#what started as a shitpost now has
crackedpumpkin · 1 year
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It is complete, some no regrets
Can I just say that this is the first thing I saw literally as soon as i woke up and I have absolutely NO REGRETS
I adore this, this is beautiful oh my god what have I done
also it took me a minute to see the top peft picture and bottom right and can i just say i am so so glad we're mutuals
@buthowboutno-spamming @morning-sun-brah @turtle-babe83 @zprites @afreakingdork @tmntxthings @theblindhag need to get on this fr i mean LOOK AT THIS IT'S GORGEOUS
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isatoru · 16 days
ok bro so i don't know how to make this post SDJFHSH and say hi hello i missed everyone without being awkward and facing cricket noises since it's been over a year since i’ve logged in LMFAO and ppl still following r gonna be like ??? but .... ASKDUSDL HELLO!!!!! 🙂‍↕️ to everyone that is still here ... <3
I MISSED YA'LL SM OMG ;---; i hope some of you still remember me so this won’t be too awkward 🙂‍↕️🙏
on that note!!!! i have returned because i have really bad gojo and isagi brainrot since rewatching/rereading jjk + getting into bllk fr this time LMAOO (also getou and rin... among others but currently mostly those!!) I AM ALSO CURRENTLY REWATCHING BNHA TOO AFTER SO SO LONG AND </3 getting back into that fs... shouto is currently hitting and i have not once thought abt him like that lmfaoo
+ i have so many fics i have completed that i want to post !!! i have been cooking in isolation and after much needed self growth and love in writing <3 ;v; (gojo, isagi, and nanami ones mostly lmaoo AND ALSO A SUKUNA SERIES I WANT TO POST) AND IDK WHAT TO POST FIRST LOL
also bro i want to yap about characters and arcs analysis sm lmao... i've gotten into just. writing analysis of stuff i read and get into -- i might even make a separate blog for that since i'm like heavily into berserk (like really bad bro, i willingly sat and wrote essays for fun during finals week just bc of berserk KJSDFH) and souls games too rn LMAOOO (bg3 as well perhaps if anyone is into that too!! i love shadowheart a lot... 500+ hours... and ow <3 1k+ yikes) i mostly just rlly wanna yap about blue lock and jjk and bnha somewhere even if it's to the void on here lmfaooo
also to the mutuals (that remain... <3) please do not be alarmed if u see me in ur notifs reblogging fics for my current faves and yapping in ur tags 🙂‍↔️ like in the next few days LMFAO i have been deprived of reading good fic for soooo long bruh and now im like. I NEED TO READ FOR GOJO AND ISAGI SO BAD…. i missed fic so bad...
would ya'll be chill if i posted writing out of the blue here lmao and changed my username ??... it wouldn't be too awkward ?? 🙂‍↔️ (for the username i will change it in a few days despite my impatience so i give everybody like a chance to get used to me being on their dash so it won't be too alarming LMAOO)
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spark-circuit · 1 month
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was talking to my friend about how Gallagher's character stories sound like people are writing noir detective poetry about him
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queer-reader-07 · 5 months
the worst thing about me being a Gen Z with a Gen X father is that i routinely use Gen Z slang & internet lingo around him to the point that he's able to accurately parse what it all means. AND THEN HE GOES AND USES IT AT WORK TO IMPRESS HIS TWENTY SOMETHING COWORKERS
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empressofmankind · 6 months
I may or may not be drawing Crocodile in a ruffled shirt because I,
I feel very strongly about scuffed jackboots, overly tight striped pants and ruffled shirts.
