#when should i poof this mf back
ask-lemon-and-apple · 2 years
iikkrr ur so cool sour (im gonna feed his ego)
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erinwantstowrite · 1 month
Wait so- in itsy bitsy when Peter gets de-aged, does he lose his powers and needs glasses and his inhalator again?
yeah, he'd be himself at four years old, so he doesn't have powers at all. Glasses, inhaler, etc, all the stuff that the spider bite would have taken away is back. I debated him still having the powers just because it's hilarious to think that Peter is already like his dad because he likes to climb on things, but if this mf could walk on walks and the ceiling?
aaaaand i'm still debating on if i'd have him slowly age up or he'd poof and become himself again or not. the second option is way angstier, and tbh i think itsy bitsy should just be mostly fluff with a sprinkle of angst (since he was four when his parents died).
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cloama · 1 year
MMATA covered the song from Freaky Friday on their new album. It's cute. The lead, Edith Victoria always has lots of personality but she needs some harmony help in these verses. Why we gotta wait for the chorus to get harmony? ETA: Iwas listening to this on headphones that were about to die. The quality was terrible. This song sounds great upon a second listen. I heard lots of background work. Sorry, babes.
The whole album is really fun and cute. It is full of breakup songs. Wasn't expecting that.
Love the bridge of Say it(to my face). She sounds like a punky lil angel there. It's also fun to see them get back at haters with an undeniable hit song.
The chorus of Kool is so chaotic. Why are you saying it like that?????? But the song with its very obvious Brainstew influence is just fun. They're wild for that one. Also Edith showing yall that she actually a mf vocalist. Bc that chorus be taking my lungs out. Yes, by the end I was singing it too. Very fun. Very silly.
Tea plays her ass off but I'm not hearing the shredding as much in this project. She's really restrained here but the parts shes writing a good. So solid. I kind of want her to compose for others. Similarly, Ava's feet aren't as heavy on the pedals this go round. It seems they've made a choice. It's fine. They get to do that. But choosing to leave that calling card off an album that's 50% breakup songs is a choice. Tea used to be fucking it up in the background. Just shredding her way through the verses which worked because there aren't a lot of bg vocals. Not singing backup as strongly, her playing made up for that. I miss it. I also miss Ava's heavy ass drumming. It's all really different on here. I need to find some interviews about this project. Need to know what went into these choices. I still really like what theyre doing. Young adult audiences should be in love with them.
After all that fun up top the albums takes TMI and Same Language into what I call the Frustration Break. A couple songs about mfs working on your nerves. They're cute songs but feel like a lull. It works because the choruses are so good and you feel relieved by the end of that chunk of songs. Also a-capella handclap breaks are my weakness.
A Few Tomorrows is the bittersweet midtempo song about how it's not goodbye, only a "see you later" which is placed in the right order because literally the rest of the album after this track is backloaded with breakup up songs.
Need Me(my favorite track of this album) is an upbeat breakup bop. Cute. MMATA has a gift for making songs you want to sing along to. Lyrics tho. The simplicity is good but I've seen the pen push harder.
This is where I noticed their hardcore influence is not present at all in this album. Poof. Gone. Aww.
It's Over for Me is another breakup song. Track sequencing is winning big. Love when songs are in correct order. This track is not as strong as Need Me. I would have left this one off the project.
Thx for Nothing is the last breakup bop in this chunk of songs. This girl is going through it. Very 5sos. I say this as a 34 year old who barely knows what a 5sos is. Oh and that main guitar part sounds like what i can only describe as family reunion music. Real ones know.
Rocket science is another optimistic bop taking us to the end of this album but the song is full of phrases from those Hang In There posters. It's cute. It's giving Disney Knees. Edith who usually enunciates to a fault just stops doing that. "Everything is possible" turns into "ennythahggihhhpohhhiiiubbboool" and I cant state enough that I loved that. The Gerard of it all.
