#we got the dumpster fire that was rings of power
Oh my GODS it’s starting guys, Amazon and Warner Bros are beginning to get petty and fight each other over who’s better at LOTR 😂
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nanawaffles · 18 days
Real quick can we talk about the fact that the PR team for Rings of Power was soooo fucking off. Like remember when we were told that Elrond was a politician? Y'know, before he yeeted himself off a cliff to disobey direct orders from his king. Oh oh oh and remember when Galadriel was supposed to be this girlboss in her kick ass take names era that we all kinda cringed at cause why? I mean she's still kicking orcs ass but she also is a living dumpster fire who inadvertently brought Sauron back, and just got yoinked off a horse by an og orc. I could go on...
Anyway I don't know what they were on but that PR stuff aged like milk.
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Hi! Can you write a Morpheus x reader where they have a big family (like five kids, with one on the way) and have been married for like 12+ years with their oldest kid being born a year into their marriage and it’s just Morpheus being a dad and him and the reader being a family with their kids (oh! Like a scene where their kids interrupt him during his serious work wanting to hang out with their dad)
Papa! Papa!
Dream of the Endless x Reader
Summary: Just a normal average day in the Dreaming with 1 mom, 1 dad, 5 kids and 1 on the way [sips tea] [butterfly fluttering] [dumpster fire] [caveman music].
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: fem!reader, wife!reader, mom!reader, mentions of pregnancy/pregnancy symptoms/pregnancy struggles, 💀children💀, soft dad!dream, my ideal husband!dream, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: I LOVE SOFT!DAD FICS (so much so i got carried away T_T) IM SO EXCITED I CAN FINALLY WRITE THIS. also, holyeaglefanlawyer since you made another req with a similar prompt, i might make that a p2 but lol it's at the very end of my req list so lskfha;sfsah so. also i had to think of 5 NAMES ASHFAHSF:LASFHAS: DEAD T_T i hope yall like em please names are so hard. i put so much thought into their names gosh ALSO ALSO i describe the features of the kids, but they all register this way mostly because of dream's mystical-ness ya feel, not so much because of yn ok? ok good night im dead now Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9 @sloanexx
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My eyes rip open at the ear breaking screech that rings through the whole of the Dreaming. I am certain my eyes are blood shot in exhaustion, and yet I power through. I huff as I place a hand on my round belly. I slowly maneuver up on the bed I laid for a nap.
Ah. Naps. Ironic I could not find slumber in the dwelling of the Dream Lord.
I suck in a breath as I internally debate which child busted their lung out in protest of goodness-knows-what this time.
I put on my fuzzy slippers when I get to the side of the bed. I push myself up and sigh as I get to my feet, slowly making my out of my bedroom, my final place of refuge.
Farewell peace, or whatever semblance of it I had.
The moment I exit, there are a chorus of screams, groans, and giggles.
I make it to the entrance of the throne room. Immediately, I see the scattered toys and hundreds of children sprawling the area. Literally. There were a hundred plus children sprawling the area, all copies of my son-
"Noor, please," I shake my head, placing my hand on the child's tiny shoulder, "we talked about materializing copies of yourself."
"Mama!" he says in excitement, dropping the toy horse in his hand, coming up to me, sealing his arms around my legs.
I smile down at him, my little Noor. I brush his golden hair back, bright like the stars, much like what his name meant, light.
"Gadiel and I are playing armies though," the fourth born pouts, pointing across the hall where about a same hundred copies of his older brother, Gadiel, was stationed. He turns to me, gripping me tightly, "I don't want to lose to him again. He- aw!" he cuts himself off, turning to his left, "Hey! THAT HURT!"
I watch as Gadiel and Noor begin to struggle against each other from across the hall, pulling at each other's clothes, smacking each other's face.
Well, I didn't know what I was expecting, but this looked about right.
"BOYS!" I call out sternly.
The copies of my sons all turn to me as my voice echos in the hall.
"Mumma?" a whisper sounds by my ears, undoubtedly my youngest making herself known to me, though she was nowhere near me, and was lost in the sea of her brothers.
All at once, Gadiel and Noor's copies begin to disappear until it is only the Noor by my thigh, pressing his face into me while tears fled his eyes, and Gadiel, a good few feet across the hall, who was quickly making his way over.
Now that the ocean of boys were gone, I spot in the corner, on a carpet, littered with stuffed toys, my daughter, Isra, who was already looking at me, grinning from ear to ear, "Mumma!"
I watch her stand on her tiny legs, her shiny, dark hair, bouncing with every step she took. Journey of the night, the little girl's name meant. I gasp at her journey towards me when she nearly falls.
Gadiel notices my reaction then turns to where I was looking, spotting his little sister. He stops in his tracks, making a u-turn for her, helping her come to me.
I let out a breath at the sight, "good boy."
Upon hearing the praise, Noor looks out at his younger and older siblings, brows furrowing, "mama, he hit me!"
I turn down to Noor, who pulls away from me to point accusingly at his brother again, "he hit me," he repeats then begins to point at his body, "here, here, here-"
"NOT AT THE SAME BODY!" Gadiel cries out, as he holds Isra's tiny hands up while she walks in front of him. "Mama!" he calls, "he hit me too!"
"Mumma!" Isra babbles breaking into a giggle.
I meet my little girl halfway, breathing in deeply before carrying her in my arms. I grunt at the weight of it all, but I push past the heaviness when my daughter giggles and grabs my face, affectionately nuzzling into me.
"Mama look!" Noor complains, pointing to his face, "I think I have a black eye!"
I raise my brows as I look at the boy's spotless face. Gadiel then follows suit, twisting his arm around, pointing arduously at his elbow, "LOOK! HE INJURED ME!"
"THAT'S YOUR BIRTHMARK!" Noor angrily growls.
"AND YOU RUINED IT!" Gadiel bites back.
I sigh, blinking slowly in exasperation. I am calmed when Isra begins to speak nothings to me in her high pitched voice, full of splendor. I swoon at her baby talk.
I smile and nod, "yes, my girl, Gadiel and Noor have been naughty."
The boys do not even hear me when I say this.
God is my fortune, that is what my third born's name means. I must remember that--I have to remember that. God is my fortune. God is my fortune. God is my fortune. God is m-
The two boys jolt in their spots upon hearing the echoing sound of the deep voice of their king.
The next moment, Irsa is taken from my arm. I turn to my right, finding a kiss placed upon my cheek, "my queen, I told you that-"
"PAPA! GADIEL HURT ME!" Noor shrieks, running up to his papa's legs.
"HE HURT ME TOO!" Gadiel runs towards the man he got his blue eyes from.
"Silence!" Dream calls, looking down at his sons, who were now swatting each other. It does not work the second time around.
I release a breath, intervening, "boys."
Still nothing.
"ENOUGH!" Dream says, pushing between the boys, looking down at both of them. Isra, blissfully unaware of it all, begins to aimlessly pat her father's face, just as he begins chastising the two, "it's bad enough you woke your mother-" he stops a moment when the toddler's finger finds its way into his mouth. Dream pulls her arm back, wiping her hand on his collar, "I will not have you show such disrespect by quarrelling before the both of us."
"But papa," the two say weakly in unison.
"No rebuttals," Dream calls, "now-" Isra cuts him off when her hands flails over to his eyes, poking them unintentionally.
Noor slaps a hand on his mouth. Gadiel's cheeks expand as he holds back his laughter.
"Papa," I call, "let me-"
"It's ok, mama," Dream turns to me, raising a hand as he readjusts the child in his arm. I watch as he turns to the boys, who were now hunched over closely to each other, muttering and giggling amongst themselves, surely making fun of their father over what their sister did to him.
"Now," Dream starts, "apologize to each other."
The two let out hushed chuckles as they separate. The seven-year-old presses his lips, "we already did," crossing his arms.
The five-year-old nods his head, struggling to cross his arms, but succeeding eventually.
"Well, I did not hear it," the ???-year-old says to his boys, shaking his head. The three-year-old in his arms rubs her cheek on his shoulder. I coo at the sight of it.
Noor and Gadiel turn to each other, muttering sorry once, turning back to papa after.
"Good enough," papa says, "very well then, begone," he shoos them with a hand.
The two perk up, now off the hook. Noor runs away first, giggling about playing in Fiddler's Green. Gadiel raises a hand, gesturing that Noor should wait. Gadiel turns to his papa, motioning to his jaw, "papa, you have drool on your chin," then runs away with his brother.
I inspect Dream's face, but the man wipes his chin of any evidence before I could spot it.
"I am uncertain if I enjoy how quickly they turn into friends and foes," Lord Morpheus orates as her daughter yawns and begins to nuzzle in the crook of his neck.
I rub her back then caress his cheek, "does it matter if you enjoy it? It's not like it would change the fact."
"I am Shaper of Forms, am I not?" he says, stepping closer, hand coming up to my side.
"Ahhh," I sound, "just like how you said you'd make the twins go to sleep, only to find your powers don't work on them."
Dream turns away, brows raising at the memory, "it's not that my power does not work, it's because their own power that-"
The two of us turn our sights to the lanky eleven-year-old boy, waving his hands victoriously as he stands on the throne.
Dream grumbles then points, "off."
The boy drops his hands, jumping off the throne. His twin sister's mocking chuckles are faint in the air.
Dream turns to me, muttering softly, "children."
I snort as my husband leads us to his desecrated chair. I take his free hand and lean into him, continuing his words, "you wanted."
He narrows his eyes , "I am offended by the lone notion."
I break into a laugh. I tilt my head and correct myself, "we wanted."
Dream grabs my hand, placing a kiss at the back of it. He then brushes his hand on my protruding belly amorously, "yes. Every single one."
"Papa!" our eldest calls, meeting us halfway as he excitedly jogs over, "I did it! I got us back here using my own sand!"
"I helped him though!" our second-born calls, one leg thrown on the armrest of her father's throne, "he nearly got us stuck in a vacuum."
Orion rolls his eyes, "did not."
"Did too!" Aurora stomps both her feet on the ground.
"DID T-"
"Silence," Dream mutters under his breath, as not to awaken the napping child in his arms. It is effective to the older children though.
Dream takes the boy's face into his large hand, rubbing his thumb on his cheek, "very good, my son, you have done me proud."
Orion beams, the stardust freckles on his skin shine like the very constellations of his being.
Aurora rolls her eyes, lips curling as she pushes her legs up to her chest and wraps her arms around herself, "I did it first though!"
"You did, indeed, my daughter," Dream turns to her, making his way to his throne. The chair widens as to make room for the both of them, "I am proud of you for it," the king sits next to his princess, "and for the assistance you gave our prince."
Aurora turns to her papa. With Isra in one arm, Dream throws the other arm over Aurora's shoulders, pulling her close. His older daughter's hair flutters with a halo like the borealis as she leans into him lovingly.
"Orion, can you make me a cushioned chair with two pillows?" I huff, leaning on my son's shoulders, feeling exhaustion creep up on me.
Dream and Aurora turn to Orion, who then says, "I'll make them the softest, mummy!"
"Moron!" Aurora quips, "she doesn't like super soft pillows."
"Language," I call to my daughter as my son turns to me.
He verifies, "how soft do you want your pillows, mama?"
Aurora pulls away from Dream, walking over to us with a grunt, "let me do it."
"No! She asked me!"
"But you don't even know how-"
The two are silenced when a sofa chair manifests to my side.
"Oh, thank goodness," I sigh, walking over it to sit myself down, "my feet are killing me."
The twins shoot a look of daggers to the man on the throne, exclaiming both at once, "PAPA!"
Dream shrugs, "I know my queen's preferences better all of you combined."
Aurora makes a face, placing a hand on her hip, "psssh, you forgot it was her birthday last time!"
"Yeah," Orion agrees, "and you only thought of giving her a gift because you saw Gadiel and I making decorations!"
"And then you decorated the whole castle yourself!" Aurora exclaims.
"Not cool," Orion ends.
Dream purses his lips at the memory, "I made sure to keep the throne room empty for you to hang your crafts."
"Papa!" she cries, "that's not the point!"
"You shouldn't have manifested decorations," Orion mumbles, "you should have made some with us!"
Dream, in all his power, was nary a match to his twins when they ganged up on him. He rubs Isra's back, pouting in thought, "you know I'm not good at crafts."
Aurora rolls her eyes as Orion shakes his head. "We can help you, papa," they say at the same time.
"You're the one who keeps telling us to practice," Orion calls.
Dream- 0.
He sighs, "I am defeated."
"Yeah," Aurora says, as though it is the most obvious thing in the world.
"Well," Dream says, turning his gaze from the twins, "I do hope you enjoy..." he trails off upon seeing the blissful form on the chair.
"Mama fell asleep," Aurora pouts.
Orion, catching this as well, rubs his hands together, "I can bring mama to her bed-"
"No!" Dream calls, waving his hand, doing the deed himself, "you must not attempt to do such a thing! Do you understand?!"
The twins turn to their papa, alarmed by his grave tone, "your mother is pregnant and you both are just barely capable of bringing yourselves back and forth to the Dreaming."
Orion frowns, as does his sister, "but you said you were proud of us, papa."
"I am," he says, standing from his throne as Isra sighs in his arms, "but mama is not like us, remember? She could get hurt, and your baby sibling could get hurt too."
The girl remembers something because of that. "Oh, papa!" Aurora calls, "we have something to tell you."
Dream knits his brows, "what is it?"
Aurora turns to her twin, nudging him. Orion has no clue what she is talking about. She waits a moment, makes a face, then grunts in annoyance. She decides to tell him herself, "we think mama is pregnant with twins!"
Orion suddenly remembers, "oh. OH! Yeah, yeah! We saw a vision about it."
Dream gulps, clutching the babe in his arms.
"Oooooooh!" Aurora calls excitedly, "I hope they're both girls!"
"NO!" Orion complains, "one of them at least has to be a boy."
"Ew no! There are enough yucky boys in this family."
"You're yucky!"
"EW!" Aurora shoves Orion, "YOU'RE PEE!"
Orion cringes, "WELL YOU'RE POOP!"
Dream rubs his face, internally planning the best way to break the whole 'carrying twins news'. He releases a breath.
"Children," the king calls, "are you sure of your vision or is it just twin propaganda?"
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harmcityherald · 1 year
a quiet morning at the manor. I decided to watch a movie. artemesia is not feeling good today. She has been sick for a few days. So much so that I delayed my taking this medicine yesterday and this morning too, in case I have an impending ER visit coming. It is no problem to delay a bit, oncologist said that too. tying up a few things around here too because I have no idea what Im going to feel like, that way I don't have too much on my plate at one time.
I started to watch the way of water.....again....trying to give it another chance....and....no. the animation is suffering in that movie. 15 min and instead Im watching renfeild and Im liking it so far. its better than the way of the water lol. It has one of my favorite ladies in it too. major plus plus.
Of course the news is a circus. Im sure you know. conflict upon conflict. the Israel/Palestine and russia/Ukraine heaped on the dumpster fire we have in our political ring. Im really sad to hear about all the deaths happening on all sides of all the wars everywhere. Im lucky Im watching movies and feeding my turtles.
So I read an article that was more or less building on what Hillary said the other day, which was a shot across their bow lol. But I can't help but sit back and think there is a lot of psychology terms being bandied about by both sides of the ailse. sociopaths, narcissists, psychopaths and being a person who doesn't suffer from those particular maladies I will admit that I suffer from an anxiety disorder, which I think there is a whole bunch of us that do. Im thinking about how easy it is to label somebody, and Im thinking about my last hospital stay and the doctor who labeled me and put poison in my chart for retaliation. sure I was able to demonstrate that he was wrong. but that shit in my chart will follow me. Maybe a future doctor will not take me seriously because they read that in my chart. it will take me a lawyer to get it out but that is not my point. I keep seeing articles popping up from both sides, and like I said banding about psychological terms like they're written on a candy wrapper. And I just can't help but have to say, nobody's got the right to label anybody else with those terms unless they are an actual psychologist. And we have to be careful about that. We can't let that become normalized too the same way that the violent rhetoric has become normalized. I'm not going to stand here and say that I don't think the maganuts are insane. but I really think a better way to look at them is misguided. being taken advantage of by bad actors. not to diminish the fact that all this political circus panders to and exposes americas inbred racism, classism, bigotry and overall violent ideals. now of course we can say some of those people, especially those in the extremist front line of this new rebranded culture war are suffering from some of these conditions. on both sides. but we shouldn't fall into this trap too. we can't normalize any of this shit. but they are. and purposefully. so its something to watch. If I can accuse anyone of anything we inch ever closer to mob rule and mob violence. We shouldn't be allowing ourselves to be led down this road. people die. and the misguided ruin their lives for what? some red tied ketchup loving nazi? Oh don't get me wrong, I want to turn their maga motto right back at them. I miss the America where its ok to be who you are, love who you want and believe what you want. That's the fucking usa I miss. where it was not normal for a rapist to be president. but we have to take the high road. we have to not engage with violent rhetoric and not hurl it ourselves. The only way to reach the high moral ground is to take the high moral road. remember that the most powerful weapon you yourself carry is your vote. Let them jump around like fools and spray their bullshit at the crowds and then vote the fuckers back under the rock they came out of. You don't need to engage with nobody about nothing. VOTE. That's the thing they want to take away from you because that's what they fear most. Make sure of one solid thing through all this shit. your right to vote. keep it. check on it. On that day don't be scared away from it. do it proudly but do it peacefully. If the peace be broken let your opposition be the one who takes that blame. trust me they WILL take the low road, so always take the high road.
anyway that's enough of that.
got stuff to catch up.
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KinnPorsche episode 7 bathroom scene
All week I've been planning on writing out a full episode analysis but the last few days have been unexpectedly rough mentally, so I'm just going to analyse the bathroom scene and see if any of it makes sense because my brain is a dumpster fire right now and this could all be rubbish. Yet again this is a beast of a post, I almost dread to think what a full episode analyse would look like. This show being what it is I'd say apply all trigger warnings just in case.
Vegas is once again being a creepy shit, while trying to come across as really nice and helpful. He's all for taking advantage of Porsche while he's intoxicated, which seems to be a theme I've got to say, now I've never read the novel and don't intend to but what is it with Vegas? Is he not capable of getting a willing partner so he's resorted to drugging people or preying on drunk people? I am really not liking that this prize parasite is supposedly the one for Pete but that's a tangent for another post I reckon.
So he's making a show of being helpful to Porsche, getting him out of his wet shirt and sort of half heartedly drying his chest off and kind of out of nowhere he kisses Porsche. Whose facial expression mimicked my words watching the episode, what the actual fuck. Porsche is drunk so he's not hiding any of his facial reactions at all, it's instantaneous discomfort and he's visibly confused because again for him this has come out of absolutely nowhere.
As well as the visual cues the viewers get of Porsches face, his body immediately responds, and not how Vegas wants it to. Porsche curls sideways and away from Vegas and his arm comes up between their necks and shoves outwards trying to gain enough distance to get a decent foothold. Vegas is pushing Porsche practically on top of that counter, it's a disadvantage but Porsche also brings one of his legs up between them as another barrier to Vegas. Literally everything about Porsche's body is screaming 'I do not want this' and while he's not yet at the point of fighting to get Vegas off of him, he's trying to show that the advance is unwanted. Normal people would read that reaction and back off while apologising profusely for the misunderstanding but we have already established that Vegas is a vile bastard and he keeps pushing that unwanted advance with complete abandon.
