#welcome to the arcanum
oldestenemy · 7 months
A Shadow comes to tear Land and Sky asunder.
The wizard does not like prophecy.
They have not liked it from the start, but being involved with more and more of them, even on the sidelines, has just deepened the distaste.
The Auroracle’s words continue to rattle around their skull as Polaris unfolds around them. Corruption and imprisonment running deeper than just Walruskburg. Through mines and camps and into the very depths of the world. Every time returning back to the witch’s house.
“You will accompany me to the Arcanum, wizard.”
The wizard is a little apprehensive of this, though Baba Yaga is—hypothetically—on their side, they get the feeling she isn’t telling them something. There’s something missing from her story. But then, considering Cyrus had been the one to direct them to her, of course she had her own secrets.
“I’ll be back soon,” They tell Mellori in the hopes that it will stay some of her frustration at being left behind. They don’t actually know if they’ll be back soon, but they will be back, they aren’t done here. “once we’re done here maybe I can show you the academy I was telling you about—”
“—wizard!” They give Mellori a last little smile, and then hurry to where Baba Yaga is waiting on them to return to Walrusk—New Penguinonia.
The Arcanum opens up around them as they step through the door—and they are struck by the realization that it is not a world as they had first assumed. It’s… some kind of—are they in the void between? Or just in the sky?
Their thoughts stutter to a halt when they turn back towards Baba Yaga and catch sight of an Aztecasaur standing by one of the many doors.
“That’s Komeka Roundhorns—they’re our potioneer—for goodness sake why do you look so distressed, we are in a hurry—”
The wizard swallows hard as Baba Yaga’s voice tunes in and out of their ears.
“Peace you old hag,” Komeka says with a slight smile, “I know of this one.”
That makes them feel even worse.
“You don’t need to speak,” Komeka assures them, “there is no time at present—but come back to me another time, perhaps we can talk then.”
They want to speak.
They want to respond.
Want to scream.
But they are herded along deeper into what they are just landing on calling a ship by Baba Yaga. Past a librarian and straight towards an office decorated in Storm iconography. It seems the whole way through as though their travelling companion has been avoiding coming back here. Everyone is somewhat angry or bare minimum frustrated by the fact that she is only appearing now.
They tune in and out of the conversation until Ione Virga’s focus is solely on them.
Another title.
Another responsibility.
Another declaration of loyalty.
So here they are again.
Surrounded by people who think they are dangerous because of something they had no choice in.
And now they are wasting time even further.
Proving themself to people who will not listen to words.
But there is never any time for convincing. Push on.
Avalon is as bright and lively as ever, and it isn’t hard to spot the odd one out. Velma Von Venkman is draped in clothing the wizard would find more fitting in Marleybone’s moonlit streets than in the sunshine of Caliburn.
Still, she is less apprehensive than Ione, and that is welcome.
At least at the start.
“Have you ever heard of a sorceress named Morganthe?”
The wizard just stares at Venkman, as though she is joking. There is no trace of humor in the words or her expression. It’s an honest question, but not one they can even begin to fathom being asked. Heard of. Heard of?
But then, there is something…nice. They suppose.
About not being known.
So they do not answer.
They follow her through to the hideout in Caer Lyon. Cut their way through the runoffs from Khrysalis—who do recognize them—they are familiar with the spark of instinctual fear they can see in Ofiera’s eyes. Their appearance and spellwork traveled quickly among the ranks of the Umbra Legion towards the end. It’s not a surprise.
“Why ask us when the one who released Grandfather Spider from his prison stands at your side?”
Wayward Spider and his kin.
Child marked by the Raven and the Spider.
When Venkman drags them outside they know there is no avoiding it.
“You are the wizard who defeated the Shadow Queen?!”
They wince, “Killed,” they correct “yes, I killed Morganthe, I led the war on Khrysalis, I—”
“—Color me impressed,” Velma says, planting a hand on her hip “and here I thought I would be the dark and mysterious one coming from Darkmoor.”
Who are these people?
“You’re from Darkmoor?”
“Mmm, yes and we had some terrifying bedtime stories about Grandfather Spider. I used to think all the stories about him and Raven were myths—but well, you’d know all about Myth being more real than anyone ever assumes wouldn’t you.”
That, out of everything, they can agree with.
If it’s true you defeated Morganthe.
If it’s true.
They are doing their best not to let the words of the Storm Scholar—and in fact everyone they have met here—turn them into a mess. But it is slowing them down if nothing else. They are fighting not to shake as they return to Baba Yaga.
But when she offers the same surprise as everyone else, it finally breaks.
“What am I supposed to say!” They demand, almost immediately cut over.
