#eurasian brown bear
sitting-on-me-bum · 5 months
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Eurasian brown bear (Ursus arctos arctos) drinking at forest pool, Finland. October.
Photographer: Andy Rouse
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garfieldstim · 7 months
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credit to me
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frank-olivier · 1 year
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March 25, 2023
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moss-king · 11 months
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shopcat · 7 months
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
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mothoscope · 3 months
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Details under the
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Winter Landscape with Bear. Vladimir Leonidovich Muraviov (1861-1940)
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garfieldstim · 7 months
https://www.tumblr.com/garfieldstim/743254762858954752/credit-to-me is this a bear you saw?? I love bears but omg
yes! i went to a conservation zoo :> i took some videos on my phone for gifs but i also do photography so heres some pics (*^^*)♡
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
In 2022, something happened in Britain for the first time in 6,000 years. Deep in the Kent countryside, a wild European bison calf was born as part of the Wilder Blean rewilding project. The last time wild European bison roamed Britain’s landscapes was after the last Ice Age, some 10,000 years ago, so it’s no wonder the calf’s arrival caused a stir. European bison were once a common sight across most of Europe. As the largest herbivore to roam the continent, European bison could be found from France all the way to the tip of the Black Sea in the Ukraine. The fossil record tells us that European bison have been roving the continent since the end of the Paleolithic Ice Age, with the earliest fossils dating back to 9,000 BC.
Now, bison are bouncing back. They have experienced a 166-fold increase in their population in the last 50 years. And these rates of return are not solely the reserve of the mighty bison. Other wild European mammals are also making a roaring comeback, and the speed of their resurgence suggests that wider, rapid natural regeneration is possible with multiple ecological, and therefore human benefits.
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From 1960 to 2016, Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) populations have ballooned 167-fold, from just a few thousand at the start of the 20th century to over 1.2 million wild beavers today. Grey seal populations have also grown by 6,273 percent and the population of Alpine ibex has risen by 417 percent. Eurasian badger populations have doubled, while Eurasian otter populations have tripled.
While these impressive rates of recovery are not reflected across all of Europe’s 250 wild mammal species, they do provide some evidence-based hope that wild mammals can once again flourish across Europe’s diverse and varied landscapes with the right support and policies in place.
The big picture
... Over the last 50 years the fate of some wild mammals across Europe has shifted. Some populations have experienced a rapid and dramatic increase over the last half century, reversing millenia of decline and offering fresh hope that nature can recover – if it’s given the chance.
Brown bear numbers have risen by an average of 44 percent between 1960 and 2016, while the Iberian lynx has seen its population grow by 252 percent. Humpback whales have seen their numbers rise by 37 percent between 1986 to 2016, while the pine marten – a natural predator to the invasive grey squirrel – has seen its population grow by 21 percent from 1986 to 2016. Some reptile species, such as the loggerhead turtle, have seen its numbers grow by 68 percent over the last 40 years.
The most impressive bounce backs, however, are among the beaver and bison – two species that play vital roles within ecosystems. Both beaver and bison populations have seen 167-fold increases over the last 50 years. These mammals help support a rich mosaic of habitats and biodiversity. Wild bison, for instance, trample and wallow in the soil and sand to create niche habitats for plants, insects and lizards, while also playing an important role in the dispersal of seeds.
Context and background
The impressive recovery rates over the past 50 years have been possible due to a shifting cultural and economic context. Alongside this, there is a growing scientific consensus of the importance of small and large mammals for sustaining biodiversity and helping ecosystems flourish. The sheer diversity of mammals, both in terms of their morphology and their roles within ecosystems, is testimony to the functions they perform. From the tiny bumblebee bat, which weighs just two grams, to behemoth blue whales, weighing in at 150,000 kilograms, mammals really do come in all shapes and sizes.
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Wild mammals play a variety of leading roles within an ecosystem, from dispersing seeds, pollinating plants and regulating insect populations, to reducing disease transmission and creating niche habitats for other species. The European bison reintroduced to Kent in the UK have already started clearing paths through undergrowth, ripping the bark off trees, and wallowing around in the mud to make space for seeds and other habitats – natural processes that humans would struggle to replicate. Bison and other large herbivores are often labelled ‘ecosystem engineers’ for this very reason – they shape and manage the land they reside on.
Some species of mammals – such as the magical beaver – are considered keystone species due to their ability to shape the ecosystems around them, creating entirely new habitats through building dams where fish, birds and all manner of species can thrive. Other mammals, like bats, act as indicators of healthy and functioning ecosystems. Between 1974 and 2016, Geoffroy’s bat populations have increased 53-fold across Europe.
Wild mammals also have a role to play in reducing the damage and destruction wrought by climate breakdown. In the temperate climate of Europe, large mammals have been proven to reduce the risk of forest and wildfires by creating gaps in vegetation through grazing and trampling. In the summer of 2022, wildfires ravaged Europe, burning the second-largest area on record. As global temperatures continue to rise, wildfires will increase in their frequency and severity. Bolstering the population of large mammals could provide a useful tool in the fight against fires alongside deep and immediate cuts to emissions...