King of Everything: lament about life being so unnecessarily hard and wanting a do-over. Hard relate. Don't love the melody as much as the others. Not a happy ending to the album but a resolution for sure. I think the last two songs should have been switched but they said what they said.
3.5 out of 5 stars to Meet Me @ the Altar for their sophomore long playing album. The sequencing of tracks is so strong. A lost art these days. The tracks work together to take your through a bunch of highs and lows then sticks the landing with that final track. The album is good at exactly what it set out to do. That's all I ask. Miss that hard playing tho. I'm sure the live shows will fill that gap.
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sithara-studies · 3 years
First love???
Almost a month ago
Most of the scenes happen in my school bus (so the seating arrangements' divided half for the boys and girls, you'll know later why I'm saying this) Also the friend mentioned here is @aislingisstudying, I'm just too lazy to tag her everywhere so I'm referring her as friend
me: *looks at a boy and thinks his hair is really cute* *turns towards friend* Don't you think that boy's hair looks really cute?
friend: mhm yeah it is actually cute. Do you want me to go and say it to him?
me: What the fuck no, that's really embarrassing
friend: nahh i'll go and tell
me: bruh stop it would be really embarrassing
friend: fine okay then
10 minutes later
me: you know what, go. Go and compliment him from my side
friend: okay my guts level has gone poof you should have used to the chance before
me: mhm okay whatever
20 minutes later
me: you know what, i'll go and say it to him myself. Anyway I'll leave this school in like 3 or 4 months so i'll just say
friend: fine go ahead
5 minutes later
him: *getting out of this bus*
me: Hey dude!
him: *turns back*
me: your hair looks cute!
him: *traumatized or surprised eyes under the mask and leaves the bus*
all girls around me: *surprised eyes and giggling* you okay? have you gone out of your mind?!
A week ago
so me and my friend was sitting was the end of the girls side and my guy came and sat right behind us. OKAY LIKE RIGHT BEHIND US and the mf bus conductor and tells us to sit in front of the bus. So when we sat and settled down, behind us were our friends in 12th grade-
friend: I KNOW RIGHT YOU WERE LIKE THIS CLOSE *pinches fingers*
12th graders: okay what are you guys talking about?
*me and my friend narrates the story and shows the guy*
12th graders: Ohh we know his info, his name's ***** and he's in 12th grade PCMB and like he's an introvert and he watches anime and he's from hyderabad
me: INTROVERT??!!! HYDERABAD(im also from the same place and finding a hyderabadi in my school is like finding a needle in a haystack)???!!!! SCIENCE?????!!!!!!!!!!! *excited faces, hand gestures and noises*
friend: chill okay?
me: okay you have his snap?
12th grader: I have insta but like I'll give his snap too
me: omg thank youu!!!
I actually got his snap 2 days back but I had my hindi exams going on so I sent him request today. So here's the texts-
me: *goes on snap, checks his snap id and takes a screenshot to send to my bsf*
after a few minutes
him: you took ss??...
me: *me realizing that people can see screenshots* Oh im sorry I actually meant to take my friend's but took urs btw hi
him: Oh ok hi
me: Um kinda awkward but do u remember like the compliment tht u got while leaving the bus?
him: yeah I do why?
me: oh well I said that 😅
him: oh thanks ig 😂
me: oh lol okay But lik I still wonder lik y u gave like a traumatised expression that day 😂
him: I was just trying to see who said that lol
me: Oh I thought u got offended or smth 😂
him: Nahh I can't remember who it was tho Like the face I just left cuz my stop was there How did u find my snapchat btw..?
me: Ahh I get it Uhhh that's sources lol i mean friends help to find socials??
him: Oh but I dont follow anyone from our school tho? It's a bit weird so that's why..
me: Oh okay
him: 👌
me: oh btw u up for streaks?
him: oh yeah sure i really need streaks i was about to ask *sends a picture of this fingers*
me: *internally crushing* oh ok
him: What😂? ur just there lol it's kinda creepy TYPE SOMETHING
me: Lolol I'm actually double texting on discord so 💀💀💀
him: oh oh makes sense ☠️
me: yea 💀
Idk what to talk next 😭😭😭 I wanna make convo but like idk what to talk about without being so awkward. Now I know ya'll will say to talk about anime but I dont watch anime too 😭 So give me tips <3 and he's my first crush (boys at my school mostly don't look attractive to me)
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blownbybakugou · 3 years
Ready for my bullshit? 
