#what is social wifi marketing
0perfectimperfections0 · 11 months
Hi fellow doll, I hope you're doing fine. I've been quite busy lately, college and life in general have been kicking my ass, so I was forced to take a step back from social media for a while to try to contain the chaos.
Firstly, I'd like to share a fun fact with you! I don't know if you're aware but did you know that Lou's Mansion has a Pool? You can see it more clearly in the Mansion's Concept Designs/Art on this site:
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However, the real reason for this ask is to present a possible answer/theory in regards to how the doll-sized phones came to be in the world of your stories (you can tell this is still related to our chat on Wattpad).
Recently, I came across the images you're seeing on Pinterest. They're Wide/Aerial Views of the Institute of Perfection and one thing that immediately stood out to me is that Giant Eye-Catching Dome behind the TV.
I mean what's its purpose, why is it even there to begin with and what's inside of it? I've been thinking about this for a while and would like to hear your thoughts about it as well, if you're willing to share them.
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By any chance, have you seen the movie Wreck-it Ralph? There was a part where the villain enters the code of the game he's in and I think the Dome's purpose could follow a similar, if not equal, vein.
Now that I think about it, Lou and Vanellope's circunstances are almost identical, trapped in the same place for years without the option to leave, simply because of who they are and the traits they were born with, but didn't choose to have.
Sorry, I let my mind run on tangent there for a while, it wanders frequently which makes it hard to keep track of my line of thought.
To circle back to the main topic of discussion, what if the Dome is a Central Station of the Institute, like a Panel or Center for Command Control (or Command Control Center)? CCC for short? Ok, I'll stop trying to be funny...
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Perhaps it could be a subroutine of the factory's software, a program linked to its network and wifi that contains all guidelines and rules that govern the Institute and must be followed and executed to keep it functional - a blueprint if you will - and is in charge of all commands, protocols, activities and operations being compiled and run by its machinery, such as the doll-scanner, the robots, the washing machine, the recycling, the Gauntlet plus the mechanical baby and dog and the Portal, just to name a few.
This means that it'd also take care of overseeing the integrity and performance of said machinery as well as its maintenance. It'd even be responsible for generating clouds and the artificial weather because apparently weather is still a thing, even though the Institute is inside of a factory.
I wonder if this subroutine would be run by an AI or simply an intelligent system/computer program. This world's version of Siri? 🤣
Or maybe I'm greatly exaggerating its function/letting my imagination run wild and it literally only gives Electricity for TV and Institute. Where was I going with this? /were we again?
Morever, it could be a storage unit that contains all collected, analysed and reviewed data regarding the inhabitants of the Institute and their responses, physical or emotional, to certain pre-determined stimuli.
It could also have a list of the factory's Perfection Standards: what consists/constitutes a Perfect Doll / product, its traits...
what can go to the market and which flaws/imperfections can't be ignored/overlooked and have to go to the recycling immediately, kinda like separating fruit/food
To sum up, it's the Institute's "rulebook", but instead of being specifically made for the prototype, it's more expansive and focuses on the Institute as a whole.
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After the events of the movie, dolls with engineer role job created phones with recicled parts dangerous/turned the recycling into a good thing/while recycling was turned of and parts are human sized, plenty to spare and create phone since dolls come back now, have free time to assemble the parts and construct them and connected them to the signals/frequency emitted by the dome or they hack/steal or find out the password/'hijack' the signals🤣, use it to make them connect with each other but can't enter the dome without proper authorizations/permissions
Fun fact #2: Lou animatronic, would be a hipocrite if he called the Uglydolls "Ugly" has never seen a Mirror before
Scroll almost to the middle (pre-planned concepts: dome by TV and washing machine, Big baby, Lou, Mandy, Tuesday and Kitty, Victoria, Perfection Council/of Dolls=board of investors directors reference)
Had to restart Two Times... I hope you found this ask both entertaining and informative. Hopefully it'll give you Inspiration for your stories...
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Okay, I had to do quite a bit of research and asked someone who knows a lot more about computers than I do.
So, I do agree that the dome has an electronic purpose. It really surprises me that STX animated an entire dome within the Institute and literally spoke nothing of it or what's inside of it. Like, seriously, it's huge and can't just be empty on the inside.
My theory, after some research, is that the inside of the dome is essentially a hard drive computer tower. For you younger folk who weren't raised in a 90's home, here's what I'm talking about:
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These things right here used to be what would get hooked up to older Dell/Windows computers. The ones that weighed, like, 50 pounds and took up an entire desk.
Instead of a dvd player (which I didn't get one until maybe 8 years old) I would stick my Kidz Bop cd or movie into that slot at the top and watch the movie on the computer with Video Player.
Count your blessings.
But this is what I believe is inside that dome. These things are what holds the CPU (central processing unit), GPU (graphic processing unit), and stores the memory, data, audio, and everything of the computer.
@natalie-the-writer and I have a running fanon that the company is older. The technology is older, the building is older, and everything is set in a pretty retro time period. So, this hard drive tower is connected to those bulky take-up-all-the-space-on-the-desk-computers.
The GPU in this system is also what control the day/night cycle in the Institute and the weather. It essentially simulates a troposphere and an environment that makes the dolls comfortable and prepared for the Big World.
The CPU is how the data is transferred. Info from the robots is controlled and processed, the Individualization scanners are monitored, the portal is opened and closed, the TV runs, and the holographic tutorials Moxy and her friends see in the beginning are kept on, all of it.
It basically functions as the brain of the Institute, but the sole controller and monitor of it is the CEO (Greyson Everett).
I also like to think that Lou's microchip (another fanon thought between Natalie and I) is also monitored via this hard drive tower. Any information that Lou learns and processes is sent into separate files on the computers back in the company building.
This is why in my Shell-Shock series, when Lou's emotions go south, the Institute begins to get windy when he's hyperventilating or rains when he cries. The ground trembles when he has body tremors and the lights flicker when his powers are used. He is literally connected to the whole Institute because his microchip and its data accidentally grow and manifest themselves into the files of the other Institute functions. His programming basically goes rogue and infects the Institute system like a virus.
I'm veering toward the explanation that results in Lou being the first successful form of Artificial Intelligence. But, for the moment, he is basically acting like a virus and it's not until he learns to control this new system he's connected to that it stops becoming a deadly thing.
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mephestopheles · 11 months
Y'all I am so fucking angry today. I am fuming. I am looking at apartments around me because my mother is trying to downsize, I can't afford nor do I particularly wish to move in with her, transit would become more obnoxious and I like my space. So she wants a space that is on one level and has similar amenities but someone already there to fix things if they fuck up.
Look, she's never lived in an apartment. She has no clue what the realities of living in an apartment are, and she's insulated enough she might be able to avoid some of the shit, but not all of it.
I know where I live is not the only place suffering a housing crisis. I know there are places that have insane rents. Nova Scotia and especially cape Breton has a very big issue, rather, a few.
