#what are ypur guys opinion on this?
thebrideoftiffany · 5 months
I'm not straight but The Jötunn from The Ritual (2017) can like... Get it. Otherwise all my crushes are basic like "rugged asshole daddy-issue" guys
- moordryd paynn (dragon booster)
- Sandor clegan (GoT)
- Tommy Shelby (peaky blinders)
i can’t get over that you specified that you’re not straight but make an exception for a movie monster that’s killing me
anyway given ypur type what is your opinion on joel from the last of us show or movie. and that can be mine even though tbh it’s not that weird many like pedro
send weird crushes and i'll give you one of my own
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reveriecorridor · 2 years
for the character thing give me ypur orange boys daxter and luke.both of them. right now
fucking vibrating like a chihuahua. thnakyou for my boys.
Sexuality Headcanon:
also gay gay homosexual gay
Gender Headcanon:
A BROTP I have with said character:
i think the whole main party dynamic makes me feel mental but like. luke/ion and luke/guy are like the relationships ever to me. what shenanigans can they get up to... fuck around and find out.
A random headcanon:
*thinking rlly hard* i think he likes to fidget w stuff actually. i think he writes down a lot more in his diary for Not Forgetting Stuff Again that rlly doesnt matter but like. he just does it. adhd moment. like hell write down fucking Whatever.
General Opinion over said character:
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Sexuality Headcanon:
women dont want him men dont want him either but unfortunately theyre all stuck with him. hes jsut a little bi creature
Gender Headcanon:
also tboy swag. hope this helps!
A ship I have with said character:
i have to go get the fucking image again. I HAVE TO UPDATE THE IMAGE HANG ON.
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A BROTP I have with said character:
dax and tess are actually r eally funny. like i get shes the Love Interest but naughty dog has no idea what they did to people (see: me) by making someone actually care about daxter. she would kill someone for daxter and i actually think thats pretty fucking funny. girl hinder. girl KILL!
A NOTP I have with said character:
if its not one of the two examples i literally just talked abt or showed off the mental illness picture over, it sucks. thank u for asking!
A random headcanon:
oh my god. okay. theres this thing in daxter (The Game) before u do the funny little dream sequence minigames where he spins and curls up into a ball before falling asleep and i love that. Anyway. My point is. forbidden timeline where he daxter Does go back to being human and he just keeps that up. like he has no reason to do it but he still does it. I HAD TO GO GET A GIF OF IT BC I FEEL LIKE IM HORRIBLE AT EXPLAINING.
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General Opinion over said character:
daxterhe makes me feel absolutely normal i promise. he may be the comedy relief but hes my absolute beloved. no one gets him like i and only a handful few do
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thechaoticplayer · 1 month
Questions for you, because you're smart;
What is your opinion on the role of Communism in modern society?
How do you balance personal ambition with the needs and expectations of ypur family and community?
How do you reconcile the pursuit of beauty with the current societal and cultural that often perpetuate harmful physical standards?
Well, as I grew up in the US, I've been basically taught that Communism was bad due to yk, the USSR. Even though the USSR was on the allies side, we clearly didnt share almost all the same views (an enemy of my enemy is my friend type shit) and then blam the USSR collapsed. I dont think it's a major problem in society now, as democracy kinda took over nationwide. I dont see much Communists (I'm in america duh- however the us doesnt mind what you think as long as you arent problematic with it) so I dont really have a strong opinion about it
ARGHHH THIS ONE. To be totally fair, my ambitions aren't really solid, I guess you can say? I just do what my parents want 😭😭 I want to live life without stressing over things that wont even matter in the future, like tf I'm never going to find the angle of a triangle when I'm 70 something years old king 😭🙏 and of course, my parents push me bc they want the best life for me as possible, but I kinda disagree with them at times because I'm comfortable where I'm at at this point. So I guess I focus on one thing at a time- let's for example i have a history test tmrw and a math test tuesday. My parents are expectant of me to get at least a passing grade on my math test bc I'm not really good at math (eugh trig...), however if I remain focusing on the math test there isnt a guarantee I'll get a good grade for history tmrw. So I'm taking one step at a time, prioritize which task is of the utmost importance and all that. As for my community, I dont really interact with them much, I prefer to stay locked up in my house instead- so I suppose just put what needs to come first first and not stress about everything so much, it'll all come together soon
BROTHER THIS ACTUALLY IS SO TRUE. Well first up I try not to care about how society tries to portray as "ideal beauty" because the idea of beauty is fluid, no? A person can think this is beautiful, and another could think that is beautiful. It really depends on the person, but theres always a dominating trait that is "desired", for example, a lot of guys I know want a girl with a big dump truck. I obviously do not have this and I could care less about having it. I'm also very fucking scrawny, and most people I know always are like, "why are you so skinny, do you not eat?" Like dude I have fast metabolism what can I say- personally, I kinda dont care and do care what society thinks as "ideal". I think having that half and half feeling for that is good because you dont want to destroy yourself just because sOcIeTy said so. As long as you're happy and confident with who you are, how you look, etc, people will find that alone beautiful and admirable. Just own your shit royalty 👑 also I lie to myself 🙏 JS PLAYING LMAO
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First I want to state that I just want to give my very calm take on this whole Yelena aroace discourse, I’m not trying to attack or erase anyone’s identity:
Here’s the thing, that panel that ppl keep saying is proof that she’s ace? It’s not about that, they’re taking it out of context, the whole page gives it a completely different meaning. It’s more about how Yelena doesn’t think she’s a person, kinda how Natasha says she has no place in the world during the Wanda induced flashbacks in Age of Ultron. Just because there’s some who want to interpret it as her saying she’s asexual doesn’t mean that’s what she’s saying or that it’s canon, that’s not how that works.
