#what kind of person disrespects library staff when asked to leave
isfjmel-phleg · 7 months
For goodness knows what reason, there has been an unusually high number of what my boss calls altercations here in the library, so I am getting trained on what to do because I'm not very authoritative and look like a student and am not good with confrontations. Can't be like that. Got to strike--well, maybe not terror into the hearts of students, but definitely let them know we mean business. I've been given a script. Been told to use my "librarian voice." (I'm not sure what that is. Maybe my actual voice but a few octaves deeper and a lot firmer.)
Yikes. Daunting. What I'd like to know now is why all this is happening all of a sudden. Not really something I can ask my boss. But what on earth, student body.
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shiny-jr · 2 years
any thoughts on adult! mc/reader winding up in twst? like, they obviously can’t be enrolled as a student, but the oh-so-kind bird brain can’t just kick you out when you’re in a whole new world; so why not become a janitor??
(i’ll state right here that this whole thing was written for platonic trein (mentioned once) and romantic crewel and crowley, sam can be interpreted as whichever)
it’s not the most loveliest of jobs, but it’s either that or the streets so you take it. some of the students are mean, purposely creating a mess for you to clean up or just mocking you for the predicament you’re in. but you’re an adult, literally fuck these kids so you’re going in on them, scolding them real good to the point that they’re scared to leave behind a crumb of their food
crewel is most impressed by this and even gives you permission to have the ability to lower their grade in his class if they continue to disrespect you. the nerve of those pups…
on occasion you run into the kids that are struggling with school work, work that you’re sometimes able to help out with. other times, it’s something to do with magic so you send them off with advice on where to look for answers. you remember some books related to that specific topic in the library, you had to clean the shelves up. the ghosts at ramshackle are willing to help tutor students if needed, they love to reminisce about the past!
either way, the student is usually leaving feeling much more confident in their assignment and thanks you for the help, even saying you should’ve been a teacher instead. and oh? looks like crowley has caught wind of their praises… perhaps it’s time for a promotion?
it’s with the promotion that the real shit starts; the relationships you’ve built with the staff as a janitor continues to grow with how often they get to see you thanks to meetings and stuff now
crewel is much more inviting towards you, inviting you to join him for lunch and even asks you to have dinner with him. i feel like he’d be quick to quiet down any students that try to talk ill of you in his classroom. during long holiday breaks when everyone can be sent home, he offers you to join him at his place, saying that anywhere is better than that run-down place you’re residing in
he’s honestly not the most subtle about wanting to keep you behind, he tends to say things that make it sound as though the two of you are already living together
if he owns a dog he’s using them to guilt trip you lmao (“poor old spots misses you so much, he asks about you a lot 🥺”)
crowley… he has too much power in this spot. he’s the only person that’s attempting to find a way to send you back home, but he could easily just decide to not do it and force you to stay behind. partly because of how much you’re helping everyone, but also cause he’s got a crush. keeps trying to hype the idea up, saying you have a job already and an amazing home! oh? ramshackle isn’t the most ideal place for you? then go and live with him! he’s more than welcome to have you room with him
crow man would so be the type to say he can give you better things (like a better house, for example) but you gotta repay him by promising to stay behind forever and to be his s/o
ik you mentioned in your platonic! yan! staff post that trein had two fully grown sons so if you wanted to include him then he’s trying so hard to set you up with one of them
sam would have so much potential in this, too. i’m not sure what his friends from the other side can do, but i have a feeling that they may be able to keep you behind as well—hell, remember when they dragged that villain away in the ending to the princess and the frog? the moment you step through that mirror and into your world, those shadows are gonna follow you and bring you right back
also, slight biased here, but he was your bestie as a janitor. probably gave you the best deals on cleaning products and food
oh damn i went on for much longer than i meant to—so sorry about that! 😭 i’m also not sure if this ask crossed any boundaries that you had; if so, then you are more than welcome to ignore or whatever you wanna do
Ah, so here's the thing. If you check under #probably important tags under my profile, you'll see a few posts and one of which states explicitly that whenever I write the twst cast, it's not their canon ages. Stated here. I know most people don't see that, and that's fine, just thought I'd clear that up again. Other than that, not sure how else to reply since it seems like you were just spewing ideas. Which were decent ideas, by the way. Sorry, not sure what else to say since I kinda got overwhelmed by the huge wall of text. But it's also kinda impressive that you managed to send that much in! Sorry, I wish I could respond in another more interesting way, but I'm kind of at a loss here.
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luthien-t · 4 years
Resurfaced Memories. Chapter Six.
Loki x Female Reader
Story Masterlist
chapter summary: With Loki busy in asgard, you were busy down here in midgard. 
warning: a bit of angst here and a bit of sadness here.
A/N: Hello! Hello! Now that my classes are back, I’m trying my best to spend all of my free time on this but its getting hard since my professors are forcing work from now oops, anyways, I really hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. (ps taglists are open)
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“He’s not coming.” You say to Linda after checking the time for the hundredth time today. It is currently five in the afternoon, you are three hours away from closing and disappointment was starting to wash all over you, you started to wonder if you had said something to be in this situation or that maybe Loki realised that you’re not who he hoped you were.
“We’re still open, y/n. Don’t worry, if anything I’m sure he’ll be here next Thursday with Thor.” She told you with a soft smile on her lips and you chuckle gently. After everything she has been through, she still chose to be optimistic. You on the other hand, simply gave up on this, the only reason why he even approached you was because he thought he knew you, yesterdays date was enough to confirm that you’re not who he wanted you to be. 
It’s not like you were head over heels for him, but an interest towards him developed after yesterday. After all of the previous short relationships you’ve been in, Loki was the first to capture you with his words and charm, the ones before him were just for your subtle entertainment since it was obvious to you that they will be leaving this world long before you. You shouldn’t be feeling this disappointed about him not passing by today, I mean that was what you agreed on with Loki, right? One chance, and he got it. Then why were you yearning for more time with him? You said it yourself, that you were only doing this for Linda, because she insisted, why won’t this feeling go away? All you had to do now was wait for Thursday and hope for the best.
But Thursday came, and another, and another, and another. Neither Loki or Thor showed up. Even Linda started to grow disappointed, she stopped preparing Thors usual bouquet and you started to simply forget the interaction you had with the dark haired god. Two months passed and everything was simple again, you’ve been too busy with renovating the shop to think about him. Linda gave you the blue-print and the new designs she needed for the renovation. You and Linda both agreed on closing the shop for a month to do everything freely without a close deadline. Everything was hectic yet back to normal, you didn’t forget Loki but you simply learnt to get over it, eventually life goes on and you had bigger things to worry about.
The shop is now a completely different style. Linda felt the need to make it a coffee/flower shop. “This way we will have double the costumers! They already come for the tea and chill around, might as well make it more cozy!” She told you, she asked how you would feel about being the barista, which you didn’t mind but you still didn’t want to let go of being a florist, so you both agreed on having shifts and maybe one day you will expand the number of workers here. 
As the days passed by quickly, the deadline for reopening the shop was over. You were more than ready to start working again and care for your flowers without things getting in the way. You wore your favourite sundress, it hugged your body perfectly and flowed gently around your thighs and down to your knees, it had a soft gold hue to it with small green leaves prints scattered all over the dress. Grabbing the new apron Linda assigned to you, you then started walking towards the shop, ready for the first day of working again. 
Loki however, spent his days stranded in Asgard. The past months to him was pure agony. He was either reading in his mothers garden or in the library, and if he wasn’t in these two places, he would be in his chambers. Odin expected this kind of reaction but he was shocked when Loki started avoiding the councils meetings or the festive occasions that occurred recently, it has always been a place where Loki would be there, either for entertainment reasons or just to bump shoulders with the bigger names in the realms. It was as if Sigyn has left him all over again. But unbeknownst to Odin, Loki has spent his time trying to find the safest and stealthiest way to leave this realm. 
The plan to leave the realm for a Midgard visit only started a few weeks ago when Loki was playing the argument between him and Odin in front of him. He was analysing every word Odin said, trying to find a loop hole that he can abuse without being banished from Asgard for disobeying the Allfather. 
“Which is why I’m stopping it, the trips, the courting with that mortal Thor has and the all-mighty heroes”  Loki watched the illusions in front of him. Reading into the emotions and body language everyone possessed in the room that day. “What am I missing?” He mumbled to himself, he was sitting down on his bed, his fingers picking at the skin on his lips. 
“I have made up my mind, son. As king I am ordering you to not step foot out of Asgard unless ordered.” Loki paused the scene ahead of him and stood up, walking towards the illusions of Odin and smirked. 
“There it is” He whispered to himself, his smirk grew with confidence as the mischief in him grew. He then stalked his way back to the bed, sitting on the edge and repeated the scene again. 
“I have made up my mind, son. As king I am ordering you to not step foot out of Asgard unless ordered.”
And then again.
“I have made up my mind, son. As king I am ordering you to not step foot out of Asgard unless ordered.” 
“Oh Odin, you fool.” He paused it again, staring at the way Odin stood with his staff pointing at his brother. “How could you make this so easy for me?” He chuckled and got up. With a flick of his wrist, the illusions started to fade and he left his chambers. He knew what he had to do now, Odin said this words to his brother, not him. A mischievous smirk was printed on his face as he took his secret tunnels under the castle. His feet guiding him to the shore under the Bifrost, he always had a secret escape that even Heimdall wouldn’t notice, but it was the way towards it that was risky. 
