#what can be mistaken for scabies
saintmeghanmarkle · 5 days
Shhhh! Strategic genius at work by u/umbleUriahHeep
⚠️ Shhhh! Strategic genius at work ⚠️ In reply to a post earlier that Sparey is “surprised” that his father KCIII has not forgiven him yet, I have thoughts. (Will link OP in replies.)Not for sure who the strategic genius is who thought tossing a nuke into the Palace on the way out the door was a good idea.** Sparey torched his relationship with each member of his immediate family—his grandparents, Charles, and William, and for good measure his stepmother and his SIL. He destroyed his relationship with all the royal courtiers, BP staff, KP staff, and everyone at Clarence House. And the Princess Royal. He has no allies within the family or palace to plead his case.Not sure what kind of pull he thought either Beatrice or Eugenia would have given that they’re, you know, cousins and nieces, and non-working royals and so are rather removed from the scene. And they also have unfortunate lineage of pariahs Andrew and Sarah.If he was counting on either cousin to have leverage, he and his strategic genius are mistaken. A competently strategic mind would have preserved the relationship with Charles or with Catherine as a powerful ally and voice for reconciliation but nooooo, the obviously whip-smart strategic genius torched both of those relationships with Scabies book. The “revelations” in that trash book were mean, vengeful, petty, and false, but also a very shortsighted blunder if he ever wanted to return. I think someone needs to lose their “seat at the table.” Sparey has no foot in the door anywhere around the palace, no one’s ear, no one to plead his case. What an idiot. Speaking of his foot, I’m glad that he shot himself in the foot, as I truly believe the UK and the BRF (as both “The Firm” and a family unit) are better off without him, whether or not his brilliant advisor/Svengali Rachel Meghan Markle stays in the picture.I feel for Charles as a father but the overseas son is a danger to the monarchy, to the Waleses, and to the mental health of all key personnel.Delusional Sparey can keep wondering why he hasn’t gotten an apology yet, as time and events pass him by.**we all know who the strategic idiot is post link: https://ift.tt/UgmtHfa author: umbleUriahHeep submitted: September 21, 2024 at 01:38AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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newsoholic24x7 · 2 years
Scabies Treatment, Causes, and Symptoms
Scabies Treatment, Causes, and Symptoms
If you’re like most people, you probably think of scabies as a minor skin infection. But what you may not know is that it can be a serious, even life-threatening, disease. Left untreated, it can cause a variety of health problems, including skin rashes, intense itching, and even death. So if you think you might have it, please see a doctor right away. What Is Scabies? Scabies is a skin condition…
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lexpressobean · 3 years
Thoughts on Kikaichu as actual Parasites.
Knowing how skin and the body generally works on a medical level, the "hive" aspect of the Aburame clan really drives me crazy. 'Cause parasites are real, obviously, but the size of Kikaichu beetles makes absolutely no sense in comparison to irl skin parasites. At least not in a bee hive sort of way lol
rambling because my mind craves logic and I'm specializing as a wound care nurse but it's literally anime so what do I expect lol
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No, wounds don't freak me out, I'm more terrified of generally handling vomit and babies than I am a dehiscence of a 15cm long surgical site lol. The human body can literally take so much abuse before it really starts to give and try to alert you that you need help! And once you give it help, it really can come full circle to the wound 100% looking like it was never there. The body is an amazing thing <3
However the first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word "parasite" is always going to be "tapeworm". That's not gonna change. However, kikaichu are not worms and CERTAINLY don't grow that fucking huge or live that long. (A tape worm can live long enough to graduate with a fucking PhD. Can you believe?) I haven't been exposed to any urgent situations involving parasites yet, however, the one I would compare a Kikaichu to that is (unfortunately) also common is the scabies mite.
Very briefly, scabies mites (Sarcoptes scabiei) are technically a type of arachnid that grow no bigger than a bout 0.5mm in size, but CAN be seen with the naked eye if you're looking for them. They crawl around the skin and burrow specifically in the top layer of skin, called the epidermis. The epidermis is that protective layer of skin and can be between 0.5mm to 1.5mm thick depending on which part of the body you're looking at. After the epidermis, you have the dermal layer, which is where sweat glands, nerves, and capillaries are found. Scabie mites will not burrow that deep because they only burrow to lay their eggs and such. As they do this they can cause visible tunnels and other marks that can be mistaken for acne or other skin conditions if not properly identified. You'll most likely know because the itch is VERY BAD.
