#well their fanbase is accepting I'll open up there
idsb · 2 years
“The bad guy’s got it coming” is what they tell you They build you up to break you down when it turns out that’s not true The story’s played for decades and I fear it never ends Because world isn’t a story, and some scars just never mend
And fairytales die on the cold, hard ground They say fleeing the castle will get you out But you try and write and the pages just bleed Together with scars every time you feel free Screaming at the sky won’t make a sound Sometimes fairytales die on the cold, hard ground
Run from the king like they told you should Forgot to mention an underdog never could Cry to the town as they chase you down No one believes you when you make a sound You made it away but you’re never out And fairytales die on the cold, hard ground
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cassiefromhell · 10 months
Unexpected (pt. 2)
Part One Edit: Part Three
Fanbase: acotar
Eris x Reader x Azriel
Summary: Reeling from the shock of discovering you have another mate, you realize that you need to tell Eris about your predicament.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: suggestive
A/N: Requests are OPEN! Check my pinned message for details on what I'll write <3
I stare for a long, hard moment at this winged male.
He takes a step forward.
I take a step back, slipping my hand to my side, where a slim dagger is hidden under the flowing fabric of my skirt.
“This must be strange for you,” he murmurs, raising his hands slowly. “I know that you’re mated to Eris, but the moment you walked in, I could feel��”
I bare my teeth at him, fingertips grasping the handle of my knife. “Who knows?” Instinct has a snarl building in my throat. I’be worked my entire life to have a pretty, elegant, no-hitches mating ceremony, and this… odd… occurrence will not get in my way.
Hurt crosses his pretty face. “What do you mean who knows?”
“He must know,” I hiss, pointing to the first male—Cassian. Which means this one is… “Azriel. Who else have you told?”
“No one.”
“Good,” I release my knife, turning on my heel and working my way through the crowd. “Tell no more, and no one gets hurt.”
And I mean it. I’m a trained assassin. 
They let me leave without much struggle, but I am well aware of the shadows that are pooled at my feet, stalking my movements. The dancers let me pass easily, simply whirling and twirling out of my way.
I reach the doors in record time, grabbing a croissant to shove in my mouth on the way out. With a point of my index finger, the candle next to Eris’s throne on the dais lights up — our signal that something is wrong.
I stride out of the ballroom, heading straight for our bedroom. I only make it halfway there before I find myself in a storage closet, on my knees, unable to breathe. The shadows stopped following me just outside the door, and I can see where they block the light filtering in through the gap between the floor and the door.
Resting my forehead on the ground, I try to catch my breath and process what is happening. 
I start by listing what I know:
Eris is my mate.
I love Eris.
I am going to officially accept Eris as my mate tomorrow at 11a.m. during a brunch time mating ceremony.
There’s another male, an Illyrian, who is also my mate.
I think.
A soft tug comes from the half-formed mating bond, snapping me out of my haze.
The only problem? I’m not sure which bond is being pulled.
My problem is solved quickly, however, as Eris’s soft voice cuts into my consciousness from the loose thread connecting us. 
Love? Are you alright? I see the candle, and I can’t find you.
I sit up straight, leaning against a wall. I left. I’m in some closet down the hall.
I’m on my way. What happened?
I bite my lip, suddenly realizing that I’ll need to inform Eris of this…mishap. 
I’ll explain when you get here. I really, really love you, you know.
He sends a feeling of pure, undeniable love down the bond. It means more than words.
Not even forty seconds later, the door is opened, and my ginger lover is striding to my side. 
“That was fast,” I murmur, leaning into him when he pulls me to his chest. “Like, really fast. How did you find me that quickly?”
“It’s the strangest thing,” he folds me into his lap, taking my place against the wall. “Azriel’s shadows followed you.”
My head snaps up at the name. “You know him?”
He nods. “We’ve collaborated on multiple things — the Hybern War and the human queen situation, to name a few.”
I remember him telling me about those stories. About the spy that he didn’t particularly like, and his companion, which he liked less. 
I burst into tears.
He sighs softly. “Little flame, what has you so upset?” He tucks my head against his shoulder, stroking my hair and lower back. His heart begins to pound, and he must be plotting how to brutally murder whoever’s caused this under his soft exterior.
“You’re going to hate me, Eris,” I sob, reaching up to knot my fingers in his hair. “Really, truly, hate me.”
“I could never, my love,” he coos, pulling me closer. “Now, what’s happened?”
“Something awful.”
“Did you… cheat on me?”
“What?” I burst, leaning back. I shift to be straddling his lap, hands on his shoulders. “I could never!”
“Then I don’t hate you,” his index finger reaches up to stroke my tears away.
“You might take that back,” I sniff.
Eris huffs a sharp breath, and places both hands on my hips. “Okay. My love, you need to tell me. I promise to not be angry.”
“You promise.”
“Of course. Pinky promise,” he offers a pinky, hand still at my hip.
I lock our fingers together, and blow out a long breath. “Okay, so, uhm… there’s a reason Azriel’s shadows are following me. I saw him for the first time at the party tonight. And it just… clicked. Eris, he’s my mate, too.”
He stills. Completely, and utterly still under me. 
An eternity passes. And then another. I’m certain that with every long minute of silence that passes, he’s adding to a plan to publicly execute me.
At least a bajillion years have flown by when he finally speaks up. “…The mother has a cruel sense of humor, doesn’t she?”
“I’m so sorry,” I suck in a breath, trying to muster the strength I need right now. “I don’t care for him. Not at all. I have no idea who he is, and he’s already stalking me,” I raise my voice at the end, and the shadows pooled beyond the door seem to scatter. “I love you. I do. And I want to go on with the mating ceremony in the morning. I’ve told him to tell no one.”
Eris nods slowly, thumbs rubbing my sides. “Try not to talk like that. If he’s—” he swallows hard, “…your mate… You deserve to have a chance to get to know him.”
“But I love you. You’re my mate.”
“He is, too.”
I groan, taking my bottom lip between my teeth. “Stop being the logical one. You’re supposed to be angry.”
“I am angry, believe me,” he growls. “But not at you. It’s not your fault, and you deserve the best shot at happiness you can get. Even if that means that I’m not the only one you love.”
I don’t respond, staring directly at his chest. I simply can’t look him in the eye. It’s difficult enough to face them with the sinking feeling in my chest, like I’ve betrayed him.
Would it be worth it to even entertain the idea of having another mate? I’ve never heard of it happening. 
In my heart, I am sure that I love Eris. But could I love this other male, too?
“In the end, it’s your decision, little flame,” Eris presses a kiss to my temple. “I don’t exactly like the situation, but I’ll do whatever it takes for you to be happy.”
“I love you,” I whisper, leaning forward against his warmth.
“I love you more.”
I grin, opening my mouth to reply, but he sweeps me up into his arms before I can make a sound. I squeal, gripping his neck to keep myself upright. 
“I say we go back to our party,” he announces, holding me close. “And dance until our feet fall off.”
“I’d be inclined to agree. You paid for really good food.”
He laughs, placing me on the ground and holding me to his side. With a wave of my hand, my tear-streaked makeup is repaired, and Eris tucks a few strands of hair back into place.
Together, we stride back into the hall, ready to face our guests once more — even if one of them may be my mate.
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Eris and I have devolved throughout the night. 
We went from dancing, to talking to guests — avoiding the Night Court group like a plague — to eating, and now we’re drinking absurd amounts of wine with Lucien, High Lord Tarquin, and a few of the latter’s friends from the Summer Court. I think one’s name started with a C.
I’m on my… fifth? Sixth? I don’t know, but I’ve drank many glasses of Fae wine.