He pushed the small wooden boat away from the sand and into the water, paddling his way to his destination, hoping that the odds were with him this time.
The smell of coffee in the morning always had you going, Linda was busy in her corner while you started making the brew for the coffee. You just opened an hour ago yet the usual costumers were here. It was like they were waiting for their favourite spot to be open again. You smiled widely at them as they complimented the new design and took their orders. Today was going to be a busy day and you were more than excited for it. 
Hours passed and the costumer numbers were getting lesser and lesser, now that rush-hour was over and people had their morning coffee, you decided to take your break for the day, making your favourite tea and grabbing the book you’ve been dying to read ever since the renovation started. You were untying your apron when the doors ringing sound caught your attention, you printed a smile on your face then turned your body towards the door but the smile you had on your face soon dropped ate the person standing by the door, his head turning left and right before his eyes met yours. 
There he was, Loki, and he walking towards the counter, a soft smile on his face, as if hes done nothing wrong. 
“What can I get you?” You coldly said to him, your eyes glued to the machine in front of you, waiting to type his order down. “I see you’ve changed the place.” He casually said, causing your blood to boil, how could he be so normal even after ghosting you? You looked up at him and nodded, his eyes were still gentle and his aura was pulling you back to him all over again, you scolded yourself in your head for having such a silly thought. 
“Do you want to order?” You pointed your finger to the menu board on the wall behind you but his eyes were still on you. You weren’t going to be the first to avert your eyes, the stubbornness in you wouldn’t allow it.
“Can I have the tea you made last time?” He asked and this time you had no choice but to look down to type in his order. “Anything else?” You asked before turning away to boil water and prepare his order. “Are you free right now?” He asked, the words came out of his mouth too quickly for you to catch immediately, so you remained silent as you poured the tea into a mug. 
“When do you finish work today?” This time he asked slower, you turned around and sat the mug on the counter between you two. 
“Your total is 3.99” You said firmly, all you want to do during your break is relax and read your book in peace, you weren’t going to allow this man to ruin your plans. His smile dropped at your tone and he tilted his head slightly, trying to catch your eyes. 
“Y/n, I want to-“ 
“Cash or credit?” You interrupted him, his breath hitched lightly before pulling out money from his pockets and setting it next to the mug. This sudden coldness from you wasn’t new to him, but last time Thor helped him get to you, right now he is clueless with how to break the ice between you two again.
He was confused with himself, why is he trying so hard for you? You’re not Sigyn but yet you had him wrapped around your finger without doing anything. He wanted to leave, his pride was begging him to leave and never come back to the woman who just disrespected his request so easily, but his emotions were keeping his feet locked in place, with no will to move. His throat was going dry as he watched you print his receipt before walking away from the cash register and to the back, his eyes following you until you were out of sight, this time he sighs and grab his mug, walking towards an empty table. Whatever this is, he was determined to talk to you, he has to explain himself to you, this was his one chance.
Taglist: @jessiejunebug​ , @hellethil​ ,
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imagethat · 5 years
Special Day | V x Reader
More V comfort writing~
The sun was rising and gracing the earth with its soft hues. V slept soundly besides you with an arm rested around your waist. You felt Shadow shift at the front of the bed, always acting as an alarm clock. She stretched out her legs before trying to wiggle between you and V. "Not today." You mumbled softly, the amount of blankets you had piled on just too warm for you to want to leave. She seemed to acknowledge your comment and moved back to her usual spot. She'll bother you again in ten minutes. You felt V stir besides you, pushing himself up onto his elbows. "Good morning." He said while reaching a hand over to play with your hair. His voice was deeper in the morning and his hair was messy. Sometimes he'd sleep with his hair in a bun or ponytail to avoid that but not today. He scooted in closer before tucking the blankets back under you both, letting you rest your head on his chest. Your boyfriend was such a calming presence and you adored mornings like these, even if they didn't happen every day. He at the very least tried to have one day like this every week. V pressed a soft kiss onto your head before closing his eyes, reciting only the most lovely of poetry for you. When he had free time, he'd read through sappy romantic poetry just to choose the perfect ones for these mornings. Griffon, despite hating the sappy love stuff, remained silent from his perch on your bed stand. Even the disrespectful little bird cared for you. He'd never tell you though. Shadow let you sleep in longer than usual before finally bothering you two again. You groaned, as if begging for more time. V chuckled before brushing some of your hair behind your ear, giving your cheek a soft kiss. "I'll go make breakfast." He said before getting up, being careful not to let too much cold air under the blanket. You pouted at him as he left. Shadow slowly moved into his place and you scratched behind her ears. When you knew your time was up, she licked your face causing you to giggle and mutter gross. Her weight is undeniable as she nudges you towards the edge of the bed. One time, when you didn't know what she was doing, she had pushed you off the bed Lion King style. You took this warning though and finally got up. You could smell the food before you had even opened the door. Your stomach let out a quiet growl as you made your way to sit at the counter. V looked so beautiful in the morning light, you couldn't help but stare. Griffon and Shadow came out of the bedroom and waited expectantly besides you. "Demon birds can't have waffles." You teased and he hissed back at you. "Well don't tell him." Griffon replied. "Are you to infer that I don't know what my own pet can and can't eat?" V mused. "No no, you've been a lovely… blegh… owner… blegh." Griffon hacked out, hating to refer to V as an owner. V just pointed the end of the spatual at him, mouthing no waffles, before returning his attention to what he was cooking. Griffon slowly scooted towards you and leaned in. "So like you gonna give me some of the goods or what?" He whispered and you placed your head on your hand. Pretending to think about it. "I'm a cool electricity bird that has been your friend forever. You wouldn't leave a friend hanging would you???" He asked and you pretended to think harder about it. "Ima starve." He added dramatically, pretending to be weak. V moved Griffon back from you gently and placed your plate down in front of you. "Thanks." You said. V leaned across the counter and gave you a quick kiss before dishing himself some food. Shadow licked your leg and while V was distracted you handed her down a piece of bacon. "What! Hey!" Griffon demanded, making a big fuss about it. You gave him a little bit of hash browns while V took his seat next to you. After breakfast the two of you got ready and headed out. The first stop was a library, V's personally choice. You waved to the two women behind the counter when you entered and followed V to the poetry section. His eyes scanned across the many book bindings, searching for something specifically but you couldn't tell what. After he found it and you chose a book the two of you checked out and left. You could feel yourself getting excited with each step. Next stop, your favorite cafe. Even the streets on your walk were familiar from all the times you had gone there. Looking in through the all glass windows, there was only a few people. Which is how you liked it. You stopped by either before or after rush hours so you could relax without the huge crowds of people this Cafe drew in with its pleasant atmosphere, good food, and even better staff. "Welcome in!" One of the staff members called out. "You can just take a seat." She added while disappearing into the back to get your orders ready. V and you took a seat by the window and he handed you his notebook. It was one only you were allowed to read, filled with his personal writing. You read through his new works and squeaked in surprise as a girl loudly sat down in the chair next to you. She had a punk haircut only she could pull off and a fiery attitude to match it. "We finally got the printouts for this months events~" She sang, trying to get you interested. Her name was 'Nebula' in the cafe, but only she called herself that. Most called her Nel for short. "And what might we have to do to obtain such a thing?" V mused, playing along with whatever game she clearly had in mind. "Okay!" She said excitedly. "I'm going to think of a number between one and ten! Guess the number." She said and you pondered your answer for a moment. "Negative 1." You said and she pouted. "N-no fair! You have mind powers or something." She whined and you just made a hand motion. She coughed up the paper and pouted before pointing at the paper. Already having gained back her fiery spirit. "There is a poetry reading happening on the 13th! You should come! Oh oh oh! And a jug band is playing on the 19th!" She exclaimed. "A…. Jug band?" You asked, whatever that was you had never heard of it. She nodded enthusiastically. "Just come! Oh! And on the 15th a famous witch is coming to read free fortunes!!!" She said, clearly excited for that event. You had to wonder if she'd ever figure out the man beside her was a part demon or that you were a witch. "I'll make room for that one." You admitted and she squealed happily. The girl who was at the counter originally brought out your standard orders and gave Nel a teasing smirk. "It's not break right now you know." She said and Nel scratched her cheek. "W-well I'm just letting these customers know about our upcoming events." She replied meekly. The girl who greeted you when you came in is Delvin, the manager. She's kind but not without a backbone. You clasped your hands together and pouted up at her. Delvin sighed and gave Nel a quick flick on the forehead. A warning. Before returning to her work. Everyone at this cafe is like a big family and it melts your heart. Nel quickly returned to explaining the upcoming events. V took interest in a few and made a mental note of the ones you seemed excited for. Shortly after Nel was forced to go back to work by Gavin, one of the other workers. He was newer, and a bit shy but still fun to talk to. After you and V finished your drinks, you decided to go to a park together since you still had plenty of time left in the day. The trees here were still recovering from the relentless attack the Quipoth had done. It made you sad to see the earth so disrupted. You bit your lip nervously and V could already tell what you were thinking. "It's you day off, best not use too much energy." He commented. Your mind was already made up though. "Make sure nobody sees me." You quickly said before dashing off deeper into the park. He signed with a smile and watched you leave. This wouldn't be too strenuous. Once you were in the middle of the park you breathed in deeply then crouched down. Drawing a circle with your hands your recited the healing invocation you had learned so long ago. You channeled all of your thoughts into the earth through your fingers. Your body felt warm for a moment and you could feel your essence connect wholly with the earth as it accepted your gift. When you opened your eyes the trees, plants, and even grass looked much better. But admittedly, you felt a bit tired. It was worth it though. You got up carefully and made your way back to V who was leaned against a tree reading. He closed his book and stowed it away when he noticed you coming towards him. He checked you over before placing his hands softly on your cheeks, rubbing small circles with his thumbs. "Are you alright?" He asked worriedly. Your eyes had shifted down a shade in hue, which was normal when you used your magic. "I'm fine." You assured while placing your hands on top of his. He nodded softly, still worried, and placed a kiss on your forehead. "Would you like to go home?" He asked and you nodded softly. "Only if we can spend the rest of the day being lazy." You replied, which he chuckled at. "As you wish." He mused happily. The rest of the day was spent wrapped up in a blanket on the couch, V reading poetry to you. Shadow laid on your legs and Griffon sat on the coffee table with a pillow underneath him and a blanket wrapped around him. You soaked up every moment of this peaceful day.
