#what the hell is going onnnnnnn
purple-petrichor · 6 months
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lesbianboyfriend · 2 years
walking into a forever 21 is like they will literally make clothes uglier than you ever could have imagined
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dilutedapplejuice · 1 month
Somehow feeling stressed out/anxious about going to my job, bored I don’t have any shifts for the next five days, anxious because I have been on social media so much recently, intensely drawn to social media because of the dopamine, want to interact with my latest hyperfixation, burnt out on it, lonely without my friends, and averse to actually contacting any of them
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killcodesashes · 7 days
Sorry I just watched the new tlaes and tmgafs episodes and what the actual hell?
Genuinely am I the only one that's pissed over them going out of their way to establish Bloodmoon as a 'big threat' when his ass is easily beat by everything and everyone??
Come onnnnnnn why do they butcher characters so badlyyyyy
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curvylizzie · 1 year
I’m massive
It all started about 7 months ago. It was so sudden too! This 6’7 guy and I hooked up at a party in college, after a hot night of sex with petty much a giant I never saw him again. This asshole…. After a month or so I realized my period was late. It’s never late. I went directly to the nearest pharmacy. I was so nervous that I had to stop for some fast food. What kind? The greasiest, most filling, most oily burgers In town. Either way, I bought a pregnancy test and sure enough.. I was pregnant… me, Tiffany… the 4’9 girl with black hair, always dressed in nice cardigans and tank tops, with jeans and my books in my hands. I was pregnant with the baby of a 6’7 giant dude… who knows what kind of bay he was!! I was so sure I was gonna become huge! This guy was probably some sort of 15lbs mega baby! And now I’m growing his offspring inside me! it was surreal! What was the next thing I did? I ordered a pizza, an Xlarge extra cheese extra peperoni pizza to go for myself. I tend to eat a lot in stressful situations and I knew this was not gonna be easy.
I called my bestie, jessie. For all I knew she was the only person there for me now
“Hey jessie…”
“Hey tiff, what’s up?”
“Can we... meet up at my house? I gotta tell you something.”
“Sure sweetie, Ill be there at 6 after work”
What was I going to do! I drove home and simply sat on the couch while eating my pizza. I kept thinking about this super baby growing inside me… oh fuck what if it was twins!!!! Can I even carry 2 15-pound babies!?
The thoughts kept racing through my head and I just couldn’t stop thinking about it.. I’m 4’9! I’m gonna look huge before my third trimester! What the hell!
As I finished the pizza, the door rang. It was jessie. I got up from my seat, I was stuffed at the time I remember. Every thought in my mind was pointing at the fact that I’m gonna become huge
“tiff what’s wrong? You’re scaring me”
“come on in..”
We both sat on the couch, and I had in my hand the pregnancy test and showed it to her
“omg sweetie! You’re pregnant?!”
“who’s the father?”
“remember Sean? The guy I hooked up last month with?”
“the giant dude? The one that could probably pick you up with his hands?”
“omg…. Well..holy… shit…”
I nodded, she’s right… I don’t even know if I’ll b able to birth them properly! They might have to open me. Although there is something I won’t be able to deny for long. I’m about to get absolutely massive.
I didn’t even know how I was gonna deal with it. And what if they were twins?! What would happen if I was growing this giant’s super babies?! Fuck!! I’m only a short girl!
My fear wasn’t without reason, the next few weeks I noticed my bump growing, and not at a slow rate. After only 3 weeks I was already showing a small bump. When I went for my first ultra sound after only 2 months, I was already having trouble fitting in my clothes. The baby inside me kept me constantly hungry too so eating was a must. I probably kept stuffing myself for those 2 months every day. I know more than half of the weight I put on was not baby weight.
“nnnngh!! Get. Pass. My. Giant. Butt you stupid jeans!!! Nnghphh…” getting my favorites jeans to fit was a constant struggle, my thighs had become huge. A single one was as thick as both my skinny thighs together.
“come onnnnnnn… why won’t this shirt cover me!!!” my belly was getting amazingly big every day. My shirts were barely able to cover me past my belly button and still my underbelly would be in the wide open. I was fast becoming a pregnant cow eating a sandwich while waddling down the street.
