#well the last one girl is new oc an she is still don't have a name...
hymntosappho · 9 months
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I am alive, some of ocs sketches I drew while I was banned aaaaah I'm happy I'm here again... anyway I was a little sick so there weren't so many drawings...
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somethinginthewayiam · 2 months
The girl behind the bar (Part 3)
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pairing: Jake Hangman Seresin x plus-size reader
warnings: banter, fluffy Jake (if you squint)
words: 3.3k
Summary: Jake brings a date to the bar and she is not, well, the nicest person alive. Which is kind of expected of him but still annoying. Thankfully, Maverick convices Penny to close the bar early to sneak off and you close up. You start singing along to your playlist while you cleaned up, thinking you're alone at the bar...
a/n: The songs used in this chapter are Blue Eyes Forever by Charlotte OC and Ceilings by Lizzie McAlpine, if you want to listen to them while you read.
Link to my masterlist
"Can I play something for you, Darlin'?", Jimmy asked on his way to the storage room, passing the Jukebox. The bar had just opened and you and Jimmy were holding down the fort until Penny was supposed to come in later that evening.
"Could I have some Hall & Oates, please?", you mentioned with a smile. "I got you", the old man smiled and pressed some buttons on the old machine.
You make my dreams come true started playing.
"Oh Jimmy, you know me too well", you cooed at him, betting your eyelashes and shooting him a smile.
You started to sing along to yourself while you polished some glasses and put the beer from the box into the cooler. As you were crouched down, you didn't see a new patron approaching the bar.
"You make my dreams come true", you sang as you got up and suddenly found yourself face to face with a grinning Hangman.
"Only if you're a good girl", he said, accompanied with a cocky smile. "Barf", you said dryly and rolled your eyes.
You checked the big clock on the wall behind him. 5:10 PM. "It’s Tuesday, do you not have a job?", you simply asked.
"So, just anybody can give you a nickname but me?", he ignored your question and asked his own. For a second, you didn't know what he meant, but then you remembered that Jimmy had called you Darling just before. You were already so used to him calling you that.
"By god, she's got it! Good job, Eliza Doolittle", you mockingly cheered him on, booping his nose with your finger. He flicked your finger away like it was an annoying fly.
“What can I get you?”, you asked him. “The usual”, he simply stated and put his credit card on the counter, his typical sign to open his tab for the night. “So, a Tet-shot and the morning after pill for whoever fell for your bullshit?”, you suggested and gave him the sweetest smile. “What do you think of me?”, he asked playfully shocked, a hand on his chest.
“Only the worst”, you told him as you put the bottle of beer in front of him and the smile on your lips took the harshness out of your words. He shot you another wink as he grabbed his drink and left for the darts board.
You hated to admit it, even just to yourself, but your shift was always more fun when Hangman was around. Someone to look out for, someone to be excited to see. That this was all just one-sided wasn't even a question to you. Every time you felt that way about someone, as annoying as they might be, it was always one-sided. And even on the off chance it wasn't, you never dared to ask and nobody ever came forward. So, as always, you shot him another glance and kept on working.
Later that evening, the others arrived at the bar, too, as always gathering at the pool table. You brought over a trey of beers that the group had ordered.
"There you go. Phoenix, Fanboy, Bob, Coyote, and Eliza", you said as you placed the last beer in front of Hangman.
Fanboy almost did a spit-take as he had just taken a sip of his drink. "Excuse me, what?", Phoenix asked and she didn't do a great job at suppressing her laughter.
"Just a little inside joke we got, don't we, Lizzie?", you turned to Hangman. He chose to remain silent but the look he gave you let you know that you were gonna pay for that joke at some point.
But for now, you took the win of shutting him up.
For a Wednesday night it was surprisingly full at the bar and Jimmy was not in after requesting a sick-day. You and Penny had your hands fulfilling all the orders. Even though you had some practice by now, you were still lacking in speed compared to Penny.
You spotted your usual group at a table in the middle of the bar, letting other people play pool for once. But you noticed that Hangman was missing tonight. It was odd to you, but you didn’t think much of it.
Until he came in at around half past 9 with a tall blonde on his arm. She was dressed in an expensive-looking short dress and looked totally out of place between the khaki uniforms and informal clothing on all the other patrons. She looked like the type country club, my daddy bought me a horse for Christmas kind of girl. The Hard Deck was clearly Hangman’s idea, who was not wearing his khaki uniform for once but a black pair of jeans and a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. If you didn’t already know him as part of the bar’s interior, you would also find his appearance here out of place.
Your eyes followed the pair to the table of Hangman’s colleagues, his date getting introduced to the others. They all exchanges polite smiles and hellos. When the woman sat down, she let her eyes wander over the place, looking a little disgusted. You could tell that this was not the place she thought the night would bring her to. She took off her cardigan and hung it over the back of her chair before she even attempted to lean back.
There was no use of prolonging the wait, you would have to get over there to take their order. Also, the glasses of the others looked rather empty as well. You took a deep breath and walked over to the full table.
“Welcome to the Hard Deck. What can I get you?”, you welcomed the woman and smiled at her politely. She looked up at you with an annoyed face. Her eyes let you know where your place in her world was. You were the help.
“Do you have anything here that costs more than 10 dollars?”, she asked and the tone in her voice could only be described as disgusted. “I can sell you everything for at a least twenty if you prefer it”, you commented, trying to knock her ego down a peg. It wasn’t like you didn’t have any practice with Hangman.
You heard some suppressed chuckles from the others but kept your eyes on Hangman’s date. “Excuse me? You better watch your tone or I’ll will have to talk to your manager”, she snapped at you. And she couldn’t take a joke. Great taste, Hangman.
You swallowed and took a moment to calm yourself before you spoke again. “I apologize. We have a very good Chardonay you might like, Karen”, you said to her instead but couldn’t help yourself at the end. Another round of chuckles behind you. “My name is not Karen, it’s Whitney”, she told you and her tone got more indignant. She looked over at Hangman, looking for support of her outrage.
“She will have the Chardonay and I’ll have a beer, please”, he said, ignoring his date. You nodded and then turned to the others. They ordered another round of drinks and you basically fled towards the bar.
Penny was overrun by a new group that had just entered the bar and you helped her out before you prepared the drinks for the table and brought them over there.
“Here’s your Chardonay”, you said and placed the glass of wine in front of the woman. “About time”, she only mumbled, no Thank you or even eye-contact. Lovely girl, you thought to yourself.
“Here’s your beer”, you placed the bottle in front of Hangman. “Thank you, Y/N”, he said and shot you a smile. You looked at him a little weirded out. The please before was already a little out of character for him.
“What?” he asked innocently. “Nothing, you’re just weirdly nice”, you simply said and kept placing the drinks in front of the guys. “I’m always nice”, he countered and a little mischievous glimpse was back in his eyes as he followed your round around the table. “Oh yeah, I’m always so touched by the empathy you display every time you’re here”, you said and put a hand over your heart, pouting your lips, holding the empty trey in your free hand and letting it hang down your side.
Whitney watched your exchange with a watchful eye and put her hand on his thigh, seemingly displaying some sort of ownership. “Do you come here often, Jakey?”, she asked the man to her left, a warning tone in her voice not to say the wrong thing. Whatever that may be. You and Phoenix exchanged a glance over the heads of the others, both of you biting down a smile.
“No, Darling, only when these knuckleheads drag me here. They can’t have fun without me”, Jake told her and she seemed satisfied with his answer. “We drag him here?”, Coyote whispered to Payback, who was sitting right in front of where you stood.
“It’s true, he’s not here often, but he certainly leaves an impression”, you chimed in before anyone could say something. Hangman looked up at you and you couldn’t tell if he was waiting for you to say something compromising or silently thanking you for having his back in this lie.
“Alright, just yell for me if you need anything else”, you said and finally left their table. It was getting uncomfortable and you were glad that you had a good reason to get out of there. After looking at some of the faces of the guys you could tell that they were just as uncomfortable.
“Come on, Penny. We’ll just sneak out of here”, you heard Maverick say as you came back to the bar circle. “I can’t just leave, not when it’s that packed”, you heard your boss answer but the tone of her voice let you know that she actually wanted to.
“I can finish the evening”, you just entered their conversation and they both shot up like they were planning some secret mission. “No, you can’t handle this many people on your own”, Penny said and took a look at the still pretty well filled bar. “No offense”, she quickly added. “None taken, you’re probably right”, you said and scanned the bar as well. “But you can close early”, you suggested.
“That’s right”, Maverick agreed and you both looked at Penny with raised eyebrows. Your boss looked at your faces and chewed her bottom lip. “It’s your place, you run the show”, Maverick added. You nodded agreeingly. You also wouldn’t mind to get off early. “I’ll clean up, I can definitely manage that”, you offered. “She’ll clean up”, Maverick repeated. Penny contemplated for a few more moments, then she sighed defeatedly.
“Okay, I’ll close early”, she gave in and you and Maverick high-fived. Penny walked over to the bell and rang it. “Last call!”, she shouted and a common groan erupted from the crowd. “Alright, settle down. It’s still my bar”, she added and waved off their protests.
While you were handing out the last drinks of the night, Penny asked repeatedly if you were okay to close up on your own and you waved it off. “I’m working here, aren’t I? And I have to learn sometime. You don’t always want to stay ‘til last call, don’t you?”, you said. She answered you with a smile and handled the register.
When everybody was finally out and Penny had left with Mav, you were suddenly alone. It was weirdly quiet compared to before when the room was filled with people. So, you took out your phone and put on your Spotify playlist while you started to clean up.
You collected glasses and bottles from all over the place. You even found a cardigan on the chair that Hangman’s date was sitting on. You grabbed it to put it behind the bar for when she came back for it. It was a warm night though, so she probably wouldn't notice right away. The urge to wipe the counter with it was almost overwhelming. Instead of following the urge, you placed it somewhere safe as it looked expensive and was probably worth more than your month’s salary.
You continued cleaning up and started to sing along to the song that was currently playing. It was Blue Eyes Forever by Charlotte OC, one of your favorites.
“But when we talk in the middle, in the middle of the night. Oh, we get closer every time. But when we meet in the middle, I feel the clarity rise. Oh, it moves over, straight from your eyes”, you sang as you put the glasses in the basket for the dishwasher. It wasn’t like singing Karaoke with friends or the impromptu concert with Rooster a couple of weeks ago. You got really into it since you were all alone and nobody could hear you.
“Blue eyes forever, oh oh oh. Blue eyes forever, oh oh oh”, you kept singing and grabbed the dishtowel to wipe down the counter
“I actually have green eyes”, you heard from the door and you jumped in surprise. You spun around to where the voice had come from only to find Jake Hangman Seresin of all people standing there.
Shit, did he hear you sing? He must have. Why else would he say that?
“Jesus Christ, you scared me”, you said as you put a hand over your heart that was racing like crazy. You turned away from him again, seemingly to finish wiping off the counter and putting the damp towel back in the small sink behind the bar. You mostly needed a moment to collect yourself. You felt so embarrassed that he had heard you sing. You thought you were all alone for the rest of the night, singing like you only did when you thought no one would hear you.
You heard his steps coming closer, resting his underarms on the bar top when he arrived across from where you were standing. You turned down the music on your phone.
“You have a beautiful voice”, he said and as much as you looked for it in his face, you couldn’t find any hint of mockery. Hangman and an honest compliment? Were you in the Upside Down?
“Thanks”, you said, still startled, and blushed a bit. “What are you doing here? We’re closed”, you asked, still in disbelief that he was nice to you. “My date forgot her cardigan”, he finally disclosed why he was back here so soon. “Ah, and she doesn’t put out if she doesn’t have her precious cardigan?”, you said and a smile creeped on your face, revealing the joke. “The chances are better with it”, he answered, also with a smile, indicating that he wasn’t here purely out of a gentlemanly gesture.
“I’ve got it here”, you said and walked the few steps over to where you put it for safe keeping. You handed him the garment and when he took it from you, his fingertips brushed along your fingers. You were sure he didn’t even notice it, but it sent an electric jolt up your arm.
As soon as he had it in his hand, you pulled your arm back, putting your other hand over the one Jake had just touched, folding it in front of you. Your fingers still tingled. You almost rolled your eyes at yourself for this stupid reaction.
“Thank you”, he said, glad that it hadn’t got lost somewhere else. “Now you can be her knight in shining armor when you bring back her precious cardigan”, you said with a chuckle and grabbed the broom from behind you. You came around the bar to sweep up the peanut shells that were scattered all over the floor. “And you’re Cinderella?”, he asked jokingly, nodding at the broom. “Yeah, well, there are other balls, I’ll dance another time”, you said with a shrug of your shoulders and a light smile.
Jake looked at you for a moment before he lifted his hand for a goodbye. “I’ll see you around, have a good night”, he said. “Yeah, you too”, you answered.
You didn’t wait for him to leave the room, you turned around and turned the music louder on your phone again. Your playlist had kept playing while you talked to Jake. Now it played Ceilings by Lizzie McAlpine, a slow song. The mood to sing along was gone anyway, you were too afraid someone else would show up again.
You started moving the broom over the floor but you only managed to get about three sweeps in before you felt a hand on your shoulder. When you looked up, it was Jake again. Without saying a word, he took the broom out of your hands and leaned it against the bar.
He grabbed your right hand with his left and put his right hand on your lower back. You looked at him with big eyes, too stunned to speak.
“You get your dance now, Cinderella”, he winked at you and started to sway you to the slow music. With his hand on your back, he pushed you closer to him and slowly moved both of you in a circle.
You were aware of every single spot where your bodies touched, beginning with his big, warm hand clasping yours. You were afraid he could hear how fast your heart was pounding.
He removed his hand from your back only to have you spin around which made you giggle lightly and then pull you back in, even closer this time. He put his hand which was holding yours against his chest, pulling your arm with his. He put his hand on top of yours which meant your hand was placed directly on his heart. You felt how hard his peck was beneath his shirt and swallowed. You looked up only to find those green eyes of his looking down at you. He held your gaze while he moved your bodies slowly from side to side. His hand on your back slid a little lower but you almost didn’t notice it because you were so hypnotized by his eyes. Almost.
“Bedsheets, no clothes. Touch me like nobody else does” came out of the speakers of your phone and you suddenly became very aware of the lyrics of the song. It made you swallow hard. You wanted to look away but you couldn’t. Did he notice the lyrics, too?
His fingertips felt like they were burning through your shirt, leaving permanent marks on your skin. Instinctively, you licked your lips. Jakes eyes darted down to your mouth and back up to your eyes. He seemed lost in thought for a moment.
You both got snapped out of your stare as the broom fell over and hit the floor with a loud bang.
As soon as the moment had come, it was over again. The song drained out as the two of you stopped moving. Like you were both snapping back to reality, you let go of each other.
You opened your mouth and inhaled to say something but you didn’t know what, so you closed it again. Was a Thank you appropriate? Did that mean anything? Did he just want to be nice? But Hangman wasn’t nice. Your head was spinning as all kinds of thoughts invaded your brain.
Hangman looked at you for a second longer, then turned around, grabbed his date’s cardigan off the bar top and left the bar for good this time.
With shaky hands you grabbed the broom off the floor and held on to it for dear life. Your heart was still pounding rapidly. You weren’t even sure if it had actually happened or if it was just a day-dream of yours if it wasn’t for the hand you still felt on your back like an echo. That was something you couldn’t dream up.
Next chapter: Part 4.1
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lee-laurent · 3 months
Done Trying - Luke Hughes
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Summary: In which Luke falls for a girl who always seems to be hanging around the Devils, the issue she has a toddler with one of his teammates
There will be more parts!! Next part is the backstory of John and Tori! Part after that is a continuation of this part! Hope you guys enjoy!
content: unplanned pregnancy, fluff, angst, children (is that a warning??), past relationships, self confidence and body image issues, money struggles, oc x ex!john marino (this is throughout the story, but this is a luke fic!! she ends up with luke!!)
WC: 4.8k
notes: this idea came to me the other night while i was watching tiktoks lol, but i thought it would a fun fic to write. the poll i put out showed a pretty clear leader the whole time, but if you guys are interested in me doing any of the other pairings in the poll just let me know!! before writing this i have a feeling it's gonna be a long fic so enjoy!!
Luke Hughes was walking down the street to the cafe that Jack had recommended. He still didn't know many places in Newark, seeing as it was his rookie season, but his brother had been a huge help... for the most part. Jack had told him about his coffee shop that was usually pretty quiet, so he wouldn't have to worry about fans coming up to him. And it had become his safe haven over the last two weeks.
Victoria Wilson was also walking down the street in the direction of the cafe, but she wasn't alone. Her newly turned two-year-old was toddling besides her, having refused to get in his stroller when they were leaving their apartment. "No" was his favourite word at the moment and Tori thought it might drive her crazy. She was dropping him off at his dad's in a couple hours, so she decided that grabbing him a bagel and some juice for breakfast sounded like a great way to get out of the house.
"Riley! Stop!" she screeched, watching as her son started to run down the sidewalk in the direction of a tall boy, looking at his phone. She didn't reach him in time though, the little boy wrapping his arms around the man's legs.
"What the hell?" Luke muttered, staring down at the toddler gripping his leg.
"I am so sorry! He's really big into hugging right now. We're working on learning who we shouldn't hug," Tori rambled, attempting to pull Riley off the man.
"It's fine. Really. No worries. Come on, little dude. Go back with your sister," Luke smiled, making the girl blush.
"I- I'm his mom, but I'll take that as a compliment," she smiled, finally prying Riley away and picking him up. He squirmed her arms, screaming "no" like it was mantra.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed," Luke rubbed the back of his neck.
"It's all good. Let me buy you a coffee. Again, I'm so sorry. Terrible twos," she sighed, reaching into her purse for a pacifier. "Here bubba. Let's go get breakfast."
Riley finally calmed down, happily putting the pacifier in his mouth. Tori had been trying her best to ween him off his "binky" but his dad wasn't, so it wasn't really working all that well.
"You don't have to do that. He's just a kid."
"Please, I'd really like to," she smiled. Luke nodded, opening the door for the woman and her son.
Tori ordered a coffee for herself and Luke, as well as a bagel and apple juice for Riley. They sat at a small table, Riley on her lap and Luke across from her.
"I'm Tori, by the way. And this little devil is Riley."
"It's nice to meet you," Luke grinned, "I'm Luke."
"So, how long have you lived in Jersey?" she smiled, breaking off a bit of bagel for Riley. He had a habit of trying to shove things in his mouth and gagging every time. So Tori always broke his food up into little pieces.
"A month now. I, um, just moved here for my new job."
"That's exciting," she grinned, handing Riley more food.
"What about you?"
"We moved here two years ago. Riley's dad moves a lot for work and I like to be in the same city as him so they can spend time together."
Luke nodded. So she was single. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't admiring her. She was stunning. Pale skin covered in freckles, ginger hair that she'd curled into waves, and the prettiest blue eyes he'd ever seen. She giggled as Riley dropped bagel all over his shirt, attempting to wipe it away as best as a toddler could.
"You said Riley's two?"
"Yes! He just turned two in August!"
"My mom always said that's the hardest age," Luke tried his best to relate to the girl in front of him.
"Ha! She's right. He really likes saying 'no' right now. It's impossible to get him to do anything except play mini sticks."
Luke choked on his coffee, "As in hockey?"
"Oh, yeah. He, uh, we're big hockey fans in my house."
"No. No offence if you're a Devils fan. But we're proud Penguins fans. Right, Riley?"
"Pen-guin," he giggled, clapping his cream cheese covered hands together.
"That's cool," he nodded, checking his phone. Jack had texted asking if he'd died on the way to get coffee. "I, um, it was really nice meeting you, but my brother's getting worried about me. I should go."
"No worries! It was lovely meeting you too. Say 'bye-bye', Riley."
"Bye, Riley. Um, I was wondering if I could get your number. We could do this again some time? It's totally fine if not. I just-"
"Of course, Luke. Here," she chuckled, taking his phone from him. Luke walked out of the coffee shop with a smile.
It was the first Family Skate of the season and Luke was happily yapping away with Jack and Nico, seeing as they were all single. Luke had been texting nonstop with Tori for the last two weeks, she was really busy taking care of Riley so they hadn't met up again yet. He had found out she was 24, from Pittsburgh, and had a degree in journalism. He hadn't told her what he did for a living, just saying athletics which she assumed meant personal training. He was laughing at a joke that his brother had made when a flash of red hair caught his eye.
He did a double take. Standing at the bench was Tori, holding an extremely excited looking Riley on her hip, tiny skates on his feet. They were both dressed in Devils jerseys. Tori pointed at someone on the ice and Riley clapped happily. John Marino skated over, grabbing Tori's hand to guide her onto the ice. Maybe she wasn't single like he assumed.
"What're you looking at, Rusty?" Jack knocked his shoulder.
"Huh? Nothing."
"Come on, let's go see Curtis."
Luke followed his brother, keeping an eye on John and the girl now holding his hand. It hurt a little, he really thought they were connecting. And she hadn't mentioned a boyfriend at all.
Tori had yet to notice Luke, smiling widely watching her son and his father interact. Even if she and John had broken up, they still held a mutual respect for each other, maybe even still loved one another.
"Do you like his jersey?" she asked, showing John the '6 Marino' on the back of their son's shirt.
"Wow! You look just like Daddy, bubba!"
"'Ike Dada!" Riley smiled.
"My mom got it for him for his birthday. He was really excited to show you."
"Well, I think it's awesome. Tell your mom 'thank you.'"
"Of course. I-" she stopped. Her eyes locked with a familiar pair across the ice. Luke? She furrowed her brow, handing the toddler over to his dad. "Here. Practice skating with him. I, uh, need to talk to someone."
"Oh, sure! Everything alright?"
"Yeah, yeah. Just fine," she mustered a smile as he pressed a kiss to her temple, skating off with Riley.
"Luke?" she approached him, a confused look on her face. Jack and Nico looked at each other before skating off to see John and Riley.
"Hi, Tori. I, uh, I didn't expect to see you here."
"Yeah. Me neither. You play for the Devils?"
"Um... yeah? It's my rookie season. I just- I didn't want you to like only want to talk to me cause I play in the NHL."
"I gave you those vibes?" she sassed, crossing her arms over her chest.
"No, no. That's not- You don't. I, uh, what're you doing here? I thought you were... single."
"I am. I would've stopped talking to you if I wasn't. Riley's dad also plays for the Devils."
Then it all fell into place for Luke. Moving from Pittsburgh, being Penguins fans, Riley's dad moving around for work, her being here.
"Yes. John invited us. I thought it would be fun for Riley."
"I'm sorry. I- I should've told you. Are- is this too weird now?"
"'This?' There isn't really a 'this' yet, Luke. We just met and I have a kid. But if you're asking if I'm going to stop talking to you. Then no. This isn't weird for me."
"Do you- d'you think John will be upset?"
"John? No. He just wants whatever is best for Riley. We broke up over a year ago."
"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to pry. I-"
"Luke, it's fine. It was nice seeing you, but I should get back to my family."
"Right. See ya, Tori," Luke smiled, ignoring the pain in his chest at her words. John was her family. How was he supposed to beat that?
"You know Luke?" John asked as his ex-girlfriend skated up next to him.
"You remember that guy I met that Riley hugged?"
"The one from the coffee shop? Yeah, you said- oh my god! Was it Luke?"
"Yep," she popped the 'p' at the end of the word, "He didn't tell me he played hockey."
"Are you gonna cut things off?"
"There isn't really a 'thing' to cut off. We just text."
"Right. Well, don't let it stress you out."
"I won't. Don't worry. Anyway, how's Riley doing at skating?"
"Like a newborn deer. But he loves it, so..."
"Are you gonna be just like Dada?" she cooed, kissing her son's chubby cheek.
"'Ike Dada!"
"Yes! Just like Dada!"
Riley joined John in the locker room after, seeing as he was spending the night at his instead of going home with his mom. He sat in John's stall, kicking his feet back and forth. John had changed him into some tennis shoes instead of his skates.
"Hey, Riley!" Nico smiled, raising his hand over a high five.
"Yes sir! That's gonna be you some day, huh?"
Nico ruffled the boy's dark curls, walking back over to his stall. Jack also came over to see the little boy, but turned his attention to John after.
"Did ya know that Tori and Luke know each other?" he frowned.
"Huh? No, Tori told me today. Why?"
"Luke had been talking about this girl he met a couple weeks ago, had no idea it was Tori. I would've told him to back off."
"Back off? Tori and I aren't getting back together. That ship has long sailed."
"Really? I thought you still... loved her?"
"Of course I do. She's the mother of my child and for that I'll always love her. But she's made it very clear that we didn't work as more than friends. If she wants to see other people, I'm not going to stop her."
"Even if it's your own teammate?"
"Luke is the only guy on this team I'd let date my ex. Trust me."
"Damn. Maybe I was gonna shoot my shot."
"She'd reject you before you could even say hi," John smirked.
"Hungy! Hungy!" Riley chanted, pulling at John's sleeve.
"Okay, bud. One second, Jack," John reached into his backpack, pulling out a pouch and opening it for Riley. "There you go, bud. Eat slowly."
"Anyway, Tori wouldn't be interested in you. She only likes guys with curly hair."
"Yes, really. We were together for four years. I know what her type is," he rolled his eyes. "Are we done here? I'd like to take my baby home."
Jack nodded, sulking back over to his stall.
"So... how're things with that Luke boy going?" Tori's best friend, Allison, asked. The two girls were sat on the sofa, an almost empty bottle of red wine in front of them, some horrible reality tv show on in the background.
"About that..."
"Oh no! Did he end up being a dick?"
"No, no. Nothing like that. He, um, he's teammates with John."
"He's what?! You're kidding me!"
"Nope. Saw him at family skate today."
"I thought you said he was an athletic trainer."
"He told me he did athletics. I just assumed he did like training for something. But nope, he's a rookie for the Devils."
"That's insane! Are you cutting him off? I thought you'd sworn off hockey players."
"Victoria Jane Wilson! Do NOT tell me you're thinking about getting with this guy!"
"I... I'm not sure. He's really cute, Ally. Like the cutest guy I've seen in a while."
"Cuter than John?"
"Not sure anyone is cuter than John. My son is his carbon copy and he's the cutest ever."
"Speaking of Riley, do you think this Luke kid is ready to deal with a child in addition to you? He's how old? 20?"
"I know... I love Riley, but he's definitely made my dating pool smaller."
"Well, you'll have no way of knowing until you ask him on a date."
"You were just saying no more hockey boys! Make up your mind, Ally!"
"I know... but you haven't been on a date in like what..."
"Seven months."
"Seven months?! Text him right now!"
"Right now?"
"Right now!"
Maybe it was the copious amounts of wine that she'd consumed or the fact that she hadn't been on a date in seven months, but she reached for her phone and typed out a message.
I was wondering if you'd like to go on a proper date some time? Without any children with us
"Yay!!! This calls for more wine!"
The girls clinked their glasses together, giggling as they drank more.
Hey, Tori. I'd love that! Is Riley with John tomorrow? I'm free after 5.
"Oh my God! He said yes!!!"
"I knew he would, girl! You're stunning."
"Don't give me that shit about your 'Mummy Tummy.' You carried a baby for 9 months of course you aren't going to look exactly the same as you did before. But trust me, you look fucking stunning. Now text him back!"
Ally was over for the second night in a row, except this time it wasn't girls' night. She was helping Tori get ready for her first date in almost a year.
"You have to wear something lowcut! Show off the goods," Ally smiled, pretending to squeeze some boobs in the air.
"They're not that impressive," Tori rolled her eyes, flicking through her shirts.
"Girl! Be confident! If I had tits like yours, I'd walk around in nothing but a bra!"
"Ally! Don't be crass!"
"What? Just telling the truth! We both know that Riley exists cause John loved your curves a little too much."
"Allison!" Tori gasped, although it was a tad bit dirty, she couldn't help but giggle. She pulled a white, flowy tank top out of her closet, holding it up to her body. "Thoughts?"
"That's the one! You'll look irresistible. Now! Let me do your makeup!" Ally clapped.
Tori did a once over in the mirror, smiling brightly. She wasn't usually very confident in her body, and that only got worse after having Riley. A ring filled the apartment as someone pressed her buzzer in the lobby. She pressed on the intercom button, "Come up!"
"I'll be here the whole time. Call if you need rescuing and I want all the details when you get back!" Ally smiled, plopping down on Tori's bed.
Luke rasied his fist, knocking on the wooden door. Tori wiped her hands on her jeans one last time, opening the door to reveal the boy. He was wearing a polo shirt that showed off his arms in the best way and a pair of khaki pants. It looked like he had attempted to tame his curls, but they just looked like they always did but wet.
"Wow, you... you look so pretty, Tori," he stuttered.
"Thank you. You also look really cute," she blushed. "Let me just grab my purse and then we can go. Come in."
Luke entered the apartment, taking in the decor. There was a small table in the corner covered in art supplies and a basket of toys next to it. On the sofa was a stuffed Winnie the Pooh and lots of plastic farm animals. Hanging on the wall was a colourful scribble with Riley's name printed at the bottom. It was clear to him that Riley was the most important thing in her life.
"Sorry, it's a bit messy. I usually clean when he's at John's, but I was... kinda nervous about tonight and forgot."
"You've got no reason to be nervous. I promise," Luke smiled.
God, his smile was cute. It was crooked, almost like a smirk and she wanted to see it every second of every day for the rest of her life.
"Shall we?"
"We shall."
The walk to the restaurant was full of jokes and laughs. Conversation between the two flowed so easily.
"You're joking! There's no way!"
"I'm not! He ripped Quinn's braces out!"
"That's insane!"
"Do you have any siblings?"
"No, no, I don't. Only child."
"How's that?"
"It was a bit lonely when I was a kid. But now I've got Riley so it's impossible to feel lonely."
They sat at a table, deciding to share a very large plate of seafood pasta.
"This is kind of a personal question, so you don't have to answer. But did you always want to be a mom?"
"That's not too personal, in my opinion. But yeah. When I found out I was pregnant though, I was really unsure. I was 22 and wanted to do so much more in my life first. But I can do most of those things even with Riley. And if I can't, John is there to watch him for me."
"That's a good way of looking at things. I, uh, I've never dated anyone with a kid."
Tori giggled, "I'm not surprised, Luke. But I'm not asking you to stay around if you don't want to."
They quickly moved on from talking about Riley, talking about their childhoods, favourite movies, and favourite foods.
"Secretariat? The horse movie?" she laughed.
"Don't laugh! It's a good movie!"
"I've never seen it."
"Well, I know what our next date is going to be," Luke's eyes widened as his brain caught up with his mouth, "If- If you want to go on another date. I, uh, I get if you don't want to. No pressure."
"Luke, I'd love to watch Secretariat with you," she smiled, reaching across the table to hold his hand. She ran her thumb over his knuckles, giving him a reassuring smile.
"I, uh, I'm free tomorrow. If that's not too soon."
"That should work. I just have to pick up Riley at 5, so it'll have to be in the afternoon."
"I'll make sure I'm up then."
"It's okay. I also sleep in on days Riley is with John."
Luke walked Tori up to her apartment, not wanting their night to end. They stood awkwardly in the doorway, looking at each other.
"I had a really good night," she smiled, looking down at her shoes.
"M- Me too. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Can... Can I kiss you?"
"I don't normally kiss on the first date," she smirked.
"Oh, I'm so sorry."
"I'll make an exception for you."
Tori pushed herself up on her tip-toes, leaning in until their noses brushed. She let Luke take the final step, softly pressing their lips together. His were a bit chapped, but she didn't mind. Maybe her lip balm would rub off and help him out. They smiled, breaking the kiss.
"See you tomorrow," she waved goodbye, closing the door as he walked down the hall to the elevator.
"How was it?!" Ally screeched. Tori jumped, holding her hand to her chest.
"Holy shit! I forgot you were here!"
"Okay? How was it?!"
"So good! He's coming over tomorrow. Oh Lord, I have to clean!"
"He's coming over?! You're getting laid?!"
"No, God. Ally, it's our second date. I'm not sleeping with him."
"Why not?! When was the last time you had sex?"
"When did you and John sleep together?"
"Two months ago."
"I still can't believe you did that."
"He looked really hot playing with Riley. And we both hadn't slept with anyone in months. It was just... a mutual release."
Ally shook her head, "Whatever. Two months. You need some dick. And not your ex's."
"Why not? John's-"
"I don't want to hear about John's dick, Victoria."
"Your favourite person ever wouldn't exist without it," she shrugged.
"Riley's the only good thing that came from John. Anywho..."
"We're not sleeping together tomorrow. We're watching his favourite movie."
"Aww! That's so sweet! Look at you!! Finally moving on from Johnny Boy."
"I've been moved on for a while. I'm not sure the same can be said for him."
"He'll figure it out when he sees how happy you are with Luke!"
Tori giggled, "Time to clean up."
"I'll help... if we open a bottle of wine."
Tori was so nervous that she'd refolded the blanket on the back of the sofa at least six times now. She didn't really have company over except Ally and John. She wanted her apartment to look the best it ever had. All of Riley's toys were back in his toy bin and his room, she'd even cleaned the kitchen counter in case Luke went in there for something.
The intercom buzzed and Luke's voice broke through, "It's Luke. Hughes. Luke Hughes. Except I don't think you're expecting another Luke. But, I'm here."
Tori laughed, pressing the button to let him up. Less than a minute later there was a knock at her door. She took a deep breath, swining it open and smiling widely. Luke was in a Devils hoodie and some track pants. Luckily, she was dressed similarly.
"Welcome! I set up the living room for us."
"Perfect," Luke entered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Tori sat on the sofa, Luke boldly sitting right next to her. Their thighs were touching and he had his arm stretched over the back of the leather sofa.
She couldn't help but admire his thighs. That was one thing she loved about hockey boys. Their thighs. It was probably her favourite feature when looking for a guy.
