#western european hedgehog
bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
Let’s turn up the heat because I’m going over the real-life inspirations for all the fire-type starter Pokémon. Here are the links for when I covered the inspirations for all grass starters, all fish, and all non-fish aquatic Pokémon.
Gen I gives us quite possibly the most iconic starter line: the Charmander line. Interviews with the design team have revealed that Charizard was the first of the line to be designed and the other two were designed by working backwards from it. Both Charmander’s English and Japanese name (Hitokage) reference the mythical salamander of European folklore. Salamanders have been associated with fire in multiple cultural folklores throughout Europe, often to the point where their depictions have nothing to do with the actual amphibians. Interestingly, the oldest accounts that associate salamanders with fire comes from Pliny the Elder, who repeated an account their bodies were so cold they could extinguish fires. Somewhere along the line of legends being passed down, salamanders got flipped from repelling fire to living in it, possibly as a result of getting conflated with other mythical reptilians like dragons or basilisks. In the renaissance, the alchemist Paracelsus described salamanders as fire elementals, along with a group of other elemental beings (gnomes for earth, sylphs of air, and undines of water).
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(image: an artistic depiction of a fiery salamander. Art by Michael Maier)
In addition to salamanders, Charmander and Charmeleon are given the upright poses and dragging tails of outdated reconstructions of theropod dinosaurs. Charizard is a classic depiction of a western dragon: a winged reptile that breathes fire. Western dragons are based heavily on lizards, with some of the earliest depictions being a dead ringer for monitor lizards. Charizard is said to love fighting, which is reminiscent of how western dragons have been depicted as dangerous, destructive, and even demonic monsters. It is only relatively recently that western dragons have been depicted as anything but evil. Charizard doesn’t have the dragon type (unless it mega evolves to X form), but that’s more because back in gen I, dragon was intended to be the special type exclusive to the late-game powerhouses that are the Dratini line. Charizards mega evolutions and gigantamax form don’t really add much to the origin, they’re just exaggerations of Charizard.
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(image: art of a western dragon by Friedrich Justin Bertuch)
Cyndaquil is based on an echidna, an Australian monotreme (egg-laying mammal) that has a long snout and quills like a porcupine.
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(image: a long-beaked echidna. I don't know why, but its snout makes me very uncomfortable)
Despite being an echidna, its species name is the Fire Mouse Pokémon. This is actually a hint to an additional inspiration for its origin. The Japanese word that got translated to “Fire Mouse” is “Hinezumi”. This is the Japanese name for a monster originating in Chinese legend called the “huǒshǔ”. It’s a flaming mouse that lives in volcanoes. The flaming mammal and volcano association continues through the line. Also, when I googled “hinezumi” the first thing that popped up was the Monster Girl Encyclopedia. If you know, you know (don’t google it). Quilava and Typhlosion completely drop the echidna inspiration, which is a bit disappointing to me. That’s why I made regional variants of them for my Australia/New Zealand fakemon region where they stay as echidnas. While being based on badgers, they retain the quills that are found in many animals, most famously porcupines and hedgehogs. Hisuian Typhlosion is based on Kamuy-huci, the Ainu goddess of the hearth. The Ainu are the indigenous people of Hokkaido, the island that inspired Sinnoh and Hisui. There are multiple Ainu references in Hisui’s design, plot, and regional variants. In the Ainu religion, the hearth was the connection between Earth and the world of spirits and was therefore never allowed to go out. It could also be used to communicate with the kamuy (gods and spirits) and was the passage through which the souls of the dead would leave the world and eventually return for reincarnation. This is why Hisuian Typhlosion is part ghost-type. The fire around H Typhlosion’s neck looks like magatama beads, which are used in the spiritual practices of multiple belief systems. These flames can release 108 ghost lights. 108 is an important number in Buddhism and is the number of beads in a Japamala, another type of beaded necklace used for spiritual practices in (among other religions) certain types of Buddhism.
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(image: a japamala with wood beads)
The Torchic line is, I suspect, the place where the trend of basing fire starters on Chinese zodiac animals started. Typhlosion really doesn’t fit the zodiac, though some people say it’s supposed to be the mouse. The line is based on chickens. More specifically, they are based on the basan, a legendary fire-breathing chicken.
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(image: art of a basan by Takehara Shunsen)
Torchic is a chick, a hatchling chicken. It being bright orange comes from a tradition of dying chicks bright colors to be sold at festivals. Male Torchics have a tiny black spot on their rear ends that females don’t. This is probably based on vent sexing, a technique for determining the sex of chocks, a notoriously difficult task. It is done by examining the cloaca, looking for a bump that usually only males have. Combusken and Blaziken are based on cockfighting, a form of animal abuse where people force chickens to fight and bet on the winners. The official art for Blaziken’s normal and mega evolved forms have it in poses used in the martial art of Muay Thai. Blaziken is usually depicted as fighting primarily with kicks and Muay Thai emphasizes kicking. Blaziken being an humanoid with a bird head may also reference the bird-headed Egyptian gods Horus and Ra, or off of the karura, a diving being that looks like a human with a bird’s head in Japanese mythology.
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(image: a statue of a karura)
The Chimchar line are based on the monkey from the zodiac. Chimchar’s species name is the Chimp Pokémon, and it does bare some resemblance to a young chimpanzee. When Chimchar’s flame goes out, you can see prominent red marking on its butt. Several monkey species have marking on their hindquarters, but the most famous by far is the baboon. Chimchar’s lack of a tail identifies it as an ape, but its evolved from gain tails, making them monkeys. A lot of people think that apes are separate from monkeys, but really apes are a subset of old-world monkeys. Apes are monkeys, you are an ape, therefore you are a monkey and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. Monferno and Infernape both have prominent facial markings heavily reminiscent of those of mandrills.
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(image: a male mandrill's face)
Monferno having blue facial marking and orange fur also makes it look like a golden snub-nosed monkey.
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(Image: a golden snub-nosed monkey's face)
These are native to China and the line does have some heavy Chinese influence. The martial art that Monferno and Infernape use is most likely Monkey Kung Fu or Hóu Quán, which was inspired by the movements of monkeys. Infernape is based on the character of Son Goku, the Japanese name for the character Sun Wukong from the Chinese epic novel Journey to the West. Sun Wukong is the king of all monkeys, a martial artist, and has several magic powers.
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(image: Japanse art of Son Goku/Sun Wukong. Art by Shunman Kubo)
Sun Wukong may be based on the older Hindu god Hanuman, a monkey-like god associated with strength and heroism who was also a member of the varana, a species of monkey people.
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(image: a sculpture of Hanuman)
The Tepig line are based on the boar of the zodiac. Ken Sugimori said that the Unova starters were based on different cultures to reflect Unova being a very diverse place. The Tepig line were given Chinese design elements whole the Snivy line were “western” and the Oshawott line were Japanese. Tepig having a dark marking on its head and rear but being light everywhere else comes from the markings of the British Saddleback pig breed.
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(image: a British saddleback pig)
The fire and pig combination references how pigs are bad at regulating their body head and need to use external sources like mud to cool off. Pignite takes on more boar traits with its exposed tusks. The markings on its body look like it is dressed in a wrestling singlet, which fits as both Pignite and Emboar are based on wrestlers. The yellow markings on Pignite and Emboar resemble patters found in ancient Chinese cauldrons called dings.
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(image: a ding)
Ken Sugimori also stated Emboar was inspired by the character Zhang Fei in the Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In the story, Zhang Fei is betrayed and decapitated by his own men. This could be the purpose of the fire scarf Emboar has, to separate its head from its body. Pignte and Emboar also draw from another Chinese story, the afore-mentioned Journey to the West, specifically the character of Zhu Baije. Zhu Baije is a pig man who joins the titular journey. He is also jealous of Sun Wukong, which kind of fits with how Emboar is a much worse Pokémon than Infernape.
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(image: an artists depiction of Zhu Baije. Unknown artist)
The Fennekin like take the place of the fox in the zodiac. Design-wise, their large ears mark them as being based on fennec foxes. They are also based off of the kitsune, magical foxes in Japanese mythology. Among the many powers attributed to kitsune were the ability to breathe fire and perform magic. Kitsune could also take on the form of human women, which is referenced in Fennekin’s evolutions becoming humanoid and having feminine designs.
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(image: art of a Kitsune scaring two people by Utagawa Kuniyoshi)
Human could also learn magic form foxes, becoming  fox witches or kitsune-mochi/kitsune-tsukai. Braixen and Delphox take quite a bit of their design from these fox witches, they also draw from the classic wester witch, using magic wands and Braixen having a tail that looks like the head of a flying broomstick. The association of witches with fire might be a reference to witch burnings. Delphox is also based on a prophet or seer, with its ability to see the future. Delphox’s English name directly references the ancient Greek oracle at Delphi. The final forms of the Kalos starters are based on the fantasy character archetypes of the fighter, the mage, and the thief. Delphox is very much the mage.
Litten is a black cat with tabby cat features. Tabby cats are defined by the stripes on their faces and legs. The orange and black stripes also identify it as the tiger from the zodiac. Its eyes plus forehead stripes are a dead ringer for the alchemical symbol for brimstone, another name for sulfur. Sulfur is a highly flammable element, fitting the fire type. This is one of several references to alchemy found in gen VII.
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(image: the alchemical symbol for brimstone. two horizontal lines crossed by a vertical line that leads down into an infinity symbol)
Torracat doesn’t change much from Litten, just adding more stripes and a fireball that looks like a bell on a cat’s collar. It does change when it evolves to Incineroar, and not for the better. Incineroar is my least favorite final stage starter and easily in my top 10 most hated Pokémon. I could go on for a while about how much I hate it, but this isn’t the post for that. It’s still a tiger, but now it has been combined with a professional wrestler. You can tell they really wanted to do another fire/fighting type but knew there would be backlash. The belt of fire is based on a championship belt and its dark type comes from being a heel. In wrestling language, a heel is a villainous character, someone the audience is supposed to boo (a face is a heroic character). This fits with Incineroar being describes as a violent and egotistical Pokémon. However, Incineroar does have a soft side. This fits with how wrestlers are performers playing characters. A performer playing a heel character may cheat, lie, steal, and generally be an asshole while in character, but when not in character they probably won’t be nearly as unpleasant a person.
