall for messing up her office 💀 which was crazy, we got -100 points from our house. you should have seen her, she was SO MAD. i’ve never seen mcgonagall so angry
okayyyy so may was super chill month EXCEPT the final quidditch match. between gryffindor and slytherin it was AMAZING
okay so i probably did not write about that bc i did not find that necessary it still, i okay quidditch on one of ‘beater’ positions so yuppp i play quidditch 🤭 AND IT’S SO MICH FUNNN
anyway, gryffindor won after james found that goddamn little gold ball, when i tell you he was so annoyed bc he couldn’t catch it 😭😭 HE WAS SO PISSED, but we won 🤭
and after some other days of school work i “shifted back 😭” to cr
「 ✦ end notes ✦ 」
it was 2 months and im still there tbh 😭
This shift was so crazy??? and fun???? and sad??? and cute??? AT THE SAME TIME.
i am now remus lupin gf. yup I WON
i’m so happy and i just can’t wait to shift there again 😭😭😭😭😭
remember that i will edit this page! there are A LOT to edit but i’m to lazy to do so 🤭
anyway BYE
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Greetings. My name is Robin Covier. I am a member of the Covier family, as you can likley gather. I am the One and Only son of Ananke, at least..in this timeline that is. I was born chronically ill, and fated to die when I turned 19.
However, my Partner [an archangel; now fallen] forced immortality upon me. And so, now I commit blasphemy against my own mothers domain.
As my bio states, I am the reincarnation of the Hero Odysseus. I have regained some of those memories. Unlike my brother Arlo, I'm not ultimately bothered. However, I do prefer to avoid the ocean, and interacting with poseidon. I do welcome those accounts who are somehow my past loved ones in the present.
And, to meet my past self would be a curious experiment. I suppose.
Chronologically, I'm 35. However due to my curse I'm forever trapped at 18. Despite my appearence, I'd appreciate being spoken to like an adult. Regardless, I am a legal adult. And have been for. A while.
Robin Weaves the Future - Lore
Robin ponders - Asks
Robin speaks - Regular
My family ( Mostly adopted)
@mason-son-of-hecate [ Flamel insisted I add you. And I fear her.]
[ OOC: other children of Ananke are free to interact, but ill tag it as non-canon, as in his canon. Robin is her only child!]
- No romance/flirting from anyone under 18
- No Magically making Robin Mortal. It's important to his character that this is unfortunately permanent for him
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queer-irritator · 2 years
A New Neighbor | Kratos x GN! Reader | Chapter 18
Content Warnings: Adult language
Word Count: 773
Chapter 17
A/N: Welcome to the (probably) final chapter! I want to thank you all for how much love and support I’ve gotten on this story! There may be an epilogue in the future, I just can’t promise a timeline at the moment!
You could feel Kratos melt into your kiss; his lips began to move against yours. You couldn’t stop the smile that made its way onto your face as you kissed the man you’ve become so fond of. But your smile soon dissipated when you felt Kratos pull away from you and place his hands on each of your shoulders as he stood up. 
“You do not want this.” Kratos told you.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“Yes, I do.” You argued. 
“No.” Kratos stated as he took a step away from you. 
“You… You can’t tell me how to feel.” You persisted.
“I am not good.” He insisted, looking away from you.
Your confusion only grew. You were searching his face for any type of hint that this was a joke.
“What?” You took a few steps back to sit back down on your bed.
“You should go.” Kratos suggested, but it sounded more like a demand.
“What the fuck? No!” Your voice raised slightly with your last word. 
Kratos turned his head to you. 
“Can you please talk to me?” You pleaded with him, but annoyance still prevalent in your voice. 
“You should go.” He repeated himself, but more sternly this time.
It felt like your heart was starting to crack. 
“No.” You told him, your voice almost a whisper. 
You stood up and took a step forward, “You are a good man, Kratos. You are a wonderful father and protector. A loyal friend. You are kind and selfless.” You explained to him. 
“You do not know me.” Was his only reply. 
“Then tell me. Tell me why you’re such a bad person so I can decide for myself if I want to leave or not.” You crossed your arms. 
Kratos glanced at you. If you weren’t going to heed his warnings, the truth would surely have you running. 
“I am a monster. A killer.” He began to confess.
“Kratos, we all kill those monsters-“ you were cut off.
“People. Innocent people, children, villages.” He elaborated. 
“What are you talking about?” This doesn’t sound like the man you’ve come to know. 
“My past.” Kratos clarified. 
“Our pasts don’t define who we are now.” You tried to explain to him. 
“I am… irredeemable.” He slowly sat on his bed. 
You let out a sigh and took a step closer to him, “No one is irredeemable… Tell me about it.” 
Kratos had confusion spread across his face. You should have been gone by now, horrified that he was capable of such acts and calling him a monster. You sat next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Tell me about it.” You repeated yourself, guiding him back so he was laying down. 
“I wanna hear.” You coaxed him on, lying next to him on your side on the tiny bed. 
Kratos was looking at you, debating in his head what to say next.
You placed a hand on his chest, “I’m not going to leave.” You assured him. After a few moments of silent debating, Kratos spoke. 
“I am a god.”
You had spent the entire night listening to Kratos tell you about his life. How the greed of war overtook him, becoming enslaved by Ares, then being consumed in hate and a need for vengeance. He had just finished telling you of the journey he and Atreus took to scatter Faye’s ashes. 
All the candle wax had melted into a puddle long ago, and the light from the window signaling daytime had emerged. You took a few minutes in silence to think over everything he had told you. You shifted to raise your head and look into his eyes.
“You are a good man, Kratos.” Your voice was stern, ready to shoot down any protests Kratos came up with. 
But none came. 
He nodded his head the slightest bit, you would have missed it if you blinked. You nodded back at him and leaned closer to his face and pressed a kiss to his lips. 
It took Kratos a moment, but he kissed you back and lightly placed a hand on the side of your face. His touch was so gentle, like those same hands hadn’t torn apart draugr like they were a piece of paper. 
You reluctantly pulled away from the kiss as you heard some commotion coming from the main room. “Well, now you can touch my butt and not feel weird about it.” You poked fun at him as you got out of his bed. 
An annoyed grumble was music to your ears.
You smiled to yourself as you exited the bedroom to see what was going on, feeling a new chapter of your life begin.
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darksideconal2556 · 1 month
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Kratos in the Helluvaverse E1: Welcome to Hell Ghost of Sparta
hello multverse travelers today I’ve got a story for you all. It is about two very different and unique worlds colliding with each other. The first hand, is a very odd and weird version of Hell where a princess wants to redeem souls. But for the other focus on a vengeful man named Kratos so let us begin. After the defeat of the Titan Cronos, Kratos was about to return Hephaestus, he was pulled from his timeline into another. As he woke Kratos looked around him.