She clicked on Disney+, the app immediately playing Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
"Shit, sorry. Guess that's the last thing we were watching on here."
Luke just laughed, scooting closer to her (if that was possible). She relaxed, cuddling into his side. The movie started and Luke smiled down at her, pressing a kiss to her nose. She blushed, leaning up and connecting their lips in an actual kiss.
"No more kissing. You're going to distract me from the movie," Tori sassed, playfully pushing his face as he went in for another one.
"Fine," he pouted, turning his attention to the movie.
By the time the movie had ended, Tori was practically wrapped around Luke. A loud yawn escaped her.
"Was it that boring? That's my favourite movie we're talking about, Victoria," he feigned anger.
"It was sad. But I liked it. I need a nap though."
"Oh, I can go."
"No, come on. Your comfy," she grabbed his hand, leading him to her bedroom. Luke lay down next to her, allowing her to cuddle into his side, an arm thrown over his chest. She fell asleep almost immediately. He wasn't surprised though. He understood that Riley had been having a sleep regression and it was exhausting for John and Tori. He turned to look at the picture on her bedside table. It was her, Riley, and John at a beach. It looked recent, like it had just been taken over the off season. Tori was holding on of Riley's hands and John was holding the other. They looked like a happy, functional family. And it made Luke's brain run a mile a minute. How come her relationship with John hadn't worked out? Maybe she didn't commitment. Maybe she didn't want something serious. Maybe- A snore cut off his thoughts and he looked down at the sleeping figure in his arms. Why was he worried? She seemed happy. He just needed to not overthink it. Easier said than done.
Luke woke her up at 4:30, shaking her shoulder slightly. She slowly sat up, patting down her messy hair.
"What's up?" she mumbled.
"It's 4:30. I should probably go before John and Riley get here. I don't want to confuse anyone."
"Oh... okay. I, uh, sorry I fell asleep. I haven't had a full night of sleep in what feels like ages."
"You're fine, Tori. You coming to the game on Tuesday?"
"Yeah. I try to bring Riley to most home games. We just never stay long. He gets restless."
"See you then," he kissed her one last time.
"Mama!" Riley ran into Tori's arms.
"Hi, baby! Did you have fun at Dada's?"
"Yes! We 'ockey!"
"You played hockey! That's so fun! Let's get you some dinner!"
Tori smiled, standing up to talk to John.
"How was he?"
"You weren't kidding about the sleep. Couldn't get him down until 11 last night. And he was up at 3 and 5."
"Yeah, it's Hell. Did he stay in his cot?"
"Last night he slept in my bed. Night before he slept in his cot until 4."
"Did you use a pacifier?"
"I'm working on not. I know you said you want him to give it up. He used it last night because I could not calm him."
"That's fine. We're coming to the game Tuesday. Can't promise we'll stay after the first period though."
"All good. You wanna stay for dinner?"
"Nah, I'm going to Jack's. See you at the game."
"See you at the game."
John pressed a kiss to her hair, "Come say goodbye to Dada, Riley!"
"Buh-bye, Dada! 'Uv 'oo!"
"I love you too!"
Once the door was closed and locked for the night, Tori put Riley in his booster seat.
"How about mac and cheese?"
"Let's do it! We're going to go see Dada play hockey in two days! Are you excited?"
"I 'uv 'ockey!"
"I know you do, baby! Mac and cheese time!"
Tori was exhausted Tuesday night as she entered the arena. Riley hadn't slept the last time night for more than 4 hours and was throwing tantrums all day because he was tired. He cried and cried for his dad. Tori eventually had to call John and have him come calm down Riley while she showered. She was on the brink of crying all day Tuesday and the stress of being at the game wasn't helping. But she'd promised John that Riley would be there at least for a little bit. She was chasing him around the family suite, trying to tire the little boy out. He'd started playing with some of the other kids and she finally had a moment to herself.
"Girl, you need a vacation," Reanne sighed, rubbing her friend's back.
"You're telling me. He's been so poorly behaved recently. I just... I'm considering have John move in until he gets over his sleep regression."
"Really?" Nicole gasped, "Are you sure?"
"I'm not sure what my other options are. Call my mom to come. But she hates flying. I'd ask John's parents, but they don't love me since the break up."
"We've been on two dates! And he's a rookie. He needs his sleep."
"A nanny?"
"I have no money, girl. Child support is a saving grace at the moment."
"I'm sure John would-"
"I'm not asking my ex for money."
"Are you still working for that online newspaper?"
"Yeah, but the pay isn't the best ever. It works for us, but I can't afford a nanny."
"Well, if you need moral support when you talk to John about it, we're all here," one of the other wives smiled kindly.
After the game, John came over for a bit. Tori had texted him and asked for him to come so they could talk. So, now they were tensely sitting at the kitchen table.
"What's up, Tori?"
"I- I need to ask you something."
"I, um, I need you to move back in for a bit. This... this isn't me asking to get back together. Please don't take it that way. I- I'm seeing Luke now. But Riley has been a lot to handle on my own right now. And I really need help."
"I- I could pay for a nanny. Or-"
"John. I'm asking you as his father not as my ex-boyfriend."
"Right. Um, yeah. I can do that. For how long?"
"Until he's over this sleep regression. We need to tag team it right now. It's too much for one person."
"Let me go to my place and grab some stuff. I'll be back in an hour. Can you set up the sofa for me?"
"Why? You can sleep in my room. It's closer to Riley's."
"Because we're not together?"
"John, I'm not uncomfortable if you aren't. Your the father of my child. It's not weird for me."
"Then it's fine with me. See you in an hour."
God, she hoped this didn't backfire.
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roosterforme · 9 months
Adult Education Part 15 | Hangman x OC
Summary: Jessica knows Jake is sorry for losing it on Brian, but now she has once again started to dread going to work. Things had been looking up, and she desperately needed that hopeful feeling back. But a chance run-in with Brian's wife and one well timed email might just be the start of something good.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst, mention cheating, 18+
Length: 3500 words
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female OC
This story is part of the Beer Boy and Sugar universe but can be read on its own! Adult Education masterlist
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!? Banner by @mak-32
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Every day that Jessica woke up and got ready for work felt like she was making herself look presentable for her own execution. She hadn't slept well after Tuesday evening when she went home and cried after Jake punched Brian in the face. He offered to stay with her, but she told him she needed some time to herself. And now she was in a cycle of dreading every minute of work, just like before.
She'd had these soft glimmers of hope over the last few months. She had made a new friend, she had a boyfriend who she was falling in love with, and she absolutely nailed the fraternity fundraiser. Everything was looking so hopeful, but she should have known there was no way she could have it all if Brian was involved. Especially since it looked like he had a broken nose on Thursday morning.
She thought she was going to throw up when he looked at her. Any minute, Dean Walters or someone from his office would be knocking on her door, asking what exactly had possessed her boyfriend to punch the head of the science department.
But it never came. And the anticipation was just making it worse. When she heard someone tapping on her door, her stomach lurched as she sank a little lower in her seat. "Come in," she called out, her voice wavering. When the door eased open, she was surprised to see her friend standing there. "Advanced Calculus," she muttered, leaning back in her seat and taking a deep breath.
"I brought you some coffee," the other woman said as she closed the door behind her. "And I also came to ask you why the hell you didn't tell me that Jake punched Conley in the damn face!"
When Jessica looked at her again, she just shook her head. "I don't want to talk about it."
She set down the coffee cup and said, "You don't have to talk about it, because I already know all about it, because Jake won't shut up about it to Bradley. He thinks he fucked everything up with you. He thinks you're mad at him."
Jessica let her forehead rest on her desk. If she tried to say she wasn't avoiding Jake, she would be lying. "I think I just need to deal with the repercussions on my own. But I'll text him back." She reached for her phone and looked at the most recent message from him. Hey, Smart Girl. I'd love to bring dinner to your office hours, but only if you want me to.
"Wait. What repercussions?" the other woman asked as she took a seat with her own drink. "You don't think this will fall back on you? Do you?"
"How could it not? Have you seen Brian's face?"
She snorted. "I sure fucking did. I came up here more or less to congratulate you for making Jake fall in love with you so hard that he did that for you."
Jessica's heart pounded in response, and she knew her eyes were wide. Jake hadn't said that to her yet, and she hadn't either, but she felt like it was right there. "He just punched him all of a sudden. I didn't ask him to or anything."
"I know. That's the whole point. He couldn't let someone be shitty to you. I just knew Jake had it in him."
Jessica looked down at her phone again and decided to stop avoiding someone who made her so happy. I would love it if you brought me dinner.
His response came almost instantly, letting her know that he would be there. She felt a little better as she looked at her friend. "Thanks for the coffee." But she waved it off and shrugged. "I also wanted to stop by and tell you that everyone is still talking about your fratraiser. They all loved it."
Jessica wanted to love it, too. It has been the perfect night until Brian showed up. "Thanks. I still want to stop in and talk to Dean Walters about it, but I was trying to wait until things with Brian blew over."
"You should definitely talk to Walters," she replied as she stood to leave.
Jessica was tired of hesitating all the time, so she asked, "Do you want to have lunch together today?"
"Can't," she replied with a grimace. "I promised Dr. Rosenthal that I'd look at curriculum with him again."
"Tenure must be so nice," Jessica replied wistfully. "Not that I'll ever know."
Before she slipped out the door, the other woman said, "I'm still holding out hope, and you should, too."
Hours later, Jessica was still considering those words when she took a little break before the start of her office hours. She had been hiding at her desk, looking for a birthday gift for Jake, when she started yawning. With her office hours spread out like a gauntlet in front of her, she decided to quickly grab another coffee from the lounge. She would need it to get through a tutoring session with Luca.
But as soon as she walked through the door, she was met with Brian, and he had his arm wrapped around the same teaching assistant she saw him with before. The one he was most definitely sleeping with. His face looked terrible as the bruising had spread out from his crooked nose, giving him two black eyes. Jessica was sure the glare he was sending her way must be painful for him at the moment, and she had to try her hardest not to laugh. Apparently he was in full scumbag mode now, because he didn't even bother to separate from the TA as Jessica waffled next to the door, undecided if she should stay and make some coffee or not.
"Did you need something, Dr. Reed?" he snapped, his voice extra nasally.
The mere sound of his tone was enough to make her regret coming down here. "No, actually. I'll just leave you to your...business." She turned and left them, hoping she still had a can of Coke in her mini fridge that would suffice. And that was when she almost ran directly into Sabrina Conley.
Jessica recognized her immediately, and she could tell Brian's wife remembered her as well. A chill rippled along her entire body as she felt the woman appraising her with a hateful scowl. "Are you the reason my husband's face is a mess?" she asked, venom lacing every word. Convinced this week couldn't get any worse, Jessica stood frozen, completely unsure what she should say. Was it her fault? Or was it Brian's? Or maybe it was Jake's fault? She just wanted to hide in her office again and cry.
Sabrina took a step closer, her voice somehow more scathing as she said, "Can you at least tell me where he is?"
Jessica nodded, a jerky motion, as she pointed behind her and said, "In the lounge." It was a few seconds before she fully realized what she had done, and by that point it was too late. Sabrina had already disappeared around the corner, and then Jessica heard an angry shriek.
It had been two solid days since Jake saw Jessica, and this was the proof he needed. Seeing her every day had become a necessity. It hurt that she'd distanced herself a little bit after the incident with Brian, even though he could understand that she probably just needed a little space and time. But the irrational side of his brain was running completely wild.
"I fucked up the best relationship I have ever had," he groaned in the locker room on base.
"No, you didn't," Bradley replied with an eye roll. "Or... maybe you did. Maybe Jessica is out on a date with Dev at this very moment."
Jake glared in response. "It's 5:30 on a Thursday. She just finished a lecture, and she's getting ready for her office hours. She's not anywhere with Dev."
Bradley smirked as he got dressed in one of his hideous shirts. "You have her entire schedule memorized. That's so cute."
"You have your wife's entire schedule memorized," Jake retorted.
"That's right. Dr. Tits is finishing up her linear algebra lecture right now which means I can pick her up on my way home. Unless we take a detour to the library," he muttered, and Jake decided to tune him out. He needed to stop home and grab the food he made yesterday in the hope that Jessica would want him to stop by tonight.
He would make this all up to her. If she was somehow in some shit at work because of him, he would have to try to fix it. So he picked up the little individual containers of chicken, mashed potatoes and vegetables along with some ice packs. But his condo was so quiet, he was anxious to leave again. He was hoping Jessica would want to spend the weekend here with him, cooking and reading some journals. Making love and watching a movie. Really anything she wanted to do.
He drove his new truck to campus and parked, knowing he was right in the middle of her office hours and not wanting to intrude if she was working with Luca or someone else. So he went slowly up the walkway past Chippy's and crossed the street to the science building. If he saw Brian, he would stay calm this time. He wouldn't fuck anything up worse for his girlfriend.
When he reached her office, the door was closed, and he heard a soft conversation inside, prompting him to wait his turn. He was hoping it was Luca. He already felt the rage building inside of him over the fact that it could be Brian again. But then the door opened, and a skateboard hit the floor in front of him, and Jake smiled.
As Luca skated away, Jessica launched herself at his chest, and Jake welcomed her, dropping his cooler bag on the floor. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly as she buried her face in his neck and held onto him. "I missed you."
"I don't know," she whispered. "I just know I missed you, too." She started backing up, pulling him into her office, and he reached to pick up the bag of food.
When she guided him to her desk chair, he was delighted that she pushed him down before sitting on his thigh. Jake's hands went to her waist, and she came to rest against his chest with a sigh. Maybe she wasn't so upset with him after all.
He kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry," he whispered again. He'd said it so many times. "I'm sorry I punched him."
"I know you are. It's okay, Jake. Part of me is absolutely delighted that you did that," she told him as she ran her fingers along his name tag. "Because he deserved it." She swallowed hard, and when she spoke again, he could barely hear her. "Brian's wife was here today, and she walked in on him alone with one of the department TAs in the lounge. I'm sure it was as obvious to her as it is to me that he's sleeping with her now."
"Shit," he grunted, stroking her jaw with his fingers before brushing them through her hair. "If he got caught again, then he deserved it."
She nodded. "I don't know why I feel guilty that I was the one who told her he was in the lounge."
Jake's fingers froze. "You feel guilty? Baby, the only one who should feel guilty about anything is Brian.""I know that," she whispered. "I do know that. But Sabrina has been through enough, and I've been feeling bad for her for the past year."
She needed a break, and Jake knew it. "That's understandable, but it's still not your fault. I think you should come spend the weekend at my place and let me take your mind off things."
Jessica tilted her face to look at him. "How are you going to do that?"
He kissed her forehead again as he said, "By cooking for you and kissing you and reading journals with you." Her soft moan had him pressing his luck. "We could pick out some journals right now, and I could have them ready for when you come over tomorrow after work. You worked really hard on your fundraiser, and you deserve a break this weekend."
"Jake," she groaned. "That sounds perfect." The fact that she was curling up on him and yawning now let him know she was exhausted. And if Brian's wife was on campus earlier today, then there was a good chance she was upset that her husband's face was all bruised. He needed to take Jessica's mind off of this shit.
"I'll go grocery shopping tonight, and then the whole weekend is whatever you want it to be, Jess."
On Friday morning, when she ran down the hallway and into her office, Jessica turned on her computer. While it started up, she grabbed a few more journals from her shelf to take to Jake's place. Her plan was to leave right from campus to spend the weekend with him, her overnight bag already in her trunk. When she logged in to check her university email, she had to read over the newest message three times to believe it.
Dr. Reed, I realize this is very short notice, so please allow me to apologize in advance. Dr. Conley is taking a short leave of absence, and in an effort to keep disruption to a minimum, there is an immediate need for professors who are willing to step in and teach some of his courses. Due to conflicting schedules, you are the only PhD in the science department who can advise his Senior Studies class on Wednesday afternoons. I know this will be an additional workload if you are willing to take it, so we can discuss compensation on Monday. However, if you are willing, please let me know today so I can finalize this schedule. It would be much appreciated. Sincerely, Dean Corbin Walters
"Oh shit," Jessica gasped. Brian was taking a leave of absence? And not only was the dean not upset with her, he was asking her to take one of Brian's classes? "Holy shit." She lunged for her keyboard and typed up a response so quickly, she had to read it three times to fix the spelling errors. Her heart was pounding, because she would have been willing to do this even without the extra compensation.
And now she sat back in her chair, wondering exactly what had happened with Brian's wife. The anticipation was going to eat her alive, but she had a quantum physics lecture to hold. First she added a note to her calendar to call Dean Walters' office and schedule a meeting for Monday.
By the time Jessica was leaving campus on Friday afternoon, she had a meeting scheduled with the dean. She also took the time to update and recalculate all of her grades, and Luca was finally passing. She rode down the elevator with a smile on her face, knowing Brian wasn't on campus, lurking around a corner, ready to give her a hard time. Instead she walked out to her car in her heels with her head held high.
Her stomach was growling, but she knew Jake would feed her all weekend. He would take care of everything. She wouldn't have to scrape together any sad meals or plan her lessons through next semester just for something to do. She was allowed to enjoy herself when she was with her boyfriend. She was allowed to let her feelings grow deeper.
Of course she wasn't disappointed when she knocked on the front door of his condo, and the door swung open to reveal him in an undershirt and gray sweatpants, the smell of something delicious wafting to meet her.
"Baby, you should call me from the parking lot next time," Jake drawled, reaching for her. "It's getting dark outside, and I don't want you walking around alone."
Jessica whimpered as he pulled her inside and locked the door. Of course she thought he was being a little dramatic, but she appreciated him nonetheless. "Okay, next time I'll call you." She barely got the last word out as his lips met hers. Her palm slid over the roughness of the stubble starting to grow in on his cheek before she pushed her fingers back through his hair.
"You're really not upset with me?" he asked softly, eyes closing to her touch.
"No," she promised. "I just needed some time to think about things, but I'm not upset with you."
It was all a seamless motion as Jake scooped her up by her thighs and backed up until he was sitting on his couch with her on his lap. "I missed you," he whispered, squeezing her legs and hips gently.
She laughed as he kissed her neck. "You saw me yesterday."
"It wasn't enough." His voice sounded a little rougher.
She tugged on his hair until his lips were hovering against hers. "It was less than a day ago."
His nose bumped hers as his hands tightened around her waist. "Well apparently I can't go that long, Jessica."
She could feel his cock hardening through his sweatpants, and the more she tugged on his hair, the raspier his voice seemed to get. His green eyes were so pretty and eager, and she wanted him right now. Her skirt was already bunched up on her thighs, so she took his hands in hers and used them to push the fabric the rest of the way up to her waist.
A little smirk formed his lips as she said, "I can't go another minute."
Jake grunted and shook his head before his eyes trailed down to where she knew her rose colored thong was on display for him, and he swiped one long index finger up along her clit. "Jake!" she gasped, grinding down on his cock. He did it again, and she rolled her hips again. "Oh my god."
With one hand, Jake hooked her underwear to the side, and the cool air met her wet core. With his other hand, he tugged himself free of his sweats and his underwear, his thick cock standing at attention for her. She didn't hesitate as she sank down around him, making him groan loudly. One slow roll of her hips, and she was groaning too. Just when she was getting a good rhythm going, her lips met his neck, and his phone alarm started blaring in his pocket.
"Shit," he grunted, stilling her movements with one hand on her butt as he mashed his fingers against his phone screen. "I'm making you a chicken pot pie, and I don't want it to burn." He stood with Jessica fully seated on his cock, and she grabbed at his hair and his neck as she wrapped her legs around his waist, losing one high heel as he walked.
"Fuck! Jake!" she nearly screamed, clenching around him with each step he took.
"Hang on, Baby," he whispered, setting her on the island before turning away from her to reach for his pot holders. She was whimpering for more as soon as he was gone, but she was treated to the sight of him removing the pie from the oven before tossing the pot holders on the floor and rushing back to her, his wet cock bobbing along. "I got you."
He was back where she wanted him with one sharp thrust, and the look of concentration on his face as he worked her up made her smile. "You liked it when I was walking, didn't you?"
All she had to say was, "Yes," and he had her up off the island again. She lost her second shoe as he grinned and walked around the island, rubbing the spot deep inside of her that made her ache with need. "Yes." She was a mess, clinging to him and making ridiculous sounds while he walked her back through the kitchen. And then she was clenching around his cock, with her lips to his ear, but when she saw the dinner he made for her, she came. She whined his name, one long, loud syllable.
Next thing she knew, he had her back pressed up against the refrigerator, magnets clattering to the floor as he got some leverage and thrust into her with all his weight. "Jessica," he growled, nudging her glasses with his nose and squeezing her butt. Then he filled her up with his cum, his cheeks flushed and his eyes half lidded.
Jake kissed along her lips as he murmured, "Let me feed you dinner, Smart Girl. And then we can do anything you want as long as you don't leave my side." --------------------------
Could things be looking up? I mean, Jake can't really be blamed, right? And it looks like scumbag Brian is found out once again. Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Glynis Johns (Mary Poppins, The Court Jester)—LISTEN, I'd let that woman's voice with all its gravely hoarseness (positive) wash over me all goddamn day, but if that's not enough she managed to play the straight woman to Danny Kaye's jester, all with her cleavage so plunging it might as well have been catapulted into the ocean right after Basil Rathbone
Eartha Kitt (Anna Lucasta, St. Louis Blues)—My friend and I have a saying: NOBODY is Eartha Kitt. A thousand have tried, and they've all come up empty and will continue to do so. Everyone knows her for something: from "Santa Baby" to Yzma in Emperor's New Groove to Catwoman to making Lady Bird Johnson cry for the Vietnam War. She was a master of comedy and sex, an extremely vocal activist, and she aged like fine wine... I honestly don't know what I can say about her that hasn't already been said, so I'll stick to linking all my propaganda. Like what else do you want from me. She was iconic at everything she ever did. Literally name another. How can anyone even think of her and not want to absolutely drown?
This is round 4 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Glynis Johns:
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She walks the line between sexy and cute. Her best role for me is in "The Court Jester as Maid Jean. She's fantastic as the soft but tough captain of the outlaw band and she looks stunning in every gown she wears throughout the film. And of course we can't forget her iconic turn as the suffragette mother, Mrs. Banks, in Mary Poppins! Also shoutout to her distinctive and beautiful voice, kind of smoky and husky. Extremely hot and set her apart from many of her peers."
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"She was amazing in Mary Poppins (the Suffragette song is severely underrated) and apparently she was Welsh? National pride! And she advocated for arts funding in Wales, which is very cool. Also, she died recently (RIP) making her one of the last survivors of the Golden Age of Hollywood, according to Wikipedia. Also also, she just has a cheeky energy I like? And her eyes are beautiful!"
"She had this wonderful wit and charm to her no matter the role and the most distinctive, striking voice!"
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"I mean, incredibly beautiful and talented, can do drama can do comedy. And she was a mermaid."
"Like Bette Davis she has eyes to die for. Unlike Bette Davis you felt comforted by them, even when she was batting her eyelashes at you. Would glady go to Downing Street with her and throw things at the Prime minister"
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"Listen, listen. I was raised on Mary Poppins and "Votes for women! (step in time)" single-handedly taught me how to be a feminist. Also The Court Jester is one of my favourite movies of all time and she is UNBELIEVABLY gorgeous, charismatic, funny, and clever in it. She knocks several men out. Absolute icon."
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"I love Glynis Johns. Most of the reason is The Court Jester where she's a sensible and capable foil to whatever what going on with Danny Kaye at the time. She was also the first star I based an OC on. An OC that I still have to this day! Anyway here have some YouTube links love u bye"
Mermaid clip:
Court Jester (sharing a bed trope):
Court Jester (seducing the king):
"VOTES FOR WOMEN! Well, votes for this woman. Please."
Eartha Kitt:
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"A hot vintage woman who was not just known for her voice, beauty, poise, and presence, but also her unapologetic ways of speaking about how she was mistreated in the show business as a girl who grew up on cotton fields in South Carolina in the 1930s through the 1940s coming to Broadway first and then Hollywood."
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"Have you watched her sing?? Have you seen her face?? Have you heard her talk?? How could you not fall instantly in love. She makes me incoherent with how hot she is."
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"She can ACT she can SING she can speak FOUR LANGUAGES she is a GODDESS!!! Although she is (rightfully) remembered for her singing, TV appearances (Catwoman my beloved), and later film roles, her early appearances in film are no less impressive or noteworthy!! She’s an amazing actress with so much charisma in every role. She was also blacklisted from Hollywood for 10 years for criticizing the Johnson administration/Vietnam War, so. Iconic. Also Orson Welles apparently called her “the most exciting woman in the world.”
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"She had such a stunning, remarkable appearance, like she could tear you to shreds with just a glance- but the most undeniable part of her hotness was her voice, and it makes sense that it's what most people nowadays know her for. Nothing encapsulates the sheer magnetism of her singing better than this clip of her and Nat King Cole in St. Louis Blues, she pops in at 2:49. Also I know it's post-1970 but her song that was cut from Emperor's New Groove is likely to make you feel Feelings."
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Even with as racist as Hollywood was in the 1950s and 60s, Eartha Kitt STILL managed to have a thriving career. She also once had a threesome with Paul Newman and James Dean, and called out LBJ over the Vietnam War so hard that it made First Lady Johnson cry. Eartha Kitt was talented, sexy, and a total badass activist.
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ripleyresonance · 9 months
Sweet Enough to Eat pt 2
Sugar Mommy Rhea! x OC
Part 1
Thank you guys so much for all of the love on the first chapter. Typically I am a one-shot Sm*t kind of girl but let's see where this story takes us. And don't worry I will still post some one-shots in between.
As the two sat across from each other at a quaint cafe Cali’s mind was racing. She looked down at her freshly manicured nails tracing the outline of her stiletto acrylics with her thumb as Rhea sat down. 
“I ordered you a mimosa...I know it's 2 pm but I say we celebrate our new…relationship.” Rhea smiled. 
Cali blinked a couple of times studying the woman's face to see any doubt and yet the woman was dead serious. 
“So I was thinking we could talk about the…finer details?” Rhea winked finally pulling Cali out of her shock.
Cali was a lot of things but when it came down to “business” she could put everything else aside. 
“My weekly fee is 3k but if you do monthly I can let it slide to 10k,” Cali said taking a sip from her glass. 
Rhea laughed causing Cali to lift an eyebrow. 
“Sweet girl, I don't know what these other “Mami’s” gave you but I don't have a “Limit”. You like it I get it no question asked,” Rhea said.
“So I can tell you I want a Gucci bag because my head hurts and boom you get it?” Cali questioned.  
“I think that is a pretty valid reason to buy a bag” Rhea shrugged. 
Cali’s mood shifted a bit…maybe she wanted to emphasize the sugar aspect of this relationship. 
“And you expect me to be… “available” all the time? Cali whispered admittedly afraid of the answer. 
“Available?” Rhea repeated.
“Like in the sugar capacity?” Cali said looking into Rhea's eyes as hers went wide.
“Oh god no that's not what I meant, I meant it in more of the way that you should be able to have everything you want without strings attached…well, I guess some strings because I want you to travel with me sometimes or be there when I come home but not make you think you have to have sex with me for it! It is not like I would mind I mean look at you, you are stunning but if we did that I would rather it be”- Rhea studdered as Cali burst out laughing. 
Rhea seemed very flirty and direct from all their interactions so far so seeing her loose composure made her comfortable again. 
“Alright then no sugar…for now. Any other terms you would like?” Cali smiled at her seemingly making Rhea blush. 
“Let's start the deal by making the contract last a year. Therefore if you don't like it or I don't like it we can go our separate ways. I just expect you to show up for me when I ask and I will give you the world. Can you do that for me, pretty girl?” Rhea smiled extending her hand. 
Cali returned the smile placing her hand in Rheas as she lightly kissed Cali’s hand sealing the deal. 
Cali rolled her eyes that time making the Australian laugh. 
“What the hell was that for you can’t already be exasperated with me,” Rhea said.
“Sorry, you just go from so smooth and flirty to the most fuck boy gestures.” Cali laughed causing Rhea to gasp dramatically.
“I will have you know that women usually love gestures like that,” Rhea said.
“So you have done that to other women…like I said, fuckboy.” Cali playfully waved her off as she stood up. 
“And yet, it seems like you like that,” Rhea said pulling her into her lap. “Cali” Rhea whispered in her ear. 
Cali felt her cheeks heating up as she playfully pushed her shoulder. 
‘Hey hey! No sugar for you, YOUR rule.” Cali said standing up and fixing her skirt. 
“Plus I saw this bracelet in a window we passed move it “Mami”. Cali grinned. 
The two spent the day together Cali buying an impressive amount of stuff. To be honest she was not the most high-maintenance sugar baby. But after not having funds for a few months she went a little crazy. She started feeling bad as Rhea made her fifth trip from her car to Cali’s apartment. 
“I'm so sorry it’s such a mess in here,” Cali said frantically, trying to clean up some magazines on the ground and a pizza box on her table. 
Cali had originally been given this apartment by one of her sugar mommy’s. It was beautiful. It had a loft that was covered with plants. As the sun went down you could see the golden light reflecting off of every potted plant making a mix of colors shine through the apartment. But something about the large space seemed…cold. 
Rhea watched as Cali frantically ran around. She made a note to herself of the look on her face of embarrassment as she tried to hide her mess. And Rhea found it adorable.
“Please sit anywhere you like I think I have a cabernet I flew in a while ago from France,” Cali said grabbing two wine glasses. 
“It’s a nice place,” Rhea remarked.
“I know right? I have had some wild nights here..some mornings too.” Cali laughed. 
“It just seems so…” Rhea trailed off
“Luxurious, sophisticated, stunning?” Cali smiled strolling over with the wine.
“Lonely” Rhea whispered making Cali pause. 
“It’s not that bad! I am told I throw the best parties everyone talks about them the next day.” Cali cleared her throat setting the glasses down. 
“But when they leave…” Rhea prodded. 
“What is this the pity party or something? I said I was lonely last night because I was drunk and look It led me to you.” Cali winked trying to change the subject. 
“And we are both the better for it.” Rhea conceded. 
Cali smiled at the response picking up her wine glass to toast. 
“To a new relationship,” Cali stated. 
‘To new beginnings.” Rhea said as they lightly clinked their glasses. 
Cali made sure to cover her emotions with particular care but Rhea noticed immediately something she couldn’t hide from. 
No matter how many parties she had, bodies rushed in and out of the apartment. Cali tried to hide it by liking nice things, but she wanted someone to see her for who she was. 
In that moment Rhea made it a priority. In this year she would see it. She would see Cali’s true self. 
Let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list going forward!
Tag list:@bdalas, @babybatlover,@asherlilwitch,@littlemiss-fanficlover,@eepyslut,@cakeiloki,
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myladysapphire · 10 months
My Lady Strong (IV)
Aemond had always been protective of his neice, obssessed even, insiting on keeping her sheltered, and purley his, he never let her stray far and following the incident at Driftmark, Aemma was rarley without Aemond as her shadow. How will the kind, sheltered girl fair in the dance of dragons?
word count: 1,495
CW: bullying, feelings of neglect and isolation
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen can be read as x reader)
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
disclamer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my OC
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It had been nearly a year since the events of Driftmark. Since her mother and brothers had left to Dragonstone. A year since her fathers death. And yet she already had a new father, one she did not like, alongside his two daughters. She had also gained a new brother. But she hadn’t met him, and she doubted she would meet him soon. As each day passed the distance between Dragonstone and the red keep seemed to get bigger and bigger.
“My dear?” she heard Alicent call out, having gotten closer the last year, Alicent had become more and more of a mother to her, and being her 9th nameday and her mother and brothers nowhere to be seen, to Aemma it had began to seem like Alicent was more of a mother to her than her own. A fact little 9 year old Aemma could not stomach to admit.
“Yes?” she asked, looking up from her spot in the library. She had found her time often spent alone as of late. Aemond having become more distant since the incident. And Heleana, well was Heleana, keeping to herself, though she had become more and more isolated since her wedding to Aegon last month. And Aegon spent most of his time at the bottom of a bottle in the depths of kingslanding. So she resided in herself spending days in the library by herself, in a spot that used to be her and Aemonds to just becoming hers. And the few spare moments Aemond seemed to give her were spent training Vaghar, or watching him train with ser criston. He no longer wanted to chase after each other in the godswoods, or read in the library. Or simply just existing in each others company. She understood, somewhat, he was becoming a man, a man hell bent on learning everything in him to defend himself, to learn to fight. Everyone was growing up, but her, and she was being left behind.
“My sweet girl, what's wrong?” Alicent questioned, rounding the corner to see Aemma in what she knew to be her spot. “Hmm? You seem to spend every moment alone, and I know many girls at court who would die for a moment of time spent with you.”
“What girls? Helena only ever wants to be by herself, and seems to ignore me every time i spend time with her, and the last set of girls you summoned just whispered rumours behind my back. I don't wish to spend time with them, i just want Aemond, and he doesn't want me.”
Sighing, Alicent moved down to her level, talking her hands in hers, “that's not true, Aemond still adores you, he is, well-... he's becoming a man and needs time to grow, and after the events of driftmark, well they changed him, just give him time.
“Time? Thats all ive done, it's been almost a year, and not even a moon had passed after driftamrk has he started to ice me out. He was supposed to marry me, and yet he's completely changed!”
“He's a boy, a twelve, Trust me sweetheart, he's just a silly boy who thinks he has to do all of these things to make up for his lack of eye. He thinks you will not love him, think him to be hideous, that is why.” Alicent responded, soothing Aemma, by stroking her hair.
“Well that's just plain stupid!”
“I know,sweet girl, but all boys are.” Alicent continued “ know, we have a birthday ball and feast to attend, and my gift is waiting for you.” she said standing up and inviting Aemma up with her.