They're very easily spread by close contact and a scabies infestation needs to be treated with a prescribed pharmacological means.
However, kikaichu are definitely a lot bigger than 0.5mm. In the case of size, I would compare them at minimum to fruitflies/medflies, which grow up to 3-5mm and maximum to ladybugs 4-7mm.
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3-7mm > 0.5-1.5mm... obviously. And the holes which Kikaichu swarm out of that the audience has seen before are about a size comparable Shino's nostrils, IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!
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You're telling me those things were in his mouth?????????? S H I N O N O
That would mean, in realistic terms, the Kikaichu are fucking around in Shino's body to the bone and muscles and THAT'S A REALLY SCARY THOUGHT. Even just passing the epidermis to the dermis is alarming! Compared to the dry, protective epidermis that can and does take damage, the dermis can be 1-4mm thick depending on where you're looking and is where skin does it's business. All together that becomes 0.5-5.5mm of space BARELY big enough for a fruit fly do mess around in. It makes just enough sense in terms of THAT size, but last time I checked, having the skin penetrated to the dermal layer is just asking for infection to happen. You're first natural line of defense has been breeched, there's a pretty good chance you're gonna be bleeding (blood vessels) and general body fluids are going to be draining, which is bad for a multitude of reasons, and there's damage that gonna affect the nerves, and realistically this shit is going to be ABSOLUTELY painful if they're constantly manipulating those areas near nerves. These kinda of things CAN make new connections and things like that, sometimes damage is forever. (Case by case basis).
So my first thought to more or less "magically" solve the problem with anime logic, is that first of all, it's an anime and logic doesn't have to apply haha.
On a more sci-fi level, in which kikaichu are smaller than we've seen them shown, maybe they have been purposefully been allowed to burrow into the dermal layer of the skin at least because the blood vessels seem to be in direct contact with the chakra system. Kikaichu's prefered food is chakra, but they WILL mutiny and eat their respective Aburame from the inside out if they don't balance their chakra smartly. So it's safe to say Kikaichu are at least carnivorous as well, and so I only imagine these absolute nightmares would swarm their prey in the wild, and actively bite through and burrow into the body of the prey until they found the chakra system and went to town on that poor unfortunate soul. Eaten alive, how the hell did they "tame" them in the first friggin' place??
I like to think two things:
1) Kikaichu are passed down from parent to child, and the parent has control over the Kikaichu until they have been RIGOROUSLY trained for generations to comprehend that this baby/child isn't food, it's a new hive. If bees can comprehend time, Kikaichu can comprehend what an Aburame is. If they insist on trying to drain the babe or the babe just can't tolerate them, the parent takes the Kikaichu back and the babe is assigned another insect or position in general. Like hell they're gonna try to force a relationship like that.
2) As part of the successful symbiotic relationship, Kikaichu regularly debride the tunnels and borrows that they carve into their respective Aburame, and are naturally intuitive in avoiding as many nerves and blood vessels as possible. The chance of infection is never 0%, however, kikaichu are pretty good about taking care of their tunnels, and so it gives the Aburame more time to focus on their things, like increasing the amount if chakra in their system. To ensure that they stay healthy, Aburame are encouraged to eat as much protein and Vit C possible every day, whether it be meat, beans, lentils, eggs, oranges, tomatoes, or even supplements as times modernize. The dermis is living tissue and as long as debridement/tunneling is going on, it needs to be nourished as much as possible.
I don't know how the hell Aburame deal with the obvious drainage that would be coming from their bodies, assuming the dermal layer really is free game for the Kikaichu. But the magical solution is that... they don't? Because... drainage is minimal. The Kikaichu just do such a good job lol. Maybe they purposefully... carve entrances to be flappy, or they purposefully create pocket spaces underneath seemingly healed areas of skin to easily burst open when necessary. That's the biggest thing for me, leaking body fluids. There's no way around that shit besides straight up denial lol Maybe they wear a special kind of dressing underneath their clothes, or that's directly applied with their clothes. Maybe that's what that cute little backpack is filled with, who knows!!