Scorbunny is the rabbit of the zodiac. More specifically, it is a white rabbit and like with real rabbits, its feet are considered good luck charms. The yellow patch on its face comes from a Japanese character design trope where a bandage over the nose is supposed to indicate that the character is tough and rambunctious. Maylene from the Sinnoh games shares this design element. Its fire typing could come from the Jataka tales, a collection of Buddhist stories from India. In tale 316, a rabbit is placed in a fire as a burnt offering, but it is unharmed by the flame. Another connection could come from the fact that rabbits have unusually high body temperatures for mammals. If Scorbunny is cheerful child, Raboot is a moody teenager. It’s fur and the stripe on its head look like a tracksuit and headband, giving it a connection to athletics. This continues with Cinderace, who is now an association football (or soccer to Americans) player. Football is a huge deal in England, the basis for Galar. Its fur looks like athlete’s attire and it uses a flaming berry like a football. This is another one where you can tell they wanted to make another fire/fighting type.
The Fuecoco line ditched the zodiac theme to become a crocodile. Its upright posture makes it look like a chibified theropod dinosaur and its silhouette looks like a chili pepper. The white face of both Fuecoco and Crocalor resembles a calavera, skull imagery used in the Mexican Day of the Dead. This is a Mexican holiday which is a celebration of dead loved ones that is typically very spirited and cheerful as opposed to glum and mournful. Folklore says the ghost will return to the world of the living on the Day of the Dead. While Paldea is based on Spain and Portugal, several of the new Pokémon have designs based on elements from central and south America, possibly because of both countries’ history of colonialism in those areas. Crocalor adds several references to mariachi players. The flaming nest and egg on its head is a sombrero while the markings on its abdomen look like a traje cordobés, a type of vest often used in mariachi.
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(image: a mariachi band wearing wests and sombreros)
The hat combined with the calavera face makes it look like La Calavera Catrina, a skeleton wearing a wide-brimmed hat that is used as a common symbol in the Day of the Dead.
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(image: art of La Calavera Catriana by José Guadalupe Posado)
It could also be a bouquet of Tagetes erects, the Mexican marigold, a flow also used for the Day of the Dead. Skeledirge continues the mariachi and Day of the Dead theme by becoming an undead singing crocodile. Real crocodiles will vocalize during mating and nesting season. There are several stories of ghostly or monstrous crocodiles in Spanish folklore, such as the Cocollona and the Drac de Na Coca, the latter of which is displayed as a taxidermied specimen in a museum in the city of Palma de Mallorca. There is also the Coco or Cuca, a boogieman-like that originated in Spain and Portugal and spread to the Americas that is often depicted as a monstrous crocodile. All three of the Paldea starters are based on entertainers and Skeledirge is based on a singer. Given its typing and English name, it probably single funeral dirges. The fiery bird on its nose could come from the gharial, another type of crocodilian. Male gharials have large bumps on the tips of their snouts in the same spot the bird sits.
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(image: a male gharial)
Another, possibly more likely source is the Egyptian plover, a bird that will land on top of Nile crocodiles and eat parasites off of their skin. Skeledirge could also be based off of alebrijes, very colorful statues of mythical creatures in Mexican folk art. This is making me think about how cool a Mexico-based region could be.
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traceofexistence · 2 months
food can be different in different cultures, I know big shook pikatsu face.
I would please ask specifically WESTERNERS (north americans + northwest europeans) to kindly shut the fuck up when they see a dish they consider weird and call it disgusting, and how could you eat that, etc etc
I wont even touch other cultures I dont know shit about
but in mine, we have foods most of you would gag even at the thought
meats we usually eat: lamb, pork, beef, chicken, birds, bunnies/rabbits, there are other meats like hedgehog, deer, etc that are known to be eaten in some places, but are forbidden to hunt therefore forbidden to eat.
now people also eat, the brains, the eyes, the tongues, hearts, spleens, stomachs, livers, and intestines of some of those animals, also the testicles and the feet.
this soup has possible most of the above
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sea/river foods, include: many types of fishes, big and small, also manta rays, sharks, octopi, squids, urchins, and everything the sea can provide, as we are a sea type of country.
other things we eat include: frogs (mostly the legs), snails(many types and many recipes)
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besides meats, we eat a lot of veggies but also wild weeds that grow on the ground randomly
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there is even a funny saying here
"I got a knife!!!" "and I got a plastic bag, wanna go pick some weeds"
so bottom line, when you see someone not from your culture eating things common in their country, dont call them weird of disgusting
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silverslate221 · 2 years
Do you have any ideas for a Celtic/Gaelic miracle box?
Ooh that's quite a tricky one I'm afraid the closest one I have myself is a general European Miracle Box with connections to the traditional western zodiac. There is a Celtic Zodiac though but unfortunately there's quite a bit of overlap with Miraculous that already exist in canon.
There's the Deer/Stag which is already in the Native American Box, the Cat and of course we have the Black Cat or just Cat depending on your preference, the Adder (we're already going to have two snakes, Sass and whatever snake is in the Native American box), the Fox (Trixx), the Cow/Bull (we have Stompp who's an Ox but still), the Seahorse which is our first one without a canon Miraculous (I have my own Seahorse kwami Akwwa the kwami of Generosity), then another kwami we don't have the Wren, back to canon we have the Horse (Kaalki), now the next one is the Salmon or Fish there was a fish miraculous in the original concepts for the series a pair of earrings or cufflinks which you could draw inspiration from but there is a Salmon miraculous in the Native American box so you'd either have to stick with the generic fish like Sass or Barkk who are just generic animals or go with a more specialized fish like a pike or carp, after that we have another new one the Swan (I have a swan kwami as well as does my friend @mymiraclebox. My Swan is named Duchess and represents Reflection and theirs is named Prrince and represents Loyalty), next we have another dud the Butterfly although it could easily be changed to a moth (I have a moth kwami named Atticus who represents Oblivion), the final two are out as well unfortunately with the Wolf/Hound and the Falcon/Hawk since we have a Wolf and Falcon kwami in the Native American Box and we have Barkk (although a Hawk can be distinct enough to be its own kwami I myself have a Falcon and a Hawk)
In general I think you'd have to get creative to make a Celtic box with either entirely new animals or you'd have to move just far enough away from the original Zodiac to be distinct but still recognizable.
In the case of the latter I'd probably go with
Reindeer or Moose for the Stag
Lynx for the Cat
Adder could probably still work I mean I have a Rattlesnake along with Sass
Arctic Fox instead of the Fox although personally I think that'd be towing the line a little much
Aurochs for the Cow/Bull
Unicorn or maybe Kelpie for the Horse
Moth like I said for the Butterfly
Jackal for the Dog/Hound
And then you can still use the Seahorse, Wren, Fish, Swan, and Hawk from the original set. I'd also probably add a few others because the other Zodiac Boxes aren't just the zodiac so I'd suggest maybe a Nightingale, Squirrel, Toad, Weasel/Polecat, Buzzard, Hedgehog, Robin, and or Badger
I hope this was useful sorry I couldn't help more 🙂
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paulagnewart · 3 months
Sonic the Oz-Hog Act 6/12: Four Score and Three Games Ago!
Sonic Super Special Magazine issue 3 AU Publication Date: 4th June 2012 Price: $16.95
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As our ancient Mayan forebearers gazed upon unspoiled lands from atop majestic pyramids, one can only imagine how they'd react to modern interpretations of their culture. How despite the transformations and advancements of western civilization, glyphs methodically chiseled to immense stone slabs continued to fascinate. How translations suggested the conclusion of their 13th b'ak'tun (or whichever term they preferred at the time) would unleash a time of speculation, panic and turmoil on a society often proclaiming itself as peak humanity.
Chances are they'd pause, stare at one-another, and share a good chuckle.
Such was the feeling of living through 2012. While the months slowly clicked down, prophecy morphed into profit seeking. Books, documentaries and movies sought to captivate audiences with doomsday diatribes. Local frugal publications printed tales of an impending destructive December. Murdoch's finest conservative newspaper covers heralded hastily photoshopped images of a drained Darling Harbour. Yet above all this doom and gloom, the impending extinction of all life on Earth meant something far more sinister; a grand total of zero new Sonic the Hedgehog media beyond that terrifying date.
Obviously the resultant cosmic shift would impact all of SEGA's output, but that didn't stop fans logging on to voice their outrage. "It's bad enough having to contemplate the crushing futility of a mortal universe…" wrote Shawn Nickeltenn, a youth volunteer at Marble Gardens Retirement Village who often posted under the alias of 'MightyPrower93' on the now-defunct Radio Free Robotropolis message board. "…But now there's not even the comfort of knowing that Sonic will continue with new games and comics under a new creative team in an entirely new universe for fans to complain about!"
Humour aside, the fandom didn't need rely on ancient Mayan calendars to spruike dark times for the blue boy, when financial and critical woes already plagued the House of Hedgehog. Sonic Generations started strong, as SEGA proudly boasted their 2011 offering broke all previous pre-order records in Sonic history. Critics loved it. Audiences loved it. Until sales tanked within a month against a flurry of other high profile games.
2012 marched on. Fans across the world were poised, primed, ready to celebrate their favourite masot's impending 21st birthday. Good timing too, for the rodent would undoubtedly need a stiff drink after future IGN subsidiary GameTrailers declared in early March that Sonic won the "well-deserved perch" in their Worst Blockbusters list. The beastial undertones of Sonic '06 proved horrifying enough, while Unleashed, Adventure 2 and the Olympic tie-ins "Do not deserve the cash they generated".
Between intense layoffs in their US and European divisions, and reports of SEGA suffering a predicted loss of upward 85 million dollars, rumours soon abounded of a potential series reboot coming 2014. Some hoped Nintendo or Archie would buy out SEGA, or try a new game in the style of then-hot Skylanders. Other commentators, optimistic as ever, declared "I don't see SEGA being around ten years from now. So the reboot idea seems pointless to me". It wasn't all bad however. US viewers got to see Sonic back on TV in January 2012 spruiking $380 automotive insurance. Probably the only "Progressive" media that hardcore conservative Sonic fans might enjoy.
