#what kind of paramedic falls into a river of ice
cowboytarlos · 2 years
I’m working on something. In it TK gets beat up.
Here’s what I’ve wrote.
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I couldn’t stop myself. It’s fitting.
It’s staying.
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roberttchase · 3 years
Manner minded or double trouble? Both SO matty? Maybe Christie looking after him?
double trouble: [character] is sick and injured.
I will be writing the manner minded one separately :) I hope you enjoy this (somewhat more detailed than I'd originally planned) ficlet.
Send prompts to my inbox.
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If you were to ask Matt Casey if he thought he was lucky, for the most part he would answer with 'no'. Yes, he's lucky enough to have Sylvie Brett as a girlfriend, lucky to have gone to the fire academy, lucky to have been promoted to a lieutenant and then captain. But he also had an emotionally abusive father as a teenager, a murderer for a mother, his girlfriend of eight years was killed, his wife left him. For every good thing, it feels like there are three bad things in his life.
So he can't even really say it's a surprise when, while on scene helping squad rescue two victims in a car that's balancing precariously close to the frozen Chicago River, Matt loses his balance, slips from the hood of the car, and falls almost twelve feet onto the ice that then suddenly cracks underneath him, submerging him in below forty degree water. Nothing in his life is ever easy. Intense pain radiates from his chest, his body feels like it's on fire, and then nothing.
From there, the scene is absolute chaos. Sylvie and Violet are both off shift, spending the entire week in Joliet helping teach at a conference. The two paramedics that are on scene are instantly calling for backup, while both Severide and Tony frantically suit up in scuba gear for precaution. Boden's yelling orders, but the three other members of truck are all frozen, staring at the large hole in the ice, from which their Captain is currently very much not getting out of.
+ + +
"Christie, you really don't have to do this, Severi-"
"I know what Severide said, but I'd feel more comfortable if you stayed with me." Christie Casey frowns, looking at her younger brother. He's at least four shades paler than he should be, cheeks flushed and eyes dull. Stubble consumes the lower half of his face, and the firefighter looks exhausted. She can't say that she blames him, not with the hell that he's gone through the past thirty six hours.
She'd gotten the call from Stella Kidd yesterday, a kind but shaky voice telling her that Casey, Matt, had fallen into an icy river, and was at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center being treated for two broken ribs and mild hypothermia. Arriving half an hour later, she'd been taken into Matt's room, where they had him on enough pain medication he was basically incoherent. One of the doctors had explained to her that the next few hours were important for any person who'd almost drowned- inhalation of the river water had occurred, and aspiration pneumonia was a large possibility. For a naive moment, Christie was certain that Matt would be fine.
Matt's never that lucky.
It's how she finds herself now, half glaring at her brother, who's been given instructions to stay with someone for the next forty eight hours, while his body wars with itself. The red haired doctor had explained that unless the mans fever reaches over 102, or his breathing deteriorates, he's allowed to stay out of the hospital. Severide's offered to let him stay at the loft, to take next shift off and watch over his best friend, but she tells her brothers best friend no. She needs to be able to watch over her little brother, if his paramedic girlfriend can't.
She's already talked to Sylvie, had called her only an hour after getting the call herself. They'd come to the conclusion that as long as someone was there to watch Matt, she needed to finish up the week for the CFD and CEMS.
"You ready to leave? I'm bringing you back to my place. Violet's got the guest room all ready for you."
Matt blinks and then nods, shoulders curved in slightly, one arm wrapped around his side. He looks a little woozy, though that could be from the pain pills being pumped through his body. That, or the fever he's sporting. April wheels him to the front of the hospital while Christie grabs her car and pulls it up to the curb.
Half an hour later, Matt's being helped into the guest room, where, sure enough, the bed has fresh sheets and a few extra pillows have been added for the man who isn't supposed to lay flat on his back. She gets him under the covers, thankful he's cooperating, and by the time she's back with the meds in a little plastic cup, as well as a glass of water, Matt's asleep.