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miss-rori · 6 years
Attempted Assassination Chap 1
Warnings: none
So this WAS supposed to be a one shot, but I got carried away. This is now a series, so enjoy! 
The one short was for @tastypowermove
Also, a quick little heads up that Rossa is my own character, and I hope you like her because she’s not going away lol
You had finally done it! After a terrifying risk to get there, you found yourself stepping on new ground. The Surface. Your hands coiled around the straps to your backpack in excitement. The sack held everything that you deemed necessary for survival. You began to stroll with a pep in your step, a new conviction filling your being.
The corners of your vision started to dissipate until the blackness took over completely.
You weren’t sure how long you were unconscious for, but you came to in what felt like seconds. A splitting headache threatened your skull when you opened your eyes. Why was it so bright? Details of your surroundings made themselves known as your sight adjusted.
“You idiot!”
Your ears caught a male voice outside the door immediately. Heart picking up speed, you frantically looked for an escape route. Whoever was continuing to scold someone behind that door didn’t sound friendly, and you weren’t staying around to find out.
A window. It was large and you could easily fit your body through it. You scrambled to your feet, running to the glass savior. You unhatched it with ease. The breeze hit you heavenly, but this was not a ‘smell the roses’ occasion. With a leg out the window, you gazed down. That was a long drop, would you even survive if you fell?
The door to the room opened and was quickly slammed shut. Your eyes snapped to the source of the noise. You looked like a child that just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. There stood a pale man with white hair and matching scandalous clothing. He was no Hylian, that much was clear.
“And what do you think you're doing,” he remarked and marched to you. His ice-cold fingers wrapped around your arm and yanked you back inside. “This is unacceptable behavior, and I will not condone it.”
Your brows furrowed. “And what makes you think I care what you ‘condone’? Who even are you?” Maybe your tongue was a bit more sharp than usual, but that was only a side effect of your anxiety and confusion.
A growl was sent your way, causing you to contract from the sound to the best of your ability. His grip tightened on you. “How dare you disrespect a Lord in his own castle? You are downright insufferable,” he spat like venom. You wouldn’t admit it, but those words stung a bit. A moment of silence went by when you hadn’t answered.
“Dinner is in five minutes. Be late and you shall receive nothing.” He left quicker than he came, disappearing behind a cluster of diamonds.
Great. Now you were in an unknown castle with a hostile Lord, not knowing how to get your time-sensitive destination. What a prick. If it wasn’t for the churning of your stomach feasting upon itself, you wouldn’t have bothered staying in the castle at all. You took a few calming breaths before exited the room.
A long, intricate hallway laid out in front of you. Hopefully, you could just follow it and find the dining area.
After a while of speed walking, you came across a woman that pointed you in the direction. You would’ve assumed she was a servant, but she was dressed too nicely for that. She could be a friend or lover of that guy.
You did end up finding the dining room in no time, turns out you were heading the right way the whole time. The Lord turned to look at you with a glint of amusement in his dark eyes.
“Just on time. I’m shocked.” His tone was a bit mocking, but you tried your best to push that aside. “I was sure I’d have to dine in front of you.”
You offered him no words in response, only a scoff. He motioned a hand to the chair in front of him as if beckoning you to sit at the table with him, which you did. There was a huge elephant in the room, and you wished to address it. There had to be a reason you were here, but he hadn’t offered you one.
“Why am I here?” There no use in sugarcoating it. As you spoke, a delicious meal was placed in front of you by a servant woman. You nodded your gratitude to her, and she seemed surprised. Her doe eyes widened a bit as she scurried off. Did he never show respect for his staff?
A grin started to tug at his lips as if he were pleased that you asked. Should that make you as uneasy as it did? “A sharp one you are,” he responded and paused, most likely for dramatic effect. Wait, did he just compliment you? He continued before you could contemplate further.
“You are here by mistake. My guards believed you to be an enemy and knocked you out. They brought you here to me. Do not fear, for I am a merciful Lord and will compensate for their foolish error.”
That explained why you blacked out and woke up here, plus him yelling at someone outside the door before he presented himself.
You nodded slowly. “Alright. What did you have in mind?” You hoped it was something you could actually work with.
“That depends. I know your kind,” he said almost threateningly as he leaned forward, ”why aren’t you in the sky?” His stare was agonizingly sharp.
You raised an eyebrow and pressed harder against the back of your chair. What did he have against your kind? “Exploration, really.” Your voice was small, but it wasn’t a lie. After a drawn-out silence, he deemed it as the truth as well.
His calculating eyes didn’t calm down, but his aggressive stance had. “You may rest here for a couple of months. That should be enough time to stick your nose around the Surface, but you must see yourself back home after. If you feel the need to go against my request, I could surely lead you to a hole in the graveyard instead.”
Was he trying to make up for your accidental kidnap or get rid of you in any sense? Maybe a bit of both. There had to be something he was keeping from you that would result in this defensive behavior. He doesn't want you down here, and you were going to find out why.
For the time being, you would lay low, but once you got the castle figured out you would stealthy learn what you need to about him. Perhaps you should leave the matter alone, but you had an aching feeling. You had to know. Good thing you would be here for a while.
The rest of dinner went by silently, and once you were done eating you were taken to the same room you woke up in.
You noticed that there was a neat and expensive nightgown waiting for you on the bed. At least the staff was thoughtful enough to bring you a change of clothes. When you changed into it, you had to admire the way the fabric caressed you. As much as you would love to let loose and stay lost in the luxury of this, you couldn’t waste the night away. There was work to do.
Tonight would mark the first night of your investigation. A black cloak was hung on a hook by the bedroom door. You slipped it over the white gown, knowing it would do a better job of concealing you into the darkness. Even if there would be less staff out during the night (you assumed), it was better to be safe than sorry. If you were caught snooping, who knew what sort of punishment would await? He already threatened your life once over dinner.
Your hand grabbed the doorknob and rested there without movement. A moment to catch your breath and calm your racing heart was in order. What you were doing was risking, and your body knew that. Once you shaky exhaled you twisted the knob slowly and opened the door with only the tiniest of creaks. It wasn’t enough to truly be worried over, but you were still on edge about it.
Looking both ways down the hall, you could confirm that there was no one nearby to catch wind of your plan. If you were lucky they would all be hidden away to rest for the night. You stepped out of your room and closed the door behind you carefully.
Then began the journey. You had no clue where you were going, but you were going somewhere. There would be plenty of time to distinguish different rooms and search them. Maybe then you'd find even a piece of evidence left behind of the man’s identity.
Perhaps an hour or two had gone by before you were actually getting somewhere. There were many useless rooms that could serve the purpose of guest bedrooms, restrooms, or storage rooms. After so much time in your personal mission, you were getting confident in your stealth. Not a single employee had come to check out noises you were responsible for.
You came across a door that was just like any other, telling yourself that this one would be the last one for tonight. There was only so much time in the night, and you were sure that you couldn't discover the whole castle before morning while also managing to sleep. You entered the room to find a library-like study. Now, this was something you could work with.
The dark room felt eerie, your stomach twisting itself. There was many books on many shelves that looks to be ancient, a desk, and boxes with the purpose of organized storage. You were convinced that if you wandered into the paths between the tall shelves you would be found in a maze for weeks. What intrigued you the most though was the desk. There was a burnt out candle that looked very used like someone spent a lot of time there and documents on top of the surface.
Jackpot! It all clicked at that moment, and your whole body straightened itself out in delight. What better way to collect the information you were looking for than writing? There had to be some indication of what type of person you were dealing with- or better yet, a name. You would accept any time of lead at this point, this was getting tedious.
The slight echoes of your footsteps on the hard floor were filled with determination. You stopped right in front of the desk and picked up part of the stack of papers there. Reading through these would be no easy task, but you would manage. Most of it was about spells, which was odd. So he uses some sort of magic and could potentially be very dangerous. You'd be sure not to cross him.
Spells. Spells. Spells. There was so many of them, and you swore that if you had to shuffle through any more you would call it quits.
Your hands froze at the next paper. It was a good thing you didn't give up just yet. This seemed to be some sort of diary entry? It was boring in short, but you found exactly what you needed at the bottom.