“Don’t bother answering—”
“—No, no, I am the one doing all of the heavy lifting here, I’m done until you let me speak.” The wizard says, “Am I supposed to walk around announcing every second that I ended the war on Khrysalis? That I let out Old Cob? That I’m part of the Council of Light?” They resist the urge to roll their eyes, “What good would it do anyone? I’m here. I’m helping. Just let me.”
It’s a relief to let some of it out. The pressure always building in their chest seems to ebb a little. They feel it as some warmth comes back to their fingers and are reminded that—especially around these people—they will need to keep a better handle on their emotions. No need to concern them with Shadow leaping out.
Baba Yaga huffs, staring down at them with a look that might be irritation but might—if they squint—also be pride? “You really are one of Cyrus’s students aren’t you, he always did end up with the most troublesome and stubborn of any bunch.”
Yes they are.
Stubborn and always ten steps away from trouble.
“There’s no time for all of this—we need to find out which one of Spider’s children is interfering in Polaris. And I’m stuck here now that everyone knows I’m back, so the footwork will have to be left to you—if you’re up to the task.”
Send them running.
Prophecy at their heels.
Read the rest of the series here <3
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vvitchllng · 2 months
“Something called the Dominox has taken root in Aeor” if Devexian has taken over the ruins of Aeor as his base where he’s doing smt with those awoken aeormatons I’m going to lose my Mind
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arcanumlegio · 5 months
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acesw · 5 months
UTTU Part 1: The Magazine
Welcome back to A.D. doing mega lore posting because good god this will never get old. But anyways, this post will be about UTTU and not only about their magazine, but also about their Flash Gathering. (This also counts as my birthday gift for Sonetto since she likes being info-dumped, probably. Happy Birthday Sonetto!)
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“Standing in the shadow, we tell all the stories which were once unknown, like a weaver in silence, or a moth light trap in the dark night.” - Pandora Wilson, UTTU Journalist
First, who even is UTTU?
UTTU Magazine is an arcanist magazine organization that releases stories about notable arcanists. According to Blonney, they are "the greatest fashion and arcanist information magazine." They operate globally as well as privately, going so far as to hide the physical identities of their reporters and their main headquarters.
There’s not a lot of things known about how UTTU works, but what we do have is information about their magazine and their Flash Gathering event, which we can start off from there. But first, what does the name mean?
The name ‘Uttu’ comes from the Mesopotamian goddess of the same name, one of Sumerian origin. She was associated with weaving (and spiders but the claim of Uttu being envisioned as a spider is limited).
They sell their magazines in the form of seasonal subscriptions, advising to only purchase the subscription and not much else. From there, they create the articles and send out monthly updates.
UTTU also hosts “Flash Gatherings” for the game’s events as a reading club, where the arcanists are invited to see the UTTU market situated in the area of where the in-game event takes place; they can read the Flash Journal and FLASH:FAME, obtain FAME cards from retails, and get rewards. I’ll get into this in Part 2.
First, we'll explore the magazine since there's so much questions surrounding them.
UTTU Magazine
Of course, the magazine is the main brand of the organization. The magazine has properties in which only arcanists are able to read it (speculation), and it has a scheduled self-update to release new articles/artworks.
The reason why we are able to see such a large amount of information is because from what can be told, Vertin is an avid collector of this media, even being titled “Top Collector” in the introduction of the Green Lake Flash Gathering.
Anyway, the magazine has a very interesting way of how it works, and they even have their own reading guide, including instructions of how to manage the magazine and activate the self-update.
Reader’s Guide and Self-Updating system
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Welcome to UTTU. This is a magazine.
Don’t skip this page. Unlike those useless prefaces filled with boring platitudes, this one is important.
1. Don't doubt the truth of UTTU. We only tell true stories that happened to real arcanists.
2. You only need one copy of UTTU. After you make the seasonal subscription, the copy will update itself on 15th every month.
3. Whenever the copy updates itself, please place it below a cupboard or the firewood in a fireplace, but do not leave any fire or light. Then step back to 8.8 feet away and wait for 10-15 minutes. It is normal to hear the sounds of sewing and crawling during the update.
4. Don't be confused about the interviews of the artworks. Please note that anything can be an artwork: they can be alive, or dead. Whoever has a story to tell can be deemed an artwork.
5. You might smell a fine aroma from the pages while reading an interview. This is normal.
6. Do not be shocked by live photographs, and do not let any of them come in contact with dark coffee or matches.
8. Keep UTTU away from fire. This is an arcanum magazine and is definitely not fireproof.
9. Although it's not fireproof, UTTU is waterproof, but please do not soak it in water for too long. If you do so by mistake, please prepare enough insect repellent.
