#when answering this I noticed there was another ask I'd somehow forgotten to answer so oops
muninnhuginn · 2 years
I need your thoughts on Time Loops please please
Not sure where to start on this one so apologies in advance for rambling!
In terms of general time travel stories vs time-loop centric series I tend to have slightly different approaches. For general time travel stories I tend to prefer stable time loops (or observed stable time loops?) as they make the most sense in terms of mechanics. Or at least in terms of not running into paradoxes.
Also I just remembered I rambled about this previously and worded it better then so have that whilst I’m at it:
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All that said! I see time loop stories *set up* as time loop stories in a slightly different way as their own self-contained thing. With these, you don’t have to worry about how the time loop fits into the overarching scheme of things for time travel and can try a load of different types of time loops out. So, you get some stories where the loop is exactly the same *minus changes made by the protagonists* and that can actually help build up a mystery. If other changes are being made then who is making these? Is there someone or someones in the loop also influencing things? You can also get series where actually each loop the characters are dumped in is essentially a different universe where there are minor alterations where events will spin out differently (see: Higurashi). There’s a lot of leeway in terms of how time loops are set up and what the specific rules are. Does the loop reset at a certain time or when a certain event is triggered?
Time loops are basically open to a lot of different mechanics that both the characters and the audience can try to figure out which means there’s a huge overlap with mystery stories. And I think that ultimately lends a lot to why I personally enjoy them. Because there’s always something that needs to be figured out, either in the mechanics of the time loop itself or in terms of how characters can break out of the loop. What conditions need to be fulfilled? And then if there limits to the looping itself (limited loops) it enforces a limit on how long the characters have to fulfill that condition.
(Also, just to note that single episode time loops generally exist to push characters to limits they wouldn’t usually consider until they complete an action that snaps them out of it. They therefore tend to be more character-driven and less mystery-driven than a series would be. I still personally like them, but for a different reason than the mechanics/mystery of longer series.)
Going to list a few time loop media I've watched in the last few years below the cut. I'm probably forgetting a load and I've not included any series that are usually more standard fare but have a single time loop episode. This isn't really a rec list but more a 'have some thoughts on this media against your will’. I will say that more than one of these doesn't present itself from the start as a time loop series so the fact it’s listed here may itself be considered a spoiler, but as there's no way to spoiler tag on Tumblr as far as I know you'll just have to choose whether to risk that by clicking the read more.
Also, like, given these are time loop series/films/etc, people die in them. A lot.
Reset (cdrama)
Two people on a bus that keeps exploding trying to figure out how to escape the bus with themselves and everyone else on the bus alive.
The plot writing for this one is really tight and the way stuff ties into the overarching plot builds a really strong mystery. It's one of those series where you're generally figuring a lot of stuff out at about the same pace as the characters are managing it which is really refreshing tbh? It's rare that mystery series manage to hit that sweet spot. It also has some really strong individual character focus episodes.
Its weak points basically come down to a) mandatory romance (though it's not really the focus and easily ignorable), and b) the fact it's a mainland Chinese drama means that its approach to some of the police and crime aspects of the show especially is going to be kinda... offputting. For what it's worth though, I think the writers did the best they could within that framework.
Steins;Gate (anime)
Okay, so this series is an adaptation from a visual novel but all considered tells the story well enough to work as an anime. The main victim of the fact its an adaptation is the pacing in the first ten or so episodes as it has to introduce and show all the characters in ‘normal’ situations before pulling the rug from underneath them. This means that the first few episodes can be rather slow going until the plot kicks in. Some of the characters in the anime do get way more characterisation than others, but I think you’re given enough for basically all of them to be able to sympathise when they get focus episodes. Except for Daru, sorry. I know some people can like his character, but I tend to find it waaaay too “haha funny anime pervert” style and nothing else to particularly like him. (I will say he gets more fleshed out in S;G 0, but in the OG series? No.)
Anyway! One of my favourite parts of this series beyond Kurisu and Okabe (once the latter has taken several shots to the ego) is the way it lays out the time travel mechanics. I won’t go into full detail, both because it would take ages and because my explanation skills are not up to the task, but essentially it uses the idea that there are several main branch timelines and you can create variations in order to move across between timelines. Small variations and you still cycle around the ‘main’ branch in a sub-timeline of it, but with a big enough variation you can hop all the way across to a different ‘main’ branch. Of course, timeline changes are pretty tricky when the only way you have to enact them is... sending a text to the past.
Note: There are two further anime pieces you can watch after the original series. There's the film set after the OG series and there's Steins;Gate 0. With the film, it's very much "this is your series on emotions rather than plot" and it caters very much to the main relationship of the series. It's up to you how canon you consider it. Steins;Gate 0 is an optional sequel series based upon if one of the episodes of the original series branched out into a different ending. I personally do prefer the original series to 0, but 0 is good in of itself and has a somewhat different cast. It's just that it very much is not the original series and it makes that clear. Maho is not Makise and if you can't get past that you're going to really struggle watching this series.
Higurashi no naku koro ni + kai (anime)
Another VN adaptation. It’s set in a rural Japanese village in the 80s when a new guy starts at the school there. Starts slice of life cutesy, becomes horror story, rinse repeat, until you slowly realise it’s actually maybe more a mystery story about friendship? The first season plays much more into the horror elements, but you start to get more pieces near the end of that season and by the second season you’re actually getting answers to your questions. The end of the OG series was legit so cathartic? You really want to root for the main characters to succeed together.
Note: I'm talking here about the anime which is probably the most accessible route to get into the series, but this was originally based upon a visual novel series that I believe now has translations available via Steam. The VNs, from what I've heard, have a lot of extra information for each arc than was able to get adapted to the anime. That said, having only watched the anime, I found it plenty fulfilling in of itself and I think more gets through than VN readers actually realise. There's also an optional sequel anime series: Higurashi Gou/Sotsu. I have... very mixed feelings on it and the focus is very different to the OG series, but from what I've heard, the manga adaptations of these arcs (Gou and Meguri, I think?) do a much better job of fleshing out motivations and pacing. (There’s also Umineko which is a kind-of-kind-of-not connected series by the same author which I saw the anime of yeaaaars ago and have been trying to wipe from my brain so I can read the VN without spoilers. Even though I’m super tempted by the Beato art)
Groundhog Day (live action)
I've watched this loads in my childhood but hadn't properly rewatched until a few months back. I feel like almost anyone into time loops who's from a western background will have seen this already so not quite sure what to add. I guess... I hadn't remembered how much of a dick the main character was and found that some aspects had perhaps aged with the film (for instance, I feel like the romance aspects would hopefully have been written differently nowadays)? But overall still a decent watch.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (anime)
The fact I’m putting this on this list is a spoiler in of itself. In case you’ve somehow not come across this series in the last decade or so though, I’ll do the usual thing of saying “watch at least the first four episodes”. It’s magical girl genre, a darker take than typical, though maybe not as much as people like to make it out to be. Still, the series is a self-contained plot where the characters are mainly there to move the plot along and to present themes. It also ties in various pieces of old European literature/folktales (Faust, the original Little Mermaid) without you needing to have read/heard of them to follow it along.
That one Good Omens fic with the historical accuracy: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20428025/chapters/48461819
Giving this one a shout-out purely because it's a gen (pre-slash technically) fic set in ancient Egypt and the research the author did for it is ridiculously impressive. There're appendices where they show what they researched and where they decided to take creative liberties and-- look, it's still time loop fic, okay. It’s been years since I read it so I can’t fully remember specifics but considering I remember reading both it and its non-time loop sequel I presume the quality must’ve been at least decent.
Neon Genesis Evangelion (anime)
Not the focus but the implication is there especially in the Rebuild films that the whole series is a loop which has been reiterated many times previously and will keep repeating with various differences until at last the cycle can be broken.
Revolutionary Girl Utena (anime)
Same as Evangelion, but less evidence for it. Also, if you check out this series and you're worried about any kind of triggering content whatsoever, please look up a trigger list, thanks.
Russian Doll (live action)
Watched this in the last few weeks and it was an experience. It’s Nadia’s birthday and she keeps reliving it over and again. There are some aspects that aren't really my speed (a lot of casual sex and drugs) but it does something interesting with time loops I haven't really seen done before? Not going to say what so I don't spoil it, but a key thing with this series is basically that the universe wants to let people figure themselves out and doesn't mind giving them a nudge rather than subscribing to some of the more logical time loop mechanics. Also, a big part of the series is about how people deal with trauma, especially of the intergenerational variety and I got the impression there were a lot of Jewish themes in the series too, though not being a Jew I think a lot of it went over my head unfortunately.
This series has two seasons, the first can be watched and be complete in of itself. The second is trying to do something different than the first so not exactly comparable? Still solid, but you have to suspend your disbelief further as it goes on and really lean into the 'this is the universe's will' kinda thing.
Congratulations (Egyptian film)
Watched this with some friends because tbh I wouldn't have even heard of the film otherwise? Stuck with me even years later though. So, this film takes a lot of the basics of Groundhog Day to their extremes. The protag starts off being absolutely despicable but as he finds out more the situation changes and it changes again and by the end it's not necessarily that he's an entirely different person but his perspective has been entirely altered. This film basically uses the time loop mechanic to tell a very character-driven story and even though I was insistent at the start I couldn’t sympathise with the protagonist by the end I definitely felt *something* about him.
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pathologicalreid · 15 days
hello!! i've been reading your spencer works for a while and they're definitely one of my favorites from this app :) so I'd like to request something :)
I've always loved the idea of spencer coming back home from a case earlier than expected and surprising reader (gf or wife) at work to pick her up! and reader could be a chemist or a scientist so spencer is interested and involved in her work somehow and they're just talking, being cute and fluffy and just happy to he together again <3 thank you for your time, and no pressure!
pure and applied chemistry | S.R.
who? spencer reid x chemist!reader category: fluff content warnings: fem!reader, chemical burns, lab incidents, yapper!reader, kisses word count: 1.06k a/n: i wasn't even going to post this today but i wrote it and fell in love with spencer and his biochemist gf!!!!! this might be a pairing that i start taking requests for - thank you so much for requesting!
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The air was barely starting to chill in the district, making it still unseasonably warm as you tried to take off your jacket without removing your book bag. It would’ve been easy to be embarrassed, but you were the only person around this part of campus – most students had a Reading Day, but your lab was still open, and your graduate student still wanted to work.
You had been the last person in the lab that she approached with her idea, having been turned down by the rest of campus, but you weren’t one to turn down a challenge. In fact, you had been so bored in the lab that you considered applying for another PhD.
Tying the sleeves of your jacket around your waist, you pulled your phone out of the back pocket to check the campus transportation app. As you started typing in your passcode, your eyes caught on a notification from your boyfriend.
Spencer Reid, PhD: Not home until tomorrow.
Sending back a quick emoticon – because an emoji would just show up as a square on his phone – you switched to checking what time the bus was supposed to show up at your stop before a passing car caught your eye, the car slowed to a stop right in front of you. “Oh,” you said, shaking your head, “It’s illegal to idle at a bus stop!” You called out to the driver, “You can’t stop here!”
Startled, you took a step back when the driver opened their car door, gripping your phone tightly as you mentally prepared for a confrontation, but only ended up confused when a familiar mess of brown hair peeked over the roof of the vehicle, “You don’t recognize my car?”
“Of course, I recognize your car! I just didn’t think it could be your car because last you told me you were in Nebraska!” You said, outwardly complaining as he rounded the hood of the car to open the passenger door for you.
Spencer smiled at you over the car door, “I told a fib in order to reap the benefits of surprising my girlfriend at work. Do you think she’ll ever forgive me?”
Rolling your eyes as you sat in your seat, “Oh, I’m sure she could probably find the strength to forgive you.” You were beaming as Spencer took your book bag and placed it in the back seat.
As you buckled your seatbelt, Spencer got back behind the wheel, checking his mirrors before merging into the road, once you reached your first stop light, you noticed Spencer looking over at you, “What did you do to your arm?” He asked, making note of the gauze wrapped around your dominant forearm.
Frowning, you looked down at your arm, having previously forgotten the gauze was even there, “Chemical burn,” you answered indifferently, studying the first aid on your arm. “Not a bad one though, probably won’t even scar,” you added. “Oh, that reminds me, I need a new lab coat,” you blurted, fishing around the center console of Spencer’s car for a pen so you could scrawl a reminder on your uninjured forearm.
“How did you get a chemical burn on your arm?” Spencer asked, returning his eyes to the road when the light turned green. Keeping one hand on the wheel, he reached over and casually placed one hand on your denim-clad thigh.
You were no stranger to a small burn on your finger – you were fairly certain that your fingerprints were no longer a viable way of identification – but you usually got away with a thorough rinse and a unicorn band-aid. “My grad student, Leslie, mislabeled something in the lab. Another person tried to get me to report it, but Leslie cried so hard while she was helping me clean my arm that I didn’t want to get her in any sort of academic misconduct trouble. I mean, who knew that hydrochloric acid caused chemical burns anyway?”
Spencer deftly flicked the turn signal as he moved to get on the highway to his apartment, “Uh, you and I know,” he said, there was a critical tone in his voice, but it was directed toward your flippancy instead of the injury itself.
“It wasn’t super concentrated, so I’m really fine,” you insisted, telling him the same thing you had told Leslie when the incident occurred, “I’ve done worse.”
Smiling, your boyfriend shook his head, “It’s a wonder they still let you in chemistry labs.” He was referring to a burn you had given yourself a few months ago, leading to an embarrassing trip to the hospital where doctors had to debride a nasty burn to your thigh. That particular incident had led to the director of your lab gifting you an enamel pin, designed to look like a hazardous materials symbol.
You looked at him, watching intently as he exited off the highway and made it to his apartment. Not long ago, an impromptu trip to Spencer’s would’ve been an inconvenience, but now you had two drawers of his dresser as your own. He led the way up the stairs and you followed him through the door of apartment twenty-three.
Locking the door before turning all of his attention to you, he cupped your face in both of his hands before kissing both of your cheeks – right over the tender, red lines left by your lab goggles. “Promise me you’ll be more careful in the lab,” he murmured, wrapping his arms around your waist and herding you over to the couch.
As you sat down on the couch, Spencer joined you, grabbing at your hips until you gave in, seating yourself in his lap, one knee on either side of his hips. You intertwined your fingers at the back of his neck, tilting your head to the side, “We’re all done with tests anyway – there will be considerably fewer chemicals involved while I get on my knees and grovel to the federal government for funding to start a clinical trial,” you told him, considering the repercussions of pressing your lips to his.
“What kind of chemicals could you possibly need to apply for federal research grants?” Spencer asked, gently resting his hands on your waist.
Beaming, you waggled your eyebrows at him, “One, three, seven-Trimethylpurine-two, six-dione, baby.”
Realization dawned on his features as he understood, “Ah, caffeine.”
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woncon · 8 months
Flufftober Day 17
Encouraging s.o. to achieve a goal
🍁 felix x gn!reader
🍁 thanks to @wonsheep for helping me fix my grammar mistakes and for giving me advice how to convert a whole story into another language precisely ❣
🍁 flufftober masterlist | main masterlist
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You should be studying, but instead you're looking at Felix. As his eyebrows furrow softly, he browses through the cookbook and then scratches the tip of his nose, leaving a small cloud of flour behind.
You lean close to wipe away the smudge. At first, Felix is a little startled by the sudden closeness, but then he continues to watch the pages with a slightly bemused smile.
"Have you nothing better to do than to look at me?"
"Is there anything better than that?"
Felix grimaces shyly at the compliment, and you feel like your heart will burst out of your chest. How the hell could you be learning French words about love when Felix is standing in front of you, trying to bake you a cake full of love.
"I thought you said you're gonna take a test on something."
Felix's warm gaze finds your notebook by your thigh. You quickly shove it against the wall behind your back, but of course the boy notices and blinks at you, mildly puzzled.
"Fine, I have to learn French. But I can't. I'd much rather watch you. After the cake's done and we've watched the mov-"
"No, no." Felix dusts off his floury hands, walks to the tap, washes them, then firmly grabs your notebook and lays it on your lap. "You can't put it off. It never leads to anything good. I'll help you, then we can bake together."
"Alright." As Felix's face lights up with excitement, so does your enthusiasm. You open your notebook to the concepts to be learned. It's not much, really, just a mini-test, but it's still a pain to get yourself to study. Of course, now that your boyfriend is offering his services, it's a different story.
You quickly run through the words, then hand him the notebook. You're ready, let's get it over with. Felix nods, reads the meaning of a word to quiz you, and you suddenly panic as those pretty lips, reading silently, empty your short-term memory.
"What's gently?" he inquires, his eyes fixed on your face. You shake your head. You're ashamed that you can't answer even though you just saw the solution. Seeing your exasperated expression, Felix takes pity on you.
"Tendrement," he smiles encouragingly, and takes possession of your lips again as he looks at the next solution. This time it's not slow, but intense, blood-pumping, yearning. He grips your hips, presses himself tightly between your legs, his tongue as if to carve the letters he pronounces as he part your lips.
"À la folie," he whispers in your ear. Your throat is dry. Nobody said Felix's deep voice mixed with French would make you so weak. "The meaning is passionately or madly."