There is was. A name. But what was it about this name that made you question everything about the situation? You've heard it before. Up in Skyloft, there were legends of different people or events from the Surface. Of course, the Surface wasn't a truly confirmed thing, but that didn't stop people from talking. The most popular of all of them was of an evil being. The Demon Lord Ghirahim. Now it made so much sense. The attitude, title, witchcraft, stubborn behavior regarding your presence… You had to do something about this. This man was no good according to legends. If there was anything you could do to get rid of him, you would see it through.
Your thoughts were cut short by the sound of mutters outside the door of the study. A shot of adrenaline rushed through you. Someone was coming, you had to hide. You hastily put down the journal entry and rushed behind one of the bookshelves. Why was anyone awake this late? As if hoping to find a clue you scanned the area. A window was visible from your hidden position. It was slowly lighting up outside. Was it already almost morning? You thought it was only past the middle of the night. Either way, you found yourself in a mess. The door was opened and closed, the chatter making itself intelligible. You were not the only person in the room.
“I don’t understand it, Rossa,” one of the women began. You would assume this was a servant of some kind.
A familiar voice answered, “he’s a man of many mysteries. No one has really had a glimpse of what it’s like inside his mind.” That was the woman that pointed you in the direction of the kitchen the night before, the one that was dressed very nicely! Did she live here?
The woman scoffed at who you could now identify as Rossa. “You know very well it’s not like him to show kindness to strangers, let alone let them stay here. Without supervision too! She’s a sky child, there is every reason to assume trouble.” Great. They were talking about you, and this other woman didn’t seem to like you very much.
“Perhaps he knows something we do not. Though he may seem rash at times, he does not act without his own reasons. Do keep in mind that he is also your master. Any disrespect is punishable.” It also sounded like a warning as if Rossa could tell Ghirahim what was said for negative results. “Just get what he needs when he wakes.”
Shuffling was heard around the area of the boxes, which happened to be just on the other side of the shelf. Maybe you would be safe. But if these two were awake, who else was? Rossa’s words suggested that Ghirahim wasn’t awake yet, but that didn’t mind other servants weren’t. Would you manage to get back to your room undetected?
Without any more talking, you heard the women leave with whatever they came to retrieve. You waited a few minutes or so after the door was shut before coming out. This experience was a real eye-opener that you were getting too comfortable while snooping. By letting your guard down. you risked getting caught. On your first night too, you were you so foolish!
After gathering your bearings, you slipped out of the room. There was no telling who was up and about so you ran the entire way to your room in fear of having another encounter. You quickly went into your room and shakily closed the door. Your heart was racing and your body felt hot. The risk of that was almost too much to handle, but now that didn’t matter. You had gotten away with your charade, and it was time to at least get a little bit of sleep.
You lazily stripped yourself of the cloak and hung it back on the hook. The cold air nipped at your exposed flesh as you wore nothing but the nightgown. What a lovely sensation after feeling so heated because of adrenaline. A sigh escaped your lips because of it. Trudging footsteps carried you to your new bed, and you didn’t waste any time slipping under the covers. The sheets were so silky and surrounded you like a cloud. You could get used to this. Without a second to spare, your heavily eyelids closed themselves and sent you into a deep but dreamless sleep.
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fifielady · 4 years
The Blue Dues
Ship: USUK
Bright and deep blue. The ocean and sky are free and endless but are enclosed in those eyes. And Arthur knows all he can do is to drown in them.
(Second fic to The Wizard in the Backyard Series)
Part 1 of 3
Arthur Kirkland, wizard extraordinaire and self-certified gentleman, was not a coward. 
Many times has he faced beings and occasions worth fearing. He was also a fearsome person who had done a few questionable acts in his lifetime. He still does, sparingly.  And Arthur was sure that at least most people that met him had a semblance of the feeling 'fear' when facing him; he could prove it at any given moment.
As stated, Arthur was not the type of person to back down and retreat faster than the neighboring duke's chef, and that people like the chef usually and mostly find a way to escape him. Yet. Why did he slam his front door shut when he was taking his broom to leave for the capital? 
Er, it was more like what he saw.
He wasn't afraid of Victoria, oh no, not at all. The maid liked him as much as he liked himself, somewhere around not-at-all. And she wouldn't hesitate to raise her fist to his gentlemanly face but that was not what bothered him. What, not who thank you very much, made him turn around, lock his front door shut, and burn his face brighter than the red silk dress his mother bought from the southern empire, was the bouquet of flowers cradled in Victoria's arms.
'What was this?! A powerful wizard cowering like a priest seduced by an incubus at the sight of flowers?', you may ask? Well, this was the third bouquet now! He had already told him, by letter of course, that it was nothing to worry about and that he was completely fine with it. Yes. Completely fine... And not at all conflicted.
A lie. A god damn lie. An as big-as-his-ego-lie. Arthur had to be comforted the rest of the afternoon and then the whole night by his little friends. They were fretting for his well-being so much they almost burned his cottage down to the ground to cook dinner while Arthur himself was fretting what to do next after that--that kiss.
A bored kick on the door jolted him to awareness. "Oi, Mister Wizard, " the clicking of heels and the shuffling of the flowers could be heard from the other side of the door, "Stop being rude and accept the flowers."
The maid was right. He was being rude. Not accepting the blooms from his next-door neighbor's luxurious garden as an apology bouquet for the little and harmless misunderstanding they had three days ago is disrespectful and completely goes against the image he was working hard for. 
Besides, they really were only apology flowers anyway. That was not a good reason to be upset--much less, disappointed. 
Arthur brushed off the non-existent dust off of his cloak and gripped the doorknob. Steeling himself, Arthur slowly creaked the door open. "Seriously, don't you know that some people have a lot of things to do than you do?" Victoria reprimanded him as she carelessly throws at him the arrangement of daffodils and lilacs, "I can't believe I let you talk me into coming with you to this country!"
The wizard barely caught the gift. Arthur bristled, to the careless handling of his gift and her statement, "Wha-- You were the one begging to come along! And you can't tell me you don't find working as the head maid of the prestigious house of Sableon is better than where you worked before, Victoria." 
He was right about the events, as always. The green-eyed wizard had met Victoria and saved her from her doom when he was operating under the orders of Her Majesty to reclaim a book from a library in the "annoying little kingdom in the southwest".
Victoria crossed her arms in a begrudging agreement. She held her head high as she stood her ground, looking at him straight in the eye. Arthur frowned back at her. For a person whom he'd 'rescued', she was too prideful. Or was it because she simply disliked him so.
"Oh? Are you going on a journey or something?" She asked as her eyes observed his thick, violet wizard cloak and a gold lion pin which represented his rank. It was Arthur's uniform. And was for every other registered wizard in the kingdom, except for the pin.
"Or something, yes. The Tower needed someone who could continue to observe the last stage of this year's examination. I was told that a professor had gotten himself thrown off of one of the windows and broke his spine when he chased down a thief loitering in the palace," Arthur winced and the maid thought for a second there he was concerned about this person but Arthur continued without a beat, "So much for my retirement--err vacation." 
Victoria sighed in defeat. She had given up reforming her "friend" long ago. But perhaps another could. The maid eyed the bouquet with amusement. This scene with the Lion-ranked wizard cradling the flowers with gentleness while his face was the face of someone cursing another's existence is very silly. She was sure if he hadn't met her current employer, he'd have burned the arrangement with lightning. And have it thrown to a crater of a volcano.
She snatched the bouquet from his hands. Arthur spluttered in displeasure from having his apology gift taken away from him. Victoria tutted at him before he could complain any further. "I know you're in a hurry--"
"Damn right." She shot him a look.
"--So I'll put these in a vase," she waved the bouquet at his face, "and lock your house for you while you fly on your magic stick to the palace to babysit your magelings."
Arthur looked at her with surprise and nodded as he took his broomstick near the doorway. "Ah, thank you for the trouble Victoria."
She waved him away. "Go, it's the most I can do for you." And Arthur took off on his broomstick into the air with a nod. 
Victoria went inside the quaint cottage to find a vase to put the flowers in. It was strange. The duke was the kind of person who'd go out of his way to do most things first-hand and face-to-face. Her brow furrowed as she poured water in the vase for the flowers. There were two other arrangements set on a nearby windowsill, the ones she was ordered to give yesterday and the day before. This was the third bouquet.
The garden was least frequented by the staff of the mansion. The only ones who knew what happened there that day were only the duke and the wizard so no one knew why both abruptly refused to meet the other personally.
Victoria paused as she locked the front door. If both were avoiding the other, then it would be too late. She forgot that Alfred had gone on a carriage to the palace for business at sunrise. The same palace that the Tower Arthur was probably complaining about.
Well, their private matters don't concern her. Both were grown men, the duke and the wizard can solve their tension themselves.
"You there! Stop drinking the damned Frogswurt-- No-- Move, you fool!" Arthur's scolding reverberated across the walls of the magically-distorted room making the magelings flinch and drop apparatuses. The wizard could feel the veins throbbing on his forehead. Give him the apprentices who practice divination any day, just not these idiots who couldn't even differentiate Ivory Stone from Chalk Stone. Ugh.
And he was supposed to enjoy his three-year vacation, too! Right now, Arthur was regretting buying a cottage and not a beautiful ship to sail to a tropical islet. Alone and at peace.
