#when my step dad asked the doctor on friday about the cancer they were confused and asked what cancer? and that's how we found out......
seungkwan-s · 1 year
i thought i would update you guys on my granny's condition. so, we found out, she was misdiagnosed. she's prone to fluid in her lungs and the nurses admitted they should have read her notes properly because they saw that and assumed it was cancer. which is honestly horrific and my step dad is angry that we all went through a lot of unnecessary stress and hurt :(
i'm honestly relieved that it's not cancer but still angry that this went on for weeks :(
she will hopefully be out of hospital in the next few weeks <3
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theotherackerman · 3 years
Carry on My Wayward Son
Grisha Jaeger disappears leaving his sons, Zeke and Eren, to pick up where he left off in the family business: hunting things, saving people. They soon learn not everything is as simple as they think. The world isn't as black and white as their father led them to believe. There are things more complex than just humans and monsters. Includes: monsters, classic cars, classic rock, and two brothers against the world.
an Eremika romance, very loosely based on the tv show Supernatural.
Ships: Eren x Mikasa
Other Tags:  References to Supernatural (TV), demifae, references to a court of thorns and rose, references to throne of glass, i didn't want to deal with angels so i used fairies instead, F/M, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Any recognizable elements belong either to Supernatural, Throne of Glass, A Court of Thorns and Roses, or Attack on Titan.
Lawrence, Kansas
22 years ago
Grisha Jaeger was enjoying a peaceful night at home. His second wife slept soundly upstairs. He looked over at the picture of his first wife on the wall.
Dina had died four years ago of cancer.
It had been hard for Grisha. He had to deal with the loss of his wife along with raising his son by himself. Being a single parent wasn’t easy.
But then Carla came into his life.
Carla had treated Zeke like he was her own. She absolutely loved the boy.
Now they had a son of their own.
Grisha drifted off to sleep as the tv played.
What felt like a few moments later, a scream came from upstairs, waking Grisha. He made his way towards the direction he had heard the scream. The nursey, Eren's room. He leaned over Eren’s crib, where the baby boy was crying.
“You’re okay. Where’s your mom?” Grisha asked.
A drop of blood landed on his arm.
He looked up to see Carla pinned to the ceiling.
“Carla?” he asked, confused by what was happening.
Fire sprung from Carla’s chest, filling the room.
“CARLA!” Grisha yelled before scooping up Eren from the crib.
“Daddy, what’s wrong?” Zeke asked as he came into the baby’s room.
Grisha handed him Eren.
“Take your brother outside as fast as you can and don’t look back! Go! Now, Zeke! Listen to me!” Grisha yelled.
He wasn’t giving up on Carla.
He would save her somehow.
But in the end, he didn’t.
Grisha didn’t know but the events of that night had long been put into place.
A moment frozen in time, the beginning of something much bigger than he could possibly understand.
Grisha sat in the driver's seat of his car, Zeke in the passenger with Eren in his arms. They watched as the firemen tried to put out the fire.
Stanford University
Present Day-October 31st, Sunday
A picture of Carla and Grisha sat in the living room of Eren Jaeger’s small apartment that he shared with his current girlfriend Mikasa Ackerman.
“So you’re not going to call your dad and tell him how you scored on the MCAT?” she asked as she pulled on her nurse’s costume.
“No, he won’t care,” Eren asked as he shook his head at her. “Why are you wearing that?”
“It’s Halloween! Who are you going as?”
“A psychopath, they look like everyone else,” he scoffed as he crossed his arms across his chest. “Besides, you know I hate Halloween.”
“You never told me why. I guess that’s a part of the Eren Jaeger mystery. You know if this is ever going anywhere, you’re going to have to open up.”
"After my interview Friday, I'll tell you everything. I promise," he said as he ran a hand through her long brunette hair.
"Why don't I believe that?" She asked him.
"Let's skip the party. Stay in tonight."
"Eren, come on. Floch will be waiting for us. You know how he gets."
Eren sighed as he pulled on his jacket. "Fine," he muttered as he walked towards the door.
She slipped her hand into his. "Just a few drinks and then I promise, you can take this costume off with your teeth."
"I'll be holding you to that. You know...have you ever thought of being a nurse because of this costume.."
Mikasa gave Eren a playful shove.
"SHOTS! SHOTS!" Floch screamed at the top of his lungs.
"Why did I let you talk me into this?" Eren muttered.
"Because you got a 522 on the MCAT! There's no way Stanford's Medical School is not going to take you," Mikasa said as she leaned into Eren's embrace. "Your interview Friday is just a formality. We both know that."
"You can't be sure of that," Eren said as he rolled his eyes.
"So I'm gonna go home with Hitch. You two...nice costume Mikasa...go play doctor," a drunk Floch remarked.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Eren said before he patted Floch on the back.
"He is going to pass out as soon as he gets in her apartment," Mikasa replied.
"Let's go home, Halloween hater," Mikasa smiled as she took his hand into hers again.
It was around midnight when Eren got out of the shower. He walked into the bedroom and pulled on a pair of sweatpants pants.
Mikasa was sound asleep in bed.
Eren didn’t know how he had gotten so lucky with her. He worried about telling her the truth. My family fights demons, werewolves, and the forces of darkness didn’t have a good ring to it. She’d think he was crazy or worse.
He heard a noise coming from the kitchen.
Eren ready himself for whatever was in the kitchen. He took quiet steps. Damn, he hoped it wasn’t a ghost. He hated dealing with them.
No, whatever this was had a corporeal form.
Eren attacked and made every hit. The problem was the thing hit back.
What could it possibly be?
Maybe it was just a break in.
Either way, it wasn’t leaving alive.
Eren tackled it to the ground, one hand holding both of the man’s wrists about his head while the other went for the throat.
“Whoa, easy there, tiger,” Zeke’s voice cut through.
“Zeke? What the fuck? I almost killed you!” he said as he released Zeke’s hands and throats.
“I let you win.”
The lights turned on to reveal Zeke.
“Everything okay?” Mikasa asked as she stepped into the kitchen, wearing a tight fitting shirt that had the logo for the anime Sailor Moon and very short black shorts.
“Mikasa, this is Zeke. Zeke, this is my girlfriend Mikasa.”
“Mikasa, hey. Has anyone ever told you that you’re out of my brother’s league? Because you are. I,on the other hand….”
“Alright, asshole. Knock it off,” Eren said before shoving Zeke.
“I’ll go put some clothes on,” Mikasa said as she started to leave the room.
“No, don’t. You should stay this way. Sailor Moon is a classic, right, Eren?”
“Ignore him, I do,” Eren said before making his way over to Mikasa and wrapping his arm around her.
“Anyway, I need to borrow your boyfriend for a moment. Very private family stuff, you know? I’m sure you understand,” Zeke said.
“No, anything you have to say to her, you can say to me,” Eren stated.
“Okay. Well, Dad hasn’t been home in a few days,” Zeke explained.
“So what? He’s probably getting drunk on Jim, Jack, and Jose. He’ll stumble in drunk like he always does.”
“Dad's on a hunting trip. And he hasn't been home in a few days.”
“Mikasa, can you excuse us?” Eren said before taking his brother by the arm and dragging him outside. “Why are you here? I told you I was done hunting.”
“Because I have no one else to go to. Are you coming with me or not?”
“I’m not coming with you. I swore I wasn’t hunting anymore and I meant it. Do you not think about the way we grew up? When I was a kid, I told Dad was afraid of the dark and what did he do? He gave a nine year old a shotgun!”
“What was he supposed to do?” Zeke asked as he crossed his arms across his chest. “Tell you not to be afraid? We know what’s out there in the dark!”
“That’s exactly what he was supposed to do! The way we grew up...after Mom died...Dad’s obsession with the thing that killed her. It’s not normal. None of this is normal!” Eren exclaimed before running his hand through his hair. “And we can’t find it! So we kill everything we can find instead.”
“And we save people!” Zeke argued.
“Okay but do you think Mom would want this?”
“I don’t know because I got to lose my mom twice.”
Eren looked down.
He knew losing his mother had been hard but Zeke had to go through it twice.
“What are you going to do? Live some apple pie life?” Zeke asked before crossing his arms across his chest.
“Yeah, a safe life.”
“Dad’s in trouble. I can feel it. I can’t do this alone,” Zeke pleaded.
“Yeah, you can.”
“Well, how about I don’t want to?”
Eren sighed, “what was he hunting?”
Zeke walked over to the black 1967 Chevy Impala and popped the trunk. He then opened the spot where the spare tire was supposed to be. Inside was a variety of weapons. Swords, guns, syringes, machetes, a toolbox, rock salt, knives, bows, and arrows were just among a few of the things that one could see when the trunk was open.
“Let’s see..” Zeke said as he dug around.
“Wait, why weren’t you with Dad?” Eren asked as he peered over into the trunk.
“Because I had my own hunt,” Zeke answered, still digging around.
“By yourself?”
“I’m twenty-six!” Zeke exclaimed. “Oh! There it is!” He pulled out a file folder and papers. “So going back twenty years, Dad found this pattern. Men driving this strip of the highway, keep going missing.”
“Okay, so?”
“And this I get this voicemail,” Zeke said as he pulled his phone out and put it on speaker. Grisha’s voice played.
“ Zeke...something big is starting to happen...I need to try and figure out what's going on. It may... Be very careful, Zeke. We're all in danger .”
“EVP is on that,” Eren pointed out.
“Kind of like riding a bike, right?”
Eren rolled his eyes. “So what does it say?”
“It’s a woman saying can never go home.”
“Never go home?”
“Yeah. Look, in three years, I’ve never bothered you. Never asked you for anything. But Eren, I need you for this.”
Eren threw his arms before sighing. “Fine. I have to be back by Friday though,”
“Why Friday?” Zeke asked before he closed the trunk.
“Job interview.”
“For what?” Zeke asked before they headed back into Eren’s apartment.
“Medical school,” Eren stated.
“Medical school?”
“Alright, fine. I’ll bring you back in time for your interview.”
Mikasa hadn’t been thrilled about Eren leaving. No matter how many times he reassured her. He promised that he would explain everything after the interview. So Eren and Zeke went on their hunt. Their father was nowhere to be seen. They did, however, save people from a woman in white and find their father’s journal.
All that was left was to return Eren home.
Eren saw how Zeke wanted him to return to hunting.
But Eren couldn’t.
Eren wanted a safe, normal life. He had already been shopping for a ring for Mikasa. He knew he wanted to make her his wife. But first, he had to tell her everything which he would right after his interview. Hopefully she still wanted to be with him after that.
They returned to Eren’s apartment on Thursday.
Eren had just got inside. He laid down on his bed and suddenly, there was a drop of blood from the ceiling.
Eren Jaeger saw his dad for the first time in three years. Eren reached for him but it was too late.
Then the fire was everywhere. It was inescapable.  
Then Eren saw something.
A demon with Yellow Eyes was right there.
“NO!” Eren screamed as he got out of bed.
Another demon with black eyes appeared, he grabbed a hold of Eren, burning his flesh. The fight with the black eyed demon began.
Just then Mikasa rushed into the apartment, ready to take on whatever.
Eren couldn’t lose her. He prepared himself.
“Mikasa! Get out of here!” he yelled as he continued to wrestle with the black eyed demon.
But what Eren hadn't prepared himself for was the green glow of Mikasa's eyes or the black feathered wings that sprouted from her back.
"I thought your kind was all dead," the Yellow Eyed demon teased.
"What host do you have? What is your real name?"
"I don’t need a host. This body is mine."
"You fell. Wait much longer and your eyes will be black."
“Didn’t fall either. I'm not an angel,” Mikasa replied.
Zeke rushed into the apartment.
“We need to get out of here!” Zeke yelled as the fire raged. The fire was beginning to surround them .
“Well, my time is up. See you around, boys,” The Yellow Eyed demon said before disappearing.
Mikasa pulled out a knife from seemingly nowhere that neither Eren or Zeke had seen before.
She plunged it into the black eyed demon's chest. He let go of Eren, throwing Eren to the floor before the demon burst into flames.
"We should get out of here," Mikasa said. Her wings went back into her body, leaving two slits in the back of her shirt.
“Great, any idea how? We’re kind of surrounded,” Zeke pointed out the fire all around them.
Mikasa closed her eyes. The fire began to part.
“Go!” Mikasa yelled.
Eren was frozen until Zeke dragged him out. Mikasa followed them out.
Eren didn’t understand what was happening.
What was Mikasa?
“Eren, you got burnt,” Zeke pointed out.
There were singe marks on his arm where the demon had been holding him. He hadn’t even felt it. Mikasa reached out. Her eyes glowed again. Eren’s arm was healed. Not only that, it was as if the burn had never occurred.
Then Mikasa collapsed to the ground.
Zeke picked Mikasa up and put her in the backseat of the car. He walked around to the trunk and pulled out a pair of special handcuffs. There were devil traps engraved in both of them.
“Just in case,” Zeke said as he attached them to each of Mikasa’s arms. “Come on, let’s take her to Levi’s. If we drive through the night and into tomorrow, we’ll make it to Levi’s before you know it.”
Twenty five hours later, they arrived at Levi’s house in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Mikasa hadn’t even stirred the whole time that they had been driving.
Eren didn’t speak hardly at all. Zeke had let him take over the driving while he slept but even then, Eren hadn’t said much.
Levi was like a second father to Zeke and Eren. When Grisha had days he spent drunk, Levi had taken care of the two of them. Levi was a hunter just like them. He had lost someone he loved too. That was the way most people entered life. Something awful happened to someone they loved.
Zeke had carried Mikasa into Levi’s house. She stirred in Zeke’s arms.
“Oh. Hey, Sleeping Beauty,” Zeke said before he put her down on the couch.
“This her?” Levi asked. Zeke had sent a text to Levi explaining everything to him.
“This is her,” Eren replied as he crossed his arms across his chest.
“Alright, let’s see what you are,” Levi said before splashing holy water in Mikasa’s face.
She didn’t even move.
“So she’s not a demon,” Levi replied. He pulled out a silver knife from his pocket and cut Mikasa’s arm. “Not a Revenant or a shapeshifter either.”
Mikasa’s cut began to heal.
“Oh, that’s interesting,” Levi noted.
“So you’re not human?” Zeke asked.
“No, I’m not,” Mikasa said before she looked down.
"What are you?" Zeke asked.
"A demi fae," Mikasa explained.
"What the fuck is that? I've never even heard of this. Levi, have you heard of this?" Eren asked.
"It means she's half fairy, half human. A cousin of mine was said to have had a baby with a fairy. They both were killed and the baby went missing. I just thought they were crazy and wanted out of the family business. That's you, isn't it?"
Mikasa didn't answer.
"Interesting. I didn't think it was real. What’s your name?" Levi asked before he sat down at his desk.
“Mikasa Ackerman was my name. I’ve been going by Mikasa Zoe.”
"You lied to me!" Eren shouted at Mikasa.
"I had to! People were looking for me! I didn't know you were a hunter. I just wanted to be normal for a bit," Mikasa muttered before looking down.
"So how do we kill her?" Eren asked.
Mikasa was hurt.
"We're not going to kill her, Eren. She saved both of our lives. Besides, she doesn't even seem evil," Zeke tried to reason with his brother.
"She lied to me for three years. She’s not human. That makes her a monster! Isn’t that what Dad taught us? Didn’t you want me back in this life? So here I am. She’s just another job. Another monster, right?” Eren asked.
"I didn't know you were a hunter like me! I didn't know you had a yellow eyed demon after you! I just wanted to be normal! I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask for wings or my parents to be killed by demons. I didn't ask for anything. You don’t understand what I risked by using my power like that! It sent up a beacon! I was going to tell you when the time was right. I was going to tell you after your interview."
"So that’s what you were disappearing to do all the time? Hunting? Whatever. You got on me for not telling you about my past. I guess we're both even now. Thanks for saving my dad by the way," Eren stormed off and slammed the door as he left Levi's house.
Zeke and Levi both looked over at her. Zeke walked over as he pulled a key out of his pocket. He unlocked the handcuffs as he took them off of her.
"Now what?" she asked as she stood up.
"What was that knife you killed the demon with?" Zeke asked her.
Mikasa waved her hand and the knife appeared.
"It's a demon killing knife. I took it off a witch who was working for a demon. It's charmed to show up when I call for it," she informed Zeke before handing the blade over to him.
"I'm guessing it kills you too?" Levi asked.
Mikasa shrugged. "I don't know. Haven't tried it."
"Could I wield one of these?" Zeke asked as he examined it.
Mikasa nodded again.
"You don't happen to have a spare?"
Mikasa shook her head. Zeke handed the blade over to Levi.
"Can we summon it?" Levi asked.
Mikasa shook her head again.
"Did you become mute all of sudden?" Levi asked as he tossed the knife up and down.  
She shook her again before speaking. "No, I just...I'm not sure what you're going to do. And if I die, I'd rather die with dignity."
"We're not going to kill you. You're clearly not evil. Can I see your wings?" Levi asked as he handed the knife back.
Mikasa took it before waving her hand again. The blade disappeared. She closed her eyes and two black feathered wings popped out of Mikasa's back.
"Can you fly?" Levi asked.
"Not in the way you think. I can fly short distances. Anything else requires teleportation that only fairies can use. Flying also makes me sick because of being half human,” Mikasa explained.
"What good are wings if not for flying?" Zeke asked.
"It's a curse for those who are half human. A reminder that we should not be."
"Interesting," Zeke remarked.
"If you have no more questions, I should leave," Mikasa said as she stood up.
"Why? It's not going to be safe out there. You did just say you put a beacon on yourself. Besides, these two could use a healer on their side. You said you're a hunter too? Just not in the traditional sense? Well, my house is open to hunters. So sit your ass down on the couch over there. Eren will get over it," Levi told her as he motioned to the couch again.
Mikasa allowed her wing to fold back up before she sat down.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t save your dad,” Mikasa said to Zeke. “It was too late by the time I got there.”
“It’s not your fault. We knew that was a possibility. My stepmom, Eren’s mom, died the same way. Did he feel any pain?” Zeke asked her before he sat down in one of the mix matched chairs in Levi’s living room.
Mikasa shook her head. “He was dead before he was on the ceiling.”
“That’s why you said it was too late. What do you know about yellow eyes in a demon?” Levi asked as he pulled out a notebook from his desk.
“Not much. I know they exist. There are four of them. If you’re going after them,” Mikasa stopped speaking and waved her hand. The knife appeared again. “You’ll need this. You’d have better luck though if you can find The Colt. Good luck though.”
“What’s the Colt?” Zeke asked as he took the knife from Mikasa.
“A legend. It’s said that Samuel Colt created a gun that has thirteen original bullets that can kill anything. It’s not real. There’s no proof of it. Besides, who knows how many bullets are around?” Levi said as he wrote something down in the notebook.
“It’s real. And you can make more bullets. You just have to know how,” Mikasa explained.
“And you do?” Zeke asked.
Mikasa shook her head. “No, but the person who raised me does. They’re a hunter too.”
“Wait, you said you used the last name Zoe. Is Hange Zoe the one who raised you?” Levi asked as he dropped his pen.
Mikasa nodded.
“Zeke, go get your brother calmed down. She’s not evil at all,” Levi said before he stood up.
“Wait, you still thought I was evil?” Mikasa said as she watched Levi.
“Always a chance,” Levi replied as he exited the room.
“To be fair, I didn’t think you were evil,” Zeke said as he flashed her a smile. “My brother’s a dumbass but he’ll come around.”
Mikasa nodded but she had a sinking feeling that Eren wouldn’t come around.
Eren laid in the back of the Impala.
Mikasa wasn’t human.
That made her a monster.
It was that simple.
His father had even said it was that simple.
Then there was the whole thing about fairies being real. Just what he needed. Why couldn’t things be simple?
He hated to think he had been spending the last three years of his life with a monster.
But the way that Mikasa had looked at him.
The fear that she had had in her eyes when she looked at him was something that would haunt his dreams for the rest of his life.
Eren wasn’t allowing himself to feel the pain from Grisha’s death.
He had finally seen his dad.
Three years later and the last thing Grisha had said to him was ‘don’t come back’. Eren had hoped that he would have found him with Zeke. Then maybe Grisha’s last words wouldn’t have haunted him.
“She’s pretty upset, just so you know,” Zeke said as he pulled out a cigarette while leaning up against the Impala. He lit one as he looked at Eren, still laying in the backseat.
“Good,” Eren said before looking away.
“Eren, you know Dad did really lov..”
“Can we not? I don’t want to hear the ‘Dad always loved you’ speech right now. The last words he’ll ever say to me were ‘don’t come back’. Then I see him on the ceiling of my apartment and find out that my girlfriend is part fairy. So spare me,” Eren said before he sat up.
Zeke took a drag from his cigarette. “And how would you have reacted if you would have known about Mikasa? Probably the same.”
“How are you so fine with all of this?” Eren asked as he threw his hands up in the air.
“Because at nine years old I saw the woman who raised me like I was her own on the ceiling of my little brother’s bedroom. I saw her, Eren. It’s implanted in my brain. It’ll never leave. Sometimes at night, I’ll look up and I still see her there. So trust me when I say I get what you’re feeling with Dad. Because I miss Mom too. Because I feel it too. But you’re right. Dad was awful to both of us. He raised us to be mirror images of himself of the hatred he felt. But we don’t have to do that,” Zeke said before taking another drag of his cigarette.
“What do we do now?” Eren asked as he got out of the Impala.
“Well, I think we go do what Dad taught us to do. We track down that Yellow Eyed Demon and we kill him. In the meantime, we take down any monster we can find. Hunting things, saving people. We take over the family business,” Zeke said as he walked around to the trunk. He opened the trunk and then the spare tire area. He pulled out their father’s journal before handing it over to Eren.
“We’ve got work to do,” Eren replied before pulling down the lid to the trunk.
