#what's making me so emo abt this is
daydadahlias · 11 months
Hi, I dont know if you remember that there was an anon who was making a playlist for mim? well its me again, I wouldnt say that I finished the playlist (since I want add more songs until the fic is finished), but I'm very excited to share so i leave you the link and walk away, i hope u like it bye 😸
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this is a small detail but im so obsessed with the photo u used for the cover !! omg !! it's stained glass magnolias !!!
thank you so so much this is literally one of the nicest things in the whole world <3333
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2023 Bahrain Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso(ft. Max Verstappen, Checo Perez & Lance Stroll)(my personal post-race highlights)
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dandeydraws · 1 year
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she took his hand so they wouldnt get separated from each other and he's just barely holding it together
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flufallo · 1 month
He wrote the comics yes
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daandori · 4 months
i am doing not great today lads
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pansy-picnics · 11 months
letting you know, i physically teared up about the idea of the tangled cast just growing old together. in love, happy- just together with friends, family, and lovers.
crying about it now thinkning about it. i hope a curse of happiness befalls you bitch, hugs and smootches. fuck.
YOU GET ME. THIS IS LITERALLY HOW I FEEL ABT THEM EVERY DAY. i hope joy and contentment literally courses through your veins and i hope you explode because you are just so happy about these fuckers. they all play board games together every friday night and have silly little code words so they always know when someone needs space or a little extra tlc. they understand everything abt each other. i can not imagine a universe where they are separated in any way. some of their lives are literal tragedies but no matter WHAT they have each other and they feel safe and comforted just through that alone. i need to squeeze them like little stress balls. they are the only found family to ever exist actually.
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btw i AM posting this just so i can remember to doodle some things for it later. be prepared for that.
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imissedthefuneral · 8 days
Can I say smth controversial. I think I’ve said it before. But I wish MCR had just stayed in the past. The fanbase that has come from the reunion is .. so… AGH
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smth that ive thought abt n that i dont think ive ever seen touched upon is how similar bea n lilith should be in terms of life experience. like we know canonically that bea never drank. probs never went to a party, or rave or anything like that. didnt have partners most likely, probs never had her first kiss before ava n stuff. theres a lot of first times that beatrice probably experiences cuz of ava in s2, a lot of just. normal regular first times, things teenagers or young adults do, maybe college students, whatever. the most freedom she had was when she was younger, when she "was stepping out of line" as she said, probs doing child things n being dumb, ofc.
lilith is probably the same, except even worse. because i think she was taught to be the warrior nun as soon as possible. bea was actively repressing herself; lilith doesnt even acknowledge theres anything to repress. shes just the future warrior nun, not a mere 12 year old. shes a sister warrior, not just your average 16 year old. as long as her parents were there to watch, she is nothing but a legacy. and i do think lilith had her rebellious phase, ofc. but i dont think it was while she was living with her parents, or even when she was a minor. she knew to make all those obedient, nice years count and as soon as she left for good, she declared she was a new girl, n she would now do things she wanted to do. except... she cant.
she still has to train to be a warrior nun. sure she read books, non religion books. but the guilt of not upholding her end of the bargain of being born in her family as the next in line warrior nun would soon overcome her, n she would drop it. "i'll read it in the future" "i'll try that when im older n independent" its smth all teens, especially teen girls think. when im older, i'll be free. but lilith is not allowed that at all. she knows she likes things... but can she even allow herself the time to enjoy them?? can she watch movies in peace? can she go out, maybe make friends, go on cafe dates, go to the cinema, go shopping? without thinking abt her destiny? can she??? is she allowed peace???
lilith wanted to be free, cuz she thought it was only her parents holding her down. little did she know, while her parents built her cage, she was painting it finished. with how she was raised, lilith was never thought to feel *her* emotions as lilith, but only as warrior nun. n even if her parents ever allowed her peace, she wouldnt have taken it. shes going to be the warrior nun. she has to be. what else is she, but that?