In her chambers, laid out on her bed was a white dress embellished with gold. It had puffed sleeves that slimmed down to cover her arm. The dress was lkonger than her usual dresses, and more wide, though not by much. Glod was laced around the neck line, and out edges of the dress, with gold and silver jewels scattered across it, creatijng a pattern down the bodedice. The white itself seemed to shimmer, as if moonlight was bouncing off it. When she put it on she felt pretty. She felt beautiful. Her hair was tied up with a gold ribbon, decorated with pearls and butterflies. For this she knew the gift was not Alicent but Aemonds, or atleast he had some influence. Butterflies. The thing they always used to chase, and the thing ameond loved to compare her too. Butterflies. 
The feast was magnificent, lords and ladies from all over Westeros had come, and she had received more than enough gifts and attention though not from anyone that mattered to her. 
Aemodn was there from the start, though he stuck to eating rather than actually spending any time with her. His attention seemed to be elsewhere.
“Aemond?” she questioned, trying to capture his attention “Aemond, are you enjoying the feast?” he did not reply, looking down at his plate instead, avoiding eye contact. “Aemond?” she pushed again “Aemond!? By the gods answer me!”
“Hmm?” he hummed looking up, allowing her to see the book placed in his lap.
“Gods why wojnt you talk to me?” she asked, moveing to turn to him, her eyes filling with tears, “ for the last six moons i have been acting like a stay dog trying to get your attenion, and now even at a feast helped in my honoru, you brign-” she reached forward grabbing Aemonds book “- a book. A book? To my own party, instead of talking to me. Why?”
“Aemma, please-”
“No, tell me.!”
“Gods, you're a child!” he snactehd the book from her hand, “your just a silly little girl, can't you understand that, you could not defend me, and when you had the chance to you ran off to your pathetic mother, and then come crying to me for help, whilst i have just lost an eye to your bas-” he shook his head, a look of shame fillking his face as he sees her eyes filled with tears, “gods!” he sighed, dragging a hand down his face, reaching forward “Aemma- it's been a lot lately, i have had to relearn everything, to fit with the loss of my eye, and i, look im sorry, i just snapped. But you have to understand, i cnat be a child anylonger, being your friend, and litening to your childish escapades caused me to be in this situation. Now I have to be a man, I have to stop being a child.”
“So you have to stop being my freind, to go on your silly little- your, to be a man? What does that even mean?!” she cried, “it's my nameday, can you not just be my friend for today?” she was begging,it was almost pitiful. 
Aemonds face changed, snapping form the look of shame and regret to annoyance, to cold and still, a face evewryone would soon be familiar with, “ and why would i want to do that” he sneerd, dropping her hand, and standing up, before briskly leaving the room without a single glance back. 
The rest of her night was spent alone. With Heleana leaving not shortly after Aemond, followed by Aegon muttering something about doing his husbandly duty. Alicent and her grandsire had already left an hour in, the King's health failing him, and forcing many of the lords and ladies to leave, as if their only purpose was to talk to him and not her. So she was left all by herself bar a few older cousins that she did not know. 
But the remaining hours she was forced to stay, many lordlings asked her to dance, and it turns out Alicent had already summoned some more girls to King's Landing, arranging a meeting  witht them at her own ball. Taking her mind of the event sthat had happened prior, evne if for a few hours. For a few hours she wasnt so alone, for a few hours she was just a nine year old girl celebrating her name day, celebrating with her friends. People who over the next four years would become the only people she truly had.
And when she did finally retire to her rooms, and she was well and truly alone she cried, she knew no one would knock and have late night celebrations, just as no one had knocked at midnight to wish her a happy name day. Just as Aemond did not spend every second of the day with her, smuggling her all the food she wanted, and giving her a gift for every hour of the day. She spent it alone, and she would spend the next four namedays alone, crying. She would celebrate with her ladies, though it would never be the same, she owuld dance with strangers, and not ameond, where dresses gifted by people other than her mother and Aemond. Her family would become more distant and Aemond becomes less and less her Aemond.
next part
Taglist (bold means could not tag)
My lady strong: @aemondssiut@idonotknowenglish @sydneyyyya @wondergal2001 @whitejuliana1204 @meowtastick @bellaisasleep @tinykryptonitewerewolf @sarahkimtae @winchesterfamiliebusiness @iiamthehybrid @zzz000eee @spookydaddy01 @melllinaa @ateliefloresdaprimavera @aelora-a @aleemendoza2425-blog @chittakii @gghoulzz @ryiana @duckworthbean @cynic-spirit @may-machin @Gianinaa19 @wolfiealina @unique7676 @yentroucnagol @loserwithnofriends @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @urmomsbananabread @azaleapotterblack @delaynew
Hotd: @targaryenmoony @theanxietyqueen17 @flrboyd @zillahvathek @dark-night-sky-99 @apollonshootafar
Aemond: @blossomedflowerofluv @violet-potter
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wannabehockeygf · 3 months
You All Over Me - Auston Matthews
“‘Cause no amount of freedom gets you clean,
I’ve still got You All Over Me.”
Pairing: Auston Matthews x fem! oc Word Count: Currently 8.2k
Pairing: AM34 x Social Media Manager fem!oc
Warnings: alcohol, smut later on
Notes: (***) indicate chapter change, (---) time skip within chapter, or a seperation from a post or messages. Italics at the beginning of the chapter indicate who's 'pov'(not really cuz we're in third person) we're looking at. BOLD LETTERS LIKE THIS during chapters (excluding posts/the first word of the entire book) indicate location. Locations within Toronto will be more specific, outside of Toronto will be vague.
Story will be continued on my wattpad (same handle) and here, but should prob follow my wattpad because I won't announce new chaps here lol.
A place of endless opportunity – bright lights everywhere, bustling city streets, and the sinking feeling in one's stomach when realizing each of the 6 million people in the GTA have their own lives.
It's humbling, truly. Sitting on the subway, heading to a destination, one can't help but wonder about the people around them.
Thoughts don't often dwell on it, but that girl with the pink hair and the septum piercing? She just found out her dad is sick. The guy with the navy blue baseball cap? He just got promoted at work.
Sometimes she wondered if people look at her and wonder what her story is. What brought her to that moment, being in the same place as them.
She doesn't know if they do, but it brings her a sense of normalcy. Weirdly enough, it's one of the only things that makes her feel human when in doubt. Everyone is just trying to get by, right?
And sometimes, that can be especially hard - at least in her case right now.
Moving across the country had never been on Blair's radar until about 4 months ago. She had just finished her first year of law school after sustaining a season-ending, and career-ending, hip injury competing in figure skating last year.
As a little kid, she always wanted to play hockey, but her mom pushed figure skating on her, saying it was more 'feminine.' She didn't like it all that much, but it consumed her life so much that when she lost it, she didn't know what to do with herself.
So, when it blew up in her face, she decided to deny it and work towards making her communications bachelor's degree worth something in law school. Problem was, she hated it.
It drove her mental health into a ditch, and by the time she was finished, she was a shell of who she used to be - and who she used to be was broken too.
She didn't want to live like that anymore.
So, she finally broke things off with her long-term boyfriend, which she probably should've done earlier, and left. Left Vancouver behind to start a new life across the country - in Toronto.
Her music boomed in her headphones as she looked up, seeing that they were at the station she needed to get off at. Standing up, walking off the subway, she climbed up the stairs and faced the unfamiliar streets once again.
She had just come back from a job interview and was heading home to her tiny studio apartment in Trinity-Bellwoods. The job, which required navigating the trenches of Toronto public transit, was at Scotiabank Arena - working for the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Coming from a fan perspective, she had been a Canucks girl her whole life, growing up in Vancouver. But this position of social media manager paid really well, and she wasn't letting team bias get in the way of putting some weight in her pockets.
Seeing the ice could be a little irking for her, sure, but it's not like she was being put out there with a puck and a stick and nothing else other than a pat on the back. She'd just be responsible for the social media platforms. Can't be that hard, right?
They said they'd get back to her within two weeks, and now the waiting starts.
Blair shoved her face into the badly drawn map the information desk attendant had given her for directions. It really wasn't helping.
"Right... here?" she mumbled, taking a sharp turn without looking up and bumping straight into a firm chest, dropping the paper.
Startled, she let out a little squeal before stepping back to see who she had just run into. "Sorry!" she said, meeting the gaze of a blue-eyed man.
He smiled brightly at her. "All good," he replied, crouching down to pick up the paper and furrowing his brow at it. "What even is this?"
Blair let out an awkward chuckle, moving a lock of dark brown hair away from her face. "A... map? Sorry, I'm just so turned around here." She paused, swallowing hard. "Do you happen to know where I could find a... Brad Treliving?"
"Sure do," the man said, folding up the paper. He seemed about to give it back to her before he held out his other hand for a handshake. "And you are?"
"Blair Hanson," she replied, shaking his hand firmly. This guy must be the happiest man on earth, holding a full-on goofy grin for the entire interaction.
"Nice to meet you, Blair. I'm Mitch," he remarked, freeing her from the handshake and handing her the paper at last.
"Mitch...?" she questioned. As little as she knew about professional settings, she thought you were supposed to introduce yourself with your full name, which 'Mitch' didn't do, if that's even his name.
Mitch laughed, surveying the skeptical look on Blair's face. "You don't know who I am?"
Who did this guy think he was? Blair blinked a couple of times, then pushed her glasses up her nose. "Should I?"
Mitch chuckled again, clearly amused by her confusion. "How new are you here, exactly?"
"Well," she started, crossing her arms, "Does it matter? Maybe you should stop expecting people to recognize you on sight. I mean, what are you, Mark, like, a fitness trainer or something?"
Mitch furrowed his eyebrows, his friendly smile fading slightly. "It's Mitch," he paused, running a hand through his dirty blond hair. "Mitch Marner. I play for the team."
Oh. Oh. Blair should have known that, shouldn't she? She felt her face burn up as she started to apologize profusely. "I'm so sorry! I'm just... very new," she admitted, her guard wearing down.
Mitch waved it off, his smile returning. "No worries. So, you were looking for Brad, huh? Big day for you?"
"Yeah," Blair said, feeling a bit nervous under his gaze. "I'm starting as the new social media manager."
Mitch's eyes lit up. "Oh, that's awesome! You'll be handling all the behind-the-scenes stuff, right? Making us look good on Instagram and all that?"
"Pretty much," she laughed, starting to feel more at ease. "I'm still figuring out how I'm going to make a bunch of sweaty hockey players look good, though."
Mitch grinned. "Good luck with that. But seriously, welcome aboard. You'll do great." He gestured down the hallway. "Brad's just around the corner, I'll take you."
"Thank you, Mitch. I appreciate it," she said, falling into step beside him.
"No problem," Mitch replied, walking with an easy confidence that made Blair envious. "You'll find that everyone here is pretty welcoming. It can feel like a big family, especially once you get to know the guys."
Blair laughed. "Oh, sure. I'm sure I'll fit right... in." She trailed off, her eyes widening as Mitch pushed open a big double door. She first spotted the man she was looking for, Brad Treliving, standing at the head of a big conference table, along with the entire Maple Leafs roster seated around it.
She swallowed hard, standing frozen in place while everyone's heads turned towards her. Mitch placed a friendly hand on her shoulder, "This her?"
Brad Treliving looked up from the papers he was holding, a welcoming smile spreading across his face. "Yes, it is. Come on in, Blair."
Blair forced her feet to move, taking tentative steps into the room. If she wasn't nervous before, she was now, with every pair of eyes scrutinizing her. She offered a polite smile, trying to hide her nerves. "Um... Hi," she said, approaching Brad and standing beside him. "Is this... are we doing this here?"
Brad chuckled softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Yes, Blair. I thought it might be good for you to meet everyone right away. This is the team you'll be working with closely, after all."
She swallowed again, feeling the weight of the moment pressing down on her. "Okay, sure. Hi, everyone."
The players nodded and mumbled their greetings, some offering small smiles. Blair could feel her heart pounding in her chest, but she forced herself to stay calm. This was what she came here for. This was her new beginning.
Brad gestured to a seat at the table, and Blair sat down, her back straight and her hands clasped in her lap. "So, Blair," he began, "We're thrilled to have you on board. Should we start with some introductions?"
She nodded, attempting to steady her breath as she glanced around the table. "Well, I'm Blair, as Mr. Treliving said, um..." She paused, fumbling with her fingers under the table. "I moved here from Vancouver a couple of weeks ago. I went to law school for a bit, and I used to figure skate competitively."
A chuckle came from somewhere across the table, and Blair's gaze shot in that direction. Her eyes met those of a tall, muscular, brown-eyed man as he stifled another laugh. "Figure skating, huh? No offense, but what do you know about hockey?"
Blair forced a polite smile, trying not to show her frustration. "None taken. I've been a Canucks fan my whole life, so, a lot more than you'd think."
A lot taken. It was like she had walked into a room with egos inflated to the max.
"Yeah, okay," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of sarcasm as he adjusted his Maple Leafs branded ball cap. "Nice glasses, by the way."
Blair pushed her glasses up her nose, feeling a little self-conscious at this point, and she was about to respond before another man she didn't recognize spoke up. "Auston, lay off. It's not like she's getting on the ice with us."
Auston. That name rang a bell, she thought. Of course, Auston Matthews. Blair made a mental note to remember the faces and names, but for now, she just needed to get through this. Auston rolled his eyes, leaning back as he replied, "Says the one whose wife is a figure skater."
The other man, with strawberry blond hair, tensed up, gaining his composure before he met Auston's gaze. "And how many Olympic gold medals do you have?"
Auston smirked but didn't respond. The tension in the room was palpable, and Blair could feel her anxiety rising again. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that she needed to stay professional. This was her chance to prove herself, and she wouldn't let an arrogant hockey player get to her.
Brad cleared his throat, bringing the attention back to him. "Alright, let's focus, everyone. Blair is here to help us elevate our social media presence, and I expect all of you to cooperate and make her job easier."
The fact that the general manager was talking to the players like they were literal children made Blair tense up even further. This was going to be a long day.
Blair's phone rang as she shut the door to her apartment. She fished through her bag and pulled it out, seeing her brother's name, and slid to pick up the FaceTime.
She was met with the face of her baby niece, and it instantly warmed her heart. Sometimes, she thought she regretted choosing this type of life instead of settling down and starting a family, but she always brushed those thoughts away. She wasn't ready to be a mother—being the hot, cool aunt was enough for her.
"Hey, munchkin!" she greeted her niece, her voice softening. "Where's your dad?"
Her niece giggled, the camera shaking as she toddled around. "Da-da!" she called, and Blair heard her brother, Sam's, voice in the background.
"Hey, Blair," he said, taking the phone from his daughter and giving her a friendly smile. "How are you? How's the city?"
The stress of the day slowly dissipated as Blair saw the familiar face that brought her comfort. "Yeah, it's... different. Bigger, for sure, but nothing a little walking around can't fix. How's everything back home?"
Sam laughed, adjusting Blair's niece on his lap. "Same old, same old. Lila just started walking, so that's been fun." His face lit up with pride as he talked about his daughter, and Blair couldn't help but smile. Someday, she hoped she had that too.
"She's getting so big!" Blair said, watching as Lila reached for the phone, her chubby fingers grasping at the screen. "And walking already? Wow."
"Yeah, she's a little terror now," Sam joked, tickling Lila's side and making her squeal with laughter. He turned back to the camera, and his smile slowly got replaced with a frown as he looked at Blair's disheveled state. "We miss you, little sis."
Blair took a deep breath, feeling a wave of homesickness wash over her. "I miss you guys too. It's been a crazy day. I'm just trying to adjust, you know?"
Sam chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood. "Hey, you've dealt with worse, right? Remember when that one coach at nationals—"
"Sam! Don't!" Blair squealed, not wanting to be reminded of that. Figure skating might have been her entire life, but it was also the most traumatizing thing she had ever gone through.
Sam waved it off, returning the conversation to safer waters. "Whatever. But you got through that, right? You can get through anything, Blair. Toronto ain't nothing." He joked, trying to offer her more comfort.
Blair honestly felt bad for people who hadn't experienced having a big brother because they were literally the best. He was her only one, yet his words could always bring a smile to her face. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Sam. I needed that," she replied, smiling back at him.
"Anytime," Sam said, giving Lila a kiss on the forehead. "Hey, if you ever need to talk, you know we're just a phone call away. Don't be a stranger, okay?"
"I won't," Blair promised, feeling a bit lighter. "Give Lila a big hug from me."
"Will do," Sam said, waving as Lila babbled in the background. "Take care, sis."
"You too," Blair said, ending the call and setting her phone down on the coffee table. She took a deep breath, looking around her tiny studio apartment. The walls were still bare, and the only furniture she had was a small bed and a desk. It wasn't much, but it was a start.
A new start. Her new start.
Auston Matthews was always straightforward with people. He thought that was a good quality, but recently, it seemed quite the opposite. His friends liked him, though, even though they butted heads sometimes. That made him not an asshole, right?
Through some light stalking, Auston had found Blair's Instagram the next day, and was actively scrolling through it, hunched over and everything while in the locker room. He didn't have shame doing it, because they might not have liked each other, but damn she was hot.
It started innocently, perhaps curious, when he searched her name at the gym the night before and saw that Mitch had already followed her. He even looked around before he tapped on it to make sure no one was looking, even though he was the only one there, and he'd been hooked ever since.
It was surprising that he wasn't drooling currently, as he was elbow-deep in her feed fifteen minutes before warmups. Mitch, who had been trying to hype the whole team up for their season home opener, frowned when he saw Auston didn't even glance up from his phone.
"Yo, Matthews!" Mitch exclaimed, trying to get Auston's attention. Auston glanced up, trying to find the source of the noise. His eyes scanned the room until they met Mitch's, whose eyes narrowed at Auston. "What?" Auston said, his tone annoyed.
"What?" Mitch mimicked Auston, mocking him as he rolled his eyes, "We have a game in fifteen minutes and you're glued to your phone. What's so interesting, anyway?"
Auston put his phone down on the bench as he started to put a glove on. "Nothing. I mean, nothing important. It can wait." He stated.
William Nylander, another one of their teammates, took the opportunity to snatch Auston's phone on the bench. He thought it would be an innocent prank to get him to flinch, but his face lit up when he saw it was still unlocked.
"Aw, you guys gotta see this," William said, quickly standing up and holding the phone out of Auston's reach.
Auston lunged for his phone, but with his gloves on, it was a futile effort. "Willy, fuck off and give it back." he snapped, his annoyance evident.
William grinned mischievously and darted away, holding the phone high. "What are you so worried about, Auston? Is it your secret mistress?" he joked, drawing the attention of a few other players in the locker room.
Mitch stepped forward, grinning at William's antics. "Let's see what's got our boy so hooked," he said, grabbing the phone from William's hand before Auston could protest.
The room fell silent as the players gathered around Mitch. Auston could only watch in horror as his teammates stared at Blair's Instagram feed. A few chuckles broke out, and Auston's face flushed with embarrassment.
"Man, she's cute," William remarked, nudging Auston playfully as he handed his phone back. "No wonder you've been glued to your phone."
Auston felt his frustration bubbling within him as he finally snatched the phone from William's hand. "I know she's cute, that's why I was looking at it, genius. No other reason."
"Whatever you say, buddy," Mitch said, rolling his eyes as he put his own gloves on, "No harm in trying anything, right? I mean, no rules are saying that we can't–"
Auston sat up from the bench quickly in his defense. "I'm not–" He paused, looking around to see that everyone's eyes were on him which made him decide to sit back down, "I'm not going to try anything, okay? I can do way better than some figure skater media manager or whatever."
The locker room fell into an awkward silence after Auston's defensive outburst. Mitch exchanged a glance with William before deciding to break the tension.
"Alright, let's get our heads in the game," Mitch said, clapping his hands to grab everyone's attention. "We have a season opener to win."
Auston kept his head down, focusing on putting on the rest of his gear. The other players started to shift their attention back to the game, the momentary distraction fading away. Auston could feel the weight of their looks, though, and he knew he'd have to find a way to get everyone to forget about it.
And he knew how to do that, precisely. He had to push away the subject – Blair – as much as possible, and that's exactly what he was going to do.
Tagged Location: Toronto, Ontario
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austonmatthews: Thanks for the awesome home opener 💙🤍💙 @/morganrielly @/marner_93
♥ Liked by marner_93, williamnylander, and 73297 others.
Comments: marner_93: 🔥🐐💯
mapleleafs: Leafs nation has the PASSION
random: Auston one chance please
matthewknies: Arizona boys doing what they do best ↳ williamnylander: ice hockey...? ↳↳matthewknies: shhhhh
random: cup this ssn!? ↳ random: 1967
"Another round?" William cheered loudly, urging his teammates on as he flipped his head of sweaty blond hair back. He was drunk – quite literally the entire team was as they celebrated their season opener win, and had what seemed like too many rounds of shots in the upscale bar downtown. Another one couldn't hurt, right?
Auston nodded towards William, approaching the bartender and placing his forearm on the sticky bartop, his credit card placed deliberately between his fingers. He waved over the young woman manning the bar until she noticed him, brushing her hair over her shoulder as she stood infront of him. "What can I get ya?"
Auston smirked, his eyes scanning the bartender head to toe. "Another round of shots for the best puck players in the league," he said, his words slightly slurring together at the end. He gave the bartender a wink before handing over his credit card.
Auston's inner dialogue, although absolutely plastered, was screaming at him to not do something he'd regret, but he decided to ignore it. The bartender flushed as she quickly pulled out the shot glasses from under the bar, then bent over slightly to grab the team's choice of tequila from the wall of alcohol. Auston's eyes, unfortunately, betrayed him at the moment but eventually found hers again. "What's your name, baby?"
The bartender's cheeks turned a light shade of pink as she glanced up at Auston, her movements slowing as she poured the shots. "It's Natalie," she replied, avoiding his gaze momentarily before meeting his eyes again with a shy smile.
Auston grinned, unapologetically eye-fucking the bartender once again. "Nice to meet you, Natalie. I'm Auston."
"I know who you are," she said, her voice barely audible over the noise of the bar. Auston raised a brow, leaning closer to Natalie, "Really? Then who am I?"
Natalie's blush deepened as she filled the last shot glass. "You're Auston Matthews. Everyone here knows who you are," she replied, her voice steady despite her shyness.
Auston adjusted his ball cap, which he was wearing backward before he focused on Natalie again. Even while wasted, he couldn't lie – he loved the attention. "Well, it's nice to know I'm famous," he joked, his words still slurred. "When do you get off tonight?"
Natalie hesitated, glancing around to see if anyone was watching her too closely. She met Auston's gaze again, her blush deepening. "Couple of hours," she said quietly, trying to maintain a professional demeanor despite her flustered state.
Auston grinned wider, sensing her interest. "Maybe you can join us for a drink later," He said, his gaze flickering to her lips for a split second, "We could... get to know each other."
Natalie bit her lip before rolling her eyes, "We'll see," She said, swiping Auston's card through the machine and turning the tablet around for his signature. He frowned slightly, scribbling on the screen before Natalie slid the tray of shots toward him, "Have a good night, Mr. Matthews."
Auston opened his mouth to reply to her, but before he could, Mitch yelled from their booth and waved Auston over. "Auston, stop hitting on the bartender and bring us those shots, would you?"
Auston rolled his eyes at Mitch's interruption but grabbed the tray of shots and made his way back to their booth. The rest of the team cheered as he approached, slapping him on the back and grabbing their glasses.
"I had this grreatt idea, Auston," Mitch started, right after he downed the shot the second he got it, "You've got the hots for our new media manager right? Well... I have her number!" He slurred, the alcohol clearly hitting him as much as anybody else.
"Okay?" Auston replied without missing a beat. He had an uncanny ability of being able to look like he didn't care about things, even if he did, and this was one of those times. "Why? And... how does this affect me?"
"I'm a nice guy, I make it my personal duty to get to know everyone on staff," Mitch leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper despite the loud music and chatter around them, "And, how does this affect you? Come on, you were looking at her pictures with more passion than you play our game, Tone."
Auston's jaw tightened as he sat back on one of the worn-out leather sofas, "I don't want anything to do with that prissy 'businesswoman'" He scoffed, using his fingers to make mock quotations.
Mitch rolled his eyes, talking louder this time. "Well, here's your one chance then. I've got Blair's number right here," he said, pulling out his phone and waving it teasingly in front of Auston.
Auston hesitated for a moment before snatching the phone out of Mitch's hand, his fingers fumbling on his own phone screen as he copied the number down. Yeah, okay, he might've absolutely detested the thought of actually being with someone like Blair, but casual, no-strings affairs were his specialty.
After he was done, he slipped his phone back into his pocket and handed Mitch's back. "There. Now fuck off and let's have fun, yeah?" He said, to which Mitch gave him a smirk back.
???: I got your number babe Cnt fuckin believe he gotb to yous before meeee Gna tell his wife lmaoooo Im sooooo fuckshng wastped rnight nkowww I took thnis grl hime Can't stolp thisnkinf aboust u thouglh Need a girl likes u in my lifne
8:01 AM
Blair: What? I think you have the wrong number And, word of advice, never drunk text someone ever again.
Blair woke up to her alarm. She squinted at the bright screen and saw several messages from an unknown number. Rubbing her eyes, she tried to make sense of the jumbled text, feeling a mix of confusion and annoyance. Who would send something like this at such an ungodly hour?
Setting her phone back on her nightstand, Blair groaned and rolled out of bed. The small studio apartment felt even tinier in the morning light, but she had no time to dwell on that. She had her first full day at work ahead of her, and she was determined to make a good impression despite the rocky start with the team. Or, atleast, with a certain person.
She had been in Toronto for about a month now, and it felt as if she hadn't gotten a good nights sleep since. The sooner she got more comfortable with her new place, the sooner she'd be comfortable in her new life.
She quickly showered, dressed in a professional yet comfortable outfit, and made herself a quick breakfast. Her phone buzzed again, and she reluctantly picked it up.
???: Oh fuck My bad Right number tho This is Auston Matthews
Blair: Did you even read what you texted me? Completely inappropriate. Who gave you my number?
Fivehead: Look, I'm sorry. Was pretty wasted last night. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable Or whatever Read 8:34 AM
Fivehead: Mitch did. He was also pretty drunk
Blair: Asshole.
Fivehead: What?
Blair: What?
Fivehead: Me or him?
Blair: Him.
Fivehead: Oh, so I'm not an asshole?
Blair: No, you too.
Fivehead: You can't just call me an asshole
Blair: Who's stopping me?
Fivehead: I could get you fired.
Blair: You wouldn't do that. I thought you said you needed a girl like me in your life?
Fivehead: Better stop talking before I actually do it.
Blair: Make me.
Auston's typing bubble came up for a few moments, then stopped, but his reply came a couple of minutes later.
Fivehead: Whatever you say Cya in a few, princess Or would you prefer "your majesty" ? Read 8:42 AM
Blair hunched forward in her office chair, the clacking of keyboards around her becoming more irritating by the second. She was told she would have her own office, but today, since renovations were going on, the general manager sent another woman to share the space with Blair.
The red-headed woman who went by the name of Jess was nice enough, but she was so focused that it drove Blair nuts. I mean, seriously, in the three hours they'd been at work, she hadn't stopped typing - other than when she would take sips of her strong-smelling herbal tea.
That's why when someone knocked on the door, Blair immediately shot up, thankful for a sound other than that goddamn keyboard. She quickly scurried to the door, passing by Jess who was unbothered by the distraction.
Blair opened the door to see Auston Matthews standing there, leaning against the doorframe with a smug grin on his face. She fought the urge to roll her eyes as she took a step back, crossing her arms, "Can I help you?"
Auston's grin widened as he took a step into the office, closer to Blair. "Thought I'd come say hi. You know, our last interaction wasn't all that great."
Blair raised an eyebrow, her arms still crossed. "And texting me at 2 am drunk off your ass, trying to fuck me is what you consider 'not all that great?'" She replied, using her fingers to make mock quotations.
Auston's grin faltered for a moment, but he quickly recovered, adopting a more serious expression. "Okay, I get it. I was an asshole, and I'm sorry. Can we start over?"
Blair rolled her eyes, "I don't think I can after that string of texts," She said, walking forward to back Auston out into the hallway. She shut the door halfway before continuing, "Do you need anything? Or are you just here to distract me."
Auston chuckled and rolled his eyes back. "Yeah, actually. We need you downstairs. Something about an on-ice interview for TikTok?"
"Are you serious? I have to get on the ice? I don't even have skates." Blair remarked, slightly panicked. Auston, oblivious to the discomfort he had caused, motioned for her to follow him. "We're a hockey team. We have extra skates for everyone, come on."
Blair reluctantly followed Auston downstairs to the ice. There, she found no other players or people at all, just a selfie stick with a company phone lying by it on a bench. She turned to Auston, quite practically fuming at this point, "Small budget, huh? And I have to interview you?" She said, to which he nodded, "You didn't mention that! You said-"
"These should fit, ma'am." An equipment person interrupted, holding out a pair of white hockey skates.
Blair forced a smile as she took them and thanked the employee before turning back to Auston, "You really should work on your communication skills," she muttered, sitting down on a bench to put the skates on.
Auston smirked, leaning against the wall. "You're a fast learner. You'll be fine."
Blair rolled her eyes, trying to focus on lacing the skates, but she very quickly realized that these were very different to figure skates. She swallowed hard, not looking up as she struggled to figure out a way to make sure they stayed on.
Seeing her struggle, Auston sighed and walked over. "Let me help," he said, kneeling down in front of her.
"I don't need your help." Blair muttered, quickly angling herself away from where Auston had knelt down.
Auston chuckled softly. "You're not going to get far if you can't tie them properly," he said, his tone surprisingly gentle. Blair huffed, realizing he was right but still not wanting to be in this situation in the first place. Reluctantly, she turned back towards him, allowing him to help.
Auston expertly laced the skates, his fingers moving with practiced ease. Blair watched him silently, feeling a mix of frustration and just straight up hatred. Once he finished, he stood up and offered her a hand. "Ready to go?" he asked, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
Blair looked at his hand, and then back up at him before completely disregarding his help and getting up on her own, although it wasn't easy in the new bulky skates.
"Always so independent, huh, princess?" Auston said, trying to hold back his laughter as Blair wobbled trying to walk out to the ice.
Blair managed to steady herself, her annoyance bubbling just beneath the surface. "Whatever, let's just get this over with."
Roadies - an inevitable event for a hockey player.
Usually, the Leafs schedule tried to make it so that they'd visit multiple cities during a roadie, getting it all over with and rewarding them with a long homestand, which is the way most of the players liked it. Today, though, they had a one-off trip down to Raleigh, just to fly back the same day.
Auston had decided to engross himself with his teammates today and pretend to be humble, flying on the team plane instead of his own private jet. He trudged on, a backpack slung over his shoulder and his dark hair sticking out of the beanie he was wearing.
Since he was running late, no one saw him at the terminal or even expected him to fly with them, so when he walked on everyone turned their heads. Mitch even shot to his feet, tilted his head in confusion, then finally waved him over.
Auston took a deep breath, hoping they would just talk normally, about the game or something, but braced himself for the inevitable other conversation as he walked down the aisle.
Mitch grinned widely as Auston approached, clearly eager to tease him. "Look who decided to slum it with the rest of us," he said, playfully nudging Auston's shoulder as he took a seat next to him.
Auston chuckled, shoving his backpack into the overhead bin and plopping down in the seat. "Yeah, yeah, I figured I'd give you guys the pleasure of my company for once."
Mitch's grin widened as he leaned back in his seat, rolling his eyes. "Pleasure, huh? More like a rare sighting of the famous Auston Matthews. What's next, you actually sitting with us on the bus?"
Auston rolled his eyes, adjusting his beanie. "Don't push it, Marner."
William leaned over the aisle, holding out his phone with a grin as wide as Mitch's. "This you?" He said, gesturing to the screen. Auston furrowed a brow as he leaned closer, but when he saw the Maple Leafs TikTok and a nicely manicured hand in frame along with Auston himself, he immediately looked the other way.
Auston groaned inwardly, realizing that the infamous TikTok interview had made its rounds. "Yeah, that's me," he said, pretending to not care as he slouched in his seat. "What's your point?"
William chuckled, pulling his phone back. "What's my point? Dude, are those hockey boots she's wearing? How'd you get Blair to do that?"
"Crazy thing, Willy, normal people don't carry skates around with them," Auston replied, his tone slightly annoyed, "She had to borrow them from equipment. No big deal."
William raised his hands in mock surrender, "Alright, don't kill me, but damn, I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared of her."
Auston scoffed, scratching his cheek. "Scared of her? What's there to be scared of, Willy?" He remarked with a passion. Auston, if asked, would describe Blair as many things, but 'scary' was not one of them."
William leaned back in his seat, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that she seems to have no problem putting you in your place?" he teased, drumming his fingers on the tray table, "I mean, seriously, who ever tries to put you in your place? I don't know why we haven't started calling you Mr. Ego yet."
Auston shook his head defensively, "First of all, ouch, and second of all, there's a difference between 'putting me in my place' and just being annoying and bitchy," He sat up slightly, his posture straightening, "And which one is she, again?"
William chuckled, clearly enjoying Auston's discomfort. He folded his arms casually. "Come on, Auston. You've got to admit, she's got you wrapped around her finger."
Auston scowled, his annoyance growing. "I am not wrapped around anyone's finger, Willy. She's just...holy shit." He suddenly said, catching a glimpse of Mitch's phone beside him.