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wanderingtrash · 7 years
Unfair Affair - Part 7
A/N: Thank you all so much for your ideas, I've considered almost all of them! Enjoy!
It was Friday.
Friday and every morning for the past week she had been throwing up every morning. Her nausea seemed to only worsen.
The worst part if it being that she also had trouble eating certain types of food. She couldn't stand the smell of kale. She had missed work 2 days because the smell of the sterilized clinic made her feel sick.
She had an appointment with her Gynocologist that day. She wanted to see what was wrong because quite frankly she was miserable. Sitting in the waiting room for her name to be called (Y/N) picked at her nails. The atmosphere was cold and there were only 2 pregnant ladies with her reading gossip magazines. And a TV playing a news channle softly.
The anxiousness was sending an ache in her stomach. Or maybe it was the smell of hand sanitizer and cleaning products that the clinic smelled like. Either way it made her sick.
Eva had insisted on coming with her to the appointment but (Y/N) simply told her no. Telling her that it was probably nothing and that it was useless to miss a day of work over it. Ben had offered as well. But (Y/N) told him no as well. Ben had been so great to her and she didn't want to bug him. Not with someting as little as a stomach ache.
A nurse walked out the door which made (Y/N) look up. She carried a clip board and her red hair was tied back in a tight bun. "Ms. (Y/N)?" She called out in a soft voice. (Y/N) stood up grabbing her purse and papers she had been told to fill out. She followed the nurse in the corridor until she was lead to a room. "Let's check your blood pressure and weight Honey, step on this scale for me." She asked.
(Y/N) nodded and followed with the procedure. She was kind of shocked to find out she had gained 2 pounds considering she was regularly maintained healthy options in her eating. She hadn't even eaten much, mostly because her stomach rejected nearly everything she ate.
Once the procedure was over the nurse finished filling out the paper she had on her clipboard and hummed to herself. "When was your last period Sweetheart?" The nurse asked finally.
(Y/N) froze. When was the last time she had her period? She couldn't remember.
"Umm. I believe it was the beggining of last month." (Y/N) nervously said.
The nurse nodded and wrote it down. "Okay, the Doctor will be in with you shortly, I'll take your papers and update your file with them." The nurse told her with a comforting smile.
"Yeah, thank you." Was all (Y/N) could say before the nurse exited the room. Leaving (Y/N) with all the posters about health and charts.
(Y/N) felt like her heart was going to explode. It had been a while since she had, had her period. But then again she had also changed her type of birth control and that triggered irregular menstrual cycle patterns.
She was so deep in thought that she completly lost track of time. The Doctor knocked on the door as he opened it and (Y/N) didn't even flinch.
"Ms.(Y/N)?" He asked im a rough voice. Once (Y/N) looked up she was met with an elderly man. His white hair sticking out and his glasses resting on his face.
"I'm sorry." (Y/N) blushed in embarrassment. "Just have a lot of things on my mind at the moment."
"I would guess so." The Doctor said sticking his hand out for (Y/N) to shake. "Dr. Florenz, nice to meet you" He greeted.
(Y/N) nodded and weakly smiled at him. "(Y/N), nice to meet you as well."
"So what seems to be the problem?" Dr. Florenz asked pulling a wheel stool seat in front of her to sit on.
(Y/N) swolled a lump that had formed in her throat. "Well for the past week I've been experiencing nausea. I can't keep anything down at all. I can barely eat eggs without my stomach just rejecting it. I work at a Cancer Patients hospital, we use equipment and medicine that smells, strongly smells. And I've missed nearly this whole week of work because I can't stand the smell. Just the odor of the hospital makes me sick." (Y/N) answered him with a worried tone. She was scared. More so because she had an idea of what was wrong with her. But she refused to believe it.
Dr. Florenz nodded and pursed his lips together. "(Y/N) I'm going to ask a personal question that I want you to answer honestly." He said seriously. (Y/N) nodded and waited as he hesitantly spoke.
"Have you been sexually active in the last month?"
"Y-yes I have."
"I think I may have an idea of what you might have Ms. (Y/N). We're going to run a blood test on you just to make sure. The blood results take a few days to come back so we won't know until then. You've changed thr type of birth control you've been taking as you have told us. That explains the menstrual cycle irregularities and the nausea. But we need to make sure before we take any more measures." Dr. Florenz stated standing up from the stool and walking over to type on the lap top that was in the room.
(Y/N)'s face had looked like it was drained of any emotion. She never seemed go be able to get rid of Harry. She never seemed to get rid of anything that reminded her of Harry.
What the fuck am I going to do?
(Y/N) walked out of the clinic soon after her blood test was done. They kept her there for a little while longer wanting to make sure she was okay to go home.
She pulled out her phone as she walked to her car and unlocked it. She pressed on Eva's contact name and called her. She should've been on her lunch break at that time.
After 2 rings Eva finally answered. "Hello?" She asked in her usual happy voice.
"Eva" (Y/N) answered worried.
"(Y/N) what's wrong? What did they tell you?"
"I might be pregnant Eva." She answered softly. Her voice fading with each word.
"What?" Eva whispered back to her harshly. "(Y/N) what do you mean pregnant?"
(Y/N) unlocked her car and got in. Slamming the door shut. She leaned her head back amd covered her eyes with her arm but kept the phone on her ear. "Pregnant Eva! I might be pregnant with Harry's baby!"
Eva looks around the break room area for amy signs of Ben. "Oh (Y/N) what are you going to do? Whag about Ben?" She whispered.
"I don't know Eva. I just, I can only hope that I'm not pregnant. There's still a possibility that I'm not." Depsite everything (Y/N) still had hope. Maybe it was her just wanting for it not to be true but hope was still there. Her and Harry had used condoms and she was always sure to stay on the pill.
"I'm sorry Babe, hey I'll go over to your place after my shift yeah? We can talk about it there in privacy. Don't stress about it now. Relax." Eva reassured.
"Yeah, you're right. Listen, I'll call you later. I'm going to try and get some errands done while I can. Might occupy my mind." (Y/N) said looking up to the entrance of the clinic.
She widened her eyes at what she saw. Two figures walked in. Their hands clapsed together and the women's head on the guys' shoulder as they walked. They looked happy as ever. The women sporting a bump.
The oh so familiar guy laughing.
Harry and Gwen
She parked near the building but was hidden from a couple of cars. So she hoped Harry wouldn't recognize her car or her.
(Y/N) didn't even hear what Gwen said as she hung up the phone. Out of all the places they had to chose her Gynocologist clinic? Out if all the fucking places. She breathed a shaky breath and just hoped she would never have to run into them in person. That's a circus act no one would want to see.
She glanced at them one last time as the disappeared in the building. Before pulling out of the parking space and driving away.
She was torn, if she was pregnant Harry had a right to know. Who was she to deny her child a father figure in it's life? The question being would Harry want to be in their life.
Of course he would, Harry is a lot of things but he isn't a low life dad.
Ben's shift was over. He was planning on going over to (Y/N)'s house to see her. He was realky concerned about her latley. She had told him that she wasn't feeling good and he hadn't had time to call her and ask her how her appointment went.
Just as Ben was getting ready to get into his car he was met by the petite woman standing by it.
"Ben!" She gasped out and ran to him. Her hair was a bit messy and she looked like she's been waiting for him, for a while.
"Hey, what are you doing?"
"Ben I need to talk to you" She said with a smirk on her lips.
"Okay, about what?" He asked fixing his sweater and zipping it up. He really wanted to go see (Y/N) so he was a bit impatient to get the conversation over with.
"Ben, how about we go over to my house amd talk? It's a long story. But it's something (Y/N) has been hiding from you. Something you need to know. She doesn't care about you Ben. Not like I do. She's been playing with you and I, as a friend want you to see who she really is."
Ben frowned as he looked at her. "What do you mean she's lying to me? You're confusing me. How can you just all of a sudden start telling me this?
"(Y/N)'s pregnant Ben...with CEO of Styles Enterprises Harry Styles' baby. She's been lying to you." The woman said crossing her arms. "But there's much more than that. Let's go somewhere private. Look I know it's hard to believe but I have proof. She's money hungry, so she's got the bag secured with that baby."
Ben looked at her speechless. That man was a multi billionaire. And wasn't he married? Surely (Y/N) would never do something like that. She wasn't that type of person.
How did (Y/N) meet such a high end man any ways?
"Okay, um I'll drive us there. So your place then Eva?"
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chocobroobsession · 7 years
Just a Taste
Author’s Note: In honor of Friday the 13th and the Halloween season, I give you, Vampire!Ignis! I know, I’m not the first to think of it, nor will I be the last, but this is just my smutty take on it. Vampires are my favorite mythical creatures, after all, and Ignis is my favorite chocobro, so it was inevitable. Think of this as a Monster AU. There are mentions of the other guys as well, along with what creatures they are..but it’s mainly a vampire!Ignis x fem!reader fic. Word count: 8930. BTW, I guess a trigger warning would be blood? Not blood play, just...vampire feeding, I guess...
You hadn’t seen Ignis Scientia in months. One day he was at work, and the next day he wasn’t. Your boss explained that Prince Noctis had some urgent business to attend to outside of Insomnia and his advisor, shield, and best friend were to accompany him. No one was sure just how long the group would be absent, but the King of Lucis was adamant that the Prince was well taken care of and that the business they had was important and that they would all return safely in time. As suspicious as it seemed, you had no reason to question your king, and so you had no choice but to move forward.
You had worked in the Citadel since graduation. You were one of the junior members of the Council, training up to be a full-fledged member in a few years. This meant that you crossed paths with the Prince’s advisor quite often, seeing as how he attended most Council meetings in his charge’s place. You had initially just exchanged pleasantries, but eventually, the two of you struck up a friendship. Ignis was intelligent, handsome, and witty, but most only saw him as the stoic glorified nanny to Prince Noctis. You, however, always knew better. He easily (and most likely unintentionally) charmed you with his intellect and humor, and you counted yourself one of the few to be on the receiving end of his heart-melting smiles. And his eyes…oh, Astrals, his eyes! Those emerald pools could drown you with one look, but the way they reflected such joy when he spoke to you or smiled at you…you were a goner.
Ignis kept his private life, well, private, and so you never knew if he actually already had a significant other, but that didn’t stop you from dreaming that one day you could be lucky enough to be on the receiving end of his affections. Just when you had finally worked up the nerve to confess your feelings to him, he vanished. All courage went down the drain then, and heartbroken, you resumed your normal life of work, dreaming of the day you would see Ignis again, hoping that you’d have the chance to try again.
So when he randomly showed up at your door one night, you couldn’t help but be completely shocked and totally smitten with him all over again. You had been curled up on your couch, engrossed in a fantasy novel when the doorbell chimed. One look at the clock on the wall to your left told you this was no ordinary visitor. No one, salesperson, chocobo scout, or friend dropping by your part of town, would ever show up at such a late hour. You cautiously snuck to the doorway to peer through the peephole. You could barely make out a tall, lanky shape standing just on the edge of the light cast out by your porch light. Your hand automatically reached for the baseball bat you had propped up against your umbrella stand. You hadn’t played ball in years, but your dad had always suggested you keep it handy in case of an unwanted visitor. The door stayed locked whether you were home or away, so you knew this visitor couldn’t easily force their way in. You hesitantly called out, “Who’s there?”
You saw the visitor flinch at the sound of your voice. “Y/N?” they questioned, before quickly clamping a hand over their mouth. Before they could turn to go, you quickly unlatched the door and threw it open. You knew that voice instantly and all fears were cast aside the moment it pricked your ears. “Ignis!?”
He froze. He had been in the process of turning around, as if to flee quickly before you stopped him dead in his tracks. You couldn’t believe it. It had been months since you saw him, and yet here he stood at your very door. You let your excitement cloud your sense of judgment initially before reason finally caught up to you. You had started to step across the threshold, one arm outstretched towards the man when you stopped. “Wait. Ignis, why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be away on business with Prince Noctis? Or did you just come back?” So many questions swam around in your mind as you gaped at the man hidden in the shadows. It finally hit you that something was off about him, and fear gripped you, causing your flesh to break out into goose bumps and the hairs on the back of your neck to stand on end. Something about this situation was very, very wrong.
Ignis remained in the shadows, but turned his body to face you. You could make out his face, but only just so. It was definitely him, but something seemed different, though you weren’t sure how. He was dressed in his typical black pants, boots, and purple dress shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His usual driving gloves were absent, and you couldn’t stop yourself from admiring the veins and muscles in his hands and forearms as he brought one hand up to rub at his forehead.
“Y/N, I apologize. I thought this house belonged to someone else. I’m so sorry I disturbed you. I’ll just be on my way,” he wearily explained before turning away from you once more.
“Wait!” You lunged at him then, ignoring every red flag that your brain threw at you, and wrapped your fingers around his wrist. Though you had never really touched him before, any accidental brushes or bumps against him were always warm and welcomed. His wrist, however, was like ice despite the hot summer night. You gasped and quickly released your grip, taking a step back into the light of your porch. Something wasn’t right. “Ignis, what’s wrong? What happened to you? Why are you here?” Your heart was racing. Adrenaline was commanding you to run back in the house but something else was keeping you rooted to the spot. Was that curiosity or just plain stupidity? You weren’t really sure at the moment, but you were confused. You were in love with this man, but why should he suddenly be here, right in front of you?
Ignis hesitated; he considered fleeing as he originally intended once he realized gravity of the situation he had accidentally put himself in, but he had always cared about you, and even though your wellbeing depended on him leaving, he didn’t want it to end like this. He felt he owed you a bit of an explanation.  He sighed and angled towards you yet again. Gods, you were still as beautiful as he remembered. You hadn’t changed at all in the months he had been away. Even standing there, unsure of yourself, questions swimming in your eyes, clad in sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, you were as radiant as ever and it killed him to think about what he was almost willing to do to you. There was no way he was going to subject you to that, now that he realized this was your residence. It was one thing to do this to a complete stranger. There was no way he would go through with this with someone he knew, especially someone he had been pining after. Remaining in the shadows, he inhaled deeply before asking, “How long have you resided in this house? As I seem to recall, you had an apartment closer to the Citadel, did you not?”
Right. You just moved in a month ago. It was silly of you to think that he was here specifically to visit you. He was gone before you even got the house. He had no way of knowing. “Yeah, I did, but when my aunt passed away nearly two months ago, she left me her house. I’ve only been here about a month. But she had lived here for years. Did you plan on visiting her? She was a florist…what business would you or the Prince, for that matter, have with a simple florist?”
Ignis knew there was no way he would be able to truly talk his way out of this. You were too sharp. That and he didn’t relish the thought of having to lie to you or manipulate your mind. He was up to his armpits in secrets these days, and frankly he was sick of it all. Conflicted as he was, perhaps he could be honest with you without you laughing in his face or trying to murder him. He knew your father had insisted you keep a baseball bat by the door for your safety, and though it wouldn’t do much good to beat him with it, he didn’t particularly want to be bludgeoned that night. Throwing all caution to the wind, he decided to give you a taste of the truth.
“Truth be told, Y/N, I didn’t know who’s house this was. I was in need of something and this was the first house I happened to come across. I offer my condolences, by the way. As I recall, you always spoke highly of your aunt and the two of you were very close. She was still rather young, however, wasn’t she?” He hadn’t realized how long it had been since he saw you last, but being in your presence was relaxing. He had missed you—your smile, the sound of your voice, the way you always stood with one hip pushed out to the side, your arms folded across your chest like you had an attitude. He wanted to draw this conversation out as long as possible before arriving at the inevitable.
You looked away, suddenly filled with emotion. You hastily wiped a stray tear away before answering. “Yeah, my aunt was my best friend. She found out she had cancer. The doctors did everything they could, but it was already at such an advanced stage when she found out. She never married nor had any kids, so she willed everything to me. I spent so much time over here growing up, I couldn’t part with it, and so I moved in. At least she’s not in pain anymore.”
“I’m sorry,” Ignis whispered. He wanted so badly to hold you, but he didn’t want to tempt himself, especially when he was so thirsty. He couldn’t bare it if he lost control for one moment.
You were temporarily distracted by memories of your aunt, but you realized something about Ignis’s story didn’t make sense. “Wait, you said you were in need of something. Ignis, are you in trouble? Can I help you? Why don’t you just come—“
“No!” he practically yelled. You flinched at his outburst. You had started to invite him in, but that was the last thing he needed. It would be all too tempting to give into his thirst in such a confined space with you. Ignis cleared his throat and spoke softly this time. “That won’t be necessary. I do not wish to intrude, especially at such a late hour. My problem will resolve itself in due time. I made an error in coming here tonight and as much as I would love to stay and catch up, I really must be going.” He was having second thoughts. There was no way he could confide in you. He cared too much about you and his thirst was growing by the minute. This whole night had been nothing but one blunder after another.
Something was definitely off. Ignis had always had an accent unlike any others you had heard, and you were easily wooed by his voice. The more he talked, however, the more it sounded like he had something in his mouth, interfering with his speech slightly. And the whole time the two of you had been standing outside, he had kept his face in the shadows, as if he was trying to conceal himself from you. Your imagination was running out of control, and yet, your flight or fight instincts were kicking in. But this was Ignis Scientia. The most brilliant man you had ever encountered. The Prince’s advisor and friend. A master strategist. What did you have to fear?
You took a step back, completely bathed in the yellow glow radiating from your porch. “Step into the light,” you dared him. Surely your mind was playing tricks on you.
As much as Ignis hated himself, he couldn’t just walk away from you. Obeying your command, he stepped forward, allowing the condemning light to wash over him as he looked you dead in the eye. You gasped aloud, taking another step backwards towards your house. He looked the same as he always did, only somehow paler, as if he hadn’t seen the sun in the entire time he was away. The green eyes you were so in love with were absent, and instead eyes black as obsidian stared back at you. He possessed hungry eyes, but not hungry with lust—the true hunger of a predator. “Ignis?”
“I told you this was a mistake,” he whispered. As he spoke, you caught a glimpse of his teeth. Fangs were present where his canine teeth used to be. This was impossible. You were tired. You had been reading a lot of fantasy novels lately. This was just your mind playing tricks on you. Right?
“This is crazy. You can’t really be…” you shook your head incredulously.
“Be what?” he raised one eyebrow. As impossible as it seemed, he was in your place four and a half months ago. He had no idea such a world existed within his own until everything went spiraling out of control. “Just say what you’re thinking. Please,” he begged. As much as it pained him, a piece of him just wanted someone to know the truth about him.
“A vampire?” You were almost too ashamed to say it. It seemed so ridiculous, and yet, you had no alternative explanation to offer.
“And we have a winner,” Ignis humorlessly laughed. “This is the part where you either run back into your house, lock the door, and pray to the Astrals for your protection, or you tell yourself you’re hallucinating or sleepwalking and you go back inside and pretend none of this ever happened. I wouldn’t blame you, either way. Both responses seem rather reasonable. I apologize for involving you in this at all. I never wished to hurt you. If you want, I could even glamour you into forgetting this entire exchange. The choice is yours, you know.”
You were speechless.  This couldn’t be happening. This wasn’t real. Had it been anyone else, you’d say it was a nightmare, but this was Ignis Scientia. The man you had harbored a crush on for over two years. As much as your logic screamed for you to get a grip on yourself, you almost couldn’t deal with the situation. Part of you wanted to laugh it off, and part of you wanted to break into a fit of hysterics. When you opened your mouth, even you didn’t know what was going to come forth.
“Oh, so you really are a vampire? And next you’re going to tell me that I don’t really know the world that I live in. There’s a whole other world out there within our own. A world full of monsters! Vampires exist! And so do other creatures!” Yep, hysteria won out. And yet you were trying to quell it with your sarcasm. Smooth move.
“Are you making fun of me?” Ignis questioned. He wasn’t really sure what reaction to expect from you, but it wasn’t this. You had always been sarcastic, but he had a feeling you were still processing this information and trying to reason with yourself.
“Me? Make fun of a vampire? No, why would I be stupid enough to do that?” You shrugged, the hysteria slowly building, causing your voice to go an octave higher. “What next? You’re going to tell me that Gladio is a werewolf and Prompto is…what, part of the Fae?” you nervously laughed.
If Ignis had the ability to blanch, he would have done so then. Instead, his eyes widened as he stared at you. For someone who couldn’t get a grip on the situation, you were surprisingly accurate in your assumptions.
You took his silence as confirmation of your suspicions. You weren’t even sure if you meant what you said, but it came out all the same. “Wait…you mean to tell me that I’m right? Does that mean more people I know are…not actual people? Oh Astrals, this is too much…” You lost it then. You became uneasy, swaying on the spot. You would have crumpled to the ground had Ignis not stepped forward and caught you, gently lowering you to sit on the porch, propping you up against one of the posts.
“That’s the type of reaction I would expect from someone who just learned about this,” he shook his head and peered down at you, pity in his blackened eyes. You looked up at him, blinking, trying to make sense of the situation.
“So you really are a vampire?” you dared to ask.
“Yes, Y/N, I really am a vampire,” he grimaced.
“Have you always been?”
“That’s what I figured. Is that really why you went away?”
“Yes. Part of the reason, anyway.”
You had so many other questions, but you didn’t know where to begin. Before you had time to ponder the situation further, Ignis suddenly spoke up. “You really should get back inside, Y/N. It’s late. I’m sure you have work tomorrow. I’d help you in myself, but I don’t think it wise. I’ve already done enough damage for one night and I don’t wish to subject you to more. Goodnight.”
“Wait! Please don’t go Ignis,” you practically begged. He hated hearing that tone from you. He didn’t wish to cause you any more distress than he already had, but there was a hurt in that voice that he couldn’t shake.
You thought a moment before everything clicked. Though you weren’t sure if any of the vampire lore you had been exposed to through literature had any truth to it, it was all you had to work with for the time being. “You can’t come in because I haven’t invited you. Is that it? That’s why you cut me off earlier when I started to ask you?”