I’m seated next to Eris, our chairs pushed together so that I can rest my head on his shoulder.
“Why’d you two even leave earlier?” Tarquin asks, sipping his wine — he’s much more conservative, and has had far less than us.
“Do you need to ask?” Lucien hiccups. His hand flies up to cover his eyes. “Please, don’t ask. I don’t want to hear about my brother’s fuck life.”
Eris scowls, looking tempted to throw the glass in his hand at his younger brother. I take the glass out of his hand to prevent that scenario, patting his shoulder soothingly.
“Lucien,” I start. “I assure you, that is not why we left.”
“Then why?” Tarquin asks once more, gesturing to Eris and I. “You practically ran out, and two minutes later he was on your tail.”
I open my mouth, then close it. When I look up to Eris to make him conjure up a story, he has his eyes locked on something else.
Straightening, I follow his gaze. 
And lo and behold, Azriel Shadowsinger is standing there.
The Illyrian’s wings frame his broad shoulders, and his entire body looks rigid. His expression is unreadable, as I hear it always is. His attention is undoubtedly glued on me.
Next to him is Cassian, who was speaking until my eyes shifted to him.
I would go on to observe them further, but Eris pulls my face to his, and suddenly his lips are on mine, his hand rooted in my hair.
Perhaps Eris is bothered by this situation a little more than he was letting on.
Nevertheless, I’m not complaining, and I part my lips for him. His tongue makes sweeping moments through my mouth, eliciting little noises from my throat, my hands finding their way into his rouge locks.
I pull away just enough to glare at Lucien, the male making a gagging motion.
“Fuck you,” I laugh, taking a cookie and whipping it at his head. He ducks, then throws a scone right back.
Love? Eris purrs down the bond.
Hmm? I reply, glancing over at him.
What do you say we go back to our room? He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. I think I could use a little practice for tomorrow. 
Practice, huh? I hum, shivering as he traces a finger down my spine.
He sweeps me up into his arms as a reply, and I laugh, wrapping my arms around his neck.
“We’ll see you in the morning, lovepixies,” Tarquin calls after us, followed by gagging noises from Lucien. A few of the summer court bunch laugh at the younger Autumn Court heir’s antics. Luckily, sneaking off together and public affection isn’t particularly uncommon in the days surrounding a mating ceremony — Fae culture.
His mouth is on mine once more as we make our grand escape, kissing me with the passion of the High Lord he is. My back hits a wall, followed by my legs being hoisted around his waist, skirt bunching at my hips.
I bite down hard on my bottom lip when his mouth trails down my neck. He leaves sloppy kisses and licks in his wake, hands trailing up along my spine.
A sharp tug on the bond comes, and I gasp sharply, eyes zeroing in on Eris. “What was that for?”
“Hmm?” He glances up at me, halfway to being on his knees. “What was what for?”
“You tugged,” I murmur.
“No,” he frowns, straightening. “I didn’t.” He places me back on the ground, his eyes narrowing around the corner. I’m not even sure if he’s aware of how he tucks me behind his back.
And, right on cue, Azriel Shadowsinger comes into sight.
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theangrypokemaniac · 11 months
Part Three
Almost everything I forgot.
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One of these days I'll get someone to explain the appeal of Training Daze.
Years I've been on Tumblr, YEARS now, and I've never known an episode so cradled and cooed over in a bizarre, lock-step frenzy of undiluted praise, as if we all agree it's a blessing upon mankind.
Even the great Holy Matrimony!, too good for this sinful world that it was, never got that kind of senseless adulation.
And God rest its sweet, sweet soul.
I almost suspect this constant deluge of non-criticism serves as a shiny veneer coating the rather insalubrious reality, conditioning the entire fandom to swallow what it's spooning.
Because if everyone says it's good, it MUST be, right?
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Is it just another perfectly harmless coincidence that Hoenn, being the first region after Team Rocket's creator left, is also the one to wipe so much established history away?
1. Ash effectively starts all over again with no Pokémon, setting the pattern for every era to come.
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2. The entire past of Jessie and James is flushed down the shitter, making their connection much more shallow and conditional.
Prior to this, we knew they'd bonded long before as children, and so joining a crime empire didn't change anything.
But now? Well, if they only met as members, that's all their relationship is based upon.
They might have nothing in common otherwise, with completely conflicting personalities.
I mean, we can't really know if they'd stay together in the real world, can we?
No indeed, and let's be realistic: why would two complete strangers even want to be together?
What, just because they happen to work on the same team, that means they're gonna get married?
Ah come on, that's a bit of a stretch.
I work with loadsa people. I didn't fall in love with any of 'em.
Look, kids. One of these days you're gonna have to accept that people can be Just Friends without deluding yourself imagining all sorts of romantic fantasies.
Yeah. Shipping them is so silly, when you really think about it.
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The way her legs cover his belt gives the impression James is boasting some sort of Team Rocket onesie.
3. As part of this Brave New World, the Rocketshipping element all about disappears from the script.
At a push, you have The Bicker the Better and 'But Jessie, sweetheart', and that's it, in four series.
Five if you're counting the spin-off.
Compare that to no hugs, no hand-holding, Sweet Baby James and this hammer blow:
Max: And I thought you were just a nice old couple.
Jessie: No one's ever called us old!
James: An certainly NOT a couple.
Oh? I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch that heavy-handed 'hint'.
Interesting that it started off as James openly rejecting her, but later developed into Jessie barely tolerating him.
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I wish I'd been in the fandom then.
I'd love to know how this mythos of Training Daze as a piece of perfect wonder gained ground in the old forums, fans welcoming such blatant disrespect with open arms.
Or how early PoCo shills silenced dissent.
Yeah, this does completely annihilate every fragment of Team Rocket lore that we loved and cherished.
Now here's why that's A Good Thing...
Well no, flower. You can have the Indigo universe or this atrocity.
Pick one.
Go on. Do it. Why is that an uncomfortable choice?
Why would anyone spare a moment for something so contemptuous of its own fanbase it feels able to tear up and trample upon the very characters we care about?
Eh, they might as well I suppose.
No-one ever answers back.
On the contrary, they'll rush to defend, excuse and celebrate every deliberate manoeuvre.
For example:
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Oooooooh! But what about the title?
The sub is called The Origin of Love of Youth!, which, I grant you, sounds promising, but mere words papering over shameless actions are no good to anyone.
First, whilst I suppose the translation is flawed, I'm not sure how this can be an 'origin of youth', given Jessie and James no longer meet in childhood, and are instead as old as they ever will be.
As for an 'origin of love', they've got some bloody nerve, kicking off the most openly Anti-Shipping region by burning the heart out of it, before finishing with James declaring he'd sooner die than marry Jessie.
And Pokémon, more or less over now, ended with them STILL not together, with every sign in between telling us it would never happen anyway.
Exactly what 'love' began here?
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I expect Training Daze was slipped into a side-series to contain a potential backlash, where it would all be quietly forgotten without overshadowing the rest of Hoenn.
That miracle unforthcoming, the crew were thus emboldened to insert their various affronts to public decency into the main run, so now you can just shut up and like what yer given.
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Yet this chilly Year Zero apocalypse leaves a vast wasteland in its wake, coercing fans to gobble up whatever comes along to plug the gap.
Accept Training Daze, and I'll presume you believe Crossing Paths! out of necessity, meaning Jessie is essentially a wriggling pervert with revoltingly warped desires, and if she asks you to come down the cellar then don't you be going.
'Cause yer won't come back.
As for James, you can go two ways:
• Left home at ten — ?????? — Team Rocket.
