#what foods lower blood sugar
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Here is some information you can use when you are promoting or writing about GlucoTrust.
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What Is GlucoTrust?
GlucoTrust is a new supplement manufactured in the USA that contains a formula of all-natural ingredients. These ingredients work together to promote healthy blood sugar levels, safe and effective weight loss, and better sleep.
Startling Statistics
According to the American Diabetes Association, 34.2 million Americans, or 10.5% of the population, have Type 2 diabetes.
Globally, 462 million individuals are affected by Type 2 diabetes. And these shocking numbers show no signs of slowing down!
Diabetes treatment has exploded into a gigantic industry that grows every year, as more people require medication (and many never get off it.)
In the USA alone, $327 billion every year by men and women people trying to manage this condition.
What Is Type 2 Diabetes?
Here’s the quick scientific explanation behind Type 2 diabetes.
Blood sugar, or glucose, is the main sugar found in your blood. It comes from the food you eat and it is your body’s main source of energy.
Your blood carries glucose to your body’s cells, where it gets converted into energy.
Diabetes is a disease in which your blood sugar levels are too high. This happens because of two problems that involve a hormone in your body called insulin.
First, your body isn’t producing enough insulin. This is harmful because insulin regulates the movement of blood sugar into your cells.
Second, your cells are responding poorly to insulin and are not absorbing sugar the way they should. This is also known as “insulin resistance.”
As a result of these two things, too much sugar is circulating in your bloodstream. Over time, it builds up and your blood sugar levels become too high.
Once your levels rise beyond a certain threshold (which can be shown by a blood test), you are classified as having Type 2 diabetes.
Some symptoms of Type 2 diabetes include:
Increased thirst
Frequent urination
Increased hunger
Blurred vision
Slow-healing sores
Frequent infections
Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet
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Type 2 diabetes is often linked to being overweight or inactive. But for diabetics, losing weight can be extra challenging.
You feel hungry and fatigued, so you want to eat more and exercise less.
For many people, the only answer is to get on prescription medications that help to keep blood sugar levels under control. But this is only treating the symptoms of the disease, not fixing the root problem.
GlucoTrust contains a combination of ingredients that support healthy blood sugar levels, while also addressing the problems that are keeping people overweight and inactive.
We refer to it as being stuck in a “vicious cycle.” Being overweight and inactive is the primary cause of Type 2 diabetes. But when you have this disease, it makes it hard to lose weight because it causes you to feel hungry, thirsty and tired.
GlucoTrust is designed to help people break this cycle by incorporating the following ingredients:
Gymnema Sylvestre
The primary ingredient in GlucoTrust is Gymnema Sylvestre, aka gurmar, also known as “the sugar destroyer.”
This herb comes from a shrub native to Africa, India, and Australia. The leaves of this plant have been used for thousands of years to treat a wide range of ailments—from diabetes to malaria and even snakebites.
According to studies, Gymnema Sylvestre has blood sugar-lowering properties and can promote healthier levels in people with Type 2 diabetes.
It also assists with losing weight by reducing sugar cravings. This is due to the gymnemic acid in this herb, which temporarily blocks the sugar receptors on your taste buds.
In addition, Gymnema Sylvestre has been shown to lower LDL (or “bad cholesterol”) levels, and reduce inflammation in the body.
The next ingredient is Biotin, which gets its name from the Greek word “biotos” which means “life.”
Biotin helps your body to convert food into energy, manage blood sugar levels, and metabolize carbs, fats, and proteins.
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According to a study by Harvard Medical School, chromium can lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.
When your body lacks chromium, your ability to lose weight is held back at a cellular level. But the right amount of chromium helps to activate your metabolism.
Manganese is another vital nutrient that stimulates insulin production, so that your body can convert blood sugar into energy.
Manganese also improves bone strength and promotes healthy brain and nervous system function.
Licorice Root
Licorice root is one of the oldest herbal remedies used in traditional Greek and Chinese medicines.
It improves liver health and protects against fatty liver disease, which is found in at least 50% of people with diabetes.
This root is also rich in flavonoids, a compound that helps to controls your appetite.
Known as "the king of spices" for thousands of years, cinnamon has been shown to enhance cell function and lower insulin resistance.
Cinnamon also supports healthy blood pressure and digestion, and has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Juniper Berries
Juniper berries were buried in the tombs of ancient pharaohs and used to boost the performance of athletes in the Roman Olympics.
Their potent powers come from antioxidants that cleanse the body of toxins and strengthen the immune system.
Juniper is also a natural stress reliever used by natural medicine practitioners to relax and calm the mind and body.
And GlucoTrust Promotes Better Sleep, Too…
The importance of getting deep, uninterrupted sleep cannot be underestimated and it has a direct connection to diabetes and obesity.
Yet many people with type 2 diabetes struggle to get a good night’s sleep. It causes a frequent need to urinate, which can mean waking up throughout the night to go to the bathroom.
And because most people with type 2 diabetes are overweight, they often suffer from sleep apnea, which causes them to stop breathing temporarily during the night and then wake up gasping for air.
Furthermore, when you aren’t sleeping properly, you’re never properly rested. You go through the day in a haze and are too fatigued to want to exercise or bother watching what you eat.
On the other hand, when you sleep well and reach the deep sleep stage, your body is able to balance hormones such as cortisol.
Lack of deep sleep elevates your cortisol, which causes your body to store fat.
Getting deep sleep allows your body to keep your cortisol in check, while boosting leptin, your hunger-controlling hormone.
According to The National Library of Medicine, when leptin levels are low, your brain thinks you’re starving.
You wake up hungry and feel hungry throughout the day because your brain thinks you need to eat more.
But when your leptin levels are high thanks to a good night’s sleep, this sends a signal to your brain that you’ve got enough fat stored and no more is needed.
This suppresses your appetite, making losing weight that much easier.
In addition to all of these amazing ingredients, GlucoTrust also contains a proprietary blend of 15 herbs that regulate your natural hormonal balance and allow your body’s functions to run more smoothly.
The recommended dosage is one capsule per day, and for optimal results, GlucoTrust should be taken for a minimum of 90 days.
Each bottle of GlucoTrust contains 30 capsules, enough for a 30-day supply.
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Please note, GlucoTrust is not meant to be a replacement for any prescription medications you are currently taking. Always consult with your doctor before making any changes to how and when you take your medications. https://www.digistore24.com/redir/419540/jsalex123/
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health-is-mg · 7 months
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court-jobi · 2 days
Meal Prep
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((banner by me! I don't own Horikoshi's works or the lovely art found here))
Pairing: Bakugo x reader (biker!prohero reader, afab pronouns used)
Words: 5k
Rating: M | 18+ (begone, minor extras- it's too spicy for you, Kacchan says so)
Warnings: hand-holding sexy times, first time!Bakugou/reader, food and commitment as a love language, FEELINGS, accidental quirk use, pet names, piv smut, established relationship, wrap it up, this is fantasy
Katsuki made you food; fuel and comfort all in one. He won’t let you touch that door handle in the car even if you’re the one driving, and calls you Angel Eyes like it’s your name. He’s not just the badass of the agency office who stuns you with his strength and resolve; he’s ready and willing to take a step beside you and do life together.  And you in turn want to be soft for him, want to give in and let him take care of you. That brand of love made you want to jump his bones.
A/N: It's spice, yall. Someone needs to rein their quirk in, and I'm not naming names (Katsuki Bakugou)
For my My Hero Academia Masterlist, check it out here!
Read on AO3
When Bakugou turned to his side -feeling the hand at his lower back- and went to lift you up on the counter for some kisses, something just... came over you. 
Your moves were tame at first- rubbing his chest and shoulders at the moment’s reprieve. Just giving yourself sweetly into it. Now with his hands on you, he got really hard really fast, and made some quip about you getting fresh between shared ravishments of love. 
Sure, you were biting at his lips longer than usual. Sure, you were hanging onto him in a manner far more codependent than you'd ever claim to be. By the look in his eye, he wasn't ever gonna be caught complaining, though. You’ve  been stared at and longed after across any room you're in just as wantonly, and he's the first to second your opinion when it matters. He calls you every night he's away for missions, and stays his need to sleep just to be able talk to you while your time zones are flip-flopped. 
Although, it was rather hungry of you to be so enamored by him today: where even the simplest conversation about the prices of strawberries going up made you fall slack into him. 
He asks what brought this on~ 
"Just love having you here,” you surmised, “I– like not doing these things alone." 
You’d made the economical offer to cook together and split the bills. Since your diets were fairly similar anyway, you might as well buy in bulk. He was in an indulgent headspace tonight, since he’d been laying on the pet names thick all day; this, his rare day off. Yours is tomorrow, but you were fortunate enough to get off at a decent hour to get the grocery shopping done early- with him. 
– only Bakugou enforced a strict habit of insisting on taking care of the receipt at the store, but never letting you settle up your half. The ‘slip of the mind’ he suffered from the first time was no longer an accident, but a routine.
Now, two stacks of four portioned meals each lay side by side prepped in the fridge. Some additional protein packs top your stash to keep on hand between long night drives; small and compact, they help fuel you mid-mission so you don’t have another repeat of a blood sugar drop while enroute with a squad of heavyweight heroes making a cross-city trek. Bakugou preferred to pick out treats as a surprise in those meal kits. Trivial as gift giving goes, but it offers some enrichment to your otherwise predictable menu. You haven’t seen what he’d snuck in the cart underneath that bag of string beans this time, and just saw their packed away presence in the fridge, teasing you.
But back at the sink where he’d begun to wash up, you ignored their mystery. Now, you just wanted to show him how much he was appreciated.
Yes, something switched in your brain: making meals together, sharing cleanup duties, counting these little moments as blessings and feeling like life’s weight wasn't all just on you put you in a mood. You both might not have necessarily gotten too fresh before today, but this wasn’t simply a domestic dance with lust.
Katsuki made you food; fuel and comfort all in one. He won’t let you touch that door handle in the car even if you’re the one driving, and calls you Angel Eyes like it’s your name. He’s sharp and fast to stop you from doing something stupid, and was the loudest voice in the room when your top 20 ranking was announced across the agency conference table. He’s not just the badass of the agency office who stuns you with his strength and resolve; he’s ready and willing to take a step beside you and do life together. 
And you in turn want to be soft for him, want to give in and let him take care of you.
He wanted to show you he loved you; down to the grind of meal prepping on a Sunday night. That brand of love made you want to jump his bones.
Your adoring man nuzzles and talks to your neck, "Gettin' sappy again, angel."
He is down bad for you: no matter how sassy he makes the observation sound– that scratchy, rumble tone doesn’t help with your dizzying brain at all.
You offer up your neck a little, scratching along the base of his spine for full, soothing effect.
"Whass’wrong with that?" 
Bakugou simply purrs back happily.
"Cuz if you start saying shit like that, I'mma start sayin' shit. Shit I won't be able to stop spewing once I start."
"Maybe I don't want you to stop."
He senses your heart peeking through your words. Your eyes carry the message loud and clear, too, though they’re having a hard time staying open from the headrush. 
Lifting his heavy head, Bakugou studies you thoughtfully, before stepping into this soft side of yours.
"You don't want me to stop." 
Of course you don’t, so you shake your head.
"You want me to stay." 
Through a smile, you give your shy agreement. 
Even more vulnerable, Bakugou’s rare touch of a smile makes its appearance,
"You want me to stay forever? Make sure my lady's fed and happy?”
"Yes," you sink into him, happier than ever. 
"Looks like I'm staying then. Already made you dinner. Whaddya want me to do next?" 
"Hmm– kiss me?" 
Bakugou leans in to grant you your simple wish- but fully laps at your mouth instead. He means to entice, draw things out, make you want him that much more while giving himself nothing but torture at the same time. He’s used to making himself sweat; at least this was the fun simmer that didn’t burn.
The blonde moans low in his chest when you brush his cheek’s scar with your thumb. 
"Whaddya want, pretty girl,” Bakugou scoops you in close, memorizing this hot look of need you’re having right in the middle of chores, “What, y’want me to kiss you forever too?" 
Fixed on his lips -currently teased between his teeth- you give a rare curse that contrasted your sugar sweet demeanor, 
“Hell yes--" 
Kisses smash between you as sloppily as you want while he pulls you off the counter, over to the couch, and plops you on his lap, where you adjust to a squat over him and followed his persistent pull for you to sit. 
Pink lovemarks all over your neck, Bakugou’s rough attentions drive his hands to go just about anywhere he wants in a need-driven frenzy. Whether to warm you up or keep himself from perspiring too much? Who's to say.
Suddenly as he growled out his pleasure at your hips fitting up upon his lap, Bakugou fisted your  shirt in each palm– he tugs you deliciously tight as you kiss the daylights out of him.
Through his satisfied chuckles, he thought all was good until he started feeling some pops muffling in his hands. 
Bakugou knows what's coming– it's the speed of this onset that freaks him out-
His senses shout at him lightning quick, so it's a miracle that Bakugou immediately threw his hands out, shooting off hot sparks with palms out towards the coffee table- spooking you into a yelp. 
The panic settled just as soon as it came– you stared at each other after the round of pops stopped. 
Somehow, you were never afraid he’d ever sweat to the point of harming you, so you rolled with it as if he didn’t just almost blow you to bits. Must just be excited. 
Cheeky, you  thumbed to your bedroom before mimicking a Dynamight-style ‘stressball’ in your palm.
"Need your gloves?"
Bakugou rolled his eyes, "Fuck.... Fine."
As if a little coverage on his hands was going to be the end of the world. 
"I could make a condom joke instead, so be grateful!~" 
A pruned hand smacked your thigh in protest. “Har. Har.”
As you dismounted him (since you knew he was just gonna be pouty and sulk until he could touch you again), you pulled him up by his neckline so that he followed hungrily behind you and didn't cause a stink over it. In your room, you dug in his designated helmet for his gloves, which he roughly handled and donned while you rounded his strong set of shoulders and kissed him through it across the bits of skin you could reach.
"Can't believe I gotta put these fuckin’- things on- every time I get hot and fuckin' bothered-” 
"We'll figure that out, honey. Hey,” you pull him up to your sightline, “You still got me?”
Gloved but no less handsome as ever, Bakugou looks far too dazed to try his hand at driving your bike. Better he crash here, with you. He grabs you close; his answer.
“-- then there’s no complaints here. It’ll work; for now."