"Matt, hey, you have to wake up and take your medicine, then you can go back to sleep, okay?" She shakes him as gently as possible, not wanting to hurt his ribs any more than they already are. She must knock something loose though, because not a second later he starts coughing, low and harsh, and his eyes flutter open. Gasping for air, they wait for his chest to stop spasming. His arm is cradling his side and she feels terrible, wishing she could help.
"I just need you to take this medicine, then you can sleep again," she promises, holding the cup out for him. When he nods, the woman lets the small pills tumble onto his open palm, and soon he's swallowing them tiredly.
"C-Can you stay?" The words are quiet and hang in the air as she turns to leave. Pausing, Christie turns back and is struck by just how young Matt looks, laying there with fever flushed cheeks and sallow skin.
Moving slowly, the woman gets into the other side of the bed, carefully shifting to get comfortable.
"Just like old times huh?"
She knows he's referring to their childhood. Christie can't help but smirk a little at the memories.
"Are you talking about when you would come crying to me because you were afraid of the dark?" Her tone is teasing, and instinctively she lets her fingers find his hair, running them through it just like she did when they were young teens and their father had been yelling at them.
A laugh bubbles out of Matt's throat, but it quickly changes to coughing, and it takes a moment for Matt to calm down, sipping water before replying.
"I was actually talking about when I was eight and caught whatever that punk across the street had after he coughed on me. I remember I was out of school for a week, and you stayed with me as much as you could."
She remembers it well.
+ + +
Matt never gets sick, not when he was a baby, and not now. She's always been the one to come down with colds or strep throat, and Matt always manages to avoid germs. He had been sick once when he was a toddler, once, but other than that, she can't remember him ever even getting a runny nose. And then Michael Jeffries goes and coughs all over him on the bus when she's in fifth grade and he's in third, and Matt's record of not getting sick goes down the drain.
It had been on a Monday. That following Thursday afternoon, Christie's waiting for Matt to get on the bus when their bus driver tells her that her brother has apparently gone home early. The whole ride home, the eleven year old is upset, not for her brother, but at the fact she wasn't taken out early either. Why did Matt get to go home and play when she didn't? By the time she's walking into their small home, the blonde is stomping her feet and slamming the door behind her, ready to ask why her stupid brother gets such special treatment.
Instantly though, she realizes something is wrong. Mommy isn't downstairs like she normally is, but instead of being worried, the girl let sher anger build. Running up the stairs, her ponytail swaying behind her, Christie's ready to yell and throw a tantrum, but she freezes when she sees her mom sitting on Matt's small twin bed. She's holding their big blue bowl that she always gets out when Christie's stomach is sick, and Matt is throwing up, coughing and spluttering after, while she rubs his back. Cautiously, Christie walks into the doorway.
"Mommy...what wrong with Matt?"
Nancy and Matt look up, the older woman rubbing her sons back.
"Matt's just not feeling well honey, he'll be alright."
Christie frowns and looks at her brother, whose cheeks are a startling bright pink, his skin pale.
"He looks really sick..." Suddenly she's not mad at all anymore, instead she's worried, no, scared. Matt doesn't get sick. That's his superpower, just like hers is liking vegetables.
Before any more words are spoken, Matt coughs and lets out a strangled little whine. "M-Mommy..."
Christie turns her face away as Matt gets sick this time, not wanting to watch anyone throw up. Instead, she goes and busies herself with finding paper and her crayons. Sitting down on her bedroom floor, the eleven year old goes to town with making her brother a get well soon card, the only thing she knows she can do in this moment.
That night, while she and mommy eat downstairs, Christie can hear Matt crying with Daddy. The second she finishes her food and washes her plate off, the blonde runs upstairs, wanting to make sure the younger boy is okay. She stops in front of his room, but no one's there, the twin sized bed with dark green sheets is empty, even his beloved stuffed bear is gone. Walking further down the hall, she sees the two she's been looking for in her parents king sized bed.
