#when i graduated all my friends and my sisters got lil celebrations and all I got a 😏 cool good job and thats it
maxellminidisc · 8 months
It's so frustrating when my parents get all defensive like "We didnt make you feel forgotten as kid when did we do that?!" Instead of just listen and it's like HELLO??? *not a single piece of evidence like photos or videos exist of important growth milestones for me when they do for my other three sisters*
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soullust · 2 years
dead poets and pets headcanons! their childhood/family pets, favourite animals, and what pets i think they would actually 'end up' with
neil perry
have you seen thomas perry? have you heard him speak? neil did not have a childhood pet. i think he really wanted a dog as a kid, but after a while of his father refusing, he would resort to asking for a fish or a hamster. his father's answer did not change absolutely adores the welton dog and always tries to sneak him treats and headpats and hugs and kisses and- he's just full of love yk he also seems like a fan of rodents? like guinea pig, hamsters and such,, he absolutely gets a dog after welton [more in todd's section]
todd anderson
the andersons bought jeffrey a cat for his fourteenth birthday it's a korat, his name is benjamin and he's a huge jerk -to everyone but todd. so it's more of todd's cat than anyone else's. todd loves cats overall, he enjoys how they just are, and finds their presence calming. once he moves out he takes benjamin with him and literally no one tries to fight him on this. also i think later in life he and neil would get a therapy dog to help todd deal with his anxiety, and neil with his trauma/depression. every once in a while one of the poets might feel down too, and todd's more than happy to let them 'borrow' the dog i feel like he would find arachnids fun, but his parents find them gross, and neil's is afrad of them, so he wouldn't ever have one
knox overstreet
idk why, but overstreets just feel like a crusty white dog named coco family. also his younger sisters have a rabbit! also i think him and charlie both used to do horseback riding as kids, as some sort of summer extracurricular?? anyways, yes, his family bought him a horse,, which is a totally standard thing to buy your child. he's not all that into horseback riding anymore and would let his siblings have the horse knox definitely loves dogs, and would have a golden retriver methinks just has that vibe
charlie dalton
his family have a bengal cat which he loves. he manhandles the shit out of that bastard and the cat doesn't really mind. the cat's name is orion, but really? it's Bastard. also his family owns horses and there's at least one that charlie dumbass-proofed (basically got it used to tolerating him as he does increasingly dangerous things around it) (idk if that's actually possible, i don't know anything about horses other than they look kinda cool) (idk why but the visual of charlie riding a horse like a skateboard cannot escape my mind i simply had to share). definitely a dog person, though he doesn't strike me as a guy that would actually have a dog? at least just on his own, he could have one with someone (a bf maybe? a bf named steven meeks even?,) he loves dogs, but having a whole creature depending solely on him is not a good idea.
gerard pitts
dog person. obviously he just seems like a guy that would enjoy going on long runs it's bc he's tall with long legs and what can make a run better? a dog he had a childhood dog that was already pretty old when he was born.. anyways! they got a him a german shorthair to celebrate him graduating middle school totally not bc he was heartbroken he probably wouldn't try and relocate the dog once he moves out just to not stress him out he might get a turtle though, he looks like a turtle guy
steven meeks
meeks' family has a miniature poodle. she's very well trained and steven deff treats her very politely. like- 'hello, would you like a treat, ma'am? of course, just do a spin first please?,, there you go, thank you :)' <- no babytalk or anything like that, he seems like a guy who just talks to animals like they're human all the time overall, but he's extra polite to her he feels like a,, calm dog person. like he enjoys their energy and likes having an excitible furry friend, but doesn't run around them or like match their general chaoticness also i feel he might get a gecko <3 just a lil' guy to sit on his shoulder while he studies/works <3
richard cameron
my lifelong hc for cameron's family is that he has some grandparents and cousins living on a farm, that he spends half of every summer with, doing typical farm things,, like caring for farm animals,, like cows,, and with that comes 'cow person' cameron headcanon he has his favourite in the herd for sure that he's just best friends with :) she has huge eyes and she listens to him rant, she's the best obviously one cannot simply own a cow as a pet, and since they're his favs he would probably opt out to not have any pets. scratch that i just thought about him having a chicken as a pet and am endlessly amused by it. he has a pet chicken
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mpathicoracle · 1 year
ooookayyyy time to copy/paste my VERY lengthy rant about my TOH Bard oc, Eira Bane. originally sent it to my friend on discord, at the time i didnt realize it was so lengthy oops but hey yknow what. get used to it, yall get to deal with my bs no matter what LOL
first of all, lemme introduce: Harbinger Inferno, and its band members.
Eira Bane (they/them), creator, lead singer and guitarist. Hexside graduate. looks super threatening and intimidating, but they're such a sassy lil shit and is truthfully a massive dweeb.
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Eran Thorne (he/him), secondary vocals and guitarist. St. Epiderm's graduate. he and Eira get along very well, are close like siblings but tease the media because celebrity drama likes to make it seem like they're dating. they both find it hilarious and joke about it constantly.
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Dartak Heathers, bass guitarist. St. Epiderm's graduate. has a special Bard talent of being able to hear "melodies" for everyone, sorta a synesthesia type gift. he's also a mega dork
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Belak Strande, drums. Hexside graduate. he...doesn't talk much, but he's super chill. an amazing cook tho, he enjoys cooking for the other three.
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okay now youve met them, time to rant. fuck this is gonna be lengthy i apologize long in advance. n o t mwahaha
Eira's family name is Harbane. They're a very long line of witches, of a lot of different specialities. Primarily, a lot of Harbanes end up having stronger Oracle magic. Eira has an older brother (5 years older and a captain in the Emperor's Coven) and a younger sister (about 10 yrs younger). Eiras father is an Abomination witch, their mother an Oracle, both part of their respective covens. Both of their grandparents, the heads of their family, I haven't exactly decided what magic is their speciality, but they're powerful. Lastly is their great-grandfather, who passed away at 98 when Eira was barely 16; he had dementia, was practically deaf, and partially blind.
The Harbane family line have a very specific magical talent that they're most known for. One ancestor named it the Death Shout, another the Banshee Shriek. Its unknown how the Harbane ancestry got the gift, it's theorized amongst the family members that the Titan gifted it to them, but no one knows for sure. Throughout the generations of Harbanes, each "user" of the Scream, as its simply titled, used it various different ways. The ancestor who had it last called it the Death Shout, due to him having been able to raise the dead with it. That was nearly 800 yrs before Eira was born. The family line never understood why no one had so-called "received" the Scream since then. When Eira was born tho, her cries could crack glass, and their family realized they had the Scream. Their great-grandfather properly named them Eralynne, having once told them their name meant "the one who sings." Which is incredibly ironic. Eira's strongest magic is actually Construction magic, and as they grew older and practiced their Scream, they realized that, depending on the pitch/depth, they could either raise ground with the Scream, or absolutely decimate it. They also learned the hard way not to use the Scream indoors and almost damaged their eardrums once. Woops.
The final thing the Harbane family are known for is the ancient Harbinger Raven Palisman that has been passed down for generations upon generations. A Harbinger Raven is the symbol of their family, and its how they got their name. There's another theory amongst the family that Corva was probably one of the first Palisman ever made. But, again, no one knows for sure. and Corva sure as hell refuses to confirm nor deny it. She's a stubborn thing, but incredibly wise and, honestly, a bit of a smartass.
Harbinger Ravens are, as I decided, an extinct type of raven. One myth is that they were the first ones with Oracle magic, and taught it to the first witches. They were much larger than the average raven, and their key distinction is their oily-black feathers and their piercing, vibrant purple eyes (sclera and all).
Corva looks precisely like that, aside from the fact that she's not that big. Probably the size of a human realm crow, really. still a decent size. Corva, as stated, as been passed down through the Harbane ancestry, choosing on her own whether to take the next owner or not. When Eira was 11, it was meant to be her older brother's turn, his ceremonious ritual amongst the family to see if Corva would choose him. Instead, she eyed Eira almost instantly and flew to her instead. She didn't even give Eira's brother a single glance, not even a side eye. Just flew to Eira, who caught her easily, and cradled herself in the kid's arms. Eira's great-grandfather was the only one amused by it.
Now... there's a reason Eira doesn't go by the family name anymore, instead shortening it (out of spite) to just Bane. this part. is gonna take a while djfjg might switch to my laptop instead o o f
When Eira was maybe 10 or 11, their great-grandfather took them to the market with him, wanting to get them out of the house for a bit. I haven't really decided how they found it, hell it coulda been at Eda's "human collectibles" stand, but either way they found a music cd with a variation of different metal bands from the human realm. They begged their great-grandfather to get it for them, already having a love for music at that age, and he of course agreed and got it for them. When Eira got home and listened to it for the first time, they fell in love. Deep, raw emotion compiled into people screaming into microphones with heavy drums and epic guitars? Absolutely-freaking-yes. The next time they went to the market, they bought their first lute.
Eira's parents and grandparents weren't as understanding as their great-grandfather. They thought Bard magic was pointless, and a waste of talent. They weren't fans of music, not really. So Eira tried their hardest to hide their first lute from them. Sadly their older brother found out, and snitched to their mother... who broke the lute in front of the entire family, with Eira of course present. Eira soon bought another lute, still practicing in secret, and the next time their family found out, they yelled at them that they wanted to be a Bard, that they wanted to make music and that they could learn to incorporate the family Scream into it. They were laughed at and, once again, their lute was broken. It was around this time their great-grandfather slowly began to lose it, dementia setting in. He understood his great-grandchild more than anything, but because he was no longer head of house at this point he couldn't make any decisions about it.
Eira's parents forced them into the Construction track at Hexside after, but that didn't stop Eira from sneaking into the Bard track homeroom and continuing to practice in secret.... the Bard track teachers knew, but they knew enough about Eira's family to not mention it to anyone.
Eira made the decision, at that point, that they didn't give a shit what anyone else wanted them to be. Nothing was going to stop them from being what they wanted to be. No one but them could tell Eira what to do. It was precisely that, that Corva chose them over their brother. Not quite stubbornness, but free-will and a desire to be more than what Corva had experienced with her past owners. Fighters, warriors, generals. All strong-willed, sure, but it was the same old thing time and time again. Corva wanted to feel the true Freedom of such a strong-willed witch such as Eira, and that's exactly what she saw in them.
Like I said, Eira's great-grandfather was the only one who was amused when Corva chose them at age 11, only a year after first discovering metal music. Their grandparents and parents were infuriated, their brother mad and hateful at them after that (he instead got a newer palisman carved, also a raven, but a regular one). Eira's father actually attempted to keep Corva from his kid, locking the palisman up for two straight days...until he got too close and Corva bit his hand, immediately flying back to the grieving kid (they thought they wouldn't see Corva ever again). Their parents didn't attempt that again, but it still made Eira's home life absolute hell. They stopped being close with the rest of their family at this point, keeping on the track of keeping things from them. They didn't leave their room much and lied a lot, saying they "took up an extracurricular with the Illusion track, which is why they were at school so long." Their parents and grandparents didn't question it.
When Eira was 13, roughly at the end of their 8th grade year, they and the other students in their grade at Hexside were given the option to switch tracks, and to start making plans for what coven they wanted to join when they graduated high school. Essentially, the conversation with their family went like this:
(Grandparents:) "You are going to continue the Construction track, or you're out of this family. Decide to join whatever coven you want, but if you even dare think about joining the Bards, you will not be a part of this family."
(Parents:) "Be like your brother. He's going to join the Emperor's Coven. They'll let you do whatever magic you want, our family Scream will be a blessing for the Emperor."
Eira, spiteful as they were, went to Principal Bump the next day and told him that they wanted to switch to the Bard track. They explained what their family will do, but that they didn't care. "They can do whatever the heck they want, but I refuse to let them make my life decisions for me. It's my Scream, it's my choice. And music is what I want," they had said. Something they always lived by. Bump understood, he knew, after knowing Eda Clawthorne, that kids these days were incredibly stubborn but formidable. So he agreed, and switched them to the Bard track. Eira kept it hidden from their brother on their trip home, but as soon as they got home they showed off the Bard track colors, a giant "fuck you" to their family. They were given one full day to pack their things and leave, and they did. It hurt, because they knew they wouldn't be able to see their great-grandfather ever again, but it meant they could do what they wanted.
Eira was, quite frankly, homeless for the next couple weeks, slowly making their way to where the majority of the Bard Coven witches lived, aka Harper's Haven (see my previous post lol). During those couple weeks, Bump had called Eira into his office to show them the official statement from their now ex-family that Eira was legally disowned and legally denied any access to their family records etc etc. They were... well. Let's just say Principal Bump wasn't surprised when things in his office got broken. Eira apologized for it, repeatedly, but he didn't hold it against them. He'd seen worse. They and Bump essentially made an agreement: if Eira could find a suitable place to live and a way to afford continuing learning at Hexside, he wouldn't make them leave the school. He couldn't let them keep learning there for free, school costs money; Eira knew this, of course, and Bump wasn't pleased about it, either, but the agreement was made.
Anyways, when Eira got to Harper's Haven, they wanted to be as close to the Bard Coven hq as possible, so they, a 14-year-old, walked into the Harper's Haven Hotel (Triple H), and immediately demanded to speak to the owner to ask about room and board, along with a job. They were raised rich, so their tone was all high-and-mighty, so the associate had quickly got the owner, Caric Thorne, a Construction witch.
After Eira explained their situation, Caric was incredibly sympathetic. It wasn't abnormal for high schoolers to get jobs (i.e. canonically Amity and the library job), so he wasn't against the idea. What he was against was that Eira was demanding a full-time job, something he couldn't allow a minor to have. Caric was relatively wealthy, though, having built Triple H from the ground up (literally), so he could vouch on Eira's behalf and partially pay for their schooling, which Eira begrudgingly accepted. Caric, Eira, and Bump made a deal: if Eira could keep their grades up, while also showing up to work on time and proving they can balance both school and work at "such a young age," there would be no issues with them doing both. And proved that to them, Eira did.
also cough at Caric's surname and Eran's surname lol
Now I would like to note a funfact: Eira is only 11 years younger than Raine and the rest of the canon adults (they're all in their early 40s). When Eira's 14, Raine wouldve only been in their mid-to-late 20s sdjghdg. ngl when Eira's 14 Raine and Eda would've only been broken up for a few years canonically. o o f the realization at that safgsjkgb
fast forward a couple yrs and Eira is still proving themself to both work and school. They ended up getting a loaner guitar from the Bard track, so they could practice outside of school. They found an empty space a couple miles outside of town, and made it their practice area, using construction magic to make their own stage and everything. They had gotten pretty damn good at playing guitar by the time they were 16, having learned the bass and drums as well. A straight-A student as well, and always on-time to work (considering they went to work as soon as school was done). Relatively easy when they live at the hotel, too, but still.
Not long after Eira's 16th birthday was the first covention they would've been able to attend, the first time they woulda been able to prove themself to the Bard Coven that their Scream could be incorporated into bard magic. But...alas...work got in the way. It was a busy week at Triple H, a Bard Coven concert just around the corner or something along those lines. So, instead of being able to attend, Eira wrote a letter and sent Corva off to deliver it to the coven head at the time, Scooter Crane.
the letter went as follows (mostly came up with this on the spot, but the concept of it has been sitting in my brain for a while):
"Head Witch Crane,
My name is Eira Bane, formerly Eralynne Harbane. I am 16 years old, and I inherited my family's infamous Scream. My family fully legally disowned me at age 13 when I told them I was going to be a Bard Witch whether they liked it or not. As proof I am who I say I am, I have sent my Palisman, Corva, as proof. She is, you'll recognize, a Harbinger Raven, and can tell you herself that I am who I say I am.
I, alas, cannot attend the covention due to work conflicts. Because I was kicked out of my family, I have had no choice but to work, along with attending school. I, at present, work at Harper's Haven Hotel, proudly and happily, in exchange for room and board. You may ask Mr. Caric Thorne about my work performance, and you may also ask Principal Bump for my school records.
I have wanted to be a musician since I was 10 years old. I have learned to play lute, guitar, bass, drums, and, of course, I can sing, since then. I have practiced using my family Scream and incorporating it into Bard magic, something no one in my family ancestry has ever done. I would be proud and incredibly glad to be accepted into the Bard Coven when I graduate from Hexside, if you'll allow me. However, there is one exception: I cannot be branded with the sigil. Because no one knows what power the Scream originates from, I cannot risk being branded with the Bard sigil, in the chance that I would no longer be able to use it with Bard magic.
I am more than willing to prove to you that the Scream can be tied into Bard magic, just tell me the time and place. Well... the place will have to be outdoors, naturally. If you accept this, you know where to find me.
-Eira Bane"
A few days later, during one of Eira's work shifts, Crane actually did send someone from the Bard coven to investigate...and who better than Raine Whispers themself. bc im seriously super self-indulgent and i love raine with all my heart asgfghjksghjkh
Just gonna summarize at this point, the two had a very long conversation...all while Eira, stubbornly, kept working. They weren't going to just stop working just to answer basic interview questions. The entire time, Raine was very deeply reminded of Eda. Both Eda and Eira were so incredibly stubborn, but very free-willed and, essentially, wild. It got Raine very intrigued into Eira's situation. By the end of Eira's shift, Raine had convinced Eira to show them were they practice, and Eira relented. While Eira was preparing in their room, Raine had contacted Crane and told him where to go, as a surprise to Eira. They wanted to prove themself to Crane, so what better time to do it?
At this point in Eira's life, they had made their first ever song, having recorded it both at school (instrumentals) and at their practice area (vocals). So when they brought Raine there, (they knew Crane was there, too, but didn't want to say anything as a joke at Raine, who was seriously not subtle about it), they set up everything but the central vocals and lead guitar, their strongest points. And perform they did-
https://youtu.be/dGl2qh7RXak (they use the Scream at 2:42 "You don't know me it's only what I let you see" not sure how to describe what it looked like, but just. yea. And yes, their vocal range is pretty wide. cuz why tf not djfjkdghk.)
Head Witch Crane was impressed with the performance, and another deal with Eira was made (behind raine's back, because raine was getting involved with it whether they liked it or not). If Eira could make a band by the time they graduate from school, and can further enhance their Scream into Bard magic, with training from a certain Bard Coven Witch cough Raine cough, then Crane would consider allowing Eira to be a Bard Coven Witch without the sigil. "I heard Caric's boy is wanting to join the Bard Coven as well, perhaps you should meet with him?" Crane had suggested, and, being the stubborn shit they were, Eira begrudgingly agreed.
By the end of their senior year, Eira had become close friends with Eran, who introduced them to Dartak, and Eira had found out Belak, who was in their grade at Hexside, was also into metal/hard rock, and was an incredible drummer. The group formulated the Harbinger Inferno, proudly using Corva as their mascot (who absolutely loved the idea and became an "integral" part of their band and performances). Eira explained how spiteful they were to their family, and the 3 boys immediately agreed to join in on the spite. By their Coven initiation, they had practically made an entire album setlist. I like to picture the Bard Coven initiation as a sort of talent show. They performed "True Colors", the first and best selling song. During the past year and a half, almost 2 years, Raine had officially become Eira's mentor, and was incredibly proud of Eira's band. Won't ever admit it to anyone, but still. Eira was their protégé, and proudly admits it any time they get the chance to. Scooter Crane was, again, greatly impressed by their progress and held up their end of the deal. Eira became the first and only Bard Coven witch to not have the sigil, instead having a formal pin that they keep on them at all times, something they're incredibly proud of. Not having the sigil meant they could be even more of a performer by incorporating other types of magic (mostly illusion magic) as well. Because they just have to be a show off.
Harbinger Inferno became famous, essentially. Got investigated by the Emperor's Coven a handful of times due to certain subjects of their songs, but they didn't get in any real trouble. They were sponsored by the Bard Coven after all. even more kudos to them when Raine became Head Witch for, like, a month or two.
Eira was hurt (emotionally) badly when the Day of Unity happened. They didn't have the sigil, they had to watch as their closest friends and fatherly figure Caric were being drained of their magic and actually hurt. When it ended, though, and the Collector took over the land, Harper's Haven was one of the first places that got hit. Luuuckily Eira was ready to kick some ass. They and their band, along with a handful of other witches, herded as many people as they could into the Bard Coven Center and Triple H to keep them safe. In the months that followed, Dartak had gotten Collected in the process of saving a group of stragglers. Thaaat def made Eira lose their shit. Fuck, they practically led an army of Bards and Construction witches after that, keeping Harper's Haven as safe as they possibly could. Even more so when belos took over the Titan's Heart and corrupted the land. Damn did their Scream come in handy. Then again, Eira learned from Raine how to use soundwaves as a way to manipulate surroundings, def comes in handy with the Scream. During that time, though Caric attempted to save a kid from some rubble, but because of his more elderly age and how weak he still was from the Draining Spell, he...didn't make it.
When everything was over, Harbinger Inferno led the effort in helping rebuild Harper's Haven...which really didn't take all too long. Triple H became a center for temporarily housing Harper's Haven's citizens. It was only a couple weeks after that Eira came up with the idea about the charity concert. And it gave them a good reason to get their grief out of their system by making the clearing they made as a teenager a lot bigger. r i p the trees lmao.
Anyways, by that point they're only 29 years old (roughly estimated Eda and Raine are 40. They def accomplished a fuckton of shit since they graduated from Hexside. and they like to rub it in Raine's face. a lot. "awwww Raine aren't you just so prooud of me, your protégé? heeeee" kinda shit. theyre an ass to raine at times and its totally worth it. Eira's "boys" - as they labeled Eran, Dartak and Belak - love playing along with it, too.
and if anyones curious, Eira used Corva to track down every single Bard witch possible to gather them for the first Bard Collective Charity Concert. Corva was ecstatic to track people down, she loves tracking. One of the Harbane ancestors had used her Oracle talents for the exact same thing. It's very fun, and incredibly freeing.
Bonus pics: Eira when they were younger!
Eira (Eralynne), age 13 (she/her)
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Eira, age 14-17 (they/she)
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Eira, age 18 (after joining the Bard Coven) (they/them)
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Also more bonus, Harbinger Inferno's first album cover (which i just realized has an error and im gonna lose my shit) and the first album's songs (with listed credit for the actual bands who sing the songs lol) (peep the "Sponsored by the Bard Coven" in the bottom left corner lol)
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"Now Let Them Tremble" (All That Remains) (all sing) "True Colors" (Wage War) (sung by Eira, Scream used) "Obey" (Bring Me The Horizon) (sung by Eira and Eran) (yes this song can be seen as a play at the emperor's coven bc thats exactly what its intended as heehee) "Pass The Nirvana" (Pierce The Veil) (sung by Eira, Scream can be used but not always) "Stitch" (Wage War) (sung by Eira) "Blood Runs Cold" (Rain City Drive) (sung by Eira) "Blood & Water" (Memphis May Fire) (sung by Eira, Scream used) "When Everything Means Nothing" (Fit For A King) (sung by Eran) "Ophelia" (Rain City Drive) (sung by Eran) "Bulls in the Bronx Hills" (Pierce The Veil) (sung by Eira, one of their most famous songs. partially renamed for Reasons)
please lemme know if u wanna know more about Eira and the band, i love them and owl house has given me such MASSIVE brainrot that theyre all i can focus on asgfsjghdjkghk h e l p
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happy-tori-friends · 4 months
happy tree friends episode where the starring character is a picky eater and they get peer pressured into going to a hibachi place and are terrified of the fire that shoots up when they start grilling. except the fire just burns them and the worker (probably lumpy) just keeps cooking
(guess where i went for dinner. i got french fries and some plain steak but it had like grill juices on it so i didnt eat it at first and it got cold and i decided to be weird and thought 'i can eat with chopsticks it will be easy' and it wasnt and everyone laughed at me. also the juice dripped on my lip and i pulled it back and i was Very startled by the fire and kept scooching away from it and they found that funny too.)
lil vent under the cut
my dad's cousin + her wife and daughter are in town bc my sister graduates tomorrow and they wanted me to go but im very... ehh about my dad's cousin bc - even tho my dad is kind of a crappy guy - she said something Very Not Cool to him over a terrible river rafting experience (he's very pro gun and it had to do with him and that gun...). and then when she was arguing with my mom i said 'i think everyone should just up' or smthn like that she took it as me saying 'shut up' and told me that i couldnt say that to her in her house and then she proceeded to fatshame me but im being civil :) and i dont want to go sit outside in the heat (she just sat in the car for mine but tbf it was 2020 i just walked the stage it wasnt really graduation) and then i get to go to a celebration and... man im already all out of socialization energy
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raysofcrosby · 4 years
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requested: yes | no
warning(s): none that i can think of.
word count: 5,066
listened to: chances by the backstreet boys
inspiration: mixed luggage au [ i can’t find the og au-prompt masterlist, but if this is your au idea, lemme know and i’ll link you for credit (: ]
authors note: listen– i don’t know what it is, but i’ve literally been on a tkachuk thing lately. like, i used to despise this little curly-headed gremlin, but now??? it’s all hearteyes motherfucker. this is purely a writing to help me get back into the writing groove again after these last six months of nothing– so i might be a lil rusty. anyway, i hope you enjoy <3333
part two | google doc w/ all parts | my masterlist | stuff i have planned | who i’ll write for | requests
I’m sorry Y/N, but if you’re not here in the next 5 minutes I need to keep going.
That text haunted you– it was all you could think about the moment you got off of your flight. The uber your sister had ordered for you was close to canceling– all because there were too many planes taxiing on the airstrip and your stupid flight ended up circling in the air for thirty minutes. If this were any other airport, no doubt you’d be screwed. Luckily though, you knew good ole St. Louis Lambert International like the back of your hand. So getting from point A to point luggage claim would be no problem at all. The only delay would be the luggage getting put out onto the carousel.
Which of course, did prove to be the problem at hand.