Australian media meanwhile was enjoying Julia Gillard (and how refreshing it is to discuss a different Prime Minister for once), sadly for all the wrong reasons. By this point she was two years into top job, having successfully retained national leadership after a second spill motion from vindictive predecessor Kevin Rudd. This would not be the last time they went to loggerheads as she continued battling the vengeful former leader, entitled internal party members, and low polling brought on by a complicit conservative mainstream media. Elsewhere in June 2012, cunning linguist Flo Rida managed to whistle his way to number one on the local music charts, blowing away Carly Rae Jepsen. Men in Black 3's time travel antics weren't enough to stop Ridley Scott's Promethius bursting the box office. And in less than two months, Channel 9 would captivate audiences with their coverage of the London 2012 Olympics. Ultimately the home team reaped in a paltry 35 medals, with the swimmers having to pick up the slack by scoring ten.
A disappointing result. As would be fan reaction to Archie's third installment of their Sonic Super Special Magazine series.
Making its way to local newsagents over a week before Sonic the Hedgehog issue 235 and less than a week after Sonic Universe issue 39, the existence of this premium packaged product was already contentious among fans, with its often hedgehog hodgepodge of reprinted stories. Reviews this time around saw little improvement.
What should've been a turning point for the book with its "Exclusive story inside!" was anything but. "Oh boy, I can say I was disappointed with SSSM. The Sonic 4 plot? Tiny. To put it in a nutshell "Sonic, beats Death Egg robo, talks to Tails on Little Planet, fly off, hey look its metal." That's it. Bit of a shame really." or "Someone please tell me that the Sonic 4 ep 2 story will be more than five pages? That's all we usually get for game adaptations lately, and it's usually ridiculous.". Reader reactions ranged from "Oh geez, that sucks. You'd think for a 130-page magazine we'd get something a bit more substantial." and "Pretty much is a cas(sic) grab putting something slightly new in there to get people to buy it.", to "Yardley accidently drew Green Hill instead of Splash Hill..".
Setting aside the game adaptation, the special's remaining stories raised further eyebrows. Issue 176's 'Cracking the Empire' made the cut because... reasons, while Michael Gallagher and Patrick Spaziante's acclaimed 'Go Ahead, Mecha My Day!' ensured Archie literally gave complaining fans the finger. As opposed to 2008's Sonic Archive Volume 7, this version of issue 25's blockbuster story saw a further edit on the penultimate page, whiting out a finger used to represent the reader pressing a button. Resources such as the Archie Sonic Wiki may suggest the reason for such a change is unknown, but it's clear they did it to disguise the Caucasian pantone, making the insert feel more inclusive. Archie Sonic pulled quite a global readership for its time, thus fans could imagine themselves regardless of race in Sonic's shoe-erm, gloves, pressing the button to bring our loathed Big Round Guy crashing down.
For Aussie readers, and fans of Sally Acorn in bondage (a sentence this author never thought they'd unironically type), the inclusion of 'Reigning Cats and Dogs' was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. The two-part reprint specifically chosen to hype upcoming stories featuring Lupe and her Wolfpack proved a happy coincidence, as the latter installment completed a nearly 2-year long 'lost' Sonic story. More on that contentious matter in a later post.
As history has come to show, the world did not end right before Christmas 2012, and Sonic's adventures both in and out of comics would continue for many years to come. Much to the conviviality (or was that consternation?) of fans everywhere.
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malisplanet · 1 year
How to Help Hedgehogs During All Four Seasons
Hedgehogs are adorable and fascinating creatures that can be found in many parts of the world. Unfortunately, hedgehogs are in decline due to habitat loss, road accidents, and other human activities. As animal lovers, it is our responsibility to help hedgehogs and ensure that they are protected. In this blog post, we will discuss how to help hedgehogs during all four seasons. If you like to also read other facts about animal welfare, check out our blog Malis Planet.
Did you know?
Hedgehogs are small mammals that can be found in parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and have been introduced to other parts of the world like New Zealand[1]. Here are some statistics on hedgehogs:
There are 17 species of hedgehogs in five genera[1].
The head and body of adult hedgehogs range from 5 to 12 inches (13 to 30 centimetres) long and weigh between 14 to 39 ounces[2][3].
The common Western European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) can grow up to 1,100 grams[4].
Hedgehogs are carnivores and eat insects, snails, and other small animals[2][3].
In the UK, hedgehogs have declined by 30% in urban areas and 50% in rural areas since 2000[5].
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Spring is the time when hedgehogs come out of hibernation. During this time, they are hungry and need to find food. Here's how you can help hedgehogs in the spring:
Provide food: Leave out a dish of water and some cat or dog food for hedgehogs to eat. Avoid giving them milk or bread, as this can upset their stomachs.
Create a safe space: Hedgehogs need a safe place to rest during the day. You can create a safe space by building a hedgehog house or providing a pile of leaves for them to hide in.
Summer is the breeding season for hedgehogs. During this time, they are looking for a mate and may travel long distances to find one. Here's how you can help hedgehogs in the summer:
Provide water: Leave out a dish of water for the hedgehogs to drink from. Make sure to change the water regularly to keep it fresh.
Avoid using pesticides: Pesticides can be harmful to hedgehogs and other wildlife. Avoid using them in your garden or on your lawn.
Fall is the time when hedgehogs are preparing for hibernation. During this time, they need to build up their fat reserves. Here's how you can help hedgehogs in the fall:
Provide food: Leave out a dish of water and some cat or dog food for hedgehogs to eat. They need to build up their fat reserves for hibernation.
Create a safe space: Hedgehogs need a safe place to hibernate during the winter. You can create a safe space by building a hedgehog house or providing a pile of leaves for them to hide in.
Winter is the time when hedgehogs are in hibernation. During this time, they need a safe and warm place to rest. Here's how you can help hedgehogs in the winter:
Provide a safe space: Hedgehogs need a safe place to hibernate during the winter. You can create a safe space by building a hedgehog house or providing a pile of leaves for them to hide in.
Avoid disturbing them: If you come across a hedgehog during hibernation, avoid disturbing them. They need to conserve their energy during this time.
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Hedgehogs are fascinating creatures that need our help and protection. By providing food, water, and a safe space for hedgehogs, we can ensure that they are protected during all four seasons. Whether it's building a hedgehog house or leaving out a dish of water, there are many ways to help hedgehogs and make a difference in their lives. Involve your children in this process.
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@dartmoorzoo has over 70 different animal species, including some endangered and critically endangered species. The zoo has a breeding programme with common marmosets, tapir, slender-tailed meerkats, Kafue lechwe, and wallaby. They also have Mammals Amur tiger, African lion, Jaguar, Carpathian lynx, Red-handed tamarin, Gelada, Iberian wolves, Asian short-clawed otters, Raccoon, Vervet monkeys, Common marmosets, Ring-tailed coati, Slender-tailed meerkats, tapir, capybara, Kafue lechwe, Grant's zebra, sugar gliders, lesser hedgehog tenrec, Parma wallabies, Bennett's wallabies, Reeves's muntjac, Fallow deer, domestic rabbits, raccoon dogs, reindeer, Azara's agouti, African pygmy goats and Cloud rat. Birds Ostrich, greater rhea, white-cheeked turaco, avocets, Indian runner ducks, Helmeted guinea fowl, white-naped crane, great horned owl, great grey owl, burrowing owl, European eagle owl, striated caracara, Himalayan Monal, and golden pheasant. Reptiles Red-tailed boa constrictor, royal python, corn snake, milk snake, Western hognose snake, blue spiky lizard, blue-tongued skink, bearded dragon, crested gecko, American alligators, electric blue gecko and yellow-headed day gecko. Amphibians African bullfrog, poison dart frog, golden Mantella frog, axolotl. Invertebrates Sun beetle, leaf insects, Mcklay's spectre, giant thorny stick insect, orange-headed cockroaches, Indian ornamental tarantula, Brazilian black tarantula, Chilean rose tarantula, tailless whip scorpion, and tiger land snails. https://www.dartmoorzoo.org.uk/ (at Dartmoor Zoological Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-9fbvrHJ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reportwire · 2 years
The Western European Hedgehog Is Losing Habitat To Housing Development, And May Go Extinct | Focusing on Wildlife
The Western European Hedgehog Is Losing Habitat To Housing Development, And May Go Extinct | Focusing on Wildlife
Hedgehogs are already protected by law in the UK, but their nesting sites are still in danger. Housing estate developments invite fences built with cement bases that restrict hedgehogs from foraging, and preventing them from moving from one garden to the next, the Rural Services Network reports. Pauline Kidner from Secret World Wildlife Rescue said foraging space and the ability to move about…
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myanimalpassion · 6 years
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Mammals of Europe Animals around the World Part 5
So here is the 5th part of this project. Mammals of Europe! We have the Western European Hedgehog, Iberian Lynx, European Mole, Wild Boar, Fallow Deer, Eurasian Harvest Mouse, Ibex, Eurasian Brown Bear, European Polecat, European Rabbit, Hazel Dormouse, Beech Marten! 
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animalids · 7 years
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Western European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) Also known as: Northern Hedgehog
The western European hedgehog is commonly found across Europe and into central Asia, as well as in New Zealand where they were introduced in the late 1800s. European hedgehogs are nocturnal, solitary and non-territorial. Males and females have multiple mates each season. Females give birth to four to six offspring per litter, and often have two litters per year. At birth, the western European hedgehog does not appear to have spines, which are concealed beneath their fluid filled skin. 24 hours after birth, the fluid is absorbed and the spines are revealed. Aggressive interactions have not been observed between individuals.
Classification Animalia - Chordata - Mammalia - Eutheria - Boreoeutheria - Laurasiatheria - Eulipotyphla - Erinaceidae - Erinaceinae - Erinaceus - E. europaeus
Images: [x] [x] [x] Sources: [x] [x]
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zhongart · 7 years
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The ones I got pictures of before the event.  The first one in this post sold near the end of the night, and I sold the dog later.  The cat also sold, and one tiny one that I made at the event and couldn’t get a picture of before it was taken home.  That one was claimed before it was even done!
