#wenid? no good
squirrel-gay · 10 months
Enid: Yeah my mum loves the scars
they remind her of me wolfing out, that i'm no longer a disgrace
Wednesday: I like looking at them
they remind me of your love for me
Excuse me, but consider this: Enid doesn't like her scars, because they get more attention than she ever did. It's the first thing her mother notices, and she almost cries of joy because she didn't believe it when they told her she'd finally turned. Enid catches her mom looking proudly at her scars from time to time, which is more attention than she ever gave her before. "Let me get a good look at you" she says, turning Enid's head to the side, tracing the scars. Enid wants to run away. Her mom doesn't say "I'm glad you're okay" she doesn't ask if it hurt. She says "finally" because Enid almost dying is less important than her wolfing out.
Enid starts wearing her hair in a way that hides them as much as possible. Until one day Wednesday asks her about it, "do you regret how you got your scars?" and Enid's words get stuck in her throat. And Wednesday, carefully tracing the area on Enid's cheek so she doesn't touch still healing wounds, tells her that they're just a visual representation of her choices. A part of her now, sure, but they're more like a footnote, an added detail to the intricacy of her. And when Wednesday looks at them she remembers how she saved her life that day.
"If you regret saving me, that's okay, but I can't bear to see you hiding yourself like this"
And Enid stops her then, because she would never regret what she did that day.
"It's just... it feels like my scars are the only thing mum loves about me"
And Wednesday says her mom's a fool, because "What's not to love about you?"
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vaniloqu3nce · 1 year
Bianca, strolling up to Yoko and Enid
Yoko: This can’t be good.
Bianca: Your girlfriend is hanging out with Xavier a lot.
Enid, gripping the edge of her desk watching Xavier and Wednesday for dear life from the back of the class: Oh really?
Bianca, starts walking away: Yeah.
Enid: Did you come over here just to fucking—
Bianca, waving back to her own seat with a smile: Yeah!
Enid: I hate her.
Yoko: I could put fish in her lunch.
Enid: Not the time, Yoko.
Inspired by my newest platonic tumblr crush @caitlynscat show all of their posts love and affection.
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bearzisvibin · 2 years
Honestly i'm more of a ace Wednesday vibe, but Wednesday x Enid is good too.
I wouldn't have a problem with any of the straight ships if they actually worked. Like Enid with Ajax!! It's a long term crush she had with someone just as bubbly as her and it works, tho not in the best way too.. the writers should just learn how to make believable relationships honestly.
Btw, is Eugene non-binary or agender or what?? Pronouns please?? Ty very much
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wholesomefluffdaddy · 5 months
Wednesday's new court mandated therapist is having her keep a journal of her thoughts and feelings. Wednesday finds this to be a complete waste of time and decides instead to use it to record her observations of her unusual roommate Enid Sinclair. Wednesday POV.
Entry 10
Current Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent 🌒
While the topic of packmates was brought up and it was confirmed that we are indeed packmates, Enid and I have yet to define it's parameters. I plan to discuss the matter with her prior to her accompanying me to my appointment. I shall have to remember to record our agreed upon definition upon my return as I have found my current affliction to cause me to forget things, along with temporarily losing my ability to converse in English.
-YourFavoriteFruitBat is now livestreaming-
"What's up my LGBTs! And by that I mean Lycans, Gorgons, Babes, and Transylvanian Transplants! Today I'm here with an update on Nevermore's hottest slowburn of the century: Wenid Watch! But seriously guys, we need to come up with a better ship name than that. Moving on! What's new with everyone's favorite golden retriever good girl and bad tempered black cat? Let's find out!"
"And while we're on the hunt for our clueless couple, our would-be werelovers, let's check in with chat. Scales_of_Sapphire says 'You're going to get a stake to the heart.' Hey, that's the price of journalism baby. Ston3dGaz3r says 'That's my ex' frowny face. Oof sorry Ajax but the people want what the people want! And it looks like we have time for one more-! Oh shit, my girl just texted me. Give me one minute chat… DIV! You can't send me these kind of pics during a livestream!"