My second ultra sound was the big one. It’s where I found out something I was suspecting after a few months.
“good afternoon miss… Wolfson? That’s a peculiar name..”
“it’s a made up name doc… I changed it..”
“oh that explains it.. well how is momma-to-be today?”
“I can see that and I can see you’re only 3 months in? it’s certainly normal to be your size when you have multiples, specially if you’ve been eating”
“wait… multiples?” I didn’t know what he meant by that! How can I carry more than one 15lbs baby?!
“sure! You didn’t think you were only having one did you? Let me get the machine set up” he moved around the bed getting the ultrasound machine and using the probe to rub this gel on my tum. My belly button was already having a hard time being shallow, soon it would pop. But what worried me were my boobs who went from a b cup all the way to a double D after only 4 months. Still my belly was the one thing that was big enough to cover my feet eliminating any hope I would see them again.
As he used the probe moving it around an image started appearing.
“there I see one head…. 2…”
“2?! Doc are you sure?”
“oh yes and.. oh? Look number 3!”
“3?! Doc I can’t ne carrying three babies!”
“no you’re right because I’m seeing baby number 4 right there”
4!!! 4 babies! Four massive babies growing inside my 4’9 body!! How the hell! He must have had some super sperm or something! Because ain’t no way I was carrying 4 over developed babies!
“d-doc… are you sure?”
“yeah and I think that’s it. Well given your condition you’re gonna have to go into a strict diet and make sure your babies are well fed. At the end of the line you might have to adjust your house or apartment If you don’t have a nurse in order to move around. It can certainly be a challenge and you will most likely be bed bound by the end of it. So please do take necessary precautions to prevent anything from happening”
I could not believe it… I was carrying 4… and not from some skinny 5’7 guy, these were from a 6’7 massive dude that I could tell he was some sort of mutant super baby! And I’m carrying 4 of him!
I immediately went to the first fast food place I could find and ordered 5 of the biggest burger meals they had. Why? Because I need to eat!
My belly was already massive I front of me, but as I ate my belly button started to show up, my shirt riding over it and people just staring. I guess it’s not everyday you see a super pregnant girl eat in public like this.
the more the months passed, the more I grew not only my bump but I also started getting fatter. Way fatter than what I should be. My arms started developing fat around them, my thighs and ass grew and grew more but my belly stuck out so far in front of my it rubbed against the steering wheel of my car every time I drove. It was also getting hard getting through door frames. The skinny 4’9 girl soon became a 300lbs brood mother carrying 60lbs of pure babies.
At my 7 month, it was already getting hard enough to walk around at all. My bump towered over me each morning. All I could see was this mountain of flesh on top of me, my boobs almost smothered me in my sleep. I could not see them but I could tell I started leaking a lot. Not only that but getting around my belly to satisfy my needs was getting to be a challenge too. I had to fit a remote-control vibrator to my bed and lay on it if I needed some release.
I went to see jessie on one occasion, she was so In love with this new form of mine every time we saw each other she would rub lotion on me and talk to my babies about anything.
“oh this one time, your mommy was at the gym and she had a treadmill running competition, she ran 25km in less time that it takes you guys to kick~”
“jessie.. please don’t make them kick… they get rowdy when they start.. and it’s uncomfortable”
“I know.. but I love seeing a kick here and there~…”
At that moment one of them kicked at the surface near my belly button where jessie was and her head went for a joy ride
“aaah!~ haiiii baby! It’s me, aunt jessie!!”
“uuugh…. i.. I think I should be going..”
“okay, just take care of the babies please~”
As I got to the door I notice how close I was to the frame, my figure could barely pass through it. It’s… fuck it’s amazing.
I got into my car, sliding the seat as far back as I could and still my belly was touching the steering wheel. Driving like this was pretty uncomfortable but there was a certain kinky element to it. In the last ew months as I kept growing I’ve been getting more and more in love with my own figure. Every bite, every inconvenience like reaching the top counter or squirming in bed to try and get up was such a turn on that I was staring to get horny at the littlest things.
