#Seems it’s not translated into English and Thank God bc it reads like a bad crackfic
purple-petrichor · 9 months
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Charm !!!! I owe you everything thank you. I used your theta state method and got into the void state and reality shifted with it. Sorry if my English is not good, it’s not my first language but I did manifest it was better in the void so please tell me if it’s better! I dmed you so you know who I am but I want to stay anonymous. Basically I played the theta waves like you said to. I repeated I am, And just cried because I couldn’t live like this anymore. When I got to the symptoms I imagined myself in water and they went away. This was where I always got stuck but once I pushed past this I got sucked into myself and ended up in a very weird state.
Anyways I ended up in a lucid dream and after reading your lucid dreaming guide I closed my eyes like you told us to and I was in the void state. I affirmed my list and then intended to go to my waiting room just to see if it worked and it did!! I sobbed for like 10 minutes seeing all my comfort chracters in my wr and the fact that it’s real.
I came back & eveything was here.
My void state list was
-master manifesting and being a fast shifter
-my parents winning the lottery, I took that inspo from you so thank you
-df and db
-eventually meeting my sp
-subliminal playlist results immediately just by looking at the title
-being very smart and having near perfect English after having to use a translator for so long (please tell me if it’s better btw)
-I won a New York lottery where I get 2k a week after taxes for life! I’m about to go to college this autumn so this is so exciting I can have my dream college experience
-acceptance to NYU
-revised my abusive family. I have my dad a hug for the first time and for the first time ever he doesn’t hate me. I cried and he was very confused as I revised the past but not my memory
-& a lot more
Regardless I just want to say it took me 2 yrs. Thank you so much charm for always answering my annoying repetitive asks nicely and telling me to accept I am god. I’ll be back soon, I wanna give back to the community but I’m going to live my life for a while. Thank you guys for everything 😇😇
To anyone doubting is this is real it is. No matter how bad your life is or how impossible it seems like charm says we are god!!! This is something you told me that really helped accept it. In the dms you said “I don’t know how or why it’s real, I have done my own research and have come to my conclusion on why this phenomenon is possible but you shouldn’t care bc it’s yours and you have access to it. Be the first person to do it if you think it isn’t real, because you can”
So i fucking decided I don’t care if everyone lied in this app !! I will be the first person to enter the void. Well now I know it’s real so everyone was telling the truth but I will tell this to everyone. Be the first to get your results if you have to. Good luck everyone 🖤🖤
Omggg periodt !!!!! Congrats on your success anon!!! I just saw your message and I’m literally so happy for you 🥹🥹I feel like a proud mom and I hope you have an amazing time at NYU 💓💓 also omg yes your English is perfect !!!!
don’t thank me for anything You did all the hard work yourself and now you’re reaping the benefits :)!!! Whenever you come back I’d love to hear your shifting experiences but until then have fun 🤩
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pandaemoanium · 8 months
random vent under the cut about using english as a non-native speaker
a lot of the time i feel very self-conscious whenever i speak or write in english. even though i'm not *bad* at english i can still feel the language barrier holding me back at times. the way i talk and write can be very stiff and it really sticks out, at least to me, and it sometimes makes me feel very stupid.
i can feel the lack of vocabulary and skills hindering my ability to show how i truly feel or think in certain situations and it's frustrating as hell. i know i'm not an idiot. i know that in finnish i'm (usually) a pretty smart person, but in english i sometimes feel like a fucking toddler trying to get a simple point across. the way i talk can also be very awkward because i have to pause *a lot* to find the right words, and i can just *feel* my brain buffering like a fucking youtube video trying to keep up with what i'm trying to say. having to translate everything in your head on the spot can get very exhausting. add chronic anxiety and somewhat lacking social skills into the mix and oh god oh fuck i feel like i can't communicate with people at all sometimes
i use english every single day, most days even more than finnish, whether it's being online scrolling through tumblr or reading articles etc, playing video games, watching shows and movies, chatting with my american boyfriend or my online friends from all around the world. even the UI on my phone/game consoles/etc is in english. i constantly try to improve in hopes of being able to say that i've become "fluent" in english or whatever but idk, i feel like i've hit my skill cap a long time ago and i just can't get any better and it frustrates me so much. i just want to be able to convey my feelings and thoughts as clearly as possible but so much of it seems to quite literally get lost in translation. i hate feeling incompetent and stupid aaaaaaaaaaaaa
i don't think i have the energy to even start talking about how the way i speak english as a non-native speaker can be really weird to a native speaker because of the way i was taught british english but i've also learned american english through media etc and how bc of that i've picked up words and phrases from all over the place so my english is just a weird amalgamation of british mixed with american english from all over the country
i had a point in all this but i forgot abt it a long time ago so this turned into a random vent post lol, thanks for coming to my ted talk i guess
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rrxnjun · 1 year
AHH I HOPE U FOUND SOME ARTISTS SINCE THEN!!! AND THANK U SO MUCH FOR TAKING TIME OUT OF UR DAY AND TRANSLATING FOR ME!! IM SURE U ARE VERY BUSY AS WELL SO THANK U SO MUCH I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!!🥹🥹💝💓 and my god the lyrics are so☹️☹️☹️ it's just such a great song and now it even got so much better with understanding it!!!🥲
WELL IF IT DOES HAPPEN I WILL BE HERE XD parents smh /j (but like actually i understand them cuz traveling alone can be risky☹️) thank u i hope we will figure something out if it does happen🥹🥹
I LOVE UR POSTS THERE LMAO SO DONT BE SORRY and ofc i agree!!! zach was my fav from the why dont we boys🤭 OH MY I HAVENT HEARD ABOUT THE VAMPS IN AGES damn now i'm gonna go and listen to them😵‍💫(also saw that u turned into a treasure stan🫣 and ur take on jikjin!! it's such a great song glad u listened to it!!!)
(liebestraum anon💕 and sorry if i disappear again and for writing a lot i swear i will try and keep it short for once☹️)
AHH ITS TOTALLY OKAY!!!! cant say i didnt miss you but i ofc understand that u have your own life and responsibilities and such,, so dont worry about it🤍🤍 AND THANK U SM AGAIN!!!
DJDJSJ MY CHENLE FIC IS FUN BUT THEN IT GETS DEPRESSING REAL QUICK SO UHHH HOPE YOU'RE READY FOR SOME ANGST ;-; (also i started rewriting liebestraum. just thought i'd let you know<3)
im super glad u enjoyed my translation!! the lyrics are really screamable in my opinion,,, and i also hope i did them justice however i bet i did a better job than all of the ones i saw online :p its not the best artistic lyricism but i like it nonetheless DJSK sometimes u need simple songs to jam to.
travelling alone COULD be risky </3 me and my uni friends randomly travelled to vienna last week because it was warm out and we thought our seasonal depression was finally over and i love me some spontaneous decisions but also it was so anxiety inducing bc it was my first time going abroad with no supervision 😭😭 we had SO much fun but also the stress we were put through to find the bus platform back home ??? never again. was so bad that i broke my 5 month streak of not smoking bc i had to calm myself down somehow and then i was put through the stress of buying cigarettes in german when i caNT SPEAK GOOD GERMAN but 10/10 i would do it again and it made me more confident abt travelling with friends so i WILL drag my equally spontaneous uni friends to budapest as soon as i can. (please tell me they speak at least a little english there)
wait do u rlly bc i think im so annoying on there sometimes like girl chill😭😭 but ZACH WAS ALWAYS MY FAV TOO altho i did have a daniel phase. I havent listened to the vamps in ages either i should catch up or sum ;-;
omg dont mention the teumefication of bar i wont admit it to myself yet DHSKSK however jikjin is now my fav song and i fear seeing my 2023 spotify wrapped bc of it now. ive also been watching a concerning amount of treasure map and finding myself in love with jihoon but thats...not important rn.
ill be waiting for u liebestraum anon!!! dw abt sending long asks i always look forward to them🤍 hope your days are filled with joy mwah
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shay11a · 5 years
New Rules, an overly long review
Alright, let’s do this.
I’ll just start with a little disclaimer that english is not my first language and although I’m usually fluent-ish some of my sentences might not translate very well from french, so please bear with me. Also this i like barely edited so sorry about the mistakes.
I’m here to talk about my favorite fanfiction, not only in this fandom, but in all fandom (and trust me, I’m a part of a lot of fandoms), and of all the fanfictions I’ve ever read (and trust me I’ve read a lot) : New Rules by the amazing @tayegi
The first time I read, I binge read it, but make no mistake, I don’t mean that I rushed though the story in one day, oh no, I mean I couldn’t do anything else, every minute of my day that I wasn’t in class or adulting, I was reading it, but it’s one of those rare fictions where I knew I was reading something just that good that I needed to make it last as much as possible. Imagine my struggle, balancing the need to know what was going to happen next and my visceral need to make it last as much as possible because I knew I could never experience this first reading again. 
That’s how much I love this story.
Unfortunetaly, there came a time I caught up.
So I re-read it.
And Again.
To this day, I often come back to it, re-reading entirely or picking up at any point to enjoy again a moment that I particularly like. I do this often with fiction I particularly liked, but one thing that I find amazing with NR is that, contrary to most fic, no matter where I pick up, I know what is happening, what happened before that, because the plot is just so wonderfully crafted that everything has consequences, every character is relevant and their actions have consequences that they are held accountable to by the plot (dunno is this makes sense but it does in my native language sorry) I regret not posting a review under every chapter as I read, it was selfish on my part, but I needed to continue, I have some notes from this review at the end but they lack the specificity of first impressions, I apologize for that. 
I also have to mention that this review is NOT spoiler free so if you want to read it please, PLEASE New Rules before that there is absolutely NO way that you won’t thank me (and Tayegi of course) afterwards, and don’t ‘I don’t mind spoilers’ me this story DESERVES to be read spoiler free.
Alright, buckle up kiddos, let’s do this.
I. The writing
The way the plot unveils is downright cathartic. I recently re-read it entirely to make this review and going back to the first chapters and seing how everything just MAKES SENSE and how a small thing happening has consequences over everything later. Just HUH brilliant. (I’m thinking about OC’s crush on Jimin here and how through the prism of Mijoo we later see that her crush was her projecting // Jin, now THAT’S WRITING) 
The smut, how do I put it, is bomb but it doesn’t feel like smut smut, it feels like actual sex described, not idealized and in my opinion it just adds to the quality of the story, because sex is an essential part of the story, not something added to satiate the hormones of horny readers (as an ex-horny teenager, I want to thank people writing this kind of smut and say that there is nothing wrong with writing this kind of smut) or just for the sake of it because apparently having sex is the culminating point of a relationship. Sex scenes tell a story as much as argument scenes, if not more. First, because as a sex friends to lover AU (smh) it is inherently part of the story but also because the characters don’t just stop having a backstory, emotions and emotional baggage when they have sex, all those things are still present and they influence the way they act in bed. And THAT is satisfying to read.  
On many occasions, in the fanfic writing community, you can hear (read?) people saying, « this fiction could / should be published like an actual book » I’m not here to further the debate on real literature, fanfiction and so what not, but this fiction is one that, more importantly than it being published, I feel like I could study in english class, take an extract and study the amazing characterization, how the scene furthers the plot, what are the literary devices used to do so. I feel like I could study the running metaphors, the sub plots and how they correlate so well to the main plot and further the characterization of a character, the plot itself or something else. Everything feels like a neatly knitted masterpiece. 
In that aspect, one scene that I particularly liked was the one where OC is hidden listening to JK and Hyejin, and as she hears what he says, she crushes the rose in her hand. It’s such a simple and yet telling idea: her bourgeoning love and hope for a romantic relationship symbolized by the ultimate romantic symbol : a rose, and JK’s words make her try and crush those feelings, but she hurts herself doing so, because the action itself is a painful one — trying to refrain hope / trying to suffocate feelings — but also because love, just like roses has thorns that may hurt, that’s why JK is so afraid of committing it seems, and the irony is that he is doing exactly that to someone else. (My explanation is so messy plfnmesdmflfmqf sorry)
One recurring idea/plot device that I have noticed is the one of misunderstanding / misreading each others. OC and JK constantly misread each others (I’m thinking about the scene in the bar where she rubs his back affectionately and he interprets it in a sexual way) and idk but something about this really hits me hard, because it’s human, so inherently human, this makes the characters feel like human beings not fictional archetypes. Because in real life, we can’t take a step back and have a view of the bigger picture the way we can as an omniscient reader who remembers very well what one said or did earlier that explains their behavior. In real life we dont know and cannot guess why people act a certain way based on some hinted at tragic backstory that would explain their commitment issues.
On a lighter note, the writing is just so freaking FUNNY, like I can’t count how many times I cackled like an idiot reading. + Tayegi has a way of cutting from scenes to scenes or from dialogue to dialogue that is just so FUNNY (if it was a movie I would talk about editing because it’s exactly how it feels, like when you got A saying ‘I will never do that’ and it cuts and the next frame is A doing exactly that)
More on the writing in the notes for every chapter further below.
II. Feminism, social justice and me relating to everything 
Ok this part is going to be a bit more personal but I had to address how much main girl and her struggles resonated with me. As a feminist myself I VERY often struggles with the same problem : that is when my beliefs come brutally crashing with the social constructs I have internalized and have yet to deconstruct as well as the people surrounded me who don’t necessarily share the same belief. And the way Tayegi portrayed this is spot on not to say borderline genius. 
Her mixed feelings when facing Hoseok « not like other girls » comments or the conversation where she struggles to explain why she is fucking the notorious fuckboy despite her talks about hook-up culture were punches in the guts to me, because feminists are always the ones to be criticized the most easily (I am aware that my phrasing here is horrendous but I don’t know how to word this differently again sorry English is not my native language) and the slightest slip-up will be pointed at by people who aren’t even feminist but see an easy way to gaslight them. So, to read this, to read another woman facing the same situations and being as utterly upset and sometime powerless as I felt, god was it cathartic. 