He moans kind of high and happy into your kisses on his mouth again. The sound ripples in you, coaxing more love out from your needy fingers and gentle kneading and soft layers that he’s mad he couldn't reciprocate anymore. He voiced this displeasure when he tugged up on your thighs and tipped you onto the bed. Setting a knee between your thighs and capturing a hand in his to pin you, Bakugou firmed up his brows, 
"Well, maybe I wanna feel you BACK, huh?"
"I get that, Katsu-honey~ we'll-- work on it. Learning curve." 
One thing the Hero World would be fast to assume about Katsuki Bakugou is that he'd take whatever he wanted from someone making eyes at him; that he'd be dominant and mean and addictive and that one might regret pushing his buttons in the bedroom, because it would be far too much. ‘Better not test him, he’d be too rough.’ But you hardly think this way, as you have him here:
Here, you look up to him, lovesick and shy, pulling him down because he feels too far away. And tempered as he is when he's in deep, Bakugou reads you and quickly responds in kind. He does kneel over and meets your lips, but freezes like steel as he tries to figure out how to be close but not crush you, despite your yanking for it.
"I'm not dropping ninety-five kilos a’ dead weight on you, dummy,” he chortled, “Not gonna happen."
"But I want you~~"
"Oh, you want me, huh? Needy girl..." Pets caressing down your cheek, you cup your Katsuki’s arm instead as it trails gingerly down the neck, stopping at your collar, until you force it down its path more towards your chest, and lower. 
His touch carries very little pressure. Rather, you see him just watching his own movements in a haze- "Pretty, pretty girl."
A thought crosses your mind and you feel confident; if you voice it, he’ll answer you honestly. 
"Have you never dated anyone before, ‘Dynamight’?"
Without an immediate defense, you're happy to see he’s still letting you guide his hand to slide under your shirt collar and sift along your bra line. 
Unphased, he answers a gentle -but surprising- ‘no’.
"No high school crushes?" you press, flattered.
"Tch, I went to UA. When would I have had time for that?" Bakugou slides your strap and shirt more to the side as he explores, then kisses the shoulder.
Breathy, you challenge after your happy hums. “Kirishima did..."
He only gave a bemused scoff.
“And look where that got him. Is he anywhere close to being #1?" asks the #5 ranked Pro Hero.
Bakugou’s gloved palms have successfully reached your breasts, pulling the rest up and off with confidence now, eyeing over your skin deliciously. 
"Guess who is?"
"Damn right." Bakugou licks and teases around the space your nipple would lie under the cup, "And y’know how I did it?"
Sights locked onto him, pulling other side down to sift your underclothes up to his gloved hand's touch.
"I'm a fast learner. That's how you get to be the best. Learn fast, do it right. Gets you results at the top of the board. I'm damn good at learning something I want; 'specially when that something's you."
You can’t keep quiet now. Not at this, your forever favorite Pro Hero undressing you with eyes and hands, 
"Ugh God..."
His hands pawed at every bit of you.
"Name's Katsuki, Angel Eyes. But I'll answer to that if you want~"
Your sexy laugh turned to a moan as he sucked hard at your neck to please you, then worked on getting himself fully topless to match. Once laid back with a delightful little jiggle of everything wonderful, Bakugo's sight lay fixed on you, hands running everywhere he could reach now. 
For once, he looked a little scattered, unsure what to do next besides pet you and breathe.
You teased a leg up his, and tried prying his hard shell open again, "There's no wrong way to play, y'know~"
"You look like you're working-" you rubbed your own tits, a handful each, "-trying to figure out your next move. But really, there's no bad option. It's just me."
Understanding, he nodded, but still looked conflicted.
"And I don't bite, promise~" you tried for levity, finally making him chuckle a little and bring life to his smirk.
"Y'might as well, looking at me like that."
"What, this?" you kneaded and pushed your tits together.
"Fuck, me..."
"S'what I'm saying."
Then in a sweet move, Bakugou pulls you up to cradle you by your jawline and kisses you lovingly, then holds your foreheads in place while he takes a couple practiced inhales. 
Beneath you, you see how excited he is, but also how tense his core has become. It ever so barely trembles.
A muted string of a confession leaves him, 
"I talk big shit... but... never done this part." –this part being sex, you now gather- "Sue me if I'm tryna do right by you. I- feels like my heart's literally goin’ a mile a minute here, what the hell..."
"Mine too~" you run a soothing drag of your nails up his arms before smoothing up and over to his waist, "You are doing right by me, though~ just go with what feels right. I just want you, Kats."
"I want you,” you assure him with charged-up love and desire for him, “-so bad."
That was seemingly all he needed to clear his head because he fell right down to you, crawling beside you and scooping you up into his arms where he could trail his hand all up the expanse of your back. Somewhere in there, he slipped off your pants and took the chance to feel all up and down your legs with greedy chuckles.
He'd moan what a gorgeous sight and gentle thing you were, his mouth leaving no limb untouched or unpraised. He's also high on the attention you gave him right back, especially when you tipped him onto his back and kissed along the lines of his chest. Bruises and dips mark up his otherwise perfect skin, but you're pleased to have your Katsuki enjoying this if his sighs are any indication of his arousal. 
Bakugou quirks a brow as he settles back, preparing for you to mount and have your way with him. Consent is king and he doesn't wanna force you to be in a position you don't want.
“Y’want me here?” he asks with hands supporting your waist. “Show me how it's done?”
The sight below you has you ready to pass out on the spot. He’s handsome and horny and all yours.
"Ready when you are~" 
The line between Dynamight and the man behind the title is blurred as he settles into a cocky smirk. He's proud and never one to shy away from attention- not even this, so it seems. 
Bakugou chips his chin up at you with his full support. 
"Atta girl~" 
You whimper when you grind on top of him at first: not simply at how hot the first pass is for you after so long, but how wrecked Bakugou looks as he exhales with force. It's an effort to will himself still, and you love the look of it on him. 
Pride surges in you as you sway yourself over him, checking him over and making sure he's comfortable. 
“You got me?”
His sights open again, to you in all your glory. Any edge he carries in his waking hours is gone as he's let comfort and ease take the wheel over his nervous system. 
Bakugou is pretty damn adorable this way, but you'd only ever say so when he's fully confident- not out on a limb trying something this new with you for the first time. Here, you'd build up his confidence and see how he rises to the challenge. But you’ll go slow, above all else.
Fingers find renewed life as he squeezes you,
“I got you,” he says in wonder, getting there, “I gotcha." 
But right before you lifted up to let him shove his waistline down, he stopped you from sitting with a hard hand at your tummy. In a quick switch, he's cursing nervously about needing to wrap it up. 
Before he could toss you off, you brought his face back to you with a tender hand, keeping him from getting up altogether and bolting for his bag slung somewhere in the kitchen. 
"I'm covered on that front, hon,” you stifle any laughing at his earnest pursuit, “Planned a bit ahead- got in with the nurse a few months back."
Bakugou stills, but then his confusion and concern give way to something deeper. He’s looking at you, awed. 
"You're on it-?"
"Mhm. I'm all set, baby. There's no one else, just– just you. I won't stop ya if you'd feel better with one on, just wanted you to know. " 
Fondness for the hero-turned-friend-turned-lover made you rake your fingers through that mess of blond hair you daydream of petting and bringing out a groan from him all by yourself, 
"However you want me: inside or out~"
Recognition heats him up more, "You sexy, fuckin' girl..."
Catching you back in his arms, Bakugou falls in love all over again. He’s sinking into you sideways, hiking your leg up and over his hip and just holding you close– your man is all in for this the moment he's submerged in you.
"FUUUUUuuuuuck yehehehess…”
You're overwhelmed and giddy and full, and find that it's not just you who's laughing by the time you make eye contact. It's thrilling and perfect that you're here -doing it- and you’re obsessed with how close you two are in this moment that it makes your relief palpable and light-hearted. 
After heated kisses to get him to actually start moving, you're turning every laugh into a love-filled moan: a sound that Bakugo chases with everything in him. 
Eventually the momentum is like a run, fueling him with the more he hears, and is soon tipping you back to settle on top himself-- in charge and letting you take backseat. By how you gawk up at the show of strength, it’s more than alright with you~
"Oh my God, yes sir!!" you squeal seeing him in charge.
"Yeah? Like this, pretty girl?” Bakugou is in his element, despite having just joined the party moments ago, “Y’like your ‘Backpack’ on top, makin sure you don't move a fuckin’ muscle?"
Each huff and moan he makes glues your sights to the spot- head dipping to where you are slamming together, which only makes him ramp it up even more to give you a show.
‘Yeah yeah yeah-- oh FUCK, why haven't I gotten my head out of my ass sooner, you are FUCKING incredible!--’
The sounds Bakugou’s making are passionate and raw, even more so as you're close and you tell him so through near tears. You’re about to cum, embarrassingly fast for you- but then why wouldn't you when the sight of the love of your life is rocking your world off its hinges and sending you into the best headspin?
"Do it baby, do it do it do it~" he growls the freedom deliciously to you– so you will your hand to let go of the comforter and start rubbing your clit wildly to get you over the edge, till you're bucking up and siezing through relieved sobs. 
Bakugou almost damn near chokes on his own shock at the feel, yet only slows a little bit while he holds you down, holds you through it. Once you’re reaching up for his shoulders again -your cue that you're ok and settled - he dives down to your level for some hard kisses as a reward.
Somehow he breaks from the haze of you deliriously giggling for him soon enough, gasping out  desperate lines that nearly made your heart explode– all while going right back to fighting like mad to go over the edge like you did.
“Fuck, I love you.. fuck, I love you, fuck fuck fuck–”
The closer he gets, the hand pinning yours to the bed starts to burn– which takes your attention.
From watching him fuck you to check your joined wrists is more urgent: Bakugou’s forearm is trembling and visibly sweating all down to the cuff absorbing the rest.
Pretty much sobered you right up by the incoming pain, you're surprised, but you fake it in your bliss and rush him along anyway, until he cries out and shudders into your neck as he finishes– kissing it lightly in thanks muttering all sorts of nonsense you couldn't make out once he sinks onto you- spent.
“Fun, right baby?”
Bakugou’s grunting at every little move of his body.
“S’... M’dizzy,” he rasps, “S’it always dizzy?”
Under a spell yourself, unearth some spare sass n’ sweetness from your back pocket, 
“When it's good,” you give your valid opinion, your free hand making your mark along his arm to settle him down, “when they listen to what you need, n’ when they can provide- even before any clothes come off. I find it best that way, that is…”
Bakugou’s head lolls to the side, pressing a kiss to the tender space just in front of your ear.
“That it is…”
Your palm is pulsing. Hot. But still, you let him find rest, wondering more if he was ok since he was never EVER this gushy, but as his release turned into relieved laughs, Bakugou bridged over you to blow your hair back with a playful gust of his lips and gave you some more indulgent kisses. Sweet as ever, you kissed him back and pressed into his thumb working over your still joined hands.
"You like me~" you taunted.
"Y’said you loved me..."
Katsuki giggled, "Shuddup, dummy."
This prompted your tug to free your hand again, hissing when he released and revealed your palm: tinged with an onset of a blister, splotchy with heat–
"THE FUCK??!!” Bakugou noticed the damage himself, “DAMMIT, why didn't you SAY I was cooking you alive??" 
At his apology ridden eyes, you didn't want this hiccup to stall the moment you'd just shared. Flexing each of your hands easily, you shook off any look of pain and beamed up at him instead. 
"You weren't! It just got a lil hot~" he looked at your face again, confused as to why you're not upset at his repeat offense, "BBQ, amiright?" 
Your no-longer sweetheart growls down at you, textbook Bakugou BiteTM.  "NOT. funny." 
You laughed at the nature of it all. 
"I'm ok, baby. Whew... Oh my God~"
Your relief is something fuzzy and delighted to you, but knowing how your darling Katsuki gets in his own head about how fiery his quirk can be, you give him a little wink to quell any fears. 
It works, as your assurances always do. He admires your sated bones and lays another sloppy smooch on you. A silent promise; he’ll take a look at your hand in a bit. 
In moving up your body to reach his shirt to wipe himself with, he slipped out, still hot and heavy (given that he came already) and undeniably turned on- even in this state. You cringed at the mess hitting the cooler air. Hearing your complaint, Bakugou pecked your cheek and nuzzled you back adoringly. 
"Love you, angel.”
"I love you too~" your easy reply passes your lips wistfully.
A dry ache in his chest, he made to rise and see about getting you two a little more comfortable, feeling that same wetness too and grumbled about washing his damn hands, but you stopped him with a little whine.
Crimson eyes softening to yours, the boyish charm returns to Bakugou’s otherwise stoic demeanor. It's a sign he’s clearly plagued in an afterglow buzz.
"Cmon, lemme clean us up. I need the fan on." 
Even colder? Darn his body temp. "Nnng.." 
He gets up anyway, but promises his return with a chip to your chin, "I'll stay, gorgeous. Told you so. I'll stay as long as you want tonight." 
When he came back with the wet washcloth, he coaxed you to stand on your own and go take care of yourself, too. The top sheet is changed and re-tucked in before you got back– mismatched from what remained on the bed before, but you didn't really care. 
He’s made himself comfortable in the bed, only slipping on his boxers you can barely catch the edge of from the sheet in his lap. It’s only made you fold all over again- proof that your boyfriend knows where you keep your spare sheets in the first place. 
You slipped on a fresh pair of panties in your pit stop, but went hunting for your loose shirt again, not bothering with anything under. This got Bakugo's attention seems,
"What, you cold?"
"Little bit~"
"M’over here, then," he patted his chest, you joined him, only to have him sneak his arm under your shirt and tease your tits again, "Don't see why you need this shitty thing while I'm around, just gettin' in my way.."
Giggling and sinking into him, you couldn't fault him. He did have to stay gloved for so long earlier. You laid a kiss straight on his cheek while he had his fill of you.
"Happy girl?" he sings down to you.
Happy girl indeed. "Mhm~ Happy Murder God?"
"Heh-yeah,” Bakugou schooled his breaths to sync to you, “I could get used to this."
"We'll figure out the glove thing."
"...M'sorry for almost toasting you.”
“Eh- I can handle a little snap-crackle-pop.”
Bakugou snorts, tapping out the jingle beat for ‘rice crispies’ on your shoulder. All's forgiven on that front. 
“Really shoulda thrown those in the washer," he grimaced above you, looking over at the door where he set them back with his riding gear. 
"We'll get it later," You snuggled down in his arms, happy to take his leftover heat. “Washer’s all yours~”
"Yeah. Yours is better than mine anyway,” Bakugou leans his head fully back onto your propped up pillows. A contented sigh forces the rest of his muscles to lax. “--piece of crap rattles like it's about to blow up. Yer dishwasher’s better too.”
