#what happened to paul tho 😭
httpiastri · 10 months
Marti 😥😥
heartbreaking scenes 😭😭😭😭😭 godddd i feel so bad for him….
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unofficialpersonsblog · 4 months
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this is so embarrassing….
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adventure-showdown · 6 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
Zagreus sits inside your head
Zagreus lives among the dead
Zagreus sees you in your bed
And eats you when you're sleeping.
ok so, its the 40th annivercery!! its not offical as the show was off the air at the time, but still!!!! every single companion and doctor actor Big Finish managed to get they got!! but do they play their parts? ...actually not really! here we have the end of an arc that two seasons coming, Charley and 8 has been through a lot, and at this point their story comes to a starteling and rather horrid conclusion! (OR IS IT?) Charley, who has been rescued from death by the eight doctor, rescuing her when he was not supposed to, has been through a lot, and even as that got solved last episode, by saving her from becoming a portal of death to galifray (a long and better constracted story XD), the doctor and the tardis has sufferd a huge explosen of an anti time bomb! making the doctor to become infected with an anti time infection! making him concive himself as the childhood time lord rhyme known as Zagreus! so now he must distory the entire univerce hahaha, because apperently Rassilon, ie one of the og creatorss of galifray socity wants to make the doctor into Zagrues so he can use him to distroy his emenies!! by distroying him body and soul!!! but what's this??? his former selfes as random people around the time stream coming in with the steal chair????? all led by a very rightfully annoyed Charley because the doctor refused to kill her as she asked because she loves him???? what the fuck will happen next!! all led delightfuly by Romana and Leela, and K9, and a rather jealous and EVIL tardis played by the Brigadier himself!! in between this 3 HOUR LONG epic and delightful advanture, apart from the absolote chaos of the event, you will get a suprisingly beutifull speaches filled with exploration of the meaning of love, of friendship! of a love so strong that it shall forfit between dimantions and also canon, the doctor explores what it actually means to be in love with a companion! and Charley, explores what it means to love him even more strongly back! what it means to be the doctor!! and the fact that the distruction of the tardis is actuall the thing stopping him from completely losing himself to loss and grief 😭, the absolote hammering in of the fact the coraption of time lord scoaity and Rasilon's bigotry, and finally someone understands that if you corrupt the Doctor, you have the absolotle potancial to distroy the entire univerce!! Paul Mcgann screaming for amazing hours, as he has the best time playing the baddy and people who are not the doctor!! India Fisher as Charley giving it her all and being amazing at it!! (also the fact that this delightful story is the leadthrough to one of the most terrefying stories of doccy who history, Scherzo! as it explores the themes of this story in a much more detailed way! but that's a horrefying story for another day XD) (@geronimomo-spd )
The 30th anniversary special is overly long and complicated but mostly it is INSANE ! Alice in Wonderlands, giant animatronic rabbits, Vampires and an evil doctor who hAMS it up,,,,that and 4 different doctors as well as TONS of companions plus the Briggs who is actually the TARDIS. it makes no sense! Compels me tho. Everyone says it with me : Zagreus sits inside your head Zagreus lives among the dead Zagreus Sees you in your bed And eats you when you're sleeping It's the best anniversary special day of the doctor whomst ? (@gnougnouss )
Once upon a time...
There were two friends, and together they travelled the cosmos. They thwarted tyrants and defeated monsters, they righted wrongs wherever they went. They explored the distant future and the distant past, new worlds and galaxies, places beyond imagining.
But every good story has to come to an end.
With no times or places left to explore, all the two friends have now are each other. But maybe that's one voyage too many. Maybe they'll discover things they'd rather have left undisturbed... hidden away in the suffocating, unfeeling, deafening brightness.
Once upon a time. Far, far away.
It’s a great and fucked up dissection of the Doctor and Charley’s relationship, with a healthy dose of body horror (anonymous)
you will never look at the handshake emoji the same way again (october)
Really creative concept. Puts 8 and Charley into a situation where they have to confront their relationship and what they mean to each other while dealing with an incredibly engaging creature. I can't name an audio that suits the medium better and Ive been consuming Big Finish at an alarming rate. Also noises™️ (anonymous)
Absolutely INSANE episode back when big finish was allowed to get WEIRD weird it has everything: heartfelt discussion about the doctor/companion relationship, love, cannibalism, body horror, the exploration of a very alien world. All of this while making full use of the audio medium in a story that could simply never have been done anywhere else. It's a must listen for everyone. (@gnougnouss )   
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newtdrawz · 7 months
Paul and Darry friendship (homo) headcanosn ?!?#??%?@
Omg omg ok,, I had to do a lot of rereading and searching to remember Paul and get the vibe of these two down 🙏😭
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(Tried to find a picture and this is the only one I could get,,, the tension in here is INSANE. bro,, I'm like going insane)
Ok so these guys,, crazy. They DEF were on and off during high-school
Take that in a friendship way or another way, but they definitely had SOMETHING going on 😭
One week they're attached at the hip and the next they're not even talking to each other, no one knows why that keeps happening but they end up being fine the next week
When it comes to football tho, suddenly any weird feelings the two have are gone, evaporated from existence and they work perfectly fine with each other and communicate well
When they are talking and being normal they do try to hang out outside of school
In secret tho,, hm. Strange.
Is it cuz Paul's embarrassed to be friends with a greaser? Maybe. Is it cuz Darry doesn't wanna be seen with a soc? Maybe. Who knows definitely not them 😭
Paul does come over to the Curtis's tho for HW or class projects or to just hang out with Darry
The Curtis's like him! They like having him around and Mrs. Curtis likes how polite he is, there's only one member in the family who has a problem with Paul,,
It's Ponyboy. He cannot STAND him. No one knows why, Paul doesn't know what he did and he's constantly trying to get on his good side. Darry thinks it's hilarious cuz it bothers Paul so much
Imagine having beef with your situationship/friend/teammate's little kid brother 😭😭 (Pony: yeah well you're a poopyhead and you're ugly and I don't like you. Paul: oh yeah? Well- Darry: Paul. He's like 10, leave him alone. Paul: Darrel. He called me a poopyhead.)
