#what do you mean he could be a simulation or already dead? He's just running around the ship
anxiouspotatorants · 2 years
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“You forgot. You forgot what’s real. But you have to remember. You have to wake up. Or there will be nothing left to wake up for.”
2099: Maura Franklin and Daniel Solace
(Raw images: not mine)
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themissinghand · 1 year
Genshin Impact: The Overworked God [1]
Part 2
Summary: In which one of the lore writers who help write the world of Genshin Impact was suddenly thrusted in the very world they created. He doesn't know how this happened and the way home seemed like a pipe dream.
Well, testing characters is one thing, but playing God?
Oh boy.
Note: SAGAU if you squint but not really. Mainly fluff and healing mainly between a tired worker and the oldest Archon.
Male OC!
Warning: Genshin themes with mentions of war, and death. And OC needs some rest.
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"Good morning, your Grace." 
"5 more minutes..?" 
"You are the Creator."
It took approximately one hard pinch to the elbow and 55 seconds later that Kai decided (albeit begrudgingly) that this was his reality.
Always negotiate the terms and pay for any job.
Payment is obviously going back home, but also monetary compensation, enough to retire early as a billionaire. And maybe a nice villa. Or bed.
Until Kai goes home, he might as well get an easier life here.
Which clearly did not go as intended.
"I will not be the babysitter for any Archon." Kai already has countries to run, royal families to manage, and human relationships are ever so complicated. He doesn't have the time nor desire to babysit gods for goodness sake.
And besides, the 7 Archons comes so much later in time! 
He's a game writer, not a politician or babysitter! It's only because he played kingdom simulation games before and read too many fictional works that he could figure things out. 
Celestia is supposed to be his assistant since he's the Creator, but isn't he working too hard!? At this point, he's gonna retire early! 
"But your Grace, you cannot manage the world yourself. Archons can help manage them for you!" 
Yes, Celestia gave up in speaking in elegant and ambiguous ways after their first negotiation session. 
Kai thought about it for a bit before agreeing, anything that spelled less work for him, he'll take it! 
"But, I'm not going to be a babysitter!" 
Archon war? 
Stop making me do more work! 
What happened? It was peaceful for such a long time! 
Was it because there were too many gods or powerful creatures? Damn Celestia, you're supposed to keep it under control! 
Kai has a migraine everyday, so this wasn't surprising, but did the gods have to fight each other, just so only 7 left?! 
"It must be done your Grace! Isn't this what you and your team wrote?" 
"Well I changed my mind." 
"Your Grace! If you go out there now, they will use you and your powers!" 
"But I can't watch people die just because some stupid god or creature that wants power!"
Celestia remained silent at his outburst. 
"Tempus. It's too late, it had already begun." 
"Everything is your will after all. You wrote the story, didn't you?" 
It was then did Kai realize that Celestia didn't follow him, but rather the words and designs set by his team in the real world. 
Celestia is like an AI robot, one that only acts in accordance to the wishes of it's Creator. 
But isn't he the Creator right now?! Does this mean he needs more power to be recognized, or overthrow the set system? 
Kai stomped out in fury and for the first time, not as Kai, but the God of Time and Creation. 
Tempus never thought he would play God, but here he is, relying on his godly powers to save what's left of his creation. 
Kai sent his final message to his country's royal family before turning to greet the rude guest.
"Morax." One of the 7 victors of war, a newly appointed Archon, entered without announcing anything beforehand and immediately strides towards Kai. 
When Morax stops in front of him, there's an awkward silence between them, and Kai knows this man is waiting for something.
"No." But Kai declines. He's got why too much things to deal with and he's not going to do something he's done too many times. 
"Guizhong is dead." Kai frowns, ah, of course. 
"Please." Morax pleads, and Kai is put at odds when seeing the Lord of Geo so weak, so desperate.
"Morax. You know I cannot."
"Kai." He almost hisses, and Kai could care less.
"I'll do anything to bring everyone back."
"They will die no matter what."
Because I wrote it.
"Shut up!" Kai does not flinch when the God of Contracts claws at him. He simply stares into those golden eyes of fury and desperation.
"Turn back time! Do it!" The entire world quakes at his call, and Tempus is stuck. 
Stuck between pity and reality.
"If I do, what will you do? What can you do?" Tempus responds, tired of this entire show. He groans when he felt strong claws around his neck.
"I'll save Guizhong! I'll stop the Archon war!"
"You'll only suffer and regret." Like him.
"I will not." The resolve in his voice is undeniable. 
"If only you had been there with me then Guizhong-"
"Will die. If not by the war, then by her people."
"What?" Morax freezes, and Kai could hear the bitter realization hit him. 
"If not by her people, then by fate. If not by fate, then by Celestia, by YOU! You of all people know even Gods die, Morax. It's a war." Kai is sick of it. 
Tempus tried everything, but he is a powerless, useless god against his own pen in his home world. 
Morax inhales, then exhales.
"Do it. Turn back time."
Tempus sighs, a distant memory of a determined, hard-working, and adorable adepti resurfaced in his mind. 
He remembers laughing and writing Zhongli's character-
"One chance." Then the Lord of Geo lets go and bows.
"Thank you." Tempus puts a hand on Morax's bloodied shoulder and closes his eyes. 
This conversation turns into one of the past.
The Archon war occurs, and Tempus watches Morax fail.
If he prevents one red flag, another arises.
Everything repeats, like a never-ending cycle of torture.
"Tempus." The God of Time stops behind his sitting figure in front of Guizhong and many of his colleagues' graves.
Tempus puts a glazed lily on each of the graves and offers his own condolences.
"Morax. It's over now. Return."
"And where would I return?" Tempus holds out his hand. 
"Then, come with me." 
Morax accepted and followed. 
For some reason, Morax holds onto his hand like his lifeline, and Tempus allows him.
Just like that, the two Gods made their way to Temporium, a land where time moves differently than in the rest of the world. 
Temporium is a wonderful nation.
Old as time, this country is the first nation Tempus raised from the ground. It is also the country that he chose to call "home". 
The royal family is the one that manages the country and Tempus is merely a guide and protector, helping them navigate the dangers of the past and the future.
His protective shield around this land slows down or speeds up time within the shield, creating a safe haven that is immune to any outside influences. 
Kai wants to make this country similar to his real home. 
Before he was thrown into this madness. 
Tempus leads Morax into a transparent dome known as a green house and stops. 
"Morax. Time is limited. So cherish it."
Surrounded by flowers and greenery, there stood a woman with a gentle smile.
Tempus watches them reunite and thinks that losing sleep is worth it. 
Looking up into the skies, Tempus thinks that since he was able to change fate, just slightly, it means Tempus is stronger, but not enough. 
Celestia is wavering. 
But he's too late.
Too many died, and too many suffered due to his hand. He can't just turn back time, for he will also revert to the past "him".
Nevertheless, Tempus swore to change the plot, and maybe, just maybe, end this never-ending madness. 
Seeing as to how Morax and Guizhong are fine, Tempus disappears and reappears under a cherry blossom tree.
There was another person he saved, a sister and leader to many. There, two sisters cried in each other’s arms like no tomorrow.
Tempus watches solemnly, and repeats the same disappearing and reappearing, many times.
Tempus shouldn't be at this tea party. 
"Morax. Let's rebuild Liyue."
"Guizhong. They betrayed you." Morax clearly looks like he was withholding his rage. 
"I know." Guizhong acknowledges, but isn't afraid. 
"But even so, I understand their reasons. To protect their land from an unwanted war."
Her kindness knows no bounds. Truly, no one deserves her. 
"Thus Morax, this time, we will rebuild Liyue with the adepti, and we will stand together. As always."
"Guizhong. I...cannot afford to lose you again." She smiles wistfully, and then looks at Tempus. 
"I too am afraid of disappearing, and without Tempus, perhaps I would have perished. It was he who saved me and led me to his realm to heal. For that, thank you." 
Morax too bows in gratitude.
"I apologize that I cannot save everyone." 
"That would be too much to ask from you, Tempus. For you are not an omnipotent, omniscient or omnipresent God." 
For the first time, Tempus feels slightly relieved at someone's words. 
"I'm sure you did your best and already changed so many people’s lives."
Huh. A soft smile blooms on his face and the two seemed surprised. 
Truly, no one deserves her.  
Eventually they leave, and Tempus, sends them off peacefully, wishing them the best.
Then, Liyue is built once again.
This time, they build the foundation and protect the city together.
But again, even the gods cannot go against time.
When Guizhong dies, she dies as she scatters her wisdom all over Liyue, to her people, to her country and to her loved ones.
This time, she dies without regrets.
This time, she dies because Celestia told her it was time.
There was no forewarning, but it looked like she knew. 
She spent the last of her time with Morax and Tempus before she fades and flutters away like dust.
Again, Morax receives a stone dumbbell, challenging him to unlock.
But this time, there was one thing that changed.
"Morax, I hope you can befriend Tempus. He's the oldest of all gods, the one who has drifted the longest among all. Yet, he is perhaps the one that is the loneliest and wisest, or perhaps that is why he acts the way he acts." She says after she gives him her dumbbell.
"If I have one regret, it would be that I have never gained his trust."
"Guizhong, that's impossible-"
"Morax, he has never shown us more than courtesy and kindness. Maybe I am greedy, but I want to become a friend to all." She smiles.
"That is why, I hope you can be his friend in place of I."
"Of course. By your gift, I pledge to fulfill your will." Morax holds her hand as she disintegrates.
"Thank you Morax. I hope only happiness and prosperity follow you."
Like dust, they slip through his fingers and disappear.
Like all of his comrades, friends, and loved ones.
And Tempus could only watch from the distance like a powerless God he is. 
"The loneliest and wisest huh..." 
He could only laugh bitterly.
"Morax." The god replies with a low hum, "What brings you here?"
"I want to give you my gratitude."
"No need." Tempus does not turn to greet him, but simply continues to write. Morax watches him write with a mysterious utensil, a pen.
Tempus truly is worthy of being called a genius amongst geniuses.
A god who built a country, and protected his realm despite the Archon War, and survived. No wonder he is heavily respected and worshiped by his people.
"Teach me."
The god stops.
"What are you talking about?"
"Teach me how to build Liyue."
"It's already built."
"How to govern as a God." Without Guizhong and his friends, Morax is incapable of running a country. His hands were made to fight and seal monsters, not to care for people. 
"You do not need to govern a country. Barbatos-"
"He's a fool." Morax heard a muffled laugh.
"But his country is still functioning quite well isn't it?" Tempus turns around, his azure eyes meets his golden ones.
"What will I get in return? God of Contracts?" Tempus smiles before he stands.
"What do you need?"
"Trade." Morax blinks.
"Free trade amongst civilians. No taxes or barriers." Morax doesn't quite understand his terms, but he's willing to learn.
"I accept."
"You don't even know what I said didn't you?" Tempus crosses his arms and shook his head.
"I believe you are a fair person and one who will teach me what I need to know.”
“Just like old times isn’t it?”
This was Morax's first contract, and certainly won't be the last. 
Time passes quickly, and soon, Morax and Barbatos become the two of the original seven left. 
Despite this, Tempus does his job as both a Creator and babysitter job well. 
He ensures Gods fulfill their duty and if they need help, they can seek him out. If Tempus ever saw something worth his time (which is like...every time), he too would interfere, gaining the Archons' favour. 
He realized the power of the butterfly effect. From saving Gods such as Guizhong and Makoto, even with what little power he had during the Archon War to extend their life, it played an immense part in changing the Archons themselves.
Again, too much work, and too little time. 
Even if he slows down time, he could never get enough sleep. 
It's also blatantly obviously the Archons are treating him too well, but he originally thought it made sense with all the effort he put in to change the plot. 
But their affectionate gestures increased after they found of he was the Creator.
Tempus really shouldn't have told Morax this a while back and allowed him to tell the other Archons. Luckily, he prevented them from telling anyone else under the pretense that it was his order. 
Even so, Kai finally feels a little more at ease. He could finally get some sleep. 
Could he really complain about the children (Archons) when they gave him the most premium material to sleep on? 
Or hear a private concert from a certain bard?
Or try out the best food in the jungles?
Or let him sleep under the giant cherry blossoms whenever he wants?
Or take him out to a hot springs in Liyue?
"Kai. How are you feeling?" Zhongli asks from behind him, who is washing his long, long hair. 
Kai can finally relax a bit and it’s well deserved. Taking care of kids is hard. Much less 7 at once.
At least they’re paying him back with interest.
Zhongli couldn't help but smile proudly when the sleepless God fell asleep in his domain.
He'd be sure to brag about this at their next Archon meeting. 
Not knowing it would be their last.
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randomized-sims23 · 1 month
(Kinda follows/is inspired by the “What If Solar Was Revived?” Episode/simulation where Bloodmoon's code was used to bring Solar back and what would have happened) (also SPOILERS IF ITS NEEDED!)
It first happened when Moon was out getting more blood for Solar. He was home with Drizzle and Sun, and they were in the back yard talking. But Solar wasn't really listening to Sun, instead staring out over the ocean surrounding their island for miles in every direction. And he was thinking. Well more like listening to something whispering in his mind, repeated calls and begs for blood, bloodshed, run the sea Crimson with all the blood it can hold. He shook his head clear, but soon another thought came to mind. He knew Moon was getting him some more, but…well the craving never really went away for too long. He didn't think he could wait for much longer…his gaze slid to Sun beside him, watching him go on and on about the daycare kids and those stupid foam barrels they couldn't just toss out already. The whispering in his head grew louder, the craving throughout his body growing until he felt the urge to pounce in every circuit, wire and joint he had. He ran his tongue over his aching fangs in his mouth. Then he spoke. “I hope he gets back soon…I'm starting to feel a bit hungry already…” he caught the way Sun flinched ever so slightly, no doubt a nervous or paranoid habit he's developed. Not surprising given all he's been through so far. “Are you? Well…m-maybe I can fix you something real quick? A snack until he gets back?” Sun suggested, the shakey, uncertain lilt of his voice a little more obvious. Solar didn't speak for another moment, eyes glued to Sun, and following his face down to his neck. He started thinking, “that ruffle would do a good job hiding the bite mark. And it shouldn't be too hard to make him forget it happened…” “No. This craving can't be satisfied by normal food…probably make me sick more than likely. No…I want something fresher. Richer. Livelier…” He stepped closer to Sun with each word, which made him step back each time. The nervous look and tone of his voice grew as Solar drew closer, fixing Sun with a gaze all too familiar, yet all too strange. And very unsettling, like he was staring through his body. Sun swallowed hard, trying to keep himself calm and remind himself that this was his friend. He wouldn't hurt him, right? Right…? “What do uh…what do you mean, uh Solar…?” He asked, but got no response. Solar's eyes were now intensely fixed on his neck, staring wide eyed and oh so hungry, a gaze he's only seen a few unfortunate times before. “Solar…why are you looking at me like that?”
When Moon returned, he called out to let them know he was home, but no one answered. At first he thought everyone must be asleep, thinking so as he put the blood bags in the fridge. But as he stepped towards the back room the dying sunlight glinted off of something outside. Turning, he saw Sun laying on the ground motionless. Moon hurried outside to him, noticing the pooling blood beneath him. He dropped to his knees next to him, worry then panic filling his voice as he tried to wake him up, but nothing worked. “Sun! Sun come on this isn't funny, wake up…! Damn it Sun get your ass up now…! Please…I just got Solar back, I can't lose you too already…” his voice quickly went from terrified yelling to tearful begging as he held his brother's body close. After a few minutes a thought came to him and he set his body down, rushing through the rest of the house looking for Solar and Drizzle, but he didn't find any sign of them in the house. But whatever had been through here had gotten Sun's cats too. And whatever it was had possibly had Drizzle and Solar. As he rushed out the house and threw a portal to the pizzaplex down he called up Lunar first, a sigh of relief leaving him when he answered. “Yeah? Moon, what's up?” came the sleepy voice- he must have been napping. “Sun's dead. Whatever got him might have Solar and Drizzle too. Get Earth and both of you get to Monty's place and stay with him. Don't tell them about Sun, not until I know Solar and Drizzle are-” He stopped at the door to the Parts and Service, staring down at the ground. “I gotta go. Take Earth, go to Monty, stay there, keep quiet about Sun until I say so.” He hung up, his voice and hands shaky as he leaned down and plucked up Drizzle's little hand fan. She didn't use it much, just kept it for the aesthetic. But she used it enough for him to know it was hers. There was also a small trail of dripping blood leading into the room. He almost hesitated until he heard a crunch and a short, slightly muffled scream and he rushed inside, bursting through the doors. It was dark, but he could just barely make something out in one of the darker corners. Whatever it was heard him, and dropped what it was eating. He wished he hadn't interrupted. Whatever it was dropped Drizzle's body, blood pouring from a huge wound in her neck, very similar to the one Sun had. Maybe this was the thing that killed him. And he wished he had been wrong about that too. Because the thing that turned to him, eyes bright, blood red and piercing, the only other thing visible in the darkness besides a set of huge, blood-dripped, sharp fangs, lining one another like a shark, was-
“Solar…?” Moon stood there at the door, eyes wide and his voice, his whole body shaking. Solar stood from his spot, towering above Drizzle, and turned to Moon, a strange effect in his voice, almost like multiple people were talking at once. “I'm sorry…I was so hungry…I couldn't wait anymore…I needed something now…” “So you killed them?!” Moon, now having found his voice again, noted the change in his voice, but that was the last thing he was worried about right now. “I'm sorry Moon,” he said again, though like the first time he didn't sound sorry in the least. “But I was so hungry, the craving got too irresistible. But…they were so good~” Solar licked his bloodied lips as he walked closer to Moon. “And they were so beautiful, thick, luscious red streaming from their half-eaten corpses and dripping all over. Oh and their screams~ that might have been just as good as the blood~ they both cried for you, begged and screamed for you to help them. But where were you? Why didn't you save them, Moon?” He taunted him now, laughing quietly, then quickly cackling like a madman. Moon growled, pushing aside his own emotions at the moment to grab a wrench and swung at him. This wasn't Solar. Not anymore. Maybe it never was. But right now it was just another Bloodmoon. Bloodmoon mixed with an Eclipse, a horrible combination already. Solar stepped back, laughing again. “You missed~ I always wondered what they tasted like. I wonder how Earth or Lunar will taste? Or the gator? I think I want to find out~” he quickly struck Moon, hard enough to make him stagger, giving Solar enough time to run through one of the doors and escape through the vents. Moon swore and started for the door but stopped and looked back, swallowing his tears as he went to Drizzle and closed her eyes, placing her in a more dignified position. “I'm sorry…” he muttered before he ran off again, this time calling Puppet. “What's going on?” “I don't know if you can see anything right now but Sun and Drizzle are dead, Solar killed them, and I think he's going for Earth, Lunar and Monty next. He Blinded me and got away from Parts and Service, I need you to get eyes on him or something, fast!” He stopped in the lobby and placed another portal to Monty's house. Puppet's voice came through again. “He's at the house! Hurry up before he gets away again!” Puppet urged him, though Moon didn't need it. The adrenaline fueled panick for his family was more than enough.