10. Don't ask where article 7 is. (lmao)
11. If you see any ads about nightmare recycle on the attached pages, do not call the number on it or make any attempt to catch those monsters. If your children report strange goings-on to you, comfort them with one extra milk candy before bedtime.
12. Try to enjoy reading UTTU.
The way one could get the magazine is buying a seasonal subscription, and upon receiving it you’d have to take care of it regularly since it is delicate. When updating, you put it in a place where you’d most commonly find spiders. That way, these arcane weavers can multiply and add to the tapestry. Additionally, this magazine seems to be a live and interactive type of media, which does explain the “live photographs” and the spiders.
Magazine Contents
Now, what are the contents of the UTTU Magazine?
First, we look at our Role Atlas. Yes, the Role Atlas is involved in this too.
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There are categories of our roster that classify them by what they are: Beyond, awakened, arcanist, mixed, and infected. Now, what are each of these?
Beyond: an Arcanist with unexplainable origins not found within Arcanum (Ex: Voyager and aliEn T are aliens born of supernatural causes rather than arcanum. Jessica is a hybrid species of a deer woman (a spirit in Native American myth) and a changeling (a supernatural creature in European folklore) )
Awakened: an Arcanist who was once an object and has been given sentience one way or another (Ex: Sputnik was a regular space probe as the real Sputnik 1 who gained sentience when entering orbit).
Arcanist: A general term for those who are born with a different physiology that makes them able to sense and use arcanum, this is not limited only to human arcanists. (Ex: Door was born of arcanum on Earth and was always sentient thus is not a Beyond nor Awakened arcanist)
Mixed: People who both have the genetics or blood of a Human and an Arcanist. (Ex: Pavia and Satsuki were implied to be born of a human and an arcanist)
Infected: Currently unknown, no arcanists within this category.
They also have a “Bound Volume”, which serves as a gallery collection of arcanists that Vertin has and has not met. Those she (and we) haven't met will be obscured.
The “Artwork”
Artworks in this game are basically the arcanists that UTTU chooses to write about. As long as there is one to tell, they will conduct an interview and report on it. For each artwork they contain: Exhibition details, Item Collection, and Story/Interview.
First, the cover. Made by my friend and fellow lore chat dweller Rabies En., this is what can be made out of what each part of the exhibition details mean:
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And of course, the “Completion” date is their birthday.
When it comes to describing their inspiration, it tends to be left on a vague note and left for speculation. While concluding that the first half is the title of the arcanist’s afflatus, the second half has left most people confused. My speculation is that this latter half is something that is related to their job, hobby, skill, or interest.
For example, Balloon Party’s inspiration is quite straightforward: “Remains of a Rock Formation [Mineral] Bones Balloon.” It directly showcases her afflatus and what she is inspired by, which also goes hand in hand as to what her arcane skill is. Meanwhile, Sonetto’s is more vague and unique: “Trained Loyal Dogs [Mineral] Foreign Affairs.” These reflect her upbringing and main interest respectively. With this theory, I concluded that the afflatus and inspiration boost one’s arcanist’s medium, which in turn helps fuel their arcane skill.
Second, the items. All arcanists have a section that lists personal items that closely pertain to their character, usually, these things would be visible on their person. The author analyzes them and relates them to their story and character. And depending on the item, they are priced by clear drops.
Additionally, if a character has a garment that isn't their I2 (e.g. event garments), they will have a special section for a new set of items. (Ex. Sonetto's Parade Anthem garment isn't exactly her I2 outfit, thus she has another set of items that relate to the uniform.)
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Lastly, the Story and Interview; Each and every arcanist is interviewed by Pandora Wilson, another fellow arcanist and one whose face is obscured to the world other than a pair of lips.
The first story is a retelling of their background and upbringing, the second is a story about their daily life or lifestyle, and the third is a transcripted segment of their interview. The interview segments usually starts with Pandora greeting and/or asking a few questions towards the interviewee, but occasionally they also include the end of these interviews.
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They highlight parts that make the interviewee unique; It exhibits their distinction, their personality, and most importantly, their overall character and the life they lead. These help us learn about the arcanists in a more deeper level the more we bond with them, as well as learning about the world they live in considering how all of them come from different times.
Now, our magazine analysis ends here. Feel free to ask questions and Part 2 is linked below!
