#when there's so much music she sings and talks about in cheers lmao
emojellyace08 · 1 year
Lookism Men x Singer/Musician! Reader 🖤🥀 🤟 🎶
A/N: I'm making the reader in the subculture of pop-punk smth like that for the most part but feel free to pick your own music genre. Genre: fluff ☁️, and slight angst 🥀 pairing: character/s x reader (romantic ; reader is gender neutral) Warnings: slight mentions of personal problems Picture/character name: Nana Osaki
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Daniel Park/Jay Hong/Duke Pyeon/Eli Jang/Jake Kim/Jerry Kwon/Lineman/Sinu Han/Young Jinyoung Park/Jace Park/Kwak Jihan/(add in: Mary Kim! because why not she slays)
They really loves your voice. You're not only kind and helpful, you're also very talented and he feels very gifted to have someone like you :).
They also finds it a new interesting thing about you. If you're shy about your singing/music skills please don't! They're willing to listen to your beautiful voice and amazing talent. So there's need to gatekeep on what you can do (but they wouldn't pressure you too much they know boundaries).
They also wouldn't mind if you collaborate with them! They thinks it's a good bonding time in your relationship. Whether it's singing to other musicians' songs or composing your own they find it really enjoyable.
They would also be you personal manager or your bandmate if you asked me. I'm pretty sure that they at least know something about music or they're just also really good at it but they're also shy about it (whether if they're a good vocalist, knows how to play musical instruments or a composer they will do a good job with it and he'll appreciate it if you help them gather more ideas for new projects). You just gotta keep your relationship in private if both of you ever got famous because of some fans (y'know what I mean).
If you play musical instruments, they would blush when you insist to teach them the basics. Or, if you want to learn how to play and they know how to (please I want someone to teach me how to play the guitar it's so hard lol), they will spend their free time teaching you. Nonetheless if both of you are patient with each other, it can form a strong bond and connection.
They are willing to protect you especially when excited fans tries to touch you when they get a bit too thrilled to finally meet both of you. You even got to scold them while patching them up for being careless about themselves since they get hurt trying to shield you a bunch of times. But don't blame them, they want to make sure you and your privacy is safe (and they'll get flushed and a bit concerned when you also do the same for them).
They will be willing to listen and know about the meaning of your songs/covers. They will find a bit upsetting if you're ashamed of what you can do or if you are using your talent to vent out your negative emotions and personal problems as a coping mechanism. Nonetheless, they will be willing to reach out and talk to you about it. Besides they know that spending your time doing your hobbies/talent can be really healthy to release your stress. But next time don't hesitate to talk about your personal issues because they're your partner and they want to see you better, despite being a bit embarrassing on your part.
If you suffer from stage fright, don't worry if you don't mind they will sing with you! They find it a bit stressful for you to feel like this because they really believe on what you can do and also you as a person. So, they will cheer you up and give the best and genuine compliments.
1000/10 power couple vibes.
Zack Lee/Vasco (Lee Eun Tae)/Goo Kim/Jiho Park/Warren Chae/Tom Lee/Olly Wang/Kuroda Ryuhei/Vin Jin/Yuseong/Kwak Jibeom/Gongseob Ji
Do I even need to start? He will be your number one fan.
Not really good in terms of singing/music? (sorry Vin I do like you but Duke is just better lol). They're probably out of tune most of the times but he will practice almost every hour just to impress you lmao. But with practice and hard work (along with your help), he can keep up with you!
He is willing to give up his training just to stay beside you. They might be a little bit obsessed over you, but they do know boundaries. He'll respect it if you want your free time, but he will still cry inside because he really wants to spend his extra time with you.
He will not admit it, but he thinks that he enjoys spending his time with you teaching him your interests? It's not necessarily that he's super passionate with music (except for Vin). But he finds it a good hobby when he's bored. He would also find it enjoyable if he teaches you his body training techniques (but he may unconsciously push you to your limits so you gotta tell him what you like and what you're not comfortable with). He would also force you almost every night (especially Yuseong, Goo, and Ryuhei) to hum him a lullaby before he sleeps, bastard. But like I said, he would stop if you're not comfortable with it. But if he has puppy ears it would surely droop down the moment you turned off his offer.
He thinks that playing musical instruments is so damn hard. Like how the hell can you play *your instrument of choice* so smooth? Almost perfectly if you asked me. Now he wanna learns how to play too! Be patient with him because he may accidentally break it (for example strumming the guitar so hard lmao).
He will also whoop someone's ass if they ever tried to touch you. But he may misunderstand the situation with someone who's just excited to ask for an autograph 🗿. Now don't blame him, he's really cautious with any potential danger (especially when you became famous). Now you gotta scold his ass off telling him to be nicer to your fans and he'll be crying and sniffing pleading for your forgiveness. But still, his preservative demeanor will still be active especially when you're out for tours. He's also a great body guard even when he's super a blockheaded person at times.
He's the type to look really tough but cries at hearing emotional songs? You can see the tears that threatened to fall on his now red-glossy eyes as he doesn't know why he feels like this every time you sing a meaningful song with your beautiful song. You're like a goddess given life, his princess if you asked me.
He will scream like the biggest fanboy he's ever been when you're feeling nervous for a stage performance. The only thing missing at this point is him holding up a board with your pictures plastered with colorful/*color of choice* on it to cheer you up lmao.
He' a chaotic crackhead and also pretty dumb at times. He wants to guard and almost babysit you on rehearsals.
Gun Park/Johan Seong/Jiho Park (villain arc/James Lee/Daniel Park (post-gun training/Jay Hong/Jake Kim/Samuel Seo/Taesoo Ma/Kwak Jichang/Hudson Ahn/Yoojin/Mandeok/Cheon Taejin/Xiaoleoung/Jason Yoon/Brad Lee
He doesn't really care if you can sing or make music? But he does find it an interesting fact about you though.
He would be honestly feel a bit blessed if he have a partner who's not only strong willed, helpful and emotionally intelligent/logical but also talented (his type might be a too unrealistic but I guess as long as you're a positive or a good person he might catch feelings for you especially Daniel).
Doesn't really care about one's physical appearance in some aspects (some men in this list have preferences but he's not too picky either except for Samuel and Jiho lmao). But he would find it hot and appealing if you wear your own preference in clothing that matches your music style. He thinks that it can also catch your audiences' attention to be presentable not only talent/skill wise but also in your fashion sense.
He might not admit it but he loves your voice. He finds it calming since he's either having troubles with his sleep schedule and he's really tired. Anything you sing is okay for him, hearing your voice is enough as you ruffle his hair to help him take a nap. But his cold-stone heart will slowly melt if you sing his favorite song/s for him in a soft and calm manner.
He's not really a singer but he does hum at times either when if he's bored or in private all alone because he's too focused on his work or either he's embarrassed by it (Daniel has a very exceptional singing skills we all that). He might reject or skip your offer of him helping you out for your project since he's either busy dealing with his enemies, him getting a bit shy and unsure, or him just not being in the mood for it. But after some forcing persuading, he might accept your offer but he still have doubts about it lol. He might prefer doing some back-up vocals though. He will find it annoying if you keep forcing him to sing with you. But he can't resist to you as his partner. So you might hear a low (yet beautiful tone) voice of his singing along with you especially on karaoke bars.
Though I headcannon that he prefers being your bodyguard/manager (something along of the lines like that). Since he's super strong, cunning, fast and a very outstanding fighter he wouldn't hesitate to kick your stalker's ass the moment he catches up on them. He wants to make sure that your privacy and personal life is secured and safe as much as possible. And he will get his job done.
Not the best in comfort because he's mostly serious at times (especially Gun and Samuel), but he will still try his best to cheer you up before your performance. You're precious to him.
He will not admit it but he does find it enjoyable to spend time with you on what you like to do/hobbies especially when he's free. He might be interested to play your instrument of choice or practice his vocal skills more with you as his coach and lover. Who knows?
Bonus! DG (Kang Dag Yeom)/Daniel Park/Duke Pyeon (sorry I might come out as a bit of a biased person lmao)
He's a singer/musician as well! So no need to be embarrassed by your music skills.
Though he can't help to admire your beauty, he's most likely act professional in times of work. You got lots of projects to do that must be done on time, so he'll most likely put his feelings aside first.
He's very attentive about your ideas for your new projects. If you don't mind he might even recommend some tips and his thoughts for that additional flair on the music. Not only him working with you is organized, it's also very enjoyable while still being focused.
He might know how to play a musical instrument (DG for sure), but for Daniel and Duke they're more of a vocalist and composer. So teaching him how to play or you studying together to play your musical instrument of choice is also very entertaining. DG will be willing to teach you the basics first if you asked him for help when he's free. So you don't need to feel shy about it.