One, we're mostly rural with spots of town/city and the rural is enough that the government considers the whole island rural. Which is hilarious depending on where you actually live. I'm 5-10 minutes from most amenities, and there are places that are an hour or two from similar amenities depending on which part of the island you're coming from. But that makes transportation entirely on cars, with little access to buses if you're out of the main routes.
This also means large apartment complexes are few and far between. There are some places with two or three units, and most are converted houses if that.
Two, there is a big racism issue here, and a pretty substantial classism issue. And the two make things worse. So much worse. From a systemic perspective, they both play into each other a lot but I'm an outside observer for a lot of things and I'm doing my best to unpack my own inherent biases.
In 2016/2017 there was a bit of a boom to the university here where they accepted a lot of overseas students. This is a good thing. the university did not have adequate housing established for all of the students that came. This is not good. This hurt the students, put them at risk for being taken advantage of, far away from home, and potentially homeless because they couldn't move into residence.
Landlords around here got fucking greedy. Average rents around here in 2016 was around $650-700, 800$ for a two bedroom apartment, and that was pushing it and generally that was all inclusive. My first apartment was $650 utilities included, I only had to pay for wifi.
But these landlords were starting to charge that for rooms. They started buying up houses as they could get them, for relatively cheap and turn them into "student" housing, unofficially. Jack the rents up and charge a fortune to these students who came over here to get a "recognized education" which is another shitty part of the racism equation*. So rental prices across the board started to increase and folks started to get ideas about the apartment side hustle business that sprouted.
*Before anyone gets the idea that I'm against immigration, my issue is not the influx of students. My issue is with severe lack of accountability and planning on behalf of the university for how many students they were accepting vs how much housing they had available on and off campus. Much like those who currently live here, I want those who come here not to be placed in a vulnerable position and exploited by housing or by institutions that will not or cannot help them due to other systemic issues also brought on or influenced by systemic racism.
This also disproportionately affected those on social assistance, as really shitty landlords would renovict places or let them turn to shit so they would get compensated by the government to fix the property.
Some of the places that remain cheaper, are so far outside of the transit sections that it becomes dangerous. Like walk on the shoulder of the highway and hope you're not going to get hit, dangerous.
Prior to this, the job market around here was absolute shit, and a lot of folks were working out west, so the industries were slowly dying out. And even this is a weird mix of classism because most jobs available are call centres or retail. Anyone working a trade left to go out west, because the ones operating the trades around here weren't yet willing or ready to retire.
The combination of isolation, a lot of money, fast paced work with very few social outlets, brought a lot of drugs here and opened a lot of folks up to medicating to deal with the very real social isolation and the need to stay awake to earn more overtime, or prove yourself to the crew. Couple that with making more money than you've ever seen before and access only to lose it because the jobs started drying up and then covid started closing things. Plenty of folks lost their homes due to sudden loss of income, opioid and other drug dependency issues, and suddenly the issues surrounding houselessness around here skyrocketed. Becoming terrifyingly high after 2022.
Fast forward to 2020 and beyond, you have a housing market now influenced by our of towners (note, I am specifically not mentioning persons of colour as the vast majority of our of towners are those who have moved here from Ontario because their buying power goes so much further here, it's mostly white middle class suburban boomers) buying up properties sight unseen and creating a buying war on the otherside of this terrible equation.
Now it's 2023, and the government and the banks are doing the same fucking thing it did the last times house prices and inflation started and hiked interest rates up. It's not addressing the issues because the issue is fixed costs and and profiteering not extraneous spending
I got my place on 2021, and lucked into a really nice place with a really good rate. But the average two bedroom is almost double my current rent. In three years. Less than.
When searching for a place for mom, I found one that is 2000sq feet, two car garage, no utilities included, and unfurnished. Lawn care and snow removal were included but it's $3000 a month for a place I can't ever afford.
You can't tell me that someone isn't just pawning off the mortgage for both sides of the duplex. I was looking at duplexes for sale and most are $420,000.00 at the lowest I've seen.
Folks were selling their homes around here for 200k plus above what they would normally even consider. When I was first deciding to move to my current apartment I was looking at houses near where my new office was going to be, and there was a gorgeous little house 3 bedroom, full backyard for 64k. I showed it to @striving-artist and yeah that kind of price was a little low for around here but not "hey what's hiding in the basement" low.
All of this to say that there are not nearly enough places to rent, let alone rent safely. The prices are obscene for where some of these places are located.
And now we're dealing with climate weather a fuck tonne which is affecting everything that covid didn't outright punish.
I am so angry.
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catb-fics · 3 months
There’s a LOT of misconceptions coming from fans pushing things that are the complete opposite of the industry standards and how the music biz works.
Sardy’s been doing fan engagement (very important) for fans who’ve been following along since 2021 so it makes sense for him to post a photo. Posting a photo of Van to the CATB account probably would’ve caused too many casual fans to come back then all this waiting between might’ve caused casual fans to unfollow the band again being frustrated there’s nothing unlike most of you guys who know there’s more coming. This is why I think Showtime was Van’s statement. Addressing the hardcore fans first and foremost knowing we’re the ones that persevered. Those in the know are the ones being engaged wifi. It’s that simple. They’ll bring back casual fans during album promo and hopefully with the 2nd single or when the album is announced. Always happens.
I don’t think most fans are taking in that labels are *that* controlling and it comes off as a personal decision rather than the label being behind it. It’s standard business lmao everything is calculated!!! Unsigned bands are the ones that generally stay away on their own terms. Not big name bands. Of course no one in the band has ever been that active on social media other than Van’s early days but it’s even less now because the label is scheming for the main event (music release & promo). Very normal. I’ve seen exactly what’s happening plenty before so yeah hang tight. The multimillion dollar label that’s been in business for 65 years knows what they’re doing.
Long story short, music marketing is either very backwards or a full blown spam which is more expensive and may not be as effective as keeping quiet. I studied marketing a bit and man, the amount of psychology that goes into it is wild.
Well let’s just hope there’s more planned in the pipeline then as in this day of social media engagement with fans is a big thing and I hope catb move with the times on that. Not expecting Van to start posting TikTok’s on the daily (although I would love that… imagine? 😂) but just a little something would be nice seeing as we’re all dedicated to support our faves ❤️
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squadrah · 2 years
From My CuriousCat
"What if La Squadra lived on a farm or in a village?"
Risotto would enjoy it the most, I think. I could see him becoming a shepherd and just spending his days watching sheep and the clouds pass overhead, and enjoy the peace and solitude. He might also do metal work for his fellow villagers, right in the middle of the fields.
Formaggio would initially worry about being bored, but then realize that if there's not much going on, he can create his own fun. Gets very social and pops into people's homes a lot, and makes himself useful carrying things around with his Stand. Bi king of the village.