The questionable sound of something sizzling snapped him back into his current nightmare. Shit, he thought as he witnessed an apprentice from the furthest row ignite his potion with Lizard Breath. Explosives weren't on the course. Students were forbidden to brew fiery potions at the palace court. 
They were all going to burn...
The wizard jumped off from his platform and sprinted. He dodged the boiling pots and students. The air surrounding them warmed. Arthur could imagine it was the heat of the sun as he lay on the white sand. But he wasn't going to get that if he doesn't flip the utterly stupid mageling's table.
His breath had become shorter and he was still eight rows away-- too little time! The apprentice, while looking at a potion book,  was haphazardly adding more and more Lizard Breath to the potion as it hissed and sparked. Arthur raised two fingers at the pot and yelled, "Suelvert!"
Silver sparks shot from his fingers and hit against the charred side of the pot. All of a sudden, the sizzling pot of potion sucked itself into a smaller angry pot. It shook and hopped as it went from large to small to little to as tiny as a ring. The transformed container spewed a line of fire and even at its size, the thin column of fire almost reached the ceiling.
The student was now aware of the actions, and lack thereof, he had caused. The poor mageling faced Arthur as pale as his maker's bosom and squeaked under the heavy green glare. No one dared to move nor utter a word as Arthur Kirkland strode his way to the young wizard. 
"You fool! You could have burnt this place and everyone else to the ground. I don't even want to know what was running in your mind during an examination that needed your absolute attention." Arthur hissed, angry and tired. He was spent. Arthur adored children but could barely do a good job watching them. The wizard took a deep breath. "Clean your table. You are going to Miss Elizabeta." 
He watched with resigned irritation (mostly frightened by the possibility of arson under his watch),  weariness, and a little bit of pity at the student he scolded. Arthur had been there; it was part of the natural paths of being a competent wizard.
The wizard turned to walk back to his pedestal to oversee the others once again. Hushed murmurs and whispers slowly replaced the silence that had overtaken the room. Everyone went back to their respective pots and tables and continued their brewing and mixing and mutterings of magic.
He shut his eyes and leaned back on the high chair. A headache was beginning to throb at the back of his head. Arthur wants to go home and relax on the chair by the window overlooking his garden with his bouquet from Alfred beside him. Smelling the sweet scent of lilacs and daffodils and enjoying the summer breeze was what he should be doing right now.
Daffodils and Lilacs... Arthur shook his head as if to shake away that line of thought. After all, if Alfred didn't know the names of most flowers, then he wouldn't know their meanings.
Arthur looked up to examine the fledgling wizards upfront only to see a troubled-looking girl staring at her cauldron. The student suddenly yelped in surprise as her pot grumbled and rumbled on the table, rolling off the glass bottles from the table to the floor. 
Their wizard guardian, dreading the rest of the day, absently flicked his wrist in a silent command 'Sedpus' and caught the falling glass from shattering. Arthur groaned, it was only the first hour out of five.
Maybe he should visit the fae living in the palace gardens. They always cheered him up. The Magic Tower was quite close to the gardens so walking would take little time... Well, at least now he had something to look forward to in the palace.
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otome--gokoro · 7 years
Hi! I just wondering... what if SLBP lords is in a modern high school? Do you think what I think? Like Nobunaga as student council president etc. Please do for the other lords to: 3 and what are they doing in school? Thank you! --from your precious anon-chan
you know, when I saw this request in my inbox, I was surprised because I thought I already filled it. Turns out that I just thought a lot about it but hadn’t written it down yet haha sorry
Modern high school AU head canon
Nobunaga is the rich kid. He likes to ask questions in class, and is openly dismissive and a little disrespectful if he doesn’t get satisfactory answers, but the teachers have no choice but to put up with it because his father is an important donor. Missed being elected to student council because the teachers begged for his disqualification (but he wasn’t really interested anyway). No one knows why he’s in a regular school instead of an expensive private one, but it’s actually because his dad likes Mitsuhide and wants them to stick together.
Mitsuhide is the student council president. Nobunaga’s best friend, much to the mystification of basically everybody else. Dream student who somehow juggles a horde of after school activities and maintains a perfect GPA. Unfailingly polite to everyone. Is the only one who can exert some sort of positive influence on Nobu. His dad is Nobu’s dad’s personal assistant.
Yukimura is the school’s star jock and mainly plays rugby. He’s very popular because of his cheeriness and friendliness to everybody. Is the kind who says hi to the cleaning staff and asks about their families. His weak point is literature.
Saizo is the one who’s always asleep at his desk. Do not disturb. Most people don’t know anything more about him than his name. For some reason, Yukimura is always hanging out with him. Somehow does really well in examinations considering that he doesn’t pay any attention in class. (see gif - Saizo on the left, Yukimura on the right)
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Masamune is the quiet kid whose worst nightmare is group work. Tries to make a quick exit whenever he sees Yukimura or Shingen coming towards him. Teachers love him because he’s cooperative, smart, and doesn’t mouth off. Only talks to a couple of people. Likes playing MOBA games. He’s that guy who says ‘good luck have fun’ before the game starts.
Kojuro is that student who always gets scolded because his homework is in terrible condition. All his worksheets are crumpled. His textbooks and exercise books are mysteriously dog-eared and battered by the second week of school. He’s the drum major of the marching band and memorises sheet music very quickly (before the scores get too damaged to read…)
Inuchiyo is a wrestler. He likes to take mirror selfies and show off his abs. Far too many students have walked in on him flexing his muscles in the bathroom mirror. Has literal dreams of eating pizzas and hamburgers, thanks to his strict diet. Good-natured but looks terrifying, so students who don’t know him personally tend to steer clear of him.
Hideyoshi is head of the debate club. Teachers love him. Students love him. Everyone loves him, even his debate opponents after he rips their arguments to shreds. Likes to photobomb Inuchiyo’s selfies and is always winking in all of them. Runs an Instagram account dedicated to unglamorous photos of Inuchiyo, in the name of improving his reputation.
Mitsunari is the head student librarian. He will kick you out if he catches you eating, drinking, running, yelling, or basically doing anything other than breathing quietly and reading. If he catches you putting books back on the shelves haphazardly, he will pull you outside and yell at you (because no yelling in the library).
Ieyasu is the one people are wary of. He’s always polite and smiling, but he also kind of looks like he hates the world. It’s just a feeling people get. He always leaves the school immediately after classes end, and doesn’t participate in any extracurricular activities.
Kenshin is the head of art club. He likes organising special events once a month, like pottery, batik, and basket-weaving classes. There doesn’t seem to be a theme to the activities, but people sign up anyway because they’re always really fun. Daydreams a lot in class, to the exasperation of the teaching staff.
Shingen is the class president. He talks to everybody as though they’re really good friends, which makes some people (Yukimura) happy and other people (Ieyasu) annoyed. Super chill but very charismatic, always willing to lend a listening ear. One of his personal missions is to have a five minute long, non-one sided conversation with Masamune.
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edarabia · 6 years
Dubai, UAE: Children shouldn't be humiliated over nonpayment of school tuition fees" - this is the message from parents, students and teachers who have experienced instances where pupils are suspended or asked to wait outside of class until their parents have paid the remaining fees. Schools are not allowed to suspend students without the Knowledge and Human Development Authority's (KHDA) approval. In Abu Dhabi, according to the Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge, "schools can suspend students after following the proper steps, or withhold transcripts if fees are not paid". But, schools cannot prevent students from taking any end of year exams. Several Dubai-based parents have spoken out on how their kids were suspended for non-payment of fees. Saba Nouman, a mother of four children, said her children were not allowed to "sit in class" because of non-payment of tuition fees. "Last year, we paid around Dh18,000, which was some percentage of the fees and to reserve seats. Before school started in September, they started sending us reminders for the remainder of the fees. We were waiting for some payments, so, my husband said we will pay the fees a week later," Nouman said. "But, when I dropped my kids off at school, I got a call two hours later and they said my kids weren't allowed to sit in class because of non-payment of fees. They asked me to pick them up. There were so many kids sitting in the library as their parents didn't pay the fees. Also, I didn't get my first term results as my second term fees weren't paid." Another parent, Samika, said her seven-year-old son was also kicked out of a different Dubai-based school for non-payment of fees. Her son was forced to sit in the library the entire day and the staff didn't inform her about the incident, according to Samika. "After that incident, I complained to the KHDA and removed my son from that school immediately," she said. A former student in Dubai, Kiran Gayathri, remembers getting "rude behaviour" from teachers due to non-payment of fees. "I was asked to stay home on several occasions due to non-payment of fees. At some point, some teachers who knew were also very rude and disrespectful. My mum couldn't afford new school uniforms, so, I wore the wrong uniform to school one day. She said in front of the entire class 'I don't care what is happening in your home or that your mum can't afford it. It's your problem," Gayathri said. Anita Singh, vice-principal at Abu Dhabi's Shining Star International School, said that children "shouldn't be humiliated under any circumstance". She said instances as such can leave an "everlasting impact" on them. "As an educationist, that should be the last thought in our minds and under no circumstance should a child be made to go through any humiliation of any kind for any reason, let alone a monetary reason," Singh said. "I do agree fees are a must to run the schools, but a few late payments will surely not hurt anyone. Schools need to think twice before taking such steps. They should realise what the social and psychological impact of such an inhumane act may have on a child's mind. Children are put under undue stress both emotionally and socially when they face the humiliation of being suspended. The suspension can lead to a child developing a low self-esteem which affects their studies. "In some extreme cases, I have heard about students who develop hatred towards their parents for putting them through this humiliation. Do we really need to promote this as educationist? Such irrational act by schools leads senior students to believe that money is the most important thing in life. The values taught to them in lower grades become a farce to them as they do not see their school heads showing those values when they need it. The younger ones are like a blob of clay, ready to be molded and engraved with what we teach them. The big question is what do we really want them to learn? The values of caring, empathy or the value of money in today's world?"
