#were are the “princess diana” stans now?
thegetdownrebooter · 1 year
i actually feel so vindicated by tom admitting to being a gold digger because i've been saying that since day one!
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ddarker-dreams · 8 months
i feel like there should be an estella stan account there somewhere in the hwr universe. feels like it would be on instagram or tiktok. not so much on twitter. there would be twitter ones but they wouldn't be as popular as the other options i think. this makes sense in my mind idk how to explain it like yk as if estella is the princess diana of survosia
estella was born to be survosia's darling, beloved by the masses. a smokescreen for victor avalor's dubious activities. another one of the six major families have pulled a similar stunt, albeit to a less extreme extent. victor saw that all it takes is a little charisma and performance know-how to twist public perception.
in her public appearances, miss estella comes off as the perfect lady. well-mannered, compassionate, eloquent yet warm; her charm is second to none. her platform is that of wanting to 'right the wrongs of the past' (i.e. the avalor families longstanding contentious relationship with the populace thanks to their pharmaceutical investments + lobbying). not everyone eats it up, but enough do to distract from the family's corporate conglomerates.
this major disconnect in how estella acts in private and public is part of why HWR reader is creeped out by her eldest sister. when the troupe gets together, shalnark likes showing HWR reader the interviews estella has done recently, it's the only way he can get her to emote 😭
growing up, whenever HWR reader and estella would cross paths, each sister felt like they recognized the other even less. in her earliest years, HWR reader remembers estella as a warm and doting older sister who would sneak her toys and sweets. now, she finds her older sister almost obsessive regarding the idea of being 'a proper family.' deep down, though, there's a sense of guilt. she and ash have moved on whereas estella longs to keep things as they were. this is why she's susceptible to emotional manipulation from her sister, something chrollo Does Not appreciate.
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celticcrossanon · 1 year
Hi Celta, so glad you're back and I wish you well. I pray that you will stay healthy, happy, and beautiful. My Tumblr feed was rather uninteresting when you were not around (I need to follow more people!! Lol).
Regarding Camilla, I have always felt that she was the original Meghan, using sex to catch the then future king (Charles) and became successful at it whereas Meghan tried it with the current future king (William) and failed. That’s why Camilla recognized what Meghan was because she was her at another time.
As to why Camilla has become so unhappy as queen, I think she feels the burden of illegitimacy heavily. She knows she’s not a legitimate queen in the hearts of many people. The shadow of Diana looms large even after her death more than a quarter of a century later.
Charles and Camilla stans would like to revise history and paint their story as the greatest love story, that she makes him happy (as if that’s enough to justify her being a queen!), Diana was not a saint, etc.
I think what Camilla (and probably Charles, too) had wanted was to remain the mistress, and let Diana remained the wife and later be queen. Camilla just wanted to be there as the mistress, a normal carry-ons for kings past, and get all the material riches (she keeps asking for money now, is she?), a comfortable life forever, but not the burden of royal duty (Queen Elizabeth at one time did label Camilla as “lazy”).
Unfortunately, Diana was of a newer generation where love trumps all and she could not accept her husband having a side chick and this broke her heart, and it is in the unrelenting quest of love (a love that her husband did not give her) that Diana committed all those unsaintly chasing of men that she eventually did, and put her in a situation that arguably led to her early demise.
I am not excusing Diana, but I understand why she became what she was. She was massively gaslighted by both Charles and Camilla from the get go (Interviewer: Are you in love? Diana: Of course! Charles: Whatever love means.)
I think Charles was also gaslighted by Camilla. If she had not persistently staying there always within his reach, perhaps Charles could have stopped himself from forsaking Diana for her, and things might have turned out differently now. There was a tarot reader I used to watched on YouTube who stated years ago that the marriage of Charles and Camilla is not as happy as they presented, and that from time to time Charles think of Diana and wondered what might have been.
Just imagine if Diana were the queen now, how stratospheric Charles’ popularity (something he has always wanted) would be with the popular Diana by her side, just like how popular William is with a popular and loved princess (Catherine) by his side.
Charles picked the wrong horse, driven by his own cuntstruck gaslighting from Camilla (when Charles accused Harry of being cuntstruck by Meghan, I thought he knew what he was talking about!) And he (Charles) fought so long and schemed so hard for her (Camilla) to become queen, and now that she is one, she is unhappy.
Boohoo!! Some people are just so, so ungrateful.
Hi AranPandora,
I agree that there is an attempt to rewrite the past history of Charles and Camilla, which is a bit useless as many people were there when it happened and know the facts, plus we have scans of newspaper and magazine articles which also show what happened at the time.
Diana turned 20 less than a month before she married 32 year old Charles (who would turn 33 in November) who had a 34 year old mistress, Camilla. Given the age difference, I expected a lot more from both Camilla and Charles than what actually happened.
I remember that "whatever loves means" in the interview and how my heart sank when I heard it. It was not the reply of a man who was in love, and Diana was clearly in love with Charles at that time.
I don't know if Charles still thinks of her, but I would not be surprised if he did, as it is normal to have 'what might have been' moments in your life.
I do think that Charles and Camilla genuinely care for each other. I have seen genuine affection between them, so I don't think it was all 'using sex to trap a man' (that might have been part of it, but I don't think it was all there was to it). That being said, it is obvious that Charles adores Camilla and will do anything for her, but I'm not sure how much Camilla is prepared to do for Charles - I think that while they care for each other, Charles cares for her far more than she cares for him. I could be wrong, but that is how the relationship strikes me.
As I have said before, I think that Camilla would be a lot happier now if she had stayed as a mistress. However, that did not happen, and now both she and Charles have to live with the result of his decision to marry her.
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evita-shelby · 1 year
i'm sorry im obsessed with older shelby headcanons, like geriatric Eva being a firm Diana stan, slighting Cowmilla and just the monarchy in general.
Or just like how there family is immortalized and percieved through history. Where their company may be now. Shelby descendants dominating every industry.
A funny meta thing where a dramatization of the Shelby family origins shoots and people look at the historical figures and are like "damnnnnnnn that's a zaddy right there"
or like Eva and Thomas just not getting with the times and modern technology, "you can't just kill people like you use to these days"
I hope you enjoy 😉
Gif by @quelmarth
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Eva would be wondering why these two ladies are fighting over Charles the Turd when they could just find better men or better yet get together.
She would be at each women's weddings(and Camilla's it would be a sympathies greeting card cuz she's dead by then) be like, seriously? This guy is who you want? Take my grandson, Tom Jr, he's a much better guy, smaller ears too.
Tommy lives well into his 90s because Eva doesn't want him to die way earlier than her
He still remains a very private person and goes full cryptid once he retires from politics
Charlie grows up to be a very liberal politician with a personal feud with Margaret Thatcher, outlives her so he can piss on her grave
He's also Winston Churchill's son in law by his daughter, Mary (who contrary to irl mary Churchill doesn't become a conservative)
Has an I love my gay sister(Diane who is bi) t shirt the moment they come into the market
Diane ends up a singer-actress-buisnesswoman-philanthropist who does a little bit of everything and yet no one is really sure what she does.
Diane also lives very modestly for someone with a lot of money
Also is openly bi but no one believes her
She marries Tom Bennett from World on Fire and has two or three kids
Her eldest son, Thomas Jr, is Eva's favorite grandkid
Gabe becomes a spy/assassin and eventually marries Luca’s only daughter and pretends to be working for the company abroad when really no one knows where he is
Some speculate he died as a teenager as no records or photographs exist of him past 16
They all show up at Arrow House on every major holiday come hell or high water
Eva wrote her memoirs but marketed it as fiction
Everyone has theories about what's true and what's not
Florence marries Andrew Roberts JR (son of Billy Kimber’s accountant) who she's callee her boyfriend since they were six
Florence may or may not have had a romantic relationship with Princess Margaret on the side as both were playmates and the same age
There are several adaptations of Eva's memoirs and what little they have on The Shelbys
There are Sucession style series, documentaries and docu-series and a fuck ton of tell all books about them done the second they die (Tommy in the late 1980s and Eva in 2000 at the age of 104)
Eva is nearly always played by Salma Hayek or Penelope Cruz
Tommy is played by Jason Statham or Leonardo Dicaprio
Eva is also a Catholic Saint who gets decanonized once it is known she was an aetheist
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mariacallous · 1 year
Maybe it’s the sourpuss attitude. Maybe it’s the sincerity with which he campaigns for the countryside, rather than just shouting “cows” joyfully when confronted by them. Maybe it’s a general diminishment of interest in British royalty. Maybe it’s the gold state coach and cloak at a time when millions of UK adults are unable to afford essential hygiene products.
But today, as King Charles III is crowned in a ceremony at Westminster Abbey in London, the response of the internet’s meme-makers will feel muted in comparison to the one enjoyed by his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, who was a meme queen we all stanned.
