#what am i doing wrong ladies
ohslenderaphrodite · 1 year
okay its pride month when is a girl going to confess her love to me
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cloudyvulpine · 7 months
hate when i'm info dumping about a *FICTIONAL* villain and someone has the audacity to be like "but they've killed people" or "but they've committed crimes"
i know
but they aren't real
i still want to make out with them
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sergle · 11 months
sergle i thought you didn't like ppl objectifying you :/
god okay this gave me whiplash. make sure you remember how to read before proceeding. sound words out for a friend or family member if you need to. People Being Thirsty in my general direction is different from people like. seeing me only as JO material. I Don't Like people thinking they're smooth as hell trying to dm me what they assume women want to hear. Describing some cringe ass shit. I Do Like a compliment. I even like a compliment that is clearly thirsty. I don't think "I've jacked off to you" is a compliment. not from yall anyway. super controversial, I know. a fat fetish blog following me and reblogging my selfies Is objectification. someone being vaguely horny can be good, or bad, or funny and I show it to ppl on discord and laugh- depends on the specifics. Most of the people following me are too uwu to even get close to the line. they've backed so far away from the line out of fear that they tripped over something while they were backing up and it was embarrassing for them. People trying to push me into sex work specifically while I'm fundraising, because they know I'm more vulnerable at that time and they want to take advantage of me needing money, is definitely sexual harassment, that's definitely me being objectified. the ask I just got, though, was not that. 😭 just telling me that some girls think I'm hot? that is tepid as hell. thinking someone is attractive isn't objectifying them. all attraction is not objectification. please. work with me here
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gorespawn · 19 hours
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also while we're here i would like to share the two iterations of tumblr user gorespawn that have existed since i abandoned this blog back in like early 2021. Who wants me
#i grew my hair out so i could twirl my hair while giggling about bald men#and also t.o.p of bigbang#and short men i see at the grocery store who honestly make me feel light-headed with raw and unbridled Want#but that's just a joke. i am. Lesbian#''no ur not'' I AM#anyway i used to be so ripped and hunky but now i am frail and sickly#what getting a job can do to a mf#thankfully i quit my job last week YIPPIIIEEEEEEE so now i will work towards becoming an absolute hunk again#wish me luck#ALSO#if anyone is obsessed with me and remembers all my lore i used to be transgender and i still am like lowkey on the down low#but in a new exciting way#anyway i used to be a gay man and then a stone butch dyke (as seen above) but now im practicing being a girl#it is very difficult but it is also fun. ive never been a girl before so it's a lot#anyway i bought two super cool sexy dresses yesterday for the first time ever in my life#sexy dresses meaning up to my neck and down to my feet and past my elbows. kind of like a wardrobe straight out of the handmaid's tale#from (to quote my friend) ''*The* old lady store'' thanks man. well i think theyre pretty and its v exciting bc ive never been a girl befor#anyway#who wants me#i still use the name emil online btw and i honestly always will i think it's just so me and also i do still answer to he/him dw#in a man way not in a he/him lesbian way#''he's LGBTQA+'' what. all at once?#yes.#i have mastered them all i have collected all the genders and all the sexualities and ive never been ''wrong''#it just keeps switching. which is fine. well im a girl now. in a detransitioning man way. who is insanely attracted to men#but you will have to tear this lesbian label out of my cold dead hands#''you can't call urself lesbian if u have sex w men'' well first of all fuck you and second of all i am celibate so you dont need to worry#''what the hell are you talking about'' nothing. now look how hot i am#im just joking around i hope that's fine w y'all
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butchviking · 8 months
the stupid thing about deciding that being heterosexual makes you bad or annoying, is it means if you think someone is bad or annoying you start thinking they must be heterosexual. darling i promise you those things aren't linked. sexual orientation is the most morally neutral thing in the world it just Happens to you
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stargirlfeyre · 25 days
Family abuse/violence is so normalized that it’s really mind blowing, specially between siblings. If your partner threatened to slit your throat if you just talked to someone, many people would see that as abuse. If your partner repeatedly verbally assaulted you, many people would consider that abuse. If your partner told you that no one would care/remember if you die, many would say that they’re abusive. But if your sibling does these things, it’s considered normal sibling rivalry. Where’s the line? Apparently, someone can stab you, mock you every day, destroy your self esteem, threaten you, but if they’re your family - especially if they’re your sibling - it’s okay.
Yup. It’s also a lack of respect. People think they can treat their family any kind of way because “well that’s my family they’re always going to love me at the end of the day”.
You can say you love your family all you want but that love means nothing if you don’t respect them. That’s why so many people think it’s okay to threaten your siblings or to be vile to them. That’s why they think it’s okay to cross boundaries in arguments and give a half assed apology and excuse with “that’s just how siblings fight”. Not that’s how siblings who don’t respect one another fight.