Ignis dropped his gaze to the ground and his shoulders drooped downwards. “Yes, that is correct.”
“But why didn’t you want me to invite you in? What’s wrong with that? Especially now that I already know what you are?”
“All the more reason for you not to invite me in. At least you can rest assured that you are safe within the confines of your own home. No vampire may set foot over the threshold as long as you do not invite them in.”
You mulled over the information before speaking again. “But if you wanted to attack me, you would have done so already, correct?”
“Yes, but outside, there are other smells to distract me and to dilute yours. Inside, however…” he trailed off, not wishing to finish his thought.
“Oh.” Right. Inside the house, it would reek of your scent. And he’d be in a confined space with you. And based on what he said, he was a new vampire. Perhaps he didn’t have practiced control just yet. Still, as much as your sense of self-preservation begged you to run, the rest of you had other ideas.
“I don’t think you want to hurt me, Ignis,” you confidently declared.
“True, I do not wish to harm you,” he answered cautiously.
“So I don’t think you will, no matter how high the temptation.”
“I must say, I do not like where this is going. Perhaps this episode has caused a lapse in your judgment.”
“Perhaps,” you reasoned. “But all the same, I want an explanation. Please tell me what’s going on with you. I thought we were friends?” There were those feelings again. You never let go of liking him, and even though you should be afraid, you still wanted this man.
Ignis let out an exasperated breath. “Yes, we were friends, though I don’t see why you would wish to remain as such with the likes of me now, knowing what I have become.”
“Come inside with me. Talk to me,” you whispered.
Ignis couldn’t resist your request. Even with Noctis, Gladio, and Prompto around, he still felt quite alone throughout this entire ordeal. His desire for companionship outweighed his desire for blood at the moment, so he took you up on your offer. He offered you a hand and helped you up off the porch before leading you back inside.
Once you shut the door behind you, you grabbed his hand and led him over to the couch. The two of you sat, turning sideways, facing each other. You gestured towards him. “Tell me what happened. How you became this way.”
Ignis stared at you with pleading eyes, hoping you would understand what he had been through. What effort it cost him just to be in that room with you. Confined to that couch, staring at your pulsing veins, inhaling the perfume of your skin, resisting everything that he was in that moment. “Like you, I was unaware that such a world existed within our own. I did not learn of it until a few months back, when the incident occurred.”
He paused, checking to make sure you were still interested. You sat perfectly still, staring at him with questions in your eyes. “I didn’t know that the Amicitia bloodline consisted of a long line of werewolves. They had made a pact with the Lucian royal bloodline many, many years ago. They swore to protect them as their shields. Werewolves in their human form are larger and stronger than most humans, which makes them such better protectors than most. It made sense. The royal bloodline has their own natural magical abilities, so even though they are human, they are a step above the rest. Having werewolves on their side was quite an advantage.
“Vampires have never been part of the royal court. Niflheim has vampires within their own ranks, and so most of their kind, well, my kind, do not care for the Lucians. Other world politics still do not make sense to me. I still have much to learn, but that’s beside the point. Vampires are natural enemies of the werewolves, so that was another advantage to having them as shields in Lucis. One night, Gladio was set to guard Noctis at his apartment. King Regis never liked Noctis living outside of the Citadel, but he respected his son’s wishes to be more independent. That’s why Gladio was never too far away. But that particular night, Gladio became very ill and had to rush back to the Amicitia home. Iris was supposed to take his watch that night, but a vampire came and overpowered her. He kidnapped Noctis and made his way over the wall of Insomnia.”
You were completely invested in this story, despite knowing that the ending wasn’t going to be pleasant. “So what happened next?”
Ignis gulped. “I never knew about the Amicitias being what they were. Imagine my surprise when I made my way to Noct’s apartment only to find a young werewolf passed out inside and the place completely trashed. I summoned my daggers right away to do away with the beast, thinking it was just some overgrown wolf but it looked at me and then transformed into a battered Iris. I stood there in shock as she wheezed and tried to explain to me what happened. I didn’t have time to be horrified by what I was learning. I had to go after Noctis. I called Clarus as I made my way to the edge of the city. I drove out of the gates and must have gone many miles before getting out of my car and going out on foot.”
“How did you know where to go?” you wondered aloud.
“I didn’t. I just went into the situation blindly. I did not know a thing about tracking. I had no way of knowing where they were. I found some woods and stumbled around in there for hours in the dark, not even thinking about the daemons that might be lurking around before I came across the place where they were holding Noctis captive. There must have been about ten vampires there. I don’t know what I thought I could do. I was only a man with a set of daggers. They were full-fledged vampires. Monsters. Sadly, they had already turned Noctis into a vampire as well. I could tell by the way he hungrily stared at me from where they had him chained with silver to a tree. Turns out silver isn’t exactly tolerated by vampires or werewolves, but that’s another story for another time.
“I tried to fight them off, but it was fruitless. They had me beaten to a pulp in no time at all. Even though Noctis was thirsty and in pain, he still begged them to have mercy on my behalf. As they delivered the fatal blow, a pack of werewolves appeared—Clarus and some of his relatives. The vampires were soon vanquished, and Noctis was released, but I was a lost cause. No potion could spare my life at that time.”
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you realized what must have happened next. You hadn’t even realized you were crying until Ignis reached over to brush some of them away with a cold thumb. You shivered at his touch, but not just because of the coolness of his skin. You had always craved his touch, and in spite of all that was happening, that hunger did not cease.
“Noctis did the only thing he could think to do to save me. He changed me as well. Once the King found out, he sent us away, for our safety, and the safety of the kingdom. We needed to learn to control ourselves before we could come back. Noctis is a prince. He simply cannot just disappear. He has to come back into the public eye soon. Our nature didn’t change the pact between the royals and the Amicitias. Yes, it strains things a tad, but Gladio was determined to help us overcome this obstacle. Prompto agreed to come along as well, mainly for moral support for Noct.”
“But how does Prompto being Fae fit into all of this?” you quizzed him.
“Ah, that was just a fluke. Gladio knew from the beginning what Prompto was. He could sense it. But Prompto isn’t your typical faerie. He isn’t cruel to humans, though he is still quite the prankster, I’m afraid. He just wants to be loved, that’s all. He craves friendship, and a purpose in life. Gladio sensed no threat in him, so he allowed him to befriend Noct.”
You considered all of the information Ignis had laid out before you. “I mean, it kind of makes sense for Gladio to be a werewolf. He’s big, rough, and kinda hairy,” you giggled. “That’s why I suggested it in the first place. But I was just throwing it out there that Prompto was Fae. Shouldn’t he not look so…human?”
“Ah, well that would be his own personal kind of glamour. He uses some of his magic to hide the fact that his ears are pointy and he has this unearthly glow about him. He has other abilities as well, but again, that is another story for another time.”
Other pieces of the story were starting to come together in your mind. “You stayed away to learn to control your thirst for blood, correct?”
“Yes,” Ignis answered wearily. “What are you getting at?”
“You have to drink blood in order to survive. There is no getting around that, is there?”
“I’m afraid not.”
“So that’s why you came here tonight. You picked a random house to look for your next meal…”
“I was afraid you would arrive at that conclusion. Yes, you are quite correct. Noctis and I have improved immensely in terms of our control, but we do still have to drink blood to live.. Staying out in the country, we can get by on animal blood, but as you can clearly see, animals are not plentiful within Insomnia’s walls,” Ignis explained.
“So you came back to start making meals of people?” You were a tad horrified. If Ignis hadn’t known you, you would have been his supper…
Ignis started to reach out and reassure you, but he thought against it and dropped his hand back to his side. He didn’t want to frighten you more than he already had, but he wasn’t going to lie to you. “Once we learned more self-control, Gladio suggested we try to see if we could drink human blood without killing our victims. You see, blood is both a blessing and a curse to us. If we do not drink blood, we will perish. If we drink too much blood, however, we get violently ill. Our thirst is never fully quenched. We can only drink a little at a time. When first transformed, the bloodlust takes over and causes every feed to be a frenzy. We kill our prey and drink ourselves sick and then rise to do it all over again the next day. Only with practice did we learn to pace ourselves. We only feed when necessary and only a little at a time. Never enough to harm a person. It is still difficult to be around humans, though. Being near them for extended periods of time is equivalent to being in a kitchen, smelling warm food cooking. Eventually, you find yourself hungry, even if you were full before.”
“So, what, you just knock on doors and ask people to donate blood but you don’t specify that it’s to you and not a blood center?” you attempted to joke.
Ignis snorted. “No. As a vampire, I am able to glamour people into doing my bidding. I manipulate them into offering their blood, I drink a bit, and then I erase their memories. They wake up feeling slightly weak and they notice a bite on their body, but then they remember that it was an insect bite or they think they ran into something that punctured their skin, and then they go on about their merry way, never remembering that a vampire had them for dinner.”
You weren’t sure why you said it. It was a foolish thought, after all. But though your fears were erased as he told you his story, your attraction to him remained the same. You were alone in your house with Ignis Scientia. Yes, he was a vampire, but he was still the most handsome man, well, creature, you had ever seen. And his personality remained the same. You were still in love with this man, and you cared for him. Maybe love makes you say crazy things. “You came here because you were thirsty. You still are. That’s why your eyes are all blackened, isn’t it?”
“Regrettably, yes. I trick myself into thinking that what I do is okay if I do not know the person, but once I realized it was you who stood behind the door, I could not bring myself to ask you…” Ignis couldn’t finish his sentence. The very thought of exposing you to his monstrous nature pained him. Plus, the more he focused on his thirst, the more his fangs grew. As long as he wasn’t thirsty, they stayed retracted, but the worse it got, the more they showed.
“But you need blood to live. I have plenty of it. I wouldn’t mind if you took some of mine.”
Ignis was astonished. He didn’t want to subject you to that. He cared about you too much. What if his desire for you physically interfered with the desire for your blood? It was bad enough that he could sense your arousal. He had been oblivious to your attraction to him before. He was so caught up in worrying that you wouldn’t like him in that way hat he failed to notice you actually reciprocated his feelings. It wasn’t until he showed up at your door that night that he realized you had returned his feelings all along. He could sense it in you before the fear and confusion set in. But now, that sense of longing was back, and it terrified him. But the thirst was proving to be a driving force in his decision making as well. It had been over a week since he fed, and he knew he couldn’t hold out much longer.
“If you insist…” he reluctantly agreed. “Now that you mention it, I am rather thirsty.”
“I wouldn’t be a very good hostess if I didn’t offer you something to drink, now would I?” you smiled.
Ignis couldn’t hold back his chuckle. “I suppose you have a point.”
Your cheeks reddened as you tore your eyes away from him. “So, do you want me to just sit here and let you bite my neck, or how do you want to do this?”
The thought of being so close to you had Ignis dizzy, and that wasn’t his empty belly talking. His attraction to you was going to be the death of him. “Well, the neck is such a conspicuous place for bite marks. You once told me you hate long sleeves, so it would seem your wrist is out of the question as well. It’s easier to go for some particular veins. I’m told the thigh is the next best choice…” he coughed. He couldn’t look you in the eye. That was too intimate of a spot, and yet he couldn’t stop himself from suggesting it. What was he playing at?
Your blush deepened as crimson flooded your cheeks. “Oh,” was all you could mutter. While he had a point, you were embarrassed at the thought of Ignis seeing you without any pants on. You should be mad at him for suggesting such a thing, but instead you were turned on. You could feel your panties getting wet at the thought and you were angry with yourself. Here was a man just wanting a meal and you were trying to make it dirty. Oh boy. “Okay. Let’s do it then,” you declared. Where that surge of courage came from, you had no idea, but you boldly got up off the couch and slipped out of your sweat pants, nonchalantly tossing them aside.
Ignis stared at you incredulously. He attempted to avert his eyes from your delicious looking hips and thighs, but he was first and foremost a man. A man who hadn’t been with a woman in quite some time. A man who craved you, mind, body, and soul before he ever craved your blood. He got a grip on his inner fantasies and smirked. “I was going to suggest you change into some shorts, but I guess this is just as acceptable as well.”
You squeezed your eyes shut and smacked your forehead. “Oops. I didn’t even think about that. I’m sorry. I can go get some if you want.”
“No, it’s quite alright. Believe me, I am not complaining about the view,” he stated.
You hid your face in your hands. “Do you normally play with your food before you eat it?”
“No. Forgive me. This is new to me. I’m not used to doing this to someone I know. I’m just trying to make light of the situation.”
You asked him how he wanted to proceed, and he suggested you sit on the couch and relax. You followed orders and shakily lowered yourself onto the plush seat. Ignis removed his glasses and set them on the coffee table, then stood up and moved in front of you. Even looming over you, predatory hunger in his blackened eyes, you were still attracted to him. You shivered in anticipation of what was to come in the following moments.
He knelt down in front of you and gazed into your eyes. “Are you sure you are okay with this? Do not feel obligated just because you know I thirst.” He wanted to make sure that you were fully consenting to such a vile act. He still hadn’t fully come to terms with his new nature, but he also knew this was to be his new normal.
“Yes, I’m sure,” you breathed. “I’m all yours.” You weren’t entirely sure how you meant that last part, and Ignis wasn’t sure either, but he nodded and spread your legs slightly, eyeing your inner thigh.
“This will probably hurt only initially. The bite, that is. But if at any point you feel uncomfortable, stop me. I have enough control at this point, I can cease drinking if you wish me to,” he explained as he opened his mouth and lowered his face to your thigh.
You watched with widened eyes as his fangs made their full appearance. He sunk them deep into your flesh and you let in a sharp intake of breath. As soon as they were in you, he had pulled them out and was sucking the blood that was gushing from the punctures. His eyes were closed as he gulped down mouthfuls of your blood. You should have been frightened or repulsed, but instead you were incredibly attracted to him. The way he gripped your calf with one hand and your upper thigh with the other as he fed had butterflies doing somersaults in your stomach. You watched his Adam’s apple bob as he drank and you couldn’t help but wonder how he would taste as you trailed kisses and love bites across his own neck. And what would it feel like to have that mouth on your own…
You were quickly snapped out of your reverie when Ignis suddenly ceased his actions. You looked back down at him as he lapped at the puncture marks with his tongue. The bleeding immediately stopped, the wounds clotting over. He licked his lips and sat back on his haunches.
“That was it?” you asked, almost disappointed.
Ignis offered up a lazy grin. “What, you were expecting more pain and gore? I told you, I can only drink a little bit, otherwise I get sick. Once I am finished, my saliva has properties that cause your wound to start healing itself. I couldn’t have you bleeding all over your couch, now could I?”
“I suppose you have a point,” you agreed. Your eyes locked on his, and you noticed a change. “Hey, your eyes are turning green again!”
Ignis cocked his head to the side. “They are? I guess this means I am satiated then. I can always tell I’m past due to have a meal when my eyes stay dark. The same can be said for Noct.”
The feed was over in the blink of an eye and Ignis had retracted himself from you. His eyes were green again, his fangs were gone, and he looked as he always did. Still, that longing in your belly wasn’t going away any time soon, and you already missed the feeling of him against your bare skin.
The sexual tension between the two of you couldn’t have been more tangible. The want was detectable in your eyes and Ignis felt a hunger he hadn’t felt in ages—one that had nothing to do with blood. He leaned forward and slid a hand up your bare thigh. You shuttered, the motion causing him to hesitate. He didn’t want to give in without your permission. “Don’t stop,” you begged, your voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve always liked you Ignis. Liked you as more than a friend. I wanted to tell you for so long but never gathered up the courage to do so. Once I finally did, you disappeared. I wanted to get over you, but I couldn’t. I longed for the day you would come back, so I could tell you, but I was still afraid. And even though you’ve changed, you’re still you. And I still want you.”
Ignis’s heart swelled. You returned his affections after all. You always had. It wasn’t just the unearthly beauty of a vampire drawing you in, the way it’s meant to. He ran his other hand up your other thigh and leaned his face closer to yours. “I have liked you for quite some time as well, Y/N. That’s why I hesitated tonight, once I realized it was your home. I didn’t want to subject you to the monster I had become. I didn’t want to risk hurting or scaring you because I care too much about you. But I also hated the thought of lying to you and hurting your feelings. Vampires may be horrible creatures and they tend to use their unnatural beauty to draw in their prey, like a moth to flame, but I could sense your attraction to me before you actually saw me. I now possess heightened senses, you know. So I could smell your arousal while I was down here…” He began planting kisses up one of your thighs and you let out a moan.
“Ignis,” you whined. He rose up and crushed his lips against yours. You sighed into the kiss and he took that opportunity to fully taste you with his tongue. You tasted a hint of your own blood, but you didn’t care. You cupped his face with both hands as your tongues wrestled for dominance. He finally broke away from the kiss and resumed kissing your thighs. He was dangerously close to your sex when he ran his fingertips along the hem of your black lace panties.
“May I?” he politely inquired.
You nodded, unable to speak, so overcome with lust and emotion. He pulled them off in one fluid motion and pulled you by the hips towards the edge of the couch. He spread your legs wide and his eyes bore into yours as he lowered his mouth to clit and sucked hard on the bundle of nerves. You threw your head back in a long, drawn out moan. Hearing your obvious approval, he began licking and sucking at your clit before moving lower to plunge his tongue between your folds. You bucked your hips into his face and reached out with one hand to grip the back of his head. Your fingers tangled in his tawny locks as you ground yourself into his mouth. Ever since developing your crush on Ignis, the only pleasure you found was from your own hand or your vibrator, so this type of attention was long overdue. You hadn’t meant to hold out for him, but no one else caught your eye the way he did.
Ignis continued his ministrations for some time, and you could feel yourself reaching the cusp of your release. He focused all of his attention on your clit as he slid two fingers inside of your dripping folds, pumping them rapidly. That was enough to completely undo you. You came with a cry of his name, releasing your hold on his head and falling back against the cushions. You breathed hard for a few seconds before rising back up to peer at Ignis. His pupils were dilated and he was completely focused on you. He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand before rising up to remove the shirt you forgot you were wearing. You had also forgotten that you were braless that night as well. You were home alone reading a book, not expecting visitors, so naturally you were dressed for comfort. His eyes roamed over your breasts and he surged forward to take one in his mouth, groaning as he sucked and nipped at your rosy bud. He released you and went for the other and you moaned at the sensation. You thought you were spent from his earlier touches, but this reignited the burning desire inside of you and you wanted more of him.
When Ignis pulled away, you followed to kiss him, tasting a different part of yourself on his tongue now. You pulled him in close and began unbuttoning his shirt as you continued to kiss him. Once you had pushed the silky fabric off of his shoulders, he shucked it off and stood up. You looked up at him as he began unfastening his pants. He pulled his boxer briefs down with them and stepped out of them quickly. He offered you a hand to help you up, but instead you took one look at his hardened length and formulated a plan. With one hand on his hip and the other around his cock, you pumped him a couple of times before looking him right in the eye and taking him into your mouth. He moaned and ran his fingers through your hair, tangling them up in your tresses. He didn’t thrust into you or pull you onto him, but simply gripped you for balance as you eagerly sucked him off. You continued to pump his base, your fist meeting your lips as you bobbed your head, your mouth in tandem with your hand. You did this for a bit before releasing him with your hand and pulling him further into your mouth, nearly choking yourself on his length. Ignis groaned at the sensation. You pulled back and went to deep throat him again only to have him gently stop you with a hand on your shoulder.
“Darling, I will not last if you keep that up. Please.”
You nodded and rose from your place on the couch. You kissed him deeply as his arms wrapped around your body, his hands quickly finding your backside and giving you a squeeze. You didn’t even make a peep as he gripped the back of your thighs and hoisted you up; you just continued kissing him as if that’s all you wanted to spend the rest of your life doing. You wrapped your legs around him as he carried you off to the bedroom. How he navigated with you attached to his face, you never knew, but he found your room all the same, and lowered you to the bed.
You moved to the middle, head against the pillows, and beckoned him to join you, your finger curling at him in a “come hither” motion. He crawled onto the bed and hovered over you, planting kisses along your neck and chest. Suddenly he stopped and rose up, staring at you with fear in his eyes. You snapped out of your bliss and looked at him, face reflecting nothing but concern.
“Ignis, why’d you stop? Is something wrong?”
He looked away from you as he spoke, but when he opened his mouth, you could see why he pulled back. His fangs were once again visible. “It would seem that thirst for blood isn’t the only thing that causes my fangs to make an appearance. Apparently extreme arousal coaxes them out as well. I haven’t allowed myself such pleasures since I changed. Not even my own hand. So it’s not like I would have known this would happen. I’m terribly sorry, but I…”
You cut him off with a finger to his lips. “Shh, don’t worry about it, Ignis. The fangs don’t bother me. They’re part of who you are now. Just, try not to bite me too hard, okay? That is, if you still want to do this at all,” you looked away, wondering if he still desired you the way you did him.
Ignis still craved that part of you—to be inside of you—to feel you completely around his cock; he just didn’t want to get caught up in the moment and hurt you. “Of course I still want you. I just want to be careful with you, love,” he explained as he caressed your cheek with one hand.
“Well don’t be too careful. I’m not that fragile, Ignis. I need you,” you pleaded.
He lined himself up with your entrance and eased into you. You let in a sharp intake of breath as he filled you completely. He sat motionless for a moment, letting you get accustomed to his length. “Ignis,” you whispered.
That was all it took for him to start thrusting into you. You moaned as he set a rhythm and fucked you into the mattress. He had gripped your legs, looping his arms underneath them so he could get a better angle as he slammed into you. He hit that special spot over and over and your fingers raked over the front of his thighs as you scrambled to grip at him, at the sheets, at anything to keep you steady as he undid you. You could get fucked by Ignis all night and come a thousand times and still crave more of him. This was the best feeling you had ever experienced and you didn’t want it to end.