He also cares for the meaning of the songs you're composing/making a cover for. He really believes that music is not only something catchy on our hearing, but also it needs to be a beautiful and meaningful masterpiece. He might get concerned if your song of choice might be a bit personal on your side, but he'll make sure that he'll talk about it with you (in a good way ofc). Nonetheless as long as you're happy with the song, he'll be fine with it too.
He'll also try his best to protect you. Daniel and DG can kick some perverted people if needed. As for Duke, I'm not really confident that he can fight back but I'm sure he'll still try his best to take care of you in his own ways :).
They feel stage fright at times but he'll get a bit more anxious when you're the one that experiences it. He wants you to know that you can get through it. So if you don't mind he will sing with you too.
1000/10 couple vibes (again lol).
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luvlyycy · 3 months
twin😋 we need to see Ed's cultural shock when he goes clubbing in america, it's 2000s night at the club, with his chubby reader. She's shaking her hips and twerking in the crowd of people and Ed can't help but to stare. Imagine if Ed has a problem with the idiot standing next to her bc he grabs her hips. I wanna see some bump and grind in the club😋
Bonus points if reader is wearing low rise pants/skirt and a thong. extra bonus points if reader has hipdips. (i fucking love hipdips) you get a brownie point if the thong song starts playing😋😋🫶🏼
DID I GET ALL THE POINTS??? ALSO I LOVE U FOR THIS IDEA THANKKSKSSSS RRRRAAGGGGG (theres no explicit smut in this but its vv suggestive i also recommend listening to the songs featured in the fic when they play cus it works lmao) enjoyyyy <3
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Ed stifles a tiny yelp, his arm around your waist as he watches many individuals grind against each other in what seems like dancing, multiple girls bumping into his broad chest.
"are they all like this?" he yells over the bumping music, still astonished by your clothes, you giggle into him and nod yes as his finger dips underneath the thong peaking through your skirt. Ed makes a shocked face before laughing due to nervousness, he looks up again at all the people noticing the 2000's theme.
he finally realizes why you had him dress this way— white tanktop with black wings drawn on the back, along with baggy jeans, simple black bracelets adorning his wrists, silver chain around his neck.
the song 'peaches and cream' slowly coming to an end, fading into the next track on the songlist.
"....this song right here, is lettin' all the ladies know what guys talk about." the singer begins in the song, and Ed watches your face light up, handing your drink to him.
"this is my fucking song, Ed !!" you excitedly cheer, running onto the dance floor— putting a considerable amount of stress into Ed's soul because he thought your skirt was gonna ride up too high over your ass.
he stares at your body as you lift your arms in the air, swaying your hips to the bump of the beat, girls beside you cheering you on. he's quite literally in a trance, watching the soft bounce of your belly and the dips on your hips practically making hearts in his eyes.
you're even singing along with the song, "lemme see that thooonnngg !!! —" you yell a little more than you sing, back arching so you shake your plump ass, multiple girls mimicking slapping it.
what is with america? are all girls like this? what kinda club is this? he frowns when he notices all the guys looking at you, your sparkly lip gloss glistening in all the bright lights. you turn to him and call him on the dance floor, but he psyches himself out as he looks where you are—
men and women grinding against each other as if they were horny teenagers, all dressed with the same theme as well. he softly shakes his head 'no', he wasn't much of a dancer anyway. you tilt your head in confusion but continue to dance your heart out.
suddenly, a random guy wraps his hands around your waist, sliding against your soft tummy, resting on your hips. you turn back, expecting to see your boyfriend— seeing a mediocre man compared to who you belonged to. he smiles politely as he begins to dance along with you, hips rolling into your behind to the song. Ed's face contorts with anger as he slams both of your drinks onto the counter, non-alcoholic unlike the stupid asshat in front of him.
Ed stomps over, upper lip twitching upward similar to Balrog when he gets angry. he places his hand flat on the guy's shoulder, causing him to jump— Ed leans closer, head tilting upwards as he looks down at the brown-haired idiot.
"fuck ya doin', hah? can't keep your greasy hands to yourself?" he's close enough to where he doesn't have to raise his voice too much so the guy can hear him. he listens to the guy stutter, hands immediately being thrown up in surrender, "i-i didn't see you, man. i swear!" Ed lets out a soft 'tch' before just simply pushing the dude back, causing him to stumble into his friends— eyes softening as he looks back at you.
you look up at him, smiling before giggling out, "what a weirdo, right?" you lean closer so he can hear you— "yeah, he's an asshole for sure." .
suddenly, the song switches— beat slow as it starts out, "....welcome to my sex room...." Ed laughs at the audacity of the lyrics before you begin to grind on him to the slow beat, his hands flying to your hips— carressing the way your skin dips.
you turn around and grind your ass on his crotch, back arching as you place your hands on your knees— ass swaying side to side. Ed licks his teeth as he grinds into you as well, hand running down your back as he leans backwards to get a better view of you— his other hand dipping underneath your showing thong.
man, you gotta take him to more clubs.
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maybeimamuppet · 2 months
43 Janis/ 27 30 Veronica/ 3 24 my boy Damian/ 3 Cady Karen plss
hello nonnie thank youuuu !!!
let’s get into this shall we this is gonna take me another hour lmao /pos
43 - 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
1. sushi. she will repeatedly eat gas station sushi knowing ahead of time it will make her sick bc she loves it that much
2. anything pumpkin. latte. bread. cookies. pie. she loves spooky season so it cheers her up when she’s sad. her most common activity with damian is making some yummy pumpkin treat and one of them crying into the batter or whatever
3. pineapple. it eats you back and she respects the metal vibes of that hardcore
1. spaghetti. she ate a worm on a dare as a child and never recovered. any other pasta is fine tho
2. fish because it makes her think too hard
3. popsicles bc they always melt weird and get everywhere. and regina teases her bc. yknow.
27 - their guilty pleasures
bold of you to assume she doesn’t feel guilty about all of her pleasures
ummm. buying new notebooks and journals and never using them. one specific slightly more expensive brand of cigarettes. “ocean” scented bubble bath. carrying around new books and sparking conversations with guys about them and seeing how long it takes them to realize she’s never read it.
i don’t know what a guilty pleasure is i’m realizing
30 - sleeping habits
if she sleeps she’s a very light sleeper. she’s always been naturally inclined to stay up late and sleep in but after canon and her mental health declining she’s borderline nocturnal. she wakes up if the wind blows too hard outside and is tormented by nightmares for years so she tries to avoid sleeping until she just crashes. her bloodstream is like 72% coffee.
DAMIAN (my baby boy thank you 😭😭)
3 - obscure headcanon
when (or if) ever janis gets married he just materializes in her house sometimes. janis’ partner is more used to it and okay with it than she is.
they did not give him a key.
24 - most annoying habit
this man never stops singing a moment of his life. shower? singing. cooking? singing. studying? singing. sleeping? singing. and it’s always a new musical song he doesn’t know all the words to or the tune quite right yet and e v e r y o n e is fed tf up. and he also dances literally everywhere.
3 - obscure headcanon
she can talk backwards. sentences and words.
3 - obscure headcanon
tacos are to karen what sushi is to janis.
she will seek out tacos wherever she can find them. whatever’s in them doesn’t matter. crunchy. soft. chipotle. taco bell. street tacos. she’s a wanderer when she’s drunk (and also sober) and the first place they look for her is the nearest taco establishment. burritos? get outta here. she will eat tacos from the garbage if they are available.
let baby go to taco bell!!!!
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natalicss · 2 years
bad love ; eddie munson
eddie munson x fem!reader
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summary: eddie and you broke up for a simple reason. eddie’s life-goals didn’t work out, but yours did. five years later, robin tells eddie that them & the others have been added to a guest list for a surprise show in indiana. now eddie has to decide if it was a mistake to go.
warnings: celebrity!reader , mentions of drugs, slightly toxic!eddie , angsty , this is my first fic so please work with me here i’m not good with warnings
word count: 2.4K
nat’s notes: the song that the reader sings about eddie is bad love by lita ford. listen to the full song & you’ll kinda see how she felt about eddie after their breakup HAHA. like i said this is my first fic on here so not only am i nervous but i am having a hard time laying this out LMAO. i know reader doesn’t do much BUT if we want a part two after the show where everyone goes to hang out with her after the show (& maybe we get to see why eddie & her broke up??) LET ME KNOW. nonetheless, enjoy!!
Eddie Munson had this big plan.
Get the hell out of Hawkins, move to California, and become a rock sensation. Groupies at every show. Drugs piling tour buses. Paparazzi, interviews, photoshoots, you name it, Eddie wanted it. He wanted to make music. To scream his lungs out into a microphone while thousands of people cheered him on below. He wanted to bask in stadium lights while girls cheered his name. He wanted to give a big fat middle finger to Hawkins and all the people in that shithole that ever doubted him.
But that was five years ago. That was when he still had a dream. An unrealistic one.