I’d like to request head cannons of Aizawa, Hawks, Shinsou, and Kirishima react to a reader that has a “nightmare quirk” meaning they can transform into monsters, ghost, or someone’s worst fear amplified even worse. They have to watch hella scary movies, read a lot of scary stories, and even look up creepy urban legends so they can imagine their form before transforming. Funny thing is, the reader is a laid back cinnamon roll and loves cute things so it makes the twist even more amusing when they see their baby turn into some eldritch horror from hell like they weren’t giggling at cat videos a moment ago.
- Short Anon 🌚
a/n: yea ofc :)))
warnings: fears???, light mentions of sexual punishment-
genre: crack/fluff
pairing(s): aizawa x gn!reader, hawks x gn!reader, shinsou x gn!reader, kirishima x gn!reader
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matchup status: closed
request status: open
He doesn’t really take notice at first.
Like, he thinks your quirk is cool and all, but he doesn’t pay too much attention to it.
That is,
Until he realizes how much POWER you hold on him if he can’t erase your quirk fast enough
Aizawa seems like he ain’t afraid of anything,
He has his shit together,
Like, his shit has a quadruple knot tired around it, and beneath that knot his shit is color coordinated.
So when you activate your quirk, that knot fucking EXPLODES
He knows his worst fear is pretty embarrassing, and he wouldn’t want anyone to know about it.
But when you were able to activate your quirk quicker than he could cancel it out, he was fucking PANICKING when you disappeared into thin air,
Like wtf???
Where did they go???
Are they okay??
Everyone is lowkey making fun of him for worrying so much but he could give a rats ass about them right now,
When you faded back into existence, he latched onto you and wouldn’t let go for anything.
Not even the strength of All Might could pull him off you.
He straight up SHEIKS.
Keigo has always been weary of your quirk,
Bc this mf is terrified of spiders, you can’t change my mind.
So he just knows that if he pisses you off on the wrong day, you’ll use your quirk to become a big, nasty, scary ass spider.
When you do,
He’s dead.
He will spend the rest of the night sulking and shaking in the corner of his bedroom,
And you will have no choice other than to comfort him if you ever want to be cuddled again.
He also has a habit of puffing his wings and sending his feathers across the room when you use your quirk,
And you’re there as the spider like,
😀🤚🏻 wtf-
He actually cut your face a couple time with the feathers and you morphed back,
And he CRIED.
He felt so bad that he hurt you-
And honestly it probably made a new fear-
Gives zero fucks.
You should know better than to use your quirk on him,
Because he can,
Punish you
I am a strong believer in soft Shinsou,
So much like Aizawa he’s probably terrified of losing you.
So if you actually have the balls to use your quirk on him,
He might not recognize it as your quirk,
Since you just poofed out of existence- you didn’t really morph-
(Unless you count morphing into air-)
So he’s just there like-
Did my s/o just DIE???!
He might start crying if he is that convinced that you just died,
And if you keep it up for too long he would probably go to Principal Nezu to report a student death-
The longest you could mess with him is at most 5 minutes-
But don’t be surprised if you get heavily punished later for messing with his emotions like that.
He thinks your quirk is super cool!
And unlike the others,
His fear is being seen as weak.
So I wouldn’t recommend using your quirk on him like that,
Because that is super damaging to his self-esteem,
And not only that,
But it could put some distance between you guys in your relationship because of some trust issues you could have caused.