You were the first one from your flight at the carousel and hoped to be gone before any disgruntled passengers you managed to bump into, could show up. Unfortunately for you, just as the bags were being loaded onto the carousel, your fellow passengers were arriving too– more than a few giving you a look that would normally result in you rolling your eyes in response. Yet, your focus wasn’t on them, it was glued to the small carousel door, keeping an eye out for your suitcase.
Teal bag with a grey handle. Teal bag with a grey handle. Teal bag with a grey handle. Teal bag with a grey hand–
“Ah-ha!” You smiled, catching eye of your suitcase and rushing to meet it instead of letting it eventually make its way to you. You grabbed the suitcase and extended the handle to drag it away, already walking towards the exit.
One minute.
You had one minute to catch your uber before they left you and you hoped and prayed that luck was on your side and the black Toyota Corolla just happened to be parked near the door you chose to exit from. The warm summer air of the Missouri summer weather practically smacked you in the face and it fit wasn’t for the awning covering the pick-up zone, you would have no doubt been blinded by the sun too.
“Oh, thank God,” you sighed, catching sight of a black Toyota Corolla that your sister said to find, parked just six cars down to your left. You sped walked to the uber, coming to a stop at the window and waving at the driver, catching her attention. “I’m so, so sorry I’m late.”
The woman, probably in her early 60’s gave you a friendly smile instead of the scowl you were expecting. “Are you Y/N?”
“Yes ma’am,” you replied, nodding.
“Go ahead and put your suitcase in the trunk, it’s opened for you.”
You walked to the trunk and lifted it open, placing your suitcase inside before closing it and walking to the back passenger door, getting into the backseat. “Again, I’m so sorry for making you wait. We had to circle in the air for 30 minutes because of the traffic on the airstrip and,” you exhaled, relaxing back into your seat. “I’m so sorry.”
She laughed, pulling away from the airport. “It’s no problem sweetheart. I saw your reply. I was going to give you a little extra time. I know how hectic airports could be. Especially this time of the year. Everyone’s traveling for vacation.”
“Yeah, I think I might have accidentally elbowed one too many people trying to get to luggage claim.”
“Are you visiting or coming home?”
“Coming home…kind of,” you laughed, staring out the window at your hometown. “I actually just graduated from college a few weeks ago, so my roommates and I rented a house on the Jersey Shore to celebrate. But, my sister is getting married tomorrow, so that’s why I’m back.” You looked back towards her, laughing softly to yourself. “But then come September, I’ll actually be moving to Calgary for a new job and to get my Masters.”
“So a lot of traveling, I see.”
You took a deep breath and sighed, nodding. “Yeah, but I’m glad to be able to spend all of this time with my friends and family before I start working. Especially since I’ll be moving so far away.”
“It sounds like a great time,” she smiled, looking at me through the rearview mirror. “I’m a sucker for weddings, why don’t you tell me about it?”
Normally, you weren’t one to talk a lot whenever you and your friends would take Ubers downtown on the weekends– but this driver was sweet and you found yourself talking nonstop as she drove you towards your final destination. After all, she didn’t abandon you at the airport like you thought she would.
The car ride to your parents' place went by a lot faster than you thought it would and it was all thanks to Mrs. Sheila, your lovely uber driver. Whom, you learned, started driving after she lost her husband late last year. Her kids lived out of state and once they went back home after those first few weeks, she wanted to find something to do to keep herself busy and get herself out of the house– so, she became an uber driver.
Walking into your parents' house, you were greeted with empty echos of your footsteps. Your parents were still at work and wouldn’t be home until just a little before the rehearsal dinner tonight. Your brother, well, as far as you knew, he had absolutely nothing going on, so you didn’t know why he wasn’t around. If anyone was guaranteed to be home, it was your sister. She was the one who ordered your uber and had them take you here, so she was more than well aware of what time you’d be arriving home.
“Hello?” You called out, leaving your suitcase by the door and making your way to the living room. “Char, are you here?”
“Is that my favorite sister?” You heard her voice call out from upstairs. Looking up, you could see her rounding the hallway corner, carrying a closed laundry basket full of, no doubt, stuff for tonight’s bridal party sleepover.
“I’m your only sister,” you laughed as she made her way down the staircase.
“Unless you count all of the times we got bored and turned Nick into Nikki,” she giggled, reaching the end of the staircase and putting the basket down before stepping forward and hugging you. “How was the flight?”
“It was great up until our 30 minutes of circling in the air,” you laughed, pulling away from the hug. “Where’s my dear brother?”
“Working out with some friends. We probably won’t see him until tonight.”
“Nothing says welcome home like being greeted to an empty house.”
“Excuse you, I was here to greet you.” She laughed, picking the basket back up. “But if you really want to be upset, you should see all of the packed boxes in your room.”
“I leave in three months! Why are they packing me up now?” You gasped, acting dramatically.
“Nick and dad are planning on transforming it into some kind of training room or something.”
“But they–“
“Already took over the garage? Yeah, I know and mom is pissed.”
You rolled your eyes, grabbing the handle of your suitcase again. “He literally told the Blues that he was going back to Michigan in the fall to try and win a championship. Why the hell are they even treating him like he’s already a hall of famer?”
“Perks of being the youngest, not to mention dad’s only son,” she laughed, looking at the door. “Ready to head to the Airbnb?”
“Can we get food first?” You asked, dragging your suitcase along. “I’m starving.”
She laughed as you held the door open for her. “Good, because we’re most definitely getting food before we go and take a nap.”
You laughed, walking out of the house with her and then closing and locking the door behind you. “I knew we were related.”
Lunch and a nap turned out to be exactly what you needed. The two of you had stopped at a subway to get some food before driving over to the Airbnb that you, your sister and the rest of the bridesmaids would be staying for the night.
It was a beautiful three-bedroom, modernized cottage that looked like it was stripped directly from the pages of a fairytale book. It was tucked away, just off to the side in the backyard of a beautiful colonial house, whose farm would tomorrow be transformed into a whimsical fairytale wedding location. The men would be getting ready in the house, while the women would be getting ready in the cute cottage. Sort of like a secret getaway paradise before the wedding.
When you got back with your food, your sister took you on a tour of the property while the wedding planners and staff were setting up all of the bigger decorations for tomorrow. You were off at school during the entire planning process, only ever seeing every one of her ideas in pictures. The only things you were able to take part in, were the dress shopping and her bachelorette party since they were both held at a time you were on a fall break from school. Besides being there for those two things, the only other thing you helped with– was the proposal.
Colton has been in your life for as long as you could remember. He and Charlotte have been best friends since Pre-K. It was the cliché friends to lovers kind of story that was told time after time– but in theirs, there were no other people in it. It was just them. There were no other boyfriends or girlfriends, no other crushes– from the very beginning, they were it for each other. They were each other's first everything– kiss, date, girlfriend/boyfriend, time– in their love story, they had found their one great love…all before they turned five.
Wherever Charlotte was, there was Colton– they were stuck like glue and your parents loved it. It was their friendship that brought both of your families together to the relationship that you all had now. Your families were best friends, all because of their relationship. You often took vacations together, spent holidays together, hell, you and Colton’s middle brother, Mason, even had joint birthday parties– as did your two younger siblings, Nick and Addie. Your families even try to go as far as to dropping hints that all three kids should date.
Colton and Charlotte. You and Mason. Nick and Addie– all the same age and practically family already.
It was perfect.
Until you and Mason tried to date in the tenth-grade and realized that kissing the person you’ve shared every birthday party with, used to take baths with and shared every key moment growing up– wasn’t all that great. In fact, it was weird. So the two of you remained as the almost black sheep of the families, especially since Nick and Addie were headed down the same path as Charlotte and Colton. They started dating in eighth-grade– like Colton and Charlotte– and have maintained a healthy and strong relationship to now, even long-distance, when they’ll both be sophomores in college in the fall, Addie at the University of Missouri and Nick playing hockey at the University of Michigan.
You and Mason were there, always making jokes about how it runs in the family but skipped a generation. Never letting your siblings live it down that the two of you will be the ones to break the cycle. Funny how you two were also the ones who played the biggest roles in Charlotte’s engagement.
Both of your dads are huge St. Louis Blues fans. So naturally, they tried to rub that off onto their children. And it worked, all except for you. You tolerated the blues, but never really adopted hockey as your favorite sport. You understood it, watched it whenever you never had a choice– but like your mom, you gravitated more towards football and adopted her hometown team as your own– the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Colton and Charlotte, however, were both diehard Blues fans from day one. There were even pictures to prove it. They even went to a game on both their first ‘supervised’ date and ‘unsupervised’ date. So, when the Blues were making a run for the Stanley Cup– it was imminent for your families to attend at least one game. You and Mason did everything in your power to get the Blues attention. You emailed anyone and everyone who worked in their front office, you spammed their social media accounts– anything and everything to get their attention so you could share their story and Colton’s plan.
And at game four it all came to life. Charlotte was ‘randomly’ selected to participate in an intermission event after the first period where she’d be blindfolded and needed to walk along the ice to find Louie after collecting ‘Blues momentos’ along the way. The Blues had played the short slideshow of Colton and Charlotte that you and Mason had sent them, as they introduced her to the crowd. Unbeknownst to her, both of our families were on the ice with her, standing behind her while she was blindfolded. You and the other three siblings were scattered in front of her, each holding a single rose.
The Blues staff member helped her walk along the ice and the moment that she took a flower from someone, they needed to go back to where she started, which was where Colton was standing with the ring in his pocket. The four of you each had a sign, that when held up together read ‘Will you marry me?’ Once Charlotte neared Louie, he cut the distance to just by center ice where all of you were waiting. And when she found Louie, the entire crowd had erupted into cheers as she took off her blindfold, all smiles until she turned around to see the signs and Colton on one knee.
She said yes. The Blues won. The proposal went viral and your families were given a box to game seven where the Blues won the Stanley Cup.
All in a day's work between the two middle siblings, and one that led you all to this moment– the wedding tomorrow. Where Colton, who was already like a big brother yo you, would officially, pretty much become your big brother.
“Y/N,” your sister said, shaking your arm. “Y/N, get up. We’ve got like 45 minutes to get ready for dinner before we have to leave and no offense, but you need to shower.”
“Your lucky that you’re getting married tomorrow or I’d kill you,” you mumbled into the pillow, taking a deep breath and exhaling before pushing yourself up. “Can you charge my phone for me? I won’t take too long, just need to rinse off and I’ll be back.”
“In your backpack?” She asked as you walked out of the room.
“Mhhm, small front pocket. The charger is with it.”
You walked out of the room and into the connected bathroom, closing the door behind you before walking towards the shower and turning on the water. Your nap was more than enough to help you make it through dinner. You hadn’t thought that you were even that tired, but the moment you laid down to relax after eating your sandwich– you were absolutely knocked out.
To be fair though, you had spent the last two weeks partying it up on the beach with your college roommates, trying to relive every moment from your last four years of partying, downing booze, and making out with any attractive guy who caught your eye. You know what they say, no rest for the wicked– and boy, oh boy, were the wicked actions of shotgunning beers with strangers in the hot summer jersey sun, coming back to haunt you.
At least you got one hell of a tan and more memories to last you a lifetime, out of it all.
You turned off the shower before you stepped out and wrapped a towel around your body, then wrapping your hair up in a second towel. You walked out of the bathroom and back to the bedroom, only to find it empty. "Hey, Char?"
"In the living room...er, kitchen, I guess!"
You walked out of the bedroom and into the living room to see Charlotte sitting at the kitchen counter, a make-up mirror propped up in front of her and hot curling iron in her hand. "Why are you doing your hair in the kitchen?"
"You were in the bathroom and the lighting is lacking in the bedroom." She let a curl, fall from the iron and turned to you. "What's up?"
"Well, for one, the bathroom is free," you laughed, looking around. "And two, I was wondering where you put my suitcase? It was in the room and now it's not."
"No," she dragged out her reply, focusing on wrapping another piece of hair around the iron before averting her eyes towards the door. "You left it by the front door. Never brought it in."
You turned towards the front door and sure enough, right there not even three feet away from the door...was your suitcase. "Awesome, thanks!" You said, walking over and tugging on the handle, extending it out before walking back to the room. "And my phone?"
"Charging in the kitchen. It was dead by the way."
"Great," you huffed, walking into the bedroom and over to the bed. You lifted up the suitcase, letting it plop down onto the bed and exhaled a deep breath. It was a lot heavier than you thought it was. But maybe your body was just tired from traveling and last night's final night out.
You caught a glimpse of the alarm clock that was set up on the bedside table and saw that your getting ready time was vastly starting to dwindle. So, not thinking anything more of the heavy suitcase, you unzipped the zipper and threw the cover back, ready to grab the romper you had placed directly on top, just so it wouldn't get wrinkled. You stared down at the contents of the suitcase, quickly grabbing the cover and shutting it again.
Okay, maybe you were imagining things.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling, and then opening your eyes and opening the suitcase again.
No, you definitely weren't imagining things.
The same spike ball netting was still staring you right in the face. Surrounding it, were three spike balls and a crumbled up bag that was supposed to house the set. Beneath it, a bunch of crumpled up clothes and other things.
"No," you shut the suitcase again, repeating the same steps: close your eyes, take a breath, hope you're dreaming, open your eyes and then the suitcase, only to be disappointed. "No, no– oh my God, this can't be happening. Charlotte!!"
You heard her footsteps echo off of the wooden floor as she made her way to the bedroom, half of her hair curled and set. "What?"
"This isn't my suitcase."
"Of course it is," she scoffed. "Colton and I got you that big traveling set for graduation, and that," she pointed at the suitcase, "is it."
"No, it's not," You opened the suitcase and reached in, grabbing the first thing you felt and holding it up to show her. "See? Not mine!"
"Y/N," her eyes widened before she started to laugh. "You might want to put those down."
"It's just the spike ball bag, it's not big–" you turned to see what you were holding and sure enough, it was not the spike ball bag you thought you had picked up. It was a pair of Ant-Man boxers, and it was unknown whether or not they were clean or not. "Ah, ew!" You tossed them back into the suitcase, wiping your hand on your towel. "Ew, ew, ew, I just touched a stranger's dirty underwear."
"You don't know if they were dirty."
"You don't know if they were clean!" You argued back, looking around the handle for an identification tag. "This definitely isn't mine. My travel tag isn't on the handle."
"Who uses a travel tag?" She laughed, shaking her head.
"Me," you turned towards the suitcase, slamming it shut and zipping it. "I use a travel tag, so if my luggage gets lost or switched, they can contact me. It's common travel knowledge."
She sighed, walking over towards the suitcase and unzipping the two pockets on top, looking in and shaking her head. "Nothing hidden in those pockets. Did you think to go through the rest of the suitcase? Maybe they have a tag in there."
"And risk touching another pair of possibly dirty boxers and God knows what else? No thanks," you zipped up the suitcase and picked it up, placing it back onto the ground. "I'm doomed. That suitcase had all of the clothes that I took to Jersey, in it. It had my outfit and makeup for tonight."
"I have something you can borrow," she walked over to the closet, opening it to reveal it was empty besides two dresses hanging up. "And I've got make-up and whatever your little heart desires for your hair."
"Your wedding present was in there too," you sighed, walking over to the closet. "Which one?"
"This." She held out the rose-colored dress, handing the hanger to you. "You can get away with no bra and I can give you a pair of underwear from the new pack I bought this morning–"
"Why would you buy new underwear?" You asked, taking the dress.
"In case of emergencies," she closed the closet and turned back to you, nodding. "Which, this is. Unopened pack in that laundry basket I was carrying, feel free to take a pair and keep them. As for shoes...you're kind of on your own on that one."
You sighed, defeated as she walked out of the bedroom, leaving you to get dressed. You unwrapped the towel around your hair, letting it drop onto the floor as the towel wrapped around your body went with it. You took the dress off of the hanger and untied the straps, lifting the dress over your head and tugging it down. Your mind was going over every detail of just how you picked up the wrong suitcase. Fair, it was a dead-ringer for the suitcase you took with you to Jersey, but even you should have known to realize that there was no bright red luggage tag hanging on the side handle. And it was all you could do but hope that whoever picked up your suitcase thinking it was theirs, would at least call or text.
"Oh shit," you said, holding onto the straps that hung down on the side, trying to tie them in the back. "Charlotte! My phone!"
You ran out into the living room to see her now finishing up her make-up at the counter, turning to you with wide eyes. "Okay one, sit down and let me brush your hair," she stood up and grabbed your wrist, bringing you over to counter and sitting you down. "And two, your phone is right there."
"If they figured out our luggage was switched, they'd call! My luggage tag!" You reached across the counter, grabbing your phone and turning it over to see that the screen was still black. "Oh come on, my phone wasn't that dead!"
Charlotte tugged you back and started to brush your hair, not bothering to go slow. "I plugged it in the moment you went to take a shower, just give it a few seconds."
If looks could kill, your phone would be nowhere ready to turn on. You were glaring at the screen as if pure intimidation would turn it on. This could go one of two ways:
1) This person left your suitcase in the dark abyss that is lost luggage at the airport.
2) Like you, they didn't realize that they had grabbed the wrong luggage until they went to open it and they'll find your luggage tag and call you.
"Ah!" You yelled, jumping out of the chair as your phone lit up. You leaned over the counter, your heart racing as Charlotte tried to keep brushing your hair. "Come on, come on, come on..."
"Right there," Charlotte said, pointing at your screen as a text message notification popped up on the screen from an unknown number. "That has to be them!"
"Oh thank God," you sighed, thumb ready to swipe the message open. "Oh...yikes."
"Uh," Charlotte laughed as the two of you continued to watch your messages pour in, at least 5 coming in from the unknown number, along with three phone calls. "Yikes indeed, I guess they're panicking just as much as you are."
You swiped on the notifications, unlocking your phone, and going to the message.
unknown: hi y/n i think you grabbed the wrong suitcase...
unknown: yeah, uh, you most definitely grabbed the wrong suitcase.
unknown: is there any way we can switch in the next 30 minutes before i reach my house?
unknown: ok, so i'm sorry for the spam texts and calls...but this is kind of urgent.
unknown: like life or death.
"Life or death?" Charlotte asked, looking at you with a raised eyebrow. "What the hell was in that suitcase?"
"Spike ball and dirty clothes," you replied, shrugging. Your eyes went wide before you turned back to her. "What if they're a drug smuggler and there are drugs in there?"
She opened her mouth to speak before looking down at your phone, nodding. "Now's your chance to find out. Look who's calling."
You looked back down at your phone to see the unknown number flash on your screen. You looked back at her, shaking your head. "You answer it."
"Your luggage, you answer it," she laughed, pulling back segments of your hair to tie back. "But put it on speaker, I'm curious what the drug dealer sounds like."
You shoved your elbow back, avoiding her as you nervously slid your thumb across the screen, answering the call and pressing the speaker button. "Hello?"
"Oh thank God," the unknown called sighed, clearing his throat. "Sorry for the spam calls, I've just been panicking."
"Yeah, I’m sorry...my phone died," you replied, looking at Charlotte as your voice dwindled off.
"The suitcase," she mouthed, nodding her head back towards the room.
"Oh, the suitcase!" You said, almost a little too excited. You cleared your throat, calming yourself down. "I most definitely have your suitcase...maybe."
"Well I have yours," you could hear rustling in the background. "Y/N L/N, right?"
"Yep, that's me," you looked at Charlotte again, shaking your head. "Sorry to kind of do this...but how do I know I have your suitcase? I mean, what if I grabbed someone else's and you grabbed mine and there's three of us in this and–"
Charlotte smacked your back lightly with the back of the brushed, shaking her head as the voice on the other side of the phone laughed. "Um, shit," he coughed, smacking his lips. "Uh well, there should be a spike ball set in there. If not, then I left it at Johnny's. Otherwise, it's just clothes."
"Congratulations," you laughed, leaning back into the chair. "I've got your suitcase."
"Oh thank God, I was really worried there for a second," they replied. "Is there any chance we can exchange them soon?"
"Okay, so about that," you sighed, biting the inside of your cheek. "I kind of have a wedding rehearsal and dinner to go to in 20 minutes...and I don't think that will be over with till about...two hours from now. Is that okay?"
There was silence on the other side and you couldn't help but feel horrible at the fact that you were keeping this stranger away from his luggage and that he had to keep yours until then. "My family and I are going to dinner in two hours, reservation and all."
"Where at?" You spoke before your brain could even catch up with what your mouth was doing. "I'm sorry that was creepy."
He laughed and you felt a little flutter feeling in your stomach. "No, it's fine. I think we're going to Maggiano's in–"
"In the Westfield town center?" Your eyes widened as Charlotte placed the brush down on the counter behind you, looking at you with a smile. "We're going to Pieology in the Westfield town center!"
"Pieology for a wedding rehearsal dinner? Sounds like my kind of party," he laughed. "So, do you just want to exchange then? When I get there and you're leaving?"
"Sounds perfect!"
"Great! So I'll just, text you when I get there and I promise I won't forget the suitcase."
"Okay, I'll see you then."
"All right, bye, Y/N!"
"Bye!" You hung up the call and Charlotte leaned against the counter a smile on her face. "What?"
"He sounded cute." She stuck placed the extra bobby pins she didn't need, onto the counter. "Maybe he can be your date for my wedding."
"Not this again," you groaned, getting out of the chair. "For the last time, I don't need a date. Besides, this guy is a total stranger– I don't even know his name!"
"You can learn it later," she laughed, wiggling her eyebrows. "Either way, do your makeup quickly because we need to leave in ten."
She walked off towards the bedroom the two of you had claimed and you sighed, sitting back down into your seat, grabbing her mascara, blush, and golden liquid shimmer eyeshadow. It was the best you could do for now, until you got all of your stuff back from this stranger. As you applied the eyeshadow, you couldn't get Charlotte's comment out of your head. She was right, he did sound cute. But who's to say that he's not a total creep? Or that he's even your age? He could be in his 40's or even barely cruising 18. And then stood the real issue, you didn't even know his name.
Your phone screen lit up once again and you looked away from the mirror, seeing that you had another text from the unknown number. You furrowed your eyebrows and unlocked your phone, opening his text.
unknown: my name is matt, by the way 😊
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des-draws · 5 years
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it's officially July but I'm still on pride mode!!! can't stop won't stop
Here are my lgbt+/queer hcs for class 1(g)A(y)!!! Here's what they are in case you don't recognize all of the flags (bc let's be real before I started coloring this I wouldn't recognize at least a few of them either ;^; ), strap in bc it's going to get l o n g:
(also they’re listed in the order they’re shown in the deviantart post rather than this one oop)
- Ojiro is trans!! I feel like he prefers being stealth but still celebrates with all his classmates because it's such a special occasion :') - Tooru is pan and a demigirl!!! It's her first pride and she's hyped!!!! And full of love!!!!! Love Is Stored In The Tooru!!! - Todoroki is a gay demiboy!! His trauma has made his experience with gender rather vague and blurry but he's still happy to have a label to somehow describe himself!! He's using End*vor's credit card to buy all of his friends pride merch!! - Midoriya is bi and trans!! He's been so happy to see his friends discover themselves and even more so to see them celebrating :') - Iida is bi!! As the second of the three members of the Rich Kids Club, he also wants to support and reaffirm his friends by buying them pride stuff!! - Kirishima is gay and trans!! I hc that he's been basically the class' go-to for gender identity/sexuality stuff bc he's been out-and-proud since Day 1 until pretty much everyone had a big coming-out ("I'm gay!" "Cool! I think I might be bi! :0c" "I...might...not be a girl???" "I'm pretty sure I'm [ace/genderfluid/etc.]" "What's that?" "Oh, it's [...]" "...might have to look into that. I think it might fit me too?" " :'D !!!!! " ) (he probably cried bc he was so proud of everyone) and then things calmed down a bit . He's a tinsy bit sad ppl no longer come to him for it but he pushes it down because he's just so!!!!!! happy to be surrounded by so many ppl like him!! - Bakugou is gay, trans and demisexual!! The last part was the hardest for him to figure out and he spent a lot of time being confused at other people, it was when Sero shared his own orientations that he thought maybe he wasn't as alone as he had thought :') - Uraraka is bi!! She's spent years thinking her crushes on girls were just her being jealous/wanting to be friends with them/not as important/stong as the crushes she's had on boys. She's getting over that internalized stuff now and I'm proud of her!! - Tsuyu is a trans girl and a lesbian!! She's been very open about wanting people to call her "Tsuyu-chan" because she chose that name herself!! And she's so happy that everyone here is supportive of her and each other!! - Yaomomo is also a lesbian!! This is her first pride, she's so excited to see all these people with different identities and experiences come together, and while she could easily create pride merch herself she much rather prefers supporing the indepentent LGBT+/Queer creators selling their own! (Hence why she bought two different variations of the lesbian flag for both her and Jirou!) (and probably many more of the stuff you see everyone wearing lol) - (Speaking of,) Jirou is also also a lesbian and also nonbinary!! Her only connection to girlhood is her love for other girls, but other than maybe updating her wardrobe a little she doesn't mind presenting femininely. - Sero is asexual, demiromantic and genderflux!! He's v. chill about everything, he probably found out and was like "Oh. Ok cool. I'm hungy" like he has a very laid-back attitude abt his identity/orientation but he Will defend his friends' to hell and back. Group mom heck yea - Kaminari is bi and nonbinary!! He was scared shitless to the point of losing sleep when he started figuring out that he miiiight like boys too, and even more so when he realised he might not even be a boy?? Thankfully being surrounded by so many supportive people (and having Kirishima as one of his closest and more trustworthy friends) helped him accept himself :') - Mina is pan and trans!! She's always been very open about being a Romantic™ but rather than being the Disaster Pan that gets flustered around everyone, she's the Disaster Pan that flirts shamelessly using Terrible pick up lines ("If we were dating...heh.....let's just say horses wouldn't be called horses anymore ;) " was the first ever thing she said to Kirishima, which earned her an extremely confused and somewhat flustered "I'm????ga y???? ???????" (it was the first time he'd admitted it out loud so he kinda thanks her for that) ) - Tokoyami is bi and trans!! A while back I read a fic that happened to have trans Tokoyami in it and was like "You know what. Yeah I can see it!" Emo culture is probably what helped him realize, with it playing around with and disregarding gender stereotypes and everything. - Aoyama is transmasculine, genderfluid and aromantic!! For the longest time he'd much rather have people mistake him for a feminine/gnc boy rather than a girl. It took him a while to come to terms with his aromanticism, since pretty much everyone expected him to be gay- he kinda expected it himself too, since he never liked girls that way, so?? But when he found out about the term "aromantic" it was like a weight lift off his shoulders. - Shoji is netrois and androsexual!! He knew he liked boys early but he's avoided dealing with figuring out his gender out of fear that he'd be disappointed- he's only ever seen nonbinary/genderqueer people depicted as androgynous and much smaller in stature than himself, so he thought he'd never fit. Seeing everyone else come out (especially the other nonbinary classmates of his), he stopped hesitating and starting working on coming to terms with himself!! - Satou is asexual and panromantic!! I don't really have much reasoning for this, I never really thought about it (or Satou himself) but when the time came to draw this I was like "Satou likes baking.....and puns are ace culture......FOOD PUNS!!! OF COURSE!!!" I'm sorry glkjhklhfdlkhj; - Koda is a trans boy!! He's had trouble recognizing it at the start because he's always been soft-spoken (almost nonverbal) and timid and kind, and """"those aren't traits of a boy""""" but he was so happy when he hit puberty and started growing So Much in stature due to his genes and people started "mistaking" him for a boy!! He came out to his parents almost immediately bc compassion and kindness seems to run in the family and he knew he'd be accepted even if they didn't completely understand!! He was more scared to come out to his classmates but when two, three, four of them come out and are accepted for being trans boys, he knows he'll be safe with them too. - And finally, last but not least, Aizawa is gay and trans!! He might act somewhat aloof about this stuff, but secretly he's very happy that his kids students all have eachother's support, and most of them their families'. Part of him is a little bitter and wishes he had the same kind of support system in their age, but he's going to be there for them if they need him nonetheless. He has his own support system now, and that matters a lot, too.