Idk man. I'm sure the Aburame authority forces encourages many of their non-hive members to pursue medical nin training in order to give the clan more privacy in general too. All medics that claim the Aburame name are exclusively used by the Aburame Clan. A non-Aburame medic may end up healing tunnels and burrows that were meant to stay open because "oops" and now you have an X amount of insects possibly suffocating within a completely sealed pocket of the skin, and also now there's a very good chance that after those insects die, that whole area is gonna frickin' abscess and cause infection induced tunnels the longer it's left alone and GROSS THAT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN! THERE IS A DELICATE, ORGANIZED, SELF-SUFFICENT PROCESS TO ALL THIS!! A PROCESS!!!
Like... the other ninja in the NartVerse can make as many jokes, jabs, and comments about the Aburame as they please (INO? BITCH??? but to be honest I still love her lol). But these MFers are constantly playing Russian Roulette with these high maintenance demon spawn from hell, and there are VERY little defences against Kikaichu, virtually none. Like the only thing I've ever seen actively thwart Kikaichu across all media is killing them with mass fire, countering them with large amounts of poison gas (both very exterminator like) or literally just feeding them chakra until they're so stupid full, they can't move, the little gluttons. As far as genjutsu, it's been stated that it's both effective and ineffective, so idk about that. But the Aburame are just SO set up to be the living breathing embodiment of Shinobi as defined by the NartVerse. They're whole clan culture relies on the threat of enemies. If they have no enemies, the whole relationship is an exhausting endeavor for literally no reason. It's not worth it if there's no one to fight or protect! But when there is a threat, you want them on YOUR side.
I suppose the best bet is to incapacitate the Aburame individual asap and the Kikaichu will tend the individual, making escape easier. But, if you DID manage to kill that Aburame right away, that particular Aburame's swarm is now suddenly without its food source and without restraint.
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What do you THINK is gonna happen, bro?? The second an Aburame loses their grip on their consciousness due to external influences, the bugs go bonkers because I'm pretty sure Kikaichu are simply persuaded to be in this relationship and have NO tolerance for bullshit like alcohol and overheating temps. If their Aburame dies, they probably cause just as much chaos as they would as a wild, unattended swarm. Then YOU BETTER HAVE fire or poison gas or SOMETHING handy. The only way to calm them down is to offer them chakra and a new host with equal or even more chakra reserves. Otherwise the mutineers must be eradicated.
And for serious... Like, any deeper and the kikaichu would be in the hypodermal/subcutaneous layer of the skin and that's where a lot of connective tissue is located. Let's NOT mess with that shit, shall we? NOT a good idea. It's called connective tissue for a reason first and foremost...
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scared-aquarius · 7 years
Signs as sea monsters
Aries: Jörmungandr- The jörmungandr, which can be found in Norse mythology, is also known as World Serpent. As a baby, the monster was thrown into the ocean by Odin. By the time it had grown, it was large enough to wrap itself around the earth and grasp its own tail. Legend says that it is still holding onto its own tail and the day it releases it, various natural disasters and battles will ensue known as Ragnarök.  Ragnarök will end up destroying the world.
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Taurus: Cuchivilu- The cuchivilu is an aquatic creature from Chilota mythology. It is approximately the size of a sea lion and is half pig, half snake. This creature inhabits the bottom of the sea and occasionally will rest on the muddy, shallow shores. They can also be found in lagoons and swamps. You should always be careful when wading or bathing near a cuchivilu because if you do, soon you will be covered in grains and scabies. The grunt of a cuchivilu is also said to curse you with a short life. The creature will destroy fishing pens and eat all of the fish- the water in which this is done is then cursed and no fisherman will ever be able to catch another fish.
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Gemini: Aspidochelone- Described as a large whale or sea turtle, it is a sea monster that is so enormous it is often mistaken for an island. This is understandable because the back of the aspidochelone is covered with rocks, valleys, sand dunes, trees and other greenery. It comes to the surface from the depths of the ocean and entices sailors to land upon it. It then dives deep, pulling its victims deep under the water where they are then devoured. 
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Cancer: Umibōzu- The umibōzu is a Japanese sea spirit said to live in the ocean and destroy or capsize the ship of anyone who dares speak to it. Believed to be the angry spirits of drowned monks or priests, they take on the shape of a giant human with pitch black skin and large eyes. Sometimes instead of capsizing the ship right away, the umibōzu will ask the crew members for a barrel and then use it to fill the ship with water, eventually sinking it. The only way to avoid this fate is to trick the umibōzu by giving it a bottomless barrel. Only then will you have a chance to escape.