He’s too soft for it pls don’t.
Kirishima often helps you with handling your quirk,
But once again,
Never use it on him-
He enjoys watching horror movies with you though!
And he picks up a lot of scary books for you to gain knowledge from,
Unlike the others who don’t do shit involving those kind of things-
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whorefordazai · 3 years
Oooh open?? then can i plz get hcs for dazai when s/o can make wormholes and is a total space geek but just runs off to another dimension instead of facing their problems (u can choose if its angsty or cute aaah)
Dazai with an s/o who has a wormhole ability
ft. dazai x gn! reader
genre: fluff (the fandom doesn’t need angst rn 🤚)
warnings: none
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He would definitely be super intrigued the first time he saw your ability in action. His head would already be thinking up the countless dimensions that are out there.
I mean, you can jump into different dimensions—meaning the possibilities are infinite.
He’d definitely be the first one to offer jumping into a different dimension with you 💃
Soon it becomes a daily thing for the two of you😅? Any normal couple would have movie nights or dinner dates—not y’all. He offers to explore different dimensions with you. It doesn’t bother you, though—after all, you love doing it too😏
Sneaky lil gooses—always running away from Kunikida and ditching work 😏
Y’all are gone🕺
Wormholes are kinda fun to go down through—but what typa alice in wonderland shit are y’all pulling 🧍‍♂️
Once, you guys ended up in a dimension where there were cat people🤨? (I’m head empty except cats okay) but it was extremely creepy because everyone was walking around looking like borderline furries.
“Uhm...darling, I think we should get out of here ಥ‿ಥ”
“Yeah...you’re right...this shit is kinda scaring me...ahaha my mistake ╹◡╹”
Neither of you spoke about it ever again 🤝
Apart from the weird ass dimensions, Dazai would know that there’s a possibility of a dimension where oda is alive.
He would be a little hesitant to ask you, but he couldn’t help being curious. You would see that he was quite distraught about the topic so you made sure to tell him you would take him anywhere he wanted.
Another thing—he’s quick to notice that during any minor/big inconvenience, you always seem to disappear into a different dimension.
Now, he obviously knows you’re avoiding your problems but he’s not a hypocrite cuz he kinda does the same.
So he typically has no problem with it, because most times he’ll join in anyway 😊
But he won’t let you run away—especially if he predicts you’re on the brink of insanity.
He thinks it’s so adorable how you’re a geek for all things space/philosophy. Those things have interested him before, but now that you’re with him, he likes to pay attention.
He’ll gladly listen to you blab about space and watch documentaries with you (teasing you the whole time for being a nerd🕺) even if he’s not always paying attention to the movie, he is paying attention to you. Mf can’t stop sneaking peaks at your excited face when something comes up on the tv <3
tag list: @dai-tsukki-desu @monster-101 @14th-century-homosexual-spirit @yosanoslut @cross-crye @starglow-xx @ranposlover @bsdwhore @arimakii @cytolysis @shadyteacup @smadhuman @knjksj0301 @stylesketches @neighborhoodfriendlysimp @the-wholesome-ranpo
forgot to tag y’all the first time AGAIN🥲💔
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a-tired-narwhal · 3 years
Tell me more about your feelings about the details of Caleb's backstory!
Okay listen anon. LISTEN. This is going to be LONG. Did I immediately rewatch/go back through the entire wrap up to take notes? YES I DID. Anon I'm sorry this is so late, I didn't see your ask until after the stream. I hope this finds you (*^3^)/~♡
Caleb fucking Widogast. Liam O'Brien always creates/portrays characters that CAPTURE ME. And it is purely the undertow of SUFFERING that I crave.