"It was indeed mad." You throat is like a parched desert, you clear it, searching for water. Luckily for you, there's a bottle on the other side of the counter you're sitting on, which you take into your hand.
"Can we continue?" He asks after you drink a few fresh sips.
"Un peu, a little bit. Beaucoup, very. Pas du tout, not at all. I know these," you announce, while he checks that you've got them right. Somehow you've pulled them out of the short term after all. Or maybe Felix's kiss was so effective that the words bounced enthusiastically into your long-term memory.
"You won't forget the other two?"
"I don't think so." It's totally impossible to get Felix's teaching technique out of your head the next day, you're sure. "But we can still practice a few more times. You know, just to make sure."
"Oh, of course. Glad to help." Felix's wide, excited, sweet smile makes you weak in the knee - so it's very useful for you that you are sitting right now.
Your notebook lays forgotten on the counter under Felix's palm as you reach into his hair to swallow his sweet sigh into your mouth and love him as these learned words suggest.
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flufftober taglist (send an ask! <3)
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nerdylittleguy · 7 months
are spidersonas still a thing? yes? cool cool...
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Okay, he's not my spidersona per se, he's based on a favourite character from a forgotten 80s show (robin of sherwood, and the character's name is Nasir, if you're interested) but I wanted to make a spiderman based on him since watching atsv, but because of how well Pavitr was designed (culture and representation wise) I wanted to make him also more representative, but had no idea where to start where to even find designs or inspiration. So I wrote down in one of my many diaries that he's Palestinian, and left it at that for months.
And, if you're somehow not yet aware, Palestine has actually been noticed by the west for the past month, though it should have been for more. People should not have to die, civilians should not have to die, hospitals, mosques, churches, schools, bakeries and people should not be targeted by a powerful military, blamed for the conditions of their suffering and resistance under an apartheid state. I'm Polish, fun fact, and when Russia started its invasion of Ukraine we were all crapping ourselves, supporting the Ukrainian fight back against people who had already oppressed them in the past. Of course, every story of oppression is different, but the moral is this: the world supported Ukrainian resistance against oppression, and suddenly when it's in the oh-so dreaded middle east, it's apparently a threat to everyone, and apparently it's completely justifiable to murder innocent civilians, but not justifiable for them to fight back. Ideally, I'd like to say "violence is never the answer, it's not correct to fight fire with fire" but realistically, after 75 years of oppression, of western ignorance, what other options are there? You cannot debate for peace with a government that calls you "children of darkness" or "human animals" or whatever other dehumanising things the Israeli government and military have been saying. Now is the obligatory time I feel I need to clarify, no, I do not support acts of terror (from either side!! Israel deserves as much criticism as Hamas, if not more, seeing as they are a powerful military) and no, I am not antisemitic. I have not been studying World War 2 for almost 4 years as an autistic hobby to be called antisemitic, but also neither to ignore a genocide unfolding before our eyes on social media. My issue is not with Jewish people, who have suffered for years, centuries, especially in Europe, my issue is with the weaponisation of the Holocaust and the misleading Israeli/ Zionist idea that they, the children of the Holocaust, cannot cause the same atrocities. Especially when many, many Jews, also children of Holocaust survivors have spoken out again Israel and its actions towards Palestinians. Trauma is a cycle, one that the state of Israel has clearly not dealt with and is now willing to cause in another population.
So. Autism and activism (another fun fact, I'm a former climate activist who quit due to burn out) combined in my brain to make this artwork. I have a few more drawings of Nasir as spiderman, I'm still mulling over if I want to post them, but if people want to take my design and run with it, redraw it, make it more accurate or interesting (I literally just took the patterns on the keffiyeh and threw them on a spiderman suit, not very creative, or not as much as it could have been) absolutely do so. I would ask for a little credit, but if you feel you make the design entirely your own, it's yours. I'm just some Polish idiot living in the UK, what do I know about accurate middle eastern representation? (Also feel free to use this as pfps and what not, I don't care, I'll be happy with the knowledge I drew it, and if it makes you happy, I've achieved more than I hoped.)
Obviously activism has more to offer than just drawing spiderman, so if you can, write to your MPs or representatives or what have you, share information (I will do my best to share information on tumblr as I have been very inactive on here recently), maybe even attend protests if you can, but first and foremost, stay thinking!! Stay learning and educating yourself as having information keeps you one step ahead of propaganda. If you have the energy to, compare and criticise different news outlets, find yourself some Gazan news sources and journalists (a lot of people have been following Motaz, Bisan and Plestia on Instagram, I don't have that but it's easy to find reposts of their videos on tiktok or twitter) and stay informed!! Boycott those companies suggested by BDS, MacDonalds, Starbucks and Disney as the main ones (or just ignore capitalism all together and shop local!! That's what I've been trying to do, but obviously it's not an option for everyone, it's better to have focused efforts on those big three than smaller, scattered attempts at boycotting). We all have something we can do to help and show out support.
However, from my burnt out activist's perspective I have to highlight that you MUST take time for yourself, your hobbies, your wellbeing. Yes, you are privileged to be able to turn it off, but from my privilege of experience, I tell you that you will burn out and loose your spark. You need to be able to support those who need us (and not just in Palestine, but in the DR of Congo and many other places where crises and genocides are occuring) but you can't do that if you've burnt yourself out. You, your comfort and safety is important, your ability to sustainably fight for these important causes is more valuable than you know. Important causes like these require a lot of energy, but we as activists cannot let ourselves become completely burnt out as there will be no one left to fight. Just pace yourself. Do as much as you are comfortable with. Everyone has different styles of activism, different abilities, and that's the beauty of us. We can do so much if we don't start with too much and end up burnt out.
In conclusion, Free Palestine <3
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raulfernandez · 8 months
Pedrenzo + things you didn’t say at all
Thank you so much for this, it somehow got way longer and sadder than I had wanted it to be, I hope it's not too messy and you enjoy :]
The room was quiet. Jorge sat alone at the kitchen table, staring towards the stove where every other day he would have found Dani preparing dinner for them. But Dani wasn't here anymore. He had left. And Jorge knew he had every right to, but it felt wrong. He should have stopped him, said anything to make the other reconsider. But he didn't. And Dani was gone.
All because Jorge couldn't bring himself to admit to his mistakes. He had fucked up and he knew it. He should have been with Dani when he needed him, should have been by his side. But instead he was so obsessed with the idea of racing again that he had neglected his boyfriend.
His boyfriend who was struggling with his decision if he should keep going or not. Keep being Ktm's test rider and do some wildcards every now and then when he wanted to. Dani loved the team and he loved the people, they were great to work with and from time to time it was nice to get back into the flashy paddock with all its shimmer and shine and know that the people hadn't forgotten him, there were still so many supporting him in every step he took. They would still love him even if he completely decided to stop, he knew that.
But it wasn't those fans he needed, no matter how much he loved them and was thankful for everything they did for him, it was his boyfriend he needed. Now more than anything. He had a decision to make and it wasn't an easy one. He knew that in the end he'd have to make his decision on his own but he needed reassurance and love and support. But Jorge didn't have time for him anymore.
So when they had sat in the livingroom one evening, Dani watching TV while Jorge was watching something on his phone, Dani had decided to bring it up, voice shaky and not able to look the other in the eyes. "Jorge? I have something to ask you..." He wasn't happy with the mumbled "Hmmh what is it?" he got as an answer but it would have to do. He knew Jorge was listening. Or atleast he hoped he was.
"I need your advice on something. You know how Ktm offered me another contract for next year?" his voice determined now, he was gonna try to get his boyfriend to actually pay attention to him for once. But that bit of confidence was instantly blown away when Jorge didn't take his eyes off his phone and just gave him a nod and a disinterested "that's great" before focusing his attention back on his phone. "I'm not sure if I want to continue. I love riding Motorbikes, it's always been my life as long as I can think, but every race again I feel how much harder it gets for me and my body. I'm not who I used to be, that's why I stopped in the first place. And I'd really love to have some more time for us again so I don't really know what to do..." his voice got quieter with every passing second until he just stopped talking and waited for Jorge to notice. And waited. And waited. And waited. But nothing, the younger was just nodding his head every few seconds.
That was enough for Dani. He got up from his place on the sofa and left the livingroom towards their shared bedroom, getting a suitcase and throwing some of his clothes in it before going to the bathroom to pick up his toiletries. When he came out of the bathroom again he was face to face with a confused Jorge. "What are you doing? Are we going on holiday?" Dani gave him a dissapointed look and scoffed at the stupidity of it all. "No we're not and I don't care what you do but I'm leaving. It's over." The look on Jorge's face would forever be burned into Dani's brain but he had made the decision and he had to be strong and stand up for himself.
Watching the color drain from his lover's face hurt. He knew it would hurt before he even said the words out loud. "I can't do this anymore Jorge, all you care about is racing, we said we never wanted it to be that way again, but it is. I'm not your first priority anymore, you didn't even pay attention to me right there when I told you about my worries. So this is it. It's over. I can't do this anymore..." His eyes focused on his feet because he knew that if he looked Jorge into the eyes right now he would change his mind. But it wasn't worth it.
And that was it. Dani was gone. He had left him. Even hours later Jorge couldn't stop himself from pacing around the house, trying to come up with any way to fix this. There was so much left to say. He wanted to tell Dani how much he loved him and how much he needed him. How he loved waking up with the older in his arms, which he now realised had become a rarity. He really had lost focus of Dani. And he felt sorry for it. More sorry than he ever had in his life. He needed to tell him how sorry he was for everything, for not having noticed sooner and not having done anything about it. So he ran around the house trying to find his phone. The stupid thing that connected him to his team and had all his data and had ruined everything for him, for them. But also the only way he had left to contact Dani. He didn't know where the younger had gone so all he could do was hoping he'd answer the phone.
But he didn't. It didn't even go trough. Dani had blocked his number, it was over once and for all. So many things left unsaid, so much hurt and so much regret. If only he had noticed earlier...
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askanautistic · 2 years
My family and I keep getting into fights and they always say I'm the one who started it (post fight), but I always feel like it's them, I get that it's probably me somehow, it's 3 vs 1, it's more likely they're right, but whenever I ask what I did wrong so I can fix it, they tell me I didn't do anything wrong, that shouldn't be bringing it up because it's done and over with, and that I trying to play victim, how do I go about figuring out what I'm doing wrong without asking directly?
I'd suggest that you try to ask someone when they're alone, so that they can't gang up on you. State very clearly that you've noticed this is a common occurrence (that fights break out and that everyone agrees it's because of you) and that you'd like for them to be clear about how you caused the fight so that you can try to prevent it from happening in future. To be honest, I've sometimes found that in order to get answers or to get justice, I've had to cause another fight! By being very stubborn in wanting to know what the problem is, or expressing that I think something is unfair. Sometimes people do listen when you are more forceful about making sure they realise that you want to get to the truth of the matter, or want your side of things to be heard. Or you could try to get an outside perspective. Run the events by a non-biased person in as much detail as you can remember, in hopes that they'll recognise what the issue was and will be able to explain it to you. But if in the heat of the moment they blame you, then later on say that you didn't do anything wrong, perhaps it's more that they recognise you aren't actually doing anything... Perhaps it's your family finding it much easier (in the heat of the moment) to all blame you for it, especially if you are autistic and they aren't (it might be easier to blame it on the non-typical communication - if everyone else communicates neurotypically/allistically, then it's much easier to assume or assign blame towards the person who communicates differently to the majority, regardless of whether it's actually true that their communication was the problem). Later when they realise it's not fair to blame you, and that trying to isolate the specific behaviours that caused the problem (in their eyes) would just be picking on your autisticness, perhaps they backtrack and decide all should be forgotten. There often is a scapegoat for family issues. This can be the ND person, or it can be an age or gender thing. It's easier to blame the youngest person because they're less experienced/powerful, or the oldest sibling (because they are seen as responsible for the younger siblings), or the teenager (because teens are viewed as grumpy and argumentative), or the daughter instead of the son (because of gender expectations). Or it can be another member of the family being viewed as more difficult and it being best to appease them/ignore their behaviour. Sometimes it's easier to blame the person who's less likely to kick off or cause a problem, and allow the problematic person to get away with it. I've seen it in multiple families where everyone else tiptoes around a specific person, allows them to say and do as they please and get away with it, and then it any arguments stem from that person's behaviour it gets blamed on the person who wouldn't just let them have their own way (they can prod and prod all they like, and everyone is expected to just grin and bear it... so the person who reacts gets blamed for the argument).
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spencestyles · 3 years
I’d do anything
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summary: spencer is in love with y/n and y/n is in an abusice relationship. will spencer be able to save y/n? love her when she needs him most?
pairing: spencer reid x bau!fem!reader
words: 4k+
please do not read if you are uncomfortable with the content of it abuse is a trigger. be mindful of this.
"Guys this is my boyfriend, Owen," y/n said to the team on a night out.
For the longest time she and I have been best friends, nothing more. I have been in love with her for a while now, but I have always been too afraid to tell her. Now that she had a boyfriend, I knew I had lost my chances.
"Oh my gosh!" Penelope yelled. "It is so nice to finally meet you! y/n has told us so much about you!"
Owen smiled and gave y/n a side hug, "Hopefully all good things."
"Yes," JJ quickly said. "She makes you seem amazing. Hopefully you can live up to the expectations."
"Hopefully I do not disappoint," Owen replied.
The night continued with the team asking Owen questions. I had met Owen before and he truly was a nice guy. That was the worst part. However as the night continued, y/n acted strange and almost seemed afraid of Owen. She was acting timid, something she has never done, not even in front of an unsub.
Owen went to get y/n a drink so I decided it would be the perfect time to ask y/n, "Are you okay? You've been acting strange, is Owen hurting you?"
"What?" y/n laughed. "Spencer are you okay? Of course not. Owen and I are perfectly fine."
I sighed, "Okay, just checking. Are we still on for Dr Who tomorrow night?"
"When have I ever not showed up for Dr Who?" y/n retorted. "I will obviously come. Nothing can ever come between us and Dr Who."
Owen suddenly came up behind y/n, "Wait, you're hanging with Spencer tomorrow?" Owen asked aggressively. "I thought we were going to do something?"
y/n laughed, "I told you I can't ever hang on certain Fridays because I watch Dr Who with Spencer. I also never agreed to doing something together, I would have never forgotten a Dr Who watch party."
Owen glared at me. Obviously he was angry I was hanging out with y/n.
"I think it's time for us to leave," Owen said, grabbing y/n's arm very hard. "Say goodbye to your friends." Owen walked over to the table with y/n and put on a fake smile. As they walked out the door, I noticed y/n look back at me, tears in her eyes. Something was wrong.
The whole team was sitting at the table talking about something random when I decided to speak up, "How did you guys like Owen?"
A mix of complements were thrown by the girls, but the guys, they didn't seem too impressed. JJ, Emily, and Penelope, all went to get drinks while Rossi, Hotch, Derek, and I stayed at the table.
"What did you guys think of him?" I asked.
"I hated him," Derek said simply. "I saw the way y/n acted around him, much profilers the girls are. She's acting just like someone who has been manipulated and abused."
Hotch nodded, "I agree with Derek. I know we aren't supposed to profile team members, but the girls obviously don't see anything wrong."
"Are you guys sure?" Rossi asked. "I mean he seems very nice and maybe you all just think he is not good because you all wish y/n and Spencer were together."
The guys looked at me as I began to blush profusely, "I don't want to be with y/n that much anymore." They looked at me in disagreement. "Guys I'm serious, she has a boyfriend."
"Yeah and you don't like her," Rossi argued. "Just admit that you still have a crush on her and then if something really happens I will believe you."
"Fine," I sighed. "I still like y/n."
"What the hell y/n," Owen screamed at you. "What the fuck is Dr Who night? You know I don't like him."
You choked a sob, "Owen it isn't like that. I don't like him, he's my best friend. Please don't hurt me."
"He obviously has something for you and you have something for him," He yelled.
"I d-don't lik-ke him Owen," I whispered. "I promise."
This had become your normal routine. Spencer or some other male would say something and Owen would go crazy. Especially about Spencer. Owen would yell at you and sometimes things would escalate. That unfortunately is how it went tonight.
It started with a push, then a slap. Sometimes it progressed more, but that was rare.
"We are going somewhere," Owen said.
You were being dragged out of the house, "Owen, what?"
"Well since you can't be obedient, I'm going to have to teach you somehow y/n."
And like that you were knocked out unconscious.
I walked into work carrying a coffee for both y/n and I. I decided to get her a coffee to apologize for last night's irrational decisions. I had come to the conclusion that Owen wasn't actually abusive, I was just jealous.
Derek and Hotch though, not so much.
"Baby girl, that guy is a grade A asshole," Derek said to Garcia. "Can you please just do one background check?"
Penelope sighed, "I can't do that Derek, I promised y/n I wouldn't look into him."
I decided to ignore the conversation and wait for y/n to come in for work. After about thirty minutes of waiting I decided to ask Hotch.
"Hey, is y/n coming in today?" I asked.
"Um, no," he said, pulling out his phone. "I got this strange text though, can you look through it."