And don’t get me started on the way she always ALWAYS sticks by her principles of sorority, even to the women that have been nothing less than mean to her and how hard it is to support other women when we live in a society that always pit women against each others. I FELT that. But nevertheless main girl tries to, she compliments Somin on her dress, Hiejin as well even though they both have been openly hostile (and even mean sometimes) to her. I truly felt this, all theses little moments, just a sentence here and there, but I felt them in my guts.
III. The characters 
The characters, oh god, the characters. OC ? Marry me. JK? Marry me (also I want to slap him but it’s another story). Taehyung ? Marry me. Mijoo? Marry me.   
The relationship between OC and her BFF is in my opinion one of the best thing about the pic and one that really remarks it from other, the twist about twist alsmot made me believe it would be like every other pic where oc ends up with virtually no friend (especially female ones because like everyone know girls cause drama riiiight ) but it happens so early ? How could it ooooh it’s not like that, OC and her BFF and mature enough to discuss it, it still has  consequences, the scene where OC accuses BFF of pushing her onto Jk to make herself feel better about jimmy still gives me chills because, yeah, it makes sens that she would, and it kinda feels like she did with how insistant she has been, but again, we are told the story from OC’s perspective, so obviously she feels bad when BFF insists that her and JK are meant to be bc she knows that JK wouldn’t date her, but again, as readers, we can kinda see from BFF perspective, they indeed look perfect for one another and only misunderstanding and insecurities and Jk’s past seems to be in the way (okay granted when you say it like that it seems like a lot), but in the end, Mijoo also seems genuine in the way she pushes them together, even though, yeah she might have, consciously or not done it for that reason.
i don’t know if I want a happy ending for OC and JK, I want one because they are so good and sweet together and after everything they’ve been through I feel like they sort of deserve it, but after everything they’ve been through, especially the way JK has behaved, it seems hard for a happy ending to happen. I feel like it’s going to take a lot of time and talking (including his backstory that has been hinted at a few times wink wink) for them to work things out, if they work things out.
I’ve mentioned that before but : THE SORORITY oh lord where do I start? OC standing up for Hyejin and Somin even when they had a few rough patches, sign me the fuck UP. OC not turning totally on her best friend Mijoo (my girl btw) and overlooking their friendship and what she had done for her in the time of Jin because Mijoo made a selfish mistake ? Yes please, MORE.
Hoseok is, in my opinion, spot ON. It took me some time to exactly pin point who he reminded me of but then I realized he is exactly what I call the 'apolitical guy’, who is convinced to not have controversial opinion and would deny ever having prejudice when he clearly has (i.e. the scene where Oc calls him out on his misogynie
I have to admit that Hyejin and Somin are amongst my favorites because even though the plot (and the fact that we are basically supposed to be on OC’s side as the story is told from her perspective)  makes them very unsympathetic, your writing allows us to understand their actions and empathize with them. Learning about Hyejin’s past with JK makes her look like the character of a fan fiction where she could have been the main character unfortunately for her, this is OC’s story so Hyejin can’t get the guy in the end. But truly, her backstory feels like an entire other ff in the story and to be honest basically every other character’s backstory as well as the subplots feel this way. And Somin, well Somin is basically going through the same thing as OC but with Hoseok so how can we mock her for it while crying for OC ? That’s impossible and that’s why your writing is so powerful, there is no clear ‘bad guy’ (appart from J*n but who cares about that roquefort face) and everyone is in that gray, humane area. 
Every character has so many layer (I don’t count JK and OC in this because at this point we can’t talk about layers anymore it’s a damn millefeuille) and getting to discover more about them is amazing. 
Basically, every side character reflects something on OC and JK and further the plot, the themes while feeling like their own individuals with their own complex thoughts and problems and I think that’s fucking brilliant. 
And now onto my notes for every chapter (it’s low-key very messy sorry)
Chapter 1 :
Lord to thing that it started with a simple friend request :’)
I love how in the very first line, OC telling Mijoo how she knows JK instantly characterizes him to the reader, it’s smart BUT also characterize OC as someone quick witted and serious/professional but also very sarcastic, funny and taking no shit from anyone. Incipit done well here. I mean, so much exposition is crammed into the very first lines but it just feels soooo natural!
I also love how the dynamic between Mijoo and OC can appear « basic » but will later be revealed to be so much more complex and profound and that’s basically how everything in this fic just keep getting better and more complex as you read.
Also, I love how OC and JK’s first encounter is because they are both trying to help their best friends, I missed it in the first reading but it’s so telling of their characters. Also I appreciate OC not hating on JK just because she hates him from afar and he suddenly notices her and gets turned on by that (like in a lot of ff let’s not lie, I love myself some bad boy!AU but it’s getting redundant), she genuinely seems to not give a fuck about him and it’s so funny to me somehow, my girl just minding her business, getting her straight A’s and doing charity work, we stan. Also, the entire part where they complain about Jimin and Mijoo is downright hilarious 
I really like the way JK says the poetry assignment is easy, hinting at the fact that he is, in fact, not a stupid fuckboi cliché (+ what happens with their presentation and him working his BUTT of)
The entire part where OC and Jk act like they are together is so DAMN FUNNY but at the same time it just shows that they have great chemistry from the get go and I love that. (But seriously it’s so f*ing funny)
I love they way OC’s crush on Jimin is brought up, it’s not outwardly said, but the way he is described form her pov makes it obvious and her helplessness when looking at him and Mijoo is just so heartbreaking (+ getting to me on a personal level since I’ve been in a very similar situation for years so :))) like, you can feel that she doesn’t want to be feeling this way, and is obviously trying to help her BFF and be selfless but cannot help but feel jealousy.+ JK immediately catching up on her crush, showing he is more observant than you’d think.
JK and OC being dumb & dumber AND partner in crime is everything I’ve ever wanted
The description of the feeling of loneliness post-parties is so accurate, and the way she feels is so relatable and heartbreaking. 
The part about anguish and the way she feels suffocated by her feminine attire got to me and honestly I got really close to cryingThe end of the chapter upsets me in the best way, to see JK be so oblivious to how vulnerable and lonely OC is, man it really makes the entire thing so much more gutswrenching.
Highlights (basically lines that made me laugh or that I find particularly well written) :
“then I don’t know why he’s friended you”
“should I block him too?” 
“can you get you get more obvious without tattooing ‘Park Jimin’ on your ass? It’s obvious he owns it anyways”
“why does this kid has so many shirtless selfies”
“it’s like this boy is like a walking cliché of the world’s most basic fuckboi” I see what you did here ;)))
“Ah… you knew?” The way I laugh EVERY time at this line
“Would you be really mad at me if I poured this all over your boobs?“ alkfnenfmefnkgjh Mijoo is my queen
“try her ass instead” JK you absolute moron genius
“Mijoo as been trying to get you laid since freshman” I looove how this just sounds so random and plays into the cliché of the extroverted BFF trying to drag OC to parties and get her laid but with OC’s backstory // Jin it makes SO much more sense
“I won’t feed you lies” he, said, you know, like a liar.
“Your worth as a woman isn’t defined by your purity or whatever bullshit” love the hint at the later reveal that JK is, indeed, a woke king. We stan
“But unfortunately, you aren't the altruistic saint you wish you could be. You suffer from the same human emotions that plague everyone. And they aren't pretty.Despite what the artists and poets claim, the world works in a logical way. It's a simple mathematical formula. Girls like Mijoo end up with their princes. And you remain a bitter stepsister, helpless but to watch their happily ever after from a distance. One that you'll never achieve.” God that part.... 
“Here is a man who actually wants you. Not you, but your body, a little voice in the back of your head reminds you. But it doesn't matter. All that matters is that someone might actually desire you…  ... He feels so thick inside of you that for a moment, the hole in your chest is filled”  This is what I mean when I say that the smut in this story makes SENSE
“You wish you could cling onto this feeling forever so you'll never feel empty again.” The way this scene is supposed to be all smut sexy time but it is actually one of the most emotionally packaged and heart wrenching scene, really I can’t with your writing </333 
“He grins at that, "I thought you knew me better than to take anything I said seriously?“Jk you manipulative mf I hate your fuckboi ass
"Ugh, please don't tell me you're a cuddler," you grumble as you twist in his embrace. "I'm not," he denies, but the way he buries his nose in your hair says otherwise, "And don't think about asking me to stay the night, because I'm not that kind of guy." The dynamic of the entire duo summed up in one paragraph
Chapter 2 :
The moment she reassures Mijoo and see what she is missing is :((
I remember than the first time I read new rules and feminist JK came clean I was honestly shocked (years of being guarded around men’s misoginy and fake feminism I guess) but re-reading it, it’s so nice to see the hints everywhere that he genuinely is and it warms my heart.
The convo JK and OC have about relationships and meaningless sex is not only such a good foreshadowing of the problems they will face later when it comes to coming clean about both their feelings (looking at you JK you moron) but also such a relatable feeling of ‘I know I said men are trash but I’m still vaguely heterosexual and would really like to believe that some aren’t and I know it sounds like I’m reassuring myself and honestly I am because it’s starting to become hard to really believe that’
The twits oh god the TWIST!!! The heartbreak it gave me, I was going to put some sentences in the highlights but honestly I almost ended up putting the entire scene so I gave in but it’s just so well written and nerve wracking to see what could have been and to realize that the friend that OC has been putting so much effort into helping betrayed her.  Like, I can emphasis enough how much I cried reading this, considering I have been in a very similar situation, and that’s probably why this struck a chord so powerfully but wow. 
The blowjob scene is simply another brilliant double meaning smut scene, the way OC is trying to regain control over something, someone, even if it’s not the one she wants, the way she makes him beg to hear compliments, heartbreaking (I know I’ve said this word like a million time and we’re just on chapter 2 but your writing really is something else) 
The scene where she confronts Mijoo is in my opinion one of the BEST I have ever read, the way you can feel her heartbreak and her powerlessness but also the maturity she exudes, the way she tries to be the bigger person and do what’s right, lord I see myself here and it fucking hurts.
“He really likes you, Mijoo. Don’t let him slip away… You’ll only regret it.”  The double meaning that applies to OC here is killing me  
“On any other day, this is the kind of party you would protest, running around with a half dozen other of your feminist friends as you collect signatures for a boycott.” <3
“Wait… what makes you think that we’re supposed to be the hoes?”  <3 <3
“Yeah. You really do.” Jk sometimes I really like you 
“No, sweetheart. You’re the childish one for not being able to accept grown up emotions. Why is falling in love and caring for someone outside of their physical appearance so shameful to you? You need to grow the fuck up and realize that feeling for another human being does not make you weak.”<3 <3 <3
“Frat brothers are despicable…except this one, of course.” Absolutely love how first reading makes it sound like her crush is speaking and second reading shows her idealization of him here 
“You swallow the lump in your throat. It would be one thing to see them wildly making out or grinding in the mosh pit like all the other horny kids. But to see them so enveloped in each other, content to just hug for the rest of the night… It hurts you more than you can express. You’d rather walk in on them fucking. This display of the purest affection… No one has ever held you like that before.You’re jealous. It’s shameful how horrendously jealous you are.”</3
“You need me?” you repeat in a small voice.” OC baby I get you I love you and you deserve th world ;(( </3
“You feel like such a villain, grilling this angel and making her upset. It’s such an irritating feeling, but you can’t choke it back.“It’s not like I liked him anyways…” Lord what have you done to my heart and I think it’s my favorite sentence in the entire story !
Chapter 3 :
OC protecting and looking out for Yerin is just so adorable I CAN’T
The discussion with Hyejin, the foreshadowing!!!!!!!
The way OC is self-aware and thinks JK only wants her body (and at the time it was highly likely) just makes the scene that much more heartbreaking, which makes me realize that all the smut scene up until now have been that way. 
The entire chapter feels like a BIG call out to me thanks for that I guess. (I’m kidding it was wonderful and actually got me reflecting a lot on my habits and self deprecation)
“the ugly cage around your heart loosen a bit”
“Wow, your fungal cream is so nice. I hope you get that infection checked out." We love a considerate and caring man
“You would take this over the hollowness in your chest. You would gladly take the meaningless sex, the hard pounding of your pussy without a single gesture of affection. Who needs an emotional connection when you can have the pain beat out of you? Who needs someone to like you when you have someone to use you?”  No words.
Chapter 4 :
I don’t know if I said that already but I just looooove the way you sprinkle hints here and here about everything ! Foreshadowing events and future revelations it’s just so nice to read and makes second (and third, and fourth) reading sooooo much more entraining and satisfying <3333. Like Oc and Mijoo are drunk and we get a snip at what happened freshman year, there were other hints previously but this just makes the reader WANT to know what the f* went down. And it makes up for Mijoo betrayal, it’s a nice way of explaining why OC « brushed » over her betrayal, we know that she was there in such a hard time for OC and yes it really builds the suspense around that whilst portraying Mijoo as more than the fake BFF who betrayed, I love that.
I love the way you use the word ‘ugly’ and how it’s very often associated with jealousy.
I want to address how much I adore your side characters and sub-plots. Like all of them are so likable (even Somin) and feel like genuine people with their own complex thoughts, seriously your characterization is out of this world! (special shout-out to Yoongi who is spot-ON imo). Like, I want to hangout with these people and be their friends. 
ALso I feel like we are really starting to see Jk and OC’s chemistry (unrelated to being evil little matchmaker) and it’s SOOOOOO good, it feels so natural and seeing them slowly slide into a romantic relationship (don’t tell Jk) seems like the most  natural thing (+ everyone thinking they are actually together and honestly they are)
"Hey so you like kick around a ball or whatever?" I love your humor I genuinely laughed at this 
"Balls?" he says pointedly.” Same here
"Who are you talking about?" Jungkook asks in confusion, "I don't have a—ah you mean ___?" You sure didn’t think for long jk 👀👀and you didn’t even deny it 👀👀👀and you came as soon as being asked 👀👀👀👀👀👀sus 
"Beats me," he whispers back, "I didn't even know we had a soccer team until this week!"LMAOOOOOOOOO
Chapter 5 :
The foreshadowing with Bang telling JK he is worried about his performance !! That’s why I love this fic so much! EVERYTHING is here, nothing happens out of the blue, you just have to pay attention to things to see things coming and not in a predictable but rather gratifying way.
