#what kinda backstories do you write for your pcs?
lorre-verie · 2 years
◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡ Modern Avatar Highschool AU A-Z (Pt. 2: H-N)
6:96 ───|────── 9:69
you are now reading a post by lorre
warning: use of swear words
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | masterlist
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⌲ H for Hobbies and Hates (What are their hobbies and what do they hate doing?)
neteyam: his hobbies include; archery, calligraphy, hiking, canoeing, skiing, camping, rock climbing, basically almost every outdoor sport that requires amazing core strength. And chess. Don’t tell me this man doesn’t like chess. He’s good at a lot of things he tries, but he especially loves outdoor activities. If you don’t like going outside then i have some bad news for you babes cause he goes out almost every weekend. morning walks/runs everyday. AND he’s a genius at chess because of course he is. Once Ao’nung challenged him to a match and lost like 3 minutes in because he got too cocky. Neteyam had the smuggest look on his face for the rest of the day. I also think he likes sketching small doodles messily with a pen when he’s bored.
He claims to not hate anything, but his siblings know he’s traumatised by yoga (i have a backstory for this), so don’t ask him to participate in anything like that cause he’ll decline immediately (but politely.)
kiri: Girl loves the outdoors like Neteyam but not so much all the physical activities. She likes swimming but only in lakes and rivers and not public pools cause she’s disgusted by the piss and the smell. She also loves thrifting her clothes and cutting them up and making them into personalised outfits for her own style. She lives for aesthetics and probably has a scrapbook and loves journaling about all the plants and unique animals she finds on her little walks. She and Tsireya also have a podcast (that Lo’ak and Rotxo religiously listen to). The only thing she really doesn’t like is being in loud places with too many hyper people like music festivals, concerts, basically just doing anything that involves being in large uncoordinated crowds.
lo'ak: he does basic rebel boy stuff like skateboarding, playing games on his phone (be real he’s too broke to have a PC), yo-yoing, and since he can run real fast he likes volleyball, tennis, badminton, anything that requires you to be quick on your feet cause he’s awesome at those things. He hates anything that requires you to use your brain (except chess he’s actually kinda good at it surprisingly, but not as good as Ao’nung or Neteyam). He had an ant farm once when he was like 6 and cherished it so much but then he dropped the frame and they all scattered in the house and it earned him the spanking of his life (everyone kept finding ants in their shit for the next 4 months).
ao'nung: as you know by now, he’s a chess douchebag. He’s amazingly freakishly good at it (like math) and if he meets new people and there's a chessboard conveniently nearby he’ll challenge them to it just because he wants to humiliate them a little. He doesn’t actually like it that much, he just likes beating people using his smarts for once. Other than that, he loves basketball, volleyball. He hates walking in forests cause he hates insects (always carries mosquito spray around).
rotxo: he likes writing stories and photography since he’s a literature lover and the yearbook editor. Sometimes he’ll go with Kiri on her walks and they have fun photoshoots of little animals, plants or her. He’s so good with a camera, he’s often the guy people give the phone to, to take pictures for their instagram. He doesn’t like loud places like Kiri and i headcanon he’s actually claustrophobic. He’s okay with most activities.
tsireya: enjoys public speaking hence the podcast, loved cracking jokes as a kid and still does now, likes to listen to a bunch of different genres of music, learns a few dances and likes making aesthetic graphics on her laptop as well as edits of her favourite tv show characters. She’s alright with physical activity. terrified of heights so anything that requires her to get above 20 floors of height is a no no.
⌲ I for Income (Do they have a part time job and what are they like when working?)
neteyam: Yes he does, he works at an animal shelter. Originally he was a volunteer but then the owner of said shelter thought he was doing a great job and decided they’d start paying for it. He refused a couple times but the owner insisted. The animal shelter has a few birds, some dogs, cats, hamsters, one snake but it escaped and they’ve never seen it since. He remembers all the feeding times and schedules and memorises any allergies, difficulties, injuries, etc and he’s just great with the animals, he adores them. He also takes the dogs on walks often.
kiri: she’d probably be a barista at starbucks, 70% of the time she’s the voice taking orders at the drive through. Dislikes dealing with karens and annoying people cause unlike classes she can’t argue with them else she’d get fired, but it’s great for practice calming herself. Enjoys mixing her own drinks, HATES the cleaning process after closing everyday. Definitely makes tiktoks about customers in the backroom when she's bored
lo'ak: the guy that sells snacks and drinks at the movie theatre. He steals some popcorn from time to time cause he’s hungry but he’s really good at convincing people to buy stuff. Super friendly and never fails to get people to buy more snacks or upgrade their popcorn box size. “Yo bro I think you and your girl need a little more popcorn than that, don’t you think? I can hook you up if you’re interested.” (said deal was always available but he knows people never read the little advertisements that flash on the tv menus)
ao'nung: lifeguard at the beach. Enjoys his time tanning and swimming around leisurely, (the girls love him and go to the beach every weekend just to see him) and it’s a pretty calm and easy job, nobody usually has any problems. Except for one time when a girl faked passing out to get him to do CPR on her but it didn’t work cause he knew what she was doing and claimed to not know how to do CPR. Instead he said he’d call her parents and she miraculously woke up the very next second.
rotxo: doesn’t have a job he sleeps a lot after school (hence the submitting assignments at 3:33am)
tsireya: she’s a babysitter and she does so incredibly well with kids, she’s so kind to them and sometimes lets them stay up a little (JUST A LITTLE) past their bedtime because she was once in their shoes and knows that sleeping at 7.15pm when they were supposed to sleep at 7pm doesn't make too big of a difference. they love her and she always gets callbacks from happy satisfied parents.
⌲ J for Jealous Of Your Lunch (or not) (What food do they eat during lunch?)
neteyam: he brings a homemade sandwich with lettuce, egg, some kinda meat and some sauce. Packs it himself, even leaves a little encouraging note for himself so he can read it later on (lo’ak calls him a dork). Doesn’t have a lunch bag, just puts it in a reusable plastic container (reduce reuse recycle guys). He usually just brings water but he’ll bring organic freshly squeezed orange juice on good days.
kiri: she steals the sandwiches/paninis from work and just microwaves them the next day to bring to school because she can't be bothered to actually make a homemade meal for herself. Sometimes she’ll pack gummy bears stolen from tuk’s “secret stash” or a small pringle can. Occasionally brings an extra stolen sandwich to give to tsireya or rotxo. brings cold water in her hydro flask or hot tea sometimes.
lo'ak: bro brings chips. Just a bag of chips. Takis if he can get them but he always eats chips during lunch and it concerns tsireya a lot because??? That's a whole lot of salt he consumes everyday. To make matters worse he keeps buying coke from the vending machine. Sometimes he gets school lunch with rotxo (i feel like they’d be chill buddies but only if ao’nung wasn’t around cause he kinda drags the attention away from rotxo unintentionally).