But wait!! There's M O R E !!!!! - I always love love LOVE how fanartists/editors give some of the characters more animal-like features, so I did that too!!! I went Full-on-Frog with Tsuyu (and I'm rather proud of how she came out (lol) ), but also I gave Mina some Sharp Chompers and a Fluffy lil' tail bc It's What She Deserves, and Ojiro a lil' toof poking out and ears that sharpen a lil bit at the tips? I hc that as he grows, other than his tail he'll start growing more animal features like that- sharper teeth, longer ears, claws and also, get ready.....pawbeans........the last ones give him Heck when they start growing out, and he needs his palms massaged at least once a day while they do :'( His legs get weird too and they end up looking more like a wolf's back legs :0c - I gave a lot of them freckles!!!! bc I Love Freckles!!!!!! also, as my sister very eloquently pointed out, I gave Uraraka "A R M S,,,,," bc. let's be honest. the girl got martial training she's not a twig - Sero is holding the polyamorous flag behind himself, Kaminari and Mina bc.. u guessed it,, they're all dating each other,,,,, lotsa smooches and cuddling and shenanigans bc there's only maybe one(1) braincell between the three of them and most of the time sero has it - Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida, Kirishima, Bakugou, Tsuyu, Yaomomo, Koda and Aizawa are also autistic. Yes all of them. No I won't explain. (unless you ask in good faith and want to share your own hcs pls ask me then I'll explain everything and you can expect it to be as long as this description!!!!!) (I might draw something about it when it's April again maybe *thinking emoji* ) - Oh!!! and Tooru, Kaminari and Mina are ADHD. Kirishima is also dyslexic. - Bakugou has been losing his hearing ever since he entered U.A.- sure he's always used his quirk but never freely to that extend and with so much power behind it, so getting into fight after fight with such close proximity to explosions that big really did a number on his ears. He can hear a little better with the right one than the left, so Kirishima has gotten used to walking by his right side before his custom hearing aids came in, and then just stuck to that. Bakugou's custom hearing aids block out any noise above a certain volume bc let's assume technology has advanced to do that. When he and Kirishima started thinking about working together as heroes even after they graduate, Bakugou requested custom ear protectors with similar block-out features as his hearing aids for Kirishima so his ears aren't damaged by working so close to Bakugou (Kirishima cried). - I'm actually quite flexible on which of the two I hc as trans, or if I hc both of them to be. The "both gay + demi Bkg" is pretty set in my interpretation of them, but I find it interesting how their friendship/relationship could manifest and grow somewhat differently depending on if both of them are trans or if only one of them (and depending on which one of them it is). They're still the same loud rowdy boyes we know and love but there's different conversations to have and difficulties to tackle between them based on that factor alone, and frankly? I Adore It.
Okay that's all!!!! I think. Thanks for reading, if you did!! And if not, I completely understand lol
I hope you had a great pride month!!
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purplesurveys · 4 years
[created by: youvebeensurved - LiveJournal]
How often do you get fountain drinks from a gas station? I’ve actually never tried getting a drink from one of those fountains. I find them nasty, and the fact that gas stations aren’t the most hygienic of places certainly doesn’t help their case.
If you get online and look at graphics, what website(s) do you go to? I never find myself looking for graphics. The closest thing I search are vector icons, and for those I have an extension on Chrome that lets me look for icons to place on slides and such.
Who would you say your favorite celebrity is? At the moment it would be Rosamund Pike, but my all-time favorite would be Beyoncé.
Have you ever slept in your car? If so, explain. Sure, mostly when I took naps in between classes. There were also a few times I had late nights out and didn’t have a place to crash at, so I’d sleep in the car for the night before heading home in the morning.
If you were forced to murder one of your parents, which one would it be? This is a horrible question.
What song are you currently obsessed with? Find Me Here - Hayley Williams.
Explain your last run in with the police: Never happened.
Who was the last friend you hung out with, and what did you guys do? In terms of a physical get-together, I was with Angela, Hans, Pia, Kyelle, Al, Gab, and Sam and we had dinner and drinks at this gastropub that announced its impending permanent closure by the end of February. Virtually, I hung out with Andi, Peter, Carmel, Rita, Robin, Mik, and Elis to have a Jeopardy game night over Zoom.
What time do you usually go to bed and wake up? On weekdays I try to turn in anywhere between 9–11 PM and wake up by 6:30. On weekends, I try to stay up until midnight at the earliest, but I’m trying to make it a habit to stay up until like 2–3 AM just so I can catch up on my hobbies and shows. I wake up anywhere between 5–7 AM.
If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? What's stopping you? Lawyer, which is a route I seriously considered for a few years. I get extremely tense in arguments though so I doubt I’d be the best fit for that kind of career.
Do you have a friend that's in a horrible situation right now? Explain. Yeah, my college batchmate (who’s now also my co-worker) Aimee tested positive for COVID this week after being in and out of a fever over the last two weeks.
What was the last store you were in, and what did you buy? I suddenly needed plastic bags while I was packing groceries at the office the other week, so I went to the nearby convenience store to check if they had any. They didn’t, so I left without buying anything.
Who was the last person you texted, and what did this text say? I was texting some media friends to tell them some shoes we had ordered for them to try out are going to be delivered to their address within the day.
What is the reason for the last time you cried? A show I had been watching had an emotional scene.
Who is your favorite character in your favorite movie? Joanna, of course, mainly because that’s the character Audrey Hepburn plays.
What color did you last paint your nails? I can’t remember the color I chose the last time I had my nails painted 79472394348 years ago.
It's 112 degrees out today, describe your attire: A very thin tank top with airy shorts.
Do you have any friends that are currently in jail? Explain their situation. Not friends but I can think of a couple of relatives who’ve gotten ‘in conflict’ with the law. I won’t get into their cases but for both of them, it was because they got tricked by their respective abusive bosses, hence the quote marks.
Do you tend to take long or short surveys? I like taking those whose lengths are right in the middle - anywhere between 35-80 questions. Shorter ones look boring and I find the longer ones too time-consuming.
What do you currently desire? I changed my mind about La Creperie and will be going to Ramen Nagi instead since I just remembered they currently have a truffle ramen thing that’s only going to be around for a limited time, and I want to get my hands on it before they take it off the menu.
How often do you honk your horn? Depends on how stupid the people I’m driving with are on a given day.
For what reason were you last at a park? We don’t have too many parks here so there’s little opportunity to stay at one. I remember seeing one with Gab when we were at BGC a little over a year ago, but we only walked through it since it was part of the route we were taking to get to our actual destination.
What junk food can you never pass up? Salted egg chips and pizza.
If you're a girl, what is your favorite brand of feminine hygiene products? If you're a boy, what is your favorite brand of condoms? I don’t have a favorite.
Where was the last place you went on a walk to? Just around the neighborhood. I also wanted to make this morning’s route with Cooper a little longer so he could walk more, so we went to parts of the village we don’t normally reach.
How are you feeling today? I’m content :) It’s the weekend so I’m not too tense like I normally would be on weekdays. I also have plans to go out later today so I’m looking forward to that.
Do you ever make your own surveys? Never tried because I know I wouldn’t be able to come up with new and interesting questions.
How flexible are you? Not very. I can’t even reach my toes when I do stretches.
What is your favorite class? Any history elective. I also like biology, anthropology, and some aspects of political science.
What is your boyfriend's name? I don’t have one.
What is your favorite drink? Non-alcoholic, cold water. Alcoholic, Long Island Iced Tea for mixed drinks, and tequila.
Who is your best friend? Angela.
What time is it? 11:20 AM.
What is your middle name? My second name is Isabelle, but I’m not sharing my legal middle name.
What 3 websites do you visit daily? YouTube, Google Suite, and Twitter.
Where do you work? At home, haha. But under normal circumstances I’d be working in an office somewhere in Metro Manila.
What is your favorite band? Paramore.
How do you feel about abortion? Personally not a fan of the procedure for myself, but I am as pro-choice as it gets.
Do you want any kids? Very much so.
Have you ever microwaved soap? Nah, but I know what happens to it from watching YouTube videos hahaha. It’s so fun to see it gradually expand and become a pretty lil cloud.
Are there any new movies that you want to see? I Care A Lot, but I feel sooooooooo lazy about watching new movies. Idk if I’ll ever get around to it.
How many places have you lived? I’d say around five in total, including the house I currently reside in. I’ve lived in my parents’ apartment in Manila, then we briefly moved in with my dad’s parents, and then I spent most of my childhood in a duplex living with my mom’s side (and got to live in both houses), until we finally settled here when I was 10.
Do you have any health issues? Yeah, the main one I have to live with is scoliosis.
Are you texting anyone? Nope. And I don’t really text anymore, either. Most of my conversations take place on Messenger or Viber.
What do you drive? A Mitsubishi Mirage hatchback.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Sure, both male and female ones.
Are you drinking or eating anything? Nope but I am starting to feel a bit hungry.
What color is your shirt? Yellow with some grey text.
Do you drink? Like...alcohol? Sure. I have the occasional soju night.
What year do/did you graduate? I graduated high school in 2016, and college in 2020.
Do you play any sports? Table tennis, though it’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to play. I got to take it as a PE elective on my last sem, but my time with it got cut off because of COVID :(
Do you pop your fingers? Yeah, I just cracked my knuckles a few minutes ago.
What is your shoe size? I can wear a size 6 or 7.
Have you ever had a UTI? Apparently I’ve had one, but all I got from it was a persisting high fever. I didn’t actually have any difficulties or felt pain in my urinary tract, though of course I felt scared to pee during that time because I thought it would hurt lol.
What was the last thing you baked? Cookies. A lifetime ago, since I don’t normally bake.
When was the last time you showered? Yesterday afternoon when I was finally able to clock out of work.
Would you rather go to the dentist or the doctor? Dentist. I actually find the procedures soothing. There’s a whole lot of issues that can be unpacked when you visit doctors, so I’m kinda scared of that.
Have you ever been in love? Yes. I miss the feeling and being able to act on it, but I’m liking being with myself too.
How do you feel about public speaking? I’m ok with it for the most part. I know I can speak well and generally have a good hold of my thoughts, so I don’t mind if I have to do it unless I have to talk about something I’m greatly unfamiliar with, like insurance or economics lmao. The latter situation is the only time I’d feel unprepared or scared of public speaking.
Do you see anything green? Yeah, since we have artificial plant accents on the coffee table.
What shoes do you usually wear? Sneakers or running shoes.
Do you take any birth control? Nope.
Who is the last person you talked to? My sister; I just asked her to turn the volume down on the TV.
Are there any fast food restaurants that you refuse to eat at? Just Tokyo Tokyo. I can take or leave Burger King but for the most part I find their burgers too plain.
Do you recycle? Whenever I can, yeah.
Do you know what you want to major in in college? I wanted to take up journalism. I suppose I don’t regret it, since I ended up wanting to be in a field that’s close enough to it anyway and I don’t feel like the skills I learned went to waste.
Have you ever snuck anyone in your room? Nah, I always let my mom know if I’m letting someone over since she doesn’t knock and would find out anyway.
Who was the last person in your bed besides you? Gabie.
Have you ever been in the hospital? Other than when I was born, yeah, at least once.
What's the last movie you watched? I watched Midsommar with Nina and some cousins last Christmas lol. We unknowingly downloaded the Director’s Cut, which we found out wasn’t as good as the main version since they added cheesy scenes to it, which ruined the suspenseful mood of the movie.
What's your favorite fruit? Avocado.
What do your bathroom walls look like? The bottom half has coral-ish tiles, while the top half is just a plain white wall. In the downstairs bathroom the setup is the same, but instead of coral tiles we have light blue wall tiles instead on the bottom half.
What do you spend most of your money on? At the moment, most of the money that I do take out of my account is the money I give to my parents every couple of weeks to help out with the bills. The next main thing I spend on is food, because I always have cravings I need satisfied haha.
Do you have any weird obsessions? Reading about serial killers and unsolved crimes isn’t really considered ‘weird’ anymore since a lot of other people have taken up the interest. But that’s probably the most out-there ~obsession that I have.
Do you bite your nails? I do but not obsessively.
What's the last color you dyed your hair? I’ve never tried dyeing my hair yet.
How do you feel about mustaches? Not my personal preference, but you do you.
Is there anyone that you really want to see in concert? Beyonceeeeeeeeeeeeee.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 3]
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Chapter 15: Why Do We Live? Just To Suffer?!
Beizu and I didn’t waste any time trying to escape for the weekend! It was our weekend! We agreed to go to our parent’s homes and hang out from there. I get home and nobody was there as expected. Saturdays are hang out days for the kids and short work days for mom and dad. I slam myself onto my bed, as I missed sleeping on my very comfy mattress. The dorm beds SUCK! I get coffee from the kitchen after a while and floated around.
“Hey Muffins, update me on the household since the last time I was here” I called out to the resting robo on the couch.
“It’s been 115 days since you’ve last been home, there’s been 4 fires and 7 gatherings at the house.” the robo listed “20 pictures has been added to the family virtual library. Mom didn’t celebrate her birthday. There’s been 2 lockdowns at the house, Tensei went to debate nationals in March, Hanaka got suspended from school that same week. Lili has video called every night for the past 2 months. And that’s up to date.”
“Only 4 fires? Huh” I took a sip of my coffee “Thank you for the update, whats the ETA for anybody?”
“Hanaka and Dad are due to come back from the doctors at 1pm”
“Doctors?” I whispered to myself “She never gets sick, hope she’s okay.”
It may not be obvious, but Hanaka used to latch onto me when she was a baby. She’d cry when I don’t acknowledge her before I leave the house and set my sweater sleeves on fire if I don’t hold her right away. She’s very much the little, bratty sister type but I still worry. She depends a lot on family support because of her fire quirk, it makes it very hard to live a normal life. Wonder if that’s the cause? I wait around and see them come through the door but it feels so off. Hanaka goes straight to her room in silence, ignoring the fact that I’m in sight.
“Hello Iwata, how was your trip home?” Dad said once Hanaka was in her room.
“It was fine but what’s up with her?” 
Dad sighed “She had an episode where she couldn’t control her fire. Nobody got hurt but it happened at school and the school made it a big deal out of it, calling her a delinquent.”
“So what’s the diagnosis?” I asked, processing what dad told me.
“Anxiety trigger, the mix of her quirk and puberty hormones are making her unstable” Dad sets down his keys to wipe his glasses “I really don’t know what to do. And I’m scared its going to be like when your mom gets unstable.”
“Wait, mom gets unstable?” that was news to me. I know of mom losing her temper when she was younger but getting unstable?!
Dad nodded and put his glasses back on “It happens when she overworks and stresses out. Once I triggered the breaking point and I got hit by her psych-blast. If your uncle Jin didn’t set up the robo to sedate her at the right moment, she could’ve died.”
I looked toward the top of the stairs “Well you’ve dealt with mom’s and mine anxiety things, how is this any different?”
“You and your mom have the same quirk and therapy has helped you two” dad started “Your sister doesn’t have the same quirk to body part association. How do you contain a fire that water doesn’t douse nor can be snuffed out? I want to help, I know how much she wants to live a normal life.”
“Leave it to me then” I said confidently “Lili isn’t here to do a girl talk, but I’m here to do a big brother support conversation! Maybe I’ll break through to her, who knows?”
“If you feel like it will help” Dad smiled “then go and talk to her. I’ll be down here making lunch.”
I make my way to the girls room. Before I could even knock, I heard her deep and heavy sobs. It was unsettling as I’ve never heard her sob like this. I knock on the door.
“Can I come in?”
“I don’t wanna talk about things!”
“I don’t wanna talk” I shake my bag of snacks “I just wanna share cheetos with my little sister.”
“...what kind of cheetos?”
“Hot con límon.”
“...okay you may enter.”
I open the door to see Hanaka in a blanket burrito, mouth and nose peeking out. Trying not to laugh at the sight, I sit next to her bed on the floor and open the bag of cheetos. I float them between us so she could get some without reaching too far. We just sat there in silence for a while until she spoke up.
“Iwa, do you think I’m a bad person?”
I look over to see her face peeking out “No.”
“Do you think anybody would love me? Romantically?”
Oh its that kind of conversation “I believe there’s somebody for everybody.”
“It’s just that, I confessed to somebody and they said so many mean things” her lips started to quiver “Like I’m weird looking, my quirks are weird, that my fire quirk makes it so it burns to hold my hand and who would want to love me if they can’t hold my hand.”
“Well that’s rude! They should’ve just said no and be on their way!” I never wanted to punch a child so much in my life.
“What was worse was that all his friends were there to laugh at me and it attracted more kids to poke fun at me” Hanaka got teary eyed “And I just couldn’t take it, I got all shakey and just combusted into flames. The flames were strong enough to set the play yard on fire. Nobody got hurt but it was still scary.”
“Nobody helped you afterwards?”
“Tensei, Petti and Kyanka covered me until a teacher came” she wiped her tears with the blanket “But I caused so much trouble and it really upset the people in the office. They called me a bad kid and that it wouldn’t surprise them if I became a villain.”
Oh hell no, that school is on my hit list for saying something like that to a child! “Fuck that school! You know what Hanaka, you’re not a bad kid, okay? And you are capable of love and people love you back, do you think Tensei and your friends would do that if they didn’t love you?”
Hanaka sniffed “No...”
“Would you do the same for them if their quirk got out of hand?”
“Yeah! Of course I would!” she responded passionately “I’m their best friend, and friends don’t let friends do things alone!”
“See?! You’re not a bad kid, you love your friends and family” I encouraged her “You can worry about romantic love later, the one will come around soon enough. Right now just focus on school work and being a good friend.”
Hanaka loosened the grip she had on the blanket so it unfurled around her “I guess that does make me feel a bit better” she brought her knees up to her chest “But now I don’t even know if I’m going back to that school. Mommy got really upset like you did at the school office that she’s fighting with the school officials.”
“Wow, good on mom to stand up for you!” I gave props “I’d do the same. But lets not worry about that and trust in mom to make the right move. So, lets change the subject! What’s new?”
Hanaka blew her nose and disposed of her now highly flammable tissue “Uhhh, I made a new friend. Which so happens to be the daughter of one of mom and dad’s hero classmates.”
“Oh that’s tea, who?!” I was intrigued by that second part.
“Her dad is ‘Can’t Stop Twinkling’ the Sparkling Hero” she explained “She was the new girl at school this year and she’s just like me and the girls!”
Her usual giddy self came back, warming my heart “And what’s that?”
“We hate our hero dads, love shopping and wanna be goth” she grabbed her phone to show me her lock screen “See? That’s us right before that juice stand behind us caught on fire.”
“Did you-”
“I don’t think I was responsible for that fire” she clarified “We booked it just in case anyone wanted to pin it on me. BUT look at us!”
I squint at the lock screen picture “There’s glare on your friend’s face.”
“That’s her quirk, don’t be rude!” she scolded me “She’s so luminescent that it hurts to look at her sometimes, and in pictures she’s always glared out. But we put her next to Petti in pictures to offset the light and take a decent one.”
“I’m glad you made a new friend! Has she been to the house?”
“Yup, she’s not yet used to the spicy food we eat though” Hanaka stifled a giggle “Her dad says that she was born and raised in France. He brought her over here because the schools in Japan are better and the hero work is abundant.”
“Can’t wait to meet them”
“Lets see during graduation season” she started then her phone pinged “Oop that’s the group chat, they’re sending their concern memes.”
Before I could take a peek at her phone, Tensei busts in. Which was weird because he ALWAYS knocks.
“Rosa! Okay, okay, okay” he said quickly before calming down a little “I did...a thing...wait- Iwa? When did you get home?”
“I got here late morning but whats the haps lil bro?” I asked “You look like you landed in a trash heap.”
“I can neither confirm nor deny that happened” he said closing the door behind him and locking it “But back to the thing I did. PLEASE don’t tell mom and dad! Because I’m still very fresh from the thing I did and I’m still processing it.”
“Okay just spill it” Hanaka was getting annoyed “You keep saying thing like you don’t know other words! What thing did you do on your sleep over with the boys?”
“This” he lifted his shirt up to his chest, revealing a belly button piercing.
I was shocked, so shocked that I dropped the bag of cheetos that I was floating. Tensei is this good boy image with a punk-like personality. To see this rebellious side to him made me proud in a way. He looks the most like our dad but with a darker skin tone, so I guess this is his baby step into his true self. Hanaka was so shocked that the waste basket contents caught on fire.
“What the- where in Japan did you go to get pierced?” Hanaka asked genuinely “Those jewelry places don’t let you get one without adult permission if you’re under 16.”
“Don’t get mad, but one of my band members has a cousin that’s a tattoo artist and does piercings at the place they work at” Tensei started to get red faced “Sooo I showed him that I could fix his little barbel piercings for free when the boys and I walked into his shop for fun... And he gave me this as payment.”
“Tensei! You got this i l l e g a l l y?!” I harshly whispered “Why did you agree to it?”
“Yeah! It’s not like you to do those things” Hanaka scowled in concern “What’s gotten into you lately? Ever since you came back from Nationals, you’ve been acting different.”
Tensei pulled down his shirt and sighed “I’m sick of being praised of being as good and law abiding like dad. I’m nothing like him inside! I’m not some capri-wearing rectangle!” he huffed “I’m way cooler, smarter and talented then people give me credit for. I don’t need the signature quirk to make my way in this world! And I wanna change my image so people take me seriously...no more orderly Tensei, I wanna be anarchist Oro!”
Hanaka narrowed her eyes, like she was shooting needles into her twin’s soul “Is this because you lost and can’t accept the L?”
Tensei turned red and scrunched his nose “No! I’ve already grieved over that and took and L” he crossed his arms “Nationals was just a tiny part of the whole reason.”
“What?” I was lost in this timeline of events.
Hanaka leaned over to me and whispered “Tensei cost his team majorly on all his debates. So bad that the team barred him from going to more debates this season and has to prove himself all over again to get back in the top 3 teams at school.”
“Oof that’s some sad boi shit” I winced at the recap “It’s okay to still not be over that L, you don’t have to spiral like this.”
“Well it’s too late, I got the damn piercing already and planned the next one” Tensei took a deep breath “I’ve been wanting this for a while, to just rebrand and have respect as my own identity. Not some clone of my father or just be the ‘other’ Iida twin. But until I take the next few steps, please don’t tell our parents about this. I want to tell them myself when the time comes.”
“Okay sure” Hanaka and I agreed.
Tensei turned to open the door “Thanks guys, it means a lot to me that you support me.”
Man, things are getting crazy here! My sweet parents have to deal with this shit on their own and they deserve a vacation or the Nobel peace prize for being the most supportive during life disasters. Seriously! I didn’t see mom until the evening, she looked a little run down but I really wanted to talk to her.
“Hey mom” I announced myself as I entered the living room.
“Iwata! I’ve missed you so much” Mom said as she used her quirk to pull me in for a tight hug “You’re getting so big, I can hardly wrap my arms around you!”
“Missed you too” I hugged her back “I just really miss being home.”
“I bet, heard you did phenomenal at the last practice test” she smiled and caressed my face with her hand “Just like your mama back in the day. I’m so proud of you for using the good old distraction card! That’s what I was well known for, wildcard and distractions.”
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about” I sat up straight “I don’t know how things are going to get for the Labyrinth practice test. You took the practice and the evaluated one, what’s the winning combo?”
