#wendy scenario
purecantarella · 2 years
Under Wraps
i do adore seungwan respectfully and this came to me in an idea that girlie just can't keep her emotions inside during interviews so i think this'll be fun HAAHHAHA i hope you all enjoy!! son seungwan x reader disclaimer/s : smut. i suggest going to look for fluffier or angstier content.
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i love this gif and it will be reused
You smirk to yourself as you watch Wendy's hand bunch around the blanket draped above both your laps, the girl's conversation beginning to melt away. It shocks you that Wendy hasn't made a peep yet with your fingers pushing in and out of her dripping center. But you can tell by the vein on her neck that it's killing her to keep quiet.
Weeks ago, while you teased her endlessly, you couldn't help but be in awe of the expressions she had on her face as you made a mess of her. It had sparked an idea, taking full advantage of it during one of the girls' adventures to the park in search of solace.
"Wendy, are you alright?" Irene asks with a concerned expression on her face, making the other girls eye her with the same level of concern. She laughs breathily before waving the girls off. "Just a little run down. A lot of...mmm...sche-schedules..." She stammers weakly.
Accepting the excuse the girls begin resting from the difficult few days. You smirk and press your lips to the shell of her ear, simultaneously pressing your thumb against her soaping clit. A sick chuckle falls softly from your lips when her brows crease together and her mouth falls open a little.
"You're doing wonderfully, beautiful." You rasp against her ear, her body reacting with an uncontrollable shudder. You feel her center clench around your fingers as you continue to thrust into her in a slow and painful pace. "I want more." Wendy whispers in English, her voice desperate and her composure beginning to waiver.
You scoff before nipping her earlobe. She coughs to stifle the sound that was meant to come out. "You'd like that wouldn't you? Cumming in front of your members, letting them see how much of a slut you really are for me?" You smirk as her hips begin to jut uncontrollably against hand.
"Look how desperate you are...you don't even fucking care that anyone can see you. You love it, don't you?" You move your free hand up to her cheek, discretely forcing her to look at you. "You just love being whore waiting for me to allow you to cum."
You see her jaw clench and her eyes are black with need, her breathe becoming labored as her cheeks and neck turn an embarrassingly deep hue of red. You leave a tender kiss on her neck, letting your teeth scrape past her reddening skin.
It was a miracle to you that Wendy hadn't lost control yet but you knew she was seconds away from exploding in a ball of nerves. And you were more than happy to push her over that edge.
You push in another finger, your pace doubling instantly making Wendy's entire body tense as you did. Her face was a mix of unmistakable fear and unimaginable pleasure. "I'm going to give you two options, beautiful..." You sneakily take her hair in your hand, tugging delicately, the action causing her to release the first audible moan since you'd begun teasing her. "You either cum now, here in front of everyone or I leave you high and dry until your next off day."
Wendy whines softly as you inch your way out of her center. It takes a few seconds before her hand is on your wrist, her eyes trained to the ground beside you when she whimpers a barely audible, "I'm yours to control, N/n."
"Good girl." You piston your digits into her awaiting cunt. She mutes herself by turning to you, biting down onto your shoulder. In spite of that, she rolls her hips pushing your fingers deeper into herself. Doing anything she could do in that moment to add to the overwhelming pressure building in her stomach.
Her fists ball up around the blanket again only this time, she can't keep her whines in any further. Wendy's deep voice beginning to break from your skin, "Y/n...oh baby, yessss..." She says, slightly louder, as she's on the tip of her climax.
Your lips press against her ear again, your breath catching with hers as you command, "Let go beautiful, let me feel just how much you want it."
"Holy fucking shit!" She cries out as her wetness coated your hand instantly. Her members shoot around to look at her in shock and confusion. Wendy's eyes shoot open, unable to enjoy her high. Stammering, she rushes, "I—Uh an ant bit me! We—We should uh probably go before it get you girls too! Right Y/n?"
She looks to you desperately for support, you turn to the girls before nodding, "I thought it was just me, but we should definitely go before anything comes." You hint to which your girlfriend shoots daggers at you.
Irene and Joy begin to panic on the thought of bugs getting near them and are the first to jump away to which Seulgi and Yeri follow the pair to make sure their alright. Not before shooting you and Wendy a knowing look. Seulgi's the only one to speak, "Sure...ants..."
The vocalist nods frantically before trying to get up only to fall back down onto you. The two members snicker before following the other two, leaving you alone.
Once they were gone, she's quick to slap your chest over and over again as you howl out laughter before restraining her hands and smirking down at her. "I've never felt you come that hard, Wendy!"
You grin amused, "You really do like it don't you, dirty girl!"
"Shut up, Y/F/N!" You continue to bicker as the rest of her members wonder exactly where you two are.
rushed and im super late. im so sorry, i didn't expect myself to let go of this as much as i did :"") i'll still try to get all of the fics out, granted we may make it up til the first few days of november just for me to finish this up!! anyway, i hope you all enjoyed this my lovelies!! i'll see you soon!! i love you all so, so much 💓 - r
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sexyredvelvetsnaps · 2 years
mtl to be into watching while their members fuck their sub
Name: Bae Joohyun (Irene) ((❤️❤️*Secret note* Irene is a Dom Cuck))
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Name: Shon Seungwan (Wendy)
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Name: Kim Yerim (Yeri)
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Name: Park Sooyoung (Joy)
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Name: Kang Seulgi
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luxora · 13 days
Red Velvet -> {Vampire AU} -> Drinking from you for the first time
Requested: No
Group: Red Velvet
Genre: Fluff. Angst. Some Smut.
Warning: Blood. Some nsfw.
A/N: First vampire au with Red Velvet. Let me know what you think!
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For as long as she has lived, Joohyun has learned to master the skill of patience.
One thing which has has learned about humanity is that they are remarkably, or rather unremarkable, an impatient kind almost making rash and impotent mistakes which would have been entire avoidant if they had simply waited for the right moment.
Alas, man is stupid. And man has been control far too long.
One should realize that while there is a big lion, there is still a bigger bear, a bigger tiger, and a bigger shark. Predator after predator, one must not become too complacent unless the bear decided it wanted to become the new king of the jungle, and in the capacity of which Joohyun is concerned, she could quite so easily become that new era in humanity in which the bigger predator takes control of the pond and the ocean, rendering man incompetent and complacent under her thumb.
But then again, would she truly want to have the headache that is guaranteed to be given if she decided to act upon her intrusive thoughts?
People don’t like being chained up and they will fight back, and while that will be fun in the beginning, it will become tedious and Joohyun is a rather intimate lover when it comes to boredom since she is so used to it in the first place.
Its just living for this long is both a blessing and a curse, and yet it has become more and more of a close, akin to the tragic tales of Dracula of which is constantly reboot through the ages.
She wishes that there was simply an end to all that she is. That there was something to look forward to, and yet she has been repeatedly disappointed through the ages. She has lost a lot of thing through her lifetime, people, family, friends, and her own humanity.
Joohyun considers herself unable of feeling, her humanity long gone for how isolated she has become. There is no point in her befriending others as they will succumb to death eventually while she will forever be living in the perfect shell of her body, displaying absolute perfection and yet living through flaws.
Hunting for blood was nothing new to her, akin to have a walk in the park for a normal human.
Only this walk in the park led her to a rather confounding discovery, a human who has caught her interest.
When she had pounced on you, she had thought that she had found a weak link. You were alone in the park, a cigarette in your hands while you were gazing up at the night sky, an acquaintance to your thoughts, not realizing the danger you were in until you suddenly felt hands in your throat and your body forced to the ground where teeth were suddenly latched to your neck.
Your blood waved into her mouth in multiple currently, making Joohyun growl beastly as she reveled in the taste, but then she was met with a unsounding reaction.
You not screaming.
While she held you tight in your arms, you had yet to utter a single word. From all her experiences, her preys always scream. They squirm and cry, begging for her to release them and to spare them from their oncoming death but they always fell upon death ears.
But you - you were compliant in her arms.
Yes, she felt you stiffen in her arms - but you didn’t fight back. In fct, you seemed to just submit to your fate, unknowingly knowing that escape was impossible. Between a human and a vampire, the victor was most obvious and Joohyun would have continued to revel in her victory if you hadn’t been so different.
She was not yet sated to be full but Joohyun pulled away from your neck to look at you, her eyes glowing in the deep night and perfectly reflecting your gaze as you stared up at her. Like usual, her eyes were red from the fresh feeding, but she saw no fear in your eyes.
Instead - she saw calm serenity -  a bitter smile on your face as you continued to gaze at her.
“Am I not to your taste?”
Joohyun cocked her head, confounded by such a reaction.
“Sorry about that, I did down a decaf coffee which I sorely regret, maybe that has had a negative effect on me. Sorry.”
An apology.
She has never received an apology from a little lion before.
Joohyun simply stared at you, and you stared back, neither of you responding to the blood which was steadily escaping the puncture wounds from your neck. You just continued to smile at her, a reluctance in your eyes which made her eyebrows furrow.
Why were you so odd?
She should have just continued feeding, to simply finish up her meal and dispose of your body like she did so many times, but - something prompted her to change her usual routine.
Instead of ending your life, she spared it. She had covered your eyes and then carried you to the closest clinic, leaving you outside and then escaping before she would be noticed by any other humans. While there was a commotion to your arrival, you did not utter a word when the nurses tended to you, instead lazily staring out into the streets, almost wanting to catch sight of her in the shadows, contemplating the interaction between the two of you.
And similarly, Joohyun contemplated the same, watching from a roof and being hidden in the shadow of night. You had sparked an interests - and Joohyun was to see of what was to come from such a little lion, who has been capable of making her feel after such a long time.
She was not quite sure of what it was - but it was something.
Time was on her side, she had plenty of it to find out,
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While Seulgi has been in control of her instincts for a long while, she couldn’t help but fear for the moment playing out in front of her, her stomach tying itself into complex knots despite the trusting look you were giving her.
The moon hung high in the midnight sky, casting a silvery glow over the quiet town below. Seulgi had her arms tightly wrapped around you as if she was capable of providing you warmth against the cool evening air, and yet both of you knew better than to believe there was anything she could do to combat the cold against your body. She could feel you tremble, and yet you were doing nothing to get out of her grip. Despite her cool body, you nuzzled closer into her, nose playfully pressing against her jaw, Seulgi’s breath hitching as she felt a tender kiss to it.
“I don’t mind Seulgi.” You whispered to her, a hand moving to cup her cheek and force to gaze into your eyes, even though she could easily escape it. “I trust you.”
“I know but...” Seulgi trailed off, unable to stop the quivering of her bottom lip as she gazed into the dark abyss of your eyes, drawing her in like a black hole would to meteorites. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I know you won’t hurt me.”
“I might lose control.”
“I know you won’t.”
“How are you so confident about that.”
“Because I know that hurting me is the last thing you will ever do.”
Despite living for a centuries, seeing all the surprises that one might expect from humans, Seulgi was always stunned by your words. You just saw the good in everything, even in something like her, a creature of the night which required the blood of others to sustain herself. Seulgi never asked for a life like this, if she was capable of traveling back in time, she would have stopped her maker from biting down on her neck, condemning her to a life where she could not make life long connections due to the fact that she was to outlive everything and everyone.
Just getting involved with you, Seulgi was aware that she was setting herself up for heartbreak. Humans are so incredibly fragile and you were no exception to this rule, and Seulgi knew that the years will eventually blink away and Seulgi will remain the way she is now while you will age, grow old, and eventually pass on to the other realm, the one which Seulgi will never be able to follow you to.
Her hand trembled as she moved to cup your cheek, watching your own eyes flutter shut as you leaned into her touch, completely trusting of her to not inflict any pain onto you. Despite being a human, you have bewitched her entirely, and Seulgi couldn’t help but feel her dead heart warm at the sight of you and the obvious adoration you have for her and the relationship between the two of you.