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type40thiefoflight · 4 years
The Witcher but with Daemons
Borch: Bearded dragon (just a pet to keep up appearances)
Cahir: Blue Lacy or Weimaraner
Calanthe: Secretary bird
Cirilla: Lion
Coën: Peregrine falcon
Duny: European hedgehog
Eist: White-tailed eagle
Eskel: Black wolf
Fringilla: Melanistic red fox or hooded crow
Geralt: Starts off as a grey wolf but changes to a northern shrike or a loggerhead shrike after Blaviken. She changes again into a white wolf once Geralt’s accepted the reputation Jaskier’s curated for him.
Istredd: Western jackdaw or grey fox
Jaskier: Pacific swallow or hill swallow
Lambert: Red wolf or cougar
Pavetta: Lion
Renfri: Melanistic panther
Stregobor: Sunbeam snake
Téa: Thorny devil
Tissaia White-lipped python
Triss: Goldfinch
Véa: Horned lizard
Vesemir: Grey dire wolf
Visenna: Red fox
Yennefer: Common raven or bearded vulture
All children born under the Black Sun have black daemons, furthering the superstition surrounding the supposed curse.
Witchers’ daemons can’t settle but their prefered shape is usually the animal of their humans’ witcher school. Daemons can only take the form of non-magical animals so a witcher from the School of the Wolf could have a wolf daemon but a witcher from the School of the Griffin couldn’t have a griffin daemon. It would instead take the shape of a non-magical bird of prey like a hawk, falcon, or eagle.
When witchers undergo the Trial of the Grasses, one of the mutagens prevents their daemons from settling. It’s considered a tactical advantage for them stay unsettled because it allows them to better assist their humans in combat against different magical creatures.
I made Geralt’s daemon turn into a shrike because part of their scientific name is derived from the Latin word Lanius, which means butcher. Shrikes are also called butcherbirds because they’re carnivorous and impale their prey on spikes.
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skull001 · 4 years
I have a question. Reading your last post about how people think that Amy “stole” sally’s spot and I’m assuming its the “love interest” role. I mean I don’t think they actually created sally to be sonic’s love interest based on the archie comic I’ve read she literally was in a relationship with everyone. I dont know about her role in SatAM, but how the hell was amy her replacement???
To clarify this:
* During pre-production of Sonic 1 for the Genesis/Megadrive, Sonic Team in Japan originally had a love interest character concept for Sonic of a blonde human girl named Madonna. However, this was rejected by Sega of America localization team during a period of time where they discussed on how to make Sonci appealing to western audiences. (other things rejected were details like Sonic having fangs)
* Sonic Team went back to planning and at some point during 1991/1992, they came with the concept of a hedgehog girl character called Amy, who debuted in April or 1992 in the Shogakukan Sonic manga and who according to Kazuyuki Hoshino (her creator) was meant to be Sonic’s love interest with the twist of Amy being the one who pursued Sonic’s affection. (Her full name of “Amy Rose” was not revealed until a year later in April 1993 in the Coro Coro comic Special manga, at least 5 months before Sonic CD was released in Japan)
*The squirrels you save in Sonic 1 are named Ricky in Japan. However during localization to America, SoA named it Sally Acorn. However, the Sally Acorn from the SatAM cartoon (1st broadcasted it the US on 09/1993) is a completely different character from that of the small animal in the games as she is treated as a sentient anthro very much like Sonic. Also, in the cartoon as well as the Archie comic, she is given the role of lead female character and Sonic’s love interest.
The thing here is, that while people in the US grew with SatAM, this cartoon is a product of Sega of America, with little to no consultation nor input from the Japanese creators of the franchise and their original vision (I don’t think they would ever allow nor approve many of the liberties that SatAM and the Archie comics took for years). On top, the Japanese manga were never published outside Japan, so for a time, only the Japanese had knowledge of who Amy and her role in the franchise was, while outside, it was not until much later. Plus, there is an incident where the US release of Sonic CD’s manual would refer to Amy Rose as “Sally Acorn” to try to tie the game to the cartoon, something the European version did not do as they would stick more with the Japanese version.
In this context, it’s not hard to see why some western fans would see Amy as a character that “came to steal” the role from Sally. However, their perception in no way trumps nor invalidates the historical fact that Amy was not only the first character introduced, but also that it was her whom the series original creators from Sonic Team in Japan wanted to be the lead female character of the franchise and love interest for the protagonist.
This is why the claims of die-hard fans of SatAM/Archie don’t really hold much value, since the thing they liked happened to be the product of an American interpretation that is no longer relevant nor valid, since in the end, it was the original Japanese vision which finally took over and would shape future games and lore of the Sonic franchise on a global level ever since Sonic Adventure 1 was released back in 1998.
I hope this helps understand the situation. ^^
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coppicefics · 3 years
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Masked Omens: Week Five
[Image Description: Image 1 - A simple rendition of the Masked Singer UK logo, a golden mask with colourful fragments flying off of it. The mask has a golden halo and a golden devil tail protruding from either side. Below, gold text reads ‘Masked Omens’. 
Image 2 - A page from the Entertainment section of the Capital Herald, dated Saturday, 23rd January 2021. Full image description and transcript below cut. End ID.]
Read the fic here!
The Capital Herald - Saturday, 23rd January 2021 Entertainment, page 15
Top section: Stream of Consciousness: Shows To Make You Think A whole host of great documentaries, old and new, have just been added to streaming services Who doesn't love a good documentary? You can learn all sorts of things, and you don't have to do any of the research for yourself. Over the last couple of weeks, loads of people seem to have been tuning into the wealth of documentaries available on various streaming services; here are a few I particularly enjoyed. Green Planet (2020) is not your standard nature documentary; while there are some extremely cute shots of animals (including gorillas, whales, and giant squid) the main focus is on sustainable practices people are experimenting with in all sorts of industries and contexts, and the way they allow local wildlife to flourish. It's thought-provoking stuff. We're As Folk (2019) takes a look at the contemporary folk movement, interviewing figures from the second British revival right through to the present day; contributors include Seth Lakeman, Frank Turner, Anathema and Bellowhead. With folk-festival anecdotes aplenty, the documentary explores the intricacies of the genre and culminates in all the contributors performing a once-in-a-lifetime rendition of 'She Moved Through The Fair'. Gadget If You Can (2015) might be a little outdated now, but that's what makes it such a compelling watch. From watches that tell the time in 21 capital cities concurrently to hoverboards that actually, well, hover, this is a fascinating look at the new devices that seemed to be just on the horizon when it was released more than five years ago. Some have since appeared; some remain pipedreams. All are interesting! Making Fast Friends (2012) is the oldest documentary on this list, and the narrowest in scope. It was released alongside the SEGA charity single 'Fast Friends' and gives us a behind the scenes look at what happened when Sonic the Hedgehog teamed up with a whole bunch of children's TV presenters to make the record. Although largely factual in nature, it does also feature animated 'interviews' with Sonic and Knuckles, so it's entirely suitable for watching with your family. And P-White fans, in particular, will not want to miss this a second time around. A War Without War (2021), by contrast, is both up-to-the-minute and extremely disturbing to watch. It is composed of a mixture of expert analysis of the situation developing on the ground in Celestan and grim footage allegedly smuggled out of the country by fleeing residents. Moreover, with more episodes promised, it forces the viewer to acknowledge what is happening as the country breaks apart, and asks us the difficult question: can you have a war without war? Dinosaurs: The Punchline (2013) is frequently mistaken for a mockumentary thanks to its tongue-in-cheek title. It is, in fact, a thoughtful exploration of how religious groups respond to apparent conflicts between scientific facts and the tenets of their faith. Without shying away from the realities of science as we know it, this film takes a surprisingly sensitive approach to investigating how science and religion intersect in the modern world. By The Numbers (2018) looks back at the history of the televised National Lottery, along with its competitors on other channels and the entertainment chosen to appear directly after it. Featuring clips and interviews with stars from Marjorie Potts aka Telepathic Tracy, whose show aired after the draw for over a decade, to Marvin O. Bagman, whose sports-based quiz show had, at the time of the documentary’s release, the corresponding Channel 4 slot. It’s not groundbreaking, but it is very entertaining. CITRON DEUX-CHEVAL Have I missed any amazing documentaries you think I should be talking about? Drop me an email at [email protected] or leave a comment on our website and I might feature your recommendations in a future issue.
Centre left: Memory Lane: Kilcridhe Now there’s a vicar I’d have loved to meet at the altar Ask any male-attracted person of a certain age – well, my age and up, really – if they remember Kilcridhe, and you'll be met with flushed cheeks and a glassy expression. We remember Kilcridhe, all right – or perhaps it would be fairer to say that we remember Father Jacob MacCleod. It's hard to believe that heartthrob Jacob was Anthony Crowley's first major role on television, and harder still to believe that he was also one of his last. The show ran for only two six-episode series, between 2005 and 2006, but in those twelve hours I think it's fair to say a fair few of us fell irrevocably in love. Kilcridhe was named for the fictitious Scottish village where it was set, and largely revolved around the goings-on of the local church and its new minister. Much of the series' drama centred around Father MacCleod's ongoing attempts to fill the pews, which saw him trying everything from hosting a bake sale – for which he ended up baking everything himself – to arranging a community talent show, with predictably bizarre results. But during the course of these adventures, each episode also introduced us to one or more of Kilcridhe's residents. We got a glimpse into the little struggles and joys of their lives – most of which quickly became Jacob's struggles and joys, too. My main memory of this show is that it was pretty. Not just Jacob, but everything about it, from the location they chose for the exterior shots, to the tone added in post-production; everything was just slightly more saturated and colourful than real life, not enough to be jarring but enough to give the whole thing a strangely dreamlike feel. In fact, as Jacob remarked as he prepared to leave for Edinburgh at the end of series one (not knowing if he would return or if the show would be cancelled), “leaving [Kilcridhe] feels like waking from a dream, like going back to reality somehow”. It was, perhaps, for the best that Kilcridhe was cancelled after only two series. Shows originally envisioned as limited series rarely keep their charm past a second extension, and the central actor was to encounter personal problems not long after the end of the show. That's not to say that a revival couldn't work, perhaps with a completely new protagonist. But Father Jacob MacCleod lives on in the hearts of his many fans, smiling that enigmatic smile of his, and when that's not enough, there's always online fanfiction. So much fanfiction. SARAH JEUNE Memory Lane is our regular feature, looking back at the books, shows and films of yesteryear through a nostalgic lens. Do you miss something you’d like to see featured? Just send the show name (plus channel and airdates if you know them) in an email to: [email protected] - your prayers might just be answered!
