#what left of the fandom anyway
luvindowney · 2 years
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Tomorrow is when the whole fandom will melt down..... 
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edandstede · 8 months
rip to anyone thinking the show has nothing left to give like did you not listen to djenks when he said he has a 3 series arc in mind, did you not see ed gazing at stede during lucius and pete’s wedding because that man wants to put a ring on it so bad, were you not there when zheng very loudly said she wants to find ricky and kill him for what he did, do you think they can just slaughter a dozen british and escape by the skin of their teeth and that be the end of it? there is still a giant fucking looming threat to the pirates and it will absolutely extend to ed and stede’s ramshackle inn whether they think they’ve truly retired or not (not to mention the new conflicts they’ll face trying to get this new venture up and running, that will be a sitcom in of itself). anyway revenge is still on the water and i don’t just mean the ship and i cannot wait to see how it all goes down. praying we actually get to.
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sophfandoms53 · 2 years
Penny’s dedication to this gag the whole dub killed me
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aroaceleovaldez · 5 months
Here is a link to the Cherokee Nation's official site. Here is the Visit Cherokee Nation youtube channel. Here is a playlist for learning Cherokee (and here's one for learning Ojibwe, as a bonus cause i'm biased). Here is a link to Daybreak Star Radio, which is a radio station based in Seattle dedicated to showcasing international first nations and indigenous music that you can listen to online. Here is a pdf of various recipes, including references to which tribes they originate from. Here is a link to The-aila-test's buy native tag, and here is a link to Beyond Buckskin's buy native list (though some of the links are broken). Here is a link to the Cherokee Phoenix newspaper's official site.
now go take a minute and come back once you've done some research so everybody can stop being weird about Piper.
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kateis-cakeis · 6 months
I think what really gets to me with the finale is that Merlin was so close to getting Arthur to the lake. Yet, there was no plan beyond that. It's like even if they did get there, who knows if anything would have happened.
The idea that there was still more tragedy awaiting even if they made it, that yeah despite all of Merlin’s magic, he couldn't save Arthur's life.
It was always the possibility of the Sidhe, but there was no guarantee. It was all hope from the start, endless hope that failed them in the end.
Because well, it was always supposed to happen like this anyway... Arthur was meant to die so he could rise again, there was no alternative
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bell-of-indecision · 3 months
rumor has it that if you ask me about porus 2017 I will vibrate at the speed of light and then combust out of sheer anger
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redpandavvstuffs · 3 months
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"We need more clomplex female characters!!!"
Yall mfs couldn't even handle her 💀
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leonardalphachurch · 1 year
putting up some decorations for all the ppl coming back to the rvb fandom
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mlady-magnolia · 8 months
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I made another PJO girlie, Roman Edition!
Her name is Adonna Leighton, she’s a child of Venus, and she has a magical choker that gives her the ability to conjure up a pair of wings for a short amount of time and fly around like Cupid
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 1 month
Missing Andreil sm that they appeared in my dream (literally just dreamt of them)
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crispycreambacon · 26 days
Debating if I should release the Ryan/Professor "marriage that goes south after a car crash" AU fic that my friend wrote for her English exam and got a 24/25 on
No additional context like last poll. Just follow your heart.
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Sorry for bringing discourse onto your blog but your post just reminded me of when I saw an unhinged rant abt how “if they have a senior year all the parents of the rat grinders should try and violently murder the bad kids and when tbk ask for redemption instead it isn’t given to them.” And I get that like you wanted your thematic bullshit or whatever but you LITERALLY just advocated for a munch of adults to kill teenagers without mercy bc of tbk not thinking twice when they need to save the ENTIRE world. Idk maybe we’ve lost the plot a little.
OH BABY! We've lost the plot in Costco and need to find a responsible grown-up to help us find it again.
Anon, that's the funniest thing I've seen in a while because... didn't the Bad Kids just take down Oisin's Grandma not one episode ago? I'm sorry, what are the Copperkettles gonna do? Bobby Dawn (to quote Gorgug) is a regular freak. Henry can get someone to cast Plane Shift and go get Ruben back. Like, damn, I WISH the Ratgrinders' parents would show up so they can come get their kids, the fuck?
Also... The Bad Kids would never beg for anything not even redemption. Especially not from some adults who were about to kill them. They'd flip them off and insult them on a deep level only teenagers can before dying glorious deaths. And then they'd find each other across afterlives, figure out how to get back to the Material Plane and get revenge. Because what does death mean to the kids who died on the first day of school?
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itstimetoghoul · 1 month
is it hypocritical to love old men, love drawing old men, and then never drawing the papas-only ghouls? ghoul time all the time?
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razberrypuck · 2 months
rotating henry emily in my mind
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I’m finally getting back into Penumbra again so I can listen to the final season (I haven’t done a full listen since like 2020-2021 and I only got to like ep 1 of season 4)- but I go online and there’s like- no more fandom?
Did smth happen while I was gone like damn where’s the fresh Fanart and Fics? I’m dying out here guys
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jaskierx · 1 year
‘i can’t believe people think izzy is a bad person for being homophobic when every character is a literal murderer’ bestie it’s almost as if the show very quickly establishes that ofmd does not adhere exactly to real world ideas about morality (source: they’re pirates)
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