Thanks to Pete keeping Kinn updated on Vegas being overly friendly with Porsche, Kinn is already on his way while this whole bathroom scene starts. It's been a pretty tough transition for Kinn this episode, he's recovering from being shot, has had no choice but to lend Porsche out to the minor family, had a tense conversation with his father and he knows Vegas is making a play for Porsche so he's already angry before he gets to the bathroom. He storms in like a threatening storm, with the absolute boss energy to match it. He rips Vegas off of Porsche like his weight is nothing and throws him across the room courtesy of one hell of a deserved punch. Kinn's got his gun out and pointed at Vegas in seconds and I'm not gonna lie I really want someone, anyone I'm not picky, to shoot Vegas in the dick so I was a bit disappointed that didn't happen but you know I live in hope.
Kinn's voice from the second he entered that bathroom was probably the 'strongest' we've heard in this episode, you can audibly hear his rage and he's using that power in his voice to absolutely dominate everyone in that room and it visually works. Even Vegas, the creepy shit, isn't unaffected. Kinn is aware that Vegas wants everything that Kinn has, including his power and position so everything that Vegas has done is a subtle power play or has an element of it. Vegas responds to Kinn's command in that bathroom with as much disdain and helpless disrespect as he possibly could while having a loaded gun pointed at him, he slaps the gun away and consequently the hand with that all important ring on it (I absolutely wanted to call it the ring of power just because it makes me laugh), it's a not so subtle sign that he will listen for now but he's not afraid of Kinn and won't cower before his authority.
I found it really interesting that, had a fight broken out, it was equal man power with the exception of Porsche. So we have an enraged Kinn with two of his best bodyguards, god love those poor sods and the situations they end up in, and we have Vegas and two of his bodyguards. The positions they were in was quite awkward but also telling, Vegas didn't really have an opportunity of killing Kinn and escaping that room and likewise Kinn couldn't have shot Vegas without being at least injured by one of the bodyguards at his back.
Just going to take a minute to enjoy the absolute boss energy of Kinn to stand there with his back to two armed men who were not loyal to him and probably wouldn't have minded shooting him while his back was turned. There has been a lot of speculation on Kinn and his trust issues, including whether or not he trusts his bodyguards to keep him safe but we see here that he does, at least he trusts Pete and Pol enough to turn his back on armed possible assailants. Anyway back to my main thought process of all those armed people and if they started shooting each other. Even if Vegas had attempted to shoot Kinn, his bodyguards might be occupied with Kinn's but we can't forget about Porsche. Unarmed, half naked and intoxicated he might be but he is still a formidable opponent and Vegas knows that because Porsche fought him off, however brief it was, when Porsche was drugged and vulnerable and in that bathroom he's had time to start sobering up. Taking on that much risk, with that many guns in such a small vicinity would literally have been suicide for Vegas and you can see he comes to that conclusion just before he slaps Kinn's gun away, he's a creep and while I question his intelligence at times he is obviously risk aware and acts accordingly to save his own skin and he leaves.
Kinn, still in a rage, orders all bodyguards to leave. They've not even fully left before Kinn is crowding Porsche back into that counter and the mirror, noticeably Kinn is still angry and that's not helped by the fact that Porsche looks amused.
Kinn shouts in Porsche's face, because that's worked out so well for him before and it's not helped that what he shouts is automatic blame upon Porsche. "What the heck were you doing?" The background music here also changed to a more ominous sound, which matched the mood onscreen perfectly. Porsche reacts about as well as you'd expect after being unfairly blamed for the unwanted advancements of a parasite, sorry I mean man, and his stance is beginning to radiate defiance.
There was a lot of visual cues and body language with the bathroom scene and I can't adequately describe just how powerful and moving it made it. Take for instance Porsche, Kinn has just shouted at him and instead of shouting back he focuses on looking, really looking at Kinn's face. His eyes are flitting all over it because he's trying to get a read on Kinn and we see the confusion Porsche feels when he can't. The reason he can't is because this isn't the Kinn from the forest who became an open book to Porsche, or even the Kinn from earlier in the episode where he was making Porsche promise to return to him. No, this Kinn is the one who has been warned off, again, by papa Korn but Porsche doesn't know that. To Porsche, Kinn has shut him out for no reason beyond the situation they are now in and that gets Porsche's defiance and own irritation to the forefront and then Kinn repeats his question and slaps Porsche.
Once again proving that he is not willing to take Kinn's crap, Porsche with force shoves Kinn off of him. Also interesting to note that Porsche hit Kinn's left shoulder/chest area close to the bullet wound with zero hesitation or concern, it's absolutely savage and I approve. Porsche immediately snaps at Kinn that he's done nothing to warrant... Well any of it really because he's done nothing wrong and he's right to snap that Kinn never trusts him. Kinn helps his cause here by nodding along to the fact that he doesn't trust Porsche, give the man a gold star for sabotaging himself - he deserves it no contest.
Every word and action now is clearly coated in irritation from the both of them, you can practically feel the weight behind every charged word and they are about to get brutal. Porsche lands the first blow by telling Kinn to shoot him just like he shot his ex, the absolute stillness on Kinn's face for a second before it's wiped away by unadulterated violence is hair raising. That look on his face, while academically interesting, is visceral and alarming and yet Porsche doesn't even flinch. Throughout this scene we've seen Porsche's strength in himself, what he'll accept, what he won't and that not much living actually seems to scare him which has been commented on before. Kinn pushes Porsche even further into the counter and he's all tightly controlled rage but did anyone else notice where his hand landed on that counter? His thumb curls around his gun - a subtle sign of the violence in the air and the threat of who Kinn is and what he's willing to do.
What Kinn says next is vile, absolutely vile and honestly I was screaming profanities at him in my head so I had to watch it a few times to get over that initial reaction and analyse the scene. You can see by his expression that his words are a calculated move, they are designed to hurt Porsche to the full extent and Kinn knows Porsche. He knows that to hurt him he has to diminish his worth and value, not to himself because Porsche is too self assured for that, no he has to diminish his role in Kinn's life and that's just instant maximum damage. It's the hurt bomb to end all hurt bombs and Kinn knows that, that's why he says it and not because he believes it. Boy better not believe it or a bullets gonna get lodged somewhere painful. I genuinely think that a talent of Kinn's is to suss out weaknesses, whether in a person's character or as something that can be used against someone, he can find it and store it away until he has need of that knowledge and he can use it as a weapon and I don't think anyone in his life is safe from that, not his family and evidently not Porsche.
Feeling less than happy with Kinn myself, I cheered when Porsche slapped him and our boy wasn't holding back (as he shouldn't). In a move that wasnt intended as one Porsche snapped back with the most devastating of possible comebacks, 'I shouldn't have loved a crappy guy like you.' immediately he tries to walk away, not because of what he said but for the absolute hurt he is feeling. His expression was just breathtakingly devastated and so deeply hurt and the impression I got from his confession was that it was matter of fact. His word choice was quite telling 'loved' not 'love' I don't think that was accidental at all but a sign he was already compartmentalizing it, he was already turning his hurt inwards and walling it off whether to protect himself and/or begin processing his hurt. Yes he loves Kinn but he's not going to put up with his appalling behaviour nor is he willing to be walked all over just because he feels love for Kinn. Porsche values himself even if others don't, that sort of behaviour from Kinn is devaluation at best and Porsche knows his own boundaries and he sticks by them. Porsche is fully prepared to walk away and hes not afraid to show Kinn that, it's like he's saying 'yes I love you but I can walk away and one day I'll stop loving you'.
Kinn grabs Porsche before he can leave and in a move all too reminiscent of his creepy cousin, he crowds Porsche against the wall. Again. Porsche's body language and the position he ends up in, is also like with Vegas when he was uncomfortable and wanted out. He's turned away from Kinn and he's even hugging his arms to his chest. Part of it is also defiance, sure Kinn's got him pinned but that doesn't mean he has to look at him. You see Kinn's expression as he realises that too, his face just crumples in on itself -hes fucked up and he knows it. He can probably remember what it was like before to lose Porsche's trust and his willingness to share his happiness with those around him, to be shut out by Porsche is to lose all the joy and light he brings to those around him. Yet again Kinn is faced with a Porsche that is hurt because of him and that destroys whatever leftover anger/jealousy Kinn has. Now he has to try and find a way of reaching Porsche who has closed himself off and who won't even look at him and who doesn't want to be there in that room with Kinn anymore.
I noted that Porsche was still breathing really heavily, he's emotionally in pain and very possibly still angry, you can hear his breathing right up until Kinn issues his very sincere and soft apology. As soon as he does, Porsche's breathing levels off and becomes calmer and quieter. The music for that apology scene and the defeated/devastated look on Kinn's face was just absolutely masterful, there aren't words for that ability to grab at the audience and really make them feel every bit of emotion possible.
Kinn nuzzling at Porsche shouldn't have been sweet but by god it was, it was just the sweetest thing. Porsche though seemed somewhat unaffected, his eyes were open but he didn't really seem very present - maybe he was thinking it all through because he came back to himself when Kinn nuzzled his ear. That got a reaction, he immediately closed his eyes and his body relaxed and he turned around to face Kinn. He looked so sad here and slightly resigned, like he's just realised this is probably going to be an ongoing thing with them in the future, I wanted to give him blankets and ice cream and maybe pat him on the head a bit.
Kinn was scanning Porsche's face like he's never seen him before because he wants and needs confirmation that Porsche meant what he said, all while Porsche is looking at him unimpressed like 'yeah I love you, so what'.
I'm going to be honest I was a little unsure about the sex scene at first. When Kinn was kissing Porsche's body, Porsche didn't really seem all that on board with the idea. He was passive, allowing the touch but not engaging until Kinn kissed him, he returned the kiss and got some control back by grabbing Kinn's neck pushing him back and scanning his face. Again trying to read Kinn and this time Kinn is an open book. I just want to celebrate the little nod Kinn gave, with their past sexual encounters I think it was super important for that little check in of consent, from both of them. If for no other reason, than consent being imperative, than once again Kinn is stone cold sober while Porsche is... Well not. He's sobering up but he's still still under the influence. I really liked that once consent was given, Porsche went from gripping Kinn's neck to cupping his face with both hands and drawing him in for a soft, unhurried kiss.
I'm not going to comment on the sex scene itself, for reasons that aren't at all to with awkwardness at analysing it.
My final take on that ending is that the hug they shared reminded me so much of the goodbye hug in episode 6, tight, all encompassing, a little bit desperate and like they never want to let go of each other. Porsche's face, which we see clearly while Kinn's is hidden, quite clearly shows some turmoil. That whole situation escalated so quickly and I'm interpretating his look at the end as 'you are a fucked up human being, imma keep you,' because we know from the glimpse of episode 8 that they look very happy with each other. Hopefully we get a bit of a breather angst wise but with the supposed dead ex turning up I'm not going to hope for too much.
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Can you do a scenario where reader (male pronouns) kind of outs himself as bi and then hides for a while since it was an accident and he wasn't actually ready and after some time bakugo finds him and they end up awkwardly confessing to each other? Bonus points if you can do ComfortingTM class 1A (also I just really want bi representation 🥺)
BRO BRO ur reblogs and replies always make me BAM BAM
(Also y’all ik that gif is huge but it had denki AND baku in it and i felt compelled to use it bc kamis kinda important in the story NSNDNEKWK)
Bakugou x reader - How to Out Your Classmate
⚠️warnings - being outed by your classmate (denki) (I’m sorry denki stans), bakugou kinda bulling kami at the end kdnfjekfj
Pronouns - male, he/him
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It was something he didn’t mean to say.
Rather, it just slipped out.
“Ne, (L/n)-kun, don’t you think Yao-momos hair is kinda sexy today? Her hair down plus that hair clip is FIRE dude!”
Kaminari slung a arm around (Y/n’s) shoulder, while Mineta smugly grinned from his seat. He wiped away a line of drool dripping from his mouth.
“Oh oh oh, her hair falls over her boobs so perfectly! I just wanna touch them at least once, ehuheuheu...”
Sero sighed from his seat. “Dude. You really are a scumbag. Stop that.”
Mineta, not missing a beat, turned to Sero with a shit-eating grin. “Oh? Why’s that? Are you gay or something?”
(Y/n) visibly stiffened from under Kaminari’s grasp. Kaminari however, didn’t notice and played along into Mineta’s joke.
“Yeah dude, kinda sus. Don’t go perving on me in the locker rooms now, haha!”
Sero sighed once more, this time with a playful smile. “Shut up, your probably more sus than I am-“
He was cut off when (Y/n) started wriggling out from under Kaminari’s arm. The three looked at (Y/n) quizzically, while (Y/n) awkwardly coughed. “I’m...leaving.”
“Why? What happened?” Kaminari leaned on the back of Seros desk.
“Well-you guys are...loud and I’m going to my desk.” Even the dumbest person could tell how tense (Y/n) was. Though, Kaminari was as dumb as he was oblivious. He scoffed, but it sounded more like a chuckle.
“What? I don’t get it, man. We were teasing Sero, not you.” Kaminari’s teasing tone felt like heaters blasting full power through (Y/n’s) body. It was strange. You always felt kind of hot when you get a little flustered. “So what part of what we said bothered you?”
“N-nothing!” (Y/n) cursed at the way he raised his voice, cursing even more at his small stutter.
“Then why are you panties in such a twist? I’m just making fun of Sero bein’ sus.”
“W-well how fun! Move, class is starting.” Truth be told, class didn’t start until 10 minutes later. When (Y/n) tried to subtly push past Kaminari, he grabbed him by the arms and blocked his way out. “No way I’m moving! You’re mad for some reason, and I just wanna know why!”
“So what exactly did we do?”
Sero rested his chin on his palm. “Yeah if you can tell us we can stop doing it, (L/n)-kun. I gotta agree with Kami on this one.”
An irk mark appeared as (Y/n’s) face flushed a darker shade of pink. Not in the good way though. He struggled helplessly in Kaminari’s stronghold, before tching and looking away.
“There’s nothing more to say-! You’re just-starting to get on my nerves and I wanna leave-!”
“Really? That’s it?” Kaminari looked at (Y/n) skeptically, before his face lit up. “Oh wait!”
“You started getting all pissy when we were talking about Yaoyorozu...and you also got mad the other day when she was talking about Bakugou...”
Shit. Shit. Shit.
“..So you like Yao-“
“I don’t fucking like Yaoyorozu!”
Now Kaminari was starting to get antsy. “Then what! Why are you mad! Is it because Mineta and I were ‘perving’?!”
“I’m not fuckin’ mad about you drooling over Yao-momos boobs! I’m not mad at all!”
Students started to gather once Kaminari and (Y/n) started to raise their voices higher and higher. Kaminari’s grip on (Y/n) was long gone, though (Y/n) was too upset to notice.
“If you weren’t mad about that, you were obviously mad about that time Yao-Momo talking about how Bakugou was attractive. So what? Do you like Bakugou or something? Are you gay?”
(Y/n) paled and grit his teeth. He was full on yelling now. “Stop saying that, damnit! I don’t like boys! Y-you know that!”
Kaminari gasped comically. “Oh my god! You totally avoided my question, dude!”
“Yeah! Now I get it! That’s what’s bothering you so much! It all makes sense!”
Kaminari’s mad expression morphed into one that you make when you solve a difficult question. It felt like all the blood in (y/n’s) face was drained, yet all the blood rushing to his cheeks burned like fire. Sero stood up from his chair and placed a hand on Kaminari’s shoulder. “Dude, uh-I think that’s enou-“
“Your confused because you’re straight but now you’ve started to like a guy, right?! Bakugou, right?!”
Seros warning went over Kaminari’s head completely. (Y/n) dug his nails into his palm while Kaminari pried into (Y/n’s) mind with his eyes.
“I’m not confused! I’m pissed. Very, very pissed at you!”
The blond haired boy slammed his arms down on Seros table and leaned in uncomfortably close. (Y/n) wanted to step back, but if he did, he’d run straight into Sero.
“Ok. If you answer this compleeeetely honestly, I’ll let you go. Swear! And we’ll never talk about this again! Just say yes or no! Nothing else!”
Sero glanced around the room. Everyone was staring, some had their hands over their mouths, and some were whispering and asking what was going on. Sero nervously tugged on the fabric of (Y/n’s) blazer. “U-um...yo... (y/n)...Kamin-“
“Do you like Bakugou?”
“And don’t say you don’t like boys or you’re not gay, we ‘know’ that!”
“Just say yes or no!”
“Are you ga-“
“I’M BI!” (Y/n’s) sudden outburst silenced the classroom. It was like a blow from a king to shut up the commoners. “I’M BI, SO SHUT UP! ARE YOU HAPPY?! I’M NOT GAY AND I DON’T LIKE BAKUGOU! I DONT! I-I DONT. I don’t. I...”
Stagnant air flooded the 1-A classroom. Almost immediately, (Y/n) slapped both his hands over his mouth, eyes blown wide. Kaminari awkwardly chuckled. “Uh...”
(Y/n) took a tentative step back, bumping straight into Sero. He reflexively grabbed onto (y/n’s) forearms, stabling him.
“Are you oka-“
“Don’t touch me!” (Y/n) pushed off of Seros body and stumbled over a desk. He crashed onto the ground and fumbled onto his bottom. Students upon students neared towards him, all their face and voice blending together into one big, muddy pile. Their voices eventually turned into ringing, louder and louder until-
“SHUT UP!” (Y/n) rose to his wobbly legs, half running and half crawling towards the door as fast as he could. He could hear the protestant shouts of his classmates, or even the sleepily confused expression of his teacher as as flew by him in the hallway.
He guessed he was skipping class that day.
40 missed calls from: Mina-San domoo-!!
125 unopened texts from: Mina-San domoo-!!
23 missed calls from: Kamiii ⚡️
45 unopened texts from: Kamiii ⚡️
12 unopened texts from: Iida Tenya.
5 unopened texts from: ura-chaaaan 💖
1 unopened text from: Bakugou
(Y/n) turned off his phone. He knew if he kept it on, Mina would keep spamming his phone with text messages.
It’s been about a few days since his whole freak out happened. He’d bolt out of class the second it was dismissed, and he kept himself either locked in his room, or out of the dorms as much as humanly possible. He wasn’t ready to have that conversation yet.
His phone buzzed again. He sighed, half expecting it to be another spam text from Mina. What he didn’t expect, was to see Bakugous contact photo on his screen, with the big green words “Incoming call-Bakugou” blaring at him so intimidatingly.
Something made him want to answer.
He pressed the phone to his ear.
Bakugous gruff voice sent chills down the boys spine. His voice seemed to lock itself inside his throat, refusing to come out his mouth.
“Say something, dumbass.” Oh boy, was he trying. Everytime he opened his mouth, his throat closed up and refused to open again. Bakugou sighed harshly through the speaker.