As he chatters away, he played with the ends of your hair absently. 
“I thought you were my dishwasher?”
Bakugou pauses his twirls, “Oi, I never said I was signing up for that! I was bein’ nice.”
“Yes, you were~” you kissed his neck to force his rising growl down. Works every time. You're back to snuggling in his arms with a contented sigh. “I’ll do them next time.”
“If you’re fast enough, slowpoke, then sure.”
You can barely make out your washer thrumming in the next room as well as the even more distant smooth jazz channel streaming from the living room, but remembered your earlier mindset and just hugged him tighter.
This, you'd certainly miss when he went home tonight. Feeling this close, this warm together, having shared something really special and intimate that you couldn't take back for the life of you. It might make things even worse when it comes to your attachment to him– you two are pushing it at the agency with minimal touches unless there's something really scary that forces his walls down in order to comfort you- or vice versa. After all, your affinity for one another is no one’s business but your own… but you typically are satisfied by his more public ties to you in all the ways that matter- mostly to others in your circle and strangers who he threatens to kick if they keep starin’ at you.
But here, Katsuki holding you is second nature. His true nature. He tells you he cares with every returned text, knowing look, and tender touch he keeps limited in shared company- with you as the sole recipient. 
You can only wish this could be your life everyday. Where you can maybe even start your own agency down the line somewhere; Japan’s first true power couple who can take names like none other. Launch yourselves higher and higher, work yourselves out of a job, and take a retirement in whatever way looks best for you–
When you get quiet in your thoughts, he even knows your 'hiding' tell. Your pillow tilts down to try and get your attention, finally demanding your eyes with a question laced with clear thinking,
"You meant stay stay,” Bakugou asked gently, “-didn't you. Not just- for the night.” 
You softened… nodding ever so much. Leaving room, in case he didn't agree.
What you wouldn't give for him to be your meal prep partner till you both retire from hero work- and then some.
Either nothing went through his mind, or one singular anthem bounced around in there, because all Bakugou did to your little melting expression was kiss you softly, turning you back into the bed, and flopping solidly on top of your chest.
"...gimme 30 minutes. Then let's go get my shit. I call the front room work table."
You're over the moon, and your jaw drops on its own. He’s so ready- barely even thought it through! Or maybe… he was always thinking of it, and was waiting on you.
With that excitement flooding you, you peppered his hair full of kisses until he groaned for you to stop– only after the first ten...
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ito-itonomen · 1 month
I recently read that blood can hypothetically be used in Baking as a substitute for eggs and this obviously reminded me of toh bc it's been over a year and that show still lives in my frontal lobe lmao
Like, when I first heard Lilith talking about making all those blood based recipes w Gwendolyn I thought "yeah that checks out it's the boiling isles where people eat spiders and eyeballs why wouldn't they cook with blood too"
But now I'm actually thinking it could be deeper than that?
Griffin eggs are expensive, they're not cheap to keep in the house and they're an awkward size too, once you crack one open, you can't exactly use part of it and then store the rest for later, at least not easily, and even so it would spoil quickly. (This I know from experience due to some expiriments in curing egg yolks lol)
Spiders have been mentioned to give milk, and it's likely that spider eggs are also sold, probably pretty damn cheap in bulk too, but spider eggs are more similar to fish roe, and wouldn't be any good for baking.
So, what do you do if you're from a poor or lower income household and want to make a batch of cookies or maybe a cake for your kid's birthday?
You use blood. A cheap, easy to come by staple in any market, available in all varieties from fruit blood to livestock, can be kept in a frozen until you need it, and full of nutrients and similar enough in the makeup of it's proteins to be used as a substitute for eggs.
And magic has been able to keep food frozen for hundreds of generations. Only wealthier individuals might know a good baking recipe involving eggs, but every common witch and their mother has some old box or notebook tucked away in the kitchen containing some faded recipe in great great grandma Meabh's handwriting for a nice blood velvet cake or blood sugar cookie.
In summery I think that in the owl house universe baking with blood is actually a charming practice rooted in multigenerational witch culture and a staple of hard times.
The only reason we wouldn't see Eda cooking with blood, naturally, would be due to Luz's dietary restrictions forcing her to go the much more expensive route but I bet king has all sorts of cute childhood memories of Eda baking those old family recipes from her own childhood and the smell of bloody sausages for breakfast and fango-blood bread on a rainy day
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peachesofteal · 1 year
oooh okay but what if the guys find Darling right before she’s about to give birth?? She took off after the confrontation and just never went back, and they gave her space hoping she’d come back. So then they were actively looking for her and finally found her? What’s one of the ways that could go down? Sorry I’m sure your ask box is absolutely full of asks about the baby trap au and other things but this idea struck me and I had to get it down 😩
👀 these little stories have completely consumed my brain.
18+ / baby trap AU / mature/dark themes
Deep breath.
Just breathe.
You can do this, you can do this. It happens all the time. You’re not the first person on earth to have a baby, for Christ’s sake.
Your feet step one in front of the other in a pattern down the hall, to the kitchen and then back to your bedroom, over and over while you try to stretch your back. It’s been almost forty minutes since your last contraction, and your muscles are sore, everything from your fingers to toes cramps.
It’s way too soon to go to the hospital.
But it’s not way too soon to be really uncomfortable, and nervous, and kind of freaking out, which you currently are.
You’re unprepared, even though you’re not sure there’s anything more you could do. You have the nursery set up, to the best of your ability. You even painted her room a soothing sage green color, and got all her clothes put away. You baby proofed everything. You have bottles, and formula, and nappies. Blankets and a boppy, even some pacifiers. On the outside, it looks like you and your little flat are totally ready.
But the reality, or at least how it feels, is the opposite. You don’t think you’re ready. You’re not even sure you can do this, if you’re being honest. You don’t know if you can be a mum, if you can take care of a baby, a defenseless little human who will need you for everything.
You struggled to take care of yourself half the time.
Your muscles tense, slow building pain splintering across your lower belly and you blink away some tears that threaten to form. It’s not just the pain… it’s everything.
You’re alone. You’re alone, after the two people you loved more than anything did the worst thing in the world to you. After they took your choice away. After they ruined everything, betrayed your trust, hurt you beyond repair.
Even worse was… you missed them. You hated them for it. Hated yourself for it. Everything felt so complicated, so fucked up. You were so angry, so heartbroken and still… couldn’t stop yourself from mourning their absence. Couldn’t stop from thinking about them at every doctor’s appt, every night when you closed your eyes to sleep.
You couldn’t even think about what was going to happen… after.
It was torture. It was hell.
It was affecting your health.
You had long been on restriction, light duty, almost mandated to bed rest. You had trouble eating, trouble sleeping, trouble with your blood sugar. It was exhausting.
Bee moves, not kicking but something else, a ripple pinging across your belly and you rub there soothingly.
“I know, I know.” You murmur, eyes wandering to your bed. Laying down sounds really good right now.
When you wake one hour later, it’s to pain. More intense, more sharp, lingering in the muscles of your back and thighs. It’s clearly a contraction, much more intense, and nausea rises in the back of your throat.
Fuck. That hurts.
You bite your tongue, heaving yourself out of bed as the pain fades, leaving you a little breathless while you waddle to the closet.
Maybe you could take a bath, or try to walk some more.
Just as you’re about to turn the tap on your tub, you hear a noise, a knocking on your door. That’s odd. You hadn’t ordered anything, food or packages. And you definitely weren’t expecting anyone either. Your stomach does a somersault, and you approach the door hesitantly, standing on the other side, staring at it blankly.
Without even checking the peep hole, you know who it is on the other side. You don’t need to look.
You always knew this would happen. You’d be lying to yourself if you said that sometimes, in the middle of the night, you didn’t dream about this. Even though it was wrong. Even if it meant you were weak. Stupid. Foolish.
You take a deep breath, and pull the handle.
Johnny’s holding his breath when the door creaks open. He doesn’t know what to expect, he just prays to nothing that it’s you on the other side. That after months of trying to track you down, they’ve finally got it right. He just hopes that you’ll give them a chance, that you’ll listen to them for even a second, so they can get down on their knees and tell you how sorry they are. So they can tell you they love you. So they can beg you to come home.
You peek around the door, just barely, enough for them to catch a good glimpse of your face.
He feels like he’s gotten the wind knocked out him. It’s been so long since they’ve seen you, too long, and you’re so pretty, so perfect he has to squeeze his hands into fists to try to calm his racing heart.
“Hi.” You keep the door more than half shut, and he swallows dry.
“What’re you guys doing here.” You don’t phrase it as a question, and your voice is flat. Unenthused.
“We wanted to see you.” Simon starts. “We… wanted to check on you. See if you need anything. If you’re okay.” You give him a grim smile, and shake your head.
“Let’s not pretend.” You shoot back, and Johnny feels his heart wilt.
“We’re not pretending, love. We’ve been so worried. We’re so, so sorry. I cannae start to explain, how sorry we are. We did something awful. We-“
“I don’t want to hear it.” The door moves, just a little bit wider, and reveals more of your body, swollen belly, heavy on your frame. You look tired, like you haven’t been sleeping.
Johnny wants to break down. He wants to cry, if he’s being honest. He failed you. They failed you. They were supposed to love you, protect you, care for you. Instead… they allowed their twisted, selfish desires to influence their decisions.
He can’t imagine how this has been for you. Pregnancies were difficult for anyone as is, and you weren’t just anyone. You never have been.
“Can we come in?” Simon tries, voice soft. His eyes haven’t left your frame, taking in everything he’s seeing, Johnny’s sure. Coming to the same conclusion.
“No.” You bite out. “I don’t want you here.” He’s about to start begging, start pleading with you, but you make a face, brows pushing together, mouth screwing up like you’re in pain and his blood runs cold.
“It’s nothing.” You breathe, but your hand cradles your belly, and your eyes are closed, face still screwed up in discomfort. “You should leave.” Not bloody likely.
“You’re in pain.” Simon summarizes the obvious, and you shake your head.
“I’m fine. I just uh- am having some cramps.” Cramps? He knows you’re pretty far along, by the math. Worry prickles along his spine.
“Cramps?” He takes half a step, not even. It’s enough to startle you, make you draw back, door jerking in your fist, closing it to only a crack, and he holds a hand out, cautiously. “Darling. Hey, it’s alright.”
“Go away.” You spit, but the words are choked out halfway, and they sound rough. Like you’re in pain. He tries to count, in his head. How far along you are, how close to a due date you might be.
“What’s going on?” Simon tries, and they can just barely see your palm press over your mouth. Johnny’s heart is galloping in his chest now, scared. Panicked. You’re in pain. You’re in real pain, and you won’t talk to them. Won’t let them in.
He’s about to ask you if it’s more than cramps, if you need help, or a doctor. But he doesn’t get the chance.
The door slams in their faces.
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cosmicintro · 2 years
Astro observations: Health aspects from the 6th house 💫
6th house in Aries: Be mindful of strong reactions, impulses and emotions as these could trigger high blood pressure, stress or unwanted headaches. Possible problems associated with the adrenal glands if health is not good. The person could be nearsighted/farsighted. Teeth issues and sensitive gums are common with this placement. 
6th house in Taurus: Be careful with ‘burnout’ and try to keep a healthy work-life balance. The individual is prone to respiratory conditions, jaw and neck pain/problems, weight gain (associated with thyroid issues). Thyroid disease. Problems with your voice or throat. Take it easy and follow a rhythm that honors your needs. 
6th house in Gemini: Allergies, infections, asthma, cough, breathing issues. Arms, hands and fingers might be sensitive. Anxiety and nervousness caused by too many unorganized/unwanted thoughts. Be careful with hand, arm and/or shoulder injuries. 
6th house in Cancer: Sensitive breasts/chest area. Inflammation associated with water/fluid retention. Pay close attention to your salt and fat consumption. Intolerance to different ingredients. It is vital for individuals with this placement to express their emotions as this can feel like a detox process for a 6th house cancer.
6th house in Leo: Hear what your heart is telling you. Don’t let stress or anger take you 'over the edge'. Similar to Aries in this house, it is common for the native to suffer from high blood pressure if a balanced lifestyle is not followed; a healthy diet will help this native tremendously. Be careful with hernias and your spine. Back pain/injuries. Spend more time outside. 
6th house in Virgo: Food sensitivities. Problems with digestion. Pay attention to sugar, fats, starches and the way your body reacts to them. Pancreatitis. Bloating associated with food intolerances. Meditation is recommended to calm an active mind and a healthy relationship with food will help with digestive issues. 
6th house in Libra: Lumbar pain. Problems with the lower back. Sensitivity to salt. Kidney stones. Insulin resistance. Diabetes. Partnerships have a big influence in your life; stress or strong (negative) emotions resulting from these relationships can have a big impact in your health. 
6th house in Scorpio: Constipation. Bladder/Urinary tract infections. Issues with libido/sex hormones. Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder; can cause pain or/and a burning sensation when peeing). Problems with the colon and elimination systems. Let go of any guilt/shame around your sexuality and keep a healthy relationship with your needs. 
6th house in Sagittarius: Issues associated with the pituitary gland. Hip mobility problems, pain or injuries. Obesity. For optimal liver health, alcohol and stress levels need to be monitored and, if possible, reduced to a minimum. Yoga can help ease stiffness around the hips and thighs. 
6th house in Capricorn: Knee pain. Injuries/procedures can cause significant scarring. Hair loss or scalp issues. Arthritis and joint pain. If your body is telling you to slow down, honor it and rest. Movement in every way is beneficial for the native. Be careful with your bones. 
6th house in Aquarius: Varicose veins. Frequent cramps. Arteries and veins might need to be monitored closely, as the native is prone to circulation problems. Calf pain. Stress, nervousness, anxiety, insomnia. Be careful with addictions. Stay hydrated. 
6th house in Pisces: Problems with the lymphatic system. Feet pain, inflammation, discomfort, injuries. Plantar fasciitis. Be careful with falls. Sleep problems, nightmares. Sadness that can lead into deep depression. Time alone is necessary. Make sure you’re getting the hours of sleep that your body requires to work harmoniously. 
Stay tuned for more! :)
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ginnysgraffiti · 2 months
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what do timmy's characters' kisses taste like?
(pls i tried my best TT)
&. LEE
lee's kisses taste like warm tobacco and coke, sometimes replaced by beer and of course a hint of blood on his wet tongue if he hasn't washed his mouth yet. his teeth are as sharp as they sink into your bottom lip, soothed by his moist and soft tongue that immediately slips in. every time he kissed you, it always turns out to be a needy and wet mess. you know he completely loses it when you pull back from the kiss and a thread of saliva still connects both your tongues. lee always spends time admiring it and waiting for the saliva to mark your skin so that he can lick it up.