The world was cloaked in darkness, and yet Seulgi could see you so clearly. Your beauty astounded her, and despite of the life evident in the town below the mountainside, Seulgi couldn’t help but feel that the two of you were the last two creatures in the entire world, uninterrupted and blissfully happy in one another’s presence. The soft glow of the moonlight reflected off your skin, making it look to tantalizing that Seulgi had to swallow the venom which seemed from her fangs, attempting to get control over herself. She moved her hand from your cheek to the side of your neck, gripping it gently as she closed the distance between the two of you, her lips gliding along the column on your neck before setting on a spot.
"Are you sure about this?" Seulgi whispered, her lips hovering over your neck, pressing a gentle kiss to it. She felt you nod before your fingers gently tangled themselves in her dark locks.
"I trust you, Seulgi. Always."
With that unspoken consent, Seulgi' took a deep steadying breath before descending her fangs descended into your delicate neck, opting to get it over with before building up the anticipation to give her nerves the chance to convince her to back out of it. She felt your body shiver as she took her first sip, the exchange between the two of you becoming intimate, emerging your respective essences in the physical act.
As Seulgi drank, she felt the pulse of life coursing through your body, a connection that went beyond mere sustenance. The experience was profound, the mingling of love and primal hunger merging into a tapestry that bound the two of you together on a deeper level. While she has heard from others of her kind that a great sense of intimacy was made through the act of drinking between vampires and their human lovers, she could not quite believe its significant effect on her as she continued to drink. She almost felt like she was promising a side of herself to you which she knows will be always be protected, and the fact that you have trusted her throughout the process proves to her that you have also given a side of yourself to Seulgi which she will only cherish and love.
When she finally withdrew, she gazed into your eyes, her own irises softening with gratitude as she gently smile at you, feeling the air around of the two pulse with an intimate serenade. You responded with a similar smile, both of your hands cupping her cheeks and tugging her close.
"I love you, Seulgi," you whispered whispered before sealing her lips with a tender kiss, prompting Seulgi to close her eyes and wrap her arms tightly around your body while the moon served as the only observer of each other’s adoration and trust for one another.
Seulgi was truly setting herself up for heartbreak with falling for you, but she admits that feeling love is better than never feeling love at all. She can only hope that she can have a long time with you before nature takes its natural course of life, death, and its many other complexities.
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The moon cast a gentle glow over the darkened room as Seungwan grappled with her internal turmoil. She was a rambunctious vampire with a penchant for falling in love easily, having living in the world for more than a century. She has met plenty of people and have had many encounters with humans and vampires alike, and yet for the first time in her entire existence, she found herself becoming settled. Ever since falling for you, something deep has settled in her heart, something only tales of love and romance would depict over the times.
Despite being a mortal, you were incredibly dangerous when it comes to seeking for a thrill.
Their playful exploration of Wendy's vampire powers had been a source of joy, but the request for her to drink from Y/N had left Wendy conflicted.
For a while, Wendy had avoided Y/N, unable to face the fear that her true nature might terrify the person she cared about the most. Y/N, relentless and understanding, had pleaded with Wendy to embrace this intimate act, wanting to support her vampire lover in the only way she could as a human.
After much hesitation, Wendy finally agreed, her unease evident in her every movement. They decided to keep it controlled—Wendy would drink from Y/N's arm, a compromise that both hoped would satiate Wendy's hunger without causing harm.
As Wendy bit down gently, a moment of serenity washed over her. The taste of Y/N's blood was different from any she had experienced before—familiar, comforting, and warm. However, as Wendy lost herself in the sensation, a surge of hunger overwhelmed her, and her instincts threatened to take over.
Panic seized Wendy as she quickly pulled away, her eyes wide with fear. Y/N, feeling the shift in Wendy's demeanor, reached out to reassure her, but Wendy's unease escalated.
"I-I need to get you to the hospital," Wendy stammered, her voice trembling.
Y/N, still holding her arm, was taken aback by Wendy's sudden urgency. "Wendy, what happened? Are you okay?"
Wendy's eyes were a mix of desperation and fear as she gently lifted Y/N into her arms. "I almost lost control. I can't risk hurting you."
Determined to keep Y/N safe, Wendy moved swiftly, carrying her to the nearest hospital. The journey was a blur of panic and concern, but as they arrived, Wendy carefully placed Y/N on a hospital bed, worry etched across her features.
"I didn't mean for this to happen," Wendy whispered, her voice barely audible. "I wanted to protect you, not put you in danger."
Y/N, reaching out to cup Wendy's face, smiled despite the circumstances. "Wendy, I asked you to do this because I trust you. We'll figure this out together."
As the medical staff attended to Y/N, Wendy felt a mixture of relief and gratitude. Y/N's unwavering support, even in the face of danger, made Wendy realize that she wasn't alone in this struggle. They were partners, navigating the complexities of their love in a world that sometimes seemed determined to tear them apart.
In the dim hospital room, Wendy and Y/N found solace in each other's presence. The incident had deepened their bond, reinforcing the idea that love, even in the shadows of supernatural challenges, could endure with the strength of trust and understanding.
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Sooyoung had internally agreed with herself that it was to be better suited for her to be able to have that intimate taste of you during a might of intimacy, because not only would it strengthen a bond between the two of you, but because she will be able to distract from the pain of it by completely send you to the next realm of pleasure without thinking of the consequences of such an agreement.
Despite her usual demeanor towards you and humans, it actually took a while for the two of you to become intimate because Sooyoung feared that she would be unable to control herself. She feared that she would somehow harm you during moments of pleasure. It would be so easy for her to break your body while losing herself, crushing your head with her thighs, puncturing your skull while she gripped at your head, and even tearing your flesh away as she clawed at your back.
It terrified her. To the extent that she was unable to truly let go when you tended to her, her body stiff as a statue as you attempted to bring her to the edge.
It was humiliating, and actually resulted in her hiding away for a week, which resulted in an absolute scolding from you when she eventually returned. But then you cradled her into your arms and comforted her, claiming that she had nothing to be ashamed about. But it was not herself that she was ashamed about, but rather the dejected expression which had crossed your face, believing that your skills were lacking.
That she could not forgive herself for, for making you doubt your skills.
And so Sooyoung persisted in ensuring that both of you reached your satisfactions, which had improved significantly and has gradually led to daily inclinations which started and ended both of your days with smiles and delight.
But now another factor was being added to an equation, upon your own insistence stemming from both curiosity and desire, wanting to aid Sooyoung in maintaining her blood levels.
Sooyoung almost felt transcended to the first night the two of you became intimate, the similar level of fear that she experienced back them coming back. But also a sense of animalistic tendency, yearning and reveling in the submission you offered to her, particularly in a moment of extreme trust you had for her.
Your glorious body was already so open to her. Her lips continued to pressed open mouthed kisses to the column of your neck while your nails dug into her shoulder as she pleasured you, hand massaging your inner body, continuously receiving your warmth while she knelt above you, trapping you with her own body.
You voice was so raspy, courtesy of the previous rounds the two of you had. Sooyoung did not want to rush such a delicate process. She wanted to revel in your body, to ensure that your ultimate pleasure was maximized because she took pleasure for herself. She refused to let you touch her before she needed to be in full control of this.
She loved watching you, seeing you crumble, watching your eyes flutter closed and to arc so beautifully off the bed as she made you fall apart. It was the most beautiful thing she could ever have the privilege in seeing. She has seen Picasso himself create his artwork, and she has been a first witness to many mother artistic creations in the World’s History, but all of it paled into comparison when she gazed at you.
You were a phenomenon created for her to see, and to create and extend to a further lifetime with her, when you were ready, of course.
Sooyoung worked against your meticulously, teeth teasingly gripping some of your skin as she doubled her efforts in getting you to the final destination, resileince and preparation built within Sooyoung as she ready herself, her tong pressing against the bullied skin until she felt you tighten around her fingers and then let out a scream, arching your body into hers as you finally found the end.
And then Sooyoung bit you..
It was as simple as a hot knife dipping into butter and Sooyoung immediately growled in delight at the taste of your blood on your tongue.
Perhaps it was her own imagination, but it tasted so sweet to the extent that it was almost laced with wine, a drink so easily able to get drunk off, which Sooyoung found equivalent to her drink of you.
Maybe it was because of your own pleasure, it was being transferred into your very blood as it got consumed by her. If that was the case, then she was going to make it a habit to drink off you in this state. So delectably under her, preening under her lavish attention, arms tightening around her as if wanting her even closer than she already was.
She pulled away too soon, far too soon for her liking. But it was necessary. You were already so disillusioned from the passionate night, sensitive and overwhelmed, and drinking from you would only add to the effects. She licked at your neck before moving to kiss you, uncaring of the blood on her lips as she thanked you for the opportunity - no, then gift that you bestowed upon her/
Yes, you will require some sort of medical attention as she could not leave you bleeding on the bed.
But - just for the moment- let her revel in the intimacy created between the two of you from the single sip of life.
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Yerim trailed her cool digs along your collarbone, gracing it along the column of your neck until she was gripping you firmly by the jaw, forcing you to look up from your place on the floor, so perfectly compliant to her rough actions and desire most obvious in your eyes as you locked eyes with her.
Yerim kept her eyes expressionless as she stared down at you, almost inwardly daring you to act out so that she could deny you of what you wanted, something which she both enjoyed and disdained due to your tendency to not realize that sometimes biting the hand that feeds you can be most consequential to one’s very being.
“You test me.” Yerim quipped, her voice cutting like a blade while she stared at you, prompting a smile to your face.
“I apologize.”
“Do you truly meant that?”
“Insolent fool.”
But Yerim pulled you towards her by the jaw, wrapping an arm around your waist as she had you settle in her lap, both of your legs on either side of her with your hands going to her shoulders to rest peacefully while she clawed at your back, jaw still gripped tightly and held away from her face. Yerim glared up at you.
“I have half the mind to punish you.”
“I will accept whatever you give me.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I would say you were drunk with how slurred you are.”
“I cannot help myself. You are a drug on its own.”
Yerim leaned forward to press a small kiss to your chin, a sweet token of chastity from her before she moved her lips to your pulse pointed and then sucked.
She had yet to pierce the skin but you arched in her arms, your chest pressing against your own as you attempted to close the distance between the two of you. Yerim smiled as she pulled away, prompting a whine out of you.
“The things I could do to you...” Yerim started, dark eyes gazing at your delectable presentation before she moved back to your neck, teeth teasing your skin while her hand moved down to cup your backside, forcing you closed to her with a strong pull. “I could ruin you.”
You gasped at her rough touch but easily wrapped your arms around her head, hands tangling itself in her locks as you attempted to pull her more into your neck.
“Please do.”
“You have no self-preservation.”
“I don’t need to with you. I know you won’t hurt me.”
It was a confession which always brought a smile to Yerim’s face and saturated any lingering guilt that Yerim would possible have if she was capable of it when she sank her teeth into your neck, eagerly taking what you were always willing to offer. her.
You gasped sharply at the pain but continued to hug her closely as she held onto you, drinking the profuse amount of blood which was being offered to her.
Your blood always tasted delectable and now was no different. A single taste from you was capable of almost making her lose control but she was far too dignified for such a thing.
No, she has never lost control of her thirst, and it never will happen if she had a say of it, but she did enjoy reveling in the pleasures of life and the most ultimate pleasure consisted of you. Both your body and blood, she simply became lost in it. While there are many supposedly better individual of which she could pluck, she chose you simply because you made her smile.
Many could prompt a smile from her, but the way she felt when she smiled around you was different. You made her feel almost human again, perhaps because you almost reminded her of a friend she had in her past life, but unlike her friend in the past, you have her heart in your hands, of which she trusted for you to keep safe, less you wanted to be yet another count of feedings she has off other humans.