ao'nung: his family is rich so he just orders food online for himself. Sometimes if he’s feeling up to it he’ll treat all his friends to a meal (yes, including lo’ak, kiri and neteyam) but not that often else he’d be completely broke. You will find him and tsireya waiting at the school doors for the dude bringing their food to get there during the first 5 minutes of lunch.
rotxo: he eats school lunch. It’s not that bad in pandora high but it's still not the best. Always grabs rice and some form of protein, always gets chocolate pudding but he thinks chocolate milk sucks ass mainly cause of all the powder in it. he also has trauma of pizza from eating an expired school slice of pizza cause after that he projectile vomited all over the floor during a presentation and the only reason he’s lived it down is because nobody knows that it was him that did that (npc behaviour im so sorry rotxo)
tsireya: orders food with Ao’nung, definitely is the girl that offers to buy drinks for everyone (u gotta pay her back though…she’d be too nice to ask if you forgot but her brother WILL track you down and charge you interest every day that you don’t pay up. you do NOT want secret maths genius ao’nung keeping track of your debt everyday and staring you down in the hall menacingly).
⌲ K for Kick Off The Year (What are they like back at school after the holidays?)
neteyam: he’s actually always ticked off at school after the holidays, even on mondays just after the weekend. he enjoys his relaxation time where he doesn’t have to worry about keeping up appearances and at home where he can just sit back and chill. if it’s been more than a week since he’s been to school expect him to be upset for another week. he won’t make it obvious but his handwriting definitely becomes more aggressive and it’ll always look like he’s glaring at someone when he’s just looking at them. (im listening to she knows by ne-yo while writing this and ngl an upset neteyam….i wouldn’t mind that too much 🤭 hell someone remind me to write headcanons of neteyam when he’s upset please oml i can just see it now)
kiri: definitely annoyed about going back to school but let’s be real who wouldn’t be? She’ll get used to the schedule and everything after like a day or two of school. she enjoys hearing the teacher’s sighs as they come back on monday, seeing her sitting front row ready to point out all the mistakes they’ll make after the weekend.
lo'ak: bro acts like he hasn’t been to school in YEARS. He’ll sludge through the doors of school like goop and just be dead as hell. if you talk to him he’d sound like a dying goat. He does however light up when he sees Tsireya. that’s really the only good part of going back to school for him.
ao'nung: he never usually has a dull day at school and he’s pretty chill with it. Once he steps through those doors he’ll have people crowding him asking him about the new haircut he got during the holidays and the fact he looks more fit (may or may not be true)
rotxo: you’ll never know what this manz is feeling. His face is just 🙂constantly. He’s definitely happy to see kiri again but besides that you would never know if he’s happy or upset by going back to school.
tsireya: girl is excited as hell. super excited to tell her friends about the holiday to the maldives she took, super excited to run for president again (she’s actually not supposed to but the teachers love her so they just let her and she always ends up winning), super excited to get back to teaching the little kids ballet at the preschool building every thursday, super excited to talk to kiri and lo’ak again. you might think she’s one of those girls who peaks at highschool but you're wrong because she’s been peaking since she was BORN.
⌲ L for Locker (What’s their locker look like?)
neteyam: locker probably plain as hell, he doesn’t pay attention to it much. Maybe a calendar pasted on the inside as well as some reminder notes but that’s it. His books are neat, but i don’t think i needed to include that detail cause with neteyam everything is neat (except the bitchy attitude on mondays)
kiri: she probably has fairy lights in there and if you ask her how tf she’ll say magic, cause there’s literally nowhere to plug the goddamn thing in. she has polaroid photographs of the whole friend group pasted onto the door and has leaf stickers decorating them.
lo'ak: he has stickers of random shit in there, like a mcdonalds sticker, sticker from someone’s kpop album, sticker of a skateboard and a star wars sticker. used to have a pic of tsireya but took it down after one of her friends laughed at him in the hall. he has extra hair ties for tsireya in case she ever needs it.
ao'nung: has a mirror in there. Like the door is just a whole ass mirror when he opens it up. that's it. idk i just feel like he’d stick a mirror onto it, that just seems like what he’d do. always wipes the mirror in the morning to keep it shiny.
rotxo: also has photographs of the friend group and a childhood photo of him and ao’nung where he kisses ao’nung on the forehead (ao’nung still hasn’t noticed it to this day since rotxo put it up) and also has extra batteries for his camera in case he needs it.
tsireya: now this is the whole reason i put L for Locker. her locker is magnificent??? she has a little heart mirror that sticks to the door, a box of tissues and some emergency items in case any of her friends need something (which include but are not limited to; pads, tampons, a mini power bank, perfume, bubblegum, mints, hand sanitizer, wet wipes, glue, scissors, extra sheets of paper, a stapler, a hole puncher, etc).
the moment she got her locker key she DIY-ed it and made a cute keychain with her initials on it so nobody could mistake it for others, and people often drop little letters to her anonymously asking for something or a change in the school or a suggestion since she’s the president, or even love letters sometimes so she created a mini letter box and attached it beneath where the hole was so everything wouldn’t just fall to the floor when she opened the locker.
on the door there’s like a little slot she made for her hairbrush and some chapstick yk just in case. probably sticks glow in the dark stars on the top of the locker so she peeks into the locker before opening it just to admire them. oh and instead of post it notes to remind her about stuff, she has a mini eraser board on the door below the mirror.
⌲ M for Morning Routine (What’s their morning routine before school?)
neteyam: he gets up literally 4 hours before school starts, brushes his teeth, goes on a walk/run, showers, makes breakfast for himself and packs lunch for later, puts on a hoodie and cargo pants, and then he just lays on his bed watching youtube videos and/or studying. He doesn’t even need to wake up 4 hours before he just does it because he wants extra chill time before school. Has to wear earplugs when he reaches to 2 hour mark because of lo’aks loudass alarm.
kiri: she definitely gets up earlier then lo’ak, probably wakes up an hour and 30 minutes before school starts since their house is like 30 minutes away from their school (15 if there's no traffic). She can finish getting ready in like 25 minutes and she sits on the couch scrolling through social media while waiting for lo’ak’s dumbass to get up. Grabs a starbucks sandwich and airfries it for the amount of time that Neytiri takes to wake him up.
lo'ak: gets up an hour before school starts, alarm on max volume blaring into his ears (and been doing that for the past hour) and making the whole household deaf. rushes literally everything, forgets to bring at least 1 thing each day, and scrambles out the door after 30 minutes jumping into the backseat of Jake’s SUV.
