#when we all lined up outside the engine room and the officers had their backs turned we’d all chant ‘part of the ship part of the crew’
genrockstar · 20 days
Cold Fronts & Warm Hearts | 2
summary: Jake "Hangman" Seresin never expected to find himself captivated by anyone, much less the daughter of the legendary Admiral Tom "Iceman" Kazansky. But when an unexpected encounter with her challenges everything he thought he knew about love and loyalty, Hangman finds himself in a situation more complex than any dogfight.
warnings: none
pairing: jake seresin x oc
authors note: just imagine rooster and jake are actually besties...
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The next morning, Jake "Hangman" Seresin stood on the tarmac, squinting against the bright San Diego sun. The roar of jet engines and the organized chaos of the naval base surrounded him, but his mind was still on last night. Kate Kazansky had walked into his life like a storm, unsettling the calm, collected persona he had so carefully cultivated. He was used to challenges in the sky, but this—whatever was happening between them—was something different altogether.
"Seresin, you coming?" Rooster called, motioning toward the jets lined up for the day's exercises.
Jake nodded, pulling himself back to the present. "Yeah, just thinking about my next win," he shot back with a grin, masking any sign of distraction.
As they prepped for the day's flight drills, Jake found himself scanning the crowd, searching for any sign of Kate. It was foolish, he knew. This wasn't some romantic getaway—it was the Navy, and she had her own career, her own responsibilities. But even as he strapped into the cockpit of his F/A-18, her words from the night before echoed in his head.
You hide behind that cocky grin of yours because it's easier than letting people in.
He keyed the comms as his jet roared to life. "All right, boys and girls, let's get this show on the road."
Up in the air, the familiar rush of adrenaline and the pull of gravity pushed every other thought out of his head. Here, in the sky, was where he was in control. Here, he didn’t have to worry about emotions or vulnerabilities. Up here, it was all about instinct, skill, and focus.
But even with his usual sharp focus, he couldn’t quite shake the feeling that Kate had gotten under his skin in a way no one else ever had.
Later that afternoon, Jake was heading toward the officer’s locker room when he caught sight of Kate walking out of the command center. She was dressed in crisp Navy fatigues, her hair pulled back in a no-nonsense bun, and even though she wasn’t in flight gear, she exuded the same confidence that had intrigued him the night before.
Their eyes met, and for a split second, Jake considered turning away—walking the other direction and keeping things simple. But simplicity had never been his style.
“Kate,” he called, jogging over to her. “Fancy seeing you here.”
She smiled, but there was a touch of amusement in her eyes. “I work here, Jake. It’s not that surprising.”
He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. “Right. Still, didn’t expect to see you outside the officer’s club so soon.”
Kate crossed her arms, her expression playful. “Why? Afraid of a rematch?”
Jake raised an eyebrow. “Rematch? I wasn’t aware we had a competition going.”
She took a step closer, her voice dropping just a little. “Everything’s a competition with you, isn’t it?”
The challenge in her voice sparked something in Jake. He wasn’t sure if she was talking about last night’s conversation or something deeper, but either way, he was ready to play along.
“Maybe,” he admitted. “But you should know, I don’t lose.”
Kate’s eyes gleamed, and she gave a small laugh. “We’ll see about that.”
Before he could respond, her phone buzzed. She glanced at it, her expression shifting slightly as she read the message.
“I’ve got to go,” she said, slipping the phone back into her pocket. “Duty calls.”
“Right,” Jake nodded, trying to ignore the twinge of disappointment. “Catch you later?”
Kate gave him a smile that was as much of a promise as it was a challenge. “You know where to find me.”
As she walked away, Jake stood there for a moment, watching her go. He wasn’t used to being the one left hanging, but something about Kate Kazansky kept pulling him back. She was more than just Iceman’s daughter—she was his equal in every sense, and that terrified him as much as it excited him.
That evening, Jake found himself back at the officer’s club, nursing a beer and replaying his last conversation with Kate in his head. Rooster and Phoenix were nearby, laughing about something from the day’s drills, but Jake’s mind was elsewhere.
“Hey, man,” Rooster said, sliding into the seat next to him. “You good? You’ve been off your game today.”
Jake shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. “I’m fine. Just... thinking.”
Rooster raised an eyebrow. “Thinking? That doesn’t sound like you. Usually, you’re all action, no reflection.”
“Yeah, well,” Jake said, swirling the beer in his glass, “things change.”
Rooster’s expression softened, and he leaned back in his chair. “This about that woman you were talking to last night?”
Jake shot him a look. “You spying on me, Bradshaw?”
Rooster grinned, holding up his hands. “Relax, man. Just noticed you looked... invested, which is weird for you.”
Jake sighed, running a hand through his hair. “She’s... different. And I don’t know what to do with that.”
“Different how?” Phoenix chimed in, having overheard the conversation.
“She doesn’t play by anyone’s rules. Not even mine,” Jake said, almost to himself. “And she’s Iceman’s daughter, so... yeah.”
Rooster let out a low whistle. “Kazansky’s kid? Man, you don’t mess with that.”
Jake looked down at his drink, conflicted. He knew getting involved with Kate was dangerous—not just for his career, but for the walls he had built around himself. She was someone who could challenge him, push him in ways no one else had.
But walking away wasn’t an option anymore.
Before he could think too much about it, his phone buzzed. A text from an unknown number.
Kate: Meet me at the docks tonight. Midnight.
Jake’s pulse quickened, the thrill of the unknown sparking through him. He finished his beer, stood up, and grabbed his jacket.
“Where are you going?” Rooster asked, eyeing him curiously.
Jake smirked, the old swagger creeping back. “I’ve got a midnight rendezvous.”
The docks were quiet, save for the gentle lapping of water against the boats. Jake spotted Kate standing at the end of one pier, her figure silhouetted against the moonlit sky. She looked calm, but there was an intensity in the way she stood, waiting for him.
He approached, the sound of his boots echoing on the wooden planks. “What’s this about?”
Kate turned, her face illuminated by the soft glow of the moon. “I needed to get away from all the expectations. The uniforms, the protocol. Everything.”
Jake stopped a few feet away, studying her. “So, you call me?”
She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “You’re the only one who doesn’t treat me like I’m... special because of who my father is.”
Jake crossed his arms, leaning against a post. “You’re not just Iceman’s daughter, Kate. I think you know that.”
Kate’s gaze met his, and for a moment, the tension between them hung heavy in the air. “Maybe that’s what I needed to hear.”
Jake took a step closer, his voice low. “So what now?”
Kate’s eyes flickered with something unspoken. “Now we figure out if we’re both willing to break the rules.”
Jake’s breath hitched. He was no stranger to risks, but this? This was something different. Something far more dangerous.
But as he looked into her eyes, he realized he wasn’t about to back down.
Not now. Not ever.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 3 months
Fan Fiction: Part One
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Warnings: canon angst and violence, extra angst
Summary: Not only did Chuck write books about your lives, but a damn musical theater is putting a play on about your goddamn lives. You try to let them handle this one on their own but they're not letting you go, and it's time to bring insurance to make sure you never leave them.
Season Ten Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. I love seeing any and all comments <3
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Dean sits outside the motel room working on his car. The hood is up, he's elbow-deep in the engine, and Sam is nowhere to be found. You're standing off to the side with your gun trained in front of you. Your target is a tree that's fifty yards from you, something stationary. You wish you had a moving target but you don't think Dean and Sam would appreciate being put in the line of fire.
You pull the trigger three times, hitting the exact same spot on the tree, scaring some squirrels into fleeing their home.
"Would you quit it?" You look at Dean who pops his head from over the hood. He's a bit sweaty, has a grease smear on his forehead, and his arms look extra thick in his thin t-shirt. You don't have romantic feelings for him anymore, but damn he'd be a good fuck. "We're not the only people out here."
"I'm bored without a real target. Unless you'd like to be mine."
You smirk when he flips you off. The motel door opens and Sam walks out in search of you and his brother. You put your gun away and approach the brothers because Sam has his professional face on.
"Hey, how long have you two been up?"
"I never slept," you say.
"Long enough to find us a case," Dean replies right after you.
"I take it that means you're feeling back to normal?"
"Yeah, whatever normal is in our world. Right here." Dean takes a break from working on his car to hand Sam the newspaper. "A teacher in an all-girls school went missing in Flint, Michigan. She was heading to her car, disappeared, and nobody's seen her since."
"Dean, there's nothing here that even remotely suggests there is a case."
"There is nothing that even remotely suggests there isn't a case."
"Come on, man," Sam sighs.
"Sam! Being out there and hunting is the only normal I know." He closes the hood of the car and moves to the open trunk. He messes around with his weapons before shutting the trunk. "We got work to do."
"I'll tag along. It's not like I have anything better to do."
"Like you had a choice," Dean mutters to himself, but you hear.
It's a seven-hour drive from where you are, and those hours go by quickly. Sam gets the police department on the phone as soon as you enter the state of Michigan to ask about the details of the case. By the time Dean pulls into the school's parking lot, Sam is just about done with his conversation.
"I certainly appreciate it. ... You got it. Thanks, officer." He hangs up just as you three get out of the car. "So, the last place Ms. Chandler was seen by anyone was in the auditorium. Turns out she's the drama teacher."
"Theater kids. Great," Dean scoffs.
"What? I was a theater kid."
"Barely. You did Our Town, which was cool, but then you did that shitty musical."
"Oklahoma? Hugh Jackman got cast off of Oklahoma."
"You ran tech, Wolverine."
"Shut up," Sam, grumbles.
The principal already knows you're coming but she has a bunch of meetings to go to, so she allows you to find the auditorium on your own. There are young kids hanging a banner in front of the building for the musical they are about to do. You hate fucking musicals. You hope there isn't a case here ad you can go back to the Bunker and waste your life away on tanning and reading shitty magazines.
You walk into the auditorium to see students already working on their production of whatever musical they are doing. Before you have a chance to think, you hear a word you never thought you'd hear again.
"You idjits!" You snap your head to the right to see a young girl dressed exactly like your dad, beard and all. "You, idjits. You three are idjits."
"Hey, ass-butt!" You look to the left and see another young woman dressed just like Cas with angel wings on her back. "Hey! Ass-butt!"
Suddenly, someone plays a few notes on the piano on stage and a bunch of young girls begin their musical number. The song is about Sam and Dean's life. How John and Mary had two sons when a demon came into their room and killed Mary, and how the demon took a liking to Sam. The song transitions into your life with your mom starting at the age when she died. They sing about how the demon chased you through the house and killed your mom down the stairs. Sam and Dean are horrified to hear this but you're grinning from ear to ear.
A young woman sitting in the audience and her friend run up the stage stairs to address the woman who is singing. You slap both brothers' shoulders with the same grin on your face.
"This is the best day ever."
"What in the h-holy..."
"If there is a case, it probably has something to do with all of this," Sam cuts his brother off.
"You think?"
The younger of the two girls grabs the arm of the director and points to you three at the back of the auditorium. Both girls immediately run off stage and over to you as if she knows who you three are.
"Hi! Oh, my gosh, are you guys from the publisher? I'm Marie, writer/director. This is Maeve, my stage manager. I was just--"
She stops talking when she sees Sam's FBI badge. He looks to the stage and sees the women playing Sam and Dean with their own FBI badges. He quickly puts his away and slaps Dean's hand which is holding his own badge. Dean can't even get his out fast enough because he is so shocked.
"I'm Special Agent Smith. These are my partners, Special Agents--"
"Smith," you answer.
"Yeah, no relation." Marie narrows her eyes in suspicion but Sam quickly changes topic. "We're here to look into the disappearance--"
"There is no singing in Supernatural!" Dean blurts out.
You snicker at his outburst to which he glares at you.
"What? Come on, this is funny!" you giggle.
"Well, this is Marie's interpretation," Maeve says.
"I mean, if there was singing, you know... and that's a big if! If there was singing, it would be classic rock. Not this Andrew Floyd Webber shit--"
"Andrew Lloyd Webber," Sam whispers to his brother.
"You know, we do sing a cover of Carry On Wayward Son, in the second act," Marie says proudly.
"Really?" Sam asks in judgment.
"It's a classic!" Dean and Marie speak at the same time.
You roll your eyes, already bored of this.
"Right. Anyways. We're here to talk about the disappearance of Ms. Chandler. Any chance you two saw her before she vanished?"
"Yeah. She left around nine-thirty."
"Any idea where she would be headed at that time of night?"
"A bar? A liquor store? Both?" Maeve answers.
"She had a nasty divorce, last year. Most of the time, she's sipping on her 'grown-up juice', or passed out. Usually, in that order."
"Yeah, I don't blame her. I'm gonna need fifty jello shots and a hose-down to get this stink off of me," Dean scoffs.
"Maeve, right?" Sam jumps in. "You're the stage manager?"
"I understudy Jody Mills, too."
"What?" Dean asks in shock.
"That's great! Jody Mills, that's great," Sam says to his brother before turning to her. "So, how about you give me a behind-the-scenes tour, while your director shows my partners Ms. Chandler's office? Deal?" Both girls nod. "Great. Give us a moment, please."
Marie and Maeve leave you three alone, and you let out a loud cackle that causes Maeve to turn around and glare.
"I'm gonna throw up," Dean shudders.
"This is either going to go horribly wrong or horrible right, and I'm here for it," you giggle. Dean gives you a bitch-face look, and you slap his chest as you pass by him. "Lighten up, buddy."
You and Dean follow Marie backstage while Maeve goes off with Sam in the opposite direction. There is a table of props used for the musical, all labeled and in place. You grab one of the guns and inspect it, not impressed that it's all fake.
"Where did you get all this stuff?"
"Some parts are homemade and some parts are repurposed. All of it, awesome--" She looks over at you to see you touching one of the guns and grabs it from you. "Please don't touch them."
"These aren't even real. How are you going to hurt someone with these?"
"Don't mind her," Dean chuckles nervously. "She's having a bad day." Dean looks across the stage where the imposter Impala sits. Leaning against it are the two women who play Sam and Dean. They're standing a bit too close for Dean's liking. "What are they doing?"
"They're rehearsing the B.M. scene."
"The Bowel Movement scene?" you ask.
"What? No! The Boy Melodrama scene! You know, the scene where the boys get together, and they're driving, leaning against Baby, and drinking a beer, sharing their feelings. The two of them. Alone but together. Bonded. United. The power of the brotherly--"
"Why are they standing so close together?"
"Reasons," Marie shrugs.
Dean understands what Marie is hinting at, and you snicker at the thought of Sam and Dean getting together sexually.
"You know they're brothers, right?"
"Duh! It's subtext."
"You know he and Y/N are married and have kids, right?"
"What? No. I mean, I know she got pregnant but she had Cas get rid of the baby. Man, Dean was so pissed at her for doing that."
"Best decision I ever made," you grin and lock eyes with Dean. "I should have gotten rid of the other two."
Hurt flashes across his eyes but he'd rather not get into that right now. Marie looks at you two in confusion but moves on. She takes you away from the auditorium into a long white hallway where Ms. Chandler's office is. She walks ahead of you to open the door, and you look at Dean.
"She's right. You and Sam would make such a cute couple."
"I'm gonna smack you."
"Don't tease a good time," you smirk.
You three enter the office where there are empty bottles upon empty bottles of alcohol everywhere. Dean takes a sweep of the room with his eyes before settling them on a robot head near the bookshelf.
"Is that hers?"
"No, that's a prop from act two! I've been looking for that, actually."
"There's no space in Supernatural."
"Not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction."
"You mean fanfiction?"
"Call it whatever you like, but it's inspired by Carver Edlund's books with a few embellishments. As you know, Chuck stopped writing after Swan Song--"
"Yeah, that douche," you scoff and Dean slaps your arm to get you to stop talking.
"I couldn't leave it the way that it was! I mean, with Dean leaving Y/N and living with Lisa? Her being on her own after the breakup? Sam in Hell? I wrote my own ending."
"You want to know what happened after that?" you step closer to her. "Y/N fucks Sam over and over again to get over her sad excuse of an ex."
"Okay, stop talking," Dean pulls you back.
"Try this one on for size. How about Dean and Y/N have a baby while he's still fucking Lisa?"
"Go wait outside!"
"No, she needs to know these things! What about them going to purgatory where she ends up pregnant because Dean can't keep it in his pants?" Dean is already shoving you to the door. "Bobby dies, Sam undergoes angel trials, and Dean becomes a demon!"
Dean shoves you out of the office and slams the door in your face. You roll your eyes and make your way back to the prop table where you mess the props up like a fucking child. You see Sam and Maeve in the sound booth chatting, so you make your way over to them to bother them. Sam looks up from the control board when you enter.
"Special Agent Smith kicked me out so I'm hanging out with you," you grin and sit in between them.
You reach over and touch the control board to see what different buttons do, but Maeve slaps your hand away. You stare at her and Sam waits with held breath to see what you're going to do. Luckily for her, you let it go and lean back in your chair.
"Now, have you noticed anything strange during the production? I mean, any odd noises or--"
"You mean something like this?" Maeve pushes a button on the control panel and a scream sounds. "Or perhaps, this?" She presses another button and a ghostly moan sounds. "Maybe this?"
"Okay, I get it. You know, back when I did tech in school, we had two CD decks--"
"Someone speaks to Maeve over the headset, and she cuts Sam off mid-sentence.
"She's not interested in your nerd talk," you say to Sam.
"I'm sorry, I have to go sign the delivery. Please, don't touch anything."
Maeve scurries off leaving you and Sam alone. Sam doesn't like to be alone with you because he's the butt of your very harsh jokes, so he makes a half-hearted excuse and leaves you alone in the sound booth. Dean and Meave come back from Ms. Chandler's office and meet up with Sam. Marie joins her friend's side as they both sign for the delivery. You reach up and begin playing with the controls, messing with the lights and sounds. Everyone on stage looks at you like you're the outsider in a group of best friends. Sam and Dean look like they're ready to kill you, so you press a button and speak into the mic.
"I'm bored. Can we go? I'd rather pull my own hair out than be stuck in here with a bunch of bratty kids."
Dean glares holes through the glass at you and motions with one finger to come to the stage. 
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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ternfic · 3 days
Chapter Two
Emmet was working on putting the roof back in place when the voice called up to him.
“Hey so I couldn’t get anybody in that cavern fortress to respond, think you could tell me what’s going on around here?”
Emmet yelped, the suddenness of the voice startling him enough that he lost his balance. He flailed for a moment, but ultimately lost the battle, and toppled right off the roof. “Ah, geez-!” the stranger yelped, and Emmet found himself expertly caught and placed on his feet. He blinked at the other, tensing. The face had a few more lines on it, the dark hair sporting several strands of silver now, but there was no mistaking the dark blue and bright green space suit.
Rex blinked at him in surprise. “You remember-” He cut himself off, then slowly shook his head, chuckling helplessly to himself. “Really should’ve expected that. You’re his avatar, after all.”
“What are you doing here?” Emmet demanded.
Rex sobered up at the question. “I need your help. You’re the only person I can trust.” Of all the reactions he’d expected Emmet to have, his younger self stepping forward to shove angrily at him wasn’t one of them.
“You lied to me! You tricked me into causing Armomageddon! And you- you said you were just gonna go back and try it all over again until you ‘got it right’! How can I trust that you’re not just trying to trick me into helping you destroy everything again?!”
Rex floundered for words for a few moments, and realized there were only two he could say that could possibly make things right. “I’m sorry.”
Emmet stopped, staring at him. “What?”
“I was… wrong. About a lot of stuff.” Every fiber of Rex’s being screamed discomfort at having to admit to such. “She came back for you. She fought tooth and nail for you. Those aren’t the actions of someone who’d gladly forget you for an easier life. And it was… dumb of me to ever believe otherwise. I should’ve trusted that she never would have forgotten us without outside interference.”
“Outside interference?”
“That’s why I need your help. I went back to investigate, to try to find out why they forgot us so readily. When I told you before they were brainwashed, yeah I lied to you then, but… I think, in my timeline, they actually had been. My interference last time broke whatever spell they’d nearly been put under. But I got caught out and had to run. That’s why I need your help. There’s never been anybody who could go unnoticed better than you.”
Emmet quirked a grin at him. “That’s probably the most backhanded compliment I’ve ever received, even counting that time with Metalbeard and my couch.”
Rex gave him an uneasy grin in response. “So, uh. We cool?” He tentatively offered his hand. Instead of taking the offered hand Emmet launched himself at Rex, wrapping his arms around his other self in a tight embrace.
“Yeah, we’re cool.” He pulled back to smile bright at Rex. “Bro.”
Rex smiled back at him in relief. “Awesome.” He then turned his attention to where Emmet’s house-ship stood nearly finished behind him. “…You know, I got room for two in my cruiser. How about we leave that here where it’ll be safe?”
