#wessa fanfiction
reality-exodus · 9 months
The Last Hours of a Herondale
Ch2 sparkles
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Pairing: Matthew Fairchild x Fem!Herondale
I walked out on a fast pace without turning back or waiting for my brother's Parabatai. I was wearing my own coat now as I strolled down the alley to get on the bridge and find my way to the institute.
"He just worries you know" I heard, I could see Matthew walking behind me with the side of my eye, he was still holding his extravagant coat in hand. "And can you please stop rushing on my account I will get my alcohol, therefore I wish this was more scenic" Matthew joked. I admired the way he used his vocabulary always, sobber or not. I listened to his wish, my arms crossed across my torso, I was making this gesture to highlight my fury, although if I am being frank I was shivering to the freezing temperature of London.
"Didn't sincerely seemed like he was concerned about me, more like he did not have the mood to hear our father whine about his daughter to be wandering alone helpless in the streets of this horrific city, As if I am a damsel in distress." I barked, my nerves were still tense, I was too angry to concentrate on anything.
Matthew didn't reply immediately, he touched my shoulders carefully to place his coat on me, he observed my being cold. I tensed and reflexively turned to face him, shocked, not so much because of his gesture but with the fact that I felt as if I would see something. I always looked chill with my charisma therefore I was freaking out most of the time internally. "Do not worry, I know. It is not nice to watch another broken past." He assured me and I exhaled relieved lightly and placed my arms on the sleeves while he tied the belt around my waist gently.
"Its never the past that gets me unnerved. Even though I think I witness the worse of you every time you drink alcohol." I spoke and looked at him. I rarely seen his eyes so upclose. They were green, darker as if the reasons that got him drunk every day and night had shaded his eyes too.
"And what unnerves you?" He asked me. Despite the instability of his voice that seemed so familiar since he was more drunk than sober.
"When I see the future, I have only seen it a few times. Three to be honest." I spoke and looked elsewhere, I was scared to look for his comment or his eye contact, these were things I avoided speaking of, barely mentioned them to my parents. "I will get going it gets colder" I excused myself, expecting him into offering to escort me.
"I was leaving anyway, my beautiful bottle is right down this way." Matthew spoke and walked away from me. I smiled and started walking down the bridge.
The way there was peaceful and calming, I was gazing at the cloudy sky trying to make out at least a small, tiny star but the rain that started a few minutes ago was getting stronger. It felt nice, the droplets on the coat and on my hair made me colder but the feeling was refreshing as the wind blew as well. I placed my hand to the bottom of my chaotic braided bun and set it loose into the two braids and I started loosing them as well.
I was so peaceful and calm. Forgot about my fight with James, the vision of Polly, the demon splatter and the times I saw James disappear and Matthew almost lose his life. I opened the door and walked in unknown of the mess I was in. I hoped I wouldn't meet anyone. I only went inside Lucie's room, I hoped she would be awake. I knocked the door.
"Come in" her sweet voice sounded and poked my head in. "What happened to you? Where is James?" she asked, her voice sketched with concern as well as her expression, she stood up from her desk and approached me. We were the same height even though she was two years younger than me. Her hand got my wrist and pulled me inside her room. "If mama and papa see you, you'll scare them to death." She spoke.
"Nothing happened, we only killed a demon." I replied and threw my boots next to the door and walked to her mirror to witness myself the big deal. I, indeed looked horrible, my light brown hair were wet and filled with mud that made them stick together and my face had dirt as the rain spilled the light make up I wore. "James made it explode." I sighed.
"And why are you wearing Math's clothes?" she asked me. "You are shaking..." she noticed.
I smiled subconsciously as I took off the coat and let it fall on the ground. "He accompanied me up to a point on my way home and I was cold." I explained briefly as I started taking off the heavy and wet equipment. "Could I use your bathroom? I do not feel comfortable being on my own." I added with false hopes that she would not start the curiosity drill of questions.
"Why? What happened?" Lucie asked me as she assisted me, with great care to not trigger any seizure, to take off the rest of the equipment until I was with the underskirt.
"Nothing in particular." I spoke as I took her comb and started untangling the mass in my head trying to remove as much of mud as possible. I felt my sister's gaze upon my back and let out a sigh. She probably was the only person I was unable to keep secrets from. I was a pretty cold person therefore Lucie can read me, even though my pages are always blank. "Alright, I fought with James before I left. I was certainly right with my arguments. Perhaps, I was a bit harsh." I explained.
"Oh do not even worry, he won't remember it in the morning..." Lucie smiled lightly. "This is why you came here. To cover for him, so mom and dad won't know you returned alone?" her smile got bigger. She is such a sweet angel. When me and James fight she is more sad than we are. 'You are twins, you can't talk to each other like that, you are supposed to be two of a whole' she usually quotes and tries to stop our conflict which most of the time plays out into a best sarcastic comeback battle as we actually forgot what we fought about.
"You really think so?" I asked lightly and then walked into her bathroom as I started washing the mud from my face.
"Do you remember what you fought for?" asked Lucie and my smile disappeared lightly. "Well, since it is this serious, tell me about it." She encouraged me and I exhaled unwilling to so.
"Do not tell mama and papa... James started disappearing during the battle... It was a close call for me and Math, and especially for Math... After we killed it, we went at that stupid tavern they hang out... And I had a seizure with flashback. So we were kind of on edge both of us." I unriddle the events of the night as I filled the tub with water.
"I don't think you are worried that you spoke harsh to James. You are simply upset. Come on. Have your shower and I will get you some tea and then I can tell you about my book, so you take your mind off." Lucie giggled and I nodded with soft smile. I winked and nodded before she closed the door of the bathroom.
I came out of the tub and saw that my sister brought pajamas and underwear, freshly washed, they smelled vanilla and sandal wood. The clothes were mine. I wore them and walked out to the bed where I saw her laying with a book. "Feeling better?" she asked me and I nodded.
I climbed next to her on the bed and placed the book aside with a smile as she took her brush and removed the towel. Lucie began to brush my hair. I have curly and long hair, longer than hers, with the color of my father's while I had my mom's eyes, deep gray. The brush met a comb and she abruptly untangled it making me jump.
"I am careful, you know that" Lucie reassured me with a sweet smile, she knew I was anxious.
I didn't really felt when I fell asleep, I hugged Lucie's stuffed animal. Tomorrow would be a great day, the Carstairs would arrive. I was happy to see them, to see Daisy and Alastair again. I was probably the only one who found Alastair likeable but this didn't really matter, he didn't seem to care that much to converse with anyone. Us Herondales have a special place for the Carstairs family in our hearts. My father's parabatai was a Carstairs, uncle Jem became a silent brother under awful circumstances while he was on his death bed owing to a demons doings. I cannot imagine how my father was feeling back then, I do not have a parabatai like James has and like Lucie will soon have. I have a close relationship with Barbara and Anna Lightwood but none of them to a point to have such eternal and unbreakable bond.
Uncle Jem must be the only person I can talk to about the visions I see and not feel like a freak. The whole clave looks at me and my brother as if we are some kind of unexpressed danger against the Nephelim race. Even my mother and father are uncomfortable when we speak about it. Perhaps it is in my head. Uncle Jem always knows what to tell me to ease me and not make me feel... different from everyone else. Speaking of whom I had to summon him, I was obliged to report to him every single vision I had as well as the conditions it came under.