25 years old and Eddie Munson was no longer one to make big plans. He stayed in Hawkins, moving to another trailer only down the street from his uncle, and became a mechanic. Because apparently, fixing cars was all he was good at after Corroded Coffin fell to shit. Nobody else seemed to share his dream when college came around. Or girls, weddings, and kids. Everyone seemed to sink into their cozy and easy mediocre lives. Everyone seemed to be happy, or content at the least.
Eddie hated it.
He hated Hawkins. He hated the people in Hawkins. He hated how every time he went to the grocery store he’d bitterly see couples like Steve Harrington and his fiance going on their similar grocery trips. Or Nancy and Jonathan Byers, a small boy on the Byers’s hip while Nancy’s hand was on her growing stomach. Or even young Max Mayfield and Lucas Sinclair, who usually only stopped by to get snacks for the weekly movie night they had. He hated how when he met up with high school buddies they all talked about their successful lives. Dustin Henderson had a successful job and managed to bring Suzie to Hawkins. Mike Wheeler was in college, breezing through it. Gareth Emerson had a wife and now a baby on the way, despite only being in his early 20s. Eddie hated hearing how happy everyone was because he was miserable.
And that magazine on the table was a reminder.
A VOGUE rested on Steve Harrington’s coffee table. From his fiance, likely. On the cover, a girl with familiar features with colorful lipstick that complimented her skin tone. White lace collar peaks from the bottom of the photo. She was beautiful. Just as beautiful as she was five years ago. Her sparkling eyes that made his heart swoon, and her sultry look that made his pants tighten as if he imagined it in real-time.
Y/N L/N.
He remembered her perfectly. How could he not? The two of them were soulmates. At least he thought they were. They had a big plan. Get the hell out of Hawkins, move to California, and become the hottest couple in Hollywood. But Eddie didn’t get that far. No. But she did. She didn’t have a band holding her back. She didn’t have a trailer-park salary. She came from a good neighborhood and a half-decent family. Most importantly, she was sweet and charming. She swooned a big manager when she stayed in Nashville the summer after graduation. Shortly after, she was moving there to become a star. And a star she was. Her name decked in lights. Her face was on every magazine. Award shows, celebrity best friends. She made it. She had gotten the life she craved. The life Eddie craved.
And she left him in the dust.
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t like that. At all. But Eddie didn’t care. He hated how she seemingly left him behind when all he wanted was for her to stay. It was selfish. But once again, Eddie didn’t care.
“Is that Y/N?” Dustin audibly gasped as he reached for the magazine, pulling it to his face to inspect. “Holy shit! VOGUE!”
Max Mayfield snatched it from his hands. “She looks hot.” She stated bluntly.
Mike scoffed. “Y/N was always hot. Lucas had a huge crush on her when we were, like, twelve.” He bluntly replied.
“She smashed a demo-dog’s head in with a guitar! Hell yeah, I had a crush on her.”
Robin Buckley, who was on the couch with Eddie, ate from a bowl of popcorn. “I got a call from Y/N recently.” She hummed casually. Everyone, especially Eddie, snapped their heads in her direction.
Steve gawked at his best friend. “What? Why?” He sat in his armchair, leaning into the side as he tried to get closer to Robin.
“She’s having a surprise show, I guess. The five-year anniversary of her first album.” Robin explained as she waved her popcorn-filled hand. “She was making a guest list, and we all just happen to be on it.” Everyone in the room bursted into excited cheers. Dustin and Lucas high-fiving loudly while Mike and Will shared big smiles. Max looked back at the magazine with wide eyes, as if wondering if the girl she looked up to growing up was going to climb out of the glossy paper.
Eddie didn’t move. He looked at Robin with wide eyes and disheveled hair. His mind wasn’t there anymore. It was back to the last night he saw her. The glossy tears in her eyes. The hoarse tone of her voice. His rough shouts. The redness of his face from anger. The door slammed as she left to pursue the life she now has.
“When’s the show?” Nancy asked, unsure if she’d be able to make it when her baby would be due in a few weeks.
“Next weekend!” Robin gushed. “Y/N’s manager said they’d have everything sorted out. Nancy, you’ll be backstage with Jonathan while the rest of us are front-row barricades for the show. And then we’ll be able to see her right after the concert ends.” She rambled and talked fast, but seemingly everyone understood what she was saying. Eleven was bouncing in her spot excitedly. She hadn’t been to a concert before.
Steve looked over Robin’s shoulder, seeing Eddie’s worried gaze. He craned his neck, maneuvering himself in an uncomfortable manner to catch the Munson’s eyes. When he did, Eddie was brought back to planet earth. Blinking repeatedly, Eddie looked at his close friend with raised brows. A silent what’s up?
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” He informed Eddie. This time, everyone’s eyes went to their metalhead friend. He shifted uncomfortably under their eyes. His skin felt hot and his stomach was churning. What was he feeling? Nerves? Anger? Jealousy? Heartbreak? All of the above?
Eddie gave an unconvincing smile. After all, everyone assumed they had ended things on good terms. He shook his head quickly. “Are you kidding me? I’ll never say no to a concert.” He chimed cockily, earning snickers from his friends as they began to excitedly chatter about their upcoming show. Eddie sunk into the couch slightly. What could go wrong?
It was a mistake coming here, Eddie thought. But it was too late now.
Here he was, crowded by hundreds of people that had heard of this supposedly last minute show in Indiana to celebrate the fifth anniversary of her first album, titled Most Wanted. The irony, Eddie thought. He recalled when Hawkins had believed that not only he had killed Chrissy Cunningham, but that Y/N L/N had helped him after Jason Carver had gotten his ass kicked by her. She had been on the run from the police for two days before the others found her again.
Eddie hadn’t listened to much of the album. He heard the single that had come out, which was basically a female rock anthem that Max and Eleven loved. It was a good one, but Eddie knew that. He had been there when she wrote it.
Somehow, Eddie hadn’t really thought about what would happen when he saw Y/N in person for the first time in five years. He had seen magazine photos of her. Just two days ago, there was a paparazzi shot of her in New York City. She was wearing light-washed jeans, a faded T-shirt, a large leather trench coat, black boots, and dark cat-eye sunglasses. She looked like a star, even in photos as simple as that.
So when the lights shined and she was suddenly ten feet away, Eddie forgot how to breathe.
She was wearing leather pants and boots. A white tank top she had cut the end off to make it her preferred length. Her makeup was dark and glamorous, and her hair was styled perfectly. She looked ethereal. She basked in the warm stage lights and it was light whatever higher power there was knew exactly how special she was. Eddie wasn’t much of a religious man, but he thanked god that there was a girl as beautiful as her.
The first note of the opening had sent the crowd into overdrive. It was the song Eddie knew. Max and Eleven screamed excitedly, bouncing up and down as they began to scream the words. Her voice. God, her voice was everything to him. Something that used to send him to sleep while he rested his head on her chest. Of course, in those times it was softer. This was strong. Powerful. The world finally got to hear the powerhouse she was the way Eddie used to when they sang in his van. And every time she spoke he felt his heart break a little more. It was slightly different now. She maybe had a slight southern accent from living in Nashville for five years, but her tone was different now, too. She was bolder, louder, and more sure of herself. The insecure girl was completely gone.
He wasn’t even jealous anymore. He was just sad. Sad that his only memories of this girl he had been in love with for so long were nothing more than that. Memories. That he no longer got to hear her song ideas. Her sweet hums in the shower. He no longer got to see her tiredly roll out of bed and trip over her feet. He never got to see her dance the same way she was now but in his t-shirt. Eddie no longer got to wrap his arms around her. He no longer saw her beam up at him when he came to her doorstep with flowers.
What had gone wrong?
“I have one more song for the night.” She panted into the microphone as the crowd screamed. Seemingly over two hours had past before Eddie could even realize it. “Are you having fun?” Eddie flinched as Robin, Eleven, and Max screeched loudly while Steve, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Will all let out cheers and whoops. Her smile widened. Eddie could’ve sworn he didn’t remember her smile being that beautiful. “Okay, so I wrote this song a little bit after I moved to Nashville. I wrote it in a time where I was moving on from a chapter of my life.” I had broken up with my boyfriend and I was finally getting to a stage where I stopped blaming myself, is what she didn’t say. “And, well, this song is about that.” Everyone cheered. Eddie thought about the few songs he knew, but this one wasn’t coming to mind. “This is called Bad Love.”
As the guitar began, everyone cheered again. Eleven and Max began talking into Mike’s eyes, and Eddie couldn’t help but notice their eyes on him. Eddie looked back at the stage. For a moment he could’ve sworn her eyes were on him.
wake up now darling, i got a reason to believe this love ain't gonna last the night.
you've opened my eyes, now i'm a little bit wiser, a little bit colder.
Eddie felt his heart sink. He watched her singing. Her eyes screwed shut or looked out into the crowd. But never at him. She wouldn’t look at him. He knew what this song was about. He knew it as soon as the first words were said.
so stop what you're saying, it's more than i can take.
we've reached the end, there's no defense.
i had enough of this bad, bad, love.