Prosciutto would soon get bored and throw himself into management roles. I could see him becoming a leader of sorts and working tirelessly to improve life at the village. Probably known, besides his beauty, for taking walks at the oddest hours at night.
Pesci would keep taking trips to the nearest body of water to fish and then sell it at the village. Is the type to get roped into all kinds of work because he can't say no to save his life, so everyone who needs menial work done will jump him the moment he's around.
Ghiaccio would calm down considerably. Less artificial noise, no crowding and the like would reduce his stress levels, and he'd find himself very usefully employed in his cellars, where his cold ability helps with food conservation. Altogether very blessed.
Melone first misses the city, but the wifi certainly helps, and there are so many things to study in nature - fungi, birds, the stars, etc. - that he would soon be foraging on and off, and spend the rest of his time sitting on a bench outside his house, chatting up passersby.
Illuso would find it a relief from the city in some respects, but he would still feel like there's too many people around. Would probably be happiest living on the outskirts and visiting the markets to add to his growing hoards at home. Sometimes forages with Melone.
Sorbet loves the solitude, for the most part. On bigger events, his desire to gamble gets the better of him, but all in all he's living a fairly sensible life. Keeping neighbors and strangers alike out of his hair, though he has considered letting a room to tourists…
Gelato would be going about just as much as Formaggio, but with more drinking and games added to the mix. Would be singing songs in the dead of night, drunk off his ass. Once serenaded Prosciutto for most of his nightly walk and Prosciutto almost punched him.
BONUS: Midsummer Night
Here I'm imagining a small village festival of sorts: just a quaint little celebration of life, you know? There are lanterns hung up in the village square, some tables set, and everyone is contributing to the festivities. Pesci has brought fish by the dozen, big ones and small ones to be cooked or roasted. Gelato has brought home-brewed wine made from fruit that had fallen from Illuso's trees. Risotto prepared a lamb for roasting so he's operating a giant spit and assisting Formaggio in baking flatbread. Ghiaccio decided to contribute iced treats so he's distributing those. Melone sits by one of the tables, resting and asking for samples here and there; Illuso is close by, near the very edge of the table like he's ready to flee at any moment, but never does. Sorbet samples the wine and declares it rather good, so they offer some to Prosciutto, who agrees to try it. Sometime later there's music, and most of them dance the tarantella with a fervor not often seen in the village. As the evening progresses, a few leave in pairs to look at the stars…
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How to keep your kids safe with a Smartwatch with Pixbee.
Parents are becoming ever more worried about raising kids in our digital age. From worries over expanding screen time to cyberbullying, social media obsession, unacceptable online content, and more – parents are impatient for solutions. We have come to rely so heavily on staying connected, but we don’t want our kids to be seekers of their phones. Have you ever used a GPS tracker or a smartwatch for your children to keep track of their activities?
The GPS tracker can help parents with the calm of mind and provide younger children with easily accessible emergency contacts without increasing screen time. This situation is given to you by Pixbee. Smartwatches are becoming more and more popular with kids and parents alike.They offer a variety of features that can be beneficial for both parties. For parents, smartwatches can provide peace of mind by allowing them to keep track of their child's whereabouts. 
They can also be used to contact kids in case of an emergency. For kids, smartwatches can help them stay connected with friends and family. They can also be used as a tool to help with schoolwork or keeping track of extracurricular activities.That is where kids' smartwatches with GPS come in.The GPS tracker can help parents with the calm of mind and provide younger children with easily accessible emergency contacts without increasing screen time. 
Smart watches provide a way to stay in touch with our kids via phone calls or text messages. Moreover, they do not provide unlimited access to social media applications or inappropriate content on the internet. This makes smartwatches a clear choice for younger kids or even older kids that are very active and don’t want to carry a phone on them. Another feature parents are sure to love is not having to worry about battery life!
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What kids can expect from a smartwatch
 1 .Kids smart watches with GPS tracking capabilities.
For parents, a smartwatch can be a great way to keep track of their child’s whereabouts. It can also be used to monitor their activity and ensure they are staying safe. Additionally, Pixbee kids smart watches have features such as GPS tracking and SOS buttons that can be extremely useful in emergency situations.
As for children, smartwatches can help them stay connected with their parents and also allow them to have some independence. There are many different types of smartwatches available on the market, so it is important to choose one that is right for your child.
2. Video Calling and with a secure 4G connection.
One of the latest trends in kids’ safety is kid’s smartwatches. These smartwatches are equipped with GPS tracking, two-way calling, and even video calling. They allow parents to stay in touch with their kids and monitor their location at all times. 
We will explore the different features of kid’s smartwatches and how they can help keep your kids safe. We will also provide some tips on how to choose the right smartwatch for your child.
Pixbee’s built-in two megapixel camera supports two-way video and voice calling. With the ability to tap into any WiFi or available 3G/4G network, your Pixbee is ready for superior, uninterrupted connectivity for video calls. 3G/4G networks have significantly faster speeds within their coverage areas, meaning your Pixbee can always be relied on.
3. Pixbee's Classroom Mode disables its functions during school hours.
Pixbee knows that learning is important. Classroom Mode has been developed to prevent unnecessary distraction during school time. Parents and caregivers can choose to deactivate video and voice calls, messaging and chat functions via the Pixbee App.Pixbee App, you can deactivate video, voice calls, chat and message functions during school hours, meaning little fingers won’t be tempted to call, text or take photos while they are meant to be learning.
The Pixbee knows that whatever your small-person does during school hours, whether it is reading, writing, maths, playing tag, or kicking the footy around, it is important. Pixbee won’t encourage device devotion and doesn’t compete for your child’s attention during class. here to keep your child safe and connected but also supported to learn and play.
4. Connecting kids with parents and keeping them safe.
As parents, we are always looking for ways to keep our kids safe. We want to know where they are and what they are doing at all times. Although we cannot be with them every minute of the day, technology can help us stay connected to our kids and give us peace of mind.Only trusted, approved contacts can call or message Pixbee. Incoming calls and messages from unknown or specific contacts can be blocked via the App using Pixbee’s smart parent control functions.
One of the latest trends in kids’ safety is kid’s smartwatches. These smartwatches are equipped with GPS tracking, two-way calling, and even video calling. They allow parents to stay in touch with their kids and monitor their location at all times.
5. Take your kids to the sports field with 16 different sports tracker modes on Pixbee.
A fun, innovative game that will inspire kids to try new sports and play often, Pixbee Fit will make staying active more enjoyable. Kids can choose from 16 different sports modes, which they can measure and track.
Pixbee offers various products, including a smartwatch and kid’s app management software. Pixbees Fit Smart Watches wearable device helps children to develop healthy habits and share their online activities with parents. It has 2 screens, an SOS button, GPS tracking, and more. Pixbee lets you call your child, track your child anywhere on earth, set Geo-fences to notify you when your child leaves a safe zone and much more.