You can love your family yes. You can care if they’re hurt however the way you treat them in their day to day life is what matters. And it’s funny how so many people get on here to flex their toxic relationship with their family to defend the Archerons when all they’re yelling to everyone is “I come from a toxic household and I’ve normalized not holding any respect for my siblings”.
And look I’m no stranger to sibling fights. I have four of them (2 little sisters, 1 older sister, 1 older brother), I know all about the screaming matches that you get into with your siblings however I can confidently sit here and say not once have I ever crossed a boundary that has done serious damage to my relationships with them.
I’ve never threatened physical harm on them, I’ve never called them sluts or used their personal issues against them, and I have never fucking stabbed them😭. And that’s not something I should be given a pat on the back for because it’s literally normal. Respecting your siblings enough to not want to hurt them (even when you’re arguing) should be the standard but because toxicity in households is normalized, people now call you too sensitive if you go “hey maybe that’s too harsh to say to someone who you literally share blood with”.
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piplupod · 3 months
why do counsellors think it's helpful to tell you "you shouldn't feel that way!" when you tell them something like "I am so stressed about spiders to the point where i have crying breakdowns thrice a week" or "I feel like I am somehow secretly a terrible person that needs to push everyone away to keep them safe from the rot that is inside of me"
like ... golly gee, thank you so much, that's soooo helpful, can't believe i never thought "wow! i shouldn't be feeling this way!" before, pretty crazy that you can just cure me with that one declaration!
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imwritesometimes · 11 days
I wish having self respect and liking my own personality was enough unfortunately I am continuously afflicted with 'you don't have a romantic partner because you're hideous and therefore unworthy of life' disorder
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carefulfears · 8 months
wait is hank in californication a s€xual pr€d@tor ? 😭😭
i don't dismiss anyone who might view it that way but i personally don't view him as a predator...it's a lot more complicated of a conversation, in my opinion. he's convicted of unlawful sexual intercourse in a trial throughout s4, for something the show is clear he didn't really commit by definition, but the show is relatively dedicated to consequences for his actions even if "he didn't mean to" lol.
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makadragontamer · 25 days
okay. okay okay okay flying off the cuff several hours past bedtime because I need to Purge The Thoughts so I can sleep before my job (ugh) BUT I'm halfway through ep 22 of the Wizard the Witch and the Wild One (Suvi (my beloved) JUST rolled the seven to lie to the public transit and I went OKAY THAT FALLOUT IS FOR POST-SLEEP so no one say SHIT about anything past that) and I'm kind of obsessed with that horribly flubbed conversation with Steel about Ame needing to leave Right Now Immediately
Because Steel (sword of the citadel) (very tired) (three hours of sleep) so CLEARLY heard "threat" and went "I must protect Ame" and totally fucking missed (because Ame (young) (stressed) (unfamiliar with wizard thought patterns) did not articulate it very well rip) that it's MOSTLY (mostly, these witches are still INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS) that the threat is a METAPHYSICAL threat.
Steel they don't need you to protect them from being physically killed, they need you to give Ame a ride home so she can grab some shit before she accidentally no call/no shows her quarterly meeting and gets fucking fired!
Steel she just needs her incredibly well connected friend to get her past the police barricade so she can get to her job!! Steel!!!
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kirbyddd · 9 months
barkbarkbark Riichi Book I's writing is like screeching chalkboard to my game designer's, translator's, and writer's ears all at once
it's got great concepts buried in there but it's in like the most anti-comprehension packaging conceivable
#what the hell is wrong with you#folks like you are the BANE of game designers everywhere#and game PLAYERS for that matter#THIS is the best strategy reference the English speaking world's got?#baddabingbaddaboom ladies and gentlemen#im about to make bank writing the West's first riichi primer that actually meets the standards of the modern analogue game industry#(which to be honest is abysmal right now the industry's in an insane 'text free' fad right now where every word is replaced with a symbol)#alright then im gonna set the new standard then#imma bout to do for Riichi Mahjong what i did for Ryuutama Traversées 🫸🤛#and for all the dudes at unpub who know how to design incredible games but dont know how to write instructions#alright sorry I'll calm down#but seriously i am gonna start throwing together an actually quality-controlled guide#cause every english resource ive found so far has been like this... inconsistent and full of holes and omissions in explanations#chiba talks about the game's strategic immaturity in the west... well it's got an even bigger gap of educational immaturity#anyways.... I'll toss a bit of effort that way#we'll see how far i take it#I'll either make a few loose articles or a fully fledged book. no in between#god i dont have the energy to make another book when i dont even know if Traversées is ever gonna see the light of day#100% complete full color layout and everything. publishing limbo is real and it's every bit as stupid and unnecessary as you think.#(my case is much simpler than most though cause im only working with two small publishers rather than a big corp)#but still. damn#anyways im so tempted to throw some of my rulebook magic at riichi while it's got my interest#not like i need to write a strategy tome the game just needs a professional quality introduction#don't make me do it i absolutely will do it#i did it for ryuutama when no one wanted to give a decent publication-quality localization for the supplements#and by garriot i will do it for riichi mahjong too if no one gives me a quality guide. i aint afraid of a global high strategy game#<- manic#(im not manic im just extremely restless having not been able to do any solid design work in a while and this book is getting me riled up)#cause it's like “i could write such a more coherent rulebook and HAVE written a more coherent rulebook. so why don't i do it again?”#the Disease is why. but maybe I'll give it a shot anyways if i get a second wind (i guess im otakaze right now harharharhar)