Funny enough, Dustin was screaming the words to the song as if he personally related to it. It caused Lucas and Mike to stare at him questioningly, meanwhile, Will joined in with just as much enthusiasm. Steve was smiling like a proud brother, which was pretty accurate considering his and Y/N’s friendship.
don't fool yourself, i could never forgive you and i damn sure won't forget.
in heaven or hell, every tear that i’ve cried will come back to haunt you yet.
don't be surprised if one of these mornings bad luck comes knockin' at your door.
oh, no, you'll find out–
“hell hath no fury like this woman that you've scorned!” Dustin and Will screamed as they leaned into each other. Max, Eleven, and Robin doing something very similar.
Y/N was walking across the stage to the far corner, interacting with the people up front as she sang. She looked beautiful. Completely in her element. She walked back towards the center, lights basking in her beauty. This was what she was made to do, and Eddie could tell. She was meant to perform and put her life into music. Turn chapters of her life into songs. Even her and him.
stop, don't say it.
don't try to make me see.
we've reached the end, there's no defense.
Then she looked at him. The first time she had the entire concert. It was as if time froze and the two of them were the only people in the world. They were teenagers again. They were the same people that had screamed and fought and kissed and made up. They were in love again, and then they were slamming the door on their relationship. Eddie knew it then, but he knew it more now, that he was the one that slammed that door. He was jealous. He was bitter. And he had taken it out on the one person that cared. Because of that, she was standing on stage singing a song she wrote about him after she realized the same thing.
“i had enough of this bad, bad, love.”
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graciehart · 2 months
(I'm just going to bullet point some of my favorite moments here in your ask instead of personally message you)
HER OUTFITS. SLAY, QUEEN!!!! 👑 The stripping of each piece was done so quickly yet effortlessly.
I was absolutely crying on the inside. 🥹🤧
I love how she told us a story that somehow correlated to the song before she sang. The way she transitioned into each song was done so smoothly.
Idina talking a little bit about mental health. Just another thing to add on my long list of why I love her. The way she transitioned into the topic, though, was clever. I don't know if she did the same for California, but for us, (if I'm remembering correctly) she first sang an up-tempo jazz song and then proceeded to discuss the topic.  I, too, have anxiety, you beautiful human being. I hope Idina is aware of how loved she is by many, because she is. ❤️ 
The story she told before she sang "Do You Want to Build a Snowman" was great. Speaking of that song, her cover of the song was AMAZING! (I tried snowboarding in 2021 and found out the hard way that I can't do it either! 🙂 So.. cheers to her and I for trying to be cool.)  
"No One Mourns The Wicked" - I had no idea what to think about it to be honest, but I love how she went hard with it to the point of headbanging. Gotta stan her for that, lmao. It's honestly not one of my favorite songs.
I never saw If/Then, but "You Learn to Live Without" is beautiful. I loved all of the slow, sentimental songs.
I love how she talked a little bit about her husband and son too
I need Idina to do more up-tempo jazz songs
THE FINALE. I don't know about you, but for us, after she sang a sentimental song (I forgot which one), she said, in a monotone voice, “Goodnight, everyone, thank you.” with a straight face and then walked off. Me: 😯🤨😕😶 I was very confused, because there was one specific song she didn't sing... As the audience kept cheering, I thought to myself, 'There is no way in hell she just did that. There is no absolute way she went through a whole concert without singing that song...!'
She came back to the stage with a robe on. I am so proud of myself for staying. 😮‍💨 Nobody was leaving, so that's when I realized "Defying Gravity" was the finale song. 🥹 I kind of figured it would be, but was that little stunt really necessary?? Lol, great acting, Idina, great acting. And GREAT JOB FOR ALMOST GIVING ME A HEART ATTACK!
Overall, this was an incredible concert. I'm honestly still speechless and processing everything, so I'm sure there's more that I will remember later today, but that's all I'll write for now. I am definitely going to New York next year for my birthday to see her new musical! This was a great way to end July!
Aaah this makes me so happy!! 🥹 The dress made me think of the one in the “Brave” music video. I think my favorite is when it’s the nude dress with the black ribbon around the waist. I had never heard “Twist It” (the mental health song), but it made me laugh so much! She briefly mentioned her husband being a therapist in the Oakland show, which I always enjoy because he and I have the same job/license lol. I love that she kept a little of “Dear Prudence” for “Do You Want to Build a Snowman.”
“No One Mourns the Wicked” was so surprising for me, but I loved it, and I loved that she used part of the San Francisco version! “You Learn to Live Without” is one of the earliest songs I was obsessed with for her (I think she started singing it on tour about a year after I started liking her?) and I was just hoping she sang it again, that was amazing for me. And yes, the whole encore thing haha! I know she did an encore in 2015 which is why I knew she wasn’t done (plus she hadn’t done defying gravity), but I still had that “wait, what” moment.
Thanks for updating me, I’m so glad you had a good time 🥰
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obsoleteozymandias · 1 year
Heyy, here for that matchup exchange!
A resident evil matchup would be pretty cool, and I’m fine with any gender.
So, first things first, I’m a trans dude that uses he/they pronouns. Sometimes I’ll wear more feminine clothes, but a lot of the time I’m just wearing whatever’s clean. My wardrobe consists mostly of silly t-shirts, the occasional dress shirt, band merch, and just plain black t-shirts. Oh, I own a lot of black clothes. It’s pretty much the only color I wear. I also almost always have a hoodie/sweatpants on too because I’m insecure about my arms and legs.
I have this habit where if something bad happens, I’ll just go quiet for a couple hours. I also get overwhelmed by life so my eyes get all wide and I look like I’m about to cry lol.
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That’s what I look like 😭
Anyways, I also have pretty bad depression/anxiety, but I’m fine as long as I take my medication.
Other than all that sad stuff, I’ve been told Im a pretty funny person. I enjoy seeing people smile and laugh because of my jokes. Sometimes im not trying to be funny, it’s just how I am. Like, when something starts to fall (or I think it’s gonna fall) I start to talk to it and maybe kinda yell at it. I also talk to myself a lot when I think im alone. Mostly things like reminding myself to do something or not to do something, but sometimes I’ll have full on conversations about how crazy I sound lol.
I really really like horror related stuff, so that’s something that doesn’t really bother me irl. Like, you could show me a picture of a pretty gruesome wound and I’d just be like “neato” or whatever. I also write—duh— and really like to read in my spare time.
As a lover im pretty affectionate (touch starvation for the win lol) and will bake or cook you anything you could ever want. You mention these cookies that seem really good? I’ve made them for you. You mention that your hungry? Five course meal has just been plated, sit and eat. Im also fiercely protective of people I care about. I won’t hesitate to hit a bitch if they’re being mean to my friends. On the topic of hitting people, it takes a lot to get me angry, and I’m apparently pretty scary when I’m mad. But, instead of arguing or making my anger known, I’ll just go to a room where it’s quiet and I can be alone to play music and calm myself down. I don’t like how I am when I’m angry because I get scared I’ll hurt someone.
Music is also a huge part of my life. I mostly listen to metal (it’s in brand for me if you’ve seen me irl lmao) but I have my guiltily pleasure songs. I also have a somewhat decent (?) singing voice. Idk man. I also dye and cut my hair compulsively because I think it looks cool. I may or may not do it in the middle of the night. I’ll never tell.
Uhh, I think that’s all? Thanks again and I’m sorry this is so long 😭
Bro you are relatable fr. Also thanks for doing this with me :D I love longer descriptions because they give me more to work off of!
== Resident Evil ==>
I match you up with…
Ashley Graham
Okay, I will admit, this is partially because of her skin in the RE4 remake. I won’t lie to you, bro. She’s definitely a scene/punk kid. 
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But! That aside, I think the two of you could be an absolute power couple. 
Ashley is most attracted to your loyalty and maturity. She admires that you stand up for what you believe in, including your friends and people you care for. She’s also relieved to know that you aren’t afraid to get physical, since the idea of hitting someone scares her. 
On that note, you’re kind of like her knight-in-shining-armor. You’ll handle anything and everything she can’t stand (ex blood, guts, gore, physical stuff), and she’ll cheer you on from the sidelines. 
And she’ll shower you with kisses and hugs later. She calls your her prince/knight. 
She’s a very affectionate person, and she never hesitates to hug you or call you a cute name. In fact, she finds it delightful that she can be that cheesy around you. She loves that she can be herself around you. 
The two of you are also menaces when it comes to cracking jokes and puns. She’s there to pick up on your gags, and she throws them right back at you. The two of you even spend time together just baking and giggling about nothing important. 
She loves watching you cook and bake. She’ll just sit on the counter and observe you, and sneak in a kiss or two while you’re busy. Especially when you’re busy. You’ve burnt a bit of food because of this. 
Ashley is also a huge fan of music. She’s into pop and indie music, but also rock and, once you introduce her to it, metal. She likes how loud and powerful it feels. 