And the writer has said in a very recent (as in earlier this month) blog post that, when Yelena (the one that was born, not the clone) was first created, the terms asexual, aromantic or aroace did not exist, and even if they did, Yelena wouldn’t have known about them because Russia is very conservative and if she had hinted at being ANYTHING other than cishet she would have most likely been jailed or persecuted bc that’s a reality for LGBTQ+ Russians even to this day, and Yelena would have been living in Russia back in the 70s-90s.
She also said that when people ask about her sexuality, she can imagine her being ace making sense and would hope that was the case but she has no say in the matter because she doesn’t own the character and her opinions aren’t more right than that of the fans. She literally said she gives us her blessing to interpret Yelena however we want and to be kind to one another. She said that at this point her own opinions are pretty much headcanons as well. She also said that if Yelena was to date anyone it would make sense for it to be a woman.
Finally, she also said not to expect a big corporation like Marvel/Disney to give you the representation you deserve because more often than not, they won’t do a good job at it and probably won’t even attempt to unless it benefits them, which is true.
Here’s a thread that goes into further detail about other things about Yelena that pretty much let you know she’s never truly been aroace in the comics:
https: //clarabelacqua(.)tumblr(.)com/post/671418171845115904/yelena-is-aroace-why-is-it-so-hard-for-you-to
I’m not trying to be mean or erase anyone’s identity. I’m a lesbian, I’ve had such a hard time finding representation where we don’t die or we aren’t cheaters or we get a genuinely good ending, I know that’s still more than aroace people have gotten. I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade bc I know what it’s like to headcanon a character in a certain way and have others give you shit for it.
I do however want to say that the hate and harassment that can be found under posts that talk about Kate and Yelena is disgusting. You can’t tell someone not to ship fictional characters or to do it in x or y way. You can’t call someone aphobic just because they don’t agree with you, a lot of the ops responding agree that Yelena should be ace in the mcu and they hope you all get that representation. But in all the comment sections I’ve seen it’s like talking to a wall. I get the anger, but that’s simply not going to make anyone listen to y’all, unfortunately it’s gonna give you a rep. I’ve said this before, people don’t think you’re annoying for wanting representation, we all do. People think it’s annoying to be called a bigot or an aphobe for minding their business online. They will respond and be petty and it’s not pretty. They aren’t fighting you on Yelena being aroace, a lot of the time it’s an aroace person under their post on the shipping tag being genuinely mean and unnecessarily rude. Maybe it would be better if those who don’t like something simply block the tag and avoid those posts, because seriously, they’re clearly not for you, so maybe don’t interact with those…
I genuinely hope this doesn’t go on for much longer because Yelena is such a good character that deserves all the love she gets, and ultimately, people will headcanon her as they please. It would be so good to simply enjoy that in peace.
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xbabybajix · 2 years
Getting Proposed by the Tokyo Rev Boys❣️
a/n: I was listening to sappy love songs while writing this so I hope this makes some of your hearts swell as it did mine 💕 If you enjoyed this feel free to lmk and I would love to write for more of the boys! :3 also not proofread so pls excuse the errors pt. 2 of this drabble is also done!
Draken 💙
-I feel like Draken would be very traditional with courting you, proposing etc.