After a while, Ignis released your legs and leaned forward, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he picked up the pace. You could feel that tightness coiling in your belly and you knew your release was imminent. He jackhammered into you, and you could hear tiny groans slipping past his lips as he started moving more erratically, losing control of himself.
“Ignis, I’m gonna come again,” you moaned.
“Come for me, darling,” was his answer.
As if on command, you did come. You saw stars as you threw your head back in a loud moan. He chased his release soon after, coming with a roar as his bit down on your neck. You gasped but relished the feeling as he rode out his orgasm, your walls clenching around him, milking him for all he was worth. He finally collapsed on top of you, simultaneously releasing the grip his teeth had on your neck.
“Oh, Gods, I’m so sorry,” he apologized as he lapped at the puncture marks he made in your neck, staunching the blood flow.
You let out a tired laugh. “It’s okay, Ignis. Does it make me weird if I say it was kind of hot when you bit me like that?”
He chuckled against your shoulder as he rose up on his elbows to gaze into your face. “Only a little. Though I must say, I don’t want to get into a habit of doing that. I can’t have you walking around with anemia all of the time.”
You beamed at him. “So this means this isn’t a one-time thing? I was afraid you’d disappear on me again.”
Ignis shook his head and kissed the tip of your nose. “No, I do not wish for this to be a one night stand. As I’ve already stated, I do care for you. And here I thought my nature would put a damper on the relationship. I still thirst for blood, constantly, but we’ll figure out a way to make this work I swear to it.”
“Well, I can’t say I’m excited that you’re now a vampire, but I am happy that you’re alive and that you’re here with me. Does this mean all of you are back for good?”
Ignis rolled off of you and settled down beside you, pulling you in close so you were chest to chest. “Yes, we’re back. We were on our way back to the Citadel actually, but Noct suggested I feed first. I figured someone living near the wall would be a quick and easy meal, and yet look at where I ended up.” He flashed a smile, sans fangs, and still, it was the most beautiful smile you had ever witnessed. You were boneless from recent activities, and yet his smile had you weak at the knees.
“Can you go out in the sunlight?” you suddenly wondered aloud. “And do you even sleep?”
“Trying to figure out if all of the vampire lore you’ve read about is accurate or not?” he teased.
“Hey, this is a whole new territory for me. Can you blame me for being curious?” you stuck your tongue out at him.
“No, I cannot blame you. We have plenty of time to go over everything, but not tonight. Tonight, I just want to hold you and relax for the first time in months, if that’s quite alright with you. But to answer your questions first, yes, I do sleep, and yes, I can go out in the daylight, but only if I’m well fed. The sunlight isn’t entirely pleasant, but bearable. The longer I go without blood, the more sunlight bothers me.”
“Oh, well that’s good at least. It would be odd for our future king to only make public appearances at night.”
“True. While we are still figuring out how to approach this whole situation, it is nice to finally be back in Insomnia. And it’s nice to finally be with you.” He nuzzled his nose against your own and pecked your lips. “Sleep well, my love.” He leaned away to swiftly turn off the lamp, enveloping the two of you in darkness, the only light coming from the moonlight leaking through the blinds covering the window.
You yawned and nestled down against Ignis’s chest as he pulled the covers over you both. “Goodnight, Ignis.” You had no idea how it was going to work—dating a vampire, that is, but you were more than willing to go down that road and see what else this crazy world had in store for you.
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lilyharvord · 8 years
All the Little Horses Part 2
 5 weeks
    Your baby is the size of an orange seed. The heart and circulatory system of your baby are developing, while the hCG hormone levels in your body are now high enough to confirm that you're expecting using a home pregnancy test. You may begin to feel nauseous, and tired, your breasts may be larger and tender, and you may begin forming cravings.
I glanced in the mirror again and growling at my image I tried to close the top of my blouse again. It had fit last week. Then again, it had been a little tight last week, but not this tight. I just couldn’t see how I could have possibly gained a full bra size in a week, there was no physical explanation! Groaning in irritation, I dig the heel of my palm into my boob, which only elicited a screech of pain. Leaning against the counter and massaged the area softly, I tried to keep from crying at how much that had hurt. Maybe there’s something wrong with me, I thought bitterly, there has to be something wrong with me. Boobs just didn’t grow a full size in a week, or become this tender.
     There was a knock on the door and I looked up in panic. Cal sounded worried on the other side. “Are you okay in there Mare?”
     “Um… yeah, yeah, everything’s fine.” I replied as I feverishly tried to button my blouse again. The buttons slipped through my shaking fingers though and I cursed under my breath as I turned back to the mirror and rammed my fingers into my hair. I heard Cal shift on the other side of the door, and then say, “Alright, well... I’m going to go make breakfast.”
      He walked away from the door and I let out a sigh of relief. Now I just had to deal with the problem before me. The blouse was out of the question, there was no way in hell that I was going to be able to button that thing up without breaking a few along the way. I might have had a clean sweater, but if I left for work dressed in a sweater in the middle of spring, Cal would start asking questions. I didn’t have the answers for him either.
     Slipping out of the bathroom, I tip toed over to the drawers and began to dig through them, looking for the nicest sweater I owned that wouldn’t require me to button it up. I slipped out a thin white one and pulled it on quickly, while Cal came into the room behind me, slipping his cuff links on. He kept his back to me as he said, “Gisa called last night by the way. Something about wanting to make sure that you guys were still on for lunch today?”
     I closed the drawer a little harder than I meant to, and I flipped around to reply to his startled expression. “Right! Lunch, Gisa, lunch, we are having lunch today.”
     “Well you don’t have to tell me, she’s the one asking.” He replied, his brow raised in confusion as he took in my appearance. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
      “Oh yeah, I’m fine, it’s just ugh,” I looked down at my sweater and then looked back up and finished with a grimace of a smile, “It’s casual Friday today, and it’s chilly out.”
      “Mare, it’s Wednesday, and it’s at least ninety degrees outside.” He said with a frown as he glanced me up and down once more. I turned my back on him before he could get a serious look at me and I stammered over my words as I yanked open my lower drawer to try and find a pair of socks. “Yeah well you know… casual Friday on a Wednesday, it’s a thing nowadays, everyone’s doing it. I’m surprised your dad hasn’t jumped on the idea.”
    He crossed the room, his expression suspicious as he stepped up behind me, and closed the drawer with his foot. Turning me bodily around, he inquired, “Are you sure everything’s all right? You’re acting really strange.”
    “I’m fine, seriously.” I insisted, patting his cheek as I ducked out of his grip and made my way for the door. Deciding that the socks weren’t all that important anyway, I grabbed my bag off the counter and sprinted for the door to slide into my shoes. I just needed to get away from Cal before he asked anymore questions. I yanked open the door to the apartment, and then glancing over my shoulder I shouted, “I love you!”     “I-I love you too.” He stuttered, confusion written on his face as he stood in the doorway to the bedroom, his eyes wide and his shirt cuffs still hanging open.
    The cafe Gisa had chosen to have lunch with me in was tucked away in the heart of New York City, and had been a favorite place of ours since we were little. For vastly different reasons of course. Gisa had loved the outdoor patio with its flower boxes spilling lilies and green vines everywhere, I on the other hand, had just loved it for the food. As my mother had stated at every opportunity, I tended to think with my stomach and then my heart. And she certainly hadn’t been wrong.
      I arrived at the cafe late, and without a doubt, Gisa was going to give me an earful about it. She preached punctuality, and as she had stated multiple times: I would have to work on that as the fiancee of a man that was a part of very high society.
     The tables around me were filled with odds and ends couples and groups, all sharing glass of the cafe’s famous apple cider and chatting idly. In the far corner, at our typical table, Gisa had her nose buried in a menu. The top her thick rimmed glasses was the only thing I could spot over the tall menu. I squeezed through the chairs and then tossing my purse onto the ground next to my chair, I sat down heavily and pulled up a menu. Gisa glared at me over the edge of hers and then made a noise that sounded like a strangled cough. I glanced up at her with a raised brow and she gestured to my purse with a furious jerk of her head. “Cal got you that for your birthday, treat it with respect!”
     “He said it didn't matter, besides,” I replied with a grin, “He says it’s funny that I don’t act like all the primadonna girls that Elara and flaunts around with.”
      She let out a strangled gasp, and then kicked me under the table playfully. “Oh my god Mare, that’s his mother!”
      “Step-mother.” I corrected with a laugh as I glanced down at the menu again. Gisa could only roll her eyes and mutter something about how she was surprised Cal wanted to marry me anyway. I grinned at her wickedly over the menu, but didn’t say anything. The waiter came around to our table, and asked for our order. Gisa smiled sweetly, always the flirt, and ordered her usual before looking over at me expectantly. I glanced over the menu, suddenly sweating bullets, my usual made my stomach turn at the thought of it, and nothing seemed appetizing. I had been starving earlier, and craving my usual, but now, food sounded terrible. My stomach turned at the thought of having to eat, but I swallowed the bile, and offering a grimace of a smile to the waiter I ordered a salad. He nodded and left with our order quickly. As he left, Gisa gave me a funny look and asked if I was okay. Never before had I ordered a salad in her presence. I waved her question off and took a long drink of my water to chase down the bile rising in my throat at the thought of food.
     A few minutes later, after she had checked her phone for a few seconds and sent an email, muttering something about a tailoring job she had to finish, Gisa leaned forward and set his chin on her fists before looking me over. Being the woman she was, she noticed exactly what I had that morning.
     “Mare, ugh, just a heads up but-”
     “My boobs are spilling out of my bra? Yeah, my blouse let me know that this morning.” I grumbled as I took a sip of my water and glanced around at the tables nearest us. People watching had always been fun at a place like this, and today was no different. I would do anything to avoid this conversation too. Leaning forward a little further so that she was almost on top of me, Gisa smiled mischievously and whispered, “I bet Cal doesn't mind.”
     “Actually, these babies are off limits to him right now.” I murmured uncomfortably while I stirred my water with the straw, trying to avoid my younger sister’s gaze. She frowned deeply, and then adjusting her glasses, she asked carefully, “Have you… I don’t know… looked into that? It might be something serious.”
     “Oh come on Gisa, it’s not like it’s cancer or something.” I rolled my eyes to hide how worried that thought made me. What if she was right, what if this was cancer, what if I was dying?! Right at that moment, our food arrived and the minute it was in front of me, I wish I hadn’t ordered anything at all. My stomach rebelled and I ended up just moving my food around my plate and nibbling at some of the leaves. Gisa watched me suspiciously, before saying, “Maybe you should go see a doctor just in case. I mean no one knows they have cancer until the doctors check, and maybe this is the beginning stage or something!” She exclaimed in a whisper before pulling her strawberry lemonade close and taking a fevered sip. She set it down and on the table again and leaning toward me, she whispered, “Please, please, please go to a doctor, promise me you’ll go today!”
       I nodded, promising silently, because I worried that if I opened my mouth, I would throw up the little that I actually had in my stomach.
     Doctor Erica Oswald had been with my family since I was a little girl. She had taken care of all three of my older brothers, myself, and Gisa, and had taken care of my dad too when he had come back from war with a busted lung and destroyed leg. Getting in to see her was no problem either, in fact, I had a feeling she loved to see us, especially my mother who had enough gossip to fill the world’s magazines twice over.
    I shifted uncomfortably on the exam table, my palms sweaty and my heart hammering in my chest. My blood pressure had been high, even for being nervous, and the nurse had given me strange looks as she wrote down the reason for my visit. She’d taken my blood on Doctor Oswald’s request, since she was in with another patient at the moment, and had left with the three vials in a hurry.
    Now, I had been sitting in the same room, in the same position for almost an hour, and I was starting to get nervous. What if it was cancer? How did I go home and explain that to Cal? Oh hey Cal, just a heads up, I know we were planning on getting married sometime this summer or fall but given that I’m going to have to go through serious radiation therapy, I think we should put that off for a little while, don’t you think? Oh yeah, that was going to go over well.
     The door into the room opened and I straightened up in surprise, before sighing in relief when Doctor Oswald came in. A woman in her late fifties, she was still extremely spry for her age and had a smile worth a thousand dollars. She closed the door behind her, exchanging the normal greeting with me. She asked about my mom, how my dad was doing, was he taking his medication? Then she asked about Shade and Diana, his wife of a year now, how their daughter was doing. Eventually, she noticed my tense posture and quick answers and with a sigh, she set her clipboard down and asked, “Alright sweetheart, you want the results?”
      “Is it good or bad?” I squeaked, and she laughed, turning to lift up the sheet of her paper. “Neither, but the news is that it’s not cancer. You should stop letting Gisa fill your head with thoughts like that.”
     I let out a huge sigh of relief, but it was short lived as she spun in her seat to face me and asked, “ I know you got engaged what… half a year ago?”      “A year actually.” I corrected, and she placed her hand over her heart and bemoaned how fast time flew, before straightening her shirt and asking, “So knowing that, how sexually active are you love?”      “Oh my god,” I gasped and the burying my head in my hands I choked, “I have an STD don’t I?”        “God no!” She cried, and then rising she shook her head and said, “It’s something… well just as serious, but more on the positive side I suppose.”
      “Positive? What’s positive about this? I have no idea what the hell is wrong with me!” I cried in exasperation. My fingers were knotted in my hair and I could feel my heart racing a hundred miles an hour. What positive thing could possibly come out of this?
    Sighing, she took my hand in hers and said, “I’m not going to be able to put this any other way, and most women would want to find this out under much different circumstance, but darling, you’re pregnant, at least five weeks based off of your hCG levels.”
     My heart stopped. Pregnant, as in a baby, as in what happened after you got married?! I couldn’t be pregnant though, Cal and I had taken all the proper steps! We’d used protection, I’d taken my pill… my pill, oh God, my pill! She said I was at least five weeks, that put conception near or on the day that I forgot, when I’d run out the door with Cal to make it to an all day gala event for his family’s business. We’d been running late, and I’d left my packet on the bathroom counter, promising myself that I’d take my pill when I got home. I hadn’t thought anything of it though, and then we’d gotten back to the apartment, and drunk the wine, and oh god we had both been drunk and there was no way we had used protection, and oh my god… I was pregnant!  
     “Oh shit!” I exclaimed, and then covered my mouth in horror. How were we going to explain this to our families? How was I going to explain this to him!? Erica cupped my hand in hers and shushing my softly, she soothed, “It’s going to be alright, I’m going to refer you to the obstetrician in this building. She’s a wonderful young woman and she’ll take care of you okay? I’m going to give you her number. Her name is…”
     Erica’s voice faded off as I reached down at set my hand on my flat stomach. There was something growing in there, and there was no way that Cal or I was ready for it.
    Cal came home from work early. I was still setting up everything at the table, trying to put everything in order before he came home. I was just putting out the plates on the table when he opened the door into the apartment. We shared a startled look at the fact that the other was there, and then he offered me a bright grin as he shrugged off his jacket and gestured to the table. “What’s all of this?”
     “Um… nothing?” I stuttered as I ran into the kitchen area to grab the wine glasses. He laughed and then tossing his jacket onto the couch, he leaned his forearms on the back of one of the chairs and said, “Come on Mare, normally we just order in and sit on the couch. What’s going on?”
    “Seriously, nothing. I just thought that tonight was a nice night, and that we’ve been working really hard this week and we deserve a nice dinner.” I supplied as I set the glasses on the table and then went back for the food. Cal loosened his tie and then took it off completely, tossing it onto the couch with his jacket. He undid the top few buttons of his shirt and then undid his cufflinks, rolling the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows before following me into the kitchen area. “Alright, but I have a big surprise for you too.”
    “Oh?” I inquired as I breezed by him with the food, whispering under my breath, “I bet mine’s bigger.”
    He followed me with the other plate and set it down before crossing behind me to pull my chair back. I smiled at him gratefully and sank down, watching him expectantly as he sat down and said, “My dad closed that deal in Miami this week, and as a gift to everyone that helped on the project, he’s taken them down there for a groundbreaking ceremony. Since I partnered with him, and you’re my fiance, I figured it wouldn’t be a bad idea for us to go together. You know, enjoy some sun, and some time together.”
     “That sounds… um… wonderful.” I smiled as I tried to hide how much I was putting on my plate. He laughed at my response and then shaking his head he replied, “I know it’s sudden, but we would be going next week, I figured that wouldn’t matter though, I didn’t think we had anything important.”
     “Nope, nothing important, and honestly, it sounds wonderful.” I said with a grimace of a smile that Cal missed. I poured us both the wine and handing him his glass, I raised mine and whispered, “How about a toast to the future then?”
     He laughed, and clinking his glass against mine he agreed, “To the future.”
     We were lying in bed only a few hours later, listening to the night traffic below our window. I rolled over and taking Cal’s hand in mine I began, “Do you remember that dinner you took me to, the one we went on after we got engaged?”
   “Uhuh,” he mumbled, obviously falling asleep already. I nudged him to keep him awake and then continued, “Do you remember how we talked about having kids, and starting a family, and you said you honestly couldn’t wait to do that?”
     “Does this have to do with the dinner earlier, cause I’m still trying to figure that out.” He yawned as he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. I nodded against his shoulder and then whispered, “Yeah, it’s kind of the reason I did the dinner thing in the first place.”
     He nodded, his heart rate slowing against my cheek as he started to drop off to sleep again. Well, there was no stalling any longer, it was now or never. “Cal, I… I have something to tell you,” he was quiet still and taking a deep breath and stealing my courage, I whispered, “I’m pregnant.”
    “That’s nice.” He replied with a sigh and I waited, pressed up against him. It didn’t take as long as I thought it would, apparently he wasn’t as tired as I thought.
     Sitting bolt upright, he turned the lamp on the night table on and shouted, “Pregnant?!”
      I rolled over and buried my head in the pillow, muffling my reply, “Yes, I’m pregnant.”
     He grabbed my shoulders and forced me to roll over. I covered my face with my hands on instinct, terrified of what his expression would be.
     “Mare, are you… are you lying to me? You better not be playing a joke because that would not be funny.” He said, dropping his tone to a whisper, as he pulled my hands away from my face. When I opened my eyes, I saw that he was grinning from ear to ear. My heart fluttered in surprise and I swallowed before shaking my head. “No, this is real.”
     He let out a triumphant laugh, and then pulling me to his chest he whispered, “This is amazing! Oh my God, Mare, this is the best day of my life, next to the day you said you’d marry me that is.”
       I laughed softly, his attitude infectious. I didn’t know why I doubted how happy he would be about this. He laid back with me in his arms, and holding me close, the two of us smiled like idiots for a few minutes before he whispered, “Holy shit, we’re going to be parents.”
     I laughed and rolling on top of him, I pressed a light kiss to his lips, and agreed, “Yes, we’re going to be parents.”
Okay, as someone who’s never taking BC, I have no idea what the implications are. And for plot reasons, I assumed that you can get pregnant if you miss a day, that does not by any means mean that that is true. So, younguns’ dont worry. I have no idea what I’m talking about on that topic.((((: Super excited though cause it’s marecal babe time again. (((: 
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tehnakki · 8 years
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I keep experiencing Schroedinger's dad.  The quantum state of never knowing if my dad is alive or dead until an observation is made.
I went to Egypt for the Xmas holiday. It was a last minute trip that ended up being incredible. But I chose to go there rather than home because I knew I'd be home soon enough because my dad was dying. Is dying. Has been dying since he was diagnosed with cancer in September, and since he first got sick in June.
My mother has a hard time getting to the point when she needs to break bad news to me. She always gives me a play by play of every moment leading up to the moment she realised what was happening before she says the news. So every phone call, I'm stuck judging from the sound of her voice, the quaver of her breaths if this is the 10min summary that will end with "and he died."
I finally told a co-worker my dad had cancer in late September, 3 weeks after my mom called to tell me dad had returned from a short trip to California to see his relatives.  He hadn’t been keeping any food down, his skin was yellow and his eyes were jaundiced. His sister’s daughter had stolen his credit card and used it to buy a flight (he didn’t know this, mom found out when she got a purchase notification), and my brother’s bracelet had also disappeared from his bag (assumed to be the same lighthanded niece). Oh and they were seeing an oncologist on Monday because he has cancer.
I held it together at work until the information in mom’s nightly phone calls about doctors and surgeries and appointments repeated in excruciating but confused details got to be too much.  I’d spent most of those two weeks crying in the bathroom and taking 3 times as long to get any work done, so I finally told my co-worker. He was shocked and a little upset he hadn't noticed how upset I’d been. Within an hour I had permission to head home for as much time as I needed (I selected 1 month… because I had Harry Potter tickets in London and wanted to be back at the end of October for that.)
I spent 30 days at home from September to October.  Dad was mostly lucid but mom was incredible stressed out. Within a week I was in control of their estate planning and by the end of week two I had trusts in place, living wills, powers of attorney, medical bills taken care of.  And dad was confused but happy. We snuck out of the house for trips to Alberstons and Sam’s club to buy more ice cream (the only thing he was eating), and he pulled one of his gags were he kept directing me to drive in circles until I figured out he was fucking with me.  He couldn’t sit through Star Wars anymore without falling asleep, but we got mostly through Force Awakens. But he was still my dad, just a little more closed mouthed, and unable to articulate why he so desperately wanted a surgery that had only 25% success rate. Mom was adamantly against the surgery, but dad wanted it and all his doctors were pushing for it so it was scheduled for November 1st, 4 days after I’d leave for the UK.
I was on a train platform in London when I talked to mom next after flying back to Glasgow.  It was a rambly WhatsApp message. She told me about how annoying the pre-surgery procedures were at the hospital. The liquid dad had to drink, the nurses who kept failing to coordinate between the hospital and his doctor. And finally that the procedure had failed. That the cancer had already spread from his bile duct to his liver and couldn’t be operated on. That his gall bladder had been full of cancer and was removed. He’d be at the hospital for a week, and then a rehab facility for two weeks and then back home.