ao'nung: he gets up 2 hours before school starts. their house is about the same distance from school as the sully’s, but idk i just feel like their house is huge and it takes up 3x maybe 4x the space a normal house would. he probably has his own horse or something, and tends to it every morning. if he could he would probably ride a horse to school idk. he does normal stuff, i dunno what you would want me to elaborate about besides the stupid little sibling fights him and reya have every morning.
rotxo: he wakes up an hour before school and spends 30 minutes getting ready and probably just eats cereal everyday for breakfast. spends the longest time taking care of his hair and brushing it out making sure it looks flawless. before he gets going he makes sure have this specific conversation with ao’nung over text: “u otw bro?” “yea bro” “k bro” “k” just because they think its funny and they’ve been doing it for years.
tsireya: gets up at the same time as ao’nung because their rooms are next to each other and his alarm is obnoxiously loud. has a whole skincare routine she religiously follows every morning, her bathroom is just stocked full with a variety of different products that she will use. she will make pancakes for herself and for ao’nung if he hasn’t eaten anything yet, and she always takes a pic to put it on her instagram highlights of all the pancakes she’s ever made. she also has her own horse but ao’nung usually tends to it for her so she doesn’t need to worry much.
⌲ N for No Cap (How up to date are they with today’s slang?)
neteyam: he’d know a lot of it because of lo’ak but would rarely use it. he speaks properly almost constantly, even over text. he does use abbreviations like wrud wya lmfao noyb stfu wsg stuff like that (if u didn’t understand any of that then ur just old i don't make the rules). If he’s dating sb that's a whole different story tho he’d probably send like 4 paragraphs professing his undying everlasting infinite love and passion for his s/o.
kiri: definitely knows all the words, all the insults, all the abbreviations. even more than lo’ak. would not use words like pop off queen or slay though because she thinks it doesn’t fit with her aesthetic. Her way of texting kinda mad tho cause she’ll text like “yo u got the math notes?” and then she’ll follow immediately with “Appreciate it, thanks.” with correct grammar and everyones so fed up with it. An even worse example is “Hi, what are you doing currently?” and then she’ll say “k cool” like wtf do you want, woman??
lo'ak: knows a lot and uses it in everyday conversation like he’s the type of person to say lol and lmao in real life. nothing special to say that you wouldn’t expect from a man of this caliber.
ao'nung and rotxo: had to combine these mfs for this one cause they’re like the same. they both like saying L and W over text but not irl cause it's kinda cringe. pretty normal when talking in real life but they do know all the slang. partially cause lo’ak will use a lot of it during lunch together.
tsireya: absolutely, she knows it all. she’s the most active on social media out of all the avatar teens, consistently uses new slang and introduces it to her friends. she’s the it girl, what more can i say?
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | masterlist
dang i finally got to finish this 😭 so happy to finally have another part out. This series will have 2 more parts from O to T and U to Z! In case u want to see more of my works, my masterlist is in the link above.
taglist: @calums-betch (im so sorry this took so long 😭)
another thing: i would like 2 make it known that again i am accepting requests! please view the rules in my navigation (link in my desc) before requesting anything btw. and also i will mention again the hashtag specifically for modern avatar au content that any other creator can use freely (modern jc avatar au)
okay thats all, tysm for reading and have a wonderful day!
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delta-piscium · 1 year
blatantly making [DnD character’s] backstory a steddie fic for wip weekend please I am so intrigued!!
oh thank you!!! You have no idea how excited I am that you requested this, this fic is my (very neglected) baby !! (and based on my favorite PC who is a human bard called Max in a modern campaign setting, i just wanted to share that lmao)
“Steve? Eddie?” Someone calls from the other room and they spring apart. “Where did you go?” “Uhh,” Eddie says and Steve rolls his eyes. “Just getting water,” he calls back, “we’ll be out soon.” “Get me an ice cream too,” the someone, who Steve now realizes is definitely Dustin, shouts before he hears the back door sliding open and then shut again.  He waits a couple of seconds to be sure they're alone again and then raises an eyebrow at Eddie. “Uhh,” he parrots. “There’s not a lot of blood in my brain, kinda difficult to think” Eddie snipes back but he’s smiling. Steve tilts his head, “I make it hard for you to think straight?”  Eddie gives him an unimpressed look, “that’s the worst thing anyone has ever said to me Harrington, and I had an angry mob with pitchforks after me.” Steve shrugs, “what are you gonna do about it?” Then he lets a slow smile spread across his lips, and glances down at Eddies ‘no blood in his brain situation’ “big boy.” Eddie’s jaw audibly snaps shut and when Steve looks up he’s giving him a wide-eyed look. ‘Yeah, got him back for that one’ Steve thinks, satisfied to have some leverage back between them.  Eddie closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “You are gonna have to stay so far away from me Harrington, or I will jump your bones and traumatize all our friends even more than they already are. Then when everyone has left I will deal with all,” he waves a hand between them, “this.” “You keep calling me Harrington,” Steve points out, “what, no more baby? Sweetheart? Princess?” Eddie turns on his heel.  “So far away,” he shouts over his shoulder.
(very late) WIP weekend (Wednesday)/make me write
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shiraishi--kanade · 22 days
would you mind sharing ur process of how you come up with so many npcs for your units 👉👈 like what you prioritize first about them or some ways you know what traits might fit best to contrast/compliment the main cast w/o overshadowing them too much?
Silly answer: they posses my family and then hold me on the gunpoint until I write them into the story
Serious answer: I mainly go out of the what role I want someone to fill in the story (so no role - no side character necessary), and if that role can be filled by any other main character or already existing npc, I don't bother coming up with anything new.
I'm an adherent to "every word should move the plot" motto in a non-pretentious way, so while creating more ocs is always very fun (regardless of pc/npc character categories in pjsk ocs, they're still all ocs at the end of the day), there are a lot of them I know will never be important or make the cut to appear at all.
More under the cut because I go on a tirade;
In general even just explaining how I do it is kind of difficult because my mind is a dumpster fire of ideas, but I try to follow at least some rules that I think can be handy, so here:
1. Less is more. This is re: how to not make npcs overshadow your main characters. I will say that... it'll likely happen anyway because readers have favourite tropes and clichés that your main characters will not necessarily always click with. It's not a bad thing. But in general in order for readers to like both of the characters the amount you're aiming to, don't reveal too many details or too much backstory for the NPC. Make their story noticeable and important enough, but don't lean into it too much. Readers feel closer to the character because of the detail and nuance they know about them, their history; this level of attachment will probably not happen to npcs that don't reveal much about themselves. Instead it creates some level of freedom to hc and projection lol.
I'm going to say you yourself should probably not get too into writing an npc, but that's a difficult task.
Also sometimes you want readers to get attached and the npcs to outshine the pc (or at least be at the same level) for story purposes. E.g: Nagi Kosaki. Just evaluate what is it you want.