-would definitely ask for your guardian’s permission for your hand in marriage (when you aren’t around) & when they see how smitten he is with you, they can’t help but tease him about it
-“you’ve got it real bad for y/n huh” & poor ken is just a blushing mess and is like “… yes I can’t help it” jeksjwksk
-ofc your guardian lets him marry you and Draken walks out with a smile so bright and wide
-his plan: take you out to a spot that you’ve never been to but he has because there are details of said place that reminds him of you
-like a small park where there’s a small gazebo and garden that has the prettiest of flowers or a restaurant that happens to have a lot of ypur favorite food
-once the moment of proposing happens, draken is just looking at you with so much love and adoration that he loses his train of thought for a second
-you pull him back into reality by planting a sweet but chaste kiss on his nose and suddenly he becomes very nervous as he remembers why he brought you here
-he sees how beautiful you look with all the flowers and vines surrounding your figure and he takes a deep breath and goes down on one knee
-when u say YES there’s a moment where you jump right into his arms causing yall to stumble and just laugh at each other while sharing small kisses in between <33
-the moment he considers proposing is the moment he’s starts to plan it altogether (place, time, date, outfits, etc)
-he is a hopeless romantic so he’s going to go all out and really listen to you talk about certain things you want to do or wish you could
-he might ask for the other’s opinions on it like emma or hina bc they would know how to make it romantic but not cheesy or cringe
-when that date gets closer, he starts to act even nicer than he already is and you get suspicious & ask if he’s ok
-your suspicions get the best of you and it’s when you spot him at the mall while at “work” when you lowkey spy on him to see what he’s up to & see him walk into a men’s boutique for suits
-you had the suspicion that maybe he wants to treat you out somewhere nice but you didn’t consider he’d propose since the topic never got brought up BUT DEEP DOWN INSIDE YOU WANNA MARRY HIM SO BAD YOU JUST DIDN’T WANT TO SCARE HIM OFF BY MENTIONING IT
-ok so his mom knew abt his plan and she’s also helping him out on the day he’s going to ask you to be his forever
-chifuyu also had already asked ur parents for ur hand in marriage and they said yes w/o hesitation bc of how perfect he literally is and they are excited for you
-the plan: take you to an amusement park during the day, go home and get dolled up to eat some yummy food at a fancy restaurant/club & go dancing, once the sun begins to set, he takes you on his motorcycle to the beach but he actually asks if he could blindfold you bc he wants to surprise you
-when you get to the beach, it’s actually been set in a reserved area where the water glows at night when the moonlight hits it, the gang helped set up a small spot where there are rose petal trails and there’s a small table with wine glasses and chairs but also some blankets (like this)
-Chifuyu takes your hand and asks if you could remove your shoes, heels, etc. bc he doesn’t want you to get any hint as to where you guys are and so HE CARRIES YOU BRIDAL STYLE towards the beach
-when he removes the blindfold you’re already on the verge of tears ans give him the biggest smooch and hug
-it would be during the summer so the water at the beach is warm enough for yall to swim in it and that’s how it goes! Both of you are soaked in your fancy clothes but it’s literally the last thing on your minds <33
-it’s when a huge tide washes over you two where chifuyu realizes what he’s done all this for and when he feels your body on his, he stares deeply into your eyes and rubs your cheek with his soft hands and just mutters out “marry me”
-you ask him to repeat what he just said so you know you’re not dreaming, and when he shows you the ring, you crush his body with a hug and smother him in kisses and he is left looking like a dumbstruck idiot with lipstick all over his face but he couldn’t be happier as you two enjoy your time at the beach with that new ring adorned on your left hand <3
-this guy is not one to pull romantic moves on you, but since this is a proposal he’ll do it bc it’s something he considers important
-his plan is more spontaneous than planned, which is okay because he likes the flow of things when there’s no order
-hanma would tell you things like “you’d make such a cute spouse ya know that?” When he sees you’ve cooked him his favorite dish or when you’re helping him avoid tax evasion <33
-you didn’t take those comments serious bc hanma didn’t strike you as someone who even liked the idea of commitment through marriage
-you thought your current relationship with him was great, you’d might even say perfect if it wasn’t for the way your parents nag abt how he isn’t a good man for you
-hanma proves them wrong time and time again because he protects you and makes sure that you’re the first one to be taken care of before himself
-hanma doesn’t hesitate to crush skulls if someone so much as badmouths you or even looks at you weird, vice versa
-when hanma proposes to you, he doesn’t have a ring, all he has to offer you is himself when he’s at his most vulnerable, which is when you’re both in bed, waking up to the rising sun in the early morning
-he’s the first to wake up and nothing makes him more happy than seeing that serence face of yours as the sun starts to hit your face, causing you to scrunch up your nose slightly
-you smile softly at hanma and he can’t help but brush the stray hairs off your face and it’s in that moment where he whispers to you “let’s get married”
-“married huh? You sure you aren’t asleep still shuji?”
-he scoffs slightly and pulls you against his chest, grabbing onto both of your cheeks with one of his hands and makes you face him again “I’m more awake than I’ve ever been”
-you take a deep breathe out and begin tracing circle on his chest, considering his proposal “… married huh? Doesn’t sound too bad to me, I think I can handle having you around till my dying breath, what about you?”