Kratos: what is this?
Kratos knew he was in another timeline, he knew this was not another tournament or even outworld. The environment was rather odd looking. The people there didn’t look human though some features were there but Kratos didn’t care he needed to find his back to Olympus.
“Tower bell rings”
Kratos: (grunts) what is that?
The skies spilt apart and the exorcist angels came down to hell to kill any sinner. Pulling the blades of exile Kratos hacked and slashed at the angels tearing them apart one by one. A reminder to when he faced the barbarians and sold his soul to Ares. Several hours would passed and the extermination was over. Thousand of dead exorcist angels on the ground and Kratos stood triumphant.
As Kratos was about to walk away he was approached by the Vees. Val: Well well I got to say the way you killed those angels was pretty sexy. Say would you like to work for me?
Kratos: I have no time for you.
Val: woah hey now, this is hell buddy so you either fight for yourself or you work for me
Kratos: (pulls out the blades or exile.)
Val: what’s that did you get from fucking EBay- (gets hacked and slashed) oh fuck (screams in pain) Vox! Velvet! Don’t just stand there fucking help me! Oh god! (His head gets sliced by Kratos)
After the death of Valentino, Kratos explored the rest of Pentagram city with no way of returning to Olympus
Kratos: (angry grunts) Athena! Damn! What tragedy of the gods is this?!
Alastor: it’s no tragedy my friend.
Kratos: ( pulls out the blades) who are you?!
Alastor: easy my friend I’m not here to fight
Kratos: then why did you come here?!
Alastor: to meet you of course, I’ve been hearing great and rather exciting things about you. Most about the extermination by hey, at least Hell now has a protector now. Besides all the overlords are talking about you Kratos
Kratos: overlords? Are the gods of this realm?
Alastor: No, that would be the seven sins.
Kratos: your gods do not matter, my only concern is Zeus.
Alastor: yes but you seem to be stuck here so I’m offering to stay at the Hazbin hotel for a while. And trust me you might like it.
Kratos: I will not but if you try to kill me I will-
Alastor: beat me up like Poseidon, take my soul like Hades, tear off my head like Helios, cut off my legs like Hermes, punched to death like Hercules or stabbed like Cronos.
Kratos: how do you know-
Alastor: easy Spartan, let’s just get to the hotel. And in time I will tell you everything, and the names Alastor sir quite a pleasure to be meeting you.
And so Kratos now heads off to the Hazbin Hotel but this is only the start my friends though I have a feeling some others have sensed Kratos’s presence.
Lucifer: wait what’s this Greek source? (Realizes) oh shit it’s Kratos!
God: what? No. It can’t be.
End of E1
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chimini3 · 11 months
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Park Jimin | Chapter 4
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Pairing: Park Jimin x OC
Synopsis: What happens when Park Jimin's biggest what if comes back into his life? His friendly neighbor, childhood best friend, high school lover, and now his makeup artist?! Amidst the 2020 outbreak, the last thing he needed was Seong Areum making his heart skip a beat and fill his stomach with air. What will he do when unspoken words threaten to slip past his tongue? Would he take the chance of ruining a healing past? Or would he let her slip away once more and let himself get lost in the lights?
Note/Warning: Messy Timeline with real events (once again), not beta read, chapters are going to get shorter now since I’m only writing a few chapters ahead from the ones getting released. I’m posting the next chapter on weekends to slow it down and give me time to finish more chapters :))
Word Count: 2.3k words
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A Welcomed Fever Dream
Behind The Scenes of BigHit’s Group Photo
(For better context on the events happening in the following chapters, please refer to the link above)
[2020] Late January
“Everything can change at any moment, suddenly and forever.” - Paul Auster
That was a quote I read from a book Namjoon left unattended on the desk of the BTS waiting room.
I was growing fidgety as I waited for the other members. Most of us had barely slept last night just from the excitement for today’s photoshoot, though it was also partly due to remnants of jetlag and our bodies refusing to rest after extensive Map of The Soul: 7 promotions.
We were all working hard to achieve the goals we had set for the album, though we still wanted to do it moderately and planned to work harder in the last weeks of January to compensate for a break for a late celebration of the Lunar New Year in February. We all had planned personal trips for that week just to spend mentally healing and perhaps fit in a trip back to Busan.
Cue the 5th of February 2020 and it would be BigHit Entertainment’s 15th anniversary, a milestone worth celebrating as the company managed to reach for the stars despite everything it had gone through. It was also time to celebrate the newest addition to our small yet happy company family since TXT was only over a month away from their one-year anniversary since their debut, and from what we can tell they were doing great.
So it was decided for us to do a cute family photo shoot with all BTS and TXT members and the oldest of BigHit artists, Lee Hyun. We also planned on going for dinner after the photo shoot, but we hadn’t confirmed if the rest of the artists and staff were free for the rest of the day.
I stood up from my seat at the corner of the room as a few staff members looked in my direction though I only took my phone to place inside my front pocket before taking steps to leave the waiting room.
“Ya, where are you going?” Namjoon asked as I turned back to look at him sitting beside Hobi with makeup artist noonas touching up their hair.
“I’ll just check up on Lee Hyun Hyung’s waiting room.”
“Wait for me—“
Jin added though I already took a step out of the room as soon as I explained my leave. I laughed and looked back at Jin groaning at me before I went through the hallways of the warehouse in which our photoshoot was taking place.
We had three sets for the day so we expected it to go through smoothly despite the volume of members in the photoshoot. We were always used to just being the seven of us, but now we had Lee Hyun hyung and five TXT members that had to all cooperate for the shoot. Yet at the same time, I was filled with excitement as this is time spent getting to know old and new artists. Lee Hyun hyung has always been a good friend of ours since before our debut and we’d met TXT around the studio and backstage of our tours in the past year, so it wasn’t at all going to be awkward.
I opened a door that had Lee Hyun’s name on it and went through a small corridor as a cameraman followed behind me. I could see a glimpse of the solo artist standing in the center of his room with a staff member fixing his clothes whilst simultaneously adding more pieces of clothing over his black turtleneck.
“Wow! You look so…”
I didn’t finish my statement as I couldn’t stop my cheeks from rising. Lee Hyun greeted me with a handshake as I took a look around his waiting room. It was only a little smaller than ours but a lot more spacious considering a soloist doesn’t have members and their own makeup artists working around.
“I’m not even fully dressed yet! You can’t judge my look right now!” Lee Hyun had a smile on his face though I made no move to leave the room and wait for him to get fully dressed.
As far as I can tell, he still had a white button-up to put on and a dark gray suit jacket on top of his turtleneck and jewelry. His clothes were hung on a rack to make sure no wrinkles appeared before he wore them and there was a box of glasses and jewelry sitting on the sofa, similar to the boxes staff gave me to choose my jewelry. However, I opted to go for a cleaner look for the first set.