Part 2: The Flash Gathering
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rainbowgod666 · 4 months
Wizardposting blogs and my view of them, OR:
My ass out here cataloguing wizards like they're pokemon 💀 i ran out of things to do fr 💀💀💀
@official-megumin: dutch (EDIT. SHE ISNT. I WRONGLY REMEMBERER A POST OF HERS. I KNOW HER ASS IS LIVING [OR FROM] NORTH EUROPE THO) megumin that still has the "only knows one spell and its the stupidest and hardest to unlock and use. Balancing the Meta my ass" problem. In a relationship with @a-sentient-cup
@autism--wizard: just a lil neurodivergent guy that likes spooders. Not much of it really. Possibly strong enough to defeat spiders georg
@the-adhd-sorcerer: moot :) also more powerful than they let on, but its like DBXV2: starter gear and GODLY stats
@mossy--wizard: moss-fueled neurodivergent boi with lots of moss. Yes their blog feels like a wet forest in the sunlight, drying up after a long rain. Not really interacted with them tho...
@wizard-council-bureaucrat: basically the MC of tumblr wizardposting. If they say something its either wizard law or just a suggestion. Probably the only wizard here that ISNT "surprisingly powerful even though their learning was less than advanced"
@wizard-intern: the blorbo.
@the-gnomish-bastard: ok i get that theyre basically pilaf from dragonball, but A: the stew arcanum is REAL bur the 24 gods thing either sounds like bullshit or he made a stew out of 24 REALLY HUBRIS-FILLED PEOPLE (which would explain his "holy fucking shit how are you even capable of HAVING A STRUCTURE WITH THE FUNCTION OF A BRAIN"), B: he was the dude that came up with the whole "floating wizard island thing" (which has so many holes like wtf put it back down) and C: im pretty sure they have been corrupted by some kind of mushroom deity, which would explain the fact that when calling him "stupid" its like SCP-682 saying that humans are disgusting. Because there literally isnt a stronger word in the human language. How in the fuck does someone have so little intellect we have to do like the jewish population of europe after 1945 when they came up with the word "shoah" to describe what happened to them. To the user running that blog. GET SOME PSYCHIATRIC HELP ASAP. Holy shit.
@not-a-suspicious-wizard: "I aM vErY tRuStWoRtHy" dude everyone knows you wanna do some weird "subjugate reality" bullshit. How about you start making drafts and NOT murdering opponents? Seriously dude if you wanna be in charge as long as you dont try weird "consolidating power like its the 1940s" shit its alright. Maybe take some craftmanship things as a hobby! Make your own throne! Come up with something to do when you are too tired to do Dominant King Bullshit! Play modded minecraft/terraria! Make origami! If youre gonna blanket the world in darkness, at least make it look cool and welcoming instead of "inevitable rebel uprising lol have fun with Prophetic Children lmao" :3
@incompetent-wizard: are you SURE youre incompetent? Chances are, you're just unlucky 😊
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schneiderenjoyer · 5 months
UTTU Catalogue's Categories
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There's a lot about UTTU that still is unknown and they operate strangely. I've seen some conversations about it, but out of everything that's making me lose my mind is the Category Covers.
The implication of Categories creating a diverse subculture (and potentially subspecies) of arcanists within the arcane community aside, the covers literally tell us the very essence of the arcanists categorized within it are. All hidden by the fine print (seriously they're hiding the words and shrinking the letters and blending it into the colors on purpose, it's so hard to see)
The clearest one I can read full is for Arcanists; "The two-faced are among them. Born to Suffer." It's a strangely poetic way to describe how arcanists, in human society, are viewed to be ill fated people. Thus, they're born to suffer for their nature.
There's also Awakened; "Backdoor listing, welcome to the phenomenon world." Which is interesting since we know the arcanists listed in this category have a far more bizarre and even unknown way they're born and became arcanists. A form of "backdoor" approach to being born an arcanist. A Phenomenon, if you will.
The Beyond is a little hard to read near the end, but it states; "Under the surface, I know nothing but the fact of my ignorance." And who is in that category? Jessica. There's also words covered that make the word WHO and a cut off line that says "Cannot spe? spa?" Does it refer to the fact that Voyager doesn't speak?
The Mixed is even harder to really read for me, but I can make out is the half the phrase of "Where did the rationality go... -----" like it's questioning where they went wrong in the gene process to not be 'logical' enough for human society, but just 'irrational' enough to stand among arcanists yet not fully belong. A lovely commentary on mixed races.
Lastly, the reason I'm writing this whole thing, is for the Infected. Why? Well, one, we now have an official arcanist categorized to it, Ezra Theodore. (This has now been debunked and instead replaced with a far more infuriating revelation here.) And for the unofficial...
The caption for this category is ominous, threatening even, being; "We know who you are and we will visit the visitors." And for those who don't know why this is important. This category pertains to one of the most fascinating cases.
Because it's for humans that can use arcanum.
Not that they have an arcane bloodline, no. They're pure blooded human that can use arcanum. And that spells a fucked up implication that could mean all sorts of things. One being human experimentation. And UTTU knows something and are making sure people in this category understood that even if they can use arcanum, they're not arcanists. Like many arcanists, they're keeping the line between humans and arcanists very clear. Even calling the category "Infected" like it's a virus, a plague. Something dirty that entered their veins.