“What? hahaha” Mom laughed for a moment “There really isn’t a ‘winning combo’, just being well versed in fighting techniques. That’s where your uncle Jin didn’t get to the mid-point, he’s a genius and has good speed BUT he lacks impulsive/on the fly thinking. Everything has to be calculated to the T for him and if too many things has gone wrong in his thought out strategy, those seconds he takes thinking of a new plan can be the death of him.” She sighed into another chuckle “And your aunty Mimi! Boy, she’s an amazing weapons user and she NEVER misses. But in the exam, she didn’t make it past the 3rd stage because the stand off was with someone that erases quirks. She depended too much on her quirk for her gun wielding and she got out because of it.”
“So you did the opposite?”
“I used my critical thinking to get me though all the stages. The place were I used my quirks the most were at the end to win the fight with the mock villain” she leaned back and looked up at the ceiling “The rigorous training I did for basically a year got me to the point of not depending on my quirks until the very last resort. Remember Iwata, just because we can do anything without lifting a finger doesn’t mean we should ignore how able bodied we are. So I suggest do some more strength and endurance OH and you might need to do some breathing training too! Never know if you need to hold your breath for a certain amount of time.”
“That’s a lot to train on, kinda makes me feel like I didn’t do enough” I got self-conscience “I wanna do good in this one! Not because I want to make you proud, but for myself. Maybe passing this will spark something in me that’ll give me an idea about my destiny.”
“Oh sweet child of mine” Mom looked over to me lovingly “This test won’t give you any ideas on anything, trust me. Both times I had to go into intensive care to make sure I didn’t rupture my vial organs, thats how hard I went in. Just give it your all and just ride the wave that comes next.”
“Did you think you’d pass?”
Mom snickered “Nope! The second time was easier by a little bit but I just keep telling myself ‘whatever happens, happens’. I didn’t think passing would lead me to the agent position I’m at today! Same how I didn’t think that giving the class a cookie would lead to finding the love of my life. So don’t let the ‘what ifs’ rule your self-worth, life has a way of surprising you at the very last second.”
That made me feel better about things. I’m glad I decided to go home this weekend, because I know what to do now. 
-The next day, At Beizu’s house-
“...you still have this?” I said to Beizu as I was rummaging through his closet.
“Wha- oh that thing! Yea” he responded “You were my only friend in elementary school, so that graduation picture meant a lot to me.”
“Really? That’s why it’s framed” I looked closely at the picture of us holding hands “We look busted with all those missing teeth!”
“Don’t act like you didn’t cry every time you lost one” Beizu retorted back “Besides, it holds something more special to me...it was when I realized I loved you.”
I counted the years in my head “...damn, almost 6 years ago! Why so long?”
“I didn’t know if these were romantic feelings or not. And you did your own thing in middle school with band” he sighed and sat on the bed “I felt a little left behind and I tried really hard to stay in your interest. I wanted you to tell me I was yours, I didn’t care if that meant friend or lover” he turned red “It sounds silly now, but I was happy if you just said good morning or spent lunch with me.”
“Bei, you were always in my interest” I floated over to him “Nobody understood me like you did. You were never anything less than my best friend and it took some eye opening to see that we were basically lovers anyways.” I put my arm around his shoulders “Are you happy that we’ll basically wake up next to each other for the rest of our lives?”
“Are you kidding me?! It’s my dream come true!”
“Great! Just making sure” I kissed him bashfully “because I was getting ahead of myself and looking into apartments in Taito. We’ll be able to move in once I get possession of my inheritance money.”
“I don’t care if I have to wait until I’m on my death bed” he tackled me onto the bed “As long as I’m with you, anywhere is home.”
How everything was coming together nicely for us after UA. In between training and schoolwork, we looked at apartments online. Everyone was envious of us having things set afterwards, but to be honest, we only have an idea of things! We don’t know where exactly we’re going to work nor where to settle. It’s a bit bold to think our parents will give us work when we graduate. But I’m following my mom’s advice and just ‘riding the wave’ of what comes next.
-Fast forward, Mid October-
Beizu, Gee and I take advantage of the half-day of school by filling it with training in the disaster practice gym.
“Huh? The door is unlocked?” Gee said as she checked the door, key in hand “Did we come on the wrong day?”
“No, we have today reserved for us” Beizu pointed to the bulletin board next to the doors “See, we’re in the right.”
We walked on in and checked for anybody that straggled from the last session. But we found three people having banter on a rock.
“Remember the days of disaster training with sensei?!” said a familiar female voice.
“Ugh! Shut up or his ghost is gonna show up and bark at us to do wall sits” said another familiar male voice.
“Rich coming from someone that shat their pants the first time they shot a gun” shaded a Russian accent.
“Mom? Aunty and Uncle?” I spoke up as we got closer “What are you doing here? Aren’t you guys supposed to be agents today?”
“We came to interrogate the administrators here and since we finished early” Aunty Mimi explained “Your mom wanted to take a trip down memory lane. Back to the days of our youth.”
“Speak for yourself! I’m still nimble to go on a tussle like I did in high school” mom flexed her arms “They called me the sparring queen during my time here. I never lost a spar and I still maintain that streak.”
Uncle Jin rolled his eyes “Just because you still train like you’re gonna go to war! Bet you’ll get folded like an omelet if you did a one on one right now.”
“Alright bet!” Mom huffed at the challenge and pointed at me “Iwata, would you be a dear and spar mommy?”
“Oh shit your mom just challenged you” Gee gasped “What are you gonna do?”
“Fuckin fight I guess!” I said with my hands in the air “Let me stretch first though.”
Mom hopped and clapped “Yay! I’ll meet you in the circle in a bit sweetie.”
“Are- are they always like that?” Gee whispered to Beizu and I when the other three were out of earshot “I didn’t know your mom, aunt and uncle were so chummy with each other, like they’re teenagers.”
Beizu groaned into a sigh “All the time! You’re used to our aunt being on sensei mode when we do weapons class, but put them in the same room and they’re one bad decision away from throwing hands.”
“Don’t get us wrong! We love seeing them having fun” I say as I do my stretches “But when we get roped in, we don’t have the means to escape! And I can’t pass this up” I stretch my sides “I’ve NEVER sparred with my mom! She’s only quirk trained me but never the punchy stuff. I really want to see if I’m on par because we have the same quirk.”
We finally walked up to the sparring circle where the agent trio were still reminiscing.
“Ready to throw down nephew?” uncle Jin hyped me up “You’re in for the fight of your life!”
“Don’t scare him!” Mom scolded before dramatically pulling off her agent office uniform to reveal her two piece training clothes “I’d be shitting my pants if I had to fight my mom too. Your hype isn’t helping Jin.”
“Woah, your mom has an amazing physique!” gasped Gee, giving my mom the look over “And with the tattoos?! I can’t even tell if she gave birth to you. Man I hope to be that hot when I’m older.”
“I like your friend there Iwata, she knows what’s good” Mom said as she walked to the middle of the circle “Come now, step into the circle and show mommy what power my little baby boy can harness.”
I blushed hard as I walked up to her “Mom don’t coddle me in front of my team! So embarrassing!”
“Oop sorry baby!” she quickly covered her mouth “Force of habit!”
“Okay rules are first one to pin the other for the ten count is the winner. No weapons and no boundaries” Jin officiated “give the arm brace and assume the position.”
“What’s the arm brace? I only know about the bowing before starting” I whispered to my mom.
“Oh here, hold out your arm” she demonstrated then griped my tricep “now grip mine... there! This is how we show respect before an agent spar.”
I looked at our arms, then into her eyes. Those were the eyes of a woman that has 5 strategies ready to go to win. Those eyes has seen it all and isn’t afraid to do it all again. Wonder if she sees the anxiety in mine? I didn’t have the time to ponder these thoughts, the spar started and she didn’t let up. Immediately I felt the sting of a slap on my face, followed by the whoosh of her movement. What scared me a bit was that the whole time is was silent. Not a single grunt and her breathing was controlled, like she was conserving her energy. She dodged all of my attacks but didn’t land a single attack on me.
“Tired?” asked Mom as I stood to catch my breath.
“I can still fight” I wiped my forehead “hit me mom!”
The smirk that spread on her face was so wicked, I regretted my life because I just played into her trap.
“As you wish mijo!” Mom bellowed as she levitated herself up, followed by pistons jutting out of her body “Nothing personal Iwata” she pointed her palm at me, piston charging with energy “Mama isn’t ready to lose.”
And like the dumb ass I am, I charged right at her with my palm piston. And at the very last second...she grabbed me by the wrist with her other hand to seismic toss me onto the ground. I felt the weight of her foot on my back and knew that I was done for. My arm was locked and I was too tired to get back up, I saw uncle Jin’s feet near me.
“...8, 9, 10!” uncle Jin finished counting down “Winner is our undefeated Queen of Spars, Agent 19!”
“See? Told you I still got it!” She picked me up like when I was child “You okay? Did I hurt you?”
“No I’m okay” I responded to ease her worried tone “But I played right into your trap! You tired me out on purpose and edged me on to strike so I could lock my dominate arm. So simple but effective!”
Mom giggled “You’re so smart! I have a wicked high stamina and my quirk is amplified the more tired I am. So either way, my enemy isn’t leaving unscathed.”
“Wow! You’re absolutely incredible Mrs Iida!” fawned Gee “What else should we study before the test?”
“Just endurance and critical thinking” Mom responded “it’s that simple really. Wish the answer was more thought provoking or full of wisdom.” She looked at her watch “Well it was fun kids but we have to head back to our office to do all that boring office agent stuff.”
“Okay, bye mom! Bye Uncle and Aunty!” I chimed as I waved.
We watched them leave via portal and we continued with our training. I take the critical thinking part more seriously knowing that my mom applied it our spar. But I really don’t know if I’m going about it right! She makes it seem so easy and I wish I was at her level of super genius, big brain strategy.
-Day of Labyrinth practice exam-
“Bei, I’m shitting myself” I say as I finish suiting up “I’m so nervous that I just might anxiety shit myself.”
“That’s not a thing Iwa and you know it” Beizu responded as he finished lacing up his boots “Everything is going to go well! Watch, we’ll all pass and without intensive care afterwards.”
“I hope you’re right” I smiled at him “kiss me good luck?”
Beizu hopped and put his arms around my neck “Okay, one kiss. Then we go in the waiting chamber.”
Sooooo, things were not going well. Gee croaked at level 3 and Beizu didn’t even make it into the doors of the 5th level! He spent too much of his energy in level 4 that he passed out on the moving platform on the way to the next level. Now it’s up to me and I tried really hard not to tire myself out. I see where Gee failed in level 3, there was fast moving projectiles and she isn’t the fastest. Everything was going alright until the 5th level, my quirk stopped working and I panicked. There was nothing in the room and the exit door was locked. I had to think fast, what would I do if my siblings locked me in a room?
“Oh? Feeling trapped?” taunted someone that came into view “You can’t leave until you defeat me! But what is a quirkless agent going to do?!”
“I don’t need quirks” I reach for my gun and cock it “You really wanna fuck with me? I’m a child, WITH A FUCKING GUN! HOW FUCKED UP IS THAT?!”
The person was visibly nervous “Psh! I’ve seen plenty of gun fights!” they started to fumble their words “Come on, shoot me!”
“Naw, don’t feel like shooting you” I aim at the light fixtures on the ceiling “Eat broken light bulb BITCH!”
The lights went out and the sound of broken glass hitting the ground was oddly satisfying. I check to see I could use my quirks again and surely, I started floating. Once the door beeped to signal the level cleared, I made my dash to the next level before the final level. Next level wasn’t too hard, at least not for me, I knew how to swim and hold my breath for longer than 2 minutes. That would’ve sucked for anyone that didn’t know how to swim, gotta hand it to my mom for teaching all of us how to swim when we were kids. I get to the rescue part of the final level and it was fine until the ‘villain’ showed themselves.
“Not so fast agent! You’re forgetting someone important” said the villain as they walked into view.
“Nice try villain, all 8 hostages are safe and accounted for in rescuers care” I said smugly as I raised my gun at them “Lets make this quick.”
“I think you’ll want to put your gun down” the villain revealed someone tied up in a cage “You wouldn’t want to hurt my favorite prisoner.”
“Iwata, don’t shoot...please” said the hostage weakly.
I looked at the hostage closer and it’s...mom? That didn’t seem right to me. This person sounded like her and looks like her from the face. In fact, the whole room changed too! I was under some sort of illusion quirk and I didn’t want to risk shooting something that might cost me points. So I lowered my gun and started to scheme.
“Aww you don’t want to hurt mommy?” taunted the villain “To think that the hot shot agent, grown weak and aged terribly! Do something momma’s boy! Don’t you want to be a big shot agent like mommy? Or are you just as weak as she is?!”
I get an idea “Oye mama, tengo hambre!”
“What-” whispered the villain in panic.
“Que vas a cocinar hoy? Un pozole o taquitos?” I kept going, knowing that I threw the ultimate curve ball in this plan.
“I don’t understand you sweetie” responded fake mom “I’m so weak from my fight, that I lost.”
“That’s okay mommy” I smiled calmly “Will you sing me my favorite song? You’re never too tired to sing!”
“ENOUGH!” cried out the villain “make one wrong move, and I’ll kill her!” she took out a dagger.
“Okay then, fine” I stood completely still with my hands on my hips, ready to do plan B “I won’t move then.”
The villain was super confused on my erratic actions. But it was working because they started to pull back the illusion in the room. Once I saw the door, I knew that victory was in reach.
“We can stand here all day” said the villain bringing the dagger closer to fake mom’s throat “But think about your poor mother’s health! Do you really want her death on your conscience?”
“...any second now” I warned before I gave a content smile “You underestimate me villain! I’m not my mother, I am me! And I have a secret bio-weapon that I’ve just released into the room.”
“A bio-weapon?” the villain looked around frantically “I don’t- oh my- WHAT’S THAT HORRID STENCH?!”
I look at fake mom slowly fade and I knew that I was in the clear. The villain fell to their knees and vomited.
“Eat taser WHORE!” I said right before tasering them and put them in cuffs “do more research on our family next time and maybe this would’ve been a challenge!”
The doors opened and I walked through to see my teammates, sensei and the test proctors waiting for me at the end of the hall.
“That was amazing!” cried out Gee “We saw everything on the proctor’s panels. How did you know that wasn’t your mom?”
“The person in the cage looked like my mom from the face but my mom is more petite,” I took my visor off “The one in the cage looked taller and didn’t have the big butt and thighs like my mom has.”
“Yo that spanish speaking was the biggest wildcard!” Beizu complimented “You knew that the villain had to break at that vital detail that they didn’t know. And that last line, chef’s kiss.”
“Aw shucks guys, I’m latino and can’t help but to be dramatic about it” I start blushing and acted coy “Kinda wish the illusion was more convincing though.”
“What was that ‘bio-weapon’ you released that made the villain basically pass out?” asked sensei “You don’t have the quirk that can do that.”
“Oh I farted” I confessed shamelessly “I’ve been holding that one in since I started the test...I also suggest decontaminating that room, my farts spread quickly and linger.”
Everyone but Beizu got visibly disgusted. Doesn’t matter because I passed and I can’t wait to tell my parents that I farted my way to victory. Nothing can stop me right now, I’m all the way up.
-Chapter 15, end-
0 notes
atlasfms · 5 years
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                  ok   ok   my   lazy   ass   finaLLY   decided   to   be   productive   so   here’s   an   updated   atlas   intro   which   is   probably   mostly   the   same   except   a   few   lil   deets   &   an   fc   &   vc   change   !   (    😈   )   but   hennywa YS   hey   angels   ,   i’m   lina   &   this   is   atlas   !   i’ve   been   writing   this   pain   in   the   backside   for   almost   two   years   now   so   if   u   would   like   to   plot   w   him   pl s   like   this   &   i   will   come   to   u   ,   or   hit   up   my   discord   𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐟𝐚𝐧   𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝   𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫#0369   !
new   york’s   very   own   𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐬      𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐫𝐨   was   spotted   on   broadway   street   in   𝐚𝐢𝐫      𝐣𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐧      𝟏𝐬   .   your   resemblance   to   𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒐      𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒗𝒂𝒋𝒂𝒍   is   unreal   .   according   to   tmz   ,   you   just   had   your   𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲      -      𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝   birthday   bash   .   while   living   in   nyc   ,   you’ve   been   labeled   as   being   𝒉𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔   ,   but   also   𝒃𝒆𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈   .      i   guess   being   a   sagittarius   explains   that   .   3   things   that   would   paint   a   better   picture   of   you   would   be   𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐝      𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐬      ,      𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫      𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬      ,      𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬   .      &   (   cismale   &   he   /   him   )     +   (   𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒂      ,      𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚      -      𝒐𝒏𝒆      ,      𝒔𝒉𝒆      /      𝒉𝒆𝒓      ,      𝒈𝒎𝒕   .   )
:   //    𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒      .
NAME   :   atlas      (      to   carry      )      nathaniel      (      gift   of   god      )      arthur      (      noble      ;      courageous      )      deniro      (      notably   people   with   dark   or   black   hair      )      .
NICKNAMES   :   ace   ,   atty   ,   pain   in   the   ass   .
AGE   :   twenty   -   three   .
BIRTHDAY   :   december   third   .
ZODIAC   :   sagittarius   .
GENDER   :   male   .
PRONOUNS   :   he      &      him   .
NATIONALITY   :   american   .
ETHNICITY   :   english   ,   italian   .
LABEL(S)   :   the   jocular   ,   the   libertine   ,   the   lothario   .
OCCUPATION   :   model   ,   singer   ,   socialite   .
NETWORTH   :   50   mill
PROS   ;   athletic   ,   challenging   ,   charming   ,   curious   ,   daring   ,   debonair   ,   faithful   ,   forthright   ,   fun   -   loving   ,   humourous   ,   invulnerable   ,   passionate   ,   perserverant   ,   playful   ,   protective   ,   sociable   ,   spontaneous   ,   witty   .
CONS   :   abrasive   ,   arrogant   ,   blunt   ,   careless   ,   clumsy   ,   compulsive   ,   conceited   ,   deceitful   ,   destructive   ,   devious   ,   disobedient   ,   egocentric   ,   greedy   ,   ignorant   ,   meddlesome   ,   narcissistic   ,   obnoxious   ,   provocative   ,   reckless   ,   troublesome   ,   unstable   ,   vindictive   .
:      //      𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘      .
                  aldo   nathaniel   arthur   deniro   was   destined   for   greatness   .   everyone   knew   it      ;      hell   ,   even   the   biggest   ceo’s   in   new   york   were   shaking   in   their   boots   at   the   thought   of   what   this   young   man   was   capable   of   .   he   was   a   dead   -   ringer   for   his   father   ,   with   his   light   hair      &      bright   blue   eyes   ,   he   had   looks   ,   charms   ,      &      a   good   head   on   his   shoulders   .      &      like   his   father   ,   he   knew   what   he   wanted                        the   family   business   .   but   first   ,   he   had   to   go   to   college   .      &      only   ivy   league   would   do   for   the   son   of   one   of   the   world’s   richest   ceo’s   .
                  columbia   university   was   highly   prestigious   ,   private   ,      &      the   fifth   chartered   institution   of   higher   learning   in   the   united   states   .   besides   ,   it’s   business   school   was   one   of   the   oldest   in   the   world   ,   so   what   more   could   the   future   owner   of   the   family   company   want      ?      in   this   instance   ,   a   girlfriend   ,   but   he   didn’t   know   it   yet   .   when   nathaniel   met   scarlett   baccouche   ,   daughter   of   two   british   politicians   ,   they   didn’t   exactly   get   off   with   the   best   start                        they   hated   each   other   ,   in   fact   .   but   what   was   once   hate   turned   into   an   epic   love   story      &      after   they   graduated   ,   they   got   married   .   not   long   after   that   ,   they   had   the   twins   .
                  the   twins   were   stunning   ,   born   five   minutes   apart      &   kept   in   an   incubator   for   a   matter   hours   .   everyone   celebrated      ;      the   family   ,   friends   ,   even   supporters   of   the   notorious   family   .   his   hair   was   fair      &      there   were   arguments   over   whether   his   eyes   were   his   mother’s   or   his   father’s   .   but   since   he   was   born   ,   the   main   question   was   whether   he’d   follow   in   his   father’s   footsteps   or   his   mother’s   .   would   he   give   the   family   company   a   modern   twist      ?      would   he   be   this   generation’s   brad   pitt      &      be   the   star   of   hit   blockbusters   in   upcoming   years      ?      people   were   excited   ,   even   more   so   when   they   had   another   baby   ,   but   atlas   wasn’t   .   he   was   nowhere   near   it   .
                  the   deniro   household   had   it’s   challenges   .   they   seemed   like   the   perfect   family   unit   ,      &      perhaps   they   were   ,   but   aldo      &      scarlett   had   other   ideas   .   they   were   quite   strict   in   raising   their   children   ,   teaching   them   to   never   slouch   ,   to   use   your   manners   ,   to   keep   up   a   perfect   reputation   .   it   wasn’t   the   family   name   that   was   at   stake   ,   but   also   their   future   ,   because   like   everyone   else   in   the   world   expected   ,   they   wanted   their   children   to   grow   up      &      take   over   one   of   their   careers   ,      &      they   groomed   them   to   do   just   that   .   atlas   hated   it   .
                  he   hated   the   daily   tutors   supplied   by   his   father   ,   lessons   in   business      &      the   history   of   the   family’s   .   he   despised   the   acting   classes   his   mother   forced   him   to   take   ,   ones   which   he’d   often   skip   out   on   but   then   would   get   into   trouble   once   his   parents   found   out   .   he   felt   trapped      ;      forced   to   do   things   he   grew   to   loathe   .   to   him   ,   it   was   obvious   that   he   could   do   neither   of   the   things   his   parents   wanted   him   to   do   .   so   the   more   they   pushed   ,   the   more   he   pulled   away   .   he   started   to   feel   less   like   their   son   but   a   puppet   whose   strings   they   kept   pulling   .
                  what   he   didn’t   hate   ,   though   ,   was   the   feeling   if   his   fingers   on   guitar   strings   ,   singing   in   the   shower   because   that   was   the   only   place   he   could   sing   without   his   parents   complaining   about   him   making   a   noise   .   diane   would   often   smile   at   him   after   they   chastise   him      &      quietly   compliment   him   on   his   voice   ,   telling   him   he’d   do   great   things   one   day   .   of   course   ,   he   already   knew   this   .   his   music   teacher   told   him   once   that   he   could   sing   the   birds   to   silence   .
                  school   was   enjoyable   ,   as   it   goes   .   all   deniro   children   were   educated   in   a   private   school   ,      &      although   he   was   close   to   his   sisters   ,   he   made   friends   easily   .   he   had   a   charming   smile      &      witt   that   only   few   would   understand   ,   he   was   the   sort   of   kid   who   got   along   with   anyone   ,   but   he   couldn’t   consider   any   of   them   to   be   close   friends   .   so   whereas   to   them   he   looked   happy   ,   he   was   quite   the   opposite      ;      atlas   eventually   got   tired   of   his   parents   controlling   his   life   so   instead   of   keeping   up   his   otherwise   impeccable   reputation   ,   he   started   to   rebel   .
                  he   didn’t   really   do   a   lot   at   first   .   snuck   out   to   a   few   parties   ,   stayed   out   later   than   his   curfew   allowed   him   to   .   did   the   opposite   of   everything   his   parents   wanted   him   to   do   ,   be   that   going   to   the   classes   they   arranged   for   him   or   behave   himself   in   general   .   he   just   wanted   to   live   his   own   life   ,   do   what   he   wanted   .   he   wanted   to   focus   on   his   music      &      follow   a   path   that   he   knew   he   would   enjoy   .   so   he   decided   he’d   do   just   that   ,      &      for   a   while   he   felt   a   little   glimpse   of   what   being   truly   happy   felt   like   .
                  however   in   high   school   ,   atlas   got   involved   with   the   wrong   crowd   .   they   introduced   him   to   a   world   he   had   yet   to   really   experience      ;      a   world   full   of   alcohol   ,   sex   ,   drugs   ,      &      general   trouble   .   he   knew   he   shouldn’t   have   stuck   around   it   ,   but   it   was   addicting   .   it   was   so   unlike   the   restrained   life   he   grew   up   with   ,   that   he   jumped   right   into   it      &      found   himself   unable   to   get   out   of   .   there   was   more   to   it   ,   though   .   the   more   he   rebelled   the   more   people   started   to   notice   him   .   how   structured   his   jawline   was   ,   how   illuminated   his   eyes   were   under   any   light   .
                  atlas   hadn’t   really   had   an   interest   in   social   media   before   .   of   course   ,   he   had   an   instagram   account   that   he   barely   used   ,      &      didn’t   really   start   using   until   someone   mentioned   he   should   start   modelling   .   sure   ,   they   were   joking   but   avery   actually   considered   it      &      started   posting   pictures   of   himself   .   his   following   plummeted   ,      &      in   the   november   of   his   sophomore   year   he   was   scouted   a   modeling   agency      &      became   one   of   vogue’s   most   promising   talents   .
                  his   career   exploded   from   then   on   ,      &      so   did   his   popularity   .   he   met   people   he   would   never   have   had   the   chance   to   meet   otherwise   ,   more   specifically   someone   called   jason   .   the   pair   quickly   became   good   friends   ,   they   went   to   the   same   school   so   it   was   convenient   .   jason   acted   as   a   good   influence   on   avery   but   atlas   acted   like   a   bad   influence   on   him   ,   dragging   him   into   the   world   he   found   himself   stuck   in   which   is   when   things   started   going   downhill   .   jason   grew   a   little   too   accustomed   to   narcotics   ,   but   at   first   atlas   didn’t   notice   .   he   wasn’t   really   one   to   talk   ,   anyway   .
                  one   night   the   boys   headed   to   los   angeles   to   celebrate   their   upcoming   graduation   ,      &      before   going   for   a   night   out   they   decided   to   have   pre   -   drinks   in   their   hotel   room      &      started   popping   pills   .   atlas   didn’t   really   see   how   many   jason   took   ,   but   before   he   could   warn   him   it   was   already   too   late   .   everything   else   from   that   night   was   a   blur   of   blue   flashing   lights      &      a   lot   of   strangers   shouting   out   medical   terms   he   didn’t   understand   .   the   only   thing   he   really   remembered   from   that   night   were   the   words   ‘   he’s   dead   ’   .      &      an   overwhelming   feeling   that   it   was   his   fault   .
                  the   tragedy   of   jason’s   death   left   atlas   in   a   state   of   seclusion   .   he   spent   three   solid   months   alone   in   his   room   ,   blaming   himself   for   what   happened   ,   but   he   didn’t   stop   the   drugs   .   if   anything   ,   he   used   them   as   an   escapism   ,      &      when   his   parents   gave   him   an   ultimatum      :      rehab   or   college   ,   he   chose   the   latter   .   he   enrolled   in   columbia      &      took   up   the   same   business   course   his   father   did   .   for   the   first   month   ,   he   was   bitter   ,   cold   to   everyone   ,   would   barely   talk   if   he   could   help   it   .
                  but   some   of   his   old   school   friends   went   to   the   same   college   as   him   ,      &      atlas   started   to   feel   more   like   himself   again      (      or   a   version   of   himself   that   felt   similar   to   what   he   was   before      )      &      tried   to   forget   jason      &      everything   that   happened   .   his   parents   has   covered   up   the   death   so   avery   wasn’t   related   to   it   ,   a   cleverly   articulated   plan   to   keep   it   out   of   the   papers   .   but   that   didn’t   stop   the   questions   ,   which   avery   would   quickly   divert   in   order   to   forget   .   he   had   to   forget   .
                  he   didn’t   .   jason   was   his   friend   ,      &      one   of   the   few   people   who   truly   understood   him   .   jason   always   believed   in   atlas’s   music   ,   so   it   only   felt   right   that   he   returned   to   him   .   if   not   for   himself   ,   then   for   the   memory   of   his   late   friend   .   so   he   dropped   out   of   college   ,   found   himself   a   management      &      started   writing   songs   ,   composing   music   .   at   first   it   was   difficult      ;      every   time   he   sang   a   song   or   played   a   tune   ,   he’d   remember   jason   .   but   after   time   he   eased   into   it   ,   dropped   out   of   college   ,      &      has   been   working   on   his   first   album   ever   since   .
                  atlas   became   an   all   together   different   person   .   he   became   manipulative   ,   deceitful   ,   partying   every   night   to   erase   the   memory   of   that   night   like   it   would   somehow   go   away   ,   but   it   didn’t   .   every   time   he’d   close   his   eyes   ,   he’d   see   his   lifeless   friend   ,   so   he’d   stop   closing   them   .   he’d   spend   nights   in   a   stranger’s   bed   ,   only   to   leave   in   the   middle   of   the   night   .   he’d   drink   away   the   pain      &      swallow   down   the   guilt   that   was   threatening   to   swallow   him   alive   .
                  what   atlas   doesn’t   know   ,   though   ,   is   a   secret   his   parents   are   keeping   from   him   .   in   early   january   this   year   ,   his   father   was   diagnosed   with   localised   prostate   .   after   the   loss   of   jason   ,   atlas   became   distant   from   his   parents      &      they   didn’t   want   to   burden   him   with   the   news   due   to   him   only   just   getting   back   to   his   normal   self   after   the   trauma   of   losing   his   best   friend   .