&. HAL
hal's kisses taste like strong rum soaked cherries, making your head spin and your feet curl. he stains you completely red, his mouth sliding wetly from your lips to your neck against your soft skin, leaving marks that can’t be covered up even if you intended to. he always accompanies kisses to dirty talks, not giving a damn if court servants or maids hear him.
laurie's kisses are sometimes similar to hal's, a noticeable hint of cinnamon and vanilla the only difference that separates them. at times, you would also feel some white bubbly wine at the tip of his tongue, making yours tickle and curl a little. he would giggle silently against your lips, craving for more.
elio's kisses taste like skimmed milk, white sugar and peach juice. just like lee, he would get deadly needy and lost in the kiss, his adam's apple continually lowering, swallowing the saliva of both of you, as if wanting to have your permanent taste down your throat. his mouth reminds you of young summer with a bittersweet taste of sea waters' salt. you would let elio kiss you again and again and again until you're both breathless but he would still beg for more in the most childish and sensual way. you understand it when he slightly pulls back, trying to catch his breath while his tongue remains out, having him looking like a thirsty puppy.
paul's kisses make your mind travel to crumbly butter biscuits, melting on your tongue, complemented by crystalized pieces of salt that cut through the sweetness with sharp fervor. at times, if he ate fremen food, you can even taste the desert spice in his tongue, a welcome surprise hitting your head and making your eyes flutter shut. it's always a weird taste, but you love how well it matches yoir boyfriend's tongue.
of course you expected willy's kisses to taste like chocolate, but it's not any chocolate.
they taste like the most unexpected and unexplored ingredients, strangely mixing with roses and strawberries, floral and sweet and almost too much but never overwhelming. his lips feel like dainty petals against yours paired with the sweetest strawberry of his tongue dancing as fluidly. his kisses actually change every day, and that's what keeps you entertained and inpatient. one day milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, salty chocolate, giraffe milk macaroon, hoverchoc, anything. sometimes, he make special edition love chocolates, and you still wonder if his chocolate is able to make you crave more than kisses.
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losfacedevil · 4 months
Darkness of The Night // SFK
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a/n~ This one is something that has been eating my brain for the last few weeks. I know very little about Vampires so please, be gentle. I’ve pulled a lot of inspiration from I See Hell In Your Eyes by @joshsindigostreak (run and read it if you haven’t!) Also the biggest shout outs to @vanfleeter @readyforthegarden & @joshsindigostreak for fully supporting and encouraging this idea, I may not have written it had they not! (WC 3.3k)
WARNINGS: Mentions of blood, biting and such.
Without further ado…
There was a certain comfort that was found in the freedom and solitude of hitting the road with no real destination in mind. A night away from home after a stressful, and trying week calling your name as you packed an overnight bag and slipped into your car. Jamming the key into the ignition, you started the car and backed out if your driveway, a soft sigh escaping you as you began the short journey to the highway. 
With the windows down as far as they could go you zoomed down the highway, just barely abiding by the speed limit. Feel good music of your teenage years blasted through the car radio speakers, just loud enough to be audible through the wind whipping around the car but not loud enough to earn you a citation from an angry state trooper. The farther you traveled the lower the music was set as the wind slowly dissipated around you and the calm of the night time sky shrouded the road in darkness. 
You glanced at the clock on the dashboard, noting that it was close to dinner time, and as if on cue, your stomach rumbled loudly. A soft chuckle slipped past your lips and you reached down, rubbing your hand gently against your stomach as your eyes scanned the road signs, looking for one that advertised any sort of food that was nearby. It didn’t take long for you to find an exit that lead you directly to a small little mom and pop shop just down the road from where you exited the highway and you pulled in to the parking lot, cutting the engine off as you stared into the dimly lit building.  
Wired - a little hole in the wall mom and pop shop you had never heard of and the perfect indication that you had traveled a lot farther than you had meant to travel. Pulling a deep breath in through your nose, you secured your bag on your shoulder and slid out of the car, eyeing the building with just a little more suspicion. A flashing neon ‘Open’ sign being the only indication that the diner was open. 
A little set of jingle bells placed above the door began to sound as you pushed the door open, alerting the waitress to your presence. She popped her head around the door frame from kitchen and a soft smile spread across her lips as she wiped her hands on the dish towel slung over her shoulder. She sauntered her way out from the back and rested her arm against the countertop, leaning forward slightly as you stood just inside the door looking around at the quaint little dining area. 
“Hey, Sugar. What’s got you down around these parts?” She asked, slapping her order pad and pen down against the counter top. A sheepish smile spread across your face as you made your way to the counter and perched yourself against the edge of the chair. 
“I just needed to get away for the night so I packed a bag and hit the open road. Any hotels around here you could recommend?” You asked and pulled the laminated menu across the counter so you could get a better look at it. The waitress never took her eyes off of you as she watched you scan the menu curiously before deciding on the easiest thing they could make. 
“There’s one just a few blocks up a friend of mine owns, he’ll help you out, no problem. Now, what can I get you to eat?” She cooed and quickly jotted down your order for a burger and fries with a coffee to wash it all down with. A soft smile spread across her face and she produced a water bottle from what you could only imagine was a mini fridge under the counter. 
“You hang tight, I’ll have that food ready for you in a jiffy!” The soft tone of her voice reminded you that you were safe in the diner - even if you felt like the area was a little bit off for your liking. 
You let your mind and eyes wander, taking in every ‘first dollar’ from their original opening and subsequent re-openings over the years. A peculiar painting of what looked like a family from a fantasy world occupied the spot right next to the door to the back. A tall man with long, dark hair, a long dark goatee, and oddly pointed looking ears sat next to a blonde haired blue eyed woman who was holding a baby that looked to be her carbon copy. 
That was when you caught movement out of the corner of your eye. Taking a deep breath, you shifted your gaze to the opening in the wall and that was when you spotted him. A boy who looked no more than twenty one peered at you around the far back corner, in constant motion as he washed dish after dish, leaning over only slightly to place them in what you assumed to be a drying rack. His gaze was piercing, the dark color of his irises only amplified by the dim lighting in his work space. He worked blindly, his gaze not leaving yours until you broke the awkward eye contact and averted your gaze to the very outdated menu board to your left. 
You were shaken out of your thoughts as the bubbly waitress made her way out of the back and placed a plate with a burger the size of your face and a heaping helping of fries to match down on the counter in front of you. Your mouth watered as the smell of the food hit your nostrils and you shot the waitress a beaming smile as you began to pluck fries off of your place and popped them eagerly into your mouth. 
“If you need anything else you let me know okay, Sugar? I’m gonna go help Sammy back there wash the rest of the dishes from the dinner rush. Just give me a holler.” She smiled brightly and placed a hand against yours, squeezing it gently before she turned on her heel and disappeared into the back. 
There was something calming in the quiet of the diner, the only sounds drifting through the air being that of the clinking dinnerware being washed somewhere behind the wall. You pulled out your phone and headphones, needing just a little enrichment in the quiet space of the diner. Placing an ear bud gently in your ear you scrolled to your favorite chill playlist and let the soft music engulf your mind and senses as you enjoyed the food set in front of you. 
It didn’t take long for you to finish your dinner, having not eaten anything in the last couple of hours, and you sighed contentedly as you sipped on your remaining coffee. You let your eyes begin to wander again, this time landing on a portion of the wall that was covered with newspaper clippings and articles all about Wired and its rich family history. ‘Family owned for 90 years!’ Read one of the article titles. Squinting your eyes you tried to make out some of the print below the title, quite curious about the diner you sat in. 
The sound of someone clearing their throat caught your attention and you turned your head back to the proper position. There in front of you stood a tall, lanky male; one you recognized as the boy that was holding a starting contest with you earlier in the evening. There was something about the dark amber color of his eyes that had you entranced and a soft smile spread across your face by way of a greeting. 
Your heart hammered in your chest as you took in his appearance. The youthful glow of his skin was something you could only wish to be in possession of. The warm color of his cheeks having your stomach feeling weird and it was then that you noticed his hair. Worn in a loose bun at the nape of his neck, you couldn’t help but wonder just how long his hair truly was. 
“Mind if I?” He mumbled and motioned to the now empty plate that sat in front of you. You shook your head gently and nodded at the plate, signaling you were fully finished using it. 
“Absolutely, have at it.” You couldn’t help the giggle that slipped past your lips. There was just something enchanting about the man that stood in front of you. His gaze never left yours as he scooped up the plate and grimaced slightly, his thumb having slipped into the now warm ketchup that was smeared across the lip of the plate. 
“Ketchup is far too reminiscent of blood for my liking.” He mumbled and swiftly turned on his heel, making his way back into the kitchen where the clattering of the plate in the sink could be heard. A breath you weren’t aware you had been holding whooshed out of your chest and you slumped forward slightly, suddenly light headed. The waitress - whose name you hadn’t caught - made her way back into the dining area and a worried look kissed her features. 
“Hey honey, are you feeling alright?” She asked, placing a cool hand against your now flushed forehead. You nodded your head and tried to straighten the way you were sitting. Reaching forward you grabbed for the now room temperature water bottle that sat next to your cup of coffee and downed half of it in one gulp. 
“Yeah I… I think maybe I just need rest. Where did you say the nearest hotel was?” You asked, trying to will away the woozy feeling you weren’t sure the cause of.  You could see the man you now knew as Sammy out of your peripheral vision, standing just slightly out of view in the doorway to the back of the building. 
He had scented you before he even saw you, noting the way something subtly sweet and floral clung to your skin. His mouth had began to water and gums itched as his fangs tried to break free of their confines and slip down into place. He knew better than to act on the instincts he was still trying to learn to rein in, having only been working in the same building as humans for a very short period of time. 
Sam’s mind reeled with the possibilities of getting you alone and convincing you that just a little taste would be okay. But he knew better, human blood was not there for the taking. He couldn’t stand the phantom hammering of his heart in his chest and spun on a heel, trying to distance himself even further from you when his coworker called his name. 
“Sammy, won’t you be a dear and walk our friend to her car? We wouldn’t want anything to happen to her, now would we?” She drawled and placed a reassuring hand on your arm, instilling in your head that you would be safe and unharmed in Sam’s care. His eyes fluttered shut and he swallowed hard, willing the flaring of his nostrils to cease as he turned back around and slowly made his way to the counter. 
“Yes, we wouldn’t want any… demons of the night to come out and snatch her, now would we, Marjorie?” The way he spoke was smooth, his voice keeping a steady tone even when he turned to you. You felt your eyes widen slightly and you swallowed hard as you willed yourself to believe the way his eyes shown red was a play of the dim lighting you were sitting in. 
Sam made his way around the small counter and cupped his hand gently around your elbow, helping you to stand and slowly began to lead you out of the diner. You weren’t sure why you felt the way you did or why you were fully on board with this man having a steadying hand against your elbow, but you allowed him to lead you out of the diner and into the darkness beyond. 
“So what’s a pretty girl like you doing around these parts alone?” The last word slipped past his lips in a tone you weren’t quite sure how to decipher. You swallowed hard and shook your head gently, trying to rid it of the brain fog that was slowly creeping in. 
“I uh… needed a night away from my life so I…um. I packed a bag and just took off but I’m not entirely sure… where exactly I am.” Your ability to form sentences became sluggish and you squeezed your eyes shut as you wracked your brain for the words you were looking for. 
The hammering of your heart in your chest was starting to drive him crazy. His eyes fluttered shut and his grip on your elbow faltered, allowing you to free yourself from his grasp and you leaned up against the side of your car. Sam regretted the deep, calming breath he pulled in through his nose as your subtly sweet scent enveloped his senses and his gums began to ache. 
“And how did you find us? We’re not exactly your average fast food chain.” He mumbled and let his eyes meet yours willingly for the first time that night. You swallowed hard, hoping the darkness and the fluorescents of the street lights were the reason the amber coloring of his eyes seemed off. Pulling a deep breath in through your nose you couldn’t help but take notice of the way he smelled. The richness of what you could only guess what leather and a hint of bitter sweetness danced in your nostrils. 
“There was a sign advertising food at this exit. This place was the first place I found.” You gulped as his hand came to rest on the car next to your head and he leaned in slightly, closing some of the distance between the two of you. A soft smile spread across his lips as he reached up with his other hand and curled his index finger under your chin, tilting it ever so slightly. 
“And we were… enticing enough for you to stop, were we?” He questioned and swallowed hard, dipping his head lower and pulled a deep breath in through his nose. Your eyes fluttered shut as the sudden contact, focusing on how the cool skin of the tip of his nose felt against the warmth of your neck. 
Iris - your scent was sweet and subtly tainted of the scent of irises. Sam’s mouth began to water and his fangs slowly descended as your scent wrapped him in feelings he was unsure of how to handle. 
“This was the closest place… I didn’t want to fall asleep at the wheel… needed food.” Your thoughts were jumbled as Sam’s large hand engulfed the side of your neck, his fingers spread wide and he slowly danced them over your warmed skin. 
“Your skin is so soft…you wouldn’t mind if I stole a little taste of it… would you? The perfect payment for your meal.” He mumbled, nuzzling his face gently into the crook of your neck. You felt the scrape of something against your neck and your mind went blank, unsure of what exactly was happening. 
Sam knew he had you right where he wanted you and he slowly pierced your skin with his fangs. A groan slipped past his lips as your blood slowly trickled into his mouth, so warm and sweet, a taste he knew was forbidden but too good to pass up. His pulls were gentle at first, his intentions only meaning to pull a taste from you. But the more he savored the taste, trying to put his finger on what exactly you tasted of, the harder the pulls he began to take from you. It was then that a memory of yours bloomed in his mind - something he wasn’t familiar with.
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you sat in the break room of your store, trying to process what had just happened. Being called out by a customer wasn’t anything out of the ordinary in your line of work but the hand she had raised and struck you with had taken you fully off guard. You had spun on your heal and ran to the back, wanting nothing more than to shrivel up and hide. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Your coworkers placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder and help up an ice pack for you to take. You nodded gently and accepted her offering, holding it gently against your cheek. 
“What happened?” She asked, rubbing your shoulders reassuringly as she listened to you recount exactly what had happened. A deep sigh slipped past your lips and you shrugged your shoulders, pulling the ice pack away from your face briefly so your skin could warm. 