“Stop being stupid and avoiding us-“ (Y/n) absentmindedly pressed the red “end” button. If Kaminari or Kirishima or whatever convinced Bakugou, to convince HIM to stop avoiding them, just because he ‘liked’ him, (and he totally did), he’d rather not hear it.
(Y/n) went to crumple up a piece of paper he was scribbling on, and drop it into the trash can, when it bounced on top and rolled away pathetically near his feet. His trash can was overflowing. Well, it was expected, since he was deliberately missing out on trash days just so he didn’t have to leave his dorm. (Y/n) swiped up the piece of paper, along with the trash bag lining the bin.
A few seconds outside couldn’t hurt. No one will see him. He’ll just...throw the bag in the dumpster, and slink back in before anyone knows he’s there.
(Y/n) hauled the trash bag into the dumpster, throwing it from out over his shoulder. He dusted off his hands and wiped forming sweat off his brow. The trash was out, no one saw him, all he had to do was slip back in his room before anyone sees him.
He huffed and turned around, immediately being smacked by a spiky tuft of blond hair. All the color drained from (Y/n’s) face. Bakugou turned his head and spat onto the dirt, clicking his tongue in the process.
“Figured you’d be here.”
”...there’s no way you could’ve-“
“It takes about a couple days for a small trash can to fill up. And knowing you, shit-for-brains, would come and take it out when no one was really watching. 5 pm, when everyone’s getting ready for dinner. You really do have shit-for-brains, shittyass.”
Bakugou may seem like a meathead, but the times he showed he was observant and intelligent made his heart tie knots around itself. (Y/n) bit back a stutter and a blush.
“W...ell, how-how’d you know I was going to take it out today? A-and to this dumpster, instead of the one on the other side of the dorms?”
Bakugou scoffed loudly, stalking closer to him. (Y/n) gulped. “This ones closer to your dorm room, even I know that, loser.”
Bakugous voice dipped, suddenly becoming uncharacteristically quiet. “...and I’ve been coming here everyday at 5 pm...shittyass...”
Bakugou was really dedicated to his scheme, huh. Just so he could see him? (Y/n)? He should be the LAST person Bakugou would want to see. Especially with what Kaminari was blabbering about. Still...It made (Y/n) feel a bit special.
But knowing Bakugou, he was just probably here to tell him how disgusting he was. Maybe he’ll start calling him ‘dick-for-brains’ instead of ‘shit for brains’. Or just plain on ‘fag’.
“Oi-stop spacing out and fucking listen to me! And don’t you dare run away until you hear me the fuck out!”
Bakugous palms flashed white, generating small blasts and he pointed an agitated finger at (Y/n). He stepped back reflexively.
“Um...well...what did you want then?” (Y/n) awkwardly fumbled with his hands behind his back, trying to keep still as much as he could. He wanted to disappear.
“Is it true?”
(Y/n) looked up. Bakugou was staring dead on, with his hands shoved stiffly in his pockets and sporting the faintest blush on his face. It was so unnoticeable, you could blink and miss it. That, and the trademark scowl, you could hardly tell if his face was red because of anger or something else.
“What is?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, fuckass! Do you like me or not?!”
(Y/n) opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Bakugou grunted and stepped closer. “Answer me!”
“S-so what if I do-?! You gonna call me a fag?!” (Y/n) was sweating bullets. He hoped Bakugou wouldn’t see how utterly nervous he was. Fake it til you make it. Though, he doesn’t know what he’d do once Bakugou goes flames blazin’ on his ass. He could all ready see his reaction-
Bakugou smirked. “Knew it.”
Knew it? (Y/n’s) nerves temporarily fizzled down, a wave of confusion washing over him. “...What?”
“God, do you need me to spell everything out for you? It was obvious. To me at least. Everyone was probably too fuckin’ dumb to notice.”
(Y/n) fell silent. He could speak if he wanted to, his throat wasn’t closing up, but he chose to keep silent. It’s not like he knew what to say, anyways. He was stunned into submission.
“-so I was right. Now, go out with me, Bitch.”
“Thanks. But I’ll pass.”
“I-“ Bakugou made a sputtering noise. (Y/n) wasn’t sure if he was caught off guard or sputtered out of sheer anger. “What?! Why the fuck not?!”
“Dude, how do I know you aren’t like, I dunno, being bribed by Kaminari or something to try and ‘prove that I’m bi’? Or that your just mocking me?”
“Idiot! Why the fuck would you think I’d listen to a dumbass like dunce face?! I fucking like you, you like me, I don’t see the problem here!”
(Y/n) knew he wasn’t lying. Bakugou was many things, a shithead, a piece of angry trash, but he wasn’t a liar. Still, he sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Dude, as much as I’d love to go out with you, there’s too much cons to it. I mean-first off, I don’t want people calling you a fag or anything because you’re with me...second, I’m...scared of how the class’ll take it, especially for someone like you-“
“Eh?! What’s that supposed to mean?! Are you fucki-“
(Y/n) pushed past him, accidentally brushing his shoulder in the process.
“...And third, even if I’m too scared how the class would react, I’m too prideful to let Kaminari ‘predictions’ win.”
He was gone before Bakugou could turn around.
(Y/n) was late to class on purpose that day.
He didn’t want to risk it with Bakugou, Kaminari, anyone. He’s more afraid of the class than he is of getting scolded by Aizawa. And that was saying something.
So when he walked in the door, Bakugou gripping Kaminari’s tie and releasing small blasts in the air with his wound up hand, he didn’t know if he should replace ‘Getting Scolded By Aizawa’ with ‘Getting Murdered By Bakugou’ in his worries for today.
“Fucking idiot!” Bakugou growled, spit flying onto Kaminari’s face as he set off another blast. It was small enough not to cause damage to any desks or chairs around them, but it was close enough to Kaminari’s face to make him yelp. “I’ll fucking kill you!”
“Ow!” Kaminari half yelled-half whimpered. Bakugou’s hands heated up, glowing orange from under Kaminari’s chin. “Hey-HEY! Chill-!W-what did I even do?! OW!”
Bakugou slammed him against his desk by his blazer. “It’s your fuckin fault that shit-for-brains won’t go out with me!”
Another blast. This time, fired in the air but much bigger than before. Kaminari flinched. “Ah! S-shit-for...(L/n)?! How is it my fault?!”
“It’s your fault because you made him all scared and shit to go out with me! With your stupid prying ass! Now he won’t go out with me until I get you to apologize! So apologize so I can have a fuckin boyfriend! Go die!”
(Y/n) looked around the room. No one was trying to stop Bakugou from literally roasting Kaminari alive. Not even Iida. Everyone stood there, eyes locked on Kaminari or recording them while stifling snickers. (Y/n) walked up to Mina, who was recording and whispering commentary near the speaker.
“Uh...what’s happening? Why’s no one stopping Bakugou?”
Mine looked up. “Well-he kinda deserved it. I mean, he did act like a dick to you a few days ago. Bakugou’s just givin’ him a piece of his mind.” She fixed her angle on her phone, hunching down slightly in the process. “Also, glad to see you talking to us again, (L/n)~”
(Y/n) glances around the room once more. Everyone seemed to silently agree. Though, Iida looked like he was going to explode in his seat. Poor Iida. Poor Kaminari.
(Y/n) was brought out of his mind when Mina slowly panned her phone over to him. He was about to question her, when Kaminari was thrown carelessly at his feet. Bakugou kicked at Kaminari’s hunched figure, stepping on his back with his hands clenched in his pockets.
“Say it.”
Kaminari made a wheezing noise.
“I-I’m sorry for outing you in-in front of our classmates...”
Bakugou dug his foot into Kaminari’s back. “LOUDER!”
Bakugou gave Kaminari a look saying to ‘keep going.’ Kaminari shot back with a face that said ‘dude. What you want me to say is fucking stupid.’
Bakugou snarled and fired another mini explosion into the air. Kaminari squeaked and looked up at (y/n), who had the most confused look on his face. Kaminari sighed.
“And...totally I don’t think that you and Bakugou are gonna get together...totally unexpected...”
Kaminari, even if he was about to be best to a pulp, couldn’t help the snicker from leaving his mouth. Bakugou, you dumb fuck. He was probably thinking back to the time (Y/n) said ‘I’m too prideful to let Kaminari ‘predictions’ win’. Even so, that was just dumb. Even for Bakugou.
Bakugou huffed contently, while Kaminari shakily pulled himself up. Bakugou thunked him on the head again. “There. Now you have no fuckin’ reason not to be my boyfriend. If you don’t I’ll kill you.”
(Y/n) hummed out of hesitation. “Ehhhh...but...”
“We allowed Bakugou to rough up Kaminari, which is a CLEAR violation of the rules, the least you could do is say yes, (y/n)-kun! Though I do believe Bakugou should be punished for his harsh actions.”
Iida jutted out from his seat, swinging his arm in the air. Everyone stayed silent for a second, until Tsuyu stepped forward. “I agree with Iida-Chan, kero. You two would look nice together.”
One by one, the class started saying how ‘cute’ they’d be together or that they didn’t care that (y/n) was Bi, much. It was different from when the class was clamoring around him, instead of all their voice blending together in one big ring, he could hear every single persons song of praise. He supposed it was alright. It wouldn’t hurt as much as he think it would.
(Y/n) sucked in a breath, and turned his head to Bakugou. He looked at (Y/n) almost expectantly.
“...fine....you win...you better take care of me, Bakugou.”
He turned his head and scoffed. “Idiot. I was gonna do that regardless.”
Mina started clapping and wolf whistling. Eventually, everyone started to clap and ‘aww’ed, before quickly rushing to their seats once they heard groggy footsteps approach the door.
A man with shaggy hair walked in. The class sat silent, staring at Aizawa. He sniffed and trailed his eyes around the room.
Setting his sleeping bag behind his podium, he pursed his lips. “Where is Kaminari?”
Kaminari was laying on the floor next to (y/n’s) seat, smiling dumbly with burn marks. He was pumping his fists with his thumbs sticking out. Everyone broke into a cold sweat.
“Would anyone like to tell me why Kaminari is out of his seat?”
Oh fuck.
Bakugou got 3 days house arrest.
Jdjdjejejc this was real fun to write HAHAHAHA I’m lowkey proud of it
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shinsorokiri · 4 years
S/O Loses Memory and Quirk
Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima HCs
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Language, violence, mentions of stab wounds and blood, a panic attack, spoiler for Bakugou’s hero name, sad bois
A/N: So I had two requests that mentioned these three with this concept and I just finished all of them and I’m so proud that I wanted to post these ones before the other two for Denki and All Might were finished but I’ll get those out as soon as possible. I cried writing Bakugou’s, so... there’s that HAHA please enjoy!
Here’s the first one with Shinsou, Aizawa, Hawks, and Dabi!
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Todoroki Shouto | Shouto
Shouto knows you’re a strong woman and that he doesn’t need to constantly be there to protect you
But he does prefer to be there if something bad is happening 
The only problem is that you two went to two different agencies after graduating 
And in doing so were on opposite sides of the city
Now he always knew when something was happening on your hero route because I mean
He actually needs to in case something bad happens since it’s his JOB
But he also just really wants to be there for you if you really need it
There hasn’t been a time like that, though
So imagine his utter shock and genuine fear when that time came
He was told to go to where you were patrolling because you’d been attacked and wound up in the hospital 
You know the scene with the flame tear? Yeah that but times ten
He goes on patrol like a good little hero
But boy oh BOY did he just want to go to the hospital
You’d never lost a fight before
Not even against him
Your quirk was literally the most powerful quirk he’s ever seen and I mean like, yeah, sure, he might be biased but STILL you were really powerful
So what kind of villain could hurt you so bad you had to go to the hospital???
Luckily, he only had an hour left of patrolling 
And as soon as that hour was up
Mans bolted
He was OFF
He ran into that hospital 
And he politely asked where your room was
Because although he’s PANICKING he still is a little socially awkward sweetie and he doesn’t wanna be a dick to anyone and be labeled similar to his father no no NO
But as soon as he got the number he was sprinting man
He was so worried
All patrol he was quieter than usual
And he was ridiculously anxious the whole time
His palms were sweaty
He felt like he could throw up at any second
And right now
He thought his heart was about to beat out of his chest
He carefully opens the door
You might be sleeping, he has to be considerate
And sure enough he sees your unconscious form laying in a hospital bed
It looked like you had some broken bones, and multiple bruises and cuts which means someone must have beat the shit out of you
That’s what he needed to see
Mans doesn’t show emotion that much
But when it comes to you and since it was just you and him in the room
He broke down crying
He couldn’t help it
He grabbed your hand
And just sat there crying
Poor guy can’t lose you
You were the best thing that ever happened to him 🥺
You showed him that it was okay to feel things and express those things and let people in
He let you in and he couldn’t let you go now
He was a genuine mess for the next couple of weeks
Because you weren’t waking up
He went against what Midoriya said and asked around about what happened to you
And what he heard was horrific
Apparently the villain snuck up on you
And hit you in a few different places
And then you fell down
And then you couldn’t access your quirk
And that’s why you were in the hospital 
He didn’t want to think about the part that happened after you were virtually defenseless
Around his friends he was spacier than usual
He wasn’t really retaining information
And his agency let him take more days off than usual because they knew he was Going Through It
And luckily on one of those days you woke up
He was next to you as per usual 
Holding your hand
Playing with your fingers like he always does when he gets anxious
He missed being able to do that in social situations 
Or when you two were cuddling at night and he was thinking about something that was stressing him out and he would start to fiddle with your hand and you would ask him what’s wrong
He missed you
So when he felt your hand start to move by itself
He basically gave himself whiplash with how fast he looked from your hand to your face
Sure enough
Your eyes were open
And you were looking at him
He whispered your name as not to scare you
You could have a concussion or mild amnesia
He has already considered everything that could be wrong with you
Because he overthinks a lot
And he was nervous about this
And there was one thing he had in the back of his mind
That would probably be the worst case scenario
And much to his fears
That was confirmed to be what was going on almost immediately
He just stares for a moment
You hadn’t called him Todoroki since… well, a long time now
Probably back in your UA days
The two of you began dating in your second year though so
It’s been a while
“You look… older..?”
He clears his throat
“Yes. Well… I am 20 years old now. I would hope I look older.”
“Wait, what?”
Oh shit.
He just confused you. 
Damnit, Shouto. 
“Uhh… well, um. You see…”
“Todoroki what is going on? And why are you holding my hand like that?”
He freezes
He was still playing with your fingers
And it wasn’t that you didn’t want him to
You were just genuinely confused
He knew that
“Before I say anything else that could be detrimental to your mental health, maybe you should ring your nurse.”
You do as he says
And the nurses and a doctor come rushing into your room
They do some evaluations
And sure enough
Your memory has been completely wiped
As has the access to the portion of your brain that allows you to control your quirk
The doctor explains to Todoroki that he’s unsure of how this happened
Bu Todoroki knows it has to be that villain
Whatever that villain did did this to you
And Todoroki isn’t one to show emotions
But boy oh BOY was he riled up right now
He lowkey accidentally caught something on fire
And then to fix it lowkey on purpose just turned it into a block of ice
Even though Endeavor is the worst man on the planet
Mans is persistent on shit that’s for sure
And that’s like
The only trait Shouto got from that literal dumpster fire of a father
And he wasn’t about to let the piece of shit that hurt you get away with it
Of course, when it comes to you as a person he’s very patient
Very understanding
Respects boundaries 
But he will not REST
Until the motherfucker who did this to you gets caught by him
And he will find them.
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Bakugou Katsuki | DynaMight
So Bakugou was already very protective over you
I mean that’s expected though
It’s literally Bakugou
So mans has tabs on you at all times
You don’t know how he does it tbh
He jokes
Yes, Bakugou can joke
He jokes about having a sixth sense when it comes to you
He just gets this feeling about you
If you’re sad? He knows
Happy? He knows
In danger? MANS KNOWS
And I guess he also has a GPS built into his brain???
He just
He knows
Probably because he cares extremely deeply about you
Like really fucking deeply
You’re the best thing that has ever happened to him
Ever since high school
First day
When you weren’t intimidated by him
There was just something special about you
And even though it took until after graduation and you almost DYING on a mission for him to finally accept that he can FEEL THINGS
He officially asked you to be his girlfriend
I say officially because, well
Y’all have basically been dating since like 
Second year of high school
Even though it wasn’t official
It was obvious
He was whipped
He still is
He’s known you for five years
You’ve been officially dating for two of those years
You were unofficially dating for four
You were the most important thing in his life
You even surpassed becoming the number one hero somehow
Though he will NEVER admit that
It took him a while to realize it 
But the thought of living without you?
Scared him more than any villain ever could
And that is why
Mans is all dressed up
Lookin nice
Took a day off of patrol at his agency because tonight is a special night
Of course, you don’t know anything
As it should be
He didn’t tell a soul that he was planning on proposing tonight
Okay… maybe that is a lie
He told Kirishima when he got blackout drunk with the boys one night
Long story, don’t ask how it happened, even the boys don’t know
And Kirishima then proceeded to tell everyone of his other friends 
So they all knew
But they also all knew to keep it a FUCKING SECRET unless they wanted blown up
But boy oh boy they were excited to see the pictures and the ring and the everything
But I digress
Bakugou is in the house the two of you purchased a while back
It was very much off the damn grid
For ~safety~ 
And he’s very much just messing with how he looks
He has to look perfect because he knows you’re about to 
And he can’t be proposing to you unless he’s on your level
When suddenly
He gets a
But it isn’t the warm feeling he gets when you’re happy
Or the doopy one he gets when you’re sad
Or the wave of exhaustion he feels when you’re tired
Or the tingly feeling he gets when you’re mad
It’s the feeling where his spine tenses
And his blood goes cold
And his heart drops to the floor
The one he only felt one other time
The time you almost died
He was out of that house so fast
He didn’t even care if he looked all nice
You were in danger
He blasted his way through the city
Saying he was frantic is an understatement
He was FERAL
He got to where you were just in time to see you get slammed into the concrete by some piece of shit villain
You were unconscious
And you weren’t moving
He saw red
He didn’t even remember blasting over to the villain and punching them in the face
But he did that
And he did it HARD
Of course the villain was like OH FUCK
Because obviously the villain knew who you were
That’s why you were targeted 
Breaking Bakugou’s spirit is needed if villains want to become more fearful and powerful
The villain starts sprinting away
And before Bakugou can catch them
He hears an ambulance siren
He suddenly forgets all about the villain because he whips around to see you getting loaded onto a gurney
Paramedics are doing everything they can to keep you alive at this point
He’s horrified to say the least
You’re the love of his life
The last time he saw you like this is when he accepted it
Seeing you like this again just makes him realize it even deeper somehow
He runs to the ambulance
But the paramedics tell him he needs to go to the hospital separately because you’re badly injured and they need to perform some procedures on the way to the hospital to keep you alive
He doesn’t even realize he’s crying until his eyes start to sting
He wants to tell the paramedics to fuck off
Don’t they realize this is supposed to be one of the best days of yours and his lives?