On the face of it, King Charles should be an ideal candidate for memedom. He has unnervingly red, rotund, sausage fingers. He has a cartoonish visage, lampooned for years by cartoonists and eBay sellers, with jug-handle ears and a hangdog, sullen expression. He has an unnerving, innocent, naive approach to life that leads him to say outlandish things, which often come back to bite him. He once, reportedly, shrieked when he first saw plastic wrap.
Charles’ 1989 declaration that he was so infatuated with Camilla, who will become queen this Saturday, that he wanted to be reincarnated as a tampon so he could forever live inside her, has big dril energy.
Yet none of that has cut through to make Charles a perennial internet fave. Even attempts at internet traffic-catching roundups of the best King Charles memes are … underwhelming, and often not really about the man himself.
“He's not publicly weird enough to be endearing, but he’s also not like a patriarch because he's too weird to give off being normal,” says Hussein Kesvani, a journalist and podcaster specializing in digital culture. “When it comes to being popular online, especially cross-audiences, you need to have a malleable weirdness that makes you endearing as a subject or a feature.”
Perhaps the tally of “good-weird” when it comes to evaluating Charles’s suitability for memedom is outweighed by the tally of “bad-weird.” He has always been portrayed as problematic compared to his ex-wife, Princess Diana, who died in a 1997 car crash. He has been willing to intervene in politics in a way that unelected members of the royal family have tried to avoid. He has an unfortunate habit of accepting cash donations in suitcases and grocery bags from Middle Eastern sheikhs.
And perhaps he’s suffering from the problem likely to blight his reign: He spent much of his life playing second fiddle to Queen Elizabeth, living in her shadow and being unable to develop much of a kingly standing of his own in the public’s eyes. “The queen was around for a very long time,” says Jeremy Blackburn, an assistant professor in computer science at Binghamton University and cofounder of the iDRAMA Lab, which looks at memes on the web. “So there was a long history that people had to draw from there.”
While Queen Elizabeth II was seen as a grandmother figure to the world, an innocent, sweet old lady, like Angela Lansbury but with palaces, Charles has long been seen—likely incorrectly—as waiting for his mother to give him his time to shine.
To be memeable, royals have to be likable, which is where the previous queen excelled—mostly. “Usually, they have to do something [to become a meme],” says Blackburn. “What is Charles known for? He’s known for the Diana thing. That’s not a positive meme. Then he was in the background for a lot of time. His kids are around now and seem to be more likable and interesting than him. The guy is not an interesting fellow. And the country’s not in good shape.”
The public knew the queen—at least the concept of her. She was canny enough not to give much away about her views in public, allowing the world to project onto her whatever they wanted, sometimes literally, which made her ripe for internet ribbing. Part of her success was that she was an older woman who sometimes was quirky.
The problem is that the public knows Charles—or at least think they do—based on his years of waiting in the wings. While the queen came fully formed as monarch at age 25, Charles is trying to adopt the role of king after decades spent as a comparatively outspoken campaigner. We know what he likes and definitely know what he doesn’t, which makes it harder for people to accept him as a blank canvas. “I don’t think the new guy is very endearing,” says Blackburn. “What are you going to say about him? His mom was queen for basically as long as everybody was alive, and now he’s prancing around like he [has been king for just as long].”
Gender also likely plays a role. That he’s a man hinders people’s ability to think of him positively in the same way they did the queen, says Alex Turvy, a meme researcher at Tulane University in New Orleans. “He's a reminder of the literal patriarchy,” he says. “Seeing that face, for some reason, sort of reminds you of the ugliness of colonialism, and the state hoarding all of this wealth.”
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duchessanon · 2 years
Who’s who: part two - royal fan edition
By request from @grandmaster-anne, here is pt 2 of who’s who - fan edition.
Mini middletons - young k8 fans from the 2011-2013 days. Self named. Batshit and ready to go to war for k8 as all teenage fans would for their idol. Name no longer in use
Santa Henri stans - pre-2016 Henri fans. Could be found writing smut about him and commenting things like “unf ovaries” at his photos. A very rare jewel in the fandom today
Henri stans with a side of willyk8 h8 - as above but with a burning hatred of the lazy ex Cambridges. Sissi* was key member
Euro royal fans - 2013/14 saw a lot of beef with BRF fans. Now fairly chill
FAnnes/FAnnedom - Anne stans. The chillest. Can be found stanning the bouffant and writing romance novellas
Cam fans - there were 2 and one is camillasgirl & met cam
Diana stans - often the most batshit. Worshippers of Ar beloved Saint Di
Eugbea stan - it’s me, I’m the only one
Hermiones - a 2016/2017 phenomenon of fandom old timers who had a lot of knowledge built up. Often found writing long form essays
Cliques - friendship groups who made people mad bc they felt left out. See the Latin Bombshells*
Tinhats/tintans - the ULTIMATE batshit. Characterised by making blogs post 2016, inspecting Megs bb bump, using the word narc, zooming in on Megs pits etc. Avoid at all costs. A subset is YouTube tintans bc u have to be a special sprinkle of batshit to talk shit with ur real voice/face
Sussex squad/squaddies - Megs ride or die. Will take anyone down who utters a word against her, raised 10s of 1000s for Megs charities. Spread the 🌹 affair rumour. Willy k8 are enemy no. 1.
Willy thirst stans - would jump on his dick, celebrate his daddy bulliam ways (William De Medici - idk on the spelling!)
K8 stans - may have once been mini midds. Ride or die for her apart from when she lied about loving textiles. Generally dislike Megri. A subset are younger k8 stans - more likely to post passive aggressive pics with captions like “a real English rose (not that 🌹) princess, #stayclassy #realroyalty”. H8 Megri with a passion & regularly interact with tintans
Rachy* - the og k8 tintan from 2011 onwards. Creator of fandom-lore about willys sex tape, love of pegging, k8s nudist tendencies, PROTOCOL and so much more
Kimmu* - my personal obsession. Creator of “busybody” and out of control rants
Catfish* - a beautiful time in 2012-2014 fandom. A lot of imaginary teen pregnancy going on
*All * entries and more can be found on my bible:
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mrsfezziwig · 1 year
Private Grief / Public Sorrow
"What price is fame?"
I don't remember the first time I heard the quote above but it has stuck with me for a long time. I remember thinking it in 1997, the day Princess Diana died, and it's possible that is where I first encountered the phrase. Since that time I have had it pop into my head every time I hear of yet another celebrity death, no matter the cause.
Rarely does a celebrity death make me even blink, I know I didn't cry or feel anything particular of note when I heard Michael Jackson or David Bowie or even Queen Elizabeth died, in fact only twice have I been deeply impacted by the death of the famous to a degree I still feel the pain. Heath Ledger was the first, and now, in the past few weeks, Moon Bin of kpop group Astro. Neither were people I looked up to or admired in more than a casual, everyday sense; they were talented young men who could have been legendary, and I would have definitely been shocked to meet them in the street. In both cases they were young men in their prime and the outpouring of grief for them is comparable, yet the difference between East and West is palpable when it comes to the public being informed as to how they left the planet.
As soon as Heath Ledger's autopsy report was completed, easily within mere minutes of the doctor signing the forms to make it official, the world had the answer to the question of how and why: accidental polypharmacy overdose because he got confused after mixing over the counter cold remedies and prescription medication, ending up overdosing unintentionally. It was a relief, the rumours it was suicide or he was an addict were quashed and people could grieve him properly. Yet in the case of Moon Bin we don't know how he died over and above two vague possible theories: natural causes because he was known to have chronic health issues, or suicide as stated in the only official statement given by police.
Why am I here writing this? Because I have cried many tears for Moon Bin. I was not an Aroha, I knew him from being a fan of Stray Kids and watching him perform with the latter's member Lee Know. The news reached me when I refreshed my YouTube recommended page, his picture prominent at the top with the headline announcing his passing. Quickly hopping over to the BBC news app for confirmation I felt sick to see it was true, and that is where I read the police statement calling it an apparent suicide. My mind went haywire and flashed up the famous images of Jonghyun of Shinee in his memorial photograph, swiftly followed by Sulli's and Goo Hara's. I burst into tears.
Being theoretically old enough to be Moon Bin's mother, the maternal side I have developed over my late thirties cried out. Surprisingly, however, I wasn't crying out for the family alone, but more so for the fans. The kpop culture can be uncomfortable looking in from the outside, I definitely feel in some ways it's all a bit too 'cult-y', especially when it comes to the closeness of idols and their fandom. We are made to feel like we are their family too, which is why there is so much grief when an idol dies unexpectedly. The first people they thank after winning an award is the fans, and on survival shows like I-land, all the successful applications promised to show a better performance for their fans before the show even ended and they debuted. Yeah, that latter one makes me cringe somewhat.
But it was this unnatural, almost co-dependent para-social bond that made me sad for Arohas and those who were Moon Bin's solo 'stans' (add it the list... that's also rather yucky to me; I would rather not be described like a crazed stalker-murderer because I am a fan of something), that I was sad for. Because when those bonds are broken so rapidly it's natural to want to be involved in the story of the idol's death, not as a distant homogeneous mass of atoms but as someone who shared their daily life. And because of the way the laws are, rightly in the vast, vast majority of cases, this can only occur if the immediate family agree, and almost every time, they don't. Those thousands the idol invited into their lives now have to accept they are no longer of any worth, they simply no longer matter because the person they supported is dead.