The scene where OC hugs JK ? a masterpiece. I don’t know what more to say about it, it’s one of those things that touch on such a level that deconstructing it feels impossible and would break the spell, the intimacy I felt between the two of them and the stark contrast with Hyejin are perfect to characterize their relationship. Feels natural behind closed doors but lacking the words to clarify what they are, especially when faced with other people, and themselves. I L O V E it.
“you watch Taehyung roll around in the grass with his high-tech camera” don’t know why this is so funny to me but it is 
"Are we not speaking the same language right now?!" Jungkook barks into the receiver, "Are you fucking high?" The fact that he barks it makes it even funnier
Chapter 6 :
Oc’s conversation with Taehyung about hookup culture (and her behavior at large) just SCREAM ‘I have had such a terrible experience with love before that I cannot even begin to think about letting it happen again otherwise I will never love again’ and it HURTS. But! The way she approaches things with such maturity and is so in touch with her feelings is simply admirable. 
When OC is caught between Hoseok and JK at the party !!! It’s so frustrating but in the best  way possible because they got soooo close to actually talking things out clearly and making things better but their pride and whatever got in the way and we know it! JK and Oc I love y’all but also you’re so stupid. (Also it’s exactly what I was talking about in my ‘misunderstanding each others’ part. I feel like this is during this chapter that they really start to fuck up the communication because that’s the chapter where it becomes abundantly clear that feeeeelings are starting to get into the mix, they both try to distract themselves (unconsciously or not) with someone else, HYejin and Hoseok, and miserably fails. 
Also the domesticity!! That’s cute and fluffy and I’m blushing like I’m 12 year old again. 
“You’re right, » he says « I have to get more creative” I have said that Taehyung is hands down the funniest character here ?
"I want someone to choose me," you admit in a small voice, "I want someone to fall for my personality—to love me because of my hot temper and annoying disobedience, not in spite of it. I want this person to be surrounded by prettier, nicer, sweeter girls, but still seek me out… I'd rather them fall for my personality first, then settle for superficial traits like my lacking appearance… Is that really too much to ask?" Once again, thanks for calling me out also I’m crying this is one of the best paragraphs you have written
“He's like a character from a 1950's romance novel stepped off the page” Oc sweetheart remember something else about the 50’s 👀👀 Like ... the sexism ?
“The moon is high in the sky at this point of night, not shrouded by dark clouds for once, and illuminating the entire rooftop with its luminous silvery gleam. But for some reason, it seems like all the moonlight concentrates into a single beam on Hoseok, surrounding him in a brilliant white halo. You swallow tightly and drop your gaze as though burned.” The imagery here is beautiful and I like that you associated him with the moon when he is usually the sun 
"Oh, honey… You don't have to pretend to be strong in front of me." And there goes my heart.
"Did you think I was going to let her sleep on the streets or something?" is his sarcastic reply.You roll your eyes, "Thanks, Yoongi." We love character development (their friendship is so endearingly funny)
"Right… But um… what happened after the game on Saturday… uh…" A blush suddenly suffuses his cheeks, coloring his skin a lovely shade of rose, "I… I just wanted to—""Ah, that's right. There's another game next week," you hastily steer the conversation away, terrified by what he might say. "Don't worry, I'll be there too. I really need to start writing this article.""Oh, right… That's exactly what I was going to say," he says, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.” I want to slap some sense in these idiots’ heads 
"Yeah, but the problem is that I don’t want to." I am S C R E E C H I N G
Chapter 7 :
The scene where they wake up together and he smiles and calls her pretty and the misunderstanding scene makes me want to slap them you belated idiots
SO MUCH things happen in this chapter and I think it’s one of my favorite!! I have to say that the scene where OC protests against the date auction and faces the resistance of her sorority hit close to home. It’s always so heartbreaking to see fellow girls complying to sexism. 
Also also, feminist JK keeps me up at night. Fuck yeah. (You know the lisa simpson meme with the orange juice, that’s me with feminist JK, give me MORE of that. 
Also, her performance : I C O N I C
"You're just exclusive fuck buddies… Even though you don't do casual sex and Jungkook doesn't do exclusive. It totally doesn't feel like you're hiding your feelings." My thought exactly Mijoo
“Staying so guarded might protect you from pain… But it'll also protect you from any happiness." *Slow clapping*
“Why would you go for someone who doesn't see your worth? You deserve to be with someone picks you out in a sea of people. Who likes you the best." 👀👀👀
"…Do not resuscitate… Got it," you solemnly note.” You’re so funnyykekzldk
“You aggressively bid from backstage, even as Taehyung motions for you to get lost” I laughed out loud at this
« sold » HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIfhehfqenfoneqlfnqdkfncqefnlmzfkbnrdbfksvm kjnefkenfe hAAAAH ????!!! flefnekf HIIII ç!!!!ç!uj
Chapter 8 :
I’m sorry there is not much commentary about this one but I can for the life of me read it with a critical eye since I’m too caught up in the suspense and the fact that a million things are happening, the only thing I can think about is that your fiction, although it is a college AU is so versatile and you touch on so many other genre (here : sport) and manage to successfully make every single one enthralling and further your plot!
"Please, ___. Please don't go."But sheer panic flashes in his eyes when you attempt to shake him loose. "Don't leave me," he croaks out in desperation, "Please, ___. Don't leave me…"Not like she did." Don’t think I’m not seeing what you’re doing here 👀👀
Chapter 9 :
I feel high-key stupid because that’s like the 6th time I read New rules but I just realized that there might be a parallel going on between Jk and OC’s story, it’s obvious with the hints that you’ve sprinkled that something bad happened with JK’s past girlfriend but it’s just now re-reading Oc’s backstory with Jin that I realize that JK might have been in the ‘fucking around to get back/over his ex’ stage of his breakup like OC in the summer Freshman year, which led to him having his fuckboy reputation despite not ‘really’ being one (i.e. him saying that he hates hookup culture when Oc talks about her story)
Also, empathetic, feminist and understanding men make me w*t. 
"Yes," he says, a smile tugging at his lips, "Yes, you did." I sEE YOU 
"I don't know what goes through that fantastical imagination of yours” This might be my favorite line ever
“But you don't move one inch. Because you know Jungkook better than that.” Aaaawwwwwwww
Chapter 10 :
This is some greek tragedy shit right here. Mijoo trying to push OC and Jk because she feels guilty about JImin (she way you write it makes it seem so believable but I can’t decide if it’s true or not because we are seeing Oc’s perspective here and she knows she actually crushed on Jimin while Mijoo doesn’t, which would be a huge factor in her pushing OC towards JK) and also because she is the only one with a brain? Oc refusing to believe it and opposing semi-logical semi-bullshit arguments to convince Mijoo and even more herself that this isn’t happening because she heard JK talking to Hyejin ? Jk saying that because he’s an insecure asshole (and also very probably because of his ex girlfriend wink wink) whilst acting like the most belated man, ever ? Na a TRAGEDY!!!!!
Also, the entire speech that Mijoo gives, everything she says ???? A punch to the GUTS! ! ! 
He finally breathes when she says his name I’m :(((((((((
“it wasn’t fun” Love how this simple line implies that Mijoo and Jimin have problems and arguments of their own and makes them feel like human beings who have a life outside of the story.
“Or was your image of him so perfect and unrealistic that you couldn't tolerate these humanizing details?" Ouch!
"You're only pushing Jungkook on me to ease your guilt for stealing Jimin away from me!" I don’t have the words to explain the way I felt when I first read this line except : oh fuck. Goosebumps. Literal goosebumps.
"I like him," you abruptly confess, your soft voice breaking through the tense silence the same way the brilliant meteors abruptly burst across the darkness of night. "I like him so much." Masterpiece 
“It's equally horrifying and an absolute relief to finally admit this deeply harbored secret after so long. After all these months of repression, it feels like a dam has burst with the way your emotions come tumbling out, threatening to choke you and sweep you underwater.” I said MASTERPIECE ! !
“Mijoo," you gasp, "What do I do?" Im crying. This isn’t a figure of speech. This isn’t an exaggeration. I’m crying. This entire scene is so powerful 
“You know your role. You're just the side character—the best friend or comic relief. You have no right to even dream about a life by Jungkook's side—much less to feel this amount of pain and jealousy seeing him with another girl” .... talk about being relatable 
“The loud electronic beat is pulsing through your veins with the same painful intensity of the tequila beating against the soft tissue of your brain. You feel like you’re being consumed by the powerful sensations… and yet, it's not enough to protect you from the helpless thoughts drifting across your mind, no matter how much you try to ward them back.” You really shine when it comes to making me cry 
"Can't you just let me be petty and sulk for once?" Baby :(
“How could you have misinterpreted the situation so horrifically?” Well we have this saying in French that goes : love makes you fucking blind 
“At this point of night, the moon has fully risen overhead, and its silvery rays cast down across the ocean, illuminating everything in white-gold. Awed, you can't help admiring the way the moonbeams kiss the top of Jungkook's black hair and the angles of his face, sheathing his figure like a cold halo.The waves continue to beat against the sandy beach like clockwork, and you  sway with them, as though lost in a rhythmic dance lulled by the force of the moon. Your thundering pulse acts as a metronome in this dance, pounding away at a dozen beats per each drag across the shore. You are cold. So cold that you've lost all feeling in your hands and legs. But for some reason, you don't feel the need to shiver anymore.” <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
“Could it have possibly been a defense mechanism? Was he just trying to protect himself in advance?” We are making PROGRESS
Chapter 11 :
My heart is non existent.The way Oc swallows her feelings to protect Yerin and stands up for her ❤️
I want to thank you for introducing a gay character in your story also Yoongi is one of the most interesting character in the story.
The way everything is slowly coming to a conclusion and every piece of the puzzle settles in the right place is so damn satisfying UGH
The scene where OC confronts Jk is so fucking satisfying, a masterpiece, 10/10, everything I wanted to hear come out of her mouth, my girl knows what’s up and won’t let this fucker get away with it.
"I've told you since day one that I'm not that kind of guy. God, can you even imagine me in a relationship?" he says with a derisive snort that feels like a punch to your stomach, "Did you honestly think that you could trap me into one with sex, ___? Or with a kiss? Come on. Get real." Your insecurities are showing asshole
"I hope you get over this soon, ___," he tells you in a sincere tone, "So we can get back to the way things were." Fight me in a parking lot salopard de merde
“Well, at least you've learned your lesson now.” I had to take a pause after this part 
"What if they were my parents?" he asks in a quiet voice, "My siblings? My community back home? The people I love most in this world? What would you have me do then?" As a closeted bisexual this one hit close to home
“But Yoongi turns to you with an incredulous look, "You can't be serious. Anyone with eyes could tell that Kook is completely whipped for you. Where is this coming from?” Yoongi is my man 
"You're a fucking coward." My thoughts exactly
Chapter 12 :
Getting through this chapter without crying is genuinely hard..All the girls standing up for themselves and not taking shit for the shitty men in their lives ???? YES PLEAse. And thank you for not only that but also including the girls that the story pushed us not to like that much up until now like Hyejin and Somin when really they were going through the same things as the holy trinity of best girls OC, Mijoo and Yerin. 
I have… mixed feelings and I feel like these feelings are exactly what OC has been feeling all along with the conflict between her beliefs and her heart. I wanted them to go through this and by being « willing » JK would have eventually just realized everything and stuff  because I love romance and shit. But I also want OC to get what she deserves, and it’s not that. I want them to have this happy ever after end but I feel like we won’t get that before long because as Hyejin pointed out, JK clearly needs to grow the fuck up.
"Oh, ___," she sighs your name.” Don’t mind me I’ll be crying over there 
“For a split second, you consider feigning ignorance. It would be so damn easy to laugh along with him and continue living this lie of being the cool, sporty tomboy who doesn't care about stupid "girly" things. After all, Hoseok isn't a bad guy. He's so handsome, popular, and kind. And he likes you. Someone actually likes you. Isn't that better than being alone? For a split second, you're tempted to grab his hand and flash him an award-winning smile. For a split second, you contemplate giving up all your morals and living a life of comfort with this lovely, charismatic man.” I love you so much for writing this
"Sexist?" he repeats in horror, "The fuck are you talking about?! I'm no sexist!" You’ve perfectly channeled the  and OC’s entire speech to him should be taught in school 
"We're just in different places right now," you inform him in a small voice, "It'll never work out, so please don't make this harder than it needs to be." I’m dying but also proud, producing
"I think I'll channel Somin and cut the toxicity out of my life." Attagirl 
To wrap up this overly long review, I want to say thank you to Tayegi for writing this piece and feeling generous enough to share it with us, reading this story and seeing the plot unravel, characters be introduced and developed was a true privilege. I rarely connect with the « reader » in reader fics and just say a random name in my head (or even 'your name ») but here, here… Never have I been so close to actually feeling like I’m the one in the fiction, not for the romance but for the way she is portrayed, for her ideas and how hard it is to stand by them sometimes, for her past and traumas. New rules is a masterpiece, and the fact that I connected to it on such a personal level, which, arguably could cloud my judgement, doesn’t make it any less.