-“I’m the one that asked right? Well if you’re up to it let’s get you that ring after some breakfast ♡”
-I feel like Rindou would be the type to have the thought of proposing in his mind but is also quite hesitant with the idea of it, not because he isn’t up for it but because he thinks you’re just too good for him
-marry someone like Rindou? Nah you could definitely do better than him surely
-what draws him back to those thoughts of marriage are when you comfort him during his stressful days and he thinks he couldn’t be more selfish as to wanting you by his side forever
-consults with Ran about the idea and he thinks it would be a good step for his little brother to find happiness
-Ran makes it a bit awkward for you because of how he teases both of you hitting it off so well for years
-“you know y/n it’s been a while since you and Rin have been together why don’t you guys just tie the knot already and bring some small haitaini’s around? A guy like me gets bored around here!”
-“if that’s the case why don’t you go and get laid Ran??”
-“aw cmon don’t be rude to your future brother in law now ♡” little did u know Rindou was in the back, fists clenched ready to beat Ran’s ass bc he knew abt his plan to propose
-Rindou’s plan was much more simple in his mind but the execution was actually more time consuming, but he didn’t care one bit as he was planning to pour his blood sweat and tears over this project if it meant you’d be happy
-if there’s a favorite book you have, he’ll take note with the things you mention about it like how the setting of the story is something that you’d love to visit if you could in that world
-Rindou remembers that detail and basically recreates that setting with the knowledge you’d given him and also the time he makes aside of gang business to read into that book you love so much
-once he gets a good grasp of what it is that’s when the plan is in motion
-he’s got enough money to rent out a rooftop and hire architects and designers to create that place, the entire plan actually takes a few months of planning before you actually get to see it, bc of this Rindou tends to come home later, more exhausted than usual because of all the changes and orders he has to make with the workers
-every time he comes home, he notices you look more worried about his health and he just can’t help but want to just tel you what he’s planning so that you don’t need to worry but again his selfishness gets the best of him and so he remains quiet until the day it’s ready
-“rin are you sure you’re okay? You look like you got hit by a bus or something”
-he chuckles slightly and pulls you towards his chest, you feel his hand patting your head softly and he just lets out a long sigh
-“if you only knew my love” 😭😭😭
-doesn’t ask anyone for ur hand in marriage bc Rindou doesn’t care about other’s opinions and only wants your answer when he asks
-the day of the proposal, Rindou is distant but also a bit shy during breakfast and he keeps avoiding your direction, since he’s not really good at romantic gestures you’re just gonna have to be patient with him but he’s trying!!
-once he’s overcome his shyness he asks “so uhm I wanna go on a date with you today, or if you’d let me, I’d like to spend the entire day in your company”
-“Rin why are you being so formal rn?? Of course we can go out, we’ve literally been dating for years now”
-most of your date consists of him taking you sight seeing and exploring the beauty of nature- Rindou loves being in quiet and serene places with you by his side
-after that, that’s when he feels more nervous and holds his hand out to you when he opens your car door
-you’re quite suspicious about his plan as you arrive with what looks like a private mansion, you notice there’s nothing really special abt it until he begins to lead you towards the rooftop
-he covers your eyes before he tells you to open the door and once it’s open you’re left speechless
-you immediately recognize what it’s supposed to be and tears begin to stream down your face as you look at rindou who’s got a closed eye smile
-“I take it you like it?” He asks and you just cry even harder and run into his chest and mumble praises like “i love it” “it’s so perfect” or “you’re amazing rindou”
-when u finish crying you look up and notice behind rindou there’s a sign that says “will you marry me?” Surrounded by candles & Rindou pulls out the ring
-“I’m sorry that I’ve been coming home late, it’s selfish of me to want to keep you in the dark for something like this but I can’t help but fee that it was all worth it because here I am, standing in front of the most beautiful and radiant human being who never fails to bring light into my life, so how about it? Wanna spend the rest of our lives together? I promise you won’t regret it”
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marzipanandminutiae · 3 years
I have to say, as like, a matter of personal taste, I am so much more upset by forcing historical settings in line with modern beauty standards, than I am with any other kind of historical inaccuracy. Not everything has to be about giving modern men boners!!! ENOUGH!!!! ENOUGH!!!!! JUST PUT YPUR HAIR UP AND WEAR THAT GHASTLY MAKEUP!!! IM BEGGING YOU TO MAKE YOUR HAIRLINE WEIRD!! COWARDS, ALL OF YOU!!!!
also lack of chemises. Stop chafing ur actresses jfc
There will never, in my opinion, be a less innovative orcreative Take on historical fashion than “we made it what modern people (especially men) find sexy and/or what will sell more overpriced formal-wear.”
N e v e r.
I want a version of Shakespeare in Love where Viola looks like the ~weird unimportant background ladies~ with faux-plucked hairlines and ruffs right under their chins. I want an 18th-century movie where all the ladies are genuinely swooning over some guy in a powdered wig and the shiniest, brocade-iest pastel waistcoat ever, and the narrative doesn’t make fun of him in the slightest.
I want 1840s over-ear hair loops and early 1900s pouter-pigeon bodice shapes damnit.