But that is not a thought she lingers on.
She knows it will not happen.
You were far too in love with her to ever betray her, just as she was far too in love to ever end your life.
In fact, if you played your cards right, you may just spend eternity with her. But she will not spoil too much of the present with the future. She will simply see how time decides to be a mistress and play with the two of you.
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jewbeloved · 1 year
Heya, i would like to request head cannons for Jimmy Kyle and wendy speperatly with a reader that is very very affectionate, like running up to them super excitedly whenever they see them?
Jimmy, Kyle, and Wendy with an affection s/o who gets excited around them✨✨💞💞💖
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💛 Jimmy Valmer 🩼
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You're gonna knock this poor boy down to the ground every time you keep tackling him into a hug 😭 might wanna chill with that.
He really loves how affectionate you are! It's really cute!
You getting excited whenever Jimmy is in your presence or sight probably makes him feel like you're comfortable around him and he likes that a lot too!
He can get really affectionate himself whenever he's in a good mood, not like he was never in a good mood whenever he was around you. ❤️
If you're happy, he's practically happy too!
Rip Jimmy because he's gonna be attacked with hugs and kisses later from you💛💛💛💛💛
💚 Kyle Broflovski 🍪
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He is the same around you as well!
You both become energetic asf around each other and that annoys Cartman constantly.
If you tackle Kyle in a hug, you both are going to have a long cuddling session that ends with you both watching a movie or prank calling random people.
He loves your hugs, he loves your affection, he loves how you're always his number 1 top priority and nothing can change that.
At the end of the day, You both always have a great time with each other rather than just listening to Cartman bitch about you both💚💚💚💚
🖤 Wendy Testaburger 🌺
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Similar to Kyle! She also gets really excited whenever you're around!
She really loves how you're not like the other kids who likes causing trouble in the school or bothering her constantly and she owes you for that one.
She would be a little surprised the sec she sees you sorting out your locker then when she finishes sorting out her locker after 1 min, she turns around to see you already finished with your locker.
You obviously hurried up to sort out your locker so you could be around your loving girlfriend.
She definitely would take you out to the park to let out some more energy if you're still energetic.
She never thought she could have a s/o who was like this, but now she does and she doesn't regret one bit of it 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Smh, why are these so damn short! I could've written more of this but I didn't know what else to write!😭😭😭😭😭
I hope this post still satisfies you😥
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kenandeliza · 2 months
Silly caller (idea for a future work)
(Billy is shown to host a talkshow on his radio broadcasts with his guest, and his experience living in a haunted mansion, a mischievous ghost can be seen to the readers but not to Billy and His guest)
Mr spook: "and that's how it is, whenever you see a house sold very cheap, it's one of the signs of it being haunted. "
Billy on his radio: "Alright folks, we're going over to the QnA section live on the phone, Call this following number to ask our special guest a question"
(Billy gives out the number on live)
(The telephone rings, the ghost purposely possesed the telephone line and speak himself)
Billy:"alright, so who's our lucky inquirer?"
Ghost: "Hey um, delivery service??? May I have a double cheeseburger?"
Billy:"...sir, this is not wendys, you're on live radio-"
(Call gets abruptly ended by Billy)
(Telephone rings again)
Ghost: "you didn't let me finished! Now I want a double cheeseburger with a side of extra large fries-"
Billy getting slightly angrier: "Sir for the last time! this is not a wendy's!!"
mr Spook: "Bah! The same thing happened to me in my house last time! Your phone is haunted!"
Billy:*sighs* "Alright folks, while we take care of that problem, on to the commercial break with our associates with Mechanix Illustrated!"
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seullovesme · 4 months
can we get more girlfriend texts? maybe for all members? 💗
ofc my dear anon <33
gf texts w/ red velvet
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i had so much fun making these omg, lmk if u want more or if u have any other groups u wanna see 🤗
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nanawritesit · 9 months
Playing Truth or Dare with Red Velvet (NSFW/ 18+/ MDNI) 🔞
Trigger Warnings: making out, groping, undressing, kissing body parts, lap dances, grinding/dry humping, hickeys, mentions of handcuffs, fingering, use of vibrator, master kink, lingerie, kissing while asleep, nipple sucking, nipple play, oral sex, getting walked in on, cursing
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She was one of your best friends in the entire world. Things had only ever been platonic between you. Sure, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t have the tiniest crush on her. But how could you help yourself? Your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat anytime she grabbed your hand or flashed a smile at you. But, there was always so much doubt that she’d felt the same way about you. That was, until tonight.
You were having one of your usual sleepovers at her place, lying next to each other in bed as some movie played on the TV in the background.
“Y/N, this movie sucks.” she suddenly exclaimed, rolling over to face you. “Let’s do something fun.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?” you asked, doing the same.
She flashed you a mischevious grin. “Let’s play truth or dare.”
“Okay, you go first.” you instructed, sitting up.
The two of you went back and forth for a while, asking simple questions like “what’s your most embarrassing story,” or “what’s your biggest fear.” The dares were pretty tame as well, being things like “break dance for one minute,” and “do an impression of your favorite celebrity.”
“Alright, we broke the ice. Now it’s time to take things up a notch.” she proposed, leaning forward expectantly.
You raised an eyebrow. “Fine, I was getting bored anyway. I pick dare.”
“I dare you to kiss me.” she demanded.
A light pink blush spread across your cheeks, and your mouth fell open the slightest amount. You swallowed the hard lump that was forming in your throat before looking back up at her. “A-are you sure?
“I absolutely am.” she replied with a cheeky grin. “I’ve been dying to know how good of a kisser you are.”
You exhaled to release some of your nerves, then got up on your knees and scooted closer to her. You flipped her hair over her shoulder and tucked a strand behind her ear, gazing into her eyes affectionately. For a second, she looked really flustered. You glanced down at her soft pink lips, running your thumb over them delicately. You put both hands on her cheeks, then leaned down to press your lips against hers. It was soft and sweet, your lips just barely ghosting over hers, but with enough firmness that she knew you were there. She seemed to freeze underneath you. You pulled back slowly, and both of your eyes fluttered open. You looked at her with an apologetic gaze.
“Irene, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
That was all you got out before she had pulled you back down by your shirt and devoured your lips in a much rougher kiss. Your eyes sprung wide open at first, but soon you turned yourself over to the pleasure of kissing her. Your lips were crashing against each other desperately, and soon her tongue was pressing its way between your lips as if asking for an invitation. You granted it to her by sliding your own tongue along hers, now totally enmeshed together.
As the kissing grew more heated, you slowly pushed her down against mattress. She began to tangle her legs with yours and run her hands up along your lower back, tugging up your shirt to run her fingers delicately across your skin. You brought a hand up to her breast, groping it lightly until she pushed you off so she could sit up straight.
“Oh I’m sorry, was that too mu-“ you were cut off once again when she whipped her shirt off over head, now clad in just a tiny pair of pajama shorts.
Your mouth fell wide open at the sight of her bare chest. “Irene… you’re so beautiful.” You told her, leaning back in to kiss her again. She grabbed a fistful of your hair and fell back down onto the mattress, wrapping her legs around your waist to pull you closer.
You momentarily pulled back to take off your own shirt so you could have skin-to-skin contact, then went back down to kiss her lips once more. Soon, you began trailing the kisses down to her jaw, then her neck, then her chest, and then her stomach. You finally stopped right above her clothed core, gripping the waistband of her shorts. You looked up at her with a playful smirk. “Well I think it’s safe to say our friendship is ruined.”
“Tch, we were never really ‘just friends’ anyway.” she giggled, ruffling your hair affectionately. “Now why’d you stop? I was just getting excited.”
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“Baby, I want to play truth or dare.” your girlfriend told you while you were both sitting on the couch next to each other.
“Okay, we can do that Seul.” you told her with a chuckle, setting down your phone to turn towards her. “But let’s only do dares. We pretty much know everything there is to know about each other.”
“Sounds good to me.” she replied with a mischievous grin. “But I want to add a rule to make it more fun.
“Oh?” you asked, curious as to what she was planning in her head. “And what might that be?”
“Every time one of us refuses to do the dare, they have to take off a piece of clothing.” she challenged. She bit her lip at you as if she was imagining the outcome, and you had to admit, you were doing the same as you raked your eyes over her body.
“Okay, you’re on.” you responded. “I’ll go first.”
The two of you started throwing the worst possible dares at each other. Things that neither of you would do even if someone paid you. Before long, you were both in your underwear, sitting across from each other laughing.
“Was this your plan all along? Just to get me undressed?” you giggled, grabbing her hand and shaking it playfully.
“No, absolutely not!” she laughed back at you, slapping your hand away. “I only want to give you one more dare though.”
“Okay, what is it Seul.” you asked, settling back down.
She held back the huge cheshire-cat grin that threatened to creep its way onto her face. “Let me give you a lap dance without touching me for five minutes.”
You gasped in surprise, but you were smiling nonetheless. “Fine, but that means I don’t have to take off another piece of clothing.” you teased.
“That’s fine by me.” she chuckled, shifting to straddle your lap. You put your hands underneath your thighs in preparation. She quickly set a timer on her phone before gripping onto your shoulders tightly to begin her dare.
She began grinding down against your core, rolling her hips back and forth in a mesmerizing way. You bit your lip at the sight before you, gripping the couch cushion beneath you in restraint. She tousled her hair a bit, then reached her hands behind her back to unhook her bra. The straps slid delicately down her shoulders before revealing her breasts.
Your breath hitched in your throat at the sight of them. “God Seulgi, this is harder than I thought it was going to be…”
“Hang in there, you’ve only got two and a half minutes left.” she giggled, running her hands over her breasts to grope them. She squeezed them against each other and pinched her nipples between her fingers, still grinding down on your lap in perfect rhythm.
“One minute left. You gonna make it?” she asked, glancing down to the mess of your lower region. You gulped and nodded, throwing your head back in frustration. She leaned forward at your gesture and began nipping and sucking at your neck, leaving a few hickeys. You moaned in desperation, squinting your eyes together at the immense pleasure. Just when you thought you were going to break, the timer went off.
“Well, you win Y/N.” she sighed, sitting up straight. “I suppose I should-“
You cut her off by pinning her down on the couch beneath you, kissing her ravenously. “You like teasing me that much? You like getting me all worked up?” You looked down at her with a dominant glare and a devilish grin. “I get one more dare too you know. And mine is to put you in cuffs for five minutes while I do whatever I want to you. Let’s see if you can handle your own game, Kang Seulgi.”
She looked up at you with doe eyes and a shocked expression. But it was soon replaced with a satisfied smirk that let you know she had accomplished what she originally set out to do. She had already won. But that didn’t mean you couldn’t have some fun too.
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Irene was hosting a small birthday party for Wendy at her place, and you were one of the guests. Everyone in the group knew about your enormous crush on her, except the birthday girl herself. Similarly, everyone in the group also knew about her immense crush on you. But you were totally oblivious. With neither of you ever daring to make a move, your friends decided to take matters into their own hands.
It was late at night, and the party was winding down. Wendy had already opened up all her presents, the dinner had been served, and now everyone was strewn about the living room finishing their cake.
“Everyone done? I’ll throw away the plates.” Irene chirped, getting up from her seat.
“Yeah, I think so. Thanks Rene!” you replied, handing your plate to her with a smile.
“So, what are we going to do now?” Seulgi asked.
“Well, Yeri and I were talking about playing truth or dare!” Joy exclaimed, clapping her hands together.
Wendy clicked her tongue at the suggestion. “You maknaes. At every get together you two say we should play truth or dare, and every time, it ends in disaster.”