"Lina..." I heard in my sleep as I felt a soft shake. I turned around ignoring the voice and this is when the blanket was pulled violently from my figure. "Lina!"
"What!" I exclaimed disturbed and shot up.
"Get dressed we have to get breakfast the Carstairs will be here soon" Lucie spoke as she was literally jumping up and down on her mattress.
"Is James back?" I asked her.
"Yes he is." James replied and I turned my head to see our brother sitting in the arm chair on Lucies room, it was next to the pile of my dirty clothes.
"Oh Good morning" I greeted and sat up and leaned to the bedframe as I stared at him. The gash on his hand was fully healed and he looked well and rested.
"Oh Good morning to you too" He chimed therefore his expression was just like mine dead serious as we only stared at each other. I could sense Lucie darting her gaze between us.
"Now come on you two..." Lucie began when a ghost appeared in the middle of the room.
"Oh look at the two naughty Herondales following their father's footsteps once again. Stubborn as donkeys!" Jessamine floated in the room.
"Ah great, here were the commentary again." I spoke inside my teeth.
"Jealous much Lina? At least the ghost can form more ingenious sentences than you." James smiled at me. The revenge begun.
"At least the ghost has the intelligence to think before they speak nonsense." I smiled back, Lucie was saying we had the same facial features, even our teeth and expressional wrinkles were the same, everything except our eye-color. He had brown eyes, I had gray.
"At least the ghost has manners!" Jessamine whined at us. "Like father, they say..." she sighed and floated to the edge dramatically.
"Does she though?" James asked Jessamine and she turned her attention to him, her expression puzzled.
"You really do just barge in a room, that is really not lady like." I commented with a fake frown, my posture was suddenly fixed as I was remarking the good manners that my father always said were more important than anything else. She was the last Lovelace of her family name and now she was haunting my house.
"Uh Tessie really left your upbringing to Will didn't she?" Jessamine huffed in annoyance when my father opened the room.
"She indeed did, Jess. Aren't they adorably charming?" My father asked as he looked at us his eyes were smiling.
"So adorably charming that they get on my nerves almost as much as you do Herondale." Jessamine spoke up.
"Then I did a wonderful job." He smiled lightly and sat down on the bed next to me. "How did the hunt go? You must have returned late huh?" Will asked us. I could see his gaze searching for injuries or any sign that needed his attendance or an iratze.
"It went well actually. We found a Deumas demon" James spoke and then my father looked at me.
"And? What happened?" Will asked us, I could sense his enthusiasm.
"Well at first I was up the building watching Matthew and James. And they struggled a bit, so I thought I would step in." I smiled proudly and felt James' eyes on me.
"Yes, Lina stepped in and saved Math's ass..." James spoke and our mom stepped in.
"James! Language." She noticed and allowed him to keep going.
"She used the whip and injured it and lured it away from Math but then it cornered her and thankfully Thomas was there and assisted Lina." James continued and smiled at me.
"James recovered from the hit and he tried to kill it at first but then he had a gash on the hand during this attempt so me and Thomas kept it in line when my bright twin came slashed it and filled us with ichor and blood." I finished the story.
"And then we stayed at Devil's Tavern for a drink." James spoke up and looked at me.
"Or eight?" I lied with a giggle.
"Eight? Linette!" My mother exclaimed and made a move to touch my forehead and I pulled myself from the way.
"I am fine mom, I do not have temperature or something. I was only a bit dizzy and Luce offered to brew some lemon balm with anice to sooth my stomach." I exclaimed. They knew I was uncomfortable with physical contact.
"I was with her as well. And so were the boys its really not big deal, or the first time it happens" James tried to cover for me but he earned an almost infuriated gaze from our father.
"Well it isn't that bad..." Lucie intervened.
"Well I was celebrating the demon victory. And then I got entinced by the drunks around me?" I smiled and my father shook his head. "I know I am a girl and I shouldn't- ." I started off and then saw my parents exchange a look.
"Lina... It is not that. Honestly I couldn't care less what each one of those pretentious Clave members has to say about me, my wife, my children or my parabatai. Both me and your mother have been through the gossiping and it doesn't real phase us, it never did. We just want you to be safe." My father spoke and carefully took my hand I exhaled as I realized I was still wearing gloves.
"I don't see you preaching my twin about these. But anyway, I see your points and your concerns." I spoke and gave him a light smile and removed my hand. If you'll excuse me. I must get prepared for breakfast." I excused myself to go to my room. I didn't know how I felt and suddenly I wasn't in the mood of socializing either. Even if it was with the Carstairs.
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purplebass · 1 year
A Different Kind of Music - Wessa
Set a few months after Will and Tessa get married. So let's say 1880-1881. They are deciding how to renovate the ballroom of the Institute, but things take a different turn when they get creative. ;) This was inspired by the amazing hot art by the talented @/thorndale/elisial_art on tumblr/Instagram <;3 Warning: Mature
“This room is such a mess,” Will glared at the windows, where long drapes of red velvet hung on by a literal thread. “First thing we’ll change are these curtains, I don’t like red,” he flinched, as if red offended him for some reason. 
Tessa could only smile as they paced the ballroom together. She couldn’t believe it. Just a few months ago, they said their vows and they sealed their union. She was Tessa Herondale now, and even though not everybody saw it the same way, it didn’t matter to her. Only Will mattered, and the future they intended to build together in this place, which needed a little redecoration, according to him.
Keep Reading on A03 💜
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diana-bookfairchild · 2 years
@fluffbruary Day 22
How was your year, Tessa? Jem asked in the way of the Silent Brothers, in her head.
Their meetings on the bridge were so brief, barely cooling the aching grief of her mind and heart, and she yearned to draw him to her and never let go, to say my Jem and hear him say Wo ai ni.
She shook the urge off. Thus was the curse of immortality, and she had gotten better at bearing it over the years.
“It was good,” she said. “I worked as a nurse again, which was exhausting. I have all the respect in the world for Catarina. I think I’ll be going to university again this year.”
Which course would you want to study?
“Linguistics,” she said, spinning the bracelet Will had given her for their wedding anniversary around her wrist. “It has a few entertaining jobs lined up afterwards, which spares me from going into the Labyrinth for a while.”
She loved her fellow warlocks, and she loved working and researching in the Spiral Labyrinth – but after the incident seven years ago it was still hard to think about going back there. She had no doubt she would, though: to her it was what hospitals were to Catarina, what luxury was to Magnus, what the Shadow Market was to Hypatia, what Idris was to Ragnor, what his family was to Raphael. A constant, something you find yourself drawn to in the long years of loneliness.
“How was your year?” She asked him, even knowing his response, because thinking about how her life was going sometimes made her incredibly sad.
It was well, he answered, entirely uninformative as usual. He always encouraged her to talk about herself and her life, and always refused to say much about his own.
Tessa spent all year yearning for this period, for the time she got to interact with the love of her life, and then when it came to it, when she was finally looking at him, she wanted to close her eyes and be done with it. She hated what life had done to the two of them, she hated how much they had lost: Will. James. Lucie. Cordelia. Jesse. Matthew. Christopher. Thomas. Alistair. Anna. Cecily. Sophie. Gideon. Charlotte. Gabriel. Henry.