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Leo: Kraken- This legendary sea monster is one feared by many. It is said to dwell off the coasts of Norway and Greenland. Stories of the monster may have originated from giant squid sightings. The Kraken is depicted as a large octopus-like creature with spikes on it’s suckers. It will attack ships or eat them whole. It also is known to create very sudden and very dangerous currents.
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Virgo: Siren- Sirens are dangerous creatures that can be found in Greek mythology. Using their enchanting music and voices, they lure nearby sailors, causing their ship to crash on the coast of the siren’s island. Now trapped, the sirens kill and eat them. Sometimes, instead of being lured, the sailors are lulled to sleep with the creature’s beautiful voice. Once asleep, the sirens come aboard the ship and kill them. In early Greek art, sirens are depicted as woman-bird hybrids. Later, they were depicted to resemble beautiful and seductive women. In addition to their beautiful appearance and voice, they can also be heard playing a harp.
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Libra: Abaia- The abaia is a large and magical eel-like creature which can be found in Melanesian mythology. It is said to dwell in freshwater lakes. The abaia considers all of the creatures in the lake to be its children. Therefore, it will kill anyone who tries to harm or disturb them. Legend says that once a man fished in the lake of an abaia and caught an abundance of fish. The next day, he brought all of the townspeople to fish some more. This angered the abaia. The next day, the abaia caused a huge rainstorm which significantly raised the water level, flooding the town and drowning everyone in it with exception of one woman who did not eat any of the fish.
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Scorpio: Leviathan- The leviathan is an extremely powerful and terrifying biblical creature. During the Middle Ages, it was used as an image of Satan. The leviathan would endanger God’s creatures by attempting to eat them. It is known to be one of the Seven Princes of Hell, classified as the demon of envy. It can also breathe fire, sometimes boiling the surrounding water which completely melts the skin off of unsuspecting victims. When the leviathan consumes its prey, the victim’s life, knowledge and complexity are absorbed into the monster.
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Sagittarius: Each-uisge- This creature is a mythological Scottish water spirit and can be found near a water’s edge. It is a shapeshifter, usually disguising itself as a beautiful horse. It lures victims through it’s sheer beauty and majesty. If ever mounted, the skin of the each-uisge becomes adhesive and it dives to the deepest part of the nearest body of water with the rider helplessly stuck on its back. After the victim has drowned, it rips apart and devours the entire body except for the liver, which then floats to the surface.
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Capricorn: Charybdis- This horrifying beast is sometimes portrayed simply as a massive whirlpool. Other times, it is depicted as an actual creature that lies at the bottom of the ocean and create whirlpools by sucking in thousands of gallon of water and spewing it out. If a ship was caught in the middle of it, there would be no chance of survival as the ship and crew would be dragged down to the deepest depths of the ocean never to be seen again.
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Aquarius: Hydra- The hydra, which originated in Greek mythology, is a giant snake-like creature with nine heads, one of which is immortal. If one head was cut off, two more would emerge from the fresh wound. It’s poisonous breath and blood are so toxic that even its scent is deadly. The hydra is native to the marshes of Lerna, Greece, where it would periodically appear and eat the people and livestock. 
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Pisces: Qalupalik- The qalupalik is a monster from Inuit mythology. They can be described as human-like creatures with green skin, long hair and long blackened fingernails. They are also known to wear an amautiit (a type of pouch worn by Inuit parents to carry their children) so they can take away babies and children who disobey their parents. What they do with the children is unknown. Some say they eat them and others say they keep them as their own. Qalupaliks are also said to make a distinct humming noise when they are around. One can hear it before they can see it.