Appealing to modern sensibilities is OUT. Going balls-to-the-wall with both the most timeless and the weirdest Looks of yesteryear that your audience might be educated and artistically inspired is IN.
Exaggerate the differences or slap glitter on it or both. Or get it out of my face.
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luceirosdegolados · 3 years
Re: Wrex's silver fox status: It's a little unclear. Krogan can live for a ridiculously long time - at least two veterans (as in, definitely participated as full adults) of the Krogan Rebellion, which ended in the mid 8th-century CE, are alive in the 2180s, making them at least ~1,500 years old. Wrex, by comparison, does mention being over 800 or so, but was also indeterminately "young" *after* the Rebellion ended. So we can maybe place him at ~1,000.
In terms of his relative age in krogan society, non-krogan squadmates joke about him being an old man, but even older krogan don't seem to actually be slowed down or impaired by old age alone. Given that the only krogan we see who's explicitly stated to be at the end of his life (which means another century or two) is only in poor health because half of his organs and limbs are gone/replaced by subpar prosthetics, it's possible that krogan just...don't get old. There's also the fact that almost everyone else Wrex's age has died already violently, sokrogan ladies might not even have a concept of "old man".
This is a good point and very interesting information. Helps narrow down the years for, as you put it, the silver fox perfect comparison.
Now, my hypothesis is that Wrex was and still is by most krogan standarns unbearably hot. He just radiates divine beauty and/or raw sexual energy. That bright red plate, the big scars (which canonically are considered by krogan really hot)
But at what stage? Is he past his Brad Pitt years, leaning more into a Harrison Ford stage of life? Or are we looking at a 1980 Robert Redford? Or is he even younger, givinf us Idris Elba? I might be imaginong it but I am pretty sure that at least one other krogan refers to Wrex as "old Wrex" or "the old man" in a way that, even though he might look and be in perfect health, most krogan would use to define someone who's been around for a while. Old in years if not in wrinkles.
Is he a Jeff Bridges sort of guy? Personally i find Bridges has a sort of charming appeal but that is not the case for everyone and I maintain that my point is that Wrex is hot for krogan like Gimli is hot for dwarves. Insane levels. If Wrex is +800 what would that put him at? 50s 60s?
Silver fox? Or a little under that?. I'd love to hear ypur opinions in comparison matters.
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Unpopular opinion.
Dabi is shit
This motherfucker sucks. He's awful. No, it's not cause he's a villain. Sure, i stan Toga, BUT! Dabi puts me iff so much like... Your going to further traumatize your traumatized brother, who has easily gone through just as much, if mot WORSE shit than you have because.. What? Your mad at dad so your gonna try to kill ypur brother??? Is it secretly jealousy??? What the hell bro???
Anyways, if you stan him that's cool, i don't loathe the guy he just puts me off. You do you tho, I'm not saying its bad to like him. Like i said- I like Toga so- 🤷
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Oh, I'm from America and I get so sick and tired of shows shoving that political crap in our faces. Mostly because they are SUPER biased and it is just frustrating all around and it just makes people who don't agree with some of the things they believe look like complete bad guys. I have friends who are from both political sides and they are still wonderful people that just have differing opinion on things. It is shows like this that drive people even farther apart which we don't need.
I mean, putting this type of things (modern issues, feminism, problem with immigrants, gun control etc) is ok and I think comic books and superheroes were facing these things since beginning (correct me if I’m wrong, but the whole punching the nazi, fight against communism etc, existed in teh comics and popculture).  
But the problem is - how the show deal with it and Supergirl sucks in this case. A good story should make you think about the issue and help to make your own conclusion. Supergirl throws it into ypur face. Also I got impression they sail with the most popualr trends and if you think differently you are an outcast. It’s not like there are many answers, SG shows you ONE, ONLY TRUE. Think like us or fuck you. What, sorry not sorry, reminds me of communism in my country. Yay.
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Working for Jin was laid back most of the time until a new business deal would pop up at least once a month then for a full week everyone would run around hoping to finish paperwork by the end of the day or they'd have Jin at their throats. It stopped being laid back when you and Jin finally got together. You two wanted to keep it on the low to one keep your personal loves personal and two not have crazy rumors flying around. The second one was hard to stop considering Jin was constantly putting you both at risk for exposure. You two both ended up getting caught when Jin accidently kissed you when getting off the elevator and had the whole office looking at you two with either knowing smirks or astonished stares.
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Working for Yoongi was somewhat a pain in the ass. He was a major workaholic and likes things extremly precise, who wouldn't when you're running a multimillion dollar company. What really made it a pain in the ass was him always being sidetracked and trying to flirt with you. Yes you two had been married for some years, but flirting at work got nothing done and made everyone feel uncomfortable. You constantly had to remind him that you two were at work and must keep it professional which would make him scoff but get back to work.