I wore a fully black attire. Chelsea boots, fitted pants, a fully buttoned-up suit jacket with a black button-up as my undershirt, and a sparkly black tie that I thought of putting on at the last minute as it caught my eye as soon as the staff brought in options that could spice up our planned outfits. My neck, hands, and wrist were bare, and the only jewelry I had was the earrings I had on my ears. Like I said I wanted to be clean, and my full black attire puts emphasis on my blonde shadow roots.
I sat backward on one of the empty chairs in front of the mirror before watching Lee Hyun get suited up.
“I’ve never seen you dressed like this. It’s amazing and weird.” I teased with a smile on my face as it was meant in goodwill. Lee Hyun was just someone I wasn’t used to wearing such formally dark attires.
“Why? Is it like looking into a mirror?” He teased back and I couldn’t help but laugh.
It has been a long time since I’ve seen the artist, though we regularly kept in touch. He is one of the few artists I can tease and not feel as though I have disrespected them in any way. That is just on how much we’ve known each other and gained respect towards each other through the years.
“Are you going to put some glasses on?” I asked as both our eyes settled on the box of glasses on the sofa.
“I don’t know yet… I don’t think glasses will fit me.”
“Try them out! You just need to find glasses that will fit your head shape.”
I walked towards the box and picked out a few that I thought Lee Hyun would fit the most, though I wasn’t forcing him to wear them for the photoshoot.
I set the glasses aside beside him before going back to the chair I sat on and we continued exchanging jokes and jumped from topic to topic.
“Didn’t you have much longer hair?” I said just in time as Jin walked into the room with his unfinished attire.
I knew he wouldn’t be able to wait to join us. After all, Lee Hyun was Jin’s fishing buddy. Most probably his only fishing buddy considering none of us willingly went on a fishing trip with him.
“Ooh, are you a composer? More like a conductor. You look stunning.” Jin teased.
“Composer or Conductor?”
The more I thought about it, Lee Hyun did look like someone who would lead all BigHit members to perform a choir or something like that.
“It’s like I’m wearing my dad’s clothes.” Lee Hyun looked at himself in the mirror as Jin fiddled with something in his ear.
“Is that a clip-on?” I asked as a metallic ring looped around his Conch.
“Yeah.” Lee Hyun nodded.
Maybe I should get a conch ring.
“Ah hyung, are you free tonight?” I asked as I was reminded of the dinner we planned.
“Why? Are you taking me out on a date?” Lee Hyun joked as we laughed along with the staff letting out a chuckle under their masks.
“Seriously though.”
“Yeah, I am. Why?”
“We were planning on going out for dinner after this. With TXT and the staff.” Jin explained as the eldest formed an o shape with his mouth before nodding.
“You know, I’ve never properly met them before. Dinner would be nice.” Lee Hyun smiled.
“Let’s not get too drunk though? We need to act professional.”
“We are professional, Jin ah.”
We chuckled as we knew deep down that we were most definitely not the most professional people out there.
“Ten minutes.” A man spoke at the doorway of the waiting room.
“You look professional though. Clothes really do make a man.” I said while I stood up after seeing a makeup artist point to me before gesturing for me to come to the BTS waiting room.
“I’m not sure if that’s a compliment.” Lee Hyun said before we laughed and parted ways.
It always felt great reconnecting and talking about light subjects that weren't heavily focused on work.
I walked on our first set of the day. It was an all-white floor and background with white steps and shapes for us to lean or sit on. It wasn’t anything special though it definitely made our black attires pop out from the white backdrop.
The five TXT members were already on set lined up as if they were about to formally greet us like they did the first time we met, though thankfully that didn’t happen and only bows and words of greetings happened.
I leaned on one of the white center block pieces, only a few paces away from Hobi, Taehyung, Yoongi, and Namjoon as the TXT members mostly stayed on the other side of the set. We were now only waiting for three other members to start the shoot.
Jungkook was still waiting for his shoes to arrive. Apparently, he called for his pair of Prada Chunky Sole Combat Boots instead of the planned more formal look of Oxford shoes, Loafers, or my personal favorite… Chelsea boots. But we’ll let him do whatever he wishes.
Jin and Lee Hyun were most probably still busy chatting and getting the layers of their attire all sorted, so we still had a few minutes to touch up our makeup and get a feel of the set, or as much of a feel as we could get as the set was filled with staff, cameramen, security, stylists, and makeup artists.
However, once everyone was ready and on set, everything was bound to be smooth sailing.
Except for a few bumps and loose hats…
After a slight camera adjustment we were forced to pose with a look to the side and I might've not seen it happen but when a manager called to stop the photoshoot for a touch-up, I couldn’t help but look around for the person who needed it especially in the middle of the shoot.
Jungkook to my right was ducking in his position to tie up a loosened lace of his boots. Hobi to my left was fixing his suit jacket and cleaning up a piece of lint he saw. TXT’s Taehyun to the left behind me was comfortably resting his hand in his pocket whilst sparring a glimpse at Beomgyu behind to the right of me.
“Can someone pin Beomgyu’s hat to his head properly?” The camera director sounded a bit annoyed as his momentum of photos had to stop abruptly as I turned to look at Beomgyu behind the space in between me and Jungkook.
He was crouched down on the floor to pick up his black Brenton Sailor hat that had seemingly fallen off his head during the shoot. He stood up straight with a cringed smile on his face though sending apologies to us and the staff.
I smiled at him to reassure him that it was no problem at all before I turned back to face the camera. Little did I know that what I was about to see would make me believe in that quote Paul Auster wrote.
It was her.
Not once had she crossed my mind in the seven years we had split. Perhaps being an idol left no room for such thoughts.
She was different, but I know her eyes when I see them.
Doe dark brown eyes that always shined and made my insides curl more than the workout I’ve done in my debut days.
She carried a packet of black hairpins as I removed my legs from her path in between the props to reach the TXT member behind me. Another makeup artist followed behind her with an unplugged though already heated straightening iron.
She had her dark hair kept in one big braid that ran behind her neck to her back and a striped white and blue sweater over a pair of dark jeans. She wore a thin white mask though it was a bit too big for her face so it laid lower down her nose and made the mole right on the side of her nose bridge visible to confirm that it really was her.
Why did I feel the need to take note of every detail about her? I don’t know.
But her walking past me with a scent so unfamiliar yet similar felt surreal. Like a fever dream that wasn’t unwelcomed though uncalled for.
“The pins don’t hurt, do they?”
I can hear her faint voice speak to the younger member before getting drowned out by the chatter around us. I’ve never wanted to yell shut up to a whole room before, but I shouldn’t, it was unreasonable.
I clearly hadn’t expected this. I mean, who would?