As a survivor of an abusive childhood, specifically with manipulation, neglect, and physical trauma, and having a controlling abuser in a position of power over you - I was surprised and delighted by Liam's playing of Caleb, and I'm sure that I'm probably not the only one, but Caleb's backstory just had me nodding along. Was not surprised at all by what was revealed about the blumentrio's relationship being trauma-bonding and probably why I'll never be an avid shipper of them. Nothing about Caleb's backstory left me gasping - because it's a relatively common abuse survivor story, except it's in the world of dungeons and dragons with high fantasy and magic and more common place murdering than today in places where most Critters presumably live.
Let's break it down.
Caleb was born as Bren to a less than well off family, who wanted their child to have a better life than them. Bren is a gifted child, and this will immediately put a bullseye's target on a child's back, make no mistake, for abusive persons. Now, I don't know if it's a pretty obvious that parents would trust in a teaching figure to take their child for that child's betterment, because I don't have parents who wish for my betterment ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, but I like to think that Bren's parents handed him off hoping for his brightest future.
Trent is basically the textbook example of a Cult Leader. Beyond the experimentation he did on his students; everything he put the Blumentrio through is how you beat down and brainwash people, especially children/adolescents. Textbook. TEXTBOOK. It was the dnd equivalent of the Hilter Youth. Now my personal experience featured the tool of isolation, so I didn't have two childhood friends to pour myself into and have threesome's with, but that's actually smart of Ickythong, because when you're left alone with your whirling brain for too long, and there's no one to hold over your head - we start thinking those rebellious thoughts, and at some point we decide we have nothing to lose, and we will do ANYTHING to shake that control. No, he left them in that abandoned tower together so they would be forced to bond with each other, as well as allowing them not to die of exposure alone.
Trauma-bonding CAN be a manipulation and used against you. Now. We have three adolescents trying not to freeze to death by being as close as physically possible. For those that don't know; sharing body heat works best skin to skin - ya get naked and THEN you wrap up together to stay insulated. Awkward groping is going to happen, and it's more than likely accidental. But when you add raging hormones to the mix, yo it's not going to stay accidental for very long (that in no way indicates non consent, it can be either way), and the feelings can catch hard when you're young and physical and EVERY HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP YOU HAD HAS BEEN TAKEN FROM YOU, IF YOU EVEN EVER HAD ONE. (I do not know Eadwulf or Astrid's home lives so your guess is as good as mine. We should probably ask Liam)
So you've got horny teenagers, with above average intelligence, being systematically abused... Bam. Trauma-bonded Blumentrio.
BUT HERE'S THE THING. Trauma-bonding can only get you so far. And they are children, actively being raised to NOT HAVE THEIR OWN THOUGHTS AND IDENTITIES. The relationship they built, the romantic and sexual, are based off of a shared hostile environment and survival needs. And when those circumstances are no longer there, the relationship tends to fall apart.
I love that Matt talked about Astrid for a bit, sad we didn't get more on Eadwulf - but Matt didn't really spend a lot of time roleplaying Wulf compared to Astrid, so he'd have more insight into her. I also find it interesting that the Blumentrio took 3 very different, but again SO COMMON, paths in dealing with their abuse. But that's a different rant.
Focus with me now on what Matt said about Astrid. She was actively seeking power throughout the campaign, looking always to climb that ladder to the top, for her own purposes which were not stated, and was willing to do anything, sacrifice anyone, to get that power. Was it a burden to her? Yeah I think so. Did it weigh on her? Again I personally think it did. But she was goal-oriented and she wasn't going to let anything stop her, not even herself, and she hated Trent. Matt implies that all three of the Blumentrio did/do. Astrid, Wulf, and Caleb were wildly different people - I don't think they would have stayed together even if Bren had stayed Bren instead of becoming Caleb.