But he can’t 
Because before he can
They’re gone
He chases after you though
He needs to be by your side right now
He needs to know that you will be okay
He needs you to be okay
So imagine how nerve-wracking it is for him to learn that you were in surgery
He waited in the waiting room all day long
This incident happened around one in the afternoon
and it was now one in the morning
He was just sitting in the hospital waiting room
Looking down at the little box in his hand
Which is a sight for anyone who sees him
The ring he bought for you is the only thing he can focus on
He doesn’t even notice the non-stop buzzing in his pocket coming from his and your friends wondering if the two of you are okay because the footage of the fight cut out right before Bakugou punched the villain
They all thought you were both hurt pretty badly
I mean after your quirk was seemingly taken from you…
The only thing that snaps him out of his trance
Is when the doctor comes out and says his name
His head snaps up so fast
He approaches the doctor just as fast
He knows he should expect the worst
But he can’t help but keep repeating that you’re okay
That everything will be fine because you are okay
They fixed you up
You’ll come home all happy
He’ll propose to you in the living room at this point
Today will be fixed
He hears that although you’re stable
You have what appears to be brain damage
“What kind of fucking brain damage?”
“She has severe amnesia which means that-”
“How severe?”
“Well… according to her brain scan and the fact that she said the year was two and a half years ago, I’m afraid it’s significantly severe.”
Two and a half years
Two and a half years?!
He just stares at the doctor
If you think it’s two and a half years ago
That means he hasn’t asked you out yet
That means in your mind
You’re still in high school
About to graduate
This cannot be happening
There is not way this is happening
“Can I see her?”
His voice sounds foreign to him
The doctor nods
Leading him to your room
He puts the ring back in his pocket out of instinct
And when he enters your room
He wants nothing more than for you to yell something like PSYCH
But he’s just met with a your mouth opening wide and eye getting big
“Bakugou?! You’re so dressed up!”
Why didn’t he let you call him Katsuki sooner
Why didn’t he ask you out before two years ago
Why wasn’t he there to save you
“W-Woah… Bakugou, you don’t have to cry this isn’t my first hospital stay… wait, when did you get an undercut?”
He just walks towards you
“You also look… older… is this seriously what you look like when you clean up?”
He watches as your expression falters for a moment
“Wait… are you like… going on a date or something?”
Good to know you still have feelings for him at least
He just nods
And you try to hide the disappointment on your face
“Oh… well, you better tell me all about it when we get back to the dorms.”
Your fake enthusiasm is killing him
What killing him even more though is that the doctors didn’t tell you what was going on
So he’ll tell you instead
His voice is wavering
This is new for him
He clears his throat
“I’m not… I’m not going on a date anymore. I had one but… things didn’t turn out as planned.”
He almost smiles at the sudden mood shift you had
How can you still be perky like that sitting in a hospital bed
“Yeah… because, um. It was a date with you…”
“You got hurt pretty bad, angel…”
He explains everything to you
As much as he can
And he also finds out about your quirk
And how it’s just
You have to stay in the hospital tonight for further testing tomorrow
And you insist that he goes home
But he says it isn’t home if you’re not there
He stays in the chair right next to your bed
Watching you as you sleep
He knows you believe him
He knows that you have feeling for him
But he’s broken, truly
Not only was he not your hero today
He didn’t save you
He doesn’t know if you’ll ever remember any of those years with him
Any of your firsts
And that makes him ache
He pulls out your ring again
And just looks at it
The only light in the room is the moonlight peaking in through the window
And in that moment
He swears to himself
And to you
That the villain who did this
Is going to pay
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Kirishima Eijirou | Red Riot
Eijirou has always been your rock
Figuratively and literally
He’s there for you through everything
And I mean everything
The two of you have been next door neighbors since you were kids
And he literally always had a crush on you
Of course the feelings were mutual
But neither you nor shark boy knew that
Until y’all got to high school
And Bakugou was very
About the two of you pining for each other
Mina was beyond annoyed 
She went to middle school with you two
So when Bakugou finally just
Screamed at the two of you to just shut the fuck up with the flirting and date already
Mina deadass jumped out of her seat at lunch and screamed thank you at the top of her lungs
Of course the two of you were as red as his hair
Which, yes
You did help him pick out the exact shade and helped dye as well
His hands were stained red because he accidentally only bought one pair of gloves and it wouldn’t have been manly to make you help without gloves on
But I digress
The two of you started dating shortly after that
And when I tell you that you were the couple everyone would look at and be all “awwwww”
And y’all are just in high school
Granted, it’s your final year and the two of you are both interning and are already confirmed to become sidekicks and Fatgum’s Agency
So y’all do be a little mature
But still
You started dating freshman year
And you’re going strong still
Of course
And words cannot describe how relieved he is that the two of you are at the same agency
Because if anything ever went bad he would be there to save you
And you would be there to save him
But literally nothing could prepare him for what was about to happen to you
It was a normal patrol
The two of you were together
Talking about graduation next week
And how the two of you were excited to move out of the dorms and into the apartment you had picked
And how you would finally be able to adopt the little mutt that the two of you love from the shelter
When out of no where
A villain popped down off of a building
Right behind you
And did something weird to you
They hit you meticulously and in specific places
Before Kirishima could even process what was going on
You were on the ground
Of course
You raised an arm
Ready to fight and use your quirk
But nothing happened
You tried again
You and Kirishima make eye contact and he can feel the fear radiating off of you
Now he was worried
Very worried
But you knew how to fight
And he was there, too
So this wouldn’t end too bad
You were already back on your feet
Ready to fight this motherfucker
“Go help the people inside, Red Riot. I can handle this one.”
He goes
But he does know you can hold your own
Even if that villain temporarily blocked your quirk
He hardens
Turning his headpiece into a filtering mask (a great addition he thought of so he could run into burning buildings while hardened to save people and not take damage to his lungs in the process)
And luckily
There were only three people inside
So he grabs them and runs out
And he’s expecting to be met with you handcuffing the bad guy
But instead
He’s met with you getting the life beat out of you
You’re on the ground
The villain pulled out swords while he was gone
And it was obvious you were down and weren’t gettingup
But the villain just wasn’t letting up
Kirishima’s legs work before his brain
He runs over to the villain and lands a punch to their face
Which causes them to stumble backwards
Before they throw the swords at a random citizen who is observing
He immediately runs to the citizen, deflecting the swords
But the villain ran off in the mean time
Like they disappeared without a trace
But honestly
Even if they were still there
Kirishima would have run to you regardless
He immediately kneels down
“(Y/n)?! (Y/n), can you hear me?!”
He ditched the hero names this time
You weren’t responding
You were out cold
He starts panicking
Full on hyperventilating
You looked bad
You were pierced by the villains swords in your side
Blood was everywhere
Your breathing was shallow
Regardless of the genuine panic attack he was going through right now
He somehow managed to control his breathing so you wouldn’t bleed out on the ground
He needed to help you
He picks you up
Instantly starting to sprint to the ambulances beginning to pull up
As soon as the paramedics see the state you’re in they get you off of him
And speed off to the hospital
Kirishima is left alone 
Staring at his hands 
Which were dyed red with your blood
All he could see was your face laughing at him because he forgot to get two pairs of gloves the first time you helped him dye his hair
…He didn’t like red all that much right now
After what feels like hours
But was really like two minutes
Tamaki shows up
Because he heard there was something going on
And as soon as he sees Kirishima on the ground and sobbing
He knows something bad has happened to you
He quickly gets him out of there
And back to the agency
Where Kirishima accidentally sees a replay of the fight on television
And he sees that you were fighting the villain just fine
But they were so nimble and fast 
And all they did was hit the nape of your neck and then the side of your temple
And you collapsed
Tamaki turned the television off before the full fight was shown
But the damage was done
Kirishima was back on the ground
Tamaki tries to comfort him
But Kirishima is out of commission
“I couldn’t save her, Tamaki! I wasn’t there!”
“…C-Come on, Kirishima… w-we should… go to the hospital…”
Tamaki is trying so hard to get him to calm down 
But to no avail
So eventually he just drags him out and to his car
He speeds to the hospital
And Kirishima doesn’t even wait for the car to slow down to run inside
He has to wait to see you
Since you were punctured 
But he was willing to wait
And wait he did 
For four days
Of course after you were done with your surgery he was allowed in your room
But it was a matter of waiting for you to wake up
He was always with you
He only went home to shower
He slept at the hospital
He needed to be with you
So when you finally woke up
He cried tears of happiness for the first time in days
“(Y/n), thank god you’re awake.”
“Eiji? What happened…?”
“There was a villain attack and they knocked you out and-”
“Why don’t you look 15?”
“You look… older… and your hair is longer.”
“…What? You were the one who encouraged me to grow it out…”
“I… I was?”
He stares at you for a moment
His happy tears turning into ones of fear
Before hitting the call nurse button and asking you a question
“(Y/n) what grade are we in?”
“We’re freshmen at UA High School.”
No, no, no, no, no
Before he could answer the doctor and nurses came in the room
They started asking you a bunch of questions
To which you answered the best you could
But it was obvious that you were convinced it was two years ago
The doctors took you off to do scans of your brain
This can’t be happening
You think it’s two years ago
Two years
So much has happened within those two years
The two of you have done so much
Imagine how devastated he is when he hears your memory is just gone
And your quirk with it
You were a hero
Your quirk can’t be gone
“Eiji… please don’t cry, it’ll be okay.”
“I can’t help it, pebble. I wasn’t there to save you and now… now you don’t remember everything we’ve done. And… and your quirk… you’re the best hero I know, and now…”
“Eijirou, I promise you it will be okay. As long as you’ll be with me, like you always are, I will be fine.”
He doesn’t say anything
He just looks at his hand holding yours
At least you still remember he asked you to be his girlfriend
But he is deadset on finding the villain who did this to you
“I will get you out of this.”
“I will fix this. I promise you. I will save you. I need to.”
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
The Ride
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Pairing: Mafia! Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: Mafia Au
Word Count: 4.8k
Warning: Gun Use, Mentions of Death, Kidnapping, Smut, Mentions of Blood, Mentions of Sex Trafficking
Summary: Baekhyun was hired by your grandfather to watch over your cousin after she felt like she was being watched and marked. During his time at the diner with her, you and him became quite close. Little do you know the two of you are in for quite the ride.
Tagging: @shesdreaminginoverdose @ice-cold-taeyong @skittlez-area512 @exolnctzens @tacojisung @you-n-me-e-e @puli2things @xlxbaekhyuneex @blahblahblah-boo @precious-seungwooya @michimouse98 @ncteaxhoe @brokenbutchocolate @amixoferrthang @xiumin-tzuyu @biaswreckingfics @milky-baek @reynadelsol25 @maygem2780 @bbhmystar @xnovyx @sunbyun21 @jungkooksworld18 @noonawriter​
You lean over the counter, your cheek resting on your palm as you giggle at something Baekhyun had just said to you. 
"You're so gross. He's supposed to be here for me." Rose scoffs as she smacks her gum, continuing to text on her phone. 
"Oh my god, no." You laugh at Baekhyun before glaring at your cousin, scrunching up your face before hiding behind your hands. Your phone rings, you take it out and look at the caller ID, seeing grandpa flash across the screen you know he's there to pick up Rose. 
"Grandpa is here for you." You tell her, seeing his car pull up out back. As she gets up to leave, you turn away from Baekhyun when you hear the bell from the front door ring, along with mumbling deep voices. 
"Um.." Baekhyun says, making you turn around. You see a group of three men walking into the diner and Baekhyun's body stiffening up. 
"It's a group of old men, Baek. Stop." You laugh, grabbing menus before heading over there. 
"Hi guys." You smile, laying out the menus. "Can I get you guys something to drink to start?" You ask, slipping your notebook from your pocket. 
"Well aren't you a pretty little thing. Hey Jon? Dontcha think she's pretty." One man says, looking you up and down. 
"Absolutely." Another one murmurs. "She would make a nice fit with the others, hey Al?" He chuckles. "It's too bad she's not who we're here for." 
Your hand begins to sweat and shake as you try to remain cool. You felt uneasy but your grandpa always told you how to handle these men, should you ever encounter them. He always told you to not worry about it because the diner was a safe place, but on the off chance something happened, he was only a phone call away. 
"We heard Rose was going to be working today?" One man says with a smile. "I hear she gives great service. Could you get her?" He asks, his smile forced. 
"She's not here but I'll get you some waters." You mumble, quickly walking behind the counter. You notice the spot that Baekhyun had been sitting was now empty. You gather up the waters and head back to the table, placing one down in front of each man. 
"Do you guys know what you want to order or did you need more time?" You ask, your voice shaky. 
"Oh I know what i want." Al says, standing up. "Rose." 
"She's not here, I believe i said." You say, waving him off. 
"I don't believe you." He laughs. All three men stand up. 
"You guys can get the fuck out before I call the cops." You spit, placing your hand on your waist. 
The men laugh as they stand up, one of them winking at you as they walk out the door. 
"I'll be seeing you." He says, walking through the door, letting it slowly close behind him. 
"Not likely!" You yell. 
What a piece of shit.
You felt like you could finally breathe as you watched them climb into a car, turning your back before you even see them leave. 
You walk into the kitchen where the cook was cleaning the grill, the music blaring from his headphones. You tell him about your encounter and just ask him to keep an eye out.
You go back up front and you see Baekhyun walking around the front of the diner as you gather up some garbage, watching him turn the corner. You never understood why he stayed here after Rose left, since she realistically should be the only reason he was here. 
 You take the garbage out the back and through the door to the dumpster. As you see Baekhyun looking inside your car you notice a man with a gun sneaking up behind him, the gun pointed directly at his head. 
"Duck!" You scream. 
Baekhyun drops to the ground as the man fires his gun, the bullet going straight through the window of your car.
He pulls out his gun, swiftly turning around to shoot the man before getting up and running to you. He grabs your wrist, dragging you to his car, opening the passenger door and pushing you in before he hops in the driver's seat, starting the car, putting it in drive, as he screeches out of the parking lot. 
"Shit they had people waiting." Baekhyun spits, pressing down on the gas as two cars follow behind you. "I fucking knew it. I thought they would have moved on since she wasn't here." He mumbles. 
"Yeah cause sex traffickers move on that easily once they have a target." You sigh, rolling your eyes. "They're not dumb, Baek. They know you're there to protect her."  
"Here take this." He says ignoring what you said and handing you a gun. "Just keep shooting out the window. Try to aim for the tires." Baekhyun yells as he jerks the steering wheel to the left, the car behind you still trailing you too close for your liking. 
As you take off the safety, your mind wanders back into how you got into this position, meeting Baekhyun. 
"Ayn, this is Byun Baekhyun of EXO. He's here to watch after Rose while she's at work." Your grandpa, Chairman Yang tells you. 
"Watch Rose? Why? Because she does such a terrible job?" You laugh. Your laugh quickly fades away as you see the seriousness on everyone's face and that's when you knew it wasn't something to be joking about. "What's going on?" You ask. 
"She's been marked. Her car for the last few days have had the markings for trafficking." Baekhyun tells you. "This is how they do it, stake her out for a few weeks before they try to make their move." 
"So you're there.." you pause before he cuts in. 
"To protect her." He finishes. 
"Don't worry Ayn. Nothing will happen." Your grandpa smiles, trying to ease your mind. 
You weren't worried. You knew everything would be fine. 
"Don't they know who she is? Why pick her?" You wonder. Your family was powerful, so why risk it? 
"More powerful the family, more money for the girl. Some guys are just willing to take the risk." Baekhyun says. 
"I've got to go to a meeting. All will be fine, Ayn." Your grandpa finishes, placing a kiss on your forehead before walking away, leaving you with the man you soon would fall for. 
The first day Baekhyun showed up you laughed. He sat on a stool at the counter and looked around the building trying to locate Rose. 
"Seriously?" You smile, looking at him with a blank stare. "First day and you already can't find her?" 
"I know exactly where she is." He scoffs. "Back there." He says, pointing to the kitchen. 
"Actually no. She didn't come in today. She had me take her shift today." You say, smiling wildy. 
Baekhyun laughs as he shakes his head, lowering it in embarrassment. 
"It's okay if you're not very smart, you're still hot." You smile. 
"You think I'm hot?" He asks. 
"Don't get all soft now, mafia man. You have a job to do." You say, walking away to serve the new group of people who just walked in. 
Baekhyun knew then things would never be boring as long as you were around. 
"I did it!" You exclaim excitedly as you watch the car behind you lose control and crash into a pole. 
"Good job." Baekhyun laughs. "One more to go." He murmurs, jerking the car one more time and speeding up. "Hold on tight." He spits, grabbing the wheel tightly, stepping on the brake and turning the wheel hard, completely turning the car around. 
You both speed past the car that had been trailing behind you, and laugh as you watch them through the mirrors, they slam on their brakes and try to turn to catch the two of you. By the time they had turned around, Baekhyun had already pulled into one of many side roads, turning off the car. 
Sitting there in silence, you squeeze your legs together, your clit throbbing. 
"Are you okay?" Baekhyun asks, worriedly.
"Adrenaline makes me horny." You breathe. You move your panties to the side, slowly slipping your fingers into your pussy, only letting out a soft moan. 
"Are you..?" He begins to ask, but is cut off by you getting onto your knees, pulling your fingers from your pussy and leaning over to him. You lift up his shirt, running your fingers through his treasure trail, licking your lips before whispering "nice." 
You unbutton his pants and he lifts himself up, making it easier for you to pull them down. 
You lick your lips at the sight of his cock, hard, leaking pre cum. 
You place your mouth over the tip wrapping your lips around it, swallowing his cock. 
Baekhyun moans as you gag yourself on his cock. His head falls back against the seat, his mouth hanging open as he thrusts up, shoving his cock further back down your throat. 
You bring yourself up, sitting up, you wipe your mouth, looking him in the eyes. "Im clean. Are you?" You ask. 
"Yes." He whispers as he watches you pull your panties down and throw them in the backseat. He leans his seat back, pulling your arm to help you climb onto him, hiking your skirt up in the process. He holds his cock as you slowly begin to sink down on him, his cock stretching you out an unimaginable amount. 
"Shit." He cries. "You're so fucking wet. You're drenched." He moans. 
You place your hands on his shoulders, you're rolling your hips, curling yourself into him. 
"Oh my god." You moan in his ear, leaning forward. 
You move your fingers down, putting them in between the two of you and in between your lips, rubbing your clit. You nuzzle your nose into his neck, the scent of his cologne filling your nostrils.
"Dont stop." You cry, rolling your hips in just the right way. Your clit becomes sensitive as your orgasm quickly approaches. 
You lift yourself up from against him, your head flying back as you cum all over his cock. You move your hand from between your legs, lowering your head to look Baekhyun in the eyes, you place your fingers in your mouth, sucking the juices from them. 
Baekhyun moans as his hands leave your hips, moving up to begin undoing the buttons of your top, exposing your bra. He pulls a cup down, letting a breast spring free. He moans as he cups it, leaning his head forward to take it in his mouth. 
Shivers run down your spine as he continues to suck while you ride him, his cock hitting the right spot every time. 
You move your fingers down, putting them in between the two of you and in between your lips, rubbing your clit. You nuzzle your nose into his neck, the scent of his cologne filling your nostrils. 