The last time I heard of her name was when my parents informed me that she and her whole family had moved to the States. It wasn’t as if it was that big of a deal before either. I merely shrugged at my parents before replying something along the lines of “good for her” before I excused myself since I didn’t particularly feel like eating dinner when it was already closing into my debut and abs were needed to perform a routine.
I hadn’t thought much of it. The news even came as a relief to me.
At least, we broke up face-to-face instead of having a long-distance relationship. I don’t think 17-year-old me would do well in that. I’d probably hurt her more than I already did by prioritizing my passion over her. The fact that we were bound to break up anyway comforted me through all these years.
So the question lies on what the hell was she doing here?!
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Hello! Welcome to my blog! This is my "fandom space" tumblr account, where I push everything about fandom into this account. This account will change with my interests.
Current Objects of my Affections:
Homestuck/Problem Sleuth tag: [uu] is online
Main: @missmonkeymode
Aus of Homestuck:
Ar dad au: A au where Aimless Renegade takes care of dirk strider as he grows up on derse.
Reverse Stabdad: Its stabdad but Slick is the child and Karkat is the parent. Its a humanstuck au!
Jake leader of the felt: My rewrite/recontextualization of hs2, where through Lord English's and Ult Dirk's breakup, Ult Dirk randomly puts the felt somewhere in the story which leads to Jake taking over the felt. The rest of the story/au is about jake timeline hopping through candy and meat to try and make things better.
Fairytalestuck: A au focused on the harleyberts and fushia bloods shared family fighting over the human kingdom of skaia. Calliope and Caliborn are both fairy royalty, with Calliope running away from home to feign as a human, and Caliborn growing up into Lord English, king of the fae. Jake was whisked away at a young age to be the cherub's personal entertainer. I like fairytales
I will not tag reblogs unless asked to, mainly because I'm lazy and I fast reblog most things.
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theaceofskulls · 11 months
Played like three narrative heavy games which played with genre conventions and it messed me up something fierce.
So I figured i'd sort through some thoughts about them:
PARANORMASIGHT: God do I love horror visual novels with weird timeline shennanigans. The game did a fantastic job with its camera angles, the playable segments, and the thriller aspect regarding a cast of characters in a supernatural death game involving Jhorror curses, but it felt like after the prologue the curse "battles" and the timeline mechanics in general were a lot more reserved until you start getting close to the ending where it ramps it up.
It feels like you hit what would be considered the "Golden Timeline" in most other games way earlier, even if that turns out to be wrong.
The Hex: a Meta narrative game by the creator of Pony Island and Inscryption. It juggles a lot of different gameplay segments and most of them work even if two of them outstay their welcome and one of them I just did not enjoy and it wasn't the one I expected it to be. The story also suffers from having a better allegorical read on it then the actual factual narrative and I walked away disappointed with the ending that it was always building to because the last segment presented a contextualized version of the game where reading it as an allusion to another story was a little more interesting.
More interesting to discuss is the idea of exploring my own nostalgia having watched the development period of the games it explored with my own eyes (though I admit I wasn't present for the earlier booms it explored) and the idea that those times could never come again by having modern fixtures of gaming like steam reviews, online gaming communities centered around patch notes, and twitch streaming present during the rise of platformers, fighting games, and JRPGs respectfully. It imagines the history of videogames as happening during the current era with the gaming community as it now is, and as someone who entered their 30s, it's a startling mirror to hold up and it's something I had to meditate on after finishing the game. Sadly the game's main narrative has absolutely no interest in fully exploring that in exchange for "what if video game characters were real" which is alright but the game touches on more interesting subjects.
Lastly, Tacoma: A game from the developers of Gone Home that explores an abandoned space station after some unknown accident, having you explore the lives of the crew using AR projections that you walk amongst and listen to while being able to freely fast forward and rewind as you walk amongst them and puzzle out what happened.
This is an insanely interesting one that explores a near future beset by late stage capitalism in a someone frighteningly real look at a possible future while putting you in the shoes of an investigator who somewhat invasively peeks at the recorded lives of the crew in their moments aboard the station as it falls apart. The reveals in some moments had me tearing up as some of the reveals made me dread how the game could end using relatively simple and mundane things like an email not sending in the middle of a tense conversation, the fact that cryostasis isn't some magic technology and comes with very real risks, and other mundane reveals that make for very human moments.
It knows how to hit hauntingly close to home while at the same time using mechanics that basically let you see from the perspective of an all seeing AI that lived with the crew the entire time. And while the ending can be divisive I land on the side that thinks it feels correct for the narrative in the end.
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First bullet train in India for Mumbai-Ahmedabad corridor will arrive from Japan; 10 interesting facts - Information Global Online - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/first-bullet-train-in-india-for-mumbai-ahmedabad-corridor-will-arrive-from-japan-10-interesting-facts/?feed_id=209915&_unique_id=66f20cbf1616e In good news, India is all set to welcome its first bullet train, which will soon be arriving from Tokyo, Japan. This transportation revolution will transform the way of commuting in India. The first bullet train will operate on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad high-speed rail corridor and also marks a significant collaboration with Japan. India is hoping that the advanced Shinkansen technology from Japan will transform rail travel in the country.These bullet trains will be capable of touching speeds up to 320 km/hr with a promise of reducing travel time and enhancing connectivity between two major cities.Let’s have a look at 10 interesting facts about India’s first bullet train:India’s first bullet train: Named as Shinkansen E5, this will be India’s first bullet train for the Mumbai-Ahmedabad corridor.Shinkansen E5 Trains: Shinkansen E5 Trains are noted for their high speed and efficiency. Indian Railways plans to place orders for these trains by 2024, with production timelines dependent on negotiations with Japanese manufacturers.High speeds: Shinkansen E5 can reach a maximum speed of 350 km/hr. The bullet train will primarily operate at 320 km/hr, and will reduce travel times between Mumbai and Ahemdabad significantly.Semi-High-Speed Alternatives: Indian Railways is also planning to launch semi-high-speed trains. These could replace existing premium services like Rajdhani and Shatabdi and are expected to run at speeds of up to 250 km/hr.Innovativeness: The Integral Coach Factory issued a tender for the manufacture of two chair-car high-speed trains with stainless-steel bodies, capable of reaching operational speeds of 250 km/hr.Testing: The 508-km bullet train corridor will also serve as a testing ground for the newly planned semi-high-speed trains. This dual purpose will ensure that both types of trains can efficiently operate on the same route.Stops: The bullet train will offer two travel options: one with stops at all 12 stations along the route, taking approximately three hours, and another with limited halts for quicker travel times.Geography: The corridor will span 508 km, with 351 km in Gujarat and 157 km in Maharashtra. This extensive route highlights the connectivity boost that the bullet train will provide to both states.Expansion plans: There are plans to expand these in future with 35 bullet trains. Each will have 10 coaches, and will make up to 70 daily trips. This ambitious schedule aims to accommodate a significant number of passengers, enhancing overall capacity.Undersea tunnel product: Notably, work has begun on the first undersea tunnel between BKC and Thane, which is part of the project. This tunnel represents an engineering feat that further emphasizes the project’s innovative nature.“In good news, India is all set to welcome its first bullet train, which will soon be arriving from Tokyo, Japan. This transportation revolution will transform the way of commuting…”Source Link: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/travel/travel-news/first-bullet-train-in-india-for-mumbai-ahmedabad-corridor-will-arrive-from-japan-10-interesting-facts/articleshow/113599389.cms BLOGGER - #GLOBAL In good news, India is all set to welcome its first bullet train, which will soon be arriving from Tokyo, Japan. This transportation revolution will transform the way of commuting in India. The first bullet train will operate on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad high-speed rail corridor and also marks a significant collaboration with Japan. India is hoping … Read More
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thedarkangelpuppet · 1 month
going back to examine all the fnaf media: fnaf2
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previous post: here
fnaf 2 is the most confusing one.