2. Don't oversaturate your cast. In the spirit of previous advice, if a role in the story can be filled with already existing character, don't go ahead and make a new one, especially if they're just gonna leave after two scenes. Forging closer bonds with the characters we're already familiar with > new cool toy. It's also hard to keep up with huge casts of characters (as much as I love them).
3. Don't be afraid to make them too similar. By all means give even your narrative foils mannerisms and things that set them apart, but if your reader can at a glance say "ooh they're narrative foils" and be correct, that's a good thing. Pat the character on the head. Narrative context that's immediately apparent to some category of readers that purposely put effort into looking for that sort of thing is as good a sign as any. You're not being a high-fiction writer here (unless you are and I'm the absolute wrong person to give advice for that), embrace the inherent simplicity of visual novel-like storytelling and relish in it. I've seen people backtrack in making characters because "it's too obvious" and it's kinda sad.
I think this is all I can say in terms ot general advice. I think the need to create NPCs, and their amount, varies too much on the stories for me to go and say "do this when you need to achieve this, but don't do y unless you need to do x". See: WxS story will not be as effective without their huge supporting cast, but we barely even have any npcs for N25 story, usually only 2 per character or so, and they're fine. They don't need a huge supporting cast because of what their story and character development is. Hell, Suzuka's parents literally don't even have personalities because they're not important to her story.
But overall I think the distinction between pc/npc in like, our specific genre, is kind of scary. You should still enjoy the process of making and writing those characters, even if they're a one-off appearance. Treat them as people of their own who just happened to brush shoulders with the Important character on their both ways to growth, I think is the gist of it.
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so i just started playing fallout 4 ,,, here are my preliminary opinions
- lame storyline, i don't want to be married heterosexual. idc abt this fuckass baby either.
- fr tho, it feels like the devs just chose the most generic backstory they could think of so they could get that part out of the way. it's not interesting or good. moreover, if that actually happened to a person, they'd be traumatized and terrified, not running around looking for guns and stimpaks. like, it feels like my character doesn't even give that much of a shit that this happened. like ooh the world ended, my wife was murdered, my infant child was kidnapped, it is 200 years in the future, but yeah no i don't have any questions, ill just roll with it. LAZY WRITING!
- also: how does the survivor know that his baby is still alive. the story has him frozen, unfrozen to witness murder and kidnapping, frozen again and then unfrozen to start the game. how am i supposed to know when that kidnapping happened? like yeah it could've been recent but it could also have been 100 years ago.
- upon exiting the vault you immediately start like 11 quests. why?? for what reason?? i just got here??
- do not love that feral ghouls will just lay on the ground waiting for you to get close enough so they can attack you. 1. its annoying, you get ambushed every time. 2. why would they be doing that, are they sleeping? waiting? doesnt make sense for them to be doing either of those things. they're feral, they wander around attacking whatever comes near them, they don't lie down and wait for prey, thats just ,,, not how they work?
- i especially dont like that the ghouls also dont show up as hostile on the little navigation bar until they get up. the whole point of that is so i know if there's hostiles in the area. if all the hostiles just sneak up on you, there's no reason to look at it.
- the fact that you can just max out your SPECIAL stats kinda defeats the purpose of those stats. the point is that it allows you to pick strengths and weaknesses for your character, instead of it being skills you can learn. it adds difficulty and personalization.
- i genuinely don't like the "improved" graphics. maybe its because my pc is shitty and i have to run low quality, but i cant see shit. especially all the harsh shadows make it really hard to gauge depth and to see things on the ground (like feral ghouls waiting to attack you).
- why is VATS under Q. thats dumb
- follow up: why are we now using the enter key and arrow keys in addition to wasd. let me keep my hand on the mouse instead of constantly having to switch (update: after 10 hours in-game i found out you can also press E, still stupid)
- why cant i just go up to people and ask them shit. why do i have to wait until they want to talk to me.
- i do like the whole settlement building thing. ive been having more fun with that than anything else tbh
- it is nice that you can make radaway and you dont have to rely on scavenging or bartering for it
- they are harsh on the raiders. like i get that they're enemies but labelling them 'raider scum' is a bit much. like thats still a person.
- in the intro thing they say war never changes at least 3 times. i get it. dont overdo it.
- also in the intro, they just say the US ended ww2 by dropping the bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki which is a VERY BOLD statement about history.
- i've barely encountered anyone who's nice. ive met preston and his friends but beyond that its basically been nothing but raiders. where are the friendly npc's? it makes the whole world feel hostile and empty
- the variety of weapons and mods is ,, actually a little too much. i don't know the difference between a pistol and a revolver, let alone what a receiver is. the game kind of expects you to just , understand what all these things mean and how to best modify your weapons. I don't. i barely know what i'm supposed to be looking at. "um yeah i definitely prefer the hardened enhanced glowsighted tempered auto pipe revolver pistol over the hardboiled standardized incendiary double barreled shotgun rifle" <- statement dreamed up by the utterly deranged
- recently encountered super mutants, why do they yell at you that they are super mutants. i know that. i mean, the character technically doesn't since no one's bothered to explain all the new creatures to him, but still.
anywho, ive only been playing for a week or so, so there might be more redeeming qualities later on. but so far im not very impressed
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dungeonsandblorbos · 3 months
hi! I love your blog! I didn't ever think of writing about ttrpg on my writeblr blog, so thank you for sending me down that tunnel! It's making me see my table top characters in whole new ways to think of them as oc's. (and honestly inspired by you im thinking of rebranding my blog to include ttrpg stuff now yay) Quick actual question, since this is an ask after all, how do you like to get to know a new oc when you have first created them?
aww, thank you! glad to know i can offer some inspiration there, and i look forward to learning about your PCs/campaigns too if you do end up posting stuff about them! 🥰
and ooh, that's a great question. there's a few different things i like
for my PCs, i usually only have vague ideas at first, so the process generally starts with me pouring over the rulebooks for the right class/subclass, background, feats, etc. to match the vibe i have in mind. this helps me narrow in on a more specific vision of the character and sometimes even gives me some new ideas to play around with. from there, it's often a lot of just writing things down, either in the character sheet or on my designated backstory doc, until it's time to actually play. it can take a few sessions to feel out a new PC and settle on how i play them, but i never really fully know them until i've "been" them, ya know?
if i'm getting ansty or want to do more character work in between sessions, i like working through lists of questions (especially when they're DM-provided). i really enjoy Ginny Di's POV Roleplay video series, especially this one: POV Roleplay: You're treated by a healer video link, as a more interactive style of questionnaire. essentially, Ginny takes on the role of a D&D-style NPC and has a "conversation" with you, with pauses in the video to allow you to respond in character. it can feel kinda silly at first, like a bizarro adult version of Dora the Explorer, but once you get comfortable with it, it's a pretty fun way to get into the character's headspace and explore how they think and interact with others in a zero-stakes, non-canon environment.
