#wessa baby
margareturtle · 6 months
Thinking about Helen Penhallow Blackthorn as one does
Thinking about how I’m sure she wanted to be reunited with her family and would do anything to maintain that after being able to return from Wrangel Island
But also thinking about how maybe she didn’t really want to start running an institute as soon as she was free or maybe she did but she didn’t have much freedom to explore the world and what she wanted to do in between starting her travel year at 18 and then being sent to Wrangel Island later that same year
Thinking about how Helen must feel incredible guilt after finding out that her little brother she left when he was 12 and playing with wax was holding the family together and running the institute by himself
Thinking about how Helen and Mark were only two years apart and the closest to each other growing up but after what they both went through and now that they’re living on different coasts as well their relationship will never be what it was. Thinking about how now Mark is closer with Julian and Emma now.
Thinking about how when Helen finally is able to return to her family they are all splitting off in different directions— Mark to the east coast/faerie, Julian with Emma on their travel year, and Ty to the scholomance.
Thinking about how Helen was never really able to explore or her faerie heritage
Thinking about how Helen still can’t fully be Dru’s sister as she is her sister and mother
Yeah just thinking about Helen Penhallow Blackthorn
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clockworkbee · 6 months
SEBASTIAN AND THE SEELIE QUEEN, WHAT??? (I can't believe I'm stuck on this and so eagerly looking forward to it LMAOOO)
I LOVE ALL THIS SO MUCH, BTW!!! (If there's anything here that I couldn't care less for—at least, atm—it's Luke & Jocelyn's story XD)
I really need people to share these. I really, really do 😭
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shellii-c · 2 months
Posting the compendium of The Infernal Devices Extras.
Will and Tessas wedding day and night 😘🫦🔥😍
Please note this extra scene is a very long and is being split into 2 separate posts due to Tumblr only allowing 10 images per post.
Don't worry Jessa fans I have a steamy scene coming for you guys too!!!
POST 9 OF ???
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emmalovesfitzloved · 9 months
Who are your fav characters, and why ? And favourit ship/s ?
Eeeeek finally getting round to this lovely ask by the smartiest @imabitchforjemcarstairs hehehe
I have answered this lovely q, and here is the link for the full unhinged answer for the "why" them, hehe.
But the TLDR just for fire rapid answers is:
Favourite characters:
Will/Tessa (tie)
Kitty and Jessa tie
Malec (if allowed a sixth place)
Top Ships:
(lots of cheating with the ties, but im going to be honest, i can't choose frfr)
Now to enjoy this read and not make and make this answer half assed, I will be original and give my two cents on the topic of Wessa vs. Jessa i haven't had the time to chat about until now. So technically you didn't ask for this lol but i feel like we love Jem and this is a perfect opportunity to give an essay responce on the whole shindig :)
So scooch in for me @imabitchforjemcarstairs we need a chat ;) .
On the topic of Jessa vs. Wessa vs. Herongraystairs in TID:
I think I liked them a lot especially in TID, but i think that the lack of Jem POV makes it hard to really understand what's going inside in his head. And i think the relationship as a ship in writing, suffers from it, especially when we have Will's POV. And that rather, the decisions that 'metamorph' in their relationship is out of Jessa's hands, but a response to the events CC convienently plops in, not allowing any of these three characters decided eyes wide open their fate. Which imo, is a cop out. Let's breakdown the sneaky manipulative writing CC did ;)
I recently reread TID (for about the 10th time now, as one does during the christmas season lol) and found that even during the Herongraystairs arc, it felt like the writing gave more bonding and more to Wessa than Jessa. I call this in romance novels the, "convincing period", where the author in those formative chapters has to convince the reader that these two individuals should be in a ship. CC convinced us on Wessa bc they were into each other since day 0 when Will saved her from the Twin sisters, had so many hobbies in common and shared the same common struggles of figuring out who they want to be in this world (Will struggling w/ his identity and curse and Tessa as a weird hybrid warlock who constantly gets gaslit her who life). So the convincing is done well there i think we can all agree on that pretty easily.
For Jem and Tessa, it seems as if Tessa always defaulted to him because he was a failsafe from Will. And i don't mean that negatively, but in that, he was brilliant, light, elegant, poised and studied and that is literally sexy as hell lol. LIKE COME ON, HE MADE MUSIC ON HIS VIOLIN FOR HERRR. THAT'S HELLA ROMANTIC. And is very "show don't tell" when it comes to his love, my fav trope. He is very clear, which at the time, was the opposite of Will. So that in of itself is attractive to Tessa. But it's a canon event, that she went into the engagement collaterally in book 2, bc Will constantly kept deflecting what they had. She wouldn't have explored a relationship with Jem, if it weren't for Will's deflections. This is literally a canon event. And Tessa wanted to explore what she had with Jem bc he was very decided and less flakey than Will. Which tbh makes utter sense to me!
But as you can see, later on, once Jem leaves the silent brothers, the way i interpreted this is that, Jem and Tessa became a thing bc of the history they have, the loyalty they have to the trio friendship group and bc Tessa doesn't have Will anymore. It's giving very much "begin again" by Taylor Swift Vibes (not too much but yk kinda that aesthetic). And what I'm trying to say, is that I read the Jessa relationship at a disadvantage when up against Wessa. I think CC would have benefited writing Jessa and Wessa independent, and not collaterally contigent on the happenings of what was going on with the status of the other relationship. And then, on Wessa's side in response to Jem leaving for the Silent Brothers, they didn't want to get together in Book 3, bc Will didn't want to take his best mate's girl away bc his best mate never asks anything of Will and he's also high key dying.