When he arrived at the house the door was open. He already didn't like that. He entered slowly, just in case he was jumped. He kept quiet so as not to alert Solar he was there, but he did faint sounds of crackling electricity. He approached the sound, already preparing himself for the worst. Unfortunately he found it, unable to stop himself from dropping to his knees in the door way. They were all dead. Lunar and Earth were huddled together, small currents of electricity running along Lunars body and some across Earth's. Like Sun and Drizzle they also had the neck wounds. Same with Monty, who was laid out in front of them. “Moon? Moon are you there?” Puppet's voice came through the phone but he didn't answer, couldn't find his voice as tears began to fall to the ground as Moon leaned down, hands on his head as he began to sob. He had lost his entire family and his best friend. No, he lost Solar the day Ruin killed him. What he had now was nothing more than a bloodthirsty imitation. That wasn't his family anymore. After a few minutes of heartbroken sobbing he got himself together enough to call Puppet back, asking her to come to Monty's house and warning her they were all dead. There was a long pause on the other end, and he was almost worried Solar had gotten her too, until he heard faint crying. Not surprising, she and Monty were fairly close too. Soon enough the crying stopped. “Alright. I'll be over there in a few minutes.” She hung up and Moon was left to wait, sitting against a wall on the opposite side of the room facing away from them, waiting. He had taken some time to at least put them all together, tried to make it at least seem more peaceful and easier for Puppet to handle.
“Where are they at?” He looked up, seeing Puppet standing over him. He gestured to the room behind him. “I tried to…clean it up a little? Never been good at that…tried to give them a little dignity than what he left them with…” he muttered. Puppet just rubbed his head and went into the room. He heard her gasp and what sounded like choking back tears. She left the room as quickly as she went in, standing with her back to Moon for a moment as she took deep breaths to keep herself under control. “What happened.” She asked. Moon didn't answer right away. Puppet whirled around, staring down at Moon. “Answer me, what the hell happened with them?” “I don't know! But…I think it might be some issue with Bloodmoon's code in Solar's body. I haven't been able to look into that yet, but it seemed fine when I first tested it. On false, study code, and not with Bloodmoon obviously. But it always worked, stayed the same. And he was fine for a while, save a migraine or two, and then eventually the blood cravings came…he was doing just fine with the blood bags, until today…” Moon sighed, hugging his knees to his chest. “I wanted him back so bad…and instead I lost everything…” Puppet sighed, sitting down next to him. “I know…I wanted him back too,” she leaned her head back. “But no matter what we'll find him, understand? We'll find him and…well I don't think we can fix him.” Moon looked at her. “You can't seriously be suggesting-” “I am. You used Bloodmon's code. And he's already killed Five people, maybe more between them. Do you want him to go off killing more? Do you want to deal with Bloodmoon again?” Puppet asked, looking at Moon but knowing what his answer would be regardless. “No, I don't…” “I'll find him, Moon. And as soon as I do we're going to him and we're putting an end to this before it can become another problem.” She said with a hand on his shoulder. Moon sighed and closed his eyes. “Yeah. They deserve that much at least…I can't believe I left him…I couldn't…I wasn't fast enough to save them…” Moon said as he buried his face in his knees again. “Yeah but…you couldnt have known this would happen, Moon.” He simply nodded, leaning more into Puppet for comfort. And Puppet let him, lightly rubbing the top of his head to try and help comfort him. Once they put them all to rest they'd start hunting down Solar and put an end to him for good.
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icekingofhope · 14 days
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so I decided since I am a fnaf veteran and also planning a fnaf rewrite I give my opinions on the games and such and explain why I like or hate the game.
fnaf 1 2 and 3: the reason why I love these three is because it feels like a perfect trilogy the mystery the intense setting just a chef kiss and yes I agree fnaf 3 isn’t the brightest but I don’t care cause it’s actually my top favorite fnaf game I love the character spring trap a lot he has always been my favorite and the story’s ending fits of how the ghost of the dead children decided to punish their murder by making him go threw what they go threw.
fnaf 4: now I don’t hate this game far from it actually it’s probably the scariest fnaf game I seen and plus the designs of the nightmares are cool! It just I wish it was executed abit better as it does have flaws to the story (like example what did fucking michael expect when he put his brother in the mouth of a animatronic what did he think was gonna happen)
FNAF WORLD: now it maybe not a horror game…but I do enjoy the chibi animatronics and they look adorable I would never play it but I’ll look at the gameplay or art time to time.
Sister location: this game was kinda meh to me and feels wasted potential and it being a prequel just kinda ruins the lore especially since the first game takes place in 1970s…and advance animatronics like that doesn’t make sense and plus I feel like it would have fit a lot better if it was like taken place after the three games and maybe if you wanna make it a prequel make the animatronics less advance and give it the aesthetic of that time period (and don’t make the ballerina animatronic sexualized when she is a animatronic for children (cause you can’t tell me she isn’t sue me-)
pizza simulator: I fucking hate this game cause to me it ruined five nights at Freddy the only good thing was the cool speech Henry gave I already stop being into five nights at Freddy from this cause it ruined it for me the mystery was gone it just felt like they were just milking the franchise now and I don’t get how people like it.
THE FNAF VR AR AND ULTIMATE CUSTOM NIGHT: this is similar to pizza simulator and it sucks cause like this could have been fixed if they were just not canon like fnaf world and just got entertainment.
SECURITY BREACH: this one made me the most disappointed cause I remember when I saw the trailer I was actually very excited and positive about the game and made my theories on the game of what’s gonna happen…but it just turned out as a shitty glitchy game and I will announce as the WORST five nights at Freddy’s games ever made.
it frustrated me how bad it was to like showing the trailers aren’t true to the game amazing voice actors replaced with bad ones (aka vanny) and the only think I like about this game is the animatronics (not their designs their ok but it feels weird to even like them cause they are made by a problematic artist but the idea names etc)
Gregory also feels like a annoying main character like I just want him to just shut up like to me he doesn’t sound like a kid he just sounds like a bad voice actor trying to imitate a child but with a sore throat.
and don’t get me started on Vanessa which could have been a separate character to vanny cause like I hated she turned out to be vanny (and I always found it strange she was the only human security guard I mean…for a big ass fucking place as security breach which is probably the biggest map of any fnaf game your telling me there isn’t more human security guards? Like I’m aware of the security bots but they barely do shit in the game)
it upsetted me when I first saw the game I was so excited for it like how I would have fix it maybe make it like similar to the incident the death of the 5 children make it start as a tutorial where your parents take you to Freddy fazbears with your friends you get a tutorial of how to run climb and such.
and like you meet vanny she tried to kill you and maybe try to make the animatronics interesting since they are taking ai animatronics who actually have feelings and emotions route make them like Trying to fight back their aggressive programming do something to make it interesting! you had the ball In your hands yet you just decided to throw it into a fucking cliff this includes ruin and into the pit which is bad too.
And it sucks cause like I don’t know what is gonna happen now like it feels like five nights at Freddy is the broken shell it once was…
now does this mean you should also hate it no you don’t have to hate any these games if you like them feel free to for me it just feels like fnaf was ruined to me with its books and bad sequels cause like sometimes it feels like Scott didn’t seem to know what he wanted for the game and it feels like he was making it up as he went a lot going with the most craziest and dumbest ideas.
but you can still love fnaf I still like it too but like I am not as much into it anymore (due to the fans being crazy with its ships etc ) although even if I do plan a fnaf rewrite it’s not to spite Scott or any fnaf fans i just wanna do it to reconnect to fnaf when it was at its prime and feel abit of nostalgia.
and despite my hate for how fnaf went but I am glad they still exist cause we got amazing fan made songs and people got into the franchise and not to mention they can be inspiring and also help popularize mascot horror which is one of my favorite type of horror!
now I wish I could explain how I hate it more (but I suck at fucking explaining) although I do highly suggest video which honestly explains the fall way better then I could ever can
Anyways that’s all please don’t attack me for my opinions and I hope you have a good day or night.
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diaphanouso · 1 year
Unwritten fic plot ideas:
I'll go ahead and talk about the It's a Wonderful Life idea bc 1) I write a fluff xmas fic every year and maybe this year I'll finally do this one, who knows and 2) the description in my ideas spreadsheet makes me laugh:
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[Image text: WIPS Fluffy Holiday Fic Exchange
AU It's a Wonderful Life, Shepard gets a glimpse of what the galaxy would be like without her in it (spoiler: bad), Conrad Verner is the guy]
Something something every time a merc drops dead, an Archangel gets his wings idk
I wrote the premise like, two years ago and looking at it now, I had no clue what the Conrad thing was supposed to mean 😂 But! Thanks to @dwarrowdams' deductions, I now realize I meant for Conrad to be the analog of Clarence, the angel who shows the protagonist the alternate reality without him.
But buried in my Google docs, there's a more fun, crack version of this idea:
EDI runs simulations of what the galaxy would look like if each member of the crew had never been born and then hands them VR goggles/visors. Shepard's like, "Ok wow, pretty morbid, EDI. Besides, we already know what things are like without me" <pointed but loving look at Garrus>
EDI's like, "Yes, but sometimes organics better appreciate their current circumstances when they see the alternative, the 'what could have been'."
Joker goes, "By 'sometimes' do you mean in those old movies" and then he's like, "How much do you want to bet that Shepard just sees a black screen bc the galaxy would be just a void if not for her"
Anyway, they all put on the goggles and then it's a series of vignettes showing what each crew member's seeing. The scenarios are all very silly and fun since EDI decided to show them the most entertaining simulation outputs.
At some point she tells Shepard that in 90% of her crew's simulations, Shepard failed or otherwise didn't make it, implying that even if the galaxy breaks without Shepard, she can't save it without her crew 🥹
That's all I've got for that one at the moment!
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interdimensional-ship · 6 months
✭ ✭ one for the two of them if that’s allowed
((Guessing you mean one headcanon that applies to both Lor and Magolor? If not you can just send this ask again specifying two distinct headcanons, or just two asks. Anyways… I suppose this is as good a time as any to explain how Clash fits into things, eh? This will contain spoilers for Magolor Epilogue, so if you’ve still not played it and have managed to avoid them thus far I suggest not reading beyond this point. For those still here, strap in, this is gonna be a long one!))
((So, for those who haven’t read the fic I’ve been writing that explores the earliest days of Magolor and Lor knowing each other, I’ll just establish right out of the gate that Magolor simultaneously did and didn’t survive his fight with the Tree Crown. He defeated it and all, but his injuries combined with the physical and magical exertion took its toll on him. However, the latent magic where he was, combined with his desire to go to some semblance of a normal home and Another Dimension Weirdness™️, essentially coalesced into that portal to the Dream Kingdom, which itself drew heavily from what Magolor knew of certain historical figures and events, altered by his own experiences. Or, in other words, spurred on by that wish of his and the magic at play, part of the Dream Realm fragmented into that version of the Dream Kingdom due to Another Dimension being unstable as hell and technically not being a place. Hard to die normally when you aren’t anywhere.
Because he ultimately “died” while going through that portal, the world essentially ended up with two separate Magolors. There was Magolor as he thought he might be in his dreams, now living in the Dream Kingdom as a respected and successful seller of various magic items and armor and weapons and the like, who also didn’t truly have to face the consequences of his actions because they magically went away. Then there was the “original” Magolor, still in Another Dimension, who just died and ended up in a limbo of sorts due to the reasons stated above. Given the circumstances of his death and the fact that he wasn’t really “supposed” to die to begin with, Morpho Knight(in butterfly form) ultimately brought him back(on the brink of death still but not Dead dead) to the last home-adjacent place he’d been… Which just so happened to be Lor’s main room.
That brings me to how she ties in with this. Remember how the “real” Dream Kingdom essentially came about as a result of Magolor’s thoughts, feelings, and memories? The concept didn’t just disappear from his mind entirely, and in fact the idea of making a vaguely accurate(if not somewhat anachronistic) retelling of some history/folklore was something he couldn’t help but want to do. Lor, being incredibly advanced and also bigger on the inside than on the outside, can do a lot of cool things, be it having an entire bamboo forest folks can do target practice in, a large firing range that has its own sky and stretches back miles, entire obstacle courses for various skill sets, etc. She also liked the idea, and had information to work with regarding what certain figures were like, essentially allowing her to fill in the blanks between Magolor’s broader ideas while he could focus on details like items and good ol’ “what part can someone I know play in this?”. Thus, Clash ALSO exists as an interactive simulation Lor can run that is effectively a playable reenactment of historical events with a few extra things mixed in.
Of course, because things weren’t confusing enough, neither of these “versions” of Clash are “canon” in the sense that one is an alternate microuniverse and the other is a simulation in a timeline where the original events already occurred. So, y’know, there was no gem apple tree, no Shoppe, Landia hadn’t been around back then, Doctor Healmore and the other heroes weren’t just identical twins save for their colors, Taranza and the Animal Friends and Meta Knight wouldn’t have been there, etc. Galacta Knight, being the Aeon Hero, would’ve been one of the “playable” heroes(he was the Sword Hero of yore), but that obviously wouldn’t have worked for a simulation intended to be like a game. It was actually Lor’s idea to essentially include the depiction of Galacta in the period between snapping and becoming the strongest warrior in the galaxy. It’s by far the biggest creative liberty that was taken, given the fact that Galacta really went off the deep end after the other events of Clash took place. It essentially gave an idea of what he might be like(she didn’t know about Meta Knight’s wish/encounter) while also not omitting the fact that he wasn’t always the dangerous figure he turned himself into.
As for why totally-not-Magolor was included but not some version of herself? One, some anachronisms are too big and blatant to do anything other than break immersion. Two, there’s a point where including familiar faces(or in this case figures without a face) in a historical recreation goes from being a fun little nod to being excessive. Three, accurately simulating herself would have been extremely difficult because she knows she isn’t the type to say “>No you can’t come in go away”, and that would’ve meant needing to recreate her own interior and amenities and the like for accuracy’s sake. If you’re gonna simulate yourself you gotta do it right or else what’s the point?))
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tenebraevesper · 10 months
Five Nights at Freddy's: Salvaged, Night 34: Madness
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''I know I swore that this was the last time, the madness never ends up in my mind! I made a list, it makes me sick and I can't leave 'till it's done. I patiently await the day to pack my bags and run. On and on, I could never escape my fate! No, I'm never getting out! I know that this won't be my last time I'm losing sight. Oh, I'm losing sight…''
– Madness by NateWantsToBattle (Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator)
Springtrap glared at Connor, his eyes flaring up purple. The latter was standing on the stage, a smug grin on his lips and his arms crossed. He looked satisfied, as if this was just a game and he was the one who ended up victorious. However, he had no idea that this game was far from over.
''I am glad that you're here,'' Connor said. ''I already thought that you wouldn't even bother to appear and that I would have to find another way to draw your attention.''
He was mostly staring at Springtrap, only occasionally glancing at Sam. The latter had an uncanny feeling that, to Connor, she was only the means necessary to achieve his goal – in other words, bringing Springtrap here. Now that he had Springtrap's full attention, she wasn't needed anymore. A knot formed in her stomach and she stepped closer to Springtrap.
''It wasn't exactly difficult to figure out that you were the man behind this,'' Springtrap replied, a stern look on his expression. Connor stared back at him, his expression unreadable. It seemed as if he was expecting another reaction from Springtrap, but there wasn't any.
''To be honest, it took me a while to set this up, but the ending result is quite satisfying. As I said, I'm glad that you have managed to come here,'' Connor said, grinning.
''What do you want?'' Springtrap asked, frowning. Connor seemed tense as he heard the aggressive tone in Springtrap's voice. He didn't like it, but nevertheless carried on with the conversation in a pleasant, calm tone.
''Straight to the point,'' he muttered. ''Although, I don't think we should rush ahead. Why don't you take a seat? After all, I don't believe I have even introduced myself.'' He placed his hand on his chest and then opened his arms with a flourish as a welcoming gesture, saying in a booming voice fit for an announcer. ''My name is Connor Davis and welcome to my restaurant, Ricky's Wonder Shack, where fun and safety are guaranteed!''
''Not that you have managed to keep-''
''Have I asked you anything?'' Connor suddenly cut Sam off, glaring at her. His voice went from friendly to furious, and he was clearly angry about the interruption. Sam was startled, feeling chills running down her spine because of Connor's sudden mood change. He then grinned again, his voice calm and pleasant. ''That's better.'' He then looked at Springtrap, who was still glaring at him, his arms crossed. ''I assume your name is William Afton, isn't it?''
He was disappointed by the lack of reaction. He thought that Springtrap would be surprised, shocked or even astonished that he had managed to figure out who he is, or attempt to the deny it, but he didn't. Instead, Springtrap just glared at him, the glow in his eyes becoming even stronger.
''You're right, my name is William Afton,'' he said coldly. ''How do you know?''
''I have been spending hours searching for any information I could get on Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, and I have found an article about Fredbear's Family Diner, which mentioned the names of the two owners: Henry Emily and William Afton. Since Henry Emily was reported to be dead, my only conclusion was that you had to still be alive…'' Connor said, taking a look at Springtrap. ''Well, alive in a different manner. Nevertheless, it is impressive, what you had achieved. Who would've thought that this was even possible?''