Centre right: Correspondent’s Corner Stop talking about it Anathema is making waves again as she does the talk-show circuit to promote her new album, Narrative Devices. It's a very pretty album from a very lovely girl, but she does keep getting hung up on one point. Every time somebody describes her music as country, she interrupts to tell them it's folk. Well, I'm no music expert, but even I know that folk is a very European genre, and the United States' equivalent is country, or country and western music, to give it its full name, and to continue to argue to the contrary is simply courting controversy for controversy's sake. It is unbecoming of a young lady – even, or perhaps especially, a young lady with Anathema's obvious talent – to continue to argue with her elders on the subject, and even to correct the likes of Graham Norton and Giles Brandreth. These sage bastions of broadcasting deserve more respect, and they couldn't be more gracious in accepting their 'mistake'. But surely a young musician in the first flush of success should take the time to learn about what she's actually doing? It doesn't seem very much to ask. It’s not entirely her fault, of course; the youth of today are given far too much freedom by their parents and, on top of that, are often propelled to disproportionate success with no chance to prepare for it. Is it any wonder that it all goes to their heads? But there is no excuse for not making an effort to keep their egos in check and defer to their betters on matters of terminology and best practice. Naturally, we all hope that Anathema will enjoy a long and successful career making the music she enjoys the most and , more importantly, music we can all enjoy too. And I also hope that she will, eventually, acquire the humility so rarely found in young people these days and accept that she does not always know best. If she listens to the counsel of older and wiser heads than hers, she might even learn something. ANDY SANDALPHON What can’t they do? If there's one thing that's becoming apparent with every passing week of The Masked Singer UK, it's that celebrities are no longer to content to stay in their lane. No, these multi-talented marvels seem determined to push themselves to the limit in every possible field. So far, we’ve seen sergeants become singers, rugby players become rockers, doctors become divas and authors become, er, audible. And with weeks still to go in this competition, we still have eight masked celebrities to guess. Eight people whose day jobs probably don’t include getting on stage and belting out pop standards are still waiting to impress us with talents that aren’t even their thing. I mean, if I could sing and dance like the contestants on the show, you can bet your life I’d be making a living from it. It would be my number one talent, and I’d be rubbish at anything else, because most of us only get one main skill. Not these jammy gits, though. For them, this is a sideline. It's not just The Masked Singer, of course – from proving their talent for trivia on Pointless Celebrities and their wordplay wisdom on Celebrity Catchphrase to demonstrating their culinary qualities on Celebrity Masterchef and The Great Celebrity Bake Off, it seems that wherever you look someone is adding a new string to their bow. Being a phenomenally talented actor, singer, or footballer is all well and good, but more and more stars are now keen to show us that they really can do anything and everything. And why shouldn't they? It's phenomenally entertaining television to watch. And for those of us who sometimes feel inadequate compared to our famous idols, it can be very reassuring to watch, for example, a comedian weeping into his cupcake mix on Bake Off or an Oscar nominee fall on her face on Dancing On Ice. When they do well, it's amazing; when they do badly, it's life-affirming. That said, I've been blown away by the talent of the contestants on The Masked Singer this series. It's so inspirational, in fact, that I might take up watercolours. EDWARD BIGGS Bottom right (in blue box): Citron’s Quick Picks Fast favourites from Citron Deux-Cheval Look: Sea Change by Hastur LaVista There's never been a journey to to the top quite like P-White's. This authorised biography charts a course from children's presenter to global superstar through interviews, pictures and anecdotes. While the research sometimes seems a little slapdash, the story at the heart of the book is more than interesting enough to hold it together. And since it's authorised, Maputi themself has contributed plenty of private insights and observations. [Image description: A book, its cover featuring a blue-green gradient with black, dripping lines spilling across it. The title reads ‘Sea Change’. End ID.] Listen: Narrative Devices by Anathema Anathema's first album was well-received both within the folk community and beyond it. Now her second album, backed up by an obvious increase in resources, looks set to enjoy similar mainstream success, and deservedly so. The theme this time seems to be the act of telling stories, but it's also a story in itself. You'll have heard the singles, but it takes on new meaning when you play it in order! [Image description: An album cover featuring hands holding a book. The words “Anathema” and “Narrative Devices” are printed on it. End ID.] Laugh: Newtral Stance by AutoTuna on YouTube It's not the first time beleaguered commentator Newton Pulsifer has had his words edited into a supercut. It's not even the first time his frequent disagreements with the VAR have been autotuned – including by YouTube user AutoTuna. But this new edition adds an extra dimension in the form of a flat, robotic voice duetting – and duelling – with the frustrated human, taking the hilarity to a whole new level! [Image description: A screenshot of a young woman wearing a call centre headset (specifically, the woman who cold-calls Crowley in Good Omens and gets Hastur instead). She looks extremely bored. End ID.]
Advertisement, bottom right: IS THIS YOUR CARD? [Image Description: Two business cards with a white-to-yellow gradient, overlapping so that they are slightly fanned out. Printed on the left-hand side of each is ‘This is to certify The Amazing [blank] as a [blank] training under Mr A.Z. Fell.‘ The one behind is filled in with ‘Your Name-’ and ‘Sorcer-’. The front card is filled in in a more child-friendly font, with ‘Your Name Here’ and ‘Junior Magician’. Below this is space for a start and expiry date, filled in with ‘08/20′ and ‘08/21′ respectively. On the right-hand side of the card, a logo shows a rabbit emerging from an upturned top hat, and below it are the words ‘Harry’s Junior Magic Academy’. The word ‘Junior’ is in the same child-friendly font as before. End ID.] IT COULD BE. Membership is open to under 12s and 13-18 year-olds at www.harrys-magic.com
End of transcript.
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Visit to Wildlife Reserve in Ras Al Khor
The place guarantees that the migrating birds that come to this area during the cold season have a friendly atmosphere and availability of natural resources. They provide them with their native habitat. The sanctuary, also known as the "Cape of the Creek," is among the few wetlands in the UAE with both species and greenery. It is the ideal environment you could want, and the City Council oversees it. 
Dubai Desert Safari
Desert safari in Dubai is perhaps the most intriguing of these events. Even then, it could be more exciting than an exciting ride through the nearby deserts in a 4x4 car. There are exercises such as sand boarding, dune bashing, fat bike riding, and quad biking. These are the main attractions of a classic Dubai desert safari. Practices such as henna artwork and rides are also available for those interested in culture.
Exciting Ras Al Khor wildlife
Ras Al Khor Sanctuary, shortened RAKWS, is a habitat region in Dubai. While the Reserve is most famous for its flamingos, you may also see reef herons, black-winged stilt, hawk, gulls, egrets, eagle, black-tailed godwit, European spoonbill, sand racers, and striped snakes. The most frequent species in this municipal bird sanctuary are common reeds, beans caper, and beaded strings.
If you go about the preservation park for a while, you will notice that many flowers and creatures will quickly captivate you.
The pink-beaked and lengthy flamingos are unquestionably the sanctuary's attractions. During the winter, many birds travel to the Reserve from colder locations. They seek refuge in the environmental assets present in the wetlands. Flamingos contribute to the sanctuary's liveliness.
Ferruginous duck
A beautiful reddish-brown duck with a distinct patch behind the tail flapping its wings and gliding together with baby ducks on a beautiful lake will take your breath away.
Hedgehog from Ethiopia
This adorable, tiny hedgehog lives on the Dubai nature preserve with its fellow companions.
Blue swimming crab
The blue swimming crabs, a strong sprinter, and hungry predators excite you with their unusual size and pattern.
Tilapia, Mozambique
The Mozambique tilapia, which thrives in speedy waterways and feeds on algae, is normal in the Reserve. It captivates visitors in all aspects.
Tiger fish
The famous tiger fish, a terrible opponent for daring aquatic animals, floats across the tranquil lake.
Agama with a blue head
Agama, a bluish lizard, is also an important element of Dubai's Ras al Khor nature reserve.
Lizard with fringe toes
These lizards, which have fringe-like skin on their back toes, flourish on the sanctuary's natural beaches.
The Reserve is heavily forested, with many mangroves. The carbon-rich mangroves, collectively called gurm, provide a breeding site for crabs, fish, and bristle worms. You can go to the Ras al Khor wildlife sanctuary to learn more about creatures.
RAWKS conservation and management
The environment agency manages the Reserve. They are successful in their operations due to good waste disposal, proper maintenance, and strong law enforcement. Animals are content to live in their local habitat. The recent statistics recorded almost 500 pink flamingos and egrets, grayish cormorants, herons, colored stilts, and marsh harriers. This unique habitat is home to almost 20,000 aquatic birds, with 67 varieties stopping from Africa to Western Europe. On the west coast of the Reserve, visitors view the flamingo nest and the other two on the south end near Al Buhaira Lagoon. Birdlife International designates it as a worldwide Important Bird Area (IBA).
Key highlights of Ras Al Khor wildlife 
Annually, this vast wetlands area acts as a breeding site for crabs, reptiles, and fishes, but this is the flamingo that captures the spotlight in wintertime. Look closely amongst the pink plumes to see if you can see grayish herons or great egrets and so much more.
Thrills during Desert Safari in Dubai
Desert Safari Dubai is the uttermost experience that will give you an adrenaline rush as soon as you hit the sands with a car having full potential in terms of torque and power. This adrenaline-inducing adventure is pumped up with an extensive range of activities. The activities include shisha smoking, Belly dance show, Tanura show, and Fire show. Evening desert safari tour is a combo of thrilling safari adventures and an experience of traditional Arabic culture.
This ecologically important wetland, an uncommon sight in the dry Gulf area, comprises low-lying saline plains, lagoons, intertidal mud and sand flats, and mangrove swamps. It serves as a vital home for over 450 species of animals and 47 types of plants. During the wintertime, it is home to around 20,000 water birds from 67 separate breeds. It serves as an important test environment for migrating water birds all along Central Africa Asian Flyway. More than 1% of the local populations of Wide Sandpipers Limicola falcinellus move through in the autumn season. It isn't easy to imagine that visitors find significant numbers of birds so near to the city.