• Left home recently, and thus spent his life with Jessibelle, settled and uncomplaining, but doing a bunk once she put the banns up.
Take the first road, and there's a chasm of mysterious blackness in his background that remains unfilled to this day, and now never will be.
But opt for the second, and James chucked Jessibelle after leading her on for years, pissing off as soon as she wanted commitment, and was therefore as cruel and faithless to her as Darren the Div was to Orange Jessie.
Well cheers, retcon!
Hang on. I'll see what I can do.
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Every recollection James has is always of his time at home, where he's never any younger or older than his missing poster, as if all his memories come from one single year.
There's no proof he was there at a later date, but also none that he wasn't, since we never see him beyond that age.
So thanks to this bollocks, we now have live with Jessie being a depraved sicko chasing after snotty nerds (NERDS, MAN!!!) and James potentially mistreating women.
Hah! You don't wanna ship 'em now, do yer?
And you wonder why I hate canon balls.
Oh really? Proceed.
...WELL!...Well!...Well now.
See...what happened was...well OBVIOUSLY...they split up in the bike gang didn't they? And then... then they went...somewhere else...
AND THEN...then...they just so happened to join Team Rocket...at the exact same time.
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The first rule of propaganda is that a lie told enough times becomes the truth by virtue of repetition.
But the way this is regurgitated to shield a multi-billion dollar franchise goliath like poor defenceless PoCo from criticism is truly humiliating, for all concerned.
You'd imagine it was a well-documented fact given how often its rolled out, not an obvious Cope driving me fookin' insane!
How can it be a continuation if the sub's calling itself an origin?!
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They're using The Bridge Bike Gang to prop up a shitshow that erases it in the first place, meaning any 'evidence' the former provides can't even exist in this timeline.
Which doesn't matter, as there isn't any.
Nowhere in that adventure are Chopper or Tyra surprised to see them together, nor do Jessie and James make any reference to a separation.
In fact they've not a single unhappy memory of their time there.
And what kind of excuse opens more questions than it answers?
Believe it, and they both left the gang in a huff, disappeared off the earth for an unknown period, before being independently inspired to join the Mafia, which was handy.
Where the bloody hell were they in between?
What argument could be so awful they vowed never to make it up, to the point they couldn't abide the sight of one another, and stormed off, planning never to meet again, for all the rest of their years left upon earth?
What was it even about?!
And how much time are we talking about?
Weeks? Months? Years?
Well a full decade of missing time, according to the above, being as Duh Twenny Fyve and that.
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Ooh, but there's plenty o' clues during Training Daze, I'm sure. We just have to eke 'em out.
Ol' Fat Bastard Bullroarer Took introduces Jess to her new colleague, who — GASP! — happens to feature prominently in one of her multiple-choice Shameful Secret Pasts.
All together now:
It's a small world after all!
And that's enough to knock any girl off her crumpet.
Things Jess WILL say:
• Hmm. You seem familiar.
• Eh? Have we met before?
• Well, well, well. Long time no see.
• Hey, James! It's me, Jessie! Whoa, I can't believe this! How've you been keeping?
• Oh! You again!
• EH?! You mean HIM?! Oh no, you can forget that!
• What? JAMES?!
It's coming, man. You'll see.
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BUT! But! James will say it! He'll know her, no problem.
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Not a flicker of recognition. At all.
Nor is there a single second of footage referencing this supposed Big Argument, proving it's an entirely fabricated excuse trying so hard to clean up after PoCo's tornado of death swept through the ship.
So why lie and pretend otherwise?
But whilst we're here, let's have a look at that definitely-not-cheesy thing James just said.
No one's carried me since my momma.
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Yeah. The mother you're talking about there isn't your real mother Ma James, is it?
Else you mean no one's carried you since your governess, three nannies and a footman, til he put his back out.
Again, Holy Matrimony! is no longer canon, thus neither is the rest of Kanto, for the simple reason Hoenn James's 'momma' is some rough, chain-smoking fishwife with six kids by eleven men.
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Actual documentary footage.
Well, it's the same accent, so I suppose that's something.
Although I will say, if you try to make it fit, it sounds like James did run off as a boy, even if his home was completely different.
So it doesn't work anyway.
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Note that the only way you can have both Indigo and Hoenn canon mixed into some no-doubt cosy Frankenstein freak, offering out milk and there-there hugs, is by accepting that Jessie and James will and can separate over the most trivial issues, thereby leading you to also tolerate, and even justify, all the other Team-Rocket-Are-Splitting-Up episodes to come.
And I don't know why any of us would, as every one of them is predicated on Jessie and James NOT being a couple, not a sniff of hidden feelings even, for walking away is perfectly easy when there's no emotions involved.
Hmm. I don't remember any split-up episodes during the first series.
Certainly not. And guess why.
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Now this was Nu-Thinking in its infancy, and yet to gain a foothold, meaning some attempt was made to rationalise the change.
But there's no explanation for how Crossing Paths! connects to Pokémon Tech., the bike gang, or even the Chansey School, given they've all to got to fit around Jessie's late-childhood crisis of Nurse Joy cosplay.
Perhaps it shows Training Daze did its job: buttering 'em up enough to take any punch to the gut, as long as it provided Feeble Emo Feelz in compensation.
Swear down, sometimes I think Pokémon only had a coherent narrative when it was gonna be a one-off.
Soon as that dream died it all went to pot.
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During Sinnoh, for example, we go from the Jessie of Noodles! Roamin' Off! telling James to eff off home and marry Jessibelle, to the Jessie of Where No Togepi Has Gone Before! who is implied to be sharing a bed with him.
Take them both as true, and she's a manipulative bitch and bloody abusive, with James as her sad-bastard simp.
And thanks to retcon magic, they always were like that now.
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Because of the Noodles! ending, we're expected to forgot the beginning, where James almost killed himself trying to bring Jessie back.
Seems the writing can't even stay logical in one episode, as according to this she longs to spend eternity with him, but as for her life?
Nah, some other bird can take the hassle.
Everyone says James's childhood was a vision of horror, for growing up the cosetted only son of two billionaires is exactly as traumatic as struggling to survive as a homeless, starving orphan.
And don't let them pesky peasants tell you otherwise.
But then you have Jessie ordering him back to it.
So either his home life isn't so bad after all, or it is, and she'll happily send James into Hell rather than suffer him a moment longer.
It's SO shippy tho.
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Oh look, another minger.
Like a Bay City Rollers tribute act with that collar.
If you were charitable, stooping to admit Dr. Shipman was 'alright', even then, does he remotely compare to James?
Should we limit it to the ugly, boss-eyed Kalos style, then STILL James is superior, because he retains at least a portion of his anime roots.
Besides which, I can never forget James was once better animated, whereas for Dr. Crippen, this mug is as good as it gets.
And it's shit.
But, let's give him his due, he seems to possess two fully working eyes, which puts him one up on Daz 'n' Ozzy, even if they are the Fish-Eyed stare of a psychopath.
Of course, bringing him back down to their level is having No Bloody Nose, just a bridge which...goes nowhere.
And what's up with his neck?
Why is it so thin and elongated like a flamin' lollipop stick?
T.A.P's Law: Never trust a man with a long neck.
There's always a kink in it, like their souls.
Necks like that come from peering over walls to perv on silly women changing with the curtains open.
Conversely, never trust a man with no neck either.
That's from lurking in the bushes.
Is it, AGAIN, a coincidence that Jessie gets pawed off on to the most low-rate arse pickings possible?
What are you telling me? That Jessie is THIS worthless she goes for absolute biological crap, and since they don't want her, she is beneath them?!
And as she can't so much as stomach James, he's even worse than her?!