Matt's laying against Daddy, Bear clutched in his hand, his ear against the boys lip. Daddy smiles at her and puts a finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet. Nodding, Christie tiptoes in and peers at them both, before climbing in putting a delicate hand on Matt's shoulder, hoping he'll be ok.
+ + +
Brought back to the present, Christie feels Matt's forehead and sighs. "just try and sleep okay? I'll be here if you need me, okay? I won't let anything bad happen to you Matt."
It's as if it's all he's been waiting to hear. It takes him all of two minutes to fall back asleep, head resting against his sisters shoulder. She supposes that this can be the start of all the years she'd missed taking care of him after she'd left for college. He deserves it.
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cjsworld55 · 4 years
He Was Mine Chapter 1
Here is part 1 of my new story on Wattpad. To read more, hop over to my wattpad. Link~ https://www.wattpad.com/932982812-he-was-mine-superman
(Disclaimer~ Mature content)
“Two more,” I heard him mumble as he slammed the empty shot glass down. He shifted on the bar stool and ran his hand sloppily over his face. He appeared tall, with smooth black hair and emerald green eyes. His square jaw was dusted with scruffy facial hair, it seemed to have been a couple days since his last shave. He wore a grey, zip up hoodie, and a dusty blue, v-neck t-shirt under it. His tight jeans had few rips at the knees, and his reeboks were unlaced. His voice, though slurred, was deep and resonant.
I couldn’t help but stare at his full lips as he brought the next shot glass to his mouth. As he set the glass down and slowly exhaled, I watched his chest fall. The zipper of his sweater stopped below his chest, and his tight shirt revealed his pecs. The sleeves of the sweater were pushed up past his elbows, but his firm biceps weren’t hide-able. His large hands made the shot glasses seem like tiny thimbles. His fingernails were clean and filed. 
“Clyde, stop being a creep and go bang him already.” Jake nudged my shoulder, causing me to spill some of my beer. 
“Oh, he’s way out of my league. Look at him! His name is probably Clark Fucking Kent,” I scoffed as I took a gulp of my drink. 
“Bro, take your chance. I’ve never seen him before, so he’s probably not from around here. You’ll never see him again.”
I shifted my gaze to Jake, who sat beside me. He had been trying to find me a hookup since my breakup a month ago. Honestly, I had never “hooked up” before. I was more a relationships kind of guy. But that hottie across the bar? He was probably way more experienced than me. 
“The worst that could happen is rejection. Worth the risk in my opinion.” Jake chuckled and finished off his iced tea. He ran his hand through his white hair and sat back in the booth. He was a rather skinny dude with a long torso. Because of his white hair and grey eyes, he was often called “Jake Frost”.
“Well then why don’t you take him home if you think he’s so hot?” I rolled my eyes and finished my drink. My gaze turned back to the man on the bar stool. He was doing another round of shots. 
“I’ve already got my partner. You on the other hand,” he nudged my arm again. “Need to get some dick.” 
“I’m on my third beer and Superman over there is clearly on the path to wasted. Is this even legal?” 
“Okay, now you’re making excuses. Up, up, up,” he began to push me out of the booth. “Go talk to him!” 
I stood and let out a shaky breath as I adjusted the collar of my navy blue shirt. As I approached him, I wiped my sweaty palms on my black jeans and glanced around. Luckily, the stool beside Superman was empty. I hesitantly seated myself and cleared my throat. 
“Rough day?” I asked as Superman adjusted his posture and pushed the empty shot glasses back. 
“Somethin’ like that,” he muttered, not sparing me a glance. 
“You from around here?” I bit my lip and scratched the back of my head. Gosh, could I be any more awkward? 
“Just moved here.”
“Oh, well welcome to New York. I’m Clyde Rivers.”