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willowfey · 8 months
someone tell me to be brave and hit send on this email
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simptasia · 3 months
mum and i were almost not able to buy our house because a real estate lawyer heard us casually say i'm autistic and alarm bells went off in her head, because she believed that meant i wasn't mentally capable of understanding what i was signing up for
#and she demanded a doctors note. which not how any of this works#theres no policy that works like that AND gps are not the people who are like#''yup this person sure is a person alright''#she just had heaps of prejudice and she let it affect her job#so a lady from one of those places that advocates for ND and disabled people tore her apart#she lost the 4000 dollars she was gonna be paid. and she got fired#and everybody else from that company that we spoke to was either appalled or pretending to be appalled about this#either way it worked out#i was so upset at the time because it was literally a week before it was time to move???#and i was so afraid of us losing all our progress#plus. yeah i was hurt by the insinuations and the attempted disrespect to my agency#also even if i was cognitively disabled... i think cognitively disabled people deserve to own houses too#i was a fucking adult and i managed to get to every gosh forsaken appointment to sign forms#and then do it all again because what i was signing didn't match what was on my birth certificate!#...not my fault - turns out the nurse wrote my fucking name wrong#anyways. i was exhausted but i did it damn it. so that bitch trying to rob us of our home??? fuck her#6 years later and the house is now 100% mine instead of 50%#and im gonna assume that bitch never got a job in real estate again#she was totally cool with me until she heard the word ''autistic''#and clearly pictured somebody... how do i put this... somebody with vacant eyes who smacks the side of their head when they're upset#not a bad thing by the way! hell i've been that flavour of autistic plenty of times. we contain multitudes!!!!#don't mean we don't deserve to own property. we live in a society!!! let us be a part of it#but yeah that was the most serious case of me being dehumanized due to what i am
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nomaishuttle · 10 months
sometimes u put yr playlist on shuffle a song comes up and you have to put another song in the queue immediately as soon as it comes on bc it makes you think of that song
#this is abt aura by ghost and pals Sry everytime i hear it im like a fiddle This is just like devil went down to georgia and then i have to#put devil went down to georgia in the queue#i think its a fiddle innit.. it sounds like a fiddle but im also NOTORIOUSLY bad at telling instruments apart. <- guy who once couldnt tell#if something was a guitar or a piano i actually rly rly rly rly dont wanna get into it okay.#i guess you didnt know it but i am a fiddle player too 😏😏#sry. the other thing this post is abt is kiss me and ladies in their sensibilities sweeney. obviously those r connected#but if ladies in their sensibilities comes on by itself i quite literally couldnt be assed so everytime i have to put kiss me on instead an#add lits to the queue. bc them together is like the best song i ever heard its just that the beginning of lits is just kind of boring It#does get stuck i my head sometimes but the supreme part is the end thats Basically just a reprise of kiss me#but also theyre kind of the same song anyways at least o wowww i was just typing in tempo with the fiddle that was awesome. at least on the#2012 soundtrack aka the best one talk to the hand or dont i dont wanna hear it. well i do want to hear it it being the 2012 london cast#recording of sweeney todd starring michael ball and imelda staunton. ANYWAYS!! in that one the songs lead in to eachother#ive listened to all the other soundtracks but idr if they do that.. well ill tell u the movie doesnt bc it doesnt have kiss me. which is#just so. the johanna anthony romance doesnt rly have much substance in the first place and yr taking away like. their duet together. ok....#AND yr taking away the end part of lits? the best part of that song? whatever its fine its fine.#if anybody is curious my ranking of casts is 2012 > obc > movie > 2006 i fucking hate 2006 or 2005 or whatever i hate it sm it makes my#blood literally boil im sry. i fucking LOATHE it idk what it is well i do but this post is already 5000000 years long. idt the new one is#out fully yet... i was ok with the songs i have heard but idk where id rank it yet. i should prolly check if the full things out yet omg so#me and my lampstie (way of saying my siblings name if theres something deeply wrong with you) can listen :]
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kittlyns · 5 months
I hate taking my dogs to the groomer soooooo bad, it gives me the worst anxiety ever
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transgender-catboy · 7 months
Tempted to take a bath fully clothed because of how fucking done with everything I am today
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