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You look pretty today, Jessie.
I like your ear.
I'm irked at how, in a way, Dr. Shite is close to reasonable, at least within the restrictions of Kalos, yet the 'artists' made sure to stay just on the wrong side of average.
Had that flat, lank rug, supplying a chip shop its annual grease quota in one flick, been coloured black, we could've worked with it, turd-polished him up as the 'tall, dark and handsome' stereotype.
But NO!
Instead, they go for a murky shade between brown and grey, i.e. sludge.
Calm yourself, ladies.
Had his eyes been truly brown, then this could fit with that same 'ideal man' cliché.
But I think they might be veering into red.
Somewhere along the line, him and Darren are in cahoots.
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I insult Dr. Hook relentlessly for this episode, but, all facial flaws aside, it's not his fault.
He never asked for Kalos Jessie to throw her screeching fruit loaf at him; for some utterly unknown lunatic to force herself into his life, expecting to take over.
You ought to able to save a bint without her turning out be an obsessive nut claiming to be 'in love' after five minutes.
Really, he showed her nothing but normal human consideration, never led her on, and all the way through, stayed loyal to his midget girlfriend.
He likes her so much his right eye's popped out.
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This is all on Kalos Jess.
She's the one abandoning her mates for a bloody stranger she knows nothing about, who might be a bloomin' serial killer for all she's aware.
Come on, every doctor's offed a few.
She's the one expecting Wobbuffet to take on some tarted-up single mother Wobba and her fatherless offspring.
But is he paying maintenance? 'Cause that's the real question.
She's the one not bothering to tell her friends she's safe, happy to let them go on believing her dead.
Oh, thanks a lot, love.
She's the one who knew James was robbed, beaten and alone, meaning he'd have NO ONE for the foreseeable future, and STILL wouldn't help until she had no other choice.
What a bitch, man!
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Imagine how this was for me.
Little T.A.P. idolized Jessie. That was who I wanted to be when I grew up.
What do you think it is to see someone you love, the lively, fiery and beautiful young girl, twisted into a selfish, dried-up and soulless husk of woman?
We're supposed to see her as a weak, simpering airhead, who's 'in love' (HAH!) with every dribbling chump in her line of vision, which is bad enough when you realize how far she's fallen from the early years.
Have you NO dignity anymore?
But the actual depiction, beyond that sugary superficiality, is of a cold, callous, truly repulsive monster, with such a lack of concern for James's welfare she had to be FORCED to help him.
And I find myself in a state of cognitive dissonance.
I don't consider Kalos Jess to be Indigo Jessie, because the only similarity between them is they occupy the same space in the universe.
Problem is that the passive, 'mainstream view' is that they are, and so, immersed within it, by definition I'm expected to see it that way too.
I'm pressured by the planetary weight of blasé fandom culture, to see this heartless, vindictive harpie as no different from the girl I once hero-worshipped, and, as usual, she now was this all along, forever rotten to the core, and unworthy of my devotion from day one.
And I hate that.
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As with Dr. Death, it would've been so easy to turn this around, scraping over the line of inadequacy with at least SOME redeeming elements.
If, at any point, Jessie had come to her senses, realized where her true heart lay, and ran back to James and Meowth, laughing at her own foolish fancies, I could've blamed it on brain damage.
If, having heard James's anguished plea for help, she'd dropped everything and rushed to his side, just as she did in Noodles!, this might count as the shippy-follows-anti-shippy rule, which I'd have suffered.
But do we get any o' that?
The ONLY reason she bothered to lift a finger to save her oldest friend was as she realized Dr. Fox didn't want her.
Whaddya yer see in him, Jess? He ain't even a man!
He looks about fourteen!
Meaning if Dr. Who HAD reciprocated, Jessie would've happily left James to fend for himself, potentially alone for life.
Yer fookin' evil bastard, Jessie!
Right at the end, she flings her bouquet from the balloon, for she's resigned to a loveless existence.
No wry smile, a shrug, or even philosophical attitude that eh, this is where she belongs, and alls well that ends well.
Nope, she resents coming back, and would leap at the chance to leave again, if anyone (and I do think it's anyone) offered it to her.
As to Kalos Jess, James is the lowest of the low, the pond slime company she settles for when nothing better is available.
He is the worst possible result, who she now can't even abide as a pal.
Oh charming, this is.
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I have only seen this episode once and I will never watch it again, because it broke my bloody heart.
This was it. This was when I realized.
They'll never be together. All your dreams meant nothing.
I had inklings before, but like an idiot I pushed 'em down, unwilling to acknowledge what my own senses told me.
Year upon year of implications and, God help us, 'deconstructions' but this was the episode where the writers' intent was finally out in the open.
And people STILL didn't see it!
Apparently no one thought this hateful, nihilistic tantrum was anything to worry about, even trying to spin it as a positive that she came back at all, despite what it says about her reprehensible attitude.
As sod James and his feelings.
All that matters is Jess gets some half-witted knob-wrench to take her on fulltime.
Meowth can be sold on like a cheap, hand-me-down handbag, whilst James can suck it up and do one.
It's not just the clanging, anvil-to-the-head message that Rocketshipping is dead that got me, it's that it was murdered in the nastiest manner possible.
If it'd carried on as usual, all their romantic interludes fading to nothing, replaced by the anæmic, brother-and-sister creepfest they have now, it would've been a sad, tedious end, but rendered almost unimportant thanks to interest withering away.
But they couldn't even do that!
Instead, it the clear message that James loves her, but Jessie doesn't love him, and thus misery.
Worse, she hasn't a single platonic feeling for James, or even crumb of pity, though this is supposed to be a fella who's stood by her for the last five generations.
Kalos Jess is in fact ice all the way down, without a speck of humanity.
It's not even 'Just Friends' now! 'Cause that was too much to ask for an' all!
How this is meant to gel with Hoenn James's disgust I don't know, but his delight on seeing her, after all she did, downgrades the once-proud, arrogant posh boy into a broken, grovelling snotdrip, hanging around hoping she'll 'settle' for him once she's out of other options.
Fuq's ache, James!
You can do better than her, love. Jessibelle wouldn't have cheeked yer like that.
And then, for utterly no reason at all, Rumishipping suddenly looked attractive.
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Remember how bad the montage was too? That gives you an idea of their opinion.
Although I suppose some of it's practicalities:
A. The 'art style' had degraded so badly by then that any 'best bits' from the first four regions wouldn't fit, instead emphasizing the collapse in quality.
The only answer would be to reanimate every single one, and they don't care that much.
B. A real collection of their finest moments would show Jessie as a warm, magnetic character, giving affection towards James and Meowth, which would somewhat undermine her modern portrayal.
Taken literally, imagine being James, running away crying, and the best memory you have of Jessie is almost dying of anaphylactic shock with her.
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You know how this was supposed to be the 'origin of love'?
Well, about that...
What, you believed 'em?
You thought, if they didn't plan on Jessie and James being together, they'd actually tell you?
What, and watch you walk away, you and that lovely bank account of yours?
Come on, they've gotta milk yer dry first.
Here's where Zero Tolerance becomes a winning strategy, because we're only in this cesspit thanks to fans putting up with the steady decline in standards.
• You liked the above picture, so you agreed with rewriting canon.
Or, you took a blowtorch to Kanto, melted it beyond recognition, and stuffed Training Daze into the gloop, meaning you accepted Jessie and James can split up.
But that was alright, as it happened offscreen.
No worries.
• You got tearful over the end of Noodles!, and thus overlooked them parting on-screen, with her telling him to marry Jessibelle, confirming that Jessie and James have no romance.
But that was alright, as she soon came running once he was in need.