Baekhyun lets go of your nipple with a pop, but before he's able to say anything else, a pair of headlights are set on your car and a gunshot rings through the air. 
"Shit." He spits, turning the car on. You try to get off of him but his one hand keeps you there in place. "I don't think so, baby." He smiles, putting the car in drive and flooring it. "Grab the gun." He spits. 
You reach over to the empty passenger seat, grabbing the gun you had left there. "Aim it out my window. Try to hit wherever you can." He yells, jerking the car around another corner. You wrap your arm around his neck as he looks over your shoulder, watching the road. You stick your arm out the window and pull the trigger, doing your best to keep your aim at the car. You were having a little trouble concentrating with Baekhyun subtly thrusting inside you as he drove. 
As you aim the gun out of his window, a moan slips out of your mouth, whispering the sound into his ear. 
"Fuck baby, you can't do that." He groans, grunting as he bucks his hips up, pushing himself deeper inside of you. 
"And you can't do that, if you want me to shoot." You gasp, clutching the gun tightly. 
Managing to get a little bit of your concentration back, you squeeze your pussy around his cock as you aim and fire. 
"Oh my god." Baekhyun gasps, biting his bottom lip before thrusting his hips up, pounding himself into you. 
"Fuck." You cry out, bringing your free hand up to cup your breast, squeezing it tightly. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as you ride Baekhyun, forgetting that you would be distracting him from trying to get the two of you to safety. 
"Take another shot." Baekhyun groans, trying to concentrate, both hands on the wheel but his eyes on your bouncing tits. 
You stick your arm out the window again, firing another shot, this time hitting a wheel, making the car begin to swerve before inevitably crashing into a tree. Baekhyun laughs as he slams on the breaks, shifting the car into park before his hands end up on your thighs, pushing down while he thrusted up hard. 
"So fucking sexy." He grunts. You use your knees against the seat, bouncing on his cock, your tits in his face. 
"Fuck I'm gonna cum." You cry, your hand grabs a clump of hair as your orgasm hits you, halting all your movements, causing you to shake. "Shit." You moan as Baekhyun thrusts himself into you more, chasing his own high. 
"Im gonna.. cum." He stampers, his fingertips digging into your thighs as he shoots his load into your pussy, coating your walls with his cum. "Fuck." He huffs. 
You smile as you both catch your breath before you get off of him and sit yourself in his passenger seat, feeling his cum drip from inside your pussy. "You can just drop me off at home if you want." You breathe, running your hands through your hair. 
"I need to talk to your grandpa so yeah, let's go." Baekhyun says, turning shifting the car into drive and heading for your house. 
"Yes sir." Baekhyun says as your grandpa gives him new instructions. 
"You're to be there all day everyday. If EXO wants us on their side, you better be keeping us granddaughter safe." He says, not looking up from his desk. 
"Yes sir. Of course sir." Baekhyun finishes, nodding his head. 
"You may go. Ayn?" Your grandpa says. 
"Yeah?" You say, turning around to face him. 
"Maybe you should take some time off from the diner. Just until everything blows over." He suggests. 
You laugh as you walk over behind him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I appreciate the concern, but they're not after me. Besides, you know i can handle myself." You say, giving him a kiss on the cheek. 
"I know you're tough." He chuckles. "Doesn't mean I can't worry about you." 
"I'll see you later." You smile, walking out of his office. 
A few days later you were back at work, missing Baekhyun. He had gotten a phone call from Rose saying she had an appointment and he was the one who needed to take her and watch her there. You could almost guarantee that she did not have an appointment, she just didn't want to come to work like usual. 
You're brought out of your thoughts when the bell on top of the door rings and you heat the sound of footsteps walking into the diner. You turn around and see one of the men from before standing there, but this time he's alone.
"Table for one?" He asks. 
"Sit where you want. I'll be right with you." You say, turning around to grab a menu. You take a deep breath, planning out what you were going to yell at him. You walk up to him, dropping his menu on the table as he looks up at you. 
"Before you say anything.." he pauses. "I want to apologize for my friends and I the other day." He smiles. "They're into some weird business, we were drinking that day and things just got out of hand." He sighs. "A friend had told us about Rose and we pushed too far, we didn't mean any harm,  i'm sorry." He finishes. 
"If you weren't here to do any harm, then what about the guy who was shot?" You ask, trying to unravel his apology. 
"What guy? Someone was shot?" He asked, looking worried. 
"Nevermind.' You whisper. You weren't sure if you believed him but it's not like you would see him  often, so you let it go. But that wasn't true. You saw home almost everyday after that, and everyday you became increasingly more and more comfortable around Al. 
"Hey Al." You smile widely as he walks into the diner for the fifth time this week. 
"Hello dear." He laughs, sitting down at his usual table. Already you were behind the counter grabbing his water and his coffee to bring to him.
"BLT or eggs today?" You smile, not even bringing him a menu considering he only ever ordered one of two things. 
"I think the BLT sounds good today, Ayn." He says, sipping on his coffee. "How's your cousin?" He asks. 
You had told him that she was a terrible coworker and he always liked to tease you about it. "Shitty, as usual." You smile. "I'll go put your order in quick." 
As the night went on and Al finished his food, he liked to stay and have a few cups of coffee after, reading the paper and just enjoying the sound. Yoh remembers how he told you his family was all gone, his wife passed away years ago, and his children were all grown up and left the house. He missed the noise, being surrounded by people. Or that's what he told you. 
"See ya, Ayn." He says, waving as he walks out the door a few hours later. You head over to his table to clean up his cups and underneath one of them was a $100 bill. He always managed to make you smile with his tips. 
A few weeks later, Al was still coming in and Baekhyun didn't like it. "There's something off about him." He says, sipping his coffee, eyeing up the man who you had become close to. 
"He's lonely. Leave him alone." You laugh, smacking Baekhyun on the arm. 
"How was your day today, Ayn?" Al asks as you refill his coffee. "The same as yesterday and the day before and the day before." You laugh. "Work work work, go home and sleep and more work." 
"You work far too much. You closing up again tonight?" He asks. 
"Not tonight, I'm off early tonight but the rest of the week I'll be closing." You tell him. 
"You make sure to be careful. There are some weirdos out there." He warns. 
You thank him and turn around, missing the small smirk that appears on his lips before disappearing quickly. 
At 7pm, you happily took off your apron, throwing it in the laundry basket in the back before saying goodbye and getting into your car. 
Once you were home you took a quick shower, not bothering to use a towel to dry yourself off, you prefer to air dry. 
You walk to your dresser grabbing your lotion off the top shelf as your door opens and in walks Baekhyun with his eyes closed. 
 "Look." He says. "We need to talk." He finishes opening his eyes, trailing your body up and down. "I.. we.. um." He stutters. 
"Im listening." You say, rubbing lotion over your stomach before moving up to your breasts. 
Baekhyun lets out a deep breath before moving to your desk chair, he sits down, biting his bottom lip. "Well.." he pauses. 
"What do you want to say to me?" You ask, standing in front of him. 
"I don't remember." He says, looking up at you. You smile as you crawl into his lap, straddling him. You wrap your arms around his neck, your breasts pushed into his face. You lift yourself up before rolling your hips against his clothed cock. You feel him grow beneath you as you continue to grind yourself on him.
"What do you want?" Baekhyun asks, his voice low. 
"Do whatever you want to me." You breathe. 
"Whatever I want?" He smirks. 
You nod your head, biting your lip to hide your smile. Baekhyjn stands up holding your back as you wrap your legs around his waist. His hands move to your ribs, holding pulling you off and throwing you on the bed. 
"Ropes?" He asks. 
"Handcuffs." You reply, pointing to your closet. Baekhyun gets off the bed, moving to your closet. He reaches up to grab the pair of handcuffs, twirling them around his finger as he walks back to your naked body laying on the bed. He crawls on, smiling as you hold out your wrists for him. Happily he locks the handcuffs in place and pushes your arms to lay flat over your head. 
"Hold onto the headboard and do not let go." He says with a growl. 
"Yes sir." You purr. 
Baekhyun moves down your body, forcing your legs open, spreading them as far as he can make them go. Your pussy is already dripping at the thought of him between your thighs. 
He lays down on his stomach, spreading your lips before flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue. Your back arches for a moment, until he pushes you back down, keeping his hand there to not let you do that again. 
"Oh my god." You cry out, his lips wrapping around you clit, sucking harshly. 
He releases your clit, sliding two fingers into his mouth before slowly entering them inside you. He slowly pumps his finger in and out of you, bringing his other thumb to your clit and gently rubbing, making you arch your back again. 
"Fuck fuck fuck." You cry out, the overwhelming sensation continuing to grow as he works his magic fingers. 
"You're going to make me.. cum." You scream out, your hands holding on tightly to the headboard as your orgasm washes through your body, Baekhyun's fingers still continuing to work on you. 
"Please. Please no more." You cry out, your body trying to twist away from him. 
"Shh baby, you told me I could do whatever I wanted. So stop moving and let me make you cum again." He snaps, his eyes dark. You bite your bottom lip, your body tries to relax but fuck you're sensitive. 
"I can't." You cry. 
"You can and you will. Cum again, baby." He says, his fingers thrusting in and out of you quickly while his thumb rubs your clit. 
"Fuck." You cry out, another orgasm washing over you, your clit throbbing from being so sensitive now. 
Baekhyun removes his hands from you, standing up and pointing to the floor. "On your knees." He states, pointing to the hardwood floor beneath him. You crawl off the bed, your hands still in the cuffs. Your sink down onto your knees, in front of Baekhyun. He begins unzipping his pants, letting his cock spring free. You notice the precum dripping from his red tip. 
"Suck." He demands. 
You take a breath before leaning forward, licking the tip of his cock, swallowing the cum before taking more of him in your mouth. 
Baekhyun's hands reach around and grab the back of your head, pulling a clump of hair to keep your head still before he slowly thrusts his hips back and forth, gently hitting the back of your throat. 
As the seconds went on his thrusts became harder and faster. His grip on your hair tightened as he slammed his cock into your mouth, sliding it down your throat to make you gag. Tears brimmed your eyes as you choked on his cock. 
"Such a good slut." He moans, pulling his cock from your mouth, letting you breathe. 
"On the bed. All fours." He spits, discarding his shirt somewhere in your room. 
You climb on the bed, mascara burning your eyes as it runs down your face. You put your face in your bed, pressing it into your sheets while sticking your ass in the air and wait for Baekhyun.  
You feel the bed dip behind you before a hard slap lands on your ass, making it burning. 
"Good girl." He purrs, grabbing your ass roughly before slapping it one more time. 
Baekhyun lines his cock up with your hole, pushing himself inside you a little bit before he grips onto your hips and slams himself inside you. 
"Holy fuck." You cry out but it's muffled. Your fingers hold tightly onto the bed sheets as your face is buried into the bed. 
"Such a nice pussy." He groans, this thrusts slowly but hard, hitting your G spot everytime. 
Seconds later he picks up his pace and begins pounding himself into you, his breathing heavy as his fingertips dig into your hips. 
"Clench." He grunts. 
You clench your pussy around him, making him cry out loudly. 
"Fuck, just like that." He groans, his thrusts becoming erratic. "Im gonna cum." He yells, his grip becoming even tighter before he stops moving. He's hunched over you, as he spills himself into you, coating your walls with his cum. 
"Shit." He breathes, giving small thrusts as he milks himself for everything.  
He pulls himself out of you, letting cum fall from your pussy, as he walks to the bathroom to grab you a cloth. 
He comes back with a smile on his face handing you the cloth before unlocking your hands, tossing the handcuffs onto your bed. 
After cleaning up, he crawls in beside you, pulling you in close to him, sleep coming easily to you both. 
Late in the morning, Baekhyun gives you a kiss on the lips as he quietly leaves your room, heading home to shower before going to the diner for his shift with Rose. "I'll see you later." You smile, knowing you'll be there in the next few hours for your long shift. 
Over the next few nights of your closing shifts, Baekhyun had to leave early for the first two and had planned on staying for the third one. It was around 10pm when Rose had left to head home and it didn't take long for Baekhyun's phone to ring after that. 
"You just left Rose." Baekhyun sighs as he answers the phone on speaker.  
"I think someone's following me." She whispers. 'I've been taking a bunch of random turns and the car follows me the whole time." She says. You can hear the panic in her voice as you hear whimpers through the phone. 
"Where are you? I'm on my way." Baekhyun says, taking off from the diner. Your stomach was in knots thinking about what could happen to Rose. You just hoped Baekhyun got to her in time. As you watch his car screech out of the parking lot, the front door opens. You see Al walking in, a smile on his face. 
"Hey stranger." You grin, grabbing a cup for coffee. 
"None tonight." He says. He looks uneasy and uncomfortable. "I'm really sorry Ayn. It's not my decision." He says. Before you're able to ask him what he meant, you hear the sound of a bullet hitting something or someone in the kitchen and then a body hitting the floor. 
You look at Al with terror in your eyes as he shrugs his shoulders before you're hit over the head with something, making you fall into the darkness. 
Baekhyun got to Rose as fast as he could. She had pulled into a well lit gas station that had many people around while she waited for him to show up.
"They're gone?" She says, looking around as Baekhyun walks up to her window. "It's like they saw you and took off." She says shrugging her shoulders. 
His mind immediately went to you. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. He pulled out his phone, dialing your number but you didn't answer. His hand starts to shake as he presses redial before running back to his car. He speeds out of the gas station and heads back to the diner. 
You still didn't answer. 
Baekhyun dials Chairman Yang, who picks up on the second ring. "What is it?" He asks.
"It's Ayn. Meet me at the diner." Baekhyun says before hanging up the phone. His foot presses on the gas, jolting his car to go faster.
He finally reaches the diner, barely putting the car in park before he flies out of the driver's seat, running inside. He calls out your name but you don't answer. His eyes look to the floor where he sees a large spot of blood. 
"Ayn!" He calls again, no answer. 
Chairman Yang runs through the door, looking at the blood then back at Baekhyun. 
"It was never Rose." He breathes. "They never wanted her. It was always Ayn." He finishes, feeling like he's failed you. 
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honey-dewey · 4 years
Christmas Miracle
Marcus Moreno/Reader
Word Count: 2,107
Warnings: Mild descriptions of the magic of childbirth and all the wonderful things that come with it
4 AM on Christmas morning was not when you wanted to be going into labor. And yet here you are, at 4 in the morning, on Christmas day, about to have a baby. Of course, that would be a lot easier if your lovely husband actually believed you were in labor. 
You groaned, rubbing your back and heading back to the bed you shared with your husband. Eight months pregnant and you were starting to regret having a kid. But you were a sucker for Marcus’s puppy eyes and Missy really wanted a sibling, so you’d caved. 
Checking your phone, you sighed. Four AM on Christmas morning. Of course the baby had to sit practically on your bladder at the ass crack of dawn on Christmas morning. 
Marcus was still dead asleep as you went to go crawl back into bed. For a superhero with incredible reflexes, you were shocked at how heavy of a sleeper he was. 
Right as you put your hands on the edge of the bed, you felt warmth trickle down your legs. Looking down, you saw a growing puddle on the floor, illuminated only by the dim lamp you’d turned on. 
“Fuck,” you grumbled, wondering how the hell you’d just had an accident right after using the bathroom, and then it hit you. 
“Marcus,” you reached over the bed as best you could and nudged your husband. “Marcus!” 
Marcus rolled over, sleepy eyes still half closed. “What?” 
“My water just broke.” 
Marcus didn’t answer. He checked the clock over your shoulder and let out a long sigh. “Babe, that isn’t funny. Go back to sleep.” 
You raised your eyebrows. “Marcus Moreno!” You hissed quietly, desperate to keep Missy asleep despite her being all the way down the hall. “I am standing in a puddle of amniotic fluid, and you are absolutely right, this is not funny because it is not a goddamn joke!” 
As soon as he realized you were serious, Marcus was awake. He rubbed his eyes and pulled a shirt on, looking at you, standing there in soaked pyjama bottoms and one of his old shirts. “But we don’t have a bag packed and we aren’t ready! I thought you weren’t due until the end of January!” He said, rushing around. “Should we call the doctor?” 
“Yeah,” you said, trying to calm your rushing heart. “I’ll start cleaning this up, I guess.” 
“No,” Marcus said, handing you the phone, which was already ringing. “You call, I’ll clean.” 
So you waited on the phone while Marcus grabbed a towel from the hall closet. The receptionist picked up and transferred you to the doctor, who you explained the entire situation to. 
“Well,” the doctor said, clearly as sleepy as you. “I guess you’re having a baby today. Come in ASAP, we really can’t wait if your water just broke.” 
“I’m sorry, what?” You said, looking at Marcus’s worried face. “I’m not having the baby today.” 
“Yes you are.” 
“No, I’m not,” you insisted. “It’s Christmas.” 
The doctor laughed slightly. “Yes it is,” she agreed. “And you’re having a baby today.” 
Marcus took the phone before you could argue back. “We’ll be there soon,” he said, and you glared at him as he hung up. 
“I’ve already called my mom, and she’s gonna take Missy while we’re at the hospital,” Marcus said, quickly packing a bag for you. “She’s awake and exhausted, but should be ready to go.” 
While Marcus and Missy got ready, you did exactly what Marcus told you to do. Sit and wait in the car, clutching a stress ball for dear life. 
“Ready?” Marcus asked you, climbing into the car after he’d secured Missy in the backseat. 
Marcus smiled, taking your hand and kissing it. “You’ll be fine,” he promised. “Now c’mon, we have to hurry.” 
Missy gave you both a very sleepy goodbye when you dropped her off, and Anita smiled, telling you to keep a level head and crush Marcus’s fingers if you had to. 
“Yeah, thanks mom.” Marcus rolled his eyes playfully, turning to you. “Here we go.” 
You only grew more and more nervous as Marcus drove closer to the hospital. When he parked, you refused to drop your death grip on his hand, which was seemingly fine with him. He simply rubbed his thumb over your knuckles as you two headed into the hospital. 
The doctor was waiting for you at the reception area, smiling and guiding you to a room. “It seems the baby wanted to make a very unforgettable entrance,” she said, gesturing to the bed in the room. “Go ahead and put the gown on and lie down. I’ll be right back.” 
Marcus had to help you, considering the size of your stomach. Once you’d laid down, he took both your hands. “You’re gonna be okay,” he said softly. “Want me to tell you the story of how much of an absolute dumpster fire Missy’s birth was?” 
You nodded, leaning into his touch. Marcus settled on the bed next to you, pushing sweaty hair off your forehead. “I was out on a mission,” he started. “And I got this call from Tech-no. And he said ‘hey your wife is in labor.’” 
Marcus smiled, the memories flooding back. “I rushed back to headquarters, of course, because that’s where she was. I was just in time, but she didn’t get an epidural or anything because it all happened so fast. Hell, she almost had Missy in the hallway. I got into the room, and she screamed at me, asking me where I’d been. Now, Missy made a very fast entrance after that, and I’m talking like. Two or three minutes. So they let us hold her, cleaned her up, took her away and all that, and then Clara looked at me, and she was absolutely exhausted. She cussed me out, and then told me I was bleeding.” 
You gasped softly. “No.” 