The Pixbee Smartwatch GPS Tracker is the latest smartwatch for kids.
It comes with a fitness tracker and a built-in SIM card, so you can enjoy a long standby time.
With GPS positioning, it's easy to find your child in an emergency.
The charging cable is an included accessory to prevent running out of battery power.
The world's first and only kid’s smartwatch with a sim card.
With the map function and GPS tracker, never worry about where your kids go.
We offer a variety of smartwatch accessories: screen protector, charging cable, fitness app, etc.
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iamyelling · 2 years
like ok there are so many! so many things that would make literally such a big difference. some easier than others. note this is us based bc thats where i live and what i know. gonna be stream of consciousness ideas.
abolish homework. defund and then abolish police. later start times for high school and jr highs, can do earlier start time for elementary. make things more walkable, drastically reduce scale of suburbs. reduce car dependency. increase public transportation and bicycle infrastructure. increase accessible car transportation access and reliability for disabled people. get rid of electoral college. institute ranked voting. making voting day a holiday where NO ONE works not anyone except TRULY essential things. institute all mail-in voting. ban gerrymandering. decrim drugs. decrim sex work. 6-month minimum parental leave but preferably up to like 2 years. abolish health insurance - move to a healthcare for all, state funded public healthcare system where it is free there is no payment for care. remove gender markers from all drivers licenses and passports and IDs etc. institute rent control. reparations for descendants of enslaved people. enforce separation of church and state. mandatory green space and trees in cities for temperature regulation and air quality. abolish prisons. be intentional about prioritizing funding, resources, and workers for what really matters instead of relying on the supposedly free market and just hoping things work out (healthcare, education, childcare, sanitation, energy, farming and food systems, transportation. stuff like that). drastically reduce maximum work hours and days per week. if wages exist, annually increase minimum wage. wealth cap and tax wealthy. tax corporations. reduce use of fossil fuels to as close to zero as possible. free college. public funding for the arts. research trans healthcare and medicine. recognize that the DSM is socially constructed. should be obvious but, reproductive healthcare and reproductive justice. abolish legal marriage as it should only be a social and religious status. address rules around housing standards and building codes to allow middle housing (duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes and such), to require buildings that naturally stay cool in hot weather and warm in cool weather, for multigenerational housing and other people groupings other beyond the nuclear family. give people free housing who want it - private rooms with locks with showers and/or tubs and kitchens and beds and laundry service and cleaning service if you want and disability accommodations and care workers and a free community dining room and a pharmacy in walking distance and free wifi etc. support union taxis. not sure exactly what to do to fix it but, address the speed and urgency in the shipping industry to allow for slower delivery and shipment time. addressing truck driving work hours and wages to allow shorter shifts and less sleep deprivation. ban work to pay off debts to employer schemes, where employees are indebted to their employer. fund all public schools equally, not based on property taxes. fix the class separation of employees vs contractors and subcontractors. decriminalize houselessness. create and enforce protections for all LGBTQ+ people, everywhere. remove or at minimum, greatly increase income and wealth caps for disability classification, care, and benefits. recognize all peoples’ value regardless of work and productivity. create regulations for crypto mining energy usage. make internet and cell service a public utility. allow for the right to repair technology products. bring back regulations removed by trump. recognize white supremacy and white nationalism as hate groups. require licensing and classes for gun purchases and ownership. make some kind of regulations around lean staffing and understaffing. regulations to reduce micro plastics. create a modern version of the ccc (which i’m sure had some big problems that we don’t get told about) to improve, repair, and build new infrastructure and maintain things. create teams? division? to investigate and enforce labor violations and exploitation and corporate crime. disallow multilevel marketing schemes. create more parks and play areas.
forgive all student debt. recognize indigenous / native american tribes. reparations to tribes in money and land. create free community food halls in every community and neighborhood. divert funds from police and military and defense and arms. abolish credit scores. 
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jupscare · 2 years
i hate that late stage capitalism is now exclusively churning out increasingly & often dangerously low quality products and pushing prices higher and higher to keep fueling this centuries-broken machine. the longer this goes the more poor people are having to do the things that people are so terrified of having to do under communism/socialism/anarchy literally any system other than capitalism
"oh no we'll have to plant our own veges produce our own food" poor people are already doing that in a desperate bid to eat, but due to the effects of capitalism the seeds we can afford are dubious, our air and soil is horribly polluted, water is expensive, and the basic tools that were affordable 30 years ago are now the most expensive on the market so you're left digging up wilted parsley with a kitchen spoon
"what about entertainment what about the internet" POOR PEOPLE ALREADY CAN'T ACCESS THESE THINGS RELIABLY. internet connections are not affordable and the places that offer free wifi are becoming increasingly conditional. can't get the cafe's wifi password without buying an $8 coffee made by an exhausted 19yo who'll see maybe 20c for their labour, 30c if they're lucky, $2 goes to business costs and the boss gets an easy $5 for sitting in an office doing fuck all
entertainment? tell me the last time you saw any well-promoted, easily accessed, decent quality entertainment product - game, movie, music, whatever - that you don't have to pay ANY money for. tell me the last time you listened to a song without paying a subscription service $12 a month for the right to hear it or without jumping through hoops and using 6 different browser extensions to play it in shit quality on youtube. tell me about the last fucking COMMUNITY EVENT you saw advertised that wasn't, at its core, designed to bring in capital through advertising and merchandise
what capitalism shows us time and time again is that we have the resources for EVERY HUMAN BEING ON EARTH to have autonomy, to eat and drink and entertain and get medical care and share (or choose not to share) their cultures and form the communities they need. but instead of that, instead of a life worth living, we're in a constant death march and buying fucking $80 broken games on $500 broken devices and if we're lucky we go to work and destroy our bodies and minds to fuel a broken system - and if we're unlucky, if we're in sweatshops or disabled or homeless or oppressed in ways that are unmarketable, we're murdered to fuel a broken system
i'm tired and angry and i don't even feel i can blame people for falling for this shit because we're advertised the idea, constantly, ENDLESSLY, that we have to pay faceless corporations for the right to exist in the modern world, purely because it's modern - the internet is much more of a world-changing tool than i think most people realise and at the same time has become almost exclusively part of the capitalist murder machine. we're not helpless, human beings can always choose, but ofc when you're fatigued and miserable and just want to relax and forget how fucked your job is and how hungry you are... eighty bucks for a game that has some cartoons you like from your childhood and is even Marginally better than your reality under capitalism doesn't sound too expensive at all
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whatishivpnapp · 2 months
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VPN encryption
Title: Understanding VPN Encryption: Safeguarding Your Online Privacy
In today's digital age, where online privacy is increasingly under threat, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have emerged as essential tools for safeguarding sensitive information. At the heart of VPN technology lies encryption, a robust method of encoding data to ensure its confidentiality and integrity. Let's delve deeper into the world of VPN encryption and how it works to protect your online activities.