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ryncorrect · 6 years
university!au: day6 young k
hello this is my first attempt of writing scenario or imagine or whatever you want to call it bshsnsnsbd and yes it should be young k bc i love him so much
actually i wasn’t sure if i should do college or university but because here in my country we don’t really have colleges (i think???) idk how they work so i’ll just go with university lol i hope this isn’t too bad ok lezgedit
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name: kang younghyun
major: business administration
other activities: bassist and vocalist of university band, part of faculty’s basketball team, vice president of music club, member of creative writing club
let’s be real kang younghyun will definitely be that Popular Student™ even though he’s not trying to be one
it’s just that he’s been and always will be a social butterfly
he can be easily found everywhere
sport events? he’s in
festivals? he’s performing with the band
speech competitions? count him in
seminars and all those stuffs? there he is
he enjoys being actively involved in a lot of things and everyone loves his enthusiasm
also he’s hot so there’s that
trust me he’s the embodiment of attractiveness i mean h a v e you seen him—
and despite of all his activities, he still manages to get decent good grades
of course there are days when he’s so exhausted from all the work it seems like he’s gonna pass out anytime but even then he still looks like he just showered under the fountain of youth
how is this possible
ngl half of the students have crush on him
the other half either haven’t realized it yet or just in denial
you’re the in denial part
i’m lame as fuck
you’ve heard a lot about this younghyun guy and you’ve even watched him performing once last summer
but,,,,,,, what’s the big deal
yes you admit he’s kinda cute
and kinda hot as well
too hot holy frick those thighs—
he sings well
also smart and hardworking
he’s fluent in english because he attended high school in canada
it must be nice being his friend ugh
but you’re too shy to approach him and you don’t think it’ll be worth the effort anyway
most of popular boys are so full of themselves and younghyun is probably no different, so you leave it as that
gotta save yourself the heartbreak oops bye
anyway whatever major you’re in, the first time you actually meet younghyun is in the writing club
there’s nothing wrong with being both a business major and a member of creative writing club, really
but honestly you don’t know why younghyun joined when all he does is literally nothing
he doesn’t show a lot of interest in shakespeare or stephen king or anything
he doesn’t even seem to like reading either
he’s just kinda
be there
everyone welcomes him anyway so whatever
and after some time you see that he’s actually really friendly and kind
needs help to translate anything from or to english? he’s always ready
wants to discuss some business issues and marketing strategies for your paper? he’s all ears
sometimes he cracks a joke at serious time which makes everyone laughs in the middle of book discussion
you laugh along anyway although his jokes are somewhat lame
just like this au
oh right have i mentioned his voice
that deep, smooth, sexy voice? yeah
no you don’t like him no you don’t no you—
however you and him barely interact because you’re not really good at chit-chat or small talks
if you’re an extrovert who likes chit chat then sorry my bad
the conversation you two usually have is like
“hey what’s up” “how was your day?” “the weather is nice today” “did you have lunch yet?” “see ya”
until one day you accidentally get a look of his notebook (in your defense, he kinda dozes off so you just want to check if he’s actually sleeping and the notebook just happened to be there, opened)
he’s?? writing a poem?????
“uhm no, it’s lyrics from my song…”
you’re amazed
yes we’re that easy
“is that why you joined this club? to help you writing lyrics?”
he nods and smiles sheepishly
soul: sold
uwu: spilled
so yeah from there you two start to talk a lot more
surprisingly you two have similar taste of music thanks god
he tells you that he’s into composing these days and he wants to perform his own songs in front of people one day
you recommend some books that you hope can help
he admits that he never finishes any books you lend him because he ends up falling asleep but okay we know boi is busy af
you and him spend time together outside the club either watching movies, books or CDs hunting, or just hanging out for coffee
sometimes you ask him to sing you a song because whenever he plays guitar he’s like all focused and his fingers move so prettily and honestly we you will Die™ for his singing voice okay he’s really that good if you disagree you’re an alien
he says you have to pay for it
don’t worry he knows we university students are broke he just wants jjajangmyeon
he eats five portions of it and has stomachache later what a loser
you cry hard watching sad movies and are embarrassed, also your face is swollen oml
“it’s okay, you still look cute”
you outside: shut up younghyun
him calling you cute whenever there’s a chance and you dying
him spamming you selcas he takes in class secretly, in the bathroom (im not talking about dick pics dw), and in the band practice room
“my phone lags younghyun pls stop”
*he sends 27 more*
“okay who’s that behind you?”
“huh? it’s jae”
“wow he’s,,,, really cute. say hello to him for me”
he ignores your reply and resends the selca after he cuts jae off it
“how about now? does he look cute?”
...really younghyun
at this point no one ever says “just date already” because everyone thinks you two already are
but you aren’t dating
just being younghyun’s friend is enough for you
or perhaps it isn’t but apparently tumblr has 100 blocks limit on phone so i can’t write more than this ahsjsnhansjsnnsh
oooookay that’s all I have im sorry for the shitty content i just love day6 and i barely find anything about them here so i just,,,, want to contribute,,,,,, excuse my mistakes and grammar errors as im still learning english lol and if you happen to read this until here,,, kindly leave me some words maybe? oK BYExzcx
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lvckpicks-blog · 5 years
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( jung yoonoh, cismale, he/him, 24. ) — alexander "lex” khang, better known to the media as eros has been working for the yōkai for around six years. rumor has it, he can be ebullient & versatile but also cocky & licentious which is why he makes the perfect safe cracker.
you can find a picture of the mask he wears during heists HERE & HERE!! though he’s customized it so that the led lights change frequently.
hi wow hello!! i’m caitlyn, 24, she/her, cst timezone. and honestly?? i am in fucking AWE of every single one of you ?!!!!!! from the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking interest in this rp & for being as encouraging and positive as you have been. words cannot express how grateful i am for each and every single one of you ?!!! whenever this idea came to me, i didn’t think it would ever take off like it has & the out pour of love and support i’ve gotten is absolutely incredible. i could go on and on for hours about how much i seriously do appreciate it, but i’d turn into an emotional lil bitch and ain’t nobody got time for that so moving on !!
this is lex, he’s a mess and a half but honestly.... i can’t ever play characters that aren’t a trashy mess with an even worse backstory so here we GO!!! there’s some basic stats, bio, personality and basic af plot ideas under the cut so if you’d like to plot like this or hmu!!!
TW: mentions of alcohol & death. ( car crashes / house fires )
general information.
full name: alexander khang. nickname(s): alex, lex. date of birth: october 31st, 1994. age: twenty-four. nationality: korean. spoken languages: english, korean, chinese, japanese, french, spanish, german & russian. gender: cismale. pronouns: he / him / his. sexuality: bisexual. faceclaim: jung yoonoh ( jaehyun ) of nct.
hometown: ulsan, south korea. current residence: tokyo, japan. financial status: upper class. occupation: safe cracker. family connections: tba.
extra information.
myers briggs: entp-a. ( the debater. ) enneagram: eight. ( the challenger. ) temperament: choleric. moral aligment: neutral evil. hogwarts house: slytherin. sin: wrath. virtue: pride. zodiac: scorpio. element: fire.
born and raised in korea.
parents spoiled him and his sister to death and made sure both of them had everything they needed to be happy.
however, whenever him & his sister were young, they lost their parents to a house fire and they were forced to go into the foster care system.
he wouldn't allow him & his sister to be separated, so they ended up being in the system for a long time until an american family took interest in both of them.
and before they even realized what was going on, lex & his sister were being shipped off to the states to meet their new family.
things were... different there, their new parents still spoiling them to death but everything around them was completely new and strange.
n bc of that, and because of the fact that lex couldn't communicate with his new parents, he began to rebel.
he started sneaking out of the house, breaking into places he shouldn't have been in.. going to parties even when he was underage and all sorts of things like that.
but he took an affinity to anything that had to do with picking locks, noticing that it kept his mind focused all while continuing to be able to 'rebel' in various sorts of ways.
after that, he focused on that, buying locks of all sorts until there wasn't a thing he couldn't break into.
however, the standard locks started to become boring, technology starting to be more and more prominent in the world so he started to teach himself how to hack as well.
not just into things, but how to 'pick' technologically advanced locks and everything like that.
he started to become so interested in that lifestyle, that he went to trade school for it.
but what he didn't expect was to meet someone there in the process, lex falling head over heels the second he laid eyes on them.
and god, he was smitten. ready to marry them within six months of meeting them. after proposing on a date and them saying yes, things were starting to kick into gear.
soon after, the wedding was planned and a date was set, but the wedding would never happen and lex wouldn't be able to spend the rest of his life with them.
his fiance was taken from him in a car accident, one he blames himself for to this day because they were headed to meet him to talk about the possibility of adopting a baby bc they couldn't have one & bc lex knew what it was like to be in the foster care system and wanted to be able to pull someone else out of that situation.
after that, alexander began to let his grief consume him, finding his home to be a bar stool at the nearest bar, drinking his sorrows away until someone practically had to carry him home.
that's when he met the mastermind of the crew, the other being nice enough to drive lex home from the bar one evening due to how intoxicated he was.
the mastermind happened to catch onto the fact that lex was very much into picking locks, into breaking into things that 'couldn't' be broken into and so he offered lex a job. quick money, no one would know it was lex at the end of the day and a reputation that'd soar for years to come.
it was then that lex's life started to turn around ever-so-slightly, becoming the best ( and only ) safe cracker that the yōkai had ever seen.
he started to grow happier, or so it seemed.
lex started to hide his grief, started to pretend he was just a happy-go-lucky goof ball on the outside while continuing to drink himself to sleep at night just to be able to get some sleep at all.
but he tried to control it as much as he could, tried to keep it inwards and not let it effect him or his job, and he never did.
alexander was/is a completely different person when he's on a heist & when the crew is all at HQ together.
the only person that knows about lex’s sister and fiance is the mastermind, though he does often send big chunks of his cuts to his sister so that his niece and nephew can remain happy, healthy and equally as spoiled as he and his sister were.
he doesn’t talk about his past life, nor does he really like opening up so very few people can see that there’s a grieving person behind the goofy exterior he tends to have.
hides behind a wall of sarcasm, cockiness, and lust.
doesn’t really care to get to know people and had a tendency to push people away before they get too close to him. because he really… doesn’t want to get hurt again & doesn’t want to put them @ risk.
but will also tease and mess with literally everyone.
wears glasses to read and mess w computers, but hates them a lot and probably won’t wear them if people are around.
is …. stubborn as hell and refuses to ask for help with anything.
his motorcyle and cars are literally his babies ??? like he ?? has a problem ??
a hotmess
loves halloween so much?? he gets so hype for that holiday it’s unreal.. even if it is his bday.
fluent in a lot of languages, picked them up so that he didn’t need translators for heists n such.
lowkey worried that people will figure out that he’s actually v hurt inside because that’ll cause him to start having to deal with his feelings again, and he doesn’t wanna do that.
is the biggest flirt you will ever meet?? like if he’s speaking 2 u… its usually flirty as hell unless it has 2 do w business or he’s just known u for centuries ?
will try to get everyone to go to bars n parties with him because that’s his life in a nutshell ??
hella nerd on the inside though like owns so many comic books, loves to play video games, read books, plays piano / violin & all that jazz.
super, super intelligent. could probably work @ nasa but instead he decided to do what he does & he honestly… ain’t complaining.
drinks..heavily..  like every night?? it’s a problem tbh.
he cares… god he cares so much about people and the world but he pretends to hate everything because it’s easier than letting people in.
full of horrible and cheesy pick up lines and jokes and frequently texts people said pick up lines and jokes.
owns a book that is full of nothing but blank pages and keeps it on his coffee table because he ‘relates’ to it.
is a highkey hoe but he keeps it on the dl
super into fitness as it’s a way to keep him away from drinking every evening. ( that doesn’t work lol )
loves boxing so much and can be seen at the gym quite a bit.. also has bruised knuckles 24/7 because of it as it’s a way to take out his aggression and feelings out on a punching bag?
speaking of… anger issues af. well... grief turned into anger.
actually super kind and caring once you’re able to see get past his wall?? which is really hard to do due to his job but if u do it he’ll cherish u.
has a bad habit of smoking whenever he’s stressed out, which is usually all of the time so he smokes…. more than he should.
highkey into cuddling and all the cute shit like that but would literally never tell a soul because then they’d see that he isn’t such a hardass.
is a burnt cupcake who has really good intentions but has extremely horrible execution skills. ( and no i don’t mean the violent kind bc he’s actually v good @ that )
plot ideas.
bad influence. ( on your muse. )
best friends.
childhood friend.
current hook up(s).
drinking buddies.
drunken hook up.
enemies that used to be friends.
exes who ended on bad terms.
friends that used to be enemies.
friends with benefits.
good influence. ( on lex. )
hate sex.
one night stand(s). ( past & present. )
partner in crime.
party buddies.
past hook up(s).
ride or die.
trouble makers.
unlikely friends.
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patexie · 6 years
Some “Atem after coming back” headcanons
Sooo some time ago @amatsubuart made a post with a lot of very good Atem headcanons and I got inspired to write some of my own !
