#what have i done to ali
wikiangela · 7 months
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tagged by @jesuisici33 @thewolvesof1998 @daffi-990 @jamespearce9-1-1 @lover-of-mine @hippolotamus @disasterbuckdiaz 💖💖
It’s a good few weeks, and it feels like everyone’s back on track, settling into their lives again, figuring everything out one day at a time. Buck’s happy. He has his awesome girlfriend, his best friend seems finally more at ease, even if the divorce is adding some stress, and his other best friend is happier than ever with his mom around. Everything’s finally starting to go great.
And then it all gets disrupted again.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @diazblunt @911onabc @spagheddiediaz @housewifebuck @gayhoediaz @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @exhuastedpigeon @weewootruck @loserdiaz @evanbegins @steadfastsaturnsrings @ladydorian05 @malewifediaz @pirrusstuff @theotherbuckley @911-on-abc @spotsandsocks @hoodie-buck @giddyupbuck @wildlife4life @fortheloveofbuddie @nmcggg @diazpatcher @jeeyuns
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lizzibennet · 6 months
us/canada based shops really need to go back to offering free shipping because what the hell do you mean i’m trying to buy two bullet journals for 30 dollars and the shipping is 180 dollars like 😭 are you insane?!?!
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linddzz · 5 months
RP problems. I had Morpheus reading Paradise Lost in a pub (because I stand by the fact that he fucking would bc he's That Guy) but this has very obviously led to Morpheus and Hob talk about Paradise Lost and John Milton
I've only started reading Paradise Lost. My only opinion on it so far is that the forward where Milton ruthlessly shit talks people who use rhyming in poetry is hilarious. I'm sure Morpheus has Opinions on Milton and even bigger opinions on why he prefers William Blake but unfortunately he's being written by someone who has the barest surface knowledge of English poetry and this is my own fuckin fault
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alicentes · 2 months
Genuine question for the hotd fandom in general - what could Alicent have done differently when it came to Dyana’s rape? What would have been a better but realistic outcome for Dyana?
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eddiediaaz · 7 months
feeling like i've been drenched with ice cold water after this person i've been seeing told me they weren't sure how they were feeling earlier today (after i spent the night, at their request, even tho they said they don't usually do this so quick but felt comfortable with me) and wanted to sit with these feelings for a bit tomorrow. it was going so well, they kept projecting us in the future together (they're looking for something serious) and now suddenly they're not sure how they feel? and now they're texting me as if they didn't just drop this bomb on me a few hours ago. what the fuck?
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i-am-mr-k · 8 months
Why then does it seem Ash doesn’t wear her wedding band? Ali here- there, but Ash never takes that off.
Also, she posted an insta story in the last day of her and Ocean where she isn't wearing her wedding band.
Also, also, THIS IS A PREATH STAN ACCOUNT. Krashlyn content is incidental.
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dcviline · 3 months
once again I say fuck j.aehaerys, all my homies hate j.aehaerys
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dilaurentia · 26 days
currently rebooting this blog to an alison dilaurentis blog, and will be moving aria to a sideblog to this one (under the same url) !
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mintedwitcher · 2 months
I am violently wrestling Evan Buckley out of Tim Minear's hands until that man can give him a love interest who doesn't just fuck off at random okay thanks.
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pinkseas · 9 months
girls will put an EXTENSIVE amount of thought and research into their next couple of planned fics and THIS IS THE THANKS THEY'LL GET FOR IT.
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bajanimation · 1 year
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Hello!  So I’ve had this story in my head for my characters, and was finally able to get it down into a story outline.  The story is ever changing as I continuously change and mold it as I play round in their world, but these are the parts that are the most solid, and I wanted to get it out so maybe you could understand my characters I draw a little bit better, or see what’s going on in my head.  And big shout out to my mom who helped me write and edit my outline!
The Adventures of Ali and Bay
Part 1
Bay decides to become a famous inventor. “Why wait? I can start doing that right now.” Acting on impulse he fixes up an old airship, leaves a letter for his parents and starts on his road trip. He’s going to start his business and get his name and inventions out there.
Bay sees an uncharted floating island and stops to re-stock his supplies. He hides the airship, not wanting anyone to know that an underaged pilot is flying it. He finds out that the island is called The Maul and that ten years ago, a mysterious wind cut the chains tying the island down sending it drifting away from civilization. With no way to call for help or to escape, the residents are all still trapped on the island.
Ali grew up on The Maul but she longs to leave the island. She is still dealing with her feelings about her father disappearing from the island years ago. She tries to get along with people but it turns out wrong. People hate her anyway. She ends up being the town bully and now does everything she can to be hated. If they’re going to hate her anyway, she may as well make it happen.  