She hated that looking at Jem and talking to him brought up so many sad memories of her past, all the people she loved and her memories of them tinged with grief and sorrow.
Silences were unfilled, but never awkward between them. As many conflicted emotions Tessa held for this, there was always a peace to be had with Jem, even with his eyes peacefully closed, in the  parchment robes of Silent Brothers.
Suddenly there was a loud commotion from the other side of the bridge. A few teenagers were creating a cacophony of noise, yelling at one another. One made gestures which were getting more and more agitated and exuberant by the second. Another stomped their feet and pointed between two of them, screeching about the sheer betrayal they left. It looked like those two were about to come to blows before the third pushed their way between them, hands on hips, and began to scold them, and then they stood there sulkily, occasionally glaring at one another.
Tessa threw her head back and laughed in a way she hadn’t in a while.
Jem was looking at her softly, and her breath caught. He almost looked the way he had, mortal, so many years ago.
It has been a while since I have heard laughter, he confessed.
Tessa found that indescribably sad. No matter how much she went through in life, she had never been devoid of laughter, in herself, in the people she loved, or simply on the streets she passed.
Why did you laugh like that? Jem continued.
“I just remembered something,” Tessa said, and for once, it brought the hot rush of joy rather than melancholy. “It was so silly. It was so long ago. We were such children.”
What was it?
“Cecily and Gabriel,” Tessa chuckled. “And the day Will found them. Also, coincidentally, the day they got engaged.”
I assume it was not quite that coincidental, Jem commented dryly, though she was fairly certain she and Will had told him that story when it had happened, Will nearly incoherent in his apoplectic, appalled rantings.
“No, it wasn’t,” she agreed, and she slipped back to the memories.
Gabriel and Will had been on an overnight mission, and Tessa and Cecily had stayed up until dawn for them, Cecy practically vibrating with impatience that she hadn’t been able to go. They’d watched the sky turned lighter as Bridget sang about murder in the background.
At that point, Cecily had completely lost her temper and gone to demand mission details from Gideon, who had never been good at denying his brother’s girlfriend, and caved instantly.
“Are you coming, Tessa?” She’d asked grimly, adding several daggers – her chosen weapon – to her holsters.
“Of course,” Tessa had replied. “I’m not leaving my sister to go out and get my husband alone.” That had gotten her a smile.
They’d gotten the carriage out, Cyril expressing several worries over them going out alone, and followed the trail left by their partners to a slime covered street.
“Cecaelia demons,” Cecily had said, her eyes blazing with that battle high Tessa saw so much but could never understand. “No wonder they’re late.” The both of them drew their blades and then charged in.
“Cecily!” Will had cried in fury. “What are you doing here?”
“You were late. I’m not sure what else I could’ve come for, Gwilym,” she’d replied, throwing a demon bodily off a stunned Gabriel. “Feel free to give me ideas, though.”
The four of them had made quick work of the demons, Will and Cecily trading barbs, and Will regularly trying to keep Tessa out of the way, which was rather useless.
“Why are you here, Tess?” Will had asked at the end, tiredly but tenderly, taking her hand.
Tessa had cocked her head to the side and smiled. “Cecily put it quite well. You were late. I hope you didn’t expect me to sit around and wait.”
Will had laughed. “Of course not, my Boadicea,” he’d kissed her hand. “What did you think of my performance?”
“You were rather dashing in the battle,” Tessa had allowed loftily. “But you wouldn’t have succeeded without me.”
“I would be incapable in every way without you,” Will had agreed mock solemnly.
“I don’t know,” she’d replied amusedly, “Cecy seems to keep you in line.”
At that, his face turned thunderous. “Cecily!” He barked. Cecily was nearly eighteen then, the same age they had been when they had met, but Will would forever remain overprotective – smothering, Cecily complained – over her. “By the Angel, I nearly forgot. Where is she?”
They’d found her in Gabriel’s arms, the two of them kissing like the world was ending. Tessa had smiled – you could say many things about Gabriel, but never that he didn’t adore Cecily. And she certainly remembered her own ‘we’ve survived, yay! Also you look hot fighting’ sex.
Will … did not see it that way. He had gone absolutely ballistic. He’d torn Gabriel away and thrown him to the ground.
Tessa had tried to calm him down, but to no avail.
Cecily and Will had gotten into a screaming match. Will raged and said she should have better decorum. Cecily swore at him in Welsh and called him a bloody hypocrite. Gabriel and Tessa exchanged a half-amused half-hapless look.
“How many times have I walked in on you and Tessa?” Cecily demanded.
“Tessa and I are married,” Will had snapped back. “That doesn’t matter.”
“Really, Will, you know we didn’t wait for marriage,” Tessa said exasperatedly. Gabriel winced at that. Will shrugged, knowing it was true and not wanting to argue with her, but his face was set.
“So, what you mean is if Gabriel and I were married, you would have been fine walking in on what you did?” Cecily had said, eyes gleaming with the Herondale promise of mischief and Tessa felt dread rise up in her. Gabriel made a choked noise.
Will laughed, clearly not considering that a serious question. “Sure, why not.”
“Very well then,” Cecily had tossed her hair back arrogantly and gone and knelt in front of Gabriel. Both Gabriel and Will’s jaws had dropped. Tessa had been unable to prevent an excited half-cheer half-laugh. “Gabriel Lightwood,” she continued, and the challenge in her eyes faded to something softer, something that made Tessa feel like a voyeur. “. I have never loved anyone before you, and I sincerely doubt I will after. Ever since I met you, you have kept pace with me, supported me, and challenged me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you continuing to do those things. Will you do me the honour of being my husband?”
“Cecy. . .” Gabriel had sounded absolutely flabbergasted. And so, so in love.
Cecily had smiled at him, a moment so solemn and sweet not even Will had interrupted. “Do you have an answer for me?”
Gabriel had dropped to his knees as well. “For you,” he’d said. “The answer will always, always be yes.” They’d kissed, chastely but still somehow fiercely before parting, Gabriel having a hand on his fiancee’s cheek. “I am happy to spend the rest of my life with you,” he had continued softly. “And I am honoured you chose me.”
Cecily had grinned in a private, tender amusement. “I’m certain you would have been insulted if I had picked anyone else.”
Gabriel had snorted, taking her hand, slipping his family ring off his finger and onto hers, and pressing a light kiss to the back of it. “Rest assured; I absolutely would have been.”
“Congratulations!” Tessa had beamed, seeing that the moment had been teetering towards an end. Both of the lovebirds had startled slightly, before turning matching smiles to her. She moved rapidly to hug Cecily, and turned to Gabriel with his fiancée still in her arms. “Welcome to the family, Gabriel.”
Gabriel had smiled, obviously touched. “Thank you, Tessa.”
“The family?” Will had called, sounding revolted. But his expression hadn’t matched his tone, he’d been looking between the newly engaged couple, a furrow in his eyebrows. “Cecily, cariad, you’re seventeen.”
“Tessa was seventeen when she was engaged to Jem, and no one objected to that,” she’d pointed out in return, ignoring the slight noise Gabriel, who had never understood how they still considered Jem family, made. Cecily had, though. Cecily still called Brother Zachariah Jem, even though Tessa knew he slightly unnerved her. “We shall perhaps have a long engagement, but that does not matter right now.”