Tagged Location: Toronto, Ontario
Tumblr media
blairhanson_: last warm day ever :(
♥ Liked by han.samwich, marner_93, and 1072 others.
random: holy
han.samwich: Come back to van pls, it may be rainy but atleast it doesn't snow
↳ blairhanson_: It's also a complete ripoff of a city I fear
↳↳han.samwich: Fair point, Canucks better though
↳↳↳ marner_93: Ouch
↳↳↳↳ han.samwich: MITCH MARNER ????
random: what a hottie, age?
williamnylander: make me look this good on the ice please
↳ blairhanson_: I will try <3
"Hmm?" Mitch said, straightening his head up from his phone, seemingly inconspicuous to Auston's reaction.
"Give that to me." Auston muttered, ripping the phone from Mitch's hand and holding it up to his own face. It was a simple Instagram post from Blair, nothing overly special, but Auston found himself unable to rip his eyes off of it.
It only took a few moments of Auston gawking at Mitch's phone before everyone burst into laughter, including other members of the team around them. "See something you like?" Mitch teased.
Auston felt his face heat up, but he quickly regained his composure, throwing the phone back at Mitch. "Whatever, man. Just checking her out. Nothing wrong with that."
Mitch caught his phone, grinning ear to ear. "Sure, Tone, sure. You're just checking her out for work purposes, right?"
Auston rolled his eyes again, slouching further into his seat. "You guys got me fucked up if you think I've never seen you checking out a pretty girl before."
"Yeah, but I think her eyes are up there," William remarked, looking over at Mitch's phone where the photo was still pulled up. He looked at Auston, then at the photo, then back before smiling. "You think she's pretty?"
"Fuck, I..." Auston facepalmed, running his hands down his face. He couldn't believe he was in a situation where his teammates were bugging him about a girl, at their big age. "She's not bad to look at, okay? Can we drop it?"
The laughter from his teammates finally began to die down as everyone took their seats. "Okay, we'll stop... for now." Mitch conceded.
The Leafs took a tight victory against the Hurricanes that night in Raleigh, with a final score of 5-4 in overtime and a surprising Auston Matthews hat trick.
Fans in the arena booed him as he left the ice, but he didn't care. Drenched in sweat, he trudged into the visiting locker room with a big smile on his face, his glove out to fist bump anyone who wanted.
Auston pulled his jersey off, and left in only his compression shirt and chest protector was given the belt by last game's MVP, Matthew Knies. "Good shit, Tone, let's keep it going back home," Matt said, giving Auston a firm pat on the back.
With a smile just as wide, Auston sat in his stall, belt thrown over his shoulder and the three pucks from his hat trick in his other hand as he posed for a photo. William, as the second star of the game, posed with him, putting an arm around Auston.
Later that night, on the team bus to the airport, Auston leaned his head against the window, watching the city lights blur by as he tried not to fall asleep. All he wanted to do at the moment was collapse on his bed and have his dog cuddle up next to him, but he'd have to wait a few more hours.
As his eyelids got heavier and heavier, he felt his phone buzz in his pocket and he shook the sleep out of him as he fished it out and brought it to his face.
Princess: No fucking way.
Auston: ?
Princess: Do I really have to post that?
Auston: What are you talking about?
Princess: *insert MVP photo*
Auston: Wow! Who are those handsome guys?
Princess: Is there one without the egoist on the right?
Auston: Sure But he wasn't the MVP Was he, princess? See the game?
Princess: I did. Can I have his number?
Auston: Willy's? Why?
Princess: He's cute.
Auston: You're cute.
Princess: What?
Auston: You can read, right? Plus I know you're just asking that to make me jealous
Princess: Not everyone's obsessed with you.
Auston: Sure. See you tomorrow Read: 10:12 PM ***
“I’m just wondering why he has your personal Instagram. I mean, isn’t he basically your client?” Sam asked, holding his phone up to his face while he sipped a frozen margarita. Blair’s entire family had decided to go on an impromptu trip to Cancun, and when she realized her work schedule interfered heavily she was devastated. So, instead of tan lines and sun-bleached hair, she was doomed to a gloomy November in Toronto. 
Blair was looking up at the directional signs as she tried to navigate her way through the busy subway station while her brother was on FaceTime. The 8 a.m. rush was definitely a real thing, and being in a new city turned her around even further, “You know he’s a human too, right?” Blair remarked, her eyes darting wildly around at the multitude of directions she could go.
Blair heard Sam chuckle through the one Airpod she was wearing, “Sure, but commenting on your posts? Doesn’t he have a wife?” He replied, his words barely audible over the rush of the station.
Blair sighed, glancing down at her phone for a moment before finding the right platform and walking towards it, “Yes, Mitch has a wife, but I don’t see the point. He’s trying to be nice, and he’s a lot nicer than some of the other assholes there.”
"Okay, okay," Sam relented with a chuckle. "But what about the other players? Are they really that bad?”
Blair adjusted her bag as she stepped onto the train, glancing around for a seat before giving up and holding onto one of the poles. “Most of them are fine. I’m talking about Mr. Rocket Richard every year.” She replied, her tone annoyed.
 Sam's voice crackled through the earbud in her ear, his curiosity unabated. “Who? Oh, Auston Matthews?” He asked with a chuckle, “I thought he seemed like a pretty nice guy, through interviews I’ve seen anyway.”
“Yeah, well, the dude puts on a real good media face. I would know.” Blair scoffed, shuffling in her purse to find a pack of gum, “I mean, seriously, I wish he could be genuinely nice for one moment in his sad-”
Suddenly, Blair felt a hand tug at her sleeve, and she quickly turned on the balls of her feet to, most likely, tell whoever it is who just touched her to fuck off. Blair was undoubtedly more bark than bite, but being skittish by nature didn’t help that fact. “Hey, how about you-” She started, quieting down as she met the eyes of the man who looked up at her from his seat.
The blond cracked a smile, then laughed. And what an addicting laugh it was because Blair’s heart immediately skipped a beat at the sound and found herself smiling back. “Rough morning?” William asked, sliding his bag off the seat beside him.
Blair felt a flush rise to her cheeks, partly from the surprise and partly from embarrassment at her earlier irritation. She quickly composed herself, sliding into the now-open seat next to William Nylander. "Yeah, you could say that," she replied with a small smile, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "What are you doing here?"
Sam’s voice came through suddenly. “Blair? What’s happening? Who is that?” He questioned, which caused Blair to not hear whatever William said next. “Sam, I gotta go,” Blair mumbled, her fingers fumbling against her phone for the hang-up button. She looked back at the blue-eyed man, leaning slightly closer to him, “Sorry, what was that?”
William laughed, once again, which Blair simply could not get enough of. “I always take the subway to practice. I like to blend in, plus, beats dealing with traffic.” He repeated as the train began to move.
Blair found herself more intrigued by William than she expected. She wasn’t actually going to try to get to know him unless it was to purposefully get on Auston’s nerves, but she immediately saw this as an opportunity to make a friend, and maybe get some actual action later on. “You never get noticed?” She questioned.
William shrugged as he scratched his cheek, which was already too stubbly for his liking. “Nah, not really,” He started, surveying Blair as she crossed her legs, “Who was that?” 
Blair quickly dropped her phone into her bag, not wanting any further distraction. “Oh, my brother. He was just… curious about how the job is going.” She said, knowing that it wasn’t the full truth but wanting to move on from the topic.
Unfortunately, William didn’t budge. “Ohhh,” He chuckled in realization, “You told him about Tone?”
Blair shifted uncomfortably in her seat at the question. She knew that they were friends and she couldn’t reveal much about her very strong feelings about Auston without offending William, so she offered something simple. “Oh, yeah. He’s been… difficult to work with.”
William snorted, outstretching his arm so it rested on top of the seat Blair was sitting on. “You can just say he’s an ass, no judgment.” He said, casually.
Blair’s eyes widened at William's straightforward comment. She hadn't expected him to be so blunt about Auston, especially considering they were teammates. Despite her own frustrations with Auston, she didn't want to badmouth him to someone who knew him personally.
"Well, yeah," Blair replied carefully, choosing her words. "He can be... challenging at times."
William chuckled, shaking his head. "Challenging, huh? That's one way to put it. Auston has a way of rubbing people the wrong way."
Blair nodded, relieved that William seemed to understand without her having to elaborate further. She shuffled in her bag for her water bottle, finding it and unscrewing the cap. "Yeah, you could say that. But he's not all bad. I think he means well... sometimes."
William raised an eyebrow, his expression curious. "You think so? I think he’s just into you.”
Blair was in the middle of taking a sip of water as William spoke, and when the words hit her, she choked on it, a small amount of it coming out of her nose as she tried to catch her breath. 
“Woah, Blair, you okay?” William questioned, sitting up and placing a firm hand on her back. People around them in the subway stared as Blair wiped the wetness off her nose with her sleeve.
Blair coughed and cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure after choking on her water. William's concern was evident as he patted her back gently. She straightened up, angling her body towards William as she furrowed her eyebrows. “What do you mean he’s into me?” She said through gritted teeth.
William pulled his hand back, realizing his comment had caught Blair off guard. He glanced around at the other passengers on the subway, who were surreptitiously watching the exchange with curiosity.
"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," William said softly, his voice tinged with concern. "I just… Nevermind.”
The crease inbetween Blair’s eyebrows deepened as she leaned into William further, “Nevermind? You can’t just say that and say ‘nevermind’” She remarked, trying to keep her composure
William, once again laughed like he always did when he was uncomfortable and put his hands up in a mock surrender. “Hey, Bro code, I can’t tell you anything else.”
Blair stared at William, her mind racing with questions. She hadn't expected him to suggest that Auston might have interest in her, whether that be sexual or romantic or some other way - It was a notion that caught her completely off guard, and she struggled to process it.
"Bro code?" Blair repeated, her voice incredulous. "What does that even mean?"
William chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "Look, I probably shouldn't have said anything. It's just... Auston can be hard to read sometimes, but I've seen the way he acts around you."
Blair frowned, crossing her arms defensively. "And what exactly does that mean?"
William hesitated, glancing around at the other passengers who were still discreetly watching their conversation. Outstretching his arm once again, he looked forward at the wall as he responded. “Okay, well, he looks at your pictures.”
Blair's mind raced as she processed William's words. Auston looking at her pictures? She hadn't even considered the possibility that he might view her differently than their professional interactions suggested.
"He looks at my pictures?" Blair repeated, her voice a mix of surprise and skepticism.
William nodded slowly, his expression serious. "Yeah. I mean, I've caught him a few times scrolling through your Instagram,” He laughed, the words keeping flowing without him noticing, “Like the other day, on the way to Raleigh, I was talking to him and Mitchy was scrolling his phone and saw your post. Auston grabbed that phone so fast, it was like-”
He abruptly stopped, swallowing hard as he turned toward Blair with a realization that he definitely overshared. “I… that didn’t happen. I just made it all up. April… fools?” He tried to lie, shrugging jokingly.
Blair stared at William, wide-eyed with her jaw dropped for a few moments before she took a breath, composing herself. “It’s November, Will,” She said, nudging him, “What the fuck? Auston Matthews? Really?” She said, more to herself than to William, but it was audible.
“Blair, please don’t tell…” William started, reaching out to place a hand on her shoulder, steadying her. Right then, the train stopped at a station, and Blair abruptly shot up, William’s arm falling limply to his side. “I gotta go.” She murmured, quickly stepping off at the nearest door before William could get another word out. 
As Blair stepped off the subway platform, she felt a rush of conflicting emotions swirling inside her. William's unexpected revelation about Auston had caught her completely off guard, leaving her reeling with disbelief and confusion.
She walked briskly through the bustling station, one she didn’t know at all, at that, her mind racing as she tried to make sense of what William had said. Auston Matthews, looking at her pictures? Could it really be true? And if so, what did it mean?
Blair shook her head, trying to push aside the thoughts that threatened to overwhelm her. It didn’t matter. Auston Matthews was the most rude, full of himself, selfish man and she would be damned if she let herself-
And then, she felt her phone buzz. As she kept her pace, walking in who-knows-what direction, she pulled it out of her purse, and it felt like her eyes were about to pop out of her head at the notification.
New Follower: austonmatthews
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Auston demanded, his hands gripping the smooth, polished leather of the chair's armrests. He took a deep breath, the scent of the office's faint cologne and clean air mingling in his nose as he exhaled. Meeting the eyes of his general manager, he added, "Sorry, language."
"Look, Auston," Brad began, his tone measured, "We're not asking you to do anything outrageous."
Auston furrowed his eyebrows, his glare piercing straight into Brad's soul. "Last time I checked, I'm an adult and I can be involved with anyone I want to. Surely you can't actually ask me to do this, right?"
Brad placed his hands on the mahogany desk, the rich grain reflecting the dim light of the office. He met Auston's intense gaze with equal resolve. "Actually, we can. This is an important event for our sponsors, and it's a 'bring your significant other' type of thing. We can't have you show up alone and hit on every breathing human woman there."
Auston gritted his teeth, feeling his frustration bubbling like molten lava ready to erupt. He leaned back in the chair, crossing his arms defensively, the leather creaking under his weight. "So, what, you want me to find someone to bring along as arm candy for the night? Just to make you and the sponsors happy?"
Brad sighed, his expression weary as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I know this isn't your idea of fun, but it's important for the team and our image."
Auston scoffed, his gaze darting around the room as if searching for an escape route. "What makes you think that? Am I just some piece of meat?"
Brad sighed again, the sound heavy with exasperation. He picked up his phone, which had been sitting face-down on his desk, and scrolled for a few seconds before turning it around to show Auston. It was a video of him and a bartender from their post-season opener night out, sloppily making out outside of the bar.
Auston blinked, glaring at the video posted on Twitter by a fan. "Fucking hell, why did no one tell me that existed?" His cheeks burned with embarrassment, the heat spreading up to his ears. The truth was that he regretted that night, but no one knew that but him.
"You have really good publicists, Auston. Most of it is deleted; this is just something they haven't gotten to yet," Brad replied, putting his phone back down with a heavy thud. "Do you see what I mean, though? We can't have something like that surface after such an important event."
Auston stared at Brad, a storm of frustration and resignation swirling in his eyes. The video on Brad's phone was a stark reminder of the consequences of his actions, even those moments he thought were private. He rubbed his temples, the pressure building like a headache.
"Fine," Auston finally relented, his tone begrudging. "But I'm not promising anything. This is just for the team's sake, not because I actually want to be there."
Brad nodded, his expression softening slightly at Auston's reluctant agreement. "I understand, Auston. Just find someone who can handle the spotlight and won't cause any drama."
Auston rolled his eyes, leaning back further in the chair and crossing his arms tighter. "Right. Because that's so easy to find."
Brad chuckled, though the tension in the room remained thick as fog. "You're Auston Matthews. I'm sure you'll manage."
With a dismissive wave of his hand, Auston stood up from his chair. "Yeah, yeah. I'll figure it out." He turned and left Brad's office, the door clicking shut behind him with a finality that matched his mood. Pulling out his phone, he scrolled through his contacts, contemplating who he could ask to accompany him to the event. As he turned a corner in the hallway, his eyes still on his phone, disaster struck.
Out of nowhere, hot coffee splashed over Auston, soaking his shirt and causing him to yelp in surprise. He heard a squeak and then a thud as his phone hit the floor. "Shit, sorry, I didn't see you... there."
Blair looked up at Auston, her eyes wide with a mixture of bewilderment and anger. "What the fuck, Auston, watch where you're going?" she exclaimed, her voice echoing in the empty hallway.
Auston grimaced, his eyes unintentionally drawn to the lacy red bra now visible beneath her coffee-stained white blouse. He didn't say anything else, only glanced around to make sure no one else was watching before opening the door to a random closet and pulling them both inside.
Inside the cramped, dark closet, Blair immediately yanked her arm free from Auston's grip, glaring at him with a mix of confusion and frustration. "What the hell are we doing in here?"
Auston glanced around their tiny, dimly lit surroundings, the smell of cleaning supplies and dust filling his nostrils. "Look down, Blair," he hissed.
She followed his instruction, looking down at her stained blouse and realizing her bra was completely visible. "Oh fuck, holy shit!" she exclaimed, her voice too loud for comfort.
Auston glanced at the door, then back at Blair, his discomfort clear. And even though he tried to resist, the sight of Blair’s wet shirt clinging to her curves did nothing less than make him adjust himself awkwardly. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? It was an accident. Do you have like, a jacket or something in your bag?"
"Close your eyes!" she squealed, feeling his gaze on her chest. "And, no, of course I don't today."
Auston squeezed his eyes shut, turning his head away to give Blair some semblance of privacy in the tiny, dark closet. He could hear her rummaging through her bag, cursing under her breath. "Seriously, Blair, I'm sorry," Auston said, his voice muffled as he spoke through clenched teeth. "I didn't mean to—"
"Save it," Blair snapped, finding a tissue in her bag and trying to dab at the stain, which did little to help. "Just my luck. Of all people to bump into—"
Suddenly, Auston put a finger to Blair's lips, stopping her from talking as he heard a noise in the hallway. "Shh, shut up for a second." He hissed, listening intently.
"Auston?" Mitch called, his voice getting closer. He crouched down to pick up Auston's phone from the floor, recognizing it from the distinctive case. He figured Auston must be around somewhere if he had dropped his phone.
Blair's breath hitched as Auston's finger rested against her lips. Her irritation was still bubbling just beneath the surface, but she kept silent, listening to the footsteps approaching the closet door. Auston kept his eyes squeezed shut, clearly aware of her presence as well.
Auston finally spoke, his whisper barely audible. "Ok, you've gotta have something to cover up with, right? Maybe—"
"Give me your hoodie." Blair said suddenly, so casually that Auston did a double take. "What?" he echoed, quietly.
"Your hoodie," Blair insisted, her tone firm. "Unless you want me walking around like this."
Auston blinked, his eyes now open despite the darkness of the closet. He didn't want that, eyes on Blair and her see-through shirt even though he had no right to say so. "I'm not—I'm not wearing anything underneath it," he tried to reason.
Blair's glare intensified. "Auston, I don't care. Just give me it," she hissed, tugging at his sleeve.
Auston hesitated for a moment, realizing the predicament he was in. He couldn't exactly walk around shirtless without drawing attention, but leaving Blair in her current state wasn't an option either. With a resigned sigh, he began to pull off his hoodie, the fabric rustling in the confined space. He handed it to her, trying to avoid making eye contact. "Here," Auston said, his voice gruff and his eyes still closed. "Just make it quick."
Blair took the hoodie, her frustration still simmering but appreciating the gesture nonetheless. She turned her back to him, slipping off her stained blouse and quickly pulling on Auston's hoodie. The fabric was warm, still wet from the coffee stain, and besides smelling like it, smelled faintly of his cologne, a detail she tried to ignore as she adjusted the sleeves.
"Auston?" Mitch called out again, his footsteps echoing in the hallway. Auston knew that Mitch wouldn't leave until he found him, and that made their predicament even worse. "Alright, Blair, just think," Auston hissed, "We've gotta figure something out. He's not going to leave."
Blair, now clad in Auston's hoodie, took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing thoughts. They were in a tight spot, literally and figuratively, and the urgency of their situation was growing by the second. She crossed her arms, looking up at him, "Well, go out there then."
"Yeah, right," Auston chuckled quietly, waving a hand as if it was a joke, but when he met Blair's gaze he knew she was serious. "You can't be serious, right?"
Blair stared back at Auston with a determined expression. "Dead serious. I need to get out of here unnoticed, Mitch is not leaving until he finds you, and the longer we stay in here, the worse it looks."
Auston sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "But you're... you're in my hoodie, Blair. If I walk out there shirtless, people will talk."
Blair rolled her eyes, though there was a hint of amusement in her voice. "Let them talk. It's not like they haven't seen you shirtless before," She paused, shuddering from the now cold stain on her shirt underneath. "What, you'd rather me go out there wearing your clothes?"
"No, of course not, I just-" Auston started, but he was cut off as Blair swiftly opened the door a crack big enough for him, hiding herself behind it, and pushing him out into the hallway before shutting the door again.
Auston stumbled slightly as Blair pushed him out into the hallway, his bare chest exposed to the cool air. Mitch quickly turned around from the noise, raising an eyebrow as he glared at the shirtless Auston that had just appeared. "Uh, hey, man, where did you come from? And why do you have no shirt on?"
Auston stood awkwardly in the hallway, his bare chest feeling uncomfortably exposed. Mitch's incredulous stare didn't help the situation either. "Uh, long story," Auston muttered, trying to maintain some semblance of composure. "Just... spilled coffee and went to clean up."
Mitch's eyes narrowed, his skepticism evident. He crouched down, picking up the now-empty Starbucks cup from the ground. "This one? I didn't know you were one for sugar cookie oat lattes."
Auston glanced at the cup Mitch held, trying to formulate a response that wouldn't raise more suspicion. "Yeah, well, I was in the mood for something different," he replied vaguely, shifting uncomfortably under Mitch's scrutiny.
Mitch raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying Auston's explanation. "Right. Well, you dropped your phone." He said, stretching out his arm to hand Auston his phone back.
Auston took his phone from Mitch, offering a tight-lipped smile. "Thanks, Mitch. I've been looking for it" He tucked the phone into his pocket, glancing down the hallway as if considering his next move.
Mitch crossed his arms, still eyeing Auston suspiciously. "You sure you're okay, man? You seem... off."
Auston shrugged nonchalantly, trying to play it cool despite the uncomfortable situation. "Yeah, just one of those days, you know?"
Mitch nodded slowly, clearly not convinced but deciding not to press further. "Alright, well, see you around, I guess."
Auston's eyes widened as he saw Mitch take a step in the direction of the closet. "Mitch!" he blurted out, "Let's go get a coffee, yeah?" he suggested awkwardly, nodding his head in the opposite direction. "Spilled mine anyway."
Mitch raised an eyebrow, clearly still suspicious, but he decided to go along with Auston's suggestion. "Alright, sure. Let's go," he replied, turning away from the closet and heading down the hallway with Auston.
As they walked, Auston kept glancing over his shoulder, hoping that Blair made it out without anyone seeing her.
to be continued!
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keen-li · 10 months
Only one | 02
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Warnings: toxic relationship trauma, trauma in general, mentally broken oc, manipulation, yendere jungkook. [Still more warnings to be added]
Psychiatrist jungkook x patient reader
"I can't do that" you shake your head, your heart being strangled by his statement.
"I don't think I'm able to do that Mr jeon" he looks into your wide and teary eyes. He knows it's hard for you to stay here any longer but you have to for this to work.
"You can I believe in you. You're a strong girl" your heart throbs when he says that feeling a little motivated but no feeling can beat the feeling of having to here any longer.
"But why do i have to?" You ask him and he finally stands straighten out his clothes and arranging the watch on his wrist.
"You know you're not fully well right?" His tone goes between a casual and professional tone.
You lower your head finally knowing your progress. Fiddling with your fingers you nod.
His raised brow lowers as he smirks.
"So if I discharged a girl who is clearly known around to be unwell"
"Wouldn't that suspicious?"
You understand what he means but it doesn't make the information anymore digestible.
"So if you stay a little longer and prove that you're well enough to leave. It won't be so suspicious when I tell them you can leave."
He's right but staying here for another month is too much. You thought when he brought up this offer he'd take you out of here in a day or two, but a whole month??
You sigh thinking about it for a little longer. A month shouldn't be longer than the time you'd actually have to spend here without his help. This is your best option, it's gonna be over before you know it right?
"You said you trust me right?" He walks towards you one hand in the pocket as his slow and confident steps take him to you. You breath heavily as his figure towers over you darkly. You use all the muscles in your neck to look up at the man, your hands grip the material of your clothes tighter.
He hums asking you the question again,
"I do" he smiles at that.
"Good. Then trust me, trust this process." He talks to you lightly and gently, pressing you to agree.
"Will you?" Why does it feel like you have to agree to this, like it's your best and only option inorder to leave this place. It is your best and only option to leave this place quickly.
"I will" your lips break into a smile which he silently chuckles at.
"It's gonna go by so fast I promise"
He walks away from you going back to where he left his stuff.
"And don't tell anyone about this. It's our little secret" he grins as he says secret, which you nod to smiling unsurely and awkwardly.
"I trust you can keep a secret"
He goes back to his original spot wearing his glasses and holding his notebook in his hands.
And just like that he goes back to his professional Mr jeon, as though you didn't just talk about him helping you escape this place. It's not really escaping though. You continue your session and you seem a little off but he doesn't.
"I'm glad they've given us something new today" you hear one of the girls at the table, where you sit silently, say.
You eat your food, making sure to savour the surprisingly seasoned chicken. They're must be a special occasion today, cause they never put much effort into making food for you guys.
"I heard there are new sponsors" the black haired girl sitting next to you whispers.
"Really? They must have alot of money. Cause the previous sponsors didn't do shit" She whispers the last part dramatically looking around hoping no one has heard. The last thing she wants people to hear is her talking shit about sponsors though everyone knows it's true.
"Yeah. But I'm not sure if it's new sponsors" the girl next to you says not wanting to be blamed for any rumours.
"What do you think y/n" they throw the question to a dissociated you.
"Huh?" You look at them confused mind clogged with others thoughts.
"Sponsors. Do you think we have new sponsors" you honestly
Couldn't care less about who sponsors the hospital right now, your mind is just on the fact that Mr jeon is going to help you leave this place.
"I don't know" you say turning your eyes back to your food not giving much care to the topic. They notice your uninterested demeanor and give each other confused look.
"Y/n are you okay" they ask concerned. No you're not okay the fact that you're living every day here waiting for the end of the month is killing you. You know that very soon you're gonna leave the few friends you've made here makes you sad cause you can't even tell them about it. you really do wanna tell them about it but Mr jeon said its a secret, and you have to keep your promise to Mr jeon.
You may miss your friends but at the end of the day you still miss home and wanna go back.
"You've been off lately. Unlike yourself"
At her words you give a small laugh hopefully soothing her concern.
"I'm okay. I just-" You wanna say it. It would really help to tell someone about it.
"I've just been missing home lately nothing serious." You give another laugh.
"That's serious y/n. You can't let thoughts like that eat you up alone, you can always talk to us we're your friends"
"Yeah she's right. Don't suffer by yourself it's not good."
You smile at them warmly. "Thank you guys I really appreciate it but seriously I'm fine"
They give you an 'Okay' nod as you all go back to eating your food.
As you continue to eat your food and count the number of days , hours, minutes and seconds are left before the end of the month the attention of the diner is called for.
The whole diner including yourself turn to look at the familiar face of the diner guard who speaks. Looks like an announcement, you never get announcements during lunch.
"So.." the man starts "tomorrow We're gonna be having a carnival day" when he says that a series of murmurs are heard in the diner.
"You'll receive leaflets on the events that will be carried out tomorrow" and as he says this one of the nurse hands everyone at your table a leaflet. You stare at the colourfully designed leaflet, the large words and pictures displayed everywhere. This is definitely new, a carnival event.
"I was right. There are definitely new sponsors" you hear the girl still stuffing her face next to you say.
You place the paper into your pockets not staring at it for long unlike the rest of the diner.
"What? Are you not excited?" She asks noticing your dull face again. You're really acting different.
"I am saving it to read in my room." You say. You don't want your friend's last days, sounds dramatic, to be of your being gloomy and moody. You wanna enjoy this time with them, and this event is the perfect opportunity. You don't even know if you'll see them again anyway.
She nods at you and everyone goes back to finishing their food.
You walk around side by side with sycily, the black haired girl from the diner. You both look around with wide eyes at the brightly decorated event, you both gasp and pull at each other's arms when you see something you like. You're both behaving like children.
"What should we do first" it's a free event so you can do anything for however long you want to but its hard to choose when there are so many options. You look around hoping to have an answer for your wide grinned friend. You shrug your shoulders not able to choose.
"Maybe we can-" You're cut off mid sentence when a bearded man in a stand calls out for the two of you.
"You can start here" you look at him then turn to your also curious friend asking with your eyes if you should go. She agrees and you both make your way to the booth. As you approach you notice the perfectly arranged bottles and the rings in the man's hands. Its ring toss, you were never good at this game. The man smiles warmly at the both of you which you both return. You can see the large variety of prizes hanged around the booth, you hope you win so you can get the cute panda that you've got your eyes on.
"You looked lost, so I thought I'd give you a helping hand in choosing " he hands you the rings picking you as the first one to play. You take them into your dry hands feelings the texture of the rings and their weight.
"There are so many fun games to play, so I understand if the choice was a little difficult" he smiles glazing his eyes over the scenery behind you which you both do again admiring the beautiful place once more. These sponsors really made the plane, large and boring looking hospital ground into something in a movie, plus in less than three days. We never thought we'd be having a carnival when we saw people working on the grounds. Movements were restricted as they built this up, everybody had guesses but not this. The hospital is pretty much a boring place besides the hobbies and clubs they have.
"Okay you can have a go" they man says pointing that you should start tossing. Sycily watches you intently as you nod and turn your body to the clear bottles.
You hold one ring at the tip of your fingers as you prepare to toss it. You don't want to over think it and just toss it. Your throw is weak and doesn't go far, it doesn't even land on the bottle. You hear sycily laugh and you send her a death glare.
"The further you throw it, the larger the prize" he says, and it feels like he's laughing at you.
You run the second ring on your fingertips as you prepare to take your second throw. You only have three chances, so you gotta think it through if you wanna get that panda.
You groan as the red little ring lands at the end of the booth, past the bottles.
"When he said further he didn't mean that far" sycily mumbles avoiding your glare.
"I'm gonna toss you over these bottles next" you threaten as she giggles at you. You can hear the man laugh at your interaction as you're trying to focus on your next and last toss.
"You guys seem to be very good friends" he says fondly and sycily nods.
"We are but she's getting on my bad side" your tone is playful but with a threat behind. You give her one last glare as she avoids your gaze once more making you smile.
Now back to the game, you need to get this right, you really want that panda.
You've always loved pandas. Or maybe it was that time when you and your parents went on a trip to China and saw those cute pandas. You even got the chance to feed one of them.
"You know you're they same age" the care taker of the panda said when you told her you're five years old, lifting your tiny little fingers to emphasise. You learnt that by yourself. And maybe that's why you felt drawn to that panda, and all the other pandas. You were both babies being held captive.
"Take your time" the man assures you snaping you back to what you're doing. You sigh as you throw the little ring. And just like the rest it doesn't land for a second you thought it landed but just like everything else in this world, it mocks you by making you think you've actually won.
"Argh" you groan frustrated.
"It's okay you can try again later." He comforts you but honestly you don't plan on coming back to try again.
You give a practiced smile "thank you" you say as sycily prepares for her turn after she gave you a warm comforting smile. Can they see how hard it is on you to lose the chance to get that panda.
The man walks to a tiny basket filled with things you can't see from where you're standing. He pulls out a green beaded bracelet as he hands it to you.
"Here have this" you look at him confused to why he's giving you a prize when you didn't win.
"Don't think of it as a prize, but think of it as a thank you for giving your all to a silly little game" you don't know if you should be offended but he smiles so warmly and you know he's just trying his best to comfort.
You stretch your wrist to him as he places the the bracelet on your wrist. You give him a small smile and thank you as he goes to stand by where he was standing when you were playing. He nods at you appreciateing your gratitude.
Sycily nails all her tries, unlike you, but you're too distracted by the bracelet to notice , you can just hear her cheers and claps.
It's actually a very beautiful bracelet the beads are pea sized and the see through crystal green allows you to see the elastic string that passes through all of them. Your attention is caught by the little silver tag, that swings when you move your hand. You pull it closer to your eyes so you can see the word engraved on the oval shaped metal.
Must be the name of the sponsors cause you've seen it on almost everything here. You don't give it much thought cause there's nothing to think of. Just a company flaunting their brand during an event which they sponsored, nothing new.
You let your wrist fall as you eye a celebrating sycily who holds her white bunny in her arms.
You clap as she walks to you all smiles and giggles.
"Let's go to another booth and win you something" She pulls your arms as you walk away. When you do, a group of people approach the booth you've just left, they're all smiles and laughs too. It's nice to see people having fun and enjoying a day at the hospital.
You and sycily play some other games and luckily you did end up winning some prizes, but no panda. You guess the pandas are only at that booth. You don't want to be gloomy because you didn't get a panda atleast you had others.
You and sycily did also end up getting some food, which was so delicious and FREE.
"Ahh look at me" you hear her whine as she's trying to get rid of the ketchup stain on her hospital clothes. Yes, you all still had to wear the hospital clothes so that you didn't get mixed up with anyone who never belonged to it.
"You should go get cleaned" you see her struggle with the stain.
"Yeah you're right, the day's almost over anyway" She says letting go of the top.
"Plus we can come back tomorrow" She was right the carnival is still gonna be there for 2 more days. You both walk back to your rooms arms locked as you say hi to some of your other friends or sycily's friends. You never had much friends sycily was your closest friend. You never cared about having many friends, you were used to being alone anyway.
You and sycily became close cause you both shared similar problems; toxic family, toxic relationships. You've both experienced it all. Trauma bonding. You two trauma bond alot, and that's why you trust eachother. Knowing that you're gonna be leaving her alone in here with no one to confined in makes you feel bad especially the fact that you can't help her and you can't stay longer. "You're the only one I trust and can talk to like this." She'd say each time you'd talk about your pasts. And now thinking about it makes your heart ache.
Maybe you can ask Mr jeon to help her too.
You're seated on your bed staring and playing the with green bracelet you got at the carnival. It's been three days since the carnival ended and you can't help but think about the closer the end of the month is getting but sycily can't stop talking about the carnival. You can barely hear what she's saying clearly cause she's saying alot at once. But you're distracted anyways, it's been a while since you've had something to look at.
"Are you excited for the art exhibition?" She asks you and it's clear enough for you to hear and answer to.
"When is it again?" You're genuinely curious cause alot has been on your mind.
"You can't remember?" She asks you disappointed that you couldn't remember the date. You shake your head genuinely not knowing.
"It's in like two months" Two months.