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jamesttiberius · 2 years
would sell my soul for content that's just death constantly popping up to dream in a variety of planes and places with new exciting human things for dream to try
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angelsdean · 2 years
honestly mary strikes me as the type of person who wouldn’t want to have kids at all because she knows just how dangerous and fucked up the world is and she’d be terrified to bring a child into that world. which makes me think....the angels must’ve intervened there too, lulling her into wanting kids so they could get their perfect vessels, which is just so messed up and cruel. but then, once dean’s born and in her arms she does love him fiercely and is incredibly protective of him and i think that’s why she continues to hunt in secret. because she wants to protect her kids and she wants to at least try to make the world safer for them. but she’ll never, ever raise them to be hunters and she’ll never, ever force that life onto them like it was forced onto her. 
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
During the 2020 shut-in era, I basically only listened to Coldplay and god the amnt of emotional nostalgia I get from listening to their music is so
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#the first 3 albums only btw 🥰🥰#theres some songs i rly like from their other albums#but nothing has the gut punch of their first 3 for me#and i listened to them a lot while developing my main oc ship#so listening to these im like SOB SOB ECLIPOIR SOB SOB SOB#i even drew art of them w the lyrics....#but now these songs are my go-to ship coded songs#so ofc listening to them now my brain is subconsciously trying to apply them to vettonso....#tho something i think is very funny is how this music is pretty basic right? not a bad thing!!! but like very well known normal music#but of course when i listen to it im making these over dramatic animatics in my head to them#and once i looked at the lyrics explanation for a song cause i was curious#and the reasoning was something super boring related to chris martin's marriage and it ruined the song for a bit LMFAO#i cant be thinking abt them in that context okay 😭😭 theyre the songs thsy form the tapestry for basically every ship i have#blah blah blah typical catie moment of 'i dont listen to these songs in the NORMAL way' calm down...#anyways getting emo as always over this music sob sob sob#I just love that music can instantly transport you back to a specific time in your life or a specific thing#i think I also was into rainbow six when i listened to this music mainly 😭😭 so now ofc theyre popping into my head#also my god: Spies would be such a good Bond song and i refuse to believe they didnt write it w that in mind ;;;;;#maybe i should put more thought into what songs of theirs i could apply to vettonso...#i really need to make a playlist for them sometime :D#catie.rambling.txt
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goblinbugthing · 5 months
do yall know any simple and cheap ways to make custom pins?
i really REALLY wanna make some for myself (and maybe to sell) but idk how ;-;
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woozi · 1 year
ALSO HI 😭😭 I bring cookiessss for theeee 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪 nom nom nom nom 🫶🏻
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fischiee · 7 months
y’all I am drunk as fuck but i am fed the fuck up. i am like hopelessly into this guy in our friend group bc he is so kind and wonderful and attractive and unfortunately he has decided that i am the one person to trust abt his love life and so i must apparently sit through him explaining his struggles with another girl while i am SUFFERING
like he is just so sweet and kind and YES it is a crush and yes i am putting him on a pedestal but he is nothing but kind and sweet to me and it definitely seems like he is flirting with me sometimes but i definitely cannot tell and he does talk abt this girl that he is very into OFTEN (she is for sure not me) and it’s driving me crazy i am so heart broken
#ignore this#ignore me#anyway yeah im fucking wasted so sorry pals you get me being emo abt a boy who simply doesn’t care about me#and who i am telling all my friends that i don’t care about#but he sits next to me!!!#and draws doodles on my papers!!!!!#and smiles and looks at me and tilts his body towards me and like ajdbfb#all night he let me loop my arm in him and helped guide me but then he literally told me abt the girl he’s in love with#and he was giving me a ride and being. so kind so I gave him advice about how to like date/get w/ her but it simply hurt my heart so bad#im literally bawling my eyes out AUGH#sorry team this is what happens when you follow a theatre manor who has t even graduated#you get someone so horrendously dramatic and emo#AUGH#i can’t even make up my mind abt him but i do know i want him so bad#we were enemies now we just need to get to the lovers part#it’s just so sad that he had decided that he can tell no one else abt his love life and his secret crush except for me#bc like.. girl i want you to fail (just kidding he’s so wonderful and i want him to be happy)#but it does definitely hurt but also bring me such joy for him to be like “oh i only trust /you/ with this. im attracted to someone else.#he literally let me loop his arm in him and let me touch him all night#but the second he was drawing home he asked abt a situation which her and her inviting friends to a hang out with him#and it just brown my hearT#i just#agony#sorry team im feeling emo
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makkie-is-screaming · 7 months
actually went really well with my friend :))
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mycelium-bf · 10 months
vent// dysphoria tw
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