It’s unfair that Wessa happened bc Will felt like there was a curse which gave way for Jessa’s engagement, and conversely, it’s unfair that Wessa only got together once the silent brothers made Jem one of them. So again, the autonomy of these characters are not happening 'authentically' but are happening bc of circumstances.
There is also the accidental (ig) trope that Jem with his illness he was given which in political theory we call, “the children are dying” trope. Which means, you give blanket equity or veto power to someone irrespective of the context of deserving because they are “closer to death” than anyone else. This is THE DRIVING FORCE, of why everyone acts the way they do around poor Jem and it drives him, and us the readers crazy, rightfully so. Jem and Will become friends, not because Will at first fr liked Jem as a person or thought he was a talented shadowhunter, but “because he was dying”, blanket permission for friendship. Tessa was kind to Jem at first because, you guessed it, blanket permission because he is closer to death than she is. They get engaged despite not knowing each other for a long time, conveniently for Jem because, yes, he’s close to death. So much of autonomy is once again stripped from characters around Jem, because most of their actions are respective to his illness. Which is polite, lovely, but it rightfully upsets Jem because he is still a person. Not a a make a wish kid nor a charity case. This was touched on briefly when he said he didn’t want a nurse out of Tessa but a wife. This wasn’t morally delved into deeply save for Tessa’s answer “no I fr like u dude wdym” but than her actions proceed to default back to the “children are dying” complex around him. And we’re only freed from this trope finally once Jem has lived basically the immortal life and is a very changed person after silent brotherhood.
So WTF to do right? Seems like CC built up amazing grounds and complications in these characters, but what to do right? How can she wrap this up in a nice bow? Well CC went naturally via the occam's razor route, which is: Jem becomes a literal monk giving him 'immortality', so circumstantially, the only option JUST SO HAPPENS that Will and Tessa can be together. Again, its not a decision Tessa makes, its a problem that solves itself for Tessa. She goes with Will for now, and maybe in the future, she will go with Jem if he ever leave the silent brothers.
Which again, imo is a bit of a cop out. But CC didn't allow Tessa to put her big girl panties and choose a man. But one thing is clear, which is CC didn't write Will and Jem equal from the start. And it is very clear that Will was written from the beginning as the forbidden love and chosen one. Which is extremely unfair to Jem bc there is so much we could have learned and gained from a Jem pairing that DIDN'T happen bc of the circumstances of Wessa not working out. I truly think that Jem was written with an unfair disadvantage. Like i said, One bc his POV hasn't ever been explored that well. and Two, bc all of Tessa's choices weren't made bc she willed them, but bc CC wrote the circumstances in to take away the choice for her.
Now what I do think is right, is that Jessa, both being immortal are together later on in Shadowhunter Canon. I love Mina and I love what they can be for each other. They make each other happy. And for anyone who says that you can have only 1 love in ur life has a very romantic judeo-catholic view on things XD. U can have many loves in ur life, and each of them can be independent from each other. Love is not mutually exclusive. How is it that you can love unbundently and feel equal love for your multiple pets and children, but not find it in yourself to love more than 2 men? It is entirely possible. And so I do think there is room for Jessa, even if Wessa happened first. And I don't think it is disrespectful or cheating to remarry or find another love after one has ended.
I read criticism about them and how they don't live up to the same version as they were in TID, but i think living hundreds of years does that to you. And i don't think it's the fault of anyone in the pairing to 'bring out' the best in the other, but they can also be very changed people from when they were young. This criticism that they aren't great together later on in life is rooted in their own way of dealing with immortality AND THEN each other. I think what is a pity is that it isn't explored as well as Magnus's immortality has shaped his life which i think again, puts Jessa at a disadvantage. Magnus' continuity as I explained before is given a wider girth than Jessa which is why he is my preferred immortal. But then again, what would Magnus do, if he was immortal forever with his ship? He would be a very changed person he wouldn’t be his own comedic relief that’s for sure. In fact, Camille was not wrong when she said that immortality changes your relationship greatly. Where she fucked up was treating poor babygirl Magnus like shit just in general lol, and being immortal doesn't mean u have to be an asshole. I think immortality truly did a number on Jem and Tessa, irrespective of each other and has not a lot to do with Jem or how he treats her, but a lot about how how Tessa and Jem are quite literally a hundreds of year old great grandma and gramdpa hahahahaha.
But if Will were still alive or immortal like Tessa, would Tessa still be with him now that she has the option of being with Jem forever? Again, we are stripped away from that option because the circumstances decided over the characters. But I do think she would still chose Will.
Final question is, would Herongraystairs actually work? The answer in CC's eyes and again, the occam's razor answer is obviously 'yes'. In fact Tessa herself in Book 3 said it is entirely possible to be in love with 2 people at once and I think poly relationships are a beautiful thing. But is it the easiest and first answer, or is it the TRUE answer? Again, that we will never know bc Tessa's decisions on this matter are in response to the environment she is in, not because she truly believes it.