''Why are you telling me this?'' Springtrap asked.
''Ever since I have figured out who you are, I wanted to talk to you,'' Connor replied. ''After all, I believe that there are a lot of topics we could discuss.''
''How about the fact that you have kidnapped a little boy?'' Sam said in an accusatory tone. Connor glared at her, with Sam shivering.
''Haven't I told you to keep your mouth shut when you're not spoken to?'' he said, pressing the button on his ear piece. Sam and Springtrap suddenly heard footsteps, with the animatronics from Ricky's approaching and surrounding them. Ricky, Quentin, Max, Dahlia and Virgil's eyes were glowing and they looked as if they were ready to tear Sam and Springtrap apart. Connor watched their reactions with amusement. ''I only need to give them a command, and I sincerely doubt that you can take them all out at once.'' He then got off the stage. ''Now, let's keep this conversation civil, won't we? I believe that everything can be explained and discussed.''
Springtrap glanced at the animatronics, knowing that Sam was in danger in case Connor ordered them to attack. He knew that, even if he tried to fight back, he was still outnumbered and would probably be overpowered. While Sam did have the black device that interfered with the animatronic system, he wasn't sure whether she would be able to deal with Connor, who certainly wouldn't care what would happen to her. Not to mention, he had no idea whether Connor made sure that the animatronics would be immune to the device. In short, they were trapped here and at Connor's mercy.
''Fine,'' Springtrap said reluctantly. ''Do you mind explaining us first why you had arranged this? Why did you kidnap that kid, only to release him later? I understand that it was a message to us, but still, it doesn't really make much sense. You could've done something else to reach out for us.''
''I have figured that this would be quite efficient,'' Connor replied. ''Not to mention, I needed to test out a few features on the animatronics, and this was the perfect opportunity. It certainly didn't disappoint, as I have complete control over these animatronics.''
Connor started pacing up and down next to the stage, occasionally glancing at Springtrap and Sam, his arms crossed behind his back.
''It was actually much easier than I had expected, and it certainly drew a lot of attention. You know, we actually had two birthdays today, so obviously, at least my co-workers would be focused on making those work, while also being overwhelmed by the demands of other patrons,'' he said. ''All that was left for me to do was to find a child that was roaming alone, without any parental supervision. Considering how many parents are either too naive or too ignorant about our rules, it wasn't that difficult to find someone. All I needed to do was to spike a drink with sleeping medication and let him drink it. Once he had passed out, I brought him into the room in the back. I assume that you are familiar with it, especially since you already know more than you should.''
Springtrap nodded quietly, him and Sam wondering where this conversation would go. Connor seemed to be rather satisfied with the response.
''How come nobody had realized that it was you who had done that?'' Springtrap asked. Connor snapped his fingers, grinning.
''That's where my actual  brilliance shines. You already know that I'm Ricky's actor, and so do all my co-workers. All I needed to do was to fool them into thinking I was in the Ricky costume the whole time, and it worked. I simply put the costume on a spare endoskeleton and sent it off. If someone unfamiliar with me saw me alongside Ricky, they would think that there were two different people standing in front of them,'' Connor explained, looking quite proud. ''Afterwards, all I needed to do was to recall the spare animatronic and put the costume back on, waiting until someone realized that he was missing. Surprisingly, it didn't take long for that to happen.''
''The article on the website said that the police had a description of the man,'' Springtrap said. ''Do you want to explain that?''
''Actually, I was the one who had raised alerted everyone about the missing child. I simply told them that I was worried about a boy who seemed to be sick and left him there for a second to look for his parents, but he had vanished,'' Connor said, shrugging. ''I made up a story about a man having approached him, essentially sending the police on a wild goose chase. Along with that, I also had suggested to put the article about the missing boy on our website. If anything, the manager would've been pressured by the police and patrons to do everything in his power to find a missing child, including having to put an article about what had happened.''
''However, that article was actually for us to see,'' Springtrap muttered.
''Correct,'' Connor replied. ''I assumed that you might be checking on what's going on here. Using the Ricky's Wonder Shack website was the most efficient way to send a message.''
''What about the cameras? I'm sure that the cops would've insisted on checking them,'' Sam said suddenly. Connor simply glared at her, but he didn't scold her, merely looking annoyed.
''I made sure they wouldn't record anything. After all, I did anticipate that, after the police officers show up, that they would demant to see the camera footage. The only problem was that there was none,'' Connor explained. ''Trust me, I have covered everything. Everything they knew was that an unknown man entered this building, and a while later, a boy had vanished. Meanwhile, I was Ricky the whole time, as everyone could testify, and I had also seen this ''unknown man'' approaching the boy, but he had left shortly after. I wanted to help the boy, but sadly, I had lost him out of my sight for a moment, and then, he was gone.''
''However, you'd still be questioned, since you were the last person to see that kid,'' Springtrap pointed out. Connor grinned.
''It's a tragic story, but it is believable, and it is also a good cover up. My own co-workers testified that I'm the only person who plays Ricky and that I'm the only one who has access to the back room and the rooms with the costumes. Of course, the cops did check the room, but they had no idea that there was another hidden room behind it. They had also seen a dismantled endoskeleton, which I explained to be broken, and that I was also the technician for the animatronics. They didn't question it,'' Connor explained. ''Not to mention, it can be quite hard to navigate while wearing a costume, meaning that it wouldn't be impossible for me to have difficulty noticing things that were out of place. In short, as a suspect, I was out of question. The police was already searching for the stranger.''
''So, why did you then return that kid?'' Springtrap asked. Connor chuckled.
''Isn't it obvious? All I wanted is for a message to be sent,'' he replied. ''Afterwards, I didn't need him anymore. Once the cops weren't paying attention, I took him outside to be found. He managed to sleep through everything, and I doubt he'll remember much once he wakes up. Not to mention, I needed the restaurant to be cleared, so I suggested to the manager to close it earlier, only to return once everyone was gone. I knew that you wouldn't resist coming here.''
''You're sick, you know that,'' Sam said furiously, ignoring the angry look Connor gave her.
''I don't remember asking for your opinion,'' Connor replied in a condescending tone. He then turned to Springtrap, a deranged grin on his expression. ''Although, I am interested in your critique. After all, if you hadn't taken my creations apart, I wouldn't have figured out that there was something missing. As a matter of fact, I can say that I had improved my work and I'm certain that you'd be impressed once you see it.''
''So, you want to say that you went through all of this in hopes that I would acknowledge your work?'' Springtrap scoffed, with Connor's eyes widening in surprise, then narrowing in annoyance. ''The reason why I had destroyed those animatronics wasn't in order to help you improve, but to show you have absolutely no idea what you're doing. You're a complete amateur, and rest assured, I have no interest whatsoever in your work.''
''Maybe I should've killed that kid,'' Connor said calmly, provoking Springtrap. The latter clenched his fist, his eyes flaring up purple as he glared at Connor. ''So, you want to say that you're suddenly against murder?''
''What makes you think that?'' Springtrap asked. Sam gave him a look of concern, but Springtrap was staring at Connor, who was grinning.
''There is only one way to have your soul trapped inside one of those contraptions – death,'' Connor said. ''Considering how Freddy Fazbear's Pizza has a history of murders and other incidents, it wouldn't be difficult to conclude that someone had realized that death means nothing and that there is a way to preserve life, which is why this person had set up those murders. This person is, of course, you, Mr. Afton.''
Sam glanced at Springtrap, who was observing Connor with a calculating look on his expression, crossing his arms. However, he remained silent, with Connor looking somewhat disappointed that Springtrap wasn't questioning him about his assumptions.
''I have to admit, I have also experienced death,'' Connor continued, satisfied to see Springtrap somewhat surprised. ''However, rather than being killed by an animatronic, I ended up losing my life due to a car accident, if only briefly. Nevertheless, even though I was eventually resuscitated on the operating table, I had never forgotten that feeling of treading on a thin line between life and death. It was quite fascinating, and ever since then, I had tried to recreate that feeling. Unfortunately, all of my experiments, expect for one, were a complete failure. Therefore, I was wondering whether you could help me, as you obviously know more than I do. After all, you did call me an amateur, didn't you?''
''Forget it,'' Springtrap replied, with Connor getting agitated. He briefly glanced at Sam, then at Ricky, who was standing behind her.
''So, this is how things are,'' he muttered, his eyes narrowing. ''Grab her.''
Sam cried out when Ricky suddenly grabbed her shoulder, trying to break free, only for Springtrap to suddenly react by punching Ricky and almost tearing his arm off as he attempted to pry it away from Sam's shoulder. The wolf animatronic staggered back, with Sam quickly stepping closer to Springtrap as he looked at the other animatronics who, surprisingly, didn't attack, then glared back at Connor.
''It seems that this has confirmed my assumption,'' Connor said, looking at him curiously. ''It is quite funny to think that an elusive serial killer would even care about someone's life. I have to say, Mr. Afton, having a morality pet can be quite a burden, especially if it's someone who'd prevent you from further research.''
''You know, I could use you for further research,'' Springtrap said furiously as took a step towards Connor, who backed away, surprised by Springtrap's sudden outburst. ''Too bad I have my own standards, which I can assure you, are nothing like yours.''
''Well,…'' Connor muttered, realizing that he was pushing Springtrap's berserk button. ''Of course I have my standards. However, I believe that sometimes sacrifices needed to be made to achieve something greater.''
''I guess that one of those sacrifices was Raven,'' Sam said, with Connor giving her an annoyed look, although he didn't look angry. Instead, he looked as if he was reminiscing of something. He then grinned.
''Bran wasn't a sacrifice,'' he said, noticing Sam's confused at look. He rolled his eyes. ''Bran Crawford was my old friend and partner. We both worked at the Machinations Factory and he was the one who introduced me to the haunted animatronics, or at least, to the rumors.''
''What happened to him?'' Springtrap asked.
''It was a tragedy, albeit also an accident,'' Connor said. ''I pushed him back during an argument and he hit his head on the corner of the table, eventually bleeding out. However, I have also managed to give him a new body, as his soul ended up getting connected to the Raven animatronic. I have to admit, I am rather proud of my achievement.'' He turned to Springtrap. ''Not to mention, this is what made me realize why those murders happened. As I already said, it is an incredible discovery.''
Springtrap snorted, much to Connor's confusion.
''You really know nothing,'' he said, his eyes suddenly flaring up purple as he glared at Connor. ''You have no idea how souls function, nor do you know anything about how they connect to animatronics. Your so-called experiments are all just the work of a madman who believed that he had managed to achieve something, but in truth, you've been acting like a complete idiot, thinking you were above death. In short, you have failed.''
''No, I haven't failed-'' Connor gritted his teeth, stunned when Springtrap suddenly cut him off.
''You are nothing. You don't deserve recognition, nor a chance to achieve what you had planned. All you just told me was complete nonsense. You're pathetic and delusional, and I feel sorry for your partner, who didn't deserve to die like this, nor have his soul trapped inside an animatronic suit,'' Springtrap told him, with Connor growing more and more agitated. ''Honestly, I regret having to deal with a madman like you.''
''Shut up!'' Connor yelled, with the animatronics suddenly activating. Sam got closer to Springtrap, holding his hand as Max pointed his cutlass at her. She was shaking, observing the animatronics' eyes, which were glowing brightly, all five in sync wih the system Connor had created. They were ready to strike, but it seemed to Connor didn't care at this point, as he was glaring at Springtrap with a look of insanity on his expression. ''You really think that you're above me?! You have have no right to judge me, considering what you have done! I was simply making you an offer, as I believed that you would understand what I went through, and this offer still stands.''
''You can be assured that, regardless of what you tell me, I'll refuse whatever offer you give me,'' Springtrap replied. Connor grinned.
''Oh, really? Considering what I just saw, I sincerely doubt you will refuse this one. You see, Mr. Afton, I consider Ricky's Wonder Shack to be just a place where we'd just discuss a few things, holding a simple conversation about our interests. I actually wanted to invite you to the Machinations Factory, where we could continue with what I had planned, as it's more fitting,'' he said. ''However, since you refused, I believe that I should clarify the conditions of my offer. You are free to come to the factory, but for every day you continue stubbornly refuse my request, one person will suffer. For every day you decide to ignore my warning, I will kill someone, and I don't care who that person will be. I'd prefer my victims to be children, as they're obviously easier to lure away.''
He saw the look of pure horror on Sam's expression, as well as the look of seething rage on Springtrap's expression. He simply smiled in satisfaction.
''I don't really believe that being responsible for more victims would put any weight on your soul, Mr. Afton, but I'm certain that your friend here...'' He looked at Sam, as if expecting something from her.
''Samantha,'' she muttered, realizing a moment later what he wanted to know.
''Right,'' Connor muttered, turning back to Springtrap. ''You wouldn't want Samantha to be burdened by the fact that she was at fault for more people dying. After all, she too seems to be a victim of circumstances. Do you really want to see her suffer?''
''No…'' Springtrap muttered, glancing down at Sam. In a way, they were cornered. ''Fine.''
''One more thing,'' Connor said, drawing Springtrap's ire. He glanced at Sam. ''Samantha is going to be present too.'' Sam glared back at him, but Connor ignored her. He walked back to the stage, with Sam and Springtrap noticing the animatronics suddenly stepping away from them. Connor then briefly turned to them. ''I want you to be there tomorrow evening. Now, please, get out of my restaurant.''
He observed them as they cautiously looked at the animatronics, who had stepped away to let them through, then walked out of the restaurant. He grinned in satisfaction.
In the end, I did get what I wanted. Besides, they won't regret accepting my offer.
''I'm going to kill him,'' Springtrap muttered, still remembering the smug grin on Connor's expression as he watched them leaving. He was furious, wishing he could've ended Connor's life then and there. After all, Connor was fascinated by death, so he probably won't mind experiencing another one. Angry, Sprigntrap kicked an empty can that someone left on the street, not flinching at the metallic noise it made as it bounced down the empty street. As he calmed down, he just felt sick to his stomach about this whole situation. He glanced at Sam, who kept quiet the whole time. ''Sam…''
''You were right about Connor being delusional, but what he told us was just another level of messed up,'' she said in a quiet, but firm tone, looking at Springtrap. ''On the other hand, it's not like he gave us much of a choice.''
''Honestly, I don't want you to be part of this, but you're right,'' Springtrap said. ''At least we know what he's planning to do. Even if Connor thought that he was the one in control, he did reveal a lot of information he probably should've kept for himself. He wants us back at the factory, which means that we'll have to deal with the Drawkills once again. Connor said that he has improved them, which means that we would have to find a different way to handle them.'' He sighed, frowning. ''In any case, I'm not leaving that factory until I find a way to finally shut it down.''
''Exactly,'' Sam said, with Springtrap giving her a curious look. ''Don't think you'll be alone in this. I would've accompained you regardless of whether Connor wanted me to come or not.''
''Of course you would,'' Springtrap said, tilting his head. Much to Sam's surprise, there was no sarcasm in his voice. ''I know, you probably expected me to continue protesting about you being involved into something dangerous. While I'm still anxious about your involvement, there's no doubt about me needing your help for this.''
''Right! We're in this together,'' Sam said.
Springtrap nodded, but as he looked away, Sam noticed that he seemed to be rather troubled. She felt bad for him, aware of what was going through his head. Rest assured, none of them was looking forward to their next encounter with Connor.
How did I get myself trapped in all this madness? Springtrap frowned, lying on the couch. Of course, going by the logic everyone uses, it's my own fault again.
He sat up, feeling angry. His eyes flared up purple as he remembered his conversation with Connor, not to mention the implications the latter made during said conversation.
I have never asked for this! Why would I even want another deranged person to try to copy what I had achieved? Springtrap sighed, frowning. This isn't the same situation as Elizabeth. Sure, she may have wanted to become my successor, but that wasn't too surprising, as her soul basically merged with the animatronic AI, so of course she would've done what the AI was programmed for. Not to mention, I wasn't exactly mentally stable either, so I didn't care that much about what would happen.
He leaned against the couch, a mix of irritation and despair making him feel sick again. He shook his head, trying to fight off that feeling.
Besides, I was the only one whom Henry condemned to Hell. Sure, it didn't last, and I did return, but I made different decisions for myself during these past weeks. Nobody expected me to come to this far, not even myself, but here I am, and I'm certainly not going to let anyone destroy what I had achieved.
He suddenly stood up, clenching his fist. Another thing that made him furious was the way Connor treated Sam. He saw her as someone expendable and every time Connor attempted to silence her, Springtrap wished that he could've just punched him in the face. What made it worse was that Connor believed that Springtrap would see him as his equal. Rest assured, he enjoyed telling Connor how insignificant he was. If it weren't for his antics at Ricky's, Springtrap wouldn't have bothered to find out more about him.
He may be attempting to compare himself to me, but we're nothing alike. He sighed, closing his eyes. Although, when everything is considered, I'm not better than him. After all, I have murdered more people than he probably did... He suddenly shook his head, frowning. Goddamnit, this isn't a competition! I made my choice, and I have made it clear that, despite the similarities, there is still a huge difference. If anything, while he may be inspired by what I had done, he still has no idea what he had gotten himself into, and I'm certainly not going to help him with that.
He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.
''You don't have anything to say, do you?'' he said. He didn't really sense the presence of that spirit, but he did assume that they were listening. However, there was no response. He wasn't really sure whether this was a good thing or not, as he expected that kid to comment on the situation, even though he was happy to some extent that they didn't.
Now, the only thing that is left is to figure out how we're going to deal with Connor tomorrow. Not to mention, trying to explain Emma why we would be once again gone for the night.
Apparently, Emma was still awake when they had returned and asked them what they were up to. The two weren't really sure what to tell her, as they felt that they couldn't tell her the truth, but were afraid of her reaction if she found out that they were lying to her, so Sam went ahead and only told her the reason why they went there. Needless to say, Emma wasn't happy about hearing that they were at Ricky's because they read the news about a kid who had disappeared for a few hours. Springtrap could still remember the glare Emma gave him, as if this was somehow his fault. However, she didn't pester them with further questions, even though it was clear to all of them that this conversation would continue tomorrow.