"And I know I'm too excited for something that's so far away, but I just can't wait for you to finally see it"
She hasn't allowed you to see the art work she's been working on cause it should be a 'surprise'. She's been a part of the art club from ever since you knew her, she tried getting you into it but it wasn't your style. Atleast at the moment. The only club you've been able to join and be in is the book club. You loved to read books and talk about what you've read and what your opinions are of the story.
"I can't wait for you to see it and be there." She says giving you a giddy laugh and all you can do is give her a low and sad grin, knowing you won't be there. She continues to express how excited she is.
"Can I tell you something" your serious and concerning tone cuts off her rumbling. She stops and stares at you mimicking your sad look.
"Yeah sure" She moves to seat next to you. "What's the problem"
"Promise me you won't tell anyone"
Taglist: @ane102
You can dm the if you wanna join the ONLY ONE taglist. No ageless blogs allowed.
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caashmoneynae · 3 months
MY MASTERLIST. -> click here for more!
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SUMMARY: based off of the "You Belong To Somebody Else" phone call. ✨
"𝗠𝗔𝗡, 𝗜 𝗦𝗪𝗘𝗔𝗥 𝗜'𝗠 𝗗𝗢𝗡𝗘 𝗪𝗜𝗧𝗛 𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗚𝗔𝗦. 𝗔𝗟𝗟'𝗨𝗠 𝗠𝗔𝗞𝗘 𝗠𝗘 𝗦𝗜𝗖𝗞," Angel scoffed, concluding the horror story of her date from last night, as she ran her hands down her face and her friends laughed at her, "then, the nigga had the audacity to say i "owe" him pussy 'cause he took me out to dinner! nigga, i'on owe you a motherfuckin' thing, you lucky i even agreed to be out in public with yo' wack ass!"
"moral of the story: don't give a nigga who be in ya inbox bein' thirsty a chance 'cause they turn out to be weirdos." Tiffany joked, raising her hands in defense, as Eileen and Paige laughed and Angel cracked a smile before laughing with them.
"exactly, you got the lesson down-pat. i'm glad my lame ass date could be a life lesson for y'all." Angel joked as the four of them laughed together.
"if that one nigga — he who shall not be named — woulda' acted right, you wouldn't have even been put in that position to be onna' date wit' a lame ass nigga." Paige added, raising her hands in defense, as Eileen's brows raised and a small smirk crossed Tiffany's face while the three girls stared at Angel, making her smack her lips and mug the three of them.
the man "who shall not be named" that they were referring to is Von, and it wasn't that he didn't "act" right, it was because he was still in cahoots with his ex and talking to Angel at the same time, which she wasn't going for. part of her felt like she couldn't be mad because though the two were talking, they technically weren't together yet, so he could do whatever he wanted just like she could, but she hated that he was talking to her and entertaining someone else at the same damn time, especially since they had been talking for 3 and a half months.
not to mention, she ended up getting into with his ex on social media, and she was the type to keep her business off social media at all times, so when that shit hit the internet, she left Von alone for good. she wasn't about to be roped into whatever love triangle he had going on, and she certainly wasn't about to fight or argue with his ex over him because she felt that it was never that deep or that serious to be in conflict over some dick, no matter how good it was.
after Angel cut him off, Von tried profusely to get in contact with her to explain himself. he stalked her Instagram page and liked all her stories and posts, especially the ones with her face on them, and he ended up blowing her phone up so much that she had to get a new number, and now she hasn't heard from him anymore, which was still shocking to her almost three months later because Von was stubborn — just like Angel — and slightly crazy when it came down to a woman he cared about.
Angel tried to replace him and give other men a chance, but it was practically to no use. there would always be that one red flag that couldn't be ignored, so Angel cut 'em off and never looked back. those other men just weren't him, and regardless of how he'd fucked up and hurt her, she couldn't deny that no other man could top him and that she still cared about him, but her stubbornness refused to hear him out or talk to him, so she decided that she'd rather move on with her life than be stuck in the past.
"we don't talk about him no mo', hush," Angel chuckled, shaking her head, as Paige made a zipping gesture to her lips and gave Angel a thumbs up, making the three girls chuckle, "i feel like we should go out tonight. you know, it's a new club openin' downtown tonight around 9, we should hit it up."
"i agree. it's been a lil' minute since i been out, i needa' see if i still got it." Eileen smirked, sticking out her tongue, as Paige stuck out her tongue as well and the two women dapped each other up, making Angel and Tiffany laugh.
"yeah, i second that, and since it's the grand opening and all, it's bound to be some fine ass rich niggas in there. i'an no gold digger or nun', but i'an fuckin' with a nigga that ain't a balla'." Tiffany declared, playfully shrugging, as Eileen and Paige dapped her up and Angel laughed at them before shaking her head.
"a'ight, man, take y'all dappin' asses home and find somethin' to wear for tonight. i'ma come pick y'all up around 8."
Angel stood in her bathroom with a black silk robe loosely tied around her waist as she stared at herself in the mirror and ran her fingers through her copper-colored waist-length boho braids, slightly narrowing her eyes while she tried to think of a way to style her hair.
"what damn hairstyle haven't i already done?" Angel mumbled to herself as she grabbed a handful of half of her braids and held them on her head like a makeshift ponytail, "i might just do another half-up half-down—"
before Angel could finish her thought, her phone began buzzing on the bathroom counter, and without paying attention to the caller's I.D., she answered the phone and put it on speaker.
"whea' you at, lil' folks?"
Angel instantly froze when she heard that familiar-sounding voice and her eyes quickly averted to her phone as she looked at the caller's I.D., seeing an unsaved number.
"Von?" Angel asked, recognizing the area code of the number, as a wide smile unknowingly spread across her face and her hands slowly left her hair, "how you get my new number?"
"don't worry 'bout all'at, Angie, just know i got connects everywhea' i be," Von answered, referring to the girl by the nickname he created for her, as Angel felt her heart rate rise and rested her hand on her chest, feeling several emotions hit her at once, "but answa' my question, whea' you at, ma?"
"at home, Dayvon," Angel answered softly, slightly tightening her robe like he could see her, as she grabbed her phone and walked out of the bathroom, turning off the light behind her while she sat on her bed, "it ain't nowhere else i'm 'posed to be at."
"good, i'm 'bout to pull up on you. i'an seen you in a while, i been missin' you," Von confessed as Angel nervously began chewing on her bottom lip, "i know you probably don't wanna hear me out or nun', but my bad fa' that situation i had you in, i'an mean fa' nun' of that shit to go down the way it did, Angie."
"i... i don't know about lettin' you come see me, Von..." Angel mumbled, feeling iffy about letting him come over because she had no clue how she'd act if she saw him face-to-face again.
if hearing his voice over the phone made her suppressed emotions resurface, there's no telling what would seeing him in person would do to her.
"look, i know you still think i'm fuckin' wit' my ex and all these otha' different hoes and all'at bogus shit, but i ain't doin' nunna' that shit, Angel. i swea' i ain't. i got bad ass trust issues and i know you do too, but i wanna try again with'chu on a clean slate, shawty. all i'm askin' fa' is another chance to make this shit right," Von continued, practically pouring his heart out over the phone, as Angel listened attentively and gently toyed with the ends of her hair, "you already know how i feel about you, Angie, and ain't nunna' that shit changed. so, i'm finna' come ova'."
"right now?"
"right now, lil' folks."
Angel sat in deep thought, pondering on if she should allow him to come see her. Von wasn't the type to lie to her because frankly, he didn't give a fuck enough to lie about how he truly felt. he was always open and bold with his emotions, so any type of doubt Angel ever had towards him would always fade because she knew he wasn't a liar like most niggas.
when he mentioned their trust issues, it reminded her that that was the first thing they bonded over. both of them had trouble trusting people because they had been hurt and abandoned in the past, but they just dusted themselves off and kept going. Angel knew Von trusted her, but she didn't know if she should let him back into her life again after everything that happened. though she believed that most people deserved second chances, she didn't know how many second chances she had inside her before she gave up and refused to let anyone get too close to her.
but something about the way Von spoke to her... Angel knew she had to put her stubbornness aside and give him another chance. her heart was practically begging her to.
"text me when you outside, Von."
Angel sat anxiously on her bed as she checked her phone every 5 seconds to see if Von had texted her, her mind racing and her emotions all over the place. honestly, she didn't know how to feel about seeing Von again after two months, especially since she had been avoiding him that entire time. her ignore game was no joke, and neither was her stubbornness, but somehow Von managed to slip through both of those walls she had built up, and she didn't know how to feel about it.
was it worth it letting Von back into her life again? she didn't know, but maybe seeing him again would help her make up her mind.
simultaneously, Angel's phone buzzed and she heard a car door shut in her driveway, making her begin to chew on her bottom lip for a second time. she looked down at her phone and read the text that said "Outside", making her softly sigh through her nose while she got up and headed downstairs to her front door.
unlocking and opening the front door, there stood Von in all his glory as he was dressed in a white tee, grey sweatpants, and a pair of Jordans with a grey snapback hat that rested backward on his two-strand twisted locs and an "OTF" chain that rested around his neck, cologne radiating off of him and flooding Angel's nose while the two stood and stared at each other.
even in some sweatpants, that man could still look incredibly handsome.
stepping to the side, Angel allowed him to come in as she shut and locked the door behind him, slightly tightening her robe so it wouldn't fall when she least expected it.
"i interrupted you a'sum'?" Von asked, gesturing and referring to the robe on her body, "i know you only wear that when you gettin' ready an' shit."
"kinda'. i was just tryna' figure out how to style my hair when you called me," Angel answered, chuckling softly, as she hesitantly opened her arms and gestured for him to hug her, nearly melting against him once his arms wrapped around her, "...i missed you."
"i know," Von mumbled, burying his head in the crook of her neck and taking in her scent, "i missed you too, ma."
"i'm... i'm sorry—"
"don't apologize fa' nun', lil' folks, all that shit was my fault. i shoulda' neva' got you mixed in nun' of that old shit, i'an surprised you went ghost onna' nigga," Von interrupted her as he picked her by her waist and raised his head from the crook of her neck, causing the two to make eye contact, "but i'm sorry for all'at shit, ma. fo'real."
the look in his eyes was something Angel had never seen before, and she was sure Von could say the same thing about her. both of them were extremely vulnerable in that moment, and though they had trouble trusting others, they started to realize that they could trust each other.
Angel gently cupped Von's face in her hands and lightly tilted her head as she kissed him lovingly, goosebumps spreading across her skin while she relaxed in his arms, "i forgive you, baby."
moans, grunts, and heavy breathing filled the room as Von stroked into Angel at a passionate yet slow pace, their loving lip-lock continuing while Angel ran her fingers through his hair. her legs rested on his waist and occasionally pulled him close as his chain dangled over her body, grazing her chest every now and then and sending chills through her body. warmth from their bodies combined into one as their souls did the same, love and lust evident in the slightly foggy room while their hearts began beating in synchronization.
Angel and Von's kiss slowly broke as their foreheads rested on each other's, soft heavy breathing flowing into both of their ears while they held eye contact.
"i missed you, shorty," Von mumbled, pecking her lips, as he cupped her face in his palms, "i swea' i won't hurt you again. i put that shit on my life, ma. you one of the best things that eva' happened to me, Angel... i'an tryna' fuck this shit up again."
"i missed you more, Von," Angel moaned softly, her eyes slightly fluttering while her juices coated Von's phallus, "...i b-believe in you, baby. you gotta' believe in y-yourself too tho'."
"i do. i'm just... scared of losin' you again." Von admitted softly, kissing her lips, as Angel cracked a smile and grabbed one of his hands from her face, entwining their fingers while she squeezed his hand.
"i'm r-right here, baby. i'm not goin' nowhere, i p-promise."
the two lovers stared at each other for a few seconds before their lips smashed onto one another's, and this time the kiss was more heated than before. Von's strokes gradually began to speed up, and though his pace changed, his passion and precision never did. his body rocked into hers lovingly as Angel's jaw slightly dropped and she could no longer kiss back, a loud moan falling from her lips while her eyes rolled back.
"r-right there!" Angel whimpered loudly as Von grabbed her other hand and entwined their fingers, squeezing her hand before pinning both of them against the pillow underneath her head.
"i know, baby," Von cooed, a small smirk on his face, as he kissed her ajar lips and rested his forehead against hers for a second time, "i know."
Angel's thighs began trembling as the lower half of her legs slowly did the same, her hands squeezing his tightly while she felt her climax come closer and closer. incoherent moans and whimpers with a mixture of 'Von's and 'baby's filled the room as Von continued his love-filled assault on Angel's vulva, his bottom lip tucked between his grills while he made a home inside her warm and slick walls.
"you feel so good, ma. pussy too fuckin' fire." Von grunted, kissing her lips, as he watched Angel's face contort in pleasure and her eyes suddenly locked with his, her legs locking around his waist while her walls contracted around his dick.
"i'm finna' cum!" Angel cried, tossing her head back, as Von began kissing down her jawline and she started to writhe underneath him, her hands repeatedly squeezing his while he squeezed hers in response.
"cum fa' me, ma. make a mess on this dick fa' me, pretty girl." Von mumbled against her skin, his head resting in the crook of her neck, as he left light hickeys on her neck and chest and let his tongue slither across her collarbones, sending chills down Angel's spine before her body abruptly seized in place and she squealed loudly before climaxing.
Von's strokes began to slow as he stroked the woman through her orgasm, her body gradually relaxing against his while her grip on his hands started to loosen. her breathing was heavy and her eyes sat lowly as she looked up at the ceiling, slightly in shock of everything that's happened so far. feeling Von's locs tickle her neck, Angel watched as his face hovered over hers, a small smile creeping onto her face while she leaned up a little and kissed his lips.
"be my shorty, ma." Von smiled softly, his eyes peering lovingly into hers while he squeezed her hands, as Angel smiled semi-widely and let out a soft chuckle before kissing his lips again.
"I already was the moment I didn't hang up in your face."
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cardibgans · 2 years
SMILES AND LOOKS | eddie roundtree
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. ˖࣪ ⚝ cute (none warning)
. ˖࣪ ⚝ eddie roundtree x fem!oc
. ˖࣪ ⚝ 965 words . .
Y/N: Well, how I met Eddie... It's kind of funny.
EDDIE: She was still working as a waitress in a restaurant that we all went to frequently.
Y/N: And he never looked away from me, sometimes it was a little weird, because he never took any action. Until I started talking to him and found out that he had just moved to LA and was in a band.
EDDIE: Who can blame me? Have you guys looked at Y/N?
Y/N: That was right before I was working as a songwriter for the new band Teddy was creating.
EDDIE: But one day I decided to try my luck.
It was the hottest day Los Angeles had seen in years. And as it turned out, all the Californians were on the beaches to cool off. On the other hand, the Six were in the coffee shop next to the record label where they were supposed to be writing songs at that very moment, but it was too hot to think about anything.
── Here are the lemonades. ── The waitress in the vibrant blue and yellow apron took the glasses off the tray and left them on the table in front of her for all six friends.
── Thank you, Y/N. ── Eddie smiled. Of course they had talked several times, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it was funny when Y/N catches him looking at her.
── What are you guys doing today? ── S/N asked as he was tucking the huge metal tray under his arm.
── We don't know yet. ── Camila replied, shaking the straw in her glass.
── We should be working on a song, but in this heat it's almost impossible. ── Graham said.
── I'm going to have to agree. ── She gave a low laugh. ── Don't worry, folks. Soon a melody and some cool lyrics will appear for you.
── Hey. Don't you want to go to the beach with us after your shift? ── Eddie asked.
── Sure! That would be great. ── The blonde gave a big smile.
── Right!
EDDIE: It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It wasn't a real date, but it was a good start, right?
Y/N: What he didn't know was that I had a little crush on him at that time.
EDDIE: Wait, she said that?
After the end of his workday, which on weekends was shortened to after noon, Y/N was already heading down to the beach. His house was not that far from there, so it was easy to leave to change and not take so long to do so.
Karen was the first to see Y/N, he waved for her to see them and she returned the greeting. Camila pulled Eddie close to her and before the woman could reach her, she managed to whisper in his ear.
── You better act today.
EDDIE: It sounded like a threat to me... But what matters is that in the end I got the girl. Thanks, Camila, for the little push.
Y/N: Cam has always been there to take care of everyone.
After a few beers and cigarettes, Eddie and Y/N were left alone by their Roundtree band mates. Just the two of them enjoying the beach breeze hitting their faces and hair.
── And that's how he ended up with the hotel bathroom. ── Y/N gave a loud laugh. Eddie should be telling about their idiocy on The Dunne Brothers tour. ── It was good while it lasted.
── I'm sorry about that, Ed. ──── He shook his head and took the last sip of his beer.
── On the bright side, I never would have met him if the band had worked out. ── The level of alcohol in Eddie's veins was having an effect on his behavior and his attitude.
Y/N smiled watching Eddie gazing at the sunset. She gave him a slight nudge with her arm. Roundtree looked at her with a smile on his face.
── What? ── He asked, confused. Now she was looking at him in that strange way.
EDDIE: I could only think of one thing.... "Who's looking in a strange way now?"
INTERVIEWER: Is that where you knew you loved him?
Y/N: I knew the first time I saw him… Despite the strange looks we were giving each other.
EDDIE: That is still the case today, as incredible as it seems.
── Nothing. Just let it go. ── Y/N turned her gaze to the sea. But Eddie asked with his eyes that she say something. ── Thank you for inviting me, Eddie. I really needed that. ── She smiles again, looking at his face.
── God, stop doing that. ── Eddie brushes his hair back, receiving a confused look from the woman beside him. ── Every time you smile at me like that, my mind locks up and I don't know what to say. ── Y/N felt her heart racing so fast she couldn't hear anything but him. She let out a low laugh and moved closer to him.
── So you don't want me to smile closer to you? ── She whispered, looking into Eddie's eyes and then into his mouth.
── Please don't. ── He answered in a whisper, before he glued his lips to hers.
EDDIE: I kissed her. And if it were only up to me, we'd be married the next day.
Y/N: Eddie is exaggerating. He still took a long time to propose and even longer to get engaged.
EDDIE: What can I do? I wanted to keep her with me as long as possible. And it worked.
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fillinforlater · 2 years
On her bottom (Part 1/2)
Male Reader x Cho Miyeon (ft. Monday, Xiaoting)
Length: 3338 words
Tags: DADDY KINK, degradation, self-degradation, dom!reader, sub!idol, anal, rough sex, hardcore, curses, name calling, overstimulation, begging, sex as service, blowjob, deepthroat, face fuck, hateful sex, foot job, (very rough) pussy slaps, emotional manipulation, failure!Miyeon / disappointed!Daddy
TW: the usual, please: Degradation, rough sex, name calling, pussy slapping
Inspiration: @sooyadelicacies and I just... we just pop when it comes to Daddy and his good/bad girls, yk?
Credit: @sooyadelicacies for co-writing and providing the pics!
(A/N: Read "On her knees" first for extra context. It's in the same universe, same OC. Part 2/2 will be released a couple days later!)
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"Daddy, oh my God, I'm so close."
Monday is insatiable. Even if you could somehow shove your cock into her for 24 hours straight each day of the year it wouldn't be enough for her needy pussy. It doesn't concern you, but whenever you tend to her needs, it's annoying and exhausting. Not her pussy, not her ass, but her attitude mixed with her subbyness—you just can't help but fuck her.
Today, her face is buried into one of your couches while you fuck her doggystyle into it. Her wet hole clenches on nothing and squirts cum everywhere. She knows a group comeback is coming up (fucking finally) and is ready to take your last load deep into her defiled ass. With a final groan, you plunge it into her.
"F-fuck, Daddy! Thank you, Daddy, I love you!"
Monday tenses up one final time before you pull out. Her entire body suddenly relaxes and in seconds, she is soundly asleep. You roll your eyes and stretch your arms. You deserve some rest as well, but if you stay here any longer, she might wake up again and demand your cock with her subby eyes and killer body. You gotta get out of here—
Something unexpected: your phone rings. You hastily grab it to not wake up Monday (though nothing could wake her up from the new, sex-induced dreamland) and take the call. With no time to check who actually called, the voice surprises you.
"Hi, Daddy~ Are you free for meeeee?"
"Miyeon? Why are you call—oh no, don't tell me."
"What? Doesn't Daddy want me to treat him well~? I know you must be stressed from all these greedy rookies and young sluts, ugh!"
You take a deep sigh of relief. Miyeon has hit the nail on the head and her offer sounds very much irresistible. Whatever she will do to 'treat you well', it's probably better than a desperate demand for a hard fucking which your hips and legs just can't take anymore.
"You are fucking right. They are greedy. But not as greedy as you. Calling me on my private phone to ask for me, ts, who do you think you are?" you joke and collect the designer clothes spread around your main living (and fucking) room.
"Oh? They still walk to your house to beg for cock? Do you still live in the 19th century, or what?" Miyeon jokes as well, but she knows very well why the new whores don't get to call you. They need to know their place and that their desires are last in line when it comes to relevance. 
"You have earned that right to call me. So: where do we meet, bitch?"
"I'll send you the address and some pictures, Daddy. See ya~"
The second the call ends, you put on a plain, gray hoodie as well as sunglasses. You might not be an idol, but people might still recognize your face wherever you go. These short-term meet-ups should at least be enjoyed with some form of caution.
As you're about to leave your house, someone knocks at the front door. An annoyed looking idol, frustrated from dance practice, needy for stress relief and ready to do whatever it takes to get your cock. In the past, different names would pop up in your head. There was Jennie who did the same or Sana, but today it’s no other than Xiaoting.
"Oh. What the fuck are you doing here?"
"Daddy! P-please! Use my tight little holes, fill me with cum and—"
"Stop screaming your dumb whore!" you hiss and cover her mouth. The intimidated girl notices her mistake and begs for mercy through her glistening eyes. You look at her slutty attire, pencil skirt, thigh-highs, ripped shirt, hot glasses—but she made a mistake and unfortunately, you have no time for her.
"Why are you not on your knees? For sluts like you I have no time. I have business to attend to."
"B-but I will take your cock good, Daddy! My ass—"
You slap across her face and she drops to her knees with a disappointed whine.
"Crawl into the house. Kneel next to the door like an obedient dog and wait. I'll decide later if I have time for you, bitch!"
She nods quietly and crawls through the door and into the entrance hall. Her skirt is so short, you can see a diamond plug protrude from in between her firm ass cheeks. She almost got you there, but Miyeon is more important, your rest is more important then some cock-hungry rookie. You dart off immediately.
After this incident with one of your new pets, it gave you all the more reason to high tail to Miyeon's, to see someone who understood, no, was devoted to your pleasure and every word. Insolence could be fun to break, but it required energy. Miyeon was generous, she knew her function, her only purpose was to serve you. That's what you need right now. A good girl. And Miyeon was as good as they come, and she was very good at that too.
"Hello, Daddy~ come on in."
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Before you even have the chance to fully open the door, Miyeon eyes you through its glass elements and pulls you in. The house looks very odd. The pictures left you with a lot of doubt, but now you are sure: this can't possibly be Miyeon's home. Where are you?
"Miyeon, what is this place? It looks like a cliche haunted house?"
The blonde doesn't listen and instead firmly grabs the crotch of your jeans while pressing her cheek onto your chest. She was always close, always clingy, and she loved hearing your heartbeat increase as she did her best to get you hard.
"Ah, fuck. Stop being so needy and answer my question first!"
"Daddy, let me take care of you, let me serve you, let me be your whore. I-I haven't been touched by anyone, Daddy. I keep myself pure just for you like you taught us..." 
"Miyeon. Daddy asked you a question. Answer it," you say briskly. You were not in the mood for games. You came here to her for the exact intention not to play games. You only accepted flesh and holes and absolute loyalty.
"We filmed something here and I really liked the place. It's cozy, old and—I couldn't help myself imagining pleasuring you, Daddy."
You grab Miyeon's ass and press her closer into you. She yelps when your growing erection pokes her exposed midriff. No matter how high or hot her heels are, she'll always be shorter than you. Shorter, but the perfect size for a fleshlight. 
"Your blond hair looks nice," you say, stroking it softly.
"Thank you, Daddy."
Your digits stop the strokes and start to tightly grab. Miyeon yelps again when you pull her head backwards and bestow her neck with your lips. A couple of heavy sucks by you and feral moans by Miyeon later, and a large hickey clearly marks her as yours again. Not that she wasn't before, but now everyone can see: this bitch is owned by someone. Miyeon's eyes sparkle in happiness at the branding.
"Daddy doesn't want to stand all the time. Show me where I can rest."
"Yes! Of course, Daddy! I've prepared everything to serve you. I-you won't have to call on anyone else tonight.." 
You see how your influence still lingers on them. No matter what they achieved, the only thing that mattered was your happiness, your approval. You had hundreds of girls at your beck and call and to make such a bold claim that a single person would be enough for you, Miyeon sure felt confident.
"Hm, we'll see about that."
Miyeon guides you through the tight corridors of the old-looking house. You're unsure if the house really is old or if it is just meant to look that way for the music video. You are not unsure however if Miyeon is wet or not. As you walk, she still presses her ass backwards against your cock and expertly wiggles it to send tiny shots of stimulation up your spine. She really tries to be your guide and your cock tease at the same time. A dedicated slut is always welcome.
"Here it is. Everything for my Daddy!"
Miyeon's room was pretty and cozy, romantic even. It makes you become highly attentive. She wanted emotional attachment from you, something that always had to be earned. No one knows how, so some of them never try, but those that do always have a different way to get to your ‘soft side’.
You take one glance at what she prepared but it’s just nothing to you.
"Get to it, Miyeon. Why would I care about decor?"
"Th-then lay down, Daddy. I'll do my best. Don't wo-worry about a thing."
With the hope of Miyeon finally getting to the point, you lay down on the beautifully prepared bed. It too looked old and its creaking sounds ancient, but the mattress was insanely comfortable. Your high-end, super expensive mattress at home couldn't compare. You back has never felt something this incredible before—except of course for all the amazing tits of some of your favorite whores, but those are out of competition.
Miyeon eagerly pulls down your zippers and continues with your jeans and boxers. Your semi-hard cock springs free and she marvels at it. Miyeon was always one to worship your cock intently, and her hot gaze resting on your manhood made you feel powerful. You knew each second she was allowed to see it, feel it, choke on it made her feel alive. She once was a top class worshiper.
"Oh my God, it's so beautiful. Daddy, I waited so long for this."
With nothing in her way, she crawls in between your legs towards it. Her ass is high up, her face is right beneath it. Miyeon's lips reach for it, but as always, she gazes up at you and awaits your approval. If it's clothed she makes sure to tease it, but now, she is submissive for it.
"Pleasure me, slut. Do what you’re supposed to do."
Miyeon starts with a string of spit dripping from her mouth. She lets it coat your cock before jerking you off with her hand and finally elongating her tongue to swirl around your tip. With her other hand, she massages your balls. This was her favorite thing in the whole world. Your perfect cock.
"The things I would do for my Daddy's cock," Miyeon whispers and kisses up your shaft and then your tip, "I don't need to sing, when I can just choke on it everyday."
You are aroused, but unimpressed. Only when she commits and actually rams you in between her lush lips and down her throat, your eyes widen for a moment. Miyeon begins to gag and choke violently, but every sound she produces forces her to go deeper down on it. You groan when your tip reaches the back of her throat, but to your dismay, Miyeon lets herself breathe by releasing you.
"I don't need to be on stage, when I can just be on my knees all day and drool all over you."
You say nothing to her as you begin to reach for your phone. You were not impressed. She should have kept going, choking and gagging as your cock slammed the back of her throat, but instead of doing that, she spent more time telling you of the things she would do instead of just doing them. When did she get so chatty? Too comfortable. You realized your own error, you had been too lenient allowing her to speak, allowing her to call you freely and ask for your time. It was a privilege she didn't deserve to keep.
When she starts to deepthroat herself again, you strike. Her blonde locks are beautiful handles to pin her down on. This time, her gags are not a mere tease, they stimulate you. Drool isn't a mere word she dropped, drool is now really dropping, running out of her stuffed mouth and all over your balls. You intend to make her understand that this dedication to suffocation is the only way you'll be pleased with her. No words of commitment; actual commitment.
You pull up and slam her head down again. The time she had to breathe was miniscule. Tears stream down her face just like the drool she mentioned before. Miyeon tries to look through them and up to you, but she finds something way more vicious when you say demonically:
"If you don't make me cum in the next two minutes, I'll call your replacement."
This makes Miyeon jump. She frees herself from your hold, not because she could, but because you let her. She pulls down her pink and white skirt immediately and reveals juice covered lace panties in black. She also opens up her high heels to free her delicious looking feet from this stylish, yet useless prison. 
Miyeon becomes bold, pulling up your hoodie and sitting down on your abs. You'd question her method and put her in her place, but when you feel her soft feet with white polish around your cock, you let it slide. After all, she doesn't say unnecessary words to get your attention anymore; instead she grinds on your abs and jerks your cock with her smooth soles.
"Make me cum with those feet whore. They are your saving grace right now. If you don't give me the greatest fucking footjob right now, you won't have the privilege to call me again. Maybe I'll call Yuqi, or..." 
What made you a god to these whores was how you remembered every detail about them, what their desires were, what their vulnerabilities were. Miyeon was a hair away from debuting with Blackpink. It was always an insecurity of hers. 
"I'll call Rosie or Jisoo. They give footjobs worthy of Daddy."
Miyeon strokes faster, with more ingenuity. She rolls her soles softly up and down your dick, with no certain intervals. The skill and texture of her feet is all she has left to redeem herself now and you intend on humbling even this remarkable ability of hers by reaching for your phone and not even looking at her or her work as she tries her best.
You scroll through your enormous contact list and check the clock in the meantime. One more minute. One minute and after that, Miyeon's self-worth will be ruined. All those fans out there couldn't cheer her up, no matter how hard they tried. Her reputation is decided by one person alone: you. If she could find a way to be put into place while still making you cum, it would be her last chance.
"Fuck! Ah!"
Miyeon screeches in pain. A noisy spank, then another and another, and Miyeon repeatedly cries out. Her body shudders after each spank and she caught your attention. You look down at her body from behind. Her footjob hasn't changed, it's still good, but not enough. It has also not made her worthy of your seed. What has changed however, is what happens in between her thighs. Miyeon has begun to slap her wet, covered labia over and over again. She doesn't hold back either, striking with all her power and crying real tears.
"Whore! The visual Miyeon, an absolute painslut. Spread your legs more!"
You begin to strike as well. Your first hit is as strong as her last, though it's only the beginning. You follow it up with a dozen more strikes, rapidly released, and Miyeon convulses in pain and pleasure. She leans further back into you and makes her feet squeeze your cock tightly.
"I'm so-sorry, Daddy! I-this bitch has f-failed. I need-d to be punished."
"Do you even fucking deserve a punishment? Why should I waste more energy? I came here to relax, to be served, to be pleasured. I thought I trained you better than this. It's why you're as free as you are, but maybe that was a mistake. I should have kept you longer to train you more. What a disappointment."
"You—ah—you're right, D-Daddy! I-I have failed, I have slipped, please b-bring me back!"
With a roaring, demonic sigh you pull aside the fabric separating Miyeon's pussy from your fingers. Her eyes widen as you don't hesitate to violently flick her clit. The line between pain and pleasure blurs for Miyeon as your hand almost blurs from the speed you go at her bundle of nerves. Miyeon's feet tense up unwillingly, yet they still try to squeeze out your load in the nick of time, to no avail.
"I thought you were all ready to go off on your own, to be at Daddy's beck and call but you aren't better than the new sluts I'm training now! I am so disappointed in you Miyeon. Is this what you really wanted? To fucking fail so you'd be back in Daddy's chambers? I hate weakness and incompetency."
Your anger makes you go even harder, to the point where Miyeon is speechless. Speechless because all her sensitive nerves above her pussy are in your grasp. She is unable to escape this grasp. It was her choice to be loyal to you, and for the couple of years she was, she never failed this badly. Tears not only streak down her gorgeous, flushed cheeks, they burst out of her eyes like fountains of despair. Her arms are mostly numb, only twitching from time to time under your violence. Her tongue is also numb, but through her cries, wails and moans, you still pick up her fragmented sentence:
"Please—Daddy, d-don't—fuck,ah—touch me. I d-don't deserve you! I do–I'm cumming!"
Your eyes were livid. 
"You fucking bitch, you don’t know shit! You have no clue how to be useful at all, do you? I don't care if your group makes all the successful albums in the world or if you go on tours. No matter what you fucking accomplish, you're just another whore for Daddy. You have no say in any matter. You don't fucking decide if I touch you or not, how fucking dare you!"
Miyeon's mouth produces nothing but gasps and screams as her orgasm controls every inch of her body. She gushes copious amounts of warm girl juice onto your abs and crotch and it drips onto the sheets. A final slap on her cunt, then even her loudest noises subside and only whimpers and snot remains. The beautiful Miyeon looks like an absolute mess. Most of her make-up is already off of her face.
You remove her limb legs from your spent cock. It had been squeezed too tightly in the gap of her feet. She was supposed to service it, not play with it like a dildo. Her joy is a non-factore, especially in the matter of how you use her. You grab Miyeon's calves and fold her in half, a sort of full nelson position.
"Hold your legs steady like this, bitch!" you order coldly, "Stay like this and look at me."
You climb out from underneath her and watch her squirm when a phone camera hovers before her. A couple of flashes later and Miyeon truly understands how much power you have. Depending on who sees these pictures, her career might be fucked, her reputation ruined, her dignity annihilated. She begins to cry again, but you quickly hush her.
"Shut the fuck up. I'm gonna send them to a better bitch, a loyal whore, who will use her holes to service me properly. You think these photos could end you? No. I can already do it without these. Do you forget who I am? Who tamed and made so many like you? Saddest thing is, I didn't even get to fucking cum. What a waste of my time this was. Once you get your shit together, I expect to see you back in my chambers for re-education. Are we clear?"