It is very clear that Will is written all across Tessa's mind in Book 1, and is what she thinks about 24/7. There were times where i was like, "girl just go up to him and JUST EXPLODE UR FEELS ON HIM UR GIVING ME A HEADACHE". But the plot just so conveniently every time they had a moment alone, would get 'interrupted' and the moment was gone. Only after in response to this mess of a situationship, did she go for Jem bc of his ease and what he represented (which we talked about before^) but it wasn't equally organic. It was in response to what happened with Will. Truly we all know, that Tessa would not have even considered Jem, if Will and Tessa decided to be a couple and engage by book 1. And I hate that Jessa read to me as second best, instead of a true, equal 1st place like Wessa. Which is would have to be, in order to have a Herongraystairs. I don't like that CC made Jessa collateral, but tbh i think she didn't know how to chose in the making of TID. So instead of choosing or rewriting the relationship so that both ships were dealt with equally, she made the events of the plot decide for the characters instead.
In defence of CC, a lot of our lives happens in response to our surroundings and circumstances instead of pure Free Will. Which might ironically make Jessa and Wessa and Herongraystairs even more realistic than maybe the idyllic cleanly chosen choices. Life moves fast and we can barely respond to it in time. And what matters most at the end, is that all three of these characters love each other dearly and would be there for each other no matter what. However, the way the plot was almost TOO conveniently choosing everything instead of the characters making hand on heart choices, swings us back to being a bit too unrealistic.
I truly, really love Jessa and I would marry Jem myself lol, but I really disliked the way it wasn't dealt with fairly. I am happy that they end up together at the end, I just didn't like the way they went about it. I would be more sold on Herongraystairs if it was dealt with more evenly instead of the other side of the poly v, instead of being collaterally contingent to the happenings of Wessa. Who knows, CC said that Jessa will re-encounter Will again and not in shadowhunter heaven so i wonder if there is any ability to clean this all up. But bc of the way CC wrote Jessa over how i WISHED she wrote them, Jessa is not in the top 5 ships for me unfortunately. It's def top 10 (and for sure over Clare lol) probablly like 7th place but not top 5. I think there are other relationships in the Shadowhunter fandom that are written a lot more cleanly where the characters are given by CC more autonomy in their choices which makes it easier to follow along. Not to mention get their POVs.
I cannot wait for your own lovely essay on our fav Jem @imabitchforjemcarstairs ! I hope my re-mentioning of it doesn't come across as antsy or like i'm trying to 'remind you' passively lol. Which would be awfully rude. As you can tell, I took my time to reply to this one :). My intention is one of pure excitement, fandom-ing over it and showing support.
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art credit: @giannyfili on instagram
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amchara · 5 months
Mother's Day
Tessa character study ficlet.
Tessa and her family, a century apart.
(Gen, canon Jessa, canon Wessa references. Tessa, Mina, Kit, James, Lucy)
Notes: Hello! I'm not dead. Still here. Please enjoy this brief fic.
The moments between waking and sleep were always the most disconcerting when memories and sensations were hazy, fragmented and too often blurring together. 
Arms cradling around her waist, warmth at her back, a masculine protective presence hovering that she could burrow into, with fleeting kisses gracing the nape of her neck. 
Most often it was the gentle rumble of Jem’s voice leaning over her as they both woke to Mina’s soft but insistent crying on the baby monitor, offering to bring her in so Tessa could feed her. His graceful dip down to kiss her forehead, an almost wistful look in his eyes as he rose out of their bed. 
But sometimes, it was the soft, warm Welsh lilt and sharp nose pressing into her neck as Will whispered, Tess, Tess, my Tessa and other endearments she’d later ask him to translate. A rough chuckle at the knocks at the door, one usually loud and insistent, and another steady but unyielding. Will’s eyes twinkling and a mock-sadness as he announced there might be some unexpected guests visiting that evening. 
Occasionally at times, there were slightly deeper voices, rough and ready, or cultured and refined that drifted upwards like smoke in her mind. Bedfellows she had turned to in the lonely half-century without either of her anchors. Empty beds that she had filled, out of desperation when the loneliness became too much and she ached to feel connection outside her spellbooks and the scholarly, silent halls of the Spiral Labyrinthe. 
Most days, she could live with these ghosts. Half-remembered and emerging like long-lost flotsam on the tide of memory. 
What was harder was a giggle of a certain timbre she sometimes imagined in the hallways of Cirenworth, long after she knew Mina was asleep. The furtive footstep of a teenage body inching through the halls, not knowing he wasn’t as subtle as he thought he was being. 
When she was half-asleep and cradling Mina to her, she could feel them press in close - the shape of Mina’s nose called to mind the tiny button she and Will had cooed over when they first held James between them, or when chubby fingers grasped her hand fiercely when she tried to let go, and a familiar scrunch of a face into a scowl that was just as easily transformed into a smile as her daughter (daughters?) watched their mother relent and continue to rock her to sleep. Or when the slumped shoulders of Kit watching Jem over the chessboard called to mind another keen-eyed look from golden eyes, or when Kit chewed on the end of a pen doing his homework, and she resisted the urge to tell him that he’d get ink on his teeth from the quill if he wasn’t careful.
She wanted to call out sometimes, to these ghosts. Nothing like Jessamine’s haunting of the London Institute, but spectres of her own making. 
They weren’t new ones though but ones long honed a half-century of being unwillingly drawn in by glimpses of little girls with ribboned hair skipping up and down on the pavement, or triggered by the pushed-up, spectacled grimace of sullen teens on trains or in dusty public libraries as they retreated from the world into books. 