Referenc e Link: https://desertsafarisuae.blogspot.com/2021/07/visit-to-wildlife-reserve-in-ras-al-khor.html 
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Here’s an update to the overview, probably gonna keep changing this as more stuff gets added. Gonna move on to filling in the details now though.
############ #THE BASICS# ############ Primarily based off of the Archie Sonic Reboot Continuity, but incorporates elements of other parts of the franchise and fan-content.
Canon: The world established in the Nu-252 comics, minus the super genesis wave (whether or not Unleashed is canon should be at the author's discretion). The events in Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic Adventure, and Sonic Adventure 2. The events of Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic Heroes, and Shadow the Hedgehog are partially canon -  some events may or may not differ from the way they are depicted in those games. Elements from other games may be canon, but the plot(s) either are not or else have not yet occurred.
########### #THE WORLD# ###########
###OVERVIEW### Set on Earth (or Mobius or whatever you want to call it) at an undisclosed point in the near-ish future.  The world is currently undergoing a low-intensity global conflict between the United Federation (and Allied factions) and the Eggman Empire.  Not quite a cold war but not a world war either.
Overall Geography matches Earth, with minor changes- Northamer - North America Soumerca - Central and South America Eurish - Europe Efrika - Sub-Saharan Africa or Africa as a whole Yurashia - Asia or Central and East Asia Midesta - The Middle East, Western Asia and/or North Africa Tralius - Australia Artika - The Artic Ocean and surrounding land, including the norther parts of Siberia, Alaska, Canada, Norway, Finland, Iceland, and Greenland.
###FACTIONS### United Federation (and GUN)  -Federal Republic  -Covers much of Eurish, Northamer, and parts of Yurashia and Efrika, with some territory in Soumerca and Artika.  -A Republic, essentially the United States and European union combined.  -Large Military force.  -Allied with various other nations, at war with the Eggman Empire.
Eggman Empire  -Authoritarian Dictatorship with Feudal Leanings.  -Strong presence in Soumerca, Efrika, Midesta, and Tralius, with 'smaller' outposts in Yurashia, Northamer, and Artika, and an enclave in Avalon [British Isles] in Eurish.  -Less an empire and more of a rogue military force at this point (Think Brotherhood of Nod from Command and Conquer).  -At war with much of the rest of the world.
Kingdom of Acorn  -Small Pacific Island Kingdom.  -Small military, more of a defense force or guard.  -Allied with the United Federation, at war with the Eggman Empire.
Kingdom of Meropis  -Underwater City-State Kingdom off the coast of Soumerca.  -Extremely Small military, really just a city guard.  -Isolationist.
Black Arms  -Extraterrestrial.  -Ded (Mostly).  -Military in nature, although in a distinctly alien way.
###LOCATIONS### (Feel free to add real world locations, or locations inspired by real places, but try to avoid anything that would be too jarring for the setting. For example, the Grand Canyon or Barringer crater might be good ideas, but Toronto might not.  The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone would be right on the line between the two.) --Artika-- Holoska - A village located in northern or western Alaska (or equivalent). Part of the United Federation.
Artika Egg Army Base - A modest outpost, notable as the main radar array for the Eggman Empire in the northern hemisphere (similar to PAVE PAWS). Also used as an airstation.
--Efrika-- Mazuri - A city in the Sahel or Sudanian Savanna (think Timbuktu). Part of the United Federation.
Efrica Egg Army Base - Located at the edge of the Guinea region south of Mazuri (Note: since it is closer to England (Avalon) than Iraq (Shamar) - 2700 vs 3400 miles). Contains a large motorpool, among other facilities. One of the larger Egg Army Bases.
--Eurish-- Spagonia - A major city in southern or south-western Eurish (in either Spain or Italy or the equivalent). It contains a large university, Spagonia University. Part of the United Federation, it is safely away from the frontlines of the ongoing global conflict.
Apotos - A large city in south-eastern Eurish (in Greece or the equivalent). Part of the United Federation, it is also safely away from the frontlines of the ongoing global conflict.
Soleanna - A prosperous city-state in south-eastern Eurish (like Venice but on the Croatian or Montenegrin coast). Not part of the United Federation, although it is closely associated with it.
Coolette - A now modest farming village in Auvergne (or equivalent), with the now-abandoned Castle D'Coolette standing nearby.
Avalon Egg Army Base - A large, heavily fortified citadel in Avalon (British Isles), and the only presence of the Eggman Empire in Eurish. Also called the Sylvanian Egg Army Base (eg. Britian vs. England).
--Midesta-- Shamar - A large city in Mesopotamia (or equivalent). NOT part of the United Federation.  Has been the scene of numerous conflicts in recent history. Currently contested by the Eggman Empire.
Midesta Egg Army Base - Located in the desert near Shamar (think Petra), specializing in desert warfare. One of the larger Egg Army Bases.
Babylon - 400 or 500 year old ruins of a once-great city located in the desert. Ancestral homeland of the Battle-Bird Armada and other (mainly avian) mobians.
--Northamer-- Empire City - A sprawling metropolis and the economic engine of the United Federation's Northamer territories (Essentially New York City, and located in about the same location). Under zero threat from any kind of overt attack by the Eggman Empire. clandestine operations, however, are another matter entirely.
Central City - Capital of the United Federation. Located in the Bay Area on the Pacific coast (Essentially San Francisco).
Westopolis - Another significantly large city in the United Federation. Located about midway between Empire City and Central City (think Chicago). Suffered significant damage recently, but has recovered quite well.
G.U.N. Headquarters - Headquarter for the Guardian Unit of Nations. Located either in or near Central City.
G.U.N Fortress - A major military installation and command center for G.U.N. (similar to Cheyenne Mountain).
Prison Island - A tropical island in the western pacific. Previously used by the United Federation and G.U.N. as a naval base and high security prison/depository. Since destroyed and left abandoned.
Northamer Egg Army Base - A small outpost located in an isolated part of Northamer (possibly around the area of Montana or Wyoming).
Metropolis - Important industrial center of the Eggman Empire and a major research hub. A quasi-capital of the Eggman Empire. Located somewhere in the south-east of Northamer, far away from Empire City and within flying distance of the Mystic Ruins. (Note: put it here because it wouldn't make sense for it and Mobotropolis to be so close to each other and not be constantly fighting, also needed to be close to the Mystic Ruins)
--Oceania-- Mobotropolis - Capital of the Kingdom of Acorn, a pastoral city located on Westside Island in the Acorn Archipelago in the south pacific (somewhere in Polynesia or Micronesia).
Meropis - Underwater City-Kingdom located off the coast of Soumerca, near Station Square.
Angel Island - A floating island typically found floating above the Pacific Ocean. Originally located near the Mystic Ruins before it became airborne. Contains many ancient ruins as well as left-over bases used by Doctor Eggman.
--Soumerca-- Station Square - A large city in the United Federation with a thriving tourism and entertainment industry. Located in the north of Soumerca, along the Pacific coast near the Mystic Ruins (think Acapulco with a dash of New York). Badly damaged by Perfect Chaos, but has mostly recovered.
Mystic Ruins - Ruins of an Ancient Echidna city. Dotted with archeological sites and small villages.
Harbor Heights - A small seaside resort town. Part of the United Federation.
Soumerca Egg Army Base - Located somewhere in the Jungles of Soumerca (most likely somewhere in either the Amazon, the Yucatan, Nicaragua, Venezuela, or Colombia).
--Tralius-- Tralius Egg Army Base - Primarily a research and development lab for egg army equipment, for this reason it is located far away from any United Federation territory.
--Yurashia-- Chun-Nan - Large, populated, coastal region in East Yurashia (around where Guangdong or Fujian are). Currently in a period of political upheaval, many parts of the county have been rendered effectively lawless while warlords fight for control. Can also refer to the greater area around Chu-Nan proper (effectively China).
Adabat - A costal city in South-East Yurasia. Part of the United Federation.
Yurashia Egg Army Base - Destroyed. Previously an outpost and special forces training center.
############ #CHARACTERS# ############
###Sonic & Co.### Sonic the Hedgehog - Needs no introduction. Originally from Westside Island in the Acorn Archipelago.
Miles "Tails" Prower - Best friend and 'adopted' little brother of Sonic. Genius mechanic and aeronautical engineer. Originally from South Island in the Acorn Archipelago.
Knuckles the Echidna - Last known echidna and guardian of the Master Emerald and occasional ally to Sonic. Originally from and resident of Angel Island.
Amy Rose - Admirer and close friend of Sonic. Resident of station square.
###The Caotix### Vector the Crocodile - Private detective and head of the Chaotix Detective Agency. Associate of Knuckles the Echidna.
Espio the Chameleon - Ninja member of the Chaotix Detective Agency.
Charmy the Bee - Member of the Chaotix Detective Agency.
###The Kingdom of Acorn### King Acorn - Monarch of the Acorn Archipelago, a benevolent ruler. Past dealings with G.U.N. and Dr. Eggman have made him cautious and guarded at times, although he is very open and friendly with those he trusts (such as Sonic & company). Wife died awhile back.
Vanilla the Rabbit - Courtier. Cream's mother.
Professor Charles "Uncle Chuck" the Hedgehog - Court inventor and scientist. Uncle (figure?) to Sonic.
Ben Muttski - Apprentice to Uncle Chuck.
Dr. Ellidy - Former court scientist. Creator of Nicole.
Nikki [Dead] - Dr. Ellidy's daughter.
Rosie Woodchuck - Former nanny and tutor of Princess Sally.
Elias Acorn - Prince of a cadet branch of the Acorn line and Sally's cousin. Presently attending Spagonia University.
###Freedom Fighters### Princess Sally Acorn - Heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Acorn. Leader of the Freedom Fighters. Mother died awhile back. Spent a good part of her later childhood separated from her father due to Dr. Eggman's attack on the kingdom.
Bunnie Rabbot D'Coolette - Dutchess of Coolette, Cyborg with the ability to fly and shoot lasers out of her arm-gun. Married to Antion D'Coolette.
Antion D'Coolette - Duke of Coolette, swordsman and royal guard in the service of King Acorn. Married to Bunnie Rabbot D'Coolette.