UTTU is fascinating in this regard and I hope to see more about them in the future the more times they have these flash events and maybe even someday fully explored more in depth to its lore.
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wellthebardsdead · 4 months
Evalien: *walking up to the collage of winterhold* Caryalind potion, marigold, Taliesin, hood up.
Marigold: what? Why?
Evalien: Ancano.
Marigold: …What?
Taliesin: Ancano?! Here?!
Evalien: no in morrowind, yes he’s here! *points ahead to the high elf in front of the main doors*
Marigold: shit- *pulls his hood up and covers his face with his cowl*
Taliesin: *does the same* you know him flower?
Marigold: he’s my- was, my fiancé, before I disappeared.
Caryalind: *pops an invisibility potion and downs it* ugh yep still gross. I thought he was based in Markarth still-
Marigold: evidentially not…
Flynt: *places his hand to his sword and moves in front of him smelling Ancanos scent and recognising it from the embassy* hmm…
Kaidan: *nods to inigo and steps up beside Evalien to act as her bodyguard* hands on blades.
Inigo: yes brother.
Evalien: *walks up to the doors ignoring Ancano as she waits for the Breton woman to finish reprimanding him*
Mirabelle: We’re done her- oh hello. A new student? Welcome to the collage of winterhold.
Evalien: not a student. I require access to the arcanum… and is, there a little dunmer named Wyrm here? I have a package for him.
Mirabelle: Little Pearl? Oh yes you’ll find him in the arcanum. Just through the doors and to your right. I take it, it’s important given your heavily armed guards?
Evalien: thank you, and yes. It’s of high importance.
Ancano: Anything of high importance coming through these doors must be reported to the thalmor.
Evalien: *turns to face him as her mask opens showing her purple skin and other dwemer characteristics* go hug a land mine.
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romanceclub-lovers · 6 months
🔮Alice Palomar
Author of the short stories "Shadows of Saintfour", "Secret of Heaven", "Arcanum" and "Secret of Heaven 2".
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Birthday: October 21
Her pseudonym is Alisa Palomar.
Alice lives in Moldova.
Alice really loves the cartoon “Beauty and the Beast”.
Alice’s boyfriend even gave her a rose from the m/f for the New Year.
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Alice personal archive
She has a dog - a Doberman named Belle (in honor of her favorite cartoon).
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Alice loves K-pop.
I worked as an account manager for a short period of time.
She likes to go to techno parties to reboot and clear her head.
Alice loves to read (photo from her archive).
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Favorite books – “The Master and Margarita” by Bulgakov, “My Brother, My Enemy” by Wilson, “An American Tragedy” by Driesen. In action, Alice loved Stine's Goosebumps series.
Favorite films are “Mr. Nobody” and “Triangle”.
Favorite TV series – “Darkness”.
Alice is left-handed .
From the age of 15, Alice was published in various magazines.
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At the age of 18, she won the competition for “Best Young Writer of Moldova.”
Bonus: Alice's workplace.
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Alice TG & Instagram 👇
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fa-dubu · 7 months
nightmare at green lake spoilers
it seems that identity is a theme for the event, how one perceives themself vs how one is perceived by others and some post-event thots
Blonney: has spent most of her pre-teen - present day trying to shed her arcanist side. the way she dresses, the topics and things she allows herself to seem interested in, and the people she chooses to surround herself with are all what 'normal people' her age 'should' be into. (like a metaphor for neurodivergency, comphet, or both) her denial is ultimately futile as she's still treated differently by her human peers and the audience can see that she still holds deep love for cheesy slasher movies. when she accepts her arcanist side, she reawakens her previously missing arcanum ability, but interesting enough, outside of Jessica, she's still going by 'Blonney' rather than 'Jennifer.' i figured with reclaiming her arcanist identity she'd go back to using her real name vs the name she goes by when she was trying to be as 'human' as possible. but it makes sense that you can't undo years of self-doubt with one life-changing event.
speaking of Jessica, her identity is based off of Jennifer's Best GirlTM - i'm only partially joking too. i'm not too sure if Jessica's ("see you later"/"but she's never actually 'seen' me) line meant Jennifer was 1) reading her stories to Jessica while Jessica was disguised as a deer or 2) reading her stories to the lake and speaking to her oc 'Jessica' and our Jessica was hiding and listening in. either way, our Jessica named herself after the heroine in Jennifer's story, salvaged Jennifer's storybook/diary from the bottom of the lake, then spent the next 10+ years using her arcanum ability (and leftover Zeno tech) to bring Jennifer's stories to life. Jessica was trying to be who she thought Jennifer wanted in her heroines: kind, gentle and sweet, with a hidden badass side (parrying the butcher's machete with a branch and then killing him with his own machete - just a tad bit overpowered jessica). outside of the shipping, i think part of why Jessica latched onto Jennifer so hard was that the 'Jessica' identity was the first one (unknowingly) given to her that she liked and welcomed vs other people seeing her and immediately calling her a freak. it takes Vertin for Jessica to see she could be more than 'Jessica the Last Girl' and 'Jessica the Monster'. i'm a little nervous about her getting recruited by the Foundation, esp with Madam Z's line about her arcanum ability being helpful for experiments, but if that means there's chances for her to show up in later patches or events...