"Yeah let me see," I said, walking over to where he set his phone down.
"Agent Hotchner, I will not be able to come into work tomorrow for the case. I have an issue with my tonsils. I am sorry." I recited. "I don't think y/n typed this, maybe we should send someone to her house and to Owen's house."
Hotch groaned, "I'll send Derek and JJ, I am hoping our next case doesn't become y/n. Please continue to look over the text and I'll have Garcia look into Owen."
I nodded and put the text onto the white board so I would be able to write on it.
"Hotch, look at this," I said, Hotch walking over to me. "First, y/n hasn't called you agent Hotchner since her first day here, she usually calls you Hotch or Aaron. Also, y/n got her tonsils removed when she was 7."
"Garcia, have you looked into Owen at all," Hotch asked.
"Yeah a little, but it's all normal," Garcia answered.
Hotch glared at her, "Not enough, do a full deep dive. I don't care what y/n told you not to do, he is hiding something and so is she."
Garcia nodded and went straight to work as Hotch's phone began to ring.
"Morgan, you're on speaker."
"Okay so y/n's apartment was spotless," Morgan said. "But it was also locked, so I don't think she went home to her apartment last night."
JJ began to add on, "Owen's apartment on the other hand, was a mess. Like it looked like there was a robbery of some form. Also, y/n's purse was there."
"Garcia what do you have on Owen?" Hotch asked.
"Owen Winters, he is 42 and from Southern California," Garcia began. "As a child CPS was contacted many times and it looks like his dad killed himself when he was 8. It looks like he has an extensive amount of charges for abuse and harassment, all from his ex-girlfriends."
"Do any of them live near?" I asked.
"Yes, boy wonder, 25 year-old Vanessa Montgomery works in a coffee shop near the white house," Penelope explained.
"What is the coffee shop?" I questioned.
"The Starbucks over on Pennsylvania Ave. near the White House," she answered. "Why?"
"I know her, she is the barista that always gets our order perfect," I replied.
"Morgan and JJ pick her up on your way back," Hotch ordered. "Owen Winters is our new unsub and y/n y/l/n is our newest victim."
I sighed as I began to prepare the questions for Vanessa. I looked over at y/n's desk and decided to start looking through it for any details.
As I walked over to the desk, I looked at the coffee on y/n's desk. I wanted to apologize for something that I was right about. Why didn't she tell me? was the only thing going through my head.
At her desk I noticed some things that I guess I hadn't seen before. On her desk she has four framed pictures. One of her, Hotch and Rossi. Another that was her and the girls. One that was of her, Derek and me, from one of the first cases we had together . The last one however, was the one I had never seen. It was a picture of y/n and me from when she took me to Colorado to ski and hike.
I smiled at the memory,
"Spencer, be careful," y/n yelled as I walked closer and closer to the edge of the cliff.
I laughed, "y/n I'll be fine! Come here, let's take a picture."
"Fine! Spencer I swear if I fall, you are coming down with me."
"For you, y/n, I'd do anything."
I then began to look deeper in her desk. I felt like I was violating y/n's personal space, but this needed to be done. As I looked through her drawers, I wasn't able to find anything that could help. Until I looked in the last drawer.
In this drawer, I found papers for a restraining order that had been filed and denied. y/n was trying to get away from Owen.
"Guys, I found something," I said yelling into the conference room. The team looked at me to continue, "y/n filed a restraining order on Owen but it was denied. The date was two months ago. I was thinking back and y/n has been acting a little strange for the past five months. Owen has to have her."
"Reid, we already established Owen has her, but this ensures that he was abusive," Hotch said.
Emily sighed, "The timeline makes sense. She has been hanging out with us less and she has worn more turtlenecks in the past five months than I have seen anyone ever wear."
"Yeah," Penelope said. "y/n has ditched us for girls night for the past few months. She also got mad at me at team dinner last night when I asked why she wasn't wearing something more revealing."
"Her smiles have been fake," I added. "She smiles at us all the time to brighten our days, but they haven't been as nice, welcoming."
"Well, Reid, it looks like you were correct," Rossi said.
"What do you mean?" JJ asked.
Derek laughed, "Last night when you three went off to get drinks, Reid told us he thought Owen was acting violent with y/n and thought she was acting strange. Hotch and I immediately agreed, but Rossi didn't seem convinced. Rossi thought Reid was just jealous because he has a crush on y/n and he doesn't realize she likes him."
"Derek, not the time," I said sternly.
Emily laughed, "I can't believe you of all people couldn't see it Spencer. y/n is hopelessly in love with you and now she is dating a scumbag because she doesn't think you like her."
I sighed as I began to look over where y/n could be located, thinking about the idea of dating y/n wouldn't help us find her. We had made little progression on this, but we knew it had to be somewhere with significance to either one of them or both of them.
I decided to ask Garcia, "Garcia, have you made any progress on where y/n could be?"
"Yes 187, it looks like Owen owns a small cabin around half an hour from here," Garcia said.
"Okay let's go now," Hotch told us.
Garcia gasped, "Wait there is a live feed. I'm putting it up on the screen."
The video was horrific. y/n was tied to a chair looking almost dead. She had blood falling from above her head and looked like she had been through hell.
"Hello BAU," Owen said to the camera. "I have your dear y/n, but you wont be able to get her. y/n will never be out of my sight ever again. I will not have Dr. Spencer Reid ruin our relationship."
"It's not your fault Spence," y/n said to the camera. My heart clenched. She was in pain and I couldn't be there to help her.
"He is the one in the way of our relationship y/n," Owen yelled. "Of course it is his fault."
"Spencer isn't the issue with our relationship Owen," y/n yelled back. "You are."
Hotch started to grab his things, "She shouldn't have said that, we need to leave now. She is already in danger."
We all ran to the SUVs. I went in a car with Derek and Hotch. Derek drove and broke every traffic law imaginable, making the thirty minute car ride less than twenty. The three of us grabbed out vests and began to run to the cabin.
Suddenly, Hotch stopped me, "Spencer it isn't safe for you to be there."
"Hotch I have to go," I protested.
"Spencer, you are the reason she is there," Hotch said. "It may be Owen's fucked up mind, but you are the trigger that made him angry. y/n loves you more than him and he noticed and now we're here. Stay outside." I decided to not fight and stay outside to wait for the other team members. The other SUV pulled up quickly after us.
"Jesus Christ, that was the fastest I've ever driven," Emily complained. "Spencer what are you doing out here?"
"Morgan and Hotch already moved in, Hotch doesn't want me inside," I explained.
"I'll stay out here with you Kid," Rossi said. I nodded in thanks as I watched Emily and JJ run to the cabin. I stood staring at the cabin. Time had become slow motion. It felt like an eternity watching the movement inside.
I heard Derek yell from the cabin, "MEDIC! WE NEED A MEDIC!" I immediately ran into the cabin. I looked over and saw y/n in Derek's arms, barely breathing. I heard Owen yelling at me, but couldn't focus on anything besides y/n.
"y/n," I said, moving to where I was holding her head. "y/n, I need you to listen to me. I love you, I always have and I am so sorry I never told you."
"Sir, we need you to move," the medic said, trying to move y/n onto the stretcher. I began to move when I felt someone grab my hand. I looked down and noticed it was y/n. She gave my hand three squeezes. I Love You.
With y/n on her way to the hospital and Owen getting taken back to Quantico, Derek, JJ, and I all went to the hospital to keep tabs on y/n while the others closed the case.
I sat in my chair nervous out of my mind. Derek sat next to me trying to calm me down and JJ was across from me.
"Spencer, you need to calm down," Derek told me.
"I can't calm down Derek, y/n could die," I said frantically.
JJ began to laugh, "Did you know the other day y/n told Emily, Penelope, and I, that she wanted kids? Can you imagine that? y/n with kids?"
A tear trickled down my face, "She always told me she wanted two kids, one boy and one girl. y/n would be a great mother."
Derek laughed, "The thing that would make y/n such a great mother if her kids were also yours Pretty Boy. I have known since the beginning you two would have pretty kids." I laughed, but also glared at him.
"y/n y/l/n?" The doctor called. The three of us stood up and the doctor began to walk towards us, "y/n is out of surgery. It was touch and go for a while, but she is stable. There were many noticeable signs of abuse that were old, she has a broken harm and three broken fingers, all of which are old."
I let out a shaky breath, "When can I- we see her?"
"I can only let one person in at a time and I doubt she is awake," the doctor explained. JJ and Derek looked at me, signaling me to go to y/n's room. I followed the doctor to her room.
"It might be a little much to see, she may not look like herself. She is very, very fragile and has wires attached to her," the doctor said before opening the door for me. Walking into the room, the environment was tense. y/n was laying in the hospital bed with wires attached to her and much of her body was wrapped up from the surgery and from her injuries.
I went over and sat next to her bed, grabbing onto her hand, "y/n, you can't hear me but I am here. It's Spencer. I am so glad you are okay, but why didn't you tell me about Owen? I could have done something. WE could have done something. I am just so glad you are safe."
For the rest of the time, I sat there watching her sleep. Not in a creepy way, but to make sure she was safe. I was so pissed at myself for not realizing what Owen was doing earlier. I should have been able to see the warning signs. Some of them were subtle, when she wouldn't hang out with the team or was constantly checking her phone. But some of them should have been immediate red flags, the flinching in front of the unsub or how she always wore clothes to cover herself. I should have known. The team should have known.
I felt y/n's hand move and saw her shift, "Spencer?" she asked.
"y/n," I said breathlessly. "I am right here, but I need to go get a nurse. You are at the hospital, Owen hurt you."
I started standing up to leave, "Spence, no. Don't leave me."
I sighed, looking at her disheveled features, "y/n, I will be right back. You need to see a nurse."
Walking out of the room was painful, hearing her sobs in fear of being hurt again. It pained me to know I was leaving her when she needed me, again.
I walked over to her nurse, "Um y/n y/l/n has woken up, I thought you should know." The nurse said her thanks and walked with me to y/n's room. As we walked in, the sound of y/n's labored breaths became more noticeable.
"Miss y/l/n, we need you to calm down," the nurse said, running to y/n's bedside.
Immediately, I walked over to y/n and held her hand. "Sir, you need to exit the room," the nurse said, ushering me away from y/n. At that moment I didn't know what was worse, hearing y/n's cries or feeling so helpless in the situation.
Suddenly, I felt a presence next to me, "Reid, you need to leave, it's not good for you here."
"Derek, I-I-I can't just leave," I stuttered. "I need to be there to help, she's all alone."
"Kid, you need to shower," Derek said.
"No, Derek you don't understand," I said angrily. "I can't just leave her here again. I didn't notice when she was hurt and I need to show that I care."
Derek sighed, "Reid, she knows. She's not going to hate you. No one knew that she was going through that. It's not your fault."
I was about to say something when I say y/n being moved out of her room by doctors, "What is going on?" I asked.
"Miss y/l/n is getting taken back into surgery," the doctor said. "We don't know what happened." I began to hyperventilate. I was freaking out. y/n wasn't alright. She was going to die.
As I began to sob, Derek pulled me into a hug, "She is going to be alright man. You'll get to see her again and talk to her and finally ask her on a date. Does that sound good?"
I unconvincingly nodded my head.
"No, Spencer, don't do that," he said. "Don't doubt the doctors and think about the statistics, y/n is not a statistic."
I nodded, wiping my eyes.
"There you go," Derek smirked. "Now, go take a shower at your house so y/n wont shy away at your scent. Also, maybe get her some flowers. She likes-"
"Pink roses," I interrupted, laughing. "Pink roses are the most difficult flowers to find."
Derek laughed, "At least try to find them."
"For her," I began. "I'd do anything."
After that, I ran to the SUV to head to Quantico and get my car. The car ride felt like forever and I wasn't excited for the possibility of seeing Owen. Thankfully, I didn't see Owen between the time of dropping off the SUV and going to the parking lot to get my car. The car ride to my apartment was short, thank God. I decided to take a quick shower, just wanting to freshen up. I got dressed in my home clothes, which were in fact different from my work clothes, contrary to the belief of most of my team members.
I made it to the flower shop that was down the street from my apartment. I was usually able to find at least one pink rose here, but it was typically very difficult.
"Hello," the shop owner said. "We are close to closing Spencer. Do you need anything in specific?"
"Pink roses," I stated.
The owner laughed, "I'll have to check the back, but don't get your hopes up."
I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up, but I couldn't help myself. y/n loves pink roses and I love y/n.
The owner came back, "You my kind sir, are in good luck. We had one bouquet left of pink roses in the back."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I said, pulling out my money. The owner nodded as I ran out the door to my car.
Speeding to the hospital, I made it to the waiting room. In the waiting room, I couldn't find the team. They were all there, but they weren't in the waiting room. I decided to go to y/n's room and see if they were near there.
Walking to y/n's room, I heard laughter. I looked into the room and saw the team in there along with y/n, smiling. I knocked on the door and slowly opened it.
"Spence," y/n smiled. "I missed you."
"Well I should get going," JJ began. "I need to go see my boys."
The rest of the team followed with their excuses for leaving y/n and I alone.
"H-hi y/n," I stuttered. "I brought you flowers, h-how are you?"
"I am as good as I can be," y/n laughed, obviously compensating the pain. "Thank you for the flowers Spence, I can't believe you could find them at this hour. You have always told me-"
"10 AM is the best time to buy pink roses," I interrupted. "Sorry."
"It's okay Spence, how are you?" She asked.
"Not that great," I said honestly. "Why didn't you tell us y/n?"
y/n sighed, "It was hard Spencer. I already barely had time alone with you guys and I didn't want to ruin it. Owen was also very scary- a mad man. I felt hopeless Spence, I didn't know what to do. I mean I've seen situations like this all the time in cases, but when it was actually happening I felt like there was nothing to do."
I held on to y/n's hand, giving it small kisses while she continued to talk me through her feelings, "and Spencer, I don't want to be alone tonight. Do you think you could stay?"
"Of course y/n," I answered.
"Thanks Spence, you're the best," she said. We continued to sit in a comfortable silence, watching the new episode of Dr Who on the small television in the corner of the room when y/n spoke up again, "Did you mean it?"
"Did I mean what?" I asked, hoping she didn't mean my love confession.
y/n looked at me, knowing I was avoiding the topic, "When you said you love me Spencer. Did you mean it?"
"Yes," I answered.
"I love you too," She said.
I smiled, "Maybe once you're better Icantakeyoutodinner?"
"Spencer say it slower and I'll answer," y/n laughed. "I couldn't understand you."
"Once you're better maybe I can take you out to dinner?" I asked.
"Of course," y/n said. "But no Indian, if we are going on a date I want to go out somewhere. I want to feel pretty."
"To me, you are the most beautiful girl in the world," I said.
y/n blushed profusely, "I still can't believe you found those pink roses! I bet you had to look all over."
"I did, but for you, I'd do anything."
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youngcollectedtired · 3 years
Class 1-a x New Student Reader
I wrote this to go along with a quirk I made for myself. I'd already made a quirk for a character who's gonna be paired with Kirishima so this is basically just if I was in MHA. It's still an x reader so enjoy. This story is mainly for fun and practice so I can get to know the class 1-a characters for my newest book. It may or may not turn into an actual book.
I just wanna say if I could draw this would probably be in a comic book. But I cannot draw so here we are. Also I haven't read the manga
Warnings? Mineta being a perv
Pairings? Possibly Sero or Todoroki or Shinso... or literally any of the guys I'm in love and i have a problem
Part 1/?
Quirk? It's complicated but based on the chronic illness called Lupus
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You'd heard rumors about how easily Class 1-a attracted trouble. This made you feel better about yourself, but it also made you feel bad. You too had your fair share of trouble run ins. Being sister to the leader of the league villains left you with many watchful eyes in the underground world.
Few heroes knew of your relation and even fewer knew of your quirk. Your mentor, Hawks thought the safest place for you to be was UA. Yes, they'd had a run-in or two with villains, but because of it, they were the most capable to defend and fight with you. And Eraserhead it seemed was a great teacher, maybe he could help you learn to control it.
It was false hope, you knew that. Still, you were excited to meet your new classmates.
"Alright, class we've got a new student. Today's morning lesson will be replaced with you helping her settle in and getting to know her," you could hear Mr. Aizawa's voice from the hallway. He sounded bored and tired almost, but you assumed that was just his nature.
You heard excited chatter and that caused the nerves to worsen.
The principal Mr. Nezu smiled, "Don't worry they’ll like you."
You nodded your head, your fingers pulling at and adjusting your tie. You liked the school uniform, the skirt was shorter than you thought it would be that was an easy fix. Knee-waisted white socks with two red stripes on the top made you feel better.
The door opened and you entered. Aizawa barely glanced at you before nodding to Principle Nezu, "I'm leaving her in your trusted hands." You could hear the door attempting to close behind you which forced you forward. You felt every eye on you.
"This is Y/N L/N," he gestured to you. You'd forgotten your last name was changed, the Tomura sure to drag attention.
You bowed deeply.
"Hello, sorry to barge in your class. Nice to meet you."
You could hear whispers and you unconsciously touched your white horn, one on another side of your head. They were filed down to about two inches, still noticeable in your curly hair. You knew the grey streaks in your hair and in your eyes would cause many questions.