“I just want to go home. Maybe take off for the weekend, I don’t know.”
The memory faded away and Sam’s mind became painfully aware of just how slow your heart beat had gotten. He willed himself to pull back and ran his tongue along the puncture wound by way of healing it, as panic slowly began to set low in the pit of his stomach. Your body has since gone limp, legs no longer holding your own weight  as Sam pressed his chest firmly against yours. He knew he screwed up and only had a matter of minutes to make a decision to let you go or heal your now lifeless body. 
“Shit, shit, SHIT!” His words came out on a whispered scream, not wanting Marjorie to become aware of his antics. 
Sam sank to the ground and leaned his back against your car, slowly laying your lifeless body across his lap. He drew in a deep breath between his gritted teeth and lifted his bare wrist to his lips, piercing his fangs through the thin skin of his wrist. His breath caught in his throat as he watched the blood he had drawn from his own body pool against his skin. Panic began to cause a phantom hammering of his no longer beating heart in his chest and he brought his wrist to your slightly parted lips. He couldn’t help the way his eyes widened as you still lay unresponsive, the inner turmoil of you being his first kill something he couldn’t fully come to terms with. 
“C’mon, please, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” His voice broke as his whispers fell on deaf ears. There was a feeling of finality washing over him as he made the decision that you were too far gone. A soft sigh escaped him as he flexed his wrist once more and a fresh stream of his blood trickled into your mouth. Sam let his head fall back against the car door, fighting the phantom feeling of tears prickling the backs of his eyes. 
It was then that he felt your muscles tense slightly, a positive reaction to the blood he had been feeding you. Your head fell to the side and your lips wrapped around his wrist, the tell tale feel of and instinctual pull causing all of the air to whoosh out of Sam’s chest as he realized you were going to pull through. 
Your body felt more alive in his lap, your muscles no longer laying lifeless against his thighs. Sam breathed a sigh of relief as your lips released his wrist and you head rolled in the opposite direction. Sam’s eyes snapped in the direction of the diner, knowing he had been outside for far too long and he focused his mind on Marjorie’s and slowly back tracked the timing in her head, accounting for more than half of the time he had been out of the diner. 
Pulling a deep breath in through his nose he shuffled the way he was sitting and pulled his phone out of his back pocket. Tilting his head to the sky he screwed his eyes shut and blindly maneuvered through his contact list. He pressed the phone to his ear and counted the rings on the other end, knowing Josh wouldn’t answer on the first. His chest ached as the line came alive and his eldest brother greeted him down the line. 
“Josh… I screwed up big time.”
Until next time….
TAGLIST: @vanfleeter @readyforthegarden @joshsindigostreak @ascendingtostardust @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @belovedsamuel @dannythedog @stardustvanfleet @devilat-thedoor @the-wicked-gnome @runwayblues @gracev0609 @lipstickitty @sunfl0wer-power @allieisacrybaby
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scarybabe · 5 months
You've always been a huge inspiration to my own gaining journey, but I had a question and forgive me if I'm wrong. I noticed your face and jawline look a little more defined even though you don't seem to have lost any weight. So my questions are: Did you have a procedure to reduce your double chin, and if you did, what did you have done and how much was it? My chin is a big source of insecurity around my gain, and I've considered a procedure, but I just thought I'd ask! Thanks for all the lovely content and keep it up! You're gorgeous!
I did actually lose a bit of weight I think- I talked about it in OF but at the beginning of April I had to temporarily drastically change my diet to help a blood pressure issue for a whole month. low sodium/low sugar/compression everything to help my blood flow and daily walks had the biggest effect because I wasn’t retaining as much fluids anymore in places that I would get swollen. All my clothes from when I was 300 still fit so I don’t think I lost a lot of weight from below my waist! You can’t really control where you lose weight from, I haven’t weighed myself to see how much since that wouldn’t be great for my mental health but it’s been about 3 weeks since I had to start the new regime and I can eat normally again now! Still gonna go light on the salty stuff when I can to ease back into it but I had some delicious food last night 🥰
If you did want to slim only your chin with losing no weight at all, I know there are some lymphatic drainage massages you can do and I know many plus size fashion models have had neck liposuction, there are also head wrap things that claim they can use light pressure to reduce your double chin as you sleep. I would suggest lowering your sodium too, but that will likely cause water weight loss. If I WAS weighing myself this month, that would probably have made me feel bad to see. Do whatever feels best and safest for you 🥰
Plus double chins are cute and hot! if I eat too much salty stuff by accident and the swelling in my lymphatic area comes back my chin will probably my look a lot bigger and I wouldn’t care either way 🌸
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captain039 · 4 months
Cooper Howard(The Ghoul) x reader 
Warnings: Violence, blood, gore, AOB dynamics, heat, oral F receiving, smut, swearing, fallout stuff, implied cousin incest, virgin reader, drug usage, needles, plus size reader, sexual assault, angst
Previous part <-
HAHAHEH who asked for feelings.
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You awake slowly, body humming and warm. You let out a small breath feeling your hips, legs and back aching, you think your legs are asleep from this position.
“You alive sugar?” You hear teasingly and grumble shifting slightly. He must’ve moved you to pull out because your shifting made you rub against his hardness under you.
“You keep shifting and you won’t be getting breakfast” his voice lowers and you still hearing your stomach grumble at the thought of food. The other need fills you though and you test moving your hips again a growl rising from the alpha.
“As much as I’d love to fuck you against this mattress till you see stars, I won’t have you passing out from lack of food” his voice is in that low commanding voice and you still and huff softly.
“Good girl” he mutters hands on your hips, helping you off his lap and onto the bed. You lay down comfortable, tugging the blanket closer as he gets up while tucking himself back in. He moves the dresser out the way grabs his gun and heads downstairs.
He comes up not too long later with something in his hands. He kicks the door close, lays down the platter on the edge of the bed, moved the dresser back and sighs. He cocks his head to the platter as you sit up before going to his saddle bags and rummaging through them.
“Real fancy little house they got here” he says as you hear him clinking some vials before pulling one out. You look at what he brought up, some fruits, canned beans in a bowl too. The beans are steaming a little and you hover your hand above it feeling the warmth. You stare at the alpha, Cooper as he inhales whatever medicine was in those vials and sighs.
“Eat” he says slightly glancing to you. You nod silently slowly eating the warm beans and having some fruit. You can’t stop watching him though as he goes through his things, you’ve been clenching your thighs together in hopes of feeling him fill you again.
“Cooper?” You mutter putting the almost finished plate on the bedside table. The alpha stiffens but turns to you with a small hum.
“Can-“ you feel heat rise to your cheeks as you think of the words you were about to say.
“Can we see if the bath works?” You opt for instead and he nods going into the bathroom.
“Might not be warm” he calls and you stare at the blanket over you.
“S’ok!” You say gulping. You would like nothing more than a nice warm shower or bath, but a cold one would do.
“I’ll be damned” he mutters before chuckling to himself.
“Seems you’ve got luck on your side best get in before it does get cold” his words make you happy and you grip the blanket and stand wrapping it around you and shakily walking to the bathroom. Your legs are like jelly and you almost fall over a few times, all the blood rushing downwards. You see the steam on the water and smile brightly, you check for soap and find a rather old used one and grimace. You search the cupboard seeing one last new soap in there, luck was on your side. The taps squeak off as Cooper stops the water.
“Check the temp before you jump in” he mutters and you nod leaning down and dipping your hand in. You sigh at the warmth and smile at him. He falters staring at you and you think you’ve done something wrong. He looks like he’s remembering something, remembering a painful sweet memory and your chest hurts. He turns to leave but you grip his arm. He snaps to look at you making you flinch and loosen your grip.
“Pitty to waste it on me” you cock your head to the bath and his eyes shift between you and the bath a few times.
“You don’t want to see me” his voice is low but it’s not the same enticing one, this one’s self conscious, guarded.
“I won’t look, you can sit behind me” you offer glancing at the size of the bath tub, should be fine. You’re pleading with your eyes and his jaw ticks before he huffs and nods. You try not to smile to brightly afraid to scare him off, you let the blanket fall hesitantly and step into the warmth with a shudder and a sigh. You wait, you hear him shuffle, a soft grunt and then hands on your shoulders before the water moves as he slips in behind you. He’s kept his legs up, and you can’t imagine it’s comfortable. You gulp a bit feeling a little confident as you shuffle back, lifting your arms above his knees so he has to force his legs out. You succeed with his annoyed growl going to your ear but he doesn’t change the position.
“You test my patience” he mutters more to himself and you smirk to yourself a bit as you lather the soap between your hands and begin to wash your legs. It doesn’t smell like anything thankfully but it’s nice to have soap. He snatches it out your hands though making you go to turn.
“Ah ah, eyes that way” he says and you glare at the wall in front of you and huff. You didn’t even finish cleaning your legs and he’s already stolen the damn soap. It’s strange though, your heat isn’t as bad as before, by yourself on that locked room, not that you wouldn’t mind being filled with an alphas knot again, this is comfortable, his legs around you, you almost touching his front. You flinch when you feel hands on you and frown as he leans forward and runs his hands down your arms covered in soap. You sag into him without thought hearing him hum again as you close your eyes.
“How’s it feel little rabbit?” He asks and you frown at the nick name.
“Little rabbit?” You ask and he hums again.
“You’re prey out here, fallen into the clutches of a monstrosity, now you’re bathing with him” hi words flow easily but it hits you like a slap to the face. He thought of himself as a monstrosity? Sure he wasn’t great at the start, killed lots of people. You stop his hands gulping a bit
“What is it?” He asks and you take a small breath, closing your eyes and moving.
“I said-“ he goes to grit out but you can’t see him, your eyes are closed. He moved his legs so you can place yours either side of his and sit in his lap. You lay your hands gently on his chest feeling him stop breathing. Your lower lip trembles as you feel rough skin, leathery, misshapen, you run over a bump, going from his shoulder to pectoral. A scar.
“Got that in a knife fight with some scumbag out in the wilds” he mutters and you move your hands along his collar bone, to his shoulder where you feel a misshapen circle wound.
“Shot by shotgun at close range by another bounty hunter” you gulp a bit. You open your eyes and his jaw ticks, he’s ready to yell you know he is but he stops. His eyes go into that hazy memory remembering look.
“Who are you thinking about?” You ask his eyes focusing and he bares his teeth slightly. You nod blaming your heat for this emotional bullshit. You apologise quietly and stand up on shaken legs.
“Where you going?” He asks but you just dry yourself in silence.
“Enjoy the warmth” is all you manage and leave. You hurry to get your clothes on, you need out of this room even if your body’s begging you to go back. Seems like everything’s catching up.
You push the dresser out the way in a struggle and wobbly go downstairs and avoid the dead bodies. You go outside in the sun and stand on the balcony. You grip your hair, breathing through your teeth. You forced this man, this alpha, this ghoul to cozy up with you in a dead man’s house, Lucy’s gone, you forced Lucy away. Who knows how long he’s been out here who he has who he doesn’t have. Man smelling that divine would definitely be paired. You feel a pulsing need to through you, you yell at your body, scream at it, you feel like ripping your insides out.
He’s down there the second he hears you scream, shirt hardly done up, no boots, he just grabs his gun and runs downstairs like a mad man. He knew he fucked up, something in your eyes, something in your mind clicked and you realised how all fucked up this was. He’s got his gun aimed but there’s nobody around by dead government and you on the porch. He lowers it, rests it in his pant hem and slowly approaches. You’re still rip in heat, your scents attacking every wire left alive in his body, never felt this good with Barb not once did his body ignite like electric wire, but he still thought about her. He almost growled and forced you back around and had his way till he saw your eyes closed. The sadness in your face, hurt written on it. He felt like that buckshot wound in his shoulder hit again this time through his chest. When you said his name, cheeks red like tomatoes he smirked with pride till you backed down and asked for a bath instead. He wanted you to take what you needed, but he’s glad you didn’t. You slept so peacefully against him, you nuzzled into his neck or chest a few times a small content look on your face after you did and he swore then and there that if anybody touches you or hurts you he shot them in the arms, legs, chest then the head. He’s got secrets though, he’s been around too long not too, he’s done too much bad and not enough good to have you all cozied up to him like that and still he wanted it. He says your name, softly he doesn’t know where that voice came from, the soft voice he’d use with Janey when she’d been crying or had a hard day. You don’t turn around, your legs tremble as do your hands which are clenched tightly in a fist, he’d say shoot a few rounds off but that isn’t what you need yet.
“I had a partner an omega before the war” his words spill and he curses himself inwardly.
“And a little girl, Janey” he adds and your hands unclench ever so slightly.
“My wife she worked for Vault-Tech she was gonna get us into a fancy vault have us live out our lives as managers or something, give Janey a good future. Barb and I, we never bonded, I never claimed her” he can’t stop his words and sees you turn around even with his head dropped and eyes staring at the ground.
“I never felt connected to her, it was more of a comfortable companionship than a mate ship. I used, hell I used to be an actor, Cooper Howard, sheriff” he looks up sees the gears turning in your head.
“I’ve been around a long, long time sweetie” he forces a dry chuckle.
“I know your daddy, well step daddy, I know all the fucked up things that Vault-Tech do, I know too much shit. Too much bad, I’ve done too much bad” god help him he needs to shut his damn mouth, this is worse than the times he’s gone without meds for too long, bordering on the feral line.
“This wasteland changes people” he mutters. He thinks you’re gonna storm to grab your things and go find your sister, force yourself to get over the heat and make your way to family. You move like the world’s on your shoulders and sag against him. You lean your head against his exposed chest and he sighs a little bringing his hand up to your neck. It makes you sag even more as he gently massages it, a little trick he picked up with some previous partners.
“It’ll be over in a few days” he mutters.
“You’ll find your sister and go home” he adds the words feeling like sand down his throat. You shake your head making him frown.
“We” you mutter and he stares ahead a small smile on his face.
Next part ->
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bullet-prooflove · 6 months
I have an ask for Jubal Valentine 🌹 The prompt is 3. You know you gave me all that time. Well, did I give enough of mine? Thank you so much.
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You worry about Jubal, about the fact that since taking up the position with Fugitive Task Force, that you don’t give him the time or attention that he deserves. It hits particularly hard because this man has walked through fire for you, almost compromising his career and all you have to give him is yourself.
It doesn’t seem like it’s enough, especially on nights like tonight when you come home and he’s half way through cooking a meal for the two of you because he knows you won’t be able to face the task after the case you’ve had in Maryland.
“I worry that I’m not doing enough.” You tell him as you lean over the kitchen island. “That I’m not around enough.”