(This part is inspired by @deflated-leaf 🙏 if you're not fine with your hc in here lmk!!!) Paul see's Pony drawing in the living room one day and makes a comment on how he used to draw a lot too (and Pony being the little hater he is probably says something sassy but he's kinda interested) so he shows Pony his old drawings (they're not perfect or amazing and half of them are of Darry but Pony's a little young to think anything of it) and that ends up with Pony showing Paul his drawings
So Darry walks in and sees them talking and showing each other drawings and this is the first time he's ever seen Pony not calling him names or flat out ignoring him
They try to have alone time though and it's always interrupted
It does not matter where they are they never get to be alone, it's like an on-going bit and they're sick and tired of it 😭😭
At Paul's he's either getting calls from soc friends or his dad is trying to talk to the both of them
At Darry's it's either Soda being Soda, just being loud or it's Pony straight up coming into Darry's room to talk to Darry or ask him for help with something OR it's someone in the gang (love younger versions of the gang 🙏😭) being annoying and wanting to talk to him
At school it's their own friends always popping up out of nowhere and they can't really go out in public to spend time with each other
They do end up drifting in senior year/near graduation tho :(
With the stress of graduation coming and choosing colleges they don't hang out or talk as much, those weird periods of time where they're not close lasts longer
Then Darry finds out he won't be able to go to college, scholarship or not he can't go and he's upset obviously
Paul and Darry had a plan to go to the same college and share a dorm or live together or something like that
Darry has to tell Paul and it turns into a fight that they're not gonna come back from, they leave on bad terms and they split up their weird off-on relationship they have with each other
Paul tries to reach out though
The first time he decides to reach out he hears about how Mr. And Mrs. Curtis died and now Darry's raising his two brothers on his own so he decides not too
But when he finally does his timings off all of the time, when he tries to call some kid named Dallas always answers and he's rude and hangs up, another time some guy named Two-bit (he sort of remembers Two-bit but he's not so sure, he never really hung out with the gang or saw them much) answers saying he'll let Darry know he called (he forgets immediately and ends up never telling Darry Paul called)
He ends up giving up on trying to reach Darry, when he comes home from college he sees him around though, he never stops and says hello or chases after him. He's not sure why he doesn't
He see's Darry with the gang sometimes or he see's him with his brothers (he's shocked to see how big Soda and Pony got, especially little guy Pony who was a menace to Paul all of the time)
Rumbles between them are crazy
Darry had no clue Paul has tried to reach out he's seen him around too but he's never tried to reach out or say hi either
During the rumble Paul was the one to go up to Darry and that was the first time in a awhile they've been fave to face
Paul gets to see Pony (who he thinks is a little young to be here but he's not gonna judge Darry's parenting lol) and Soda
When they fight tho, they fight HARD. It's all the pent up anger and resentment and jealously and,, dare I say longing. OH I DID. I SAID IT. Longing.
After the rumble they kinda just look at each other for a minute, Paul nods and Darry nods and they just leave (insane ik.)
The aftermath is a little weird
Guess who wants to reach out again? It's Paul. But guess what? Darry's two close friends just died so once again he feels weird and like it's bad timing to reach out
But he finally does this time and THIS time it's Pony who answers and when Paul says it's him and asks if he can speak to Darry you better believe Pony quietly calls Soda over so now they're both on the phone being nosey
Pony once again starts being a menace and once again Soda starts being annoying (PB: why do YOU wanna talk to him? Soda: yeah. Why do YOU wanna talk to him? Paul: can I just please- Soda: No you cannot. PB: he's not here. Paul: then why have I been on the phone for 10 mins with you two for both of you to tell me he's not even there?)
This post is already really long but I gotta add a little extra one/au where no one dies and everything ends up fine 😭😭
This is where Paul and Darry DO decide to meet up and catch up after the rumble cuz they both realize they both miss each other
When they do start talking more and seeing each other (hehehehehehhehe) he starts introducing him to the gang, once again no one has any problems (they do but they don't lol he's a soc but he makes Darry happy so it's whatever to them) but guess who has beef with Paul?
Ponyboy AND Sodapop.
Paul has like war flashbacks to all the times a younger Pony would call him names but 14 year old Pony is MUCH more mean 😭😭 (14 year olds are so mean bro 😭😭)
He's definitely not used to Soda being petty though, Darry just tells him to wait it out and they'll come around, which eventually they do
They don't really confirm what they are but they're both just together now and that's really all they care abt :)
ok,, I think that's all I have,, y'all... this Paul and Darry stuff is insane 😭
I hope I did them justice 🙏 I really tried, I never really hear much about Paul besides him and Darry going to school together and being old friends 😭😭 my fav part honestly is him having beef with like a 10 year old Ponyboy and then once again having the same beef but with Soda too 😭😭😭 (protective Curtis brothers 🙏) also once again sorry if Darry is ooc 😞 also dedicated to crow 🙏 I TOLD YOU NOTHING WOULD STOP ME 💪💪💪
Also the idea of them not being friends and one being able to get out and go to college while the other will be there forever and is stuck,,, hhh and they're only 20-21 plzz,, they're so young and ones literally raising his brothers,, 😭😭😭 I'm devastated man
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ichayalovesyou · 11 months
Tomorrow & Tomorrow & Tomorrow
Oh man you guys! I really enjoyed this episode! I loved it way more than The Broken Circle but I did not love it as much as I loved Ad Astra Per Aspera but that episode was so a cut above the average (as in in the running for best episodes of Trek ever written caliber stuff). That it hardly seems fair to say so because this episode was an absolute JOY to watch! Lol! I love a good time travel romp!
I remembered enjoying Paul Wesley’s Kirk in A Quality of Mercy but I wasn’t sure whether I was just riding the high of the previous season or whether he could pull it off twice. But he did and I really really like his interpretation of Jim. I honestly like it a lot better than Chris Pine’s if I’m super honest with y’all.
I mean he UNDERSTOOD the assignment! He was definitely at his Kirkiest when they initially arrived in the 21st century that body language and cadence was on point despite him not looking too much like Shatner. I mean hats off to the writers too for that one. The passion for chess without being overly cocky. The all of it!
There was something about the hot dogs scene and letting La’an have the bed in the hotel that felt very Tarsus IV even tho that might not have happened in this timeline. It’s still very James Kirk of him. Not to mention the whole bit where his type is overachiever, kinda uptight but also dark and mysterious and dare I say a little out of his league folks. Whom he charms without being pushy into warming up to him and letting their guard down. Also THANK YOU to the writers and to Wesley for recognizing Kirk Drift and acknowledging our boy is a hopeless romantic and NOT a babe hound.
I called the La’an/Kirk thing way before it happened because of it. And from what was implied in the Ready Room interview with Paul Wesley it sounds as though we might get more La’an & Jim content in the future which I certainly wouldn’t object to! Although we are skirting the edge of when Jim & Carol Marcus supposedly met so that might get a lil complicated but the seasons (because they’re sorter) might not be 1:1 with years so they’ve got some wiggle room to work with.
I love seeing the cinematic parallels between Kirk & Jim’s love interest stuff in SNW that clearly draws them to each other later on. Chapel is a lot like Kirk and Spock is falling for her pretty hard. La’an is a lot like Spock by the time we meet him in TOS (not too similar to SNW baby Spock though) and they fell for each other pretty badly too! For example, both La’an & Spock are terrified of Kirk’s insane driving skills (or lack thereof lmao)! But enough about Jim & the whole K/S kitten caboodle! This episode is about LA’AN :D
Holy shit did La’an need what’s been happening with her in these past couple episodes. She got to face her generational trauma headlong, she got to see a mirror in Kirk and further realize the value of enjoying the fleeting and precious joys of life. By both convincing this alternate timeline version of Kirk that her version of the world is worth saving (also not the “Sam’s alive?” 😭 because his older brother dies unexpectedly and tragically in both timelines DONT TOUCH MEEEE, also not the potential Kirk bros content going forward also 😭). To eating the damn hot dog, and presumably letting Kirk talk her into taking the bed and just ugggggh.
And then HE DIES! They fridged Captain James T. Kirk of all people for HER character development lmao how’s THAT for a twist. Historically it’s been the other way around how’s that feel for once Jimbo? Damn!
Sera was an interesting villain, she was a good twist honestly felt like something was up with her the minute she had pics of that romukan ship. Also, I love all the self referential like, “yes we acknowledge this changed a little bit” stuff that’s happened. Like the Temporal Wars are why the Eugenics war is supposed to start around *now* and not the 90s like previously stated and Sera has been trapped trying to fulfill her mission for 30 years. Or how clearly Jim thinks everybody calls his brother George and only he gets to call him Sam when clearly that’s not the case lol. It’s nice little touches like that that really make me feel validated for having faith in the writers when nitpickers complain.