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Namjoon needed all the help you could give him. He constantly forgot where he would place things and in search for them would end up breaking everything. If you didn't tell him to stop looking and let you do it his whole office would be destroyed. You were his right hand and always made sure he had what he needed at the right times. It was the main reason he had asked you out and bad been dating for years. You always had his back and made sure he was taken care of and it was because of that he admired you and knew he wanted you by his side always.
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Like Jin, working for Hoseok was very laid back. He only needed your help when he had run out of ideas or wanted am extra opinion on a certain topic. Hoseok didn't like to have you run around doing small things that he could do himself. When he did things like that you always questioned why he hired you if he wasn't going to make you do things most assistants did. His excuse would be that he didn't like sitting down all day and taking paperwork to other departments got him on his feet. You'd simply roll your eyes and mumble about him basically paying you to do nothing. He'd smile at your comment because only he knew the reason he ran errands was so he could see you and tease you when you complained about barely working.
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Jimin was a huge flirt and was always at your desk. You had to constantly remind him to get back to work and to stop flirting with you. He would give you a wink and head back to his office where he'd work until he got bored and ended up back at your desk. One day you made the mistake of joking around about putting ypur desk in his office so he would actually get work done. The next day your desk was moved from it's original spot to inside of Jimin s office. This sparked crazy rumors at the company about you two dating which led more jokes from Jimin and you eventually giving in and going on a date with him.
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Like Jimin, Taehyung couldn't work for too long without getting side tracked and ending up sitting next to you at your desk. You'd have to remind him multiple times that he was the CEO to which he would then make the excuse that yes he was but that means he can do what he wants. You'd roll your eyes at his childish nature and shoo him back into his office. He'd eventually come back out and ask for you to keep him entertained because work was boring and slow. You had become used to his behavior and knew if you put up a fight you would eventually lose. One day while you were ushering him back into his office he'd accidently let out that he l had a crush on you and that's why he bothered you so much. Astonished you'd stutter back that you too thought he was cute.
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Surprisingly Jungkook took his job serious and didn't like being last in numbers. He admired that you were able to keep up with his busy schedule without missing a beat. You'd thought be was semi cold when you had first started working with him but soon you came to realize that it was just his work ethic. You both seemed to admire each other but knew office romance always ended badly. One day Jungkook had finally given up on following his own stupid rule and had rushed into the office to admit all his feelings. What he hadn't planned was also telling almost half the office who had been getting off the elevator ready to start work. Embarrassed he'd race into his office hoping to avoid any questions.
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- I hope you guys like this one. Please let me know if you did or didn't so next time I can change and make it better!
- The next post will either be some time later this week (Thur or Fri) or it'll be on the weekend.
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simlovinggirl · 7 years
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Ahhh thank you for all the love and helpful replies recently.  I have so many things I want to do with my game and post.  Guys, how do you pick which projects to do?!  Lol :D I’ll figure it out.  My hardest thing is being patient.  But seriously thank you again for all the love and support, you are all amazing <3
@nerdiesimmer @amespixels @simsismybae @melien @alfalfalegacy @slynnski @4merican-beauty @simlishprincess @novellam-under-the-stars @stephaniesim @jodisims @simmingprincess-berrylife
nerdiesimmer replied to your photoset“It’s birthday time!! <3”
he's growing up so fast ;_;
I know!  All their kids grew up really fast :(  But they are all so adorable.  I really have to start doing more stories and finding spouses for them. That is one thing I haven’t been doing sadly.
Replies to your post“Kinda Wanna do a Bachelor Challenge...maybe?”
amespixels replied:   I'm doing my first one, and it is more work than I've done before, with picture taking, queuing, keeping track of things. But as long as I pace myself, and don't worry about making myself rush through it so I have posts everyday, I still have fun playing. Also it does suck having to eliminate people. But if someone signs up for it, they need to accept that, I suppose.
simsismybae replied: I would recommend planning more than you think you should. With my mmbc, I planned too little and I've been getting tired of it bc I wasn't ready for the challenge of running one.
nerdiesimmer replied:  it's definitely a shit-ton of work but it's also a lot of fun. like simsismybae said, you should really plan beforehand so that you don't sit there and think "what challenge shall i do next?" and in my opinion the most tedious and annoying part is editing all that stuff and writing the dialogue because it's the same stuff seven times in a row
melien replied:  I agree with the people above, you certainly need to plan everything! I'm running a special kind of BC which requires a lot of planning though, and not knowing what to do next usually kills my motivation so I don't open the save for months. However with my next similar projects in the future I hopefully won't repeat these mistakes and make it more fun.
alfalfalegacy replied:   Lots of planning! As someone who's done numerous BC's I can't stress this enough. Also make sure your computer can handle several sims on one lot. I'd definately do a small one imo (like 6-7 contestants) anymore can really stress ypur game and make it crash.