Emmet sagged in relief. “Oh thank goodness, yes. I’d much prefer you to fly.” Rex laughed and clapped his shoulder.
“Let’s get a move on then, the clock’s ticking.”
They hadn’t taken two steps toward Rex’s cruiser when they heard the sound of an engine approaching. Before long they could see the vehicle in question, a familiar black and white car hovering over the dusty ground. They watched in stunned silence as it pulled to a stop in front of them and Bad Cop got out.
“Brickowski,” the officer growled.
“Yes?” both of them answered automatically. Rex winced. Emmet just wondered why Bad Cop was there.
Bad Cop seemed equally surprised by Rex’s response. He turned to Emmet. “Who’s this?”
“My brother!” Emmet chirped back without missing a beat.
Bad Cop’s frown deepened. “…We weren’t aware you had a brother.”
“Yeah he’s older than me by almost ten years. He’s been in space until recently.” Rex tried not to let his awe show in front of the cop. Granted, most of that wasn’t even really untrue… But Bad Cop still didn’t seem convinced.
“Our family had a ‘falling out’ years ago,” Rex picked up. “I got disowned. Probably why you didn’t find anything about me when you were investigating Emmet.”
“I see,” the cop finally relented.
“Is there something we can help you with?” Emmet asked brightly.
Bad Cop’s mouth pressed into a thin line as he shifted his stance. “We’re coming with you.”
That surprised Emmet. “You are?” He certainly wouldn’t object- even though Rex had apologized, Emmet wasn’t certain he trusted him 100% just yet and he knew he could rely on the cops- but he still had to ask. “Why?”
Good Cop switched out. “Because it’s our duty to protect the citizens of Apocalypseburg. The people here will be fine; I doubt any Duplos will be arriving so soon after General Mayhem’s appearance. Your friends are the ones who need help right now. And we didn’t want to leave you to do this all on your own.”
Bad Cop switched back out, eyeing Rex warily. Rex simply lifted his chin in challenge. “Weren’t expecting you to already have help, though.”
“Honestly? I wasn’t either.” Emmet smiled at the cops. “I’d be glad to have you along, though. Makes our chances of success that much better.”
“I dunno,” Rex interrupted, frowning at them both. “We bring too many people, and our chances of being discovered are that much greater, too.”
“Three bodies isn’t ‘too many’,” Emmet argued. “I really do think we could use their help.”
“I don’t have room in the cruiser for one more.”
“Then we’ll follow in my house-ship.”
Rex growled out a sigh, dragging his hands over his face. “You’re not gonna give up til I say yes, are you?”
Emmet shook his head and grinned at him. “Nope.”
“Alright, fine, they can come.” He eyeballed the cops, then turned to give his cruiser a considering look. “Maybe all three of us can fit in there, though it’ll be a squeeze.”
“At least it’ll only be until we get to the Rexcelsior, right?” Rex nodded.
“Then we’ll manage,” Bad Cop said.
“Alright. Let’s move out, the longer we dawdle, the less time we’ll have to put a stop to the Systarians’ plans.”
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kylieguess · 4 months
Bartender Mouscepades - 08/06/24
Started this shift as a bartender. I was a late join however, so there was already a bartender that had made a bunch of drinks, and set them out.
This left me with frankly, not very much to do. the bar was LINED with them, could hardly see the wood underneath all the glasses. I spent the majority of the time just greeting people as they came by, grabbed one of the glasses, drank and then left. Very few custom orders.
That gave me a lot of time however, and I noticed a mouse run around, presumably annoying the chef. I decided to point at it as it made one of its little circuits and it stopped and looked at me. I told it to come over, and it looked apprehensive. I said I'd call it "Barmaus" and it seemed to accept, ran over and let me name it. I picked it up and put it on my head and it seemed pretty happy!
I gave the lil guy some cake and a drink, then I spot ANOTHER mouse run past. The mouse atop my head points at it and calls it over, and it lets me name it "Barmooze". The other mouse hops down from my head and the two start cheeping and chittering to each other. They munch down the last of the cake, so they venture out beyond the bar.
I followed them to the kitchen, there were mouse traps under the table where a bunch of delicious (to the mice at least...) organs were laid out. One of them bravely, and carefully stood outside their range and began snacking, and the other one followed. Nice and full, we started to head back to the bar when we heard gunshots!
We rushed into the next room to see two security officers fooling around with a cap gun. The mice were a little ahead of me, and one of the security officers, a lizard man, noticed them. He took out his knife and swung at Barmooze, cutting him down in one hit. Barmooze was only a mouse, after all. The officer picked him up and ate him in one bite.
I yelled "HEY!!" at him, he didn't seem to care. Just walked away. Barmaus tried chasing after him, but i picked him up and tried taking him to safety. He wriggled his way out of my hands and tried following the officer again, pointing at him but, but I just picked Barmaus up and put him on my head. "He ate him..." I said, and Barmaus let out a little mousey cry.
We headed back to the bar, only to find another mouse had showed up behind it. There was a security officer barking at him, complaining that he was awful at serving drinks. But he just left before I could even take his order. This third mouse was dubbed "Barmeese".
A little bit of drinks serving and some mouse-to-mouse communication later, another lizard man shows up the bar. Named "Leaves-The-Tree". First thing he says, after noticing the mice were frightened, was "Don't worry! I'm a vegetarian." The mice relaxed around him, and he started telling us his manifesto. "If we worked together with animals, and granted them rights, the world would be a better place."
As he was telling us this, Barmaus wanders off a bit, and encounters the mime. Another lizard man, named "Bulls-Eye". He took a swing at Barmaus, thinking of him as a quick and easy snack. His first slash connected, but his follow-ups missed. Barmaus managed to limp back behind the bar.
Leaves-The-Tree offered to go find some medical supplies for Barmaus, and left with the assurance he'd be back. As he left, Barmeese trailed him, and Bulls-Eye tried throwing a shard of glass at him, thankfully missing.
Engineering has a little oopsie, and gravity goes out. We don't have any trouble from any mouse-hungry lizard men for a little while, and Leaves-The-Tree returns and tends to Barmaus, giving him a little bandaid. On his tail however, is yet another mouse! This one was dubbed "Barmisse".
While the mice are having fun, floating around in zero gravity, the security officer lizard man shows up again. He tries throwing a knife at one of them, thankfully missing again, and prompting the mice to come back behind the bar once again. Yet another mouse shows up after! This one was named "Barmasse". Gravity gets turned back on.
At this point, there's 4 mice running around behind the bar. They all motion like they're hungry, to which I reply "Sorry! No more food." They then all start pointing at the vending machine, promting me to leave the bar. Right as I do, Bulls-Eye pulls out a mousetrap and slides it across the floor, catching Barmaus, the first mouse to show up, and killing him. Just like every other time, he just picks it up and eats it whole.
I cry a bit for Barmaus, and set to work feeding the other mice. A solemn duty now. As I'm feeding them, yet another mouse shows up. Dubbed "Barmaus II", Barmaus the Second. Before I even get a chance to get acquainted with the little guy, an anomaly shows up in the seating area.
This particular kind of anomaly, a plant anomaly, are extremely unsafe to keep. They spawn monsters that attack people and ruin the flooring of the station. Despite it being obviously for the best to destroy it and hope for a better one next time, the science team elected to keep it for far longer than they should have.
In the time it was dormant, Leaves-The-Tree returns. He offers to do an interview on the treatment of mice. The mice, being happy he was there, were running around outside. Bulls-Eye took this as an opportunity to swipe at another mouse. He takes out and eats Barmisse. Yet another mouse down.
Leaves-The-Tree, who was just about to start the interview with me, flies into a rage. He swipes at him with claws of his own, yells "Give it back!", unaware Bulls-Eye had already swallowed it. When Bulls-Eye just smiles at him, Leaves-The-Tree beats him unconscious.
Security arrested him. Mice were considered pests, pet or otherwise, and Bulls-Eye was technically free to just kill them if he desires, and it was technically assault. I was thankful to him but, tragically, that didn't mean much.
Following that happening, as was inevitable, monsters spawn from the anomaly. Security was there to deal with the first wave, however they left for the second and third, leaving me to attempt to defend the bar alone with my trusty shotgun. One of the monsters zaps me with a laser, so I line up the shot and...
I pull the trigger, with Barmeese just in front of the barrel. The beanbag slug bounces off of him, knocking him unconscious instantly. Distraught, I inject him with my emergency medical syringe, drag him into the back room and lay him on the floor. I don't have any medical supplies, so I break a glass bottle and use it to cut up one of the spare bar uniforms, hoping to make some rags to patch him up with.
But it was for nothing. Barmeese breathes his last breath, and perishes.
I was distraught, I cursed science. I cursed that fucking mime. There was nothing I could've done for him.
I do the only thing I could think of doing, and place him inside me, so he'd always be with me.
The scientist showed up to clean up the mess they made, and I accosted them. "What the fuck were you thinking?!" I plead, "Those things are always too dangerous to keep!".
"They're safe at low severities" the research director assures me.
"Until they're not!" I reply.
"Yeah..." is all he says, before walking away.
I return behind the bar, no happier. The musician, who'd just returned after the plant monster event bugs me. "Hey keep, if you want to make it easier for your mice, you should maybe ask the research director about a VIM for them."
Though science is often stingy about things like that, but i decide to test my luck. It was, after all, the research director's fault I even lost one of my mice. So I decide to make my way to the science department of the station.
I arrive, and the RD is handing something to someone. I sit and wait for them to leave, and as they do, the RD goes into the back. I walk up to the desk and ring the bell, and he returns.
I tell him about the mouse I lost because of the mishap in the bar, and I ask him if he'd be willing to make a couple of VIMs, so I don't lose my other two mice. He says he'll check.
I sit there what feels like forever. I take some more sunflower seeds from the nearby vending machine and feed the mice, and give them a drink of my water bottle. A few people show up, deliveries and such.
After that eternity, the RD returns to the desk. He tells me, "We'll call you when they're ready. They're going to be slow, sorry."
I tell him okay, and decide to head to chemistry. They occasionally make a wonder drug that grants creatures, and sometimes even inanimate objects, the ability to speak. Tragically however, they had spent the whole round making meth. So had not made any.
I sigh and return to the bar. The emergency shuttle gets called, station is a bit of a mess but it's also a long way throught the round so it makes sense. Leaves-The-Tree shows back up at the bar, having served his sentence.
He tells me "It's no secret now, I'm going to kill him." Referring to the mime he beat unconscious earlier. It's shocking, but I understand. I want to get back at him too. "I'm not someone good" he continues, "If you understand me." I did. I nodded, I wasn't going to interfere with him killing someone I hated. "I'll see what I can do." he says as he leaves. "Good seeings you."
"Good seeing you too. Stay safe." I tell him, and he left.
I get the call from science, and make my way down. Sat outside the robotics bay doors are two dainty little mechs, perfectly sized for the two mice remaining. They hop in, and take it for a little spin. They both seem excited.
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I thank the research director, and I'm sure the mice do too, in their own way, and we head back to the bar.
Though the trip immediately diverts, as the escape shuttle docked right as we got back. So onto the shuttle we go.
The trip back to Central Command was actually completely uneventful. Me, Barmasse and Barmaus the Second all managed to get out safely, though I did mourn the loss of Barmeese, Barmooze, Barmisse and Barmaus the First.
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thetruearchmagos · 2 years
Swift Seas And Whirlwinds
An Excerpt: Bristling Skies [Part 4] [Test]
Yep, that's right! I completed this section of the Chapter a while ago, but I've got some mixed feelings towards it. Which is to say I think it's a bit rubbish. So, I thought I'd release it with that disclaimer, and see what people think of it! If you have any thoughts at all on the writing here, feel free to say them!
Tagging @lividdreamz @dogmomwrites @marinesocks @sanguine-arena @athenswrites @ceph-the-writing-spook @theprissythumbelina @thatndginger @jamieanovels @the-stray-storyteller @muddshadow
Fèvre Naval Airbase
"I want my birds in the air, now!"
Annoyingly, but not unexpectedly, Amiral Alard Macon's instructions were met first with a stunned silence from his subordinate, standing opposite around the chart table. He'd barged in through the doors of the underground command centre barely a moment ago, and it seemed that Contre-Amiral Henri Sourd, the base's dubiously capable commander, was still trying to process that, as were the silently nervous staff officers that rushed around behind him. Macon would have preferred to never have to rely on this man in his life, but the base commander was quite outside his power. When Sourd did speak, he made the unfortunate error of not agreeing.
"[i]Monsieur Amiral[/i], the [i]Regiment[/i] is not yet ready! The plans said---"
"My plans, young man! And looking at the situation I have changed them. Louis!"
A second man, who'd hung behind his superior, stepped forwards. [i]Contre-Amiral[/i] Louis Paquet shared his commanders opinion of the commander, but the Chief of Staff was not the sort who expressed such thoughts. He preferred to leave that to the Admiral.
"About an hour ago, a patrol craft reported detecting significant Warp Transit signatures of a similar character to those employed by the warships of the United Commonwealth. Taking into account the time and place of the signatures, we conclude that the ships of Task Group FORMIDABLE have left Warp before we projected them to, and are now sailing through the open ocean and towards their bases in Ngaionui."
With his brief concluded, Paquet stepped back, leaving the stage to his boss.
"Do you see what that means, Henri? I can't imagine exactly why they have decided to extend their journey through the sea by so many thousands of miles, but it helps us nonetheless. We have a patrol in the air already, non? They may have been told it would be a few hours yet until we called on them to act, but it makes little difference. Henri, the aircraft of your airbase will soon be in prime position to write their page in history, if we move now!"
It gave him little pleasure to have to resort to such pleasantries, but it had the desired effect on the man before him. Apparently, it had finally dawned on him that he was now a wartime commander. Finally.
With that, Macon took a step back, watching as the commander ran about the room with a freshly discovered vigour, and barking at his staff. His orders now in the process of being executed, Macon turned back to look at the charts and maps, mind racing with thoughts of what lay ahead.
The Apôtre Heights
"Well, there goes a quiet night!"
A mere twenty minutes had passed since the two patrol birds had lifted off. It was as if someone had flicked a switch. In a matter of seconds, the vast airbase that lay before them sprung to life, ground crews and haulers laden with equipment rushing about all over the place like lines of foraging ants. Dozens of towering hangar doors split open, and soon the air was filled with shouting, and the whining and growling of engines.
Corporal Maasaki snapped around at the sight, eyes wide. She overcame her shock faster than Malik did, raising her spotter to her eyes and panning left and right, taking in the scene in seconds.
"Damn! I count five big hangars opening up on the nearest runway, can't tell how many further off. At the moment, looks like about fifteen aircraft, just on this side."
She handed him the sight, and finally he was able to get a good idea of what he was seeing. It was not good.
"Call it as many on the otherside, makes about thirty. That enough to get us moving?"
She paused to think, then shook her head.
"Not yet. If we still had the Crystal, I'd call it in, but now we wait until they start taking off so we can count 'em properly. I don't think that'll take too long, looking at this crowd, so get ready to take walk."
Adelle And Danette
The minute his flight reached its designated patrol station, Traver tore open his envelope, pouring over its contents. It was much as he had expected, though the arrival of a broadcast from base to his aircraft soon after was not. The instructions for his patrol were rather simple, hardly different from what he'd been training to do for years; Someone else's ships are out at sea. Go and find them. The difference, of course, was what he was to do after they'd been found.
When he first read the brief, it seemed like that eventuality would come very soon. Now, an hour of flying over the vastness of open waters later with nothing to show for it, part of him wondered if it would happen at all.
Sois patient, he reminded himself. He'd been on flights far longer than this.
He wiped his forehead, coming away with a sheen of sweat in the aircraft's chilled interior. That may have been the case, but the next few hours would be like nothing he'd ever seen .
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crazyforkasey-blog · 5 days
I will always find you
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chapter 7
Getting chased out of bed by my best friend wasn't exactly what I wanted and his method was somewhat questinable.
However, my present was needed at HQ, and I got dressed and hopped in a jeep. On the way there I tried to convince Dick, that if we had taken Antwerpen we would have been over the Rhine by now.
Soldiers of different rank milled around Schoonderlogt manor house, and once inside I was greeted by Sink, who told me that the british lost 8000 men when market garden fell on its ass and that colonel Dobey needed help  saving a 140 of his comrades, that was stuck on the enemy side of the Rhine. Dobey started to explain the operation, but something or rather someone standing in the operations room caught my attention. Jo was standing right there within reach. 
I poured myself a cup of coffee and walked into where a map of the area was pinned to the wall. Standing beside Jo I reached down and let our hands lightly touch and felt her intertwine her fingers with mine for a second. I closed my eyes and just soaked up her presence. I felt calm and at peace for the first time in weeks, that was until I heard dobey explain how Jo and her merry men would swim the Rhine at night to help the Dutch resistence escort his wounded men down to and over the Rhine.
Walking up the gravel road towards the manor a jeep passed me, I heard Nix telling Winters "I mean, we are the only unit in the group who have the Germans on the German side of the Rhine, If we had taken Antwerp, and I am not saying that would have been easy, we would be over the River, well supplied and have the Krauts on their heels, now if I can Ike on the Phone, are you listening to me?" 
When I reached the manor I slid in while Nix was talking to Sink, so that he didn’t notice me. I took a moment to study the map pinned to the wall, the operation was risky, but not dangerous.
When the officers walked into the room I felt Nix stand next to me and his hand lightly touched mine. I allowed myself to intertwine my fingers in his, just for a second, and let his touch sothe me and relieve some of my pent up stress.
"The Dutch resistances are harboring 140 of my chaps here, just outside a Jerry held town just 15 miles north of the river, they make their way to the river bank and assemble by the woods here tonight"
Dobey went on "The Canadian engineers have supplied six boats, the rendezvous point is on isolated land, and I swam it myself last night. At approximately 00.30 hours I will signal the V for victory with a hand-held red torch, that would be a hand-held red flashlight”
When he came to the part where I and my squad would swim the Rhine to assist the dutch resistance I felt Nix go rigid beside me, and without giving me a glance he turned and left the room.
I sighed I couldn't blame him, once again I was out on the line, away from him and he would be left with the one question I couldn't answer. When will he see me again?
The operation was underway and all I could do was pace the courtyard and wait for news from the operation, so far no gunshoots was heard and the fact that it was a silent, dim night, murky night, with a drizzle adding to the obscurity, gave me some comfort that at least meant that the operation had some cover of the night.
Nix knew that the men from Easy, Dobey and Jo’s squad had  followed engineer tape from the dike down to the river, where the  boats had been hidden the previous evening. At midnight he heard the Bofors fire the tracers straight north. He knew that right then the Dutch underground blinked the V-for-Victory signal with red flashlights from the north bank. Easy would begin paddling as silently as possible across the river.
By 02.00 the entire party was back at the manor house safe and sound.
A spontaneous party broke out in the barn and Nix stood by the door, when he felt a hand on his arm, he looked down on the hand and then up at the person it belonged to. He just grabbed the hand and pulled her behind him up to his room in the manor house.
Once inside he grabbed Jo’s face and kissed her hard and slowly I felt her melt into me, pulling desperately at her clothes eager to get closer to her. Once we were both naked I picked her up and wrapped those long legs of hers around me and we fell into bed, with her on top of me, she guided my throbbing erection into her sleek heat and when I felt her move on top of me I had to fight not to cum instantly.
I walked across the courtyard towards the barn with one mission, to find Nix, ravish him and relieve all my stress and pent up frustration. A sniffle stopped me and Anna stood leaned against the wall with tears in her eyes.
“Anna, babe, what's wrong?” I asked 
“Spiers was wounded and send of the line and i haven't heard anything since the jeep drove off with him” Anna said
“I am sure he is alright, but I will find out and let you know” I hugged her and returned to my mission
I found Nix just inside the door of the barn and when I put my hands on his arm he threw his cigarette and dragged me with him to his room.
That night I got the stress relief I so desperately craved, when he fell asleep I got dressed, met up with my squad and headed for france.
When I woke up she was gone again, Jo a ghost indeed.
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thatone16216 · 2 months
Portgas D Ace x fem reader
Chapter 3
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The rest of the day goes by without much drama. I mean, looks and whispers follow me, but other than that I haven't had too much trouble. Nami introduced me to her friends, so I have people to hang out with, I guess. They weren't bad. Aside from Ace, Robin, and Vivi, who I met this morning, I met some guys named Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Frankie - who's Robin's boyfriend, and Ace's two brothers, Luffy and Sabo. I also met Sabo's girlfriend, Koala, and Usopp's girlfriend, Kaya, both of whom I instantly took a liking to. 
They are considered the "popular crowd", and I am now one of them by association. It's cool, I guess, but I wish the eyes following me through the hallways would disappear. Luffy is the youngest and the only sophomore in the group. Sabo, Robin, Frankie, and Koala are seniors, and the rest of them are in my grade. Juniors. 