“Hunter Myles.” This time he looked at me. Our eyes met, but just briefly. That brief moment of eye contact was enough to let me forget everything around me. My shoulders relaxed and I turned more towards him. 
“So, Hunter, what did you come to New York for?”
“Just wanted a new start. LA got boring.” 
We continued the small talk, about how he’s a novelist. Or novilist in the making. He was finishing up with his first book. I told him a little about myself, how I was an Emergency Medical Technician. I told him how I would soon be attending a year long paramedic program. 
Hunter ordered me some shots, and poor Jake was forgotten. I don’t remember the rest of that night, but I did go home with a new contact in my phone. And no, I did not go home with Superman that night. 
(Subject to copywrite. All rights reserved) 
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stardust-and-blades · 5 years
Lost Future AU pt.5
I honestly should just make this an AO3 story, what is with me and tragedy
(EDIT): Dumb bitch don’t even know what parts these are but I think I fixed it
Lance does not remember falling asleep. His body doesn’t recognize the bed underneath him, his bones slowly awakening from paralysis and gliding across rough, white sheets. Lance blinks away the sleep, his hand moving to rub away the flecks dusting his eyelashes. But when he does it is heavy; held down by an unknown force. When he tried to bend it, a sharp pain shoots up his arm, Lance grunting in response. Why did his arm hurt so much, and why is it heavy?
“Shh, lay down, mijo.” A woman says, placing a hand on his shoulder and gently pushing him back down. Lance’s vision is blurry, but he can make out the wild, fluffy curls and kind blue eyes he has been raised with. His mother brushes his hair back, ignoring the slick coating her palm and fixing the blankets around Lance.
“Mama?” Lance says groggily. “What...Where am I?”
“You’re at the hospital, dear. You were in a very bad accident.” She says all too gently. “They called me as soon as they brought you in.”
Yes, he is starting to remember now. The semi, the slick roads, his inability to control the car at 30 miles an hour in a 50 zone--
The flash of red cloth engulfing his vision before he was surrounded by darkness.
Him coming into consciousness briefly, calling out a name... a name dear to him. A name he spoke many times in the past four years. A name he yelled when irritated or bursting with excitement, a name he called out to in the heat of passion, bruised lips and hot skin invading his senses. The name he uttered in the darkest corner of the room, his face wet from a horrible day. The name he giggled when he surprised the person on their birthday, the one dripping with adoration and honeyed pet-names, despite the other blushing red and hiding in the hood of his jacket. 
The name he took a knee for and wrapped metal and a diamond around his finger, twirling him around in their small apartment at the happiness they were bestowed.
The name drenched in his own blood as they hung from their seats, dark hair covering his face while being caked in his own rivers of crimson.
The name he shouted to the officers for them to save when he was semi-conscious, losing his grip on situation as he was pulled yet again into a dark embrace.
He suddenly tries to sit up, letting out a small howl of pain as the wrapping around his ribcage pierces into him. He is fully awake now, and he needs to know what happened.
His mother pushes him down again as his head whips around, scanning his room for a second bed. For a second comatose body with Shiro at the side, fallen asleep from the long night of “what ifs” and shuffling doctors. 
“Keith--where is Keith?” He asks, wild. “He was with me in the car. Is he okay? Where is he? Where is him and Shiro?”
“Lance, Lance my boy,” she hushes. “Please lay down, you’re going to hurt yourself.”
He stops, his worried irises meeting sad, avoiding twins. His mother didn’t answer his question. Why is her jaw clenched shut, her eyes swimming with unshed tears? Why did she wince when Lance set his attention on her, his desire for an answer growing bigger than him. Why did her hand tighten around his uninjured one,  covering the engagement ring his wore with pride?
“Lance...About...About Keith...”