“Yeah!” Marcus laughed. “I had this massive cut on my face! I needed stitches, and Clara was so worried. But when I got back from getting my stitches, she was dead asleep. And honestly, our little Christmas miracle cannot get any more exciting than Missy.” 
You nodded, rubbing your stomach. “It hurts.” 
Marcus bit his lip. “I hear you,” he said softly, kissing your forehead. “I hear you. It’ll be over before you know it, and then we can take our beautiful baby home, okay?” 
At that moment, the doctor came back, tying her blonde hair up. “So!” She said cheerily. “The nurse told me you two refrained from seeing your baby’s gender. We have some news about that.” 
You and Marcus both looked at each other, worried. “Why?” You asked. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing is wrong,” the doctor reassured. “Your baby is very healthy. Both of them, in fact.” 
“Both?” You yelled, at the same time Marcus began to shake his head, eyes wide with shock. “What do you mean both?” 
The doctor pulled her gloves on, resting a hand on your knee. “You’re having twins Mrs. Moreno.” 
You turned to Marcus, who had gone white as a sheet. “I hate you.” 
“Y’know,” Marcus said weakly. “I think I agree with that statement.” 
The doctor laughed. “Don’t you worry,” she said, lifting the bottom of your gown and nodding to herself. “You’re all in position to have a natural birth, and we have plenty of time for that epidural.” 
“Good,” you said, still glaring at Marcus. 
The anesthesiologist came in and instructed you and Marcus to keep your eyes closed while he gave you your epidural. You did, gripping Marcus’s hands as tightly as you could, your face buried firmly in his shoulder. He shifted in front of you, resting his forehead against yours. “Breathe babe, you have to breathe.” 
Once the epidural was done and over with, your pain went way down. You were slightly hungry, and still definitely hurting, but the pain had subsided enough for you to actually take a nap. 
When you woke, it was nearer to noon, and the doctor came to check on your progress. 
“Not yet,” she said, shaking her head. “Try taking a walk. I would usually recommend the gardens, because they’re close, but it’s winter.” 
Which was how you and Marcus ended up slowly wandering down the halls of the hospital, you clutching his arm for balance. 
“Still mad at you,” you grumbled at one point. “Fucking twins. We couldn’t even name one baby.” 
Marcus chuckled. “Well. It seems Missy’s birth could be topped.” 
You punched his arm, a ripple of pain hitting you and causing you to gasp. “Marcus,” you whined softly. “Back to the room, please.” 
Despite the epidural, you were really starting to feel pain now, screwing your face up every few minutes. Marcus sat by your bed, reading a book out loud to you, but it did little to distract you. 
By the time two pm had rolled around, you were pretty much in agony. Marcus had abandoned the book in favor of whispering soft comforts and smoothing sweat soaked hair off your face. 
“Okay!” The doctor said. She’d taken some time to get everything ready and grab a few more nurses, so it was now two twenty. “Mrs. Moreno, I think it’s time to push.” 
You took a deep breath. Marcus was right beside you, holding both your hands. You poked the power restraint bracelet he wore, huffing out a small laugh. “Really?” 
“Most of the things here are metal,” Marcus explained with a grin. “And my powers tend to flare when I get stressed.” 
The doctor smiled. “Ready?” 
You nodded, preparing yourself for what was about to happen. 
Even so, you were not ready. 
Forty five minutes and much screaming later, both you and Marcus were exhausted, but there were two babies in the room. 
“Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Moreno,” the doctor said softly, handing you the swaddled babies. “Two perfectly healthy little girls. Identical, we believe.” 
You smiled wearily down at the babies. “Welcome,” you whispered, kissing both of their foreheads. “Clara and Vanessa Moreno.” 
You heard a sniffle to your right and looked over, seeing Marcus crying. He delicately took Clara from you, a watery grin blooming across his face. “She looks just like my old Clara.” 
Smiling, you leaned closer to Marcus. “If she’s even half the woman Clara was, I will be so immensely proud of her.” 
“I’ll be proud of them no matter what.” 
You looked down at Vanessa, who was, even as a newborn, so clearly a spitting image of her father. “Me too.” 
Marcus handed a nearby nurse Clara and looked down at his hands, both of which were bright red. “Babe.” 
He held his hands up. His left index finger was at an odd angle, and both his palms had tiny crescent shaped cuts in them.
“Okay?” You argued playfully, handing another nurse Vanessa. “You put fucking twins in me!” 
Marcus shrugged. “Y’know,” he said. “I feel like that’s fair.” 
That night, after the girls had been fed and napped, and you had been too, Missy and Anita came to visit. You held Clara, knowing Marcus was in the bathroom with Vanessa.
“Missy,” you said to her, seeing her wide eyed expression. “This is your little sister Clara.” 
Missy reached a hand out to her sister, slowly touching her little hat. “She looks like Dad.” 
“Where is Marcus?” Anita asked, standing on your other side. “How many of his fingers did you break?” 
You laughed. “Three.” 
“Really?” Missy said. 
“Nah.” You readjusted Clara a tiny bit. “I broke one and gave him a few cuts from my nails.” 
Anita laughed. “That’s my daughter-in-law!” 
“Are you talking about me out there?” Marcus’s voice echoed from the bathroom. 
“Yes!” Anita called back. “Come here, I want to congratulate you for having a second beautiful little girl.” 
Marcus opened the door. “Might wanna change that number Mama.” 
Anita gasped, seeing tiny Vanessa in her father’s arms. “You did not!” 
“I already told him I hated him,” you said jokingly, nudging a seemingly frozen Missy. “Honey, you have another sister.” 
Missy blinked, looking at Vanessa. “But.” 
“No one knew,” you said softly. “But we love her just as much.” 
Anita smiled. “Well damn,” she said. “Marcus, I cannot believe it.” 
“Oh I’m fairly certain she’s gonna hunt me for sport as soon as she can walk,” Marcus said, looking at you. “Missy, honey, why don’t you sit on the bed with Mom.” 
Missy did, looking surprised when Marcus slowly lowered Vanessa into her lap. 
“Just like that,” Marcus said, sitting cross legged across from Missy on the bed. “Cradle her head, there you go.” 
You let Anita take Clara, watching her settle in a wayward chair. “Well Mr. Moreno,” you said sleepily, tugging Marcus closer to you. “Merry Christmas. I am never going to be able to get you a better gift.” 
Marcus laughed. “Merry Christmas darling. And I very much agree.”
If you liked this, I do dialogue prompt requests as well! Go request something if you want!
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bubblegum---bitch · 3 years
Never the same again. (Angst)
Valentino x Male Overlord reader: Headcanon
Requested by:@Brazilian-guy-in-the-wrong-place
Note: Sorry this took forever to finish, work has been kicking my butt. Hope I delivered.😅
- Yourself and Valentino were out in the town spending some quality time together doing a little shopping in one of the rich parts of hell. With both of you being overlords of your respective deadly sin, you hardly have time to just go out and have a day off from the pressures and responsibilities of aiding the ruling and maintenance of hell.
- The two of you have been dating for years and to the surprise of many, you had quite a healthy relationship with the overlord of lust. Despite him being an abusive, manipulative asshole to everyone else around him, he was a complete gentleman when it comes to you.
- He opens doors for you, pays for everything even when you insist on paying, he protects you with no hesitation despite you being more powerful than he is and when it gets cold outside he gives you his big fluffy pimp coat. You love wearing it because it always smells like him which always makes you happy knowing that he cares about you so much to only show his gentle side to you.
- Everything was going so well that day, you and Val just walked out of another store hands full of expensive stuff you bought for each other. You were trying to decide on where you wanted to head to next but it all went to hell when the emergency sirens went off all around you.
- The next purge wasn't due for another five months, it's never started off schedule before. Everyone around you burst into panic and started running to find safety. Valentino waisted no time to pick you up bridal style and started sprinting to the limo a few block away, he pushed anyone that was in his way and didn't care what he had to do as long as he got you away and somewhere safe.
- As you looked up into the crimson sky, you felt your blood run cold when a fleet of exterminators began to descend from the sky. Their sharp angelic spears glistened menacingly and their theater mask faces pierced through the darkness of hell as they got closer to the ground.
- You were suddenly thrown to the ground, your skin grazed across the rough ground, digging away the top layer revealing the white tissue beneath. You looked back and saw that Val got thrown to the ground by a crowd of people running in the opposite direction, all of them desperate to get away.
- Before you could get to him the exterminators had already landed. They were even more terrifying up close than they were when you'd watch them massacre unfortunate sinners from your window every year.
- They all dispersed into different directions to begin their slaughter. Unfortunately for you and Valentino four of them had stayed behind, and they all and their sights on you two.
- Val waisted no time wiping out his guns and began firing at them. He didn't have fancy powers or magical abilities like most overlords do, but one thing Val was good at was shooting a gun.
- "Y/n get the fuck out of here I'll take care of there fuckers!"
- "I'm not going anywhere!"
- As for you, you had very impressive powers that leaves most sinners quivering in fear of being on the receiving end of your wrath, but these were exterminators. They were vicious, unpredictable and you hardly doubted that you could successfully fight them off.
- It felt like hours you and Val have been fighting side by side. The exterminators barely had a few scratches on them but you guys were barely holding on. The streets were void of any signs of life, only dead bodies and destruction was left all around you.
- They had you backed up in a corner now, you definitely had some internal bleeding and Val has definitely seen better days, but he still stayed in front of you, doing his best to protect you.
- "Val, I've got an idea but you're not gonna like."
- "Whatever it is do it so we can get the fuck out of here. They don't get to fuck with our date and kill us in one day."
- Having made your choice, you did the only logical thing. You ran.
- The thing about the exterminators is that they love to kill overlords once the opportunity presented itself, especially powerful ones that were vital to hell.
- "Y/n! Don't!"
- As you expected three of the four exterminators followed behind you, the other stayed to finish off Val but you knew he could take it on. You'd rather die knowing that you did your best to ensure Val survived this.
- You on the other hand was still on the run. They were still hot on your tail, their malicious laughs echoed through the deserted streets. You tried your best to duck into dark alleyways just to loose them, but they were determined to kill you before the purge was over.
- In all your running, you miscalculated and made a wrong turn, you were met with a dead end and the only way out was through the three exterminators that were now blocking your path.
- "Alright you theater faced fucks, come and get me!!"
- A full three weeks had passed after the extermination and Valentino was still searching endlessly for you. He had managed to kill the exterminator that stayed behind to finish him off, he fought with all the strength he had but he made sure that it was dead before he ran in the direction you went in.
- He had searched endlessly for you, searched every alley and dumpster just to find some trace of you, but he found nothing.
- Valentino wasn't a man that cried or got worried over anyone or anything. But he loved you, and the thought of loosing you to exterminators when he had sworn to protect you no matter what ate at him with every moment that passed and you weren't found.
- He was using every resource to his disposal to find you and he was getting more and more violent to those around him. He always locks himself up in his office practically falling apart and missing you. He even cries into an a shirt you left in his office just so he we wouldn't forget what you smelt like.
- He had every sinner at his disposal looking for you in all the rings of hell, He spared no expense and didn't care who he had to go through to kind you. He knew you weren't dead, you couldn't be. You were one of the strongest overlords in hell and was not easily taken down, even by exterminators.
- As if someone had heard his prayers, one of his bodyguards burst into the room and announced that you were at the front door.
- Val waisted no time and sprinted behind his body guard and ran like a mad man down the countless flights of stairs. He was ready to pull you into his arms and kiss you until you were breathless. He'd make sure that he never let something like this happen again.
- When he arrived in the lobby he came to a complete halt just a few feet away from you. He was shocked to see the state you were in. You were dirty, blood caked to your hair and skin and you looked like you were on the brink of death.
- You were just sitting there on the sofa next to the door just staring at the red silk carpet as if you weren't sure of where you were.
- "Babe, where the hell have you been? I've been searching all the god forsaken rings for you. Do you have any idea what I've been through looking for your ass!?"
- The last thing he expected you to do was break down crying. He honestly didn't know what to do because of all the centuries you've been together he's never seen you cry. You've always been so strong and dangerous, you've never let anything gotten under your skin, not even a near death experience.
- But here you were, holding yourself as if you'd fall apart if you didn't. You began shaking and you would have fallen out of the sofa if Val didn't rush to your side and take you in his arms.
- He you feel the absolute terror in your body as you shook, you buried your face into his coat to stifle the screams that threatened to escape your throat.
- By now the lobby was nearly packed with demons that worked in the building. They all had looks of worry and confusion but all Val could see was people who didn't know how to mind their fucking business.
- So he picked you up bridal style and took you upstairs to his office. There you'd be safe and he could get to the bottom of why you were such a wreck.
- He had spent the entire day cleaning you up and trying to get you to at least eat something. You hardly spoke a word to him despite his efforts and you still had that distance look in your eyes. He took a seat next to you on the leather love chair in the corner of his office and could still see that your hands were shaking from the way the coffee in your cup shook.
- "Baby you've got to talk to me. You've been gone for two weeks and I'm gonna go crazy if you don't tell me what happened out there."
- He was really trying to be calm and understanding about your situation. Even he had trouble fighting off one exterminator, and you had to take on three and still be alive. But the protective boyfriend in him needed to know what happened so he could know how to help you, or at least know what happened.
- You took a while to talk to him, your usual cheery and confidence filled voice was broken and trembly with each word. You began from the beginning when you had lead the exterminators away. They had cornered you in the alley but you fought every single one of them until the purge was over, but they did quite a number on you and you blacked out from excessive blood loss.
- When you woke up you had no recollection of how you ended up in hell, it was a fuzzy haze that refused to clear up. You knew who you were in hell but the life you used to live when you were alive was something every sinner of hell held closest to them, no matter how bad or fucked up it was.
- You then went on to tell him that you were so weak the first couple of days that you were targeted by any sinner that got sight of you. Being an overlord of hell has it's advantages but when you're weak and vulnerable, you're bound to get jumped by sinners you've either wronged or those who want to take your place.
- They were ruthless and showed you no mercy. Hell was just a place, sinners and demons were the true reason hell was such a horrible place. And it traumatized you.
- Val really didn't know what to say. On one hand he wanted you to describe all the demons that dared to put their eyes on you, but on the other hand he considered that the last thing you needed was him running around town killing. You needed him here with you.
- So like any good boyfriend, he stayed with you and told you about your past life. He held you close to him and promised to become stronger to be able to protect you better. But if you could barely defend yourself against exterminators and the sinners of hell, how would he?
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batboyimagines · 4 years
Cold-blooded part two [Damian Wayne x Male Reader]
You will want to read the first part of this! And another note, I feel it’s important to say I haven’t actually seen the movie this is loosely based off of? I only know it’s vague plot. So heads up, this will definitely be deviating from that plot!
“So first things first, I’m gonna need supplies for this.” Your dad says.
You, Dad, Robin, and the rest of the Teen Titans have regrouped in the living room. After much planning and replanning, there’s finally a plan.
“I’m going to have to swing by an old flame’s to get some extra muscle for this ritual we’re setting up. It’s not made for a single person to do.”
“My ma?” You ask. Dad makes a constipated look.
“No,” He says, “her name is Zatanna. She’s helped the Justice League before and I’m sure she’d be willing to help them now.”
“Oh, okay.” You say sinking back into the couch, arms crossed. Though you know they’re in danger, you still feel a bit weird about helping them out. It’s a bit ridiculous, only Wonder Woman and Aquaman really have ties to the gods. And Aquaman’s not in any danger, so you don’t have to worry about him.
But you know your Ma, and you know how bitter she is over what they did to her. Which is totally fair. It’s just that you’re not sure how she’d feel about you saving one of the god’s pet projects.
“... and that’s that. So, when do we need to leave?” Your dad finishes. Oh shoot, you spaced.
“It would be best if we went right now.” Nightwing replies. He pushes off the wall and his team follows suit, readying to depart. Your dad turns to you.
“Listen, bud, do you think you’ll be fine holding down the fort while I’m gone?” He asks. You hesitate.
“Uh, actually, I was wonder if... I dunno, I could come along?” Your dad reels a bit.
“Kiddo, this isn’t a safe ‘Bring your kid to work’ deal, this is dangerous. You could get hurt.”
“I know, but I feel weird hanging out here while you’re not around. And I’m a bit worried that some rando could come to the door and I won’t know what to do. Also I’m an all magic half snake being with unknown powers sooo.” 
Your dad thins his lips, looking thoughtful.
“Really, Dad, I’ll be fine. I’ll stick out of the action and whatnot and if I think I’m in any danger I’ll run as far as possible.” You plead. “I’ll have my phone with me? I know how to call now.”
“... alright. But you stay out of trouble.” He relents. You push to your feet with a grin and go to get your coat.
Under your breath, you hiss, “Hell yesss.”
The great thing about living with a magic user is that they have the best modes of transport. In your somewhat short life, you yourself haven’t traveled very much. When your mother is exiled and has no way of getting off her small prison of an island, you tend to not go anywhere. 
Being passed between your Ma and your Pa is a pretty recent development. This is the most traveling you’ve done in your entire life, and the option to go to different places is still a marvel to you. Really, the average person can just walk down a street, hop on a train, and go to an entirely new place, no fuss? What a concept.
An exciting, and sort of terrifying, concept.
“I’ve got a short cut to hers down in that alley,” Your father explains, leading you and the Titans through the empty streets, “though I try not to use it much.”
“Why not?” You ask from his side, shivering a little and shrinking into your coat. Though you’re thankful that early mornings mean that only the occasional jogger is awake, they are unfortunately very cold. And you are part snake. With cold blood.
“We didn’t exactly part on good terms.” 
“Are you sure she’ll help us?” Koriander asks.
“Oh she will, she’s not my biggest fan, but she wouldn’t leave you lot to the wolves just because she doesn’t like me.” He finally comes to a stop in front of the alley. You, more focused on not letting your teeth chatter, bump into his back. 
“This is it right?” You say, muffled into the collar of your coat. Man, you wish you brought a scarf. 
“Sure is.”
The alley is a dead end, entirely ordinary and bland. There’s not even a dumpster shoved against one of its grimy brick walls. 
But your father walks in, as if it leads somewhere, and you and the Titans follow. As you approach the bricked end, you expect your father to do, well, something to open the wall or whatever. But no, he just walks straight through the bricks.
You blink a bit. Since you’ve come to the modern world, you’ve been getting into video games. Shitty, old video games that your Pa bought from a thrift shop in panic before you had arrived for the first time. And your father walking through the bricks sort of reminds you of when you clip through walls.
Even so, you don’t want to be left behind. So even though that looked really weird, you walk through too.
The other side is much darker, and much, much grimier. And the air is stuffier. Your eyes water and you hack a bit.
“You alright there bud?” Your Pa asks in concern, laying a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“The air here sucks!” You wheeze, blinking  tears from your sensitive eyes. 
“I agree.” Robin grumbles from your side. Looks like the Titans made it through fine as well. Your father raises an eyebrow.
“This is your city, isn’t it?” He asks. His city? 
“Just because I protect this wretched place, does not mean I enjoy breathing it’s polluted air.” Robin gripes. Nightwing makes an amused face at that. 