They were all nice, and all of them pretty much stole my phone to put their numbers in it, so I guess this means I've been claimed. Well, having lunch with friends is a lot better than my original plan of eating with Law in the nurse's office. 
I exit the building, looking for Killer. I instantly spotted his tow truck in the pick up line for students. He must have come straight from dropping a car off at the shop. I hop in the passenger seat and buckle my seatbelt. "Hey, kid sister," he greets, using my nickname he gave me all those years ago. I smile at him. "Hey, Mom." He starts the car and away we go.
As we drive we talk about whatever comes into our minds and I scream along to the music on the radio. Killer hates this little habit of mine and Kid's, but we can't help it. Metal music is the best, no questions asked. 
We pull into the garage and I hear Kid's playlist blaring through the air. I jump out of the truck and run straight for my brother. "KID!" I shout, before jumping on him. He has just enough time to put down the stuff he was carrying before I barrel into him. He chuckles as he picks me up like I'm no bigger than a child. Which, compared to him, I guess is true.
When he puts me down, he grins at me. "Guess what, [Name]? I was lookin' around the car yard and I found a Boss Mustang in there. I took a look, and I think we could restore it. It'll take a while but..." he trails off, thinking, while I secretly celebrate. I've been wanting to restore a car for a while, ever since we moved into the place. I did some exploring when I first got here and found a few classic I wouldn't mind fixing. 
I drop my bag and hug him again. "Let me get changed and we can get started!" I squeal. Kid chuckles as I run upstairs to my room.
I quickly strip out of my uniform and change into a somewhat cute yet extremely practical look. Red t-shirt, black overalls, and a red bandanna. I put on my work boots and head back downstairs.
My earliest memory is one of the few good ones I have of my father. He was a mechanic, like Kid, and my memory is of him holding me while teaching Kid how to fix up his 1977 Firebird. When he died, it was supposed to go to Kid, but when our mother left us, she sold it. Kid has been keeping tabs on it, somehow, and now that he actually has money put away, he's planning to buy it back the first chance he gets.
As I head into the garage, I see Killer and Heat bringing the mustang in. I walk over and join my brother in observing the body. It's definitely been sitting outside for a while, and could really use a nice wash and fresh coat of paint, but aside from replacing a headlight, there doesn't appear to be anything outwardly wrong with the body of it. 
Once the car is ready, I examine the interior of the car while Kid gets to work looking at the engine. The seats definitely need to be replaced, as well as the dashboard. I note a few other minor repairs that need to be made before the bell above the customer area of the shop rings.
The others are busy with other things, so I head to the office. I walk in, wiping grease off my hands with a spare rag. I notice a figure standing by the counter and I make my way over. "Hi! Welcome to Hot Rod Revolt, how can I help you?" "HEY! ITS [NAME]!" I hear a somewhat familiar voice yell.
I notice that the figure is Luffy, and just after he says that Ace walks through the door. "Oh, hey [Name]!" Ace says, cheerfully. I smile politely at him. "Hey, guys. What brings you here, today?" I ask. Ace rubs the back of his head. "Well... you see... I may have been driving and I may have crashed my car a little and I may need it fixed really fast before my father finds out and both takes my car away and kills me?"
I giggle a little and nod. "Sure, let me take a look at the damages?" Ace sighs in relief. "Thanks [Name]. You're a lifesaver," he says as he leads me to his car. It's a red Jeep Wrangler, which makes me laugh, because of course he has a Jeep. I inspect the outer damages. The hood is popped up and dented, as well as the front bumper. 
As I turn to grab one of the guys, Kid walks out of the garage, wiping grease off his hand. "Well, you certainly fucked that car up, didn't you?" He asks. He holds his hand out toward Ace. "I'm going to need the keys in order to fix it," He says, holding out his hand.
Ace places the keys in his hand and Kid gets in the Jeep. He starts it, backing it into the garage. Luffy gets distracted by something and wanders off, leaving Ace and I alone. "So..." I trail off, awkwardly trying to find something to say. "So?" Ace asks, amused. I blush, turning my head away, when I spot the car yard gate is open. "Hey, wanna see something cool?" I ask him. Ace nods. "Yeah, sure. I got time."
I grab his arm and pull him into the car yard. Dozens of dusty, rusty, and old cars and parts are scattered about the ground. The faded reds, blues, and other colors providing spots of color in the yard. I let go of Ace and let him look around, inspecting all of the cars. I sit on the hood of an old VW Bug, watching as Ace inspects all the cars.
"So why'd you bring me here?" He asks after a while. I shrug. "I couldn't think of anything to talk about, so rather than stand in awkward silence I decided to bring you back here so you can look at cars," I say with a grin. He chuckles and comes to sit next to me, so close that our shoulders are touching. 
The two of us chat about anything, just hanging out and talking. Luffy was in the garage, distracting everyone from working. That ended abruptly when Kid threw him out, yelling at him to "shut the fuck up and leave him alone". I giggle watching that happen, as Luffy spots us and jumps right up, running over and yelling about food. 
Kid comes out of the garage a few minutes later, walking over to the three of us. If he had eyebrows, he would have raised one at how close Ace and I were sitting. The look he gave me definitely says, "we're discussing this later". I roll my eyes. There's nothing to discuss. At least, I don't think there is. 
"All I really needed to do was straighten out the hood and bumper, get the dents out of it. Your car looks as good as new, and I even put a new inspection sticker on it. Bring it back here if there are any other problems, but I think I fixed it all." Ace nods along to what Kid is saying, smiling with every word. "Okay, thanks dude!" He says, grabbing Luffy. As the two get in the car to drive off, Ace pops back out. "[Name]! I owe ya one!" He says. He gives me a half hug and gets in his car. 
As he drives away, I can't help but let a small smile slip. He's cute. I'll give him that. He's also funny and sweet. I noticed that while we were talking, he talked a lot about his brothers, and from what I could tell, he cares about them very much. I found myself feeling something for the boy, something I haven't felt for anyone before. I know what it is, because I'm not stupid, but I just haven't ever met anyone that has made me feel this way before. 
It's different. In a nice way.
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leonbloder · 10 months
All The Dirt That Got Left Out
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To begin with, this Devo's origins are all due to bad plumbing and a massive hole outside my office door that had to be dug to repair it. 
A couple of months ago, the toilet in our church office ceased to work. Upon inspection, the plumber we called to investigate began pulling up tree roots as he sought to unclog everything. 
Apparently, the sub-par pipe situation below ground had finally given way, and things broke apart, so a re-route was needed, which included a ton of digging and the destruction of part of the sidewalk.  
Several weeks and a few bids later, we hired a plumbing specialist to rectify the situation, and they got to work by first jackhammering the sidewalk and breaking apart a ton of rock below the ground. 
All of this occurred outside my office door, which made for some unpleasant and teeth-jarring experiences as I tried in vain to work while it was happening. 
But after all was said and done, the repairs were made, new cement was applied to the sidewalk, and dirt was put back into the hole dug to complete the work. 
Which brings me to the point of this story. 
A massive pile of dirt got left out, along with a bunch of rocks.  And when I say "massive pile," I'm not exaggerating.  It was substantial enough that I was taken aback at first.  
This left me wondering: "If they got all that dirt out of the hole as they dug it, why didn't it all fit back in?"
There is a reasonable explanation for this, which many of my engineering friends would be happy to relate.  And this is not my first time seeing something like this happen.   
The bottom line is that there was no room in the hole for some of the dirt unearthed.  Things changed after they dug down, and only some things needed to be put back in.  
As I stood there looking at the pile of dirt outside of my office door, I realized there was a spiritual lesson in all of it.  
So many people refuse to dig deep into the depths of their faith and beliefs because a part of them knows things will be different after they do it. 
When we dig deep into our faith and unearth the problems with what we say we believe or the issues that affect our faith, some things won't fit back in the hole we dug. 
This is right and good.  Because if we don't do the hard work of digging deep, the problems and issues with our faith and beliefs can cause much damage.  But the likelihood is high that there are things we won't put back. 
This can be frightening for some of us.  Maybe we even deluded ourselves into thinking there weren't any problems beneath the surface from the outset.  Or we can't imagine how things would be with so much left out of the hole. 
We all need to hear this: 
Digging deep into our faith and beliefs is an act of faithful discipleship.  It's not an exercise in doubt, quite the contrary.  It's the very thing that must be done for us to live more abundantly and fully.  
Imagine how different our world would be if more people from all religions began to practice this.  Imagine people digging deeply into their faith and beliefs and discovering that deluded, myopic, and fundamentalist expressions of their faith and beliefs no longer fit. 
Imagine a world where scriptural literalism was left on the pile.  Or misogynistic practices.  Or hatred of others because of their religion.  Or bigotry, racism, and homophobia. 
What if more and more of us left all those unnecessary and harmful ideas in the dustbin of history, refusing to put them back into spiritual holes that we eventually fill up in other, more life-giving, world-changing ways?
I don't know about you, but that sounds like heaven right here on Earth. 
May it be so for all of us.  And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all now and forever. Amen.  
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niqhtlord01 · 3 years
Humans are weird: The Black Fleet Part I
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
“After the final battle of Singapore the last vestiges of human resistance on the planet was all but broken.”
Martel listened to the automated message as he looked at the exhibit.
Behind the thick plasteel window laid the burnt remains of a human goliath tank. Scorch marks from plasma weapons dotted along its hull with a deep scar like gash cutting through the turret and revealing the insides. If Martel peered closely enough he thought he could almost see the human driver’s remains still where at the controls.
He was so caught up with the tank he failed to notice his son calling for his attention.
“Come on!” Pael called to his father as he ran into the next exhibit.
Martel had promised to take him to the museum for his birthing day though he had underestimated how overly dull it was. He passed by several others who were looking over the battle remains and went into the next room as the automated narrator continued.
“Within the next five solar rotations the planet was entirely free from the warlike humans and work on building a new paradise soon commenced.”
Martel found his son looking over a diorama of the first Ethereal city plans that were laid out shortly after the war with humanity had ended. Their scope was awe inspiring as he noted the size of some cities spanned entire continents and were planned to perfectly balance nature and the ever growing new population.
“Did we really wipe out all the monsters?” Pael asked his father as he joined him over at the diorama. He was amused that he still refused to call them by their name and would only address them as such.
“Yes, all of the monsters were destroyed on the planet.” Martel chuckled.
“But what about the ones not on the planet?” his son asked as he walked over to a picture showing an Ethereal fleet over the once proud human homeworld.
“They fled into space with what ships available.” Martel began before he saw his son becoming anxious and decided to ease his mind. “But they were poorly made things and in the last five hundred years not a single one of them has been seen since.”
Pael’s smile returned and he was about to go into the human fashion exhibit when the automated narrator cut out and an announcement was played.
“Attention all visitors,” the pa began, “we apologize for the inconvenience but we are closing the museum early today; please head to the nearest exit and return to your homes.”
Martel listened as the message repeated itself when something outside the window caught his eye.
Across the garden square in front of the museum Martel could see others begin led out of buildings and a line of armored vehicles driving down the streets.
He made to grab hold of Pael and follow the other visitors out of the museum, but when he turned around his son was nowhere to be seen.
“Unknown vessels, you have entered Ethereal Domotatus controlled space, respond immediately.”
The communications officer waited for a response but was met only with silence. They looked over their shoulder at their commander and shook their head.
From his command throne the station keeper Leptonious sat with growing frustration.
Not more than two hours had passed since outlying sensor beacons started sounding off as a large number of unidentified vessels began appearing at the edge of the system. Closer analysis had come up largely negative across the board for identifying the ships and were it not for their engines thermal signatures the sensors may not have even registered them at all. When Leptonious ordered a visual display of the ships the images transmitted back further confounded the station command staff.
The ships exteriors were painted entirely in a black like substance that appeared to suck the light in as if it was a black hole. There were no windows or docking ports of any kind and in the dark vacuum of space their very outline was barely visible against the starry backdrop.
In all his years running the orbital station of Sigma 7 he had not once come across a species with such ship designs and the fact that they had approached this close without a challenge further infuriated him as his record would surely be stained.
Station Keeper stood up from his command throne and strode over to the communications terminal and pushed the officer there aside.
“This is Station Keeper Leptonious,” Leptonious announced loudly into the terminal communicator, “you will halt your progress into our territory and iden-“
A loud screech of static cut off Leptonious and drowned out the rest of the room as it overloaded the speaker systems. The bridge crew dropped what they were doing and covered their ears from the sudden violent assault; some even collapsing to their knees weeping as the screech fluctuated pitch and tone rapidly.
After nearly a straight minute of this Leptonious was about to manually cut the transmission when the screeching stopped.
The bridge crew slowly recovered and resumed their posts when the communications began transmitting again.
“We……are here.”
Sounding soft and distant at the same time many of the bridge crew could not even register what had just been said after the previous screeching. Thankfully Leptonious could and reacted immediately.
“Unidentified vessels,” Leptonious began again, “you have entered Ethereal Domotatus territory and-“
The single word cut off the station keeper mid-sentence like a knife through hot butter. Leptonious infuriated with the interruption and was about to unleash a lethal dose of obscenities when he noticed his sensor officer waving him down.
Switching the view screen from a visual image to tactical display Leptonious’s eyes went wide in horror.
Whoever these unidentified vessels were they weren’t just approaching from a single approach into the system; they were appearing around the entire system at once. One by one ships began registering one after another coming in from every angle, even from below and above the galactic plain. Soon the entire sensor display was awash with a swarm of red icons, all seemingly making for the station itself.
“Not your territory;” The voice sounded off again from the communicator, “ours.”
Leptonious gathered what pride he had still and challenged this claim.
“And by what right do you believe you can claim ownership of this system?
There was a long silence before the communications lit up with the response.
“By right of birth…..”
Leptonious dropped the communicator and took a step back in shock while the rest bridge crew looked on in confusion as the red icons slowly continued their progress to the core world. The final message was transmitted before the bridge crew broke down into urgent panic and began issuing a series of mobilization orders to the surrounding system fleets and the planet below.
“We are humanity, and we have returned for our home.”
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doctorstethoscope · 3 years
The Right Chapter 6 || Aaron Hotchner x Fem Reader
Happy Saturday my loves! Another short update today but I promise that Tuesday’s chapter will be longer and that you’ll love it. 
contains: canon-typical description of violence, guns, blood
wordcount: 1.6k
“Garcia, tell me you have something helpful.” Hotch groaned into the phone. This case had not been an easy one.
“Hotch, something’s wrong. (Y/N) called me from the station with a theory and then I heard a man and she gasped and the line went dead.” Garcia spilled out as fast as she could. 
Aaron felt his jaw tighten immediately. He placed a hand on Rossi’s shoulder, and the look on his face told Rossi to round up the rest of the team, even if he didn’t know why. Aaron took off towards an SUV, not waiting for the rest of the team. “And you’re sure? The call didn’t just drop?” Hotch asked.
“Hotch., I’m sure. Drive fast.”
“Call the rest of the team and let them know. They’re in the car behind me but they don’t know why.” Hotch said, hanging up the phone and dropping it into the cupholder as he pressed his foot down on the accelerator. 
He was driving too fast, taking wide turns, and he was sure that if you were here in the car with him you would have been commanding you to slow down, with both hands dramatically wrapped around the handle above the passenger side door. But you weren’t here, and he didn’t know exactly where you were, or if you were safe, and so he pressed down on the accelerator even further, pushing the engine well past its intended limits. He whipped the car into park outside the front door of the police station, not waiting for the others before charging towards the front door. 
“Hotch!” Rossi called after him. “You need a vest. Get back here. We need a strategy, we can’t just rush the building.” 
“The rest of you take the back.” Hotch called in response, as a strategy. Looking amongst themselves, the rest of the team wordlessly appoints Morgan to follow Hotch, and he takes off after him as soon as his vest is strapped in. 
“Hotch-- Garcia called while we were in the car. (Y/N)’s theory was that the unsub was anti-government in some way. Like the system had failed him or something.” He explained lowly as they made their way through the empty station lobby, moving towards the back, where the bullpen and their makeshift office was. 
The first thing Hotch noticed was you, the unsub’s hand around your throat and his gun pressed to your temple. You’re bleeding from your forehead, but you’re conscious. The unsub was using you as a human shield. Then, Aaron noticed that in a room full of armed officers, not one had their weapon drawn. The group of them all had their hands raised in surrender. And then he saw why-- one of the officers, bleeding, slumped against the far wall. 
“What are we going to do? Even if the rest of the team can sneak up on him from the back, we can’t take him down without hurting her.” Morgan asked. 
“Just follow my lead.” Aaron said, swinging open the door with his gun drawn, catching the attention of everyone in the room. He locked eyes with you, giving you an almost imperceptible nod, one that said “I’ve got you” without saying anything at all.
“Well well, it looks like your friends did show up!” The unsub said, gripping your neck a little tighter and shaking you back and forth. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner of the FBI. Let her go and put the gun down.” Aaron said steelily, not breaking eye contact with the unsub. 
“Awful rude of you to walk in here and start making demands without even getting to know me, don’t you think?” 
“I know everything I need to know about you.”
“Sure you do. Now, you and Muscles behind you can both put your guns away before you make me shoot another one of these good-for-nothing beat cops.” 
Aaron weighed his options for a moment. If the unsub brandished his weapon at the officers with intent to kill, he and Morgan would have to take the shot. And maybe it would work. Or maybe the unsub would jerk his body just the wrong way, and the bullet that Aaron shot from his gun would tear through your frame, and you’d collapse, blood pouring out of you, and he’d have to lift you off the floor just like he lifted Haley-- he took in a sharp breath and tucked his gun back into the holster.  Morgan followed suit. The door behind the unsub, the one he had dragged you back in through what felt like a million years ago, clicked into place and the usub turned around quickly, meeting the eyes of JJ, Prentiss, Reid and Rossi. 
“Ah, ah. All of you, too. Guns away, and go ahead and stand over there with your friends.”  The team looked to Aaron, who nodded, and then they followed orders. “And not one of you is going to even bother asking my name?”
“What’s your name?” Prentiss asked, not a hint of interest in her voice. You might have laughed if you weren’t so focused on not hyperventilating.
“Alec. Gordon. Not that you care,” He rolled his eyes. “I’m the guy who’s going to take out an FBI Agent in the middle of nowhere, Kentucky. That’s what they’ll remember me for. I’ll matter then.” He spits out. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Reid mumble something. Alec is still ranting and raving, but you’re too dizzy, too breathless, to really pay attention. You watch Aaron’s chest rise and fall, tensing when you realize he’s the only member of your team not wearing a vest. Why wasn’t he wearing a vest? Alec must have felt your muscles tense up under his grasp. 
“Getting nervous, are we? Don’t worry, It’ll all be over soon.” He said, tracing the gun down your cheekbone to your chin. You swallowed, willing yourself not to look at the team, not to let them see your eyes filled with fear in your last moments. Suddenly, Reid speaks, interrupting Gordon.
“Alec, I know someone in power failed you. But taking it out on the people in this room isn’t going to help. Who was it, who did you tell about the abuse you were facing at home, who did you trust enough to share that with, and then they did nothing?” Reid asks, and your face scrunches up in confusion. How had they figured all of that out in such a short period of time? And if they knew all of that, how did they not know his name when they came in?
“Where to start, agent? There’s the principal, who watched my father strike me, the paramedic who corrected my broken arm but never filed a report, the firefighter who responded the first time I called 911 but was too scared to say anything. You all consider yourself to be protectors, public servants, even though you just want power. But who protected me? Not one of you. You’ll all pay for it now.” 
“Alec, she isn’t who you want.” You hear Aaron’s voice cut through the loud pounding of your heartbeat. “You want someone in power? That’s me. I’m in charge of this unit. Let her go, and I’ll let you take me. 
“Hotch!” You gasped, speaking for the first time since he’d walked in. The whole team seemed to jump. You started kicking against the unsubs legs with renewed vigor, even though it did nothing to free you. “Hotch, no! Jack needs you. Stop!” 
He didn’t stop. He stepped forward, not looking you in the eye, but staring the unsub down. “Agent, be quiet. That’s an order.” 
Something in his tone shut you up immediately, and your eyes welled up with tears. Hotch was about to die, in your place, and the last words you were ever going to hear him say were him barking at you like some rookie. And he wasn’t going to know how much you loved him. 
“Here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to get down on my knees. You are going to put your gun in the air, and you’re going to release my agent. I will hand you my cuffs, you will cuff me, and then you will let all of these people go. When you’re ready, you put that gun up in the air for me,” Aaron said, still not meeting your eyes. You were fully crying now, shoulders shaking even as you stayed silent per Aaron’s request.
“Pass your gun to one of your buddies, first.” 