finally, i tend to do a lot of daydreaming and expanding their backstory doc. like, when i say that i am mentally ill about Cerris or Ariel, i am not exaggerating. i have hyperfocused on them to the degree that for, like, a month at a time, any time i wasn't actively focusing on something else, i was thinking about one of my boys. it's how i'd deal with long public transit to and from work when i didn't have headphones (and at least once missing my stop because i was too engrossed in blorbothinking). it's how i'd fall asleep. it's how a quick shower would turn into twenty minutes of me standing under the hot water not actually bathing, just thinking about character things. and Ariel's backstory doc (which also contains a good amount of worldbuilding content, as i got to help the DM develop the country he's from) has ballooned from its original, like, 4 pages to a solid 18-20. i have family crests and pedigrees and height comparison charts and explanations of noble social customs and naming conventions. it's ridiculous.
in a similar vein, i'll sometimes write letters and journal entries from their perspective, or random backstory scenes. these are especially helpful in getting a feel for the character's voice, which is a key part of writing and roleplay for me!
for non-PC characters, both player-created NPCs and OCs for non-TTRPG projects, i'll do some of the same things, but a lot of it ends up revolving around the simple question: what do i need them to do in the story i'm trying to tell? what characteristics and storytelling elements are going to best allow them to fulfill that goal? it sounds very formulaic and detached when i write it out like that, but in practice it feels much more personal, like helping a character discover their purpose in life
anyway TLDR: basically i give myself free reign to hyperfixate on the character and think about nothing else for at least a week straight 😂 when you spend that much time thinking about a character, it's hard to not figure out almost everything about them!
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makowo · 1 year
Okay. Finished Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. Here's my scattered, informally-presented thoughts on it (some spoilers under the cut, but tried to keep it vague). I recommend looking through a professional review online if you want some more in-depth opinions tho
TLDR; Good game, but severely tainted by its janky combat and the writing being pretty "of its time", I think.
I loooove love love love the gameplay, for the most part! I think the stat system is good and forces you to really consider what you want to put your stats into, instead of just letting you farm them or whatever. You can't be an everyman (unless using console commands ofc, which i did). You have to stick to a build, though I think that ranged combat far outweighs ranged. But then again, roleplaying game. Getting a good combat build or stealth build is a side part of the whole experience.
However, I do wanna talk about the combat. The combat. Oh god, the combat. It's really, really bad. For most of the game you can avoid it, but there are multiple boss fights at the very end of the game that force you into combat. If you put all of your experience into stealth and subterfuge options, RIP. Many enemies are damage sponges, and you are most certainly Not a damage sponge in equal measure. Your movements in melee combat are usually slow and difficult to maneuver, meaning that if you get jumped by three or more enemies when you play melee, you're kiiiinda fucked. You stagger on every melee hit and cant avoid damage for shit half the time. Little better with ranged ofc, but the enemies also have guns most of the time, and some enemies will gun you down before you have any time to react. which means that if you run into a group of enemies, again, you're fucked. it's miraculous that they didnt catch just how bad it is to face off against large groups of enemies (and the bosses. they are Really Bad. All of them) in playtesting. So strange.
The roleplay is AMAZING, though. it has good diversity in its dialogue and character backstory, so you're relatively good on that front if you're here to be some guy thats having the roughest time of their life. plenty of avenues you can go for in the gameplay to fit the image you have in mind for your character, and I think that's its greatest strength.
the story is also pretty good! writing is great, love the characters and the setting. the writing is pretty tight, interesting the whole way through, and the reveal about the driving force of the narrative at the end of the game is real fuckin good. greatly enjoyed it.
ofc, there is some pretty bad shit as well; the chinatown area and any chinese character is depicted as evil, traitorous, stupid, or greedy. there's like, probably one or two good chinese characters in the game (if i remember correctly, my playthrough took a while). there's other instances of racism, however; The Sheriff character is a silent, animalistic bodyguard that is killed in several routes. hes stated to be from africa, and serving La Croix, a powerful white person... yknow. There's like four total dark-skinned people in this game, and a whole one of them is good, but only technically in one route, and he's still portrayed as an aggressive guard.
but all in all, i really think it is like, kinda worth the money? its pretty good despite these faults, especially since you have access to console commands and can just turn on god mode if shit gets unbearable (which it will, trust me). theres several unofficial patches that also add to the experience, and are probably even vital to playing the game. I used the VTMB Unofficial Patch, but there's other patches out there i believe, if you want to look at those.
so yeah i recommend it if youre fine with playing an old pc game thats too ambitious for its time.
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wawek · 1 year
Could you write something about your dnd character/s? Love hearing about other people's ocs!
hehe i finally have a moment to answer >:3c this is gonna be long so im gonna get a read more involved
my only character thats actually from dnd (my online group plays other ttrpgs) and "active" (we played two sessions 3 months ago ;w; but! might play again) Is Yeshe :3
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Its a mdzs inspired campaign... im pretty sure, i havent watched it... so i based her off of tibetan folk clothes and ofc off of a pallas cat. She hadnt had time to shine as a character yet and her backstory and motivations are bit murky =w= but the gist is that she takes care of her magically gifted little sibling (another player character, my sketch attached), they were raised in a remote commune and are now going to the big city.
Now, the character from a finished campaign of City Of Mist (really cool system!!!) thats been on my mind a lot recently is my beloved Theooooooo
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He was originally an oc completely detached from any specific setting, then I put him with my beloved Rochelle (in the blue dress, she started out as a dnd character but got only like 2 sessions back in 2020 :'3) in my own version of feywild (ill get to it later).
And then!!! I decided to play him in that CoM game and it was the best decision everrrrrrrrrr he was so so so so sos ososoosososos fun :3. CoM is urban fantasy where people become "rifts" for mythical beings and are able to use their power.
Theo was a Detective and a Fey and i really enjoyed playing an absolutely devious, controlling and charming guy =w=. His main motivation was power, he thought most people (except for his wife rochelle altough they have a tomshiv thing going on) are beneath him and mostly there for him to order around like chess pieces. And something that made this campaign insanely fun for me was that in order to get more powerful he had to do a task for the fey queen - kidnap and deliver a singer to her. A singer which also happened to be the person we had to protect during our investigation... dm and me kept it secret.
It was so insanely fun to walk into every scene thinking of how to find an opportunity to do that... in the end I managed to, in a very tense scene (the greyscale sketch at the top, the girl smiling behind theo is one of the fey messangers). The other PCs didnt stop him because they had some trust in him... got away with it completely :3. Tho I agreed not to play him in the next campaign (even tho id love to >_<) bc his jig was kinda up. Great character tho, and thanks to my dm i finally get warlocks, i might play one sometime!