What should I do?
Springtrap glanced at the door, wondering whether Sam was asleep. He was sure that he wasn't the only one who was worried about the current state of the situation. While he was anxious about Emma hearing him going to Sam's room, he still wanted to check on her, so he carefully opened the door and peeked into the hallway. He was surprised to see that Sam was already standing there, wide awake. She beckoned to him to follow her to her room, closing the door once they were inside.
''Why aren't you asleep?'' Springtrap asked as she sat down on her bed.
''I can't fall asleep. I've been thinking the whole time about what Connor told us,'' Sam replied.
''You aren't the only one,'' Springtrap said as he sat next to her. ''It seems that this whole situation is driving both of us crazy.''
''Yeah, but we can't allow this to happen. We both agree that we need to do something to make sure that Connor won't harm anyone anymore,'' Sam said, sighing and leaning against Springtrap. She felt exhausted.
''Exactly,'' Springtrap said, lifting his hand and caressing Sam's hair briefly. Both of them were stressed out, but he knew that the constant worry won't help them in the long run. He frowned. ''Not to mention, I do have my own personal reasons to deal with Connor.''
''I assume that it's because of what he told you; that he deserves recognition for discovering that there is a way to trap a soul inside an animatronic,'' Sam said, quickly adding. ''Speaking of which, why didn't you tell him that Bran's soul has abandoned the animatronic suit?''
''Don't worry, I'm planning on making it clear just how much of a mistake he made when he decided to involve me into his plans,'' Springtrap replied, his eyes flaring up purple. ''Besides, there is another reason why I'm so angry at him. You saw how lightly he treats death. He acts as if he's above it, as if it's as easy as falling asleep. I know I too have been arrogant when it came to that topic, but I knew that I shouldn't treat death as something trivial. It is not pretty; it's agonizing! Even though I knew what would happen after I had trapped myself inside the springlock suit, I admit that I was still afraid of death. A part of me was afraid that it wouldn't work, but I went with that plan regardless.''
''As you had already said, Connor is delusional,'' Sam said. ''He believes that he deserves this.''
Springtrap sighed, staring at the floor as if he was contemplating something. He then shook his head, his feelings being a mix of amusement and grief.
''Not to mention the pure irony of this situation,'' he muttered, looking crestfallen. ''This is how Henry, Charlie, those children and Michael felt whenever they had to interact with me.''
''Maybe, but I think you'll have to ask them about it,'' Sam said, with Springtrap glancing at her. ''In any case, you made your point. I know that it bothers you that Connor is trying to relate his experiences to you, but I think that is obvious that you two are nothing alike. After all, you were the one who has started the whole thing.''
''Thanks for the comfort,'' Springtrap said sarcastically. Sam rolled her eyes, then smiled.
''That thought should comfort you, William,'' she said. ''Sure, you shouldn't be proud of what you had achieved, but you still understood the implications of what you were doing. Not only that, but after you had returned, you showed regret for what you had done. Connor, on the other hand, is trying to blindly imitate what you had achieved based on a few assumptions. If anything, you showed to be a person solely because you refused to go along with his plan to continue murdering people. Not to mention, you also want to stop Connor for harming someone. As I had already said, there is an obvious difference between you two, and I have just scratched the surface level.''
''Thanks, Sam,'' Springtrap told her, with Sam looking happy to see him somewhat relieved. ''I guess I really needed a reminder to why why I'm still here.''
''I'm always glad to help you out. After all, you'd do the same for me,'' Sam replied. Springtrap nodded.
Whatever happens next, I will make sure to at least not lose sight of my own plans. After all, I have learned my lesson when it comes to this madness.
His eyes flared up purple, with a look of determination appearing on his expression.
I am still here.
#Previous Chapter
#Current Chapter
#Next Chapter
#Five Nights at Freddy's: The Untold Story (Masterlist)
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior*
Chapter Six
We entered on the cat walk at the front of the room where we could get a good view of the training area. The 501st is lined up at the front just below us, Echo paces back and forth infront of them.
"Would you stop pacing you di'kut (idiot), you're killing the mood" Fives says.
If looks could kill Fives would be dead.
"Alright gentlemen, you know the drill. Offensive positions!" Rex says through the comm.
The squad scaters doing as their Captain asks. He then gives Echo specific directives.
"Copy that sir!" I know that's Echo's voice. In the short amount of time I've spent with them, I can already tell the differences in their voices. Slight. But if your listening you can tell.
With that Rex nods at Anakin who begins the simulation.
I watch as they squad moves like a well oiled machine. Flanking left and right to take out the droids. Echo barking directions.
"I have to admit, Echo's pretty good at this" I say.
Rex smiles, "Taught myself. Might sound funny but it comes more naturally to him than some of the others".
Ahsoka snickers "You mean Fives".
At that Rex deep signs. I giggle. "He's got some...growing up to do still" Rex says.
"He must have done something impressive to each ARC Trooper" I say looking up at Rex.
He looks over at me and before he can say anything the comms filled with yelling from the squad.
"We're pinned down!" Jesse's stress quite evident.
"Hardcase lay down some cover fire" says Echo.
"Tup and I can flank left side while you guys cut them off from the other" says Fives.
They nod to one another and immediately jump to action helping their fellow members pinned down. They were then able to continue on and over take "the castle", they called it.
I leaned past Rex briefly brushing his arm. I looked up and we locked eyes holding it for a second. "Ni ceta (sorry)" I say blushing and feeling electricity run up my arm into my core.
I wonder if he felt that too?
Rex doesn't say a word and I continue to reach for the button to speak into the comm system. "Nicely done boys" I say with a smile.
Echo proudly turns around and gives a playful bow.
"You didn't do it alone you di'kut" Fives chimes in.
Echo rolls his eyes.
"Now that you did that with blasters-" I start with a smug look toward Anakin and Ahsoka who look confused. "My turn, but without blasters." I say unholdersing my dual pistols and laying them on the desk.
"Hand-to-hand?" Rex asks confused. 
"It's not so much hand-to-hand, more like not relying so much on those Deeces and grenades" I say pointing to his kama where his pistols are holstered.
The squad down below begins to whisper. Fives looks up "Psh! We can do it! I'm up for the challenge!" He says cockily.
"As fun as that sounds....I'm not treating you all for training injurys..." Kix chimes in "Besides we haven't really trained for that".
"Yeah I gotta agree with Kix" Echo says.
"Aw come on" says Hardcase.
"Well boys I've got good news for you...that's why they called me here!" I say proudly.
There's a series of enthusiastic whoops and hollers over the comms. Rex smiles and shakes his head.
Anakin's comm starts going off like someone is trying to make a call and he steps out to answer it before popping back in, "It's Master Kenobi, he wants us back at the temple" he says to Ahoska.
"Aw come on this was just getting interesting!" She says.
"Some other time Snips we gotta go" Anakin scolds her.
"Sometime I promise I'll teach you some of what I know" I smile at Ahsoka who seems pleased with that answer. With that, they head out leaving me and Rex together.
"Run the same scenario if you would Captain" I say giving a semi flirty smile.
He looks at me confused "again?" He asks.
I smile "yes but this time for me".
"Uh you sure? This exercise is meant for at least a squad."
He sounds concerned...it's cute
"I'll be fine Rex trust me but it's cute your concerned" I say with a wink.
He blushes and I head out the door down towards the floor of the training area.
"You boys are dismissed. Head up to the cat walk" I say very matter of factly.
"What are you gunna do?" Echo asks concerned.
"It's my turn to show you a preview of  my combat training" I reply sliding my helmet on. The squad heads out doing as they were told.
"Are you sure about this?" I hear Rex's voice in my comms.
I turn around and look up to the cat walk. "Yes Rex I'm sure. Trust me" I say putting emphasis on the last part.
"Alright. Offensive position." He says before engaging a similar sequence.
Immediately 3 walls shoot up around me so I can't see the droids enter and the type of barriers the sequence brought up.
Deep breath...focus...
I close my eyes and slow my breathing before the 3 walls come down around me. I immediately jump into battle mode. Blaster fire (non-leathal or course) Flys over my head as I duck behind my first cover - half wall go figure - as I try to figure out my first move. I peek over the wall to get an idea of where the droids are. Two off to my right and one to my left.... If I can distract them for a moment I can slide behind them and use my whip cord to bring the pair down before they notice...that just leaves the 3rd...
I pull one of my knives from my boot and throw it towards the Droid on the left. While the other 2 were distracted I slide behind them using my whip cord to tangle their legs, causing them to drop their blasters and come crashing to the ground. I hopped on top of the pile they made and hit their disable button. I could hear a series of whoops and hollers in my buy'ce comm. I couldn't help but smirk.
With that 4 more droids made their presence known.... I grabbed my knife out of one of the droids and ran for more cover.
Reaching into my other boot and removing another knife, I simultaneously threw them - one in each hand - I simultaneously throw them at two of the droids and they fall to the ground.
Two left and I should be almost to the end...
Two more droids came out of no where behind me
I ran towards one of the droids - blaster fire zinging by - in an attempt to get to it's disable button. It raises its blaster and begins to shoot. I raise my arms infront of my face using my beskar on my forearms to deflect the shots. This Droid was closer to the wall so as I made my approach I grabbed the blaster the Droid was holding, while running up the side of the wall- spinning the Droid around- and hitting the disable button.
Using my whipcord, I grabbed the blaster from the other droid and made my way over to it, jumping on it's shoulders and hitting the disable button.
The other 2 droids were getting close. It was time to deal with them and then I'd have 'the castle'.
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hello! if possible could you write sth with (dom)felix × breeding kink? id also like to say that I find your works really enjoyable and can't wait to read more of them in the future! hope you have a great day/night!! 🤍
Felix x reader
Genre: Smut smut and more smut 🔞🔞🔞🔞
Word count: 1.2k
Trigger warning: unprotected sex (never do it) breast sucking and fucking, clit simulation, teasing.
If you are not 18+ do not go any further
Note: i know Felix isn't a Dom in this smut lol i just don’t see him like that so i wrote what i wanted with the same story line hope you like it.
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“What do you mean….I’m not fucking you without a condom,” an argument you often had with your boyfriend.
“Hear me out,” he said, following you into the room.
“No, Felix,” you said, sitting on the bed.
“Baby listens…….you are like three days out from your period, right?” Here we go with trying to convince you shit happens every month.
“That’s not the point….some girls ovulate right before a period” you weren’t lying to him.
“We’ll get the morning after pill” he had an answer for everything.
“Easy for you to say,” you scoff. He’s not the one that has to take the pill.
“Why don’t you just get the rod or take the pill” you could tell he was frustrated.
“Felix, they fuck up your body” you had the discussion with him when you first got together.
Two days later, you usually start to spot a day before your period, not to mention how horny you felt right before. You cleaned up the dishes when you felt these arms wrap around your waist.
“You okay?” He kissed your shoulder.
“Yeah, why?” You are still scrubbing the dinner out of the pot.
“Your frowning”, he kissed behind your ear, and you wished he hadn’t. This was your sweet spot, the spot that would make you do anything.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to”, the truth.
“Does your tummy hurt?….. I can wash the dishes” he kissed behind your ear again.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t have my period yet” you turn around, your back now to the sink, Felix's nose touching yours.
He gives you a soft kiss you didn’t realise you wanted. Felix pulls back “let me help you dry” Felix turns around to grab a tea towel out of the drawer. You had other plans. As Felix turns around, you peck his lips. He freezes, not expecting you to do that. He kissed you back, slowly walking you into the cold kitchen counter.
He helps set you on top. You are only wearing his white T-shirt. “I love you so much,” he said, pausing the kiss to catch his breath. You pull him back in for a deeper, more sexual kiss. His hands slide down to your hips. Then one slides down to your inner thigh.
His finger traced along your underwear line. He then runs his fingers over your clothed folds. He pulls away from the kiss. “Are you sure your okay?……no tummy pain?” There was always a little discomfort right before your period, but you read when you were younger that sex during and before periods could help with the pain.
“I’m fine, Felix” you pull him back, legs wrapped around his waist. You begin to grind on his already hard member.
“Wait….I’ll have to get a condom” he try’s to unwrap your legs, but you grip on tight.
“Don’t worry about it”, you say, heavy breathing.
“But…all that talk the other day”, he gulped.
“I thought about it…. Would it be so bad if we got pregnant” his eyes widened. The truth is, Felix wouldn’t mind having a baby. He’s always wanted to be a dad.
“Are you joking?” He was so confused you had always made him wear a condom ALWAYS.
“Felix….. are you going to fuck me or not” you are dead serious.
“Fucken oath” he pulled you off the counter and carried you to the bedroom.
Laying you on the bed, your hand roams down to his pants. You are desperate at this point.
“Easy…Easy…..why are you so desperate” he giggled as he grabbed your hand that was currently pulling his pants down.
You stop and raise your eyebrows “did you really just say that to me.”
“Sorry, I’ll just shut up” he kissed your neck, working his way up to your earlobe.
“I’m not desperate, by the way,” you say as he kisses your sweet spot.
“No….definitely not, baby” he starts licking and sucking behind your ear.
You giggle as you slowly pull up his shirt. Felix stops to remove his shirt. He stares down at you before he resumes kissing your neck.
“Felix…” you whine. He’s so slow you need him inside you now.
He scoffs, “fine….use me” you push him down excited.
“This is gonna be so fun…hehe” your giggle makes Felix chuckle. He loved it when you took over.
You start by kissing down his chest, down his stomach and to his v line. Slowly as you move his shorts down, you kiss further and further down until his cock pops out of the shorts. You lick from his v line up his stomach and to his neck in one stroke. You place a sloppy kiss on his lips. “What to try something new?” You smile. Felix is shocked. Who is this person? This was not his girlfriend.
You slide down and spit on the tip of his already hard cock. You slowly spread it down his shaft, making sure to make eye contact the entire time. You had pretty big breasts, and you planned a little surprise for Felix. You had overheard him and Hyun-jin talking about fucking your tits the other week.
“Hold this still, okay” Felix holds his dick in place, not knowing what will happen. You take Felix’s shirt off, revealing your bare chest, boobs perky, nipples hard.
You squish your breast together, sliding his penis in between “holy fuck, hyunjin was right” you don’t think he meant to say that aloud.
You smile, pleased with yourself, you start to slide your breast up and down his shaft; Felix closes his eyes in enjoyment.
“This feels amazing” are the first words you’ve heard from him in a while.
“I want you to come inside me,” you say, letting go and crawling back up his body.
“I can do that…..anything you want, baby,” he says, leaning up to kiss you.
“Fuck me so good, Felix, please” Felix made quick ground. Before you know It, your underwear is thrown on the ground, and Felix has you lying on your side, your favourite position.
He pulls your shoulder back so your body is now leaning against his. He lifts your leg and rests it on his hip. “Perfect…I know how much you love when I do this” he lines himself up and pushes his member into your core.
He shoves his face into your neck as he thrusts in and out, cupping your breast and squeezing. It wasn’t long until his thrusts got sloppy. He was getting close, and so wear you.
“Come with me, baby,” you said
With that, he let go of your breast. You leant further back, twisting your torso, exposing your bouncing breasts to him. He latches on and traces his hand down your stomach sending shivers down your spine. He uses his tongue to flick your nipple then his hand finally reaches your clit. Using a circular motion, he sends you over the edge, “Felix, I’m about to…” just like that, you hit your high, your walls tighten around Felix’s cock as he realised inside you.
“Oh my god,” you say, coming down from your fantastic high.
“It was good, huh,” Felix said, pulling out and rolling onto his back. It was the best sex you two had ever had with each other.
“Wow”, you are out of breath. “Well, I better take a shower” you roll off the bed.
“Wait for me. I want to come” Felix quickly rolls off and meets you in the bathroom.
“Why, all of a sudden, do you want to shower with me” you smirk
“I was hoping to make you cum like that again…..but this time around, my fingers”, he grinned.
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pain-in-the-butler · 3 years
salutations, gamers
it’s been quiet around here, but what say we spice things up a lil with the official unofficial season 4 of the Black Butler Hunger Games
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It all starts with butler on butler violence. Fitting
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Alas, we’ve already lost R!Ciel, so I guess there will be no twin shenanigans this time 😔
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Even in the Hunger Games simulator, O!Ciel is trying to protect Soma from finding out he has a dead twin......... I’m not crying you’re crying
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That... might actually be stronger than his canon death scythe
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gold star, bud
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that was probably the right call, Lau
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GDI WOLFRAM, IT HAS BEEN TWO MINUTES (though I guess that’s still less ridiculous than Sieglinde starving to death after half a day)
And thus, it begins
Day 1
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Curious if we’ll see the return of responsible Father Phipps and his casual adoption of a child character amidst the carnage
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Sieglinde really said “this ain’t my first rodeo”
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it’s just a regular day of playing hide n seek in the garden for Finny
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I love Harcourt’s weird energy, because whether he’s popping up in the Hunger Games or in the Kuroshit manga itself, he’s just kind of There making things feel Less Canon
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stag party + Macmillan
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I promise you he’s still not worth it, girl
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I mean, maybe he’s worth it?
Other events:
Ran-Mao fishes
Lizzie finds a river
Bard runs from Soma
Ronald gets some boom boom dynamite
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Night 1
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this is like one of those parties where two people know each other really well and talk loudly the whole time while everyone else are virtual strangers and just kind of awkwardly avoid eye contact the whole time
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Lizzie has never gotten her due, RNGesus please I beg you
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is Sebastian fending them from his fire or is he doing a weird hoppy demon hell dance while Ronald, Grell, and Mey-Rin decide to leave because it’s uncomfortable
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good boy squad
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do you think the fight was about whose vision is the worst
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okay so we’re clearly dealing with Blue Cult!Soma and not Curry!Soma got it
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yeah that was a lot to take in, thanks for reminding us to hydrate Mr. Tanaka
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Agni, please, he let you have the bag, must you antagonize him
Also, Undertaker receives an explosive as a gift. That was a very eventful night holy cow
Day 2
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we stan a fast queen
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Tanaka’s seen enough. He knows Will’s out for blood
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I didn’t post this, but Lizzie took a trident from the cornucopia...................