 You watched as Aaron unholstered his weapon and passed it to Prentiss. Why was she letting him do this? Why were all of them allowing this? Aaron knelt down, and you felt the cool metal of the gun move away from your face and the unsub’s grip on you loosen. You look down at Aaron and his posture is bent, his back arched as he reaches behind him. Without warning, Alec shoves you towards Morgan and you collapse into his arms, instantly hearing a shot ring out in the otherwise silent room.
You tuck into Morgan’s chest, loud, shuddering sobs racking through your body. It should have been you. You wished that it was. 
“We need a medic!” You hear Aaron’s voice call out, and he… doesn’t sound injured at all, actually. He sounds very much alive. 
You whip your body around so fast that Morgan has to catch you so you don’t fall. The unsub is on the floor, bleeding from his thigh. Prentiss has him in cuffs. Hotch is holding the Glock 26 that he keeps in his ankle holster. You look him over once, twice, three times. He’s unharmed. You collapse. 
  @the-modernmary @greeneyedblondie44 @angelic-kisses13 @wanniiieeee @hotforhotchner11  @baumarvel @ssamorganhotchner @zheezs14 @ijustwannaread2k19    @romanogersendgame
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flowesona · 4 years
Wicker Man - yandere! jungkook x reader
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so my child @babeejk​ wanted a y! sugar daddy jungkook, and i live for nothing if not to fulfil her jungkook obsession so here we are. 
word count: 2.1k
pairing: y! jungkook x gn! reader
Most people (Y/N)’s age would spend their Friday night partying, hanging out with friends, trying new things. But (Y/N) was spending the best days of their life entertaining a young, rich CEO who would no doubt dump them for a new pretty face in a few years.
Jungkook was a sweet gentleman. Always made payments on time, and usually never pushed the boundaries. But there were instances where his hands crept a little too far for (Y/N)’s liking, or his grip on (Y/N)’s arm got a little too tight in the presence of his friends.
He was peaceful enough that Friday night, having ordered takeout for the two of them and put on a movie. Clearly, he needed the company of (Y/N) more than their body as most of their previous sugar daddies had coveted.
With (Y/N) placing their plate down onto the coffee table and relaxing into his arms to watch the movie, it was almost like they were dating. Jungkook didn’t dare push this idea often, happy to stick to the simple domesticity they had as if they were already in love and nothing needed to be said.
He pressed a kiss on the back of (Y/N)’s neck, enjoying the fleeting feeling of his lips on their skin. 
“You seem tired, baby. Want to go to bed?” The film was reaching its climax, but (Y/N)’s eyes were barely able to stay open.
“Mmmmm.” They replied, not protesting as he lifted them like a bride and carried them into his room to rest on his king sized bed.
(Y/N) had allowed a gentle smile to settle on their lips, their eyes having drifted closed. Jungkook settled himself beside them, feeling equally as at peace.
“I wish every night could be like this.” He mused allowed. “Would you like that, baby?”
(Y/N) was only his for two nights a week - Fridays and Saturdays, wherein he would often have them stay for the night.
“Mmmmm.” (Y/N) gave an ambiguous grumble as he hooked his arms around their chest to spoon them.
“Really? I can’t wait, baby. I love you, so much.”
The morning after, (Y/N) woke up to an empty bed. Unusual, considering that Jungkook loved to wake up beside them and talk in the morning. Brushing that aside they stood up and padded out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.
Jungkook was seated at the counter, glasses perched on his nose and his laptop in front of him next to a steaming cup of hot water (allegedly, it had health benefits but (Y/N) had never understood it).
“Good morning, baby.” Jungkook had a bright smile, beckoning them to join him at the counter. (Y/N) followed his instructions, hopping onto the stool beside him and leaning on his shoulder in a move they knew he adored.
“I’ve been working hard for you this morning, baby. You know, I want to get this done as soon as possible so we can be together.”
“That’s good.” (Y/N) hummed in reply.
“How do you feel about the moving company getting there at two today? That’ll give us time to have lunch on the way.” Jungkook ran his hand down their arm, soothing them as he noticed how they tensed up.
“So you can move in, baby. Of course, you don’t have to bring everything here and I’ll be more than happy to buy anything extra you need-”
“Wait, wait, wait a second.” (Y/N) breathed out slowly. “Moving in?”
“We talked about it last night. You agreed, didn’t you?” (Y/N) scrunched up their nose, trying to recall the conversation but drawing a blank.
“No, I never agreed to that. And I never would. It’d break the terms of our contract.”
Jungkook had such a sincere look of hurt in his eyes that it tugged at (Y/N)’s heartstrings.
“We don’t need that contract, baby. We just need each other. You know I’ll give you anything you want, right?” 
“And what I want… no, what I need… is for some space. This is just my part time hustle, I still have college and a life outside of this. I want to keep it to two days a week, otherwise it’ll blur the lines between you as a sugar daddy and you as a boyfriend.” (Y/N) tried not to let their irritation show as they spoke.
“Fuck the lines, (Y/N)! We don’t need any of those labels, I just want you to be mine as much as I am yours!” Their companion’s grip on their arm had grown tighter to the point that his nails started to draw blood. Realising this, (Y/N) pried his hand away and stood up.
“I’m sorry if I’d misled you. But I’m not looking for that kind of relationship with you, I’m just looking for strictly business. If this doesn’t work, maybe we should end this.” 
Jungkook stared at them incredulously.
“Well…” He bit his lip, deep in thought. “Fine. Life will go on, I guess. I’ll call up the moving company and cancel it. Let’s not end this beautiful thing we have over a silly argument.”
(Y/N) nodded, although they had a horrible feeling in their stomach that it was not the end of the conversation, and Jungkook would stop at nothing to get his way.
(Y/N) had chosen to make Thursday a ‘me’ day. They cooked themselves breakfast and lunch, did some online shopping and applied a face mask. They had zero intentions of visiting anyone else, when all they wanted to do was de-stress from life.
As they were lighting a candle and listening to some Beethoven, a shrill alarm rang out.
‘Huh. They don’t normally hold the drill today.’ (Y/N) shrugged, waiting for it to cease. However, it didn’t stop.
After a few minutes, (Y/N) grabbed their phone and stepped outside, only to see people hurrying down the stairs. 
“Hurry! Fire!” One of her neighbours yelled, jogging past them. 
Their eyes widened, but sure enough they could see smoke curling throughout the air and they knew they had no time to lose. Leaving their apartment with only their phone in hand, (Y/N) followed their neighbours down the stairs and out of the building, standing on the pavement as they watched the flames licking at the building and smoke billowing out of the open windows. Soon enough there were fire engines on the scene and ambulances to deal with the people who’d inhaled too much smoke. 
(Y/N) found themselves sitting on the pavement, numb with shock. To think everything they owned was going up in the flames was terrifying, even as they saw the firefighters doing everything to minimise the damage. 
“(Y/N)! Baby!” Their state of shock was broken by someone yelling their name, and suddenly they were pulled into a tight hug.
“Baby, thank god you’re okay. I don’t know what I would’ve done if something happened to you.” 
“Jungkook?” (Y/N) instantly recognised the voice. “What- How-”
“I was in the area when I heard about what happened. I came as quickly as I could.” Jungkook pressed a kiss to (Y/N)’s forehead. 
“You need to rest. Come back to my place, okay?”
(Y/N) had ended up staying there far longer than intended. Their apartment had been completely wrecked by the fire, since it had started on their floor. Every possession of theirs, gone so quickly, although of course Jungkook insisted on replacing whatever they wanted.
Jungkook seemed to be very much content with their prolonged stay. In fact, he’d been working from home for the first few days to make sure they were settled in and not feeling too lonely. (Y/N) would sit with him in his home office, since they didn’t really have much else to do, and scroll on their phone until he inevitably called them over to cuddle with him. 
The young man had become progressively bolder with his skinship, never holding back from pressing kisses to their neck or holding them a bit too tightly to his crotch. They hadn’t done ‘it’ yet, but with how he was acting it was only a matter of time. 
They were just sitting together, (Y/N) scrolling through instagram and Jungkook answering some emails when the desk phone rang. Jungkook reached around them to answer it, holding it to his ear for a few seconds before putting it back down.
“Your nintendo switch has just been delivered. I need to go down to the lobby and sign for it. Are you okay waiting here for a few minutes?” Jungkook pouted, as (Y/N) nodded in reply.
He pressed a kiss to their cheek before standing up.
“Don’t miss me too much, baby.” He smiled before leaving. 
(Y/N) let out a breath they didn’t realise they’d been holding in whilst he was there. But now, they were bored as ever. 
A chime rang out, and (Y/N) found their attention drawn to Jungkook’s phone, sitting there innocently. They reached over and picked it up, only seeing a text from his mother asking about dinner plans next week. But they noted how he’d changed his lockscreen to a picture of them, from a few nights ago when they’d accompanied him to a formal event and he’d asked one of his colleagues to take a picture of them together.
(Y/N) suddenly had something to do. They set about trying to unlock Jungkook’s phone, first trying their fingerprint and face ID but to no avail. Then, realising that he had a numeral password they tried typing in a few dates - his birthday, his parent’s anniversary. Then, out of sheer boredom and with only one attempt they tried their own birthday only for them to be granted access to his lockscreen.
‘Jeez, he needs to get a life if he’s that whipped for me.’ They sighed, as they scrolled through his phone. Nothing was particularly out of the ordinary, until they checked the photo gallery, to be met with tons of pictures of them. Screenshots from social media, snaps from their ‘dates’, selfies with them fast asleep in his arms. It was enough to make (Y/N) shudder with fright.
Another message popped up.
‘I need the other half of the payment, sir, or I will be contacting the police.’
(Y/N) clicked on it, expecting business talk only to be met with something else entirely. Fear settled in their stomach as they scrolled up through the messages.
‘(Y/N) has been evacuated outside, doesn’t seem to have been hurt.’
‘Someone’s called emergency services, but the fire should spread far enough that (Y/N)’s apartment will be damaged.’
‘I’ve started it, it’s spreading quickly.’
It didn’t take a genius to realise what had happened. 
(Y/N) dropped Jungkook’s phone on the floor in shock, standing up immediately. They’d walked right into his arms without hesitation, they’d played into his plan perfectly. Jungkook always got what he wanted, no matter the cost.
‘I have to get out of here.’
(Y/N) started for the door, only stopping to tuck their phone into their pocket. They were just by the entrance to the penthouse when they heard talking outside.
They knew they had to hide, but it was too late. 
Jungkook burst through the door, accompanied by a stern faced delivery driver carrying a large box. This was subsequently placed by the door and he made a swift exit, avoiding (Y/N)’s existence the entire time.
“Ah, baby I missed you. Here, come and see what I bought for you.” Jungkook beckoned to them, but one look at their face told him he’d read their mood entirely wrong.
“What’s wrong, baby?” He cooed as he approached them. “Tell me, and I’ll fix it for you.”
“Get the hell away from me.” (Y/N) snapped. Jungkook froze. “I know what you did. What the hell is wrong with you? I could’ve died in that fire?”
His face became stern.
“I would never have allowed that to happen. I just wanted to give you a little push to move in with me, that’s all.” 
“You’re insane!”
“And you’re too stubborn to progress our relationship!” Jungkook bit back. “Can’t you see how hard I try to make you happy? Is that not enough for you to love me?”
“I never want to see you again.” (Y/N) huffed, trying to show past him only to be caught in his iron grip. 
“You’re not going anywhere.”
(Y/N) struggled, but Jungkook’s determination was stronger than their body weight.
“Maybe I am crazy, baby. And you know what that means?” He leant in close, so (Y/N) could feel the warmth of his breath. “You never know what I’m going to do next. So don’t try me unless you want to get burnt.”
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Honey I'm Still Free
This is a commissioned fic that @danniburgh wrote for me, and I'm absolutely In Love. Her commissions are open as of posting this, and she's amazing.
Marcus Pike × F!reader
No warnings, just fluff and mention of Marcus's past bad relationships.
He was new.
A new face to know.
And he was cheerful; almost too cheerful.
He was happy; you met him as a happy man, self realized, self assured, self-centered but not egotistical; he was kind, and he was good. And he was happy.
Marcus Pike arrived at the D.C. FBI office and you were the one that gave him the welcome tour; in between directions and pointings at where which room was located and who worked where, he told you almost everything about himself and that kicked off an unexpected friendship. One that began inside the four walls of his office and the four walls of yours, and the glass walls of the shared conference room that separated them and that most often than not, was used as a lunch room.
When you met Marcus, he was a once divorced, newly engaged man that was waiting patiently for his bride to arrive and live with him what he described as a life he wanted; he told you everything he had to tell about his girlfriend and how he felt, deep inside of him, that she was the one.
Until she broke up with him.
Then, as if by magic, or as if someone had flicked a switch, Marcus changed.
You didn’t understand, whenever you analyzed it, why a woman would leave a man like him; whenever you put a little bit of thought on the matter you came to the same conclusion: there was no good reason. The truth of the matter was, even having met Marcus for no more than a month when that went down, that he was a good man. And everyone that walked around him or worked with him or even talked to him knew it.
Marcus Pike was a good man with a good, kind, warm soul that radiated nothing but care and love for others; he was stern and he was good at his job; he managed a team like no other agent you saw before but, at the end of the workday; when all the reports had been signed, when all the field agents had called in and Marcus lit his desk lamp to finish the last of the paperwork of the day, when the floor was quiet enough to hear the cars drive sporadically on the highway next to the building, he was craving for something more. Something he didn’t have and he was desperate for. Love.
Six months into you knowing Marcus, as he laughed at a bad joke you told him, with his head thrown back and his lids closed and the wrinkles on the sides of his eyes showing at full contrast, you realized you had fallen in love with him.
But you didn’t fight it; it felt right. You knew he was still struggling with the fact that two serious relationships in his life had failed in what he described as a miserable, sad, incredibly stupid manner. 
The remnants of that pain were still noticeable; when he looked outside the window for more time that he wanted to admit, whenever he heard a certain song on the radio, whenever someone mentioned any lines from Casablanca, the glowing ashes of the hot, scorching pain he had yet to get rid of and extinguish could be seen from his eyes.
You knew and you understood him; he needed time; he needed support to get out of the house in flames he was inside of because of people that didn’t know what they wanted. And you, as he hugged you goodbye, resolved you were gonna be there for him.
As you drove home, you realized there was some selfishness behind your resolution; but you figured out as much. You were in love with him, and besides trying to help him be himself; as you had met him or better, you hoped, just further back in your mind and your heart, he would notice you were there. Waiting for him to be the man he wanted to be.
When you opened your front door and you slipped out of your shoes, you thought of how would he react if you told him you were falling in love with him; you knew he wouldn’t let you wait for him like a damsel expecting a brave prince or a knight in shiny armor galloping to you on a mighty stallion. But you weren’t dropping everything until he decided he was better… You were just hoping he would notice you were there. And that was rightfully enough reason for you to do it. 
And you were his friend.
The next morning you texted him before going out to work if he was in the mood for some pancakes; immediately getting a big YES in all caps as a response. You drove to your favorite diner; which had quickly become his too. And walked out of there with two white plastic bags filled with pancakes for him and waffles for you.
“Oh my god, bless you!” Marcus let out as you walked into his office with the two big bags. You gave him a smile as he moved his stuff to the side so you could put the bags down.
“Since when are you devoted, Mr. Pike?” you teased, when you put the bags on the desk and pushed his towards the other side, towards him.
“Since my best friend brings me breakfast,” he raised his eyebrows and pulled out the styrofoam packet from the bag and a plastic fork “how much do I owe you?” Marcus asked as he opened the plate and bit his lower lip when the chocolate chip and strawberry pancakes saluted him from the dish.
“Nothing?” you replied, doing the same with your honey caramel waffles, Marcus rolled his eyes.
“Then lunch is on me.” he shrugged, lifting his tie and loosening it a bit from around his neck, throwing it on his shoulder, you scoffed and saw him dig into the pancakes with a small smile adorning your features.
“The least you could do, baby.” you teased, making him smile through his pancake bite.
When lunch hour arrived that same day; he knocked on your door and opened it before you could say come in. He stuck his head inside your office and smiled at you.
“Lunch?” he asked with his eyebrows raised and his small smirk on his face, you reciprocated his smile and nodded, standing up from your chair and closing your computer.
“What are we ordering?” you asked as you walked around your desk and he opened the door wide.
“No, we’re going out.” he let out lowly. You narrowed your eyes as you crossed the threshold and he started walking towards the elevators.
“To what do I owe this honor?” you asked, following him, Marcus chuckled.
“What do you mean?” he said as he clicked the elevator button to call it.
“You’ve never taken me out to lunch, Marcus.” you remarked, the elevator doors opened and he frowned.
“Really?” he questioned, you nodded and hummed in affirmation as the both of you walked into the metal box. “why?” he chuckled.
“What do you mean why?” you laughed at his reaction.
“I mean…” he started, crossing his arms on his chest “we’ve been close almost since I arrived, don’t we?” you nodded with a small smile on your face, Marcus blinked a few times “I feel like we would've gone out together, at least once…” he said with a shrug.
“No, not once.” you remarked again as the elevator door opened on the basement parking lot and you walked out.
“Well, that’s on me, then, I’m the asshole friend.” he let out as he nodded his chin in direction to his car, you chuckled.
“Not an asshole, a busy friend.” you tried to reassure him as he remotely unlocked the car and the both of you hopped inside at the same time. 
“I shouldn’t be busy for you, anyway,” he muttered, pushing the ignition button to turn on the engine. “I mean, you’re the one that helps me the most around here, I should be more grateful.”
“Nah,” you whispered as you buckled your seatbelt “I’m just the coworker that doesn’t like to see others struggling.” you teased with a smile as he backed up the car, he looked at you for a split second and sighed, calling your name.
“You know you’re not just my coworker.” he muttered, getting out of the parking lot and incorporating into the traffic. Your smile grew.
“No?” you turned to see him, knowing exactly what he was going to say if you dropped the question that was dangling on your lips, he shook his head. “then what am I?” you asked with a low voice that you hadn’t use in a long time because you didn’t find the time or the place to use it. But, as you were sitting inside the car of the man you were growing deep feelings for, with the tiniest opening to his heart and his mind, you decided to bring it out again.
Marcus almost slammed the brakes of the car. He felt his breath hitch in his throat and as he stopped the car on a red light; he turned to you.
“What?” he whispered. You raised an eyebrow and shrugged slightly.
“What am I?” you repeated the question. Marcus knew the look you were giving him; god he was sure he wouldn’t get that look from anyone anymore, and he had sworn to himself that he wouldn’t look for that look in any woman he met. But there it was; your gaze was deep on him, your lips were loose and open just slightly towards him, your eyes were steady on his and he felt the despicable, gut wrenching feeling of the most deep, disgusting, ingrained insecurity inside his mind and inside his chest that made him think of nothing but his trained instinct of fight or fly.
“My friend.” he whispered out just as the light changed to green. You smiled to yourself and looked out through the window, letting out a sigh.
“Good,” you let out, “besties.” you teased. Marcus let out a nervous chuckle and nodded. He didn’t say another word until he stirred the car to the restaurant’s parking lot.
Marcus heard two consecutive knocks on his door and lifted his head from the massive email he was reading.
“Come in.” he let out on a sigh as he stretched on his chair, and rubbed his eyes; the light of the computer wasn’t helping his sight.
“Brought you coffee.” he heard you, he opened his eyes and saw you closing the door behind you with your hip and two carton cups that were steaming.
“My lifesaver.” he smiled at you and shifted on the chair, you sat in front of him and handed him his cup.
“Cream and no sugar,” you let out “so you don’t get sleepy.” he smiled.
“What’s the occasion?” he asked, you rolled your eyes.
“The occasion is ten thirty at night and you’re still here.” you said, Marcus sipped his coffee and raised his eyebrows.
“You’re here as well.” he shrugged.
“I just finished,” you let out “kinda was waiting for you.” Marcus frowned, you leaned down and rested your back on the chair.
“Why?” he let out, tensing his shoulders.
“Wanted to talk to you.” you muttered, gazing at him. Marcus wanted to shrink on the chair and flee from the room, but he didn’t, he stayed at his full height of 5’11” and tried to hold your gaze.
“Okay? something happened?” he asked with a low voice, you shook your head twice and saw him partially relax.
“Marcus, how long have we known each other?” you asked him, he frowned a bit but looked at the surface of his desk.
“Almost a year, why?” he replied and you hummed in appreciation at it.
“You know why, don’t you?” you said, biting your lip and smiling at him.
“I have a suspicion.” he muttered.
“Good, so should I just say it?” you asked, Marcus shook his head immediately.
“Please, don’t,” he whispered, you were expecting his reaction so you just nodded “I’m so sorry.”
“I understand,” you smiled again at him and Marcus felt his chest contract inside his torso “I was just… making sure.”
“Honey…” he let out, you shook your head.
“Really, I get it.” you winked at him, taking your coffee and standing up.