particularly because he's got like the best titties for it
I am OK
I promise
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snowberai · 1 year
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Music: Chirp but it was sung by birds - Youtube
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Oh my GODS it’s starting guys, Amazon and Warner Bros are beginning to get petty and fight each other over who’s better at LOTR 😂
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blueberrybanee · 4 months
Guess who's back, back again
Hi, I know I haven't made any of my own posts since like Christmas, but I'm sorta back now, I think ‼️ First post of 2024 is more Discord bullshit because I thought it was funny and I'm very hyper after watching the new TBB trailer 🚗
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I. Don't know how to explain any of this because most of it is made up of oddly specific and absurd inside jokes between me and my friends + really bad humor (Don't talk to your besties after watching TBB S3 trailer guys /j)
(Part 2 comin' btw cuz I still have more screenshots to show)
That God damn Cad Bane car post got to me, man. I should not be finding it this funny hours later (Here's the post btw)
(Tagging the besties @linminty @twixedworlds @white-knight7255 and @ghastly-poltergeist isn't in any of these screenshots but I am tagging you anyway whether you like it or not cuz you a bestie /pos!!!)
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guinevereslancelot · 10 days
love the fact that i typed the words "permanent scarring" into a private text message and now facebook is showing me 500 ads for reconstructive plastic surgery love that
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lesenbyan · 17 days
Me: maybe I don't have OSDD. Maybe I'm just faking. I can't hear any voices but my own and no one else takes full executive control and intermittent OCD might just mean I'm faking that and-
Me: finds aphantasia posts in the DID subreddit
Me: oh. maybe I do have osdd. ok.
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 4 months
as someone who's been doing deep dives lately into the characterization of both the gang and the oldgang from sdmi, the maxim from @thecottageinthedark that 'you don't join a mystery solving gang without being at least a little bit autistic' has not failed me yet
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byanyan · 2 months
byan, wearing a kuromi top, jewelry, & boots, reaching into their kuromi bag, passing by their kuromi wallet, kuromi lip balm, & kuromi snacks, to grab their light up kuromi lighter in order to light their joint, all while looking at you with a raised eyebrow bc they have no idea what that look on your face is all about
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Went to the drugstore the other day for soup because I wasn’t feeling well. And on my way out I got stopped by the guy tabling for charity and he said don’t you want disabled kids to get to go to horseriding camp (and other services)... and like yeah, I do want disabled kids to get horseriding camp (and other services) and I guess I am willing to give some money for that so I was stood talking to him and he asked me about the birds. Did I see all these birds.
And I had to say yeah, that’s normal for this town, right here is where the birds come to sleep. I don’t know why. You can see them every day, as it begins to get dark, flying towards the intersection of the main road where the high school is and the highway. It is Entirely Normal for there to be Thousands of Black Birds at the Crossroads at Sundown. It is Normal for them to be Screaming.
And then, possibly, a bird touched something it should not have, or perhaps not. Maybe the electrons zigged when they should have zagged. But the transformer on the powerlines 20 feet from us exploded. The next one down the lines also exploded. Unexpected and bright and loud. I ducked and swore, profusely. The young man tabling for charity also ducked but did not swear, because as he had already explained to me the iPad he was holding was recording our interaction for quality and training purposes.
And then there were thousands of terrified black birds in a swirling changeable vortex above us, Double Screaming, and I had to tell the poor boy “This part isn’t actually very Normal”. And then I had to get on a call with the admin part of the charity to give verbal consent for them to charge my card so disabled kids could go to horse camp (and other services), and the poor guy tried, he tried so hard to explain before he passed me the phone that sorry, the entire world exploded a few seconds ago and we and thousands of black birds are still a little upset about it, and the electricity is still out for everything in the visible area, but I could tell the person at the desk at the other end didn’t really understand. They had no way of knowing what we had just seen.
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spark-circuit · 2 months
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found a phone app that lets me stick images on top of each other. blacked out for five minutes only to return to my group chat filled with these. 👍
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Blog Update • December 24, 2023
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magentagalaxies · 1 year
as i'm reading the buddy cole autobiography of course i'm thinking about aubrey aubergine's backstory and tbh i think it'd be really funny if the events of other girls are canon to aubrey as a sketch character but ze just doesn't think they're the most interesting thing about zir. like someone comes up to aubrey like "hey weren't you in a time loop when you were in high school?" and aubrey just sarcastically responds "wasn't everyone in a time loop in high school?"
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