When I got home I looked into my bag and the horror happened
“w-where are my keys?! D-did I leave them at jessie? i… I don’t wanna drive all the way back, she would probably keep me there another hour…”
In a panic I looked around and saw that my window was open, so I jumped (“jumped”) the bush, waddled myself to my window and opened it. I threw in my purse first with my phone in it. Then as quicky as I got the idea I also did the brilliant thing of trying to get through the window. Yeah, massive quad girl with 350lbs of blubber which 75lbs were just baby was trying to get through a window. That would obviously work (sarcasm)
“nnngh.. c-come on!!! Hhhmpppfff!! Nnngh aaaah!! Get through dammit!!” I kept pulling myself through and I probably should not have done it because eventually… I got stuck…
“aaaumpf!!! G-get assed it come one!! Nnnghpppppppffff aaaha!! Nnngh!” my belly was in all display trying to get through. My ass was sticking through my jeans more than any other time and I could tell my neighbours were looking at me.
Suddenly my babies inside me started shifting, as if they knew mommy needed to squeeze through
“aammmmpppff.. mmmmphph t-that’s it babies.. aahaa.. f-fuck stop moving that much!” the moves and kicks did turn me on severely, so much that if someone passed by and saw my ass sticking out, decide to have their way with me? I would probably beg for it.
“nnnnnngh.. o-okay almost there.. mmmmmmpphh… aaha gggggrrrrrnnnnn”
And just like that the movement inside me was enough to get me passed the tight window. When I did get inside I was so damm horny I desperately tried to get my hands down there. The first thing I did was head straight to the fridge, get something to drink like a weight shake and laid on bed right on top of the vibrator. I hoped to fuck it had batteries because I was not getting up anymore… in fact.. I don’t think I would be able to in about a week..
A request I’ve been meaning to write but never found the time for it. Here it is and I hope you all enjoy it
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mylittleredgirl · 4 months
Janeway/Seven for the ask game?
(ship asks) (sorry i lost this in my drafts for a while!!)
Don’t Ship It...... but
1. Why don’t you ship it?
i kind of debated how to answer this because i do ship it in the sense that it's intensely interesting to me, there's a LOT of canon to work with, and sometimes i like to play around with that canon and stare at it and pick it apart, but i usually come away from it saying "hmm. don't like this for seven." there is soooo much tangled romantic and sexually charged energy between them, but i find some specifics of their power imbalance uncomfortable for a romantic arc, so i don't tend to seek out fic. in the final balance, i don't ship it more than i do.
2. What would have made you like it?
honestly, it's a fluke of timing. i watched voyager live as a young teen girl who was trying and failing to both be and not be my mother, so that intensely intimate push and pull between janeway and seven as seven fights to define herself hit me a certain way. (i was also trying and failing to end up straight and so was aggressively het-reading everything from this to xena warrior princess.) but if i had been five years older and had internet access to fanfic, it would have been the perfect moment to hit me with "hot powerful older woman wants to both help and control the most beautiful young woman ever (who has Something Wrong With Her), and ends up loving her sooooo much that she's fully insane about it."
and i somehow skipped over that critical period because now i'm closer to janeway's age and i work sometimes with newly-adult girls who imprint on me because they're going through something and i'm an authority figure who's being kind to them, so it's harder for me to drop in and enjoy a power imbalance fantasy.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
YES!!! it's one of the great femslash ships!! there's so much canon interaction that's intense and emotional and shippy as hell. i have no doubt in my mind that janeway loves seven. seven is a challenge and an obligation and a gift and her most interesting project and her intellectual match and her feral rescue dog and her surrogate daughter and her noble accomplishment and her unwilling protege and her friend and the most intense emotional relationship she has. seven's feelings are deeply and understandably conflicted. they're both damaged and do damage to each other. i feel the need to jump up and defend j7 even though i don't ship it, because i'm mostly a j/c shipper and there are sooooooo many j7 deniers there who pretend there's no canon basis for j7 and it's like. come on. come onnnnnnn with your eyes and your ears. it's one thing if you don't like that it's happening, my position here is that half the time seven doesn't really like it either, but it's there.