Will had sighed ruefully, considering this, hands in his pockets. Tessa had made her way back to him, and he’d almost unthinkingly come to her side. “I suppose there’s little left to be said then,” he’d commented. “Keep good on those promises you made, Gabriel, and we’ll be okay.”
Gabriel’s eyes had been wide at the approval. Cecily looked happy and irritated at the same time, saying “You have no right to comment on my relationships, Will!” while he’d stared at Will, the two men nodding sharply simultaneously moments after.
“Welcome to the family, I suppose, Lightworm,” Will had continued resignedly. “I probably won’t call you that anymore or prank you. Much.”
And with Will and Cecily still arguing, with Gabriel still looking delightedly dazed, they had made their way back to the Institute.
That is quite the story, Jem said, and he sounded wistful in her head. Tessa wasn’t sure if it was her own bias or if he actually did sound that. And it was very Cecily of her to propose.
“It’s fairly common now,” Tessa agreed. “But back then it was nearly unheard of. Cecy did love breaking stereotypes,” she said softly, and for once, the memory of someone she loved brought her joy rather than pain.
Tessa was immortal. Nearly everyone she loved was dead, and those still alive could die someday. She would outlive Jem, and it wasn’t a guarantee that she wouldn’t outlive her immortal friends.
But that wasn’t the point, she realized with a startling clarity. The point was to make memories like that which would make her smile years in the future. The point was that you lived, and did everything you could to live well. The point was the choices you made and the people you loved. The point was having those people, even for a short while. She thought of Gideon and Sophie, and of Gabriel and Cecily, who had lost their Barbara and Christopher so early into their lives and had still not regretted a second of it.
Tessa swallowed the lump in her throat, and looked at Jem: no longer a melancholy piece of the past, but the hope and happiness of her life there that she carried into the future.
“I think I’m going back to the Spiral Labyrinth,” she decided on a whim. “I’ve missed it a lot.” And she had, she realized.
You will? Jem asked, sounding surprised.
“Yes,” she said firmly. “What about you? Any New Year’s resolutions?”
I’m not sure, he admitted.
“That’s alright,” Tessa said, smiling. “We’ve got time.”
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thefictioness · 5 months
Who wants pain and suffering? I've got some to spare :'3
A little something I conjured up about Jem's time of dying. Kind of a parallel to the epilogue about Will's.
Original work by @cassandraclare
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zoyalannister · 1 year
Last week I mentioned Gabrily fanfics written by Wessa stans, and I decided to make an example post instead of ranting.
The message here isn't that you can't like two ships, but typically Wessa stans have a vision on Gabrily that define weird would be generous.
Also, this isn't meant as an attack to a specific fanfic. If you read some of these "Gabrilys", you will think at least about 5 different titles.
A typical Gabrily (by Wessa stans)
Premise: this fanfic isn't actually a Gabrily, it's just an excuse to write about Wessa from a different POV and show how much superior they are.
Gabriel is a total asshole, not meaning cocky and arrogant, but meanig outright douchebag. He is always angry with Cecily, even for things out of her control like gettig infections or being pregnant with a girl, and even verbally abusive. He is super mysoginist and treats Cecily like shit even when she's pregnant. He also is very selfish in bed and the "only missionary" kind of man.
Bonus: he can be both sexist, asshole and a shit father flipping out on Cecily for birthing a daughter right after she delivers Anna.
Cecily instead is Daphne Bridgerton 2.0, super naïve, oblivious of what happens in bed and totally scared of it. She's scared of Gabriel in almost evert situation: before having sex, after having sex, to talk to him about feelings and she's absolutely terrified of his reaction if he finds out she's pregnant. Obviously, as a good wife, she accepts all the verbal abuse from her husband and doesn't fight back. She has sex only when Gabriel wants to and never takes initiative.
In this fanfic Gabrily have a stupid and nonsense fight that would never happen if they were IC, but don't worry: Saint William Herondale from Wales arrives walking on water with his shining halo and heals Gabriel from the assholesness by impossing his hands on the forehead, and Saint Tessa Grey from New York will guide Cecily through her fears and doubts.
In the end, thanks to the greatness of Wessa, Gabrily will magically solve their problems and get their happy ending, obviously after remarking how superior Wessa are.
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edwinspaynes · 8 months
Welcome to my Shadowhunter Chronicles and Dead Boy Detectives blog, a place where I cause shenanigans and post fanfiction!
I REALLY like TID/TMI/TEC and the content associated with them, but above all else I am a TLH enthusiast. Chain of Gold, Chain of Iron, and (especially) Chain of Thorns are my favourite books. I also love the TLH-related short stories and bonus content.
I'm a fan of the DBDA Netflix show. I like the comics as well, but I'm primarily a fan of the Netflix program. Huge Payneland shipper over here, and my favourite characters are Edwin, Charles, and Niko. The Cat King also lives in my mind rent-free, though, which is a lot of fun. But honestly, I love every character in the show.
My favourite TSC characters are Matthew (my beloved my bestie my very life), Alastair, Thomas, and Cordelia. The TSC ships that live rent-free in my head are Thomastair and Herondaisy. These characters and ships, along with Payneland, are mainly what I write fic about!
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My other favourite ships are Wessa, Sophideon, Sizzy, and Arianna, all from TSC, so you'll probably see a lot of them here, too.
Art by the lovely @hanelizabeth ♡
You can see all of my fics on my main Ao3 page. I've also gathered them into collections to make browsing for your faves easy!
Matthew-Related Fic Collection
Thomas/Alastair Fic Collection
James/Cordelia Fic Collection
Edwin/Charles Fic Collection
A few personal favourites of my own fics:
A Therapeutic Chain of Events (Thomas/Alastair)
A Ribbon of Dream (Thomas/Alastair)
The Name We Give Our Mistakes (Matthew)
The Moon in Her Chariot of Pearl (Matthew & James + Will/Tessa)
Summer Went Away (Still the Yearning Stays) (Matthew + family)
Soul to the Universe (Wings to the Mind) (James/Cordelia)
The Besotted Couple's Guide to Half-Baked Mistakes (James/Cordelia)
half of my soul, as the poets say (Edwin/Charles)
Over the Castle on the Hill (Edwin/Charles)
I'm currently writing a super fun TLH/DBDA crossover as well, so check it out! It's my passion project, lol.
Click here for a collection filled with great TSC fics from other lovely authors like @vwritesaus and @luciehercndale that I highly recommend. Here is the collection of my favourite DBDA fics, all of which are wonderful.
Actual footage of me reading (real!)
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Other things I like and post about are Taylor Swift, KJ Charles books, Urusei Yatsura, and random shows like Good Omens, XO Kitty, and Crazy Ex Girlfriend.
If you're a TDA fan, I'm happy to have you here, but you may want to block #anti tda, #anti blackstairs, and #anti julian blackthorn.
Please enjoy your time here! Feel free to shoot me asks if you want to chat.
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lovelymaryj-recs · 11 months
Hello! This is my fanfiction recommendation blog. The fics in this blog were written by various authors from AO3, Quotev, and Tumblr. If you're looking for fics posted on Wattpad, please go to my Wattpad profile and check out my reading lists.