Also no worries.
• Now, we get to Kalos, after a full region of no shippy scenes between, and lo and behold, Jessie leaves James on-camera, openly pesters another man, and despises James so much she'll knowingly let him suffer.
But THAT was alright, as she... she... she came back didn't she? Thanks to the conventions of the programme.
No worries!
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From the day I learnt Cassidy and Butch were back, I KNEW it'd be terrible.
Not just as it always is, but announcing this on Christmas Eve, thereby parading it as a gift, was tempting fate.
When the sub aired, the one surprising element was people actually complaining about the substandard offering, for once.
Yeah, they'd cheered on every other travesty in this post, but NOW things were serious.
Yet strangely, I didn't find it so awful.
It's a bad episode yes, but there are worse out there, certainly in Galar, and the tone was so slapdash and stupid I couldn't take it seriously.
So why all the fuss?
I would guess many viewers were holding on this long, trusting it'd all be worth it one day, but every disappointment was like the tick-tick-tick of a bomb countdown.
And here's where time ran out.
Something about The Good, the Bad and the Lucky! set off so many explosions, as if THIS was the one, THIS had to be the prize, THIS must be what they'd waited for all these decades.
And when it wasn't, then BOOM!
Too little, too late, sunshine. They don't need to please you now.
Team Rocket are gone, and Tumblerries who wouldn't fight are shocked they lost the war.
Yet there are also daft fans out there STILL insisting the happy-ever-after will come in the very, very last installment, if you only wait another twenty years or more, watching and paying as you go, up to when future writers won't have to bother.
Why should they deign to please you when no kids will remember who Jessie and James are by then?
Maybe we did have the ending we deserved, given no one cared enough to make a stand.
And it's not that I begrudge anyone speaking out now.
I only wish you'd said something when it could've made a difference.
End of Part Three
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janggtoco · 1 year
hello <3 sorry i live in asia i think you’re asleep/about to sleep whenever i send asks 😭
how was the cb!! i personally love all the songs on the album. i’m an ass shaker AND depressed so they truly catered to my demographic. my ranking: super - idubilu - fuck my life - fire - dust - april shower (april shower is the only one i’m not CRAZY crazy about really, but i like it still!) what’s your opinion on each song on the album?
being on twitter during this cb is giving me whiplash tbh they’re breaking records and people cheered woohooo then here come [redacted members of a fandom] who are trying to discredit them and saying the vilest most immature shit i’ve seen. i saw one related to bin and i wanted to actually pick a fight but they deleted their account after getting flak. pussy. i’ve been so riled up that i actually started streaming religiously (like i followed the streaming guidelines and all) to drive up views and streams out of spite and sheer pettiness. youtube spotify apple music youtube music YOU NAME IT LMAOOOO they’re truly testing me as a “hag”
and it’s nice to see that you’re going to therapy 🩵 how’s that going for you so far? i hope your therapist is a good fit <3 and know that whenever you feel lonely or that everyone hates you, you have a friend here who will listen n actually likes you (me)!!
have a great week ahead <3 sorry if this was long !
-🐻‍❄️ (can i use that? “hi it’s the same anon from before, the one who likes to check in on you” is getting long 😮‍💨)
lol that's okie! your asks are always a pleasure to wake up to. it's a nice start to my day and makes me smile :3 i hope i do the same for you <3
i love the comeback! personally, this mini is fighting going seventeen for my fave album from them because i enjoy every song to some extent! i cant wait to see the mcountdown performance tbh!! the choreo looks insane and the tiktok challenge is lowkey sadistic 😭 my ranking is idubilu - april shower - fml - dust - super - fire! i really enjoy all of the songs though, fire and super is more of just like.. if i'm running/work out songs for me though lol. idubilu is MY song though. probably my fave song of theirs along with i don't know and good to me like she's THAT girl!!
it's a certain toxic part of a certain fandom that just can't accept the organic growth that svt has... anything svt does is always "well, they wouldn't be this big without [redacted]" or "so funny they think they have global influence like [redacted]".. what's funny is i never cared about streaming but i too started streaming out of spite just bcs they pissed me off so much 😭 they're pretending to be mad over photocards just to discredit the fact the carat fanbase is HUGE and not full of people who will mass buy albums just to throw them away. i may be a hag but at least i have the money to buy albums ! (also sick to hear that they're using bin's name for stupid fanwars. it's really so upsetting to see the lengths kpop stans will go to..)
and therapy is going really well actually 🥺 i really like my therapist and she's been really understanding with everything and opened my eyes on a lot.. it's funny, every week she says "i'm still trying to put the puzzle of you together" because i bring up some new trauma or event every week 😭 but she's so nice and i'll tell her about youtube videos i'm watching and stuff she always gets so excited with me. it's weird going every week but it's definitely needed and it's kind of a nice catch up and to process everything that happened in the past week! and that's so nice anon :((( ngl, your first message came during a really rough and dark day and it was weird just knowing that someone you haven't interacted with cares enough to reach out.. i don't think i properly thanked you but.. thank you :(( your messages help more than i think you even know <3
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
I literally saw a tweet yesterday that was along the lines of "Johnny's gonna wake up and see how much Simone killed it at the Met Gala and he's gonna be so happy" and I was like...? I'm sure they're friends, they at least seem like it from interviews and bts stuff but I don't think they're that close or that he cares that much about? There's just a lot weird mythologizing around their friendship. And that goes for the whole cast basically.
I mean, I'll be real, I don't think I've seen any video interviews of them together and I'm not big on delving into the cast members' personal relationships with each other. So I can't judge. I do know I read a quote a month or so back where she said they texted almost daily, so I do think they get along very well and are friends, unless that was bullshit. But friendship is in levels--I've been really super tight with work friends during the work day, but haven't kept up with them after leaving the job. I have friends I can not text on a daily basis but who light up my life whenever we're physically together. I have friends I talk to every day who I've never met in person.
But yeah, this always happens with fandoms... Especially when they're trying to lowkey ship two people who can't or shouldn't be shipped together. I remember back in the day when Game of Thrones was airing there were people who'd outright ship Emilia Clarke and Jason Momoa together, even though he was married to Lisa at the time and she was dating various people (obviously, having partners doesn't mean people can't hook up, but I think Fandom Rules frown on that lmao)... But then you'd have another subset of people who'd just like "EMILIA IS JASON'S BEST FRIEND EVER AND THEY CONSTANTLY TALK AND THINK OF ONE ANOTHER" because they didn't want to look like they were shipping their fave with a married father of two... But secretly, they were.
I think it's a similar thing with the dramatization of JB and Simone's relationship. Like, I doubt he laid in his bed thinking of how she conquered the Met Gala for hours because like... I probably wouldn't think that of my friends doing the same lmao. I'd be like omg big moment for you and talk to them about it when we could, but I wouldn't be like... devoting a lot of individual thought time for it lmao.
But because JB is out, fandom can't easily ship him with Simone. Not unless they wanna get draaaagged. So instead they're shipped as besties who like, prioritize each other over romantic partners and anything else in life lmao. But fandom is only pushing it as a friendship, so you can't call them on it.
I also think there's like, a genuine discomfort with JB's identity with fans. Because they have a hard time reconciling the fact that they can be attracted to him and fantasize about the characters he plays. While accepting that he's not into women and has sex with men. It's something you see with a lot of out gay actors that "pass as straight" or otherwise have a significant straight female fanbase--Matt Bomer, Luke Evans, etc. To me, women who want to fuck JB but are like "how can I want gay man" use focusing on his friendship with Simone as a way of distracting from the fact that he has (or had? I know he had one recently-ish, don't know if they're still together) a boyfriend.