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hazbinned · 1 month
@angie-long-legs - FOUR DAYS POST-EXORCISM.
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That's what all the banners said. And the balloons. And the little silver foil sign that stuck out of the cake at a lopsided angle. The streamers didn't say anything, but they were pink and black and white and gold, just like the rest of the decorations that cluttered the parlor.
They had polka-dots. So did the balloons.
Just like Angel.
Most of the residents were in the other room, trying to prep the food and figure out how to get the buffet table assembled. Everything smelled lovely. There was even soft, upbeat, poppy music coming from their general vicinity, but it was muffled by the presence of the walls, and so were their voices.
Angel Dust was on the sofa, watching TV. It seemed like he hadn't moved from the spot for days, although he must have.
Vox was tasked with putting up the streamers.
What a wasteful thing, streamers; rolls upon rolls of thinly-cut, brightly colored paper, created with the sole purpose of being strung across the ceiling (for a few days at best), and then torn down and tossed in the garbage.
Rinse and repeat, per every celebration!
Why, Vox wondered, should anyone have to go through the trouble of climbing so high and risking injury... just to take it all down when everything was said and done? Nobody looked at streamers when partying, after all. They didn't look at balloons, either. Nor did they pay attention to the little silver foil sign that stuck out of the cake at a lopsided angle...
Those things were all just objects. Meaningless, worthless objects— not even reusable! What mattered most about parties were the people who attended, and the memories they shared!
Vox came to stand behind the sofa, empty red eyes flicking twice over the outdated television that Angel seemed so glued to. He glanced down at the cardboard box of decorations that he held close to his chest, and then up at the back of Angel's fluffy head, and again at the TV.
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Then, he turned his back to it all, and started to sift through the various items. Charlie had said she wanted a balanced mix of pink, black, and white- alternating.
A simple instruction to follow. Vox could start on this end of the room with the pink, and just keep switching them out until he hit the opposite side.
His thoughts were cut short by the spike in volume of the TV-- a commercial break!
"'Ey, you! Yeah, YOU! Bloke with the crummy haircut!" "Me?" "What'd I just say? ... All alone, too. That chick just rejected you, didn't she? You don't 'ave much game, you poor thing!"
It was a woman with a thick British accent and some... generic-sounding guy, but Vox wasn't entirely zeroed in on the script and hadn't bothered to look up. The woman sounded familiar enough, though. Hell, the entire thing sounded familiar. Almost like Vox knew it by the back of his hand.
His mind was still a bit spacy, so he omitted pieces of the ad here and there, tiredly breaking open the plastic seal around the pink streamers as he continued listening.
"Wow, I'm cured! Now I'm getting every lady I want, and I didn't even have to shower!" "And the men, too!" "Thanks, Velvette!" "Eh, no biggie. But don't forget to thank Valentino. HE'S the secret ingredient!" A new voice entered the scene. "... ¡Ay! Come onnnnnnn, now it's not a SECRET anymore!"
Vox stopped dead at the sound of Val's whining, and looked up, sparks flying.
His eyes, jolting round his head, snapped onto the screen.
"Love Potion by Velvette!" Vel and Val giggled in unison.
That could make a grown man cry.
Vox dropped the container of supplies and vaulted over the couch, landing on the cushion beside Angel so heavily that he might have launched the spider into the air.
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"Turn the fucking TV off. This show is shit and all the ads are, too." He grappled the remote out of Angel's unsuspecting hands and then began flipping through the stations at such a breakneck speed that the poor thing's speakers started getting all garbled. The entire time, he wore the most furious grin fathomable. "Everything on here is garbage. Trash. Hate it all. It rots your mind. I'm sooo SICK and TIRED of hearing this phony TV mediocrity while I'm trying to WORK..."
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polyhexian · 6 months
Brother vs brother being left alone on a mission for the first time at like maybe 10 or 11 and immediately Jasper tries to yoink the child. However Darius was being petty keeping an eye on Hunter and stepped in to fight the Marlet before Will let Jasper have it for trying to take the kid.