“Oh come on, it doesn’t go that badly.” Yeri whined, hitting her on the arm lightly.
“Really? I’d say having to apologize to the entire apartment building for pulling the fire alarm in the middle of the night was pretty bad.” Irene huffed, returning from the kitchen.
“I don’t know, I think it could be fun.” you suddenly chimed in.
Wendy glanced over at you, her eyes twinkling. She thought for a moment, seemingly fixed on the hopeful smile you had on your face, then sighed in defeat. “Alright, but just for a little while. And no one can leave the apartment!” She shot a glare towards Joy.
“How many times do I have to say I’m sorry? You know I’m too proud to turn down a dare!” the younger girl cried out.
And so the game began, and things were going pretty much as expected. You all found out who Seulgi’s mystery girl was, Irene sent a risky text to her crush, and Joy and Yeri had kissed once. Finally, it was the birthday girl’s turn.
“Alright Wendy, truth or dare.” Joy asked.
“I feel like I’ll be screwed either way, but dare I suppose.” the older girl said begrudgingly.
Joy smirked evilly. “I dare you to go in the closet with Y/N for seven minutes.”
“Ah, a little seven minutes in heaven action?” Yeri teased, clapping her hands together.
“Hey, that’s too much Joy.” Irene scolded, crossing her arms. “We don’t know Y/N would feel about that. They might be uncomfortable with-“
“I’ll do it.” you interrupted, a little too eagerly. Everyone whipped their heads over to look at you. Seulgi and Irene looked shocked, Joy and Yeri were grinning like little devils, and Wendy had that same twinkle in her eye from earlier and a rosy pink blush dusting her cheeks. You coughed at the sudden awkward feeling of everyone staring at you. “Uh, that is, as long as Wendy wants to.”
Wendy blinked, snapping out of her daze. “I mean, I’m okay with that. After all, it’s only seven minutes right? How much could happen?”
“Alright, let’s go!” Joy shouted, jumping up from her seat. She grabbed both of your hands and tugged you up, then led you over to the closet at the end of the hall and shoved you inside.
“Okay, one of you set a timer on your phones! Don’t have too much fun in here.” she winked, then slammed the door in your faces and scurried back to the living room.
Wendy sighed, turning towards you. “I’m so sorry about her. I hope you’re not too miserable in here.”
“Oh don’t worry about me, I’m good!” you reassured with a chuckle. “After all, I’m with you aren’t I?”
She glanced at the ground bashfully, letting out a small giggle. “That’s true, we rarely ever have bad times together…”
“You look beautiful tonight.” you told her, glancing at her outfit. “I mean, you look stunning all the time, but I just meant that this outfit looks really cute on you.”
“Oh thank you so much!” she beamed, straightening her blouse. “I don’t really wear skirts too often, but I wanted to be bold for once.”
“Well you’re rocking it.” you bit your lip, trying to contain your lust for her. “I don’t know how you could ever be insecure.”
“Oh come on Y/N.” she rolled her eyes with a small smile. “I’m not that pretty.”
“Are you insane?” you exclaimed, turning to face her completely. “You’re absolutely gorgeous Wendy, everything about you is. Your hair…” you reached forward to fiddle with some of the strands falling over her shoulder. “Your eyes…” you gazed into them, realizing how her pupils had dilated. “Your skin…” you brushed a finger along her cheek delicately. You felt her breathing heavily in anticipation at where you would go next.
Somehow, in this moment, you felt brave enough to make a move. Maybe it was the dim lighting in the closet, or your forced proximity to one another… actually, it was the way she was looking at you. She seemed to be pleading for you to take things further, titling her chin up a bit as if to push her lips forward.
“And how could I forget, your pretty lips…” you finally concluded, in a voice barely above a whisper. You leaned in painfully slow, then after what felt like ages, you kissed her. Her eyelids fluttered shut, and after a few seconds, her arms came up around your neck to push you closer.
“I’ve been waiting for this for so long.” she confessed as she pulled away from you panting.
“You have no idea.” you laughed, shaking your head before crashing your lips against hers again, much stronger this time. Her tongue slid into your mouth eagerly, wrestling with yours as you began to run your hands up along the curves of her waist. Her own hands were sliding into your hair, gripping and tugging at the nape.
Suddenly, the alarm on your phone went off. You groaned, pulling away from her to silence it. “Well, I guess our time is up.” you sighed, reaching for the door knob.
She hastily grabbed your wrist, making you freeze. “Y/N, can I ask you for something?” she inquired.
“Anything, birthday girl.” you smirked.
She seemed nervous all of a sudden, brushing some of her hair behind her ear. “Could you… could you please put your fingers inside of me?”
Your jaw dropped open in shock. Wendy was always so shy and reserved, at least when it came to you. You never in a million years expected her to initiate something so dirty.
“I’m sorry, I know that’s too much. God I really ruined this didn’t I- ah!” she ended her thought, clasping a hand over her mouth to contain her moans. You had slid a hand up her skirt and began rubbing the pad of your thumb in circles against her clothed clit.
“Well of course I can, since you asked so nicely.” you practically purred into her ear, pressing her up against the wall. “Gosh, you’re so wet already, this won’t take long at all. I’ll just set another timer real quick. I mean, it’s only seven minutes right? How much could happen?”
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“Oh come on Y/N, it’ll be fun!” your girlfriend whined, tugging on your arm. She had just come back from a bachelorette party where she had won a dice game of NSFW truth or dare, and she really wanted to try it out.
“It just seems kind of silly Joy…” you chuckled, looking at the box that had tons of cartoon kisses and hearts all over it.
“Please honey? Don’t you want to play with me?” she asked, running a manicured hand over your chest and looking up at you with huge doe eyes. She was pushing her chest forward, cleavage on full display in her tight black dress that hugged her hips and waist, leading down to her long legs clad in sheer black tights, and ending with her highest black red bottomed heels. She was absolutely irresistible right now.
“Okay honey, we can play.” you gulped, shaking your head to regain your composure.
She squealed, then opened the box excitedly. The game was pretty simple. You would each take turns rolling the dice, which would either give you a truth or a dare. Then, you’d pick a card from whatever category you rolled which would tell you what to confess or do.
“I’ll go first.” she declared, rolling the dice. “Dare!” she exclaimed, drawing her first card. She cleared her throat before reading it out loud. “‘Put on your sexiest lingerie.’ Well, that’s easy, I already have it on.” she giggled, standing up. She unzipped her dress and slid it off down her legs, revealing the black lace teddy and garter set you had bought her for valentine’s day.
Your eyes went wide at the sight. Other than the lingerie, the only other thing she was wearing was a choker. If you weren’t turned on before, you certainly were now. Her ample breasts and perky butt looked ungodly good in that set.
“Y/N? It’s your turn.” she chuckled, waving a hand in front of your face.
“Right!” you exclaimed, reaching for the dice. “Truth.” you announced before grabbing a card. “Let’s see… ‘what’s one thing you’ve always wanted to try but never suggested to your partner?’” you set the card down, thinking to yourself for a moment. You bit your lip hesitantly.
“Come on baby, you can tell me. I won’t judge.” your girlfriend reassured you, grabbing your hand.
You looked up at her. Her smile was so warm and comforting, and her eyes were sparkling with intrigue. You exhaled, then sat up. “Well, I know you like to get off with your vibrator… I was wondering if, well, you’d let me use it on you?”
Her lips curled up into a devilish grin. “Oh yes, you can absolutely try that on me baby. Wanna do it now?”
You nodded eagerly. She snickered at your actions, then got up to get her vibrator out of her dresser. Once she had retrieved it, she laid down between your legs, back flush against your chest. “I’m all yours honey.”
You turnt on the vibrator and began running it lightly along her slit. The only thing separating her core from the device was the thin layer of black lace decorating the teddy she was wearing. Her head fell back into the crook of your neck. You glanced down at her pale exposed skin, and impulsively began nipping and sucking at her neck. You knew it was one of her weak points.
“Oh shit, honey…” she moaned, pushing her hips forward to get more friction from the vibrator. “You’re gonna give me a hickey!”
“I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you honey?” you teased with a cynical chuckle into her ear. “You just love getting marked up by your master, don’t you?”
She nodded frantically, grabbing your wrist to press the device further against her core. You swatted her hand away, then placed it on her chest. “Let me take my time. Get those pretty titties out for me.”
She huffed in frustration, but did as you asked, sliding down the straps of the teddy to fold over the cups, revealing her breasts.
“Oh, look how pretty you are…” you growled, groping one with your free hand.
“Please honey, let me c- ah!” she was cut off by you tearing the vibrator away from her core.
“Hey, you know what my name is baby.” you said sternly, waving the device back and forth as if shaking your finger at her.
“I’m sorry master! Please, please, I need to cum!” she pleaded, tears prickling at her eyes.
“Okay, but you need to be a good girl for me, okay?” you instructed.
“I will, I promise!” she cried, laying back against your chest.
“Alright. Strip down for me and we’ll keep going. Get the dice.”
“You mean you want to keep playing while getting me off?” she asked, perplexed at your boldness.
“Oh come on, you were the one who wanted to play so badly. I know you can take it.” you praised, putting the vibrator back against her clit as soon as she was nude. She had no idea what she was getting into by winning this game. Well, maybe she did. But was she disappointed? Hell no.
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You didn’t know how Yeri convinced you to come to a sleepover at Nayeon’s, but here you were. You hadn’t been to a sleepover since you were 16. You forgot how tiring they were, and decided to take a quick power nap in Nayeon’s guest room. Yeri, Nayeon, Sana, Chuu, and Suhyun all pouted jokingly when you left, but told you to sleep well and rejoin them when you were reenergized.
After a half hour or so, you felt well rested enough to rejoin the party. As you were walking down the hall, you heard something that made you stop dead in your tracks.
“We should play truth or dare!” Nayeon proclaimed. You could hear in her voice that the girls had busted out a bottle of wine shortly after you left. Go figure.
“That’s a great idea!” Chuu agreed enthusiastically, clunking her class down on the table.
“Ugh, didn’t we do this at the last sleepover?” you heard Yeri ask.
Your ears perked up at the sound of her voice. You hadn’t told anyone, because you knew none of the girls could keep a secret, but you had a massive crush on her. No one knew you were awake yet anyway, so what would be the harm in eavesdropping a little bit?
“Yeah, but we didn’t get to ask any juicy questions then!” Sana whined. “We just talked about our lame feelings and stuff.”
“Yeah come on Yeri, it’ll be fun.” Suhyun debated.
“Fine, let’s do it. This is what i get for being the only sober one tonight.” Yeri grumbled. “I wish Y/N was here so I wouldn’t be stuck with all you drunkards.”
You blushed and smiled at the floor at her mention of your name. Part of you wanted to go out there and comfort her, but you were too far into this eavesdropping mission to drop it now.
“Well since you’re so thrilled, how about you go first Yerim?” Nayeon teased. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth.” Yeri grumbled.
“BORING!” Chuu chanted, cupping her hands around her mouth.
“Yeah Yeri, don’t be a stick in the mud.” Sana pleaded, tugging on her arm.
“Fine! Give me a stupid dare!” Yeri huffed, throwing her hands up in surrender.
Nayeon smirked evilly. “I dare you to go into the guest room and wake up Y/N with a kiss.”
Your heart stopped. You couldn’t see her, but you knew Yeri was frozen too.
“… are you serious?” she asked meekly. Nayeon must have nodded, because everyone else erupted into applause.
“This is your chance to finally make a move on them!” Suhyun said, encouragingly patting her on the back.
“While they’re asleep? Guys that’s creepy.” Yeri replied nervously.
“Oh come on Yeri, just a little peck on the lips!” Nayeon compromised. “You’ve had a crush on them for MONTHS now. We all know they like you back. Someone has to get the ball rolling.