This blog isn't dedicated to any particular fandom, so don't be fooled by whatever my blog's current theme is. I post what I like. My main criterion to determine whether or not I post a fic here is whether or not I want to reread a fic someday. I'm a simple woman. (This blog is basically my library.)
Most of the fanfictions here are female reader or OC inserts. It's quite rare for me to post character/character fics because it's also rare for me to read character/character fics. Also, most, if not all, ships are straight. If they're supposed to be a gay ship, one of them is probably genderbent. Sorry. If that's not your cup of tea, you're free to click/tap away. Additionally, some fics may include dark content. If you don't know how to define that, maybe you shouldn't be looking at this blog. As always, you're free to leave if you don't like such fics.
Fandoms, characters and ships available (in alphabetical order, mostly):
[Note: To look for fics more efficiently, type the character/ship/fandom name in the search bar. Look for the name you used in the search bar in the tags of the results/posts. Click on the tag.
TLDR: Search by tags instead of just looking up the name using the search bar.]
Assassination Classroom | Anatsu Kyoushitsu (ASSCLASS)
Akabane Karma
Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA)
Avatar: The Legend of Korra (LOK)
Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, The (TBOSAS) | The Hunger Games (THG)
Coriolanus Snow
Black Butler | Kuroshitsuji (BB)
Alois Trancy Ciel Phantomhive Sebastian Michaelis
Kim Namjoon Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Jung Hoseok Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Jeon Jungkook
Bungou Stray Dogs (BSD)
Dazai Osamu
Batfamily & Batsis Bruce Wayne Damian Wayne Damian Wayne / Mar'i Grayson (Demonfire) Jason Todd Kaldur'ahm Kyle Rayner Dick Grayson Roy Harper
Death is the Only Ending for a Villainess | Villains are Destined to Die
Penelope Eckhart | Cha Siyeon / Callisto Regulus (Calliope)
Folk of the Air, The (TFOTA)
Jude Duarte / Cardan Greenbriar (Jurdan)
Genshin Impact (GI)
Diluc Ragnvindr
Akaashi Keiji Bokuto Koutarou Hinata Shouyou Hoshiumu Kourai Iwaizumi Hajime Kozume Kenma Kuroo Tetsurou Meian Shuugo Miya Atsumu Miya Osamu Oikawa Tooru Sakusa Kiyoomi Sawamura Daichi Sugawara Koushi Suna Rintarou Tsukishima Kei Ushijima Wakatoshi
Harry Potter (HP) | Marauders
Draco Malfoy Draco Malfoy / Hermione Granger (Dramione) Female Harry Potter / Draco Malfoy (Drarry) James Potter James Potter / Female Regulus Black (Jegulus) Regulus Black Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Harry Potter: Magic Awakened (HPMA)
Daniel Page
Hogwarts Legacy (HPHL)
Ominis Gaunt Sebastian Sallow
Honkai: Star Rail (HSR)
Dan Heng / Stelle (Danstelle)
How to Train You Dragon (HTTYD)
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III
Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK)
Fushiguro Megumi Fushiguro Toji Getou Suguru Gojo Satoru Ieri Shoko Itadori Yuuji Kugisaki Nobara Kamo Chousou Nanami Kento Ryoumen Sukuna
Little Women
Theodore "Laurie" Laurence
Love and Deepspace
Marvel | Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
Bucky Barnes Loki Peter Parker
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir (MLB)
Adrien Agreste
My Hero Academia | Boku no Hero Academia (MHA | BNHA)
Amajiki Tamaki Bakugou Katsuki Shinsou Hitoshi Takami Keigo Todoroki Shouto Todoroki Touya | Dabi
Night Manager, The
Jonathan Pine
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (PJO) | Riordanverse | Heroes of Olympus (HOO)
Apollo / Female Percy Jackson (Perpollo) Female Percy Jackson Percy Jackson
Shadowhunter Chronicles, The (TSC)
Jem Carstairs / Tessa Gray (Jessa) Jem Carstairs / Tessa Gray / Will Herondale (Herongraystairs) Tessa Gray / Will Herondale (Wessa)
Loid Forger / Yor Briar Forger (Twiyor)
Tears of Themis (TOT)
Artem Wing Luke Pearce Marius von Hagen Vyn Richter
Tokyo Revengers (TOKREV)
Akashi Takeomi Haitani Ran Haitani Rindou Hanemiya Kazutora Kakuchou Kokonoi Hajime Sano "Mikey" Manjirou Sanzu Haruchiyo
Choi Yeonjun
Twisted Wonderland (TWST)
Ace Trappola Azul Ashengrotto Cater Diamond Deuce Spade Epel Felmier Floyd Leech Idia Shroud Jack Howl Jade Leech Jamil Viper Kalim Al-Asim Leona Kingscholar Lilia Vanrouge Malleus Draconia Riddle Rosehearts Rook Hunt Ruggie Bucchi Sebek Zigvolt Silver Trey Clover Vil Schoenheit
Umbrella Academy, The (TUA)
Five Hargreeves
Willy Wonka
There are more fics of certain fandoms and there are more fics of certain characters. Nonetheless, as long as they're listed above, there's at least one (1) fanfiction of them in here somewhere.
Happy reading! <3
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belle-keys · 9 months
Not the original anon, but weighing in with a Rant. In addition to what you said, harassing fic writers about what they do and don't write is a douche move. I've literally gotten comments telling me I write too much Thomastair and Wessa and should write (x) things instead, and I find the comments super rude, ngl? Like, someone else is definitely writing what you want! Leave me alone!
One of my good friends also got some really nasty ass guest comments on a Gracetopher fic where the person spent what must have been like an hour catching every typo and perceived historical/scientific inaccuracy. Like dude my friend just wanted to write cute lab fluff, I wanted to read cute lab fluff, it you don't like cute lab fluff gtfo
Yes, exactly – fanfiction is the Wild West. There is no logic, no real editing, no complete originality. You pay nothing to write it or read it. You can publish it on ao3 after writing it on a post-it at 2am while drunk. Criticizing fanfiction is stupid when it’s easy as hell to not read what you don’t like. And people should just, yunno, get to write what they want anyway. The rules of books, original prose, and literature do not hold up in fanfiction because fanfic exists within a completely different creative framework.
There is not a single individual fanfiction criticism that holds up when you contextualize what fanfiction even is. You think this person used the phrase “blue orbs” too much? Great, they’re not a writer, they didn’t make the fic intending for it to have good prose. They just wanna squeal over Damon Salvatore’s blue orbs with their five friends online. The writing is bad? Great, the purpose wasn’t it for it to be good in the first place, so keep it to yourself. No one is reading this one specific fic for “good writing”.
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glassandhoney · 1 year
Hey, new chapter of my wessa fanfiction is up!
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
I think Wessa are the kind of people who say shit like 'fanfiction is not real fiction'
Why would you say something so controversial djskskskks 🫢🫢🫢
Altho I think Will writes herongraystairs fanfiction as a hobby 😎
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dandeliononthemoon · 3 years
I hope I’m not too late!
50 & Wessa <33
I hope i haven't kept you waiting on this too long.
Also not totally satisfied with it, but I really wanted to put this up at the latest today so here you have it. I hope you still enjoy it <3
And obviously it is christmas themed :)
Fandom: The Shadowhunter Chronicles
Pairing: Will Herondale x Tessa Gray
Prompt(s): 50. A kiss, followed by more, that trail down the jaw and neck
Words: 807
Warning: very mild nsfw
Today was Christmas and Will and Tessa decided to spend the day together watching Christmas movies.
