#when he meets luna he absolutely loses it /pos
risetherivermoon · 11 months
barty absolutely loves children but he won't admit it, he wants to be a dad and a teacher so badly but he acts like he hates them cuz he think its "uncool"
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bipercabeth · 4 years
This is not a drill! Reminding you of the jercy rwrb au post. Alert!! Oh my god! Okay, it’s happening! Everybody stay calm, stay calm, stay FUCKING calm!!
shoutout to tiff for talking this through with me until 3 am she’s a real one 
percy as alex and jason as henry. need i say more
i will anyway 
percy, a bisexual mexican FSOTUS. into politics because he wants to do good. he doesn’t want the highest office, just the office where he can do the most good 
sally jackson as president mom. enough said. 
jason is literally henry y’all
blonde repressed white boy with a punk older sister, distant mother, a parent actor, and a Daddy Issues 
thalia as bea 
leo as pez (let’s laugh about the beauty of pez’s name being percy) 
the white house trio consists of percy, annabeth, and piper
annabeth as nora is so powerful. she and percy dated on the campaign trail and still makeout on new years and when percy needs the tabloids off his back. obsessed with numbers, bisexual as hell, blunt with an extremely one track mind 
piper as june. hear me out. journalist and speech writer, hooking up with annabeth (nora), sacrifices a lot for her parent’s choice of career (in this case sally being president instead of tristan being an actor), up to date on trends, takes care of those around her, “piper keeps them steady”
po is percy’s dad, new york senator, and montauk is the lakehouse equivalent 
paul as first gentleman
listen i know reyna is closer to jason but u can’t ignore the sheer zahra vibes
beckendorf as rafael luna is extremely important to me 
i don’t even know how to elaborate on how perfect this is for them dude just think about the sheer beauty of jason’s feelings for percy being symbolized by water .... bro 
percy calling jason “sweetheart” with a slight southern drawl 
the country losing their minds over jasiper when piper tries to cover for jercy being outed by taking the heat and faking a relationship with jason 
percabeth watching netflix and moaning to spur tabloid rumors to win a bet against piper 
jason absolutely plastered and losing it to don’t stop me now 
the sheer power of percy, annabeth, piper, jason, leo, and thalia as the super six 
percy going to nyu law and jason staying in new york for his lgbt youth shelter 
percy meeting thalia and we get the rebel kid quote 
i will leave u with the final image of percy “put the turkeys in my room” jackson calling jason in the middle of the night before thanksgiving 
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