VPN encryption involves the process of encoding data transmitted between your device and the VPN server. This encryption renders the data unreadable to anyone who intercepts it, thus preventing unauthorized access to your online communications, browsing history, and personal information. It creates a secure tunnel through which your data travels, shielded from prying eyes and potential cyber threats.
There are several encryption protocols commonly used in VPN services, including OpenVPN, IPSec, L2TP/IPSec, and IKEv2/IPSec. Each protocol employs different algorithms and methods to encrypt data, offering varying levels of security and performance. OpenVPN, for instance, is renowned for its open-source nature and strong encryption standards, making it a popular choice among VPN providers and users alike.
Additionally, VPN encryption relies on cryptographic keys to encrypt and decrypt data. These keys are generated dynamically during the connection establishment process, further enhancing the security of the communication channel. With robust encryption and regularly updated keys, VPNs ensure that even if intercepted, your data remains indecipherable to unauthorized parties.
By encrypting your internet traffic, VPNs not only protect your privacy but also enable you to bypass geo-restrictions, censorship, and surveillance imposed by governments or internet service providers. Whether you're accessing sensitive information, streaming content, or simply browsing the web, VPN encryption offers peace of mind and anonymity in an increasingly interconnected world.
In conclusion, VPN encryption plays a vital role in preserving online privacy and security. By implementing robust encryption protocols and cryptographic keys, VPNs shield your data from prying eyes and potential cyber threats, empowering you to navigate the digital realm with confidence and anonymity.
Internet privacy
Internet privacy has become a growing concern in today's digital age. With the vast amount of personal information shared online, protecting one's privacy has become more challenging than ever. From social media platforms to online shopping sites, users are constantly providing personal data that could potentially be misused.
One of the primary issues surrounding internet privacy is data breaches. Hackers are continually finding ways to access sensitive information, such as credit card details, social security numbers, and passwords. This not only puts individuals at risk of identity theft but also raises questions about the security measures implemented by websites and online services.
Moreover, online tracking and surveillance have also raised concerns about internet privacy. Companies use cookies and other tracking technologies to monitor users' online behavior, target advertisements, and gather data for marketing purposes. While this practice may enhance user experience in some cases, it also compromises privacy by invading one's online activities without their explicit consent.
To protect internet privacy, individuals can take several measures. Using secure passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and being cautious about the information shared online are some basic steps to safeguard privacy. Moreover, using virtual private networks (VPNs) and regularly updating privacy settings on social media accounts can help enhance online privacy.
Ultimately, internet privacy is a crucial aspect of our digital lives that requires attention and protection. By being aware of the risks and taking proactive steps to secure personal information, individuals can navigate the online world more safely and confidently.
Network monitoring
Network monitoring is a crucial aspect of maintaining the health and security of any network infrastructure. It involves the continuous monitoring of network performance and the detection of any issues or anomalies that may arise. By proactively monitoring network traffic, administrators can identify and resolve problems before they escalate and cause downtime or security breaches.
There are various tools and software available that can aid in network monitoring, offering real-time insights into network performance, bandwidth usage, and security threats. These tools typically provide visual representations of network data, such as graphs and charts, making it easier for administrators to analyze and interpret the information.
Network monitoring helps organizations ensure the reliability and availability of their network resources, enabling them to deliver optimal performance to users and customers. By monitoring key performance indicators and setting up alerts for unusual activity, administrators can quickly respond to potential issues and minimize the impact on network operations.
In addition to monitoring performance, network monitoring also plays a vital role in cybersecurity. By monitoring network traffic for suspicious behavior or unauthorized access attempts, organizations can detect and mitigate security threats in real time, safeguarding sensitive data and preventing potential breaches.
Overall, network monitoring is an essential practice for any organization that relies on a network infrastructure to conduct its operations. By continuously monitoring and analyzing network activity, administrators can optimize performance, enhance security, and ensure the seamless operation of their networks.
Website tracking
Website tracking, often referred to as web analytics, is a crucial component of any online presence. It involves the collection, measurement, and analysis of data pertaining to website visitors and their interactions with the site. This data provides valuable insights into user behavior, allowing website owners to make informed decisions to enhance user experience, optimize content, and improve overall performance.
One of the primary purposes of website tracking is to understand visitor demographics and behavior. By tracking metrics such as traffic sources, page views, bounce rates, and time spent on site, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their audience. This information helps in tailoring content and marketing strategies to better meet the needs and preferences of users.
Moreover, website tracking enables businesses to measure the effectiveness of their online campaigns. By tracking conversions, click-through rates, and other key performance indicators (KPIs), organizations can evaluate the success of their marketing efforts and make adjustments as needed to maximize ROI.
Another essential aspect of website tracking is monitoring website performance and identifying areas for improvement. By analyzing metrics related to site speed, navigation, and user engagement, businesses can pinpoint issues that may be hindering the user experience and take proactive steps to address them.
Furthermore, website tracking plays a crucial role in e-commerce, where it helps businesses track sales, monitor inventory levels, and analyze customer purchasing patterns. This data can inform pricing strategies, product recommendations, and inventory management decisions, ultimately leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.
In conclusion, website tracking is an invaluable tool for businesses seeking to optimize their online presence and drive success in the digital landscape. By leveraging data-driven insights, organizations can enhance user experience, refine marketing strategies, and achieve their business objectives effectively.
WiFi security
Title: Safeguarding Your Connection: A Guide to WiFi Security
In today's digitally connected world, WiFi has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. From streaming movies to conducting business meetings, the convenience it offers is unparalleled. However, amidst this convenience lies the risk of security breaches that can compromise sensitive information. To ensure that your WiFi connection remains secure, it's essential to implement robust security measures.
Firstly, always change the default password of your WiFi router. Default passwords are easily accessible online, making it simple for hackers to gain unauthorized access to your network. Choose a strong, unique password consisting of a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters to enhance security.
Enable WPA2 or WPA3 encryption on your router. Encryption scrambles the data transmitted over your network, making it unreadable to anyone without the proper decryption key. This significantly reduces the risk of interception by malicious actors.
Regularly update your router's firmware to patch any security vulnerabilities. Manufacturers often release firmware updates to address known issues and strengthen security protocols. Set up automatic updates if possible to ensure that your router is always equipped with the latest security enhancements.
Implement network segmentation to isolate devices and restrict access to sensitive data. Create separate guest networks for visitors, keeping them separate from your primary network and minimizing the risk of unauthorized access to your personal devices.
Consider using a virtual private network (VPN) when accessing the internet on public WiFi networks. A VPN encrypts your internet traffic, providing an additional layer of security against potential eavesdropping and data interception.
By following these proactive measures, you can significantly enhance the security of your WiFi connection and protect your sensitive information from unauthorized access and malicious attacks. Stay vigilant, stay secure.