"Chat if only you knew the kind of tail I was getting. Let's just say this fruit bat has a thing for sashimi if you know what I mean. Wait, hold on chat, I think we've spotted one half of our hapless duo. There she is, the one black cat you certainly don't want crossing your path, Wednesday Addams. What's she up to? Let's sneak over while still maintaining a safe distance. Goth girls like these could go off at any moment without the slightest warning and- Shit! Sorry! Almost didn't see you there Enid!"
"What are you doing Yoko?"
"Just showing the lovely people of Nevermore the latest drama around the quad. Isn't that right chat?"
"How do you have so many viewers right now?"
"Ah, well, you know how everyone loves the latest gossip."
"What gossip? Wait. Oh my god-! Did Cario and CC get back together?"
"Girl, who-? Nevermind. Hey, I saw Wednesday sulking off in the corner over-"
"Oh, she's not sulking. She's just waiting for her mate."
"…Her WHAT? Enid! Get back here! Chat, you heard that too, right? What in the-?"
"Hey Willa."
"Oh my god. Chat, are you seeing this!? Did these two actually find a map to navigate themselves out of denial? I don't believe it. I've got to get closer."
"I hope that was an adequate enough greeting."
"More than adequate, silly."
"I see. Dos besos. I shall commit it to memory."
"So what did you want to talk about? Don't you have your appointment soon?"
"Sí, I mean yes, that is precisely why I must discuss this with you. It was my assigned homework and I do not wish to return with it incomplete."
"Okay, so what's up?"
"Our… relationship. I must request your assistance in defining it."
"What is it that you require of me?"
"Require of you?"
"Yes, what duties shall I be expected to complete?"
"Willa, I don't… I'm not expecting you to do anything other than being yourself. That's what I like most about you."
"…You want a checklist, don't you?"
"That would be greatly appreciated, yes."
"Okay, well, um, what do you think you need to do in our relationship? Maybe we could go from there?"
"Ah, yes, I assume that is as good a starting point as any. I believe I have a duty to protect you to the best of my abilities."
"Okay and?"
"And I should bring you sustenance, seeing as you have for me."
"And I shall continue to demonstrate my hunting prowess, perhaps with prey larger than the current ones I have been offering."
"Wait, you've been hunting?"
"Yes, I- Have the spiders really been so unsatisfactory?"
"That's why you've been bringing me spiders!?"
"I- I apologize if their size has been too meager, if you do not even consider them prey. I can-"
"Willa, I'm going to stop you right there."
"Yes, of course."
"Okay, so we don't have time to unpack all of that. Maybe that's something you can do at therapy today. Anyway! Wednes, why do you think you need to hunt for me?"
"I… Lo siento- I am deeply sorry for offending you, mi loba- Enid. I understand that you are perfectly capable of hunting greater prey than the pittance I foolishly deemed fit to bring you."
"How may I make up for this egregious error on my part?"
"You don't."
"Wednes, you didn't make a mistake. I mean, you did, but not in a thoughtless or mean way."
"But I have incorrectly assumed-"
"Yeah, you tend to do that a lot without checking."
"Please, help me understand my misstep. I want to know exactly where my misplaced presumption lies so that I do not make it again."
"Okay so, uh, let's see… First of all, you don't have to hunt for me. And not because I think you're bad at it or because the 'prey' isn't big enough because, holy shit Willa, some of those spiders were massive! But that's not the point. I don't need you to hunt for me because I don't need it. I don't hunt."
"But the night of the Hunter's Moon-"
"That was like, uncontrollable instinct. I don't hunt. I don't need to. Everything I need I can just get here."
"I see."
"But I think that it was a very sweet gesture, you hunting for me and everything."
"Than I shall-"
"No more spiders! Willa, please, if you have to hunt for anything please let it be like chocolate or steak tartar or cute plushies."