Rotor Walrus - Resident inventor and mechanic for the freedom fighters. Often collaborates with Tails when the two of them meet. Originally from Artika. Left after the death of his mother and an abusive childhood.
Cream the Rabbit - Junior member of the freedom fighters.
Nicole - Extremely advanced empathetic human-level AI. Close friend of Sally. Master hacker. Created by Dr. Ellidy.
###United Federation### The President - President of the United Federation.
Professor Gerald Robotnik [Dead] - Creator of Shadow the Hedgehog, the Biolizard, and the Eclipse Cannon. Grandfather of Maria Robotnik. Head researcher on Project Shadow immortality research project.
Maria Robotnik [Dead] - Granddaughter of Gerald Robotnik and sister-figure to Shadow the Hedgehog. Suffered from N.I.D.S. Shot and killed during the raid on space colony ark ~50 years ago.
###G.U.N.### Abraham Tower - Commander of G.U.N., close friend of Maria Robotnik, and Shadow's boss.
Amanda Tower - Captain of a G.U.N. Battleship. Daughter of Abraham Tower.
Madonna Garnet - G.U.N. counterintelligence agent and interrogator.
###Team Dark### Shadow the Hedgehog - G.U.N. agent and friends with his colleagues Rouge and Omega. Created by Professor Gerald Robotnik as both an immortality experiment and a potential cure to N.I.D.S.
Rouge the Bat - G.U.N. agent, spy, saboteur, infiltrator, and tactician for Team Dark. Friends with her colleagues Shadow and Omega.
E123 Omega - Renegade E-Series robot. 'Friends' with Shadow and Rouge. Agent of G.U.N. and walking arsenal. Enjoys destroying Eggman's robots.
###Empire City### Honey the Cat - Famous fashion designer and a prize fighter on the side. Friends with Amy Rose and business associate of Breezie the Hedgehog.
Breezie the Hedgehog - Successful (and ruthless) business tycoon and owner of Breeze Media as well as Casino Park. Formerly in the employ of Dr. Eggman, but currently in good standing with the United Federation.
###Meropis### King Puff - King of Meropis.
Queen Angelica - Queen of Meropis
Princess Undina - Sly, somewhat impish princess of Meropis. Currently traveling the world on a stolen pirate submarine, accompanied by lieutenant Echo the Dolphin.
Echo the Dolphin - Lieutenant of the Meropis City Guard and currently the personal bodyguard of princess Undina.
Striker the Mantis Shrimp - Captain of the Meropis City Guard.
Coral the Betta - Priestess of the Eusebes Shrine near Meropis. Responsible for maintaining the Meropis shield barrier. Friends with Pearly and Razor, and more recently with Amy Rose.
Pearly the Manta Ray - Apprentice and close friend of Coral.
Razor the Shark - Guardian of the Eusebes Shrine and friend of Coral and Pearly. Former member of the Pirates of the Setting Dawn and brother of Blade the Shark. Former acquaintance of Abyss the Squid.
###Shamar### Spike the Porcupine - Leader of the Desert Raiders, close friends with Sonar and Trevor. Similar to Sonic personality-wise, although a bit more of a realist.
Sonar the Fennec - Member of the Desert Raiders and close friends with Spike and Trevor. While at first she may appear bright and upbeat, in reality she often worries about her friends.
Trevor Burrow the Mole - Member of the Desert Raiders and close friends with Sonar and Spike. Completely blind, but mostly made up for with his other senses heightened as a result.
###Chu-nan### Dulcy the Dragon - The somewhat shy leader of the Shijin Warriors. Formerly a member of the Eastern Forest Clan (before she ran away). Friends with Princess Sally and Sonic, as well as the other Shijin Warriors. Can fly and breath fire.
Jian the Tiger - Member of the Shijin warriors and former member of the Yurashia Egg Army. (Former) childhood friend of Conquering Storm.
Bunker the Tortoise - Monk, shrine matron, and member of the Shijin warriors.
Cinder the Pheasant - Junior member of the Shijin warriors and assistant to Bunker the Tortoise.
###Eggman Empire### Dr. Ivo 'Eggman' Robotnik - Would-be world emperor and self-proclaimed "greatest scientific genius in the world". Most folks just call him Dr. Eggman now. Holds doctoral degrees in Engineering, Philosophy, Science, and Medicine, granted by himself, of course.
##Northamer Egg Army## Clove the Pronghorn - Egg Boss of Northamer and Cassia's older sister. Only follows Eggman for a cure to her sister's disease, although that may change soon. Is a surprisingly skilled fighter (probably in the top 3 for the Egg Bosses) but prefers a diplomatic approach most of the time, unless her friends or family are threatened.
Cassia the Pronghorn - Co-Egg Boss of Northamer and Clove's younger sister. Suffers from an incurable disease and receives ongoing treatment for it from Eggman, making her and her sister dependent on Eggman. Competent fighter Loves videogames.
##Soumerica Egg Army## Thunderbolt the Chinchilla - Egg Boss of Soumerica and Dr. Eggman's self-proclaimed 'number-one-fan'. One of the few genuinely loyal members of eggman's forces.
##Efrica Egg Army## Axel the Water Buffalo - Egg Boss of Efrica and talented Mechanic. Leader of a biker gang before joining up with Eggman, now leads them as the Efrica Egg Army.
##Artika Egg Army## Turndra the Walrus - Artika Egg Boss and Rotor's father. Originally the chief of one of two major tribes before submitting to Eggman. Believes in survival of the fittest and that the strongest should rule. A fierce fighter, tends to think of things in black and white.
##Norther Oceans Egg Army## Akhlut the Orca - Egg Boss of the northern oceans and rival/enemy of Tundra. Ferocious in combat and a bit of a sadist. Can be manipulative, but tends to favor brute strength.
##Southern Oceans Egg Army## Abyss the Squid - Egg Boss of the southern oceans. Former member of the Pirates of the Setting Dawn and self-proclaimed 'greatest pirate who ever lived'. Loves everything about the pirate life, especially the drinking.
##Tralius Egg Army## Maw the Thylacine - Egg Boss of Tralius. A scientist and inventor in his own right, also one of the few genuinely loyal members of Eggman's forces, although more for selfish reasons. Very little is known about his true motivations. May be a war criminal.
##Midesta Egg Army## Nephthys the Vulture - Egg Boss of Midesta. An old war veteran and a mentor to Spike, Sonar, and Trevor. Prefers to avoid conflict, after having seen the destruction caused by Midesta's periodic wars firsthand. Respected by those under her, many of whom served with her before Eggman arrived.
##Avalon Egg Army## Mordred Hood - Lord of Avalon (Sylvania), acting as the Eggman Empire's Egg Boss for the region. While noble by birth, no-one else recognizes his claim to the throne. Only still in power because Eggman is backing him.
##Yurashia Egg Army## Conquering Storm - Egg Boss of Chu-nan and leader of a formerly-independent clan which now make up the bulk of the Yurasia Egg Army. Driven to unify Greater Chu-nan and bring an end to the conflict and strife in central and western Chu-nan (think Warlord-era China).
##Battle Bird Armada## Battle Lord Kukku XV - "Fifteenth son of a noble lineage" which streches back around 400-500 years to the destruction of the city of Babylon and leader of the Battle Bird Armada. Only works for Eggman to avoid having to fight both Eggman and The United Federation. plans on breaking away from Eggman when the opportunity presents itself.
Speedy (Battle Lord Kukku XVI) - Son of Kukku and heir to the Battle Bird Armada. Acts mature when 'on the job', but still has a childish streak in him. Secretly loves videogames.
###Black Arms### Black Doom [Dead] - (Former) Leader of the Black Arms. Tried to eat the inhabitants of the World.
Eclipse the Darkling - Last member of the Black Arms? Half-Brother to Shadow by blood, not that Shadow would ever admit that. Vengeful and lost, not sure of anything other than getting revenge on Shadow for destroying the Black Arms.
######## #EVENTS# ########
###THE DISTANT PAST### ??Real World Events?? (if they fit the setting, WW2 probably didn't happen, but the middle ages or Rome, or their equivalent might have) SA1 Flashbacks
###THE RECENT PAST### S3&K, SA1, SA2 Much of the reboot comic
###THE FUTURE?### (Maybe a metaplot at some point)
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lovemychinchilla · 4 years
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Should You Get a Chinchilla Or a Hedgehog?
Exotic pets are great fun. But which is better: a chinchilla or a hedgehog? And if one is better than the other, why?
Should you get a chinchilla or a hedgehog? Both chinchillas and hedgehogs make goood pets, so you can't go wrong with either. But we believe chinchillas make the better pets, because they live longer, have the softest fur of any pet, and are legal to keep almost everywhere (unlike pygmy hedgehogs). However, you might find hedgehogs cuter as they're smaller, or prefer that they are a more unusual exotic pet. Try to spend time with both pets to see which you prefer before getting either. We recommend adopting your new pet rather than buying one where possible.
Our guide looks at every way chinchillas and hedgehogs are different, so you can see which one you prefer. We'll also give guidelines on whether they can live together (hint: they can't) and how to decide between them if you aren't sure which you prefer.
Are Chinchillas Better Than Hedgehogs?
We believe chinchillas are the best pets of all, so it shouldn't surprise you that we think they're better than hedgehogs. However, what's also true is that different people want different things from the experience of owning a pet: fun, long-term companionship, novelty or something else entirely. As such, while chinchillas may be our favorite pets they may not be yours.
Below, we've looked at all the most important aspects of owning either chinchillas or hedgehogs: handling them, feeding them, spending time with them, how long they live, how likely they are to get sick, how much they cost and more. By the end of our guide, you should have an idea of which pet you prefer.
What's The Difference Between a Chinchilla And a Hedgehog?
Hedgehogs and chinchillas are separate species entirely. You can tell just from looking at them that they aren't particularly closely related.
The kind of chinchilla that's kept as a pet is the long-tailed chinchilla; the only other species is the short-tailed chinchilla. These both come from the Andes Mountains. They're in the same family (Chinchillidae) as the viscacha, an animal that looks like a cross between a chinchilla and a hare. Another rodent from South America, the guinea pig, is distantly related to the chinchilla too. Chinchillas have very thick, long fur to protect themselves from the cold of the Andes. They have large rounded ears and rodent-like faces.