The metal door that was open and allowed them in to the idol's world is slammed shut, sealed tightly, welded closed, sound-proof... The fan usefulness has passed away with the man they felt was a stand-in boyfriend or, in a more palatable way, a brother or friend. No real chance to wave goodbye and mourn is the consequence of that twisted relationship an idol and fans have, which is why I felt so bad for them, wanting to give them hugs in silence as no words can soothe a soul with questions that can't be answered.
For context and in the spirit of honesty, I didn't get into kpop until 2021, only to find myself feeling a little stunned because my journey on the kpop train failed to stop for anyone. It barrelled into my life via the famous clip of Han from Stray Kids forgetting he was meant to join the others on stage for the Yayaya choreo, and I finally found people who were as kooky and off the wall as me. Then I began to discover the darkest shades of the industry. Knowing so many gifted young people had committed suicide was soul crushing, so then began a journey into the social pressures of Korean culture and it's shockingly high rates of suicide in people under 30. That means I wasn't a fan when any of the three people mentioned above departed life, although I read the articles and watched videos talking about them.
At this time I also found out about a young man named Yohan, who was a member of TST and who passed away in 2020. His family haven't released a cause of death, which honestly shocked me because it was so normal to me to know this information. Of course it is up to the family to decide, so I put it down and left it alone and went about my life no worse off. Seemingly, anyway, because his name would pop into my head every once in a while as I wondered why there were no answers.
This is where the situation gets philosophical. When Moon Bin died in April, the police made one ambiguous statement and then the family said nothing more, and in some way that feels... wrong. Yes, I get that there is some shame in suicide for too many, as if it was an admission you didn't care enough for your relative or else you would have seen it coming, but it's just... when someone chooses to live in public, when they choose to share their talent with the world, they take on a whole additional family; there will be people who look up to them, who find comfort in their music or performances or crazy chaotic moments on variety shows. Because of the focus on fans and how they wouldn't be idols without us, plus putting almost everything about themselves out into the world it feels a little disrespectful to be shut out like we, no matter how many groups or soloists we enjoy, no longer deserve answers, which I find immensely hypocritical. Idols themselves know without the wider public seeing them, there is no celebrity and they would not be fulfilling dreams held since childhood.
Why does that stop at death? If these people spend up to 20 hours a day filming their lives for content to share with fans, to not be told what happened to them is cruel. The reason the most high profile suicides of idols are the ones we think of with a levelheaded manner is that the idols left notes, they made it clear that they wanted us to know. They respected their fans even at the end. It will never be closure for the circle of people who were related to them or their friends, no such thing exists for them.
No one is asking the question of why the fans can be ignored like we are for fear of being seen as inappropriate, for 'pressuring' a grieving family for answers when they need time to mourn their son. But according to his family themselves, as well as those around him daily, Moon Bin loved his fans above all else, they were why he kept going even after major health problems back in 2019 as well as what the Daily Mail calls 'a lifelong struggle with anxiety'. If he himself loved his fans so much, would he want his cause of death hidden? Is it the lack of a note that is preventing the family from allowing the very basic question of 'suicide or not' to be answered? And how do you grieve when you just don't know what kind of grieving you should do?
Morality is a finicky issue that is rarely dichotomous. For example, we've been asked not to spread false rumours and reports, which is kind of hard when the truth isn't out there to prevent it. Human beings are inquisitive, it's how we've been able to become the supreme predator on this planet and create technology that just a few hundred years ago would be called witchcraft, but that drive for answers in the modern age also means gossip. And as insensitive as I am about to sound, Moon Bin's family, friends, acquaintances and colleagues will have gossiped about a celebrity death at some point, that's human nature, until it happens to you, apparently. People around the world are practically copy-pasting the words 'out of respect for the family please stop speculating' whilst hypocritically wanting to know themselves too. Simply put, the effects of being famous and putting so much of yourself out there doesn't stop when the family wants it to. For years and years this young man had the choice to quit the idol lifestyle and didn't because he loved his fans so much and honestly, I think those people who bought his albums, watched his TV appearances, purchased tickets to shows and began using skincare products he advertised put the money in his pocket that will now pass to his family and they deserve to be told the truth. You may not want to be famous but your son and daughter both are... which kinda suggests you approved of their choices, and there will be no peace for your child unless you tell people how he died.
So, unfiltered, I am going to speculate. I believe Moon Bin killed himself, that he may not have planned it out and left a note but he broke suddenly, unlike Jonghyun who tried to get attention ahead of going on with his plan by revving his car engine and burning his tires out in the car park of his apartment building only for no one to react. I believe Moon Bin walked into his home not thinking 'I am going to kill myself,' rather that his intrusive thoughts took over and he couldn't stop himself. I believe the toxic way idols who date are treated if they do - provided there were no contractual rules about the same, which are even more disgusting, by the way - meant he got home from his show abroad, was already fragile as demonstrated in his final live stream minutes before he passed away and the emptiness of having no one to come home to made him snap. Would it be better if he died of health complications? Yes it would, because the fans knew he was ill, and the pressure placed on him by the agency wouldn't have helped, there is something to blame in that scenario. As it is, we are beating ourselves up for 'failing to protect another idol' because as of now the only kind of indication we have is that short statement of 'suspected suicide'. We are grieving too, and the family has a duty to accept that we need to know the truth to move on. They will never be able to forget him, but they know how he passed and it will allow them to scar over the wound eventually, whilst we are left with a weeping sore to match our eyes as there is no answer.
Maybe it's time people consider this before putting themselves out as celebrities and they should leave clear instructions in the event of their passing regarding what they want the public to know. Had Moon Bin left instructions that he didn't want us to know beforehand, I could accept that as my closure; if that's what he wanted then I know it's a choice he made. Instead we are left feeling terrified about losing another idol and having no answers then, either. I know I've been deeply scared that Bang Chan or Hyunjin might be on the edge at times, I mean Chan couldn't eat for three days and they both get terrible hate online.
Every night I ask the universe to protect everyone in the industry, it's a habit I've developed after sitting on the wheelchair ramp outside my house as I waited for the first star to appear on the 19th April and it's one I have found myself emulating even when there is cloud cover. Let these people be people, to date and have lives that fulfill them so the likelihood of these events are minimised. Maybe it is time for that somewhat disturbing relationship of being 'best-friends' with fans and always putting them ahead of interpersonal relationships with the real world around them to be diluted down, to take the creepy out of the pasta a bit.
Dedicated to the memory of Moon Bin, who left the world on the 19th April 2023. I hope you are having a wonderful time singing and dancing for the fun of it and playing with the animals in Paradise Park. Be free, young man, be free.
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 3 years
princess skirts need a hoodie - choso
description: regardless of his reputation, choso makes a promise and attends an event for your job.
word count: 1.14k
a/n: i wanted to write a little something for choso. don't know where this came from, actually i do, it was from the princess diana video where she ran a mother's day race so credit to that event??? idk how that works but yeah, choso is a tough boy with a soft side so yeah. we stan <3
tags: modern!au, protective!choso, chosoxreader, soft!choso, slowburn, eventual romance (p.s- I think i like writing in lowercase. how do we feel about this?)
choso was thankful that the sky decided to rain the night before the event because now, every man and woman (including child) was wearing a hoodie.
all except for you.
somehow, and it nearly gave him a headache to think about, you decided it was a great day to wear a skirt. not too long but it was long enough that it passed your knees, reaching halfway to your lower leg. It was flowy, and he wondered if you were cold at all since mothers next to him complained about the weather. yet, they were wearing sweats. he watched as you high fived a little boy from the other side of the room.when the little boy noticed him staring, he pulled your skirt before pointing his way.
shit, choso felt an ounce of betrayal strike him. he thought the boy would have minded his own business, but he clearly had something to say before you calmed him down, smiled at him, patted his head, and made your way towards him.
“choso!” you beamed, “you came.”
“and you’re not wearing a sweatshirt.” he pointed, “or pants. It’s 52 degrees outside.”
“it’s not that cold.”
“our area is on a freeze warning.” he had a feeling his words wouldn’t work, yet you brushed them off as if they were nothing. You weren’t being rude, but choso thought that maybe you were too eager for the morning to notice the weight of them, then again it was probably him since choso was never a morning person. he had to (literally) drag himself out of bed for the event you so desperately wanted him to attend. the two of you indulged in the fraction of small talk, until a co-worker of yours tapped your shoulder. “we need another parent.” they frowned.
choso knew you worked as a teaching assistant for a children’s program. today, being a cold spring morning, the school still planned to host the mother’s day festival. a race between mothers was in the works and only 8 were at the starting line. as he heard you count the parents out loud, choso realized he had no time to offer you his sweatshirt.you were too fast.