“Wait,” he stood up as well, “am I gonna lose you?” he asked, trying to reach to you, you raised your hand and he took it.
“Of course not, silly,” you gripped his hand “I’m gonna be around, just let me know if you need me.” you said, Marcus nodded and you slipped your hand off his.
Marcus saw you leave his office and let out a deep sigh once you had closed the door. He threw himself on his chair and dropped his head back to look at the ceiling. God, what was wrong with him?
He tried to reason with himself as he started to breathe normally; you were amazing. He was sure of it because he saw you almost every day. You were beautiful and attractive and funny. You were smart and so damn capable it made him feel beneath you even when you were at the same rank; you meant a lot to him and you, for some reason that didn’t fit inside his head, never hesitated to tell him how much he meant to you, too.
And it was so damn obvious how you felt about him because you didn’t even bother to hide it; he admired the way you just showed it without advertising it and how you just didn’t let it affect your job or your life.
Jesus Christ, you were in love with him and he was there, sitting in his office after you just told him you understood him; you’d stayed close to him despite him being trapped in his own insecurities, despite the barrier he had put between you and him, despite looking at him clutching at the past and wrapping himself around his tragedies like an orphan child would do to a warm blanket.
You were there for him, loving him and caring for him as best as you could, even when you knew he was processing and working to be out in the open again; even when you knew it took him time to comprehend that he shouldn’t feel embarrassed or sad anymore.
Holy shit; you were there all that time and he was just choosing to be blind to what you were doing; even choosing to shove away all the deep, warm, involving love he felt for you.
Marcus stood up from his chair once again and he rushed to walk around his desk and out of the office, walking the few feet there was between his office and yours, he knocked a few times and opened the door; about to burst out his words, then he noticed the office was empty. He checked his watch. It was ten minutes past eleven and he cursed himself for thinking you meant you were going to be around literally.
He rushed again to his office for his things and his car key, desperately trying to order words inside his brain as he all but banged his foot on the elevator floor and trying at the same time to calm the fuck down as he walked to his car.
Marcus was sure it was a good idea with poor execution; he was a romantic at heart he should go pick up something that would tell you he just took his head out of his own ass and realized he was also in love with you; but the feeling of just tell you everything was stronger and was driving him crazy. He was driving like a madman through the highway that led to your apartment, and when he pulled over and looked at the building, he nodded to himself.
“Just say it, Marcus.” he muttered to himself, opening the car door and walking out.
The easiest part was to walk to the front door, buzz himself in and walk up the stairs to the fourth floor; the easiest part was stepping through the hall and towards your door and knocking on it three times.
You opened the door and the easiest part was over; you were in your pajamas; a silk, shimmering top and shorts too short for Marcus’s own good.
“Marcus, what’s going on?” you asked. He cursed himself inside his head. He had forgotten each and every word of the three point argument he had built inside his head on the way to your home; he saw his thoughts pour over his head and melt at your feet and he did nothing else but stand there, in your threshold; with his mouth dry and his eyes on your body. “Marcus?”
You frowned and stepped to the side, grabbing his forearm to pull him inside. Marcus had been in your apartment before, but he knew then it was different.
“You okay? I’m getting worried” you muttered. Closing the door, Marcus shook his head and tried to steady his heartbeat, failing.
“You told me to let you know if I needed you, right?” he asked, barely audibly. You nodded. Marcus licked his lower lip and sighed, “I kinda need you now.”
“Yeah, absolutely, what happened?” you told him, stepping closer to him, raising your hand to his arm.
Marcus felt a bolt of confidence because of your touch. He breathed in deeply and smiled at you, making you frown again.
He put his hand hesitantly on your waist and he felt you stiffen. His eyes traveled from your eyes to your lips and back, and he stepped even closer to you with a smile on his face.
“You’re here.” he whispered, leaning towards you to grab your lips in his with a kiss you didn’t expect, but didn’t dare to deny.
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lilyharvord · 3 years
Meet Me at Our Spot
  HELLO EVERYONE!! Vet school turned its back for a day and I was able to finish this one for you all. ((: Here is a lovely little one shot that is rated M people, so please read responsibly. Office AU because someone asked for it once upon a time and the image of Cal in one of those well tailored shirts/suits with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows has lived in my head rent free since then. So enjoy!!! ((: 
also, I’m obsessed with that song Meet Me at Our Spot by Willow and The Anxiety (specifically the live version). So that’s the vibe were going for. (:
find it on Ao3 too: link
Mare Barrow always felt underdressed when she entered the massive glass and steel structure that housed the Calore enterprises. Even when she put on her only pair on heels, and a nice outfit, she felt like a smudge of dirt on the pristine floors. Today though, she was determined to not feel that way. She had a plan, a vision, and she was not about to let some socially constructed idea like dress code ruin it for her.
           Striding up to the main desk before the elevators that lead to the corporate side of the building, she planted herself firmly before Tiria and cleared her throat to announce her presence.
           The young woman looked up from the book she was scribbling things in and held up a finger as she spoke into the receiver cradled in her other hand.
“Of course sir. Yes, two on Friday.”
With a sigh, Mare braced her forearms on the counter and glanced out at the massive atrium next to her. Multiple people strolled by in their nice suits and tight business dresses, carrying portfolios and briefcases and talking heatedly about a number of things. She got a few looks from them for her baggy sweatpants, oversized jacket, and faded ugly sneakers. She simply smirked back at them in response, a glint in her eye that dared them to talk about her after they had passed.
No one had ever really gotten a good look at her here, and if they had, it was when she was quickly being ushered past this front desk and into the elevators behind it. She was, for all intents and purposes, a very well-kept secret. One that was mandatory to remain a secret, given her position and her affiliation with this place.
Never in her wildest dreams had she thought she would ever set foot in a place like this, let alone be associated with the circle she now tenuously walked through. It had its perks though, like getting to give a bright shiny middle finger smile to the people Farley would have spit at. Mare couldn’t exactly spit like she wanted to though, because she happened to enjoy being around one of them. And she was supposed to be on her best behavior when she was in this building. It was part of the stupid rules she had been forced to agree to a year ago.
Rule number one: No one can know your name, where you are from, and who you are.
Rule Number two: best behavior at all times when you are in the building or near him. No exceptions.
Rule number three: You are not allowed to show up unannounced or uninvited.
           Well rule number three could just go fuck itself today, and rule number two could join it. The rules were just a way of making sure that the pristine reputation of this place didn’t get tarnished in the tabloids. She had laughed herself hoarse when they brought her into that dim conference room and dropped the pile of papers with the rules outlining everything in front of her. She never thought getting into a relationship would feel like a contract or a business deal but somehow this was made into one. Then again, the Calore family could make a business deal out of a child’s pretend game.
“Yes sir, I will let them know. Thank you for confirming, we will see you then.”
Tiria snapped the receiver back into the cradle and turning a scrutinizing eye to Mare she quirked a perfectly manicured brow. Every front desk girl in the world honestly looked the same to Mare, and in this place, there was no exceptions.
“Can I help you?”
“I have an appointment.” Mare said as she pressed onto her toes and pointed with a finger randomly into Tiria’s book.
The girl looked down at the line Mare pointed to with a frown while Mare swiped the key card Tiria always kept just under the ledge with her other hand. Tucking it into her pocket, she forced her eyes wide in a fake showing of bewilderment as Tiria gave her a contempt glare when there was nothing on the line.
“I could have sworn I called!” Mare gasped as she pressed herself up onto the counter to teeter further over it while her feet dangled. Damn these stupid things were high. She should have worn heels just so she could actually see over the top of the counter. “Maybe I should have called to confirm.”
“Miss Barrow, please stay on that side of the counter.” Tiria sighed as she leaned back in her chair.
Sliding down and dropping with a huff, Mare crossed her arms, trying to mimic the expression she saw most of these people give when they didn’t get what they wanted. “I want to go up.”
           Forcing her sigh through her nose so it wasn’t as obvious, Tiria shook her head and adjusted a pen that had moved out of its perfectly straight line. “You’re not supposed to be here today. Don’t make me call security.”
           “Well that would announce my presence.” Mare argued before picking up her backpack. “Besides, I’ll only be ten minutes.”
           “Miss Barrow, I like my job and want to keep it. Leave.”
           Letting out her own exaggerated sigh, Mare threw her hands up and spun on her heel to leave. “Honestly, you’d think I’d get a free pass giving who I’m dating in this place.”
           Peeking over her shoulder to see if Tiria was still paying attention, she smirked as the girl dropped her head to write something down. One of the benefits of everyone looking down on her here was that as soon as she turned around, she was out of sight and out of mind. It made sneaking around easier.
           Spinning back around, she scurried over to the elevators, ducking below the ledge of the counter slightly in case Tiria looked up again. Humming a song she heard on the radio to herself, she swiped the card and pushed the button to call the elevator. She had joked once this place was locked up tighter than a military institution, only to learn there was a reason for that. She doubted she could just swipe a key card and sneak into the Pentagon though.
           The doors opened with a little ding, and she glanced over her shoulder once before darting in and pressing the button for the top floor. She had to swipe the key card again and punch in a four digit code she memorized weeks ago, but the doors still slid shut and the massive glass box rose.
           Grinning like a fiend, Mare glanced over her shoulder at the green land stretching out behind her. She had to borrow Bree’s car to drive out to this place, and it almost didn’t make it. Her brother’s check engine light had been on since he bought the car, but he assured her it could make it the fifty mile trip and back. It had coughed the whole way, but it got her here. Beyond the trees she could just make out the highway she took with cars rushing along it.
           The first time she saw this place, she was afraid of it. Why was it so far away from everything, why was it so tucked away? What were they trying to hide behind the wall of trees? She hadn’t entire believed the excuses they gave, but she was at least certain they weren’t building nuclear weapons at this place.
           The doors slid open silently to a long hallway with dark floors and another bank of windows for a wall. Stepping out into the sunshine, Mare strolled forward, adjusting her hair and jacket as she went. Turning a corner, she passed a few smaller offices that belonged to some of the board members that held staff positions. The only one that was closed belonged to one of the only people she really, really didn’t want to see.
           Volo Samos made her nervous. If there was anyone who might be trying to make a nuclear weapon in this place, it was that man. She edged by his office, glancing through the swaying vertical shades to see if he was actually there or he had left for lunch. He was sitting at his desk on the phone.
Scurrying past him, Mare quickened her pace. If he was here, then the rest of the board might be too. Which meant she might be walking in on a meeting. Not exactly the best option, and neither was sitting outside in the hall and waiting.
           She had been so certain that there was nothing happening this week. She had planned everything around that fact. Maybe she should have called… just to make sure before she drove all the way out here.
           Before she knew it though, she was standing before the heavy dark wood doors at the end of that hall. She had never been nervous to open them. They were intimidating with an exterior that was meant to deter people, but once you opened them and peeked inside there was nothing to fear, just like with the man behind them. She knew that, and yet, she had to squash the shake in her hand as she nudge the door open a fraction.
           The office was empty.
           Throwing the door open all the way, she stepped inside and glanced awkwardly around the space. She had spent enough time in here that she knew there were very few places to hide. Not that Cal would have any reason to hide in his own office. Pursing her lips she pushed the door closed and stormed over to the desk before throwing her bag down behind it and tossing herself into the chair. It spun in a slow circle with her momentum until she faced the back windows. Slouching down she tried to determine her next move with a pout. Maybe he had left for lunch. It wouldn’t surprise her. If the board members were here, then he might have had to play the good CEO and daddy’s boy he was supposed to be and taken them all to lunch to placate them. But Volo was here… so maybe they hadn’t gone to lunch?
           She had put makeup on for this surprise. Honestly, was it so hard for him to be in the place he was supposed to be at this time?
           Forcing out a sigh, she crossed her arms and spun the chair back around with her toes to look at the papers scattered around the desk. Cal was perhaps one of the most messily organized people she had ever met. He was an oxymoron himself though, so it only made sense. She picked up a thick stack of papers that were clipped together and lifted one of the corners between her finger and thumb like it was radioactive. She didn’t understand a word on the next page or the numbers scribbled in the margins. Putting it back in its place she glanced at the few pictures he kept on his desk.
           The first time she had been in his office he had been on a phone call, and she had to entertain herself. She had picked up the pictures and made up the stories behind them while he watched her out of the corner of his eye. The picture of the two little boys crouched and playing in the mud on the edge of a lake was her favorite. She had been confused by it at first, until she saw the one next to it, with the same two boys almost a decade later in front of the Roman Coliseum.
Cal and his brother vaguely looked like brothers. They had similar features, but they wore them very differently. Where Cal was tall and broad, his younger brother was lean and sharp. Their eyes were strikingly different, but it was to be expected. She’d met Maven twice in the year she’d dated Cal. The first time was when he flew home for their father’s retirement party. He’d been quiet and reserved the whole evening until Cal dragged him out for a drink with her after to introduce them, properly as Cal had teased. When the brothers were alone and not around their father, they were different people. Maven especially. He seemed to soften, to melt a little bit. It had surprised her that someone could be so different just because the personnel around them changed. But Maven was a master of it.
The second time she’d seen him, Cal dragged her halfway across the world to Scotland to surprise Maven on his birthday. Cal’s brother lived as far from their father as possible, and honestly, Mare didn’t blame him. Unfortunately, Cal wasn’t afforded that luxury. Hence the rule book she had to follow.
           He had a picture with his uncle next to that. The man was a few years younger than her father, but he caried those years poorly. Still, he adored Mare,  and she didn’t have to pretend to tolerate him, unlike most of the other people that surrounded Cal at a given time.
A picture with his father was next to that one. It was a close second favorite of Mare’s. She couldn’t stand his father, the man was insufferable, but she loved to look at the younger version of Cal. He looked impossibly different as a kid, so different she almost hadn’t recognized him in the picture. She had told him that he reminded her of a taffy piece that was pulled too long in that picture. He was only ten in it, but his legs were already too long for him, and he was thin as a pole. He certainly had grown into his body, but the smile he gave to the camera there… he only gave it to her now. Or at least, she thought he did. She’d never seen him smile that brightly at anyone else.
           Next to that, tucked almost behind the other pictures was a photograph of a young woman in a window box with a toddler resting on her legs. She smiled at him, clutching his hands in hers, completely unaware of the camera trained on her. Cal didn’t talk about it, or the woman in it, but Mare wormed it out of Julian that Cal’s mother was a sore subject with everyone. Even though she was smiling in the picture, Mare could almost sense the sadness that radiated from her. She didn’t look much older than Mare in that picture. No doubt she had been tied up with the same strings and restrictions Mare faced now. If that were the case, Mare wasn’t surprised she had been so sad. The rules and regulations that came with dating a powerful person were like a cage. It worried Mare some days. She didn’t like being confined, but when she was with Cal away from all of this, she didn’t feel that way. It was only when they were together around other people that she did. More oxymorons where the man was concerned.
           The door into the office opened and Mare snapped to attention as Cal stepped in. His hands were full with papers he shuffled through while balancing his phone on his shoulder and speaking with someone. He’d nudged the door open with his hip and because of that, he had yet to turn and face her.
           Even though she hated all the restrictions she had to face while she dated him, she knew they didn’t truly bother her because he was hers. All of him carefully folded into a suit that hugged every muscle made her stomach tighten and other parts flutter. And all of it was hers, some nobody from a backwater city block. She sometimes felt like a tiny dragon hording a single coin when she was with him. She didn’t have much to her name, never had and probably never would, but he was hers. She wasn’t sure if she would get to keep him, but she planned to enjoy every last second that she could with him.
           Her lips curled into a smile as she leaned back in the chair and crossed her leg over the other, trying to paint a picture of coyness. It was probably not the best showing of it, but Cal was a miserable good boy who couldn’t handle anything remotely teasing.
           The papers ended up on the other side of the desk from her, while he shifted to hold the phone and rest his other fist on the table. The muscle in his jaw that always twitched when he was irritated fluttered like a bird’s wing now. He pressed his fingers into his closed eyes as if he could force whatever headache was probably there away with just that touch.
           “We didn’t agree to that when we signed the papers. They can’t come back and impose that restriction on us now.”            She squirmed in the chair at the tone in his voice. There were multiple sides to Cal that she had seen. There was her Cal, who had no idea how to dance, and who blushed whenever she teased him. Then there was the Cal she sometimes got at one in the morning who would grab the inside of her leg while he whispered in her ear exactly what he was going to do. Then there was this Cal. The one who had been heir to an empire company since the day he was born, and who could command a room like it was any other Tuesday. Sometimes it was hot to watch him do it. Right now though, it was the opposite. He wasn’t happy with something, and it honestly sounded like the last thing he needed was her here.
           She decided she definitely should have called before coming.
           Edging the chair back with her toes, it squeaked as it went over the floor, and his eyes darted up to her before widening.
           With an awkward smile, she wiggled her fingers in greeting before spinning the chair to face the back windows. Her cheeks were burning, and there were other parts that had melted to a very dangerous temperature. The look he gave her as he looked up at been fleeting, but it had been enough to put her on the teetering edge of deciding to grab him and pin him to the desk, or ask him to do just that with her.
           “Deal with this. Don’t call back until you have.”
           The silence following his words told her, that she was now the singular focus of his attention. His gaze was like a brand even through the leather of the chair. Crossing her arms and adjusting her posture accordingly, she went to spin the chair back around. He beat her to it though, spinning it to face him and tipping it back slightly so she had an easier time looking up at him.
           “I don’t believe I left anything at the apartment.”
           “You left me.” Mare pouted with a withering stare in his direction.
           “Very funny. Now how did you even get up here?”
           With a smirk, Mare fished the ID card out of her pocket and flashed it before him proudly. He snatched it from her hand with a startled gasp.
           “Mare… what the… what are you a thief now?”
           “Obviously.” She waved her hand to dismiss his comment before gesturing to the card. “You should really get lanyards to put those on by the way. I just kinda grabbed that off her desk. And if I got it anyone else could have—”  
           “You can’t go around stealing people’s ID cards. She needs this to get around the building.” He gestured at her with it, his eyes narrowing dangerously.
           “Well I needed it more in the moment.” Mare reasoned with a smile before leaning back in the chair. She didn’t really feel that bad, but the worry starting to etch itself into Cal’s brows did make her feel a little guilty.
           He tossed it unceremoniously onto the desk before sitting on the edge of it and massaging his face slowly with his hands.
“While I’m happy to see you, I don’t have time to deal with anything outside of work today.” His words were muffled by his palms but she could still hear every stressed syllable. Even when his work got stressful, which it undoubtably was at times, he still could push it aside whenever he saw her. Whatever he had been on the phone about had been serious, serious enough that he actually wasn’t all that happy to see her.
           “What happened?” Mare asked, scooting the chair close enough for her to set her hands on his thighs and squeeze gently. Now was not the time to be thinking about just how well that suit fit, but the thought still crossed her mind. Along with a few choice other thoughts.
           Cocking her head to the side, she waited for him to elaborate. It took him a moment, but he eventually dropped his hands and let his head fall back to look to the ceiling.
           “We signed papers on a deal a year ago. When that happens it’s done, the contract is sealed and stored away. In that contract, we agreed that should anything happen with a shipment, we were not liable. The group we shipped to doesn’t like that anymore, because a 30.5 million dollar shipment got lost.”
           Now it made sense to her. This wasn’t anger, or frustration. This was stress. Stress she could handle.
“How does one misplace 30.5 million dollars?” She teased before running hers hand up and down his legs.
“I don’t know. But there are five different parties all in a screaming match over it, including us. And if the other four don’t back down anytime soon, I’m going to have to find 30.5 million dollars somewhere.” His eyes darted down to her as she brushed her thumbs along the inside of his thighs. Glancing up through her lashes at him then, she tilted her head ever so slightly.
“And that is hard because?”
“Does it look like I have 30.5 million dollars lying around to just throw at someone?” He reasons, and the dips in his cadence brought a smirk to her lips. Now she had his attention. Pushing up to her feet she slid between his knees until she could drape her arms around his neck. Immediately, his hands found her hips and hugged her closer still.
“I’m sure there are one or two things you could sell in this building to cover that cost.” She ran her thumb along the back of his neck, before tracing the spot at the base of his jaw. His head tilted in the opposite direction, trying to escape the feather light touch. Both of them knew exactly what it did after all. Smirking at his reaction, Mare ran her other hand along his shoulder, tracing the contours she knew by heart.
“I bet I could pick out one of two things.”
“I don’t need to find the thirty and a half because it’s not our fault what happened.” He squeezed her hips, and even though she could see the fight in his eyes, it was quickly guttering. The tension in his shoulders was still more than she would have liked, but that tended to be where he kept most of it.
“So stressed out over something that isn’t even your fault.” She teased as she pressed her thumb into the knot closest to his neck. He tensed under her, but didn’t speak. At this point, his voice had already dropped an octave, and Mare had known him long enough now to know that when he went silent like this, he was trying to hide just how far she had pushed him. “Do you want help releasing some of that?”