Ashley will absolutely help you dye and cut your hair - she does it all the time, too! She gets how sometimes emotions can be overwhelming, so you need to just do something expressive. She’ll add matching streaks in the both of your hair, and it's very cute. 
She also loves that the two of you can experiment with fashion together. She’s glad to have a partner who isn’t opposed to wearing some feminine clothing, or who isn’t afraid to express themselves through clothes like she does. 
Overall, you and Ashley are simply made for eachother. You compliment the best in one another everyday, and are a strong couple in my eyes. 
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particular-one · 1 year
Hii!! I saw your taking matchups so I wanted to ask for a romantic matchup for honkai star rail, hypnosis mic and twisted wonderland please..!
and I don’t mind who I get, it can be both male and female
So anyways My name is Joey, i use he/him pronouns, and im transgender aromatic bisexual and unlabeled and I’m a very cool extrovert person😎😎/hj
im 5’6, i have white skin, i have a rectangular shape body(I’ve also gained some muscles and I can squish people with my arms HEHHA), i (now) have brown boyish hair with bangs and I’m in love with it😭😭, i also dress in a lot of styles such as goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth and nu goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, kogal and tsuyome), scenemo/emo, and lastly vkei ouji and lolita. BUT..! when I’m not wearing those styles (mostly when I get home) I get into comfortable stuff like pjs, t-shirts, anime merch, jeans, etc etc
im a extrovert obviously, im a ENTP and my enneagram is a 6 last time I checked, im very fun and cool to hang out with but when I meet a new person I am awkward at first so it may take me some time to adjust to being with a new person even if it means being friends or being a boyfriend to them, i rlly LOVE to ramble about my interests or just my day to people that I’m close with, I love to text my friends a lot through discord or whatever bc im a technology person and I can talk with them for a whole night, i usually make jokes like “UwU” or “hai” as a joke and I might even say “baka” as a joke as well LMAO, I also tend to make sexual jokes to my close friends and I also say I’m “homophobic” as a joke (PLS DONT TAKE THAT SERIOUSLY😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏) and I think this is all i got for here heheh, oh wait! small fact… im very good with doing a Russian accent when I’m talking to people
I have a whole lot of hobbies/interests which are anime/manga, gaming, writing, art(drawing, painting, pottery and digital art and more), fashion, DIY, cosplaying, social media, learning new languages (Japanese and Spanish), dancing, singing, cooking, cats, musicals, hanging out with friends, making music/listening to music, hotels, sharks, bread, and more so on
my love language is Gift Giving, Acts of Service, Quality Time and Words of Affirmation
Honestly what I would want in my partner is that they don’t mind how I talk with my speech patterns and the sound of my voice, and taht they don’t compare me to other people and they don’t act cruel much, not very strict boundaries but as long as they live and respect me then there’s nothing to worry about
Also my date idea is like going out somewhere, it can either be private or in a restaurant, I’d lie to do fun stuff like go to an arcade or go to the movies and go out to dinner afterwards but I’m totally up for just having a home date and play new games or have a movie marathon
Thank you! Have a great day!
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hello joey! and yeah, definitely! i hope you like your matchups! :>
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ sushang was, at first glance, probably the least likely to be the type who'd jump on the same chaotic antics as you. given that she's training to be a respectable cloud knight, she seemed like the kind of person who would rather keep things straight and proper, but that definitely was not the case. she finds you very interesting and befriended you almost immediately. she's the type who also likes to ramble a lot about her day, so expect a lot of back-and-forth talk between the both of you! the both of you take turns with the dynamic of "talks a lot / listens a lot". sushang also seems to be the type who would engage in a playful banter with you outside of her duty. as a partner, sushang is very loyal; she probably acts most like a golden retriever around you: eager to cheer you up and help you out in any way. it's a common occurrence that the both of you hype each other up and jump up and down. though she can seem a little naive at times, often ending up misunderstanding some things, she's a very honest person and definitely demonstrates her affections through acts of service. she likes helping people out, but she places you at the top of her priority list. did i mention that she really loves your sense of fashion? sushang even ropes you into a shopping spree on one of her days off duty just to hear you talk about your fashion style, your choice in clothes, and take notes. sushang knows how it feels to get chastised constantly, so she never tells you off when you continuously ramble on and on.
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ jiro was not the type to fuss himself over crushes, but boy does he crush over you hard. it's a funny scenario because you always seemed to glow whenever you're in your element, rambling about that new interest you had just cultivated. jiro is just a hopeless idiot, that he actually ends up approaching ichiro on what he should do. for a rather straightforward guy, he stumbles on his words when talking to you — which amuses saburo to no end, but the both of you end up having a really tight friendship, so ha, jiro wins the roulette of life for once. as a partner, jiro is the type of guy that's like "actions speak louder than words". he's a little slow when it came to all these romance stuff, considering that you're likely the first partner that he's ever been with, but he does his very best to treat you with the most care and respect ever. jiro likes hearing you talk about your day as he finishes up his homework, before the both of you decide to go on an after school hangout. he also idolizes his older brother, so at some point, expect that he probably would imitate the bravado of ichiro to impress you, but he realizes that it would probably be the best to stick to being himself. one of your common dates is to the arcade, where the both of you engage in a lot of friendly banter. jiro has the worst luck so he always gets beaten by you, but he'd go to the arcades every day with you if he could. if the both of you are too busy to head to the arcade, he invites you to the yamada residence and you guys play video games together.
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ace found you to be quite similar to him, so it was a quick first meeting where the both of you hit off almost immediately. cue riddle just groaning because now he has to deal with two people who acted like trappola. both of you would definitely banter ... like a lot. ace likes you very much, but it takes him time to actually realize the extent of his feelings. like ... this guy would probably say something like "haha, yeah, i'd love to hold joey's hand just so he won't get lost in the crowd" and every member of heartslabyul is just wondering how realization hasn't hit him yet. he feels so comfortable with you but when he does realize, ace starts acting more bashful and nervous around you because it's a new thing to him! as a partner, ace is someone who would make each day an exhilarating surprise. expect your dates to be very different from the previous; he likes setting the bar high and even higher, just as a way to show how much you mean to him. since he's also part of the basketball club, a scenario of ace dedicating a shot to you definitely happened. something along the lines of "this one's for you" with a wink, before completely missing the shot like the idiot he is, but the thought is there! ace makes sure to spend a lot of quality time with you when he can; he's not the best person to rely on in helping you with your work, but he'd probably crack the worst jokes so that you wouldn't feel stressed about finishing your daily tasks. the both of you would also walk around the halls of nrc after class, just catching up on each other's days.
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spottedly · 1 year
MHA w/ A Pet Headcanons
💥 def gets a big, intimidating dog and a spiked collar for it
💥 loves to go on jogs, walks, and hikes w/ her (yes he gets a girl dog and yes she has a pink spike collar)
💥 he trains her to be an attack dog and a lot of people are scared of her, but she follows him around everywhere and always wants cuddles
💥 they play fight and he loves to spoil her
💥 he rants to her (she actually helps him to be a lot calmer b/c he's terrified of accidentally hurting her with his explosions and he won't ever admit it, but he can't stay mad whenever she's around b/c she makes him really happy)
💥 she absolutely loves deku despite his best efforts to make her attack him (little traitor)
💥 since he's super serious about his hygiene, he also makes sure she's at her very best
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🥦 gets a yellow and green budgie and names it something short and sweet like mango
🥦 def has a whole notebook dedicated to him and journals daily
🥦 teaches him how to whistle, talk, and do tricks
🥦 talks to him a lot (is careful not to mention ofa tho in case he repeats it💀)
🥦 likes upgrading his cage and buying him all kinds of toys
🥦 plays lofi and classical music for him
🥦 he likes to climb all over deku and play in his hair (gets tangled in it most times, but still loves playing in it)
🥦 pampers the living hell out of him (treats him like he could break at any moment as if he's glass)
🥦 worries thinks about him a lot while he's in school (loves to draw cute doodles of him in his notes)
🥦 cuddles and positive affirmations🥰
🥦 baku and the bird def hate each other and deku didn't teach him this, but he pecks him whenever he sees him
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❄️ lmao it goes without saying that this bitch gets a cat and names her mochi
❄️ his sister fuyumi actually bought her for him in hopes it would help w/ his mental baggage
❄️ at first he actually gave no fucks about her, but warmed up to her after she seemed to be able to tell he was having an off day and cheered him up (or calmed him down rather)
❄️ you can't tell me mochi wouldn't be the embodiment of cat stereotypes and that confuses the hell out of him (one minute she's all over him and begging for his attention and the next she's turning her nose up and treating him like a peasant)
❄️ he didn't train her to, but she's always on edge whenever endeavor is around (she's scratched him up a few times)
❄️ he takes her w/ him when he visits his mom and they absolutely adore each other
❄️ he talks to her a lot (his own personal diary)
❄️ he'll cool her down when she's hot and warm her up when she's cold
❄️ he loves teasing her w/ a laser pointer
❄️ accidentally gave her too much catnip one time and was lowkey scared for his life
❄️ is just 👁️👄👁️ when she brings him dead animals
❄️ she sleeps w/ him (smacks him in the face w/ her tail)
❄️ she follows him around everywhere and is nine times out of ten with him whenever she's nowhere to be found
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✨ gets a hedgehog and names her penelope
✨ dresses her up in cute little gowns and tiaras and paints her nails
✨ tells her about all of the drama going on
✨ they watch romcoms together
✨ she loves to hold and cuddle w/ her, so she's rarely in her cage
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🌸 i could see her with a dwarf hamster or lionhead bunny
🌸 if she gets a hamster, she names it dimples and if she gets a bunny, she names it muffin top
🌸 she's def the type to baby talk when she sees cute animals, so her pet would be no exception
🌸 she'd decorate the cage and make it look pretty
🌸 since hamsters and bunnies can't really be played w/ like cats and dogs, she spends time w/ her pet by hanging out by the cage (reading, doing homework, studying, etc)
🌸 tells everyone about them and shows pictures like she's a proud mom
🌸 she'd def sing/hum to her pet
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after max recovers, she realizes she can no longer skate. and i think skating had been a big part of her identity. it gave her freedom from the shitty parts of life.