A boy with green hair raised his hand quickly, "What's your quirk?" He asked his eyes sparkling it seemed like.
You bit your lip but before you could answer Mr. Aizawa cleared his throat, "You're all dismissed. I expect her moved in by lunch, you have combat training this afternoon."
A girl with pink hair and yellow horns shook her fist excitedly, "YES! Feels like forever since we've had a lesson like that." Everyone stood up, while Mr. Aizawa slumped into his seat his eyes closing as he rested his head on his desk. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
"Don't worry, he does that a lot. I'm Uraraka," one of the girls said and you immediately put her name to her face.
"Nice to meet you," you beamed.
"She's so cute! I'm Mina," the girl with pink skin and yellow horns yelled excitedly.
"Hi! Thank you," you bowed slightly, causing her to shake her head wildly, "Don't bother we're all the same here! I'll introduce you to everyone."
On the way to the dorms, you found easy ways to remember everyone. Somehow each name fit a person. Plus you'd recognized a few people from the sports festival. You were thankful none of them asked personal questions, instead they choose to get to know you on the surface.
"Is your hair naturally that color?" "Yes, it changed its color when I was 6." "Do you play any instruments?" "Kind of, but I can paint better!" "Are you a good fighter?" "I'd like to think so but I guess we'll see this afternoon."
You also began to piece together the groups of close friends, the rivals, and even those who shared certain hobbies or hardships.
"You look nice in a skirt," Mineta complimented a smirk on his face, his mouth-watering. You knew his intentions, still glaring at him seemed to do nothing until Bakugo stepped in front of him his hand filling with small puffs of smoke.
"Thanks," you mumbled as you adjusted your skirt attempting to pull it down.
Bakugo let out a gruff, "Whatever," and joined his group of friends' hands tucked in his pocket.
"Sorry about him," Tsu stepped up next to you, "Mineta is our resident pervert. Be careful around him."
You nodded in thanks.
Your room had most of your bigger things moved in, you figured that was Hawks doing. On your bed were a few pictures clipped together with some picture frames, and journals.
The only thing you had to do was hang your clothes up, fix your desk and put your pictures up. The girls all volunteered, the boys cleaning around the dorm to make you feel more at home.
You hid the pictures figuring you'd go through them later tonight. Besides, being pictured next to a number 2 hero would definitely turn some heads.
"Your Japanese is good but it doesn't sound like your first language," Momo began as the girls made their way down to the common room, "What is your first language?"
You chuckled, "You're very observant, my first language was English, then Japanese, and then Russian," you explained.
Cue excited boys and curious girls.
Denki grinned, "Wow how did you learn?!"
Before you could answer, the bell rang the dorm common room almost seemed to shake. You decided it was only because it was your first time hearing it.
"Come on Dunce face, you'll get your answer at lunch," Bakugo grunted the first to make his way towards the doors leading out of the dorms.
No one argued with him food also on their minds and stomachs.
I hope I can fit in well, you thought to yourself grateful for Mina and Uraraka both of them explaining different things to you. Whether or not you knew what they were you were happy all the same.
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maple-the-awesome · 2 years
Be Her Guard || Chapter 23
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader
WARNINGS: Some strong language
Words: 2,531
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"Well, if it isn't the Great Sherlock Holmes. Funny getting to talk to you again, isn't it? What's it been? Almost a month? Just under one?"
Sherlock's grip on the phone tightens, his blood running cold by that teasing tone in Apollo’s voice. John's practically hanging off his shoulder, the optimistic side of him hoping- no, praying- that despite his friend's stiffen appearance, he'll put both of their worries to rest by saying you're on the other end, assuring them you've somehow escaped your ex and are okay. Alas, life's never that easy.
"Where is she?" Sherlock isn't sure if he whispers or shouts the question which is ripped from his mouth before he can truly assess the situation. He doesn't have time for that. He needs to know...is he already too late?
"Wow, no manners at all, and here I was thinking the whole appeal with British men is them being gentlemen-"
"-Answer the question-"
"-Or you'll what exactly? Threaten me while enjoying a cup of tea at your flat? In that case, say whatever you want, Holmes. Don't let me step on your moment. It's not like I really care anyways. All I'd have to do is just hang up once I've heard enough of it...Oh, but I'm sure (Y/n) would be pretty disappointed then. She's been dying to hear you voice."
Sherlock presses his lips in a tight line, all his hostile thoughts towards Apollo being replaced by worry for you. He wonders if you're in the room, listening from afar. If he yells loud enough, would you hear him even through the phone?
"...Why did you call me?"
He can practically see Apollo's smirk on the other end," I just want to talk, that's all. We've known about each other for what...? Seven years? And yet within that time we've never been able to have a civil conversation with each other, in fact, if I recall correctly, the first time we met face-to-face, you broke my nose. It's always been surprising how hostile you are towards me. Sure, you don't seem like much of a people person, but I figured I'd at least be just another face in the crowd for you. It's because of (Y/n), isn't it? Why do you care so much about her?"
"...She's (Y/n). What more reason is there?" Sherlock's eyes dart to John who's quietly sneaking into the kitchen now, his own phone in hand. The detective concludes he's calling Lestrade.
"I guess that's something we can agree on then. (Y/n) is extra special, but that's not what I meant. I want to know why you still care for her when all she does is use you? Haven't you realized it yet, Holmes? It's clear she only goes to you second. She left you in London then suddenly landed back in your arms once she needed you to prove her innocence at the trial. She only returned and agreed to date you because she thinks I'm going to hurt her. Notice the trend? She's never gone to you outside of a time of need. Doesn't that drive you mad to know she only pretends to love you so that she may gain something in return?"
"You're wrong."
"Oh? And why's that?" Apollo challenges, the sound of boots clicking against a smooth surface echoing behind his voice. He's inside somewhere, but where?
"I may not be able to tell you the exact reason why (Y/n) loves me, but I know it isn't to use me as a tool. It's honest affection unlike what she gave to you. She only chose you first because you asked first, and she was nice enough to give you a fair chance in winning her heart. She only rejected me after the trial because you traumatized her. She was afraid I'd do the same thing you did to her, but (Y/n)'s stronger now and she knows she can trust someone else again. That's why she came back to me when you threated her again. She trusts I won't let any harm befall her," Sherlock sits down ever so slowly to the point that one would think he's about to sit on needles. He maintains a neutral tone with Apollo, determined to keep the conversation going for as long as he can.
"Hm, maybe you've already forgotten this, but last time I checked, she's with me, not you. You can't do shit to prevent me from doing whatever I'd like with her because you don't even know where the hell we are," he hears Apollo stop pacing and there's a long pause, one that dares Sherlock to respond, but his tongue's been caught.
Finally, Apollo speaks again, a hint of a chuckle lifting his voice," see, it doesn't matter who wins her heart, Holmes. It only matters who can outsmart the other...You know, I've always resented you during my relationship with (Y/n). I hated the way she'd talk so highly of you, favoring you over her own fiancé. My anger only grew when I saw you at her side during the trial. I've spent six whole years in prison thinking of different ways to get back at you for ruining my life, hoping that one could be good enough to capture the attention of such a famous detective like yourself.”
"Since you have the higher ground and are in such a talkative mood, why don't you finally share how you did it? Your sentence wasn't up nor were you eligible for parole yet, so how'd you get out?"
"Oh, you know...really isn't that difficult escaping prison when your uncle's the warden," he practically drags out each word for a smug effect.
"Hugh Walsh-" Sherlock kicks himself over the realization, but he isn't granted much time to dwell on it on his own.
"-Is my mom's brother-in-law. I never had a close relationship with my dad, so you could say Uncle Hu took on the role and, of course, what uncle would let his nephew rot away in prison if he can somehow prevent it? His only request was that I come up with a good plan instead of being rash. He got me out and covered it up while I went on my merry way to get (Y/n). That's when the game really began. Luckily for me, she took the bait when I sent her that letter, running right to her knight in shining armor and tying him back into this mess just as I had hoped.
"From there, I just had to keep an eye from afar until the right moment. I gotta say, it took longer than I imagined. You really weren't taking any chances with her safety, taking her everywhere you go, parading her around like a show dog...Oh, but I'm sure you had fun with it. I'm sure you savored every second of your time with her especially behind closed doors, right? For the first time, she got to be yours. I guess you could say the image of you doing as you please with my fiancée was making me impatient. Fortunately, I noticed you were getting a little too comfortable. You started taking more risks with her, so I decided to take one of my own..."
When there's another pause, Sherlock takes the bait with growing annoyance," and what was that?"
"Glad you asked. Marvin Patel, ring a bell?"
"God, you really are an emotionless machine...Man in his late sixties, dark hair, nice beard...heard he went missing after a night at the bar; last night particularly."
"...The body on Abbott Lane..."
"Bingo! I needed a way to lure you away from the missus, so I asked some random drunk if he needed a ride home, killed him in a way that would stump investigators just enough to call their hero, then dumped him on the side of the road to let the show begin. While your head was turned, I simply took my chance to get (Y/n). Of course, she put up a bit of a fight, but nothing a good hit to the head can't fix. Overall, I'd say my plan worked like a charm, wouldn't you agree?"
"And what do you plan to do now? There must be another step considering you've wasted time calling me," Sherlock hisses, his irritation with the call reaching its limit. He can hear John talking downstairs to someone signaling that Lestrade's arrived, but what good will the Yard do if Sherlock doesn't know anything new worth matter. Out of all the bullshit Apollo's spewed, nothing says where you are.
"Nothing gets pass you, or should I say, most things don't," Apollo sighs, the sound of his boots against the ground starting up again," alright, you've got me, detective. I didn't only call to brag, although, that's been the best part of this conversation. Instead, I thought it would be fair to give you a fair chance. What, like (Y/n) did for me? Isn't that what you said? It would be a shame to let our game end so easily and I'm sure poor (Y/n) is just on the edge of her seat waiting for you to find her. Can't let her down, can we?
"I want you to listen closely because I have a few 'conditions' for my hint, but I'm sure you can already guess what they are. It's the typical movie format really: come alone and don't tell anyone where you're going or why. If I so much as think you've disobeyed and have someone on your trail- and I don't care who is it, the police or your little military friend-, I'll finish what I started six years ago. Did you know that I originally planned on a murder suicide back then? I may not want to lose (Y/n), but if we're going to being torn apart anyways, I'll happily take her with me and try our chances together in a new life-"
"-I have one condition of my own," Sherlock interrupts, gaining Apollo's attention.
"Really? You're going to be a beggar in this situation?"
Sherlock's slow with his words, picking each one carefully," I merely want to talk to her...There's no point in playing this game if the prize isn't there, right?"
There's nothing on the other end, Apollo seemingly considering the request and it's worth. Meanwhile, Sherlock holds his breath, truly begging internally for him to take the chance. Maybe it won't do anything to actually help the case, but he needs to hear from you even if it's a single word.
"...S-Sherlock?" His breath hitches at the whimper of a voice which breaks the silence at last, shaking him to his core.
"Yes, it's me. I'm here, (Y/n)," he jumps to his feet, his body trembling as he speaks quickly, knowing Apollo can take this chance away at any moment," listen, I'm coming to get you, alright? There's nothing that'll stop me. J-Just remember everything I've told you, okay? We've gone over it before- what you do if you're ever kidnapped. I'll be there as soon as I can, just hang on a little longer…for me.”
"I-I love you, Sh-Sherlock..." the last words are whispered so quietly that he can barely hear them especially over Lestrade and John's voices as they enter the room, franticly looking over to him, but he never turns his attention away from the phone.
"I...I know...I'll be there soon. I promise."
He isn't sure if you heard the last part because Apollo's soon talking again, his voice melting away the detective's relief," touching stuff, gotta say. Now unless you want to keep pushing you luck, are you ready for your hint?"
Sherlock hums, eyes focused on the floor.
"We're somewhere I've dreamed of being with (Y/n) since we first fell in love. Of course, this one isn't ideal; more of somewhere you would've taken her if it hadn't been abandoned three years ago, but even with the peeling paint, I'd say it still has that traditional feel to it. If only we had (Y/n)'s lilies…Maybe you could bring her some?...You get it, Holmes?"
"...I do," he mumbles, already having the exact place in mind.
"I'll see you then, Holmes. (Y/n) is wishing you luck."
That's it. Sherlock lets his hand fall to his side with the phone still clenched in his grip, his eyes focused on the distance. He knows it's a trap. Apollo isn't even trying to hide it; he wants to get Sherlock alone and kill him as cliche as it is, but the detective doesn’t have much of a choice. He can't just ignore the hint and wait for you to miraculously knock at the door safe and sound nor can he risk bringing John which could cost your life...
"Sherlock, what did he say? Where's (Y/n)?" The doctor asks desperately, reaching for the phone in Sherlock's hand when he doesn't answer,"...here, Lestrade said they might be able to track the pings. We can narrow down Apollo's location and-"
"-That won't be necessary."
"What...?" John raises an eyebrow not only at Sherlock's words but the way he jerks the phone away, calmly walking past him towards the coat rack.
"Look, I know you like to do this stuff on your own, Sherlock, but this is a time sensitive case. If the suspect called you then that's the best lead we're going to get," Lestrade tries to reason, both men watching in surprise as Sherlock causally puts on his coat with a shake of his head.
"It wasn't Apollo on the phone, it was (Y/n). She said she's managed to get away from him, but as you can imagine, the poor girl's rather shaken up and doesn't know her way back to the flat from downtown London, so I'll be going to pick her up myself. She'll have plenty of time to tell us whatever she can about Apollo, information I'll pass over to the Yard later, however, my only priority right now is getting her home," Sherlock explains while wrapping his scarf around his neck and giving a smile to both men, one neither believe," John, I'd like you to stay here and prepare some tea for when we get back. (Y/n) will need something to calm her nerves. It may also be wise to prepare a first aid kit in case she needs medical attention-"
"-Sherlock, I know you weren't on a call with (Y/n), I'm not stupid-!" John marches forward, grabbing hold of Sherlock's arm before he can start down the stairs, but his words are caught in his throat when his friend whips around, giving a deadly glare to the shorter man.
"-I said to stay here. We'll be back by this afternoon," Sherlock rips his arm from John's grip, his words stern yet there’s something else behind them that can’t be made out. He then continues his way downstairs, calling over his shoulder," Greg, you can expect a call from me in the morning with any new details!"
John runs a hand through his hair while watching the door open and close, Sherlock official disappearing behind it and leaving the two men alone with more questions than answers,"…something's wrong."
"Yeah, no kidding...He remembered my name for once..."
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yoonpobs · 3 years
we don't talk together | myg
pairing: min yoongi x oc
genre: angst, hurt/comfort, growth! exes that remain exes
words: 2, 842
summary: it's hard to say it's over
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What they don't tell you about goodbyes is that it isn't the end.
It's far from the closing of a book. Goodbyes are the itch that urges you to pick up an old book from the shelf just to feel what you first felt when you re-read certain parts of a book; the same remorse you felt when a character you grew attached to didn't get the ending they deserved. Or, maybe it was the villain that was misunderstood—your own heart wishing to reach out to the sad soul that couldn't even be recognised when all they do is speak.
But some books will end up dusty, forgotten, tucked away in the corner of your shelf; or in the most drastic of cases: lost.
"The park looks ... different," Yoongi speaks up for a lack of a better conversation starter.
You hum. What would you say? That it wasn't the same from when we used to spend our Spring's blended into Summer's until it got too hot for us to lay in each other's embrace?
It was still too fresh even though it's been nearly a year.
"There are more dogs," You point out the moment a tan pomeranian runs past the two of you, the owner an old couple laughing away under the cherry blossoms.
He nods, fingers stuffed in his trench coat. You note that it's the same one he wore on your anniversary, plans abandoned when there was a mix-up with the reservations until the two of you stumbled across a hidden gem that soon became your go-to date place.
You will yourself to look away so no more memories can resurface. It seems like every part of your life has somehow seamlessly intertwined itself with traces of Yoongi that it was impossible for you to exist as just yourself.
"How are things at the firm?" He asks after the two of you walked side-by-side in complete silence as more and more chatter fill your ears.
"It's ... going," You chuckle dryly.
Yoongi raises an eyebrow at you, shooting you a brief glance over until the two of you reach a bench. You dare say it's muscle memory that dragged your heavy feet into the direction of the only bench that you've known in the park. The compressed reminder of the initials of your names that you carved as teenagers likely still staining the years old wood. It was meant to be an emblem for wisdom, the ring of growth that meant to be the endgame for the two of you.
You almost laugh in bitterness and how literal the metaphor was.
"Everything okay?"
Yoongi takes the first step to sit on the bench because he always did. Ever the gentlemen when he opened doors for you, let you into the car first, waited until you stepped ahead of him to trail behind like a shield.
The first date, first kiss, first confession.
The first one to decide that it was over.
"My boss is just being sexist, as usual. I thought I'd get used to it after spending two years there but ... there are some things that you just stay unfamiliar, you know?"
It was very like you to speak in double-entendres without intending to. But it was also like Yoongi to pick up on it, especially after years of learning all the best and worst parts of you; he was and probably will be one of the few people in your lives that will always foresee your next move.