Thank you so much for the guidance and suggestions.  If any of you have some time, I’d love to pick your brain on how you accomplished some things because I epically failed at my trial run lmao.
slynnski replied to your photoset“Sage Chantily: Perceptive | Loves the Cold | Shy”
What a handsome little man!
Isn’t he <3 I love all their kids.  They are all so unique in their own little way :) <3
4merican-beauty replied to your post“I just scrolled all the way back to the beginning of Sky and Mist's...”
I scrolled through the whole thing whenever my own sims game was loading 😂😁 I'm glad to have made your night!! Just keep making fun storylines!! 😊
Awww you’re such a sweetie!  Thank you, lovely :D
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset“Goodnight from Jade and Hunter <3”
They have lovely colouring!
I looooove their colorings so much.  They are absolutely unique and adorable <3
simlishprincess replied to your post“Help Please :)”
i tried googling for this top and didn't find anything :(
Aww, thank you so much for doing that!  I googled too and came up with nothing as well.  I was hoping someone had it in their own game and could tell me where it came from.  But thank you for trying to find it!  I really appreciate it <3
novellam-under-the-stars replied to your photoset“Also upstairs is Sage’s own big boy room :)”
So grown up!!
I loved his room so much :D  He ends up sharing it with his brother, but I had such a blast decorating it for him :D
 Replies to your post“Me tonight...”
stephaniesim replied:  OMG THIS IS SO ME IT HURTS 😂 My mods folder is a little over 5 GB and my hairs folder is almost 3 GB yet it never seems like I have enough and anytime I see a cute hair I want it 😂
novellam-under-the-stars replied:  oh my gosh meeee too
nerdiesimmer replied:  same! I wanted to sort out my cc in the last few days and what did I do? downloaded 1GB more cc to put in my game 😂😂
You guys had me laughing so hard with your replies :D  I’m glad i’m not alone in this!  I have such a serious cc hair addiction xD  My hairs make up more than half of my cc lol
jodisims replied to your photoset“Another awesome house update!  Look a bed AND fridge!!! :D  But not...”
Its so cute!
Thank you!  I love making small houses in the sims :D  Dove’s house doesn’t stay this small for very long, but I loved it when it was this size :D
simmingprincess-berrylife replied to your photo“???: “Remind me again why I have to pose for a photoshoot?” Agent: “It...”
I can't wait!!!!
Eee, I’m glad your excited!  I’m going to be doing a few more teaser posts before I do the official announcement post for this, but I hope you guys like it!
slynnski replied to your photoset“Seriously wish i could live where Dove lives.  That ocean view is...”
I would definitely live here too!
It’s seriously so much fun to play in Roaring Heights with Dove.  The views, the city, her cuteness, so irresistible lol :D <3
Replies to your photoset“Say hello to Willow and Bonsai :) Willow Chantily: Clumsy | Virtuoso...”
stephaniesim replied:  Dang those blue eyes are persistent
melien replied:  Awww new babies!
amespixels replied:  Cuties!!!
Thanks guys! And yes @stephaniesim those eyes are so persistent! Honestly, I’m not a huge fan of them since their so bright, but the girls are still adorable with them :)
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enchantress-bitcch · 4 years
Honestly I don't hate you. You're a human.
But practice what you preach, live up to your expectations of others.
What's sad is you had to go out of ur way and plan ways to sabatoge me to make you yourself look like you had a reason for what you've done to me.
I never robbed you, I never gave u some fucking disease, I never was with you for dope. U had to have ur homies take from you while I was to dumb and nieve to realize it was a scheme to make me look like a thief. You drugged me time and time again and let people do awful things to me to make it seem like I was some nasty bitch and so you could gain cred and feel like a pimp. You put drugs in my face after I begged to many times for us to quit, and only left to get sober for a better us. You did all of this and now look. You're fueled up on this power Trip you think you have, you turned into what you hated because it made you cool and gain a bunch of people in your life and give you some status. You turned into a fucking phony who doesn't even have his own thoughts and opinions. You blend in with whoever you're around. One minute you're screaming fuck niggers and the you turn around and got one as ur big homie lmfao. You're wack, you move funny. You do things to get others approval, you do what everyone else does to be accepted, you talk shit about one person then are best friends and letting them walk all over you the next. And it's not just one person. Theres so many people you do this with. You hated easy females, you hated when they wouldn't have enough clothes on, you hated when they would give another man attention. Now look you are everything you hated. You dedicate your time to being exactly what hurt you, you dedicate your time to becoming everything you stood against and swore you'd never be. It's so pathetic how you became so basic and lost your authenticity. You turned into a lying, stealing, cheating, controlling, manipulative, degrading, selfish fuck ass person. You lost your heart, your sole, your vision, your morals, your goals, your train of thought. You lost yourself !! Youre not going to be able to live down what you did. One day it'll hit you like a tone of bricks. When its no longer fun and games, when you get to caught up, when you're alone with your thought. You'll think of just how terrible you did me and you'll regret it and it's already been to late to fix it. You'll wish you weren't so ignorant and you'll realize I really did love you and you'll realize you went above and beyond and dedicated so much time and energy into completely destroying a woman who loved you more than anything in this world. You'll think about the ways you hurt me and you'll be in disbelief with yourself. You won't be able to fix it, you won't be able to take it back. You'll come to ur senses but not until it's your last option. When and if u ever get yourself back you'll fucking wish and pray it was all different. But it won't be you'll live with it for the rest of ypur life. Enjoy being a guy who sabatoged, drugged, sold, and try to kill the woman who loved you. The woman who begged for you. The woman you made go mentally insane just for a laugh, the woman you physically destroyed because it made u a little more noticed by people, the woman you ruined imsode
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14 Tips On How To Make A Good Impression At Interview
How to make a good impression
Generally, you should:
Be well-mannered with any staff that you meet before the interview, secretaries and PA's are often held in close confidence of their bosses. They are often asked their opinions, it's important to keep in high regard with them.....