Tessa woke up early to do some chores around the apartment before they went out to pick up the DVD’s . She walked over to the dishwasher to take out the dishes of last night. When she opened it, the dishes were still dirty. She frowned, pushed some buttons and tried to make it work. But it didn’t. Tessa groaned, she really didn’t want to deal with this today. Will arrived from the bedroom, yawning. His eyes crinkled when he noticed her standing in the kitchen. “Good morning, honey”, he kissed her on the cheek, “and merry Christmas”. Will proceeded to make some coffee for him.
“It is no good morning and no merry Christmas”, Tessa huffed and picked her phone to google how to fix the dishwasher. “Why, what happened?”. He turned his head over his shoulder to see her scrolling through the phone with annoyance. “The dishwasher is broken. The dishes of yesterday are not clean.”, she replied distractedly, still vigorously searching for any clue. “Ugh, and I can’t find anything on google that I haven’t tried already”, she added, face turned upward frustration written on her face. “And obviously no one would be available today so we’d have to do the dishes by hand until at least Monday.”
Will took a sip of his coffee and said ”Well, that is okay, we gotta do what we gotta do. We’ll just divide up the work, like we do with the other housework. I’ll do the cleaning, you do the drying, okay?”. He planted a kiss on her face. “Fine”, Tessa replied dejectedly.
“You do have to get ready soon, the library won’t stay open for too long. It is already amazing that they are open on a festive day”
“i will be ready in no time”, Will assured.
He was in fact ready in a lot more than no time. “Hey I don’t want to look awful on Christmas okay”
Finally they left and roamed around in the library after they got the DVDs. It started with Will finding a new book that he had heard of and wanted to read, which cascaded into looking at the books they had read in that section. After a while Tessa saw the time on the clock hanging and dragged Will out of there.
“It is getting late, let’s go!”
“Wait, look at this!”
“No, no, otherwise we won’t ever go home”
Tessa dragged him out of the library in the middle of it. Will pouted the whole way home.
Once at home, they cooked dinner together and ate while watching the movie, snuggled underneath a blanket.
Then it was over and it was time to do the dishes.
“Come on, let’s go!” Will said and got up.
“I don’t want to”. Tessa shrunk deeper in the sofa, covering the blanket they had shared over her head.
“Oh no, you are coming”
Will pulled her out and dragged her towards the sink. He laid out a towel beside the sink to put the washed dishes there so that Tessa could dry and stack them.
It took a while, but they were finally done with the dishes.
Tessa was drying the last plate when Will said with a teasing smile, “Now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”
She put the plate on the stack and put them in the cupboard.
“Well, no, not really” she grunted. He took the towel that Tessa had used for the dishes to dry off his hands. She turned around to lean against the counter.
“Although I could’ve used some other kind of encouragement”, she hinted.
Will smiled and stepped towards her, putting his hands beside hers on which she was leaning, caging her.
“Like what?”. His eyes alternating between looking in her eyes and her lips.
“I don’t know, you tell me”, she breathed.
His face moved closer until their lips met each other.
It started soft and light. “Like this?”, Will breathed. He pecked her lips, then pressed his lips against hers, licking it.
His kisses trailed along Tessa’s jaw, then just below the jaw, his lips going along the neck, sucking it. Tessa moaned and pressed her body against his, throwing her head back to give him more access. Will picked her up, her legs going around his waist, and maneuvered them towards the bedroom, where he put her down on her back and continued kissing her neck.
Sweaters were thrown off, pants going along, hands roaming on each body part. The kisses turned rough, hard and eager. Their hips working in tandem to get some sweet relief.
Soon they were both sated, slumped in each other’s arms.
Breathing hard, Tessa stated, “More like this”.
Will panted, “I will do so the next time”.
Tag: @brekkersfeed
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purplebass · 9 months
Getting Acquainted With Santa / Wessa (+ little Lucie and James)
Will dresses as Santa Claus to surprise little James and Lucie, but someone may be scared of Santa ;) Set around Christmas 1888. I just love writing about Wessa when their kids are little.
I may have one more idea involving some of the characters in this fic set on Christmas but in the future, but we'll see if I can write it. Also, if you have requests, please send them to me.
Words: 971 Rating: T Read on A03 💜
Will bought the costume in a shop downtown without thinking, and he first showed it to his wife.
“You’re not thinking about –” Tessa said, looking at the red and white cloth with a frown. “For the Christmas party?”
He nodded. “The children will love it,” he replied giddily. “Or would you rather I dress as Mari Lwyd? You don’t seem too sure, Tess.”
She just shrugged and managed a tight smile. “I don’t want them to be scared so young.”
“By Santa Claus?” Will frowned, and put a hand on his wife’s shoulder. “Is there something I should know?”
Tessa sighed, and covered her face with her hands for a moment. “When I was six or seven,” she began, “I was deeply frightened by Kris Kringle. I was with my aunt, and it was one of those rare occasions she allowed me to go out with her. I had never seen Santa, and you can imagine my shock when he appeared out of nowhere and asked me which gift I wanted for Christmas.”
“I’m sorry, Tess,” he caressed her shoulder. “I should’ve asked you first. Maybe I should really dress as Mari Lwyd, then. They also know about her.”
“Please, no,” she laughed. “I can get acquainted with Santa. Perhaps if you wear that costume in front of me, my fear could subside. I could associate you with it, and thus face my fear.”
“Do you think it could work? I don’t want to startle you, my dear,” he squeezed her hand. 
“Let’s try it now,” she tilted her head to the side. “While the children are still asleep.”
Will smirked. “I’ve got the feeling you will want to remove the costume real quick.”
“Well,” she teased. “Let’s see if you are right.”
In the end, they were right. Seeing her husband dressing – and undressing – as Santa reframed Tessa’s childhood memory after a while. He didn’t frighten her anymore. If any, he looked –
“Amazing,” she commented, fixing his jacket. “You’re all set, Will.”
“Santa Claus is coming to town!” he exclaimed, and Tessa couldn’t help but laugh.
She went to the nursery to get Lucie and James, who were one and two respectively, and took them to the drawing room. They agreed that it was better to dress as Santa in front of them first. Tessa thought they should ask their friends if it was okay for Will to surprise the other children, since one of them could be scared like she used to be. 
Tessa sat on the rug. Lucie sat on her lap, while James sat beside her. When Will entered the room and chanted, they both looked up. 
“Hello, James and Lucie,” Will chirped, and sat on the rug. “How are you?” Tessa frowned at her husband. “What? It’s friendly,” he muttered. “I am Santa Claus, an old friend of your papa’s.”
James glanced at his mother. He was a little shy, and Tessa smiled to encourage him. 
“Good,” he said quietly. 
“Do you want to sit here with Santa, James? You can tell me what you want for Christmas,” Will wondered, and opened his welcoming arms. 
James hesitated at first, and looked at his mother again. “Go,” she told him, and that seemed to put him at ease. “It is fine.”