Also PELIA! She’s an art thief?! Incredible! Hilarious! Brilliant! No notes! Although it JUST occurred to me that because La’an went to Pelia before the whole “preventing the timeline from changing entirely” bit does THAT mean that La’an can at least talk to Pelia about what happened?! Because it’s implied La’an is who inspired her to become an engineer and that’s still part of our prime timeline! Maybe it’s like a Guinan and Picard situation! I think La’an should get to sob into the arms of our funky little klepto engineer grandma as a treat instead of breaking down alone in her room, please and thank you!
Anyway, baller episode! 9/10
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mando-abs · 8 months
Preface: I am an 18+ blog, so minors don’t interact and keep scrolling
I know I was gonna do notes for the new Percy Jackson book, but in true Percy Jackson ADHD fashion, I stopped like a third of the way in bc it started feeling like a chore. And now I’m making this post days after finishing it 🤷🏻
But congratulations Rick Riordan on once again attracting his target reader audience
It was really good tho. If I wasn’t so bone tired lately, I would’ve finished it two days, but it took me like four lol. So if you have problems focusing on reading for long periods of time, this book is phenomenal (granted, I read oodles of college level books last year for my degree so middle grade is like a walk in the park but…my point still stands). This book is lower stakes than the original series, but if you love Percy as much as I do, this is great 😅😅 GIVE THAT BOY A BREAK
I’ll post a few spoilers below if you’re curious and nosey on what happens but don’t want to read the book. I encourage you to look up the general synopsis tho bc I’m not gonna write about that. This is gonna be my highlights.
Poseidon is a crocs and socks guy and I couldn’t be more happy. This is my biggest highlight. I’m not joking. Like of course he is. He’s also building an infinity pool in his underwater summer getaway which is just great. He’s trying to build a relationship ship with Percy so that’s great. Percy seems to be chill with that but he knows Poseidon’s gotta work for it.
Zeus being the reason why Percy’s gotta get 3 letters of recommendation. And why his first and only kite as a kid was struck down 😭😭😭
The existence of the restaurant Himbo Juice in this book surely means that Rick is aware of the femboy Hooters meme. Like I feel it in my nuggets
Percy and Annabeth sure are Percabeth-ing in this book and it gives me life. Like I can’t pinpoint an exact moment bc it’s everywhere.
I looooooove how Ganymede is painted as a victim of grooming in this book. Bc of course. And I looooove how Iris sympathizes with him bc she understands his situation and knows how he got an even worse deal than she did in his position. It’s also interesting how Riordan hops around this within the confines of middle grade fiction.
Also Ganymede feeling obligated to fill and top off everyone’s cups (demigod or not) was a nice touch
Iris has a demigod child that only loves monochrome and it’s killing her. Amazing
Sally Jackson is living her best life with Paul and is now a published author. AND SHE’S PREGNANT 😆😆😆😆😆😆 AND PERCY IS EXCITED TO BE A BIG BROTHER 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 oh I love it. Honestly, I could have a book just on that with him doing big brother babysitting.
Hebe has a Chuck E Cheese establishment called Hebe Jeebies where people can become younger as they play games and eat cardboard pizza. And she has killer chickens that will eat your flesh and conduct chicken fights. ALSO THE MAIN CUSTOMERS BEING BOOMERS BC THEY CANT GROW UP IS HILARIOUS. Burn.
When the trio was turned 8 temporarily, Percy was so anxious bc childhood trauma obvi. But Percy going “I don’t want to go through growing up again. I won’t. I’m so scared,” was owie.
In fact, Percy being so anxious he pressure washed (pressure bombed?) a cave is relatable. If every time I had a panic attack I became a pressure washer, my neighborhood street would be so clean.
The god of old age (whose name escapes me) being the one who stole the chalice made a lot of sense. AND PERCY EMBRACED HIM INSTEAD OF FIGHTING HIM BC HE WILL BE FIGHTING OLD AGE HIS WHOLE LIFE AND HE WANTS TO GROW OLD😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I was tearing up. I think this was really targeted toward the young adult/approaching middle age audience. Damn you Riordan
Percy broke into Zeus’ chamber in Olympus to return the chalice and the only god to notice him was Athena!!!!!! They literally went “👁️👄👁️ 👀” She’s more tolerant of Percy being Athena’s boyfriend now!!! It’s gettin serious
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That’s all I have to say about that
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crabonfire · 1 year
brutally honest ship ratings from somebody who doesn’t ship anything much, no offense, just what I think!!
It’s 2 am and I can’t sleep haha
starting off w the ones I usually see to least
sniperpy 4/10
bland and boring. I get the enemies to lovers dynamic people usually have but i just think it’s boring lmao
bush medicine 6/10
I like the quiet guy and overbearing lover trope but…honestly like sniperspy, bit boring imo
heavymedic 7/10
boring but not in the bad way. I can see em happen, and I think they’d do cute domestic shit together. your typical gay couple.
boots n bombs 9/10
silly. no further questions.
engiepyro idk what they’re called 7/10
cute! Nothing interesting tho
speeding bullet 8/10
love this trope, annoying little prick and quiet man. sure why not!
demosniper 7/10
cute dynamic actually? it’s like bush medicine but better (sorry)
pyroscout 6,5/10
cute, but it’s a bit boring.
medicscout -/10
seriously? 💀
engiesol 9/10
gold. love it.
heavydemo 7,8/10
seen it a couple times and honestly it’s nice. not much to say, not boring, but not too interesting. cute.
engiedemo 9/10
okay this one maybe just maybe I’m a bit biased bcs they are both in my top 3 but,,, cute. old people cute.
scout and ms Pauling ?/10
I heard Ms Pauling wasn’t straight? my personal headcannon for her was that she was bi but I have no clue on her canon sexuality so I can’t say much about this 😭 I like them better as friends anyway
zhannasoldier 10/10
my favorite bisexual couple
demopauling 8/10
basic but I like it??? I’ve seen it once or twice and honestly cute 😭
zhannapauling 8/10
sniperspy if it was good (IM KIDDINGGGGG) I think both characters are criminally underrated and I could see how they would work and I find them cute honestly
that’s all for now I probably missed some unheard of rare pair but it’s late and I’m trying to fall asleep, you can argue with my ratings but as I’ve said these are BRUTALLY honest and I probably won’t change my mind (because I don’t ship much and I don’t care)
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sol-draws-sometimes · 10 months
Disc World Book Club Thoughts- Monstrous Regiment
Pages 28-32
Hey @anna-neko! Hi…. I’m not dead! Look! I- Finales week happened, and then I went on a road-trip… could I have read on the road-trip… yes. Did I… no. BUT- just cause you fuck up doesn’t mean you just throw everything away. I’M BACK ON THE READING… Did I read much this week, NO! But, I DID read sooo yah, look I told you it’s hard for me read. Which like it’s so weird cause when I’m reading, I’m having so much fun. It’s just actually picking up the book (or opening the app) that my brain has so much resistance too. Anyways, yah here are my thoughts on what I read!
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Paul would’ve loved to learn birds are dinos.(totally protecting this rn cause I learned this recently and it’s mine boggling to me. I mean this IS fantasy so evolution shit may different but yah, now I’m just talking birds)
Also yah, very autism coded. Also something something people using religion to for harm and coming up with shit that isn’t even backed up in the religion, but then everyone else agrees that these is the new rule. AAAAAAAAAH.