“Whatever,” Pa shrugs, “Zatanna’s down this way.”
Down that way, a quaint, hole in the wall magic shop glows. Back home with Ma, your light sources are either the sun, fire, or a magical doodad that somehow wound up in your possession. So no matter how many times you see light bulbs or neon lights, you don’t think the marvel will ever wear off.
The door rings a cheery jingle as your Pa pushes it open and you hit a wall of hot air when you enter. You revel in its heat. Living with cold blood is such a drag. Sometimes you miss the warm beaches of your mothers prison, though the nights leave warmth to be desired. 
After soaking in the warm air, you take a moment to survey the inside. It’s... a bit cluttered. And dusty. For some reason, magical items are always old and it seems like old things are always a little dirty. 
You brush a finger on one of the wooden tables displaying merchandise, yep, that’s some dusty stuff alright. You stick your tongue out. It smells dusty too. And like books and perfume. Flowery perfume. You hate flowery perfume. You tuck your tongue back in your mouth and grimace. 
It’s one of the worse human inventions. One time Dad came home from what you gathered was some sort of fling, stinking like someone’s nasty perfume. Though you sort of feel guilty for it now, you couldn’t stick around in his presence for more than two minutes. 
“Zatanna! You in?” Your father calls out into the maze of tall shelves. If you’re not imagining it, he’s making his voice just that bit more obnoxious. 
Robin looks at you and catches your eye. He makes a face at your father’s behavior that has you stifling a snort.
“Zataaaaannaaaaaaa, aaaare yoooou heeeeereeee?”
Wow, he’s laying the annoying on thick.
“Yes! Oh my god, I’m here!” A dark haired woman gripes as she appears through the shelves.
“Zatanna! My good friend,” your father grins, “how’ve you been?”
“Great, until you waltzed back into my life.” She says flatly.
“Good, good, anyways,” you zone out at your father says things. 
You’re distracted by the displays of magical items that you’re not totally sure are real. There’s not doubt in your mind that this Zatanna lady is a magic user, she totally is, but would she actually sell magic items? That stuff is no joke, your Ma’s told you plenty of horror stories about magic gone wrong. And you fell asleep in the middle of half of those!
“See something you like?” Oh shoot, she’s talking to you.
“Uhhh,” fuck, how do you respond? Well, there’s nothing catching your eye you guess, “uhm.. no?”
“It’s just that you seem so interested in the display,” she says amusedly gesturing towards the general space you just staring at.
“Well, I was just wondering if any of this stuff is real, cause, magic stuffs... dangerous usually.” 
“I have real items, but I keep those in the back. This stuff is for the common folk.” 
“Oh cool.”
“So,” Zatanna turns back to the others. You take that as a sign to go back to spacing out. 
Heaters are awesome. They’re the best invention of the modern world, in your humble opinion. All the hot air is coming from a vent in the wall next to you. You scooch in front of it. Hot airrr, hell yeahhh. This rocks. You could stand right here for hours.
“C’mon kiddo, we’re off.” 
Dejectedly, you trudge to the open door, where your Pa awaits. Ugh, that chilly breeze is not welcoming. 
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sauntering-down · 3 years
hey guys back in September i reread the first six Warrior Cats books and today i reread all the spam i sent Mary y'all ready for this
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tbh my One True Warrior Cats Headcanon is that Darkstripe absolutely wanted to bone Tigerstar
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just gonna imagine THAT Ravenpaw does in fact wear glowsticks and is constantly hauling around a boombox so he and Barley can mosh
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once we got to "cats with MAGIC POWERS" everything went downhill lol Firestar? no magic powers. big of heart, dumb of ass. gorgeous orange himbo. did a fantastic job.
"how can you be sure Barley will welcome me?" buddy you and Barley are going to have THE most loving and functional relationship in this entire neverending series
Thornclaw is one of those YA-novel immortals who dates teenagers even though he's centuries old and i, at age 32, think teenagers are fucking annoying children
me: looks up Thornclaw in the Warrior Cats wiki me: sees shit about 'codebreakers' and a fucking Brambleclaw imposter and closes the window immediately
CINDERPAW MY PRECIOUS CHILD and poor Brackenpaw, you're gonna be so neglected, dude.
Brackenfur is absolutely that neglected child who winds up super responsible at a young age and grows up well despite his upbringing
Bluestar: well you're doing a good job with Cinderpaw AND Brackenpaw so you might as well just Keep Doing That me: poor Brackenpaw
Fireheart, himbo: Tigerclaw LIED to lure BLUESTAR to the thunderpath and CINDERPAW WAS BADLY WOUNDED WHY WOULD HE DO THAT TO MY APPRENTICE Princess, has more than three braincells: wow that definitely doesn't sound like it was absolutely a trap for Bluestar
ah, poor Brackenpaw, passed around between temporary mentors like a hot potato...
Sandpaw: god dammit at least this kittypet dumpster fire is hot
Fireheart and Graystripe are getting into it! THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTINGGGGGG
Cloudkit rolling up to the ThunderClan camp like: i'm babey and i want power
lmao love how Fireheart's up on the rock like "let all cats old enough to FUCK IT GET YOUR ASSES OUT HERE NOW WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM"
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Oakheart: these are DEFINITELY some abandoned kits and not my children with a ThunderClan cat Graypool: that doesn't sound right but i don't know enough about ThunderClan to dispute it
i love how every description of Redtail is basically "snack-sized but absolutely will square up and kick anyone's ass"
whoops turns out Mistyfoot and Stonefur are filthy half-clan abominations!
Brackenpaw continues to be neglected if Graystripe could stop sliding into Silverstream's DMs for TWO MINUTES it'd be GREAT
everyone loves Cinderpaw and they're right to do so
Fireheart having a classic Orange Tabby Himbo moment - "oh wow, Stonefur and Mistyfoot look AMAZINGLY like Bluestar... IT'S SO TRAGIC CATS FROM DIFFERENT CLANS CAN RESEMBLE ONE ANOTHER AND YET MUST BE DIVIDED." but he redeems himself by actually bothering to train poor neglected Brackenpaw
Graystripe: oh yeah this dead cat is my secret RiverClan girlfriend and these are my lovechildren Tigerclaw: what the fuck for once having a reasonable reaction to Our Latest Bullshit
ahhhhh i missed Sandstorm's frigid bitch side SORRY GRAYSTRIPE YOU MADE SOME VERY BAD LIFE CHOICES
casual mention that Whitestorm and Willowpelt did the horizontal tango...
eyyyy Thornpaw Doin' A Rescue i love how Thornclaw has just become, like... an Immortal Legend (with an underage girlfriend)
Leopardfur... absolute #girlboss... bit of a bitch but we respect her craft...
i love [Bluestar] but she DOES completely Lose Her Gourd over the next two books...
Fireheart: man Tigerclaw's tiny baby son looks pretty sus
like damn, even Tigerstar wanted to be powerful and lead the Clans and shit... Ashfur's just a Nice Guy
Mousefur out-#girlbossing Leopardfur... iconic
Leopardfur's about to gaslight gatekeep girlboss her way into a Bad Alliance with Tigerstar ~caught in a bad romance~
good old Brackenfur... "he had the serious air of an older cat." that's probably all the neglect
ah, but at least Stonefur and Mistyfoot now get to learn they're filthy half-clan abominations!!
Fireheart: lame excuses for why Sandstorm shouldn't mentor Tawnykit Graystripe: dude as your BFF... you're an idiot... "this is why you haven't gotten laid yet, Fireheart."
Fireheart is like. the equivalent of a grown man holding a gun on a kindergartner happily playing with some blocks Fireheart: this kitten is a POTENTIAL WAR CRIMINAL
Fireheart: hot damn Spottedleaf is still SMOKING meanwhile, Spottedleaf: PLEASE go bone down with Sandstorm, this is getting ridiculous
in my head Bluestar sounds like Cate Blanchett's Galadriel
every other time the poor guy tries to take a NAP his dreams just roll up like "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD"
also i love how One-eye is just... always there lol. she's ancient and grouchy but like hell is she gonna die anytime soon she has to stay until Thornpaw is a warrior. he's the Clan's new Immortal Legend; she's gotta make sure she passes on the mantle
anyway fuck Darkstripe, Thornclaw is now the Immortal Legend he was always meant to be
love how Tigerstar barges in, kills an apprentice, and threatens to do the same to everyone else if Tallstar doesn't join him, and Tallstar's just like "u havin a giggle there m8? i'll bash your fookin head in i sware on me mum"
welp, Tigerstar fucked around and found out! got sent to the Shadow Realm for his trouble
love how Barley vagues "oh, Scourge doesn't believe in StarClan" instead of outright SAYING "he doesn't have nine lives" because... that would've been helpful to know
THE END that was one heck of a journey lol but a fun one... those books got me through some tough times back in the day... thank you for riding the Warrior Cats Express
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(bonus from my brief dive into the Warrior Cats section of ao3)
utterly REKT by the idea of Oakheart being like "well, i seduced Bluestar, might as well try it on her deputy too and see if i can complete the set." Bluestar, upon reaching StarClan: ah, i can finally see Oakheart again... we did have an illicit relationship, after all... Redtail: wait you too Bluestar: Redtail: Bluestar: Redtail:
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airxn · 3 years
😡 :  Worse role play-related encounter and what advice you would give to others to avoid similar situations?
HO BOY– buckle in.
So, to set the stage, I was in this small, tight-knit group of friends about 4 years ago. We had our own verse that we rp'd in our discord, but it was a dumpster fire if I'm being honest. Nothing was plotted and all rps were in the form of the characters texting each other. And rps like that means shit is happening fast, so there was lots of ic drama happening and a lot of events happening.
I was in this friend group for about a half a year when ic events unfolded where Airin felt he was safer if he 'blocked' people's characters, since it was a text-based rp. I warned everyone before hand, having to state I still liked their characters ( and me feeling I had to say that is a red flag in of itself ), and none of them stated their discomfort or told me no. They asked if I was sure about going through with it, but that was all.
Forward to Airin doing the blockening, and everyone in the friend group suddenly got derailed for that week. I get a phone call at the end of the week by the Ring-leader as I'll put them, and was scolded at, being told people cried, etc. And at the time I felt awful, but now that I look back on it? I warned them. I told them what Airin wanted to do and was met with no opposition.
It was retconned, and supposedly we sorted it out. Yet they silently resented me for 3 whole months. I notice the Ring-leader's characters randomly start hating on Airin despite him not doing anything significant to make their characters react that way. I approached them asking why this was happening on multiple occasions since each time it was never called for, and I was met with little to no effort to come to an understanding or middle ground– just a 'I can't control how my characters act'.
Fast forward 3 months of this, I woke up with a DM stating people aren't comfortable with me in the gc and that they'll talk to me in 2 weeks. This made my whole mental and physical health collapse around me– these were people I talked to and vc'd with every day. These were people who I thought were my friends. Yet, I was given no warning prior. Just an immediate kick from my friend group, and the only contact I had was with the Ring-leader.
Two weeks pass, no one messages me. I'm the who has to confront the Ring-leader and make them talk to me. What was their reasoning for being uncomfortable? They claimed I was godmodding when I asked why their characters suddenly hated on mine. They claimed my characters were too powerful. They claimed I took things OOC all the time. And yet, it's not taking things OOC when they were the one's who cried when Airin, a character, blocked theirs. It's not godmodding to ask why their characters suddenly hated mine, when they were using their characters as an outlet for their feelings against me. And if they had a problem with my characters? They never once in the months they rp'd with expressed concern.
It was all bullshit. And yet when I tried to call them out they blocked me. This was the first time in my life I had a falling out with friends. It's why it affected me so bad as it did. I suffered in silence as to why these people who I thought cared about me faked it the entire time. I didn't get close to people for a long time. I really thought I was the bad guy.
It wasn't until I met my now best friend Sardonic that I felt I could begin to trust again. And when I took the steps to healing and trusting a group setting again, it was Wus's group chat that I found a safe place with amazing people who I could love and feel welcomed in.
I unfortunately don't have advice to how to avoid a similar situation like this. These friends were charismatic, and it was the first time I was a part of a group rp verse. They openly said how much they love me, and now I avoid people who say that to me a lot without actually knowing me. It feels fake and manipulative. I also am so, SO hesitant to do group rp verses again. I have a lot of scars from this, but I came out a better person.
All I can say is, fucking communicate with each other. Don't talk to other people about the situation and form a false narrative around it. That false narrative will feel like it's true to you, yet you have no idea what the other person is thinking or feeling. And don't ever use your mental illness as an excuse to harm others. Communication is key to keep things civil and to stop assumptions.
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timelordthirteen · 4 years
Desperate Souls 1/?
Mr. Gold/BelleFrench, Explicit
Summary: A broke and heartbroken Belle French comes to an agreement with Mr. Gold to do a little modeling, just for him, in exchange for the money she desperately needs, but it isn't long before they both realize they've made a deal they didn't understand. Based on this prompt.
Chapter Summary: Belle makes a depressing discovery and considers her options.
Notes: OKAY. Here we go. Chapter 2 is almost done, but everything was getting stupid long and in spite of my plan I had to break it up. The entire story is all fully outlined now, but I make zero promises about my ability to keep it updated because I'm the worst. In total it will be anywhere from 10 to 15 chapters.
Belle stared at the paper in her hands.
That was all that was left in the account. She staggered and then dropped down onto the old sofa. Her heart was thumping in her chest, her face felt hot, and her vision blurred. The page fluttered away, sliding over the coffee table to fall off the edge and onto the floor on the other side. The corner of the paper fluttered in the air from a heating vent in the floor, and she watched it for a long moment before her head dropped to her hands, palms pressed to her face as tears stung her eyes.
Her heart, her hopes, her money; Garrett Gaston had taken everything.
Well, almost everything. Apparently, she still had thirty-seven fucking dollars and change left. She shook her head and laid back against the cushions, breathing slowly. Calming down was step one, step two was figuring out a logical plan to fix things. Most of the regular monthly bills: car payment, cell phone, and utilities, had already been deducted before Garrett had a chance to clean out their shared account. That left whatever was on the credit card and the rent to pay. She let out a short, humorless laugh, and sat up. There wasn’t much on her Visa, some books she ordered from Amazon last month and her Netflix subscription. Even if there was more she could get away with making minimum payments if she had to and eat the interest until she got back on her feet. The rent was a whole other story.
Mr. Gold didn’t do minimum payments, but he did do late fees and interest.
There was also her promise to her father. Moe French was always just barely making ends meet, and she had agreed to loan him some money to buy extra stock for the flower shop ahead of Valentine’s Day, something she had done last year as well. That holiday always put the shop in the black for a while, and she hadn’t been concerned that she wouldn’t get her money back. Now she was wondering if she would also need a loan of some kind just to keep a roof over her head.
Maybe she’d even have to move back in with her father.
Belle blinked, letting the tears roll down her cheeks, leaving trails through her makeup. Living with Moe was not an option, not if she wanted to maintain any semblance of a relationship with him, which left her with few choices. She pushed to her feet, wiping at her face with her hand as she crossed the small living room to pick up the bank statement. Her eyes immediately went to the top of the page.
Beginning balance…$4,737.23
The statement crumpled in her hand, her fingers squeezing it into a tight ball, digging the sharp edges of the folded paper into her palm before she spun on her heel and threw it across the space. It smacked against the door to the bathroom. She followed it up by yanking the ring off her left hand and flinging it in the same direction. It made a satisfying ping as it careened off the doorknob and rattled to the floor.
Rage fueled her as she stomped through the apartment, snatching up the handful of things her now very ex-fiance had left behind before he fucked off to Mexico with a woman who wasn’t her, taking all of her money with him. She felt like an idiot for agreeing to sign Garrett onto her account before they were married, but in the moment it had made sense to pool their funds. They were starting their new life together, supposedly, and he made a point of saying he wanted to help pay for the wedding.
Belle and her father didn’t have much, and from the outside it seemed like Garrett was far better off financially. He had a decent job selling insurance, a nice car, nice clothes, and his parents were very well off real estate agents in Boston. Or at least that was what he had told her. She had never met them, and that, combined with the fact that he had yet to make any deposits into their now shared account, told her all she needed to know. Garrett Gaston was a lying asshole, and for all she knew his parents could be dead or have disowned him. It was clear he had used her, though she wasn’t sure the year long charade was worth the four thousand-seven hundred dollars he’d stolen from her.
She let out a ragged breath and ran her hands through her hair. A hooded sweatshirt with a rip in the front pocket, a paint splattered t-shirt, a pair of work boots that had seen better days, a phone charger, and a mismatched pair of socks lay in a pile on the sofa. Everything else he’d taken with him, including half the hangers in the closet. He must have crammed it all into the same large suitcase and duffle bag he’d used to move in just three months ago. She wondered if he’d had it all planned before then, or if it was a spur of the moment decision. When had he met this other woman? Had he cared about her at all, ever?
Belle sniffed loudly and rubbed her nose. She refused to shed any more tears over Garrett, and looked around the room for anything she might have missed. A thought hit her then, and she hurried into the kitchen, took one of the chairs from the small table by the window, and used it to reach up on top of the fridge. Her heart sank when she felt nothing but dust. He’d even taken her emergency fund, mostly made up of spare change and small bills shoved into an old jar. She wasn’t sure how much was in it, but it had to be a couple hundred dollars. That brought the total to almost five thousand.
Deflated and exhausted, she climbed down off the chair, and placed it back at the table. Then she walked back into the living room and briefly contemplated setting Garrett’s things on fire. There was a burn barrel in her father’s backyard that he used for yard waste. Maybe she could invite Ruby and Ashely over for a bonfire, and roast marshmallows that they imagined were ex-boyfriends.
That thought made her smile, but a few seconds later, she sighed and reluctantly went to pick up the bank statement and engagement ring. Being angry might make her feel better temporarily, but it wouldn’t solve any of her current problems. Unfortunately, neither would anything Garrett left behind, which were clearly items he no longer cared about and which had no value. At least she’d been wearing the ring when he packed up and left, or he likely would have taken that as well.
She went into the bedroom and sank down on the end of the bed. The mattress dipped and the frame creaked, yet another reminder of her less than stellar financial state. A couple of weeks ago, they’d talked about getting new furniture after they were married, in particular, a bed, and Belle rolled her eyes at the memory. She put the engagement ring back in its box on her dresser, and decided to take a shower. As the hot water ran down over her neck and shoulders, she made a mental list of what she needed to do, and felt calmer after she was done.
After drying off and changing into some comfortable clothes, she shoved Garrett’s belongings into a trash bag and set it by the door to take down to the dumpster in the morning. Then she sat down with the little notebook she kept in her purse and a pen, and started writing out her expenses for the next month. By the time she was done, and after considering the amount of her usual paycheck, the total she would at the end of next month was...fifty four dollars.
She fell back against the sofa and blew out a breath. There was no way to make the math come out any better. Rent included the usual utilities, but there was food, her cellphone, car insurance, and those incidental costs of existing like laundry detergent and toilet paper and probably a hundred things she’d end up running out of next week. It felt like life was out to spite her. The cushion she had worked so hard to build up was gone, as was the paycheck that had just deposited. Garrett probably waited until Thursday just for that reason, to squeeze just a little bit more out of her and make her ruin complete.