“What? What about him? Mama, please tell me he is okay. “
She closes her eyes, a tear falling out. “My dear boy...I am so sorry.” She closes her mouth, covering it with a fist as she breathed in, her core shaking. Breaking for her youngest. Cursing the fates for turning their backs on them. Lance sat there, frozen in place as his mother cried, not connecting two and two together. She must be crying because he is in critical condition. It must be. That would explain Lance in a stable unit. Keith is in the ICU, being monitored by doctors and nurses alike, Shiro anxiously waiting for Keith to wake up from the injuries. Afterall, he couldn’t be--he couldn’t be--
“Lance, he passed away. When the paramedics arrived on the scene, it was already too late.”
The ice keeping him at bay shattered. It plunged him into a sea of deadly waters and stabbing icicles. It seized his veins and altered them into brittle snowflakes, melting with the antarctic. The iceberg, carefully concealed by the frosted fog and endless depths, hit him as hard as the titanic. He can feel himself breaking--his mind unravelling as the realization hits him.
Keith is no longer in the world.
Lance does not immediately react. He is completely still in his mother’s arms, eyes unseeing as they stare at his itchy blanket. He isn’t even sure if he is breathing. All he can process is the ring on his finger will never become a wedding ring. That its partner is not hooked up to IV’s and held by its adopted family, but cold and wrapped around a finger with no pulse; the red stone living in a crevice now surrounded by its owner’s blood.
No, this isn’t how it’s supposed to be. This isn’t right. This has to be a joke. A cruel, cruel joke. Keith was just right next to him. He was holding Lance’s hand at a stop light. Joking about the decor being too fancy. The two betting against the other on who is going to cry first at the reception.
But now it is like he is drowning. Like he is running to Keith; reaching out to him. Begging him to come back. But Keith can’t hear him. Lance can’t touch him. His back is to Lance, facing a light Lance cannot follow. Deaf to his love’s screams. Blind to what the light represents.
Don’t go. Please don’t leave me. You promised. You promised we would be happy.
It isn’t until his mother’s arms tightens and whispering his favorite song that he realizes he is crying. She only sang the song when he was upset. And he is upset, but it does not bring him relief. It just makes him cry harder, Lance burying his face in her arms as she joins him in his sadness. She loved his fiance as if he were her own son. She can recall the moment Lance introduced him to her, a nervous young man who hid behind his gloves and striking, defensive indigo eyes. How he stiffened when she welcomed him with warmth, yet embraced her with as much care. He wasn’t as enthusiastic, but she knew his reciprocation spoke louder than words. He didn’t hug often, but when he did he made it count.
And he made it count to love her son. When she heard the news and saw Shiro outside of the room they tried to revive him in one last time, she was hit with a wave of pain in her chest, it bleeding for her son and the loss of the boy she desperately wanted to call son-in-law. 
She doesn’t leave Lance’s side. Not when he exhausts himself of tears, and not when he requests to see the body. He is on crutches, yet he does not let that stop him.
She held his hand like when he was a little boy--scared of the new world and gripping his mother’s dress as the kindergarten teacher aided in prying him off of her.
Now it is her prying at him, wishing him to not look at the dead body. Asking him if he is sure in his decision. Internally wanting to cover his eyes and lead him back to bed.
But she lets him go and watches as he moves the dark hair away from the pale, scarred face, Keith’s expression looking to be more asleep than dead. Lance gazes down, ignoring the shivers coursing through his bones from the temperature.
He bends down and kisses Keith’s far too cold forehead. As he does, she can see a small tear land on Keith’s cheek, as if he too is crying for the happiness stolen from their fingertips. 
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
Love Hurts/6
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Part 6
Elijah Mikaelson x reader
Summary: Y/N receives a letter from a lawyer from New Orleans that she has inherited a part of an Estate. She will go down to NOLA to find out what it was about and there she will meet two brothers, Elijah and Klaus Mikaelson, who also part own the property. 
a/n: thanks for reading, liking, reblogging. This means so much xoxo
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tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @elejahforever @goddessofthunder112 @captainshurley
"I love you, too, Y/N"- Elijah said lovingly as they pulled out of the most sublime kiss.