we have an official date for this one atleast for Jeremy's shifts. 1987 2 years after the murders of the missing kids hence the new robots.
the fact that the withered animatronics are missing limps or parts of them makes me think those are the parts that were melted into the funtimes for sister location or into the toy animatronics through i like the funtimes idea more
 the release of Five Nights at Freddy's 2 took place 87 days after the release of Five Nights at Freddy's. (yeah its the game that is connected to the bite of 87 that makes sense)
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balloon boy is one of the reason i think that this is when circus baby pizza world was opened. the parts of the animatronics are missing because their made into the funtimes. but pizzaworld shut down after a day. Circus baby was probally open somewhere in the 1985 to 1987 range. this also makes sense in the novel timeline henry would have built the endos for circus baby (and maybe the mimic) at the time of Charlie's death and William would steal the technology to make Circus baby.
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for the first easteregg we have JJ clearly another Balloon boy model considering the V.I.P. book I assume they were meant as balloon dispensers. (btw the funtimes are clearly meant to be the aftons so i can totally see balloon boy and Jj being miniversions of micheal or elizabeth atleast voicewise.)
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I could see RWQFSFASXC being the first version of Glitchtrap espessialy since his name is basically a keymash. expessialy since he is kinda also connected to corrupt remnant  gathering too many Dark Remnants in a short timeframe will spawn RWQFSFASXC in Fnaf AR and him being a bunny connects back to William.
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Paper pal easteregg.... maybe just indicating that the place is haunted??? i dunno how you would get remnant into them maybe their filled with agony.
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shadow freddy is most like the princess aka golden freddy ...Cassidy following the Glitchtrap William if you take fnaf help wanted saying the first games are games into consideration.
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the endo.... well umm... its an endo? i dunno its gives me silver eyes vibes like the dreams Charlie was having about baby but the endo is diffrent maybe golden freddy's endo??? but thats also a bit diffrent but than again we are in a game according to help wanted so..
those are the most relevant easter eggs i think.
I will talk about the minigames later.
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this scene seems to be them reacting to an intruder pretending to be freddy. The looks Show hate their possibly looking at Will.
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Jeremy's last paycheck and Henry or William scrapping the toy animatronics or are we even still in the company of henry and william or did they sell their franchise? also i went back to a theory i saw that pointed something out i barely see anyone point out Jeremy's payslip is for winter but phoneguy said its a summerjob meaning the recordings aren't even for Jeremy or Fritz. which means our bitevictim isn't even JEREMY
Uh, hello? Hello, hello? Uh, hello and welcome to your new summer job, at the new and improved, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. 
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and Fritz's payslip.
 Uh... that old restaurant was kind of left to rot for quite a while, but I-I want to reassure you, Fazbear Entertainment is committed to family fun and above all, safety. They've spent a small fortune on these new animatronics, uh, facial recognition, advanced mobility. They even let them walk around during the day! [heh] Isn't that neat? hem. But most importantly, they're all tied into some kind of criminal database, so they can detect a predator a mile away. Heck, we should be paying them to guard you!
except that this is probally done by william to cover his tracks right the animatronics has his way of designing(Make up, little round red cheeks)
Uh mainly he expressed concern that certain characters seemed to move around at night, and even attempted to get into his office. Now, from what we know that should be impossible
 So while our engineers don't really have an explanation for this, the working theory is that... ..the robots were never given a proper night mode.
(or you know they are haunted because remnant?)
There's a music box over by the prize counter, and it's rigged to be wound up remotely. So just every once in a while, switch over to the prize counter video feed and wind it up for a few seconds. It doesn't seem to affect all of the animatronics, but it does affect... ..one of them,
Charlie is a toddler and toddlers get cranky when they don't sleep so its just a need detail that we have to play her a lullaby.
Uh, by now I'm sure you've noticed the older models... ..sitting in the back room. Uh, those are from the previous location, and we just use them for parts now. The idea at first was to repair them. Uh, they even started retrofitting them with some of the newer technology. But they were just so ugly, you know. And the smell...ugh. Uh, so the company decided to just go in a whole new direction, and make them super kid friendly
clearly the Withered ones are the original versions of the Animatronics that the kids possess. the fnaf 1 versions are them repaired and slightly redesigned.
 I'll be honest, I never liked that puppet thing. It's always...thinking, and it can go anywhere. Uh, I don't think the Freddy mask will fool it. So just don't forget the music box
one of the reasons people assumed the phoneguy had to be william but since we hear phoneguy die ...not likely but yeah Charlie is unnerving don't blame you Phone guy
Did uh... ..Foxy ever appear in the hallway? Probably not. I was just curious. Like I said, he was always my favorite. They tried to remake Foxy, you know? Uh, they thought the first one was too scary. So they redesigned him to be more kid friendly and put him in kid's cove. Uh, to keep the toddlers entertained, you know. But kids these days just can't keep their hands to themselves. The staff literally had to put Foxy back together during just every shift. So eventually they just stopped trying and left him in some kind of "take apart, put back together" attraction. Now he's just a mess of parts. I think the employees refer to him as just...the mangle.
Uh... oh hey! Before I go, uh I wanted to ease your mind about any rumors you might have heard lately. Uh, you know how these local stories come and go and seldom mean anything. I can personally assure you, that, whatever is going on out there, however tragic it may be, has nothing to do with our establishment. I-It's just all rumor and speculation, people trying to make a buck, you know. Uh, our guard during the day has reported nothing unusual, and he's on watch from opening till close.
(Note that he says OUT there. I don't think he means a second missing children accident i think it may refer to circus baby and rentals or the rumors about the original animatronics smelling because the corpses in them and them being in this location)
Okay, so uh, just to update you, uh, there's been somewhat of an investigation going on, uh, we may end up having to close for a-a few days, I don't know. Uh, I want to emphasize though that it's really just a precaution. Uh Fazbear Entertainment denies any wrongdoing. These things happen sometimes. Um, it'll all get sorted out in a few days. Just keep an eye on things and I'll keep you posted.