She tried not to stare. Tried to ignore the instinct to respond when a yell of Mum! echoed and remained unanswered. 
“Humans are not meant to live this long, to forget and yet remember it all,” she had whispered to Magnus, one cold, rainy evening in Paris. He gave her a sideways glance out of his cat-shaped eyes and gulped down the last of his whiskey. “Good thing we’re not human then.” But his voice had been kind and she’d woken up to the warmth of the blanket he’d gently placed over her after she fell asleep in an armchair, an empty bottle of Bordeaux at her feet. 
She wondered sometimes, if having a family meant it was harder or easier to contend with the idea of neverending life as a warlock. 
This particular morning, Tessa was still cocooned in her duvet, eyes shut against an increasingly bright glow from the south-facing window, and the buzz of insects on a breezy May morning. She could hear whispering on the landing outside her room this morning, and- 
“Shhh, James don’t go in yet! It’s not yet ready.”
A barely heard scoff - “Luce, we have to go in before it melts, otherwise what’s the point?”
“Min-Min, don’t worry, I got this” - but the note of hesitation in Kit’s voice is clear, as if he’s blustering and pretending. An almost reassuring coo and burble from Mina, and Kit’s voice steadies. “Yeah, you’re right. How hard can it be?” 
A knock on the door. 
A knock on the door. 
A century apart - 
“Come in,” Tessa says, sitting up, and smoothing out the blankets. 
“Happy Mother’s Day!” say all her children, and Tessa smiles.
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bookishjules · 6 months
Im so excited for bib but sad to not see any tid couples other than wessa, what do you think could have been good stories of them?
i know i mentioned this in my last ask about them but gabriel and cecily figuring out their footing as a couple would have made a great story. if gabrily was a romcom, we kinda just got the first half of their story in tid, and it would have been cool to see some kind of friction arise between them that they would have come out all the stronger for.
as much as it would hurt, i also think there's a good story to be found in the aftermath of chot. being parents and shadowhunters wouldn't always allow people the time and space to grieve and heal and learn how to cope, and i think it would be something special to see them find solace in each other. it would also be interesting to see how the way they look at little alexander changes, since he's in the very unique position of being brought up in that aftermath.
on a lighter note... gabrily proposal!! since edmund and linette are still like.. in their lives to at least some extent, do we think gabriel would have done the respectful 1880s gentlemanly thing to do and talk to her parents first? also the potential for cecily to give that proposal a 10.. i would cry.
their first time after realizing they were in love with each other the whole time. i really don't need to add any details here hehe makes me aksdfadsjk just thinking about it.
their first time after henry becomes a paraplegic. the self-consciousness on his part, his insistence that charlotte deserves better, will always deserve better than him. charlotte being like fuck that, we'll figure this out. and then they do and it's sweet there's laughter and love just threaded throughout
it would be great to see them as parents when the boys were young too (and i swear that's not just because imagining baby matthew makes me inexplicably happy). just finding moments to look at each other and smile, or sneak away for a quiet moment together away from the busy-ness of being the consul's family with the chaos of raising two very different boys who definitely got on each other's nerves.
there are two stories in my head that are similar to ones above but i think would also be good for sophie and gideon. the first is how they handle grief post chog. and the second is their young family. i think a story about them just laying in bed discussing their kids would be so sweet.
as for more specifically gideon and sophie stories... their wedding would be wonderful i think. sophie being the one whose doted on for once, the one having her hair done up by charlotte and tessa, and how out of place that would feel for her. gideon getting nervous not because of cold feet but because sophie is the closed thing to an angel he's ever seen. he's such a silly-in-love lightwood and watching him walk down the aisle with gabriel and stand beside sophie would be beautiful.
the two of them moving into a house together in idris. i feel like this could have a lot of potential generally, but there's this specific kind of moment i'm thinking of where sophie is cleaning out of habit and gideon either joins her or takes over for her, telling her to relax, or to read to him if she insists on doing something useful. there's so much tenderness that could spark from that.
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edwinspaynes · 7 months
What is ur personal favourite, hands down recommended reading order? The way you like most, the way that's the most optimal way of reading it? According to you of course (and maybe including extra chapters) ? :))
Cassie Clare Canon -> If a short story is listed by name, it means I recommend you read it there rather than where I list the rest of the story collection. Or, you know, you could reread the story and have fun ;)
My fanfic
NOT PUBLISHED YET. Indicates a WIP that I am actively working on. I did not list WIPs that I am not actively working on.
My fanfic, but NSFW
@vwritesaus fanfic because I accept all her works as canon and also we share almost every headcanon so they fit in with all the other stuff on this list.
W/T -> Wessa
M -> Matthew
EIR -> Expert in Romantics Series
T/A -> Thomastair
TWLTB -> Together We'll Learn to Breathe Series
J/C -> Herondaisy
Note: I have only included fanfics that are fully canon compliant. I have others as does V, and you should read those too :P But these are just canon and bonus chapters.