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BRO SHE’S ONLY SAYING THAT NOW. Like yah I do get what she means but it’s that thing of like transphobes who claim “they can tell.” Like NAAAAH. But yah interesting commentary on how society views gender and what not
Also, either Lofty and Tonkers are dating(gay), or they are NOT dating. Imagin they’re siblings 🧍. Or maybe they’re JUST friends. Anyways I know tonker’s also a girl so like GIRLY YOU’RE SO WRONG. SAYING YOU CAN TELL. NAH, YOU’RE JUST SCARED CAUSE YOU ALSO GOT CAUGHT, SO YOU’RE SAYING THAT LOFTY IS BAD A HIDING IT CAUSE YOU’RE PROJECTING. (Not mad a polly, just calling her out.)
Fuck this book is good
Also yah, mystery dude is definitely Jackrum. It has to be him.
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I love maladict so much
Okay no more screenshots for these next few bullet points, just thoughts in order of book.
Fucking hate Strappi, he’s almost like TOO dislikable to the point that I was tempted to say unrealistic so… but nah, some people really ARE just THAT nationalistic and sadistic. Plus, he totally loves that he has a position of power that he gets to abuse with the regeiment.
NOT SEKTOBOR!!! HE DIDN’T EVEN TRY WITH THAT ONE 😭😭😭 *cut to someone explaining the lore behind the month naming conventions in disc world*
Polly read the news paper, and started to create chaos. Love her. Also I’m so conflicted, cause it’s not like they got drafted or anything. Yah Polly wants to find Paul, but like, Boragravia is like so obviously the bad guys. I mean, I know making broad statements like that is bad, and like this is supposed to make a statment about how on both sides of war, the individuals are people. But like, I don’t know if I’m making myself clear. I mean I guess this is a war book so like, obviously things aren’t gonna be black and white(almost nothing is). But yah.
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BRO THE DOUBLE MEANING. AAAAAAAH. *everyone collectively shitting their pants*
Also I’ve been meaning to bring it up but
Dicks(or I guess penises is the more accurate term) are SUPPER tied to masculinity and what it means to be a man
Polly got told to pack to pass a guy
So like, it’s this interesting thing of Polly so focused on the sock since it’s the thing that got her caught as a woman, but also she’s SO focused on trying to be a man. So it makes sense for the book to come back to Polly thinking about her sock and tying the sock to masculinity. I mean in this scene she’s in her head telling Strappi that’s she passing and he doesn’t even realize she’s a girl, but like yah. Maybe when I’m not writing these super deliriously could I make a more eloquently/ better expressed observation on sock=masculinity symbolism but yah.
Anyways very tired
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writing-fanics · 2 years
I need more dancing in the moonlight like what happens when he comes back does his son hate him at first thinking that he may have abandoned them? Does the reader think she was abandoned and leaves the dreaming? Maybe Calliope meets her and sees that he has another son and twin babies I'm begging for anything even scraps😭🧎‍♀️
But in all seriousness I love your blood all the ideas you post fuel my maladaptive daydreaming and I frequently look for updates can't wait to potentially see more from you fanfics or otherwise❤️
no Hope will not hate his father yes. He may hold a little hate towards him, for not at least talking to Roderick Burgress or promising not to hurt Alex and Paul. Cause if he did that they would’ve let him go.
But he knew his father had an ego. He was told that by his mother. By even tho Morpheus loved her dearly. He’d still be his egotistical self on occasions.
Y/n didn’t give up. There were times when morpheus thought their relationship would end. Like it did with his others but it didn’t. They held on.
Y/n, doesn’t think he abandoned her. Death after all told her everything. She knew she’d be stressed and worrying about Morpheus.
Death was always there for y/n. Who did ask for her to help him it she told her she couldn’t intervene.
yes, y/n thought she’d never see her husband ever again. and the thought of that made her sick to the point she actually ended up throwing up.
she wanted to go save him herself being immortal after all and can’t die. But she could be captured and could still feel pain. what used would she be if she were captured.
honestly.. calliope (*grumbles* stay away from him)
honestly, when Morpheus helped Calliope. He did end up telling her about his new wife and child. She was kinda upset thinking he was trying to replace the one they lost Orpheus.
Honestly he’d never try to replace his first son. His son with y/n isn’t a coping for what he’s lost what they’d lost.
honestly when calliope did come to visit. and she saw the son and how much he loved y/n she was happy for them.
and seeing the little twins him and y/n ended up having. She saw how much he changed. And how much she changed him.
y/n and Calliope became friends honestly.
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thoughts on the morning show 3x01
- the alex obituary. I CAN’T 😂
- cory and bradley scene!! why does it feel like they don’t know how to act around each other? that was kinda cute tho
- shirtless cory 🥵
- I already love Chris
- RENA! Good to see her again.
- cory without a tie though!! 🔥
- dying to know why bradley and laura broke up
- “Would you interfere if we were together?” SHOTS FIRED - I can’t believe this just really happened. fuck!
- cory being the first one to clap. love that.
- bradley calling luna 🥺
- me looking at chip and isabella like 👀👀
- TIG!!! already love her character
- “he’s tall” alex gets it 😂
- cory in that black shirt 🥵
- paul & amanda!! I just love tig so much
- love the way Mia is running 😂
- Stella looks sleepy af
- so Chris is doing it?
- “I’m not punishing you. I would never do that.”
- “I was there for you, remember?” WHAT IS CORY TALKING ABOUT???? WHAT HAPPENED??
- there was blood on bradley’s hands, right??
- Bradley is stepping in?? omg
- that single tear 🥺
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httpiastri · 7 months
dino beganovic i swear to god. what just happened
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sleepy-achilles · 3 months
Hi! I have a request. I have would love to get more of Leon’s rebellious teen phase in the family of destruction. I know he and taker didn’t get along too well then, but I’m a sucker for angst 😭!
I adore Teen Leon and I'm kinda mad I don't write them as kids more. I like teen Leon more than adult Leon. Fuck adult Leon.
Also your reminder, because ik some don't read the notes, asks are now reopen and I will be answering them the same day or as soon as possible (incase I suffer writer's block)
Sweet 16
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Bro went from the sweetest child in the whole world to a literal spawn of Satan when he hit 16. No? What do you mean he was traumatised and his 16th birthday incident pushed him over the edge? I would never do that to a character 👀
"Have kids they said. Kids will be the apple of your eye" Taker growls as he slams the report down onto the table. Leon tilts his freshly scarred face as he rocks his feet which are sat on said table. "Why couldn't you be like your brother?" Taker sighs. "What a complete and utter loser?" Leon asks. John glares at him. "None of that now" Shawn scolds. Leon rolls his eyes as shawn taps his feet. He lowers his feet. He's asshole to everyone but Shawn at the moment.
Taker knows why but he doesn't want to speak it, mostly for shawns mental health than anything. But a little someone has followed too much in their papas footsteps.
"I get your having a tough time at the moment, but you said you were ready for school, so what's up with the grades?" Taker asks. "Im sorry, I said I was ready to go out and about again, not do well in school. I never did. Besides I think having my grandfather slashing my face open should give me some leeway as you know it only happened four months ago" Leon snaps as he stands up. He stares taker down. "Now if you excuse me old man, me, mattie and val have plans" Leon huffs grabbing his jacket and walking to the door. "No! Because your grounded!" Taker yells. "Ha! Grounded? Fuck off!" Leon yells before the door opens and slams shut.
