#wheezing tw
fletcherwilbury · 4 months
@febuwhump Day 21: Unresponsive
Warning for Overworking, exhaustion, illness, coughing, wheezing, pneumonia, physical abuse, child abuse, medication
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u3pxx · 10 months
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the cheekbone game in disco elysium is INSANE
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fluffytimearts · 4 months
"Dirty Dudes Must Die"
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lil sketchy thing I made in aggie.io
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amethyst-halo · 8 months
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yet another au on my mind lol what if everyone stays
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aaroleswapau · 2 years
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🪶🌟💫 woop woop! a compilation of swap!aa5 drawings ranging from various levels of polish and incompleteness pftt <3
if you're curious who's swapped with who, feel free to refer to this and if you want more trilogy-aa4-centered swap au art, well i've got just the thing right here! and as always, feel free to send asks about the au and i'll try my best to answer! :^]
also coughs did you know i made a speedpaint for the aa5 lineup long ago on youtube it's over here....
i've accumulated a lot of drawings over the last two years so more stuff under the cut!
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(about the thing with bobby being the phantom in this au, it's not actually set in stone! i'm kind of still deciding if he should still be the phantom or if the torch is passed to someone else but eh, i just like playing around with the idea nevertheless <3)
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insertsomthinawesome · 9 months
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"Hm? Sounds like Trouble." Love Kafka. Love that I wonder at her motivations and what made her who she is. Love her strange dualities and the way she comes off to fellow cast members who don't know her.
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captainsaltypear · 9 months
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so people have been sharing the headcanon that movie!vanessa has the same tragic backstory as micheal afton so here's my contribution to the fandom
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bubba-draws · 1 year
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The desire of wanting to be loved, is a sin that has a sweet scent.
Was listening to this song and i got smacked with inspiration
I missed drawing my Radiance Vessel Hollow AU :')
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moricodex · 6 months
Something I noticed about Poison
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*These two* This is a free transactional/thankful hand shake between two lovers who are abusers; Val is Overt & Vox is Covert.
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(Please read what's above if you do not know what Overt/Covert means.) Note: These terms will be brought up again.
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-Vox's face is smug, a sense of accomplishment residing in said smugness. - Additionally, he is gazing away from his lover to look towards Angels Bedroom.
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-The, oh shit your up & walking face. (A massive tell tale sign someone feels caught; aka the victim or a bystander has seen the abuser in/after the act.) ^^^The drop of his heads posture/Widening of his eyes, mainly his hypnosis eye/His frown.^^^ (He uses his hypnosis eye for control) -Lil side note: The demon doing repair work, looks very uncomfortable, I think it's the only expression he makes. (This does not remove the fact that he has been drawn with a face of discomfort; engaging with apathy/sloth with a hint of sadness.)
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-Vox is giving Val a gaze that speaks "are you going to keep things under control?" aka, Angel, the prized porn star. OR. You got this right? (simplified take) -Vals lip expression shows lack of enthusiasm plus lack of joy.
^^^Val uses this expression to show disapproval while asserting dominance. (A common tactic with abusers; both Overt & Covert abusers do this often as a means of utilizing fear. Because the victim knows they are upset & know what can happen when said abuser is upset.) + (Lowkey difference: Covert abusers are more carful about who is around to see/read that mentally abusive power move/Overt abusers usually thrive with an audience around.)
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-This is the face of an abuser who has gotten away with it, through the aid of a lover. (It is not uncommon for SA abusers to share their victims/help other abusers SA individuals.) He knows that he got away with it, of course he did, they are top dog overlords who control minds & bodies through media influence. ^^^Vox gets away with keeping Angels truth a tucked away secret- (Him being raped via means of being drugged up in his own bedroom)-through Val; whom uses overt means of control, while Vox prefers his less tasteful habits be less known. Val makes sure what happened, stays unknown by others. ^^^Something something, birds of a feather or some crap^^^ (Match made in hell dead ass.)