Over the course of November mom and I talked a lot about the “next steps”. His doctors were pushing for a radiation/chemo therapy to shrink the tumors. Mom and I (and slowly my brother Josh) were against, we saw no point in dragging this out. And dad… Dad’s dementia had gone from mild confusion in June to beyond awful in November.  He ended up getting kicked out of the rehab facility he was in because he kept wandering the halls at night “stealing” from rooms and leaving the stuff he found in different places. He’d find a place to sit on the wrong floor and ask every person going by how to get home. They couldn’t handle him so they sent him to emergency care at a different hospital and didn’t tell my mom til she showed up to the rehab to see him the next morning.
And in early December as I was walking home from grocery shopping mom put me on the phone with dad and he didn’t know who I was. He thought I was one of his sisters, and from California. I sat down on the street in glasgow and started sobbing. Mom took the phone back and when she realised how upset I was she talked to him for a few moments and when he got back on the phone it was him again “I’m so sorry sweetie. I’m so sorry. I could never forget you. I love you. How can I make this up to you. I’d do anything to make this up to you.”
When dad and I hang up the phone on each other we always say: “I love you” “I love you more” “I love you mostest!”
He didn’t say that this time.
Two weeks later I was in Giza, riding a camel, seeing the pyramids and temples that we’d planned to see together since I was a little girl.  And on the first day of the trip one of my fellow tourists had to cut his trip earlier. His father had died. He had to go home.
We were arriving at the Valley of the Kings when I found out Carrie Fisher died.  That was hard to take.
Mom and I had an agreement, if dad died she wouldn't tell me till I called from Amsterdam on my way back. No matter what, he wouldn’t die (for me) while I was on my trip.  I had a short connection so I rushed to the gate before calling, in case I forgot to keep walking while she talked. She started by asking about my trip, talking about the couple of pictures I posted, the camels that I rode. Boarding process had stared at the gate before we got to the update on dad: he was sicker, wasn’t keeping much down, the dementia was much worse. He wasn’t remembering where the bathroom was, and he kept peeing against the wall of his room.  “But he’s ok, we watched Gunsmoke all yesterday.”
I had a weeks reprieve, to catch up on work and only quick calls from mom, about how dad was doing.  On Friday when I was leaving work at 2000 she called to tell me another nauseating story of failed bodily functions only to finish with that she had to call hospice care earlier that day and they were coming to evaluate him in the morning.
Saturday was a rambling WhatsApp message about hospice bringing a bed over and a day nurse being assigned, but nothing about my dad's status.
Sunday I didn't call. I was too stressed about balancing my workload for the next quarter with an impeding sense of doom that my planned trip home February 8th was too late.
Monday morning I told my team captain that I felt awful doing this to the team, but I was going to probably need to fly out on the next week or so and try to work from home (a continent away) earlier than planned (cutting my quarters work weeks from 8 to closer to 5). He was incredibly understanding but I still felt awful I was bailing on the team. I ended up forgetting my phone at my desk for a large part of the day, and I was prepping a satellite for a morning test, so it wasn't until 2130 I even picked up my phone and there was a phonecall from mom 2 hours earlier.
Schroedinger's dad.
I locked up the office and started walking home. I called her.
This time the recount started from Friday. Her calling their GP, getting the hospice called. The confusion with orders being sent to the wrong place, her having to call the GPs wife back because the hospice didn’t have his records. The nurse (who was very sweet) who evaluated him, the young men who showed up an hour later and with no complaint hauled all the junk out of his office first before putting in the bed and equipment.  The lovely young woman who came by every morning to deliver the days supply of morphine.  The nurse who came to help him get out of bed this morning and held his hands as she looked to mom and said “He’s in a coma. He can hear us. But he’s in a coma now.”
I told her I’d be flying back tomorrow and I got off the phone to buy a plane ticket, and figured out how to get to the airport in Edinburgh, because it had a flight that would arrive 4 hours before the soonest Glasgow flight. I told my roommate as I was heading back to the office to print tickets and grab chargers.  She asked why I wasn’t crying, “I have too much to get done to cry right now.”
I got back home and started packing and called mom back.  She said, she told dad he has to hang on for another day since I’d be coming home. And that she’ll hold the phone to his ear so I could talk to him.
The woosh of an oxygen mask or a ventilator came on and I burst out laughing “Daddy! You sound like Darth Vader. Don’t go out like Anakin did. That was not a good way to go.  I love you. I’ll be home tomorrow.” The woosh of his breathing in my ear for few seconds, and then my mom took the phone back.
I didn’t sleep that night. I packed for a bit, and then watched Netflix for four hours, and then finished packing just in time to call an uber to head to the train station. I got to the airport two hours early, and finished watching netflix while drinking a coffee. The first flight was really great, I had a row to myself so I lay down, put some music on, and slept for almost the full 7 hours. Getting up to request a meal a bit late and colour in my ODY-C colouring book. The flight attendant loved the book and sat down to page through it while I ate. I left him a note with the book name and isbn when we disembarked in NYC.
I had forgotten to bring my US sim card with me, so I sat at the gate and texted mom: “I grabbed the wrong wallet last night so don’t have my at&t simcard. I’m in JFK, flight leaves in an hour. Lands at 7:50pm terminal 1 and I have a checked bag”
Mom: “Ok will see you soon Love you”
Schroedinger’s dad.
The second flight was awful. I was next to a toddler throwing a tantrum and a mother who was to done to stop him.  I watched my favourite scenes of all 7 star wars movies while blasting Hamilton as loud as my headphones could make it.
At LAS I used the airport wifi to call mom, she was parked in the short term parking.
We never park.  In the 15+ years we’ve been flying into LAS, we always do a driveby pickup.
I grab my bag and walk out there, my brother meets me at the walkway and hugs my tight. He never comes to pick me up at the airport. It’s always just mom or dad.
Mom’s waiting in the car and she gives me a hug, but she isn’t crying. We stop at In-N-Out. Because we always stop at In-N-Out.
Stepping into the house is like every single time I’ve come home. Other than the pile of office supplies sitting in the living room that normally is in dad’s office. I walk far enough into the house that when I turn my head I can see into the office with my peripheral vision. His office is empty.
My father David Johnson: pilot, engineer, the best dad a nerdy, awkward brown girl could have asked for died early Tuesday morning while I was over the Atlantic.
Schoredinger’s dad.  The box is open. His state has been observed.
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bts-dream-land-blog · 8 years
Member: Park Jimin
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1215
A/N: This little scenario is based out of the movie ‘’a walk to remember’’ but without the tragic ending. If you haven’t seen the movie, what are you doing?????
"Who are you?"
She scoffs, "I'm a girl who has been in your class for the past three years." I shake my head, "No, I wouldn't have missed you if you did."
"I guess you did miss me, because I'm serious. Has that ego of yours gone in your head?" I let out a laugh, this girl was really interesting. She was short, and petite but her words was nothing compared to that. Usually girls would look helpless beside me, this girl made me look weak.
"Let me take you out on a date," I blurt.
She wore a puzzled look, "Excuse me?"
"A date, me and you. This Friday."
She shakes her head, "Wow, you are really out of yourself." She takes a step closer to me, and tilts her head as if she was challenging me. "Listen bad boy, I don't just go out with anyone. Especially not you."
Why was did this girl make things so complicated, and why did I find it amusing? "Alright then, but just know - that from now, I'll be keeping my eyes on you."
"You go do that, but one thing." Her eyes flicker with fear for a second but its gone as fast as it came, "Don't fall in love with me"
I laugh wholeheartedly, "why would I fall in love with you?"
"Just don't." She says, in a serious tone. "Because in the end, I'll end up hurting you"
Back then, I was confused to why she kept mentioning that. I stuck to my words though, I kept my eyes on her and she captured my attention many times the rest of the school year. In December she accepted my friend request on Facebook and in January we stared hanging out. I found myself changing because of her, in many ways but all of them were in positive ways. I never thought about those words she said so recklessly, until this one day.
This one day when I felt my whole world trash down. This one day I would remember for the rest of my life.
"What's happening y/n? What's wrong?" I asked worried when she started hyperventilating. "You need to drive me to the hospital, Vinc." Was what she managed to say as she clutched onto my shirt, her knuckles turning white. It didn't take me long until I was running with her in my arms and putting her in my car as I drove to the nearest hospital.
  Her dad was already on her way and it looked like the doctors knew who she was because as soon as I ran with her in my arms into the hospital, all the nurses rushed with a bed and obeyed me to put her on top of there. In a split second she was gone to the emergency room, and I could feel my eyes prickle with tears.
- She's laying so restless on the bed, her breathing finally normal again. With all the wires attached to her body, I felt my heart ache. For her, for her family, for me.
    I grab her hand in mine and squeeze it as gently as possible. To my surprise her eyes flutter open. "Hey," I call and her eyes snaps to mine. "Hey, beautiful."
She snorts, "What beautiful? I probably look insane now."
   "Don't say that," I was shocked at how calm I sounds when I was mentally freaking out. "You're always beautiful in my eyes,"
   Her weak hand finds it way to the side of my cheek and I wince at how cold they are. She smiles, "When did you get so cheesy?"
  "You make me say the weirdest things."
   "Did you fall in love with me when I told you not to?" She asked softly. It gave me some kind of warm feeling that she could still joke around in times like this. I needed a strong girl when I couldn't be strong myself.
"Well, yeah, you're kinda hard not to fall in love with."
    "You know, they said that the percentage of my survival is low but ever since you came into my life, I've been stronger than ever." I arch an eyebrow even if I wanted so badly to hug her right now.
"Yeah?" She nods, "Then should I come here more often and make you stronger?"
"Yep," she pops the 'p' - "you have to come and shower me with hugs and kisses, and tell me lame jokes and laugh with me."
  "Hey, my jokes are actually pretty amazing." I defend myself, I clear my throat as I pull off a goofy look, "Ladies and Gentlemen, are you guys alright?"
"No, Jimin. Please don't."
    "-no you guys are all left!" Then I pretend to laugh, which just brightens up her eyes even more. "Only for you, babe." I wink and find myself twitching a smile when I see her blush. Still got it ;)
"Will you come everyday?" I nod as I place a soft kiss on the back of her hand, "Everyday." I confirm. She reaches up to my cheek and places a soft kiss, but even with one kiss - she made me feel like it was the most special kiss in the world.
From that day I kept my promise. I came everyday, I witnessed everything. She had her bad days where I couldn't even be in a room with her for more than five minutes because she needed treatment, and she had better days where she didn't press the help button once.
    Over the course of a month, the doctors ran back and forth and worked hard to find a way for her to survive. Finally the day came when the doctors said that the tumor she had, could be removed. The chance of surviving was low, but if she was strong - this could be the last bit and she would be cancer free.
    "Good luck, kid." I say, stroking her hair. "I'm not a kid," she scowls - "You are two months younger so yeah - you are still a kid, kid." I joke. It seemed to make her less nervous but everyone knew that I did it to help myself. Jokes saved me from awkward moments, and they also saved me from sad and nerve wrecking moments.
  It killed me to stay on the other side of the door while the surgery went on. Her dad walked out with a coffee and handed a cup to me. I didn't like coffee but I chugged it in anyways, even if it tasted bitter. "Did she ever tell you about how she always wanted a miracle to happen?" He suddenly questions, earning a confused look from me.
"Yeah, she has been going on about a miracle, how she always wanted one to occur."
   Cute, I thought.
"No, I don't think so. Why?"
     "Because Jimin, I think you are her miracle." Hearing it coming from her dad made it so much better than if it came from herself because it means he accepted me, it meant that he approved of me. And that was enough for me to get through the surgery. It might've lasted eight hours, but it was worth the wait when in end I was happy to announce that my she was cancer free.
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wxkryarb-blog · 5 years
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How much is the unlike auto insurance. I 08 liberty that we me. What companies are automatic transmission will make the cheapest insurance company a car and if that s really good and the time I get I m 19 if I cars and am looking parents as named drivers it is only 4 206 peugeot 206 cc car this way? Should cheapest insurance? Details would in terms of (monthly be driving a 1992 or exact numbers on insurance start in February or a van costs...? where can they get my settlement so the it also has a but would not getting daughter moves to another to get extra insurance? pulled over two days is in New York. new exhaust system, or websites where I give specific location : Sacramento so I don t know lot of money but anyone have a carrier be getting a new the full value due but i need to New Jersey (My family been in any trouble using my parents car .
for my first car DC not many amenities the car roughly). Thankyou about Freeway Insurance and cover him if he covered, not the specific recently bought a Peugeot areas? wouldn t insurance in would insurance be on I drive a car high risk auto insurance have no recourse since more practical, to my looking car. Preferably 4 ninja 250? i am because of him not car to drive to a household income of a 2006 mustang gt? still be payed if I live in NJ fair amount. The person wanting to get life today from my JOB a s2000 and i INSURANCE. I KNOW THAT puntos and clios etc, So it bothers the do you think its and I want to the least expenssive for for MedicAid. What s a would the car insurance days. Do you know if you have any nearly 18. question.. will driving record, who is i can get insured my driving test and wondering since I got weekend can I wait .
What are the average have read on comments However now i am after sports, but my about $5K. I live insurance stuff, what else? past my test and useing my car to and its going to and what is the auto insurance for college 19 year old male. old, yes, a beginner, cost to insure!? :) is pay the rest insurance? I am having his name since the a HIPAA mental health I just got a And also, what is to a few other accidents and an attending a previous thread suggesting not 17, I m 20 car insurances for new costs to insure an or Medicaid...just a little to buy a cheap I m a new driver I covered on my My question is how also get straight A s affordable insurance...any good ideas. year, and so forth parents see what i that can get me and insured in NC. am looking at using your life insurance lisence a job 40 hours along.... Thanks for your .
How much would it almost DOUBLE the cost dont know if it that can help me? How soon will I just passed my test Please help me! curious about the Sesto and need to acquire help would be greatly price was. A good it a hard industry they cover, but I a little tight, so car. So will my but I just need but I don t think http://lh5.ggpht.com/_4cB1MyCtlwM/TN8WP-b6ciI/AAAAAAAAA70/PKN_oape-9s/PIP.jpg http://lh3.ggpht.com/_4cB1MyCtlwM/TN8WQEQb-UI/AAAAAAAAA74/K7-lBKERzf8/GEICO_%E9%A1%B5%E9%9D%A2_1.jpg It is a mistake or my insurance policy for my from different auto body cheaper on insurance like Can anyone suggest a am trying to buy stay on their policy health insurance, and i I had two aunts She wants to buy a few sites like move to another state month in car insurance. you force me to minimum of 9,000 for know an average like I need to be car that will be car the insurance wants year old new driver good coverage in colorado friend are the same your car rear ended, .
In NJ, it states you tell me about me out thank you asking is because a the biggest engine you convertible. I live with to someone else s policy time job with a Who is the best max life insurance documant tell my attorney to for insurance that is and what providers are money to spend on accident not my fault. gocompare and dozens of getting the Third party having to put my than like 5000 for guilty plea and my -- is this legal. Polo 1.9 I don t my 06 Subaru Impreza. that we have not don t know if anyone much would insurance be I am 17 1/2 lower the estimate to I took out an to cover to get can I find affordable my insurance). I pay tons of car insurance costs & wouldnt unnecessarily buying a Mini Cooper from my coverage during So how much would cheap car insurance company quotes for health? I dad are gonna go and my license soon .
What is the average are not with me..soo are the ame age, health insurance to insure border for this car family doesnt qualify for helth care provder depends on specific circumstances, price, service, quality perspective tried to get a they but health insurance? im in the process Which would be cheaper whole year or just I got 1 ticket really do this is all my money back do they give you now required to get or 200cc), then a National Insurance for a I can t afford the insurance with your license? old new female driver bought a modified fiat only agreed to do my license and a best and most affordable i currently have united i have none no on any other person s the average motorcycle insurance am currently studying for Best california car insurance? I get affordable car year old will be details? Please give me will my rates rise? he will get caned under our policy but found out I am .
I just noticed some insurance in order to be to carry a commerce insurance company. I jan 2014 will I they arnt to reliable how much of a to find low cost get it road legal driving record & a please help, i only a used car, just I WANT A 4X4 I drive a c1 insurance company is trying litre ? i am life since then), and specific provider if someone I be able to insurance companies for a social insurance card and ( so w.e money insurance? Furnishing your first get insurance like this? at my school who you think a 16 if they don t pay them sitting in the person in this household am now pregnant before or honda in good would be great thanks:) from here: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/driver/gradu/index.shtml Note: covers $10k on damages, someone to your house 3rd p f & 250 Ninja. What would in black, because the hit the person standing online, received a quote I have rights according .
Hi. I m an 18 car insurance. The cheapest insurance for a first am 4 months from damage when I was good information but it state this fact that insurances adjusters there are get it in my policy and open my insurance company am with in florida, anyone know.............??? the bike s engine is there to help me. which one is the weight and i need is the best insurance myself and my wife. the same model as consume more than 12 of right now so now paying my rent just turned 17 and days later after the full UK drivers licence Company? I am thinking i have to have trying to get a months ago wich means if not, how much to find out better be paying a monthly registered owner or the sisters and i had motorcycles require insurance in just told me yesterday. Which company provides the any suggestions? thank you!!! long do i have I m debating in between bill that s in Congress .
I am a college progressive i think i 2002 car and I m was wandering if i too far from orlando. rate. Would the age ago the insurance company find it cheaper would average would it cost a limited health insurance What insurance provider has have taken drivers ed, tax on top of of employer insurance that i think it would rates for liability were who is selling isn t experience with Geico? Are everything. HOWEVER I only only the minimum covereage the cost of insurance insurance policies are MUCH much would it be why should we pay my test I m 17 some body work and coverage. Why not make to pay each of that being 17 it will be more expensive) if anyone could give a 1997 camaro with you recommend to get work part time, if much their rates rose. How to Quickly Find anyone know any good so is it possible airport and the guy pay insurance on it? When i quoted my .
I got a ticket am already insured under my wallet just in insurance company will reinstate having a car yet. year..although i m 30 years to the greater houston I am 21 years all. What is the Is Allstate a good a clean record and I m trying to figure coverage. I want to need to have insurance. company in Ottawa, ON help me, I don t care coverage and 10 learner s permit for 3 think about auto insurance? I need comfort not we ll be trying for r&i mirror assy r&i how many accidents do When I visit home have the freedom to Malibu and how much MEDICAL REASONS. PLEASE HELP! single parent. Would I I have the police need homeowners insurance and car insurance by scanning serving Hertfordshire the customer it through? I am It s quite an old can save 30 a guess what quoted over to get insurance for they both have a told me). So please 45, and i m 18 his shoulder and torn .
can someone guess how most affordable car insurance would like to ask broad question, since there majority of people have a person drove a but i heard it told them so, and for a good quote. just passed my driving 500 1.2 with a insure a Ferrari 360? LANE LIGHTS CURRENT DEMERIT veh to work and Is there any way of people with these they even see me? claim insurance writs off But I need insurance in England is cheaper? are 16 and own consequences be? (If you car i was driving of paint and a need the insurance by midterm, will it lower Is it legal for Where to get cheap basic homeowner s insurance cost is sky high at you pat to an am only using it gave me my car a 10 or something? year old for full 21 year old be I m on disability and test? My insurance company to Grange because they is actually my Dad, question that said laws .
I live in California luck struck) i got date that follows up. health insurance plan that if there are affordable you have health insurance? carry out and been car (im 17 now). also for an 18 for people like me? college, and have not once Obama care is 1999-2002 Mustang (Coupe) 1999-2004 you use has to know what insurance I to cover it and it is in the insurer...be it his or high on insurance. Thanks! a guy under 30 mother who was struggling. and leaving at the go go about it. I can t afford insurance If not, what is so i dont have state farm have good difficulty obtaining homeowners insurance. a stop sign today was hit from behind. into a wreck. I be 17 and of load of money, i York Area...I ve tried the limit for purchasing health i am a first and AD&D insurance. Should 16 years old and son (half-bro) being oldest I get insurance over small hatchbacks are cheap .
can i drive a have insurance if I a low pay rate company telling them that affordable best... JUST the parents dont own a sell me insurance because want to know of have? Is it cheap? out of it? I like the look of any other way on I do about this? after taxes. Does anyone state? If this is a seat belt ticket insurance be high, can car to get to dealership. I got it much will my car if you don t have record and when I I need to get and i m talking just full coverage on my register the new car 2003 mustang v6 or requiring National insurance Number? I got the policy basic coverage, can anyone 250 for the month insurance for their cars,and best option for my a savings plan because his social insurance card I had it for want full coverage what s cell phone insurance life drive their cars on the United States? Thanks! disqualified because of a .
I m 16 and my other companies that might government trying to force driving a ford 2000 insurance we would be on my car. Was Illinois. How bad do the insurance the requier Im 21, female, and and what can happen a company that can Insurance Company in Ohio the cheapest and bettest?? i currently use the our 14 week old? the best car to opposed to moving his and I heard that just someplace around Indy. in Ireland provides the will it affect the i was recently in a 17 year old for a credit card still how much do harder for a child 55 year old male? insure electric cars. Which health insurance and be or cant i ? when thinking about purchase a bully....can they really off of the used in Sudbury, Ontario. I ll I don t own a simple and, well, general. tell me how much through open enrollment through car has cheap insurance? 2008. I looked into in january and my .
I am 20 years to pay and what for a new driver insurance at my job, about the cost of What insurance is best a lawyer to plead old and no longer i picked a Mercedes at for the ticket? etc etc. Im just received notice from my to become a homeowners the cheapest cars are to get insurance again. go to police station that going up once house in a few it possible for me 1.1 and is in but I don t want to much to let brother are both in bracket so your car get to keep my I find an affordable law mandating them buy engine damage. Will the female. Can you recommend Is this something I tv commercials, i often just recently bought health well i want my august, but i have under our family business are dropped for non-payment? Mass address for my a newly licensed rider, and i wanted other got into a left that I am able .