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takingchences · 3 months
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A descendant of a legendary quirk longs to separate herself from her family name, but first she'll have to confront villains, ghosts from the past, and her growing attraction for Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem!oc
Warnings: mature language
series masterlist + my masterlist
Sana ended up placing fourth in the first event, having been blown back by the wind of Midoriya's impressive display in the last leg of the race. All in all, she was just happy to have made it in the top 5 so early on in the competition. There was still plenty of time to climb to the number one spot.
The second event was a cavalry battle—a team challenge.
As Midnight explained how the points would be assigned, Sana heaved a sigh of relief. She'd never been more grateful not to come in first place than this very moment. Ten million points was too much. Everyone would be gunning for Midoriya in the upcoming challenge. At least with all eyes on him, she could slip through to the finals with ease, saving as much of her energy—and special attacks—as possible. She didn't want to show too much too soon and give her competition time to plan counterattacks for the one on one fights.
No, she would give the heroes watching a show they'd never forget. She would give the Sakano name a new meaning; one of victory and hope, and no longer a synonym of oppression.
The students were given a few minutes to divide into teams. I have to think about this carefully. Any wrong decision could cost me a spot in the finals. Who do I want-
"Umm... e-excuse me, S-Sakano...?"
Sana turned to face a faint-looking Midoriya. The poor boy was trembling from head to toe, his large puppy eyes swimming with tears. His naturally pale complexion was now gray and ashen, with sweat rolling down his face like rain.
"Midoriya," she hesitated, having a terrible feeling of why he was approaching her. He's so pitiful that I almost want to say yes. Uraraka lingered behind him, her hands fidgeting nervously.
"Your quirk is incredibly useful." He babbled nervously. "It can be great for close combat or long range attacks, defense or offense." He took a deep breath. "I was wondering if- uh, well... if you would-"
Sana yelped in surprise, her body moving against her wishes.
For the second time that day, a hand had grabbed her out of nowhere. She was whirled around, only to come nose to nose with a scowling Katsuki Bakugou. Big surprise. They were so close that she could feel his warm breath on her cheek, his chest brushing against her's with every rise and fall. Those ruby eyes will be the death of me.
"The hell are you doin' with Deku? You wanna fuckin' lose?"
"W-wait, Kacchan-" Bakugou stormed away from the desperate greenette, ignoring his protests as he dragged Sana behind him.
"Sorry, Midoriya!" She called over her shoulder. "Good luck!" Now, to confront her kidnapper. "There are nicer ways to get a girl's attention, you know?" She remarked dryly.
"Shut it." Sana rolled her eyes with a huff.
Bakugou came to a stop in front of a large gathering of people. Some of them she recognized, but overall, most of the faces were unfamiliar. Students from every course were vying for a spot on the explosive blonde's team. Sana herself wasn't sure how well this would turn out. After all, the words "team player" don't often come to mind when describing Bakugou.
"Tell me your names and quirks again." He demanded, crossing his arms. Sana turned away, snickering into her hand. Typical Bakugou behavior. Unless he deemed you important enough to remember, you were nothing but an extra in his eyes.
Mina's hands flew to her hips, her cheerful voice now full of ire. "Seriously?"
The Sakano girl easily spotted Eijiro and Sero among the crowd. Denki, Sana noted, was surprisingly absent. He's probably running around trying to join an all girl's team, she giggled to herself.
Kirishima was the first to earn himself a spot on the team. The strawberry blonde wondered why Bakugou had basically forced her to join his team in the first place when he had so many people to choose from. Was it because of how well their quirks worked together, or something more? Maybe he just did it to spite Midoriya, she grimaced. Or is it because I wasn't begging to join like so many others? Was he hoping I'd come to him on my own, only to get tired of waiting?
Had she had more time to form a strategy, maybe she might've approached him. Who knows what might've been. Instead, he'd made the decision for her. Sana wasn't sure if she should be grateful or not. I guess we'll see how the next round goes.
Bakugou debated between Mina and Sero before ultimately ruling in the raven-haired boy's favor. Mina, being the good sport she is, didn't take it to heart, and quickly ran off to find Hagakure, but not before vowing to "knock that gremlin flat on his ass."
"That'd be a sight to see," Sana giggled.
Like Kirishima, being able to withstand prolonged exposure to the ash blonde's quirk gave them an advantage, but she needed her hands free if she was going to cause any damage to their opponents. So it was decided that Sana would be the front horse, while Sero and Kirishima manned the side positions.
Midnight signaled for everyone to get ready.
The boys lifted the blonde with ease. Two large, unnaturally hot hands settled on her shoulders. Sana tilted her head back to gaze up at Bakugou. Her eyes traced the underside of his sharp jawline. He looked surprisingly calm, his fiery irises locked on Midoriya's thrown together team. He gave her a squeeze, silently telling her to focus.
There was less than a minute left on the clock now. She faced forward and willed her quirk to flood through her body.
"BEGIN!" Midnight exclaimed excitedly.
With resounding battle cries, the teams surged forward, almost all of them aiming for Midoriya. Uraraka, together with a pink-haired girl Sana didn't know the name of, quickly took their team to the skies, where they continued to hover in midair. Until Midoriya came down, or until someone went up to claim his headband, it was a waiting game for the ones left on the ground.
Damn, Sana cursed. Well, at least Bakugou didn't-
She spoke too soon.
The blonde disconnected from his team to chase after Midoriya hundeds of feet above the field. With startled shouts, her and her friends scrambled to keep up with his shadow. "You idiot!" She shrieked. "Get back here!"
I swear, Sana seethed. If that little shit gets us disqualified, I'll murder his ass.
She was confident that Mina would help her bury the body, no questions asked. Denki too, maybe, if she promised him a kiss or something equally as cheesy. Neither Shinso and Sero would help out... they would, however, use whatever knowledge they had to blackmail her for free shit. Which... yeah, she would probably do the same if the roles were reversed. It should go without saying that Kirishima wouldn't be involved. Her baby shark was far too innocent to get wrapped up in such things. But that was all after the fact. Killing Bakugou would be her burden and joy alone if he screwed this up for them.
Come on, Bakugou!
Midoriya's team evaded each of the blonde's attacks, Tokoyami and Dark Shadow successfully pushing him back. With some quick thinking from Sero, a rope of tape wrapped around the blonde's waist and pulled him down to earth. They caught him just before his boots could touch the ground.
Sana released a breath of relief after Midnight ruled it a fair save, meaning they were still in the competition.
For now.
"Don't pull stupid stunts like that," Sana hissed through clenched teeth, fully regretting not having fought harder to be their team's rider. "It's not just your ass on the line!"
"Forget about Midoriya," Kirishima suggested. "There's plenty of points down here-"
Bakugou silenced him with a smack to the head. "I want an indisputable win, Shitty Hair!"
"And we'll get one," Sero agreed, surprisingly levelheaded whenever Denki wasn't around. Is his derpy personality contagious? The peach haired girl blanched. Ahh, it's too late. I've already been exposed. "But until then, we should take out as many of the other teams as possible."
"We don't know how long Midoriya will be up there," Kirishima pointed out, acting as another voice of reason.
"Until Uraraka pukes." Sana wrinkles her nose, her and the other girls of 1-A having stayed behind after Hero Basics enough times to know. It was to the point where Class Mom Momo had taken to creating saltine crackers with her quirk to help settle the brunette's stomach. "But even then, we don't know what the point cutoff will be." The strawberry blonde chanced a glance over her shoulder, willing him to listen to his team—his friends. "We have to secure a place in the finals... with or without the ten million."
Bakugou grunted, begrudgingly urging them forward. She was sure he'd only agreed so as not to waste any more time, but he'd go after Midoriya again before the round was over.
They quickly picked off the teams around them, collecting as many headbands as possible as the clock continued to run out. They'd even faced off against a few of their classmates, including Shoji, Tsu, and Mineta. Sana had to throw up a solid wall of light to keep them from following after them.
They were one of the top teams until-
"What the hell?" The redhead exclaimed. They looked down to see a gray goo climbing up his right leg. Whatever it was was thick and heavy looking, making it hard for them to move forward. A light breeze blew past them.
"Well, well, well..." A lilting voice cooed.
A blonde boy with periwinkle eyes gave them a mocking smile, their headbands dangling from his index finger. "What do we have here?"
"No..." the three horses gasped.
"Class A is much too simple-minded," the blonde tutted, his team eagerly agreeing like the lackeys they were.
"What'd you say, bastard?" The ash blonde snapped, bracing himself on her shoulders to lean forward menacingly. "Give that back! I'll kill you!"
"You're famous, aren't you?" The unknown blonde scratched his chin, tilting his head as though pretending to think hard on it. Then, he snapped, pointing at Bakugou with a wide grin. "Ah, the victim of the sludge incident! Tell me... how does it feel to be attacked by villains once a year?"
Sana stiffened, remembering how poorly the angry boy had reacted the last time such a sensitive topic had been brought up. "Bakugou," she warned, glancing at him worriedly out of the corner of her eye.
"Of course!" The stranger exclaimed with a haughty laugh. "Who could forget the famous Sakanos?" Something shifted in his tone as he said her name, a hidden emotion in his pale irises. "Well," he paused for dramatic effect. "There is one that people forget about... but she didn't really count, did she?" He tilted his head, shooting her a bright, empty smile.
All the air left her lungs, as though she'd been punched.
"It's kind of ironic, isn't it?" The unknown boy continued. "That the brightest lights cast the darkest shadows." The blonde acted playful, but there was hardness that hadn't been there before, when he was onky trying to provoke Bakugou. This felt personal somehow. "That's a pretty accurate comparison, wouldn't you say?"
The strawberry blonde locked her jaw, refusing to engage in whatever game the blonde boy was trying so hard to win. She could feel her teammates watching her, their concern unnecessary but appreciated nonetheless.
"Hey, Sakano," he spoke quietly, as though he was getting ready to share a secret. "Everyone knows your family, and your dad is always on TV. But I'm curious..." The class B boy's eyes darkened, his face carefully blank. She suddenly felt uneasy. Whatever he was about to say, she had a feeling that it wasn't going to be pleasant.
And she was right.
"...where's your mom?" His playful tone was long gone, replaced by icy indifference.
Her entire body tensed, pupils blowing wide in shock and anger. Bakugou surely felt the change in her, with the two being in constant contact. His hold on her tightened. "It's just that," the periwinkle-eyed boy shrugged. "I've heard the craziest rumors, and no one seems to agree on what happened to her. I want to hear the real story from you, Sakano."
"You know, that big mouth of yours is seriously starting to piss me off." Her veins glowed with power. The longer the bastard ran his mouth, the shorter the leash on her quirk became. Who the hell is this guy anyway?
He smirked, his pale eyes glittering with mischief. "You should really muzzle your dog, Sludge Kid."
Oh, HELL no-
"Sana, Kirishima, change of plan..." their rider's face was cast in shadow, his voice low and deceptively calm. The three of them shared oh shit looks. Bakugou not using the stupid nicknames he'd given them, but their actual names? He must be seriously—no, royally—pissed.
Shit was about to go down. Sana was just grateful not to be on the receiving end of the ash blonde's white-hot fury. Lord knows how Midoriya survived it for so long.
"Monoma, don't provoke him!" A member of the other team pleaded, eyeing the demonic aura radiating off Bakugou warily. So, Asswipe's name is Monoma, huh? Good to know in case a Death Note conveniently falls out of the sky at this very moment.
"Huh?" The blonde looked around, perplexed. "I was only saying that bitches-"
Bakugou snarled, his face contorted inhumanly. "DIE!" He surged forward, quirk activated, but somehow Monoma managed to dodge. His hand brushed against Bakugou's arm, setting off his own explosion in the ash blonde's face.
"Bakugou!" His team yelled.
Monoma's next move was so fast that Sana almost didn't catch him smacking Kirishima's forehead. Multiple explosions went off from both parties, but when the smoke cleared, it revealed a completely unharmed Monoma... now using Eijiro's quirk. This guy-
"You both have impressive quirks." He acknowledged. "But I think you'll agree that mine's better."
"He copied them."
"That's right!" The class B student gave their group a close eyed smile. "I'll be going now," his brightly colored eyes now hooded. "And I'll be taking these," He waved the stolen headbands around tauntingly. "With me."
Noticing Bakugou's growing fury, he scolded him. "Oh, don't get mad at me. You're the one who provoked us, remember? What did you say for the pledge again?" He tapped his chin. "That embarrassing thing... let me think..." He chortled. "Oh well, you've done enough for today!" His team quickly retreated.
"Go after them, dammit!" Bakugou ordered.
"I can't!" Frustration replaced the redhead's normally lively tone. He gestured down to his leg, which was still encased in the gray goo. "It's solidifying."
"I'm on it!" Sana lowered herself down on one knee, careful not to knock Bakugou off balance. The ash blonde placed a palm on top of her head to stabilize himself. Sana gripped Eijiro's trapped leg and activating her quirk. She channeled all the heat into her hand and pushed it outward, hoping to melt the gunk off of her friend as quickly and painlessly as possible. The redhead—still in his hardened form—winced at the uncomfortable spike in temperature, but didn't protest.
"Guys, just a friendly reminder that we've got zero points right now." Sero's attention was torn between watching her progress and the dwindling timer. "Hurry!"
"Almost there." After a solid minute, the hard shell cracked, allowing Kirishima to step out. "Alright, we're good. Let's go!"
Monoma's team didn't notice them approaching until Bakugou started screaming obscenities. The class B boy didn't even bother turning around until it was too late. "So persistent-" An explosion to the face cut him off, Bakugou once again abandoning his position as rider to throw himself into the fight.
"Don't act on your own, Bakubro!"
"Tsuburaba!" Monoma coughed out, his hair singed and face covered in soot. One of his team members, a boy with brown hair, blew a gust of air towards Bakugou, encasing him in a solidified air bubble. The opposing team laughed at the sight of the ash blonde relentlessly pounding his fist against the hardened air. They turned their backs to them, moving to walk away.
But they made a grave mistake.
They underestimated the tenacity of Katsuki Bakugou.
The sound of glass breaking was the only warning they got before a large, smoking hand sliced through the air, clutching the headbands around Monoma's neck in a death grip. Bakugou, still in midair, kicked off of the remaining air shield, propelling his body backwards... and ripping two of the bands free. Sero's tape once again saved the day, catching their teammate and tugging him back to the group.
"Team Bakugou seizes two headbands to move to third place!" Present Mic and the thousands of spectators were in an uproar over the last minute redemption of Team Bakugou.
Kirishima punched the air in celebration. "We'll definitely move on to the next round-"
Bakugou banged his fist against the redhead's skull once again. "I told you! We're gonna get an indisputable first place!" He insisted. "We'll get our points back plus the ten million! Flat Face! Tape!"
"It's Sero," the raven-haired boy reminded him with a determined grin, all of them clearly remembering the blonde using their names only minutes ago... except for Bakugou himself, apparently. Nonetheless, he shot a long length of tape forward. It wrapped around the ankle of one of Monoma's horses.
"Flashlight," he grunted, a heated palm moving to cup the exposed nape of her neck. She smirked, realizing what he wanted. My quirk isn't so shitty now, huh? But she obliged, sending him scorching hot energy through the small point of contact. He blasted forward remarkably fast, slamming into Monoma, who unsuccessfully tried to deflect the explosion with another air shield. The ash blonde snatched the rest of their headbands in one swift move.
"Bakugou is merciless!" The Pro commentator squealed into the microphone. The volume of the crowd was now deafening.
They caught up just in time to catch Bakugou. He caressed her skin once more, returning the small amount of energy she'd gifted him, only hotter and more charged than before. "Your turn," he whispered gruffly into her ear.
She grinned devilishly. "Hold on tight!"
Sero wrapped thick layers of tape around their group, their hands gripping her shoulders and arms tightly. Her skin steamed as she readied her quirk. At the speed of light, they zoomed past Monoma's team, the force of their speed knocking them to the ground like bowling pins.
Present Mic's voice oohed and aahed over the move, the rest of the observers echoing his excitement as the clock raced closer to zero. In the blink of an eye, they were across the field, right next to the large walls of ice Todoroki threw up to cage Midoriya in. "Now the ten million!" Bakugou wore a feral smile.
But just as he burst through the ice walls and launched himself at the two fighting teams, the timer went off, concluding the event.
Bakugou landed face down in the dirt, his body shaking violently with full-blown rage. His own team didn't flinch as he screeched in fury at the ground. They exchanged amused looks. Classic Bakugou.
The team, excluding Bakugou, celebrated the success, high-fiving and cheering before squeezing the ash blonde into a group hug.
Across the field, Sana spotted Monoma storming off, his team trailing behind him.
She still didn't know what to make of him, honestly. With Bakugou, his strategy was obvious: provoke him until he slips up. Which he'd done, attacking without thinking only to quite literally have it backfire in his face. But for some reason, it felt personal whenever he'd addressed her. He spoke as though he knew her family personally. Maybe he did.
But then why so many mentions of her mother? It didn't make any sense. The whole thing just didn't sit well with her. She watched the class B student until he was out of sight. Who are you, Monoma?
With some difficulty, they got Bakugou to settle down enough so that his vocal chords wouldn't be permanently damaged (if they weren't already). Sana bumped her shoulder with his, the group of four headed towards the exit.
"Why'd you do it?"
"Do what?" He pouted, still in tantrum mode.
"You used my quirk," she reminded him. "I didn't think you'd do that today. Figured you'd think I was weakening you again or something." She rolled her eyes with a laugh, remembering their first day of school.
Bakugou grunted, kicking at the grass with his hands in his pockets. "Idiot. How many times have I got to say it?" His eyes caught the light just right that they appeared to glow. "I wanna fight you at your strongest. If that means giving you a boost, then so be it. I'll still come out on top no matter what."
Sana smiled, shaking her head. "I can't wait to win our bet."
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
Built for Love Part 11 (MBJ x Famous Black OC)
Warnings: a bit of angst, lots of fluff, NSFW
A/N: I don't wanna give a single thing away about this chapter so I'm just gonna say enjoy!
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“What are you doing outta bed?” Michael paused scrambling eggs on the stove to throw her a glance that matched the exasperation and annoyance in his tone. “I told you I’d bring it to you.” 
Charlotte’s slippers made scuffing noises across the hardwood floor as she made her way to the kitchen island. 
“Thank you but you’ve sequestered me in that bed since Saturday and I didn’t fight you on it once. It’s Wednesday and if I lay there for one more second, I was gonna lose my mind. I’ve slept enough for a lifetime.” She glanced down at the kitchen island, heavy laden with breakfast. She spied breakfast potatoes, bacon, sausage, fruit, and biscuits. “Now who is all this food for??” 
“You,” he responded simply. “You needed sleep and now you need calories. You’ve been losing weight since we moved here and that stops now.” 
Charlotte could not deny that was true. It was unintentional but her soft curves had certainly lost much of their curviness since she moved to New York. She was not at her skinniest by any means, but the rigorous performances and practices, her regular workout routine, and the stress caused the pounds to shed without her even realizing it.
She popped a piece of cantaloupe in her mouth as she walked up to him. “This is very sweet and everything smells delicious. Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome. Now go sit.” 
Charlotte moaned. Dr. Jordan was the strictest fake doctor she had ever met in her life. He barely gave her a chance to stand and stretch her legs. 
“Babeeeee,” she whined, wrapping her arms around his midsection. Her forehead rested on his back. “I can stand for a few minutes. He fucked up my upper body, my legs still work just fine.”
“You need to rest and relax, Charlotte. Damn,” he muttered under his breath. “Worst patient I’ve ever seen.” 
“How many girls have you nursed back to health from near death, babe? Damn, I thought I was your first for once,” she joked. However, when it fell flat, she grimaced. “Too soon?” 
“Wayyyy too soon, baby. How’re you feeling?” 
“Fi-” she started to say but remembered her promise. It included this. She pressed her lips to his back, his taunt and bare muscles flexing at her touch.“B-better. Nightmares weren’t so bad last night… just a couple so that’s progress… torturously slow progress,” she added. “And I made an appointment with my old therapist. We’re gonna do virtual sessions till I get back to LA.” 
Michael turned from the stove, still in the grip of her arms, to face her. He gave her an encouraging smile. “That’s great, Els.” He was proud of her, he knew how hard that was… that she likely felt as if she was backtracking or starting over. “Why didn’t you wake me last night?” 
“You need to sleep too, Dr. Jordan. All this taking care of and fussing over me, I know you’re not resting.” 
“I’ll rest when those heal.” He lifted her chin lightly to look at the bruising on her neck. He knew they would get worse before they got better but his eyes glazed over with rage every time he looked at her bruises, particularly the ones around her neck. He could make out exactly where his hands were, a temporary brand to what he tried to do. 
Charlotte rubbed his arm, an attempt to soothe the brewing emotions she could feel inside him. She always admired his emotional intelligence, how he was able to reign in his emotions and rage even when he so clearly wanted to find the nearest punching bag or Shaun’s face and have at it. “I’ve had worse. It always looks way worse than it feels. Well, that’s not true. The first day, it felt worse than it looked. But it’s not too bad now. I promise. And I’d rather you rest now. I really am ok.”
Despite her assurances, she could tell he did not believe her. She sighed, wondering when she would earn his trust again. That was honestly the hardest part in all this for her, knowing that her actions had caused her to lose it in the first place. 
“How long is it gonna take for you to trust me when I say that again?” She asked quietly. She wasn’t angry, there were consequences to her actions and this was one of them. But it did break her heart. She hated the idea that he did not trust her words. This was their first real issue as a couple, the first time she had to contend with them not being on the same page. 
Michael sighed, his hand going to scratch the scruff of his beard for a moment. “It’s not a question of trust, Els. Because I do trust you. And I’m not tryin’ to hold this against you. But this taught me that for better or worse, your default is to deal with your shit alone. To hide and, if needed, lie to avoid bothering or worrying other people. And I get it, I understand why. But I won’t lie and pretend like this shit didn’t shake me up a lot. Being stuck in LA knowing something wasn’t right even though you promised it was. Seeing you after the show shaken and scared and not knowing why… seeing you nearly dead on the floor when I was one room over. That ain’t shit I’m gonna get outta my head anytime soon. When you say you’re good, I wanna know that’s true. But I also know it’s gonna take a lot more than a promise and a few days for that to happen. You gotta work on trusting me with your problems and your pain and that shit takes time. And in the meantime, I’m gonna work on taking you at your word but I might also just need… some reassurances that you’re really ok.”
 She understood why Michael was being so protective. She could tell he still felt guilty, though he shouldn’t, about not being there to protect her in the first place. And now, he acted as if she needed to be wrapped in bubble wrap at all times. He barely let her out of his sight and if it was not an absolute necessity, he barely let her out of bed. She understood the impulse. If it made him feel better to fuss, she would not deny herself or him that.
“I understand. I didn’t think about how all of that would affect you… scare you. And I am sorry. Whatever reassurances you need and fussing you wanna do for as long as you wanna do it, I won’t fight you on it. Promise.” 
“Thank you.” He kissed her nose, her face scrunching up a bit. “How’s the pain?” 
“Manageable. Head is still pounding, everything’s a bit stiff but I feel like I can get up and move around a bit. Or at least move from the bed to the couch for a change of scenery. Maybe convince the best and sexiest doctor in New York to take me on a walk after breakfast so I can breathe some fresh air?” 
He eyed her suspiciously. “You sure you're up for that?” 
“Probably not up for a long one,” she admitted. “But even if it’s just 10 minutes… the cameras and reporters have finally moved on to bothering someone else. We could escape for a bit. I’m going a little stir crazy, Bakari.”
“Fine. Just for a bit then Avengers on the couch?” 
“Thank youuuu.” 
She ate quickly, finishing two plates at Michael’s insistence.  
As they went into their bedroom to change, she raised an eyebrow in shock as Michael handed her one of his favorite sweaters. She had stolen quite a lot of his clothes in the last few months, in which they basically became her clothes and he never saw them again. However, this coveted sweater had always been out of her grasp. He had always made it clear it was one of the few items that were off limits because he knew he’d never get it back. However, she had tried it on one or twice when he wasn’t home and it was like wearing a cloud, so insanely soft.
“Wow… so this whole time all I needed to do was almost die to get this?? Chile, I would’ve done that months ago to get this sweater,” she joked. Though she could see the corner of his mouth twitch, he did not laugh. “Still too soon?” 
“If it was too soon 20 minutes ago, it still is, Els.”
“Sorry, Jackson wasn’t a fan of my dark humor about dying the first time either. But it helps to find some humor in it… somewhere. And you gotta admit, it is kinda funny…” She remarked as she pulled on a pair of leggings. They still had to bundle up, one thing Charlotte did miss about LA was the perfect weather year around. 
“Ain’t a single humorous thing about any of this, babe.” 
“I dunno… I mean no, it isn’t funny. But also, it’s kinda crazy… Since I met him, Shaun’s gone out his way to try to kill me twice… and each time, I’ve survived. Like he is really bad at murder… terrible. I mean, not complaining… Thank God for it. But I would just stop trying if I was 0/2 with the same person, you know? That’s embarrassing??” That did make a small chuckle escape Michael’s lips. “See!! It is kinda funny when you actually think about it.”
“I’m ignoring you,” he called as he went into the closet to pull out their winter coats, baseball caps, and shades. Thankfully, the press and paparazzi surrounding their building had started to dissipate. They had gotten a couple glimpses of her family and Michael coming and going but none of her, thankfully. That was the only thing that would have made this whole ordeal worse, her bruised and battered form thrown across the front page of every newspaper. She knew it was still a possibility, pictures of her injuries from the hospital could leak. The downside of fame, nothing was truly private. 
She shrugged as he helped her pull on her coat. 
“I’m just saying he’s bad at killing or I am just that good at surviving,” she muttered. “Maybe they should cast me in Black Panther too?” At his confused stare, she smiled. “Cause I clearly have 9 lives like a cat? I could be like your sexy evil accomplice… The Golden Cheetah?”
That did make him laugh for the first time in several days. His hands grabbed her jacket to pull her close to him. “I’ll talk to Ryan about it, how about that?” 
“That’s all I ask.” She stretched on her tiptoes to kiss him before he took her hand to lead them outside. 
Their walk did not last too long as Michael knew it would not. Not because Charlotte was not up for it but because neither of them wanted to be out in the cold long. But she still appreciated his willingness to acquiesce to her small request. A walk was really the only public thing she cared to do, at least, until all the bruises faded. And she did appreciate the activity, she wanted to keep her limbs from going too stiff. She’d be back on stage next week, the one thing she did have to fight Michael on. Chris was on the verge of an ulcer every day she was out. He called to check on her everyday. She knew he actually cared about her but she also knew he wanted his leading lady back… ASAP. She already felt guilty ruining his opening night, the least she could do is not send him to the hospital from the stress. 
But Michael did not push back too much once she promised to have security with her, given that Shaun was officially out on bail. Restraining order or not, she and Michael were not interested in testing whether Shaun would adhere to it. She let Michael pick and vet the guy, who came highly recommended.cHis accolades included knowing more than an acceptable amount of ways to kill someone with his bare hands so she could not deny she would feel more safe in his presence. And the theater security and box office had been alerted and prepped to ensure her ex did not step foot on the premises again. And he no longer, thankfully, even had a legitimate reason to, Chris letting her know he had been fired from his investment firm immediately after the news broke. 
Charlotte knew she would not know real peace or be able to fully move on until he was behind bars, which the DA warned could take a year given the docket unless he accepted a plea. But she would accept the small wins and forms of justice that she could get, she knew it was far more than many in her position would ever see. 
As she pulled her outer layers and hat off, she got a glimpse of her hair in the mirror. 
“My hair… How can you stand to look at me like this? I look like a troll doll. I’m gonna have to go to the salon or pay someone to come and wash it. I look crusty as hell.” 
“How about we relax in the bath and I’ll wash it for you?” 
Her face lit up. She remembered when they talked about a similar scene in Creed, the intimacy of helping Bianca do her hair. Her heart swelled at the idea of recreating such a moment. The role of victim and caregiver over the last few days had stripped a layer of emotional intimacy the pair was accustomed to. She knew it would come back eventually but she hoped, perhaps, this small act would speed things up a bit.
He gestured toward the bedroom, taking her hand to get ready for the tub. 
Soon, she found herself resting against Michael’s chest in the bath, bubbles surrounding both of them. He did all the work, his fingertips softly massaging shampoo and conditioner in her tresses, Charlotte could’ve fallen to sleep right there.
“Can I ask you something?” Her soft voice breaking the silence between them as Michael worked diligently and carefully to avoid causing her pain. It had been on her mind since they got home, stationed at the forefront for the hours and hours she spent resting or recovering in his arms. Several days removed, the shock had worn off for both of them, she felt like enough time had passed to finally talk about things unrelated to what happened or her safety. They could talk about the future, one she prayed to God she did not completely destroy.  
“Shoot.” He took note of the nervousness in her voice. He did not know what she could be about to ask him, what could cause her to be nervous. He was an open book. 
“At the hospital… you said you wanted to marry me…” her voice grew quiet, one of her legs drawing into her chest. “Did you mean that? Do you still mean that? Or was it just, you know, you caught up in the emotion of everything?”
His massaging stilled for a moment before he answered, “Yes, yes, and no.” Simple and to the point as he resumed his task. 
He could feel her body relax against him again at his answers. 
“You don’t wanna elaborate on any of those answers?” 
He laughed. “Nah cause it’s pretty cut and dry to me. I’m pretty set on spending the rest of my life with you.” 
And that was not him just trying to assure her, it was the truth. He knew in his soul Charlotte was the end game for him well before they went on their first date. He had just been waiting for her to catch on. And once she did, every step he had taken since, including this move to New York, was with the intention of spending every day of the rest of his life with her. 
“Even after all this? After I lied to you?” 
Michael knew she still felt guilty. Between the two of them, there was much guilt to go around in their household over the last 72 hours. Some of it was fair and some of it was not. But just as he was trying to work through his own guilt, he did not want Charlotte to continue to hold onto hers when he had forgiven her.  
“Els, I meant it when I said I forgive you. And when I say somethin’, I mean that shit. Stop beating yourself up over it. I’ve loved you since the moment you walked into the studio for our screen test. And I’ve just fell more and more in love with you with every passing day. All of this changed nothing for me, except reminding me that whatever time we have together, I don’t wanna waste it.” 
Her hands played in the tall bubbles of the bath as she contemplated his words. 
“That been on your mind since I said it?” 
“Yea,” she admitted. “You know, all my time in bed gave me lots of time to ruminate,” she chuckled lightly. “It’s just… I mean we just have never talked about marriage a-and the long-term stuff. I mean and I get it, we haven’t even been together a year. But w-when you said that, it made me really happy because I feel the same about you. B-But then I just… you know, obsessed over it for the last three days wondering if all this changed your mind or made you question whether I’m the person you wanna spend the rest of your life with.”
“Nah, I would’ve married you after our first date if I could’ve.” 
Charlotte chuckled and shook her head, small droplets of water spraying everywhere. “We would’ve been skipping about 10 steps there. I want a proposal,” she laughed. “Knowing you, it’ll be something sentimental that makes me break down in tears.” 
Thank God she could not see the giant smirk that fell on his face. 
“And a big wedding, I assume?” 
Charlotte tilted her head as if to contemplate. She knew he expected the answer to be yes, after all most girls dream of a grand wedding. But that had never been her. “Honestly? I was never the girl to dream about the big princess wedding… just the prince,” she teased. 
Michael ran a comb through a section of hair, working to detangle it. He was trying to be as gentle as possible, knowing her head still hurt, which meant the whole endeavor took longer than it should have.  
“Am I living up to the childhood fantasy?” He asked. 
“My wildest dreams couldn’t have conjured you up.”
“I aim to please.” He kissed her shoulder. 
“I don’t even really care about planning it. I had to endure J and Lauren’s wedding planning and whew… miserableeee. And they couldn’t even enjoy the day that much. I dunno, I don’t want to be more worried about whether some elaborate affair is going according to plan instead of actually enjoying my wedding day? I wanna be celebrating our love and the first day of our life together. I mean yea, I want a wedding of some sort but it could have 25 people in your backyard. As long as I’m in a drop dead gorgeous dress and you’re waiting on me at the end of the aisle, I honestly don’t need or care about anything else. I’d be fine with a big one if you want one but someone else’s gotta plan it.” 
“I’ve never put much thought into my wedding so you won’t get much argument outta me. I would push back on the backyard thing though. Maybe a small destination wedding or a small venue in LA, something like that.” 
“I like the sound of that.” 
“Speaking of destinations,” he mentioned, shifting gears of the conversation. If they went too much farther down this road, Michael would find a wedding planner to plan a small intimate ceremony for next week. “I think we’ll both finally have some time off in September when you finish here. Let me take you on a trip.” 
“Oooo you tryin’ to fly ya girl out?” Michael rolled his eyes at her antics. “Where would you want to go?” 
Michael immediately shook his head. His sweet girl was the opposite of decisive. She would let Michael make every decision if she could. And this time, he wanted to go where she wanted to go. 
“Nahhh ma, it isn’t to celebrate me. It’s for you. Where do you want to go?” 
“It should also be to celebrate us both… a bit delayed sure but we never really did anything to celebrate Creed. That’s your first big leading man blockbuster.” She flipped the script on him. 
“Fine, it can be to celebrate us both but you still need to pick.” 
“I really hate you,” she laughed. “Well, at least, help me narrow it down. What kind of vacation vibe would you want?”  
“Preferably somewhere relaxing where I can have you naked or only in a bikini for most of the trip.” 
She could not hide the sly grin on her face at his words, the heat that rose throughout her entire body. She forced the feeling to dampen. They had not had sex yet and given how the other night went, she imagined Michael would pump the brakes again. She understood, but she did not want to deal with the rejection again. 