"You do?"- Y/N said still breathless looking at him with her eyes glistening with sheer happiness.
"I do."- Elijah replied lost in her eyes. 
Y/N now kissed him even more zealously than before and Elijah responded in equal measure. All what they held back now burst like a dam, them now completely letting their feelings take over, losing themselves in the set of kisses flowing now like an untamed river. 
Unbuttoning his shirt, sliding it down and from his shoulder, Y/N now pressed her hot searing lips on it, trailing them up to his neck as he tugged his hands into her skirt, helping her shimmy out of it. Drawing her to him, he kissed her long and deep. Pulling out of it for some air, he picked her up, and she now wrapped her legs around his waste.He walked them to the sofa, laying her gently on it. Working out of the rest of their clothes, he looked at her with eyes glowing with love, passion, need to make love to her, to taste her, feel her melt into him. Breathing erratically, Y/N now sat up crushing her lips on his anew, straddling him as she pushed him softly to sit on the sofa. Not able to sustain the fire in her, she now lowered herself on him, making him groan against her mouth. His strong hands brushed down her back coaxing additional shivers, as she leant against him, now moaning his name into his ear, moving in sync, fully inthralled in one another. Trailing fiery kisses down her neck, his lips land on her breast, brushing over her nipple, making her let out a hoarse moan, burying her hands in his hair, gasping for more air, now everything in her quivering delightfully. Feeling her walls clench around him, he knew she was nearly there, same as him. Enveloping her in his arms, he shifted them. She now lay underneath him, drawing his lips to hers again. Sheathed  with feverish haze, their both bodies shuddered with a ripple of the ecstatic orgasm washing over them. Coming down from the highest high, he rolled aside, now sliding his arm around her, bringing her close to him.          
Cuddling now as they were getting some breath back, Elijah whispered dearly to Y/N as she rested her head at the crook of his neck placing a little peck on it-
"Love you"
"I love you, too."- she said dearly
"You are so wonderful, so special. I can’t remember feeling this way - ever"
“Me, too” - Y/N  smiled beaming her eyes now at him.
He now cupped her face pulling her into a set of more loving kisses. 
Bonnie and Damon sat down on the riverbank. 
"You know- Y/N is maybe not coming back to Mystic Falls."- Bonnie said to her boyfriend. 
"Well, she has always wanted something different, she always spoke about adventure. And this looks like the adventure. She hated the mapped out life."- Damon reminded his girlfriend.
"I am so going to miss her. We've been besties since pre-school and- it's going to be so - Huh- but I guess things just don't go as you dream it. You get some you lose some  nothing is ever completely perfect."-she looked lovingly at Damon, who now pulled her into a kiss.
At the house
Pulling out of another set of sweet kisses, Elijah brushed his fingers gently over Y/N’s  face gazing into her eyes he said-
"I want this - you -me and you- I will tell Camille tonight that I am breaking that sham of engagement.”
His words now brought Y/N back to the harsh reality and moving a little out of his embrace she said- "Oh, I - she will be so hurt - I never wanted to hurt anyone - “
"Yes, I know"- Elijah sighed-"But I cannot continue lying to myself or her. And the engagement- it was a way to speed up the custody case. It was wrong to do it that way- but I was at the end of my tether with the case, and- please don't think less of me- I know it appears like I was using Camille, but she is a good woman and I just- we would give Marcel Jr a good home. I care about her. But I love you. I will have to find another way to win the custody case."
"We will find another way"- Y/N said kissing him now, and then jumped up as she thought she heard a car pull up in the drive way- placing a little quick peck on his lips- "I am gonna shower"- and picking up her clothes ran out of the Salon. Elijah quickly got dressed and as he went to the front door opening it - there was Mary, all flustered-
"What's happened?"
"Andrea came by the house. And- well- Jackson just drove off. What shall I tell you."- Mary replied getting into the house.