Your breath hitched in your throat. Yeri liked you? And the girls knew you liked her back? Perhaps they were smarter than you thought.
There was a moment of silence before Yeri slapped her hands on her thighs. “Alright,” she said, “I’ll do it.”
You sprinted back to the guest room with the lightest footsteps you could possibly manage, doing a swift tiptoe run as sound of the girls cheering drowned out behind you. You quickly darted back under the covers and resumed your sleeping position.
You got comfortable just as Yeri clicked open the bedroom door, peering in to see if you were still asleep. You heard her footsteps padding closer to you, until the mattress next to you sunk down a bit.
“Y/N?” she asked quietly, “Are you awake?”
You gave no response.
“Alright, well, here goes…” she sighed, grabbing your shoulders lightly. Once you felt her weight pressing down on you to lean in and kiss you, you sprung up and met her halfway, clamping a hand behind her neck to deepen the kiss.
She pulled back in shock. “Y/N? You’re awake?” she questioned.
You clicked on the bedside lamp so you could see each other. “I like you too Yeri.”
It suddenly clicked in her head that you must have heard her conversation with the girls. She open-mouth laughed at you, feigning disbelief.
“You’re such a little eavesdropper!” she scolded, poking at your sides playfully.
“Shut up and kiss me again.” you demanded, pulling her back down.
Her hips shifted to straddle you as your lips met once again, slowly and softly at first but getting rougher and deeper by the second. Her tongue hesitantly entered your mouth as if asking for permission. You hooked your own tongue right under it, granting her that permission. Now more confident in your intimacy, she began rolling her hips over your core. You matched her rhythm and pushed your hips up for more friction.
She was wearing a thin cotton nightgown, so thin that you could see her hardened nipples pressing against the fabric. You brought a hand up her thigh and trailed your way up to her chest hesitantly.
“You can touch me, Y/N.” she reassured, grabbing your hand and placing it over her breast.
You cupped it and rolled her nipple between your fingers, making her moan at the sensation.
“Do you want them in your mouth?” she asked suddenly.
Your eyes widened. “Well yes, but you don’t have to-“
She cut you off by whipping the nightgown off and over her head, tossing it to the side quickly. Now just clad in a simple pair of white cotton panties, she moved further up your body until her chest was hovering over your face.
It was hard to think logically when the hottest girl you knew was practically naked on top of you, positioning her plump breast towards your lips. You lost all reserve, and took her nipple in your mouth to begin sucking on it.
“Fuck, Y/N…” she groaned, eyelids fluttering shut. Her hips began rutting against your abdomen, obviously trying to get off.
You could feel your own arousal leaking through your pants, but your main focus was pleasuring Yeri. You lifted your hand up to grope the breast you weren’t currently suckling on, flicking the nipple lightly.
“Y/N, please…” she begged, “I need more.”
You released her nipple from your lips, making a “pop” sound. You looked up at her with bright eyes. “Can I taste you then?”
She nodded, and in an instant, you sprung up and pinned her to the mattress underneath you. Now on top, you began trailing kisses down her abdomen until you reached her panties. You tugged them down with your teeth, then dove straight for her clit with a flat tongue. She cried out as soon as the contact was made.
You were interrupted by the sudden opening of the bedroom door.
“Hey are you guys alright in here? I heard screaming and, OH MY GOD!” Nayeon screeched, slapping her hands over her eyes.
“Nayeon!” you both yelled out, scrambling to cover Yeri’s naked body.
“Nope, it’s my fault!” the older girl sighed, turning around. “I should’ve knocked. Continue.”
She shut the door behind you and sprinted down the hall. “Guys! Guys! Y/N was totally just giving Yeri head! Our plan worked!” you heard her chant, causing all the girls to cheer.
Yeri slapped a palm to her forehead. “Why do we have to have such stupid friends?”
“Yeah, but I’m gonna have to thank them one day.” you chuckled, taking her hand. “But since we were interrupted anyway, I think we should go on a few dates before this goes any further. Not that I didn’t love all of it, trust me, I did.”
She giggled, rubbing her thumb along the back of your hand. “I agree. I really loved it too, but I didn’t want this to just be a hookup. I really like you.”
You nodded understandingly. “Great, that’s settled. Now let’s go face our nosy, idiot friends.”
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alcoholfreenayeon · 6 months
Wendy headcannons(SFW & NSFW)
Wendy Girlfriend HCs
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The type of girl people started wars over in ancient times.
She feels you are too protective of her but you tell her that she’s too precious for you not to be.
She likes to help you with your skincare routine, recommending various products, helping you use them etc.
She makes playlists for you and to your astonishment, each time you absolutely love every song in it.
She absolutely hates any sort of disagreement between the two of you.
She makes amazing desserts and it’s come to the point where you cannot end dinner without eating something delicious that she made. She makes especially good cakes.
She likes to lean on you whenever you are close to her. Though she does expect you to wrap your hands around her while she does so or else she’ll pout and pull away.
She always accuses you of cheating when the two of you play games together. It’s because regardless of whether it’s a board or card game or a video game, Wendy always ends up getting the worst possible outcomes. She doesn’t understand how she gets unlucky every time.
She loves to hear you laugh and always tries her best to make you giggle uncontrollably.
Always the little spoon, she loves to be in your arms, snuggling and whispering cute stuff.
You would be surprised by spicy things can get with Wendy.
She’s pretty much a switch, topping or bottoming depending on how you feel.
You didn’t realize until you experienced it but singing was probably her worst oral skill compared to her other….talents
Always eager to make out with you.
She always has a slight blush whenever you two do anything more than kissing.
She’s extremely sensitive and it doesn’t take too much to make her cum.
Despite being a main vocalist, she’s surprisingly quiet in bed. She more often whimpers and gasps, squirming helplessly even than outrightly moaning.
She likes it when you bite her and also likes to be gently choked.
Loves to dress up for sex, always eager to try on different lingerie, dresses or costumes.
She also likes to read erotic novels and literature, it always gets her in the mood so anytime she seems really horny out of the blue, you chalk it down to her reading something.
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pixelatedraindrops · 2 months
Story takes place at the start of Chapter 4 (MINOR SPOILERS)
Comic Title drawn by Kazin (as well as the whole comic)
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Here's the Dub! Vocals and Editing done by me 🎙️📑 Enjoy!!
Further Rambling Below
Hehe I bet you all didn't think voice acting was among my list of hidden hobbies/talents didja? (I’m just full of surprises x3) Well... I can only hope that I delivered well enough here. (please feel free to laugh at my attempted Yakou voice… LMAO)
So this is yet another collab project that @kazinsblog and I did together. The story is based on a kokowendy ch4 canon divergent skit that I made way back last fall. When Kazin saw it, she wanted to make it into a full comic. I didn't protest (I never do LOL) but then I wanted to try something.
I've never attempted a solo dub of a comic before, and honestly I didn't think I would with RainCode due to a majority of the characters being male. Sadly with my naturally high voice I can only do so much with attempting male voices. I usually only do female or child character voices.
But since Kurumi is the lead role of this story, and has the most lines, I decided to give it a try. I do love Kurumi (she's my best girl) so I hope I did her justice here. I like to think I did her voice fairly well. I struggled a bit with the guys (and Halara) but I think my Yuma is decent enough... x'D (plus it was really fun making him sound tired and out of breath :3)
I do enjoy Kokowendy as a ship, though I'm not a huge shipper. But these two are just too cute... ;w; So I think a scenario like this suits them both. Plus it gives Kurumi a chance to be reliable and try to help her beloved hero in his time of need <3 Honestly it can even be seen as platonic. Its very tame (the only small hint is that Yuma blushes at some point, but that's it)
I had a lot of fun doing this!! I got the voices and editing done in only 3 days, so it’s definitely not a long lasting project. (on my end anyway) But I still think it’s a pretty big project with all of the work both of us did. Editing the video was probably the most fun part for me >w< I knew exactly what BGM and sound effects I wanted months in advance c: I only hope I did the editing style of it right. Comic dubs are very peculiar in the way they’re done… 💦 (also no I’m not putting this on YouTube, this is a tumblr exclusive ONLY! And I give NOBODY permission to re-upload it without my consent!)
I’m not sure if I'm the first that's attempted a RC comic dub before, but if I am, then I am very happy c: Idk if I'll do another full one though. Like I said too many of the characters are male... x'D This may be a one time thing for me here. But if I were to do one, I figured why not on a comic that was made specifically for me? c: (ty again kazin!💕)
Anyway I'm done yapping now, I hope you all enjoy! 💜 Feel free to let me know what you think or which role you enjoyed from me the most! (tho I think the answer is obvious lol)
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sassyjoy · 1 year
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jea's masterlist ❦
╰┈➤ joy x male reader 🍓
♡ back to you
♡ behind the scenes
♡ joyride
♡ missed you
♡ once again
♡ paradise
♡ unplanned sleepover
╰┈➤ time stamps 💌
·˚ ༘ 8:40 PM
·˚ ༘ 9:55 PM
╰┈➤ joy x male idol ⭐️
♡ private party — joy x chanyeol
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
I’m watching Peter Pan (the animated one it’s my fave) and imagine Eddie in his mid twenties as Captain Hook. He’d have his long hair, a great hat, the coat and instead of calling his ship the Jolly Rodger it would simply be called his sweetheart. But since Eddie is Hook let’s say Steve is Peter Pan and brings Wendy aka you also in your twenties to Neverland, Eddie makes it his mission to meet you because you’re all the island is talking about and he can’t do that without the help of Smee who would have to be Dustin.
“What’s so special about this Wendy?” Eddie huffs as he sits at his desk so he can look at his map of Neverland. “Why do people love her so much?” Dustin quickly brings Eddie a cigarette so he can work on looking for the hiding spot of this Wendy person and for some reason a cigarette always helps Eddie focus.
“I hear she’s really good at telling stories.” Dustin answers as he helps Eddie out of his jacket so he’s more comfortable. “Like ones about mermaids and pirates.” Eddie turns his head so he’s now glaring at the back of Dustin who is pouring him a glass of wine.
“Pirates?” Dustin just nods as he not so secretly takes a sip of the wine making his face scrunch up out of disgust. “What does she know about pirates?” Dustin shrugs as he hands Eddie the glass.
“I’m not sure maybe she just likes them?” Eddie smirks as he takes a sip of his wine.
“Well then,” Dustin raises an eyebrow as Eddie stands up and takes a long drag of his cigarette before motioning for Dustin to grab his coat and hat making Dustin huff as he rushes to grab his going out coat. “We simply must meet her.”
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sexyredvelvetsnaps · 2 years
Hi! Which members would like to degrade and which members would like to praise their sub?
Degradation to Praise
Name: Bae Joohuyn (Irene)
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Name: Shon Seungwan (Wendy)
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Name: Kim Yerim (Yeri)
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Name: Kang Seulgi
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Name: Park Sooyoung (Joy)
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panda-writes-kpop · 8 months
if you are taking orders I can order Fluff Alphabet Wendy red velvet 🥺
Fluff Alphabet ~ Wendy
A/N: darling, I am sorry that this took so long! I hope you're satisfied with the final product. 💕
TW: Food mentions
♡ Masterlist ♡
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- Affection (How do they show their affection? What love language(s) do they use?)
As greasy as always, Wendy’s love language is her words of affirmation and physical touch. A teasing comment, a slick arm around your waist, or a night cuddled up together sharing sweet words is how she shows her affection.
- Beauty (What do they admire about their S/O? What makes their S/O beautiful?)
What isn’t she admiring about you is a better question. Physical or mental, she often tells you how much she adores every bit of you.
- Comfort (How would they help their S/O if they were having a rough day?)
Wendy likes to surround you with her love while doing something that you adore together. There is nothing better than the company of your favorite person doing your favorite activity.