(i'm assuming she was originally a regular critter living in the Green Lake area that Zeno experimented on? or maybe she was a regular deer they crossed with a critter to create a changeling? idk, her origins are ambiguous. the only thing we know for sure is that she was part of Zeno's experiments in the 60s-70s at the Green Lake base where they cultivated her arcanum ability as well as her ability to command lower-level critters. and when Zeno couldn't keep the experiments under wraps because too many critters escaped and damaged the nearby human town, they scrambled to dissemble the base and move to another site with Z's help. Jessica was left behind during the kerfuffle. then she spent years alone and misunderstood. man, her puppet play hit me hard)
i thought Z and Tooth Fairy's conversation at the end was p funny: neither of them really knew the 'truth' and were going off assumptions. Z believed the 'Tooth Fairy's brother lost all his teeth because he was cursed by tooth fairies as revenge for Tooth Fairy eating their brethren' story instead of the more boring truth: Tooth Fairy's brother had a congenital disease that caused tooth-loss. Tooth Fairy believed the 'Zeno Youth Force trapped in a nightmare horror and came back changed and violent' story Horropedia was peddling (which, i argue that she only partly believed because she'd get a shitton of loose teeth if the story were true and the thought of free teeth was too exciting to dig deeper into the story) instead of the aforementioned Zeno base shutdown.
it took me until the end of the damn event for me to realize what the 3 guy actors were referring to 😩
overall, i really enjoyed the event! even horropedia who was i expecting to annoy me as much as diggers did. i liked all the character interactions: Blonney and Horropedia play off each other well, of course Blonney and Jessica's cute moments. i wish there were more Tooth Fairy and Jessica interactions; i feel like the two could really relate to each other because of how misunderstood they are, but i'm pretty satisfied with Tooth Fairy asking Z if she could visit Jessica at the Foundation.
finally, blonney please come home soon bc i need to save for your deer gf OTL
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slowkingbreaker · 4 months
I just need to finish Elantris, some short stories from the Arcanum and White Sand and I'll be done with the Cosmere till Stormlight 5. Or that's what I would say if I hadn't devised a really specific reading order for my reread (which I'll start around late April or early May), which will be accompanied by a notebook. Yes, I'll be taking notes and making annotations as if this reread were academic research.
I still don't know if I'll be reading the books in English (as it's their original language) or Spanish (my mother tongue). I accept suggestions about this and anyone who wants to join me would be more than welcome (as we can cross-reference our research and cover more things).
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cassidysparacosm · 8 months
Welcome back to another episode of Cassidy making spontaneous AUs: the Werellum au
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I’ll probably try to make a better name for the au later lol
But essentially in this au, Callum using dark magic then arcanum magic almost instantly messes with his not-built-for-all-these-opposing-magic-forces-at-once human self a bit. Nothing really happens besides feathers growing in his hair for a while til Rayla leaves and next thing he knows, he’s a phoenix sometimes now. Unstable genes go brr
In bird form he can’t speak human at all so Ez acts as a translator if he wants to say things (which he regularly does).
As for the rest of the main cast, Soren has mixed feelings mostly consisting of confusion but he eventually warms up to the new form though continually refers to him as a tall chicken. He has stuck to that running joke for 2 entire years.
The rest of the katolis castle staff.. can’t really say the same. Quite a few of them are unhappy but they’ve been sworn to secrecy abt it for Callum’s safety (plus to avoid encouraging of hate towards zadia since like, they just started to fix that)
Havn’t thought abt how the aaravos gang would feel abt this tbh.
Anyways, When Rayla returns as normal in s4, he’s in phoenix mode asleep in his room and panics, but eventually Ezran appears and fills her in on what’s going on.
Callum tries to assure Rayla a lot that the whole phoenix thing wasn’t triggered because of her running away, and that it’s just magic weirdness, but she knows it’s too well timed to not make sense and feels quite guilty because of it.
Edit: fic moment
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Welcome to the realm of Thoughts and Dreams made true!