“Ok, doing enough what?” He says with an edge of amusement to his voice. “What do you think you should be doing more of?”
You pause then because truthfully you don’t actually know, you just know you should be giving more. You try to explain that to him but it comes out in a jumble, a mishmash of words and feelings.
“Stefani.” He says gently setting the knife down that he’s cutting peppers with so he can make a T with his hands. “Time out.”
It’s the sign you both use when things are getting a little dicey. You get in your own head sometimes, especially when you’ve run yourself a little ragged. He clasps your face between his large hands before he places a kiss upon the tip of your nose.
“When was the last time you slept?” He asks you. “Or ate?”
You lower your gaze and he knows exactly what’s going on with you.
“We’ve talked about this.” He says softly, his forehead coming to rest upon yours.
Your mental health always suffers when you don’t look after yourself. You’re blood sugar dips, it makes you emotional, irritable, compounded with the lack of sleep it’s a recipe for interludes like this. It’s why he’s been packing snacks into your go bag.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper as his thumb chases over the apple of your cheek.
“You never have to apologise to me. This is just a bump in the road.” He murmurs as he looks into your eyes. He means it, the two of you are a team. You’ve seen him through his relapse, the issues with his son Tyler. Your relationship, it’s never been one sided, it just seems like that because you’re in the midst of a blip. “We get some food in you, a good night’s sleep, I promise you you’ll be as right as rain.”
He isn’t wrong, the next morning when you wake up things seem a little bit lighter. You feel more like yourself and you know that’s because of Jubal, because of the way he cares for you, looks after you.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.” You tell him as you lay tangled up in each other in his navy blue sheets.
“That’s funny.” He smiles, his lips brushing over yours. “Because I don’t know what I’d do without you either.”
Love Jubal? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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crimsonfic · 7 months
Sanemi Shinazugawa Fanfiction- Turbulence
Foreign Musician Y/N
Subjects: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Violence, Gore, Death, Blood, Vulgar language, Mature Language & Content, other sensitive subjects
8 Chapters
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Chapter 5
Chapter Includes: Explicit Language, Mature subjects, Smut, Fluff, Violence
5k Words
As it turns out, Sanemi could not have control over himself with you
He tried.
He really did.
But you were so perfect.
You were attentive at the right times. Quiet at the right time. You weren't pushy, surprisingly, and you were actually pleasant to be around.
It was horrible.
He found himself zoning out just staring at you while you talked, or while you slept.
He had to pull himself out of bed and into town to slay demons. He felt....guilty about feeling so much comfort next to you. Trying to sleep next to you, you looking at him with those expressive fucking eyes, your desire to please him anyway you could, it was too much.
Much more than he should have.
He had one goal. One desire. One purpose. But for some reason none of it mattered as much when he was with you.
That scared him.
Sanemi's POV
"Hey handsome, where'd you go?"
A deep sigh left my chest before I could stop it. It seemed like I was exasperated with her compliments.
She didn't need to know it was because the sound of her sultry voice did things to me.
"Out." I replied, removing my clothes .
"Obviously." She smiled lazily, cocking her head at me. "Did you have to work or something?"
"Yeah." I answered.
"How was that?" She questioned.
I could see her eyes brighten, but just as quick as it happened she lowered her eyes and looked away, before nodding and replying "Good." With a soft smile on her face.
Damn those fucking beautiful eyes.
"Ask your question." I sighed beginning to remove my clothes.
"Are you sure?"
"Until I change my mind...."
"Okay okay, what is it that you do....exactly? I know I asked before and you said kill. I don't really...um...care what you do....for work.....I just....am curious. You're not just....a...killer...right? Are you....like a um....bounty Hunter or something?"
I have never heard her sound so unsure, mumble, or even say um.
By now I was totally undressed.
"Maybe I'll wait until I finish bathing to tell you exactly what I do."
Those eyes again. They widened. She seemed nervous. Worried that I was going to tell her I just murder people every night I'm sure.
"Okay." She nodded, and then laid back down.
I closed the door to the bathroom and ran my bath.
My mind was conjuring up all the ways it could go wrong telling her that I'm a demon slayer. Are there demons where she's from? It sounds like she has other worries from back home and I've never heard of any stories about demons there.
Who am I kidding?
There's fucking demons here so who the fuck cares if it's a scary thought? It's a fact. It's reality. No sense in sugar coating it. If I don't tell her someone else will eventually. Or she'll see for herself.
"Perfect timing"  The fucking vixen said as she brought a plate of food to the living room center table.
"How was your bath?" She asked once I sat down.
"Good." I answered ignoring the wanton look on her face. She was shameless.
"I.....ooh um nevermind. I'm sorry."
My eyes darted back to her face quickly.
"What the fuck is up?" She was being unlike herself. I understood the weird behavior about my work but was she trying to stop herself from flirting with me?
Since fucking when has she cared about coming on too strong. It doesn't even bother me anymore.
"What do you mean?"
"Why are you acting like you can't ask me questions."
I could see a guard go up in her eyes. "You always tell me to stop asking questions-"
"That's never stopped you before!" I threw back. It was petty. But I didn't care. I wanted to get to the bottom of her being cryptic.
"I just don't want to upset you." She replied.
"Since when?" I asked putting the food down untouched.
I was starting to get angry. Is she implying that she can't trust me? Like she doesn't know who I am or something? She's never cared if I was upset with her or not. Atleast she never acted like it. It never stopped her from calling me names I don't like, trying to get to know personal things or doing something I told her not to.
"Sit down." I said before she could say anything else.
She sat down across from me.
"I don't kill people." I said.
She sat on the couch quietly, and nodded slowly.
"I kill demons."
She blinked. And appeared to have froze. After 2 minutes of complete silence she eventually spoke.
"Okay?" I echoed.
Now I was confused.
"So you've already encountered demons?"
"You don't have any questions? Other remarks?"
"No." She answered with finality.
I searched her face for any signs of her wavering. I couldn't find any.
"Well do you feel better now that you know what my job is?"
"Yep." She nodded.
I sat and stared at her. There was definitely something wrong. But I truly didn't have the words to convince her to talk to me. Beyond that, she doesn't dive too deep when I'm in a "mood" as she calls it.
I began scarfing down the food she made me. She remained quiet while I ate. Proof that she was still not being herself or was in her head.
When I finished, I got up, and grabbed her off the couch, throwing her over my shoulder.
"Whoa! What are you doing?" She exclaimed.
"About to fuck you back to normal." I replied with a swift smack to her butt.
"Oh really?" She asked. Her seductress voice sounding more like usual.
That's my girl.
Shocked would be an understatement but since you were at a lost for words that's what you were going to stick with.
Sanemi was sleeping, soundly, and pulled you to his chest himself.
You really couldn't believe it, but you knew better than to comment on it.
Maybe he really did like you too.
Honestly, who were you kidding. He has to like you too. You would never be at his house after spending a night with him, laying on his chest while he slept if he didn't.
These were truly boyfriend behaviors. You knew better than to ask him what this meant for your relationship too though.
As you looked at his silver lashes, you tried to keep your hands where they were instead of touching his handsome face. He looked so much better up close. Getting to stare unabashedly without the distraction of euphoria, really had you wondering how you could ever get so lucky as to be tolerated by this stone of a man.
No, scratch that. Liked, by this man.
You quickly shook your head at the intrusive thought.
That was the last thing you wanted to think about but now that you were no longer busy, you knew realistically you would have to face reality. Kind of.
You looked at the scars on his beautiful face and it hit you again.
That had to be the cause for the extensive amount of scaring on him. A man as sure of himself and as mean as Sanemi had to face off against something major to be injured so badly.
You lightly traced the scaring across his chest with your fingertips.
You inwardly rolled your eyes.
You had to do something. You couldn't just sit there, and sleep wasn't an option.
Slowly, you separated from Sanemi and left the bed as quiet as possible.
Once you were dressed, you left to the living room to find a note pad where you wrote "don't wait up. See you soon."
You had to busy yourself. If you stayed busy, your mind would be busy, and you wouldn't have to face that startlingly discovery.
You walked around town until you came across a trinket shop. You spent a lot of time there after talking to the owner who sold many of his handmade jewelry and knives. You spoke with him in great detail about his designs and his craftsmanship. He seemed delighted to discuss those things with you too, a huge smile on his face as he spoke to you.
By the time you left you had purchased way more than you intended to. You were happy though, and it was a good amount of time keeping the anxiety off of your mind for a while.
You decided to head home for a little while too. However you noticed as you got closer to the house, the more that dread crept up your neck and made you feel sick.
When you made it home you were not as relieved as you thought you would be to see the guys.
"Hey! Didn't expect to see you so soon." Brass greeted you from where he was lounging on the floor beside the couch.
Above him Frank was laid out on the couch while Muddy sat in the chair adjacent.
It appeared they had been working on music.
"Yeah, same." You replied.
"We'll why are you back? And what do you have?" Muddy asked.
"Jewelry, and because. It's....a lot."
No one spoke for a while.
"Okay and?" Brass responded. "We're all sitting here, not going anywhere so go on and tell us."
Frank sat up and gestured for you to sit next to him.
"I don't....I don't really know how to....say." You mumbled taking the newly open seat.
"Try." Frank said patting your back when you sat down.
They were all worried. You weren't usually one lost for words.
Muddy sat forward in his seat, eyes zeroed in on you. "Did something happen with Sanemi?"
The way your eyes showed a series of emotions at the mention of his name gave Brass pause, making him sit up from the floor.
"Did he do something to you?" He asked.
"No no no." You said, tone far away. "He told me....well....hmm...what if he's crazy?"
"Crazy how?" Muddy asked.
"Aw hell. What did he say?" Brass groaned.
You glanced at Frank and his eyes were piercing as he waited for your answer. He nodded to you, encouraging you to continue.
"He said he fights demons."
"Yeah don't we all." Muddy laughed.
"No. Listen. He fights demons for work. Physically, in real life."
This time, the guys all exchanged a look. You couldn't read this one.
After atleast 4 minutes of silence, "Somebody say something." You said.
"So, someone else told me about demons here before too." Muddy answered
"Honestly, the whole town thinks there are demons."
"I believe them." Brass said.
"Wait, you've never heard this before?" Muddy interjected.
"No." You answered.
"The important question is, do you really think Sanemi is delusional? I mean now that you know majority of the people we encounter believe there to be demons here, you'll be fine right?" Frank asked
"Of course not! Because the alternative is that there are demons!"
"She has a point." Brass said.
"I need a drink. Anybody else?" Muddy said standing up and going into the kitchen.
"Sure." The three of you answered simultaneously.
"Hey, we should go see if we can find a demon." Frank said
Immediately Brass started laughing.
"This always happens, why do we let Frank drink? Here Frank stick to smokes man." Muddy said pushing the ashtray across the coffee table towards him.
"What do you mean? That would help us confirm if these demons are real." Frank answered casually grabbing the wooden pipe from the tray.
"If they are in fact real, what do you think would happen to us when we're in front of it. They take human souls!" Brass basically shouted.
"Yeah, pure souls! We have nothing to worry about.
To your horror, Muddy and Brass seemed to accept this explanation and be pondering it.
"Okay. No. That's enough. Nobody is going to look for demons, also our definition of pure and a demonic definition of pure may be two different things. Let's drop it. Please!" You said.
"Oh yeeeeah, you're right." Brass nodded.
"Well maybe we can ask lover boy Sanemi about it." Muddy said.
"No to that too."
"We can't do anything." Frank sighed.
You sat back further into the couch. You felt bad for leaving Sanemi while he slept after he had been a completely different person, but you really couldn't think there. You were overwhelmed with this new information and didn't know what you should think. What you should do.
Are you supposed to just keep living life as normal? How?
It was insane to even consider.
Ironically, alcohol seemed to calm your nerves. While still anxious however, you felt significantly less stressed.
"I'm gonna go back to Sanemi." You said out loud.
"Sounds good." Muddy nodded.
"Yeah he's probably worried. His feelings are probably hurt. He probably thinks he ran you away." Frank said.
It felt like you had been dunked in ice water as realization hit you. Frank was right.
Considering everything, you had chosen the worst time to "clear your head".
"Oh no." You groaned. "I've gotta go."
You stood, feeling the effects of the alcohol you drank. Little silver stars were dancing around your vision.
"Should we walk you? Does he live far from here?" Muddy said.
"No, you'll probably slow me down. I'll be okay." You answered.
"You look a little drunk."
You shrugged. A little is nothing. You've done more than simply walk to someone's house while under the influence. You'd be back to normal halfway through the walk.
You gathered all of the new things you just purchased and grabbed more clothes just in case.
The more you thought about it, the more you realized you were running out of time. It had been too many hours since you left with no explanation. Your little note probably meant nothing. You had to hurry.
The trees cast an extra shadow over everything around you as you made your way through the thick forest. You weren't expecting it to be so dark so soon but you hadn't accounted for the cover of the forest. The walk wasn't as comforting as it was in the mornings or mid-day.
You had just gotten more comfortable with the minimal light when someone fell into step beside you.
What the?
It was so sudden you couldn't fathom that someone could've been following you but they had to have been behind you.
You slowed your pace, planning to stop walking. To your surprise the figure slowed their pace as well. You glanced at them seeing that they were covered in a dark cloak so you couldn't make out any details.
Abruptly you stopped walking. This was mirrored by the individual in the cloak.
"Can I help you?" You asked ignoring the sinking feeling that began growing in your gut.
"Yes you can." The voice was something from a nightmare. It didn't sound human at all, and it sounded malicious. It was haunting. Something that you hear and immediately know it's other worldly.
You took a step back but froze when the head of the cloaked figure snapped in your direction.
"Where do you think you're going? I haven't even introduced myself yet."
The cloaked figure then laughed. Your blood ran cold at the sound.
"I've seen you before. You walk through my woods often. But I got the biggest treat of all seeing you with that damn Hashira. He's usually always alone. So I was surprised to see him with someone. A woman no less."
Another laugh. This time more high pitched.
"I'm gonna have some fun with you. Im gonna use you. You see, it's a weakness of mine to play with my food before devouring it. That wild hair Hashira seems unbreakable. But I think I've found just the do  we thing to break him." A more deranged laugh sounded in the air. "A friend, or a lover perhaps!" His tone crescendoed with each word. He was excited. This shook you to your core.
You were rooted to your spot, your brain trying to understand what was happening, your body tremoring with fear and disbelief.
The cloaked figure removed his hood.
Your legs gave out before you could even register what was happening. You had never seen anything like what was before you.