“The Caribbean is an option but September is dead in the middle of hurricane season, so we’d have to be ok with it being canceled potentially.” Michael smiled, he was never one to consider weather patterns before traveling. He barely checked the weather before he stepped outside each day. But of course, Charlotte would think about that. “We could do something like a spot along the Mediterranean? Or something like that. I’ve been wanting to go back to the Amalfi Coast but maybe we should go somewhere we both haven’t been?” 
He learned something new about his girl every day. “When did you go there?” 
“My first birthday after Shaun… My family surprised me with a vacation there. I had spent most of that whole first year miserable and in bed. The first six months were the hardest. But by the time my birthday came around, I was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel but still wasn’t there. I was in therapy and still struggling to find me in all of it? And I was just really depressed so the trip was supposed to cheer me up a bit. Lauren, Jazz, one of our other friends, Chelsea, and I all went. And we had a ball,” Michael could feel her entire body light up as she spoke, as if the mere memories of that trip were fuel and power.
“We just ate and drank and ate some more and swam and went on boat rides and just… lived. God, it was the first time I felt uninhibited happiness and relaxation in years. It was kinda my Eat, Pray, Love moment as corny as that is,” she admitted. “One morning, I got up super early and went down to the beach by myself while we were in this town, Ravello. I had this necklace he gave me for my last birthday. Hideous, gaudy silver thing I’d never pick or wear myself. But I couldn’t let it go and clung to that stupid thing since the break up. Anyway, I watched the sun rise and I realized that I’d never be me again. The me before him was dead and gone. But I also realized that maybe that wasn’t a bad thing? Cause the me before him needed that necklace as proof that someone loved me, no matter how hideous and awful that love was. The me before him and during him needed any type of love, no matter the cost of it. And that part of me needed to die. So, instead of trying to resurrect the old me, I decided I would reconnect with the things that made me happy and forge something new. And then I ran into the water and tossed that terrible necklace into the sea. And then I regretted polluting the sea with something that was definitely not biodegradable,” Michael’s deep baritone filled her ears with laughter. “So long way of saying, it just represents new beginnings to me in some way. So even if we don’t go this time around, I’d want to go back with you at some point. But I’d honestly be fine with anywhere as long as I’m with you. So why don’t you just surprise me?”
“Fine. Don’t think I don’t realize you’re using my love of surprises against me.” 
She turned and winked at him before he helped her stand and get in the shower to effectively rinse out all of the products. Their afternoon of hair styling continued as she sat between his legs on the couch, Avengers playing on the tv as he moisturized and styled her hair. She savored the help, she hated dealing with her mane of hair. And the intimacy it had created was exactly as she had hoped. And he did an excellent job. Though she could tell his arms were exhausted by the time he finished tying her scarf around her clean and moisturized curls and coils into a pineapple on the top of her head. 
“You could’ve been a hairstylist in another life.” 
“You didn’t tell me it was such a work out. Boxing didn’t hurt my arms this much,” he laughed. 
“Well when you’re prepping for Creed 2 and wanna help me with my hair for extra arm training, let me know. I quite enjoyed not dealing with it for once.” 
Her injuries made it difficult to cuddle on the couch as they wanted so Charlotte laid with her head on his lap, his hand resting on her arm as they watched the movie. 
“Can I ask you something?” This time it was Michael’s turn, a question that had been on his mind for longer than a few days. He did not know if now was the right time or if there’d ever be a right time. And he did not expect an answer but he wanted her to know he would listen if she was ready to ever share it.
“Of course.” 
“And you don’t gotta answer if you don’t want to. But you never told me… what made you finally decide to leave? Was it whatever you dreamed about that night you got sick?” 
Charlotte’s eyes clenched shut. It was always a delicate balance. What of Shaun’s brutality to share and what not to. But she knew this was one of those things, the things she needed to learn to trust Michael specifically with. He was home and home was where you could bare it all… your whole soul. He asked and she would answer, no more hiding. 
“There’s a lot I haven’t told you about him. I mean a lot of it was the same old same. But somethings, I said I’d never tell anyone, Jackson, Lauren… even you. A-and that nightmare, it was bad, don’t get me wrong. Definitely made the ‘the CIA couldn’t get this out of me,’ shortlist. But the breaking point was, he saw me talking to a reporter after a show one night and thought I was cheating, God he accused me of cheating like twice a week, which just made me so upset. We argued all the way home. He asked me if I wanted to leave him a-and in my frustration and anger, I told him he wasn’t giving me many reasons to stay. Looking back, it was a real stupid thing to say, like pouring gasoline on a fire. But I w-was just so tired, tired of feeling like I was killing myself every day to be perfect and love him and getting so much pain thrown back at me. When we got home, he beat me. T-that wasn’t the bad part, that was par for the course. But then… he dragged me out onto our 11th story balcony. He picked me up and threatened to throw me off until I swore I’d never leave.” 
She watched as his entire body stiffened, his fists clenching with anger. She wanted to offer him some assurance, something to ease the feelings that brewed but there was not really anything that could be said. That story and her life just were what they were, upsetting and enraging and all. 
“He played God with my life for a few minutes, though it felt like an eternity, my body balancing on the railing like a rag doll with only him holding me there. There was one point, I tipped so far back, I actually thought he had let go and I s-saw my whole life flash before my eyes. I always thought people were being dramatic when they said that. But it’s true. Like a movie in fast forward and all I saw was every mistake that led me to that moment. When he was satisfied that I had begged for my life enough, he let me down and drug me back inside to finish the night. He knew I didn’t have much fight left in me after that,” she whispered, her hand wiping a tear. “Ugh,” she could not contain the groan of frustration at her own emotions. She hated that he still had this effect on her. “I don’t know why I’m crying over this o-old shit,” she shook her head. “He doesn’t deserve it. A-anyway, I decided that the next day that I had to leave or I’d d-die. I made a p-plan and left a week later.” 
“I’m sorry, honeybee.” There were no other words he could offer, though those sounded inadequate in the space. With every story she told him, he felt like a layer of the complex onion that was her peeled back. “I should’ve killed him,” he muttered, more to himself than to her. And it was true. The fact that he still drew breath was enraging, another thing he felt guilty for. For not ending the monster that haunted her. 
Charlotte reached over and grabbed his hand, their fingers interlocking. “Your soul is too good to be tainted by him. Besides, you did quite a number on him from what I heard. I didn’t know you had hands like that in real life, baby Creed,” she teased, thankful her joke caused a small smile to grace his features. “God, I wish I could’ve seen it… Saying that makes me feel like a terrible person,” her head fell into her hand, propped up against the back of the couch. “But j-just to see him, for once, feel a fraction of what I felt. Feels like a bit of justice for it all.” 
“That doesn’t make you a terrible person. You’re far from a terrible person. If he dropped dead tomorrow, you would be justified if you threw a damn party. Hell, I would throw a party and I only met him once. You’re allowed to want justice for all of it.” 
“Thanks.” She shifted, bringing her feet under her. “You know what’s crazy about it? I always regretted him… Regretted meeting him, agreeing to that first date, staying through all of that. B-but the last couple days, I’ve been thinking about my life right now… the last few months are the first time that I’ve felt like I was at home, like I know who I am and my soul is at peace. It’s pretty damn good. A little damaged around the edges, sure, but still so amazing that… If I had to go back and do it all again, I know in my soul I-I’d walk that same jagged path through all the pain, a-and landmines, and everything else if it was what I needed to do to end up here again, if it meant I would find home again.”
“And where’s home?” his voice was quiet as if he was worried the answer would not be what he expected, as if he were afraid to hear it. 
Charlotte tilted her head to study him, her hand going to cup his cheek, the scruff of his beard tickling her palm. 
Waves of guilt crashed over him, causing a tear to fall. The first one he had shed since the hospital. Charlotte whisked it away with her thumb. 
“Not feelin’ like I deserve that right now. You were in trouble and I didn’t even see it till it was too late. I never should’ve left you here. I couldn’t even keep you safe. What kinda fuckin’ home is that?” 
The guilt in his voice broke her heart. She moved, slowly and stiffly, but moved to slide into his lap. Her hands rested on his shoulders as she looked at him.
“Look at me.” It was her turn to demand as he so often did, demand that he overcome the guilt and shame that forced his eyes away from hers. She knew it was difficult, had struggled to find his eyes too many times for fear she would see confirmation of her guilt, her shame, her unworthiness. But it was never there and he would not find that in her eyes today either. 
“Every single time I’ve ever needed you, you were right on time. This was no exception. The truth is, you’ve been keeping me safe since the day I met you. I was so lost before I met you. I-I had healed my heart a-and my mind and my body as best I could. But my soul, I had vowed never to let someone so close to it again, had boarded it up with walls so high it would be impossible to let someone in again. To let someone see me again. And that was fuckin’ lonely,” she admitted. “A-and exhausting to force myself to keep my guards up like that, to deny everything I’d always wanted… a partner who saw me in my entirety and loved me for all of it. But I did it b-because it w-was better than the alternative. A-And then I met you. And you instantly knew the me I hid from everyone, you knew my soul and what it needed to finally mend. And you slowly but surely broke down every wall and barrier I had fought so hard to keep up so you could ensure I got what I needed, a safe place to land. And every day since, you’ve seen my soul in its entirety, all its light and darkness, its hopes and fears, its permanently damaged pieces and those that’ve healed. And you’ve loved me beyond my wildest dreams for it all. You are my peace and my solace and my safety every moment… that is the best home I could’ve ever hoped for.” 
She wiped her tears that fell before offering. “He w-wanted me to deny t-that. Before he…” she lifted her own eyes to the ceiling as she re-lived that moment. “Told me it was him or no one, wanted me to tell him I would c-choose him. And I couldn’t. It’s insane,” she acknowledged. “And I knew you’d p-probably tell me just to lie to save myself. But I couldn’t deny what I’ve known to be true since we kissed in your apartment in Philly. You are it for me. You are my choice every day, every time, no matter.” 
His lips crashed against hers, his arms wrapping around her tightly to pull her into his chest. Michael knew the depths of Charlotte’s love for him without a doubt. And he loved receiving a tear-inducing speech about it as much as he enjoyed doling them out on her. However, to know that, even in what could’ve been her last moments, she chose to love him loudly and unapologetically, hit his soul harder than he had ever experienced before.
No more words passed between them, each touch was a silent declaration of love between them that they did not have the words to capture. The day had laid them both bare in a way they had never experienced before or expected. And it was not their trauma guiding them, it was pure love. A desire and need to connect mind, body, and soul.
“You want… need me to stop?” He whispered as she sucked on the soft skin of his neck. In his heart, he knew the answer before the words left his mouth. He could tell in her movements that stopping would be near impossible this time. But he had to check, had to double check before they went down this road. 
She immediately shook her head. Charlotte’s brain was mush, a complete fog of desire, need, and pleasure as she kissed every inch of exposed skin she could find. She had never yearned for a person as much as she yearned for the man beneath her. She wanted everything, all of him. She knew now, in hindsight, that the first night, she had wanted him for all the wrong reasons. And she was grateful that he, once again, saved her from herself. But now, in this moment, she wanted to feel him, feel his gentle touch and caress, and savor every moment of his love for her. And she wanted him to feel her, not her brokenness and fear, but the life pumping through her veins, the love she held for him, that he was her choice. 
“No,” she whispered back, he was thankful to hear that word leave her lips. “Do you wanna stop?” 
“Not this time.” 
Michael immediately wrapped his hands behind her thighs and hoisted her up to carry her into their bedroom. She let him guide her to their bed, laying her down gently as he removed both of their clothes. Charlotte instinctively wanted to shrink up and cover herself, hyper aware of the bruises that littered her form. 
Sensing her thoughts, Michael immediately leaned over her and started to press his lips to each one, gentle and lingering kisses on every cut, scrap, and bruise that sent jolts of electricity through her form. A silent but touching reminder that she survived and told her he did not care how they looked. He worked his way down her body slowly but this time it was not the usual teasing he liked to do. He simply wanted to savor every second of it. 
He handled her with such care, as if she were perfectly sculpted glass that would shatter if he pushed too hard, too fast. She was not fragile, he knew that. She was strong and powerful. But her wounds were fresh. Fresh enough that he used every moment to assure her that his touch was different, would never hurt her as he had, and would never treat her body and soul with such pain and callousness. It had taken great restraint not to taste her or bury himself inside her the last few days, to be as close to her as he could, feel the life pumping in her veins. But she needed time and so did he, to reckon with what they both almost lost. 
He could feel the frenzy beneath him as he worked, her body writhing with silent pleas that begged for more.  But he did not want to rush. He remembered their first time, slow and measured as he took her apart piece by piece. He understood the impulse to rush but they had time, he kept reminding himself. Time with each other. 
He returned to her lips, a quiet directive to slow down landing on her ears.
“Slow down, baby,” he muttered, “Slow down.” Their foreheads rested against each other as he forced her to take a breath. 
“I need…” her words trailed off as she whimpered, her fingers twisted in the soft fabric of his t-shirt as if he’d turn to dust before her eyes if she let go of him. Her eyes searched his for understanding, that he knew exactly what she so desperately needed.
“I know, I know.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek, her head leaning into it to find his lips again. “Hey, hey. Look at me.” Their eyes connected, brimming with tears as she took in his undying love for her. “We’re both here, safe and sound, and no one’s going anywhere. I promise. Let me take care of you.”
At her nods, he resumed his touching until he found himself at the treasure trove between her thighs, her flower dripping and begging to be touched by the man she loved. And that was all he needed as he spread her legs and wrapped his lips around her bud.
Charlotte’s back immediately arched off the bed as he feasted on her. It had only been days but she had missed the feeling of his tongue on her and inside her. He spelled out his love for her in gentle caresses that made her head spin. 
She melted against his mouth like chocolate, her cries of pleasure crescendoing with every movement of his skilled tongue. 
“That’s it baby, let me hear you.” He slid two fingers inside of her, increasing the sensations that already threatened to overwhelm her. 
Charlotte felt as if her body was in overdrive. Her hips rocked to meet every thrust of his hand, her thighs clamped around his head as he feasted on her. It did not matter how many times his mouth found its way to her core, he managed to reduce her to a mewling puddle begging for more, every time.
And usually, she let him stay between her thighs as long as he wanted, pulling out as many climaxes as he could. But this time, she needed more. She knew he wanted to take his time, take her apart and put her back together. But she could not wait. Her soul could not wait. She needed to feel him inside her. So much had been taken from her, so much had left her feeling empty in this life until Michael. Michael filled her up where her past and present trauma only drained her. And right now, she wanted to be filled. The emptiness ached and she wanted to be filled to the brim and overflow. 
She pulled him from between her thighs, bringing his lips to hers. She relished in the taste of herself but only for a moment before she whispered. 
“I need you. Inside me. I c-can’t… can’t wait,” she panted. “W-we have all night b-but I need to feel you now.” 
He acquiesced, the vulnerability in her voice more than enough to forgo his original plan. 
He kept her eyes on his as he thrust inside of her slowly. Charlotte moaned at the delicious stretch he always provided. Months, it had been months since she first felt that stretch and it still caused a gasp to escape her lips, her eyes to see stars, and every thought in her head to shatter. 
“J-Just like that,” she whimpered, all her senses squarely focused on him and the pleasure he graciously provided. All she could feel was the sparks of bliss at the end of every stroke and the trail of fire that marked where his hands roamed as he explored her body. All she could hear were the symphony of their moans, his deep grunts as he fucked her and her screams of pleasure. All she could see were his brown eyes, a look in them that made her own eyes mist with tears. She did not know why she was crying, whether it be from the intense pleasure or the look in his eye, a look that no man before him had ever given her, a look she would have never deemed herself worthy of. The look of pure love and adoration. 
Michael’s hips drove into her over, a primal growl escaping him as her muscles clenched around him repeatedly as he curved into her g-spot, their bodies made for each other. His eyes never left hers with every push forward and retreat. 
As he pulled out every trick he could think of to please her, pour his love into her, Michael could not help but think about how he almost lost this. How he almost lost her. He had plans for this insanely beautiful woman beneath… plans to grow old with her, to celebrate every milestone and moment of his life and hers together, to build a life and family with her. And all of it could’ve been gone. He had never experienced this before, a year ago he could not even convince Charlotte to go out on a date with him but now? He could not fathom his life without her. And that brief moment where he had to consider such a life… it had shattered him in ways he never knew a person could be shattered.
“I love you,” his voice shook as tears sprang to his eyes. “Fuck, I love you so much.”
“I-I l-love… you,” she moaned back, her words choppy and broken between her pants and moans. 
His mind drifted to the ring that he kept stashed in his bedside table, hidden in a box he knew Charlotte would never bother to open or examine closely. A ring he had started to design the day after that gala, the night she told him about her ex and decided to overcome her fears to choose him.
He knew she did not believe him when he said he had known he wanted to marry her since then. It sounded far-fetched, he recognized, to know that so early. Afterall, his friends called him foolish for designing and buying a ring for a woman who rejected him mere months prior. “Take your time,” they had all cautioned. “Make sure she is what you want.” But Charlotte was the one thing, the only thing, in this universe that he did not need time to consider, that he knew without a shadow of a doubt that he wanted. And he used this moment, every second spent in her sanctuary to show her how deeply his love for her ran, past his mind, past his heart. He loved her with every fiber of his soul. 
“You know how beautiful you are?” He asked as he draped her legs over his shoulder and leaned over to rest his forehead against hers. Charlotte gasped at the angle, he had not changed his pace one bit but this position allowed him to reach the depths of her pleasure center. Those tears she had kept in now spilled over as his words filled her heart and he filled her body with every stroke. That ache of emptiness? Gone. She was overflowing. “Do you know how much… I love you?” 
She cried out, unable to form real words or thoughts beyond obscenities and his name, which flowed without thought from her lips. 
“I’ll spend every day of my life loving you, keeping you safe. There’s nothing in this world I won’t do for you, Els. Nothing. ” His word was punctuated by a particularly deep thrust that turned Charlotte into a babbling mess as she came. “That’s it, baby. Cum for me.” 
“More. Harder. Everything you have, please,” her voice was strained, trying to speak while her body calmed down again. She understood his gentleness, appreciated it. But now, she wanted to feel him in the depths of her bones. She was his and she wanted to feel that in every ounce of her being.
Michael helped her flip over onto her stomach, this time instructing her to hold onto the headboard so she did not have to lay on the bed. He allowed her a moment to situate herself in the position he so enjoyed. He still practiced some restraint, refusing to unleash his usual power onto her still healing body. But he loosened the reins just enough to give her what she wanted and needed. 
There was nothing slow about how he rammed into her, her body thrusting forward with every delicious slam of his hips into hers. She was thankful he thought of the headboard, giving her the leverage laying face down on the bed would not have and protecting her bruises. 
“Yes! Y-Yes! T-thank you,” she moaned out as he fucked her with abandon. She surrendered to the pleasure, her screams bouncing off the walls as he made her cum again and again and again.
He took her in any and every position that would not cause her pain. He buried his face between her legs and feasted off of her before plunging into her again, Charlotte allowing her body to be at his mercy. They had all night and all the time in the world and she wanted him to use every moment of it. 
When Charlotte stirred again, she glanced over to find Michael sound asleep next to her. It was still dark outside, the clock reading 4:30 am. She laid there for a few moments, letting the soft sounds of Michael’s soft snores fill her ears. She turned and watched him for a few moments, the steady rise and fall of his chest. As she listened to him, the final part of a song she had been writing swelled in her heart. And when the pen called her, she did not dare ignore it. As quietly as she could, she climbed out of their bed and wrapped herself in her robe. 
She tiptoed out of their room and into the living room, grabbing her pen and notebook before retreating to the balcony of their apartment. She had rarely been out here, her own fear of them and the frigid New York winters keeping her from enjoying this one feature of their home. But tonight, not even her past or the cold chill could send her back inside. She curled up in a blanket in one of the chairs as she listened to the bustling sounds of the city fill her ears. 
It did not matter what time of day it was, New York City was always awake, always moving, always alive. Her lungs breathed in as much of the frigid air as they could before she breathed it back out. She knew she could not stay out there too long, it was freezing. But she also knew this was the only spot her singing would not wake up her sleeping boyfriend. 
Baby, the sound of you
Better than a harmony
I want you off my mind
And on me
Holding me closer than we've ever been before
This ain't a dream
You're here with me
Boy, it don't get no better than you
For you, I wanna take my time
All night
She closed her eyes, curled in a small ball, as her siren song filled the night sky though she knew no one but her and God would ever hear it. But that was fine, she preferred it. This was just for her, just for her to commemorate the love she found and was grateful to God for.
I wanna love you in every kind of way
I wanna please you, no matter how long it takes
If the world should end tomorrow and we only have today
I'm gonna love you in every kind of way
Give you all, give you all of me
Her eyes only opened at the faint creaks of a door, surprised to find Michael standing in the doorway of the balcony as she finished the last line. However, as she started to stand and finish singing, he shook his head. 
“Don’t stop. I wanna hear you.” 
And so she continued, this time, her eyes on his as she finished her song, the second verse she had been struggling with flowing from her lips as if it had lived in her heart all along. 
When you need it
'Cause I need it
I wanna fall like your favorite season
I'll never get up
Stay here forever, babe
It don't get no better than this
Your kiss
I wanna love you in every kind of way
I wanna please you, no matter how long it takes
If the world should end tomorrow and we only have today
I'm gonna love you in every kind of way
I wanna love you in every kind of way
I wanna please you, no matter how long it takes
If the world should end tomorrow and we only have today
I'm gonna love you in every kind of way
When she was finished, she sat up in the chair and glanced at him. 
“I’m sorry, thought going out here wouldn’t wake you.” 
He shook his head. “Bed’s cold without you, went looking for you and heard your voice. Wanted to hear you.” 
She smiled. “I’m glad you heard it… it was about you anyway,” she winked. “Back to bed?” 
“Umm… before we g-go,” he stammered slightly, Charlotte surprised to find a nervous energy suddenly surrounding him. He was usually so confident and assured, nervous was a rare emotion on him. “I have something for you.” He meandered to the balcony railing, standing directly in front of her before he pulled out the arm that he had bent behind his back, a small black velvet box in his hand. 
“You didn’t need to get me anything,” she offered with a small smile. If he had not been so nervous, he would have laughed at how she missed the obvious. The size of the box really only lent itself to one thing and she had not picked up on it yet. “Though I’m sure it’s beautiful.” 
He slid the box into her hand, Charlotte expecting to find a necklace or pair of earrings or something small nestled in the luxury box. However, all the wind seemed to knock out of her as she opened to find a sparkling and mesmerizing engagement ring, a giant pear shaped diamond set in the center with elegant but subtle diamonds nestled in the rose gold band around it. It was simple and yet, the most gorgeous ring she had ever seen in her life.
She glanced up from the box to find Michael in front of her on one knee. Every question that rose to her lips immediately vanished, caught in her throat as shock swept all of her senses. Her heart was beating so hard, she wondered if it was possible for it to beat straight out of her chest. 
“A-are you serious? I-If this is j-just a dream…” she whispered, her eyes moving to the sky as if she was talking to God. 
“N-No, this is real. Charlotte, I’ve loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. Every day, you love me with your whole being. You support my dreams, however far fetched and foolish they may seem, you push me to be the best man I can be. Not just for you and my family but for myself. With you, I’ve always been right at home. Falling in love with you is both the greatest decision of my life and the easiest one I’ve ever made. And every day, I thank God for bringing you and your beauty, your laugh, your spirit into my life. I don’t know what the future looks like, I don’t know how much time we have with each other. But I know that I want to spend every moment of my life loving you and being loved by you. So, this is me being sentimental and making you break down in tears,” he joked to their earlier conversations. “Charlotte Elsbeth Bennet, will you marry me?” 
Charlotte’s breathing was choppy as she took in his words. Tears flowed earnestly as she tried to form a sentence.
“M-Michael… God I love you so much. B-But are you s-sure about this? I k-know with everything that’s happened… W-we haven’t even been together for a year. Are you s-sure I’m what you want?” 
“I’ve had this ring for months… I started designing it the day after the gala last summer. I was waiting for the perfect moment, wanting to plan the perfect proposal for you back in LA. But what happened reminded me that I don’t want to waste our time planning perfect or ideal moments. I just want to live in all those moments with you, by my side. All day, something kept pulling me to this ring, telling me that this was our moment. And I think it’s because our best moments, the realest ones for us, are just us… being us, comfortable and safe with each other. No planning, no overthinking, no obsessing. Just being home with each other. So here I am, unsure about so much, the future and where this life will take me and us. But this moment,” his hand rubbed her knee, her face covered by both her hands as she quietly cried. “This decision is the surest I’ve ever been in my life. I am sure about you. I’ve never been so certain that you were the woman for me. Marry me.” 
Charlotte immediately launched herself from her seat and into his arms, the small box still wrapped tightly in her hand as she held him. 
“I love you so much,” she whispered before kissing him, her body resting on his bent knee. 
“I love you too…” he paused, realizing he never actually heard the magic word. “So is that a yes… or?” 
She let out a watery laugh. “A million times, yes! Yes, yes, yes!” The box fell in her lap as she cupped his face in her hands. “ Now you’re really stuck with me, Mr. Jordan.” she teased as her hands wiped the tears that flowed earnestly from her eyes.
He took the box from her and slid the ring on her finger, his heart swelling at how she admired the piece. She was not much of a jewelry wearer so he went for a ring that was simple, one she would not mind wearing every day, but was worthy of her hand. 
He wiped a tear from his eye and chuckled. “Good, that’s what I was hoping for. Mrs. Jordan has a nice ring to it.” He pressed his lips to her ring finger. His deep baritone filled the cold air as he let out an excited yell, standing and spinning Charlotte around. “Wanna go to the courthouse tomorrow?” 
“Slow downnnnn. Another surprise this week might actually kill me,” she laughed. “Anndddd I wanna be my usual flawless self for our wedding photos,” she gestured toward her bruised face. 
“You’re always flawless to me.” 
“Alright I already said yes, don’t lay it on so thick,” she offered in jest, causing him to pepper her face with kisses. 
“Well how about I take you back to bed and warm you up and I can make you say yes a couple more times?” 
She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, “I think I’d rather you make me scream it.” 
“Oh that was always the plan.” 
And before she knew it, Michael had her on her back, their hands interlaced on the pillow as he made her scream that beautiful word over and over again until the sun came up.
Tag List: @certifiedlesbianbaddie @bangtanxmegan @reelwriter19 @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @hi888888sworld @msniaimani @destinio1 @lynaye1993 @chaoticevilbakugo @blackerthings @pipsqueak-98 @miyuhpapayuh @passionxwrites @gopaperless @injerafiend
A/N: Our babiesssssss!! I went back and forth on the proposal scene for a while lol and this just felt right so I hope you all enjoyed it! Every Kind of Way by HER is one of my favorite songs. This is not the end of our story buttttt we are getting close. Just three or four more chapters to go.
Drop a comment and let me know what you think/let me know if you want to be tagged!
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empressofmankind · 10 months
On My Silent Days
I Miss You A Little Louder
[Crocodile x female!OC]
Explicit with a capital E
Word count: 7k / 15 pages
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A/N: Writing this has been my whole life the past 5 days, as anyone who has frequented my Dash recently can attest. I am obsessed with their chemistry.
Technically, this is part of 'The Show Must Go On'. You don't have to read it, but I recommend it. You'll get to know Shivs and her helter-skelter relationship with Buggy which sits as the background to this whole ordeal.
You see, this is like, Arabaste arch at the earliest - Cross Guild era more likely. By then, Shivs and Bugs have rollercoastered through so much bullshit and they've come out rock solid on the other side somehow. Clown keeps failing up, even with this relationship. Sir Crocodile finds the whole thing insulting, to say the least. And seems to think it is one well-placed remark away from utterly crumbling. Jealous ex, whomst? My dude, you fucked that up yourself. Repeatedly. You had more chances than you have fingers. Chemistry aside, this is absolutely a desert of his own making.
What else do you need to know? Shivs is only 2 or 3 years younger than Buggy (i.e. my age, come sue me), but Crocodile is 5 years older than the clown. So, she's in her mid 30s, he's in his mid 40s. She originally met him when he was maybe 28? Do the math. Oh yes, and for those less familiar with the Cross Guild era: our favourite clown has managed to accidentally become the lauded public face of what is actually Mihawk and Crocodile's venture. Understandably, the ex-warlords are a little miffed by this and spend decent amounts of time physically abusing poor Buggy.
Shivs' absolutely flawless plan is basically swapping sexual favours with her ex for get-out-of-jail-free cards for the clown.
My girl literally barging in here telling Croc: "I'll take ur cock if u leave my clown alone."
Yes. That's it. That's the plot.
She almost had him, too. Arguably, she had him the entire time. And then he gdamn snapped her from the pond edge like an unwitting gazelle in the last minute. Cuz we all - her included - forgot who we're dealing with for 14.5 pages straight. APPARENTLY.
screams into a pillow
Tag(s): Oh? Ok. Sexual favours! Is she fucking her boss? No, but he always makes it feel that way. Is she fucking her ex? Yes. Are they technically still married? Maybe. Blow jobs? Deep throat. Size kink? 100%. Filthy language. Graphic sex. Soft dom? Power bottom? I am on the fence. Little girl vibes on the margins, like, he tries. She too sassy and sooner a brat. Oh, orgasm denial! Big time. Humiliation? A little bit. Stretching? Yes. Moar size kink. Choking? Big yes. Spoiling? Also yes. She deserves nice things. Power imbalance? Yes. In whose direction? It kind of flip-flops. Did I need to spend so many words on their smoking and his cigars? Probably not, but it scratched an itch. With them, it counts as foreplay; I am sure. You know you're doing well when he takes the damn thing outta his mouth. World class banter, too. If I may say so myself. But really, the bottom line is that it's just oral and PIV dressed up real fancy.
The double doors were as tall and foreboding as Shivs remembered. All bevelled hardwood and delicate gilding. She stood before them, gazing up. In the dead centre sat a brass knocker shaped like a bananawani's head, polished to a sheen. 
Knocking was for people with appointments, and waiting wasn't something she planned on doing here ever again. She put her palms against the cold, expensive wood and pushed the massive doors open as if breaking a siege. They swung on smooth hinges despite their weight and struck the marbled walls with resounding booms.
The opulent office beyond was exactly as she remembered. Marquina walls, fishbone parquet floors, blackwood furniture. The taxidermied juvenile bananawani set in the wall vitrine behind his desk was new. What had been there before? A map? A ship? No, a stone. An artefact of some kind riddled in curious glyphs.
Crocodile glanced up from his papers and the irritation flitting across his scarred face in the split second before he realised who'd dared barge in, set the hairs on the back of her neck on end. How often had she seen someone shrivel into a desiccated husk straight after that look?
Shivs held his pale gaze, set her jaw and strode into his office as if down the plank. 
The creak of leather as he leaned back in his seat. “You know I've killed people for less.”
She paused in front of his outrageous statement piece of a desk. She put her hands in the pockets of her baggy pants and forced her shoulders to unclench, her stance to relax. If Buggy’s dumb luck had managed to rub off on her in these past months, then now would be the time for it to start working for her.
“Lucky I am not ‘people’,” she said as she crossed her fingers in her pocket. 
Amusement squinted his eyes as the corner of his mouth twitched up behind his cigar. “No, you're not,” he said as he rose.
Shivs was not short. Not by any regular definition of the word. Buggy was only a head taller than her. She hadn't forgotten how tall Crocodile was, not really. And yet, as he came around his desk and towards her, there appeared to be no end to him as he approached. If she reached up, stretched her arm, she could nick his cigar. But only just.
"Do you still smoke?" he said as he stopped well within her personal space, forcing her to crane her neck to meet his gaze. He took a flat, brass case from the inside pocket of his coat and held it out to her. She remembered it. Remembered the exquisite taste of the narrow cigarillos in it.
"Liar." His gaze flicked down along his cigar at her. "You smell of cigarettes, doll."
"I have changed my ways."
Humour flitted under his gravelly voice. "For the worse." 
Shivs pursed her lips. "It's an expensive lifestyle when they don't come free with a goodnight kiss."
The bark of laughter actually reached his eyes, crinkling their crow's feet for a moment. He held out the case to her again. "You poor thing. I do support charities, you know."
She took it this time and flipped it open. The rich waft of tobacco and sweet Goji berries greeted her as if no time had passed at all. Might as well enjoy her sojourn back to hell while she could.
She put one of the thin cigarillos between her lips and let him light it. Watched the firelight catch and reflect in his rings. Took a moment to savour the blend, rich and sweet as polished Beli.
They were very good.
Always had been.
Shivs took the cigarillo from between her lips and blew the smoke up in rings through a slow smile. They almost reached him.
Crocodile leaned down through the cloudy hoops to pluck the shoulder of her red-and-white striped sweater between thumb and index finger, a judgemental 'hmph' escaping around his cigar.
She enjoyed the expensive smoke and his fascination while it lasted. Maybe, just maybe, this would be enough? Letting him treat her like a doll badly in need of a better dress up? He liked to spoil, always had. Now, more than ever, he had the means to take it to completely nonsensical levels. Her ego could take it, if that was the price of leaving Bugs alone.
Shivs indicated his everything with an up and down wave of her free hand. "No way to afford the good stuff on a waiter's salary."
He let go of the fabric to brush his thumb across the smear of grease paint near the collar, staining his skin and the gold of his ring red.
"Or a dud's haul." 
He hooked the silk kerchief from his vest's breast pocket and wiped his hand. She followed the length of his arm up to his face.
"The entertainment isn't half bad."
“Yes.” He chewed the butt of his cigar, derision twitching his thin lips as he tucked the kerchief into an inside pocket of his coat. “His pathetic antics can be mildly amusing.”