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picture sources (Jörmungandr // Cuchivilu // Aspidochelone // Umibōzu // Kraken // Siren // Abaia // Leviathan // Each-uisge // Charybdis // Hydra // Qalupalik)
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There are three popular ways to whiten your teeth: at home using over the counter whitening kits and products, at home using products prescribed by your dentist, or professionally at your dentist's office. And there are two types of teeth stains: extrinsic, which are stains on the tooth's surface, and intrinsic, which are stains deep within the tooth. If that wasn't enough staining to worry about, our teeth naturally begin to look a bit yellow or dingy as the years go by consider it another perk of aging.. Once again Ipsy is on a roll for me this month. I'll be super happy if I get that eye shadow in teal. If not I'll still rate this at 5 out of 5 cause I love everything else and the bag. For this reason, turmeric is also used in textile dyes. Beyond its abilities as a culinary spice and a coloring agent, turmeric has been used for hundreds of years 청주출장안마 in traditional and Ayurvedic medicine to treat a variety of medical conditions. It is a known anti inflammatory and scientific research 청주출장안마 has been conducted regarding its use in treating several medical conditions including high cholesterol, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), rheumatoid arthritis and scabies.. Amazon is too fucking tone deaf to realize that even offering to invest in the MTA in any capacity would have helped them gain so much goodwill. They can keep parroting the talking point of "more jobs". NYC does not need more good white collar jobs. As a result of a particularly hot summer in London in 1858, when the smell of rotting sewage made living in the city completely unbearable, Parliament commissioned the construction of the London sewer, which was finished in 1865. Deaths resulting from waterborne diseases plummeted, and cities all over the world followed suit and constructed their own sanitary sewers. The toilet patented by Cumming and slight variations patented by others like Thomas Crapper (yes, his real name), whose contributions to the overall design of the toilet were minimal, but whose legacy endures because he made sure his name was visible on all his products eventually became standard in houses in wealthy countries all over the world. Friar Tuck and Much the miller's son soon became right good friends over the steaming stew they jointly prepared for the merry men that evening. Tuck was mightily pleased when he found a man in the forest who could make pasties and who had cooked for no less person than the High Sheriff himself. While Much marveled at the friar's knowledge of herbs and simples and woodland things which savored a stew greatly. And we could take one down for maintenance and updates to keep our auditors happy. So they bought the second vm, and we did an HA. Paid off more than once for us.. The mistaken belief is that the vasoconstrictors in the ointment will do the same magic on the eyes that they do elsewhere. A vasoconstrictor is a component of the medicine that shrinks blood vessels. That's great when the very nature of your problem is swollen veins (that's what hemorrhoids are.) Swollen veins, however, have nothing to do with under eye puffiness. If you happy with the Lucy, try it out for awhile to be certain, and then you can start looking for bargains in it because it now discontinued. The paradox of your size is that it can be hard to find, but when it is made, it a size that is often left over when a style is discontinued. So once you find a bra that fits, you can often get bargains that way.
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purefitblog · 7 years
At first, scabies can be mistaken for acne or mosquito bites because the rash looks similar. What you should know: https://t.co/miVdoISTsG https://t.co/fpMKCIjMBQ : WebMD #health #purefitblog #medical
At first, scabies can be mistaken for acne or mosquito bites because the rash looks similar. What you should know: https://t.co/miVdoISTsG http://pic.twitter.com/fpMKCIjMBQ : WebMD #health #purefitblog #medical
— Dr. Manish Soni (@Drmanish_soni) November 27, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/Drmanish_soni November 27, 2017 at 01:43PM via IFTTT
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sherristockman · 7 years
Why You Should Never Share Towels Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Penicillin was the first antibiotic, discovered in 1929, but it wasn't until the early 1940s that large-scale fermentation processes were developed for mass production.1 Prior to this, many people died from what today is cured with a round of antibiotics. You may be so used to the idea that infections can be cured it is almost incomprehensible antibiotics may lose a significant amount of usefulness by 2050 in the fight against bacteria.2 Scientists estimate nearly 300 million people will lose their life to antibiotic-resistant infections by 2050 as bacteria continue to develop defenses against antibiotics. The global cost of treatment for these infections is estimated to reach $100 trillion by 2050.3 Data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that nearly 50 percent of Americans have taken an antibiotic in the past 30 days and 23 percent have taken three or more antibiotics.4 As disturbing as those numbers may be, nearly 80 percent of antibiotics sold in America are used in livestock farming. Low doses are routinely fed to factory farmed livestock to prevent disease associated with poor hygiene and close quarters, and to make the animals to grow bigger faster.5 Long-term use of low dose antibiotics contributes greatly to the growing resistance of bacteria to the drugs prescribed. Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has known since 19776 that the use of antibiotics in animal feed to promote growth would likely lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, they have also quietly approved the use of 30 potentially dangerous antibiotics, 18 of which they rated "high risk," for use in livestock feed.7 Today, the real dangers from antibiotic-resistant infections have triggered the development of protocols to protect athletes — from grade school through the pros. Hidden Dangers in the Locker Room According to some experts, athletes may be at greater risk of acquiring methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) than others due to their close skin-to-skin contact and increased likelihood for breaks in their skin from cuts and scrapes.8 Roughly 130,000 Americans are infected with MRSA each year and 5,000 die.9 What began as a significant problem in hospitals has migrated into general public areas and populated training rooms, weight rooms and locker rooms. Like others, some athletes are infected during, or immediately after, a surgical procedure. While athletes at all levels and sports may acquire the infection, it appears to be more common in wrestlers and football players as there is more skin-to-skin contact and skin breaks in these sports. Several prominent NBA and NFL players have suffered from MRSA, resulting in a loss of their career or their life. In the early 2000s, there were six players from the Cleveland Browns who suffered MRSA infections over a five-year period.10 One player suffered an infection twice in those five years. MRSA infections have affected Peyton Manning of the Indianapolis Colts and Kenny George from the University of North Carolina, who lost part of his foot to the infection.11 A study of the St. Louis Rams found that during the 2003 season, there were eight MRSA infections in five of the 58 players on the team. That same year the infection claimed the life of Ricky Lannetti, a football player from Lycoming College Pennsylvania.12 After a hockey player at Colgate University developed a MRSA infection, Steve Chouinard, director of sports medicine and athletic director, began an aggressive approach to protect his players.13 His first step was to use ozone gas to disinfect the players’ gear. Any shared products were thrown out, such as bar soap, in favor of one-off use products, and water bottles were sterilized each night. Although these measures were started a decade ago, the school continues to make changes and institute new measures. Unfortunately, sweaty gym locker rooms are a perfect place for bacteria to flourish unless the schools and players address the problem aggressively. Although the most recent report by the CDC shows a decline in community-acquired MRSA,14 the sports world has not had a similar study and therefore is unsure if the measures taken are making a significant impact on the health of their players. At the same time, social behaviors of teens are changing, increasing their risk of infection. Some teens are unwilling to take a communal shower in the locker room after practice, leaving the gym in sweat-stained clothing, and taking home bacteria acquired from other players and the gym facilities. Body shaving is another common practice that may cause small cuts where MRSA can multiply and enter the body. According to the National Athletics Trainers' Association, these small cuts may increase the risk of acquiring MRSA sixfold, compared to not shaving. MRSA Threatens Life and Limb According to the CDC,15 MRSA is responsible for severe health problems, including sepsis (bloodstream infections), pneumonia and infections at breaks in the skin, such as surgical incisions or cuts. When a MRSA infection is not treated quickly, the infection can lead to loss of a limb or death. A number of studies have demonstrated that infections with MRSA are preventable in community and health care settings. In the beginning, this strain of Staphylococcus was resistant to all beta-lactam antibiotics, of which methicillin is one.16 However, over time some bacteria have developed multiresistance against several classes of antibiotics, increasing the danger of the infection and likelihood it may lead to permanent damage. The resistance to antibiotics has not changed the properties of the staphylococcus bacteria that trigger disease and infection, only the sensitivity to antibiotics. Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium normally found in the nose and on the skin. In fact, 1 in 3 people carry the bacteria in their nose without evidence of disease and 2 in every 100 people carry MRSA.17 When infected, staph can infect bone, causing osteomyelitis (bone infection), endocarditis (infection of a heart valve), urinary tract infections and infections of the bursa sac protecting a joint. Since MRSA is often resistant to multiple categories of antibiotics, it makes treatment extremely difficult, oftentimes requiring the use of stronger antibiotics that have a high rate of side effects and are often very expensive.18 Symptoms of an infection will depend on the area of the body affected. On the skin, the infection may first be mistaken for an insect bite, as they are raised, red, itchy, painful and often full of pus.19 If the infection affects a bone, or is in the bloodstream, you may experience a high fever, confusion, chest pain, pain in the area infected (joint) and rash. MRSA is highly contagious and passes easily from person to person with skin contact, which is why it is so easily passed between athletes in a locker room who share gym equipment, athletic equipment or towels. In one study, researchers found staph was able to survive up to 140 days on polyester and up to three days on polyester blends.20 Community-acquired MRSA is more likely to show up in a younger population, while hospital-acquired MRSA is more often in those over 68.21 Your risk of acquiring an infection rises with your age, a break in your skin or living or working in close quarters. Hygiene Practices May Reduce the Spread of MRSA The best intentions of school administrators and athletic trainers can easily be undone by poor hygienic practices. If players refuse to shower after practice, or wear dirty uniforms or use the same towel for more than one practice, they can easily spread an infection to areas of their body or a teammate’s body with an open cut or