When it's like... You can enjoy him with your female gaze as Anthony or other fictional characters he plays. He seems super open to that based off his interviews. He's not restricting or rejecting your gaze. You can respect his sexuality while doing that; you don't have to pretend it doesn't exist. Idk what it is with women having such an issue with admitting that they're attracted to gay men. A man is a man. If you're into men, you could theoretically be into any man regardless of whether or not he's into you.
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klaineownsmysoul · 2 years
Saw a post that said today marks 3 years since D won his GG.. and what has his team done for him since then!!?? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I've seen some of those too and I'll always love seeing pics of D in that amazing jacket. Its still my favorite red carpet look of his and I'm glad he got his moment on air. But to your question...
The short answer:
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The longer answer: abso-fucking-lutely nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Whatever nothing is in every single spoken language on Earth. Its hard to spend the time finding fulfilling worthwhile work for your newly minted multiple award winning client whose talent is only matched by his intelligence, charm and work ethic when your priorities include and are limited to: foisting his talentless smirking jobless unlikeable leech of a wife and their super duper straight relationship/wedding/baby/happily never after to the front of the pack at all times - relegating him to the role as the lucky SOB who gets to go places and be seen with her, calling and arranging "candid" pap pics of her doing the literal bare minimum of being a human (grocery shopping, garbage runs) so she can seem like a validated part of his life, get the attention she so desperately craves but won't actually work for, and so her little stans can squee and coo over what a badass lady she is and isn't he just so lucky to get to be with her and gosh wouldn't it be great to get to meet her because wow, using every bit of promo possible during his awards run to promote the opening of her tacky awful trashy strip bar so the promo that should have centered on him and his performance in ACS was pushed aside in favor of "their" bar, using him in ads for the stupidest shit possible but who cares about integrity when its easy money into RR's pocket AND a way to get the straight m/iarren image out there (and if RR can use that as freebie for himself, well, that's just the icing on the cake) at the same time, making sure that he got himself promo during "Royalties" and a spot in the fakest fake band ever - a more perfect metaphor for D's life you will not find: a band that includes D's manager and wife fake playing and lip syncing to a song that D wrote and sang, making sure that nearly all interviews - print and in person - mention his straightness, the little wifey, their great party, the strip bar, and now the baby and then if there's time, you can throw in some fluff about whatever project of D's this was supposed to be about in the first place, signing D up for a celeb reno show so he gets his cut from D's appearance, free reno for his house, AND 45 minutes of promo for himself as D has to twist into knots pretending that his manager is actually a real friend and great businessman without whom he wouldn't have any of the success he's had and not the lazy vulture and juvenile ridiculous jumping asshat we know he actually is, and last but most definitely not least: utterly and completely fucking up D's xmas album promo and tour. No one should be that bad at their job and be allowed to keep it. Using D's longtime and loyal fanbase as a cash register and not giving a flying fuck about them at all as he lets the tour venues do his dirty work for him by providing the cancellation notices to fans that should have come from D's team first. Still choosing the coward's way out, he put a lame generic bullshit message out about the cancellations via the text service you have to subscribe to to get, thereby ensuring only certain people would see it and it wouldn't look the actual clusterfuck it was. Oh and did I mention that while the cancellations were coming in hot and fast, he continued to push album merch on his instagram like nothing had ever happened?
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I both hate and love the fact that while awful, at least the xmas debacle has removed the blinders that a lot of people had on when it comes to his team, and they're questioning the state of things in his life instead of just blindly accepting it.
I didn't even bring up the whole toxic "work fam" thing they all like to push when nothing could be further from the truth, or the way he's mangled D's SM to the point where 95% of the stuff posted is just garbage and nonsense that would never come out of D's mouth if he had control of it. They would all happily run D ragged across the every timezone if it meant money and airtime for themselves.
D's career is thanks to himself: his own hard work and talent. He got Hedwig because of his own connection with JCM. He'd already landed glee when RR came slithering into his life and his roles in ACS and Hollywood were courtesy of his existing relationship with RM. He's long since outgrown whatever it was that RR might have once done for him and if he ever wants to get back to the level he was on the precipice of in 2019, he needs to dump his worthless ass at the first available opportunity and find an actual pr firm that wants to represent him and not themselves.
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d-criss-news · 3 years
Miss Piggy Opens Up About Why Her LGBTQ+ Fans Love Her So Much
Out chats with the legendary diva and her Muppets Haunted Mansion co-stars Gonzo, Darren Criss, & Yvette Nicole Brown!
Out got the chance to speak to several of the special's star-studded cast members —including the diva herself Miss Piggy, Gonzo, Emmy-winning The Assassination of Gianni Versace and Glee star Darren Criss, and Community and Avengers: Endgame alum Yvette Nicole Brown — about the continuing legacy of the Muppets, making young folks feel represented in the media they watch, and so much more!
*Darren Edit
"It's an honor to have so many fans across the spectrum, and I just adore all my fans," Miss Piggy said, reacting to a 2011 feature story she did with the Out and the reason for her enduring LGBTQ+ fanbase. "I think what it is is that I represent somebody who would not be put down, would not be put in her place. I'm not like everybody else. I'm not. You don't see too many fabulous pigs walking down the street every day. And so I think that's what it is. You gotta be who you are. You gotta be who you are and be proud. And that's what I am."
But Miss Piggy isn't the only Muppet star making waves in the community. Earlier this year, Baby Gonzo drew big headlines after he wore a princess-inspired gown to a royal ball in a July episode of the Muppet Babies entitled "Gonzo-rella," a big, bold, and inclusive move that sent out a special message of acceptance for gender-variant kids all over the world!
"I made that so long ago!" Gonzo said playfully when asked about wearing a dress and express himself as Gonzo-rella in Muppet Babies. "I was just many, many, many, many, many years ago. You can hardly even remember it. And I'm not one of these guys who watches his old stuff. You know, like, I think I'll watch myself on TV. No! I'm dating chickens."
"Well, the Muppets have always been about representation when you think about it," Yvette Nicole Brown added. "Everyone has always been welcome no matter who you are, as long as you come in love and even some that don't come in love."
"I was way ahead of my time," Gonzo concluded.
The Muppets Haunted Mansion special starts streaming October 8 on Disney+!
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wastelandcth · 3 years
In the Mountains - cth
summary: who would've thought hiking with the boys would have ended up being so eventful? as the fifth member of 5sos with a crush on a certain bass player, you’re about to find out. 
author’s notes: thanks to @calumspupils for sending this request in! I hope you enjoy it!
masterlist || request
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You didn't really know how you'd gotten to this point in your life. How you had ended up in a band with four people you'd give the world to, it all still seemed like a fever dream. Most mornings you'd wake up either on a tour bus or in a hotel room miles from home wondering if this was your real-life and it wasn't until you were sat at breakfast with your bandmates that you realized how grateful you were for the twists and turns that had led to your crazy life.
Some days you'd play shows and feel like you were on top of the world, rocking out on stage with your best friends. Some nights the views from the airplanes you'd grown used to being on took your breath away for so long you were afraid you'd actually imagined it all. That all the cameras flashing and fans screaming out lyrics you'd written with the four guys on stage next to you were a figment of your imagination and you'd wake up one day to find it all gone.
"Hey, I know you don't love hiking but...I'm sure we'll make it fun," Calum's voice rang out in the car, bringing you back to the moment at present, "And I'll be there to tell you all the jokes and point out cool rocks," he said with a wink.