Will and Tessa’s first born son sat on his leg. “Yes, Jamie, you are safe with me. I’ve known your papa for a long time, and granted a lot of his wishes,” he explained. “Let’s hear what you wish for Christmas. I can make it come true.” James bit his lip but then he whispered something into his father’s ear. Will smiled when he was done, and looked at his wife. She also seemed pleased. “Only that? Okay, let’s see what Santa can do,” he kissed his boy’s hair, and he ran back into his mother’s arms. “Lucie’s turn.”
“Do you want to sit on Santa’s leg too, Lucie?” Tessa asked her youngest child, who observed the intruder curiously. She stretched her arms out and her father picked her up without a fuss. “This was easy,” she told Will with a knowing grin. 
Lucie was less wary about the world compared to her older brother. Will often said she reminded me of him when he was little, while Tessa agreed that James was more like her. Their children seemed the perfect blending of their attitudes, even though they were still too young so this could likely change someday.
Lucie grabbed his fake beard, which she found fluffy. “Do you like this?” he inquired softly, and she bobbed her head, and it looked like a nod to him. “Later, cariad. Later,” he said, but his daughter tugged at the white wool too much that it fell off his face. “Oops,” Will muttered, and Tessa covered her mouth with her hand to hide a laugh. 
“Pa,” Lucie touched her father’s face with her tiny hand, and their eyes met. “Pa!”
“What did you say, little one?”
“Pa,” she repeated. It was the first time she had uttered that word. Will and Tessa melt just like they did when James said it a few months before.
“Papa,” James echoed from Tessa’s lap, and he ran to Will’s other side. “Papa!”
Will and Tessa exchanged a quick glance and smiled at each other. “Yes, that’s your papa Claus here,” he hugged his children. “Can papa get a kiss from you?” he offered his cheek, and James kissed him first. He put a finger on his face and Lucie also gave him a kiss. 
“Can I also kiss papa Claus?” Tessa wondered. 
“I’d be offended if you didn’t,” Will said. “Considering how fond of him you’ve become.”
Tessa rolled her eyes and kissed him, and sat down next to him on the rug, basking in the happiness of her beloved family.
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Wessa baby Part 1
A/N: Thank you @daisyherxndale for recommending this!! I’ll post part 2 a bit later today. This story takes place about two years before Chog. I hope you enjoy!
Tessa was trying to read, but her thoughts were clearly elsewhere. She found herself reading the same sentence over and over again as her mind rattled with mixed emotions. Was she happy? Yes, she was over the moon. But was she allowed to? Would Will be happy? Or would he be distraught? Maybe she was just worrying too much. She put her hand on her abdomen.
However inconvenient it might have been, Tessa Gray was pregnant. Tessa Gray was pregnant with a third, completely unexpected, child.
By the time Will came into the room, Tessa had long abandoned her book. There was no point in trying to read about characters’ struggles, when all you could think about were your own misfortunes.  
Tessa didn’t even notice him coming in until he was kneeling in front of her.
“Tess? You look like you’ve aged fifty years since the last time I saw you.” Concern was etched across his face.
“Ha ha, very funny.”
“No, literally, you changed.” Will said, referring to her shapeshifting. “Are you feeling alright?”
Tessa held a hand up to her face. Of course. Whenever Tessa got pregnant, her warlock magic went haywire.
She forced herself to change back into her normal self, now understanding why she had felt a bit winded before. She blinked and looked back down at Will.
“I’m fine, Will.”
Will gave her a face that said he knew she was lying to him.
Tessa bit her lip. Now’s as good a time as ever to tell him. Will deserved to know. Besides, it might take some weight off shoulders.
She drew him in her arms and kissed his forehead. She held his face in her hands and looked into his deep blue eyes, seeing herself reflected in them.
“Whatever is matter, sweet Tess?” Will said, turning his face to kiss her palm.
“Will, I’m expecting.”
Will’s eyes widened, almost comedically, as he stared at Tessa, looked down at her stomach, and then back at Tessa.
“Tess, that’s…”
“NO! No, Tess, it’s wonderful.” he said, kissing her and resting his forehead against hers. “I was going to say unexpected, but anything that’s part you, even if it’s only half, is a blessing.”
Tessa felt her vision getting blurry. Will wiped a tear from her face.
“And anything that’s half me, is a blessing to the Earth.” He continued.
Tessa laughed and dug her face into his neck.
“My sweet Tess, I’m so happy we created something so wonderful.”
“Me too.” Tessa said.
Will was reading a book while stroking James’ hair, absentmindedly. Jamie had his head rested on his papa’s shoulder and was reading along side him. It was A Tale of Two Cities, a book they had both read many times, though they still seem enthralled by it, as though it were the first time they were reading it. Meanwhile, Lucie and Tessa talked about the new baby.
“Have you picked out a name yet?” Lucie asked.
“We were thinking of Ella, in honor of Will’s sister.”
Will looked up at the mention of his name, completely oblivious to the conversation the girls were having. Tessa waved him off as to say he could go back to reading.
“So, she needs a middle name.” said Lucie, tapping out a inconsistent pattern on Tessa’s belly.
“Well, she doesn’t need a middle na—” Tessa looked over at Lucie who she giving her puppy eyes. “Why? Did you have one in mind?”
Lucie looked up at her, enthusiastically. “You can name her after another book character, like you did with me!”
Tessa laughed, “Which one were you thinking of?”
Lucie sat up, practically unable to keep still.
“Elizabeth! After Lizzie Bennet!”
Will looked up from his book. “I like that one, Lulu.”
Tessa smiled. She didn’t remember ever having told Lucie that her mother’s name was Elizabeth; she did not have a strong memory of her as she died when Tessa was merely three years old. And yet, it seemed fitting to name her unborn daughter after the women who never got to meet her mother. The women who did not get a chance to raise her own daughter.
“I love it, Luce.”
Lucie, clearly proud of herself, sandwiched herself once more in-between James and Tessa. Tessa kissed her temple and ran her knuckles over Lucie’s cheek. She caught Will’s eye over their son and daughter’s heads. He smiled warmly at her and reached out to hold her hand. She placed it in his and he rubbed circles into her palm.
“Me first!” Lucie whisper-yelled as she pushed James out of the way. James stumbled at the sudden impact and would have fallen, had he not grabbed the couch in front of him and steadied himself. Without a second glance at her brother, Lucie plopped down beside Will ready to hold her new baby sister.  
Will carefully handed over the baby. Lucie smiled and cooed at Ella.
“Hello,” she whispered. “I’m Lucie, your favorite sibling.”
“Hey!” said James.
Lucie ignored him. “Has she opened her eyes?”
“Not yet,” said Tessa.
She inherited Will’s dark hair, but she had yet to wake up and see the world.
“Can I hold her now?”
“No, Jamie,” said Lucie, “being the klutz you are, you’ll drop her.”
“Lucie, honey, Jamie will be careful. He should be able to hold Ella as well.”
Lucie grumbled and turned towards Ella. “I apologize greatly for abandoning you, and leaving you to succumb to the evil clutches of Cruel Prince James, my sweet sister— oh, that would make a wonderful line for a new chapter of The Beautiful Cordelia.” Lucie looked at James. “Alright, you can hold her, but only because I have been in a writer’s block for months, and I just had a wonderful idea.”
She was about to give Ella over to James, before pulling away.
“Don’t even think about turning into a shadow once I hand her over.”
“Why would I do that?!”