Arcanum is a TTRPG inspired by others, such as D&D or Lancer, primarily being made by tumblr user @v-for-vibes, nicknamed Aggy here, and supported by @anarchyandbastardry, Hazel, (who is writing this post)
Arcanum is the name of both game and realm, where there are all the classics. Sentient, humanoid animals; fantasy races of Dwarves, Gnomes, Orcs and Elves; robots, and more, in a myriad of planets, divided into the categories of Worlds Majora and Worlds Minora.
Worlds Majora are the planets and areas the primary races of Arcanum originate from, and are the ones that are generally going to be more well defined and very centric to many events
Worlds Minora on the other hand are celestial bodies of varying size, from restaurants to moons to giant inhospitable planets
All of this is contained within, as the creator says, "a realm of real space within thought space," and the space between planets is indeed breathable, but still extremely cold and harsh without proper precautions. Outside of this is a realm of untold depth, where the minds of mortals can gradually create wonders that rain down to populated lands.
In this realm of infinite possibility, there's mystery, history, dragons, factions, danger and things far stranger than you may ever know
Currently Arcanum is being written up in Homebrewery, and once enough of it is finished and in a readable state, an addition to this pinned post will be added with the link to the Homebrewery doc
Asks will normally be open, feel free to ask about anything in Arcanum, both to help us cleanly explain aspects of the game and also to help us create stuff we may be missing
Finally, here are the tags we will use to organize shit;
#Arclore - specifically for lore, history, and stuff that doesn't fully effect the mechanics
#Arcmechanic - specifically for classes, subclasses, racial features, and more
#arcanum meta - for talking about things not necessarily related to game design; will likely be used sparingly
#Arcdesign - specifically for discussing the design process of things
And probably more tags later once this blog is more developed!
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arcanumlegio · 6 months
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cherryflalovered · 1 month
welcome 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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➳ vivi. 18. she/they.
➳ romance club sideblog. i also talk about my ocs.
➳ fave lis: cain (hsr), ratan (kcod), saraswati (kfos), kazu (lotw), shino-odori (lotw), astaroth (hs2)
➳ fave mcs: lane (hsr), selena (arcanum), mei (lotw), theodora (theodora)
➳ other interests: kpop (taemin), reading
➳ i follow from my mainblog @rainfaeries
dms open let's be friends ♡
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prokopetz · 1 year
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A proposed rewrite of the Arcanum of Simulation for Tiny Frog Wizards 0.4 to address certain recurring questions prompted by the current version.
(Feedback welcome, bearing in mind that a. these writeups have to fit into a single page of text each, so expecting them to cover every tiny edge case isn't realistic; and b. our goal here is to have a good time, not to defeat the game's text in intellectual combat. Roger Rabbit logic is in effect: the "correct" interpretation is the most entertaining one.)
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theredhairedmonkey · 1 year
Callum's body ached as he collapsed onto the Storm Spire, his mage wings reverting back into arms. Sweat trickled down his forehead, and he struggled to catch his breath. Ibis landed gracefully beside him, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Surely one more time to the ground and back shouldn't be so hard, right?" Ibis chuckled, observing Callum's exhaustion.
Shaking his head, Callum gasped for air and wiped the perspiration from his brow. "Count me out! I hit my limit hours ago. Becoming a Sky mage is tougher than I imagined."
As Callum rose to his feet, his arms throbbed with fatigue. "Honestly, if I had known Sky magic was this hard, I might have considered a different Arcanum."
Ibis allowed his wings to fade away, and his staff returned to his hand with a wave of his fingers.
"There's more to being a rune mage than merely studying spells in dusty tomes," Ibis explained. "That holds true for any primal source. Unlike Dark Mages, we cannot simply tear out our power from magical creatures."
With a graceful wave of his staff, the rocks surrounding them came to life, floating in unison.
"We don't perform magic solely with our minds, Callum," Ibis continued. "We channel it through our..."
"...bodies and spirits," Callum interjected, a small smile playing on his lips.
“Huh,” Ibis was impressed. “I suppose someone must have taught that to you. Then again how else did you learn an Arcanum.”
Callum nodded, looking very proud of himself. “Someone I love once told me. That sometimes there’s too much for our minds to understand, but if we just slow down and focus, our spirit and our body and catch up and help out.”
“Well, you are correct, young mage,” Ibis said. “But don’t interrupt! There’s still so much more you don’t know than you think. And I hear you’re traveling back tomorrow, so there’s much more I have left to show you till then.”
Waving his hand dismissively, Callum replied, "Psht, not a problem! I can always fly back, and you can teach me more next time!"
Restless and tormented, Callum tossed and turned, unable to find solace in sleep. Aaravos's malevolent grip on his mind consumed his thoughts, haunting him in his restless state. Every time he closed his eyes, the Fallen Star's smirking visage appeared, taunting him with his ominous promise.