“Not unless you can get up in front of five different boards and convince them otherwise.” She had to admire how even he kept his voice. It still wavered in a few places as he tried to remain composed under her scrutiny. Dropping her hands from around his shoulders to land on his thighs again, she squeezed hard enough to emphasize her next point.
“That sounds like a challenge.” Mare actually witnessed his pupils dilate as she dropped her voice an octave too. “You and I both know it’s not much of one. I can be very persuasive.”
“You’re gonna get us both in more trouble than I can get us out of.” He whispered to her, a tiny smile lifting the edges of his lips. The glint in his eye made her stomach flutter, especially as he started to finger the waistband of her pants. She didn’t want him to put his hands under it just yet though, she still had one surprise she wanted to save.
Pulling back to slip out of his arms, she dropped back into the chair with a proud smirk. “Then I see no reason to not walk me down there, call up these assholes, and have me deal with them.”
His hands grasped the air where she had been a second ago as his mind failed to register her abrupt disappearance. Frowning, he leaned forward to grab the arms of the chair and pull her close again. Her heart pounded against her ribs as she watched him look her over and hold for a little too long on her lips.
“I’d love to see them try and deal with you.”
Oh she was going to make him sweat so very much.
Grabbing his face and yanking it down to hers, she crushed her lips against his. He tasted like mint toothpaste, and he smelled like that cologne she bought him for Christmas. Gisa said it was cheap, but he’s smiled and thanked her for it anyway. And now he was wearing it. The very idea sent a thrill through her.
With a groan, he slid his hands along her legs and then underneath them to grab her ass and hike her out of her chair until she was flush against his chest. Her lips curled into a smile as she took his lower lip between her teeth and pulled hard enough to draw a sound from the back of his throat. Knotting her fingers in his hair, she tugged and whispered, “You get to deal with me first.”
His eyes opened, barely an inch from hers, and the look in them sent a shiver down her spine. When he looked at her like that, it drove her half mad every time. “Put me down and I’ll show you just how persuasive I can be.”
He set her down with exaggerated stillness, making sure to drag her body along his so she could feel every inch of him. Smirking at getting her way, Mare nudged him back until he was sitting on his desk. Bracing her hands on either side of him, she asked, “Which do you want first? Surprise one, or surprise two?”
His brow quirked, and he slid a hand around her waist to pull her between his legs. “I want you, just you.”
When his voice dropped that deep, it made it very difficult to stay focused on what she had planned. But she wanted to see him squirm, and if there was anything Mare Barrow was, it was persistent.
“Surprise number two it is.” She grinned like a cat with a mouse as she hooked his belt with a finger and trailed it along the waistband of his pants to the buckle. Humming to herself, she undid it, sliding it through each loop like a needle with thread. When it was fully out, she held it up with a wink. “Give me your wrists.”
Even in the heat of it all, his cheeks burned. Immediately he put his hands behind his back. Pouting at his movement, she lowered the belt. “It’s no fun if you don’t play along.”
“Can’t be restrained. I may have to get to my phone.”
“Then I’ll answer it and tell them you’re busy.” She teased before cupping the back of his neck and pulling him close to ghost her lips across his. He sighed, and the tension in his shoulders melted as she ran her hand along one side. She loved when he scrambled in these moments. Locked between a rock and hard place, he was like turtle on its back. If all she had to do to knock him down was insinuate like this, she would do it every night.
When he pulled away with narrowed eyes, she released a mock exasperated sigh and tossed the belt away. “Fine, next time.” Without giving him a moment of relief, she unbuttoned his pants and tugged to start sliding them off. “But since it’s my job to help you relieve stress, here’s what I’m going to do.”
He visibly swallowed, even as he helped her slide his pants off. Running her hands up his legs after she dropped them, Mare chewed on her lip. “If you can keep it together for longer than ten minutes, I will let you do me from behind.”
His eyes widened, shock pouring out of every pore of his body. She hated that position, and always refused it. It was the most degrading thing, she insisted. If a man was going to fuck her, he should look her in the eye while he did it. She may be trash from the other side of the tracks, but she knew her worth.
           “Ten?” He breathed, his eyes darting to the clock on the wall next to them.
           “Ten.” She confirmed before crouching down. “But it has to be ten. If you cheat, I’ll know because I will be keeping track of the time.”
           His mouth opened to refute before closing with a snap.  She could see him working it over, trying to determine whether or not she would play fair. She never really did, but this time she made a promise to herself that she would. Besides, she trusted him to at least make the whole experience entertaining.
           “Clock starts when I do.” She teased before tugging on the waistband of his boxers, making the elastic snap back. He tensed at the feeling, until she pulled them off too.
           Perhaps it was the fact that she had snuck up here, or maybe it was the fact that anyone—including one of the most prestigious board members—could walk in on them at any second, but the sight of him sent electricity along every nerve in her body.
           It was ten minutes. He wouldn’t make it to five, she told herself as she dragged her tongue along her lower lip. With that thought for reassurance, she gripped his thighs and closed her mouth over his cock. Immediately she felt the muscles in his legs tense, and his breathing hitched. She hummed, almost laughing at his reaction as he immediately grabbed the hair on the back of her head and pulled. She slid back an inch before diving back down, taking more than she had before. The groan he released was loud enough that she almost paused to make sure no one had heard. There was the fun in this, she supposed, getting caught might be exciting.
           “Mare.” He gasped as she continued her ministrations, and began to trail her nails along his skin up to his hips. Forcing her head down further, he muttered a breathless apology when she gagged. Digging her nails and fingers into his skin, she smiled and hummed again.
           “Fuck.” He spit the word like poison and bucked against her, earning another hum from her. “Not fair, that’s not fair.” He panted as she picked up the pace of her work.
           His finger dug into her scalp as he pulled even harder on her hair. She stayed on like a leach though, stifling a laugh at his squirming. His other hand gripped the edge of the desk until his knuckles turned white, and his legs tensed in time with each of her movements. But the stubborn bastard kept it together, and no matter what she tried in her arsenal, he only cursed and gripped that desk until she thought it might splinter.
           “Ten,” he crowed with a breathless laugh. “That’s ten.”
           Mare snapped away with a grunt, swiping her hand along her mouth, smearing the lip gloss across her cheek. Glowering up at him, she grumbled a curse word that would have made her mother slap her across the mouth. A deal was a deal.
           “Don’t look so bitter about it.” He teased, before cupping her face and lowering himself to capture her lips. His tongue darted along hers as his fingers gently pushed the hair he had pulled behind her ears.
           When she pulled away for air, her chest ached and the space between her legs ached even more. “I’ve got one more surprise for you.” She rose to her full height, and had the pleasure of seeing a bead of sweat roll down from his hairline. He had barely made it. If she was being honest, she would say that she hadn’t been keeping track of the time. She’d lost all of it to the feeling of his hips rocking and the tension of his muscles.
           Backing away a step, she winked at his confusion. “Remember a few weeks ago when I went to mall and made you go find something to do?” She fingered the zipper of her jacket, another bolt of electricity ran down her spine as he straightened up, completely attentive to her. “I was saving this for your birthday, but I got tired of waiting.”
As she went to unzip the jacket, he leaped, catching her hands almost knocking her over. Scrambling to stay on her feet, Mare let him take her whole weight as she gasped. “Fucking hell Cal—”
“Let me.” He smirked as he straightened her up and grabbed the zipper before she could. With a gentle tug, he unzipped it halfway, his eyes darkening again as he caught sight of the top half. She’d picked it carefully, the first time she’d ever done something like that honestly. Normally she grabbed things off the rack and hoped it matched. This though, she had taken her time selecting.
He had the jacket off in less than a heartbeat, and his fingers danced along the thin black lace of the corset. His eyes followed his hands as he searched the whole thing over, making her swallow in uncertainty. He trailed a knuckle along one of the many straps, his teeth obviously working at the inside of his cheek. Gently, he grabbed the waistband of her sweat pants and pulled them down as he dropped into a crouch before her. His eyes widened at the matching bottoms.
Immediately, his hands gripped the back of her legs as he glanced up at her. The weight of that stare could crush her if she didn’t realize that it was the most reverent of gazes. He looked at her like she had put the stars in the sky, and hung the moon too. It she was honest, she would admit that it might go to her head a little bit ans that the smile she gave him was mostly fed by that. She could bring this man to his knees by simply standing in a pair of lacy panties.
           “Where,” he voice cracked on the word, and his fingers dug into her hamstrings a little more before he dragged his lips up the inside of her bare thigh. “Where did you keep this?”
           Threading a hand through his hair, she exhaled in a sigh as his lips grazed the seam along the inside of her thigh. “You like it?”
           “I’ll like it better when it’s on the floor.” He murmured before sliding his hand up to grip her ass again. She almost yelped, and grabbing his shoulders she let out a breathless laugh as he pressed more kisses along the inside of her thigh.
           Standing up, he kept his hand on her as he lifted her off the ground. She wrapped her legs around his hips, and let him spin her around to the desk. With a quick sweep of his hand, he sent the papers all over it to the side before laying her down on it. With a tug, he dragged her back to the edge so she was still straddling him and braced his hands on either side of her head. She panted as she watched his lips curl into a hint of a smile.
           “Forget fucking you from behind.” He murmured, before lowering himself to trail his nose along her sternum. “I want to see every inch of you in this.”
           She grinned triumphantly as he slid a hand up her side to squeeze her breast, made far more generous with the help of the corset. It had been a good idea to listen to the pushy sales girl just because of that. “Good thing you don’t have to take it off.”
           His brow quirked in confusion, and sliding her hand down her body, she opened her legs a little wider to brush her fingers along herself. “Made sure it would be easy for you. Didn’t want you to feel intimidated by all the straps and buckles.”
           The snort he let out made her laugh, and she smiled as he stole the sound from her lips with a kiss. Rubbing his hips against hers, he lifted them off the table slightly until she was arched against him. Groaning when she felt how hard he was, she dug her nails into his arms, and said, “If I knew all it took to get you like this was wearing a pretty scrape of lace, I would buy sexier panties.”
           “I happen to like the panties you already own.” He teased before reaching between her legs for the bundle of nerves there. Rubbing in a tortuously slow circle, he grinned down at her as she craned her head back so her hair spilled across the desk. Grabbing onto the edge above she tried to grind against his palm, seeking further friction.
           Dropping his lips to her neck, he let his finger slide down to penetrate her. Groaning loud enough that she actually slapped her other hand over her mouth, Mare arched until her chest was smashed against his. He let out his own pleased sound at how wet he found her, and let her grind against his palm.
           “Can you last ten minutes?” He whispered in her ear before catching her earlobe with his teeth and pulling lightly. Mare twitched in response to the movement of his finger inside of her, whimpering when he pressed a kiss to the point where her pulse pounded in her neck. And although this was heavenly, she’d be damned if he won at this.
           Setting her jaw, she squeezed her legs together, earning a laugh from him as he withdrew his hand and brought his fingers to his lips. Sitting up quick enough to make herself dizzy, she grabbed his wrist to stop him from putting those fingers in his mouth. He froze as she closed her lips around his fingers and glanced up at him through her lashes. Releasing them with a pop, she watched his pupils dilate until they swallowed almost his entire iris.
           Smirking when a blush exploded across his cheeks and neck, she licked her lips and said, “You won’t even last that long.”
           Without speaking, he put a hand to her shoulder and slowly guided her back down to the desk as he stood over her. He pinned her hips down with his other hand as he tilted his head to the side ever so slightly and said, “I will take that as a challenge.”
           Mare’s heart fluttered in her chest at the tone of his voice, and how deep it had dropped. Keeping her breathing as level as possible, she closed her eyes as he traced a hand along her side and cupped her breast before leaving open mouthed kissed along the column of her throat.
“Cal,” she breathed his name in a gentle exhale as she threaded her fingers into his hair at the same time that he slipped his hand to her entrance again and pressed his palm against her.
           “Say my name like that again.” He whispered in her ear. “And I will do anything you want.”
           “Anything?” Her voice hitched as she ground against his palm, her eyes fluttering as she sought out the friction he denied her as he teasingly pulled away.
           His lips pulled up into a hint of a smile as he withdrew enough that she chased him with her lips. Their breath mixed as he rested his forehead against hers, and through her lightly fuzzy and crossed vision she could see the depths of his irises. Dark gold, and amber like honey. She could drown in them and be happy.
“Anything.” He answered her.
           Lowering herself back to the desk, she pulled him with her while her other hand threaded between them to grab his hip and pull him closer. Without breaking eye contact, he let her guide him to her entrance. With a sigh, she tipped her head back and locked her ankles behind his hips as he pulled her completely to the edge of the desk.
           “Cal.” She whispered as she grabbed the top of the desk again and squeezed her eyes shut.
           “That’s my girl.” He replied before putting a hand on her hip to keep her pinned to the desk and pulled out before pushing in deeper. Mare bucked against him, gasping as she clenched her thighs together around his hips, pulling him closer. Bracing his other hand next to her head, he dropped his chin as he moved in and out.            She only regretted doing this here for half a second, since she had to contain whatever sounds she made to minimal volumes. The last thing they needed was Volo Samos hearing something or coming to investigate what he was hearing. Although that might have been part of the thrill. If they were at her apartment, she could be as loud as she wanted, even with the window open. The traffic outside was loud enough to mask anything that happened in her shoebox apartment.
           “Harder.” She panted as she dragged her nails down the side of his nice shirt. She wanted to tear it off of him, to get to his skin underneath. He caught her hand before she could do just that, and pinning that hand above her head he obliged her. She half yelped, half gasped as she slid along the desk until her head almost dangled off the edge.
           Like a light switch flickering on and off, the light beyond her closed eyelids alternated with each meeting of their hips. She could feel the change in pace as he sensed her reaching her climax, and her lips curled into a pleased smile even as she arched slightly, hoping to escape him to last longer. He laughed softly at her attempt and pulled her toward him until she was dangling off the desk and had to grab on or risk falling to the floor. He caught her, but she still gasped as the change in angle pushed her completely over the edge so she shattered like glass. Every muscle in her legs contracted and her chest hitched on the rapid inhale she took. Curling around him as much as she could in her position, she stifled any other sound that wanted to come out.
           The best part? She knew she had lasted longer than ten minutes. The worst part? She wanted him again. And there was no way that was going to happen because as she sat there panting after he put her back on the desk and bent over to kiss her lightly, she heard the subtle ringing from a cell phone.
           “You’re getting a call.” She panted in his ear as she ran her fingers through his hair. It was damp now, and his chest pushed into hers with every inhale he took around his rapid heartbeat.
           “It can wait.” He murmured in reply before pressing a kiss against her jaw again.
           “I thought thirty and a half million dollars meant a lot right now.” She laughed as she traced a finger down the column of his spine from his neck to the middle of his back. He turned the full force of his gaze on her and she almost melted into a puddle in the heat of it.
           “You’re worth more than that. More than any deal, any job.” He kissed the tip of her nose. It kept her from turning away to hide the blush that exploded across her cheeks. He traced a thumb along it, and smiling at her he continued, “Who’s blushing now?”
           With an amused roll of her eyes, she traced a finger along his jaw in response to his light touches. This close to him, she realized he was beautiful, in the same way a marble statue in a museum was. She used to think he belonged in places like that, surrounded by priceless and irreplaceable objects that everyone paid to see.
           “I love you.” She tilted her head to the side, testing the phrase again. It was only the third or fourth time she had used it seriously with him. The weight of it settled over him, and he brought her fingers to his lips to press a kiss to them.
           “I love you.” He dropped the hand and pulled her into a sitting position so she could drop her legs from around his waist. Still connected with him, she trailed her fingers along his arms and drank her fill of him with her eyes. A part of her knew that someday she would lose him. Nothing in her life was ever truly hers and he luck had always been rotten, it was why she never bought a lottery ticket. And of course, his father did not like her. He wanted her gone because he saw her as an obstacle, or a hurdle his son would trip over. It took everything to not dig her fingers into Cal’s arm when they were around his father. Maybe if she did so, she could tattoo herself onto him and never lose him.
           “What are you thinking so deeply about?” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and pressed another kiss to the tip of her nose.
           “Nothing important.” She lied effortlessly, the smile she conjured for him almost real. If he saw through it he didn’t comment. The phone rang again from its sad position on the floor where it had ended up, and this time they both looked at it. The screen was lit up and he grimaced at the number showing on it.
           “I think you have to take that one.” Mare whispered before pressing a kiss to his cheek and sliding away from him to hop off the desk. He managed to catch her, and bring her to his chest before she could escape. Closing her eyes, she let herself melt against him for a second, inhaling the smell of his cologne and the smell of her that was now on him.
           When he pulled away to grab the phone off the floor and his pants from their pile near it, she sank back into the chair and watched his back as he finally answered the call. Whatever he was saying was like a buzz against her ears. She could only see him right then: the man he was, and the one he could become. She hated what he was in a small part of herself. But he wasn’t… he wasn’t like the other people he had spent most of his life around. And neither was his brother. Maybe that’s what that life did to people like them. Pushed them so hard that they turned out the opposite of their parents.
           He glanced at her with a smile as he managed to step into his pants with one hand and pull them up. She conjured up another smile for him and stood to fix his hair. He leaned down far enough that she could do that while he went about stringing his belt back into his pants. She trailed her fingers along his chest and down to the buckle and wrestled his fingers from it to clasp it shut herself.
           By the time she had finished he was done with the call, and was sitting in silence watching her work. She glanced up at him through her lashes, but he cupped the back of her head so she tipped her head back completely to him. His thumb rubbed a soothing rhythm along the back of her skull as he whispered, “I have to go. They found a solution.”
           She nodded. “So I guess you don’t have to bring out the big guns and put me in front of them.” Her smile was easy even as she prepared to pull away from him again. He held her steady, staring into her eyes for a long moment.
Just after the silence had stretched too far, he whispered, “Thank you.”
           “For what?” She managed to disentangle herself from him, and turned to gather her clothes. If he was leaving she needed to disappear too. They couldn’t leave together though, or people might notice. And she did not need it getting back to his father that she had broken any of those stupid rules. Then she might as well consider this the last time she ever saw him. What a last time it would be though. It would live with her for the remainder of what she had heard his father call a measly insignificant little life.
           “Everything. You… you make me impossibly happy Mare.” He threaded an arm around her waist before pulling her back against his chest and laying a kiss on top of her head. She finally melted completely into his arms. Wrapping his forearms with hers to trap him for a moment longer she closed her eyes. Suddenly, she didn’t care about the rules she had agreed to. Rules were meant to be broken, and she had always excelled at doing just that. With him, she would break every rule and scatter the ashes of them to the wind.
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lynmars79 · 3 years
Routine and Procedure
(For @onyrica‘s Autumn Art Challenge. It’s a spooky time of year, and FFXIV: Endwalker is on the horizon, so our theme choices were “Once Upon a Nightmare” and/or “Moon’s Haunted.” This is not a FFXIV story however, though a moon is the setting for this little tale. 1950 words)
There are reasons we’re not supposed to stand shift alone. Especially on the Lunar Base, where outside is airless darkness with the world shining above. The halls echo and the generator hums in the background.
All else is silence.
I sip my coffee and listen to the staticky radio chatter from the orbital stations, garbled broadcasts from the surface of that distant world. I keep trying to get my comms working again, but it’s tricky when you’re not the engineer and are missing so many tools.
I’m not supposed to be doing this alone.
I’ve been staying in the comms room when I can. The accident wrecked so much of the rest of the base, I couldn’t leave this sector. But there are rations, a sanitation cell, and the communication equipment. I had gotten out the initial SOS, but then the power went down, the generator came up, and the comms weren’t working.
No one else survived. I’m alone on the moon.
Someone will come soon, and then I can go home.
I thought I heard something. Something not the generator, something not the broadcasts, something not me.
Something that reminded me of rocket boosters, but I only see our ship on the landing pad.
I stare at it for a long time, the sleek lines and shining hull. So close, but so far away—the airlocks are damaged, the way blocked, and I have no suit.
I don’t think I could run the entire ship myself. I’ve barely kept this corner of the base limping along.
I try to fix the radio again. If I can at least get a signal through, even if it’s just Morse code, that’ll be something.
There’s a tinging noise, a pounding, a whirring and buzzing. It’s coming from the damaged area. But there can’t be anything there. That’s open to space.
I only see one ship. I’ve heard nothing over the comms, in the staticky broadcasts.
I stand at the locked door that will lead to the corridor I sealed to stop the fire. All I have to do is open the door and go down the hall to investigate the sound.
I break out into a sweat; I shake. Memories of that day rush back, the screams, the heat, the smoke.
The bodies.
I curl up in my makeshift bunk and cover my ears and cry myself to sleep.
The noise eventually stops.
I’ve been hearing voices. And I don’t mean from the staticky broadcasts.