There are also some Kaiba headcanons tying into them,,
* Atem has a very hard time getting used to the 21st century. It wasn’t that hard for him before because he didn’t have to understand anything, he had the comfort of going back into the puzzle and he had nothing to compare it to bc he didn’t have his memories. But now, he has his memories of AE and even lived in it for a few years through the Afterlife. So the differences are huge and can be overwhelming and disheartening
* More on that last point; he has quite a lot trouble getting used to the noise. All the people, all the cars, traffic, TVs, radios, phones, machinery, etc. It can just be too much. And he still has some problems with identifying certain sounds that would be evident for everyone around him (like a car’s alarm going off and he’s freaking out bc he thinks some great danger is coming or something)
* He doesn’t quite understand everything of the 21st century, so he has a certain child-like and genuine curiousity towards everything that’s new to him
* He’s pretty religious. He grew up worshipping the Egyptian gods and back in his time religion was handled a whole lot differently. So he prays a lot, makes offerings and even has a shrine. Well, especially now that he remembers the gods, he still feels somewhat guilty for losing his memories about them and therefore neglecting them
* He and Kaiba sometimes get into fights over his religion. Kaiba doesn’t quite believe in anything and finds Atem believing in “fairy tales” to be ridiculous and unbelievable. Sometimes he ends up offending Atem and his luck goes very down until Atem forgives him. Kaiba never said a thing about this to Atem because he knows Atem would have that smug look on his face and claim it’s the Gods’ punishment for insulting them. He tries to racionalize these times as just coincidences and to find some reason behind them, but sometimes he’s at loss for explanation (for example once his perfect systems shut down and he couldn’t get any work done or fix them, but as soon as he and Atem made up his systems started working perfectly again)
* Even tho he enjoys being with the Yugi friend gang, he also enjoys being alone and being with Kaiba (even if they aren’t doing anything together and do their own stuff next to each other)
* Neither him nor Kaiba ever talk about what happened during those times Kaiba went to visit him in the Afterlife and just how he managed to get Atem to return with him. But they had formed a much more stable bond than before and its apparent in both of their behaviors (Kaiba’s calmer and more balanced and Atem’s a lot more patient and forgiving towards Kaiba. Plus the both of them are less violent when it comes to competition)
* From time to time Kaiba goes as far as to give Atem difficult maths and logical puzzle books to keep his mind busy. They still play Duel Monsters, but not as much as they used to. Now they play a lot of different games and make a competition out of almost everything to challenge each other
* Both Kaiba and Yugi (+ his friend group) are protective of Atem. They lost him once and that’s something non of them would let happen again. Tho this isn’t all that obvious and they show this protectiveness in different ways (Yugi’s very caring to the point of being motherly and overcautious, Kaiba’s overly possessive and Anzu, Joey and Tristan would beat up anyone who even tried to lay a hand on Atem). Atem doesn’t understand why everyone seems to think he needs that much protection as he can look out for himself just fine, but he’s grateful nonetheless
* He lives with Yugi and Solomon and tries to take out his part in the chores around the house as much as possible. But he also has his own room at the Kaiba’s where he stays at from time to time
* He looks at Yugi like a twin brother and Solomon like a grandpa/father. He doesn’t care they aren’t his biological family, he still treats and loves them as such
* He still has his shadow powers and even tho he has more control over them, he barely uses them. Tho they can go out of control when he has a panic attack or something of that caliber
* Beside the mind crushing thing, he also has other powers, such as at times seeing ghosts, pyrokinesis, telekinesis and just having a huge energy power thing in general ((tho this is very much just a personal headcanon and ties into my au in which Atem is divine and the Egyptian Gods were present during his childhood, but more on that maybe later))
* He’s very lucky on the basis and his instincts are pretty much always spot-on, so things usually conveniently go his way
* Whenever he’s very bored, he reads books about AE and Egyptian mythology. This usually ends up with him either laughing or getting angry at how much they got wrong. But sometimes certain books and authors impress and surprise him if they turn out to be accurate
* He actually picked up the habit of talking with Ishizu from time to time. She gives him comfort bc she reminds him a lot of his era and she can talk with him about AE. He also tends to help out with translating/reading hieroglyphics and clearing up stuff about AE (like traditions, life in general, religion, etc)
* As Kaiba and Ishizu became sort of business partners, Kaiba sometimes flies out to Egypt to have business meetings with her. And he started taking Atem with him as well (just Atem, anyone else in addition would be too much). And Atem’s very grateful, he feels more at home there even if it makes him very sad bc he misses his former friends, family and people
* His fashion style is either very elegant or baggy everything and there’s no inbetween. Also lots of gold jewelry
* As his biggest fear is becoming useless, Yugi and their friend group try to keep him busy as much as they can. Ishizu tends to give him work by having him help out with AE-ian stuff. Kaiba sometimes calls him for help (which is never stated) with some of his newest technologies, mainly with testing or finding shortcuts. In addition, he also does voluntary work and helps out at different organizations like animal shelters
* More about him helping out Kaiba. Atem’s thinking and problem-solving is a lot different from anyone else’s. He grew up in a completely different era where people believed completely different things and interpreted the laws of physics in different ways. He knows how his people built the pyramids and follows the same mathematical calculation style. So whenever Kaiba gets really tangled up in his programming or calculations, Atem goes and approaches the problem on hand in a very different mannerism and usually gets a much quicker way to the correct answer or answers. Sometimes even Kaiba can’t properly understand just how Atem’s logic work
* He’s fluent in Japanese, but whenever he gets overwhelmed he starts talking in his native tongue. Solomon, Ishizu and Kaiba are the only ones who can more or less understand him and talk to him (tho Yugi also has been trying to learn ancient Egyptian and take up classes on it). And he also picked up on some English and Arabic
* As he sort of just appeared out of nowhere, they had to get all his papers made. And that process would have been a hella lot more difficult if Kaiba didn’t help out and get all of them done for Atem. It was never said why exactly he did it, but it was because he was grateful for Atem’s return and he has problems with saying thank you or expressing his feelings
* He has a bad habit of getting a bit too “royal” at times and someone needs to pull him back by telling him to stop. He got used to being the pharaoh and being treated and looked at as a sort of god, so at times he picks up a more demanding tone and orders others around, which reminds everyone of Kaiba more than Atem himself
* Thanks to getting his memories back and getting back into ruling, he has a bigger respect-demanding authorial vibe to him. He grew up in royalty and in being believed he was divine, so he was taught to have the stance of a king all the time
* He tells a lot of stories about his Gods to Yugi. He grew up on them, so they are dear to him and Yugi’s interested in listening to them. They are kind of like bedtime stories to Yugi, they have that kind of charm. And even tho Kaiba says they are bullshit and doesn’t believe in them, he’s willing to listen to these stories as well (alongside Mokuba, who openly enjoys and looks forward to them)
* He loves animals and they seem to love him as well. Stray animals always let him pet them, especially how he often gives them food. He can’t have a pet on his own tho
* He and Anzu never got together. He never had such feelings for her and her feelings sort of faded during those years when he was gone. But he’s rooting for Anzu and Yugi to get together and tries to help Yugi out even tho he has no dating experience
* He has a lot of dreams regarding AE. Most of them good, but also some bad ones like reliving his death. Some of the good dreams feel like they are the way his dead friends are communicating with him. And regardless of if it’s good or bad, after waking up he almost always cries himself back to sleep bc he feels regret and just misses his friends and family so much
* He has gotten used to the very warm weather and the constant sunshine, so being in Japan, where it’s colder and the sun shines less, has taken a toll on him. He got used to it with time, but he still gets moody bc of it at times and he has a lower cold-tolerance than most people (but at the same time he can take the heat much better than everyone around him)
* It didn’t exactly thunder in the Afterlife. There were some light rains, but that’s about it. So during the first few months of coming back, he would go outside whenever it was really raining and there were a lot of lightnings. And ofc whoever he was spending the night at (mostly Yugi, sometimes Kaiba) had to drag him back inside so he wouldn’t catch a cold. This adoration for thunders didn’t go away, but with time he learnt to just watch them through a window
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nctjournal · 6 years
Forgotten (Jeno)
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word count: 2312
An au where you and jeno were the duo in school, and you were close friends when you two were little, but as soon as you transferred to a different school, you lost contact with him.
A/N: i miss writing so here i am, and i’m making this female reader bc it’s easier on me and i end up using female pronouns like halfway through writing. this might get really messing, just a warning bc all of this is literally from my head. for once this is really bad sorry
I know it’s mentioned in the description but you two were the duo in school
And you two were adorable together when you guys were young
You guys would always pair up when it’s a co-ed project
Even though jeno has other friends when it comes to having to work with the same gender
You don’t,,,,
You didn’t rely on jeno for communication or anything
Interacting just wasn’t your thing
Even though that’s pretty much used in every scenario but oh well
Then a few months into the second year in school together, your mom decided to move back to the states
Family issues
We’re not gonna get into that
You feel like you forgot how to speak english bc of how often you talk to jeno erugiherg
And with that, your parents decided to get you a new phone
Your dumb butt decided not to transfer your contacts as you just thought you were gonna never talk to them again
You still have that phone, but it’s dead bc you never charge it
You still continue your path of singing and dancing, but you mainly focused on singing
And you have a sibling who’s focusing on dancing
Guess it matches well
You two just used youtube to share your works
Of course your sister is more known bc you hardly use your social media nor post videos
You’re only known for your covers since it’s the audio your sibling uses for their covers
Only you used a different name to go by on social media, bc your parents wanted you to, and they wouldn’t let you if you used your real name
Sometimes you appear in your sibling’s videos for dance covers, and whenever someone asks who you are, your sibling just answers ‘just a friend who agreed to do a cover with me’
Yes your entire face is pretty much covered by a hat and mask
On jeno’s side of the whole story
We know what he’s doing
But he’s been focused on it so much that he basically forgot you
One day, you were searching through youtube and found a video with him as a thumbnail
You checked it out and you couldn’t help but smile in awe
It’s so nice to see your friend finally debuting
Oh yeah, your sibling knows you were close friends with jeno
Bc you talk to them on your free time
Your parents don’t hate each other, but they’re not married anymore
Sounds complicated and i’m sorry for that ewiuhgiuerhg
Apparently you live in one of the places that sm does their monthly auditions
And a few months later, when you actually have time
Your sibling tried to convince you to go with them
Honestly you were fine being a normal cover channel
Which isn’t that popular but that doesn’t stop you from singing
And you had a job too which you were completely fine with
But even your parents wanted you to go
Which means you were going
Tbh you really didn’t want to go
You knew there was training involved and you HATE training your vocals
Even though you can still speak korean perfectly fine, you feel like you're gonna end up butchering it
If you get accepted anyways
It was coming soon and you two were planning your thing
Your sibling was so good with coming up with choreography that you knew they were gonna get in
You KNEW it
You on the other hand
Not so confident
Everyone keeps telling you to be confident
You nod but you just can’t
You’re just gonna wing it since you can’t not be nervous
Then the day comes
And how nice, it was the day nct dream decided to come visit the auditions
You didn’t know that but apparently everyone else did
When your family got to the place, your nervousness skyrocketed
You were definitely not prepared for this
You wore your usual attire that you wear in your sibling’s videos
When you guys came in, many people recognized your sibling
When you guys got your numbers, you waited
While you waited, you two played games, mainly hand games
And you two stretched and then just chilled until your numbers were called
When your numbers are called, you both went
You can feel everyone staring at you
Like, why are you wearing a hat and a mask when they need to see who you are??
When you entered the room, there was nct dream and your sibling almost freaked out
You motioned them to calm down and they did
Let’s make this the we young era so they’re all wearing their sailor clothes
“Excuse me, miss, can you please take off your hat and mask?” you hear one of them say
Who said it?
Mark did, but you didn’t know who he was
You apologized and did as asked
You fixed your hair as you took off your hat and mask
Your hair is average length, so you didn’t need to worry about it getting into your face too much
You two greeted in english so they know who’s who
You guys were getting ready the dance portion of your performance
You can feel one of them staring at you
Of course it was jeno
But it was a stare as if he was trying to remember something
Yet his memory failed him
Then you guys started and BOY YOU WERE GUYS POWERFUL
You were showing off your moves when you had a solo part
And same with your sibling
You didn’t see dream’s faces, but they were surprised and amazed by both of your dancing skills
You look like you wasted so much of your energy on dancing
“Y/N, you said you were going to sing too, do you have the energy for it?” one of the judges say
You didn’t answer, instead, your sibling did
“You’re just underestimating her stamina.” they said softly, but some of the members in dream heard them
You were given a hand mic
Like a normal person would, you checked the mic, and luckily it was working
Luckily, you’ve been doing covers of english songs, and even same some songs that you wrote both in korean and english
Mostly for your sister’s dance covers but you also sing osts
Instead you just sang an english song you really like
Your sibling is standing in the back and swaying side to side as you sang
It’s seems like an emotional song, but it’s really bc how your voice is and the song
When you were done, the judges nod and wrote down something on the paper
Your sibling gave you your water bottle as you were busy clearing your dry throat
Time skip bc my uncreative butt got in the way
After your private auditions, you and your sibling got to meet again
Of course you had your hat and mask back on as you left the room
You’re dying from heat since you’re wearing all black but you couldn’t care less
Your sibling tried to get you to take off the hat and the mask while fanning you
But you refused since you were in a room with a bunch of other people who didn’t know you were the other person dancing in your sibling dance covers
Skipping again bc i’m dumb
Results came a few days later as you were just chilling and singing to a random song
“Y/N!!!!!” you hear your sibling yelling from another room
Instead of yelling back, you walk over to the room they were in
And as usual they’re in their practice room
“Did you check your email?”
And you went
But your sibling decided to follow you to your recording room which your dad still kept
Thank god
“Did you get in?” you ask
“Yeah, surprisingly.”
“Surprisingly? Dude, I didn’t see their face, but I’m what I saw in my side vision, those kids were surprised and impressed by your dancing!”
Your sibling laughed, “oh shut up!”
“Besides, aren’t you happy you passed?”
“I am!”
“You don’t seem like it.”
Then you checked your email
It’s not there
Your sister was confused
But then you checked your spam and there it was
You wondered why it was in your spams, but then you remembered so many people wanted to scout you and you just kept rejecting them to the point that you just ignored their emails
You clicked and there was the email
It’s in all in korean, great
And your sibling didn’t understand it bc her email was in English
You read it like a book and you made a face
“What did it say?” you sibling asked
“They accepted me, but they want me to sing face to face.”
“Why? Were you too good for just a recording?”
“Oh shut up!”