"The party crushed!"- Elijah stated following her in.
"I had a feeling something like that would happen. I never thought it would hit him so hard seeing her again."
"He never stopped loving her- and if things didn't happen the way they did with Hayley- they would have been married."- Elijah said.
"Yes, they would have"- Mary took a deep breath and shook her head-"I need to - start the Jambalaya"- she went to the kitchen.
Whenever Mary was upset she would find consolation in cooking. Elijah let her be and as Y/N now appeared downstairs again, he briefly told her what went off and then went to shower and change, but not without first placing a sweet peck on her lips.
Y/N looked at him as he walked off. A big smiled spread over her face and her heart pumped with happiness.
Not long after, Bonnie and Damon returned from their walk, and Y/N directed them to the back porch saying-
"I'll get us some iced-tea. I need to see Mary for a second."
Bonnie gave her friend a look with question marks in her eyes, as she saw her friend positively glowing. Y/N gestured with her mouth- later. And Bonnie understood there were developments of some kind. 
In the kitchen, Y/N asked Mary if she was all right. 
"I am, thank you."- Mary replied and helpful as she was she now went to assist Y/N with the glasses and some fruit to take to her friends. It was hard to persuade Mary that she can prepare the fruit herself, and she let her. 
"I am going to arrange the table outside, on the porch, is it ok?"
"Of course, it is. Whatever you wish. I will lay the table in a minute as the Jambalya is on."- Mary said.
"I will lay the table. It is really not a problem at all. I am not a princess."- Y/N said.
Mary nodded  in ok. 
"And you will sit with us tonight, please."- Y/N said dearly to the housekeeper, who was not accustomed to sit with any of the members of the family. 
"Thank you, but I don't think it is appropriate."
"Oh, I think it is very appropriate. And I am not taking a no for an answer. Look at it this way, new mistress in the house, new rules. I think Ms Dahlia and Ms Esther would approve."- Y/N joked a little. 
"As you say Miss Y/N"- Mary now accepted the joke. 
Y/N smiled a little at the housekeeper and took the tray with the refreshments to her friends. 
Elijah now came down to the porch greeting them and asked how their walk was. As Damon and Bonnie explained how far the got, Y/N and Elijah exchanged secretive happy looks with one another also taking part in the conversation. But Y/N excused herself as she now went to get the table ready for the supper. As happy as she was for, she also felt a knot forming in her stomach thinking about Camille and the way this will affect Marcel Jr as well. 
Bonnie now followed her friend wanting to know what was going on as she didn't miss Y/N and Elijah exchanging dreamy looks. 
"I can't tell you now"- Y/N whispered to her friend as they walked to the kitchen.
"Tell me - did you kiss?"- Bonnie replied in the same whispering tone.
"More"- Y/N said now her eyes twinkling what more was.
"When we- how- I mean- and-"
"Later"- Y/N said in he same hushed tone.  Bonnie was like all right and the women proceeded to the kitchen. 
In the mean time, Klaus got back with Hope and the supper was ready and so all of them sat down together. At the end of the supper, Y/N stood up for a moment taking her glass of wine-
"Ok, I am not going to do any speeches. But, now that my closest friends are here, and you, Elijah, Klaus, Hope and Mary - my - new friends- family, sort of, I want to say something. I've been here like, two and a half months now, I think, and this time has been really amazing in a lot of ways. You made me so welcome here and this place really feels like home, like I've always been here. When I received the letter, I thought it was a mistake, but it turned out to be the best thing that has ever happened to me. And just so you- ok- I am not going to cry- but - Bonnie and Damon, please don't think that I will ever forget you two- especially you, Bonnie, because you have been with me through thick and thin and you are always welcome here, and New Orleans. Thank you all- thanks so much!"
Everyone present cheered and clinked their glasses together. Mary now stood up asking if anyone wanted her heavenly banana pudding. Everyone present was up for it, especially Hope. It was her favourite. 