:      //      𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘      .
                  outwardly   ,   atlas   appears   to   be   quite   content   .   he   can   start   a   conversation   with   anyone   ,   act   like   he’s   interested   but   then   three   minutes   later   he’ll   get   bored      &      move   onto   the   next   thing   that   interests   him   .   he   likes   staying   busy         &      preoccupied   ,   thinking   that   if   he   keeps   his   mind   busy   ,   he   won’t   think   about   the   past   .   it’s   for   that   reason   that   it’s   hard   to   tell   what   he’s   actually   thinking   ,   unless   you   know   him   really   well   or   are   good   at   reading   people   .
                  he   can   be   very   cynical   ,   a   trait   that   he’s   carried   since   he   was   young   but   he   was   better   at   hiding   it   then   ,   now   he   really   does   not   care   .   at   first   it   mattered   to   him   what   people   thought   ,   now   he   couldn’t   care   less   .   he   does   what   he   wants   when   he   wants   ,   often   not   thinking   about   the   consequences   of   his   actions      &      then   dealing   with   them   later   .   it’s   for   this   reason   that   he   can   be   quite   manipulative   ,   using   his   charms   to   get   what   he   wants      (      or   who   he   wants      )      to   serve   as   a   distraction   .
                  he   can   be   quite   brutal   about   his   opinions   ,   learning   a   long   time   ago   that   holding   your   tongue   won’t   benefit   you   at   all   so   he   basically   just   says   what   he   wants   .   but   ,   he   doesn’t   really   answer   questions   directly   ,   especially   if   they’re   personal   .   he’ll   more   likely   change   the   subject   or   divert   the   question   to   someone   else      &      act   like   he   was   the   one   who   asked   the   question   in   the   first   place   .
            atlas   is   very   reckless      &      will   literally   do   anything   for   a   good   time   ,   be   that   getting   so   drunk   his   face   hits   the   floor   ,   or   so   high   he   forgets   his   own   name   ,   or   to   even   cliff   diving   so   he   can   get   some   form   a   thrill   .   if   someone   tells   him   he   can’t   do   something   ,   he’ll   go   out   of   his   way   to   prove   them   wrong   .   he’s   incredibly   stubborn      &      has   a   tendency   to   let   people’s   words   go   through   one   ear      &      out   of   the   other   .
:      //      𝐅𝐔𝐍      𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐒      .
he’s   honestly   such   a   lil   shit   tbh      ??      idk   how   else   to   describe   him
he’s   a   vegetarian      &      has   been   since   he   was   eight   bc   he   watched   this   documentary   once      &      was   Distraught
his   vc   is   lauv      (   ily   bazzi   pls   forgive   me   )
he   has   a   dog   called   bloomer      &      he’s   his   literal   son   ,   like   his   actual   child
he   still   lives   in   his   huge   ass   penthouse   so   if   anyone   wants   2   be   his   roommate   that’s   a   plot   for   u
atlas   is   literally      ??      such   a   fuckboy      ??      but   he   denies   it      &      says   he’s   just   charming   ,   when   rly   he’s   a   lil   bitch
a   dramatic   hoe   who   lives   for   drama   but   is   100%   the   sort   who   will   run   away   if   it   gets   too   much   bc   he’s   a   mess
when   he’s   dedicated   to   something   ,   be   it   a   subject   or   a   relationship   ,   he’s   completely   faithful   which   is   v   surprising
adores   his   fans      &      will   actually   do   anything   for   them   ,   has   been   known   to   punch   out   a   security   guard   or   two   so   he   can   get   to   them
fun   fact   once   he   got   arrested   for   racing   on   private   property
another   fun   fact   is   he   loves   cars   so   pls   do   not   touch   his   bbies   thank   u
he   might   seem   all   fine      &      dandy   but   he’s   on   the   verge   of   a   mental   breakdown   but   won’t   admit   it
gets   drunk   ,   high   ,      &      hooks   up   with   strangers   on   the   regular
he’s   fluent   in   italian      &      has   a   HUGE   italian   family
atlas   can   come   across   as   being   ignorant      &         self   -   absorbed   ,   but   he’s   actually   really   observant      &      notices   everything
is   100%   the   sort   of   ‘   fall   in   love   with   the   moment      &      think   you’re   in   love   with   the   girl   ’   type   of   guy   but   it   lasts   for   like   2   seconds   bc   he’s   fickle
speaking   of   fickle   ,   he’s   had   many   relationships   that   haven’t   lasted   that   long   bc   he   can’t   decide   what   he   wants   from   one   minute   to   the   next
:      //      𝐓𝐇𝐄      𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐑𝐎𝐒      .
                  last   time   i   didn’t   do   a   summary   of   the   deniros   but   honestly   they’re   apart   of   me   just   like   atlas   himself   ,   so   i   wanted   to   do   a   few   quick   bullet   points   bc   who   doesn’t   love   a   huge   ass   italian   family      !
obviously   ,   the   deniros   come   from   an   italian   decent      &      let’s   put   it   this   way   ...   there’s      a   lot      of   them   .
the   deniros   originate   from   florence   ,   italy      &      although   there’s   an   ever   growing   list   of   little   additions      &      the   fact   that   they   ,   for   the   most   part   live   in   different   parts   of   the   world   ,   they’re   an   incredibly   tight   -   kint   family   .
the   deniros   are   also   very   ,   very   rich   ,   like   multi   -   billionaire   rich   which   collectively   brings   the   family’s   net   worth   to   obviously   extortionate   amounts   .
there   are   multiple   businesses   which   certain   members   of   the   family   is   responsible   for   ,   but   atlas’s   father   has   by   far   the   most   profited      &      therefore   most   stressful   one   .   the   company   that   literally   brands   the   family   is   called   ‘   allora   ’   ,      &      they’re   a   parent   company   for   some   very   expensive      &      luxurious   brands      (      i.e.   victoria’s   secret   ,   gucci   ,   there’s   more   but   like   the   failure   i   am   i   have   Forgotten      )
the   deniros   are   a   very   proud      &      highly   anticipated   family   ,   success   meaning   more   to   them   than   it   does   the   average   person
despite   this   however   ,   they’re   incredibly   traditional      &      spend   nearly   every   holiday   together   ,   as   organised   by   nonno   arnaldo      &      nonna   corina   .
atlas’s   favourite   uncle   is   by   far   his   uncle   toni      (      i   see   u   vi   hitting   up   his   ims      )
there’s   a   long   line   of   twins   in   the   family   ,   including   atlas      &      his   twin   as   well   as   their   father   ,   who   is   twins   with   their   aunt   camilla
they   have   kind   of   .....   a   pattern   w   names   sufjgjji   they   all   match   alphabetically   in   some   way   because   their   grandparents   are   obsessed   with   aesthetics
they   have   their   own   tv   show   coming   up      !      stay   tuned   for   more
uhhh   there’s   probs   more   so   i’ll   come   back   to   this
:      //      𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄   :   𝐀𝐒   𝐎𝐅   𝟏𝟑/   𝟎𝟒/   𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟗   .
                  good   god   so   much   has   happened   since   i   first   brought   atlas   to   life   agfkgjo   so   here’s   a   little   update   since   i’m   too   lazy   to   write   that   huge   ass   biography   all   over   again      !
ok   so   he’s   still   a   little   bitch   ...   but   it’s   more   now   with   the   intention   of   being   a   little   bitch   than   it   is   accidental
he’s   released   his   first   album      !      it’s   titled   ‘   damage   control   ’      &      has   reached   amazing   success   .   his   world   tour   starts   in   august      &      he’s   incredibly   excited      !
he’s   also   had   the   opportunity   to   work   with   some   incredible   brands   ,      &      is   very   soon   going   to   be   the   face   of   an   incredibly   successful   brand   that   u’ll   learn   more   about   later   probably
as   for   his   modeling   work   ,   he’s   the   male   ambassador   of   paco   rabanne’s   fragrance   ‘   1   million   ’   ,   he   has   his   own   personalised   clothing   line   collaboration   with   calvin   klein   ,   has   been   working   with   prada   A   LOT   recently   as   well   as   some   other   brands   i’m   too   lazy   to   think   of
last   year   he   won   the   fashion   awards’   model   of   the   year      !      look   at   him   popping      !
it’s   not   all   sunshine      &      rainbows   though      (      is   it   ever   avdhgj      )      because   after   a   recent   questioning   at   the   police   station      (      there’s   a   self   -   para   somewhere      )      he’s   been   getting   flashbacks   of   memories   he’s   been   pushing   back   ever   since   jason   died   ,   but   now   they’re   all   coming   back   so   he’s   been   resorting   to   drinking   excessively      &      abusing   drugs   more   than   usual   just   to   forget
in   the   same   light   ,   he’s   also   started   racing   again      &      starting   fights   with   people   for   the   heck   of   it
so   basically   ......   he’s   a   huge   ass   mess   like   a   bigger   mess   than   usual
BUT   HE’LL   GET   BETTER      !!!      it   just   might   take   some   time      &      some   help   to   get   there   but   he’ll   be   better
:      //      𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄   :   𝐀𝐒   𝐎𝐅   𝟎𝟗/𝟏𝟎/   𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟗   .
atlas   has   had      .   .   .      a   little   bit   of   a   wild   ride   the   past   few   months   fjdkgng
on   the   anniversary   of   jace’s   passing   ,   he   was   in   a   dark   place      &      ended   up   overdosing   ,   landing   him   in   a   three   day   coma
after   That   drama   ,   he   was   slammed   into   therapy   sessions      &      had   to   cancel   his   debut   tour   which   he   was   not   happy   abt   but   🤷🏼‍♀️   that’s   what   happens   when   u   do   stupid   shit   atlas
so   yeah   ,   he’s   been   going   through   it   the   past   few   months   ,   facing   his   worst   fears   etc   but   eventually   he’s   getting   BETTER
he   was   well   enough   to   take   part   in   fashion   month   so   i’d   say   he’s   doing   good      !
his   relationship   with   his   dad   is   improving      ??      not   Improved   but   after   his   overdose   his   dad   stop   being   pushy      &      atlas   realised   that   he’s   been   a   dick   to   him   too   so   they’re   on   the   mend
they   even   struck   a   deal   that   i’ll   tell   y’all   abt   later
um      ??      is   that   it      ??      i   think   SFGKJDG   WE’LL   SEE
:      //      𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒      .
𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁   𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱(𝘀)   :   the   people   except   from   his   sisters   who   understand   him   perhaps   better   than   he   even   understands   himself   .   they’re   like   two   peas   in   a   pod   ,   where   one   goes   the   other   is   soon   to   follow      &      there   isn’t   a   lot   that   they   wouldn’t   do   for   each   other   .      (      giovanni   narciso   ,   zion   kang   ,   open   to   more   .      )
𝗲𝘅𝗲𝘀   :   ok   so   atlas   has   a   lot   of   exes   ,   either   on   good   or   bad   terms   ,   for   a   short   period   of   time   or   a   long   period   of   time   .   this   can   either   be   angsty   or   where   they   broke   up      &      are   now   friends      !      (      open   .      )
𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗱   𝘀𝘄𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀   :   basically   his   first   girlfriend      !      their   parents   are   friends      &      basically   set   this   up   like   parents   sometimes   do   ,   thinking   they   know   best      &      they   dated   for   a   good   portion   of   their   life      (      think   nate      &      blair      )      but   in   high   school   ,   when   atlas   had   a   change   of   heart   he   wasn’t   sure   what   he   felt   for   her   was   real   so   he   broke   it   off   without   any   explanation   like   the   dumbass   he   is   .      (   antonella   cosmatos   .    )
𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀   :   atlas’s   penthouse   is   huge   ,   too   big   for   just   one   person   to   live   in   so   it’s   highly   possible   that   he   has   a   roommate   or   two      !      (      alanna   deniro   .    )
𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗲𝘀   :   sometimes   they   like   each   other   ,   sometimes   they’re   bickering   like   there’s   no   tomorrow   .      (      camilla   benvenuto   .      )
𝗲𝘅   -   𝗳𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴   :   he   doesn’t   really   do   these   anymore   bc   he’s   🥰   but   he   definitely   has   had   a   few   of   these   in   the   past      !      they   never   really   put   a   label   on   anything   ,   it   was   a   bit   of   fun   but   then   they   decided   to   end   it   for   whatever   reason      !      (   open   .    )
𝗲𝘅   -   𝖿𝗐𝖻   :   before   this   bitch   went     &     got   himself   a   gf   ,   he   was   the   biggest   hoe     &    probably   had   a   few   booty   calls   when   he   got   a   little   too   bored   .      (     open   .    )
𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗱   :   i   forgot   what   i   was   gonna   type   here   djgkgjg   but   yes      !      please      !      (      open   .      )
𝗲𝘅   𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁   𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀   :   there   was   a   time   where   the   pair   were   inseparable   .   they’d   go   everywhere   together   ,   do   everything   together      &      were   as   close   as   family   .   until   one   day   one   of   them   did   something   to   hurt   the   other   ,      &      now   they   can’t   stand   each   other   .      (      stellan   alto   ,   taylor   perry   .      )
𝗰𝗮𝘀𝘂𝗮𝗹   𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿   :   they’re   always   bumping   into   each   other   .   no   matter   the   place   ,   time   ,   or   reason   why   they’re   there   ,   these   two   are   always   finding   company   in   each   other   in   the   strangest   of   places      &      now   they   have   a   strange   friendship   .      (      kylie   castillo   .      )
𝗼𝗻𝗲   𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁   𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗱   :   they   got   drunk   one   night      &      ended   it   hooking   up   .   it   would’ve   been   fine   ,   if   atlas   hadn’t   left   their   apartment   in   the   middle   of   the   night   without   saying   a   word   ,   so   now   it’s   just   awkward   .      (      donna   marchesi   .      )
𝗯𝗮𝗱   𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲   𝗼𝗻   :   they   work   together   on   campaigns   which   often   lead   to   long   days   ,      &      atlas   being   atlas   ,   is   constantly   trying   to   think   of   reasons   to   get   drunk      &      this   poor   person   is   always   being   dragged   into   his   bad   habits   .      (      open   .      )
𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱   𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲   :   atlas   is   the   sort   of   person   who’s   always   making   bad   decisions      &      as   a   result   can   be   quite   pessimistic   .   despite   him   constantly   trying   to   antagonize   them   ,   this   person   serves   as   a   good   influence   on   him   so   their   friendship   ,   however   strangely   surprising   is   something   of   a   miracle   .      (      open   .      )
𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲   𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽   :   although   atlas   taking   things   seriously   is   sometimes   a   task   in   itself   ,   when   it   comes   to   his   friends   he’ll   go   to   the   ends   of   the   earth   for   them   ,   especially   for   this   person   .   he   won’t   see   anything   bad   happen   to   them      &      will   always   have   their   back   no   matter   what   .      (      vera   bantini   .      )
𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹   𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆   /   𝘄𝗼𝗻’𝘁   𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆   :   she   knew   his   sisters   first   ,      &      when   they   met   for   the   first   time   at   atlas’s   parents   yacht   party   in   2015   they   developed   some   sort   of   flirtationship   .   over   the   years   ,   what   was   once   harmless   flirting   became   something   much   more   than   that      &      it’s   now   at   the   point   where   they’re   on   the   verge   of   dating   but   haven’t   made   it   official   yet   .      (      violet   lennox   .      )
𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗲   𝗼𝗿   𝗱𝗶𝗲   :   be   it   racing   or   anything   sporadically   reckless   ,   these   pair   do   it   together      &      have   earned   quite   a   name   for   themselves   .   whether   they   get   caught   or   not   ,   they’re   in   it   for   a   good   time   not   a   long   time      &      at   the   times   that   they   find   themselves   behind   jail   cells   ,   at   least   they   have   millions   of   dollars   to   bail   them   out   .      (      ellie   flynn   .      )
𝘁𝗵𝗲   𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘂𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿   :   this   person   dragged   atlas   into   a   world   that   he’s   been   stuck   in   since   high   school   .   he   joined   their   group   of   friends   in   sophomore   year      &      it   was   here   where   his   reputation   started   to   build   .   although   he   knows   he   shouldn’t   ,   he   feels   grateful   for   them   because   it   was   at   this   time   that   he   realised   he   should   do   what   he   wants      &      not   give   a   damn   about   what   anyone   thinks   .      (      open   .      )
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kingyeoms · 5 years
dolphin keeper!seokmin
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pairing: dolphin keeper!lee seokmin x vet!reader (n) genre: fluff word count: 1,840 a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for forever, i’m sorry it took me so long to finally finish it!! anyways, this was such a cute concept and i’m so glad i was able to write it :’) thank you for the request!! ♡ best read on desktop, use mobile browser if you can’t read under the cut ♡
lee seokmin is the cutest funniest dolphin keeper in the universe
first fell in love with the ocean when his family went on a trip to jeju when he was eight
they were walking around the coast and seok absolutely?? was just mesmerized with the way the waves crashed against the ocean,, the beautiful tones of blue in the waves,, his big eyes peering into the water to look at the little fish swimming around ugh so precious
literally begged his parents to let him take swimming lessons as soon as he got home
and that was the start of a beautiful perfect pair: seokmin and the ocean
at first he wanted to be a marine biologist, but after a seventh grade field trip to the aquarium and seeing one of the scuba divers in the tanks with the fish, he changed his mind -- he wanted to do that!!
luckily one of his friends seungkwan, who was a sloth cuddler at the zoo, mentioned that there was an opening for a dolphin keeper position!
seokmin at the interview: “wanna see my seal impression?”
at first he was a little nervous since he had no experience whatsoever,, accidentally tripped on the fish bucket when first meeting the dolphins
but once he met gyul and podo? literal heart eyes
as soon as he saw them,, immediately wanted to get into the pool and swim with them
“seokmin wait you don’t have proper gear on” “it’s fine!! i’m willing to take the risk!!”
can you imagine him in a blue wetsuit, yellow fishing type overalls with a cute lil dolphin patch in the middle!! i’m sad
turns out, seokmin is really good with dolphins the same way he’s great with people!!
podo is absolutely enthralled with seok.. she thinks he’s soooo handsome!! always squeaks when he comes into the pool~
gyul gets a little jealous,, but he doesn’t mind since seok always sneaks him extra squid snacks
they’re his actual children, literally seokmin walking into the pool room: “where are my babies~~”
does demonstrations for elementary school kids!! he teaches them how to “speak gyul and podo’s language” and also gives a presentation on how to reduce plastic waste
honestly really cute, super endearing seeing seok and a bunch of eight year olds squeaking with the dolphins
has a bunch of drawings of him and the dolphins hung up on his fridge back home,, he always gets them in his work mailbox as thank you notes!!
okay but listen,, as great as he is with children and dolphins alike,, seokmin wasn’t necessarily the.. most careful keeper at the zoo..
to be honest, everyone was a little worried at how clumsy seok was,, but they realized how much the dolphins loved him and so they just kinda deal with it
accidentally slipped and fell into the pool while trying to get one of podo’s toys,,,, it’s fine
you, on the other hand, just recently graduated from vet school, and having interned at the zoo for years now, they offered you a job right away
you watched a ton of animal documentaries growing up!! and honestly, going to the zoo was one of your favorite things to do as a kid,,
so it was no surprise that your dream was to work with animals!! but you’ve always had a soft spot for marine life :(
your first encounter with seokmin was super brief, when you had stopped by the break room to buy some coffee,, he was soaked.. bunches of paper towels in his hands,,
poor kid was trying to dry himself with paper towels and so naturally you just offered some help
seok didn’t even notice you come in!! but when he looked over to see whose voice it was,, perhaps his heart skipped a beat or two,,
“i’m okay, don’t worry! it’s just.. i fell into the pool again and i also forgot to do the laundry so we don’t have any towels..” he rambled, his ears burning a shade of tomato red
“i’m sure we have extra towels at the clinic? and i think the others would like it if there wasn’t a huge puddle of water in the break room,,” you giggled, seok shooting you a confused look
“you work at the clinic?” “yeah, i’m the new vet”
and literally seokmin drops his paper towels and palms his forehead bc,, how tf he gonna look so STUPID in front of the new vet
also since when has the new vet been so cute?