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the Midford sibling killers dealing with the psychological aftermath of their crimes
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Bard really did win last time by just having fun and being himself, so I guess he’s giving that approach another shot
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do you think they’re in neighboring bushes
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Father Phipps considers his next adopted son
There were other highlights, but guess what tumblr didn’t save this properly and they got eaten (fortunately this was the only thing that was totally unsalvageable)(tumblr also ate my original and second explanation for this, thanks tumblr!)
Over the past twenty-four hours, we lost Lizzie, Ciel, Lau, Edward, and Othello. The salute meme is really more fitting here, but I already used it 1.5 times
Night 3
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Soma and Agni talk happily during their whole shift, then two others take over and it’s silent as death
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You know Undertaker dug that pit as a grave for whoever he managed to kill next, climbed out of it, started laughing, lost his balance, fell into the pit, and died
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That HAS to be just. The most interesting conversation
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Tanaka doesn’t fuck around with fires anymore
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THE PHANTOMHIVE SERVANTS ARE ALL TOGETHER AGAIN.......... wait I just realized I don’t have Snake in this omg. Snake, how could I do you like this
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Harcourt is really bringing his canon energy to this round
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I would probably have nightmare too if Harcourt were out in the woods screaming
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You kill Best Girl and it all goes downhill from there
Day 3
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Will actually killed the Phantomhives and someone’s out here supporting him. Unbelievable
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Sebastian gives Sieglinde and Finny advice on how to “get over” killing someone
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Aww, it’s really kind of Ran-Mao to make Macmillan feel like he’s an actual threat to anyone, especially her, she even sprained her ankle in the process, #1 big sister mug for you Ran-Mao
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my man
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Grey decided Soma got a little too Blue Cult Arc for his britches
Other highlights:
Harcourt goes fishing
Father Phipps is gifted some food
Grell has a lil nap time
Bard stalks Tanaka
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Night 3
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Strong DadBard energy in the chat
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We love you, rare pairs simulator
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Nighttime Seb is just completely feral
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Why do I feel like I’ve never seen this status before. It’s nighttime, and Ran-Mao just goes to sleep. She doesn’t do anything, nor does anything bad happen to her. She just has herself a good ol rest. Let the sun set on this cesspool of degeneracy, huh girl. What a mood
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Father Phipps can think about murdering everybody. As a treat
Other events:
Finny gets clean water and reminds us all to hydrate
Ronald gets even more boom boom dynamite
William gets medical supplies as a gift, even though he’s the one out here causing the most injuries
Day 4
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leave my wife alone you BASTARDS
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they’re just playimg tag ;;;;__;;;;
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I’m really feeling Ronald’s struggles on a personal level
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Meanwhile, I’m just not sure what Agni’s energy is this round
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Other highlights:
Harcourt also gets berry-picking ouchies
Grey gets a first-aid kit
Ran-Mao chases Phipps
Wow, no one’s died in a day. Will definitely wants to change that
Night 4
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damn Phipps just made four enemies, though I’m at least vaguely convinced Ronald was just in the wrong Ronald place at the wrong Ronald time
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Tanaka, nooo! It’s a trap!
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Well, we found the fire that Phipps saw
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the rare pairs sim knows no bounds
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Finny was a war machine in the last Hunger Games, but this time he’s just the ultimate soft boy, and I don’t trust Agni not to kill him
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wtf, the boys are so so wholesome this time
Day 5
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Grell gets it
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When the berries prick you from the inside, you know it’s all over... For you, Grandpa Tanaka, I’ll pour out the meme one more time
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Oh my god, you guys, I don’t think Ronald was in the wrong Ronald place at the wrong Ronald time. I think he’s gone to the bad
Father Phipps....... you will be missed
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looks like someone partied a little too hard around the hellfire
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Reluctant my ass, season 4 Hunger Games Agni is unhinged
Other events:
Sieglinde overhears Father Bard and his son Finny talking in the distance
Ran-Mao picks fruit and bides her time
To make up for yesterday’s quiet, today four people were offed: Grey, Phipps, Tanaka, and Harcourt. Gotta say, as usual I have no idea who’s going to win, but I’m very pleased that so many of the girls are left, even if Sieglinde had to be the one to kill Lizzie (never forget)t
Night 5
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at last we’ve unlocked the common pairs simulator
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Even though everything is random, these four have cemented themselves in my mind as the biggest dangers to the other contestants
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Grell is a mom now
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holy shit, I somehow forgot Will was actually the one I found most worrying, but he just took himself out so that’s not a problem anymore either
also Macmillan got an infection but don’t worry, he treated it, he’s a good boy scout
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You know when this happens it means we’re about to experience some shit
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Am I going to keep selling the idea that this is a repercussion from killing Lizzie? You know I am
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guys, I’m gonna be real with you, I’m PMSing a little today and Finny’s arc in this Hunger Games anime could make me cry if I thought about it too hard
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There is way too much girl-on-girl violence in this round and it’s making me Displeased
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Day 6
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Oh, what’s wrong, hellboy? Fire too blasé for you in the daytime? Look, I’m sorry for snapping, I’m just really upset about Finny okay
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Ronald. Listen. I never thought I’d say this but... I need you to kill Grell. It’s... It’s the only way. It’s the only way we can move on from the pain
Six people lost today. William and Agni? They were kind of asking for it. Sieglinde? Well, she killed Lizzie. Ran-Mao? It hurt a little, not gonna lie. But MACMILLAN. And FINNY. THEY WERE JUST CAMPING. You really didn’t have to do it to em
Night 6
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Four left, and they’re all just hanging out. Ronald, who started out so relatable and turned out so dark. Grell, who was a mom, until she betrayed her sons, and thus betrayed me. Sebastian, he's a simple demon with simple pleasures. Bard? He’s the hero we need. Who will it be? I feel that the answer is just on the horizon...
Day 7
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okay, so it turns out the answer was not just on the horizon
Night 7
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Is Ronald luring Grell into a false sense of security so he can stake out his kill? Bard is fucking around; meanwhile, Sebastian is feeling fucked up, and girl, same
Day 8
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Wait. Uh. Holy shit
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So, I always feel like I get rabbit-punched by the abrupt endings that Hunger Games sim doles out, but emotions fail me even more this time. All the shit hit the fan at once. Just as Seb decided he was jealous of Grell’s goodies, Ronald forgot to hydrate and sweet, wholesome Bard went kablooey. So look at that. Sebastian won. But what a circumstantial victory. I tell you what, I usually only get so invested in these Hunger Games sims, but this one really took the cake. My writing/pics kept getting deleted (thanks, Tumblr) and it actually took around three hours to make this entire post (not including some edits from future me, who is writing this bit in parentheses), so that might create some added emotional weight. But still. What a roller coaster. Incredible. Seb, inarguably the hungriest character in Black Butler, at last has his own Hunger Games victory.
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poisoned-peppermint · 3 years
Part 4 of incorrect quotes because i feel obligated to make more due to the sheer number of people who liked it
Dream: My dearest beloved fuckos, is a fun, gender-neutral way to begin a speech
George: See also, esteemed bastards
Bad: Gentlefolk, Ferals, and Domesticated cryptids. 
Sapnap: My fellow yees and haws
Techno:Hey I know skyrim is revered as a classic but are we just going to ignore the fact that the entire game only had like 3 voice actors
Wilbur:Stop right there criminal cum
Techno:My ancestors are smiling at me, bastard, can you say the same
Foolish:When's your bedtime :)
Purpled: Whenever I next collapse in purely up to the gods
Ranboo:Human skin is a fursuit for skeletons 
Tubbo: i’m going to debone you like a fucking trout
Bad:You’re enough
Bad: love yourself!!!!!!! or suffer my wrath!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dream:And by wrath I mean love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bad:no I mean wrath!!!!! You reading this, if you don't love yourself I’ll beat you with a stick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bad:I hope everyone is today well! And tomorrow!!!! After that you’re on your own.
Bad:what am I supposed to do all day while you’re at work
Skeppy:I don’t know, what do you normally do while I’m gone
Bad: wait for you to get back
Velvet:For my next stunt, I’ll wake up at 5am on the day I can sleep in
Ant:Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Velvet:Early to bed and early to rise makes me a massive bitch
Tubbo: 3:23 AM make a wish
Ranboo: I wish that you would go to sleep
Tuddo: Yeah well I wish I grew an inch taller every day as you get an inch shorter until you’re as flat as as a piece of paper and I’m 11 feet tall
Ranboo: You’re going to die of a mixture of skeletal instability and heart disease.
Tubbo: Yeah but I’ll look good while doing it.
Bad:Disrespect me again and I’ll determine your bodies resonant frequency and play a jaunty horn solo that boils your miserable organs inside out 
Quackity: If I were dating you?  Well, heh. Let’s just say horses wouldn't be called horses anymore
Karl: hey what the honk does this mean…..I’m shaking what does this mean!
Skeppy: Are you ok?
Bad wrapped in a burrito blanket drinking his 6th cup of coffee: Yes, this is exactly what mental stability looks like
Sam: My hands are cold
Ponk: *holds their hands*
Ponk: better?
Sam: My lips are cold too
George at dream’s funeral: can I have a moment alone with them?
Sapnap: of course *leaves*
George leaning over dream’s casket: Now listen, I know you’re not dead.
Dream: yeah no shit
Skeppy, jokingly: I should have Bad kill you for that.
Bad, peering around the corner: Who do I need to kill?
Skeppy: Wh- no, I was just kidding around.
Bad, pulling out a switchblade: No, who’s bothering you
Bad *watching the news*: Some idiot tried to fight a squid at the aquarium.
Skeppy *covered in ink*: Maybe the squirt was being a dick.
Peacock: *spreads feathers at Bad*
Skeppy: It’s trying to attract a mate
Bad, extremely confused: *shyly lifts top*
Skeppy: No!
Sapnap: Karl, do you eat olives? My dad wants to know
Karl: No, I hate olives. Olives are the spawn of satan. I hate olives so much my mom forced me to live in Mount olive for the rest of my childhood as a curse from the olive gods. Do you understand how much olives have ruined my life? I'm so offended that you asked me that have some consideration for people who have been abused by olives please!
Sapnap: K A R L ……….they’re just olives!!?
Tommy: If you’re bored you can simply close your eyes and rotate a cow in your mind. It’s free and the cops can’t stop you
Wilbur: is there anyone even named sheldon irl?
Tubbo: my class turtle from 6th grade :)
Wilbur: that’s a turtle
Tubbo: When god sings with his creations, will a turtle not be part of the choir?
Ranboo: No bcuz why do ppl like salad?? What’s so good about it
Tubbo: chew leaf like god intended
Ranboo: No
Tubbo: Abandon god and see what he does next time you lift your hands in prayer
Tommy: Guys, there’s a monster under my bed and it’s really ugly.
Wilbur, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.
Quackity: So according to the cease and desist order I got, apparently you can’t ‘legally’ be a lawyer if your license is ‘cut out of a cereal box’.
Puffy: If you had too, what would you give up food or sex?
Bad: Sex.
Skeppy: Seriously, answer faster.
Bad: I’m sorry honey, when they said sex I wasn’t thinking about sex with you.
Skeppy: It’s like a giant hug.
Puffy: Ant, what about you? What would you give up sex or food?
Ant: Food.
Puffy: Okay, how about sex or dinosaurs?
Ant: ……...Oh my God it’s like the movie Sophie’s Choice.
Gumi: What about you Velvet? What would you give up sex or food?
Velvet: Oh… um… I don’t know, it’s too hard.
Gumi: No, you gotta pick one.
Velvet: Um, food… no, sex… no, food…sex… food. Ugh! I don’t know! I want both! I- I want Antfrost on bread!
Tommy, holding a gun: If the conspiracies about life being a simulation are true WHOEVERS CONTROLLING MY SIM I JUST WANNA TALK.
Bad: Why are you guys acting like this?
Boomer: Oh, we’re not acting. We really are like this.
Techno: Dream has only knocked me out three times this week. Our friendship is really developing.
Tommy: You’re pathetic!
Wilbur: You’re pathetic-er!
Techno: You’re both losers.
Bad: I wish I could help you, but I shorn’t.
Skeppy: Bad, please!
Bad: What part of shorn’t don’t you understand?
Tubbo: Why did you leave Wrestlemania on for Michal?
Ranboo: They need to learn how to protect us.
Antfrost: I regret getting dragged into your heterosexual tomfoolery.
Bad: Strawberry milk doesn’t taste like strawberry OR milk.
Skeppy: Go the fuck to sleep Bad!
Ranboo: Tubbo, please calm down.
Tubbo: I asked for two large fries!
Tubbo: *dumps fries onto table*
Tubbo: But all they did was give me a MILLION FUCKING LITTLE ONES!
Bad: That was the worst throw ever. Of all time.
Skeppy: Not my fault. Somebody put a wall in the way.
Wilbur: When you’ve been on the internet for as long as I have, you develop thick skin.
Tommy: Navy blue isn’t your color.
Wilbur: Navy blue brings out my eyes you prick! *Chases after Tommy*
Bad: *Pulls a glass a water from out of nowhere*
Puffy: Where did you get that?.
Bad: My pocket.
Puffy: How do you keep a glass of water in your pocket?
Bad: Skills.
Tubbo: I will come to your house after work and knock on your window at 11 AM. You will not open the curtains, knowing full well what awaits you, but the knocking only grows louder, more demanding. Finally it stops, your ears ringing. You nervously let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You're safe now. Minutes pass by and you start to relax. And then you hear a knock at the front door. Like before, you stay still and clutch the blankets around you. You try to tell your self that it's just your imagination. Maybe the milk man? But why would he come so late? Everyone else was asleep, save for Naomi who was playing video games down stairs. To your relief, the knocking stops after a few. Minutes and you breath easy once more. Until you hear a knock on your bedroom door. You don't move. It's just your imagination. She isn't here. She can't be here. You tell yourself, shutting your eyes and willing yourself to sleep. The knock comes again, but with horror you realize that it came from the closet inside your room. You know that you have no choice. You get up, climbing out of bed with shaking limbs. You walk to the closest, trembling, and holding back the tears threatening to spill over your porcelain cheeks. You hesitate with your hand over the closet handle. Maybe it's just your imagination? She's not really there. You can go to sleep and laugh it off in the morning. Your naive thoughts are cut off by another, more demanding knock on the closet door, inches from your face. You know what you have to do. You open the closet door, and there she stands. Chuck e cheese, the mouse looms over you in the dim light. It's soulless eyes boor into you. It raises its arms, and you flinch as it begins to floss at lightning speed. Tears spill over your cheeks. This is the last thing you'll ever see.
Ranboo: Wait, Chuck e cheese’s pronouns are she/her? Trans Chuck e cheese? Good for her.
Bad: Would you like something to drink? *They opened the fridge* We have water, milk, juice, spiders, Dr. Pepper-
Quackity: Spiders?
Bad: Spiders it is then.
Quackity: No, that wasn’t-
*But they were already pouring him a brimming glass of spiders…
Puffy : Make her pussy wet not her eyes.
Velvet : Make his dick hard not his life.
Punz : Break her bed not her heart.
Skeppy : Play with his boobs not his feelings. 
Ant : Get on his dick not his nerves.
Bad : Always salt your pasta while boiling it.
Wilbur: Bet you can’t eat 15 crayons!
Tommy: Bet you I can!
Phil: *sips coffee, checks to make sure 911 is still on speed dial, and goes back to reading the paper*
Ant: We need a way to lure in new customers?
Ponk: Maybe we could have some fun, interactive events!
Skeppy: Badboyhalo bath water.
Bad: Mint is just cold spicy.
Pummel party Squad: …
Gumi: What the actual fuck is wrong with you.
Quackity: Isn’t it amazing how I can feel so bad and still look so good?
Tommy: Why does my arm shake and turn bright red when I’m eating dirt?
Phil: Why are you eating dirt?
Tommy: Did I ask you if I should eat dirt? No, so answer my question.
Tubbo: I wish I could control wasps and bees to sting my enemies.
Quackity: You’re too young to have enemies.
Tubbo: You don’t even know.
Skeppy: Is there a cactus where your heart should be?
Puffy: What’s up your ass this morning!
Bad: *walks in* …Hi!!
Puffy: Hmm… nevermind.
Skeppy: WAIT NO!
Skeppy: Ha! Don’t you know the trappers trap can trap the trapper?
Skeppy: I must be losing it, I’m quoting Bad.
Skeppy: Bad, I sense hostility.
Bad: Good, because I hate you
Bad: Are you a painting?
Skeppy: What-?
Bad: Because I want to pin you to a wall.
Tommy: You’re giving me a sticker?
Phil: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!”
Tommy: I’m not a preschooler.
Phil: Fine, I’ll take it back-
Tommy: I earned this, back off!
Dream, sweating: George, there’s something I need to ask you-
George: Finally! You’re proposing!
Dream: How’d you know?
George: Dream, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner.
George: I even picked it up once
*Bad and Skeppy looking at a locked gate into a park*
Bad: Aw. :(
Skeppy: You know what they say.
Bad: Please don’t-
Skeppy: BE GAY DO CRIME! *hops gate*
Bad: Frick-
let me know if ya’ll want more <3
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jerakeenc · 3 years
June-Sept Recs (10)
This is pitiful. I think I'm mostly re-reading older fic, so I don't end up with anything new to rec? Would you guys want recs of rereads? Re-recs?
✨Crash and Burn by Aureutr_Accoredge
Mandalorian | Din/Luke | Explicit | 315,000 words
There had been no Seeing Stone on Tython that Grogu could use to call for a Jedi. They had survived Gideon's light cruiser mostly by luck. And now Din Djarin is trapped between trying to resume his old life with Grogu in tow or facing what wielding the Darksaber truly means for him and his people. Mostly he just wants a nap. Luke Skywalker is looking for Jedi artifacts he can use to help build a curriculum for the school he seeks to create. Not that he knows where it will be. Or how to find pupils. But then he runs into a shiny stranger whose beskar armor makes him a null space in the Force. And he doesn't know who Luke is. Intrigued (and in need of parts to repair his ship), he Skywalkers his way into tagging along on the latest bounty.
