#when the pandemic started
boycritter · 2 years
according to my mom im the youngest person in the family to have fibromyalgia live laugh love
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renegadepack · 2 years
buzzfeed has an article about the twilight renaissance bc kristen stewart commented on it and they were like “the series re-emerged in 2021″ like whatever cowards I’VE BEEN HERE SINCE 2018
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sunfortune · 3 years
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why-the-heck-not · 3 years
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reading, drinking wine and getting old
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canisonicscrewyou · 2 years
I was going to make a post about how the venn diagram of people whose music taste is influenced by listening to Welcome to Night Vale in their formative years and people who are a little too into The Mountain Goats is a circle but. But then I remembered that one of the creators of WTNV is literally the cohost of I Only Listen to The Mountain Goats. Post cancelled for being too fucking obvious, apparently.
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takiki16 · 2 years
Fandom: The Old Guard (Movie 2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationships: Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolò di Genova,  Minor Andy | Andromache of Scythia/Quynh |  Noriko    
Additional Tags:   Time Travel, Hurt/Comfort, Crack and Angst,  Immortal Husbands, Canon    Temporary Character Death, (i.e. nobody  stays dead long),  Canon-Typical   Violence, Post-Canon, and also  simultaneously,  Pre-Canon, Domesticity  and the  Crusades, Enemies to  Lovers, Eventual  Happy Ending
Summary: Current-day  Nicky wakes up one morning  to find  himself re-living the  first day he  met Yusuf in 1099, and  Nicolò from  1099 finds himself with  a stranger  named Joe in 2021.  Time-crossed  and facing old and new  challenges, the  two lovers have to  find their way back to each other.
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Author’s Note under the cut!
Folks, it has been a banger of a wild ride and an absolute honor to be sharing this completed fic with you at last.  If Never Again, If Every Day was born in AUGUST of 2020 and is finishing up only two months and change shy of being two years old! 
I never in a million years would have thought I’d be involved in a project this size.  INAIED has taught me thinks about myself as a writer I never would have learned otherwise.  This fic has seen me through the pandemic and everything that came with it, several significant career moves, and of course let me work with the best co-author of all time, @gallifreyburning​, without whom NONE of this would ever have been possible. 
...It’s a little hard to say goodbye, not gonna lie.  There’s a part of me that will always be at least a little open to coming back someday.  We didn’t have the time to reply to all of your amazing reviews and comments, but we read and loved each and every single one.  Thank you, to everyone who read and enjoyed this fic, and we hope you enjoyed the ride!
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pangur-and-grim · 4 years
not that I'm taking notes or anything, but uh..... how are you guys managing with pandemic isolation/bored/depression?
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that-cheer-up-anon · 3 years
Hey so if you don't know, I was kicked out of my parent's house and made homeless in March 2021.
My government support payment was cut 3rd December 2021 and I am still homeless and unemployed. Along w my government support payments being cut, my concession status has been removed making my meds and public transport more expensive.
If you have some spare money, I would appreciate it immensely if you could donate to my Paypal
I'm also turning 24 on 13 December and having some financial help would be the BEST birthday gift I could ask for this year.
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jakemyboy · 2 years
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Happy Gotcha day Blu!!!!! February 17th 2020 was the day we brought you home from the fosters house. You were not an unwanted dog, your human had passed away, you were loved. But no family or friends could take you. So there we were, taking on another dog with some issues. You are a very good dog, you are an angel in the house, we can leave you home alone and all you do is watch outside the window, making sure all is well . You have not destroyed one thing, and only stolen a shoe maybe three times in two years, lol!
You do have a habit of jumping on us, which is a bit dangerous, you wouldn't do well with seniors. And also, your adorable quirk of wanting to bite our noses. All three of us here have had small wounds and bruises from that. We are glad we got you and not a family with small children because you probably would have been sent away. We are adults and capable of dealing with this. We now recognize the look in your eye when you are trying to get a nose, and we don't take it personally and we know it's not an aggressive maneuver, just something you like to do when you're excited. You have really shown us in the last year the bond you have formed with us when you get to come home from the vets or the groomers, it's clear that we are your people and your family. We love you very much and will always protect and care for you. ❤️
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searidings · 2 years
What season was current when you started watching SG?
i was waaaaay late to this clown convention bro 5a was airing as i was catching up on five years of lesbians!!!
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I wouldn't wish this (catching covid) on my worst enemy. Unless of course, we're talking about my worst enemy, the politicians who lift all the safety measures against covid and pretend like the pandemic is over even though the numbers are spiking. Fuck you, politicians, you know what you did!
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heliksun · 2 years
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a little booklet i made today about feeling lonely and bored in my room
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rudjedet · 2 years
Just a reminder for the people who are new here: I’m currently massively burnt out* and get only 2 hours to myself each day that I can count on being me-time. I’m absolutely willing to answer Egyptology asks, but if you’re on a time crunch or for any other reason can’t wait for a while, I’m not the person you should be sending asks to. Previously I’ve said I can give time-sensitive asks precedence, which is still true, but atm means you might have to wait a few days to a week, rather than a few months like some askers already are (which, I’m very grateful for y’alls patience and I promise I haven’t forgotten about them). If you want to know if I received a particular message just to be sure, you’re always welcome to ask!
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an absolute legend
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uglygirlstatus · 2 years
my nostalgia disease is unbearable I can romanticize literally any point in my miserable past and yet feel nothing towards any notion of the future
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gabisart · 2 years
Trying to design ocs based off my neopets...
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