“so,, do you still want a towel?” “please... that’d be nice”
and so that’s how seok ends up in your office for the first time, cracking stingray jokes and drying out his hair while you’re sitting on top of your desk, laughing at the very cute but clumsy dolphin keeper
you don’t really see seokmin all that much for a while, since there was a pretty bad infection going around the seals, you dedicated your time to them
but to be honest seokmin can’t get you out of his head,, he keeps thinking about the cute vet that laughs at his jokes
one day seok asks you to come to the dolphin exhibit because gyul isn’t acting like his normal self and he was absolutely worried,, ran straight to your office
turns out poor baby has indigestion :(
the reason? seok tripped when he was feeding them and the whole bucket of herrings fell straight into the pool
you, jaw dropped to the floor: “are you being serious”
seokmin: “yes listen i’m really sorry okay i tried to stop him from eating all of them but he’s just.. too fast”
you can’t help but laugh at how,, silly seokmin is!! literally the kid has a heart of gold but also legs made out of jello
the two of you are just in the pool, gyul is nuzzling you as you rub his belly,, podo is circling seokmin nervously,, he has to calm her down poor baby girl :(
but you figure out the problem, gyul just has to take some meds and go on a strict diet for the next two weeks!!
you offer to stop by everyday to check up on gyul,, in case seok needs help taking care of him or anything
you may or may not… use this.. as an excuse to see seokmin
gyul starts to grow super fond of you,, squeaking and swimming to the edge of the pool every time you walk into the room!!
but podo doesn’t like you bc she thinks you’re too close to her favorite keeper
even if you give her squid snacks,, she won’t eat them unless seok gives them to her
you’re a little bummed by it, but you know not every animal is going to fall in love with you,, it is a little hard though, especially if you’re the one responsible for their health
two weeks pass and gyul is all better, but podo is still a bit aggressive towards you,,
seokmin’s new mission: getting podo to like you!!
him: “have you thought about dressing as a clown? she’d find it funny”
you: “what”
him: “ok i guess we’ll move onto plan b?”
honestly it’s really cute it’s kind of like he’s trying to convince his little sister that his significant other isn’t a bad person
you and seokmin spend the next couple of days,, coming up with a plan in the break room during lunch
the two of you finding out more about each other along the way, sharing your love for the ocean and marine life!!
seokmin finally gets the courage to ask for your number,, the first text you get from him is a photo of him and gyul in the pool :(
honestly?? you squealed into your pillow that night LMAO
you make it routine to send him cute photos of seals and otters,, he sends you penguin memes probably
your coworkers would start to notice,, teasing you while you’re doing paperwork in your office,, nurses “i see you spending time with that cute dolphin keeper,, when’s the wedding?”
they’d tease you even more once they saw how red your cheeks would get,, because honestly, the more time you spent with seokmin, the more you realized that not only is he handsome, but he has the purest heart in the world
even if he is.. a little clumsy.. and forgetful.. he puts the animals before himself and you love that about him!!
but this was work,, there was no place for any sort of relationship here
seokmin on the other hand?? has three heart emojis next to your name on his phone
absolutely smitten with you,, knew you were the one for him when you first got into the pool, the smile on your face when gyul swam up to you,, he thought you shined brighter than the sun (as cheesy as that sounds it’s true)
he really wanted to take you to his favorite beach,, in jeju,, where he first fell in love with the ocean
but he had to ask you on a date first and honestly,, he wasn’t even sure if you felt the same way
feelings aside, the two of you come to the conclusion that you should try,, spending time with podo by yourselves, without seokmin
so for the next few days,, while seokmin was on his lunch break, you’d hop into the pool and hang out with the dolphins for a little bit!!
gyul was so happy to see you again,, but podo distanced herself a bit from you,, staying in the corner of the pool until seokmin came back
until one day,, gyul was in a different pool for training, and it was just you and podo,,
and you figured,, might as well try one more time,, holding out her favorite squid snack
slowly but surely,, podo came to you, taking the squid snack,, even letting you pat her head!!
you were absolutely over the moon, because after months of hostility,, this was the first time podo had ever let you pet her,,
as soon as seok came back from his break,, you threw your arms around his neck,, telling him that the plan worked!! and even though she wasn’t in love with you yet,, this was a start and progress should be celebrated regardless of how big or small
seok’s face is literally tomato red at this point but thank god you can’t see it,,
“we should celebrate after work then”
and you look at him,, his eyes trying to avoid yours in case you reject him,,, and you do it
you peck him quickly on the cheek,, and you’re just like, “yeah, i think we should”
before he can say anything,, you realize what you did and your face turns into a tomato,, your hands flying up to your lips,, like i can’t believe i just kissed him 
but he grins, taking your hands into his, intertwining his fingers with yours,, pressing his lips against your knuckles
“so it’s a date?”
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bezgoesboo · 5 years
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––  m i c   t a p !    “ an’... ohp !  we’re live ! ”    
               r u s t l e   r u s t l e . . .   
“ well, if you’re listenin’, welcome to another episode of witchin’ hour, in which i’ll do a real valiant job of wastin’ your precious time. 
                             we got the tunes, we got the loons, and the night’s fresher                              than a pack of fuckin’ mini mart twinkies. yep. i’m bez.                                                              whaddya say we get jinkie with it ? ”
or, alternatively:  my name is linc, this is bez holmes, and i hope you brought your schnazziest seatbelts ‘cause, oh bud... you’re in for quite the trip.
( timothee chalamet, ghost, he/him & cismale ) is that ( another one bites the dust ) by ( queen ) playing? guess ( killian beelzebub holmes)’s comin’ in hot! heard folks say the ( twenty three ) year old ( local radio host ) was at the thanksgiving fair, ( throwin’ darts at the balloon wall with his buds ) when chaos ensued. during the glitch, ( he was killed by one of his best supernatural pals he was tryin’ to talk down while everyone else was bookin’ it to the woods, but ain’t the faintest clue he’s dead… yikes ).
b a c k g r o u n d    .  .  .
the autumn of 1959 brought the youngest holmes sibling into existence and knocked out their mother in one fell swoop. killian beelzebub holmes was born to mr. holmes and his late wife at precisely 3:33am just before an uncharacteristically frosty dusk.
mrs. holmes chose the name killian long before her second-born ever killed her, so... heh !  joke’s on her !  bez’s pops didn’t have the heart to call him *cough* er, killian, so the family settled for the next best thing so they could still honor his mother’s wishes: beelzebub. except... well. that still was a lil problematic, given the timing of his birth. and callin’ beelzebub on class attendance? not exactly the best look. hence, the nickname bez was born, and he’s been goin’ by it ever since.
bez has an older sister lee and the two are as thick as thieves. growin’ up, they always kept their father on his toes –– wherever the holmes kids go, trouble follows.
mr. holmes served as county sheriff until he was killed by his second wife when bez was 13 and lee was 14. lee went back to art school after the local police department covered up the bear out as a fuckin’ armed robbery gone wrong. lee ‘n bez were sworn to secrecy, but nothin’, not even authoritative men in police badges, can erase the image of stepmonster slashin’ dad to bits and lettin’ him fall face first into a plate of spaghetti.
bez never liked stepmonster to begin with, but killin’ their dad was the kicker. lee returned to art school and bez struggled to keep the peace in the household. the bitch stepped up the loving stepma act until a year later, when she wigged out again ‘n landed him in the hospital for a couple days. after that, lee returned home, ‘n it was officially holmes vs. mama bear.
movin’ out was the dream, but unfortunately, mr. holmes overextended when he bought this nice shiny new house for his new wife ‘n kids; most of his insurance money went to getting the house out from underwater, ‘n the rest went to funeral expenses. so... the kids were kinda stuck with her. still are.
bez never let himself be stupid enough to dream ‘bout leavin’ letum falls. he likes it here. he’s got his people. throughout school, he romped ‘round with the cool kids. hung out with all the supernaturals. in fact, you’d be hard pressed to find bez holmes chillin’ ‘round anyone who’s actually human. contrary to his sister, his father’s death didn’t turn him off from supernaturals –– if anythin’, it made him desperate to prove to himself just what a wildcard stepmonster was.
after high school graduation, bez pestered his way into workin’ at the local radio station. what started as a simple soundboarding gig morphed into hostin’ his very own show, the witchin’ hour, on which he talks about letum falls’ spooky happenings and engages with live callers. he’s got a sleep with me bit –– callers name celebrities, fictional characters, or even existing locals bez has to seduce via song and cheesy pickup lines. basically, the whole show’s a hangout with bez –– more often ‘n not, he’s high as a bird. so the witchin’ hour’s got itself a steady cult of listeners. bez loves every second of it.
he’s got a reputation for bein’ sexually ambiguous. he was outcasted pretty young as bein’ a lil... off? never into sports. liked to paint his nails colors sometimes. borrow lee’s shirts. his dad never raised issue with it, but stepmonster definitely had her reservations. still does. bez holmes is a kid some fathers told their sons to steer clear of. for fear of, bez’ll laugh as he tells ya, spreadin’ it around.
labels are for chumps, he’ll tell ya, mid-cigarette drag. size y’up real good. odds are, if you’re attractive ‘n mysterious in some way, he’ll fuck ya. ( not countin’  six months of abstinence in 1980 when he was convinced everyone he fucked wound up dyin’ two weeks later... there were a string of incidental deaths. but honestly, sometimes ?  he thinks ‘bout it. )
fuckin’ klutz. yeah, he skateboards. yeah, he looks cool doin’ it. yeah, he’ll even wear his shades while he’s doin’ it at night. but surprise him? make him laugh? he’ll trip over his own two feet.
addicted to cinnamon waffles, enough syrup to drown atlantis a second time. he always haunts the local diner. when he’s not there, he’s likely playin’ pinball or skeeball at the local arcade, or slurpin’ down a rootbeer float and annoyin’ the living shit outta earl at the mini mart.
if it’s illegal? sign him up.
he owns a shit ton of thrifted clothes. lots of chunky jackets, v-necks, rings, necklaces. funky pants. he’s recognized around town by his crazy curls. they’re never tame. he’s always lookin’ artfully disheveled. smirkin’. stealin’ looks.
t h e    f a i r     .  .  .
bez was hangin’ out with his supernatural buds ( wanted connections )when all hell broke loose. he was actually makin’ a fool of himself with balloon darts, but he made a ten buck bet he could win a stupid hat.
while everyone else ran, bez tried to talk down one particular friend ( wanted connection ) who was tryna keep themselves from attackin’ him. he got so far as to get ‘em calm, place a hand on their shoulder. lean in to look ‘em in the eye real close. 
“ hey man, hey now. listen. y’don’t gotta do this. killin’ ain’t punk, ‘kay? y’hate blood, hear me? i believe in you, ‘n even though you serve killer looks –– you’re not a killer. ”
even in the face of death, this kid fuckin’ joked around, and... basically this friend slashes his throat and ripped his heart out right after bez managed a hopeful smile. talk ‘bout a magical fuckin’ friendship.
lee and dean hollis took bez’s body with them when they fled the scene.
bez woke up a few days later in the woods near the fairgrounds. he wandered ‘n wandered, almost in a sleep-like trance, ‘til he reached dean’s house. walked in, blinked right at the guy. they exchanged words, albeit bitter ones, before bez left and walked on over to the radio station. did his show like normal, like he’d never even died. no memory of the glitch. no nothin’. 
heads on over to earl’s mini mart like usual. but earl won’t check him out. earl isn’t hearin’ him. so he fuckin’ leaves with a bag of doritos and a big bottle of mountain dew. runs into his boyfriend, xander chapell. all’s fine ‘n well. he’s overjoyed to see the other male. everythin’s normal.
the next mornin’, he slinks home. finds lee cryin’ in her room. pieces it together and thinks it must be dean hollis. must be ‘cause of that asshole.
c u r r e n t l y    .  .  .
ain’t nobody got the heart to tell this poor kid he died. he’s dead. and since he doesn’t know he’s a ghost ?  he thinks wakin’ up near hose weird ass woods, near the fairgrounds ? it’s all a dream. he thinks the worsened insomnia ? ah. that’s just the weather. ‘n when his hand sometimes goes through things ? when people sometimes don’t see him ? some witch is probably havin’ trouble controllin’ their abilities.
stepmomma has a hunch bez’s spirit might be hauntin’ the house. she keeps tryna sage it. tryna figure out what’s gonna help get her stepson to the beyond. ‘cept bez doesn’t know this, and lee’s playin’ damage control.
he’s still so hopelessly in love with xander, but neither of these two goons have actually shared that with one another. it’s all in the looks. the touches. and now... there’s an added bonus that bez is dead –– technically a goner, unless he never resolves whatever’s keepin’ him here. which, y’know. he won’t. ‘cause he’s got no clue.
can he please get a waffle ?  now some of the waitstaff won’t serve him at the diner ! the fuckin’ nerve !  it’s really okay because he’s got duffy ‘n georgia there to help him out. but damn. no one’s ever been this cold ‘cause of his off-color humor before. what’d he do ?  lord knows.
weird shit’s happenin’. people in town are actin’ strange. something’s up. but then again, somethin’ always is. so bez doesn’t mind it. keeps on hummin’ his stupid tunes. carries on with his show. the radio station producers are scared shitless ‘cause like... this dead kid keeps goin’ on the air. what kinda cruel joke is this, huh ?
c u r r e n t     c o n n e c t i o n s  .  .  .
older sister – lee holmes.  the holmes kids are revered and feared. always up to somethin’... tragic, what happened to ‘em, but lordie. that dead sheriff raised some weird kids.
low key love of his life – xander chapelle.  they started dating a few months ago and bez... never... expected... this. he ain’t the feelings type, no sir. but xander lights somethin’ in him. somethin’ new. yeesh. now you’ve got him all fluttery.
chaos crew – maya shen.  partners in crime, in an endless pacman and pinball war. they’ll beat one another’s scores back ‘n forth and back ‘n forth, never ending. bez is fascinated by maya’s family line ‘n all. she’s great to have ‘round, too, when he’s got a hankering for a cig but needs a decent light.
row, row, row your boat the fuck away from me – dean hollis.  dude was pretty cool, ‘til y’know... he fuckin’ dumped his feelin’s on lee and skipped town. yeah, football. yeah, nfl. cool beans, huh? what’d he have to go and fuck with his sister’s heart for? and now that he’s back and lee’s actin’ weird... bez knows he’s the cause of it for sure. and he doesn’t like it one bit.
grew up together – georgia duchannes.  bez, lee, ‘n georgia all grew up peas in a pod. mr. duchannes took over the role as sheriff because he sniffed somethin’ fishy goin’ on in the department and wanted to protect bez ‘n lee. bez gets a real kick outta georgia, ‘n folks even thought he had a crush on her back in the day. which is hilarious. ‘cause everyone ‘n their mother always knew georgia’d end up with vanetten.
the case he’s gonna crack – teejay vanetten.  bez always liked vanetten, thought he was a chill guy, y’know? a lil’ vanilla, but hey. not everyone can be as ace as him. the dude’s always been a lil’ defensive around bez though, ‘cause of georgia. bez thinks it’s funny. plays into it sometimes, just to get a rise outta him. after the glitch, it becomes clear teejay’s goin’ through something not human, so bez is tryna get lee on board to help this guy figure out his shit.
w a n t e d    c o n n e c t i o n s    .
the best supernatural friend who killed him.  bonus points if things get, like. real fuckin’ angsty.
past hookups.  bez has gotten around. guys, gals, non-binary pals. sex is sex.
supernatural kool krew.  this squad has a runs with wolves kinda vibe. bez might be the glue that holds it together. keepin’ up with supernaturals as a human, though? fuckin’ full time job.
avid radio listeners / callers.   i... would love for some routine callers? maybe some peeps he knows from around town who he has ongoin’ banter with on the air?
goofy gays.  all the gay vibes, just... we need a power gay squad mmkay?
enemies.  i’m sure bez is on a lot of people’s shit lists. he speaks his mind. he goes outta his way to be a nuisance. but he’d just find this whole thing abso-fuckin-lutely hilarious.
music jam peeps.  music is a huge part of bez’s everyday life. he listens to bands more than he listens to people. ‘n he dabbles in some musical shit himself. piano, some songwritin’ here ‘n there. nothin’ too major, but it’d be cool to have some pals who also feel as connected to music as him. he does, after all, run a radio show.
post-glitch connections.   dude roams ‘round letum falls a lot now. he did before, too, but maybe there are some people who knew of him but didn’t know him before who’re now startin’ to talk with him? ‘cause they can see he’s a ghost, ‘n they feel bad? i dunno. at this point, bez is startin’ to yammer on ‘n on to whoever’s gonna listen. maybe they just see one another in odd ass places. like earl’s mini mart. or the arcade. or maybe this person’s willin’ to speak to someone for him when they’re doin’ that stupid ass ignorin’ game again.
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yaachtynoboat711 · 6 years
At First Glance Ch. 4: The Commencement 👩🏽‍🎓
A/N: It’s finally here! The end of At First Glance has arrived and I have to say, I’m a bit emotional about ending my first series 😭. Thank you guys for supporting At First Glance these past few months. I have another series in development and then hopefully I’ll actually think about the wedding series. But for now, enjoy our fave couple in this series finale!
Word Count: ~3.2k
Warning(s): Black Excellence, Black Love, Smut (FINALLY!)
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Saturday, December 7, 2013. 11:06 a.m.
Woolsey Hall, Yale University
At just 23, Yaa was the youngest recipient of a doctorate in African Studies. She was also a joint PhD-JD student that became the valedictorian of both classes (she earned her JD in May), which as you imagine, is almost unheard of, ESPECIALLY at a prestigious institution such as Yale.
Of all the people proud of her accomplishments, Winston was undoubtedly the happiest. She was the smartest person he’d ever met by a long shot. Not only was she smart as hell, but she was also gorgeous and had enough personality for seven people. Bonus points for Winston. As a fellow Yale grad, Winston enjoyed the return to New Haven. Amid all the celebration, Yaa and her family were meeting Winston’s mom and sister today. Whew chile, the celebrations. Winston and his family found Yaa’s family, Tanisha, Kimya, and Daveon (AKA the Yalemigos, or the Migos) all sitting in the same area.
“Mr. Duke great to see you again.”, Mustapha said hugging Winston.
“Likewise, sir! Great to be seen. Get to see my little lady graduate.”, he laughed. His laugh turned into a full smile as the reality of his girlfriend’s accomplishments set in. He looked down at the program and chuckled as Yaa’s name led the list of her 16 other cohorts. My little genius.
The fanfare startled Winston out of his thoughts. The guests looked down to watch the faculty and graduates proceed into Woolsey’s main seating. Proud friends and family cheered, hollered, and whistles as they saw their respective graduate. Winston scanned the incoming crowd for his short scholar, but to no avail. What took Winston 3 minutes took the Migos only 0.2 seconds to spot their 4th companion.
“HOODIE WHOOOOOOOO!”, the friends yelled as they spotted their best friend. Yaa’s neck snapped in the direction she heard the squad call. Can’t take niggas anywhere. She shook her head and examined the friends and family in attendance. Everyone stood up and took pictures and acknowledging their graduate. Winston saw his girlfriend and stared in amazement before he mouthed “Love you” to her. She mouthed “Love you, too” to him before taking her seat.
Yaa walked in with all confidence in her stride. She was glowing and there was nothing better that could happen today than this present moment. Her tam sat on top of her curly locs. Her round tortoise shell frames added an intellectual and sophisticated touch to her look. Her signature bright red lips seldom separated as her white smile remained plastered on her face. She bore her gold valedictorian medal below her blue hood along with her blue and gold ΣΓΡ and black Class of 2013 Kente stoles. The Black graduates wore black leather gloves on their right hands in solidarity and in reverence to their ancestors. Except for being around Winston, she’d never looked happier.
The ceremony went as any other large commencement: the speaker, the President and Provost gave words of encouragement to all the graduates on their future endeavors. Each college presented their graduates with their Yale degree. Finally, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences conferred degrees. Ironically, the Africana and African-American Studies Department elected to go last due the small number of graduates. When the department was announced, Yaa’s family prepared to get up. They shared mutual expressions of joy and bliss as “Doctor Khalida Yaa Denae Abdullah, Magna Cum Laude.”, echoed throughout Woolsey Hall. She raised her right fist high in the air as she walked across the stage. She hugged her advisor and committee chair before receiving her degree. She walked off the stage doing a quick praise break. The least she could do.
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The grads recessed out of Woolsey and immediately searched for their parties and took pictures. Yaa was in the middle of her search when she felt two sturdy taps on her shoulder. It was him. “Hey, Doc.”, he greeted. Yaa scoffed as her billion dollar smile grew from a smirk. She playfully rolled her eyes and shook her head before reaching up for a kiss. “Hey, Duke. A girl can get used to hearing ‘Doc’. ”, she hummed into his lips. He finally broke the kiss and handed her a bouquet of her favorite roses: white, yellow, and pink. She gasped at the sight. “Baby! They’re beautiful.”, she squealed. She jumped right back into his embrace. “More where that came from, Denae.”, he whispered.
He never called her Denae, nor did his voice ever get that deep whenever he talked to her. She shot him a look before kissing him once more and walking towards the Migos, who were all Snapchatting and gassing her up.
“BEST FRIEND DONE GOT A WHOLE FOURTH DEGREE, Y’ALL!”, Daveon yelled. Yaa’s shoulders shook as she laughed at her foolish ass friends.
“Yaaaaaasssss ma’am! You better be Black Excellence. C’mon, Lil’ Angela!”, Kimya called.
“Bitch, I’m just tryna see the outfit. The people deserve to see what you’re wearing.”, Tanisha bluntly stated. The other two egged Yaa on to unzip the massive black gown. The only thing everyone could see were her black velvet smoking loafers. She unzipped the gown, unveiling a black pencil skirt and a white shirt with “PheD the Hell Up” written in blue. She would always get the laugh in somewhere.
She insisted that the family take pictures at her rental house because it was still December in New Haven, Connecticut. Chatter, laughter, and faint sounds of Black Christmas music filled the house as both families meshed as one. Carrie and Momma Cora held conversation most of the afternoon; Cindy and Khadijah exchanged medical stories; and Mustapha and Rainey discussed everything under the sun with Avery, Jahlil, and Winston. All four of the Migos were upstairs taking naps to prepare for dinner. Yaa especially deserved that nap. She hadn’t a decent amount of sleep since returning from Thanksgiving in Louisiana.
“Where’s Khalida? I think it’s time we all split.”, Khadijah asked Winston.
“She’s up there with her friends taking a nap. Gal deserves it. That means we need to leave and take naps of our own before dinner tonight.”, Carrie replied. “Winston, you staying here or something?”
“Yes ma’am. I might as well join the Snooze Crew upstairs.”, he said walking towards the front door. He finally went upstairs to Yaa’s room where he was greeted to a room full of snoring. Yaa’s petite figure was curled up in the middle of the messy bed. Her locs were scattered across her silk pillows and her Breakfast at Tiffany‘s eye mask covered her eyes. Her mouth was open as she snored loudly.She was dead to the world. Winston chuckled to himself as he watched his beautiful scholar catch up on Z’s. He sat on the unoccupied side of the bed and watched her sleep. He cleared her face of her wild locs and stopped when she stirred. Eventually, she unmasked herself and gasped when she saw Winston.
“Shit! Don’t scare me like th... was I snoring? Oh fuck, how long have you been watching me?”, she asked. He shook his head before kissing her forehead.
“Yes, you were snoring. Don’t worry about that. I still love you. I’ve been here long enough.”, Winston admitted.
“Well, since you love me so much, let’s try to find brunch. I’ll wake up the crew.”, she announced as she crawled out of bed, “That way, we won’t be as hungry going to this bougie ass Mediterranean spot my folks selected for tonight’s dinner.”
He rolled his eyes, “You better be glad you graduated today, Pumpkin.”
Olea Restaurant, New Haven, Connecticut, 8:15 p.m.
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The graduation dinner was running smoothly. The private dining area was tastefully accented with gifts and Yaa’s graduation pictures. Nearly twenty minutes after the family arrived, Yaa and Tanisha walked in side by side. Everyone stood and applauded the woman of the hour. Winston stared in awe at Yaa who, as always, strutted into the room with such grace and power.
Khalida chose the more adult outfit option for dinner. She wore her locs in a low bun and kept her glasses, tam, hood, stoles, and medal on. Her royal blue dress fit snug. Though Khalida often wore form-fitting dresses, none were as form-fitting as this one. Her rather well-endowed chest and wide hips were brought to the forefront; her fupa was somewhat concealed by the side peplum panels. The nude pumps she wore were accented by her anklets. Truly a work of art.
“My goodness, sweetheart. This dress is absolutely divine on you.”, Khadijah commented as she examined her first born’s outfit.
“Ibby, you look refreshed. That nap did you some good,I see ”, Mustapha teased.
“Thanks, Umi and Baba.”, Yaa said. “Thank all of y’all for coming and supporting the kid. I can’t believe this is all happening. I’m like...finished! Yale really gave me a doctorate.” The realization of her journey’s culmination brought tears of joy to the “hard-nosed” Yaa. She finally sat the far end of the table next to Winston.
“Pumpkin, you look divine.”, Winston whispered in Yaa’s ear during their hug and kiss. He twirled her around to get a better look of her outfit. She’s going to be the death of me.
“Why, thank you. Gotta show school spirit, y’know.”, Yaa joked. Winston pushed his girlfriend’s chair up to the table.
“I’d like to make a toast...”, Winston stood and began, “...to the woman of the hour, Doctor Abdullah. I know we’ve been in each other’s lives for not even two months, but watching you work and grind towards your goals has given me the initiative to better myself not only as an up and coming actor, but as a person. Khalida, you give me more reasons to be the luckiest man alive and today is the pinnacle. I love you so so much, Khalida, you have no idea. So here’s to our Khalida and her many successes now and forever. Ase.”
The table echoed scattered “Asé’s” and “aww’s” as they clinked their glasses. Yaa cheesed to keep tears forming as she looked into Winston’s eyes as he sat down. “I love you more,Winston.”, she declared as she kissed him. He placed his hand at the hem of her dress and rubbed her thigh. She cut her eyes to his hands and then directly to him; he replied with a smirk. Buzz buzz. Yaa wasn’t the only one who peeped Winston’s unusual behavior.
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Winston walked into the bathroom to see Yaa freedom her locs from its bun. He enjoyed seeing her hair down. She noticed him in the mirror studying her.
“May I help you,sir?”, Yaa questioned. Winston walked behind her and nuzzled her neck.
"I love you." he said, wrapping his arms around her.
"What has gotten into you, today? You haven't kept your hands off me all day." she said, giggling.
"I just want to show you that I love you. I think I may have just realized how much I want you." he said. She looked at him, taken aback.
"Want me? You are just now figuring that out?" ,she said, pulling away from him and crossing her arms over her chest.
"That's not what I mean." he said, in a low gruff voice. Yaa jumped slightly as she felt his hands grip her ample waist and pull her into him. As if it were instinct, she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Seeing you in that dress...having you this close to me."
She closed the last bit of space between her, biting her lip as he craned in. "You are the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. You're smart, accomplished, hilarious. You are phenomenal. But there is a part of each other we haven't experienced.” He picked her up and sat her on the vanity. “And if it's okay with you, Denae, I'm tired of waiting."
She began unbuttoning his shirt. “I thought you’d never ask, baby.”, she whispered. Their lips met and the intoxicating kiss consumed them. Like a drug, their favorite drug. The slow tongue war continued as Yaa finally took Winston’s shirt off. Nothing was breaking this kiss. His hand traveled up her leg.
“Move your arm, baby.”, Yaa said between kisses. He looked at her with hooded eyes and chuckled deeply.
“That’s not my arm,love.”, he replied sensually. She stopped, mouth agape. She cut her eyes between his erect third arm resting against her inner thigh and the cocky smile and lip bite plastered on his face. This nigga finna split me open.