Look, I'm pretty far gone on this ship so my judgment is super suspect, but 300K words and I still like a story? It has to be good. If I have to nitpick I can say I would've preferred a more splashy romantic ending but again - 300K words.
Worlds Apart by PepperPrints
Mandalorian | Din/Luke | Explicit | 69,000 words
Having safely delivered the Child, Mand'alor Din Djarin inherits the Darksaber, a ruined planet, and the burden of Moff Gideon's fate. That burden brings Din to the New Republic on Coruscant, where he's thrown into a shimmering world of galactic politics even less familiar to him than the planet meant to be his home. Din isn't the only one on Coruscant with his hands full of a once forgotten order - the Jedi is here too, and as their paths cross, Din will be forced to navigate both what's expected of him, and what he wants.
Din becomes the leader he's meant to be.
Stardust Legacies by Withercrown
Mandalorian | Din/Luke | Mature | 187,000 words
The child has found safety with the Jedi, but that doesn't mean the threat is over. What's left of the Empire is still hunting Force-sensitive individuals, and a not-so-chance encounter leads Din to some uncomfortable truths regarding his own nature. What does it mean to be both a Mandalorian and a Jedi, and what will that mean for the future of the galaxy?
This is a proper Star Wars novel. Cards on the table, I'm not at all interested in the wider Star Wars universe, so the whole ensemble was wasted on me. Great writing, made me buy jedi!Din which I didn't think was very probable.
✨Curtains by winterhill
James Bond | Bond/Q | Teen | 20,350 words
Indulgent domesticity. No real plot to speak of, just Bond and Q moving in together as friends after Q is targeted and his place burnt down, and slowly progressing to being a couple.
Frickin' perfect curtainfic.
Mercenary by BootsnBlossoms & Kryptaria
James Bond | Bond/Q | Explicit | 66,000 words
Five years ago, Commander James Bond of Her Majesty's Royal Navy left England in disgrace, escaping a court martial -- and what should have been a promising career in MI6 with Alec Trevelyan, his oldest friend. He becomes a mercenary, selling his military expertise to the highest bidder, though not once does he act against England or her interests. Now, new intelligence has possibly located Bond in the United States, and Alec is tasked with the mission to bring him back to MI6. But to do so will require a very unique type of field operative -- one Bond will never suspect. Enter Aidan Green, codename Q.
So satisfying.
a wall, a ceiling by Shinybug
Witcher | Geralt/Jaskier | Mature | 3,770 words
“I hear you,” Geralt murmured, even though his ears were ringing. The distance between them, only a few yards, was an ocean. Jaskier held his traveling bag in his arms and his lute was strapped over his shoulder. He looked like a man with one foot already out the door. A confession, a realization, longing, and hope.
Nothing more romantic than a love confession.
louder than words by Shinybug
Witcher | Geralt/Jaskier | Teen | 5,600 words
Geralt tries to apologize. Jaskier tries to listen.
Lovely tiny fix-it.
✨Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail by owlet
MCU | Bucky/Steve | Teen | 264,000 words
The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect
I'm probably the last person to have read this, but in case you've also been skipping it: It's very very good. I don't generally read pre-slash but I kinda didn't want the relationship in this to progress at all? Bucky had what he needed in Steve and I had what I needed as a reader. Devotion trumps sex, imho.
As Is by Arsenic
MCU | Clint/Phil | Explicit | 52,800 words
In a world where people are put on the market as commodities for all sorts of reasons, and SHIELD buys those who might be useful to them, Coulson makes what seems, at the time, to be an ill-advised purchase.
Professional Front by Arsenic
MCU | Clint/Phil | Teen | 11,300 words
When Clint finds out Coulson has been secretly alive for some time and is now the director of SHIELD he's determined that he can be a professional about working with the man.
Coulson's back from the dead. Clint's not gonna let him die again.
Between the Personal and the Real by Arsenic
MCU | Clint/Phil | Explicit | 21,400 words
Clint knows how things work between principals and their obeisants. At least, he's always thought he does.
Forced into a slavery-ish contract
Been Looking At You Forever by torakowalski
MCU | Clint/Phil | Explicit | 18,880 words
Clint and Phil are friends. Friends who have sex. That’s all there is to it. Honestly.
This is cute!
They Say You Can't Put A Number On Love by torakowalski
MCU | Clint/Phil | Teen | 3,000 words
“Look,” Stark says. “I ran a simulation: attributes you have shown most interest in versus likelihood of success. It turns out that there’s a sixty-five percent chance that your type is Director Fury.”
SUPER cute!
stick together and see it through by torakowalski
MCU | Clint/Phil | Teen | 5,680 words
There are many places that Phil would rather be than stuck in a HYDRA base with Tony Stark.
Competent!Coulson, Tony & Phil friendship, so much cute.
I Could Live By The Light Of Your Eyes by nerdwegian
MCU | Clint/Phil | Explicit | 44,550 words
All Clint wanted was to get laid. (In which Clint meets a mysterious man who may or may not be named Phil, and accidentally stumbles into a big conspiracy where very few things are what they seem to be.)
Fun spy AU.
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thefirsttree · 3 years
A personal update + my next game
OK, time to do this. I’ve been meaning to do a big DAVID WEHLE™ update for a while now and explain why I haven’t released a new game yet, but you know how life gets in the way. Especially when life is a quarantine hellscape, you have three beautiful, amazing, exhausting kids to raise, a spouse’s job you support, a viral YouTube channel that turns your brain to mush, a thousand emails waiting in your inbox since your game is free on the Epic Games Store (with an impressive number of redemptions too! … meaning lots of emails and customer support issues), etc., etc. What also contributes to my lack of updates is because… I just don’t really like posting online. Fascinating correlation, I know!
Don’t worry, this isn’t going to be a venting/ranting blog post (well, maybe a bit), because my life is seriously AMAZING and INSANELY BLESSED and LUCKY. I can’t believe how many dreams keep coming true, so much so that I feel I don’t deserve it and I really pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes… but I did want to at least be honest, because I owe that to myself.
Wow, where do I even begin? Well, how about we start with the reason I’m even a full-time indie game dev now: The First Tree. This small hobby project I worked on at night morphed into this gargantuan beast (or fox) that took over my life the past 5 years. Which is great! I’m living the dream! And yet, I really didn’t expect it to do as well as it did. At its core, my game is a slow-paced, sad walking simulator (ahem, I prefer the term “exploration game,” but you know what I mean) that somehow seemed to launch at the right time to the right audience. It resonated deeply with some of you, and for that I’m eternally grateful. I still get emails almost daily how my game changed their lives in some formative way. I’m beyond honored.
However, with that spotlight came criticism and demands from the ever-present, insatiable internet. I would randomly be surfing the gamedev subreddit trying to decompress, and I would see a comment by some rando saying how much I didn’t deserve my success, and how it was all one huge lucky fluke. And I believed them!
And to add to it, some devs considered me an indie marketing “guru”, which I was uncomfortable with. I worked hard to market my game every week, and after my GDC talk, people assumed marketing was my passion; the reason I got up every morning. Just to clarify… NO, I don’t like marketing, and I hate being the center of attention. I don’t like asking people for money and wishlists. But I did what was necessary because I was passionate about telling stories, and I wanted to give my story a fighting chance to be seen on the crowded pages of Steam.
So now, you’re probably wondering “well then David, why did you make fancy YouTube videos showing off your success? Not very modest if you ask me.” This honestly could be a long blog post all on its own, because my experience of putting myself in the spotlight and becoming a “content creator” is… complicated. It was an unusual step for me, especially since I never even showed my face online (as a game developer) until my GDC talk.
First off, I always wanted to teach and start a YouTube channel. I love video editing, especially since I’ve been doing it longer than making games! It’s a huge passion of mine. And teaching people who didn’t know they could make and finish games was a huge motivator (and it’s been so rewarding already). But the second reason is, I was scared. I was self-employed, and I was riding the success of a “huge lucky fluke” that would probably not happen again. I wanted to make sure I could provide for my amazing family, and give them food and health insurance and security in these tumultuous times. I was turning my lifelong passions and hobbies into a business, and it wasn’t as simple of a mental transition as I thought.
So, I went all in on YouTube and the accompanying online course called Game Dev Unlocked. I spent years editing the scripts and videos, and polishing them to a shine. At first, no one watched my videos, no one was buying… and in the blink of an eye, the YouTube algorithm picked up my main autobiographical video (“How Making Indie Games Changed My Life”), and I started getting 5,000 subscribers a day. Right now, I’m at 150,000 subs, which is still hard for me to believe. I always had a dream of earning 100k subs on YouTube, so I was pretty happy with the whole thing. Sales were OK, but mostly people didn’t want to buy the course. Then the emails came in…
Something you should know about me: I am a textbook “people pleaser,” and if someone asks for my help, I take it very seriously. If someone is mad at me, even if I didn’t do anything wrong, it’s all I can think about, and it ruins my day. So, taking an onslaught of people begging for help and multiplying that by an impossible amount of people for my brain to truly comprehend thanks to the internet… and let’s just say it wasn’t a healthy mix.
I received thousands of emails from people who were begging me for some kind of reassurance that everything would be OK. That their dreams would come true too. And I wanted to help every single one of them. I went from a nobody working on a game for fun to becoming a spokesperson for the indie game dream. I couldn’t even get a shake from the Chick-Fil-A drive-thru without someone recognizing me and asking for game dev advice. And it didn’t stop there… I would get emails from suicidal kids asking for help, teenagers from Afghanistan asking me to get them out of their country, and on one occasion I received an email from a hopeful game developer in a war-torn country who had just experienced a bomb blowing up their neighboring village. His friends were dead, and he was hoping he could finish a game before he died too, and he needed my help. How do you say no to something like that? Didn’t I owe it to everyone because I was lucky with my hit game and I needed to “pay it forward”? (Something people constantly reminded me of)
And then to top it off, after you’ve given everything you’ve got to other people in need… you get hate mail in your inbox. You spend the whole day serving your children and strangers on the internet, then when the kids are finally asleep, you hit the bed to relax and take a look at your phone to decompress, and you randomly come across an angry gamer in your Twitter mentions telling you your game they got for free sucks, and that you took away a potentially great game from them and that your apology isn’t good enough.
Long story short, I went to a mental therapist for the first time in my life. I was broken trying to care for two toddlers and a new baby in a pandemic (which is very, very hard), taking care of my course students who gave me their hard-earned money and demanded results, and the countless people begging for help on the internet. I was this introverted, internet-lurker trying to take on the weight of the world. I was so tired and hurt that no one cared about me and my needs… only what I could do for them.
Quitting my day job and making this hobby my full-time job has stirred up… mixed emotions. This statement may disturb some of you, but I was definitely 100% happier when I had a full-time job and I was working on my game at night. I missed working with the amazing team at The VOID, working on Star Wars… back when the success of my game was this abstract thing I could only daydream about. Mostly, I was making my game for me with no outside expectations to pay the bills or satisfy the ever-demanding internet, and that brought me a lot of joy.
It’s not all doom and gloom though! I’m actually very happy now and in the best shape I’ve been since the pandemic started. I’ve had to confront my weaknesses and personality quirks, but I’m a better person for it (and I’m sure these issues would’ve come out eventually). I hired an awesome community manager for Game Dev Unlocked who is helping SO MUCH with the emails, I can’t even tell you the mental burden it alleviates. I even leased a co-working office to help separate work from my home, and that’s been a huge help too. I’ve decided to work with my old friends from The VOID on a cool, new VR experience. It will take me away from my projects a bit, but I’m ecstatic to work with a great team again (and not manage anything, whew).
These are all things I would’ve never guessed I needed, because I thought I knew myself pretty well… turns out I didn’t.
The reality is: running a business is HARD. Running it solo is even harder. You have to remember, I was burnt out on The First Tree well into the Steam release in 2017, but I kept working on it for 4 more years due to my fears of failing again and not earning enough money for my family.
So, I was wrestling with the age-old concept of commercialism and art. There was this dichotomy of doing whatever I wanted and being true to my vision (what most people assume the indie dev dream is like), and doing only what customers wanted to buy. This is something that has killed me with YouTube… in one specific instance, I was super excited to make the exact video I wanted to make. I loved every part of its creation, and I thought it had a message that would inspire everyone. I lovingly edited it over several weeks, posted it, and excitedly waited for the stats… and it was by far my worst performing video.
This is not a new problem. Even the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo was a commission forced upon him by the very violent Pope Julius II. My wife and I regularly talk about the fine balance between artistic integrity and commercialism, a problem she is very familiar with as an artist who constantly needs to balance what she wants to make with what the customer wants to hang up in their home.
For The First Tree, I was lucky. It was pretty much what I wanted to make (I had to compromise a lot of things of course), and it turned out millions of people wanted it too. Recently, I thought the safe business decision would be to do it all over again, so I started work on a spiritual successor to The First Tree (an idea that I may revisit one day since I do love the story idea). But that isn’t happening anytime soon. Trust me when I say I am now currently burnt out on animal exploration games.
So that realization left me with a question: what do I do next?
I’ve decided I need to make a game that I want to make, for me. It will be a bit different and I’m almost certain most fans of The First Tree will not love it… but it’s an idea that gets me super excited. It’s an idea that could help me fall in love with game development again.
A few more details: this game will be story-driven, first-person, and will use the Unreal Engine. That means development is gonna be slow going, because I have to learn a whole new tool. The “smart business” decision would be to make something quickly in Unity which I’m already familiar with… but I want to do this for me, and UE5 looks like a lot of fun. I’m also shooting for an early-ish release date so I avoid burn out and I keep the game short: I want to release it in Fall 2022, but knowing game development, it will probably take longer.
With the help of my therapist, I’ve also concluded that I’ve been too accessible on the internet and that my self-worth isn’t determined by the amount of people I try to help online. Of course, I love helping people and seeing them succeed, but I need to step back and focus on my family and myself. I will delete my social media apps on my phone (I will still post big updates occasionally) and stop responding to most emails, tweets, DMs, etc. It’s not that I’m ungrateful… in fact, if I don’t say thank you or at least acknowledge the incredibly nice people who share a sweet message about my game or want to tell me how I inspire them (still hard for me to believe, lol), I feel a ton of guilt… but I need to let that go. Please know I’m extremely grateful to all the fans who follow my work, so even if I don’t thank you directly, I truly mean it: thank you.
I will still post and stream occasionally on YouTube when I want to (and I still do live Q&A’s for my GDU students). The online course sales will help support my family as I work on a potentially risky game idea (and my new job will help alleviate the risk too). I’m gonna try one more marketing experiment and sell a mini-course soon (and add an Unreal section), and after that I’m done working on it. A gigantic thank you to the people who bought my course and are part of the amazing community, it has helped me and my family tremendously, and it’s inspiring seeing the games you make!
I’m a bit worried about the whole thing since this new game idea could flop, which could definitely affect my family. But a sappy, high-school yearbook quote is coming to mind…  I think it applies here: “A ship in harbor is safe—but that is not what ships are built for.”
Thanks for reading,
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Rock ‘n’ Roll People In A Disco World
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Part 1- Disco Down
Intro: It's range day. SWAT vs LAPD Special Crimes branch. You and your finance decide to have a bit of fun with the interdepartmental competition.
Pairing: Paul Diskant x Reader
Warnings: Bad language, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar the reader and any other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
A/N: So yeah, I started another series. Bad WIYBUPT. But there aint enough Disco out there so I thought I’d rectify that situation. This is also another entry for @imanuglywombat​ ‘s  “Is That Even A Sex Position” weekly challenge. This position is called “Juicy Ass”. See here for more information.
Rock ‘n’ Roll People Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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It was early in the morning, the first warm rays of the LA sunshine had barely begun warming the pavement when the two of you had started your day. Paul was already pouring you both coffee to go as you met him in the kitchen, dressed in your Swat training tee, utility pants and standard issue uniform boots, hair French braided back. You smirked at the dapper young detective before you, slacks, dress shoes, button down and tie. 
It'd been a gruelling last few weeks for you both. You were working a SWAT case with your unit and Paul was busy working an LAPD Vice officer's homicide. He would trudge in late at night, either from the precinct or more recently from a night out with Vice following some leads. You were always already asleep and he didn't want to wake you. He'd kiss you softly, shower, kiss you again and crawl into bed, hugging you close.
Now, you were both getting ready to head out, finally having slept in the same bed together for the first time in weeks. Given your nature, the two of you were playfully squabbling over the upcoming late afternoon's task, a joint fire arms training session between your unit, LAPD SWAT and Paul's unit. The joint time spent at the range always turned into pool of who'd win and, usually, was too close to call rounding off with each team going head to head in a final duel. 
And things were getting competitive in the Diskant home. 
"If I can make it," Paul grumbled, "we should sweeten the deal."
"You'll make it.” You popped a shoulder. “Paul Diskant doesn't miss a day at the range, nor friendly competition. So, name your terms?" You smirked mischievously over the rim of your mug, watching him adjust his tie. 
"Winner gets a favor." Paul devilishly replied. 
"What kind of favor?" You played along and the look on his face already made your insides squirm as he raised a brow and curled his lips further in his smirk. "Paul!"
"Y/N!" Paul mimicked, cutting the distance between you, big hands on your hips, thumbs rubbing along your shirt. "Baby, it's been days. This Vice case has me pulled away longer than I have been since I was a beat cop."
You rolled your eyes and wrapped your arm around his shoulder, fingers grazing the point where the short hairs of his buzz-cut met his neck. 
“Fine." You kissed him deeply, the taste of coffee on both your tongues but something that was just him too. "We'll call it a bonus." “Bonus...” he nodded. “I can run with that.”
“You couldn’t run a fucking bath, Disco.” "Oh Sweetheart, you're on." The challenge in his voice and mischief in his eyes lit a fire under you. You kissed him again and moved away, a swift smack from his hand to your ass made you yip but you kept walking. 