Humiliation in classrooms can scar students' minds
Students in the UAE believe humiliating them over tuition fees in front of the entire class can leave them "mentally scarred and stressed". Sinnamari P, a student in Our Own English High School, Fujairah, said students can be left feeling depressed and embarrassed once thrown out of class for nonpayment of fees. He believes the worst part for a student is when he or she has to face his peers after returning to class. "Once they are not allowed into classrooms, a lot of questions pop into their minds, for example: 'How am I going to face my friends? How am I going to cover the topics that were taught on that particular day?'. So, it is necessary for schools to allow students into classrooms despite delayed payment of tuition fees," he said. Another student, Devika Sajeesh, said that it is high time people realised that education is a right, not a privilege. "Education is said to be a student's right then why are students deprived of it? Shaming a student in front of the whole class will, without any doubt, bring their confidence level down and emotionally scar them," Sajeesh said. "An idea that they are at a lower level than the rest of the class will be implanted into their young minds. Many schools have also adopted the idea of holding the results until the fee due is paid off. When dictating the scores of the test in the whole class, holding back the results of one or two students because they haven't paid their fee is not the best way to motivate a student." Nada Fathima, a student at the New Indian Model School, Dubai, said that quality education is more important than tuition fees. She said students can miss out on important lessons if they are suspended due to monetary reasons. "I think the main motive of schools is to provide quality education and not collecting fees," she said. "Fees should not be a student's responsibility. It is the parents' or the guardian's duty to pay the fees and send the kids to school. If a student is not allowed to attend the classes it will affect their overall performance. Tuition fees have changed the way students see education. Providing good education is more important than money. Fees can be paid anytime but the classes missed and the portions taken won't be taught again."
Positive parenting can reduce impact of financial family strain
Dr Amy Bailey, Clinical Psychologist and Head of Psychology, kidsFIRST Medical Centre Research by the Children's Society in 2016 found that children and young people are not immune to the stress of financial insecurity. They can feel guilty of not being able to help their parents and may feel that they are an additional burden on their parents. This can then impact child's confidence and sense of self-worth. They can also feel socially isolated from peers. When children are within families experiencing financial stress, it is important to be supportive and mindful of the psychological impact this is having on the child and to try not to compound this further by adding additional stress to the child. The results of such incidents as described can result in the young person feeling a sense of shame or embarrassment if their peers become aware of private family matters. In young people, these feelings are often magnified as they are less able to reason through this and thus this problem can feel like the end of their world. They may also feel like they are being punished for a situation that is outside of their control thus creating feelings of helplessness which can lead to low mood and anxiety. In order to reduce the psychological stress of financial insecurity on children, it is important to ensure their sense of stability in the world around them. Parents should over emphasise to the child about how much they are loved and cared for and that no matter what happens, they will be there to support them. Positive parenting practices and good parent-child relationships can substantially reduce the psychological impact of financial family strain on children. It is important that children are reassured that they are not to blame nor are they a burden on resources. Where young people experience shame due to the family situation, it is important to ensure the young person knows that the situation is not a reflection on them. The young person should not develop negative perceptions of themselves. The young person should be reassured that though this is a crisis situation, it is one that can be worked through but might mean some changes need to be made in terms of costs and budget. As a community, one way to reduce feelings of shame associated with financial stress is to have more mixed communities where people regularly come into contact with others of different financial positions. These reduce negative stereotypes and thus the stigma of low income is removed.
What is the best way to deal with school fees delay?
While parents have a responsibility to meet their financial commitment towards a school, stopping a child from attending classes should not be allowed. An effective solution would be to start a fund utilising a small percentage of the overall collected fees for students who deserve assistance. Another option would be a monthly fee structure. Adithya Binoy Mathews, ASPAM Indian International School Students facing financial difficulties must be rendered help by encouraging student-led initiatives. They must also be provided with psychological aid to help them overcome the difficult situation. Schools must ensure better relationships with parents so as to encourage fee payment and timely cooperation. Hiba Moideen, New Indian Model School, Dubai I would feel sad if I am not allowed to attend classes and it would affect my studies. If schools barred pupils for unpaid fees, they are likely to perform poorly in class and the school will lose out on good grades. Further, this will not only affect students confidence and self-esteem but also affect their concentration and performance. Hritika Tripathi, Delhi Private School, Sharjah To overcome these growing concerns, school authorities should have a transparent system of correspondence to ensure fee dues are cleared on time. Parents too must connect with the school to address the grievance rather than showing negligence. A healthy connection between parent and school will eliminate all obstacles. Tarannum Sheikh, Primary section head, Indian Academy via https://www.edarabia.com/humiliating-students-over-fees-not-allowed-uae/
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jobs-in-dubai-uae · 6 years
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Dubai, UAE: Children shouldn't be humiliated over nonpayment of school tuition fees" - this is the message from parents, students and teachers who have experienced instances where pupils are suspended or asked to wait outside of class until their parents have paid the remaining fees. Schools are not allowed to suspend students without the Knowledge and Human Development Authority's (KHDA) approval. In Abu Dhabi, according to the Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge, "schools can suspend students after following the proper steps, or withhold transcripts if fees are not paid". But, schools cannot prevent students from taking any end of year exams. Several Dubai-based parents have spoken out on how their kids were suspended for non-payment of fees. Saba Nouman, a mother of four children, said her children were not allowed to "sit in class" because of non-payment of tuition fees. "Last year, we paid around Dh18,000, which was some percentage of the fees and to reserve seats. Before school started in September, they started sending us reminders for the remainder of the fees. We were waiting for some payments, so, my husband said we will pay the fees a week later," Nouman said. "But, when I dropped my kids off at school, I got a call two hours later and they said my kids weren't allowed to sit in class because of non-payment of fees. They asked me to pick them up. There were so many kids sitting in the library as their parents didn't pay the fees. Also, I didn't get my first term results as my second term fees weren't paid." Another parent, Samika, said her seven-year-old son was also kicked out of a different Dubai-based school for non-payment of fees. Her son was forced to sit in the library the entire day and the staff didn't inform her about the incident, according to Samika. "After that incident, I complained to the KHDA and removed my son from that school immediately," she said. A former student in Dubai, Kiran Gayathri, remembers getting "rude behaviour" from teachers due to non-payment of fees. "I was asked to stay home on several occasions due to non-payment of fees. At some point, some teachers who knew were also very rude and disrespectful. My mum couldn't afford new school uniforms, so, I wore the wrong uniform to school one day. She said in front of the entire class 'I don't care what is happening in your home or that your mum can't afford it. It's your problem," Gayathri said. Anita Singh, vice-principal at Abu Dhabi's Shining Star International School, said that children "shouldn't be humiliated under any circumstance". She said instances as such can leave an "everlasting impact" on them. "As an educationist, that should be the last thought in our minds and under no circumstance should a child be made to go through any humiliation of any kind for any reason, let alone a monetary reason," Singh said. "I do agree fees are a must to run the schools, but a few late payments will surely not hurt anyone. Schools need to think twice before taking such steps. They should realise what the social and psychological impact of such an inhumane act may have on a child's mind. Children are put under undue stress both emotionally and socially when they face the humiliation of being suspended. The suspension can lead to a child developing a low self-esteem which affects their studies. "In some extreme cases, I have heard about students who develop hatred towards their parents for putting them through this humiliation. Do we really need to promote this as educationist? Such irrational act by schools leads senior students to believe that money is the most important thing in life. The values taught to them in lower grades become a farce to them as they do not see their school heads showing those values when they need it. The younger ones are like a blob of clay, ready to be molded and engraved with what we teach them. The big question is what do we really want them to learn? The values of caring, empathy or the value of money in today's world?"
Humiliation in classrooms can scar students' minds
Students in the UAE believe humiliating them over tuition fees in front of the entire class can leave them "mentally scarred and stressed". Sinnamari P, a student in Our Own English High School, Fujairah, said students can be left feeling depressed and embarrassed once thrown out of class for nonpayment of fees. He believes the worst part for a student is when he or she has to face his peers after returning to class. "Once they are not allowed into classrooms, a lot of questions pop into their minds, for example: 'How am I going to face my friends? How am I going to cover the topics that were taught on that particular day?'. So, it is necessary for schools to allow students into classrooms despite delayed payment of tuition fees," he said. Another student, Devika Sajeesh, said that it is high time people realised that education is a right, not a privilege. "Education is said to be a student's right then why are students deprived of it? Shaming a student in front of the whole class will, without any doubt, bring their confidence level down and emotionally scar them," Sajeesh said. "An idea that they are at a lower level than the rest of the class will be implanted into their young minds. Many schools have also adopted the idea of holding the results until the fee due is paid off. When dictating the scores of the test in the whole class, holding back the results of one or two students because they haven't paid their fee is not the best way to motivate a student." Nada Fathima, a student at the New Indian Model School, Dubai, said that quality education is more important than tuition fees. She said students can miss out on important lessons if they are suspended due to monetary reasons. "I think the main motive of schools is to provide quality education and not collecting fees," she said. "Fees should not be a student's responsibility. It is the parents' or the guardian's duty to pay the fees and send the kids to school. If a student is not allowed to attend the classes it will affect their overall performance. Tuition fees have changed the way students see education. Providing good education is more important than money. Fees can be paid anytime but the classes missed and the portions taken won't be taught again."