Calum Hood. You'd turned your head to face him, the California sun was hitting his skin and making him glow. His bright smile adorning his face as the sunglasses he was wearing slid down his nose to reveal those brown eyes you'd fallen for. His soft voice and gentle teasing bringing warmth to your stomach that always seem to linger whenever you two were alone. It was something that you thought you'd kept to yourself, a little secret, but the comments online only left you a blushing mess.
If you were being honest, you'd been in love with Calum since the first months you'd spent with the band, getting to know each other and making sure you'd be a good fit into the group. those weeks had been filled with outings together where all five of you would spend hours on end telling stories about growing up and then laughing over how the internet blew up when they introduced you to their fanbase. But those few weeks were also spent trying your best to not make a fool of yourself in front of Calum, who seemed to always be at the right place whenever you stumbled or when your voice would crack while you were practicing alone.
You two had clicked instantly, both stuck to each other's hip as you took on the world. You'd write together, spending hours on a couch drafting out possible songs and humming along to tracks that had potential in matching the band's sound. You'd even become neighbors at one point when you'd first moved into the city to be closer for band work. He'd helped you move into the apartment next to his and you'd spent many weekends at each other's place, laughing over the awkward silences when you'd both caught each other glancing for a few seconds too long.
So you were in love with your bandmate, your best friend, with Calum Hood. How bad could it be?
Apparently, very bad. You and Calum had never been the subtle type and although you both pretty much knew there was more than friendship between you two, no one made a move to make it more. Ashton had asked you once when you two had gone out for lunch after a studio session.
"I just can't understand why you two haven't already gotten over it and got together. You'd thought about it, he's thought about it. Just do it," Ashton huffed, shaking his head as he watched you tense up and shake your head.
"The band is what's important, Ash. We can't let our feelings get in the way of fucking up what all five of us have created. He knows that and I do too," you'd replied, laughing quietly as Ashton only shook his head and mumbled something under his breath.
But Ashton was always one to try and make others happy in his own special way. And that's how you found yourself in the car with Calum on the way out of the city for a hike you were less than excited about. You knew Ashton was up to something when he'd texted the group saying that you and Calum would have to drive to the trail together since you wouldn't fit in his car with Luke, Mike, and their partners. As a form of payback, you'd purposefully told Calum to pick you up thirty minutes after the original time to make sure you were the last ones to get there because there was nothing more than Ashton hated than being late. And that's how you found yourself driving out of the city with Calum, lost in your own head over how beautiful he looked.
"Mhm, you always make things fun," you chuckled and winked back at him, "We're gonna need it especially now that we're late and Ashton will definitely kill us."
The hike had gone surprisingly good considering three of you were not the most athletics and Luke and Michael had constantly been racing seeing who could go the farthest faster. Ashton had tried his best to keep everyone on track until you and Calum had teased him about being the mom friend as he'd set up his phone on a rock to shoot an update video for fans to let them know about the band had been up to. It had all been going according to plan until you moved closer to Calum and twisted your ankle, ending up on the floor staring up at the blue sky.
"Oh my god, I'm going to die. Just leave me here to die because I'm not making it," you cried out, "This is the end of me!"
In a matter of seconds since your back had hit the ground, four familiar faces hovered above you, one of them looking more concerned than the others. The pain shot through your spine and down your leg, your eyes closing as you tried to stop the tears from falling down your cheeks. Soon enough you found yourself being lifted up from the ground and a warm body pressed against your back. You could hear all the guys fighting over what to do, which meant your ankle wasn't twisted backward since none of them had screamed or puked their guts out. Their voices all mumbled into one as you breathed through the pain and it wasn't until Calum's warm breath was hitting your ear that you felt yourself take a deep breath in and open your eyes.
"I'm gonna stay here with you until Ash and the others can get a ranger to bring a car or something like that, okay?" he mumbled softly, his hand rubbing at your back as he helped you sit back against a rock.
"Please don't let my leg fall off, I need it to run on stage and to kick Michael when he steals my food," you whined.
"That's not gonna happen, okay? I think you just twisted it and it's all going to be okay, sweet girl," Calum mumbled and kissed your forehead, "Promise."
The sun was still high in the sky by the time you started thinking Ashton had left you both in the desert. You'd both been sitting on the ground together, watching as  your ankle grew and grew in size as the time passed by. The pain had dulled and your head was resting on his shoulder when your brain had started to think of the worst.
"You know, this wouldn't have happened if you were Australian. Us Aussies are known for our athleticism," Calum chuckled as he nudged your side with his elbow, "It's a well-known fact."
"I can do a better Australian accent than all four of you," you scoffed, rolling your eyes as you smacked his thigh, "And I can outrun pretty much all of you except Ash."
"Except right now."
"Calum Hood, I swear if you don't stop making fun of me-"
"What? Are you gonna hit me again? I dare you-"
You don't know what came over you. Maybe it was the heat of the sun beaming down on you both. Or maybe the fact that you were thirsty since Michael had taken the only backpack with water with him before you two realized it but Calum's lips looked very nice and it took no self-restraint for you to lean in and stop him mid-sentence.
"Maybe you should twist your ankle more often, huh?" Calum chuckled as you both pulled away, "Or bully you more often."
"Shut up and kiss me again, idiot," you laughed and pulled him back in for another kiss.
"Who knew all I had to do was get you two alone on a hiking trail for you to finally kiss, huh?" Ashton's chuckled made you both pull away, making you both look like a deer caught in headlights.
"Oh shut up, I'm never going on a hike with any of you again," you huffed and gratefully took the park ranger’s hand as he helped you on to what looked like a golf car.
It was a short trip back to the medical center, where they treated your very swollen ankle with ice while you downed all the water you could get your hands on. But you were grateful that Calum hadn't left your side once, his hand in yours as you squeezed it whenever you'd hit a bump or when the park ranger wrapped your ankle. His hand was still in yours as you both drove back to the city and it never left yours even when you both laid on the couch in his living room that night, drifting off in each other's company for once accepting that maybe, just maybe, this could be more than just stolen glances.
taglist: @hoodhoran @finelliine @moonlightcriess @dinosaursandsocks @mxgyver @calpops @karajaynetoday @notlukehemmo @calumrose @devilatmydoor @lyss-xo @lowkeyflop  @hemmo1996-5sosvevo @myloverboyash @notinthesameguey
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Time for ✨Rules & Regulations✨ (UPDATED: 11/26/2021)
💅🏼🌻: Keep an eye out for these icons in future asks/Throughout the masterlists!
🔓MAJOR UPDAATE 2/23/2022: I will now only be accepting 5 Charas max per request! AND I will be updating the Masterlists every Friday. So I will not be posting on Fridays. Thank you! Like or reblog this post to let me know how many of you have seen this! 🔓
Rules in General!
DNI if you're under 18! This is a blog that contains sexual content, cussing, and stuff your parents probably don't want you seeing, and I'm sure you don't want to get caught reading! (let alone the legal aspects...) Minors please just keep yourself safe, okay?
No Proshippers, Racists, etc (The common sense stuff that usually hurts someone!)
I may seem a bit aggressive but I promise you I am 100% here for fun! And I can't wait to talk with you all!
If I EVER get any information wrong about a race or culture, please inform me! I love learning about this kind of stuff as well! So I'm all ears! (Hetalia was the only reason I had a high History grade lmao)
You are allowed to ask for NSFW things! (All NSFW will be labeled with a #HandsyPandsy)
Head cannons- I can write just about anything! Please keep the max of characters to a minimum of 5! And the Scenarios per request to 1.
One Shots- Longish One Shots! They will be created specifically for whom ever asked them. Even if you're an Anon!
The Ask Box- I'm literally open to anything but Match ups. Feel free to ask for things like "Artist!Reader" etc, etc. I now do Country!Readers but they will be vague because races exist and I try to be as inclusive as possible.