There are lots of species of hedgehog, and they come from all over the world. The most common domesticated kind is the African pygmy hedgehog, also known as the four-toed hedgehog. Other domesticated species include the Egyptian long-eared hedgehog, the Indian long-eared hedgehog and the Algerian hedgehog. The guide below applies to all of these different domesticated species. The most distinctive feature of all these species is their spines, which aren't as sharp or as long as a porcupine, but can still hurt if they poke you.
Are Hedgehogs or Chinchillas Easier to Care For?
Hedgehogs and chinchillas require roughly the same amount of care, although the care you provide for one is different to the care you provide to the other. Things that both require include:
Food. Chinchillas need a diet of hay and hay pellets. Pygmy hedgehogs are omnivores, but they eat insects more than anything else; despite that, people mostly feed them dry cat biscuits.
Shelter. Chinchillas need to be kept in cages. People keep pygmy hedgehogs in aquarium-style tanks.
Vet care. When any pet gets sick, you have to take it to the vet. It doesn't matter if your pet is big or small.
Company. Chinchillas like the company of other chinchillas. Pygmy hedgehogs live alone, but your company stops them from becoming stressed and unhappy in their tanks.
Cleaning. Both pets go to the toilet and make a mess of their food on occasion, so you have to clean up after them. That means spot cleaning the cage every day, and deep cleaning it every few months.
While they're both small pets, and small pets are thought of as 'low maintenance', that's not the case for either of these exotics.
Which is better? Neither.
Are Chinchillas or Hedgehogs Cheaper to Keep?
Neither chinchillas nor hedgehogs cost significantly more than the other, despite their differing care needs. The initial purchase of a tank/cage, plus everything that goes in it, is expensive for both pets.
Ways in which the cost of each pet differs include:
Temperature regulation. Pygmy hedgehogs need to stay at between 21-25 degrees Centigrade/70-77 degrees Fahrenheit. This means you have to heat your hedgehog's tank, which is an ongoing cost. Chinchillas, on the other hand, should be kept at regular room temperature.
Food. Hay is cheaper than whatever you decide to feed your hedgehog, be it dried cat food, wet dog food, insects bought in bulk from pet stores, or anything else that's suitable for them.
Number of pets. Chinchillas thrive in pairs, while pygmy hedgehogs are solitary. It's possible to keep chinchillas alone, provided you spend lots of time with them, but most owners don't.
Lifespan. As we'll get to in a moment, chinchillas live longer than hedgies. You'll therefore be paying for your chinchilla (or chinchillas) longer than you'd be paying for a pet pygmy hedgehog.
If you have any reservations as to whether you can afford your pet, be it a hedgehog or a chinchilla, we don't recommend buying one. But hedgehogs are cheaper overall since they won't live as long.
Which is better? Over the course of their lifespans? Hedgehogs. On a day to day basis? Chinchillas.
Do Chinchillas or Hedgehogs Live Longer?
This is one way in which you might think either chinchillas or pygmy hedgehogs are the better pet.
Chinchillas have the longest lives of almost all the rodents. They live for ten years on average, although twenty years isn't unhear of among experienced owners. The oldest ever chinchilla lived to the ripe old age of 29, which made it older than most common pets, let alone rodents. Hedgehogs, on the other hand, have short lifespans. The average pet hedgehog lives to between 3-6 years.
Whether you prefer having a pet that could live for 20 years or one that's only likely to live to 4 or 5 years is up to you. If you want long-term companionship, you would do better to have a chinchilla, as your friend could be by your side for a significant portion of your life. But if you frequently have to move house, don't have or don't want a steady job, or aren't sure if you're ready for that kind of commitment, then a shorter-lived pet would be the better choice.
Which is better? It depends on what you want from your new pet.
Do Chinchillas or Hedgehogs Handle Better?
There are a few ways to address this question.
The first is, is it more pleasant to hand a chinchilla or a hedgehog? Well, hedgehogs aren't as spiky and spiny as you might think. Picking one up isn't like trying to pick up a cactus. You can hold a pet pygmy hedgehog without getting spiked, and they can learn to tolerate being held. Chinchillas, though, are definitely more pleasant to handle: they have the softest fur of any pet by far. While you shouldn't squeeze them and cuddle them close—they're too delicate, and you could break their ribs doing so—it's still lots of fun to stroke and pet them.
The other way you could interpret this question is as asking which pet tolerates handling better, and enjoys being around people more. In this regard, chinchillas and hedgehogs are roughly even. They're both skittish pets that aren't as fully domesticated as others like cats or dogs. As such, you need to very gradually teach them to get used to you: first sitting by their cages, getting them to sniff your hand, having them eat from your hand, and bit-by-bit teaching them that you aren't a predator.
Which is better? Chinchillas, as they have such soft, lovely fur.
Are Pygmy Hedgehogs Legal in The U.S.?
Another way in which chinchillas are better is that they're indisputably legal throughout the continental United States, while pygmy hedgehogs aren't. The only place you can't legally own a chinchilla is Hawaii, where it's illegal to import any non-native pets, both chinchillas and pygmy hedgehogs included.
Beyond Hawaii, though, there are a few states in the U.S. where you can't legally own a pygmy hedgehog without a permit. These include Pennsylvania, California, Georgia and Maine. You may still be able to get a permit for your hedgehog. But it'll take lots of applications, letters and time to get one.
There's also confusion over which hedgehogs are legal to own in certain places. Across Europe and the western world, certain species are illegal to own, while other species aren't. What's typically the case is that pygmy hedgehogs are legal to own, but European hedgehogs aren't. So:
Austria: European hedgehogs are protected and cannot be kept as pets. Four-toed hedgehogs (African Pygmy hedgehogs) may legally be kept as pets.
Australia: All hedgehogs are classified as exotic pets that are illegal to import.
Canada: In Quebec, European hedgehogs are illegal. Four-toed hedgehogs are legal. In Ontario, European hedgehogs are protected and cannot be kept as pets. Four-toed hedgehogs may legally be kept as pets.
Denmark: European hedgehogs are protected and cannot be kept as pets. Four-toed hedgehogs may legally be kept as pets.
Finland: European hedgehogs are protected and cannot be kept as pets. Four-toed hedgehogs may legally be kept as pets.
Germany: European hedgehogs are protected and cannot be kept as pets. Four-toed hedgehogs may legally be kept as pets.
Italy: European hedgehogs are protected and cannot be kept as pets. Four-toed hedgehogs may legally be kept as pets.
Latvia: European hedgehogs are protected and cannot be kept as pets. Four-toed hedgehogs may legally be kept as pets.
Netherlands: European hedgehogs are protected and cannot be kept as pets. Four-toed hedgehogs may legally be kept as pets.
Poland: European hedgehogs are protected and cannot be kept as pets. Four-toed hedgehogs may legally be kept as pets.
Spain: European hedgehogs are protected and cannot be kept as pets. Four-toed hedgehogs are illegal and considered an exotic invasive species.
Sweden: European hedgehogs are protected and cannot be kept as pets. Four-toed hedgehogs may legally be kept as pets.
United Kingdom: European hedgehogs are protected and cannot be kept as pets. Four-toed hedgehogs may legally be kept as pets.
United States:
In Idaho and Oregon, European hedgehogs cannot be kept as pets. Four-toed hedgehogs may legally be kept as pets.
In New Jersey and Wyoming, a permit is required.
In Wisconsin, an import permit from the state department of agriculture is required to bring a hedgehog into the state.
In Fairfax County, Virginia, it became legal to keep hedgehogs as pets in 2019.
In Pennsylvania, hedgehogs may not be imported into the state, but hedgehogs in the state as of 1992 and their descendants are allowed
It is currently illegal to own a hedgehog in California, Georgia, Hawaii, New York City, and Washington, D.C.
Singapore: Hedgehogs of all kinds are illegal, along with other exotic pets such as iguanas, tarantulas, scorpions, and snakes.
Turkey: European hedgehogs are protected and cannot be kept as pets, and four-toed hedgehogs may also not legally be kept as pets.
And as is always the case with the law, it changes. So, your city or state may outlaw keeping hedgehogs as pets; or, it may repeal a law that bans them. As such, you have to be certain of the legal status of hedgehogs where you live before you buy one. There's no such issue with chinchillas.
Which is better? Chinchillas, since they pose no legal issue except in very few circumstances.
Which Is Better, Hedgehogs or Chinchillas?
We believe that chinchillas are by far the best pet there is, but you shouldn't take our word for it. What we like in a pet might not be what you like in a pet.
As such, you should endeavor to spend some time both with a chinchilla and with a pygmy hedgehog. Whether that's seeing them at a pet shop, spending time with a friend that has one or both of them, or talking with a breeder of either, you can only really get a feel for which you prefer by being with them both. If you can, ask if you can handle them. And besides, don't discount what makes each individual pet so special: there's always one that will win your heart, whether because it's particularly affectionate, particularly cute, or whatever else.
That doesn't stop us thinking chinchillas are better, though.
Extra Credit: Can a Chinchilla Live with a Hedgehog?
Chinchillas like to live in groups, and there's limited evidence that in the wild, they can even share burrows with other similar creatures like degus. So, can chinchillas live with hedgehogs in captivity?
Unfortunately, the answer is no. If you put them together, they will fight, and in the end it's likely that one will kill the other.
Why Can't Chinchillas Live with Hedgehogs?
Chinchillas can't live with hedgehogs because they've evolved to not like other animals using their resources. This is something that's common to almost all species. You'll even see chinchillas fighting other chinchillas over things like food, water and space—so it stands to reason that they wouldn't want to live with a hedgehog, either.
As for your pygmy hedgehog, it's a solitary creature. They live on their own in the wild, and live on their own in captivity, too. They are protective of their space and their things, so yours would hate to live with a chinchilla.
What you could do instead is keep your chinchilla and hedgehog in two separate cages. There's no problem with that, so long as the cages aren't so close together that the pair can see, hear and smell each other (otherwise the presence of the other could cause stress). As such, what you can do is keep your chinchilla's cage in one room and your hedgehog's cage in another. Just make sure to wash your hands after handling one and before handling another, as you could pass on viruses, bacteria or infestations.
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