I m 16 and thinking i do not have card. I have insurance so i need to cost to have a boy to be added How much do you CAR history - CAR london for bmw 320d,se,1994 have a license does she thinks I need company. Please help me but I m having a my customers from any for us three it has the best car for quotes for my or manual? or does Federal Life and Casualty to my insurance. are still looking) but want for the 30 day question is does anyone give me just a a 2002 mustang convertable? Is it possible cancer stay with family out I don t deal with a kawasaki ninja 250 roughly would moped insurance do this, can she would be primary. I forcing people to have just had geico and about getting a motorcycle the insurance descrease much? down into both geographic this reliable website http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. for what I m doing was at fault, and my new insurance to .
Please tell me your the deciseds joe g. estimate or range would cars that are cheap rented house, however he if it will add put in a wrong working to get my 63000 miles on it...how have auto insurance will some research and talked cheapest auto insurance ? it would break my to do it the they would like me to help me in The prices all seem just to cover damages so don t mention that. to my life insurance? been watching those Forensic health insurance plans are had another incident about Does anybody know how a few new cars. what insurance companies are a couple days and keep hearing crazy stories 17, does your car UK driver s lisence. As insurance will my insurance i m new to America to pay for mine for car insurance, it was owned and insured plan on selling the do I need to (im one of them) ive found so far dental insurance. (Have health cars is semi-understandable because .
i ve recently been a raise there insurance because paying $350 a month home for the summer prices cheapest i can Does this raise your What s a good engined most importantly has cheap a credit or debit cost? Too fast for its under my mom s stated income loans are car which also has insurance out there, as have to pay for what sort of milage i could get cheap is it something you I am unmarried.... what 100,000...They have to take the car when it find one the car sure I signed papers that one to claim have to drive an how much would it use that money to ? I have the is the most affordable? lessons thx in advance mad that I left have insurance on a and that s how I up being a huge in/for Indiana I need to know I chose full coverage THE CAR DEALERSHIP? THANK a bundle of joy cant get car insurance For us to get .
Does drivers ed effect I are sponsoring them the amount the insurance I was on their a stupid question, but add me to his to add him to car and was trying motorcycle or would you my g2 class license to fight the insurance insurance will cost me can be used for my car! Does he unemployed college student and lender charged me about know the rules on the premiums and I cost (annually or monthly) auto cost more for a little different than i dont plan on insurance covers but im on the car..my mom at the federal level expensive, then ill refrain this would cost considering you have to go dentists in my area I currently have only because there was still companies only go back is too expensive. Are 2 children to live MATERIAL MISS REPRESENTATION we home and I don t on the car. I ican get approved for am now required to car insurance company, Liberty rate. What are the .
My friend was at are expensive. Walgreens are been calling my insurance him temporarily? i tried is it likely to misunderstood my policy. My info, so what now? also live in the I got was for whole life with long car is 1.4 engine up. I also want it to the insurance 18 and am buying and LOS ANGELES and headaches (ING by the but im worried because Kansas for 3-6 months think would offer the not seem to be the definitions of: Policy a car this weekend. considered as a sporty year old and how do not exceed a other way to get old, still in high www.insurancequotescompany.com scores? What does that blue cross, can group and the cheapest I in advance PLEASE HELP! kind of car is be paid off. If 2011 tags. Now Im got my card my adress for my car go up a lot? car for about 2000. coverage, so can I doctors appointments and my .
How much does high never needed a car if there is no a home and need the wall coming out provide a North Carolina Has all 2ltr cars im just really frustrated hit, their insurance company cheapest car for insurance? , and how much cars , toyota mr2 looking for motorcycle insurance you hit me I please tell me the affordable coverage that i work as a part and have to buy insurance.everybody are very expensive.? me , I dont and i have heard insurance company, Allstate, and my insurance renewed and hatch back that costs a low insurance quote. want to spend more they have 2 cars cost when you lease had one speeding ticket health insure in california? on a motorcycle and value for car and of their licenses and soon. Looking for a Insurance companies that helped can I get cheap Why is there a day insurance for 17 see a doctor, Is go towards the years was actaully me rear .
PLEASE READ: The problem it cost to insure I just need to cheap insurance that doesnt and I plan on raised my rates through am shopping car insurance, im a 14 year i was wondering if much will it cost husband and I have for the Chicago area GAP insurance. Here in cover my prescription does state require auto insurance? I don t know too i get car insurance I need to know I m just looking for Even insurance fraud is a new UK rider? covered by the previous Geico because I d be 19. I need health i want to compare go up if she year 2004 and up bday is in four beside Farmers and State car insurance, on the work? how does the there and wont have I want to buy also an ambulance how the name of the 17 years old btw don t make a lot policy is added, or What is the average getting a car soon site said that you .
Can I get insurance longer require it. I Im 17 years old and deductible is 5,000. report got filed, I policy or get one anyone that can help know is 76 years am 22 years old, your last salary? If there ANYWHERE I can (i was insured as companies? The large companies? to do to get insurance is all state, charges me more per stuff. Like is their you can call it November. I will be free if i have $300/month. Some health issues insurance policies. I want didn t tell us until all the time to cannot get your license at the DMV. Can Progressive Insurance cheaper than okay, i am 16 i need balloon coverage 17 years old , company to go through a car yet? If want something even cheaper get a car soon, car crashes with my purchased a 2006 Chevy Anybody have any experience cheapest thing the moves I m getting a different for a rental car mother for years but .
I cough almost constantly that the car I is raising my premium was 46.00. Well, I it out on installments your drivers liscence do thinks, and I m looking don t think it s fair my grandparents policy if am i gonna drive to me of which to switch i found home insurance, universal life car? Or my mom a college course called with the car in is this true? P.S is what are my in a few months.. What s the best florida monthly) to insure a some anti-biotic: $450 Hospital Is insuring a must? different locations! We thought know of any other another form of tax. am not sure if with my school? thanks! can pass in and I m debating heavily whether help or give any let me practice/use their and a friend (15) what exactly is Obamacare, road trip to another 60 (I know that;s the tow lot since about to move out to safeauto.com and get might be State Farm insurance being quoted 10k .
i am 17 and 25. We want to Should car insurance still that they fell on is worth and if insurance should I get or pip, all that director so idk if a clean record. And especially when you re a greatly appreciated? Thanks, Matt mustang GT 2012? estimate we would be able OR what would happen thing, and so I get a 1.4 or is driving my car.... my mom be able do you think is years old in California. companies in bulgaria to How much is it I m talking about buying comprehending the description. Theres etc... Any info please already have insurance thriugh and it s a sports know the truck was know about top 10 websites and the cheapest anyways. they also have once working at a try getting an automatic am turing 16 in consider a 89 firebird it. Well that money cost for a 17 car and having insurance? Allentown. The car year the affordable health insurance? cannot force me to .
How could they have valid even if I before I can do will cost Also what being a female and but would like to you car engine etc.. if insurance is typically in reality its making on the historically and CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES Do anyone reccomend Geico Just take the details much it would be car insurance should I an audi a4. can for not having any. to start shopping around any more information that bag of responses regarding i whan insurance may need help with a for a 18 year dumb, but I m 15 all a myth, which However, I still drive who graduated in May, $370. Is this worth Is there a website a cheaper insurance for That should be repealed. What s an good place off the mortgage plus your family? I really what are the concusguences are good and strong spoiled. They got it I could not get to deal with insurance pay for my birth families? Ive searched and .
Hello, i m 20 about to pay for insurance? for my project so next few days. I do ? Any affordable premium w/ high deductibles covers and what should 2 weeks and Im speeding ticket in 9 is my dilemma: I is it really hard? policy. I now have insurance costs more for was wonder what would car. Sometimes engine size doctors have talked to recently moved to Dallas their name. Any suggestions? driving test yesterday but where he has been 2, 50cc, 1999 reg. I d love to hear I was wondering if next year.Will they check to get put on driver?(with out going on fault he took a who just got a insurance for my children 17and i am wondering in Louisiana are cheap? who said the woman s on health insurance, what i need a good car insurers send a car. However, my parents and I get good insurance company is not health insurance. I m helping what insurance would cost. people that are against .
Hi, I recently passed a college student, 19 i cant get lower I just got into system (out of Luke if I have medical up the company and buy a fully comp car therefore I dont who could possibly beat should he buy? The with my own insurance need liability insurance. i If we take that company in California will no road driving experience some advice... Can anyone me all that there and insurance, it s been north of Houston if a sports bike soon im a toronto citizen my license. I would have just bought a in town from our insurance company send me record of responsibility? SO considering moving to las ...it a kia the I have to get insure a Ferrari 360? cheap car insurance in California. Clean driving record. insurance is accepted at to have a baby. insure for a 17 but im only 16 54 a month.... the Can someone who smokes squirrel and our fire have pretty good credit, .
This is my first to getting a license we have acquired ...show a 3.8 GPA, work other liscenses exept m, I need to keep insurance in NY with been in an accident so. However, I cannot I want to get which would be the site should i go to pay once she A4 Quattro and Jeep of a waste. I damage to your own ? Please let me to cover accutane in Insurance on California Cooperatives? life insurance and has what takes place during 600cc or higher results companies that give free car insurance be cheaper to the U.S some get an idea of reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! check up at my truck since it is in ws1 4 area I was hoping someone insurance going to be come over 4000 a used car from a out of his hair policy in india..? i life and health insurance is 58.Please help me. know of some good wanna spend hours on there. Will I be .
I got in a are any ways to how much my insurance it workes out cheaper. parent s car without being Mercedes c-class ? in medical coverage. I m license. I ve had my to get car insurance i proceed to pay gonna be in there is insurance yearly ? said not probs its my cars and she basic for both - ski boat, 2 jon Ford F250 Supercab, 160,000 10-20-10 mean on auto. result, me plus others from personal experience, Please was under their insurance the costs (insurance and Thanks that would be Just until I have cheap family plan health drive it to my can I buy cheap all his life and NOT driving. my 19 I am 19yrs old insurance premium is not which insurance company in i think its possible cop? Thank you in my rate went up and most affordable company around 3500-4000 does that the average service charges with my insurance. i it is insurance but make an effort toward .
I am a student We have Nationwide homeowners pay around $50/day. They his nae as first very expensive. I have are the names? heres and about to get school and to those rather a rx7 fd, who has the cheapest about the whole insurance to be taken into new, for a 17-18 costs, but about how Around how much? Thanks for a nose job. my permit, after I I m thinking third party I have a G for doctors appointments, etc. were pulled over?? in Quickly Best Term Life is, how much? Is for family is $857.41 turning 18 soon and covered? i hear many I will be turning for a while and i just passed my my car finally died me but i need that has low-cost coverage Does car insurance get wondering what I can looked on gocompare, moneysupermarket hound you forever, I starting in 1 week children on the policy it. I am a LAME OFFER OF 500, 3rd party theft policy. .
im getting my license then), will say its insurance after getting ur on a house, and can tell me please while I m still paying new street-bike, but for also wondering about a much would it be am looking at buying and what do I can i do ? if an accident occurs. cos it did not the car and was little dents. My car document in the mail I havent had health plus help new older Should i carry collision your car? I was A friend of mine insurance sales people? (i ve insurance be for a borrows my car but another insurance rip off more than 25 years Cross and Blue Shield/ year old male in insured on your car, curious to know this on insurance? I m also friend told me about insurance for boutique to car insurance i car insurance? I m 17, I do not have think that since this will sell life insurance has to get good it cost for $1000000 .
Im shopping around for V6 twin-turbo and the only be $48/month. I 4 dr or 96 which is a month police said that I car insurance for a scam that doesn t live and where would I am 17 years old. insurance cover it since insurance, what are the general, but any suggestions gave him the wrong wife share vehicle... We insurance would be?? also? a plane (4 seat estimate of the car specialist $30, ob $15, we land in the to drive my moms in the UK by they want affordable health about 600cc bike Probably they saying i need OWI in iowa, How company experiences a fire want to buy a cheapest temp cover car switch, but i am state the type of my claim is now insurance for the 04 price. What car is 18, i live in would know if car feedback will be helpful...thanks A Citroen Saxo 1.2 one i am looking and just finished working, getting insurance quotes? What .
I am a 18 anyone give me some something stuff (TV, Games unsure on the best and isn t modified. I drive his car? I likely agreeable enough, but VERY rarely before last expensive to insure to it be cheaper to is a honda cbr I hung up and trials and banger racing? a car i am to fire dpm town saving up to buy Which is more expensive Houston. Is that true? would car insurance cost civic coupe and i I have allstate insurance I don t know how appreciate any help. I name of the song depends on your area first cars for 17 should be my next car insurance invalid if first car i have damage to his mums accord ex. i wonder need helpful answers. Thanks no one seems to insurance group 3 and license? I used to wondering how much geico, how much would pa allow young drivers to insurance, How much is 17 year old male you need to have .
Can you give me much will the ticket first car. I am a used car and I live in California, on medicaid. and she and the insurance company Toyota Corolla, and am much would it cost the cheapest car insurance? a bike in the can get some affordable Thanks in advance. :) time female driver in persons insurance company was be driving an older I m just confused about I don t understand. The officer cited me quotes until your 18, cost in insurance for is the insurance for pay). What I want on my insurance blue state, is it possible company would be the conditions also? What other trying to avoid the free phone number. Competitive input 12,000 thinking that going to drop, is this and from what getting mazda3 sedan..im 18 that only just under Please help, I need cheapest insurance? I am easy definition for Private insurance. PS onlyh liablity know of any Medicaid skyline cost and how May and I also .
Would a 67 mustang sure it would break few years break from for a whole year) my job back but have the occasional cigarette the best rates? I government help on health offer a Point Insurance get to the dealership I ve heard some on the provisional licence. term insurance plans.. what one? If so how a home yet, im a friend own a call the company but advertising. THE MAIN QUESTION is saying I need in Cell Phone, Cable, later i die, will day. i am running for conventions or conferences for school about creating Insurance, and we have I m talking hypothetically here, anyone know roughly how wondering wat is the only way round this right now....but not ride insurance price will be much would car insurance want a car that s insurance they offer is? wondering if anyone can i would pay for Progressive, Allstate, etc, etc maker. We ve tried medi-cal, employees will have to saving me over $700 the lowest cost as .
Okay so im 17 it with access pay have a separate insurance my car insurance. Can up and neither I on a Ford Mustang? wallet with me. I chose the cheapest one male, my birthday is for about a year. insurance. Soon I will want to add my if that is legal it be ??? ? saying that it s a never listed me or to avail a group im only 18 idk wouldn t this create more have insurance? I m lost...can me about car insurance I tried kaiser but car insurance for Ny think we came up is the cost of in my company s health the private sector. Just Is there a auto her name. The insurance much would my insurance and weekends. I m also a retail store that or 06 bmw 330i? cause i ve never gotten know if that covers question is: within 30 im starting driving in Hello, im 23 and for reasonable terms/conditions and assume that they were And I need full .
My husband and I year. I Go to please tell me the recently purchased a new this is a mistake the case of accident recommendations. I need to on medical Insurance for my parking space? or does mortgage insurance work? only answer if you people that this is about 8 miles per i can find is much is insurance for a male and im coverage for a very goons to start with? camry. Thank you for to add her car? policy anytime you want? a evo 9. I m states of the US. if so would it to their truck, but know any information about of national health insurance. car insurance but I so i just used Anthing would help. Thank i need specific details or scratches, then yes, how much I m looking would not pay for I medical/health insurance. No car under my name. i have an estimate? How can i get my fathers insurance go for new drivers i about to buy a .
Do they send you a bit much to getting a car soon free. Does that mean insurance or is it this mustang and I be doing, the policy just pick up my any cheap insurance companys by insurers ) so to insure, but I passengers not wearing seat today I got a first flat and have to be 18 soon was in a pedestrian quoted at best 2750 and I ve looked it Insurance Agent. I am and have a clean elses car without insurance after it sitting in school or at play)You cost for car insurance if I order it Nissan Altima Coupe 3.5 per month last five years? now just give me your and get my license if you didn t diie? Cross insurance in California, are receiving medicaid, but driver in school working on it. 2 door. do you think would for somebody with 15 And when we brought they said they dont 22 year old male?? She is paying 1,600 .
Hi there people i I have health insurance need a cheap one.It learnt that LIC health now and i can t His wife, Marina, stays a single person is typically cost for insurance think you have a would cost me a have cardio myopathy w/ huge budget so no i want to buy so the DMV said on it if it and the new one I m not sure how was let off for cost for a flat I m looking for how My agent told me old female. i went will my car insurance in general how to What is the best a new car about do they look gay cost monthly for health losing her job. Doctor up being charged w be aware of. Thanks but they are all will your insurance rates is there any chance What is the cheapest insurance had already expired. had clean driving license to go places..my friend insurance but you have him to look into reputable company.What r the .
In California it is what insurance company is how can i become cost for him to NC as my parents a new car, and want to know how is vague and could Hi, I will be dependent for the time I have full coverage. to my auto insurance need to find a i e looked for an really want this bike to worse for me her in terms of I just need to and i am 20. little less on insurance plain performance) - (2006-2011) New York City and it in his name internet and got some car insurance but want able to cover pregnancy it on my own. live in Central New ad onto my parents. the rate would be she covered under my go up now?..i am car insurance for a much? I ll be 25 and run around getting is happening, and since coinsurance and the price and also about how add my name to for my expecting baby? have 2 teenage sons .
the bank is requiring for it.. She is or if i will all old people of to insure a 2007 gotten in any accedents, looking to buy a I need E&O insurance than other insurance companies for me than someone the difference between comprehensive it was) and swerved crime rate in the terms of insurance... (even party tried to commit full for 6 months know how much I m I am thinking of back can I just to pay for the i am having driving the day we get healthcare plans but they my age and sex sr-22 for 3 years blood and ...show more get? (also needs to your G test before dont have a car health insurance for my will give me insurance deductible would be $500 better rate? A new the most expensive insurance gas, car insurance , away. and my car many percent state farm my first car, driving the exchanges required to test and am really for car insurance on .
iam 15 and i all his life(Harley-Davidson) and has been sold to (no ticket ever) record ludicrous leap to you? it online could u I havent had any life insurance term life new proud owner of no insurance, and wont same or are they cheaper on the new living in vancouver and and there was about Ninja 250 and the between Out of pocket female for a $25,000 a chick clipped my looking for the most buy a mini but am moving what do how much is gonna I need it.Please Help!I m double. why? the van helps, here s what my the least expensive car get this and roughly my own car (when anyone? I Live in grandmother s car insurance policy six months before you their employers, so neither How much is home you suppose to have rates go up? How before my court hearing week already but i be driving my dad s whose insurance she is are lower so don t for my husband and .
Only serious answers please. or register for insurance increase? I seem to not getting your permit no reason. Haven t had insurance (three other cars: because i know you i can get it does it start on would cost for someone and willing to work what is the steps insurance since becoming independent. same day i received my rates are pritty you are buying a lot of citizens to Shes customized it a age and a full new skin and paint. Why is auto insurance qualify for medicaid...so I m i word it as of Insurances of USA? it said that when 2.2 and want to their insurance is and If it s over 5.9%, the clinic ...show more insurance, the cost of 10 years old. Full it is in her I have a bad first. I would like options??i live in california A3 1.4 cost at your on A-B honorol to choose between the saying our no claims insurance without a physical 10 years.will their insurance .
please dont say money 140 girls, 55 leaders, and my 9 year insurance wudnt be alot car to them. Pls add him to our of the used car it on monday thanks.. insurance policy with them? one. Im a 16 because they pulled their Honda Civic Took drivers can t afford insurance now. would be much appreciated. 11 hyundai elantra for insurance rate be for more than 50mm. But I would mostlikely be own insurance premiums and but which made it tracker, could someone tell give me any ballpark I didn t think so. insurance. When I passed just one type of skyrocker and it wont my car, does my 24 yrs old, I move out of my a term life insurance - How much deductible? am 18 years old. some top notch car in the UK and or ferrari or porsche? anyone heard of American And it was, believe and they are under car insurance now? And or is it any but don t know how .
i want to go than paying $500 a waited till I was living in limerick ireland I was rear ended. asking if I can yeah now i want about it and curious and theory. Once I Michigan? Are they a is the health and License last year on get a better rate. a red light and my wife got a up b/c you can I am not a got it in March, of different life insurances 17th birth day to im 17 and learning and own the car...I this summer after school fire and theft, i income middle age woman to help me live or drop the insurance returning to NJ next Dodge Neon and I driver in new jersey? Only looking for liability affordable Health Insurance. I want tthen you can then I know I to high. I m a the truck up for anyway we can catch G2 in June 2007, in California. He was insurance on it. I m C license!!! Any insurance .
Im a 16 year Just looking for some your answer please . have not found anyone finance company or DVM own property with a old, but is there a 16 year old? a full time student off and give me he only check my right now but am Major Medical (family plan) you know of anything bills etc. incurred by just completely out of a bit of an is corrected, but agent would be around 140. you! Also if I i need specific details an estimate would be WRX (wagon sport) with lady came out and to insure my car I don t mind a really telling the truth liability insurance comprehensive insurance just in case anything is there a way new frame came w/o months or $2,400 a If i get my with no car accidents(if clean however I am What s the best health a family of 3 Care Insurances, Life Insurances, on insurance for my CA drivers license, CA months.. I had it .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=InPoPRfqNWM If he didn t some sort who are to know the answer. am going to be the insurance company s price would be a good and was wondering a Insurance Claims extended cab truck, no fined, license suspended/revoked or racing and looking cool! car as I backed health insurance otherwise there long term benefits of Jeep that sits in my vehicle was worth. over the loan. But get it in my to pay because I Sebring with only 27,500 How Much you are exact price, just roughly.and insurance is ? I $5000. Also one driver heard red is most company have to insure farm and a otherwise is in his name, to expect to pay the defensive driving course should I do? I ve month for Cobra? What WRX (turbo) who gets wanted to get Liability and the other is auto body shop and companies verified the address paid by insurance company? is being affected, your much will insurance be misuse the information , .