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His hand continued its journey to her inner thighs, where he got down to nibble and kiss them with such intent and passion. He picked her up and traveled to the bed. While on the journey, Yaa bumped her head in the doorway of the bathroom. She giggled as he placed her gently on the bed. “Oh my God, Pumpkin, are you okay?! Do you need ice? Please say something.”, Winston rambled nervously. He swiftly placed her on the bed and turned on the lights to examine her head. She finally opened her mouth and laughed...hard. It could’ve been from the bump or just the fact that she was a bona fide clown. Her laugh turned into an all out cackle, prompting Winston to laugh with her.
“I’m fine, love.”, she began saying in between cackles and breaths, “I just bumped my head.If I pass out, just take me to the hospital. No questions.” The passive tone she used made it difficult for Winston to decide if she was joking or being dead serious. Either way, he appreciated how she broke the thick tension between them. The perfect icebreaker. They finally got themselves together and turned off the lights.
“I hate for such a nice dress to come off, but I wanna see what masterpiece is underneath.”, he commented. Lord, that voice. He lifted the dress over her head, where he was met with her ample cleavage being confined by a red lace bra. She freed herself of her bra and he began caressing her breasts.
“I’ve been trying to get to these since we met.”, he commented. She laughed.
“I know. You looked at them like they were water in the desert.”, she answered laughing. As if on cue, he took one in his mouth, swirling his tongue around her nipple and sucking on it. His tongue traveled up to her sweet spot on her neck. Chills. Her sweet moans served as motivation for his assault of her neck.
Satisfied, he came down and began slowly peppering wet kisses on her feet and leveling up to the inside of her thighs. Shit, spot #2. He looked up to see his girlfriend’s face consumed with pleasure. She bit her lip as she looked down at him with hooded eyes. She cursed under her breath with every kiss he placed. Finally, he kissed her opening, eliciting a back arch and a drawn out “Shiiit!” from Yaa. His mouth became friends with her opening as he sucked on her bud and his tongue explore. He added two fingers as he latched onto her clit. He began pumping his fingers inside of her with a moderate pace. He alternated his sucking with kissing and licking,prompting more hushed cursing from his lover. She was unraveling. He stopped but kept his fingers inside of her. “Fuck you for teasing me like this.”, she moaned. He chuckled. She’s a mess.
“I want you around me, Denae.”, he commented as his fingers brushed up against her opening and examining her nectar. He slid his body between her legs and slid his member inside of her. Her head flew back as his girthy member went deeper inside her tight opening. He noticed her twitch as he lowered himself into her.
“Are you ok,Denae?”, he said examining her face.
“I’m not used to you yet. I’m just tight. I’ll be fine.”, she reassured. Carrie and Khalida ain’t raise no bitch. They both moaned as they began grinding in sync.
“Shit, you fit around me like a glove.”, he moaned, his voice saturated with lust. She kissed him in response.
Winston peppered wet,sloppy kisses on her neck as he rolled his hips, hitting her g-spot deep with every stroke. His pace was slow but unyielding. Her sweet moans and gasps mingled with his low grunts and occasional higher moans. The room was clouded in lust. Besides the sounds of wet skin slapping, moans, and pants, Maxwell’s “Whenever Wherever Whatever” played softly in the background.
Now straddling his lap, Yaa found herself holding back tears as her sexual appetite was being satisfied to her liking. She balanced herself with one hand rested on Winston’s bare chest and the other on the bed. She bounced on his dick as he held on tightly to her love handles. He watched with hooded lust-filled eyes as his girlfriend’s breasts bounced freely against her pace. Her bounce slowly devolved to a twerk and then a gyration as she neared her peak. She was sending him into a tizzy as she clenched tightly onto his dick. If they weren’t already in love, this moment would be when they’d fall in love. Their moans echoed in response as feedback for the other. They were both coming undone. Their rhythm became disonant as they neared the end. Winston sat up and sloppily kissed his girlfriend’s neck. Her breath hitched as they stared into each other’s eyes, both pairs stinging with tears.
“Winston,baby, you feel so good.”, Khalida uttered between her teeth and tears. Her tears and desperate moans served as Winston’s motivation to cum.
“Cum for me, baby.”, he whispered into her ear. He released a low growl; that did it for the both of them. She roared into his shoulder as the sensation of their simultaneous release overwhelmed her core. She collapsed from the sensation.
Yaa and Winston found themselves physically exhausted from their lovemaking. They laid in bed in silence, reflecting on what just occurred. She laid her head on his chest as he tried detangling her locs with his fingers. He gently kissed her locs. “That was...wow. That was uh.”, Winston attempted to strike up conversation.
“Intense? I think that’s the word you’re looking for: intense.”, Yaa suggested. She looked into his eyes and kissed him.
“Yeah, intense. Literally the word I was looking for. My mind is going 25 miles a second. I can’t believe we finally did it.”
“Yours too?! This is...wild.”
“Everything we do together feels so organic. I’m really not one to openly be a sap, but you’re so right for me. Being around you makes sense and what we just did is a feeling I’ll never get over...ever.” She interlocked her small fingers into his larger ones and kissed his knuckles. He chuckled as his free trailed between the valley of her breasts.
“I guess your cousin Daniel was right…”, Winston said lifting her chin up to meet his eyes.
“The fuck is he right about?”, she shot up staring him dead in the face. He kissed her lips.
“...I guess I am responsible for making a hard G soft.”, he flinched in anticipation of whatever assault was coming as consequence of his statement. One tickle and pillow fight later, the two found themselves out of breath once more.
“You know, Chris, to be a health nut, you in worse shape than me.”, she giggled.
“Oh, shut up and go to bed.”
@muse-of-mbaku @kumkaniudaku @eriknutinthispoosy @whoramilaje @mbakusthrone @mbakuwife @great-neckpectations @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @jackburtonsays @randomwordprompts @bartierbakarimobisson @wakandan-flowerz @blackpantherreblogs @babygirlofwakanda @eerythingisshaka @washyourlinens @wakandas-vibranium @dramaqueenamby @destinio1 @sonofnjobu @teheeboo @sarahboseman @iamrheaspeaks @texasbama @chaneajoyyy @lovelynervouschaos @cay-cah @coonflix @katasstrophey @mareethequeen @jozigrrl @jellybean531 @yofavcocoa @storibambino @maya-leche @blackgirloneshots @royallyprincesslilly @niquelafleur @certifiednatural @supersizemeplz
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modernlcve · 6 years
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*  —  stats —   naomi chamberlin !
* — basics !
full name:   naomi chamberlin. nickname(s):   none. age:   thirty - six. date of birth:   january thirty-first. place of birth:   yakima,   washington. gender:   female. pronouns:   she / her. sexual orientation:   bisexual. level of education:   high school graduate. recipient of a bachelor’s degree in international business.   completed law school.
* — physical !
tattoos:  none. piercings:   ears pierced twice. notable features:   she is just... a beautiful woman. weakness(es):   she’s so strong. scar(s):   none.
* — domestic !
occupation:   corporate lawyer. residence:  a nice lil house.  i feel like they don’t live super lavishly or anything just solidly in the suburbs. social class:   decently upper middle class. parents:   jim wang,   age 60,   her father,   he’s quiet but supportive of everything she’s ever set out to do,   so he’s golden in her book.   lisa wang,   age 58,   her mother,   she’s well-intentioned,   but it comes across as bit overbearing. siblings:  - children:   brooke chamberlin,   age 10.   zachary chamberlin, age 6.   i think that’s all we decided about them.   they’re Good kids im sure. extended family:   her mother has a sister and a brother,   both of she’s in touch with.   she lived with her paternal grandmother as a child,   but she passed away when naomi was in college.
* — personality !
positive traits:   driven.   devoted.   astute. negative traits:   hypercritical.   prickly.   a perfectionist. myers-briggs ( x ):   istj;   the logistician. temperament:  choleric. moral alignment:   neutral good. horoscope:  aquarius,   the water bearer. hogwarts house:  hufflepuff.
* — favorites !
movie:    love actually. tv show:   scandal. book:   gone girl by gillian flynn. drink:   god homegirl loves a fancy latte. food:   can smash cheese fries any day. animal:   rabbits. color:   purple. song:   we belong by pat benatar. artist:   celine dion. celebrity crush:   david beckham.
* — impressions !
first impression:  she’s a hardass.   she’s not easily trusting and she’s just about always on her last straw. she comes off as distant or rude,   but it’s generally just stress or preoccupation with something else,   and never a reflection on who she’s talking to. self impression:   overwhelmingly,   naomi knows she’s got her shit together.   every now and again,   her mother’s critiques on the way she runs her life get to her,   but for the most part,   she thinks she’s doing her best and its paying off. lover impression:   more dependent than one would assume.   she is very good at giving off the vibe that she doesn’t need anyone,   and ultimately,   she doesn’t, but boy is it nice to be supported.   she likes being coddled more than one would expect,   and gives what she takes.
* — et cetera !
turn ons:   honesty.   good sense of humor.   thoughtfulness. turn offs:   arrogance.   laziness.   immaturity. drink/drugs/smoke:   yes/no/no. dominant hand:   right. clean or messy:   clean. early bird or night owl:   early bird. hobbies or special talents:   she’s into yoga but not as into it as the vidovics so she keeps that shit to herself.  
01. where was your character born? what brought them to seattle? what do they like most about the town?
naomi was born in yakima,  washington,   and came to seattle for school,   then stuck around for work and just Generally because its where she and john settled 2 start their Life together.   she likes how lively the town is and how there’s plenty of possibility within it.   its a good place for her work,   but she’d be lying if she said she’d never thought about quitting and moving to some small town with a little more Shelter from the world  ( she wouldn’t actually like that but she definitely idealizes it from time to time ).
02. who are your character’s friends and family? who do they surround themselves with? who are the people your character is closest to?
naomi’s family has essentially followed her to seattle.   her sister,   ally,   with whom she has a tumultuous relationship,   moved to seattle after she graduated from high school,   making it easier for naomi to clean up her messes.    her parents moved out a year or so before zachary was born.   her mom acknowledged that she struggling a little bit with her and john’s careers both taking off on top of having a toddler and decided that the thing to do would be to move close and help them Manage.   john and the kids are clearly the family that are most important to her,   and everything she does is some kind of effort to keep them all together and happy.   she’s kept in touch with a few of her friends from college and has general work buddies but her friends are mostly just john’s friends who put up with her because she’s john’s wife.
03. what is your character’s biggest fear? who have they told this to? who would they never tell this to? why?
naomi is still afraid that she’s not doing Enough.   she knows she has a lot on her plate and she desperately tries to make sure that she’s juggling it all well,   but it’s stressful.   she doesn’t take a lot of time to reflect but when she does,   she’s her own biggest critic,   because she’s gotten enough praise in her life to not understand why she feels like she’s barely getting by as a lawyer/mother/wife every now and then.   she keeps that to herself,   because she thinks if she dumped it on somebody else she could add bad friend to the list too.   the one person she did express some of this too was david,   because she felt that of anyone she knew,   he would understand it  ( he did,   and then he killed himself,   which is an Interesting thing for her 2 think about it ).
04. has your character ever been in love? had a broken heart?
naomi is still in love with john.   she didn’t date much before him,   she was very focused through high school on getting into undergrad,   and then focused in undergrad on getting into law school,   and she didn’t make much time for falling in love and getting her heart broken.   john was her first love and she’s pretty sure he’ll be her last   ( either because they’ll go the distance or he’ll kill her ).   this feels like the kind of place 2 also drop my own personal headcanon that john was naomi’s First Time tm and yeah she spent like a month trying to decide if he was the right one/it was the right time she wanted the circumstances to be Just Right.  
06. it’s saturday at noon. what is your character doing? give details.
if she’s not working,   she’s with her kids,   no other options.   she tries to get as much weekend time off as possible to go to soccer games or take dumb day trips to aquariums or literally Anything that’ll help her make some Sweet memories with her babies.   she feels guilty that she has to work so much so she really will just let them call the shots on what they do when they’re together,   but the together part is all that really matters to her anyway.
07. what is one strong memory that has stuck with your character since childhood?
she remembers a trip she took to visit her uncle and his family when she was little.   he had sons and they were all generally young and around the same age so there was a very us against them dynamic between naomi and ally and them.   she remembers building a girls only fort and helping her sister braid her dolls’ hair,   and its one of the few times they’ve stood in Solidarity in their life.
09. what is something that upsets your character? where do they go when they’re upset?
naomi’s weird because like.   there’s an extent to which she doesn’t sweat the small stuff but at the same time if just the right thing hits her microchip shes done for.   she’s the kind of person to bottle things up and then be made upset by something small.   she likes to take a long bath and just check the fuck out and not have to think for five minutes thats all.
10. when your character thinks of their childhood kitchen, what smell do they associate with it? why?
her dad owned a retro style diner and that was the kind of food he had always been passionate about cooking.   he tested anything that went into the shop at home first,   so there were a lot of smells happening a lot of the time.   he spent a really long time trying to Perfect a unique meatloaf so the Heavy smells associated with that stand out to her.
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scornedlove · 6 years
Chapter Thirteen
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“Home sweet home” I paused, inhaling a deep breath of the island air as soon as we walked out the airport. I was glad to be here and couldn’t wait to see everyone.
“We’re going to check-in at the hotel, then go see mama” Melanie stated as J loaded their suitcases into a taxi.
“Okay, I’ll be at home, let me know when you’re trying to link up” I replied as I waved my own taxi down. 
I couldn’t help but smile when I pulled up to the house. It was lit up in red and green Christmas lights, music was blasting, and it looked as if everyone and their grandma was having a blast.
“Rob!” Rorrey yelled, reaching me before I could even step out the taxi.
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“Come’a big head! “ he greeted pulling me in for a tight hug.
“Man, I’ve missed y'all so much” I replied kissing him and leaving a shiny lip print on his cheek.
“Everybody been waiting on you to get here” he grinned, grabbing my suitcase and pulling me towards the house. 
Within a few seconds, the rest of the family started bombarding me as well. It was like everyone in my family tree was on the scene today. They were all just as happy to see me as I was to see them. By the time I made it to the living room, I was literally crying tears of joy. I hadn’t been home in so long, I forgot what it felt like to be around family.
“I got some good news” Rorrey announced after everyone returned to the party, . “I was performing downtown and a record producer offered me a deal. He wants me to fly to New York and work on a demo”
“What!?” I yelled as Leandra brought out three tequila filled shot glasses .
“Yeah sis, this gon be big he grinned happily”
“Yup, and I’m going to be there all the way” Le added, handing us a shot. “To big shit Poppin”
“Robyn, weh Rayven? “Mama asked just as I started to pour the liquid gold down my throat and I damn near choked on it. I’d forgotten everyone would be asking about the skettel.
“I in no. She wan do her own thing” I shrugged, attempting to avoid a lie. I had no interest in discussing what happened between us, at least not right now.
“You tek care of ya family now, I aint care what ya’ll go through” she ordered. “And slow down on that drinkin”
“My liver is made up of steel” Le yelled over her shoulder, and I couldn’t help but snicker. Le had a high tolerance and could probably drink more than all of us combined.
“Where’s Mel, I thought she was coming with you” Rorrey asked, pouring himself another shot.
“She stopped to see her mum first but she’ll be here later” I replied, shoving my glass to him so he could refill mine…I was ready to get wasted and join the rest of my family in the turn up. I took one more shot and felt it hit me as I swallowed.
“Come dance with me mama” I jumped up playfully grabbing her hands and swinging them as I rocked to the music that was blasting outside.
“I’m going to bed, go out there with the rest of ya drunk family” she laughed, pushing past me.
I was dancing and celebrating with my family and neighbors, trying to enjoy myself, but hearing Rayven’s name brought that situation from the back of my mind. Those shots had me a little faded and before I knew it, someone passed me a blunt.
“Robyn?” A voice called out, and I couldn’t quite make out who it was. “It’s me, Mike” he grinned, causing my stomach to churn. Everywhere I turned, I kept being reminded of her.
“Hey, how you been” I asked, giving him a quick hug.
“I’ve been ok…not better than you obviously. Damn, you look good girl” he replied as he looked me up and down.
I couldn’t front…time had been good to him as well. He had grown at least 6 inches and was now standing over me with his dreads hanging just past his shoulders. He had no shirt on and was proudly showing off his dark, muscular chest. I caught my eyes traveling down to his print but not before he did.
“We just came from the beach, we saw the party and wanted to check it out. Now, I’m glad we did” he grinned showing his pearly whites.
“Look.."I began before he quickly interrupted.
"I know we left off on a bad note and we haven’t seen each other in years…but I have regretted that day ever since it happened. That was your cousin, I’ve never forgiven myself-"
”-We were sixteen Michael, it’s really not a big deal” I shrugged, bringing the blunt back to my lips. I took a long drag and offered it to him. He took it and did the same, not breaking eye contact.
I don’t know if it was the high I had tonight, the drought I’ve had for the past ten months, or a combination of both, but my nani was screaming for some attention. On cue, my song started blaring from the speakers and my body began to do its own thing. Before I knew it, I was dancing on Michael like I had to show him what he missed out on.  As I grinded my hips into his, I could feel his manhood growing, which turned me on even more.
“Come with me” I ordered, pulling him towards the side of the house. I wanted some dick and was feeling bold enough to get it. “Do you have a condom?” I asked and he responded with a nod and pulled it out of his back pocket.
“I just need to feel good” my voice slurred as I whispered in his ear.
“I got you” he replied and began to eagerly suck on my neck. His cologne was so strong that I began to feel nauseated.
“Waaii…” I started to say when he quickly swung me around so that my back was against the house, but it was too late. I vomited all over his perfectly sculpted chest, as he jumped back seconds too late.
“Damn bitch, you must be faded!” Mel yelled, popping up just in time to witness it all. I hadn’t even realized she was here.
“I’m so sor” I started to say as another wave came rushing up. This time, he dodged it and left without another word.
“Rasshole!” Mel shouted towards his back, before coming to grab my hair out of the way. I felt like I was going to die as wave after wave continued to come up. I was so embarrassed but grateful my best friend was there to help me make it inside without anyone else seeing what had just happened.
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“What’s wrong?” Ella asked an hour later when she found me on the couch recuperating.
“I drank a lil too much and threw up on Mike” I chuckled back the embarrassment.
“Good, I know bout him and Ray” she laughed. “and I saw you wukkin up wit him. He don’t deserve dat”
“Yeah, you right. I was just having fun tho” I defended myself with a shrug.
“Well, what would be more fun is celebrating my acceptance to the BDF! Training starts the first week of January” she beamed. She always said she’d be a coast guard, looks like dreams have been taking off while I’ve been gone.
“Fi true?! You always said you would, look at you growing up on me. I’m so happy for you” I practically yelled, giving her a big hug.
“That’s why you need to get up! The turn up just started!”
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An hour later, we were five deep, wearing all black like a mob. Mel,Le, Nita, and I all grew up on the same block. It had been years since we hung out like we used to. Being with my girls brought the life out of me. They were my sisters and we had an unbreakable bond. I would do anything for them and vice versa.
By 2 a.m. we were on the beach huddled around a small bonfire giggling as we reminisced about the sleepovers we had when we were in middle school. We laughed about buck teeth and old crushes until our guts hurt.
As the waves crashed in the sand, I realized for the first time in a long time, I felt like myself again. I laid back in the sand and relished in the moment.
“What about you Rob? What was de best part of your year?”  Nita asked, after everyone raved about the good things that happened to them. Mel’s engagement, Nita was graduating, and will be an MD in the spring, Ella was accepted to the BDF, and Le was going on a tour with Rorrey. 
“Nothing. This was a shitty year. I don’t even want to talk about it” I rolled my eyes because my mood was just shot to shit. “A lot of crazy shit happened to me. Never in a million years would I have imagined my life going like this”
“But you’re still here, standing strong. That’s the best part.” Mel interrupted as I pushed back the wave of tears that were on standby. I wasn’t going to ruin a perfect evening with my girls, so I shook off the sadness.
“You know what, this is the most happiness I’ve had in a long time. We should do this at least twice a year. Crop over and Christmas. We have to escape the madness and steal this moment together” I suggested, and they all nodded in agreeance. We spent the rest of the night talking about what we would do different, and how next year will be better until we passed out on the beach, huddled together like old times.
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The past few days have been a complete shock. Kate and Cindy were staying with me since we couldn’t get a decent hotel with the holiday season being here. Her parents weren’t coming back until after the holidays and I didn’t have it in me to just leave them at a dump so I made sure they had everything they would need to get them through the week.
She stayed to herself in the room I initially had set up for Cindy. I hadn’t even realized I still had all the stuff I’d gotten her. She would only come out to eat or dispose of dirty diapers and I barely even knew they were there. Only today was different, it was Christmas and I didn’t know what to do. I had to stop by mama’s and Trey’s today, but there was no way I was bringing Kate along. At the same time, I really didn’t want to leave her alone in my house either.
I glanced at the clock and saw it was a little after eight. I could swing through mama’s to watch her open my gift, then stop by Trey’s for a quick minute, and possibly make it back before she even knew I was gone.
I took a quick shower and was dressed in fifteen minutes tops. I stopped by and peeked in on them, they were sound asleep just as I expected, so I quickly made my exit.
I made it to mom’s just as she was setting the table. After the food was done, I ate like I hadn’t eaten in days, then we exchanged gifts.
“Wow… this is beautiful” mama smiled in awe at the painting I’d made for her. It was a recreation of a picture of the two of us when I was five. It was the first time I had been to the beach, one of my happiest memories.
“I have to get your gift from the garage” she announced before taking off in that direction.
“I have something for you too” Richard stated pulling an envelope out and handing it to me. It was a Christmas card with two tickets for the Lakers game tonight.
“Wow Richard, I would love to go but I can’t accept these. I’ve been so busy that I didn’t get a chance to get you and Amber anything.“
"Nonsense, these are a gift and I want you to have them. We all have tickets for tonight’s game. You’re always busy so we can consider you joining us as our Christmas gift. ” he replied.
“I don’t know man, I had something to take care of tonight…"
"Damn boy, do you ever take a day off? Either you’re the busiest man in Cali or you REALLY don’t like us” Amber interrupted.
“I just promised a friend some time tonight that’s all"
"That’s why I got you two tickets” Richard pointed out. I really wanted to go, I just had Kate to think about. There’s just no way I’m bringing her and Cindy and I’m definitely not leaving them alone in my house that long. I felt like they were putting me on the spot so I was happy to see mama coming back from the garage with a small box in tow.
“You’re going to love this!” She squealed placing it in my hands. “Open up"
I did as I was told and was more than surprised at what was looking back at me. It was a puppy.
"It’s a bulldog! Now that you’re so busy and I don’t see you as often, I have to make sure there’s a lady in the house, keeping an eye on you” mama smiled while Amber took her and gave her some kisses.
“I’m gonna miss you…let me know if you ever need a sitter” She stated, passing her back to me.
I could tell the ride home was different for Diamond, that’s what I decided to call her. Her eyes just twinkled while she whined the whole way. I prayed she wouldn’t do this all day. 
I was pulling back in my driveway with Diamond asleep on my passenger seat and leftovers from Mama’s big breakfast for K when I noticed Ryan’s car pulling up right next to mine.
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"Merry Christmas” she called out as she stepped out with a gift bag.
“Merry Christmas. I’m sorry I didn’t realize we were doing the gift thing” I shook my head feeling bad.
“It’s okay we can share this gift” she replied pulling out a bottle of spiked eggnog.
“Can I take a rain check on this one?”
“So basically, you’re going to ditch me on Christmas knowing you’re my only friend?” she asked dramatically.
“Okay fine since you put it like that” I agreed. I figured Kate and Cindy were still asleep anyway and Ryan and I can chill for an hour or so. I grabbed the puppy and she excitedly took her from me.
“Awww, you have a new little baby. What’s his name?” she asked, pulling her close to her chest.
“HER name is Diamond” I corrected her with a smirk.
“Well. I’ll take her, you grab the bottle” she ordered, pushing it in my hand.
When we walked in, it was still as quiet as it was when I left and I couldn’t be more grateful. That is, until Diamond started whining again. She was so loud, you would’ve sworn someone was torturing her.
“She’s probably hungry” I realized, snapping my finger. I ran back to the car for her food and by the time I came back, she had woke Kate.
“What is that noise" she asked, clearly frightened.
“Kate?!” Ryan squealed, pushing me out the way and hugging her.
“Hey girl what are you doing here?” Kate asked, finally recognizing Ryan. “I didn’t know you knew Chris”
“Chris is my only friend these days” she joked. “We were going to have some eggnog; you wanna join? Wait where is your daughter…Sin right?”
“Uh…. how do you two know each other" I asked after getting the puppy settled.
“This is Kiki’s cousin, the one I was telling you about with the crazy baby daddy” she mumbled the last part. ‘How do you guys know each other?
“This is my Kate…I mean my friend I was telling you about”
“Ohh…” Ryan slowly begin to remember and suddenly it was awkward.
“Wow, small world” Kate whistled, breaking the silence and moving past us.
“We were going to watch Home Alone and sip eggnog, come hang with us” I offered with a shrug.
“Maybe after I feed Cindy” she replied, just as the baby began to cry.
“That’s my cue” she continued down the hall.
“Uno! I win!” I yelled dropping my last card on the pile. Just as promised, Kate joined Ryan and me on Home Alone, which led to the Grinch, which led to Uno. We were on our third game, and Kate had won the first two.
“It’s about time I get some competition around here” Kate laughed as I danced and celebrated my win.
“Naw, y'all cheating” Ryan sucked her teeth as she threw her Pile of cards in.
“You’re just mad you suck” I teased, and she rolled her eyes.
“Y'all lucky I have to work tonight, or I’d sit here until I win” she laughed as she stood up, laid Diamond down, and threw her jacket on.
“Well that was embarrassing” K announced when I came back from seeing Ryan out. She looked irritated, and the grin she was wearing a second ago was now replaced with a frown.
“What?” I asked, confused.