When Our Eyes Meet, Darling, I Fancy You
Have I Known You Twenty Seconds or Twenty Years? W/T
Leaves, Cider Donuts, and William Herondale W/T
Happy Birthday, My Tess W/T
Tale as Old as Time W/T
The Howling Wind W/T
My Hips and Thighs and Whispered Sighs (Oh Lord) W/T
The Whitechapel Fiend
A Tale of a Great Behemoth W/T
Nothing But Shadows
Cast Long Shadows
Come Feel This Magic I've Been Feeling Since I Met You T/A
Every Exquisite Thing
A Combination of Shock and Awe M
The Midnight Heir
The Penultimate Hours
Chain of Gold
Empty Bottles, Heavy Hearts, the Memories of Broken Dreams T & Lily
The Letter Game
Part-Time Soulmate, Full-Time Problem T/A
Chain of Iron
Chain of Thorns
Daisy, My Daisy... J/C
breathe T/A
Enouement J/C
Chrysalism T/A
Can We Dance Through an Avalanche? T/A
Serindipity Ari/Anna NOT PUBLISHED YET.
A Therapeutic Chain of Events T/A TWLTB
The Closet Game A & C
The Golden Age of Something Good and Right and Real T/A
Butterflies J/C
Prices & Vices (I End Up in Crisis) M & A
Your Flower's Filled With Vitriol M & A
In the Gutter, Looking at the Stars M & A
The Name We Give Our Mistakes M
Summer Went Away (Still the Yearning Stays) M
Love Thorns All Over This Rose J/C
You Drew Scars Around My Stars T/A TWLTB
Passed Down Like Folk Songs (The Love Lasts So Long) T/A
Taffy Stuck and Tongue Tied A & Grace
It's a Love Story (Baby Just Say Yes) J/C
Soul to the Universe (Wings to the Mind) J/C, T/A, M
I Can See You (Up Against a Wall With Me) J/C
Across our Great Divide There Is a Glorious Sunrise M
Fourty-Eight M
Dreamscapes on the Wall T/A
I'm a Fire and I'll Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm T/A
The Diaries of Sir Thomas Lightwood, Age 14 T/A
what's in a kiss (by any other touch would feel just as sweet) T/A
A Troublesome Tale of Truffles & Trifles T/A
Religion in Your Lips (the Altar Is My Hips) T/A
A Dazzling Haze, A Mysterious Way About You T/A
Seeking Lapsang Souchang J/C
The Crown You Never Take Off T/A
Closets of Backlogged Dreams T/A
dear christopher T/A
Life Is Not Complex (We Are Complex) M EIR Eugenia/OC
The Cheap Severity of Abstract Ethics M & T/A
Walk, Walk, Fashion Baby M & T
Got Me Right Where You Want Me, Baby (Could I Be More Obvious?) T/A
More Than Anything: A Thomas and Alastair Drabble Collection T/A
The Besotted Couple's Guide to Half-Baked Mistakes J/C
Privacy Sign on the Whole World J/C
Until the Stars Burn Out: A James and Cordelia Drabble Collection J/C
Flying in a Dream, Stars By the Pocketful T/A
Twenty Minutes T/A
hygge T/A
Like a Candle You Burnt Out T/A
Christmas on the Balcony W/T
The Surprise T/A & C
i'm only me when i'm with you J/C
Every Tear's a Rain Parade From Hell T/A TWLTB
A Dwindling Mercurial High T/A TWLTB
Bloodsucker, Famefucker T/A TWLTB
Baby You Got Lucky Cause You're Rockin With the Best T/A
Is This the End of All the Endings? (My Broken Bones Are Mending) T/A
Dinner in the Dark T/A
For One Moment, Our Lives Met (Our Souls Touched) M EIR Ragnor/Catarina
Fashion Is Ephemeral (Art Is Eternal) Matthew EIR T/A
A Little Sincerity (A Dangerous Thing) M EIR Risa/OC
The Moon in Her Chariot of Pearl M EIR T/A
Days Future: Paris 1912 T/A
A Ribbon of Dream T/A
Kaleidoscope of Loud Heartbeats Under Coats T/A
Moonlight Sonata and I T/A
Connecting the Tide to the Sand That Was Dry T/A
Love on Ice T/A
portrait of a dissipated parisian T/A
Time, Mystical Time M
TMI 1-4
The Red Scrolls of Magic
TMI 5-6
Tales From the Shadowhunter Academy
The Bane Chronicles
TDA, if you absolutely must, but I usually recommend people don't waste their time.
Ghosts of the Shadow Market
The Lost Book of the White
Sentimental Boy Is My Nom de Plume W/T
This Beautiful Beast M T/A and Kit H
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themimsyborogove · 10 months
"cuddles while reading to each other" + wessa, if you're down? <3
So there’s this one beef I have with Tessa…
Tessa ran a tentative finger along the spine of the book before gently tugging it out of its place on the bookshelf, eying the cover warily.
“I believe I’ve heard you insult that book before,” Will’s amused voice said right behind her. “More than once.”
Tessa leaned back against Will’s chest, trusting without looking that he was close enough behind her to take her weight. She let out a small contented hum, feeling his arms wrap around her. She rested one hand over his, where it had automatically gone to the slight swell of her stomach. She could feel the faint fluttering of baby acrobatics inside her, but Will hadn’t been able to yet. “I thought it was time to give Alice another chance,” she said.
Will took the book out of her hand, his arms still around her, chin resting on her shoulder. He flicked it open to a random page and began to read aloud, with the enthusiasm he usually reserved for his Demon Pox song:
“Twinkle, twinkle, little bat!
How I wonder what you're at!
Up above the world you fly,
Like a teatray in the sky.”
“It’s even more nonsense than I remembered,” Tessa sighed. “It suits you though,” she added reaching over her shoulder to pat Will’s cheek. She felt his grin, then he turned his head to press a kiss against her palm.