It wasn't human. You knew this but seeing it made a difference. His, or it's skin was grayish green, his teeth were sharp, too big to fully close his mouth, he had multiple horns protruding from the sides of his face, and his eyes, his eyes glowed sinisterly.
But that wasn't even the worst part. The fact that he was drooling was the nail in the coffin.
"I'll take...just a little piece. Nothing big, just something small but noticeable."
You couldn't even hold eye contact any longer once he began stalking towards you.
Every single step he took toward you sent a tremor down your spine. You kept your head down, too afraid to catch another glimpse at him. Too afraid to move. Too afraid to stay really but you were paralyzed with fear.
A single cold but firm hand grabbed your chin and raised your head up slowly.
The last thing you heard was that haunting laugh.
You woke up in a lightly lit, unfamiliar room. You felt strangely relaxed despite being in an unknown room.
Vaguely you registered that someone else was present. Before you could take in anymore of your surroundings, the sound of feet padding down the hallway came. You didn't know whether to be afraid or what, but your body responded on its own. A deep violent tremor shook you. Enough to catch the attention of the person in the room.
"Hey. you're awake now? Don't be frightened, you're safe here."
Your eyes met the owner of the voice and you felt a tiny sense of relief. It was a young girl. A human. Something worth noting now. She didn't give you any negative vibes. In fact, the more you came to, you could see that she was caring for you. She was mixing medicines and herbs together where she was seated.
Only then did you register that you were hurt. Or had been hurt. You looked down at your arms and noticed your left forearm was bandaged. There was a tender ache and slight burning present. You raised your arm and that's when the true extent of your experience hit you.
It felt like you had fallen from a 5 story building. Your entire body felt weak and achey.
The young girl in the room began to speak but was quickly cut off by the door being thrown open.
Sanemi walked quickly over to you in the bed and looked over you. His body was tense but his eyes were in a frenzy. He snatched the covers back looking over your legs. He appeared to relax a bit as his eyes did a final once over your whole body and sight landed back on your bandaged arm.
"Can you walk?" He asked. His voice slightly raised.
"I-" you tried to speak, voice cracking from not being used.
"Mr. Sanemi, she shouldn't-"
The young girl stopped speaking when Sanemi's head turned to her.
"Sh-sh she....really shouldn't l-leave." She finished despite the obvious fear, her hands clasped together.
"That's too bad isn't it?" He all but growled.
"Please," she tried again but this time Sanemi ignored her, grabbing you and throwing you over his shoulder.
You didn't have a chance to protest and truthfully you didn't think you would. You felt relieved to see him. Being in his arms, although unconventionally, made you feel so much better.
You didn't speak as he made his way outside.
It was only when you neared the forest that the urge to speak came to you.
Sanemi didn't need to hear you though. He felt you before you got any words out. Your body tensed as you realized you were starting into the woods.
"Relax. You're with me. Nothing is going to happen to you. I promise." He told you sincerely.
It was like a blanket of warmth was thrown over you. Just a few simple words and you felt at ease. Of course you didn't know Sanemi long, but you trusted him with every fiber of your being. You knew he would keep you safe.
You'd never know the satisfaction you'd given Sanemi with just your body language. He felt like he's just conquered the world feeling you relax beneath his fingertips. The fact that you believed him after who knows what happened to you made him feel incredibly warm inside. He both loved and hated it.
You continued on in silence. Sanemi's grip on you strong and comforting. You hardly felt jostled despite the fact that he was walking. You were so relaxed you could sleep.
His effect on you was unique. You were almost airheaded with him. So much so, you didn't even register that he basically threw you on the ground. You were perplexed but the swirl of wind, leaves, and twigs around you, told you something was going on. It took a second for you to realize what kind of commotion was happening around you. A loud roar rang out before you felt a slight tremor on the ground beneath you. Your eyes followed the direction of the noise and you saw the largest grotesquely built thing you've ever seen. With yellowed glistening skin, something akin to an ogre came running at you, a spiked club in hand.
You knew that you needed to move, but you could barely feel your legs. You tried to get up, you really did, but it was going to be too late. He closed in on you fast, and you could only brace yourself. The attack never came though. A gust of wind wafted onto you and you opened you squinted eyes, wondering why the monster stopped. Just a few more seconds and you could see. A thin red line was visible, running directly down the center of his body, Then it grew. His body splitting into two halves.
You faintly registered Sanemi's voice saying "fuck" as your vision grew dark. You were fighting the strong urge to vomit, feeling super nauseous after what you witnessed.
"Get up!"
Sanemi's command was loud and urgent. You couldn't see him, and you couldn't tell where he was. Your nausea making it that much harder to focus on what was happening around you.
You were trying to stand when you felt Sanemi grab you and move you to a different spot. The sound of snarls and grunts surrounding you. What you couldn't see before you were able to see now that Sanemi was right in front of you. There were numerous demons coming at you two, from all sides.  You wanted to be better, stronger, to help him somehow but you just felt sick to your stomach. You didn't care what happened to you but if Sanemi got hurt you would lose your mind. How would he be able to get out of this?
Your question was answered when you felt that powerful surge of wind around you. Sanemi was almost a blur moving around you and killing each and every one of those things. Your head was spinning.
You're not sure what happened after, but the next thing you see is Sanemi taking off his bloodied jacket, turning it inside out and wiping your face. You just watched him, seeing a calmness in his eyes that you only seen once before. When he finished he slightly smiled at you.
"You okay?" He asked.
Your heart skipped a couple of beats for sure. "Yes." You answered. Your voice coming out just above a whisper.
"Come on." He replied, lifting you up from the ground to your feet. "I can carry you if you don't mind a bit of demon blood."
You could only nod this time. Reeling from both the softness in his voice and the thought of what just happened.
He picked you up, and held you bridal style before continuing on his path.
You were both silent the rest of the way to his house. It wasn't until he placed you on your feet in front of his door that he spoke again.
"Would you want to bathe together?" He asked opening his door and then taking your hand to lead you inside.
"Yes." You said quietly.
Sanemi led you to the bathroom, and helped you undress. He then got the bath ready before coming to you with a wet cloth and wiping down the small splatters of blood that were on you.
When he finished he told you not to move before leaving the bathroom. You waited just a couple of minutes before he walked back in clean but also dripping with water. His hair pushed back showing his handsome features.
He walked over to his tub and stopped the water before pouring what looked like oil into the water. After moving the water around, mixing the oil, he came and took your hand, to help you into the warm water.
He sat down and then pulled you to sit on his lap. He wrapped his strong arms around you and sunk a bit deeper into the tub.
"Just relax." He said.
And that's exactly what you did. The pain in your arm more noticeable now that you were still. It was nothing though, in the grand scheme of things. Minor really.
"I'm sorry." You said suddenly.
"For?" Sanemi asked. His deep voice smooth and even.
"For worrying you."
He let out a long sigh. Then he patted the top of your head. "Who said I was worried?"
You turned your face toward him. To look into his eyes.
"I'm serious." You told him.
"I am too." He smirked.
"You use the one time I'm serious with you to joke?"
"Isn't that what you would do?" His smirk grew.
You couldn't even help the smile that bloomed. He was so handsome, and he looked even better when he was smiling, and happy.
"Okay lover, you got me there." It was your turn to smirk. Using one of the many nicknames he hated.
"Watch it vixen, or I might just have to put you in your place."
"Oh please do."
His eyes widened momentarily, before he started to laugh. "Already back to normal huh? You're something else. But I'm with you if you're ready."
You couldn't believe it. "Reeeally?" You mused.
"Yesss." Sanemi echoed your tone, dragging out his answer like you did.
You wasted no time in positioning yourself just right so that you could guide him inside of you.
"I think I really enjoy this playful, meeting me where I am, San." You wiggled your bottom slightly, making sure you were perfectly perched on his member. "I may need to get hurt more often." You laughed lightly. Already heating up from having him inside you.
"Not funny. Too soon." Sanemi replied, his grip tightening around your waist, while the hand that was lightly resting atop your head tangled into your hair, pulling your head back gently.
Before you could say anything else he kissed just below your ear. It was soft and it was sensual. It set the tone for the night.
You had been laying together, in all your post sex bliss, for atleast an hour. Mostly just cuddling or caressing one another. You could tell Sanemi had something on his mind which is why you stayed quiet. You appreciated that he didn't push you away and was being almost romantic. Even if just for the night, you wouldn't take it for granted.
Of course, unbeknownst to you, Sanemi was truly relieved you were okay. After all of this time, he wouldn't be able to go on the way he used to if something happened to you. He genuinely cared for you.
It's why you were shocked to hear the uncertainty in his tone when he asked you a question.
"What happened? Last night I mean. Do you want to talk about it?”
It took you a few seconds to answer. To be honest, you don't remember anything after he, or it, grabbed you.
Answering truthfully, you told Sanemi just that.
"Do you remember what it looked like?"
He nodded. "I guess that could be a good thing for you."
You could tell he wasn't satisfied with your answer.
"I can try to remember." You told him.
He shook his head. "No, it's okay. Don't worry about it. No need to have any bad memories." He said running his hand down your back soothingly.
"I'm sorry."
"No more of that," he answered.
"If I remember anything, you'll be the first to know." You smiled lightheartedly.
"Thanks." He said. "Now, get some rest."
You smiled but said nothing as you followed his orders. You turned away from him, now facing the window, with your back against his chest. You grabbed the hand that was on your back and pulled it to your chest.
Sanemi got the memo, and scooted closer, securing you against him in a warm embrace.
He kissed your temple and said "goodnight".
"Goodnight San." You mumbled before easily drifting off into sleep. Unaware of just how much rest you needed.
"I love you."
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epigstolary · 2 years
Big Deal
TW: Medical treatment and discussion of health issues.
Look, I get that you think I need to lose weight. I’m not oblivious. I’ve seen the worried looks you think you’re hiding when I ask you to bring me a fourth portion, or when you have to tell me you couldn’t find the shirt I wanted in a 9xl. I get it. But I really do think you’re making way too big a deal out of it.
Especially when you’re the one who helped me get to this size. I remember a lot of messages from you, back when I was still under 300, about how big you were going to make me, how you didn’t have any limits, how you’d love to see me get immobile and have nothing to do but eat and get even fatter. You pushed more than your fair share of cookies and doughnuts down my throat while you were fondling my growing belly; and you were perfectly happy to explore the rolls and folds spreading over my lap while you were making sure I had chips and soda and plenty of empty calories within reach to grow them even more.
And I’m sure you’ll remember, you certainly didn’t seem to worry about me or my health during my early gains. Where were your objections to me picking up the gainer shake habit, lounging on the couch drinking a two liter of the stuff for an entire weekend? I definitely don’t recall any. In fact, all I remember is how horny you were to see me starting to struggle under my new weight, carrying around a paunch that was hanging lower down my bulging thighs by the day, hauling around a growing ass that was straining my jeans more and more as time went on. I think you even told me how sexy it was when I started getting red-faced doing minor chores around the house, how your chubby little piggy didn’t need to worry about getting out of breath — that all it meant was I’d been doing my job of eating and resting very well.
But I could tell you were getting worried once my hips and thighs were too wide, the fat covering them too thick and bulbous, to fit in the passenger side of your car anymore. Once it started to become genuinely hard to find any clothes I could literally fit into, let alone look good in. Suddenly, there was a lot less food around a lot more of the time, and a lot less talk about how wonderful I’d be as an immobile blob. Instead, you started talking about going on walks together — walks! As if you were actually interested in my fitness all of a sudden. And as if there’s any chance of me hauling these hundreds of pounds of blubber and cellulite, this belly hanging down to my knees and crowned with two plump tits, any further than the driveway. We both know I’m not walking anywhere — waddling, more like — unless there’s a buffet at the end of the trip. Someplace I can settle down on a couple chairs, pull down my elastic waistband to give my belly overhang some desperately needed relief, and have you bring me about ten plates of food so I’ll have the energy to haul all this thickness back to the car.
And yeah, I know what the doctor said. I need to exercise more and eat way less. “All the weight puts you at high risk. Heart attack and stroke is only a matter of time. Blah, blah, blah.” He’s been saying all that since I was 250 and he wanted me to get a gastric bypass to cure my sinus infection. You know these doctors are all fatphobic and won’t even think about anything else once someone’s the least bit overweight. You never hear him talking about how my bad cholesterol hasn’t gone up hardly at all since I broke 400, or how my blood sugar is still barely prediabetic, do you? Nah, he just can’t stand to see a fat person prove him wrong by not being on the verge of having a coronary. He’s probably disappointed that I’m still able to get around at this size, instead of stuck in a hospital bed getting lectured by someone like him about my poor choices every day.
What’s the matter, are you uncomfortable now that you have to deal with the reality of a partner who’s over 700 pounds? Now that you have to grasp my forearm flab and heave backward to help me get up any time I need to get out of bed or off the couch? Does it make you self-conscious that whenever I walk or move or stand, I can’t help but breathe in raspy heaves with the effort of maneuvering more bulk than most people could ever hope to carry? That I’m going to make us the center of attention wherever we go? That the same people judging me for going out in public with fat hanging out of the biggest clothes I can find are probably judging you too for allowing it to happen? If I can handle strangers staring at me and whispering to each other about how a person like me can “let themselves go” so badly, you can sure as hell suck it up and help me get around.
So skip the lectures, the hand-wringing, and the bullshit about being concerned about my health that’s probably in the back of your mind. This is what you signed up for. You wanted a fuckable lardpile of your very own to keep blowing up, and that’s exactly what you got. Sorry it’s not the consequence-free orgy that I guess you were expecting, but it takes a little work to maintain a body like mine. And anyway, deep down under whatever angst you have about our situation, I know you still want me ballooning over a half-ton. Splayed out in bed, arms and legs too swollen with fat to move, belly flowing out past my knees, anchored in place by a massive ass with nothing to do but gorge and try to keep myself entertained. You can’t help wanting it, can you? Whatever worries you may have about where things are going with me — I can see your eyes light up just at the thought of it.
Now, how about you clean up those McDonald’s wrappers, get me a refill of my Coke, and pop a couple of those frozen pizzas in the oven so I can get started on lunch. Sound good? And bring me a couple aspirin, too — I think I pulled the muscle in my shoulder again…
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ms-demeanor · 2 years
So if the body needs 45-65% of calories in carbs to be functional, does that mean low-carb-diet that brings people to the lower end of that range (45%) is inherently the most legitimate diet?
The most legitimate diet is one that makes you feel satisfied, does not make you sick, and meets your nutritional needs.
Beyond that, no. There is no "most legitimate diet."