"I liked him better when he didn't speak" Taker mutters. Shawn slaps his arm. "You don't mean that" "If he doesn't, I do" John whispers. Both men look at him. "What, he's nicer when he can't speak. In fact he was a lot nicer before Paul turned psycho on him" John admits. "Yeah I know bud. Go get ready for bed" Shawn sighs. Taker watches as John leaves. "Hes gonna do a lot of damage." Taker warns. "I know. But we gotta be careful. It's not just trauma is natural teenage rebellion too. I know damn well you were like it and well I didn't get mine until my 30s" Shawn shrugs picking up Leon's report. "And too be honest he's not wrong. He was doing horrible in school before his 16th. He's just dropping in art and history now which I will talk to him about as I know he likes those subjects" Shawn adds. "I just want him to do well." "I know that and he will too one day. Now are you waiting up or going to bed?" "Bed" Taker mutters.
"Your parents are gonna kill ya" Mattie chuckles as he blows smoke towards the sky. "They are cute tho" val smiles poking her fresh tattoo. The trio got group tattoos just below their ribs. Mattie got a wolf skull with a small butterfly wearing a crown. Val got a butterfly that's pattern makes a skull, she got a small pawprint with a crown just above the butterfly's head. Leon got a skull with a massive crown on its head, the skull has a small claw mark up the side and a butterfly clinging to the other side. "Yeah but you two took it too far" Matt states. "What makes you say that?" Leon asks sitting up. "Well you both got your nipples pierced" Matt states. "Oh yeah, and when my face fully heals I'll get my nose done, some sick snakebites and then work on my ears, My ears are gonna be covered" Leon smirks.
Val chuckles and leans forward between Leon's legs. "Get your cock pierced" she smirks. "How much?" Leon tilts his head. "I know whoever wins the next match for their team picks the losers next piercing location" Matt smirks. "Deal" they all shake on it. "You know damn well Leon woulda been tatted up and pierced up if the shop didn't refuse to do more work to cover their own ass" val states. "Or the fact they are scared his father" Matt hums watches as a car races past them. "Ain't that brads car?" Leon asks sliding off the hood of Matts car. They watch as Brad and his friends climb out. "Thinkin what I'm thinking?" Mattie smirks. "Damn right, get the bats" Leon smirks as the other group walk into the mall.
Taker groans as the phone rings. He rolls over and lifts the phone off its holder. "Mm hello?" He mutters. "Im sorry to call you up so late taker but your son is smashing up Mr Daniels sons car up and refusing to get off the car." Officer Bode sighs. "That fucker" Taker growls sitting up, causing Shawn to wake. "Where is he?" "The mall carpark." "Ill be there now" Taker hangs up, throwing the phone back into the hold. "Whats wrong?" Shawn yawns. "Your son is destroying property. That mall was the worse thing I ever built." Taker growls standing up, grabbing a tshirt. "Want me to go?" Shawn asks. "No. I promise not to kill him" Taker mutters grabbing the trucks keys. Shawn frowns as Taker storms out. He glances down at Charlie. "Lets hope it's the last time" Shawn sighs as the dog steals takers spot. Shawn looks at him as Charlie just huffs at him.
Taker is going to loose his head as he pulls up and sees Leon stood on the roof of the car. He watches as Leon hits the mirror off when the cops move closer.
He slams his door. "LEON!" He yells as he walks over. Mr Daniels pulls Brad back as the man walks over. "Im so sorry Mr Daniels. I promise to pay to get this repaired" "don't be sorry dad! His son is a piece of shit!" Leon laughs. Taker looks at val and matt who are leant against the cop car. "You two involved in this?" Taker snaps. "Yessir." They both mutter looking down. Taker looks back at Leon. "Get down now" he orders. "Or what?" Leon snarls leaning against the bat. "LEON! Enough! Down now!" Taker yells. Leon huffs and walks forward until he drops down to the floor. Taker snatches the bat off Leon and throws it to the floor.
"Are you fucking crazy? Bode has every right to throw your scrawny ass in a cell" taker growls grabbing his jacket. Leon just glares at him. "What if I want him in a cell! Look at the damage!" Daniels yells. "Then we'd have to look into that file against Brad last summer." Bode states. "Dad it's fine, Mr Michaels has said they'll pay for the damage. Me and my mates are fine." Brad pleads. "What will it be?" Bode asks. "No charges. But I don't want him anywhere near my property anymore" Daniels snaps. "Of course. I'll make sure of it" Taker promises. "Thank you Mr michaels. I'll drop these two home and speak to their parents." Bode states. "Good. I'll be speaking to them tomorrow too. Now excuse us" Taker nods, pulling Leon towards the truck.
Leon jerks out of his hold. "Let me go" Leon snarls as he storms towards the truck. "Are you fucking crazy!" Taker yells as they get into the truck. Leon sucks in his cheeks as he stares out the window. "Lets go home." "What the hell are you playing at? Hmm? Be angry at me, push me, do not start terrorising the people of my valley" Taker tells him. This causes Leon to snap. "Oh but they can terrorise me?! He's been bullying me and my mates since we where kids! He harasses Valentina and he assaults me!" Leon barks. "You goto an adult! Not do this shit!" "We went to an adult! And as you heard, daddy's got money so this shit gets swept" Leon scoffs. Taker sighs and rubs his cheek as he starts the engine up. Leon turns fully towards the window.
This can't get worse.
----Posted this part before-----but yeah-----lets mix it up--
Taker had to open his big mouth.
Shawn had to leave the arena to go home. When taker found out he was going to the police station he teleported straight there.
"Why Lee. Look at you" he hears Shawn sigh. Taker steps up to the front desk where Bode is waiting. It's late after all. "Go home, ill lock up" Taker tells him. "Sure thing" Bode throws him the keys before walking out. Shawns quiet as Taker walks towards the cell. "What the fuck have you done?" Taker growls as he opens the cell and walks in. Leon stumbles back as the door slams shut. "Do I need to repeat myself?" Taker asks. "It was a fight party. Its not the first one it won't be the last." Leon admits quietly.
Taker would hate for his kids to be scared of him. But his anger towards his son is too high to care right now. "Look at me! What did you do!" Taker growls getting closer. "I took it too far. Hurt the kid" Leon mutters looking down at his bloodied knuckles. "Look at me." Taker sighs. Leon doesn't move. "Look at me!" Taker orders. Leon glances up, his lip tucked in so he can fiddle with his snakebites.
"I have been nothing but patient with you.-" "like fuck. You go in guns blazing. Yelling, slamming things. You've never been patient." Leon snaps. Taker stares at him. "Ok. Lets do it that way" Taker states walking away from him. "What? What way?" Leon asks as Taker shuts the cell and locks it. "Ill see you tomorrow when your bail is Posted. If your bail is Posted." Taker states. Both Leon and shawns eyes widen. "What? You can't leave me here!" Leon barks. "Damn right I can. Breaking cars, breaking into buildings, shoplifting and now putting kids in hospital? It's about time you sit in here and think. Sweet dreams leon" Taker snaps before he leads Shawn away
Shawn closes his eyes as his son yells and pleads for them. He knows takers right, but that's his baby boy behind those bars. Shawn opens his eyes. No. No, right now? Right now that's not his baby boy. That's a empty shell of his baby boy.