Uh, just as a side note though, uh try to avoid eye contact with any of the animatronics tonight if you can. Uh, someone may have tampered with their facial recognition systems, we're not sure. But the characters have been acting very unusual, almost aggressive towards the staff. Uh they interact with the kids just fine, but when they encounter an adult, they just...stare.
(if one of the guards is William they would stare because of him, if not someone might have messed with the database again probally William or even Mike tho i think MIke is Fritz,
Um, from what I understand the building is on lockdown. Uh...no one is allowed in or out, you know. Especially concerning any... ..previous employees. Um, when we get it all sorted out we may move you to the day shift. A position just became...available. Uh, we don't have a replacement for your shift yet but we're working on it. Uh, we're gonna try to contact the original restaurant owner. Uh, I think the name of the place was... ..Fredbear's Family Diner or something like that. It was closed for years though, I doubt we'll be able to track anybody down.
weird that Henry and William are no longer own fazbear's i think they still do but the employees don't know just because of the way the animatronics look . the books say they do and in into the pit they also seem to since their workbenches and pictures are in the pizzaria.
Uh, the place is closed down, a-at least for a while. Someone used one of the suits. We had a spare in the back, a yellow one. Someone used it. Now none of them are acting right. Listen, j-just finish your shift, i-it’s safer than trying to leave in the middle of the night. Uh, we have one more event scheduled for tomorrow, a-a birthday. You’ll be on day shift. Wear your uniform, stay close to the animatronics and make sure they don’t hurt anyone, okay? Uh, for now just make it through the night. Uh, when the place eventually opens again I’ll probably take the night shift myself. Okay, good night, and good luck.
cue Phone guy's calls from fnaf 1?
So the pizzaria closed summer and reopened in winter its likely Phoneguy died and than we come in? Like the forst week of winter phone guy takes the shift and afterwards we do...? We do know golden Freddy was in fnaf 2 so he could still have killed Phone guy there. But that makes no sense with him refering to the bite as the bite if 87 and the animatronics nolonger wandering since than. Most likely he found a replacement for his shift instead and only returned after Fitz to actually take a week himself. Cue fnaf 1 phonecalls?
the minigames:
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all i have is that its either a memory being distored from the missing children or it being a game and them having misinformation course what even it makes barely any sense. if theres two pairs of missing kids why have we not heared anything about them since then? and if its the original missing children why are we already at the fnaf 2 location?
the toys being here aren't the biggest problem....? they also appear in fnaf 4 as toys so the minigames aren't the most reliable narrators
i can see it being a distorted memory like how into the pit is a distorted memory. (oz finding 6 bodies but later meeting kids he helpes that also could be the missing kids as he saves 5, the kid in the animatronic,
plus it makes sense it was supposed to be the missing kids since we never saw them die before that.
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but if they are seprate victims heres some points it could be seperate kids in the fourth closet theres kids kidnapped by baby and william but theres only 4 not 5 like in save them.
and than theres the ones from the happiest day that could be the missing kids from the second missing children incident if it existed but we never actually saw them get freed? or have names for them (besides the novels but those kids never died.( they never died!)).
we see one pair of missing kids get saved put to rest in fnaf 3 but not a second pair. so the debate if the second pair of kids exist is still there. and if so why are they both the toys and the mediocre melodies than? this is one of the most confusing parts of fnaf 2.
also note that the second set of kids are in color while the missing kids are greyscale to show their dead but the other 5 are not dead than? (see what i mean with the second set of dead kids might not exist) also explains why you can't save them. if its the first set of kids their already dead you can't save the lives of kids that are already dead and if its the second its because their not actually dead??? considering the other info we have.
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take cake to the children is just Charlie's death
save him could refer to the Puppet (Since the puppet is considered a he while Charlie inside the puppet is a girl)
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give gifts, give life would suggest that Charlie is the reason the kids were allowed to possess the animatronics.
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foxy go go go is basically us seeing the missing kids again die. but it also mirrors into the pit where oswald sees the missing kids together in a room only later to reveal that he has been foxy and therefore fritz all along ( game version) but the thing is fritz died 5th (charlie, susie, jeremy and Gabriel die before him, tho Cassy could already be there or its Crying child's corpse he saw since he also technically died by then its a bit confusing) but these minigames have never been the best narrator of whats really happening their an unreliable narrator and i think that maybe on purpose the dead forget and if these are coming from the kids who knows what they really recall.
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Balloon Boy he is becoming more significant lately.
In the novel, it says that there were multiple Balloon Boys, all different colors. This could be hinting there are several characters such as JJ and Dee Dee, and possibly even Ballboy and Browboy could have also been there.
he mostly stars in minigames, he is also seen in V.I.P. the original novel, and a story specific to him called Sergios lucky day. his voice is also the voice luring springtrap away in fnaf 3. (which is actually kinda interesting if ....he is meant to represent mike in some way)
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he also seems to have some connection in representing Mike. the staffbot dressed as balloon boy is the one for mike and mike kept being scared by Balloon boy in the movie.
his role in fnaf 2 is to be an annoyance with him stealing your batteries to get you killed by foxy (another character Mike represents as he is the foxybully)
other things to point out for other animatronics:
Withered Foxy is the only one not fooled by the mask probally so that Balloon boy and him could work together.
The puppet :just as i mentioned before Charlie (age 3) posesses the puppet after her death on halloween 1983, she seems to be the one who gave life to the animatronics and was killed by William than she was locked outside the dinner. she is also soothed by music.
Cupcake:OG cupcake is missing we have toy cupcake tho.
pointed out by PerseidLabs :
At the end of night 5,6 and 7, a specific song known as Les Cloches Du Monastère plays. This is also the triumphant song that Glitchtrap dances to at the end of Help Wanted.
both Fritz and Jeremy are horrible namecombinations of the victimns and be a snarky evil covername for both Mike and William if they there the two nightguards. Fritz smith. Smith is still similar to Schmidt. and Jeremy Fitzgerald could be a weird algmation of Jeremy ,Fritz (PerseidLabs thinks gerald is a mishearing of gabriel which im not sure about)
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Persaidlabs also points out that the Hallucination mean that there had to be fnaf 1 model style versions of crew before the withered ones that existed somewhere before fnaf 1 and that this is them staring at William instead who is pretending to be Freddy. which is why their actually give you this unnerving look. she also calls out withered chica from the logbook as the parts for the withers being taken for the first location . she claims the original ones are from the dinner than henry and williams resturant was bought after the murders and they redesigned or rather made knockoffs of the animatronics with the parts of the old animatronics resulting in the witheres we see in fnaf 2 after they moved buildings. those were then scrapped aswell for the toys. (which this has to happen in a span of 3 years i think 1985 is the missing kids, if freddys was bought up by someone they had to go through 2 locations in a span of 2 years ) it also means they barely did any mentaince ) and that they pulled up some of williams old designs for the toys (honestly not far fetched as we see the toys as toys in fnaf 4)
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what if the dead bodies in SAVE THEM aren't kids.
why would Scott make two diffrent sprites for slump over bodies otherwise?