The two of you sit a fair distance apart on the bench even if it was a battle for space anyway. You didn't have the liberty to lean into his embrace anymore and he wasn't in the position to say that it was okay for you to breathe, to relax.
"You shouldn't get used to those remarks. There are times where you learn to grow used to constructive criticism but if what he's saying makes you question your worth because of very arbitrary reasons like your gender then that isn't criticism, nor is it constructive. It's bigoted and chauvinistic."
You look down to your thumbs as you fiddle with it, his words comforting you. It was woeful that you still chased validation from him even after learning to be that person to yourself.
"Yeah, I guess."
Then how did you get used to things?
If time didn't make things familiar then what did? Was it not the five years with Yoongi that led you to see him build an empire for himself all the while destroying the relationship that you had? Or was it because he was the person that you thought of doing the most minuscule things?
"By the way," He clears his throat, eyes still set forward, "Namjoon says hi."
You raise an eyebrow, surprised to hear the name of a mutual friend—or more appropriately, friend by association and acquaintance when that link was broken.
"He knows that you're with me?"
Yoongi nods his head.
"I needed to let someone at the studio know and ... well, he's the only one that knew of our situation."
You chuckle bitterly.
Of course. The suggestion of his work only made your heart drop because as much as you wanted to be supportive of him, even after the break-up, the name of his studio or songs only reminded you of the battle that you helplessly lost.
"You can tell him that I'm still a text or phone call away. No need to play messenger," You return.
The atmosphere is more reflective than awkward. You know that the two of you had your pieces to say, your own narrative to tell but neither brave enough to break the calm that you were settled in. It was a nice difference from the way that things ended, and you supposed that you were similar enough to believe in a mirage than the inevitable truth.
But you didn't call him out after six months to sit in silence to walk away with your heart feeling heavier, nor did you invite him out just to remember what it feels like to have him next to you—even in complete silence.
"Would you have really quit?"
This time, you gather all the bravery that you've built over the past few months to ask the question that has been mulling in your mind since the night you decided that it was officially over.
It was a painful break-up. Even if you expected it when Yoongi came home earlier one night with bags under his eyes and his keys that he usually left at the studio because he knew you'd always be home to open the door for him.
"I'm sorry?" He seems taken aback.
You don't blame him. You've always been more passive in dealing with confrontation due to your conflict-averse nature—but that didn't mean you didn't get angry or annoyed—or hurt. But if you learned anything, it was to stop asking yourself questions that you'll never have the answer to.
"Would you really have left the company to save our relationship?"
You chose your words carefully. Instead of saying to be with you, knowing that he lost the love, he had for you somewhere along the way—you point out the one hole that he held on to for the sake of stability. The one thing that was constant in his life with how unpredictable the music industry was.
Somehow, the answer doesn't make you feel better because even with time apart you knew he was lying to save your face.
"You don't owe me anything to lie to my face, Yoongi." You frown.
Yoongi sighs, rubbing his hands across his face as he leaves your statement hanging in the air to mull over his answer.
You prefer the silence that way. It showed that he was at least listening, or cared enough to decide his next set of words. Nothing like how much it pained you to acknowledge the responses you got from him when you were crying were just out of obligation than sincerity.
"No, I wouldn't have."
You nod your head, expectant of the answer but you needed to hear him say it himself rather than drowning yourself in ruminating thoughts of how there was still a semblance of hope that he would've given it up for you, for your relationship—or the life that you were meant to build.
"I wouldn't have asked you to, anyway." You confess.
Yoongi turns his head to look at you and for the first time since you've met at the park, he notices the absence of a necklace around your neck. The necklace that you never took off. He wants to comment on it, ask where it went or if you've pawned it off out of pettiness but he held no remorse towards you. You were tolerant with the break-up even as you sucked in your tears when he knew that it killed you on the inside. Yoongi didn't have the heart in him to ask you.
"You were the one that said you'd quit so we could stay together," You say softly.
Yoongi doesn't respond as he looks back to the night where the two of you sat down to talk about the standing of your relationship. It was a rollercoaster of emotions that started off with an amicable discussion that eventually led to the two of you yelling until you surrendered to your tears and just left the battle completely.
He said a lot of things that night. From things that he's been bottling up for months, to things that he's always wanted to tell you and things that he didn't remotely mean, and things that he's regretted the moment it left his lips.
"I guess I did."
You sigh, leaning back into the bench as you observe a couple walking in front of you, passing your bench as they share an ice cream on a cone; bickering on who'd get the first lick. To anyone, you and Yoongi would've looked just like a couple that has reached a comfortable point in your relationship where intimacy was just sitting next to one another.
But you admit, there was something oddly intimate and heart-breaking about sitting next to someone you've loved with your whole heart and feel nothing but ... weightlessness. Like the burden of your concerns was lifted ever so slightly just being here.
"I wouldn't have made you choose between your relationship or your dream, Yoongi. I would never have done that to you."
Yoongi knew you would never have made him do something as abhorrent as that. You were far too understanding. But you had wanted from him too, that he wasn't willing to provide just yet. He didn't know if it was because of the expiration date to your relationship or because of the stress he was under at work—but he convinced himself that it was you that was asking for too much instead of him compromising too little.
"I ... I know," He whispers, "I'm sorry."
You purse your lips. You try not to let your emotions appear on your sleeve. You were tired of allowing your face to speak before you did. You needed to use the voice you had.
"I loved you so much, Yoongi," You murmur, "I loved you so much that I would have taken anything I could've gotten with you just so I could be with you."
Yoongi stays silent at this.
"I didn't mind if you spent more time at work than at our home. I just wanted to know if I was ever in the picture when you were talking about the future. I know how much you love music and I supported you through every audition and failure ... and to know that I was just—" You swallow, the words still painful to say. But you needed to make your peace with it, "—that I was just someone that would wait for you instead of your partner. That's when I knew that you didn't love me the way I loved you."
Yoongi chokes to speak up but you shake your head.
"No, Yoongi. You loved me, you did. But somewhere along the way you stopped and you just pretended that we were okay even when I was trying my best to fix the seams. I wasn't your girlfriend anymore, I was just someone familiar to you and I didn't deserve to feel that way." You tell him sternly.
Yoongi surrenders to his silence as you take a deep breath to continue.
"Maybe I loved you too much in a way that you couldn't understand."
"_______, don't say that—" His eyes widen when he tries to reach a hand to yours to comfort you, but your body language remains stoic as you keep your hands in your lap.
"—and that's okay Yoongi. I loved you but not in the way you needed. I'm not here to make you feel bad about what I chose to do on my own because it wasn't my fault that I couldn't be what you need." You say sadly, but a small smile on your face as you finally say the words that have been eating at you for months.
"... okay," Yoongi accepts.
"We all have different ways to love and be loved. I loved you and that was enough for you at one point but love isn't all a relationship needs. You loved me too, in your own way and I accepted that but just because it was enough for me doesn't mean it was enough for us." You glance over at him to see him staring at you intently.
"I'm sorry that things turned out this way," Yoongi says softly, eyes gentle.
You wave him off.
"I don't think I'll ever love someone as much as I loved you, though," He confesses, eyes returning to the scene in front of him filled with different colours of life that seemed to look vibrant under the Spring sunset.
You shake your head and chuckle softly.
"You say that now but you'll meet someone one day and you'll remember all the reasons why you love in the first place. And it'll be enough for you, and them."
He shrugs, a small smile itching on his face.
"I really did love you," He says, "But I'm sorry for not being honest with you. I owe you that much of an apology."
"We're not here to forgive or forget, Yoongi," You look at him kindly, "We're here to move on."
He purses his lips and hums, nodding his head.
"I hope you get that promotion at work you were talking about months ago, ______." Yoongi offers, a gentle grin marring his face.
"I did," You shrug.
It feels liberating to have achieved something and only feeling content by acknowledging it yourself. Months ago, you would've hurt at the fact that Yoongi didn't know. But the change you welcomed after the end only showed you that there was a new path for you to walk on.
His eyes widen, but eventually, he chuckles and shakes his head, muttering something under his breath that sounded a lot like knew it.
You push yourself off the bench, dusting your hands on your pants as you offer him one last smile before you say goodbye for the second time.
"I hope you find someone who you'll love more than you ever did with me." You tease.
He rolls his eyes.
"Impossible," The grin on his face is easy, and your heart still clenches at the nonchalance, but you don't expect the feeling to go away so easily—nor do you mind. It just shows that you needed to wait and that you were willing to do it.
"Of course you will. You're a musician, Yoongi. You need a muse," You smirk at him as you turn around, a small wave on your hand to say goodbye.
As you walk away and his body gets smaller and smaller from your vision, you turn around to say:
"We don't talk together is a beautiful song."
Yoongi's smile is genuine, and so is his goodbye. A gentle acknowledgment of his hand as he stands up himself, walking to the other direction of where you were headed.
You still had a love for Yoongi, and you suppose you always will. Just like how you would feel pleasant when rediscovering a childhood hobby that triggers a fond memory, or how you love different things in your life in different ways. Whether or not you love someone more than you've ever loved Yoongi isn't your concern, because when love comes in one form, it goes in another.
When you still take the same route you'd usually take with Yoongi after your walks back home, you pass the cafe you used to frequent to see that it's replaced with a new bar. You smile fondly to yourself, shaking your head.
You loved that place.
But eventually, you'll find another cafe with a beautiful interior and a latte to match, and you'll love it too.
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fayeimara · 3 years
Sakusa Kiyoomi || Quiet Corners of Our World
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SUMMARY. A busy Sunday becomes something else entirely when your typically routine-loving boyfriend has some unexpected surprises in store.
PAIRING. You x Sakusa Kiyoomi
GENRE. Fluff <3
WARNINGS. Suggestive
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Reader Request Part Two | This is a continuation of the story in Small Moments.
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It's a small kiss behind your ear that wakes you up, along with a whispered, "Good morning, love." You turn towards the deep baritone, seeking its owner even though you've barely roused. Sliding one hand forward to squeeze in between the cool pillow and cooler sheets, enhanced by the press of Sakusa's head still lying atop it, your other hand finds his cheek even before you've opened your eyes. When you do briefly flicker them open, it's to meet his amused gaze for just a moment before the bright rays streaming in from your windows compel your lids to flutter shut again. There's an enticing aroma in the air and it's not just your boyfriend's aftershave.
Tilting your head up in a silent plea for his soft lips to meet yours, you hear a low chuckle instead before you feel something light brush the tip of your nose back and forth. A butterfly kiss. A smile tugs at the corners of your mouth but quickly turns into a pout when he his teasing tone breaks the silence again.
"I'd like a proper kiss, love, wouldn't you?"
You nod with an assenting hum and it seems he'd anticipated your non-verbal answer because he's already continuing. "Then you'll come brush your teeth, won't you? I have a surprise for my little butterfly."
The words are still soft with temptation and your eyes peek open again, this one longer than your first attempt. This time, when you meet Kiyo's deep gaze, it anchors you to him as you fight off the last hazy remnants of your sleep. If only you didn't feel like you could lay there falling into the dark, mesmerizing pools of his eyes instead.
You're tempted to close your eyes again just to regain your equilibrium but it would be quite futile. That, and you're realizing it's Sunday, which means both you and Sakusa have your respective engagements for the day. Your mind wanders back to the previous day, an improvised but perfect lazy date indoors, which already seems so far from reach.
What if the two of you canceled your plans to pursue a whole, lazy weekend? Would the world stop turning? You smirk, tempted to be a little bad and see if you can convince Kiyo to join your sudden scheme.
"What's that little smile about, sweetheart?" You startle, realizing your thoughts have wandered while he continued to study you, holding your unfocused gaze. He has his own little smirk on his face, as though he's actually able to peer right through your eyes and view your most intimate daydreams.
A blush works its way onto your cheeks, you can feel the warmth even if you can't see it but you're definitely aware of his eyes tracking every miniscule change with that beguiling smile still curving his lips. You pretend to stretch out in order to hide your clearly telling expression, hoping to compose yourself again quickly. With your arms hovering over your face you miss his movement, only feeling the slightest shift before his fingers caress the now exposed skin at your stomach and waist.
"Kiyo!" You're jackknifing so fast in order to jump out of the bed as you reach for his wrist to pull his arm away but he's not done with flustering you when you're in your sleepy state because his other arm catches you mid lunge and you're drawn back against his hard body before you can even register that you're trapped.
Kiyoomi's long legs stretch out alongside yours, shepherding them with light pressure so that he can form a cage around you, finally complete when the hand with the wandering fingers enters your line of sight before dropping to your shoulder. Arms criss-crossed around you, one across your waist and the other crossing that space just below your collarbone, he finally leans in with a brush of his lips to the shell of your ear and whispers, "Didn't you want to stay in bed longer? Isn't that what you were just thinking... How you might convince me to stay?"
Even as your stomach flips at his seductive tenor, your face burns as you're caught at your own game before you could even begin to truly consider it. What a dangerously perceptive man you've chosen to call your own. And how like him to torment you when you're caught unaware. He had better be prepared for some payback. Much later.
"No." You shrug as much as you can in his hold, thankful you're at least facing away as you boldly lie, "I was... thinking about you brushing my teeth."
You might have actually thrown him for a loop as he pauses and then, his flirtatious game forgotten, warily repeats, "Me brushing your teeth?"
Oh no. You can't laugh. But it's difficult as you can quite literally imagine the exact look of distaste on his face at this very moment. He might end up thinking it's an amusing or even cute concept some day but this reaction is pretty typical when he processes new actions that go against his natural instincts. Exactly why you chose this very visual.
"Mhm. You withheld my rightful kisses because you wanted me to brush my teeth first, didn't you?" Okay, so maybe there's a little payback for him sooner than you'd planned. Three birds, one stone. What a feat.
"So... you think I want to brush them for you...?" He trails off, completely unsure where you're going with this.
You shake your head, tone quite glib when you elaborate on your lie, "Not quite. I just imagined you might force me, like a bad puppy or something you apparently think you can order around. That why I was smiling. The imagery and all."
"You were smirking." He corrects with authoritative tone completely ignoring your subtle admonishment. Is that humour seeping back in, as well? "But if you want me to treat you like a pet..."
You jerk forward again, trying to slip his hold as he manipulates the conversation to regain the upper hand. This isn't where the conversation was supposed to flow.
"Not a pet, Kiyoomi."
"Really? If you like that stuff, I guess I can give it a tr-"
"It was a joke!"
"You sure, pet?" His amusement is back full force and you have to roll your eyes at your now failed attempt to regain your composure because, well, maybe you walked into that one by being impulsive.
"It was actually a lie, wasn't it?"
You stay silent, debating if it's better to just refuse to talk until you're completely awake with a cup or two of coffee to fortify yourself from your boyfriend's unexpectedly bold banter today. It seems like Sakusa is in a playful mood but you have no idea why, given that you each will be going separate ways for your respective commitments in less than two hours.
You find yourself suddenly lifted up in his arms, as he effortlessly carries you off the bed before swinging you up like a ragdoll, in a maneuver that ends with his arms cradling you bridal style as he walks you both to the adjoining bathroom. Now you're actually speechless, without deliberate intention, as you find yourself staring up at the elegant lines of his face, hands having wildly grabbed his shirt at the chest and behind his neck when he moved.
His dark eyes are filled with mirth as they connect with yours, "Your silence is incriminating, love. I may just have to follow through with your request in retaliation for ever uttering such a suggestion."
"I didn't ask-" You start of indignant but end up cutting yourself off as a thought occurs to you, "Wait. Do you actually like the idea?"
His eyes narrow down at you, face falling into his classic inconvenienced expression as if you've somehow disrupted his rhythm. Isn't it the other way around? Hey, you should be the one giving him that look!
"Of course not." His voice is clipped and slightly unconvincing.
When he finally sets you down on your feet, you lean on the counter to watch him as he reaches for your toothbrush, neatly squeezing out the perfect amount of paste on its bristles before letting it swing quickly under a soft, brief stream from the tap.
It's when he turns back to you, holding it up holding the instrument up to your mouth and going, "Say ahhh." as if trying to feed a toddler, that you realize he's actually going to try to brush your teeth. You suppose neither of you have been good at backing down from the others' challenge and it's placed you in odder scenarios than this. A giggle spills from your lips at how silly this one is and it's his small answering smile, with a mix of self-deprecation and good humour, that prompts you to obediently follow his instructions.
It's... intimate, to say the least. He's very methodical, probably too gentle, as he makes sure to count out the strokes at each and every side. You find yourself with rare minutes of being able to study him completely unfettered, starting with the tiny dent between his brows from the intense concentration to his task at hand. The way his head tilts and mouth purses between instructions to you is quite endearing.
But as his eyes wander up to yours, the bristles begin to tickle your gums, as if he's applying exactly the wrong amount of pressure, enough to make it unbearable so you're pulling your toothbrush from his fingers to finish the job with ingrained, thorough efficiency.
You notice he doesn't move for his own brush, watching you instead with a silly smile that no one else would believe Sakusa Kiyoomi could produce. When you finish, mouth clean and minty fresh, he leans down to present another butterfly kiss but this time you finally feel the soft melt of his lips onto yours before he pulls away again. Hm.. he's already brushed his teeth before you woke?