You were ready to fight your sibling
But apparently your parents were listening and willing to have you go back to korea for it
“Well, back to Seoul I guess.” you say
Luckily staying in the city isn’t an issue, since you have a family there
When your sibling and everyone else has left, you stared at your old phone
You could backup your contacts now, but all of your friend contacts are useless to you, knowing they completely forgot about you
Now you gotta plan the flight and pack or else your family is gonna rush you
By family, i just mean your sibling
Of course they’re excited, bc they’ve never been out of the states before
Then when the time came, your mom and your sister was ready
Your dad decided to stay to watch over the house
So when you guys finally made it to seoul, you guys were greeted by your family
Your sibling was so lost and you told your side of the family about them
They still seemed confused, but you’ll translate for them later
Tbh you would have done it a few months later but them you would have to go through the whole audition process again and that alone was already draining
Skipping to the part when you actually went to the building itself
Already you could feel yourself getting lost in this gigantic building
Luckily there was someone who’s willing to show you the way
Haha guess who
Lee jeno himself of course
Of course you didn’t feel any different than before
And your sibling still clung onto you and tried to hide from jeno, which caused you to walk slower than usual
Jeno turned around as he noticed how slow you were going
“Is everything okay?”
You nod
But how long has it been since you heard someone else speak korean other than your mom?
Too long
You guys just continued walking until you got to the room and you see some adults in it
“Ah, Are you Y/N?” someone in the room asked
You nodded
Probably they didn’t know who you were bc this time, you didn’t hide your face and you wore some color for once
Jeno was nice enough to stay so he could lead you out of the building
They asked you a few questions
One was what school did you go to
You just answered that you went to Seoul School of Performing Arts for a year and transferred to a general public school
Apparently they didn’t know you could speak korean well
Your sibling was surprised that you went to that school
You knew they’re going to talk so much after all this is over
Now they got to the part where you had to sing for them
God this was like the audition all over again
You expected music, but apparently they want you to sing an acapella
Your brain is like
‘I don’t do acapellas but ok’
You sang
You can feel your sibling being proud of you again
You basically used your water bottle as a mic
When you were done, you listened to the adults giving you comments
Apparently some complimented on your korean, ok then
Anyways, great news! You got accepted!!
Your sibling tackled you into a hug and you almost fell
You can hear clapping from Jeno
Then there’s someone yelling, “There you are, Jeno!”
He looked over and smile, “Sorry, I was showing someone where to go.”
They popped their heads in and found you struggling to get your sibling off
It seems like the adults have already left
“Oh, it’s them again!” one of them said
You two look over and your sibling immediately dragged you in front of them
You almost lost your balance
The kid with the purple hair laughed at you
Yep that’s chenle
But you didn’t know that
Yes this is during the we young era and i don’t remember if i mentioned that already
You introduced yourself and your sibling
They’re so pleased to meet you
They introduced themselves too
Then chenle had a thought
“Jeno-hyung, didn’t you have a friend that went to the same school as you?”
Jeno’s just ‘??? what are you talking about?’
Then chenle’s just ‘nevermind’
You look at your sibling and they just looked at you and you know how upset they are that he forgot about you
Tbh mark knows you from school too (from jeno) and luckily he remembers you
Apparently mark wanted to talk to you in private and you nodded
When you followed mark to a different room, he just sighed
“What’s wrong?” you had to ask
“It’s not about me, it’s Jeno.”
“?? what’s wrong with him??”
“Were you Jeno’s friend in school?”
Answering a question with a question is not cool mark
“Yeah… well i WAS.”
“So you kinda knew that he forgot about you?”
“Yep, and it’s not the first time a friend has forgotten about me.”
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oohashirei · 6 years
I have to get this out of my system or else i’m gonna regret some things that i might do.
if you’ve been following me for about 2 years you’d notice that i only really talked about two guys: M and my photographer tease. Both of those guys, I ultimately had a sad romantic ending with (and I can’t blame either parties). But… there’s this one guy I never talked about because I’ve been repressing my feelings about him, or the lack of the kilig factor thereof.
Let’s call him L. Like any other typical wattpad story written by a pre-pubescent Filipina (not degrading them though, they ARE adorable, just a bit cliché), it all starts during my first year in college, only I didn’t meet him during the first semester, or have any meet cutes with him on the first day. I met him through a mutual friend.
My friend and I were supposed to enroll in the last section for that semester but they didn’t open it for block students so we didn’t have a choice but to enroll at a random open section (where I met many of the friends I still have now). In the section we really wanted, there was our other friend who enrolled late. So now we have friend 1 (classmate) and friend 2 (not my classmate). Friend 1, 2, and I always went home together because of our long commutes and, because Friend 2 was bound to have other friends, she did, and there was this one guy we went home with because of the same route. It was L.
L wasn’t very shy since my Friend 1 was very talkative and accomodating while I was your typical shy girl who still had really bad social anxiety at the time (now it’s just bad). I didn’t even know what our Friend 2 thought of when, one day, she suddenly just said “Bagay kayong dalawa” (idek how to translate it without ruining the thought. It just basically means that we look compatible as a couple).
It all started with those three words (wow i wanna make a story outta this one. seems nice).
And since I was your typical shy protagonist and main love interest, I had a crush on him but I didn’t tell. It wasn’t that of a big deal for me though, it was just a crush afterall.
It was near the end of the semester when my Friend 1 and I successfully made him shift from English to Math (majors) so now we were all classmates for the following year!
And comes second year, the three of us were like peas in a pod. We didn’t know the other classmates yet so we just stuck to each other. Maybe it was at this point when I slowly got serious with my studies that my crush on him was, like, wiped out. But, like I said earlier, typical wattpad story, it was also by this time when he started developing a crush on me.
I forgot if it was the first or the second semester but my Friend 1 and, our newfound, Friend 3 (also our classmate) confronted him. Friend 3 said that she had a feeling so they talked to him about it and he admitted it. He liked me, but wouldn’t pursue because we were classmates. And I understand completely. It’s difficult to have a classmate who is also your partner (bc imagine the fights).
Word spread like crazy. We were just 21 in the class (major subjects) so it wasn’t a surprise. I talked to my other classmates about this and said “Please don’t let this get out. My friend (from that section that I didn’t want to be in during the past sem) likes L and I don’t want to ruin our friendship.” (I applaud 2015 me for being Ms. Congeniality but also I hate 2015 me bc she’s a martyr).
I knew. He knew that I knew. We didn’t talk about it. Worst decision to do, if you ask me.
This was about the time when I started liking M and my classmates asked me, not only once, when the guys weren’t around.
“So, -Name-, sinong pipiliin mo? Si M o si L?” (So, -Name-, who will you choose? M or L?)
I chose M.
Third year rolled around, he got closer to the guys instead of Friends 1 and 3 and I, which was bound to happen. We were all still friends though, don’t worry. We pretended like there wasn’t anything bothering the two of us. We pretended like there wasn’t this whole knowledge that, yes, there’s chemistry, yes we look compatible, yes, at some point, I liked him, and he liked me but at different times.
It was also by this time that he had a girlfriend.
I was shocked at first but it didn’t matter. He can get over crushes. I know I did with him, so it was possible, vice versa.
But he couldn’t, really.
Third year was the year when I got hospitalized for dengue. The doctor said that Wednesday would be my crucial date, when it would be possible to know if I need a transfusion or not if my platelet count dropped lower. It did, only it didn’t reach the minimum for me to need more platelets (I still thank God so much for this chance).
It was about a week or two after when I went back to school and the first thing my friends (1 & 3) told me about wasn’t schoolwork, it was the people who consistently asked. I can still remember my friends’ excited whispers when I got to school, before classes started (i’m actually a bit teary at this because i’ve missed them so much).
“-Name-, alam mo kung sino naka-miss sayo?” (Do you know who missed you?)
“-Name-, alam mo kung sino yung tanong ng tanong tungkol sayo?” (Do you know who keeps on asking about you?)
I didn’t.
They told me.
It was L.
Maybe it was at this point when I realized that his crush on me really dissipated. But it didn’t trun to zero. It turned to something more.
He greeted me when he came (late) to class like he wasn’t looking for me for the past week.
And somehow, he was the only person who has eyes I couldn’t quite read.
We thought it was going to end during this year. Controversy was silenced for the rest of junior year.
We confirmed it during senior year. It was the last chance to do something for us all. I joined council and club as the last legacy to leave.
I remember this was also around the time when my feelings for my photographer tease came to. It was September. I remember awarding our members with their medals. I remember L sitting, playing games on his phone. I remember the cheers of our club members as I gave my photograper tease his award and as we took a picture together. I remember how I felt my cheeks burn, and, if it had not been for the fact that I was dark skinned, I would’ve turned red.
I also remember one of my classmates yelling “Uy, teka, baka may nagseselos!” (Wait, someone might get jealous!).
I remember him shaking his head and telling them that he wasn’t.
That was a rocky time for us. It turned awkward. Maybe because we were slowly having our own separate lovelives instead of together? Maybe it was because it was unbelieveable?
But October rolled in, and we had our team building. By the end of the night, all of the club members were sitting around a table and I, of all people, proposed to play spin the bottle. I coincidentally sat exactly at the opposite seat with L’s close friend (who was also my close friend).
I volunteered to spin the bottle. It landed on me and his close friend. I can never forget that devious smile on his face and I can never forget the moment when I felt all eyes on me.
I was on the hot seat.
And every senior knew what question to ask.
But his close friend asked the wrong question.
“-Name-, who is your crush?”
I told them the truth. It was my photographer tease. They all knew the answer but weren’t satisfied. It wasn’t the question they all wanted.
Friend 3 wanted to ask me again, telling L’s close friend that the question was wrong, but we spun and let the others do it. More confessions were made, many things were said, many hot questions were asked.
By some stroke of bad luck again, it landed on Friend 3 and L. She turned to me, not wanting to ask L a question. Instead, she asked me, loud and clear as the skies that midnight, and all members could hear.
“-Name-, sinong mas pipiliin mo? Si photographer tease o si L?” (Who will you choose? Photographer tease or L?)
I didn’t want to break anyone’s heart. At least not again.
I chose my photographer tease.
They all turned to L who was the only one present.
“Oh, L, sinong pipiliin mo? Girlfriend mo o si -Name-?” (L who will you choose? Your girlfriend or -name-?)
“Well, kung mag-iisip kang logically, girlfriend ko.” (Well if you will think logically, my girlfriend.)
He stopped. He just… stopped. I wanted him to explain more, that he didn’t really like me like that, I’d accept it but… the way he said it. It was like he had no choice.
Later that night, I played with my other friends, including him, truth or dare. We weren’t planning to hide things so we always chose truth. It was the first time that he admitted that he had a crush on me, face to face.
But it didn’t bother us for the fact that we still had one last semester to go.
And on that semester, we interned in the same school, with the same schedule.
Whenever it was Monday, we’d go to class together. We’ll go from the school to the highway, to the university together. When we didn’t have classes, he’d insist on going grocery shopping with me or to go buy school supplies with me. When we were done, he’d bring me to where I would ride (about a 10 minute walk from the school). This was all despite the fact that we could part ways at the school’s gate and call it a day.
This was something I never told my friends. I knew that if I did, talks would arise again and I don’t want to bother their relationship. To hell if he wanted to make sure I was safe when I got home (we left school at 6 and it was dangerous to walk alone so I understand the sentiment).
But the fact is, it feels like we’ve progressed too far for being just friends.
At times my friends would tell me “mag bbreak din yan” (they will break up) and I just shrug. I don’t like breaking relationships, I cherish them. My students back then would ask me “Ma'am, kayo po ba?” (Are you together?) and when we say no they’d say “Sayang. Bagay pa naman po kayo” (It’s a shame, you are compatible together).
Maybe L would never by my the one that got away. Maybe L would just be the line I intersected with.
At some point I liked him, at some point, he liked me, but never at the same time.
To this day, when we’ve both grown professionally it’s nice to see that it’s not that obvious that there is this past talk about us. But there was this one faltering moment when we were walking down a street and a sound of an engine came from behind us and (I was walking nearer to the center and he was by the gutters) I pushed him to the side but not before he could make us switch places like, at that one moment, why did it have to happen?
Why did we have to happen?
1 note · View note
daesungindistress · 7 years
1) Different anon here, but there's also that humiliating punishment he was made to endure by standing outside naked. Don't think that can be explained by cultural differences since his neighbour was shocked and tried to help him. After telling that story at D-na, he kinda laughed it off and said he was drained of energy now and wanted to go home. In BB pre-debut documentary, he told a story of being quite young, complaining about some side dishes and his dad punished him by not allowing him to
eat for 3 days. I’m sorry, but so much of what Daesung has revealed over the years about his upbringing is disturbing and sad. It’s what has made me think that his humility and tendency to be easily scared/startled probably didn’t stem from the best circumstances. Also concerns me that he recently revealed that he thinks he would be a strict father bc of how he was brought up - I hope that doesn’t include the kind of pain and humiliation that was inflicted upon him as a child.
Thanks for writing. I’m just gonna go ahead and put my entire reply under a cut, to save dashes everywhere.
I’m glad you mentioned cultural differences. Because I was talking to another tumblr user some time ago about Daesung’s punishment where he was made to stand outside naked, and as much as it pains me to think about, I just couldn’t bring myself to condemn his father for it and, say, start screaming abuse. I definitely don’t like it and do find it disturbing, but even so, I can’t help wondering… though it seems extreme to me, could this perhaps be a matter of perspective? (Although, yes, his neighbor’s reaction might be a big red flag.)
Asian parents are notoriously strict. For example: one of my good friends is Chinese, born and raised in China until moving to the US at 10 years old, and based on some stories she’s shared with me… sometimes things are just… different over there. Right, China is not Korea, but still. Somehow, about a month ago, while with a group of friends, we all got to talking about our parents’ varying levels of strictness with us growing up. She told us of a time she almost got caught in a lie in high school for a fairly minor thing; said her life “flashed before her eyes,” and went on to explain how that’s not just an expression, that it really, truly felt that way. This was coming from someone not easily rattled.