abrasion. Recommendations from the CDC to athletes, parents, administrators and trainers to reduce the spread of the infection include:22 Wash hands often and clean your body regularly, especially after any exercise or after sweating Cover any area where the skin has been broken until it has healed Avoid sharing any personal items, such as bar soap, towels, razors or body sponges Ensure any equipment used has been cleaned and sanitized between players If you believe you may be infected, get care immediately Towels May Spread More Than MRSA Towels are unique breeding grounds for infection as they trap moisture, dirt, skin cells and bacteria. MRSA is not the only infection that can be spread by wet, dirty, overused towels. You may also contract:23 Acne Tinea cruris (jock itch) and tinea pedis (athlete’s foot) Impetigo Scabies Meningitis Yeast infections Warts Lice Hepatitis Crabs (lice) Trichomoniasis24 Chlamydia Caring for your towel at home or the gym is an important way of reducing the spread of infections and disease. Carolyn Forte,25 director of the Cleaning Lab at the Good Housekeeping Institute, recommends you wash your bath towels at home after two or three uses, as long as the towel has dried thoroughly between uses and you don't share your bath towel with others in your family. Dry your towels outside when possible so the UV rays from the sun can kill bacteria on the towels. Hand towels are different as they are often used by multiple people in the family and usually get much dirtier, faster. Hand towels should be washed every two days, and possibly every day if you have a large family. Wash your towels in the hottest water safe for the fabric with a cup of white vinegar before washing a second time with detergent to help ensure your towels are as clean as possible. Avoid using dryer sheets and fabric softener on your towels and underwear as these products inhibit the fabric's ability to absorb sweat and liquid.26 Shed a Light on It Efforts to reduce the number of infections and treat current infections have had limited success as the bacteria continue to evolve and adapt to their environment, growing resistant to different categories of antibiotics. However, recent research at Columbia University Medical Center27 has turned attention to the use of far-ultraviolet (UV) light to fight superbugs. Since most UV light increases your risk of skin cancer and cataracts, the scientists choose to test UV light in the 200 nanometers (nm) range, which is safe for human skin and eyes. In this UV wavelength, the light cannot penetrate the dead layer of skin cells on the top of your skin or outer protection over your eyes, but bacteria remain susceptible. In animal tests using mice, the findings demonstrated no skin or eye damage, but the light was effective as a conventional germicidal to kill MRSA.28 Scientists are now moving forward in their evaluation of whether the same reduction in MRSA colonies will be evident on larger animals and in humans. While you likely do not have a far-UV light available at home, you do have one of the best methods of killing bacteria and fungus under the sun. In other words, you have the sun. Researchers have identified a link between people with low levels of vitamin D and those who carry Staphylococcus aureus in their nose.29 The relationship was apparent even after the researchers adjusted for poverty, age, hospitalization, race and recent antibiotic use. This means your vitamin D level is a modifiable risk factor that can lower your risk of carrying or being infected by MRSA. Sun exposure has a long history in the treatment of health conditions, including depression,30 suppressing symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis,31 regulating melatonin production32 and relieving symptoms of fibromyalgia.33 It also was the standard treatment for tuberculosis before the advent of antibiotics.34 Preventing the Spread of MRSA This short video was developed by the Indianapolis Colts for their athletes and organization to help prevent MRSA infections and to help prevent the spread of an established infection. As just mentioned, you may reduce your risk of harboring and spreading MRSA by optimizing your vitamin D level. Also, remember to regularly wash your towels and to only use fresh, clean towels at the gym or locker room. Here are further strategies you may use to prevent infections:35,36 Thoroughly wash hands throughout the day, and use a clean, dry towel afterward Shower with soap and water immediately after exercising or after direct contact sports, and dry with a clean, dry towel Avoid contact with other people's bandages or open cuts Do not share towels in the locker room or on the sidelines at a sporting event Avoid using hot tubs or whirlpools, especially if you have an open cut or scrape on your skin Avoid going barefoot; wear flip-flops in the shower or the locker room and clean them after each use All athletic areas and sports equipment should be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized after each use, including any mascot uniforms, player uniforms, towels, examination tables, showers or equipment used by athletic trainers or sports medicine physicians
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Scabies - Symptoms, Causes and other related complications
Scabies - Symptoms, Causes and other related complications
Scabies is a contagious skin condition which is caused by tiny mites what burrow into your skin. The intense itching which is worse at night is the main symptom of scabies. Also this condition causes a skin rash on the areas where the mites have burrowed. Scabies mites are called Sarcoptes scabiei. Scabies mites feed using their mouths and front legs to burrow into the outer layer of our skin (this layer of our skin is known as epidermis) where they lay eggs. After 3 – 4 days, larvae (the baby mites) hatch and move to the surface of your skin, where they mature into adult mites. These  mites want warm places such as our skin folds, around the buttock or breast creases, between the fingers and under fingernails. Scabies can also hide under rings, bracelets or straps.