I know A LOT of people were miffed over how Liam and Matt showed Caleb's and Essek's love for each other; and I am SO glad that Liam touched on this; Essek reminded Caleb too much of Astrid and Eadwulf. Now I know we love to joke that that Redhead Dirt Wizard has a Type (smart, ambitious, vaguely amoral), and believe me I LOVE THE JOKE, but Caleb pumping to brakes on Hot Boi makes THE MOST LOGICAL SENSE AND I WAS SO DELIGHTED WHEN LIAM PLAYED IT THAT WAY. Caleb was still trying to heal himself; WHY THE HELL WOULD HE JUMP INTO A MESS CALLED ESSEK? That's some mf UNHEALTHY, TOXIC romance trope ya got there. People fix themselves, not each other. THAT'S WHY CANON SHADOWGAST IS SO GOOD. THEY ARE WORKING TO IMPROVE THEMSELVES FIRST. THAT'S SO HOT.
So the Blumentrio hangout in Astrid's room to sex and study, in threes and twos (I have weird polyam questions, Liam). Now, I'm foggy on the exact timeframe that was together at Academy > kill your parents > Bren is chucked into the Sanitarium; but it's clear that after the murdering of parents, Bren is tagged as the "weakest link" - maybe he broke because he actually loved his family/had a loving family, maybe the manipulation spell from Ickythong didn't sit on him as well as Astrid and Wulf, maybe boi wasn't made for killing (a lie, the boi is a total killer, you have to be in most dnd campaigns), who knows. But he broke, and Astrid and Wulf handed him over - it would be dangerous for them if they tried too hard to protect him.
Because in that environment, in those circumstances, in that set up; you do what you have to, to survive. You hurt people you love, you hurt people you don't know, you even hurt yourself if it means improving your own odds. It's instinct. It's not your fault. You are doing the best you can with what you have available.
I don't hate Astrid and Eadwulf; I just have more emotional attachment and investment in Caleb, and prefer the color purple on him.
Which is actually a great segue into THE WOMAN AT THE SANITARIUM WHO FREED HIS MIND; Matt Mercer you beautiful man, thank you for giving us a Moonweaver connection, my lil widomauk heart was sent aflutter! So, here's the thing. Places like that, sanitariums, psych wards, etc - if you are not certifiably insane before you go in, you will be eventually. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is not a fucking joke. But the thought of some forgotten Moonweaver Cleric recognizing Bren's torment and just, poof, dissolving that spell? *Chef's kiss* glorious, wonderful, everything I needed.
Anon, I don't know if this is what you wanted or expected - but here it is, my sincerest apologies 🐳
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atiny-piratequeen · 4 years
Unpopular opinion or whatever
I wanna have a conversation about accountability when it comes to shit like this. The same people who make a thousand and one posts going "believe the victim always believe the victim" to the extent that they IMMEDIATELY start spreading things that aren't properly fact checked or addressed officially, specifically the folk that pull the "if you dont 100% believe victims, you're siding with abusers" to guilt people go real fucking radio silent when it turns out our "victims" were people lying or people who weren't giving us the full story or being mistranslated.
So what happens when the person yall swore up and down was an abuser for a week ends up not being one? Yall literally made THEM a victim. Calling for them to be removed from their groups with no proper evidence, no investigation (we are strangers on the fucking internet!!! We're not detectives bruh!! This is like the third time in the past fucking 10 months yall did some inspector gadget shit framing mfs for shit they!! DIDNT do!!!)
And yall never see the same amount of people spreading the mistrans rounding back with the correct information. Yall pat yourselves on the back with the believe victims without question rhetoric and then when the "victims" were liars, yall dont keep that same energy when it comes to genuine apologies for how you treated people.
Im in no way saying any of us have the right to play detective and pick apart something an alleged victim has to say, we should never do that, especially because there are actual victims out there who finally step out and speak up.
But at the same time yall really need to learn that people can, have, and will continue to use that mentality of "believe the victim, get angry first" to LIE about shit. We do not live in a fairytale world where people are above making up lies and using the "court of public opinion" to ruin someones fucking life for no other reason than because they can and because they know people will side with them with no evidence with that mindset.
And when we find out they're lying what happens? Deadass I see some of yall shrug and go "well its good that it wasn't true" and go about your days like the person yall demonized didn't become the victim.