"Noted. I find it fascinating that you are able to consume chocolate despite your canis lupus genetics."
"Yeah, well, I can't have as much of it the closer it gets to the full moon or I get really bad tummy aches."
"I shall keep that in mind, mon loup."
"Hey Willa? Can I ask you something?"
"But of course."
"Why do you keep doing that?"
"Doing what?"
"Speaking in different languages when you get flustered?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"No, no! Don't get upset! I think it's really cute!"
"Muy linda! Me insultas! Qué he hecho para merecer esto?"
"Willa I have no idea what you're saying but you look adorable."
"Adorable? Je suis tellement en colère que je ne peux même pas parler!"
"Aw, Wednes."
"Cosa fai? Liberami, lupa crudele!"
"Let's get you to your appointment, πουλάκι μο."
"You don't know Greek?"
"Well, maybe I could teach you some Greek words on the way and maybe you could teach me some words in… whatever language you slip into the most?"
"…I find your terms agreeable, mia lupa."
"Holy shit chat! Did you catch all of that? Wait, what do you mean I'm muted? Fuuuuuck!"
-YourFavoriteFruitBat has ended the livestream-
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romancedream · 1 year
I don't have a problem with people obsessing over an unrealistic ship like wenid as much as i have a problem with them attempting to cancel and destroy the life of a good young man for the sake of that fictional ship🤦‍♀️.
Yes ... countless wenclair and wyler stans are supporting the cancel percy movement just so they can get rid of the potential couple : wednesday and Xavier... aka: wavier
Eventhough they know as much as we do that he is innocent...
Shame on them... this is vile...
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highlifeboat · 2 years
Wednesday Addams: *Gives biggest aroace vibes ever*
Allos: Oh my God! She's so in looove!
No because for real
This girl shows no intrest in love at all. Not even with Tyler, the dude they tried to put her with.
The ONLY ship I'll accept is her and Enid (because they are cute together) but I will not be convinced she isn't at least on the aro spectrum and completely ace. I personally just see them as being really good/close friends. But I like the ship. (Tho Wenid was clearly the superior ship name imo)
There is no man on this show she's had an actual connection with, except Eugene who she's already stated reminds her of her brother and treats like her brother.
Wednesday is an aroace icon and I won't be convinced otherwise lmao.
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tiny-feisty-gay · 2 years
can y’all imagine if we had collectively decided wenid was an adequate ship name
good job for not doing that
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g1deonthen1nth · 11 days
the wenid/gelphie type pf dynamic is so fucking good. just two roommates looking at each other going wow <3 youre a fucking freak <3 i need u viscerally
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miscellaneousjay · 2 years
Aside from the racial insensitivity, “Wednesday” is a good show plot-wise! The last two episodes were highly climactic and kept delivering blow after blow after blow!
LOVED: Wenid friendship, Wednesday possibly adding to her HS resume Co-Captain of the fencing team and Nightshade Member, Wednesday x Xavier, the amazing plot twists at the end that didn’t give you room to breathe!
NEUTRAL: Tyler being Wednesday’s first crush so she’d know what being emotionally safe with a romantic partner (being able to trust other people) felt like…only for him to break her trust by turning out to be the Hyde! However, this ship had to crash and burn most likely for WednesXavier to set sail!
This is neutral because, while it was necessary for plot, Tyler broke Wednesday’s trust as a friend and romantic partner; meaning it’ll make it that much harder for Xavier to resume pursuing Wednesday. Speaking of, he could stand to learn a thing or two from Tyler in terms of patient persistence and paying attention instead of sulking in defeat. Just continue to show up for her and she may surprise you.
DIDN’T LIKE/HATED: Racial insensitivity
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highlifeboat · 2 years
Why people don't take queer-platonic WEnid as an option? Like, it's good. It's the best. Would recommend to more people.
Cause most people see that as being best friends anyway.
Like they just care a lot for each other but not in a romantic way. That's basically what a best friend is.
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