You can't help but tease, "So that's it, huh? I suppose my kisses were denied on account of morning breath."
"Not quite." He mimics your own words from just earlier and it has you arching an eyebrow in challenge.
"Mhm.. convenient timing to receive my first kiss of the day, then."
"Love, I would kiss you any time of day or night. There's nothing about you that could push me away."
The absolute certainty with which he says that makes it feel like your heart could beat its way out of your chest just to go claim its space in the undeniable warmth of his.
But.. "Then why use it as a bribe?"
Instead of answering, Kiyo curls his fingers around yours to draw you back into the bedroom as he throws over his shoulder, "It's probably cool by now, so it might be a little late but..."
And with a little gesture, he reveals the source of the heady aroma that you couldn't place earlier, the savoury scents of grilled fish, rice, and miso soup permeating your room, scents which now feel quite familiar and easily placed once you see the prepared breakfast tray perched on his side table.
"Oh Kiyo.. breakfast in bed?"
"We missed it yesterday and I was up early so I wanted to surprise you." He sounds a little disheartened but you've never been one to shirk food even if it's not piping hot.
It couldn't have been sitting too long either, it hasn't been more than ten minutes since he tried to wake you, maybe fifteen. You move back to the bed, careful to fold the soft down duvet to the lower half of the bed. It's a pretty big step for him to bring such spillable and worse, stainable, meals into your room, let alone on the bed.
You look him over carefully but truly can't find a single tell that it's bothering him, so you accept your tray gracefully, seating it on the bed between you both as you notice two pairs of chopsticks. A shared breakfast in bed. While he's long since gotten over his aversion of sharing food, at least with you, it's definitely a monumental milestone and an incredibly romantic gesture in his special way.
It's over this new shared moment that you're tucking away in your memories, that Sakusa give you his biggest surprise yet.
"I've canceled our plans for today." "You ca- our- what?" You're at a loss for words, wondering what's prompted these sudden impulses in your typically steadfast boyfriend.
"I've canceled out plans for today and made us new ones."
You're speechless again, in the calm face of Sakusa Kiyoomi, who has managed to spend the little time you've been awake completely blindsiding you with new experiences and developments. Why is he pushing himself so?
"Love. Don't question it. Just follow my lead, yes?" His question is so openly trusting, as if the only answer you can give is an affirmative yes, that it takes your breath away. This man..
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The first place Sakusa takes you on what you've now realized is a second attempt at your much anticipated but canceled date from yesterday is far more extravagant than the simple park picnic you'd planned. The two of you spent about an hour's car ride before finally arriving at your destination - the breathtaking botanical gardens you're now strolling through.
It's everything you imagined and more, having never had the chance to visit previously, and it's the perfect time to see almost all the flowers at their very peak, in full, resplendent bloom. The air is heavy with the natural fragrance of the vast gardens, the scents tantalizing without becoming overwhelming, possibly due to the natural paths that divert from extremely aromatic sections at just the right pace and lead into refreshing contrast of scents as you weave through each of the different environmental hotspots.
Even Kiyo has his mask tucked down under his chin, the clean air and lack of crowds enabling an easy freedom from his usual concerns. You trail through most of the flower gardens in the southeast portion up to the northeast corner of the sprawling land before spying a maze of many tangled trees, all twisting and twining together in various formations.
As you approach, letting go of your boyfriend's hand to pull slightly ahead, you realize it's actually been cultured to grow as a real, living maze. There are arched entrances made from the same twisting bark, strands about the size of your wrist or smaller twining to cover more surface area in specific spots. You duck through one of the entrances to explore, marvelling at being able to hear Kiyoomi so clearly as he calls to you in exasperation to wait for him.
You don't intend to, of course, because you're delighted to discover this little marvel and that excitement only heightens your urge to tease and play with him a little. You're certain he's picked up his pace, hot on your trail as you duck through many different types of 'doorways' and 'windows', sacrificing your sense of direction to barely keep ahead.
He remains mostly quiet, calling your name softly every now and then, but you're undeniably attuned to his fall of his steps and continue to choose the direction that will take you most opposite him so as to avoid sudden junctions where the gnarled maze might allow him to cross your path in his pursuit.
As the sounds of nature start to dull around you, as if soaking into the depths of the maze, you realize that you too have already traversed further than you intended. It becomes more difficult to identify Kiyo's steps around you, lush grass growing steadily the farther in you seem to progress, even the curled branches seem to soften but you soon catch on to the reason why.
Soft buds are now visible and as you go deeper still, you encounter their full blooms, sprouting in a light pink blush. The path is more linear now, with almost no more forks or diversions to choose from, and before you realize it, you've arrived at the center of the maze. Directly in front, at its very heart, stands an elegant marble gazebo adorned with the same pink flowers yet with a complimentary mix of pale white and even dark red flowers threaded through, their striking petals peeking out as if from behind a latticed shield.
You've stopped entirely, taking a deep breath in as your eyes land first on the layered fountain, also gleaming marble, beyond the gazebo and then quickly shift to what's in between the two structures. Two wrought iron benches sit facing each other so that one only has to turn their head to each side to admire a different view and on one of the benches is what seems to be an abandoned picnic basket. Between the two benches sits a pastel picnic blanket, spread out with more than enough room for two.
You feel Sakusa's quiet presence behind you a second before his arm loops your waist and his smug whisper reaches your ear, "Caught you, little butterfly."
Your mouth drops open as you realized how deftly and thoroughly you were enticed into and maneuvered through this seemingly random maze. He really does know you too well, this beautiful man.
"You planned this?"
"You wanted a picnic, didn't you, love?" You don't have to see that small, satisfied smile of his to hear it in his tone. He's practically glowing with the success of achieving his goal.
You suppose, since you had to cancel the reservation at that special restaurant yesterday, he might have felt compelled to make it up in some way. At this point, however, everything starts to overwhelm you and the light sting at your eyes warns you that one of your rare, emotional moments might just intrude on this small moment.
It's Sakusa, grasping your chin to turn and tilt your face up to his, who answers your unspoken question, the one you need answered.
"Not a single moment for this day was planned from guilt. I just.. wanted to make you as happy as you make me."
"But Kiyo.. are you happy?"
He pauses as if to contemplate his current state but when he answers, he's clear and unhesitant, "I'm so incredibly happy, love. I get you all to myself in our own little corner of the world."
There's something about his words that sparks a memory of a thought you had yesterday, when you made what could have been considered sacrifices for him but was really an incredible, restful day you thoroughly enjoyed yourself from the very moment you'd committed to it. Fair enough then, you trust Sakusa to be unfailingly honest with you and can do nothing more than accept his genuine words. It would be a waste of his careful, meticulous plans to let any doubt ruin the day.
He leads you forward through the beautiful gazebo, moving slowly so you can admire the dedication that has gone into cultivating such a striking space, before helping you down onto the blanket. Once he retrieves the basket sitting idly by on the bench, because it was not in fact an abandoned item but a planned one, he rejoins you on the blanket so that you can examine the contents as you help him lay out the spread.
Incredible, he's somehow got your favourite food and drinks together, from substantial meals for you both, to delicious dessert, and even the drinks have remained chilled in the heat of a midsummer afternoon peak.
Hm.. "How exactly did this get here? You were with me the entire hour it took us to make our way up here and I would definitely have noticed you carrying this."
"I had some help."
"Not going to elaborate?" You give him your most pleading look, you actually think you have an idea but your curiosity is more focused on confirming your guess between several most likely possibilities.
But he just smiles and it's almost maddening when he replies, "No. I'd rather talk about what portions of the gardens you still want to visit. I definitely don't want to rush you but I was hoping to leave before it gets completely dark out."
"That's about three hours, right? "
"Yes, love."
You consider what you know of the gardens for a moment and then with certainty, you answer, "There are only two spots I'd like to see before dark. The butterfly garden and the pools, the ones they say make you feel like you're on some other, magical world."
"That's perfect," Sakusa reviews his mental map of the gardens, "They're both on our way through the loop that'll take us completely through the rest of the gardens. It shouldn't take us more than maybe an hour and a half to finish our tour here once we're done lunch."
You hesitate, something on your mind from his earlier statement about leaving before it's too dark, but decide to say, "There's also a whole section fitted with beautiful lights that turn with the sunset, it's been described to be mystical, like finding fairies playing in the gardens..."
"We'll be able to enjoy that on the way out, love, I've already checked."
"Oh." You pause for a moment in both surprise and appreciation, "You're just so well prepared today, aren't you?"
He arches an eyebrow with indignation, "When am I not?"
"Hm," you let out a chuckle at his expression before clarifying, "I mean, with the finer details of the date, Kiyo. You usually leave that to me?"
"Are you disappointed so far?"
"I'm as far from disappointed as I can be, baby." Without knowing, you answer Sakusa with a smile he's seen countless times today.
It's a stunning one but that's not what's so special about it - it's the very smile he loves to see adorn your face, this expression of complete joy and abandonment. A testament to your free spirit thriving even anchored to his grounded beast, the two of having met in the middle to ruin each other in the best way possible.
The remainder of the afternoon flutters by as you and Kiyo finish your meal before following the plan of action you discussed. The butterfly conservatory and oasis of pools are as breathtaking as expected, creating a multitude of small, precious moments for your memories. The fairy lights quite literally seem to be out of this world, almost as if you've been transported into a beautiful fantasy that's really just another perfect little corner of your shared world.
When you finish up at the gardens with the sun having set, you find out that Sakusa has yet another surprise in store for the day as you both first head home to change into semi-formal outfits. He looks decadent in his black silk button up and you finally get to wear the stunning cocktail dress he gifted to you on your last birthday.
You're moved to tears for the second time that day when you realize where he's taking you for dinner, the very restaurant you had to cancel the reservation for the day before. The same restaurant you both shared your very first date together, back when it was still a little known but elegant spot, long before becoming as popular as it today.
It's there, as you sit on the towering balcony, so unnervingly close to the skies and under a carpet of twinkling stars that you feel you could almost reach out and brush, that Sakusa finds his breath becoming shorter and hands shiver with nerves, as one slips into the pocket of his slacks to brush against the small velvet box that he's carried with him since your third month together.
There have been many small, perfect moments today, ones where his hand slipped in and out of his pocket as he debated if it was the right moment. This weekend has been an unexpected whirlwind of worthwhile compromises but the best example of why he knew, that very day he was drawn to step into the jewelry store, that there would never be anyone else he wanted by his side more than you.
It's at this small moment, in this quiet corner of his world with you, that your eyes meet his with your brilliant, perfect smile painting your lips, and Sakusa's hands suddenly still. His breath evens out, certainty calming his thoughts as his answering smile curves at his mouth. There's no doubt that with you, every moment is exactly the right moment.
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A/N: Surprise! It's your date with Sakusa (adorably planned by Sakusa) <3 :D This is partially why completing your request took a little longer - I'm honestly so happy to be able to explore writing a request (so excited that I made it two oop-) and as I've mentioned by now, you were my first lol so I really wanted to make sure it was commemorated with something special. Also, how could I give you only just one or the other with the love of your life? He's literally perfect and has a piece of my heart too so once I thought about how to fulfill your request and landed on the first part, the second just kind of bloomed from it. An expected date turning into a lazy day and now a day that begins lazy but is really the most thoughtful of surprise date days planned by the man who treasures your love... I really hope this was along the lines of what you were looking for and that you enjoyed reading <3
Vibe. Oh, and in case you're curious, I had Daydream in Blue by I Monster on repeat for these :)
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© 2021 fayeimara. All rights reserved. Please do not repost, modify, or claim as yours.
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177 notes · View notes
gyucore · 3 years
to reach a happy ending
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pairing: beomgyu x reader
tags: fluff, childhood friends to lovers
word count: 1.6k
warnings: beomgyu swears like once
017: "A fairytale with a happy ending always brings a smile to my face."
023: "Do you believe in love at first sight?"
— requested by ⛅ anon! sorry this took so long to make. i hope you like it!! ♡
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"Ew, look at this." You hand the dusty old photo album to Beomgyu who's sprawled across the floor by your side.
"Wait—" He stops you, rolling away before letting out a sneeze so loud that it managed to echo off the dusty untouched walls of his old room. The poor guy couldn't help it, his room hadn't been cleaned since he moved out in the middle of high school, and his mom preferred to keep things as they were— dust and all. You wonder if it was simply an excuse to clean one less room.
Beomgyu did say he had dropped in yesterday without notice. You'd think he'd want to spend some quality time with his parents first, but he'd decided to invite you over after spending a single night under this roof. Having heard nothing but radio silence from your best friend in years, you were thrilled to get to see him again. And what better way to shed off the ever present awkwardness in the beginning than to go through old photo albums?
"Okay, show me." Beomgyu rolls back to your side, scooting in closer to rest his head on your lap.
You turn the photo album, pointing at one photo in particular of you and Beomgyu dressed as a knight and damsel in distress— Beomgyu playing the role of the latter. Contrary to the roles, you were pummeling Beomgyu to the ground as if having caught a thief, and Beomgyu was shoving his handkerchief to your face, blocking your eyesight. The context behind the photograph alludes you, but this might just be a case of seven-year-olds doing whatever they want whenever.
"The fuck you mean ew? I look great in that dress!" Frowning, Beomgyu grabs the album to stare longer at his past self's glory.
"Lying to yourself isn't good for you, Gyu." You jokingly disapprove. It was fun seeing his reactions right after.
"Oh, look at these."
Beomgyu points at a photo of you and him on stage, wearing the same costumes as before. You figured it was for a play back in first grade when you two had been classmates. The next series of photos included one of you holding out a sword towards a kid in a cheap dragon costume, one of Beomgyu holding back his tears after tripping over and ripping his dress, and ones of you rushing to Beomgyu and kissing away his tears.
"This takes me back." Beomgyu lights up with a smile, failing to notice the surprise on your face. "Remember when your mom made us believe that kissing any injuries we had would make it go away? I knew you wanted to help me back then but I couldn't stop crying and tell you were it hurt, so you started kissing all over my face hoping it'd go away."
You find yourself laughing at your past self's foolishness. "But did it work?" You ask in between laughs.
"Well," Beomgyu chuckles, getting up from his position on your lap. "I don't think it would've worked if another person had done it. But since it was you— Wait." He takes one last look at the album, letting slip a wheeze before placing it back in its box. "Mom wrote something right below the photo."
"What did she write?" You ask, holding out your hands for Beomgyu to grab.
"A fairy tale with a happy ending always brings a smile to my face." Beomgyu tells you as he helps you up, trying his best to keep a straight face after delivering that line.
The two of you burst into laughter at his mother's words. You knew she'd been fond of fairy tales all her life but the caption was taking you out. Beomgyu was literally crying in the photo yet somehow this, to her, was a happy ending.
You eventually take notice of all the photos plastered around his room, some framed, and some simply stuck to the walls— memories of happier times. Most were of you and him, and in some, just you. He'd shown off the Polaroid camera his mother bought for him in seventh grade, proclaiming he'd only take photos of moments he'd want to keep in his memory forever. It never actually crossed your mind that a lot of them would be of you.
Beomgyu notices your wandering eyes and chuckles, placing an arm around your shoulder. The distance between you shrinks as he holds you closer. And at that moment, you take note of everything that's changed.
He'd gotten taller since the last time you saw him. Gone was the lanky boy you knew, evident in the way his muscles flexed with every small movement you wish you hadn't noticed. Beomgyu had grown his hair out; the thick, wavy locks tucked behind his ears, covering the back of his neck. The deepness of his voice had been a surprise when he greeted you at the door earlier, but you held back from pointing it out.
You feared that if you acknowledged all the changes, you'd be forced to face reality. That things weren't the same anymore, no matter how hard you tried. After all, Beomgyu wasn't the only one who changed. You had quite the few character development arcs yourself, and experiences which Beomgyu remained oblivious of. And somehow despite that, in his presence, you started to feel like your old self again.
Beomgyu's invitation had come as a surprise last night. You thought he'd forgotten about you, what with all the silence these past few years.
Life continued on as it should even without Beomgyu by your side, but you could argue that all the amazing experiences you've had on your own would've been better if he were there to experience it with you. And now here you were in his old room, pretending everything was the same as he'd left it.
You look up at your old friend, wanting to tell him what had been plaguing your thoughts the entire day but find yourself tongue tied when his dark eyes stare back into your own. And you wonder, how many times had it been that you'd stared into each other's eyes just like this? How many times had he pulled you close into his arms all those years? And just how many nights had you spent wondering if your feelings for him had grown into something more?
"I missed you." Beomgyu speaks first, his gaze never faltering.
Hearing his voice, you swear you could've melted right then and there. Part of you had wished he'd tell you those exact words, confirming that it hadn't been just you who'd been wanting to see him all these years.
"I missed you too."
Beomgyu could only smile at your response.
His arm leaves your shoulder— hands slowly finding their way to your own. His hold was gentle as he slowly guided you to face him.
"Don't laugh, but," Beomgyu starts. "Do you believe in love at first sight?"
"Love at fir—"
The question throws you off.