At the risk of getting long-winded, let me explain that last bit. Back in college (which is where we met and became roommates), while visiting her parents for the weekend, their house was burglarized. She was there alone and the men who broke in tied her up and left her on the bed while they took what they could. She said one of them peeked under her skirt and asked how old she was, but otherwise left her alone (she told them she was… I don’t remember the exact age, but made herself out to be a minor, which she most definitely was not. Smart though). We met up at a pizza joint a few days later so she could tell me about it, and I’ll never forget sitting there across the table from her like, “…WHAT?!” I asked her if she was okay, surprised by her nonchalance over it all, and she just shrugged and said, well, yeah, and as far as I can tell it’s never really bothered her since.
Anyway… this is why that recent comment she made about how she feared her parents in her formative years really surprised me, knowing that she’s not easily shaken, and makes me a bit less inclined to think too hard on Daesung’s accounts of how his own parents chose to “scold” him (using his word). FWIW, my friend and her parents have a good relationship today; she meets them for lunch/dinner from time to time and speaks well of them… although she did say that if she were to live with her parents again she would still have a curfew– at 28 years old!
Look, I don’t like it either, these stories Daesung is sharing with us about how his father disciplined him as a child. I would never condone sending any child outside naked to humiliate them for some wrong committed. In a scenario like that I absolutely would have been the neighbor covering him up and ushering him inside. “Beating” him daily, whatever that means, also sounds bad for sure… though I’d like to know exactly what was meant by that since “beat” may have been the fan’s word for it, not Daesung’s. Semantics are important. (And keep in mind he’s speaking in Japanese, not his mother tongue; it’s possible something was lost in translation: from Korean->Japanese->English.) Lastly, while I understand sending a child to bed without dinner for being a picky eater, withholding meals for 3 days is way overdoing it (thanks for sharing, I hadn’t heard that). God, and to think I just reblogged a post a few days ago about how Daesung is “always looking forward to eating”… The thought of him suffering from hunger, of all things, hits me really hard. :(
Also like you, this is giving me second thoughts about how readily he submits to authority. Being well-mannered and respectful isn’t a bad thing at all, quite the contrary! But it’s terribly sad to think that this might have come about as a result of his father quite literally beating it into him. And how he scares when something comes at him suddenly… I’ve known people (my childhood best friend) who were easily startled seemingly for no particular reason, and I’ve always assumed Daesung’s case was the same, but after hearing these snippets I can’t help wondering. It is disturbing. It is sad.
However… the fact that he’s sharing these things so openly, on stage in front of hundreds (is that right? I don’t know how many are attending these smaller shows) gives me this nagging suspicion that these kinds of punishments might not be all that out of the ordinary where he’s from (coming back around to cultural differences). It’s possible that he’s doing so with the expectation that the fans in the audience, being almost entirely Japanese, are going to nod along with a kind of “been there, done that” mentality.After all, this is Daesung, who prefers to keep his thoughts and worries to himself and goes out of his way to avoid burdening others with his problems. D na Show is supposed to be a fun environment; I struggle to picture him revealing these things if he thought they would shock and appall, or deemed them too serious for such a setting. So for now I’m sort of… reading, frowning, filing it away, and moving on.
That said, I too am just a little concerned about his comments regarding being a “strict” father; it depends on what he means by that. It’s incredibly difficult for me to imagine him doling out such punishments, but if it’s how he was raised and it’s all he knows… maybe it’s not too far-fetched. At the same time, it’s not really any of my business how he chooses to raise his future kids. Anyway, that other tumblr user I talked with about this, she said something that I thought was beautiful and sad and hopeful all at once, and even though I still hesitate to use the term abuse I’d like to repeat her words here: “The abuse doesn’t always repeat itself. Sometimes it just chips away at love and trust.”
I know this has been all over the place so I’m gonna wrap it up, but if there’s one positive thing to come of this, it’s seeing Daesung’s courage and resilience made evident like never before. The fact that he was able to essentially defy his father’s wishes, not just risking his disapproval but actively working against it, now knowing more about how authoritative and intimidating he could be… Becoming a successful idol/singer in spite of doubts (his own, his father’s, and those of everyone else who didn’t think he had what it took)… is, I think, a testament to just how strong a person he really is.
(Editing to add: anyone who grew up in an Asian household, please feel free to write me to help shed some light on whether Daesung’s comments about his upbringing seem culturally “normal” or not. I’d hate to find that I’m being totally ignorant about this.)
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imsarabum · 8 years
Responses to {Part 22} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^
(I have also included asks that I received in the hours before IWSY was posted ^^)
@jynxy24 said: I'm re-reading IWSY and liking whatever I havem't liked because I'M EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER AHHHHHHHHHHH
That’s so amazing that you’re reading it again before reading the new chapter omg c: You’re awesome!!
Anonymous said: I'm not really sure why, but the description of Jungkook's manor gives me a kind of Irish vibe. Maybe it's because of the country kinda aura idk but it's so vivid to me, like near the coast hidden on a cliff behind a forest 😂
It’s funny that you should say that because I am currently in Ireland whilst writing the series! My mother is Irish so~ I’m quite touched that you see it like that! :3
Anonymous said: You know how Taehyung said he reads fanfics sometimes? Do you think he's reading I Won't Stop You?
I don’t think he would be able to understand IWSY because of it being in English (thank goodness lol bc I’d be so embarrassed) Unless someone translates it into Korean haha! But, no, I don’t think he is reading it thank gOD
@coppertopging said: *enters with goofy happy dance* 🎶it's tuesday!!🎵🎶
Yay!! Can I goofy dance with you?!
@qigoyangi said: Just have to say I love Iwsy it's defenetly number one in my list of best jungkook fanfic and I'm sooooo excited to hear what the reader/I really is/am.  Thank you soo much for writing and I love you °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
asdfghj thank you so much!! ahhh I really hope you enjoyed the update love ^^
@mondimple said: Hi~~ I just wanted to say that I really love your series IWSY 😍 I cant stop to read it again again while waiting for next chapter! You're the best 💕
Thank you so much for liking it honey! *hugs you* you’re amazing!
@mocking-butts said: I've been sitting on my computer waiting for the next part because im so excited and i can't sit still I know i won't be disappointed with this chapter. Hit me with the feels please.
Awh bless you love! I really hope I didn’t disappoint with this chapter, and I hope you enjoyed it my love ^^
@hemhings said: I thought yesterday was Tuesday and when 9:30 came I was like "what's going on?" Until I seen that it was only Monday😖 but it's Tuesday today!!!!! I'm super excited for this update! Thank you for writing this story💕💕
Thank you for getting super excited for it! And you’re so welcome, the pleasure is all mine my dear :D I hope you enjoyed it!
Anonymous said: THE ANTICIPATION WOAH IM SO EXCITED FOR IWSY 🙏 You're a really great writer. I can't say that I've ever really waited for a fanfiction's new chapter until now due to the series being amazing. 💕
I’m so grateful that you’re so excited for new chapters when they drop ^^ That’’s so amazing to me and I thank you a million times! ^^
@cursingmelly said: Okay so it seems I'm not the only one crying over your blog, refreshing the page every 2 minutes because your story is like the only thing that makes me happy right now x) You're amazing really, I wish i had your talent. I was thinking about starting a writing blog but when I read works like yours i feel so intimidated. >.<
Oh my god no, please don’t feel intimidated! You have nothing to be intimidated about, trust me. I feel like I am the least intimidating person to walk the earth I’m actually such an antisocial marshmallow lol! I am so happy to hear that my story can make you happy, that brings such a huge smile to my face; you have no idea :) Thank you darling, you’re amazing!
@moonlighthollow said: YEY OMG I'M SOOOO EXCITED!! it was such a crappy and emotional day for me i really need some distraction...🙇
I’m so sorry you had such a crappy day my love *hugs you tightly* I hope your day got better and I hope your week will be amazing!
@adoppelna14 said: I'm over here like: *refreshes tumblr account every 3 seconds to see if the new chapter is out*
Eeeee I hope you enjoyed it love!!
@jackyslittlesally said: Were you quoting Hercules in chapter 22 of IWSY? If so, that's dope! This entire story is dope! Well done! I've never been so excited for a fic before :)
As far as I am aware and to the best of my knowledge - no, I was not quoting from Hercules. Which part are you referring to? And thank you so much for reading and for being excited to read it too! :D
Anonymous said: Wow!! New chapter of IWSY was great!! I'm so impressed with how you made a whole history of vampires in your universe~ It's really great and creative, I just find it so.. cool?? That's probably lame but oh well. Also that ending!! Why would you do that to me?? I'm honestly going to cry
Ahhh I’m honestly so happy that you like the lore I created~ It’s not lame at all! It’s a huge, huge compliment and I take it with both hands - seriously. Thank you so much my love ^^
@the-unreal-fan said: THE NEW CHAPTER OF IWSY IS JUST 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
@mysr3 said: Saraaa Atmosphere in this chapter is so good! But really? more secret? I told myself beforehand that You will leave us hanging but at the end I cant handle it well. I think I have guess what would happen next (not in next chapter but later on) which I really hope it come true! Did I just smell smut is coming next week? Love this series, the characters interaction is good. "stormed like an angtsy little teenager to his room" remark LOL Thank you!PS I mentally survived the weekend! Thank you Love
I will always be here to shake up your day~ I gave you answers and more questions - I feel accomplished! hehe~ and yes...the smell of smut is definitely in the air haha :3 Thank you so much my dear and I’m so happy that you mentally survived the weekend! Have a great day love ^^
@jynxy24 said: THE BAMES ARE SO COOL WHAT! Domitor, Humani Generis. HOW DO YOU COME UP WITH THESE NAMES! I can't even spell correctly at times! AND WE FINALLY FIND OUT WHAT READER IS! AHA! I love how innocent the reader is :3333 (unlike me) AND I KNOW THE NEXT PART WILL PROBABLY HAVE SMUT SO PLEASE xD  This chapter was so cool omg, thanks, Sara. Stay awesome, love ya!
The names are Latin! Domitor is Latin for ‘tamer’ and Humani generis is Latin for ‘human descent’ hehe ^^Thank you so much Jynxy~ I love you too and I am so happy that you enjoyed the update!!
Anonymous said: I don't want to wait another week for the smut that appears to be fast approaching. T^T
You’ll just have to learn to be patient ;D hehe~ Thank you for reading the chapter love!
Anonymous said: OHHHHHHH MY GOSH IWSY GETS ME SHOOK EVERY CHAPTER. I was so glad there wasn't any secrets anymore for Y/N but apparently there's more? Anyways, I'm sooooo ready for the next chapter ;)))))))))))))))))
yes...it would seem there is one or two more things to be revealed. Did you think I would reveal everything? *giggles* Thank you so much love! I’m glad you’re looking forward to the next chapter ^^
@cursingmelly said: How are you even real? This chapter.... I can't  even.
*pinches self* I think I am real! Is this a good thing or a bad thing? :O
Anonymous said: Omg Sara you're going to be the death of me.. THAT CHAPTER IS TOO MUCH TO HANDLE. The whole story, the vampire history, the fight between Jungkook and the Reader AND THEN THAT HOT ASS CLIFFHANGER?! UGH. How am I supposed to sleep now x.x
Ahh thank you so much my dear ^^ I am so glad you liked it! And I hope you managed to get some sleep with a little image of sexy VampKook to help you drift off c:
Anonymous said: Wow! You truly never cease to amaze me! The chapter was beyond perfection, really. The vampire lore you created is extremely detailed and completely different from what I've read about vampires. I loved the fact that you decided to dedicate nearly a whole chapter to this! I was so looking forward to it and you did not disappoint! I can't wait to see what's next!  Thank you for creating this amazing story! (Oh and by the way, are we gonna have ANOTHER smut scene in the next chapter?! Yay!)
*cries* thank you so much! I was so excited to reveal the lore and I’m so happy that it is being well received :) I’m so glad you enjoyed it and...yes...maybe *winks*
Anonymous said: that ending. things are about to get kinky and freaky
It would seem so *wiggles eyebrows*
Anonymous said: Chapter 22 of IWSY was 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼 but like JunGKooK dAMN tHaT LAsT paRT tHo
Thank you so much for reading it my love! And yes, the last part had me feeling a little hot when I was writing it :3
@theninjachan said: bihhhhhhhh this scene: "the person who gave me the ability to love…is the person whom I fell in love with – the person whom I want to love until my end of days” a biTCH IS CRYING AT 6AM in the mORNING    plus i'm highkey obsessed with jungkook and his sister chaewon bickering...how do i put this, their interaction is so human?? and serrena discipling them just like any other mother would do was quite amusing. and that "other little matter" they left out??? oh boy oh boy i can't wait for tuesday!
I guess even Vampire siblings can fight and have arguments! :3 hehe thank you so much babe, I’m so happy that you’re looking forward to reading the next chapter! And thank you so much for reading this one too ^^ Have a great day!
@mocking-butts said: I have made the most ungodly noises after reading this chapter oh my goodness gracious you're killing me here I can't wait for next week!
Hi again lovely! Ooooh, ungodly noises are my favourite :3 Thank you so much for reading babe! I hope you’ll enjoy next week’s too :3
Anonymous said: WELL WELL WELL I wasnt expecting that OMG Sara I CANT WAIT for the next update I can already feel da heat  -wifey anon
Hey there wifey anon! I’m glad I could ring you the unexpected :3 Thank you very much for reading it, and I hope you’ll enjoy all the heat next week ;)
Anonymous said: Is this dom Jungkook????????????????? OMG tell me it is!!!!!! Owwwww I can't take this Princeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said: I just have one thing to say about that IWSY part... I. Am. Shooketh'd. Good day. 👌🏼👏🏼✌🏼
hehe I am glad I could bring the shookness to you ^^ Thank you so much for reading love and I hope you have a good day!