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“Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for damage to property or person. Upon discovering that damage or death has occurred, a missing person report will be filed within 90 days, or as soon property and premises have been thoroughly cleaned and bleached, and the carpets have been replaced.”
we know atleast that some employees died at some point given that phoneguy calls that out.
Fredbear’s Family Diner  70ties to 80ties
The Missing Location 1983 - to 1985 ? Fazbear Entertainment ousts or loses track of William and Henry, the original founders.
The New Location – The new location opens, tries to use the salvaged Originals, hates the smell and look of them and decides to go in a new direction with the characters. The pristine, new version of the Withereds appears here.
The Summer Incident – Something horrible happens in summer and presumably a lot of people die. The location is closed for a bit but Fazbear never gives up and denies everything fervently.
The Grand Re-Opening – The location opens once more, and this time Fazbear wheels out another set of animatronics, bringing the Toys out to the floor while being forced to put the now wrecked Withered animatronics into storage in the backroom. The events of this further William intrusion closes the location and the animatronics are scrapped.
FNAF1 – A mysterious benefactor (possibly Henry) saves and restores the oldest animatronics and gives all of the souls somewhere to be housed and safe that resembles a happy place for them.
_ note this timeline is taken from PerseidLabs aswell and makes sense.
the reason the withered ones would be haunted is because parts of the original ones were taken from them. it also means if the withers don't exist in the second fnaf movie the movie timeline wouldn't be totally off.
and im no longer in despair of figuring this out yay.
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nitinrajput2922 · 5 months
What Is The Best Android Mobile App Development Company? The Best Guide
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on finding the best Android Mobile App Development Company in the USA. In today's digital age, businesses and entrepreneurs are increasingly turning to Android mobile app development companies to bring their ideas to life and reach their target audience effectively.
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With countless options available, choosing the right company can be a daunting task. Fear not! In this guide, we'll provide you with valuable insights and tips to help you navigate the landscape and find the perfect partner for your app development needs.
Researching Potential Companies
Researching potential companies is the first step in finding the best Android mobile app development partner for your project. Begin by compiling a list of reputable companies based on recommendations, online reviews, and industry reputation.
Take the time to visit their websites, review their portfolios, and assess their expertise in Android app development. Look for companies with a track record of delivering high-quality apps across diverse industries and platforms, demonstrating their ability to meet your specific requirements and objectives.
1. Reviewing Portfolio and Case Studies
Reviewing the portfolio and case studies of a potential Android Mobile App Development Company in the USA is essential for evaluating their capabilities and expertise. Examine their past projects to assess the quality of their work, user experience, and design aesthetics.
Pay attention to the types of apps they've developed, industries they've served, and technologies they've utilized. Look for companies that have experience in building apps similar to yours or have worked with clients in your industry, demonstrating their understanding of your business needs and target audience.
2. Evaluating Technical Skills and Expertise
Assessing the specialized abilities and aptitude of Android versatile application improvement organizations is vital for guaranteeing the fruitful execution of your venture.
Assess their proficiency in Android app development frameworks, programming languages, and development tools. Inquire about their experience with emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and machine learning (ML), if relevant to your app requirements.
Additionally, consider their knowledge of app optimization, performance tuning, and compatibility testing across different Android devices and OS versions. Choose a company with a strong technical foundation and a proactive approach to innovation and technology adoption.
3. Assessing Communication and Collaboration
Assessing communication and collaboration is essential for establishing a productive and successful partnership with an Android Mobile App Development Company in the USA. Evaluate their responsiveness, transparency, and willingness to listen to your ideas and feedback.
Look for companies that prioritize clear and open communication, providing regular updates, progress reports, and opportunities for collaboration throughout the development process.
Consider their ability to understand your vision, goals, and requirements, and align their development approach accordingly. Choose a company that values collaboration, fosters trust, and prioritizes your satisfaction and success as a client.
Conducting Interviews and Due Diligence
Conducting interviews and due diligence is the next step in finding the best App Development Services in the USA for your project. Schedule meetings or calls with your shortlisted companies to discuss your project requirements, expectations, and timelines in detail.
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Ask relevant questions about their development process, project management approach, team composition, and pricing structure. Use this opportunity to gauge their communication style, professionalism, and cultural fit with your organization. Additionally, conduct thorough due diligence by checking references, verifying credentials, and reviewing contracts and service agreements before making a final decision.
1. Clarifying Project Scope and Requirements
Clarifying the project scope and requirements is essential for ensuring alignment and understanding between you and the Android Application Development Company.
Clearly articulate your app idea, features, functionalities, and design preferences to the development team. Provide detailed documentation, wireframes, or prototypes to convey your vision and expectations effectively.
Discuss project timelines, milestones, and deliverables to establish a clear roadmap for development. Seek input and suggestions from the development team to refine and optimize your project requirements and maximize the app's potential for success.
2. Evaluating Team Expertise and Fit
Evaluating the expertise and fit of the development team is critical for determining the overall suitability of an Android Mobile App Development Company in the USA for your project.
Assess the qualifications, experience, and skill sets of key team members, including developers, designers, project managers, and quality assurance testers. Inquire about their previous projects, roles, and contributions to gain insights into their capabilities and expertise.
Consider factors such as team size, composition, and availability to ensure that the company can allocate the necessary resources and expertise to your project. Choose a company with a talented and cohesive team that can deliver exceptional results and exceed your expectations.
3. Negotiating Terms and Agreements
Negotiating terms and agreements is the final step in finalizing your partnership with an Android Application Development Company. Review the proposed contract, statement of work, or service agreement carefully to ensure that it accurately reflects the scope, timelines, and deliverables of your project.
Negotiate terms related to pricing, payment schedules, intellectual property rights, and confidentiality to protect your interests and minimize risks. Seek legal advice if necessary to clarify any ambiguous terms or provisions and ensure that you fully understand your rights and obligations as a client.
Once the terms are agreed upon and finalized, sign the contract and begin your journey toward creating a successful Android mobile app with confidence and peace of mind.
Finding the best Android Mobile App Development Company in the USA for your project requires careful research, evaluation, and due diligence. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can identify reputable companies, assess their capabilities, and select the perfect partner to bring your app idea to life.
Remember to prioritize factors such as portfolio quality, technical expertise, communication, and collaboration when making your decision. With the right partner by your side, you can embark on a successful app development journey and achieve your goals in the competitive world of mobile apps.