This shit has me fucking sick to the stomach.
I will never wrap my head around people lying about trauma people actually go through for?? Some reason??
ESPECIALLY this time, because clearly to some extent, someone was actually hurt and they should be able to speak their truth without having people twist and take their words and lie??? To hurt someone else?? How fucking vile can you be? And everyone involved with those mistranslations suddenly poof poof changing names and accs and shit.
And on GOD, i need yall to fucking wait before yall hop on the fucking pitchfork bandwagon because a good portion of yall telling people they're literally siding with abusers for going "I dont know enough yet to believe it (fully)" are the same mfs that ate up and spread mistranslations and will be hella quiet when we find out no, shit wasnt like that.
"I believe this person may be a victim" and "i need to wait to see more, accurate information" are two statements that can fucking coexist holy fucking shit.
Stop fucking lying to ruin peoples careers, stop making it hard for actual victims to come forward, and stop jumping on people with questionable sources of validity as your "evidence"
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hello i am currently watching midnight mass, maybe i should have started liveblogging this earlier since i'm on ep4 now but so far i am enjoying this quite a bit. i mean maybe its just because i love this kind of aesthetics and stories, but it's Got Me spoilers for midnight mass ep4 from here on out
I really like father Paul as a character, I find him very. charming if thats the word? anyways i think hes cool
oh man Bev looks a bit too happy about this. her vibes are fucking rancid and the way she isnt even. scared by the fact that Pruitt just hopped on back to life like the others are is giving me the heebie-jeebies and sometimes. sometimes she gets just a bit too enthusiastic about things. she seems even more unhinged than the priest and thats saying a lot since hes the one who brought a fucking vampire back to the island
"god is shifting inside of me" thats called going through a very literal, very physical, very should-not-be-happening change. mf is going thru monster puberty and doesnt even realize it smh
i like the limited cast of characters. makes it feel all the more metaphorical while still keepin it realistic, the island setting rlly helps w that. and the feeling of being stranded in a small community
oh dear. roasted priest! and his blood sizzles under the sun even when its not in his body anymore. is it something like- he wasn't a complete vampire up until his death and resurrection? thats probably it
i wonder if the baby actually went somewhere instead than just poof. gone
erin is. hm. a character. cant say i hate her i dont mind her actually but i dont like her that much dangit i got spoiled while looking up her name >:'((( man. i hope her and riley's relationship isn't just gonna be based on trauma bonding tho it doesnt look like it so far so good job on that. also riley's dream sequences look so cool i love the colors of the sunrise bit
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catfever7 · 7 years
In October I met this guy, we went out a few times he was cool I enjoyed his company(plus he touched me reallll good). So like I said we had seen each other a few times and then poof he's gone(he even deleted/deactivated his okc profile). So I had been ghosted, I didn't have feelings for him, because I don't devlope feelings for others anymore, but I was a little pissed, if someone is going to do the ghosting, it's me.
Well last week, who do I get a text out of the blue from?? The ghost! He lives! Ohhh my! His okc profile is back too. So I'm like should I text him back? After being ghosted? I decided to text him back and give him one more chance(I do like being touched by him 😊😊). We ended up seeing eachother tonight...I realllllllly wanted to call him out on his ghosting behavior, he was all "Oh I've missed you" Save your bullshit for someone who is not me mf, but I dodn't say that..instead he touched me realllll good, even though I tried to not let that happen most of the night. Ughh, when he was touching me and kissing me all I was thinking is that he ghosted me and I don't trust him, he was trying to be all talkative, and I just shut down and kind of acted cold to him.
Here's the thing, I don"t like to be ignored, that's the way someone will be cut out of my head/heart inner circle. I don't need constant attention, but if I'm ignored for to long I'm done with you, things will never be the same.
It has been a month since I seen him last, and it didn't feel the same.. so yeah no going forward with him.
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