Maybe I’m just going mad, up here all alone, waiting for someone to come.
How long has it been? Not that long, logically. My rations are holding up for now—it was enough for a dozen people for several months after all—but they won’t last forever. The world wouldn’t abandon us, not after our final panicky transmissions, not after we stopped responding at all.
They would send someone.
…Wouldn’t they?
It has to be someone who’s come to save me. It can’t be any of my colleagues, as they all died in the accident.
…Didn’t they?
My things aren’t where I remember leaving them.
I turned around and my coffee mug was missing. I always leave it on the console so I can drink from it when I’m listening to what little sound is coming from the world.
I found it in the small office I made into my kitchen. I had moved all my supplies into this module when I locked down the rest to conserve power and air.
Everything’s changed around in here too.
I don’t think I’m missing time, but it’s hard to tell anymore; I sleep, I eat, I clean myself. I listen to the static and garbled broadcasts and try to make the radio work.
But I’m pretty sure I didn’t mess with my own routines and procedures. Routine and procedure mean everything in space; to have everything in its place and to do everything in the right order.
I put it back to how it’s supposed to be and take my coffee to the comms room to listen to the radio.
I thought I heard Mike and Ana talking, but that can’t be right.
They died screaming.
But there were masculine and feminine voices in the corridor, as I woke from a nap. The woman’s voice even had the same dialect, that Hispanic lilt that made my heart ache at the memory of her laughter.
I couldn’t make out the words, but I think they were talking about me.
Are they angry I left their bodies in the burnt out sector, that I didn’t go back for them?
No, that’s crazy. They’re dead. I was dreaming, that’s all.
There’s been no response on the comms, and only one ship on the landing pad. I’m alone.
I’m not sure I’m alone here.
I saw movement; shadows of people in the hall outside the comms room. By the time I ran out to see who was there, I only found the locked door to the damaged corridor.
I still can’t make myself go that far. I can’t face what’s behind that door.
My things are moved around again, and I’m getting angry. That’s several times now.
It’s irrational, but I leave a note in the office-turned-kitchen. “Stop moving my things.”
I leave a similar note on the comms console by my coffee cup, when I’m done listening for the day.
The next time I check, the notes are gone, and my things are out of order again.
I’m pretty sure it’s not me doing this to myself.
The voices and the shadows came at the same time today. They still sound like Mike and Ana, but a little off. Distorted in a way.
Like through a suit, perhaps. But they weren’t in their suits when they died.
“I’m going crazy,” I say out loud.
The voices fall silent. The shadows stop moving. They’re just standing there outside the comms room.
“Hallucinations,” I continue. “You’re not real. You died, and this is me going crazy while I wait for rescue.”
I hear them whispering. I walk closer. “If you were here to rescue me, you wouldn’t be hiding and whispering.”
The shadows move closer. I finally see them.
Solid people in suits, but they don’t look right. They’re half as bulky as they should be for a suit safe for space work. The helmets, too, are more streamlined, the faceplates mirrored.
The man’s too short, the woman’s too tall. They are not my friends.
There’s only one ship outside.
I scream.
They scream, too.
The woman grabs the man’s arm and pulls him back down the corridor toward the sealed door.
They pass through it. I hear the clonk of the airlock sealing, though the door hasn’t moved.
That makes even less sense, but I accept nothing does anymore.
I have either ghosts or alien intruders.
Or I’m just dreaming as I wait.
After sleeping, I go back to the comms room. I need to fix the radio; I need to call for help.
There’s an intruder sitting in my chair, waiting.
“There you are,” a feminine voice says. I don’t recognize her.
“You don’t belong here,” I say.
“Neither do you,” she says. She sounds sad.
“Are you here to rescue me?”
“They tried,” she says. “But it was too late.”
“How’s it too late? I’m right here!”
She hesitates. I don’t trust her. “You are,” she says. “The last transmission was so long ago, we got worried. But now we’re here. Do you want to go home?”
“Yes,” I say, tears pricking my eyes. “I’m so tired of being alone.”
She stands. “Do you want to come with me? We can leave here, together.”
“I can’t. I don’t have a suit. There’s no air outside this module.”
She pauses again; I guess thinking. “If I bring you a suit, will you leave?”
“And go where? I don’t see your ship, just ours.” I cross my arms. I doubt she can give me a suitable answer.
She has to think about it. “All the damage to the base made things difficult. We had to land on the other side.”
My heart is pounding in my chest, my skull. “Then you had to come through the burned sector. You had to find the bod—“ I can’t finish saying it.
“Yes,” she whispers. “We found all the bodies.”
I sob. She stands by the chair, awkward.
“Do you want me to get a suit?” She asks again as I try to calm myself. “I can get a suit, and we can leave together.”
I nod. It could be a trick, a trap; I can’t tell if she’s real or my imagination, but I don’t care. I’m so tired. I’m so lonely. I want to go home.
The next time I enter the comms room, she’s waiting again, with one of those weird sleek suits.
“Your suits don’t look right.”
“It’s the newest design,” she says. “Easier to move in, as safe as the old models.”
“If you say so.” I put it on. She helps, awkward and hesitant. I can’t read her face behind the shield. I’m glad for the helmet to hide my own.
“All right,” she breathes out. “Let’s go. Remember, I’m here; you’re not alone.”
I nod. She seems nervous. Unsettled.
She leads me down the hall to the sealed door. I stop. So does she.
“What’s wrong?” She asks.
“The door’s locked,” I say. My voice sounds hoarse. I keep thinking about what’s beyond it. “To stop the fire.”
“The fire’s long burnt out,” she says, taking my hand. “The door’s open. See?”
I blink and she’s right; the way is open. The hall beyond is clear.
I shiver and squeeze her hand; she squeezes back, then tugs as she steps through the door.
I walk with her.
I remember the walls warping and blackening. I remember the screams. I shake as I remember the heat.
She’s saying my name, trying to pull me along, but her voice is distant and hollow, drowned out by the screeching metal, the roar of flames. She’s screaming with the others as the heat overwhelms her, sleek suit combusting like they had.
I run like I did before. Like I always do.
I make it to the door. I cry as I begin the sequence to seal the airlock. Routine and procedure are everything. This one will save me from burning the way everyone else did.
It will lock me in this sector until my air runs out if they don’t rescue me in time.
The door slams shut. The screams stop. The fire is out.
There are reasons we’re not supposed to stand shift alone. Especially on the Lunar Base, where outside is airless darkness with the world shining above. The halls echo and the generator hums in the background.
All else is silence.
I sip my coffee and listen to the staticky radio chatter from the orbital stations, garbled broadcasts from the surface of that distant world. I keep trying to get my comms working again, but it’s tricky when you’re not the engineer and are missing so many tools.
I’m not supposed to be doing this alone.
I’ve been staying in the comms room when I can. The accident wrecked so much of the rest of the base, I couldn’t leave this sector. But there are rations, a sanitation cell, and the communication equipment. I had gotten out the initial SOS, but then the power went down, the generator came up, and the comms weren’t working.
No one else survived. I’m alone on the moon.
Someone will come soon, and then I can go home.
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moralesispunk · 4 years
In his arms
Javier Peña x Female Reader
Summary - After Javi returns to Colombia there is a lot left unsaid between you.
Warnings - alcohol, oral (m and f), penetrative sex, unprotected sex (stay safe)
The Escobar case had been a shit show, and that was putting it politely.  The country was still feeling the effects of it and now the Cali Cartel were adding to their list of problems.
You had worked it for the most part, along with your two partners Steve Murphy and Javier Peña. Murphy was back in the States now, getting back to his family life. Javier, well he left without even saying a goodbye.
Things didn’t end great between you two. You had spent the few years working together ignoring the growing feelings you had for one another until one night it blew up in both of your faces. You went back to work as usual, avoiding one another whenever you could, until Javi was sent back to the States.
You were now working the Cali Cartel case, enjoying the increase in rules and less chaotic, although not by much, work life. You had a job lined up in back in Texas at a university but you wanted to wait till this has been cleared up a bit more before going back.
As you looked through the piles of paperwork that sat on your desk, your assistant came into your office with another document for you to sign. 
“Agent Peña is coming into the office today,” he said, as you signed the sheets of paper in front of you.
“I heard,” you mumble while checking you had signed every line you needed to.
“Are you going down to see him? I heard you worked together during the Escobar case?”
“We did but I’ve not seen him in a while, I’m sure a little longer won’t hurt. I’ve got too many files to go through,” you said, waving to the pile sitting next to you.
He nodded and walked out the room. 
If you were being truthful you deliberately looked for more work to take on today, anything to keep you busy when Javi came back.
You worked on the files well past the rest of your office heading home for the night. Once you thought the coast was clear, you lifted your jacket and keys deciding to stop at a bar on the way home for a drink.
When you pulled up outside the bar you noticed a few cars you recognised from the office. You sighed, turning off your engine and putting on your jacket before heading into the bar. It was quite busy with faces you recognised, some of them smiling and nodding to some empty chairs for you to join them but you politely shook your head, just wanting a drink by yourself.
As the bar came into sight you noticed the one man sitting at it. You stopped for a moment, recognising him without even having to see his face. As you got a little closer you could see his reflection from the other side of the bar. He had aged a little, but still had the same handsome features. His hair was just as dark and he was looking as stressed as you remembered him. His head was turned, looking to what looked like a table of junior office workers where there sat a pretty looking girl. 
Shit you mumbled, knowing you couldn’t just walk out now. You took in a deep breath and decided to walk over to him.
"Pretty girl" you said, sitting down at the empty seat next to him.
You kept your eyes forward, not looking at Javier until your drink was ordered, paid and placed in front of you. When you looked back his eyes were firmly on yours, his expression unreadable.
"I heard you came back," you said before taking a drink from the glass in front of you.
"You heard right," he huffed back, taking a drink from his whiskey, "you stayed?"
"Didn't have anywhere else to go. Plus there was a lot of paperwork after Escobar, especially with my two partners skipping town."
You could have sworn a smile played on Javier's lips before he quickly turned his expression back to stone.
"It's not for long now anyway, I have a job teaching at a university back in Texas to go to once this shit clears up a bit," you continued, hating the awkward silence between you both.
He just nodded. Javi didn't know what to feel when he looked at you. Guilt for leaving you without saying goodbye? Sadness for how tired your eyes looked for having to deal with the mess that was left behind? The other feeling that he had been pushing down since the day he met you to avoid either of you getting hurt?
“How-” he cleared his throat, “How have you been?”
"Pleasantries?" You cocked an eyebrow at him, "I've been okay, just keeping my head down. How was it getting home for a bit?"
"Made me realise just how much the rest of the world kept moving on while we were working down here," Javi says before turning and finishing the rest of his whiskey.
You nodded, an awkward silence falling over you both again as there was so much left unsaid between you.
"Can I buy you another?" Javi asked, breaking the silence.
"Thanks but ones enough, I'm driving," you replied.
"C'mon you look you need another."
"Thanks," you forced a laugh.
"No- shit- I mean, I owe you. A lot more than just one drink but leaving you with all that work, you just seem like you need another. I can drive you," Javi said, his usually composed self flustering slightly.
You nodded and let him order you another, the silence washing over you again while you drank. Once you both finished, you stood putting your jackets on without saying a word before heading out to his car.
You walked ahead of him, the goosebumps rising up your neck as you knew he was watching you. He missed you, deeply, but didn't know how to tell you. He watched as you walked ahead of him, the confidence in your strides and the slow movement of your hips making him sink further into himself for ever leaving. He wanted to reach out and put his hand on the small of your back as you crossed the road, open the passenger door and hold your hand as you got in, lean down and kiss you before running round to his side. Instead he stayed behind, walking around the front of the car to get in at the same time and start the engine without daring to look at you.
Your apartment was about 15 minutes from the bar through the small streets. After 5 you couldn't bare the silence any more and reached forward to turn on the radio before sitting back again.
As you look out the front window, watching the street lights blur past, your eyes are drawn to his hands that grip the wheel. You thought about how you used to drive around together when it was just you two in the car, his hand somehow always finding its way to resting on your thigh. Now, they were firmly gripped around the wheel, almost turning white at the knuckles. You always loved his hands, despite their roughness they were always soft on your skin. They slid down the steering wheel as he turned the car round the corner, his fingers tracing over the wheel before going back to grip tightly. He pulled the car up outside your apartment building.
"A lot nicer here than the last apartments," Javier noted as he turned off the engine.
"Comes with the pay bump and bigger office. Have to give us a few perks," you replied, forcing a smile onto your face.
"Listen, I-" Javi started but you cut him off raising your palm between you.
"I can't, Javi. I can't listen to your excuses, not yet. I know it wasn't your choice to leave but... not even a goodbye?" you said with your voice going quiet towards the end.
Javi couldn’t meet your eyes, finding his hands more interesting in this moment. When he looked up, they looked glassy, tears close to spilling over if he blinked too soon.
“I couldn’t,” he whispered.
“You couldn’t? Or you just didn’t want to Javi? I know you told me that you didn’t want anything more than sex, then suddenly even that was too much but I at least thought I would get a goodbye.”
“I couldn’t," he emphasised, "I cared- I care about you too much to face saying goodbye."
“You know, I thought you were many things Javi, but a coward wasn’t one of them,” you hissed back.
You opened your car door, stepping out before slamming it shut behind you and crossing the road to your apartment building. You heard Javi call your name and his footsteps crossing the road behind. You didn't turn around until you got to your apartment door to find him behind you. His eyes searched yours desperately for a moment before he opened his mouth.
“I am a coward. And I am all those other things you thought of me. I don’t deserve you, I never have, but I missed you every day I was gone. I know you hate me but you had to know.”
You didn’t know what to say. Your head was full of so many thoughts but the one that kept coming back was how much you loved the man in front of you. How much you always had and always will. You sighed, turning to unlock your door before looking at him over your shoulder.
“Come in.”
You left the door open behind you, not hearing him follow until you were at the other end of the hall. You went straight to the kitchen, lifting out two glasses and a bottle of whiskey to pour some generous drinks for you both. 
"Thank you," Javi says as he enters the kitchen sipping from the glass.
He follows as you walk into the living room, sitting at the opposite end of the couch from you.
"I really am sorry, you know," he said turning to face you completely.
"I know," you sighed, "I was just angry and then sad and now I don't know what I feel."
Javi nodded, the both of you lifting your drinks for another sip. You turned to face him now, bringing your leg under you. He was handsome and beautiful and underneath all the sadness you knew he was a good man. 
You wanted nothing more than to show him that now.
You leaned over, gently taking his glass in your hands to place it with yours on the table. You moved forward, taking his face in your hands as you stroked your thumbs across his cheeks. His lips parted a little, his eyes staying trained on yours as you did this. He blinked, pushing tears away, before his hands finally moved to trace up your thighs before grabbing your hips.
Before either of you realised, your lips had crashed against one another. Javi pulled you by the hips onto his lap, moving them round to grab at your ass and pull you in closer. Your hands found their way to his hair, tugging at the back of his curls, earning a moan into your mouth.
His hands pulled on your hips slightly, making them move in time with his that were now lifting against yours. You pulled away, making him pout.
"Bedroom?" you sighed before pressing another kiss to his lips.
He nodded against you, standing and wrapping your legs around his waist as he walked back to the hall. He stumbled his way to your bedroom, placing you down on the bed before standing to look down at you. You lifted yourself to rest on your elbows, looking at Javi who now towered over you.
He tightened his fists at his side. He had thought about this for months and didn't want to rush, bending down to kneel in front of the bed.
His hands grasped lightly at your ankles, removing both your shoes before they trailed up your shins and then your thighs. They stopped as they reached the hem of your skirt that had bundled up slightly, looking up to your face. You nodded and as he moved his hands to the side of the skirt to unzip it, tugging at the waist and dragging it down and off your body as you lifted your hips, a low growl escaped from the back of his throat.
He threw your skirt away with your shoes and stood nodding towards the back of the bed. You shuffled so your head was now resting on the pillows while Javi shrugged his jacket off. He crawled until he was leaning over you, pressing a needy kiss against your lips before down your jaw and neck and collarbone until he reached your shirt.
He sat up, unbuttoning your shirt and moving it off your shoulders as your sat up before lying back down again. He kissed further down your chest, moving across to push your bra down as he took one of your nipples into his mouth, flicking his tongue over it until it was hard before leaving sloppy kisses across your chest and doing the same with the other. He kissed back down your stomach to your underwear, stopping as he reached the waistband.
He looked up at you again, pulling on the band with his teeth as you nodded at him. He moved his mouth down, before dragging his tongue up the front of your underwear. Your head fell back against the pillow, unable to stop the moan that fell from your mouth.
Javi's hands reached up, pulling them down your legs until they were off. He kissed both your thighs before licking up your folds and attaching his lips to your clit. He worked expertly, knowing your body better than you did.
As your hands gripped his hair, pulling on the curls. He kept his eyes on you, watching as your mouth fell open and moans spilled out. He knew whenever you were getting close, pulling at his hair harder and pushing your head further into the pillow, and he would stop to kiss down your thigh before going back again.
He did this a few times before you were begging him.
"Please, Javi. I'm- I'm so close."
"I know, baby," he mumbled against you, his hands reaching up to hold yours across your stomach, "let go."
You came undone under him, your legs tensing around his shoulders as you shook with pleasure.
"There you go, I've got you," he cooed from between your thighs. 
He kept going until you were gently pushing his head away, unable to take anymore. His chin glistened as he smiled up at you, gently kissing your stomach before sitting back on his heels. You moved so you were kneeling on the bed, reaching out unbutton his shirt which you pushed off his shoulders before throwing it with your clothes. 
Your hands ran down his arms and back up to his chest, leaning against him as you leant in for a kiss. You trailed your hands down his stomach that was softening slightly with age before reaching his trousers. You let your hand graze over his hard bulge palming him as he moaned into the kiss.
You pulled his shoulders, twisting your bodies so he was now lying with his head on the pillows as you straddled his waist. You leaned down to place a soft kiss to his lips before showering his body with them as you moved lower.
Once you reached his trousers, you slowly unbuckled his belt, pulling it through the hoops and unbuttoning his trousers. He lifted his hips as you dragged them down his legs. You leaned up again and placed a kiss to the front of his boxers before removing them as well.
He moaned as you released him from the confines of his clothes completely. You started kissing across his thighs, taking his cock in your hand to stroke it as you did so. Javi’s eyes were on you, his mouth open as he watched you worship his body in this way. You sat up slightly, looking him deep in the eye before taking the tip in your mouth. A groan came from his throat as you moved your mouth around him while pumping the rest with your hand. He reached for your shoulders, pulling you up gently.
“Please,” he begged, “I want to feel you.”
You nodded, moving up to sit with a leg at either side of his waist. He reached down between you, lining himself up at your entrance and as you lowered yourself onto him you leaned forward, catching your moans in a kiss. You started rocking your hips against him as he gripped at your hips, helping you along the way. You sat up, bracing yourself against his chest as you continued.
Javi reached up with one hand, pinching one of your nipples and watching as your head was thrown back. His hands began to roam your whole body, squeezing at your soft skin as he watched you. He sat up, leaning back on one arm to bring your bodies closer together. You held onto him with your hands tangled in his curls, bringing you together in a kiss. You lips moved along with one another in perfect time as your hips continued moving against each other.
Javi knew he was getting close but wanted to get you off one more time. He gently flipped you over so you were on your back, your legs wrapped around his waist as he slammed into you. You broke away from the kiss, moaning his name as he kissed down your neck. With one hand holding himself up next to your head and the other reaching between your bodies to play with your clit, Javi continued with his slow, deep thrusts.
“I’m so sorry,” he mumbled against your shoulder, “I missed you- fuck- I’m never leaving you again. I swear. I know you’ve got one more for me, don’t you? Let me feel you tight against me one more time, I’ve got you.”
The mixture of his deep thrusts, hand between your bodies and sweet words had you coming undone in no time. He held you close to his body, whispering how much he missed you and was sorry in your ear until your legs relaxed around his waist. He removed his hand and wrapped it under your shoulders, pulling you closer to him as his thrusts began to falter. 
As Javi reached his peak he lifted his head, his neck stretched out showing you his pulsing vein as his mouth opened and your name was moaned out his mouth repeatedly. 
He eventually collapsed on top of you, his head buried into your neck as his breathing returned to normal. He lifted onto his forearms to press a kiss against your lips before standing up and going to your bathroom, bringing back a cloth to clean you up before lying back next to you and pulling you into his chest. 
“I really did miss you, and I really am sorry,” he mumbled into your hair as he kissed your head.
You leaned up on your elbows to look at him, “I missed you too and I’m sorry for being angry with you. It wasn’t your fault. Or mine. It was both of ours.”
“I want to do things right,” he said as he reached to brush some hair behind your ear, “I love you and I can’t lose you again.”