- Dreams (How do they picture their future with their S/O?)
She’s the more traditional type, so I think she would like to settle down and get married some day. A family would be nice - whether of animals or kids is up to you - but she just wants more time to spend with you.
- Equal (Do they tend to be more dominant or passive in the relationship?)
She tends to be the more dominant person in the relationship. Opening the door for you or being the one to initiate things first is her thing, and Wendy would much rather do it for you then you for her.
- Fight (Would they easily forgive their S/O after a fight? How would a typical fight go?)
She’ll give you space or talk things out, depending on what you need or request. Either way, she usually takes the time to go through everything and make sure that you’re both doing okay with no hurt feelings on either side.
- Gratitude (How grateful are they for everything that their S/O does for them?)
Wendy will tell you how much she loves you, repeatedly, if you do anything for her. Like a small puppy dog, she clings to you and gives you attention when you take the time out of your day to do something special for you.
- Honesty (Do they tend to keep secrets from their S/O, or do they share everything?)
You’d be surprised if there was a thought in her head that she didn’t say to you. Wendy is very open, romantic comments and teasing aside, and she likes to tell you what’s on your mind.
- Inspiration (Did their S/O change them, or was it the other way around?)
Her hard work and artistry inspires you daily, and your kindness inspires her to be a better person for you daily.
- Jealousy (Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
Wendy gets jealous, a lot, but she knows how to handle herself. If it bugs her enough, she’ll pull you aside and you two can talk about it (kisses after are mandatory, however).
- Kiss (How often do they kiss you? Where do they like to kiss you?)
All-day, every day, anywhere, if it were up to her. A good morning kiss, before she leaves the house, kissing emojis on the phone, and about a hundred after she’s done working.
- Lazy Day (How do they like to spend days off with their S/O?)
Shopping and spoiling each other is a good lazy day with Wendy, and it’s even better if it’s raining outside. Just a warning: she will pull you out of the safety of your umbrella and dance with you in the rain while you call her the cheesiest person alive and go along with her antics.
- Marriage (Do they want to get married? How often do they think about marrying their S/O?)
ABSOLUTELY! Once you two are on the same page about your life goals, she’s constantly thinking about when is the best time to be with you.
- Nicknames (What do they call their S/O?)
Honey, jagi, baby, darling, dearest, or whatever sweet nickname strikes her at the moment.
- On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they are in love? Is it extremely obvious to others?)
Wendy is always around you, and it’s like her world orbits right around you. The members tease her about it, but she takes it in good nature and uses their teasing to tease you as well.
- PDA (Are they very upfront with their relationship, or do they prefer to keep things quiet?)
Enjoys PDA, but will tone it down if you’re not comfortable. Gentle kisses on the cheek, a hand around the waist, or a quick side hug will keep her happy until you get home.
- Quirk (Some random personality trait that makes them an excellent partner.)
You have an album in your phone gallery named “Wendy is the weirdest person I know”, and it’s filled with every weird thing she’s texted or said on camera. She, in turn, has one of you doing strange things so the two of you can be weird together.
- Romance (Are they a born romantic ready to woo their S/O at any moment, or do they struggle to spark romantic moments with their S/O?)
Very romantic, will happily serenade you while you’re making dinner or doing the laundry. Will sometimes just take your hand and lead you on a wonderful date that neither of you will forget.
- Support (How do they help support their S/O to reach their goals?)
Due to busy schedules, she can’t always be there, but she tries to show you that she’s thinking of you. A small voice note of her singing your favorite song, a weird video she took of herself to cheer you up, or a phone call to let you know that she’s here for you.
- Thrill (Do they like trying out new things to spice up their relationship, or do they prefer to stick to a routine?)
Wendy is someone who likes to try out new things while keeping a bit of a routine. Helping each other with dinner is a must every night, but you’ll switch up the recipes or go out for dinner instead.
- Understanding (How well do they know their partner?)
Wendy knows you much better than she lets on, or you even know. She happily spouts off random facts about you to her members (they didn’t ask) and you’ll then have one of the members text you a very obscure piece of information about you that you don’t even remember sharing with Wendy in the first place.
- Value (How important is the relationship to the person versus other relationships and things in their life?)
Your relationship is the most important thing to Wendy! She would much rather cancel a schedule than cancel something with you, but she can’t, so Wendy always makes it up to you with lots of affection afterwards.
- Wild Card (A random fluffy headcanon that you have about the relationship?)
She looks like she gives the best hugs ever. Do I have any solid evidence for this? No. It’s just a gut thing, but I think she gives warm, welcoming, and comforting hugs that always calm you down and make you feel better.
- XOXO (Do they like to kiss, hug, and cuddle you? How often do they do so?)
Wendy is very… handsy, and she likes to have her hands or lips on you as often as you can. This is impractical when you’re trying to be productive or are embarrassed, but she likes when her eyes are on her and her alone.
- Yearning (How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?)
When on tour, Wendy sends you texts at all hours of the night, and although she doesn’t expect you to respond, she does like hearing back from you. She also buys trinkets for you, especially if they’re cute or if they make her think of you.
- Zeal (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
Wendy does go to great lengths for your relationship, but she’s practical about everything. She can’t give you the moon and stars, but she can offer you all of her love and all of herself for you to adore and cherish.
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jewbeloved · 1 month
stan,kenny and wendy with a ghost s/o? like s/o died in south park (cause,i mean cmon,if you dont have plot armour are you really gonna survive?) and they just kinda haunt sp.they also have similar abilities to damien (flight,telekinesis,teleportation,ect),maybe they even have a human/physical form like him too 😃?
Stan, Kenny, and Wendy with a ghost s/o💙🧡🩷
warnings: Plasmophobia (If you have it)
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Stan Marsh ⚽
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Blud thought he was hearing things because someone kept calling his name and he didn't know where it was coming from.
Stan began to get irritated and demanded whoever was calling his name multiple times to show themselves.
You just now realized that you were invisible to Stan and he obviously cannot see you. So you make yourself visible while making the place around you cold asf.
The gif above is Stan's brief reaction before he jumps back in complete shock.
It took him a while to realize it was you but in the form of a ghost.....
Stan wasn't really close to you at all when you first came to south park. Probably because he didn't even notice you were there.
He did hear about one of the students dying on the news but he didn't think it was you.
But since you're a ghost that death that occurred confirms it was you after all. He feels guilty that he never spoken to you, not even once before you died.
You both started to have a lot of conversations with each other after your first meeting. Stan obviously snuck out during lunch or free time to go talk to you behind the school.
Stan always talked about you to Kyle though. Kyle thought he had a screw loose since Kyle can't even see you.
You like to tease Stan with your powers and scare him a lot. I'd like to think Stan always puffs his cheeks whenever he's angry and you find that cute :)
If physical contact was possible he would be so happy. If you allow him to be able to touch💙💙💙💙
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 🍄
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You both already know about each other.
You always remembered the times Kenny has died and comforted him after he regenerates the next day.
But when he heard that you died he was so sad that he couldn't stop crying because you weren't immortal like him so you couldn't come back to life.
That all changed when he started shivering because his room got cold all of a sudden and this woke him up out of his sleep.
He thought that he accidentally left the window open so got up to go look, only for him to find out that it was never opened.
He then felt a soft tap on his shoulder and turned around immediately while flinching.
"Oh for heavens sake Kenny, It's just me (Name)...".
Wait what?
A ghost?
I guess he shouldn't be surprised just by seeing that. He was so happy and relieved to hear that it was just you.
You really came back to see him...well in a ghostly form anyway because you're dead.... Kenny's happy nonetheless!
You both can go back to interacting with each other again! But he's still a bit sad that he isn't able to feel your heartbeat anymore whenever he hugs you. Please cheer him up.
Since Kenny is immortal, you both can literally spend the rest of your lives together forever now that you're here <33333🧡🧡🧡🧡
🩷 Wendy Testaburger 💮
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Like Kenny, you and her have known each other ever since you moved to south park.....or whatever you did in order to get there.
She one day saw that you weren't home at all and she panicked thinking you went missing.
It wasn't until your parents told her that you recently had died (Or if she finds out on her own if you don't have any parents).
You and her had a close bonding relationship and she was devastated to hear the news.
She will wear anything you had left behind before you died (hats, scarfs, etc.)
When she was cleaning out her locker for her next class. She saw a bunch of students running away from the janitor's closet, screaming about how the closet is haunted or something.
Wendy brushed it off as them being weird until Bebe told her that she saw a ghost in the closet. Wendy signed and went to check it out for herself since she trusts Bebe.
She opened the closet door and saw nothing inside.
She was about to go and confront Bebe for lying to her until she saw a ghostly figure that looked exactly like her.
She screamed until you shifted back into your normal self and reassured her that it was just only you.
She couldn't believe it, she always thought ghosts weren't real...how is it possible for someone to be able to see ghosts????
She's going through the five stages of grief right now that she can't even mutter another word out. Eventually she can't escape reality in the end.
She doesn't know exactly what to do now that she is seeing you again as a ghost?? But those tears streaming down her cheeks told you everything you needed to know about how she feels.
You noticed that she was wearing your stuff (If you had any) while you were hugging her.
You kept hugging and comforting her until she stopped crying. Telling her that you would never leave her even in death. 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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luxora · 1 year
Red Velvet -> {Crime AU} -> Falling for their next victim
Requested: No
Group: Red Velvet
Genre: Angst. Fluffish?
Warning: Weapons. Murderous thoughts. Mentions of blood.
A/N: Serial Killer Red Velvet
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The only thing that could be heard in the bedroom was your rhythmic breathing as you slept beside Joohyun, the bed sheets pulled to your shoulders in order to protect your bare body from the cold evening air. Joohyun sat beside you, an oversized shirt draped over her shoulders, it being the only thing to protect her from the cold air, with a switchblade in her hands while her eyes were fixated on your sleeping face.
Joohyun expertly sheathed and unsheathed her switchblade, her delicate fingers tracing the handle of the blade while she continued to gaze at you face, her eyes gliding over the smooth skin of your cheek to your angular jaw to eventually your plush lips. Joohyun knew well enough how soft your skin was, ranging from your face to your hands, practically your entire body which she had traced the entire time the two of you tangled yourselves in her bed sheets, blissfully unaware of the happenings of the world as the only thing on both of your minds was each other.
She always has liked people with soft skin, especially with the lighter kind because it always reminded her of a blank canvas that was yearning for a splash of color to bring it to life. Joohyun would hardly consider herself an artist, but she did enjoy dallying in the artistic world, particularly in the human anatomy side of it because the human body was simply a work of art itself, something which has been an object of obsession for Joohyun ever since she was a teenager.
She would hardly call herself an abnormality, she simply had interests that tended to be more on the extreme side. She simply desired to have a more realistic approach to her art, and so she would aspire to gain inspiration directly from her topic of obsession...the human body.
Blood was sustenance to the human body, but also for Joohyun’s art. While it was predominately a bright red, it came in so many shades, especially when it was preserved over time outside the human body. It also stained so beautiful on art canvasses, and even though critics have claimed Joohyun’s work to be rather morbid in depiction, they could not deny her obviously talent of capturing the curves of the human body in various positions, as well to catch their realness in expression as they hold the mask of horror, pain, and fear.
Only the expressions aren’t masks, they are true captured images of all the people she has used to sustain her art.
You were supposed to be the next one to sustain her next artwork, to become her muse and sustain her inspiration until their is nothing left but your hollow carcass as she extracted every single living aspect of you in order to create her most perfect masterpiece yet.
Yes, Joohyun does form a relationship with her muses in order to wear down their walls before she strikes, but she has never gone as far with all her previous muses as she has with you. Friendships are what she forms best with her previous muses but with you it extended to more than just friendship.