she confides in mike one day at the garden that she misses being able to skateboard and the freedom that came with it. he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and talked about that must have felt like a big loss. when he gets home after walking her home he talks to Nancy about maybe driving them somewhere that week.
Eventually, the mayfield moms always have Maxs back when she needs a ride, or needs a breath of fresh air. Mike worries a lot about Max, as he does for all of his friends. But having Nancy understand and be such a good influence to them both, makes him a little less worried every day.
crying. that’s so sweet. i’ve thought about how losing that outlet would affect her a lot, and it always makes me sad because she really does have to grieve that. it was such a big part of her character. she’s always been the zoomer.
i agree with you completely on mike and the mayfield moms trying to do everything they can to help her through that grieving process.
i can also imagine robin and nancy blaring the music when they take max on drives and trying to get max to sing with them to cheer her up. and when max gets back to the trailer, she’s still sad that she can’t skateboard anymore, but she’s also happy because she knows she can get through this.
and i just really like the concept (i’m going to be using this word for every ask so get used to it lmao) of mike going to nancy and confessing that he’s worried about max and wants to help her in whatever way he can. and nancy would tell him to just be there. be there when she’s sad, be there when she’s angry, and be there when she’s happy. because one day she’s not going to be there.
after that talk, nancy goes to robin about taking drives with max, but she ends up crying because max and mike remind her so much of her and barb. robin comforts her and tells her that mike and max are going to be okay. nancy is unsure, so robin says, “nance, they’ll be fine. they have a great role model.” (cue ronance kisses).
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neomachine · 2 years
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roz/lilith + classic rock "in college, i dropped out of pre-law because it interfered with bruce springsteen’s touring schedule."
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writingtheafterglow · 3 years
hey hun i’ve got another request for littlemix member!reader x tom holland
(sorry i’m obsessed with them both as you know💀)
so basically tom is on the graham norton show with jake gyllenhall (idk how to spell his name💀) and he hasn’t seen his girlfriend for a long time since she was on tour, and graham says he has a surprise for tom, thats when little mix come on and sing their new song (you can choose whatever song you want idm which era) and after they perform y/n and tom reunite and it’s all cute, then the girls sit down and join the interview for a little bit :)
sorry this was quite specific lmao<3
(Evie you never fail to think of good little mix and tom holland ideas <3)
title: Think About This...
Song: Think About Us - Little Mix
pairing: Tom Holland x littlemixmember!Reader
warnings: fluff bitches ;) also not proof read
summary: Tom hasn't seen his girl in a while, that all changes when Graham Norton gives him a special surprise.
a/n: I would first like to preface by saying, I'm not discrediting Jesy in any way. She's just done a lot of problematic things and I'm kind of over it. So, I am using the ot3 + y/n for this. With that being said, you are going to be singing Jade's part, Jade's singing Jesy's part, and yeah that's about it. Anyways, Enjoy!
The crowd laughs at a joke Tom Hanks just made. He was one of the other guests on the show, along with Gwyneth Paltrow, Jake Gyllenhaal, and finally Tom Holland. Tom was a little sleep-deprived, mostly from staying up all night with you. On the phone of course. You were currently on tour with your friends, also bandmates. Yes, Tom was dating one of the girls from Little Mix.
The hardest part was the constant time zone change. It'd be day where you are and night where he was. A good example was last night. You were actually getting on a plane, but it was still day where you were. You told him multiple times to go to sleep but, he wouldn't do it. He wanted to talk to you as long as he possibly could.
Back to the interview, Graham then turns to Tom.
"So Tom, as we all know you are dating, the gorgeous, Y/N Y/L/N. She's a part of the British girl group, Little Mix, who have recently been on tour. How has it been living without her for so long?" He asks as a picture of the two of you flashes the screen behind him. Tom chuckles little then answers.
"Yeah, um, it's been quite hard, especially with the time differences. But uh...we still talk on the phone almost every night. I do miss her very much but, I'm also extremely proud of her and the girls for doing what they're doing." the audience claps and cheers. Everyone on the couch smiles and Jake pats Tom's back.
"Aww, that's sweet. I do have another question. What is your favorite Little Mix song?" Graham asks with a huge grin. Tom, once again, chuckles.
"I do actually, although I do love all of their songs. My favorite is actually 'Think About Us'." All of the sudden, another picture of you and Tom appears on the screen. This time it was a picture of you two from the think about us music video. You were straddling his lap and trying to fix your top. Tom was staring at you, adoration filled his eyes, and his hand rested on your waist. Everyone on the couch and in the audience let out an "aww".
"I'm guessing you like it cause, you're in the video." Graham chuckles. Tom's smile grows wider looking at the picture on the screen. He remembers that day like it was yesterday. He got to hold you close and occasionally sneak a kiss onto your neck. Tom was blushing way too hard to respond so he just nods.
"Well, then I guess that's perfect because, here to perform their song 'Think About Us', Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome, Little Mix!" Graham announces. Tom's eyes widen, then his body turns to the stage part of the room. He felt butterflies erupt in his stomach as he sees four girls appear from the darkness. Soon enough, Perrie starts singing her verse. Tom's eyes, however, were glued to your figure. Your outfit hugged your curves perfectly and your skin was glowing under the spotlight.
All of the sudden you start singing.
'Cause I do, think about you When I'm up here in my hotel room Need your love, don't know what I'm gon' do My body so hot, babe, I'm missing you
You sang all of this while looking and pointing to Tom. The last part, you sang while tracing your curves. Then, soon enough, the chorus came.
Do you think about us, us? (Think about us, are you thinkin' 'bout us?) (Are you-, thinkin' 'bout us, are you thinkin' 'bout us?) Woah-oh-oh-oh Do you think about me, baby? Woah-oh-oh-oh Do you think about me, baby?
Once the song ended, Tom immediately stood up and waited for you to get to the platform where Graham greeted you. All four of you shook hands and hugged Graham before you, practically sprinted, over to Tom. He was already waiting for you, arms wide open. Once you were close enough, you immediately wrapped your arms around his neck, and his went around your waist.
"I missed you, Lover" you whispered in his ear. This sent chills down his back.
"I missed you too, Angel" He replied into your neck, giving it a peck before pulling away a little to look at your face. His hands were still on your waist, and your's on his shoulder. One of your hands came up to cup his cheek. Tom took it upon himself to peck your lips and pull away. He intertwined your fingers and then pulled you down next to him. The other three girls plopped down next to you.
Jake scooted over a little to make room, Gwyneth did the same. Tom let go of your hand then wrapped his arm around your waist.
"That was amazing ladies and Tom, a good surprise wasn't it?" Graham asked.
"It was the best surprise!" He gushed, kissing your temple. The crowd said "aww" for, probably, the billionth time today. Jade made a puking noise, which you elbowed her to.
"So Ladies, Little Mix, can you talk to us about your new album, LM5?" Graham asked you and the girls. Leigh Anne started talking and you listened. Tom picked up your right hand with his left and started playing with the promise ring he gave you a year ago. You turned and smiled at him, planting a kiss on his cheek before turning your attention back to Graham. Tom's head rested on your shoulder, trying to be as close to you as possible.
Once the interview ended, you and Tom went back to your hotel. You cuddled, watched movies, and enjoyed each other's presence. You had to go back on the road pretty soon but, Tom was glad he got to see you before you did.
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shesinmy · 3 years
jjk characters who's s/o is a kpop fan (like how todo is to takada lmao)
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1. Gojo Satoru:
He would totally love that. He's a fan himself and was waiting for someone to share the k-pop world with him. And now there's you.