“I’m known as ‘Kiki’s cousin’s baby mama’ ” she repeated in Ryan’s English accent.
“Well that’s what happens when you randomly have someone’s baby” I replied and felt bad instantly. I didn’t hear how fucked up it sounded until it came out. She tossed down the cards she had picked up and stormed off without giving me the chance to correct myself.
A couple of hours later she still hadn’t come from the guest room. I felt like I needed to apologize, we were finally comfortable around each other again and I didn’t want to move backwards.
“Kate” I called out easing the door open to her room. I regretted it immediately. She was sitting on the bed with Cindy in her arms breastfeeding. Her breasts were at least two cup sizes bigger then I remember, which caught me by surprise. I didn’t mean to stare, but I couldn’t help but notice the difference.
“I’m sorry, I was just making sure y'all were okay” I stammered as we made eye contact.
“You actually have good timing, I really need that bag right there if you don’t mind passing it to me” she asked, pointing to the other side of the room. 
Just as I started towards it my phone rang. I gave her the bag and rushed out of the room grateful for the distraction. I missed the call, but a text came in immediately after.
Tina: Detective Reynolds left a message on the machine… He wants you to come down to the station for some questions.
“They just never give it a rest” I sighed shaking my head.
“Who?” K asked scaring the shit out of me.
“I didn’t know you were standing there” I chuckled. “I’m sorry about earlier I wasn’t intentionally disrespecting you. You know me better than that” I explained.
“Look, I know it was fucked up how everything turned out. If I could take it all back I would” she began to explain.
“We really don’t have to talk about this” I sighed. I wasn’t interested in going down memory lane with the situation. I’d actually prefer to forget it even happened.
“Yes, we do. I need to get this off my chest. Ty wasn’t some random dude. We had been of and on for a few years. Obviously while I was with you, we were off and when you were consumed with Robyn, I was with Ty. That doesn’t change how bad I felt when things turned out the way they did. If I knew there was even a small possibility that Ty could have been Cindy’s dad, I wouldn’t have gone through with having her. I know that sounds fucked up but it’s true. He’s not the type of person I want to be connected to forever.”
“So, you’re saying that you would have had an abortion?” I quizzed, remembering the time Robyn suggested it and Kate flipped shit.
“Yes, only because he’s not equipped to be a parent. The only reason I told him she was his is because I thought him seeing her would be enough to encourage him to be better, especially towards me.”
“K… is he putting his hands on you?” I asked, looking in her eyes for the truth. She nodded as tears filled her eyes.
“He’s always been verbally abusive but since I had Cindy, he’s hit me twice. If I would have known he could be even worse towards me, I wouldn’t have told him about her. I just need a job so I can save enough money to start over somewhere he couldn’t possibly find us.”
“How about I just take care of him?” I asked, feeling a wave of anger boiling in my gut. Yeah, she did some fucked up things, but Kate didn’t deserve to be hit on.
“You can’t” she protested.
“I know people that can get away with it” I pressed.
“Oh, you mean…no, no, no. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself knowing you had him killed!” she exclaimed. “He’s not a bad person, it’s just how he grew up. He had counseling and therapy but when he drinks everything, he learned flies out the window.”
“That’s bullshit and I hope you’re truly done with him. I’ll give you a job, I’m sure Tina can find some use for you. You can have a good amount saved within a couple of months.”  I suggested. “But you better not go back to that man. You deserve better”
“Well, would it be too much to ask if I wanted to stay here with you until I’m able to get my own place?” she pleaded.
“I don’t know it was rough when you were pregnant remember?”
“That’s different. My hormones were out of whack” she laughed. “but seriously can you at least think about it?”
“We’ll just take it a day at a time” I decided.
“Thank you so much!” she sighed, giving me a big hug. “Oh, and the other day you said something about losing your son...does that mean Robyn was pregnant?”
“It wouldn’t be from anyone else” I nodded “She lost him in a car accident a couple of days before my birthday.  
"Wait we were together at that time...so that's why you were so withdrawn. You were a complete dick to me" 
"I'm sorry...It wasn't personal" 
 "No, I get it now. You were in mourning and I'm sure our situation didn't make it any better." She sympathized. 
We spent the rest of the night playing with Diamond and Cindy and I couldn't help but wonder how things would've turned out if Cindy had been mine. Would I still be so in love with Robyn, or could I see myself falling for Kate and being a happy little family? For whatever reason, this is what God wanted. I just had to work on accepting it, so I can move on. 
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“Chris someone is at the door” K announced, shaking my shoulder repeatedly.
“Okay. I’m, up I’m up” I replied as the knocking continued, louder this time.
When I opened the door, I was face to face with two police officers and the first thing that came to mind was something happened to mama.
“What’s going on officers?” I asked as my heart rate sped up, preparing for bad news.
“Are you Christopher Brown?” The first one asked, flipping his badge out.
“You are under arrest for the murder of Michelle Davis"
"this must be some kind of mistake” I tried to explain but neither of them was hearing it.
“Turn around and put your hands behind your back” the first one ordered. I did as I was told, and he forcefully grabbed my hands and put them in cuffs.
“Chris… what’s going on?” K appeared with Cindy in her arms.
“Call my mom asap and let her know I need her. The phone password is 0220.” I yelled over my shoulder as they pulled me to the police car.
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lightforgedeve · 6 years
What did i come back into?
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Dear Journal,
Once again it's been a time since i last wrote, i apologize. I didn't want to lose you on this journey. 
It all started with the nightmares, at first i thought maybe they were the after effects of the fog i inhaled. However, it's still lingering and it's been leaving me to have restless nights, so i decided to investigate. At first i locked myself in Vyciels library to research, maybe see if there was a connection to the fog and the dreams. However, since it's still unknown to us what exactly what it was i couldn't find anything, it is knowledge beyond me. So i decided to seek help, at first i thought to talking to Vyciel about it all but i felt maybe she wouldn't be able to, i don't have a grasp of her yet.
I thought to head to talk to the Druids in Moonglade, i understand they know of or have access to something called the Merealid Dream, or something like that. It has 'dream' in the name so surely i would be able to get some answers. 
However, it seems to be a sort of realm that only very strong druids can venture into, and that it's a place that is connected to us all but we can't just wonder into. Something of such nature. I couldn't quite grasp it all and it took me time just to understand that, perhaps i wouldn't get my answers.
I decided to return home, with a heavy heart, i felt defeated. At first i wasn't sure how to move forward, but it was nice being back home. I seemed to have arrived at a great time, it seems the city has been flourishing in a new way while i was away. There was a celebration commencing not long after i came back. They were celebrating the city and Republic. Celebrating the allies we have and have gained over time, there were new faces for me to see as well as old friends which made me feel happy.
Some people received honors for their work thus far. It was a happy occasion. However, sad news did come to our attention. I have faith strength will come from it of course.
I also learned my Sister has also been having similar dreams as i have and she had been away as well, around the same time as myself. Her's are a bit different, they seem to focus mostly on just her and Aursuna, which from my recent studies does make some sense. As for Lyn'dara, Aursuna is her love after all. It's her duty to protect her, so failing in that. Well, i can't imagine how devastating that could feel. I have a sense, considering that's how i feel if i ever failed the High Vindicator.
I'm sure it's on a different level for her though since they are a pair after all. I'm glad to be home, and with finding out my sister is also having such dreams, i have hope we can find an answer together and move forward. Vyciel also seems to have a new uh child, i guess. It seems she has a few she is a mother figure too, asides one who really is her blood, which is in it's own way very strange and i don't really want to accept how it came to be as it seems to unnatural. It makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. I am glad she was able to talk to me of such things, so i'm happy to start learning about her.  However, i'm...unsure if i want to know these types of things.
I can't deny the feeling of wanting to know, and i know that there is something stirring in me to want to be with her. I can't lie in saying i don't feel angry to others that touch her or are too close to her. One of her children was holding her hand, i didn't know who they were and i was so angry, i wanted to yell at them and it frustrates me to no end when Vyciel is friendly with others or kisses their foreheads. It just seems inappropriate and i'm not sure how to go about it or understand these feelings.
I'll just have to give things time and hope they subside and move on as i grow closer to her in the future. I hope so.
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Dear Journal,
You wont believe this! I couldn't! I was so shocked! I wanted to speak to my sister about the dreams and compile our knowledge, however i was distracted by the High Vindicator as he wanted to introduce me to his, get this, APPRENTICE!  He has an apprentice! I was never called such before! And yet, he now has one?! She's not even a Lightforged let alone a paladin! I was so super angry!
I go away for a short time, and then he has someone new to be under his wing. It really felt like such a sting. However he said that i had passed being his apprentice and just wasn't anymore, which felt really amazing. I wasn't aware he considered me as such and to know he thought of me that and that i graduated such a point already, it really makes me try and remember just how long we have worked together and think about all we have gone through.
I feel i am still not ready to be past that point in my life or training, i feel a bit honored.  Plus his apprentice is actually really nice, she's interesting. I'm rather excited to see how she grows and continues moving forward. She has a long way to go. I'm sure she's as old or even older then me, yet she really has a long way to go.
She reminds me very much like a piece of coal, or no, maybe a harder metal ah, storm silver ore differently seems more like her. She has a bit of a spark to her that's beautiful but scary at the same time. I can't wait to see what sort of gem can be polished out of her!
I think the High Vindicator will have to be a bit hard on her to get her in a direction and i worry how the effects will be taken. It will either be amazing, or it will go horribly wrong. I'm hoping with me helping i can ease them both and help the transition.
The first time i trained with him wasn't exactly the easiest battle i've been through, but it helped me understand him and i hope she can see through what he does to understand him too. It'll be nice having a comrade in such regards for a change.
She also spoke really easily with me about her life, well i'm sure it was hard for her, but it sort of caught me off guard. Apparently all i needed to do is listen, but...that's how i always am, i think. I'm always willing to listen to others to understand them, so long they feel they can talk.
It made me think about why Vyciel hasn't been able to do that with me. Maybe she's just not ready, or maybe she doesn't know how to talk about her life. I'm not sure. I mean, of course she's told me some things, i've mentioned them before, but it feels very different besides, it's not like i've told her much about me and my life. Well, she met my mother, i figure that's enough to understand me in a way.
I'm going to get some sleep, it had been a long day.
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Dear journal,
Ho boy, i am not sure how to go about today. I went about my day as normal as ever, coming back home from Vyciels i happened upon Liaana, the High Vindicators new apprentice. She was going for a hunt and asked me to join her. So i went ahead to change and clean myself up and get ready for such a venture.
It was amazing to see Shamanistic powers preformed right in front of me.  She we talked about her gifts and talents for a bit and we ended up getting joined by Deya, whose another new comer. She happened to see us as she was going about her rounds i guess, so she joined us. We all sat together for a while talking, eating some rabbit, before heading back to the city.
Deya had left before myself and Liaana, once back we talked a bit more before going on our ways. I had to go about my own duties, then in the afternoon we met up once more to see about getting her started on some training. The High Vindicator soon joined us.
She did some basics for warming up. Then we went on to combat. Rules were simple, no weapons. I wanted to go a bit easy on her, but of course couldn't make it look like it with the High Vindicator watching. It was a bit more difficult then i expected and she used the same trap trick on me as she did on the rabbit! It's poor lil’ life flashed before my eyes, i think she should change her method of hunting, that was rather scary. Having the ground suddenly just vanish on me in such a way.
I did of course, as planned, lost. It was rather close, in some ways. She is talented and it was refreshing to fight some new type of battle. In a way.   I think i should start challenging myself in different type of battle situations more often, there are many different talents here that are different then demons that i am not used to. I wont learn till i attempt them in any case.
However, uh, well. The rest was a bit difficult. He didn't want us using our powers, and forgot to mention it. In his own round about way, he was apologizing for that. However Liaana gave a bit of a sassy attitude back into how she had asked about the rules. Which of course, set the high Vindicator off to teach her "manners" which was to knock her down and pick her back up to glare at her. Which..of course set everyone off who was watching. I was able to get myself in quick enough and stop anything from going too extreme and the High Vindicator walked off.
Liaana got checked over, of course she was fine. However that's when people started talking poorly about the High Vindicator. Dessendre and Bryceon were speaking of him poorly, claiming him to be terrible for hitting someone who already has injuries. Which normally i agree, but she can't be allowed to use that as an excuse to get away with things so of course i had to speak frank to the pair which in it's own course didn't work well.
I spoke with Liaana to try and better explain the situation and about how the High Vindicator can be. She seemed to understand and as i had hoped he returned and went on to apologize, in his own little way.
The evening tired me out pretty quickly, but i ensured to finish my work before getting to bed. The lack of sleep and the growing fear of my dream has only grown heavily in my heart, the fear lingers a bit in my wake and sometime's it takes me a moment to recall where i am and that things are fine. I've been seeking comfort in Vyciels bed more often, just feeling her near me makes me feel a bit better, her own body heat reminds me it's safe.
But i'm not sure how long it'll last, she has told me a short time ago that her own life is in danger, i think that's only escalated my feelings of fear. I had hoped to speak to her, but i don't want to bother her when she has her own worries and things to sort through on how to save herself and her Archive. I'll just have to make sure i'm ready for whatever way i can help her in her own journey.
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Dear Journal,
I have made a knew very unsettling discovery, well i have found out many, many just horrible terrifying things. I am really not sure how to talk about it all and i don't think i can convey the shock and horror and just very strange day today has been. I'll try. 
I decided to do some scouting in the surrounding lands, see if anything was a miss and when i returned there was this very strange air around the city and it was heavy within. I decided to find the High Vindicator, see if anything happened while i was away. The Barracks was closed off, shielded by a shield i wasn't all that familiar with. Cassa'nara showed up and of course she was of little help as per usual when i asked her some questions, speaking in riddles as always like Vyciel does, which irritates me so! So went on to call out to the High Vindicator, and the shield came down. It must of been made by him i figured. I went on ahead inside and found him at his desk. One of Vyciels daughters was there, Presidium i believe her name was. However, she had the darkness of the void around her.
I went on to asking questions, however the High Vindicator stopped me and showed me a vision he had been having. It was, very, very much like my own. Different, but even more so similar to mine then even Lyn'dara's was. The fear, the darkness, the dread of no hope. However, there was a child within his own vision who he was guarding. It shocked me and caught me by surprise. He expressed how that had been effecting him as of late and causing him some troubles. I understand of course.
I was still curious about the rest of what was happening, he told me to leave it be. For then, i agreed. Understanding his own feelings towards such a vision, i couldn't imagine how much it was clouding his mind and effecting him. The fear and anger he must be feeling. I could understand if he never slept, not wanting to face those again each night. I know, i didn't want to.
I was soon invited to have some tea with Eveneah and Zedwynn. I agreed. I like to think i know Zedwynn enough to understand she doesn't usually do such things unless she wants to speak about something of importance. Of course talking of the old times would have been fine enough, but i felt uneasy and needed to know what had occurred to cause the High Vindicator to close himself from the others.
Cutting to the chase i learned of how Zedwynn was accusing the High Vindicator for harming Presidium. As she has bruises upon her body. Of course it made me understand why Vyciel had come to the High Vindicators office to be with Presidium, however i assumed someone else may of harmed her and that the High Vindicator was looking into it. I mean, who sits in a room quietly with someone whose harming them?
I got defensive of course and tried forcing a proper investigation, however Zedwynn and i didn't quite see in the same way so she left. I took matters into my own hands. I thought to calm myself and pray to the Light on the matter, however i ran into the person i wanted to talk to. Presidium was within the chapel on her own praying as well. I decided to see it as the Light had approved of my feelings and were happy to also show me that the man i looked up to was innocent.
However, it was uh, the news and information was a bit more then i could comprehend. After finding out that they, the two, him and her, the High Vindicator and uh Presdium that they uh, they are a couple of sorts it uh, really was just too much for me. I ended up fainting. Eveneah ended up happening upon the scene as well as my sister, as she was looking for me and they were able to rouse me. After such a moment i was being summoned by the Consul, i could barely bring myself together before i was brought to her properly. I already felt so weak and sick and the end of tonight, i'm really not sure if i'll be able to sleep and it wont be the nightmares keeping me awake this time.
The Consul spoke to me about the events of today and my investigating having now helped the summery of it was able to help her understand what needed to be done. Having such explained to me on just how severe what has transpired, i agree with the course.
I'm so angry, but i'm so tired.
I wouldn't be angry if he found someone to be with, finding a mate would be wonderful for him. However, she was already with someone and even though he was aware of that he and her still continued on their own way. That is just disgraceful. It's embarrassing and disloyal.
Of course, i had to have such things better explained to me and my own loyalties were questioned and tested due to my respect and loyalty to the High Vindicator.  My own relation with Vyciel was brought in as an example to help me understand. Apparently i have jealousy. I don't still understand what that means, but there are other more important things happening besides my own feelings. I am loyal to the Republic, they have taken us in and have done much for me and my own, not to mention the new growth and new friends and family i can be with. With such said, i'll act as the High Vindicators stand in till everything is sorted through and he returns to his place.
If he can. He had stumbled in upon our meeting about him, a complete mess. I have worries and fears on what had harmed him so. Whatever attacked him is a force to be recon with, however, i feel if this was something coming for us he would have warned us. Instead of blubbering on how he deserves to die, as that is apparently what we think of him. 
The Consul of course called for me to find Rosewood, not sure who that is, they must be an amazing healer. I couldn't find Rosewood, but i did find Eveneah who is an amazing healer! Though she said she is Rosewood, i think she's playing a thing called a 'prank' on me. I know i have mistaken her and Presdium before as they look much alike and wear the same clothing, but i think this was a bit too far at the wrong time, so i didn't press it and brought her with me. However, the Consul called her Rosewood, so i'm wondering if Eveneah lied to the Consul about her real name. I'm worried for my friend, i think i'll talk to her about it and make sure she's safe at a later date.
At the end of this,  the Consul gave me a parchment that weighs heavily on me. It's promotion papers for me to sign, i would be taking the High Vindicators place. She reassured me she is what the Republic needs now, and that i'm ready. Even Aursuna believes in such.
I have, many doubts.
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🌻 100 Questions 🌻
Tagged by: @sigurd-curtis 💗
1. What is your nickname? Sandee, like the one in Spongebob Squarepants but with double e's cuz y not? 😂😂😂
2. How old are you? I'm 19 years old. Looks like a 12 year old. Has a mind of a 5 year old. (lolz)
3. What is your birthday month? May 🌸
4. What is your zodiac sign? Taurus
5. What is your favorite color? BLUE ALL THE WAY. ALL SHADES. NAME IT. AS LONG AS IT'S "BLUE." 💙
6. What is your lucky number? 27 all the wayyy!
7. Do you have any pets? Yaaas boi. 4 cats: 2 black and white, a pure white, and a mackerel. 🐈💕
8. Where are you from? Mabuhay, Philippines!
9. How tall are you? (NUUUU, NOT THIS QUESTIONNN) Chibi-size: 1.5 m or 4'11" 😭😭😭
10. What shoe size are you? Baby feet: US 6
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Uhhh lucky pickkk! About 10? 😂😂😂
12. Are you random? YO DUDE 100% POSITIVE
13. Last person you texted? My sister.
14. Are you psychic in any way? *does some things with hands* Nope...
15. Last TV show you watched? Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir 💕
16. Favorite movie? Megamind (Told ya I'm a five year old haha)
17. Favorite show from your childhood? The Powerpuff Girls! Solid fan with head to toe merch, y'all. (I was a cool kid back then haha)
18. Do you want children? I don't like kids but if it's mine then...well, that's a different case. 😂😂😂
19. Do you want a church wedding? Where's the groom first? jk 😂
20. What is your religion? MCGI ✨
21. Have you ever been to a hospital? As a visitor? Yes. As a patient? Nah, dude.
22. Have you ever gotten trouble with the law? Nope.
23. How is life? Great but school's hard, man. Fighting! 👊
24. Baths or showers? Uhhh what's the difference? Is it the tub and shower thing? Where's the dipper (tabo) option here? #FilipinoProblems 😂😂😂
25. What color socks are you wearing? White with blue stripes
26. Have you ever been famous? YO DUDE, "FAMOUS (SIKAT)" IS MY MIDDLE NAME, Y'ALL. BUY MY ALBUM. 😂😂😂 but seriously uhhh idk haha
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Nah, I'll pass. People will just judge my wardrobe choices haha.
28. What type of music do you like? Alternative Rock, Pop Punk, Punk Rock, Metalcore, and my favorite, Post-Hardcore. \m/
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Nah. Not my thing.
30. How many people do you sleep with? How about "how many stuffed toys do you sleep with" huh? Cuz I've got 5 haha
31. What position do you sleep in? Any position but mostly it's on the side.
32. How big is your house? Big enough to fit my family and cats (lolz).
33. What do you typically eat for breakfast? Idk man because the menu here goes by the motto "going against the grain." Breakfast can be lunch, merienda, or dinner here if you like.
34. Have you ever left the country? Nah, too lazy and too broke.
35. Have you ever tried archery? (yeah, Leslie taught me 😂) No, but I wanted to.
36. Do you like someone? As in "like-like" kind of "like" with a real person? Nah, too busy with my 2D and band boiz.
37. Favorite swear word? I don't swear but I go with alternatives like 'darn' and 'freakin' words.
38. When do you fall asleep? Depends. Early on a weekday, late on a weekend especially Saturday.
39. Do you have any cars? How I wish but none. But it'll be sweet to have one. 😎😎😎
40. Sexual orientation? Straight.
41. Are you a good liar? Hmmm, depends on the victim haha.
42. What languages would you like to learn? Some Japanese, Spanish, French, and a dash of Portuguese, please!
43. Top 10 songs? Uhhh it's hard to choose 10 songs if your music is 15gb (and counting) in size, yo. Just listen to the album "Entertainment" by Waterparks. 10 songs. All are gold. 📼💜
44. Do you like your country? YES.
45. Do you have friends from the web? Yeah, I believe so.
46. What is your personality type? I'm an advocate INFJ!!
47. Hogwarts House? Not a fan but Pottermore told me I'm a Ravenclaw.
48. Can you curl your tongue? Nope.
49. Pick one character you most relate to? Lowkey Death the Kid in terms of perfectionist problems and a Mel Glover in terms of introverted problems.
50. Left or right handed? Proud Leftyyy!
51. Are you scared of spiders? What's the size? If it's huge, shocking and deadly, imma say yes.
52. Favorite food? Sweets and desserts 🍰
53. Favorite foreign food? Alfredo Pasta
54. Are you a clean or messy person? CLEAN but if I'm busy, I tend to clutter my working table until I'm done with what I'm working.
55. If you could switch gender for a day, what would you do? Maybe have a formal fashion show, wearing all those cool-looking suit and ties or maybe do cosplay haha
56. What color underwear? Omg this is a question? Blues and whites 😂😂😂
57. How long does it take to get ready? 30 minutes to an hour. Depends on the occasion. But if it's just somewhere near, 5 minutes is enough.
58. Do you have much of an ego? Hmmm nah.
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck 'em up but I'll eventually bite it if it's already pea size haha
60. Do you talk to yourself? Yeah, inside my head.
61. Do you sing to yourself? Yeah, sometimes.
62. Are you a good singer? HELL NO. The rain told me so.
63. Biggest fear? Not sure...
64. Are you a gossip? Unintentional gossip queen. It's not my fault that other people are talking loud enough for me to hear. 😂😂😂
65. Are you a grammar natzi? Lowkey grammar natzi wherein I judge people inside my head (lolz).
66. Do you have short or long hair? Usual anime long hair (above the bum). 😂😂😂
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? Nope.
68. Favorite school subject? Science, especially Chemistry! 💕
69. Extrovert or Introvert? 100% INTROVERT
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? Nope but I wanna try.
71. What makes you nervous? Hmmm imma say socializing and dealing with people, thinking that I might offend them with my out of this world humor.
72. Are you scared of the dark? Depends.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Depends on the people I'm correcting. If I'm close to that person then yes but if it's a stranger, no.
74. Are you ticklish? Nope.
75. Have you ever started a rumor? Just between best/closed friends.
76. Have you ever been out of your home country? Nope.
77. Have you ever drunk underage? Nope. Not my thing, bruh.
78. Have you ever done drugs? NOPE. Hell no. Not my thing, bruh.
79. What do you fantasize about? A lot of things.
80. How many piercings do you have? One each ear.
81. Can you roll your R's? Yep.
82. How fast can you type? Not 'that' fast.
83. How fast can you run? Pass. I'm not a fan of running.
84. What color is your hair? Black with a hint of dark brown under the sun.
85. What color are your eyes? Dark brown.
86. What are you allergic to? Cheap eye makeup.
87. Do you have a journal? Yeah, but I use it for doodles and drawings.
88. Are you depressed about anything? Nope.
89. Do you like your age? Sure. Why not. But there are times I want to be a lil kid again. Adulthood is hard, bruh.
90. What makes you angry? For starters, I hate those things that will make my perfectionist self mad (like my graduation picture which is not centered, hell no).
91. Do you like your own name? Yeah, sure. But sometimes I want it to be more of a 'z' or 'x' starter than the usual 's'.
92. Did you ever get a foreign object op your nose? Nah.
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? Idk. I want to play swords and guns with my boy but I also want to dress up and play with my girl's hair. 😂😂😂
94. What talents do you have? I can draw but only to my preferences. Beyond that? Nah. I'm too lazy to try painting and watercolor.
95. Sun or Moon? Both 💕
96. How did you get your name? Through my aunts.
97. Are you religious? Yeah.
98. Have you ever been to a therapist? Nope.99. Color of your bedspread? Atm it's pink. 100. Tumblr best friend? No.1 hater here @goldsteindigger 🐈🐈🐈 I tag Ms. answer to question 100 next: @goldsteindigger be grateful, paki-bilisan haha 😂😂😂
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