“I’ll go.”
“you’re wearing a skirt.” frowned your co-worker, “I mean, it’s long, but aren’t you cold? plus, you’re not wearing running shoes.”
yes, yes, yes. choso found himself listening, agreeing with your co-worker.
“I can run barefoot.” unbothered, you point, “plus, the grass isn’t wet. I can do it. please, mary, let me do it.” and there was no stopping you, both choso and your co-worker knew. so after her hesitant nod, you were already off, hurrying as choso watched you wave at some parents along the way. one little girl, on your way towards the field, hugged your skirt before you hugged her back affectionately. It seemed like the children really did like you.
choso held his breath as he watched you walk up the starting line. mother’s looked you up and down as they laughed, and choso couldn’t figure out if they were laughing at you or with you because you too laughed. placing a stickered number on your stomach, all the mothers (including you) waited for the signal to begin.
“what a crazy woman that one is.” choso overheard someone from above the bleachers say. he stood still as he knew if he turned, he would see the stranger. “she’s just asking to slip. hell, some of the dads might see her underskirt. not that I’m complaining.” Choso could hear very well that other men (presumably fathers) were snickering. his jaw tightened. was this not a children’s event? Given his occupation, he felt less shame in himself but more shame in the men that frequented these events. the type of men that would think of that, that is.
and for once, he found himself realizing.
he didn’t think of you like that, no. he noticed your lack of a sweatshirt, and while he did notice your skirt, he was worried about you tripping. not of you showing your underskirt. and for that, he felt anger bubble up inside him.
“hey,” he turned, facing the men, “there’s kids here, you know.”
“so what?” the eldest replied. “It’s not like they’re listening anyway.” and as much as he wanted to answer back, the sound of the signal went off; choso’s head snapped back to you. running, he was certain you were scoring at least 5th place, but then you moved up to 4th. a woman wearing a red sweatshirt was currently first before he noticed that a woman in green took her place. when he focused on you, you were nearing second. his breath hitched as people around him cheered, unsure if they were rooting for you or someone else, he imagined them all cheering for you.
he was internally rooting for you.
with force, you ran, raising your knees as your swift steps struck the grass. as you neared the finish line, he knew he couldn’t tell who would win. your lips pressed themselves into a thin line as you pushed yourself even harder, choso watched intently. he was certain you could score second, perhaps first, but before he could settle on a number, his eyes widened as you broke the line. you had passed by a step or two that even he could tell you won.
relief overcame him.
parents around him clapped while children screamed in excitement. they cheered, small voices overpowering those of the adults, choso watched as people high fived you. some children, after you had crossed the side of the field, embraced you. and without a second thought, you got down on your knees before a group of preschoolers drowned you in a hug. choso’s heart felt like someone had squeezed it, pouring out the warmth into his stomach, he exhaled.
“you won.”
“I did.”
he nods. “are you sore?”
“your feet.” he clarifies. “you were running barefoot.”
“oh.” you look down towards your feet, “no not really. I’m a bit cold, but-”
“here,” without hesitance, choso already has his sweatshirt off, opening it for you to duck under. and without another moment, you pull the material over you.
“It’s warm.” you mutter softly, adjusting the sleeves. “thank you, but what about you?”
“I’m fine.” he says, turning to the field, “so is this what you do on the weekends?”
you nod. somewhere between your words, you find yourself standing next to him shortly before the two of you exit the field side by side. he says something witty, making you laugh and the corner of his lip tugs upwards. he likes this, likes seeing you smile, likes seeing you wear his hoodie, likes seeing you slap a gentle joking hand on his shoulder that he thinks maybe mornings aren’t that bad. he could see himself doing this again.
with you.
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ellsey · 3 years
I'm watching Diana the Musical so you don't have to
None of this makes sense
Was Diana really into pop?
I see you making Camilla look so much older though
These accents are...something
The real star of this show is that cello player bopping while Diana fake plays the cello
Oh no, I'm really into Prince Charles doing the robot
"Better than a Guinness, better than a wank" A+ lyrics
Lawd this chorus is never off stage how exhausting
Nooooo now the chorus is trying Welsh accents
Nevermind they dropped them pretty quickly
"A baby? So quickly?" Oh honey this musical is moving at breakneck speeds
Two verses later she had Harry yo
"How 'bout for a start don't act like a tart Diana!" I liked you better when you were doing the robot Charles
Camilla keeps referring to Charles as a handsome prince which is a choice
The Queen hates Charles even in this musical yikes
So I guess the last song in the first act was implying that Diana got famous just for being pretty? Harsh
And making so many horse related innuendos
Also they barely tried to make this actor's hair red
"James Hewitt...did do it...in our princess's bed" THESE ARE ACTUAL LYRICS
"Who knew that a commissioned lad would give me more than I've ever had" I AM SCREAMING
There are now 2 beds on stage for Camilla/Charles and James/Diana
But also I'm kind of into Camilla/James now thanks
Stop making all 4 of them sing songs together if you're not going to get them all together
Diana is anti-Thatcher though so we stan
This scene where she's visiting AIDS patients is trying so hard to be Rent
"I'm sick but not blind" "Although my eyeliner's run low" This scene loses effectiveness when they start throwing in every gay stereotype they can
But also Diana promising to send a case of eyeliner is apparently what convinced them all to take pics with her even though they were afraid because they weren't out to their families and such
"It's the 'Thrilla in Manila' but with Diana and Camilla" HAAAAAAAAAAA
We were all the losers unfortunately
Did Charles really want a daughter? That seems odd.
Ngl these harmonies in the song where Diana spills the secrets are tight
"No Windsor has ever admitted to having a mistress before" operative word there being admitted
These melodies never go anywhere. They just repeat like 4 measure over and over.
An entire song about Diana's "eff-you" dress I kid you not
Diana is trying to get the Queen to break free now too? What a rebel.
"She never complained. She was good English stock" lolol
Oh Diana gets an Evita moment
Diana sings this very hopeful song and then all of a sudden it's like oops she died
Flashing light warning at the end it's pretty bad
Every actor in this show is too good for it
I'm going to go watch Smash
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mandoalorian · 3 years
I Believe In Love [Max Lord x F!Reader] - Epilogue
Summary: When you find your calling to leave Themyscira, you venture out to the World of Man with intentions of helping and healing a very specific person’s relationship with his son. You’ve heard his voice before, but only in dreams. You’ve felt his pain and anguish and you’ve never been able to relate to anything more. But things don’t come easy for you, and they certainly don’t come easy for him either. [This series contains spoilers for WW84 and is my interpretation of what happens after the movie ends].
Warnings: the long awaited epilogue. food mention, alcohol mention, pregnancy mention and FEELS.
Word Count: 2000>
Previous - Epilogue - The End.
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July 7th, 1985 (One year later).
So much had happened in the space of a year. You’d gone from being an Amazonian Goddess, haunted by the voice of a man from a far off world, to destroying the God of Lies for good, and discovering the beauty in true love. You still kept the crumpled up polaroid of Alistair and Maxwell that you’d taken back when he invited you into his home, last July. It had proven to be a better good luck charm than your tiara or lasso; and it served as a constant reminder of home.
Because home wasn’t Themyscira anymore. It was wherever Maxwell and Alistair were.
“And over here we have a vast collection of quartz! It’s usually mined in Brazil, and it’s the second most common crystal in the world.” Maxwell explains, using the most outlandish hand gestures everytime he speaks. He always spoke with his hands; even when he was on the television. You guessed that some things just didn’t change.
You watch him from afar, unable to contain the smile on your lips. His eyes sparkled and gleamed like diamonds as he gave facts about each of the gemstones he presented.
Black Gold had become an extension of the Smithsonian’s paleontology and gemology department, just like you had planned with Diana. When she had sorted it all out, and you broke the news to Maxwell, he was overjoyed. He hadn’t lost the business he’d worked so hard on, it had only been replaced by something even greater. And he couldn’t have done it without you. He’d spent so much of his life searching for happiness— looking in all the wrong places.
Through meeting you and gaining full custody of his son, he learned that success wasn’t money or wealth or having a solid career. For him, success was family. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
His eyes caught you standing in a shadowed corner. Alistair was holding your hand, and in your free arm, you were cradling your three month old daughter. He knew now, he’d finally found his happiness. He smiled over at his little family and you shot him a kissy face, giggling when you noticed the rose coloured flush that crossed his cheeks.
You and your little family waited for Maxwell to finish his tour guide of the museum, admiring his work ethic. You were so grateful that he was able to adopt his superb salesman skills and apply them to a profession he was truly passionate about. He’d always loved rocks and gems and stones, even having his own collection at home. But this… this was infinitely better than drilling oil and accidentally scamming millions across the globe. Maxwell was putting genuine smiles on people’s faces, kids too, and that in itself was a beautiful thing.
Once the tour group disbanded, Maxwell was quick to run over to you. He took your daughter from your arms and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“I missed you,” you smiled, watching as Maxwell fussed over his daughter. “How was work?”