And hunter describes this memory most other kids describe having both divorced parents present at a school play when they clearly hate each other and it only gets amplified when he finds out Jasper is also his dad so all three of his divorced dads were there for his first mission
Dhuqjrnejwicuehwbdng it's just... So funny... Imagining like will and Darius very much dislike each other and Darius's interest in hunter is mostly petty; will replaced jasper and he sucks AND jasper wanted a kid and didn't think he could have one cuz he was the golden guard so what makes THIS asshole so special??? He wants hunter to like him just to piss off will like haha your apprentice likes me more than you! But then this fucking freak tries to kidnap him the first time he leaves the castle and Darius's protective instincts immediately go haywire and he's like WHAT THE HELL.... will and him still act divorced as fuck but they both are aligned in Not Letting That Freak Kidnap Hunter
After everything happens and Darius realizes it would have been so much better if he'd just let jasper kidnap hunter all those years ago he's like Jesus christttttt come onnnnnnn
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artem-wing-wife · 2 years
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" W-What... What do you mean by that? " Tighnari stutter.
" Well, I know that you are having a crisis, and I'm just lending a hand. You know, helping you with money? ", Cyno smiles.
Tighnari tries to compose himself then say, " I don't need your money. Besides, I can find them all by myself " he slightly push Cyno and hand over the unfinished bento.
" Oh, come on now! " Cyno annoyed, " Is this because I told you a bad joke? "
" Partly, yes. But also, no. " Tighnari then start swinging himself. " I can't just accept your money, it's not like I'm disabled making me can't find my own money. I like being independent even though it makes my life hard " he slightly smile.
" So, you have issues huh? "
" That's was uncalled for, mister " Tighnari then stare at the man. " Don't you have other things to do? "
" Well, I have been waiting for how long... " Cyno starts calculating and show Tighnari with his 7 fingers up, " 7 months to talk to you. I can't just let this opportunity slipped! "
" What actually do you want from me? "
" I want you to stay by my side ", Cyno calmly say.
" The hell? That's sounds like a cheap confession to me ", Tighnari laugh, thinking it was a joke.
" Well, it is kinda cheap, but! I really meant it! If you stay by my side, I'll pay you. A week, with 100K Mora, is that enough? ", Cyno proposed.
" WHAT?! ", Tighnari screamed and fell of the swing. " Excuse me, but how did you get that much money from?! OnlyFans?! "
" Bold of you assume I do OnlyFans, love. I'm a big streamer, that's how I get my money from " Cyno wink.
" B-But... Why me? "
" What? It is obviously because you have such beautiful face, that smart brain of yours and of course, your personality. I like how you always turn people down. It turns me on " Cyno smiles.
" You are sure a weird one, Cyno "
" So, what do you say? "
" I think you are just going to use me for my body. And yeah, I don't know what to say about that yet though "
Groaning, Cyno face palming himself. " Don't you see? I am just trying to give benefits of being my partner "
" But we never date though. It's not even an official thing "
" Oh fucking Jesus Christ, come onnnnnnn "
" I afraid, I have to say no "
" God dammit! Why are you being difficult?! "
" And why are you being weird?! "
The two of them both screaming at each other then one of the neighbor just scream at them to stop the fight.
" Gosh! You youngsters go to bed! Fuck each other and shut the fuck up! There's people trying to sleep here! " The lady slam her window.
Silent, Tighnari just blush after what the lady said while Cyno just smirking at him.
Cyno grab Tighnari by his hand and put him up on his shoulder like a teddy bear.
" Ah! W-What the hell are you doing?! ", Tighnari kicking air.
" Getting you to my bed, obviously " Cyno smirks.
" I-I I do not consent this behavior! "
" Oh come on, I'm just joking. Come to my apartment first, then we talk about the contract "
" But you can just let me down! " Tighnari then bite Cyno's upper neck.
" D-damn! Stop doing that! My house is near here! Just let me carry you around! "
" Nah! I can walk myself! Stop treating me like a child! " Tighnari again, bite the other place.