The drive into the station was quiet, you reading over your training schedule for the day and Paul driving. The only sound that filled the vehicle was the sound of him humming along to the radio, thumb tapping along to the beat of the song on his steering wheel, before you heard him let out a loud sigh.  
"I have some stuff to chase down this morning but if nothing pans out, I should be at the range with the rest of my unit."
"Well, then I'll hope it doesn't pan out, just so I can kick your ass with my Glock," you chuckled as he let out a groan.
"Baby, you know, watching you handle that Glock and riffle makes me horny as fuck right? Nothing like a woman that can shoot," Paul admitted. He took your left hand away from the file and pressed his lips to the top of it. He knew why you did it, but he still hated not seeing your diamond flashing on your finger all day. 
"Oh yeah?" You turned your standard issued sunglass covered eyes to him, "is that why you wanted to marry me?" 
Paul chortled, “one reason among the many."
He pulled into the carport and parked in his designated spot. You exited the vehicle and gathered your bag from the popped trunk. 
"See you at the range, don't be late, or I'll have to listen to Rodriguez bitch as she drives me home." You gave him a teasing kiss and slung your bag over your shoulder, walking away. 
"Hey, Y/N?" He called after you. You stopped and turned around to look at him, lifting your sunglasses to the top of your head. "Don’t waste too much energy today, huh? You’re gonna need all the strength you have tonight, Baby."
You chuckled to yourself, "Just show up, we'll talk energy later," you rolled your eyes and walked off, flipping him the bird over your shoulder. 
The scorching sun boiled across the training facility tucked between the hills of the valley, away from the hustle of the city and just far enough out of reach for civilians. Abandoned buildings and, green fields and a simulated neighborhood made up the grand, multi-million dollar facility. You and your team had been at it all morning, moving through the buildings in full tactical gear and safety equipment. Together you cleared buildings, fired upon fake assailants and suspects. You and your partner, Alma Rodriguez, even hit the weights and boxing bags to keep loose after a hand to hand session against Everett and Evans. To keep your trigger fingers hot and ready, you played a round of long range sniper poker, you of course beating the team with a straight flush, bullets hitting their targets dead center. 
It was the last hours of daylight by the time Special Branch showed up and you couldn't help but smirk as you watched Paul set up his gear from across the field. Long gone were his slacks and tie, and now, he was dressed in a tight black tee with the edges of his two bicep tattoos peeking out from the hem, and uniform issue pants and boots, his wrap arounds shielding those beautiful blues you loved getting lost in. 
You smirked as the two of you locked glances, his smile forming across plump lips. A cocky flick of his head was sent in your direction and you laughed, pulling a hundred dollar bill from your pocket and slapping it flat against the table. 
The competition started, pairing SWAT members against Specials, two by two until both your captains were the final two. 
"Shooters on the line," the facility command officer called. Each shooter stepped up, readying their rifles. Your team lined up behind your boss, Paul and his desk buddies watching from their side. "Stand by... Ready..." The whistle sounded and the first shots at their prospective targets were fired. 
Firing judges followed behind each shooter, judging accuracy, safety and protocol. Three rifle shots fired down range and the shooters tossed their weapons to the side, tucking and rolling one roll with their hand on their pistol all while watchful eyes looked on. Your boss didn't roll, but Paul's did and the snickering started from Special Branch. It didn't deter your focus as you watched your boss, Captain Rogers, finish the round. Three shots fired at metal targets, each one going down in accuracy, then a clip reload and three more shots fired at a close range target before the commanding judge asked both men to put their weapons on safe and holster them. He approached each target for accuracy and declared Paul's boss, Captain Wilson, the winner of the round. That brought the two teams to a tie. 
The Detectives cheered and razzed SWAT but both captains settled their groups down. The field judge confirmed the tie in the competition and groans sounded from both teams. 
"I'll tell you what, I'll toss in an extra two hundred bucks to pit Y/L/N against your pick," Rogers held two one hundred dollar bills up, handing them over to the field judge for safe keeping. 
"Alright, I see your two and raise two," Captain Wilson held out his bills, "for Diskant to take that challenge."
"Oooooooh", both teams razzed the real life couple. 
You couldn’t help the smirk on your face as one of Paul’s colleagues piped up that this could back fire spectacularly as would Paul really want to risk pissing off the woman who controlled his sex life.
“That’s exactly why he wants to win,” you jibed back, causing him to roll his eyes and scoff, “because his sex life is on the line if he doesn’t.”
More laughter rang out across the area as Paul merely shrugged, a smile flickering across his face as you heard Rogers speak loudly to Wilson from behind you.
“Between us, two hundred on my girl to blow your man outta the water."
Paul leaned down, to whisper into your ear, a smirk plying on his lips, "something's gonna get blown."
"What was that?" You coyly played. 
“Sure you wanna do this?” He asked, turning to look at you, his brow arched. “I mean you could just forfeit now and save yourself the embarrassment.”
You held his gaze for a moment before you made a show of dragging your eyes down his body, your gaze lingering on his crotch as if you were contemplating his offer, before you raised your head, your tongue poking out from between your lips a little.
“Did you forget to zip up?" You asked. Paul gave a start, his head jerking down to look at his ‘piece’ so to speak, and at that moment the whistle was blown to start.
The first shots were fired, Paul's just seconds behind yours. Tucking behind the mailboxes for your next shot, you nailed your target and moved forward to fire your final rifle round, using a metal barrel as your cover. You laid your riffle to rest, took a few steps, tucked your chin and rolled, planting your feet and rising up to draw your personal firearm. Poised for your next quick shot behind a mock window frame, you fired at the target and moved on, Paul's form in your peripheral, matching you shot for shot. Coming around the frame you fired a walking shot at your next target and then took your place at the final marker, firing away before the expected reload and emptying your clip into the standing paper target with his hostage. 
"Safety on... Holsters." The range judge called after he blew his whistle. You and Paul followed his commands and waited as he examined your individual targets. It was close, you knew it. Paul was an excellent shot. 
You watched as the judge looked over Paul's target first, poking his finger through two holes in the face before moving on to yours. You nailed your target, all three shots hitting the suspect. One dead shot to the center of his head, the other in the chest and the last in the torso. 
"Here's your winner," the judge declared, pointing at your target. 
Cheers began to ring out and you heard Paul groan loudly, turning to you. "You cheated.”
"I guess the favor's on you," You quipped as behind him you saw Captain Rogers holding his hand out, ready to receive the cash prize from Wilson.  
“You still cheated.”
“I did no such thing!” You scoffed.
“You distracted me.” He folded his arms across his chest, a sullen pout on his handsome face.
“Well, you should know better than to take your eye off the target, Disco,” you smirked and he narrowed his eyes playfully. “On second thought, I think I will let Rodriguez take me home. Burgers and beer on you. Don't forget the extra pickles."
He smirked, his lips brushing yours as he spoke, "come on, ride back with me, I'll make it worth your while."
"Erm, unless I'm mistaken you just lost so..." You popped a shoulder, your eyes not leaving his as you began walking backwards away from him. "I'm in charge."
“I want a divorce.” He shot back and you laughed, shaking your head.
“We’re not married yet, hot shot.” You winked.
“Details.” He waved his hand and you snorted, before you turned and jogged to catch up with your colleagues.
As per your instructions, Paul didn’t forget the extra pickles and later that evening the pair of you were sat on the sofa in your comfy clothes, food and beer in hand as you lounged back watching a film on the Television. You stole a glance at your fiancé for a moment, his sharp profile illuminated in the soft light of the lamp to his right. He really was incredibly handsome, and you often wondered daily how the hell you’d gotten so lucky, as he could have had his pick of women, they tended to fall at his feet wherever you went. But he’d chosen you. Not only that, he’d pursued you. It had taken him a good few weeks after you’d both met on a case when he was in Uniform to finally accept his offer of a date. The dates had continued, and six months later you’d moved in together, and a year or so after that, he’d gotten down on one knee in the middle of your apartment and asked you to be his wife.
Which, reminded you of something you’d heard before.
With a smirk you turned your attention back to the film, took another bite of your burger before you spoke, your tone light and airy.
"So... strippers huh?"
Paul hastily swallowed his food and turned to look at you. "What?"
"Nothing, just typical."
"No, what?" He chuckled.
"I just heard one of the guys before commenting about how the wedding is getting closer so the stag do needs planning. The words Vegas and strippers were mentioned. Several times"
"Fucking Adler, man," he shook his head, dropping his empty burger container into the paper bag on the table in front of you.
“So you are going to Vegas, then?” You shoved another fry in your mouth to stop the smirk from spreading at the teasing.
"Uh, yeah," his reply was nonchalant, but he rubbed at his neck in that way he always did when he was a little nervous or uncomfortable. His big tell.
"Right. And there will be strippers?”
“Yes, there PROBABLY will be strippers." He side eyed you a little as he reached for his beer, the faint flush of red visible on the back of his neck as you took the final bite of your food.
“How probably?”
"There MAYBE be a night at the club." He leaned back, bottle in hand.
"Dicks." You gave a dramatic sigh, dropping your now empty food container into the bag with his. You made a show of scrunching down the top of the bag, dropping it to the floor by the side of the sofa, ready to be taken to the trash, before you leaned back, shaking your head.
"What?" he turned to you, beer paused halfway to his mouth.
"Oh, no, I was just saying, at my hen do there will be dicks. Lots of dicks."
“What the fuck?” He spluttered and you shrugged, not looking at him, feigning concentration on the television.
“I can't have strippers too? Tut, tut Disco, that's very old fashioned."
There was a pause, and you waited for his reaction, knowing it could go one of two ways. Out and out petulant protesting, or some sort of childish, half witty come back.
"You know, my dick is by far the most important." He chose the latter.
"You mean you are the most important dick?"
“Yeah.” He conceded. “Hey, least I’m important in some way.”
At that you laughed and moved a little closer to him. He shifted, allowing you to snuggle under his arm, pressing a kiss to your head.
“You know what else is important?” You asked, your hand gently tracing shapes on his white tee.
“That you don’t forget that you owe me a favor, Detective Diskant." “That I do.” He agreed, and you felt him nod.
“So, there’s a pile of ironing that needs doing and the bed sheets need changing tomorrow. Can you manage?”
At that he let out a loud guffaw, his chest rumbling against your cheek. "Seriously, Baby?" He glanced down at you as you tipped your head up to look at him. "Absolutely," you winked
“I am at your complete mercy to satisfy you in any way you want... and you ask me to do chores?” He rolled his eyes. “You’re losing your sense of adventure, Sweetheart.” "Oh I have a sense of adventure, but a bet is a bet and we've pulled three doubles between the two of us so shits gotta get done, and you lost, therefore, you... are... my... bitch.” Your words were punctuated by soft jabs to his chest with your index finger and Paul groaned, throwing his head back against the sofa as he scrunched his eyes closed.
“Fuck my life.”
“I’m sorry, what was that?” You looked at him and he opened his eyes. “Fuck my wife?”
“We’re not married yet.” He smirked, arching an eyebrow at you as he played back your words from earlier.
“Details,” you played along and he laughed as you shifted a little more so your face was level with his. “Now shut up and kiss me.”
With a cheeky grin he leaned over, pressing his lips to yours, his hand sliding to the back of your neck as the kiss grew deeper, his tongue slowly sliding against yours. You let out a soft moan, shifting a little, your hand cupping his face and then he pulled back. You pouted at the loss of contact and opened your eyes to shoot him a glare, to find him smirking a little.
"Double or nothing, I bet I can make you cum in less than two minutes.”
“Two minutes?” You arched a brow, biting your lip a little as you squirmed at the frankly filthy look in his eyes. “Now?”
“Bring it on.” You threw down the gauntlet. “But that doesn’t include the time it takes me to get you naked.” He grinned, shifting a little so he was side on, facing you.
“Fine.” You rolled your eyes. “Or the foreplay.”
“Jesus Christ, Paul, just get on with it. You said two minutes. Clock starts the second you start, your challenge not mine. He grabbed your beer bottle and placed it along with his on the table with a bang. “You saying you don’t want me to love on you a little bit before I bang you into next week?” His voice was low as he hovered over you a little, his face inches from yours. "I'm saying I'm fucking desperate, that's what I'm saying."
"Then I won't need two minutes.” He grinned, pressing further into you, causing you to lay back on the sofa.
“God, you’re so full of it.” You narrowed your eyes.
“You’re gonna be full of it soon.” He smirked, his lips pressing to yours. "Stop... Talking... And... Do... It," you demanded between his dizzying, little pecks. His lips curled into a smile against yours as his hands gently trailed up the outside of your smooth thighs, thumbs grazing under the hem of your cut offs. The assault from his lips already soaking you.
It wouldn't take much, you both were fully aware of it. Nearly a week apart or just missing each other had you two desperately seeking release. The question was, who would cave first. He said two minutes and you knew he could hold off until you were good and worked over. His fingers slipped between your denim shorts and he gave a low groan as he felt your damp panties. His kiss grew hungrier and he was quickly on your flies, your shorts were down your leg in a matter of seconds, tossed over the back of the sofa, panties with them. 
He moved to a kneel, one hand gently hooking your right leg up to rest against the back of the couch, knocking the other to the side, your foot falling automatically to the floor, toes pressing onto the soft carpet, leg bent at the knee. You don't even register how fast he moved downwards, and part of you wondered if he lost on purpose. A flat long swipe tasted at your folds.
"Jesus," it felt glorious and your back arched off the sofa in delight. There was a wee bit of scruff causing a tease of friction against your inner thighs and although you weren't timing him, you knew it couldn't have been more than sixty seconds when his tongue dipped into your hole causing you to cry out. 
"Fuck, Paul..."
He gave a little chuckle, mouth vibrating against your nub which he grazed with his teeth. You bit your lip as your insides began to tremble, you were so desperately trying to hold off just to get that last win over him, but it was useless. That rumble had you in the throes of it and you were gone, your legs shaking as you came, your walls clamping around nothing as you gasped, your body shuddering with pleasure.
The smirk and glisten that was evident on his lips as he sat up and caged you in, had you clawing at his shorts. "I win."
"Yeah, okay, you smug little shit,” your voice was breathy as you recovered from your high, your hands pulling at the drawstring in the middle of his abs. “Dare I ask how you want me?”
His baby blues, already dark with desire, flashed and he pressed his lips to yours, his mouth dominating and you could taste yourself on him. You groaned as his hands slid up, cupping your face and he pulled back.
“Hands on the floor, feet on the coffee table, knees bent.”
You blinked, “what?”
“Hands on the floor, feet on the coffee table, knees bent.” He repeated.
Okay, so this was new…
With a final, suspicious look at him as he moved back, you stood, jumping and emitting a little squeak as he slapped your ass as you went. Taking a deep breath you turned, placed your hands on the floor and rested the tops of your feet on the coffee table, your knees bent.
“So you can do as you’re told.” Paul smirked, standing up off the sofa.
“When I want to.” You peeked up at him as best you could to see him sliding his shorts down his legs, stepping out of them before he moved round and threw his leg over your shins. His hands slid up the outside of your thighs, coming to rest on your waist as he pulled you back a little, his erection pressing into your behind as he ground against you, giving a little hiss.
“Fuck, baby you look so good from back here.” He moaned, bending over slightly to press a kiss to your spin and you shivered, your arms wobbling a little and you began to worry just how much of this you could take.
“Paul, seriously, just…”
“Patience.” He cut you off as he gave your ass a soft slap making you emit a noise that was half way between a squeal and a laugh as he positioned himself behind you, and you immediately missed the warmth of his chest where it had been pressed to your back moments ago.
You felt the tip of his dick as it poked at your entrance, and he had no problem slipping inside your already soaked folds. But the angle and the pressure of your body closed off as he slipped inside you set your nerves on fire. You both moaned out together as he slid home, his balls to your clit.
You felt how thick he was against your walls. A little twitch and flutter from his shaft as you both remained still, you silently begging and waiting for him to move. His fingertips gently dug into your hips as he slowly pulled back and moved forward again.
"Fuck, baby, so fucking tight, like this," Paul ground out as he pumped slowly in and out of you. He was taking his time, slow thrusts and long pulls back. In truth, it was agony, but a beautiful torture. And a torture that he continued again, and again, and again. Over and over, in no rush whatsoever, a sharp contrast to where he’d brought you off before on the couch as fast as he could.
Your arms were shaking from baring the position but you wanted more. And as the bubbles of pleasure slowly simmered through your core and deep into your belly, you moaned out your demand. "Harder."
"Oh, fuck," Paul quivered inside you but picked up his pace, his hips slamming into yours, your insides squeezing him tightly as his hands gripped at your hips, blunt nails biting against your skin. With every thrust forward you were jolted, your palms sliding on the rough surface of the rug underneath you, and you curled your fingertips into the deep, cream coloured shag in an attempt to prevent yourself from face planting straight onto the floor.
"Yeah, just like that," you panted, your elbows locking as you pushed yourself up slightly, "oh fuck, Paul!" You could tell by his breathing and how he felt inside you that he was ready to cum but he could always hold off until you had yours. "So close," you managed to pant out, letting him know you weren’t far.
He slowed his pace, bending his body down your spine again, and pressed his lips to the back of your neck, "just," he thrusted, "let", again, "go". 
His words flipped the switch inside your body and you felt yourself going, the blood already rushing to your head from the position you were in, and the pressure was pounding in your ears as you came, hard. "Oh my God!" You cried out as your walls clamped down around him, milking his hot seed to explode inside you. 
"That’s my girl, fuck!" He roared at the feel of you around him, and his hips grew sloppy as he came, grunting, pulling you back onto him as he let go of his thick payload. 
With your chests heaving, bodies stilled, his fingers still around your hips, his thumbs drew lazy circles on your back. You felt his blue gaze on you and you couldn't see it, but you knew he was smirking. 
“Paul.” You managed to swallow, “baby, my arms.”
“Oh, shit, yeah.” He moved gently to pull out of you, curling his arm around your waist in the nick of time as your elbows gave way and the pair of you tumbled rather ungracefully to the rug by the table in a tangle of limbs, your giggles ringing around the room, drowning out the sound of the television.