The concept of "a diet" is honestly kind of flawed, depending on how you define "diet." And if you are defining "diet" as "a means of eating that will guarantee and maintain weight loss" then yeah the idea is flawed from jump.
Your metabolism is the sum total of all the chemical reactions in your body. Your diet is all of the foods and liquids that you consume.
Different people have different caloric needs and different metabolisms; eating in different ways can change your metabolism, as can exercising in different ways.
There is no universally correct way to eat. There is also no universally correct way to exercise.
If you are looking for ways to improve your diet, here are the very few things that are applicable to a lot (perhaps the majority) of people:
You probably need to eat more fruits and vegetables
You almost certainly do not need to worry about getting enough protein
You should do an activity that raises your heart rate to aerobic levels for 150 minutes a week
However, setting that aside: getting 45% of your diet from carbohydrates is not considered a low-carb diet. There are a lot of ways to define "low carb" but two of the more general ones are "30% or less of your daily caloric intake is carbohydrates" and "100 or fewer grams of carbs per day."
The Atkins diet, a very popular low-carb diet calls for 100 or fewer grams of carbs per day. If we're going by the 2000 calorie RDA (which is flawed but a common baseline way of doing the math on these things) that means that 20% of an Atkins dieter's calories would come from carbohydrates.
The Keto diet calls for 50 or fewer grams of carbs per day. So 10% of calories from carbs.
You will recognize these as far below the recommended minimum for the average person.
Low-carb diets are also not especially effective for weight loss or improving metabolic health in the long term.
There are some people who eat low-carb diets who feel great with that mix of nutrients. There are some people who are on medically necessary low-carb diets (and there are people on medically necessary low-fat and low-protein diets!)
In our current culture, when people talk about "diets" they are not talking about all of their food and liquid intake and how it relates to their metabolic function, they are talking about dieting, or "going on a diet."
Dieting is not an effective way to lose weight and maintain weight loss in the long term (we do not know of a generalizable way for most people to lose weight and maintain a weight loss in the long term!) and is more likely to cause weight gain rather than weight loss 2-5 years after the start of the diet. Dieting is not by itself an effective way to improve metabolic health in the long term, and may actually significantly damage metabolic health depending on how restrictive the diet was and how long it continued. (Also: just to be clear, it is much more effective to focus on improving things like resting heart rate, fasting blood sugar, lipid levels, and vitamin deficiencies for better health outcomes than it is to focus on losing weight.)
Looking for the best/most legitimate diet so that you can start eating that diet is very unlikely to net you positive results for your health. Dieting is not effective.
A better way to approach the issue of your diet is to think about what changes you can make in your eating and exercise habits that will help you to feel good, make you feel full, maintain your health, and maintain muscle strength, cardiovascular health, and flexibility.
Don't go out looking for the "most legitimate diet," see if you can add some more fresh fruit to your diet. See if you can make sure you're getting enough fiber. See if you can eat at least one whole serving of vegetables with each meal.
When people talk about things like low-carb diets or diets with no refined sugar or paleo diets or low-fat diets they are asking "What are the bad foods? What should I never eat? What food should I never buy again? What is the food that will make me better if I stop eating it? What can I cut out? What are the bad things that I can avoid?"
Unless you have a medical restriction from a particular food, I don't think that it's good to think of your diet and how you eat in terms of rigid rules and I definitely don't think it's good to approach your diet asking what you can take away from yourself. I think you should ask what you can add to your diet that will improve your overall health.
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gutouhua · 2 years
𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐥���𝐯𝐞
vampire!kaeya x human!f.reader
wc. 1395
tags. kaeya drinking reader's blood, penetrative sex, hickeys, slight dumbification, size difference, cervix-fucking sorta, not edited
a/n. last reader insert piece i'll post for the year! i love the reader fic community very dearly--y'all were the ones that made me want to write!--so even if i'm writing other stuff besides reader fics, know i will always be back! gonna be working on zine stuff & the next part of shrine master's bride in the new year! i hope you lovelies have a gentle christmas and peaceful rest of the year <3
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There were times when Kaeya felt that he was made specifically for you. For your needs, your comfort, your pleasure. A knight at his queen’s service. 
At the farmer’s market, he’d carry everything for you even though he knew you were more than capable of doing it yourself. He’d never admit it, but it was just an excuse to be by your side. 
And as you flitted from stall to stall, he’d trail after you with heavy arms, juggling bags and parcels of food and trinkets, and admire your pretty sundress. He told himself that he followed behind to protect you, but it was mostly so that he could enjoy—ogle—the way the cotton voile clung to your ass. 
You’d always buy fresh fruit, vegetables, and meats wrapped in kraft paper. (Bloodied steaks, he’d noticed, were a particular favorite of yours.) 
But the shop you always lingered the longest at was the dessert shop. Dainty frosted cakes, golden flaky pastries, and soft cookies presented prettily in delicate containers was your ultimate weakness. The shopkeeper always had your order of sugar rush ready even before you arrived, and Kaeya was always careful to balance your desserts in expert fashion, careful not to jostle them too much. 
(The last time your baklava got crushed into a sticky, flaky mess, you refused to kiss him for an entire day which left Kaeya very distraught and aching.) 
And when you come back from a mission, your familiar scent smothered by the tang of feral vampires, Kaeya would greet you like clockwork with a kiss and a hug at the door despite his intense aversion towards the smell of ferals. 
He’d hoist you up into his arms and carry you to the bathroom before peeling your hunting clothes off and depositing you into a bath scented with your favorite rose oils. The bathwater would get most of the stink out, but Kaeya knew your muscles would ache from the hunting and that some of the stench would linger, he’d work the knots in your body and scrub at the blood that stained your scarred skin. He always started at your neck and ended with your toes and you’d always try to stop him—you were extremely ticklish—but in the end, he always had his way. 
But archons. When you were under him—
“I swear you get wetter—tighter, ah fuck—” you desperately arch up against his hips, chasing heat and friction, “—when my fangs are on your neck. Why’s that baby?” Kaeya mumbles. Sugar and sin against your beating pulse, so loud you can somehow hear it through the rough rasp of his voice and the erotic sounds of your bodies intertwining with each other. 
Kaeya is mocking, but his tone belies his own control; taut, thin strands of sweet candy floss that could snap at any moment. But your unraveling is always his goal, what’s most important to him, so he squeezes his eyes shut to push the bleeding red from his eyes and tightens his grip on your hips to anchor himself. 
“I—I don’t know—” Your answer comes out as a moan, half-delirious from the steady pressure building between the juncture of your thighs, and you buck against him again before digging your heels into his lower back to keep him inside you. 
But Kaeya simply ignores you with a lazy smile, instead mimicking the drag of his hard length inside you with blunted fangs against the column of his throat. The dull pain slides across your sensitized skin, a numbing, delicious promise. 
“P-Please I, I need, ah,” you whimper brokenly, trying to fight your mind for words when Kaeya presses a perfectly timed callused palm to your stomach. And suddenly it feels like he’s filling you everywhere, consuming all the empty spaces in your body. 
“You need what, darling? You’re a smart girl so use your words,” he chides, dragging each thrust out—slow and honey amidst the haze of your pleasure. “You know I’ll give you whatever you ask for. Command me as you see fit.” 
“It’s easy for you to say when you—” 
A sharp thrust, full. His tip kisses your cervix and the stretch almost hurts, making you scramble for a fistful of his hair to steady yourself. Keeping his pace steady, he returns to nibble your neck, fangs teasing and nipping the hollow of your neck. Even when you whine against him, raking your nails down his back, Kaeya doesn’t stop until he feels he’s lavished enough attention on your neck. He licks the blooming purple rose on your neck and draws back to admire his handiwork. 
Kaeya hums. “Is that what you need, baby?”
The vibrations travel straight to your core, and you shake your head and whine. Kaeya grins. He knows that’s not what you meant, but seeing you beg and fall apart is so much better than just giving it straight to you.
He liked the chase almost as much as he liked watching you lose your mind. 
“Y-You know that’s not it. That’s not what I want,” you cry while squirming, trying to seek sweet, hard relief.
“Then tell me, baby.” 
Your muscles tighten with each quick thrust, the heavy drag of his cock like a key twisting your insides tighter and tighter. “I want you to-to—ah, fuck, baby not—”
“Words, baby,” he whispers hotly. Fire and brimstone. 
"I-I can’t,” you sob shakily, tears welling in your eyes. 
Kaeya flips you over and pulls your hair lightly, creating a delicious burn on your scalp. You dig your hands into the sheets, crinkling the silk as you blink wet eyes in an attempt to focus your thoughts. 
“Poor baby,” he coos, not at all sorry if the way he thrusted into your cunt was any indication of his intentions. “Too dumb to speak, are you? Can’t use your big girl words?” 
“Want you, mmf, want your, ah, fangs, please—” 
“Ah, my love.” Kaeya slips two fingers into your mouth, pressing against your tongue. Warm saliva drips down his cold fingers. “I’ve got you now,” he murmured, voice low against the shell of your ear. “You want me to drink your blood, baby?”
You turn, nodding as much as you could given the position.
“Then I need you to cum.” Kaeya pulled out, and you whimpered at the loss, a cry of frustration bubbling in your throat. 
“But I want it now. I don’t care if it hurts,” you whine, eyes glassy with need. 
“I need you to cum so it hurts less though, baby. You know that’s how we always do it.” Kaeya adjusts himself and lines the tip up with your pussy, moving his cock up and down to spread your slick and tease your clit. “So will you be a good girl for me and cum so I can reward you?” 
You nod. You’re so close to the edge that you know you’ll cum the moment he sinks into you again. 
He kisses you. Full-bodied, tongue circling yours, and pulls back when he smells the frustration—arousal—increase. He steadies himself against your cunt before pushing inside without warning in one fluid motion, and remembers that he still has to stay sane enough to give you what you want. (But it’s hard to think when his balls are pressed tight against your ass, and your insides feel tighter than they did before.) Kaeya drags his heavy length out, leaving just the tip inside your wet heat, before achingly pushing back in. 
Close, close—
“Almost there?” he murmurs, voice soft against his hardness. He grinds down on you and sinks deep while pinching your clit hard, watching as you fall apart under him, mouth open, throat straining, vein thickening—long, smooth and—
Sharp fangs sink into your beating pulse. Blinding pleasure streaks through you before syrupy pleasure spills into your veins. Kaeya sees red and struggles to keep himself steady against your soft body and wet heat. 
You seemed to have a habit of doing that to him. Making him crazy, wild, ache for you. With each heavy draw of blood, he relishes the sweet taste, hoping that each additional drop would quench his thirst, but it never does. His mind grows fuzzy, fangs throbbing with each drag.
He might never have enough of you. Never be satisfied. 
Kaeya groans.
You’d be his downfall.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 9 months
christmas cookies
it's christmas now in my timezone. so happy holidays from unit 4402, and a lovely winter ahead. please stay warm comfy and loved wherever you are. this was inspired by a george strait song of the same name sans vox. he is one of the few country artists i trust. please be kind to him and enjoy my guilty pleasure corny christmas music fave
(btw i've always wanted vox to do a karaoke and sing at least one george strait song i just know he'd eat it up. tbh christmas cookies is the song i associate with vox the most even more than new cydonia. you have to understand how important the imagery of vox singing this song is to me i can't describe it in words nor fanfic)
tags: gender neutral reader, established relationship, fluff, food descriptions
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A comfy night in while the air turns icy outside. Your home runs warm, especially as you pass by the oven, and when you lean over Vox's wing-and-shoulder to watch him mix some icing together.
"Pass me the powdered sugar, Reader?"
"Sure thing."
"Thank you, baby."
Before you can utter any sweet nothings back to him the oven interrupts you as the timer goes off. You slip on one of Vox's mitts (a ruby red with a paw-print pattern and a scorch mark on the side, what were you expecting) and open the oven door.
The sweet smell of freshly baked cookies pours out from the oven, and as you set them on the cooling rack the scent grows only more enticing. Vox insisted on making cookies from scratch this year rather than from a box, and you have to admit, you don't even need to sneak a bite to admit he was right. The scent and golden-brown color is already miles ahead of the batches you made alone in the past.
The heat spreads behind you, trademark Vox and his demonic blood. Your suspicions are confirmed once he peers over your shoulder just as you did, and swipes an oven-hot cookie from the rack.
"What the—Vox!" You lightly slap his hand. "Those are hot!"
"I was born in Hell," he says, mouth full of cookie. He swallows. "Mmm, tasty."
"They aren't even frosted yet!"
"It's a good goddamn cookie, Reader, what do you want me to do, say they taste like charcoal?"
"No, Vox, I want you to be patient and wait for them to cool and decorate them like a normal person before eating them! We're going to have a full bowl of icing and no cookies to ice if you keep taking them like that!"
He pops another cookie into his mouth much to your playful dismay. "What kind of normal person doesn't eat a cookie straight out of the oven?" Then he takes another, places it on a napkin, and sets it on the counter in front of you. "Would having a cookie yourself make you feel better?"
"Normal people that don't have heat resistance like you." You stare down at the cookie. It has a soft crack through the side from cooling improperly, so of course it would be perfect for a taste test. "But... thanks."
Vox brightens. "Eat up. Er, in ten to fifteen minutes when cooled."
You nod, and watch as Vox shovels cookie dough onto a new pan. You snuck a tiny Santa hat onto one of his horns earlier this evening, and even now the pompom at the end sways as he moves the next batch into the oven.
The oven settings chirp, chirp, chirp until the temperature and timer is set.
"Should be fine to eat your cookie once those are out of the oven," he says. Baking your holiday sweets was an equal effort, but his lips are curved upwards and his wings raise in quiet pride. "I can tell you what it tastes like if you're too impatient to wait."
He's right. You're impatient. So you take Vox's hand to lower him just enough for your mouth to meet his.
You return back down from your tiptoes a second later, sugar on your tongue and sweetness all the way through. "Damn, we did great."
He scoffs but his wings let out a happy little flap. "If you wanted me to kiss you, you could've just asked."
"Well, we have—"your eyes flit to the timer—"Ten minutes until the next batch is done." You squeeze his hand. "Gotta spend the time somehow."
The corners of Vox's lips curve a little higher. He sweeps you up only to seat you on the clean side of the counter, just so you can see that eager, dorky little grin at eye-level, wings around you and arms on either side. "'Tis the season for giving, mm?"
"Cheeky bastard." You close your eyes as if you were irritated, but you're the one that leans in first, and the taste of the cookies spreads through your mouth as the minutes go by.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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