“I love you Javi, and you never lost me,” you repeated, pressing one final kiss to his lips before lying on his chest.
Javi pulled the bed sheet to cover your bodies before moving his arms to hold you back tight to his chest. Now you were in his arms, he sure as hell wasn’t going to let you go again. 
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girlmeetsliv3 · 4 years
Sandman II
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Hyung Line X Reader
Genre: Mystery, Psychological Thriller, Horror
Rated: M
Word Count: 4.2K
Release Date: February 26, 2021 @ 5 p.m. (GMT-5)
“Three years ago, the town was rocked by the disappearance of YN YLN. A bright young girl who had dreams of attending university and becoming a nurse. YN was a kind, shy, studious girl who kept to herself and never caused any troubles associated with teens her age. So imagine her loved ones surprised when she disappears one night from bed - never to be seen again. The strangest part was that all her belongings had been taken, all the photos with her disappeared, and all her social medias deleted. But perhaps most peculiar was the wet sand found at the foot of her bed.”
Warning: Brief mention of death and suicide.
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             The first words out of Kim Seokjin's mouth when they reached the car, after having been escorted through the back entrance to avoid the press, were "I'm sorry." YN hadn't even known how to react before Seokjin launched into a full-blown ramble, "I'm so sorry about that YN. I just - I have been so worried. We've all been, and we thought you - but now you're here. They didn't even tell us even though we're listed and to just think about how alone you've been. How confused you must feel -"
           YN placed her hands on top of his which rested on the shift gear, “It’s okay Jin. I understand.” She smiled at him tenderly before her sister’s words flashed through her mind, ‘Isn’t Seokjin the best?! He’s the only man you can truly rely on.’ Instantly YN took her hands off him, folding them on her lap. Now was not the time to dwell on those things. If Seokjin noticed the sudden shift in the air he didn’t comment on it, simply stating: “You’ve always been so understanding.” Before focusing on the road and turning the engine on, driving away. As they exited the parking lot, YN saw all the vans from the news outlets parked outside. Some she recognized, others she didn’t, but what she did notice was a large sign being held up by one of the reporters. It read: Sandman victim finally returns.
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           It was as much a shock to me as it was to everyone when Seokjin and I started dating. He wasn’t my type. I can’t say for sure what it was that drew us together - maybe loneliness - or maybe I just liked the way people stared in shock at the fact that someone like him was with someone like me. That didn’t matter though, Seokjin and the others were always there. They were whatever I needed them to be. They would do anything to make me happy, but I wasn’t the only one they treated as special.
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           When the car approached the front gate of Nagwon villas YN frowned, “Weren’t we going to the hospital?” The thought of being poked and prodded like a rag doll wasn’t a pleasing one, but she knew disappearing for three years and not remembering anything didn’t bode well. The only thing that could give a hint at what she’d endured, and why she’d forgotten, was her body. Seokjin shrugged, “I know you aren’t a big fan of doctors, so I asked Namjoon for a favor.” Namjoon? She wasn't sure she was ready to see Namjoon or any of them for that matter. She hadn't even thought about seeing Jin until he showed up. ‘He’s like something out of a fairy tale, isn’t he? A knight in shining armor.’ YN shook her head, don't think about her or you'll start crying like a child again. Everyone in her family had always called her a crybaby, teased her for not being able to hold her emotions in. Right now, though, she felt less like a newborn and more like an overflowed dam. About to break at any second.
           “Are the others going to be there?” Is he going to be there?
           “No, Hoseok is out of town. He should be coming back tomorrow though; I wasn’t sure if you wanted him to know you were back but it's all over the news.”
That wasn't who she was talking about and they both knew it. Still, if Seokjin was being ignorant then it was for a reason; so she went along with it. "Shouldn't it be Namjoon's dad?"
Seokjin glanced at her from the corner of his eye, “Namjoons a doctor now, babe. It’ll be him you’re seeing.” Perhaps still sensing her hesitance he continued, “Don’t worry his family has a private practice in their house for situations like this.”
“You’re all still friends?” She asked, looking outside the window at the passing houses. They passed several houses she recognized, having been inside a couple of them. Nagwon kids always threw the best parties; likely due to their houses being huge and the large amounts they could spend on booze. Her sister would always drag YN to one when she was stuck babysitting, at first she’d just sit around on her phone. Things became easier when they started hanging out with the guys though: there was always Hoseok to crack jokes, Namjoon to talk random things about, and Seokjin to offer whatever it was she needed. Yoongi was always there too, but they wouldn’t talk much just sit in silence.
“Of course, why wouldn’t we be? The best of friends.” There was no sarcasm or humor in his voice, he meant it. Maybe he truly didn’t care? Or three years was a long time to hold onto a grudge especially when the two at-fault for their problems disappeared from their lives. That’s probably why. With YN and her sister out of the way, things had gone back to normal for the men. Nonetheless, it felt like nothing between Seokjin and YN had changed, but that couldn't be true. It's been three years. That statement was difficult for her to wrap her head around, but it didn’t make it any less true. It had been three years and yet Seokjin acted like they hadn’t spent a single day apart. Her mind filled with questions and doubts, so much so she couldn’t help but ask.
“Did we hang out the night I disappeared?”
Seokjin took his hands off the wheel, she hadn’t even noticed the car had stopped, the look he gave her was a mixture of incredulity and hurt. “No, we didn’t. You told me you didn’t want to see me again.” His voice was tense, ears getting red the way they did whenever he was upset. “Don’t you remember?”
I did tell him that. She hadn't meant it of course, but YN tended to lash out when she felt cornered. Thinking back now, she remembered her cruel words how she had blamed Seokjin for something that was both their fault. The pain on his face and the desperation in his tone as he begged for her to forgive him, only for YN to kick him out and shut the door.
"I forgot. I'm sorry, Jin." She pressed her fingers into her palm, hoping the pain would take things off her mind.
“Hey.” Jin’s fingers gently gripped the bottom of her chin, “It’s okay. I forgive you, let’s just not talk about it again okay?” He pressed a quick kiss to the side of her head.
YN breathed deeply before unlocking the door and getting out. The Kim's large beige mansion stared down at her - it was the first time she’d been there, and the nerves were eating her up. Namjoon will probably have a lot of questions too. She had barely managed to get through one of Officer Taehyung’s questions before having a panic attack, YN had no idea how she would brave against Namjoon. With nerves clouding her senses she failed to notice the black motorcycle parked on the curve, slightly obscured by the shrubs. Had she YN would have avoided walking into a trap.
"Heard you got your ass whooped by Min." Jungkook laughed, as he sat on the edge of Taehyung's desk. "Did he take you over his knee and make you count to ten?" At that, a couple of others nearby chuckled. Taehyung rolled his eyes, "If he hears you, he'll take you over his knee." Jungkook shoved him softly, though 'softly' in this case meant Taehyung almost fell off his chair. Deciding to ignore him this time, he focused once again on the small font on his computer. Several minutes passed before Jungkook spoke again, "Is this about YN? If you're looking through the case files you won't find anything useful. Trust me, everyone in this room has gone through it multiple times."
There was a reason there was press lined up outside, nothing sold quite like a morbid story. ‘Girl disappears from her bed in the middle of the night with no trace behind’ had a nice hook to it. Taehyung had already been in the academy when it happened, but he was still shocked - especially once he found out it had happened in his hometown. Nothing ever happened in this town, they called it paradise for a reason. Yet someone had broken into the YLN family home and stolen a girl straight from her bed, nothing left behind but a bit of wet sand.
“It doesn’t hurt to look again, plus now we might get somewhere that she’s back. Find out who did it.” Taehyung scrolled down and started looking at all the pictures, he’d have to swing by the evidence locker later to see what they still had left physically.
“I’m just surprised the sister didn’t do it, given everything -”
Taehyung spun around quickly in his chair, “Don’t say that. Minsuh loved that kid, she’d never do anything to hurt her.”
“Yeah well that’s not what I heard,” Jungkook said matter-of-factly. “I know it isn’t good to speak ill of the dead, but Minsuh wasn’t as dignified as her name suggested.”
Taehyung turned away from the young cop, “Look you’re wasting my time and I have to focus on this case. YN’s going to come back tomorrow and we need to build a timeline, can’t do that without all the facts so just go away.”
Jungkook sighed, “Sorry man. I know the two of you were close,” Jungkook had seen how uncomfortable Taehyung had gotten when YN brought up him dating her sister. “But you know I’m not the only one that thinks so. Regardless, everyone knows it's not true now so there’s that.”
It doesn’t matter, Taehyung wanted to say, she died with everyone in this town thinking she was a murderer. Nothing will ever change that. Instead, he remained quiet, eyes focused on the computer screen. Gaze focused intensely on the pictures of YN’s bedroom as if they would wield together a logical story that would explain where she’d been this whole time.
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Everyone in school had a crush on Namjoon. Smart Namjoon. Sweet Namjoon. Dimpled cheeks Namjoon. Girls and guys would swoon over him, talking about how they would love to feel his chest or sit on his thighs. They were all fools. Ah, yes, Kim Namjoon may look harmless but it's always the quiet ones you have to look out for.
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It truly was a private practice, equipped with all sorts of equipment one might find in a typical emergency room. YN wondered why they would ever need something like that. Maybe high clientele? Though the closest things to celebrities that lived in this town were both Seokjin and Namjoon's families, then Jung's, and the Min's. Namjoon wasn't there when they first arrived but appeared quickly enough, the gentle smile on his face reminded YN of simpler times. "How are you?" It dawned on her then that was the first time she'd been asked the question. She'd been plagued by 'where were you?' 'how are you alive?' and 'I'm sorrys' since she'd woken up. No one ever thought to ask how she was.
“I’ve been better.” YN answered softly, afraid that if she spoke anymore, she would break down again. The men in the room seemed to read between the lines without her elaborating further. Seokjin squeezed her hand, “Well, I’ll give you two some privacy. I’ll be right outside if anything happens, okay?” Before YN could respond Jin once again kissed her forehead before walking away. Leaving her alone in the stark white room with Namjoon, who leaned against a medical bed. His left hand patting the space beside him, “Let’s talk YN.” She grimaced slightly. “You’re in a safe space YN. You know me I would never do anything to hurt you and Seokjin is right outside if you need him. We’re your family.”
Family. They had been a sort of family, the five of them: always hanging out, sharing stories, meals, and memories. It didn't matter that she was much younger or that the only reason she was tolerated was that Minsuh was dating Seokjin. They had always been kind, always been loving, always been there. Even when her actual family wasn't. They’re all I’ve got… at least until dad comes. Once she sat down the doctor offered a genuine smile, it reminded her of all the times the two would stay up late studying at the library. A warmth that eased away from the chill she'd had all day lead to the first genuine smile on her face, “Thanks Namjoon.”
“I told you to call me Joon remember?” His broad shoulder playfully brushed YN’s, before he began conducting his examinations.
      “You know being clandestine isn’t your strong suit.” Kim Seokjin leaned against the black LeoVince Racer waiting for his friend to exit from the back of Namjoon's private practice. Min Yoongi looked like he hadn't slept for days and had the corners of his lips turned upward in a way that was half-way between a snarl and a smirk. "I'd beg to differ." Yoongi responded, approaching the man as he adjusted white medical papers into his jacket's hidden pockets.
Seokjin eyed them carefully, “If you’re caught with those you could face serious trouble.”
Yoongi laughed, “Who’s going to catch me? The sheriff?”
           Seokjin rolled his eyes, empty threats and warnings weren’t going to change anything. “What do the papers say?” He tried to grab them, but Yoongi blocked his hand easily. Maneuvering Seokjin off his bike so he could get on it.
           "Ask the doc or her. She doesn't keep secrets from you." Yoongi's eyes were cold and his voice lacked the playfulness present before. Seokjin knew better than to press his buttons any further, "Go before she sees you." Not that it mattered much, YN would be face to face with all of them soon - a reunion was inevitable. Nonetheless, Yoongi was a sore spot for her; the more Seokjin could delay their meeting the more things could go according to plan.
        “So you’re officially a doctor?” YN asked as Namjoon finished up drawing the last of her blood. They'd done all types of x-rays, physical, and psychological examinations to check her well-being. No words had been shared between the two, but the silence was beginning to bother her.
“Well, yes and no. Still must finish my residency, but I have most of the hours done.” Namjoon replied nonchalantly.
Whenever the subject had come up before Namjoon had dreaded having to take over the family business, feeling it was a role he was being pushed into. Guess things have changed. “I thought you didn’t want to be a doctor.”
He shrugged in response, “I guess I finally understood why my dad loved it so much. Medicine, biology, psychology, chemistry are all things that are useful.”
“You became a doctor became because it was useful? That doesn’t make much sense.” YN chuckled as Namjoon placed a bandage on the inside of her arm. He chose not to reply immediately, instead, holding up a lollipop that was inside his pocket. She took it with little thought. “Little makes sense in life. Human beings are just inherent paradoxes.” Minsuh always said that. It was one of the things the two sisters never agreed on. Minsuh always argued that people could still technically be considered ‘good’ no matter what they did. YN disagreed. Can’t do bad things and still be a good person. Namjoon clapped his hands together, signaling they were done and proceeded to help YN off the bed.
“Thanks, Joon.” She shot him a smile which she hoped looked more sincere than it felt. Though tensions didn’t run as high with Namjoon as they did with the others, it didn’t mean it was smooth sailing. Namjoon, like always, understood exactly what she meant and didn’t push. “Of course, YN. Anything for you.” With the promise her results would be ready in a couple of days, he sent her back on her way.
When she exited Seokjin was waiting outside with a furrow on his brow. Now what? YN didn’t know where else to go from here, what else to do, it felt like she’d hit a roadblock. I could go back home. Was that place even home anymore? Without her family, furniture, memories – could she return, or would it be too painful? Was she even allowed to return? It had looked abandoned when she’d been inside, so certainly YN wasn’t trespassing.
“It’s okay YN. You can stay at mine until we figure something out. I wouldn’t want you out of my sight anyway, it’s dangerous.”
It didn’t sit right with her to rely on Seokjin so much – or be under the same roof as him – but she would be lying if she said it didn’t ease her anxiety. “You’ve already done so much. I couldn’t ask that of you.” Her hands were shaking as she said the words, but even if she wanted to say yes immediately. YN couldn’t be selfish.
“No, I haven’t. Trust me.”
Before YN could ask what he meant Seokjin took hold of her wrist gently pulling her to the car.
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Jung Hoseok. Lovely Hoseok. Funny Hoseok. Sweet Hoseok. The boy whose smile lights up the sky and everyone just gravitates towards him. No one could ever dislike him. Mr. Popular always putting others before himself. Dear sweet Hobi is an angel sent from heaven, but he isn’t as innocent as he seems. People tend to forget Lucifer was god’s favorite before he fell from the sky.
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“Honestly was it really necessary to put on this whole show?” Hoseok wiggled his wrists causing the handcuffs to jingle against the table. Taehyung’s face remained stoic as he proceeded to read from the file. “A bit strange isn’t that YLN YN returns when you just so happen to out of town, Mr. Jung.” His eyebrow arched highly, Hoseok would’ve laughed if not for the situation he was in. “No it isn’t. I take a family trip around this time every single year detective. I told this to the sheriff three years ago and I’ll repeat this now.” He leaned forward the mirth gone from his mouth, “I had nothing to do with what happened to YN. I wouldn’t hurt her or anyone else for that matter.” Hoseok sighed, leaning back on the uncomfortable chair. “Look officer, I know its procedure and the prime suspect is always the boyfriend, but it wasn’t me.”
Even if Taehyung doubted that with every fiber of his being, he had nothing else to go off on. Jung Hoseok’s alibis were airtight, had always been, not to mention it would be extremely out of character for him to harm a bug – much less orchestrate something to this degree. It had been reckless to ask for him to be picked up from the city, but today had been a long day and there were just too many coincidences for the investigator to ignore. “Very well Mr. Jung. You’re free to go but I suggest you don’t leave town on another family vacation any time soon.” He reached towards his belt, taking out the keys and uncuffing Hoseok. Taehyung was on a tight schedule anyway; it would only be a matter of time before the sheriff returned from his lunch break. Seeing his son’s best friend in handcuffs would only cause Taehyung to be even more reprimanded.
With the cuffs off him, Hoseok stood up, stretching his lithe limbs. "You used to call me Hyung remember? Back when you were desperate for Minsuh and you to be a thing." Taehyung recalled having felt the need to please her friends to get her to look twice at him. Where’s this coming from? Hoseok looked down at him with cold eyes, "You know we never blamed you for how you reacted to things ending Tae. Heartbreak can make a man go crazy after all." The tension in the room was palpable when suddenly a smile broke out on Hoseok's face. "Sorry, it was silly of me to bring that up. We were all kids after all." With that he walked away from the desk and opened the door, turning around just enough to wink at Taehyung before the door closed completely.
Hoseok felt his phone vibrate inside his pants and rolled his eyes, without even looking he knew who it was. Taking the phone out, he swiped right and immediately spoke. “Yah, you won’t believe what just fucking happened. Where are you anyway?”
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“Sorry it isn’t much.” Seokjin apologized as he handed YN the pile of clothes. “Tomorrow we’ll go shopping for essentials.” YN shook her head, “Thanks, I don’t need much. My dad shouldn’t take too long in coming to get me anyway.” She placed the clothes on the banister in the bathroom, content to finally be able to shower and become clean. It had been a long day, some soap and water might not wash the pain away, but she could pretend it would. There was another thing weighing on her mind, a thought that would simply not go away. For as kind as Seokjin had always been with her, even he had his limits. This behavior felt a bit out of character with the person she knew – the one she remembered.
“Why are you doing all this Jin?”
The man in question froze as if stunned, "What do you mean?" His dark brows furrowed, his lips turning down into a grimace.
“Going to see me, Namjoon, letting me stay over. All of this,” she gestured to the bathroom which had been prepared with candles, bath bombs, and calming music. It’s out of character for you. Kim Seokjin had never really been the romantic type, caring yes, but not sentimental. “Is it out of guilt?” Is it out of pity? YN may not remember what happened the night she disappeared, but that summer would forever remain ingrained in her head. "Do you blame yourself for what happened?" Or are you doing this because you feel responsible? Which one was it? Maybe all of them combined?
Seokjin ran a hand through his hair, “Yes.” Without elaborating anymore, he walked out of the bathroom shutting the door behind him.
             When YN walked out of the bathroom she felt much better. All of the day’s events had worn her thin and she was ready to head straight to bed, but not without seeking Seokjin out and confronting him. Yes? Yes, to what exactly? Everything? She hadn’t been able to find the house slippers she’d borrowed, so she traveled through the house and down the stairs barefoot. Barely making any sound. She could hear loud audio coming from the living room and voices on the other side where the library was. Though she could recognize Seokjin as one of the voices, her feet dragged her to the living room, nonetheless. Deeming it better to wait until he was done than interrupting what sounded like an important conversation.
           The couch had been changed into a leather sectional angled towards the screen as had more of the décor. It looked less like a family home and more like a bachelor pad now if YN was honest. Seokjin the bachelor. He had always had someone attached to his side whether it be a dancer, cheerleader, private school girl, and eventually her sister. What about you? YN shook her head, wanting the thought to disappear as quickly as it had appeared. The television distracted her once she picked up on what was being said. It was a newsreel showing a bleached blonde with shiny hair and pouty lips holding a microphone. Behind him was YN’s home, or what used to be, in the dead of the night it looked eerie. After basic introductions the news anchor began speaking:
           “Three years ago, the town was rocked by the disappearance of YN YLN. A bright young girl who had dreams of attending university and becoming a nurse. YN was a kind, shy, studious girl who kept to herself and never caused any troubles associated with teens her age. Imagine her loved ones surprised when she disappears one night from bed - never to be seen again. The strangest part was that all her belongings had been taken, all the photos with her present disappeared, and all her social medias were deleted. Perhaps most peculiar was the only substantial evidence found by investigators was wet sand found at the foot of her bed.”
           “Try as they investigators could find nothing that could tell them what had happened to YN. Then a year later tragedy struck once more when on the anniversary of YN’s disappearance, YLN Minsuh – her older sister - took her and her mother’s life in a murder suicide. YN’s father who was present that night managed to survive. Many people took this to be an admission of guilt on the sister’s part, for the two had never had the best relationship. Though with no note, the case had no choice to remain open. Thankfully for a miracle would occur. Almost three years to the day, YN has returned to the exact spot of her disappearance. Residents and audiences nationally are overjoyed, and hope justice can now be served. Stay tuned as this tragic twisted tale continues to unfold. We’ll now switch back over to Bo for sports.”
           A piercing wail left YN’s mouth as she collapsed to the floor. Immediately, she was scooped off the ground into a warm embrace. “Jin?” She cried, but when she met the eyes of her savior the round hazel she was expecting was instead met with sharp feline ones. "Yoongi?!"
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