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claimbo · 3 months
Get out of your comfort zone #business #affiliatelife #affiliatemarketin... Sometimes it takes doing something you wouldn’t to get different results...Changing that inner voice that keeps putting yourself down, finding more tasks to overcome negative thinking will help you.  Discipline will keep you from being stagnant. It will keep you thinking of how to reach your goal.The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and thinking you will get a different result. No! All you do is to continue to bang your head on the wall. STOP!!Take a positive step and invest in yourself. I am retired. I needed more money. With everything from Gas to food to new vehicles. Everything is going up so fast. As I research the economy, it’s not going to get better anytime soon. This is a reality.  I found all my years of working simply is not enough. SO…I thought if I am going to go back to work, (if you want to call this working) I would do something fun.  I work 1 to 2 hours a day from home. I started a new venture in the new internet economy.I’m asked, what experience did I have?  NONE!  I found a mentor who pointed me in the right direction. He helps me to this day. I am grateful for the help. All I needed was:-Cellphone, Laptop or computer-WIFI, although you can use cell service-The interest to learn a new skillIf your unhappy with how your financial life is going, or depending on Social Security, a small pension or investment and need more money, comment: “I’M READY”. I will immediately send you the information I got that I used to get started. Believe me, you won’t regret it.Like, Follow and Share. Help others!!@margetingtomGet in now for a discounted price. Join the zoom calls. There are 16 a week. Talk to MILLION-dollar marketers and learn how they do it. Positive thinking goes a long way. This offer ends at midnight on 3-31-24. So, time is running out.Hashtags:Business #smallbusiness #businessadvisor #mindsetquotes #motivation #inspiration #success #passiveincome #digitalproducts #richdadpoordad #retirementincome #Extramoney #inflationbuster #affiliatemarketing #work1-2hrsaday #noexperiencerequired 
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fowlerblogs1 · 3 months
Iridium GO! exec WiFi Hotspot: Empowering Connectivity On-the-Go
Are you tired of being out of reach when you need it the most? With the Iridium GO! exec WiFi Hotspot, you can kiss connectivity woes goodbye and stay connected wherever you roam. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the wonders of the Iridium GO! exec WiFi Hotspot and how it can revolutionize your connectivity experience.
What is the Iridium GO! exec WiFi Hotspot?
The Iridium GO! exec WiFi Hotspot is a cutting-edge device designed to provide seamless connectivity in remote and challenging environments. Whether you're sailing the seas, trekking through the wilderness, or working in a remote location, this innovative hotspot ensures you stay connected to the world.
How does it work?
Think of the Iridium GO! exec WiFi Hotspot as your personal communication hub. It utilizes the Iridium satellite network, renowned for its global coverage and reliability, to establish a WiFi hotspot virtually anywhere on the planet. By connecting your smartphone, tablet, or laptop to the hotspot, you can access essential communication services such as voice calls, text messaging, email, and even social media, regardless of your location.
Key Features
Global Coverage: Say goodbye to coverage gaps with the Iridium satellite network, covering every inch of the globe.
Compact and Portable: Designed for adventurers and professionals on-the-go, the Iridium GO! exec is compact and lightweight, fitting snugly in your pocket or backpack.
Military-Grade Durability: Built to withstand the harshest environments, this hotspot is rugged and reliable, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity in any conditions.
Easy Setup: Setting up the Iridium GO! exec is a breeze, with intuitive controls and a user-friendly interface.
Versatile Connectivity: Connect up to five devices simultaneously, ensuring your entire team stays connected no matter where you are.
Benefits of Using Iridium GO! exec WiFi Hotspot
Stay Connected Anywhere: Whether you're at sea, in the air, or deep in the wilderness, the Iridium GO! exec keeps you connected to your loved ones, colleagues, and emergency services.
Peace of Mind: With reliable connectivity, you can venture off the beaten path with confidence, knowing help is just a call away.
Boosted Productivity: Don't let remote locations hinder your productivity. With the Iridium GO! exec, you can access emails, documents, and collaborate with team members seamlessly.
Emergency Response: In case of emergencies, the Iridium GO! exec ensures you can reach out for assistance, making it an invaluable companion for adventurers and professionals alike.
Applications and Use Cases
Adventure Travel: From mountaineering to sailing, the Iridium GO! exec is the ultimate companion for adventurers seeking connectivity in the most remote corners of the globe.
Maritime Operations: Keep your crew connected at sea with the Iridium GO! exec, ensuring smooth communication and coordination even in the middle of the ocean.
Remote Work: With the rise of remote work, the Iridium GO! exec enables professionals to stay connected and productive from anywhere, whether it's a remote cabin or a construction site.
Pricing and Plans
The Iridium GO! exec offers flexible pricing plans to suit your needs, whether you require occasional use or continuous connectivity. Visit the official website for detailed pricing information and subscription options.
Customer Reviews
Don't just take our word for it. Hear what our customers have to say about their experience with the Iridium GO! exec:
A game-changer for our expedition team. Reliable connectivity in the most remote locations.
Peace of mind knowing I can stay connected to my family, no matter where work takes me.
Comparison with Competitors
While there are other satellite hotspots on the market, the Iridium GO! exec stands out for its global coverage, durability, and ease of use. Compare it with competitors to see why it's the preferred choice for adventurers and professionals alike.
Technical Specifications
Battery Life
Operating Temperature
Water Resistance
Setup Guide
Setting up your Iridium GO! exec is quick and easy. Follow these simple steps:
1. Insert the SIM card.
2. Power on the device.
3. Connect your smartphone or laptop to the WiFi network.
4. Download the Iridium app and follow the on-screen instructions to activate your device.
Maintenance Tips
To ensure optimal performance and longevity of your Iridium GO! exec, follow these maintenance tips:
- Keep the device clean and free from dust and debris.
- Avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures or moisture.
- Regularly update the firmware for improved performance and security.
Troubleshooting Common Issues
Encountering connectivity issues or technical glitches? Refer to our troubleshooting guide for quick solutions to common problems.
Future of Connectivity
As technology advances, the future of connectivity looks promising. With innovations like the Iridium GO! exec, we can expect even greater accessibility and reliability, empowering individuals and businesses to stay connected no matter where they are.
In conclusion, the **Iridium GO! exec WiFi Hotspot** is a game-changer for those who crave connectivity in the most remote corners of the world. With its global coverage, durability, and ease of use, it's the ultimate companion for adventurers, professionals, and anyone who refuses to be tethered by traditional communication limitations.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. Can I use the Iridium GO! exec WiFi Hotspot in any location?
Yes, the Iridium GO! exec works globally, providing coverage in even the most remote and challenging environments.
2. How many devices can connect to the hotspot simultaneously?
You can connect up to five devices to the Iridium GO! exec WiFi Hotspot at the same time, ensuring your entire team stays connected.
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adbanaoapp-india · 4 months
This feature will skyrocket your business digitally — introducing AdBanao’s QR code.| AdBanao App
AdBanao’s QR code feature: a powerful tool for business growth. Read our blog post to find out more.