"I heard you the first time!" You cut him off, wanting so bad to cover your face from the secondhand embarrassment. "I can't believe you just said that. What even happened to you in college?"
"Hey! At least hear me out before you make fun of me." Beomgyu bursts out laughing at your reaction, his thumbs caressing the back of your hands to help you calm down. "Judging from your reaction, I'm guessing your answer is a no. And I honestly felt the same too until a few hours back."
"Okay, you lost me there."
"Shut up. What I'm saying is," Beomgyu squeezes your hands, leaning in closer. "I'm sorry I haven't been in touch the last few years. I had a lot of trouble adjusting, and it took a while for me to really get the hang of living alone. I wanted to talk to you as soon as I got there but then I thought that maybe it would've been better for you if I left you to live your own life for a while too."
"Beomgyu.." You squeeze his hands back, sensing the sincerity in his eyes.
Beomgyu shakes his head. "I know this sounds silly and all, but I didn't want you to feel the emptiness I felt when I left. I wanted you to go and make experiences of your own without me."
You frown, refraining to speak until he's done.
"But then I couldn't stop thinking about you. Everywhere I went, I'd think of you and how the place would've been better if we got to hang out there together. Every time I had fun or ate something that tasted good, I wanted you to share the experience with me."
Beomgyu sighs. "Honestly, I thought I could make it through my visit home without seeing you but I passed by your house on my way home yesterday and I just.. I couldn't hold back. And when I saw you for the first time in years at the front of my doorstep.. I knew I had to tell you."
Half of you knew what to expect, and the other half doubted the reality of the situation. But all the doubts instantly melt away as soon as Beomgyu closed the distance between you, pressing your foreheads together.
Face flushed, you stare at him in awe and notice he had his eyes closed shut. "Cute." You thought.
He whispers in a voice so quiet you could barely hear.
"I like you."
You couldn't hold it in any longer, the rush of emotions crashing into you like raging waves against a cliff. The next moment, you find yourself inching closer and closer, face heating up even more as you press your lips against his as a reply.
Beomgyu's eyes widen, body freezing in place. He hadn't exactly expected you to respond so soon, especially not like this. And he couldn't be happier.
You feel Beomgyu returning the kiss, his hands going up to cup your face— his hold gentle. The two of you wanted nothing more than to stay in this moment for as long as life permits, because for once, you could finally see the path to your happily ever after slowly unraveling.
This was just the beginning.
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doctorgerth · 3 years
Hiii!!✨ So glad to see you again!☺ I'd like to ask for Shanks, Mihawk or Barto with prompt 15 (if possible said by him) with the theme "secret admirer", please!😍 Fem reader, and if you see it fitting, could you add a bit of nsfw? Thanks so much!! I hope you enjoy writing it! 💕💕✨
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❥ “Red” - Valentine’s Day Event Scenario [ 1 / 14 ]
❥ prompt: “I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater on Valentine’s Day.”
❥ theme: Secret Admirer 
❥ pairing: Shanks x Fem!Reader
❥ warnings: light nsfw, suggestive themes, dirty talk, modern!au 
❥ word count: 1.6k
❥ a/n: I had all intentions to make this event a super fluffy one but somehow...this very first one ended up a lil more...steamy than romantic? I hope that’s ok. 😳 it’s shanks, I couldn’t help myself. 🥴 thanks for taking part in the event sweetheart, I hope you enjoy! 💕
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   You awoke to the smell of breakfast. 
   The aroma of bacon, cinnamon, and coffee filled your nostrils and, though only gaining consciousness mere seconds ago, your stomach rumbled loudly in hunger. With a deep yawn, you reached your arms high above you and your toes pointed forward as your body stretched to life. You winced a little as you came to realize just how sore you were from last night’s activities.
   A smile stretched across your face as images of your passionate night together clouded your brain. Your relationship with Shanks was still so new, so exciting, and he proved to share the similar delirium in the enthusiastic ways he made love to you last night. He was so eager to please, yet undeniably experienced, and you had ultimately lost count just how many times he had brought you to that blissful peak, just as you had forgotten where your body started and ended as you spent the entire night tangled in his ardor. And yet with each fall, you only climbed back up the mountain, faster than your previous trek, eager for more, just as much as him. The two of you were utterly insatiable, only desiring to proclaim your adoration for each other in every physical sense imaginable. So much so, that you had not tired yourselves out until the early hours of the morning, just as the sun began to peak behind the clouds.
   Looking over at the clock, you snorted. Breakfast at 1:13 PM. Rising out of bed, the chill of the open air made you shiver, so you quickly reached for the nearest item of clothing that was lazily piled on the floor in front of you. As you slid on the shirt, the intoxicating smell of him had you melting into the soft, cotton fabric. If the scent hadn’t given it away, you knew it had to be his sweater in the way it swallowed you, hanging loosely at your thighs. Looking for your panties was no easy feat, and you laughed out loud as your memory offered you a vivid visual of Shanks slingshotting them across the room with a goofy smile on his face. Even in his absence, he always knew how to make you laugh.
   You quietly padded over to the bathroom, and as you passed the mirror, a bright red sticky note caught your attention. You reached for your spare toothbrush, haphazardly squeezed toothpaste across the bristles, and proceeded to brush your teeth as you studied the note.
   My dearest, (Name). I believe you stole something of mine…
   I’ll forgive you this time, if you’ll be my Valentine?
   (It’s my heart, btw)
   - Your Secret Admirer
   You nearly choked on the toothpaste and your cheeks began to ache as you fought back laughter all the while struggling to finish brushing your teeth. As you splashed water on your face, you shook your head as you struggled to compose yourself. Charming, good in bed, and a hopeless romantic -- how did you ever get so lucky?
   You made way to the kitchen with joy in your steps and a bright smile on your face. As you drew closer, you could hear Shanks belting out the lyrics to You’re the Inspiration as he flipped over the bacon, a smile on his lips to match yours. You peeked from behind the corner, shamelessly admiring his exposed torso stretching out from grey sweatpants, along with the subtle red marks that littered the muscles along his toned back.
   “Mornin’!” He piped, once aware of your presence, bringing you out of your thoughts, “Hungry? I hope so. I’ve cooked enough for a village.”
   “Starving.” You grinned, taking a place at the table to munch on some toast. Another flash of red caught your eye. This time, a bouquet of roses. Shanks caught you observing them and shrugged nonchalantly, “Some rando dropped those off.”
   “Hmm.” You stifled a giggle as your fingers delicately toyed with the soft petals.
   Shanks placed a chaste kiss atop your head as he laid out your plate in front of you. His eyes remained on you as he sat down with his own plate and began eating. The two of you shared breakfast in comfortable silence, exchanging loving looks and cheesy smiles as you both devoured your meals, regaining your energies. Shanks’ intense stare never faltered, and you swallowed your food hard, “Do I have food on my face?”
   He snickered, his warm smile giving you those all too familiar butterflies you were sure you’d never get over, “No. It’s not that.”
   “Then what is it?”
   He pursed his lips, a hint of red tinting his cheeks.
   “Tell me!” You pleaded as you were dying to know what could possibly have Prince Charming himself so flustered.
   “It’s just…” His eyes gleamed under the fluorescence of the harsh kitchen light, “I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater on Valentine’s Day.”
   Your entire body lit aflame at his confession. You were convinced you were painted red from head to toe as every inch of you burned, undoubtedly hot to the touch. He couldn’t hold back his pleased smirk at your reaction, all hints of his own previously flushed embarrassment receding once he realized he had you swooning, and you wanted to bury yourself under the table. This man was simply too powerful. Was he even real?
   In an attempt to play it off, you coughed and replied casually, “Oh, is that today?”
   He played along, “It would seem so. Why else would some weirdo be so persistent in giving you flowers today? Plus, I think he might have asked you to be his Valentine. Which, poor guy needs an answer soon, or he’ll be crushed…”
   That ache in your cheeks returned, “Well, did this weirdo give you any clues as to who he is? I can’t exactly say yes to a stranger.”
   Shanks brought his hand up to his face, toying with his facial hair, “Well...he was incredibly handsome. With an impeccable sense of fashion, might I add.”
   You rolled your eyes playfully and rose from your chair, a heavy silence following the echo of worn wood scraping against the tiled floor. Shanks’ eyebrows raised in curiosity as you waltzed over to him, tapping his legs to encourage them closer so you could straddle his lap. Just as your arms snaked around his neck, his wrapped around your waist, hand resting shamelessly against your rear.
   “Well, for a moment I had thought it was you...but it seems I’m mistaken.” You eyed down at him, offering your own teasing smirk, “Not when you are the epitome of fashion disaster.”
   “Hey now! I can clean up when I want. And I got up early to get those flowers for y-!.”
   Your head fell back as you laughed maniacally into the open air, “Aha, so it is you!”
   He grinned and let his head fall against your chest with a dull thud, defeated, “Damnit. Well, you got me, love. What can I say? I’m smitten for ya.”
   You blushed madly yet again, squeaking loudly as he grabbed a fistful of your ass in his large hand, “Agh, Shanks!”
   “Mmm, say it again.” He crooned, locks of red hair tickling you as he reached up to trail his lips along the sensitive skin of your neck.
   Giggles mixed with light moans escaped your lips as you craned your neck to give him better access, “Yes.”
   “Yes what?” He whispered, bewitched by your scent and how incredibly soft your skin felt underneath his admiring lips. Just as his teeth began to graze, hungry to mark you in ways he knew you were crazy for, your words caught him off guard.
   “I’ll be your Valentine.”
   He jerked away quickly, startling the both of you. You were unsure how much time had passed before your words had clicked in his brain, but when it did, the enamored, child-like smile that bloomed on his face had you like putty in his embrace.
   “C’mere.” He pulled you in for a searing kiss; the type that always left you breathless in the aftermath. His firm grip behind your head kept you steady against him, eager lips and tongue dancing with yours, not allowing you to pull away until you were patting him gently, a dire need for air.
   Even as you pulled away, focusing on regaining your breath, Shanks continued to spoil you with his affections. You curled into his chest, allowing him to explore you as he wished, “So...what do you have planned for us today, my not-so-secret-admirer?” Your fingers danced along his heaving bare chest in seductive manners, hoping he had taken notice to the way your thighs clamped desperately around his waist.
   “Well, I was thinking I’d take you out for a night on the town and then a romantic, candlelit dinner. But the way you’re looking at me right now…” He leaned forward, nose swiping yours, lips hovering just above your own, “I’m thinking I’d rather have you right here, giving you what you really want.” He bent his neck slightly to leave a tender kiss along your jaw.
  “However you want.” Followed by your cheek.
   “As many times as you want.” Then at last your lips, tugging on your bottom lip for good measure. His hips bucked up against you, and you could see the visible struggle within him to not take you right there in the chair. But you’d be sure to get the last one in.
   “Then maybe dinner?” You smirked, though entirely breathless from the tension. You were helplessly enchanted by Shanks in the end.
  He paused briefly, eyes flickering up at you mischievously, before crinkling closed with a light breath of laughter.
“Whatever my sweet Valentine wants.”
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turinn · 3 years
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Ray Blackwell x M!Reader
Summary: An invitation at a party reveals that Luka had no idea you’re gay, and brings up a concern you hadn’t had before. Tags: Crack, fluff, secret relationship, mention of homophobia, alcohol consumption A/N: This is based on a dream I had where Luka and I had this exact conversation and when I woke up and remembered it I nearly threw up laughing. I did actual research for the girls outfit and hair bc im a fashion history nerd. the pocket watch i just thought was cute. Fenrir calls the reader fruity but its okay bc hes gay too god bless Word Count: 1.5k
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The party was the usual affair expected of the Godspeed's, an air of elegance- present but not too overbearing- hanging over the large hall. Music drifted gently to your ears as you took everything in, a small smile settling on your face.
You couldn't help but feel a little underdressed. The officers had, of course, kept their uniforms on, but everyone else present was dressed to the nines. You'd thought the suit you wore was lovely when you and Seth had seen it last week, dark blue with a white trim, paired with a pale cyan tie and pocket square. The gold watch that settled comfortably in your pocket had been a gift from Blanc, supposedly made by Oliver to look similar to his own, to commemorate your decision to stay in Cradle. Compared to everyone else, it felt rather simple now, but you pushed the thought aside. Nobody was judging what you were wearing, they were here to enjoy themselves same as you.
"Would you like a drink?" Ray asked, voice soft enough not to startle you too much. This wasn't too effective, as you'd gotten lost in your thoughts, and sort of forgotten there were people around you, but it was kind of him to try. "Oh, yes, please." You smiled at him and a moment later he'd walked off, talking to Sirius about something, leaving you alone with Luka. Fenrir had disappeared to greet his family when you'd first arrived, and Seth was who knows where, but you didn't mind it being just the two of you. Luka rarely came to these, in fact this was the first he'd been to since you'd arrived in Cradle, despite it being your fifth, and you decided someone should stick with him so he didn't feel quite as nervous.
As you turned to say something to him, you noticed a lady making her way over to the both of you, looking rather flustered. Her fists were clenched at her sides, and she seemed to be muttering something to herself, but it was clear she had intent to speak to one of you. Perhaps she wanted to talk to Luka? He was cute, it wouldn't surprise you. What did surprise you, however, was when she walked up to you instead.
"Um, excuse me if this is far too forward, but... would you be interested in dancing with me?" She sounded so nervous, and you almost wanted to say yes. Any other man would have been lucky to get such an invitation- she looked stunning. She wore her hair in curls, gathered at the back of her neck, with a hairpiece of pale blue flowers was pinned at the front, a necklace donning the same type of flower hanging just above the neckline of her gown. The gown in question matched the colour of the flowers well, though the width of the crinoline supported skirt would have made you concerned about the logistics of dancing with her- if you'd had any intention of saying yes. Her cheeks were tinted pink as she chewed her bottom lip and waited for your answer, avoiding your gaze. A hand on your chest and a sincerely apologetic look on your face, you began to respond. "Oh dear. I'm terribly sorry, but you seem to have gotten the wrong end of the stick. You're a very attractive young lady but I'm afraid... how should I put this," You glanced at Luka for help, but he seemed to have no idea what you were trying to tell her, "I'm afraid I don't tend to set my eye on the ladies, so to speak." "You're... gay?" A sympathetic nod. "That's the ticket. Sorry, love." "Oh, it's not a problem! I'm really sorry to have bothered you!" She suddenly looked much less nervous, though a little embarrassed, and scurried off. You sighed. "I feel a little bad. I really hope she finds someone to dance with." Luka looked at you quizzically. "Why did you lie to her?" A confused laugh escaped you. "I'm sorry?" "You told her you were into guys. Why lie?" As he said this, Seth and Fenrir came up behind him, and hearing his question their eyebrows shot up. So did yours. Was he kidding? "Luka, sweetie, you have got to tell me what part of my personality made you think I was heterosexual, so I can set about changing it immediately." Seth choked on his drink, and though you flashed him a grin, you weren't entirely kidding. Going from Victorian London to a world where being gay was perfectly acceptable had been quite the change, but you'd been certain all of your friends had known. It's not like you were quiet about it, and sure, Luka was naive but... come on, now. "Wait are you... you were being honest?" "Yes?" "Luka," Fenrir began, stepping next to you and resting an elbow on your shoulder, "How have you seriously not noticed that he's gay yet?" "Well- there was no reason for me to assume!" "You watched me drunk make out with at least 2 different Black Army soldiers in my first month here!" Luka looked flustered, and utterly dumbfounded. The expression was one he wore often, usually when people insinuated that someone was in love- but somehow about five times more confused. He was unfortunate enough that Ray and Sirius returned at this moment, just in time to hear both your last remark, and his next one.
"I thought that was just something you did when you were drunk?" In another moment you were on your knees, legs shaking so much from laughter that you couldn't hold yourself up any longer. Fenrir was right there beside you, practically convulsing. Everyone else was laughing too- except poor Luka. You felt a little bad, truly you did, but this had to be the funniest thing you had ever heard. "He's completely straight, but watch out! Get a couple drinks in him and he turns fruity!" Fenrir managed to get out between cackles, and Ray was glad to have put your drinks down when Luka had last spoken, because he too nearly fell to the ground at this.
"Luka- Luka I'm sorry." You pulled yourself to your feet, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "We aren't laughing at you." Another fit of giggles overcame you. "Okay we kind of are, but it's not malicious or anything. That was just... hands down the funniest thing you've ever said." It took most of you 5 or so minutes to fully calm down from what he'd said, and anything that jogged your memories of it would bring you back to a state of uncontrollable laughter for the rest of the night. Luka came round to it being pretty funny after you talked him through the dozens of times you'd mentioned your sexuality to him since you'd met- every one of which had gone over his head.