Maxwell’s dark eyes met yours and he beamed with delight. “Oh it was fantastic,” He grinned before excitedly telling you all the details about his day at work. He knelt down to Alistair’s level and ruffled his son’s black hair. “Did you enjoy visiting the aquarium with mommy?” he asked.
“It was amazing!” Alistair squealed, sharing the same excitement as his father. It was unbelievable how much Alistair was growing to be a Mini-Max.
Maxwell checked his wrist watch and gasped when he saw the time. He called Raquel over, who had agreed to watch the kids this evening while you and him had ‘date night’. It was a rarity for sure, and neither you or Max liked to be without your children, but tonight was extra important. It signified exactly one year since you entered Maxwell’s life and changed his world forever.
Once it was just you two, Max couldn’t keep his hands off you. “You look beautiful.” he grumbled, pressing kisses along your jaw and down the column of your neck. His large hands roamed your body, paying extra attention to your breasts. Clearly, he didn’t care if anyone was looking. You giggled and slipped out beneath him.
“Save something for tonight.” You laughed, rolling your eyes and taking his hand.
You had no idea what was to come.
“I’m sorry it’s not Greece,” Maxwell chuckled, reminiscing on your first holiday together (if he could even call it that). It was quite an unconventional one— as he’d never expected to go cave exploring with two Amazonian Godesses’ and kill a God. You laughed, rolling your eyes.
“It feels like yesterday,” you admitted. “Leaving Themyscira… giving up my powers. I can’t believe it’s been a year.”
Maxwell nodded knowingly. “Tell me, princess, if you could go back and change things, would you?”
You’d thought about the question numerous times. You did miss your mother, and the beautiful tranquil oceans of your home world. But if you could change things— would you? The answer was simple.
“No.” you beamed brightly, pressing your lips together.
“Good.” said Maxwell. He gestured a waiter over and ordered a bottle of the finest champagne.
Things had been a little rough for Maxwell, after the dreamstone debacle and all. Inevitably he had to sell his white suburban mansion, as he didn’t really have the steadiest of incomes rolling in. But in a way, he was relieved. He didn’t need all that space anyway, and actually he’d really come to like the much cozier apartment where you, him and Alistair were living now. But with a little one on the way, you had both been discussing the prospect of finding a place with an extra bedroom.
He was happy with his job at the Smithsonian. He was passionate about it too, which was the main thing. He was still a businessman , but a much nicer one. After all, the oil-mogul Max Lord was long gone, and had been replaced by a darker haired, sweater-wearing Maxwell Lorenzano. You had no complaints.
“Here’s the thing,” Maxwell announced, straightening his composure after you’d both finished dinner. “And there’s really no easy way to say this—“
You giggled, scrunching your nose up with curiosity. “Spit it out Maxie.”
“I’m in love with you,” Max revealed, brushing his thumb over your knuckles tenderly.
You nudged him playfully. “I know that, silly,” you laughed. “I’m in love with you too. But tell me, what’s really on your mind.”
Maxwell stiffened slightly. It was now or never.
“You have shown me so much kindness, and you’ve shown me hope when I didn’t believe things could get any better. You made sacrifices for me… for my family. Gave up your powers and the chance to see your own mom again. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to make your decision worthwhile but I’ve known for a long time now that— I at least want to try. I don’t ever want to stop loving you. I want to be with you… forever. For the rest of my life. An eternity. Because you make me happier than I ever thought I could be,”
Tears pricked your eyes at Maxwell’s sentiment, your heart clenching with adoration in your chest.
“And with our family growing, and the possibility of getting a new house, I just… I want to know. I want to know if you’ll be my wife and— if you’ll marry me?” he finished, a hopeful glint in his chocolate brown eyes.
You couldn’t rid yourself of the smile that crossed your cheeks. “Yes Max,” you cried, leaning over the table and wrapping your arms around your fiancée. “Yes I will marry you.”
—————The end.
Permanent taglist: @paintballkid711 @supernaturalgirl20 @phoenixhalliwell @xoxo-callie @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja200 @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog @artsymaddie @harrys-stan @kennedywxlsh @cripplingmoon @cheekygeek05 @mrschiltoncat @rye-flower @theamuz @persie33 @sleepylunarwolf @martellthemandalor @pedro-pastel @steeevienicks @rrtxcmt @saphic-susperia @readsalot73 @softmedics @jade10077 @dodgerandevans @planetariumx @pascals-cat @ajeff855 @spideysimpossiblegirl @smoldjarin @thewayofthemandalorian
I Believe In Love tagged in replies 💕
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doomed-prophetess · 3 years
ACTUALLY I FORGOT speaking of jieun why do people need to make other girls enemies of the mc 😭😭😭 i don’t understand??? why they blame jennette for the things happening when she was being used by someone else and she’s a 14 year old who was being isolated and just wanted to have a family that loved her. i get that shes naive and selfish!!! but athy was also selfish both of them!!! and that’ ok? people can be selfish. they’re human. and it’s ok to be selfish sometimes (at least imho, you’re allowed to) 🥺 why do ppl ignore jennette thinking of athanasia constantly and wishing to see her again etc. even jumping in the water to catch her umbrella? buying presents for one another?? bc jennette wanted to be close to her sister????? (also don’t ever put blame on jennette for claude losing his memory 😭 this is all aeternitas PLEASE) i get that shes frustrating sometimes. but being surrounded by adults (including athy) and just people who are more mature than her like ijekiel of course she would look naive? roger obvs didn’t raise her like he did his own son. and athy in the first timeline made mistakes like those by being too kind and dumb (sorry) and she ended up dead. now she’s trying to survive which means sometimes you have to be selfish. idk if i phrased that well but you get what i mean 🏃🏃🏃
Second female leads give readers flight or fight response because they are usually white lotuses or villainesses. This hatred is born out of experience.
Huh, Jennette being selfish? I’m surprised to hear this from a Jenne stan. If anything she is the exact opposite. Sis literally jumped into the lake and almost drowned trying to get Athy’s parasol (?) back. I don't get why people call Jennette selfish. She wants to be reunited with her family, she wants love. This is a basic need in humans. Contrary to Athy she does not try to monopolize Claude's attention. Instead she wants all three of them to be happy. Regarding LP! Jennette...we have not enough information about her. And the information we have has to be taken with a grain of salt as The Lovely Princess has been multiple times proven to be an untrustworthy source.
Let’s say, wmmap and lp Jennette are roughly the same person. If wmmap Jennette who saw Claude clearly favouring Athy, didn’t view Athy as a rival then why should lp Jennette who was the one being favoured feel threatened by her unloved sister’s presence? I’m assuming that lp Jennette had the same dream of them becoming a picture perfect family. My theory is that Jennette did try to improve the relationship between Athy and Claude, but it backfired. Claude resisted vehemently and opposed against the very idea of another daughter. There is a panel which comes to my mind which suggests this idea that Jennette might have tried to mediate between them.
This one:
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The panel gives me the impression that Claude passed by his daughters, as always ignoring Athy, who looks as if she were wavering to say something to him, and he only turns around when Jennette tugs at his sleeve to stop him. I wonder what she was about to tell him?
Those are mere speculations. Jennette’s attempts to reconcile Claude with Athy might have caused him to hate her even more (I’ve heard the theory that the memory spell acted up and caused headaches whenever he saw lp Athy who looked like Diana). And Jennette who saw Claude get mad at Athy, eventually stopped attempting to repair their relationship as she feared Claude would potentially start to hate her too if she were to force him to spend time with a thing he hated.
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saintobio · 3 years
Notable moments from character 11:
Satoru shifting in panic from his side of the bed. He was now wide awake with his back pressed against the headboard and his shirt completely unbuttoned.
I love it how he's stressing out that his wife will leave him or be with someone else. Like SUFFER..
Lay off, I’m not in the mood. I have somewhere to be.”
Queen MC. Making him realize he can't get whatever he wants whenever he wants especially when he is playing with 2 women
No. You’re not needed
Gojo feeling almost how MC felt when he disregarded her for Sera SUFFER X2
Why was he acting as if he was the one suffering?
Because he always victimized himself from the beginning of the marriage. He's so self centered he thinks MC made him marry her and he's going through whatever he's "going through" (Gojo you blind little-)
Sera. Sera. Naoya’s lips curved upwards. I’d like to meet her soon.
Gossip queen Naoya with sera... I see Gojo's end comming
What would he do if you were his wife? That would never happen, but…
Toji never say never. Author please don't break my heart anymore...
Gojou Group’s 50th Anniversary.
Oh hell's gonna break loose at that event I can feel it.
Something tells me that Satoru is a romantic husband
I snorted so hard at this one. Satoru bby infidelity is not romantic
He must be bipolar.
That describes Hoejo Slutoru perfectly. The victimized bipolar mhn yes yes
but the less you cared about Satoru, the easier it would be to walk away when the perfect opportunity came
WE STAN MC. That's right honey if he's Dan ge rous for your health we don't need him...