She wanted you. She craved you. The idea of you leaving the living realm completely drove her mad with possessiveness, anger, and fear. She should not be feeling this way about you, she shouldn't be hanging off very word that came from your lips nor should she be feeling at her happiest whenever you smiled at her and wrapped your arms around her in a hug. She most certainly should not be feeling as complete as a person could be after spending a passionate with you.
Looking at you in her bed, wrapped in her sheets with her marks all over your body...she should not have allowed it to get this far since she needed to use you for your next artwork, and yet she did.
Joohyun never anticipated that she would eventually fall in love with one of her marks and yet she did just that, with you of all people. She had previously thought she had kept you alive for so long simply because she wanted to revel in your soft skin before it would be peeled away with one of her blades, but eventually she realized it was simply because she wanted to revel in your presence a little bit longer.
Another hour, another day, another month. Time kept passing and eventually Joohyun realized that she simply could not do it. Staring at your sleeping face now, Joohyun can not bear the thought of slicing through your soft skin with her switchblade. She could do it now, she could strike you in a painless instant and be done with it. But she couldn’t. Not to you, not ever.
Joohyun continued to gaze at you for a long while before she suddenly hissed in pain and turned her head to look at her hand, blood immediately seeping out of the cut she had unintentionally given herself while playing with her switchblade. While her finger was stinging from the pain, Joohyun did nothing to stop the bleeding. She instead gazed at the red substance that was flushing out of her body, its red gaze staring at her before dribbling down her hand and dripping onto her bare thighs as she sat in her bed.
It is almost ironic that her memorization with the human body drew her to her knew object obsession, it being the sleeping form beside her, blissfully unaware of the dark, twisted artist who would never let them go. Since you could not become her next artwork, you were going to become her everything. Although then again, you were that already, only now your were more permanent to her life that you previously expected.
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Seulgi thought that she was being kind to you, involving you in her life despite knowing how it was going to end. You were a soft one, someone so tender that needed protection from all the horrible things in the world, and at the time when the two of you first met, Seulgi played with the idea of possibly playing house with someone before wiping them off from this horrible world.
Seulgi liked to consider herself a savior of some sorts. She always did love the charity cases simply because she felt so needed and powerful in the moment. To have someone so desperate for her, so yearning for her presence and protective embrace, Seulgi couldn’t help but get drunk off it. Perhaps she had some sort of addiction to the dynamics that developed between herself and somebody that yearned for her, or rather the supposed safety that she offered to others.
She had a power over them that others couldn’t have. She managed to twist them so much around her finger that eventually they were unable to go in any other direction except towards her. Seulgi enjoyed being the center of somebody’s world but eventually one gets tired of it. Or rather, Seulgi got tired of being the hero of somebody that was a lost cause with no hope of ever getting better.
That is what attracted her to you at first. You were completely and utterly hopeless. You had been living off the streets for months, having been kicked out from your previous shelter with nowhere to go, especially not to your parents since they were the reason you were forced to fend for yourself because they didn’t believe that you had any right to object to their desires for your life. You were strong-willed, she will admit that, but so incredibly naive about the real world.
She would have thought that you would have learned some skills already to care for yourself, but you had a slightly priveleged life before and so you became completely ruined when you were kicked out the house and disowned by your parents. You became miserable, helpless, and a downright lunatic because you came hooked on the substances that were provided on the street, that only racked up a massive debt that was impossible for you to pay.
You were lost, hopeless, and down for. Nobody would miss someone like you, hence why Seulgi became interested in you. She always went for people like you because your disappearance would not cause any raised eyebrows. You would be but another number that succumbed to substance abuse and homelessness. Nothing special and no one important. She was essentially killing two birds with one stone because she would be able to get her need for being needed satisfied, as well as have her usual cut-off enjoyment. It was perfect like usual.
But then she fell in love with you.
She didn’t even know when she had started falling for you. Perhaps it was when you had finally managed to find a stable enough job to bring some sort of income to the house. Maybe it was when you finally decided to start going to clean. Maybe it was when you had brought her a bracelet with your own money, having saved up to get it for her. Maybe it was when you had gotten a promotion and had brought home a bottle of champagne and your and her favorite takeaway dinner home to celebrate. Or maybe... it was when you started becoming her home.
The thoughts of ending you like she has done to all the others in the past was driving her mad, her entire mind and body telling her to do that, you hardly being much different from all her previous lovers and victims, but then again, to her you were different. You were nothing like the others before you.
You made her laugh more than she has ever laughed.You made her feel more cherished and adored than before. You weren’t like the others because instead of remaining the victim of the cruel game known as life, you have tried to work hard to become a contender to be dealt with. You didn’t want to be at Seulgi’s mercy. You didn’t want to kneel before her, you wanted to stand beside her, and oddly enough...that is where Seulgi wanted you to be.
The knife was under her pillow, she could do it so easily right now. You were snuggled up on her arms, back pressed against her front and sleeping peacefully, completely unaware of the war that was laying awake behind you. Seulgi could feel the handle of her knife, smooth and hard in her hands as she slipped her under its concealer, her eyes transfixed on the back of you head.
She could strike you like one would to a melon, just piece through your skull with the accuracy of a nail through a piece of wood. Or she could instead drag it along that beautiful neck of yours, make a gorgeous river of red along that smooth valley and simply watch you gasp for air as your blood drained out of your body. Seulgi has seen the sight before so many times so it would hardly be new, but the idea of your eyes bulging in shock and terror, the idea of you looking at her in absolute betrayal and heartbreak...she would never be able to handle it.
Instead of grabbing the knife, Seulgi instead wrapped both arms around your sleeping form, nuzzling her nose into your hair and inhaling your sweet scent, closing her eyes as she tried to fix the scent to her memory. Her body still ache pleasantly from the celebration the two of you had, your biting mark stilling slightly stinging on her neck but she could hardly care because her heart thundered at your close proximity.
Seulgi never anticipated falling in love with one of her marks and yet here she was cradling you as if she wanted to protect you from all the dangerous things in the world, including herself. And while leaving you would most likely be the wisest and safest choice because she didn’t want to develop the urge to kill you...she was simply too selfish to do that.
She can’t leave you and she doesn’t thing she could leave you. Her mind and heart were at war with one another and not even Seulgi herself knew which organ was going to win. But either way, it was in connection to you. You had managed to do the impossible and maker her fall in love and see herself more than a hero. She had instead become a victim in her own game. A victim of love who would only fall from grace due to her own pride and naivety.
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It would be so easy.
All she had to do was was wrap the rope around your beautiful neck and then tighten it. There would be no way that you would be able to defend yourself. Seungwan knew that she was stronger than you, proving it time and time again whenever the two of you wrestled on the bed or when the two of you roughhoused around the apartment. Seungwan has trained herself well into being physically prepared for anyone that she was attempting to add to her numbers and you would hardly be a challenge to her given you small stature and delicate features. You were about as fragile as a plastic Barbie Doll, one whose head could easily pop off.
Seungwan’s grip on the rope tightened as she stared at your back, your body crouched down as you hammered the tent peg into the ground, the tent making some sort of shape despite your multiple attempts of putting it up. Despite being so weak and fragile, you always tried to do things on your own, even when Seungwan was there to offer you the necessary assistance. Your pride was probably the largest thing about you, something which she has pointed out before but you always readily retorted back that she was just as prideful as you, if not more.
But Seungwan had a reason to be very prideful. After all, she has been living under the noses of the law enforcement for about five years now, and they still had no clue who was behind the ‘Phantom Murders’ that were terrorizing the entire city. While she did find the name cliche, especially with being dubbed as the ‘Phantom Killer”, she took pride in the fact that she has yet to have left an inkling to her connection to the murders. She has always been a very careful individual, her involvement in killing being no different, and it was not supposed to be any different when she came across you because you simply were another soon-to-be victim who would not be able to escape her grasp.
“Oh thanks Wannie, I needed more rope.” You said, turning around and flashing her a smile before holding out your hand to her.
...Although it seemed that you were unable to escape from her with different circumstances. Seungwan wordlessly handed you the rope, watching the potential weapon being handed off to the supposed victim as you turned around and began to unravel it, completely obvious to the swirling storm behind you.
“Did you even read the manual?” Seungwan suddenly asked, her eyes locked on the back of your head as she referenced to the mess of a tent that you were constructing. You turned around and flashed her a challenging glare.
“Instructions are for the stupid.”
“...So you think not following it will prove your intelligence in building the tent?”
“I don’t like your tone Shon Seungwan.” You said menacingly, raising a finger at her in warning. But instead of being intimidated, Seungwan just smirked. She then crouched down in front of you and glanced at your finger before looking back at your face.
“Oh? And what are you going to do about it?” She teased, flashing a predatory smile at you as you visibly became flushed by her smile.
Seungwan always seemed to always affect you in some kind of away, especially when she became particularly playful with you, just like she was being right now. So deciding to affect you even further, Seungwan leaned it to capture your finger in her mouth, sucking it gently for a few moments before it was suddenly ripped out of her mouth as you pulled it away in surprise.
You clearly were not expecting Seungwan to do such a thing, so you did not anticipate the force of your sudden retrieval of your finger to upset your balance in your sitting position. You had fallen backwards and Seungwan did not give you a chance to recover as she was suddenly following you. Seungwan had you pinned to the floor and on top of the misshapen body of the tent which was yet to be pitched up. Her hands were on your wrists and she was holding them above your head, literally pinning you underneath her body as she laid on top of you. Seungwan smiled wickedly as she leaned in to give your cheek a nip.
“What were you trying to say?”
“I...you are so unfair!”
“Oh baby...when am I ever fair?”
Seungwan did not waste a moment to smash her lips against your own, swallowing whatever protest you had with her mouth and tongue as she immediately set the pace with you, your body completely succumbing to her as you allowed her to do whatever she wanted to you. You willingly arched your body into Seungwan and didn’t even flinch when Seungwan took her previously owned rope and wrapped it around your wrists to make you entirely vulnerable to her touch, incompletely unaware of what she could do with it.
Such as ending your life for example.
It has crossed her mind many times but Seungwan knew that she couldn’t do it. While she could kill anybody in this world, you were the only one she could not lay a finger, knife, or electrical prong to. None of her killer toys could touch you. She would cut off her own hand than lay a hand on you.
You were hers. You were hers to cherish and love. You were hers not to kill. And she intended to never do that to you, no matter how much stronger the desire was becoming every day. She won’t give into it. That was a promise.
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Sooyoung panicked.
She never panicked.
But in that moment, that was the only thing she could do because you were never supposed to find out the truth about her. She was going to get rid of all of her mementos, she had promised herself that she was going to exterminate any evidence that she had that could possibly lead to you finding out the truth. Or for anyone to find out the truth. She couldn’t lose you over it. Out of everything that she owned, she could not lose you. Not when you had become the thing that she has grown to treasure the most.
But she couldn’t treasure you if she was in prison.
Sooyoung simply had lost her mind when she arrived home to find you staring into the box where she had kept her moments, all of them being a sweet memory to a wonderful night that she could fondly remember. All of them were stained with blood because Sooyoung wanted a more personal piece of her victim’s to their belongings aside from just the belonging itself, but now it seemed that the symbolism that she had for herself came to stab her in the back in the form of her love turning around to stare at her with horrified eyes.
“Sooyoung...what is this?”
Sooyoung couldn’t even remember the words she had spoken to you. She could not remember what she uttered to you to try explain herself, to try calm you down and assure you that you were not in any danger with her. She couldn’t even remember when you had started running or when she had grabbed the vase that the two of you had bought together and chased after you. She could only faintly recall running into the bedroom and then throwing the vase, your head being the unfortunate recipient of the thrown object.