“You like my nonsense.”
“I like your nonsense. I’m not sure about the Hatter’s nonsense.”
A sharp sensation from inside her distracted her before she could continue. She grabbed Will’s hand again, pulling it back over her stomach, to the spot she had felt the kick. She turned her head so she could see Will’s face, his blue eyes wide with wonder at the feeling of the tiny baby kicks under his palm. His face broke into another grin, the joy in his eyes shining like the night sky. “Well, someone likes the Hatter’s nonsense.”
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 months
random thought: unglamored malec when alec is in his mid-50/60s WILL be on vacation in europe and WILL be assumed to be a gay sugar daddy/baby duo by some strangers and that makes me laugh and they’re so gonna get made fun of for that by their friends
i love malec 😭 if cc writes that tragic death bed moment for them that she did for wessa i think i may implode (negatively)
not only in europe lmaooo
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tetsunabouquet · 5 months
Can you write a fic about third Wessa child? 🤍
It was a hot summer day and Tessa craddled her baby as she sat in a rocking chair at the London Institute. Not long after the death of her father in this world, she and Will had conceived their third born and Tessa couldn't feel more blessed as she held her little sweetheart. Jessamine Barbara Herondale had her father's black curls, her mother's eyes and there was something about her smile that reminded Tessa of Nate during their happy childhood years. She was becoming ever so close with Sona nowadays, who mused how they both fallen pregnant just as their two chicks seemed to be leaving their nest. Will loved it of course. Tessa often thought if it were up to Will, every Herondale and Carstairs should be become each others family. He adored seeing Tessa and Sona bond through the pregnancy stages and the playdates between Zachary and Jessamine. Lucie and James adored their little sister too. Lucie had actually started writing children's stories so she could give her little sister books made especially for her by the time she could read. Tessa's heart had swollen up with warmth and tenderness at her eldest daughter's eager plans to spoil the baby long-term. Jessamine was a dotting ghost, of course. She had been pouting in a corner when the news broke out, it wasn't always easy to be a ghostly auntie and watch over children she would never have herself. Tessa had then decided, that Jessamine was family and deserved to be acknowledged as such. Will had chuckled when she proposed naming the baby after Jessamine but he had accepted it. Jessamine's spirit had practically been glowing at the news. Sophie had broken out in tears too, when Tessa asked her if it was okay to pick Barbara as a middle name so Barbara Lightwood's memory would also be honored. She had hugged Tessa tight and the latter held her best friend as tears of mourning as well as honor streamed down her face. There wasn't a better name Tessa could have thought of. "Is my little sweetheart asleep?" Will asked with his voice dripping with affection as he entered the room, his dark blue eyes landing on two of his favorite girls. Tessa smiled, "Not entirely but she certainly is looking very drowsy." The sleepy baby eyed her father as he hunched over her, the little one's grey eyes staring lazily at her dad. "I just got word from Jem, he had to do bussiness nearby so he's joining us later this afternoon before he goes back to the Silent City." Will reported happily, and Tessa already knew Will was going to inform Jem in the tiniest detail of the developments Jessamine had underwent the past three weeks since they had last seen him like how she seemed to discover rhythm as she clapped her hands along the many Welsh songs Will would sing for her. Sometimes Bridget would also sing her lullabies, but Tessa to this day, wasn't entirely sure wether Bridget's lullabies had a negative rather then a positive influence on her children's young minds. She'd never know the answer.
Jem greeted Tessa warmly before he glanced at Will who was the one holding Jessamine this time. 'Babies grow so fast,' Jem mused as he wiggled his fingers in Jessamine's little face as a greeting, she happily clutched onto of his fingers and held on for dear life. "I cannot say anything differently. I think Jessamine might be musically gifted like yourself, she seems to be developping a sense of rhythm already." Will stated proudly as he looked at his darling treasure. 'She does seem to have inherited your pianist fingers.' Jem commented, and Tessa couldn't help but agree. Jessamine did have longer fingers then Lucie had. Will studied his daughter's hands, trying to see what they saw. "Hmm, I think you are right my dear friend." The three walked off to the drawing room, Jem awkwardly waddling next to Will as Jessamine wouldn't let go of his finger. Tessa trailed behind them, her eyes glimmering. There was no sight more dearer in the world to her, then seeing Will and Jem together, then the three of them being together, just like this. Jessamine gurgled in agreement as she waved Jem's finger with a sense of belonging. There would never be anything more sweeter then this.
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mayaheronthorn · 11 months
rank the Shadowhunter couples from best to idc about them and why?