She got up and went back into the bedroom. The ring box seemed to be mocking her as she reached for it, and she flipped it open and scowled down at the princess cut diamond. It was about one carat in size, flanked by two smaller diamonds, which gave the ring a total weight of about one and half carats. It was huge as far as engagement rings went, and she supposed that was more of Garrett showing off money he didn’t actually have. The truth was she didn’t care for it at all, the squared off princess cut being her least favorite, and the set of three gems gave it a bulk and gaudiness that wasn’t her style. But it was what he had picked out and proposed with, and because of that she made herself like it. The band was rose gold, her favorite, which was at least one thing he managed to remember about her.
Belle snapped the box shut and shook her head. The ring had to be worth something, and though there was only one place in town she could take it she was confident that Mr. Gold would give her a fair price. He had always been fair, even if he often came off as cold and eccentric. She’d never had a problem with Gold, though she didn’t really know him that well either. A few times she had gone out of her way to try to be nice and talk to him, but he seemed annoyed and eventually she gave up. She was friendly and polite when she saw him, not just because he was her landlord, or because we wielded some strange power over most of the citizens of Storybrooke, but because she sensed he was someone who didn’t have a lot of kindness in his life.
She set the ring down and yanked open the bottom dresser drawer. Inside was a small collection of what could only be described as ugly Christmas sweaters, leftover from the annual holiday parties that Granny would throw at the diner. Those were taken out and set aside. Beneath them was something that made Belle frown all over again, a pile of silk and lace, with a few price tags caught up on each other. It was the pile of lingerie that she’d been reserving for her wedding and honeymoon.
The sting of tears made her blink and she felt her earlier anger bubbling up again. She knelt down in front of the drawer and pulled all of it out, throwing it behind her on the bed. Then she set about separating it, untangling tags and eye hooks, and pairing up the things that went together. She hadn’t worn any of it yet, but the items with tags had been purchased too long ago to return, never mind that she had probably thrown out the receipts weeks ago. It wasn’t designer stuff or anything, but it had to be worth something, so she folded it all into a neat stack and placed it on top of the dresser. Then she set the ring box on top and resolved to take all of it to Gold’s shop tomorrow.
None of it would be missed.
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ladynyctophilia · 4 years
Avoiding Red
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 
Mature Themes
Pairings: Vivienne Tang x MC (Rozario)
I couldn't believe it.
I wouldn't believe it. 
Shaking my head out of Vivienne's hands, I pushed her away. 
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"No," I whimpered, closing my eyes because the weight of it all was just so overwhelming, and of course, at the first sign of my distress, Vivienne was at my side with a hand on my thigh. Usually, that simple touch was enough to set me ablaze with desire, but that wasn't the purpose of this touch. Instead, it comforted me, and usually, my eyes wouldn't move from her ring, but my curious eyes wandered, and I had only one thought, two words. Her hands, and despite myself, I blushed. 
The stories those hands could tell...the places they've touched...
Vivienne's hands were arguably her greatest asset. Nimble and robust, the perfect hands of a thief, but yet...they were soft...so soft and elegant enough to caress pretty little lies into your head. Suddenly, my brows furrowed in displeasure. Vivienne Tang's touch was a power unmatched, and I learned that the hard way. 
However, the hand on my thigh didn't look like Vivienne's or that of a great thief; instead, it looked vulnerable and exhausted, like it could break with the tiniest pressure. Even the paint on her nails had chipped away, but it would be the pretty pattern of bruises that adorned her knuckles that set me off. 
I let out an audible gasp, and Vivienne snapped her head to mine, following my gaze, but once she knew the destination, Vivienne caught her lower lip between her teeth and averted my gaze. 
Had Vivienne been in a fight? Were those bruises from our failed heist?
But it was clear she didn't want to discuss it, at least not in the hospital, but despite myself, I wanted to kiss those bruises. However, with my hands still chained to the bed, that wasn't going to happen, and I was reminded by the rattle of chains as I moved to get closer. 
Vivienne perked, brown eyes narrowing as they analyzed my hands, and like a deck of cards, I could see the flash of masks shuffling through Vivienne's eyes as she assumed her role as Vivienne Tang, thief and seductress of The Gilded Poppy. The Vivienne I met, the Vivienne I fell for, and the Vivienne that poisoned me. 
Right. Professionalism. 
I rolled my eyes, shaking my head, but I knew this was for the best. Mixing emotions with a job was dangerous, but the distant, cold-hearted Vivienne wasn't what I needed right now. So, I guess you could say that I wasn't exactly subtle with my displeasure as her hands worked the handcuffs. 
Limp, my right hand broke free, but Vivienne caught it with a tsk, stroking my bruised wrist.
"This is why I use silk," she smirked, trying to sweeten the sour on my face. 
I didn't budge, and when I didn't respond, her mask cracked, and she frowned in a way that I had never seen. 
Her frown hurt worse than a bullet, and with a pang of regret, my mouth matched hers. 
"You're unusually quiet," Vivienne muttered, trying to catch my gaze, but I refused to look at her, terrified by what expression I may see next. "I know you've been through a lot, my love, but we need to leave," she leaned closer, planting a soft kiss of reassurance on my lips. "Okay?" She breathed offbeat. 
Unfortunately, that kiss didn't break the spell, and I pulled my hand out of Vivienne's. 
Like our relationship, this life was a gamble. What if Thomas was right? What if I reached the point of no return? 
My breathing quickened as my sins consumed me. 
Would I have to change my name like the rest of The Poppy??? Would my life never be "normal" again?? Fuuuuuuck. 
"Rozario," Vivienne snapped, concerned but controlled as she yanked my head to her bosom. "I saw your eyes..now is not the time to leave."
I responded in a muffle. My mouth didn't work, and until now, I hadn't even realized I'd been crying. 
"I'm so f-fucking sorry," I choked, gripping her shirt.
"Don't you dare apologize," she sighed into my hair, squeezing tighter. 
I knew that Vivienne loved me, I would never doubt that, and in the past, we've had our ups and downs, but in the end, Vivienne has always reassured me that she's changed...changing, for The Poppy and me and yes, I'm proud of her progress, but how much longer of this life could I survive? Vivienne poisoned me more than once, and minutes ago, the possibility of being locked away in prison was VERY fucking real. 
Alas, these buried doubts just made me cry harder, and all Vivienne could do was hold me, oblivious to the storm that brewed in my head. 
I almost died. 
My eyes widened. 
My breath quickened as I recalled how many times my life was at risk during this "adventure of a lifetime."
Paris, my first heist, we were held at gunpoint by Du Bellay.
Paris, after my first heist, I was poisoned and abandoned. 
Inez, Spain. She was so obsessed with me, and if it wasn't for Vivienne's intervention, Inez would have kidnapped ME, and the Poppy would have had no way of tracking me. Ugh.
That particular memory made my blood boil, but then my anger was replaced by an overwhelming wave of sadness. 
Inez was dead. Damn my big fucking heart.
I inhaled louder than I had meant, but Vivienne was there, kissing the top of my head in response as I worked through the dumpster fire shit show that was in my head.
Then there was Nadia….ugh….fucking Nadia. The murder bottom. She was going to kill me...I lowkey think she STILL might kill me. In truth, despite the circumstances, I was lucky, and it was really only a matter of time before I actually got shot, but I didn't just get shot. In the same fucking night, I was shot, poisoned, captured, AND I fell off a helicopter. How am I not dead??? This has to be a record or something. 
"Darling?" Vivienne finally called, a light in the dark. 
I looked up, blurry-eyed and numb to just...everything. 
She tsked, stroking away my tears as they fell.
I used to feel the world in those eyes. Why didn't I now? 
"I know you're hurting," she hesitated, picking her words carefully as if I was a spooked fawn, "...and you have questions," she paused, looking away with a fond smile as if the memory she was recalling was there for all to see. "With that curious mind of yours, you /always/ have questions." She chuckled, despite herself, looking back at me with an exhausted pair of eyes that probably haven't seen a wink of shut-in DAYS. 
I didn't respond, looking away, noticing that she already had my other hand out of the handcuff. 
"My love," she beckoned to me again, but this time she grabbed my chin and forced my eyes to hers. "You know that I love you...right?" 
The question floated over my head. This was the first time I had taken a moment to look at Vivienne. Like, ACTUALLY look at her, and like always, she was beautiful. A natural beauty that didn't need makeup, but right now, with oversized scrubs and a messy bun, I barely recognized Vivienne. I blinked, taken aback by this drastic appearance change. 
I don't know what was freaking me out more, the fact that I couldn't find the color red on her person or that she was wearing crocs. 
Knowing Vivienne, she must have been DYING in this outfit. However, as my eyes were finally taken prisoner by hers, I was taken aback by the sudden amount of grief stained on her porcelain features. The mask was off. Vivienne had been crying, and like me, she was in so much pain. 
"Talk to me," she finally spoke, firmer than before. "Talk to me," she repeated in a much more demanding tone as she pulled my face closer to hers. "I need to hear your voice, I need to…" she choked, biting her lip, "I need…"
My gaze hardened. 
"Rozario…" She was trying not to cry, but it wasn't working. "Losing you and seeing you like this... it's like a part of me died." A sob escaped her. "I...I can't…." 
"Vivienne," I finally whispered, reaching for her. 
"Yes?" Vivienne answered all too eagerly, lifting my palm to her cheek, kissing it.
My heart did a few somersaults, and now we were both crying. Again. 
Damn you, Vivienne. 
"I know you love me," I said, eyes not leaving hers. She smiled, but I didn't. "I never doubted...."And without blinking, I took Vivienne's serpent ring and stabbed her. 
"Rozario…" Vivienne squeaked, betrayed, and at first, she didn't move.  
"Like I said, I'm sorry," I repeated, twisting the needle further into her chest. She gasped, and I let go, leaning back as I watched the mighty collapse of Vivienne Tang. 
A few heartbeats went by, and with a hand over her chest, she parted her lips to speak, but even if she had more to say, she couldn't, and with a last, desperate cry of pain, Vivienne reached for me as sections of her body lost their function. In rage? For help? I will never know, but finally Vivienne slumped over my lap, knocked out cold by her own tool. Usually, once injected with the ring, you'd be unconscious in a heartbeat, but with Vivienne's immunity, it took a little longer, but like any other human, she fell.
"It's my turn to run away," I whispered, not moving, and for a second...or maybe minutes, I just stared at Vivienne's lifeless body. I couldn't see her face, but her hair had fallen out of the bun, and despite the violence, it laid elegantly, untouched and unbothered, like a starless night. 
Did I really just stab her?
I thought I would freak out more, but in truth, I just couldn't feel a damn thing, and at first glance, Vivienne looked like a murdered victim, and with a jolt of concern, I desperately felt for a pulse. 
(lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub…)
I sighed out my relief. 
She was alive. Good. 
But without giving myself a second to feel, I rolled her body away and stood, testing my strength. "Fuck!" I groaned, clutching my side. The bullet wound was stitched up, but the pain was still very real, but alas, there was no time to mull over it. Surely the police would be here for me any second. I needed to get out of here, NOW. With a quieter groan, I searched Vivienne for anything that might help me. Knowing Vivienne, she had to have a wallet, money, or something. "Yes!" I exclaimed as I pulled out a key card. "Hello..." I squinted at the french words, "...Alana Lamar," my eyes lingered on Vivienne's photo, likely taken by Zoe. Before my guilt could get the better of me, I reassured myself that this wasn't personal. This was just for survival. 
The Poppy was a phase, Vivienne was…
I glanced at Vivienne's corpse. 
She was my greatest love, but this life wasn't for me. 
(Ten minutes later.) 
Compared to the movies I've seen, getting out of the hospital was quite easier than I had expected. I just simply switched my hospital gown for Vivienne's nurse scrubs and used her key card to get out.
Now, where was Thomas? 
I pulled out the note he left for me, rereading the words. 
Damn, Thomas, you need to work on your penmanship. 
"By the hardware store…" I muttered, searching with squinted eyes as my eyes adjusted to the light. Vivienne would likely be awake by now. I needed to get out of the area. 
"Rozario!" A familiar voice called as an Aston Martin, black and elegant, drove up next to me.
That's a nice car….FUCK!! LEON!!!
I was in no condition to run, but before I took action, Thomas's head poked out. "Rozario," he repeated, unlocking the doors, "get in." 
I nodded, taking a deep breath as I practically threw myself into the passenger seat. "It's Alana, actually. Alana Lamar," I said, holding up the key card with the best smile I could manage. 
"Ah," he sighed, nodding. "Yes, it's probably wise not to use your real name until the investigation is closed. Smart." 
"Yes, now drive," I said, much more demanding than I'd meant. "Please," I added, much softer in apology as I clicked on my seatbelt.  
"Yes, ma'am," Thomas said, sounding more amused than anything as he put the car into drive. I could feel the weight of his gaze, but I didn't look back. My mind was elsewhere. "Nice ring," he commented, but other than a twitch to my eye, I still didn't acknowledge him. He finally got the idea. Paranoid, heartbroken, and in shock...I just wasn't in the right mental space, so I gazed out the window instead, watching the hospital fade away.
Goodbye, Vivienne Tang...
To be continued...
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p1nkwitch · 3 years
The actual conversation this time @nonbinaryeye
Almost there.
Your name is PETER LUK-
No, we are not doing this.
Peter sits in Oliver's land overseeing what he has to do, Annabelle was very specific about it, and the amount of time he would have before things get out of hand, once he uses the needles to scratch that thing, is counted.
Still he stalls, swinging his legs back and forth just appreciating the view from his spot. Peter feels truly nothing right now, not about his impending death or anything in particular. He is stalling because there is one thing left he has to do and he is wondering if he will do it.
From under his shirt he takes out the necklace with all of their wedding rings, he stares at it a little bit, before he dangles it over the edge of the building. The world is quiet and muffled, like it has never been before.
Peter thought that he knew forsaken well, being raised for it, but here it was even more intoxicating. He recalls vaguely Elias explain to him that because the amount of living creatures in the game is so small compared to the earth, and some of the things that live here are not developed enough to fear most of what their entities represent, they started to feed more from them while at the same time amping up their powers.
That plus their fight with the horrorterrors above made them more dangerous.The game was collapsing from the force of the supernatural things that followed them trying to survive by messing with it from the inside.
Finally what Annabelle said came to mind too, that they would be bringing them too in their trip to the new session. Peter thinks that it makes no sense. If they were getting so bad here, would it not make sense to drop them to die while they ran? Not that he would want to exist without forsaken by his side, god's no, he would rather burn on this planet than to do that, he wouldn't even know what to do.
Still those are all thoughts for those who like to overthink and speculate, he merely wants to see the place a little before death, his grip on the necklace slackens, but he doesn't drop it yet.
He cant.
Because there is one last thing he has to do before that.
FT: Hello
BH: Peter what the everloving hell!! Where were you?! How could no one find you!!!!
FT: Did Annabelle and Simon get there yet?
BH: No, you three are the only ones missing , we haven't seen Simon since yesterday when he teleported out of the meeting. What is going on??
WC: You reached God Tier!!
FT: I did and no thanks to you, considering you pretty much left me for dead after your archivist killed me. Anyways, they will tell you, once they get there I'm supposed to start this whole thing.
FT: Hopefully it all ends soon.
BH: End what soon? Peter?? We did try to find you, but you were gone!
WC: Peter what did Annabelle tell you? Whatever she said is merely manipulation. You should know better, that's how she got all of us to play in the first place!
FT: She didn't lie, in fact she was right in what she told me.
FT: You are all so busy trying to stop it, but it's sort of pointless at this rate. The entities messed it all up beyond repair, maybe if we were quicker and didn't take so long it would be a different story, but as it stands.
FT: We are kind of doomed.
WC: You are not being funny.
FT: I wasn't trying to be.
BH: Peter even still there aren't any other choices to be done.
FT: There is, you should know it, that's your entire point after all. Be a guide and all that. What would have happened to you? If we won? Do you split up and I get my cat back and you go back to being a dusty old corpse in the basement of the institute?
FT: Ah If only, but it doesn't work like that does it? No, i'm stuck with the lesser and fake version of one regency bastard. Your only charm is that you remind me too much of my cat to want to get rid of you.
BH: …..
WC: Peter what the bloody hell is wrong with you-?!
FT: Not much. Anyways I just wanted to have the last word for once in our marriages.
FT: So shut the fuck up Jonah.
WC: !!!!
FT: You were the worst thing that could happen to me. Made me lonely? Sure, but not worth the effort, not worth the years of dealing with your brand of power, perhaps you think the same of me and that's.. that's actually right. Better even.
FT: You know, i actually thought that i loved you? In whatever capacity there was for us to have that. We fought, we split up, we made up and made out. Rinse and repeat.
FT: There were a few good things true, but now I realize that out of the two of us, you were always the one with the advantage, which was unfair. Let's say this is the last divorce, no papers no nothing, albeit it probably would be more akin to becoming a widow. Enjoy the new world.
WC: What the HELL?!
FT: Im throwing away the rings, i can't bring myself to care anymore.
WC: Peter I don't care what the hell is wrong with you, the moment I see you I'm breaking your spine on sight. What do you think you are playing at here huh? Oh look at you throwing a temper tantrum, if you could take your head out of that bloody fog of yours it would be delightful! But unfortunately you are the single handedly more dense human on this rock.
WC: Do i need to spell out to you, how much you are being an unreasonable ungrateful, dumpster fire of an avatar?!
BH: Elias
WC: Do i need to remind you who you are speaking with and what i will do once i find you? I'm going to shove so many memories of people into your thick head.
FT: I hate you.
FT: No, that would mean I care about you still, no I don't care about you anymore i'm finally at the place i should be and i'm finally getting what i always dreamed off. You can both shove off to the new session once im done with this and fuck off to go and get another stupid idiot to serve you. I pray you have the decency to pick someone not from my family if they exist in the new earth.
FT: But i doubt it, you are a terrible creature and so am i, but i think that out of the two of us at the very least i was loyal, something you could never be. Do you know why I died by your archivist? I refused to answer what your plan about him was.
FT: You told me to help you while you were dying to reach your quest bed and I did, you wanted me to replace you and look after the institute I did. We made bets and games, but ultimately I always did what you asked. And I know you would never do the same, you just can't, because you don't want to.
FT: Im tired of this little stupid game between us, it has gone for too long and it has no winner. I'm tired of you. I have never mattered to you beyond what i could offer and that was fine, but then it wasnt and yes.
FT: I got jealous of your stupid sprite. That finally made me realize the truth, i dont matter and i never did. Not to you or anyone, so for that i shall thank you. You finally made me reach true loneliness.
FT: But still, even then that feeling has sort of faded away by now too, a lot of things faded away really. If you could be kind enough to do me one favour, it would be to tell Martin that it would all go to him once this is over, the forsaken will cling to him next if I'm gone. Maybe it just eats him, it would serve his boyfriend right for killing me first.
FT: I don't care about you Jonah, not anymore. Either of you. Please do not contact me ever again, albeit i wont be alive much longer for you to try to.
WC: Peter come back here now! How- HOW DARE YOU??
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