In the end, Tighnari was carried to Cyno's penthouse. He actually shocked how rich Cyno is.
" Master... Cy...no? Who is that with you? " A personal butler curiously look at the annoyed Tighnari.
" He's kidnaping me! Please help kind sir! ", Tighnari pleading.
" Oh? Master Cyno, did you kidnap this young man? "
" Certainly not. Now, will you excuse us, I have words to talk to him " Cyno open up his door and look back at the butler " If my mother know about this, you will be fired "
In fear, the butler just aggressively nod.
" Good.. "
Cyno then throw Tighnari to his bed which made the man yelp. " Ah! The fuck!? "
" You sit there, let me see the hardwork you did on me ", Cyno then look on the mirror which his neck filled with hot red bite marks. He touch them and look at it satisfied. He turns to Tighnari and smirks at him. " You wanted me so bad, that's you starts giving me hickeys, Nari my love? "
" I.. I did that because you didn't let me go! I swear I did that because I want you to give up on me! " , for the first time, Tighnari look defenseless, like a little fennec under the jackal wrath. " I.. Please don't do anything to me "
Seeing Tighnari almost cry, he then look at him lovingly. " Well, then, I am sorry. I didn't mean to do anything to you, I'm just teasing you "
" Well, that's a bad tease! I want to go home! " he then take his bag on and tries to leave the room but somehow the door locked. " Wait.. why is it locked "
" Pftt.. ", Cyno laugh. " It's not locked, dummy. You just didn't do it right ", he walk to Tighnari and open the door himself. " See? "
Relieved, Tighnari then slowly walk out, watching Cyno who is walking with him.
" So uh, sorry, maybe I overreacted, here's my number. I can't give you the answer for it. It sounds like a Sugar Daddy-Baby relationship to me "
" It is " Cyno again look at Tighnari " But once you are mine, I will never let you go "
" What a freak you are. The fact we are in the same age, I don't know what to say " Tighnari then open the main door just to see rain outside.
' now, how the fuck it suddenly raining. For God sake .... I'm so tired of this bullshit '
" You want to stay for the night? ", Cyno suggest.
" You are not going to do anything to me... right? " Tighnari making sure.
" Obviously, of course not. I'm trying to get your trust first, and then, I want to devour your heart out "
" Man, you are kinky one. Hope I wouldn't fell for someone like you... " Tighnari softly say to himself.
" I heard that, you silly little kitsune "
" I'm a fennec, not a kitsune "
" Ok... foxxy... "
I'm feeling kinky, so yeah, HAHAHHA
Chapter 1
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nortism · 5 months
doctor who liveblog pt 13
s2 ep12 army of ghosts
- i am very nervous about these next two episodes bc i really don’t want rose to die but that does seem to be what’s going to happen
- ok i’m 15 seconds in, she’s is in fact going to die great
- oh i am not ready for this u guys 😭😭😭
- aww jackie
- uh oh ghosts
- “they look human so they must be human” bro the doctor is right there
- right are we gonna find out the deal with torchwood??
- oh gareth’s dead as hell
- also is that the same actress who plays martha or am i losing it?
- uh oh they’ve been cyberman-ed
- his fuck ass 3d glasses 😭😭
- he said the thing , he say allons-y!!
- i love u jackie tyler
- the clapping’s getting weird now
- oh no they’re bringing back the british empire
- oh now they’re defending borders, alright brexit party
- noo they’re stealing the tardis
- he is taking being imprisoned very well
- torchwood’s got a sarcophagus,, are they a branch of the british museum??
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- always jarring recognising tiktok audios in a show you’re watching.
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- oh god nothing’s changed
- is now a good time to admit i’m not 100% sure what a sonic screwdriver does?
- uh oh rose
- MICKEY!!!??!!!!!!???
- what is going onnnnnnn
- uh oh cybermen ghosts
s2 ep13 doomsday
- oh rose death ep i’m not ready
- bye bye rajesh
- oh fuck the daleks and cybermen r beefing
- that’s the cybermen problem solved
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- they’re so funny
- that’s where patriotism gets you
- YOOOO it’s parallel universe jake !!