Amazing!!! And I will probably get hate 🤣🤣🤣
1. KitTy - what a surprise huh?! But you could tell 🤣 and I actually explained it in my last post!
2. Herongraystairs - YES, I AM NOT DIVIDING IT AS WESSA AND JESSA BECAUSE THEY BELONG TOGETHER, change my mind (YOU CAN'T) This was the first time in my entire life when I read a book and couldn't decide which love interest I prefer, so I just didn't 😍 I can't believe how cc wrote them so perfectly, truly peak
3. Thomastair - I had a hard time deciding if they are nr 3 or 4 but I feel like I prefer them slightly more than nr 4 BECAUSE Alastair is so incredibly brave. After all that happened with his father, he still did everything to protect Cordelia and Sona. His character development is one of the best in the whole tsc. And Thomas my sweet summer child 😭 his kindness is out of this world. TO THIS DAY I remember those fucking Paris dates 😭😭😭😭
4. Malec - Cc can really write her mlm couples. Their devotion to each other 🥺 I will forever remember that Alec was the first shadowhunter Magnus ever dated because well he was a Downworlder but Alec saw so much more in him 😭 ok I'm gonna keep this short cause it will take me forever to answer 🤣
5. Gracetopher - YES I KNOW IT DIDN'T HAPPEN BUT IT HAPPENED IN MY HEART. In my mind my little asexual genius couple live happily ok? Grace is such a misunderstood character, she's a child of abuse, she was made to do so many bad things, manipulated as hell but she still wanted to change and be good. And Christopher 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 MY POOKIE I CAN'T SPEAK ABOUT HIM CAUSE I'M GONNA CRY
6. Jordelia - Cordelia was, is and always will be THE bad bitch. The ending of chain of gold when she told EVERYONE that she and James were fucking? ICOOONIC. But she's the bravest baby ever. James is this cute and gentle young man but in reality he will kill you 😍 they complete each other PERFECTLY, the tension between them in chain of iron changed me as a person, I will never be the same. ALTHOUGH they would be so much higher if not for chain of thorns... Like... This book just destroyed so many things I can't ☠️
7. Blackstairs - The tension between them when Emma was "dating" Mark, oh good god glorious. You know, Julian actually reminds me so much of James but he's SO MUCH MORE DISASTROUS, he's a fucking menace and I love that. His sexy brain did things to me 😎 Emma, my second bad bitch (I guess Cortana wielders are all that way) killing a Rider of Mannan??? I'm a goner for girl fighters. MY NEXT JACE HERONDALE. Julian will forever need Emma and Emma will forever need Julian 💕
8. Markkierantina - My poly cuties 🥺 it was the same as with herongraystairs, I couldn't decide if I want Mark with Cristina, Mark with Kieran or Kieran with Cristina, but cc corrected her mistake with herongraystairs and made them all smash. Amazing. Cristina was a key to make Mark and Kieran's relationship work, that's all I'm gonna say
9. Clace - That will probably surprise some of you but I kinda lost this clace magic along the way of reading tsc. I absolutely love them as characters and Jace is one of the funniest bitches. Idk, I don't feel it as much as I used to. But well I was 13 when I read tmi and now I'm 23 so 🤣 I still remember that 4-6 tmi books broke me emotionally so I have this great sentiment for Clace but we have many more couples that I love more 🥺
10. AriAnna - I fell in love with them when I read gotsm and I rooted for them SO HARD in cog and coi, I couldn't get enough of that tension. And then cot happened.... It felt like cc just decided to drop them, gave them an easy ending just to get rid of them... So I was greatly disappointed. And I know that if not for cot they would be higher
11. LucieJessie - Honesty (and I say this with great sadness) I was bored reading their story in cog and coi, they were just so bland to me, I don't know 😭 BUT cot made everything change. When Jessie came back to life he was SO FUN TO READ I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!! I loved them and I'm sad that it wasn't like that from the beginning
12. Sizzy - I know, I know. But I never felt them 💀 I mean, yes I love them together and I love their characters but I don't see the magic 😭😭😭 I WANT TO
13. GwynDiana - Oh they were SO IMPORTANT TO ME 😭 I adored every minute but they didn't have much chapters so 😫
14. GideonSophie - Honestly I read tid years ago and I don't remember shit, I know that I liked them and Gideon was a babe to her 💕
15. CecilyGabriel - Same as 14, I don't remember shit, but I know I liked them less than Gideon and Sophie 💀
I hope I didn't forget about anyone!!
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spacehero-23 · 2 years
my friend said that james was the sweet child that made wessa want another baby, and luice was the little demon that made them stop at two.
and I can't stop thinking about it.
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shellii-c · 2 months
Posting the compendium of The Infernal Devices Extras.
Will and Tessas wedding day and night 😍🔥🫦😘
Please note this extra scene is a very long and is being split into 2 separate posts due to Tumblr only allowing 10 images per post.
Don't worry Jessa fans I have a steamy scene coming for you guys too!!!
POST 8 OF ???
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melanielocke · 2 years
Cw: death in childbirth, mental health issues
I'm seeing theories about Sona dying and Thomastair raising the baby popping up again and I want to remind everyone that dumping a baby on a 19 year old with untreated c-ptsd who just lost both his parents is a very bad idea.
A newborn baby is a lot of responsibility, you hardly get any sleep. In 1903 there would have been the added difficulty of formula not being as good yet as it was nowadays, so if Sona isn't there to breastfeed there would be a risk of starvation on the supplements available at the time.
Having a baby is generally not great for people's mental health, which is why post partum depression is a thing, and it's not just due to hormones from the birthing parent, non birthing parents can also develop mental health issues simply from the huge change and sudden responsibility and I don't think Alastair could handle this by himself right now, certainly not when he's also grieving both his parents.
If Sona were to die, the best solution would be for Wessa or maybe Sophideon or Risa to take care of the baby at least for the time being but I'm really hoping Sona will be okay and raise the baby herself.
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i love both Wessa and Jessa and i just wanted to know where you stand on the two dynamics. I love Will and i love Jem for different reasons. Jem for me represents this feather light airy love that shines while Will represents that really deep cacophony of love that is deeper then any witching well.