Master Lists: WIP
-List For the Characters
2020-2021-Main 8
2020-2021- Side Characters
2022 List- Main 8
2022 List Side Characters
-List for AU's, Oneshots, and much more!
Other Junk:
Don't hesitate to resend an ask after a week or so of sending it! And don't be scared of asking just about anything, If it's something I don't feel comfortable with I will (Anonymously) Let you know!
Feel free to ask anything about me as a writer as well! I can understand it's a hard time for us all, so I hope I can make most of you smile at some point!
THE DAD JOKES- Made this on the FLY but I LOVE A GOOD OL JOKE! Send in a terrible dad pun, or pick up line and one or more of the G8 will respond! (Or if you want someone specific)
The sky is the limit, but keep in mind I do work full time and my brain is not always nice to me.
Not sure if what you're about to ask me is gonna make me uncomfortable? Send it anyway, I'm pretty chill about it because this is the internet.
Oh and please, do not ask for anything Non-con.
And last but not least! If there's a specific trigger warning I missed, pleas, please, PLEASE, let me know!
Under this cut is a baby ramble of what other things I will be doing with this blog, because I do not expect a lot of interactions because apparently the fanbase has gotten... vicious... It's what I get for living under a rock...
If you couldn't tell, I have a thing for Russia <3 (surprised? Da?) But I do write more on the fluffy side. I guess in a way I've done that whole "I don't like X,Y, or Z about Cannon so it is mine to change!" thing. In other ways I view my works as an almost AU (which is really weird because history~). And I have the word 'Secretary' in my name because I have an unwritten fanfic of.. okay it's a self insert because HA! Childhood Trauma, am I right? But Yeah, the Russian Teddy Bear is my comfort character- also he had me at the accent (Russian is ironically my favorite accent just cause it is). But Don't let that stop you. I'm not gonna get all Qoutev "Oh! He'S MiNe! RaWr XD" on you, promise! But yeah- I'll be posting on here for... god knows how long. I don't really know. IT literally depends on my Hyperfixation quota. But trust me, it does not die out quickly -_- no matter how much I wish it did sometimes. I'll also sometimes post more NSFW things for my own amusement, but I'll try very hard to keep things organized... So I'll apologize now If need be! But that's it! Feel free to ask whatever, about whatever. (Immediately gets Shakira stuck in my head). Oh! I'll probably have small fits of RolePlay-esque posts. It'll be fun... fun... ehhh- Now that you've read most of this Pinned Tweet! Have a Hug! Or a cookie if you do not want! (^J^)
P.S It's too much fun to make Russia emotes, like it's not the fact it's Russia, it's just really cute... big ol' smoochable nose... JUST SAYING!
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Deleting Tumblr. NOT CLICKBAIT
The main points (but please read the other stuff)
I've become phone addicted because of mental health issues and procrastination issues.
Tumblr is getting in the way of vital tasks. I may be homeless and starving in the cold soon, so I can't risk this app distracting me anymore.
I'm not deactivating any of my blogs, only deleting the tumblr app off my devices.
I still have the same art career goals and will still post art and respond to comments/asks/commissions/requests/etc. I will have to use the computer lab to post, though, so it will be less often.
My main personal blog, @supernovaunstableartist is the main source of mindless scrolling and addiction, so the only thing I'll be posting is art and updates on my art career, if even that.
I'm late on rent, don't have enough money to cover it, and have two weeks max of food
If you want to help me survive, please consider donating to my PayPal or Ko-fi
Growing up I had siblings who were addicted to their phones and I liked to make fun of them for it because I always told myself I would never be that person who is glued at the hip to their phone. However out of depression, anxiety, and what I believe to be is ADHD and severe procrastination issues, I have found myself addicted to my phone.
Most of the addiction is Tumblr. Most days I just mindlessly scrolled for hours, procrastinating vital life-or-death responsibilities, trying to pretend it's not real. That nothing's real. That life is a game. That I'm fine. I desperately try to find joy and meaning, but am wasting my life away and distancing myself from the people I love and the real world.
Tumblr is one of the best social Warrior sites. Sometimes that can be harmful, but this site also genuinely does a lot of good things. I am addicted to the activist side of Tumblr. It makes me feel like I'm a good person. It makes me feel like I'm doing good things in the world and that I'm not a useless waste of space who's contributing to all the problems I like to complain about. I almost feel a sense of purpose here.
On top of that, it is a home to a huge Steven Universe fanbase which is I showed I'm largely obsessed with and somewhat dependent on to cope with my depression and childhood issues. Steven Universe has gotten me through a lot. It has taught me a lot about mental health and family and parenting and how to grow as a person. It's been a huge source of inspiration and growth as an artist and made me want to pursue a career in making cartoons.
Which brings me to the final, most practical, reason I am addicted to this site. My art. This is the main platform I use to showcase my art and growth. Its is where I go for inspiration and joy. It is where I feel understood and related to and accepted within the steven universe artist community. I am addicted to the feedback I get and the thrill of posting my art. I am desperate for approval and validation.
But what about my art career? My dreams? My followers? Well, for people following my @supernovaartblog and @supernovaartportfolio , not much will change. I am deleting tumblr from my devices, not deactivating my account. I will still post my art. Commissions are still open. I will still answer asks and requests. I just won't do so as often. There is a computer lab at my apartments, so I will have to get up, get dressed, walk, open tumblr, open Google photos, sign in to Google photos, and manually login if I want to post anything or check notifications. I hope that all this extra effort will force me to limit my use to only what is neccessary to advance my art career, and slowly wean my addiction.
If you follow me on my personal blog @supernovaunstableartist , I am not deleting this blog, as I feel my posts have done a lot of good and spread alot of joy. I don't want to erase all that work. However, this is where most of the addiction, mindless scrolling, and shitposting happens, so I will rarely, if ever again, make any posts. If I do post, it will likely be art or updates on my art career.
With all that being said, as a goodbye, and an epilogue of sorts, this is where I am in life:
My mother is still living with her boyfriend a few towns over. I have cut her out of my life and blocked her everywhere.
My little sister is 16 and still in foster care. She's barely hanging in there and is trying to get my grandma to take her.
My brother Ciqala is in Ohio traveling and working.He is lonely and misses his daughter but has tried and failed to make things work with the mother.
My big sister Mersaides hates me as much as ever and is still ignoring me and not letting me see my niece or nephew. Since Tosha moved she is now living with my grandma.
My aunt tosha and her kids just moved to Indiana with her ex husband for a "new start" after the trial concluded and my uncle was only given perole after molesting and attempted rape on multiple girls, on top of using meth.
Last I heard, my cousin that assaulted me didn't get charged but isn't allowed near me.
I haven't seen my therapist or psychiatrist since I turned 18, nor have I gotten my medicine, because I could not afford it. I've been off meds for almost a year and struggle with trauma, depression, anxiety, what I beleive is ADHD, and severe procrastination and dissociation.
I went to a mental hospital for a week for suicidal plans. I started working the day after I got home, but I still don't have enough for rent.
Rent was due January 1st, and due to bullshit maintenance fees and then late fees is now $451.54. I just got paid only $359. I have enough food to last a week, maybe two if I semi starve myself. I make 7.35/hour and get 20 hours or less per week.
I am still very depressed, and often consider suicide. I'm trying, but I'm kind of drowning.
And... that's what you missed on glee! If you have any last questions or or help or words of love, I'm holding off until late tonight. That's about 15 hours from now. So long and goodbye friends. Our shit posting will always have a special place in my heart ❤❤❤
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