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*Reminder that this is Angels bedroom* -He's super disorientated, & has no idea what time it is & is most likely slowly processing what the actual fuck has happened. ^^^Recovering from being high out of his mind on cocaine & Vals Saliva/or the love potion made by Val & Velvet.^^^
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-Background noise such as running water can allow some people to focus/calm down from a panic attack or both.
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-He looks so hurt yet tired. (He's just sick of being so personally used as an object by genuine rapists.)
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-It all comes back to him & hits him like a train. Edit note: I sent this post by mistake when it wasn't finished so I had to rush these last bits. (I can expand more on this in the future maybe) Last note: I wish we got a scene of Vox asking sex from Angel but that request is declined/ or invading Angels space. (Its very impactful but needs genuine breathing room outside of the music video.)
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
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Bones and All (2022): “He hit your lung. We gotta go to the ER.”
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stormbreaker-290 · 1 day
Bestie, there is another virus destroying your insides, the boys might get jealous/j
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fletcherwilbury · 4 months
@febuwhump Day 20: Alt Prompt 5: CPR
Warning for Illness, injury, broken bones, wheezing, near major character death, medical inaccuracy, blood, medication, fainting
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waywardwizzard · 3 months
Quiet wheezing filled the shuttle, mixing with the hiss of broken pipes and failing wires.
Propped up against Mal's chest, Simon wheezed, both their breaths misting in the quickly cooling air. Pulling the doctor closer, the captain threw the small blanket over both of them, gently smoothing it down.
Ignoring the way everything spun in slow circles and the cold bit at his fingers, Mal lifted his comm with a heavy hand.
"Shuttle Two to Serenity. I repeat. Shuttle Two to Serenity, over."
White noise filled the room before the comm gave a crackle and died.
Resisting the erge to throw it, the captain let his head fall back against the wall with a thud and a curse.
"Mal?" Simon wheezed, his voice hoarse. He smothered a cough, his whole body shaking with the force of it.
"Easy, kid."
Shifting him into a more comfortable position, Mal winced, his own chest aching in sympathy.
"How're you feelin'?"
"Like gou shi," Simon mumbled, shivering.
It was quiet for a few seconds, the only sound the quiet tick of the cooling shuttle.
"Are they coming?" the doctor asked.
Shoving his guilt deep down, hiding it next to his lost faith and the despair clawing at every inch of him, Mal gave him a confident smirk.
"They're on their way, doc'. Just hold on, dong ma?"
Author's note -
I just love found family fics ok? Especially Mal and Simon father-son fics.
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seth-whumps · 3 months
Whumperless Whump Event Day 5
Wheezing - whumpee Morrigan - 978 words
CW: panic attacks
There is something in their lungs.
Morrigan is not programmed to panic. Unless it's on command, or necessary for the sake of appearance, they are not supposed to freak out. A level head and calm tones are perfect for dangerous situations. It is part of what keeps them away from the company–that they function as intended. 
However, they are panicking. 
It feels like… spiderwebs. Like something has built a nest in their artificial chest and all of the fans and cooling systems have become cluttered with the dust of its new resident. It feels like they are choking.
Which is why they're now standing in front of Jace's apartment, with the key he gave to them not even a week prior.
They knock. An error flashes onto their vision. It's a warning, low oxygen content. Soon enough, their cooling system are going to start complaining too. Overheating is a problem.
This whole thing is a problem, and the feeling of discomfort in their chest is making their hands shake as they push the key into the lock.
Morrigan has no god but the ones that put them together. But they pray to whatever is out there to let Jace be at home.
“Woah, hey, terminator, what's–Morrigan? What's wrong?” Jace's face drops the moment he sees them. Concern is a rare expression for him, when he's speaking to them in particular.
They must be genuinely panicking now. “I can't breathe.”
“What? Come here, sit down, is it a technical thing? Why did you come to me?”
They are guided to the bed and the next breath they take is a horribly mechanical wheezing thing. But they run yet another diagnosis and their lungs are undamaged and unencumbered and they don't understand, they don't–
“Hey–Morrigan, you're psyching yourself out, you gotta relax.”
“I'm not supposed to–” they try to say, and their voice is glitched and wrong and they can feel Jace flinching away from him. “Sorry, I don't–know what's wrong.”