Leon fiddles with his lip piercing as the family eat dinner. "So how was the first day of school?" Taker asks. "I got accepted into a club!" Cassie smiles. "A nerd friendship group is not a club" Leon mutters. Cassie frowns at him. "Dont be a jerk." John mutters. "How about you Leon? Did you meet the therapist?" Shawn asks. They all agreed Leon should try speaking to the school therapist when he goes back. And boy did Leon fool them. "Yeah, slept with him and then hung out under the bleachers for an hour before I had to go back to class" Leon smirks. Taker chokes on his beer and shawns eyebrows raise as he turns from sipping his wine to downing it.
"And that's our cue to go and do your homework" John hums lowering his fork. "Yeah..." cassie nods picking up her plate.
Taker stares at Leon as the other two kids escape. "Im sorry what? Leon did he-" "God no, if anything he's more scared of me. He's hot, I'm hot, he's probably done it before tho as he didn't hesitate at all. So yeah might wanna get him checked out there Daddyo but I am not a victim" Leon huffs. "Leon you cannot sleep with an adult who's supposed to be a teacher or someone who we trust to look after you." Taker states. Leon looks at shawn. Taker copies. "Oh no, he's got me on this one. All you or I look like a hypocrite" Shawn admits. "Oh my god" Taker groans. "Yeah sorry dad, your losing this one but hey, found your mysterious predator. Again" he mutters the last part. "Did you just say again?" Taker asks. "Nope, gotta go" Leon hums standing up.
"No Leon you are g-" "grounded? Yeah we know that isn't happening, me and mattie are gonna go joy riding before grabbing Valentina to eat and watch a film" Leon chuckles before leaving.
Taker looks at shawn. "Im sorry baby but he knows too much about me. Ministry era was a weird time for us" Shawn sighs. "You slept with the school therapist?" "My history teacher. Needed a grade." Shawn admits. "What are we going to do Shawn? How far do we let this go before someone dies?" Taker asks quietly. Shawn leans back. "We get Kevin involved. We do what we did with me." Shawn admits. "Hes in the ring every week Shawn." "No, he's a sports entertainer. He needs control and patience" Shawn states. "Could work."
Leon is 17 when he starts training with his uncle. His violence crimes start going down, but he's not completely out yet. No, he still has some rebellion stuck in him.
"How's Lee doing?" Scott asks. "Hes doing good, no more fights, no more crimes. Just got that damnd attitude still" Kevin answers as he accepts a beer off taker. "Tell me about it." Taker sighs watching cassie and John play fight. "Hes definitely pushing those two away still" Taker adds. "Where is he now?" Scott asks. "Got in a fight at school, cassie saw it so shawns sorting it with the school." Taker mutters. "Thought he wasn't fighting anymore?" Goldust asks as he passes a beer to hunter. "Thats the issue. Cassie states it was scary, Leon just stood there and took it. Never fighting back once. I'm worried we might have put the wrong ideas in his head" Taker sighs. "But he fights back in the ring" goldust states. "Hes performing for the crowd then, it's different." Hunter points out.
"So now we are worried because he's no longer fighting?" Scott asks, clapping as cassie knocks John down. "Atta girl!" He calls. "No I'm worried about how his brain is working at the moment. Pushing his siblings away, allowing himself to be pushed around, obviously he's still arguing with me. I'm just waiting for him to be caught with drugs or alcohol" Taker sighs. "You don't think he's going completely down that path?" Hunter asks. "I hope not. He probably won't gain anything from it. But he's definitely spiraling" Taker admits.
"It'll be okay, I think I'm getting through to him" Kevin promises.
"I hope"
Leon huffs and groans as he's shoved against the old matt, his face pressed into it. "Wanna tell me why your so angry at your old man? Heard you ignored his birthday" Kevin asks as he lowers himself. Leon growls and bares his teeth at him. "Ah ah, none of that bullshit with me, you know better than that. I know you better" Kevin tuts. Leon closes his eyes. "Gonna speak to me kid or you gonna keep hitting me a bit too hard?" Kevin asks. "Uncle." Leon taps the matt. Kevin sits back and watches as Leon pulls himself up to sit.
He keeps his eyes down. Kevin takes in the scar on the boys face. It's no longer red and raw. It's healed as best as it probably will, still bothers him if it's too cold. "Whats going on up there?" Kevin asks quietly. "It was his knife." Leon whispers. Kevin raises an eyebrow. "What?" "My dad's knife. That's what Paul used to do this. It belongs to him, it sits in his office in a case." Leon explains looking at Kevin. Kevin spots the watery look in his eyes. "Ah kid, I get what that looks like but your father would never want to hurt you" Kevin sighs. "You don't understand. You didn't experience Ministry like we did. Like I did. I'm the chosen one. No one experienced it like I did" Leon whispers hugging his knees.
"Ministry and your dad are two different people" "I know that! I get that! But looking at the face of the man who terrorises you is never easy" Leon snaps standing up. "Your dad terrorises you?" Kevin asks noting the lack of past tense. "No. Not now." Leon lies. Ministry is stood around him as he speaks. Taker? Taker would never harm Leon. But Ministry? Ministry haunts him like a ghost.
"Are we done? I'd like to go home." Leon asks. "Yeah, same time Thursday?" Kevin asks. "Ill be there" he nods before climbing out. Kevin hums to himself. Well now this is something. Leon is still a scared little boy, and Kevin doesn't blame him.
Taker watches Leon as he searches for something. "Looking for something?" Taker asks. Leon sighs and closes the draw. "Can you just back off?" Leon snaps looking at him. "I wanna talk about what happened." "So Kevin told you what I told him? Cool. I don't want to talk" Leon states. "Leon...I'm worried." "I don't care! I really don't fucking care! I've stopped my crimes! I've stopped fighting! I've got my grades leveled and you still breathe down my fucking neck!" Leon yells. "Because I care! You are on a spiraling road and I want to help!" Taker snaps back. Leon taps his fingers against the cabinet.
"You don't want this Leon. I know that." "You don't know what I want." Leon mutters, keeping his eyes on the floor. "Youll never know." Leon sighs pushing away from the unit. Taker watches him as he walks out. "One day we will be fixed. I promise." Taker sighs.
Leon tilts his head down as he blows smoke out.
Shawn sits next to him. "Gonna have ago at me?" Leon mutters. "No. Glad your smoking outside instead of in the house" Shawn shrugs. "Smoke reminds dad of the house fire." Leon points out. Shawn looks at him shocked. Maybe they all had it wrong.
"Yeah, it does. That's nice of you Lee." Shawn nods. "Im an asshole, not a monster. He doesn't deserve that...he doesn't deserve any of this" Leon mutters rubbing his cheek. "But your angry at the world and need someone strong enough to handle it, because you cannot and no one deserve to suffer" Shawn hums. Leon looks at him. "Yeah...how.." "I did the samething. I was suffering and didn't want anyone to know. So I turned it into anger and your father and uncle hunter suffered the brute of it." Shawn admits. "Guess we are alike" Leon huffs looking at the sky. "Yeah and I'll always be sorry for that." Shawn mutters.
"No one's telling you not to be a rebellious teen, it's part of growing up. We just want you to be happy again." Shawn tells him. "I know. And I'm trying. We've all cut the violence and petty crimes out. Payed for stuff stolen. Repaired things we broke. Replaced broken things. I'm just...lost still." Leon explains. "And that's okay. Your young, one day you'll find yourself and this will all make sense." Shawn promises. "Yeah? You promise?" "I promise. Now your dad will be home soon, what shall we have for dinner?" Shawn asks. "Let me buy you all a pizza, to say sorry" Leon offers. "Sure. A pizza will easily win cassie and John back but also show dad your trying" "Oh I've already won cassie back, brought her that bike she wanted" Leon smiles. "Well thanks, don't know what to get her for Christmas now" Shawn huffs. "Oh please she could give you a list a mile long" Leon laughs.