“You okay?” He asked gently, as you moved so you were lay on your back looking up at him as he lay on his side, propped on his left elbow. He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear with his right hand as you nodded, leaning up to kiss him deeply.
“I’m not even gonna ask where you saw or read about that.” You chuckled and he grinned, glancing around the room cheekily before he looked down at you.
“Boys talk, sweetheart.” He shrugged. “But admit it, that was better than making me fold sheets.”
You chuckled as he pressed his lips to yours again, your fingers gently twisting his silver chain between them as you looked at him and arched your eyebrow. “If I admit it will you do it again? Only not tonight, don’t think my arms could take another round.”
Paul let out a laugh which rumbled in his chest and he pressed his lips to yours again. “Maybe we can make a game out of it, see how many other surfaces I can use to I prop your feet on and fuck you from behind.”
You scoffed, slapping at his arm as he grinned down at you cheekily, and you bit your lip.
“I can run with that.” Your hands moved so they slipped round his back, gently tracing shapes over the muscles, making them twitch a little and he sighed as your nails reached that spot on his neck that always turned him to putty in your hands.
“Stop, you know what that does to me.” He looked down at you.
“I do.” You agreed, continuing nonetheless.
“Seriously, you want more?”
“Well, like you said.” Your fingers curled round the nape of his neck, pulling his face down so it was inches from yours. “It’s been a while since we got time together, best make the most of it.”
“Oooh, you’re a bad, bad woman future Mrs Disco…” he smirked, kissing you deeply. “And I’m so down for that.”
It was late in the evening, the two of you having carried your sex-capades from the lounge to the bedroom, both of you spent and spooning in the aftermath of bliss when Paul's cell rang out. 
He grumbled and shifted slightly, turning to grab the offending item form the night stand before he answered, "Diskant."
You strained your ears to listen to who was on the other end but it wasn't audible.
"Yeah, okay, got it. I'll call you back," he replied and hung up. Then he quickly made an outgoing call. "Hey, so I just talked to Scribble. Freemont and Coates, or whoever they are, want to meet us." There was a brief pause, "tonight." Another pause and he closed his phone. 
He sighed, turning to you, "I got to go."
"Okay," you sat up, an uneasiness filling your veins. 
"I'll be back," he slipped out of bed, dressing quickly in black jeans, a black button down and hat. He clipped his badge from the nightstand to his belt after slipping into his uniform boots. Then leaned over and gave you a long, deep kiss. "I love you."
"I love you. Come home to me," you kissed him and pulled back, your fingers pressing the medallion of safe keeping against his chest. Paul touched his forehead to yours before he pressed his lips to your own in a soft kiss and headed out. You heard the door click as he left your apartment, and you gave a sigh, settling down into the bed, pulling his pillow to your naked chest as you closed your eyes. Whilst you knew that this was the job, hell, you’d done it yourself for long enough, it still never made it easier and for some inexplicable reason, tonight it made you even more twitchy than normal. But, that was more than likely down to the fact you’d managed to enjoy some quality time together tonight, and it had been so good.
Before long you drifted off to sleep, and you had no idea what time it was when the cordless rang, shrilling through the apartment, raising you from your slumber, but as you blinked yourself awake, it was still pitch black outside. 
"Hello," you croaked. 
"Y/N," you recognized the voice immediately, given your own happenings with IA. 
"Captain Biggs," you replied, suddenly fully awake as you sat up in bed, the covers clutched to your chest.
"It's Paul,” his voice was low and serious and instantly you felt a cold, icy dread floor your system from your head to your toes as he passed, taking a breath, “a unit is on its way for you."
***** Part 2
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Ok so I know it's all one big if and probably won't happen but I gotta rant about it, so if metal has to go to another ZONE just to see shard does that mean he doesn't exist in mets zone already or is already.. ahem, d e ad, and if so would that mean it could just casually pop up in conversation, they're just chilling until shard goes "ay what's your zone like" and mets unintentionally blurts out "you're dead" and shards just- staring at him
PART 2 OF THE SHARD RANT BECAUSE TUMBLR HAS ME IN A BASEMENT- would metal have to go stealth mode or something? Because it's another zone and everyone still thinks he's a bad guy so it's right back to everyone wanting to either punch you in the face or run and find someone who will punch you in the face, again I know it probably won't happen but my brain won't leave me alone
See, Phage is the exception of Archie folk in this canon; literally no one else from Archie, at the time of writing this, is in the Hangin Out zone. Phage is a weird anomaly, so Shard just doesn't exist in this zone. I wouldn't be surprised, however, if Metal is actually aware of Shard and other versions of him existing in other zones. Maybe Eggman Nega made Metal Sonic 3.0 in Hangin Out's Sol dimenson, and that one became Shard? ....or maybe that wouldn't make sense since he's encountered Sonic fewer times and he'd make a metal blaze instead... maybe she's called will-o-wisp.. willow... wisp powers.. maybe looks like that prototype shadow desig--
--I'm getting severely off-track.
Metal would likely walk around as Mike instead. I wouldn't at all be shocked if Mike commonly has to deal with all sorts of pushback in other zones once people catch on. He takes it in stride, though.
another anon asked: I LOVE your portrayal of phage, even if I may have never gotten the chance to see her in the comics but not the point- do you have anything to info dump for her?
So basically this is one of those cases where I liked a character so much I forcefully yanked them out and ran off with them.
Phage is the Auto-Empire's head of Research and Development, specializing in infrastructure, weapons, and simulation technology. She's the reason why Eggmanland takes like an hour to beat in Sonic Unleashed, and why Metropolis Zone has all of those evil starfish. She's the less-than-benevolent architect of Eggman's wildest dreams, and is the last link to all the evil shit the Empire used to get up to. In this zone, she was the game designer to the Sonic Simulator from Sonic Colors as well, and was at the top of the leader boards before the whole amusement park exploded. Ever notice how the final stages of Sonic games always had... a personality of sorts? Eggman's bases are always vast, large, and maddeningly designed. This is pretty much Phage's personality bleeding into her work, as-programmed and supervised by Eggman.
Despite this, she herself is only amoral; Phage has no actual concept of pain, and is deeply curious. As a result, she designs things that inflict pain, so that she can understand what it does to people and how it works. She's committed to science and science only though, so as long as Orbot has new technologies for her to develop and test, she's sated.
Her habit of saying synonyms in quick succession ("Confused? Perplexed? Unsure?") is a side-effect of her quirk of wanting to always do things repetitively. She's a scientist! She tests! She has to trial everything! She needs to do everything over and over again to make sure results are consistent! what do you mean it doesn't make sense? what do you mean it's illogical? what do you mean it's incoherent?
also while I'm here,
another anon asked: have you ever heard about rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles? even if you're not a big fan of the turtles, i totally recommend you to give it a try because of the animation and style, it is great!
I've seen bits of it, looks cool! As a fan of 2003 tmnt I like that it's got an even stronger angular style to it.
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
BNHA scenario: You can’t feel pain
You were born with a heightened reflex quirk but you were also born with a very rare birth defect called chromosome 6 deletion, that causes you to not feel pain, hunger or fatigue, and you have like zero sense of fear & self preservation , your boyfriend only knows about your Quirk, you've kept your medical history to yourself, until you have an accident and he notices something off and start asking questions!
Dabi: He hadn't see you in a couple days and got worried, he then got a call from you asking to take you to the slums walk-in clinic, (I like to think, that the villains have whole a network of black market doctors that sympathize with them and run pop-up clinics, you have to have a password to to know where and how get in.) He checked his burner phone for a pop-up clinic and found one near by. 
He got to your location and was stunned when he saw your right arm with a large knife jammed into it and a dead guy on the ground sporting a broken neck, He checked out your arm and winced realizing he couldn't pull it out without causing you anymore damage, He then examine your face, expecting tears, but... you seemed more annoyed by this whole situation then anything, Dabi was expecting you to be crying and whining at him to stop poking and moving your arm around... He thought you were in shock at first, but something was nagging at him that this wasn't normal.
Dabi was silent the entire way to the clinic, his eyes were burning holes into the back of your head, when you both arrived... and the first words the guard said to you was. "Y/n back again, for what? out of pills?" he sighed as you narrowed your eyes at the idiot and raised your injured arm up to show him, his jaw dropped and opened up immediately letting you both in. "What did he mean by that?" Dabi's voice was tense suddenly speaking up, "Why do you need pills?" You stiffened obviously hesitant to say anything, knowing full well Dabi doesn't like people keeping secrets from him! 
"Just wait for Dr. Yuhei to come..."
"You're on first name bases with the staff now too?" 
The cremator crossed his arms as a middle age man came in looking very happy to see her! "Y/n? what the damage today dislocation? burn damage, (cue Dabi flinching) road rash, broken bones..." His eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas as he oh and awed at seeing the knife lodged in your arm. "Ha! you got knifed! I love it!" he exclaimed jubilantly while slapping his knee as he took out his tools. 
Dabi just looked at this man like he was mad as a March hare! "What fuck is wrong with you?!" he demanded out getting the doctor's attention, it took a moment for the man to respond.
"Oh! Are you the boyfriend I've been hearing so much about!" the cremator's brows furrowed as Yuhei shook his hand congratulating Dabi for finding a real diamond in the rough! "Not many doctors can say they've worked on a patient with Chromosome 6 deletion!" the raven haired man blinked incredulously. "Chromo what?" now it was the doctor's turn to be confused. "She didn't tell...You didn't tell him?" he watched your face and saw your fraught expression. 
"Huh...Well I'll be. That's certainly new!"
The doctor hummed before telling Dabi what was up about your condition, your boyfriend kept a neutral face but inside his emotions were churning. "Her reluctance to inform you of this...is probably to closes adduce to fear I've ever seen her display." Your face felt hot as you stared at Dabi expecting to him storm out instead, he just watched as the doctor pulled the knife out of your arm in fixed you with no anesthetic or pain-killers , Yuhei informed you that the knife had cracked the bone so you had wear a sling for a couple weeks, then reminded you to change your bandages properly, then handed you a refill of melatonin.  
The walk back home was awkward as hell Dabi had yet to say anything... Before you reached your safehouse you felt Dabi fingers grab your jacket sleeve while keeping his eyes on the ground. "Listen... this thing you have, did I ever hurt you?" You cocked a brow bemused before recalling Yuhei asking you about your injuries, he mentioned burns... and realized where Dabi was going with this, had he burnt you any given point and not known about it due to you not noticing or not telling him.
 You really wanted to say no... You really did! but accidents happen. "Not on purpose..." He winced hearing this as you continued. "sometimes during sex or when you're in a combat high." You reach up and patted him on the head making him flinch before relaxing into your touch. "If it'll keep you sane I'll tell you if I get hurt when we go on a run." Dabi hummed holding you close to him, needless to say the cremator became a tad more wary and protective of you during and after missions insisting he check your body over any injuries you hadn't noticed before leaving. 
Hawks: "Can you feel that?" a Nurse asks baffled as You let out a bored sigh as she and the doctor reset your left leg. "No." you huffed for the umpteenth time, wanting to leave the damn hospital already! but Keigo insisted you needed the hospital, cos your leg was swollen and turning purple after really, rough fight with a villain who had gotten a hold of you by the leg and toss you off like a rag-doll as a snapped echoed through the battle field!
I didn't take long for you to figure out your femur was broken and you were a sitting duck! until Endeavor and Hawks showed up they beat the villain, then noticed you sitting in the road with your left leg in your hand hanging limply in your grasp like a wet noddle! 
Your lack of impulse reaction caused them to think you'd gone into shock! Keigo quickly gathered you up flew to the nearest hospital! Telling you not panic everything was gonna be fine, you were gonna be alright! If only he knew the whimpering you were making wasn't from crying, but from laughing at him! 
After the docs had reset your leg (with no meds.) and put it in a cast again without any medication, you rolled your wheelchair out into the hall in time to see the doctor telling your fiancée about your one a billion condition! You can see how nervous the blond was he almost seemed skeptical, Hawks asked the doctor if he was overexaggerating a bit? "...I don't think you get it Hawks! this condition so rare that only 40 cases have ever been recorded globally!" you felt your stomach twist... this was definitely not how you wanted Keigo to find out about this. Your original plan had been to sit him down some time next week and tell him about it!
You were brought out of your thoughts by a someone's gaze burning in to your head, you looked up and met Keigo's analyzing gaze as he observed your condition, not in a bed, not hook to an I.V. and certainly not under the influence of any sort of pain medicine... He seemed a little pale as he approached you. "Hey... can we talk?" he asked you nodded as the two of you got on the elevator to the roof. You could feel him still leering at you as you arrived at your stop. 
"So..wha- what are you doing?!" You asked watching Keigo pinching your arm hard! and realized he was trying to invoke a reaction, but it was useless task as all it did was annoy you, this was the first thing people do when they find out about your chromosome 6 deletion, checking and seeing if you were faking it, Keigo felt panic bubble in his belly as he observed your reaction... or rather your lack of reaction. "Keigo..." You yelped suddenly feeling something tickling you under you chin, causing you to squirm and whimper as you tried not to burst out giggling.
You looked and saw the feather necklace Keigo had given you to be the culprit. "St-stop Keigo! stop!" When he heard you laugh, the blond relaxed, when the doc said you couldn't feel pain... he started wondering if your other senses were numb too, *of course that would be dumb!* he thought thinking back on how you react during sex and how you were acting now, pretty told him that everything else running fine. "Why didn't you tell me about this Chromosome thing?" You pretty much explained how you were, well... scared wasn't the right word, as you have no sense of the feeling, it was more like you were nauseous that his reaction would be negative... 
Hawk looked at you wide eyed. "Wait, you...can't feel fear?" He asked curiously you nodded explaining that you lack of pain has pretty much dampened your instinctive sense of self preservation, which why you tend to go on for so long in a fight even when things get dicey... "So that whimpering on the way over." you nodded. "I was trying not to laugh..." You said bluntly Hawks went oh then curiously asked if he had accidently hurt you during intimate moments? 
You were straight with him, he may have gone a little overboard during ruts, but nothing serious. Keigo didn't seem to like this answer. "Hey look at me." you huffed making gold eyes met your [y/ec] eyes. "I know you'd never hurt me on purpose, and if it makes you feel better you can check me over personally and pull me off patrol if you think somethings not right, does that work for you?" you waited as Hawks thought this over before nodding, The next day neither You nor Keigo were prepared for the tabloids headline: #2 Hero Hawks engaged to Bionic woman! You both cringed at the tacky tile!
Bakugou: "Stop you idiot!" Katsuki shouted as he watched you get up after one his explosions had sent you flying and crashing into one of the simulation buildings on the training field, as you looked around bemused as everyone was panicking, Toshinori aka your dad and Aizawa came up to you worried, the black haired teacher used his scarf as a bandage on you profusely bleeding head... which you just noticed. "Get a stretcher!" the teacher ordered.
"I don't need one I can wal-" Bakugou cut you off. "Get on the fucking stretcher Y/n!" You robotically obeyed as the medical team carried you to Recovery-Girl, who just shook her head when she saw you come in, she knows about your condition. "Y/n back again today, I'm started to wonder if you and Midoriya are related?" she teased causing you sweat-drop as Bakugou listened intently, and was very confuse when the old lady said this wasn't your first visit today....
"Oi, what exactly was she talkin' about?" the blonde huffed eyeing you suspiciously and was put off by you lack of reaction over your injuries. It didn't take a doctor to know that the knockback from his explosion should've cracked your skull and may have also broken your back, when you hit that building. "Oh, I had a little fall earlier, nothing to worry about."  you said nonchalantly Your dad who was trying to keep himself from coughing up blood on the other hand spoke up. "I wouldn't call getting hit by a car a "Little fall" Y/n." Katsuki's eyes widened, oh if looks could kill. "YOU WERE HIT BY A CAR AND DIDN'T TELL ME?!" He bellowed as All-might jumped back in shock while You stared at your boyfriend with a blank expression. 
He was frothing at the mouth as you listened to the blond rage like a chihuahua on caffeine, you looked at you dad having a metal conversation with the honey blond skeleton who nodded giving you the okay! you were gonna tell your boyfriend about your condition...With a sigh you calmly reached up and pinched Katsuki's nose between your index and middle finger. "Breath damn you!" you hissed the ash blond stilled and looked at you with annoyance for being interrupted. 
"I get that you're angry... But you need to know something." Katsuki let out an inquisitive growl as you looked at him seriously. "I can't feel any of this... at all." You chortled his red eyes widened as you continued. "I was born with a rare Condition, Chromosome 6 deletion?" You looked at your dad, Toshinori nodded you let go of Bakugou's nose. as your dad continued. " In short Y/n can't feel pain, fatigue or hunger, so naturally she lacks a sense of fear." Recovery girl returned wiped the blood off your forehead, and kissed your cheek a few seconds later your head was healed, Katsuki stayed silent as he absorbed everything you and All-Might had told him the teen was really quiet which worried you.  
Your dad sensed the tension and suggested the two of you go for a walk and talk this out, it was silent as you and Katsuki walked to a different part of the school that was more private, You turned to face you and were met with a fist flying at you! then stopping a few inches from your face, You didn't even flinch just gave him the same impassive expression from earlier. "If that was supposed to get a scream out me of you failed...royally." you hummed as as the blond frowned putting his fist down you can’t feel fear, even Half-n- Half’s eyes twitch when Katsuki psych’s him out!
"Why didn't you say anything anything about this?" he asked voice hoarse from yelling, You hummed trying finds the right words. "Well let's just say back in middle school I had a bad fricken time, kids can be cruel! you hummed not going into details on how others would exploit your medical condition for their own twisted fun. "I was...Scared is not the word, Sick the thought of you reacting the same as them made me feel sick." you were surprise when Katsuki pulled you close resting you head against his chest. "I would never hurt you like those brats did." he huffed wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Don't shut me out like that again," he kisses you nose causing you to blush. "fucking tell me if you think somethings wrong so I don't have to worry about your ass!" he huffed keeping one of his arms around you as you two walked back to class. After that Katsuki was a tad more protective of you often asking where that scratch/bruise came from? and checking to make sure you haven't broken anything during class or missions he was like Toshinori 2.0...
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