You hoped, by the time it happened, all parties involved wouldn’t be as hurt and broken the same way you would be.
acting as the cool guardian to the youngest in their household.
We need more cool dad/uncle Toji scenes. Actually we need more Domestic Dilf scenes please.
You offered a smile and shook your head. “No, it’s for a friend of mine,” you explained. “Kindly register the shoes under Mr. Toji Zen’in, please.”
Deja-vu with Princess Diana's shoes. Satoru has absolutely no righ to be a man-child about this
as he spent the whole night throwing a child-like tantrum, sulking like a baby, but also looking extremely hurt and offended.
By following his logic, you mentioned that it overlapped with how he bought a rare pair of Princess Diana’s Jimmy Choo shoes for another woman, and that was how the whole argument ended.
That's right MC set his boundaries finally. He has done it before he has no right to complain about that (amongst other things)
How cruel and vile could you be? This was definitely your true colors and you were finally unsheathing your snake skin to reveal just how awful of a woman you were. You manipulated Satoru into thinking that he wanted you all because you had the wealth and power. You seduced him into thinking that he no longer felt the need to be intimate with her all because you were a selfish bitch who couldn't stand being replaced by someone who was of lesser fortune
I'm legit laughing at this one. A mistress who destroyed a wedding calling the wife A SNAKE. The heck is this logic... Her manipulative ass needs to realize that someone else is the snake and the b1tch over there:) Also here we go with the status again. It's not like MC is keeping Gojo by force, when is she gonna realize that Gojo has a free will and chose to stay with MC for reasons. She has to stop blaming MC for EVERYTHING. GET A LIFE GIRL....
Who do you think you are? Satoru belonged to me before you even appeared in his life!'
oh idk just the WIFE??? Also who's gonna tell her 😂
I'm gonna kill myself if you break up with me. I-I can't do this alone
Sera's pathetic effort to manipulate Gojo once again. Does he even realize he's been manipulated?
You ruined what they had and Sera would make sure that you would pay for it
Her logic makes me wanna slap her so bad lol. Like girl you ruined a marriage, you put your man in danger what else do you want. Instead of her paying it will be MC?? Like what the-
i am glad to know that you enjoyed part eleven !! thanks for taking the time to send your detailed commentaries :’D
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Moving on takes time
"Ruby! Don't run so fast. You're going to get hurt!"
Rudbeckia throws herself into the arms of her mother. Diana smiles as she picks up the seven-year-old.
"Mama! Have you seen the library daddy made for me? Do you want to go there together?"
"Ruby, sweetheart, slow down a little. And yes, I would love to see the library daddy built for you."
The oldest princess smiles brightly at her mother.
"Greetings to her majesty and her highness."
"Greetings to you too, Lilian. Shouldn't you be at home with your husband? Can you really come back so soon?"
"Of course, your majesty. The nanny is taking care of Irene, and my husband is at home, too. And my Irene is already a year old now."
Diana smiles softly at the brunette.
"I see. But won't Lady Irene miss her mother? I am barely able to leave Rezefs side without him crying, too."
"That's probably because your majesty is so wonderful. And yes, my little Irene cries too whenever I leave."
"My, toddlers are all the same, aren't they?"
Ruby watches the two adults talk. Lilian is her mother's personal maid but Rudbeckia wasn't aware that she had another daughter. She knew of Stan and Melissa but nobody had told her about Irene.
"I wasn't aware that you had another daughter, Lily."
"Yes, Your Highness, I have another daughter named Irene."
Rudbeckia smiles brightly. Another girl!
"What does she look like?"
"She looks like Melissa, your highness."
"So her hair is brown and her eyes golden? Mother, I want golden eyes too!"
Diana giggles at her young daughter.
"Do you not like your daddy's eyes?"
No, of course I like daddy's eyes, but I want golden eyes like lady Melissa!"
Lilian smiles softly, and so does Diana.
"Your highness, it's time to wake up."
Rudbeckia opens her eyes and blinks her tears away.
"Good morning, Your Highness. Do you wish to bathe now or later?"
"Mh... Now."
The brown-haired maid, Britney, nods and signals one of the newer maids to prepare the bath.
"Today is such nice weather. Should I ask if her Highness Cayena would like to drink tea with your highness later?"
Ruby thinks for a second. Even if the idea of drinking tea with her younger sister sounds fun, Ruby just doesn't feel like it.
"I will think about it later. But if, wouldn't a picnic with all of my siblings sound nicer?"
"Yes, your highness." Brittany stops and looks at the orange-haired maid that came back. "It seems that the bath is ready, shall we go your highness?"
Ruby nods.
"Sister! It's been a while since we all did something together."
"Heinrey, you shouldn't run. You're going to hurt yourself."
"Sister, I'm not that young anymore. I'm twelve years old already!"
Ruby smiles at her younger brother. Heinrey lets himself fall onto the blanket next to Rudbeckia.
"Sister! Brother! We're here!"
Cayena runs towards her older siblings while holding the hand of her younger brother Rezef.
"Sister Ruby, you look very beautiful today."
Rezef blushes a little. Ruby's heart warms a little more at how adorable her shy little brother looks.
"Thank you, Rezef. I heard that lady Psyche came over yesterday. Did you have fun?"
Rezef nods. Psyche and he were engaged since birth and it seems that Rezef has fallen in love with his fiance.
"Okay! Can we eat now?"
"And play!"
Cayena nods at her older brother.
"Oh, brother is so smart! I want to play too!"
"Sister Ruby, do you think Daddy will join us to play this time?"
Cayena tilt's her head to the side a little like always when she asks a question, whose answer is obvious. Ruby feels her heartbeat stop for a second.
"Da- Father is busy at the moment, maybe next time "
"You always say that! Daddy never plays with us anymore! Does he hate us because we aren't mommy?"
Ruby's heart breaks as soon as the words leave Cayenas mouth. Has she been thinking that all along? Just how long did she think that?
"No, no, don't think that way. Daddy is just going through a hard time."
"But it's been five years, sister. Cayena is right. Does he hate us? "
Ruby looks at her siblings. Cayenas eyes are filled with tears, Rezef is crying and Heinrey is looking right at her. Hurt all over his face.
"I- How- I- He- He doesn't- I really don't think that he hates us. He's just hurt."
"So, are we! He isn't the only one who lost her! We lost our mother! Rezef only knows what she looks like because of the portraits!"
Heinrey is crying now too.
"Why do you keep defending him?"
" I don't know "
Ruby sighs and leans her back against the door. That was exhausting. She really hates it when they fight. She understands why they are upset. She is too.
"Britney, how is father?"
"His majesty is sleeping at the moment, your highness."
"I see..."
It's been five years since the empress passed away. Her health had been weak ever since she gave birth to the second prince. So winter came and the empress never got to see the coming spring. Leaving her husband and four children behind.
After losing the love of his life, emperor Claude locked himself in his room and only left for work. Leaving the only nine-year-old princess Rudbeckia to take care of her siblings.
"Inform me when he wakes up."
"Yes, of course, your highness."
Ruby stands in front of the door to her father's chambers. Slightly shaking out of nervousness.
She breathes in before knocking.
The silence that follows after her knock makes her feel suffocating. For a second she thinks about leaving before she hears a noise coming from inside.
"Who is there?"
The voice is harsh. It's not the soft voice Ruby remembers, but it's her father, nothing less.
She pushes the sob, that is, trying to come out, down. She can't cry now. Not after finally talking to her father after five years of silence.
"It's... It's me, father."
Ruby thinks that the silence that follows after her statement might have broken her heart for real.
But then the door opens.
And there is he.
Her Father.
If you can call him that. He looks tired. He looks as if he hasn't slept in forever.
Which isn't true. Rudbeckia knows that he was asleep just an hour ago.
"Ruby? You... You have grown quite a bit."
"Of course, it's been five years"
"Yes, a little."
"...What brings you here?"
Rudbeckia can feel her anger grow inside of her. The question he just asked might have been the stupidest thing she has ever heard, and Heinrey had once tried to convince her that he could talk to water.
"Can I not come to see my father, who I haven't seen in five years?"
She smiles an insincere smile at him. Claude stays quiet and just looks at Ruby.
He whispers something but she didn't understand what he said.
"Yes, it makes sense why you came to look for me."
"Father... I-I'm going to have tea with my siblings tomorrow... I'm telling you in case you want to join. If you don't, then that's fine too. But I'm here so that you know that they think you hate us. Which is understandable. It's been five years after all."
Ruby turns around. She doesn't want him to see her cry.
"They think I hate them?"
"Yes? Can you blame them? We haven't seen you in five years, father!"
That might have been the first time that Ruby raised her voice at her family. And to top that already shocking thing, she raised her voice at her father.
"Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scream!"
Ruby bow's to make her apology more evident. Claude takes the one step that separates him and his daughter forward and puts his hand on her shoulder.
"You don't need to apologize, and especially not bow, to me Ruby."
"Yes... Are you going to join tomorrow?"