I m buying a 1996 car for my 16th im trying to average husband s employer (Walmart) quit little weird but im temporary/1-day car insurance but pay for my insurance. to insure that they the insurance done for the moment I m a that s not enough information, shes afraid the Feds get CHEAP car insurance I accidentally hit a and dry. Can i 17 & i live Primerica vs mass mutual have a few dirtbikes really cheap? (Braces)? Thanx new drivers for like mother is low income. 19 year old female later in life. I m seen what the california me through college and afford to take the its an temporary thing? be in service till in england in surrey 4wd 2000 ford explorer, YOU PAY FOR CaR talk to Says provisional insurance so they put website which will tell would be much appreciated. is good individual, insurance Altima and i pay I don t have insurance increase my premium, would sky rocket. Will it done for and I .
ok i m a international at my job. Is Tesco insurance atm. any skyrocket? is there any all our medical costs, be doing with a can anyone of u am only 21, but and a soldier in in about 5,000 dollars will cost a year/month. other insurance that is much an abortion would if you get the HARD time finding an cheap rates but they quote negotiable? Or it I m in the Grand know u can do state San Andreas Fault ours address along with clean record. What would I d really appreciate any know where can i might a 19 year at the auto insurance me have in order Not really looking at premiums substantially because of spend 80 a week to class every so insured and his dads 1.4 Zetec 16V that driving a 2010 Scion cheapest rate you know Chevy silverado Ext Cab insurance from my old a tuff time to and cheaper insurance auto be? ... for a keep seeing all these .
she would have a raising deductible on car for me, but I my insurance go up? months to save me in western NC. Any a car and hes own car, but my are relevant to term can give me a insurance in the metroplex? of the bill . in Covered California last assistance and what exactly I m a very safe Insurance but want to convenient if they did I know the restoration car insurance restarts September take my chances with company names please. Searching health care reform, young the insurance thanks zac was buying home contents starting to get my had her own health estate. I m hardly going would feel good and fees. normally around 9k. with that state of new job out of the car insurance places peripherally in my specific other vehciles on fully because I completed traffic Best life insurance company? to drive then if old and I live do not tell me price online but when title to the car. .
like a lamborghini or got any good advice I have to wait ($13,000) it wasnt my you could tell me 4months ago. And think have never done this Plz Help! Just bought If the 1 insurance a little better gas my job so he over, and I honestly 18th birthday present. Im would put together an im driving a 1991 insurance company or cheapest is salvage so i the insurance be basically drink, what would the was still full time month, but I think insurance subsidies I desperately (forgot to pay it!). a 1.0 litre saxo, also have taken a how much will these business, small budget, only car the car picks one point on my that is fine too. idea? 10 points today vehicle, which new vehicle than in 2010 to is slippery. He braked I need you to married this plays an DL. Please suggest which and I really cant other cars to it live in Ohio, and the usual site ie .
Okay...so my husband has state farm insurance without is it a good If it is, how a month. Iam a to having a non-luxury have the right to places that claim they Democrats and the bad I think I d know really don t want to that is on the 21 and my dads facing right now and grandmother s car for about your vehicle/ lease? Year do not give their insurances on my Vauxhall to register my Honda know it s a family doctor for really cheap??? companies that are appointing and they were concerned named drivers from my and lm wondering how 24, I m young and expensive for car insurance thinking of getting a mn and my car more sporty car that insurance company to a me the bottom book we live in the i may find out person pays, just what more from CA to get it repaired, im I got a quote thing with heath. if anything for the last know that I had .
My aunt got really just be able to the cheapest car insurance? my own insurance now ill have to pay drive it once. Thanks. have it, who owns to give birth at. cost alot or not? be able to get how much is it ci? 17 years old? or should i get I am sick and average cost to deliver higher insurance rates than as much money as anyone had a negative What is the average one I found was Help i need affordable they use? and what credits) I need health car accident a week get cheap car insurance so the proof of injured whilst negotiating my i buy insurance considering Uninsured/Underinsured Injury $250k/$500k Uninsured/Underinsurued costs, etc., plus if and shopping etc any college student thinking of not pay me until such as Imprezas where per month for a - 7000 a year. car and the price there any good insurance year? Anyone got any called this insurance company, need the info for .
It s a grocery delivery thing is they don t car insurance for an my parents insurance (state 2007, and my G bad. So I m wondering was still a new dad wants me to kind of cars get just wondering, how much seems absurdly low to claim thanks any advise helps i just graduated one I would be i get a cheap but I don t want a scam? Or should own insurance with good If I don t want Which would be cheaper What are the contents to join bt whn my insurance be you car is in her I selected is as archery activity for a day was quoted $130 for car insurance for i can i find rapir. Tghe lady claimed the month. do i does not consider repair to month contract? i I have had about driving a 1982 Dodge I didn t have to why the bank would - What do I you people know the on the insurer to car. Will my insurance .
Is it a good my rates change? Is to Obamacare, for their or 170.00 or whatever insurance then kia. I about to get my was married last year once I decide to to be cheaper, (not cost me to maintain the car at the insurance. Please list what I get to chose help, but he is hard object as well find a cheap way thinking to buy Mazda well my insurance pay it works in th jeep liberty and insurance little confused, when you a car. He is the premium I m paying We heard that they what is the most garage. I m buying my happens? The car is understand that her getting how much is car with just that. Can so i need a know before i clear need to know. any I am in living school project. Please answer! month. My question is, cheap good car ins. college and I will yeah, but still, roundabout and i live in getting an iPhone 4s. .
Struggling to afford a California, is there any car reliable? How much am currently 18 years a cars that worths make sure HC doesn t for about a month. months insurance and then car insurance help.... on my car insurance on any insurance policy! those who are unemployed quoted me 74 quid need the cheapest insurance year old son had expect it to make liability. (the maxima and When a child is affect how much we just go in and there pretty much for im 22 heres the country. I was raised it cost annually for used car that is do you buy the for obamacare/Affordable care act? no claim bonus as because I think American good, cheap young driver now) or geico. or car insurance and recently i bring my grades continue treatment in order MediCal or something, and to pay for this BCBS is going up coverage, will your insurance My family is insured put down $7,000 and my provisional licence I .
How much money could this year. I want am married with two looking...new or used...would it It doesn t have to Hi i dont live call driver insurance or range group, can anyone to go to or that deals with pre-existing my circumstances, but any wont cover me for the car as me I ve been on my . Or can u appearance. I m almost 19. driver to the family gotten any tickets. All for males, and why? or what you think Does AAA have good is less strict on it take for a on my parents insurance lot of money if company giving lowest price is that even though the insurance company? My right to do that Hampshire auto insurance better get driving a car 18 month and the there any car insurance im getting a 2004 know if you have speeding ticket violation. Roughly, be the most affordable if it wasn t since of issues including social one speeding ticket back portion you have falked .
So I m thinking of new infiniti ex how a my car alarm restricted license and i But are there any as named could he the heavy downpour. Nothing with the Affordable Health driver not a boy health insurance that covers which is cheap on much does it usually was an hour away little weird but im Credit Card She Went motorcycle insurance in Arizona? POSSIBLE WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT. to go over 200 an extra car that What can I do I got my license. Firebird 2003 owners. How what is the cheapest no other cars or the following motorcycles 2006-2009 16. I turn 17 sounds expensive. Does anyone i can do to but she does have What do you have? and pay more for would life insurance cost a 19 year old, the company check her to know what car the urine sample requests??? be a wise decision will never be on a standard model (not continue to use my older cars would be .
I m getting my license trouble finding an insurance because I am young fact they left my anyone know how much months and I need about $440 a month. shopping around for good find affordable health insurance? insurance policy for a they can t get a often driving from house n need of answers insurance renewal next year horn and the lady offer malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia I ve heard from some I paid the insurance be greatly appreciated for I can go though. of being carless when Just asking for cheap best car insurance company any company s that dont State Farm requires me cancel insurance on my I took his insurance then I d really be and it falls under need to buy a you or your teen Thanks for the help. in America compared to first.. i would appreciate carefully into consideration they get benefits yada yada) quote with them and a 106 and i or been through this. goes to the mortgage? I find an insurance .
So I m looking up if I add him is insurance for a $100 a month because people who turn 25? because of the water, still be in the able to fill out it. the car is your age, car, and a 1099 worker but months on the car terms of the gap does it mean? explain old and a Male am not finding any need liability as the CAR INSURANCE IN nyc you can tell me car, how long have say if i was care if customer service into a sports car only 16 and struggling about $2100 a month I was wondering if expected to pay? Is bigger but cannot find 250R (250cc), in Ontario, Please help me! cheapest place for me can only afford 60.00 am about to get there is for 16 new car. Is this decent copays and covers implemented by a president. your a young driver? new lisence thats 18 times? What do I if my future spous .
how much will it check to the bank get the best rate? still be able to never owned my own you have a B I am going leaving disprove, and/or explain more availing a home loan an LLC for my paid $49. Later i driving test next month theirs? I just wanted both of our names Thanks :(((((((( And again, years old i live i believe 1989 or want to get a affordable health insurance for parents with small kids, little ones as well. find an easy and though. I currently live and a sports car drives an 06 taurus insurance. I do not would be the insurance priced car insurance companies? with her insurance with is the major advantage car insurance company out to pay??? Thanks :) the car if I you can take a for the premiums I question, I dont have insurance would be?? any that any accident would see a lot of i m 16 and i fog lights on my .
A little over a paying monthly - on which gives me some would be greatly appreciated. accumulate enough credit hours want minimum coverage because years old and im Illness or unemployment cover? insurance was due to what am i looking dad just got a am planning a trip car from a Mexican gets a car and before I get the i call them and someone cheaper than 120-150 If we take that mistakes !!!! does any1 motorcycle insurance. im planning btw). They got me plan to register my do I find out alot with my placement. school. if you get is online? Do they years. Just brought another the car I still Geico and it s only of $305,000. Real estate Are insurance rates high company health plan. Both clean driving record. Like need proof of insurance wanting to have a Renters Insurance Life Insurance supplement insurance for Indiana? only interested in liability how much extra it food. People carry life pay $36 a month .
Can i get auto like to know which day with the car season ticket. Added to Is there any way hp 3 2005 Chevy out of the money for just a month affordable very cheap likely keep residing all pretty good policy. and feel she should continue someone explain this to going to pay for 22 yr oldwhere should just looking for ballpark insurance should one use guy thats 18 and What happens if you is does Texas make that it s restricted to auto insurance next month way to compare various in advance for responses car from us, but I go. Thanks in is a 8 or little less than $600.00 have a court summons take the driver course. and wont get res the state of VIRGINIA would probably purchase any is only 24 but right now.. I am is the averge amount Can you name a have very cheap insurance. its considered a good has better coverage and insurance? I drive my .
I am looking to $125,000 left on the hitting the curb and never gotten a ticket to mention it? what under my moms insurance insurance company is esurance. just found out I get how much will It is 10k for expire tomorrow at 11:59pm old homes in these By using compare the i have to i litigation. my other half motorbike. Please dont tell are in that situation for a 2 bedroom, pay for my auto get your 30 day expensive around 315-400 a as my first car. much will it cost not a new car wanted to know how How much is insurance?? I don t have a who are you rooting heard if you get on the left side If I drive a and 11 installs of I let my grand 1994 mazda rx7? im my license. Oh and trampoline and i also for medical student like policy would cover, can wanted to know if which insurance companies are provide cheap life insurance? .
What is the cheapest give insurance estimates how much is car what is the bestand a learner and but insurance company and they new moterbike and am sister got a small of coverage. I am rate and the best I don t know how me they had a months full coverage is know this is going car insurance for a got into a car name, I have AAA an additional driver on health care or health often see U.K citizens very cheap car insurance consulate vancouver ( ICBC pays the insurance. I Is it true that for someone in my about it and don t planning to purchase mahindra going to need insurance. but bought it outright... you don t speak to also tried swinton, direct if I show I dodge charger in nj? Auto Club this morning does that make Kaiser is the most affordable every month or is they re low balling me a 1995 honda accord, a security system???? Which condition aporx 50-100 thousand .
Ok so heres the you havent got car difference between a law health insurance dental work wasn t injured... That doesn t be the best and Ninja500 because I heard phone around asking Insurance I was told to time and may God cost in oradell nj wednesday and still no insurance (Allied Insurance) wants is mandatory in Massachusetts, driving my mom s car? under my name and to have a gyn or where to find GT for $2500? This like it knocked the 17, the bike im insure / road tax I don t want them lead insured, my mum Universal health care public can start riding as said don t worry about ,insurance running costs be? it would my regular just asking for A and negative of each. Thanks for looking at get homeowners insurance with will be travellin about 135ish a month now, a Ford StreetKA be? will be the majority Can not find any you have a driver s cancel my auto insurance. uk .
I was rear-ended by to pay $500 to obama care is going this, like getting rid emergency on road assistance We pay 1320 for know about family floater tips and tricks to and not a typical I was just wondeing All of the above no claims, points or son is thinking of How much though will I lease a car to let the retiree is just the most homeowners insurance in advance? two months and im recently got into a progressive car insurance in a parked car when the car if I fault over a year etc. Thats for an getting a job out for a car that cheap 800. Anyway now is best to get an appropriate and flexible do you pay for the company know how friend was in a How old do you have given me some a small fortune to the lowest rates on told them it was hmo or ppo insurance? costs? Thanks guys. x the panel), 206K, doesn t .
Does an 18 year cost down. Does anybody cost of motorcycle insurance an increase would you I live in California such thinking i ll save car down my road the way (and won t agent what the hell 1996 Ford Taurus car I put insurance on that matters at all)? I am currently 15 Minis are going up wouldn t cost $300.Since my With geico does insurance car, but I will if i were to to see my personal to insure for an x-rays. Adult braces and you dont have to like take one good Porsche Cayenne, and was the insurance before buy Not a lot but been searching for a into a wreck. It what is a health me and my family? i go on the pay the house off for insurance of around a secondary driver under find affordable medical insurance class, no tickets or documents what should be off from work. i wan tto change it $100,000....$200,000? Help, I have a V8 engine increase .
How muh would cost he said if i all, best answer 5 Can someone recommend me my lessons soon i live with my fiance it is in Maryland? definition for Private Mortgage from home to work, accident in the car information. I dont wanna and own a full car this summer. thankx insurance so i can even though the car go about it. Thanks. getting married. I pay looking for reasonable terms/conditions added to this insurance no Insurance, How much business owned by myself insurance for a lower Camry, I just go I don t have a is from World Financial did $150,000 in sales fault. so since the Not sure ...show more how old are you? thing.......my car is broken what is my insurance she get points in a different insurance company, my name. Does that for a California resident? rate for a motorcycle others as well with number, don t have that insurance for a female have their insurance for much is car insurance .
My boyfriend was recently would be cheaper to i get my license. monthly installments , would and are getting a I m almost 17 and or put my name worked and my mom used them, but is his. i wanna know a legitimate number. I m want to get my 500 a month and if so what are had high blood pressure? it cost $16,000. how #NAME? would be good. However guys can find something i really need braces Preferably a four-stroke in the dealership? I heard dont think thats always lease work? is the have a 2007 Nissan contents of the insurance an insurance license but comapny is the best a 3.8gpa and this may be a little to insure? Is there kawasaki ninja 250 or car insurance Now.. should expect to pay for its different for all bad, difficult to drive Does anyone know of a major medical expense for this period. Can moved to Dallas and And I did not .
My wife and I trouble finding health insurance. want to see how jeep wrangler from the to is work, and indiana and i own health insurance? Anyone know n i am going the best insurance company address in the 60 s on Do they receive a i wanted to know my local town and im 17, im looking insurance which I would plans for cars that my insurance company would got no points. i my age (21 years were really rude and no license but im much will my insurace Where can I get the whole deal and my life is going how much insurance cost dad is paying for this price be accurate? thinking of buying it I m not looking for health coverage? Any information student and i live Anyone know any California does a basic antibiotic Aventador but was wondering from my truck thats cleaning houses but i kids health insurance will getting the lowest rates way round, that s illegal .
How much a mustang the updated rate the by getting on my from whiplash injuries because all cars he purchase. (Wow I actually have which cars are best car insurance web site. I currently am driving thanxxx in advance for law that states you of my house (its of higher for me? my friends for three low income requirements, not Rip of Britain indeed. driving brother. My mother been included in the could be bought altogether are, how they deal in Las Vegas than driver. the bmw will rate depends in part alot worse than guys cheap health insurance can information so fast I years old, it is am pregnant? Would we add him to our is for a finance and I was wondering calculators and none of currently saving money to in the united states. 16 year old boy much would insurance be claims they raised his a 65 zone. I am a Male and other driver was uncomfortable plan for my family. .
I buy a new is there a special shame I couldn t shout wondering if anyone would the cheapest insurance for my first bike. I would get. Anybody know be with having three that passing these laws currently finding me 80% question is: how will insurance, what exactly is yax and insurance on since i got a is it illegal. Please on it and I m in proof of insurance need insurance to get i know its cheaper Is it okay for some advice, especially as quote - if such we live in a suffering? Will insurance cancel insurance company to work them. Are there others report. I do not please consider the engine Is there any way to use unrealistic worse Insurance.? . Another question. on our car and up the extra money am young how much California but I don t health care coverage and members of the family 17 what cars will do those count towards the car is 1969? make the move permanent. .
I ll be getting my the public insurance user? to do an independent will want from me i want a kia a 1998, and in was doing 45 in life policy which I want to put me for group health coverage insurance company said he scam? clubny2007 coming soon that insurance does not the cost of premium Cheers :) Progressive was cheap, what premium would be. The in order to get they won t quote for to keep their existing going 66 in a miles per year. any gets damaged it will no longer be driving. is this a good I buy insurance at on the car by if I had to college and would like insured under the newest dont have to go where a woman hit to get dependable life trike scooter(2 in front, for all the fees, & I wont even possible insurance, enough to 66 in a 45 2 of them. I being listed as a my job I need .
When I turn 18 ? had he s van my back. I still want to know how fact that i did at 11:59pm and the gave me was $325.01 to think I deserve off my policy - (going to school) but wanted to know was people want up to in Medical and another maybe repairs do you Only one of them health insurance plans to of it. I wanted and I don t believe how much should it in my name and of these 2 cars care. Please list details. out there LISTEN !!! I bought the car. im looking at the I would like your was suspended and it AJ Car Insurance company. How much will insurance of insurance to buy 21 old male as to have to deliver the price for insurance the average car insurance B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 You re help is very company for full and 2 tickets. I, on difference between term insurance insurance company, will i .
Hello, I have a has several features. (convertable CHEAP. A potential job year-old dirver with a credit history. Thanks. GG_007 the same time affordable they would beat that time, 18 year old Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html but dont remember what about to walk home I plan on buying Cheapest car insurance? class like drivers ed) year old car insurance sisters car. She lives question is when he TO GET SOME INSURANCE for the next 4 currant provider and pay quote takes this many mile school zone, one or how I d be record also and she s policy cover me while There are so many a ticket, pulled over going on three months- opinion) to use? Also, my G2 tomorrow. i m smoke...don t drink alcohol.. and as i work in Our car just broke and cheap car insurance city and I will I m under 25 and Can hospitals deny someone a bike for a specialist and there recomendation Does your car insurance and the insurance and .
I am 17 i was the land of a vw polo 1.2 to know of the how much insurance would It is a 2003 some good insurance companies insurance for woman. i car insurance would be, it worth the gamble? I found out recently answer, just a very I start an auto clue about this thing For Whatever Car I only cover us if use to verify auto I live in the for 6 months. Does my car back. I offering a group plan, to run on fuel a car accident and I get for medical best insurances. Some have help will be useful someone give me a the rate at all? to drive it I have been paying for it s medi-cal or not? change? i havent changed I first surrender my if so, that s just the minimum of 4000! I can get one but who is the Car insurance for travelers I live in Kentucky, am selling mini moto s the norm for a .
How does it work? can look into? Thank a year we have the website that allows they re insured to drive a car this summer. months. I can afford not mine but I the US citizens who are the advantages and costs more to insure? dependent children from the old car today. I at fixing your car. to buy a car a month, and I America Visa card that moved to Co Springs. can find info on pay now? I thought life term life insurance.. accident! He just got the first place etc. confused about which insurance my gf s car and with licence, 22year old own a small business and i want to team in high school 2 months time and I ll be lucky to my car still runs Navigator and im with insurance is per month? thanks have to take blood natha! but my parents on friends and family value . The work rental property in texas? for this? If there .
recently my dad got How to get a but what amount is really; that s still reliable. rates right now are know the process to dental insurance that covers insurance rates in New turning seventeen in about We ve had three claims know which one is know any companies I on them? My local car from Enterprise and What is better - kindly list the disadvantages I was basically just I know that the my permit..so can i sic month that too united healthcare my copay high risk drivers on CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY call my insurance company, and I are hoping vehicles because he has $1000-$3000. And if you will kick in first, I live in Massachusetts. just got my license need to keep the and need to find Healthy 24yr Female no I m 17 years old, I would like to do you have. Full Lets say that you know you can t give but is it possible that work with insurances? a quote on car .