You know what Indians love to do every day?
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Whether it’s for making UPI payments, getting movie tickets, buying train tickets, or anything else, Indians are always scanning QR codes.
From metro cities to tiny villages, Indians know that QR codes are the future of digital transactions.
But, what if you could use QR codes for more than just payments?
What if you could use QR codes to increase your online presence and reach more customers, that too without spending a lot of time and money on marketing?
What if you could use QR codes to get online reviews, payments, or connect your clients to WhatsApp, social media pages, websites, or even WiFi?
What if you could use QR codes to follow the trend that will boost your business growth in the post-Covid era?
If you don’t have a QR code for your business or personal branding, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to connect with your target market and grow your brand awareness.
If you don’t have a QR code for your business or personal branding, you are wasting time and money on printing and distributing flyers, cards, or brochures that may end up in the trash or forgotten.
If you don’t have a QR code for your business or personal branding, you are missing out on potential big business opportunities.
Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it’s not. It’s possible with AdBanao app, the first and only app in the Indian branding industry that allows you to create and customize QR codes in minutes.
AdBanao app is the ultimate solution for your business or personal branding needs.
With AdBanao app, you can create QR codes in just 60 seconds for any purpose you want.
Visit us on https://shorturl.at/eBP15 to know more about the feature.
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Mastering Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Guide for Businesses in 2024
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Well, folks, it happened. I jumped into the exciting world of social media marketing. Now, before you become too envious of my exciting life spent looking at screens and studying numbers, allow me to say - it's not only sunshine and hashtag all around the Internet.
What is Social Media Marketing anyways?
I know, I know - I'm the expert here. But in case you've been living under a rock without WiFi, let me explain it clearly for you. Basically, Social Media Marketing is about using sites like Facebook and Instagram to make a business or brand well-known. The aim is to get people informed, make website visitors increase, talk with customers and other fun stuff like that.
When I told my mom about me becoming a social media marketer, she did not seem to understand and asked if I could get her more friends on Facebook. Bless her heart. After I told her what it was really about, she stopped being interested very fast. I don't blame her - it does sound dull when you say that.
The Growing Importance of Social Media Marketing
Social media has transformed marketing. What used to be a message sent by brands that people received without responding has changed into an interactive talk where everyone can participate. People don't just see content now - they talk with it, share it around and make their own. For brands, the implications are clear: If you're not part of social talk, you'll miss chances to bond with your customers.
The numbers show how important social media marketing is getting. By 2024, more than three out of every four internet users will be using social media. Also, nowadays people spend nearly two and a half hours every day on social media sites. For marketers, these websites are very important places - ways to connect with crowds and spread brand names.
But to be good at social media marketing, you need more than just making accounts and putting things up often. Businesses must create smart plans that focus on what they want to achieve and the likes of their customers. The businesses getting the highest profits focus on building relationships and community first, then sales.
Defining Goals and KPIs
The first thing to do in any social media marketing plan is setting your goals and key performance Indicators(KPIs). You can't know if your plan is working well without numbers connected to business goals. Goals also help decide what to share and how to use resources.
Common social media goals include:
Increased brand awareness and reach
Improved brand loyalty and advocacy
Higher lead generation and sales
Better customer satisfaction and engagement
To watch how well they are doing, smart brands keep an eye on both fun (vanity) and serious business KPIs. Metrics like followers and likes show how well the platform or content is liked by people. But businesses should give more importance to business measures like getting new leads, increasing website visitors, reducing the cost of gaining customers and sales linked with social platforms.
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The Benefits of Social Media Marketing
The strength of social media is from the connections, groups and talks happening all day and night. Tapping into these allows brands to:
Make People Know Your Brand - Showing yourself to new people where they are actively busy.
Guide People to Your Website - Taking social friends to personal places online.
Get Ideas - Watching talks to know what people want.
Improve SEO - Sharing content helps to increase search visibility.
Increase Interaction - Building links with meaningful content.
Help word-of-mouth - Turn fans into brand supporters.
Understanding Your Audience Through Social Media Marketing.
The companies doing well on social media don't just push out content. They pull it based on what they see in their audience information. To know your followers better, you need to study things like age and personality traits. Helpful information includes place, age, gender, likes or dislikes and shopping trips.
Social media tools help us understand our audience better with just a few clicks. Facebook Analytics provides page details about your followers. Twitter gives audience reports that show interests and behaviors. Instagram and YouTube also let brands go deep into the people who are watching their content.
With knowledge about their audience, companies can make better plans for social media. Content and interaction strategies can match what followers like, showing where they are most open. Making content by users and teaming up with influencers becomes easier to use.
If done correctly, social media marketing can create strong word-of-mouth effects. Good content gets likes, comments and shares that increase brand visibility. The related knowledge then helps to aim better for both natural and cost campaigns. It turns into a wheel that keeps giving higher rewards as time goes on.
5 FAQs
What is social media marketing?
It is the act of pushing a product or service using social media sites.
What are the 5 methods of using social media for marketing?
The 5 ways are: Social sharing, social posting, ads on social media and tracking people's opinions online are used. There is also a system that helps manage companies using these tools.
What are the 5 P's of marketing on social media?
The 5 P’s are: product, price, promotion, place, and people.
What is the idea of social media?
Social media is a place where people can make, send and trade information, thoughts and stuff.
Why is SMM necessary?
SMM is needed because it helps businesses connect with more people, make their brand known and talk directly to customers.
Visit for more Information at: Risezonic
Contact Us: 8178857250
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unifiedmicrosystems · 6 months
Trends in Guest WiFi Services: What's New in 2024?
In an era where connectivity is king, the evolution of guest WiFi services has become a critical aspect of businesses across various industries. As we step into 2024, the landscape of guest WiFi is witnessing innovative trends that not only enhance user experience but also provide valuable insights through guest WiFi analytics. In this article, we will explore the emerging trends in guest WiFi services and the significant role played by guest WiFi analytics in shaping these developments.
Ultra-Fast and Secure Connections
One of the foremost trends in guest WiFi services is the emphasis on providing ultra-fast and secure connections. In 2024, businesses are investing heavily in upgrading their WiFi infrastructure to support the growing demand for high-speed internet. This is particularly crucial in sectors such as hospitality, where guests expect seamless connectivity for both work and leisure activities. Simultaneously, ensuring robust security measures is paramount, given the increasing threats in the digital realm. Advanced encryption protocols and secure authentication methods are becoming standard features in guest WiFi services to protect user data and maintain a safe online environment.
AI-Powered Personalization
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making significant strides in the guest WiFi arena, especially in terms of personalization. In 2024, businesses are leveraging AI algorithms to analyze guest behavior and preferences. By understanding the unique needs of each user, establishments can tailor the WiFi experience, offering personalized recommendations, content, and even promotional offers. This not only enhances guest satisfaction but also opens up new avenues for targeted marketing, allowing businesses to engage with their customers in a more meaningful way.