Elijah excused himself for a moment and went looking for his phone. Seeing it was nearly ten o'clock he wanted to know if Camille would be coming that evening or not. He needed to speak to her as soon as possible. Finding his phone in the study, he dialed her number, and the person replying on the other side was not hers-
"Who is this?"- Elijah said.
"Aiden Legrand, EMS. You are?
”Right. Where is Camille? Is she hurt? I am - her fiance"- Elijah said feeling someone had punched him in the stomach as he heard she was with the paramedics."
"She has been in a crash on Highway 22. We are taking her to New Orleans St. Louis Hospital. We have stabilized her. That is all I can tell you at the moment."- Aiden replied. 
Elijah now hung up and went to the porch where everyone was sitting. Seeing him all pale and serious, Y/N stood up asking what had happened.
"Camille was in a car crash. They are taking her to New Orleans- I have to go."- he replied, turning away from them and now walked back into the house. Upon the news, Klaus got up and went after his brother and Y/N followed him in. They both wanted to know what had happened exactly, and Elijah told him in a very zombie like mode that there was a crash on the Highway and that he will see them later. 
"You can't drive. You had a couple of glasses of wine. I'll drive."- Klaus said taking the keys off of his brother. Y/N stood on the front porch, feeling like she walked in a twilight zone moment. Elijah glanced at her before he got in the passenger's seat. She stood there watching into the dusk as they drove off, her head going blank.
Bonnie and Damon now came up to their friend asking questions, and she answered them briefly. As she walked back into the house with them, she suddenly felt like she entered the darkest of nightmares. 
That night she could not sleep at all. She tried to get some information, but Elijah was not answering. She called Klaus then and he said that Camille was operated on, but that she was still critical. Bonnie, who was with her friend just gave her friend a hug. Whatever she said could not take Y/N anxiety away.  Waiting for the news about Camille's condition, Y/N told her friend what had happened between her and Elijah earlier that afternoon.
"I felt what it was like when you walk through the clouds. It was amazing. I never thought that I can get to be so happy. And- now I feel like I am selfish, that I just thought about myself- and now- I feel so shitty- I - huh. I need to go back into town."
"Ok. I'm gonna get Damon."- Bonnie said. 
Mary, who didn't sleep much either that night saw them off. 
"Call me when you find out something more, please."- Mary said before they got into the car. 
"I definitely will."- Y/N said. 
Y/N went to the hospital, together with her friends. Klaus met them and had nothing good to report. 
"Nothing changed. She is still critical."- he said.
"Elijah?"- Y/N asked.
"He has gone to talk to the surgeon. I will tell him that you came. You don't have to stay. I am also going home to get some change of clothes for him."
Y/N wanted so much to be there for Elijah, but somehow she felt that maybe it was not an appropriate moment. And so decided to go back to the house. 
And the hours waiting for any good news were like walking through Hell. Bonnie and Damon extended their stay, not wanting to leave their friend.
Sometime the next day, late in the afternoon, as Bonnie and Damon went out, Elijah got home. As he walked in, Y/N, who was in the kitchen, now met him in the hallway. 
After exchanging a small hey, they went into a hug. The way he held her so close to him, she knew that things were not good. He then moved out of the hug and they walked into the living room.
"How is - please tell me- how is Camille?"
"She is - in a coma now- and- everything - they said that she might not walk again"
"Oh, Elijah- I am sorry. I just- "- Y/N now felt his pain and tears welled up in her eyes and not long after tears were streaming down her face. 
"I just- I can't think- I can't- everything is- huh-"- he didn't have to say anything, Y/N understood his position and the way things stood for them. 
He looked at her broken, tearful and Y/N now voiced what he couldn't-
"I understand."- it meant that they had to give up on each other. She knew that Elijah would never leave a woman, who might stay an invalid all her life.
Elijah looked at her and then swayed the look away, feeling his heart would explode.
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