Now, still in the city of mist im playing Valerie :3
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Her mythos is "Vampire" but she refuses to drink blood... she gets all sorts of issues bc of that, has trouble keeping down frineds and jobs ect... Still very early in the campaign but shes pretty fun :3 tho i prefer chracters who are a bit more commanding, i made her more of a follower to let my group breathe after theo but i kinda naturally fell back into organising the party again last session so i think i just need to stick to making charismatic characters next time sidugfsd. shes a nice change of pace tho, im excited for whats in store for her.
My feywild!!! It's a setting ive had in my head ever since i made Rochelle, Its sort of an early modern france mixed with Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell which sounds pretty lame and ig it is isudgfsd.
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Theres a lot of ideas and a lot of characters that i dont really have time to develop and am prolly gonna rework a million times =w= but its fun, and its fun to make plalists for random archfey.
Last character I'll mention =w= even tho i never got to play him because the campaign fell apart before the fist session, as they often do, I really love Byk and I wanna show you guys...
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Tadeusz Byk born in 1880 in Poland, Emigrated to the usa (boston then moved near new york) with his mother and grandma when he was 13... Operates a temporary house for immigrants that his mother started. Now 40, works as a tailor and sells moonshine on the side. Depressed, repressed and with a big heart... hope i get to dust him off for something someday...
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sunrisetune · 2 years
Finally downloaded Disco Elysium after having it on Steam for a few months \o/  Writing a list of what I know (or think I do rn) about the game before I play it, for comparative research purposes!
-The title is a pun, probably; or else the premise of Harry DuBois, the PC, only remembering he likes ‘disco’ is definitely a pun
We’re a detective and there’s a murder that needs solving
-The setting is like, a fantasy-post-Soviet Union collapse country / city, which also qualifies as post-apocalyptic though I don’t know if those are related strictly speaking In Addition: There’s a bit of “the world’s moved on since then” happening, like some things about reality and time and space are just weird now that the world’s ended, and it may be continuing to erode. The murder mystery may or may not be tied into any of that
There’s a woman who’s the most well-known (??) religious figure in the setting who may be a particularly prominent saint or a goddess, I can’t tell; part of her iconography is her exposed lungs
- The theme of the game..... actually it’s hard to describe the theme from what I know so far, I was going to say ‘morality’ but that’s not exactly it; maybe like, the way your morals and political beliefs change the way you interact with the world?
The point of the game is to romance Kim Kitsuragi 
(-  To be clear this one is a joke; I’m pretty sure there isn’t actually romance plotlines (except for Harry’s backstory kinda)
- There’s some kind of RPG talent system? You can put points into attributes that help you make checks for things, including violence - This is also related to the Whatever Tf They Are that constantly narrate Harry’s inner dialogue to different effects. How? No clue! We’ll learn together             -These are ‘Thoughts’, maybe?? - You can pick up clothes and items that give you bonuses to said checks; one of them is a frog headband               -Also you can use drugs and / or alcohol, which don’t actually have any repercussions in-game (other than making Kim sad?), but there’s still technically an addiction mechanic on us as the player bc it’s easy to get reliant on said stat boosts and use them all the time
There’s a lot of NPCs around the city; I’m assuming to give you clues to the murder and / or influence your politics mechanics-wise, and their stories are nice
- At the end of the game there’s some kind of character reckoning involving Kim giving you a score of being a decent human; this may or may be related to the actual murder mystery
Kim’s really good at pinball
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bouwrites · 2 years
But you do realize the game is set in 1890, so all of that backstory you made up for your oc is kinda useless?
Of course I realize that. That's what makes it fun. Same character, completely different circumstances.
And it's not completely useless. Aspects about his situation can be the same, depending on how much freedom the game gives in the PCs backstory. Even though he's not Harry's brother or a Scamander in the game, that doesn't mean he doesn't have a sibling he's separated from(even if the separation is a completely different circumstance), or that he isn't raised in a similar-vibed household.
Figuring out what I can keep and what I can't (and what I want to keep and what I don't) is half the fun of throwing the same characters into new worlds and fics. I have an OC that has a running gag that he exists in literally every world I write in. That's the whole point lmao.
One of my OCs, who will likely be my PC for a Hufflepuff playthrough, is originally from a modern Pokemon story and had some very specific backstory that is deeply tied to that setting. And yet I still use him all the time in other things, like a Miraculous Ladybug fic, because it's fun to adapt backstories to keep the core of the character the same, and allow for those smaller differences to further expand the character.
Probably my literal favorite thing to do with character development lol.
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pocketbullfinch · 4 years
Spending this late evening writing out some of the backstory for my shadow sorcerer changeling, Rut. 
Normally my backstories are a handful of paragraphs, or aprox one and half pages... this one is already on third page... but then normally the games are not planned to be whole Campaigns going from 1st to 20th lvl... and I may have found the state of mind for writing tonight. Who knows.
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saltymongoose · 2 years
I got something in my drafts that has been sitting there for a week now and I need some ideas
It’s that that post where you talked about one of the grunts not liking us and stuff. What if there was a character that didn’t like us buuuut it wasn’t a grunt
And that post where a glitch happens and brings all of the games we have on our pc into madness combat.
What if it was those two post combined together where the grunts (and us) accidentally glitch into a game where a character doesn’t like us and doesn’t think of us as a god or something like that and tried to get rid of us(but failing because it can’t hurt us) something like a game where u try to make these characters/character life hell or just mess with them?
Any ideas on what game it could be or Anything?
Hmm, so I'm not sure what kinda games you're into so I can't give a concrete answer that I know will work for sure, but I'd go into something that's part of a series and/or well-established universe. One of the main things that gives the Player the ability to have such a large input in their vessels' lives is their knowledge of their world and their "puppet's" backstories. So if you go with a game like Injustice or Legend of Zelda, you'd have a similar player/vessel dynamic like with Madness, which would cause a ton of trouble if the grunts came into conflict with them over you. (Cause the grunts can't understand why they wouldn't like you, and other stuff like that). Or you could go for a game that has really expansive lore, like one of the Souls games since your knowledge would also surpass that of the vessels based on world scale alone. As for games where you mess with people, any games where you get injured and die a lot would fit that criteria lmao. This could be the aforementioned Souls genre, multiplayer stuff like Dead by Daylight/Identity V, or horror games like Resident Evil.
So basically, I would go for something that would make the reader immensely helpful and useful through knowledge, only for the game's characters to dislike them (probably for meddling in stuff that "doesn't concern them") which would then cause fights with the grunts. If you want a game that includes making characters' lives hell/messing with them, try ones where the characters get hurt a lot of the time lol.