Shawn smiles. A sound he hasn't heard in ages. "I love you Lee." "Love you too".
Leon didn't find himself until he was 24. He still had slip ups with violence and his anger but it wasn't bad. He wasn't teenage rebellion anymore once he hit 18, he was just a rebel.
He came to accept the truth of what happened. He became a brat but a brat people actually liked being around. He's still an asshole. But he knows when to quit.
Him and taker still fight, of course they do, they have strong opinions and are similar enough in the sense they'd clash over a spoon and a spork. But they love each other and they'll always have each others back.
I'm so sorry 😞 Its 12am. So I'm pretty tired whilst writing this but I know you wanted angst which led me off Leon's rebellious activities so I hope that's okay. I also wanted to make sure I didn't repeat myself fic wise, which I obviously started to so but changed the scene up a bit.
I really like teen Leon's character. But old Leon and child Leon have a soft spot in my heart. Especially with both out there fighting bad guys and child Leon killing one whilst teen Leon was just out here being a literal criminal.
I do want to write more of the kids being, well kids, Leon was such a ball of sunshine. He went from sunshine to moon to now being eclipse. And well John and cassie have always been sunshine.
I will gladly do a fic focusing on Leon's actual rebellious activities if that's what people want.
Maybe one day we will find out who got the gential piercing 😅🤣
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jove999 · 5 months
Spell your url ✧˖°.
Spell out your URL using song titles that can describe your muse/OC, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
Thank you for tagging me @ilikedetectives 😳💕😘 I know It's super late sorry I was busy lol but I love music and I'd love to try this one!
Oh man, Finding songs for my assassin muses? hell yeah It will be fun (Tho My url is very short but I'll try to squeeze in good songs as much as possible)
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J Jasmine - jai paul
I Love the Yearnings™ in the lyrics of this song, though the singer is a boy lol. I'd interpret this song as Randvi's yearning for Eivor? I like to think of them as not just wholesome couple with a wholesome mind, I always want to explore the dark and jealous side of randvi's mind and this song kinda matches the vibe? Also what a great song. Yay jai paul
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O Only Have Eyes 42 - janelle monae
Bruh This song is about poly relationship and boy do I love my lesbian assissins polycule. I can see this song as about kass x eivor x randvi? Yeah. I want them to have some fun! (Tho the polycules in real life kinda scares me off if I think about it happens to me!!💀💦)! and I love janelle monae... man, HER
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V Voodoo Child (Slight Return) - jimi hendrix
Damn, Look at the lyrics. It reminds me of havi right away. The mightiness singer might have feel in this song, Not just the power of moving an actual mountains like a god, But the manipulation they can wield towards people around them like a god. I want havi herself to felt like this all the time. I want her to be (Yes I'll keep calling havi! odin as her) an arrogant and mean and powerful, manipulative god. This lyrics very much fits the vibe of havi. plus This song's guitar riff is crazy (As it should be!)
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E Eclipse - Pink floyd
Hehe. Kassandra vibe. She really went through it all in her two thousand years of life, wasn't she. This song feels like a hymn for her life! amazing song. amazing album.
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9 9 to 5 - Dolly parton
Bruh This is 😭 This is kass..This is kass You can see the vision, right?? lol She's the oldest salaryman on earth, I've been telling for years. She's working 9 to 5, no overtime pay, Barely a vacation...Where was the union when she needed one...Dolly please save her
And I think this is it. I know there are two more nines in my url but I want you to understand that my quota for bullshitting has run out for today. I can only bullshitting 5 times a day I need coffee
It was very fun! Feel free to do it yourself, guys. Thank you for reading😁💖
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adventure-showdown · 6 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
Zagreus sits inside your head
Zagreus lives among the dead
Zagreus sees you in your bed
And eats you when you're sleeping.
ok so, its the 40th annivercery!! its not offical as the show was off the air at the time, but still!!!! every single companion and doctor actor Big Finish managed to get they got!! but do they play their parts? ...actually not really! here we have the end of an arc that two seasons coming, Charley and 8 has been through a lot, and at this point their story comes to a starteling and rather horrid conclusion! (OR IS IT?) Charley, who has been rescued from death by the eight doctor, rescuing her when he was not supposed to, has been through a lot, and even as that got solved last episode, by saving her from becoming a portal of death to galifray (a long and better constracted story XD), the doctor and the tardis has sufferd a huge explosen of an anti time bomb! making the doctor to become infected with an anti time infection! making him concive himself as the childhood time lord rhyme known as Zagreus! so now he must distory the entire univerce hahaha, because apperently Rassilon, ie one of the og creatorss of galifray socity wants to make the doctor into Zagrues so he can use him to distroy his emenies!! by distroying him body and soul!!! but what's this??? his former selfes as random people around the time stream coming in with the steal chair????? all led by a very rightfully annoyed Charley because the doctor refused to kill her as she asked because she loves him???? what the fuck will happen next!! all led delightfuly by Romana and Leela, and K9, and a rather jealous and EVIL tardis played by the Brigadier himself!! in between this 3 HOUR LONG epic and delightful advanture, apart from the absolote chaos of the event, you will get a suprisingly beutifull speaches filled with exploration of the meaning of love, of friendship! of a love so strong that it shall forfit between dimantions and also canon, the doctor explores what it actually means to be in love with a companion! and Charley, explores what it means to love him even more strongly back! what it means to be the doctor!! and the fact that the distruction of the tardis is actuall the thing stopping him from completely losing himself to loss and grief 😭, the absolote hammering in of the fact the coraption of time lord scoaity and Rasilon's bigotry, and finally someone understands that if you corrupt the Doctor, you have the absolotle potancial to distroy the entire univerce!! Paul Mcgann screaming for amazing hours, as he has the best time playing the baddy and people who are not the doctor!! India Fisher as Charley giving it her all and being amazing at it!! (also the fact that this delightful story is the leadthrough to one of the most terrefying stories of doccy who history, Scherzo! as it explores the themes of this story in a much more detailed way! but that's a horrefying story for another day XD) (@geronimomo-spd )
The 30th anniversary special is overly long and complicated but mostly it is INSANE ! Alice in Wonderlands, giant animatronic rabbits, Vampires and an evil doctor who hAMS it up,,,,that and 4 different doctors as well as TONS of companions plus the Briggs who is actually the TARDIS. it makes no sense! Compels me tho. Everyone says it with me : Zagreus sits inside your head Zagreus lives among the dead Zagreus Sees you in your bed And eats you when you're sleeping It's the best anniversary special day of the doctor whomst ? (@gnougnouss )
Genesis of the Daleks
Intercepted while travelling between Earth and the Ark, the Fourth Doctor and his companions are transported to the planet Skaro, thousands of years in the past, on a mission for the Time Lords — to prevent the creation of the Daleks.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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libertys-lovers · 1 year
OOH okay wait, can i get a list of "Would kiss you on the forehead" and "Would get kissed on the forehead" for your goobers? This is vital information to me 👀 (also Licorice has to be "kisses you" i don't make the rules😤)
Well… I guess a cheating answer is that all of them get kissed on the forehead, because smoochin’ their skulls is one of my favorite pastimes, yes indeed!