Give a confident handshake to your interviewer(s) before and after, try and get a feel for the persons hand, not everybody shakes hands like Schwarzenegger. Not too hard and not too soft, just like a boiled egg, is the way I like to gauge it.
Answer questions clearly and concisely, do not babble and don't necessarily say the first things that come into your head
Be as enthusiastic as possible, but not too enthusiastic. It is easy to get carried away and talk about stuff that isn't relevant. Paul will tell you I am the worst at this!!
Avoid talking about any personal problems, although the interviewer may show empathy, it sadly isn't relevant to the current situation.
Display positive body language, speaking clearly, smiling frequently and retaining eye contact.
Don't badmouth any previous employers. This is a big no no, under no circumstances do this, your interviewers may already know that you don't work for a great employer, however they will also be thinking, if this guy bad mouths his current employers, what might he say about us......It never comes across as very professional.
Highlight your best attributes, experiences and achievements, based around the skills that you've identified as important to the organisation, and evidencing them with practical examples.
Inform your interviewer(s) that you're available to answer any follow-up questions;
Let your personality shine, this is what the interviewer wants to see, that want to see you.....answering the questions confidently is 50% of it, the other 50% is you and how you act.
Relax and sit naturally, but without slouching in your chair or leaning on the desk. Sit up straight, just like ypur mum told you too.
Ask relevant, thought-provoking questions at appropriate moments, as this can show that you're genuinely interested in the role and really listening to the interviewer;
Show your hands, as this is a sign of honesty;
Wear smart attire appropriate to the surroundings. Basically this means if you are going to a social media start up, they would probably not be wearing a smart business suit and vice versa if you are going to a graduate job at a bank, they probably wont be wearing hoodies and a snap back......Do your homework..........
Read More Here: 14 Tips On How To Make A Good Impression At Interview
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14 Tips On How To Make A Good Impression At Interview
How to make a good impression
Generally, you should:
Be well-mannered with any staff that you meet before the interview, secretaries and PA's are often held in close confidence of their bosses. They are often asked their opinions, it's important to keep in high regard with them.....
Give a confident handshake to your interviewer(s) before and after, try and get a feel for the persons hand, not everybody shakes hands like Schwarzenegger. Not too hard and not too soft, just like a boiled egg, is the way I like to gauge it.
Answer questions clearly and concisely, do not babble and don't necessarily say the first things that come into your head
Be as enthusiastic as possible, but not too enthusiastic. It is easy to get carried away and talk about stuff that isn't relevant. Paul will tell you I am the worst at this!!
Avoid talking about any personal problems, although the interviewer may show empathy, it sadly isn't relevant to the current situation.
Display positive body language, speaking clearly, smiling frequently and retaining eye contact.
Don't badmouth any previous employers. This is a big no no, under no circumstances do this, your interviewers may already know that you don't work for a great employer, however they will also be thinking, if this guy bad mouths his current employers, what might he say about us......It never comes across as very professional.
Highlight your best attributes, experiences and achievements, based around the skills that you've identified as important to the organisation, and evidencing them with practical examples.
Inform your interviewer(s) that you're available to answer any follow-up questions;
Let your personality shine, this is what the interviewer wants to see, that want to see you.....answering the questions confidently is 50% of it, the other 50% is you and how you act.
Relax and sit naturally, but without slouching in your chair or leaning on the desk. Sit up straight, just like ypur mum told you too.
Ask relevant, thought-provoking questions at appropriate moments, as this can show that you're genuinely interested in the role and really listening to the interviewer;
Show your hands, as this is a sign of honesty;
Wear smart attire appropriate to the surroundings. Basically this means if you are going to a social media start up, they would probably not be wearing a smart business suit and vice versa if you are going to a graduate job at a bank, they probably wont be wearing hoodies and a snap back......Do your homework..........
Learn More Here: 14 Tips On How To Make A Good Impression At Interview
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