Seeing you fall to the floor in a slump, a pained cry leaving your lips before silence followed, it had made Sooyoung’s soul evaporate from her body. A cold sense of dread washed over her as she stared at your fallen body, a trail of blood slowly beginning to form a pool near your head as it leaked away from your body as you remained unmoving from the floor. Your name tasted like ash as she called it, her hands trembling as she slowly walked over to you and fell to her knees.
You didn’t flinch as she cradled you into her arms, falling back on the floor so that she could support your dead weight as you head slumped backwards as she pulled you into an embrace. Terror had started to claw itself into her chest as she slowly moved her hand to your neck to check for your pulse, fearing the worse, but then it eased way when she felt your steady heartbeat against her fingers. But then she felt your blood spread itself onto her hand that was supporting your head, and then realized that she was in fact stuck in a lose-lose situation.
You had found out her deepest secret, one that she never intended for anyone to find out because that would mean that she would have to face the law for everything that she had done with her playthings in the past. While Sooyoung had always made sure that no one would ever find out about her macabre hobby, she was always prepared to end the life of the possible unlucky victim who would stumble upon the truth about Sooyoung.
However...she never anticipated that she would ever fall for one of her victims, much less it being you.
Sooyoung was somebody who enjoyed loving someone else and being loved in return, but she was someone who got bored easily and she could never allow an ex to walk away with a beating heart because Sooyoung was someone who valuable her reputation and her secrets. She enjoyed her privacy and she knew that her playthings would eventually blab about either her lifestyle, past times, or inner secrets she was willing to inform them. She simply was looking out for herself and viewed her ‘hobby’ as an insurance to her own freedom.
Originally you were supposed to just be another lover to entertain her for a small while before she got bored again...only she never did.
You affected Sooyoung in a way nobody has ever affected her before. You left a mark on Sooyoung that would never be erased no matter how hard she tried. While Sooyoung has loved before, she has never fully experienced everything that came with being in love with someone. And you were her first. And most definitely her last.
Sooyoung never planned to stray away from you. You were it forever and she was not going to lose you...not even something like this can stop her from loving you. In fact...perhaps it made her love you more. You now knew everything about her, the worst part of her that nobody literally lived to know. That meant that you were special and meant to stay with her. She will love you for the rest of her life. The two of you can be happy and safe with one another. Sooyoung will never have to worry about you finding out...you knew everything now.
Terror and hope twirled themselves around one another as Sooyoung pressed her trembling lips to your forehead, her hand cupping the cut at the back of your head to apply pressure to restrict its bleeding. There was going to be a lot for the two of you to talk about once you woke up, and Sooyoung had a lot of explaining to do, and a lot of pleading, but Sooyoung can prepare herself for it. And you. She can prepare you for it as well.
She can’t risk the chance that you might call the police or run away from her again, so she needs to act quickly before you came back to the world of the living. But it will be okay. Sooyoung has gotten herself involved in messy situations before and this should not be much different. She just needs to tend to your wound and make you more...comfortable before you woke up again.
But everything will be fine. The two of you love each other. That should be enough for the two of you to get through this together.
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Yerim didn’t her eyes off you as you fiddled with the packaging of the small gift that she handed to you, her arms wrapped loosely around your waist while you sat between her legs while the fireplace in front of you blazed warmly, filling the entire room in wonderful heat during the snowy evening the two of you were trapped in. Your lithe fingers careful unpicked the transparent tape and pulled apart the wrapped to reveal a dark velvet box. She felt you freeze in her arms, prompting her to lean in to press a soft kiss to your jaw.
“Open it.”
You have always been good at taking orders and now was hardly even different as you slowly lifted the lid of the velvet box to reveal a red diamond ring, its shimmring rock gazing at you lovingly, similar to Yerim as she pressed another kiss to your jaw before whispering the question which has been swirling through her mind for the past few months.
“Marry me?”
Yerim didn’t flinch when you turned around to face her, your eyes still wide from shock and surprise with your mouth agape, but the crawling glee slowly appearing in her eyes was enough to not make Yerim panic and believe she was making the biggest mistake in her life. She knew that she wasn’t. You were the one thing she could never make a crawling from and from how in awe you were starting to become with her, Yerim immediately knew that she was right all along. She could only lean into your palm as you raised you hand and cupped her cheek, tenderly stroking her cheekbone.
“Are you serious?”
Yerim would think that giving you a diamond ring with its following question would be proof enough that she was certain about your and her future together, but she understood why you would ask such a stupid question. Neither of you have really discussed marriage, since Yerim always tended to avoid the subject as much as she could simply because se had things to clear up before she could fully commit herself to you. She never did inform you what exactly she was trying to clear up before she would discuss her future with you, and she intended for it to remain that way because it was a part of her life that she was willing to give up forever in order to be with you.
The past Yerim would slit her own throat before admitting that she was in love. She didn’t do love, especially since she learnt that it does not long, courtesy of her role model parents who made it their convince mission to convince Yerim that love was all but a chemical reaction that was forced to form between people. They were in an arranged marriage; therefore any love of forming between them was false and never to happen. They had enforced their beliefs into Yerim that love did not exist, and she did believe them for a while until everything had changed when she first met you.
Somehow for some reason, you made her become almost more human. Before she met you, she was not capable of feeling any guilt. Since her parents were cold and unlovable beings, Yerim perceived herself being the same as them, so she did not feel anything else except distant, minimal availability to the world. But upon meeting you, her Pandora box opened up and suddenly she was exposed to much all at the same time.
You taught her how to love. Even though she hardly made it easy for you, she became someone that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with and even though she never believed that she would find someone who would make her want to change...she was willing to do it because you were worth it.
You were someone who made her to become more that what she was. An heiress who literally got away with murder.
One good thing that her parents left for her was their incredibly wealth and endless amount of resources which can make things disappear. Yerim has exterminated every single link there was to her and all the crimes she has committed. Although she wouldn’t precisely call them crimes, more like her passing times, but now she was determined to find more hobbies, some which could hopefully be shared with you.
“Of course I’m serious. I love you.” Yerim said, staring at you with blazing love. You flushed at her easy confession, a smile crawling along your face.
“But you never said-”
“I have been thinking about it. A lot. And I have realized there is nothing else I want more in this world than you and my last name following your first.” Your laugh immediately made butterflies flutter in Yerim chest, prompting her to raise both her hands to cup your cheeks, leaning in to press her forehead against your own, forcing to feel her breath tickle your lips as she spoke, her eyes locked with yours the entire time. “So say yes already. Marry me.”
“You are so demanding.” You giggled, but you moved your hand from her cheek to grasp the back of her neck before nodding, love shining through your eyes as you gazed at her. “Yes. I’ll marry you.”
You nodded.
And then Yerim kissed you.
Happiness was an emotion that she had learned to experience when she had made her first kill and got away with it. It was probably the reason she did it through all her teenage years and young adulthood because it was something she could do to make her feel accomplished and appreciated. All of her crimes have gone cold and with the efforts she had conducted now...they were to remain that way.
She could not have you find out the truth of her ugly past. To you, she was the emotionally troubled woman with terrible parents who was brought out of her shell because of you. She will keep that facade in order to stay in your life. The two of you were going to be bonded together in everyday possible, it was only right she cleared away the dirt mountain before she laid the foundation of her new life with you.
It was her job to take care of you from now onwards. She was not going to mess up like her parents did. She was going to do everything right with you by her side. That was a promise she was making to herself and to you right now.
Nothing was ever going to stand between the two of you. Nothing.
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panoralis · 7 months
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“⠀⠀ AND IN THE END, even saints can admit her fault was staring through the wrong shade of lenses. ⠀⠀”
STARRING.   hwang haein .. bang chan .. mention of kalaya cherinsuk and hwang gyuri
CW(S).   arguments, possible toxic mindset (particularly when it comes to work and personal relationships), initial refusal to accept accountability, swearing, emotional injuries
MONA SAYS.   welcome to the mini trilogy i unofficially title ‘the happiest girls’ !! i’ve had this planned for a while now then ended up writing this at like.. google docs said 1:08 a.m. slides that out of the way let’s just go with early. also yes, the formats are inspired inspired by fiixion’s ocs and moirtre ♡
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UNKNOWN, 10:03 P.M: can you meet me here? UNKNOWN, 10:03 P.M: haein, i don’t want us to dissolve so easily UNKNOWN, 10:03 P.M: please give me this chance
haein swears she blocked his number. but in this universe, she doesn’t have the power to enforce the same command on his manager. it’s not a surprise anymore—he’s clearly mastered the art of finding loopholes.
without the bustling students weaving between the machineries of the arcade, or kids accidentally knocking people’s legs during their endeavor to get on the little rides, it doesn’t take long for haein to find him. he’s so predictable; silently leaning against the wall beside the photo booth. 
..seven, eight, nine.
it takes the anxious man seven flashes of his lockscreen, eight deep breaths, and nine flicks across the space before his gaze finally catches her. knowing him too well, haein can see the specks of relief that shimmer upon his cocoa-tinted irises. was he truly so worried that she wouldn’t show up like he desperately expected?
“you came..” the words barely squeeze past bang chan’s lips. his impulsive thoughts kick in; strongly tempting him to hug her. “you’re here-”
“-to officially put an end to this.”
haein can’t remember the last time she let her professional persona bleed into her personal life. clearly, neither does the male idol, for the hope in his face is ruthlessly erased. he can strain his muscles as much as he wants—the corners of his lips won’t reach his dimples. 
just this once, she’ll let him grasp her arm and lead her to the vacant space between the photo booth and row of motorcycle racer stimulators. while she wants to nip the bud and return home already, the last thing anyone needs is a scandal.
“no, haein- please..” he begins to plead again. “i know you understand me when i say that i was trying to protect everyone.”
hitting back with a scoff, the noirette retorts, “you call concealing the truth from inka—someone who looked up to you, trusted you—protecting her? spare me the bullshit, chan. you had so many chances to be honest with her. and yet, even when you got caught, you still spun the narrative on her; ‘made her feel like she was too young to face it.”
and there his hand goes—fixing the edges of his beanie despite it not being a distraction in the first place. haein has experienced enough fights with him to spot the tell-tale signs: a shadow covers the warm gleam in his eyes, his attention is abruptly averted to things surrounding him, and he bites his tongue to refrain from saying something he will regret-
“why are you even on her side? i’m your boyfriend, aren’t i? you should be assuring me that i did what was best for the group.”
(oh? oh, sounds like the eve of new year is already trickling into.. certain people’s personas.)
“no chan, you’re a hypocrite.” haein states without hesitation. “look at us, we began dating even though you still have that dating ban in place. what makes us different from inka’s situation, huh?”
stunned, the once candid male doesn’t have any words to spill. but his girlfriend still has plenty.
“i may not know inka as well as gyuri does, but what i do know is that you didn’t have the right to meddle with her personal affairs. you kept acting like she’s this fragile doll that in the end, you were the one who shattered her into fine fragments.” 
her sharp words cut so deep, the strings of frustration that tried to move bang chan are cut seamlessly. no longer is his common sense eclipsed by undeserved self-assurances, yet everyone knows the importance of timing. 
so haein forces him to reap the consequences by watching her walk away—from him, his recklessness, and their previously sturdy relationship. 
sure, she’ll listen to him call her name, sprinkle some ‘don't go’ too. she’ll feel the hurt he blends with desperation while trying to get her back. and she’ll look back once to notice the tremors in his hands as he tries to reach out for her.
but the young woman had just finished dressing the cuts littered across her skin. they’re not very pretty.. then again, witnessing the man you love shatter the foundation of your story so easily isn’t either. still, if he ever gathers the audacity to ask her again, she’d let him know her preference.
she wants to draw stars around her scars, not layer them some more.
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FANBASE  :  @stealanity @lost-leopard-beanie @fairiepoems & send an ask or dm if you'd like to be added !
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