Though I would recommend writing for a game you really love, since you'd naturally know a lot about it and wouldn't have to do a bunch of outside research lmao. Hope this helps! :) <3333
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thearcanacheck · 4 years
Character Building Worksheet
Threw together a little PC-Development sheet to keep my players entertained between sessions! I took a lot of This Reddit User’s worksheet as guidance, but I did a little tweaking because I’m a psych major who has an opinion on The Big Five.
1. Intro: What’s your Character’s full name?
2. The Basics: try writing a statement about your character, using this frame: “I am a [ADJECTIVE] [NOUN] who [VERBS].” For example, “I am an excitable young knight who sends her money to an orphanage” or “I am a grumpy old lumberjack who everyone thinks is a witch.”
3. Inspirations: Name at least two characters (from movies, books, games, etc.) you can use as touchstones if you’re ever feeling lost. Your character may be similar to your inspirations in some ways, while completely different in others. 
4. Physical Quirks: How can someone pick you out of a crowd, besides the obvious? For example, “He was raised in the arctic so he walks like a penguin,” “For a Goliath, she has terrible posture,” or “He thinks he looks good in red…”
5. Vocal Quirks: In a dark room, how can someone tell you’re the one talking? For example, “She randomly pluralizes words that’s don’t needs to be pluralizeds,” “He always talks about the good ol’ days,” or “She refers to inanimate objects as though they were people.”
6. Lunchbox: Adventurers pack rations that often say a little about where they came from. For example, “The Monk will only consume boiled water and unleavened bread,” “Among other things, the Halfling has a variety of summer sausages and some carefully decorated cookies,” or “the Orc just keeps some live chickens in his backpack.”
7. Let’s Get Juicy! I’m gonna needs at least 3 secrets about your character! Maybe these secrets will be revealed over time, or maybe someone out there already knows this about you; who knows? I’m not telling!
8. Personality Rapid Fire Questions! Here’s a bunch of questions based on the “Big Five” personality traits most commonly used to describe “Real People.” Have fun!
Extraversion: What is your character’s idea of a good time? What kinds of people does he/she/they best get along with?
Agreeableness: Does your character like to get along with people? How does your character react to conflict within their group?
Conscientiousness: Everyone’s a little impulsive; what kinda things are your character likely to do without much forethought? On the other hand, are there some activities that bring out the “perfectionist” in your character?
Neuroticism: Does your character feel emotions wildly, or are they more of a stoic? What emotion (if any) is your character usually feeling at any given time?
Openness: Is your character more curious about certain topics/places/people than others? Curious people are usually more apt to change their minds, but what’s something your character would never change their mind about?
9. Backstory: Tell me what you’d like about your character’s backstory! The two big questions to keep in mind are: 1. How did they acquire the skills to be an adventurer, and 2. Why is your character out having deadly adventures instead of living a more comfortable, modest life?
8. Lastly: Every story has an ending; how do you picture your character’s story ending?
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sharkface-daydreams · 3 years
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc). 👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic? 💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
Ok. Time to think up proud thing #3. Well, I'm proud that I've written and published so much in such a short time. I'd basically only been writing for myself for the past decade ish, mostly just Skyrim OC(PC?) backstories. But as of now my AO3 word count for 2021 is .... jesus. over 60k lmao. that's a lot. and only what I've posted! I kinda get down on myself a lot recently because I'm having trouble writing like I want to but like. That's nothing to sneeze at. :) i done good lol
Do you tell people in real life that you write fic?
HAHA NO my partner is supportive but also isn't the transformative work type, we just can't get our respective heads around the other's mindframe with regards to interacting with media and that's ok. my head is full of 'what ifs' and his is full of canon dissection for study and analysis only. he likes his authors alive and i like mine dead.*
but yeah he's pretty much the only person i've EVER told irl that I write fanfiction. i guess it wouldn't be /awful/ these days to tell other people but like when i started writing it was definitely not cool to be writing fanfiction at all let alone queer stuff so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the defenses are still up lol
What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
Hmmm I don't know if I keep many consistent headcanons across AUs, I kind of like to mix things up...
Plenty of trans headcanons: almost always Sharkface, big fan of trans Locus, Tucker, Simmons and Sarge. I don't think there's actually any straight people in my universe. :o everybody is some flavor of straightn't
In my head the Director and Counselor were bitter exes by the time they were working on Project Freelancer. actually most of the time I think I keep the same backstory for them - they're both prominent researchers in the AI science field and despite their nasty breakup several long years ago Leonard requests Aiden specifically for PFL because there isn't anyone he trusts with the work. this of course strains their working relationship and eventually the program lol
Hmm. also that most people who end up with more than one AI or have one fucking up their brain for too long end up with some sort of plurality. Maine/Meta, Wash, Lina, Caboose, Doc, possibly North and York but I don't think I've ever actually written those two o.O Tex and Church are ofc fragments so they're pieces of a system by default
maybe one day I'll get around to polishing and sharing my plural!Meta lives AU lol
ty for the letter 💌 ^^
*this is a terribly worded death of the author joke please no one take it out of context ><
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x-nephophile-x · 4 years
hi i’m a big fan of your blog n you’ve probably seen me in your notes a lot cause like dude you single handedly are fuelling my hyperfixation. thank you so much. i don’t have access to a PC often so i don’t get a lot of time to play cp2077 but you make me still feel so involved with the community and give me new content to fawn over. seriously thank you
aofkeaofkeao this is so sweet!!! Thank you so much!!  So little backstory cuz its honestly relevant-  I got into this fandom immediately and of course back in December, the fandom was just starting out and I was yeeted into Silverhand Hell and suffering alone. I looked for a lot of content and found some but not nearly enough to fuel my hyperfixation so i kinda just sat and went “... y’know what, i can make my own, add it so others like me have some more stuff to find. It won’t be as fancy as what others will probably make, like fancy colored gifsets with beautiful quotes, or tons of mods, or stories, but fuck it, ill add to the pile that’s gonna’ grow given some time’ so i honestly never expected for this blog to take off the way it did, to find so many amazing people, nor to ever have any of my stuff be considered fawn-over-worthy. I’ve been trying my best to make some decent content, whether that’s writing (very self-indulgent) fics on occasion or taking (equally self-indulgent) screenshots and its honestly been one of the things i have that im... proud of i guess? I don’t have many things im proud of cuz I don’t really have many hobbies outside of playing games but doing this makes me really happy and it makes me 103104910590141x happier to know its making others happy too. <3 
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
🖊🖊 for Ni'kasi and an oc of your choice 👀
Thanks for the ask, Pinky! apparently my brain has decided “gush” means “throw lots of random fun facts at everyone” today so here we go! Here’s your favourite tomato gal! :3
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-She and Saarai were always twins and I’d always intended for them to be close, and the bare-bones basic premise of how I wanted their relationship to work was “Saarai is the brawn and Kas is the brains”. While this is still true, it did evolve ever so slightly in that Saarai is now also the (more reliable) moral compass. Kas isn’t particularly Dark-sided, but she’s not Light-sided either, she’s inherited a lot more of mom’s “I will do what I have to to get a job done even if that means I have to kill a bitch” attitude XD
-When I first came up with the idea for the twins, Kas’s name was originally going to be “Jen” which is the High Sith word for “hidden, or in shadow” (”Saarai” is the High Sith word for “Truth”, for reference ;) ) ; so their names joined together would have meant “Hidden Truth”. I don’t remember where Ni’kasi came from because it isn’t an “actual” Sith word nor does it have particular meaning (though I might try to make one up, we’ll see :P), but the very first time I went to write down solid bios for them I ended up writing “Ni’kasi” instead of “Jen” for her and it’s stuck ever since then.