If i were to describe the two different dynamics via swiftie songs it would be-
Jessa: invisible string, wildest dreams, clean, timeless, snow on the beach, my tears ricochet, the lakes
Wessa: red, maroon, midnight rain, dress, i see you, false god, cruel summer
Where do you stand in all of it? Do you feel like there should be one finite endgame for Tessa? Or do you think its balanced and both should end up with Tessa at certain points? Do you like Jessa post-TID?
I'd just love to know your stance on it all :D xxx
Wessa 10/10, Jessa 10/10, Heronstairs 10/10, HERONGRAYSTAIRS ++ 10/10
I remember reading TID for the first time and being as confused as Tessa, and I remember being scared she would choose one, and I would have been pissed for the other. I was like, If she chooses Will, I'm pissed because Jem is the real man in this book, and if she chooses Jem, I'll be pissed too because Will deserves the world. IT WAS A MESS IN MY HEAD, and I am extremely happy CC chose this ending. If Tessa had ended up with one, it would have been like all the other boring love triangles we are used to, and the series would not have been as loved as it is right now.
I love your descriptions of both dynamics. For me, Wessa is bantering, it is crazy adventures (they go on vacation in old gothic castles), it is big gestures of love, the shameless PDA couple, but when they are alone, they are laid back, they read books, and I don't know, they just enjoy the company of each other in front of a fireplace. Will is a very loud person, but only when he's surrounded by people, once he's alone with Tessa, he's pretty chill.
Contrary to the Jessa dynamic, which is very calm, beach vacations and on the quiet side, but once they are alone, it's very passionate (ex: the make-out scene in cp1, after the bridge, the proposal, etc.), that's because Jem is a very intense character, even though we don't get his POV, and he's written to be seen through the eyes of Will and Tessa, (something I'm still pissed about, but that's for another post).
So yeah, I'm a Wessa/Jessa stan. The funny thing is that I follow people who cannot stand Will, who find him the star that outshines everyone, just because CC loves her Herondale boys (which he's not, I actually find him very reserved, he's just loud around his people). And I also follow people ( I highly appreciate) who cannot stand Jem, because for them he's everywhere, (which is also wrong, because let's be honest, GotSM was all about Will, they literally go after Kit, because of Will). Modern Jessa, if they don't mention Will at least one time, they die. Some readers also think that Tessa moved too fast, after the death of Will, and was ready to throw it all for Zach and find this out of character and disrespectful of her life with Will. AND I'M LIKE, GUYS WE DON'T HAVE THE SAME READING OF TESSA, SHE LITERALLY FUCKED WILL AFTER SHE LEARNED THAT HER FIANCÉ/BESTIE OF HER OTHER CRUSH DIED. If there is one thing CC is good at, and did not ruin, is the continuity of these 3 characters through the series.
To each their own, I guess, it's not a dictatorship lol, but it's been more than 10 years, and if readers still don't understand that they are a three-package deal, it's their choice. It's Jem, Will and Tessa, they all love each other waaay too much, but it's them. I would have loved to explore more of Will and Jem when they were kids though, because my babies only had 5 years together. Too bad CC is only writing romance stories in her upcoming 10-story novella. I would have loved to have a story of young Jem and Will.
Anyway, I will finish this really cool question with my two fav quotes about these three characters, who have been in my heart since my teenage years.
"Is what difficult?”
“Sharing your husband’s heart so entirely with someone else,” he said. 
“If it were different, it would not be Will’s heart,” Tessa said. “He knows he shares my heart with Jem as well. I would have it no other way—and he would have it no other way with me."
"I could not have loved Will so much if I had not loved you as well. And I could not love you as I do if I had not loved Will as I did.”
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livia-dovehallow · 2 years
Something that bothers me about tlh is the lack of downworlders, talking about characters and plot lines. For example, in tmi Magnus and Simon are part of the main gang, but we also have Rafael, Lily, Jordan and Maia, there's a whole plot line about Sebastian killing all the werewolves, and the fairies are one of the big antagonists, as well as Camille.
In tda we have Mark, Helen and Kieran, and one of the big plots of the book is linked to Fairy. And even in tdi Magnus has a pretty big role in the story, you also have d'quency and obviously Tessa. In all the other series (mainly tmi) the downworld is extremely linked to all the plots, and it feels like the threat, the villain, poses a danger to everyone.
But in tlh is just a bunch of shadowhunters nepo babies fighting the stupidest villain ever. Magnus is barely there and Malcolm was supposed to be very important but he did nothing in chain of thorns. The only other downworlders we see is at the hell ruelle but they add nothing to the plot.
I like this world bc of the diversity of characters that it has. And tlh has nothing of that.
This is a great point that I hadn't considered!
The Downworlders in the Hell Ruelle are definitely just plot devices. Nothing more. Not a single one of them, even named ones, got any justice as their own character or even the semblence of respect that TID characters gave Downworlders.
I actually really liked the plot and villains in TLH but it was executed poorly because it focused more on the tired love triangle than it did on actually having characters interacting with the plotline.
Having Tatiana be one of the two main villains could have been made more impactful if we'd gotten more of Gideon and Gabriel in the series rather than fan-service-Wessa. Tatiana is literally their sister. Pretty sure if your sister was terrorizing your family and friends and killing people in cold blood, you'd be a little more involved.
I had high hopes when they were actively in the scene of Tatiana being taken to the Adament Citadel, but evidently, my hopes were too high.
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