@animeimmortal said: Wow ok first of all I was killed and brought back to life by that last scene, second of all the amount of thinking you must have done about the whole historical BG like wow and third of all that last scene I hope it has a continuation in the next part 😉 cuz damn that started nice. Like probs this fanfic is in the top three of my favs like its taking the first place now I swear I love I so much ❤  love ya~ ❤
Thank you for appreciating the background and history - it did take me a while to put it all together so I’m feeling relieved that you like it! I’m super honoured to hear that this is part of your top three - thank you so, so much my dear. You’re incredibly sweet for saying that! I love you too honey and I hope you have a great day :D
@moonlighthollow said: I don't even know how many times i said that and you're probably annoyed already😂but Jesus Christ!!!This was SOO good I'm so inlove with your FF i seriously love it so so much you have no idea 😍at the beginning where serrena talked about domitors etc. This was SO well written damn sara😲I'm so impressed of your writing skills👌 biggest fangirl ever🙋 Ps: all characters actually fit SO WELL to their"real"personality if that makes sense (tae, jimin, kookie)😂 i can image them being like this lol
No! I will never be annoyed at you sweetie :D sdfghj thank you so damn much, this really means so much to me you have no idea. Everything you said touched my heart and it makes everything so worth it for me. Thank you a million, billion times for writing this to me, I really did smile so much ^^
@fatimaloveskpop said: I just recently started reading I Won't Stop You and I AM SO IN LOVE WITH IT.Not exaggerating but it's honestly the best au or vampire au that I've read on tumblr.Your writing is incredible and you're so creative.I absolutely love your work.Tuesdays have become my favourite day of the week. ❤❤❤❤
sdfghjk gah thank you so much for saying that babe, you made me smile so big! *hugs you tightly* thank you for reading it and enjoying it and thank you for being so lovely and sweet, I appreciate it so much ^^
@jungkookbangtaned said: I totally loved today's chapter of I won't stop you! Apart from being well written and really well described as always, today's facts made me fangirl... Omg like this was very good😍 I love the whole back story and the questions you left us with😍사랑해
Thank you so much for loving the chapter! And I’m super happy that you loved the back story :3 Sorry for more questions, but at least a lot was answered for, right? c: I love you too babe and I hope you have a lovely day!
@noceurash said: I WAS AT SCHOOL AND REMEMBERED IT WAS TUESDAY- my friends yet again had to hear me being excited to read the next part of I won't stop you pfft. Ily!! Have a good day hun <3
Ahh thank you for reading it during school omg! Haha don’t worry about your friends having to hear you fan girl - fan girl to your hearts content!! I love you too and I hope you have a good day as well ^^
Anonymous said: THE ENDING OF THE CHAPTER THOO 10/10
Anonymous said: I like how you gave is insight of that vampire history! I actually find this chapter very informative and I just really enjoyed.... one thing...... THAT ENDING GOT ME IN THE FEELS AND LIKE NOW THERE IS A PRINCE KINK AND IT ALL SUCKS CAUSE I'M V BIASED...... Good job by the way~(sorry I seem way too bipolar here😂)
Thank you for appreciating the back story! I’m so glad you liked it and found it informative :D And muhaha YES VAMPKOOK WITH HIS PRINCE KINK ;D Uh oh...Taehyung is gonna have to keep a firm hold on you....:3 thank you for reading the new chapter my love and I hope you have a great week!
Anonymous said: SARA!!!! I feel like I say this every single week on Tuesdays... but IWSY prt 22 was BEAUTIFUL!!!! I'm so sorry for being so repetitive, but your writing is the legit definition of beautiful (1. pleasing to the senses or mind aesthetically. 2. of very high standard; excellent) and so are you! ily so much!!!at then end though... what is the 'other little matter?' oh well.. I can't wait for next week! <3 - army anon
ARMY ANON!!! You don’t have to be sorry at all, your wonderful words always give me so much courage and motivation to keep doing what I do and I appreciate them so, so much :D I love you too! And - the other little matter will be revealed in time :3 You will find out soon, I promise! Thank you for reading and i’m so happy you enjoyed the chapter ^^
Anonymous said: You know what would be a spicy yet bad idea? If Y/N just so happened to be bitten OR she was pregnant ( ͡O ͜ʖ ͡O) with lil hybrid Jeon who would be Domitor, Human, AND VAMPIRE. That'd be such a risk and a mess. Woooow. Where do you get all your information from? It all sounds soo true!
That indeed would be a spicy recipe for a disaster c: And as for my information - it’s mostly my imagination of how I have always interpreted Vampires along with a huge love for the previous lore that I grew up loving within the Vampire/horror genre ^^ I wanted to do something different but still keep certain elements alive ^^ Thank you so much for reading it!
@bangtansmistress said: Can I just say that I love your story to pieces and I look forward to it every Tuesday. And I am highkey hoping that sometime when Yoongi & Y/n are face to face again that maybe there's a chance she will give him his emotions back and he won't have to die because 😭😭😭 Bad guy turned good is my shhiiiiiit. Anyways, THANK YOU FOR YOUR AMAZING WRITING SKILLSSSSS I LOVE IT SO MUCH❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ahhh thank you very much for reading and enjoying IWSY so far!! Hmmm yes, I wonder if she will be able to tame him and turn him good? We’ll just have to wait and see :3
@myoddparade said: I've been following IWSY since you first posted chapter 1 and I've never been so amazed by a piece of literature before! Your writing skills are no joke and I hope you understand how utterly talented you are! I've been meaning to write a message of support for awhile but never got around to it till now, I sit here every Tuesday waiting for that update and the feelings you express through your writing gets me every time! Carry on doing what you're doing because you're damn good at it! x
Aghh!! Thank you so much for having followed it since chapter one! That’s incredible :3 Thank you for your patience with the story! Ahh, you are so incredibly kind to me, thank you for saying such lovely and wonderful things. You have really made me smile with this - so thank you for that. I will keep going and I will try hard not to let you down!!
LMAO YOUR ASK WAS AMAZING TO READ HAHA THANK YOU SO MUCH! Yes...dom VampKook with a Prince kink hello~~ Thank you so much for reading it and enjoying IWSY!
@koreaisanaddiction said: SARRRRRAAAAAAA!!!!!!! "what are you going to do to me" "everything." WHHYYYYYYY!!!!! i mean im so PUMPED!!!! but then i though christian grey even though i never watched or read 50 shades. and then i thought wasnt that originally a twilight fanfiction (which yet goain never watched or read) and now im so confused by the who"she'll find out in time" thing like FUCK!!!! all i know is im so pumped for the smut. your sucjh a good writer i got my friend into your story. LOVE YOU!!
Hehe, I wonder what everything means? :3 I’ve never read/saw 50SOG and nor do I care much for Twilight~ I mean, I can appreciate the authors hard work and writing her own lore. But I’m afraid the characters within the movie completely ruined the story for me. I personally thought that the acting was very bad :( I love you too my dear and thank you so much for reading and for also getting your friend into it too!! ^^
Anonymous said: This was just what I needed before I go to surgery tomorrow! I freaking love this story so much. I learned so much in this chapter but WTF WHY NO GIVE US THE GOOD STUFF. THEY WAS GETTIN READY TO BUMP UGLIES AND I WAS LIEK 'oh shit jungkook. Get you a piece of dat ass' THEN IT WAS LIKE TO BE CONTINUED AND JSHDDJKGNKEHSKFJKLD. I LOVED IT. (Side note: have you considered making a vmin chapter/spinoff so we can have more of teh fluff?) Thanks for another lovely chapter. I love you 💜 ~LilKookieAnon
Hello LilKookieAnon! AND WHAT? YOU’RE HAVING SURGERY? Oh my god I hope you’re okay and that you’ll recover soon :( Please let me know and keep me updated, okay? ~~ And yes, actually! I have considered writing a side chapter about Vmin, but it will be when IWSY is completely finished ^^ I love you too my dear and I hope you’re okay ^^ Thank you so much for reading despite going for surgery tomorrow!
Anonymous said: Once again your cliffhanger killed me!!! I love this series sm adgjklobxsfh tysm 😙😙😙
You’re welcome for another cliffhanger ;D Thank you very much for reading!
Anonymous said: Next chapter be like now chicka wow wow 😏 lol but seriously though, another amazing chapter 😁
Bow chicka wowow lmao oh my god I havent heard that in so long :3 Thank you for reading and enjoying it babe!
@clara-licht said: IWSY is way too amazing 😭😭 I've been wondering though, what kind of blood do they consume? You said it's synthetically manufactured, but aren't they human blood as well? Are they blood donations from humans? If so, do they donate knowingly it's for Vampires or not? And do Vampires have favorite blood type? 😂 Thank you!
Hi babe! Thank you for thinking IWSY is amazing, that really means so much to me! ^^ And yes - synthetically manufactured as in, they do not directly consume human blood. In the world of IWSY, synthetically manufactured blood is blood that is essentially a copy of human blood. Because Vampires are so intelligent and advanced, they have been able to do this perfectly ^^ I’m afraid I can’t provide answers for your other questions as I won’t ever give away spoilers! I hope you can understand c: Thank you for reading it love!
@toxic-seoul said: Omg part 22 revealed a lot more than I expect & I'm so amazed on how u came up with it all. You're truly an outstanding author tbh I love everything about this series. I want to ask something a bit serious tho. Are you okay? I know you've written other stuff but I'm not sure if you've had any pressure when writing those. With a series like IWSY I feel like authors can be easily intimidated or anxious about updating weekly and meeting expectations of readers cuz of how popular it is (cont.) idk I just hope you're doing okay mentally and physically. I know it might be a lot of pressure. You're doing amazing tho and I support you a lot, along with many others. I really hope you don't feel obligated to continue this series as well (even tho I'm sure u enjoy writing it & in love with it as much as us readers lol) anyways sorry it got deep lol I really hope you're taking care of yourself & I also hope for the best for you even tho I don't know u personally 💕
First of all, thank you so much for reading IWSY and for enjoying it, I am really happy that you liked the revelations in this chapter and you are way too kind to me^^ ~~ To be honest, you are absolutely right. I do feel a lot of anxiety and pressure when I post a new chapter. I’m always worrying “Will they like it? Will they understand the emotion I’m trying to convey? Will they enjoy what I’ve written about?” I am always hoping that the people who read my fanfiction realise how much time and effort I dedicate to it. Because you’re right, it makes me happy to write and to make people happy at the same time. I seriously thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to type this encouraging message, you have no idea how much this means to me that you took time to check up on me like this. Sometimes I feel like I have so much going on that I can’t breathe, but it’s messages like yours that keep me going and give a bit of life back into my system. You’re absolutely golden and I cannot thank you enough. I’m so emotional right now xD
Anonymous said: bruh why did u hav to end it like dat? Jfc. How do you jump into the next week? Help
*time travels to next week* hehehe ~~~
Anonymous said: I'm so curious as to what happens if Yoongi were to get his hands on Y/N in IWSY- I just love this series so much! You're such an incredible author and person- I just ❤❤
Yes...I wonder what might happen?! Hehe~ thank you so much for being so kind and sweet to me, and thank you for reading IWSY too! :3
@deboracorrea25 said: OMG!! All this revelations in IWSY, and I'm still very curious. What are her true powers? What does Yoongi want to do with her? So many questions, so many things to come. And this Prince is driving me insane! I just love this Jungkook vampire! Thank you for another amazing part. Love you!
Questions were answered and more questions were given too! :3 Prince VampKook is such a hottie~he’s gonna snatch us all R.I.P :3 hehe~ Thank you so much baby and I love you too! I hope you have an awesome day :)
Anonymous said: YOU'RE SUCH A CLIFFHANGERRR!!!!! WHY STOP AT THIS BOOTIFULL MOMENT?? I KNOW, YOU KNOW WE ALL WAITED FOR THIS KINKY JUNGK SO WHHAAYYYYYY???!!*cries in korean* (btw im speaking abt the latest chapter of IWSY
I apologise for any hurt or frustration I may or may not have caused you c: I hope you’ll enjoy what’s to come! ^^ Thank you for reading the chapter my dear ^^
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ohshit-waddup2 · 6 years
i love how everyone is so fucking supportive over yuzu and mei it honestly the story 10x better
AND THERE JS ANOTHER VOLUME hopefully or chapter at least i just kno it has to continue and it CANT END THERE
also we saw mei for the first time in fucking months, it was sad seeing her like that BUT THAT ENDING (also i have missed her face and cute ass expressions)
god i fucking love citrus what a story
also i saw this post (sorry i wish i could credited them) about how yuzu is always the iniator so to speak in this relationship like she’s the one that’s always going after mei which awesome btw bc yuzu does it in the most sweetest and genuine ways
but for ONCE i wish i saw mei chase after yuzu like really choose her ya kno but it probably won’t happen bc it’s mei’s dream to inherit the aihara school academy thing ? so she would obviously pick that over the love of her life
but i guess that’s who their characters are and would probably seem way too ooc if that were to happen but idc i love that concept
ALSO i kno no one has kept reading this so it gonna vent some more
that was the most heartbreaking letter i have ever read in my life and i wish i understood japanese to see how it was truly writer bc translations can only do so much
but the english translation was pretty fucking good
like that letter made me cry and i have never cried over manga before so that was like BIG
god i love their relationship so much cuz like when i first started i was like nah incest no dude nasty stop that but the fact that it is “psuedo” incest kinda like convinced myself that it was “ok” so i kinda just categorize into like a guilty pleasure
but the essence of their relationship is truly so fucking pure and how well their characters were like created and developed like oh my god
you can’t write better character developement than yuzu and mei
and not only how the character develops but also like how their relationship evolves but also keeps the first love, like omg this is what everyone was talking about, vibe. the vibe that can only be experienced in a first relationship cuz the first is something that you would never be able to forget no matter how hard mei may try lol.
i just really hope this story has a good ending cuz like I HATE when stories have a bad conclusion and your left with the “that’s it” feeling or like unresolved questions like “what happened to so and so”
i spent 4 (5?) fucking years reading this goddamn manga (god i was still in highschool) and i have given it so much emotion and tears into this story it better have the best goddamn ending
ideally mei and yuzu endgame but honestly don’t kno how mangas loves stories usually end so it could go either way
anyway that’s my rant thank u fro coming to my ted talk
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