-Initially, Kas’s colour pallette was a lot lighter, which you can see in all of her screenshots up till now (cause I forgot to change her when I changed the design earlier this year oops :’D) and also in this art piece I ordered of her last year, here:
(art is by @/cerculor on deviantART)
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and the twins were very darn near close to being identical, but I decided that I actually rather liked their dad’s more purple-ish skintone earlier this year and that it was a shame neither of the twins looked a bit more like him, so I changed Kas up a bit and gave her dad’s skintone, jaw spurs and eye colour. She’s got mom’s red-tinted hair and (mostly) mom’s ridge/browstalk structure though :D
-Great with her own kids and direct blood relatives (e.g. nieces, nephews, grandchildren), but kinda iffy with other, random children. She won’t hurt them but she’s very much D’leah’s child in that respect, she’s very “Sith-y”, and liable to be abrasive, unsympathetic and so on. Generally not the sort of presence you’d want around your kids... there will definitely be tears hahahaha
-The scar on her eye was originally going to be caused by D’leah in the same fight that she gets Saarai’s nose, when Ni’kasi got between them to try and break up the scuffle, but I retconned that instead when I re-thought some stuff about that so now she gets it from the Inquisitors after they figure out who killed Ty’s dad and come after them.
-This is also how Kas ends up in the slave pens, after they kill D’leah they throw Ni’kasi into slavery (which is a bit of plot armour/oversight on the Inquisitors part, I admit but shhh XD) and figure y’know “she’s never gonna get out of there again”. A lot can happen, and be forgotten, in 60 odd years tho so eventually they do throw her back into the Academy much to Kas’s surprise.
-She has a lot more scars other than the one on her eye, just that most of them are on her back, or the back of her neck, so you generally can’t see them (I haven’t drawn a scar ref for her yet, it is also on the to-do list lol)
And we random-rolled Aria for this one, so more Tiny Sith nonsense!
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(art is by @/ocellifera on deviantART)
-Aria’s hairstyle and general appearance actually came about because it was based on my second-favourite “portrait” choice for the PC in KOTOR II. She wasn’t how I saw my version of the Exile looking, but I really liked the design (including the little blonde fringe streak) so I decided I wanted to do something with it! <3
-We don’t get to see it much because usually when I draw her she’s back with the Sith and fully into the “Dark side” portion of her story and therefore her eyes are amber, but here you go, a nice glimpse of Aria’s natural eye colour! As mentioned on Myla’s ask, she has heterochromia as well, though her grey is “lighter” than Myla’s as she inherited the grey from dad and the brown from mom (yes I know technically it doesn’t work like that but basically I couldn’t decide which one I liked better so instead of agonising over the choice I went “one of each, problem solved” XD)
-Aria was actually the very first SWTOR-era OC I made, very closely followed by her dad, Roan, and then Vano, then her mom when I worked on her backstory, and followed by everyone else haha. I created her for an RP on an RP site that got a couple of posts in and then died/my partner ghosted me for whatever reason (I’ve never found out nor does it matter really), I was disappointed because I really liked Aria and didn’t get to “do much” with her, so I recycled her when another RP popped up, used that to build her backstory and prompt me to start the Subterfugeverse and then threw her into the Zephyrverse AU RP with my buddy k-christine once she got back in touch and we started RPing again :D -Aria gave me the most trouble (other than maybeee Saarai) in terms of finally nailing down what her sexuality was. I had no idea what she’d be at all when I first made her, other than I knew this binch wasn’t straight hahaha. So first, I defaulted her to bi, but then that didn’t seem to fit her much (I didn’t know pansexuality was a thing at the time), then during my self-projection phase I considered leaving her as just a lesbian but she wasn’t happy with that either and eventually I figured out pan is a thing and she started jumping up and down and screaming HELLO YEAH THAT ONE!! at me. The only thing that was for sure obvious to me was that she’s demiromantic, because while she can get around and doesn’t care who with (insert “will fuck anything (humanoid) with a pulse” joke here), the romantic feelings often attached to that for other people take a long time to develop for Aria.
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SAMMEEE! It’s so good!
How do you feel about DA2? I think it doesn’t get enough credit! I’m very fond of it! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve played DAO and DA2 since I first bought it lol alas, I play on Xbox 360.
What are your favorite origins? Mine is Cousland and an elf commoner andddddd a dwarf noble. They’re great backstories, if a bit depressing.
Dude you shoulddd! I’d read the fuck out of that lol
Ahaha 😂 that wasn’t originally my intention, but I think that’s what makes it better 😆 I was going for more of a gopher nerd rising from the depths to discuss DA. No one really talks about it outside of DA FB groups 😭
So I didn’t enjoy DA2 as much the first time I played it, but I definitely think that was mostly cause I went from PC for DAO to 360 for DA2, and the shift in gameplay was incredibly jarring and made it super difficult lol I ended up trying it again on the PC and now I absolutely love it! There’s definitely things that could be improved on (interactions with companions, for example), but overall I think it’s a really solid game. I love Hawke, I love the companions, and the DLC was really cool! 
As far as origins go, I’d probably say the City Elf was my overall favorite! It’s the first one I played, and it was SO intense. I’m pretty sure that on its own helped hook me into the game forever lol I was also surprised by how much I loved both Dwarf origins, though I tend to lean more towards the Dwarf Commoner (the story potential for a girl from Dust Town saving the entire world is *chef’s kiss*). I have to replay the Cousland origin! I admit it felt kinda lackluster the one time I played, but that was also ages ago and I barely remember it lol I’ve played the mage origin the most though, even though I’m neutral on it, just because I prefer playing as a mage (and I love the way an Amell warden connects to DA2, it feels like it helps tie everything together more, plus when you add in all the mage conflicts of 2 and Inquisition, it feels pretty fitting lol)
I’ve thought sooooooo much about all the things I could do with a pro-mage, slightly short-tempered, Amell warden and if I can ever get myself to just sit down and write things again I definitely plan to do something with it. I’ve at least gotta get the outline down lol
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