He would go to all the events with you. Would go crazy at the shows and would know all the lyrics and dances. Also would know all the idols and have his own favorite ones.
But don't be mistaken. This mf would be competitive. You would dispute your knowledge, your dance moves, your singing and your idols. It's the KPOP WAR (his name to your own events).
I guess that you actually have fun with your competitions events. The others around that aren't too enthusiastic about it, especially the first years.
2. Itadori Yuji:
He's not a fan like you, but knows a couple of musics and bands. He enjoys it.
He would also go to all the events with you since he enjoys the music, the dances and how funny you are when you meet your idols.
He would know the dances for sure. It's his favorite part. And would totally make choreographies together. You two would go all in: dance moves, clothes, make up. It's your own little show, putting Nobara and Megumi to watch it (hihi).
He would also listen to you blabbering about your idols, pay attention to it and give his own thoughts about it.
3. Fushiguro Megumi:
Only by imagining him made me laugh hahaahhha. This grumpy kid is not into k-pop. But would respect you, even if he doesn't understand.
Wouldn't go to all the events with you, but if you give that puppy eyes, would go to some concerts. Don't expect him to be cheerful, it's just not his personality.
NEVER would dance with you. He wouldn't even try it to begin with. He's shy, grumpy and certainly doesn't know how to move. Poor, Gumi. But would love to watch you dance for him.
If you talk to much about your idols, he would get jealous. Would never say or show it though. He would stay extremely quiet and all handsy. Shower him with kisses for me.
4. Kugisaki Nobara:
She's not like Gojo, but would have her own favorite bands and idols.
Would go only at the events that her favorites would be or promote. And would make you take loads of pictures so she can't post it in her social medias. She would take pictures with and for you too.
Battles of dance moves for sure.
Her favorite thing about the k-pop world would be the style. You two could spend hours talking and sharing the clothes, hair cuts, hair colors, accessories, photos of your idols. Would totally buy their clothes. Be ready for shopping a la k-pop.
5. Inummaki Toge:
He's just like Yuji. Would listen to it here and there and know a little bit.
Would go to the events with you, but mostly because he loves how much you smile and have fun.
Totally doing the choreographies with you. Would even choose one to be your special greeting, this cutie.
Just like Megumi, would get jealous of your love for your idols. But instead of you showering him with kisses, he would shower you with kisses so you can give him a little attention.
6. Zenin Maki:
I'm sorry for you, but it's a no. She wouldn't even understand the concept of the k-pop world to begin with. And trust me, is not something that she'd put on her to do list.
Wouldn't go to the events with you although would want to know if you had fun and if you could do all the things that you wanted to. It's her own way to participate in something important to you.
Wouldn't dance with you. Just forget it, it's not her thing. Would watch you move, but wouldn't show that she's enjoying it.
Would listen to your blabbering about your idols, but to a certain extent. After she gets tired of it, she'd just walk away or change the topic.
7. Okkotsu Yuuta:
Like Yuji and Inummaki, he listens and knows somethings here and there. But, would totally learn everything about your favourites. That's how cute and lovable this boy is.
You don't even have to tell him about the events. He would know before hand and have the tickets and information before you could even ask. Just marry him already.
Would try to learn the dance moves, but he's lack of talent for it. Although would love when you give him a little show.
Would attentive listen to all you have to say about your idols, caring to memorize somethings so would be easier to give you little surprises (like shirts, concert tickets, etc). His a very sweet boy.
I had so much fun doing this one. Sure laughed a lot imagining jjk and their relationship with the kpop world.
Hope you like it too!!!
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jas-the-shrimp · 3 years
Could we maybe have some dancing headcanons with the main 6?
Do they make it a whole grand event with ballgowns and an orchestra or is it just dancing in the kitchen in pyjamas at 3am? What do they whisper into your neck at such close proximity? How long does the dance last and how does it come to an end?
(Lmao, I have danced alone, in the dark kitchen, at night, imagining the love of my life in my arms, before, and that makes me sad.)
Alright so I hope I don't mess up on this bUuUt
This is my first time so I hope you don't minddd
And same tbh I also dance alone :') I ended up crying anyways
Main 6 dancing with Mc
Noww I'll start with
♥️ julian
- You're in rowdy raven and everyone is cheering for both of you while dancing in charisma
- You two are full of pride after all those dedication and work and now celebrating for the success
- He's Soo happy to have you here and he wants you to know it
- while the place is full of muffled conversations and laughter with music , he gets even closer while dancing
- You two locked eyes to eachother as he looked at you in awe
- He's gets close to your ear and he lowers his voice "I'm glad to have you here mc..."
- And ofc you two head back to your place and cuddle and boi his legs are over the bed cause he's tall af-
- He's such a gorgeous person
💙 asra
- you and him at your shop dancing peacefully
- they're very glad that you've made it this far
(Side note that all the m6 is going to be happy for you thoooo)
- Faust obviously looks very happy watching you two dance
- The smell of incense in the room makes you feel very comfortable as asra's hands holding with yours
- You look at him and he's smiling..abit of a smirk but a genuine smile
- well that turns into a big grin and his dimples made you adore them even more
- "You're everything I could ask for mc"
- well shit your face is red now and you can already feel the heat in your neck as he's laughing at your reaction
- literally asra looks so ethereal when the the moonlight shines over him
- but ur eyes are dying rn because it's BuRnInGgG
💜 Nadia
- Our queen Nadia us protective asf
- She'd definetly dance together with you at the masquerade
- Her simply treating you as her precious person to keep
- You blush Everytime she holds your hand and gets her free hand around your waist
- holy fuck- this -
- well that made you blush like sh!t
- while you're trying your best to look calm…your mind is already going nuts seeing her smirk at you
- you're squealing inside , literally LOOK AT HER-
- After the dance you two would be reading a book either together or separate
- Either way you might catch her looking at you sometimes
- She's looking at you in a loving way and you didn't even realize it until she says
- "I want you to be safe mc,I love you"
- And you fainted
- (Tht was just a joke but you can add in if you wanna :P)
🧡 Portia
- You two are in the ✨ kitchen ✨
- She's baking some stuff while singing and using a spoon as a mic
- You join in too cause why the hell not amirite?
- God you're loving this moment
- pepi is singing too!!
- it feels Soo warm and loving you know..like home
- you didn't even realize she was that close to you when you took a look at her
- and you k i t h
- cuddles!! It's Soo good when you two cuddle together (and pepi to ofc)
- her hair is everywhere
- and we're not complaining here ;)
- you two would be doing some little stuff like reading orrr discussing about something in a story maybe flirting too
- while you two are talking about things like that, she stops mid-way
- she's looking at you with loving eyes..and take your hand,and says
- "thank you so much for everything mc, we've been through all of this together"
-now...K I T H
- no just kidding , unless?
- when the two of you sleep she do be snoring tho..but dw it's kinda silent but heyyy it's cuteee
💚 Muriel
- You probably had to ask him first for a dance because he's pretty shy about it
- he agrees tho!!
- inanna is just sitting next to the fire place chilling and just having a great time while you two dance peacefully
- you kinda stepped on his foot but he didn't even notice that happendd-
- he's blushing alot and you are too but he's blushing alot
- he quietly murmurs "I like doing this" whole you two are dancing
- of course you two do I together for sometime now!
- it's Soo peaceful tbh
- cuddles are always amazing!
- he's rlly warm when you two cuddle,
Maybe too warm
- but it's still good tho!
💛 Lucio
N o.
- You were just chilling in your place reading a book and ALL OF A SUDDEN HE BURST INTO THE ROOM and says
"Mc!,let's do a masquerade party,right now"
Before you could even respond to it he picks you up and goes to his place dramatically and let's you put on the best clothing he chose for you and bam
You're there , he's there
And ffing ballroom with music and everyone dancing
People seem to be enjoying it tbh and I mean youre loving it too
"Compared to all these golds are diamonds,I must say darling" he gets closer to your ear and lowers his voice to a flirty tone "you are more precious and beautiful than those"
Ahahaha thts what I wrote woke procrastinating and I'm reaaaaly sorry that took long btw and this is my first time so if there's errors or anything feel free to tell me!!
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annikasevenshots · 2 years
Star Trek Picard: S2E1 Rewatch Reaction (spoilers!)
Only thing in my head is Star Trek: Retirement Home. let's go senior citizens!
Laris you are everything. You are girlboss. You are. The world. ♥️
Laris is just so soft. I love her.
Romance slightly more palatable this time round just wish they didn't have picard fall in love with a lookalike first
Raffi's little nod at "look up" SHE IS SO PRETTY
Seven with a wrench so true
Seven's eye roll?????????? I LOVE HER
actually dead
Seven's "No" at Emmet?? She is baby
"Developmentally appropriate relationship skills" and yet she's still the perfect match for Raffi <3 feral cat x golden retriever energy
Oh soji you are everything <3
oh agnes (fond headshake)
hahahaha drunk agnes waltzing into the bridge
Elnor baby!! Elnor's music!!!!!