She wasn't fully aware why she asked again. Especially when she wouldn't be capable of taking a no without crying. Actually, she would probably cry no matter the answer.
"Yes, I will be there. It seems like I've been neglecting my children so much that they believe that I hate them."
Oh, and there it was. The sob that has been hanging around in Rudbeckia's throat since she talked to her siblings earlier. She isn't trying to hold back the tears anymore.
Claude pulls Ruby closer and lays his arms around her.
"I'm sorry, Ruby."
And with that, she breaks down completely. And Claude just holds her close.
And for the first time in a while, Ruby lets herself go.
She lets herself cry all the tears she's been holding back for so long.
From now on things will get better.
And maybe one day all the pain she's been feeling will be gone completely.
And they can be happy. But for now, they will have to talk it out.
And Claude will have to deal with the right full anger of his three youngest kids.
C h a r a c t e r s a r e f r o m:
Who made me a princess(Claude/Diana/Lilian)/How to get my husband on my side(Rudbeckia)/Remarried empress(Heinrey)/The villainess is a marionette (Cayena/Rezef)
⟨ Claude x Diana Family - Masterlist ⟩
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celticcrossanon · 3 years
Hi CC! I'm curious about where your dislike of Charles stems from. From what I read of your opinions on here it doesn't seem you like Diana either and you seem to like Camilla so it's not from the love triangle drama like many Diana's stans. I have to say I couldn't stand him at the beginning of my royal watching (~2016) but with the passing of time I have overcome my first impression and studied him more and I have to say I don't mind him. I came to love Camilla though 😊
Hi Nonny,
My dislike of Charles stems from such acts as putting up rents in the Duchy of Cornwall in the middle of covid (the rents were deferred for three months but still had to be paid at the higher rates), his plans to build 2,500 houses on Grade 1 agricultural land, how he behaved when he appeared on Masterchef Australia 2018 (the contestants were cooking for him and others, and he refused to eat anything they prepared), his obvious jealousy when his wife (Princess Diana) received more attention than he did during their tour of Australia (I was alive at the time and I saw it), various other PR stunts during his youth designed to promote him as 'sexy' (including being kissed by a girl who emerged from the surf a la James Bond - this was in 1979), and just lots of little things like that throughout the years. He has done a lot of good things as well, I am fully aware of that, but as a person I find him spoilt, extremely entitled, self-centred, and just not the sort of person that I admire.
With respect to Diana, I see her as a person, not a saint. She was a lovely person - warm, charming, generous with her affection - and she did a lot of good things with her public profile, but she was also attention hungry and, I think, unable to see things from another person's viewpoint in her personal relationships. Her life after the divorce was a revelation that lowered her in my estimation, and now I see her as a troubled human being who did a lot of good for various causes but who would have been, in my opinion, almost impossible to live with.
Camilla I am neutral. I have a great deal of respect for her work, I dislike her morals in having an affair with Charles after he was married and when he was with other women before he was married (as rumoured at the time), and she rubbed me up the wrong way when she appeared on Masterchef Australia 2018 - it was obvious that she had absolutely no idea about the part of the country she was in, and I expect royalty to be better informed, even on a TV show. They both came across as rather convinced of their superiority and patronising on Masterchef, to be honest, but that could very well be a culture clash thing.
I hope that helps with where I stand on things.
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theblogtini · 3 years
The only thing remotely similar to Charles and Diana that William and Kate have, aside from the engagement ring, is that they're eventually going to get Charles and Diana's title - Prince and Princess of Wales. The stans fail to take note of the fact that Charles and Diana looked SOOOO unhappy during the latter years of their marriage. By their 10th year, both were so miserable that they couldn't even hide it during engagements. + William and Kate have been together for 2 decades now - way past the honeymoon phase so the fact that they still enjoy each other's company and are so in sync spell good things, I hope.
Agreed. Charles and Diana looked MISERABLE together. Arms crossed, backs to each other, both scowling. William and Catherine are either the MOST AMAZING actors or they are truly happy with each other. And yes - it's possible that it's a combination of the two, but they regularly to joint engagements which they could totally opt not to do and it wouldn't at all be suspicious.
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doodle--writes · 5 years
Temptations- Adult Eddie Kaspbrak X Reader
Word Count: 2968
Warnings: Cursing, smut, alcohol
Request: Hello! I was wondering if I could request a smut for adult Eddie Kaspbrak please? Maybe where the reader is a member of the losers club and her and Eddie had crushes on each other when they were younger and those feelings came back when they met up again at the restaurant. Maybe have it be set towards the end of the film and Eddie survives and figures what the hell and just gives into his feelings. Thank you so much in advance! ☺️
When Mike had called, you were in the middle of teaching a lesson to your fourth period class. At first, you had let the phone buzz in your purse. The second time, you let it buzz again. The third time, you sighed, just throwing the answer key to the previous night's assignment under the ELMO to let the kids check their own work.
You pulled out your phone and answered. "Hello Ms. L/N speaking- if you'd please call at a later time- I'm in the middle of a lesson."
"Y/N, it's Mike."
The class had gone quiet so they could try and hear your conversation. You gave them all a slightly scolding yet somewhat amused look as you stepped out of the classroom. Outside, you spotted a teacher with her plan period across the hall.
You hurried over, phone still near your face but not quite pushed against it.
"Hey Diana," you smiled nervously, "can you take my class for a few minutes? They're juniors, it shouldn't be much trouble."
Seeing you had your phone, she nodded with a small smile and wordlessly stepped into the classroom.
You started walking towards the teacher work room and put the phone back to your ear. "Hello, yes, I'm sorry about that. I had to leave my classroom," you sighed. You lightly shook your head and forced a smile although the mystery man on the other side of the line wouldn't be able to see it. "So, I don't believe I know a Mike. Are you sure this isn't the wrong Y/N?"
"I'm positive. It's Mike Hanlon, from Derry. We used to be friends."
"I-" you paused, something starting to poke at your memory. You began to walk a bit faster, heels clicking viciously against the tile floor. "You were homeschooled weren't you? Had a little farm?"
"There we go. You remember."
"Yeah I do," you hummed softly, now wondering why on earth he was calling you after... how long? ... 27 years?
"It's back."
When you woke up, you were laying on a sickbed in the school infirmary, your legs just barely fitting on it. You moved your legs to the floor and sat up. The room spun a bit but it slowed down after a few moments.
You didn't remember much after that other than the pain as you collapsed in the middle of the hallway and hushed but panicked voices nearing.
A few footsteps shuffled in and began to bombard you with questions over whether or not you were alright. Truthfully, you weren't and you'd say you weren't, but with a totally different explanation.
"Oh you see, I had a family emergency. My mom... she..." You struggled to come up with an excuse since your mother had passed away about a decade prior.
Luckily, one of the staff members, Diana from earlier, changed the subject. "How many days do you need off?"
The flight and arrival in Derry was all blurred to you. You were shocked you had managed to function like an actual human being. Or at least you thought you did; you couldn't say for certain.
"Maybe a week," you smiled small, but you hoped, you prayed it was less.
Although as you entered the Jade Orient, part of your sanity seemed to return. You were clearheaded as you talked to the hostess, mentioning that you were there for a party of eight.
She gestured back towards a seating area that was blocked off by a wooden screen. You were hesitant to enter, there was no doubt about that, but you stepped in and gave a sigh of relief. There was no jump scare or moment of shock; just faces you knew that had aged over the years.
Mike and Bill were engrossed in a conversation that made both of their eyes light up. You overheard something about Bill's writing- oh yeah Bill was a famous writer now- and Mike's library.
Now, the other two were antithetical in comparison; Richie and Eddie were sitting across from each other, making fun of each other, bantering.
You smiled to yourself. Just like old times.
Richie was in the middle of a 'your mom' joke before he looked up and whistled. "Oh damn who is that thiccums over there?"
Working with high school students, you knew exactly what that meant and you turned red, shaking your head, but unable to stop smiling. "Keep it in your pants Richard." You held your arms out to hug him. "But get your ass over here and give me a hug."
Richie nearly leaped from his seat, tripping over his gangly legs, and wrapped his equally long arms around you.
It felt weird having Richie, who used to be shorter than you, stand above six foot and hug you so tightly, but it felt nice.
After he pulled away, he laughed. "Shit, you're showing me up. I got the dad bod and here you are with childbearing hips and an itty bitty waist."
You laughed embarrassedly. "Oh Richie you're flattering me."
You turned back towards the table, ready to speak but you stopped yourself. Staring at you was a slender but sharp face with inquisitive eyes as big as a Disney princess. His nose had sharpened in angles over the years but very faintly you could see familiar freckles from sunshine trailing over both cheeks and his nose.
He smiled at you and you smiled back, feeling the heat of a childhood crush fill your cheeks. "Hi Eddie."
He was up on his feet in an instant, pulling you close and into a hug that was almost too tight. Just almost. Yet you found your embarrassment fading and your cockiness growinf. "Miss me that much?"