BUT… because you’re based… I’ll make a proper list too~
Just warning you tho… this is a long as hell post BEJKDKFKG
Kara - Gets Forehead Kisses: The married life has lead to MANY nights where I get to hold him in my arms and kiss his head mindlessly as he falls asleep… so-. But, even then, Kara’s not much of a forehead kisser; he much more prefers to kiss my hands!
Flug - Gives Forehead Kisses: Mainly because Flug prefers to be the one initiating affection, but also because it’s a quick & easy kiss to give when he’s busy!
Sniper - Gives Forehead Kisses: He’s real tall, so it’s kinda the easiest kiss for him to give. It’s also just nice for him to hold me & plant a soft kiss on the noggin sometimes.
Pauling - Gives Forehead Kisses: There’s not really like… some deeper reason on why she does it; it’s just one of the kisses she leans towards doing!
Lúcio - Gets Forehead Kisses: It’s a simple game we have; he’ll kiss my cheeks purely because he wants to be cute, and then I kiss him all over his face to get revenge 💖😈💖. I do this for just about everyone, but doing it to Lúcio is real fun just because of how much he giggles 🥰
Stein - Gets Forehead Kisses: This is… a strange one to put down. ‘Cause like, the man is HUGE compared to me?? What do you MEAN I’m the one to kiss his forehead? It’s not like he never kisses my forehead; he often does it when I’m busy and he’s passing by. But I love being able to levitate myself to his height and giving him a kiss back! And I love doing it… a l o t
Licorice - Gives Forehead Kisses: I guess you’re right… you don’t make the rules 🥰🤷‍♀️. Make no mistake, I smother this man in kisses… but he sure has an affinity for holding me close and kissing my forehead with blush painted on his face… only for him to deny that’s he’s blushing at all-
Cherry Blossom - Gives Forehead Kisses: Cherry Blossom is one of the few that enjoys mindlessly smooching their partners more than I do! She just adore kissing my face in general, really 🥺😭
Royal Margarine - Gets Forehead Kisses: He’s in a similar boat as Kara; by default, he prefers giving hand kisses or or peppering kisses up my arm. So, he gets more forehead kisses than he receives by default~
Rengoku - Gives Forehead Kisses: There’s no deeper reason for this outside of the fact he’s slightly taller than me; he just happens to give them more!
Hawks - Gets Forehead Kisses: Hawks is more of a cheek kisser than a forehead kisser, not to mention that I always let him cuddle into me and talk about his day when we have a private moment of peace, which is a prime way to attack his forehead 😈
Dororo - Gets Forehead Kisses: I get to pick him up like a little ragdoll, which works greatly in my favor for this, ha!
2-D - Gives Forehead Kisses: Mainly because of his height; it’s a lazy but intimate sort of kiss for him to give, which is PERFECT for him!
Gary Fischer - Gives Forehead Kisses: His height definitely plays a factor into it, but it just seems to be one of his default kisses to give anyway!
Sasha Nein - Gets Forehead Kisses: Another Stein situation. Like, this man is LITERALLY 2 feet taller than me. For most kisses I gotta levitate up to his face anyway… so I might as well spoil him if I’m up there!
Red - Gives Forehead Kisses: Mainly saying this cause like… his eyes are where his forehead should be, so it’s a lil difficult to kiss him there? But he’s tall enough to give them to me anyway so~!
Wally - Gets Forehead Kisses: Largely because of his height, but he also just enjoys the attention! He’ll always try to return the favor tho, with his own Wally brand of smooch (AKA he tries to put his mouth to my forehead & just makes a comedic “mwah” sound! Which is a canon thing he does! Ya love to hear it!)
Gamma 2 - Gives Forehead Kisses: Oh he ADORES giving these kisses… or, well, he enjoys face kissing in general. It just feels like a superhero move to him, kissing his partner in those cute but intimate ways. And also… once again, his height influences things as well BWKDKFK
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slashersangel · 2 years
oh my bad but haiii eve!
Okay, I have a dwayne fic or you can do a drabble or headcanons. whichever fits you best
I would love to see daddy dwayne and mama s/o (human and female/AFAB) with an (whether adopted or biological child, they font belong to dwayne cuz i remember you saying that you didn't like pregnancy..SOMEWHERE but i fo remember and respect it ofc) child (possibly female too) who has a child crush on laddie 🙃😊
the idea sounded so flipping cute 😣🤗
And (if you want to) maybe include uncles (paul, david, marko, and maybe micheal too if you wish) along with the aunties (ig are star and maybe even lucy or lucy as the grandmother ^^) ...fuk max tho :/ excuse mah french
but uhh it sounded adorable :3 although i think this request focuses more on the kids then just anyone else but Laddie and Child s/o are both the same age ofc. (Im basing laddie's age off his irl age when he played the character in the movie at the time)
welcome back oqhwbqlsu
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awe puppy 🥺 and yessss! i love this request, because when I was watching the lost boys with my niece, afterwards i asked her who her favorite was and she said the little boy like thats soooo cute. and i agree, fuck max <\3
Dwayne’s kid liking Laddie
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• both you and Dwayne could tell that your daughter had a small kiddie crush on Laddie, she would always share whatever she had with him, coloring books, food, drinks, she’d even gave him a small dragon plushie which he sleeps with every day
• during the day (because the two you weren’t vampires just yet) your daughter would always ask when you could see laddie and dwayne and it melts your heart to see how much she cares for and loves them, even though Dwayne wasn’t her biological father (for many different reasons) but he raised her with you and she even calls him dad on a couple of occasions🥺
• but you were the one to point out the crush to dwayne when the four of you were sitting at the park at night, watching your daughter and Laddie play. He just nods before saying he thinks Laddie has a crush on your daughter as well, you just laugh and smile
• david loves your kid, as much as he says he hates children, he always looks after her, making sure she’s satisfied and doing good. definitely knows about her little crush on laddie, when he asked she just giggled and hide her face in his jacket. he smiled at that, like an actual smile
• uncles marko and paul mainly encourage your daughter to do fun stuff. and when she first met them, she was so nervous to talk to Laddie, Paul and Marko were immediately like, no, and introduce the two before you and Dwayne could, it was so sweet.
• but you and star are the ones she actually tells everything to. Star is so sweet to your daughter and tells her that even if it seems scary, talking to boys (Laddie) is really easy, and he’s such a sweet kid, so she shouldn’t be scared!
• but your daughter and Laddie will literally talk about anything, what happened at her school that week, what they had for lunch and breakfast, homework, teachers, everything. and they’d always drag each other to ride after ride, game after game, with one of the uncles or aunt tagging along, or maybe they’re just wandering by themselves just having fun
• oh my gods imagine little laddie holding onto your daughter’s hand on a ride because she was scared, and he tells her that it isn’t scary and he’ll say “i’ll tell you when we stop so you can opens your eyes” or something like that 😭🤚 stawp my heart can’t take it.
• he’d be so protective over her and vise versa, like if there was ever a bully on the boardwalk picking fun at her and one of the grownups wasn’t around, Laddie would most definitely stand up for her, and if the bully was picking fun at Laddie? You might have told her that violence was never the answer, but uncle David and Marko taught her how to defend herself (with or without your knowledge) and that bully is getting punched straight in the jaw. then they’d run away laughing, back to you and dwayne
ahhh i don’t know what else to put 😭!! this was such a cute request tho i loved it <3
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