What’s more, the grazing of wild mammals can also help retain the carbon stability of soil over long periods of time. Soil contains vast amounts of carbon – more than all plants and the atmosphere combined – which makes ensuring its stability important for both climate efforts and environmental conservation. Mammals like the alpine ibex, which have seen their numbers grow by 417 percent from 1975 to 2016, are highly effective at stabilising soil carbon within grazing ecosystems.
-via Rapid Transition Alliance, March 29, 2023
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jgvfhl · 2 months
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Continuing my animal shifter/therian au for the military propaganda games with Nik and Price. Nik is a polar bear and Price is a Eurasian brown bear. No explanation needed. (There is lore under the cut)
Nik is #obsessed with Price's fuzzy ears. Nik also has some questionable eating habits, but it's not his fault! Polar bears just... casually hunt humans down and eat them, okay! Is it technically cannibalism if he doesn't chew on other therians? The only features Nik retains as a human are large white streaks in his hair that started appearing in his teens. He's honestly fairly low-key until he's suddenly like 8ft tall and threatening to eat people.
Price's ears are usually a dead giveaway, but they are the only physical features he retains in human form. His eyes are the dead giveaway in his animal form. Well. That, and most bears don't wear hats.
Soap & Ghost & Gaz || Alejandro & Rudy || Phillip Graves
@worldseer @cod-dump @gomzdrawfr @midnight193 @totally-not-fandom @daftdrac
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kolasharkattack · 26 days
Okay, here's a little idea I've been working on for a while!
Introducing: The Lupin iii x Bad Guys AU!
(I'll give it an official name later idk rn)
Here's the character sheets for the main 5! Click for better quality
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Descriptions and a full lineup under the cut ⬇️
Lupin the third is the up-and-coming, soon-to-be greatest thief in the world. Being the grandson of the famous thief Arséne Lupin, he's determined to follow in his grandfather's footsteps as a thief. All he needs is one big break...
Species: Italian Wolf
Koichi Zenigata is the newly appointed chief of police, and has a fiery passion for justice! His determination is the perfect counter for any crook, and currently, he is hot on the trail of the notorious menace; Lupin the third.
Species: Eurasian Brown Bear
Daisuke Jigen is an expert gunslinger who can hit any target he sets his mind to. He is Lupin's loyal partner in crime, working with him the longest out of any of their allies. Though a bit grumpy, Jigen is level-headed and reels in the chaotic energy of Lupin.
Species: Doberman
Fujiko Mine is a master of deception and seduction, able to trick any man to lower their guard and empty their pockets. After a years-long rivalry with Lupin, she joined his side as an ally in their hiests, although, sometimes she steals the loot from him instead.
Species: European Mink
Goemon Ishiwaka XIII is a samurai swordsman, wielding his sword Zentusken with deadly skill. He is the latest addition to Lupin's gang, and has quickly proven himself as a master warrior, despite being unable to fly.
Species: Perigrine Falcon
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littleguysdaily · 2 years
Eurasian Brown Bear?
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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The Bear in the Forest. Vladimir Leonidovich Muraviov (1861-1940)
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literaryvein-reblogs · 5 months
Words related to Spring
to include in your next poem/story
Bloodroot - a plant (Sanguinaria canadensis) of the poppy family having a red root and sap and bearing a solitary lobed leaf and white flower in early spring.
Bluebonnet - either of two low-growing annual lupines (Lupinus subcarnosus or L. texensis) of Texas with silky foliage and blue flowers.
Coltsfoot - a perennial composite herb (Tussilago farfara) with yellow flower heads appearing before the leaves.
Crocus - any of a genus (Crocus) of herbs of the iris family developing from corms and having solitary long-tubed flowers and slender linear leaves.
Magnolia - any of a genus (Magnolia of the family Magnoliaceae, the magnolia family) of American and Asian shrubs and trees with entire evergreen or deciduous leaves and usually showy white, yellow, rose, or purple flowers usually appearing in early spring.
Morel - any of several edible fungi (genus Morchella, especially M. esculenta) having a conical cap with a highly pitted surface.
Mourning cloak - a blackish-brown nymphalid butterfly (Nymphalis antiopa) that has a broad yellow border on the wings and is found in temperate parts of Europe, Asia, and North America.
Skunk cabbage - any of several early-blooming perennial herbs of the arum family that occur in shaded, wet to swampy areas and have a fetid odor suggestive of a skunk.
Spring peeper - a small brown tree frog (Pseudacris crucifer synonym Hyla crucifer) of the eastern U.S. and Canada that has a shrill piping call and breeds in ponds and streams in the spring. They are often just called peepers start singing on some of the earliest warm spring nights, ushering in the season with an evocative chorus. While they are highly successful in permanent ponds, they also utilize temporary, ephemeral ponds that appear briefly in the spring due to rain and snowmelt.
Tulip - any of a genus (Tulipa) of Eurasian bulbous herbs of the lily family that have linear or broadly lanceolate leaves and are widely grown for their showy flowers.
If any of these words make it into your poem/story, please tag me. Or leave a link in the replies. I'd love to read them!
Word List: Summer More: Word Lists
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