He pulled away almost immediately, rambling over how it was "so amazing to see you" and how you "grew up to look exactly like your mother".
You rolled your eyes but your smile stayed as you went to squish his cheeks. "And you haven't changed at all," you cooed.
And you drank. Richie drank. Bill drank. Mike drank. Even Eddie, who had scolded you once or twice for underage drinking, drank to the point of delight.
He lightly pushed your hand away before you turned to the rest of the group, laughing. "I don't know about you guys, but I need a drink!"
When Ben and Bev arrived, they joined the festivities.
You didn't quite remember how, but you ended up in Eddie's lap, giggling, feeling like a teenager again. He felt the same as he had an arm lazily wrapped around your waist.
He kept his arm there as he walked you back to the townhouse; neither of you felt like it was suitable to drive back with how drunk you were.
The walk upstairs was jovial as you swung your hands together and laughed even though no jokes were told.
But the air changed once you had reached the top. Eddie's bedroom was closest and you weren't sure if he dragged you in or if you had pulled him in, but that didn't matter at all.
As soon as the door was closed, arms were wrapped snug around your waist, a chest surprisingly tough pressed against yours.
Eddie was staring at you, mouth barely agape, breathless. Inside he was panicking some but God he knew he wanted this.
"Tell me to stop," he warned.
You returned his look, but yours carried a smugness to it; like you were confident in the first place that things would go accordingly.
"Don't you dare stop."
With that, Eddie's mouth slammed against yours in a way that threw you off guard entirely. Eddie, as long as you had known him, had been somewhat pristine. Sure, he could be as loud as Richie and much angrier, and he was no Stan, but Eddie always had a neatness to him.
So to see him do something so intense, so sloppy took your breath away.
You kissed him back with a similar if not equal force that made your lips tingle and burn.
Your arms planted themselves around his neck; your hands grasped onto fistfuls of hair just as soft and thick as it had been before Eddie even hit puberty.
Eddie pulled away slightly, your lips maybe a centimeter apart, foreheads pressed together. "Maybe we should move this to the bed?" He phrased it more so as a question than a statement.
You nearly agreed, but you remembered something. "Eddie, we can't. You're married." You pulled your arms away from him and stepped back. "I don't care if your marriage isn't going well. I don't want to be the one to make you cheat." You looked to the ground, feeling as if you had sobered up.
Eddie stepped back a foot and tried to look anywhere that wasn't you. "Y-yeah, right. Sorry, I think I drank too much."
"I did too." You slowly made your way closer to the door before you told him, "have a good night, Eddie."
The following hours and days, you weren't exactly sure how long the process of killing a demon clown was, were grueling. Yet, all of you made it.
He mumbled something in return, but you didn't hear it because you were already down the hall.
Yes, there were extremely terrifying moments that made you feel like you pissed yourself. Like when: Bill nearly drowned in water, Richie got put in the deadlights, Mike tried to get you all to do a ritual that killed the original casters, Ben had more shit carved into his stomach, Bev nearly drowned in blood, Eddie was stabbed in the fucking face, and you nearly suffocated at one point.
You took joy in watching the house on Neibolt Street collapse into itself. That house that had haunted you for nearly three decades was finally gone.
You looked around at your friends. Everyone was dirty and covered in blood of their own or even someone else's. "Hey guys," you began, "how about we go swimming?"
A small chorus of delayed and tired 'yeah's followed. All of you walked through town, ignoring those who looked at you like you were insane.
About halfway there, Eddie squirmed his way next to you and reached out for your hand.
After the quarry, you all went back to the townhouse, deciding to rest up before you'd all inevitably leave Derry once again. Only this time, you wouldn't forget. You'd remember your friends and go on in life with them as your friends.
You let him.
Quietly, you walked to your room and as soon as you could, you took a long shower. You took great care in getting all of the blood and dirt off of your skin. You washed beneath your nails. You spent time carefully working the knots out of your hair.
Once you were out, you walked to your luggage, going through it for anything comfortable. You wondered if you had left some things from a previous trip inside because you did not remember packing lingerie.
You thought about it for a moment before saying fuck it and you put on the lingerie with a small satin robe over it.
Just as you tied the robe, a knock came on the door. "Y/N, may I come in?" It was Eddie's voice.
"Yeah come on in, Eddie," you called, going to sit on the end of your bed.
Eddie carefully opened the door, and peeked his head inside before he completely appeared. You noted that he was wearing gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. You had never seen Eddie in sweats before and you weren't complaining at the change.
Eddie's cheeks went red at the sight of you but he sat next to you nonetheless.
"So I called it off with Myra."
Those were not at all the words you expected.
"Woah Eddie, I'm sorry." You reached out to put your hand on his shoulder.
He sighed and turned toward you. "This week made me realize something. Well, more accurately, it made me remember something." He takes one of your hands between his own. "I care for you more than anyone else. You make me laugh, you make smile, you make me brave. You do all these things to me and I know what that means. I think I've known since we were kids." He looks into your eyes. "I love you."
You practically tackled Eddie, knocked him back onto the mattress and kissed him. It was a soft kiss, but it lingered as you cupped his non injured cheek with your hand. "I love you too Eddie. So much."
You kissed him again, slightly harder this time and planted yourself to where you were straddling him.
It didn't take long for you to feel something underneath you. Just the thought of it was enough to drive you crazy.
Just like Eddie had said once before, you looked down at him and said, "tell me to stop."
He quickly shook his head. He wanted this even though he wasn't exactly sure what all of this entailed.
You leaned down to kiss him once again before dragging your lips down to his jaw. You found a spot that made his breath hitch in his throat and decided to mark it, gently biting and sucking until you left a deep purple mark there.
Eddie groaned before switching gears. You were the one laying on your back as Eddie kneeled between your legs. "Can we get this robe off?"
You leaned up a little before untying the robe and tossed it to the floor.
Eddie took a moment to stare at you. You wore baby doll lingerie; essentially a type of intimate nightgown that's usually see through.
That's exactly how yours was. He could see your nipple starting to poke at the fabric, stretching it.
He reached down and gently squeezed your chest, earning a shaky breath. He moved to cup your breast, his thumb tracing your nipple. You whined a bit at the feeling of lace scratching over it and the feeling of Eddie's hand.
It had admittedly been quite a while since you had the touch of someone other than your own hand or a Hitachi so you felt extremely sensitive.
In a swift movement, Eddie pulled the fabric away from your chest entirely and replaced his thumb with his tongue. You moaned quietly as he began to work on your chest. His hand found its way to your other breast.
Your legs tried to clench but Eddie sat between them and once he felt that, he moved his attention downwards.
He moved back and grabbed the waistband of your panties. He looked at you. "May these come off?"
You nodded. "Yes take them off. Please."
He gingerly slid them down your legs before tossing them onto your robe.
He leaned down between your legs but didn't use his mouth yet. Instead, he tested the waters with one finger, first rubbing your clit, which earned a whine. Then he stuck a finger in to see exactly how needy you were. The answer? Very.
Eddie began to methodically finger you while his tongue flicked against your clit repeatedly. Just knowing that Eddie was the one doing it made your heart beat fast and your head dizzy.
"Eddie," you moaned, "more."
With that, Eddie added a second finger and began to curl them inside of you, earning a somewhat loud gasp. You put your hand over your mouth, fully aware that Richie's room was the next one over and man you did not want that conversation tomorrow morning.
It didn't take long for you to tangle your fingers in Eddie's hair and chant his name. He ate you out more viciously, his fingers pumping in and out at a rate that made you dripping wet.
When your orgasm came, you bucked your hips up, moaned into your hand, and squirted. Luckily Eddie was out of the way by that point. You knew how he was about bodily fluids but he didn't seem to mind right then.
He leaned down and kissed you. You were much more eager in the kiss as you tried to get over the high of your orgasm. He whispered praises into your ear and after a moment, you switched it over again.
Now Eddie was beneath you as you slid his sweats and boxers down in one swoop.
You looked at Eddie. "Do you care whether or not we use a condom?"
He shook his head, surprising himself. "Not at all."
You whispered a small "thank god" before lining yourself up with him. You slid down onto him with a lewd mew.
Eddie's hands found themselves on your hips, lightly squeezing. A nearly lightheaded feeling washed over you, but you admittedly wanted more.
You brought your hips back up before sliding down onto his cock again, making both of you groan.
You rested your hands on his chest as both of you whimpered and groans at each slap of your thighs against his torso.
It felt like an embarrassingly short time before your thighs tried to clench around him.
It felt embarrassing for him as well once he began to feel the coil in his stomach tighten.
You came with a rather pornographic moan and your walls tightened around Eddie. The sensation was enough to finish him off, making him cum.
Breathlessly, sex drives and overall shape not as great as it used to be, the both of you lay down.
You find yourself cuddling into Eddie's chest as one of his legs lazily lays over your own.
Eddie sighs happily. "Well that's like a wet dream come true."
You giggle. "And one hell of a way to start a relationship."
Eddie smiles softly. "I love you."
"I love you too."
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