Hours after the party had worn down and you'd all made your way home, you lay in bed, your head pressed against a familiar chest, and sighed. "What's up?" "I just... D'you think anyone else just hasn't realised?" Ray cocked his head, confused. "I'm gonna need a little more info than that, kitten." "I suppose I just... Back in London, it's not even legal to be gay, and I don't know if it ever will be. When I first came out to Fen, he told me that it was fine here, accepted and even celebrated. So, I guess I just thought that people wouldn't make the automatic assumption that I'm straight, y'know? I mean I talk about it a lot among you guys but- when I’m out and about... where do people think my final destination is? When I pick up a silly cat themed gift for you does the shopkeep think I’m buying it for my wife? It shouldn't be a big deal, I guess, but I'd never been able to be myself until I came here, and now it's like I can be me but... people will still only see who I am if I tell them. It's just weird is all. I dunno. Maybe I'm drunk." "You're not drunk. It's an understandable concern. I guess I've never thought about it, because whether or not people would accept that part of me has never been an issue, but the fact that you've had to hide it for so long and now that you're able to be open people still aren't seeing it must be hard. If you want we could... come out, so to speak?" Your eyebrows raised, and you moved back, propping yourself up on your arm so you could look your partner in the eyes.
It had been decided at the very start of your relationship, which had officially begun a few months after you'd made the choice to stay in Cradle, that the two of you would keep it under wraps for a while. Being from the Land of Reason was more than enough reason for people to take an unwanted interest in you, and you didn't need the extra attention being the King of Spades' partner would garner. Plus, anyone with a grudge against Ray would see you as a target the second you announced it. It had been a sensible suggestion on his part, one you hadn't hesitated to agree to, and as far as you knew only Sirius and Fenrir knew about your relationship. Fenrir because he had walked in on you sitting in Ray's lap while he worked late one night, and Sirius because- well, can anything get past that guy? And now, Ray was offering to tell the entirety of Cradle you were his, just so that you didn't feel like you were hiding your identity anymore? You could feel your eyes starting to burn, and you cursed the late hour and the alcohol in your system for making you cry so easily, but... "I don't think we need to be that drastic. You were right when you said it would keep me safe for us to not be in the public eye, at least for now. I'm sure Seth can come up with some better way for me to tell the whole world I'm gay." "I don't doubt that at all." Ray grinned, placing a gentle kiss on first your forehead, then your nose, and finally on your lips. "Tomorrow, though. You need your beauty sleep." "Ah, yeah, can't risk getting ugly. My boyfriend might not want me anymore." You quipped. "Exactly." He smirked at you, turning out the light and pulling you into his arms.
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I'd love a preference for how Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna and Neville would react if they were asked aksed to a dance or school ball (by a Slytherin if that isn't too much detail) + if you do preferences for the marauders then those and Lily too. Thank you so much!! I love everything I have seen from you so far
I’m gonna split it up if you don’t mind! I’ll include the golden trio era and then the marauders a bit later.
Asking them to a Yule Ball would include:
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Harry Potter
• Harry has been a bit preoccupied with the Triwizard Tournament, meaning that he has definitely missed the cut off time to ask a girl to the Yule Ball. 
• Until you are paired with him in one of your potions classes. 
• You have liked him for quite a while, but have never really had the guts to ask him out, until now!
• You say in in such a casual way, really taking him off guard. He blurts out yes a little too fast, resulting in the two of you giggling. 
• He gets ready relatively quick, however, he will redo his hair at least five times. Somehow it just never fell in the ‘right’ way. 
• He shoos Ron and Hermione away, leaving himself alone with his anxieties. 
• He is pacing at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for you to arrive, his hands are slightly shaking. He is wondering if he would rather battle a dragon than risk embarrassing himself in front of you!
• The two of you obviously have to dance before anyone else, which slightly puts your nerves on edge. 
• After seeing how nervous Harry is, the two of you laugh about it, promising to pick the other up if the fall in front of everyone!
• After the first dance you two literally breathe a sigh of relief, now the two of you can enjoy the rest of your night in peace. 
• You favourite moment was witnessing his horrible dance moves as he spins you under his arm when the live band come on!
• When the Ball is finally over you two are still laughing and giggling together, all the way up the stairs. 
• He pauses for a moment outside of your room, debating whether or not to kiss you (he of course gives in and does!), he asks if you would like to sit next to him in your potions class tomorrow morning, so he can get to know you even more. 
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Ron Weasley
• He has no idea that anybody would ask him to the dance, when you approach him he is completely knocked off guard!
• He nearly can’t reply! His response is a mix of stuttering and a weak ‘Yeah, um, I-I’d love to!’
• A bit taken aback you start to second guess as you walk away, your fears are muted as soon as you hear him jump up and down with excitement as you leave!
• He is too busy stressing about his horrific dress robes, that he almost arrives late! He is running around his dorm repeating the word fuck as he shoves his feet into some shoes. 
• When he sees you he literally cannot take his eyes away! He is so excited he gets to go with you on his arm. 
• He tries to apologise for his ‘antique’ dress robes, however, you assure him that you really don’t care what he is wearing!
• Fred and George are absolutely astounded that he managed to get a date, they will tease the two of you for some of the evening, and share side glances while you are dancing!
• He is a surprisingly apt dancer, even if he dips the wrong way or misplaces his foot, you reassure him that it’s fine!
• He opens up as the evening goes on. Dancing together in front of the live band, giggling and moving like idiots. 
• He is so upset when people begin to leave, you promise him that you will have to hang out again sometime in the near future. 
• He obviously drops you off at your dorm room, perhaps stealing a kiss or two along the way!
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Hermione Granger
• She is already a head strong and confident girl so I can only imagine that she asked you first! Which of course you had no trouble agreeing to. 
• She asked you one day while you were studying in the library, on the opposite bench to her. She took a deep breath and walked up to you, asking if you had a date and whether or not she could accompany you! 
• She was holding her breath with rose tinted cheeks while she waited for your answer, only letting out her breath when you confirmed. 
• She spends hours trying to get her makeup exactly right, calling on Harry and Ron to check on her final look to make sure it is up to standard. 
• By the shocked looks on their faces, she finally agrees that she is ready. 
• When she sees you however, she is gobsmacked, thinking you look so much better than herself. You reassure her that you wouldn’t want her looking any other way!
• Throughout the evening she keeps an eye out for Harry and Ron, who keep giving her subtle thumbs up from across the ballroom. She thinks you can’t see. Ron is painfully obvious. 
• Dancing with her is a dream. During the ballroom dancing you both take turns leading each other. 
• But, when the band starts playing, you both dash to the dance floor and dance like idiots!
• When the night is over she literally can’t stop smiling. She has never laughed so much with another person, she makes you promise to go with her on her next trip to Hogsmeade so you two can finish where you left off!
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Neville Longbottom
• Oh boy he is such a sweetheart, he has literally been planning this for months! However, one thing was missing. He had forgotten to actually find someone to go with. 
• That is until you approach him one afternoon and confidently invite him to go with you as your date! 
• He goes bright red and lets out a small ‘yes’! And after you leave he spends a good minute wondering if it was real, until he dashes off to his room to try and practise his dance moves. 
• When the day finally comes, you better believe he has been up at the crack of dawn, stressing about the whole thing. Getting ready five hours before it actually begins, just to be sure!
• He also arrives super early to ensure that he is there before you. He has run through the evening in his head about a thousand times, but nothing could prepare him for seeing you emerge from the hallway and down the stairs. 
• You literally have to pick his jaw up off the floor! 
• He is such a gentleman, always asking if you need a refill on your drink, or if you want to dance. 
• When yo make it to the dance floor, you are amazed by the way he can lead. Everyones eyes are on the two of you as he pulls out moves you would have never expected!
• You leave a little bit early to hang out in the astronomy tower, watching the stars together, leaning your head on his shoulder. 
• He notices you getting tired and offers to walk you back to your dorm. Before you go in he steals a chaste kiss, unable to look you directly in the eyes afterwards!
• You find him the next day and make plans to study together in the library that afternoon, to carry on from where you left off last night!
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Luna Lovegood
• She has never really put a lot of though into the Yule Ball, however, that all changed when you decided to ask her to go with you. 
• You found her whilst on one of her walks through the forbidden forest. You offered her a bunch of wild flowers and asked if she would like to join you. 
• At first she was a little disappointed, she though you meant as friends, but one you clarified that you wanted her there are your date, she was over the moon!
• She asked if you wanted to get ready together, which you didn’t mind at all. In fact you had a great time doing each others makeup and complimenting her dress. 
• She has a sort of eccentric style, and offers to braid some flowers in your hair before the two of you leave, which were the same flowers you presented to her the previous week. Which you happily agree to!
• She is very independent and doesn’t mind what people think of her, so the two of you have no problem goofing off! Dancing wildly in the middle of the dance floor, ignoring the looks you get from your fellow peers, only focusing on each other. 
• She spend the majority of the evening with stars in her eyes looking at you. 
• An hour or two before the ball ends, she asks if you would like to take one last walk around the courtyard. 
• You end up staying there fore well over an hour, sitting on the stone bench with your hands intertwined, talking about anything and everything. 
• You keep your hands interlocked until she has walked you back to your dorms, she raises your hand to her lips and kisses it good night, promising to meet you in the forest tomorrow afternoon. 
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ma-gic-gay · 3 years
So this is a new one of these and the other one is probably over so yeah
It's a weird Christmas.
It marks a year since anyone last saw Sonny, a year since Julian's death, and a year full of drama, as one would expect.
Michael and Willow had had another child, a girl this time. Her name was Ophelia and Wiley loved being a big brother to her. The pair had also burned their annulment papers when they'd realized she was pregnant and finally admitted their feelings for each other. Watching them together had probably been the highlight of the year for their family.
Sam had started hooking up with Dante much to the chagrin of, well, everyone. It had started as a few random hookups but changed quickly into an actual relationship, testing several familial bonds.
Luckily, that disaster on wheels had been halted when Lulu had woken up from her coma. Lulu and Dante got back together and fell in love, again.
Sasha and Brando had formed a relationship as well, which was quite a surprise at first glance but made sense after a few weeks.
"Carly? You okay?" Jason asks. Surprisingly enough, she hadn't completely broke down yet, or ran away. The furthest she'd ran was the island and even then, it was only a few hours no one knew where she was, since he couldn't teleport and it took that long to get to the island.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking," she responds, faking a smile.
"Tell that to the tears in your eyes and obviously fake smile," he says to her. "What are you thinking about?"
"It's been a year since any of us have heard from Sonny. For all we know, he's dead. Hell, he probably is. I know I should give up and just agree to a funeral, but it feels wrong to do that without a body," Carly sighs, head in her hands in an effort to hide her tears. "It feels wrong for him to not be here. Last Christmas, we were convinced he'd be home by now and now it's like we've all resigned ourselves to him being dead."
"If it doesn't feel right to have a funeral, don't have one. I've known you for a long time, and your instincts are right a lot of the time. Just because Sonny's not confirmed dead doesn't mean he's not," Jason frowns, putting his arm around her and rubbing circles along her back.
Sonny's "death" meant he had to step up in more ways than one. This had marked the year of Jason running the mob, which he'd practically been doing before but was actually doing now. He'd also had to become sort of a surrogate husband to Carly to the point he practically lives there by now. The kids hadn't questioned it; they'd asked a few times if there was anything going on there but after getting a firm no there hadn't been anything else from them in forms of questioning their relationship status. It was what it was and that was the same friendship they'd always had.
There had been times even Danny had questioned why they were at that house so much, to the point he once asked Carly if they were together or not.
You know it's reaching an odd point when a twelve year old is asking if you're in love with your best friend.
Of course, they didn't take into consideration the fact the whole town thought they were together. Again. Everyone had assumed, based off of how much time they'd been spending together- surprisingly more than normal- and the fact that he'd all but moved into the house that they were together.
That was a fun one to realize when he'd gotten shot and everyone had assured her that her boyfriend would be fine.
It just wasn't happening, they were friends. Anything more could complicate it and complicated almost always meant that there would be fights they couldn't go to each other to uncomplicate.
"I know that, but I just don't want to live knowing that there's a chance he could be alive somewhere and he's been kidnapped or forgotten his name or something. It's like I'm stuck in this neverending circle where there's barely any hope but I can't pretend there's none either. Sometimes, I wish that the police would show up with a body and I would have to confirm that yes, he is dead, just so that I could get out of this loop," Carly sobs. "And then I feel terrible for wishing he was dead because I love him, you know, but then at the same time, I can't help but feel like I need closure."
"That's not a bad thing, to need closure. None of us get any closure when it comes to this, Carly. You're not a bad person for wanting some," he reminds her. "You've been grieving for a year a man you don't even know for sure is dead. It doesn't make you bad to want to have something definite."
"But wanting my husband dead? That's dark," she argues with him.
"You want to know if he's dead or alive, something to confirm what's happened to him. I hate to break it to you but you don't qualify as a terrible person," Jason chuckles. "You've never killed someone, never hurt a kid."
"I shot a dude in open court, I almost killed AJ. I've done a lot of questionable things in my life, Jason," Carly fights back.
She's not wrong, persay, but she's not right. "That stuff doesn't make you a bad person. Morally grey? Yes. Bad? No. You do what you think is best and you're impulsive. If something's not going your way, you'll tip the scales. It's just how you are. None of that makes you a bad person. Some people might not like it, but you've never killed someone or hurt a kid, so in my book you're a good person."
Carly's head comes out of her hands for a minute and he smiles, wiping away the tears. "Well you're not a bad person either. You'd never hurt a kid and you only kill in self defense or if the person's really bad and threatening someone you care about. It's not like you wake up and go kill someone for shits and giggles. You mourn the people you kill and feel bad about it. Only a purely horrible person wouldn't feel bad about their murders."
"Neither of us are bad people, let's just agree on that at least."
"Fine," she relents finally. That only took a year. "I miss Sonny. Especially this time of year. Last year, he read Donna and Avery the Grinch and he had the world's worst Grinch voice. I practically begged him to read another book because of how bad it was. But this year, I wish he would be able to read it to them."
"I miss him too," Jason admits. "It's been a hell of a year without him."
"That it has. So much has changed," she agrees with him, shifting her position on the couch so she's lying her head on his lap.
That's probably why the kids thought they were dating.
He plays with her hair as she laughs, remembering some obscure detail about his telling of the Grinch and decorating for Christmas.
Scratch that, this is definitely why everyone thinks they're together.
"Hey Mom, Jason," Joss greets them, coming in from the kitchen. "I'm going to Trina's. Donna's with Ophelia at the Quartermaine's and Avery's with Ava."
"Alright sweetie, have fun," Carly bids her daughter goodbye, sighing. "Why is she so adult now? I mean, I can remember when she was born and it feels like yesterday. Hell, Michael's birth feels like yesterday. And they're both so grown up."
"Time flies when you're having fun," he answers.
"Where'd you get that? A throw pillow or some advice of my mother's?"
"A card someone sent me back when I was in the hospital. Needless to say, that card got tossed in the trash as soon as you'd let me stand up to go to the trash."
"Who the hell sent that to you of all people?"
"No clue. It didn't have a name attached."
"Huh. Well, it's a terrible expression. Too throw pillow. The real answer would be that we're aging, sadly," Carly sighs again, equally as dramatic. "Granted, I still look like I'm 27, but somehow I've aged."
"Age is but a number."
"You sound like a Hallmark card."
"You do!"
"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm aging as well. You're not in this whole getting old thing alone. Provided, of course, that you agree to age," he smirks.
"I don't have anything better to do, sadly, so I suppose I'll agree to getting older. But I refuse to have a gray hair."
"Then go to the salon when you notice one and dye your hair."
"I plan on it," the blonde smiles at him before changing the topic. "Do you think we're weird?"
"That came out of nowhere."
"Answer the question."
"That sounded like a question."
"Carly, how am I supposed to answer this one? I don't know, maybe?" Jason says, though most of it comes out as a question.
"Well, I mean, think of it. Sonny's been presumed dead for a year. You've been in charge of the business and been there for all of us in more ways than I can count. Seriously, I think Donna sees you as a father," Carly chuckles. "And you've listened to me crying and losing it. Hell, you spent a month and a half at the island just so I wouldn't be alone."
"Hey, you're family. I was happy to do all of those things. Besides, you wouldn't leave my side when I got shot. Or for a very long month after that," he jokes.
"I know but you didn't have to do that. You didn't have to step up and parent the kids. You already had Danny and Scout and the breakup with Sam to deal with, that's a lot at once. Not to mention, taking over the business and grieving Sonny. And dealing with me. All at the same time," she smiles. "Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, but you had no obligation to do any of that."
"Carly, do you think I'd be here right now if I didn't want to? You know me better than that. I love you and the kids and want to be there for all of you. So far, I've only gotten shot once and that was unrelated, so I'd consider this a pretty good experience."
The blonde scoffs at him and he chuckles. "Not funny. You could've died."
Rolling his eyes, he reminds her, "I didn't."
"Well you're not allowed to get shot for a long time."
"I'll take getting shot off of my to do list."
"Don't you dare joke about this!"
"Alright. Look at me. I'm not going to die anytime soon. I promise. It takes a lot more than a measly bullet to kill me, after all. Not even Russian madmen could do it," he says seriously.
"Good. Because if you do that to me again, I'll have no choice but to resign myself to a life in either prison or Ferncliff," she says half seriously, getting a laugh out of Jason.
It's not entirely unrealistic she'd end up in one of those positions, especially given that it's already happened. Repeatedly.
Maybe there's a sign she should stop doing dangerous things.
Almost as though she's being told to by something inside her, Carly connects her lips with his.
to be continued
why do i get myself into these things smh
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