Positive parenting can reduce impact of financial family strain
Dr Amy Bailey, Clinical Psychologist and Head of Psychology, kidsFIRST Medical Centre Research by the Children's Society in 2016 found that children and young people are not immune to the stress of financial insecurity. They can feel guilty of not being able to help their parents and may feel that they are an additional burden on their parents. This can then impact child's confidence and sense of self-worth. They can also feel socially isolated from peers. When children are within families experiencing financial stress, it is important to be supportive and mindful of the psychological impact this is having on the child and to try not to compound this further by adding additional stress to the child. The results of such incidents as described can result in the young person feeling a sense of shame or embarrassment if their peers become aware of private family matters. In young people, these feelings are often magnified as they are less able to reason through this and thus this problem can feel like the end of their world. They may also feel like they are being punished for a situation that is outside of their control thus creating feelings of helplessness which can lead to low mood and anxiety. In order to reduce the psychological stress of financial insecurity on children, it is important to ensure their sense of stability in the world around them. Parents should over emphasise to the child about how much they are loved and cared for and that no matter what happens, they will be there to support them. Positive parenting practices and good parent-child relationships can substantially reduce the psychological impact of financial family strain on children. It is important that children are reassured that they are not to blame nor are they a burden on resources. Where young people experience shame due to the family situation, it is important to ensure the young person knows that the situation is not a reflection on them. The young person should not develop negative perceptions of themselves. The young person should be reassured that though this is a crisis situation, it is one that can be worked through but might mean some changes need to be made in terms of costs and budget. As a community, one way to reduce feelings of shame associated with financial stress is to have more mixed communities where people regularly come into contact with others of different financial positions. These reduce negative stereotypes and thus the stigma of low income is removed.
What is the best way to deal with school fees delay?
While parents have a responsibility to meet their financial commitment towards a school, stopping a child from attending classes should not be allowed. An effective solution would be to start a fund utilising a small percentage of the overall collected fees for students who deserve assistance. Another option would be a monthly fee structure. Adithya Binoy Mathews, ASPAM Indian International School Students facing financial difficulties must be rendered help by encouraging student-led initiatives. They must also be provided with psychological aid to help them overcome the difficult situation. Schools must ensure better relationships with parents so as to encourage fee payment and timely cooperation. Hiba Moideen, New Indian Model School, Dubai I would feel sad if I am not allowed to attend classes and it would affect my studies. If schools barred pupils for unpaid fees, they are likely to perform poorly in class and the school will lose out on good grades. Further, this will not only affect students confidence and self-esteem but also affect their concentration and performance. Hritika Tripathi, Delhi Private School, Sharjah To overcome these growing concerns, school authorities should have a transparent system of correspondence to ensure fee dues are cleared on time. Parents too must connect with the school to address the grievance rather than showing negligence. A healthy connection between parent and school will eliminate all obstacles. Tarannum Sheikh, Primary section head, Indian Academy via Edarabia.com
0 notes
edarabia · 6 years
Dubai, UAE: Children shouldn't be humiliated over nonpayment of school tuition fees" - this is the message from parents, students and teachers who have experienced instances where pupils are suspended or asked to wait outside of class until their parents have paid the remaining fees. Schools are not allowed to suspend students without the Knowledge and Human Development Authority's (KHDA) approval. In Abu Dhabi, according to the Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge, "schools can suspend students after following the proper steps, or withhold transcripts if fees are not paid". But, schools cannot prevent students from taking any end of year exams. Several Dubai-based parents have spoken out on how their kids were suspended for non-payment of fees. Saba Nouman, a mother of four children, said her children were not allowed to "sit in class" because of non-payment of tuition fees. "Last year, we paid around Dh18,000, which was some percentage of the fees and to reserve seats. Before school started in September, they started sending us reminders for the remainder of the fees. We were waiting for some payments, so, my husband said we will pay the fees a week later," Nouman said. "But, when I dropped my kids off at school, I got a call two hours later and they said my kids weren't allowed to sit in class because of non-payment of fees. They asked me to pick them up. There were so many kids sitting in the library as their parents didn't pay the fees. Also, I didn't get my first term results as my second term fees weren't paid." Another parent, Samika, said her seven-year-old son was also kicked out of a different Dubai-based school for non-payment of fees. Her son was forced to sit in the library the entire day and the staff didn't inform her about the incident, according to Samika. "After that incident, I complained to the KHDA and removed my son from that school immediately," she said. A former student in Dubai, Kiran Gayathri, remembers getting "rude behaviour" from teachers due to non-payment of fees. "I was asked to stay home on several occasions due to non-payment of fees. At some point, some teachers who knew were also very rude and disrespectful. My mum couldn't afford new school uniforms, so, I wore the wrong uniform to school one day. She said in front of the entire class 'I don't care what is happening in your home or that your mum can't afford it. It's your problem," Gayathri said. Anita Singh, vice-principal at Abu Dhabi's Shining Star International School, said that children "shouldn't be humiliated under any circumstance". She said instances as such can leave an "everlasting impact" on them. "As an educationist, that should be the last thought in our minds and under no circumstance should a child be made to go through any humiliation of any kind for any reason, let alone a monetary reason," Singh said. "I do agree fees are a must to run the schools, but a few late payments will surely not hurt anyone. Schools need to think twice before taking such steps. They should realise what the social and psychological impact of such an inhumane act may have on a child's mind. Children are put under undue stress both emotionally and socially when they face the humiliation of being suspended. The suspension can lead to a child developing a low self-esteem which affects their studies. "In some extreme cases, I have heard about students who develop hatred towards their parents for putting them through this humiliation. Do we really need to promote this as educationist? Such irrational act by schools leads senior students to believe that money is the most important thing in life. The values taught to them in lower grades become a farce to them as they do not see their school heads showing those values when they need it. The younger ones are like a blob of clay, ready to be molded and engraved with what we teach them. The big question is what do we really want them to learn? The values of caring, empathy or the value of money in today's world?"
Humiliation in classrooms can scar students' minds
Students in the UAE believe humiliating them over tuition fees in front of the entire class can leave them "mentally scarred and stressed". Sinnamari P, a student in Our Own English High School, Fujairah, said students can be left feeling depressed and embarrassed once thrown out of class for nonpayment of fees. He believes the worst part for a student is when he or she has to face his peers after returning to class. "Once they are not allowed into classrooms, a lot of questions pop into their minds, for example: 'How am I going to face my friends? How am I going to cover the topics that were taught on that particular day?'. So, it is necessary for schools to allow students into classrooms despite delayed payment of tuition fees," he said. Another student, Devika Sajeesh, said that it is high time people realised that education is a right, not a privilege. "Education is said to be a student's right then why are students deprived of it? Shaming a student in front of the whole class will, without any doubt, bring their confidence level down and emotionally scar them," Sajeesh said. "An idea that they are at a lower level than the rest of the class will be implanted into their young minds. Many schools have also adopted the idea of holding the results until the fee due is paid off. When dictating the scores of the test in the whole class, holding back the results of one or two students because they haven't paid their fee is not the best way to motivate a student." Nada Fathima, a student at the New Indian Model School, Dubai, said that quality education is more important than tuition fees. She said students can miss out on important lessons if they are suspended due to monetary reasons. "I think the main motive of schools is to provide quality education and not collecting fees," she said. "Fees should not be a student's responsibility. It is the parents' or the guardian's duty to pay the fees and send the kids to school. If a student is not allowed to attend the classes it will affect their overall performance. Tuition fees have changed the way students see education. Providing good education is more important than money. Fees can be paid anytime but the classes missed and the portions taken won't be taught again."
Positive parenting can reduce impact of financial family strain
Dr Amy Bailey, Clinical Psychologist and Head of Psychology, kidsFIRST Medical Centre Research by the Children's Society in 2016 found that children and young people are not immune to the stress of financial insecurity. They can feel guilty of not being able to help their parents and may feel that they are an additional burden on their parents. This can then impact child's confidence and sense of self-worth. They can also feel socially isolated from peers. When children are within families experiencing financial stress, it is important to be supportive and mindful of the psychological impact this is having on the child and to try not to compound this further by adding additional stress to the child. The results of such incidents as described can result in the young person feeling a sense of shame or embarrassment if their peers become aware of private family matters. In young people, these feelings are often magnified as they are less able to reason through this and thus this problem can feel like the end of their world. They may also feel like they are being punished for a situation that is outside of their control thus creating feelings of helplessness which can lead to low mood and anxiety. In order to reduce the psychological stress of financial insecurity on children, it is important to ensure their sense of stability in the world around them. Parents should over emphasise to the child about how much they are loved and cared for and that no matter what happens, they will be there to support them. Positive parenting practices and good parent-child relationships can substantially reduce the psychological impact of financial family strain on children. It is important that children are reassured that they are not to blame nor are they a burden on resources. Where young people experience shame due to the family situation, it is important to ensure the young person knows that the situation is not a reflection on them. The young person should not develop negative perceptions of themselves. The young person should be reassured that though this is a crisis situation, it is one that can be worked through but might mean some changes need to be made in terms of costs and budget. As a community, one way to reduce feelings of shame associated with financial stress is to have more mixed communities where people regularly come into contact with others of different financial positions. These reduce negative stereotypes and thus the stigma of low income is removed.