- “the people’s republic” - oh they made socialism work, that’s nice
- oh shit they got time lord technology
- i’m obsessed with the way rose says emperor
- the dalek pov is so silly
- that’s a lot of daleks
- oh poor jackie
- oh shit yvonne cyberman
- omg her dad came back for her
- the doctorrr
- bad wolf bay
- we need to die
- that was mad, i need to lie down for a week to process
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birlwrites · 1 year
Honestly that last chapter made me so emotional aghh! I siriusly love that Barty and Evan were just talking about Regulus the WHOLE time. And now I’m wondering what exactly about Regulus were they discussing?? Like. They were probably just theorising about what the hell was going on. But I could also totally picture Evan trying to ever so subtly ask if Regulus had expressed any Romantic Interest in anyone recently. Or he’s using this as an opportunity to gush about some random thing Regulus did to someone other than Emma for once and Barty’s just there like. Um. Sure.
barty: *theorizing, occasionally asking evan for input*
evan: *rambling about flying with regulus whenever prompted to speak and frequently unprompted*
which isn't to say that evan ISN'T theorizing - he definitely is. but also come onnnnnnn who is he supposed to talk to about regulus doing dark-lord-y stuff, he can't tell emma (or at least certainly not in detail although she heard a Lot about the Amycus Carrow Incident)
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senju · 1 year
tmi but what the damn hell is up with my periods recently?? sometimes i get 2 in one month, but sometimes i seem to just skip it entirely. wtf is going onnnnnnn
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WAIT HOLD ONNNNNNN I've been looking so long for Warhammy 40k Primarch/Emperor content for x reader shit and I actually have an excerpt of this really stupid Big E x reader fic that my bf was like "Naur it wouldn't work with canon" but ffuck. The premise was "Reader lived in Monarchia, grew up inundated with Emperor worship, somehow ends up meeting him, he doesn't immediately kill them and instead decides to play along with the whole god worship thing because it amuses him" idk is it stupid ;~;
I refuse to believe your fic is stupid.
Go for it. Not all fanfiction is meant to stick to canon and what with the way Big Daddy E is a mystery wrapped in an enigma coated in conundrums (and the fact that it seems the lore in the 40kverse gets retconned a lot from my perspective), hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he does lowkey get off on being deified every so often.
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lvrcpid · 1 year
- 💟
THE HELL JUST HAPPENED? JAKE DRUNK, READER PARENTS DEAD, WE UNCONSCIOUS OUUUUU WHATS GOING ONNNNNNN the ending made me start singing wizards of waverly place tho ngl
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justiisms · 5 months
"Bastard!! Get me down from here!!" *mondo's screams can be heard coming from the kitchen, except if the koko were to walk in he'll find the enraged biker all curled up on top of the fridge?! he clearly does not like being up there, mondo only getting that much more annoyed when he sees that the tiny detective is staring at him!*
"Oi!! Don't just stand there, get a chair or somethin' before he gets back!" *but before he can elaborate on who he's talking about, mondo suddenly goes quiet while the koko suddenly gets lifted into the air and placed on the nearby countertop?! and when he sees who had lifted him he'll see that it's... yuma?! except now he's easily 7 feet tall?!*
"Good morning, Yuta! Oh my goodness, it's difficult getting used to of seeing the world like this. I didn't know growth spurts could happen so quickly! Everyone's just so tiny, like little ants heh... Don't worry, now that I'm the taller bro I'll make sure no one messes with my tiny, little brother anymore~!"
*however, before yuma can give his brother some hair ruffles everything seems to fade away before the koko just as suddenly finds himself in his own bedroom? it turns out it all seemed to be one very, very bizarre dream, even shinigami who's right beside him just barely awake as she gives a mighty yawn and an equally long stretch...*
"...? I-Is that... Mondo? What in the world would he need help getting down from-" Then Yuta enters the kitchen and sees the ever baffling sight of Mondo, on top of the fridge!!! "H-Huh?! H-How are-why are you on top of the fridge, Mondo?!" He probably would have teased him by saying how it's feel to have a taste of his own medicine, was he not so flabbergasted at this very sight!!