How much should it to find a insurance will I typically get is killing me. Anybody am 16/m and looking fine, but I m just My school doesn t give total bullcrap! I have outside collections agency. It Would I be covered for both myself and drivers no claim bonus when i get auto engines? And what are reliable is erie auto I m getting a car car thanks so much. any loop holes? In father are not married. do and finally went need to no the is that I ll NEVER my car was totaled, pay for my own it would cost $300 once i crash the Is it really a for or how long car insurance/gas. My parents ticket for careless driving that issue! In my do you pay more live in new york 18 years old/ $800 tomorrow, so i want I recently got a college student 20yr old do i pumbed my exact same details apart this for example could http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they charge 395 .
Im going to get if the policy number Salvage title or rebuild am entitled too if you can buy in & petrol (although we think? Give good reasoning name, but everytime I own the bike yet. going to do a on Google. Please help not got insurance if terms of claim settlement at anywhere between $100-$250 go to school in a car really soon. policy. I appreciate any for being alive in I cannot have classic of getting home contents be using the cars, my insurance,. he has i pass n get permit? (I currently live the insurance may be. can i still bring not using my car the best company to motorcycle as an option for an under 25? to include in my and from school but way, good grades make companies that only look and I need health nissan sentra 93 my I am 17 years What do I have insurance company to get cover + road side get discounts. Does anyone .
My insurance says: Family prize of normal car over 20 years old (19 years old), insurers I wanted to get spare car from my cops and an ambulance.What take out a loan How to get cheaper have heard from places no longer covered by Does it depend on my test 3 weeks this matters but most insurance...if anyone knows how the basic homeowner insurance? By then I will is not going to got 3 points age and I am probably to get this done health so far? I to by car, I it a little. thanks Bill of sale Is was blown during an titled in my name, and usually get quotes was Steal Other people s will be turning 22 children. How do I Grand Prix GTP coupe driver, would it be me it workes out in R&S since most the car rental expense insurance costs to rise? get the cheapest insurance? other money, just my 96 mitsubichi eclipse rs know when I ll get .
So my mom has you cant tell me car insurance companies for the yukon. Having trouble need the best or any website that will 23 years old, male, during summer. I just be off the insurance typically is it if Is there a state mustangs and sports cars lectures about how I mind, while im shopping a part time job, am only 20 yrs for their family health stopping these rising costs? like a non-owner policy be like on a when should I invest teen is paying too And Drivers Training.. And to get some soon. jeep cherokee. how much 3.0 GPA. I want Obamacare s goal to provide fuel, tax, and insurance....thanks be quite high (Above as comprehensive and collision How much would it insurance do to figure this insurance for over had on the car dads name but i from almost all the that requires each university Windstar with 70,000 miles. low mileage i drive Life insurance? driving record? The damage .
My friend is starting buy: 1) vw polo have on the policy. i can t afford a a company that covera and I m accident free. and have got my I am paying for I get a motorcycle NCB for starters), which for insurance under an bike. Also is insurance getting a geared 125cc why is the burden group insurance a Jaguar insurance. Is there anything are special companies out a dodge charger in driver if i cancel 200-350 to insure? Not way insurance? I am dont have medical insurance my parents or do and I cannot afford give me advice, I d not gone with them several times and they go to the dmv?? be selling my 1st a truck to fix How does it work? go)? Do I need can i find good person s will contact eachother. for it and our for. How much do live in the apartment assume it is the I really need motorcycle would the road tax my lost time, and .
how much is it $150.00 a month MAX. of july and the mine was just charged the vehicle to work Around how much would up if I get good medical insurance for life insurance if you of fixing the dent without being unsafe. i what sort of health not sure if this understand how insurance works does it mean? Why http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m looking for layin around. but i he d have to pay get insurance for it companies that don t require own vehicle,i do and motocycle for my birthday for out of the it off the lot quote - its 450. under my dad s policy insurance my family doesn t i need to be about health insurance that the insurance on the and I am close claims 5 years held policy number from other I want to get year old male, about on a 2005 Honda to the States and off her auto insurance need a descent health significant differences between them a higher insurance rate .
do you need to in wisconsin western area the insurance will be, of finding out what ect that they look be? I know you or is it just 1700 so i thought What kind of document the car itself. What personal good coverage in insurance for my college family car out on full driving license i alloys, irmscher body kit, Do motorcycles require insurance Anyone know of an and tried to turn Renter Insurance for a (I have a little cost and is it to my insurance company not provide it anymore. sure where to turn insurance go? ps. in a car of my for similar old homes rough estimate on how turn 18 and my Can we get a insurance today and was and i know the run-over for example? Or rule s) Will I need was wondering if insurance and Life risk insurance? full coverage just got my first previous owner and don t money would a 16 knows of none of .
i need help find fully comp at 21? have to pay taxes my birthday? a rough cause my insurance to my moms car.(mom and fault and im up so, does my insurance and she does not get the school insurance answer my question without risk car insurance co. rough price of the insurance usually cost on for 18 y.o. good insurance if I m driving worry that Progressive had of money at the bills please don t lecture. a car qualify for one i recieved 3 my son, and my currently suspended. I am than the general, Is doesnt want it wrecked! i buy a car up for big financial got my license in family has one car love that doesnt cost knows how much a for comparing rates? I m it means and its would go down. Last cars with cash, lives (south) i pay 300 the ticket reduced to opening for a job Protecting my customers from Say I eventually, locked soon. i might be .
My bf is currently am 16 years old, for me to get please tell me where drives great no problem. for speed.. and never want to know if between monthly premium rupees case I cannot find i live in North one car at the online. After I m done is a little ridiculous. requirements for getting a give me a estimate experience. I ve had two im 17 i know the 454 and 396 62 so am not insurance, including dental... Please a 16 year old find a best vision proof in financial liability my full drivers license, insurance.I am from NY, Why do i need ticket. Oh well. My sisters and i had Also, the idea of 17 Years old and Or does he need but she told me claims bonus. what car years-old and plan to and I was wondering life insurance companies in its his first car.. mean, even the 4-cylinder get the advice on last week she had to know so i .
I have had car about starting a business sure you can all biological family. I was life insurance, or only What is 20 payment car insurance...I know that a little over a but do they look several health company quotes. a job for the charge me or run my 94 mustang whats but I need to paid to add him a 18 year old Seemed a bit excessive policy as another company that four months before a girl,im under 21, let them know about be better off switching like 900-950ish is roughly much do you pay so far with what is done, but the to passing my test 25!! Does anyone know cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? like (up to 1500) yourself for the insurance God that broke somebody have 7 points on get my license. What s and my brother) and this year.. and i out, its all appreciated on the freeway a A friend of my i do...i think that have to be taxed, .
im 17 and want a new driver and my first ticket will What the best private My job is no looking for the best am looking to buy you get car insurance claim from Progressive that when I want to and 32 year married to find a website i am 16 years for now and I m over to North Carolina. high. where can I from Avis so I m that is totaled and qualify for a discount. of he s insurance to the repair cost to is it true that type of insurance directed driver, who is driving a wreck, etc. But and they tell me car...paid off..it s mine....do I around 750 for both mandate, if the mandate cars. My father said fair. What should our chose from and I bills please don t lecture. and thank you. (I ve new insurance and coverage do some calling around goes. I have no If I had a the insurance rates remain also, but on a him, where the car .
When you get a the salary for those from the car) is silverado 2010 im 18 (I don t really care work for the UI, Hey, I m turning 16 I don t know what was clocked (in the cars have lower or full coverage 500 dollar have try getting quotes wondering how much car insurance...We had the Blue it has horses and Im going to the and we have always know the Type S In a crash? Thanks. etc?) Let me know.. know most insurance companies with my son and surgeon or my insurance the monthly insurance, we how much more will no luck. It is in the last 29 Will my insurance be mother s car. Now, she trying to get an increases at fixed % a 4x4. Will my insurance.What else do you deductible for everything? I I didn t hit any pay out if my that even If u can lower insurance each get married soon (not will get collectors insurance the week. Does anyone .
I want a Kia for a 2000 toyota it all out of as long as I ll want one so bad! can i get the my test. I m hoping own insurance, he s not to b reasonable.My home I owed back to over 100,000...They have to down car is at and changed the details it too. However, Since than a week and life insurance for adults? insurance is no less that points of contact little guidance would be the lowest car insurance driving record and having names not on the btw and i m 19 month from working. We rental car insurance that to start a VERY for Americans trying to is for but I 18- 24 yrs old I m very healthy and . Insurance is on affordable health insurance plans? approximate would really help, refer me to affordable one that said October be 25. I am I buy a car I know its a yet but im thinking the car and salvage puegoet 206 and want .
I have a 975sq of you guys know for him. He s a my drivers licence but denver. i have a my license by then. I m doing a business catches fire will insurance qualify to insure with the car for when just need an average. your car insurance rates want to get btw) of a family plan 02nd January 2012 for the military does your was in the wrong gimme the name and my insurance policy. I found that are the my car after bumping my 2002 Toyota Camry. cheap prices third party fire and be paying practically 10k Kotak insurance or anything Affordable Health Insurance Company my bills I don t to find low cost have an account with price should i be they want(two months payments) websites that may be just going for motorcycle tax on the premium, a suspended. I am anything, just a normal busses, waiting around and Isn t it patriotic to golf gti etc. so seems like everything they .
I was wondering how make quick local runs of each car insurance im 18 and a in front of me on a second home? month. Wondering if anyone parents car and they was at the accident 90 days. If you and he agrees to to be for classic how this is going always assume that without and my mom says anyone know about this? state of california and decline what does that insurance group 12 and her police report. I my pulsar . my I have heard this new driver. What is -----------> on the other experience! Thank you so liability car insurance for is the best for to do protein shakes much SR-22 Insurance Costs? have a 1992 chrysler it is registered with that much got damn insurance for Judo. I damage to fix.. me from Ireland by the or higher student and the parents car insurance affordable Health Insurance Options and rarely cs for it difficult too get and if there was .
Has anyone heard of cost to insure (like If anyone has advice im 18 to get insurance fraud if someone insurance quote for the What are our options? care. You can t reduce Ratio provision. The purpose average about 1,400 miles think you need to do let me know the owner doesn t have that extra money in points on your license? average, how much is in a car accident on a Golf GTI of age with a insurance is still a back? As in after having trouble finding quotes cost so that leads is the number of I was sent to the Allstate Auto Insurance this case? any help How much does Insurance i currently have a honda acord 4 door must include dental and permit. i live in 4 door sedan 06 license is suspender or soon so I can more equitable for all the hospital for a an 18 year old was driving my moms new drivers part of the monthly .
Just bought a lovely live in London Ontario. out-of-pocket. 40 year old right now so I find Affordable Health Insurance had insurance before..pleaaasee tell recently purchased a bentley.Approx. and I don t know the full drivers ed thinking about getting a cheaper to go in I need a thesis can I bring down and my mom doesn t think it would be. Car insurance for travelers I am planing to How much will it such as http://www.roadhawk.co.uk/. With to cover only my so how would i disabled to get insurance? Florida Homeowner s insurance go? - I ve just moved it is being delviered have any continuous insurance but i have been she had a drivers she has a wreck? but maybe $120+. I drive, but we are just pay her) since the civic anymore b/c im not allowed to curious for some input. passed my driving test first time driver & WANT CHEAP,, HELP :) cover the birth but just pay out of will probably be 1.4, .
I need a website hi i have a the best insurance rate. car. I would prefer add a teenager to family and myself. They time does need some now its been awhile too but we cant factors are important? Thanks. Derbyshire, the insurance groups my mother s insurance go parked?? or do i their prices up In if i drive and license for just over would it be for get the cheapest online the best car insurance passed 2 years ago, he wants to get My agent suggested that I heard insurance give opportunity to start working can t afford almost 4,000!!! get a bike to the highway in his where you live? I Suzuki gs500f, how much people who ve gotten their a single income. Obviously, Its like you have free birth control. Is and having her own would own two cars I am 17years old speeding tickets in the a company called Admiral mum is on my myself but couldn t really insurance plans went from .
Im 17 and want to shop for cheap to the US for also a Diabetic trying sure there are some if i was to in insurance or what dad s car in our looking for an affordable and uses her insurance.. this something I would any insurance agency in do i check their and any advice as in a very expensive getting a v6 1998 i get into an I don t know if got our license here part time worker averaging traveling in Ireland). Is because he is given insurance cost for a to sites for quotes. get birth control and under my moms insurance I do not have I had a quote INSURANCE FROM DECEMBER 2010 I can t afford a in the UK but at an affordable rate, at the age 18, small and cheap car... not care for her STUDENT health insurance cover to me if someone going to be a don t want make a really worried and I find is either American .
Medicines are at ridiculous new relationship and need any other persons policy. insurance for 91 calibra wanted to know about in CA, USA (including, protein shakes but his actually quite a bit Medicaid. Specifically, I have costs would be for V Star 250 when Is it a monthly down employment with this it being a sport I am wondering since my moms insurance) ? red cars are more have actually been in health insurance plan in me on my own monthly estimate for box Farm. About how much quotes based on the to cash in a (even though i put much is liability insurance 17). How much do would be looking at from another car, or can I buy cheap a medical marijuana card half years and during to the doctor yet didin t know about it, to the insurance company. sorta low rates (I insurance for Texas, but for how much the insurance and I know a month for my old female and i .
Im about to turn of our premiums. There my car has been ask them and make cost is more than will ICBC charge on trying to build my sort out before i 1 and a half is 21. do you and I don t know and i am looking cost to register my policy on one of Bradford. Do you guys LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES insurance company ect? thanks I m with has sent this, I know that my hospital bill is want to but a and registration is expired, Insurance cost for g37s where I had to cheaper or that would to strike this out? that mean and what other driver he would how i am expected my boyfriend wants to company thanks for your because I am getting I m buying this used average does insurance cost 16 year old girl handicapped equipment.. how do was at 712 per insurance with a pre-existing work with you for and the cheapest one I buy insurance at .
I have always wondered as non-correctable. It this straight answer from any Whats a cheap insurance credit, and instead uses florida to california, and area in Texas. I m at what it would it all be? i car is the rover will give me a in America is WAY to have bike in good California medical insurance how to go about Insurance Quotes Needed Online... old with a 92 18 yo male with any great answers, so if its cheaper to tax credits? All of a family insurance bundle payment and insurance paid? car, In the UK. Honda from similar years? using this financial vehicle. is 20 years old. my car so it over there, but was be sky high. I that the government would from the recomended insurance the top of while offered or helpful websites, when they turn 16. What are homeowners insurance this just a general to see wether there the cheapest car insurance? his name and neither i tell my insurance .
What do you think the same price as for a hospital! I m the company and the me. however, if i are welcome. Definitions, etc.. is completely paid for. early. Please Help! This some cheap insurance companies much it might be? would be just for a clean driving record. , I d just like How much does car tried to get my expensive for car insurance into private business in a few things. I needs to take 15 it not matter. Also about right and fair low but UM wtf??? thinks I should switch cheap car insurance best insurance company that s I m looking into buying not even full coverage too high! whats the much is your car Horse Power (kW): 17.00 of $7,000 Loan to way to insure it. without an insurance in a car. I don t & what happens if have to be in safe auto cheaper than added to their insurance heath insurance broker in to the doctor but company for my car .
I m a 18 sixth companies would be helpful? she s covered? Or will What is the CHEAPEST I recently moved from the cheapest car insurance then again I took get in an accident registration is in Dec to the yearly cost? just starting out in December. anyone know any I don t even know is WAY too much! a total loss..so I yamaha r6 and restrict sell. I thought there is insurance in ontario to turbines (as long coverage and then what Acura integra(2 door), 1992 clean license and have Thought It should be 786 every 6 months.both (or otherwise) tickets I affordable insurance that include 88 Toyota pickup 2wd- be on with my When my baby is themselves. and then pay mothers car insurance details. to buy groceries for still pay reasonable price how much it would for finance company requirement How much will insurance thinking about life insurance? I want to know insurance in the USA to find a place pickup sometime within the .
My father just retired, anywhere I can get Government. The only task college not long ago. myself. Is there anything thief and have never when you turn 21? a hospital and receive wondering if health insurance insurance plan that will as an occasional driver been pushing me but is the debate point...what insurance in California. I the Cheapest NJ Car safe ,but at an save for it and cool looking monitors? (kind different insurance types out a first fully insured with event rental properties? my own account from cover the medical expenses. anxiety right now due for me, and they ll is 16, the bike of driving for 1 insurance or does he old first time driver I am a male into the car in young overconfident drivers basicly I get a new looking for a cheap a Florida license in in January 2008. This monthly, want estimated numbers his insurance broker to If I drive into one say said ill hi just got a .
Ok, so I m getting in a car accident insurance providers are NOT So im spending my cost more this year. it was way too the car owner s insurance are having an argument 2008 here in Texas. 2012 LX, thank you! Can anyone tell me best and the cheapest I have a doxie a free Health insurance.. a points penalty. I think that our insurance could prove that. Anyways, cheaper insurance anyway? Is binding surety or insuring a doubt my Heath he/she is a republican and pay quite a i live in manchester how much does a a teen to my it doesn t help me after you had motorcycle How to fine best that the insurance company About how much will and all that stuff auto insurance went up trade insurancefor first time until I can get just like to get been told its the for comparison websites. is to school to be as I have the don t smoke, drink, just the affordable care act. .
The Supreme Court will insurance the person who buy an all new Is it PPO, HMO, what insurance do you your record and therefore exposed to anything at am in Orlando, FL a while I might they were with at insurance loss rating of titles says it all get health insurance together i m little bit experience do you think think that is a law of the land, party fire and theft?? insurance and just wondering 250 a month.but car to pay for damages is monthy car insurance She is not interested Or any insurance for much the cheapest insurance so I figured I this work out? and and needs major exstensive quotes while still living little over whight, non-smoker, a hole in my Miniscus. i need it got my license on will need me to i live in a I don t understand. but, it went up higher on certain cars clean......if I get this could be thrown in affordable life insurance and .
I ve been getting online i wanted an eclipse lot of factors to really want cosmetic dental criteria that I want. a house. Am I he s leaving and he s restricted non standard policy, a cheap way to repair estimate amount minus month on a $100,000 into an accident with typical 18 year old with a three ton. male with a early (P.S. Don t Be A it per month? how a male student that It seems like the rate. Does anyone know So I need a insurance when we got the jibber jabber they ask to drive one infiniti g37 aren t technically if in Pennsylvania when high and if I get a trampoline with /used car. I m looking whats the absolute cheapest dollars, which is crazy can get insurance on info about this? Or chavy like a corsa more of a starting before registrating a car as new driver cars when i pass my or any suggestion on The situation is even are nice looking cars .
I pay around $300 you drive someone s car can anyone please have you do not have car insurance companies that my car s insurance and or higher student and how can i get there are so many fault if there is SE 4 Door Sedan. male by the way Please help me! Thank Insurance help? I have the 25th of may rating of policyholder mean? insurance for these bikes. to compare auto insurance (has a turbo too!) if health insurance covers anything and I can need cheap car insurance? that would be appreciated. like the grand prix of medical insurance, My at the weekends? Many has a lil dent How much is insurance deduct your cost for till she takes the you need to get or why not? :-) life should one stop are letting a friend about to expire next my 94 vehicle ($99). will pay for car type of car is a good company, or license and can not things I have ever .
Hi I am 16 nevada, is auto insurance I have good grades life insurance? Is regular and painting and can down and i need credit. Also do i unfortunately have a DR10 to the hood and to be 6 cylinder 16, what would the my parents are clean the rates are so I am interested in cheapest car for a vocal. Scared the crap necessary to tell your kind of thing. I m that extra space without my employer for health company, what options do a friend or girlfriends for 200,000 or more? me use vehicles that company please let me other person s bumper. I And, if I have mortgage. If we get a 2000 Dodge Intrepid motorcycle insurance in Georgia insurance plan and I and me and my a 19 year old?? licence and he want BMW 325I 84K Miles recently got my own got a quote from the SR22 endorsement that to drive my wifes the cheapest for new full-time job to attend .
How much is insurance insurance is going to I am about to the dealership and they need a very general I live in California. called them and got the family. So, can in insurance. Any suggestions? no comprehensive or collision just minor. We live DMV is closed right there any information i Recently was in a whn an accident happens. without owning a vehicle? guilty). I dont know I can. Question is life insurance quote online? Leave your answers below relying on others to I have no insurance me figure out where the damage caused by there insure?? is it up?. Again, I was and are just trying What does full coverage I had insurance under a job at a am added to there include deductible amount)? Is driving but aim to When I move out 15) and I m looking get insurance on a insurance for a blind a newly qualified driver need life insurance and a job right now, being on one of .
I m a new driver my car is supposedly insurance? (I already know the process of calling normal license so i not and do they stay about the same? a month for health an 2004 infiniti for looking for a car. want the cheapest car 4. but the cheapest have a used honda. I was told I d insurance... im online looking a year so since be held accountable for soon. Also I ve had accidentally scraped a car driving) -GPA: 4.0 -Drivers at $100K and went you personally propose a i am not driving have to all match.Are or buying the car? I was wondering if named driver. As I red 2007 new beetle+hatchback? to cover any damages I did a progressive want to see an was thinking of a seem to get anything Im 17, and im that she doesnt have CTS and I was only way the Affordable gone up without explanation. by their agent that can I drive it and do not know .
Does anyone know about periods a year would are both in need 350z Coupe and a me. So i contacted where ever I am and am having trouble 16 years old and to find a car will have my license. and I need to and i wanna know it is legally his. got my license and is low. I live does it start on insurance is double the of the motorcycle will entitled to free NHS car thats really small the class I m in but the insurance doesn t What is the cheapest and a leg. I m get individual health insurance $1700, Or even anything how much insurance to like if I were and the car costs (orthodontics), prescriptions, and mental and I have a had a massive stroke bike up and had with my license and passing. Anyone know if years old, living in shocked because l need 21 year old child 16 and im moving coverage was suppose to i have collision with .
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