What is the best way to deal with school fees delay?
While parents have a responsibility to meet their financial commitment towards a school, stopping a child from attending classes should not be allowed. An effective solution would be to start a fund utilising a small percentage of the overall collected fees for students who deserve assistance. Another option would be a monthly fee structure. Adithya Binoy Mathews, ASPAM Indian International School Students facing financial difficulties must be rendered help by encouraging student-led initiatives. They must also be provided with psychological aid to help them overcome the difficult situation. Schools must ensure better relationships with parents so as to encourage fee payment and timely cooperation. Hiba Moideen, New Indian Model School, Dubai I would feel sad if I am not allowed to attend classes and it would affect my studies. If schools barred pupils for unpaid fees, they are likely to perform poorly in class and the school will lose out on good grades. Further, this will not only affect students confidence and self-esteem but also affect their concentration and performance. Hritika Tripathi, Delhi Private School, Sharjah To overcome these growing concerns, school authorities should have a transparent system of correspondence to ensure fee dues are cleared on time. Parents too must connect with the school to address the grievance rather than showing negligence. A healthy connection between parent and school will eliminate all obstacles. Tarannum Sheikh, Primary section head, Indian Academy via https://www.edarabia.com/humiliating-students-over-fees-not-allowed-uae/
0 notes
jobs-in-dubai-uae · 6 years
Tumblr media
Dubai, UAE: Children shouldn't be humiliated over nonpayment of school tuition fees" - this is the message from parents, students and teachers who have experienced instances where pupils are suspended or asked to wait outside of class until their parents have paid the remaining fees. Schools are not allowed to suspend students without the Knowledge and Human Development Authority's (KHDA) approval. In Abu Dhabi, according to the Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge, "schools can suspend students after following the proper steps, or withhold transcripts if fees are not paid". But, schools cannot prevent students from taking any end of year exams. Several Dubai-based parents have spoken out on how their kids were suspended for non-payment of fees. Saba Nouman, a mother of four children, said her children were not allowed to "sit in class" because of non-payment of tuition fees. "Last year, we paid around Dh18,000, which was some percentage of the fees and to reserve seats. Before school started in September, they started sending us reminders for the remainder of the fees. We were waiting for some payments, so, my husband said we will pay the fees a week later," Nouman said. "But, when I dropped my kids off at school, I got a call two hours later and they said my kids weren't allowed to sit in class because of non-payment of fees. They asked me to pick them up. There were so many kids sitting in the library as their parents didn't pay the fees. Also, I didn't get my first term results as my second term fees weren't paid." Another parent, Samika, said her seven-year-old son was also kicked out of a different Dubai-based school for non-payment of fees. Her son was forced to sit in the library the entire day and the staff didn't inform her about the incident, according to Samika. "After that incident, I complained to the KHDA and removed my son from that school immediately," she said. A former student in Dubai, Kiran Gayathri, remembers getting "rude behaviour" from teachers due to non-payment of fees. "I was asked to stay home on several occasions due to non-payment of fees. At some point, some teachers who knew were also very rude and disrespectful. My mum couldn't afford new school uniforms, so, I wore the wrong uniform to school one day. She said in front of the entire class 'I don't care what is happening in your home or that your mum can't afford it. It's your problem," Gayathri said. Anita Singh, vice-principal at Abu Dhabi's Shining Star International School, said that children "shouldn't be humiliated under any circumstance". She said instances as such can leave an "everlasting impact" on them. "As an educationist, that should be the last thought in our minds and under no circumstance should a child be made to go through any humiliation of any kind for any reason, let alone a monetary reason," Singh said. "I do agree fees are a must to run the schools, but a few late payments will surely not hurt anyone. Schools need to think twice before taking such steps. They should realise what the social and psychological impact of such an inhumane act may have on a child's mind. Children are put under undue stress both emotionally and socially when they face the humiliation of being suspended. The suspension can lead to a child developing a low self-esteem which affects their studies. "In some extreme cases, I have heard about students who develop hatred towards their parents for putting them through this humiliation. Do we really need to promote this as educationist? Such irrational act by schools leads senior students to believe that money is the most important thing in life. The values taught to them in lower grades become a farce to them as they do not see their school heads showing those values when they need it. The younger ones are like a blob of clay, ready to be molded and engraved with what we teach them. The big question is what do we really want them to learn? The values of caring, empathy or the value of money in today's world?"
Humiliation in classrooms can scar students' minds
Students in the UAE believe humiliating them over tuition fees in front of the entire class can leave them "mentally scarred and stressed". Sinnamari P, a student in Our Own English High School, Fujairah, said students can be left feeling depressed and embarrassed once thrown out of class for nonpayment of fees. He believes the worst part for a student is when he or she has to face his peers after returning to class. "Once they are not allowed into classrooms, a lot of questions pop into their minds, for example: 'How am I going to face my friends? How am I going to cover the topics that were taught on that particular day?'. So, it is necessary for schools to allow students into classrooms despite delayed payment of tuition fees," he said. Another student, Devika Sajeesh, said that it is high time people realised that education is a right, not a privilege. "Education is said to be a student's right then why are students deprived of it? Shaming a student in front of the whole class will, without any doubt, bring their confidence level down and emotionally scar them," Sajeesh said. "An idea that they are at a lower level than the rest of the class will be implanted into their young minds. Many schools have also adopted the idea of holding the results until the fee due is paid off. When dictating the scores of the test in the whole class, holding back the results of one or two students because they haven't paid their fee is not the best way to motivate a student." Nada Fathima, a student at the New Indian Model School, Dubai, said that quality education is more important than tuition fees. She said students can miss out on important lessons if they are suspended due to monetary reasons. "I think the main motive of schools is to provide quality education and not collecting fees," she said. "Fees should not be a student's responsibility. It is the parents' or the guardian's duty to pay the fees and send the kids to school. If a student is not allowed to attend the classes it will affect their overall performance. Tuition fees have changed the way students see education. Providing good education is more important than money. Fees can be paid anytime but the classes missed and the portions taken won't be taught again."
Positive parenting can reduce impact of financial family strain
Dr Amy Bailey, Clinical Psychologist and Head of Psychology, kidsFIRST Medical Centre Research by the Children's Society in 2016 found that children and young people are not immune to the stress of financial insecurity. They can feel guilty of not being able to help their parents and may feel that they are an additional burden on their parents. This can then impact child's confidence and sense of self-worth. They can also feel socially isolated from peers. When children are within families experiencing financial stress, it is important to be supportive and mindful of the psychological impact this is having on the child and to try not to compound this further by adding additional stress to the child. The results of such incidents as described can result in the young person feeling a sense of shame or embarrassment if their peers become aware of private family matters. In young people, these feelings are often magnified as they are less able to reason through this and thus this problem can feel like the end of their world. They may also feel like they are being punished for a situation that is outside of their control thus creating feelings of helplessness which can lead to low mood and anxiety. In order to reduce the psychological stress of financial insecurity on children, it is important to ensure their sense of stability in the world around them. Parents should over emphasise to the child about how much they are loved and cared for and that no matter what happens, they will be there to support them. Positive parenting practices and good parent-child relationships can substantially reduce the psychological impact of financial family strain on children. It is important that children are reassured that they are not to blame nor are they a burden on resources. Where young people experience shame due to the family situation, it is important to ensure the young person knows that the situation is not a reflection on them. The young person should not develop negative perceptions of themselves. The young person should be reassured that though this is a crisis situation, it is one that can be worked through but might mean some changes need to be made in terms of costs and budget. As a community, one way to reduce feelings of shame associated with financial stress is to have more mixed communities where people regularly come into contact with others of different financial positions. These reduce negative stereotypes and thus the stigma of low income is removed.
What is the best way to deal with school fees delay?
While parents have a responsibility to meet their financial commitment towards a school, stopping a child from attending classes should not be allowed. An effective solution would be to start a fund utilising a small percentage of the overall collected fees for students who deserve assistance. Another option would be a monthly fee structure. Adithya Binoy Mathews, ASPAM Indian International School Students facing financial difficulties must be rendered help by encouraging student-led initiatives. They must also be provided with psychological aid to help them overcome the difficult situation. Schools must ensure better relationships with parents so as to encourage fee payment and timely cooperation. Hiba Moideen, New Indian Model School, Dubai I would feel sad if I am not allowed to attend classes and it would affect my studies. If schools barred pupils for unpaid fees, they are likely to perform poorly in class and the school will lose out on good grades. Further, this will not only affect students confidence and self-esteem but also affect their concentration and performance. Hritika Tripathi, Delhi Private School, Sharjah To overcome these growing concerns, school authorities should have a transparent system of correspondence to ensure fee dues are cleared on time. Parents too must connect with the school to address the grievance rather than showing negligence. A healthy connection between parent and school will eliminate all obstacles. Tarannum Sheikh, Primary section head, Indian Academy via Edarabia.com
0 notes