Symptoms of scabies
The intense itching and a rash in areas of the body where the mites have burrowed are the main symptoms of this condition. In many cases the itching is worse at night because in this period of the day our skin is warmer. It makes take 4 – 6 weeks before the itching starts because this is how long it takes for your body to react to mite droppings. If you had a scabies infection in the past, then the symptoms of this condition will start within one or two days. This is happening because your immune system will have learned to respond to a scabies infection.
The rash: The rash consists of tiny red spots and the scratching of your rash may cause you crusty sores to develop. Burrow marks can be found anywhere on your body. They are short (usually they are 1 cm or less), wavy, silver – colored lines on your skin. They have a black dot at one end which can be seen with a magnifying glass. In adults, burrow marks often appear in the following areas:
Around the genital area (in men)
Around the nipples (in women)
The elbows
The wrists
The soles and the sides of the feet
The palms of the hands
The folds of skin between finger and toes
This rash usually is affecting the whole body but the head is not affected. These are the areas which can be particularly affected:
Around the ankles
The groin
The female genital area
The shoulder blades
The knees
The soles of the feet
The lower legs
The lower buttocks
The inside of the elbow
Around the waist
The underarm area
Young children, elderly people and people who have a low immune system can also develop a rash on their neck and hand. Men usually have one or more very itchy and lumpy spots on the skin of their genitals (on their scrotum and their penis). Usually these spots are from three to ten millimeters. In infants and young children, burrow marks can appear in different parts of their bodies such as
Soles of the feet
Palms of the hands
These mites bite leave small and red blotches and silver – colored lines on your skin. These marks are caused by the mites burrowing into your skin. Infants who have scabies, pustules and blisters may develop on the soles of their feet and the palms of their hands. Pustules are small blisters which have pus.
Causes of scabies
The parasite Sarcoptes scabiei is the cause for scabies. These mites bite will be causing an intense itching which is thought to be caused by the immune system reaction to the mites and their faeces, eggs and saliva. Complications: A secondary infection and crusted infection are two known complications of scabies.
Secondary scabies: When you repeatedly scratch your itchy skin, then this is causing the scabies to break the skin’s surface. This is making you more vulnerable to developing a bacterial infection like impetigo. Many doctors are recommending antibiotics for controlling the secondary infection.
Crusted scabies: This condition is also known as Norwegian scabies. It is affecting people with a weakened immune system. This is a more severe form of scabies where thousands or even million of  these mites are present in your skin. The increase of the number of mites can cause thick and warty crusts to develop on your skin. This scabies condition is often mistaken for psoriasis.
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purefitblog · 7 years
At first, scabies can be mistaken for acne or mosquito bites because the rash looks similar. What to know:… https://t.co/U5xy359KYC : WebM…
At first, scabies can be mistaken for acne or mosquito bites because the rash looks similar. What to know:… https://t.co/U5xy359KYC : WebM…
— Dr. Manish Soni (@Drmanish_soni) May 13, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/Drmanish_soni May 13, 2017 at 01:03PM via IFTTT
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