Shivs’ grip on the cigarillo tightened, but she smiled pleasantly. “I like it when a man can make me laugh,” she said, pointing at him with the thin smoke between her fingers. “Even if at his own expense.”
She frowned at his broad back when he turned away from her without a witty reply, retreating to the button tufted camelback near them.
“You're not here for a social call,” Crocodile stated as he sat down, putting his arms along the sofa's curved back. Something flitted past his pale eyes, but it was gone so fast Shivs couldn't nail it. “What do you want, doll?” 
Shivs rolled back and forth on the balls of her feet, pursing her lips as if preparing to drive a hard bargain. She intended to seem casual, unconcerned. But her palms were slick with sweat and her heartbeat drummed in her ears. She filled her mouth with smoke, tasting the rich flavours. Savouring them before blowing it out in small puffs through her pursed lips.
"I want you to leave him be," she said, extinguishing the cigarillo in his ashtray.
Crocodile shifted and put his shin across his knee. Her gaze flicked down and she saw him take note. 
"And if I do?"
She held his gaze. One breath, two breaths, moved her jaw but didn't form the words. She wanted him to leave Buggy alone. Even if that meant taking his… beating, instead.
He blew out smoke through his nose, waiting patiently for her answer. The hint of a smile lingered as his pale eyes held hers from above the waterline of his scar. And in that moment, he reminded her so strongly of a lurking crocodile. Watching. Waiting. Biding its time to strike. It sent a shiver down her spine, and not entirely out of fear.
Shivs pursed her lips, steeled her emotions, checked her resolve. I'll do it for you, Bugs. It's a deal I know he won't refuse.
She met his intense gaze head on, then dropped hers slowly to his crotch once more. Allowed it to linger there, before looking back up.
He chewed the butt of his cigar and beckoned her. "You never could fit all of me down that skilled throat of yours." 
Shivs watched him uncross his legs as she approached. She trailed her fingertips along his clothed thighs before leaning on them. It brought her face level with his and she deliberately took a moment to breathe in his secondhand smoke. 
“Want to judge if that hasn't changed for the worse?” she whispered against his lips as she savoured the distinct flavours that made up his private blend. 
Strong muscles flexed and relaxed under her palms, and she presumed that to mean ‘yes’. 
She ran her hands down his muscular thighs, taking in their shape until her palms rested on his knees. His breathing changed, she could tell from the way he exhaled smoke. Denser palls, deeper breaths. No resistance as she pushed his knees apart far enough to kneel between them.
Brushing her fingertips across his overstated belt buckle, she smiled to herself. Some things never changed. She slipped the tooled tip through the frame, her movements slow and deliberate as she listened for the subtle shifts in his breathing. She loosened the prong with a sharp tug on the strap, using more force than was strictly necessary. An undercurrent of need laced the grunt that escaped him in response. 
Shivs reached into his pants with both hands, catching his gaze as she drew his penis out, feeling it swell against her palms. She made a noise of appreciation as she let her hands slide down his shaft. His pale eyes hunting after hers when she broke their gaze to look at her fingers fitting around the base. She had not forgotten how tall this part of him was.
Leaning forward, she trailed teasing kisses from halfway down his shaft towards the tip. I’ve swallowed swords longer than this, and dicks aren’t even sharp, she thought as she flicked her tongue past the rim, playful-like. Length was only half the problem though, she knew that perfectly well.
She put a hand on his thigh and leaned on it as she ran the flat of her tongue across the head and took him into her mouth, suckling the tip. Inched his cock further with deliberately slow, short bobs, tilting her head to ensure he’d catch every movement of her lips as they worked around him. Need strained his stoic expression when she stole a glance up. A twitch of his eyebrows when the tip bumped against the back of her mouth. She sucked down and drew his cock back out, watched it twitch and his grip tighten on the backrest as she felt his thigh flex under her palm.
She took him into her mouth again and ran the tip of her tongue along the underside of his cock. Relaxed her neck and let it slip further than before, teasing at the entrance to her throat. Nudging it, stretching it just a bit before sucking down and drawing him back out, tasting precum for her efforts.
The frustrated groan that rumbled up from somewhere deep within his broad chest sent sparks flying down her spine. This is gonna work, she thought as he reached for her head, petted her hair while she teased the precum from him with fleet, wet kisses.
“Stop messing around and swallow my cock, sweetheart,” Crocodile grunted, pale eyes alight with hunger. The petting stopped, fingers tangling into the hair at the back of her neck instead. It was like the twitch on the line that told a fisherman to react.
Shivs glanced up along his hard shaft, and reeled him in: 
“Yes, Sir.”
The horny groan that drew from him, before she’d even begun to take him again, settled comfortably in her bones. Gotcha, she thought.
Shivs breathed slow, deep, steady breaths as she slid his cock along her tongue, lining him up. The head pushed past the entrance of her throat and she switched to shallow breaths through her nose. The grunts and huffs that escaped him every time she swallowed were inhuman and she needed more of it.
She slid his cock further down, felt his thighs tremble as she did. The closer she got, the more his musk pervaded every stifled breath she managed around his thick cock. It was a heavy, heady scent and she shifted her position to press her thighs together. He didn’t notice.
She stroked his legs, ran her hands up to his hips as she leaned closer, and took him deeper still. His fingers were fisted painfully tight into her hair, but his large hand followed her without force or resistance, resting heavily against the back of her neck.
Almost there.
And then the tip of her nose bumped against his flat stomach. She could hardly smirk with his dick this far down her throat but counted on the crinkle of her eyes to work for her as she caught his gaze and slowly raised her hands, palms up. She didn’t care that they trembled. 
Look. No hands, motherfucker.
Crocodile grinned down at her through a huff of smoke, cigar dangling between his teeth. She thought it looked a little worse for wear.
“The pathetic clown doesn’t know what a dirty little slut you are, does he?” Crocodile said, his gravelly voice thick with lust as he petted the back of her neck. “Giving such sweet head to save his sorry hide.” He ran his fingers along her throat as if trying to feel how far down his cock had gone. “I always knew you could do it, sweetheart.”
“Now,” he added as he huffed out a pall of smoke and she felt cool metal sliding around the back of her neck, barring a retreat. “I need my cock-hungry doll to make me feel good.”
Shivs dropped her hands to his hips, gripping the folds of hard muscle there for support. She slid her tongue between her bottom lip and the underside of his cock, making sloppy little noises with the slightest bob of her head. Even those small movements pressed the round curve of his hook into the back of her neck, sending a shiver down her spine that made her squeeze her thighs together. She didn’t bother to try and hide it.
His large hand joined his hook, strong fingers digging into the back of her head, twisting into the hair there and holding her put as his thick cock twitched so far down her throat she didn’t even know anymore where precisely she felt it. She worked her throat around him, drawing rumbling moans from him that pitched.
“Ah -nngh- you feel so good, doll. So. Damn perfect.” His thighs tensed under her arms, flexing his hips with short jerks. She closed her eyes as she swallowed around him, frowning with effort. His breathy grunts as he lightly fucked her throat made her pussy throb.
Suddenly, his grip tightened like a vice and he shoved her nose-first against his hard, trembling stomach muscles, stealing her breath. Her eyes flew open as her throat strained and cramped, swallowing around him in reflex.
 “Fuck, honey. Ah---! Yes, yes.” The satisfied, drawn-out moan as Crocodile spilled his hot cum down her throat reverberated through the quiet office. 
Her fingers dug around his hips, tears jumping into her eyes as she gagged, feeling cum come up around his cock as stars danced into her vision. His grip weakened as he rode out his orgasm and she pulled back before he was quite done pumping cum. Shivs swallowed it mindlessly while coming up for air. His dick slid wetly out of her throat and mouth, streaks of cum connecting them before they broke.
She glanced up from his softening cock, glistening with her saliva all the way to the hilt. He’d tilted his head back, held his cigar nowhere near his mouth as he came down from his orgasm with deep, steadying breaths that expanded his wide chest and flared his nostrils.
He straightened with a lazy groan and a roll of his broad shoulders. 
Shivs met his gaze, panting.
“You’re still my pretty little thing, aren’t you?” Crocodile said, his gravelly voice breathy as he reached for her, stroking her cheek with his thumb. The gold of his ring was smooth where his fingertip felt rough, the warm touch grounding her fried senses. It lingered at her eyepatch, lightly brushing the faded leather. “The things we let people do to our faces…”
He hooked the kerchief from his pocket and dabbed her mouth. She reached for his hand with both of hers, touching the back of it, taking the cloth. She watched him watch her as she cleaned her face.
“Don’t you have a new pretty thing? Miss Face-of-the-Casino in her cute kimono?” Shivs forced her tone to be casual, edged with light mockery, maybe. It was stupid that it’d stung when she’d seen the younger woman. An irrational, petty feeling. An old pain. And, none of her business, at any rate.
The dismissive look that flitted past his pale eyes was rather unexpected. “An investment, nothing more.”
“She’s pretty,” Shivs said. Perhaps, part of the sting had been the fact that Miss Pretty had not responded to her the way women did when they were into other women.
Crocodile looked at his cigar before putting it back in his mouth. “That she is.”
Their gazes crossed and she pursed her lips. He reached for her jaw, fingertips grazing its curve. Then leaned down and pressed a peck against her frown. She sat up and chased after him as he took another draw from his cigar, stole the aromatic smoke from him as she teased her tongue into his mouth. He blew it out through his nose, taking the cigar from his mouth as he caught the back of her neck with his hook and took control of the kiss.
“You can have one if you like, sweetheart,” he said when they broke apart, indicating his cigar. 
And lord, if she wasn't tempted.
“You share ‘em these days?”
His derisive ‘hmph’ made her smirk as she rose to her feet. 
“What about Miss Pretty? She enjoy your… cigars?” Shivs said, and noticed she’d gotten his cum all over Buggy’s sweater. Shit.
Crocodile glanced at her, pale eyes searching. “I prefer making deals with those who have something of value to offer, doll.”
Shivs put her hands in her pockets and rocked up on the balls of her feet with a mildly overacted grin. “Oh, it’s a deal then? You’ll play nice?”
“My compliance doesn’t come that cheap,” he said through a huff of smoke.
She crooked an eyebrow, risking a hint of ridicule in her tone. “Cheap? And here I was, thinking I have a unique skill up for offer.”
He actually cracked a smile as he flicked the butt of his cigar into the general direction of his desk and ashtray. Then beckoned her with hook and hand. 
“Come here, doll.”
It would have been too easy.
She sauntered back to him and linked her fingers with his, curling the others around his hook, letting him draw her into his lap, straddling his thighs. He shifted so his cock was between them, pressing against her clothed cunt.
“What else will it cost me?” she said as she rested her hands on his shoulders, lightly riding against him. Every rub along his dick pulsed pleasure up her spine, and she hadn’t failed to notice it was already stiffening again.
He stoked the tip of his hook along her cheek as his large hand took in the shape of her firm butt, guiding her movement. “I want to know if your tight pussy can take all of me now, too.”
“Here, on a couch?” she said as she slipped her fingertips under his coat and pushed it off his shoulders. She trailed her hands down the revers of his vest, grabbed hold of them as she dry humped against him. “I thought you said you weren’t cheap?”
The bark of laughter that drew from him shouldn’t make her smile the way it did.
He pressed a kiss against it. 
“I wouldn’t dare, honey,” Crocodile said as he gathered her up in his arms and rose smoothly from the couch, leaving his coat behind. He strode across his study and through the adjacent library to the expansive bedroom beyond. She remembered the sweeping view from its curving window wall and the sea of nightlights twinkling far below.
Instead of depositing her on his spacious bed, he set her down on the plush rug beside it. And motioned up and down her clothes with a dismissive gesture. “Take those rags off.”
Not my rags, Shivs thought as she kicked her boots aside, removed her baggy pants and grabbed the edge of the sweater. She didn’t wear a bra. She didn’t like them, and she hadn’t bothered wearing one this evening either.
Fingertips traced the lacy sides of her underwear while she had the sweater pulled over her head.
“You still have those.”
He sounded…not surprised. Curious, maybe?
“No reason to get rid of perfectly fine underwear,” she said as she freed herself from the sweater, finding he’d already undressed.
“They can stay on,” he said as she folded the sweater, her hand lingering on it before she turned to him.
“For now?”
A smile twitched the corner of his lips. 
“Here, doll.” He held something out to her, cream-coloured and neatly folded. It seemed small and delicate in his large hand.
When she took it, the fabric cascaded into a surprisingly classy, mid-thigh negligee of shimmering silk. The top was constructed from intricately detailed lace with tiny bananawani worked into the pattern.
“Pretty,” she said as she brushed a finger across the delicate lace. She put it on and it fit her so neatly it felt like a second skin. An outrageously luxurious second skin for the silk felt soft as sin and the lace light as air. She turned a full circle on her tiptoe, overacting it just a little. She knew he liked that.
“Looks good on you.” He reached for her head, combing his fingers through her tangled red hair, tucking stray bangs behind the strip of her eyepatch. “I’d never let you get so grimy.”
“Can’t be a dirty little slut if you wash me.”
“Hah.” Crocodile leaned down and scooped her up into his arms, just like that. “Come here before I shove my cock down your throat again to shut you up.”
“Don’t tempt me- ah!”
Her reply cut off when he suddenly let go, dropping her into his bed. And that was quite the distance, even if the landing was soft. He immediately climbed on top of her, caging her with his much larger body. She spread her legs, accommodating his wider hips as he reached for her breast. His thumb traced circles around her nipple through the fine lace, stiffening at his touch.
“Like what you see?”
“Always have, doll,” he rumbled against her collarbone. Though no longer smoking, she could still smell it on him. Would be able to pick it out of a crowd. Subtle tones that reminded her of burnt coffee, dry glass and cinnamon, mingling with the faint wax smell of his hair gel and heavier citric notes of his cologne.
A small gasp escaped her when he brushed the lace down and kissed her hard nipple, taking it into his mouth and licking the sensitive tip. She felt the curve of his hook press against her hip, hitching up the silk as his hand slipped between her thighs. Strong, confident fingers pressed against the fabric of her panties and outer labia underneath. It ignited old desires, flickering life into fires she’d thought snuffed out.
His rough fingers traced the delicate lace, undulating with its curling, stylised waves. Her breath caught when they found the edge along the crease of her thigh. A mewl on her lips as he dipped them under the smooth fabric, fingertips grazing the warm, sensitive skin of her outer labia and sending sparkles of anticipation up her spine. The delicate fabric stretched with an alarming whimper from the seams as strong digits brushed between her folds, not quite able to reach. He grunted against her breast at the soaked pussy he found there.
She felt him slip the hook under the edge, warm from resting against her hip. The thought of him pulling her panties down with it lit up every nerve in the vague vicinity of her hips. Her eyes snapped open at the sharp jerk, the sudden cry of fabric tearing at the seam between silk and lace. 
Shivs made a noise, nose wrinkling. Those were the nicest-.
“I’ll get you new ones,” Crocodile promised against the curve of her breast, his gaze down as he hooked the fabric from her hips. The hunger in his pale eyes as he looked at her pussy made her spread her legs further. He leaned down to caress her labia and press a light kiss against them that made her throb, thinking about his tongue.
A breathy huff escaped Shivs when he slid his middle finger between her folds instead, running slow circles around her inner labia. Gathering the moisture there before teasing them apart and brushing across her clenching entrance. Pleasure sizzled up her spine when he pressed it inside, mapping her inner walls and finding all the right places far too easily. If he kept this up, she was going to come very soon.
He switched to her other breast, teasing the sensitive skin as he inserted a second finger. “I seem to remember you liked getting your little hole stretched,” he rumbled against her nipple, and spread his large fingers apart. She moaned at the strength in them, the ease with which they pried her open. It sent twinges of sweet, sweet pressure blazing through the haze of need fogging her thoughts.
She reached down to his hand, stroke the back of it. Found his thumb and guided it against her clit with a needy moan. Her thighs trembled as he massaged it firmly, pushed his fingers all the way in, then spread them as he pulled out. She felt his knuckles and the hard edges of his rings press into her labia when he pushed them back in but she didn’t mind, kind of liked it. She reached a hand for his shoulder, neck, grabbing hold of the tout muscle there as she arched her back towards him. His pace was torturously slow and she was loving it.
Shivs let out a drawn out whine when he stopped, pulled at his neck, wrist, knowing perfectly well neither will give an inch but trying, anyway. She tried to clench her thighs, rub them together, nurse the need smouldering in her veins, but his knees were between hers and she writhed in vain.
Crocodile shifted unto his elbow, bunching the silk further up her hips while taking his hard dick in hand. A hoarse whisper close to her ear as he guided the head against her slick pussy: “Won’t you beg for my cock, sweetheart?”
“I need to feel your cock in me,” Shivs said as she caught his hungry gaze. “Feel it fill me, stretch me.”
He grunted with barely contained need, she could see it in the straining of his back as she reached for his thick neck, folding her hands behind it. Felt it in the way his hips twitched as he pressed his shaft through her wet folds, coating it with her juices.
“Am I not a good girl, sir?”
“Yes, you are.”
Shivs moaned loudly when he entered her. Whined at the delicious pressure as he pushed deeper into her soaking wet pussy, stretching her around him. She clung to his neck, mewling with incoherent need. Her hand went to his hair, messing it up but not caring. Neither did he.
“Ah -ngh- fuck,” Crocodile grunted, his breath hot against her neck.
Shivs held onto him for dear life as she arched against his hard body, savoured the sharp pleasure of him stretching her cramping, soaking cunt wide enough to plough through. He’d not bottomed out yet. If she could take him, she’d have him wrapped around her finger.
“You’re. Fuck. As tight. As I remember. Sweetheart,” Crocodile groaned into her neck, his gravelly voice strained to the point of being near unintelligible. It was getting tougher and tougher to push further through her tight, contracting walls.
“Almost there,” Shivs whispered as she brushed a stray bang of dark hair from his eyes.
The noise he made in response was inhuman and she drank it in as she closed her eyes, spread her legs further to accommodate his hips and relaxed every muscle she could still feel. A whimper bubbled from her lips when he pushed up against something deep within her that twitched a pleasure so sharp up her spine it sat right next to pain. 
“Fuck, yes,” he ground out as his hips pressed flush against hers, his breath hot, heavy pants buffeting against the crook of her neck. “Feels. So good.”
He managed to push himself up onto his elbow, satisfaction animating his whole face as he looked at their joined hips, her soft labia squashed against his pubes. Shivs whimpered, his movement nudging tight bursts of pleasure deep within her. 
“I knew you could do it, doll.” His tone was thick with lust, laboured from his heavy breathing. He gently brushed a strand of sweat-slick red hair from her forehead with his hook, looking so proud. “You like getting your little cunt stuffed, don’t you?"
Shivs gave a sharp nod, struggling to form words.
“I know you do, honey,” he whispered as he rolled his hips against hers, not truly thrusting. She reached for his face with trembling hands, stroking his hard jaw. He grunted under his breath with each push and she pressed pecks against the puffs of hot breath until he responded. Until he chased her tongue back into her own mouth and pressed her head back into the pillow with the desperate force of his kiss, demanding entrance with his tongue that she was more than willing to give. 
“That's all you g-got?” she whispered through a moan and a bated breath when they broke their kiss for want of air. “I b-barely feel it.”
“Ah? You want more, doll?” Crocodile pulled out with a grunt, just a fraction, before shoving himself back inside her to the hilt, making her mewl with pleasure through clenched teeth as his cock bottomed out and up against her cervix. “Shall I take you back to my study? Pound you bend over my desk, like I used to?”
Shivs whined into his mouth as she latched onto him again, arms tightening around his thick neck as her cunt squeezed around his cock from the pleasure coiling around her spine. If he took her from behind, he could probably push deeper still. Oh, she’d be in trouble.
“Who’s cheap now, hrm?” A breathy hum into her ear as the obscene slap of his hips against hers filled his bedroom. She whined in need, the heady mix of mind numbing pleasure laced with an edge of pain making her tremble against him. “Do you want to be my little whore again? My pretty fuck slut to sit on my cock whenever and wherever I want?”
All she could do was whine and roll her hips to meet his steady thrusts. Fingers digging into the taut muscles across his shoulders, keeping him close as he fucked her deeper than she’d ever felt a man, even him. She whimpered, the heady mix of mind numbing pleasure laced with an edge of pain all but overwhelming her. Especially when he thrust just right, shoving his cock against a sensitive spot so deep inside her she didn’t even know she had it.
“I missed my. Pretty cocksleeve,” Crocodile grunted into her ear. “The. Only. Little slut that can take me -hng- properly.”
“Fuck me harder,” Shivs whispered, hands massaging his broad shoulders. He groaned with effort, she could feel the bridled strength in the muscles working under her palms. His pace picked up, and so did the strain in his body. Every thrust stretched her so deliciously, stimulating every needy nerve inside of her. 
“Do it,” she moaned wantonly as his thrusts started to push her up on the bed, her weight no match against his strength. “I c-can take it.”
“Ah - hng- you’re. Going to. Make me cum, doll,” he growled through clenched teeth. He grabbed her shoulder, holding her in place as he jerked his thrusts up against her. Her mind was unravelling. The only thing she could think about was his cock filling her, burning up every single nerve she had as needy pleasure coiled in her belly. She wanted him to cum. She really did.
When he paused, she struggled to comprehend why. Her gaze found his. Sweat beaded on his forehead, his mouth slack to accommodate the deep breaths heaving his chest. He was barely holding still, strain thrumming through every inch of his large frame above her.
“Does. My pretty little thing want. Cum as deep in her tight pussy. As her pretty throat?”
She whined, pulled at his neck with both hands. “Y-yes.”
“Beg. For it.”
“P-please,” she whimpered as she tried to make him move, weakly rolled her hips towards him. 
“Please what?”
“Please, s-sir.”
The noise he uttered in response to that settled somewhere at the primal base of her brain. She wanted, no, needed, to hear it again.
“Please, sir. Pound my needy hole like I deserve,” she mewled into his ear, savouring the way his breath hitched, that noise came again. 
“Damnit, doll,” Crocodile grunted through clenched teeth as he picked up a pace that became quickly rougher, slightly erratic. He locked his hold on her shoulder, broad fingers digging around her thin muscles and narrow bones, keeping her put as he pounded into her soaking, cramping cunt. “Gonna fuck you so full, you'll be leaking my cum well into tomorrow.”
“Please, please, pleaaasse,” she whined and clenched around him as he fucked her into the sinfully soft matrass with long, deep strokes that shoved his cock shamelessly up against her cervix to fit it all in. She wanted, needed, to cum around it, desperate for release. “Fuck me full of cum, sir. Stuff my tight cunny like you did my slutty mouth.”
“I -ngh- will, honey. I am,” he ground out, barely intelligible as his pace lost all semblance of rhythm and he bucked against her in the grip of his orgasm’s first throes.
“Oh! Yes, yes,” she moaned as he shoved his throbbing cock as far as she could take it, cumming against the deepest corner of her cunt as she shuddered around his cock with unfulfilled need. He stayed buried inside her as he came down, breath erratic before steadying, slowing. She whimpered in need, clenching around his softening cock. She hadn’t been able to cum around it like she wanted. It was too thick to cramp enough for a proper orgasm. She knew that, but had thought maybe this time…
He knew it, too. Remembered it.
“You’re still my pretty little thing, aren’t you?” he said as he caressed her cheek, ran his thumb across her parted lips. “Unable to cum around a cock like a big girl.”
She made a small noise that he swallowed in a kiss.
They stayed that way until her breathing steadied as well. Then he sat up and gathered her into his lap. She held onto him, her cheek against his collarbone. Not quite ready yet to let go.
“You look parched, doll,” Crocodile said as he brushed a bang from her eyes.
Shivs peered up at him. “I would not say ‘no’ to a sweet white.”
A noise escaped him that could have been a fond one as he lifted her off his lap and rose. The sound of his retreating footsteps filled the quiet. He’d gone to his study, judging by the distance. Shivs got up as well and shimmied the negligee down. Despite everything, she did not feel like taking it off. It felt nice against her flushed skin.
She sauntered to the curved window wall and found the view precisely as she remembered it. A sea of nightlights twinkled across the city below, mirroring the deep blue, star-speckled sky above. The moon hung low, waning from view. It wasn’t long before he returned. She heard him uncork a bottle behind her and fill two glasses. The snap and swoosh of his lighter. The familiar scent of his cigar preceding him as he came to stand beside her, still naked.
He held a glass out to her, a cigarillo clamped against its curve. The wine was a deep bronze instead of the pale yellow usual to white wines. She accepted the glass and smoke, gaze lingering on the narrow slot through its delicate stem. It allowed him to hold them with his hook without slipping. She glanced sideways and up at him. A fond smile twitched her lips when she noticed his hair was neater than before. He’d evidently taken a comb to it for a hot second.
Shivs put the cigarillo in her mouth and turned to find his lighter lying on the nightstand beside the wine bottle, and a corkscrew with its split cork still attached. She glanced at the label as she lit the cigarillo. It read ‘1811’ in large, proud capitals, and a name in a curving script she couldn’t be bothered to try and decipher. She would not be able to afford it, anyway.
Taking a sip, she returned to his side. The wine was sweet, indeed. With hints of lime, honey, saffron. She made herself comfortable against him, her bum resting on his thigh. “It’s a nice view,” she said as she blew out a thin pall of smoke.
He glanced down at her and their gazes crossed as he idly stroked her hip. “It is.”
Shivs leaned into his touch, sipping the wine. It really was, very good.
“Clever scheme you’ve gotten up to, in order to save the loser’s sorry hide,” Crocodile remarked as he blew a smoke ring against the narrow cloud she’d just produced. “But it has a flaw.”
Shivs let her weight shift from his thigh to his loin, only the soft silk between them. “You sure?”
A self-satisfied smile twitched behind his cigar as he gave her hip a squeeze. “None of this will work on Dracule.”
Only because I don’t have a penis, she thought, but no matter. They may have both grown older, but Croki was still fundamentally the same man she’d left years ago. And that would work for her, she was sure of it. Inevitably, Mihawk would pick on Bugs. She would take it upon herself to get irritatingly upset about it. Mihawk would no doubt insult her next, and Sir Self-Satisified here would take it personally by-proxy and shut him up. It’d be a win.
“I’ll think of something,” Shivs said as she blew a thin pall through his smoke ring, dispersing it.
He glanced at her, amused. “He’s partial to good wine, at least.”
“I’ll take it under advisement.”
She nipped her own wine, idly rubbing her thighs together. Pleasure skulked around the base of her spine, denied but not forgotten. She made a little noise against her glass when she felt his hand move up her thigh, his thumb brush under the edge of the negligee.
“Still needy?” he said as he bunched up the fine silk, rubbing his middle and ring finger against her clit in slow circles. It sent lazy sparks of pleasure straight to her brain. Drawing a shuddering whimper from her as he dipped his middle finger between her folds.
“Cum for me, honey,” Crocodile rumbled as he lightly ran the tip of his finger along the inner rim of her vagina, then teased the sensitive spot further down. Shivs gasped through her moan as the briefest shudder of an orgasm stole over her like a thief in the night. It was not enough, not nearly enough.
“N-need more,” she said as she put the glass down with a wobble. Reached for his large hand when he stopped, withdrew, tugging it back. Bunching two of his fingers together, of a mind to stick them into herself if he didn't.
“Come to our board meeting tomorrow. You’ll come sit with me and I’ll take good care of your needy little hole.” He shook her fussy touch and caught her pubes, massaging his palm firmly against her soft cunt, pressing her bum against his cock. “You can ride my palm like you used to, and I’ll make you cum on my fingers till your tight pussy is sore from cramping around them.”
Shivs wasn’t particularly keen on doing any of this semi-publically, least of all anywhere Bugs would be. Though she feared she wouldn’t be able to talk herself out of this, as easily as she’d talked herself into it.
“Don’t worry, doll. I’ll leave the pathetic clown alone,” Crocodile promised as he stroked her flat belly with the rounding of his hook. “Can’t beat the loser if my hand is occupied with something sweeter, hm?”
Shit. She had to tell Bugs. Forewarned, forearmed, and all that. She turned in his hold, his hand moving to her butt instead. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then,” she said, but he caught her wrist when she took a step back.
“Ah, ah,” he admonished as he stopped her, pulled her with him, back into bed. “You’re staying with me tonight.”
“I, what? Why?” 
Suddenly, she wanted to leave as he gathered her against him, nestling her into his lap and chest, spooning his large body around her like a cage. She wanted to leave, wanted to go to Buggy and cry when he guided his cock back inside her still moist pussy with an incriminating noise and a satisfied rumble. She’d meant to turn this trick and tell Buggy about it. Tell him her plan to manipulate the ex-warlord to leave him alone, to leave them alone. Tell him it had worked. 
Shivs pushed herself on her elbow but Crocodile pulled her back down to him.
“Stay,” he said as he hooked the fluffy underblanket and silk cover sheets about them, his arm around her waist, hand on her hip.
“Why.” She had to tell Buggy, but now she couldn’t. She’d left after they’d gone to bed. She hadn’t told him yet. He didn’t know. He’d wake up alone.
Crocodile stroked the midline of her belly with the tip of his hook, rippling the cream-coloured silk as it moved up her chest, counting to the fifth rib. The one behind which her heart sat.
“Wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise.”
A quiet sob escaped her.
"Ssh, sleep, honey," Crocodile whispered into her hair, fingertips stroking her hip. “I’ll take good care of you tomorrow.”
Honourary mention tags: @smut-goblin , @ruledbyproblematique , @gingernut1314 , @swirlsofblackandwhite
(N/A): To anyone reading & making it to the end. Writing this has consumed me the past days. I want to know what you think! What did you like? What made you laugh? Was there something specific you noticed? Something you now wonder about? I am 100% open to lengthy comments and blow by blows, ngl. I am obsessed with this.
If you want for more, I jotted down some of my own thoughts regarding this debacle. I may also be plotting another stint. Because Impel Down, do you understand me??
131 notes · View notes
criminology anon again. It is such a cool major and I get to learn a lot of cool things. Currently have an internship with an investigative team of detectives so pretty hyped about that. If you still need ideas, you would write about maybe the reader coming back from working on a case and it didn’t end the way she wanted it to so Jack takes care of her?
Loved your response to my last ask I ate that up !
Ah, so glad you enjoyed! And congrats on your internship, that's so amazing! I personally had the most draining day in uni so writing some Jack comfort was absolutely what I needed. That's also why it's definitely longggg, and it has some Luke in it too (platonic). Enjoy <3
(to make this blurb mild for all, i did not go into any details on the mentioned case)
Jack Hughes x Criminology!OC, Luke Hughes x OC
It had been a day.
Scratch that, it had been a week.
A week of being in another state, a week of meetings, a week of assisting on the investigation.
All for it to end like that. God it has been tearing at my insides since we walked out of that precinct.
Kev tried to help. She's been at this for a years, but talking to her on the plane made it clear that even for a veteran like herself this case was hard.
All I have been able to think about is coming home. And now I'm stuck outside the door, unable to take out my key and even unlock it. I don't want to bring this inside, home is my safe place and after everything I just can't help the feeling of unsettled energy sitting on my chest.
"Crim, you're back!" Luke's voice is what shakes me from my own head space, the nickname he gave me when he first found out my major making the slightest smile come to my face. I'm still tense, but I can't help but turn to face the kid as he takes long strides down the hall, his arms wrapping around me as both our bags fall to the floor. "We missed you around here."
"I miss you too, Kid," I whisper, tears already threatening to spill.
"What are you two doing in the hallway?" Jack's voice interrupts our hug, and I guess I missed the door opening because he's standing there, dazzling sleepily in grey sweatpants and the shirt of my alma mater on his body, having gotten it my freshman year. As if sensing my question, he smiles softly. "I heard both your bags hit the floor. You two are loud."
"You are so not one to talk," Luke groans, grabbing both of our bags and shoving past his brother with no real fire. Poor boy.
I'm still in the hallway. He's standing inside the doorway. And it's now that our eyes fully meet, his shoulders falling.
"It didn't go well," It's not a question, he knows simply from how I'm standing what the answer is. "Come here baby," He coos, taking my hand and pulling me into the apartment, closing the door as we move towards our room.
The lights are low, only the Christmas lights I strung up around the edge of the room during the holidays being left on as he coaxes me to sit on our bed. He doesn't say anything, ask any questions, just moves around the room in silence as he goes to his dresser, grabbing a pair of sweat pants and one of my favorite hoodies, his favorite hoodie, from his drawer and bringing them over.
"Here baby, how about you put these on and I'll go grab the ice cream and we'll see where we left off with New Girl, yeah?"
"Thank you," I thank, him kissing the top of my head with a smile before walking back to the door.
"You don't have to thank me for doing exactly what you do for me after tough games," His voice vibrates back into the room.
And it's with slow hands that I peel off my business casual and pull on his sweats, pulling my hair from where it was sitting on the top of my head.
Two knocks later, I'm already leaning against the headboard of the bed, quilt pulled up high against my chest.
"J, you don't have to knock to come in our room," I can't help but chuckle, although it's Luke's curly head that pops in first, his hands holding 3 soda's as Jack trails in, a bowl of popcorn and a bowl of chocolate strawberries in hand.
"Someone felt left out and wanted to join us," Jack explains, curling into my side as Luke throws his lanky body at the foot of our bed. Jack's lips meet the side of my head again, wrapping his arm around me. "He noticed how upset you were earlier and wanted to be sure you were okay," Is the explanation he whispers in my ear, my heart warming.
"Thank you for all of this," I whisper, Luke too distracted by the remote to notice our conversation.
"I'm just glad you're home, I missed you," He responds, shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth.
"I miss you too, babe."
"Hey, I'm here too," Luke grumbles, having rolled onto his other side and looking pouty. "Did anyone miss me?"
"Always Kid, always."
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