IoT Integration for Smart Spaces
The Internet of Things (IoT) has expanded its influence beyond smart homes into the realm of businesses. Guest WiFi services are now integrating with IoT devices to create smart spaces. Hotels, airports, and other public venues are deploying WiFi-connected sensors and devices to gather real-time data on occupancy, temperature, and other environmental factors. This information, when combined with guest WiFi analytics, provides establishments with valuable insights into crowd management, resource utilization, and overall operational efficiency.
Enhanced Guest WiFi Analytics
Guest WiFi analytics has become a cornerstone in understanding customer behavior and optimizing business strategies. In 2024, advancements in analytics tools are taking center stage, providing businesses with deeper and more actionable insights. The use of big data analytics allows establishments to analyze massive datasets generated by guest WiFi services, offering information on foot traffic patterns, dwell times, and customer demographics. This data empowers businesses to make informed decisions, improve service offerings, and refine marketing campaigns for better results.
Social Media Integration for Seamless Onboarding
Simplified onboarding experiences are crucial for guest WiFi services, and in 2024, social media integration is playing a key role. Businesses are adopting WiFi systems that allow users to log in seamlessly using their social media credentials. This not only reduces friction in the onboarding process but also opens up opportunities for businesses to engage with guests on social platforms. Moreover, social media integration facilitates the collection of additional data points, contributing to more robust guest WiFi analytics.
Contactless and QR Code Technology
The global shift towards contactless experiences has extended to guest WiFi services. QR code technology is gaining prominence as a convenient and secure method for guests to connect to WiFi networks. By scanning a QR code, users can access the WiFi network without the need for manual entry of credentials. This not only enhances the user experience but also aligns with health and safety concerns, especially in a post-pandemic world. Businesses are incorporating QR code technology into their guest WiFi services to offer a seamless and hygienic connectivity experience.
As we navigate through 2024, the trends in guest WiFi services are shaped by a commitment to providing faster, more personalized, and secure connectivity. The integration of AI, IoT, and advanced analytics is transforming guest WiFi into a strategic tool for businesses, enabling them to understand customer behavior and preferences at a granular level. Businesses that embrace these trends will not only meet the current expectations of their guests but will also stay ahead in the dynamic landscape of guest WiFi services.
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wizardphds · 6 months
What is the Advantage of Community Cabling?
Networking is definitely a word that has become identifiable with computers. Together with computers being the part of everyday living, wherever you get you will find the computer installed. Plus in big organizations where there will be innumerable computers, a new good network cables system is quite essential for clean running of company. Data cables used in networking are the only means whereby data can be shared between several computing devices.
It is definitely not a very simple task to construct a proper community cabling structure. Aside from service cables many other software and equipment devices are utilized for example Network Software Cards (NICs), hubs, routers, bridges, switches and so forth Some associated with the hardware parts employed for interlinking gadgets in networking are usually Ethernet network wires, optical fibers, wifi LAN, power connection etc . And whenever we discuss about it networking, structured cabling is usually one of the most sought after and effective means of developing a networking facilities. There are numerous advantages of putting in a proper networking system;
? An useful networking system allows to design, coordinate and maintain procedures in an organization. ? In the event that you use structured cabling, it is definitely affordable as well as very versatile and can be easily removed or perhaps reinstalled during regular relocations ? Lesedi-ICT can also change itself to any kind of sort of changes inside networking or facilities without disrupting job flow and is also ideal for both data and voice wires ? A good networking cabling can full speed up data profoundly, thereby reducing costs, saving time and supporting in overall output of the firm.
But while deciding on service cable services you must be very positive about their services. The particular wrong use of cabling structure or network designs can make chaos in an firm. Whereas the ideal and right support cables can go a long approach to simplify connection needs, speed upward work and help virtually any business to run significantly faster and of course profitably.
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Networking will be considered the spine of any business enterprise, and is the particular only effective signifies of communication for all your computer and cell phone operations and system. It helps produce potential clients, and preserve valuable old clientele by using regular conversation and keeping found in constant touch using them. Moreover companies with numerous branches or departments furthermore need to maintain an efficient communication technique for smooth workflow and inter personal relations. And this specific is only feasible if the social networking product is strong and reliable without regular disruptions.
Apart by providing effectual marketing facilities, a high quality data cabling firm will also offer telephone cabling, plug in installations, upgrade circle cabling, expand current network, have provisions for installing wire for voice more than IP and common telephone system and so forth. They should likewise have very prompt post sales service, with excellent and well skilled staff and technicians.
Lesedi ICT 3A Arboretum Ave, Westdene, Bloemfontein, 9301 0514301417
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moneyontheweb222 · 8 months
The Basics
How Easy is It to make Money on the Internet?
How Do I make Money on the Internet?
How much do I need to Invest To Make Money On the Web?
Is this really possible or just a scam?
I will be answering all these question You and I will both have a better understanding when it comes to these questions.
How complicated can it be to make money online well, with the technology and software we have in our current time there are countless of ways you can make money online. Every day thousands of people do so and you can be one of them. Although it does require you to have built an online presence and good marketing towards your skills or persona.
Now the big question how do I make money on the internet, what are the options available well for example if you are looking to monetize your skills you can become a virtual tutor, create a blog, write & publish an eBook, build websites these are just to name a few. Now if you want to try out newer opportunities that have evolved in the last decade their is starting a drop-shipping business, starting a Youtube Channel, doing online investments or even developing an app once again just to name a few.
Now how much money do you need to start one of these opportunities well the answer depends on what your looking to do for starters you do need some sort of technology device and access to WiFi to use the internet which isn't free in most cases so you would have to buy that and then it comes to what goal you want to chase things like Youtube or Social Media is free but you do want to invest money into your brand and content to make it the best as possible on the other hand other work like working on websites might also require you to invest money for better option. It really all depends on the person whether you believe its worth or not to invest in your passion.
Yes all this is possible, you just have to do research on the thing you choose to do and always educate yourself on the subject before to avoid bad business or scam related situations.
There are a few different mindsets that can help you achieve when it comes to earning money online. These are a handful of the more significant ones:
Passion: Sincere interest in what you're doing is crucial. This will support your motivation and goal-focused persistence.
Failure: It's critical to acknowledge that failure is a necessary component of every commercial endeavor. Consider it a chance to develop and learn, rather than something to depress you.
Action: The most crucial element in earning money online is taking action. Nothing will occur in its absence. Thus, don't be scared to explore new things and take chances.
Plan: Maintaining organization and attention requires having a plan. It will assist you with work prioritization and provide you with a clear understanding of what has to be done.
Material: Attracting and keeping an audience depends on producing high-quality material. Make sure your content—whether it be a blog post, video, or social media post—is interesting and helpful to your intended audience.
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