“Destined to play right into my hands”
Before long, Callum abandoned any hope of finding rest and left his companions behind in the antechamber. Stepping outside into the cool night air, he welcomed the darkness that matched his mood. The gentle breeze whispered against his face, providing a semblance of calm as he ascended the steps of the pinnacle, preparing to confront...
...he froze. Ibis's body lay covered by a shroud before him, and the realization of his former mentor's demise struck Callum with a paralyzing dread. Ibis, once a trusted guide and friend, now lay before him, motionless.
It wasn’t as though Callum wasn’t familiar with death. Having lost all those he considered parents before his fifteenth birthday, death had become a familiar, though unwelcome, acquaintance.
But Ibis was one of the most powerful mages he had ever met. In all likelihood, Callum thought, he could have even defeated Claudia and Lord Viren combined. With his mentor gone and no means to reach him, Callum found himself adrift, devoid of guidance in his quest to...
Suddenly, a flicker of hope sparked within his mind. Scarcely pausing to think, Callum hurriedly flipped through the pages of his book, vaguely recalling a spell that could...
"...yes!" Callum exclaimed triumphantly. He had stumbled upon the incantation that would allow him to summon the voice of a nearby Sky mage, if only for a fleeting moment. Tracing the rune in the air, he spoke the words:
“Arcanum Recolligo.”
Around him, the wind swirled, coalescing into a silhouette. Gradually, the form materialized, revealing the ethereal presence of the fallen Sky mage.
However, instead of directing his gaze towards Callum, the apparition of Ibis drifted toward the edge of the pinnacle.
“No! Wait!” Callum cried out, rushing to the spirit’s side. “I need to ask you about Aaravos. You knew about the Staff of Ziard and the ‘Fallen Star.’ You have to tell me everything I need to know, we don’t have time!”
“Time is a construct,” Ibis said. “Like the wind, it flows in myriad directions. Creatures of the Sky know that only the present can be trusted.”
Turning his attention to the dim horizon, Ibis continued, "I spent countless years gazing upon this pinnacle, captivated by its view, yet I could never glimpse beyond it. As a Master of the Four Winds, I delved into the very essence of the wind, foreseeing and averting numerous catastrophes. And after each one, there was always another... all converging here but never further."
Callum understood his meaning. “B-because this is where you died. You couldn’t see a future after that moment.”
Ibis turned to face Callum, a playful wink in his spectral eyes. “We can’t see the future, only its possibilities. Just as I saw the possibilities in you, Callum. You have such a capacity for goodness. You always excelled, but not because you craved mastery, but because of your fear of failure.”
Callum shrugged, admitting his fault. “That’s what made me a great mage, I guess.”
Shaking his head, Ibis gently admonished him. “That’s precisely what kept you from greatness. Even now, fear still keeps you from realizing the simplest and most significant lesson I have yet to teach you.”
Curiosity piqued. “Which is?”
Ibis turned his ethereal essence fully toward Callum, peering deeply into the young mage's eyes.
“That it’s not about you.”
The weight of those words struck Callum with sudden clarity. All this time, he had been obsessed of learning more, discovering more, all so that he can master all of primal magic and be of use to his friends and brother, and all it did was bring him ever closer to Aaravos’ control.
Ibis nodded his head.”Those of us who know the Sky Arcanum know that knowledge is as much a burden as it is a gift. For thousands of years, the Masters of the Four Winds were the guardians of Xadia’s knowledge, and when knowledge holds such power, desperate measures are taken to obtain it, necessitating equally drastic measures to protect it."
Ibis shuddered. “I hated the thought of killing, but as you once learned, sometimes one must break the rules in order to serve a higher purpose.”
Gesturing toward the staff behind them, Ibis emphasized,  “Just as you have to serve a higher purpose now. Your friends need your strength, just as you need theirs, now more than ever, if you hope to have a chance of stopping Aaravos.”
Callum shook his head, tears piercing the edges of his eyes. “I’m not ready...”
Ibis looked longingly to the horizon again, the faintest glimmers of the rising sun becoming visible. 
“No one ever is...we don’t get to choose our time. We only get to choose what to do with the time that is given to us.”
A chuckle escaped Ibis. “You’d think after all this time I’d be ready. But look at me! Drawing out one final moment just so that I can watch the sun.”
As the first rays of sunlight broke through the horizon, casting a golden hue upon the world, Callum couldn’t help but crack a smile. “You know, I always thought--”
But when he turned to look at Ibis, he was gone, leaving only a gentle breeze. Standing alone on the pinnacle, Callum took a deep breath, fixing his gaze once more upon the horizon.
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