"O-Okay, but who are you talking abou-waagh?!" The loud yelp when suddenly lifted up cuts him off, Yuta darting his eyes frantically before looking towards the person who did just placed him on the countertop! Any guesses he could have had, could never had led to it being his brother, who is suddenly 7 feet tall?! "AAAAH?!? Y-Y-Yumaaa?! D-Don't you "good morning" me, why are you suddenly a giant?!? Am I going crazy?!"
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"G-Growth spurt??? Over the course of one night?! A-And I'm worrying about a lot of other things right now, what is going onnnnnnn?!?!?!?" And as the tiny Yuta loses his mind while his giant kokobro was about to do that, his vision suddenly goes white, and as he opens his eyes, he sees that he's in his bedroom... "Uwah?!" He rockets up into a sitting position, eyes frantically glancing around the room. No giant Yuma, no angry Mondo on top of the fridge: just the quiet ambience of an early morning, as sunlight pokes through the blinds and the birds tweeting outside... "Ah..." ("It....was just a dream....oh-") He gazes over at the sleepy Shinigami that's slowly waking up. ("Shinigami... yeah, it really was a dream...")
"A-Ahaha.... man, what the heck was that? It was kind of funny, but... I-I think I need to keep laying down for like another 30 minutes. To register what in the hell was. Any of that."
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somegirlsnerdywords2 · 9 months
Anime i've Watched
Hell's Paradise (Jigokuraku):
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Synopsis: Sentenced to death, ninja Gabimaru the Hollow finds himself apathetic. After leading a blood-soaked life, Gabimaru believes he deserves to die. However, every attempt to execute him inexplicably fails. Finally, Sagiri Yamada Asaemon, a fledgling member of a famed executioner clan, is asked to take Gabimaru's life; yet Sagiri makes no move to kill him as requested.
Insisting that Gabimaru will not die because of his love for his wife, Sagiri instead offers him the chance to obtain a full pardon for his crimes. If he can travel to the island of Shinsekyo and obtain the Elixir of Life—which supposedly grants immortality—and bring it back for the shogun, then his freedom will be assured.
But of the many who have traveled to Shinsekyo in search of the mythical Elixir, not a single person has returned sound of mind, if at all. Though unaware of the numerous dangers ahead, Gabimaru decides to accept the offer—alongside ten other death row convicts—in hope that he and his wife may finally live in peace.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Status: Completed
My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2023 with a total of 13 episodes.
Badass opening theme, moving ending theme and an amazing anime overall. It likely would have benefited from being a 24 or more episode run, even more so considering the manga is already completed but these first 13 episodes (there better be a second season) were enough to really draw me in and leave me hungry for me.
The art and animation were appealing and smooth, the fight scenes cool. My only real issue, not really an issue with the character design was the lack of nipples... it just looks silly. I have theories why it was done ranging from artist just doesn't do nipples to rating reasons and more. It really isn't an issue but I am curious if the artwork in the manga differs in this particular instance. And, if it was a rating issue I mean come onnnnnnn, the anime is incredibly violent and gory, there is literal boob groping that just seems completely unnecessary and the slime... like the fuck. My little rant there may have turned you off checking this particular anime out but i promise the ick isn't more than most of the anime bullshit you're bound to find in a shounen aimed more towards late teens or adults. Hell, in my opinion it's less ick than Chainsaw Man... though that may not be saying alot. I'll just keep digging a hole.
I am also now starting to question whether or not i've ever seen a nipple in an anime before, men or women... Surely the swimming anime had nipples right? I also wonder if saying nipple so many times is going to get this post flagged. Ahaha oh well.
Anywho, the characters were interesting and what we've seen of their backstories moving though I am interested to see if we get even deeper into them in any following seasons. I very much hope we do.
Overall I really enjoyed this one and am looking forward to more. Anime or manga, whichever comes around/ i get to first. I didn't loveee where they ended the season, but it is what it is.
Ahh be warned, not for those sensitive to gore or just straight up dark topics. Not a lighthearted anime.
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