Also Read This:-
What's The Typical Process For Android App Development?
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predhel · 6 months
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* the bearer of vilya. — private elrond half-elven of j.r.r. tolkien's legendarium, as portrayed by r. aramayo. read on.
private, with my main account being #oakenbranch. while the character belongs to tolkien, everything on this account, including imagery, essays, and concepts belongs to me. i retain the right to hardblock and softblock at my discretion. anonymous is never turned on. no prejudice, sexism, transphobia, or racism will be tolerated. we all have a place in middle-earth.
crossovers are encouraged! though i will never put him in an entirely modern setting, and prefer using magical means, such as being brought from the pages of a book, in order to bring him into a modern earth. themes here will contain dark or otherwise mature content. i will not follow minors. single-ship in terms of character, meaning multiple ships, but with only one of each character. i welcome celebrían blogs!
while mostly book, notes, and letters-based, bits and pieces will be taken from peter jackson’s films. my portrayal will be elaborated on as i explore elrond and the numerous things written on elves and their history. do not assume to know my portrayal, nor should you make assumptions about my interpretation of elrond’s story and elven culture. plots can happen across the entirety of elrond’s timeline. i am more than happy to work with other tolkien accounts’ interpretations.
of amazon's series: i am highly critical of this show and its indifferent approach to the source material. the show will not have any influence story-wise on this blog. i am, however, friendly to any amazon-based blogs. all i ask is that my preference for tolkien's original lore be respected. namárië.
elrond half-elven, born of eärendil and elwing in the first age, twin brother to elros who became the first king of númenor. captured as a child during the third kinslaying; raised by maglor, son of fëanor, and given his name, meaning 'star-dome' after the cavern he was found in with elros. healer, lore-master, former herald of the high king gil-galad, and lord of imladris, that is rivendell in the common tongue. he marched in the war of the last alliance. member of the white council. bearer of the elven ring vilya, the ring of air. said to be the twilight of his people, the precipice of night when the stars are but a faint glow in vault of the evening above. one-hundred and eighty centimeters tall. demisexual, demiromantic.
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wolfliving · 7 months
Meanwhile, as India waves its hands
India's government has created a project it hopes will result in creation of a city-scale digital twin to help the nation improve future urban planning.
The Sangam: Digital Twin initiative will commence with a phase that India's government has billed as "for clarity of horizon and creative exploration to unleash potential."
Next will come an effort to stage practical demonstration of specific use cases – "generating a future blueprint that may serve as a roadmap to scale and replicate successful strategies in future infrastructure projects through collaboration."
You read that right: a blueprint that can serve as a roadmap. Don't blame us.
To make all this management-speak into reality, India's government wants help from creators of virtual worlds, providers of compute power (at scale), entities capable of integrating sensors into wider systems, and sources of data that describes how people move around Indian cities.
Geospatial data specialists are also sought, along with representatives of utilities.
Private-sector startups and academics alike have been asked to join in.
For now, India's government has asked only for expressions of interest. No timeline for delivery of the city-scale digital twin has been made public.
An ambitious project like Sangam would keep plenty of governments busy. Yet this week India's Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) fired off a Call for project proposals for Innovative R&D in emerging areas of Information Technology[PDF] seeking proposals for research in the following 22 categories.
Quantum Technology
Non-fungible Tokens
Perception and Cognitive Engineering
Non-financial Web3 Applications
Digital Twins
Multisensory ImmersionAI
Artificial Wisdom
Edge computing
Brain Computer Interface
Industry 5.0
Big Data Analytics
Society 5.0
Green Computing
Spatial computing
Digital Preservation
Neuromorphic computing
FOSS for societal applications
Proposals are welcome from anyone who can demonstrate they have appropriate research capabilities and facilities. Projects will be well regarded if they can produce results in two or three years....
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spookystrawberry-blog · 8 months
Romance on the surface (part 11)
Y/n x Sans
The next morning the boys have trouble waking up Sans. Grilby manages to get him to stand up but he still hasn't emerged when they reach you. You notice him and walk towards him to wake him up. Sans drops his head on your shoulder and you pat him gently which ends up waking him up little by little. Sans blushes when he sees you and jokingly apologizes.
S: Well sorry, mornings are really not my strong point.
You have lunch then take the bus for the day's outing. As you and Sans climb inside you realize that all of your friends have settled in such a way that you have to be next to each other. Ryan and Haru joke about what happened on the plane which embarrasses Sans but you tell him to let it slide and you sit down. You will spend the afternoon visiting an imperial temple.
When you return you must form groups to cook. You get together with Sans, Aoi and Hyun. Let Yui, Haru, Ryan and Harper form a group. As Grilby cooks well he takes care of other things.
A: It's a good thing that we're together, the others are too energetic for us to be able to prepare something good without difficulty.
You laugh because she's not wrong. You then look at what ingredients you have and everyone begins to make meal suggestions. You add that you should make a dish with ketchup for Sans, which makes him happy. You start cooking. You and Sans cut vegetables. You notice that Sans is doing it like a boss.
Y/n: Wow Sans I didn’t know you were that good!
S: Eh! I taught Papyrus to cook when we were younger. I had to train myself to get there.
Y/n: Mmh I understand, I guess it's something elder children do. I've had to cook for Frisk a lot before...
Sand looks at you questioningly.
Y/n: We lived with a host family for a few years who didn't care much about us. They had welcomed us just to be seen well by those around them and to earn a little money. They always came home very late so I cooked so that Frisk had something to eat before going to sleep... They forgot her birthday so I made her cake every year...
Sans looks at you sympathetically and says that Frisk is a good kid and that his sister raised him well. Aoi adds that she still saved them from the underground. Embarrassed you say that Frisk owes you nothing, that your sister was exceptional from the start, the fact that she has a determined soul does not surprise you at all.
S: You must not be so modest. Your soul is just as impressive. You are a truly empathetic person and you shared this part of yourself with your sister who then shared it with us. You were an example for her, according to her own words. You had a lot to do with her education and the person she became.
You blush and feel confused. Without paying attention you burn your finger on the hot pan next to you. Sans raises his voice, telling you to be careful. You look at him in surprise. He apologizes saying you could have gotten burned badly. Then he leaves to get some ointment after telling you to put your finger under the water while waiting for him. Everyone around watching the scene. Sans comes back and takes your finger to disinfect it. You were in pain so he decided to put his hand under yours to support it, which made you blush. He puts the ointment on you. You tell him he does it well. Sans tells you that he used to with his brother and you laugh saying that these are the problems of an elder. Sans smiled.
You finish cooking and sit down at the table. Sans takes the pasta with ketchup but Haru tells him that he could at least try something else. So he decides to have the dish you made, which makes you blush. As he found it good he took some more.
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