Raffi being protective of Elnor now that I know the context? Lowkey soulcrushing. God raffi you're killing me with how human you are
Raffi's little wink AGAIN YOU'RE KILLING ME HERE
seven is so punk rock and so baby about it at the same time i love her. baby punk. baby smiley cheerful baby
"My ship" "correction: MY ship" THEY 🥺♥️
Lieutenant Sing's hair! Pretty!!!
Listen i know the show is called star trek picard but "help us, picard" is laying it on a little thick with the main character energy
Kind of zoned out during Picard and Guinan's scene but LOL everyone telling Picard to go to therapy. lowkey laying it thick innit. Raffi's lowkey right though this season really has been Picard ripping through the fabric of time and space to heal his inner hurt. ever heard of a psych eval y'all?
Laris ❤️‍🩹
God i forgot how smiley Seven was in the first episode. fenris seven was HAPPY SEND. TWEET.
Fenris Seven was HAPPY FENRIS SEVEN WAS HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY. FENRIS. SEVEN. a whole BABY.
Seven's voice getting deeper when talking about the borg? and how people distrust her still? oh seven 🥺❤️‍🩹
i just. seven of fricking NINE
jeri ryan's acting ages like fine wine 🤌🤌🤌
Seven and Rios 🤝 on being careful? i actually love them both so much they can do no wrong
Seven and Rios are such an underrated duo i love. them 🥺
HAHAHA Seven taking her baby phaser from her belt. having seen her lug a CHONK MACHINE GUN this is so funnyyyyyy
Ngl though this Borg Queen's costume is BASED. hell this season's costumes are AMAZING. i LOVE the embossed wiring on the fabric. love love love. shiny shiny love shiny
AYYYYYYYY CONFED!VERSE!!!!!! love me some evil twin worlds mmmmmm
Picard SHOUTING for Laris?? Hehehehe
costumes are based. they're leng. they're peng. whatever the kids are calling it these days
In conclusion I watched this instead of Rings of Power. Seven of Nine you are my actual sunshine. Spinoff when???
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minheeology · 3 years
treasure reaction ➵ their bestie is in nct’s new all- female unit
requested? : yes!
pairing : treasure x idol!fem!reader
genre : fluff
a/n : nct love is the name i made up for the sub-unit. this took a lot out of me to write but i’m happy with it.. not proofread so if there’s mistakes i’m sorry in advance.
the second he found out he rushed over to meet you
he's so happy for you like ??? oh my god ??? his bestie is in the first female nct unit ! nct love is about to change the game !!!
won't stop telling you how you're literally making history
makes sure to promote you and nct love the best he can since sm sucks at their job
basically your manager
tells everyone he knows to stream your song
uses his position as an mc as a way to promote you subtly
while yujin is talking about something he'll do a move from the choreo dhasjndbk
nct love stans will applaud jihoon for his efforts to support you <3
he'll buy you a gift omg ):
it'll be something thoughtful, like a bracelet with your debut song's name on it, or maybe it'll say 'nct love'
he'll probably get a matching one with his debut song on it or 'treasure' so he can match with his bestie <3
always brings you up in any conversation about best singer/dancer/rapper etc so he can brag about you because he's so proud of you
your own personal fanboy
he'll buy your album the day it comes out in hopes he gets your pc
even if he doesn't, you're still happy he bought the album anyway
if you perform at an award show, he's cheering the loudest in the crowd
knows the nct love fanchant by heart
he wants everyone to know how amazing his best friend is
so supportive of you
he won't stop telling you how cool you are
hypes you up to NO END !
he will 100% post a dance cover of your song once it's out
"this is nct love's song [song name]! please check it out and support my best friend y/n! she and the others worked very hard!
he literally blows up your phone when he finds out
"Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!"
will try and find time to celebrate with you in person
if he can't then just know he's making everyone listen to your song in the treasure dorms
he'll draw/paint you something to commemorate it
probably something like you as a superhero with elements from your music video and lyrics from the song
to him you're as cool as a superhero, and that's his way of telling you so <3
he probably has your album next to his computer because you inspire him
this man lets EVERYONE know that you're debuting
vlive, twitter, interviewers... everyone will know
"actually my best friend y/n is debuting in nct love ! please support them and love them a lot!"
and everyone will listen to him because he is the bang yedam
tweets about watching the music video right after it comes out
if he ever gets your slogan, pc, or picket you bet his gonna post a selfie with it
literally posted a selfie with your album the second he got it
he loves having you as his best friend, and wants to make sure he supports you and nct love in any way he can
him and his family are your biggest supporters
he'll buy multiple copies so he can send some home for his family in japan
he's gonna make sure nct love are million sellers even if he has to do all the work himself LMAO
he's always telling the members how much he loves your song and will rap/sing your parts (depending on your position in the group) all the time
he'll post an embarrassing picture with you on the members twt <3
of course, he'll promote you in the caption with the music video link
or he'll put a melon screenshot of him listening to the song
maybe both
he just wants you to know he supports you in everything you do (':
like mashiho, he'll probably post a dance cover
he'll learn the choreo with in a day and then BAM! instant support for you
he loves bragging about you, and will do so to anyone who will listen
claims that nct love is the best nct sub-unit ever and tells anyone who disagrees to argue with the wall
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hyuckssunchip · 3 years
did this for dreamies because i've been in the mood for dream 
never done headcannons before but here goes... apologies in advance
**Y/N has an emotional day and needs to be cheered up. Y/N not being herself and trying to get back into doing what she loves. Has hopes to move to L.A. to pursue music film, but doesn’t think that she can do it on her own.
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so he’s like the most awkward person ever... 
but he has this thing where he makes people feel super comfortable around him, that’s why he’s insanely likeable
he’d def notice that you were acting different
he’s said he’s touchy with affection before, but like not too obvious so i think he’d do little things 
like just rubbing your hand, or holding it for a bit for no reason, because he wants to
he’d def push you to pursue what you want, tbh i don’t think there’d be anyone in nct that wouldn’t encourage you
then maybe he’d play you some songs on his guitar and you’d have a sweet little night in for emotional support
i can see renjun being super empathetic and realizes a change happens with y/n very quickly
he’d sit you down and you’d have a level headed convo with him about why you’re upset
when you talk it out he’s super supportive esp because he loves that stuff
he lets you know that you should appreciate your work and stuff more
be more confident because you’re good
maybe it’s because i’ve been in the mood for stargazing renjun, but maybe he’d take you somewhere late and you’d just relax in each other’s company and go stargazing
he would get concerned as he notices a change but i feel like he might not confront it
i rmbr he said that he bottles things up and prob wouldn’t want to say anything because he doesn’t know how to handle it
he’d probably be a little more touchy to comfort you and he’d def notice but he’d just watch
like you have this feeling that he knows, but he doesn’t do anything about it for a bit
eventually he’d come around and you’d talk
maybe give you one of his hoodies and chill together until you feel better
he’d try to cheer you up in other ways besides words at first
like he would crack jokes and be all touchy with you so that you feel better and comforted
like big bear hugs and cuddling up next to you
i could see him throwing his legs over your lap a lot (idk why)
he’d do a lot of that baby talk thing that he does as well, like it’s his way of comforting you but not really obvious, lots of pouts
but he notices that it’s not helping too much and you guys talk about it
would want to play games as a healing thing, but instead maybe he’d sing you some songs or you’d watch a movie and relax
oooh, maybe build a fort, i could see him doing that for fun
would worry about you distancing yourself and when he finds out he’d shower you with affection so that you know that he loves and appreciates you
like an incredible amount of affection
(rmbr that vid of him teasing renjun about his hair color not suiting him and then when renjun agreed his face fell and he did that thing where he pouted and reassured him with puppy eyes???)
yeah that.
he’d get all pouty and touchy with you
then he’d make sure that you knew that you need to do what you want because you are certainly good enough
too much coffee is not good for you (lmao)so he’d make you a hot tea and stay up with you 
he’d notice and i feel like he’d understand the mood quickly
like i said before, when he’s not loud af and hyper, he’d be super soft with his s/o
you’d talk about it and he’d be super encouraging.
chenle. is. a. hype. man.
that’s it.
after you talk about it he’d def tell you about how amazing you are and completely ignore anything that you claim otherwise
then he’d def want to make you laugh and cheer you up and he’d do that for you
would worry from afar. 
idk if it’s because i still see him as a shy little bean, but i feel like he would notice a difference but take a while to confront it because he’s scared
he’d like nervously sit you down and tap on your shoulder shyly
(when his finger does that weird little thing, like he doesn’t know where to put them... like his pinky... idk if that made sense)
he’d hug you and let you rest your head on his shoulder as he awkwardly pats your head
but he’d eventually get there and encourage you 
maybe spend the rest of the night watching a movie??
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