“You're alright. I think you're freaking out, is there something else? Did you check for, I dunno, a virus or some shit? Or–”
“No. Not a virus. Just.”
There’s nothing left to do. There are no errors. No abnormalities within their lungs, no differences in their cooling systems, but they cannot breathe and the only person there to help is someone who hates them more than anything else in the world.
Something grabs their hands.
At first they flinch, but the grip is strong and unmoving and grounding. Jace’s. He’s there. They are not alone.
“I don’t know how you breathe but I’ll give it my best shot, in for four beats, I’ll count. Come on. Hey. Breathe in for four.”
They try to follow. It catches, and wheezes out all in one breath, in one horrid mechanical jerk.
“Again. Let’s try again. One, two, three, four, good, you’re doing great, now hold it for seven counts. It’s okay. It’s alright.”
They don’t make it to seven, it rushes out of their lungs, but something in their head is clearing, somehow, and Jace doesn’t seem afraid anymore. Just concerned.
Concerned for them. That’s… new.
“Let’s go again. Good. Hold for seven counts, then breathe out for eight. You’re doing fantastic.”
The cycle continues. Jace’s hands stay tight around theirs, his eyes level and calm, his voice soothing something inflamed deep in their chest. He… cares. Cares enough. Why does he care? Jace has no stake in this, could have just let them die, let them suffocate at his doorstep like a broken machine.
“--why?” they finally say, once his calm demeanor has shifted to something more like pride.
“Wasn’t so hard, was it?” he grins, all freckles and dimples and sunshine. “Why what? Why couldn’t you breathe? I think it was a panic attack, I get ‘em sometimes. It’s fine. Counting helps.”
“Why are you helping me?” 
It stumbles out like the wheezing of their breath, disjointed and hardly human. Jace doesn’t look away. He seems… the crook of his eyebrows, downturning of his shoulders, slight flush on his cheeks, he seems ashamed. Guilty. “I wasn’t gonna let you suffer, Morrigan. I’m not that bad.”
“You hate me,” they say, simply. 
He huffs. “No, I don’t. I’m just… human. Messy. Complicated. I don’t like change, you’re a new thing, it’s complex. I’m sorry I made you think that.”
They try to see past the lie. To put together the pieces of the past, the glares, the imbalance, how Morrigan would push down their own posture to give him the head of the scene, to give him all of the power in play, but for all of their training, they cannot deny the truth. Jace Vela Journey is telling them the truth.
“I’m sorry I scare you,” Morrigan manages. “I don’t–I tried not to, but it’s not easy when people know what I am.”
“It’s fine. You just came into my house hyperventilating. Seems pretty human to me.”
Morrigan can’t help the eyebrow raise. That’s the first time anyone has referred to them as human-like outside of the purpose they’re built for, the tool they have to be. “If that’s human, I am sorry for every single one of you.”
Jace just laughs. “So are we, Morri. That’s pretty universal. You should take a break though, it’s not like you’re fine now. Just relax.”
“What did you call me?” 
“Uh.” Jace winces. “Morri? Like Morrigan shortened? If that’s not cool, I get it, I’ll go back to giving you robot nicknames–”
“It’s fine,” Morrigan is quick to reassure. “I don’t mind. It’s new, but not unwelcome.”
“Cool. Call me JJ, then?” 
It feels like a truce. A contract. When their alliance breaks a little bit from tenuousness and into something stronger. “Alright, JJ. Thank you.”
He grins, flashes a thumbs up. “Don’t mention it. Take your shoes off, stay a while.”
a teensy insight into their rocky relationship starting to fix itself. also origin of the nicknames!!!
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sephirajo · 1 month
lol there's a terf in imane khelif's tag all fucking surprised at the racism and misunderstanding of sex in the terf community.
like kiddo, child, sweet summer lass... if you don't like the smell of shit STAY OUT OF THE BARN.
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alechans-cutetickles · 2 months
꒦꒷ boo♡︎booth day ꒦꒷
day : 6
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🇮🇹:awww che carini si stanno arrossendo~ -//-💕
🇺🇸:awww how cute they r flutered~ -//-💕
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