When she sees Bay, she is instantly suspicious. Nobody has ever come on or off the island. What is he doing here? How did he get here? She attacks him. In their scuffle, Bay accidentally grabs Ali’s locket, her prized possession. She becomes enraged and demands that he take her off the island with him. Bay is over-powered but sees an opportunity and negotiates with her. It would be helpful to have a bodyguard and someone strong to carry his things. He offers Ali free food and a travel partner in exchange for these things. Ali thinks this can work and agrees to the arrangement.  It will give her a chance to search for her missing father.
But before long, they have their first misadventure. A worm monster tries to kill them. Bay watches as it swallows Ali alive and runs the other way. But Ali’s magical strength is activated. She cuts her way through the monster and survives.   Bay and Ali have many more adventures involving monsters, magic and furries. Bay tries to sell his inventions but not many people are interested. Ali is still a bully and often gets into trouble with people with her aggressive approach. But even though their relationship started as a business arrangement, Bay now sees her more as a friend. Ali is stand-offish at first, not wanting to admit she is growing fond of “the kid". But as they travel, Bay increasingly becomes the target of others’ retaliation for Ali’s aggression.
When Ali sees Bay being attacked, she goes into a fury and her superpowers are activated. She grows wings and beats up the people attacking Bay. She has to admit to herself that Bay is her friend, not just “the kid”. And she’s not travelling with him just because she made an agreement. She’s travelling with him because she wants to.
Part 2
Bay and Ali are still travelling and having adventures. Bay is still trying to sell his inventions. But they’re fighting monsters for money because they need the cash (and Bay didn’t properly budget for the trip).
Ali wonders what is happening to her. And only when she fights people off her and Bay. Is this magic? The wings? The super strength?
Bay on the other hand is worried about his family. He has been away from home for a long time. His family are probably very worried because after the first note he left, he hasn’t written again to tell them that he is safe. He is worried about getting in trouble and having someone come after him and end his trip prematurely. But it is time to go home.
His parents are very emotional when they see Bay. They worried not knowing where he was and whether he was safe. It takes awhile but Bay assures them that he has been safe and that it was Ali who kept him safe. He asks if she can stay with them as she has nowhere else to go. His parents are thankful to Ali for keeping their son safe and welcome her into their home.
Part 3
Getting used to living at home with his parents and going back to school is harder than Bay imagined. His parents won’t let him out of their sight. School is not easy either. He still has his school friends, Jamie and Quinn but finds out that Jamie has a crush on him. He tries to avoid the subject and hopes that Jamie’s feelings will go away. But they don’t and Jamie asks Bay out on a date. After much fretting, Bay eventually agrees. They end up dating and becoming boyfriends. After awhile Bay develops a crush on Jamie as well.
Ali, on the other hand, is happy to have a place to stay, even if Bay thinks the room she has is way too small. Ali spends time with Alder and Annie, Bay’s dad and mom, but especially with Alder in the garden. It’s time she wishes she had with her own father. Over time, her attitude softens, she is able to explore her feelings about her dad and she slowly becomes accepted into the family.
In time, Jamie and Bay break up after a big fight. Ali, although happy with her new family, feels ready to take in the world with more compassion and wants to travel and explore. Bay’s family tell Ali that she is part of their family and can always come back. As a parting gift, Bay gives Ali a new locket that he made, to replace the one he broke. He gives her a hug as she leaves on her next adventure.
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myglassesareinkansas · 10 months
I finished Love, Theoretically yesterday and I want to reread it already
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robotpussy · 1 year
some fucking weirdo sent me like 5 asks about Elvis Presley and one about Mohammad Ali all in a row what is wrong with you people
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swordmaid · 1 year
ali looks bad too??? 😭😭😭
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statisticalcats2 · 1 year
The introductions have been completed with the Brookfield Zoo gorilla troop! I'm so happy they seem to be getting along well. Their habitat is open to the public again now so I'll need to visit soon!
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adozentothedawn · 2 years
9. (Full disclosure: not trying to pressure you... but) I'm really excited to see the finished Solveig fic, the snippets you posted on discord from it were really good and she's a 12/10 character 🥰
Ask is here
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Thank you!!!😭😭
Fun fact I started writing a few lines again like right before I openend this ask. xD I do hope I'll be finished at least this year but I cannot give promises, life and my brain are weird. But! In general not much is missing anymore, the dialogue is there and all that's needed now is the narration between.
I am so happy you like her too, I've been having a shockingly good time with her as a dwarven character tbh.
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