“Because you are sketchy. And unpredictable. And just of being replaced as my favorite sibling.”
“I was your only sibling.”
“Exactly. That’s the only reason you were my favorite sibling.”
“Mam, Lu’s hurting my feelings.” James said, humoring her.
Finally, Lucie handed Ella over to James and got her pen and paper. She peered over at Jamie holding baby Ella while she wrote.
It was sweet to watch a smile stretch across James’ face as he looked down at Ella and bounced her lightly. James, who was always solemn, even as a child. The contrast between both Lucie and James’ personality was like white against black. Tessa couldn’t help but wonder what shape Ella’s personality might take when she grow older. She was also worried that Ella would grow lonely, as both of her siblings were quite grown, and were likely to have moved out of the institute by the time she turned five.
Tessa forced her concentration on something else. She’d long given up on trying to fix things that were out of her control. She often found it to do more harm than good. Besides, Ella is not truly alone; she’ll have her cousin Alexander to keep her company. Who knows, maybe they’ll become parabatai.
“Mam,” James said.
Tessa looked up.
“She’s got your eyes.”
The whole family leaned in closer, as Ella scanned her surroundings. They were, in fact, the same shade of gray as Tessa’s eyes.
“She’s a perfect hybrid!” Lucie said.
Tessa put her head on Will’s shoulder, perfectly content on enjoying this moment with her family.
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thequietesthing · 2 years
little reading update: finished re reading all the original six shadowhunters books, re read also the infernal devices trilogy (which i love in ways i cannot express properly) and now i just finished the first two books of the last hours that i hadn’t read already, and once more i must say how extremely fascinating and soul capturing is the writing of CC
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wishingformoredogs · 4 years
My ability to have a poker face while reading fanfiction when other people are in the room has proven that my theatre classes have paid off.
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edwinspaynes · 2 years
Welcome to my TSC blog, a place where I cause shenanigans and (mainly) post fanfiction! I mainly write about Thomastair, Wessa, Jordelia and my much-beloved Matthew Fairchild because that's where my interests largely lie.
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My fics, published as thegirlofthorns on Ao3:
Dreamscapes on the Wall (multichapter, complete)
The Golden Age of Something Good & Right & Real (multichapter, complete)
A Ribbon of Dream (multichapter, complete)
Flying in a Dream, Stars by the Pocketful (Christmas multichapter, complete)
The Rest of My Life With Him (one-shot)
A Dazzling Haze, A Mysterious Way About You (one-shot)
The Diaries of Sir Thomas Lightwood, Age Fourteen (one-shot)
Part-Time Soulmate, Full-Time Problem (one-shot)
Passed Down Like Folk Songs (The Love Lasts So Long) (one-shot)
I'm a Fire and I'll Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm (18+, one-shot)
Moonlight Sonata and I (gift for @luciehercndale)
Days Future: Paris, 1912 (one-shot)
all of you, all of me (intertwined) (gift for @alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer)
The Stars Are Aligned (So Save That Heart for Me) (one-shot reincarnation AU)
I Had the Best Day (With You, Today) (Thomastair & Gracetopher, oneshot)
The Surprise (one-shot)
Baby You Got Lucky 'Cause You're Rockin' With the Best (18+, one-shot)
The Crown You Never Take Off (one-shot gift for @thevagabondexpress)
Twenty Minutes (18+, one-shot)
like a candle you burnt out (one-shot)
Kaleidoscope of Loud Heartbeats Under Coats (one-shot)
Connecting the Tide to the Sand That Was Dry (one-shot gift for @vwritesaus)
The Together, We'll Learn to Breathe Series (about Thomas and Alastair healing together) // can be read in any order
A Therapeutic Chain of Events (multichapter, complete)
You Drew Stars Around My Scars (one-shot)
a dwindling mercurial high (multichapter, complete, past Charles/Alastair)
Closets of Backlogged Dreams (multichapter, on hiatus)
Bloodsucker, Famefucker (one-shot)
Every Tear's a Rain Parade From Hell (one-shot)
When Our Eyes Meet, Darling, I Fancy You (multichapter, complete)
The Howling Wind (18+, one-shot)
Have I Known You Twenty Seconds or Twenty Years? (one-shot)
A Tale of a Great Behemoth (one-shot)
Leaves, Cider Donuts, and William Herondale (one-shot)
This Life Is Sweeter Than Fiction (one-shot college AU)
my hips & thighs & my whispered sighs (oh lord) (18+, one-shot)
'Sentimental Boy' Is My Nom de Plume (one-shot)
Christmas on the Balcony (18+, one-shot)
The Name We Give Our Mistakes -> Character study (multichapter, complete)
Summer Went Away (Still the Yearning Stays) -> Matthew + family (multichapter, complete)
The Cheap Severity of Abstract Ethics -> Matthew & Alastair + Thomas/Alastair (multichapter, complete)
Forces & Flowers -> Matthew & Anna (one-shot)
This Beautiful Beast -> Matthew & Oscar feat. Thomas/Alastair + Kit (one-shot)
across our great divide, there is a glorious sunrise -> Character study (one-shot)
A Combination of Shock and Awe -> Matthew & Charles feat. Will (one-shot)
The Importance of Being... -> Matthew + Thomas/Alastair
The Matthew and Alastair: Burying the Hatchet series (about Matthew and Alastair having important conversations shortly after ChoT) // can be read in any order
Prices and Vices (I End Up in Crisis) -> Matthew & Alastair (one-shot)
Your Flower's Filled With Vitriol -> Matthew & Alastair (one-shot)
In the Gutter, Looking at the Stars -> Matthew & Alastair (one-shot)
The Matthew Fairchild: An Expert in Romantics Series // can be read in any order
Life is Not Complex (We Are Complex) -> Matthew + Eugenia/OC feat. Thomas/Alastair (one-shot)
For One Moment, Our Lives Met (Our Souls Touched) -> Matthew, Magnus, + Ragnor/Catarina (gift for @themimsyborogove
Fashion is Ephemeral (Art Is Eternal) -> Matthew + Thomas/Alastair (one-shot)
The Moon in Her Chariot of Pearl -> Matthew + Will/Tessa (one-shot)
A Little Sincerity (A Dangerous Thing) -> Matthew + Risa/OC feat. Alastair
It's a Love Story (Baby, Just Say Yes) (one-shot)
I Can See You (Up Against a Wall With Me) (one-shot gift for @furoruisa)
Privacy Sign on the Whole World (one-shot)
Taffy Stuck & Tongue Tied -> Grace & Alastair (one-shot)
Empty Bottles, Heavy Hearts, the Memories of Broken Dreams -> Thomas character study (one-shot)
I Never Said That (I Love You) -> Catarina/Ragnor (one-shot)
Blazed Glory -> TLH ensemble shenanigans (one-shot)
the nature of love -> a poem (one-shot)
Carol of the Bells: A Winter-Themed Drabble Collection
You also will likely find a lot of Taylor Swift content here. I also post sometimes about KJ Charles' books, especially the Charm of Magpies series. Our Flag Means Death, How I Met Your Mother, The Office, Never Have I Ever, Good Omens, and Crazy Ex Girlfriend will also pop up frequently.
Thanks for reading! If you like my fics and want to support me, do consider getting me a Ko-Fi. Literally no pressure, I write for fun, but it'd be cool!
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